Dell Command | Configure Version 3.2 Line Interface Reference Guide 1508045710dell V3.2 En Us


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Dell Command | Configure
Version 3.2 Command Line Interface Reference Guide

Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

Copyright © 2009 - 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.
2017 - 01
Rev. A00

1 Introduction....................................................................................................................14
What’s new in this release.................................................................................................................................................14
Supported systems and operating systems.......................................................................................................................15
Other documents you may need....................................................................................................................................... 16

2 Command line interface................................................................................................. 17
Running Dell Command | Configure commands................................................................................................................ 17
Using the command prompt........................................................................................................................................17
Using a bootable image............................................................................................................................................... 17
Command syntax overview............................................................................................................................................... 17
Command line syntax.................................................................................................................................................. 17

3 Dell Command | Configure options.................................................................................21
General options................................................................................................................................................................. 21
-h or --help................................................................................................................................................................. 21
-i or --infile.................................................................................................................................................................. 21
-l or --logfile............................................................................................................................................................... 22
No option................................................................................................................................................................... 22
-o or --outfile..............................................................................................................................................................23
BIOS options.................................................................................................................................................................... 23
--acpower.................................................................................................................................................................. 24
--activityled................................................................................................................................................................ 24
--adjcacheprefetch.................................................................................................................................................... 24
--agpslot.................................................................................................................................................................... 25
--asfmode.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
--aspm....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
--asset....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
--atgsystem............................................................................................................................................................... 26
--attemptlegacyboot.................................................................................................................................................. 27
--audiomode............................................................................................................................................................... 27
--autoon..................................................................................................................................................................... 27

--autoonmn................................................................................................................................................................ 27
--batteryslicecfg........................................................................................................................................................ 28
--biosconnectactivation............................................................................................................................................. 29
--bioscurlang.............................................................................................................................................................. 29
--biosintegritycheck................................................................................................................................................... 29
--bioslistinstalllang...................................................................................................................................................... 29
--bioslogclear............................................................................................................................................................. 30
--biossetupadvmode.................................................................................................................................................. 30
--biosromsize............................................................................................................................................................. 30
--biosver.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
--bisreq...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
--blinkpsu1led.............................................................................................................................................................. 31
--blinkpsu2led............................................................................................................................................................. 31
--bltinfloppy................................................................................................................................................................ 31
--bltinpntdevice.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
--bluetoothdevice....................................................................................................................................................... 31
--bluetoothstealthmode.............................................................................................................................................. 31
--bootfailthreshold..................................................................................................................................................... 32
bootorder................................................................................................................................................................... 32
--bootseqset.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
--bootspeed............................................................................................................................................................... 34
--boottimevideo......................................................................................................................................................... 34
--brightnessbattery.................................................................................................................................................... 34
--busratio................................................................................................................................................................... 35
--camera.................................................................................................................................................................... 35
--cellularradio............................................................................................................................................................. 35
--chasintrusion........................................................................................................................................................... 35


--cpucore................................................................................................................................................................... 36
--cpucount................................................................................................................................................................. 36
--cpursa..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
--cpuxdsupport.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
--cstatesctrl............................................................................................................................................................... 37
--dbpm....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
--dbs.......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
--dgpuexterndisplay................................................................................................................................................... 38
--diskettereconfig...................................................................................................................................................... 38
--displayclosestate..................................................................................................................................................... 38
--dockbattchrgcfg..................................................................................................................................................... 38
--dockdisplayport1vs.................................................................................................................................................. 39
--dramprefetch.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
--drmt........................................................................................................................................................................ 39
--embnic1................................................................................................................................................................... 39
--embnic2.................................................................................................................................................................. 40
--embscsi2................................................................................................................................................................. 40
--embsdcard.............................................................................................................................................................. 40
--embvideoctrl........................................................................................................................................................... 40
--encalvememorysize................................................................................................................................................. 40
--energystarlogo........................................................................................................................................................ 40
--esataports................................................................................................................................................................ 41
--externalhotkey......................................................................................................................................................... 41
--extendposttime........................................................................................................................................................ 41
--fanctrlovrd.............................................................................................................................................................. 42
--fanspeed................................................................................................................................................................. 42
--fanspeedctrllevel..................................................................................................................................................... 42
--fanstealthmode....................................................................................................................................................... 42
--floppy...................................................................................................................................................................... 43


--fnlock...................................................................................................................................................................... 43
--forcepxe.................................................................................................................................................................. 43
--frontpanelerrdisplaymode........................................................................................................................................ 44
--fullscreenlogo.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
--genencryption......................................................................................................................................................... 44
--gpsonwwanradio..................................................................................................................................................... 44
--hdd1fanenable......................................................................................................................................................... 45
--hddfailover.............................................................................................................................................................. 45
--hddpwd................................................................................................................................................................... 46
--hdfreefallprotect..................................................................................................................................................... 46
--htkeywxanradio....................................................................................................................................................... 46
--hwswprefetch......................................................................................................................................................... 47
--idecdrom................................................................................................................................................................. 47
--infraredmode........................................................................................................................................................... 47
--instanton................................................................................................................................................................. 47
--integratedraid.......................................................................................................................................................... 47
--integratedusbhub.................................................................................................................................................... 48
--integratedvideosize................................................................................................................................................. 48
--internalminipci......................................................................................................................................................... 48
--interrupt13hdma...................................................................................................................................................... 48
--interwirelessuwb..................................................................................................................................................... 48
--intlrapidstart............................................................................................................................................................ 48
--intlsmartconnect..................................................................................................................................................... 48
--ioat.......................................................................................................................................................................... 49
--iptt.......................................................................................................................................................................... 49


--isochronous............................................................................................................................................................. 49
--kbdbacklighttimeoutac............................................................................................................................................ 49
--kbdbacklighttimeoutbatt......................................................................................................................................... 50
keyboardbacklightcolor.............................................................................................................................................. 50
--keyboardclick........................................................................................................................................................... 51
--lastbiosupdate......................................................................................................................................................... 52
--latitudeon................................................................................................................................................................ 52
--lidswitch.................................................................................................................................................................. 53
--liquidcooler2............................................................................................................................................................ 53
--logicproc................................................................................................................................................................. 53
--lptmode................................................................................................................................................................... 54
--m2pciessd0............................................................................................................................................................. 54
--mediacard............................................................................................................................................................... 55
--mediacardand1394.................................................................................................................................................. 55
--memfaulttoltimelmt................................................................................................................................................. 55
--memoryrsa.............................................................................................................................................................. 55
--memremap.............................................................................................................................................................. 56
--mfgdate.................................................................................................................................................................. 56
--microphone............................................................................................................................................................. 56
--minicardssd............................................................................................................................................................. 56
--minsizeofcontigmem............................................................................................................................................... 56
--minsizeofcontigmem............................................................................................................................................... 56
--minsizeofcontigmem............................................................................................................................................... 56
--modulebaybatterycfg.............................................................................................................................................. 57


--monitortoggling....................................................................................................................................................... 57
--onboard1394........................................................................................................................................................... 58
--onboardmodem....................................................................................................................................................... 58
--onboardsounddevice............................................................................................................................................... 58
--onscreenbuttons..................................................................................................................................................... 58
--opticaldrivectrl........................................................................................................................................................ 58
--optimus................................................................................................................................................................... 59
--optionalbootsequence............................................................................................................................................. 59
--optionalhddfan........................................................................................................................................................ 59
--oromkeyboardaccess.............................................................................................................................................. 59
--osmode................................................................................................................................................................... 59
oswatchdogtimer....................................................................................................................................................... 59
--ovrwrt..................................................................................................................................................................... 59
--ownerpwd............................................................................................................................................................... 60
--pci........................................................................................................................................................................... 60
--pcibuscount............................................................................................................................................................. 61
--pciersa..................................................................................................................................................................... 61
--pcimmiospacesize.................................................................................................................................................... 61
--pciresallocationratio................................................................................................................................................. 61
--pcisata..................................................................................................................................................................... 61
--pcislots.................................................................................................................................................................... 62
--peakshiftbatterythreshold....................................................................................................................................... 62
--peakshiftcfg............................................................................................................................................................ 62
--pntdevice................................................................................................................................................................ 63
--postf2key................................................................................................................................................................ 63
--powerbutton........................................................................................................................................................... 63


--poweroffintel8260stealthmode............................................................................................................................... 64
--powerwarn.............................................................................................................................................................. 64
--primarybatterycfg................................................................................................................................................... 64
--primidemast............................................................................................................................................................ 65
--primideslav.............................................................................................................................................................. 65
--processorcorecount................................................................................................................................................ 65
--radiotransmission.................................................................................................................................................... 66
--rearsingleusb........................................................................................................................................................... 66
--rearusb.................................................................................................................................................................... 66
--recoverytool............................................................................................................................................................ 66
--remotebiosupdate................................................................................................................................................... 66
--ringeventresume..................................................................................................................................................... 66
--rptkeyerr................................................................................................................................................................. 66
--sata0....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
--sata1........................................................................................................................................................................ 67
--sata2....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
--sata3....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
--sata4....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
--sata5....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
--sata6....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
--satactrl.................................................................................................................................................................... 68
--sdcardboot.............................................................................................................................................................. 68
--secureboot.............................................................................................................................................................. 68
--secureguardext....................................................................................................................................................... 69
--serial1...................................................................................................................................................................... 69
--serialcomm.............................................................................................................................................................. 70
--setuppwd................................................................................................................................................................ 70
--sfp........................................................................................................................................................................... 70


--sideusb..................................................................................................................................................................... 71
--sleepmode................................................................................................................................................................ 71
--sma.......................................................................................................................................................................... 71
--smartcpu.................................................................................................................................................................. 71
--snoopfilter............................................................................................................................................................... 72
--strongpwd............................................................................................................................................................... 73
--supportassistosrcvry............................................................................................................................................... 73
--svcosclear............................................................................................................................................................... 74
--svctag..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
--switchablegraphics.................................................................................................................................................. 74
--sysdefaults.............................................................................................................................................................. 74
--sysid........................................................................................................................................................................ 74
--syslogoonirst........................................................................................................................................................... 75
--sysname.................................................................................................................................................................. 75
--syspwd.................................................................................................................................................................... 75
tertideslav.................................................................................................................................................................. 76
--biossetupadvmode.................................................................................................................................................. 76
--thunderboltbootsupport.......................................................................................................................................... 76
--thunderboltsecuritylevel.......................................................................................................................................... 76
--tpmhashalgo............................................................................................................................................................ 77
--tpmppidpo............................................................................................................................................................... 77


--tpmppipo................................................................................................................................................................. 78
--trustexecution......................................................................................................................................................... 78
--uartpowerdown....................................................................................................................................................... 78
--uefibootpathsecurity............................................................................................................................................... 78
--ueficapsule.............................................................................................................................................................. 78
--uefinwstack............................................................................................................................................................. 79
--universalconnect..................................................................................................................................................... 79
--unmanagednic......................................................................................................................................................... 79
--unobstrusivemode................................................................................................................................................... 79
usb............................................................................................................................................................................. 79
--usb30...................................................................................................................................................................... 79
--usbctl...................................................................................................................................................................... 80
--usbemu................................................................................................................................................................... 80
--usbport00............................................................................................................................................................... 80
--usbport01................................................................................................................................................................ 80
--usbport02............................................................................................................................................................... 80
--usbport03............................................................................................................................................................... 80
--usbport04............................................................................................................................................................... 80
--usbport05................................................................................................................................................................ 81
--usbport06................................................................................................................................................................ 81
--usbport08................................................................................................................................................................ 81
--usbport09................................................................................................................................................................ 81
--usbport10................................................................................................................................................................. 81
--usbport12................................................................................................................................................................. 81
--usbport13................................................................................................................................................................. 81
--usbport14................................................................................................................................................................ 82
--usbport15................................................................................................................................................................ 82
--usbport21................................................................................................................................................................ 82
--usbports.................................................................................................................................................................. 82
--usbportsexternal..................................................................................................................................................... 82
--usbportsfront.......................................................................................................................................................... 83
--usbprovision............................................................................................................................................................ 83
--usbreardual2stack................................................................................................................................................... 83
--usbrearquad............................................................................................................................................................ 83


--usbwake.................................................................................................................................................................. 83
--uuid......................................................................................................................................................................... 84
--vaconfiglock............................................................................................................................................................ 84
--vaphysicalpresenceconfirm..................................................................................................................................... 84
--vgadacsnoop........................................................................................................................................................... 84
--videoexpsn.............................................................................................................................................................. 84
--virtualappliance....................................................................................................................................................... 85
--vtfordirectio............................................................................................................................................................ 85
--wakeondock ........................................................................................................................................................... 85
--wakeonlan............................................................................................................................................................... 85
--wificatcherchanges................................................................................................................................................. 86
--wifilocator............................................................................................................................................................... 86
--wigigradiostealthmode............................................................................................................................................ 86
--wirelessadapter....................................................................................................................................................... 87
--wirelessdevice......................................................................................................................................................... 87
--wirelesslan............................................................................................................................................................... 87
--wirelesswitchchanges............................................................................................................................................. 88
--wirelesswitchnlanctrl............................................................................................................................................... 88
--wirelesswitchwigigctrl............................................................................................................................................. 88
--wlanregioncode....................................................................................................................................................... 88
--wlanstealthmode..................................................................................................................................................... 88
--wswitchwlanwigigctrl.............................................................................................................................................. 89
--wswitchgpsonwwanradio........................................................................................................................................ 89
Advanced System Management...................................................................................................................................... 89
ASM probes and options............................................................................................................................................90
Displaying the probe details........................................................................................................................................90
Setting the non-critical threshold values ................................................................................................................... 90
PCI reporting.................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Completion code.............................................................................................................................................................. 92

4 Sample file formats....................................................................................................... 93
Sample Dell Command | Configure utility.ini file format.................................................................................................... 93

5 Messages and codes..................................................................................................... 96
Dell Command | Configure error codes and messages..................................................................................................... 96


Dell Command | Configure is a packaged software application that provides configuration capability to business client platforms. This
product consists of a Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) to configure various BIOS features. Dell
Command | Configure supports following Windows and Linux operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and
Windows 10, Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, and
Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.
NOTE: Dell Command | Configure was formerly Dell Client Configuration Toolkit (CCTK). After the CCTK version 2.2.1,
CCTK is rebranded as Dell Command | Configure .

