Data Sciences RPT Large Animal Transmitter User Manual Multi frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide

Data Sciences International Inc Large Animal Transmitter Multi frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide

Users Manual

DRAFT Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Dataquest, the DSI Logo, and PhysioTel are registered trademarks of Transoma Medical in the United
States and certain other foreign countries.
A.R.T. is a trademark of Transoma Medical.
Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Reorder Number 391-0094-001
Revision 01
Copyright Transoma Medical 2006
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.
Data Sciences International (DSI)
4211 Lexington Ave. N • Suite 2244 • St. Paul, MN 55126
Telephone: (1-651) 481-7400 • 800-262-9687
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Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1
SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................. 3
Naming Convention .............................................................................................................3
Part Numbers ......................................................................................................................3
General Specifications .........................................................................................................4
Dimensions .........................................................................................................................4
SETUP .................................................................................................................................. 5
Matching Repeaters with Repeater Receivers........................................................................5
Use of Repeater with Implanted Transmitter...........................................................................5
Setting up a room for use with the Repeater ..........................................................................6
Software Setup....................................................................................................................7
Cleaning .............................................................................................................................9
Changing Mode of Operation................................................................................................9
Battery Replacement .........................................................................................................10
Cleaning ...........................................................................................................................12
Changing Mode of Operation..............................................................................................12
Battery Replacement .........................................................................................................13
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
The Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater is a device that functions as a signal relay between a DSI
Physiotel® transmitter and a Repeater Receiver and is used in large animal and primate telemetry
applications. It offers greater flexibility and capabilities in cage design, housing and data acquisition than
the standard DSI transmitter-receiver option.
There are several different frequency models of the Repeater available. The availability of these different
frequency models allows the animals to be in closer proximity with one another or group housed. The
Repeaters also have a larger transmission range than implanted transmitters, enabling greater separation
between an animal and its receiver.
In a Repeater system, each animal is implanted with a Physiotel transmitter. Each animal is then outfitted
with a Repeater and has at least one Repeater Receiver associated with it. The Physiotel transmitter
transmits a localized signal that is detected by the animal’s Repeater. The signal is then re-transmitted by
the Repeater and recognized by the appropriate Repeater Receiver which brings the signal into the data
acquisition system. There is no time delay introduced into the data acquisition process because of the
Repeater’s involvement in the signal relay.
Each Repeater has two modes of operation: short-range and long-range. The factory default setting for
the Repeater is short-range mode (3m transmitting distance) but the long-range mode (8m transmitting
distance) may be useful for some applications. These ranges indicate the shortest or minimum
transmission distance that would be encountered in an environment without obstructions. Ranges will
vary depending on the environment and based on the orientation of the Repeater with respect to its
Repeater Receiver. Short-range mode is recommended when trying to use more than one repeater of the
same frequency within the same environment. The long-range is recommended, however, to achieve
greater area coverage when duplicate repeater frequencies are not being used. See the Maintenance
section of this user guide for specific instructions of how to change the Repeater’s mode of operation.
The Multi-frequency Repeater being used in Group Housing Enclosures
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Each of the different frequency models of the Repeater is available in one of three physical designs or
housings. The electronic components in each of these housings are the same, but the size and shape
differences facilitate their use with different animal species. See the Specifications section of this user
guide for additional details.
Whenever a live battery is installed in the Repeater, it is operating. When operating, the Repeater is
continuously “listening” for a signal from a transmitter. Regardless of its mode of operation (short or
long-range), the battery life of the Large Animal Telemetry Repeater is 6 days. The battery life of the
Primate Repeater Collar is 10 days. DSI recommends changing the battery on a regular basis within the
battery life. Battery changing instructions can be found in the Maintenance section of this user guide.
Each Repeater must be combined with the appropriate Repeater Receiver. Instructions for matching
Repeaters with Repeater Receivers can be found in the Setup section of this user guide. The Repeater
cannot be used with any other model of receiver manufactured by DSI.
Please note that this user guide is not meant to function as a guide to animal care or handling.
Appropriate animal handling and care measures must be determined by the laboratory before using these
allows it to be attached to an animal’s collar,
secured on a harness, or in a vest pocket.
The Primate Repeater Collar is designed to
work with primate restraint systems and is
available in small and large sizes.
Repeater Receiver
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Naming Convention
The Repeater model name, for example RPT-910-3, is defined by the following:
The first numerical digit indicates the geographical region of use: RPT-910-3
4 = European use only
9 = U.S. and Canada use only
The next two numerical digits represent a specific transmission frequency: RPT-910-3
Values are multiples of 10 where each different value indicates a unique transmission frequency.
Please note that these values do not indicate the actual transmission frequency.
The final numerical digit indicates the reception frequency (collecting the signal from the implanted
transmitter): RPT-910-3
1 = Frequency 1
2 = Frequency 2
3 = Frequency 3
Part Numbers
Currently, there are 36 unique Repeater part numbers available. Individual Repeater part numbers are
identified by two characteristics: the model of Repeater Receiver that it will be used with and the
Repeater housing. The table below provides the appropriate part numbers for the Repeaters based on
these two characteristics.
Housing Type
Large Animal Small Large
RMC-910 272-0903-910 272-1903-910 272-2903-910
RMC-920 272-0903-920 272-1903-920 272-2903-920
RMC-930 272-0903-930 272-1903-930 272-2903-930
RMC-940 272-0903-940 272-1903-940 272-2903-940
RMC-950 272-0903-950 272-1903-950 272-2903-950
RMC-960 272-0903-960 272-1903-960 272-2903-960
RMC-970 272-0903-970 272-1903-970 272-2903-970
U.S. and Canada
RMC-980 272-0903-980 272-1903-980 272-2903-980
RMC-410 272-0403-410 272-1403-410 272-2403-410
RMC-420 272-0403-420 272-1403-420 272-2403-420
RMC-430 272-0403-430 272-1403-430 272-2403-430
Repeater Receiver Model Number
RMC-440 272-0403-440 272-1403-440 272-2403-440
Part numbers for replacement batteries are provided in the table below.
Housing Type Part Number
Large Animal Telemetry Repeater 276-0941-002 (quantity of 5)
Primate Repeater Collar (either size) 276-0942-002 (quantity of 5)
Frequencies 1 and 2 are being reserved for future use
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
General Specifications
The table below outlines the major specifications of the Repeater.
Large Animal Small Primate Collar Large Primate Collar
Size See dimension drawings
below 3 inch inner (neck)
diameter 3 ½” inner (neck)
(with battery) 50g 215g 240g
Battery specifications
Battery Type
2/3 AA size, 3.6 Volt
Lithium battery.
Do not use ‘standard’
2/3 AA batteries
3.6 Volt Lithium battery.
Do not use ‘standard’
AA batteries
3.6 Volt Lithium battery.
Do not use ‘standard’
AA batteries
Battery Life 6 days 10 days 10 days
temperatures 0 to 40 degree C 0 to 40 degree C 0 to 40 degree C
Operating humidity < 70% R.H non-
condensing < 70% R.H non-
condensing < 70% R.H non-
Storage temperature -20 to 55 degree C -20 to 55 degree C -20 to 55 degree C
Storage humidity < 80% R.H non-
condensing < 80% R.H non-
condensing < 80% R.H non-
Water Resistant Yes Yes Yes
Compatible Yes Yes Yes
MRI compatible? No No No
Below is a drawing that indicates the gross dimensions of the Large Animal Telemetry Repeater.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
This section includes instructions for room configuration, device usage, as well as software setup.
Matching Repeaters with Repeater Receivers
Each Repeater must be paired with a Repeater Receiver of the corresponding reception frequency. These
transmission or reception frequencies are represented by the model name of the Repeater or Repeater
Receiver. For example, the RPT-910-x Repeater transmits at a different frequency than the RPT-920-x.
