DISH Technologies FSK64R Replacement Remote for Satellite Receiver User Manual 167820 01 6 4 Guide Main Text

Echostar Technologies LLC Replacement Remote for Satellite Receiver 167820 01 6 4 Guide Main Text

Users Manual

Table of ContentsQuick SetupConfirm Your Receiver Model ...............................................S-1Install Your Selected Key.......................................................S-2Insert the Batteries.................................................................S-2Making the Remote Work with Your Receiver .......................S-3Program the Remote to Control Your TV...............................S-4Programming the Recover Button for TV2 Operation............S-5Placing Your Remote in Limited Mode...................................S-6OperationIf You Lose Your Picture ........................................................S-6SAT Mode ..............................................................................S-7TV Mode ................................................................................S-8VCR Mode .............................................................................S-9Remote Control Overview......................................................... 1Using the Guide ........................................................................ 1Remote Control Modes............................................................. 1How the Remote Communicates .............................................. 2Programming for Other Equipment........................................... 2Combination Equipment (for example, TV/VCR)...................... 2Limited Mode ............................................................................ 3Fixed Channel Mode................................................................. 3Setting (or Changing) Fixed Channel Mode for TV/VCR.......... 3Removing Fixed Channel Mode for TV/VCR ............................ 3Programming Using Equipment Code Tables........................... 4Scanning for Equipment Codes ................................................ 6Switching Between TV and Amplifier Volume      Control ................................................................................ 7Programming the Remote to Control a Second Receiverin AUX Mode ...................................................................... 8Reading Out the Remote Control Codes .................................. 9Discrete Codes for Learning Remotes.....................................11Avoiding Remote Conflicts...................................................... 12Changing the Remote and Receiver Address ........................ 12Changing the UHF Frequency Using the A/B Switch—DISH Player-DVR 942, Duo ViP® 222,        DuoDVR™ ViP® 622 DVR, and        DuoDVR™ ViP® 722 DVR Only ...................................... 13Setting Up a TV1 UHF Pro Remote for theDuoDVR™ 522 and DuoDVR™ 625 Only ....................... 14Equipment Codes ................................................................... 16Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 24Regulatory Factors................................................................. 26Your Remote Control Codes..........................Inside Back CoverREMOTE CONTROL USER GUIDE
Use the key that looks like thisUse the key that looks like this1If yourreceiverlooks like one of these...If yourreceiver looks like one of these...If yourreceiver looks like one of these...If your receiver looks like one of these...If yourreceiver looks like this...Use the key that looks like thisDISH 501 & DISH 508 / DISH Player-DVR 510DISH 6000DISH 721DuoDVR™ 522DuoDVR™ 625Use the key that looks like thisS-1Solo ViP® 211kDISH 411 & Solo ViP® 211then Select the Right KeyRemote keys are included in this replacement remote kit.Quick SetupKeys have two sides.Look on both sides to findthe right key for your remote.ORIRUHFProORIRUHFProSolo DVR ViP® 612Use the key that looks like thisConfirm Your Receiver ModelDuo ViP® 222 & DuoDVR™ ViP® 622DuoDVR™ ViP®722DISH JVC IRRThe remote functions as needed in regards to watching yoursatellite television and VCR.  It does not rewind or fast forwardwhile watching a recorded VCR tape.
AB1S-2ABBatteryBattery1ABBatteryBatterySeparate the keyfrom the remoteby inserting your thumbnail or a coinin the crease. Remove the key by grasping at the bottom.Insert face up the key you selected on the previous page.Pull the remotebatterycover off.Note: If you are using the blue TV2 key that comesalready installed in your remote, skip this step andproceed with the next step (Insert the Batteries).Install Your Selected Key2Insert the Batteries3121Replacetheremotebatterycover.Insert 4 AAA batteries,making sure to match the plus (+) ends with the plus markings on the battery case.2Quick Setup3
S-3Quick SetupRECORDTurn your receiver andTV on, and pressSYSTEM INFO on thefront of the receiver.Confirm that yousee the SystemInformation screen.Press RECORD onyour remote. The remoteaddress probably changes on the screen.Using your remote, select Done on the System Info screen to confirm that your remote operates your receiver. If your remote has a blue number 2 key, you may need to go to your remote TV2 location to confirm your remote operates your receiver. If this is not working, go back to step 5.Making the Remote WorkWith Your Receiver4321564REMOTEANTENNAIf you installed aUHF key, make surethe UHF antenna isinstalled on the backof the receiver.        Green(not black)UHF Pro SymbolIf you installed one of these keys,continue with step 2on this page. If you installed thiskey, go to page 14inside this guide.
S-4Quick SetupTurn yourTV on.Press & hold theTV Mode buttonuntil all Modebuttons light up.PressPOWER.Press the UP ARROWon the remote repeatedly(about 1 press per second)until your TV turns off.PressPOUND.The TV Mode buttonflashes three times.Press the POWERbutton to turn the TV onand try other buttonsto make sure the codeworks. If you want to tryanother code, start overfrom step 1.Program the Remote toControl Your TV123456
S-5Quick SetupProgramming theRecover Button forTV2 OperationFor TV2 Remote Controls onDuoDVR™ 522, DuoDVR™ 625,Duo ViP® 222, DuoDVR™ViP® 622 DVR,and DuoDVR™ViP® 722 DVR ReceiversPressSTAR.PressPOUND.12Press & hold theTV Mode buttonuntil all Modebuttons light up. Enter the channelnumber you tuneyour TV to when youwatch satelliteprogramming.43Use the RECOVER button as described inIf You Lose Your Picture on the next page (S-6).Programming your RECOVER button allows youto easily regain satellite programming if youaccidentally change TV channels or inputs.