What’s new in this release
The new features for this release include:

Support for New platforms


Support for SMBIOS 3.0


Updated the default installation path for Linux as /opt/dell/dcc


Support for following new BIOS features/attributes:
– Determining if BIOS should attempt to boot from the legacy boot list when the UEFI boot list fails. See --attemptlegacyboot
– Configuring the Active State Power Management (ASPM) level. See --aspm option.
– Configuring the automatic BIOS recovery without any user interaction if BIOS corruption is detected. See -biosautorecovery option.
– Configuring the BIOS connect feature. See --biosconnect option.
– Configuring the state of the available BiosConnect boot paths. See --biosconnectactivation option.
– Allowing or restricting downgrading of the system BIOS. See --biosdowngrade option.
– Configuring the BIOS integrity check during the booting process. See --biosintegritycheck option.
– Allowing or restricting the BIOS event log to be cleared on the next boot. See --bioslogclear option.
– Configuring the visibility of BIOS settings. See --biossetupadvmode option.
– Configuring the time-out value for the keyboard backlight when an AC adapter is plugged into the system. See -brightnessac option.
– Configuring the panel brightness to be used when the system is using battery power only. See --brightnessbattery option.
– Configuring the Reliability Availability Serviceability (RSA) support on CPUs.See --cpursa option.
– Configures the CPU snoop mode. See --cpusnoop option.
– Configuring the platform external displays. See --dgpuexterndisplay option.
– Configuring Configures the dock battery charge mode. See --dockbattchrgcfg option.
– Allowing or restricting to use the docking station in the absence of AC power while the battery is charged for more than
specified percentage. See --docksupportonbattery option.
– Configuring the fan speed control if the fan speed is set to Auto using fanspeed attribute. See --fanspeedctrllevel option.
– Configuring whether to clear the fault tolerant memory log during the next boot. See --faulttolerantmemlogclear option.
– Configuring the full screen logo that appears during BIOS POST. See --fullscreenlogo option.
– Configuring GPS WWAN Radio. See --gpsonwwanradio option.


– Configuring System Isochronous mode. See --isochronous option.
– Configuring the time-out value for the keyboard backlight when an AC adapter is plugged into the system. See -kbdbacklighttimeoutac option.
– Configuring the time-out value for the keyboard backlight when the system is running only on battery power. See -kbdbacklighttimeoutbatt option.
– Configuring lid switch functions. See --lidswitch option.
– Configuring the liquid cooler 1. See --liquidcooler1 option.
– Configuring the liquid cooler 2. See --liquidcooler2 option.
– Configuring M2 PCIE SSD 0. See --m2pciessd0 option.
– Configuring M2 PCIE SSD 1. See --m2pciessd1 option.
– Configuring the master password settings. See --masterpwdlockout option.
– – Configuring the time limit value of the memory fault tolerance. See --memfaulttoltimelmt option.
– Configuring Reliability Availability Serviceability (RSA) support on memory modules. See --memoryrsa option.
– Configuring the memory performance monitor feature. See --memperformancemonitor option.
– Configuring the Reliability Availability Serviceability (RSA) support on PCIe devices. See --pciersa option.
– Allows or restricts the power event log to be cleared on the next boot. See --powerlogclear option.
– Configuring the Stealth Mode control of the Intel 8260 card. See --poweroffintel8260stealthmode option.
– Configuring the Dell recovery tool. See --recoverytool option.
– Allowing or restricting the system to boot from SD card. See --sdcardboot option.
– Configuring the read-only mode for SD card. See --sdcardreadonly option.
– Configures Secure Guard Extensions (SGX) feature. See --secureguardext option.
– Indicating that the power button has been pressed during POST. See --signoflifeindication option.
– Determining which sleep mode is to be used by the operating system. See --sleepmode option.
– Configuring the boot flow for SupportAssist OS recovery tool in the event of certain system errors. See -supportassistosrcvry option.
– Deleting the service OS non-volatile region. See --svcosclear option.
– Allows or restricts the thermal event log to be cleared on the next boot. See --thermallogclear option.
– Configuring the thunderbolt controller in the system. See --thunderbolt option.
– Configuring the thunderbolt security level. See --thunderboltsecuritylevel option.
– Configuring the maximum power for type-C connector. See --typecbtryovrldprotection option.
– Determining whether the system should prompt the user to enter the Admin password, if set, while booting from a UEFI
boot path, from the F12 Boot Menu. See --uefibootpathsecurity option.
– Configuring the provisioning of Intel AMT from a USB storage device. See --usbprovision option.
– Configuring the USB wake from s4 power state of the system. See --usbwakefroms4 option.

Support for additional possible values for the following attributes:
– --speaker
– --cpucore
– --primaryvideodeviceslot
– --processorcorecount


Withdrawal of support for the following attributes:
– --clearsel
– --speakervol

Supported systems and operating systems
For the list of business client systems and operating systems supported, see the Release Notes available in the Dell Command |
Configure installation files or at .


Other documents you may need
In addition to this guide, you can access the following guides available at

The Dell Command | Configure Installation Guide provides information about installing Dell Command | Configure on supported
client systems. The guide is available as part of the Dell Command | Configure download.


The Dell Command | Configure Command Line Interface Reference Guide provides information about configuring the BIOS
options on supported Dell client systems.

Additionally, the Release Notes file, which is available as part of the Dell Command | Configure download and at
dellclientcommandsuitemanuals, provides the latest available information for the installation and operation of Dell Command |
Configure .


Command line interface
This chapter provides a general overview of the Command Line Interface (CLI) utility. It explains how to run the commands and the
syntax details of the command line options used to configure BIOS settings for client systems.

Running Dell Command | Configure commands
You can run the Dell Command | Configure commands in two ways:

Using the command prompt.
For more information, see Using the command prompt.


Using a bootable image.
For more information, see Using a bootable image.

Using the command prompt
To run Dell Command | Configure commands:

Click Start → All Program → Dell → Command Configure → Dell Command Configure Command Prompt.
NOTE: If you are using a system running the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system or later, right-click Dell
Command Configure Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.


Run the Dell Command | Configure commands.
For more details on Dell Command | Configure commands, see Dell Command | Configure options.

Using a bootable image
To run Dell Command | Configure commands:

Copy Dell Command | Configure with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) image to a Compact disc (CD).
For more information, see Dell Command | Configure Installation Guide available at


Boot the system that you want to configure from the CD.


Run the Dell Command | Configure commands. For more details on Dell Command | Configure commands, see Dell Command |
Configure options.

Command syntax overview
Syntax refers to the way a command and its parameters are entered. Command Line Interface (CLI) commands can be arranged in
any order in a command line instance as long as they conform to the basic command line syntax.

Command line syntax
The general usage models of the Dell Command | Configure utilities are as follows:
CCTK --option1=[arg1]


cctk --option1=[arg1]...--optionX=[argX]
NOTE: Some of the options in Dell Command | Configure are followed by an asterisk. You can use such options only for
reporting purposes and cannot use the reporting options with set options.
The following table lists the generic command line characters and arguments present in the command line options with a short
description of these characters.
Table 1. Command line characters and arguments




Prefix single-character options.


Prefix multi-character options.


Indicates the generic designation for a Dell Command | Configure utility name.


Indicates the generic single-character designation for an option.


Indicates the generic multi-character designation for a utility name, where you can use X to distinguish
multiple options used in the same command line instance.


Indicates the generic designation for an argument, where you can use X to distinguish multiple
arguments used in the same command line instance.

[mandatory option]

Indicates the generic designation for a mandatory argument.

Indicates the generic designation for a string.

Indicates the generic designation for a filename.


Indicates a component of the command line. Enter only the information within the brackets and exclude
the brackets.


Indicates that the previous argument can be repeated several times in a command. Enter only the
information within the ellipses and exclude the ellipses.


Separates mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. For example:
numlock: Turns the keyboard number lock on or off.
Arguments: on+ | off+
Enter only one choice: --numlock=on, --numlock= off

Case sensitivity
Command line options, pre-defined and user-defined arguments, and filenames given as arguments are all case-sensitive. Unless
specified otherwise, enter all commands, options, arguments, and command line switches in lowercase letters.

Command line option delimiter
The following table lists some examples of valid and invalid Dell Command | Configure command line options.
Windows path:

For 32-bit systems — C:\Programfiles (x86)\Dell\Command Configure\X86


For 64-bit systems — C:\Programfiles (x86)\Dell\Command Configure\X86_64

Linux path:/opt/dell/dcc/


Table 2. Valid and invalid command line options for systems running Windows

Valid or

Dell Command | Configure Command Line



cctk --option1 --option2

cctk --asset --mem


cctk --option1=[argument]
--option2 --option3

cctk --asset=1750 --floppy --biosromsize


cctk -o=filename --option1

cctk -o=/tmp/myfile.txt --mem



cctk -o filename --option1 --option2 cctk -o /tmp/myfile.txt --mem --sysname


cctk -l=filename--option1 --option2

cctk -l=/tmp/myfile.txt--mem --sysname



cctk -l filename
--option1 --option2

cctk -l /tmp/myfile.txt--mem --sysname

cctk -i=filename
--option1 --option2

cctk -i=/tmp/myfile.txt --mem --sysname


cctk -i /tmp/myfile.txt --mem --sysname

cctk -i filename
--option1 --option2

cctk --option=argument

cctk --embnic1=on

Table 3. Examples of command line options for systems running Linux

Dell Command | Configure Command Line


./cctk --option=argument

./cctk --numlock=enable

Read and write options
You cannot combine the options that specify read and write actions in a command line instance. The following table provides
examples for read and write commands.
Table 4. Read and write options

Valid or Invalid



cctk --option1 --option2


cctk --option1=arg --option2=arg
NOTE: You have to provide the setup password, if it is already set on the


cctk --option1=arg --option2

File input and output commands
Specify the input file using the -i= command, where  is the name of the input file. Specify the output
file input using the – o= command, where  is the name of the output file.

Log files
The -l= or --logfile= option records information output on the command line to the specified
log file.


If the log file already exists, information is appended to the file. This allows multiple tools to use the same log file to record
information. Use this option to record the output of a utility.
The log duplicates all standard output and error information to the specified file. Each log file begins with a time stamp and utility
name. For example:
The following is an example of the logging behavior:
2010/05/16 10:23:17 cctk - option1=on
2010/05/16 10:23:17 cctk - option2=on
2010/05/16 10:23:17 cctk - option3=off

Error checking and error messages
The Dell Command | Configure utilities check your commands for correct syntax when you enter them. Unrecognized or invalid
options and arguments result in a usage error message that displays the Dell Command | Configure utility name, version, and the list
of Dell Command | Configure options.


Dell Command | Configure options
This chapter provides an overview of the Dell Command | Configure options. It describes the general and BIOS options to configure
settings for the client systems.
Dell Command | Configure options can be divided into:

General options — Applicable to all systems.


BIOS options — Applicable only if the BIOS of the system supports.
NOTE: If you are running Dell Command | Configure commands on systems running Windows 7 or later, run the
commands with the administrator rights. Running the command displays a pop-up window where you can enter the
administrator ID and password.
NOTE: If you run Dell Command | Configure commands on systems running Windows 7 or later without administrator
rights, the following error message is displayed: 'admin/root' privileges required to execute this

General options
The following are the general options of Dell Command | Configure .
NOTE: Some of the options in Dell Command | Configure are followed by an asterisk. These options do not accept any
suboptions or arguments. The values associated with these options are reported by the Basic Input Output System
(BIOS). You cannot modify these values.

