Datamars RIN1300 HF Long Range Reader User Manual

Datamars SA HF Long Range Reader

User Manual

Installation & Operation Manual V 1.4                                                                                                                              2 (23)                                   R-IN1300 HIGH FREQUENCY INSTALLATION & OPERATION MANUAL   RFID - Technology                                                                              V 1.5b   / August 2006 VERSION 1.5bR-IN1305 R-IN1301
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      2 (23) TABLE OF CONTENTS  Table of contents ..........................................................................................................................................2 1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3 2 Hardware connections ...........................................................................................................................4 2.1 Mounting .....................................................................................................................................5 3 Software setup .....................................................................................................................................5 4 Operation.............................................................................................................................................7 4.1 Operation with graphical user interface ............................................................................................7 4.2 Options........................................................................................................................................9 4.3 Operation with terminal................................................................................................................13 5 Technical specifications for r-in1300.....................................................................................................18 5.1 Operational characteristics ...........................................................................................................18 5.2 Electrical characteristics...............................................................................................................18 6 Regulations ........................................................................................................................................20 6.1 Equipment Modification................................................................................................................20 6.2 EN 300330-1/-2 (europe) ............................................................................................................20 6.3 FCC (usa)...................................................................................................................................20 6.4 IC (canada).................................................................................................................................20 6.5 CE certification ...........................................................................................................................20 6.6 Warranty....................................................................................................................................21 7 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................21 appendix a      code length .........................................................................................................................22 appendix b     I/O  Pin Configuration .............................................................................................................23
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      3 (23) 1 INTRODUCTION  The Datamars R-IN1300 High Frequency (HF) RFID-reader, designed to work in industrial environment, is resistant to vibrations, electromagnetic interferences and is able to detect the following transponder  technologies:    T-BT 1320 & T-BT1315 (ISO 15693), HF  I-Code 1, HF  T-BT 7xxx serie, LF (only with Datamars R-IN7500 reader connected externally)   Other types of transponders could be read in “Combo” mode.   The reader is able to find simultaneously more than one High Frequency (HF - multi read) transponder1 and one Low Frequency (LF – single read) chip at the same time if you have a  R-IN7500 Low Frequency reader connected externally.                                                                                            1 the quantity of transponders detected and the accuracy of it can change depending on the used transponder, the environment, the size of the antenna etc.    R-IN7500 Interface or secondary reader Host Interface Digital I/O HF Antenna Power Supply HF Chip detected  HF Mode LF Mode or  Secondary Reader Power SupplyON / OFF Optional: BuzzerOptional: Foot SwitchCoxial Cable RS-232 Cable Power Cable
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      4 (23) 2 HARDWARE CONNECTIONS  1. Antenna: Connect the black coaxial cable from the antenna to the connector marked as “HF Antenna”            2. PC/Terminal Connect the serial white cable from the connector marked “Host interface” to any serial port (COM) on your PC             3. Power Connect the power cable 100 – 240 V AC and be sure that it is well fixed.            4. Turn the reader on an check if the green LED (Power) is on.             IMPORTANT:  Please place the antenna as far as possible from metallic surfaces to avoid possible reading interferences and avoid mounting in places where a regular ventilation is not granted. After the reader is turned on for some time the temperature might increase.  Do not plug/unplug any connectors while the reader is turned ON. Green light on
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      5 (23) In case you have a R-IN7500 LF reader installed you can keep the same configuration. You  just need to unplug the serial cable from the PC and connect it to the R-IN1300 reader to the connector marked as “ Secondary Reader”.  If you have a new R-IN7500 NMS:  1. Connect the Low Frequency (LF) Antenna to the connector marked “Ant.1” on the reader 2. Connect a serial cable the connector “RS-232” mentioned on the R-IN7500 to the connector “R-IN7500” mentioned on the R-IN1300 reader . 3. Connect the power cable  4. Turn the reader on    Keep a distance between the  LF and the HF antenna (min. 1m) in order to not influence the reading distance.  2.1 MOUNTING The reader can be simply laid down on the table or be mounted on the wall or under a table using the appropriate wall mounting system.  3 SOFTWARE SETUP  1. Open the supplied Product CD and double click on “setup”. 2. The following window appears, click “OK”                    3. By default the windows programs folder will be defined as installation path. You may change it if necessary.  Click on the big square button on the left side of the window to start the installation.
