- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
- 3. User Manual 3
User Manual 1
Aste||&Kern INSTRUCTION BOOK User Guide [RIVER CONTENTS Getting Started 11 Package Camel“; PPMCH m 5 Emma Pawev Managemem Connammns mem upgvaae Using the Device J1 Easwc Opevahuns Home Sweet! Namwzman Eav Stave AK Comm L‘slenlng ‘0 Music P‘ayllst Managemenl usa mc msxauauon co Nppmg Usmg Eluekomh Ssmngs Connecung m a W‘remss Nelwovk Equnnuv Sexup Miscellaneous 7°“ Salmy Precauuons Troubleshuohng Copyngm Cenmcauans Specmcaflans Hammered deemavks Dismalmers Tasman Suppun 02 a: 04 ca «2 15 13 1s 25 3:332” 45 a9 51 51 52 53 5:: 5A User Guide Package Contenls‘gnay 1:: Changed wwlhn‘m‘l pvwaZ‘nuu: ‘01 mm e pe olmancs or aw y a a p. no G ontents Ppwm E ‘ A ‘l ‘ J mama Case Swim warrzmw Quick Siam Gmee & Protective Flhn 5 wflum card Micvo~U58 Cab'e micmSD cm slm Cover Laaxhar Case a Prutzchve Film: Protect the dsvme and K5 screen The warranxy «or 072 Weather ease guaremees me quamy e1 me \ealhev mere-usa Cable: oennem (he dewce w a compmev by charge me dewce GUIck Star! Gum: Easwc avennew 0V devme mnenanamy Wananty Card. The warranxy card .s reqmree «or cus‘omer and lachnma‘ supppn Do not mlsp‘ace ma cam UsarGwdea The Useerde can be down‘oaded from me Asmm Kem websme [hnpa/rwwaseunhern cprn/ > 3mm > DowNoad], Mmsu Care 54m Gavin The cover 45 used «p armed me mcmSD card slot when hm m use n .s instaHsd on me viaduct by dew: aemng sump 02 User Guide PPM31 at a Game The appearance at the prom: as wen as the pnmeu and engraved mlmmallon may Vary dependmg on me mnde‘ Earghenee I apnea: Pan inar aarama Anew M‘WWSB Pm » - “2:“: E aexaneed Expansinn uh" Audio Part Balanced Out 5 Previeus/ ‘ Rewmfl g.”— Flay/Pause ,_ Volume 7— Next/ Fast-Fumard LCD # mlcmSO Touchscmon 0"" 5'0‘ ' .——-— Homo Eunnn Earphones I apnea: PM: Oulpm sound m cannmsd ealphunes Musm can be p‘ayad back an a S/PD‘Frcapame axlems‘ meme by usmg an opusa‘ name, Power: Tum me screen on and ufl Long press , Tum me demos on and on Balanced om: omam suund Io earphones er headphones ma! Suppan pavancee ammo wnnecnena conneu m an enema audvo dev‘cs by usmg hum (he earphone pan (gmund) and ba‘anced zudm pen (LR) m cumunmlom M‘mro-USE Pan; Connect m a compmer or recharge me deuce Expansion unu Balanced om: Ompm sound m an expansvan dewce that Suppons ba‘aflced amp cannechpns Previous/Rewind: Playms pvemous song 01 rasxan me song Lang press , Rewwnd Gemng sunea 03 User Guide User Guide —_..._._...._— _____.......—————— Flay/Pause: Play m Pause a sang Fuse! Fundiun Lang pvess - Show Me playback screen. Next/Fasi-Forward: sxrp «0 me nex‘ song. Long puss Fasuarwam, LCD Touchscree Dwspmy wum touch contm‘ Vosumu: Comm the vo‘uma by lurmng me whee‘ mccmSD Card sum lnserl a mmsn card and access us was «mg m, m . MII um mien m. «mu m an Wm: Home 3mm: Show (he name sateen mu, Du m usuvemwlmumcn mm» m. mm. 45 m m. Damn 5a maymmm me dag anilvi mm 1. m cases 0! unexpected dawns IaHuve Dr «2519‘ press me [CM bunan «m 12 secands to come a snuwown The dewce can be restarted aha! a shumnwn The deuce can be resumed any a shutdown Power TU?" W0“ Charging Manage» ‘ L0 19 mass the [a 4 mm Io turn an me dewce 1. Turn on (he computer ~ 2. Wm ms dame ‘s om \Dngrpvass ms [(2 «1 human lo 2. The dewce wm chavge auwmalmaHy when conneclsd m men ‘ a compmer me (he mmmrUSE came. mspwey a shmdawn canhrmaunn message 3 Press [Cmnhrm] 10 mm ow (he dewce Whanvmarum ”mm“ n nulemmgumemivvfl‘l nn’uemlmu an r are. «u. m ‘5 mm on m u", m mmummq mm".“vanguargmmmnr mm mmd- mu: mum n ma m m mum m...“ “own, mm mm; \ :mmrg. «1: mm suppnn: 5v m w «u: re, Dnmg in may amr damagelalMdL'v/He «mm m: nanfl'mbx‘m' MW mm. In; muahaw: human“ mm ~emmemgw maynaanHV-‘mrge Cfimglng v n m a a mmd UH m IchIvm-mded mama may "m chmgan m. 9c M usa mm m any; mm mm m my mac: o m: am. has in .mntm mam mm :3 mm binary Lnusumplmfl "‘5 4m. mu (an a" why .1 when pukuitmere K. "a WWW ‘ o m». rSaumg r Andaman; swam] <5” p. 02) mm the Semen 0mm: m. . mummmunmmm LWhrleihBWMeMSMhpvsss mexsqmanmum mew“ emit, m V .«nmr‘mé‘mm mm ‘ olllhesmeen. Q‘JW‘Wfim‘in u a n ‘ ‘ 2 pyessmeuqumon agammtum onmescreen “5min;”nin'fin'ém‘iij." «m Jae"; " ‘" ' a. m [/4 we a Nuh'nowmefl us; an no". A m, aways!) 5 mm 4: g kavbmun av uss mm WW. a demmwd vuwev paw)wmmneaselhbchnmmghmc Dr; am u“ m m m. um? mh-r "mm mm. \hnacww Dmng w my, ms. .14“;va mm m awn has-m allumalm "mm lumn: n. vedura banw cmvwnwwln, m s n \wll mm alt m, 9 mm yum! m m 5W.” Inn: .1 mm n N: my mum I o . Pa vlng , 5m." WmcauxHSe-p m Gemnq Stan-d 04 Genmg sum 05 User Guide User Guide Connec- EMMMWHPWES omim out ti o n s 1 connacx Earphunes or headphones w me aarphonas pan, 1 Musm can be played bank on a SlPD‘Frcapable enema] sumo dewce by using an uphoa‘ cable Balanced Earphones/Headphanes m. wm mm .mmmum (m. L Comm supponad sarphunes ov headphones nu ma Connecting in a computer 1 Turn on the demos and your PC. 2 Canned the dswce «0 you! PC as a sxandam usa dewce by usmg a mmwrusa mama [o , Connect usa] . Mama Device (usa Dnve) Tmnslev Mas ham 3 PC in U19 dewce. . DAG mpm. stlen 10 mm located on a PC through me demos (See p. 34) Ballncefl Audio Device 1 Connect in an enema‘ audio name by usmg the Earphnnss pen and Balanced pen m can‘unchon Eammvmshn Mum m rm» Emmi-Si ‘1 w u w. Menu) dawnluaodna min” we rm pmgum "an: n Kemmeharlthmnuu ‘ asii—ancrmtumSuynom‘ m m] Fm an mm mum.“ mm any unnemssary um Isms Manama.“ vhnceumnumawn Hey Onwuscvhrmmm usamm» armcm-nmihedume Dumasn may cause u mammumn smug 51mm 06 Genmg sums D7 User Guide _____—...__..——— wmnw; x9 mm mm Serum! Pack 2 m Wmdnw: ”mm Flam mu he TnslaHea ram») Lemme, mamgmu me usa new omnm nesessary 5mm. mm and Wind: Mcflm mm. mm (he Mm..." mm: mwwmmmm um msconneefing mm the Campulev 1 Veniy mm all operauons are completed More anempung to dlsconnect me devlcs from me compmar Copy 5 ee/mders to the Device 1 To may cues/vamers «mm yom compmev. 