-h or --help
Valid Argument

none or 


Without an argument, this option displays general usage information for the utility. If the argument
matches a valid option, the usage information of the option is displayed. If the option has
arguments, the arguments are displayed, separated by a | character. If the argument is supported
on the system, a + symbol is displayed with the argument. If the option has suboptions, all
suboptions, valid arguments, and a description are listed. If the argument does not match a valid
option, a usage error is given (and usage information is displayed).


C:\>cctk -h asfmode
asfmode: Sets the asf (alert standard format)mode. DASH and ASF 2.0
set enables LOM to have DASH and ASF 2.0 functionality.
Arguments: off+ | on+ | alertonly+

-i or --infile
Valid Argument


Directs the Command Configure utility to take input from an INI file. The utility searches the file
for a Command Configure heading identical to the utility name. An error is returned if the file or


section is not found. If the section is found, each name/value pair is applied to the system. The
names must match a valid option, and the arguments must be in the proper format for the option.
If an option is not available on a system and it is specified in a file, the utility ignores the option. If
any errors are found in the format of the names or values, that option is skipped. The remaining
options are applied to the system.
If this option is used with other function command options, they are applied in the order in which
they appear on the command line, overriding any previous commands.
In the INI file, bootorder is displayed as a list of devices with their short forms in the order they
are assigned separated by commas.
For example:
A plus (+) symbol with the device name indicates that the device is enabled and a minus (-)
symbol indicates that the device is disabled. You can enable or disable the devices by changing the
symbol displayed with the device short name. These symbols are optional and if not present, the
current status of the device is retained.
NOTE: If the operating system is booted in the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
(UEFI) mode, then the bootorder type is shown as UEFI type.
Change the boot order by changing the order of the list. You can also enter the device number
instead of the device name.
NOTE: The bootorder option in the INI file is applied to a system based on its active boot
list. If the INI file is generated from a system with the active boot list set as UEFI, and it
is applied on a system with the active boot list set as Legacy, the boot order is set only
on devices that are available in the system. It is recommended that you apply the INI file
on a system with the same active boot list as of the system from where the INI file is

C:\>cctk -i  /filename.ini

-l or --logfile
Valid Argument


Logs the command line output to a time-stamped file. The utility either appends the information to
an existing log file or creates a new file. The log file contains the same information as the standard
output, plus timestamp information. Users should use this option instead of redirection for task


C:\>cctk -l  /logfile

No option
Valid Argument



If an option is not given, the Dell Command | Configure utility outputs usage information. The
usage information is displayed in the format shown below.


Usage error.
cctk Version 3.1.0 258 (Windows - Feb 25 2015,14:38:43)
Copyright (c) 2014 Dell Inc.
Usage: cctk --option[=argument]
For more information about a particular command, use the option 'h' followed by the command name.
Example: cctk -h --asset


-o or --outfile
Valid Argument


Writes all BIOS options, that you can replicate to the BIOS of another system, to the specified
filename. The file name you specify should have INI extension and should be created in the default
installation directory. The format of the output is in an INI format, with the utility name as the
section header. If a file with the same name already exists, the information is appended to the file.
If this option is used with other function commands, the commands are applied in the order in
which they appear. This option captures replicable BIOS options. The file is created in the
directory where you run the Dell Command | Configure command.
In the INI file, bootorder is displayed as a list of comma separated device short forms in the order
they are assigned. A plus (+) symbol with the device name indicates that the device is enabled
and a minus (-) symbol indicates that the device is disabled. You can change the boot order by
changing the order of the list. You can also enter the device number instead of the device name.
You can enable or disable the devices by changing the symbol displayed with the device. These
symbols are optional and if not present, the current status of the device is retained.
NOTE: The bootorder option in the INI file is applied to a system based on its active boot
list. If the INI file is generated from a system with the active boot list set as UEFI, and it
is applied on a system with the active boot list set as legacy, the boot order is set only on
devices that are available in the system. It is recommended that you apply the INI file on
a system with the same active boot list as of the system from where the INI file is


C:\>cctk -o /filename.ini

Valid Argument



Sets the Dell property ownership tag. If an option is not given, Dell Command | Configure reports
the current property ownership tag.
NOTE: The maximum length of property ownership tag is 80 characters for desktops and
48 characters for laptop.

Valid Argument



Displays the version information, current time, and date for the utility. This is a read-only option.

BIOS options
The following list describes Dell Command | Configure options and arguments along with a description of their expected behavior.
Options and arguments are case sensitive. All options and predefined arguments are lowercase unless stated otherwise.
NOTE: Some of the following options or arguments may not be available on all systems due to the BIOS version or
hardware feature set. Entering Dell Command | Configure on a command line without arguments display only those
options that are valid for your system. For more details about the options, see No option.
NOTE: If you configure a setup password and system password for the system, while changing a BIOS value, type the
setup password.


Valid Argument

off, last, on


Sets the behavior of the system after Alternating Current (AC) power is lost.

off — When AC power is restored, the system remains turned off.
on — When AC power is restored, the system turns on.
last — When the AC power is restored, the system returns to the state it was in when the
power was lost.

Valid Argument

actled, wlan, disable


Sets the Network Activity Light Emitting Diode (LED) to any of the following:
• actled — Sets the Activity LED controlled by an Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI) operating system and driver.
• wlan — Sets the Activity LED as a wireless Local Area Network (LAN) radio on/off indicator.
• disable — Sets the Activity LED to off.

Valid Argument



Adds the specified device to the boot device list. At present, only the Universal Serial Bus (USB)
storage device is supported. This option is not valid on all the systems. The USB storage device is
added at the end of the boot order. If the USB storage device is already added in the boot order
list, the following message is displayed while executing the option:USB device is already
present in this machine.
NOTE: The adddevice option is not supported on the systems with UEFI-based BIOS.


C:\>cctk --adddevice=usb

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the adjacent cache line prefetch.
• enable — The processor fetches the cache line containing the currently requested data, and
pre-fetches the following cache line.
• disable —The processor fetches only the cache line containing the currently requested data.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the admin setup lockout.
• enable — If administrator password is set for the system, user can view the setup screens
only after entering the correct administrator password. If administrator password is not set,
user can view the setup screens.
• disable — User can view the Setup screens without entering administrator password even if
the administrator password is set in the system.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Advanced Battery charge mode. Advanced Battery charge mode uses
standard charging algorithm and other methods during non-working hours to maximize battery
health. During working hours, express charge is used to charge the batteries faster. You can
configure the days and the time period during which the battery has to be charged. To enable
advanced battery charging, provide the day, start time, and the duration of charging (peak usage
NOTE: The value of hour must be in the range 00–23 and minute must be 00,15, 30, or


To enable the advanced battery charging mode:
C:\>cctk --advbatterychargecfg=enable
To enable the advanced battery charging mode on specific days for a specific period:
C:\>cctk -advbatterychargecfg=enable,mon-10:00/08:00,tue-13:45/06:00
To disable the advanced battery charging mode:
C:\>cctk --advbatterychargecfg=disable

Valid Argument

8M, 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M


Sets the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) aperture size of Peripheral Component Interconnect
(PCI) address space.
NOTE: The Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) must be cleared after the
aperture size is changed.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables on-board AGP slot.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Allows or prevents the system to resume from the suspended mode.
• enable — System alarm resumes the system from the suspended mode.
• disable — System alarm prevents the system to resume from the suspend mode.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Allows or restricts the Dell Type-C Thunderbolt docks to function when the Thunderbolt is



enable — Allows the Dell Type-C Thunderbolt docks to function even when the Thunderbolt
is disabled.
disable — Restricts the Dell Type-C Thunderbolt docks to function when the Thunderbolt is

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the ambient light sensor.

Valid Argument

on, off, alertonly, dash


Sets the alert standard format.

on — Turns the ASF mode on.
off — Turns the ASF mode off.
alertonly — Enables only error messages.
dash — Enables LOM to have both DASH and ASF 2.0 functionality.

Valid Argument

auto, disable, l1


Set the Active State Power Management (ASPM) level.

auto — There is handshaking between the device and PCI Express hub to determine the best
ASPM mode supported by the device.
disable — ASPM power management is turned off always.
l1only — ASPM power management is set to use L1.

Valid Argument


Displays or sets the customer-programmable asset tag number for a system. The maximum length
of an asset tag is 10 characters. Asset tag values should not contain any spaces.

Valid Argument

standard, distributed


This option controls the interrupted assignment of PCI devices in the system. This option is set to
standard by default, causing standard interrupt routing that uses INTA, B, C, D for all PCIe
devices. When set to distributed, the interrupt routing is rerouted at the MCH root ports to
minimize sharing of interrupts across all PCIe (and PCI-X in PIC mode) devices.

Valid Argument

on, off


Sets or removes the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) bit to indicate whether
the system uses an All Terrain Gear (ATG) base or not.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Determines if BIOS should attempt to boot from the legacy boot list when the UEFI boot list fails.

enable — If the UEFI boot list fails, then BIOS attempts to boot from the Legacy boot list.
disable — BIOS discontinues the booting process if the UEFI boot list fails.

Valid Argument

disable, halfduplex, fullduplex


Sets the audio mode to any of the following values:
• disable — Completely releases the onboard hardware resources.
• halfduplex — Allows only record or playback at a time.
• fullduplex — Allows record and playback simultaneously.

Valid Argument

disable, weekdays , everyday, selectdays


Configures the auto on option for a system. Using this option you can configure the days on
which the system has to turn on automatically.
• disable — Disables the auto on function on the system.
• everyday — Enables the auto on function on every day of the week.
• weekdays — Enables the auto on function on week days.
• selectdays — Enables the auto on function on selected days of the week. The system
disables the auto on function on the days that are not selected.


C:\>cctk --autoon=disable

Valid Argument

integers ranging from 0 to 23


Sets the auto on configuration in hours.


C:\>cctk --autoonhr=5

Valid Argument

integers ranging from 0 to 59


Sets the auto on configuration in minutes.


C:\>cctk --autoonmn=30


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the camera available at the back of the system.

enable — Enables the camera available at the back of the system.
disable — Disables the camera available at the back of the system.

Valid Argument

standard, express


Configures the battery slice charging.

standard — The battery is charged over a long period of time.
express — Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using the express charging
algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Sets the Embedded Server Management (ESM) configuration.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables BIOS auto recovery feature.

enable — If BIOS corruption is detected, the system automatically recovers BIOS without any
user interaction.
disable — Disables BIOS auto recovery feature.
NOTE: This feature is effective only if the biosrecovery option is enabled.

Valid Argument



Displays the features supported by the specific version of the BIOS. This contains bit-flags which
define support attributes for the BIOS and the system. The first 32-bits are from the reference
specification available on the Distributed Management Task Force at . These must be
set only if the system supports the following features: Industry Standard Architecture (ISA),
Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), PCI, Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association (PC Card/PCMCIA), PnP, Advanced power management (APM),
Upgradeable BIOS, BIOS Shadowing allowed, Video Electronics Standards Association (VL VESA),
Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD).
• 32 to 47 are always set to 0 by Dell-developed BIOS.
• 48 sets to 1 if the built-in NIC supports MagicPacket.
• 49 sets to 1 if the system supports Wake-on-LAN.
• 50 sets to 1 if the system supports chassis intrusion.
• 51 sets to 1 if the built-in NIC supports pattern-matching.
• 52 sets to 1 if the system BIOS supports a seven character service tag.
• 53 to 63 are reserved for future assignments.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables BIOS Connect feature.

Valid Argument

deactivate, fullactivation, launchpadactivationonly


Configures the state of the available BiosConnect boot paths.

deactivate — BIOS setup options are not available and all BiosConnect boot paths are
fullactivation — BIOS Setup options are enabled and all BiosConnect boot paths are enabled.
launchpadactivationonly — BIOS setup options are enabled and only launchpad code path is

Valid Argument



Displays the selected language for the BIOS.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Allows or restricts downgrading of the system BIOS.

enable — Allows the system to downgrade the system BIOS.
disable — Restricts the system to downgrade the system BIOS.
CAUTION: You cannot enable the biosdowngrade feature using the Dell Command |
NOTE: One of the methods of enabling the biosdowngrade feature is from the BIOS
setup screen.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the BIOS integrity check during the booting process.

enable — BIOS checks the BIOS image integrity during every booting process.
disable — BIOS checks the BIOS image integrity only if the previous booting process did not
NOTE: BIOS checks the BIOS image integrity only if the biosautorecovery option is

Valid Argument



Displays a list of installable languages for the BIOS.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Prevents or allows the BIOS event log to be cleared on the next boot.

disable — Does not clear the BIOS event log on the next boot.
enable — Clears the BIOS event log on the next boot.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enabling BIOS Setup Advanced Mode makes all BIOS settings visible.

Valid Argument

enable. disable


Enables or disables the system BIOS Recovery option. This feature saves a recovery image to a
primary hard disk drive storage, or to an external USB, and uses this recovery image to recover
BIOS image when system BIOS fails.

enable — BIOS stores the recovery image on a primary hard disk drive storage. So BIOS
recovery image is available both from the primary hard disk drive permanent storage as well
as via an external USB.
disable — BIOS does not store the recovery image on primary hard disk drive storage. So
BIOS recovery image is available only via an external USB.

