Danby DFF9100W User Manual REFRIGERATOR Manuals And Guides L0712176
DANBY All Refrigerator Manual L0712176 DANBY All Refrigerator Owner's Manual, DANBY All Refrigerator installation guides
User Manual: Danby DFF9100W DFF9100W DANBY REFRIGERATOR - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your DANBY REFRIGERATOR #DFF9100W. Home:Kitchen Appliance Parts:Danby Parts:Danby REFRIGERATOR Manual
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Model, Modele, Modelo
Read and follow all safety rules
and operating instructionsbefore
first useof this product.
Veuillez lire attentivement les
consignes de securite et les
instructions d'utilisation avant
rutilisation initialede ce produit.
Lea y observetodas las reglas de
seguridady las instruccionesde
operacion antes de usar este
productopor primeravez.
Owner's Manual ........................
•Safety Instructions
• Installation
• Operation
• Care and Maintenance
• Trouble Shooting
Manuel d'utilisation ................... 6-10
•Consignes de securite
• Instructions
• Fonctionnement
• Soins et entretien
• En cas de problem
Manual del propietario ................ 11-15
• Instrucciones de seguridad
• Instalaci6n
• Operaci6n
• Cuidado y Mantenimiento
• Soluci6n Sugerida
Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9
Danby Products Inc., PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, USA 45839-0669
Thisqualityproductis warrantedtobe freefrommanufacturer'sdefectsin materialandworkmanship,providedthat theunitis usedunderthe normaloperating
conditionsintendedby themanufacturer.
Thiswarrantyis availableonly tothe personto whomthe unitwasoriginallysoldby Danbyor byan authorizeddistributorof Danby,andis non-transferable.
Plasticparts(ie. evaporatordoor,door rails,coversandtraysarewarrantedforthirty(30)daysonly frompurchasedate,withno extensionsprovided.
FirstYear Duringthefirstyear(1), anyelectricalpartof this productfoundto be defective,includinganysealedsystemunits,will be repairedor
replaced,at warrantor'soption,at no chargeto theORIGINALpurchaser.Consumableparts(ie. lightbulbs)arenotwarrantedor
guaranteedforanylengthof time.
SecondThrough Duringthenextfour years(4)any partofthe sealedsystemfoundto bedefective(consistingof compressor,condenser,evaporator,
FifthYear dryerandallrelatedtubing)wilIbereplacedwithoutcharge.Thepurchasershallpayforall laborand returnfreightduringthisfour year
(4)periodfor repairor replacementof anysealedsystemcomponents.Any unitbeingdiagnosedas non-functionaldueto sealed
systemfailureandwarrantingan exchangeduringthe existingfour(4) yearswill be subjectto an appropriatedepreciationor userfee,
includinganyandall freightchargesbeingleviedagainsttheconsumer.
ToObtainService Danbyreservesthe rightto limitboundariesof'ln HomeService"dueto the proximityof an AuthorizedServiceDepot.Any appliance
requiringserviceoutsidethe LimitedBoundariesof "In HomeService",itwill be thecustomer'sresponsibilityto transporttheappliance
to the closestAuthorizedServiceDepotat theirown expense.Contactyourdealerfromwhomyourunitwaspurchased,orcontactyour
nearestauthorizedDanbyservicedepot,whereservicemust be performedbya qualifiedservicetechnician.If serviceis performedon
the unitsby anyoneotherthanan authorizedservicedepot,orthe unitis usedfor commercialappiication,all obligationsof Danbyunder
this warrantyshallbeat anend.
Thefollowingclauserefersto singleanddoubledoor refrigerators,suppliedwithor withouta separatefreezersection. Nothingwithinthis warrantyshallimply
thatDanbywill be responsibleor liablefor anyspoilageor damageto foodor othercontentsof this appliance,whetherdueto any defectof the appliance,orits
use,whetherproperor improper. EXCLUSIONS
Saveas hereinprovided,DanbyProductsLimited(Canada)or DanbyProductstnc.(U.S.A.),thereare no otherwarranties,conditions,representationsor
guarantees,expressor implied,madeorintendedby DanbyProductsLimitedoritsauthorizeddistributorsandallotherwarranties,conditions,representationsor
guarantees,includinganywarranties,conditions,representationsorguaranteesunderanySaleof GoodsActorlikelegislationorstatueis herebyexpressly
excluded.Saveashereinprovided,DanbyProductsLimited(Canada)or DanbyProductsInc.(U.S.A),shallnotbe responsiblefor anydamagesto personsor
property,includingthe unititself,howsoevercausedoranyconsequentiaIdamagesarisingfromthe malfunctionof theunitand bythe purchaseof the unit,the
purchaserdoesherebyagreeto indemnifyandsaveharmlessDanbyProductsLimitedfrom anyclaimfor damagesto personsorpropertycausedbythe unit.
