Danby DFF8803W User Manual REFRIGERATOR Manuals And Guides L0712296
DANBY All Refrigerator Manual L0712296 DANBY All Refrigerator Owner's Manual, DANBY All Refrigerator installation guides
User Manual: Danby DFF8803W DFF8803W DANBY REFRIGERATOR - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your DANBY REFRIGERATOR #DFF8803W. Home:Kitchen Appliance Parts:Danby Parts:Danby REFRIGERATOR Manual
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OWNER'SMANUAL MANUEL D'UTILISATION MANUALDEL PROPIETARIO Model. iod_le, Modelo DFF8802W DFF8803W CAUTION: FROST ReadandFollowAll Safety RulesandOperating instructions BeforeFirstUsa ofThisProduct. Owner's PRECAUTION: VeulllezUreattentivement leeconsigneedesBcurtt6 et leeInstructions d'utiltsatio, avantrutitisation inltialede ce produit. REFRIGEPATEUR SANS GIVRE Manuel d'utilisation .................. PRECAUCION: REFRIGERADOR Leay observetodastas reglasde segufldady las lnstrucctonesde operaciBn antesde usaresteproducto perprimersvez. Manual . • • • . • FREE REFRIGERATOR Manual ........................ 1-4 Grounding Instructions Installation Operation Defrosting Care and Maintenance Warranty 5-8 Mise & ta terre Instructions installation Fenctionnement D_gtverage Sotns et entretien Garantie limit_e SIN ESCARCHA del propietario ............... 9-12 tnstrucciones pars la conexi6n a tferra lnstrucciones instalaci6n Operaci6n C6mo descongeiar Cuidado y Mantenimiento Garant{a limitada Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9 Danby Products inc,, PO Box 669, Ftndlay, Ohio, USA 45839-0669 221cs25s F,OOlREV 13 DFF1_O1 Location 1. Selecta placewitha strong,level fToor. ATTENTIO_ 2. Your refrigeraLorrequiresventilation Leave a minimumof 4" open at the top and sufficienl space at the back to allow air to circulateupward This appliance must be grounded In the event of an electrical short drcu}t, grounding reduces the risk of electrical shock by providing an escape wire for the electrical current, This appliance is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded. WARNING - Improper use of the grounding plug can result In a risk of electdc shock. Consul! a quallfted efectdcian or serviceman if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if the doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly grounded. DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD Use an exclusive wall outlet.. Do not connect your refrigerator to extension cords or together with any other appliance in the same wall outlet, Do not splice the cord IMPORTANT WARNING An empty refrigerator is a very dangerous attraction to children, Remove either the gasket, latches, lids or doors from unused appliances. or take some other action that will guarantee it harmless DON'T WAIT DO IT NOWl Your new refrigeratorhasbeen designedand manufacfured te the highestquality standards. Reasonablecare in Installingand maintainingyour refrigeratorwill assure you many years of dependableservice Remove exteriorand interiorpackings Wipe exterior thoroughlywith a so_ dry c[othand the interiorwitha wet, tukewarmc!oth. 3 Avoid directsunlightand heat Direct sunlightmay af[ect the acryliccoating Heat sources nearbywitlcausehigher electricityconsumplion. 4. Avoid very moistpieces Toomuch moisturein theair will causefrost lo term very quickly on the evaporator,and your refrigerator wilt haveto be defrostedvery frequently. 5, For best performance, level the refrigerator using adjustablefeet Tocheck reveling,open door half way.it shouldremainbalancedwithoutmoving Toavoid vibration,the cabinet must be set level Tostart the refrigerator,turn the temperaturecontrol to the position corresponding to the desiredcooling A setting of =4"should be satisfactory for normaluse The refrigeratortemperature will vary dependingon the quantity of the foodstoredand on the frequencywith whichlhe door is opened Adjust tempsralureupwardor downwardto suit your needs. Turn the controlto the "OFF" positionto temporarily disconnectthe coolingcycle, If the refrigeratorhas been teft out of use [or sometime,set the control to maximumfor 2 to 3 hours beforeturningto the desiredposition.When the refrigeratoris not to be usedfor a long per_odof time, disconnect theplug and leave the door partiallyopen. NOTE: Delay3 to5 minutes beforerestartingif operation has beeninterrupted Ice Cubes Ice cubetrayis f_exible,Twisttray lo remove icecubes, If the ice cubetray Is frozenhard to theevaporatorsurface, run a littlewateror lukewarmwaterover the tray. Never use a knife or othermetal instrument to remove ice cubetray becausethis may damage the evaporator (Fig C) Fig. C Some Important Rules for the Correct Usa of the Refrigerator Cleaning Turn the thermostatcontrol to "OFF" (Fig B). Removeell food,storing in coolersor wrappingin newspaperto keep cold+Toclean the inside,use a softcloth ande solution of a tablespoonof baking sodato onequart of water,or a mild soap suds solution, or somemild detergenLWashice cubetray,drip tray, andglide outshelvesin a mild, lukewarm detergentsolution,then dry and wipewitha soft cloth+ Clean the outs{dewith a sog,damp cloth andsome mild detergent or appliancecleaner. • Neverplace hot foods in the refdgeralor+ , Beveragesshouldbe storedin sealed containers+ , Foodsto be storedfora long time shouldbe wrapped in cellophaneor polyethylene, or kept in glasscontainers Neverplacespoiledfoodstn the cabinet+ • Don't overloadthe cabinet • Don't openthedoor unless necessary • Should therefrigeratorbe storedwithoutusefor long