Danby DWC310BL User Manual WINE COOLER Manuals And Guides L0712301
DANBY Wine Cooler Manual L0712301 DANBY Wine Cooler Owner's Manual, DANBY Wine Cooler installation guides
User Manual: Danby DWC310BL DWC310BL DANBY WINE COOLER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your DANBY WINE COOLER #DWC310BL. Home:Kitchen Appliance Parts:Danby Parts:Danby WINE COOLER Manual
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OWNER'S MANUAL MANUEL D'UTILISATION MANUAL DELPROPIETARIO Model, Mod_le, Modo!o DWC310BL WINE COOLER Owner's Manual CAUTION: Readendfellowallsafetyrules and operating instructions beforefirst useofthisproduct, ....................... 1-4 • Safety Instructions • Installation • Operation • Care and Maintenance PRECAUTION: Veulllezlife aflentivemenlIes consigneede s_curit_el los instzucllons d'uti[Isation avan[ t'ullllsallon ialtieledecepfoduiL REFROIDISSEUR DE VIN Manuel d'utilisation ..................... PRECAOCI6_: • Consignee de s_curit6 ,, Installation , Fonctionnement • SoIns et entretien Leay observelodeslasregfasde seguridad y lasinetrueelones de operaci6nantes de usereste producto perprimers vez. REFRIGERADOR Manual . , • • 5-8 PARA VINOS del propietar]o o = _ I I i b= [nstrucclonesde seguddad tnstalacI6n Operaci6n Cuidado y Mantenimiento DanbyProducts Limited, PO Box 1778,Ontario,CanadaN'_H6Z9 DanbyProductsInc., POBox669,Findlay,Ohio,USA45839-0669 = i w *_ N • t 9-12 IDI II:I LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY lhis quality pr(,_c( Is_aunnIed tobetrue ((am m_oiznin(eCe de(eats Inreaie(iat end_'or)_easb)p, pray(dad that the uni( Isusedundnr the nn(mai ops(uUng _ndiUne_n (n)ended it), the_le.na(actufe( This _e_reaO' i);v_Ieb(_ only Inthe )ensue towheat!he unit wasorigieeiiy sold _yD _nby ur_)au_othorized tiC,trio(or 8)l)enby, andLsnoe.trnnaIe(ebie 1ERMSOFWA(IRANTY Pits!in paris tie. evapor_lor duo(, door (_Us, curare, zndtrays uswu(ented (or th(rty {30) d)yx u_h! ((am 9urchnso dalo_ _))h noexieeniDnu p_vldsd _( Year gun,On Othe (i(eI ;fou (I), anyeleetric_l patio oIIhIn pruduc( found toOedelos;live. (n¢Iudie_ in), uea(ed synten_ nails, will berefei(ed or replaced, e(_(rnznlon'n nplion, nlno(.)argo IoI)e OillOIXALI_urcheser. Coomamable parts Oe.Iighl ioulhs) arenoI warIunled nr guaranteed InranyIonglh n(the. ,£_econd'_ro_y_Du((n 0 It(next tour years ('1) an)' p_tu(ihnsealed el/stun) round 1oL,o detnoUve ((nnslnilng of(o(np(essnr, oondenner, evzporetur, _fh_er dryer _d eUre(clad (ul)iog) _lll be(oplaoad y(Iihont (_rge Thepu((h_ner sh_l) pay(o( all (d)nn( end(etn(n (reigi_t (or(nO thia Ion( (oar(4) pn((od tar repaire((epiacnn',ail! n(aeyseui_d sJ_ulen_ conlpnnenie_ ,L, ly pail be(n!l, dteOnased _snon.(u_elian_! d_u1oueaie(l syalern leilnrn and_e(raniing anexchaugo daring i)_) existing (our (() ynars _I] be=abJecl (naoeppropde.te dop(e¢i)Ilon nr_e.r lee, _c(odieg anyandat! treighi charges being levied ageinsl _aaensainer. To_(afn Ser,_ce Denhy ;enefve._ lho (ighI to)in, itbnonduIes ot'in l(o(ne 8e_ica" duetothe O(O_U(ni(y ofeeAni(iol(zod 89_I¢e OepoLAnynpp])_c) requiring service ours(de !ha ]ilniled bounderies o('In lingo Ouvlce', )l _i(i bethocuutomet'e respnodbl]lly Int(_espul lho appliznos Iothe oJenenI A_lhnr)zel) Se(_(e_ l)epol atlheI( o,,_o expense. Contael yon=" dearer l(onl ,_he_ yn_)r unit _a pg(_oeed, ofuonla_;l your neuesl _o[hn(ized O_a_ nuvl_e depal, _l_uo snn_lae moal bepatio[mad lly a lnuiUied ne(vIce (_¢hnicinn.)i se(v(_;_ is pe((o(nled on!heenite byenynne olher )ll_o _nunt))e(iza_i ne(vIcn depot, nrlhe uui(ia used (or Conl(_er¢Ie( oppiie_ilon, a(l obU_Ini[nns d l)enby under!hZs warran!y sha)l b_a!unaad,, Theiniio_(ng cJonne rulers (ool_)(e enddouble don( re((i;(eratore, s,Jppfied _ith n(v_)lhonl a sep_rnte freeze( so¢lion. ('i.olhlng wIth(n thin warranty shunt Imply thai Daflby!(](I lye, reeponsibie orliable Inn an)' sOeiiege :or de_ege Io(nod o(othe(cor_tenlo o(Lh)n applianaa, ehelher dueIoanydalasl et)haappl)enco, oils _sn,_e_( properor (_np(epe( EXCLUgIOHS 8a_/e _shera((( Fovided, O_,nby Frndnc(u Llrnfled (Canada) nrl)aab( P(odaola Ine. (Um.S..A_), the(e arnnoother Y_a(feniies, conditleno, repreeonteUons or On,run(ees, exo_.,es nu(l_pUnd, _adeorintended byDn_.yP(edueb LinIiiad orii_ enIhnfJzed din(ribut_ru an(_JI other wu_'_IIus, eondiUne(, (ep(asentalians orgo_an(e as, lanCed)nO any_aarraet(eu, continuua, reprensni_((ons or_ue(eniens nndae nny8(_(e ofGouda Actorl)io Ingislaiion n(statue ishereby oxOressiy ex;lude(t. 8_vensherein provided, ID _nbyfioducls U=nlled (Cn, eda) o(Oanby P,(nduds Inn(LI.