Similarly, the RMC-910 Repeater Receiver detects signals from an RPT-910-x, but not from an RPT-920-
x. For an individual animal, its Repeater must be matched with a corresponding Repeater Receiver. This
is accomplished by matching the first three numerical digits of the Repeater’s model name (910) with the
three numerical digits of the Repeater Receiver’s model name (910).
When group housing animals or when animals will be in close proximity to one another, Repeaters with
sequential model numbers should not be used together. This will eliminate the possibility of signal
interference between two similar Repeater transmission frequencies. For example, place a Repeater RPT-
410-x in the same cage with the RPT-440-x rather than placing the RPT-410-x in the same cage with the
Use of Repeater with Implanted Transmitter
Careful consideration must be given to the implant site of the transmitter. When in use, the Repeater must
be placed close enough to the implanted transmitter to adequately pick up the transmitter’s signal. The
maximum allowable distance between the implanted transmitter and the Repeater depends on the model
of transmitter being used. The table below indicates this maximum recommended distance for each
transmitter size. Exceeding this distance will increase the potential for communications failure.
Size Maximum recommended distance
between implanted transmitter and
10/20 3 inches (7.6 cm)
40/50 4 inches (10.2 cm)
70 8 inches (20.3 cm)
Some examples of placement options are indicated in the drawings below. The ideal placement would
have the Repeater placed directly over or very near the implanted transmitter. For example, a jacketed
animal with a pocket strategically placed directly over the implantation site can have the repeater secured
in the pocket. This would also help prevent the possibility of one animal’s transmitter interfering with
another animal’s transmitter-Repeater link if both animals are housed in the same cage.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Setting up a room for use with the Repeater
While the Repeater allows for greater flexibility in cage setup and housing designs, careful consideration
must be taken when designing and setting up a room for use with the Repeater and associated telemetry.
Repeaters with the same transmission frequency may interfere with each other if there is not adequate
spacing between them. To prevent this potential for communication failure, the room and cage setup
should be designed to place as much distance as possible between cages with Repeaters operating at the
same transmission frequency. The appropriate distance between cages with Repeaters of the same
transmission frequency will vary depending on the mode of operation that each Repeater is set to (3m or
8m transmission range). Cage materials, room architecture and other factors from the surrounding
environment may also affect the transmission distance. More than one Repeater can be used in a single
cage as long as they operate at a unique transmission frequency.
If a cage is too large, the Repeater’s distance from its associated Repeater Receiver may exceed its
transmission range. In this case, signal dropout or interference will occur. It is possible to combine the
reception distance of several Repeater Receivers for one animal using a Distributed Receiver Array
(DRA). See the Dataquest A.R.T. User Guide for additional information about the DRA configuration of
DSI recommends testing the Repeaters with Repeater Receivers in the telemetry room before initiating a
study. This testing can help optimize the room setup by determining the best Repeater Receiver location
as well as the proper mode of operation for the Repeater (short or long-range). Potential problems with
cross talk and electromagnetic interference may be identified and solved during this testing as well.
The illustrations below provide examples of successful telemetry setups for Repeaters that are set to the
short-range (3m) mode. Each cage number (1-4) represents a unique Repeater transmission frequency.
These examples assume the Repeater Receivers are mounted on the cage walls at or near the height of the
Repeater room setup example
Group housing setup example
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Software Setup
Follow these instructions to set up the Dataquest A.R.T. software when using the Repeater:
Note: The software automatically detects the Repeater Receiver, but the Repeater is invisible
to the Dataquest A.R.T. software and does not need to be configured.
Note: The Repeaters and Repeater Receivers can be used with Dataquest A.R.T. versions 4.0
or later without modification. If using version 3.1 of the Dataquest A.R.T. software,
contact DSI Technical services for the appropriate software compatibility update.
These devices are not compatible with versions of Dataquest A.R.T. prior to 3.1.
Note: Activity data is only available for a Repeater system in Dataquest A.R.T. 4.0 and later
1. Physically connect the Repeater Receiver(s) to a jack in the B or C row of the Data Exchange
2. Open the Dataquest A.R.T. Acquisition program and click the Ignore button if any
configuration errors appear.
