DREAMUS H340 multi-code juke box User Manual users manual 4
IRIVER LIMITED multi-code juke box users manual 4
users manual 4
Hana Docu 2‘r-M; 2: ‘ 2504.4,2i 7:21 PM “ll“l ‘MS $ Press the ll button to fin'sh the recordng. The recording sandby saeen is @ “Sing tm text function displayed k ‘ We] rPresstheL; button mainin Standby moueto record into a newfile SaVII'Ig a text me >Ftessme V Dunufl wmie recording in Dause the returning Resumirio the gamma?” ”TE?“ “FEW”; m r “ or Save atext fleto read lyrics and other rehted imormalion Use the textlile finuion ' mm WV“ 5“ 0m“ V 0” E 0 “WEED" ”ms to display lyrics aid other relaed information wl1'le phying a music tille. The text rNoteriou n s ace is avaiianieroime mtomm . pgcmgdgiipug nie is pygrzDDME in mg a luncnon car be employed for other uselul applicdions including the eoook. 'OVE’5’"““’5”M use” "mm" "wmmemm’y Connect the product to a PC using the USB cable. An icon is displayed in the PC tray W connection is successful Please see [Page 24, z Gelling slarled - 2 Connecling lhe product - Connecting to a PC] for details. 2 Click Windows Start .> Programs —> Aocessones —> Windows Explorer Press the Thutton in recording standby in: ma ma.- modetn piafire recordedfile D VOICE QVOICE whom we “Emma, Use Windows Explorerto create a lolder named TEXT in the top folder k a: II 1 oflheHSOOdrir/e. [J Dido] >Theremrdedtile lESai/Edlri the following inmaneepenmng mime Sourte LlNElN RoomEoonDiAuDimuuomes TUNER RDUWECORDWJDlOWUNEMMPE lNT/EXT MlC RDO'l\RECORD\\/OlCE\VOlCEx>O( MP3 , Press me i? button to pause the playback To reame mayhem. press the J nununaoain 4 Store .txt files to the TEXT folder. Haoonocu exiwgflgi 2004A2|721PM Kiioixiag $ ~ J [Natl] . Lbellljmwis Explnmln Liaise 1 Mt]! 40nlyWnn'3m type Korean mm“ an swam To use a Jot—hp type Kniea'i text fin, pram comm low a Wm-Smg type Mm using ii. ~ Amaximiln nffllllexl files as summits! Amaxnium “mm is allrmed fit each file == Normal Bran/sing Press the WA buttons to browse to the Previous/Next line while 1 reading a text file. V in ngtexl HessthePflbuttons to browse to the Previous/Next page while 2 ieadinga ext Ie. Press and hold the - ibutton ll’l playback standby mode or in the radio screen to open the function menu '.5 GO TO Browsing Press the [an button to go to a desired location while reading a text tile Use the 9! buttons to select the Text icon rm Eu l7ld6annEK ] then press thefibutton to open the Text a) fan screen Check the tree structured file listing Use the buttons to select a desired Iocati n Use the WAhuttons to seled the desired folder or file and press the li-lbullon is select See lhe texl file displayed in lhe LCD “w wll‘b clslnmu'lr'enfllyi we are noun tn Demme in inner In lie new new: Fnrn nu! ml: mm; mm Slinx' In our M4 we all Minx, mi 5 unemm i v 4 Prexthe A button to go to the new location E d [Hate] Presslm lemlnrilaendlhelexlfilflnn r untenaimim runbernfdiaattuslhflmnbe Lispla/edinlha menis ("Dill Kaiun 13 chm-d!!! perl'rie,1fl he: Engixl‘i zsmnmmperiim, in inn. M.) me when as m KB mi Jen is not d'splayed in the LCD unmi- oomrvler (sold anyway). 4“ lexl reaing ream is sippuded Wis piawg an MP3 file ‘ Press the REC hula" whiz readinglm lo swildi tn lhe up: mm (Hulkey) H3DODDcu ztlt at“ 2004421 72l PM llll"l‘l50 $ (”fig Viewing Image @ Usingthe Browser Function Use the Browser finmm to exd'lalge (Ma with connected external devices Not only equal Ham mudels but also difiermt models sIch as iFP are supported N53 extemal Press and hold the lil button to open devices such as dlghl camera are supported, the functions menu. [J Mote] t The Bwserluncllm dues net Suppu‘t all use senses The premct generaly suppurts use aehces suppmlng mass storage cle55 