Dakota Alert MALERT MURS Alert User Manual R0207194Mnl

Dakota Alert MURS Alert R0207194Mnl

users manual

MURS ALERT Operating Instructions   1. Power Supply: The MURS ALERT transmitter is powered by 6 AA batteries. 2. Function: A. Detection. The MURS Alert transmitter is a passive infrared detector (PIR) that will can used to detect people, vehicles or large animals at selected locations. The PIR sensor will detect movement of objects up to 80 feet in front of the transmitter box. When a person, vehicle or large animal is detected, the MURS Alert will transmit a signal. B. Alert Signal. When an target is detected by the MURS Alert, an alert signal will be sent to any MURS radio. There are 4 different Alert signals that can be sent. The alert signal will repeat the location of the transmitter. The signal will be Alert Zone One..., Alert Zone Two..., Alert Zone Three..., or Alert Zone Four... 3. Operation: A. The PIR sensor must have an unobstructed view of the area that it is to monitor. The transmitter should be mounted on a tree or post about 20 feet from the area to be monitored. When a target is detected by the PIR, it will cause the transmitter to send the alert signal. B. Channel selection. The MURS Alert transmitter is capable of transmitting on any of the 5 MURS channels. To select the proper channel, locate SW1 and set it to the appropriate channel. C. Sub Channel (CTCSS) selection. To select the proper CTCSS locate SW2 and SW3. SW2 is labeled 0-3, SW3 is labeled 0-9. SW2 represents the first digit in the CTCSS and SW3 represents the second digit in the CTCSS. Example for CTCSS to be set at 38, SW2 must be set at 3 and SW3 must be set at 8. The are 38 different CTCSS combinations, if the CTCSS is set at 39 or 00, no sub code will be in use. D. Alert signal. You can select one of four different alert signals, Alert Zone One, Alert Zone Two, Alert Zone Three, or Alert Zone Four. To select the Alert signal, locate SW 4. This is a 4 position slide switch. If the switch is all the way to the top, it will be zone one, the other zones will be located in order from the top. Note: The User Manual submitted for this application is a preliminary version as supplied by the manufacturer.  The attached photographs show the battery compartment and battery installation. These photographs or a diagram showing the battery installation will be added to the final version of their Manual.

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