

Convenient functionsMenu-BasicoperationEnterSubMenu5-14Menu-BasicoperationConvenient functionsBasicoperation5-13Main menu Sub menu sub menu settingsl Press and hold the NAVI/MENU button to display the menu system.l The MENU system is composed of 6 main menus with sub-menus.Push the NAVI/MENU button to the or direction to select menu.Click the NAVI/MENU button.Long ClickPrevious NextPushClickYou can set, cancel or change sub menu by pushing the NAVI/MENU button toward oror VOL +, VOL -.Push the MENU/NAVI button to the or (VOL + or VOL -) direction to select sub menu.Push the MENU/NAVI button to confirm.Click the PLAY/STOP button to return MainMENU at the sub-menu setting.Exit sub menu Exit main menuClick the PLAY/STOP button to exit MainMenu.ToselectMainMenu1122ExitSubMenu ExitMainMenuPrevious NextPushUpDownClickPrevious NextPushUpClickClickClick
Convenient functionsMenu-General5-16Menu-GeneralConvenient functionsGeneral5-15ON : Playback resumes from the previous location in a songwhen the player is stopped or powered off.OFF : Playback begins from the first track after the player isstopped or powered off.Initialize menus to the original factory settings.The button’s operation order is as below.Click NAVI/MENU (select default menu) or VOL+ (selectYES) Press NAVI/MENU (select YES : Initialization)Support 40 languagesSong title and ID3 tag information is dependent on the version ofthe PC operating system that was used to create it. (Forexample, if an MP3 file is created in a English version ofWindows, the language setting should be English for the propertitle display)ResumeLanguageLoadDefault
Convenient functionsMenu-DisplayScrollSpeed5-18Menu-DisplayConvenient functionsDisplay5-17You can adjust the time that the Backlight stays on.SEC : Backlight stays on from 3 to 30 seconds.MINUTE : Backlight stays on from 1 to 30 minutes.Press the NAVI/MENU button to set SEC/MINUTE.BackLightDuring playback, you can display visualizations, theelapsed time of the track, or the free memory on yourplayer.Normal : display elapsed time.Remain : display remaining time.On : Display track with ID3 tag informationOff : Display track with file nameAdjust scroll speed by 1x / 2 x / 4x / Vertical / Horizontal.Vertical : The scroll goes up and downHorizontal : The scroll goes from the left to the right.VisualizationWaveformLevel MeterProgressiveFree SpaceTagInformationTime"File name will be displayed by default for songswith no ID3 informationNoteTime display may not be accurate for files encodedin Variable Bit Rate formats.Note
Convenient functionsMenu-TimerSetTime5-20Menu-TimerConvenient functionsTimer5-19Automatically turns the power off at the stop mode.(Time range can be set from 1 to 60 minutes by a minute)Use the or switch to adjust time.Automatically turns the power off after a fixed time.(Time range can be set from 0 to 180 minutes by one minute increments.)You can listen to the beep sound at 1 minute before powering offby setting BEEP to ON. Use the or switch to adjusttime. Set BEEP ON/ OFF by pressing the NAVI/MENU button.ON : A beep sound will play one minute before the player shutsoff.OFF : No beep sound is played.Once powered off, the sleep timer will reset to 0.minSleepPowerOffStopPowerOffAlarm/RecordSelectSetAlarmSet the current time.Push the NAVI/MENU switch toward or to select theitem and toward VOL + or VOL - to set the clock.Use the or switch to adjust time.A day of the week is automatically set.OFF : The Alarm and Tuner Record functions are disabled andthe player will not power on at either indicated time.ALARM : At the time indicated in the "Set Alarm" setting (seebelow) the player will power on and begin music playback."TUNER RECORD : At the time indicated in the "Tuner Rec.Reservation" setting (see page 5-21) the player will power onand begin recording from the selected radio station.Push the NAVI/MENU switch toward or (VOL+orVOL - ) to select the item.Set the working time of alarm.Push the NAVI/MENU switch toward or to select theitem and toward VOL + or VOL - to set the alarm.DAY : Alarm rings at the set time of the set day repeatedly.ALL : Alarm rings at the set time everyday.
Menu-TimerConvenient functionsTunerRec.Reservation5-21Convenient functionsMENU-ControlControl5-22The fast scan speed can range from 1x/ 2x/ 4x/ 6x.This defines the operating method of short or long click of orlever.OFF : Skip doesn’t activate.10 : Skip 10 tracks at time.DIRECTORY : Skip to previous or next folder.FastSkipFF/RWScanSpeedSet the time and station to be recorded.Push the NAVI/MENU switch toward or to select theitem and toward VOL + or VOL - to set the recording time.DAY : Tuner recording is started at the same time of the set dayrepeatedly.ALL : Tuner recording is started at the set time every day.End Time :Cansettherangeofrecordingtimefrom10Min.to240 Min.