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      6 (23)  4. Click “Continue” if you agree on the proposed program group in the  “Start” menu  (Programs -> DATAMARS -> Datamars Reader Software). Otherwise enter a new group name and choose the position in the “Start” menu of your PC.                          5. Wait until the progress bar reaches 100%.             6. If the below mentioned window appears the software has successfully been installed.
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      7 (23) 4 OPERATION  The reader works with a Graphical User Interface provided by Datamars. If a PC station is not available2 the reader can be connected directly to a terminal.  4.1 OPERATION WITH GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE  1. Run the Graphical User Interface program (installed by default in Start-> DATAMARS-> Datamars Reader Software)                                                                                                                                              (Content might change without notice)   The software is designed to have different types of tools; see corresponding buttons on the tool bar. Currently only the red “User tool”  and the blue “Demo tool” buttons are active.  By default serial port COM 1 is selected. Please have a look at chapter if you are using a different port or if you are not sure about which port to use.  If a wrong COM port is selected, the status bar will display an error message.  Notice:  The status bar always gives an indication of what the reader is doing.                                                         2 If your intention is to program your own application, a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is provided. For further information have a look at the manual “DLL” in the supplied Product CD. User tool Status barDemo tool
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      8 (23)  2. Press the red “User tool” button The software will be now connected to the reader (check the status bar). This operation takes a few seconds to be completed.                                   The user has the choice to read the transponders in the reading field of the antenna continuously or just once.   If “Scan Continuously” has been selected the bar at the bottom of the window will become red every time the reader has finished detecting transponders. To stop this operation, press “Cancel”.   By un-checking the “Show UID” box, the reader will count the transponders in the field, showing only the quantity of read transponders without mentioning the Unique Identifier Code in the UID table. This option increases the reading speed 3. An indicative reading speed is > 30 transponders per second on a Table Top antenna.   By checking this “Accumulate” box, the read transponders are shown on the screen and maintained until a new scan command is activated.                                                                  3 which in general depends on the size of the transponder, the distance of the transponder from the antenna, the size of the antenna, the environmental noise, etc.   Status bar
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      9 (23)  It is possible to print the UIDs table by pressing the “Print” button on the tool bar.  By pressing “Save” and “File -> Save As” the UIDs table is saved as a text (.txt) file. 4.2 OPTIONS  Under the menu “Reader” you can find the “Options” menu which is divided into Basic, Advanced, Antennas, Modulation and Combo.  All the options configured by the user are always saved automatically by the Software. If you need to restore the factory default setting use the appropriate button under the options tab “Basic”  4.2.1 BASIC
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      10 (23)  You can choose the baud rate (serial port speed).  We advise to leave the default speed of 19200.  Select the port (COM) according to which port you connected the reader to.  If you don’t know the number of your COM port, press “Auto Connect” which will automatically search for your reader connection. The “User Tool” will be opened.  The “Restore Default” button applies all the factory settings. Be aware that all the user options will get lost.   4.2.2 ADVANCED                      Please select which kind of transponder the reader must look for (ISO 15693 compatible HF transponders, I-Code 1 HF (Philips). Be aware that selecting more than one type of transponder reduces considerably the reading speed.   If the reader is configured to read HF and LF (see “Combo” tab), it is possible to connect a foot switch to the I/O connector  (see Appendix B for further details) to switch between HF and LF. For this option the box “HF/LF Switch”  must be selected. The status bar of the main window indicates always the current working frequency. This option is only valid in “Combo” mode with R-IN7500.   The foot switch can also be used as a “start reading” function: by pressing it once there will be one reading, by keeping the foot switch pressed there will be a continuous4 reading.   