DVS Korea VXA-4000 4 Inch Wide Touch Screen Navigation User Manual 4000 EN 070123 Page 1

DVS Korea Co., Ltd. 4 Inch Wide Touch Screen Navigation 4000 EN 070123 Page 1


Thank you for purchasing our product.This user manual is designed to support convenient usage of the navigation system and safe driving.Please read the entire manual carefully before using the product.The contents of this manual may vary depending on the navigation software version. The user interface, functions and performance of the device and the contents of this manual are subjectto change without prior notice. Please follow all safety guidelines listed in this manual for your safety.Please comply with the following important instructions to ensure safe driving.Warning Do not set or search for a destination while  you are driving.  Park your car at a safe placebefore inputting addresses or searching for a destination.WarningWarning Voice guidance and map route can be different from actual road conditions. Always be sure to comply with actual road signs/signals and local traffic regulations for safe driving.  It is very dangerous to operate the device, or to look at the screen while you are driving.Always be fully aware of the surrounding traffic conditions and nearby pedestrians when youare in your car. 1
ABOUT NAVIGATION SYSTEM..............DIRECTIONS BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT ............COMPONENTS .................................................SCOUT 355(B) FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS ................FIRST THINGS FIRST..............................SYSTEM TOUR .................................................. PERIPHERALS TOUR ...........................................SCOUT 355(B) SETUP ........................................SCOUT 355(B) FUNDAMENTALS...........HARDWARE INTERFACE ................................COMMAND INTERFACE ....................................MOBILE PHONE-SCOUT 355B ONLY.................MULTIMEDIA MODE................................MULTIMEDIA MODE OVERVIEW ........................MP3 ................................................................. PHOTO .............................................................2SYSTEM CONFIGURATION..................................SYSTEM SETTINGS OVERVIEW .......................................... CUSTOMIZING USER PREFERENCES ..................................  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND USER SUPPORT......USING YOUR SCOUT 355 SAFELY ................................... CLEANING THE SCOUT 355 ............................................TROUBLESHOOTING THE SCOUT 355 ..............................  FAQS ................................................................................CUSTOMER SUPPORT ....................................................... SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS...................................HARDWARE FEATURES ......................................................GPS SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS .............................................  DESIGN AND ERGONOMICS ............................................ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................REGULATORY INFORMATION ............................................Table of ContentsTable of Contents33 67881212  1919222429292934383839444446465153 54545556575959
Directions before using this productPlease read through this section for important safety tips before using this product.Usage directions3Warning Refrain from operating the device while the car is in motion. Please park the car at a safelocation before operating the device to minimize the danger of a traffic accident.Voice guidance and map routes can be different from actual road conditions. Always be  sureto comply with actual road signs/signals and local traffic regulation for safe driving.Warning Please do not modify the car in any way to install this device. Doing so may negatively affectthe safety devices on your vehicle. WarningWarning The manufacturer will not be liable for any accident or damages arising out of the use of thisproduct. The user will bear sole responsibility. WarningThe suction cup mount may become dislodged from the windshield due to vibration, suddentemperature changes, or unexpected shock, resulting in damage to the device or your car.Please mount the device in a secure location (refer to the installation section for more details). Caution Do not keep this product powered for a long time after stopping the engine. This can causethe vehicle battery to drain.About Navigation SystemDirections before using this product
Installation directions4CautionOnly use the cables provided with the device. Always make sure that the device power is offbefore connecting any external cables. Connecting external cables with the device poweredmay cause damage to the device. Caution Never attemp to disassemble the device yourself. Avoid applying shock to the device.Caution Operate the touch screen with a round object or your fingertip. Using a sharp hard object maydamage the display. Caution When cleaning the screen, turn off the power and use a soft clean dry cloth.  Never use wateror chemical substance like detergent or solvent. CautionPlease do not remove the SD card while data is being accessed from it. It will cause the deviceto become unstable and freeze. This includes anytime the device is in the   Audio player, theVideo player, the Image Viewer, or the navigation application.  If the device freezes, turn offthe system and reboot.Warning Please follow the instructions in the Installing Product section for connecting all wires and cablesto avoid malfunction. WarningDo not install the product in a location where driving can be impaired or where the  driver’s view of the road is blocked.Warning Install the product in a position that does not interfere with the operation of vehicle  safety devicessuch as air bags.About Navigation SystemDirections before using this product
5Caution Use only the cables provided with the product to ensure stable system operation.  Caution This product must be used with 5V power only.CautionPlease remove the test jack that is installed in the safety terminal (check pages 6~7 forlocation), and connect the hand brake cable.  This cable needs to access the parking brakesignal going into the instrument panel of your vehicle.  The access of this signal is different forall automobiles. Please consult your vehicle user manual or contact your dealer servicetechnician for this location (check page 10 for further detail). Caution Please power down the device before connecting any audio / video cables, otherwise theproduct can be damaged.Caution Do not install the product in a place with water, humidity, vapor, dust, oil, or smoke.CautionFor the first time the device is taken out of the box, and any time the device hasn’t been usedfor a long time, or after a cross country flight, it may take 5~10 minutes to obtain GPSposition. CautionDo not put any objects that may interfere with the GPS signal reception near the device. Mostproblematic are any metallic objects that are located near the GPS antenna.CautionDo not install other electronic devices that generate heavy electromagnetic waves (such as  radiotransmitters)  near the GPS antenna.CautionGPS reception can be blocked if the car windshield is specially tinted.About Navigation SystemDirections before using this product
Components6Navigation System unit Installation DiscStylus PenCradle Owner’s Guide DiscCircular DiscCigar Jack Quick Start GuideAC AdapterAbout Navigation SystemComponents★Specifications and design and  contents are subject to change without notice. Suction Cup MountQuick Start GuideMap Disc
