DANBY Kitchen Refrigerator Compact Manual L0712252
User Manual: DANBY DANBY Kitchen Refrigerator Compact Manual DANBY Kitchen Refrigerator Compact Owner's Manual, DANBY Kitchen Refrigerator Compact installation guides
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! 1_1 PORTENT IN/TRUCTIONI Important - Save for the local electrical inspector's use. FOR "COMPACT MODELS: KITCHENS" K05 D2000 1-60091 Rew O0 tMPO_,TAN_,,,,INS TRUCTtONS t,, Proper Installation: The appliance shall be instatlad and grounded by qualified technicians. The minimum spacing requirementsg_Venonthe instatiation drawingmust befo_lowed, 2. Never use your appliance for warming or healing the roetTL 3,. Do not leave children alone: Chlidrenshouldnotba raft alone or unattendedtnareawhere appliance Is tn use, They shouldnever be a![owedto ell or standonanypa_tof the appliance 4. Wear proper appareh Loose-fitting or hanging garmentsshouldnever bewornwhile using the appliance 5. Donot repairor replace any partofthe applianceunless specificallyrecommendedin the manual All otherservicIng should bereferredto a qualinedtechnician 6. Returnablematerials should notbe stored nearsurface untts_ 7,, Do not use water on grease fires: smotherfire or flame or use dry chemtcalof foam-typeextinguisher. 11oMake sure reflector pans ordrip bowls are in place: Absence of these pans or bowls during cooking may subjectwlringor components underneathtodamege 12. Protective liners: Do notuse alumin[umtot! to line surface unit drip bowls or over bottoms, except as suggested in the manual.. Improper installationof these liners may result in a risk of electric shock, or fire. 13_ Ontycertafn typesof glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, ear_enwam, orother glazedutensilsare suitabIeforrangetop service withoutbreaking due to the sudden change tn temperature 14, Utensil handles should be turned inward and not extend over adjacentsurface units:To reducethe riskof burns, ignition of flammable materials, and spiItage due to unintentional contact 15 Do not soak removable heating elements: Heating elements should never be Immersed inwater. 16. "._._J.t_._": Do not store Items of interestto children in cabinetsabovea range or onthe backguardof a range childrenclimbingon the range to reach Items could be serioua_injured" 8. Use only dry potholdsrs: Moistordamp pctholdemon hot surfaces may resultin burns from steam. Do notlet potholdertouchhot heating elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth. 9. Use proper pan size: Select atenslla having flal bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating clement,. The use of under-sized utensilswill expose a portion of the element1odirect contactand may result in ignitionofclothing.Proper re_a_onshipof utensil to burner wiltalso improveef_ciency. 17o "DO not touch surface units or area near units: Surface units may be hot even though they ere dark in cotour,,Areas near surfaceunitsmay become hotenough to cause burns_ Duringandafter use, do nottouch, or let clothingor otherflammablematerials contactsurfaceunits or areas near units untlI they have had sufficient time to cool.,Among these areas am the cook-top and surfaces facing the ccek-top." tB. When replacing your lead free faucet: for safety reasons do not use a spout longerthan 150ram (6"),. 10. Never leave surface units unattended at high heat settings: Boi[cvercausessmoking andgreasy spillovers that may Ignite INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1,=To eliminatethe hazardof reachingover heatedsurfaceunits, cabinetstoragespace located above the surfaceof the unitsshouldbe avoided,tf cabinetstorage is to be provided,the hazard can be reducedby Installinga range hood that projects horizontally a minimum of 5"beyond the surface,_ 2 Nospacingbetwsenthecombinaflanandadjacentcabtnetryisrequired_Forspacingbelweenthecookingsurfaceandthe cabinet situatedabovethe combination, notethe requiredminimumdistances givenon the installationdrawing.. 