Dayton CM93A BIKE COMPUTER User Manual

Dayton Industrial Co., Ltd. BIKE COMPUTER

User Manual

CM 9.3A (+)  Congratulations on your purchase!  By purchasing the CICLOMASTER CM 9.3A (+) you have acquired an electronic multifunctional sports computer with an integrated altimeter function, with the highest level of precision and newest digital transmission technology. The CM 9.3A (+) has  state of-the-art electronics, is waterproof and convinces through his high durability.  which makes it extremely fault resistant. The CM 9.3A (+) has a Two-in-One system. This means that you can use it with 2 bikes and have the recorded values displayed separately for each bike or as a total. In this case, the CM 9.3A (+) automatically identifies immediately, after the first wheel rotations, which of the two bikes is being used. As another special features the CM 9.3A (+) has an optional cadence measurement and an optional heart rate measurement (for this you need separately available accessories ).  In order to use all functions of the CM 9.3A (+) in the correct way, please read through this operating manual carefully.  Content: - CICLOMASTER CM 8.3A - battery type CR 2032 - battery cap - handlebar bracket  - speed-transmitter - cable ties for mounting - spoke magnet - short instruction     CM 9.3A (+) has three modes: Bike 1, Bike 2, and Non-Bike mode. To switch from one mode to another, simultaneously press the right and left buttons briefly (switching is only possible if speed SPD = 0). In the Non-Bike mode, only bicycle independent functions will be displayed.  CM 9.3A (+) has an automatic energy save mode: If signals are received during this time, the display will be switched off (in the non-bike mode it will be turned off after 15 hours.)  By pressing any button the display will be switched on again.  Because  of  the  new  digital  transmission  technique,  the  transmitters  have  to  be  initialized  before  using  CM 9.3A (+) for the first time. We recommend initializing the transmitters before mounting the CM 9.3A (+) on the bike.    The handlebar bracket can be mounted on the handlebar or on the stem.  For a using the handlebar on the stem,  unscrew the screws on the back and rotate the rear part by 90 degrees.   2.1 Mounting of optional cadence-set  Mount the handlebar unit as described above. -ties yet). Mount the cadence-magnet on the crank (max. distance 3 mm). Important! The magnet must point directly towards the mark on the transmitter.  Now switch CM 9.3A (+) cadence measuring on and  if not done yet  initialize the transmitter (see chap.5).  Turn the crank a few times to check if the mounting has been done correctly so that CM 9.3A (+) receives the signal.  Now tighten the cable-ties.
2.2 Putting on the heart rate transmission belt Warning:  whoever  carries  out  sport  should  have  a  general  medical  check  up  on  his/her  general  state  of  health    especially beginners,  persons  older  than  35  years  of  age  and  anyone  who  has  suffered  from  illnesses  or  injuries  in  the  past.  It  is recommended that a doctor is consulted in any case in the presence of risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol values, diabetes, lack of exercise and excess weight.  Pacemaker wearers should consult their doctor before using any heart rate measurement device! Put the belt around your chest. The transmitter (plastic part with the Ciclo-logo) should lie over the centre of the upper stomach, immediately  below  the  breastbone,  so  that  the  logo  on  the  transmitter  is  visible  (viewed  from  the  front)  (see  illustration).  The electrodes in the belt, to the right and left of the transmitter, must be in contact with the skin. Pull the belt tight so that it cannot slip and constant contact with the body is guaranteed during movement.  Measurement of the heart rate is only possible if: - Transmitter belt is fitted correctly  - Measurement of the heart rate is switched on - Heart rate transmitter is initialized - CM 9.3A (+)   If the CM 9.3A (+) fails to display any heart rate, it probably means that there is no contact between the skin and the electrodes. Moistening the electrodes and the underlying skin often helps. Best results are obtained if electrode gel is used (available  from pharmacies).    