DENSO TEN 134000-240 Display with Bluetooth User Manual The Title
Fujitsu Ten Limited Display with Bluetooth The Title
Revised manual
OTHER FUNCTIONS o Tall curb stone - Towingeyele; mounted on yourvehlcle l Towing hush mounleo on your which The Lexus park assist system may not do- unl the (clawing: o “in objeas arch as wire or rope 0 Obiectswih asurlacsarealoosmaillors- llecl ullmsonic waves such as wire gauze or lence , a Sound wave absorbing objacls such as ' oollon of snow o Objects with a sharp edge Shu ner ablefis - Tall objects with me upper pan prej-aied Hands- free system Hand-Ara ryslem slows you lo all or receive wilhoul your lumi- all m steer- ing wheel by conn=ntlrr9 your cellular phanl. This syslem supporu he Bluelnolhr Blue- loom is a dala wireless system by Much you can call wilhoulyour cellular phona com-cl— ing Mm l cable or placing on a cradle. Il your cellular phone (has not swpcn lho Blusloom. this system can name lunctluned. INFORMATION Irrmelullo wlnycondltlons, m “7mm ma y no! ln Inflation-d. 0 mo collul-r phann Ic turned OFF. - The current position 1.- outside the nomination use. ' Thu cellular phone is nor connect-d. ' The ullularphorre hi! 1 Ionian-m 2004 LS430 (G) EMV (OM50659E) 03/05! 15 By pushing the much above, you an n- ulv II or lung upwilhoul your funds all th- slnrlrrg wheel. You can use mo micmplrm lbove when mung on the phone. 103 (fl) ilwglfi mam wow Z d ZZZLUHSOOQESflEK/Siig Big/8619 MESH“ 280,02 OTHER FUNCTIONS Wrile you in drivlng. do not um I ecl- Iulnr phon- orconnwl the Blueloeth phn nu. (a) Enter the Bluetoolh phone To uu a hands- lreo "Mam, you nerd lo enhr you r phone In (M “slum. 0m. you reglueud it, you can make a hands- (roe 1. Push 1h: “OPTION" button u: cris- Ily ma “0 ion" serum and touch lha Inlormit on" swltch. (fl) Wfiflifi MEGE! W081 ‘ 7lr'1fbvmaticnh'lenu it 2. 15m). the “Telephone“ swlloh lo display “hisphan-"scmn. - 572/62 38 (H) 89 LEG ESMZ 03/05/15 d ZZZLUGSUOQHSX/Bfiifl 2004 1.5430 (G) EMV (OM50659E) OTHER FUNCTIONS 3. Tuuch nu “Settings" much in disk May "Settings" scrun. 4. Touch llu “Entry” smith b tanned your ulluhr phonn lo (M systom. Input Ille PASS- KEY dhphyid an the much. 5. When lheeonnecliun ls compleled,de- (b) Select the B| uetooth vlcn and Eludeaih Device Am: I: dim ”mi phone In one oi ngilhrlng a number of Blue- mm, yuu med In "In: (hi usuulphom. You do mlnesd to «Her n in caseolushg Sam e phone. 1. Tuuch Hue “Seflil‘lgs” wflch tn dc- play "Semngs' men. 2004 LS430 (G) EMV (OM50659E) 105 03/0511 5 (fl) mgm mam wow d ZZZIUSSOOQEQSX/SEIS fli/BSIS ($59ng EENJZ J_ OTHER FUNCTIONS 2. Touch Ihe “Selecl” swilch lo display (c) Delete lhe Bluelooth 2. mm. m: “Delete" switch to display “Selecl Telephone" swan. You can se- hone ‘Dellle Ycliphom" "run. You can do- [ecl the Blueloolh phone 1mm maximum 4 P lalt the Blucloolh phone which you regis- numhers. New raglslnlion l: display-d ,, . T . h . ’ (m. Solon! the desired phone from the when you did no! llill reglaler Bludoalh ‘ ' -e E one lisl. phone. t Delete Telephone i?” \ Eluelooth mark is displayed when you choose the phone. ‘ @ lV Although you em nglllar up lo 4 Blue~ ' tooth phone: inlhe system, one Bluelnoth phom ls funcllonsd. 