periodsit ls suggested,aftera carefulcleaning,to leave the door ajar toai+owthe air to circulatelnsfdathe cabinetinorder lo avoidpossibleformationsof condensate, mold or odors. off 8 Fig. B Vacation Time For short vacationperiods,leavethe controlknobs at theirusual settings+Duringlongerabsences; (a) removeafi foods, (b) disconnectfrom electricaloutlet, (c) dean the refrigeratorthoroughly, inc{uding defrostpan, (d) leavedoor open le avoid possibleformationsof condensate,mold or odors Power Failure Most power failuresare correctedwithinan hourortwo and willnet affeGtyourrefrigeratortemperatures. However, you shouldminimizethe numberof door openingswhl{e the power is off. Duringpowerfailuresof longerduration, takesteps to protectyourfoodby placingdry ice onlop of packages If You Move Removeor securely fastendown all loose items(is shelves) inside the refdgeratoflfreezer.Toavoiddamagingthe leveling screws, turn them all the way intothe base. Food Storage Suggestions Fresh Food Compartment • Nevercover food compartment shelves withaluminum foil or any othersheI{ severingmatedalwhichmay prevent air circulallon. , Alwaysremoveporousstore wrappingpaperfrom meats, poullryandfish. Meats should be wrappedindividually and placedin e dish for storage. Wrap fish and poultry in foil or heavywaxedpaper. Most fish shouldbe used the sameday of purchase Packagedmeats suchas ham, bacon,dried beef,or frankfuder,storebest in their originalpackages. • Afiowwarmfoods to coolto roomtemperaturebefore plactngthemin the refrigerator. , Akvayscoveropendishes of food, especiallyleg,overs. Useleftoverswiihtn2 or 3 days_ Vegetable Crispers The trays at the bottom of therefrigerator are covered to retainmoisture The crisper compartments wiif enable you to stem vegetablesandfruits whichwouldotherwisedry out rapidly, Dairy Compartment Theclosedcompartmenton the Innerdoor are designedto storebutter andcheeseel the proper temperaturesso that theycan be serveddirecttyfrom the refrigeratorto the table. Does not work Coolstoofrequently No powerto unit. Check connectionofpowercordto power source Powercordis unplugged, Pluginunlt Wrongvoltageis beingused. Use proper voltage. Temperature controttoo high, Check selling and adjustas needed, Dooris not c}osed Close doorsecurely Hotfood is Inserted. Be sure thatfood is coalbefore inserting. Dooris openedtoo long or toooften_ DO NOT keepdoor open for toolong, Closeproximityto heat source or direct sunlight. DO NOT place unit closetoheat sources or directsunlight. Internaltemper'alum toocold Temparatu_r; control toohighl ...................Checksetting andadjustas needed, Internaltemperature not coldenough Nopower to uniL Check connedionof power cordto powersource. Powercord Is unplugged PlugInunit, TemperaturecontrolIce low, Check settingand adjust as needed. Door is not closed, Closedoor securely. Hot food is Inserted. Be sure thatfoodis coolbeforeInserting. Door is openedtoo long or tOOof_en_ O0 NOT keepdoor open fortoolong AirflowobstruclJon_ Allow roomfor air to circulatearoundunit Wrongvet{agels being used. Use propervoltage, Close proximitytoheat source or directsuniight DO NOT place unit dose to heatsources or direct sunlight, Temperatureconlrol too low, Check setling andadjust as needed, Door tsnot closed, Closedoorsecureh/ Hotfood ls inserted Be sure thatfoodis cool beforeInserting Door is openedtoo long or too often, DO NOT keepdoor open fortoo long. Wrong voltageisbeing used. Usa propervoltage No power to uniL Check connectionofpowercordto powersourc_ Freezeris notcold enough LightwiItnot work Powercordis unplugged, PluginuniL BulbIs loose,needsreplacing or thedoorswilchis stuck Tighten or replacethe bulb, Cheekthe switchfor obstructionsand dean LIIII'i'II[) PIilO[)LICT ! RR IITY This qoally pmducl is_,_rrenled tobeline frommanufacturer's dole_Is inmaledal andwolkmanship, provided that the uNIisusedunder he normal operalng cendiliens inlended bylhe manulaclorer Thls wananly Isavalablo only tothe person towhom{he unlwasodgir_ly seld byDsnby o_" byanaWhodzed distn%uloi _elDanhy, andIsnon.lranslerabla TERMSOF WARRANTY Plaslo paris (isovaparaWr door, doorrule, covers _adtrays are warranted for lhiIy (30) dayson_y Itempurchas_ date, wlhnoexlBnsiona Movided Fired Year During the Imlyear (I), anyeledHcW padsof_his plodud round tobedefective, Including anysealed system eels, v, ilbempoired orreplaced, atwsrrsolor'a oplon, atno_srgoIotimORIGIN_pu_lase_ Consumable paris lie lib% bulbs) am eel ,,,.,armnlod or goaranWed lot e_ laN_h oftime. Second Th:ough FifthYeer DuHn_{he n_xH_ryea_s (4) anypari _ U_e seaIed sysI_m lnond I_b_ds_edive (c_nsis_r_ _fcompress_r_ _ndenser_ evaparat_r_ d_e.r a_ alrelaled tubi_) wllbereplaced ',,,_IIoW shaljeThepu_ha.",er shel payfor allabor andmlumfmigl'l daring lhls lout yoa_" (4) ped_ for repair orreplacemenl ofanysealed syslem r.,omponenls. _n.,' u_Ibeing diagnosed asnon..lunclonal deetosealed syslem failure andv,'alenl_ annxr.ha_e dult_ lie existing tour {4) yearn will beeobieol toenapprop_te depreoialon oruser lee, i_luding anyendell lrelghl r..l_rg esbeing levied agsinsl _o consumer Tooblaie Set€ice DanbyreseNes Ibe dgh{ tolimit boundaries of"In HomeSeNice' duetotheproximly ofankulhodzed _r_ico DepotAnyappliance raquklng se_Ir_oWsldelheLimiled Boundaries el'In HomeService'. I wlI bethe_atomor'smspoosibllytoIranslmllheappliance tolhedasestAuthollzedSorvlceDopolal(heitownexpense Coolestynordealerfromvzhom yourunilwaspwchased, or contest your nearest authorized Oanbyservice depol, Where ser4ice mustbepedormed bya quelled service lethe[den I _vioeis psriormed ontheunls byanyoneotherlhenanauKqorized selvioodepol,or theunl Isusedrotcommercial application, allobligations el Denby under lh_s v;armely shall beB_onend Ilia following clause rulers tosingle anddouble doorreblgerelors, supplied wilh or;%houl a separale freezer soslion. Nothing vAi_n this warrsoly shall Irngty [hal DaVy vHl bereapanslbls otlaWefor anyspoilage ordamagetorood o_other conlenls o!