Inserting the battery Insert battery type CR2032 with plus-pole facing up and insert the O-Ring. Close battery cap with a coin, being sure not to over tighten. After inserting the battery the display will show normal (bike 1) mode.  (If nothing or incomprehensible signs are displayed, press the AC-button on the backside of the computer with help of a ballpoint pen or a similar object.  Attention: this will delete all values and setting).  Indication: Because of a special movement-sensor (Motion Switch). When the  CM 9.3A (+) is mounted on the bike it will start searching for the transmitter signals automatically as soon as it is moved,    Because of the respective transmitter identification CM 9.3A (+) can automatically identify on which bike it is being used (this only works in the Bike1- or Bike 2-Mode, not in the Non-Bike-Mode). It is necessary for  CM 9.3A (+) to be located  in  the handlebar  bracket. Only in this position can  it search for,  and  receive  the   flash on the display. When the transmission has been found, the flashing stops and the normal setting mode will be displayed.  The CM 9.3A (+) transmitter search can also be started manually by pressing the right button for 3 seconds. The manual transmitt function).  If the cadence transmitter is not mounted this function should been switched off. The transmitter search would keep on searching which needs a lot of battery.   Attention: Because of the automatic transmitter searching function, triggered by the movement sensor, to save the battery, the CM 9.3A (+) f you are transporting the bike with a car.
 If CM 9.3A (+) is not in the Bike 1 Mode (no symbol in the center display), switch on the Bike 1-Mode (simultaneously press right and left buttons). Enter setting mode by pressing center button for 5   To quit setting mode press again center button for 5 seconds in any setting. The normal bike mode will be displayed.    (To change the display to german language,  press  left button short  twice     center button to et back  twice).  Because the CM 9.3A (+) can display german and english words, this manual shows both possibilities.  The different setting modes can be shown by pressing right or left button, by pressing  center button the shown setting mode is chosen.    Possible setting modes: SET ALT / SET HÖHE SET BIKE1 / SET RAD1 and/or SET BIKE2 / SET RAD2  SET CLOCK / SET UHR SET HR / SET HF SET MISC  PC LINK / PC VERB EXIT / ENDE LANGUAGE / SPRACHE SENSORS/Sensoren  Each setting mode can have different setting options.  The following is valid for these settings: the blinking value can be changed with the right button to raise the value by pressing the center button the value will be decrease, the value is stored by shortly pressing the left button and the next value blinks or the next value appears on the display.   For a better reading in the following chapters the setting modes are fat.  SET ALT / SET HOEHE To define altimeter settings. To select, press the center button.  ALTITUDE / HOEHE To change current altitude. Range: -300 to +6000 m and/or ft Here you can change the altitude that is displayed, e.g. if you notice that the current altitude diverges from altitude shown in the display (e.g. if barometric pressure changes).  HOME OFF / HEIM AUS To switch the home altitude on/off.  Default: OFF Here you can switch the automatic reset off the home altitude value on/off   HOME ALT / HEIMHOEHE Starting value for altimeter. Range: -300 to +6000 m and/or ft CM 9.3A (+) has a barometric altimeter which adapts itself to temperature variations. Changes of barometric pressure (e.g. during the night) can cause variations of the indicated altitude in the display. To compensate for these variations you can set the altitude of your origin (e.g. starting point such as home). With each reset of the daily values (deletion) and starting a new recording (chap. 7) the current altitude will be reset to the adjusted altitude.
