DGL Group LTD. SMART WATCH Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID3115761
Application ID8xAUGP5qA2X9q5qGi1xo/Q==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize235.66kB (2945716 bits)
Date Submitted2016-08-30 00:00:00
Date Available2016-08-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-13 14:57:09
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-13 14:57:09
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

Operation Manual
Pathg is now complete. if you ae unsuccesful, press the "item" key
on the frame of your sma‘t watch to repeat the pding process.
To rectal the pa'r‘mg praces. you w] first need to turn off "Vlsibiity" and
turn off Blueloolh "Power' fist. Then tun Bberoorrr off on your device
To switch to another smut phone or tablet, return to the "My device"
page and seleciyoutrblerorsmat phone fromthot page. You may
need to disconnect previously paed devices before attempting to
switch between pried devices.
“Clock" wl allow you to choose your Clock type, and set the
time and date.
I Quick respon..
0 cm,
E0 Langua.
- Display
8 Time and date
Under “Clock type" select the type of clock you want you
watch to may when your smut watch is in Stutcby Mode.
Clock type
I Analog Clock
Afteryou have made your selection, your smut walch wl show
you that your selection is "Done'
preferred “Rhgtone,”
The smart watch carries preorogammed with 5 r'ngtones to
choose from. Sac! down to see all 5 options.
Once you select a rtrigtone, itwil wpea under "Ringtorie."
To preview the other r'ngtones. cick back into the "Ringtone" fist
and select another ringtone. war 2 seconds. and your watch will
play a preview of that ringtone,
When your R‘ngtone
settings are set to you
preferences. press the
"Return" button on your
watch frame to refum to
your App menu screen.
Sw‘pe right on you screen to check you summuy page on the
second screen. The red dot on the bottom of your Pedometer App
wil show you which screen you do on.
Yoursurrimay page wl show the below information:
Step: 0
True: 0 m 0 5
Fat: 00000009
Heat: 000000
Speed 000000
Mileage 0000000
Step: Total rumtler of steps
Time Duralon at timer
Fat Grams of Tat burned
Mean Heat mnex adviser [PF]
some Walking speed
Mileage. Total traveled distance
If you have reset your Pedometer
liner and step counter, you aim
press "Back" to return to your App
menu screen.
When you are firished us’ng your
Pedometer, press the "Return" key
on the watch trans to return to
your App menu screen.
Contacts will be [sled it
whobeficd order based on frst
Select any name on the istwhase
contact you wait to view, or who
Estelle Young you want to cd.
Mike Moss
You can scroll througi your contacts by suoivg d'mclty on the
touch screen of your watch to ha a specflc contact.
In this exunple. Dawn is selected.
An example of o M contact 's
View (mud shown to the left
Dawn Walker To cal your selected contact.
Mobile number select the moble number.
View contact A popup mm W, uppefl,‘
Name Select "Call."
Dawn Walker
1“ ' LI" ' ' To cu'icel. pres the “Return" key
lrl— onyourwalchframetagoback
to the Contact page.
Press the Anti-Lost icon on you
home screen to use the watch
and phone tracking featue.
Some lectures at this App cm only be used an smart watches
pa’ed with Android dellices. Phase see each subsection for
campatbity before proceeding.
ANTI-LOST Looldng Phone Q-
Before using this fist feature. please download the "furido Cornpmion"
App. See "Settings IQR Code" for installation detois.
Pres on "Looking Ptiane,“
Your smut watch wI remind you
to held "31 Notice" on you
BT notice
install "ET
Norlce" app
in remote device
rvrrn -
IAnti lost « _’
The lithiumion battery ls built into the device, Do not disassemble
the device to remove the battery or attempt to separate it from
the device.
- When charging the device, please use the enclosed USB charging
cable orotherwise ensure that the battery chag‘ng cand'nions ac met.
- Do not connect or attach the device or the battery to a power
suppry pug or tiectty to a car's cigarette lighter.
- Do not place the device or batteries near a he. or “rito erect sunig'it.
Hearing the device and/or the battery can cause additional hearing.
breald'ig. or igrilllon of the battery hide the device.
- Do not continue chuging the battery it it does not recharge within
the spec'fied choig'tg time. Doing so may cause the battery to
become hot. rupture, or igrlte.
To preserve nafud resources, please recycle or dispose ol batteries
property. This product conic-ts Ithlum-ion batteries. local. state. or
trash. Consull your locd waste authority for information regard'lg
avdable recyci'lg and/or disposd options
- Do not arlernpl to modify. charge, or replace your baltery.
- Do not use you device t the battery begris to emit odor, overheats.
or begire to Iedr.
- Do not touch arty leak'ng materiak or breathe fumes entitled.