Quick Setup/OperationS-6SELECTPress and hold RECOVER until allmode buttons light up.If you see System Info, livetelevision, or the standbyscreen, proceed to step 4.Otherwise, continue to step 3.Press RECOVER again & wait untilthe mode lights stop flashing. If yousee System Info, live television, or the standby screen, go to step 4. If not, repeat this step until you do.Press SELECT to resume watching TV.Use the RECOVER button to get back to watchingsatellite programming if you accidentally changechannels or inputs on your TV.Placing Your Remotein Limited ModeIf You Lose Your Picture(How to Use the RECOVER Button)PressPOUND.Press & hold theTV Mode buttonuntil all Modebuttons light up.2311234Press thePAGE UPbutton.PAGETo take the remote out of Limited Mode, use the PAGE DOWNbutton instead of the PAGE UP button in step 2.(Your screen may be different)Limited Mode locks out all the TV mode operations exceptfor TV power, Mute, and Volume. This prevents you fromaccidentally tuning away from satellite programming.
S-7OperationRemote OperationSAT ModeSATReceiver Power& TV PowerReceiver MenuProgram GuideArrows/SelectButtonsView SatelliteProgrammingDigital VideoRecorder (DVR)ButtonsPicture-In-Picture(PIP) ButtonsNumber ButtonsTop button turns thereceiver on and offBottom button turnsthe TV on and offProgramming required(see S-4)Channel up/down,navigate throughmenus/guides andselect a desiredoptionExit out of any menu/guide and go back toviewing live TVDISHExplore interactiveTV featuresBrowseSee what is on otherchannels whilewatching TVEnter a channelnumber or selectmenu itemsSearchSearch for a programWatch two separateprograms at once (in Single Mode if availableon your receiver)RecoverRecovers satelliteprogramming if yourTV input or channelhas changedFormatFormat the pictureto the desired widthto match the programyou are viewing(this feature varies by receiver)Display current andfuture satelliteprogram listingsPage ButtonsPage up/down inmenusControl TV volumeProgramming required (see S-4)Access receiverfeatures and settingsThemesSearch for programsusing ThemesRecallGo back to lastchannel viewedInfoDisplay program infoPause live TV andplay or recordprogrammingVolume & Mute ButtonsTo use the features described in this section, makesure you are in SAT mode by pressing the SAT Mode button.Note: Some features may not be available depending on your receiver model.Press thisbutton forSAT ModeRemote key maybe different thanwhat is shown here
S-8OperationRemote OperationTV ModeTo use the features described in this section, makesure you are in TV mode by pressing the TV Mode button.Remote programming is required. See S-4 for instructions.Note: Remote operation can be different on TVs.See your TV User's Guide for proper operation.TVTV PowerTV MenuUp/Down ArrowButtonsPicture-In-Picture(PIP) ButtonsNumber ButtonsTop & bottombuttonTurn TV on/offChannel up/downon TVEnter a desiredchannel numberon TVDisplay PIP featureson some TVs withPIP capabilitiesVolumeControl TVvolumeAccess menufeatures available onsome TVsTV/VideoSwitch betweenTV inputs(not availableon all TVs)MuteTurn TV volumeon or offRecallGo back to lastTV channel viewedPress thisbutton forTV ModeRemote key maybe different thanwhat is shown here
S-9OperationRemote OperationVCR ModeVCRVCR/DVD Power& TV PowerTV/Video Up/Down ArrowButtonsFWDNumber ButtonsTop button turnsthe VCR/DVDplayer on and offBottom button turnsthe TV on and offChannel up/downon VCRForward a videotapeor DVDPlayPlay a videotapeor DVDPausePause a videotapeor DVDEnter a desiredchannel numberon VCRSwitch VCR betweenits TV & VCR modeBackRewind a videotapeor reverse a DVDStopStop playingor recording avideotape, or stopplaying a DVDRecordRecord on avideotapeTo use the features described in this section, makesure you are in VCR mode by pressing the VCR Mode button.You can use this mode to operate your DVD player instead of a VCR.Remote programming is required. See page 2 for instructions.Press thisbutton forVCR ModeRemote key maybe different thanwhat is shown here
 1REMOTE CONTROL OVERVIEWUse this full-function remote to control a variety of DISH receivers.   Also, you can program the remote to control most of the popular brands of audio/video equipment like a TV, VCR, DVD player, or a second DISH satellite receiver. See Programming for Other Equipment on page 2.Note: This remote control may have features not used by your receiver. USING THE GUIDEThis guide makes it easy to set up and use your remote control. By now you’ve noticed that the pages at the beginning of this User Guidecontain information on quick set up and remote control operation.The rest of the guide contains in-depth information to help you get the most from your remote control, including controlling other equipment like TVs, VCRs, and DVD players.REMOTE CONTROL MODESUse the remote control’s mode buttons to set the remote to the correct mode for the equipment. Be sure to program the remote to control other equipment as described on page 2.To change the mode, press the button for the equipment you want to control. The mode button lights for two seconds to show you’ve set the remote to that mode.Great Idea: Whenever you finish using other equipment (TV, VCR, DVD, etc.) be sure to put the remote back in SAT mode.