Nowarrantyorinsurancehereincontainedor setoutshallappiywhendamageor repairis causedbyany of thefollowing:
1) PowerFailure.
2) Damageintransitorwhenmovingthe appliance.
3) improperpowersupplysuchaslowvoltage,defectivehousewiringorinadequatefuses.
4) Accident,alteration,abuseormisuseof theappliancesuchas inadequateair circulationin theroomor abnormaloperatingconditions,
(extremelyhighorlow roomtemperature).
5) Useforcommercialor industrialpurposes.
6) Fire,waterdamage,theft,war,riot,hostility,acts of Godsuchas hurricanes,floodsetc.
7) Servicecallsresultingincustomereducation.
Proofof purchasedatewill be requiredforwarrantyclaims;so,pleaseretainbillsof sale. tnthe eventwarrantyserviceisrequired,presentthis documentto our
Guelph,Ontario,Canada N1H6Z9
Telephone:(519)837-0920FAX: (519)837-0449 0902
Telephone:(419)425-8627FAX: (419)425-8629
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of an
electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of
electrical shock by providing an escape wire for the
electrical current. This appliance is equipped with a
cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is
properly installed
and grounded.
WARNING -Improper use of the grounding plug can
result in a risk of electric shock. Consult a qualified
electrician or serviceman if the grounding instructions
are not completely understood, or if doubt exists as
to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Use an exclusive wall outlet. Do not connect your
refrigerator to extension cords or together with any
other appliance in the same wall outlet. Do not splice
the cord.
An empty refrigerator is a very dangerous attraction
to children. Remove either the gasket, latches, lids
or doors from unused appliances, or take some other
action that will guarantee it harmless.
The refrigerating system in this refrigerator is a "Frost Free"
system. This type of system requires no user intervention
(i.e. defrosting) other than selecting required cooling
temperatures and the usual care and maintenance.
To avoid vibration, the cabinet must be set level. This is
accomplished by adjusting the (2) front leveling legs located
under the refrigerator cabinet. To start the refrigerator, turn
the temperature control (1-max) to the position
corresponding to the desired cooling.
The refrigerator temperature will vary depending on the
quantity of the food stored and on the frequency with which
the door
is opened.
1. THERMOSTAT DIAL: For controlling the temperature
inside the refrigerator/freezer. Turns the motor on as
soon as the temperature rises above the desired level.
2. SEPARATE FREEZER SECTION: holds ice cube tray
and storage for frozen food.
3. ICE CUBE TRAY: Ice cubes are easily removed from
the tray. (Not shown)
4. PLASTIC COATED SHELVES: Odor resistant,
rustproof, and removable for easy cleaning.
5. MAGNETIC GASKET: Tight fitting door seal keeps all
the cooling power locked inside. No hooks or latches.
interior viewing.
7. CANSTOR TMDOOR LINER: Holds 355 mL cans of pop,
juice, or beer.
8. GALLON DOOR STORAGE: can be adjusted to hold
smaller items with slide in rail.
9. 2 LITER TALL BOTTLE STORAGE: holds 2 liter bottles.
Remove exterior and interior packings, wipe the outside
thoroughly with a soft dry cloth and the inside with a wet,
lukewarm cloth. Avoid placing the cabinet in a narrow
recess or near any heat source, direct sunlight, or moisture.
Let air circulate freely around the cabinet. Keep the rear of
the refrigerator 5 inches away from the wall.
1. Select a place with a strong, level floor.
2. Allow 5 inches of space between the back of the
refrigerator and any adjacent wall.
3. Avoid direct sunlight and heat. Direct sunlight may affect
the acrylic coating. Heat sources nearby will cause
higher electricity consumption.
CAUTION: To avoid personal injury to yourself and/or
property, we recommend someone assist you during
the door reversal process.
1. To access the lower hinge assembly, tilt back the
refrigerator cabinet or lay the refrigerator on its back.
