Dell Data Protection Encryption AdminHelp Security Management Server V9.10 User Manual Admin Help Reference Guide4 En Us
User Manual: Dell dell-data-protection-encryption - AdminHelp - Security Management Server v9.10
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Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Table of Contents Welcome ......................................................................................................................... 1 About the Online Help System ............................................................................................ 1 Attributions, Copyrights, and Trademarks .............................................................................. 1 Get Started ..................................................................................................................... 11 Get Started with Dell Data Security ..................................................................................... 11 Log In ......................................................................................................................... 11 Log Out ....................................................................................................................... 11 Dashboard ................................................................................................................... 12 Start Services ............................................................................................................... 14 Stop Services ................................................................................................................ 15 Change the Superadmin Password ....................................................................................... 16 Components .................................................................................................................... 17 Remote Management Console ............................................................................................ 17 Architecture Drawings ..................................................................................................... 17 Architecture with Manager ............................................................................................. 17 Architecture with Encryption Enterprise for Windows/Manager ................................................. 18 Default Port Values ........................................................................................................ 18 Proxy Servers ................................................................................................................ 19 Types of Proxy Servers .................................................................................................. 19 Policy Proxy ................................................................................................................. 20 Time Slotting ............................................................................................................. 20 Polling ..................................................................................................................... 20 Poll Triggers ........................................................................................................... 20 Failed Poll Attempts .................................................................................................. 20 General Information .................................................................................................. 20 Navigate the Dell Server ..................................................................................................... 21 Navigation ................................................................................................................... 21 Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 21 Populations ............................................................................................................... 21 Reporting.................................................................................................................. 21 Management .............................................................................................................. 21 Masthead icons .............................................................................................................. 21 i Table of Contents Disconnected Mode ......................................................................................................... 21 Client Activation ......................................................................................................... 22 Remote Management Console ......................................................................................... 22 Functionality ............................................................................................................. 22 Dashboard ................................................................................................................... 22 Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 23 Notifications List ......................................................................................................... 25 Notification Types .................................................................................................... 25 Priority Levels ......................................................................................................... 26 Endpoint Protection Status ............................................................................................. 26 Protection Status ........................................................................................................ 26 Threat Protection Status ............................................................................................... 27 Threat Protection Status for Severity Level ......................................................................... 27 Advanced Threat Prevention Events .................................................................................. 28 Advanced Threats by Priority .......................................................................................... 28 Advanced Threat Prevention Classifications ........................................................................ 30 Type of Threat ........................................................................................................ 30 Score .................................................................................................................... 32 File Type ............................................................................................................... 32 Priority Level .......................................................................................................... 32 Advanced Threats Top Ten ............................................................................................. 32 Endpoint Protection History............................................................................................ 33 Endpoint Inventory History ............................................................................................. 33 Summary Statistics ...................................................................................................... 33 Endpoint OS Report...................................................................................................... 34 Platform Report .......................................................................................................... 34 Populations .................................................................................................................. 34 Populations ............................................................................................................... 34 Enterprise ................................................................................................................. 35 View or Modify Enterprise-Level Policies ......................................................................... 35 View Threat Events ................................................................................................... 35 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats ............................................................................. 35 Advanced Threats tab ............................................................................................. 35 Advanced Threat Events tab...................................................................................... 36 ii Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Domains ................................................................................................................... 36 Domains ................................................................................................................ 36 Add a Domain ....................................................................................................... 36 Users .................................................................................................................... 37 Add a User by Domain ............................................................................................. 37 User Groups ............................................................................................................ 38 Add a User Group................................................................................................... 38 Add Non-Domain Users ............................................................................................... 38 View or Modify Domain Policies and Information ................................................................ 38 Domain Details & Actions ............................................................................................ 39 Domain Members ...................................................................................................... 39 Domain Settings ....................................................................................................... 40 Domain Key Server .................................................................................................... 41 User Groups ............................................................................................................... 41 User Groups ............................................................................................................ 41 Add a User Group................................................................................................... 41 Remove User Groups ................................................................................................. 42 Find User Groups ...................................................................................................... 42 View or Modify User Group Policies and Information............................................................ 42 VDI User Policies ...................................................................................................... 43 Policy and Configuration Requirements for VDI Users ........................................................ 43 User Group Details & Actions ....................................................................................... 44 User Group Members ................................................................................................. 44 Add Users to the Group ........................................................................................... 44 Remove Users from the Group ................................................................................... 45 User Group Admin .................................................................................................... 45 Edit Group Priority .................................................................................................... 45 Edit Endpoint Group Priority ..................................................................................... 45 Edit User Group Priority ........................................................................................... 46 Assign or Modify Administrator Roles .............................................................................. 47 View Reconciliation Date ............................................................................................ 48 View Policy Proxy State .............................................................................................. 48 Users ....................................................................................................................... 48 Users .................................................................................................................... 48 iii Table of Contents Add a User by Domain ............................................................................................. 48 Remove Users .......................................................................................................... 49 Find Users .............................................................................................................. 49 Deactivate/Suspend Users ........................................................................................... 49 Reinstate Suspended Users .......................................................................................... 50 View or Modify User Policies and Information .................................................................... 50 User Details & Actions................................................................................................ 51 User Endpoints ........................................................................................................ 51 User Groups ............................................................................................................ 52 User Admin ............................................................................................................. 53 View Reconciliation Date ............................................................................................ 53 View Policy Proxy State .............................................................................................. 53 Issue a User Decryption Policy ...................................................................................... 54 Endpoint Groups ......................................................................................................... 54 Endpoint Groups ...................................................................................................... 54 Types of Endpoint Groups ......................................................................................... 54 Add an Endpoint Group ............................................................................................ 54 Remove an Endpoint Group ....................................................................................... 55 Modify an Endpoint Group ........................................................................................ 55 VDI Endpoint Groups .................................................................................................. 55 Policy and Configuration Requirements for VDI Endpoint Groups .......................................... 55 Persistent vs. Non-Persistent VDI................................................................................... 56 Endpoint Groups Specification ...................................................................................... 57 Endpoint Group Specification .................................................................................... 57 Operators and Expressions ........................................................................................ 58 Summary .......................................................................................................... 59 Examples .......................................................................................................... 59 Edit Group Priority .................................................................................................... 60 Edit Endpoint Group Priority ..................................................................................... 60 Edit User Group Priority ........................................................................................... 61 View Endpoints in an Endpoint Group ............................................................................. 62 View or Modify Endpoint Group Policies and Information ...................................................... 62 Endpoint Group Details & Actions .................................................................................. 63 Endpoint Group Members ............................................................................................ 63 iv Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Add Endpoints to an Admin-Defined Endpoint Group ......................................................... 63 Remove Endpoints from an Admin-Defined Endpoint Group ................................................ 64 Endpoints ................................................................................................................. 64 Endpoints ............................................................................................................... 64 Add Endpoint to Group ............................................................................................ 65 Remove Endpoints.................................................................................................. 65 Find Endpoints ......................................................................................................... 65 View or Modify Endpoint Policies and Information .............................................................. 66 View Effective Policy ................................................................................................. 66 Endpoint Details & Actions .......................................................................................... 67 Endpoint Detail ..................................................................................................... 67 Shield Detail ........................................................................................................ 68 Manager Detail (Windows only) .................................................................................. 71 States ................................................................................................................ 71 Threat Protection Detail (Windows only) ....................................................................... 73 Advanced Threat Prevention Detail ............................................................................. 73 Mobile Device Detail ............................................................................................... 73 Cloud Device Control .............................................................................................. 74 FDE Device Control (Windows only) ............................................................................. 74 PBA Device Control (Windows only) ............................................................................. 74 Protected Status ...................................................................................................... 75 Endpoint Users ........................................................................................................ 75 Shield ................................................................................................................ 76 Cloud ................................................................................................................. 76 Endpoint Groups ...................................................................................................... 76 Endpoint Threat Events .............................................................................................. 76 Endpoint Advanced Threats ......................................................................................... 77 List of Events ....................................................................................................... 77 Configure the Threat List ......................................................................................... 78 Export ............................................................................................................. 78 Quarantine........................................................................................................ 78 Waive .............................................................................................................. 79 Exploit Attempts ................................................................................................... 79 Endpoint Advanced Threat Events ................................................................................. 79 v Table of Contents Server Encryption Clients ............................................................................................ 80 Suspend a Server Encryption Client ............................................................................. 80 Reinstate a Suspended Server Encryption Client .............................................................. 80 Commands for Self-Encrypting Drives ............................................................................. 81 Priority of Commands for Self-Encrypting Drives ............................................................. 81 Allow PBA Login Bypass ........................................................................................... 81 Unlock a Self-Encrypting Drive ................................................................................... 82 Remove Users from Endpoint with Self-Encrypting Drive .................................................... 82 Lock a Self-Encrypting Drive...................................................................................... 82 Send Wipe Command to Self-Encrypting Drive ................................................................ 83 Set the Server Connection Retry Interval ...................................................................... 83 Administrators............................................................................................................ 83 Assign or Modify Administrator Roles .............................................................................. 83 Administrator Roles ................................................................................................... 84 Delegate Administrator Rights ...................................................................................... 87 Reporting .................................................................................................................... 88 Manage Reports .......................................................................................................... 88 Manage Reports ....................................................................................................... 88 Manage reports ..................................................................................................... 88 View or modify an existing report ............................................................................... 88 Create a new report ............................................................................................... 88 View Report ............................................................................................................ 89 Query using Search and More... to filter ....................................................................... 90 Export File ........................................................................................................... 90 Compliance Reporter .................................................................................................... 90 Data Guardian Audit Events ............................................................................................ 91 Map visualization ...................................................................................................... 91 Audit event options and filters ..................................................................................... 92 Options in the Columns dropdown ............................................................................... 93 Protected Office Document audit events ......................................................................... 94 Examples of Map Visualization and Column Filters ........................................................... 96 Example of drilling in at the map level ...................................................................... 96 Get Started with Data Guardian Audit Events....................................................................... 97 Audit Protected Office Documents ................................................................................. 97 vi Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Audit Cloud Encryption............................................................................................... 98 Default Monikers and Columns ...................................................................................... 98 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) .................................................................. 99 View Audit Events (Geolocation) ...................................................................................... 99 Event Data ........................................................................................................... 100 Export Events to a SIEM/Syslog Server ............................................................................. 100 Export Audit Events with TLS/SSL over TCP .................................................................... 101 Advanced Threat Prevention Syslog Event Types ................................................................. 102 Advanced Threat Prevention Syslog IP Addresses ................................................................ 105 Management ............................................................................................................... 106 Commit Policies ........................................................................................................ 106 Log Analyzer ............................................................................................................ 106 Recovery ................................................................................................................ 107 Recover Data - Encryption External Media Authentication Failure ......................................... 107 Encryption External Media Recovery for User "Removed" from Database .................................. 110 Enable Federated Key Recovery .................................................................................. 111 Recover Data - BitLocker Manager ............................................................................... 111 SED Recovery ........................................................................................................ 111 SED Authentication Failure ..................................................................................... 111 SED Endpoint Recovery .......................................................................................... 111 Recover Endpoint ................................................................................................... 112 Windows Recovery ............................................................................................... 112 SED Recovery ..................................................................................................... 112 Encryption External Media Recovery .......................................................................... 112 Mac Recovery ..................................................................................................... 112 License Management .................................................................................................. 112 License Management ............................................................................................... 113 Upload Client Access Licenses ................................................................................. 113 View or Add License Notifications ............................................................................. 113 CAL Information ..................................................................................................... 113 Licensing ........................................................................................................... 113 Upload Client Access Licenses .................................................................................... 114 Services Management ................................................................................................. 115 Services Management .............................................................................................. 115 vii Table of Contents Provision or Recover Advanced Threat Prevention Service .................................................. 115 Provision service ................................................................................................. 115 Recover service ................................................................................................... 115 Enroll for Advanced Threat Prevention Agent Auto Updates ................................................ 116 Receive agent auto updates .................................................................................... 116 Stop receiving agent auto updates ............................................................................ 116 Events Management - Export Audit Events to a SIEM Server ................................................. 116 Product Notifications ................................................................................................. 116 Receive product notifications ..................................................................................... 116 Stop receiving product notifications ............................................................................. 117 Notification Management ............................................................................................. 117 Notification Management .......................................................................................... 117 Enable SMTP Server for Email Notifications .................................................................... 117 NotificationObjects.config ...................................................................................... 117 Notification.config ............................................................................................... 118 External User Management ........................................................................................... 118 Allow or Block Access .............................................................................................. 118 Key Request .......................................................................................................... 119 Key Revocation ...................................................................................................... 119 Change the Superadmin Password .................................................................................. 119 Change Account Lockout Settings ................................................................................... 120 Manage Policies.............................................................................................................. 121 Manage Security Policies ................................................................................................ 121 Localize Policies Displayed on the Endpoint Computer ............................................................ 122 Localizable Policies ...................................................................................................... 123 Windows Encryption...................................................................................................... 125 Windows Encryption ................................................................................................... 125 Variables ............................................................................................................. 134 %CSIDL:name% ................................................................................................. 134 %HKCU:regpath% ............................................................................................... 136 %HKLM:regpath% ............................................................................................... 136 %ENV:envname% ............................................................................................... 136 %% ................................................................................................................ 136 Windows Policies that Require Reboot .......................................................................... 136 viii Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Windows Policies that Require Logoff ........................................................................... 136 Advanced Windows Encryption ...................................................................................... 136 Variables ............................................................................................................. 166 %CSIDL:name% ................................................................................................. 166 %HKCU:regpath% ............................................................................................... 168 %HKLM:regpath% ............................................................................................... 168 %ENV:envname% ............................................................................................... 168 %% ................................................................................................................ 168 Windows Policies that Require Reboot .......................................................................... 168 Windows Policies that Require Logoff ........................................................................... 168 Encryption Rules ....................................................................................................... 169 Protected Directories .............................................................................................. 169 Modifiers – What they are and what they do ................................................................... 171 Using the Override Modifier ....................................................................................... 171 Encrypting/Not Encrypting Extensions .......................................................................... 171 Examples of extension inclusions/exclusion .............................................................. 171 Encrypting/Not Encrypting Directories .......................................................................... 172 Examples of folder inclusion/exclusion .................................................................... 172 Sub-directories and Precedence of Directives.................................................................. 172 Example of sub-directories .................................................................................. 172 Example 1 of competing directives: ........................................................................ 172 Example 2 of competing directives: ........................................................................ 173 Example 3 of competing directives: ........................................................................ 173 Environment Variables, KNOWNFOLDERID constants, and CSIDL ............................................ 173 Application Data Encryption (ADE) ............................................................................... 175 Example Policies for Common/User Key Encryption ........................................................ 175 System Data Encryption (SDE) .................................................................................... 175 Policies for SDE Encryption ..................................................................................... 176 Notes .................................................................................................................. 180 Protection of SystemRoot ....................................................................................... 180 Encryption External Media ...................................................................................... 180 What Happens When Policies Tie .............................................................................. 181 Generic Drive Statements....................................................................................... 181 Remove System Data Encryption (SDE) ............................................................................. 181 ix Table of Contents Remove HCA-Based Encryption ...................................................................................... 181 Authentication ............................................................................................................ 181 Authentication ......................................................................................................... 181 Advanced Authentication ............................................................................................. 183 Threat Prevention ........................................................................................................ 190 Threat Prevention ..................................................................................................... 190 Advanced Threat Prevention ......................................................................................... 194 Client Firewall Settings and Rules .................................................................................. 227 Client Firewall Options .......................................................................................... 227 Client Firewall Rules ............................................................................................. 229 Policies Set by Application Control ................................................................................. 232 Advanced Threat Events tab fields and filters .................................................................... 233 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Protection ............................................................... 233 Threats ............................................................................................................... 233 File Details ........................................................................................................... 235 Script Control Table ................................................................................................ 235 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Agents ................................................................... 236 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Certificate .............................................................. 236 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Cylance Score and Threat Model Updates ......................... 237 Threat Model Updates .............................................................................................. 237 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Global List............................................................... 238 Global Quarantine .................................................................................................. 238 Safe ................................................................................................................... 239 Unassigned ........................................................................................................... 240 Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Options .................................................................. 241 Threat Data Report .................................................................................................... 242 Export Data .......................................................................................................... 242 Advanced Threat Prevention Classifications ...................................................................... 242 Enable Compatibility Mode for Memory Protection .............................................................. 242 Disconnected Mode Policy Examples ............................................................................... 244 Global Allow policy example ...................................................................................... 244 Quarantine List and Safe List policy examples ................................................................. 246 Threat Protection Policy Overview ................................................................................. 247 Configurable Actions - After Threat is Detected ......................................................... 248 x Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Reputation Service Sensitivity policies..................................................................... 248 Client Firewall Policies .......................................................................................... 249 Client Firewall options........................................................................................ 249 Client Firewall rules .......................................................................................... 249 Web Protection Policies ......................................................................................... 249 Designate a Threat Protection Signature Update Server ........................................................ 250 Data Guardian............................................................................................................. 251 Data Guardian .......................................................................................................... 251 Advanced Data Guardian ............................................................................................. 255 Set Cover Page Policies ............................................................................................ 263 Cloud Profile Update .................................................................................................. 264 Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Windows ........................................................... 264 Set Policies for Protected Office Documents ................................................................... 265 Determine Impact on Windows Users for Opt-in or Force Protected Modes ............................... 265 Enable Both Cloud Encryption and Protected Office Documents ............................................ 267 Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mac ................................................................. 267 Set Protected Office Document Policies ........................................................................ 268 Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mobile Devices .................................................... 268 Set Protected Office Document Policies ........................................................................ 268 Set Policies to Protect Office Documents on the web client ................................................... 269 Set Protected Office Document Policies ........................................................................ 269 Removable Media Encryption ........................................................................................... 269 Removable Media Encryption ........................................................................................ 269 Removable Media Policies that Require Logoff ................................................................ 272 Advanced Removable Media Encryption............................................................................ 272 Removable Media Policies that Require Logoff ................................................................ 281 Mac Encryption............................................................................................................ 281 Mac Encryption ......................................................................................................... 281 Advanced Mac Encryption ............................................................................................ 284 Port Control ............................................................................................................... 285 Port Control ............................................................................................................ 285 Advanced Port Control ................................................................................................ 286 Global Settings ............................................................................................................ 288 Advanced Global Settings ............................................................................................... 289 xi Welcome About the Online Help System Version: 9.10 Attributions, Copyrights, and Trademarks Dell Encryption is a trademark of Dell Inc. Protected by one or more U.S. Patents, including: Number 7665125; Number 7437752; and Number 7665118. The software described in this help system is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Third Party Software I. OpenSSL License - Copyright (c) 1998-2011 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. LICENSE ISSUES ============== The OpenSSL toolkit stays under a dual license, i.e. both the conditions of the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay license apply to the toolkit. See below for the actual license texts. Actually both licenses are BSD-style Open Source licenses. In case of any license issues related to OpenSSL please contact OpenSSL License ==================================================================== Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: A. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. B. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. C. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (". D. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact E. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project. F. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT "AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 1 Welcome PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==================================================================== This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ( Original SSLeay License Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ( All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young ( The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are adhered to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed. If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. c. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (" The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the routines from the library being used are not cryptographic related. d. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG "AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The licence and distribution terms for any publicly available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU Public Licence.]. II. Portions of this product use Commons IO, Commons DBCP, and Commons LANG. You may obtain a copy of the licenses at III. Portions of this product use OrientDB. You may obtain a copy of the license at 2 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 IV. Portions of this product use Apache Wink. You may obtain a copy of the license at V. Portions of this product use Jackson JSON. You may obtain a copy of the license at VI. Portions of this product use Jetty. You may obtain a copy of the license at VII. Portions of this product use ActiveMQ. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use jasypt. You may obtain a copy of the license at VIII. IX. Portions of this product make use of zlib. You may obtain a copy of the license at /* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library version 1.2.7, May 2nd, 2012 Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: A. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. B. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. C. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler X. Portions of this product make use of Apache Tomcat ( You may obtain a copy of the license at XI. Portions of this product make use of Apache Commons HTTPClient. You may obtain a copy of the license at XII. Portions of this product make use of log4net. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product make use of MVVM Light Toolkit. You may obtain a copy of the license at XIII. XIV. Portions of this product make use of Apache JDBCLog, Apache Software Foundation. You may obtain a copy of the license at XV. Portions of this product make use of Apache Log4J, Apache Software Foundation. You may obtain a copy of the license at XVI. Portions of this product make use of Apache Struts, Apache Software Foundation. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product make use of Struts2. You may obtain a copy of the license at XVII. Portions of this product make use of Struts Beanutils, Apache Software Foundation. You may obtain XVIII. a copy of the license at XIX. Portions of this product make use of Struts Digester, Apache Software Foundation. You may obtain a copy of the license at 3 Welcome XX. Portions of this product make use of Apache xmlrpc, Apache Software Foundation. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXI. Portions of this product make use of Bean Scripting Framework (, Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 Portions of this product make use of Apache Commons CLI (, XXII. Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 Portions of this product make use of Apache Commons EL (, XXIII. Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 Portions of this product make use of Groovy. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXIV. Portions of this product make use of H2. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXV. Portions of this product make use of Application Framework. You may obtain a copy of XXVI. the license at XXVII. Portions of this product make use of Java Service Wrapper ( You may obtain a copy of the license at XXVIII. Portions of this product make use of Xalan. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product make use of FreeMarker. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXIX. Portions of this product make use of Velocity. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXX. Portions of this product make use of MSV. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXXI. XXXII. Portions of this product make use of FLIB. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXXIII. Portions of this product makes use of libraries developed by Boost (, under the following license: Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003. XXXIV. Portions of this product make use of ANTLR. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXXV. Portions of this product make use of BIRT. You may obtain a copy of the license at XXXVI. Portions of this product make use of the getopt function, Copyright © 1987-2002 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: A. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. B. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. C. Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 4 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. XXXVII. Portions of this product make use of the SHA-2 algorithm, Copyright © 2002, Dr. Brian Gladman (, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved. A. LICENSE TERMS The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that: 1. Distributions of this source code include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; 2. Distributions in binary form include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other associated materials; 3. The copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products built using this software without specific written permission. DISCLAIMER This software is provided "as is" with no explicit or implied warranties in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness and/or fitness for purpose. XXXVIII. Portions of this product make use of STLport. A copy of the license may be obtained at A. License Agreement: Boris Fomitchev grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use STLport and its documentation without fee. By downloading, using, or copying STLport or any portion thereof, Licensee agrees to abide by the intellectual property laws and all other applicable laws of the United States of America, and to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Licensee shall maintain the following copyright and permission notices on STLport sources and its documentation unchanged: Copyright 1999,2000 Boris Fomitchev This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied. Any use is at your own risk. Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice. The Licensee may distribute binaries compiled with STLport (whether original or modified) without any royalties or restrictions. The Licensee may distribute original or modified STLport sources, provided that: o 5 The conditions indicated in the above permission notice are met; Welcome The following copyright notices are retained when present, and conditions provided in accompanying permission notices are met : o Copyright 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company - Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright 1996,97 Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. - Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright 1997 Moscow Center for SPARC Technology - Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Moscow Center for SPARC Technology makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. XXXIX. Portions of this product make use of The Legion of Bouncy Castle Software. Copyright (c) 2000 2016 The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle. You may obtain a copy of the license at THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Note: Our license is an adaptation of the MIT X11 License and should be read as such. License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. XL. Portions of this product make use of ResizableLib. You may obtain a copy of the license at XLI. Portions of this product make use of Spring Framework. You may obtain a copy of the license at XLII. Portions of this product use $File: 6 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 A. LEGAL NOTICE,v 1.15 2006/05/03 18:48:33 christos Exp $. Copyright (c) Ian F. Darwin 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995. Software written by Ian F. Darwin and others; maintained 1994Christos Zoulas. This software is not subject to any export provision of the United States Department of Commerce, and may be exported to any country or planet. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice immediately at the beginning of the file, without modification, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Portions of this product use UFSD – Paragon NTFS for Windows Driver based on Paragon Universal File XLIII. System Driver (UFSD) Technology. Copyright (C) 2008 Paragon Technologie GmbH. All rights reserved. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. XLIV. Portions of this product use JDBC drivers - licensed from DataDirect Technologies. XLV. Portions of this product make use of DIMime, available at XLVI. Portions of this product make use of RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Crypto Token Interface (Cryptoki). XLVII. Portions of this product use DropNet. You may obtain a copy of the license at XLVIII. Portions of this product use Hardcodet WPF NotifyIcon 1.0.8. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use MahApps.Metro You may obtain a copy of the license at XLIX. L. Portions of this product use Microsoft Practices Enterprise Library 6.0.1304.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LI. Portions of this product use Microsoft Practices Prism 4.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at LII. Portions of this product use Microsoft Practices Unity 2.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use RestSharp 105.2.3. You may obtain a copy of the license at LIII. LIV. Portions of this product use System.Data.SQLite You may obtain a copy of the copyright statement at LV. Portions of this product use android-passwordsafe 0.6.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LVI. Portions of this product use Dropbox.NET 3.4.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at 7 Welcome LVII. Portions of this product use Newtonsoft JSON 9.0.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use NT Security Classes for .NET. You may obtain a copy of the license at LVIII. LIX. Portions of this product use Prism Core 6.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at LX. System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 4.0.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXI. Portions of this product use Unity 4.0.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use the Dropbox Android SDK 1.6.3. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXII. Portions of this product use the Dropbox json_simple-1.1.jar. You may obtain a copy of the license LXIII. at Portions of this product use the Box Android Library V2. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXIV. Portions of this product use the Box Java Library V2. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXV. Portions of this product use Apache HttpClient Cache 4.2.5. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXVI. LXVII. Portions of this product use Apache HttpClient 4.2.5. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXVIII. Portions of this product use Apache HttpCore 4.2.4. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use Apache HttpClient Mime 4.2.5. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXIX. Portions of this product use Apache Commons IO 2.4. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXX. Portions of this product use Apache Commons Lang 2.6. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXI. LXXII. Portions of this product use JUnit 4.11. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXIII. Portions of this product use EasyMock 3.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXIV. Portions of this product use Jackson Databind 2.4.4. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXV. Portions of this product use Jackson Core 2.4.4. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXVI. Portions of this product use Jackson Annotations 2.4.4. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXVII. Portions of this product use Apache Maven Wagon 2.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at 8 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 LXXVIII. Portions of this product use Scribe OAuth Library 1.3.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXIX. Portions of this product use JSON Web Token Support for the JVM 0.6.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXX. Portions of this product use OneDrive SDK Android 1.2.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXI. Portions of this product use Microsoft Services MSA Auth 0.8.4. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXII. Portions of this product use Adal 1.1.7. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXIII. Portions of this product use Google API Client Library for Java with Android Platform Extensions and GSON Extensions 1.20.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXIV. Portions of this product use Google Drive API V3 Rev 170 1.22.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXV. Portions of this product use Backport Util Concurrent 3.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXVI. Portions of this product use Apache Commons Logging 1.1.3. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use Flurry Analytics 4.1.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXVII. Portions of this product use kSOAP2 3.4.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at LXXXVIII. LXXXIX. Portions of this product use FindBugs Jsr305. You may obtain a copy of the license at XC. Portions of this product use Google Gson 2.3.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use Hockey SDK 3.0.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at XCI. Portions of this product use Picasso 2.5.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at XCII. Portions of this product use Circular Floating Action Menu Library 1.0.2. You may obtain a copy of XCIII. the license at Portions of this product use Apache Commons Codec 1.8. You may obtain a copy of the license at XCIV. Portions of this product use Apache Commons Compress 1.1. You may obtain a copy of the license XCV. at Portions of this product use One Password App Extension 1.8. You may obtain a copy of the license XCVI. at XCVII. Portions of this product use Azure Active Directory Authentication Library 1.2.9. You may obtain a copy of the license at XCVIII. Portions of this product use AF Networking 2.6.3. You may obtain a copy of the license at 9 Welcome XCIX. Portions of this product use Box iOS SDK 1.0.11. You may obtain a copy of the license at C. Portions of this product use CT Assets Picker Controller 2.9.5. You may obtain a copy of the license at CI. Portions of this product use Google API Objective C Client 1.0.422. You may obtain a copy of the license at CII. Portions of this product use Google GTM HTTP Fetcher 1.0.141. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use Google GTM OAuth 2 1.0.126. You may obtain a copy of the license at CIII. Portions of this product use Hockey SDK iOS 3.8.6. You may obtain a copy of the license at CIV. CV. Portions of this product use libextobjc 0.4.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use libPhoneNumber iOS 0.8.11. You may obtain a copy of the license at CVI. Portions of this product use MBProgressHUD 0.9.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at CVII. Portions of this product use NSData Base64 1.0.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at CVIII. Portions of this product use OneDrive SDK iOS 1.1.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at CIX. CX. Portions of this product use RNCryptor 3.0.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at Portions of this product use SSZipArchive 1.1. You may obtain a copy of the license at CXI. Portions of this product use SVProgressHUD 2.0.2. You may obtain a copy of the license at CXII. Portions of this product use WEPopover 1.0.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at CXIII. Portions of this product use XMLDictionary. You may obtain a copy of the license at CXIV. Portions of this product use NHNetworkTime 1.7. You may obtain a copy of the license at CXV. Portions of this product use the Dropbox iOS SDK. You may obtain a copy of the license at CXVI. CXVII. Portions of this product use Flurry iOS SDK 5.3.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at Trademarks iPad®, iPhone®, iPod®, iPod touch®, iPod shuffle®, and iPod nano® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android and the Android Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google, Inc. in the United States and other countries. 10 Get Started Get Started with Dell Data Security • Once your environment has been configured in the Server Configuration Tool, ensure that Dell Services are started. • Log in to the Remote Management Console. • Add Client Access Licenses, as needed. • Add Domains from your directory server. • If you require that users receive non-default policies upon activation, modify policies at the appropriate level. • Add Groups and Users, as necessary. • Assign Administrators, as necessary. • Deploy clients. Log In To perform a given administrative procedure, an Administrator must first log in to the Remote Management Console using an appropriate Dell Administrator account. The Security Management Server installs with a default Super Administrator user name (superadmin) and password (changeit) that you can use to add additional Dell Administrator accounts. 1. Open Internet Explorer and type 2. If you are logging in for the first time, in the Username: field, enter superadmin. In the Password: field, enter changeit. If you are not logging in for the first time, in the Username: field, enter your Username in one of the formats listed below. In the Password: field, enter. (preferred format) sAMAccountName, such as jsmith \ - You must specify your domain name as an alias to use this format. For more information, refer to Add Domains. If you are not logging in for the first time, in the Username: field, enter your Username in one of the formats listed below. In the Password: field, enter . 3. Click Sign in. To log out, see Log Out. Log Out Note: If you are an Account Administrator and make changes to your own account, you must log out and log back in to see the results. 11 Get Started • Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the Remote Management Console and select Log out from the drop-down menu. Dashboard The Dashboard displays an overview of status information for your enterprise. You can access more detailed information directly from the Dashboard by clicking its statistics, graphs, and chart legends. In the top right, select the Widgets menu to add or remove the following options: • • • • • • Notifications Protection Status Threat Protection History Inventory History Summary Statistics The images below reflect what you may see in the Dashboard. Content may vary based on the features installed and enabled on your Dell Security Management Server and endpoints. Click an area below to view a description of the detail you can access by clicking the same area in your Dashboard. 12 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Note: An Advanced Threat Prevention event is not necessarily a threat. An event is generated when a recognized file or program is quarantined, safe listed, or waived. Threats are a category of events that are newly detected as potentially unsafe files or programs and require guided remediation. 13 Get Started Start Services Start the following Services: • Dell Compatibility Server • Dell Compliance Reporter • Dell Console Web Services • Dell Core Server • Dell Device Server • Dell Key Server • Dell Message Broker • Dell Policy Proxy 14 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 • Dell Security Server From the Service Panel: 1. Click Start > Run. Type services.msc and click OK. 2. In the Services (Local) window, highlight Dell Compatibility Server. Right-click the entry and select Start. 3. Continue in the manner above until all Dell Services are started. 4. Close the Services window. To stop Services, see Stop Services. Stop Services You may find it necessary to shut down the Services to run backups or perform other system maintenance. While the Server is down, the Policy Proxy cannot poll the Server, which means that it cannot pick up updated security policies, or activate/reactivate endpoints. Stop the following Services: • Dell Compatibility Server • Dell Compliance Reporter • Dell Console Web Services • Dell Core Server • Dell Device Server • Dell Key Server • Dell Message Broker • Dell Policy Proxy • Dell Security Server From the Service Panel: 1. Click Start > Run. Type services.msc and click OK. 2. In the Services (Local) window, highlight Dell Compatibility Server. Right-click the entry and select Stop. 3. Continue in the manner above until all Dell Services are stopped. 4. Close the Services window. To start Services, see Start Services. 15 Get Started Change the Superadmin Password 1. In the masthead at the top of the screen, click the gear icon and select Change superadmin password. 2. Enter the Current Password. 3. Enter the New Password. The new password must be at least 6 characters, contain at least one capital letter and one of these characters: ~@#$%^*()|?!{}[]. 4. Confirm the New Password. 5. Click Update. NOTE: After three failed login attempts, the superadmin account is locked for five minutes. To change these settings, see Set or Change Account Lockout Settings. 16 Components Remote Management Console The Remote Management Console allows administrators to monitor the state of endpoints, policy enforcement, and protection across the enterprise. For increased security, the Remote Management Console separates administrator duties into administrator roles. For example, the Security Administrator can change and commit security policies for the entire enterprise, groups of users, or individual users. The Remote Management Console has the following features. • Centralized management of diverse mobile devices • "No change", read-only integration with existing enterprise directory servers • Role-based mobile security policy creation and management • Administrator-assisted device recovery • Separation of administrative duties • Automatic distribution of mobile security policies • Mobile device inventory • Searchable, ODBC-compliant system logs • Trusted paths for communication between components • Unique encryption key generation and automatic secure key escrow • Centralized compliance auditing and reporting Architecture Drawings Architecture with Manager 17 Components Architecture with Encryption Enterprise for Windows/Manager Default Port Values Internal: Active Directory communication: TCP/389 Email communication (optional): 25 To Front End (if needed): Communication from external Dell Policy Proxy to Dell Message Broker: TCP/61616 and STOMP/61613 Communication to Back End Dell Security Server: HTTPS/8443 Communication to Back End Dell Core Server: HTTPS/8888 and 9000 Communication to RMI ports - 1099 Communication to Back End Dell Device Server: HTTP(S)/8443 - If your Dell Server is v7.7 or later. If your Dell Server is pre-v7.7, HTTP(S)/8081. Dell Message Broker: TCP/61616 and STOMP/61613 (closed or, if configured for DMZ, 61613 is open) External (if needed): SQL Database: TCP/1433 LDAP: TCP/389/636 (local domain controller), TCP/3268/3269 (global catalog), TCP/135/49125+ (RPC) 18 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Dell Compatibility Server: TCP/1099 Dell Compliance Reporter: HTTP(S)/8084 (automatically configured at installation) Dell Core Server: HTTPS/8888 and 9000 (8888 is automatically configured at installation) Dell Device Server: HTTP(S)/8081 - If your Dell Server is pre-v7.7/8443 - If your Dell Server is v7.7 or later Dell Key Server: TCP/8050 Dell Policy Proxy: TCP/8000 Dell Security Server: HTTPS/8443 Client Authentication: HTTPS/8449 (If using Dell Encryption on a Server operating system) Remote Management Console: HTTPS/8443 Client Communication if using Advanced Threat Prevention: HTTPS/TCP/443 Beacon server if using Data Guardian: HTTP/8446 Proxy Servers Beginning with v8.1, the Proxy Server implementation, deployment and installation have been simplified. The new Proxy Server is a simplified web server with a single web application. Types of Proxy Servers • Security Server Proxy (defaults to 8443) • Core Server Proxy (defaults to 8888) • Device Server Proxy (defaults to 8081) see Note Note: The purpose of Device Server Proxy is to support legacy Encryption clients (pre-v8.0) that communicate with port 8081. Newer Encryption clients (v8.0 and later) are configured by the client installer 19 Components to communicate with the Security Server (or Security Server Proxy) on port 8443. The full Device Server is not installed in v8.1. The Device Server Proxy forwards all communications to the Security Server behind the firewall. Policy Proxy Policy Proxy serves as intermediary between the Security Management Server and the Encryption client, delivering information from each to the other. Time Slotting In order to prevent Security Management Server traffic jams, Policy Proxies use a configurable time slotting mechanism that allows them to independently choose well-distributed time slots for communicating with the Security Management Server. Polling On every poll, the endpoint authenticates, checks for policy updates, and uploads inventory. A successful authentication is required for the process to begin. Poll Triggers To poll, a user must be logged in. On the next user login, another poll will occur. The poll information needed is only available per user, and when that user is logged in. Other times a poll occurs are as follows: • Immediately upon login, after keys are unlocked. • When a network status update is signaled by the operating system (cable plugged in, wireless network connected, VPN goes live). • When the polling period elapses, as specified by policy. Failed Poll Attempts Policy Proxy poll attempts are based on a timer. When a poll attempt fails, the timer is reset. The length of time set for the next attempt is based on when the attempt failed. If the device misses a poll when the device is powered off, the timer will be triggered when the device is next powered on. If the poll attempt failed while making the attempt, the time is set to one tenth the policy value for the polling interval. For example - If the polling interval is 100 minutes, then the next interval after a failed attempt will be 10 minutes. If it fails again, the next interval will still be 10 minutes. The interval will remain 10 minutes until a successful poll, after which it will return to 100 minute intervals. General Information • Policy Proxy is generally installed on only a few machines. • Creates inventory information for the Security Management Server. • Passes on to the Security Management Server device inventory it receives when the Encryption client successfully retrieves policies. • Securely distributes security policies and encryption keys to devices via the network when contacted. • May be in your DMZ. • Always belongs to a group. By default, all Policy Proxies belong to the same group. 20 Navigate the Dell Server Navigation The Remote Management Console is a central control center that the administrator can use to deploy and monitor Dell Security for the enterprise. It consists of security and configuration settings that are applied through policy to groups called Populations. The menu pane allows you to access the following: Dashboard The Remote Management Console opens to the Dashboard. The Dashboard provides graphs and statistics on endpoint and threat protection as well as summary statistics on populations and operating systems. Populations A population is a grouping for which security policies, settings, and actions can be configured. For example, you can apply security policies at the Enterprise, Domain, User Group, User, Endpoint Group, and Endpoint levels. For more information about Populations, see Populations. For more information about security policies, see Manage Security Policies. Reporting Reporting menu items provide reports on the protection state of your environment and endpoints, deployment issues that require action, and devices within the network. You can create and manage reports with the Manage Reports tool or by launching Compliance Reporter. This menu also allows you to collect, view, and export audit events to a SIEM server. Management Allows you to commit policies, perform recovery, and manage licenses, services, alerts, and Data Guardian external users. Masthead icons The following icons display on the masthead: (1) Logged in user - The user icon and name of the user that is currently logged on. (2) Gear icon - From the gear icon, you can Change the Superadmin Password, view information about the Security Management Server or Security Management Server Virtual, get Dell ProSupport contact information, and log out. (3) Question mark icon - From the question mark icon, you can open a help topic that explains the current screen in the Remote Management Console. Disconnected Mode Disconnected mode allows a Security Management Server to manage Advanced Threat Prevention endpoints without client connection to the Internet or external network. Disconnected mode also allows the Dell 21 Navigate the Dell Server Server to manage clients without Internet connection or a provisioned and hosted Advanced Threat Prevention service. The Dell Server captures all event and threat data in Disconnected mode. To determine if a Dell Server is running in Disconnected mode, click the gear icon at the top right of the Remote Management Console and select About. The About screen indicates that a Dell Server is in Disconnected mode, below the Dell Server version. Disconnected mode is different than a standard connected installation of Dell Server in the following ways. Client Activation An install token is generated when the administrator uploads an Advanced Threat Prevention license, which allows the Advanced Threat Prevention client to activate. Remote Management Console The following items are not available in the Remote Management Console when Dell Server is running in Disconnected mode: The following areas specific to Advanced Threat Prevention: Advanced Threats by Priority, (Advanced Threat) Events by Classification, Advanced Threats Top Ten, and Advanced Threat Prevention Events. Enterprise > Advanced Threats tab, which provides a dynamic display of detailed events information for the entire enterprise, including a list of the devices on which events occurred and any actions taken on those devices for those events. (Left navigation pane) Services Management, which allows enabling of the Advanced Threat Prevention service and Product Notifications enrollment. The following item has been added to the Remote Management Console to support Disconnected Mode: Enterprise > Advanced Threat Events tab, which lists events information for the entire enterprise based on information available in the Dell Server, even when running in Disconnected Mode. Functionality The following functionality is not available in the Remote Management Console when Dell Server is running in Disconnected mode: Security Management Server upgrade, update, and migration Security Management Server Virtual auto update - update must be done manually Cloud profile update Advanced Threat Prevention auto update Upload of Unsafe or Abnormal Executable files for Advanced Threat Prevention analysis Advanced Threat Prevention File upload and Log File upload The following functionality differs: The Dell Server sends the Global Safe List, Quarantine List, and Safe List to client computers. The Global Safe List is imported to the Dell Server through the Global Allow policy. For more information, see the Global Allow policy. The Quarantine List is imported through Quarantine List policy. For more information, see the Quarantine List policy. The Safe List is imported through Safe List policy. For more information, see the Safe List policy. Dashboard 22 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Dashboard The Dashboard displays an overview of status information for your enterprise. You can access more detailed information directly from the Dashboard by clicking its statistics, graphs, and chart legends. In the top right, select the Widgets menu to add or remove the following options: • • • • • • Notifications Protection Status Threat Protection History Inventory History Summary Statistics The images below reflect what you may see in the Dashboard. Content may vary based on the features installed and enabled on your Dell Security Management Server and endpoints. Click an area below to view a description of the detail you can access by clicking the same area in your Dashboard. 23 Navigate the Dell Server Note: An Advanced Threat Prevention event is not necessarily a threat. An event is generated when a recognized file or program is quarantined, safe listed, or waived. Threats are a category of events that are newly detected as potentially unsafe files or programs and require guided remediation. 24 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Notifications List The Notifications list provides a configurable summary of news, alerts, and events to display on the Dashboard or to be sent as email notifications. For more information, see Dashboard Field Descriptions and Notification Management. Notification Types You can select the notification types to include in the list. Notifications of the remaining types are hidden. Types include: Update - News of upcoming product updates. To view and receive product updates, you must enroll to receive them. Select Services Management > Product Notifications, click On, then click Save Preferences. Config - News about configuration changes. 25 Navigate the Dell Server Knowledge Base - Summaries and links to knowledge base articles with in-depth technical information such as work-arounds and configuration methods. Announcement - News of upcoming releases and new products. License - Alerts when your volume license availability is low, or when your client access license count has been exceeded. Threat Protection - A threat alert from Advanced Threat Prevention. Advanced Threat Event - An event detected by Advanced Threat Prevention. The summary contains a listing of Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, and Information events, with links to more detailed information. Threat Event - An event detected by Threat Protection. Certificate - Certificate expiration notification. DDP Server Exceptions - A Dell Server communication issue is impacting deliveries of the following notifications: Threat Protection, Update, Config, Knowledge Base, and Announcement. After selecting one or more types, click in the neutral space above the list to apply the selections. Select Clear selected items to reset the selections in this drop-down list. Priority Levels Note: Notification priority levels are not related to priority levels displayed on the Dashboard other than in the Notifications area. Priorities are Critical, High, Medium, and Low. These priority levels are only relative to one another within a type of notification. You can select the priority levels of notifications to include in the Dashboard Notifications area or email notifications lists. Notifications of the remaining priority levels are not included in the Dashboard or email notifications lists. In the Dashboard, after selecting one or more priority levels, click in the neutral space above the drop-down list to apply your selections. Select Clear selected items to reset the selections in this drop down list. All notifications will display (unless filtered elsewhere). Endpoint Protection Status In the Endpoint Protection Status section of the Dashboard, you can view endpoint status by platform: Windows, Mac, Mobile Devices, and All Platforms with a numeric value and bar chart that shows the numbers of protected and unprotected endpoints. A pie chart representing total protected and unprotected endpoints displays on the left. Click a value to display a list of the endpoints represented in the value. Protection Status To access this page, click a link in the Dashboard's Endpoint Protection Status graph. You can click a specific platform type or All. The page provides protection details on the endpoints within that platform. Platform - Windows, Mac, Mobile Devices, All, Protected, or Not Protected Endpoint ID - Value that uniquely identifies the endpoint. 26 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Protected - A green check mark indicates the endpoint is protected. The protection status of a Windows workstation is derived from the current encryption policies and encryption states of the Encryption client users, as well as the current device encryption policy and state of the endpoint. On the dashboard's Endpoint Protection Status graph, you can select endpoints by platform, protected endpoints, non-protected endpoints, or all endpoints. See Protected. Shield Inventory Received - The date and time that the inventory was received by the Security Management Server and placed in the queue. Shield Inventory Processed - The date and time that the inventory was picked up from the queue and processed. (Note: If the Server is under load, the Processed and Received times may be different, but usually they will be the same.) Agent Inventory Received - The date and time that the inventory was received by the Security Management Server and placed in the queue. Agent Inventory Processed - The date and time that the inventory was picked up from the queue and processed (Note: If the Server is under load, the Processed and Received times may be different, but usually they will be the same.) Shield - If encryption is installed on the endpoint, an icon displays. Manager (Windows only) - If installed on the endpoint, an icon displays. This includes endpoints with activated PBA, HCA, SED, or BitLocker Manager. Threat Protection Status Threat Protection monitors the network for viruses, spyware, unwanted programs, suspicious communications through the firewall, and unsafe websites and downloads. The Threat Protection Status pane shows threats by category: Critical, Major, Minor, and Warning. Each category is listed in a colored bar chart with a numerical value for the corresponding number of threats found during the time frame. The time frame is selectable, in days: 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days. Click a Threat Category value to display a detailed list of threats included in the category. Threat Protection Status for Severity Level To access this page, click a value on the Dashboard's Threat Protection Status graph. This page provides a detailed view of threats based on individual severity levels and devices that have a threat within that severity level. The columns list the specific counts for each type of threat event on a device. Dropdown list of severity levels - Select a different option from the list (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Information). Critical is the most dangerous threat to the endpoint, and Information is just a notification of an event that is unlikely to harm the endpoint. Dropdown list of days - Select a time frame option: 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days. Platform - The platform type Device ID - Value that uniquely identifies the target device. Click a link to view information about that endpoint. Event Count columns - For each device, lists the number for each of the following threat events: 27 Navigate the Dell Server Malware/Exploit - Includes counts for viruses, spyware, and unwanted programs. This could be exploited buffer overflows that seek to execute arbitrary code on a device or attempts to exploit browser vulnerabilities. Counts may include malware that executes from within memory space. Web Filter - Includes threats related to web browsing and downloads. Web Protection - Includes threats related to web browsing and downloads. Firewall - Includes suspicious communications related to incoming or outgoing traffic and any attacks. Uncategorized - Lists the number of threats that do not belong in other event counts. Advanced Threat Prevention Events The Advanced Threat Prevention Events pane displays a time line of Advanced Threat events over the course of a month, by file type as assigned by Advanced Threat Prevention. Click a file type for details of the events of that type. File types include: Unsafe - A suspicious file with a high score (-60 to –100) likely to be malware Abnormal - A suspicious file with a lower score (-1 to –59) less likely to be malware Quarantined - A file that is moved from its original location, stored in the Quarantine folder, and prevented from executing on a specific device. Waived - A file allowed to execute on a specific device. Cleared - A file that has been cleared within the organization. Cleared files include files that are Waived, added to the Safe list, and deleted from the Quarantine folder on a device. For more detail about events, see Advanced Threat Prevention Classifications and Advanced Threats Top Ten Advanced Threats by Priority Advanced Threats by Priority classifies suspicious files by priority levels of High, Medium, and Low. This prioritization helps administrators determine which threats and devices to address first. To view a list of threats with the corresponding priority level, click a value in the Advanced Threats by Priority field on the Dashboard. Files are analyzed for the following attributes: The file has a Cylance score greater than 80. A score is assigned to each file that is deemed Abnormal or Unsafe. The score represents the confidence level that the file is malware. The higher the number, the greater the confidence. The file is currently running. The file has been run previously. The file is set to auto run. The file is detected by Execution Control. Files are prioritized based on the number of the above attributes it has: Low = 0-1 attributes Medium = 2-3 attributes 28 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 High = 4-5 attributes As an example, following is the analysis of three threats: Threat 1 Attribute Attribute Value Score 90 +1 Currently running on any device True +1 Ever run on any device True +1 Set to auto run on any device True +1 Detected by Execution Control False +0 Cylance score Total score 5: High Priority Threat 2 Attribute Attribute Value Score 20 +0 Currently running on any device True +1 Ever run on any device False +0 Set to auto run on any device True +1 Detected by Execution Control False +0 Cylance score Total score 2: Medium Priority Threat 3 Attribute Cylance score Currently running on any device 29 Attribute Value Score 20 +0 False +0 Navigate the Dell Server Ever run on any device False +0 Set to auto run on any device False +0 Detected by Execution Control True +5 Total score 5: High Priority Advanced Threat Prevention Classifications Advanced Threat Prevention can provide details on the static and dynamic characteristics of files. This allows administrators to not only block threats, but also to understand threat behavior in order to further mitigate or respond to threats. Type of Threat Threats are classified by the type of threat - Malware, Dual Use, and Potentially Unwanted Program. Malware If the file is identified as a piece of malware, the file should be removed or quarantined as soon as possible. Verified malware can be further subclassified as one of the following: Subclass Definition Examples Backdoor Malware that provides unauthorized access to a system, bypassing security measures. Back Orifice, Eleanor Bot Malware that connects to a central Command and Control (C&C) botnet server. QBot, Koobface Downloader Malware that downloads data to the host system. Dropper Malware that installs other malware on a system. Exploit Malware that attacks a specific vulnerability on the system. FakeAlert Malware that masquerades as legitimate security software to trick the user into fixing fake security problems at a price. Generic Any malware that does not fit into an existing category. InfoStealer Malware that records login credentials and/or other sensitive information. Ransom Malware that restricts access to system or files and demands payment for removal of restriction, thereby holding the system for ransom. Remnant Any file that has malware remnants post removal attempts. Rootkit Malware that enables access to a computer while shielding itself or other files to avoid detection and/or removal by administrators or security technologies. StagedDownloader Fake AV White Paper Snifula CryptoLocker, CryptoWall TDL, Zero Access Rootkit 30 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Trojan Malware that disguises itself as a legitimate program or file. Zeus Virus Malware that propagates by inserting or appending itself to other files. Sality, Virut Worm Malware that propagates by copying itself to another device. Code Red, Stuxnet Dual Use Dual Use indicates the file can be used for malicious and non-malicious purposes. Caution should be used when allowing the use of these files in your organization. For example, while PsExec can be a useful tool for executing processes on another system, that same benefit can be used to execute malicious files on another system. Subclass Definition Crack Technologies that can alter (or crack) another application in order to bypass licensing limitations or Digital Rights Management protection (DRM). Generic Any Dual Use tool that does not fit into an existing category. KeyGen MonitoringTool Technologies which can generate or recover/reveal product keys that can be used to bypass Digital Rights Management (DRM) or licensing protection of software and other digital media. Technologies that track a user's online activities without awareness of the user by logging and possibly transmitting logs of one or more of the following: • • • • • • user keystrokes email messages chat and instant messaging web browsing activity screenshot captures application usage Technologies that can reveal a password or other sensitive user credentials either by cryptographically reversing passwords or by revealing stored passwords. Technologies that can access another system remotely and administer RemoteAccess commands on the remote system, or monitor user activities without user notification or consent. Pass Crack Tool Examples Programs that offer administrative features but can be used to facilitate attacks or intrusions. Veriato 360, Refog Keylogger l0phtcrack, Cain & Abel Putty, PsExec, TeamViewer Nmap, Nessus, P0f Potentially Unwanted Programs The file has been identified as a Potentially Unwanted Program. This indicates that the program may be unwanted, despite the possibility that users consented to download it. Some PUPs may be permitted to run on a limited set of systems in your organization (EX. A VNC application allowed to run on Domain Admin devcies). A Dell Server administrator can choose to waive or block PUPs on a per device basis or globally quarantine or safelist based on company policies. Depending on how much analysis can be performed against a PUP, further subclassification may be possible. Those subclasses are shown below and will aid an Admin in determining whether a particular PUP should be blocked or allowed to run: 31 Navigate the Dell Server Subclass Definition Examples Adware Technologies that provide annoying advertisements (example: pop-ups) or provide bundled third-party add-ons when installing an application. This usually Gator, Adware occurs without adequate notification to the user about the nature or presence Info of the add-on, control over installation, control over use, or the ability to fully uninstall the add-on. Corrupt Any executable that is malformed and unable to run. Game Technologies that create an interactive environment with which a player can play. Generic Any PUP that does not fit into an existing category. Steam Games, League of Legends HackingTool Technologies that are designed to assist hacking attempts. Cobalt Strike, MetaSp0it Portable Application Turbo Program designed to run on a computer independently, without needing installation. Scripting Tool Any script that is able to run as if it were an executable. Technologies that place additional buttons or input boxes on-screen within a UI. Toolbar AutoIT, py2exe Nasdaq Toolbar, Bring Me Sports Score A Score is assigned to each file. Negative scores, from -1 to -100 denote files that are deemed Abnormal or Unsafe. The score represents the confidence level that the file is malware. The higher the negative number, the greater the confidence. File Type The file is assigned a type, based on the score. File Types: Unsafe: A file with a score ranging from -60 to -100. An Unsafe file is one in which the Advanced Threat Prevention agent finds attributes that greatly resemble malware. Abnormal: A file with a score ranging from -1 to -59. An Abnormal file has a few malware attributes but fewer than an unsafe file, thus is less likely to be malware. Note: Occasionally, a file may be classified as Unsafe or Abnormal even though the score displayed doesn’t match the range for the classification. This could result from updated findings or additional file analysis after the initial detection. For the most up-to-date analysis, enable Auto Upload in the Device Policy. Priority Level The file is given a Priority Level. The priority level helps administrators determine which threats and devices to address first. For more information, see Advanced Threats by Priority. Advanced Threats Top Ten 32 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Click Threats to view the threats found on the largest number of devices. Click a threat to display additional information about the threat. Details display on a new page. Click Devices to view a list of devices that have the largest number of threats. Click a device to display additional information about the device. Details display on a new page. Endpoint Protection History This graph gives a time line snapshot of the past 90 days of the total number of endpoints that are protected and total number that are not protected. This graph is especially useful during initial deployment, when moving toward complete protection. The green bars represent the total number of protected endpoints. The red bars represent the total number of endpoints that are not protected. Endpoint Inventory History This graph gives a time line snapshot of the past 90 days of the total number of endpoints that have communicated with and sent inventory to the Security Management Server and the total number that have not sent inventory. Summary Statistics Summary Statistics provides a breakdown of the following: Domains User groups Endpoint groups AD users Local users Endpoints Protected Not protected Shields Managers Modified policies Summary Statistics provides a breakdown of endpoints by platform, with a link to a detailed report for the selected platform: 33 Windows Mac Mobile device All Navigate the Dell Server Endpoint OS Report To access this page, click a platform link on the Dashboard's Summary Statistics. If you click All and the Platform Report page opens, click view in the OS Report column. OS/Version - Operating system name and version as reported in the endpoint's inventory Count - Number of endpoints or devices Shielded - Number of encrypted endpoints for that OS and version Unshielded - Number of endpoints for that OS and version that are not encrypted Platform Report - Click view for a report on all the platforms Endpoint List - Click the icon to navigate to the Endpoints page and the list of endpoints for that OS and version Platform Report To access this page, click All on the Dashboard's Summary Statistics. If you click a specific platform link and access the Endpoint OS Report page, click view in the Platform Report column. Platform - Windows, Mac, and MDM (Mobile Device Management) Count - Number of endpoints or devices Platform Reportfor that platform Shielded - Number of encrypted endpoints for that platform Unshielded - Number of endpoints for that platform that are not encrypted OS Report - Click view for a report based on each operating system/version for that platform Endpoint List - Click the icon to navigate to the Endpoints page and the list of endpoints for that platform Populations Populations A population is a grouping for which policies, settings, and actions can be configured. To access a Populations page, click Populations in the left pane of the Remote Management Console and select a Population, for example, Populations > Enterprise. Tabs available on each Populations page provide information, allow you to edit detail of the Population, and provide configuration options for that Population. The table lists the tabs available for each Population. Populations Details Security Key Endpoint & Members Settings Policies Server Groups Actions Enterprise ● Domains ● ● ● User Groups ● ● ● Users ● ● Endpoints User Users Groups Admin Advanced Threat Threat Events Events ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 34 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Endpoint Groups ● ● Endpoints ● ● Administrators ● ● ● ● ● ● ● To access the tabs for each Population: Enterprise - Click Populations > Enterprise. Populations other than Enterprise - Click a Population link, then search for or click a Domain, User Group, User, Endpoint Group, Endpoint, or Administrator link. Note: The tabs available for an Administrator may vary, depending on the role. Enterprise View or Modify Enterprise-Level Policies To view or modify Enterprise-level policies, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Enterprise. 2. Click the Security Policies tab. 3. Select the technology group, such as Windows Encryption, or policy group, such as Policy-Based Encryption, to view or modify. View Threat Events Threats are categorized as Malware/Exploit, Web Filter, Firewall, or Uncategorized events. The list of threat events can be sorted by any of the column headers. You can view threat events for the entire enterprise or for a specific endpoint. To view threat events of a specific endpoint, from the Enterprise Threat Events tab, select the endpoint's device in the Device ID column. To view threat events in the enterprise, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Enterprise. 2. Click the Threat Events tab. 3. Select the desired severity level and time period for which to display events. To view threat events on a specific endpoint, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Threat Events tab. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats Advanced Threats tab If the Advanced Threat Prevention service is provisioned and licenses are available, the Advanced Threats tab provides a dynamic display of detailed events information for the entire enterprise, including a list of the devices on which events occurred and any actions taken on those devices for those events. For information about provisioning the service, see Provision Advanced Threat Prevention Service. To access the Enterprise Advanced Threats tab, follow these steps: 35 Navigate the Dell Server 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Enterprise. 2. Select the Advanced Threats tab. Information about events, devices, and actions are organized on the following tabs: Protection - Lists potentially harmful files and scripts and details about them, including the devices on which the files and scripts are found. Agents - Provides information about devices running the Advanced Threat Prevention client as well as the option to export the information or remove devices from the list. Global List - Lists files in the Global Quarantine and Safe list and provides the option to move files to these lists. Options - Provides a way to integrate with Security Information Event Management (SIEM) software using the Syslog feature as well as export Advanced Threat data. Certificate - Allows certificate upload. After upload, certificates display on the Global List tab and can be Safe listed. Tables on the tabs can be organized in these ways: Add or remove columns from the table - Click the arrow next to any column header, select Columns, then select the columns you want to see. Clear the check box of columns you want to hide. Sort the data - Click a column header. Group by a column - Drag the column header up, until it turns green. Filter based on data of one column - click the down-arrow on any column to display the context menu, and select Filter. Advanced Threat Events tab The Advanced Threat Events tab displays information about events for the entire enterprise based on information available in the Security Management Server. The tab displays if the Advanced Threat Prevention service is provisioned and licenses are available. To export data from the Advanced Threat Events tab, click the Export button and select Excel or CSV file format. Note: Excel files are limited to 65,000 rows. CSV files have no size limit. For a list of fields and filters on the tab, see Advanced Threat Events tab fields and filters. Domains Domains On the Domains page, you can add a domain or search and select a domain to View or Modify Domain Information. Add a Domain To add a Domain, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains. 2. On the Domains page, click Add. 3. Complete the fields on the Add Domains page. 36 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Host Name - Enter the fully qualified host name or the computer name and domain portion of the hostname (for example, . .com) for the enterprise directory server. Port - Enter a port for the directory server. If you do not specify a port, the default port of 389 is used. The secure port, 636, uses an SSL connection instead of clear text. Global catalog ports are 3268 (clear-text) and 3269 (secure). Distinguished Name - This field is populated when you tab from the completed Host Name field or refresh the URL. If necessary, correct the entry to reflect the domain (for example, DC=domainname, DC=com). Secure LDAP - Select this check box for LDAPS. User Name - Enter a User Name with rights for the domain to read and run queries on the enterprise directory server. The format must be UPN, such as Password - Enter a Password with rights for the domain to read and run queries on the enterprise directory server. 4. In the Domain Alias area, enter the domain name or other alias and click Add. It is recommended that you add a pre-Windows 2000 domain name as an alias. You may enter any UPN suffixes that are allowed for the domain and are configured in the enterprise directory server. A Domain Alias is a mapping the Dell Server uses to select which domains to search to locate users that might match the suffix in the UPN. 5. Click Add Domain. Users Users are added through reconciliation. Reconciliation is the automated process the Dell Server uses to compare user data in the Dell Server database with user data in the enterprise directory server and update the Dell Server database when necessary. In the left pane, click Populations > Users and then click a User Name, to view details about the user. Click the arrow next to a User Name to view the Common Name, sAM Account Name, and User Principal Name. Add a User by Domain 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. On the Users page, click Add Users by Domain. 3. In the Add Users by Domain dialog, select a domain from the pull-down list. 4. In the Full name field, enter the exact text for the user name or use the wildcard character (*). For best results, use non-wild card characters at the beginning of the filter (e.g., User* instead of *ser). 5. Select Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName from the pull-down list. A Common Name, Universal Principal Name, and sAMAccountName must be defined in the enterprise directory server for every user. If a user is a member of a Domain or Group but does not appear in the Domain or Group Members list in the Remote Management Console, ensure that all three names are properly defined for the user in the enterprise directory server. 6. Click Search. Depending on the size, this may take a few minutes to populate. If the query is too large, a dialog prompts you to revise the query. 7. 37 Select users from the directory user list to add to the Domain. The user names are added to the field below the list. Navigate the Dell Server 8. Click X to remove the user name from the field or click Add. User Groups On the User Groups page, you can add a user group, edit User Group priority or search and select a user group to View or Modify User Group Policies and Information. Add a User Group 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. On the User Groups page, click Add. 3. Select the type of User Group from the pull-down list: Active Directory User Group or ADMINDEFINED User Group 4. Select a domain from the pull-down list. 5. For Active Directory User Groups, follow these steps: a. Enter the exact text for the Group Name or use the wildcard character (*). b. Click Search. Depending on the size, this may take a few minutes to populate. c. Select a group from the list to add to the Domain. The group name is added to the field below the list. Click the X in the group name to remove the group name from the field. d. 6. Click Add. For ADMIN-DEFINED User Groups, follow these steps: a. Enter the exact text for the Group Name or use the wildcard character (*). b. Enter a Description for the group. c. Click Add Group. Notes: Universal security groups are not supported. Nested Groups are not supported. Only User Groups with a Group Scope of Universal are supported for domains that connect through the Global Catalog Port. Add Non-Domain Users To add non-domain users, the non-domain activation feature can be enabled by contacting Dell ProSupport and requesting instructions. View or Modify Domain Policies and Information 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains. 2. Search or select the appropriate Domain Name to display Domain Detail. When you click a Domain, the Domain Detail page displays. 38 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 3. Click the tab that corresponds with the action you want to perform: Security Policies - To view or modify policies of the Domain, click Security Policies. Details & Actions - To view properties of the Domain, click Details & Actions Members - To view, add, or modify information for Groups and Users within the Domain. For instructions on how to perform these tasks, refer to the appropriate topic: Add Users to Domain Add User Groups View or Modify User Information View or Modify User Group Information Settings - To configure LDAP settings for the Domain, click Settings. Refer to Add Domains for instructions. Key Server - To configure components for use with Kerberos Authentication/Authorization, click Key Server. See Domain Key Server for instructions. Domain Details & Actions The Domain Details & Actions tab lists the properties of a domain. To access the Domain Details & Actions tab, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains. 2. Search or select a Domain Name, then the Details & Actions tab. Details displayed on the Domain Details & Actions tab: Domain Name - Name of the domain server. This should match the domain name in the title of the page. Location - The location (path) of the domain within the enterprise structure. This information is derived from the fully qualified host name or the computer name and domain portion of the hostname entered when the domain was added. Example: /com/enterpriseserver LDAP Url - URL to the active directory. This field is populated after adding the domain. The information is derived from the completed Host Name field. Example - LDAP://,DC=com To configure LDAP settings for the domain, click the Settings tab. Status - Describes the health of the domain server (Good, Fair, Poor). Domain Members This page allows you to view, add, or modify information for Groups and Users within the Domain. To access the Domain Members tab, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains. 2. Search or select a Domain Name, then the Members tab. From this tab, you can perform these actions: 39 Navigate the Dell Server Add Users to Domain - Allows you to add users by domain Add Group - Allows you to add a user group by domain Select to view the following information about Groups & Users, Users only, or Groups only: User/Group - Each user or user group in the Domain. Click an entry to view details. Distinguished Name CN is the common name, either a user or group name. OU is the organizational unit name, for example, Dallas. DC are domain components, for example, DC=Organization, DC=com Common Name - For a user, the user name; for a group, the group name User - Column displays a green checkmark Group - Column displays a green checkmark Domain Settings This page allows you to configure or modify LDAP settings for the Domain. To access the Domain Settings tab, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains. 2. Search or select a Domain Name, then the Settings tab. On the Domain Settings tab, you can view this information: Directory URL - Lists the current URL for the enterprise directory server. If you modify the settings, click Refresh URL. Host Name - The fully qualified host name or the computer name and domain portion of the hostname (for example, . .com) for the enterprise directory server. Port - The port for the directory server. If you do not specify a port, the default port of 389 is used. The secure port, 636, uses an SSL connection instead of clear text. Global catalog ports are 3268 (clear-text) and 3269 (secure). Distinguished Name - This field is populated when you tab from the completed Host Name field or refresh the URL. If necessary, correct the entry to reflect the domain (for example, DC=domainname, DC=com). Secure LDAP - Select this check box for LDAPS. User Name - The User Name with rights to read and run queries on the enterprise directory server. The format must be UPN, such as Password - Enter a Password with rights to read and run queries on the enterprise directory server. Alias - A mapping that the Security Management Server uses to select which domains to search to locate users that might match the suffix in the UPN. The domain name or other alias. It is recommended that you add a pre-Windows 2000 domain name as an alias. You may enter any UPN suffixes that are allowed for the domain and are configured in the enterprise directory server. Click Add, and the entry populates the field below. Select an alias in the list, and click Remove Selected. 40 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Update Domain - Click to update changes. Domain Key Server This page allows you to view or modify components for use with Kerberos Authentication/Authorization. Account - Enter an account name. Click Add Account, and the entry populates the field below. Select an account in the list, and click Remove Selected. To access the Domain Key Server tab, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains. 2. Search or select a Domain Name, then the Key Server tab. User Groups User Groups On the User Groups page, you can add a user group, edit User Group priority or search and select a user group to View or Modify User Group Policies and Information. Add a User Group 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. On the User Groups page, click Add. 3. Select the type of User Group from the pull-down list: Active Directory User Group or ADMINDEFINED User Group 4. Select a domain from the pull-down list. 5. For Active Directory User Groups, follow these steps: a. Enter the exact text for the Group Name or use the wildcard character (*). b. Click Search. Depending on the size, this may take a few minutes to populate. c. Select a group from the list to add to the Domain. The group name is added to the field below the list. Click the X in the group name to remove the group name from the field. d. 6. Click Add. For ADMIN-DEFINED User Groups, follow these steps: a. Enter the exact text for the Group Name or use the wildcard character (*). b. Enter a Description for the group. c. Click Add Group. Notes: Universal security groups are not supported. Nested Groups are not supported. 41 Navigate the Dell Server Only User Groups with a Group Scope of Universal are supported for domains that connect through the Global Catalog Port. Remove User Groups 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Click a Group Name link or enter a filter to search for available Groups. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. 