DENSO TEN FT0093A Car Audio User Manual Short Term Confidential

Fujitsu Ten Limited Car Audio Short Term Confidential


(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual

FT0093A123000-627_User manualModel nameModel NoCOMB PLAYER A123000-627Index1-Rating2-Button function spec3-System spec4-OtherPage2P2P3P~20P21P(1/21)
1-RatingRATED VOLTAGELOAD IMPEDANCEBACK UP CURRENTRATED CURRENTAM TUNING RANGECD TYPE12V(10.5~16.0V)-GROUND4Ω1.0mA OR LESS3.0A OR LESS (Vcc=14.4V 0.5W OUTPUT)530~1710kHz87.75~107.9MHz12cm DISCFM TUNING RANGE(2/21)2-Button function spec⑨①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ ⑩⑪⑫⑬
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪--POWER ON (POWER OFF時)Power On (when Power Off)0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -POWER OFF (POWER ON時)Power Off (when Power On)0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -ソース切替モードへの移行Move to source change mode--ソースの決定Decide the source--FUNCTION 設定モードの決定Set to the Function setting mode.--(Rotary)音量調整Volume control--ソースの選択Select the source--FUNCTION 設定モードの選択Select to the Function setting mode. ①--DISC排出 (強制排出)Disc eject (Force eject)⑫ FUNC--FUNCTIONモードへの移行Move to FUNCTION mode --FUNCTIONモードの解除Release to FUNCTION mode③∨--FUNCTIONモードの解除Release to FUNCTION mode--ソース切替モードの解除Release to source change mode共通部 Common parts TURNPUSH(3/21)
ラジオ部 Radio parts No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function②∧0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec - TUNE UP1.5sec未満Below 1.5sec X SEEK UP1.5sec以上Over 1.5sec - Non-Stop SEEK UP③∨0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec - TUNE DOWN1.5sec未満Below 1.5sec X SEEK DOWN1.5sec以上Over 1.5sec - Non-Stop SEEK DOWN⑤~⑩Preset 1~61.7sec未満Below 1.7sec -P.CHの呼び出しCall preset channel.1.7sec以上Over 1.7sec XP.CHへの書込みWrite preset channel.(4/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function②∧0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -TRACK UP0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST UP③∨0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -TRACK DOWN0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST DOWN⑤ Preset 1 - - REPEAT⑥Preset 2 - -RANDOM⑪--選択TEXTの決定Activate the selected TEXT--TEXT切替Change TEXT⑫ FUNC 0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXTページの切替Switching the TEXT page⑬LIST--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXT切替モードへの移行Move to TEXT change mode.③∨ --TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.CD部 CD parts TURNPUSH(5/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function②∧0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -FILE UP0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST UP③∨0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -FILE DOWN0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST DOWN⑤Preset 1 - -・FILE REPEAT・FOLDER REPEAT・FOLDER RANDOM-FILE REPEAT、RANDOM-FILE REPEAT⑥Preset 2 - -・RANDOM (1-FOLDER RANDM)・FOLDER RANDOM (1-DISC RANDOM)⑨Preset 50.8sec未満Below 0.8sec - FOLDER DOWN0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XHOME JUMP⑩Preset 6 0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -FOLDER UP⑪--Fileの決定(再生開始)Activate File (Start playback.)--リストカテゴリの決定Activate Category(リスト選択モードへの移行)(Move to list select mode)--選択TEXTの決定Activate the selected TEXT--TEXT切替Change TEXT--リストカテゴリ切替Change List category--リスト切替Change List⑫ FUNC 0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXTページの切替Switching the TEXT pageMP3/WMA部 MP3/WMA parts TURNPUSH(6/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑬LIST--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.--リストカテゴリ選択モードの解除Release list category select mode0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -リストカテゴリ選択モードへの移行Move to list category mode.0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXT切替モードへの移行Move to TEXT change mode.③∨--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.--リストカテゴリ選択モードの解除(カテゴリ選択モード中)Release list category select mode(During Category selection mode.)0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -1階層上がる(リスト選択モード中)Back to the previous hierarchy.