Some mess storage dess Mlce may not be mppwbd the he sesnntyrnnchnns truth er restnctnns Use the FQ buttons to select the Picture , 7 Connect the product to an external devlce nth lCDn then press the E button to open the the HOST came Picture screen. (nuns a MounlaanE Sea-m You can seetne files Ilsted In a tree structure Use theWA buttons to select the desired folder or file and plss the lEt‘l button to select Press and hold the ,l 1 button to open the Ifa lie IE seleded. the Image Is dlsplayed Funcflons screen. ln the screen. Ifa folder is selected, the files in the folder are displayed. Repeat fl \ A G9 r ‘ step to open a desired image. 9 l tReoont Text name Use the B Qbuttons to View the previous or the next image Use the B Qbmns to select the Browser icon and press the E button r ‘J [Hate] to open the Browser screen .Pressendhnldtre j buttun tn vlevv the CUVTSWWaGQWOVWath“ Flles In the product are llsted In the Browser screen, The external dance Is -Pressthel£‘t:utton to vlew multlple regretered as DEVICE lmages .lrthe Imagellle eze lstoo large the Image cmnot be dspbyed lrl the Rcmre ween The Use the Aeg‘l buttons to select the DEVICE tap files“ In the external device mamurnhleszelssmalnrewphleend are displayed. 3MBlor aJPGnle Haoonocu zxngflgi 2004A2|7Z1PM lt|1o1x152 $ Salad a desired file and pless (he a n mw to open Ihe popup menu Wlndow. To yin. ngg n {a 'f"." Nav gat on us ng the e Tree , Usethe WA buttons to select Copy and Press [ML-£1 whlle ln playback aandhy or ms Em mun-rm press me 13 billion to copy me file, “ DE1 .| playlng lo dlsplay Ihe lllle 11; as me wirem lllle Q1; mm1 slam-in. m is selected us Elucaln m a love m in Yo yen ass nee ms is menlxl e llemnwn. 1 e la wnm 1 m [71mm "03 m Wuw mini! is Mehmzsl 8 Press and hold the LA- : buttonsto select the HOST tap. Seiecl Ihe desired locallurl and press the 1 an E u «mums ,; h n DuIton Io open the popup menu Wlndovv ~ lawn,“ [Hillel,oro,w lea-menu, maummdhhmrumm w, P, “Janeen assume, r , n,tiniuwrvnviwiifixr ,r,u,n,|ux v,nvu,vri,rt, x.<»r<.‘»,;m,m,w,<-u menu», J)” A, Ammonia J), , memenqm Press the buttons to selea the desired search method. Press the \@ button to open the search screen Fiie, artist‘ album, and genre are supported as opilons. In the seiected search screen usetne WA war/mu snmt buttons to seiect the desired folder or titie fit _ (search sandman) then press the iEj button to w staccitu innit cow“ “M“ \ Chan esttre tone mind end'n unmeusers reference m“ ”m“ EQ/SRS Q 5" 9 9 mean mtfl mm and ttretype ufttrecurrentrmsctllie. Mzhflyzsl Frees and hair! the ‘M‘ button to open the Eli um ennu- EQ Seiilng mode The loan Set b ls D I mVEiR'wD dlsplayed ln the LCD émsm The seieeted sub screen is opened it there are no further sub screens for 4 the selection, the tme seiected is piayed summation w Haoonocu zxtwflgi 2004A2|721PM Kiioixise Pres the l button in the EQ Setting mode to change the tone color. The tone cm are are changed in the following cycle Normal -0 Rock 4 Jazz 4 Classic -' U Bass -9 User EQ -' SRS -¢ TruEass -»VVOW(PRESEi) -ovvow (USER) [J lltotel mat nets EQ Sett'ng made wtumdcitylvvutsfiuth' wwius made we seem upset mad.) -Nnm|a|. M Ju. Chshd. urea“, and Us En ae mwmedfurlhe so see tmeswwfissnmmnwtsemamsmdrwhsas. yam m [Page 75 5. Menu cnmguim- a. Smnflt'or detnkdamiwi'igltn ass. -1heWON(PRE$T)fitmbrixumulhepMmdufqntiannfS?$ mans mi rim -TheWCW(USEm finctians urdorlhe unrMn-doafigmian was, TnB-s, an Focus Manuet'nheaaanm adTleuaBdm aeepplediou LEE ElThaEu a Mnmeiczitysettn LEE mtmnuanssemetamueema set 69g Setting Play Mode A valiety er playback mates are supported To use the playback nudes set the Repeat Play / Random Play / Intro Play configuration Please see [Page 73. 