SCOUT 355(B) feature highlightsPowerful system• Microsoft Windows CE .NET 4.2 operating system • Samsung S3C2410 266 MHz application processor • SiRF Star III GPS • High-density rechargeable 2200 mAh Lithium Ion battery Wide and accurate GPS coverage• NAVTEQ digital map database • Integrated patch antenna for optimum satellite pick up at every angle Mobile design• Compact and lightweight body makes it easy for users to carry it anywhere while driving or hiking • Car mount kit for multi-vehicle usage (windshield or dashboard mounting) • On-the-road recharging options via the car charger Ergonomic features • 3.5-inch 200-nit QVGA TMR LCD touch-sensitive screen • Accessible control hot keys with backlight illumination • Simple, easy-to-use user interface with large icons and command buttons • Multi-language support for user interface • Advanced power-saving options Multimedia programs• MP3for musical entertainment • Photofor digital pictures 7About Navigation SystemSCOUT 355(B) feature highlights
This chapter describes the hardware interface of the SCOUT 355(B) and its peripherals. Instructions for setting up thedevice and some basic system operations are also discussed.  System tour This section describes operation of the device hardware interface. Rear and front panels8First things first NNoo..1IIccoonnCCoommppoonneennttPower status LED indicatorDDeessccrriippttiioonnIndicates the battery power status.• Green — The device is running on battery power. • Orange — Battery charging System tour①②⑩⑨⑧ ⑦ ⑥ ⑤ ④ ③⑪
NNoottee: For more information on how to use your SCOUT 355(B) in navigation mode, refer to the Destinator OP QuickStart Guide or the Destinator OP User’s Guide (located in the Destinator OP CD). NNoo..2 3 45 67891011IIccoonnMMEENNUUMMAAPP++--CCoommppoonneennttTouch screenMain Menu hot keyNavigation hot keyZoom in hot keyMulti-directional joystickZoom out hot keyVolume up hot keyVolume down hot keyMicrophoneSpeakerDDeessccrriippttiioonnDisplays the applications, data, and map images availableon your device. It is touch-sensitive and responds to fingertaps.Displays the Main Menu panel; also called the Home panel.Displays the Navigation panel. When in navigation mode, zooms in on the center of a map.When in full screen mode in Photo, zooms in on thedisplayed image.Move in a left-right or up-down direction to scroll throughdisplayed items. Press to open (if it’s a file icon) or launch (if it is a program orsettings icon) a selected item.When in navigation mode, zooms out from the center of amap. When in full screen mode in Photo, zooms out on thedisplayed image. Press to increase volume.Press to decrease volume.receives user’s sounds (this is valid in SCOUT 355B only).Emits system sounds.9First things first System tour
Right and left panels Top and bottom views10NNoo..1213 141516IIccoonnCCoommppoonneennttSD slot Earphone jackUSB port Power connectorCradle interface DDeessccrriippttiioonnAccepts SD and MMC storage cards, allowing you to use audio,image, and map files stored in it for use with internalapplications. You can also use it to back up data from yourdevice. Connects to audio line-out devices (earphones/headphones). USB port is not used in USA.USB port is used special features for European functions.Connects the device to an AC power outlet.This connector must be used with 5V power only.  Interface for an external GPS aerial interface and AC adaptor.First things first System tour⑱⑫⑰⑬⑭⑮⑯
Read and front cradles - Cradle only use in  the car.NNoo..1718IIccoonnCCoommppoonneennttPower button/backlight control Soft reset buttonDDeessccrriippttiioonnAAss  aa  ppoowweerr  bbuuttttoonn::• If the device is off, press the button to turn it on. The power LED indicator on the front panel lights up green.  • If the device is on, press the button to turn it off. The power LED indicator also turns off. AAss  aa  bbaacckklliigghhtt  ccoonnttrrooll::• Press and hold to activate or deactivate the screen backlight. Press to perform a soft reset if the device freezes (i.e., device no longerresponds to the buttons on the screen).11First things first System tourNNoo..192021IIccoonnCCoommppoonneennttSystem interfaceExternal antennaPower connectorDDeessccrriippttiioonnInterface for system unit connection.Interface for an external GPS aerial interface.Power connector to an Cigar Jack only. This connector must be used with 5V power only.⑲⑳ 
Peripherals tour/SCOUT 355(B) setupPeripherals tour This section describes of the peripherals bundled with the SCOUT 355(B).Car chargerSCOUT 355(B) setupUsing the new SCOUT 355(B) is a snap. Unpack, mount, turn on, and it’s ready to go. Perform the following easyinstallation tasks to start using the device straight out of the box: 1. Unpack the device. 2. Set up the device on a vehicle. 3. Turn on and configure the device. Setup the SCOUT 355(B) on a vehicleThe SCOUT 355(B) comes with a car mount kit and a car charger with which you can set up the device on a vehicle.Choose a position for the car mount kit on the windshield using the suction cup, or on the dashboard using the self-adhesive power disc connector. 12First things first
Some countries prohibit the mounting of any electronic device in any location on the vehicle dashboard. Be sure to check your local laws for acceptable mounting areas before installing the car mount bracket. Some newer vehicle models may have a heat reflective shield embedded in the windshield. This may in some cases obstruct the GPS signal reception. If you encounter this problem in your vehicle, you need to purchase an external GPS antenna. CCaarr  mmoouunntt  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn  rreemmiinnddeerrssInstall the car mount on the surface of a vehicle: • That is smooth, flat and free of dirt and oil • Where the driver can easily view/reach it without taking his/her eyes off too far from the road  • Where the device will not obscure car controls nor restrict the driver's view of the road • Far from the air bag deployment area TToo  sseett  uupp  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  oonn  aa  vveehhiiccllee::This section shows how to install the car mount kit in a vehicle’s windshield using the suction cup. For dashboardinstallation procedures using the self-adhesive power disc connector refer to the SCOUT 355(B) Portable NavigatorStarter Guide. 1. Clean the mounting surface with a glass cleaner and a clean cotton cloth. 2. If the ambient temperature is below +15°C (60°F) warm the mounting area and the suction cup (e.g. with a hair dryer) to ensure a strong suction bond. 3. Install the car mount on the selected area. a. Fix the suction cup to the selected area with the locking lever facing up. b. Flip the locking lever away from you to create a vacuum between the suction cup and the mounting surface. 13First things first SCOUT 355(B) setup
c. Make sure that the suction bond is strong enough before proceeding to the next step. d. Insert the pegs on the car mount’s cradle plate to the holes on the back of the cradle, and then move the cradle downwards until both parts are engaged. 4. Insert the Destinator OP SD card into the device.5. Dock the device on the cradle. 6. AAddjjuusstt  tthhee  ccaarr  mmoouunnttfor the best viewing angle. 7. After setting up the device on the car mount, connect the car charger. If the car engine is turned off, you may be required to switch the vehicle ignition back into the Accessories position. Consult your vehicle owner’s manual. e. Connect the car charger to the power connector on the cradle. f. Plug the other end of the car charger to your vehicle’s cigarette lighter. g. The power LED indicator lights up orange during charging. The hot keys backlight is also lit up. 14First things first SCOUT 355(B) setup
