D T Systems ULTRA2002TX Dog Collars User Manual 300535

DT Systems Inc Dog Collars 300535

User Manual

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Document ID300535
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatMicrosoft Word - pdf
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Date Submitted2003-02-03 00:00:00
Date Available2003-02-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-02-03 14:00:33
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Document Lastmod2003-02-03 14:00:33
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - 300535.DOC
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Document Author: fcc

Remote Controlled Dog Training Device
Ouncr'x Hum-all
Ultra- em
Raining Collars
Ultra Small
Ultra Powerful
Ultra Control
Model No. Functiom
llln—c mo '\kk'.(w|l|-m sun-hum A Von-11m Ta- 3m“ cm;
Him 2m \kk'.cmi-m sun-hum A him-xx harm 01-
film also Nn'l mnrm(m_-.rmrn.¢' our,
"(M M \‘|bmhnl)n|_\. In. ~'Il«" Gum-Ml
lum- mo \k1'.('unnm.\’hl-hl»m In. luv,“ (u,
_) D.T. Systems, Inc.
Congnlvlflmm and mank you nu ”than; our Illln-t" Irnnmg wlht n n m Mullah
mm mm m Mn] mmmg «mm m: vmdd
“an: mu m mum's numu] ennwly mm npmnn, mu nnn
snnnm you hm my quuliom abmn out mum on Ml! npemmn, plux tomzcl our
Cuunmfl Scmzcdqumusa In past rnndurm undphm "Hum lnrmnnmn;
“M. u/ < mil rm
ounnr- Rtmn Taming Collar Ownicw -
OMmin rennin: Found on All UIIn-e’“ Collm -
IModtlmdFunClion - UlIn-C mm -
0mm and Function » Ulla-c 2020
oMndtl and Function » UlIn-z mu
andcl nna Funcuwn ~ unme 2M!-
OModtI and Funcuon A um“ 2050-
oTumlng the UNION and OF-
OChznginglhe lnmnyum »
- Inundncing Yum Dog 10 [he Collar
o nannnng and Pmiuonmg mum" fa mm [1
a How an Chzngc Balluy - Collar
OHW wanngc Bmens ~ Tranxmmu -~
OBaucry lnfwmalinn& Energy Savmngps .,
. How xn Ten Your Calla.
OTmuble Swing Quexuons and Amwm
olmpmum Nmiee - Rad Bum Usmg Collar
o Wammy and Repflw
. FCC Nance
Kt nmh (uILu
Th: Ulln-c" u uh: "mum and mm! mum: lrammg collar m Ihc
mwhl m “mum cofllr allows um um! m r“ m- mllcsl of bmd» u-
m- lmgu m ("liar "ml am- can u- adjuxud (mm 1» v: India in 34
m waiver or collar nf um um! u my compm and lighmcishl and
mew-sf n mgr» amnnmzu‘ly 4 mm tin-w“ mining mm.“
allow an: Inn-Her m communicate mm mm dug mu.- “ n all Icmh ma.
wllar rm mulllpk rumium am! tea-um um gut man-n Ulm- mom]
to mmmd. rclnfnrtc and m mun nu) unnanlmi tuchmmr m cighl
influx-Ne unmulnlmn Icvch can he flung“! mm a [null "1 a mum 1m lbw
[rm-“mu Thu guts handlcn m- "mm m (mu (Mu «(figs min; me
1mm clrcIrlcal mmummn ln‘el pmuble a..." Imlmng mm.“
mm» V|hmum and 'rmc-'s=\-p' can hr med to main 30!" dog in n
m pmflhlc l» mu. vulh no decimal mmulnnm a all. (See (he specific
models |n um mum to. more dcuilcd mlolmnmm on Imam and
Ann I m1“ 0 I nmul H" W 1 HI. U“ (”II n
omnpm mmmum rm m a n, rm; m (fun he mm on a Ianyml wink
“map. mm;
ITmmmillcr maunv w' x 1 m‘.
OCnllm u cnmmcl. ngmusm and uuupmf Collar memm
appnmmalcl) | m' x | m' and mgr“ "N nndchu-mcu
chum pmdmg mm“..- min" spam mm hum m mgm on mum
chp No man IN mum-u Ink: «he: mm
o \d)u~uhlc mnu mums; neck “u from (- m' m 24'
ox mlcnsuy Inch znljnxuhk [mm lhe unmmillcr
thigxml Itchnulugy m maximuc pour and range uml m mxmmnc
hunt-my vnler‘cmce 1mm aha clcclmnuc hum
Okcpluccuble luxuries. hm z-mn much \|)Ie n» mm pm pm: no
[he lmnsmmcr am! om 6-H)" alkaline m Illhmm balmy gives mm m
(he «Ala:
oSumulmm mu, lfimmg lxmkln and I'm! an nihllcnes a»: mum
OOm- m: wamm) on mm and labor
Ultra-e 2010
Buunn Functiom :
Hr "Nmk'
mu - Cnmmucus Snmulzmon & Tonc~ ‘Bccp‘ xunullaneuml)
fill] , Tom ‘uccp' on!)
