DSK Tech INFINITY-K2 Radio Control Transmitter for Toys User Manual
DSK-Tech Inc. Radio Control Transmitter for Toys Users Manual
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Users Manual
O O O El HIEQJ —’r‘—RM§J 1. $fl7llTransmitter) X 1 AM 27MHZ BAND TRANSMITTER Current drain : teomA Modulation : AM Power Supply : DC12V(AA batteryX8) Frequencies : 27MHz 2. ¢N7I(Receiver) x 1 Modulation : 2Channel AM(27MHZ) Power supply : DC4.8V~DC 72V Current drain : 30mA EEC Maximum out: 3.0A Weight : 19g size : 47 x 32 x 22mm) 3. AtE(Servol x 2, A12 é(Servo horn) X 2 Item No : DS—401 Weight : 399 Size : 40 x 20 x 37(mm) Torque At 4.8V : >3.5kglcm(49.00 oz.in) Speed Al 4.8V: 0.25 sec I 60°at no load 4. HHEiEI §CJI(Battery holder) x l 5. A-‘HillSwitchi X 1 @ cCZi 5. EP—l 521-3 (EPA setting driver) X 1 Instruction manual E HIEQJ Ag r H? Qgg EEG elLlEl» ' oomroltne steering otreczton right & left A CHAflfl Alta; emiautl ,' The channel t or the Servo puts the producr in motion 1' $375,,°t'f".'2’.T.’f’."i"l"f?Laf‘.‘?’J'Z? .................................. ," 7. lflIElEI flé‘ RAVI Batlery Power Indicator i {Eli gamma Tr-nnsmrtrreeuency .‘ ‘ ""‘j"’""""""';""; """ E stints ' flklflflfifi EEJE “JEill-lfi- EEIQ $9.12. fl It sfisiixzsrfiaflinflizsbil: gm JLIL' AI71l ales; gale avenue aerial eye aeeucl I ” 9 W LED!0l12$ 2012- 42 t”(F-til fit) ‘elEli‘t’a'l-lct Ftas on 3Led. batteries are fully charged. in? ENE E2 HIlEiEI TAHIBMH éfiol E‘flflutt It it is on yellow or red. the battery is IW (needs charging or needs to replaced ) Fulfil ”é?— : Ei- ants Q’fllzll-lfl Hillilili flillsrl ZHJAIQ On redt can not control. must be charge batteries Assemhllng - Turnnirig the antenna clodtwise E 2.52 ‘ {talus Emil Ell P11 1§§ i439- 2fi§0l ‘Qfii e eateucl Caution net extending tne antenna oomplelety prior to use can cause a malfunction trim dial 2. E% Aflil Power ON/OFF swilch ! we $|§ salts ON, Otflli was 0FF7l aunt rne swrtorl up rs mm on and am Is on. E (MN 2&5 ts'XI) $N7IE flYI {loll $U7|$El ?40l fill—ltl Turn on the transmrtter belme turn an the reclever. E {M 1 fiflé‘ fl7l {mil fit; ‘l’EllLlE Efllll act §tJAI2 , Caution , Must be tulty extended ttte antenna item turn an tlta/ Raoro ' AEIOl 3' EE‘ Steerin IlrJQlCHJ Ali)?” All} fllkllea EMF-l. Preclsly control the neutral positron of right & lelt AEIOli' fiol SEMI 95 ul, it7t anti $25. use eelolgl §€§ iéli'l—ltl. On the neutral nostion or the steering wheel. control the steenng trim to drive the car tor straight 9. ééé EE' Throttle trlrn dial {till éfithHZAifil‘ll éfl flili fllML/‘E‘a‘ min. Preclsly control the neutral posrlrori of tolward and backward 3. étfllg stares Crystal tor ltansmitter , E Eni‘é AM27MHZ §N¢E Algatfi Ollltl ‘a'c'E EEJAQSr AI-BSMUI HlE'I—lfil (filmlfiflolflli EEIAQ AilE fig) ln our meal using lrequency 27Mtlz We recommended it B ¢N7IEEIA§PJ EJ$01A1 Al§8lAl7I ElEILIEt. Ustng the same frequency crystal tor TX at Rx , E 4591 1 ”NE ”Emil“ [lg “9D 53g 5— 491 52125452: tree aa- eu it sweet we! eelfle eel uleluu. ; Do not use the same lrequency in the same area lO. eels-4 1g End Point Aolust » MEQI Hill 295745 le’l’éatthl The movement or the servo can be angled rrl the left or right tiltedlorl. g l 1. “395133 Reverse switch MEQI fl$r E521 Qgfi E’JQIE EFF!” it “it AlfiELIEi The reverse switch is used to change the servos direction. \ t [2 LEE amt Throttle lrlgger 4. é’fi’l‘ Charging jack " i é’sxli ”gist“! é’flfl é