DREAMUS H340 multi-code juke box User Manual users manual 1
IRIVER LIMITED multi-code juke box users manual 1
users manual 1
Haoooocu an M; fig 3 2004 A 21655 PM lI|i°$ Thank you for buying the iRiver H300 Series. iRiver welcomes you to the world of the HSOO Series, the leading HDD type MP3 player We firmly believe that the H300 Series will give you complete satisfaaion. We know that the HSUU Series WI|| make your lile more measurable in so many different ways. This manual is essential for using the product correctly. Please read and ensure you have iully understood the manual Thank you again - The company webs'te address is www iRiver co kr ~ The site provides product intormation and customer support. - Use the firmware (system soilware) upgrade function Mour products Worn the site to continuously improve the product performance ~ Check '|RiverTulorial‘ and ‘Frequenlly Asked Questions, - Register the product to receive online AIS support Also you can receive news email including new produa information, company events, and firmware upgrade information. Hsoooocu Al N; fig 3 2004 A 21656 PM “liOi Xi z myrighVCertificationlEs. ° iRiver Limited reserves all patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual rights regarding the user manual Copying the manual in part or in full without the written permission of iRiver is prohibited. Illegal usage of part or all ofthe document may result in criminal penalty. 0 Related laws, induding the copyright law, proteu copyrighted contents such as software, music, or movies lfthe produd is used to copy or distribute copyrighted contents illegally, the user must take all legal respons'bilty for such adions 9 Companies, organizations, products persons, and information on events used in the examples in this manual are not actual data The company has no intention to link this user manual to any company, organization, product, or person. Do not assume any such intention or oonnedion. It is the users responsbility to com ply wnh copyright laws (©4999-2004 iRiver Limited All rights reseNed Certification 0 CE, FCC, Mic Trademarks a Vlfindows, Vlfiridows 90 SE, Windows ME, Vtfiridows 2000, iMndows XP, and Vlfiridows Media Player are registered trademaiks of Microsoft Corp. 6 SRS is a registered trademark of SRS Labs, ll’ic The manulacturer, importer, and dealer cannot be held responsible for accidental damage, including personal injury or any other damage, due to inappropriate usage cfthe product. 0 Information in the user manual is written for the current specification ofthe product. The manufacturer, iRiver, continues to provide additional functions and apply new technology to it. All specifications may be changed Without notice to individual users Please read and ensure you have fully understood the followmg safety guidelines before using the product. The safety guidelines describe important details regarding your safety and are classified into “Danger,“ 'Waming," and "Caution.“ The company cannot be held liable for accidents and produa damage due to nori-obserwrice of these $1er precautions. Serious injury or death can result it not handled as directed. Serious I minor injury or product I property damage can result ifnot handled as directed. Minor damage can result ifnot handled as direded CAUHON ADANGER o Serious lrljury or death can result ifnol handled as dlreued Use only me AC odopler includ .leng Ally ollrerAc adan'r may muss fire or eleerrle shock. no not loueh lhe AC adopler will wel hands. llllre hide or mode dlhe proollra ger wer, m elemric shock may mslll. Do rlnl repair drsasserrrole, or mndiyllle pmmel um; llre produel under such eorrdniorrs may some fre or el-aric xhock. Haoonocu m M; fig 3 2004 A 21656 PM Kllol Xla Cum-d lrre no Adopler only lo reled power ouller rypes as described in me user mmuil. oormeulno lo