 UNIT m Set unit of measurement for altitude. Default: m (meters) Here you can select whether the indication is meter (m) or feet (ft).  UNIT °C Set unit of measurement for temperature. Default: °Celsius  Here  you  can  adjust  whether  the  indication  is  Celsius  (C)  or  Fahren- heit (F).  SET BIKE1 / SET RAD1 Adjustment of bike-specific values, e.g. total distance, circumference, unit and more for bike 1.  Choose with center button. To do these settings for bike 2, press right and left button short simultaneously in normal mode.  CM 9.3A (+) switches to bike 2, then enter again setting mode (display then shows SET BIKE2/SET RAD2).   DAY DST / TAGES-DST Adjustment of the daily distance. Default: 000.00 km Range: 000,00 to 999,99 km or m Here the daily distance can be adjusted, e.g. the point of starting a tour, when using a printed tour-guide.    TOT DST / GES. DST Adjustment of the total distance. Default: 0000 km Range: 0 to 99999 km or m. Here the total distance can be adjusted.  Wheel/Radumf. Adjustment of circumference Default: 2080 mm Range: 1000-3999 mm Here the circumference can be adjusted.  Size                        Circumference  40-559  26 x 1,5  2026 mm 44-559  26 x 1,6  2051 mm 47-559  26 x 1,75  2070 mm 50-559  26 x 1,9  2026 mm 54-559  26 x 2,00  2089 mm 57-559  26 x 2,125  2114 mm 37-590  26 x 1 3/8  2133 mm 32-620  27 x 1 1/4  2199 mm 40-622  28 x 1,5  2224 mm 47-622  28 x 1,75  2268 mm 40-635  28 x 1 1/2  2265 mm 37-622  28 x 1 3/8  2205 mm 20-622  700 x 20C  2114 mm 23-622  700 x 23C  2133 mm 25-622  700 x 25C  2146 mm 28-622  700 x 28C  2149 mm 32-622  700 x 32C  2174 mm    The circumference of the wheel can be taken from the chart (Pict. G) or be measured by yourself.  Measuring the circumference of the wheel (for a more precise setting): Put a marking at the front-tire and on the ground (e.g. with chalk). Ride straight ahead exactly one turn of a tire (for a very exact measurement, check the pressure of the tire before getting on your bike) and mark this position on the ground. Now measure the exact circumference of the wheel between the two markings at the ground (in mm).  Unit km bzw. Unit mi Adjustment of the measuring unit (kilometres or miles). Default: km
Set with right button, store with left button Here you can choose whether the display should show kilometres (km/h) or miles (m/h).    Bike kg Here you can enter the weight of your bike in kg.  CAD OFF/TRITT AUS Switch cadence on/off (ON/AN  OFF/AUS). Default: OFF/AUS Here you can switch on/off the cadence measuring. To use this function you need the optional cadence-set (available at your local dealer).   Power ON/Power AN Switch power on/off (ON/AN  OFF/AUS). Default: OFF/AUS Here you can switch on/off the power measurement. To use this function you need a power measurement system with an ANT+ technology.  Power AVG  SET CLOCK / SET UHR Adjustment of clock, date and clocktime-format.  Time / Uhrzeit Adjustment of clock. Range: 00:00 to 23:59 or 12:00 to 11:59 A/P Here you can set the current clocktime. First you set the hours, then the minutes.  Year / Jahr Adjustment of the year. Default: 2012 Range: 2012 to 2099 Here you can set the current year.  Month / Monat Adjustment of the month. Default: 01 Range: 01 to 12 Here you can set the current month.  Day / Tag Adjustment of the day. Default: 01 Range: 01 to 31 Here you can set the current day.  Clock / Zeit  Adjustment of the clock format. Default: 24 Here you can select between 24- or 12-hour format (AM/PM).  SET HR / SET HF Adjustments for the optional heart rate measurement. To use this function you need the optional heart rate-set (available at your local dealer).  HR OFF/ON / HF EIN/AUS Switch heart rate on/off (ON/AN  OFF/AUS). Default: OFF/AUS Here you can switch on/off the heart rate measuring.