”I\'- Inwmny Level ndjuslmcnl
45" page 13 for ummcliom on how (u mm mm, “butler-ml
'l'ran.smillcr Collar/Receiver
M “moi-m—
m... ‘ “w
uul [ uu mu
Ultra-e 2020
Bullun Functions :
”I » "Nxck'
”II , ("onmluom Sumulalmn & “human slmulumeoud)
~m~ Vlbmuon only
rm , Ink-mu) mu adjuxllnenl
(Sac page I} (or lnslmcuum on mm m clungc l'llra-L'"b;\|lc1|n:\>
Transmitter C0||HrIRNLI er
Ultra-e 2030
Ilnllon Funclions :
fill , meuon only
flm~Tontr'Bccp' only
m. Inlcmuy Len-I adjumucm
|s page 11m mslmcuom on how (0 changc (“lira—e" haucncwl
Transmincr L'ollarfReceiver
w... “aw-Me—
| new
w- 1.»
Ultra-e 2040
Bulmn Funcliuns :
n - vmmmn onl)
ul- Tnnc~'Hccp' (ml)
This" Model is“ WON-SHOCK”! ' Cullur Syslt-m
ISm' |ugu 13 m: lmlmchom nn mm m Chang: l‘llrme‘“ bamricu
Transmillcr Collar/Receiver
a... », ... ,
m -.-. I
_. ‘--
v... m—n'
"MW”. w,
in." nw/ W
Ultra-e 2050
I‘ullun Functions :
4 l - 'N
a u . Cnmmuon» Snmulnnnn nnl)
lm-Tonc-'Bccp' only
m. lmcmu) um Jammy“
lSce page 13 {m inmcnom on he“ to chmngc ("Ilra-c‘“ hmerim
Trammiuer Collar/Receiver
Illlll llll(l\.lllllllll
Turning ON
To lllm on me- Ilml you can uw cllhct lllc key ring lnaghel 01 lhc
rnngner m rhe collar clasp Hold one of rhe magncls direerly up
agninsl (he smzlll lellcr 0 on me from of lilt- Collar/Receiver. You
will hear a long lwomcwld beep lmmcdlalcly followed by a series of
mud: beeps. (The number orbeepe indium which inrensrry level the
null ls scl on.)
Do nor move rhe magnel umrl me leng beep slaps You will see a
small Nd Ilglll flashing besldc Ihe lent! @ The Illlll ls now on. {Thin
flnhlng red Iighl lndlczlcs lhal lhc mm is ON and nol lhal Ihl' balmy
IS law ]
Tum 1 OFF
To Ium lhe unil all. you simply reverse rhe procedunc. Hold one of
lhe magnels dlmclly up against Ihe small Ierlel 0 on nu- {mall or Il’ll'
collar/Receime You will hear a lung lwomrcond beep Immediately
follow-ed by a shofler beep Do nix move me nrngner unril me long
beep slaps The small rcd lighl is no longer l'lnshing,1'he unu is new
To lncmasc balmy lire. your Ulla—emhm been equip wrrh an
aulmlliqlic three hour shul off, (If no bullons are pros on me
mnsmlller. lhc collar will shoul off in (hm halls).
lIl Illlllflll l \\
Once lhc unil is in ON modellhe mall red liglll iv flashing}. you can
change rhe lnrensiry Level by pressing Bullon w on me lmllsmillel.
nre Cellar/Receiver imir wrll emir n series of qulck beeps m indiczle
me level. Fol insunee lune unll ix ml level 3 you will hear 3 beeps. ll
rhe unir IS on level 3 you Will Mar 3 lumpy There are ergm levelr
Aller level eighl lllc unir will cycle heel lo level one.