2If you program the remote to control other equipment, refer to the following for remote control operation instructions:•TVs, page S-8 (at the beginning of this guide). •VCRs and DVD players, page S-9.•DISH satellite receivers, page S-7.•Stereo equipment uses only these buttons: SELECT (to change inputs), MUTE,VOLUME, and POWER.HOW THE REMOTE COMMUNICATESDepending on how the remote is set up, the remote control may use UHF radio signals, IR signals, or both to control the receiver. However, only IR signals are used to control other equipment.•IR signals travel short distances (up to 40 feet) and cannot go through walls or other solid objects. Point the remote control directly at the equipment you want to control, with no objects to block the signal path.•UHF signals travel longer distances than IR signals and can go through walls and other solid objects. Because these signals travel so far, the receiver may respond to signals from other nearby remote controls. To handle this problem, you may want to change the remote and receiver addresses (see page 12).•If you’re set up to use UHF, make sure that the UHF remote antenna is attached to the receiver’s back panel REMOTEANTENNA input so it can receive the UHF remote signals.PROGRAMMING FOR OTHER EQUIPMENTPage S-4 at the beginning of this guide shows you how to program the remote to control a TV. The following section uses a different method to program the remote to control a TV or other equipment (such as a VCR, DVD player, tuner, amplifier, or a second TV). You can program the remote by either following the instructions in Programming Using Equipment Code Tables on page 4, or the Scanning for Equipment Codes procedure described on page 6.COMBINATION EQUIPMENT (FOR EXAMPLE, TV/VCR)When programming the remote to control combination equipment, such as a TV/VCR or a TV/DVD, program the remote control in one mode, and then repeat the procedure in the other mode. For example, to program the remote to control a Magnavox TV/VCR using code 887, follow the instructions to program the remote to control the TV using
 3code 887, and then repeat the instructions for the VCR using code 797. Put the remote in TV mode to use the TV or VCR mode to use the VCR.LIMITED MODEYou can program your remote control in Limited Mode to keep from accidentally changing the channel on your TV or VCR. When Limited Mode is enabled, you cannot select TV mode. If you press the TV button while TV mode is programmed in Limited Mode, the TV button flashes and the SAT button lights, telling you cannot switch to TV mode. The remote then moves back to SAT mode.When you use the remote to control your TV in Limited Mode, you are only able to use the POWER, MUTE, and VOLUME buttons to control your TV. Also, when you use the remote to control your VCR in Limited Mode, you are only able to use the POWER and VCR function buttons. The section Programming Using the Equipment Code Tables has a step that tells the remote control to go into Limited Mode. Also, a quick way to put the remote in Limited Mode is on page S-6. Note: Limited Mode cannot be used with audio amplifiers.FIXED CHANNEL MODEYou can program your remote control in Fixed Channel Mode to automatically set the TV and/or VCR to a given channel when you press either RECOVER or the SAT button.  SETTING (OR CHANGING) FIXED CHANNEL MODE FOR TV AND/OR VCR1Press and hold the TV or VCR mode button until all four mode lights illuminate.2Press the STAR key (*). Enter a channel, using two or three digits between 02 and 125. For example, to set channel 25, enter *25.3Press the POUND (#) key.  The TV or VCR mode button flashes three times.
4REMOVING FIXED CHANNEL MODE FOR TV AND/OR VCR1Press and hold the TV or VCR mode button until all four mode lights illuminate.2Press the STAR (*) key followed by two zeros (*00).3Press the POUND (#) key. The TV or VCR mode button flashes three times.PROGRAMMING USING EQUIPMENT CODE TABLESYou can set up the remote to control other equipment using the equipment code tables listed on page 16 and the modes as shown on page 1. To control a receiver in AUX mode, see page 8.Instructions Additional Information1Turn the equipment on. Use the equipment’s front panel buttons or its remote control.2Find the brand name of the equipment in the tables starting on page 16. If the brand isn’t listed, see Scanning for Equipment Codes on page 6.3Press and hold the mode button until all the other mode buttons light up, and then let go of the button. The mode button flashes.For example, hold the TV mode button for a TV until all of the other mode buttons light. When you let go, TV mode button  flashes.4For AUX mode only. Press 0 for a second TV, or 1 for a second VCR, or 2 for a tuner, or amplifier.This step is for programming the kind of equipment that should be programmed in AUX mode. If you’re not programming in AUX mode, skip to step 5.5Enter one of the three-digit equipment codes from the table using the number buttons. The three-digit equipment code should be for the brand name of your equipment that you found in step 2.
 56If you want to program Limited Mode, press 1.If not, skip to step 7.See Limited Mode on page 3 for more information.7Press POUND (#).  If you entered the code correctly, the mode button flashes three times.8Press POWER to turn off the equipment. If the equipment does not turn off, go to step 10.If the code works, the equipment should turn off.9Turn the equipment back on and try some other buttons to make sure they work. If the code works for other buttons, stop here. Note:  If you have programmed your remote in Limited Mode, only the MUTE and VOLUME buttons work.For example, sometimes POWER works when other buttons don’t. 10 If the code doesn’t work, repeat steps 3 through 9 with another equipment code from the tables.Try every code listed for your brand until one works for your equipment.11 If you can’t find a code that works, try Scanning for Equipment Codes that follows.Instructions Additional Information
6SCANNING FOR EQUIPMENT CODESInstructions Additional Information1Turn the equipment on. Use the equipment’s front panel buttons or its remote control.2Press and hold the mode button until all the other mode buttons light up, and then let go of the button. The mode button flashes.For example, hold the TV mode button for a TV until all of the other mode buttons light. When you let go, TV mode button flashes.3For AUX mode only. Press 0 for a second TV, 1 for a second VCR, or 2 for a tuner, or amplifier. Then press the STAR (*) button.This step is for programming the kind of equipment that should be programmed in AUX mode. If you’re not programming in AUX mode, skip to step 4. 4Press POWER. This step puts your remote in the scan mode.5Press either the UP or DOWN ARROW repeatedly until the equipment turns off.As you press the UP or DOWN ARROW, the remote tries each code in the memory to see if it can turn off your equipment. When the equipment turns off, you have found a code that might work.Note: The mode button for the equipment flashes rapidly eight times when you’ve scanned all the codes for that equipment.6Press POUND (#). The mode button flashes three times if you have entered the code correctly. This step stores the code you found.