_iaapplanoo, v,,heth_r duotoanydeled o[lhe appliance, orIsu_,whellmrproper orimproper. EXCLUSIONS Saveasheroinprovided, DanbyProducls Limlod(Canada) or _nby PmduclsIr_ (g.Sk). thereorenoolherwenanles,condllons, represents[Ions or guamnleBs, express or implied,madeor _nlended byDanbyPmdudsLimiledor ilsau|hodzed dialibelorsar_allolherwarmnlies, condilons,represenlalons orguamn_es, _ndeding anywar_enles, nondilons, repmsonlalons orguarantees under anySale o!GoodsAclo.r l_eleglslalion orslalue ishereby expressly excluded Saveashe_e_n provided, Dan.by Preducls Umil_(Canada} orOenbyPmdudsIns(USA),shall nolbe_'ospor_ible for anydamages Iopersons or properly, _ludi_lie ungIsel, howsoever musedoranyr..onsoquenlaI damages erisi_ Item the mBlunolon el'the, u_ andbythe pumhese _ theunl, lhe pumheser doeshereby agree toindomnly andsave harmless DenbyProduds Limled from anyclaim for damages topersons orpropedy caused bytheuNl GENERALPROVISIONS Nowar_anly orinswance h_'eio nonlalned orsoloul shell apply wl'_n damageorrepair iscaused byanyoIIhs Iolowing: i) Po;var Falum 2) Damage{nIrenolor whenmovir_jlheappliance 3) Improper power supply sucheslowvollaga, delerJ_e house widng orb_doqua_e loses 4} AccWenl, allemlon, abuse ormisuse o[lheapplar_e su_asinadequale sir cicWalon int_ roomorabnon'nal oberalng cendilions, (extremely high o_" lowroomlemparalure) i) Usefor r.ommen:_al orindusIHal purposes I} Fi_'o, waistdamage, ihell,war,doLbosifty,ads orGodsuchashumcanes, floods sic 7) Ser4i_ salem_ulingInouslomer eduoalo_ Proolofpurr._sedalewll bereqwmdfor warrar, ly olaims;so,pleasemtalnbllsel sale Intheoven_wanaolyservicoismquired, presenllhisdnoumenl loourAUTHORIZED SERVICE DEPOT Atr Conditoners SingleDoor I Rsfflgorato_e Compaohi Double Door Wilh-lnCanadaWilh..lnUnitedStates WarranlyService In Home InHome InHome In Home InHome OsnbyP_'_uc_Limited PC BoxI'/7B, 5070 Whffeiaw Roa_, Ouetph, Onlarto, CanadaN1H6Z3 Telephooe; {Sig)837o0t20 FAX:{5_9)837-044t InHome tnHome InHome Warranty Servlce With-InCanadaWllh4nUnitedSluice Dehumldifisrs Freezers 1€_o_ Chest CanyIn InHome Carryin InHome UprigWs InHome InHome DanbyProducts Ins PCBox6it, t0t BentleyCourt, FindlBy, Ohio,U.S.A.458314}BB!) Telephone: (419} 425-8£27 FAX:(41g)425-8629 Emplacement _TTE_T[tOH Cot appareil dolt 6tr_ mis _ ta terra. En cas de court-circuit, la miss & la terre r_duit les fisques de d_charge 61ectrique en fournissant un 6chappatoire au courant _lectrique L'appareil est muni d'un cordon 61ectrique comprenant un fil de miss ,_la terra etune t_chede terre.. Branchez la f_che dane une prise de courant correctement install_e et miss _ Ia terra. Avertissement - Consuttez un _]ectricien ou un techntcien quatifi6 st vous ne comprenez pas bien los instructions de miss & la terra ou si vous avez un doute quelconque sur la banns mise _ la terre de rappareiL N'UTILISER JAt_AIS DE FIL DE RALLONGE S'it est posstbie, brancher le r_fdg_rateur & son propre circuit. Ainsi, ]as autres appareits ou la surcharge des tampes du domicile ne peuvent pas surcharger et {nterrompre le ceurant 61ectdque. Une connexion desserr6e pout se doubler a un autre apparel{ dens la m6me prise murals. PRISCAUTION IMPORTANTE Un r_frigdrateur vide est une attraction dangereuee aux enfants Enlever lee Joints 6ranches, les loquets, los ceuverc_es ou ies partes des appareils qul ne sent pas utlftser, ou !aires de suit que I'appareit ne presents aucun danger. N'ATTENDEZ PAS! FAITES-LE tI_IblI_DIATEIVIENTI Volrenouveaur6fr_g0mleur a 61_con_usolondeshermesdequelil_ sup_rieure de !abdcallonPourvousassurerdeplusieursann_es defonclionnement liableprenezdespr6caulions raisonnables duranl I'inslaIta_on et l'en/retiendevotrerOfrigeraleur Enlevezteeemballages ext_rieum el int_deurs Esauyez compl_tement t'exI6rieoravecunlingodouxsacet l'int_rieuravecun flngehumide tilde 1 Cl_ieiruneplacequiaonplancher for_et _ niveau 2 Lacirculation d'airestexig_eaulourdevot_er6[rig_ra_eur Uneespacerninimale de 4 po.surte dessus etsu_samment d'espaoa _ I'arri_redoivenl_lrepour_ues pouronecimutation yorele haut 3 _viterIesrayonsdesole{Ietlachaleurdirectsquipeuvent affecter$asurface enacryiiqua Lossourcesde chateur mpproch_es augmentent laconsommal_on d'_nergie. 