The foot switch can be replaced by any external switch directly from the user. See I/O configuration (Appendix B).   By selecting “External Buzzer On” the buzzer will produce a sound and get illuminated if  there is a maximum of one transponder in the field.   Selecting “Single Read” switches the reader in fast single read mode (no multiread function). Only one transponder can be read at the same time.   The sliding bar marked “Antenna Power” gives you the possibility to adjust the transmitting power of the antenna. It is strongly recommended to maintain the default value since a modification could significantly reduce the reading distance.                                                             4 To activate this function please click once on „Scan Continuously“ on the user tool
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      11 (23) 4.2.3 ANTENNAS                The type of antenna is selectable. If a Table Top or a Bin antenna is used (1 channel) you may choose which port to use.  4.2.4 MODULATION                 Some air-interface and modulation parameters are available. These parameters are useful for the Bin Antenna and are very sensitive, therefore a password is required to modify them. The password is: R-IN1300   Request Date Rate: There are two possible rates for the reader to send data to the transponder:          fast and slow    Response Date Rate: There are two possible rates for the transponder to send data to the reader:          fast and slow     ASK/FSK: The transponders can respond in two different modulation modes: ASK or FSK.           Generally FSK  gives a better performance result.
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      12 (23)  Request Modulation Index: The communication between reader and transponders can be done with 3 different modulation index modes, determining the amount of energy the transponders will receive. Generally, the mode 20% and 100% give the best reading distance.   Accumulation Index: This parameter is valid only for Bin antennas and is a reliability index. A higher number would increase the percentage of read transponders but would decrease slightly the reading speed. Excellent results can already be obtained whit index 2, but it can range from 1 to 15. 4.2.5 COMBO                The R-IN1300 is able to drive a secondary reader as a slave device. If you have a LF Datamars R-IN7500 reader,  you can simply connect it to the secondary interface (as described in section 2) and the R-IN1300 will automatically return both LF and HF codes. The field “2nd Reader Activation Time” allows to choose the activation time of the secondary reader. It is advised to not  touch this parameter in case of doubts. (See Application Examples from 3rd Party Reader)  4.2.6 APPLICATION EXAMPLE WITH 3RD PARY READER  The R-IN1300 is also able to drive some 3rd party readers. The activation time of the secondary reader can be selected with the field “2nd Reader Activation Time”. The number of channels of the R-IN1300 to be scanned can be selected too. If  you are using two channels, you can select between two different multiplexing modes as shown on the below mentioned examples:    M1 – S – M2 – S:   The  two channels of  the reader are multiplexed with the secondary reader as follows:  (M1 = R-IN1300 channel 1, M2 =R-IN1300  channel 2)
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      13 (23)  M1 – M2 – S  The  two channels of  the reader are multiplexed with the secondary reader as follows: (M1 = R-IN1300 channel 1, M2 =R-IN1300  channel 2)  M1 M2R-IN1300activeM1 M2R-IN1300active2nd Reader Activation TimeSS    The following picture shows an application example with the Tagsys reader MedioTM L100 5    4.3 OPERATION WITH TERMINAL  In terminal mode the R-IN1300 reader has a set of HF commands plus the complete set of commands for a possible connected LF R-IN7500 or secondary reader. For a description of the LF commands see the user manual of the R-IN7500. Below is a list of the available HF commands. All commands must be followed by a return (Enter).   General Commands  *d  Detect: returns a list of UIDs of all the transponders present in the field  *t  Totalize: returns the number of HF transponders present in the field  *i  Interrupts any continuous mode operation (does not disable the continuous mode) *x  List of commands and settings *se  Settings: displays the current settings (Notice that the settings are maintained after power-off)                                                           5 MEDIO™ L100 is a Trademark  of Tagsys