 7SWITCHING BETWEEN TV AND AMPLIFIER VOLUME CONTROLWhen you set up the remote to control a TV, the MUTE and VOLUME buttons control the TV volume, even if your remote control is in SAT mode. However, if you want to use the AUX mode to control a tuner or amplifier that has a volume setting, you can set up the remote to control the tuner or amplifier’s volume instead of the TV volume while your remote control is in SAT mode. Follow the instructions in the left column to switch controlling volume in AUX mode. To change back to controlling the TV volume in SAT mode, follow the instructions in the right column.7Turn the equipment back on and try some other buttons to make sure they work.Press POWER to turn the equipment back on. Try some other buttons to make sure they work. Sometimes POWER works when other buttons don’t.8If necessary, repeat this procedure until you’ve tried all the codes.You may need to repeat the scan to find the best code for your equipment.9Once you find a code that works, consider using Limited Mode.See page S-6, Placing Your Remote in Limited Mode for putting your remote in Limited Mode.Control Amplifier Volume  Control TV Volume 1Press and hold the AUX mode button for three seconds, and then let go of it. The AUX mode button blinks.1Press and hold the TV mode button for three seconds, and then let go of it. The TV mode button blinks.2Press the POUND (#) button. 2Press the POUND (#) button.Instructions Additional Information
8PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE TO CONTROL A SECONDRECEIVER IN AUX MODEIf you have another DISH satellite receiver in stalled, you can use this remote in AUX mode to control it along with your new receiver. When you program the remote to control the other receiver, the remote sends out IR and UHF (not UHF Pro) signals to the receiver. You can program the remote to control any other DISH satellite receiver, except for following:•TV2 on Duo 322, DuoDVR 522 (also known as DISH Player-DVR 522), DuoDVR 625 (also known as DISH Player-DVR 625), DISH Player-DVR 942, Duo ViP 222 (also known as ViP 222), DuoDVR ViP 622 DVR (also known as ViP 622 DVR), and DuoDVR ViP 722 DVR (also known as ViP 722 DVR)•DishPlayer 7100/72001Turn on the other receiver. Use the SYSTEM INFO button on the front panel to open the System Info screen.3Press the plus (+) side of the VOLUME button. 3Press the plus (+) side of the VOLUME button.4Press the 0 number button. 4Press the 0 number button.5Press the POUND (#)button. 5Press the POUND (#)button.The AUX mode button flashes three times. The TV mode button flashes three times.MAKE SURE THE REMOTECONTROLS THE AMPLIFIER’SVOLUME:MAKE SURE THE REMOTECONTROLS THE TV’SVOLUME:6Press the SAT mode button. 6Press the SAT mode button.7Press the plus (+) and minus (-) sides of the VOLUME button. 7Press the plus (+) and minus (-) sides of the VOLUME button.8The equipment’s volume changes and the AUX mode button lights instead of the TV mode button.8The TV’s volume changes and the TV mode button lights instead of the AUXmode button.Control Amplifier Volume  Control TV Volume
 9Note:  If you aren’t sure how to access the System Info screen or if there isn’t a SYSTEM INFO button on the front panel of your receiver, check your receiver’s User Guide.Write down the address shown: 2Press and hold the AUX button until all the other mode buttons light up, and then let go of the button. The AUX button flashes.3Press the 3 button.4Use the NUMBER PAD to enter the address you wrote in step 1.5Press POUND (#). The AUX button blinks three times.6Press RECORD to make sure the address in the remote matches the address on the receiver.READING OUT THE REMOTE CONTROL CODESThese instructions explain how to check the remote control code you put in the remote control when you set it up. Be sure to write them in the spaces provided on the inside back cover.Instructions Additional Information1Press and hold the mode button for the equipment you want the remote to control. When all the other mode buttons light up, let go of the mode button—that mode button should now be flashing. For example, hold the TV mode button for a TV until all of the other mode buttons light. When you let go, the TV mode button flashes.2Press the POUND (#) button twice. The mode button flashes the number for each digit of the equipment code, with a pause between the groups of flashes. A quick flash is for zero.For example, if the code is 570, the mode button flashes five times, pauses, flashes seven times, pauses, and quick flashes for zero.
12AVOIDING REMOTE CONFLICTSWhen your remote control uses UHF, you may experience interference from other nearby remotes. In situations where neighbors are near (apartments, townhouses, etc.), your receiver could be picking up signals from your neighbors’ remotes. The instructions in this section describe how to avoid remote conflicts.CHANGING THE REMOTE AND RECEIVER ADDRESSOne quick way to avoid remote conflicts is by changing the address on your remote and receiver. If you notice that your receiver is changing channels or opening menus but you’re not using the remote control, a quick change of address should fix the problem.1Press SYSTEM INFO on the receiver's front panel. The System Info screen displays and shows the Remote Address.Note:  If you aren’t sure how to access the System Info screen or if there isn’t a SYSTEM INFO button on the front panel of your receiver, check your receiver’s User Guide.Write down the remote address of the UHF remote: 2Press and hold SAT on your UHF remote control (associated with the TV which is having interference issues) for about three seconds, until all of the mode buttons light up, and then let go of SAT.3Use the NUMBER PAD to enter any number between 1 and 16, but not the one you wrote in step 1.4Press POUND (#). If you entered the address correctly, SAT flashes three times. Write down the number you entered in the space provided on the inside back cover.5Press RECORD. Make sure the Remote Address you see on the System Info screen is the same as the one you entered in step 3. If it isn't, the remote cannot control the receiver. Press RECORD a second time.6Select Done to close the System Info screen.