4 l_v;terleeendroilsIr_shurnidesL'humidit6 61ev_e densl'eir occas[onne laformationrapidsde@IssurI'_vaporaleur et ie r_frig_rateurLer_!dg_raleur devra_t_ed_givr_fr_uemment 5. Pouroblenir uneperformance oplimale,mettezler_ffig_rateur niveauenuti!isant leepattssr6glablesPourv_ritier leniveau, enlre-ouvHr laporte Eriedevraitresterouvertesansbouger. IIfauls'assurer quaIemeubledet'eppareil eat _niveauafind'_viter favibraiion MeUmI'appareilenmarcheentoumaniIacommando du thermostat,_ la postiiondesiresderefroidissementLaposition "4" devrait_tresaUsfaisanle pourI'u_IisaUon normale La lemp_mlure du r_fdg_raleur vadesolonlaquan_l_d'_limentsrang6set duhombre d'ouvarlure de Iaporte R6glezIaIemp_ralure vatslehaulou lebas solonleeexigencas R_gierlacommends _ laposition"OFF"pourarr_lertemp_rairement Ieeyriederefmidtaaement. $i i'appareif n'apas61_en rn_rche pandenlunboutde temps,r_glerlacommando _ laposition maximumpendanl 2&3 heureset puiereloumer _ leposition d_sir_e.Si Ier6[_rfg0rateur nedollpas_lreen marchependant quelquestamps,d_brancher lapriseel taisserlaporteentm-ouverle A NOTER:Relarder lamissenmamhede3 _5 minutessile fonctionnernsnt e _I_Inlerfompu Gla_jons Lemaulsb gla;enseatftexible Tourner-le pourenlever leeglad;one. Stle mouleeatsurgel_et coI16 _ tasurfacede 1'6vaperateur, verser un peud'eaut_de. Nejamaisutiliser de couleaux oud'autres tnsirumenlsenm_talpourenleverlemauls&gla_,:ons car caux-cl peuvenl endommager r_vaporaleur(Fig C) Entretien Toumezlacommando duthermostat_la posiLien "OFP(Fig.B). Enlevaztouslosaliments, el rangez.lesdansdesglaci_msou enveloppez-les densdupapistjournalpourlosgarder aufroid. Pournegoyerrint_rieur,uliliserunlingodoux,atunesoMJan de 2 cuiller_es& tabledebicarbonatedesoudaparpintad'eau,ouun solutionsavonnause douse,oude d_teralfdoux, Laverlemou]e gla_ns,lebacd'_coulement at tasclayelies amoviblas densune _de solutionded_,tarslf doux,s_cherave,;untingedoux.Nettoyer t'exl&ieuravecunlingodouxbumidest unpeude d_tarsifdouxou unneltoyeurcon;upour_esapparels. lmportantesconsignesde s6ourit_ pour lPutl!lsation du r_frlg_rateur • Nejamaisrangerd'altmanlschauds danaler_fdg6retaur. , Rangertesbmuvegesdensdesconlenanls_anohes , PourierangemenI _ longuedurra,enve!opper tesalimentsdana unepeIiicute cellophane oupolyethylene, oudescontenants en verre.Nejamaisrangerd'alimenlsavafi_sdanal'appareiL , Nejamaissurcharg_rl'appareil , Ouvrtrlapo_eseulamentsin_oessaire , Pourunrangement prolong6 daI'apparal[, il eelsugg6r_de lava,'I'apporeIt, de lalsserIaporteouverteafindefoumirune circuIalion d'ak_ rint6deurdu meubleet d'_viterIsd_veloppement decondensation, demoldel d'od_rs. \2 Rangementsdes aliments CompartimentspourAlimentsFinis g Fig. B Pendantlee vacances Stvousprenezdesvacances d'unrealsou mains,neIouchezpas& [acommando du lhermestatPendantlosvacancosplusprolong_es; (a)entevertouslosaliments, (b) d6brar_ber l'appareil, (c)nettoyertoutler_(dg_rataur, y compdslesbacd'_coulemeot, (d)[alssertaporterouvertapour_viterleameuvaisodeurs Panne d'6fectricit_ La ptupart desponnesd'_lecldcit_sentcor_g_esdansund_ai d'une hoursst n'ontpasd'efi'etssur Islemp_ralure dur_trlg&aleurIIeat n_cessaIra de r_utmIehombred'ouvertura da_aportependantune parma.Pendanttaspannesqutdurantplusqu'uneheura,prot_ger yesa]iments end_posantun b_oede glasss_shepar_dessus Ies emballages,Si laglaceWestpeadisponible, essayer d'utiliser lemporatremant deFespaee devotraentrep6l&frotdr_glonal D_m_nagement Enleverouimmobffiser touIesleap_cesamovibtes (c'._.d;los clayelkas) &l'lnl_rieurdu r_fflg_rataur atducong_laleur. Sorterlos vis&nivellemont _ta baseafinde nepasteaendommnger. • NejamaisrecouvdrIes_ayettesdu comportfment depapler d'aluminium ouauLres mat_deux carcec{paulemp_cherla simulation d'aI_ , Eniew_{oujoursleaembaliages porm_blesdu marchand qui recouvrentlaviande,volaillaetle poisson Losviandes deivent 6Ireembal!6es individu_temenl, st d@os6esdensunr6cipient pourlerengementEmbailerla volatile ou_epoissondanadu papleraluminium oudu papier sir6_p_s. Faltessuitela piupart desodade polssonslejourdeI'achat.Losviandes embait_as par lemarchand,reties queIej_mbon,labacon,[eboeufsac,oulea sauclssas fum_esBetangent!_s biendens]euremballage. • Laisserrefroldir lesaliments_,tatamp6rature delapieceeventda tearangerdensler_frig_raleur. • Touiou_s recouvdrleaa}iments,surtoutleainstants.Uliliser lee restanfsevent2 _3jours. Bac ,_I_gumes La bacqui setrouveaufonddur_fftgSrateur eatcouvert pour contenir I'humidit_.Lebao&16gumes vouspermetde rangerlos fruttsel [_gumBs pouriesprot_garcentrel'ass_hemantrapids. Caeler laRter Lacompo,'iJment _ couvemle danIepamidelapodssentcon;us pourIerangemenidebeurraet_emage_ destemperatures convenabies pourleservicedireslemen{ dur_fdg_raleur _ latable Souvenl, leproblems estmlneuret n'exigepasunappeideservice.UUilsez ceguidepour_uver dessolutions.SiI'apparail ne [onctionne toujours pas,appaIezund_p6{deservice autoffs_ ou le num_rodet61_phone sansfretspourde plusamplesrenseignements. NefoncUonnepas L'apparail n'estpasalimanl_. V6titiezquaI'apparallestbroncho_la source d'allmentation Lacordond'alimenlation n'estposbranch,. IEiranchez lalicho Lasourced'alimenlalion n'estpasappropd_e_ Uttiisezlatensionappropfi_ ReffeiditImpsouvent Laco.ands detemperature estr_glOe unopostUon Lrop_lev_e, Laporten'ostpasfermOe V_lifiezqualacommando eslrOgl_.e _ la bannsposition. Desaliments chaudsy ant_1_rang_,s. Assurez-vous qua{esalimentssonlrefroldls event delearanger, LaporteeatouverteUp seuvent ou Iongtsmps, NEGARDEZPASlaporteouverteImplonglemps L'apparal! esltrapproched'unesource de chaleurou desrayonsdu soleil NESITUEZ PASI'apporell trappros d'unesource dechaleur. Temp6m{u_a interne trapfreid, Lacommando duthermostaleat_ uno poslllontraphauta V6rifiezlapositionde lecommando el r_glezde nouveau Temp_mlura interne pasassezfroide, L'apparail ne re_oilaucunpouveir V6dfiezquaI'appareilestbranch6_ Iasource d'alimentalion Lacordon d'eUmenfatIon n'ealposbranch,, Lacommando detsmp6ratura estr6gI6e uneposiliontrapbasso Branchez lafiche Laporten'os{pasferrule Desaliments chaudsy ant_16rang6_. Fermezbienlaporte. V_ritiezlepositionde laoommande el r_glezdenouveau, Fermez blenlaporte. Assuraz-vous qualosaliments sentrei'roidia event dolesranger. Laporteestouvedetrapsouventou]ongtemps NEGARDEZPASlaporte ouverte trop longtemps Obstnactions _te ctmulatien d'alr