ollrerlypesmay . no ml place rear, nbieds orrlne no edoperoaole. Dn nor more, bend, rm, or pull m'AC eolrrpler cables A darraoeo Ac adamar cabh may cause fire Tn avnld a lrlgrr pmhabllfly o1 explnslnn or mollurrellom do rrol dry llre proalel Wilh a healer or mial'lrwuve oven omen lhe product is wel lwlrelrrer wihwwarorsmla om-rloulo). promplly lurrr lne power the pmducl all and diecorrrrecl llre AC corrrreclor lrorrr llre power oullel n are produd pruducas smuka, smells, or musual snunds Uslng Ihe produel lrr ahnnmlal oondiinns may cause fre or eledric srroek. Do rrol allow llre earphones lo gal lrepped in a car or lran door ll can oe exlremely dangerous Do rrol drop lrre pmdud, or subiad ilo mrrg impad or severe viblalioll‘ lo avoid damage. Pmpfly lurrr Ihe poorer ofllre produo olrarrd dlscmnsi from lrre power olrllel rrlrre pmmcl rs damaged (Remmle Ihe AC adqierlme pmducl was oerrro elraged) mo Ihl prawn irr sorrorrrral oorroiliors my ears- fin or ohmic shack. Coma ulslorrr-r support. Do M use “phones or mums mile drrwro a which mororeyelo, or lid'rlg a lorryrle. Nm orey k il dungemuxr bl: dso lllegel lrr some urisdm'ells. Do nor uxnh. errplrorree or lreedororree wlrrle ue'rro n pedeslmn acsslng or in emu dangerous areas‘ lo Midirdfic eeeldermr nlherlhlgus Pmmmlyhfll llre porrer orlrre prodrrel olf arrd lisclxmecl lrreAc eonrreelor lrom Ihe power olrllel wring eleurleel sldrms In avoid fire or eleelric shack. Tum olr arrrl unplug Ihe power when rl llrurrders or lrgrrlerrrrrg llaslres as ouekly as pnssble u could reslll in a l'lro or elenric shack. To avoid Fn oroleurlc shockpmmpfly lurnllro power olllr- pmdud wand discurlrl'd llro AC eormeelorlrom llre power orrllel rrorerorr sooslanees or lrourd oer rrrlo lrre prodlrel Koeolrre proorrer and AC adavlarawiflmm olilrlrorr ro avoid elecrrlc shack orexposure lo eleelrleal fields Haoonacu w M; fig 3 2004 A 22 91 AM 111|°r$ e Serious! minor injury or produd/ property damage can result rfnot handred as uireaeu, Da nm |er me AC Edema cable or arm cables he Mmhewdhpfincfiaflmflm across walkways, to avoid lucid-m or pmducl mmmhmmurxmgemumro damag'. wmmummmm mmmhmmm imnwfim While usrrrg earphones w headphones, de nos auras was,‘Ns,mxntws,sniss, wradsfiee use Inn hlgh a verurrre nr pray for m long a eerie-e The prom-1 uses a maguic risk Mia daa pevmd mime. re avoid damage ro your hearing. mmmqficfidxmmvhma o UseorrryrheAc ndeplu irduded. Usrrrg olhor AC adamers may one mamrra'err. Some marhmiarrs are ml reprirahre. Cameer rhe AC Auapreua rared pwrer nulel rypes as described in me user marsal only. Cnmecfing in ahsr Mm cfoullm may um marr'urcrinrr. Som- mammiarrs are nm repnnbh. Do not reparr. disassemue or modfiym‘s Epparnlus el usererrerr. |r migrs be damaged in] rrq be "purr-d meldm rorrre lmlerdamge. Keep «he pmmcl rmrrr grimy wer fmm ramhv, um, medrerrrea, nr ensmeucs Wenrrrg «he pram may cause marhrrrmarr, Do mr rum fire power an if his happens Pramprry swap wirh ay emrqrrm ere-r and 'swap"is nnrrigml and askfanedsrisar suppm some dmng' cnmm be wind. mural rupee rusr'sg, pm shans n: aherererss may damage rre ma shred r are pram. The use s “Kym-Hahn; rump mhmwvfilmbe we furbfl armed m mmydmmum e |r Bad Seams are generared rrr me HDD due re physrear impad or arher cause, rhe produd may hm firm rrerrrrany. Plena- use rrn win asrpragarrr him vmhm npsrar'rrg sym ronxme error. usoonocuzxiwgflgi 2004A2| 73pm litioixie 1_ Before using the promct 1. Introducinglhe H300 . 2. H300 features... 3. Checking the contents 2. Getting started 1. Names ofparts. 2. Connedingthe pro u 3. Installing the sottware. it. Getting up and running 1. Basic operation . 2. Using the buttons 4. Useful features 1. Playing music files. 