5e‘ect me aeshea mes/«were and dlag E dvop mem mm the usa devmn smug Slanud 09 User Guide Mm surr‘lmxme mmruseme .a secure” an. m We mu temuvmg m- "unease “are a. In W; an m» a.“ neleu sou/roman on tho Device « mgnemk me desved mwfo‘dev. and men select [Delete] 2 Selea [V65] m the [Cunllrm FHs/Fo‘dev Deleuon] wmduw m were We semen tune/qomer mufl/Remow : mvcroSD Card 1 Ram m “13 magmm and genuy msen a mvcmSD cam mo me mmosn card 5on ommg shamed us User Guide User Guide 2 Tu sais‘y remove a mwcrcSD cavd‘ — Fin—“ware W -F| Upda‘e/ OTA (Othme ss‘em (sately remove SD Card] (37 ° from me Numicauon Barav ssleu ' ‘ 3 Upgrade ‘ WW“ ‘° 5‘ “We“ "WW [unmoum so ram] {mm [9, ., i a - 2. When a new human: vemon ‘5 avaHab‘s, the scveen Wm Sys‘am Wmmam] u) I I . mspmy a mewave Madam Gmde wmdaw 3 Gem mess m8 mmsn cam . . a Se‘en [Upda‘e] and choose me «ms (or updala m Mme R Wm N w 4. Follow me onscreen msuucuans and pmceeu Mm me @--—— - lwmware upgyaue, Huey a rug- a a) mu manna! :0, mm WWW an “Mammy m a mmfimwm Ynewmwataupgrafl mnynmtlmw armgnaumvvsmhslan Inn-d! Mwmg m m .7 mm mung an a “mm “mm llvc «mm.» m, nmmnm. Kmmmi- vm-lcssneiwovhm .m mm". Pacarrmsnded H‘mmSD Cards Ammwareupgmnp nmgsumymmm Cantu-urn and/n: uangatom-s xsvn sum SanDlsk, Wanscend Mm. urn"! mum» maummnmmu ammwem duvmganupum ,u Nmaaamwfimuvaveunuamagmnlhuunh (ovummrswm mm] 0 “Man mm“ mcmsn am cap-1 Nubian Insamng uaaammsu , a, . an uncle: mm so can: mm In. em mm. (a may nus-dung: m lhrdcvmvanmni mmmSD m1 . mm "mm m» n Mm, mama» :Im ‘ u m. mmmsb can) u- mlpmpprly M“ a .1 my mm mmwme u Lays») “mg- m me new: mm m. mum : mmmsb card . a. m mmewnmm m. mm «uh-man , v.1 m, we an.“ Nuna‘luaung mummmcenm my mm «mm causn (mm damage” on w, xv . Dn nulvemnvs mmmsu “mm u m m as. am in may«museum?cmmpncn/deleunn,mummcxxcr‘ andflawnqi (“n.mmsuc a ; ac. anal)": . m, mm ”mm m mammal": mvcmSD .avadnm. mummy m. m- memmycya hpmmu‘: w: .mmmm u) mrm. mm . Usmq "Mamie ca. ; Mme: mum- mummmm mm my ms. duww mamnc'mn . Ammmsucam‘snuil ludadwnhllwgne ,9 Plan; :mmm we» 592m Stan-d 1o smmg sun-u 11 Us r Guide _____.___._._—_.— Ea. Operations ‘ ThwsdewceleatuvesanLCDtouc‘nsueenma‘ aHowsyou m perfmm operations by mm MW. mm m dewce by mm we Queen m access C LCD Tauchscrau!‘ vanaus Veamres um) no: as. a sham mm M an ex Rutum to the Home Su’aen o 971-9 me [Home] Mum ax any nme w return to (he Usmg m: Dawn: 12 U5 ' Guide Navigabng lip/flown ‘m a Lvst ‘ choH Waugh (m: m by draggmg ma Ms! screen [up] and [down] Us'ng the same 13 Uszrsuxac More Screw Span n Hanem Mecca-V5494» 5s Mas- ALBUMS (,D-mh mwust H» mm STORE Curvermy [flaw song m/Q'mat an Laurches A< Comes! Vxew we >5: or sun b by dmevent seam opnons J5 r9 me Demon ‘1, g A ‘ @ so ands-Hyman: \in’fi ,Iwe Zev‘w User Guide 1 Neufmatmn Ear Expand or cuHapsa ma nmmcauon bar by draggmg me be! down or up, vespacuvew 2 e wm Pysssrzs‘nowmwmon mm: 3 X aluetoom Press[ >g ]101umE1uewmh on men 4 E0 E0 Fvess[EG]mlumlheEO on m on The 711051 vecem EQ semngs are apphed by ds1au11 5 Games: Press[ 0 110 mm Gamess Playback Playback on or on. L 6 cm mm Line 0m an or UK. 7 3 W1 fiSpeakexs mu Wm speakers on are" my be 0'1 ms same netwmk) (The Icon wm become enabled when AK German 15 mmed on) a Nommauons Nouncahon wn‘ents are Dismay d1splayed 1n1h1s area. 9 ~_"—r» Fun samh Enter keywords m d1sp1ay a 11stoh1ems comainmg me Search mm m o Senm s D1sp1aysa11s1mseumgs Usmg me name 16 User Guide 11 age 91: Connecuon Se‘ect «he appmpnaa mode Mace when connected (0 a campuler @< ~usa dnva made 1m nansvamng mama files 13: L1sxen 1o mum mama an a PC through ma 651/156. 12 a Screen ank Pvess[ fl 11ommms screen lock on D! an. The mums wheel .s d1sabled when me screen 1: locked 13 —» may Mada Press [ a. 1m cycle through mnarsm may modes a sequenna: playback x 511.1% mayback 14 :- Hepeleade Pmss[§]lo cycle lhrough mnemm Repeal modes 5 Repeatlhe ems v1ay11s1 a *Repea‘ the cuvrem song ,msams repeat 15 o Rxpperl’ower Tum me on Nppel on 01 0" (Enablsd when connected 10 ms AK cu RIPPev) 13 Q, Cradle Ompmsuundmrougmhe mama's Emanceu 0111mm (Enab‘ed when cunneued m the AK Grams) 17 Screw Use the adjustment bar m qumnsa camel “12 display bnghtness. snonmngsmcr. uamg ms mm: 17 User Guide Purchasing Convemenny pumhase muswc worn me Stare when Music from a Store cermemed w a wrrexess nelwmk rm, hasiwlvu c Canned ‘0 a wwre‘ess netwovk Salad [snore] (rum me home screen Selesr me desved store Check me user owe or 've‘p men-A wrmrn each smre cor dekaded :Navmahon - Sersex [Menu > User Gulde]w\1hw me Growers vae lor nsmemrs ‘ me u a! me mam"! mr mule warm-nun m. A 9 In . winllss “Mom 5.“, V mu Unwrs‘ls:valvaumwrmnlnafilme. Lx ,s simv Hen- Him; 0.. Davies 18 Use! Guide AK CONNECT The PPMS‘ can access and plsy back musro mes slored on a computev on me same remm as wen as oumu! sound through AS‘EHKKcm speakers mas erezmirg Serve! Instatlun ‘ Vrsa me Astall&Kam websne and dowNoad the server mstaHer mm corresponds k) yuur eeerenng sys‘am [mm llwww asteanem com > Suppon e Dewmeatfl 2 Run me downioaded msxener and v'oHow me onscreen insuuctxcn: 3 Check me user ourae wow the pvogvam lav dvlaflefii mfnrmahon on usmg me MOS Slreammg server saw". Renullcmams M: n mm... sysrm. Rcummmznls . os~ mum xv, Wmdms 1mm atsunl Mes Mrmmum Sysmn flaumvcmems . as x (M (u...) nr'uev Connecfing :u me AK Canned Server 1. Tum on me sewer end connect to he same network as the PPMBI. . Run me MOS Streaming Server on your cumvmev 2 Turn on [AK conneeq room we dev‘ce seflmgs a Press [AK Connect] «rem me home screen Usmg the Dex/we 19
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Modify Date : 2015:11:27 13:05:23+09:00 Create Date : 2015:11:27 13:05:23+09:00 Metadata Date : 2015:11:27 13:05:23+09:00 Creator Tool : 28BW-4 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:afe903a5-6046-4f0a-a149-2523b10d9f21 Instance ID : uuid:8fe243db-30ee-4fa3-b72f-d0cdae99a07f Producer : Generic 28BW-4 Page Count : 10 Creator : 28BW-4EXIF Metadata provided by