Laissezassezd'espece pourlacirculation d'air Lasourced'alimenlot!on nest pasappropd_e Cong_laleur posassezfroid L'epparefl estImpproched'unesourcede chaleur ou desrayonsdusoleil UtiUsez lalenslonappropd_e NEStTLtF7 FA8I'apparailtrapprosd'unesource dechalsur Lacommends est_ unepositionImpbasse V_ritiozlapositionde lacommando etr_glezde nouveau, Laporten'eslpaslermOe Desaliments chauds y onl_t_,ranges. Fe_mez bienlaporte_ Assurez-vous qualosalimentssent_efroidis event delosranger , Laporteestouvertotrap souvont ou tongtemps NEGARDEZPASIsporteouvertotropIonglemps. Lasource d'a]imontalion n'estpasappropd_e, UliilsezlatensionappropdL, e Lampsne fonctionne pes. L'apparail n'estpasalimenl_ Lecordon d'allmentation n'eslpasbranch_ LaIampen'ostpasbienviss_edolt81re i remplac_e oui'inlerrupteursurlaporte eslcol_ Wdliezquarapparoileatbranch__ lasource d'alimsnlalion, _ranchezlafiche_ Se_ezeuohangezla lamps V_dffezquaI'interruptsur n'estpascoll_elesl propre CA apporeil dequalP,_ eatgora_ieexempt do loutvicedemali_mpremt._m e1defab_:icetion, s'ilaslutilis_denslosconditions nelrnaIes recommond_es par le|abdcent CotLe garan_le n'es!olfedequ'bI'och_Ieur tr_leldereppamllvenduperDanbyouperrundesseadislributeuro agr_6aele_enepaul_betrsns[6_e CONDFT!ONS IPi_ces enplaslique {Is porte dor_vapotaleu_', gelded dopode, couvs[cle elboss_nlcouveHs paru_ gorantie sonsextension de30jeers deladate d'ar.hal Premiereannie Penden!lap_emi_re ('I) ar.,n6e, loulaspi_sas_leddques decepro_aits"av_len| d6[e_ueuses, y comprisiesun_16s ayantdessyst6mes olY_r_s, seront r_par_es ot_ remplac_es, solon _eshslx dugara_, sons dais _recheteur INmAL Leaeulres pi_ces r.,ourante s(per ex., _s ampoulos) n8seal couvedes paroucune goranlle Deladeuxibme _ Pend_llea procha}nEs qualfo (4) ann_eo, los pl6sao s'av_rsnL d6fec_ueuses (ycompds le:compresseur, condensaLeuG _vaporateur, la e_n?e_me seedED s6ch_use, eltoesloutsboyaux)sameIrempla_ssandfrals L'ach_lsur eatresponsabla enveralousteadaisdemoin4'o_weeldotranspod pe_anlceL!s p6dade dequalm(4) sospour lar_poralion el{e[eohoege sot leas los compasaele dusysl_me ob_u_Toute un_I6 do dlagnesllique inad6quate due_ unvice dusys!_me oblw6elqul exhale oneun_l_ derer_a_ependaet cosquaI_e (4) anssublra unlaex de d6pr6dalion convenobIe eu,_unfrayspourI'acheleur Caciincleltous_est_aisdelranspodqulsanDaL impos_scentre t'ach_eut Pourb#n_fici_rdu Danby_s_rve ledroil dallm_ede rayon du"_ervi_ eudemlc]le' sebnlapmximiI6 d'un d@otdeservi_ sutoHs_ Ledier_ sere serviee_ousgaraatia responsab]e pour _ IronspoH eLtous los dais d'exp_diUan deLoul appareil exigeae_ le_wiceendebars desLimllea de"sar4ice Dedam]rile" aud_ des_rvice salads6leplusp_oche8'adresser aud_lait_ant quia venduI'apporoiL ou_ lastaliontechnique ogr_e de_r_se leplod pro_e, oQleo r6peralions dohtenl _Lre ef[_u6ee parunlechn_clen qu_Iir_ Silos _par_dena son_ elfaclu_es pa qeiconque _ulm qualaslal]on daservice eg_66e eQ_ desfins commercieies, Loeles lea ob_ge_ons deDeebyenvedudeee%le gerantle seronl _lles el non avenoee L'adicle ou÷Ivaole sarEpor_e auxr_ff'g_rateuts _ porte slmple oudouble, evecousans one_on decong6iallon. CEllo garanIie IndiquE onaucun temps In _onseblliI_ deDonby del'avaria oudnmmagedelanouniture ouaolte contenu, soil parlos vices derappaeil, ousoil parrulilisal}on convEnable ouiuexoo_e EXCLUSIONS EnVE_ delepr_sante, _ n'exls_e aucune aul_e goranLie, eon_IIioe ourepr_nLaLbn, qu'eIIE sell expdm_e oulacile, defa_on manifesto ouInlantionnelIe, parDoeby P_odud.s LhnIL6e (Canodo) ouDanbyProdor_Ins (E, U d'A) ousosdislribuleo_s agr6_sDem_me,sanlexcluea toulesleaau#esgoren_iee, condiIions ou repr6senLalbns, y compds lea oora_les, _editions oumpr_senlolions EnVedadalaura ]oi tdgissar,_ Invente dEproduils oudelaura eulre l_glslollon our6glem_nl semb_ables. Envedadelapr6senle, DanbyProducLa Umit6e(Canoda} euganby Produc_s Ins (E-U dk) nepeal_e tanuereSponsob]e en_s d_blossoms corpereli_a ou dosd_g_la mat_dols, y seraphs _ l'appomii, quells qu'en salt ies causesDenbynepaul pus&_[e tanue responsable dosdommoges l_#ecte duenufen_i_nemenl ddfeclueux derappareHo Enechalanl l'appnrei}, PechEL_ur a_eple demeI_e&soured elded_goger DanbyRoducLs UmiI_a deiDOlS tesponsabilit6 anr_sde r_clamalien pourIouteb_essure corpomlle oufoul d_g,_lmat6riol caus_parcutepparell CONDITIONS B_NEP, ALEB LBg_ranlieouassurance ddessuene s'applique passi losd_g_isour6parations sanldesouxcossuivanls: 1) Pennodecourar_; 2) _mmage subls pendonl ]elransporl ouSed_placemEnt derepparEil; 3) Nimen_etion 61eclHque Inr,ot_er.._e (Lension foible,e_blago d_Ia_ueuxJusibles Incomings); 4) Accidenl,modilicallon_ empToi abusilou iecorresldorepparell; 5) UiHisaUon d_neunbulcommercial ouIndusldel; 6) Incendle, dommag_cous6s perruse, vo!, guE_re, _msuIE, hosi_lll_s, cosda|o_ca _jeure(DeCagon, inondatlon_ e_c); 7) Visiles d'un technician pou_ expliqeer leIonclionnemenl da_'appareil oup_opd_lalra Unepreuved'ar._h_tdoH_Irep_ser_epoUdouL_dema_eder_pe_alionsousgaranfia Pd6redega_srtere_UPEU[fai_hanor_rlogamnIla, pr_eenterEs documan_ z% laslaliontechniqueogr_6eous'adreseer &: Servicesous-garaeLIo Canado E,-Ud'A Cllmotleeur Service seus,,garantie Canada E._U,d'A Domicile Domicile D@sLlumldiflcalaur R6lHg_raLaurCompact Domicile Perle slmplo Domldie DOnXported Domicile Domicile Domicile Domicile Cong61alaur Horizontal Vortlcal 11/ol Nelie_' NetJar Domictle Domidie Dare,cUe Domicile Ubicacl6n ,_TIE_CI]OH i. Seleccioneun tugarconun piss {triney nivelade 2 Su re_rigerador requiemventiIaci6n.Dejeun aspaeIominima de 4" haciaardbay espaciesulicienleen elrespaldepars permilirtaclrculaci6n de sire Este aparato electrodom_sllco debe estar coneclado a tierra, En casede un codecircuitoe!