$.A), shell nel bareepon;il_lo let anydonIugns lopoisons or properly, inol,dln) theunlt llsei(, ho_sae_or unused oranycanse=luenlial do(none= aching (ro_n !ha reelin _nylon elllle enl _, andbytheF,U(chuno o(theunit, thn pnrohuer dual hernby agree !o(_emnit)' andsave(iur_Iess l)unby Products U_Ited humanycieinl for duma) esInpersons orp(opo(ty ceusnd 5y!heunit, GE(tERAL PROVISIONS No"earronly o(insnrencn ho(ain conlofned ofsat n_lnhul( apply _,hen dnmege ornepnIr (uee,sed byanyo(the (ol)o'^+(n): I) Po_a(Fai)n(e. 2) i)ar_ago (nl(_n(( err(hen _nving !ha epOilance 3) I_prope(puwereupp(yeuchaslowi(eilage,((etno(ivo bnusoplrin!Inrinudel:[un(efusas_ 4) _('Jdenl, alleratbn, zbuse ormL_use ol(heappliance ._uch _s(n_deq_u._,te elf d(o_)a(lae Inthe (nar,_ nrebne(rnd o@e(ailag oondiUo)s, (exlremniy hlgh nrle_(on_(n(nperaI,re}. ll) Usalet commando[ or(n_sl([a!pu(poaee. 6) Fire, wa(endumnge, thelL_ar, riet, hostili_y, actsoiGods((chashur_icanes, llo_setc7) Service sal(a resi_ilng inuuoton_u edonellon. Proof of_,,abesn d_(n wiUbe(oquIred to( ua(reely ciaImm; so, p(ense relain biUa u(Jail. Inthe event'Aiarranly se(_¢n In(e_l(ed, pre(;eut (hls douJmonl (uour A1/T_O]liZEI) )EItYICEOEFOT. _enunty Se_Ine, Wl_,InCnnndaWifh-InUnitedS(nto Inltntaa DanbyP_o_dude Urnlted POBox1778,5070Whllet_'_ Road, G',e!ph, O._Io, C_'_de_llHlZ9 Tel_ph_n÷: (519)B37.._20 FAY.: {519)837..0449 In l(ornn 0t,,1_3 OenbyP_duct_ine. POEox66g,10t BenfoyCourt, Ft, ndiey_ Ohio,U_..A 45_.9.0669 TeIephcn_: (4"(8)42(_-8627 FAX:(41g)425..862_ ATTENTION GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS This appliance must be grounded° in the evenl el an electrical short clrcuil, groundingrec_cestheriskof elecLficaishockby providing anescapew_tefortheelectricalcurrent.ThtsapplianceIs equippedwith a cord having a grounding wire with a groundingpl_, Theplugmustbe pluggedIntoan ouUet that tspropen'yfnstalredandgrounded., WARNING Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a riskel electricshock. Consult a qualilied electrician or serviceman if the grounding inslxuc[ions arenot complelely understood, or if 1hedoubtexistsas towhetherthe applianceisproperty ground_. Remove Ihe exterior and Interiorpackings, wipe the outside thoroughlywith a soft dr/cloth and the inside wlth a wet, lukewarmcloth. Avoid pfacingthe cabinetin a narrowrecessor near any h_at source, direct sunlight, or mo_sture, Let air clmulalef_aelyaroundthe cabinet. Keepthe rear of the wine cooler5 inchesawayfromthewall. Localton 1. Selactaplncawilh aslrcng,tevelfloor, 2. Allow 5 Inchesofspacebetweenlhe backof thewinecoder and anyadjacentwall, 3 Avoiddirectsun_ghtandheat Direclsuntighl may affectthe act_o coating. HeatsourcesnearbywIflcausehigher elecldcily censumptien_ .i DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD Use an exclusivewall outlet. Do not connectyour wine cooler to exlension cords or togetherwith any other appllanc_In thesareewalloutlet Denot splicethecord. iMPORTANT WARNING An emp_.ywine cotter is a very dangerousattraclton1o children,Removeeitherthe gaskel,_alchss,lidsor doors from unusedspp!lances,or take someotheractionthat w_tguaranteeit harmless_ Toavoidvibralion, thecabinet mustbesetlevel°Tostartthe winecooler, turnthetemperature control totheposiflon corresponding tothedesiredcooling. Thewinecooler terope=alure wiiJvarydepending on theo_uanUty ofbottles stored andonthelrequanc¥ wilhwhich thedoorisopened DANGER:RIsk of childentrapmentBeforeyouthrm,vaway youroldrefrigerator or f_eezer: Rg. 15 •T_ke off the doe.re ',LeaveIheshelvesin planesoIhe!children maynot easUycflrnbtnslde,. DON'TWAITI DO IT NOW] SettingTheTemperotum ¢,ontml: Thelempemlureof thewinecoo_er oompadment iscontrolled by adjusting/selling the thermostat conic'elknob,Iocated on the exteriorrearwallofthe cabinet. Tostad thewinecoolerandachievemaximum coolingquickly; , Turn the temperaturecontrol knob clockwiseto the furthest (roaxlmum)sellfngon the darker blue (wkfe) section of _he graduatedccnlreldia!. •AIlowthe unitto runat Ibis set_ingfor3-4 hours.. • Whenmaximumcoollngis achieved,turnback the teroperature controlknob selling to the 2 o'c[ockpositionon the graduated blue controldial. Seefig.15, . Toturn off the winecooler,{nocooling}rotatethecontrolknob to the°0"(off)posilion.Seeltg,14 Turn the control lo the =OFF" (0) position to temporarily disconnect the coolingcycle. When thewinecoolerisnot tobe usedfora longportedoftiros,disconnectthe plug andIeavethe door partiallyopen., NOTE: Wail3 lo5 minutesbeforerestadlngif operationhas beeninlerrupted. Replacelightbulb covet, Re-lnslallscrewto securecoven W Ins Racks (Shelves): ThisunitIs equippedwiththe Iollowingslide-outshelves; Interior Lig hl Theoperation oftheinteriorHghtis"manually" controlled enddoesnotoperatewilhtheopeningorolosfngof the