5. Menu configuration - 7. Play Mode] tor detals. To use Repeat Playl Random Playl intro Play, as mama»:- Press it again tor the 2 L5“ lfiw next mode An icon is displayed to indimte the {magma current mode Em E mmfi The modes are changed in the tollrming cycle Not Set-M Song 0n|y(Repeat)-ilirectory(Repeat)-¢Diremery All(Repeat)-¢ All Songs(Repeat)48huflle(Random)-o1 Song 0nly(Random)-o Directory(Random)-¢Directory AlI(Random)-aAII SongstRandoml-o INTRO(Irttro) [A [Hotel mm play mode ion is mt didplayed m" pmmg the leuttm, check ifthe RnpaPlay/Rzndum PhyllmvPb/firm'miss'lxud mm Menusam. Section Repe 31 Repeats a seieatea section in the playhgfile. Prex the El button to select the start point 01a section to repeat. An N b 1 icon is displayed in the screen. Press thetfi bmton again to selea the end as _~EIE|: c- point 01 the section to repeat. The selected a I LovE fiver section is played repeatedly. Emma C J [Hotel lPreszrhe figi bunnn aaan to ending sscltunleoea Hana Docu zit m {t i 2004 azi 7122 PM flt|°|1l53 i Play Reservation . Press thehEbuttm while in playback to displaylhe Navigation screen. {315 E43 imrumee e) lmllE lnl-ci '~ N weir. "ifs $2“:an heaven wire u re mass nicamnm Womrlnl Meadiaal Use the v@ or B Q buttons in the Navigation screen to select a music title to play Use the ii! button to reserve the selected title The reserved title is displayed alter completing the cunent music titte Sklps a sa penod oftime Wnlie playing. Set the Study mode in the Mode menu. Piease see [Page 75‘ 5. Menu configuration - 7. Piay Mode - Study] for setting the Study mode Press thefi Qbuttms while in playback to skip forward or backward by the set period airtime. E J [Not-l WiMmD-> Wlnarnv Io stantrie illnmmp soilware. Hsoo Ducu an“; {ti 2004421722 PM ll|i°i Xiso a w flav: El: Ew mum View Hw mm —®“ a cool _ m a) (m a» PL union ‘n the Wnampwndw n open the Flaws sauvnm. (SClBflheAdd hmn intt‘ie PhytHEdibrwindwttn sebdfibsnrtnhersbadd ©VVr-entheseiecledfiesareaidedaruddsdayeddickhielfarfige Phyistthen 04mm Save Paws bulmn n Ihe blowiru pop menu El: Elwin am an» mlmflmflemminfiesweflamd‘abgfikkmesave anmareatean unsung 1m "um [firm/i v -mam~ b at mum fiv “m “nu; W M Q9?) Managing music information files Updates the music iniennation file fur the current MP3 file. Use the function ta create or repel the database file (iRlvNavllDE) tt the Information file Is deleted or damaged. C 4] [lion] .Whul is 3 MM imman‘m Fie? Am mama-ins Badmahaufletha/i maximal isamiledinri dImTag infnrnntnn ma lies are required lorttn in: Tag mam rum. Connect the productto a PC using the USE mble An icon is d'sptayed in the PC tray it cunneCtiun is successful, Please see [Page 24. 2 Getting started - 2 Connecting the predict - Connecting to a PC] for detaiS Click Windows Start <> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer, Select H300 with Windows Explorer and click itwith 1th mouse bimon. Click the Update DB File option in the popup menu to update a Music Informafion File, lm Update DB File Click the OK buttun fitter finisting the update. ‘Safe Remiwe' the USE cable to disconnect the product from the PC Please see [Page 27‘ 2 Getting started - 2, Connecting the product - Disconnecan lrom the PC] for detaiis. E J [llntol ‘NOEBmefiaQP-inthesuem mearstlaltmre'smlmTagiriomamnhlm MPSfie -Afaihemonlhesaeenmaammmefieortoldefmn\eismmme fimSZcrfiers.
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2004:05:12 15:30:21+09:00 Create Date : 2004:05:12 15:29:59+09:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 8 Mod Date : 2004:05:12 15:30:21+09:00 Creation Date : 2004:05:12 15:29:59+09:00 Metadata Date : 2004:05:12 15:30:21+09:00EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools