Data Critical 01DT-4500 Ambulatory Tranceiver, DT-4500 User Manual oporators manual

Data Critical Corporation Ambulatory Tranceiver, DT-4500 oporators manual

oporators manual

DT-4500 Operator’s Manual 1OPERATOR’S MANUAL FOR DT- 4500CAUTIONThis instrument is intended for use in a hospital or clinical setting by   trained andauthorized personnel who are acting on the orders of a physician. Its purpose is the real-timemonitoring of patients over an extended period of time.The operator should be thoroughly familiar with the information in this manual before usingthe instrument. As with all monitors, the system cannot replace skilled nursing care andproper surveillance. The transmitter power is limited as required by the FederalCommunications Commission and thus has limited range. To insure continuous monitoring,instruct the patient to remain within the area covered by the antenna system.WARNINGDO NOT USE THE OUTPUT OF THIS DEVICE AS A SYNCHONIZATION SOURCEFOR CARDIAC DEFIBRILLATION. DELAYS IN PRESENTATION OF THE R-WAVEMAY BE AS MUCH AS 40 MILLISECONDS.
DT-4500 Operator’s Manual 2Information to UserWARNINGThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a CLASS B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual, may cause harmfulinterference to radio and television communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which canbe determined by turning the equipment off and on, then the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that of the receiver• Consult the dealer or an experienced audio television technicianNOTE:  Connecting this device to peripheral devices that do not comply with the CLASS Brequirement or using an unshielded peripheral data cable could also result in harmfulinterference to radio or television reception.Any changes or modifications to the device that are not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.To ensure that the use of this product does not contribute to interference, it is necessary touse shielded I/O cables.OverviewThe DT-4500 Ambulatory Transceiver provides two-way wireless communicationbetween analog ECG circuitry and the hospital’s data distribution network. The DT-4500 is connected to the patient through the ECG lead circuitry and is carried on thepatient in a gown or disposable paper pouch. The ambulatory transceiver converts theanalog ECG patient parameters to a digital format, which is then transmitted to anAccess Point transceiver. The Access Point transceiver distributes the digital data tothe hospital’s data distribution network. The transceiver system includes 6 ECGleads, accurate waveform notification, data port activity, notification of radiofrequency (RF) link to Access Point, battery status, attendant present switch, nursecall switch, and two I/O ports for attachment to external medical devices.Equipment Site Selection/LocationThe transceiver is worn by the patient and is carried either in a gown pocket ordisposable paper pouch. The typical orientation is against the chest with the frontfacing out, which minimizes body attenuation losses.
DT-4500 Operator’s Manual 3The DT-4500 is IPX7 compliant and can be submerged in 1m of water for 30minutes without seepage, while remaining in operating conditionOperating InstructionsThe DT-4500 ambulatory transceiver is attached to the patient through the ECG leadsystem. The ECG circuitry, based on the previous DT-4000 front-end circuitry,consists of 6 lead wires and 2 I/O interfaces for external medical devices. Thebattery-powered transceiver enclosure is carried in a gown pocket or disposablepaper pouch. The digital ECG patient parameters are transmitted to the Access PointTransceiver, which then transmits the data via Ethernet network system (cable andhub) to the hospital’s data distribution network. The 9V replaceable battery, orrechargeable battery, should last at least 48 hours.Antenna InstallationThe DT-4500 transmits in the 608-614 MHz frequency range. The omnidirectional antenna is a part ofthe lead set system, with each lead wire paired with an antenna wire. Transceiver output power andsystem operation requirements are defined by the FCC. Therefore, it is essential that the antennaprovided not be modified or altered in any way by the end user.

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