door,Tooperatethellghl; manuallypressthelight/toggle switchlocatedon the leftsideof thelightbulbhousinglocated or=the co_ngof innercabtnel. • 5 FullWidthShelves , 1 3i4 Shelf • t LowerShelf(Staggered) Total Cepacity_35 Bottles Soma important Rules for the Correct Use Defrostln g Your winecoolerIsdesigned wflhan"Auto-Cycle" of the Wine Cooler defrostsystemo WtmtlsAutoCycledefrost? • Beveragesshouldbeslored Insearedbottles,, Therefrigerated surfacesofthelroshfoodcempadment defrost * Don'toverioedthe cebinsto automatically,duringthe "oll=cycleof the cold control (thermostat] Delrostwaterfromthefreshfoodcompartment is • Don'topenlhe doorunlessnecessary, disposed ofautomatically', bymeansofbeingchanneled onloa • Shouldthewinecoblorbe storedwithouluse lot long periods it fssugges!ed,altere carefulcleaning, toleave the door aar ddptraylocatedonthecompressor. HeatImnsferfromthe Ioar]owIbeair to circulateInsidethecabinettn orderto avoid compressor causes thedefroslwalertoevaperale. possibleformationsof condensate,moldor odols° llr . =,;,i _ =, J, _,_!_[_ ,r-"-----I. • DO NOTcovershelveswithaluminumloll or anyothershell covering materielwhichmayprevenlairclmulallcno Recommended Cleaning Tocleantheinside,usea soft clothanda solulionof a tablespoon of bakingsoda to one quad of water,or a mild soap sudssolution, or some mild detergenL Washglide out shelvesin a mild detergentsolulion,thendry andwipewith e softcloth. Cleanthe oulstdewith a soil damp cloth,andsome milddetergentor appliancecieaner. D_/Wines: Ros_Wines: RedWines: Temperatures for Chilling Wine O'O/48.2"F - 14"C.,'57.2'F 10'C 150'F 13"CI55.4"F- 14'C157.2'F W!nes: g'c/48.2"F Technical and Structural Operation Features Vacation Time Forshortvacation periods, leavetheconlrol knobsatthelrusual Cabinetbon_edzedandac_jlic-enameledaccordingto the most modern electrostatic sprsylng techniques. High-density setlings,Duringlongerabsences, (e) remove bellies, (b} disconnect frometeclrtcal outleL (c)deanthewinecooler ibeloughly, (d) leavedooropentoavoidpossible formations ofcondensate, moldorodors.. Power Fall ur e Mostpowerfailureserecorrecled withtnan houror Iwoandwillnot affectyourwinecoolertemperatures. However, youshouldminimizethe numberof door openings whitethe poweris off°Dulingpowerfailuresof longerduration, lakestepstoprefectyourwine If You Meve Removeor securelyfastendown all looseitems Insidethe wlnecoster.Toavoiddamagingthe ieveIIngscrews, turnIhemall the wayIntothe base. Light Bulb Replacement Toreplacethe intedorilghtbulb; Removethescrewhoidingthe tightbulbcover,removecover. Unscrewllghlbulb, Replacellghlbulb. NOTE: Lightbutbsho_tldnot exceed 15watts, polyurethane thermalinsulation Magneticdoerclosuregasket 1_ THERMOSTATDIAL:(Exlemallymounted marwail Ihermoslat) ForcontroJtingthetemperature Insidethe wine cooler.Turnsthe motor(compressor) on/offassoonasthe lempmaturerisesllalts aboveJ'oelow the setcoolingrevel 2, ® PLASTIC COATED CANTILEVER SHELVES: Odor resislanl,ruslproef, andremovable for easycleaning. 3, MAGNETICGASKE]_ T_ghtfillingdoor seat keepsall the coolingpowerlocked Inside.Nohooksor latches.. 4. TEMPEREDGLASSDOOR & INTERIORL,IGHT _. Allows easyinterior visibility. TEMPERATURERANGEGUIDE rain meal max 13o2"C155o8'F |2.2"C / 54_F 12,1°Ct53,8'F 116"Ct53°F 4 7"0140.6"F ]o6'0135"F IO.TC / 51.3"F 84'C1472'F O8'0/30,4'F The abovetemperatuiesmayfluctaaledepending onwhetheror nol theintedorbulbis "onloff', If |he butb;s continuously operationalthe cabinettemperatures willbesitghlIyhigher° CONTROLKN()8 © DOOR REVERSALINSTRUCTtONS Fig, 1 STEP 1: Fig. 1 STEP 2: Fig. 2 Fig, 2 STEP 3: Fig. 3 STEP 4: Fig. 4 Fig'. 3 Fig,.4 IOa(lll:_" GARANTIE LIMITP-.E CateppareU deqaaIR_eaigaranlle exemptdo]eel",'fee do matin)re ptemlOro eldeiab_eafion, s_(l oattsUOs_ traceI=( coe(iIiens so(males (acommand_os partx k'abe(cant, CartegorasUe e'eetor(oftsOu'_I'achetou( Initialdot'apporeJl veedte parOanby ouparrnndesseedisi(Ibots,rs ogI_Os et etlonspeat_tro(reosf_r_.e. COH(Oll'IONS P(_,eea enplasUque (1_. portede1'6vapor(trout, go(des deperle,suave(de At!)z_ sen(suave=is partene !)areeUe sansodeaaiec de;IOjo,J(s (re(a O_Ied'Izch(¢ Premt_se o_ Pendan!la p/e=t_ro(1)z_Oe,i_(:_los pi_cee _(ec(i(q needecopro(lute s'av(((on! (([factueosea, ycompete leaer_llOs eventdess)'st(_r_ao nbtur,Jts, select(_)p a(_Jno _ofar,pleaSes, scionIncboixdtegarael,sansfiois_iI'ted_eteur It.Ill]ALe Leoeutreepi&ees €oerantes (parex., leastapedes) (tns_! cot,re(teepatsuasflo ga(enb+e. Oe/ade_f_e _ /ad_uf_rnea.,_s Peedset iesprosh_fsas riua]re {4)eec_ea,laspthoso'u_lentd_footuousos (y_nt._(Isie: ompr,)ssoter, condecss(eur, _vopotateer, s_cb _ut_ ettousleors boyaox) soroetlemplac_.,s sa_le l(ob..L'acbelacr noiro_ponsab[e oeve