(During list selection mode.)0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -通常再生モードへの移行(リスト選択モード中)Move to normal playback mode.(During list selection mode.)MP3/WMA部 MP3/WMA parts (7/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function②∧0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -FILE UP0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST UP③∨0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -FILE DOWN0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST DOWN⑤Preset 1 - -・FILE REPEAT・FOLDER REPEAT・FOLDER RANDOM-FILE REPEAT、RANDOM-FILE REPEAT⑥Preset 2 - -・RANDOM (1-FOLDER RANDM)・FOLDER RANDOM (1-DISC RANDOM)⑨Preset 50.8sec未満Below 0.8sec - FOLDER DOWN0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XHOME JUMP⑩Preset 6 0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -FOLDER UP⑪--Fileの決定(再生開始)Activate File (Start playback.)--リストカテゴリの決定Activate Category(リスト選択モードへの移行)(Move to list select mode)--選択TEXTの決定Activate the selected TEXT--TEXT切替Change TEXT--リスト切替Change List--リストカテゴリ切替Change List category⑫ FUNC 0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXTページの切替Switching the TEXT pageUSB部 USB partsTURNPUSH(8/21)
USB部 USB partsNo. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑬LIST--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.--リストカテゴリ選択モードの解除Release list category select mode0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -リストカテゴリ選択モードへの移行Move to list category mode.0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXT切替モードへの移行Move to TEXT change mode.③∨--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.--リストカテゴリ選択モードの解除(カテゴリ選択モード中)Release list category select mode(During Category selection mode.)0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -1階層上がる(リスト選択モード中)Back to the previous hierarchy.(During list selection mode.)0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -通常再生モードへの移行(リスト選択モード中)Move to normal playback mode.(During list selection mode.)(9/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function②∧0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec-TRACK UP-(Audiobook時)Chapter UPChapter up in Audiobook-(Podcast時) Episode UPEpisode up in Podcast.0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST UP③∨0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec-TRACK DOWN-(Audiobook時)Chapter DOWNChapter down in Audiobook-(Podcast時) Episode DOWNEpisode down in Podcast.0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST DOWN⑤Preset 1 - -・TRACK REPEAT・SHUFFLE TRACK REPEAT・ALBUM SHUFFLE TRACK REPEAT⑥Preset 2 --・SHUFFLE Song・SHUFFLE AlbumPreset 3 - - PAUSEPreset 4 - - PLAY⑪--選択TEXTの決定Activate selected TEXT--再生中リストへの移行Move playing list--BROWSEリストカテゴリの決定(リスト選択モードへの移行)Decide the BROWSE list category(move to list select mode)--Playlist選択Playlist List select--アーティストリスト選択Artist List select--アルバムリスト選択Album list select--Song選択Song list select--Podcastリスト選択Podcast List select--ジャンルリスト選択Genre list select--作曲者リスト選択Composer list select--オーディオブックリスト選択Audiobook list selectiPod部 iPod parts PUSH(10/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪--BROWSEリストカテゴリ切替Change list category in BROWSE--リスト切替list select--TEXT切替Change List⑫ FUNC 0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXTページの切替Switching the TEXT page⑬LIST--リストカテゴリ選択モードの解除Release list category mode--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -BROWSEリスト選択モードへの移行Browse list transition0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXT切替モードへの移行Move to TEXT change mode.③∨--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode--リストカテゴリ選択モードの解除(カテゴリ選択モード中)Release list category select mode(During Category selection mode)0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -1階層上がる(リスト選択モード中)Back to the previous hierarchy(During list selection mode)0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -通常再生モードへの移行(リスト選択モード中)Move to normal playback mode(During list selection mode)iPod部 iPod parts TURN(11/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function∧0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -TRACK UP0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST UP∨0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -TRACK DOWN0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XFAST DOWN⑤Preset 1 - -・TRACK REPEAT・1-ALBUM REPEAT⑥Preset 2 - -・RANDOM (All Track)・ALBUM RANDOMPreset 3 - - PAUSEPreset 4 - - PLAYPreset 5 - - ALBUM DOWN⑩Preset 6 - -ALBUM UP⑪--選択TEXTの決定Activate the selected item.