3. Select a row to highlight it. 4. At the top, click Delete. Note: As another option, click a Group Name link and select the Details & Actions tab. Click Remove Group. If you remove a User Group that has Administrative privileges and later re-add the Group, it remains an Administrator Group. Find User Groups 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Enter a filter to search for available Groups. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. 3. Click Search. A Group or list of Groups displays, based on your search filter. View or Modify User Group Policies and Information 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search or select the appropriate Group Name to display User Group Detail. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. When you click a Group Name, the User Group Detail page displays. 3. Click the tab that corresponds with the action you want to perform: Security Policies - To view or modify policies of the Group, click Security Policies. Details & Actions - To view properties of the Group, click Details & Actions. Viewable information includes: Group Name: Group1 (Domain\Group1) Distinguished Name: CN=Group1, OU=Dallas, DC=Organization, DC=com Common Name: Group1 Last Modified in Directory - date and timestamp Last Reconciled - date and timestamp Members - To view or modify the information of a User in the Group, click Members. The list of Users in the Group displays. Click a User to view the User's Security Policies, Details & Actions, Endpoints, User Groups, and Admin. For instructions on how to view or modify User information, 42 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 refer to View or Modify User Information. Admin - To view, assign, or modify Administrator Roles assigned to the Group, click Admin. Select or deselect Administrator Roles to modify Administrator Roles assigned to the Group. For more information about privileges available to each Administrator Role, refer to Administrator Roles. 4. If modified, click Save. VDI User Policies To manage policy for users in a VDI environment, create a Windows Domain group, associate domain users with that group, and then import the group into Security Management Server. This allows Dell Server to manage the users and their policies. Policy settings differ, based on whether persistent or non-persistent VDI is deployed in the environment. For an explanation of the differences between persistent and non-persistent VDI, see Persistent vs. NonPersistent VDI. Policy and Configuration Requirements for VDI Users The policy requirements below are for VDI Users running Advanced Threat Prevention. The list includes only policies that are significant for VDI Users. VDI Endpoint Group policy settings must also meet certain requirements. See Policy and Configuration Requirements for VDI Endpoint Groups. Note: Ensure that you turn off Advanced Threat Prevention Agent Auto Update. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, select Management > Services Management > Advanced Threats - Agent Auto Update, then select Off. Note: With Persistent VDI Groups, ensure that roaming user profiles are configured. These policy and configuration settings for VDI Users must be configured before VDI client activation: Persistent VDI Group Non-Persistent VDI setting Group setting Technology Category Policy or Setting Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Policy-Based Encryption On Off Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Encrypt Outlook Personal Folders Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Encrypt Temporary Files Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Encrypt Temporary Internet Files Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Encrypt User Profile Documents Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Secure Post-Encryption Cleanup Single-pass Overwrite Single-pass Overwrite Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Force Logoff/Reboot on Policy Updates Selected Not Selected Removable Media Encryption Windows Media Encryption Windows Media Encryption On On Removable Media Encryption Windows Media Encryption EMS Scan External Media Not Selected Not Selected 43 Navigate the Dell Server User Group Details & Actions The User Group Details & Actions tab lists the properties of a selected user group. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then the Details & Actions tab. Remove Group The Remove Group command permanently removes this user group from the Security Management Server. Details: Group Name - Name of the user group ( \ ). This should match the user group name in the title of the page. Distinguished Name - CN=Group1, OU=Dallas, DC=Organization, DC=com CN is the common name OU is the organizational unit name DC are domain components Common Name - non-technical name of the user group Last Modified - Date/time stamp of the last time this information changed. Last Reconciled - Date/time stamp of the last time this information was reconciled. User Group Members This page displays information about each user within the user group. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then click the numeral in the Members column. User - Each user in that user group Distinguished Name - CN=Group1, OU=Dallas, DC=Organization, DC=com CN is the common name OU is the organizational unit name DC are domain components Common Name - non-technical name of the user group Add Users to the Group 1. On the Members tab, click Add Users to Group. 2. Search or select a user, then click the box to the left of the User Name. 3. Click Add Selected Users to Group. OR Select Upload Multiple User from File, then click Browse to select a CSV file and click Upload. 44 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 4. Valid CSV requirements: • The file must be in valid CSV format and contain a maximum of 999 endpoints. • The first column must contain valid fully qualified host names. All columns except the first column are ignored. • Only activated endpoints are added to the group. Remove Users from the Group 1. In User Group Detail, search or select a user, then click the box to the left of the User Name. 2. Click Remove Users from Group. 3. Click OK. User Group Admin This page allows you to assign, modify, or view Administrator roles for a group. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then the Admin tab. Administrator Roles - Assign or modify roles for a group membership and click Save. Delegated Roles - Delegate Administrator rights for the Group to a User. Related topics: Administrator Roles Assign or Modify Administrator Roles Delegate Administrator Roles Edit Group Priority The Group priority feature is used to determine policy precedence for effective policies that affect multiple groups. Group priority creates a weight associated with the specific group it is assigned to, and that weight is used to determine which policy setting is applied to an endpoint that is a member of more than one Endpoint Group when policy settings differ between those groups. Policy overrides are used from the group with higher priority when two (or more) separate groups have different priority levels. Edit Endpoint Group Priority Endpoint Group Priority can be changed only for Rule-Defined, Admin-Defined, and Active Directory Groups. System-Defined Group priority cannot be modified. In general, the Endpoint Group at the top of the list of Endpoint Groups has highest priority. The Endpoint Group at the bottom of the list has lowest priority. 45 Navigate the Dell Server Precedence Ranking The System Defined Non-Persistent VDI Endpoint Group has the highest priority level, followed by the Persistent VDI Endpoint Group. Order of priority: 1. Non-Persistent VDI Endpoint Group 2. Persistent VDI Endpoint Group 3. Highest ranked Active Directory/Rule-Defined/Admin-Defined Endpoint Group 4. Second and subsequent highest ranked Active Directory/Rule-Defined/Admin-Defined Endpoint Groups 5. Opt-in Endpoint Group 6. Default Endpoint Group To change Active Directory/Rule-Defined/Admin-Defined Endpoint Group priority: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Click Edit Priority. 3. Select the row of the appropriate group and drag it to the location in the list of Endpoint Groups that reflects its new priority level. 4. Click Save. Edit User Group Priority The User Group at the top of the list of User Groups has highest priority. The User Group at the bottom of the list has lowest priority. 46 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 To edit User Group priority: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Click Edit Priority. 3. Select the row of the appropriate group and drag it to the location in the list of Endpoint Groups that reflects its new priority level. 4. Click Save. Assign or Modify Administrator Roles From the Administrators page, you can view or modify existing Administrator privileges. To view or modify existing Administrator privileges, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Administrators. 2. Search or select the row that displays the Username of the appropriate Administrator to display User Detail. 3. View or modify administrator roles in the pane at the right. 4. Click Save. Note: Dell recommends assigning Administrator Roles at the Group level rather than at the User level. To view, assign, or modify Administrator Roles at the Group level, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then the Admin tab. The User Group Detail page displays. 47 3. Select or deselect Administrator Roles assigned to the Group. 4. Click Save. Navigate the Dell Server If you remove a Group that has Administrative privileges and later re-add the Group, it remains an Administrator Group. To view, assign, or modify Administrator Roles at the User level, see User Admin. Related topics: Administrator Roles User Admin Delegate Administrator Roles View Reconciliation Date To view the date and time a User Group's or User's information was last reconciled with Active Directory, click the Details & Actions tab for the Group or User, and refer to Last Reconciled. For instructions, refer to View or Modify User Group Policies and Information and View or Modify User Policies and Information. View Policy Proxy State The Remote Management Console tracks the Policy Proxy's Policy Updating state. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint type, for example, Workstation or Mobile Device. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it into the Search field and click the Search icon. For Windows and Mac, enter the full Hostname of the endpoint if you know it. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. For Mobile devices, optionally enter the user's email address. If you do not know the full Hostname or user email address, scroll through the list of available endpoints to locate the endpoint. 4. Click an endpoint in the list to display the Endpoint Detail. 5. Click the Details & Actions tab of the endpoint for which you want to view information. Users Users Users are added through reconciliation. Reconciliation is the automated process the Dell Server uses to compare user data in the Dell Server database with user data in the enterprise directory server and update the Dell Server database when necessary. In the left pane, click Populations > Users and then click a User Name, to view details about the user. Click the arrow next to a User Name to view the Common Name, sAM Account Name, and User Principal Name. Add a User by Domain 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. On the Users page, click Add Users by Domain. 48 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 3. In the Add Users by Domain dialog, select a domain from the pull-down list. 4. In the Full name field, enter the exact text for the user name or use the wildcard character (*). For best results, use non-wild card characters at the beginning of the filter (e.g., User* instead of *ser). 5. Select Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName from the pull-down list. A Common Name, Universal Principal Name, and sAMAccountName must be defined in the enterprise directory server for every user. If a user is a member of a Domain or Group but does not appear in the Domain or Group Members list in the Remote Management Console, ensure that all three names are properly defined for the user in the enterprise directory server. 6. Click Search. Depending on the size, this may take a few minutes to populate. If the query is too large, a dialog prompts you to revise the query. 7. Select users from the directory user list to add to the Domain. The user names are added to the field below the list. 8. Click X to remove the user name from the field or click Add. Remove Users In general, a user cannot be removed in the Remote Management Console. Instead, you must remove the user from Active Directory. Find Users 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Do one of these: • Enter the user name or a filter in the Search field and click the search icon. Note: To search, you can enter Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName. You can use the wildcard character (*) but it is not needed at the beginning or end of the text. • 3. Scroll through the User Name list. Click a link in the User Name column. The User Detail page opens, displaying the Security Policies tab. Deactivate/Suspend Users If the user you are deactivating is no longer associated with your organization, be sure to publish appropriate Current Shield State policy with a value other than Activate, and ensure that the policy commit is complete and successful prior to removing the user from your enterprise directory server. The user does not need to be in your enterprise directory server, but the Policy Proxy does need to deliver the policy to their device in order for it to take effect. Best Practice - Deleting users from the enterprise directory server is not recommended. If a user leaves the organization, the account should be moved to a disabled group. With that said, if a deletion occurs, the user is simply marked “removed” in the Security Management Server, rather than deleted. The user will not display in the Remote Management Console, but their keys and other information are still available in the database. 49 Navigate the Dell Server 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Click a User Name link or enter a filter to search for available users. Note: To Search, you can enter Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName. The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. 3. On the User Detail > Security Policies tab under the Windows Encryption technology group, click the Policy-Based Encryption policy group. 4. Click Show advanced settings. 5. Change the Current Shield State policy to Suspend. 6. Click Save. 7. Commit Policies. To reactivate a deactivated Windows user, follow the instructions in Reinstate Suspended Users. Reinstate Suspended Users To reinstate a suspended user, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Click a User Name link or enter a filter to search for available users. Note: To Search, you can enter Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName. The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. 3. On the User Detail > Security Policies tab under the Windows Encryption technology group, click the Policy-Based Encryption policy group. 4. Click Show advanced settings. 5. Change the Current Shield State policy to Activate. 6. Click Save. 7. Commit Policies. Repeat these steps for each type of device the user was suspended from. 8. To reinstate a suspended Dell Encryption user, perform the preceding steps and then run WSDeactivate on the computer that was suspended for that particular user. WSDeactivate and its instructions are located in the Dell installation media. When using WSDeactivate, existing local keys, credentials, and policy material are no longer accessible to the Encryption client, and all managed users are forced to reactivate upon their next log on. View or Modify User Policies and Information 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Click a User Name or enter a filter to search for available users. Note: To Search, you can enter Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName. The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. When you click a User Name, the User Detail page displays. 50 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 3. Click the tab that corresponds with the action you want to perform: Security Policies - To view or modify policies of the User, click Security Policies. Details & Actions - To view properties of the User, click Details & Actions. Viewable information includes: User Name: User Name ( Distinguished Name: CN=User Name, OU=Dallas, DC=Organization, DC=com Common Name: User Name User Principal Name: sAM Account Name: username User Type - possible values are AD or local Last Modified - Date/time stamp Last Reconciled - Date/time stamp Endpoints - To view or modify information for the User's endpoints, click Endpoints. For instructions on how to modify endpoint information, refer to View or Modify Endpoint Information. User Groups - To view the information for Groups the User belongs to, click Groups. A list displays of Groups the User belongs to. Click a User Group to view the Group's Security Policies, Details & Actions, Members, and Admin. Admin - To view, assign, or modify Administrator Roles assigned to the User, click Admin. Select or deselect Administrator Types to modify Administrator Roles assigned to the User. 4. If modified, click Save. User Details & Actions The User Details & Actions tab lists the properties of the selected user. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Search or select a User Name, then the Details & Actions tab. Details: User Name - User Name ( Distinguished Name - CN=User Name, OU=Dallas, DC=Organization, DC=com Common Name - User Name Universal Principal Name - sAMAccountName - username Email - User email address User Type - possible values are AD or local Last Modified - Date/time stamp Last Reconciled - Date/time stamp User Endpoints This page displays information about a user's endpoints, listed by platform type. Endpoint categories include Shielded, Mobile Device, and Cloud endpoints. 51 Navigate the Dell Server 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Search or select a User Name, then the Endpoints tab. Shield Platform - The platform type Device Id - Value that uniquely identifies the target device Last Successful Login - Date/timestamp, per endpoint Last Unsuccessful Login - Date/timestamp, per endpoint Last Gatekeeper Sync - Date/timestamp, per endpoint Effective Policies - Click view for a simple layout view of the effective endpoint policies Actions - Click Recover to proceed to the Recover Data page Last Encryption Sweep Start - Date/timestamp, per user Sweep End - Date/timestamp, per user Encryption Failure - Click view for a simple list of files that could not be encrypted, per user States (Date/timestamp, per endpoint): Policy Updating User Encryption Profile Updating EMS Encryption Profile Updating User Data Encryption On Deactivation Pending Suspension Pending Suspended Mobile Device Platform - The platform type Device Id - Value that uniquely identifies the target device Effective Policies - Click view for a simple layout view of the effective endpoint policies Cloud Platform - The platform type Device Id - Value that uniquely identifies the target device User Groups If the user belongs to a User Group, this page displays information about the group and provides a link to the group. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Search or select a User Name, then the Users Groups tab. 52 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 User Group - Group to which the user belongs Distinguished Name - CN=Group1, OU=Dallas, DC=Organization, DC=com CN is the common name OU is the organizational unit name DC are domain components Common Name - non-technical name of the user group User Admin This page allows you to assign, modify, or view Administrator roles for the user. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Search or select a User Name, then the Admin tab. Administrator Roles - Assign or modify roles for the user and click Save. Inherited Group Roles - A read-only list of roles that the user inherited from a group. To modify the roles, click the User Groups tab for that user and select the Group Name. Delegated Roles - Delegate Administrator rights to a User. Related topics: Administrator Roles Assign or Modify Administrator Roles Delegate Administrator Roles View Reconciliation Date To view the date and time a User Group's or User's information was last reconciled with Active Directory, click the Details & Actions tab for the Group or User, and refer to Last Reconciled. For instructions, refer to View or Modify User Group Policies and Information and View or Modify User Policies and Information. View Policy Proxy State The Remote Management Console tracks the Policy Proxy's Policy Updating state. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint type, for example, Workstation or Mobile Device. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it into the Search field and click the Search icon. For Windows and Mac, enter the full Hostname of the endpoint if you know it. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. For Mobile devices, optionally enter the user's email address. 53 Navigate the Dell Server If you do not know the full Hostname or user email address, scroll through the list of available endpoints to locate the endpoint. 4. Click an endpoint in the list to display the Endpoint Detail. 5. Click the Details & Actions tab of the endpoint for which you want to view information. Issue a User Decryption Policy 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. Click a User Name link or search for a user and then click a link to display the User Detail. To Search, you can enter Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName. The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. 3. On the Security Policies tab, click Policy-Based Encryption. 4. Set the value of Policy-Based Encryption to Off. 5. Click Save. 6. Commit Policies. Once this policy reaches the specified Encryption client, decryption begins. Endpoint Groups Endpoint Groups On the Endpoint Groups page, you can add or remove an Endpoint Group, edit Endpoint Group priority, or search and select an Endpoint Group to view or modify Endpoint Group information. Types of Endpoint Groups System - Endpoint Group maintained by Dell Server. System groups include Default Endpoint Group, Opt-In Endpoint Group, Persistent VDI Endpoint Group, and Non-Persistent VDI Endpoint Group. For more information about VDI Endpoint Groups, see VDI Endpoint Groups. Rule-Defined - Dynamic Endpoint Group based on a specification, or rule set, defined by the administrator. Admin-Defined - Static Endpoint Group for which the administrator can select specific endpoints for inclusion. The group remains unchanged unless the administrator adds or removes an endpoint. For more information, see Add Endpoints to an Admin-Defined Endpoint Group or Remove Endpoints from an AdminDefined Endpoint Group. Active Directory Group - Endpoint Group for which the administrator can select a group from Active Directory for inclusion. The Active Directory group scope must be Global, and type must be Security. At least one endpoint in the Active Directory group must be running a Dell Data Security product and be managed by the Dell Security Management Server. For more information about adding Active Directory Endpoint Groups to the Dell Server, see Add an Endpoint Group Before you add the first Endpoint Group see Endpoint Groups Specification, which explains fields and expressions used in Group Specifications. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Click Add. 54 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 3. In the Select the type of Endpoint Group field, select RULE-DEFINED Group, ADMIN-DEFINED Group, or Active Directory Group. 4. In the Group Name field, enter a name for the new Endpoint Group. 5. In the Description field, enter a description for the new Endpoint Group. 6. (For Rule-Defined Groups only) In the Specification field, enter the rule that describes the Endpoint Group. Specifications can be up to 20,000 characters. Specifications are case insensitive. (For Active Directory Groups only) In the Choose AD Group field, enter into the field the beginning characters of an Active Directory group name (Example: Accounting), and select the desired group. 7. (For Rule-Defined and Active Directory Groups only) Click Preview to view the endpoints to be included in the group. 8. Click Add Group to save the group definition. 9. After the group is added, modify the group priority if necessary. Remove an Endpoint Group 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Select the group to remove. 3. Click Delete, then click OK. Modify an Endpoint Group 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Select the group to modify. 3. Click the Details & Actions tab. 4. Click Modify. 5. Make changes as desired. 6. Click Update Group. VDI Endpoint Groups Upon activation, a VDI endpoint is added to the appropriate VDI Endpoint Group on Dell Server, and policies are sent to the endpoint. Persistent VDI Endpoint Groups and Non-Persistent VDI Endpoint Groups are System Endpoint Groups, which are maintained by Dell Server. Policy settings differ, based on whether persistent or non-persistent VDI is deployed in the environment. For an explanation of the differences between persistent and non-persistent VDI, see Persistent vs. NonPersistent VDI. Policy and Configuration Requirements for VDI Endpoint Groups The policy requirements below are for VDI endpoints running Advanced Threat Prevention. The list includes only policies that are significant for VDI endpoints. VDI User policy settings must also meet certain requirements. See Policy and Configuration Requirements for VDI Users. Note: Ensure that you turn off Advanced Threat Prevention Agent Auto Update. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, select Management > Services Management > Advanced Threats - Agent Auto Update, then select Off. Note: With Persistent VDI Groups, ensure that roaming user profiles are configured. 55 Navigate the Dell Server These policy and configuration settings for VDI Endpoint Groups must be configured before VDI client activation: Policy or Setting Persistent VDI Group Non-Persistent VDI setting Group setting Technology Category Windows Encryption Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Off Off Windows Encryption Hardware Crypto Accelerator (HCA) Hardware Crypto Accelerator (HCA) Off Off Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption SDE Encryption Enabled Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Common Encrypted Folders Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Encrypt Windows Paging File Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Secure Windows Credentials Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Block Unmanaged Access to Domain Credentials Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Secure Windows Hibernation File Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Prevent Unsecured Hibernation Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption Policy-Based Encryption Enable Software Auto Updates Not Selected Not Selected Windows Encryption BitLocker Encryption BitLocker Encryption Off Off Windows Encryption Server Encryption Server Encryption Off Off Threat Prevention Advanced Threat Protection Advanced Threat Protection On On Removable Media Encryption Mac Media Encryption Mac Media Encryption Off Off Port Control Windows Port Control Port Control System Disabled Disabled Persistent vs. Non-Persistent VDI Persistent and Non-Persistent VDI endpoints differ in the following ways: Persistent VDI Non-Persistent VDI Persistent endpoints may exist for many days to years. Non-persistent endpoints usually exist only for a few days or 56 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 weeks. Persistent endpoints retain the configurations that are set for the VM, until the VM clone pool is removed and rebuilt. Non-persistent endpoints revert to baseline settings after a user logs off. After reverting to A persistent endpoint baseline settings,a nonis dedicated to a single persistent endpoint is user. available for another user. Endpoint Groups Specification To skip to instructions about how to add an endpoint, see Add Endpoint Groups. At deployment time, all endpoints belong to a default endpoint group, which is generally sufficient for most deployments. This feature is used to assign policy to a specific group of endpoints. For instance, you may want to create an endpoint group based on the locale that the operating system sends up in inventory. Once that endpoint group is established, you could then apply a specific policy set to just the endpoints in your specified locale. Conversely, creating an endpoint group based on a platform type would not be useful because policies are already grouped by platform. Endpoint groups are created using a group specification. This specification allows you to define the endpoint characteristics used to add endpoints to a group. You cannot manually add endpoints to endpoint groups. The system, based on the characteristics in the endpoint group specification, automatically manages endpoints and endpoint group membership. Endpoints can be members of many endpoint groups simultaneously, as there is no mutual exclusion requirement for endpoints in groups. All endpoints are included in the default endpoint group in addition to any defined endpoint groups that they may be a member of. This is similar to the way users are a member of the domain they are a part of, in addition to any security groups. Like the user group mapping, the endpoint group mapping creates a potential policy arbitration problem for endpoints. To resolve this problem, the default endpoint group has the lowest possible precedence, and cannot be altered. The endpoint groups that you create have medium precedence by default. For more information on group precedence, see Modify Group Precedence. Endpoint Group Specification The endpoint group specification is a domain specific language that allows you to define groups. The endpoint group specification consists of a set of operators and a set of data fields that these operators can be applied to. A group specification is a Boolean expression that is evaluated per endpoint to determine whether or not a endpoint is a member of a group. The information obtained to assign endpoints to endpoint groups happens when inventory is received, not at activation time. If you set up endpoint groups, all endpoints will stay only in the default endpoint group until inventory is received. Group specifications are created using the following fields and expressions. Multiple fields and operators can be used in a single group specification. 57 Navigate the Dell Server Field Name Description CATEGORY UID Endpoint category: WINDOWS, MAC, SED Mobile Edition is not available for use in the Endpoint Groups feature. Windows hostname DISPLAYNAME OSVERSION OS Fully qualified hostname Operating system version as reported in inventory. We recommend using other available fields, as discrepancies in operating system versions may reduce the usefulness of this field. Operating system name as reported in the endpoint's inventory PROCESSOR SERIALNUMBER System processor information Endpoint serial number The current locale of the endpoint. This is typically only reported by Encryption Enterprise. LOCALE WINCOMPUTERNAME ASSETTAG Fully qualified hostname Asset tag of the computer manufacturer SHIELDVERSION Version of Encryption client AGENTVERSION Agent version for Manager PLUGINVERSION Plugin version for Manager MEMBEROFGROUP Active Directory group name MEMBEROFDOMAIN Active Directory domain name CLOUDPRESENT All Dell Data Guardian clients CLOUDINTERNAL Internal Data Guardian clients CLOUDEXTERNAL External Data Guardian clients SEDPRESENT BITLOCKERPRESENT TOTALMEMORY All SED clients TRUE/FALSE value for BitLocker Manager, indicating if BitLocker is enabled. Total memory available on the system Operators and Expressions The basic operators are the binary operators that return a Boolean value. Operator Meaning = Boolean, Integer, and String equality operator >, >= Greater than, greater than or equal, integer operator <, <= Less than, less than or equal, integer operator <> Not equal, integer string operator AND Logical AND for Boolean expression 58 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 OR NOT Logical OR for Boolean expression Logical NOT for Boolean expression The logical operators follow the standard Boolean operator precedence (NOT, AND, OR). String fields have the following string operators that return Boolean values: BEGINSWITH ENDSWITH CONTAINS These operators can be used on the string fields: UID BEGINSWITH "A1850502" ASSETTAG CONTAINS "007" String fields also have the following string operators that return substrings of the field: LEFT(string,int) RIGHT(string,int) MID(string,int,int) The substring operators can be used in the string operators that return Boolean values: LEFT(DISPLAYNAME, 4 ) = "A185" There is one additional string operator that returns an integer value that is the length of the string: LEN(string) This can be used in a Boolean expression: LEN(DISPLAYNAME)<=10 Summary Group specifications are created using the fields and expressions described in the previous sections. Multiple fields and operators can be used in a single group specification. For example, a group for WINDOWS devices, with a hostname that started with ‘FOO’ that also had Hardware Crypto Accelerator cards would be: UID BEGINSWITH "A1850502" AND LEFT(DISPLAYNAME, 4 ) = "A185" UID BEGINSWITH "A1850502" AND LEFT(DISPLAYNAME, 4 ) = "A185" AND LEN(UID) >= 20 UID BEGINSWITH "A1850502" AND LEFT(DISPLAYNAME, 4 ) = "A185" OR ( LEN(UID) >= 20 AND BITLOCKERPRESENT) Examples • 59 Using the FQDN of the client computer to attach it to a device group can be done by keying on any commonality amongst the desired client computers. In the example below, we have a child domain Navigate the Dell Server of ORGANIZATION, called AMERS to represent a domain in America. Additionally we have a 2nd child domain EMEA representing non-American based clients. DISPLAYNAME ENDSWITH “AMERS.ORGANIZATION.COM” This group will contain all clients that are in the AMERS domain according to their FQDN. DISPLAYNAME ENDSWITH “EMEA.ORGANIZATION.COM” This group will contain all clients that are in the EMEA domain according to their FQDN • If the hostname of the client computers contain several notations that indicate desired ways in which to create a group, those specific portions can be captured as long as their location is consistent. Looking at the hostname: A12345jdoe.AMER.ORGANIZATION.COM A denotes an asset, while the following 5 digits denotes the asset’s assigned value. The user that was assigned the asset has their SAM account appended to the end. You can capture the assigned number of the asset, and that it is within a certain subsection of assets. This example shows how to look for assets that have a value less than 1000. MID(DISPLAYNAME , 2, 5) < 1001 This example targets user’s machines where their last name begins with ‘r’. MID(DISPLAYNAME , 8, 1) = “r” • Example for Dell Data Guardian: To display Dell Data Guardian internal clients, add the specification "cloudpresent and cloudinternal". To display Dell Data Guardian external clients, add the specification "cloudpresent and cloudexternal". For instructions about how to add an endpoint, see Add Endpoint Groups. Edit Group Priority The Group priority feature is used to determine policy precedence for effective policies that affect multiple groups. Group priority creates a weight associated with the specific group it is assigned to, and that weight is used to determine which policy setting is applied to an endpoint that is a member of more than one Endpoint Group when policy settings differ between those groups. Policy overrides are used from the group with higher priority when two (or more) separate groups have different priority levels. Edit Endpoint Group Priority Endpoint Group Priority can be changed only for Rule-Defined, Admin-Defined, and Active Directory Groups. System-Defined Group priority cannot be modified. In general, the Endpoint Group at the top of the list of Endpoint Groups has highest priority. The Endpoint Group at the bottom of the list has lowest priority. 60 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Precedence Ranking The System Defined Non-Persistent VDI Endpoint Group has the highest priority level, followed by the Persistent VDI Endpoint Group. Order of priority: 1. Non-Persistent VDI Endpoint Group 2. Persistent VDI Endpoint Group 3. Highest ranked Active Directory/Rule-Defined/Admin-Defined Endpoint Group 4. Second and subsequent highest ranked Active Directory/Rule-Defined/Admin-Defined Endpoint Groups 5. Opt-in Endpoint Group 6. Default Endpoint Group To change Active Directory/Rule-Defined/Admin-Defined Endpoint Group priority: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Click Edit Priority. 3. Select the row of the appropriate group and drag it to the location in the list of Endpoint Groups that reflects its new priority level. 4. Click Save. Edit User Group Priority The User Group at the top of the list of User Groups has highest priority. The User Group at the bottom of the list has lowest priority. 61 Navigate the Dell Server To edit User Group priority: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Click Edit Priority. 3. Select the row of the appropriate group and drag it to the location in the list of Endpoint Groups that reflects its new priority level. 4. Click Save. View Endpoints in an Endpoint Group This page displays the endpoints included in information for every user of the specified endpoint. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Click a Group Name link or enter a filter to search for available Groups. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. When you click a Group Name, the Endpoint Group Detail page displays. 3. If applicable, View or Modify Endpoint Information. View or Modify Endpoint Group Policies and Information 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Click a Group Name or enter a filter to search for available Endpoint Groups. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. When you click a Group Name, the Endpoint Group Detail page displays. 3. Click the tab that corresponds with the action you want to perform: Security Policies - To view or modify policies of the Group, click Security Policies. Note: Before modifying VDI Endpoint Group policies, see Policy Requirements for VDI Endpoint 62 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Groups. Details & Actions - To view properties of the Group, click Details & Actions. Viewable information includes: Group Name: Group1 (Domain\Group1) Description: The Description provided when the Group was added. (For Rule-Defined groups) Specification: The endpoint group specification that defines endpoints as members of the group. SED Device Control - The SED Unlock command for this endpoint group is carried out in the SED Device Control area. This command unlocks the PBA screen after it has been locked – either by sending a Lock command or by exceeding the maximum number of authentications attempts allowed by policy. Members - To view or modify the information of an Endpoint in the Group, click Members. The list of Endpoints in the Group displays. Click an Endpoint to view the Endpoint's Security Policies, Details & Actions, Users, Endpoint Groups, Threat Events, and Advanced Events. 4. If modified, click Save. Endpoint Group Details & Actions This page lists the properties of the selected Endpoint Group. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then the Details & Actions tab. Details: Group Name of the endpoint group A description of this endpoint group The specification that was used to create this endpoint group (applies only to Rule-Defined Groups) Active Directory Group (applies only to Active Directory Groups) SED Device Control The SED Unlock command for this endpoint group is carried out in the SED Device Control area. This command unlocks the PBA screen after it has been locked – either by sending a Lock command or by exceeding the maximum number of authentications attempts allowed by policy. Endpoint Group Members This page lists the endpoints within an endpoint group. Information displays based on the group specification used to create the endpoint group. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then the Members tab. Category - WINDOWS, MAC, SED, IOS, or Android Hostname - Endpoint hostname OS/Version - Endpoint operating system and version Add Endpoints to an Admin-Defined Endpoint Group 1. 63 In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. Navigate the Dell Server 2. Select the group to which to add endpoints. 3. Click the Members tab. 4. Select Add Endpoints to Group, then search for specific endpoints or select endpoints in the list that displays, and click Add Selected Endpoints to Group. OR Select Upload Multiple Endpoints from File, then click Browse to select a CSV file and click Upload. Valid CSV requirements: • The file must be in valid CSV format and contain a maximum of 999 endpoints. • The first column must contain valid fully qualified host names. All columns except the first column are ignored. • Only activated endpoints are added to the group. Remove Endpoints from an Admin-Defined Endpoint Group 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoint Groups. 2. Select the group to which to add endpoints. 3. Click the Members tab. 4. Search for specific endpoints or select endpoints in the list that displays. To select more than one endpoint, press Shift and select the endpoints. 5. Click the red X that displays in the right column for each endpoint, or select the endpoints and click Remove Endpoints from Group. Endpoints Endpoints On the Endpoints page, you can add an endpoint to a group, remove an endpoint, or search and select an endpoint to View or Modify Endpoint Information. You can also quickly view the following summary information about each endpoint: *Hostname - Endpoint hostname. *OS/Version - Operating system and version running on the endpoint (Example: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise). *Category - Catetory of endpoint (Example: Windows or Mac). *Protected - A green check displays if the endpoint is protected. If the endpoint is not protected, the column is blank. *Serial Number - Manufacturer assigned serial number. *Win Computer Name - Computer name Windows uses to identify the computer on the network. PBE - Policy-Based Encryption version. Manager - Manager/Agent version. Data Guardian - Data Guardian version. 64 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 * - Click the column header to sort by column label. Click a Hostname to view additional details about the endpoint. Click an arrow at the left of a Hostname to view the Category, Unique ID, and Processor. Add Endpoint to Group To add an endpoint to an Endpoint Group: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Click the box next to a Hostname in the list or enter a filter to search for available endpoints. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. For Windows and Mac, if you know the Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. For Mobile devices, optionally enter the model name or user's email address. 3. At the top left, click Add Endpoints to Group. An endpoint is added to inventory when a user who is in the Dell database activates the endpoint. If the user is not found in the Security Management Server database, they will be located in Active Directory. Remove Endpoints Endpoint removal is permanent. Once an endpoint is removed, the action cannot be undone. To remove an endpoint: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the appropriate endpoint type, for example, Workstation or Mobile Device. 3. Click the box next to a Hostname in the list or enter a filter to search for available endpoints. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. For Windows and Mac, if you know the Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. For Mobile devices, optionally enter the model name or user's email address. 4. At the top left, click Remove. 5. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the endpoint. Note: As another option, click an endpoint link and select the Details & Actions tab. Under Endpoint Detail, click Remove. Find Endpoints 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Navigate the list of endpoints using the scroll bar or page navigation controls at the bottom of the page or enter a filter into the Search field to search for available endpoints. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. For Windows and Mac, if you know the Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. 65 Navigate the Dell Server For Mobile devices, optionally enter the model name or user's email address. View or Modify Endpoint Policies and Information 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the appropriate endpoint type, for example, Workstation or Mobile Device. 3. Click a Hostname in the list or enter a filter to search for available endpoints. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. For Windows and Mac, if you know the Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. For Mobile devices, optionally enter the model name or user's email address. When you click a Hostname or Endpoint Serial Number, the Endpoint Detail page displays. 4. Click the tab that corresponds with the action you want to perform: Security Policies - To view or modify policies of the endpoint, click Security Policies. Details & Actions - To view properties of the endpoint, including Inventory Information, click Details & Actions. Viewable information includes hardware information, effective policies, inventory and protection status, threat protection and Advanced Threat Prevention detail, and SED Device Control commands. Users - To view a list of users who store and access data on the endpoint, click Users. These statistics of endpoint users may be available on the Endpoint Detail page: Login, Last Gatekeeper Sync, Effective Policies, and States. You can also recover data from this page. Endpoint Groups - To view a list of Endpoint Groups to which this endpoint belong, click Endpoint Groups. All endpoint belong to at least one endpoint group, the Default Endpoint Group. Threat Events - To view information about threat events on the endpoint, click Threat Events. The following information is displayed for events: Severity, Category (Malware, Web Filtering, Web Protection, and Firewall), Event ID, Event Description, User Name, and Received time stamp. Advanced Events - To view, export, quarantine, or waive unsafe files, click Advanced Events. Events are grouped by Status (Unsafe, Quarantined, or Abnormal), and the following information is displayed for events: File Name, File Paths, Score, Classification, First Found time stamp, Running, Auto Run, and Detected By. 6. If modified, click Save. View Effective Policy When you view Effective Policies, you are viewing the policies and settings that are enforced on an endpoint. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Click a Hostname in the list or enter a filter to search for available endpoints. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. For Windows and Mac, if you know the Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. 66 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 For Mobile devices, optionally enter the model name or user's email address. When you click a Hostname or Endpoint Serial Number, the Endpoint Detail page displays. 5. On the Endpoint Detail page, click the Details & Actions tab. 6. Under Manager Detail, click View Effective Policies. Related topics: Manage Security Policies Endpoint Details & Actions The Details & Actions page lists the details for the selected endpoint as well as commands, such as Remove Endpoint. Available details and commands vary, depending on the endpoint platform. To access Endpoint Details & Actions, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Details & Actions tab. Endpoint Detail Command: Click the Remove link to remove this endpoint. Note: Endpoint removal is permanent. Once an endpoint is removed, the action cannot be undone. Details: Windows Category - Windows OS/Version - Example: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Processor Serial Number - Manufacturer assigned serial number Unique ID - Dell assigned unique identifier Protected - Date and time stamp Mac Category - Mac OS/OS Version - Example: Mac OS X 10.11.0 Processor Serial Number - Manufacturer assigned serial number Unique ID - Dell assigned unique identifier Protected - Date and time stamp Mobile Device Category - Mobile Device 67 Navigate the Dell Server OS/OS Version - Example: Lollipop / 5.0 Model Name - Examples: Android or iPad Serial Number - Manufacturer assigned serial number Last Contact Time - Date and time stamp of last contact with the Security Management Server State: Discovered – device found Blocked – block from Exchange access Blocked Sub-States (on the Endpoint Detail page): Blocked by Admin – (EAS only) blocked by administrative override using the Block Device command Blocked by Policy – (EAS or iOS) subject to the Allow iOS Devices and Allow Non-iOS Devices policies. Pending – iOS policy pending Protected – policies implemented Cloud Category - Windows, iOS, or Android OS/OS Version - Examples: Windows 10 Android / 5.0 iPhone OS / 8.0 Model ID - Examples: iPhone6, or iPad3,4 Model Name (if available) Phone ESN/IMEI (if available) Processor (will display if the data is available) Memory available and total (MBs) (will display if the data is available) Battery remaining% (will display if the data is available) Serial Number - Manufacturer assigned serial number Unique ID - Dell assigned unique identifier Actions - Hide or Remove Endpoint Shield Detail Commands: To view the policies of the endpoint, click View Effective Policies. Obtain the endpoint's recovery keys: 1. Click Device Recovery Keys. 2. Enter a Recovery Password and click Download. 68 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 The recovery bundle containing this endpoint's encryption keys is downloaded. You must remember the Recovery Password to access the recovery keys. Detail: Windows Policy Proxy Group (typically CMGREMOTE) Recovery ID of the specific endpoint Version (core/edition) Activation Method (typically Mandatory) HCA Enabled: True or False TPM Present: True or False Edition: Dell or CREDANT States: Policy Updating: Date and timestamp Device Encryption Updating: Date and timestamp Device Data Encryption On: Date and timestamp Sweep Started: Date and timestamp Sweep Completed: Date and timestamp Inventory Received: Date and timestamp Inventory Processed: Date and timestamp Manager Inventory Received: Date and timestamp Manager Inventory Processed: Date and timestamp Protected: Protection Status Tab: Disk Name Capacity (storage) Protection Status (Protected, Protecting, Unknown) Interface type Model number of the endpoint GPE Tab: GPE Available (True or False) GPE Driver Version GPE Functional (True or False) GPE Lifecycle Remaining (number) GPE Lifecycle Owner Remaining (number) 69 Navigate the Dell Server GPE Provisioned Status TPM Tab: TPM Present (True or False) TPM Activated (True or False) TPM Owned (True or False) TPM Functional Status (True or False) TPM Spec Version (version number) HCA Tab: HCA Functional Status HCA Provision State Preboot Present (True or False) Preboot Set (True or False) Actions: Effective policies on the specific endpoint and Recovery Keys for the specific endpoint Mac Policy Proxy Group (typically CMGREMOTE) Recovery ID of the specific endpoint Version (core/edition) Activation Method (typically Mandatory) Edition (Dell or Credant) States: Policy Updating: Date and timestamp Device Encryption Updating: Date and timestamp Device Data Encryption On: Date and timestamp Sweep Started: Date and timestamp Sweep Completed: Date and timestamp Inventory Received: Date and timestamp Inventory Processed: Date and timestamp Protected: Protection Status Tab: Disk Name Capacity (storage) Protection Status (Protected, Protecting, Unknown) 70 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Interface type Model number of the endpoint Actions: Effective policies on the specific endpoint and Recovery Keys for the specific endpoint Manager Detail (Windows only) Command: Click View Effective Policies to go to the effective policy page for this endpoint. States The client gathers the following information via a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) call to the Operating System. It is updated with each inventory update. Inventory Received - the date and time that the inventory was received by the Security Management Server and placed in the queue. Inventory Processed - the date and time that the inventory was picked up from the queue and processed (Note: If the Server is under load, the Processed and Received times may be different, but usually they will be the same.) Agent Version - the version of Manager the endpoint is running. Protected - Summarizes the protection status of the disk. Protection Status Disk - number of the disk Partitions - number of partitions the disk has Capacity - capacity of the disk Encryption Technology - encryption technology in use Protection Status - Protected or unprotected Interface - Disk interface (Examples: IDE, SATA) Model - Manufacturer name and model of the disk Click the small black arrow on the left to expand the disk details to view information for each partition of the disk. Logical Disk - The name of the logical disk. ID - The identifying number of the logical disk. Encryption % - The percentage of the partition that has been encrypted. Capacity - The capacity of the partition. Protection Status - Protection status for the partition: Protected, Unprotected, Locked Providers Agent - SED, FDE, Authentication Proxy, Preboot Authentication, Windows Authentication, BitLocker, TPM, Threat Protection, Advanced Threat Prevention 71 Navigate the Dell Server Plugin Functional Status (green check mark or red "x") - This indicates whether the Agent has been enabled via policy. To get more detail on whether each plugin is working as expected, look at Plugin State column. Plugin State: • BitLocker Plugin: Starting - Manager is starting up. Because this is a fairly quick process, it is unlikely an inventory update would capture this so you would probably never see this state in the Security Management Server Console. Disabled - Manager is disabled by policy and not enforcing any previously received policy. Active - Manager is running normally and enforcing policies. No Policy - Initial policy has not been received so the plugin is not actively enforcing any policy. This is only relevant the very first time you install the Manager client. Manager will not start a plugin until an initial policy is received from the Security Management Server, versus starting the plugin with some default policy placed on the client during install. After an initial policy has been received from the Security Management Server, via the activation process, plugins are always started with the last policy the client is aware of. OpSys Not Supported - Manager does not support this operating system. Manager is not actively enforcing policy related to this plugin, due to this plugin-specific exception. • TPM Plugin: Starting - Manager is starting up. Because this is a fairly quick process, it is unlikely an inventory update would capture this so you would probably never see this state in the Security Management Server Console. Disabled - Manager is disabled by policy and not enforcing any previously received policy. Active - Manager is running normally and enforcing policies. TPM Services Not Started – In the Enterprise Server Console this is listed as TPM Base Services Failed. It means something is preventing the TPM service from starting as expected. The Manager is not actively enforcing policy related to this plugin, due to this plugin-specific exception. No TPM Device – The TPM device is not present or is not detectable in the indicated computer. The Manager is not actively enforcing policy related to this plugin, due to this plugin-specific exception. No Policy - Initial policy has not been received so the plugin is not actively enforcing any policy. This is only relevant the very first time you install the Manager client. Manager will not start a plugin until an initial policy is received from the Security Management Server, versus starting the plugin with some default policy placed on the client during install. After an initial policy has been received from the Security Management Server, via the activation process, plugins are always started with the last policy the client is aware of. • SED Plugin: Initialized - Manager is initialized waiting for delayed startup Starting - Manager is starting up. Because this is a fairly quick process, it is unlikely an inventory update would capture this so you would probably never see this state in the Security Management Server Console. Disabled - Manager is disabled by policy and not enforcing any previously received policy. Active - Manager is running normally and enforcing policies. 