 13CHANGING THE UHF FREQUENCY USING THE A/B SWITCH—DISH PLAYER-DVR 942, DUO VIP 222, DUODVR VIP 622 DVR, AND DUODVR VIP 722 DVR ONLYYour remote has a switch to change the UHF frequency that your remote control uses. It comes preset to the A position but you can change the setting to the B position to lessen the likelihood of any other UHF remote interfering with yours. 1Remove the battery cover from the remote control.2Use a small screwdriver or a paper clip to carefully change the setting.3Put the battery cover back on the remote control.4Use the SYSTEM INFO button on the front panel to open the System Info screen.5Press RECORD on the remote control.6Make sure the remote address on the System Info screen shows the correct band information:•Switch Position A—IR/UHF Pro Band A•Switch Position B—IR/UHF Pro Band BAll receiver models, except the DISH Player-DVR 942, ViP 222, ViP 622 DVR, and ViP 722 DVR, must use switch position A or the remote does not control the receiver.BatteryAB
14SETTING UPA TV1 UHF PRO REMOTE FOR THEDUODVR 522 AND DUODVR 625 ONLYUse these special instructions only if you are going to use the green 1 UHF Pro key to control the TV1 side of your DuoDVR 522 or 625 (also known as DISH Player-DVR 522 or 625). When you are finished setting up the remote control, you’ll be able to operate the TV1 side of your DuoDVR 522 or DuoDVR 625 from long distances.1Make sure the key is installed as described on pages S-1 and S-2.2Make sure the UHF Antenna is attached to the REMOTE ANTENNA input on the back of the receiver.3Using the receiver’s front panel buttons, press MENU. Select the following on-screen items in this sequence:a. System Setupb. Installationc. TV1 UHF Pro Setup4Select Enable from the TV1 UHF Pro Setup screen.5Select System Info to open the System Info screen.
 156Use the ARROW buttons to move the highlight to the TV1 remote address (the   Rem Addr box as shown below). This is important—if you do not move the highlight, your remote changes the receiver's TV2 remote address (the   Rem Addr box) and causes your Remote Control 1 to control the TV2 side of your receiver. 7Press the RECORD button on the green TV1 remote control you are setting up. If you get a warning that tells you to pick another address, continue on to the next step. If no warning appears, go to  step 15 of this procedure.8Select OK using the front panel button to clear the warning message and return to the System Info screen. 9On the remote control, press and hold the SAT mode button for about three seconds, until all the mode buttons light up, and then let go of the SAT button. The SAT mode button blinks.10 Use the number buttons to enter any number from 1 to 16, except for the address shown for   on your screen.Write down the number you entered: 11 Press the POUND (#) button. If you entered the address correctly, the SAT mode button flashes three times.12 Highlight the   Rem Addr using the ARROW buttons on the front panel of the receiver.13 Press RECORD.14 Make sure the System Info screen shows   UHF and that this address matches the number you entered in step 10.15 Using the remote, select Done to close the System Info screen. If nothing happens, use the front panel buttons to highlight  the   Rem Addr. Press RECORD, and then select Done.hiDeviceRem AddrTV Ch Out35TUHFiNote: Highlight the   Rem Addr (the lighter area in the graphic above) using the ARROW buttons on the remote.
16Abex 730Action 662Admiral 521 605 675Aiko 727Akai 570 573 906 907 908Alleron 682A-Mark 620Amtron 657Anam National 509 541 620 651 657 698AOC 505 506 519 520 573 620 627 652 653 654Apex 743 744 745 757 814 815 Archer 620Audiovox 620 657 662Baycraft 536Belcor 652Bell & Howell 590 675 683Bradford 657Brockwood 627 652Broksonic 562 748 752Candle 506 523 525 536 627 652 654Candle/Citizen 573Capehart 519 627Circuit City 627Citizen 506 516 523 524 525 526 590 652 654 657 658 680 727Colortyme 573 627 652 654Concerto 523 652 654Contec Cony 662Contec/Cony 541 655 657 726Craig 536 541 657 662 694Crown 526 536 657Curtis Mathes 506 516 526 573 590 641 645 650 652 654 658 680 683 703 708CXC 541 657 662Cytron 903 904Daewoo 505 524 526 529 530 531 573 630 652 653 654 658 684 698 719 727 816Daytron 526 627 652 654 658Dell 772 773 774Dimensia 645 650DISH Network 722, 742, 763Dixi 566 620Dumont 501 627 652Electrohome 526 573 651 652 654 656 709 728Emerson 526 534 536 541 573 590 627 636 642 648 652 654 655 657 658 662 682 683 692 696 699 720 816Envision 506 573 652 654Fisher 542 590 683Fortress 573Fujitsu 534 682 694Funai 534 541 657 662 682 694Futuretech 541 657 694GE 508 509 543 544 630 645 646 650 651 652 654 676 690 691 698 701 715 716 725 728 742 779 809 859General Electric 627Gibralter 501 652Goldstar 505 523 526 545 546 566 573 652 653 654 655 656 658 693 730Granada 627Grand 627Grunpy 657 682Hallmark 627 652 654Harman Kardon 561Harvard 657Hinari 534Hisense 759Hitachi 523 526 548 549 553 554 555 585 597 626 636 638 643 648 652 654 655 702 718 726 786 788 789 790 791 792 801 802HP 911 912IMA 657Infinity 566JBL 566JC Penney 505 506 516 525 526  »EQUIPMENT CODESThese tables contain the manufacturer codes for programming the remote to control your TV, a VCR, DVD player, or audio amplifier. Every attempt has been made to include all codes. If your equipment brand is not listed or if the codes do not work, the remote may not control your equipment. In some cases codes may operate some but not all buttons shown in this guide. TV CODESProgramming in AUX mode: Use these codes to program in TV mode; however, if programming in AUX mode, press 0 before entering the TV code.