Convenient functionsMENU-ControlLine-inRecordingMode5-24MENU-ControlConvenient functionsVoiceRecordingMode5-23You can adjust recording quality when recording voice.ON : When recording voice, the recording level is automaticallycontrolled and recordings from long distances are enhanced.OFF : AGC(Automatic Gain Control) not activated.Bit Rate : 8Kbps~160KbpsSampling Frequency : 11.025KHz ~44.1KHzThe voice recording mode will automatically pause duringsilence. This is useful for recording over a long period of time tosave memory.OFF : Voice Auto Detection is disabled.Voice Auto Detection : Set the relative level of sound needed toactivate the recorder. (Level 1- Level 10).Recordpausetimesetting: Set the number of seconds of silence torecord before pausing.(1-10 sec)OFFOFFVoiceAutoDetectionYou can adjust recording quality when recording from the FMTuner.Mono : Recorded to Mono sound.Stereo : Recorded to Stereo sound.Bit Rate : 8Kbps~320KbpsSampling Frequency : 11.025KHz ~44.1KHzTunerRecordingModeYou can adjust recording level when recording from Externalequipment.(You can set from 0 to 64.)Line-inRecordVolumeYou can adjust recording quality when recording from externalequipment.Bit Rate : 8Kbps~320KbpsSampling Frequency : 11.025KHz ~44.1KHzLine-In, a new file will be created for each track on the CDautomatically.-OFF: Audio signal detection is disabled.- Audio signal detection time (1-5 seconds) : The amount ofsilence the player will use to determine when a track has endedand to start a new file.Line-inAutoSync
Menu-ControlConvenient functionsLine-in/Ext.Mic5-25Convenient functionsMenu-ModeMode5-26While an audio file is playing, press the MODE/REC button to activate selected playbackmode, such as Repeat or Shuffle. (Multi selecting available)How to selectPushPrevious/NextClickOn/Off12Repeat/ShuffleSelect whether the player is operated for a music playback or filetransferring while the player is attached to the PC.OFF : The player will playback audio files while connected to the PC(to save battery life).ON : The player to show “Connected to USB” on the screen and youcan transfer files to the player.DownloadActivityWhen the player turns off and on, Download Activity is always set to ON.NoteYou can select external microphone or line-in when recording.Line-In : To record through Line-InExt. Mic : To record through an external microphoneTo record from an external microphone, chose the LINE-INrecording mode.The recording quality level will be set to the values chosenfor LINE-IN recording.NoteAdjust the playback speed.The value of Playback Control goes on to FAST, playback speed isfaster, it goes on to SLOW, playback speed is slower.The default value is “0” and the music is played as normal speed.PlaybackControlOnly the selected play mode will be available when you press the MODE/REC button(For details, please refer to page 5-5)Note
Convenient functionsMenu-ModeName5-28Menu-ModeConvenient functionsIntro5-27Intro : Plays the beginning 10 seconds of each track.Intro Highlight : Plays 10 seconds from 1 minute into each track insequential order.While playing, short slide of the or lever will skip thecurrent track set time ahead.OFF : Study Mode is disabled.The range is 1~60 seconds.You can input your name or custom text displayed at th stopmode.Select the character by pushing theNAVI/MENU button toward andand press Navi/Menu button to inputthe character.To delete the character, press theMODETo scroll between English and yourpreferred language, use theMEMORY/EQ button.To move the cursor in the namewindow, push the NAVI/MENU buttontoward VOL + or VOL -.Press the PLAY/STOP button to saveand exit.StudyPushCharactePushClickEnterType positionClickChinese and Chinese characters are not supported in the Name feature.Note
Convenient functionsMenu-SoundXtreme3D5-30Menu-SoundConvenient functionsSound5-29You can adjust the sound to your preference.There are 5 band frequency steps, set from -15dB to +15dB by3dB step.1. Select the Frequency stepto set using the orswitch.2. Adjust the level using theVOL + or VOL - switch. 3. To exit Xtreme EQ settingPushSelect the frequencyPushAdjust levelYou can adjust the level of 3D sound (minimum, Natural, andMaximum).You can extend 3D sound by selecting Bass Boost or 3D EQ.You can also adjust the level of 3D sound with the or lever.Select DBE or 3D EQ with the NEVI/MENU button.DBE (Dynamic Bass Enhancement) enhances Low & Middlefrequencies and only operates when using Xtreme 3D.You can select the Bass Center Band level from Band 1 to 4.You can also set the Bass Boost gain from 0 dB to 15dB by 3dB step.Set EQ to User EQ to use 3D EQ.You can adjust the sound to your preference.There are 5 band frequency steps, set from -15dB to +15dB by 3dBstep.The way of 3D EQ setting is similar to that of setting Xtreme 3D.XtremeEQHow to set Xtreme EQDBESetting3DEQSettingClickExit
Convenient functionsMenu-SoundBeepVolume5-32Menu-SoundConvenient functions5-31SoundBalanceBalance your sound to the right or left or keep it in the centeraccording to your preference. When Sound Balance bar is moved to L(Left, 20),the sound outputs at the left earphone. When the lever ismoved to R (Right, 20) the sound outputs at the right earphone.The default value is 0 and the sound outputs the same level at bothearphones.ON : Limit the control of equalizer frequency to prevent distortion ofsound.OFF : You can enjoy the original sound though distortion of soundmay occur.0You can select various EQ modes.Press the NAVI/MENU button after selecting EQ by pushing theNAVI/MENU button toward or (VOL +, VOL -) direction.EQLimitEQSelectYou can not select Normal EQ.If you do not select Xtrm EQ or Xtrm 3D, Xtrm EQ or Xtrm 3D modes will not beavailable during playback in spite of adjusting the values.NoteSet beep volume level.Set to "0" for OFF.FadeinWhen activated, volume increases gradually at playbackmode to prevent the sudden loudness.