_ctrico,la conexi6na tlerra reduceel riesgo de chequeel_ctfico proporcionandoun cable de escapepars ta corriente el_ctdca Este aparalovlene equipadocon un cord6nqua posesun cablE}a tierra con un enchufe de conexf6na iierra. Esteenchufe debeeslar conectadeen un tomacorrienteinslaladocorrectamente y conecladoa [terra ADVERTENCIA - El use inadecuadodei enchufe de conexi6na tlerrapuederesuitaren un riesgo de chequee]6ctrico.Consultscon un electricistae personade reparacienescompetenlesi no comprende bien las inslrucciones de conexi6na tierrao si exists alguna duda sabre stel aparatoesta conecladoa [ierracorrectamente. NO USE UNCORDONDE EXTENSIONELECTRICA Useurl tomaconientede paredexclusive Noconecle su refrigemdora cordonesde profongact6nal_ctricao juntoa caaiquiereke eleckodom6sllcoen el mismo tomacorrienlede pared. No empalmecord6n. ADVERTENCIAIMPORTANTE: Un refrigerador vacle ea una alraccl6nmuy pefigmsa pars foe hires Quite losselfos magn_licoe,puedas o cerradurasde rodeelectredom0slicoque Bees[_ en use, o lame algunamedidapars asegurarqua no presentepaltgro INOESPERE, HAGALOAHORA_IS_OI 3 Eviteluzdirectsdelsolo caler. LaIuzdirectsde! sol puedeafectarlacapa_e pintura LastuentesdecaIor en su proximidadcausar_nunconsumemayorde electr_ctdad 4. Evilslugaresmuy h_medos Demasiadabumedaden el airs har_quase acumuie escarcimr_pldamenteen et evaporador y deber_descongelsrsu retrigeradorcontouchefrecuencia. 5 ParaunmajordesempeBo,nlvelaelrefrigeradorut]Iizando laspalesajustablese familiesniveladores Parsverificaret n[vel,abra lapuertahaste]a mtlad,deberegresarsots Parsevitarvibraciones, la cajedebeesterbien nivalada.Pars encenderel refrigerador,gireel controlde lemperaluraa la posici6nquacorresponds al enfriamienlodeseado. Unuse normales alredordal numero"4" enel control Lalemperalura del refdgeradarvariar_, dependlendode la cantidadde slimantes almacenadas y la frecuencIacon quase abrala pueda.AjueIa latemperaturehaciaarriba(6.9) parsenfriarm_s,o hac]aabaje (I-4) parsenfdarmanes,segunsusnecssidades Gtreel conLrela la poslci6n "OFF"(apagsdo)parsdesconectar previsoriamente el ciclode enfriamienlo St elretrigeradorsa ha dejadosinuse perafgunliempo,c_lequeel cenlrolal m_ximo per2 o 3 haresantesde grad_adoen laposId6ndeseada. Cuandoelrefrigerador no seuse per un periodsde tiempolarge, desconecteel enchu[ey deje la puedaentreabieda. NOTA: Espereanita3 a 5 minutesantesde volvera encender si effuncienamiente sevie tnterrump]do Cubes de hieto 8u nueverefdgerader fu6 fabricadoy dise5adobajolos m_saliasesl_ndaresde ca}idadEleuidarIa instalaciSny mantenimienle de surefrigeradorleasegurar_unmajorservicto La bandejaparscubesde hieleas flexible DobleIabandaja pars sacarleecubesde bielo. Si la bandejaparscubesde biota est_ congeladay pegadaa lasuper_ciedel evaporador, echo un pacede aguetibiasabrelabandeja Nuncauseun c_chitlo u ottoinslmmentome[_licopars sacarlabandejade cubesde hieleya quaestopeedecauserdesperfec[osen e!evaporador. (F_gC) Retirelosaccesoriosde empsque(pl_sticosprolecteres,cart6ny tiresengomadas).Umpieel exteriorcon un _raposuavey seco, y el intedorconun trapohumedoy tibia Figo C Limpleza Algunasreglastmportantespare el use cortectodel refdgerador Ot_'eel conlrola "OFF"o "APAGADO" (Fig. B). Saquelos alimenlesdei interiordel aparatoy deje la puertaebiertapareun deshiaiom,%r_pido,Parelimpiare! interior, useun patiosuave canonesotuct6ndeunacuchsrada de b[corbonatode sod[oper cads cuarlode ague,o tinssoluol6nde espuma de Iab6nsuave, o un detergenlasuave Lavatabandajadecobosde hiele,la bandejaparegatesy enjuaguelos estantes conunase]ucibn de de[argentssuaveen lib]o,sec_ndolosy [impi_ndolos conun patiosuave Ltmpieel exterior con un pasoh_medosuave y tinpacede detergente suaveo produclos de ]impleza pare electredom_sticoso • Nuncacoloquealimenlescaflentesen elrefflgerador. , Leabebidassedebenguarderen envasescerrados. • Losalimentos quaseguardanperunperiodo]argodetlempo, debenset envue!los ence!of_no potietiieno,o se deben mantenerenenvasesde vidr[o.Nuneacoloquealimentos estrepoadosenel gabinels • Nosobracargueelgsbinete. , Noabrala puertaamanesquesea necesario_ • $f efref_Igerador ss guardssin useperpertedoslargosde tiempe,sesugteraqua,luegode unalimplezecutdadcoa, ae deje lapuertaentreablertaparepermitirqtie el airs circule denlrodeel gabinetey evttarunaposibleformaciSnde condensactSn, mohouelates. off 43 Sugerenclaspare guardaralimentos El CompartimientopareAlimentos Frescos Fig. B , Nuncacubratasparrlltasdal compartlmlantoparealimentos conpapaldealumintoo oualquierotto malarialpare eubr[rparrillas quapuedanobslruir]a circulacl6n deteke. Perlodo de vacactonee Parepoflodoscortesde vacaciones,daJeloscontreles an sus graduacionescorrientes Durenteausenclasm_s largas; (a)saqueredeslos alimentos, (b) desconecteelrefflgeradordellomacon'iente, (c) timplaa]raffigsradorbien,[nciuyendo labandejadel congelador, (d) daje la puertaeblerlaparaevltarla forrnaci6n da o_eres , Siampresaquela envoltura porosaproventanle de Is tlenda, de lodela came,polioo poseado.La camesedebe envolver en formsindividuat. Envuelvaelpescadoy elpolioen papalafumtnio o papalenceradegrueso Le mayodade los pescadossedebenuserelmismodie an quasa compran_ Leacaressempaquetadascomeeljam6n,lodno, comesacs o salchichas,sa almscenanmajor en suspaquelesoriginales. Carte decorriente La mayeriade los codesde corflentese