3. From the main Acquisition window, select Configuration - Hardware. The Configuration
module will open.
4. Select Hardware - Verify. The program will indicate which receivers are being added to the
configuration and where they are located.
5. Choose Accept to allow these changes to be made.
6. Right click on one of the Repeater Receivers that will have a transmitter associated with it
and choose New Transmitter.
7. Complete the New Transmitter Wizard.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each transmitter that needs to be configured.
9. Close the Configuration module. The main Acquisition window will update and reflect the
changes by creating an icon for each newly configured animal.
Note: The Repeater Receivers may be configured as a Distributed Receiver Array (DRA).
The DRA setting makes it possible to have more than one Repeater Receiver used with
a single Repeater and transmitter combination. Information about the DRA
configuration is available in the Dataquest A.R.T. User Guide.
Sampling can begin after the following conditions are met:
The transmitter is turned ON
The Repeater has a live battery installed
The Repeater is within range of the implanted transmitter (see table on previous page)
The Repeater is within range of its associated Repeater Receiver
The transmitter and Repeater Receiver are configured correctly in the acquisition software
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Large Animal Telemetry Repeater Use and Maintenance
This section describes the recommended use and maintenance procedures for the Large Animal Telemetry
Repeater. Similar information for the Primate Telemetry Repeater Collar can be found in the next
Connecting the Repeater
While in use, the Repeater must remain near its associated implanted transmitter at all times. There are
several methods available to ensure that the Repeater remains with the animal. The preferred approach is
to place the Repeater in the pocket of a fitted jacket or vest. Alternatively, the Repeater can be directly
connected to an animal’s collar or harness using one of two available sets of Connecting Holes indicated
in the drawings below.
The centers of the Connecting holes (both sets) are 1.8 inches (4.6 cm) apart. To connect the Repeater to
a collar or similar device, DSI recommends using the 4-40x¼" Phillips truss head machine screws
provided by DSI. Properly spaced holes can be punched in the collar or harness using a grommet kit.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
The Repeater Receiver can be cleaned/decontaminated using the method described in the hardware
cleaning tech note on the DSI website
Changing mode of operation
The Repeater can be set to function in one of two operating modes: short and long range. DSI
recommends determining which setting is optimal before a study begins and setting the mode of operation
before the Repeater is used on the animal. This will prevent the need for unnecessary access to the
Repeater when it is in use. To change between the short range (3m transmitting distance) and long range
(8m transmitting distance) modes, follow the instructions below.
1. Loosen the four captive Phillips screws that secure the cover to the Repeater housing and pull the
cover away from the body of the Repeater as shown in the drawing below.
2. Locate the operating mode switch. Its position is indicated below.
3. The factory default setting of the Repeater’s operating mode is the short range (3m) mode. When
the Repeater is in the orientation shown in the illustration above, the switch can be moved to the
right to set it to long range (8m) mode.
4. Set the switch to the preferred position using the tip of a tweezers or similar tool. Do not use
excessive force when manipulating the operating mode switch.
5. Replace the cover on the Repeater and retighten the screws.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Battery Replacement
Caution: Use only the DSI-supplied 3.6 Volt Lithium batteries with the Repeater. Do not use
‘standard’ AA batteries or the Repeater will not work correctly and may be damaged.
The Repeater battery should be replaced on a regular basis to prevent data loss. Replacement batteries
can be purchased from DSI. The Large Animal Telemetry Repeater replacement batteries are available as
DSI part number 276-0941-002. To replace the battery, follow these steps:
1. Stop data sampling and remove the Repeater from the animal’s collar, harness, vest, etc.
2. To access the battery compartment, loosen the four Phillips head machine screws that hold the
Repeater cover in place, and pull the cover away from the body of the Repeater as shown in the
drawing below.
3. Remove the old battery from its housing and note its original orientation in the battery
4. Replace the old battery with the new one using the old battery’s orientation. The positive (+) end
of the battery must match with the positive (+) sign printed on the inside of the battery
compartment and the negative (-) end of the battery must match with the negative (-) sign printed
on the inside of the battery compartment. Improper installation of the battery may damage
the Repeater.