--TEXT切替Change TEXT--BTAモード時音量調整Volume control for BTA mode⑫ FUNC 0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXTページの切替Switching the TEXT page⑬LIST--TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXT切替モードへの移行Move to TEXT change mode.③∨ --TEXT切替モードの解除Release TEXT change mode.Bluetooth-Audio部 Bluetooth-Audio parts TURNPUSHNo. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪ - - (Rotary) Mini Jack Volume ControlAUX部 AUX parts TURN(12/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function④ OFF HOOK--TELモードへの移行Move TEL mode--通話開始Call start--三者通話の開始Three-way calling start--発信outgoing call0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -(通話中かつ保留呼有り時)通話呼切替(During a call and Hold )Switching telephone call0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -プライベートモードへの移行(携帯電話側で通話)Move private mode (Talk by mobile phone)⑬LIST--通話終了End the call--現在の通話回線の切断End the current call line--発信の取り消しCancel the sending--(着信中)着信拒否Reject the call (During incoming)--TELモードの解除Release TEL mode⑤~⑩Preset 1~6--Speed dialの呼び出しDisplay Speed dial0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec XSpeed dialの登録Register speed dial②∧--送話音量UPMIC Volume UP--トーン送出Tone Sending--入力桁の切替Switch input digit③∨--送話音量DOWNMIC Volume DOWN--入力文字の削除Delete input characterPhone部 Phone parts (13/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪- - 発信 outgoing call--電話番号マニュアル入力モードへ移行Move to phone number manual input mode--発信履歴リストへの移行Move to outgoing call history list--着信履歴リストへの移行Move to incoming call history list--不在着信履歴リストへの移行Move to missed call history list--電話帳(アルファベットリスト)への移行Move to phonebook (alphabet list)--Speed Dial名称の登録Register Speed dial name- - 入力の決定 Activate input--電話帳リストの決定Activate phonebook list--(Rotary) TELモードリストの切替change TEL mode list--(Rotary)履歴リスト選択 select history list--(Rotary)電話帳リスト選択 select phonebook list--(Rotary) 入力番号切替 change input number--(Rotary) 入力文字切替 change input character--(Rotary)(着信中)着信音量の調整Ringtone level control (During incoming)--(Rotary)(通話中)受話音量の調整Call volume control (During a call)Phone部 Phone parts TURNPUSH(14/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑫ FUNC0.8sec未満Below 0.8sec -Speed Dial名称登録モードへの移行Move speed dial register mode--(通話中)トーンデータマニュアル入力モードへの移行Move tone data manual input mode(During a call)--Speed Dial名称登録モードの解除Release speed dial name register mode0.8sec以上Over 0.8sec -TEXTページの切替Switching the TEXT page③∨--電話番号マニュアル入力モードの解除Release phone number manual input mode--トーンデータマニュアル入力モードの解除Release tone data manual input mode--履歴選択リストの解除Release history select list--電話帳選択リストの解除Release phonebook select list--Speed Dial表示の解除Release speed dial display--Speed Dial名称登録モードの解除Release speed dial name register mode--TELモードの解除Release TEL modePhone部 Phone parts (15/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪--調整項目の決定Activate adjustment item-BASS設定モードの解除Release BASS setting mode-TREBLE設定モードの解除Release TREBLE setting mode-FADER設定モードの解除Release FADER setting mode-BALANCE設定モードの解除Release BALANCE setting mode--音響調整リスト切替change sound adjustment mode list- BASS CONTROL- TREBLE CONTROL- FADER CONTROL- BALANCE CONTROL⑫ FUNC - - 各ソースの通常モードへの移行Move to normal mode of each sources③∨--調整/設定モードの解除Release setting/Adjust mode--音響調整モードの解除Release sound adjustment mode音響調整部 Sound partsTURNPUSH(16/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間TimeBEEP機能Function⑪--ペアリング動作の開始Start pairing operation--電話機リスト/オーディオ機リストへ移行Move to phone list/audio device list--端末決定Decide the device--登録デバイスとの接続開始Start connection for registered device--接続解除確認へ移行Move to  the disconnection confirm screen--登録デバイスの接続解除開始Start