ContentsAdditionalInformation6Trouble shootingPrecautionsAccessoriesSpecifications6-16-26-36-46-5AdditionalInformation5-33
ForSafetyAdditionalInformationPrecautions6-6-2OnheadphonesandearphonesTroubleshooting!6-1Should any problem continue after you have checked these symptoms,please contact iRiver customer support.No PowerNo sound or distortion duringplayback.Characters in LCD arecorrupted.Poor FM Reception.Failed download of MP3 fileCheck whether the HOLD switch on the player is ON(Switch to OFF position)Battery may be discharged. Charge it after connectingthe USB cable between the PC and the player.Check whether VOLUME is set to "0".Connect the earphones plug firmly.Checkwhethertheplugisdirty.Cleantheplugwithadryand soft cloth.Corrupted MP3 or WMA files may make a static noiseand the sound may cut off. Listen to your fileson the PC to see if they are corrupted.Check out Menu General Language and confirmwhether the right language has been selected.(Refer topage 5-15)Adjust the position of the player and earphones.Turn off the power of other electric devices near theplayer.The Earphone cord functions as the antenna, they mustbe plugged in for best reception.Check to see if the battery is discharged, charge ifnecessary.Check the connection between your computer and theplayer to ensure that the cable is secure.Check the Manager program to make sure it is operating.Check whether the player’s memory is full.AdditionalInformationAvoid dropping or impacting the player.The player is designed to operate while walking or running, but dropping or excessively impactingthe player maybe cause damage.Avoid contacting the player with water.Damage to the internal parts of the player may occur if the player comes into contact with water.If your player gets wet, dry the outside with a soft cloth as soon as possible.Do not leave the player in a location near heat sources, or in a place subject to directsunlight, excessive dust or sand, moisture, rain, Mechanical shock, unleveled surface, or ina car with its windows closed.Remove the battery if player is unused for long periods of time.Battery left in the player for a long time can corrode and damage the device.All data stored on this device may be erased by a excessive impact, a thunder or anelectricity failure, etc. on the device.The manufacturer does not warrant and will not be held responsible in any way for damages or lossof data, including loss of data stored on this device, resulting from a excessive impact, a thunder oran electricity failure, You will be responsible for safe-guarding all data stored on this device.Road SafetyDo not use headphones/earphones while driving, cycling, or operating any motorized vehicle.It may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in some areas. It can also be potentially dangerous toplay your headsets at high volume while walking, especially at pedestrian crossings.You should exercise extreme caution or discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations.Preventing hearing damageAvoid using headphones/earphones at high volume. Hearing experts advise against continuouslyloud and extended play. If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce volume or discontinue use.Consideration for othersKeep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow you to hear outside sound and to beconsiderate of the people around you.
AccessoriesAdditionalInformation6-3AdditionalInformationSpecifications6-4MemoryModel No 256MBiFP-990Earphone/ Earphone cover Installation CDArm BandUSB cableCarrying CaseUser Manual/ Warrantycard/Quick Start GuideAudio Cable1122334455667788Neck strap for carrying99Adapter512MBiFP-9951GBiFP-999Memory is not expandable.AudioFM TunerFileSupport20 Hz ~ 20 KHz(L)18 mW + (R)18 mW (16 Ohm) max. Volume90 dB(MP3)87.5 MHz ~ 108 MHz60 dBHeadphone/Earphone-Cord AntennaMPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 3, WMA, OGG, ASF8 Kbps ~ 320 Kbps(OGG : 44.1KHz, 96Kbps ~ 225Kbps)ID3VI,ID3V22.0,ID3V23.0,ID3V24.0260,000 Color Graphic LTPS(Low Temperature Poly Silicon)LCD with Backlight40 LanguagesApprox. 40 hours (128 kbps, MP3, Volume : 20, EQ Normal, LCD off)USB 1.1(Full speed supported)91.1(W) x 34(H) x 31.3(D) mm63 g (Battery included)Rechargeable Battery-5 ~40Category Item SpecificationsLCDLanguageVoice RecordingMax. PlaytimeUSBDimensionWeightBatteryOperational TemperatureFrequency rangeHeadphone OutputS/N ratioFM Frequency rangeS/N ratioAntennaFile TypeBit RateTag InfoApprox. 18:00 hrs(32kbps, 256 MB) Approx. 36:00 hrs(32kbps, 512 MB) Approx. 372:00 hrs(32kbps, 1GB)
THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION   IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY   NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST     ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT   MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.  NOTE:    THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT.  SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.    This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.    If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

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