3. For satisfactorywater drainage of the sink,and properdoor functioning,it ts Important to level the combinationIn both directions,ustngthe levellinglegs providedon the bottomof the cabtnetfor thispurpose_ 4_ Although provisions have been made for the combinationto be used tn a builtin manner,itshall be remembernd thatthe refrigeratorof a free standingunit,has the highestsfficiency_A minimum of t" clearance on the back of the cornbtnatlon Is a must, especially in the case of operation In roomswhere temperatures could climb over 32"C (9O=F). ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS: 1. Combinations havingthe sieve incorporated are designed tobe permanently ocnnecled tothe powersupply. 2. For the CombinationModelsthat havebeen designed for operationonf20V-AC current, 00 cycle, thepowersupplyto the connectionboxcouldbeeither 120V- 2 wire supply_230 - 3 wire supply or 120/208 - 4 wire supply..Aseparate grounding wire isrequiredfn al!cases / "_ 3 Thetotal powerdemandwiJlhe: ti / OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS "C:OMS;_AT_O_S ,\ - REFRIGERATOR 1, STARTING: • The refrigeratoris ready to operate as received when connectedtothe properpowersupply Alter starting, aIIowthe refdgemtortooperatefor a fewhours Inempty condilton The unffwi[Irun continuously from one toseveral hours (dependingonrocm,temperaIum)beforefinaloperatingtemperatureIsreached It WIllthen startand stopat falrlyregular Intervals.. . When storingfooddo remember thatthedoorshe[ftempemlures are slightlyhigherthanthe intedotshelf temperatures. The coldesttemperature in the refrigerator ]s foundon the topshelf • When loading the shetves, donot block the air passageby stackingfood packagestighgy Leave someroom between packagesto allowthe coldslr todrop to the lower sheNes° 2. TEMPERATURE CONTROL: . Turning the centralknob tothe right (clockwise} will lower the temperatureof the refrigerator. 3"umtngthe control knob to the left (counterclockwise)WIIIraise the temperature When the knob lsturned Io Ihe extreme left:Itwill switchoffIhe powerto the untt(defmst), 3. DEFROSTING: " FrostwiII accumulateonthe freezer sectionof the refrigeratordue Io the freezing of moist air enteringthe refrigerator when the doorisopened. The higherthe outsiderelativehumidityandthe more numerousthe door openings,thequicker the frostwillbuild up. Exce_sive_mstaccumu_atE_nonthefreezerc_mpar_mentwI_reducoth_operaungef_c_encyand ttmay evenbreaktheddptray bybridgtng. Fordefrestlag turnthe thermostatcontrol tothe extremelaft (coun1.er clockwise)positionand keep the doorsopen. Thedefrost cyclecouldbe acceleratedby piecinga panof hotwaterin the freezercompartmenL 4, MAINTENANCE OF REFRIGERATOR; ..It isrecommendedthatthe wire finnedcondenser (thebackof refrigerator)shallbe freedfrom dirt and duatat 6 month Internals°Cleancondensercoilsare extremelyimportantin case of roomtemperaturesabove 27°C (80=F). For cleaning of plasticparts(foodliner0door _iner,eL{;,)the useof soap and waler onlyIs recommended° Some detergentsandcleaningagentsmay weaken the strengthof tha plaeric.. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - ELECTRIC STOVE: "1,"rEMP;ERATURE CONTROL: ,.Bothheater elementehavethe same maximumheat 1250 Watts The heat of Ihe elementscan be conlrelladby the individual heat switches.These controlsare step-less,havingan Infinitenumberofpositions. . A signallight will be lit tf any ofthe heater conb'ols are turnedto the "on" position. 2, CLEANING: " In orderto facilitatecleaning,the heater elements are removable. Liftthem up at the backandpoll them gentlyout of Ihelr mounting socket When the elements are removed,the spillpanscan be liftedoutoftheir mounling ..The stainEess steel Lopand sink are easy to cleonwith soap andwater. The cleaningmovement should he In the directionel=the graining- contrary,scratchesmay appear. . Do notuse sleetwoolor a steal brushonslainless steel. These will contaminatethe topwith steelparticlesand rustingmay ocouc _NSTALLATIQN REQUIREMENTS iiii 3-30923
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