- Do not otaw chiuen ma u'iimds to touch an exposed battery.
- The battery contains dangerous substances, do not open the
battery. or i’TSeI1 anythitg into an exposed battery.
Thank you for purchasing the Hype Smart Watch. Please read of
instructions cuefuly before using and retain this manual for future use
and reference.
' Smart Watch
- USE Chm Cable
- Operation Mutual
- Play music w‘relessry
- Media diortrxt controls
- Rechugeable mh'rurnion battery
- Built-Tn microphone and speaker
Keep the unit away from heat sources, direct wrigit, humility. water
aid uiy other Iknrids.
Do not operate the unit 2 it has been exposed to water. moisture or my
other laulds to prevent against electric shock. emloslon and/or iry'ury to
yourself aid damage to the unit.
Do notusetheunitflithasbeenuoppedordamagedinmyway.
Repairs to electricd equipment should only be performed by a audfied
electrician. improper repais may place the user at serious rislc
Do not puncture orhum the exterior surface of the product “rl any way.
Keep the unit free from dust. fnl. etc.
Do not use iris unit for onyth'ng other than its intended use or pupose.
Doing so may damage the device.
This product is not a toy. Keep out or reach of chided
Do not expose batteries. battery pack, or batteries to be instdled to
exceslve heal. such as drool sunlight, or open flame.
Pressthe BTnofice Icon on your
home saeen to set and
customize your notifications.
This App can only be used on smart
watches pded with Android devices.
Before us’ng, please download the
“Fundo Companion" App. See “Settings /
QR Code" for installation detak
Push notifications set on your phone wrl appear as a short ueview on you
smut watch. An iiconiing meaage ‘5 shown as an example below.
Saoll down on your touch screen to see time and date of notification.
Press the “Sap!" button on your watch frame to view addtiona
noril'colions if you have more than one.
T. Non'tication ill Total ll of Nottiicafions
2 Med-aging App Icon
3. Messaging App Norrie
A. Contact Name
5. Mesage Preview
6. Notification Dale
7. Notification Time
Press the "from" key on yourwotch frame to return to the
previous page.
Select "nme u-ld Date" to input your settings.
Clock Time and date
fill ,- || .
Set time/date
I Clock type
[WES '
‘B Set format
1. Update with.
Select “Set home city' to view the list of cities.
Scroll ltvmgt tt'fi kt by sw'oirig your T'nger upwads on your
watch touch screen. find you defied dty. aid press its name on
the touch screen of your wotdn.
In the example below. “New York" is chosen.
Time and date Set home city
New Delhi
8 Set time. '-
a Set formal
La Update with.
Press the Alum icon on your
home saeen to set an dam.
You smart walch can set up to 5
customizable alums.
Select any alarm line without a
check mark next to it to cuslorr'ue
alum settings.
I 12.00 AA“
I 12130 AM
I 11-00 AM
Scrof dawn on the touch screen at
the watch to access The 5th alum.
one turn the clam an or oft.
Press illo the time cisplay to set the
firm of your dam.
A mimetic keypad wl appear to let
you type in your darn rime.
“n -
ifyou make a mature, pressthe left
mow button to erase.
f‘ « Press thedown arrowtohide the
' numeric keypad when you up done.
Press the Stopwatch icon on your
home screen to access your
Press the left button to start you stopwatch. -
Press it ogc'm to cick you stopwatch. The stopwatch Will keep
going. but the the radii freeze for you to read It.
Press the right button to reset you stopwatch.
When you as finished using your
Stopwatch. press the "Return" key
you App menu screen,
Your smart phone will hdicate it hm begun dial'rig the
selected contact.
Below is a helpful diogam ot avdable buttons and functions
to use dur'ng a col,
I. Contact Name
2. Cal Status / Duration
3. End Cdl
4. Numeric Keypad
5. Audo Source
6. Mute
7. Settngs
B. Volume
9. Contacts for
NOTE: The numeric keypad and settings as not avaTable untfl
offer a cat has been connected.
After the cc! is connected. you can access a numeric
keypadi‘l'isis useful ifyou are on a at! That requires you to
make numeric selections.
Pres the “Numeric Keypad" button and a keypad will
oppea, Press yourdesired selection or enter information.
When you are done. press the "Return" key on your smut
watch frame to return to your cat.
Use "Lookiig phone" ifyau want yaurSmart Watch to locate
your Andoia device.
It wTI send a push notification rang the "Flirido Companion"
App on your Android to have you phone r'ng.
Once your Anuoid ‘c located, you can prm
l ’ the "Return" button on your smutwatch frame
to rerun To the previous screen.
On your Android device, you can open the "l'undo Companion"
App and have the App locate you smart watch.
Press the 3 hes next To ”Home" “n The top left
corner for the side burnenu to deploy.