corrigen en oneo desharesy no afectar_nlas temperatures de au rafflgerador. Sinembargo,Ud.deber_reducirlacanfidadde racesquaabre Iapuerlacuandolacorrienteesl_apagada Durenteloscortesde corrientedelargaduractSn, tomemed;das pare proteger sus alimentos co]ocandoun bloquede hieb seco sabre los paquetes. , Permitsqualosatimentoscalientesseen[rlen e temperature ambienteantesde colocaflesan el refrIgeredor Sl Ud, semuda 51cajOnalrondode su refrigerador esl_cublertoparecontener lahumedad.Este caj6nlepeFm[teguardervegetatesy frutas quade airs formsse aecarianr,_pidamante • 8iemprecobralosplatescon alimenlos, espectalmente los reslos,Uselosrealesen2 o 3 dies, Cajbnde legumbres Saqueo asegureredeslosartfculos dentro(ej parril]as) de] rsfflgeradorlcongetador ParsevitarqualosternfllosdeniveIsa averfen,glreloscompletemen|ehacialabase. Compadimentopare h_cteos La compartimenlocon tapeenel interior de Iapuertaest_n disefiadosparamantanerquesoy manlequlllea temperaluras do madequapuedanserviraedireclodel reffigeradorala mess. 10 Confrecuencta, losproblemas no sonmuyimportantes, yea pesible queno serequiera unailamadade servicio, uselagutspare]aresoluciSn deproblemaa perutratardeencon_r unaposibleseluct6nSile unldadconlinuafunclonando enformsincorrecl_,Uame a unaestaci6nde setvicioautorizada oal NdmerodeTe!6fono deUsmadaGratisdeDanby,parerecibtrasistencia. Nofunclon6. VerIfiquequala c{avtjaeat6conectada Nohayvoltajeen elcontacts Clavijedesconectada Coneclelaclavlja Voitajefuerade especincaciones. Veriliquequehays corriente adecuada Controlen frfom_xtmoo ceres Verifiquela poslci0ny ejustaa sugualo Puertomai cerrade_ Cierrebtenlapuerto. Aumentoamuy callenlesen interior, Asegureaedemeterlosalimoniesnomaycalientes Demasiadas o muyprolongadas aperlurasde puerto NOmanlengaIa puertoabierlapergrandes periodosde tlempo Reciboluzsolardirectao estoy ceresdefuentesde color NO co!oque surelrrigerador cercede fuentesde coloro de losrayosde sot. Temperatureinteriores muyfMa Conlrolenfnb m_lmo o ceres. Veriliquela posloi6n y ejuetea sugasto Temperatura interior es poco frfa, Nohayveltajeen elcontacts. Verifiquequalaclavijaeat6conectada, Clavljadeeconectade Coneclela cfavlja, Controlen I o ceres Verlliqueta posicl6n y ajusteaea gusto- Treba[emuy freeuantemente Congeladoras peasfrlo Foconoenc_ende, Puerlamelcorrode Cterrebienlapuerto. Aumentoamuycaltenteseninterior. Aseg0resede meierlosalimenlosno may calientes. Demasiedase muy prolongadae apedurasdepuerto. NOmantengala puertoabledapergrandes perlodosde tiempo, Charolasmuy grandesb]oquean la ctrculacl6n delsireenInterior. Permitslosespaclos sugerldos parequeel sire eircule. Vettajefuerade especificaclones Verlliquequa hayscorrienteadecuada. Reciboluzsolardirectso estoy cercadefuenteadeca[or. NO coloquesurefrigeradorceresdefuentesde coloro de losrayosde sol, Controlen i o ceres. Vefiliquela posici6ny aJuslaa sugusto, Puertomal corrode Cierrablenla puerto Aumentesmay calientes en interior. Aseg_resede meterlosa]imantos no may caltentee Demasiadaso muypro[ongadas apertures de puerta, NOmantengala puertoabiertapergrandee periodosdetiempo, Vollajefuerade especilicaclonee, VerifiquequahayacO,tTiente adecuada Nohayvottajeenel conlacto, Veritiquequela slavljaeat6coneclada Clavijadesconectada Conecteleclavtja Foesflojo o fundldo; elInterrupter de pueflapegado, Ajueleelfor.o,o reempl_celo.Vefifiquaquael interrupter no est0pegado. 11 @AIRAHYUA LU}@UYAIDA DElL PRQDLOCT@ SeomanLiza quee_le produclo dacoi_dad seen_uenba fibre de@[e_os d_fabri_c_n enmaleHal ymanndeo_m. _mmp_e qLmlaunida_ seusebajo bscond_dnoes de funcionommnio nomm]as propueslas _ e]Iabdeanl_ E_lagaranl_seencoen]_a dispon_le no]_mente parelapomona aqu_nDan_ t oundLqdbuidnr autnriza_ deOanby vnngi6 ofiginotmenle e_taunided, ynosnpuRde _an_[R_it TERMINOS DELABARANTIA ].aspa_ospF_sUcas (puoj.lapoe_@1evaporador, Insgulesde_s _edes,_ ta_ y baodej_est_ngnr_nI_des parim[nla (30)dinsso]arnonle desde latechade comps, sinpn_nogas Elp_imet a_ Duran{e elp_snoi a_oIt), fades]asp_desei_ctHcas deos)_produdo quaseencueniren defecloosas, induyende IodesInsunldedes se]_adas de(skten_, soroparar_n o carnbl_n, aopd6ndR(gamnle, sinc_o a_J_opaleetcomprado_ ORIGi_kLLospatios qu_seoDDs,men (_o[e).f_mparos) noos_n garanlJz_das par nlro_n pai_odeliRmpo eel_egun_o al Ourantn los sigo]anles cua_'o afi_ (4) lode padn del sislem_ sell,de quaseencuRn_e de:recluos_ (cornpneslo del compresn;r, condenRade_, qniolo a_o nvaporadet, secade_ yl_asIns Ioberias as_.:iades) _ecamb_6n sin c_i_o n_uno. Elco_dor p_Q_r_ perlode lamanndeob_a yflele dereg_._o du_aRle esle p_lodo deco_Im a_os (4) pare repara_ o cambiar coa_qu]e_a delos componanles _el]a_os del slsLema. Toda unided qua_ediagnosliqoR con_nofu_onal debido a unalaIla del _islem_ selTndo y a_aquacone_ponda unca_bio du_anle _ t;ual_o _os(4)ex_slooles, _s%ar_ sU_a_ ounadepr_mr_n cor_espond_Rn_e o cuola deDenude, incluyende cLm_quiera y todos bscoslos deflele quese leexxon alconsu_do_ Pmaobtnn_.J_anby_rese_vae_demch_doesiab_Rcar_s_imi_sRrv:_ene_h_a_`_r_apmxim_J_ddeu_Cen_dR_ePAcb_u_z_de_ Cua_q_r sen, icio {raslado _ uncenlm deser¢icio quamsolle par esla_fu_ra defor llmges conet_ par pade del cBnnln, sni_ sulespoosabIlidRd yser_ pagado po_ 61m_smo. Comuniquose cooourep_nlanln nodonde comp_O laur_c[ad, ocone%depademenlo de_erqJcio aulor_do deDaoby mancerc_no, ondeocla oot_c_ko d_ se_iocompelonle elecluark _are_rad6n. S_ooalqoie_ olin dRpadem_nlo quano_na elauloHzado llow aca_eloewi_o dereparaciooos enIns unidades o sila_mid_c_e