72 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 No Policy - Initial policy has not been received so the plugin is not actively enforcing any policy. This is only relevant the very first time you install the Manager client. Manager will not start a plugin until an initial policy is received from the Security Management Server, versus starting the plugin with some default policy placed on the client during install. After an initial policy has been received from the Security Management Server, via the activation process, plugins are always started with the last policy the client is aware of. Waiting For Escrow - Manager is waiting for keys to escrow Waiting For Server Public Key - Manager is waiting for public key to proceed with activation No Opal Drive Present - Manager did not detect an OPAL drive Plugin Version - The version of the plugin, which is taken from the plugin's version information Vendor version - The version of the underlying framework. For example, BitLocker is Microsoft’s technology, therefore Vendor Version is Microsoft's version for BitLocker. Threat Protection Detail (Windows only) Scan Engine Version - Lists the version of the engine that performed the last scan. DAT File Version - Lists the version of the DAT file. Last Scan Started - Date/time stamp that the last scan was started. Last Scan Completed - Date/time stamp that the last scan was completed. Advanced Threat Prevention Detail Device ID - Lists the identifier of the device as it pertains to Advanced Threat Prevention. Agent Version - Lists the version of the agent. Update Date - Date/time stamp that the agent was updated. Provisioned Date - Date/time stamp that the client was provisioned. Mobile Device Detail For Mobile devices, once a device is discovered, commands are carried out on this page. Unlike policies and restrictions that are concerned with enforcement, commands are pushed to the device to enable an action. Commands: Command Sent Sender Wipe Device – (shared iOS and EAS command) To permanently delete all media and data on the device and restore it to factory settings, iOS can remotely wipe iPhone and iPad. This is primarily to support a quick remote wipe operation. Block Device – (EAS only command) You can send an administrative override to the device to immediately block Exchange services. This command is independent of policy values. Date and timestamp of when the Policy Proxy sent the command to the endpoint. Allow Device – (EAS only command) This command reverses the Block Device command. Once a device is blocked by your administrative override, the only way to restore access to Exchange services is to invoke this command. This command is also independent of policy values. For example, if you have set the Allow Non-iOS Devices policy to False, invoking 73 Acknowledged Error Date and timestamp of when the command was implemented on the endpoint. Date and timestamp of when the command was sent. Name of the sender that sent the command. Date and timestamp of when the command was implemented on the endpoint. Date and timestamp of when the Policy Proxy sent the command to the endpoint. Used for internal troubleshooting. Navigate the Dell Server this command has no effect. Cloud Device Control Cloud device commands apply to the selected endpoint and are carried out from the Cloud Device Control section of the device's endpoint page. Unlike policies, commands are pushed to the device to enable an action. Commands: Suspend - Suspends the endpoint device. It does not suspend the user account. Unsuspend - Unsuspends the endpoint device. FDE Device Control (Windows only) Current State of the Endpoint - Unlocked or Locked Commands: PBA commands for a specific endpoint are carried out in the PBA Device Control area. Each command has a priority ranking. A command with a higher priority rank cancels commands of lower priorities in the enforcement queue. For a list of command priority rankings, see Priority of Commands for Self-Encrypting Drives. Lock - Locks the PBA screen and prevents any user from logging into the computer. Unlock - Unlocks the PBA screen after it has been locked on this endpoint, either by sending a Lock command or by exceeding the maximum number of authentications attempts allowed by policy. Remove Users - Removes all users from the PBA. Bypass Login - Bypasses the PBA screen one time to allow a user into the computer without authenticating. The user will still need to login to Windows after PBA has been bypassed. Wipe - The Wipe command functions as a “restore to factory state” for the FDE drive. The Wipe command can be used to re-purpose a computer or, in an emergency situation, wipe the computer, making the data permanently unrecoverable. When the wipe command is consumed by the client, all history and details about this endpoint are removed from the Security Management Server. Ensure that this is the desired behavior before invoking this command. The FDE Device Control Table The table lists the commands most recently sent to the PBA Device. To sort the table, click a column header. PBA Device Control (Windows only) Current State of the Endpoint - Unlocked or Locked Commands: PBA commands for a specific endpoint are carried out in the PBA Device Control area. Each command has a priority ranking. A command with a higher priority rank cancels commands of lower priorities in the enforcement queue. For a list of command priority rankings, see Priority of Commands for Self-Encrypting Drives. Lock - Locks the PBA screen and prevents any user from logging into the computer. Unlock - Unlocks the PBA screen after it has been locked on this endpoint, either by sending a Lock command or by exceeding the maximum number of authentications attempts allowed by policy. Remove Users - Removes all users from the PBA. 74 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Bypass Login - Bypasses the PBA screen one time to allow a user into the computer without authenticating. The user will still need to login to Windows after PBA has been bypassed. Wipe - The Wipe command functions as a “restore to factory state” for the SED drive. The Wipe command can be used to re-purpose a computer or, in an emergency situation, wipe the computer, making the data permanently unrecoverable. When the wipe command is consumed by the client, all history and details about this endpoint are removed from the Security Management Server. Ensure that this is the desired behavior before invoking this command. The PBA Device Control Table The table lists the commands most recently sent to the PBA Device. To sort the table, click a column header. Protected Status Protected status is indicated if any of the following criteria are met: • Advanced Threat Prevention is installed and enabled. • Dell Data Guardian is installed and enabled. • Self-Encrypting Drive Management is installed, enabled, and the Pre-Boot Authentication (PBA) is enabled. • BitLocker Manager is installed, enabled, and encryption has completed. • Dell Encryption (Mac) is installed and enabled, and policy-based encryption has been enforced. • Dell Encryption (Windows) is installed, enabled, Policy-Based Encryption has been set for the endpoint, and the most recent policy has been applied for the last logged on user. To check Protected Status of an endpoint: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Click a Hostname in the list or enter a filter to search for available endpoints. Note: The wildcard character (*) may be used but is not required at the beginning or end of the text. For Windows and Mac, if you know the Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. For Mobile devices, optionally enter the model name or user's email address. When you click a Hostname or Endpoint Serial Number, the Endpoint Detail page displays. 3. A green check mark displays in the Protected column if any of the criteria for Protected status are met. Endpoint Users This page displays information for every user of the specified endpoint. The user information differs for each technology group or policy category. 75 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Users tab. Navigate the Dell Server Shield User - Each user on the specific endpoint Last Successful Login - Date/timestamp, per user Last Unsuccessful Login - Date/timestamp, per user Last Gatekeeper Sync - Date/timestamp, per user Effective Policies - Click view for a simple layout view of the effective user policies Actions - Click Recover to proceed to the Recover Data page Last Encryption Sweep Start - Date/timestamp, per user Sweep End - Date/timestamp, per user Encryption Failure - Click view for a simple list of files that could not be encrypted, per user States (Date/timestamp, per user): Policy Updating User Encryption Profile Updating EMS Encryption Profile Updating User Data Encryption On EMS Data Encryption On Deactivation Pending Suspension Pending Suspended Cloud User - Each user on the specific endpoint Endpoint Groups This page lists the Endpoint Groups to which an endpoint belongs. Endpoint Group - Name of the group to which this endpoint belongs. All endpoints belong to at least one endpoint group, the Default Endpoint Group. Description - Describes the group. To view Endpoint Groups of an endpoint, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Endpoint Groups tab. Endpoint Threat Events This page lists information on threat events for the selected endpoint. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints > Workstation. 76 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Threat Events tab. Threat Event Data Severity - Severity of the threat, where Critical is the most dangerous threat to the endpoint, and Information is just a notification of an event that is unlikely to harm the endpoint. (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Information) Category - Category of the threat. Upon identification, threats are sorted into these categories: Malware, Web Filtering, Web Protection, and Firewall. Event ID - Unique number assigned to each threat event. Description - Description of the last preventative action taken to handle the threat. User Name - The domain\user name associated with the endpoint where the threat was identified. Received - Date/timestamp when the last action was taken to handle a threat. Navigate the Threat Event Data To sort the data, click a column header. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to: Advance to the top of the data. Go back one page. Go forward one page. Advance to the end of the data. Increase or reduce the items per page. View the range of items currently displayed. Refresh the data. Endpoint Advanced Threats This page allows you to view, export, quarantine, or waive unsafe files that trigger events on the selected endpoint. An event is not necessarily a threat. An event is generated when a recognized file or program is quarantined, safe listed, or waived. Threats are a category of events that are newly detected as potentially unsafe files or programs and require guided remediation. 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Advanced Events tab. List of Events The list presents all files that have triggered events found on this device. Columns 77 Icon - An icon appears in this column, when available. Name - File triggering the event. File Paths - The location of the file on the device. Navigate the Dell Server Cylance Score - A score is assigned to each file that is deemed Abnormal or Unsafe. The score represents the confidence level that the file is malware. The higher the number, the greater the confidence. Status - Indicates whether the file has been quarantined or waived. Classification - Classification of the threat: High, Medium, or Low. For details, see Advanced Threat Protection Classifications. First Found - Date/timestamp that the file was first found. Running - Indicates whether the file that triggered the event is running or not. Auto Run - Indicates whether the file was set to automatically run upon startup. Detected By - Indicates whether the file was detected by Execution Control or by Memory Protection. Configure the Threat List Add or Remove Columns Click an arrow next to any column header and select Columns to add columns to, or remove columns from, the table. Filter on Column Data To filter the list based on column data, click the down-arrow on any column to display the context menu, and select Filter. The filter options vary, depending on the type of data in the column. For example, you may want to filter the list so that it shows only high priority threats. Group by a Column Drag a column header, such as Status, to the area directly above the column headers to group the data by Status. When you drag a column header, it turns green, indicating that the table can be grouped by that data. You can drag additional headers over the table to group the data even further. For each group, a number appears in parentheses to indicate the total number of threats that share that group's attribute. Commands: Select the check box of next to a file name to perform an action on the file. To select all files, select the check box in the column heading row. Export The Export button lets you export selected data to a .CSV file so that you can view the data in Excel or a similar application which has powerful sorting/organizing features. After selecting the data you want to export, click Export to save the data in a .CSV file. Quarantine Click Quarantine to add the file to the Quarantine list. Quarantining a file will prevent the file from being executed on this device. Note: Quarantining a file will move the file from its original location to the Quarantine directory (C:\ProgramData\Cylance\Desktop\q). 78 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Waive Click Waive to allow the file to run on this device. Note: Occasionally, a “good” file could be quarantined or reported. This could happen if the features of that file strongly resemble those of malicious files. Waiving or globally safe listing the file can be useful in these instances. Exploit Attempts This section lists the detection of attempts to exploit running processes, or malware that executes from within memory space. A number displays the total number of events, followed by the number in each subcategory. Checkbox - Select all events by selecting the check box in the column heading row, or select individual events. When you click a box, Quarantine and Waive are activated. Added - Date and time when the exploit attempt was added. Process Name - Name of the process identified as an exploit attempt. Process ID - Unique number associated with the exploit attempt. Type - Type of memory exploit: Exploitation, Process Injection, Escalation. Action - Action taken to protect the system from the exploit attempt: Ignore - The agent will not take any action against identified memory violations. Alert - The agent will record the violation and list the incident on this page. Block - If an application attempts to call a memory violation process, the agent will block the process call. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - If an application attempts to call a memory violation process, the agent will block the process call and will also terminate the application that made the call. User Name - Name of the user who was logged in when the exploit attempt was identified. Endpoint Advanced Threat Events The Advanced Threat Events tab displays if the Advanced Threat Prevention service is provisioned and Advanced Threat Prevention is enabled on the endpoint. The tab displays information about events for the endpoint based on information available in the Security Management Server. To access the Enterprise Advanced Threats tab, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Search or select a Hostname, then the Advanced Threat Events tab. Use the following filters to select content to display on the Advanced Threat Events tab: Type - Threat Found, Threat Blocked, Threat Terminated, Memory Violation Blocked, Memory Violation Terminated, Memory Violation (Detected), Threat Removed, Threat Quarantined, Threat Waived, Threat Changed, Protection Status Changed. Severity - Severity level of the event: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, or Informational. 79 Navigate the Dell Server Timeframe (in days) - 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 Columns - Allows you to select the following additional columns to display: Host Name - The fully qualified name of the computer Data - Details about the event Created - Date and time that the event was captured Machine Name - Name of the computer on which the threat event was detected Path - Path to the file in which the threat was detected Sha256 - The file's 256-character Secure Hash Algorithm can be compared with an expected result to indicate whether the file has been tampered with. Score - The threat file's score, indicating the confidence level that the file is malware. The higher the number, the greater the confidence. Server Encryption Clients Suspend a Server Encryption Client When you suspend a Server Encryption client, you suspend the user associated with the encryption client rather than an individual user who logs on to the endpoint. To suspend a Server Encryption client: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. In the Search field, enter SERVER-USER and click the search icon. 3. Click the User Name of the appropriate user. 4. On the User Detail page, click the Endpoints tab. 5. Click the Device Id of the appropriate endpoint. 6. On the Endpoint Detail page, click the Details & Action tab. 7. In Server Device Control, click Suspend. The Server Encryption client is suspended the next time the endpoint is rebooted. To reinstate a suspended Server Encryption client, follow the instructions in Reinstate a Suspended Server Encryption Client. Reinstate a Suspended Server Encryption Client To reinstate a suspended Server Encryption client, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 2. In the Search field, enter SERVER-USER and click the search icon. 3. Click the User Name of the appropriate user. 4. On the User Detail page, click the Endpoints tab. 5. Click the Device Id of the appropriate endpoint. 6. On the Endpoint Detail page, click the Details & Action tab. 80 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 7. In Server Device Control, click Reinstate. The Server Encryption client is reinstated the next time the endpoint is rebooted. Commands for Self-Encrypting Drives Priority of Commands for Self-Encrypting Drives Each command for self-encrypting drives has a priority ranking. A command with a higher priority rank cancels commands of lower priorities in the enforcement queue. Priority rankings (1 is highest): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wipe Lock Remove Users Unlock Bypass For example, a Wipe command cancels a Lock command that was previously queued to send to the endpoint. Related topics: Send Wipe Command to Self-Encrypting Drive Lock a Self-Encrypting Drive Remove Users from Endpoint with Self-Encrypting Drive Unlock a Self-Encrypting Drive Allow PBA Login Bypass Allow PBA Login Bypass You can allow users to bypass the Preboot Authentication (PBA) screen one time to allow a user into the computer without authenticating on an endpoint equipped with a self-encrypting drive. To send the Bypass Login command, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the Workstation Endpoint Type. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Workstation endpoints. 4. Click the search icon. An endpoint or list of endpoints displays, based on your search filter. 81 5. Click the Hostname of the endpoint on which to allow PBA login bypass. 6. Click the Details & Actions tab. 7. Under SED Device Control, click Bypass Login. 8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to send the Bypass Login command to the endpoint. Navigate the Dell Server Unlock a Self-Encrypting Drive You can unlock the PBA screen after it has been locked on this endpoint, either by sending a Lock command or by exceeding the maximum number of authentications attempts allowed by policy. To send the Unlock command, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the Workstation endpoint type. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Workstation endpoints. 4. Click the search icon. An endpoint or list of endpoints displays, based on your search filter. 5. Click the Hostname of the endpoint with the self-encrypting drive to unlock. 6. Click the Details & Actions tab. 7. Under SED Device Control, click Unlock. 8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to send the Unlock command to the endpoint. Remove Users from Endpoint with Self-Encrypting Drive To remove users from the PBA, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the Workstation endpoint type. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Workstation endpoints. 4. Click the search icon. An endpoint or list of endpoints displays, based on your search filter. 5. Click the Hostname of the endpoint from which to remove users. 6. Click the Details & Actions tab. 7. Under SED Device Control, click Remove Users. 8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to send the Remove Users command to the endpoint. Lock a Self-Encrypting Drive To lock the PBA screen and prevent any user from logging onto the computer, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the Workstation Endpoint Type. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Workstation endpoints. 82 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 4. Click the search icon. An endpoint or list of endpoints displays, based on your search filter. 5. Click the Hostname of the endpoint with the self-encrypting drive to lock. 6. Click the Details & Actions tab. 7. Under SED Device Control, click Lock. 8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to send the Lock command to the endpoint. Send Wipe Command to Self-Encrypting Drive WARNING: The Wipe command clears all data from the disk and cannot be undone. The Wipe command functions as a “restore to factory state” for the SED drive. The Wipe command can be used to re-purpose a computer or, in an emergency situation, wipe the computer, making the data permanently unrecoverable. When the wipe command is consumed by the client, all history and details about this endpoint are removed from the Security Management Server orSecurity Management Server Virtual. Ensure that this is the desired behavior before invoking this command. To send the Wipe command, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Endpoints. 2. Select the Workstation Endpoint Type. 3. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. However, you may leave the field blank to display all Workstation endpoints. 4. Click the search icon. An endpoint or list of endpoints displays, based on your search filter. 5. Click the Hostname of the endpoint on which to wipe the self-encrypting drive. 6. Click the Details & Actions tab. 7. Under SED Device Control, click Wipe. 8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to send the Wipe command to the endpoint. Set the Server Connection Retry Interval To set the interval at which the SED client will attempt to contact the Security Management Server when the Server is unavailable to communicate with the SED client, set the following value on the client computer: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DellMgmtAgent\Parameters CommErrorSleepSecs (DWORD Value)=300 This value is the number of seconds the SED client waits to attempt to contact the Server if the Server is unavailable to communicate with the SED client. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Administrators Assign or Modify Administrator Roles From the Administrators page, you can view or modify existing Administrator privileges. 83 Navigate the Dell Server To view or modify existing Administrator privileges, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Administrators. 2. Search or select the row that displays the Username of the appropriate Administrator to display User Detail. 3. View or modify administrator roles in the pane at the right. 4. Click Save. Note: Dell recommends assigning Administrator Roles at the Group level rather than at the User level. To view, assign, or modify Administrator Roles at the Group level, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search or select a Group Name, then the Admin tab. The User Group Detail page displays. 3. Select or deselect Administrator Roles assigned to the Group. 4. Click Save. If you remove a Group that has Administrative privileges and later re-add the Group, it remains an Administrator Group. To view, assign, or modify Administrator Roles at the User level, see User Admin. Related topics: Administrator Roles User Admin Delegate Administrator Roles Administrator Roles Administrator login is integrated with Active Directory to simplify the process of managing Administrators and to allow you to leverage your existing user authentication infrastructure. Administrators are assigned roles that define what level of access each Administrator is allowed. For example, some Administrators may only be allowed to implement help desk assisted recovery while others have full access to edit security policies. You can assign Administrator roles to Active Directory groups so you can easily change the level of Administrator access users have with a simple change to AD group membership. Non-domain users can be granted reporting-only access via Compliance Reporter. There are 11 types of Administrators. Distributed administration is key to the secure administration of your environment. It allows you to divide roles appropriately among your Administrators and ensures the proper level of privileges are assigned to each Administrator. A single Administrator can have privileges of more than one Administrator type. However, it is recommended to have a maximum of one Super Administrator (an Administrator who has privileges of all Administrator types). The following table shows the tasks each Administrator can perform in the Remote Management Console or Compliance Reporter Interface. Task Performed by Type of Administrator 84 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Help Desk System Security Log Account Forensic1 Policy2 Report Report Report Super Owner User Log in ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Log out ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● View current system state ● ● ● ● ● Search for Users, Groups, and Endpoints ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Add and edit Domains ● ● Upload licenses ● Add Users and Groups Browse Domains Recover an endpoint Authentication Failure ● ● ● ● ● Remove an endpoint ● Change Dell Server Options ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Deactivate a User ● ● View policies ● ● Modify policies ● ● Commit policies ● ● Issue commands ● ● Suspend a User Recover Data authentication failure or reinstate suspended user View audit events ● ● Analyze logs ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● View Administrators ● ● Create, change, and delete Administrator accounts ● ● Delegate Administrator privileges ● ● Download Recovery Key Bundle 85 ● ● ● Navigate the Dell Server Provision or recover the Advanced Threat Prevention service ● ● Enroll for Advanced Threat Prevention auto updates ● ● Set email notifications of Client Access Licenses, Threat Protection, and Advanced Threat Prevention Alerts ● ● ● Manage Data Guardian external users ● ● ● Manage Data Guardian external user key requests ● ● ● Revoke Data Guardian keys ● ● ● Install/uninstall Compliance Reporter ● Log in to Compliance Reporter ● Manage report folders and modify/save Compliance Reporter Report Layouts ● Access the Compliance Reporter Reports Window ● ● ● ● Work with Compliance Reporter Report Views and generate reports ● ● ● ● Access the Compliance Reporter Report Administrator Window ● Create, manage, schedule, and make Compliance Reporter report layouts available to Report Users ● Specify the data source for Compliance Reporter ● ● Manage Compliance Reporter user privileges ● ● Edit or delete a ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 86 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 report that is set to run at a specified interval in the Compliance Reporter Scheduler Schedule and rename a report that is set to run at a specified interval in the Compliance Reporter Scheduler ● Enter or modify settings in Compliance Reporter Settings ● ● Set up Compliance Reporter plug-ins ● ● Open a Report, modify an online Report display, and rename a Report view in Compliance Reporter ● ● Generate, export, store, print, and email a Report result in Compliance Reporter ● ● Add, edit, and delete a Compliance Reporter Report folder ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 The Forensic Administrator role provides the rights to use the Forensic Administrator Tools via XAPI. 2 The Policy Administrator role is reserved for future use. Delegate Administrator Rights Administrator rights for a User Group can be delegated to a User. The delegated Administrator and Users must be members of the User Group not only in Active Directory but in the Security Management Server database. Administrator rights are available to the delegated Administrator only if the delegated Administrator is a member of the User Group in the Security Management Server database. Delegated Administrator rights are effective only with regard to Users who are members of the User Group in the Security Management Server database. Note: Only the Superadmin and Account Administrator can delegate Administrator rights. To delegate Administrator rights, follow these steps: 87 1. In the left pane, click Populations > User Groups. 2. Search for the appropriate group. 3. Click the Admin tab. 4. Under Delegated Roles, click Add. ● ● Navigate the Dell Server 5. Search for and select the User to receive administrator rights, then click Add. To remove delegated administrator rights, under Delegated Roles in User Group Detail, locate the User to remove as delegated administrator and click the red X next to the User name. Reporting Manage Reports Manage Reports In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Reports > Manage Reports. For compliance and monitoring purposes, you can: • Manage reports • View or modify an existing report • Create a new report Manage reports The Manage Reports page has: • New Report - See Create a new report. • Report Type - Select All (default) or specific report types to display in the Name column. Clear selected items to undo selections. See Report Type. Note: Policy-based reports are not an option. • Grouping - Group by Report Type, Author, Private, or None (default). • Columns - Select which columns to display on the Manage Reports page, such as Name, Description, Report Type, Author. Also: • • Private - True indicates only the owner of the report can access it. • Report administrator - can view all public and private reports. • Other administrators - can view private reports they created and all public reports. • Created - Date the report was created. • Modified - Date the report was modified. Search - Hover to view columns for performing a search, then enter specific text for those columns. Use * for a wildcard. For additional filtering to provide a detailed search on a specific report, see Use_Search_and_More..._to_filter. View or modify an existing report On the Manage Reports page, select a report from the Name column to view an instance of that report. The owner can make the report private or public. See View Report. Create a new report On the Manage Reports page, click New Report and select an option. An instance of that report opens where you can customize the information to display. See View Report. 88 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 View Report On the Manage Reports page, select an option in New Report or click an existing report in the Name column. The Report View page opens. • • New report - An administrator can select Save As. Save, Rename, and Delete options are activated, and the report is saved to the Manage Reports page. The owner can make the report private or public. You can create: • Single reports • Report templates - Determine frequent report content that you will generate. Select Column and Grouping options that are common to all those reports and save it as a template. See View_or_modify_an_existing_report. Existing report: • To filter a report, perform a query using the Search and More... fields. • Owner of a report - Can view their private reports and all public ones. Only the owner or a Report administrator can modify or rename the report. • Report administrator - Can view all private and public reports. Can modify or rename public and private reports. • Public reports - any administrator can select Save As to modify a copy of the report. Grouping, Columns, and More... differ for each report type. Some Column and Grouping options are selected by default. • Columns allows you to customize the options you want the report to display. After you select options, you can drag and resequence to avoid scrolling. The resequenced columns return to the default when you close the report. • Grouping allows you to sort the column options you selected. • Hover over the Search field to view suggested columns for performing a search, then enter specific text. Suggested column options differ for each report type. Use * for a wildcard. For a description of each report's Column and Grouping options, click a link below. Report Type Device Detail Description and link Provides reports based on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android device details. See Endpoint Details & Actions. Shield Detail Customize a report of an endpoint's policies, recovery keys, or details. See Shield_Detail. Notifications Customize a report of news, alerts, and events or email notifications. See Notifications. Log Analyzer - Allows you to monitor policy modifications or policies that were committed. Customize a report of policy modifications or logs based on message priority level, date and time periods, and occurrences of usernames and hosts. Audit Event Provides reports on the audit trail of file activity for Windows, Mac, mobile devices, and the web client. See Log Analyzer. Data Guardian and Audit Events Get Started with Data Guardian Audit Events 89 Navigate the Dell Server ATP Event Provides reports of events for the entire enterprise based on information available in the Security Management Server. See Advanced Threat Events tab filters. EMS Event Provides data about events that occur when external media is used. Bitlocker Manager Customize a report to see if Bitlocker is enabled and to view details. See Manager Detail (Windows only). Windows Encryption Failures Provides a report on files that were not encrypted on a Windows Encryption client. See Endpoints and Endpoint Details & Actions. Windows Shield User Encryption Status For Windows, provides a report more focused on the user and a device, for example if one device has multiple users. See Shield_Detail and Protected Status. Query using Search and More... to filter The Search field performs a text-only quick search across multiple fields and may return numerous results. • Hover to view columns that apply to this search, then enter specific text for those columns. • Use * for a wildcard. To filter and narrow the search with More... : • Select More... and click a checkbox. Checkboxes differ for each report type. You can select one or multiple checkboxes to narrow the search. • An additional field displays for that checkbox option where you can either enter text to search on that column or select from a list of enumerators or a data type for that column. Query example for Log Analyzer report 1. 2. 3. In Columns, select options. From menu options such as, Priority and Category select enumerators. Created allows you to filter by date. Enter text in the Search field to perform a quick search on Username and Message. For additional filtering, select More.... and then select Username, Message, or both. Additional text fields allow you to limit the text search specifically to that column. Query example for BitLocker Manager report 1. 2. 3. In Columns, select options. Enter text in the Search field to perform a quick search on Registered User. For additional filtering, select More.... and then select one or more options. Additional text fields allow you to limit the text search to that column: • Registered User - enter text to search specifically on that column. • Bitlocker Enabled or TPM Enabled - Boolean search specifically on those columns. • Disk Status and Logical Disk Status - Enumerator searches specifically on those columns. Export File Export to Excel or a .csv file. Compliance Reporter Compliance Reporter has its own help system. When Compliance Reporter launches, click the Help link on the top menu. 90 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 To launch Compliance Reporter: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Compliance Reporter. 2. When Compliance Reporter launches, log in with superadmin credentials or reporting credentials. Data Guardian Audit Events In the Remote Management Console, Data Guardian audit event logs maintain an audit trail of file activity for Windows, Mac, mobile devices, and the web client. By alternating between a map visualization and multiple filter options, you can access audit data in various ways, from a global overview to specific geolocations or audit data on a specific file or a specific user. This audit data offers the potential to visually identify data security breaches or preliminary security risks. To view audit events in the Remote Management Console, select Reporting > Audit Events. The Audit Events page contains the map visualization and columns for filtering. For tips on getting started, see Get Started with Data Guardian Audit Events. Map visualization In Populations > Global Settings, if you enable the Data Guardian Geo Location Audit Data policy and have the operating system's geolocation API, audit events that are sent to the Dell Server include the geolocation data (latitude and longitude) of each device. A map visualization of the enterprise's audit events can identify device locations that might indicate significant location changes or unexpected/questionable locations for devices within an enterprise. The system checks geolocation periodically, not each time an event is recorded. See Examples_of_Map_Visualization_and_Column_Filters. If the policy for geolocation is disabled, no geolocation data is contained in the audit events that are sent to the Dell Server. The map displays the following: • Marker cluster - A numeric value represents audit events within a similar area. Hover over the marker cluster to view an outline of the determined area. Click a marker cluster to zoom to the audit event markers within that cluster. Continue to click on marker clusters until you see blue markers. • Blue marker - Represents the location of a single audit event. • • Click a marker and it can list the Device, File, User, and Timestamp for that marker's audit event. • The audit event can be a combination of the device and user that caused the audit event, for example: One device or user accessed one file. Multiple devices or users accessed one file, and the timestamp indicates the user who last accessed the file. One user accessed numerous files. Mapping points of interest and points visible - If you scroll to the bottom right of the columns, the total number of items in the column displays. The map displays only files that have geolocation data (latitude and longitude). If a column lists 1000 files, but some lack geolocation data, the map displays only the points with geolocation data. • For performance purposes, the map limits the display to the first 2000 audit events that have latitude/longitude points in the table. It also varies depending on the filters you set. • If you drill in on the marker cluster, the map lists the total points of interest and the visible points. Note: Files that lack geolocation data and display only in the columns still provide some information for auditing. 91 Navigate the Dell Server • Show only visible check box - If you click a marker cluster, the map displays only the area for that cluster but the columns list all audit events in the original query. On the lower right of the map, click this check box and the columns list only the audit events for those visible map points. As you continue to drill down, the columns list only the events for the visible map points. Clear the check box to return to the global view. Audit event options and filters Use these options to determine the type and amount of audit event data to display. • Moniker - By default, information displays for all monikers. Click one or more check boxes to display specific monikers. Click Clear selected items to display all. • Cloud Encryption • Protected Office • System - Populates the user logged into or logged out of the device that has Data Guardian installed. • Beacon - Indicates a device without Data Guardian installed that tried to access a protected file. These audit events may have limited data, for example, the location where the file was accessed but without the name of the user of the device. • Timestamp - Select the amount of past time for audit events to display - 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, or 90 days. • More - If you set filters and create a query, you can select the filter options in More to modify the query. As you select an option, it displays as a menu dropdown. Some actions apply to Windows, Mac, and mobile devices. Some are specific to one or more. • • • Action - The default is All. Click one or more check boxes to display specific actions associated with the payload file. See Action and the tables below for details and to determine the operating system. • Cloud Action - The default is All. Click one or more check boxes to display the reason for an Action. See Cloud_Encryption_audit events and the tables below for details and to determine the operating system. • Data Guardian Action - The default is All. Click one or more check boxes to display the reason for an Action. See Protected_Office_Document_audit_events and the tables below for details and to determine the operating system. • Net Action (Cloud Encryption - Windows only) - Identifies attempts by a user or device to open an application or browser, but the attempt was blocked; or, attempts to proxy through, but the address was blocked. See Net Action. Grouping - Allows you to select one option. The default is None. Here are some examples: • Moniker - Groups by moniker if you have more than one selected. • Device or User - Allows you to determine the activity of specific devices or users. • File Name, File Path or File KeyID - With Device and User columns added, allows you to see which users or devices accessed a file. Columns - Filter the amount of data by selecting one or multiple columns to display. If you clear all column check boxes, audit events are listed for all endpoints and all users. Some filters apply to all monikers and some to specific monikers. For a description of column filters, see Options in the Columns dropdown. 92 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 • Search field - Hover to view columns for performing a search (Device, User, File Name, and File KeyID), then enter specific text for those columns. Use a wildcard (*) to search on .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, or .pdf. • Export File - Export to Excel or a .csv file. Options in the Columns dropdown Options can apply to all monikers or to a specific moniker. Policies must be enabled for audit data to display. Search icons in the columns - If you click the Search icon next to an item in the Device, User, File Name, or KeyID columns, it copies the cell content to the Search field and executes a search on that content. You can then select Action or IP address to do additional filtering. Column options for all audit events Audit Event - Column options Description Moniker - Select one or more. Category of the audit event: • Cloud Encryption • Protected Office • System • Beacon Device The host name of the device where the event occurred. User User associated with the event. Note: Typically, this is the email address of the activated user. See also Logged In User. Logged In User For manual activations or external users, the login name and email address used to activate against the Server may differ. If you do not recognize the User name, open the log files to view the logged-in user name. • In the log file for Cloud Encryption, information displays as sl_xen_file. • In the log file for Protected Office, information displays as sl_protected_file. Timestamp Date and time when the event occurred. Created Date and time when the Dell Server created the entry in the database. View this if a delay occurs. Column options related to payload data: Data for an audit event's moniker or parameters. Parameters may differ for each audit event but are the same within the event. For example, the data may differ for sl_xen_file and sl_protected_file, but the data for each Cloud Encryption .xen file event is the same. File Name File Path File KeyID To search for a specific file, use the file KeyID File Size Client Type Indicates whether the client is internal or external Action The action associated with the payload file. See Cloud_Encryption_audit events or Protected_Office_Document_audit events. Version For internal Dell use only. Column options for Protected Office only Audit Event - Column options Description Data Guardian Action If a service acts on a protected Office file, for example, modifying or deleting a file, the Data Guardian Action column lists the reason. See Protected_Office_Document_audit 93 Navigate the Dell Server events. Column options related to Embargo: From - The time that an external user can start viewing a protected file. From To - The time that an external user can no longer view a protected file. To Protected Office Document audit events This table lists audit events that apply to Office documents: • For Windows, audit events apply to Opt-in or Force Protected modes. • Mac and Mobile have Opt-in mode only. Actions for audit Data Guardian Action and Description events Mobile device Windows Mac Web portal Created New Opt-in mode - logs an event when a user selects Save As Protected and an Office document is protected. Force-Protected mode - logs events when Data Guardian performs a sweep and creates protected Office documents. ● ● ● ● Accessed Open ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A user opened a protected Office document. Modifed Swept For Windows, when Force Protected is set to On, provides data on files that were swept and converted from unprotected to protected Office. Modifed Updated Summary of the number of times a file was changed since the last audit data transmission. ● Modifed Watermarked User printed a file or exported a file with a watermark. ● Accessed (Windows only) Block Copy Indicates a file where a user tried to copy from a protected Office document to an unprotected file and was blocked. ● Accessed (Windows only) Blocked Print Indicates a file where a user tried to print a protected Office document and was blocked. ● Accessed Detected tampering Tampering was detected in the .xen file portion of a protected Office document. This audit event alerts you to the tampering, but the .xen file cannot be repaired. For the Web portal, tampering is detected on protected Office documents but not .xen files. ● ● ● ● Modifed Repaired tampering Tampering was detected in the wrapper of the protected Office document, which contains the cover page that opens in the cloud or on a device that does not have Dell Data Guardian. Data Guardian repaired the wrapper or cover page. ● ● ● ● Attempt Access Request Access An external user requested a key for a file to which they do not have access or the access time has expired. Audit data includes User account, timestamp, filename, keyID, and geolocation if enabled by policy. ● ● ● Modifed Unprotected: A Mac user unprotected a protected Office file. Windows - opt-in mode only. ● ● (Opt-in mode) 94 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Deleted (Mac only) Deleted The user deleted a .xen file from the cloud sync folder. Accessed (Mobile only) Geo Blocked A user outside the geofence tried to access a protected document, and the attempt was blocked. ● ● Column options for System (protected Office documents and Windows) The following actions relate to the system, so they have no corresponding Data Guardian action. Audit Event - Column options Description Login If a user logged in and did a fast-user switch, for example, logged in and then rebooted. Logout User logged out of a session. Blocked PrintScreen (Windows only) Indicates a file where a user tried to capture a screen while a protected Office document was open and is blocked. Blocked Process (Windows only) When policy blocks a specified process executable, indicates a file where a user tried to run that process executable. Column options for Beacon only (protected Office documents) Audit Event - Column options Description Column options related to geolocation: IP Address - When a Beacon event comes in and the Beacon server can determine the location of the event, it lists the IP address. IP Address Routable Geo Type Routable - True or False • Latitude If True, geolocation data should exist for that IP address and will identify the device's latitude and longitude based on each operating system's APIs. Note: If the Routable column lists True, but no geolocation data displays, an error occurred. Longitude • If False, the IP address is non-routable. Latitude and longitude - The data visualization is based on these coordinates rather than a street address. Usually, the map visualization displays the location of the device. If a user accesses the computer remotely and neither GPS or WiFi is available, the map visualization may display the location based on the remote computer's VPN IP address. The column lists the coordinates as plus (+) or minus (-), correlating to North, South, East, or West. Geo Type - Typically, this is Point. Column options for Cloud Encryption only Audit Event - Column options Description Provider Cloud storage provider. Cloud Name The .xen file name (if a policy creates a GUID, you can see the filename here). Cloud Action If a service acts on a .xen file, the Cloud Action column lists the reason. See Cloud_Encryption_audit events. Process Process - Migration of Cloud Encryption events. A system event from the client performs an action on the .xen file. Address Application Application - App indcates this is part of the Cloud Encryption application. Column options related to folder management (Windows only): If the Folder Management Enabled policy in Data Guardian > Cloud Encryption is enabled for an endpoint, a user can select the Dell Data Guardian icon in the endpoint's system tray, select Manage Folders, and manually protect or unprotect a sync client folder. Typically, this policy is enabled for a manager on a temporary basis. Folder Path 95 Navigate the Dell Server Folder Protection This audit event allows you to monitor overrides to protected folders and investigate if files that need to be encrypted are now decrypted. Cloud Encryption audit events This table lists audit events that occur for files or folders stored in the cloud sync client folders. Events may differ slightly for Windows, Mac, and mobile devices. Actions for audit events Cloud Action and Description Windows Mobile device Mac Created Encrypt In the cloud sync client folder, Data Guardian encrypted a file, creating a .xen file. ● ● ● Unprotected Decrypt ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Data Guardian decrypted a .xen file. Deleted Deleted A user deleted a .xen file from the cloud sync folder. N/A Upload Lists the folder path and whether the folder was protected. Column options for Net and Cloud Encryption only Audit Event - Column options Description Net Action Blocked (Relates to .NET information) Attempts by a user or device to open an application or browser, but the attempt was blocked. Attempts to proxy through, but the address was blocked. (Windows) Examples of Map Visualization and Column Filters You can alternate between drilling in at the map level and drilling in at the filter and Search level. Here are some examples. • Endpoint or endpoint group - If geolocation is enabled, the map displays the location of the events for each endpoint's .xen and protected Office files. If the map indicates protected files in an unexpected location, you can use the audit data to identify who modified the file. If several users modified the file, you can filter the Timestamp column to determine the last person who modified it. • User - You can audit a users' file activities. For example, in Columns, if you select Action, the protected Office files for that column can list Created or Modified. If you also select Data Guardian Action, the column lists the reason for a user modifying files, such as Updated or Swept. For information on Action and Data Guardian Action, see Options in the Columns dropdown, Cloud Encryption audit events, and Protected Office Document audit events. Example of drilling in at the map level 1. In the global view, drill in to a marker cluster and select a blue marker. 2. Select the Show only visible check box for the columns to list only the files for that audit event. 3. Click a quick search icon next to a Device, User, File Name, or KeyID. 4. If you click a User quick search, you can then click a File Name quick search icon and the map zooms in to the location of the user when the file was accessed. 5. Clear the Search field and press Enter to return to the global map view. 96 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Return to Data Guardian policies. Get Started with Data Guardian Audit Events Before you begin, navigate to Populations > Global > Settings and select the Data Guardian Audit Data Enabled policy for these policy groups: • Audit Control Policies (for Windows or Mac) • Web Portal Audit Policies • Mobile Audit Control Policies In the Remote Management Console > Reporting > Audit Events, use these examples to get started. For detailed information about column options, see Data Guardian and Audit Events. Audit Protected Office Documents To audit protected Office documents only: 1. In Moniker, select Protected Office. 2. In More, select Action and Data Guardian Action. 3. In Columns, select Device, User, Timestamp, File Name, and File KeyID. 4. Optionally, in Grouping, select one item like Device or User to sort. 5. Select Export File > Excel or CSV to view the data for the Action and Data Guardian Action columns. For more information, see Protected_Office_Document_audit_events. Optionally, you can export the audit events to a SIEM Server. 6. To identify issues, return to the Remote Management Console, click the Data Guardian Action dropdown, and select: • Block Copy (for Windows) - indicates a Windows user tried to copy from a protected Office document and was blocked. • Geo Blocked (for Mobile) - indicates a mobile user outside a geofence tried to access a protected document and the attempt was blocked. If these options display in the Data Guardian Action column, click the Search icon next to that user or device. In the Data Guardian Action dropdown, click Clear selected items and view all the actions by that user or device to determine a potential issue. For more information, see Protected_Office_Document_audit_events. 6. To identify issues, select the Data Guardian Action dropdown and select the following: • Detected tampering • Repaired tampering If these options display, determine any potential issues. 6. For Windows, in Moniker, select System. In Action, select Login and Logout to identify a user who logged into the device that has Data Guardian installed. 7. Analyze the data in the Remote Management Console or select Export File > Excel or CSV where you can sort the data. Optionally, you can export the audit events to a SIEM Server. Audit events related to external users 97 Navigate the Dell Server In addition to the steps above: 1. In Columns, select: • Client Type - to indicate internal or external users. • From and To - to audit embargo and external users. • Request Access - an external user requested access to keys from an internal user. 2. Analyze the data in the Remote Management Console or select Export File > Excel or CSV where you can sort the data. Optionally, you can export the audit events to a SIEM Server. Map visualization You can use this to identify protected Office files in an unexpected location or a non-Data Guardian Device that tries to access a protected Office document. For map data to display, you must enable policy. See Global > Settings, Audit Control Policies or Mobile Audit Control Policies, and select the Data Guardian Geo Location Audit Data policies. For Beacon events, see the advanced settings for Data Guardian > Protected Office or Mobile Client, and select the Enable Callback Beacon policies. 1. In Moniker, select Protected Office and Beacon. 2. In the global map view, drill in to a marker cluster in an unexpected location and select a blue marker. 3. Select the Show only visible check box for the columns to list only the files for that audit event. 4. Click a quick search icon next to a Device, User, File Name, or File KeyID. 5. If you click a User quick search, you can then click a File Name quick search icon and the map zooms in to the location of the user when the file was accessed. 6. Analyze the data in the Remote Management Console or select Export File > Excel or CSV where you can sort the data. Optionally, you can export the audit events to a SIEM Server. 7. Clear the Search field and press Enter to return to the global map view. Audit Cloud Encryption To audit protected .xen files only: 1. In Moniker, select Cloud Encryption. 2. In More, select Action and Cloud Action. 