 17JC Penney (Continued) 543 546 631 645 646 650 652 653 654 658 676 680 690 691 701 725 726 728 730Jensen 556 573 652 654JVC 508 557 559 642 649 655 676 726 735 736 737 812 817Kawasho 548 561 573 652 654Kenwood 506 573 652 654 656Kloss 561 610Kloss Novabeam 657 698 723 724KTV 526 541 573 657 658 662 696LG 653 766Lloyds 627Lloytron 526Loewe 566Logik 675Luxman 523 652 654LXI 563 566 590 595 617 631 635 645 646 650 654 683 691 701 725Magnasonic 573Magnavox 506 520 525 536 566 567 568 573 610 652 654 656 723 724 729 762 818 887 888Majestic 675Marantz 506 566 573 652 654Megatron 627 654Memorex 590 627 653 654 675 683 720MGA 504 505 506 542 571 573 627 652 653 654 656 728Midland 501 646 658 676 725 730Mitsubishi 504 505 542 570 571 572 573 597 623 627 652 653 654 656 705 728 787 799 804Mitsui 769Montgomery Ward 500 505 506 534 543 567 568 675Motorola 521 605 651MTC 505 506 516 523 573 627 652 653 654 680Multitech 657NAD 502 617 627 631 635 637 654National 509NEC 505 506 507 517 523 573 627 651 652 653 654 731 732Nikkai 612Nikko 654 727Normandic 717Novabeam 561NTC 727Nyon 701Olevia 910Onwa 541 657Optimus 637Optonica 521 605 607Orion 694Osaki 612Panasonic 508 509 512 566 644 651 662 676 685 689 698 700 716 734 761 765 780 784 811 819 820 821 822 823 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 889 890 900Philco 505 506 525 536 568 573 610 651 652 653 654 655 656 723 724 729Philips 525 566 651 652 655 656 690 723 724 729 770 782 824 825 826 827 828 891 892 893 894Philips Magnavox 782 826 827 828 829Pilot 652 658Pioneer 502 548 576 636 637 648 652 654 708Polaroid 766Portland 505 526 573 652 653 654 658 727Price Club 680Prism 676Proscan 645 646 650 691 725 742 857Proton 513 519 526 536 585 627 652 654 655ProView 902Pulsar 501 652Quasar 508 509 651 676 698 700 860 861 862 895 896Radio Shack 526 541 590 607 612 645 662 683 698Radio Shack/Realistic 590 607 650 652 654 655 657 658 683 730RCA 503 505 548 630 633 634 636 641 645 646 648 650 651 652 653 654 656 691 698 701 708 715 716 725 742 749 776 805 830 831 832 863 864Realistic 590 645 683Runco 501Sampo 506 519 652 654 658 698 730 746Samsung 505 506 516 523 526 566 573 612 627 647 652 653 654 655 656 658 680 704 717 730 738 755 833 858 897Samwon 620Sansui 754 834Sanyo 542 590 652 683SBR 566Schneider 566Scotch 654Scott 526 534 541 600 652 654 655 657 662 682 696 701TV CODES (CONTINUED)
18TV CODES (CONTINUED)Sears 523 534 542 563 590 595 601 604 617 627 631 635 645 646 650 652 654 656 682 683 688 691 703 725 726Seimitsu 627Sharp 521 526 585 605 607 628 629 652 654 655 658 739 740 741 777 794 803 835 836 898 913Shogun 652Signature 675Silver 573Simpson 525Solavox 612Sony 500 640 690 758 781 783 795 796 797 798 806 807 808 810 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845Soundesign 525 536 541 627 652 654 657 682Spectricon 520 620Squareview 694SSS 505 541 573 652 657Starlite 657Supra 523SVA 901 905Sylvania 506 525 536 566 568 569 573 600 610 652 654 656 723 724 729 733 756 764Symphonic 632 657 662 692 694 846Tandy 521 605Tatung 509 651 698Technics 508 676Techwood 523 573 652 654 676Teknika 504 505 512 516 523 524 525 526 534 536 541 573 644 652 653 654 655 657 658 662 675 680 682 685 726 727Tera 513Thomas 627Thompson 709TMK 523 573 627 652 654Toshiba 516 590 617 631 635 680 683 688 750 771 785 793 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 865 866 909Totevision 526 658Toyomenko 627Universal 543 690Vector Research 506Victor 557Video Concepts 570Vidtech 505 573 627 652 653 654Viewsonic 760Vizio 766Wards 536 573 607 645 650 652 653 654 656 675 682 690 715 723 724 729White Westinghouse 816Yamaha 505 506 573 652 653 654 656York 627Zenith 501 520 639 652 675 693 775 778 813 899Zonda 620VCR CODESProgramming in AUX mode: Use these codes to program in VCR mode; if programming in AUX mode, press 1 before entering the VCR code.Adventura 588Aiwa 588 622 623Akai 513 515 516 517 518 568 682American High 678Amstrad 588ASA 556Asha 675Audio Dynamics 592Audiovox 676Beaumark 675Bell & Howell 581Broksonic 559Calix 676Candle 534 594 675 676Canon 554 678Citizen 534 591 592 594 675 676 Colortyme 592Craig 591 675 676Curtis Mathes 554 592 594 605 607 675 678Cybernex 675Daewoo 534 547 559 588DBX 592Dimensia 607Dumont 549Dynatech 588Electrohome 512 676Electrophonic 676Emerson 505 508 509 511 512 518 534 559 568 588 590 618 676 678Finlandia 549Finlux 549 556 588Fisher 549 581 584 588 610Fuji 678Funai 588Garrard 588