Illl llllll \|lll DI _ in ”M ll
olnlroducrng your dog lo lire collar should be a very posilive
experience, Like anyrnlng new a dog musl gel used lo rhe dillerenl
feel oflhe collar,
oWe recommend when firsl inrroducing lhe collar lllal you don'l
evfll mm il on and leave (he uansmiller in (he box. The firsl dlya
keep your walking collar on rhe dog and hook up a leash. Pui your
new Ultra-em collar on rhe dog and go for a walk. Mosr dogs like
lo go for a walk on me leash. Lei you dog ger used lo me feel or rhe
new collar. Remember me unil is nor aclive. Praise lhe dog as you
walk. Per rhem wim your hand and make rhe collar wearing
experience posilive.
nThe second day. again pm me collar on your dog in (he of! posilion
and play lerch in your back yard. Do all lhe normal rhings you do
wilh your dog during playlime, lnrroduoe some ualning commands
wirhoul following lhrough if rhe dog disobeys. Keep lhis collar
experience posirivc.
nThe lhird day. pur your dog on a leash again. Pui lhe aciivzlcd
Ullra-em collar on lhe dog. This lime brings rhe lransmiuer,
Pncllcc your mulling commands this rime immducing lhe lowesl
pmsible srimularion level lo rho dog ro oorrccr rhc behavior. Every
dog has a dlllerom Iolmncc level lo srimnlanon. Waleh [or signs
lhal your dog feels lhe slimnlali n, Some signs are sligm can, head
or rail movemenls. lncrease lhe levels gradually umll lhc dog
responds consislcnlly lo [he command.
Even II low levels. dogs may yelp when stimulllion is induced
because it surprises them or il slmles lllem 1nd nol because ii is
hurling them Do not make llle mimke of mshirl; up and penin; or
huuinllnedogoeeauseywminktharywhmllm. ll‘yolldolhix
dicdogwill Imihalevery lilnellleyfeellllelinplellleyjllslraveln
yelp and llle lingle will slop and you will hug and pel mm. Al low
levels II! dog feel; I litkler This fickle is [he neurive response Ihzl
wmwillameiauwilhneedingwmakelheeomclion. lawlevel
Slimlll fan is n more elfeelive wny lo ("in a 605 Low level
slimulallon is lets painful Illarl lugging on a choke chain or leash.
smiling willl a llewlpapel. spanking will. your hand 0! yelling nl
your dog. When done properly. low level slirnulalion mining i: more
humane. efiouive and memally. a betlu way to train your dog. For
more inlornulion on how Io lnin wilh electronic collars consult a
professional miller or blly a 1m Io llain' video lll book on lllis
subject from your local pei or sparring goods renilerr
Never mach a leash or l‘leour to lhe electronic mining collard This
can cause excessive nibblng oflhe eieelrollee all llle dog's neck which
could ele-e dlzrlllg‘ rlsll. lull km oreven m on llle dog's link
To help plevenl neck chafing your collar should be sllll; on llle dog's
Mk willl llu: eleaxodumaking goodsldnconud, lfyuutcollar is
loo lighl you can aflecl lhe hrearllilu of llle dog. ll' your collar loo
loose lllis will mole chafing. Always remove llle collar alter “ell
Raining session. The collar should nor be worn (or molt lllan Iwelvc
conrinuous hours wilhoul removing or reposilionin; on llle dog's
neck, Always remove your collar and lei llle dog': neck resil Some
dogs have sensilive skin, Should signs of irrimion, redness. sores or
chafing appearon the skin. mmveoollannddowl useunlilllle skill
had calmly cleared llp.
u! I'm
uH n Im p“ In
I’lvpv min. "gr-um and mm m vuy mm! is 1mm- ukly and cum“
1mm...“ flay Iimc yw mc II: «m...
QAII (karmic (allm mu us he wry mu; lu nut pawn-fly nq mu! !» m
up: enough (a mm m film)" mm In mu gum» cum-CL
on 71»! m“. u [on loan. me mmlanm my not notk pnnrdy hsfluu: gnu!
mu mmzn l; mu hm, “hum! Thu can dlu-clly afiucl m: mmummn
perfuvrmnm- mi whdhau m n.- do. will mnvc m: sun-mum... Arm-chm
fin (and ‘lml' mum if u “um um your do; i; not impending m lhc
. A m mun an pmm akin imam-n from moving a mm“ m much on .
dog's mt umk may n running or Ira-nu 17: mm; r. w Ml]! new!“
um 1mm tux-rung.
- [hand m of mg enllu 11 mm! n would Iv: um um cut-ugh nu ma dog') mt
nu mu gnu] mn mm nd allow me flog In M namally. Tm mum mu
uvu he so nun an u this neck du- n mum in dog's normal hum-mg
- I‘w mm r-w'nhmmg of our mun mun m. n stun-u he plum: on m- min
arm: (hi: mm: mm belch)
o For hnu m mm m: mll. “1mm: mm mm.