3. Initially, in Columns, select Device, User, Timestamp, File KeyID, Provider, Action, and Cloud Action. Windows and Network action If the Net Action column lists Blocked, this indicates that a user or device attempted to open an application or browser, but the attempt was blocked. Or, they attempted to proxy through, but the address was blocked. 1. In More, select Net Action. 2. In Columns, select Net Action. 3. Analyze the data in the Remote Management Console or select Export File > Excel or CSV where you can sort the data. Optionally, you can export the audit events to a SIEM Server. Default Monikers and Columns 98 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 If you leave the defaults, all monikers and columns display. You can select one item from Grouping to sort monikers or column options. You can select options in the dropdowns to minimize the data that displays. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) For privacy laws in Europe, you can disable audit events. See Enterprise > Global Settings > Settings > Web Portal Audit Policies. View Audit Events (Geolocation) Click Audit Events in the left pane of the Remote Management Console to view geographic map points of file events on computers and devices running Dell Data Guardian. For a list of audit event types, see Dell Data Guardian and Audit Events. For information about exporting audit events to a SIEM server, see Export Dell Data Guardian Audit Events to SIEM Server. Map points are color coded to indicate the number of audit events in a location: Map point represents a single event Fewer than 10 events More than 10 events More than 100 events Use the + and - icons in the upper left corner of the map to zoom in or out. Drag the map to view different areas of the map. To view individual events for map points representing multiple events, use the + icon in the upper left corner to zoom in on the map point. Click an individual map point within the group of points to view the event. 99 Navigate the Dell Server Event Data Event data displays below the map about the events represented on the map. Narrow the amount of data displayed by using the + icon in the upper left corner of the map to zoom in. Expand the amount of data displayed by using the - icon in the upper left corner of the map to zoom out. Filter the event data with the following fields, which are immediately below the map: Event Type - Dell Data Guardian Cloud Encryption, Protected Office, or Beacon Timestamp - Event date and time Device - Device type and identifier (hostname, serial number, IMEI/MEID, CDN) User - User name in UPN format File KeyID - GUID that identifies the key used to protect the file File Name - File name with extension Action - File action that triggered the event Dell Data Guardian Action - Action taken by Dell Data Guardian, based on policy and the file action that triggered the event Select columns to display from the drop-down Columns list. Export Events to a SIEM/Syslog Server Integrating with a SIEM/syslog server allows administrators to run customized analytics on threat and audit data within their environments. Security Management Server and Security Management Server Virtual support export of Advanced Threat Prevention and Data Guardian events. To export audit events to a syslog server or to a local file: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. Select the Events Management tab. 100 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 3. Select the appropriate option(s): Export to Local File allows you to export audit events to a file. Enter the location in which to store the file. This option also provides a backup of the audit events database. Export to Syslog lets you specify the syslog server to which to export the file. If TCP protocol is not selected, select it. 4. Click the Save Preferences button. Export Audit Events with TLS/SSL over TCP To use TLS/SSL,the syslog server must be configured to listen for TLS/SSL messages. The root certificate used for the syslog server configuration must be added to the Dell Server Java keystore. The following example shows necessary configurations for a Splunk server with default certificates. Configurations are specific to individual environments. Property values vary when using non-default certificates. 1. Configure the Splunk server to use the Splunk Server certificate and root certificate to listen on TCP for TLS/SSL messages: $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\system\local\inputs.conf [tcp-ssl: ] disabled = 0 [SSL] serverCert = $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\auth\server.pem sslPassword = requireClientCert = false $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\system\local\server.conf [sslConfig] sslRootCAPath = $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\auth\cacert.pem sslPassword = 2. Restart the Splunk server. After the restart, splunkd.log will have entries similar to the following: 07-10-2017 16:27:02.646 -0500 INFO TcpInputConfig - IPv4 port 5540 is reserved for raw input (SSL) 07-10-2017 16:27:02.646 -0500 INFO TcpInputConfig - IPv4 port 5540 will negotiate new-s2s protocol 07-10-2017 16:27:02.653 -0500 INFO TcpInputConfig - IPv4 port 5540 is reserved for raw input (SSL) 07-10-2017 16:27:02.653 -0500 INFO TcpInputConfig - IPv4 port 5540 will negotiate new-s2s protocol 07-10-2017 16:27:02.653 -0500 INFO TcpInputConfig - IPv4 port 9997 is reserved for splunk 2 splunk 101 Navigate the Dell Server 07-10-2017 16:27:02.653 -0500 INFO TcpInputConfig - IPv4 port 9997 will negotiate new-s2s protocol 07-10-2017 16:27:02.653 -0500 INFO TcpInputProc - Creating raw Acceptor for IPv4 port 5540 with SSL 07-10-2017 16:27:02.653 -0500 INFO TcpInputProc - Creating raw Acceptor for IPv4 port 5541 with Non-SSL 07-10-2017 16:27:02.654 -0500 INFO TcpInputProc - Creating fwd data Acceptor for IPv4 port 9997 with Non-SSL 3. Configure the Dell Server to communicate with the Splunk server and export audit events. Use the keytool command to add the Splunk server's root certificate (cacert.pem) to the Dell Server operating system Java keystore. The certificate is added to the operating system Java keystore and not to the Dell Server application Java keystore. keytool -keystore -alias -importcert -file For Security Management Server - Add the Splunk server's root certificate (cacert.pem) to the Java keystore, which in Windows is usually located in this path: C:\Program Files\Dell\Java Runtime\jre1.8\lib\security\cacerts For Security Management Server Virtual - Add the Splunk server's root certificate (cacert.pem) to /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts and restart the Dell Server. 4. Modify the Dell Server database to change the SSL value from false to true: In the database, navigate to the information table, SIEM-specific support configuration. Change the "SSL":"false" value to "SSL":"true" – for example: {"eventsExport":{"exportToLocalFile":{"enabled":"false","fileLocation":"./logs/siem/auditexport.log"},"exportToSyslog":{"enabled":"true","protocol":"TCP","SSL":"true","host":"yourDellServer.yo","port":"5540"}}} Advanced Threat Prevention Syslog Event Types Following are event types that are supported with the Syslog/SIEM Advanced Threats option. Application Control This option is only visible to users who have the Application Control feature enabled. Application Control events represent actions occurring when the device is in Application Control mode. Selecting this option will send a message to the Syslog server whenever an attempt is made to modify or copy an executable file, or when an attempt is made to execute a file from an external device or network location. Example Message for Deny PE File Change: Example Message for Deny Execution from External Drive: 102 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Devices Select this option to send device events to the Syslog server. • When a new device is registered, two messages for this event are received: Registration and SystemSecurity. Example Message for Device Registered Event: • When a device is removed. Example Message for Device Removed Event: • When a device’s policy or logging level has changed. Example Message for Device Updated Event: Memory Protection Selecting this option will log any Memory Exploit Attempts that might be considered an attack from any of the Tenant’s devices to the Syslog server. There are four types of Memory Exploit actions: 103 • None: Allowed because no policy has been defined for this violation. • Allowed: Allowed by policy. • Blocked: Blocked from running by policy. • Terminated: Process has been terminated. Navigate the Dell Server Example Message of Memory Protection Event: Script Control Selecting this option will log any newly found scripts that have been blocked or have triggered an alert to the Syslog server. Syslog Script Control events contain the following properties: • Alert: The script is allowed to run. A script control event is sent to the Security Management Server. • Block: The script is not allowed to run. A script control event is sent to the Security Management Server. Example Message of Script Control Threats Select this option to log any newly found threats or changes observed for any existing threat, to the Syslog server. Changes include a threat being Removed, Quarantined, Waived, or Executed. There are five types of Threat Events: • threat_found: A new threat has been found in an Unsafe status. • threat_removed: An existing threat has been Removed. • threat_quarantined: A new threat has been found in the Quarantine status. • threat_waived: A new threat has been found in the Waived status. • threat_changed: The behavior of an existing threat has changed (examples: Score, Quarantine Status, Running Status). Example Message of Threat Event: Threat Classifications 104 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Hundreds of threats are classified each day as either Malware or Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). If this option is selected, you subscribe to be notified when these events occur. Example Message of Threat Classification: SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) Specifies the type of Syslog server or SIEM that events are to be sent to. Protocol This must match what is configured on your Syslog server. The choices are UDP or TCP. UDP is generally not recommended as it does not guarantee message delivery. Dell recommends TCP (default). TLS/SSL Only available if the Protocol specified is TCP. TLS/SSL ensures the Syslog message is encrypted in transit from Advanced Threat Prevention to the Syslog server. Dell encourages customers to select this option. Ensure that the Syslog server is configured to listen for TLS/SSL messages. To use TLS/SSL, it is necessary to configure the Syslog server and import certificates. For more information, see Export Audit Events with TLS/SSL over TCP. IP/Domain Specifies the IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the Syslog server that the customer has setup. Consult with your internal network experts to ensure firewall and domain settings are properly configured. Port Specifies the port number on the devices that the Syslog server listens for messages. It must be a number between 1 and 65535. Typical values are: 512 for UDP, 1235 or 1468 for TCP, and 6514 for Secured TCP (example: TCP with TLS/SSL enabled). Severity Specifies the severity of the messages that should display in the Syslog server. This is a subjective field, and it may set to whatever level preferred. The value of severity does not change the messages that are forwarded to Syslog. Facility Specifies what type of application is logging the message. The default is Internal (or Syslog). This is used to categorize the messages when they are received by the Syslog server. Testing the Connection Click Test Connection to test the IP/Domain, Port and Protocol settings. If valid values are entered, after a couple of moments, a success confirmation displays. Advanced Threat Prevention Syslog IP Addresses Syslog server IP addresses to allow, by region: US (includes and 105 Navigate the Dell Server AU ( EU ( and Note: This IP Address should remain static. For the latest IP addresses for Syslog messages, contact Dell ProSupport. Management Commit Policies Uncommitted policies display in a badge icon in the top left of the Remote Management Console. Click the badge icon to navigate to Management > Commit. To commit polices that have been modified and saved: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Commit. 2. Enter a description of the change in the Comment field. Best practice: add a comment about the changes that are committed. 3. Click Commit Policies. A policy publication/commit occurs when an administrator clicks Commit Policies. The following information displays: Pending Policy Changes - The number of policy changes ready to commit. Date Committed - Date and time the policies were committed. Changed by - User name of the administrator who performed the policy commit. Comment - Any comments that were added when the polices were committed. Version - The number of policy saves since the last policy commit plus the previous Version. Log Analyzer Log Analyzer gives you the power to search logs by message priority level, date and time periods, and occurrences of usernames and hosts. 106 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 To view or export Remote Management Console logs: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Log Analyzer. 2. Select a Category. The Categories are Admin Actions, Shield for Server Events, Policy, Advanced Threat Events, System Logs, Whitelist, and Full Access List. 3. To narrow the results, select from these optional filters: • Priority - Choose DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL. FATAL returns fewest entries; DEBUG returns the greatest number of entries. • And more severe - Check this option to include all areas of greater severity than the Priority level you selected. • Date Range - Enter a Start Date and End Date to limit results to entries that occur between these dates. To insert dates into these fields, click the calendar icons to the right of the fields. • Time Range - If you entered a Date Range, you may further narrow the entries by entering a Start Time and End Time. To insert times into these fields, click the calendar icons to the right of the fields. • Username and Host - Enter a either a Username or Host or both. 4. Click Search. 5. To sort the results in ascending order by column, click the heading of the column you want to sort. 6. To export the results to an Excel or CSV file, pull down the Export File list and select Excel or CSV. Exported files can hold up to 100,000 records. Recovery Recover Data - Encryption External Media Authentication Failure For the steps to perform a recovery on removable storage when a user is no longer associated with your organization, see Encryption External Media Recovery for User Removed from Database. Encryption External Media encrypts data on removable storage, as defined by policy. There may be several different circumstances where access to Encryption External Media encrypted data needs to be regained. In general, these scenarios fall into two categories: • The Encryption External Media password is lost or forgotten • The Encryption External Media software or key material has been lost or corrupted on the device If more than one Security Management Server or Security Management Server Virtual is part of a federation, to perform Encryption External Media Recovery across Dell Servers in the federation, see Enable Federated Key Recovery. Manual Authentication when Encryption External Media Password is Lost or Forgotten If a user has lost or forgotten an Encryption External Media password, manual authentication is necessary. 1. 107 The user will be prompted for their password. Since the password is not available, the user clicks I forgot. Navigate the Dell Server 2. The user is given another opportunity to try again. If the user clicks Yes - I forgot, the Manual Authentication window displays (or the Manual Authentication window will automatically display upon the set number of retries allowed). 3. The user is instructed to contact their Administrator and inform them that they need to manually recover Encryption External Media for Windows. 4. As a Dell Administrator, log in to the Remote Management Console. 5. In the left pane, click Populations > Users. 6. Enter a filter to search for the user. The wild card character is *. You can enter Common Name, Universal Principal Name, or sAMAccountName. 7. Click the search icon. A user or list of users displays, based on your search filter. 8. Locate the appropriate user and click the Endpoints tab. 9. Locate the appropriate Shielded Endpoint. 10. Under Actions, click the Recover link. The Recover Data page displays. Tip: Numbers are red and letters are blue. 11. Ask the user for the Shield ID and verify that it is correct or enter it into the Shield ID field. Shield IDs do not contain the letters B, O, Q, and S. 12. Ask the user for the 8, 16, or 32-character Endpoint Code (not case sensitive) and enter it into the appropriate field. Endpoint Codes contain only the letters A-F. 13. Ask the user for the Key ID and enter it into the appropriate field (if your organization allows nondomain user activation, the Key ID is required. 14. Click Generate Access Code. The Restore User Access page displays the Directory User Alias associated with the Encryption client, along with an Access Code. 15. Confirm to your satisfaction that the request is coming from the Directory User Alias shown. This is especially important if recovering removable storage that may have been given to another user. Dell recommends that you set a help desk policy for how to handle requests from users other than those who originally copied the data. 16. Do one of the following: • To allow the user to access the endpoint, click Activate. • To not allow the user to access the endpoint, click Cancel. 17. If the requester is the device authorized user, ask the user to enter the Access Code (not case sensitive) on the endpoint and click OK. The Access Code policies of the user affect this process (for example, how many attempts the user has to enter the code correctly). 18. When the user successfully enters the Access Code, the Encryption client changes the Current Shield State policy to Activate, and the successfully entered Access Code is no longer valid. Instruct the user to click OK to close the dialog. 19. In the left pane, click Management > Commit. 20. Click Commit Policies. 108 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Once manual authentication is successful, the user is directed to reset their password. Depending on how policies are set, one of the following three dialogs are displayed. The user enters a new password and confirms it, then clicks OK or Cancel. Depending on policies set, the user may be prompted to type this password when using this removable storage in other computers. If the policy is set to block all access to removable storage until authenticated/encrypted and the user clicks Cancel, they cannot access any files on this removable storage. If a user re-uses a password that has been used too recently, a dialog displays asking them to use a different password. If a password does not meet the criteria set by policy, a dialog displays, outlining the password criteria. If the policy gives read-access to removable storage until authenticated/encrypted and the user clicks Cancel, they can read/delete existing files on this removable storage, but cannot edit/add files to this removable storage. If the policy gives full access to removable storage until authenticated/encrypted and the user clicks Cancel, they have full access to unencrypted files on this removable storage, but cannot access encrypted files. If a user re-uses a password that has been used too recently, a dialog displays asking them to use a different password. If a user re-uses a password that has been used too recently, a dialog displays asking them to use a different password. If a password does not meet the criteria set by policy, a dialog displays, outlining the password criteria. If a password does not meet the criteria set by policy, a dialog displays, outlining the password criteria. The user may now use the removable storage as usual. If manual authentication is not successful, the device is disabled according to policy, as follows: • The policy could be set to wait (cooldown) between unsuccessful manual authentication attempts. or • The policy may be set to delete the encryption key material and prevent any access to encrypted files on this removable storage. In this case, the user will need to contact an Administrator again for instructions to re-enable access. Restore Lost Encryption External Media Key Material If encryption keys have been deleted on the removable storage (because of failed manual authentication, accidentally deleting a necessary file, a change in policy), the encrypted data will be inaccessible until an authorized user reinitializes the key material. A dialog displays, notifying the user that key material is missing. Click Yes to use the self-healing feature of Encryption External Media or click No. If the policy blocks all access to removable storage until encrypted and the user clicks No, they cannot access this removable storage. 109 If the policy gives read-access to removable storage until encrypted and the user clicks No, they have read-access to unencrypted data on this media, but no access to encrypted data. If the policy gives full access to removable storage, whether or not encrypted and the user clicks No, they have full access to unencrypted data on this media. They cannot access encrypted data. Navigate the Dell Server Occasionally, based on policies set, encryption keys cannot be reinitialized on the computer that the removable storage is inserted in. If policy permits, the user can insert the media into any Dell-encrypted computer where the original user is logged in, to reinitialize the encryption keys. If policy does not permit this, it must be inserted into the originally encrypting computer, with the originally Dell Encryption user name. On rare occasions, when key material is lost, the Encryption client cannot automatically locate the necessary information. Use the following process to recover encrypted data. 1. Attach the device to a Windows computer that is not running the Encryption client. 2. Copy all folders from the device onto the Windows computer. 3. Use WSScan to determine the DCID of the encrypted data. 4. Follow the process for recovering access to encrypted data on Windows computers. Use the DCID obtained from WSScan for the RecoveryID. Encryption External Media Recovery for User "Removed" from Database If a user is removed from Active Directory (such as an employee termination), when the Security Management Server gets the update from AD, the user is marked as “removed” in the database, so that they do not continue to get policy updates and endpoint access. However, if an Administrator needs to recover access to data on removable storage that was encrypted by the removed user, the Administrator does not know the user's password, and therefore cannot access the external media. Note that the Administrator will need to repeat the following process for each piece of removable storage encrypted by the removed user, since the recovery code is per endpoint and does not apply to every piece of media owned by that user. The following are SQL queries to accomplish "unmarking" the removed flag for the user in the database. 1. Follow the steps below. The user in this example is "games". The next triage resets the "removed" flag. 2. Perform a recovery through Security Management Server (meaning, lock yourself out of the removable storage by entering an incorrect password until the recovery screen displays). Generate an Access Code through the Security Management Server. 3. Reset the Encryption External Media password. 4. IMPORTANT - Reverse the process from step 1 to re-mark the flag as "removed" in the database. 110 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Enable Federated Key Recovery If more than one Security Management Server or Security Management Server Virtual is part of a federation, to perform Encryption External Media Recovery across Dell Servers in the federation, enable federated key recovery: 1. Navigate to \conf\ and open the file. 2. Update the server.code property with a new a code, password or passphrase to be shared across Dell Servers in the federation. Enclose the code, password, or passphrase within a new CLR() tag, to replace the ENC() tag. Example: server.code=CLR(mypassword) 3. List all the servers to be federated in the server uris property, delimited by a comma. Example: server.uris=, 4. Save and copy the file to all Dell Servers that are part of the federation. 5. Restart all Security Servers in the federation. The restart converts the CLR() tag to the encrypted tag, ENC(), in the file. Recover Data - BitLocker Manager See the Recovery Guide for the most up-to-date recovery instructions. The latest Recovery Guide is available at SED Recovery SED Authentication Failure Use this procedure to recover access to a computer with an SED drive after an authentication failure. 1. In the left pane, click Management > Recover Data. 2. Click the SED tab. 3. Under Recover SED Endpoint, enter the Hostname of the computer. You can find the Hostname at Populations > Endpoints. If you know the full Hostname of the endpoint, enter it in the Search field. You can leave the field blank to display all Windows and Mac endpoints. 4. In the SED drop-down, select the correct self-encrypting drive. 5. Instruct the user to give you the Challenge Code. Enter the Challenge Code and click Generate Response. 6. A Response Code displays. Instruct the user to enter this code on their computer. SED Endpoint Recovery For instructions on how to recover an SED Endpoint, see the Recovery Guide. The latest Recovery Guide is available at any of these locations: 111 Navigate the Dell Server Encryption - Threat Protection - Endpoint Security Suite Pro - Advanced Threat Prevention - Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise Security Tools - Recover Endpoint To download encryption keys of a managed or removed endpoint: NOTE: Select Include Removed Endpoints to display endpoints that were previously removed. 1. In the left pane, click Management > Recover Endpoint. 2. Enter the Hostname and click Search. 3. Click Recover next to the endpoint. 4. Enter a password then click Download. 5. Copy the recovery file to the endpoint and run the file. Windows Recovery For Windows Recovery, follow the instructions in the Recovery Guide. The latest Recovery Guide is available at these locations: Encryption - Threat Protection - Endpoint Security Suite Pro - Advanced Threat Prevention - Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise SED Recovery For information about SED authentication failure or SED endpoint recovery, see SED Recovery. Encryption External Media Recovery For information about recovering after Encryption External Media authentication failure, see Encryption External Media Authentication Failure. Mac Recovery See the Encryption Enterprise for Mac Administrator Guide for the most up-to-date recovery instructions. The latest Encryption Enterprise for Mac Administrator Guide is available at License Management 112 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 License Management To view usage of Client Access Licenses (CALs) that you own and upload new licenses, click Management > License Management. Upload Client Access Licenses You received CALs separately from the installation files, either at the initial purchase or later if you added additional CALs. 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > License Management. 2. Under Upload Licenses, click Choose File to browse to and select the saved CAL. View or Add License Notifications Through Notification Management, you can set up notifications of license usage or expiration. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Notification Management. Related topics: CAL Information Notification Management CAL Information When logging in to the Remote Management Console, if there is a problem with your CAL, an error message displays (typically, the error states that the Security Management Server has exceeded the maximum number of authorized Client Licenses). The next step is to review your CALs to ensure that your enterprise has the appropriate number of CALs to Client ratio (1-to-1 ratio). If authorized CALs exceed 5% of that specific CAL total, new client activations for that specific product will be blocked until the license key is brought into compliance. No other client or Security Management Server functions will be impacted when a license key is in the over 105% state. Two separate warning messages are displayed, the first warning message is when the CAL reaches 99% of the authorized licenses, the second when the CAL count reaches or exceeds the 105% total. For example: • Authorized CAL for Dell Encryption (Windows): 5000 user licenses • First warning message from Security Management Server and an email message is sent to the admin: CAL count reaches 5000 • Second warning message from Security Management Server and an email message is sent to the admin: CAL count reaches 5250 If a client has previously been activated and inventory records exist, then it will not be blocked from any reactivation. However, if the CAL authorized count is exceeded during this process, new activations will be blocked for the specific CAL that is in the over 105% state. Licensing 1. License structure: a. 113 Disk Encryption (DE) – Dell Encryption, Encryption External Media (EMS), SED Management, Full Disk Encryption (FDE), BitLocker Manager (BLM), and Encryption Enterprise for Mac. Navigate the Dell Server b. Encryption External Media (EME) c. Dell Data Guardian (CE) d. Threat Protection (TP) - includes Malware Protection and/or Client Firewall and/or Web Protection features e. Advanced Threat Prevention (ATP) - includes optional Client Firewall and/or Web Protection features 2. Dell Digital Delivery of entitlements Upload Client Access Licenses You received CALs separately from the installation files, either at the initial purchase or later if you added additional CALs. 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > License Management. 2. Under Upload Licenses, click Choose File to browse to the location of the saved CAL. Related topics: 114 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 CAL Information License Management Services Management Services Management Access Services Management from the left pane of the Remote Management Console, Management > Services Management. The following options are available: Provision or Recover the Advanced Threat Prevention service - After the service is provisioned, clients are automatically provisioned with Advanced Threat Prevention. For more information, see Provision or Recover Advanced Threat Prevention Service. Enroll to receive Advanced Threat Prevention agent auto updates - After enrollment, clients can automatically download and apply updates from the Advanced Threat Prevention server. For more information, see Enroll for Agent Auto Update. Export audit events - Audit events can be exported to a syslog server or to a local file. For more information, see Export Events to SIEM Server. Provision or Recover Advanced Threat Prevention Service The Advanced Threat Prevention service is provisioned and recovered, if necessary, through the Services Management Advanced Threats tab. Only the System Administrator can provision and recover the service. After provisioning is complete, the Services Management page displays the contact information of the administrator who provisioned the service and a button, Back Up Certificate. To back up the certificate, click Back Up Certificate then select Download Existing Certificate. Save the certificate to a secure location separate from the server running Security Management Server or Security Management Server Virtual. Provision service To provision the Advanced Threat Prevention service: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. Select the Advanced Threats tab. 3. Click Setup Advanced Threat Prevention Service. 4. Follow the guided setup and complete necessary fields in the Service Setup dialogs. Regional provisioning to support geographical data centers is available for these regions: NA (North America), EU (EMEA), and AU (APAC). Dell recommends that you download and back up the Advanced Threat Prevention certificate in a safe location. The certificate will be required if at a future time service recovery is necessary. The guided setup prompts you to download and back up the certificate. Clients are automatically provisioned with Advanced Threat Prevention. After provisioning is complete, the Setup link no longer displays. Recover service You will need your backed up certificate to recover the Advanced Threat Prevention service. 1. 115 In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. Navigate the Dell Server 2. Click Recover Advanced Threat Prevention Service. 3. Follow the guided service recovery dialogs and upload the Advanced Threat Prevention certificate when prompted. Enroll for Advanced Threat Prevention Agent Auto Updates You can enroll to receive Advanced Threat Prevention agent auto updates. Enrolling to receive agent auto updates allows clients to automatically download and apply updates from the Advanced Threat Prevention server. Updates are released monthly. Receive agent auto updates To enroll to receive agent auto updates: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. On the Advanced Threats tab, under Agent Auto Update, click the On button then click the Save Preferences button. Stop receiving agent auto updates To stop receiving agent auto updates: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. On the Advanced Threats tab, under Agent Auto Update, click the Off button, then click the Save Preferences button. Events Management - Export Audit Events to a SIEM Server To export audit events to a syslog server or to a local file: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. Select the Events Management tab. 3. Select the appropriate option(s): Export to Local File allows you to export audit events to a file. Enter the location in which to store the file. This option also provides a backup of the audit events database. Export to Syslog lets you specify the syslog server to which to export the file. If TCP protocol is not selected, select it. 4. Click the Save Preferences button. Product Notifications You can enroll to receive notifications of product updates, recommended configuration changes, and relevant Knowledge Base articles. Receive product notifications To enroll to receive product notifications: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. Select the Product Notifications tab. 116 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 3. Click the On button, then click the Save Preferences button. Stop receiving product notifications To stop receiving product notifications: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Services Management. 2. Select the Product Notifications tab. 3. Click the Off button, then click the Save Preferences button. Notification Management Notification Management The Notification Management page lets you manage email notifications. To add an email notification: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Notification Management. 2. Click the Add button and fill in the dialog: Email: Enter or select your email address. Notification Type: Select the type of alert you want to add. Priority Level: Select the priority levels of notifications. Email Frequency: Select how often you want to receive alerts of this type. (Default frequency is 24 hours.) 2. Press Enter when complete. To edit an alert: • Select the alert you want to change, click Edit, make the changes, and press Enter. To delete an alert: • Select the alert you want to delete, and click Delete. Related topics: License Management Enable SMTP Server for Email Notifications Enable SMTP Server for Email Notifications If using Data Guardian, these settings are automated by using the Server Configuration Tool. Use this procedure if you need to enable the SMTP Server for email notifications for purposes outside of Data Guardian. When configuration changes are complete, restart the Security Server service. The Security Server service must be restarted in order for the settings to be updated. NotificationObjects.config 117 Navigate the Dell Server To configure your SMTP server for email notifications, modify the NotificationObjects.config file located at . Modify the following: Notification.config If your email server requires authentication, modify the Notification.config file located at . Modify the following: External User Management Allow or Block Access To allow or block Data Guardian access for users who are not in the organization's domain: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > External User Management. 2. Select the Registration Access tab. 3. Click Add. 4. Select Registration Access Type: Blacklist - Blocks registration and file access for a user or a domain. Full Access List - Grants registration and file access for a user or domain. If the user or domain is also on the blacklist, no access is granted. 5. Enter either a domain to set access for the entire domain, or email address to set access only for a single user. 6. Click Add. External users can also be added to the blacklist from the Audit Events page, if the user is associated with an audit event: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Reporting > Audit Events. 118 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 2. In the User column, click the icon to the right of the user name to add to the blacklist. Key Request Dell Data Guardian external users can request a key from an internal user in order to access a protected Office document. Key requests display on the Key Request Management page until the internal user approves or denies the request. After 48 hours, key requests are removed from the list. At that time, external users can again request access. If the internal user is not available or has left the enterprise, an administrator can use this page to approve or deny requests. Columns include: • • • • • • User - external user making the request File Name Request Date Request Expiration File Owner - internal user Approve/Deny To approve or deny a request: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > Key Request Management. 2. Select the Key Request tab. 3. Search for specific requests or select requests in the list that displays. To select multiple requests to approve or deny, press Ctrl and then select the requests. To select multiple sequential requests, select the first request and then press Shift and select the last request in the sequential list. 4. Click Approve or Deny. Note: To approve or deny a single request, click the approve request. or deny icon at the right end of the Key Revocation The administrator can revoke access to files, at both the user level and the file level. To revoke access: 1. In the left pane of the Remote Management Console, click Management > External User Management. 2. Select the Key Revocation tab. 3. Select the user or file from which to revoke files. 4. Click Revoke Keys. Change the Superadmin Password 119 Navigate the Dell Server 1. In the masthead at the top of the screen, click the gear icon and select Change superadmin password. 2. Enter the Current Password. 3. Enter the New Password. The new password must be at least 6 characters, contain at least one capital letter and one of these characters: ~@#$%^*()|?!{}[]. 4. Confirm the New Password. 5. Click Update. NOTE: After three failed login attempts, the superadmin account is locked for five minutes. To change these settings, see Set or Change Account Lockout Settings. Change Account Lockout Settings After three failed login attempts, the superadmin account is locked for five minutes. To change these settings: 1. Open \conf\ 2. Edit the following property to change the maximum allowed number of failed login attempts. login.cooldown.max.failed.attempts=3 3. Edit the following property to change the length of lockout time after the maximum allowed number of failed login attempts is reached. login.cooldown.minutes=5 4. Save the file, and restart the Security Server. 120 Manage Policies Manage Security Policies You can apply security policies at the Enterprise, Domain, User Group, User, Endpoint Group, and Endpoint levels. The initial deployment of your Security Management Server or Security Management Server Virtual has default policy settings that allow your enterprise to get started with Dell Security, but you can customize the security and configuration settings. If you've migrated from an earlier version of Security Management Server or Security Management Server Virtual, your policy settings have been migrated for you. Security policies are grouped by technology. Click a Technology Group to view its policies and policy descriptions. Windows Encryption Threat Prevention Mac Encryption Full Disk Encryption Advanced Threat Prevention Dell Volume Encryption Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Threat Protection Mac Global Settings Policy-Based Encryption Web Protection Bitlocker Encryption Client Firewall Server Encryption Protection Settings Authentication Removable Media Encryption Port Control Pre-Boot Authentication Windows Media Encryption Windows Port Control Windows Authentication Mac Media Encryption Windows Device Control Microsoft Passport Media Encryption Settings Data Guardian Cloud Encryption Global Settings Settings Protected Office Documents Mobile Client Web Portal Settings The following override information displays at the top of the Security Policies page: Override count - the number of policy settings that are changed from their default settings. Uncommitted overrides - the number of changes from default settings that are not yet committed. NOTE: The Security Policies page for a population displays overrides to localizable policies in the browser language only. Icons and their meanings: The master switch for policies in the subgroup is On, which means the policy group is enabled. Policies in the group are sent to clients when policies are committed. Policies in the subgroup are not enabled. 121 Manage Policies At least one default setting in the policy group has been overridden. Group of policy settings that has no master switch. The policy change is not yet committed. The policy value can be localized, in order for policies to display on the endpoint computer in a selected language. For more information, see Localize Policies Displayed on the Endpoint Computer and Localizable_policies. The default setting of a localizable policy is overridden. A localizable policy change is not yet committed. To remove a policy override, hover over the red flag next to the policy name. The red flag becomes a red X. Click the red X to revert to the default value. Group precedence You can Modify Group Precedence. Group precedence creates a weight associated with the specific group it is assigned to, and that weight is used in policy arbitration for all policy overrides. Related topics: View or Modify Enterprise-Level Policies View or Modify Domain Policies and Information View or Modify User Group Policies and Information View or Modify User Policies and Information View or Modify Endpoint Group Policies and Information View or Modify Endpoint Policies and Information Localize Policies Displayed on the Endpoint Computer Localizable policies are indicated with this icon: To localize policies that are displayed on the endpoint computer, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, expand Populations and select a population. 2. Click the Security Policies tab. 3. Select the technology group, such as Windows Encryption, or policy group, such as Policy-Based Encryption, to modify. 122 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 4. Select a language for localizable policies from the drop-down list at the top right of the screen. 5. Enter text that is in the language you selected for localizable policies. Navigate the populations and technology groups as necessary to localize all desired policies for that language. 6. Click Save. 7. To update policies in a different language, select the language from the drop-down list, enter localized text for all desired policies, and click Save. Save policy changes before selecting another language in the drop-down list. A different language cannot be selected until policy changes are saved. 8. When finished, select the desired language. Any changes made to localizable policies will be made in the language that displays. NOTE: The Security Policies page for a population displays overrides to localizable policies in the browser language only. Localizable Policies Localizable policies are indicated with this icon: Available languages: English Korean French Brazilian Portuguese German Portuguese Italian Spanish Japanese For instructions about localizing policies, see Localize_policies. The following policies can be displayed in a selected language on the endpoint computer: Enterprise Level 123 Manage Policies Technology Group Policy Windows Encryption > Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Support Information Text PBA Title Text Legal Notice Text Self Help Questions (Pre-8.0 clients) Windows Encryption > Policy-Based Encryption Common Encrypted Folders User Encrypted Folders OS Update Encryption Rules Application Data Encryption List Managed Services Windows Encryption > BitLocker Encryption Default Folder Location to Save Recovery Password Authentication > Windows Authentication Recovery Questions for Windows Authentication (Checkbox selections) Removable Media Encryption > Windows Media Encryption EMS Device Whitelist EMS Access Code Required Message EMS Access Code Failed Message Data Guardian > Cloud Encryption Help File Name Help File Contents Excluded Folders Excluded Files Data Guardian > Protected Office Documents Office Protected Clip Board Unauthorized Text Office Protected Document Tamper Prompt Offline Key Generation Escrow Reminder Text Office Protected Files Cover Page Notice Data Guardian > Mobile Client > Cover Page Office Protected Files Cover Page Acceptance Text Office Protected Document Tamper Prompt Data Guardian > Web Portal Office Protected Files Cover Page EULA Users Level Technology Group Policy Windows Encryption > Policy-Based Encryption User Encrypted Folders 124 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Application Data Encryption List Managed Services Removable Media Encryption > Windows Media Encryption EMS Device Whitelist EMS Access Code Required Message EMS Access Code Failed Message Endpoints Level Technology Group Policy Windows Encryption > Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Support Information Text PBA Title Text Legal Notice Text Self Help Questions (Pre-8.0 clients) Windows Encryption > Policy-Based Encryption Common Encrypted Folders OS Update Encryption Rules Windows Encryption > BitLocker Encryption Default Folder Location to Save Recovery Password Data Guardian > Cloud Encryption Help File Name Help File Contents Excluded Folders Excluded Files Data Guardian > Protected Office Documents Office Protected Clip Board Unauthorized Text Office Protected Document Tamper Prompt Offline Key Generation Escrow Reminder Text Office Protected Files Cover Page Notice Windows Encryption Windows Encryption A word about types of encryption: SDE is designed to encrypt the operating system and program files. In order to accomplish this purpose, SDE must be able to open its key while the operating system is booting without intervention of a password by the user. Its intent is to prevent alteration or offline attacks on the operating system by an attacker. SDE is not intended for user data. Common and User key encryption are intended for sensitive user data because they require a user password in order to unlock encryption keys. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. 125 Manage Policies Policy Default Setting Description Full Disk Encryption (FDE) This technology manages drives using software-based Full Disk Encryption. Authentication by users through a Pre-Boot Authentication environment (before the operating system has booted) is required to unlock the drive. On Off Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Off Toggle to ON to enable all full disk encryption policies. If this policy is toggled to OFF, no full disk encryption takes place, regardless of other policy values. On means that all Full Disk Encryption policies are enabled. Changing the value of this policy triggers a new sweep to encrypt/decrypt files. Encryption Algorithm AES 256 AES 256, AES 128, FIPS AES 256, FIPS AES 128 Encryption algorithm used for Full Disk Encryption. CBC, XTS Encryption Mode CBC Enable FDE Plugin Selected Encryption mode used for Full Disk Encryption. The plugin must remain selected. To deactivate the PBA and disable full disk encryption, toggle the Full Disk Encryption policy to OFF. Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) This technology manages self-encrypting drives (SEDs). Authentication by users through a Pre-Boot Authentication environment (before the operating system has booted) is required to unlock the drive. On Off Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Off Toggle On to provision the PBA. If toggled Off after the PBA is provisioned, the PBA is deprovisioned and the PBA database is deleted. Re-toggling to On reprovisions the PBA and re-creates the PBA database. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Policy-Based Encryption This technology uses Dell's proprietary data centric encryption to allow user data and computer encryption. This allows greater protection over individual data than traditional full disk encryption, by limiting access on a computer to only what a user is authorized to view. Policy-Based Encryption Off On Off Toggle to ON to enable all policybased encryption policies. If this 126 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 policy is toggled to OFF, no policy-based encryption takes place, regardless of other policy values. On means that all Policy-Based Encryption policies are enabled. Changing the value of this policy triggers a new sweep to encrypt/decrypt files. Common, User, User Roaming Choose a key to indicate who should be able to access files encrypted by Application Data Encryption List, and where. More... Common if you want these files to be accessible to all managed users on the computer where they were created (the same level of access as Common Encrypted Folders), and encrypted with the Common Encryption Algorithm. Application Data Encryption Key Common User if you want these files to be accessible only to the user who created them, only on the computer where they were created (the same level of access as User Encrypted Folders), and encrypted with the User Encryption Algorithm. User Roaming if you want these files to be accessible only to the user who created them, on any encrypted Windows computer, and encrypted with the User Encryption Algorithm. Changes to this policy do not affect files already encrypted because of this policy. SDE Encryption Enabled Not Selected String F#:\ -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\System Volume Information -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\; SDE Encryption Rules -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\System32 -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SysWow64 -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\WinSxS -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\Fonts ^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\;exe 127 If this policy is not selected, SDE encryption is disabled, regardless of other policy values. Selected means that all data not encrypted by other Intelligent Encryption policies will be encrypted per the SDE Encryption Rules policy. Changing the value of this policy requires a reboot. Encryption rules to be used to encrypt/not encrypt certain drives, directories, and folders. See Encryption Rules for information. SDE Encryption Rules may be changed as appropriate for your environment. However, these defaults have been tested extensively. Removing these exclusions may result in Windows issues, particularly after applying patch updates. Contact ProSupport for guidance if you are unsure about changing the values. Manage Policies -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe;exe -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\autochk.exe;exe -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\winresume.exe;exe -^F#:\bootmgr -^F#:\boot -^@%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\;vol -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\PGP Corporation -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\PGPWDE00 -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\PGPWDE01 -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\PGPWDE02 -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\PGPWDE03 -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Symantec -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Symantec -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Symantec Shared -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Symantec -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\SafeBoot.fs -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\SafeBoot.rsv -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\SafeBoot.csv -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\McAfee -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\McAfee -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\McAfee -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\\Program Files (x86)\Mcafee -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Trend Micro\ -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Dell\Kace -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Dell\Kace -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Kace String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each (up to a maximum of 2048 characters) Common Encrypted Folders A list of folders on computer drives to be encrypted or String excluded from encryption, which %ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\;accdb.doc.docm.docx.mdb.pdf.ppam.pps.ppsm.ppsx can then be accessed by all managed users who have access to the computer. See Encryption Rules for information. The text in %ENV:USERPROFILE%\Desktop this policy is translatable. %ENV:USERPROFILE%\Download -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\;dat.ini.xml.txt.log.db.lnk Important: Overriding directory protection can result in an unbootable computer and/or require reformatting drives. More... 128 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 The available drive letters are: #: Refers to all drives f#: Refers to all fixed (nonremovable) drives r#: Refers to all removable drives If the same folder is specified in both this policy and the User Encrypted Folders policy, this policy prevails. Policy-Based Encryption-User Experience Selected Not Selected Enable Software Auto Updates Selected Selected enables the client update agent to automatically check for updates. If this policy is Selected, the On Premise Update Staging Location policy must include the staging location. On Premise Update Staging Location String The network location (UNC) where the Security Management Server stages update packages. This policy must have a value if the Enable Software Auto Updates policy is Selected. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Bitlocker Encryption This technology manages Microsoft BitLocker policies for full disk and removable media encryption. Managed Not Managed BitLocker Encryption Not Managed Toggle to Managed to enable BitLocker Manager policy settings. Toggling to Not Managed disables all BitLocker Manager policies, regardless of other policy values. Selected Not Selected TPM Manager Enabled Not Selected Selected enables TPM management with BitLocker management. Not Selected disables all TPM management policies, including policies in the Operating System Volume Settings category. Selected Not Selected Disable Sleep Mode Not Selected Selected disables sleep mode on the local computer. Changing this policy requires a reboot for the new value to take effect. Encrypt System Drive 129 Do Not Manage Do Not Manage Turn On Encryption Manage Policies Turn Off Encryption Do Not Manage ignores the System Drive (typically the drive that the operating system is installed on). Turn On Encryption allows BitLocker to encrypt the System Drive only. Turn Off Encryption disables BitLocker from encrypting the system drive or decrypts any BitLockerencrypted system drives. Do Not Manage Turn On Encryption Turn Off Encryption Encrypt Fixed Drives Do Not Manage This policy does not encrypt the system drive. To also encrypt the system drive, make sure that Encrypt System Drive Only is also Turn On Encryption. Do Not Manage ignores Fixed Drives. Turn On Encryption allows BitLocker to encrypt Fixed Drives. Turn Off Encryption causes Manager to decrypt any BitLocker encrypted fixed drives. Do Not Manage Turn On Encryption Turn Off Encryption Encrypt Removable Drives Do Not Manage Do Not Manage ignores Removable Drives. Turn On Encryption allows BitLocker to encrypt Removable Drives. Turn Off Encryption causes Manager to decrypt any BitLocker encrypted removable drives. Selected Not Selected This policy allows for the configuration of BitLocker to require additional authentication each time the computer starts up [with or without a Trusted Platform module (TPM)]. Require Additional Authentication at System Startup More... Not Selected This policy is the parent policy to: Allow BitLocker Encryption Without a Compatible TPM Configure TPM Startup Configure TPM Startup PIN Configure TPM Startup Key Configure TPM Startup Key and PIN 130 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Selected Not Selected Allow BitLocker Encryption Without a Compatible TPM Selected Selected allows a computer without a compatible TPM to use BitLocker encryption. In this mode, a USB drive is required for startup. When the key is inserted, access to the drive is authenticated and the drive is accessible. If the USB key is lost or unavailable, the computer will require BitLocker recovery for access. To use this policy, Require Additional Authentication at System Startup must be set to Selected. Do Not Allow Require Allow On computers with a compatible TPM, three types of authentication are supported. Only one of the following can be required or allowed: Configure TPM Startup Allow Configure TPM Startup PIN Configure TPM Startup Key Configure TPM Startup Key and PIN To use this policy, Require Additional Authentication at System Startup must be set to Selected. Do Not Allow Require Allow Configure TPM Startup PIN Allow To use this policy, Require Additional Authentication at System Startup must be set to Selected. This type of authentication involves the entry of a 4-digit to 20-digit personal identification number (PIN). Do Not Allow Require Allow Configure TPM Startup Key Do Not Allow To use this policy, Require Additional Authentication at System Startup must be set to Selected. This type of authentication involves insertion of a USB drive containing the startup key. Do Not Allow Require Allow Configure TPM Startup Key and PIN Do Not Allow To use this policy, Require Additional Authentication at System Startup must be set to Selected. This type of authentication involves a 4-digit to 20-digit personal identification number 131 Manage Policies (PIN) and a USB drive containing the startup key. Encryption Method and Cipher Strength (OS Volumes) XTS-AES-128 AES-128 AES-256 XTS-AES-128 (for use with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later) XTS-AES-256 (for use with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later) Algorithm and cipher strength used by BitLocker Drive Encryption for OS Volumes. AES-128 AES-256 XTS-AES-128 (for use with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later) XTS-AES-256 (for use with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later) Encryption Method and Cipher Strength (Removable Volumes) AES-128 Algorithm and cipher strength used by BitLocker Drive Encryption for Removable Volumes. To encrypt removable drives that will be used with older versions of Windows as well as with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later, use AES-128 or AES256. Encryption Method and Cipher Strength (Fixed Volumes) XTS-AES-128 AES-128 AES-256 XTS-AES-128 (for use with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later) XTS-AES-256 (for use with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and later) Algorithm and cipher strength used by BitLocker Drive Encryption for Fixed Volumes. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Server Encryption This technology manages Dell's data centric encryption using certificate-based authentication instead of the typical user-based authentication instead of the typical user-based authentication. This technology allows for protection of devices such as Windows Servers that do not commonly have users logged in. On Off Server Encryption Off This policy enables or disables System Data Encryption (SDE) and Common Encryption on the client server. Changing the value of this policy triggers a new sweep to 132 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 encrypt/decrypt files. Selected Not Selected Allow Software Server Encryption Selected If this policy is Selected, client servers will be activated at the Enterprise level. This policy may be set to Not Selected to block activations during initial Dell Server setup and maintenance interruptions. Not Selected Server Maintenance Schedule This policy must be selected to use all other Server Maintenance policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Server Maintenance policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. Selected allows a maintenance schedule to control application of policy that requires a reboot. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually The schedule configuration defines when the task should run. Daily: Runs the task every day at the specified Server Maintenance Schedule Start Time. Server Maintenance Schedule Repeats Weekly Weekly: Runs the task weekly on the days specified in Server Maintenance Day of the Week. Monthly: Runs the task monthly on the specified Server Maintenance Day of the Month. Quarterly: Runs the task quarterly on the specified Server Maintenance Day of the Month. Annually: Runs the task annually on the specified Server Maintenance Day of the Month. Disabled Port Control System Enable or Disable all Port Control System policies. If this policy is set to Disable, no Port Control System policies are applied, regardless of other Port Control System policies. All PCS policies require a reboot before the policy takes effect. SDE Encryption Enabled Selected String F#:\ SDE Encryption Rules -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\System Volume Information -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\; -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\System32 -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SysWow64 133 If this policy is Not Selected, SDE encryption is disabled, regardless of other policy values. Selected means that all data not encrypted by other Intelligent Encryption policies will be encrypted per the SDE Encryption Rules policy. Changing the value of this policy requires a reboot Encryption rules to be used to encrypt/not encrypt certain drives, directories, and folders. See Encryption Rules for information. SDE Encryption Rules may be changed as appropriate for your environment. However, these defaults have been tested Manage Policies -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\WinSxS -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\Fonts ^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\;exe -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe;exe -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\autochk.exe;exe -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Dell\Kace extensively. Removing these exclusions may result in Windows issues, particularly after applying patch updates. Contact ProSupport for guidance if you are unsure about changing the values. -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Dell\Kace -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Kace Encryption Enabled Selected This policy must be selected to use all Common Encryption policies. Not Selected means that no Common Encryption takes place, regardless of other policy values. Changing the value of this policy triggers a new sweep to encrypt/decrypt files. See advanced settings Variables Some Windows policies support the following variables. A pathname can consist entirely of one or more of these variables, or can include one or more of these variables at any point. To get directory locations that these CSIDL values resolve to, go to All names listed on the MSDN page are CSIDL_ . %CSIDL:name% • Includes any of the following Windows CSIDL constants: DESKTOP INTERNET PROGRAMS CONTROLS PRINTERS PERSONAL FAVORITES STARTUP RECENT SENDTO STARTMENU STARTMENU MYDOCUMENTS MYMUSIC MYVIDEO DESKTOPDIRECTORY 134 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 DRIVES NETWORK NETHOOD FONTS TEMPLATES COMMON_STARTMENU COMMON_PROGRAMS COMMON_STARTUP COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY APPDATA PRINTHOOD LOCAL_APPDATA ALTSTARTUP COMMON_ALTSTARTUP COMMON_FAVORITES INTERNET_CACHE COOKIES HISTORY COMMON_APPDATA WINDOWS SYSTEM PROGRAM_FILES PROGRAMFILES MYPICTURES PROFILE SYSTEMX86 PROGRAM_FILESX86 PROGRAMFILESX86 PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 COMMON_TEMPLATES COMMON_DOCUMENTS COMMON_ADMINTOOLS ADMINTOOLS 135 Manage Policies CONNECTIONS COMMON_MUSIC COMMON_PICTURES COMMON_VIDEO RESOURCES PROFILES %HKCU:regpath% • Includes a numeric or text value stored in the registry for the Current User. If you specify a path but not an item, the client uses the default value %HKLM:regpath% • Includes a numeric or text value stored in the registry for the local computer. If you specify a path but not an item, the client uses the default value %ENV:envname% • Includes the value of a Windows local environment variable • Includes the % character %% Windows Policies that Require Reboot • SDE Encryption Enabled • All PCS policies Windows Policies that Require Logoff • SDE Encryption Enabled Advanced Windows Encryption A word about types of encryption: SDE is designed to encrypt the operating system and program files. In order to accomplish this purpose, SDE must be able to open its key while the operating system is booting without intervention of a password by the user. Its intent is to prevent alteration or offline attacks on the operating system by an attacker. SDE is not intended for user data. Common and User key encryption are intended for sensitive user data because they require a user password in order to unlock encryption keys. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) This technology manages self-encrypting drives (SEDs). Authentication by users through a Pre-Boot Authentication environment (before the operating system has booted) is required to unlock the drive. Enable SED Plugin Selected The plugin must remain selected. To deactivate the PBA and disable SED Management, toggle the Self-encrypting Drive policy to OFF. See basic 136 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 settings Policy Default Setting Description Policy-Based Encryption This technology uses Dell's proprietary data centric encryption to allow user data and computer encryption. This allows greater protection over individual data than traditional full disk encryption, by limiting access on a computer to only what a user is authorized to view. Encrypt with SDE when SED is detected Not Selected When Selected, this policy applies SDE encryption to self-encrypting drives. Use this policy when SDE encryption is preferred instead of native SED encryption. String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each (up to a maximum of 2048 characters) A list of folders on the computer hard drive to be encrypted with the User Data Encryption Key or excluded from encryption. User Encrypted Folders String If the same folder is specified in this policy for multiple users of the same Windows computer, each file in that folder is encrypted for the first owner of the file after the policy takes effect, and can be decrypted only by that owner. The text in this policy is translatable. More... Specify as for Common Encrypted Folders. This policy applies to all drives classified by Windows as Hard Disk Drives (see My Computer). You cannot use this policy to encrypt drives or external media whose type displays as Removable Disk, use EMS Encrypt External Media instead. String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each We do not recommend adding explorer.exe or iexplorer.exe to the ADE list, as unexpected or unintended results may occur. However, explorer.exe is the process used to create a new notepad file on the desktop using the right-click menu. Setting encryption by file extension, instead of the ADE list, provides more comprehensive coverage. Changes to this policy do not affect files already encrypted because of this policy. List process names of applications (without paths) whose new files you want encrypted, separated by carriage returns. Do not use wildcards. Exe List Application Data Encryption List winword.exe excel.exe powerpnt.exe msaccess.exe winproj.exe outlook.exe acrobat.exe visio.exe mspub.exe winzip.exe winrar.exe onenote.exe onenotem.exe The text in this policy is translatable. More... You can also specify these process names (separated by commas) via the registry value HKLM\Software\Dell\CMGShield\ApplicationDataEncryptionList. The Encryption client encrypts all new files (not already being encrypted by Common Encrypted Folders and User Encrypted Folders) on the current computer hard drives created by these application processes whenever they are owned by a currently-logged-on managed user. This may include files excluded from encryption by Common Encrypted Folders and/or User Encrypted Folders. The following folders and their subfolders are always excluded from encryption by this policy: C:\Windows\system32 C:\Windows\Software Distribution C:\Windows\Security C:\System Volume Information\Program Files\Dell\(.dll.exe.sys.mac.ddp.wip.rty.nmd.inv) We strongly recommend not listing applications or installers that write systemcritical files. Doing so could result in encryption of important system files, which could make a Windows computer unbootable. Common process names: Outlook: outlook.exe Word: winword.exe FrontPage: frontpg.exe PowerPoint: powerpnt.exe 137 Manage Policies Access: msaccess.exe WordPad: wordpad.exe Microsoft Paint: mspaint.exe Excel: excel.exe The following hard-coded system and installer process names are ignored if specified in this policy (you can also add to this list via the registry value HKLM\Software\Dell\CMGShield\EUWPrivilegedList): hotfix.exe, a Windows update process update.exe, a Windows update process setup.exe, a third-party installer process msiexec.exe, a third-party installer process wuauclt.exe, a Windows update process wmiprvse.exe, a Windows system process migrate.exe, a Windows update process unregmp2.exe, a Windows update process ikernel.exe, a third-party installer process wssetup.exe, the Windows Encryption client installer svchost.exe, a Windows system process AES256, Rijndael 256, AES128, Rijndael 128, 3DES User Encryption Algorithm AES256 SDE Encryption Algorithm AES256 Encryption algorithm used to encrypt data at the individual user level. You can specify different values for different users of the same computer. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are Rijndael 128, AES 128, Rijndael 256, AES 256, 3DES. AES 256, AES 128, 3DES Encryption algorithm used to for System Data Encryption. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256, 3DES. AES256, Rijndael 256, AES128, Rijndael 128, 3DES Common Encryption Algorithm Encrypt Outlook Personal Folders Encryption algorithm used to encrypt data at the endpoint (all users) level. AES256 System paging files are encrypted using AES 128. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are Rijndael 128, AES 128, Rijndael 256, AES 256, 3DES. Not Selected Encrypts Outlook Personal Folders (%csidl:local_appdata %\Microsoft\Outlook) with the User Data Encryption Key. When this policy is selected, the paths listed in the environment variables TEMP and TMP are encrypted. TEMP and TMP for the operating system are encrypted with the Common Encryption Key. Encrypt Temporary Files Selected Encrypt Temporary Internet Files Selected Encrypt User Profile Documents Not Selected Encrypt Selected To reduce encryption sweep time, the contents of the TEMP and TMP folders are cleared for initial encryption, as well as updates to this policy. However, if your organization uses a third-party application that requires the file structure within the \temp directory to be preserved, you should prevent this deletion. To disable temporary file deletion, create DeleteTempFiles (REG_DWORD) and set its value to 0 in the registry at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Credant\CMGShield. When this policy is selected, the path listed in the environment variable CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE is encrypted with the User Data Encryption Key. To reduce encryption sweep time, the contents of CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE are cleared for initial encryption, as well as updates to this policy. This policy is applicable when using Microsoft Internet Explorer only. For other web browsers, an Administrator must create an encryption policy that is specific to the storage location of the temporary internet files used by each browser. When this policy is selected, the following are encrypted: • The users profile (C:\Users\jsmith) with the User Data Encryption Key • \Users\Public with the Common Encryption Key When this policy is selected, the Windows paging file is encrypted. A change to this 138 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Windows Paging File policy requires a reboot. String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each (up to a maximum of 2048 characters) When a Service is managed by this policy, the Service is started only after the user is logged in and the Encryption client is unlocked. This policy also ensures that the Service managed by this policy is stopped before the Encryption client is locked during logoff. This policy can also prevent a user logoff if a Service is unresponsive. More... Managed Services Syntax is one Service name per line. Spaces in the Service name are supported. Wildcards are not supported. Entries are not case-sensitive. For example, GoogleDesktop Manager is the same as googledesktopmanager. The Service "log on as" setting has no bearing on whether or not the Encryption client can control it. It does not matter if a user logs on with user credentials verses the local system. The startup type (Automatic or Manual) does not affect the ability of the Encryption client to control it. Automatic or Manual startup is acceptable. Managed Services will not be started if an unmanaged user logs on. No Overwrite, Single-pass Overwrite, Three-pass Overwrite, Seven-pass Overwrite Once encryption is complete, this policy determines what happens to the unencrypted residue of the original files: • No Overwrite deletes it. This value yields the fastest encryption processing. Secure PostEncryption Cleanup No Overwrite • Single-pass Overwrite overwrites it with random data. • Three-pass Overwrite overwrites it with a standard pattern of 1s and 0s, then with its complement, and then with random data. • Seven-pass Overwrite overwrites it with a standard pattern of 1s and 0s, then with its complement, and then with random data five times. This value makes it most difficult to recover the original files from memory, and yields the most secure encryption processing. Secure Windows Credentials Not Selected When this policy is selected, the Windows Credentials will be secured by encrypting the entire registry with the exception of registry information required for computer boot. The information required for computer boot includes HKLM/SYSTEM and all sub-keys. This policy value will be automatically set to Selected if SDE is enabled. More... A reboot is required when a change to this policy is delivered. To control this reboot, configure the following policies: Force Reboot on Update, Length of Each Reboot Delay, and Number of Reboot Delays Allowed. Block Unmanaged Access to Domain Credentials Not Selected This policy prevents unmanaged users and applications from accessing the Windows domain credentials when a user is logged in. Secure Windows Hibernation File Not Selected When this policy is selected, the hibernation file will be encrypted only when the computer enters hibernation. The Encryption client disengages protection when the computer comes out of hibernation, providing protection without impacting users or applications while the computer is in use. Prevent Unsecured Hibernation Not Selected When this policy is selected, the Encryption client does not allow computer hibernation if the client is unable to encrypt the hibernation data. Scan Workstation on Logon Not selected When this policy is selected, all current and previously encrypted folders on the encrypted computer's local hard drives are scanned each time a managed user logs on, ensuring that all Common Encrypted Folders and User Encrypted Folders policy values are properly implemented. Abides by the Workstation Scan Priority policy. Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lowest Workstation Scan Priority Lowest Specifies the relative Windows priority of encrypted folder scanning. High and Highest prioritize scanning speed over computer responsiveness, Low and Lowest prioritize computer responsiveness over scanning speed and favor other resourceintensive activities, and Normal balances the two. The client checks for a changed Workstation Scan Priority before processing the 139 Manage Policies next file. The scan priority levels are used in two ways. 1. These values correspond with the values used by the Microsoft SDK to set thread execution priority. 2. The client uses these values to introduce a delay in the encryption sweep after every single file is processed. The values translate to the following millisecond delay ranges, where the encryption thread will sit idle and then return full control to the operating system: Highest=0 ms / Lowest=100 ms Common, User, User Roaming Choose a key to indicate who should be able to access files encrypted by the following policies, and where: • User Encrypted Folders • Encrypt Outlook Personal folders • Encrypt Temporary Files (\Users\ \AppData\Local\Temp only) • Encrypt Temporary Internet Files • Encrypt User Profile Documents (except \All Users\Documents or for Windows XP, \All Users\Shared Documents) Select: • Common if you want User Encrypted Folders to be accessible by all managed users on the computer where they were created (the same level of access as Common Encrypted Folders), and encrypted with the Common Encryption Algorithm. More... User Data Encryption Key User The Common Encryption Algorithm controls the encryption algorithm for all User Encrypted Folders and overrides any encryption algorithm selected, including the default User Encryption Algorithm. For example, if the Common Encryption Algorithm is set to AES 256, all Common and User Encrypted Files/Folders will be encrypted with the AES 256 algorithm. All other encryption parameters can be selected to override default settings. For example, if the Encrypt Temporary Files policy is set to Not Selected, you can override this setting for any managed user by setting this value to Selected. Designated User Encrypted Folders use the Common Key, resulting in all managed users having the key to access any encrypted files stored in these folders as permitted by security settings on the operating system. • User if you want these files to be accessible only to the user who created them, only on the computer where they were created (the same level of access as User Encrypted Folders), and encrypted with the User Encryption Algorithm. • User Roaming if you want these files to be accessible only to the user who created them, on any encrypted Windows computer, and encrypted with the User Encryption Algorithm. When incorporating an encryption policy to encrypt entire disk partitions, Dell recommends using the default SDE policy, rather than Common or User. This ensures that any operating system files that are encrypted are accessible during times when the managed user is not logged in. String - maximum of 1500 characters List fully qualified Policy Proxy hostnames, or IP addresses, separated by carriage returns. Ports cannot be specified in this policy. More... Once a valid entry is found, the remainder of the Policy Proxies listed are ignored. Policy Proxy Connections Entries are processed in the following order: 1. GKConnections Override (this registry entry overrides all other entries) 2. GKConnections (this registry entry is set automatically by the client, based on the this policy) 3. GK To override this policy and specify ports via the registry key, set HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ Winlogon\CMGShield\GKConnectionsOverride. The client communicates with Policy Proxies using the GKPORT (the default is 140 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 8000). If necessary, change that port via the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\Winlogon\CMGShield\GKPort. Inherited values for this policy accumulate. In order for the client to connect to a Policy Proxy specified in this policy, it must be in the same group as the Policy Proxy specified during client installation. Because the client supports up to 255 users per computer, this policy is available only at the Enterprise policy level. 1-1440 minutes Policy Proxy Polling Interval Allow Activations 360 The interval that the Encryption client attempts to poll Policy Proxy for policy updates, and send inventory information to Policy Proxy. The Encryption client also attempts to poll Policy Proxy each time a user logs on. This policy is available at the Enterprise, Domain, User Group, and User levels. This policy is used only by the Encryption client. Other applications do not have an activation policy setting. Selected When this policy is selected, Encryption client activations are allowed. When this policy is not selected, activations are blocked. Blocking activations is useful for staggering activations, preventing activations during the initial Dell Server setup, or preventing activations during a maintenance interruption. Activate, Suspend Current Shield State Activate Activate is the normal state for an encrypted user. A user must be in this state in order to activate a computer. Select Suspend to require recovery before the user can access the computer. When a user is suspended, encrypted data cannot be accessed. The user can be recovered by changing this policy to Activate, and committing the policy. See basic settings Policy-Based Encryption - User Experience Selected Not Selected Enable Software Auto Updates Not Selected String On Premise Update Staging Location String Update Check Period 10080 3 Force Logoff / Reboot on Policy Updates Selected Policy Viewer Enabled Not Selected 141 This policy defines the network location (UNC) where the Dell Server stages Encryption client update packages. If a network location is not specified in this policy, the Enable Software Auto Updates policy should not be published. 1-43200 minutes (1 minute to 30 days) The period in minutes between checks for software auto updates. 0-5000 Number of Policy Update Delays Allowed Display Local Encryption Processing Control Selected enables the client update agent to automatically check for updates to Encryption client software. If this policy is not selected, Encryption client auto updates do not take place, regardless of other policy values. If this policy is selected, the On Premise Update Staging Location policy must have a network location in its value. Not Selected If Force Logoff/Reboot on Policy Updates is Selected, a non-zero value allows the user to delay the required logoff or reboot the specified number of times. Set to zero to disable delays. Selected requires either a logoff or a reboot in order for key policy updates to take effect. Otherwise, these policy updates take effect whenever the next logoff or reboot occurs. When Selected, the user can view their encryption policies from the Encryption client icon in the system tray. When Selected, the user sees a menu option in the system tray icon that allows them to pause/resume encryption/decryption (depending on what the client is currently doing). Important: Allowing a user to pause encryption could allow the user to prevent the Encryption client from fully encrypting or decrypting data per policy. Manage Policies This policy controls whether users see notification pop-ups if an application attempts to access a file while the client is processing it. Suppress File Contention Notification Number of Encryption Processing Delays Allowed Selected More... If the client is processing a large file that an application needs, and this policy is Selected, it may appear that the application is unresponsive or slow to open (with no message indicating what the issue is). Care should be taken when using this policy. 0-5000 0 A non-zero value allows the user to delay any encryption processing required by the encryption policies you set, the specified number of times. Set to zero to disable delays. 5-40320 minutes If Number of Encryption Processing Delays Allowed has a non-zero value, use this policy to specify how often the user is prompted to continue with encryption processing or delay again. More... Length of Each Encryption Processing Delay 5 This prompt displays for five minutes each time. If the user does not respond to the prompt, encryption processing begins. The final delay prompt includes a countdown and progress bar, and it displays until the user responds, or the final delay expires and encryption processing begins. Calculate the maximum possible delay as follows (a maximum delay would involve the user responding to each delay prompt immediately prior to the 5-minute mark): (Number of Encryption Processing Delays Allowed x Length of Each Encryption Processing Delay) + (5 minutes x [Number of Encryption Processing Delays Allowed 1]) 5-40320 minutes If Number of Policy Update Delays Allowed has a non-zero value, use this policy to specify how often the user is prompted to logoff/reboot or delay again. More... This prompt displays for five minutes each time. If the user does not respond to the prompt, the next delay begins. The final delay prompt includes a countdown and progress bar, and it displays until the user responds, or the final delay expires and the required logoff/reboot occurs. Length of Each Policy Update Delay 15 You can change the behavior of the user prompt to begin or delay encryption, to prevent encryption processing following no user response to the prompt. To do this, set the registry key SnoozeBeforeSweep |(DWORD), stored in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield, to a non-zero value. Any non-zero value will change the default behavior to snooze. With no user interaction, encryption processing will be delayed up to the number of configurable allowed delays. When the final delay expires, encryption processing begins. Calculate the maximum possible delay as follows (a maximum delay would involve the user never responding to a delay prompt, each of which displays for 5 minutes): (Number of Policy Update Delays Allowed x Length of Each Policy Update Delay) + (5 minutes x [Number of Policy Update Delays Allowed - 1]) Force Reboot on Update Selected Length of Each Reboot Delay 15 Number of Reboot Delays Allowed 3 Allow Encryption When selected, the computer immediately reboots to allow processing of encryption or updates related to device-based policy, such as System Data Encryption (SDE). 5-40320 minutes The number of minutes to delay when the user chooses to delay reboot for devicebased policy. 0-5000 False The number of times the user will be allowed to delay reboot for device-based policy. True, False, User-Optional When True, there will be no encryption or decryption of data while the user is 142 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Processing Only When Screen is Locked actively working. The client will only process data when the workstation screen is locked. When False, encryption processing occurs any time, even while the user is working. User-Optional adds an option to the system tray icon allowing the user to turn this feature on or off. Enabling this option will significantly extend the amount of time it takes to complete encryption or decryption. Hide Overlay Icons Selected When Selected, encryption overlay icons do not display on encrypted files in File Explorer for all managed users on the computer. See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Bitlocker Encryption This technology manages Microsoft BitLocker policies for full disk and removable media encryption. Disable BitLocker on SelfEncrypting Drives Selected Not Selected Selected If Selected, BitLocker Manager will not start encryption on a volume that is already protected by a provisioned SED. For example, if this policy is Selected and both C: and D: are on one physical selfencrypting drive, and the PBA has been provisioned, then C: and D: will not encrypt for BitLocker even if System and Fixed drive encryption are turned on in the BitLocker Manager policies. See basic settings Bitlocker Encryption - Fixed Data Volume Settings Configure the Use of Smart Cards on Fixed Data Drives Deny Write Access to Fixed Data Drives Not Protected by BitLocker Allow Access to BitLocker Protected Fixed Data Drives from Earlier Versions of Windows Do Not Install BitLocker to Go Reader on FAT Formatted Fixed Drives 143 Allow Disallow Require Allow This policy specifies whether smart cards can be used to authenticate access to BitLocker fixed data drives. These settings are enforced when turning on BitLocker, not when unlocking a drive. BitLocker will allow unlocking a drive with any of the protectors available on the drive. Enabled Disabled Enabled for Organizations Disabled If the drive is protected by BitLocker, it will be mounted with read and write access. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, all fixed data drives on the computer will be mounted with read and write access. Selected Not Selected Selected When Selected, fixed data drives with the FAT file system can be unlocked and viewed on computers running Windows Server 2008. This policy does not apply to drives that are formatted with the NTFS file system. Set this policy to Selected and the Do Not Install BitLocker to Go Reader on FAT formatted Fixed Drives policy to Not Selected to allow BitLocker to Go Reader to be installed on the fixed drive. Selected Not Selected Not Selected If this policy is Not Selected, BitLocker to Go Reader will be installed on the fixed drive to enable users to unlock the drive on computers running Windows Server 2008. Set this policy to Not Selected and the Allow Access to BitLocker Protected Fixed Manage Policies Data Drives from Earlier Versions of Windows policy to Not Selected to allow BitLocker to Go Reader to be installed on the fixed drive. Allow Require Disallow Configure Use of Passwords for Fixed Data Drives Allow When set to Require, a connection to a domain controller is necessary to validate the complexity of the password. When set to Allow, a connection to a domain controller will be attempted to validate complexity, but if no domain controller is found, the password will still be accepted. When set to Do Not Allow, no password complexity validation will be done. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Allow or Require. Configure Password Complexity for Fixed Data Drives Do Not Allow Require Allow Allow When set to Require, a connection to a domain controller is necessary to validate the complexity of the password. When set to Allow, a connection to a domain controller will be attempted to validate complexity, but if no domain controller is found, the password will still be accepted. When set to Do Not Allow, no password complexity validation will be done. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Allow or Require. Minimum Password Length for Fixed Data Drives Encryption Type for Fixed Data Drives 8 min 20 max 8 Passwords must be at least 8 characters. To configure a greater minimum length for the password enter the desired number of characters. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Allow or Require. Full Encryption Full Encryption Used Space Only Encryption Select the type of encryption to use for Fixed Data Drives. Selected Not Selected BitLocker drives can always be recovered with BitLocker Manager, even if this value is Not Selected. This policy allows for the control of how BitLocker protected fixed data drives are recovered in the absence of the required credentials. Choose How BitLockerprotected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered More... This policy is the parent policy to: Not Selected Allow Data Recovery Agent for Protected Fixed Data Drives Config User Storage of BitLocker 48-digit Recovery Password Config User Storage of BitLocker 256-bit Recovery Key Omit Recovery Options from the BitLocker Setup Wizard Save BitLocker Recovery Info to AD DS for Fixed Data Drives BitLocker Recovery Info to Store in AD DS Do Not Enable BitLocker Until Recovery Info is Stored in AD DS for Fixed Data Drives Allow Data Recovery Agent for Protected Fixed Data Drives Configure User Storage of Selected Not Selected Selected When Selected, a data recovery agent is allowed for use with BitLocker protected fixed data drives. Before the agent can be used, it must be added from the Public Key Policies in either the Group Policy Management Console or the Local Group Policy Editor. When setting this policy to Selected, the Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must also be set to Selected. Allow Allow Require 144 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Do Not Allow BitLocker 48digit Recovery Password This policy determines if a user is allowed, required, or not allowed to generate a 48-digit password. When setting this policy to Allow or Require, the Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must also be set to Selected. Configure User Storage of BitLocker 256bit Recovery Key Omit Recovery Options from the BitLocker Setup Wizard Allow Require Do Not Allow Allow This policy determines if a user is allowed, required, or not allowed to generate a 256-bit recovery key. When setting this policy to Allow or Require, the Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must also be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Not Selected When Selected, users are prevented from specifying recovery options when BitLocker is enabled. Recovery options for the drive are determined by policy settings. When setting this policy to Not Selected, the Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must also be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Save BitLocker Recovery Information to AD DS for Fixed Data Drives Selected allows BitLocker recovery information to be stored in AD DS for fixed data drives. BitLocker recovery information is always saved in the Remote Management Console. Enabling this policy additionally saves the information to AD. Selected More... The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be first configured before AD DS backup can succeed. When setting this policy to Selected, the Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must also be set to Selected. Set this policy to Selected to use the policy BitLocker Recovery Information to Store in AD DS. Recovery Passwords and Key Packages Recovery Passwords Only BitLocker Recovery Information to Store in AD DS Recovery Passwords and Key Packages This policy provides the option of storing recovery passwords and key packages, or storing the recovery password only in AD DS. The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be first configured before applying this policy. The Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must be set to Selected to use this policy. To use this policy, Save BitLocker Recovery Information to AD DS for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Do Not Enable BitLocker Until Recovery Information is Stored in AD DS for Fixed Data Drives Not Selected Although BitLocker recovery information is automatically stored in the Remote Management Console, this policy additionally requires BitLocker drive encryption recovery information to be stored in AD DS. The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be configured before using this policy. More... This policy is used to prevent users from enabling BitLocker unless the computer is connected to the domain and the backup of the BitLocker recovery information to AD DS has succeeded. The Choose How BitLocker-protected Fixed Drives Can be Recovered policy must be set to Selected to use this policy. Configure Use of HardwareBased Encryption for Fixed Data Drives 145 Selected Not Selected Selected PARENT to the next 4 policies. Selected enables the configuration of hardware-based encryption on fixed data drives. Manage Policies Selected Not Selected Use HardwareBased Encryption for Fixed Data Drives Selected Selected enables hardware-based encryption for fixed data drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Selected. Use BitLocker SoftwareBased Encryption on Fixed Data Drives When Hardware Encryption is Not Available Selected Not Selected Selected Selected enables BitLocker software-based encryption on fixed data drives if hardware-based encryption is not available. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Selected. Restrict Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites Allowed for HardwareBased Encryption on Fixed Data Drives Selected Not Selected Not Selected Selected allows only specific crypto algorithm and cipher suites for BitLocker hardware encryption on fixed data drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Selected. Configure Specific Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites Settings on Fixed Data Drives String String 2.16.840.; 2.16.840. Set specific Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites on fixed data drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Fixed Data Drives must be set to Selected. See basic settings Bitlocker Encryption - Global Settings Qualified path Important: This policy is not used by BitLocker Manager, because it does not prompt the user when saving recovery passwords. Default Folder Location to Save Recovery Password Microsoft defines this policy as: This setting provides the default path that is displayed when the BitLocker drive encryption setup wizard prompts the user to enter the location of a folder to save the recovery password. The text in this policy is translatable. Encryption Method and Cipher Strength AES 128 with Diffuser AES 128 with Diffuser AES 256 with Diffuser AES 128 AES 256 This policy specifies the encryption method and cipher strength used for BitLocker drive encryption. Note that changing this policy has no effect if the drive is already encrypted or encryption is in progress. Selected Not Selected Enable Organizational Unique Identifiers Not Selected This policy allows for the association of unique organizational identifiers to a new drive that is enabled with BitLocker. These identifiers are stored as the identification field and allowed identification field. The allowed identification field is used in combination with the Deny Write Access to Removable Drives Not Protected by BitLocker policy to help control the use of removable drives in the organization. This policy must be set to Selected to use the policies Set Organizational Unique Identifiers and Set Allowed Org Unique Identifiers. Set Organizational Unique Up to 260 characters The identification field allows you to associate a unique organizational identifier to BitLocker-protected drives. This identifier is automatically added to new 146 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Identifiers BitLocker-protected drives and can be updated on existing BitLocker-protected drives using the Manage-BDE command-line tool. An identification field is required for management of certificate-based data recovery agents on BitLocker-protected drives and for potential updates to the BitLocker To Go Reader. BitLocker will only manage and update data recovery agents when the identification field on the drive matches the value configured in the identification field. In a similar manner, BitLocker will only update BitLocker To Go Reader when the identification field on the drive matches the value configured for the identification field. To use this policy, Enable Organizational Unique Identifiers must be set to Selected. Up to 260 characters The allowed identification field is used in combination with the Deny Write Access to Removable Drives Not Protected by BitLocker policy to help control the use of removable drives in the organization. It is a comma separated list of identification fields from your organization or other external organizations. Set Allowed Organizational Unique Identifiers Prevent Memory Overwrite on Restart Enable Smart Card Certificate Identifier To use this policy, Enable Organizational Unique Identifiers must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Not Selected Selected prevents memory from being overwritten on restart. Preventing memory overwrite may improve restart performance, but will increase the risk of exposing BitLocker secrets. When Not Selected, BitLocker secrets are removed from memory when the computer restarts. Selected Not Selected Not Selected This policy allows or denies an object identifier to be specified for enhanced key usage with a certificate. This policy must be set to Selected to use the policy Smart Card Certificate Identifier. Smart Card Certificate Identifier This policy provides for an object identifier to be specified for enhanced key usage with a certificate. BitLocker can identify which certificates may be used to authenticate a user certificate to a BitLocker drive by matching the object identifier in the certificate with the object identifier that is defined by this policy. Use caution if changing the default value. To use this policy, Enable Smart Card Certificate Identifier must be set to Selected. See basic settings Bitlocker Encryption - Operating System Volume Settings Allow Enhanced PINs for Startup Number of Characters Required in PIN Allow Network Unlock at Startup on Operating System Drives Allow SecureBoot on Operating System Drives 147 Selected Not Selected Not Selected Selected allows enhanced startup PINs to be used with BitLocker. Enhanced startup PINs permit the use of characters including uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, numbers, and spaces. This policy setting is applied when you turn on BitLocker. 4-20 digits 4 Not Selected Selected This policy configures the minimum length for a TPM startup PIN. The startup PIN must have a minimum length of 4 digits and can have a maximum of 20 digits. Selected Not Selected This policy specifies if a user is allowed to use the Network Unlock at Startup feature on operating system drives. Selected Not Selected This policy specifies if a user is allowed to use SecureBoot on operating system drives. Manage Policies Disallow Standard Users from Changing the PIN on Operating System Drives Not Selected Enable Use of Preboot Keyboard Input on Slates Not Selected Reset Platform Validation Data After Recovery Not Selected Selected Not Selected This policy specifies if a standard user is allowed to change their PIN on operating system drives. Selected Not Selected This policy specifies if a preboot keyboard input is enabled on Slates. Selected Not Selected This policy specifies if a preboot keyboard input is enabled on Slates. Selected Not Selected BitLocker drives can always be recovered with BitLocker Manager, even if this value is Not Selected. For the GPO, a Selected value allows you to specify how BitLocker drives are recovered. Choose How BitLockerprotected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered More... This policy is the parent policy to: Not Selected Allow Data Recovery Agent for Protected Operating System Drives Configure User Storage of BitLocker 48-digit Recovery Password Configure User Storage of BitLocker 256-bit Recovery Key Omit Recovery Options from the BitLocker Setup Wizard Save BitLocker Recovery Info to AD DS for Operating System Drives BitLocker Recovery Information to Store in AD DS (Windows Server 2008 Only) Do Not Enable BitLocker Until Recovery Information is Stored in AD DS for Operating System Drives Allow Data Recovery Agent for Protected Operating System Drives Configure User Storage of BitLocker 48digit Recovery Password Configure User Storage of BitLocker 256bit Recovery Key Omit Recovery Options from the BitLocker Setup Wizard Selected Not Selected Selected The "Allow Certificate Based Data Recovery Agent" is used to specify whether a data recovery agent can be used with BitLocker operating system drives. Before a data recovery agent can be used, it must be added from the Public Key policies in either the Group Policy Management Console or the Local Group Policy Editor. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Do Not Allow Require Allow Allow This policy configures if a user is allowed, required, or not allowed to generate a 48-digit password. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Do Not Allow Require Allow Allow This policy configures if a user is allowed, required or not allowed to generate a 256-bit recovery key. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Not Selected When Selected, users are prevented from specifying recovery options when BitLocker is enabled. Recovery options for the drive are determined by policy settings. 148 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Save BitLocker Recovery Information to AD DS for Operating System Drives BitLocker Recovery Information to Store in AD DS (Windows Server 2008 Only) Selected Not Selected Selected Selected allows BitLocker recovery information to be stored in AD DS for operating system drives. Note that the appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be first configured before AD DS backup can succeed. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Recovery Passwords and Key Packages Recovery Passwords Only Recovery Passwords and Key Packages This policy provides the option of storing recovery passwords and key packages, or storing the recovery password only in AD DS. The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be first configured before applying this policy. This policy is applicable only to computers running Windows Server 2008. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Do Not Enable BitLocker Until Recovery Information is Stored in AD DS for Operating System Drives Not Selected Although BitLocker recovery information is automatically stored in the Remote Management Console, this policy additionally requires BitLocker drive encryption recovery information to be stored in AD DS. The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be configured before using this policy. This policy is used to prevent users from enabling BitLocker unless the computer is connected to the domain and the backup of the BitLocker recovery information to AD DS has succeeded. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Operating System Drives Can be Recovered must be set to Selected. Configure Use of HardwareBased Encryption for Operating System Drives Use HardwareBased Encryption for Operating System Drives Use BitLocker SoftwareBased Encryption on Operating System Drives When Hardware Encryption is Not Available Restrict Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites Allowed for HardwareBased Encryption on Operating System Drives Configure 149 Selected Not Selected Selected PARENT to the next 4 policies. Selected enables the configuration of hardware-based encryption on operating system drives. Selected Not Selected Selected Selected enables hardware-based encryption on operating system drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Operating System Drives must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Selected Selected enables BitLocker software-based encryption on operating system drives if hardware-based encryption is not available. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Operating System Drives must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Not Selected Selected allows only specific crypto algorithm and cipher suites for BitLocker hardware encryption on operating system drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Operating System Drives must be set to Selected. 2.16.840.;2.16.840. String - Manage Policies 2.16.840.; 2.16.840. Specific Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites Settings on Operating System Drives Encryption Type for Operating System Drives Configure Use of Passwords for Operating System Drives Configure Password Complexity for Operating System Drives Specific Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites allowed on operating system drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Operating System Drives must be set to Selected. Full Encryption Full Encryption Used Space Only Encryption Select the type of encryption to use for operating system drives. Not Configured Enabled Disabled Not Configured Configure password requirements for Operating System Drives. Allow Require Do Not Allow Allow When set to Require, a connection to a domain controller is necessary to validate the complexity of the password. When set to Allow, a connection to a domain controller will be attempted to validate complexity, but if no domain controller is found, the password will still be accepted. When set to Do Not Allow, no password complexity validation will be done. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Operating System Drives must be set to Enabled. Minimum Password Length for Operating System Drives Require ASCIIOnly Passwords for Operating System Drives Use Enhanced Boot Configuration Data Profile Verify Additional BCD Settings Exclude Additional BCD Settings 8-256 8 The default value is a password length of 8 characters. 8-256 characters are allowed. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Operating System Drives must be set to Enabled. Selected Not Selected Not Selected Require ASCII-only passwords for operating system drives to create stronger passwords. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Operating System Drives must be set to Enabled. Disabled Enabled Disabled Not Configured Set this policy to Enable to allow the verification and exclusion of BCD settings. String String Specify the additional Boot Configuration settings. To use this policy, Use Enhanced Boot Configuration Data Profile must be set to Enabled. String String Exclude specific Boot Configuration settings. To use this policy, Use Enhanced Boot Configuration Data Profile must be set to Enabled. Selected Not Selected Configure TPM Platform Validation Profile Not Selected Set to Selected to enable boot up TPM drive unlocking for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Selected allows the configuration of how the TPM security hardware secures the BitLocker encryption key. This policy does not apply if the computer does not have a compatible TPM or if BitLocker has already been turned on with TPM protection. This policy must be set to Selected to use the policy Configure Specific TPM Platform Settings. See for 150 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 more information. PCR0,on PCR1,off PCR2,on PCR3,off PCR4,on PCR5,on PCR6,off PCR7,off PCR8,on PCR9,on Configure Specific TPM Platform Settings PCR10,on PCR11,on PCR12,off PCR13,off PCR14,off PCR15,off PCR16,off PCR17,off PCR18,off PCR19,off This policy allows you to configure how the computer's TPM security hardware secures the BitLocker encryption key. This policy setting does not apply if the computer does not have a compatible TPM or if BitLocker has already been turned on with TPM protection. This setting determines what values the TPM measures when it validates early boot components before unlocking a drive on a computer running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. More... If you enable this policy before turning on BitLocker, you can configure the boot components that the TPM will validate before unlocking access to the BitLockerencrypted operating system drive. If any of these components change while BitLocker protection is in effect, the TPM will not release the encryption key to unlock the drive and the computer will instead display the BitLocker recovery console and require that either the recovery password or recovery key be provided to unlock the drive. If you disable or do not configure this policy, the TPM uses the default platform validation profile or the platform validation profile specified by the setup script. A platform validation profile consists of a set of Platform Configuration Register (PCR) indices ranging from 0 to 23. The default platform validation profile secures the encryption key against changes to the Core Root of Trust of Measurement (CRTM), BIOS, and Platform Extensions (PCR 0), the Option ROM Code (PCR 2), the Master Boot Record (MBR) Code (PCR 4), the NTFS Boot Sector (PCR 8), the NTFS Boot Block (PCR 9), the Boot Manager (PCR 10), and the BitLocker Access Control (PCR 11). The descriptions of PCR settings for computers that use an Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) are different than the PCR settings described for computers that use a standard BIOS. The BitLocker Drive Encryption Deployment Guide on Microsoft TechNet contains a complete list of PCR settings for both EFI and standard BIOS. PCR22,off Warning: Changing from the default platform validation profile affects the security and manageability of your computer. BitLocker's sensitivity to platform modifications (malicious or authorized) is increased or decreased depending upon inclusion or exclusion (respectively) of the PCRs. PCR23,off To use this policy, Configure TPM Platform Validation Profile must be set to True. PCR20,off PCR21,off Selected Not Selected Configure BIOS TPM Platform Validation Profile Not Selected Set to Selected to enable boot up BIOS TPM drive unlocking. Selected allows the configuration of how the BIOS TPM security hardware secures the BitLocker encryption key. This policy does not apply if the computer does not have a compatible TPM or if BitLocker has already been turned on with TPM protection. This policy must be set to Selected to use the policy Configure Specific BIOS TPM Platform Settings. See for more information. PCR0,on PCR1,off PCR2,on Configure Specific BIOS TPM Platform Settings PCR3,off PCR4,on PCR5,off PCR6,off PCR7,off PCR8,on 151 This policy setting allows you to configure how the computer's TPM security hardware secures the BitLocker encryption key. This setting determines what values the TPM measures when it validates early boot components before unlocking an operating system drive on a computer with BIOS configuration or with UEFI firmware that has the Compatibility Support Module (CSM) enabled. If you enable this policy before turning on BitLocker, you can configure the boot components that the TPM will validate before unlocking access to the BitLockerencrypted operating system drive. If any of these components change while BitLocker protection is in effect, the TPM will not release the encryption key to unlock the drive and the computer will instead display the BitLocker recovery console and require that either the recovery password or recovery key be provided to unlock the drive. To use this policy, Configure BIOS TPM Platform Validation Profile must be set to Manage Policies PCR9,on Selected. PCR10,on PCR11,on PCR12,off PCR13,off PCR14,off PCR15,off PCR16,off PCR17,off PCR18,off PCR19,off PCR20,off PCR21,off PCR22,off PCR23,off Selected Not Selected Configure UEFI TPM Platform Validation Profile Not Selected Set to Selected to enable boot up UEFI TPM drive unlocking. Selected allows the configuration of how the UEFI TPM security hardware secures the BitLocker encryption key. This policy does not apply if the computer does not have a compatible TPM or if BitLocker has already been turned on with TPM protection. This policy must be set to Selected to use the policy Configure Specific UEFI TPM Platform Settings. See for more information. PCR0,on PCR1,off PCR2,on PCR3,off PCR4,on PCR5,off PCR6,off PCR7,off PCR8,off PCR9,off Configure Specific UEFI TPM Platform Settings PCR10,off PCR11,on PCR12,off PCR13,off PCR14,off PCR15,off PCR16,off This policy setting allows you to configure how the computer's TPM security hardware secures the BitLocker encryption key. This setting determines what values the TPM measures when it validates early boot components before unlocking an operating system drive on a computer with native UEFI firmware configurations. If you enable this policy before turning on BitLocker, you can configure the boot components that the TPM will validate before unlocking access to the BitLockerencrypted operating system drive. If any of these components change while BitLocker protection is in effect, the TPM will not release the encryption key to unlock the drive and the computer will instead display the BitLocker recovery console and require that either the recovery password or recovery key be provided to unlock the drive. To use this policy, Configure UEFI TPM Platform Validation Profile must be set to Selected. PCR17,off PCR18,off PCR19,off PCR20,off PCR21,off PCR22,off PCR23,off See basic settings 152 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Bitlocker Encryption - Removable Storage Settings Allow User to Apply BitLocker Protection on Removable Drives Selected Allow User to Suspend and Decrypt BitLocker Protection on Removable Data Drives Selected Configure Use of Smart Cards on Removable Data Drives Deny Write Access to Removable Drives Not Protected by BitLocker Allow Access to BitLocker Protected Removable Data Drives from Earlier Versions of Windows Do Not Install BitLocker to Go Reader on FAT formatted Removable Drives Configure Use of Passwords for Removable Data Drives Configure Password Complexity for Removable Data Drives Selected Not Selected When Selected, users are permitted to run the BitLocker setup wizard on a removable data drive. Selected Not Selected When Selected, users are authorized to suspend and decrypt BitLocker protection on removable data drives. Allow Disallow Require Allow Disabled This policy specifies whether smart cards can be used to authenticate access to BitLocker removable data drives. These settings are enforced when turning on BitLocker, not when unlocking a drive. BitLocker will allow unlocking a drive with any of the protectors available on the drive. Enabled Disabled Enabled for Organization If this policy is enabled, all removable drives that are not BitLocker protected will be mounted as read only. If this policy is disabled, all removable drives on the computer will be mounted with read and write access. Selected Not Selected Selected When Selected, removable data drives with the FAT file system can be unlocked on computers running Windows Server 2008. This policy does not apply to drives that are formatted with the NTFS file system. Selected Not Selected Not Selected If this policy is Not Selected, removable data drives formatted with the FAT file system that are BitLocker protected cannot be unlocked on computers running Windows Server 2008. Bitlockertogo.exe will not be installed. Allow Require Do No Allow Allow This policy specifies whether a password is required to unlock BitLocker removable data drives. These settings allow the use of a password, require the use of a password, or disallow the use of a password. This policy must be set to Allow or Require to use the Configure Password Complexity for Removable Data Drives and Minimum Password Length for Removable Data Drives polices. Allow Require Do Not Allow Allow When set to Require, a connection to a domain controller is necessary to validate the complexity of the password. When set to Allow, a connection to a domain controller will be attempted to validate complexity, but if no domain controller is found, the password will still be accepted. When set to Do Not Allow, no password complexity validation will be done. To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Removable Data Drives must be set to Allow or Require. Minimum Password Length for 153 8 8-20 characters Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length, with a maximum of 20 Manage Policies Removable Data Drives characters. Encryption Type for Removable Data Drives Allow User to Choose Full Encryption Used Space Only Encryption To use this policy, Configure Use of Passwords for Removable Data Drives must be set to Allow or Require. Full Encryption Select the type of encryption to use for Removable Data Drives. Selected Not Selected BitLocker drives can always be recovered with BitLocker Manager, even if this value is Not Selected. This policy allows for the control of how BitLocker protected removable data drives are recovered in the absence of the required credentials. Choose How BitLockerprotected Removable Drives Can be Recovered More... This policy is the parent policy to: Not Selected Allow Data Recovery Agent for Protected Removable Data Drives Configure User Storage of BitLocker 48-digit Recovery Password Configure User Storage of BitLocker 256-bit Recovery Key Omit Recovery Options from the BitLocker Setup Wizard for Removable Media Save BitLocker Recovery Information to AD DS for Removable Data Drives BitLocker Recovery Info to Store in AD DS for Removable Data Drives Do Not Enable BitLocker Until Recovery Info is Stored in AD DS for Rem Data Drives Allow Data Recovery Agent for Protected Removable Data Drives Configure User Storage of BitLocker 48digit Recovery Password Configure User Storage of BitLocker 256bit Recovery Key Omit Recovery Options from the BitLocker Setup Wizard for Removable Media Save BitLocker Recovery Information to AD DS for Removable Data Drives Selected Not Selected Selected When Selected, a data recovery agent is allowed for use with BitLocker protected removable data drives. Before the agent can be used, it must be added from the Public Key Policies in either the Group Policy Management Console or the Local Group Policy Editor. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. Allow Require Do Not Allow Allow This policy configures if a user is allowed, required, or not allowed to generate a 48-digit password. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. Allow Require Do Not Allow Allow This policy configures if a user is allowed, required, or not allowed to generate a 256-bit recovery key. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. Selected Not Selected Not Selected When Selected, users are prevented from specifying recovery options when BitLocker is enabled. Recovery options for the drive are determined by policy settings. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. Selected Not Selected Selected Selected allows BitLocker recovery information to be stored in AD DS for removable data drives. The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be first configured before AD DS backup can succeed. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. 154 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Set this policy to Selected to use the policy BitLocker Recovery Information to Store in AD DS for Removable Data Drives. Recovery Passwords and Key Packages Recovery Passwords Only BitLocker Recovery Information to Store in AD DS for Removable Data Drives Recovery Passwords and Key Packages This policy provides the option of storing recovery passwords and key packages, or storing the recovery password only in AD DS. The appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be first configured before applying this policy. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. To use this policy, Save BitLocker Recovery Information to AD DS for Removable Data Drives must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Do Not Enable BitLocker Until Recovery Information is Stored in AD DS for Removable Data Drives Not Selected Although BitLocker recovery information is automatically stored in the Remote Management Console, this policy additionally requires BitLocker drive encryption recovery information to be stored in AD DS. Note that the appropriate schema extensions and access control settings on the domain must be configured before using this policy. This policy is used to prevent users from enabling BitLocker unless the computer is connected to the domain and the backup of the BitLocker recovery information to AD DS has succeeded. To use this policy, Choose How BitLocker-protected Removable Drives Can be Recovered must be to Selected. Configure Use of HardwareBased Encryption for Removable Data Drives Use HardwareBased Encryption for Removable Data Drives Use BitLocker SoftwareBased Encryption on Removable Data Drives When Hardware Encryption is Not Available Restrict Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites Allowed for HardwareBased Encryption on Removable Data Drives Configure Specific Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites Settings on Removable Data Drives 155 Selected Not Selected Selected PARENT to the next 4 policies. Selected enables the configuration of hardware-based encryption on removable data drives. Selected Not Selected Selected Selected enables hardware-based encryption on removable data drives. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Removable Data Drives must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Selected Selected enables BitLocker software-based encryption on removable data drives if hardware-based encryption is not available. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Removable Data Drives must be set to Selected. Selected Not Selected Not Selected Selected allows only specific crypto algorithm and cipher suites for BitLocker hardware encryption. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Removable Data Drives must be set to Selected. 2.16.840.;2.16.840. String 2.16.840.; 2.16.840. Specific Crypto Algorithms and Cipher Suites allowed. To use this policy, Configure Use of Hardware-Based Encryption for Removable Data Drives must be set to Selected. Manage Policies See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Server Encryption This technology manages Dell's data centric encryption using certificate-based authentication instead of the typical userbased authentication instead of the typical user-based authentication. This technology allows for protection of devices such as Windows Servers that do not commonly have users logged in. Server Encryption On Off Off This policy enables or disables System Data Encryption (SDE) and Common Encryption on the client server. Changing the value of this policy triggers a new sweep to encrypt/decrypt files. Allow Software Server Encryption Selected Not Selected Selected This policy may be set to Not Selected to block activations during initial Dell Server setup and maintenance interruptions. 1-10 Max Network Failed Attempts 3 Retry Interval to connect to Dell Server 5 Retry if Authentication Fails Upon Network Failure Selected Retry Interval Upon Network Failure 10 Server Maintenance Schedule If this policy is Selected, client servers will be activated at the Enterprise level. Number of successive failed attempts for a client server to connect to the Dell Server before encryption keys are locked. 1-60 minutes Time interval for the client server to attempt to connect to the Dell Server. Selected Not Selected If Selected, the client server continues to attempt to contact the Dell Server if the first attempt fails due to a network failure. 10-60 minutes Not Selected The length of time between attempts to contact the Dell Server if the first attempt fails due to a network failure. The Retry if Authentication Fails Upon Network Failure policy must be set to Selected for this policy to be enforced. This policy must be selected to use all other Server Maintenance policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Server Maintenance policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. Selected allows a maintenance schedule to control application of policy that requires a reboot. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually The schedule configuration defines when the task should run. Daily: Runs the task every day at the specified Server Maintenance Schedule Start Time. Server Maintenance Schedule Repeats Weekly Weekly: Runs the task weekly on the days specified in Server Maintenance Day of the Week. Monthly: Runs the task monthly on the specified Server Maintenance Day of the Month. Quarterly: Runs the task quarterly on the specified Server Maintenance Day of the Month. Annually: Runs the task annually on the specified Server Maintenance Day of the Month. Server Maintenance Schedule Start Time 21:00 Format is HH:mm. Example: 23:59 The time the task should run. 156 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Server Maintenance Day of the Week Saturday Server Maintenance Day of the Month 1 Infinite Suppress Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday The day of the week the task should run. 1-31 The day of the month the task should run. Example: 17. Not Selected Port Control System Disabled Port: Express Card Slot Enabled When Selected, an automatic reboot is suppressed indefinitely. Enable or Disable all Port Control System policies. If this policy is set to Disable, no Port Control System policies are applied, regardless of other Port Control System policies. All PCS policies require a reboot before the policy takes effect. Enable, Disable, or Bypass ports exposed through the Express Card Slot. Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to external USB ports. Port: USB Enabled Note: USB port-level blocking and HID class-level blocking is only honored if we can identify the computer chassis as a laptop/notebook form-factor. We rely on the computer's BIOS for the identification of the chassis. Port: eSATA Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to external SATA ports. Port: PCMCIA Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to PCMCIA ports. Port: Firewire (1394) Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to external Firewire (1394) ports. Port: SD Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to SD card ports. Port: Memory Transfer Device (MTD) Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass access to Memory Transfer Device (MTD) ports. Class: Storage Enabled PARENT to the next 3 policies. Set this policy to Enabled to use the next 3 Subclass Storage polices. Setting this policy to Disabled disables all 3 Subclass Storage policies - no matter what their value. CHILD of Class: Storage. Class: Storage must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Subclass Storage: External Drive Control This policy interacts with the Removable Storage - EMS Access to unShielded Media policy. If you intend to have Full Access to media, also set this policy to Full Access to ensure that the media is not set to read only and the port is not blocked. Full Access Full Access: External Drive port does not have read/write data restrictions applied Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability This policy is endpoint-based and cannot be overridden by user policy. CHILD of Class: Storage. Class: Storage must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Full Access: Optical Drive port does not have read/write data restrictions applied UDF Only: Blocks all data writes that are not in the UDF format (CD/DVD burning, ISO burning). Read data is enabled. Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled Subclass Storage: Optical Drive Control UDF Only Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability This policy is endpoint-based and cannot be overridden by user policy. Universal Disk Format (UDF) is an implementation of the specification known as ISO/IEC 13346 and ECMA-167 and is an open vendor-neutral file system for computer data storage for a broad range of media. To encrypt data written to CD/DVD media: Set EMS Encrypt External Media = Selected, EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption = Not Selected, and Storage Class: Optical Drive Control = UDF Only. Subclass Storage: Floppy Drive Control 157 Read Only CHILD of Class: Storage. Class: Storage must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Full Access: Floppy Drive port does not have read/write data restrictions applied Manage Policies Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability This policy is endpoint-based and cannot be overridden by user policy. Class: Windows Portable Device (WPD) Subclass Windows Portable Device (WPD): Storage Enabled PARENT to the next policy. Set this policy to Enabled to use the Subclass Windows Portable Device (WPD): Storage policy. Setting this policy to Disabled disables the Subclass Windows Portable Device (WPD): Storage policy - no matter what its value. Control access to all Windows Portable Devices. CHILD of Class: Windows Portable Device (WPD) . Class: Windows Portable Device (WPD) must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Full Access Full Access: Port does not have read/write data restrictions applied. Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled. Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability. Control access to all Human Interface Devices (keyboards, mice). Class: Human Interface Device (HID) Enabled Note: USB port-level blocking and HID class-level blocking is only honored if we can identify the computer chassis as a laptop/notebook form-factor. We rely on the computer's BIOS for the identification of the chassis. Class: Other Enabled Control access to all devices not covered by other Classes. EMS Encrypt External Media Not Selected This policy must be selected to use all other Removable Storage policies. Not Selected means that no encryption of removable storage takes place, regardless of other policy values. EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption Not Selected Not Selected encrypts CD/DVD devices. Block, Read Only, Full Access Note that this policy interacts with the Port Control System - Storage Class: External Drive Control policy. If you intend to set this policy to Full Access, ensure that Storage Class: External Drive Control is not set to Read Only or Blocked. More... EMS Access to unShielded Media Read Only When this policy is set to Block Access, you have no access to removable storage unless it is encrypted. Choosing either Read-Only or Full Access allows you to decide what removable storage to encrypt. If you choose not to encrypt removable storage and this policy is set to Full Access, you have full read/write access to removable storage. If you choose not to encrypt removable storage and this policy is set to Read-Only, you can read or delete existing files on the unencrypted removable storage, but files cannot be edited on, or added to, the removable storage. EMS Encryption Algorithm AES 256, AES 128, 3DES AES256 Encryption algorithm used to encrypt removable storage. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256, 3DES. Disabled, Local, Roaming EMS Automatic Authentication Disabled Local automatic authentication allows the encrypted media to be automatically authenticated when inserted in the originally encrypting computer when the owner of that media is logged in. When automatic authentication is Disabled, users must always manually authenticate to access encrypted media. Not Selecting Roaming automatic authentication helps to prevent users from forgetting their password when they take the media home or share it with a colleague. Not selecting Roaming automatic authentication also promotes a sense of awareness from a security perspective for users that the data being written to that media is protected. Selected forces a scan of removable storage every time it is inserted. EMS Scan External Media Not Selected When this policy is Not Selected and the EMS Encrypt External Media policy is Selected, only new and changed files are encrypted. See EMS Encryption Rules if changing this policy to Selected. Do not enable this policy without applying EMS Encryption Rules also. 158 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 More... A scan occurs at every insertion so that any files added to the removable storage without authenticating can be caught. Files can be added to the removable storage if authentication is declined, but encrypted data cannot be accessed. The files added will not be encrypted in this case, so the next time removable media is authenticated (to work with encrypted data), any files that may have been added are scanned and encrypted. EMS Access Encrypted Data on unShielded Device Selected allows the user to access encrypted data on removable storage whether the endpoint is encrypted or not. Selected More... When this policy is Not Selected, the user is able to work with encrypted data when logged on to any encrypted endpoint, regardless of the Dell Server the user activated against. The user will not be able to work with encrypted data using any unencrypted device. String - Maximum of 150 devices with a maximum of 500 characters per PNPDeviceID. Maximum of 2048 total characters allowed. "Space" and "Enter" characters count in the total characters used. This policy allows the specification of removable storage devices to exclude from encryption [using the removable storage device's Plug and Play device identifier (PNPDeviceID)], thereby allowing users full access to the specified removable storage devices. More... This policy is available on an Enterprise, Domain, Group, and User level. Note that local settings override inherited settings. If a user is in more than one group, all EMS Device Whitelist entries, across all Groups, apply. Note: This policy is particularly useful when using removable storage devices which provide hardware encryption. However, this policy should be used with caution. This policy does not check whether external media devices on this list provide hardware encryption. Whitelisting removable storage devices which do not have hardware encryption will not have enforced security and will not be protected. For example, the Kingston® DataTraveler® Vault Privacy model enforces that encryption is enabled to use the device. However, the Kingston DataTraveler Vault model has an unsecured partition and a secured partition. Because it is the same physical removable storage device with only one PNPDeviceID, the two partitions cannot be distinguished, meaning that whitelisting this particular removable storage device would allow unencrypted data to leave the endpoint. EMS Device Whitelist Additionally, if a removable storage device is encrypted and is subsequently added to the EMS Device Whitelist policy, it remains encrypted and requires a reformat of the removable storage device to remove encryption. The following is an example of a PNPDeviceID, which contains the manufacturer identifier, product identifier, revision, and hardware serial number: To whitelist a removable storage device, provide a string value which matches portions of the device’s PNPDeviceID. Multiple device PNPDeviceIDs are allowed. For example, to whitelist all Kingston DataTraveler Vault Privacy models, input the string: To whitelist both models of Kingston DataTraveler, the Vault and Vault Privacy models, input the string: Note that space characters are considered part of the substring to match to a PNPDeviceID. Using the previous PNPDeviceID as an example, a space before and after the semicolon would cause neither of the substrings to be matched, because the space character is not part of the PNPDeviceID. Instructions... To find the PNPDeviceID for removable storage: 159 1. Insert the removable storage device into an encrypted computer. 2. Open the EMSService.log in C:\Programdata\Dell\Dell Data Manage Policies Protection\Encryption\EMS. 3. Find PNPDeviceID= For example: 14.03.18 18:50:06.834 [I] [Volume "F:\"] PnPDeviceID = USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SEAGATE&PROD_USB&REV_0409\2HC015 KJ&0 VEN=Vendor; Green highlighted text is for the vendor to be excluded PROD=Product/Model Name; Adding text highlighted blue also excludes all of Seagate’s USB drives REV=Firmware Revision; Adding text highlighted gray also excludes the specific model being used Serial number (in this example); Adding text highlighted yellow excludes just this device OR To find the PNPDeviceID for removable storage on Windows 7 or later: 1. Insert the removable storage device. 2. Open the Control Panel and go to Administrative Tools > Computer Management. 3. Select the Hardware tab, select the drive, and click Properties. 4. A new windows displays. Select the Device Instance Path in the Property drop-down menu. The PNPDeviceID is displayed in the Value field. To find the PNPDeviceID for removable storage on Windows XP: 1. Click Start > Run... 2. Type msinfo32 and click Enter. 3. When the System Information window displays, go to Components > USB. A list of USB devices and their PNPDeviceIDs displays. Available Delimeters: Tabs Commas Semi colons Hex character 0x1E (Record separator character) EMS Alpha Characters Required in Password Selected Selected requires one or more letters in the password. EMS Mixed Case Required in Password Selected Selected requires at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter in the password. EMS Number of Characters. Required in Password 8 EMS Numeric Characters Required in Password Selected EMS Password Attempts Allowed 3 1-40 characters Minimum number of characters required in the password. Selected requires one or more numeric characters in the password. 1-10 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the correct password. 160 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 EMS Special Characters Required in Password Not Selected EMS Access and Device Code Length 16 EMS Access Code Attempts Allowed 3 Selected requires one or more special characters in the password. 8, 16, 32 Number of characters access and device codes have. 32 characters is the most secure, while 8 is the easiest to enter. 1-10 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the access code. Apply Cooldown, Wipe Encryption Keys Action to take following unsuccessful EMS Access Code Attempts Allowed: EMS Access Code Failure Action Apply Cooldown • Apply Cooldown to allow another round of attempts following the specified cooldown period (EMS Cooldown Time Delay and EMS Cooldown Time Increment policies) • Wipe Encryption Keys to delete the encryption keys on the removable storage, making the encrypted data inaccessible until the owner takes the media to an encrypted computer for which he has a login. String - 5-512 characters - Authentication Failed: Please contact your system administrator. Message that displays when a user needs to contact an administrator for an access code after authentication failure. EMS Access String Code Required Authentication Failed. Please contact your system Message administrator. More... Message policies must have non-blank values. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Messages over the 512 character limit are truncated on the client. We recommend that you customize the second sentence of the message to include specific instructions about how to contact a Help Desk or Security Administrator for authentication failures. 0-5000 seconds EMS Cooldown Time Delay 30 EMS Cooldown Time Increment 20 Number of seconds the user must wait before attempting to enter the access code after failing the specified number of times. 0-5000 seconds Incremental time to add to the cooldown time each time the user fails to enter the correct access code in the specified number of attempts. String - 5-512 characters - You are not authorized to use this media. Please contact your system administrator. Message that displays following unsuccessful Access Code Attempts Allowed. EMS Access Code Failed Message String You are not authorized to use this media. Please contact your system administrator. More... Message policies must have non-blank values. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Messages over the 512 character limit are truncated on the client. We recommend that you customize the message to include specific instructions about how to contact the Help Desk or Security Administrator. Encryption rules to be used to encrypt/not encrypt certain drives, directories, and folders. EMS Encryption Rules A total of 2048 characters are allowed. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Any rules exceeding the 2048 limit are ignored. String See Encryption Rules for information. More... Storage devices which incorporate multi-interface connections, such as Firewire, USB, eSATA, etc. may require the use of both Encryption External Media and encryption rules to encrypt the endpoint. This is necessary due to differences in how the Windows operating system handles storage devices based on interface type. 161 Manage Policies To ensure encrypting an iPod via Encryption External Media does not make the device unusable, use the following rules: -R#:\Calendars -R#:\Contacts -R#:\iPod_Control -R#:\Notes -R#:\Photos You can also force encryption of specific file types in the directories above. Adding the following rules will ensure that ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx files are encrypted in the directories excluded from encryption via the previous rules: ^R#:\Calendars ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Contacts ;ppt .doc.xls .pptx.docx .xlsx ^R#: \iPod_Control ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Notes ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Photos ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx Replacing these five rules with the following rule will force encryption of ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx files in any directory on the iPod, including Calendars, Contacts, iPod_Control, Notes, and Photos: ^R#:\;ppt.doc.xls .pptx.docx.xlsx These rules disable or enable encryption for these folders and file types for all removable devices - not just an iPod. Use care when defining rules to exclude an iPod from encryption. These rules have been tested against the following iPods: iPod Video 30gb fifth generation iPod Nano 2gb second generation iPod Mini 4gb second generation We do not recommend the use of the iPod Shuffle, as unexpected results may occur. As iPods change, this information could also change, so caution is advised when allowing the use of iPods on Encryption External Media-enabled computers. Because folder names on iPods are dependent on the model of the iPod, we recommend creating an exclusion encryption policy which covers all folder names, across all iPod models. Block access to any external media that is less than 55 MB and thus has insufficient storage capacity to host external media encryption (such as a 1.44MB floppy disk). EMS Block Access to UnShieldable Media More... Selected All access is blocked if EMS Encrypt External Media and this policy are both Selected. If EMS Encrypt External Media is Selected, but this policy is Not Selected, data can be read from the unencryptable external media, but write access to the media is blocked. If EMS Encrypt External Media is Off, then this policy has no effect and access to unencryptable external media is not impacted. SDE Encryption Enabled Selected If this policy is Not Selected, SDE encryption is disabled, regardless of other policy values. Selected means that all data not encrypted by other Intelligent Encryption policies will be encrypted per the SDE Encryption Rules policy. Changing the value of this policy requires a reboot. 162 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 AES 256, AES 128, 3DES SDE Encryption Algorithm AES256 Encryption algorithm used to for System Data Encryption. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256, 3DES. String F#:\ -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\System Volume Information -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\; .manifest.policy -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\System32 SDE Encryption Rules -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SysWow64 Encryption rules to be used to encrypt/not encrypt certain drives, directories, and folders. See Encryption Rules for information. -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\Fonts SDE Encryption Rules may be changed as appropriate for your environment. However, these defaults have been tested extensively. Removing these exclusions may result in Windows issues, particularly after applying patch updates. ^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\;exe Contact ProSupport for guidance if you are unsure about changing the values. -^%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\WinSxS -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe;exe -^3@%ENV:SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\autochk.exe;exe -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Dell\Kace -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Dell\Kace -^3%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Kace Encryption Enabled Selected This policy must be selected to use all Common Encryption policies. Not Selected means that no Common Encryption takes place, regardless of other policy values. Changing the value of this policy triggers a new sweep to encrypt/decrypt files. String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each (up to a maximum of 2048 characters) String Common Encrypted Folders A list of folders on computer drives to be encrypted or excluded from encryption, which can then be accessed by all managed users who have access to the computer. See Encryption Rules for information. %ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\;accdb.doc.docm.docx.mdb.pdf.ppam Important: Overriding directory protection can result in an unbootable computer and/or require reformatting drives. .vdx.vsd.vss.vst.vsx.vtx.xlam.xlm.xls.xlsb.xlsm.xlsx More... %ENV:USERPROFILE%\Desktop The available drive letters are: %ENV:USERPROFILE%\Download -^%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\;dat #: Refers to all drives f#: Refers to all fixed (non-removable) drives r#: Refers to all removable drives AES 256 or AES 128 Common Encryption Algorithm AES256 Encryption algorithm used to encrypt data at the endpoint (all users) level. System paging files are encrypted using AES 128. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256, 3DES. String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each Exe List Application Data Encryption List 163 winword.exe excel.exe powerpnt.exe msaccess.exe winproj.exe outlook.exe acrobat.exe visio.exe mspub.exe winzip.exe winrar.exe onenote.exe onenotem.exe We do not recommend adding explorer.exe or iexplorer.exe to the ADE list, as unexpected or unintended results may occur. However, explorer.exe is the process used to create a new notepad file on the desktop using the right-click menu. Setting encryption by file extension, instead of the ADE list, provides more comprehensive coverage. Changes to this policy do not affect files already encrypted because of this policy. List process names of applications (without paths) whose new files you want encrypted, separated by carriage returns. Do not use wildcards. More... You can also specify these process names (separated by commas) via the registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Credant\CMGShield\ApplicationDataEncryptionList. The Encryption client encrypts all new files (not already being encrypted by Common Encrypted Folders and User Encrypted Folders) on the current computer hard drives created by these application processes whenever they are owned by a currently-logged-on managed user. This may include files excluded from Manage Policies encryption by Common Encrypted Folders and/or User Encrypted Folders. The following folders and their subfolders are always excluded from encryption by this policy: C:\Windows\system32 C:\Windows\Software Distribution C:\Windows\Security C:\System Volume Information\Program Files\Credant\(.dll.exe.sys.mac.ddp.wip.rty.nmd.inv) We strongly recommend not listing applications or installers that write systemcritical files. Doing so could result in encryption of important system files, which could make a Windows endpoint unbootable. Common process names: Outlook: outlook.exe Word: winword.exe FrontPage: frontpg.exe PowerPoint: powerpnt.exe Access: msaccess.exe WordPad: wordpad.exe Microsoft Paint: mspaint.exe Excel: excel.exe The following hard-coded system and installer process names are ignored if specified in this policy (you can also add to this list via the registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Credant\CMGShield\EUWPrivilegedList): hotfix.exe, a Windows update process update.exe, a Windows update process setup.exe, a third-party installer process msiexec.exe, a third-party installer process wuauclt.exe, a Windows update process wmiprvse.exe, a Windows system process migrate.exe, a Windows update process unregmp2.exe, a Windows update process ikernel.exe, a third-party installer process wssetup.exe, the Windows Encryption client installer svchost.exe, a Windows system process When this policy is selected, the paths listed in the environment variables TEMP and TMP are encrypted. TEMP and TMP for the operating system are encrypted with the Common Encryption Key. Encrypt Temporary Files Not Selected To reduce encryption sweep time, the contents of the TEMP and TMP folders are cleared for initial encryption, as well as updates to this policy. However, if your organization uses a third-party application that requires the file structure within the \temp directory to be preserved, you should prevent this deletion. To disable temporary file deletion, create DeleteTempFiles (REG_DWORD) and set its value to 0 in the registry at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Credant\CMGShield. Encrypt User Profile Documents Encrypt Windows Paging File Managed Services Not Selected Selected null When this policy is selected, the following are encrypted: • The users profile (C:\Users\jsmith) with the User Data Encryption Key • \Users\Public with the Common Encryption Key When this policy is selected, the Windows paging file is encrypted. A change to this policy requires a reboot. String - maximum of 100 entries of 500 characters each (up to a maximum of 2048 characters) When a Service is managed by this policy, the Service is started only after the user is logged in and the Encryption client is unlocked. This policy also ensures that the Service managed by this policy is stopped before the Encryption client is locked 164 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 during logoff. This policy can also prevent a user logoff if a Service is unresponsive. More... Syntax is one Service name per line. Spaces in the Service name are supported. Wildcards are not supported. Entries are not case-sensitive. For example, GoogleDesktop Manager is the same as googledesktopmanager. The Service "log on as" setting has no bearing on whether or not the Encryption client can control it. It does not matter if a user logs on with user credentials verses the local system. The startup type (Automatic or Manual) does not affect the ability of the Encryption client to control it. Automatic or Manual startup is acceptable. Managed Services will not be started if an unmanaged user logs on. No Overwrite, Single-pass Overwrite, Three-pass Overwrite, Seven-pass Overwrite Once encryption is complete, this policy determines what happens to the unencrypted residue of the original files: • No Overwrite deletes it. This value yields the fastest encryption processing. Secure PostEncryption Cleanup Single Pass Overwrite • Single-pass Overwrite overwrites it with random data. • Three-pass Overwrite overwrites it with a standard pattern of 1s and 0s, then with its complement, and then with random data. • Seven-pass Overwrite overwrites it with a standard pattern of 1s and 0s, then with its complement, and then with random data five times. This value makes it most difficult to recover the original files from memory, and yields the most secure encryption processing. Secure Windows Credentials Selected When this policy is selected, the Windows Credentials will be secured by encrypting the entire registry with the exception of registry information required for computer boot. The information required for computer boot includes HKLM/SYSTEM and all sub-keys. This policy value will be automatically set to Selected if SDE is enabled. More... A reboot is required when a change to this policy is delivered. To control this reboot, configure the following policies: Force Reboot on Update, Length of Each Reboot Delay, and Number of Reboot Delays Allowed. Block Unmanaged Access to Domain Credentials Selected This policy prevents unmanaged applications from accessing the Windows domain credentials when a user is logged in. Secure Windows Hibernation File Not Selected When enabled, the hibernation file is encrypted only when the computer enters hibernation. The Encryption client disengages protection when the computer comes out of hibernation, providing protection without impacting users or applications while the computer is in use. Prevent Unsecured Hibernation Not Selected When enabled, the Encryption client does not allow computer hibernation if the client is unable to encrypt the hibernation data. Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lowest Specifies the relative Windows priority of encrypted folder scanning. High and Highest prioritize scanning speed over computer responsiveness, Low and Lowest prioritize computer responsiveness over scanning speed and favor other resourceintensive activities, and Normal balances the two. The client checks for a changed Workstation Scan Priority before processing the next file. Workstation Scan Priority Lowest The scan priority levels are used in two different ways. 1. These values correspond with the values used by the Microsoft SDK to set thread execution priority. 2. The client uses these values to introduce a delay in the encryption sweep after every single file is processed. The values translate to the following millisecond delay ranges, where the encryption thread will sit idle and then return full control to the operating system: Highest=0 ms / Lowest=100 ms 165 Manage Policies String - maximum of 1500 characters List fully qualified Policy Proxy hostnames, or IP addresses, separated by carriage returns. Ports cannot be specified in this policy. More... Once a valid entry is found, the remainder of the Policy Proxies listed are ignored. Entries are processed in the following order: 1. GKConnections Override (this registry entry overrides all other entries) 2. GKConnections (this registry entry is set automatically by the client, based on the this policy) 3. GK Policy Proxy Connections String To override this policy and specify ports via the registry key, set HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ Winlogon\CMGShield\GKConnectionsOverride. The client communicates with Policy Proxies using the GKPORT (the default is 8000). If necessary, change that port via the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\Winlogon\CMGShield\GKPort. Inherited values for this policy accumulate. In order for the client to connect to a Policy Proxy specified in this policy, it must be in the same group as the Policy Proxy specified during client installation. Because the client supports up to 255 users per computer, this policy is available only at the Enterprise policy level. Policy Proxy Polling Interval 1-1440 minutes 720 The interval that the client attempts to poll Policy Proxy for policy updates, and send inventory information to Policy Proxy. The client also attempts to poll Policy Proxy each time a user logs on. See basic settings Variables Some Windows policies support the following variables. A pathname can consist entirely of one or more of these variables, or can include one or more of these variables at any point. To get directory locations that these CSIDL values resolve to, go to All names listed on the MSDN page are CSIDL_ . %CSIDL:name% • Includes any of the following Windows CSIDL constants: DESKTOP INTERNET PROGRAMS CONTROLS PRINTERS PERSONAL FAVORITES STARTUP RECENT SENDTO STARTMENU 166 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 STARTMENU MYDOCUMENTS MYMUSIC MYVIDEO DESKTOPDIRECTORY DRIVES NETWORK NETHOOD FONTS TEMPLATES COMMON_STARTMENU COMMON_PROGRAMS COMMON_STARTUP COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY APPDATA PRINTHOOD LOCAL_APPDATA ALTSTARTUP COMMON_ALTSTARTUP COMMON_FAVORITES INTERNET_CACHE COOKIES HISTORY COMMON_APPDATA WINDOWS SYSTEM PROGRAM_FILES PROGRAMFILES MYPICTURES PROFILE SYSTEMX86 PROGRAM_FILESX86 PROGRAMFILESX86 PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON 167 Manage Policies PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 COMMON_TEMPLATES COMMON_DOCUMENTS COMMON_ADMINTOOLS ADMINTOOLS CONNECTIONS COMMON_MUSIC COMMON_PICTURES COMMON_VIDEO RESOURCES PROFILES %HKCU:regpath% • Includes a numeric or text value stored in the registry for the Current User. If you specify a path but not an item, the client uses the default value %HKLM:regpath% • Includes a numeric or text value stored in the registry for the local computer. If you specify a path but not an item, the client uses the default value %ENV:envname% • Includes the value of a Windows local environment variable • Includes the % character %% Windows Policies that Require Reboot • SDE Encryption Enabled • Encrypt Windows Paging File • Secure Windows Credentials • All PCS policies Windows Policies that Require Logoff • SDE Encryption Enabled • User state change to Suspended • EMS Encrypt External Media • EMS Scan External Media • EMS Encryption Algorithm • EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption • EMS Data Encryption Key 168 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Encryption Rules Important: Before you begin, you must understand directory protection, as well as when and how to override directories and file types. If you do not completely understand the information included in this section, as well as the encryption settings that currently exist on your environment, do not attempt to override protected directories. Do not encrypt files with the extension tmp. Encrypting .tmp files may result in an unbootable computer and/or require reformatting drives. Protected Directories The Encryption client has several directories that are, by default, protected from encryption. The level of protection varies from folder to folder. If a folder is protected, then the only way to encrypt data within that directory is to use the override modifier described in Modifiers – What they are and what they do. There are four levels (categories) of protection that directories and files can have: 0, 1, 2, and 3. Category 3 is the most protected level. The following directories have Category 0 exclusions (including subfolders unless specified): NOTE: All exclusions may not apply in all environments. %SYSTEMDRIVE% (no subfolders) Profile directory ("C:\Documents and Settings" in XP and "C:\Users" in Win7) %SYSTEMROOT% Default user profile ("C:\Documents and Settings\Default User" in XP and "C:\Users\Default" in Win7) CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 %SYSTEMROOT%\Driver Cache\i386 ([HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] SourcePath:REG_SZ) %SYSTEMDRIVE%\I386 CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA %SYSTEMROOT%\temp\WgaErrLog.txt F#:\boot CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Credant CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Dell\Dell Data Protection CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\CmgAdmin.log F#:\bootmgr %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64 CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Caches CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Symantec CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\Symantec 169 Manage Policies CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON\Symantec CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86\Symantec CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Symantec CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\McAfee CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\McAfee CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON\McAfee CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86\McAfee CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\McAfee CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Trend Micro CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\Trend Micro CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Trend Micro CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Security Client CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\Microsoft Security Client CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Microsoft Security Client CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Sophos CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\Sophos CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Sophos CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Kaspersky CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\Kaspersky CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Kaspersky CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Kaspersky Lab CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86\Kaspersky Lab CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\Kaspersky Lab %SYSTEMROOT%\Config.MSI %SYSTEMROOT%\$Windows.~BT F#:\.xen %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\Local Console.exe %SystemDrive%\Program Files\WindowsApps %SystemRoot%\SystemApps %SystemRoot%\InfusedApps The following directories have Category 1 exclusions: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\.tmp The following directories have Category 2 exclusions: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 170 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 F#:\System Volume Information %SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution %SYSTEMROOT%\Security The following directories have Category 3 exclusions: \.dll.exe.sys.mac.ddp.tbp.wip.rty.nmd.inv.config.sdf.installstate %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\CmgHiber.dat Modifiers – What they are and what they do The ^ character is the “Override” command. It causes the listed policy to override protected directories. It may be followed by a “2” or a “3”, indicating the level of the override. The @ character is the “At” command. It will cause the listed policy to be applied at the specified folder location only (subdirectories of that folder will not be subject to that policy). The - is the “Not” command. It will cause the listed policy to be an exclusion policy instead of an inclusion policy. Using the Override Modifier The Override Modifier can be used to allow for inclusion or exclusion in cases where there is a higher level of protection. The following are the different override levels supported: ^ Category 1 Override ^2 Category 2 Override ^3 Category 3 Override Encrypting/Not Encrypting Extensions In order to include or exclude filename extensions using encryption rules, use the following within your rules: • After specifying your directory location, use a semi-colon (;) before listing your extensions. • After specifying your directory location, you do not need to list a trailing backslash (\). • The period is used as a delineator. It is not meant to be used as “dot-extension.” However, you can precede the first extension with a period. • The Override command (^) can be used with extensions. • The At command (@)can be used with extensions. • The Not command (-) can be used with extensions. • You can make any combination of the modifiers with an extension inclusion or exclusion. Examples of extension inclusions/exclusion C:\;doc.xls.ppt.docx.xlsx.pptx What this does: On the C: drive, this encrypts all doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx files that do not exist within any protected directory. ^C:\;txt What this does: On the C: drive, this encrypts all txt files that are not in a directory that has protection of Category 1 or better. 171 Manage Policies -C:\;bat.exe.dll What this does: On the C: drive, this causes all files with the extension bat, exe, and dll to not be encrypted. Encrypting/Not Encrypting Directories In order to include or exclude directories using encryption rules, use the following within your rules: • After specifying your directory location, you do not need to list a trailing backslash (\). • If you list a directory for inclusion, every file contained within that directory will be encrypted. • The Override command (^) can be used with folders only when specifying an exclusion policy. • The At command (@) can be used with folders. • The Not command (-) can be used with folders. • You can make any combination of the supported modifiers for folders. If the Override command (^) is used, the statement can only be an exclusion statement. Examples of folder inclusion/exclusion C:\CustomApplication\DataStore What this does: On the C: drive, this causes every file within the directory of \CustomApplication\DataStore to be encrypted. -C:\Documents and Settings\All Users What this does: On the C: drive, this applies a Category 0 level of protection to the directory of \Documents and Settings\All Users. -^2C:\CustomApplication\dll What this does: On the C: drive, this applies a Category 2 level of protection to the directory of \CustomApplication\dll. Sub-directories and Precedence of Directives Encryption rules may be listed in any order. If more than one rule applies to a given folder or file, then the following general rules determine which one prevails: 1. The rule with the more specific path prevails. 2. If the rules have equal paths, specified extensions prevail. 