 19GE 551 552 554 572 591 605 607 675 678Go Video 557 558 620Goldstar 592 594 676Goodmans 585Gradiente 588Granada 549 581Grundig 556Harley Davidson 588Harman Kardon 568 592Headquarter 581Hitachi 536 538 539 540 588 595 597 682Instant Replay 678ITT 518JC Penney 554 581 591 592 594 595 675 676 678JCL 678Jensen 595 682JVC 561 562 581 592 594 682Kenwood 562 581 592 594 600 682Kodak 676 678LG 676Luxor 518Lloyd’s 588LXI 676M. Wards 512 554 585 590 591Maganvox 797Magnavox 533 554 556 678 797 798Magnin 676Marantz 554 556 581 585 592 594 678Marta 676Matsushita 678MEI 554 678Memorex 533 549 554 566 581 585 588 675 676 678MGA 512 567 568MGN Technology 675Midland 579Minolta 595Mitsubishi 512 562 567 568 570 595Motorola 678MTC 544 588 675Multitech 579 588 675Mutitech 591NEC 562 581 592 594 682Nikko 676Noblex 675Olympus 678Optimus 676Optonica 585Panasonic 554 614 628 633 678 777 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 799 808 809Pentax 592 595Pentex Research 594Perdio 588Philco 554 678Philips 554 556 585 678 801 802 803 804Pilot 676Pioneer 562 574 575 576Proscan 605 607Pulsar 533Quarter 581Quartz 581Quasar 554 678 770 771 772 805 806Radio Shack 512 607 610 676Radio Shack/Realistic 581 584 588 675 676 678Radix 676Randex 676RCA 518 525 591 595 605 607 615 649 675 678 773 774 775Realistic 534 549 554 581 584 585 588 675 676 678Ricoh 502Runco 533Salora 567 581Samsung 515 517 534 579 591 675 755 807Sanky 533Sansui 544 562 682Sanyo 549 581 583 675SBR 556Scott 508 534 559 590Sears 549 581 584 595 610 676 678Sharp 512 585 595 607Shintom 595Shogun 675Singer 678Sony 500 501 502 768 778STS 678Sylvania 554 556 567 588 678 756Symphonic 588 594Tandy 581 588Tashiko 676Tatung 594 682Teac 588 594 682Technics 554 633 678Teknika 554 588 676 678TMK 675Toshiba 534 535 567 584 590 769 776Totevision 591 675 676Unitech 675Vector Research 534 592Victor 561 562Video Concepts 534 568 592Videosonic 591 675Wards 534 588 595 675 676 678XR-1000 588 678VCR CODES (CONTINUED)
20VCR CODES (CONTINUED)Yamaha 581 592 594 682Zenith 500 501 533 779Aiwa 634 694Alpine 653Apex 654 655 744 757 835 839Archos 885BOSE 758 811Broksonic 656 752Clarion 696Classic 695CyberHome 833Cytron 904Daewoo 657 859Denon 697 699 700EchoStar 722Emerson 658Fisher 659Funai 658GE 702 703Go Video 692 693 822GPX 704Hitachi 660 705 706 707 740 823 860 668JVC 689 711 850 861 862 863Konka 637 638 753Koss 745Magnavox 661Memorex 709Mintek 710Mitsubishi 767 867Norcent 711Oritron 723Panasonic 639 663 699 714 715 716 734 765 813 840 841 855 856 868 869 870 871 872 873 882Philips 766 874Pioneer 665 719 812 876 877 878 879 880Proscan 720Qwestar 723RCA 666 690 749 816 842 854Sampo 724Samsung 652 667 668 691 705 740 741 820 821 844 845 866 875 881Sansui 725 754Sanyo 643Sharp 669 865Sony 617 645 670 671 729 730 731 817 818 830 831 832 836 837 838 843 847 848 849 851 852 853 857 858 864 883 884Sylvania 658 764 829Teac 732Technics 733Techwood 664Toshiba 616 646 672 735 736 814 815 819 825 826 827 828 834 846Yamaha 737 739Zenith 673 824TUNER/AMPLIFIER CODESProgramming in AUX mode: Press 2 before entering the tuner/amplifier code.Aiwa 636 641 656 687 718 720 725 726BOSE 761 780Carver 653Citizen 709Denon 647 674 759 760 762 807 809 814 835Fisher 653GE 711Goldstar 677 690Harman International 640 751Harmon Kardon 672Hitachi 717JBL 640DVD PLAYER CODESProgramming in AUX mode: Use these codes to program in VCR mode; if programming in AUX mode, press 1 before entering the DVD Player code.