Gig-6M éfifil 4—91Ql—lfl when usan a recharabte battery, you can use the poll to charge it without having to separate il W’JEN fit“! ASNKIE 112 $381 §QAIE Turn the power on nature you recharge rt. -lu till or. as in it: no EU 2! ewe: Eellulats’l aggg eucl Control the icrward and backward movement. I3. more D/R Steering Dual Rate Adjuster AEIOfi's' EthE §All>ll ififlhlfl Control the steam; dual rate flAMlE‘a'ggé iii-3 EP—lOI 711m. Al7il‘3§S’-*== §EIE EU“ M; fiLIEl» Turn it to clockwtsa. make the dual rate a little otherwise. make the dual rate extensive 5. illlElEI battery pack EPA "5 ‘r ‘ STB’A : cruel Alizfl ill-“r §ltilf 2M 223 1159 “1 MS True to used tor channel 1 clone Salvo tn adtusl tne angle when moving rn lite rrghl or tell “Ethan -. TH-EPA : CH 291 MEQ at? E’flilE w tug zeal KI At 81'870‘4 Ail: ?5354 All? AI eltlle Metal Alger at Thu is need tot charmer z or me Servo tn adlust the angle when moving rn rne rrgnr or tell dtrecuonllnmon uerng me digrutl speed controller. use rt at lls maximum cavamyt l. vale menu swarm“, my . weevil» tr when", ...,.n efifietels zeal eel to’olllOllAt Al-g‘et mtg, J avast 2; 5‘1‘0! at?» a? At Sli‘ll thi {MAM “Him the range or mntlun should be wltrnn loaegrees or the lllutllatthn above in lite case you need to exoeefl the irrrttt. sel tite selttngs el trre Servo nern note alter the location has been charged 1 “$8? Gel 942m § fifllli ENQQZ EQE? 9.15 as]; imq The srze ol the angle at movement get; larger as the hole you are uslng moves larlher lrorn rne oenter M7I2l klEi'Jé Receiver and servo Connections El u on rill lurwyrotoe UKRIIK Spud (onlmlhv 1>-’r‘—{‘_|7I Receiver : 7|7l|él0|l~t fillet flé7l§ Al'gfi IIll EEQ -’r‘—’.‘_‘7I HHEIEI§ “£3317" ill-FE HllF-iP-I iHflEE Eélé'l—lfil. It contains B.E.C(Battery Eliminator Circuit) while using mechanical or electronic speed controller. - Algfi‘é' Voltage : DCA.8V~DC7,2V - Mg £4.12 gl7l flit" °JEilLl 4.18 Eli? H’SEE-‘fifil 3M?) ‘E‘HEEt ¥AI7I Htaatl-IEl- In order to prevent of interference. please keep the antenna wire at least term from other power wire, X $9| 2 ‘HHIl—l fié ‘t’al‘lli QElLllKI UHJAIQ- E’Etéfl fl‘i’JOI SLIP-l- Don't cut the wire. It can make malfunction. 2> Al! Servo 4155 Qitg llll -‘r‘°=l3l‘.‘_| Ill%fll “gill-ME féllélAUI Etill-lili- Read the manual of product 412 éi’l‘ AI. A132” gitél éaalt’rliloll QJEXI gill élkl7l literati-El- Check the neutral position of servo. sS-t'7l Eflé 5°30" 9355—31 fig Ell HE éfl “ti-Egg filfi—éfi il$iIKI 1255 35—9l file-WE- Keep the servo into neutral. when turn on the transmitter after adjust the trim in neutral. fill inlinity K2 5 Wfii-f-HM EAlQLIEl. Thank you tor purchasing the infinity K2. UI ”QE‘HE Inlirtliy Kg ‘L’fiéifl QUE?“ Al‘SflE—i— $430“ one i-Ai HE, $9lfil§50fl LlISllAi “£32551 flél—Ill» § 7|7|21 83—2 fisl ‘é‘flfi 4‘- 24'55 AI~§ 510“ E E§A1§ Q SIS/ill fifitéfll Ai§3li -’r‘-AI7I§ $154 Efll-Ir—l. E2? OI flfisfifié °el2t| fiDlIF—lE QUEEN all fing 4 2155 EEGli—T—Afll UlElLIElv This instruction manual contains information to ensure a safe and appropriate use of this product including guidelines and warnings. To take full advantage of all the benefits of this product please take the time to read this instruction manual prior to usage. Furthermore, store the manual in a safe and easily accessible place to reter to it in the luture. its 2431. Warning i‘a‘XUI Qfl, 221” 553th Q0] ‘J7i Uteél flfiflufll l When turn on the product. turn of the radio before you tum the rece'wef on. Also, when tum oil before you turn the radio off. (The mix up m the oroer of turning on anti oftlhe product can over exert the engine and the motor which may potentially explode.) 2. Q‘Hflfil £18 Aflili fl7| Boll “JEN 28 {HES Eli'OI ”Sail! 9,in $33 Qflfsiot fieiAlQ- (5313 $m¢§ ¥m§l8l5 3‘- éfll §S°| 5101 (“Hal $l2l°JLIEll Prior to turning the controller on. make sure no one else is using the same frequency in your vicinity (Simultaneousty using the same frequency will prevent the product from functioning) 3. é‘rfi'flgl twill-if flEAI itflél l'ilkl Al§3l01 fists/iii» (filial-ii itfiél Ell 9&2 Mgélfl fifléitfll EJOWM MUSEUM” fl Gilli! 25.5“ seer gilt” Ell-m) Pull the antenna out completely, (ll you do not oompieteiy pull out the antenna. this will limit the range oi frequency cauSlng olffreuity m produa usage.) 4. égtgll'oll E5! 2£§7Ifl ate fi§§ N‘l‘élfli $NA|2 (Gigi? g’fi‘flolth gflom HE $5 -’r‘— (§)AI7IXI ‘EOI IFQAIQ are 7lEll-l QUINN HIAEJl fia‘QXIElE $§i§l§ fifllgl EQNEIE Xiltk’dfli-‘PNJIQ it!" Qir QEIILIQ 11114915 QEHV Q’rfl7lfl ‘r’.’ Eill—l ‘é’fitr Xlfi 501 "iii SQ ilfll7l RISE—é 213 so AME 581. 45918“)! 51‘JAIS’.) Before you ttnve the propo. make sure all functions are intact (it there are any abnorrnalmes to any of the tunctrans. do not drive the product. rake eveiy ore-anon possible to ensure a successful first time use of the oroiiuct by checking the frequency. range. and antennas for proper performance) 5. tiIQE ‘éOiIE QWE $§(Q)éixl ‘QOl 45am. ii§7|2i ~1‘—t'7| St' NEE] LH$E ESQ?! Ell $2H Slot $23 71‘5lEtl-l Mil il. 74§ 5B SDI 5017} 255 if: ’-‘i§ 55m Slot flfiflufitv $fl7|r A1! 5!” Sol “515 "ME 5” flit—ii“ HEiEIE WW 3. SEE lulu” $é‘AI2 iii 3 ea JS§0i flDlE lt'ésl 8t7| will“ "Wt-2- AiflIA’QOiI SHE Fr’ja’stot feel/“Rd Use of this product during rainy wealher is prohibited [The internal parts of this product are extremely sensitive. and contact with moisture wrll lead to an abnomial pertormance of the oontroller and or receiver. if the internal pans of this product get into nontw with water, out or the hattery. and my rl out completely amt take it to a sennce center near you.) 6. 4-‘1'7IE fi‘é‘7l7lta'I-II'J eats $41 2455 film fitJAlQ [QWIE éEOIu éfiAI £500 grates {Iggxl AEXI 5—21 Atfifilfli Qfi'lflfig All?! fryéAlit) The recon/er contains may pans that are sensitive to force. Please restrain from putting extreme tome at or piessufe on the product. (Use sponges or other soft materials to protect the product from crashes) 7. 41W ED“ 251 ESL) I1ilEiEI iE7l it? mlOIE 25t§0| a» Etfiéll-I 7l77l0| illl “will? ‘a‘E QOIQ QEfiUil—lr $$E|Il ‘QE 5 Stat signs tflfllLl uni easel-i tillttal 1&0“ Boom exes 6M when some near any motor oortts or battery cords can cause the aonormal function atthe produa. Flease make sure to keep it away from the above mentioned matanais. Do not cut off any aooess length from the product and make sure It does not bend. (it the antenna cont gets shorter, make sure it does not get dose to the battery cord 1 DIGITRL PROPORTION!“ RHDID CONTRIJL SVSTEM O O Homepage : www.dskt.i:o.kr Headquarters : 400-48 Janggl-tiorig. Glmno-cltv, Gyeonggi-ao. Korea tel. 82-31—996—0841 Printed in Korea Emall : Sales©dskt.co.kr fax. 52— 31496—0843 B r a n c h zttnyejeon blitg., 256—3. yanojae—dong.Secho—gu.$eoul. Korea tel. 324-572-0881 fax. 82-2s572-0333
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