Fitness / Fitness Adjustment of the fitness level. Default: 3 . Range 1-4, corresponding to the following levels: 1 – low fitness 2 – average fitness 3 – good fitness 4 – high fitness Here you set your personal fitness level, necessary for the CICLOInZone®-calculation.   Sex / Geschlecht Change between  m = male and f = female. The sex is needed for  the CICLOInZone®-calculation and the calorie consumption.  Weight / Gewicht Range: 20 to 220 kg The weight is needed for the CICLOInZone®-calculation and the calorie consumption.  Birthdate /Gebjahr. Default: 1960 Range: 1920 to 2006 The year of birth is necessary for the CICLOInZone®-calculation.  InZone Here  you  can  start  the  CICLOInZone®-calculation  by  short  pressing  of right and left button simultaneously (see also chap. 4 for  CICLOInZone®). In order to ignore the calculation, just press short left button.  In order to obtain an exact calculation of ones personal CICLOInZone® it is necessary to insert the personal data relative to fitness-level, sex, weight and birthdate.  In order to calculate the CICLOInZone® position the chest belt correctly, take up a rest position (remain seated and relaxed) and start the CICLOInZone® calculation by short pressing of right and left button simultaneously.  The CM 9.3A (+) will then start to time 5 minutes. During this time, stay seated, relaxed and calm, as the CM 9.3A (+) will measure the minimum heart rate reached during this period (heart rate at rest) and will store this value for the subsequent calculation.  After the 5 minutes the lower value of the calculated personal CICLOInZone® appears in the display.  Lower HR / untere HF A lower heart rate limit can be set here or (after CICLOInZone®-calculation) the calculated value is shown.  When the current heart rate is lower than this value, the CM 9.3A (+) shows an arrow (t) as an optical alarm. Range: 0 to 220 bpm  Upper HR / obere HF An upper heart rate limit can be set here or (after CICLOInZone®-calculation) the calculated value is shown.  When the current heart rate is higher than this value, the CM 9.3A (+) shows an arrow (s) as an optical alarm. Range: 0 to 240 bpm  Max HR / Max HF Shows the maximum heart rate, calculated with CICLOInZone®. Range: 0 to 240 bpm  SET MISC Here you can switch on the powerdown-mode or make a reset (delete all values).
Powerdown / STROMSPAR Switch on the powerdown-mode (e.g. before changing of the battery, to save the values). To switch it on, press right and left button short simultaneously, display fades out and CM 9.3A (+) is in powerdown-mode. By short pressing of any button, CM 9.3A (+) starts again and shows normal mode.  Reset / Löschen Here you can delete all values (including all values of the recorded tours or the initializations). For this press right and left button   If you only want to delete the day values , simultaneously press all three buttons for three seconds in normal mode.   PC-LINK / PC VERB To start PC transmission. Select with centre button.  LINK / VERBINDEN If USB-Interface has been connected, start connection by pressing left and right buttons simultaneously. For further actions, see chapter 7.  SENSORS/Sensoren Here you can initialize you´re sensors.  Select the sensor and press the center button. Now press the left and right button (press the left button for going back in to the menu), now the device will count to 100% in this time you need to give a signal (move the magnet over the sensor).    If you want to initialize the Transmitters for Bike 2 you need switch the mode from bike 1 to 2. REMIND: Only the heart rate monitor is the same for both bikes.   SPEED Here you can initialize   Cadence   Combo Here   HR   Power Here you can initialize you´re power measurement system.    EXIT/ENDE To leave setting mode press middle button short.   LANGUAGE / SPRACHE Here the display language can be changed (English / German).