disconnection for registered device--削除確認へ移行Move to  the deletion confirm screen--デバイス削除の開始Start the deletion device--接続方向切替モードへの移行Move changing connection method mode--接続方向の決定Activate connection method--自動接続設定へ移行Move auto connection setting--自動接続設定の決定Activate auto connection setting--電話帳/履歴自動転送設定へ移行Move to automatic phonebook/call history transfer setting--電話帳/履歴自動転送設定の決定Activate automatic phonebook/call history transfer setting--電話帳/履歴削除モードへ移行Move to deletion mode of phonebook/call history--電話帳/履歴削除の開始Start the deletion phonebook/call history--HF音響設定モードへ移行Move HF sound setting mode--Call Volume調整へ移行Move Call Volume Adjustment--Call Volume 調整の完了Complete the call volume adjustment--RINGTONE VOLUME調整へ移行Complete the RINGTONE VOLUME adjustment--RING TONE 調整値の決定Activate RINGTONE adjustment--BT設定初期化モードへ移行Move the mode for initialize BT setting--BT設定初期化の開始Start Initialize BT setting--Bluetooth設定リストの決定Activate Bluetooth setting listBluetooth設定部 Bluetooth partsPUSH(17/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪--端末選択Selecting device--端末操作選択Selecting device operation--接続方向の切替Change connection method--自動接続設定ON/OFF切替Change ON/OFF for auto connection--電話帳/履歴自動転送設定ON/OFF切替Change ON/OFF for automatic phonebook/call history transfer--ハンズフリー音響設定項目の切替change the handsfree sound setting item--CALL VOLUME CONTROL- - RINGTONE VOLUME CONTROL--Bluetooth設定リストの切替Change the Bluetooth setting list⑫ FUNC - - 各ソースの通常モードへの移行Move to normal mode of each sources.③∨--端末選択の解除Release to selecting device--端末操作選択モードの解除Release to selecting device operation mode--デバイス接続解除の取消しCancel device disconnection--デバイス削除の取消しCancel device deletion--接続方向切替モードの解除Release connection method change mode--自動接続設定画面の解除Release auto connection setting--電話帳/履歴自動転送設定画面の解除Release automatic phonebook/call history transfer setting--電話帳/履歴削除の取消しCancel phonebook/call history deletion--HF音響設定モードの解除Release HF sound setting mode--CALL VOLUME調整画面の解除Release CALL VOLUME adjustment screen--RINGTONE VOLUME調整画面の解除. Release RINGTONE VOLIUME adjust screen--BT設定初期化の取り消しCancel the initialize of BT setting--Bluetooth設定リストの解除Release Bluetooth setting list--ペアリング動作の取り消しCancel the pairing operationBluetooth設定部 Bluetooth partsTURN(18/21)
No. 釦名称Button Name 時間Time BEEP 機能Function⑪--時計表示ON/OFFの決定Select to Clock Display Setting-時刻調整モードへの移行Move to Clock Adjust Mode-調整時刻(時)の決定Activate clock adjustment (hours)-調整時刻(分)の決定(設定値の保存)Activate clock adjustment (minutes)(save the setting value)--時計表示設定切替Change to Clock Display Setting-時刻調整(時)(Hours adjustment) -時刻調整(分)(Minutes adjustment) ⑫ FUNC - - 各ソースの通常モードへの移行Move to normal mode of each sources.③∨--分→時の切替Switch to hours adjustment from minutes adjustment .--時刻調整モードの解除Release time adjustment mode--時計表示設定モードの解除Release display time setting mode時計設定部 Clock partsTURNPUSH(19/21)
3-System spec*1 ステレオ入力対応Support stereo inputSP OUT(FR,FL,RL,RR)M/UUSBMini Jack*1MAINBluetoothMicrophone(20/21)
4-Other(21/21)FCC ID: BABFT0093ACAUTION: Radio Frequency Radiation ExposureThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled equipment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that it deemed to comply without maximum permissive exposure evaluation (MPE). But it is desirable that it should be installed and operated with at least 20cm and more between the radiator and person's body in normal use position.Co-location: This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC WARNINGChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.IC: 2024B-FT0093ACAUTION: Radio Frequency Radiation ExposureThis equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled equipment and meets RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that it deemed to comply without maximum permissive exposure evaluation (MPE).  But it is desirable that it should be installed and operated with at least 20cm and more between the radiator and person’s body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet and ankles).This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

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