ls to_stesfratsrJemaln.d'oeuvre et da teanapod p_fid'an_ curio p(idodo de,,lua[(e (4)artspourta tOpslalion ellezochango our!ousleecomponents deo_sl_mo oblunL,route _tl_ dedlogenait(qno ined_qesta due_,anvicedosysl(_rne ef>lot_ etqulexigoneeonit(_ _ore(ila_lgo pe(k_onl cos(]((abe {4)sea sub_(z unbux dod[pr_cieUo(',(oevea_blo ou_ un(t_JspearFeche(o,J( CecHnalt_l toilsteah_fGdel_anapott qulseroat_pas_)scnnlta ('och_Ioot _,_[_ef o'u 0o)b), r(Iseroo ledroil delira}let lorayon dte 'eel(ice _ domicile' colon laprodm(l¢ d'ue d_pel dese_iae oeloric_ Leel)oct oo(o oe_o_sga_tfo (ooponsoble pourletransport el leeslab((a[s(Ue:zp_di_iae delnulapp_relteaige_lln_e_lcnor1closets desl(_ilesdo'de(vl_)au do,_ieIIa' oad_pol doaetylco enlotls_ Ieplus p(oeho. 8'adre(se4 aud_loll(_nl qL_i _ vendte l'appete0, ote (_)a ololioe tocbnl_(oe og(_0e doorate) lap]uspro(be,o_lear_po(_tions ¢nivent_lreolleclo_es par,s technician qualiI(¢.81leerOpamlloss sentellae_(_ea pat O(_on_ne a_lre quo(a s_atlon dn_n_Icn spr_eo(_ (_desItns commordaIes, toolos leo ob(igalioes doOaeby onver!u docnUo go(celia sere(_t eoi)aeatr_en avenues L'orlIclo seh_nte sorepode cuer_frlgi(aleo(s (k petite s(nlple o_double, ave(: nosansacesection deeong_i(zUon. Ca(re garanlIe ind[quo onaaron lamps (a respoasabiil(_ deDanb), del'o)orte ate do_)ge (n(an.ourrltere noco(re coninnp, eel) partea yeses deI'(zppueiI, o4sell perf_ll]t_tlor, aosvensble eta ieo)sete_ EXCLUSlO_JS varl,_ doIte p(0seflle, i[n'edste _cuneaulre ga(a_Ue, cued[Con outepr(!sonlol(on, qe'otle oott exp(l_(_o ooloci(e, defo0on rneni(ee(e eaIntanUeee elte, pat 0onbyProds*ors Lln)fl_e (Canada) oulean0)' Products ]ao_ rE,U.d'A.) ,_te seedlsblbuleors _t_s, Dae_me,son( exo(uoo (odes los suZre_ guoeUoo, _.ondiUons ee(ep(_slnto(fons,), cemprIs lea go(sntlos, (ondillona o4tep(_sealat(oss en,_uite deJoule In( (_gisnanl)a vnnie deprude,s ate do_)e aul_o (_oislallen our_glernanl se_nl)labtaa_ Envedadolo prCsenb,l)anbyPrude(Is L.(r_t_e (Canada)euOsnbyPmdu¢to (no.(E -U d'A.)nepoutOlro(oeu_respnnsoblo onneedebiesoureo corOotaltes uudesd'{_g_Is mat0rleis, it camp(In _,fappatnU, (IUt(Io qe'oe sail (os. (aoensOonby fie petal paz(_t(e (sane (osponsab(e d_sdeernagee lediteds dosau (enc!(onne_enl d0(_,c.tooux del'appo(elL Eno_etant ]'appateUo l'ochalenr _cceple domofl(e ) (covert etded0gzger Oseby Prude(is LiF_[e doIooio (esponsabilil_ encander_o(omztlon pour le_)le b)eeeure corpora!In ouI_ld)g)t mei_rte( coos0 potcat appatetl CO_D]'(IOXS G_IERALES Lnga(anUe ouossurae(e d.deest_s nao'appltr(ua pasoi(as((_g_leo_re!potations sor_t _s cueeae=a[veelo: 1) Fencedacoo!eel; 2) Oo(nnla_ecob_pendanl(a(ransfo_teutod._placenle_defoppare((; 3) AI(me_atl_n_)_e¢(_(qU_iecotree_e(_ee_en(aib_o_e_b(sgad_eel_eex`(esib_es_neor_oc_; 4) A_ideci, madifi_.aIlo _ e_plol abusl( oeincurred de]'appereIt; _) U[i)ieoUoe (bna uebet eo_arcial ouiedoshtel; 6) Inceedl_, do_(nsge eaus_e pert'_zu, vet, gout(o, _e ale, ho_t(1)t(s, cosdoiot¢_ rnajoo)e (oe(ap_),)n_ndoUsn, _tc j; 7) Vt_te_d'unte(bnldenpou(e(p]iquertefoncUonaernen(de)'oppueilaep(op(lf_t_tre. tlnopreuvo d'_h_| deii<_.ire pr_senL_o po_r!oetedemande der_pa(atlor_ ee_ geraeUoP(ibedeftarderle(e_. Poorfa(rehona[er)sgo(sn_te, pr_oeater ae deep(neat (z(osial]on (ochni(lUO (z!)d_ena='odrasser l: Serrate sous.gnrenlto Canada E,_U.d'A Oornlet(o Demi_Uet DanbyP_'odu(:Is Umlt_ POBoxIR,_._0_Wl_(iela_ Road, Guo(0h, 0nlaJ(o, CanadalltH 67.9 T_l(_phor_e: (Rg}837-0920 T_)(Ocoplaur: (519}B37.,I)449 eiyo3 Ounby Preduels (he. POBe:( _9, I01Bentley Cond_ Rn_le_'_ Ohln_ U3.A. 45tt39',06_9 Telephone: {419)42Sr((('27 FAX:(4t9)4_'86;Z9 • ATTENTION MiSE t_,LA TERRE Cotapp_reif dolt §,Iremis & la terra En casde scud* circuil,la miss _,la'te_re r@duit tes risquesde d@chatge _teclrlque en foumissanl on @chappatolreau courant _lectrlque, Uapparellest munl d'un cordon _leclrtque compranant un _ demiss _ la terra et onefichede lerre, Branchez}a f_chedensunaprisede courantcorreclemanl installee_Imiss_ laterra. Avettlssement - Consultezun _,leslrlcien ou un teohnlclen qualili_ sf vousne comprenez pas blen lee Instructisnsde miss _ la terraou si vousavez un doute quelconqua sur labanns_sa & laterrade l'appareiL N'UTILISER JAMAIS DE FIL DE RALLONGE S'lf esl possible,bransher le refroidtsseur de via & son proprecircufLAlnsl,tea autresapparellscu ta surcharge des lampes du domicilene peuvent pas aurchargerel tnterrompre le courant _laclrique. Une connexion dessert, s psut se doubler_ un aetre appareil dane la re§meprise mumle PRt_CAUTION IMPORTANTE Un refmtdisseur de viavideest oneattractiondangereusa aux enfanls.Enlavertes joints_lanches,lee Ioque[s,t_ couvem|ss ou los porieedes apparellsqul ne soul pas utlliser,ou faltes de soIt qua Fapparei!na presentsausun danger. DANGER_ R_'sque desenfanlsdm/lennenl solacerdens I'appam_ Ave.n!dejelervotreanctenr_frlg_rateurou cong_lateur_ ,,Enievez leepatios ,,Lerssezlee;{Byelte, _ s_,spt_es afinquades enfants neoulssent pasmonterfaeJlment densI'appare_. N'ATr ENDEZ PASI FAITES-LE IMM_DIATEMENT;_ =_ = i _. _ ., ,.