Cyber Blue BSK25 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker User Manual C8ABD2B3B4ABD5E6CDBCC6AC
Cyber Blue (HK) Limited Bluetooth Wireless Speaker C8ABD2B3B4ABD5E6CDBCC6AC
Users Manual
flfiluetnoth m BSKZ 5 \\7 I N D S ()R Eweioofh‘“ Wheless Speaker www.mpsuwfi Falls 8. Features Speaker griH Bluetooth Button DC \N Aux Line-In On/Off Switch Volume Down Prevwous Track PIaY/ Pause Phone Button Next Track w: w omen 10,Vo\ume Up Connections Basic Operations annggl Pgwgr Cauunn ~ rm M ovum/CK damsge’ Ensure that we pow/av sunpw vo‘tsge (mrespnnds m m. mags anrEa on m. ham m we uncemaecvme um! - Cannedlhspawm curummewafloul‘cl WW use an 3.5mm to 3 5mm audlo cable to connect the external audvo dewce (egv TV, IPnone ,) headphone Socke‘ to the AUX socket on the unit. - when you hm conned the urm in me mam sucke’, me um! win he in SYANDBV mode‘ - Shde me buHon on one mm mm m fine ON posmon. . snde cgum to swncn My main mm back )5 smndby mode Note: . Siam:lumm‘uukuunnuumHumihtuute system mm Mm my anmlsnucd pmmd nf‘nne m m» » UWuwwHuwgvm‘umfl’v HwRLu-mn'hamAux“ w: W“ ”mummy cwwzn m mm 10 mm; in m» - Wren mm theivsxsm ow [he svstem w u (out mung mode n was m when n was lumec of‘ ‘351 ume Ag gm Vglumg lgvgl . Pvess me Vomme Up/Vo‘urne Down buttons to admit the volume. - The dxsmay wm flash once when you mach max volume. Using A Bluelooth Device A X r II n l Ensure that the uni audio device 2 Press Volume Up / Down to adiust the volume to yourdesired level 3. in Aux mode, operate your audio device directly For playback features W11 Nate: , Mount/we cuWorm-WidWie-ein, We yo. new pair ya," We is e s miter . iWM rigvioiosoi.mi,,e inherit dormiprsscm , subsystem” customers” tim- nni voieir tn the Eluetonth amine a the . romanticonsiaivrtmdtvmt 5 connected to the TV or lluiyltlri {pod . Anyobstaciebetwee’ithlsMiltandeihle‘omhcewcecsn redute-iie a’ir‘vatnnilwngc . Keen this oiayer sway worn on, other eiecrronit deuce :ns: mey Lause rierierence i. if the devrce hasn’t been paired with a device it will enter Daring mode automatically 2.Press the Bluetooth Connect button to be searchable 4 Activate your Bluetooth devtce and select the search mode "Windsor" Will appear on your Eluetooth dew 9 list 5 Select "Windsor" in the pairing list, ltthe pairing succeeds. the device will make a confirmation sound 6 To disconnect the Biuetooth function, disable the tunction from your Biuetooth device Opelafion WW I. Activate NFC on your mobile device. 2,1ao the mobile device on the NFC sensing area of the unit loverate your mobile device directly tor playback leatures, 4 To disconnect tab the mobile device on the NFC sensing area of the unit to disconnect or disable NFC from your mobile device. . . I II V. lfthe connected Bluetooth device support Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (AZDP). you can listen to the music stoved on the device through the player, If the device also supports Audio Video Remote Contlol Profile (AVRCP). you can use the player's remote control to play music stored on the device. l Pair your device With the player. 2 Start playing music via your device (if it supports AZDP). Note: - '0 oause/resume oiay W855 ciav 'oeuse tonan al' the device or use the Nlrlve commie on yoliv (19/ ee ~ «iSklhmrltlinl‘k D'é“UNMarkup/downtiil‘lonhmicavii‘e Hands Free lnsfluclion Irouble Shooling Hang Free gonirgls ~ Flrst pelr Bluetootn device with speaker - when there ls a call Comlng mr press the phone buttnn to answerr playrng muslc wlll pause; and Dress egaln ta end call, Hold button for 3 seconds to refuse cell. Press twlce to redlal numbers - Hold the Volume Up button to redlal last dlaled number . Hold the Volume down button