Cybertech Communications Co 2401 40 Channel Analog Cordless Phone User Manual

Cybertech Communications Co Ltd 40 Channel Analog Cordless Phone

User Manual

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Document ID88578
Application ID+XSCQ9CNMCWACXkBCLadwA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize244.62kB (3057719 bits)
Date Submitted2000-02-29 00:00:00
Date Available2000-03-08 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-02-28 10:47:53
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod2000-02-28 10:51:16
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

Model CY2401
—! l “manna 33 i W16,AM|0:27 1 l—
Carefully remove your cordless telephone lrum its shipping canon. ii there is any
visible damage. do mi attempt in opurats this equipment, Fietum it to the place
0! purchase.
Check (0 be sure you have all items me: come with (his cordless telephone
system. You should have a HANDSET. EASE UNIT. BELT CLIP. AC ADAPTOR,
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j | 2AE)DOLp65 | i 2000'2/‘6,PMO|:09 ‘
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Safety Instructions
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and/or injury, always follow
these basic safety precautions when using your cordless telephone
Read and understand all instructions.
Follow all warnings and lnstmclions marked on the telephone.
Unplug this telephone tron-i the wall outlet before cleaning or replacing batteries. Do
not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners on this product. Use a damp cloth Ior
cleaning or it necessary, use only a mild soap.
Do not use lhls telephone near a bathtub, kitchen sink, wash bowl, laundry tub,
swimming pool, in a wet basement. or anywhere else where there is water.
Do not place this telephone on all unstable can, stand or table. Incorrect placement ol
the phone could result in a tall causing serious damage to the phone,
This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This
product should not be placed in a built—in installation unless proper ventilation is
Operate this telephone only wIIh the correct electrical voltage shown on the marking
label located on the BASE UNIT or in the Owners Manual. If you are not sure of the
voltage in your home. consult your dealer or local power company.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not install the phone where people
' will walk on the cord.
Do not overload wall Outlets or extension cords. since overloading can increase the
risk of fire or electric shock.
Never push objects of any kind through state In the phone. They could touch
dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk or fire or electric
shock. Never spill liquid 01 any kind on the telephone.
To reduce the risk 01 electric shock. do not take this telephone apart When service or
repair wont is required on this telephone. take it to a qualified service representative.
Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other risks,
Incorrect re-assembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is used.
Unplug this telephone from the wall outlet and consult a qualified service
representaflve In any of the following situations:
A. When the power supply cord is frayed or damaged.
B. If liquid has been spilled into the telephone.
C. If the telephone has been exposed to rain or waIer.
D. If the telephone does not operate normally by following the operating
instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating
instructions. Improper adiustrnent 01 other controls may result In damage
and vw’ll olten require extensive work by a qualified Iachnlcian to restore the
Ielephone to normal operation.
E. If the telephone has been dropped or the case has been damaged.
F. It the telephone exhlhlts a distinct change in performance,
—‘ l 2101p01.p65 2 i 2000/2/18.PMDk0!
Safety Instructions
13. Avoid using a telephone (otherthan a cordless type) during an electrical storm.
There may be a remote risk of electric shock horn lightning.
14. Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak In the vicinity at the leak.
15. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
16. Never install telephone lacks in wet locations unless "we jack is specifically deslgneo
for wet locations.
17. Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has
been disconnected at the network interface.
18. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury, read and follow
these instructions:
1. Use only the tollowing type and sixe BATTERY PACK:
Cordless Telephone Battery Pack
35V, SODmAh
Ni»MH Battery Pack
2. Do not dispose of the BATTERY PACK In a fire. It may explode Check with local
codes for possible special disposal instructions.
3. Do not open or mutilate the BATTERY PACK. Released electrolyte from a battery is
corrosive and may cause damage to the eyes or skin. Electrolyte may be toxic It
4. Exercise care In handling the BATTERY PACK to prevent shorting the battery with
conductive materials such as rings, bracelets and keys. The BATTERY PACK or
conductor may overheat and cause burns.
St Charge the BATTERY PACK provided with (or Identified in! use with) this product
only in accordance with the insthictions and llmltah'ons specified in this manual.
The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable BA'I'rEFtY PAcKt The
BATTERY PACK is recyclable. At the end at its useful lite. under various state and local
laws, it may be illegal to dispose of mis BATTERY PACK into the municipal waste stream.
Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area tor recycling ophons or
proper disposal.