The device comes with the battery pre-charged to at least 30% capacity. You can start using it once it is mounted in your vehicle and connected to the cigarette lighter. However, for maximum usage time you need to charge your device to full capacity. Go to the “RReecchhaarrggiinngg  tthhee  ddeevviiccee”section for instructions. Start up the SCOUT 355(B)After mounting the SCOUT 355(B) on a vehicle it is ready to be used. Turn it on to calibrate the screen. After screencalibration, proceed to system settings configuration.TToo  ttuurrnn  oonn  aanndd  ccaalliibbrraattee  tthhee  ddeevviiccee::Turn on the device by pressing the power button      on the top right panel of the device. The Main Menu paneldisplays. This is also referred to as the Home panel. 15First things first SCOUT 355(B) setupSCOUT 355 SCOUT 355B
TToo  ccoonnffiigguurree  ssyysstteemm  sseettttiinnggss::If you intend to start using SCOUT 355(B) at once, we recommend configuring the language and date/time settingsfirst. The rest of the user preferences can be set up later. 1. Tap            On the MMaaiinn  MMeennuupanel.2. To set the system language settings, tap           .  h. Tap        /       under the TTeexxttand VVooiicceesettings until the language ice is displayed. i. Tap to apply the changes made. 16First things first SCOUT 355(B) setup
3. To set the system date and time, tap           .  4. Tap Date. j. Tap        /        under the YYeeaarr,,  MMoonntthhand DDaayysettings to set the date values.k. Tap to apply the changes made. 17First things first SCOUT 355(B) setup
5. Tap Time. l. a. Tap         /       under the Hour and Minute settings to set the time values. m. Tap to apply the changes made.6. Tap Day/Night.n.          Check this box to enable automatic day/night backlight settings  o.         /        Set the day start and day end times   p. Tap          to apply the changes mode.For more information on the rest of the system configuration options, go to “SSyysstteemm  ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn”. Congratulations! Your new SCOUT 355(B) is now ready for use. Proceed to “SSCCOOUUTT  335555((BB))  ffuunnddaammeennttaallss”for moreinformation on the device’s user interface to start using the device in navigation mode. 18First things first SCOUT 355(B) setup
This chapter describes basic hardware procedures in using the SCOUT 355(B). Information on the device’s commandinterface is also discussed. Hardware interfaceUUssiinngg  tthhee  ttoouucchh  ssccrreeeenn  bbaacckklliigghhttUnder some lighting conditions, viewing the information on the device maybe difficult. If this is the case use thebacklight to illuminate the touch screen. TToo  aaccttiivvaattee  tthhee  ttoouucchh  ssccrreeeenn  bbaacckklliigghhtt::• Press and hold the power button        until the backlight turns on. TToo  ttuurrnn  ooffff  tthhee  ttoouucchh  ssccrreeeenn  bbaacckklliigghhtt::• Press and hold the power button        until the backlight turns off. Using the SD slotSCOUT 355(B) has an SD slot compatible with a range of SD storage card that you can use to back up or transferfiles and data.Also, the SCOUT 355(B)’s GPS navigation system has its core on the Destinator OP program. Using this programrequires that users load the digital maps available in the Destinator OP SD card included with the device.  TToo  iinnsseerrtt  aa  ssttoorraaggee  ccaarrdd::•Hold the device securely, and then push the card into the slot until you hear an audible system sound; this will signal that the card is already properly seated within the slot. The card is secure when it is not protruding from the slot. 19SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsHardware interface
TToo  rreemmoovvee  aa  ssttoorraaggee  ccaarrdd::  1. Hold the device securely, and then push against the top of the card, as if you were pushing it further into the slot, letting the card spring out. An audible system sound will signal that the card has been released. 2. Gently remove the card from the slot. Recharging the SCOUT 355(B)SCOUT 355(B) uses a high-density rechargeable 2200 mAh Lithium Ion battery. The status icon located on the topright corner of the Main Menu panel indicates the level of the device’s battery power. •- Battery full charged •- Battery charging •- Battery level low •- Battery level very low, recharging required •- Battery power depleted, device will automatically If the battery level becomes low in the course of normal use, recharge the device. Normally, please use the AC adapter to recharge the SCOUT 355(B). However, this may  be difficult when there’s no available AC power outlet on hand. When the device battery is drained while on the road, you can still recharge the device by using either the car charger cable or the USB cable. Recharging time from empty to full capacity is about six (6) hours in all cases. If the battery level reaches very low status, the device will automatically turn off. In this case, you have about 12 hours to recharge your device after which you risk losing all data on the device's internal memory. In case all data is lost, the next time you power on the device you will be prompted to restore the data. 20SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsHardware interface
TToo  rreecchhaarrggee  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  uussiinngg  tthhee  AACC  aaddaapptteerr::1. Plug the AC adapter into any AC current outlet. 2. Connect the AC adapter cord to the power connector on the left panel of the device. The power LED indicator lights up orange during charging. The hot keys backlight is also lit up. 3.Once charging is complete, as indicated when the power LED indicator lights up green, disconnect the AC adapter cord from the device. TToo  rreecchhaarrggee  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  uussiinngg  tthhee  ccaarr  cchhaarrggeerr::Use the car charger to recharge the device while it is mounted on the vehicle. Perform step 7 of the “TToo  sseett  uupp  tthheeddeevviiccee  oonn  yyoouurr  vveehhiiccllee” section for instructions. 21SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsHardware interface
Command interface Using the hot keysThe hot keys on the SCOUT 355(B) allow users to:• ++/-: Control the volume level of system sounds•  /     : Control the magnification level of images• MMAAPP: Launch the Navigation panel • MMEENNUU: Launch the Main Menu panel All six hot keys light up when pressed for easier operation under low light conditions. The function of the hot keys may be disabled in some screens. For example, the magnification level hot keys are inactive when viewing the MP3 directory. UUssiinngg  tthhee  jjooyyssttiicckkThe multi-directional joystick controls actions and scroll through functions in the device, and at the same time act asan Enter key when pressed. The function of the joystick may be disabled in some screens. For example, the up/down direction is inactive when in MP3 playback mode. 22SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsCommand interface
Using the SCOUT 355(B) touch screenThe SCOUT 355(B) touch sensitive screen allows for a more natural way of entering information into the device usingfingers instead of a stylus - no more wasted time finding a lost stylus or fumbling with an awkwardly shaped one! Inthis Guide, the tap and hold-and-drag actions are done by: • TTaapp- Touch the screen once with your finger to open items and select options. • HHoolldd  aanndd  ddrraagg- Tap a slider icon and drag it across the screen. In Photo’s Full Screen mode, hold and drag the image to pan it in different directions. • RReettuurrnn- Tap to apply any changes made and/or revert to the previous screen. Using the Main menu panelWhen the device turned on for the first time each day, you'll see the Main Menu panel, also called the Home panel.From any other screen, you can revert to it by pressing the Main Menu hot key MMEENNUU. The panel’s title bar displays the current time (with 24-hour notation), the panel name, and the battery power levelstatus icon. Go to the “RReecchhaarrggiinngg  tthhee  ddeevviiccee”section for more information on this status icon. 23SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsCommand interfaceSCOUT 355 SCOUT 355B