[e_llflllll Enlevarleaemballag_sexl_rleores at lnl_rtaufes Essayer compl_Ismentl'ext_dauravacun lingodouxsacel I'_ntdriaur avec unlingshnmidati_de. Une fau!jarneissltuarrapp_efl daneun recoln_lrotton pmched'unesourced'etrchaud,au soleildirectou _rhumtdil_. L'alrdo_tc[rcu_er_i'entourd'erapparellI_[olgn_rle refroidissaurde vlnau mains5 peaces dn tour. Emplacement 1. Cho]slroneplacequi a un plancher_odel _ niveau_ 2_ EIolgnerrappareilde 5peacesdes mumar_i_reaide c61_. & Eviterleerayonsdesofeltetla she!eard_racts qul peuven! affectartasurfaceen acryliqueoLos sourcesde chaleur rapproch_esaugmenleatfaconsommation d'_nergle. II tauts'assurer qua la maubIade !'apparelleat_.niveauafind'_viler tsv]'bral]on. Mattrel'apparei]en marchaentournantlacommande du Ihermoslat_ laposiliond_sir_ede refroidlssemenl.Le temperaturedu refroidisseur de viavadesatanla quantitY, de boutetllestangles el du hombred'ogverture etalapode_ Fig. 14 Fig. 15 R_glagede [a commandode temp_ralnm: Latemp_rafere inl_deuredu cabinet_ vineesteonlr_l_e_ t'aidadu boutonde contrSte duthermostat.Ceboutonsetrouve_ I'ext_rteur ducabinet,sur lap_toiartiste. Pourmettrelecabinet_vineea marcheet pouren literUn retroldissamentmaximumraptdement, proc@dez commasuit: • Tournazle boutonde commando deta temperature enseas horalre,en_rectiondu [_gtagemaximum(padiebleu tonc_large) de la commando gradu_e° , Laissezle cabinetfoncticnnerbce niveaupendant3 on4 hearse. • lorsque re refroldtssement maximumeslattelntoplacezi'_lgutlla du boutonde commando de la lemp_ralure_.ia posillende2 henressurle cadr_ngradu_(volt _aFtg 15). , Pour arr_ter]acabfnel_ vies(arretdu reiroldissernenl)o toamezle bnulonde commando de la temp_ralum _ laposition,,0- (OFF) (voJrlaFig,14). , Teumezlacommando enposilion ,,OFF. (0) pourcouper temperaimman! lecyclede raf_oldIssement.. Lorsquelecabinett_ vfnsFeet pasulilis@ pendantunetonguep_tiode,d_branchezta p_isede cour_lel latssezfapode padieltemenlouvade. R_glerlacomman_te _ la posillen =OFF'pourarr_ler temporairementlecyclede re!!'o_dlesement Stie refi'eldisseur de vinnedottpas_lreen mamhapendantqualquaslamps, d_brancher lapriseel lalsserlaporteentre.ouvarteo ,_ NOTER: Retarderla missen mambode3 _.5 minutesst_e fon_t[onnement a _I_ {nlerrompu, Lumlbre Int6rieure Changement d'ampoule Lalumi_'relntdrIoura eatcontr61_emanueliemenl; eile n'es{pae contr_l_eparl'ouvedure oulatarmeturedelaperle.Pour al]umerla lumt_re,appuyezsurI'interrupleurqutsot_ouve_ la gauchede i'ampeule61ectrlque sIlu_eau plalond,_ l'Int_rieur du cabineL Pourchangerrampoulede ia fampelnt_deura; Entever_avlsdecouvarcle d'ampoule,enleverle ceuvercle. O_vlsserrampoule.Changerrampeu_e. .NOTE: L'ampoulene doltpea d passerf5 watts. Remetlrele couvercbel replacer la vls, D_glvrage Lerefmldisseur devtneelpourvud'unsystems ded_givmge auto-cyc{e. Qu'estcaqualed givrageauto_ycle? Leasudaces r_fdgdr_es ducomparliment d_givrant aulomatiquement pendent lecycle'OFF"duthermeslal Ueau ded_gk, ragased_barrassa automatiquemenI enentranl unbac Letransfert deohaleurducompresseur fail _vaporer l'eau. Entretlen Pour neltoyerI'lnt_rteur,utitlserun Itngedoux,etune solutionde 2 cuiller_es_ tablede bicarbonatede soudeparpintod'eau,ou un solutionsavonneusadouca,ou de d_lerslfdoux,Laver tes ciayettesamovibles dens unesolulionde ddtersffdeux,s_cher avoc un Ilnge dOUXoNettoyer I'axt_fleur avec un Ifnge doux humldeetun peude ddlers{fdouxou un netloyeurcongupour leaapparels. Pendant les vacances Supports_ vln{tableltes) Cecabinet contient destabletles coulissantes: ,5 tablettasp_sioe la_geur ,1 tabietle de_ delalargeur ,1 lablettetnf_rleure (d_cal_e) Capacit_totale: 35 bouteiltes Note:L'_tag_m cca_b_a amovibte pou_lavineti'_lag_re plale amow'ble sentinte_changeabIes. 