us_paraur_apl]cad6n comeadal, Iodas _sob_ga_nes deOaRby bajoes_a garanl_a sevRmn lenninadas. LaslgoIRn_e d_usula _e_efiRm a reIHgemdo_es deonepueHa o dedospuRdas suminL_ImdoR conosin one _ecc_n decongRlader sopn_ad_, NaSa den_deesla garaalla imp_ca quaDan'oy _er_ respno_a_ pot coalqol_ dead quahayan snIHde los a_Jnonlos uo_os oonlR_o_ dee_le aparalo, yason de,doauode[OdD del apmato, o _u Usa, adecuado o Ioadecuado EXCLUSK_NES ConeXcepci6n deb qoesaospecil_a onlapmsente, Danby ProducL_ Umiled (C_r_de) o Danby Pm_uc_s Inc. (US,A), noexiste _inguna olra ga_a_lla, condici6n on_plesR_ealbn, _xp_ic;_a o implicila, he,ha o pmlendide _ Danby P_odecls Lim_ed oRUediel_ibuidems a_Hz_dos, ylode olin garanga, condid6n orep_esenlad6n, inr_uyendaloda garan_i._ condic_n orep_en]ad6n bahlaLaydeVenia dekill,alas, u o_aleglsiacl_n oeslalulo Rim_la_, quode pRt lapraeen!a exdaide. Conexonpci6n daoquaDeeepedfica anla p_enla, Oaoby Products Umiled (Cane_o D_oby P_oducIR _nc. {USk]noser_ mspnosable denlngOn pe_ol_'_ aperaonas o pmpiadad, in_tuyeode _aunited misma, de cualquiRr manera quasehub_ese oausac_o, nideningun pe_uicin resull_n_e d_malfoncbnamlenlo delaonidad y,_nlacompra delaonided, el_ompmdo_ podia _enleaceelda in_Rmnlz_t ynxonerata Danb,! Pn_uc_Limile_ dolodo roelarno po_ da_os y pectins a p_oRe opropieded mosados parlaunidad ESlIPliLACIO_ES GE_ERALES Ninguna geranlia oaegumeonlanido nolapresnnlo odelo_minado pot _apmeon_n cumspooder_ cuar_o elpe_u'_ia olare_aei6n hayed si_o c_uRados po_cua_quiera de laoeigulen[_ causes: i) Codedenonienln 2) D_BoenIr_osilo ocoande soeslaba mnviende elap_mlo 3) Co.alee_m _adecuada comabaja _nns_n, oonoxlnoes defiances onla_saolusiblee inadeea_dos 41 k_deole, aIlnlaoI6n, abuso o _ u_odRI apamlo _mo ci_u_ar._6n Ina_cua_ deaite enlah_Laaci6n o con_oaes deluncionemienlo ar, onnales (le_peralur_s de_ahabilaei_n _amaeiade aIl_ o baias) 5) Usaparegnescomerdales o inciosbialos 6) Incendin, d_6os_usadr_po_ag_,tuba, guenas, Insunecdonos. hosti]idedee, acidsde_ue_za mayor comahnraeanes, immdoc_.nes, elr_ 7) lL_madas pare nedbir eeMdoqua_ulIe enlaeducac_6n del diRn_e PrueL, adeb lethe decompra _nni nec.esaHa pare los mda_s sabra ga_aa1[_; dematin quateRg_ b bonded degae_dRr I_bnlela devnola En_soqua_e_eqniera onSRrV_iO ba_o g_mnlia, pmsRnl_ eslndo.menloanue_Iro DEPARTAMENTO DESERqCIOAUTORIZADO Dentin dot Ap_raloodeaim acondictonado 1Rafdgeradotes I [ Compaclos Un sola panda Dos poeda_ Caned, EsladosUnldoa Se_vicio de Garantta Ene_hogar En n_hogar Ene_hngm En elhogat En elha_ar Oa_byPro(recta Llrn_ted_ PO Box|TTn, RaIDWbl|e!_w Road, Guelph, Onle_lo, OeeedeNIH ez9 Telep_oRe: 1519)O37-,O_ZO FAX:(stY)e3T,04,4e Se_ic_ode Baranlia Donbodo4 DenimdoIDa Denimde los En e] hogar En e{h_ar En elh_r Caned& Deah_medoeederne ConG_oladoree Hodzonlales Vedtcaloa 11101 Llevade alfailer Enef hogar Eo elhagar Estados Unldns LIevado a__e_" Ene!booer En elhoga_ O_nbyPmdects Inn PO Box869, lO1BenDay(;end, Flndley, Ohlo, U.9,t,..4a83P,_eg Telephone: {41_)42a,,BG2T FAX:{41g}42?_eG_g OWNER'SMANUAL MANUEL D'UTILISATION MANUALDEL PROPIETARIO Model, ModUle. Modelo DFF8802W DFF8803W FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR The model number of your refrigerator Is found on the serial plate located on the back, top left-hand corner of the refrigerator All repair pads available for purchase or special order when you visit your nearest service depot To request service and/or the location of the service depot nearest you, call the toll free number listed to the left in Canada and the US When requesting service or ordering parts, always provide the following information: • Product Type . Model Number . Part Description REFRIGERATEUR SANS G1VRE Le num_ro de mod_Je de votre r6frigSrateur se trouve sur ta plaque d'identtfteatton qui se trouve sur le coin du haut gauche de t'arrl_re du r_frig_rateUro Forservice, contact yournearestservicedepotorcall: 1-800-26-Danby torecommend a depotin yourarea, Toutes lea pt_ces de rechange sent dtsponibres Imm_dlatement ou peuvent _%trecommandoes de votre Centre de Service r_glonaL Pour obtenlr le service eUou le Centre de Service le plus proche, t_!_phonez le num_ro sana-frals lndiqu0 & gauche pour fe Canada et los _tats-Unis Ayez tea informattonssufvantes & la port_e de ]a main lore de la commande de pt_cesou service: • Genre de prodult • Num_rode mod_ie • Description diela piece Pourobtenirleservice,consultez votresuccursate r_gi0nare de service outbl_phonez: 1-800-26D-anby quivousrecommandera un centrer6gional Paresoviet0, comrnunlquese con suDepattamento deServici0s m_scareen0 o llamael: 1-800-26D-anby REFRIGERADOR SIN ESCARCHA El nt_merodel modelo de su refdgerador se encuentraen laplaca de aerie ubicada en et _ngulo posteriorsuperiorizquierdodel reffigerador Todas las ptezas de repuesio so encuentran dtsponfbles la pare compra o per pedido especial cuando Ud vtsite su departamento de servtcfo m_s ceroano Para so_icitarservtcto ylo la ublcaoi6n del departamento de serviclo m&scercane, llama al n0mero de marcando gratis qua aparece ala izquterdaen el Canad_tyen Ice EoU Cuando solIclle servlclo o encargua la siguiente tnformacf6n: rapuestos, siampre • Tipode producto . N0mero de modelo • Descripc{6n del repuesto parequele recomienden un Departamento deServicios 8n suzone Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada NIH 6Z9 Danby Products Inc,, PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, USA 45839-0669 ptoporclone
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