DENSO TEN BT008A Car Display with built-in Bluetooth User Manual

Fujitsu Ten Limited Car Display with built-in Bluetooth


User manual

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Document ID651315
Application IDHjsP1h7PDIg9RS4MbXN24Q==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize282.57kB (3532127 bits)
Date Submitted2006-04-26 00:00:00
Date Available2006-04-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-03-23 14:48:26
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUser manual

Touch the “Yes” swkch.
(iv) Setting the phone book
You can register phone numbers In the
phone book.
x ! Setti’hg's
Touch the “Phone Book" to dismay the
"Phone Book Managemem“ screen.
You can do the detailed settlnqs 0!
phone book.
o Transferrlng a telephone number
You can transfer the telephone numbers
In your Bluelooth phone to the system.
Up to 1mm person's data (up to 2 num-
bers a person) can be reglstered In the
phone book‘
Tlans'er it while the engine is runnlngr
1A Touch the "Transfer Data” switch to
dtsplay “setect Group" screen.
2. Select the graup you want to trans-
fer the data to.
3 Touch the "overwrite" or
"Add To”
_ _ 27P255
4, Transier the phone book data In the
system using the Blueiooih phone.
This screen appears while transferring
To cancel It, much the “Cancel" switch.
if the transfsning is Interrupted on the
way, the phone book data tvansfened until
then can be memorized in the system,
5. Whan this screen is displayed, lhe
trauma is completed.
When this screen is displayed, try the
transfer operation again.
8 Registarlnqlthe phone book data
I. Teach the “Register" Swlfch.
‘ an reglsé} the phone book data.
H' Editcanfact cm 5
. Touch the desired switch 1° edit the
phone book.
. When you complela the Ed“, touch
the “OK" switch.
e Editing the name
When you do no! Input the name, the
number Is displayed.
1‘ Touch the “Name” swltchr
2. Use the software keyboard to |nput
the nume‘
. Editing the phone number
You can register a phone number in
“TEL!” and "TEL z" separately. Up to
2 numbers a person can be registered.
LTouch (he “TEL 1" or “TEL 2'
2. Input the number and touch “0K",
3. Select me desired icon.
9 Selecting the group
You can set a group Ior a Contact (for
example: "Family”, "Friends", “01-
1iwn..). u will then be easier tor you
to {Ind this mutant when needed‘ by
uslng the group dismay
You can select “No group” or ”Group
OI” to "Group 19'n
‘No group” is displayed if you do not set
the group.
1. Touch the “Group" switch.
9 setting the voice recognmon
You can set the voice recognition. Up
to 20 numbers can be registered for the
vodce recognitinn.
2 Select the phone number and much
the "REC" switch to record a voice-
mgr ;
z Seisct the desired group.
14 Touch thd “Volce Rec." switch ‘
L f_
6 Adding data to the phone book
You can add daYi to the phone book.
z. Saiecl the data you Want an add xog
data to.
3. Team lhe “PLAY" swixch in play the
If you want u: delete it, touch the "Debts“ 1. Touch the “Add w, swmh‘
swiloh and "OK",
3.00n1irm me added data on
screen and touch “0K”.
J fi.
0 Edlflng the data
You can edit the reglslsred dam
i 3 ME Bunk Management
9 ,
nu Bonk
1. Touch the "Edit" switch.
2. Select the data you want 20 edit.
3. Touch the deslred switch.
When you edit the data, touch "OK"
A _ '''''' ' Deleting the data
You can delete the data
When you release your vehicle, delete
all your data on the system
When you also much the "Edit” swilch
on (his screen, you can edit it.
A Touch the "Delete” swhch of "Phone
2. Touch (he desired switch.
3. Touch the "Yes" swkch,
You can also delete II in the iollowlng
1 Touch (he “Phone Book" switch.
__J e_
_ 2. Selecf the desired data. 3. Touch the “Delete" when. 4. Touch the "Ves" switch.
J i
' Deleting a" the phone data —'“‘““——‘————- a. was" you select Hemp Dam, the
“Select Group“ screen ls displayed.
2‘ Sales! the deleting method.