Tu ldjust [he “flung! & pmillun «me mlhr
mm (on. “um. “ "mu m
H mm. a u.“ w... n, mu. ..n ... um...“
my, in! n! I): mllu - lon- uglL h- “ -||I have
mm, ... mu"
Chm-fin. an mmn electrodes
m- .m-pcr mm a! nu cleclludc: you
mm.“ m u dclrrmucd hy which m n
in... (though no make gone coma mm m.-
dnfx skm Can-1mm n mix-I (at m
pmpfl‘ spa-men or me u u
wrm. mm. In lb: gum-1pm hy hand an,
mm "gm-nan; m“ um um ckrlmdu m mm- m nun-mm mun-um. no will
u . much
Ilm» In In
Umcnm A and u
Replace o an| tuner) .1\ shoun below
Watch '.' '—' “mu- "Nailing lfhalwry nnhmllml
mum] n um) my; the mm m upcmh: m “mum"
mode unl)
lll\ Illl ill (lllll
The Ultra-e” collar is me smallest. mosl lnnovanve and mmlile
dog "lining collar in [he world. In ordet (0 make (his collar as
small as possible, we designed il lo be used wilh
replaceable/disposable balleiies, inslezd 01'th larger bulkier
rechargeable iype,
All Ulln—emcollm have n flashing “on/err
ihe mllar waiver. ll flashes when due coll s Min-med or “on‘
and il goes oui complelely when the unit is “err. When flashing
ihis indienioi lighl will use a small amoum cl ballery power,
Leaving me eollur lumcd on and/or allnched I0 lhe dog‘s neck
when ml lraining will lessen the life olihe ballenes.
The imlial sci ol halleries provided wilh your Ulln-e collilr are for
inllill testing of (he unil. You will need In purchzst a sel nl‘
ballenes before slamng regular mining.
The collar receiver uses a 6 Vol! ballery. using a 6 Voll lilhium
ballery inslead cl use nlkzline lype will increase usuage limes.
These usage limes are completely dependanl upon which
slimulzlian iype is used. me lengiii and frequency or siiniulaiion.
and (he inlensily ltvtl on which (he mill is set Therefore. resulls
will wary for each user.
The lrallsimllel ulilizes lwo 3 voll which slyle ballerles. and only
uses ballcry power when lhe luneiion imuions are pushed. As
wiihe ilie collar. balmy life is depeuduni upon usage nnd will my
from use" lo user. should you nouce mm the range (1me collar is
gelling shoner or if lhe “Nick' sllmulzlion goes lo conlmuous
slimulnlmn il ls lime (0 change the lmnsmiller ballerics.
Some Helpful Hints and Tips to Maximize Battery Life :
a Always turn me unil err anci- each n‘aining session. Leaving rhe
collar mmed rm, even when no buttons are being pushed on the
rrnnsmiuer, still slowly dmins the batteries and lessens their life.
oCheck your collar before sroring ro ensure lhar the flashing
indiczror lights is off and not flashing.
owhenevcr the collar is all“ of the dog's neck make sure Lhzl rhe
collar is clipped logelher. This will help prevenl rhe collar
magnel from accidemfrlly rouching rhe magneric swilch on the
receiver and luming the unit on.
filing your collar on a door or wall hook or a key ring rack
whenever il is nor in use. This will nor only prcvcnl nccideuml
ucrivarion hur will also give you easy access lo rhe collar when
you need ii.
a ll you srore your collar and mansminer in a drawer or on a shelf
or olher flat surface. keep your key ring magner seprmled and
away from (he cellar receiver to help prevent nccidemal
acrivalion which can drain ballery power. Check your collar
frequently when nor in use or srored lo ensure lhal il has not
been aclivrled.
eAs willl any elecrronic device which uses replaceable
disposable rype ballerles ll is always recnmmended that you
keep an exlra ser or“ baileries on hand. This will prevenl any
lmining delays when ihe baiienes need replaced.
We hope these tips give you longer and mare
enjo ahle training times with your deg!
Hon: Hall 1" r
A) Place the EM lump on the clccu’odcs nflvcciver
(as ihown belmv)
B) Se! (he smnulnnon level 4 m 5
C) Push Ennon [I
D) A red llghl on me ieSK lighl sllnuld light up And me unn will
either films or sound a "Beep"
l i Q My Collnr's range is not as far as when I rim nougm unit,
A . (a) Test batteries. They may be low
(13) Fully extend mmnnnu antenna
2) Q : All ofa sudden. "Nick" (momentary stimulation) works like
Colliinuous stimulation.
”his indicates low battery in receiver unn You may
columns in us: nns ulm umll n slop working.
:The uml is networking after i replaced me banery.