Press “Looldng for device" to have you
Anuoid locate your smart watch. Your smart
watch wTI r'vig utd buzz for you to locate it.
Your Fundo Companion App on your phone will
ask you ifyou found your smut watch.
Press "OK' once you have found
your smut watch.
- Please only use the charger provided by Hype“.
- Do not attempt to charge the device if the battery has ckchorge or
emits any subslmces. in that case. ‘n'lmed'iatety distance yourself from
the battery in case of ire or exploo‘on.
- lithiunion battuies ue considered to be hazardous materials,
Please folorw cl local. state and federal law: it regards to recycling.
handling and Gaming of Umiumion batteries.
Eberoath: Vusioh 3.0
Display: I.“ hch LCD touch saeen (3.65 cm)
Resolutirxi: T28 x impacts
Chargei'irne: upta l.5 Hou
Battery: Builtin lw mAh Uthiumion Battery
Talk Time: Up to 45 Minutes
Standby Tme: Up to 120 Hours
Charging interface: Micro USB
Weight: L4 oz 10.0398 kg)
GD 101 0031981
l . Touch Screen
2. Power / Home Button
3. Adjustable Sicorie Wrist Strap
4. Speaker
5. Micro USE Chug‘tg Port
6. Microphone
7. Corit‘lm / Answer Call
a. Dial IScrall / tip
9. Return / End Call
BT Notice wfll send push notifications to your smut watch from your
Android phone from all compatible Apps on your Android that do set
for push notifications.
Some compatible BI notice Apps ue Isted below.
- SNS Messaging
What's App
M Gmoii
NOTE Open source App compatbity with "BT notice" may vary based
on software desigi and are subiect to change without notice.
Hype” is not resoonsible for softwae updates and software
cornpatibiify made by Ihrd puty sofhvue developers on the Anuaid
platform or on the Play Store.
When you are reading your
Notifications. area the “Refun”
button on your watch frame to
return to yourApp menu saeen.
Select "Set time/date" to put in the current time and date,
Press the box underneath “HHMM.” A
numeric keypad wil appear to let
you type it the curent time.
Time and date
I Set home clty
flint-(377 '
Set torn,
in Update With.
If you mate a mistake. press the left
crow button to erase.
Press the down arrow to hide the
numeric keypad when you we done.
Press the box underneath
A numeric keypad wit appea to let
you type it the current date.
If you mare a mistake, press the left
arrow button to erase.
Press the dawn crew to hide the
numeric keypad when you as
When time and date as
set and mawn correctty.
press the “Return" key on
your watch frame to
confirm the “rtformarion,
Scroll down on the touch screen of the watch to continue
customizing alarm settings.
Select the box under "Repeat" to
choose the days you want your
darn to ring.
"Once" w! have your dam rhg
arty once your watch clock
reaches the set alum lime.
Everyday wil have your alum r'ng
daily once you watch clack
reaches the set alum time.
"CUSTOM" flows you to choose
which days of the week you want
your clam to ring.
A pop-up window wl appear to claw
you to select "On" or “Off."
Once you have made your selecfion,
press "Done,"
Press the Ccls Icon on your home
screen to access your call history.
Your smut walch wl sync with your mobile device to show you a bi
of M'ased Cals. Dialed ccls, Received cats, or all full ist of AI calls,
Select thektywwoddlketoaccess.
l‘.’ Dialed calla
W Receivedcali.
'\ AIIcaIls
Suol down to read d cal “vita. m the "Return"
button to rerun to yaucd h'storymenu.
cal history.presthe"Retun"keyon
You can select the dude source for your cal.
Pressing the "Audio Source" button wTI switch the cal from your
smut watch speaker to your smut phone.
Press agaln to switch back to the sauce iidicared on the icon.
Switch to Smut Watch Speurer Switch to smart phone
Dung a cot, you cut mute/unrnute a caT by pressing the "Mute"
button as drawn below.
Der/n Walker
Mule call Unmute cal
ANTI- LOST Anti-lost
Anti lost
. Looking phone
;I'.'l IIITS
Pres on "Antilost" to set a
notification for when you Smut
Watch is out at range ofyourAppie
orAnuoid snarl phone or tablet.
this alert.
Select the arrows ‘ri the box under "Alert type" to choose your
des'red alert type.
These Alert typeswil march yours preset rhgtorie alert choices. They
wl not be fury visible from between the arrows. but you can use the
below chon as a guide.
Once you see "Ri'ig" between the arrows, you can select you
das‘red alertbased onthe diatshown on the vigil.