Valid Argument



Displays the physical size of this BIOS Read Only Memory (ROM) device in kilobytes.

Valid Argument



Displays the BIOS version for a system.

Valid Argument

accept, deny, reset


Accepts, denies, or resets the Boot Integrity Services (BIS) in BIOS.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables Bitsmart.


Valid Argument



Sets the first Power Supply (PSU 1) status LED to blink. Enabling the LED to blink helps to
recognize the power supply probe in use, while using ASM feature. For more details, see
Advanced System Management.
NOTE: This option is supported only on systems that support ASM.

Valid Argument



Sets the second Power Supply (PSU 2) status LED to blink. Enabling the LED to blink helps to
recognize the power supply probe in use, while using ASM feature. For more details, see
Advanced System Management.
NOTE: This option is supported only on systems that support ASM.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Block S3 sleep state. When enabled, the system BIOS blocks all OSPM/
ACPI S3 (Suspend to RAM) requests and enforces the preboot authentication on all non-S3
resumes. When disabled, the system BIOS allows all Operating System-directed configuration and
Power Management (OSPM) or Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) S3 suspend
to Random Access Memory (RAM) operation. This moves the system authentication to the
operating system and prevents any preboot authentication on resume.

Valid Argument

disable, auto


Enables or disables built-in floppy controller.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables built-in pointing device.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables bluetooth device.

Valid Argument

unchanged, turnoff


Configures the state of bluetooth radio depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled.
• turnoff— Turns of the bluetooth radio if the stealth mode is enabled.



unchanged— Retains the current state of the bluetooth.

Valid Argument

0, 1, 2, 3


Sets the threshold value for auto OS recovery. Controls the automatic boot flow for
SupportAssist System Resolution console and for Dell OS Recovery Tool. The system boots to
the SupportAssist System Resolution console and for Dell OS Recovery Tool if,

the primary operating system fails to boot consecutively.
the count of boot failure is greater than or equal to the value of the Auto OS Recovery
threshold setup option.
SupportAssist OS Recovery option is enabled.
NOTE: If Auto OS Recovery threshold is set to 0, then all automatic boot flow for
SupportAssist System Resolution console and for Dell OS Recovery Tool will be

Valid Argument



Displays or sets the boot order sequence, activates boot list, and enables or disables the
supported devices for legacy boot list and for UEFI boot list.
When you run the bootorder option, the following information is displayed:
• device status — The current device status. It may be enabled or disabled.
• device number — A unique number to identify the device on the system.
• device type — The device type.
• short form — Short form of the device. If the system has many devices of the similar device
type, the short form of the device is displayed with a  notation. For example, if the
system has an internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD), a USB storage device, and a modular Bay HDD,
the short forms will be displayed as hdd.1, hdd.2, and hdd.3 respectively.
• device description — Description of the device.
Supported devices are:
• floppy — floppy disk
• usbfloppy — USB floppy disk
• hdd — hard disk
• cdrom — CD-ROM
• usbcdrom — USB CD-ROM
• pcmcia — PCMCIA device
• usbdev — USB device
• usbhdd — USB hard disk
• embnic — embedded NIC
• nic — NIC
• usbzip — USB ZIP
• usbdevzip — USB device ZIP
• bev — BEV device
NOTE: For legacy boot list, unknown devices are displayed as hexadecimal values. For
UEFI boot list, some of the devices are displayed as UEFI with a  notation.
Change the bootorder by providing the short form of the unknown device.


NOTE: While changing the bootorder sequence, if the system is set with a setup
password, specify the setup password as the-- valsetuppwd argument. If the system has
a system password set and no setup password is set, specify the system password as
the -- valsyspwd argument.

Sub Options
The following are the sub options of bootorder.


Activates the boot list to UEFI or Legacy. On reboot, the system boots based on the boot list
NOTE: With --activebootlist, do not specify any other sub options, such as --sequence,
--enabledevice, and --disabledevice.


C:\>cctk bootorder --activebootlist=uefi


Specifies the boot list as UEFI or Legacy. If you want to run any bootorder options, such as
sequence, enabledevice, and so on, on the UEFI boot list, you must specify this sub option with
UEFI argument. The supported arguments are Legacy and UEFI.
If --bootlisttype is not specified, running the bootorder sub options applies changes on the
Legacy boot list.


C:\>cctk bootorder --bootlisttype=uefi

Example With Sub Options

With the --bootlisttype=uefi option, you can specify the following sub options: --sequence , -enabledevice , and --disabledevice .
C:\>cctk bootorder --bootlisttype=uefi
--sequence=hdd.1,floppy --enabledevice=
C:\>cctk bootorder --bootlisttype=uefi
--sequence=hdd.1,floppy --enabledevice=
cdrom,hdd.2 --valsetuppwd=password


Disables a device in the boot sequence. Use the device number or device short form as the


C:\>cctk bootorder --disabledevice=embnic,hdd.1
C:\>cctk bootorder --disabledevice=1,3


Enables a device in the boot sequence. Use the device number or device short form as the



Sets the bootorder based on the arguments provided. Use the device number or device short
form as the argument.


C:\>cctk bootorder --sequence=embnic,hdd.1
C:\>cctk bootorder --sequence=1,3

Valid Argument

diskettefirst, harddiskonly, devlist, cdromfirst


Sets the Initial Program Load (IPL) device sequence for the next system boot.
• diskettefirst — Sets the devices in the sequence: diskette, hard drive, CD- ROM, and option
ROMs (if available).
• harddiskonly — Sets the devices in the sequence: hard drive and option ROMs (if available).
• devlist — Sets the devices in the sequence: diskette, CD-ROM, hard drive, and option ROMs
(if available).
• cdromfirst — Sets the devices in the sequence: CD-ROM, diskette, hard drive, option ROMs
(if available).

Valid Argument

default, compatible


Sets microprocessor speed to default or compatible. If set to compatible, the Central Processing
Unit (CPU) speed will be significantly slower. This is implementation dependent. There is no
specific speed for compatible, except that it is significantly slower than default.

Valid Argument

onboard, addin


Sets the onboard or first add-in video controller for boot time messages.
• onboard — The onboard video controller is used for boot-time messages.
• addin — The first add-in video controller is used for boot-time messages.
NOTE: Depending on the BIOS search and system slot layout, the first add-in device

Valid Argument

Integers ranging from 0 to 15


Sets the panel brightness to be used when the system is using AC power. 0 sets the panel
brightness to 0%, and 15 sets the panel brightness to 100%.

Valid Argument

Integers ranging from 0 to 15


Sets the panel brightness to be used when the system is using battery power only. 0 means panel
brightness will be 0%, and 15 means panel brightness will be 100%.


Valid Argument

max, 6.0x, 7.0x, 7.5x, 8.0x, 8.5x, 9.0x, 9.5x


Sets the bus ratio in CPU.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables camera.

Valid Argument

enable. disable


Enables or disables the Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the cellular radio, also called as the Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the battery charging system.
NOTE: When the system is turned off, the battery charger is enabled.

Valid Argument

enable, disable, silentenable


Enables or disables the system to detect and report chassis intrusion events to the system display
on boot-up.

Valid Argument

dooropen, tripped, doorclosed, tripreset


Displays the status of chassis intrusion. All the values are read-only except tripreset.
• dooropen — Indicates chassis door is opened.
• tripped — Indicates the chassis door is opened since the last time the sensor detection logic
was reset.
• doorclosed — Indicates chassis door is closed.
• tripreset — Resets the sensor detection logic to detect the next closed-to-open transition on
the chassis door.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the request for a default of CMOS values when the system reboots.

Valid Argument



Displays the completion code of an update operation performed by BIOS in the recent shutdown
or reboot operation. For more information, see Completion Code.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


When enabled, this feature disables the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) radio if the system
is connected to a wired network and vice-versa.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


When enabled, this feature disables the WWAN radio if the system is connected to a wired
network and vice-versa.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables AMD cool and quiet processor feature.

Valid Argument

1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, all


Controls the number of enabled cores in each processor. By default, maximum number of cores
per processor are enabled.

Valid Argument



Displays the number of processors in the system.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Reliability Availability Serviceability (RSA) support on CPUs.


Valid Argument

early, home, clusterondie, opportunistic, nosnoop


Configures the CPU snoop mode.

early — Enables early snoop mode. Use this mode for latency-sensitive applications that do
not require high remote bandwidth.
home — Enables home snoop mode. Use this mode for applications that require high memory
clusterondie — Enables cluster on die mode. Dell recommends this mode for NUMAoptimized applications to achieve lowest local memory latency and highest local memory
opportunistic — Enables opportunistic snoop mode. Directory with Opportunistic Snoop
Broadcast (OSB) offers a good balance of latency and bandwidth.
nosnoop — Enables no snoop mode.

Valid Argument



Displays the current speed of the processor.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the CPU eXecute Disable (XD) feature support.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the C states.
• enable — Processor can operate in all available Power C states.
• disable — No C states available for the processor.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables demand-based power management.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables demand-based power management.


Valid Argument

s5only, s4ands5, disable


Configures the system power mode when the system is in s4 and s5 state. If set to s5only, the
system moves to the lowest-power off mode when in s5 state. If set to s4 and s5 state, the
system moves to the lowest-power off mode when in s4 and s5 states. When the system is in a
low-power mode, it turns off most of the power-consuming circuitry devices, to meet the 1 W
power limit. It disables the Power Management Event (PME), USB power, and so on.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the platform external displays.
NOTE: Embedded Display Port (eDP) will be enabled by Integrated Graphics Processing Unit

enable — Allows discrete Graphics Processing Unit (dGPU) to enable the platform external
displays such as HDMI, NB DP and Type-C, and so on with the purpose of enabling discrete
graphic features such as Eyefinity, Mosaic, 10bit DP displays, etc..
disable — The normal hybrid graphics mode is enabled.
NOTE: This feature is used in hybrid graphics mode only.

Valid Argument

anytime, atbootonly


Allows the user to hot or warm plug a floppy drive into the system and make it functional. If set to
atbootonly, the drive will be functional after the system is rebooted. If set to anytime, reboot is
not required.

Valid Argument

active, suspend


Sets the system to active or suspend state, when the system lid is closed.

active — system remains in the active state when the system lid is closed.
suspend — system will be forced to suspend when the system lid is closed.

Valid Argument

standard, express


Configures the dock battery charge mode.


standard — Charges the battery over a long period of time.
express — Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using Dell's fast charging

Valid Argument

integrated, external


Configures the source for the High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and display port 1 on
the dock.

integrated— Uses the integrated video controller as video source.
external — Uses the external video controller as video source.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enabling this feature allows you to use the docking station when AC power is absent, but only
when the battery is preceding a certain charge percentage. The percentage may change per
battery and per platform. For example, the dock may only be powered when the battery is at 60
percent charge or higher, and when the battery drops below this level (without AC power) the
dock loses power.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Sets the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) to the following:
• disable — Disables DRAM references from triggering DRAM prefetch requests.
• enable — Enables DRAM references from triggering DRAM prefetch requests.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Dell Reliable Memory Technology configures the system to detect and correct the software errors
in a block of RAM. When enabled, the system detects and corrects the software errors.

Valid Argument

on, off


Enables or disables the embedded Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Redundant Array
of Independent Disks (RAID) controller.

Valid Argument

on, off


Enables or disables the second embeded IDE RAID controller.

Valid Argument

off, on, onnopxe, onwithiscsi, onwithrplboot, onwithimageserverboot


Defines the state of the built-in NIC.


NOTE: Onwithimageserverboot is used in the deployment of Dell SmartClient products.

Valid Argument

on, off, onnopxe, onwithiscsi, onwithrplboot, onwithimageserverboot


Enables or disables the second embedded NIC.

Valid Argument

off, combined, ata, ahci, raid, qdma, smartresponse


Configures the embedded Serial ATA (SATA) RAID controller.

Valid Argument

on, off


Enables or disables the first Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) controller.

Valid Argument

on, off


Enables or disables the second SCSI controller.

Valid Argument

off, on


Enables or disables the embedded Secure Digital (SD) card.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the embedded video controller.

Valid Argument



Displays the memory allocation size for the Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX) processor
reserved memory.
NOTE: You cannot set the Enclave Reserve Memory Size using the Dell Command |
Configure user interface. One of the methods of setting Enclave Reserve Memory Size
is from the BIOS setup screen.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Displays or hides the Energy Star logo during POST.


Valid Argument

auto, off


Sets the external Serial ATA (e-sata) port to auto or off.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables all e-sata ports. If the system supports a dock, this status is also applicable to
all e-sata ports on the dock.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the express card port that allows the user to insert an express card to
configure it.

Valid Argument

enable, disable, once


Enables or disables the express charge battery charge algorithm. The once argument enables the
system to use express charge algorithm for one charge cycle.

Valid Argument

disable, scrolllock


Enables or disables the external keyboard hot-key feature. Scrolllock allows the Scroll Lock key on
an external keyboard to act as the  key on the internal keyboard.