There are five program icons on the Main Menu panel. •  - Tap to launch MP3 for music mode operation. Go to “ MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa  mmooddee”for more information. •  - Tap to display the Navigation panel. Refer to the Destinator OP User’s Guide for more information on how to use the device in navigation mode. •  - Tap to launch Photo for picture mode operation. Go to “MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa  mmooddee”for more information. •  - Tap to open the System panel to configure the device’s user preferences. Go to “SSyysstteemm  ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn”for more information.  •  - Tap to launch Call for mobile phone mode operation. Go to “MMoobbiillee  PPhhoonnee  mmooddee”for more information.This icon is valid in SCOUT 355B only. Mobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only This chapter contains information regarding the setup and use of the Bluetooth hands free feature with your Bluetoothcapable phone. Mobile Phone Overview• In order to interact successfully with the SCOUT 355B, your phone must be Bluetooth capable. • Some Bluetooth capable phones do not support phonebook communication/interaction. For use with these phones, the Phonebook, Caller ID, and Dialed menus on the SCOUT 355B will not be supported. Please check your mobile phone user manual for description of your phone’s Bluetooth capabilities. • To interface with the SCOUT 355B, your Bluetooth capable mobile phone must go through a Pairing process, and a Connecting process. 24SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsMobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only
• Once a phone has been paired with the SCOUT 355B unit, that phone will be registered with the unit, and subsequent uses should only require a connecting process. TToo  ooppeenn  MMoobbiillee  PPhhoonnee::Tap           on the Main Menu panel.The Mobile Phone initializing pad displays.IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss  ffoorr  PPaaiirriinngg  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  wwiitthh  tthhee  SSCCOOUUTT  335555BB::1. Press the Pairing button.2. Bluetooth setting on your mobile phoneTurn on the Bluetooth feature on your mobile phone and set your phone to search for Bluetooth devices. When ‘DVSK_Headset’is found, register the device with your phone (PIN number is 0000)When Pairing is complete, you will see the following screen on the SCOUT 355B unit. 25SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsMobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only
3. Press Connect.If your phone has already been paired with the unit and is registered, you can press the connect button from the main Mobile Phone initializing screen. 4. For some mobile phones, you may need to set your phone to connect to the ‘DVSK Headset’device. Otherwise, a  connection will be made automatically. Once a connection has been established, you will see the following screen on the SCOUT 355B display. TToo  MMaakkee  CCaallllss::1. Call the most recent number in SCOUT 355B memoryPress the ‘Redial’button, and the last dialed number from the unit or the last call number received by the unit (whichever is latest) will be dialed.When you are finished with your call, press the              button to end your call.  2. Input a number to dial Press the ‘Number’button and you will be take to the number input window. Input the number you would like to call, and press the          button to dial.26SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsMobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only
3. Call a number located in the mobile phone phonebook. To use this feature, your Bluetooth capable phone must support Phonebook data content download. Press the ‘Phonebook’button, and a window will display the phonebook list that has been downloaded from your mobile phone. Select the desired listing and press the           button to dial the number. 4. Call a number from the mobile phone recent dialed listTo use this feature, your Bluetooth capable phone must support Phonebook data content download.Press the ‘Dialed’button, and a window will display the recent dialed list that has been downloaded from your mobile phone. Select the desired listing and press the           button to dial the number.5. Call a number from the mobile phone caller ID listTo use this feature, your Bluetooth capable phone must support Phonebook data content download.Press the ‘Caller’button, and a window will display the caller ID list that has been downloaded from your mobile phone. Select the desired listing and press the           button to dial the number.CChheecckkiinngg  oonn  tthhee  ssttaattuuss  ooff  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn  ttoo  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee::1. Phone namePlease verify that your phone is correctly displayed in the Phone name window.2. Connection StatusThe Current Status display will show the current connection status with your mobile phone.   27SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsMobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only
The status display can be refreshed by pressing the                 button. TThhee  rree--ccoonnnneecctt  ttoo  yyoouurr  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee::Press the                 button to discontinue the current connection and to re-connect to the paired mobile phone. Answering incoming callsWhen you have an incoming call while your mobile phone is successfully connected with the SCOUT 355B unit, thefollowing window will pop-up.To answer the call:Press the          button to answer the call using the hands-free feature of the SCOUT 355B unit. To hang up the incoming call:If you do not wish to take the incoming call, you can press the          button to immediately hang up the phone.28SCOUT 355(B) fundamentalsMobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only
This chapter describes the multimedia programs bundled with your SCOUT 355(B).  The device’s multimedia programs - MP3 and Photo - are not available in navigation mode. This is for safety reasons so as not to distract the driver’s attention from the road. Multimedia mode overviewIn addition to its navigating function, the SCOUT 355(B) is also a mobile entertainment device that lets you enjoy thedigital music and image collection on the road. MP3 and Photo extend the device’s function to the multimedia scene. To enable access of multimedia files from the device, it should be located on the SD card, not on the device s memory.Do this either by: • Using a compatible card reader to directly copy digital music and image files to the SD card. It is advisable to organize files into subfolders. This will served as playlists and albums when you access the files from your device. MP3 Enjoy your favorite music on the road. The program features: • Support for MP3, and WAV files   • Auto-scanning of supported files in the device’s SD card • Separate volume control enabling you to adjust the playback sound level while retaining the volume level set for system sounds 29Multimedia mode Multimedia mode overview/MP3