(Fig. A)
2. Remove both leveling legs located at the front of the
3. Remove the screws holding the lower hinge assembly
to the cabinet. (Fig. A)
4. Remove the main door assembly from the refrigerator
cabinet. (open door and pull down)
5. Remove the screws from the middle hinge assembly.
Then remove the hinge and freezer door. (Fig. B)
6. Remove (unscrew) the top hinge pin. (Fig. C)
7. Re-install the main door top hinge pin on the opposite
side of the cabinet. (Fig. C)
8. Remove the door plug and door bushing located on
the top and bottom of each door assembly.
9. Interchange positions. (ie. door plug right side, door
bushing left side.)
10. Re-install freezer door assembly on cabinet.
11. Re-install the middle hinge assembly on the
opposite side.
12. Make sure the door assembly is properly aligned on
the cabinet, before tightening hinge screws.
13. Re-install main door assembly on cabinet.
14. Re-install the lower hinge assembly on the opposite
side. Making sure to change bushing and screw on
opposite sides on bottom of unit
15. Make sure the door assembly is properly aligned on
the cabinet, before tightening lower hinge screws.
16. Re-install both leveling legs.
The process is now complete.
To replace the refrigerator light bulb:
1. Remove the screw from the light bulb cover.
2. Pull the light bulb cover downward.
3. Unscrew the bulb.
4. Replace with a standard 40 watt appliance bulb only.
Fig. A
Fig. B
Fig. C
Ice Cube Tray
Ice cube tray is flexible. Twist tray to remove ice cubes.
If the ice cube tray is frozen hard to the evaporator
surface, run a little water over the tray. Never use a
knife or other metal instrument to remove ice cube tray
because this may damage the evaporator. (Fig. D)
Power Failure
Most power failures are corrected within an hour or two
and will not affect your refrigerator temperatures.
However, you should minimize the number of door
openings while the power is off. During power failures
of longer duration, take steps to protect your food by
placing dry ice on top of packages.
Fig. D
Cooling System
This refrigerator is inclusive of a"frost free" type cooling
system, which means you never have to defrost the
freezer compartment. Defrosting is done automatically
by means of adefrost heating element and a defrost
timer factory programmed to operate (cycle)
approximately every 8 hours. The defrost water is
routed into a defrost pan located directly above the
compressor from where it evaporates.
Before cleaning the refrigerator or freezer, always
disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply. To
clean the inside, use a soft cloth and a solution of a
tablespoon of baking soda to one quart of water, or a
mild soap suds solution, or some mild detergent. Wash
ice cube tray, drip tray, and glide out shelves in a mild
detergent solution, then dry and wipe with a soft cloth.
Clean the outside with a soft damp cloth and some mild
detergent or appliance cleaner.
Setting the Thermostat
The thermostat setting can be adjusted from #1
(minimum setting) through Maximum (coldest setting)
We recommend setting the thermostat at # 4 (medium
setting) If however you find this setting inappropriate for
your cooling requirements, adjust as needed by rotating
the thermostat dial. The thermostat dial is located on
the front top section of the refrigerator compartment.
The thermostat controls temperature for both the freezer
and refrigerator compartments.
Vacation Time
For short vacation periods, leave the control knob at the
usual setting. During longer absences;
(a) remove all foods,
(b) disconnect from electrical outlet,
(c) clean the refrigerator thoroughly, including
defrost pan,
(d) leave door open to avoid possible formations of
condensate, mold or odors.
If You Move
Remove or securely fasten down all loose items inside
the refrigerator. To avoid damaging the leveling legs,
turn them all the way into the base.
Some Important Rules for the
Correct Use of the Refrigerator
• Never place hot foods in the refrigerator.
• Beverages should be stored in sealed containers.
• Foods to be stored for a long time should be wrapped
in cellophane or polyethylene, or kept in glass
containers. Never place spoiled foods in the cabinet.
• Don't overload the cabinet.
• Don't open the door unless necessary.
• Should the refrigerator be stored without use for long
periods it is suggested, after a careful cleaning, to
leave the door ajar to allow the air to circulate inside
the cabinet in order to avoid possible formations of
condensate, mold or odors.
Food Storage Suggestions
Fresh Food Compartment
• Never cover food compartment shelves with aluminum
foil or any other shelf covering material which may
air circulation.
• Always remove porous store wrapping paper from
meats, poultry and fish. Meats should be wrapped
and placed in a dish for storage. Wrap fish and
poultry in foil or heavy waxed paper. Most fish should
be used the same day of purchase. Packaged meats
such as ham, bacon, dried beef, or frankfurter, store
best in their original packages.