106 l 2004 15430 (G) EMV (Oh/15065915) 03/05/15 (El Maizlfi Malia-m wow 5 zzzwsmoQéflEX/saizs Eta/52:9 (llamas mm DYHER FUNCTIONS (d) Call the Blueloom phone After you enler lhc Bluolooth phone, you call by using hand:— 1reo system. This syshm has 5 methods below by wldoh you call. (i) By dial You can call by inputting the telephone number. Youcon noioymte anile drlv- ing. Irgui (he levepnunl number and iouch mo “ all", (il) By d||| book 2. Sclofll‘hedesved rumbor'rom IIuIisL You can call by phone book on; whlch is Inmllo 1nd from your ulluiar phone, TM Sylllfl'l hu mo phone books. You no "mister muxlmum up (o 500 numbers In each book. 7 5. Telephone elephune Touch the “Coil". 1. Touch the “Phone Book” twitch to display "th Book“ wean. I 2004 LS430 (G) EMV (OM50659E) 107 03/05/15 (fl) 43mm mam wow 9 d ZZZLOGQOOQéfiiK/SSJQ Eé/Db:8 (nglfig $530va OTHER FUNCTIONS (III) By dlaled number“ You can call by di-Ied number. The sys- ‘ lam memcrizz up to maximum 5 dided numbsrs. I! it I: nvu man s. the oldest numberls deleI-d. 2.“ 5-4th denlrud numberlromlhellsL (iv) By receivsd call: Tauch (he “Cal". lht 0mm numb-r h deified. 2004 LS430 (G) EMV (OMSO659E) You cln “II by unwed cIIIl. Whan : can I; mashed. the system memorize up to mnlmum 5 numb-n. I! ll ls over than 5, 03/05/ 15 L d ZZZLOESUUSéfilfi/SSZS ié/GWS (5359159 ESWJZ (fl) Mfiiélfi fliflfiéfi WOHJ OTHER FUN MOMS 2. Touch me “Received Call!" twitch (v) By one touch call Io display “Received Cells" screen. You “H “I by registered telephone num- bu which you selected mm a phone book, dialed mmheu and received (ails. TN: sen ho lunclloned while you an driv- Ing. ( on page XX (or doloils.) 1. Touch nu “One Touch Dial" much In display “One Touch Dill" screen Touch the "Call". 3. Ong= Truth 0 m] w is) 2. Touch tho desired number to call. You can chmgo Ihc page by louchhg "One Touch Bill 1“ or"0na1’oueh Dial a". j (vi)By Pom" You can all by tap-ruling a (wild: whan “Call“ displayed out!» screen (mm Navl- mien aynem‘ (See page XX 10! Mills.) 109 2004 L8430 (G) EMV (OMSOGSQE) 03/05/15 8 d ZZZLUBSOOQéflEX/QHZS Eli/Wig ($9915? MWJZ (fl) Wing {Mam wow OTHER FUNCTIONS (e)Recere the Bluetooth phone When a call is maelved. this screen indis- plgyad with a sound. Touch Inc "Call" lo tulkonthaphunl. Youcanadiusnhevok gmfi at meek/ed can by touching “—” or + v 110 phone Toucl] lhn desirsd number to Inpdl the key. Q9 Wm. you are talking on (he yhona, this screen ls ilplaycd. You can do lhnabwl opemlon on the semen. To adjust lha volume of m e opposila voice an Ina phone: Touch "~" or “4" watch. To hang up live hone: Teach the ' " switch. To mule ydur voice: Touch [he "Mute ON" switch, To input in; ten— key: Touch the “o- 9" switch 2004 1.8430 (G) EMV (0M50659E) 03/05/15 (fl) MESH? Wifl§H wow a zzuoszaosfliX/ws 245/va3 (Mum mm OTHER FUNCYIONS (g)Change the settlngs of the (H Chan? (he PhOne book The synem has In phone books You an select either at a phone bank. Bluetoolh phone BTej’pphone TL Touch m- "Settings" switch In display ‘ - - u - Touchlhe ‘Phone Buok1" nr“Phone “m" a" ' Book 2" switch. _I You canchange Ihe suiting: ullhe phun (ll) Tiansfer (he Ielephone number Yw can lranlier your |elephone numbers (0 (ha system. Up in maximum 500 num- blu can bu Ingmar-d in one phone book. Van-m i| nth“; “1. 0119an I: running. v' S“ (tlngs 1, Youch lhc "Slén Transfer” switch (a display “Data Transfef' semen. 