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      14 (23) General Settings  *co  Continuous mode: enables/disables the continuous reading mode  Continuous mode is valid for *d and *t commands *rh  Remove headers: enables/disables the headers when using functions “detect” and “totalize” *lc[_] *lc0             Disables “lock code”  *lc1             Enables “lock code” in multi read mode the transponder codes will be shown only once    while they are in the field *lc2             Enables “lock code” in single read mode. Only one transponder can be in the field at the time. The code will be shown just once. *it Input trigger: The reader reads only when foot switch is pressed. “Detect” or “totalize” shall be used after this command. If the option “remove headers” is off the reader will display always “0 transponders found” when the foot switch is not pressed. This setting is only available for the Table Top antennas. *sa[_] Stand alone: when this option is enabled the reader will automatically start reading in continuous mode immediately after turning ON the reader. The following values are allowed: *sa0   Disable “stand alone” mode *sa1   Enable “stand alone” in detect mode (UIDs will be shown) *sa2   Enable “stand alone” in totalize mode (total number of transponders will be shown) *br[_] Baud rate: change the baud rate (serial communication speed). Allowed values are: *br0    9600 bit/s *br2    19200 bit/s (recommended) *tt[_] Transponder technology: Select the transponder technology. Allowed values are: *tt1    ISO 15693 (T-BT1320 T-BT1315) *tt2    Philips I-CODE I *tt4    ISO 15693 (T-BT1320) and Philips I-CODE I *cl[_] Code length: *cl0 16 digits UID (standard) *cl2 12 digits UID (Partial code) *cl3 12 digits UID (First character special) Special characters have been added for the12 digit mode in order to maintain the code uniqueness of the HF codes. See appendix A for further details. *bu Buzzer: enables/disables an external buzzer. The buzzer will produce a sound and get illuminated if there is a maximum of one transponder in the field. This setting is only available for the Table Top antennas. *rd  Restore default: Restores the default factory settings *an[_] Antenna selection: selects the port to which the antenna is connected (if the reader has more than one HF port)  *an1   Selects “HF antenna main” *an2   Selects “HF antenna 2 *an3   Selects “HF antenna 3 *an4   Selects “HF antenna 4  *at[_] Antenna Type Selections: selects the type of antenna connected to the reader: *at0    Table Top Antenna *at1    Tunnel Antenna (No elimination of double codes) *at2    Tunnel Antenna (With elimination of double codes) *at3    Bin Antenna (No elimination of double codes) *at4    Bin Antenna (With elimination of double codes) Elimination of double codes performed by the reader reduces the reading speed  *pw[_] Select the antenna output power: *pw1   1 Watt *pw2   2 Watt *pw3   3 Watt *pw4   4 Watt It is advised to maintain the default power (4 watt), changes would decrease the performance of the reader.
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      15 (23) *nl[_] New Line character(s) selection: Three types of new line characters can be selected *nl0    Carriage return and line feed (0x0D 0x0A)) *nl1    Line feed (0x0A) *nl2    Carriage return (0x0D) *nl3    Line feed and carriage return (0x0A 0x0D) *kw  Keyboard wedge mode: enables/disables the keyboard wedge mode. In this mode the data arrives in a format and speed suitable for the supported keyboard wedges.  *dt[_][_] Inter-Code delay time Inserts delay timer between one code and the following one during the RS-232 transmission.The parameter is a number from 00 to 99 (always two digits) 01 corresponds to 60ms, 02 to 85ms etc. with steps of 25ms “t”delaytime = (parameter x 25) + 35, where “t” is the delay time between the codes in ms.  *dt00 adds no delay (full speed)  In case of KBW100 is used to collect the codes, a minimum delay of 100ms is needed (*dt03)   Combo Mode specific Settings  *cb[_] Combo mode can be enabled for two different external readers, the R-IN7500 and with a third party reader: *cb0    Disable Combo Mode *cb1    Enable Combo Mode for the R-IN7500 (connected externally) *cb2    Enable Combo Mode of third party reader (connected externally) *t[_][_] Secondary Reader Activation Time: Determines for how long the secondary reader stays active at every multiplexing cycle. The parameter is a number from 01 to 99 (always two digits). 01 corresponds to 50 ms, 02 to 75 ms etc. (on 25 ms steps) To find the correct parameter knowing the time in ms the following formula ca be used: “t”activationtime = (parameter x 25) + 25, where “t” is the activation time in ms. Maximum 99        (2500 ms). *cc[_] Number of channels in Combo Mode: If the reader is working in Combo Mode with a third party reader (*cb2), the HF reading can be done with 1 or two channels: *cc1    1 channel *cc1    2 channels This command is not considered in Combo Mode for the R-IN7500. *cm[_] Combo Multiplexing mode: When the reader is working in Combo Mode for a third party reader and with 2 channels (*cb2 and *cc2), there are two ways to configure the switching of the antennas :  *cm0:   The  two channels of  the reader are multiplexed with the secondary reader as follows: (M1 = R-IN1300 channel 1, M2 =R-IN1300  channel 2)      *cm1: The  two channels of  the reader are multiplexed with the secondary reader as follows: (M1 = R-IN1300 channel 1, M2 =R-IN1300  channel 2; St =Secondary Reader Activation Time)