1. Touch the “Delete All" switch of Group Data deleting all the phone
“Phone book". data in group 4. select the desired group.
AH Contact Data , deleting al! the phnne
data .
5. Touch the “Yes" switchv
You can alsn delete it in the following
27F 93
1. Touch the "Fhene Book" 5 h,
2. Touch the “Delete All" sw‘lch.
0 Reglstering a group name
You can register 20 groups. “No
Group", “Group 01” -» "Group 19“ are
registered by defnulh
You can change “Group 01" ~ "Group 19"
into dashed names.
3. Touch the "Vas" switch 2. Select the group you want tu regis-
1.Tounh the “Register" switch of
"Group name".
a. When you complete all
touch the “0K“ Swltehl
lhe edit,
0 selecting a group icon
1. Touch (he "Icon" switch,
2 Salsa! the dsslred icon.
o Edlung a group name
1. Touch the “Name"
2. Use the software keyboard to mpm
the name,
o Deleting a group name
You can delele the group name ind!-
vlduany or all at once. If you delete a
group name, that group will return lo
the default selling. (excluding “NB
1. Touch the “Delete" switch of “Group
2. Select the group
the name of.
you want to delete
3. Touch the “Yes" switch.
a Deleting all the group names
1. Touch the "Delete All"
“Group Name".
switch 01
o Deleting the log data
You can delete the log data lndlvmually
or all a! once.
When you release your vehlcla, delele
all the data on the system
(a) indlvldually
2. Touch the “Yes" swllch. 24 Tuuch the “Ves” switch.
1. Touch the “Delele” swllch on the
“Log Darn” screen,
J u
(b) an a! once
(v) Settlng the securlly
When you set the security, you can prs~
vent people from using some functions
of (ha hands—free system. It Is useful
when you leave your car with the hotel
or you do not want others In see the
data you registeredu
When ynu set or unlock the security, you i
have to input the secumy made 59 sure ‘
to change the Mann code when you use
the securlty for (he first time.
7. Touch the “Yes" switch.
1. Touch the "Delfila All" swnlch on the
"Outgolng Calls" or “lncomlng Cells”
0 Changing the secumy code
The security code Is 4 digits and the
de'ault is “0000".
Choose a new code that is hard for other
people to know.
When you change the sacumy code, do
not forget the code The dealers nannot
unlnck the security when you forget IL
If you forget the security code, Initialize
your personal data (See “Initializing the
securliy code" on page 227)
1, Touch the “Phone Book Lock"
__ ____ Mdflvggam _ 7 7 27Pan4
2. Touch the “Change" swiicni 3. Input the security codai
Each iime you touch ~<', an inputted digit
is deleted.
¢_ j
0 Phone Book Lock
When you set the phone book lock, you
can have the lollcwlng functions
o niepiey ei the phone beck screen and
lransferrlng, registering, edlxlng, delet-
ing me phone book data.
0 Diepiey of speed dial screen, register-
ing, deleting the speed dlal and speed
0 Display of me other party's name for
calls being received oi made
‘ Dlsplay of dialed numbers screen and 1 Touch the "ON" switch
ed calls screen, deleting dIaJed
numbers and received numbers
0 Display of phone information screen.
9 Changing the security code.
When you set ihie mneiion, the speed dial
screen is nut displayed while you are driv-
4. Touch the “Yes" switch.
— - J—- L;
c Initializing the security code
Vou can Inmallze the settings.
._u_~w _fl7_ N f
2. input the security code and touch 2. input the security code And touch 1‘*
"OK”, ._,_,t,.uvu_,_~,w___ “cm i ‘
1A Think the “Default” switch.
227 3‘
___~_ i
3. Teuch the “Yes” switch.
(f) Setting a Bluefooth phone
0 selecfing a Blustoo|h phone
In case you register more than one
Bluetooth phane, you need to chaoss a
favorlta one.
2 Touch the “Select Telephone” switch
to dlsplay “Select Telephone" screen.
You can seled (he Bluetofllh phone
from s maxlmum at 6 numbers.
“Empty" ls displayed when you have not
registered a B|ueluom phone ye|
1. Touch "18 “sitting? sw'w" '° H's- Eluemom mark is displayed when you
play “Settings screen choose me phone,