to mute mlcrophoner hold seam to unmute. NW , Ensure that batterles are mserted corectly or that the AC cord of the dewce ls connected properly. - Ensure that there is power at the AC outlet , Press standby button to turn the unlt on - Dlsconrlect and reconnect the AC power plug. then turrl an the unit Egalnr or remove and rarlnsert batteries I n'tfln Ih BI I lh n m thI unli gn my Bluelogth gevlce for Bluglggfh pg 9 - Ensure the Bluetooth functlon ls activated on your Bluetooth devlce. , Ensure you have paired the umt Wlth your bluetooth devrce, Information CAUTION rust or (LECVKIC suacx no No! or»: CAUHON: ro REDucEYHE RlSK or ElECTRlC SHOCK. Do NOT REMOVE COVER [OR BACK). No USER seal/Imus was lNSlDE REFERSEWlCINGTO QUAUFIEDSERVICE rsnsowa 'rrcllgll rng uggnwrlnerm 3w Wnrunr wltnl-leluuulldtvrs‘ rr rlnuln _, rzurnmu lU-lerl new, to Ult ple‘yt VCUO/ llr‘lnsuhtf‘fl nengnremelmgn urtnnxnrmnmmsnnrnem rhr»nammrmxrrriernnnqnnmmrnntrrnrenrsnnr elnczne greet ‘0 persons 'we uxclarr‘ntlon uolrlt wrmr an e le'dltrlul‘qleslfllellaeclcule'kUlsnserlollreureqellce Qt lmzlcrtant onerezrre ard mernteneree Air‘rmcnq} rnstrtcnens r 'lw new”lu,urrwrrnrrg thncrurwrw met: l Read these lrlstructlons , All rho salcty and operatwq rnstrucnorrs should be read nerure ttlls product rs operated 2 Keep these lnstructlons - The selery and onerarlng nmrnelron, should he reterrred mr mmre resereme 3 Heed all wernlngs , All warlwlgs en the appllance and n. the operalrng luz|NL|lOn= should be adhered m A Follow all lns‘ructlons , All operatlng and use rnmuctrnns Should be rollowed 5 Do rmt ”<8 lnrsepperal..< near watm v lrw epp lance should not ce used near water or morsture , ror example n 2 wet basement or near a SWlmmlnc Deal and the Ilka e Cleall only wlth dry cloth 7 DU um Dlutk any vcnlllduull openlrlgs lnslell ln accorflavnce wlth the marrulactuer s lnstrudlons a Do not rnstaII near any heat sources such as radratdrs heat regtstets, stpyes pt ether apparatus trncruding ambrrrrers) that prpduce heat 9 Do not defeat the savety purpose or the Dolavrzed or graundrna prua A pararized prua has twp brades wrth ene wrder than the ether A prpundrng ptup has two braaes and a thrrd groundrng prong The wrde blade or the thrrd prong rs prpyrded for your satety rt the Dvovrded prue does not trt rnto your eutret. censurt an erectrtcran rpr replacement or the obsolete outret rOProteCL me power cord from berng werked on or ptnched partrcuratty at the pruas sanyemenee rezemazle‘ir and at the pprnt where they etrt from the apparatus, rr. onry use attachments/accessprres speertree by the manuracturer. r2 Use only wrth the cart. stand, trrpedbraeket, dr tabre Saecrlred by the manufacturer. or sprd wrth the apparatus. When a can or rack rs used. use cautran when movrng the cart/apparatus combrhatrdn to avert: thrury tram [Drover r3 unprua the apparatus durrng rrahtnrna storms at when unused tor lung perrods or trme rA Refer arr servrcrng to duatrrred personher Servrcrng rs requrred when the apparatus has been damaged rn any way such as the power supvry cord or prug rs damaged rrqurd has been spttred or obrects have tartan thta the apparatus, rt has been exposed to tern or morsture rt does not operate normatry or rt has been aroppeu r5 Thrs eeutpment .s a crass rI erdoubrernsurated erectntar apptranee rt has been aestgnea m such a way that rt does not reourre a sarety conneclton to erectttsar earth rs. Battery usage cAuTroN , to prevent battery reakage whrch may resurt In bpdtty "7va property damageu praamage tp the apparatus rnstarr arr batterres correctlyr t and - as marked on the apparatus mm; s use at cantrars araarustmentsarperrarmeneearpraasautes athtr thtn herarn may