I Vlb,onty
I Vthndrlng
I Vlhtherrrinq
This device compies with pat is of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subiect to the follaw'ng two conditions: (I) This device may not
caUse harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
“nterference received. including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the irnits fora Class 8 dgital device. pusuani to put 15 of the FCC
Rim. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against hamful ‘nterference in a residential instdafion Th's
equipment generates, uses and can radiate ratio frequency
energy and. if not installed and used it accordance with the
Mmctions. may curse harmful interference to radio
communications However, there is no guormtee that
‘nterference WI not occu in a puticulu instaTation, If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception. which can be determined by tuning the equipment
off and an, the user is encouraged to Try to correct the
hterference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reon'ent or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equ’pment
and receiver.
- Connect the embment into an outlet on a c'rcuit different
from that to wtich the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
Once you smart watch hirns on, it wil showyou the below home screen.
Thu rAJan
1. Bbetaath Symbol - Indicates watch is noted to a device.
2. Battery — Indicates remaining battery Tie on the Smut Watch,
3. Tme - Shows current time
4. Date - Shows today's date
5. Menu — Novigates to the Main Menu
6. Volume - Volume Aqustment for Speaker
7. Shetaath - Setup Screen for Bbetooth Pd’ng
‘ Button once to put
your Srncrt Watch in
standby mode. The
screen wi go duic
Press the Power Button a
second time to dwiay
your watch and the tlrrre,
“ Press and hold the Power
Button to unlock your Smut
Watch cnd return to you
Home Screen.
Press the Messages icon on your
home screen to view“ sent and
received messages.
rr . .
wt“ Anaoid devices.
ha 11
tom" w Before using. please download the "Fundo Companion"
m w. a...
App. See "Settings I QR Code" for instdalian details
Your smart watdi wi sync with SMS Messaging on
our phone to show your hbox and Sent Messages.
Select thefistyoumuldlretooccesssaolldowntoaccesslheufstjelect
Amber Hol.‘
Bret Stewart
Yvette Chavez
Select "Set format" to set your digital clock to show time in The
standard 12 hour format. orthe unou rrflituy format.
Time and date
I Set home city
Set time/date
Press the left or right draws to cycle through “T2" or "24." Press
the “Retun” key on your watch name to confrm your selection.
ltyou selectthe 2Mout'rne format, make sureyourfimeis input
in your watch as sum under the "Set fine/dole" section.
Select "Update with time zone" to rum the the automatic
update during Dayig'il Sav‘ngs Twne on or off.
Time and date
I Set home city
I Set time/date
a Set format
Updt with time zone
When Update actions as set and
shown correctty. pres the “Ream"
key on yourwatch frame to confirm
the information.
Keep pressing lhe "Retun" key until
you return to your "Setfings" main
i 9
A check rnuk wit appear next to the
days of the week you have set your
alarm to r'ng.
Scroll down on the screen to acces
and customize all 7 days of the week
Press the "Return" key on the watch frame IO rerun to your Alum
menu. Scrol down on the touch screen of the Watch to contnua
customizing dam settings.
Select the box under "Alum tone" to choose your alum noise.
These Alarm tones w! match your 5 preset ringtone choices. Scrol
down to occes the 5th r'riglone.
Select the arrows in the box under "Alert type" to choose you
desied alert type,
These Alert types will match your 5 preset r‘nglone alert choices. They
wl not be Titty visiblefrom between the arrows, but you can use the
below cut as a glide.
Once you see "R‘rig" between the arrows. you can select your
des'rea alert based on the chat shown on the right,
I viii, rind rlng
I VII) then ring
NOTE: The vibrating alert funrm‘on is not available on all models of the Hype
Srnarl Watch series, Hudwae updates may vary from model to model of
manufacturer cfsaetion and are subject to dimge without notice.
Press the BT mus'c icon on you
home screen to play music from
your smar watch.
Your smart watch wit connect to your smut phone or twat that 's
playing music Once it is connected. you out control meda from the
screen below.
I. Track Ncrne
2. Eapsed rm
3. Remaining Tme
4. LowerVorume
5. Increase Volume
6. Previous Track
7. Play/Pause
8. Next Track
Duriig a call. you can odpst cd settings.
Press the "Settng" button md a scrolling pooup sueen will
doped with the folovving options.
options. The'r functions are Bted
End Single cal
l Switch audio |
Hold - Places the call on hold. or takes a call off hold
awn [Dual Tone Mmtifraquanw) Bf'rigs Lp the numeric keypad
Mute - Mules / Unmute the call
End singe call - Ends the call
Mort audo path - Switches dude from yovrwatch to smut phone
Press the “Volume" button to aqust the call volume.
NOTE The vibrating alert function b not avafloble an al models of
the Hype Smut Watch series. Hardware updates may vary from
model to model at manufacturer dscrelion and are subject to
change without notice.
Press the “Confrrn” key on the smut watch
frame to set you alert.