‘m 27P31§
Although you nan register up m a Blue-
tenth phones in the system, only one
Bluslomh phone can function at a time
3. Touch the "0K" switch.
When the result message ls displayed,
you can use the Biuetooth phane.
When enamel Elusmoth phone ys trying to
connect, this screen is displayed.
Touch the “195" or "No" switch.
0 Dlsplaylng Blueloolh Invormatlon
Vuu can see or set the information of
the Bluatooth phone on the system.
Devloe Name the name of the Blue»
tooth phone whloh ls dis—
played on me semen.
You can change it mm a
deslred name4
Eluetooth Device Address
me address pecufisr
to the system. Ycu
canno! change it,
1. Select the deslred phone and touch
the “ln'ormaflon” swllch.
2. Touch the "change" switch.
27P9| 5
a Changing a Davlce Name
You can change a device name, If you
change a device nams, the name regis-
tered In your cellular phone is not
a When you
touch "ma
the setting,
1, Touch the “Change" switch‘
2. Use the software keyboard to input
the device name.
. Changingjhs‘BluetOOth settings When you change the dsvloa name or
" Passkey, do the lollowlngl
e’l §i*uisp|‘a’y and settlngs
rows? “7?
of uatooth information on the system
The information displays the following
Device Name the name In {he
Blueloolh network. Vou
can change u.
Passkey . Abe password when you
reglster your cellular
phone In the system, You
can change It Into {he
figure of 4-5 digits.
Blueloolh Device Address . . v.
the address pacullar to
the system You can not 1A Touch the “Blueloolh” Switch.
change If If you have
registered (we Blusloolh
phones with the same
Devieo Name or Passkoy
and you cannot
distinguish one from the
other, refer to it,
2‘ Touch the "change"
Name” or “Passkav’fl
“ Devlce
__ 3. Use the software keyboard to input 44 Input a Passkey wllh 4 ~ 3 dlgils. 5. When you complete the
me dew“ "5m When you much w: the inputtecl dlgit is “my. «in
You can inpm up to 20 characters deleteti
0 Initializing (ha Blustooth settings.
You can Initialize the settings.
1. Touch lhe "Default" switch.
2. Touch the "Yes” switch.
a Deleting a Elueroath phone
1. Touch the “Delete" switch of “Blue-
tooth Telephone".
i L.
—‘“ " ‘ When you delete the telephone while
another Blneloolh phone Is connected,
this message is displayed.
27pm _ _27F33°
2. Select the telephone you Want to de- 3 Touch the “yes" Switch
[era and touch “OK”.
Touch (ha "yes” awltch.
oDispIaying the Information of the
Bluetaoth phone you delete
You can display the Information of me
Bluemom phone before you delete it
and you can make sure whether the
telephone you delete is correct or not.
1. select the telephone you wem to
aispuy the ln'ormeflen about.
2, When you complete confirming
much “9
21pm s
—Speech command system
The speech command system enables
you «0 operate me hands-free system
by glvlng a command.
t Push the spsach command switch.
A beep sounds and en-screen message is
aiepreyed with an indicator at the top left
, “magma
2, Give a command while all indicator
is shown In the dispuy if you want
to check the command list, touch
the “Help” switch to display the Help
screen (see “Help screen” on page
2594) When yuu touch me “Cancel",
the previous screen returns.
If the handsffree system does not re-
spond or me cnnflrmetlnn screen does not
disappear. push the speech command
switch and W again
If no command is given, a beep sounds
and (he indlcamr disappears 6 seconds
If the system does no: recognize your
speech, the system will respond with (his
message (“System does not recognize this
command, rephrase your command"),
Sta" the operation from the beginning
It Is unnecessary to speak directly Into
the mlcrophone when giving a com-

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Page Count                      : 33
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Create Date                     : 2006:03:23 14:48:26
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