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lN USE/BATT LOW LED Indicator: Blinks when the HANDSET is in
TALK mode. Blinks and a “beep" sound will be heard when battery
power is low
TALK Button: Press to answer an incoming call or to place a calL Press to end
a cellr Press twice to stop pagingr
Headset Connection Jock
TONE Button: Press to change the dialing mode temporarily from Pulse to Tune
tor Rotary Service Users. (Press once before entering numbers to access the
answering system or electronic banking services, sect)
MEM Button'. Press to store phone numbers in memory or to call a number you
have stored previouslyr
FLASH Button: Press to answer on incoming call it you have Call Wallingr
CHANNEL Button: Press to change the operating chennel when you hear
VOLUME CONTROL Buttons: Adjust the volume level,
RE/PA Button: Press to redial the last number calledr Press to insert a pause
while di ng. (You will need the button to dial numbers which use an
alternative long distance access code)
RINGEH switch: Turn to OFF position to disengage the ringer,
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BASE UNIT Features
TONE/PULSE Select Swltch
IN USE Indlulor: Ligms up when the unik is ON or PAGE Iunction Is in use.
CHARGE LED Indicator: Lights up when the HANDsET is placed on me
BASE UNIT Ior charging. We snugly recommend cleaning of me CHARGE
CONTACTS periodically mm a damp mom
PAGE Button: Press to page me HANDsET. Press any HANDSET buttons
to stop,
7 ‘ 2401pn).p§5 s ZDQDIE/IE.PMO|‘09 ’ I—
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1. Insert the smell plug on the end 01 the AC ADAPTOR into the POWER-IN
CONNECTION JACK on the back of the EASE UNIT.
2. Plug the AC ADAPTOR into a 120VAC wall outlet.
3. Insert one plug of the TELEPHONE LINE CORD into the house TELEPHONE
JACK and the other plug into the TELEPHONE LINE CONNECTION JACK on
the back of the BASE UNIT. (If you have an older 4-prong TELEPHONE
JACK, you will need an FIJ-11C TELEPHONE JACK ADAPTOR. This adapter
is available at the same place you purchased your telephone.)
4. We recommend not planing this unlt next to appliances. Doing so may cause
5. TONE/PULsE Select Switch:
A. It your home is equipped with a tone dialing system. set the TONE/PULSE
select switch to the TONE position.
B. It you have a rotary dialing system, set the TONE/PULSE select switch to
the PULSE position.
c. It you are unsure which system you have set the TONE/PULSE select
switch to the TONE position. Press the button on the HANDsET
to get a dial tone. and press any button on the keypad except the zero. It
the dial tone continues, you do not have tons dialing service, Press the
2 button on the HANDSET to hang up. Set the TONE/PULSE select
switch to ma PULSE mode and try again.
Press the button to confirm that you have a dial tone. It you do not
get a dial tone, review steps 1 through 5. li you still do not have a dial tone, refer
to the Problem solving section on page 12.
9. Before InItIlI use. charge the HANDSET tor 12 hours.
You are now ready to use your new Cordless Telephone.
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Desk Mounting
Wall Mounting
; BASE uer
Belt Clip Mounting
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Basic Operation
Preparing for Use
Belore you can use your cordless telephone, you must charge the HANDSET
for 12 hours. Failure to do so will require recharging ot the ElA'I'rEFtY PACK more
1. Place the HANDSET on the BASE UNlT Ior 12 hours.
2. Alter t2 hours, remove the HANDSET from the BASE UNITA
Receiving Calls with the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT
1. When the phone rings, litt the HANDSETr Tha IN USE indicator will flash.
(Note: The HAND$ET HINGER Switch must be in the '0N' position In! ringer
to operate.)
2. Start your conversation,
at To end your conversation. either press the button or place the
HANDSET on the BASE UNIT. it you piece the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT
charge cradle. you activate the automatic STANDBY feature.
Fieceiving Calls with the HANDSET off the BASE UNIT
1. When the phone rings. press the anytmttonrto answer the call. The IN USE
indicator will flash. 77
$— 2 Start your conversation.
3, To end your conversation either press the TI button or piece the
HANDSET on the BASE UNIT. If the HANDSET Is placed on the BASE UNIT
charge cradle, the automatic $TANDBY tealure Is then activated.
NOTEzThe BASE UNIT has no ringer and does not ring when receiving an
incoming call.
Placing Calls
1. Press the button The IN USE indicator will light up.
2. Listen tor a I tone.
3. Dial the phone number.
Q When finished with your call, press the
Indicator will turn off.
button again. The IN USE
Redial Feature
1. If you get a bu tone. press the button to hang up
2. Press the fi .
3. Listen tor a |
4. Press the button, This will automatically redial the last telephone
number calladr
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Basic Operation
Storing Numbers
1. Be sure the EASE UNIT IN USE indicator is off end the HANDSET
is in STANDBY mode.
2. Press the button.
a. Dial the number you want to store.
4. Press the button again.
5. Die] the index number (04?) where you want to store that number.
You will hear one confirmation 'beep".