: You might have lnslulled me batteries incorreclly
Re-read me secnun at this manual on “How (0 Change the
Bancry" wry carefully and Lry again.
: when I hold me Magnel lo The Q lo mm me unit on ll
emirs a comiliuous suing ofquick beeps.
: This indicates Illa! lhe battery is almost dead.
Simply replace rhe bonery.
: The LED Lighrs on my Transminer and Count/Receiver
hove gone-r very dim.
: This indicmcs a low buneries, You my eoruioue no use
rhe urur unrll ir srops working.
: My Transminer LED Iighls when any button on (he
transmiller is pushed, and the collar LED ls blinking
(indiczllng me unll ls ON), bill the unit ls noi worklng.
: The mnsmilier and collar 10 are no! in sync".
Try rhe following procedure ro resrore...
. Tum rhe collar ON by touching the mgnel w the 0 or. zhe
collar. You should heal o ling “beep" followed by u sefics
or shon 'beeps' which indicale the currem level or
lurensiryae. s beeps indicares rhe u ‘ ‘s on iruerrsiry level
. Keep The Magnei on in: ® Ilnlil you hear 3 beeps from (he
. Now push one of (he billions on me Transmitter“! does nol
mallet which billion you push).
. You should now hear a series or 5 beeps.
. Release The Magnel from The 0
Turn me will OFF. and Then lurn back ON,
lrrhe uuir is um um working rtpeal steps l-s.
|l|t|ulr|.lll| \Hll\\ - Rtml I’ Iltrt l ~lllul t-II.”
oTo prevent accidental stimulation never touch the metal
electrode when handling the collar.
OTB minimiu accidental stimulation to Ilse dog never leave your
dog unaltended while wearing an electronic device.
0 Never allow anyone to handle or use your collar on a dog unless
they have fully read and understand this manual.
Proper use of the collar is extremely important
OAllows check with your veterinarian lo mun: met your dog hu
no physical health problems or genetic defects which would
make tlte use or an electronic training device unsafe.
on you have never used an electronic training device before.
consult :| professional trainer. read books or watch videos on
"tuning with electronic devices to nssure lhnl you fully
understand the ploper use of and correct training methods to
use wilh your new electronic collar.
oFor best lesulls. always mm at the lowest possible stimulation
level lltnl will make the correction in your dog's beltmlon This
level may change different training situations. and from dog to
o'rhts is on zulltofized Ilallllng device to help correct and change
unwanted behavior in dogs and other domestic animals, Any
other unauthorized use is strictly prom led.
ocur electronic tra rig devices. when used correctly. the very
humane and effective. They can help Inin ooedlenee and build
a positive bond between n dog owner and their dog.
elf you have any questions in regards to our products, please
contact our Customer Service department.(See Itlst page (or
address and phone number information).
m“ m :m \ Iw|nir
M Elm-c" nailing mun luv: .| (In: Yuan mm um] um.
Warn-xv, dfocliw (rum the ccixuul (hi: 0( DUKMC (A (any of
[he nngmzl sales me pt IS rammed co vmudm me due of
Ultra-e" tux-ms re mplmabldaspouhle an m m: mend
ultdu me wannry
I ('(' ‘v Am
[Ur mnde‘ [YIIrI-c-ZDIO‘ 2020, IBM“ 2050
hr maid Ul|m~c~2040
This deuce carnal‘cs wuh Part 15 of L1: FCC Rules. Cpcmim m
cutjm m m [crowing acndinou
u) Thix flrvrr m.|y "1 mm hmnml immense. and
(2) This define mm accept my immune: rwcnvcd. inmdllg
intedcme mm my nus: unmixed cpcrnliun
Any dlanxm m uudil' mu in mmrm‘u-n n' mu awn-p
mm m not expressly Jppmtd by m wt myonsbk fat
ecmylianct would mm lhe Leex'a “many to owe me
Damage by Mar, akin: nr hm of pifls. mi aurmprtd
repair dmmge by he user on m men! are ncl covered by
wan-Amy. All an. wbemer wrmnw r-r nox, mould
h. m: o the ad us 0.1 the last page of "his manual.
D.T. Systems, Inc.
2872 Walnut Hill Lane,
Dallas. TX 75229
Tel: (214) 350-9446. (888) LUV-U-DOG
Fax: (21103507847
Websiic: hnp:/lwww.dlsyslems.cnm
Ermai] : cuslomersewice®dlsyslen15£0m
2002-12 Filmed m mm.

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Author                          : fcc
Metadata Date                   : 2003:02:03 22:00:33Z
Creator                         : fcc
Title                           : Microsoft Word - 300535.DOC
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