81vousvoulez acheter des _tag_res plates supl_man_alres 11 fautlescommander s_par_ment anappellant led_partement despt_ees deDanbyau "F8OO-2B, DANBY Importantes conslgnes de sdeur[td pour I'utlllsatlon du refro]dleseur de vln • Rangerlesbreuvagea densdescontenants dt_nches. • Nejamalssureharg_rappareiL stn_cessaire. Stvousprenezdeevacances d'unreelsou mains,netouchez • Ouvdrtapodssaulement pas& la commands du thermostat, Pendant Iesvacances plus • Pour ur_mngernentprotong_de I'apparati,ilest suggdr_ de lavert'appareil,de la{sserta porteouverteafin de lourniruna ptolong_es: (a) enieverlousleaboule_ies, (b) d_brancher I'apparetl, (c) nettoyer toutle refrotdfsseurde vin, (d)iatsser laporterouverte pour_vlterlesmauvals odeura circulation d'alr A I'inl_tIeur du rneuble et d'_vIter le d_veioppemantdacondensation,demolsi et d'odeurs, • Nejamais receuvrirlea ctayeltesducomparlimentde paplar d'aluminiumou autres mal_rtaux ear ceclpaul emp_cher la cireulalton d'air. Panne d'_lectrtcitd La plupartdes pannasd_leclricil_ senteordg_esdanaun d_lal d'une heura at n'ont pas d'effets sur ta tempdrature du ref_oidissaur de vln. It eat n_cessalre de r_durra le hombre d'ouvertura dela perlependantonepanne, PendantIns pannesqu{ durent p!uequ'une heu_e,prendredee mesuresde prol_ger voltavin_ D_m,_nagement Tempu_ratures recommand_es retroldlssement de vin pour le Vinsec: 9'C148.2"F- 14'0/57.2"F Vinroad.: _O'C/ 50'F Via rouge: Vinp_tillanl: !3'Ct55A'F 9'C/4B.2"F Caracl_rlstlques - 14'CI572"F Techniques el de Construction EnI_var ouImmobiliser touteslea pt_cas amovtbies _ rlntdrteur Thermostat pour rdgtageanlomallquade Is iamp,_mture Meuble durefroidtsseur devin,.Server leevls_ nlvetlement _ labaseafln lamln_el _mafll6salonlestechniquesde peintureau pistolellas denepasIesendemmager. plus modemes, Isolationthermiqueen polyur_,lhanna de hauls denalt_e}joint _tanchamagn_ltquadepor_e, 1. 2, CONTR(_LES_LECTRON]QUESDE LATEMPI_RATLIRE: (Conlr6res instaIl_s&I'avant,&l'ex'l_our du cabinet}, Cos commandoscontrblenlle temp_ralure_ l'Jnt_deur du cabinet_ vine. liernettantlernoteutenrnarcheeut'arr_tent d_s qua ta lemp_r_tu_ed_pass_en plusou en me]noIo n_eauderef[oidiseernent demand_o ® ® CLAYETTESPLASTiFtI_ESCANTILEVER:R_eistentaux odaurset _ laroull]e, Amow'bteapourfacilJleri'enlretlen, 3, OtNTETANOHEMAGN!_TIQUE:Lejoin!_lancheernp}che l'alr lrais des'_chappero 4_ PORTEEN VERRETREMPEETLAMPEINTI_RIEURE: Visibiitt_clared'tnt_rieuro GUIDED'F_CARTS DE TEMPERATURE R_'gIage dela Section temperature sup6rieura Section au milieu MIN 132'0t55_8'F MED,(moy,)12_1'C/53,8'F MAX, 4,TO t40 6"F 12.2"0t54'F tl,6'0t53'F _.6'C135'F Section Inf_r_eure 10.7°01513"F B,4"C!47,2'F 0_8'0130.4"F La tempSratureIndiqu_een hautpourraitradar d_pendantsi I'ampoute int_rteureeeloNo|LSt I'ampouleeat ioujours allum_e lalemp_rature ducabinetsere ptue_lev_ff, BOUTONDE COMMANDE INSTRUCTIONSPOURLE RENVEFtSEMENT DELA PORTE Fig°2 15TAPE I: Fig. 1 _TAPE 2: Fig. 2 I_TAPE 3: Fl_g,3 _TAPE 4: Fig. 4 Fig.3 Fig.4 I::_m_ GARANT(A LIMITADA DEL PRODUCTO Enelhognr De,n_ Ptodud9LlmlI_d PO8ox t T!8,,_70 Whitoiav Rcedr Guelph,OnteHo,Cana_ HIH 6Z9 TeIe,pho_: (619)837.0920 FAX: (519)837,.04,_9 Eno]hogu O(mbyProdu_Inc, POBox669,10t8enUeyCou_ I I_.'1I i'l • . _ " _,._'fll [] []IrlI_b-JIll!£(d[o]_l_.II_ ATENC1ON INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA CONEXI(_N A TIERRA Esle aparato electrodom_stioo debe ostar consctadoa tierra. Encase de un codoclrcuiloeI6ct_co,la conext6na tierrareduceel rlesgode chequeel_cldcopropomionando un cable de escape para la corrienteel6ctrica. Esls aparatoviene equlpado con un cordonqua poses un cablea tierra conun enchulede conexl6na tierm Esta enchule rlebe ester enchulado en un tomacorriante Inslalado correctamsn[e y consotadea Iterra. ADVERTENCIA - E[ useInadecuadodel enchufede conexi6na tierra puederasuliarenun ttesgo de cheque eT_ctrioe, Consults con un electrlctsta o personade repataetones compelente sI no cornprende bien los instruccfones de consxI6na ttsrlao st existsafgunadude sobre st et operate esl_ coneclado a Iierracorrectamenteo NO USE UN CORD(_N DE PROLONGACt6N ELi_CTRICA Use un tomacorHenlade pared exclusive. No conecte su refrtgerador pare vinos a cordonee de p_olongaci(_n el_ctricao junto a cualqulerotro electmdom_sticoen el mismoIomacorfientadepared. Noempalmnelcord6n. ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTE; Un ralrigeradorpare vinosvaeloes un_ atraecI6nmuy peligrosapare losnifios. Saque redeslosjuntas,pesliIlos, tapeso la puedade lode electrodom(._sl}oo quano eel_,en use, oiome atguna medida pare asagurar qua no presenlepeligro. IPELIGRO/ Peltgzo de,a|tapal ros _lho_enleunldar_ knies dedesech_r su_nli!Iuo rorrtgere_iot o¢ongeladol: ,qulle I;{spuoli_s ,OeJe l_siabte_en_ IugarBs exec!os aIIntie qualos n]_os nPpesJolansublr [_¢Ilmenle ela unI#ad. INO ESPERE, H_,GALO AHOFIA MISMOI to --L- Saqua lob embalaJee_xtedores e inieriores, limple bien el exteriorconun paso suaveseen, y el Interior con un pa_o h_medoy tibio. Evltscolocarla cajaen un huecoe_trechoo ceresde unaIusntedecalogluzde soldirects,o lugar h_medOo Deje qua el airs clrcula Iibremente slrededor de lacaje, Mantenga ta parts posterior dei relrlgeradorpare vinosa 5 pulgadesdelapared. Ublcacidn I.Selecctoneuniugarconunplsofuerteynivelado. 