Multimedia mode • Hot key function for volume control • Playlist support based on sub-directory contents  Each sub-directory containing compatible music files is treated as an individual playlist. For a more organized filesearch, it is advisable to named sub-directories based on genre or listening preferences. To illustrate, a sub-directorycontaining music you listen to when traveling can be named “Journey favorites”; or “Top alternative”for a sub-directory consisting of your favorite alternative songs. • Shuffle and repeat playback functions Using MP3TToo  ooppeenn  MMPP33::• Tap             on the MMaaiinn  MMeennuupanel. The MP3 playback pad displays. 30Multimedia mode MP3
TToo  ooppeenn  ffiilleess  ffoorr  ppllaayybbaacckk::  1. Tap OPEN. The program will automatically scan the device SD card for supported digital files. Only sub-directories containing compatible music files will be displayed. 2. Search for the file you want to play.  Tap           /           or use the joystick to scroll through all available files.3. Tap a file or press the joystick to start playback of the selected file. •When the file is located in the root directory, tap the file for playback. •When the file is located inside a sub-directory, tap the sub-directory icon, then tap a file for playback. Tap              to return to the device’s root directory. The selected file will automatically be played. Files in the same directory will also be played provided the Repeatfunction is disabled. 31Multimedia mode MP3
TToo  ccoonnttrrooll  ffiillee  ppllaayybbaacckk::  The icons in the playback pad let you control the playback mode. •  /            - Tap to pause or resume playback. •  - Tap to stop playback. •  - Hold and drag the slider of the progress bar to adjust the progress of the current track. •  - Tap to skip backward to the previous track. If the current file is the first track in the list, the last track will be played. •  Tap to skip forward to the next available track. If the current file is the last track in the list, the first track will be played. You can also move the joystick left/right to skip to the previous/next track. Pressing the joystick during file playback will revert the screen to the Main Menu panel. 32Multimedia mode MP3
TToo  rreeaarrrraannggee  tthhee  ppllaayybbaacckk  sseeqquueennccee::Each directory containing supported music files is considered a playlist. You can choose to shuffle the playbacksequence to play files in random order. •  To enable the Shuffle mode, tap            .An enabled Shuffle mode is indicated by the word ‘Random’on the playback display pad, and a fade-out Random icon.•  To disable the Shuffle mode, tap the fade-out           button. Tapping           will automatically disable the Shuffle mode. 33Multimedia mode MP3
TToo  eennaabbllee//ddiissaabbllee  tthhee  RReeppeeaatt  mmooddee::  The Repeat mode lets you play the current track in a loop. The same track will be played over and over again untilyou disable the Repeat mode. •  To enable the Repeat mode, tap            .            An enabled Repeat mode is indicated by the word ‘Repeat’on the playback display pad, and a fade-out Repeat icon. •  To disable the Shuffle mode, tap the fade-out             button. Tapping             will automatically disable the Repeat mode. TToo  ccoonnttrrooll  tthhee  ppllaayybbaacckk  vvoolluummee::  To adjust the playback volume, you can use either the MP3 volume control slider or the volume control hot keys. •  This will only affect the volume of the track playback            . •  Press the volume hot keys +/- will adjust the sound level for the device’s system sounds.  PhotoThese days every mobile gaDestinator OPet seems to be equipped with a digital camera, better for capturing thatspontaneous moment. With SCOUT 355(B) you can keep these images of your favorite moments as mobile as you areby using Photo. The program features: •  Support for JPEG and BMP (1-, 4-, 8-, and 24-bit) files  •  Auto-scanning of supported files in the device’s SD card. •  Three viewing modes: Thumbnail, Full Screen, and Slide Show •  Album support based on sub-directory contents  34Multimedia mode Photo
Each sub-directory containing compatible image files is treated as an individual album. For a more organized filesearch, it is advisable to sort image files into sub-directories based on something, such as a particular event or acertain period. To illustrate, a sub-directory containing pictures from your daughter’s birthday can be named “Cassie’s10th birthday”; or “May 11 to June 24 log”for a sub-directory consisting of pictures taken during that period.Using PhotoTToo  ooppeenn  PPhhoottoo::  •  Tap           on the Main Menu panel. The program will automatically scan the device’s SD card for supported image files. Image files will be displayed asthumbnails; only sub-directories containing compatible files will be displayed. Tap          /           or use the joystick to scroll through all available files. When a thumbnail is selected, a red borderappears around it. 35Multimedia mode Photo
Viewing files in Full Screen modeIn Full Screen mode, image files can be viewed in a larger or smaller scale. You can also change its orientation angle.TToo  ooppeenn  iimmaaggee  ffiilleess  iinn  FFuullll  SSccrreeeenn  mmooddee::1. Search for the file you want to view. Tap          /           or use the joystick to scroll through all available files. Tap             to return to the device’s root directory. 2. Open the file in full screen mode. •When the file is located in the root directory, tap the file. •When the file is located inside a sub-directory, tap the sub-directory icon, then tap the file you want to view. TTaapp  ttoo  vviieeww  ffiilleess  iinn  FFuullll  SSccrreeeenn  mmooddee•  Tap              or move the joystick left/up to display the previous available image file. •  Tap              or mve the joystick in a right/down direction to display the next available image file. 36Multimedia mode Photo
TToo  cchhaannggee  tthhee  iimmaaggee  mmaaggnniiffiiccaattiioonn  lleevveell::•  Tap             or press the Zoom In hot key ++to zoom into the center of the image. When in a Zoom In state, you can hold and drag the image to pan it in any direction you want. •  Tap             or press the Zoom Out hot key to zoom out the image display. •  To change the image orientation: •  Tap             to rotate the images 90° clockwise. TToo  rreettuurrnn  ttoo  TThhuummbbnnaaiill  mmooddee::  •  Tap screen or press the joystick.Viewing files in Slide Show mode You have the option to view images in a slide show much like viewing a PowerPoint presentation in your computer.Images are adjusted to fit the entire display area and are shown in a 3-second interval. TToo  eennaabbllee  tthhee  SSlliiddee  SShhooww  mmooddee::  •  In Thumbnail mode, tap            . 37Multimedia mode Photo
Tap the touch screen or press the joystick to stop the slide show and return to the previous viewing mode. This chapter describes the ways you can customize the SCOUT 355(B) by setting user preferences. System settings overviewYou can adjust the settings of the device to suit the way. Adjusting certain settings, such as those for system volume,power LED, and hot keys/ touch screen backlight may increase the standby time. TToo  aacccceessss  tthhee  SSyysstteemm  ppaanneell::•  Tap            on the Main Menu panel. There are six preferences icon on this panel: •  - Tap to set the volume level for system sounds, enable tapping sound and the FMT.   •  - Tap to view the battery power level and enable the hot keys backlight.•  - Tap to set the touch screen backlight level and enable its auto-off function.•  - Tap to change the system date, time, and time zone settings.•  - Tap to set the language option for the system menus and voice prompts. •  - Tap to displays your device’s model name and related technical specifications. Options for factory reset, GPS reset, and screen recalibration are also shown.38System configuration System settings overview