2. Listening tothe FM la 0 3. Searching fora FM radio freguency 4 Recording 5 Using the text fundion S Wewing Image 7 Usingthe Browser Function 8 Searching music 9 EQ/SRS 10 Setting play mode 11 Managing music infonnatioh files 5 Menu configuration 1 Openingthe menu screen 2 General 3 Display 4 Timer 5 Control 6 Mode 7. Sound 8. Record . Technical Support Specification ., ., Cuaorrier Support Warranty Card .. Introducing the H300 The H300 is a new HDD type MP3 player from iRiver Limited The product provides supenor perlormance With a super size HDD storage system, and eye-catching des‘gn including polished GUI using a color LCD screen The H300 also supports fast data transfer using USB 2.0, and multiple file formats using the MuItLCodec player The FM tuner included enables reception of FM radio broadcasting And the product supports firmware upgrades to continuously refine the product's femures via our websfie. All these powerful features will enable you to have your best ever experience With an MP3 player. pnprnd "Hum-mpg Haoococuzxrwflgs 2004A2| 73pm lriioixiio H300 Features 0 lllon 2 Inohoolor Lon dhplay. Both loom ltd mnunn In oolor. The iHPer is the first MP3 jukebox using a celluiar phone Ievei color TFT LCD screen. Superior color icons and menus previousiy unavaiiable are provided for a better user experience. 0 Support! Cw size it- - 2068/4068 llDD The system can be used as high capau‘ty portable storage with 2OGB(H320) and AUGB(H340) HDDS 0 Duh Ill-rim without a PC - USB llofl The system can conned directiy to other portable USB devices such as digital cameras No PC is required. 0 Fast lilelrlllfler - USB 2.0 The system supports a 480 Mbps USB 2 0 interface to maximize the portable dam storage leature. 0 Oonsllnl stale-ol-llre-arl pertormanoe - lirrmrrue uwrde Add new features orimprcve perfcnnance Wilh conlinuoushnnw are upgrades, 0 Imago: ard Toxl aroOK! - Text ard Imago vloirnr mew ebooks, lyrics, and stored images with the Text Viewer and image Viewer leatuies 0 IQM SD Iollnd - SRS WOW mild mod Experience the magnificent 3d and rich base sounds with the inalstryrecognized SRS WOWtechnology. Q Iy music, uooord'lnlo my mood - Gem-lire“ Feei your own voice color with 5 preset EQ (Normal, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Ultra Bass) and user defined E0. 0 Fl! rudiont your oorrirerl'enee - FM radio Melvin/Molding. Easy radio listening, wnh automatic search and equency m emory functions Superior technologyfor searching reception while mwing will enhance your experience. 0 simple unno - Easy llavlgallon The iHP—BOO suppom a maximum olzuoofoiders and 9999 musicflies in a tree structure for eas‘er march. 0 Easy reoolrliru - Record voice-ml external sourfl som. Supports voice recording wilh high performance internal I exlemai miuophones, and sound recording connecting to external devices such as CDs, tape players, or radio receivers with an analog cable. 0 Coan extent-I spellers - Supports Ill extenul oilpul (line-Out) lecture Connect extemai speakers wnh an analog cable for realistic perfonnanoe Contents Unpack lhe product and meek lhefollcwmp ccnlenls. Remote Controller users glide (Indudirrg mam Earphones and ac new Warmty cad). Qickstan guide Eaphnnespunges Q Mel Carryrig Case Inslailatiori CD -@ use Cable L'rieinlml Cable USE Host Cable Exiemi Micmmnne Crimea—i340 uplim) C J [Hots] 4Cnrrlerls may he charged wnrnui notice In Impmve the penamame arid/or queiity arm! pmm Walnut!!!“ 11 Haoonocu zxngflgi 2004A217‘3PM Know 12 PAUSE Button Power OF F/STOP Bulton Revlous/Next amen m mm mm! ‘ D n ma im- “Wm B zummm NAWMENU Bulton uummm mm )x Remde Cmn'dler Pm Earphone Port LINEOUT In formanm Dlsplay Bullon(Cda LCD) DC IN 5.0v Port use Port (lo/DEVICE) USB Port (1 WIHOST) Record/Function Cmversm Bunm ABIEQ Bmon Remote Controller HOLD Switch Mons Bmon Next Bunm Vo‘ume Comm! Bmon PolverON/PLAY/PAUSE Button HOLD Switch
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