5. Write the name Oi the person you will be ceiling with that number next to the
currespunding index number on the Telephone Number Label.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 tor ether telephone numbers.
EXAMPLE: To store the number 555-1212 under the index number 1 on the
l - Press the 5 button. 4 - Press 1 on the keypad.
2 - Die] 555-1212 5 - You have stored 555-1212 under
a - Press the button again. mm" 1 °" m kgypad‘
A total at 10 telephone numbers can be programmed in memory.
iMPORTANT: The maximum number of digits that can be stored tor any phone
number is 16 in PULSE or TONE mode. The maximum number 0' digits for mixed
(TONE and PULSE in oomblnen‘on) dialing is 15. it you are using a switchboard
system to access an outside line (such as an 8 or 9), press the button to
store a PAUSE,
Recalling stared Numbers from Memory
1. Press the button.
2. Press the button.
3. Press the Index number tor the number you have stored. The stored number
will be dialed automatically.
EXAMPLE: To recall number 555-1212 stored under button 1 on the keypad:
- Press the “333 button.
- Press the m button.
- Diel 1,
All 340190Lp§5 9 zoma/remmme
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General lnformalions
Security Code
This telephone has an internal security code with 65.536 possible combinations.
Each time you plck up the HANDSET, the code is randomly set to a new
Communication between HANDSET and BAsE UNIT may not be possible
In any of the following slmations:
1. After a powerlailure.
2. After relocah'ng the BASE UNIT by disconnecting the AC ADAPTOR.
3. After replacing the HANDSET BATTERY PACK.
To reset, place the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT Ior 2 to 5 seconds.
Out of Range Warning Tones
it you are too iar away from the BASE UNIT, the HANDSET emits 'beep' sounds to
warn you that the background noise level ls too high for proper communlcation
between the HANDSET and the BASE UNiT. When yau hear this sound. you
should move closer to the BASE UNIT to reduce the noise IeveL Otherwise. the call
will eutemltlc-Ily cut on.
Using the Headset Jack
Your telephone can utilize a headset (not included) to be connected to your
HANDSET tor you to enjoy a hands-free communication.
When you plug in the headset plug Into the HEADSET JACK. il automatically mules
the microphone and speaker of the HANDSET. Unplug the headset to return the
HANDSET to normal use, The HEADSEI' JACK is eompatibls with 2.5mm headset
plugs only.
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Battery Pack Information
Battery Pack Information
Use the following type and size battery paclc
3.6v, sou-“Ah, Ni-MH Battery Pack
When the BATI' LOW indicator starts to blink, a 'beep' sound will be heard every
5 seconds. This indicates that the BA'I'l’EFtY PACK needs to be recharged.
Charge the battery pack at least once every 90 days at non-use to avoid battery
failure. When the BATTERY PACK can no longer be charged, replacement of the
BATTERY PACK will be necessary.
The BATI'ERY PACK used in your telephone may develop a condition known as
MEMORY“. Once subjected to a regular short discharging routine. the BATTERY
PACK assumes the discharging pattern it was subjected to. This is known as a
'MEMORY' condition which causes rapid discharging shortening the BATTERY
PACK charge span. it you believe your BATTERY PACK has develooed a memory
conoihon, do not charge the HANDSET until the BA'I'l’ERV LOW indicator comes
on. When it does come on, charge the HANDSET iully ior 12 hours.
The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable BATTERY PACK. Q
The BATTERY PACK is recyclable. At the end at its useful lite, under various state
and local laws. it may be illegal to dispose of this BATTERY PACK into the
municipal waste stream. Check with your local solid waste officials tor details in
your area for recycling options or proper disposal.
zoom/is PM 01:03 | ’f
Problem Solving
Phone does not work, check the following:
1. BASE UNIT is plugged into power eource.
2. HANDSET is charged.
a. TONE/PULSE switch is in the right position.
4. TELEPHONE L|NE CORD is plugged into the TELEPHONE JACK and
Range of phone limited, check the following:
1L BASE UNIT is centrally located in your residence,
2. BASE UNlT is not located near appliances.
No dial tone, check the following:
1. TELEPHONE LINE CORDS plugs are connected to the TELEPHONE JACK
2. if you had a power leilura or had unplugged the EASE UNlT, replace the
HANDSET on the BASE UNIT tor 2 to 5 seconds to reset the system.
Received signal flutters or fades, check the lollowr'ng:
l. BATTERY PACK in HANDSET is fully charged,
2. HANDsET is not too far from the BASE UNIT.
_©_ interference on reception, check the following:
1. Nolse may be picked up Item electrical products in the name Or electrical
storms. Generally. this noise is a minor annoyance and should not be
interpreted as a detect in your system
2. Choose an alternate channel using the button on the HANDSEI',
ll after pressing the
tone, check the Iollawrng
1. It you had a power failure or had unplugged the EASE UNIT, replace the
HANDSEI‘ on me BASE UNIT tor 2 to 5 seconds to reset the system.
2, BASE UNIT is plugged into the power source.
button, you receive three beeps and no dial
j ; ZADJpDIJ’SS 12 ‘ zooomsruoma
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T i 1401p01.p65 is t maltemotme ‘
Technical Information
Technical Information
This cordless telephone uses radio frequencies to allow mobility. There are certain
ditficultles in using radio frequencies with a cordless telephone. While these are
normal. the following could allect the operation of your system.
Electrical pulse noise is present In most homes at one time or another. This
noise is most intense during electrical storms. Certain kinds oi electrical equipment
such as light dimmers. fluorescent bulbs, motors, and tans also generate noise
pulses. Because radio trequencias are susceptible to these noise pulses. you may
occasionally hear them in your HANDSET. Generally they are a minor annoyance
and should not be interpreted as a detect in your system
Because radio lrequency is used, the location of the BASE UNIT can allact
operating range. Try several locations in your home or business and pick the one
that gives you the clearest signal to file HANDSET.
Electronic circults activate a relay to connect the cordless telephone to your
telephone line. These electronic circuits operate in the radio frequency spectrum. Q
While several protection circuits are used to prevent unwanted signals, there may
be periods when these unwanted signals enterthe BASE UNIT, You may hear
clicks or hear the relay activate while you are not using the HANDSET. If me
interterence occurs lrequently, it can be minimized or eI inated by lowering the
helght oi your BASE UNIT ANTENNA or by relocating ms BAsE UNITl You can
cheat Ior interlerence betore selecting the line] BASE UNIT location by plugglng in
the phone.
Thls cordless telephone uses mdio communication between the HANDSET and
the BASE UNlT and may not ensure privacy ol communication. Other devices,
Including other cordless telephones, may interlere with the operen'on of this
cordless telephone or cause noise during operation. Units not containing coded
access may be accessed by other radio communicatlon systems. Cordless
telephones must not cause interlerence to any lloenseo radlo service.
7 l
FCC Requirements
Federal Communications Commission Requirements
This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC Rules. A label on the BASE UNIT of
this equipment contains, among other intonation, the FCC Registration Number
and the Hinger Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. You must, upon
request, provide this information to your telephone company.
The HEN is also useful in detenntntng the quantity of devices that you may
connect to your telephone line and sllll allow these devices to ring when your
telephone number is called. In most areas. but not all, the sum of the RENs for all
devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the
number of devices that you may connect to your line, you should sonnet your
local telephone company.
it your equipment should cause harm to the telephone network. the telephone
company may temporarily disconnect your service. If possible. they will notify you
in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. However,
when advanced written notice is not possible, the telephone company may
temporarily discontinue service without notice If such action is necessary under
the circumstances. The telephone company may make changes in its
communication tacilities, equipment, operations, or procedures where such action
is reasonably required in the operation of its business and is not inconsistent with
_@ the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. on not $
attempt to repair or modify this equipment.
WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible tor its compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the
Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interterenoe to
nearby TVs and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interterence, the BASE UNIT
of the cordless telephone should not be placed on or near a TV or VCR. lf
interference is experienced, moving the cordless telephone tarther away from the
TV or VCR will often reduce or eliminate the Imerterence.
This equipment should not be used on coin telephone lines. Connection to party
line service is subiect to state tarifls. lt trouble is experienced, disconnect this
equipment trom the telephone line to determine lf It is causing the malfunction it the
equipment is determined to be malfunctioning. Its use should be discontinued until
the problem has been corrected.
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FCC Requirements
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to oomplywith the limits tor a class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 at the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable prmecfion against harmful lnterterenea in a residential installation.
This equipment generates. uses and can radiate redio trequency energy and, it not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interterence
to radio communicaficnst
However, there is no guarantee that Interterence will not occur in a particular
installation. It this equipment does cause harmful Intarlerence to radio or television
recepfien. which can be determined by turning the equipment 011 and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the intertarence by one or more oi the tollowing
1. lite—orient or relocate the recelving ANTENNA‘
2. Increase the distance between the equipment and receiver,
3. Cennect the equlpment into an outlet on a circuit diflerent from that to which
the receiver is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.
—\ ‘ 240)p01.p55 15 i amismoum I l—
Wall Mount emplate
This page serves as a template for attachment 0! screws to the well when
mnunfing |his telephone on the wall.
I. Cut ounhis pagel
<¢- 2. Use this template to determine- tha dlstancs between screws when mourning “©-
this phone on the wall.
The we cross hairs identify where to attach the screws.
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