If you are wearing youSmat Watch crid
mavefurtherthan 33 "(10m)awayfrom
you pared device. you smat watch will
alert you with yousetAnfilosf ala’t.
Press the "Confirm" key to
keep sounding The Antilosl
alert ulti you find your
Press the "Retum" key to stop
the Antilost alert because
you have located your
The condtion or iris wuranty and ou responstTties uider th‘o
wuranty are as talows:
Suppler's warranty is masterable. And this wuranfy is halted
lo the orig'ial puchaser only.
unit with 0 dated recent.
' The wurcnry is not applicable if the product has been subject to
physical cbuse, improper installation, modticotion or repair by
unauthorized trid party.
‘ The rsponsibity of supplier's predicts did be Tmited la the
repd or replacement of the predictors its sole accretion.
‘ Speciiccly exernpt from any warranty as l‘rnitedlfe
consumable components subject to normal wear and tea such
as batteries. decoratiore cnd other accessories.
' A suppfer WIT not rare any respomibiiry if the lotus of the unit has
resulted from accident. abuse, m'suse. or any unauthorized repair.
modfication or dsosserrbty.
' Modification and repa'r of the unit should be done by authorized
and audited service persorvtel. Center or returned to the
'Thiswuranfyg‘vesyouspecificlegdrights,andyou maydsa
have other rights which vuy under local laws.
The folawitg concitlons comprise the requiements and scope of
our worrcnty candrions and do not affect our logo and
contractual wuranty obligan’ons.
We offer a wuranry on our products it accordance with the
following condtiom:
I) DGL'" products are covered by an month waranry. We wi
resolve damages or defects on DGL'" products free of chage
within 12 months of the purchase date under the fotowhg
wuranty conditions. For any damage or defect determ'ned later
than T2 months after the purchase date. proof of o manufocM'ng
fault must be submitted for repa’ under warranty.
2) The waranry does not cover batteries and other parts, which
Please note. some features of your
srnatwatch are orvy avdcble to
specific devices.
At the top of each secrion of the mutual. convatbifty is shown
using the two icons below.
Onty available for Android devices.
Avdoble for Anuoid and
Apple devices.
Only available for Apple dance 5.
- Bret Stewart
' Yvette Chavez
Whenyau're donereorttgyoumsages, pres the“Retun"
buttontoreturntoyau rbaxorSerrtMessagesfolder.
Pressttie “fretum” button agci'ito retum to yourmeeag'ng folder.
When you are reorfitg your
Mesages. press the “Rehm”
button on yaurwatch frame to
return to your App menu screen.
Select "Language" to choose the language shown on you
smart watch. The default settrlg is “Etglish.”
Saol through this kt by swlp'ng your finger upwuds on your
watch touch screen. Frid your desied language. arid was its
name on the touch screen of yourwatch.
In the exunple below. "English" is chosen.
I Quick respon,.
(D Clock I Rentals
I Espanol
I Portugués
when your selection is cormrmed. your watch wil show you
"Done" and take you back to to "Settings" man screen,
Press the "Confnri" button on
the frame ofyaur smatwatch
once you have confirmed
your alarm delaib.
it. indcating that detois have been set and the clam is an.
Mill’s“ To set additiona alums, select
- 1200 AM another alarm tine from the list.
. 12:00 AM Folowdsrepsroseteadi dorm
(5 shown in this section.
I 12:00 AM
When you have fir'flied setting d desied dams, press the "Rsfun" key
Press the Calculator Icon on your
home screen to access your
A numeric keypad wl appear.
Enter in your defied calculation and press the "z" button to
calculate the result.
Press ‘Cleu‘ to clear your entry.
You can press "Back' to return to
you App menu saeen.
when you are done using your
calculator. you can use pros
the “Retim” button on your
watch frut'te to rerun To your
App menu screen.
Pfess the "Contacts list" button to access or you contacts for.
Dawn Walker
Btelle Young
Mike Moss
Atmytbnewhile usinganyofthesefunctiom flyouwantto
return to your call. you can press the "Reftlrn" key on the watch
frame to rerun to you call.
Press the "End Call" button the and a call.
Yourwarch will br'rlg you back to your Contact‘s ‘rlfo page.
When you as done using your
Phoheboak. press the "Return"
button on youwotch frame to
return to your App menu screen.
Press the Sedenluy Reminder
Icon on your home sueen to set
a rerr‘ilder not to stay sealed for
too long.
Sedenrary was
Reminder Time (ml
Use the left and rigit arrow keys to
turn the reminder on oroff.
Press inlo the time display to set the
fine of your rem'nder.
