Dakota Alert M538-BS MURS User Manual Manual

Dakota Alert MURS Manual


revised users manual

M538-BS(Base Station)Operating instructionsNOTICE: All persons shall maintain a minimum of 35 cm separation distance when transmitting inorder to meet the Maximum Permissive Exposure level of 0.2mW/cm2.1. Power Supply: The M538-BS is powered by a transformer that will convert from 120 volt ACto 12 volt DC, with a current capacity of 900mA.2. Function:A. Transmit and receive. The M538-BS will operate as a transceiver, meaning it will bothtransmit and receive messages from other MURS radio units. The M538-BS is equipped tooperate on 5 channels, with 38 sub channels. In order to communicate with another MURSradio, the channel and the sub channel must be set alike. The M538-BS also has 4 separatecall tones that can be used to page other users before starting a conversation. The M538-BScan also receive an alert signal from the MURS ALERT transmitter. This will notify you ofactivity at the location of the MURS Alert Transmitter.B. LCD Display. The LCD will display channel, CTCSS, Tone, TX, RX, Lock Icon(**), and AlertIcon(**). When the base station is powered up, it will return to the same channel, CTCSS, andtone that it had when it was turned off.C. Earphone. The M538-BS is equipped with a jack for an earphone.D. Relay Function. The red and black push button terminals on the back of the base station area Normally Open (NO) relay. The relay will make closure for several seconds when an alertsignal is received from the MURS Alert transmitter. The relay has a capacity of 5A @ 28V DC.E. Operating range. The M538-BS is capable of communicating up to 2 or more miles. This willvary depending on the local terrain.3. Operation:A. ON/OFF/Volume. With the transformer plugged into an outlet, you can turn the power on oroff by rotating the volume dial on the left side of the base station. This will also control the levelof the volume.B. Changing Channels. You can select the proper channel by pressing the up or down key.The lock Icon(**) must be deactivated before you can change the channel.C. Sub Channels (CTCSS). You can select the proper sub channel by pressing the modebutton once. This will cause the CTCSS display to flash. You can then select the proper subchannel by pressing the up or down key. The lock Icon(**) must be deactivated before you canchange the sub channel.D. Call Tone. You can select between 4 different call tones. You can select the proper call toneby pressing the mode button twice. This will cause the Tone display to flash. You can thenselect the proper call tone by pressing the up or down key. The lock Icon(**) must bedeactivated before you can change the call tone.E. Lock. The lock icon(**) will indicate that the unit is locked and the channel, sub channel andtone will not be able to be changed. To lock the unit, press and hold the MODE button for 2seconds. To unlock the unit, press and hold the MODE button for 2 seconds.F. PTT. The PTT (push to talk) button is used so that you can send a message to another unit.Simply press the PTT button and speak with a clear voice into the base station. When you aredone speaking, release the button. When the PTT is pushed, the TX display will show on the
LCD. This means that you are transmitting.G. Call Tone. The call tone can be used to initiate a conversation. In order to send a call tone,simply press and release the CALL button.H. Monitor. The MON button will allow you to monitor the channel that you are using. When theMON button is pressed, you will be able to hear an conversations that are occurring on anysub channels. This can be used so that you do not talk over others that are trying to use thechannel.I. MODE.a. The MODE button is used to control the Channel, CTCSS, Call tone, lock(**) and alerticon(**). To lock or unlock the controls, you must press and hold the MODE button for 2seconds. If the lock icon is not displayed, you can use the MODE button to toggle through theChannel, CTCSS, and Tone functionsb. If the base station has received an alert signal from the MURS ALERT transmitter, the alerticon(**) will be displayed in the LCD. To remove the alert icon, press the mode button for 1second.

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