rtsutt m hatnrueus radiutron exposure at other unsar. apttatran . ta veduc! the rrsk er rrre at erectrrc shaat aa not excuse thrs apparatus (0 ram or morsture the apparatus sharr not be exnased ta anpptna ar sprasmnv and that shreds hrrea wtth rtauras such as yases sharr not at eraota an apparatus - the aattery tbattenes at battery flack) sharr nal be exposed ta extasstua heat suth as sunshrna.rrra at the rrta - aerate operanne thts system check the yortaee or "us system to see rr rt rs raentrear wtth the yprtuae or your recur power suppry tmpattant saraty rntttuetrens - the venmnrurr shauru nat he rmpeaea by coverrnq the yentrratran eaantnas wrth rtams such as newspaper. tab‘etcloths curtarns etc Make sure there rs at reast r 3 Inches at spate abaye and at reast r 97 Inches or spate an eath stde or the untt - Do not prace thrs unrt arose to stvorrg maenatrc nerd - be not mace the unrl on the amprrhet Dr recerver . pant arate tntsumt eras. ta the damper at the murstuta wrrr arr-at tn. rr. ar th. lax-r h.aa. t shaura any sane abrzu at rraura ran rnta the system, unprur: the system and have IX chested by quathea person-tar berare aaarattne rt any rurthar . pa hat attempt to traan the unrt wtth themttat saryants as thts ntrght aamaae the harsh use acrean ary ar srrahtry damp srath - wnah rempurng the ppwer prug tram the walr otr|lel arways nurr arrecrly on the prua hater yank an the cord . "a natau name scarce; such as rtehtea aandras shoura pa praaaa an the apparatus. - Changes ar meatrtaatrans ta thrs untt nat expressry apptayaa ay the party raspensrara tar comerrance taura yard the user s authanty to apatate the taurpmant - the ratrng raber rs uatttta an the aattom or the equrpmant Specs Sim - Model No . BSK25 - SDecKersize: low" x 1M" x 3 rs " tn - Power by DC WV 3A Charger / 8AA Batteries . Operation llrne. 7 Hrs - Output power 2xl0w - Wolklng distance: < 30H (l0 m) (Dustance may vary between ditterenl cellpnene stuetaeln devices and tne envtranmentt lnls equipment has been tested and lound to comply wltn tne ttrnlts tar a Class 5 dlgltat devlce, pursuant to pan I5 at the FCC Rules. These llmi's are designed IO pravlde reasonable prateclran agalnst harmlul tnterrerence in a restdenttat lrlxtallation. lnis equlpment generates uses and can radtate radio treauency energy and, tr not installed and used ln accordance wttn tne lnstructlons. may cause narrnlul lnterterence to radro cammuntcattons. However, tnere S no guarantee that lnlenerence will not occur ln a particular tnstallatton. If tttls equipment does cause nannlul lnterlerence to radio or televlslen recepttan, whrcn can be determrned by turnrng tne eautprnent all and an, the user ts encouraged to try to correct the lnterlerenae by one o! more el the tallawlng measures. - Reallem arrelacate lhe tecetvmg antenna. - lncrease tne separatlan between the edutbrnenl and receiver. - Connect the equipment inlo an outlet on a circutt dtrterent tram tnat ta wnicn tne receiver rs cannected. - Consult the dedlerar an expenenced radio/Iv techntclan for help. caulran. Any changes or rnacltncattons to tnls devlce not explicttly approved by manutacturer could vote your dutnanty to operate tnls equtprnent. Ints devtce campltes wttn pan ls at tne FCC Rules. Operandn l3 subject tn the followlng twa cendltlans. [1] Int: device may not cause harmlul interference. and [2) this device musq uccem any interlevence recewed, \nc‘uding infierfelence We. may cause undesired operation. Cybei Biue (HK) Limited, dacluves mm this Radiofiequency peripheva‘ is in compliance Mm lhe essenfla‘ requirement: and other relevcm proviflons of Directive w99/5/Ec.
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