A numeric keypad wi oppeuta let
you type “n the number of m'viules
you want to wait unit your smut
watch 's reminder rings,
If you make a mistake. press the left
draw button to erase.
numeric keypad when you do done.
are considered consumwles. puts that break eddy such as gas
warranty obligation in the event of marginal afferencos
compared to the target appeuance and workmonsl'ilp provided
event of damage caused by chemicd or electrochemicd
effects, by water or generdy from cbriormal condtiors.
decide Miether To labor the defective puts or to replace them
exchange the product for a replacement product of equal vdue
it the product sent in cannot be repo‘red with’n a reasonable fime
or at a reachable cast. Requests cannot be made for repcis to
be curled out on site. Paris that have been replaced or
exchanged become cu property.
5) Wuranties that have been activated do not cause the
warranty period to be extended. nor do they trigger a new
warmly period. The warrmry period for any replacement puts
6) Any other further dams are excluded. especioty those for
replacement due to damage caused to the outside of the
product. provided there ‘5 no obtgotory legal iabil'ry. We therefore
accept no Smitty for accidentd. indirect or other consequentid
damage of any kind. which leads to usage restrictions. data loss.
and loss of earning or interruption to buuiess.
must contact the BSD“ Service Center by am at
2) DOT!” wil try to dagnase and solve your problem. If it is
Make sure your Smart Watch is turned on and fury chugea,
Make sure Bkretoalh is enabled on your smut phone or tablet and your
device is dscovercble.
NOTE Andoid users should download aid
run the "Fuido Cornoarion" App prior to
pairing with Bluetooth. See "Sett'ng / QR
Code" for instdotion details before pciing.
Press the Bluetooth icon on your
borne screen to enter Buctooth
settings saeen.
Press the word "Power" on
— l l“ I youtouch screen and
Visibllr. ensure the goon iconon
1 . the right reacts "On.“
My devtce
in My name Thiswlltumonyou
wotch's metoolh.
Press the Volume icon on your
home screen to adjust darm and
music volume.
On the next screen. use the "-" or "+" buttons on
your touch saeen to adiust volume.
These buttons wl control the volume of you music if
you are connected to yous'hatwatch.
See “Bluetoolh Music" section for more information.
@ 8T Music
Ilyou are not connecled Io "Bluetoolh Music." these
buttons wit oqust the volume of your notificat‘on
noses and watch hteroctions.
rt you do not pres the "~" or "r" button on this screen
for 3 seconds. the smut watdi w! automaticdy
rerun to your home screen.
Select “D'splay” to adiust your preierences tor automatic
Standby mode utd lCD boclag‘tt.
I Quick respon.
O Clock
h Language
» a LCD backlight
Select "Enter standby" to set the timer for standby mode.
Choosebetweenoff. l5socs. wsecs, l rn'nand Sn'm.
You may need to scroll on your touch screen to see at options.
Select "LCD backflght” to adjust screen brightness. and the
durat'an of the brigilness.
Use the sliding bars to set your desired preferences.
Enter standby
when rtplay preferences are set, press the “Return" key on your
watch frame to confrm the infumatiori.
Keep presu'ig the "Retun" key “ill you return to youApp menu.
Press the Calendu icon on your
home screen to access your
The Calendar wil immediately bring
you to today's date. higtigtiled in
lght blue.
top of the calendar to scroll to the
prev-ous' or the following months.
Press the “Confirm" key on the
smart watch from to either jump
back to today's present data after
saolng, or to jump to a specific
Press the sleep Monitor Icon on
your home saeen to monitoryou
You can pra “Back" if you
have not stuted the timer. and
you wont to rerum to WA!»
menu screen.
You cm also “Pause" and "Resume"
Monitoring time; the “me“
01:45] 6 if you wont to reset the sleep timer,
Results press the "Reset" button.
Stop flat 1
Each time you wclre, the "ResiJlrs"
section wil noteit yoursleephabits
ue good and ui‘rilerrupted or bad
and constuitry interrupted.
Press the Dialer icon on your
home sateen Io rial numbers
from a phone keypad.
A nunaic draipad wfl appeu.
Enter the number you wish to Get
inouding T v area code.
Press the "Return" button on your watch
frame to delete my misentered
Press the “Confrm” button on your
walch frame to dial the number.
Please refer to the "Phoriebook" section for details
about making calk from your short watch.
when you are done who the
Dialer. pres the “Return" button
on youwatch frame to return to
your App mem screen,
Select the arromsin the box under“Alert type" to choose your
des'red can type.
These Alert types will match your 5 preset ringione den choices. They
wlnatbehfiyvableframbehrveenthearrows. butyoucmusethe
below chat as a guide.
Once you see "Ring" between the crews. you can select you
dashed deri based on the chart shown on the light.