Customizing user preferencesVolume and FMTTToo  sseett  tthhee  ssyysstteemm  ssoouunnddss  vvoolluummee  lleevveell::1. Tap          /          to adjust the volume level.2. Tap          to apply the changes made.TToo  eennaabbllee  ttaapp  ssoouunnddss::1. Tap the Enable sounds for taps check box.2. Tap            to apply the changes made.TToo  sseett  tthhee  FFMMTT  ffrreeqquueennccyy::1. Tap         /           to adjust the FMT frequency2. Tap          to apply the changes made.When FMT is ON, the system speaker is muted.In battery power mode, FMT does not operate.39System configuration Customizing user preferences
Power TToo  eennaabbllee  tthhee  hhoott  kkeeyyss  bbaacckklliigghhtt::1. Tap the Hot keys backlight on when pressed check box. 2.Tap           /           to set the hot keys backlight’s auto-off function. Options include backlight off after 5, 10, 15, and 20 seconds. 3. Tap             to apply the changes made. TToo  eennaabbllee  tthhee  hhoott  kkeeyyss  bbaacckklliigghhtt  wwhheenn  rruunnnniinngg  oonn  AACC  ppoowweerr::  1. Tap the Hot keys backlight on when AC-in check box. 40System configuration Customizing user preferences
Tap BacklightTToo  sseett  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn  bbaacckklliigghhtt  lleevveell::  1. Tap          /           to adjust the screen backlight level. 2. Tap           to apply the changes made. TToo  sseett  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn  bbaacckklliigghhtt  aauuttoo--ooffff  ffuunnccttiioonn::  1. Tap         /          under the BBaatttteerryyand AACC  PPoowweerrsettings. Options include Never, backlight off after 10 or 15 seconds, and backlight off after 1, 2, or 3 minutes. 2. Tap           to apply the changes made. 41System configuration Customizing user preferences
Date TimeGo to step 3 of the “TToo  ccoonnffiigguurree  ssyysstteemm  sseettttiinnggss”section for instructions on how to set the system date and time. Language The SCOUT 355(B)’s user interface supports five pre-loaded languages: International English, French, German,Italian, and Spanish. Additional language support is provided in navigation mode (i.e., when using DestinatorDestinator OP). This includes English, Italiano, Frangais, Castellano, Deutsch, Portuguese, Nederlands, Danish,Swedish. 42System configuration Customizing user preferences
Go to step 2 of the “TToo  ccoonnffiigguurree  ssyysstteemm  sseettttiinnggss”section for instructions on how to set the system language. To load additional language options, refer to the Destinator OP User’s Guide. When an additional language is installed and selected, it will only affect the Destinator OP user interface. System menus and non-navigation screens ( MMPP33and PPhhoottoo) will default to English.System InfoGo to the “TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg  yyoouurr  SSCCOOUUTT  335555((BB))”section for instructions on how to use the three command buttons onthe System Info screen. 43System configuration Customizing user preferences
This chapter contains information regarding system usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Lists of frequentlyasked questions (FAQs) and user support contact information are also provided for reference. Using your SCOUT 355(B) safely The precautions and instructions stated in this Guide shall be executed in the English language. In the event of any discrepancy between the English language original hereof and any translation hereof into any other language, the English language original shall govern. Driving precautionsWhen using the device in a vehicle, the vehicle operator is solely responsible for operating the vehicle in a safemanner. It is your responsibility to comply with all traffic laws. Failure to follow the directions below could result indeath or catastrophic bodily injury to you or to others.•  Do not attempt to enter information or configure the device while driving. If you need to do so, pull out of traffic and come to a stop in a legally permissible and safe location before using your device. •  Vehicle operators must maintain full surveillance of pertinent driving conditions at all times. Minimize the need to view the device screen while driving and use voice prompts to guide you. •  Never place the device on the passenger seat or any place else in the car where it can become a projectile during a collision or stop. •  An air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT mount the device in the area over the air bag or in the air bag deployment area. •  Although reasonable attempt has been made to ensure that the database in your SCOUT 355(B) is accurate, such information may change from time to time. The SCOUT 355(B) database does not include any of the following: Legal restrictions (such as vehicular type, weight, height, width, load and speed restrictions) Road slope, bridge height, weight or other limits Construction work zones or hazards; road closures, traffic conditions Weather conditions 44System maintenance and user support Using your SCOUT 355(B) safely
Emergency events It is your responsibility to disregard any unsafe, hazardous or illegal route suggestions. Your judgment and commonsense shall take precedence over any information that may be received through the use of your device. Operating precautionsDDeevviiccee  uussaaggee  pprreeccaauuttiioonnss•  Do not use your device anywhere it may be exposed to water or in conditions of high humidity. •  Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures, which could occur in a vehicle under direct sunlight. Such exposure can shorten the life of the device, damage the plastic housing and/or battery, and increase the risk of explosion.•  Do not subject your device to sudden and severe temperature changes. This could result in moisture condensation in the device that could cause damage to the device. In the event of moisture condensation, allow the device to dry out completely. •  Do not leave the device unattended on an automobile dashboard. When your vehicle is parked and the device is not in use, protect it from theft and extreme heat by storing it in an unobtrusive location, away from direct sunlight. •  The device is not a toy. Never allow children to play with the device. •  Never touch the liquid that might leak from a broken liquid crystal display. Contact with this liquid could cause a skin rash. If the crystal display liquid should come into contact with the skin or clothing, wash it immediately with clean water. •  Never raise the sound volume level too high when using the device with earphones. An excessive sound volume level could cause damage to your hearing. CCaarr  mmoouunntt  pprreeccaauuttiioonnss•  Some countries prohibit the mounting of any electronic device in any location on the vehicle dashboard. Be sure to check the local laws for applicable mounting before installing the car mount. •  Some newer vehicle models may have a heat reflective shield embedded in the windshield. This may in some cases obstruct the GPS signal reception. If you encounter this problem in the vehicle, you need to purchase an external GPS antenna. 45System maintenance and user support Using your SCOUT 355(B) safely