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      16 (23)     To use this mode with a Windows Hyper-Terminal emulation, proceed as follows:  1. Open a hyper-terminal session 2. Enter a session name at your choice 3. Click “OK”                    4. Select the COM port where the reader is connected out of the box “Connect using” and select “OK”
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      17 (23) 5. Select the information as mentioned below. If you have modified the setting for the baud rate (*br) you should select the bits per second accordingly.      6. Enter a command at your choice and press Enter. This is an example (*d):
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      18 (23) 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR R-IN1300 5.1 OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS The DATAMARS SA RFID reader R-IN1300 is an integrated analog system for RFID- Applications (RFID=radio frequency identification) which works at 13.56MHz. It allows to read data stored into ISO-RFID transponders or ISO-Labels at 13.56 MHz. Single- and Multiread operation are supported. The communication between the reader and the transponder is based on the ISO 15693 (Part 1-3).  All transponders (contact less memories)  are powered by a transmitted carrier radio wave at 13.56MHz and are compliant with the ISO 14443-B recommendation for the transfer of power and signals via radio transmission. For this purpose the reader R-IN1300 amplitude modulates the data on the carrier using amplitude shift keying (ASK) and the tag replies by load modulating the data on the carrier using the BPSK (Bit Phase Shift Keying).      Once the reader is connected to an appropriate client-network (via dedicated computer) it works based on the installed software like a server providing the received data from the transponders to the final client-application.  The service software helps to control and update the reader in a simple and user friendly way.  R-IN1300 supports different antennas as well as multiple configurations.  Please ask for the complete list of antennas.    5.2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS  The technical specifications include only the High Frequency R-IN1300 and not the Low Frequency reader R-IN7500.  Electrical characteristics (without antenna)  POWER SUPPLY AC 100-240V     1A       50-60 Hz POWER CONSUMPTION 30 W ANTENNA OUTPUT POWER 1 – 4 (W)  Technical characteristics  OPERATING FREQUENCY 13.56 MHz OPERATING TEMPERATURE 0°C - 40°C DIMENSIONS 394 x 211 x 126 (mm) WEIGHT 4.6 kg TRANSPONDER TYPE ISO15693 (T-BT 1320 or T-BT1315),     I-Code 1 (Philips) ANTI COLLISION Yes COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL RS-232, RS-485, USB AUTO TUNING No
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      19 (23) ANTENNA TYPES Table Top, Tunnel, Bin others on request READING SPEED Dependant on number of transponder and technology  (up to 40/s) READ/WRITE Read / Write EMC High attenuation characteristics (~30÷60 dB)” IP PROTECTION DEGREE IP54 (dust and water protected against sprays from all directions) MAX. READABLE TRANSPONDERS 600 pieces
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      20 (23) 6 REGULATIONS 6.1 EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION Equipment changes or modifications not expressly approved by Datamars SA, CH-6930 Bedano, the party responsible for FCC compliance, are forbidden. Such changes could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment and cause hazardous conditions.                      6.2 EN 300330-1/-2 (EUROPE)  The system R-IN1300 is a sending and receiving  equipment  and  is  in  accordance  with  the  R  &  TTE  directive                          EN 300 330-1 / -2.   The system R-IN1300 fulfils the requirements of this regulation.  6.3 FCC (USA)  To comply with FCC part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden.  6.4 IC (CANADA)  The device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a maximum gain of 2 dB. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 2 dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.  List of antennas:  Datamars antenna A-ST1330 TT                   Please ask for more antennas which are not listed above.  In order to reduce potential radio interferences to other users, select the antenna type and gain as follows:  equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) not higher than the permitted one for a successful communication.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) this device may not cause interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired       operation of the device. .    6.5 CE CERTIFICATION  The system R-IN1300 is in accordance with the requirements of protection, which are defined in the regulation concerning the electromagnetic tolerability EN301 489-1, -3, emitted by the council for the harmonisation of regulations in the member countries. The European Community regulation for Low Frequency, EN 60950, is respected.  The R-IN1300 system fulfils  the requirements of this regulation.