2, Dejecinco putgadas deespacTo entreIapa.,leposlerior dsI r_fdgerador parevinos y todaparedcontigua, 3. Evilsla luzdirectsdeIsolocolor,Laluzdirecladelsol puedeafectarlacapedeacrflico,Losfuentesdecalorensu proximldad provcosr_n unconsume mayordeeleclrlcldad. [.]._=,I_['__ .,_,_,=.=_. Pare evilervibraciones,el comparttmiantoInterior debeester biennivelada, Pare encende_el refrigarador parevinos,gtre el control de temperature a ta postci6nque correspondsal enfrlamfentodaeeado. La temperatura de[ refrigeradorpare vinos varlar_tdependiende de la cantidad de alimentos aimacenadosy la frecuencia conquass abra lapuerto. Fig. I4 Fig. 15 Controlde latemperature: La temperaluradetcompartlmlente del_efdgeradorparevinosse controlsperrnedlola peHIla de centr!!deI IsrmostaIoubtcadaen lasaraexle_orde lapartsiraseradelgabInela. Papaancender et _'efHgsrador y Iogmr]a mayorrefdgetaci6ncon rapidez: "GIra la pedltadecontrotde latemperatureen e[sentidodetas agujsedsl relojhasteel tope(elm_,xime)y co]6quela enla secci'Snazulre,is oscura {encho)del dialgraduadode contro!. "Perm]la quelaunldad funcione enestaposlcI6n duranle 364 betas, " Cuendoalcanceelnivelm_lmo de refHgeraci6n, vuelva a gfrar [apedila decontrol alaposlci6n de 2an pronto deldlal graduado azulde conlK_I,VetFig15, * Para-apagarel refrigeradorparavinos(papano refdgerar)rote {a perlllade _ntrol s la posici6n"0"(apagado)_ Ve_119.t4 Paredetenere!cicle de refHgeraci6n perun tiempo,gtreet controlaia poslci6n "OFF'-apagado-(0). Cuandono vaya a userel refdgsradorparsvinosduranteun touchetiempo, desench_Jlela y deje lapuedaentreabierta° Note: Espereentre3 s 5 minutesanlesdevotvera enc_ndersl elfuncionamienlo hasldoinlerrumpldo. Luz interior Laopetact6n de laluzinterior esmanualy noseaclivaalabriry cerrar Iapuerla.Parsenc_nder latuz,oprimaal tntenuplor _bieadoenetcestado izquierdo delcomparttmiento do ta bombi_a defuz,eneltechodel gsbtnele Interior_ Descongelacfdn Surofrigerador parsvinos hesidediseSado conunststema de deseongelaci6n de "ololoautom_lico",i,Ou es on "cido autornrico"dodescongelact n? I.assuperliclos refrigaradas dal¢omparlimiento paraalimonies frescos sedeseongela automdtlcamente, duranta 81cido "apagado" delconlre! deenlrtamionte (lermosfato}. Elague descongelada delcompartimiento parsalimonies frescos es e_tminada automdtlcamente, encauzdndo}a haoleunabandeta de goleoubtcado enelcompresor. Lalrans/erenclado calordel comprosor avapotaetague, Llmpleza Parellmpiarel Interior,useun patio suaveconunasoludOnde unacucharada de bl_rbonato de sosapotcadscuarto deagua, o una soluei6nde eapumade Jab6nsuave, o un detergente suave. Pars lavar los rejillas, s_quelas desltz_indelascon euidado, y use una seluci6n de detergente suave; luege s_quelascon un pa_,osuave., Limpte el exteflor conun patio h_medo suavey un pace de detergentesuaveo produolosde ltmplezaparselaclmdom_sticos. Perfodo de vacaclones Pera perl'odoscuriosde vacac;iones, deje los conlmlasensus grao'uaoiones ¢onientes, Duranteausenciasm_.slargas; (e) saquetedeslosalimonies, (b) des_neete el reftfgaraderdeltomaco_risnte, {c) limple btenel refrigerador parsvinos, (d} deJela puerlaabiertaparssvltarla formad6nde condensaci6n, mohou elates Carte de corrlente La mayorl'a deloscortesdecerriente secorrigen en unao dos horasy no afectardn tastempetaluras de surelrigetador pars vinos.Sinembargo, Ud,debar,5 redecir laconfided deracesqua abrala puerlaouando la corriente est6apagada.Durante los cortesde corrtentede targaduract6n,tome medidospars prolegersuealimonies.. SI ud. se muda Saqueo asegurelodeslos adlculos dentro delref_lgeradorpare vines. Parsevitarquelos tomlIlesntve/antesse aver(on,g(relos complefamonto hactala bass, Cambto de la bombilla Parscambiarta bombiila del compartimienlo interior; Saquee!tomilloquasujMaelprotector dela hornbills; saquael protector° Deslomiltola bombilla, Camblsia _mbtlfa, NOTA:Labemblltano debeexeederde 15varies, Vuelvaa colocarelprotecfor do [a bomblIla. Coloquenuevamentoel !emilioquasujetala cubierla. Estantes para vlno: Estaunidad esl_equlpada conlosstguientes estantes desltzab]es: •5 sstantos delanchodelgabinele ' 1 estanle 3/4 • I estoniainfedor(escalonado) Capaclriad total:35hurdles NO'rA: Elestoniacontomaado amovible parsel viney elestonia pianoregularamovtbleson inlamambiables. Ud.puedecompmr estanlespianosadicionalesseparadamenteperltamantroel deparlamentodosarvieIo de Oanbyal 1-800-26-DANBY Atgunas reglas importantes pars el use correeto del refrigerador para vinos , lasbebidessodebenguardar enbotellascorrodes. , Nosobmcargue elcompartimianlo interior.. • Noabzatapuertoamenusquaseanecesario_ , Stelralrlgerador parsvinos se guarders sinuseperpariodos largos,sosugleroquoo luegodeunaltmpleza