5. Replace the cover on the Repeater and retighten the screws.
6. Place the Repeater back on the animal and resume sampling. DSI recommends checking the
signal after replacing the battery.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Primate Telemetry Repeater Collar Use and Maintenance (Preliminary)
This section describes the recommended use and maintenance procedures specific to the Primate
Telemetry Repeater Collar. Similar information for the Large Animal Telemetry Repeater can be found
in the previous section.
Connecting the Repeater
The Repeater consists of two halves. Each half has one male connector and one female connector. The
drawing below illustrates one of these halves and indicates the connector types.
Warning: Take care not to damage the contact pins when connecting or removing the collar.
Contact pins may be damaged if the Repeater halves are stressed abnormally. Unscrew and
remove both Socket Head Cap Screws before disconnecting the collar halves.
The two halves of the Repeater must be joined in order for it to function. Connect the two halves by
aligning them and using the two 10-32 X 2" Socket Head Cap Screws supplied with the Repeater as
shown in the drawing below. Use a 5/32 hex wrench (provided with the Repeater) to fasten or loosen the
screws in the Primate Repeater Collar.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
The Repeater Receiver can be cleaned/decontaminated using the method described in the hardware
cleaning tech note on the DSI website
Changing mode of operation
The Repeater can be set to function in one of two operating modes: short and long range. DSI
recommends determining which setting is optimal before a study begins and setting the mode of operation
before the Repeater is used on the animal. This will prevent the need for unnecessary access to the
Repeater when it is in use. To change between the short range (3m transmitting distance) and long range
(8m transmitting distance) modes, follow the instructions below.
1. The Repeater circuit board must be accessed to change the operating mode. The circuit board
compartment is located on the side of the Repeater with the DSI label and other device
identification markings. Locate the circuit board compartment.
2. Remove the two 10-24 X 1.0" Socket Head Cap screws that hold the circuit board compartment
in place and use the handle to pull the circuit board compartment cover apart from the Repeater.
3. Locate the operating mode switch on the circuit board. Its position is indicated in the drawing
4. The factory default setting of the Repeater’s operating mode is the short range (3m) mode. When
the Repeater is in the orientation shown in the illustration above, the switch can be moved to the
left to set it to long range (8m) mode. When the switch is set to the right, it is in the short range
5. Set the switch to the preferred position using the tip of a tweezers or similar tool. Do not use
excessive force when manipulating the operating mode switch.
6. Reconnect the circuit board compartment cover to the Repeater and secure it with the same
screws that were removed in step 2.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Battery Replacement
Caution: Use only the DSI-supplied 3.6 Volt Lithium batteries with the Repeater. Do not use
‘standard’ AA batteries or the Repeater will not work correctly and may be damaged.
The Repeater battery should be replaced on a regular basis to prevent data loss. The Primate Telemetry
Repeater Collar replacement batteries are available as DSI part number 276-0942-002. To replace the
battery, follow these steps:
1. Stop data sampling and secure the animal in an appropriate restraint system.
2. The battery compartment is located on the side of the Repeater without the DSI logo as shown in
the image below. Locate the battery compartment.
3. Remove the two 10-24 X 1.0" Socket Head Cap screws that hold the battery compartment in
place and use the handle to pull the battery compartment apart from the Repeater.
4. Remove the old battery from its housing and note its original orientation in the battery
5. Replace the old battery with the new one using the old battery’s orientation. The positive (+) end
of the battery must match with the positive (+) sign embossed on the end cap feature and the
negative (-) end of the battery must match with the negative (-) sign embossed on the end cap
feature. Improper installation of the battery may damage the Repeater.
6. Reconnect the battery compartment to the Repeater and secure it with the same screws that were
removed in step 3.
7. Place the Repeater back on the animal and resume sampling. DSI recommends checking the
signal after replacing the battery.
Multi-frequency Telemetry Repeater User Guide
Regulatory Compliance Statements
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS 210 of the Canadian Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference that my cause undesired operation.

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