I Vibthennng
NOTE: The vibrating alert function “a not ovaioble on d models of the Hype
Smut Watch series. rim-aware updates may vuy froth model to model at
manufacturer accretion and are object to change without notice.
Press the "Confirm" key on the smut
watch trans to set yourreminder.
Press “Save" from the pop-up menu, or
"Cmcel" to cancel yourren'llnder.
when you are setting your
Sedenrory reminder. press the
"Return" button on your watch
frame to return to you ADD
menu screen.
delermhed that a warranty claim exists, you wil be given an RMA
mmber (Retun Material Autruization] and wil be asked to send
the product to DGLT'“,
IMPORTANT: DGL’“ will only accept parcels that have an
RMA number.
Please observe the folowtng when sending the product
1) Send the product suitably packaged with carriage and
iisurmce paid. Do not enclose any accessories with the product
(cables. chargers. mas. etc.) unless The DGL Service Center
specifies otherwise,
3) You must enclose a copy of the soles sip as proof of puchose.
4) Once DGLT"I has received the product. t W! meet its wuranty
obligations h accordance with the wuraniy conditions and wll
retun the product to the sender with curiage and ‘rlsurcncs paid.
DGLW’ can refuse any service claim made that b not covered
by the warranty.
lI DGL'Nl agrees to provide a service outside the warmly, the
customer Mi be invoiced for al repa'r and transport costs DGLT“
wil not accept dry packages that have not frst been cpproved
by DOT!” by means at an RMA [Return Material Author‘aarion).
DGl. Group guarantees the qudry of this product,
For auesfiorls or comments, pleme feel free to contact usvlo emal
at supportadglusocom.
To download a digital copy of this manual, please visit us at
Your smut watch wi send a poking code to your phone.
Make sure the codes match on your smart watch and on your
device screen.
I Power
Press the word "Visibifty" on
you touch screen and ensue
the green icon on the right
reads “On."
tablet find your watch"
Press the phrase "My Name" on
Bluetooth (amt
My devlce {1 your touch screen tosee tho immune Press "Poi" from your
. sum—n... S.-
_ . t'rst few letters at your watch s mmmx; ‘" smart phone or tablet.
paring name.
Par "Confrm" button
pm on the outer
w: frune of your
m“ smut watch.
NOTE: For Android users. after poring with Bluetoom. your
smut watch wl air you to sync date and time.
rr the Bkietooth settings for your
smart phone or tablet, sea-ch tor
nearby devices and find your watch.
rt should appear as “HY-WTCH-BT"
Select it to begin pdhg.
On your smart watch, press "My device," "Search new
devices " and select your device an the next screen.
Press the "Cont’rm" button
5“ “A on your watch frame to fin‘sh
Lh- mm
the sync proceu.
m we?
Your watch shoud confmi
with “Success"
- - CID
11,.5.2..,7~ CID
Press the Menu icon on your Press the Settings Icon on you
home screen to see you home screen to adjust Serf-1g on
avdable smart watch Apps. you smut watch.
uick Response Code" wfll display the Setup QR code.
El" El
Please note. ttis QR code is to be Used torquick setup md pai'rtg at
you smut watch with you smart phone or tablet.
screen. pres the "Scrol" button on
you watch frame to scroll to the
next page.
You cut also sorol through your
Apps by sw'p‘ng left or right on
your touch screen.
A' any time whle wing AWr we“ This feature B arty avairtle for Android deVices.
the "Return" key to return to the
Using you Android smart phone. scan the QR code from your smut
previous page, , ..
watch. open and Trek! the "Fundo Companion App in order to
Eventudty, you wl be taken back auick who your messages. push notifications, and date and line.
to the horrie page. .
Install the downloaded App me have it ready and ninhing on your
: Anuoid device before Buetooth pa'hg.
TA 15
Pres the Power Save icon on Press the R'nglone Icon on your
yourhorne screen to set or tun home saeen to set your r'ng. or
off PawerSove mode, alum notifications,
Power Save made wit attempt to put your watch on standby as
Select "Alert " i hoose how watch sh uld act hen
much as possible to conserve battery ife. ”De 0 C you 0 w
alerting you of notifications.
If Power Save is turned on, the
watch wi amomaticolly atternpf
toconserve batterylife. D I my
I we and ring
. . I vii: rim mi;
It will override any settngs you
have entered in the ”Display”
menu at your Settings.
NOTE The vibrating clert function "5 not available an cl modes of
the Hype Smut Watch series. Hardware updates may vuy from
model to model of manufacturer discretion and are subiect to
change without notice.
Once Power Save 3 selected. your watch wil show that your
sdectlon ls “Done."
Select "Rhg type" to choose hawyourwatch should ring,
Your walch wi take you back to your App menu screen.