cuiriadosa, s9 deJe lapuarla entreabterta parspermi_ir quaelafrocircule dentro dela caJa y eviler unaposible formaei6n de condensaeI6n, mohouelates. , Nunea oubmlososlanles delcompaCllmiente parsalimonies conpapaldoaluminlo o cualquisr elmmaterlalparscubrir estantes quapusdan obslrulr la ciroulaci6n delaim.. Temperaturas recomendadas para enlriar vinos Vinossecos: 9'C/'48.2"F - 14'0157,2'F vinos rosaries: vinos tintos: 10'Ci50°F 13'Cf55,4'F - 14'CI572'F Vinosespumeses; 9"0 1,!8.2'F Caracterfstl¢as tdenlcas y estructurales dsl funetonamlento Unacomparlimlenlo Interiorbondsrtzado y esmaltado enaerfllco de acuordoa los t_cnicaarodsmodernasdo atomlzact6n alectrost_lioa AialamlenteI_rmtcode polluretano de alto dsnsIriad.Junta do oiermmagn_trcoparela puetlao 1. CONTROLOESELECTRONIC08DE TEMPERATLIRA: (Centre]asmontadossobre lacarafronlalexterna) Pare controlar la temperaturadel interiordelrefrlgeradorpare vinos,Enciendey apagael rnotorancuantola lemperatura superao esmanorat nivelde reftigemciSn de_eade. 2. ESTANTES REVESTIDOS DE PLASTICO DE VIGA ® VOLADIZA: Reststentes a los oloras, inoxidsbiee y desmontables paraunal_mplezaf_cil, 3_ JUNTAMAGNI_TICA:Un cien'eajusladode la puertaqua ma_tienolode la potenotade enfriamtenlo ence_/adeenel /efrtgerador., Singanchosnl peslillos, 4, PUERTADE VJDRIOTEMPLADOY LUZ INTERIOR: Pe/mltelav}sibilldad delcompartmlento inle/ioro GUJADE VARIACIONDE TEMPERMUFIA GraduatiOn de Parle hde ralemperalula supeffor media MIN, (rain) 132'CJ55,8'F MED, 12.1'0t53.,8"F MAX,{m_) 4.7"0 140 6"F 12.2"0t54"F 11,,6'0t53'F 1,6'Ct 35'F Psde i_fer;oz 10.TOI51,3'F 8.4'Ct 47.2"F 0.8'0,130A'F La temperalu_a [ndioada segOnIo dtchoantespo_rfayarner dependienlestlabombiitainteriorest_ordoff,Sila bombillaes_ siempreencendtdolatemperaturede lacajaestar_m_s elevada_ PERILLADE CONTROL INSTRUCCIONES PARACAMBIARELSENTIDOENQUESE ABRE LA PUERTA Fig, 1 PRIMER PASO: SEGUNDO PASO: Fig. 2 FIG. I RG. 2 TERCER PASO; CUARTO PASO: Fig. 3 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 WiNECOOLER Danl:ey o g,,o,. The mode] number of your wine cooler is found on the ee,rIal plale locatedon the back,top Is|t-handcorneror the refrigerator. All repair parts availablelot purchaseor special orderwhen you visit yournearest service de,pe,t.To request service,and!or the` locationof fhe servtce depot nearestyou, cull the toll free number listed to the left in Canada and1he L.iS. Model, ModUle, Modelo DWC310BL When requesting so,vice or ordering paris, always provide the followingtalormalfon: , • , • Farservice, coP, tact yo_tnearesl service depotorearl: 1.800.26.Danby Iorecommend a dope!in youruea_ Fouroblenlr loservice, consutlez votreuuccgrsals r_giDnalo de sa_vlce eut_l_phogez: 1-800-26-Danby qulvousrecomman(lera un cenlrer_gional. ProductType Model Numbe,r Part Number Puff Daserlptlon REFROIDISSELIR La nom_rode modble de,votro refrcidieae,urda via se trouvesur ta plaqued'ldenttfioaltonqul se trouvssur te coindu haut gaucho de I'arrl_ra du t,_irig_ralour., Touteslee pt_cus de re,change son! d[sponlblesimm_dlatemenl ou pouwnt _tre, oommand_e,s dq votre Centre de Service r_gionaL Pour obienir Is service e,I/ou le Cent,rede Service le plus proche, t_l_phonez le num6ro sane.I;als tndlqu_ _ gaucho pour Is,Canadaet lee I_lats-L.Pnie.. Ayoz le,sinforms|ionseuivantes _ ta porl_e de ta main iors de la commandode pl_ce,aou service; , , • , Genre du produit Num_re,de me,dbla Nurn_ro de pl_ce, Description de is p_bce REFRIGERADOR Parssevicio, cornmunfquese con sudepartamento deserviciosm_s cercano ollamael: 1-800-26.Danby p_a quale recomienden_n deparlamentoo18 setviclos $it _;LIzone. DE VlN PA RAVINOS El nbmmo de,l modelo de su refrigeradorpare vinosso enouentra en ]a place de earls ubieada ea el _ngeto posterior superior Izqnterdode] refrige,radoro Todaalee ptszas de ropussfo ee encuenl,randisponiblespare le eomptao per pedtdoasps,eta|cuandoUdovisits su dopartamenlo de eervicIom_is ee,reano_Pare se,!leitarserviclo yto is ublcac[6n del dopaflamenlo de, ee,rviciom_s cercane,,llama al nOmero de marcando gratis qua aparsce ala lzquterda en el Danad_ y on los E.U. Cuaudo solicits eervleio o enca_gue repuoslos, proporclonela aigulentetnfo,,rmaci6n: , , , , Tlpo de prodeelo N_msro de modelo N_mero del re,puesto Descrlpct6n Gel;apueslo Danby Producls Limited,PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada NIH 6Zg Danby Products Ino,, PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, USA 45839-0B69 Pfn_l InC:h_n_ (PJ_.) stempre
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 14 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Mon Jan 21 07:02:35 2008 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools