Danby DWC512BL User Manual WINE COOLER Manuals And Guides L0712184
DANBY Wine Cooler Manual L0712184 DANBY Wine Cooler Owner's Manual, DANBY Wine Cooler installation guides
User Manual: Danby DWC512BL DWC512BL DANBY WINE COOLER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your DANBY WINE COOLER #DWC512BL. Home:Kitchen Appliance Parts:Danby Parts:Danby WINE COOLER Manual
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DELUXE WlNE COOLER The model number plate located of your on the back, wine cooler top left-hand is found corner on the serial of the refrigerator. All repair parts available for purchase or special order when visit your nearest service depot. To request service and/or you the location of the service depot nearest you, call the toll free number listed to the left in Canada and the U.S. Model.Modele. Modelo DWC512BL When requesting following service or ordering parts, always provide the information: • Product Type • Model Number • Part Number • Part Description Forservice,contact REFROIDISSEUR DE VIN Le numero de votre yournearestservicedepotor call: 1-800-26D-anby to recommenda depotin yourarea. la plaque de modele d'identification de I'arriere Toutes ou peuvent de rechange 6tre 1-800-26D-anby qui vousrecommandera un centreregional. Parasevicio,communiquesecon su departamento de serviciosmas cercanoo flameal: 1-800-26D-anby paraquele recomiendenun departamentode servicios en su zona. pour le Canada Ayez sont disponibles commandees de votre immediatement Centre de Service le service et/ou le Centre de Service le le numero sans-frais indique a gauche de pieces suivantes a la portee de la main Iors de la ou service: • Genre de produit • Numero de modele • Numero de piece • Description de la piece REFRIGERADOR PARAVINOS El nQmero del modelo en la placa de serie de su refrigerador para vinos se encuentra ubicada en el &ngulo posterior superior izquierdo del refrigerador. Todas las piezas de repuesto compra o por pedido especial de servicio mas cercano. del departamento marcando gratis los E.U. Cuando proporcione solicite Para de servicio que aparece servicio la siguiente se encuentran disponibles para la cuando Ud. visite su departamento solicitar servicio mas cercano, a la izquierda o encargue y/o la ubicacion flame al nQmero de en el Canada y en repuestos, informacion: • Tipo de producto • NQmero de modelo • NQmero del repuesto • Descripci6n del repuesto Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9 Danby Products Inc., PO Box 669, Findlay,Ohio, USA 45839-0669 Printed in China (PRC) sur et les Etats-Unis. les informations commande de vin se trouve sur le coin du haut gauche du r6frigerateur. les pieces regional. Pour obtenir plus proche, tel6phonez Pourobtenirle service,consultez votresuccursaleregionalede serviceou teI6phonez: refroidisseur qui se trouve siempre OWNER'S MANUAL MANUEL D'UTILISATION MANUAL DELPROPIETARIO Model.Modele. Modelo DWC512BL CAUTION: DELUXE WINE COOLER Owner's Manual ....................... Readandfollowallsafetyrulesand operatinginstructionsbeforefirst useof thisproduct. • Safety Instructions • Installation 1-5 • Operation • Care and Maintenance PRECAUTION: Veuillez lire attentivement les consignes de securite et les instructions d'utilisation avant I'utilisationinitialedeceproduit. PRECAUCION: Leay observetodaslasreglas de seguridady las instruccionesde operacion antes de usar este productoporprimeravez. REFROIDISSEUR Manuel • • • • DE VIN d'utilisation .................... 6-10 Consignes de securit6 Installation Fonctionnement Soins et entretien REFRIGERADOR PARAVINOS Manual del propietario • Instrucciones • Instalaci6n ................ 11-15 de seguridad • Operaci6n • Cuidado y Mantenimiento Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9 Danby Products Inc, PO Box 669, Findlay,Ohio, USA 45839-0669 5121102 LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY This qualityproductis warrantedto befreefrom manufacturer's defectsin materialandworkmanship,providedthatthe unitis usedunderthe normaloperating conditionsintendedbythemanufacturer. This warrantyis availabIeonlyto thepersonto whomtheunit wasoriginallysoldby Danbyor by anauthorizeddistributorof Danby,andisnon-transferable. TERMSOFWARRANTY Plasticparts(ie.evaporatordoor,door rails,coversandtrays arewarrantedfor thirty(30)daysonlyfrom purchasedate,with noextensionsprovided. 2 Years Duringthe first two years (2),anyelectricalpartsof this productfoundto be defective,including any sealedsystemunits,willbe repaired or replaced,at warrantor'soption,at nochargeto theORIGINALpurchaser.Consumableparts(ie.lightbulbs)are notwarrantedor guaranteedfor anylengthof time. ThirdThrough Duringthe nextthreeyears(3) anypart ofthe sealedsystemfoundto bedefective(consistingof compressor,condenser,evaporator, Fifth Year dryerandnil relatedtubing)willbe replacedwithoutcharge.The purchasershallpay for atllabourandreturnfreightduringthisthree year(3) periodfor repairor replacement of any sealedsystemcomponents.Any unit beingdiagnosedasnon-functionaldueto seaJed systemfailureandwarrantingan exchangeduringtheexistingthree(3)yearswillbe subjectto an appropriatedepreciationor userfee, includingany andallfreightchargesbeingleviedagainsttheconsumer. ToobtainService Danbyreservesthe fight to Jimitboundariesof"ln HomeService"dueto theproximityof anAuthorizedServiceDepot. Anyappliance requiringserviceoutsidethe limitedboundariesof "InHomeService",itwill bethe customer'sresponsibilityto transportthe applianceto the closestAuthorizedServiceDepotat theirownexpense.Contactyourdealerfromwhomyourunitwaspurchased,or contactyour nearestauthorizedDanbyservicedepot,whereservicemustbe performedbya qualifiedservicetechnician.If serviceis performedon the unitsbyanyoneotherthananauthorizedservicedepot,or theunit is usedfor commercialapplication,all obligationsof Danbyunder this warrantyshaIJbe at anend. Thefollowingclauserefersto singJeanddoubledoorrefrigerators,suppJiedwithor withouta separatefreezersection. Nothingwithinthis warrantyshaIIimplythat Danbywillbe responsibleor liablefor any spoilageor damageto foodor othercontentsof thisappliance,whetherdueto any defectof the appliance,or its use, whetherproperor improper. EXCLUSIONS Saveashereinprovided,DanbyProductsLimited(Canada)or DanbyProductsInc. (U.S.A.),thereare no otherwarranties,conditions,representationsor guarantees,expressor implied,madeor intendedbyDanbyProductsLimitedor its authorizeddistributorsandall otherwarranties,conditions,representationsor guarantees,includingany warranties,conditions,representations or guaranteesunderany Saleof GoodsAct or Iike legislation or statueis herebyexpressly excluded.Saveas hereinprovided,DanbyProductsLimited(Canada)or DanbyProductstnc.(U.S.A),shallnotbe responsiblefor any damagesto personsor property,includingtheunit itself,howsoevercausedor any consequentialdamagesarisingfromthe malfunctionof theunit andbythe purchaseof theunit, the purchaserdoes herebyagreeto indemnifyandsaveharmlessDanbyProductsLimitedfromany claimfor damagesto personsor propertycausedbytheunit. GENERALPROVISIONS Nowarrantyor insurancehereincontainedor setout shallapplywhendamageor repairis causedbyanyof thefollowing: 1) PowerFailure. 2) Damageintransitor whenmovingtheappliance. 3) Improperpowersupplysuchaslowvoltage,defectivehousewiringor inadequatefuses. 4) Accident,alteration,abuseor misuseof theappliancesuchas inadequateair circulationintheroomor abnormaloperatingconditions, (extremelyhighor lowroomtemperature). 5) Usefor commercialor industrialpurposes. 6) Fire,waterdamage,theft,war,riot,hostility,acts ofGod suchashurricanes,floodsetc. 7) Servicecallsresultingincustomereducation. Proofof purchasedatewillbe requiredfor warrantyclaims;so,pleaseretainbillsof sale. tn theeventwarrantyserviceis required,presentthis documentto our AUTHORIZEDSERVICEDEPOT. Warranty Service With-In Canada With-InUnitedState InHome DanbyProductsLimited POBox 1778,5070WhitelawRoad, Guelph,Ontario,CanadaN1H6Z9 Telephone: (519)837-0920FAX: (519)837-0449 tnHome 9/92 DanbyProductsInc. POBox 669,t01 BentleyCourt, Findlay,Ohio,U.S.A. 45839-0669 Telephone: (419)425-8627FAX: (419)425-6629 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS This wine cooler must be grounded in the event of an electrical short circuit. Grounding reduces the risk of electrical shock. This wine cooler is equipped with a power cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. The wine cooler plug must be plugged into a properly installed and grounded electrical outlet. WARNING iMPROPER USE OF THE GROUNDING PLUG CAN RESULT IN THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Consult a qualified electrician or service person if the grounding instructions are not completely understood. CAUTION: Read and follow all safety rules and operating instructions before using this product. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Remove the exterior and interior packaging. Use a soft dry cloth to thoroughly wipe the outside of the wine cooler. Use a wet, lukewarm cloth to wipe the inside of the wine cooler. Air must circulate freely in front of the wine cooler. Avoid placing the wine cooler near any heat source, direct sunlight or moisture. Direct sunlight may affect the finish of the wine cooler. Nearby heat sources will cause higher electricity consumption. INSTALLATION OF SHELVES WOOD SHELVES 1. Place wood shelves on grooves at height desired. 2. Insert metal stoppers (knobs) in the holes (pre-drilled) on both sides of black liner. _rent Attention -Store wine in sealed bottles. -Do not overload the cabinet. -Do not open the door unless necessary -DO NOT cover shelves with aluminum foil or any other shelf material which may prevent air circulation. -Should the wine cooler be stored without use for long periods it is suggested, after a careful cleaning, to leave the door ajar to allow air to circulate inside the cabinet in order to avoid possible formations of condensation, mold or odors. DOORREVERSAL Tofacilitatedoorreversal, werecommend someone assistyouduringthisprocess. Toolsrequired: PhillipsScrewdriver 1.Laytheunitinit'sback. 2.Openthedooruntilthescrewssecuring thelowerdoorsupportbracketareexposed onthebottomofthedoor. Thiswillrequirethedoortobeopenedtoa 90degreeangle. Removethescrewclosesttothebracket,as shownif Fig#t. Thiswillrequiresomeone toholdthedoorintheopenpositionwhilethescrewisbeingremoved. 3.Closethedoor. 4. Remove theremaining screwinthelowerdoorsupport. 5.Liftthedoorupwards andremovefromthecabinetofthewinecooler. 6. Remove the3 screwseachsecuring thetopandbottomhinge. NOTE: Keep these hinges in a safe place in the event you ever need to revert back to a right hand door swing. 7. Remove the plastic screw caps from the left hand side of the door frame. There are six (6) plastic caps to be removed. 8. Install the left hand top and bottom hinge (supplied with the unit) There are three (3) screws for each hinge. 9. Insert the lower door support onto the bottom hinge. Do not secure with screws until the door is installed. 10. Carefully re-position the door onto the lower door support and cabinet. 11. With door closed against the cabinet install one screw into the lower door support bracket. 12. Open the door to 90 degrees and install the second screw. 13. Close the door and check the door alignment and gasket seal. 14. Install the plastic screw caps in the right side of the cabinet. 15. Return the wine cooler to it's upright position. 16. Check the door again for proper sealing. NOTE: Allow the unit to stand upright for 1 hour before putting the unit into operation. Upper Hinge Lower Hinge Figure 1 OPERATION: Beforeturningonthewinecooler,ensurethatthecabinetislevel. Thiswilleliminate anyvibrations. NOTE:Thepower(RUN)indicator lightis locatedontheLEDcontrolpanelinsidetheunitandwillilluminate whenthecompressor (cooling) cycleisoperational. Setthedesiredcoolingtemperature bypressing the buttonsadjacenttothe"up"f'down" arrows. Eachdepression ofthebuttonswillincrease/decrease theset temperature inincrements of 1degree. Thesettemperature willbedisplayed intheLED(TEMPSET) window. It is possible todisplaytemperatures ineitherCelsiusor Fahrenheit.Tochangethesetting,pressandhold bothbuttonssimultaneously forapproximately 5 seconds.Thegreenpilotlightadjacent tothemode selection willilluminate theselectionmade. Totemporarily disconnect thecoolingcycle,unplugthewinecooler.Whendisengaging thecoolingfunction forlongperiodsoftime,disconnect theplugandleavethedoorpartiallyopen. NOTE:Wait3 to5 minutesbeforerestarting thewinecoolerif operation hasbeeninterrupted. INTERIOR LIGHT Theinteriorlightcanoperate"manually" or"automatically". Thelightautomatically comesonwiththeopening ofthedoorandgoesoutwhenthedooris closed.Tooperatethelightmanually, pressthelight/toggle switch locatedatthebottomrightofthewinecoolerexteriorcabinettothe"on"position.Toturnthelightoff,toggle theswitchtothe"off"position. DEFROSTING/CONDENSATION Yourwinecooleris designed withan"Auto-Cycle" defrostsystem.Duringthe"OffCycle"therefrigerated surfacesofthewinecoolerdefrostautomatically. Defrostwaterfromthewinecoolerstoragecompartment drainsautomatically, andis channeled intoa condensate drainpanwhichis locatedinthebackofthewine coolernexttothecompressor. Theheattransferred fromthecompressor evaporates anycondensation that hascollected inthepan. CARE& MAINTENANCE Uponreceiving yourwinecooler,leavethedooropenfor24hours.Whencleaningtheinsideofthewine cooleryoucanusea solutionofa tablespoon ofbakingsodatoone(1)quartofwater,or a mildsoapsuds solution,orsomemilddetergent.Woodshelvingdoesnotrequirecleaning.Tocleantheexteriorcabinetof yourwinecooler,usea softdampclothwithmilddetergent or appliance cleaner. STORING YOUR WINE COOLER If you intend not to use the wine cooler for short periods of time, leave the control panel at its usual settings. During longer periods of absences: 1. Remove bottles from wine cooler. 2. Unplug wine cooler from the electrical outlet. 3. Thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the wine cooler. 4. Leave the door open to avoid possible formations of condensation, WHATTO DO REGARDING mold or odors. POWER FAILURE Most power failures are corrected within a short period of time. An hour or two loss of power will not affect your wine cooler temperatures. To protect your wines while the power is off, you should minimize the number of door openings. For power failures of longer durations, take steps to protect your wine. IF YOU HAVE TO MOVE YOUR WINE COOLER Remove ALL bottles from the wine cooler and securely fasten down all loose items inside the wine cooler. To avoid damaging the levelling legs, turn them all the way into the base of the unit. HUMIDITY MAINTENANCE SYSTEM The wine cooler is equipped with a system for maintaining the correct level of humidity. If humidity is too low, insert the small plastic reservoir on to the top rack of the wine cooler. Fill this reservoir 3/4 full with water. Check water level occasionally and refill as necessary. REPLACING INTERIOR LIGHT BULBS To replace an interior light bulb: 1. Remove the screw holding the light bulb cover. Remove the cover. 2. Unscrew light bulb. Replace the light bulb. NOTE: The light bulb should not exceed 25 watts. 3. Replace light bulb cover. Re-install screw to secure cover. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Powder coated, heavy duty steel cabinet with high density thermal insulation. 1. DIGITAL ELECTRONIC THERMOSTAT: Controls the temperature inside the wine cooler. The compressor will cycle on as soon as the temperature rises above the desired level. 2. WOODEN SHELVES: Easily removable for easy access to your wine. 3. MAGNETIC DOOR GASKET: Tight fitting magnetic door seal keeps all the cooling power and humidity sealed inside. 4. TEMPERED,REVERSIBLE GLASS DOOR: Tempered glass door is tinted for UV protection allows for easy interior visibility 5 INTERIOR LIGHT: Allows for manual operation of interior lights to enable viewing of wines prior to opening of the door. STORAGE OF WINE The upper shelves are recommended for storing "Red" wine. The lower shelves are recommended for storing "White" wine. The humidor should be positioned in the center of the top rack. To acheive maximum storage capacity it will be necassary to position (store) the bottles alternately see below diagram) ..........L ] on the racks.
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