Valid Argument

0, 5, 10


Delays the time of action taken by the system after pressing function keys such as F2,F12, etc.
during post time.
• 0 — Does not delay the time of action.
• 5— Delays the time of action by five seconds.
• 10 — Delays the time of action by ten seconds.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the external (lid-mounted) WLAN indicator LED.
• enable—The LED displays the state of the WLAN source activity.
• disable—The LED does not display the state of the WLAN source activity.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Controls the speed of the fan.

Valid Argument

auto, high, medium, medium_high, medium_low, low


Sets the speed of the fan. If set to auto the system run-time sets the speed of the fan.

Valid Argument

Integers ranging from 0 to 100


Configures the fan speed control if the fan speed is set to Auto using fanspeed attribute. 0 sets
the fanspeed to the optimal speed level, and higher percentage provides enhanced cooling.

Valid Argument

unchanged, turnoff


Configures the state of the fans depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled.
• unchanged — Retains the current state of the fan.
• turnoff — Turns off the fan if the stealth mode is enabled.

Valid Argument

thorough, minimal, automatic


Enables fast booting.
• thorough — Sets POST to perform complete hardware and configuration testing.
• minimal — Sets POST to perform minimal hardware testing.
• automatic — Allows the BIOS to decide what level of POST test is used.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Fault Tolerant Memory Log Clear option.
NOTE: Fault Tolerant Memory Log Clear option will be reset to disabled state after log
gets cleared.

enable — System clears fault tolerant memory log during the next boot.
disable — Fault Tolerant Memory Log Clear option will be disabled, and no action will be taken
during the next boot.

Valid Argument



Displays the date on which the system was first turned on.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Ready Boost and Ready Cache functionality.

Valid Argument

on, off, auto, readonly, usb


Configures the floppy diskette controller.
• auto — Enables the auto-configuration of the built-in floppy controller of the system.
• readonly — Floppy controller becomes read-only, no write operations are permitted.
• usb — The built-in floppy controller is disabled but booting to a USB floppy is still allowed.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Controls the behavior of the dual-function keys, when the  key is pressed.
• enable — Press and hold the  key to enable the functions of the function keys ().
• disable — Press and hold the  key to enable the secondary functions associated with
the particular key.

Valid Argument

enable. disable


Controls the behavior of the dual-function keys (), when  key is pressed and
when it is not.
• enable — Press the function keys to use the primary function of the key.
• disable — Press the function keys to use the secondary function of the key.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) as the first boot device on all
subsequent boots.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables Force PXE on next boot in BIOS.
If enabled, when the BIOS boots next time, the first PXE-capable device is inserted as the first
device in the boot sequence. Enabling this value causes this operation on the next boot only, and
does not cause a change in the defined boot sequence of the system. The BIOS chooses the first
PXE-capable device as the onboard network controller of the system, if present and enabled, or
the first bootable network device found in the standard PCI search order of the systemwhichever comes first.


If disabled, the boot override feature is disabled and the system boot sequence is in effect.

Valid Argument

aller, firsterr


Configures to report all the errors or only the first error on the front panel Liquid Crystal Display

aller — All errors displayed on front panel LCD.
firsterr — Only first error displayed on front panel LCD.

Valid Argument

115200, 57600, 19200, 9600


Console redirection fail safe baud rate (in bps).

Valid Argument

off, on


Enables or disables high bandwidth Front Side Bus (FSB) application optimizations.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the full screen logo that appears during BIOS POST.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables general purpose encryption.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables GPS WWAN Radio.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the internal Global Positioning System (GPS) radio.
• enable — Enables the internal GPS radio.
• disable — Disables the internal GPS radio.


Valid Argument

unchanged, turnoff


Configures the state of the GPS radio depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled.

unchanged— Retains the current state of the GPS radio.
turnoff— Turns off the GPS radio if the Stealth mode is enabled.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the error checking on the FAN_HDD1 fan controller.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the error checking on the FAN_HDD2 fan controller.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the error checking on the FAN_HDD3 fan controller.
NOTE: If the fan controller detects a fan, it automatically enables it.

Valid Argument

bypass, quiet, suggested, performance


Sets the hard disk acoustic mode. If set to bypass , BIOS does not modify the currently set
acoustic mode of the hard disks. Quiet sets the acoustic mode of the hard disks to the quietest
operation. Suggested sets the acoustic mode of the hard disks to the setting suggested by the
manufacturer. Performance sets the acoustic mode of the hard disks for the highest disk

Valid Argument

on, off


Specifies the devices in the hard disk drive sequence menu that are attempted in the boot
sequence. If set to off, only the first device is attempted in the boot sequence. If set to on, all
devices are attempted as listed in the hard disk drive sequence.

Valid Argument



The option displays the details of the HDD. The information displays the name of the HDD (HDD
Name), whether the HDD is physically present (Present), whether a password exists for the
HDD (Pwd-Protected), whether a reboot is required to set the password (Pending-


Restart), and whether the changes to the password can be made only by an administrator

C:\>cctk --hddinfo
HDD Information in the current system.
Index: 0
HDD Name: Internal
Present: Yes
Pwd-Protected: No
Pending-Restart: No
Admin-only-change: No

Valid Argument

on, off


Turns the HDD protection feature on or off. The Hard Disk Protection is an advanced feature
intended to keep the HDD data secure and unchangeable. For more details on this feature, see
the documentation provided with your system.

Valid Argument


Sets the hard disk drive password. The password cannot be reported. To set the password an
argument is required. To remove the password, provide one blank space and the old password.
NOTE: Reboot the system to complete any HDD password actions.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables hard drive free fall protection.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables hot docking or undocking.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Probe Filter chipset option in the BIOS setup. The chipset feature affects
the performance of some applications.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables hotkey to toggle WxAN radio. Enabling this option allows to set wxanradio
option. For more information, see --wxanradio.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the CPU hardware prefetcher.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables hardware prefetcher from considering software prefetches when detecting
strides for prefetch requests.

Valid Argument

auto, off


Turns the CD drive on or off.

auto — Enables the auto-configuration of the system built-in IDE controller.
Off — Disable the system built-in IDE controller, making IRQ14 and IRQ15 resources available.

Valid Argument

disable, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4


Sets the infrared port.

Valid Argument

fast, slow


Sets the infrared port speed.

fast — The system infrared port receives in fast infrared Mode.
slow — The system IR port receives in slow infrared Mode.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Latitude ON Instant ON feature.

Valid Argument

enable, disable, auto


Sets the status of the integrated sound device of the system.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the integrated RAID.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the integrated Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) controller.

Valid Argument

compatible, highspeed


Sets the integrated USB hub to compatible or high speed.

Valid Argument

1 MB, 8 MB, 32 MB


Sets the default integrated video memory frame buffer size to the given value.
NOTE: The setting is valid only if integrated video is used.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the internal mini PCI slot.

Valid Argument

on, off


Turns the internal USB ports on or off.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the interrupt 13h Direct Memory Access (DMA) on boot.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables Ultra Wide Band (UWB) card.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Intel Rapid Start Technology feature within the BIOS.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Intel Smart Connect technology feature within the BIOS.


Valid Argument

enable. disable


Enables or disables I/O module

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the IO Acceleration Technology (IOAT) DMA Engine option. This feature
should be enabled if the hardware and software support IOAT.

Valid Argument

show, hide


Displays or hides the Intel Platform Trust Technology (PTT) device from the operating system on
the next reboot. When hidden, the PTT device is not displayed to the operating system and no
changes can be made to the PTT device or its content.

Valid Argument

integers ranging from 0 to 999


Configures the timeout value (in minutes) for Intel Rapid Start Technology (IRST) mode. After the
set timeout, the system enters IRST mode from the S3 system sleep mode. The acceptable values
are in the range 0-999.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables Intel Ready Mode Technology (iRMT).

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables System Isochronous mode.
NOTE: Isochronous mode may be best for audio and video streaming applications.

enable — Enable this mode to reduce the latency of memory transactions at the expense of
disable — Disable this mode for applications that need high memory bandwidth.

Valid Argument

5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 15m, never


Configures the timeout value for the keyboard backlight when an AC adapter is plugged into the

5s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 5 seconds.
10s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 10 seconds.



15s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 15 seconds.
30s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 30 seconds.
1m — Keyboard backlight stays on for 1 minute.
5m — Keyboard backlight stays on for 5 minutes.
15m — Keyboard backlight stays on for 15 minutes.
never — Keyboard backlight always stays on.

Valid Argument

5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 15m, never


Configures the timeout value for the keyboard backlight when the system is running only on
battery power.

5s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 5 seconds.
10s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 10 seconds.
15s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 15 seconds.
30s — Keyboard backlight stays on for 30 seconds.
1m — Keyboard backlight stays on for 1 minute.
5m — Keyboard backlight stays on for 5 minutes.
15m — Keyboard backlight stays on for 15 minutes.
never — Keyboard backlight always stays on.


Enables and configures supported colors on the keyboard backlight for the rugged systems. Also,
displays the active color and sets the color (RGB value) for customcolor1 and customcolor2.

Valid Argument



enablecolor, activecolor, customcolor1, customcolor2

Sub Options
The following are the sub options of keyboardbacklightcolor.

Valid Argument

white, red, green, blue, customcolor1 customcolor2, and none.


Displays or enables the supported colors on the keyboard backlight. Press Fn+C to switch among
the enabled colors.
NOTE: If ‘none’ is selected, keyboard backlight color switching by pressing Fn+C will not
be possible. The value ‘none’ cannot be combined with any other color.

Valid Argument

white, red, green, blue, customcolor1 and customcolor2


Displays or sets an active color for the keyboard backlight. The available colors are white, red,
green, blue, customcolor1 and customcolor2.


cctk keyboardbacklightcolor --activecolor=green


Valid Argument

Value range from 0 to 255 in an ‘R,G,B’ format


Displays and configures the customcolor1 by specifying the Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values.
The color can be selected using RGB components by mentioning it in ‘R,G,B’ format. Each color
component value ranges from 0 to 255.


cctk keyboardbacklightcolor --customcolor1=100,42,60

Valid Argument

value range from 0 to 255 in an ‘R,G,B’ format


Displays and configures the customcolor2 by specifying the Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values.
The color can be selected using RGB components by mentioning it in ‘R,G,B’ format. Each color
component value ranges from 0 to 255.


cctk keyboardbacklightcolor --customcolor2=25,95,10

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the keyboard backlight when the system is running on Alternating Current
(AC) power or if an AC power adapter is plugged in.
• enable — Enables the keyboard backlight even after the 10 seconds of inactivity.
• disable — Disables the timer that fades the keyboard backlight after 10 seconds of inactivity.
NOTE: If the keyboard backlight is disabled by pressing  + , then the
keyboard backlight remains turned off, even if the AC power adapter is plugged in.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the keyboard click sound.

Valid Argument

off, on/100, auto, 25, 50, 75


Sets the keyboard illumination to the required light intensity.
• off — Sets the illumination to off.
• on — Sets the illumination to 100 percent.
• auto — Sets the illumination based on ambient light level.
• 25 — Sets the illumination to 25 percent.
• 50 — Sets the illumination to 50 percent.
• 75 — Sets the illumination to 75 percent.


C:\>cctk --keyboardillumination=on


Valid Argument

enabledbynumlock, enabledbyfnkey


Enables the keypad in two different ways — numlock and function key.

Valid Argument



Identifies the major release of the system BIOS.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables booting to Latitude ON.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the ability to boot to the Latitude ON Flash module.

Valid Argument

unchanged, turnoff


Configures the state of the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen backlight if Stealth mode is
enabled or disabled.
• unchanged — Retains the current state of the LCD screen backlight.
• turnoff — Turns off the LCD screen backlight if Stealth is enabled.

Valid Argument

unchanged, turnoff


Configures the state of the LEDs depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled.
• unchanged— Retains the current state of the system LEDs.
• turnoff— Turns off the system LEDs if the stealth mode is enabled.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the BIOS detection and the usage of Legacy expansion ROMs.
NOTE: You cannot enable legacyorom with Secure boot.


Table 5. Legacy Option ROM with Secure Boot

secureboot — enable

secureboot — disable

When legacyorom is enabled,

NOT Allowed


When legacyorom is enabled,

NOT Allowed


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the lid switch functions.

enable — OS setting determines the display behavior when lid is closed.
disable — Display will not be affected when lid is closed.

Valid Argument

on, off


Limits the maximum value the processor standard CPUID function supports. Some operating
system will be unable to install if the maximum CPUID function supported is greater than 3. If set
to on, the CPUID function is limited to 3. If set to off, the CPUID function is not limited to 3.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the liquid cooler 1.

enable — Enables the liquid cooler 1.
disable — Disables the liquid cooler 1.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the liquid cooler 2.

enable — Enables the liquid cooler 2.
disable — Disables the liquid cooler 2.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables hyper threading on the next system boot. On some Dell platforms, that
support multi-core processor technology, this is enabled or disabled though the platform does not
support hyper threading. In this case, this command may enable or disable multi-core processor

Valid Argument

lpt1, lpt2, lpt3


Defines the parallel port configuration. lpt1 enables the built-in parallel port of the system to
operate in LPT1 mode, using Input/Output (I/O) address 378. lpt2 enables the system’s built-in


parallel port to operate in LPT2 mode, using I/O address 278. lpt3 enables the built-in parallel port
to operate in LPT3 mode, using I/O address 3BC.

Valid Argument

disable, at, ps2, ecp, epp, ecpdma1, ecpdma3


Determines how the parallel ports operate. Set the parallel port to:
• disable — Disables the built-in parallel port of the system.
• at — Enables the built-in parallel port of the system to operate in AT mode (output-only).
• ps2 — Enables the built-in parallel port of the system to operate in PS/2 mode (bidirectional).
• ecp — Enables the built-in parallel port of the system to operate in Extended Capability Port
(ECP) mode, no DMA channel assigned.
• epp — Enables the built-in parallel port to operate in Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) mode.
• ecpdma1 — Enables the system’s built-in parallel port of the system to operate in ECP mode
DMA channel 1.
• ecpdma3 — Enables the built-in parallel port of the system to operate in ECP mode DMA
channel 3.


C:\>cctk --lptmode=at

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables M2 PCIE SSD 0.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables M2 PCIE SSD 1.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the master password settings.
CAUTION: Using the Dell Command | Configure, you cannot disable this feature.

enable — The master password cannot be used to


– clear other passwords
– unlock and access hard disk drive
– erase data from hard disk drive
disable — The master password can be used to
– clear other passwords
– unlock and access hard disk drive
– erase data from hard disk drive
NOTE: One of the methods of configuring Master Password Lockout feature is from the
BIOS setup screen.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the media card.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the media card and 1394 devices.

Valid Argument



Displays the amount of system memory physically installed in the system, not the amount of
memory available to an operating system. The last two characters of the memory value indicate
the order of magnitude used (Kilo Byte (KB) or Mega Byte (MB)).

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the memory diagnostic.

Valid Argument

0 to 36000 — in 1/10th of a second


Configures the time limit value of the memory fault tolerance.
NOTE: Memory fault tolerance feature is disabled when the value is set to 0.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables memory interleave mode.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Reliability Availability Serviceability (RSA) support on memory modules.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the memory performance monitor feature.


Valid Argument

off, auto


Enables or disables memory remapping.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables Power-on Self Test (POST) extended memory test.

Valid Argument



Displays the manufacturing date of the system.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the internal or external microphone.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables mini card Solid State Drive (SSD) module.

Valid Argument



Displays the size of the minimum contiguous memory block.

Valid Argument



Displays the size of the minimum contiguous memory block.

Valid Argument



Displays the size of the minimum contiguous memory block.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Configures the memory mapped IO above 4GB.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the mobile system power management.

Valid Argument

standard, express


Configures the module bay battery charging.

standard — The battery is charged over a long period of time.
express — Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using the express charging
algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the module bay device, except the battery.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables monitor toggling.

Valid Argument

off, on


Turns the mouse controller on or off.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables multiple CPU cores if needed. If disabled, the operating system is prevented
from accessing additional cores present on a single CPU package.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Allows the users to enable or disable the multi-display feature. If enabled, the integrated and addin Graphics (GFX) video is turned on.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Near Field Computing (NFC) device.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the front bezel Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) button. The NMI button can be
used to alert the operating system in certain cases.

Valid Argument

on, off


Enables or disables the keyboard number lock.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables onboard 1394 controller on the next boot.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the onboard modem.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the onboard sound devices.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables onreader.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Onscreen Display (OSD) buttons on all All-In-One systems. If set to
Disable, the OSD buttons will not function.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the optical Compact Disc Read-Only Memory (CDROM) controller.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Optimus feature. If enabled, the feature automatically turns off the power
of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) when not required and turns it on when required.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Allows or prevents the installation of Windows operating system on client systems with more than
one operating system. By default, the setting is disabled to maintain compatibility with existing
installation tools, but should be changed if more than one operating system is present.

Valid Argument

install, notinstall


Installs or uninstalls the optional HDD fan installation.

Valid Argument

enable, disable, onetimeenable


Sets an option to enter the Option ROM Configuration screens using hotkeys during boot. If set
to Disable, it prevents accessing Intel RAID and Intel Management Engine BIOS Extension.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Administrator password prompt required to access the OptionROM user
interface in the BIOS setup screen.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Turns operating system installation mode on or off.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


The watchdog-timer aids in the recovery of the operating system if the system stops responding.

Valid Argument



This option is only used with the -o option to cause the output file to be overwritten if a file of the
same name already exists.


Valid Argument


Sets, changes, or removes the owner password. The system cannot report the owner password.
The owner password is designed for companies that loan or lease systems. It allows the leasing
agency (the owner of the system) to remove any administrator, system, or hard drive passwords
that is set on the system by the lessee.
NOTE: Reboot the system to complete any owner password actions.


NOTE: Password containing special characters must be provided in double inverted
commas (“”).
To set the password:
C:\>cctk --ownerpwd=
You can set the owner password if the lower priority passwords (administrator, system, or hard
drive passwords) are not set.
NOTE: If owner password is set on a system, set the system or administrator password
for configuring the BIOS options on the system.
To change the password:
C:\>cctk --ownerpwd= --valownerpwd=
To remove the password:
C:\>cctk --ownerpwd= --valownerpwd=

Valid Argument

off, rebootbypass, resumebypass, rebootandresumebypass


Sets the password bypass feature.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the PC card.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the PC card and 1394 devices.

Valid Argument



Performs a scan of all PCI buses and displays the results. This utility uses an open source pci.ids
file for vendor or device name resolution. This utility looks for a file called pci.ids in the current
working directory. If the file is not found in the current working directory, the directory containing
the CCTK executable is searched. If the -n option is used to specify a filename, this filename is
used for resolution. If a specific filename is not given and the pci.ids file cannot be found,
Unknown is printed for all vendor and device codes. For more information, see Completion Code.


NOTE: You can download the latest pci.ids file from
Example (the pci.ids filename C:\>cctk --pci -n 
is specified in the command PCI Bus: 0, Device: 0, Function: 0
line instance)
Vendor: 1166 - ServerWorks
Device: 0012 - CMIC-LE
Slot: 00
Class: 06 - Bridge
SubClass: 00 - CPU/PCI
PCI Bus: 0, Device: 0, Function: 1
Vendor: 1166 - ServerWorks
Device: 0012 - CMIC-LE
Slot: 00
Class: 06 - Bridge
SubClass: 00 - CPU/PCI
PCI Bus: 0, Device: 0, Function: 2
Vendor: 1166 - ServerWorks
Device: 0000 - Unknown

Valid Argument

64, 128, 256


Sets the maximum PCI bus count for the system.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Reliability Availability Serviceability (RSA) support on PCIe devices.

Valid Argument

small, large


Allocates a part of the memory to the PCI Memory Mapped I/O. It allows you to reserve large or
small device-specific memory regions to decrease or increase the usable memory on systems with
a 32-bit operating system.

small — Allocates a small region of memory to PCI memory mapped I/O.
large — Allocates a large region of memory to PCI memory mapped I/O. This reserves the
large device specific memory regions, but reduces the amount of usable memory in 32-bit
operating system.

Valid Argument

allocateevenly, allocatemoretocpu1


Allocates PCI resources, buses, memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) space, and I/O space. If set to
allocateevenly, equal amount of memory is allocated to all the resources when two CPUs are
installed. When set to allocatemoretocpu1, larger amount of device-specific memory is allocated,
which in turn reduces the usable memory on a system with a 32-bit operating system.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the PCI Serial ATA controller.


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the add-in PCI slots of the system.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the PCMCIA device slot.

Valid Argument

integers ranging from 15 to 100


Sets the value of Peak Shift battery threshold. When the Peak Shift battery threshold level is
reached, the system starts using AC power. Setting the value to 00 percent, allows the system to
use power only from the battery during Peak Shift duration (Peak Shift Start time and Peak shift
End time).


C:\>cctk --peakshiftbatterythreshold=50

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the Peak Shift battery configuration. Using Peak Shift configuration, you can
minimize the consumption of AC power during the peak power usage period of the day using the
enable and disable options. You can set a start and end time for the Peak Shift period. During this
period, the system runs on battery if the battery charge is above the set battery threshold value.
After the Peak Shift period, the system runs on AC power without charging the battery. The
system functions normally using AC power and recharging the battery after the specified Charge
Start Time.
NOTE: To use peakshiftcfg, set the values of Operate only on battery,
Operate only on AC, and Resume normal power/charge are necessary. The
values must be set in such a way that Peak shift start time <= Peak shift end time <=
Peak shift charge start time.
NOTE: The value of hour must be in the range 00–23 and minute must be 00,15, 30, or
45. To set 12 a.m., provide the hour value as 00.


To enable Peak Shift battery configuration:
C:\>cctk --peakshiftcfg=enable
To enable Peak Shift battery configuration on specific days for a specific period:
C:\>cctk -peakshiftcfg=enable,mon-10:30/14:00/16:00,tue-10:30/14:00/16:30
To disable Peak Shift battery configuration:
C:\>cctk --peakshiftcfg=disable


Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the missing pen indication. This controls tablet PC pen removal. The pen LED
blinks to indicate that the pen has been removed out of the retaining well.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables the resume on pen setting.

Valid Argument

externalserialonly, externalps2only, switchtotouchpad, switchtoexternalps2


Sets the pointing device.

externalserialonly — Sets the pointing device to external serial only.
externalps2only — Sets the pointing device to external ps2 only.
switchtotouchpad — Sets the pointing device to switch to touch pad.
switchtoexternalps2 — Sets the pointing device to switch to external ps2.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables  boot menu on POST boot screen.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables  boot menu on POST boot screen.

Valid Argument

enable, disable


Enables or disables display of the  +  help desktop hotkey message on the POST screen
if Management Engine (ME) is alive and Client Initiated Remote Access (CIRA) is supported.