•  The heating and cooling cycle of a vehicle's interior will in some cases loosen the adhesion of the suction cup. Check the vacuum seal of the car mount for adequate adhesion each time you use the unit, and reinstall it if necessary.•  If the car mount has problems staying on, clean the plastic suction cup with alcohol, then reinstall. Moistening the suction cup may help adhesion in some cases. •  To avoid extreme temperature from damaging the car mount, remove the unit if the temperature inside your vehicle exceeds 70°C (160°F).•  The dip in humidity and temperature at night may loosen the adhesion of the suction cup. For this reason, as well as for security, it is recommended that you remove both the car mount kit and the SCOUT 355(B) when leaving your vehicle overnight. SSttoorraaggee  pprreeccaauuttiioonnss•  Do not store the device anywhere it may be exposed to water or in conditions of high humidity. •  When the device is not in use for an extended period of time, bring it indoors and store it in some location with a temperature range of -20° to +70°C (-40° to 140°F) . Cleaning the SCOUT 355(B)•  Use a damp soft dry cloth to wipe the device’s casing (not the display screen). Never use organic solvents such as benzene or paint thinner to clean the device. Use of these solvents can cause deformation or discoloration. •  Use a soft, clean, lint-free cloth to clean the display screen. Moistened LCD screen wipes could also be used as required. Troubleshooting the SCOUT 355(B)Recalibrating the screen If while using the device, you discover tapping an item doesn’t bring up the appropriate response, it means yourdevice has lost its calibration. Recalibrate the screen. 46System maintenance and user support Cleaning the SCOUT 355(B)/Troubleshooting the SCOUT 355(B)
TToo  rreeccaalliibbrraattee  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn::  1. Tap            on the MMaaiinn  MMeennuupanel. 2. Tap            on the SSyysstteemmpanel. 3. Tap Calibration on the SSyysstteemm  IInnffooscreen. 4. Tap the center of the black cross as it moves around the screen.5. Tap screen to apply the changes made.47System maintenance and user support Troubleshooting the SCOUT 355(B)
Resetting the SCOUT 355(B)You may have to perform a reset if the device freezes (i.e., device no longer responds to the buttons on the screen). Asoft reset allows your device to get a fresh start, similar to rebooting a computer. This will restart your device andadjust memory allocation. All records and entries are retained after a soft reset. GPS settings are also retained. TToo  ppeerrffoorrmm  aa  ssoofftt  rreesseett::•  Hold the device securely, and then press the soft reset button (1) on the bottom of the device. 48System maintenance and user support Troubleshooting the SCOUT 355(B)
Loading the factory default settings If you still encounter system errors even after soft resetting the device, load the factory default settings to correct theerror. These default settings have been selected to optimize your device’s performance. TToo  llooaadd  tthhee  ffaaccttoorryy  ddeeffaauulltt  sseettttiinnggss::1. Tap             on the MMaaiinn  MMeennuupanel. 2. Tap            on the SSyysstteemmpanel. 3. Tap Factory Reset on the SSyysstteemmInfo screen. 4. Tap Yes on the dialog box. 5. After the factory reset, reconfigure your device’s user preferences. 49System maintenance and user support Troubleshooting the SCOUT 355(B)
Resetting the GPS functionIn the following circumstances, the TTFF (Time To Fix First) values of your SCOUT 355(B) may be longer than usual. •  After a long period of inactivity •  If the current GPS fix position is more than 500 km, or more than apart 12 hours apart, from the previous position This is due to the nature of the GPS algorithm and rotational velocitybetween the satellites and planet Earth, and isdeemed normal. To correct this, perform a GPS reset. This will update the GPS database, which contains informationabout the GPS satellites that the unit needs to function in navigation mode. TToo  llooaadd  tthhee  ffaaccttoorryy  ddeeffaauulltt  sseettttiinnggss::  1. Tap             on the MMaaiinn  MMeennuupanel. 2. Tap             on the SSyysstteemmpanel. 3. Tap GPS Reset on the SSyysstteemmInfo screen. 4. Tap Yes on the dialog box. The GPS reset process will take about a minute to complete. 50System maintenance and user support Troubleshooting the SCOUT 355(B)
FAQs This section lists frequently-asked questions that may arise during the use of your SCOUT 355(B), and gives easyanswers and solutions to these questions. 51System maintenance and user support FAQsAAssppeeccttAudioTouch screenLanguage settingMultimedia mode QQuueessttiioonnWhy is there no sound coming from the device?Why is the touch screen not responding to my finger taps?When I switched the language setting to Dutch, why do I still get an English Main Menu?Why can’t I view my picture files? Why can’t I play my music files or view my pictures while navigating?  AAnnsswweerr•  If the earphone is plugged into the device, the speaker is automatically shut off. Disconnect the earphone. •Check that the device’s volume settings is not muted. In the SSyysstteemmpanel, tap Volume.The screen may have lost its calibration. Recalibrate the screen. Go to the “RReeccaalliibbrraattiinngg  tthheessccrreeeenn“section for instructions. If a user selects a language that is not one of the fivepre-loaded options (International English, French,German, Italian, and Spanish), the new setting will onlyaffect the Destinator OP user interface. System menusand non-navigation screens will default to English. You may be trying to view an image that is notsupported by Photo. Go to the “PPhhoottoo“section for a listof supported image formats.  The device’s multimedia programs - MP3 and Photo -are not available in navigation mode. This is for safetyreasons so as not to distract the driver’s attention fromthe road.
52AAssppeeccttNavigation mode System informationand performancePower   QQuueessttiioonnWhy is it that sometimes my device takes longer than 5 minutes to get a GPS fix? How do I acquire a GPS fix within standard time frame (about 1 GPS minute in general)? How do I check the OS version of my device? How do I restore the system back to its default factory settings?Does performing a factory reset means a GPS reset as well? What should I do if the system stops functioning normally? I couldn’t turn on the device. AAnnsswweerrIf the previous GPS fix position was more than 500 kmor 12 hours apart from your current position and time,it will take significantly longer than the standard TTFFtime to get a GPS fix. This is due to the nature of theGPS algorithm and rotational velocity between thesatellites and planet Earth, and deemed normal and is not the fault of your SCOUT 355(B) device.Perform a GPS reset. Go to the “RReesseettttiinngg  tthhee  GGPPSSffuunnccttiioonn“section for instructions.•Perform a soft reset on the device. Go to the “RReesseettttiinngg  tthhee  SSCCOOUUTT  335555((BB))“ section for instructions. The device’s OS version appears on the bottom left corner of the screen.•View the device’s OS version and other technical specifications. In the System panel, tap Sys Info. Users can perform this task by using the Factory Resetbutton on the System Info screen. Go to the “LLooaaddiinnggtthhee  ffaaccttoorryy  ddeeffaauulltt  sseettttiinnggss“ section for instructions. No. The Factory Reset function mainly reset the OSsettings to their default factory values; it will not causethe GPS settings to reset.Perform a soft reset on the device. Go to the “RReesseettttiinnggtthhee  SSCCOOUUTT  335555((BB))“section for instructions. The battery power may be depleted. Recharge the device.Go to the “RReecchhaarrggiinngg  tthhee  ddeevviiccee”section for instructions. System maintenance and user support FAQs
Customer supportTechnical assistanceIf you encounter a problem with your SCOUT 355(B), review the following first: •“TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg  yyoouurr  SSCCOOUUTT  335555((BB))”section •“FFAAQQss”section Product warrantyRefer to the SCOUT 355(B) Portable Navigator Customer support and Product InquiryThe product warranty period begins from the date of purchase. Please note your purchase date and  keep your sales receipt to ensure proper warranty service.[Warranty service cannot be provided without a sales receipt clearly indicating the original purchase date from alicensed Plenio retailer.]CCuussttoommeerr  SSeerrvviiccee  CCeenntteerrYou can make an inquiries about the product through our call center or via email. Please check the customer service website for troubleshooting tips before calling or emailing. Also, please check and install the latest downloadable software patches from our website, and check backperiodically for product news and announcements. TEL : 408 970 3387FAX : 408 970 3390EMAIL : cs.dvs@dvs.co.krCUSTOMER SERVICE HOME PAGE : www.dvssales.com/support53System maintenance and user support Customer support
This chapter lists the features and operating specifications of the SCOUT 355(B).  Hardware features54System specifications AAssppeeccttProcessor GPS chipset  MemoryPowerDisplay AudioDDeessccrriippttiioonnSamsung S3C2410 266 MHz application processorSiRF Star III GPS •64 MB SDRAM for system memory (for user applications and map storage) •64 MB Flash ROM onboard flash memory (for operating system and embedded applications)•High-density rechargeable 2200 mAh Lithium Ion battery  oUp to 3 straight hours of operation (backlight in 10% and GPS locked o4.5 hours charging time from empty to full capacity via car charger or AC adapter  •Recharging options oIndoors using the AC adapter oOn-the-road using either the car charger or the USB cable •Power status LED indicator•3.5-inch screen for a wider viewing angle •320 x 240 QVGA screen with 16.7M colors for a full-color display •200-nit LCD provides higher brightness, high contrast, and low power consuming display •TMR (Transmissive with Micro Reflective) technology allows the screen to display well-reproduced images even under bright outdoors lighting. •Hardware backlight control via the power button •1W built-in speaker •3.5 mm stereo earphone jack on the device Hardware features
GPS specifications 55System specifications GPS specificationsAAssppeeccttConnectivityHardware command interface DDeessccrriippttiioonn•SD slot•Volume control hot keys  •Image magnification level hot keys •Main Menu hot key •Navigation hot key •Multi-directional joystick IItteemmChipset Receiver AntennaNavigationSoftwareMap database DDeessccrriippttiioonn  SiRF Star III GPS  12 parallel channel•Integrated patch antenna for optimum satellite pick up at every angle •Optional connection for external antenna when the vehicle’s windshield has a heat reflective shieldDestinator OP features include: •Destinator Address Manager  •Favourite destination hot list •Destination history •Navigation mode support for driving, hiking, and cycling activities •Trip plannerNAVTEQ digital map database
Software specifications 56IItteemmTTFF (Time To Fix First, typical) Accuracy of position fix (horizontalposition)  VelocityProtocolDDeessccrriippttiioonn  •Reacquisition: 1 sec. First, typical) •Hot start: 8 sec. •Warm start: 35 sec. •Cold start: 55 sec. 10 m for 90%  0.1 m/sNMEA-0183 v3.0 supporting the following commands: •GGA       •GSV •GGL        •RMC •GSA        •VTG IItteemmOperating systemNavigation softwareMultimedia applications  DDeessccrriippttiioonn  Microsoft Windows CE .NET 4.2Destinator OP•MP3 - supports MP3, WMA, and WAV formats•Photo  - supports JPEG and BMP formatsSystem specifications Software specifications
Design and ergonomics   57System specifications Design and ergonomicsAAssppeeccttCompact and lightweightUser-friendly interfaceDDeessccrriippttiioonn•Dimensions (L x W x H): 97.6 x 113 x 50 mm (3.8 x 4.4 x 2.0 in) •Weight: 300 g (10.6 oz)  •SCOUT 355(B)  oHot keys with dynamic backlight feature oQuick launch hot keys for Main Menu and Navigation panels  oControl hot keys for volume and image magnification levels oMulti-directional joystick oTouch sensitive screen •Car mount oVersatile mounting options: windshield or dashboard positioning oFirm grip suction cup provides a steady vibration-free support oSwiveling mechanism and axial rod allows for multi-angle adjustment for optimum viewing position •Software oMulti-language user interface options: International English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish oAdditional navigation mode language support: Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Swedish.  oSystem configuration based on individual user preferences
58AAssppeeccttPower-saving options Mobile design Entertainment function  Bundled peripherals Accessory options   DDeessccrriippttiioonn•Auto-off function for touch screen backlight  •Auto-off function for hot keys backlight   •Suction-based car mount facilitates multi-vehicle usage •Compact and lightweight body makes it easy for users to carry it anywhere •On-the-road recharging options via the car charger and USB cable •Simple, out-of-the-box operation: Mount, dock, and you’re on the go. No fussing with screws and cables. •Pre-loaded software for accessing digital music (MMPP33) and image files (PPhhoottoo) •Car mount •Cradle •Car charger •AC adaptor  •Protective carrying bagSystem specifications Design and ergonomics
Environmental specifications  Regulatory information This device fully satisfies the requirements for CE marking when used in a residential, commercial or light industrialenvironment. 59System specifications Environmental specifications/Regulatory informationAAssppeeccttTemperature Relative humidity (non-condensing) DDeessccrriippttiioonnOperating  StorageOperating Non-operating  0°to 45°-10°to +60°C 20% to 90% RH 20% to 90% RH
U.S.A.U.S.FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCYINTERFERENCE STATEMENT INFORMATION TO THE USERNNOOTTEE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful Interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if Not installed and used unaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful Interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular Installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures :•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet of a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistance.Change or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for Compliance could void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.Connecting of peripherals requires the use of grounded shielded signal cables.60
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWEDeclare under our sole responsibility that the product :Kind of equipment : Navigation SystemType-Designation :to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s)Safety : EN 60950 : 1992 + A1, A2, A3, A4, A11EMC : EN 55022 : 1998, EN 55024 : 1998EN 61000-3-2 : 1995+A1 : 1998+A2 : 1998EN 61000-3-3 : 1995following the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.Accredited test laboratory : TUV Rheinland Am Grauen Stein51105 KolnKOREA / April. 27, 2006--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------(Place and date of issue) (Name and signature of authorized person)61CCOOMMPPAANNYY  NNAAMMEEDVS KOREA497-3, Sangha-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
This device compiles with Part 15 of the FCC Results. Operation is subject to the following two conditions :(1) This Device may not cause harmful interface, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for CLASS B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try correct the interference by one or more of the following measures :1.1 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.1.2 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.1.3 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which receiver is connected.1.4 Consult the dealer or experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARINGChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.62FCC Information
Please write your purchase date below, and save  your sales receipt. Both are needed for warranty repairs and customer service.

Navigation menu