 Night light display:  To switch on the light for 5 seconds, press left button 4 seconds. To activate the light manager (i.e. in the next 5 hours light is  To deactivate the light manager, press again left button 8 seconds,  Note: light requires a lot of battery power, so if you use it often, battery life will be reduced.     CM 9.3A (+) is able to analyses the recorded tours on your PC. To start recording, press the left and right buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds before starting the tour. The daily values will be deleted (0) and the altitude reseted to the home altitude (if adjusted). and then CM 9.3A (+) will start recording (during recording the mountain symbol will flash in the upper display). At the end of the tour, press the left and right buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds again to stop the recording (mountain symbol will stop flashing).  To transfer the recorded values to your PC, you will need the  USB-Dongle (for the installation you go to  Service  Download  Software). Then follow the instructions of the program. You need a program to display the Data like Strava.  At the CM 9.3A (+) --will be displayed. To start the transmission shortly press left and right buttons simultaneously). be displayed automatically.     CICLOInZone® is a solution for the very best personalisation of your training routine.  It is possible to calculate the optimum training threshold with the CICLOInZone® function on the basis of your personal data and your pulse rate when at rest.  CICLOInZone® is the ideal solution for personalised cardio training applied to any sport, from jogging and cross-country running to road and indoor cycling. Improve your fitness?  Lose weight?  Train whilst always taking your health into consideration? Everyone will find the correct aim to follow in their training. But how do you train to achieve those aims in the most efficient possible manner? How do you find the right intensity of effort during the training? CICLOInZone® is the optimum training ZONE for effort, resistance and weight loss.   What does CICLOInZone® do? It calculates the optimum training zone for effort, resistance and weight loss. The values vary from person to person and they offer a valid training support  always staying between 70 % and 85 % of the maximum heart rate. (+/- 5% of tolerance, taking into consideration the actual heart rate when at rest and the level of training). The questioInZone®  on the basis of the personal data collected.      CM 9.3A (+): First you should put CM 9.3A (+)  (unscrew  to  the left).  Insert  battery  type  CR2032  (please  use  battery  with  smooth  minus-pole)  with  plus-pole  facing  up.  Close battery cap, being sure not to over tighten. After inserting the battery the display will show normal mode.  Transmitter: Open battery cap at the top of the transmitter with a coin (unscrew to the left),  remove old battery and insert new 12 V battery, type 23A (with pluspole facing up) or battery type CR2032. Close battery cap, being sure not to over tighten. (Battery change in the optional cadence transmitter works in the same way.) Please do not throw away battery in your normal garbage.
    We offer a guarantee for 2 years from the date of purchase on the CM 8.3A. The guarantee is limited to material and processing faults. Broken transmitters, or damages of wasted parts of CM 9.3A (+) are excluded from the guarantee. The guarantee is valid only if the computer, with accessories, has been handled and maintained carefully and according to operating instructions.                   ct  or subsequent damages which are related to the product.  To  return  the CM  9.3A  (+)  under  conditions/terms of  the guarantee,  please  refer  to  your  dealer,  your  local distributor  or  send  the computer with the proof of purchase (date) and all accessories and with sufficient postage to: CICLO SPORT SERVICE K. W. Hochschorner GmbH Einsteinstraße 39a D-82152 Martinsried    E-Mail:   Please read through the operating manual again carefully before sending in the device and check the battery. In case of valid guarantee claims, the repaired device or a replacement device will be returned free of charge.  Repair: If your CM 9.3A (+) is sent in for repair (or battery change) or if a guarantee claim is not valid, repairs up to EUR 19.- will be carried out automatically.  In case of higher repair costs you will be notified. The repaired device will be sent back COD.     CM 9.3A (+) (receiver)   Watersplash resistant   Operating temperature: - 10°C to + 50°C   Battery: CR 2032 Lithium  Speed transmitter / optional cadence transmitter   Reach: bis 2 m   Operating temperature: -10°C to 50°C   Transmission frequency: 2,4 GHz  Battery: CR2032 Lithium  Optional transmitter belt (heart rate transmitter)   Reach: 5 m     Operating temperature: 0°C to 50°C   Battery: CR2032 Lithium  Transmission frequency: 2,4 GHz         Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise  be  caused  by  inappropriate  waste  handling  of  this  product.  The  recycling  of  materials  will  help  to  conserve  natural resources. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.  Subject to technical alterations and fault.                  for any changes or modifications not FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENTThis device complies with part 15 of the  FCC rules and with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not  cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept interference  received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE: The grantee is not responsible expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance.  Such  modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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