Valid Argument

on, off


Controls the display of the MEBx hotkey ( + 

) at POST on the sign-on screen. --powerbutton Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the power button. 63 --powerlogclear Valid Argument enable, disable Description Prevents or allows the power event log to be cleared on the next boot. • • disable — Does not clear the power event log on the next boot. enable — Clears the power event log on the next boot. --powermgmt Valid Argument disable, minimum, regular, maximum Description Sets the power management settings. --poweroffintel8260stealthmode Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the poweroffintel8260stealthmode feature. NOTE: Disabling Stealth Mode does not automatically restore the power or functionality of the card until the next complete boot. This nonstandard mode is available as an option for Stealth Mode control of the Intel 8260 card for the following use cases: Preboot applications, Linux OS, or Windows OS without Dell recommended drivers. • • enable — Disconnects power from the Intel 8260 Wireless NIC when the Stealth Mode is enabled. disable — Does not disconnect power from the Intel 8260 Wireless NIC when the Stealth Mode is enabled. --powerwarn Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables performance limitation messages based on power supply capacity. --primarybatterycfg Valid Argument standard, express, ac, auto, custom Description Configures the primary battery charging. • • • • • Example 64 standard — Charges the battery over a longer period of time. express — Charges the battery using the express charging algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology. ac — Charges battery while plugged-in. auto — Charges the battery based on a periodic evaluation of battery usage to deliver the best balance capacity. custom — The battery charging starts and stops based on user input. The start value range should be 50-95 percentage, the stop value range should be 55-100 percentage, and the difference between the start and stop values should be greater than or equal to 5. C:\>cctk --primarybatterycfg=standard primarybatterycfg=standard NOTE: The format to set custom option is custom:start value-stop value. The start value range must be 50–95 percentage and the stop value range must be 55–100 percentage. The difference between the start and stop values must be greater than or equal to 5. --primaryvideodeviceslot Valid Argument 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Description Configuring the slot for Primary video display. • • 0 — Scans PCI buses and uses the first video device slot found with video card as a primary video device slot. 1-15 — Sets the specified slot number as a primary video device slot. NOTE: If a video card is not available in the specified slot number, the system will scan the PCI buses and uses the first video device slot, found with video card as a primary video device. Example C:\>cctk --primaryvideodeviceslot=0 primaryvideodeviceslot=0 --primidemast Valid Argument auto, off Description Enables or disables primary IDE master channel. --primideslav Valid Argument auto, off Description Enables or disables primary parallel IDE slave channel. --processorcorecount Valid Argument 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Description Enables the number of cores in each processor. • 0 — Enables all cores. --promptonerr Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the BIOS from prompting for or on error. --pwdlock Valid Argument lock, unlock Description Controls the ability to set the system password. If the password is locked, it cannot be changed. The lock argument locks the current state of the system password. If a system password has been set, it cannot be removed. If a system password has not been set, it cannot be set. On specific BIOS settings, this feature does not work. For more information, see the BIOS documentation. 65 --radiotransmission Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the radio transmission from MiniPCI wireless or bluetooth module. --rdocknonvideodevices Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables all the non-video devices (serial, audio, LAN, and USB ports) on a rugged dock. --rearsingleusb Valid Argument on, off Description Allows to electrically turn on or off the rear single USB ports. If disabled, the ports cannot be used in any operating systems. --rearusb Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables configuring the USB ports available at the back of the system. • enable — Enables the USB ports available at the back of the system. • disable — Disables the USB ports available at the back of the system. --recoverytool Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Dell recovery tool. • • enable — Enables the Dell recovery tool. disable — Disables the Dell recovery tool. --remotebiosupdate Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the remote BIOS update. --ringeventresume Valid Argument enable, disable Description Allows or prevents the system to resume from suspending an incoming call from an attached modem. --rptkeyerr Valid Argument enable, disable Description Configures or reports if the BIOS reports keyboard errors during POST. 66 --safeusb Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables selective USB feature to disable all USB ports, except the two selective USB ports. This option allows only the keyboard or mouse connected to the selective USB ports for the boot process to continue. --sata0 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 0 to off or auto. --sata1 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 1 to off or auto. --sata2 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 2 to off or auto. --sata3 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 3 to off or auto. --sata4 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 4 to off or auto. --sata5 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 5 to off or auto. --sata6 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 6 to off or auto. --sata7 Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the SATA port 7 to off or auto. 67 --satactrl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables all the SATA controllers. The option applies to all SATA controllers. --satadipm Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables and disables the feature that allows SATA HDDs to initiate link power management transitions. --scndidemaster Valid Argument auto, off Description Enables or disables secondary parallel IDE master channel. --scndideslave Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the secondary parallel IDE master channel to off or auto. --scsi3 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the third built-in SCSI controller. --sdcardboot Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the system to boot from SD card. • • enable — Allows the system to boot from SD card. disable — Restricts the system to detect SD card and boot from the SD card. --sdcardreadonly Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the read-only mode for SD card. --secureboot Valid Argument enable Description Enables secure boot authentication. If enabled, BIOS should only perform Secure Boot authentication and boot in UEFI mode without loading Compatibility Support Module (CSM). BIOS refers to this setting to decide on the POST behavior. 68 NOTE: You cannot disable secure boot using the Dell Command | Configure user interface. One of the methods of disabling secureboot is from the BIOS setup screen. Table 6. Secure Boot with UEFI mode and Legacy Option ROM UEFI mode — enable legacyorom — enable UEFI mode — enable legacyorom — disable UEFI mode — disable legacyorom — enable When secureboot is enabled NOT Allowed Allowed NOT Allowed When secureboot is disabled NOT Allowed Allowed NOT Allowed --secureguardext Valid Argument enable, disable, softcontrolled Description Configures Secure Guard Extensions (SGX) feature. You can select enable or softcontrolled if this option is disabled. CAUTION: Using the Dell Command | Configure, you cannot do the following: • • • Disable this feature if the current state is enable or softcontrolled Enable this feature if the current state is softcontrolled Change this feature to softcontrolled if the current state is enable NOTE: One of the methods of configuring this feature is from the BIOS setup screen. --serial1 Valid Argument disable, auto, com1, com2, com3, com4, com1_bmc, bmcserial, bmclan, rac, RS232, RS422, RS485 Description Defines the 1st serial port configuration. --serial2 Valid Argument disable, auto, com2, com4, RS232, RS422, RS485 Description Defines the 2nd serial port configuration. --serial3 Valid Argument disable, auto, RS232, RS422, RS485 Description Configures the 3rd serial port of the system. --serial4 Valid Argument disable, auto, RS232, RS422, RS485 Description Configures the 4th serial port of the system --serial5 Valid Argument disable, auto Description Configures the 5th serial port of the system. 69 --serial6 Valid Argument disable, auto Description Configures the 6th serial port of the system. --serialcomm Valid Argument off, on, com1cr, com2cr Description Sets the behavior of the serial port communication. • off — Disables the COM port 1 and COM port 2. • on — Enables the COM port 1 and COM port 2. These ports are made available for use by the operating system or applications. BIOS Console Redirection is disabled. • com1cr — Enables the COM port 1 and COM port 2. These ports are made available for use by the operating system or applications. BIOS Console Redirection is through COM port 1. • com2cr — Enables the COM port 1 and COM port 2. These ports are made available for use by the operating system or applications. BIOS Console Redirection is through COM port 2. --serrdmimsg Valid Argument on, off Description Turns the serr Dmi messages on or off. --setuppwd Valid Argument Description Sets the setup password. An argument is required. The password cannot be displayed. Initially you can set the password. If you want to remove the password, provide one blank space and the old password. Example NOTE: Password containing special characters must be provided in double inverted commas (“”). To set the password: C:\>cctk --setuppwd= To change the password: C:\>cctk --setuppwd= --valsetuppwd= To remove the password: C:\>cctk --setuppwd= --valsetuppwd= --sfp Valid Argument enable, disable, enablewithpxe Description Enables or disables SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) device. • disable — Disables the SFP device. • enable — Enables the SFP device. • enablewithpxe — Enables the SFP device with PXE support. 70 NOTE: SFP device is listed as boot device only if this attribute is enabled with PXE. --sfuenabled Valid Argument yes, no Description Enables the verification of digital signatures in the BIOS update payload prior to the update. If yes, the system BIOS can be updated to versions that have valid digital signatures. However, it is not possible to restore the value. --sideusb Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB ports available on the side. • enable — Enables the USB ports available on the side. • disable — Disables the USB ports available on the side. --signoflifeindication Valid Argument enable, disable Description During POST, system acknowledges that the power button has been pressed in a manner that the user can either hear or feel. --sleepmode Valid Argument osautoselection, forces3 Description Determines which sleep mode to be used by the operating system. NOTE: The BIOS can only support either Modern Standby sleep mode (connected or disconnected), or S3 sleep mode. • • osautoselection — Allows the operating system to select the appropriate sleep mode automatically. forces3 — Forces the operating system to use the S3 sleep mode only. --sma Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the processor sequential memory access. --smartcardreader Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the smart card reader. --smartcpu Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables system’s smart CPU during low system activity. 71 --smarterrors Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables SMART errors. --snoopfilter Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the snoop filter option from the system BIOS. --speaker Valid Argument on, off, low, medium, high Description Turns the built-in speakers on or off. • • • • • on — turns on the built-in speaker. The speaker is enabled at the single system-supported volume. NOTE: This should be used only if low/medium/high attributes are not supported by the system. off — turns off the built-in speaker. low — Sets the volume of the built-in speaker to low. medium — Sets the volume of the built-in speakers to medium. high — Sets the volume of the built-in speakers to high. --speakersstealthmode Valid Argument unchanged, turnoff Description Configures the state of the onboard speakers depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled. • • turnoff — Turns off the onboard speakers if the stealth mode is enabled. unchanged — Retains the current state of the onboard speakers. --speedstep Valid Argument automatic, disable, maxperformance, maxbattery Description Sets the speedstep status to automatic, disable, maxperformance, or maxbattery. --splashscreen Valid Argument enable or disable Description Enables or disables the display of the splash or summary screen, rather than the detail of the POST flow. --sriov Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables BIOS support for Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) devices. 72 --standbystate Valid Argument s1, s3 Description Sets the system to ACPI S1 or S3 sleeping state when the systems enters standby mode. --stealthmode Valid Argument enable, disable Description Sets the operation mode of the system elements. If enabled, the system elements operate in the pre-programmed stealth mode. If disabled, the system elements operate in the normal mode. For example, • • • If stealth mode is enabled and the device stealth mode is set to turnoff, it turns the device off while pressing Fn+F7 keys. If the stealth mode is enabled and the device stealth mode is set to unchanged, then the device retains its status and remains unchanged while pressing Fn+F7 keys.. If the stealth mode is disabled, then the state of the device cannot be changed by the individual device stealth modes. Following are the system elements that have effect of stealth mode on them: • --bluetoothstealthmode • --fanstealthmode • --gpsstealthmode • --lcdstealthmode • --ledstealthmode • --speakersstealthmode • --wigigradiostealthmode • --wlanstealthmode • --wwanstealthmode --strongpwd Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables to enforce a strong password. --supportassistosrcvry Valid Arguments enable, disable --surroundview Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables SurroundView to use an additional AMD PCIE video card in conjunction with the onboard graphics card that allows to use multiple monitors concurrently. It is applicable only on the AMD platform. 73 --svcosclear Valid Argument enable, disable Description Deletes the service OS non-volatile region. • • enable - Deletes the service OS non-volatile region and changes the token status to Disabled. disable - Does not delete the service OS non-volatile region. --svctag Valid Argument Read-only Description Displays the service tag for a system. --switchablegraphics Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Switchable Graphics technology. When enabled, the system permits the use of discrete or integrated graphics controller, based on demand. When disabled, the system uses only the integrated graphics controller, which increases the battery life. --sysbatcharger Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the battery charging system. --sysdefaults Valid Argument reset Description Restores the BIOS configuration to factory settings. NOTE: Reboot the system on setting the value. --sysfanspeed Valid Argument fullspeed, noisereduce Description Sets the system fan speed. • fullspeed — Sets the speed for normal cooling. • noisereduce — Sets the speed to slow to reduce noise. --sysid Valid Argument Read-only Description Displays the Dell System’s ID byte for systems that support it. The value of this feature is -1, if the system does not support it. 74 --syslogoonirst Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables displaying the system logo from cache, during system resume using Intel Rapid Start Technology. • • enable — Enables displaying the system logo from cache, during system resume using Intel Rapid Start Technology. disable — Disables displaying the system logo from cache, during system resume using Intel Rapid Start Technology. --sysname Valid Argument Read-only Description Displays name of the system. --syspwd Valid Argument Description Sets the system password. An argument is required. The password cannot be reported. Initially you can set the password using CCTK. If you want to remove the password, provide one blank space and the old password. Example NOTE: Password containing special characters must be provided in double inverted commas (“”). To set the password: C:\>cctk --syspwd= To change the password: C:\>cctk --syspwd= --valsyspwd= To remove the password: C:\>cctk --syspwd= --valsyspwd= --sysrev Valid Argument Read-only Description Displays the system revision. --tabletbuttons Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables tablet buttons. --tertidemast Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the tertiary IDE master to off or auto. 75 tertideslav Valid Argument auto, off Description Sets the tertiary IDE slave to off or auto. --biossetupadvmode Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enabling BIOS Setup Advanced Mode makes all BIOS settings visible. --thermallogclear Valid Argument enable, disable Description Prevents or allows the thermal event log to be cleared on the next boot. • • disable — Does not clear the thermal event log on the next boot. enable — Clears the thermal event log on the next boot. --thunderbolt Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the thunderbolt controller in the system. --thunderboltbootsupport Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables booting from the Thunderbolt device. --thunderboltprebootmodule Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables OROMs and pre-boot UEFI drivers provided by Thunderbolt devices or PCIe devices. --thunderboltsecuritylevel Valid Argument nosecurity, userauthorization, secureconnect, displayport Description Configures the thunderbolt security level. • • • • 76 nosecurity — Disables the thunderbolt security. userauthorization — Allows minimum user notification. Connection manager requests connection approval from the host software, based on the unique ID of the connecting device, auto approval might or might not be given. secureconnect — Allows one-time saved key device. Connection manager requests connection approval from the host software; approval is given only if the host challenge to device is acceptable. displayport — Allows to connect only display port. --touchscreen Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the touchscreen of the device. --tpm Valid Argument on, off Description Turns the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on or off. --tpmactivation Valid Argument activate, deactivated Description Remotely activates the TPM depending on certain security criteria. The deactivated option is a read-only argument for reporting the current activation state of the TPM. To activate TPM, • • • Password must be set TPM must not be owned TPM must be deactivated For more information, see Dell Command | Configure User’s Guide at dellclientcommandsuitemanuals. --tpmhashalgo Valid Argument Description sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 Sets the hash algorithm used for TPM 2.0 measurements. • • • • sha1 — Sets hash algorithm to SHA-1 sha256 — Sets hash algorithm to SHA-256 sha384 — Sets hash algorithm to SHA-384 sha512 — Sets hash algorithm to SHA-512 NOTE: This value cannot be changed if TPM is already owned. --tpmppiacpi Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Physical Presence Interface (PPI) commands for TPM ACPI. --tpmppidpo Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables physical presence for the TPM ACPI PPI deprovision operations. 