Press "Jump to date" in order to input
-l ...|rm aspectfcdateyouwanttoseeon
Go to today thecuendu.
Press into the data display.
A numeric keypad wl upped to let you
m your edema owe“ Press the Pedometer Icon on your
Please type according lo the below “me $086" to access your
format: YEARMODA tar.
t if you mare a mistake. pres the left arrow
n button '° erase, “me: You Pedometer has a bijt—‘n
or . . y",- a,
I" T b Prestne down urawto hide the numeric OOHSOOOO and step counter.
“aim" ”me“ if” “3 “me- 0 Press “Slut" to start the timer and
the step counter.
Starr Her K
Pres the “Confrm” key on the
smut walch frame 10 "CM! your You can press “Back" If you have not sluted the timer, and you wont
cdendajumptothedateyou roretumtoyourAppmenusueen
You can (30 "Pause" and
"Resume" the laser,
ltyouwanfto resetthetimer‘ and
your step counter, press the
When you are done using "Reel" button.
your Calendar. press the
"Retun" button on your
watch frame to return to
YOU APP "19W 5099“ The bumn sensor on yous'nort watch Mil track you movements
and count your steps.
so ' 3T
if you have reset your Sleep
Monitor timer. you can press
"Back" to return to your App
menu screen.
Press the Ptioriebook Icon on you
home screen to access you
contacts ibr.
We irr- . .
07. 45'16 Whe" YOU fire him usmg YW Please note. you wll need to dsconnect from "BT rnuslc'
n. ' Sleep MoflltOT- press the "Fell-m" before your smut watch can access your contacts kt. If your
(mt key 0“ the WC" frame To Tell!“ smart watch asks you to disconnect. press the Confrrn button
"my dear to your ADD menu SUBCTL on the watch frame before proceed'lg.
You Phonebaak will connect to
your phone and show you you
contacts Est.
The Frst number is you number.
Estelle Young Press It to view detols.
Mike Moss
Your contact wI always be
. named "My number." You
My number mobile nunber is [sled below,
Mobile number
4234567890 Press the “Return" key on your
watch frame to go back to your
contacts fist.
38 39
Press the “Confrm” button on you watch frame To take a photo.
Wait toryour smut watch to finish taking the photo.
The photo prewew' wi freeze on your watch screen. The photo wfll
use save to yaurAndrald‘s camera rot.
Press the BT cunera Icon on your
home screen to acces the
remote shutter button.
I'h‘eAppcuionrybeusedananut J
watches pared with Android devices.
Press the "Return" button on your watch frame to return to your
36er who. please dawrload the camera preview to tclre another photo.
"Futao Companion" App. See "Settings/
OR Code" for hstolah'on detals.
NOTE: of camera only accesses the outward facing camera ofyour
Anaoid device. it will not mow you to Ilp your curlera to face
yourself to take setfies.
The ST camera wTI connect to your Anuoid
device's buitin camera and work as a remote
shutter button.
You can see a lam-resolution preview of your
phone‘s camera. When you are done using the BT
Camera shutter button. press
the "Retim" button on your
watch frcrne to return to your
App menu screen.
when swtlcti‘ng from portrait to luiclscape, give
yauynart watch a couple seconds to sync the
image preview before toting a photo.
46 47
Select the arrows in the box under “Alert type" to choose your
desired deft type.
These Alert types Mil match your 5 preset ringtone cert choices. They
below chat as a gurde’ .
Once you see "Ring" between the arrows. you can select you
desired alert based on the chat shown on the right.
Press the Drink Water Reminder
icon onyourhamescreentoset
a reminder to dink water
consistently tivoug'iout the day. . vii, rid rlng
. Vb then ring
NOTE: The vibrating alert funct'on “s not avoioble on all models of the Hype
Smart Watch series. Hadwac updates may vary from model to model of
manufacturer discretion and are subject to change without notice.
Use the left and vigil arrow keys to
turn the reminder on or off.
Press the "Confirm" key on the smut
Press into the fime display to set the watch trurie to set your reminder.
time of your remnder' .
A numeric keypad wit appear to let Press "Save" from the popup menu, or
you type in the mirror; of nilutes "Cancer lo cancel vourrerninder.
you want to wa'n unri your smut
wotch‘s rern'rider rings.
reminder Time [in]
If you make a mistake. press the left
arrow button to erase.
numeric keypad when you ue done.
When you are setting you Drink
Water rem-toe” r, press the
"Return" button on you watch
from to rerun to you App
menu screen.
Any Changes or medications not expressly approved by the
party respomble for compliance could void the user‘s authority to
operate the ecruoment,
This equ‘pment complies with FCC radiation emosure knits set forth
for an uncontrolled env'ronmenl .
This transmitter must not be co—located or operat'ng in corjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter.

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