 21JVC 637 703 725 786 827Kenwood 676 691 726 728 774 795 828 829 830 831 832 840 842Magnavox 654 705Marantz 651 764 845Nakamichi 671NEC 716Onkyo 642 660 662 678 785 788 790 791 792 796 801 846Optimus 648 664Panasonic 643 644 652 783 797 798 799 808 810 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 824 825 826 833 836 837 838 839Pioneer 667 668 679 702 767 770 772 779 802 806 844Proton 654 705Quasar 652RCA 635 638 704 727Sharp 712 713 714 715Sherwood 646 670Sony 639 645 687 728 729 730 765 766 769 771 773 775 776 777 778 781 782 784 787 789 793 794 803 811 812 813Soundmatters 763Teac 684Technic 652Technics 643 644 652 768 804 805 843Toshiba 710Victor 703Yamaha 663 730 731 732 733 823 834 841TUNER/AMPLIFIER CODES (CONTINUED)TV/VCR COMBO CODESProgramming for combination equipment: Program the remote control in TV mode using the TV code and then in VCR mode using the VCR code.TV Code VCR CodeMagnavox 887 797888 798Philips 891 801892 802893 803894 804Quasar 860 770861 771862 772895 805896 806RCA 863 773864 774Samsung 755 755897 807Sylvania 756 756
22TV/DVD COMBO CODESProgramming for combination equipment: Program the remote control in TV mode using the TV code and then in VCR mode (or AUX—press 1 before entering the DVD code) using the DVD code.TV Code DVD CodeApex 757 757Broksonic 752 752Cytron 904 904Panasonic 734 734765 765RCA 749 749Sansui 754 754Sylvania 764 764Toshiba 865 814866 815TV/VCR/DVD COMBO CODESProgramming for combination equipment: Program the remote control in TV mode using the TV code, then in VCR mode using the VCR code, and then DVD in AUX mode (press 1 before entering the DVD code) using the DVD code.TV Code VCR Code DVD CodePanasonic 900 810 882TV/VCR/TUNER COMBO CODESProgramming for combination equipment: Program the remote control in TV mode using the TV code, then in VCR mode using the VCR code, and then tuner in AUX mode (press 2 before entering the tuner code) using the tuner code.Table continues on next pageTV Code VCR Code Tuner CodePanasonic 867 796 797868 799 798869 808 799870 780 839871 781 838872 782 837
 23TV/VCR/TUNER COMBO CODES (CONTINUED)TV Code VCR Code Tuner CodePanasonic 873 783 836874 784 833875 785 826876 786 825877 787 824878 788 822879 789 821880 790 820881 791 819882 792 818883 793 817884 794 816885 795 815889 809 808VCR/DVD COMBO CODESProgramming for combination equipment: Program the remote control in VCR mode using the VCR code and then DVD in AUX mode (press 1 before entering the DVD code) using the DVD code.VCR Code DVD CodeGo Video No Code 692No Code 693No Code 822JVC No Code 689RCA No Code 690Samsung No Code 667No Code 691No Code 820No Code 821Sony 778 817No Code 818768 No CodeToshiba No Code 219Zenith 779 No Code
24TROUBLESHOOTINGWhat’s Happening What’s Wrong What You Can DoWhile performing a remote control procedure, the remote control stops working.If you don’t press a button for 20 seconds in a programming sequence, the remote shuts off its programming function.Start over again.You cannot find the key(s) shown on page S-1.The keys have two sides. Turn the keys over until you find the correct key.When you press a button on the remote control, the equipment doesn’t do what you expect.• The remote may not be in the mode for the equipment you want to control.• The remote control needs to be pointed right at the TV (or other equipment).• The remote control may be missing batteries, the batteries in the remote may be inserted the wrong way, or maybe the batteries are weak or dead.• The remote isn’t set up to control the equipment.• Press the correct mode button to set the remote to the mode for the equipment you want to control.• The remote control uses IR signals to control all equipment except for the receiver (when using UHF). IR signals travel only 40 feet or less and can’t go through walls or other solid objects. You must point the remote control right at the equipment, with no objects to block the signal path.• If the batteries are missing or dead, put fresh AAA-size batteries in. If the remote has fresh batteries, check whether you put them in the right way. If you didn’t, take them out and put them in the right way.• Make sure you set up the remote to control all the equipment you want to use. See Program the Remote to Control Your TV on page S-4 and Programming for Other Equipment on page 2.The receiver does things even though you didn’t press any remote control buttons.UHF signals from a neighbor’s remote may be controlling your receiver.See Avoiding Remote Conflicts on page 12 for instructions to correct this problem.Your picture is snowy (or blue or black).You have accidentally changed the channel on your TV.Make sure your TV (and VCR if connected) is tuned to the correct channel. Also try using the RECOVER button as described on page S-6.
 25Your remote control isn’t working• The remote control is in the wrong mode.• You might be using the wrong remote control (TV1 or TV2).• Your batteries are worn out.• The remote control’s A/B switch is in the wrong position.• Make sure the remote control is in the correct mode. For example, if you want to use the satellite receiver, put the remote control in SAT mode (see Remote Control Modes on page 1).• Make sure you are using the correct remote control (TV1 or TV2) for your locations (multi-room receivers only).• Change the batteries as described on page S-2.• Check the A/B switch setting as described on page 13. For all receivers, except for the DISH Player-DVR 942, ViP 222, ViP 622 DVR, and ViP 722 DVR, leave the A/B switch in the A position.When you press the remote control MUTE or VOLUME button, nothing happens.• The remote control may not be set up.• Maybe you’re trying to control TV volume but you set up the remote to control a tuner or amplifier in AUX mode.•See Programming the Remote to Control Your TV on page S-4 and Programming for Other Equipment on page 2. • Set up the remote to control either TV volume or tuner/amplifier volume, whichever you want. See page 7.Your UHF Pro remote control does not work well from far away.You may be experiencing interference from objects near your receiver antenna.• Make sure the UHF antenna is connected to the receiver and not touching anything else. • Vary the tilt angle of the receiver's UHF antenna. Locate the UHF antenna tip away from other electronics equipment or metal surfaces, even if separated by wooden shelving.• Move the receiver to different locations. For best results, place the receiver as high as possible, above all other equipment in your entertainment center.• Place the UHF antenna outside the entertainment center by using a coaxial cable to connect it to the receiver. • Move any nearby off-air antenna away from the UHF remote antenna. Do not place an off-air antenna on your receiver.Your PIP (Picture-In-Picture) button isn’t working.• Your receiver doesn’t use PIP.• Your receiver isn’t in Single Mode.• Upgrade to a receiver with this feature.•Press the MODE button on the front panel (if available).What’s Happening What’s Wrong What You Can Do
26REGULATORY FACTORSThis device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modifications to this device may void your authority to operate this equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To read out your remote codes, see page 9 for instructions.If you enter a “1” as the last number of your code,your remote is in Limited Mode (see page 3 for more details).

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