• Allow warm foods to cool to room temperature before
placing them in the refrigerator.
• Always cover open dishes of food, especially
leftovers. Use leftovers within 2 or 3 days.
Vegetable Crisper
The tray at the bottom of the refrigerator is covered to
retain moisture. The crisper compartment will enable
you to store vegetables and fruits which would
otherwise dry out rapidly. The humidity level inside the
crisper drawer can be controlled by adjusting the
"damper" control (white slider) located on the front of
the drawer.
Frequently, a problem is minor and a service call may not be necessary, use this troubleshooting guide for a
possible solution. If the unit continues to operate improperly, call an authorized service depot or Danby's Toll
Free Number for assistance.
Doesnotwork Nopowerto unit. Checkconnectionof powercordat
too frequently
Internal temperature
too cold
No power to unit.Internaltemperature
Freezeris not cold
Lightwill notwork
Powercordis unplugged.
Wrongvoltageis beingused.
Temperaturecontroltoo high.
Dooris notclosed.
Doorsopenedtoo long
or toooften.
Closeproximityto heatsource
or directsunlight.
Temperaturecontroltoo high.
Powercordis unplugged.
Temperaturecontroltoo low.
Dooris notclosed.
Doorsopenedtoo long
or toooften.
Wrongvoltageis beingused.
Closeproximityto heatsource
or directsunlight.
Temperaturecontroltoo low.
Doornot closed.
Hotfoodis inserted.
Dooropenedtoo long
or toooften.
Wrongvoltageis beingused.
Nopowerto unit.
Powercordis unplugged.
Bulbis loose,needsreplacing
or the doorswitchis stuck.
Plugin unit.
Checksettingand adjustas needed.
Besurethatfood is coolbeforeinserting.
DONOTkeepdooropenfor too long.
DONOTplaceunitcloseto heatsources
or directsunlight.
Checksettingand adjustas needed.
Checkconnectionof powercordat
Plugin unit,
Checksettingand adjustas needed.
Besurethatfood is cootbeforeinserting.
DONOTkeepdooropenfor too long.
Allow roomfor air to circulatearoundunit.
DONOTplaceunitcloseto heatsources
or directsunlight.
Checksettingand adjustas needed.
Besurethatfood is cootbeforeinserting.
DONOTkeepdooropenfor too long.
Checkconnectionof powercordto
Plugin unit,
Tightenor replacethebulb. Checkthe
switchfor obstructionsandclean.
Model, Mod(_le,Modelo
your nearestservicedepotor call:
to recommenda depotin
Pour0btenirle service,c0nsultez
Parasevici0,c0mmuniquesecon su
cercan00 Ilameal:
paraquele rec0miendenun
ensu z0na.
The model number of your refrigerator is found on the serial plate located
on the back, top left-hand corner of the refrigerator.
All repair parts available for purchase or special order when you visit your
nearest service depot. To request service and/or the location of the service
depot nearest you, call the toll free number listed to the left in Canada and
the U.S.
When requesting service or ordering parts, always provide the following
• Product Type
• Model Number
Le numero de modele de votre refrig6rateur se trouve sur la plaque
d'identification qui se trouve sur le coin du haut gauche de I'arriere du
Toutes les pieces de rechange sont disponibles immediatement ou peuvent
6tre commandees de votre Centre de Service regional. Pour obtenir le
service et/ou le Centre de Service le plus proche, tel6phonez le numero
sans-frais indique & gauche pour le Canada et les Etats-Unis.
Ayez les informations suivantes a la portee de la main Iors de la commande
de pieces ou service:
• Genre de produit
• Numero de modele
El numero del modelo de su refrigerador se encuentra en la placa de serie
ubicada en el angulo posterior superior izquierdo del refrigerador.
Todas las piezas de repuesto se encuentran disponibles la para compra o
pot pedido especial cuando Ud. visite su departamento de servicio mas
cercano. Para solicitar servicio y/o la ubicaci6n del departamento de
servicio mas cercano, Ilame al nQmero de marcando gratis que aparece a
la izquierda en el Canada yen los E.U.
Cuando solicite servicio o encargue repuestos, siempre proporcione la
siguiente informaci6n:
• Tipo de producto
• NQmero de modelo
Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9
Danby Products Inc., PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, USA 45839-0669
Printed in China (P.R.C.)