77 --tpmppipo Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables physical presence for the TPM ACPI PPI provision operations. --trustexecution Valid Argument on, off Description Sets the Intel Trusted Execution Technology. --turbomode Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables single core-based turbo mode. When enabled, Intel Turbo Boost Technology allows processor(s) to run at frequencies higher than the advertised frequency. --typecbtryovrldprotection Valid Argument 7.5, 15 Description Configures the maximum power (in Watts) for type-C connector. --uartpowerdown Valid Argument on, off Description Enables the operating system to power down Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) or disables the operating system from powering down UART. --uefibootpathsecurity Valid Argument alwaysexceptinternalhdd, always, never Description Determines whether the system should prompt the user to enter the Admin password, if set, while booting from a UEFI boot path from the F12 Boot Menu. • • • alwaysexceptinternalhdd — All UEFI boot paths require the user to enter the Admin password, except for the boot paths that are hosted on an internal hard disk drives. always — Booting from any UEFI boot path requires the user to enter the Admin password. never — The Admin password is not required for booting from UEFI boot paths. --ueficapsule Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables BIOS updates via UEFI capsule update packages. NOTE: Disabling this option blocks the BIOS updates from services such as Microsoft Windows Update and Linux Vendor Firmware Service (LVFS). 78 --uefinwstack Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the UEFI network protocols that allow the usage of network card in a preinstallation environment. --universalconnect Valid Argument enable, disable Description Allows or denies Windows 95 from re-enumerating when a new dock device is attached to the system. • enable — Denies Windows 95 from re-enumerating when a new dock device is attached to the system. • disable — Allows Windows 95 from re-enumerating when a new dock device is attached to the system. Example C:\>cctk --universalconnect=enable universalconnect=enable --unmanagednic Valid Argument enable, disable, enablewithpxe Description Configures the state of the Onboard Unmanaged Network Interface Card (NIC). • enable — Enables the secondary NIC. • disable — Disables the secondary NIC. • enablewithpxe — Enables the secondary NIC and supports the PXE for network boot. --unobstrusivemode Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the hotkey + . When enabled, pressing + turns off the light and sound emissions of the fans and wireless radios in the system. To resume normal operations, press + again. usb Valid Argument on, off, legacy Description Turns the USB ports on or off. --usb30 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB 3.0 controller. 79 --usbctl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the USB controllers. --usbemu Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables emulation of USB devices. --usbemunousbboot Valid Argument enable Description Enables emulation of USB devices except bootable devices. --usbflash Valid Argument auto, fdd, hdd Description Sets the USB flash drive emulation to auto, floppy, or hard disk. --usbport00 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 00. --usbport01 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 01. --usbport02 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 02. --usbport03 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 03. --usbport04 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 04. 80 --usbport05 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 05. --usbport06 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 06. --usbport07 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 07. --usbport08 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 08. --usbport09 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 09. --usbport10 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 10. --usbport11 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 11. --usbport12 Valid Argument enable, disable --usbport13 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 13. 81 --usbport14 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 14. --usbport15 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 15. --usbport20 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 20. --usbport21 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 21. --usbport22 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 22. --usbport23 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB port 23. --usbports Valid Argument enable, disable, enablebackonly Description Enables or disables user accessible USB ports. If set to enablebackonly , it enables BIOS emulation of all supported USB devices except for bootable devices (floppy, USB flash, and so on). This is a security feature that will prevent users from inserting a USB boot device and booting an operating system from it. Non-bootable devices (keyboard, mouse, and hub) are still emulated. --usbportsexternal Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the external USB ports. 82 --usbportsfront Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the USB ports on the front of the chassis. --usbpowershare Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the USB PowerShare. --usbprovision Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables Provisioning of Intel AMT from a USB storage device. • • enable — Intel AMT can be provisioned using the local provisioning file via a USB storage device. disable — Provisioning of Intel AMT from a USB storage device is blocked. --usbreardual Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the rear dual stack of USB ports if there is only one rear dual stack. --usbreardual2stack Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the second rear dual stack of USB ports if there are two rear dual stacks. --usbrearquad Valid Argument on, off Description Enables or disables rear Quad USB ports or rear triple stack on OptiPlex 740. --usbwake Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables USB wake setting in the next boot. Any USB input device can generate a wake event. --usbwakefroms4 Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the USB wake from s4 power state of the system. • • enable - Enables the USB wake from s4 power state of the system. disable - Disables the USB wake from s4 power state of the system. 83 --uuid Valid Argument Read-only Description Reports the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for a system. The UUID is a unique system identifier used in PXE requests. --vaconfiglock Valid Argument unlock, lock Description Sets the Intel Virtual Appliance Configuration lock. --valsetuppwd Valid Argument Description Validates the setup password while setting a value in the BIOS. This is applicable only if you set a setup password or both setup password and system password. --valsyspwd Valid Argument Description Validates the system password while setting a value in the BIOS. This is applicable only if you set a system password and did not set a setup password. --vaphysicalpresenceconfirm Valid Argument on, off Description Sets the VA Physical Presence Confirmation. If set to off, it will allow VA install application to make virtual appliance configuration changes without rebooting. If set to on, it forces VA install application to reboot the system to make virtual appliance configuration. --vgadacsnoop Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Video Graphics Array (VGA) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Snoop in BIOS. --videoexpsn Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the video expansion. --videomemsize Valid Argument auto, off, 12 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB Description Sets the video memory size to the specified value. These arguments are used to configure the amount of memory allocated to the onboard video chipset. 84 --virtualappliance Valid Argument on, off Description Sets the virtual appliance support for a system. --virtualization Valid Argument disable, enable Description Enables or disables the virtualization in CPU. • enable — Enables the additional hardware capabilities provided by Virtualization Technology in applicable CPUs. • disable — Disables the additional hardware capabilities provided by Virtualization Technology. --vtfordirectio Valid Argument on, off Description Enables or disables Intel Virtualization Technology for Direct I/O (VT-d), a new chipset feature that enhances I/O support (DMA) when running a virtual machine monitor. --wakeondock Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables waking the system when a docking connection is made. --wakeonlan Valid Argument enable, disable, addincard, onboard, enablewakeonwlan, lanorwlan, lanwithpxeboot, sfp, lanorsfp, sfpwithpxeboot Description Defines the wake-on-LAN feature. • enable — The system wake-on-LAN feature is enabled; either an onboard or an add-in NIC can wake the system up. • disable — The system does not respond to magic packets or other means of wake-on-LAN. The NIC chip section that looks for packets will not be powered. • addincard — Enables NICs, plugged into the special power connector, as the source of any wake-on-LAN signal. • onboard — The onboard NIC is enabled for wake-on-LAN. • enablewakeonwlan — Enables wake-on-LAN for wireless. • lanorwlan — On systems that have onboard LAN and wireless LAN hardware, enables wake on either wired or wireless LAN. • lanwithpxeboot — Enables the network controller and causes the system to wake up and immediately boot to PXE when a wake packet is sent to the system in the S4 or S5 state. • sfp — Allows the system to wake-up by special SFP signals. • lanorsfp — Allows the system to wake-up either by LAN, or by SFP signals. • sfpwithpxeboot — Allows the system to wake-up by SFP singnals, and immediately boot to PXE. Example C:\>cctk --wakeonlan=lanwithpxeboot wakeonlan=lanwithpxeboot 85 --wakeonlanbootovrd Valid Argument Description enable, disable Enables or disables the wake on LAN boot override feature. • • enable — When the system powers on due to a wake-on-LAN event, the NIC boot-ROM is automatically given the highest boot priority, pre-pending the PXE boot-ROM to the system current boot sequence. If the system powers on due to some other event, this selection does not influence the boot sequence. disable — Disables the boot override feature and the system boot sequence is in effect for all types of system power on. --warningsanderrors Valid Argument disable, contonwarn, contonwarnanderrors Description During POST the system continues to boot or pauses when warnings or errors are detected. This feature can be used for the remotely managed systems that do not have a keyboard or a console for the user to respond. • • • disable — System pauses for the user to respond when warnings or errors are detected. contonwarn — System continues to boot when warnings are detected, but pauses for the user to respond when errors are detected. contonwarnanderrors — System continues to boot when warnings or errors are detected. NOTE: Errors deemed critical to the operation of the system hardware will always halt the system. Example C:\>cctk --warningsanderrors=disable warningsanderrors=disable --watchdogtimer Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the system to reboot or reset when the watchdog time expires. --wificatcherchanges Valid Argument permit, deny Description Permits or denies Wi-Fi catcher changes. If the administrator password is not set, this setting will have no effect. --wifilocator Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Wi-Fi locator. When enabled, the locator feature can be activated during S3 to indicate the presence and intensity of wireless network(s), without fully waking the system. --wigigradiostealthmode Valid Argument turnoff, unchanged Description Configures or displays the state of Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig) radio depending on the Unobtrusive mode or stealth mode is enabled or disabled. 86 • • turnoff — Turns off the WiGig radio if the Unobtrusive mode or stealth mode is enabled. unchanged — Retains the current state of the Wigig radio. --wirelessadapter Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the wireless adapter. --wirelessdevice Valid Argument disable, enablectrlbyapp, enablectrlhotkeyapp Description Sets the wireless device. • disable — Disables wireless devices. • enablectrlbyapp — Enables controlling by an application such as QuickSet. • enablectrlhotkeyapp — Enables controlling by the hotkey or by an application such as QuickSet. --wirelesslan Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the wireless LAN module. --wirelessuwb Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Wireless On/Off switch for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radio. --wirelesswitchbluetoothctrl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables wireless switch bluetooth control. • disable — For systems that have a physical Wireless On/Off Switch, switch has no effect on the state of the Bluetooth radio. • enable — Switch turns the Bluetooth radio on and off. --wirelesswitchcellularctrl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables wireless switch cellular control. • disable — If the systems that have a physical Wireless On/Off Switch, the switch has no effect on the state of the cellular radio. • enable — Switch turns the cellular (WWAN) radio on and off. 87 --wirelesswitchchanges Valid Argument permit, deny Description Permits or denies wireless switch changes. If the administrator password is not set, this setting has no effect. --wirelesswitchnlanctrl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the wireless switch for the wireless LAN control. • enable — Switch turns the wireless LAN radio on and off.. • disable — If the systems have a physical Wireless On/Off Switch, switch has no effect on the state of the wireless LAN radio --wirelesswitchwigigctrl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the Wireless Gigabit (WiGig) radio control switch on the dock to use the WiGig physical switch. When disabled, the user cannot control WiGig using the physical switch on the dock. --wlanregioncode Valid Argument rtw, na, eur, jpn, aus, chn, twn, idn Description Sets the WLAN code for specific region. • • • • • • • • rtw — (Rest of the World) Sets the WLAN region code for the rest of the world. This option is selected by default. na — (North America (FCC)) Sets the WLAN region code for Canada, and the United States. eur — (Europe) Sets the WLAN region code for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom. jpn — (Japan) Sets the WLAN region code for Japan only. aus — (Australia) Sets the WLAN region code for Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, and Vietnam. chn — (China South Asia) Sets the WLAN region code for China, and India. twn — (Taiwan) Sets the WLAN region code for Colombia, Peru, and Taiwan. idn — (Indonesia) Sets the WLAN region code for Indonesia only. --wlanstealthmode Valid Argument unchanged, turnoff Description Configures the state of the WLAN (WiGig) radio depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled. • unchanged— Retains the current state of the WLAN (and WiGig) radio. • turnoff— Turns off the WLAN (and WiGig) radio if the stealth mode is enabled. 88 --wswitchwlanwigigctrl Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the effect of physical wireless switch on wireless LAN and WiGig radio. • • enable — If the wireless physical switch is on, turns the wireless LAN on and WiGig radio on. If the wireless switch is off, turns the wireless LAN on and WiGig radio off. disable— The wireless physical switch does not effect the wireless LAN and WiGig radios. --wswitchgpsonwwanradio Valid Argument enable, disable Description Enables or disables the effect of physical wireless switch on the GPS radio of the wireless WAN card. • enable — If enabled, wireless switch turns the GPS radio of the wireless WAN card on or off. • disable — If disabled, wireless switch does not have any effect on the state of the GPS radio of the wireless WAN card. --wwanstealthmode Valid Argument unchanged, turnoff Description Configures the state of the WWAN (and WiGig) radio depending on the Stealth mode is enabled or disabled. • unchanged— Retains the current state of the of the WWAN (and WiGig) radio. • turnoff— Turns off the WWAN (and WiGig) radio if the Stealth mode is enabled. --wxanradio Valid Argument disable, wlanon, wwanon Description Sets the WLAN and WWAN options. • disable — Disables both WLAN and WWAN. • wlanon — Enables WLAN radio and disables WWAN radio. • wwanon — Enables WWAN radio and disables WLAN radio. --wysep25access Valid Argument enable, disable Description Allows or prevents the access to BIOS setup through Dell Wyse P25 PCoIP client. Advanced System Management Advanced System Management (ASM) is a feature supported on Dell Precision R7610, T5810 ,T7810, T7910 and later workstations. The feature displays information about voltage, temperature, current, cooling device, and power supply probes. The feature also allows you to set the non-critical upper threshold values of voltage, current, cooling, and temperature probes. 89 ASM probes and options ASM allows to display the details from the available probes. The following table lists the probes and the corresponding options for displaying the probe details. Table 7. ASM probes and options ASM Probes Options Voltage v Current c Temperature t Power supply p Cooling device f All probes all Displaying the probe details You can display the details of power supply, voltage, current, temperature, and cooling device probes. To display the probe details, type: cctk advsm --report=

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Title                           : Dell Command | Configure Version 3.2 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
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