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      21 (23) 6.6 WARRANTY If the reader is opened by not certified offices by mistake we cannot guarantee the fulfillments of the above mentioned regulations.  7 TROUBLESHOOTING   During the software installation you receive the error message “The destination file is in use”:  o Close all programs and try again   During the software installation the message “A file being copied is older than the file currently on your system. Do you want to keep this file?” appears:   o Press “yes”   When you try to open the tool by pressing any tool button the message “Error connecting”  appears in the status bar:  o Is the serial cable connected? o Is the COM port you are using the one specified in the options dialog? o If you don’t know your COM try the “Auto Connect” button in the options dialog. o If the two previous points didn’t solve the problem turn the reader off, wait 10 seconds before turning the reader on again   There are transponders on the antenna but the software displays no transponders:  o Is the antenna cable connected to the reader? o Is the antenna connected to the connector named “Antenna 1”? o Are the transponders you want to read specified in the options (advanced) dialog? o If the three previous points didn’t solve the problem turn the reader off, wait 10 seconds before turning the reader on again   In “Terminal Mode” the string “00040000” appears.   o Turn the reader OFF, wait 10 seconds and turn the reader ON again
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      22 (23) APPENDIX A      CODE LENGTH  In terminal mode you can configure the reader to return the UID code in 4 different formats:  1. *cl0: standard 16 characters UID   2. *cl2:   The reader returns only the right most 12 digits of the original 16 digit UID.  With this format it is not possible to guaranty the uniqueness of the codes !   3. *cl3:   The reader returns 12 digits code in the fashion of “cl2”, but in this case the first (left) chapter ranges  from “G” to “Z” instead of from “0” to “F”.  With this format it is not possible to guaranty the uniqueness of the codes !
Installation & Operation Manual V 1.5                                                                                                                      23 (23)  APPENDIX B     I/O  PIN CONFIGURATION                          BINARY INPUTS:  There is 1 binary input 5-12 V DC available for customer specific needs. The input is isolated through a galvanic opto-coupler.    BINARY OUTPUTS:  Digital Outputs:  There are totally 4 digital npn-Open-Collector outputs available. All of them are software configurable. The max. output current is 25mA. See picture.         Relais: There is a dry free contact to control higher loads which can be controlled via software.  Max. Voltage switch 50V (DC/AC) Max. Current switch 3A Max. Power switch 60W, 120 VA   A B C D E JFHGK L MI/O Pin Letter  Datamars Functions A  Footswitch + (signal) B  Footswitch - (signal) C +24V D GND (24V) E Footswitch (GND 5V) F Footswitch (+5V) G Digital Out 4 H Digital Out 1 J Digital Out 2 K Digital Out 3 L Buzzer + M Buzzer -   Via ai Prati CH-6930 Bedano - Lugano Switzerland   Phone +41 91 935 73 80     Fax +41 91 945 03 30 email R-IN1300 OutputI/O ConnectorR-IN1300 : Digital Output

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