111 ‘ _ 2004 L843!) (G) EMV (OM50659E) 03/05/15 (m) Wflfllfi Wfiéfl NOHJ‘ DL d zzmszooséfléfi/sszs fli/WS (ngtfifg QSMZ OTH ER FUNCHONS a. Transfer lhe phom data la (In qssem. (Iii) Hejsler lhl an; much dial You can ugh!" (ha deslnd telephone lumber from phoflt backs, dhled cals ‘ “roe-had numbers, Uplo maximum 17 ‘ Runs 1 phom bank can ha reglsw. (fl) “mtg Mikfififih WOM This screen appears while lransleuir-g. T9 camel il. touch the “Ca noel" snitch. “(he lranslening ls Irlsnupfad an me way. lbs prmnedalalranslened bylhen can bemam- rind in Ihe system. 1. Touch the “One Touch Dial" when in which you want lo vaginal Ihc phone number. bi/Z*71(% (H) 99 lfig “0,02 112 2004 LS43O (G) EMV (OM50659E) 03/05/15 H d ZZZLGSSUOQéfiiX/SS 'S DYHEH FUNCTlONS (MDeIele the mummy 0 Dim- |hn mayhem number in phone book. Sui-m [In dnlnnl numb-r from Illa Isl [ , ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ "you warmodolm Nlmc phomnumD-nn ' phone bank. much the “Delete All” switch, Touch the "Male" swilch ol phon- book. Sclucl lhe new ugislrafiun lrum 1~ 1 5 am pecl S and luuch the switch. A Iaiesl re~ calved number is uglflefld In Glh hem. 113 2004 15430 (G) EMV (OM50659E) 03/05/15 (w) “my; mam wow m 2 EL d ZZZiUSSOOQéfiEX/SQIS fii/ZVIS (MEQLHQH r" f‘, Caution OYHER FUNCTIONS - Delete lbs dialed number (fl) Mfiiglé lflfilfiEéEi W053 3 Touch "YES" “men. E Q Touch “YES” switch. Touch “NO” switch and the previous screen Touch u»... “Dglele” switch of dia ad Touch “NO" swilch and (her previnus screen appearsr appears. 2- f (A) “E 07 0? I \ x mm ‘ Select mg desired numhar from Ihe nu. 5” 1 00 H you want lodelem all lhe dated numbers. a.) touch me “Delete All” swirch. 00 q". H 4 g <9 2004 1.8430 (G) EMV (0M50659E) 03/05/15 N OTHER FUNCTIONS 0 Dame Illa rat-ind culls Touch the “Delete” switch at ruched calls. Salecl (ha desired number hem lhe Hall ll you want to delete all the recsivsd culls, lunch the “Delete All” s'wilch. Touch “YES” swilch. TOUEh "NO" switdwmi We PIEViUUS WEE" Touch (he "Delete” milch of on: youth appears. . Delete me one Iouch dltl ' Set-tings dhl. sdecl (he dell-ed number lmm the Ilsl. Ilyou want to delsle all the one lunch dial, much lha “Delete All" switch. 115 2004 LS430 (G) EMV (OMSOGSQE) 03/05/15 (51> mag Mam New? cm m 4: zzzzoasongzm/seze gyms (meme 3: OYHEH FUNCTIONS 3 Touch “YES" swilnh Touch “N0" switch and the previous man appears . Spuch oommandemmpla: Searching hr 3 rout. to your harm. 1, Push the spuch commend switch. 2. Say "Horne”. 116 Clock adjustmem The clock in [his lyfinm an haeorrnclld mentally or Ivy using signals from (he GPS. Daylight s-vlng Tlme mung aryour daslrld Hm unlng il avail-bk. 1. Push the "OPTION" flinch. 2. Touch “Adjusl Clock". (D | 2004 1.5430 (G) EMV (OM50659E) 03/05/ 15 Adjyst Clock AMoAdiult 0N:thn youtuuchthisswrlch, the time is set to the GPS clock, and this swimh Is highflghled in green. Aulo Adlus! OFF: To reset the hour‘ touch mn‘H’ swilnh. To run lhu mint-Ill. touch (h. ‘M” switch, To adjust the time to the nearest how. much “2017 switch. Daylight Snvhg Thu: Dawighl uvlng firms can be set «canceled. v Wri‘sdayiighlsfiviflg Hmeissel, this switch is higfliytted in green. 11m- Imu: You can select the lime znneA Touchingth's sva'lchchanges lolhe time zone selectlon screen (E) Wfiillfi fififififiéfl wow 9L d ZZZLOSSDOQéfifl/SSZE fli/Hig (WEQIHQ ESWJZ
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Author : RICOH Company Ltd. Creator : The Creator Producer : The Producer Title : The Title Subject : The Subject Keywords : The, Keywords Create Date : 2003:06:23 08:40:33 Modify Date : 2003:06:23 08:40:43+09:00 Page Count : 14EXIF Metadata provided by