3. If the rules both specify extensions, exclusion overrides inclusion. Example of sub-directories C:\ -C:\MyApplicationFolder What this does: (1st statement is an inclusion, 2nd statement is an exclusion) On the C: drive, encrypt all files in folders at the root level and below, except for files residing in the protected directories and any files residing in “MyApplicationFolder”. Example 1 of competing directives: C:\ -C:\MyApplicationFolder 172 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 ^C:\;doc.xls.ppt.docx.xlsx.pptx What this does: (1st statement is an inclusion, 2nd statement is an exclusion, 3rd statement is an inclusion) On the C: drive, encrypt all files in folders at the root level and below, except for files residing in the protected directories and files residing in “MyApplicationFolder”. However, override and encrypt files with the extension doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx in the protected directories and in the folder “MyApplicationFolder”. Example 2 of competing directives: C:\ -C:\MyApplicationFolder ^C:\;doc.xls.ppt.docx.xlsx.pptx -^C:\MyApplicationFolder;doc.xls.ppt.docx.xlsx.pptx What this does: (1st statement is an inclusion, 2nd statement is an exclusion, 3rd statement is an inclusion, 4th statement is an exclusion) On the drive of C:, encrypt all files in folders at the root level and below, except for files residing in the protected directories and files residing in “MyApplicationFolder”. However, override and encrypt files with the extension doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx in the protected directories, but not in the folder “MyApplicationFolder”. Example 3 of competing directives: C:\ -C:\MyApplicationFolder ^C:\;doc.xls.ppt.docx.xlsx.pptx -^C:\MyApplicationFolder;doc.xls.ppt.docx.xlsx.pptx -^C:\MyApplicationFolder\Templates What this does: (1st statement is an inclusion, 2nd statement is an exclusion, 3rd statement is an inclusion, 4th statement is an exclusion, 5th statement is an exclusion) On the C: drive, encrypt all files in folders at the root level and below, except for files residing in the protected directories and files residing in “MyApplicationFolder”. However, override and encrypt files with the extension doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx in the protected directories, but not in the folder “MyApplicationFolder”. Additionally, the folder “MyApplicationFolder\Templates” gains a category 2 protection causing no data to be encrypted there, since the inclusion statements are less than or equal to category 2. Environment Variables, KNOWNFOLDERID constants, and CSIDL Using encryption rules, you can make use of environment variables, KNOWNFOLDERID constants (Windows 7 and later), and CSIDL values (pre-Windows 7 computers) in addition to specifying your policy folder locations as absolute paths. In order to use variables in your encryption rules, follow these formatting rules: 173 • Before and after the use of the variable, use a percent sign (%). • For environment variables, you must use “ENV:” preceding the variable name, all contained within the percent signs. • For KNOWNFOLDERID constants, you must use "FOLDERID_" preceding the variable name. Percent signs are not used. • For CSIDL variables, you must use “CSIDL:” preceding the variable name, all contained within the percent signs. • Ensure that your variable contains a trailing backslash if you plan on appending another directory after the use of the variable. Manage Policies • Variables can be used in both folder and extension inclusion or exclusion rules. The following environment variables are supported: All locally defined environment variables The following KNOWNFOLDERID values are supported: RoamingAppData Cookies Desktop Favorites InternetCache LocalAppData Music Pictures Documents Programs Recent SendTo StartMenu Startup Templates The following CSIDL variables are supported: APPDATA COOKIES DESKTOPDIRECTORY FAVORITES INTERNET_CACHE LOCAL_APPDATA MYMUSIC MYPICTURES PERSONAL PROGRAMS RECENT SENDTO STARTMENU STARTUP 174 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 TEMPLATES Some examples of variables used in folder and extension policy: %ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\CustomApplication What this does: This lists the folder \CustomApplication\ for encryption on the default drive where Windows is installed. -%ENV:USERPROFILE%\Desktop What this does: This lists the user who is logged in to have their desktop obtain a category 0 protection. Application Data Encryption (ADE) ADE encrypts any file written by a protected application, using a category 2 override. This means that any directory that has a category 2 protection or better, or any location that has specific extensions protected with category 2 or better, will cause ADE to not encrypt those files. For example, ADE will not encrypt any files written into /Windows/System32 folder, because this directory has a default protection of category 2. Example Policies for Common/User Key Encryption The following set of encryption rules encrypts most of the drive, including standard Microsoft Office-type documents in the Documents and Settings folders. This policy set should only be used for Common Encryption (not User Encryption, Encryption External Media, or SDE). This is considered a strong policy set, and will typically require some adjustments for local conditions and requirements. %ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\ ^%ENV:USERPROFILE%\; FOLDERID_Documents or %CSIDL:PERSONAL% (pre-Windows 7) %ENV:USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ ^%ENV:USERPROFILE%\;mp3.mp4.mpeg.avi.wmv.wav -^%ENV:USERPROFILE%\Desktop\; -%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\; -%ENV:SYSTEMDRIVE%\config.msi What this does: Encrypts all of C:\, except for protected directories Encrypts standard Microsoft Office documents across the drive, except for protected directories, although it will encrypt them in the USERPROFILE directory. Encrypts all of My Documents Encrypts all of the Desktop, except for any selected excluded extensions Excludes common system files from encryption Excludes all encryption from C:\config.msi directory, due to MSI upgrade migration issues All paths are dynamic based on environment variables System Data Encryption (SDE) 175 Manage Policies SDE is an intelligent file-based encryption method where the encryption key is auto-authenticated during the volume mount process. A unique SDE Key is generated for each volume that is targeted for encryption by SDE. This allows the SDE Key to be used to encrypt data that would not otherwise be possible with the Common or User Keys due to time-based availability of the keys. Due to the difference in how the SDE Key can be used, there are several caveats to be aware of when considering use of this feature. • The built-in exclusions covered in protected directories do not apply to SDE. By design, SDE excludes portions of the operating system that are necessary for booting and updating. • If a file is targeted for encryption by any key other than SDE in addition to SDE, then SDE will not encrypt the file. • All encryption rules apply when writing SDE policies. Policies for SDE Encryption The following is the default SDE policy. Any changes to this policy should be considered carefully. The following directories have Category 1 exclusions (including subfolders unless specified): %SystemRoot%\system32\ntoskrnl.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\ntkrnlmp.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\hal.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\halacpi.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\halmacpi.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\winload.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\kdcom.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\kd.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\kdnet.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\kd1394.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\kdusb.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\kdstub.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\*\mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\*\mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\winload.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\PSHED.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\BOOTVID.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\CLFS.SYS %SystemRoot%\system32\CI.dll 176 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 %SystemRoot%\system32\sethc.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\utilman.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\narrator.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\magnify.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\osk.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\hvloader.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\hvix64.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\hvax64.exe %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\Local Console.exe %SystemRoot%\boot %SystemRoot%\prefetch %SystemRoot%\system32\Boot %SystemRoot%\Config.MSI %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers %SystemDrive%\Windows.old\Windows\WinSxS %SystemRoot%\fonts %SystemDrive%\boot %SystemDrive%\boot\bcd.log %SystemDrive%\boot\bcd.log1 %SystemDrive%\boot\bcd.log2 %SystemDrive%\boot\bcd %SystemDrive%\boot\bootstat.dat %SystemDrive%\boot\memtest.exe %SystemRoot%\inf %SystemRoot%\System Volume Information %SystemRoot%\system32\CodeIntegrity\bootcat.cache %SystemRoot%\system32\CodeIntegrity\driver.stl %SystemRoot%\ ; %SystemRoot%\system32 %SystemRoot%\WinSxS %SystemRoot%\fonts %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\pending.xml %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\Temp 177 Manage Policies %SystemRoot%\servicing\packages %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Symantec %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Symantec %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Symantec Shared %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Symantec %AllUsersProfile%\Symantec %SystemDrive%\Program Files\PGP Corporation %SystemDrive%\PGPWDE00 %SystemDrive%\PGPWDE01 %SystemDrive%\PGPWDE02 %SystemDrive%\PGPWDE03 %SystemDrive%\SafeBoot.fs %SystemDrive%\SafeBoot.rsv %SystemDrive%\SafeBoot.csv %SystemDrive%\Program Files\McAfee %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee %SystemDrive%\Program Files\McAfee %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\McAfee %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\McAfee %ProgramData%\McAfee\Common Framework %AllUsersProfile%\McAfee\Common Framework %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Trend Micro %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro %AllUsersProfile%\Trend Micro %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Security Client %AllUsersProfile%\Microsoft Security Client %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Sophos %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Sophos %AllUsersProfile%\Sophos %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Kaspersky %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky 178 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 %AllUsersProfile%\Kaspersky %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab %AllUsersProfile%\Kaspersky Lab %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Caches %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~BT %SystemRoot%\system32\.tmp %SystemDrive%\Program Files\WindowsApps %SystemRoot%\SystemApps %SystemRoot%\InfusedApps The following directories have Category 3 exclusions (including subfolders unless specified): F#:\System Volume Information\MountPointManagerRemoteDatabase F#:\.xen %SystemRoot%\ \.NLS.FON (coded – path queried from the registry [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Control\Nls\CodePage] and [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language]) %APPDATA%\Roaming\Wave Systems Corp\DocMgr %APPDATA%\Roaming\McAfee %APPDATA%\Credant\.log %APPDATA%\Dell\Dell Data Protection\.log %APPDATA%\CmgAdmin.log The following directories have Category 3 exclusions (no subfolders): %SystemDrive%\AUTOEXEC.BAT %SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI %SystemDrive%\BOOTMGR %SystemDrive%\BOOTNXT %SystemDrive%\BOOTSECT.BAK %SystemDrive%\CONFIG.SYS %SystemDrive%\IO.SYS %SystemDrive%\MSDOS.SYS %SystemDrive%\NTDETECT.COM %SystemDrive%\NTLDR %SystemDrive%\install.log %SystemDrive%\pagefile.sys 179 Manage Policies %SystemDrive%\hiberfil.sys %SystemDrive%\boot.bmp %SystemDrive%\CMG3301d.DAT %SystemDrive%\credsed.dat %SystemDrive%\credsed.log %SystemRoot%\bootstat.dat %SystemDrive%\ %SystemRoot%\fonts\vgaoem.fon %SystemRoot%\AppPatch\drvmain.sdb %SystemRoot%\system32\config\.evt.ftl.regtrans-ms.blf %SystemRoot%\system32\config\system %SystemRoot%\system32\config\system.log %SystemRoot%\system32\config\system.log1 %SystemRoot%\system32\config\system.log2 %SystemRoot%\system32\config\system.alt %SystemRoot%\system32\config\system.sav %SystemRoot%\system32\config\SYSTEM.CB1 %SystemRoot%\system32\config\SYSTEM.CB2 %SystemRoot%\system32\config\SYSTEM.CB3 %SystemRoot%\system32\config\SYSTEM.CBT %SystemRoot%\system32\config\CREDSDE.BAD %SystemRoot%\system32\winload.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\winresume.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\winlogon.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\autochk.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\apisetschema.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\catroot\*\ %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\*\drvmain.sdb Notes Protection of SystemRoot The protection of the SystemRoot directory is specified so that only the root itself is protected, meaning that the sub-directories of the SystemRoot do not inherit this protection. This would be the equivalent of using the following policy: -@C:\ Encryption External Media 180 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Encryption External Media operates off its own set of encryption rules independent of what Common Encryption, User Encryption, or SDE uses. User/Common Encryption policies will only be applied to fixed disks. If an endpoint is determined to be removable storage, then Encryption External Media policy will be applied. What Happens When Policies Tie • When an exclusion and inclusion statement both apply to a given directory or file, the exclusion policy prevails. • If you apply a Common encryption policy and User encryption policy specifically to the same file or location, the file or location will be Common Key encrypted. • If you apply a Common encryption policy and an SDE encryption policy specifically to the same file or location, the file or location will be Common Key encrypted. • If you apply a user encryption policy and an SDE encryption policy specifically to the same file or location, the file or location will be User Key encrypted. See Sub-directories and Precedence of Directives for more information. Generic Drive Statements Instead of having to specify each drive in an inclusion or exclusion rule by its drive letter assignment, you may use a generic rule to target either All Fixed Drives or all Removable Drives. Fixed Drive Usage: Replace the drive letter with F#. Example: F#:\ instead of C:\ or D:\ The Fixed Drive rule can only be used within a Common Encrypted Folder policy, User Encrypted Folder policy, and/or SDE policy. Removable Drive Usage: Replace the drive letter with R#. Example: R#:\ instead of F:\ or H:\ The Removable Drive rule can only be used within an Encryption External Media Encryption Rules policy. Remove System Data Encryption (SDE) To completely decrypt SDE encrypted files, apply the following policies: SDE Encryption Enabled = Not Selected Encrypt Windows Paging File = Not Selected Secure Windows Credentials = Not Selected Remove HCA-Based Encryption To remove hardware-based encryption, issue a policy of Hardware Crypto Accelerator (HCA) = Off. Authentication Authentication Authentication policies allow you to configure user experience and Windows authentication. 181 Manage Policies Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. Policy Default Setting Description Pre-Boot Authentication This technology provides a secure, tamper-proof environment by preventing data from being read from the hard disk or operating system until the user enters the correct PBA login credentials. Pre-Boot Authentication serves as an extension of the BIOS or boot firmware to provide a trusted authentication layer, separate from the operating system. Authentication Method Support Information Text Password String Please contact your system administrator. Password Smart Card Select the type of authentication to use when logging in to the PBA. String 0-512 characters Text to display on the PBA support information screen. Customize the message to include specific instructions about how to contact the Help Desk or Security Administrator. Not entering text in this field results in no support contact information being available for the user. Text wrapping occurs at the word level, not the character level. If a single word is more than approximately 50 characters in length, it will not wrap and no scroll bar will be present, therefore the text will be truncated. The text in this policy is translatable. PBA Title Text 0-17 characters 0-17 characters The text to display on the top of the PBA screen. Not entering text in this field results in no title being displayed. Text does not wrap, so entering more than 17 characters results in the text being truncated. The text in this policy is translatable. Sync Users at PBA Activation Not Selected Select this option to sync all users of this computer with the PBA database during PBA activation. See advanced settings Windows Authentication This technology sets definitions around user login, specifically what is required to login (password, smart card, fingerprint), password recovery options, and password requirements (number of attempts allowed, password length). The possible VALUES are: Windows Password Logon Authentication Policy for Administrators Windows Password and None None Fingerprints Contactless Card One-Time Password The possible VALUES are: Logon Authentication Policy for Users Windows Password and None Windows Password None Fingerprints 182 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Contactless Card One-Time Password See advanced settings Microsoft Passport This technology allows the use of Microsoft Passport, specifically authentication attempts and PIN usage. On Off Microsoft Passport Off Toggle to On to enable Microsoft Passport. If this policy is toggled to Off, no Microsoft Passport policies are enabled. Microsoft Passport is supported only on computers running Windows 10. 1-10 attempts Maximum Windows Passport Authentication Attempts 3 Logon Authentication Method PIN Number of chances the user has to authenticate with correct credentials. Currently, logon authentication method is supported only with PIN. 4-127 numeric characters PIN Length 8 Minimum number of characters required in the PIN. Advanced Authentication Authentication policies allow you to configure user experience and Windows authentication. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. Policy Default Setting Description Pre-Boot Authentication This technology provides a secure, tamper-proof environment by preventing data from being read from the hard disk or operating system until the user enters the correct PBA login credentials. Pre-Boot Authentication serves as an extension of the BIOS or boot firmware to provide a trusted authentication layer, separate from the operating system. Authentication Method 183 Password Password Smart Card Select the type of authentication to use when logging in to the PBA. Manage Policies Support Information Text String Please contact your system administrator. String 0-512 characters Text to display on the PBA support information screen. Customize the message to include specific instructions about how to contact the Help Desk or Security Administrator. Not entering text in this field results in no support contact information being available for the user. Text wrapping occurs at the word level, not the character level. If a single word is more than approximately 50 characters in length, it will not wrap and no scroll bar will be present, therefore the text will be truncated. The text in this policy is translatable. PBA Title Text 0-17 characters 0-17 characters The text to display on the top of the PBA screen. Not entering text in this field results in no title being displayed. Text does not wrap, so entering more than 17 characters results in the text being truncated. The text in this policy is translatable. Sync Users at PBA Activation Not Selected Select this option to sync all users of this computer with the PBA database during PBA activation. String 0-512 characters Text to display before being allowed to log on to the computer. For example: By clicking OK, you agree to abide by the acceptable computer use policy. Legal Notice Text String 0-512 characters Not entering text in this field results in no text, OK, or Cancel buttons being displayed. Text wrapping occurs at the word level, not the character level. If a single word is more than approximately 50 characters in length, it will not wrap and no scroll bar will be present, therefore the text will be truncated. The text in this policy is translatable. 184 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Specify the questions that will be presented to Windows users during recovery questions setup. Separate each question by a carriage return. These questions will be used if the Windows password is forgotten. At least 3 questions must be specified. What is the name of your first pet? Who was your first employer? Self Help Questions (Pre-8.0 clients) At least 3 selectable questions What was the first concert you attended? What was the make of the first car you owned? What was the last name of your third grade teacher? In what city or town did your mother and father meet? In what city or town was your first job? String 1-100 characters Initial Access Code String 1-100 characters This policy is used to log on to a computer when network access to the Dell Server and Active Directory (AD) are both unavailable. The Initial Access Code policy should only be used if absolutely necessary, it is not the recommended method to log in. Using the Initial Access Code policy does not provide the same level of security as the usual authentication method of logging in using User Name, Domain, and Password. The Initial Access Code can only be used one time, immediately after activation. The first domain login that occurs after the Initial Access Code is entered will be cached and the Initial Access Code entry field will not be displayed again. 9-32 characters with at least 1 number and 1 letter Encryption Administrator Password String Computer-generated password used by the Dell Server and client for recovery and other internal processes. No end user or Administrator interaction is required. All values are automatically maintained in the Dell Server and can never be deleted. Entering a value for this policy does not affect the Override Count. Any number Non-Cached User Login Attempts Allowed 50 Cached User Login Attempts Allowed 10 Self Help Question/Answer Attempts Allowed 3 This policy does not come into play when connected to the network (there is a connection to AD), because authentication with AD is attempted. This policy only comes into play when the computer is not connected to the network and an unknown user attempts to log in (meaning, a user that has not logged in to the computer before -- no credentials have been cached). 1-20 times Number of times that a cached user can attempt to log in. 1-10 times 185 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the correct answer. Manage Policies Enable One Step Logon Selected This policy simplifies the logon process when multi-factor authentication is enabled at both preboot and Windows logon. If selected (or not configured), authentication is required at preboot only, and users are automatically logged on to Windows. If not selected, authentication may be required multiple times. 1-25 times Number of Shutdown/Restart Delays Allowed 5 Number of times that a user is allowed to snooze/delay a shutdown/restart before being forced to shutdown/restart. TPM requires a reboot. SED requires a shutdown. 300-30000 seconds Length of Each Shutdown/Restart Delay 300 seconds Number of seconds between each time the user is asked to shutdown/reboot. TPM requires a reboot. SED requires a shutdown. 60-1800 seconds Length of Forced Shutdown/Restart Notice 60 seconds When user has reached the maximum number of authorized shutdown/restart snoozes/delays, this policy sets the number of seconds allowed before forcing a shutdown/restart. TPM requires a reboot. SED requires a shutdown. Selected Not Selected Allow PBA to Remember User Name Selected Enables or disables the ability for users to select Remember Me on the PBA login screen. String 0-512 characters Crypto Erase Password String 0-100 characters A word of code of up to 100 characters used as a fail-safe security mechanism. Entering this word or code in the user name or password field during the PBA authentication deletes the authentication tokens for all users and locks the computer. Data is cryptographically erased from the Windows partition. Afterward, an administrator can unlock the computer by issuing an Unlock command. Leave this field blank if you do not want a crypto erase password available in case of emergency. Enable Client Check for PBA Commands Not Selected Select this option to sync all users of this computer with the PBA database during PBA activation. See basic settings Windows Authentication This technology sets definitions around user login, specifically what is required to login (password, smart card, fingerprint), password recovery options, and password requirements (number of attempts allowed, password length). 186 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 The possible VALUES are: Windows Password In-session Authentication Policy for Administrators Windows Password and None None Fingerprints Contactless Card One-Time Password The possible VALUES are: Windows Password In-session Authentication Policy for Users Windows Password and None None Fingerprints Contactless Card One-Time Password Specify the questions that will be presented to Windows users during recovery questions setup. Separate each question by a carriage return. These questions will be used if the Windows password is forgotten. At least 3 questions must be specified. What is your mother's maiden name? What was the name of the first school you attended? What is the name of your first pet? What is your father's middle name? What is your mother's middle name? Who was your first employer? Who was your first teacher? What city were you born in? What city was your mother born in? What city was your father born in? Recovery Questions for Windows Authentication At least 3 selectable questions What was the first concert you attended? Who is your favorite TV show character? What was the name of your first stuffed animal? What was the make of the first car you owned? Where did you spend your honeymoon? Where did you meet your spouse? What is your oldest cousin's name? What is your oldest niece's name? What is your oldest nephew's name? What is your youngest child's nickname? What is your oldest child's nickname? What was the last name of your third grade teacher? In what city or town did your mother and father meet? In what city or town was your first job? Allow Recovery Questions 187 Not Selected Selected Not Selected Set to Selected to allow users to use recovery questions/answers to log on to Manage Policies Windows. Errors Audit Details Level of detail in Windows Event Logs. Determines whether events such as fingerprint registration and authentication attempts are logged in the Windows Event Log. Log Events Level Audit Each higher level includes all previous levels. Events are logged on the computer where they occur. Normally, the Auditing level provides sufficient detail, covering all logon, authentication, fingerprint management, and user management events. The Details levels can fill the log file very quickly. Status events provide information about the state of several important systems on the computer. They are logged on configurable intervals and generally used when events are remotely collected. The False Accept Rate is the probability of receiving a false acceptance decision when comparing fingerprints scanned from different fingers. You can select one of the following FAR values: * Medium (1 in 10,000) * Medium High (1 in 100,000) * High (1 in 1,000,000) False Accept Rate of Fingerprint Medium High - 1 in 100,000 For example: if you select Medium High, on average, one false acceptance will occur when a fingerprint is compared against one hundred thousand fingerprints scanned from different fingers. The higher the setting, the lower the chance of receiving a false acceptance. However, at the High setting, the system may reject legitimate fingerprints. NOTE: The FAR is set on a per verification basis. When matching a fingerprint against fingerprints of multiple users (identification), the internally used FAR is automatically adjusted to maintain the same effective FAR as was selected for a single match. Minimum Number of Fingerprints to Enroll 2 The minimum number of fingerprints required to be enrolled. Maximum Number of Fingerprints to Enroll 10 The maximum number of fingerprints required to be enrolled. Minimum Length of PIN 4 The minimum number of characters required in the PIN. Allow Users to Enroll Credentials Selected Set to Selected to allow users to enroll their own credentials without administrator involvement. Allow Users to Modify Credentials Selected Set to Selected to allow users to modify their own credentials that have been previously set up or enrolled. 188 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Values for reminders: Disable Reminder Reminder to Enroll Credentials (Admin) In one day At Next Logon In One Day In One Week Every Two Hours Reminder to Enroll Credentials Expiration Date (Admin) Now The date (time is always 12 am) when authentication policy is going into full effect. Meaning, the client stops asking the local admin to enroll credentials and forces them to enroll before they can logon. The default is “now”. Values for reminders: Disable Reminder Reminder to Enroll Credentials (User) In one day At Next Logon In One Day In One Week Every Two Hours Reminder to Enroll Credentials Expiration Date (User) Action Upon Smart Card Removal Now Lock Workstation The date (time is always 12 am) when authentication policy is going into full effect. Meaning, the client stops asking the user to enroll credentials and forces them to enroll before they can logon. The default is “now”. No Action Lock Workstation Force Logoff Disconnect if on a Remote Desktop session The action that occurs when a smart card is removed from the computer. Selected Not Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other One-time Password policies. Allow One-Time Password for Recovery Not Selected If this policy is Not Selected, the One-time Passwords feature is disabled on the endpoint. The user will not be able to use OTP to unlock the account, regardless of other OTP policy values. If Selected, the One-time Password Recovery feature is enabled and allows the user to use a paired mobile device to generate passwords for one-time use to unlock their account, if the account password is lost. 6, 8, or 10 characters One-Time Password Length 6 Maximum One-Time Password Authentication Attempts 3 Require Password for Mobile Apps See basic settings 189 Specifies the minimum One-time Password length. 3-10 Selected Number of times a One-time Password can be entered into a device. Set to Selected to require the One-time Password generation application to be password protected on the mobile device. Manage Policies Threat Prevention Threat Prevention Threat Prevention policies are available at the Enterprise, Endpoint Group, and Endpoint levels. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Advanced Threat Prevention This technology is powered by Cylance and protects your operating system by detecting and preventing malware pre-execution. Advanced Threat Prevention uses artificial intelligence and predictive mathematical models to quickly and accurately identify what is safe and what is a threat. Advanced Threat Prevention Off On Off Toggle ON to enable Advanced Threat Prevention. If this policy is toggled to OFF, Advanced Threat Prevention is disabled, regardless of other policies. File Actions Selected Not Selected Unsafe Executable Auto Quarantine with Executable Control Enabled Selected If selected, Unsafe executable files are automatically quarantined or blocked to prevent their execution. Note: If you Auto Quarantine, it is highly recommended that before deployment, you test Auto Quarantine only on devices under a test policy in order to observe the behavior and ensure that no business-critical applications are blocked at execution. Selected Not Selected Abnormal Executable Auto Quarantine with Executable Control Enabled Selected If selected, Abnormal executable files are automatically quarantined or blocked to prevent their execution. Note: If you Auto Quarantine, it is highly recommended that before deployment, you test Auto Quarantine only on devices under a test policy in order to observe the behavior and ensure that no business-critical applications are blocked at execution. Memory Actions Selected Not Selected This policy must be selected to use all other Memory policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Memory Action policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. Memory Protection Enabled Not Selected NOTE: Before enabling Memory Protection, enable Compatibility Mode, to ensure applications function properly on the client computer. For instructions on how to enable Compatibility Mode, see Enable_Compatibility_Mode_for_Memory_Protection.htm. Compatibility Mode does not apply to Mac clients. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description 190 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Threat Protection This technology protects computers by identifying and taking action against threats of malware and malicious activity involving files, folders, the registry, and processes. On Off Threat Protection Off Toggle to ON to enable Threat Protection. If toggled to OFF, no Threat Protection policies will be applied. Threat Protection includes Malware Protection, Web Protection, and Client Firewall. Block Only Report Only Block and Report Action on Malicious Activity for Files and Folders Block and Report Prevents users from modifying or deleting Threat Protection system files and folders and sets the action to take upon attempt. Block Only: Blocks activity but does not report to the Server. Report Only: Reports activity to the Server but does not block activity. Block and Report (default): Blocks and reports activity to the Server. Block Only Report Only Block and Report Action on Malicious Activity for Registry Block and Report Prevents users from modifying or deleting Threat Protection registry keys and values and sets the action to take upon attempt. Block Only: Blocks activity but does not report to the Server. Report Only: Reports activity to the Server but does not block activity. Block and Report (default): Blocks and reports activity to the Server. Selected Not Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other Exploit Protection policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Exploit Protection policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. Exploit Protection Selected A Selected value means that Exploit Protection is enabled. Exploit Protection monitors for application vulnerabilities and keeps buffer overflow exploits from executing arbitrary code on the computer. This policy must be set to Selected to enable Exploit Protection. If this policy is Not Selected, no Exploit Prevention policies will be applied. Selected Not Selected On-Access Protection Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other On-Access Protection policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no OnAccess Protection policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. A Selected value means that On-Access Protection is enabled. This policy must be set to Selected to enable On-Access Protection. If this policy is Not Selected, no On-Access Protection policies will be applied. 191 Manage Policies See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Web Protection This technology protects computers by leveraging a web-based content ranking system to determine if a site that a user is browsing is considered safe or not. This technology also grants the administrator the ability to define what happens when an unsafe site is navigated to (allow, block, warn). Off Web Protection On Off Toggle to ON to enable Web Protection. If toggled to OFF, no Web Protection policies will be applied. Block Allow Warn Specifies the default action to apply to sites that have not been verified. Enforcement - Action to Apply to Sites Not Verified Allow Block: Prevents users from accessing the site and displays a message that the site is blocked. Allow: Permits users to access the site. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the site. Users must dismiss the warning before continuing. Selected Not Selected Enforcement - Enable File Scanning for File Downloads Selected A Selected value scans all files (including .zip files) before downloading. This option prevents users from accessing a downloaded file until Threat Protection marks the file as clean. Downloaded files are sent to Threat Protection for scanning. Threat Protection performs a Reputation Service lookup on the file. If a downloaded file is detected as a threat, Threat Protection takes action on the file and alerts the user. Selected Not Selected Enable Secure Search Block Links to Risky Sites in Search Results Not Selected Not Selected A Selected value enables Secure Search, automatically blocking malicious sites in search results based on safety rating. Selected Not Selected A Selected value prevents users from clicking links to risky sites in search results. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Client Firewall This technology protects computers by allowing administrators to determine which network traffic is permitted to pass between end user computers and the network. On Off Client Firewall Off Toggle to ON to enable Client Firewall. If toggled to OFF, no Client Firewall Settings or Rules will be applied. Client firewall is a stateful firewall. 192 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Protection Settings This technology allows control over Threat Prevention settings such as display of threat event notifications on the client computer and Web Protection and Client Firewall logging. Suppress Popup Notifications Minimum Popup Notification Level Not Selected High Selected Not Selected If Selected, no popup notifications of Advanced Threat Prevention events display on the client computer. High Medium Low Severity level of events that result in popup notifications that display on the client computer. A setting of High allows only notifications of critical events to display. A setting of Low displays all on-screen notifications for all events. Listed below are individual examples of events that fall into the severity levels: High 1) Protection status has changed. (Protected means that the Advanced Threat Prevention service is running and protecting the computer and needs no user or administrator interaction.) 2) A threat is detected and policy is not set to automatically address the threat. Medium 1) Execution Control blocked a process from starting because it was detected as a threat. 2) A threat is detected that has an associated mitigation (for example, the threat was manually quarantined), so the process has been terminated. 3) A process was blocked or terminated due to a memory violation. 4) A memory violation was detected and no automatic mitigation policy is in effect for that violation type. Low 1) A file that was identified as a threat has been added to the Global Safe List or deleted from the file system. 2) A threat has been detected and automatically quarantined. 3) A file has been identified as a threat but waived on the computer. 4) The status of a current threat has changed (for example, Threat to Quarantined, Quarantined to Waived, or Waived to Quarantined). String - File path Log Files Location :\ProgramData\DDP\Suite\Logs Specifies the location for the log files. The default location is :\ProgramData\DDP\Suite\Logs. Selected Not Selected Enable Activity Logging Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other Threat Protection logging policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Threat Protection logging takes place, regardless of other policy values. A Selected value enables Threat Protection logging. Debug Logging for Web Protection 193 Not Selected Selected Manage Policies Not Selected A Selected value enables verbose logging of Web Protection activity. Selected Debug Logging for Client Firewall Not Selected Not Selected A Selected value enables verbose logging of Firewall activity. Advanced Threat Prevention Threat Prevention policies are available at the Enterprise, Endpoint Group, and Endpoint levels. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Advanced Threat Prevention This technology is powered by Cylance and protects your operating system by detecting and preventing malware pre-execution. Advanced Threat Prevention uses artificial intelligence and predictive mathematical models to quickly and accurately identify what is safe and what is a threat. Advanced Threat Prevention Off On Off Toggle ON to enable Advanced Threat Prevention. If this policy is toggled to OFF, Advanced Threat Prevention is disabled, regardless of other policies. File Actions Selected Not Selected Unsafe Executable Auto Quarantine With Executable Control Enabled Unsafe Executable Auto Upload Enabled Selected If selected, Unsafe executable files are automatically quarantined or blocked to prevent their execution. Note: If you Auto Quarantine, it is highly recommended that before deployment, you test Auto Quarantine only on devices under a test policy in order to observe the behavior and ensure that no business-critical applications are blocked at execution. Selected Not Selected Selected If selected, any detected Unsafe file is automatically uploaded for a deeper analysis and additional details about the file. Selected Not Selected Abnormal Executable Auto Quarantine With Executable Control Enabled Selected If selected, Abnormal executable files are automatically quarantined or blocked to prevent their execution. Note: If you Auto Quarantine, it is highly recommended that before deployment, you test Auto Quarantine only on devices under a test policy in order to observe the behavior and ensure that no business-critical applications are blocked at execution. 194 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Abnormal Executable Auto Upload Enabled Allow Execution of Files in Exclude Folders Selected Not Selected Selected Not Selected If selected, any detected Abnormal file is automatically uploaded for a deeper analysis and additional details about the file. Selected Not Selected If selected, executable files are allowed to run, even if they are in folders excluded in the Exclude Specific Folders policy. Selected Not Selected Auto Delete Days until Deleted Not Selected 14 If selected, after the time period specified in the Days until Deleted policy, files that are quarantined on an endpoint are automatically deleted. 14-365 days Number of days until files that are quarantined on an endpoint are automatically deleted. Memory Actions Selected Not Selected Memory Protection Enabled This policy must be selected to use all other Memory policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Memory Action policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. Not Selected NOTE: Before enabling Memory Protection, enable Compatibility Mode, to ensure applications function properly on the client computer. For instructions on how to enable Compatibility Mode, see Enable Compatibility Mode for Memory Protection. Compatibility Mode does not apply to Mac clients. Enable Exclude executable files Selected Not Selected Selected String Exclude executable files 195 \Windows\System32\CmgShieldService.exe \Windows\System32\EMSService.exe \Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Threat Protection\DellAVAgent.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\cmdagent.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\FrmInst.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\macmnsvc.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\macompatsvc.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\maconfig.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\masvc.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\FrmInst.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\macompatsvc.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\marepomirror.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\McScanCheck.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\McScript_InUse.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\mctray_back.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\Mue.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\policyupgrade.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86\UpdaterUI.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\ESConfigTool.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\MFEConsole.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\mfeesp.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\mfeProvisionModeUtility.exe Allow specific process files to be excluded from Memory Protection. This policy must be selected to use the Exclude executable files policy. String Exclude specific process files from Memory Protection. This allows the specified files to run or be installed on any device on which this policy is enforced. All exclusions added must be specified using the relative path of that executable file (exclude the drive letter from the path). Correct (Windows): \Application\SubFolder\application.exe Correct (Mac): /Users/ Incorrect: \Application\SubFolder\ Incorrect: C:\Application\SubFolder\application.exe Manage Policies \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\PwdUninstall.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\RepairCache\CCUninst.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\RepairCache\McAfee_Common_x64.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\RepairCache\McAfee_Common_x64.msi \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\RepairCache\McAfee_Common_x86.msi \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\RepairCache\setupCC.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\aacinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\cacheinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\fwinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfecanary.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfefire.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfehidin.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfemms.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfevtps.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mmsinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\vtpinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\aacinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\cacheinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\fwinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfecanary.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfefire.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfehidin.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfemms.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfevtps.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mmsinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\vtpinfo.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Firewall\FWInstCheck.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Firewall\FwWindowsFirewallHandler.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Firewall\mfefw.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Firewall\RepairCache\McAfee_Firewall_x64.msi \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Firewall\RepairCache\McAfee_Firewall_x86.msi 196 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Firewall\RepairCache\setupFW.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\McChHost.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\mfewc.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\mfewch.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\mfewcui.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\RepairCache\McAfee_Web_Control_x86.msi \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\RepairCache\setupWC.exe \Program Files\McAfee\marepomirror.exe \Program Files\McAfee\McScanCheck.exe \Program Files\McAfee\McScript_InUse.exe \Program Files\McAfee\mctray_back.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Mue.exe \Program Files\McAfee\policyupgrade.exe \Program Files\McAfee\UpdaterUI.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\MaComServer.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\MFEConsole.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\mfeProvisionModeUtility.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\RepairCache\CCUninst.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\aacinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\cacheinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\fwinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfecanary.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfefire.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfehidin.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfemms.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mfevtps.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\mmsinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\Release\vtpinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\aacinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\cacheinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\fwinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfecanary.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfefire.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfehidin.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfemms.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mfevtps.exe 197 Manage Policies \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\mmsinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\VSCore_ENS_10.1\x64\vtpinfo.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\McChHost.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\mfewc.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\mfewch.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\mfewcui.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\RepairCache\McAfee_Web_Control_x64.msi \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\RepairCache\setupWC.exe \Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Web Control\x64\mfewch.exe \Windows\System32\mfevtps.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Security Platform\LogDebugSetter.exe \Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Security\MfeUpgradeTool.exe Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a stack pivot threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Exploitation: Stack Pivot Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Stack Pivot - The stack for a thread has been replaced with a different stack. Generally the system will only allocate a single stack for a thread. An attacker would use a different stack to control execution in a way that is not blocked by Data Execution Prevention (DEP). The Stack Pivot exploitation affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a stack protect threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Exploitation: Stack Protect Alert Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Stack Protect - The memory protection of a thread's stack has been modified to enable execution permission. Stack memory should not be executable, so usually this means that an attacker is preparing to run malicious code stored in stack 198 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 memory as part of an exploit, an attempt which would otherwise be blocked by Data Execution Prevention (DEP). The Stack Protect exploitation affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when an overwrite code threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Exploitation: Overwrite Code Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Overwrite Code - Code residing in a process's memory has been modified using a technique that may indicate an attempt to bypass Data Execution Prevention (DEP). The Overwrite Code exploitation affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a scanner memory search threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Exploitation: Scanner Memory Search Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Scanner Memory Search, or RAM Scraping - A process is trying to read valid magnetic stripe track data from another process. Typically related to point-of-sale systems (POS). The Scanner Memory Search exploitation affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. 199 Manage Policies Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a malicious payload is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Exploitation: Malicious Payload Alert Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Malicious Payload - A generic shellcode and payload detection associated with exploitation has been detected. The Malicious Payload exploitation affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote memory allocation threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Process Injection: Remote Allocation of Memory Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote Allocation of Memory - A process has allocated memory in another process. Most allocations will only occur within the same process. This generally indicates an attempt to inject code or data into another process, which may be a first step in reinforcing a malicious presence on a system. The Remote Allocation of Memory process injection affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote attempt to map memory threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Process Injection: Remote Mapping of Memory Alert Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote Mapping of Memory - A process has introduced code and/or data into another process. This may indicate an attempt to begin executing code in another process and 200 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 thereby reinforce a malicious presence. The Remote Mapping of Memory process injection affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote attempt to write to memory threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Process Injection: Remote Write to Memory Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote Write to Memory - A process has modified memory in another process. This is usually an attempt to store code or data in previously allocated memory but it is possible that an attacker is trying to overwrite existing memory in order to divert execution for a malicious purpose. The Remote Write to Memory process injection affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote attempt to write a portable executable to memory threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Process Injection: Remote Write PE to Memory Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote Write PE to Memory - A process has modified memory in another process to contain an executable image. Generally this indicates that an attacker is attempting to execute code without first writing that code to disk. The Remote Write PE to Memory process injection affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. 201 Manage Policies Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote overwrite code threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Process Injection: Remote Overwrite Code Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote Overwrite Code - A process has modified executable memory in another process. Under normal conditions executable memory will not be modified, especially by another process. This usually indicates an attempt to divert execution in another process. The Remote Overwrite Code process injection affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote memory unmapping threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Process Injection: Remote Unmap of Memory Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote Unmap of Memory - A process has removed a Windows executable from the memory of another process. This may indicate an intent to replace the executable image with a modified copy for the purpose of diverting execution. The Remote Unmap of Memory process injection affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote thread creation threat is detected. Process Injection: Remote Thread Creation Alert Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the 202 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 application that made the call. Remote Thread Creation - A process has created a new thread in another process. A process's threads are usually only created by that same process. This is generally used by an attacker to activate a malicious presence that has been injected into another process. The Remote Thread Creation process injection affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote APC scheduled threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Process Injection: Remote APC Scheduled Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Remote APC Scheduled - A process has diverted the execution of another process's thread. This is generally used by an attacker to activate a malicious presence that has been injected into another process. The Remote APC Scheduled process injection affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a remote DYLD injection threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Process Injection: Remote DYLD Injection (Mac OS X only) Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. DYLD Injection - An environment variable has been set that will cause a shared library to be injected into a launched process. Attacks can modify the plist of applications like Safari or replace applications with bash scripts, that cause their modules to be loaded automatically when an application starts. The DYLD Injection process injection affects macOS operating systems. This policy does not apply to Windows clients. 203 Manage Policies Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when an LSASS read threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Escalation: LSASS Read Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. LSASS Read - Memory belonging to the Windows Local Security Authority process has been accessed in a manner that indicates an attempt to obtain users' passwords. The LSASS Read escalation affects Windows operating systems. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Ignore Alert Block Terminate Specify the action to take when a zero byte allocation threat is detected. Ignore - No action is taken against identified memory violations. Alert - Record the violation and report the incident to the Dell Server. Escalation: Zero Allocate Alert Block - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process. The application that made the call is allowed to continue to run. Terminate - Block the process call if an application attempts to call a memory violation process and terminate the application that made the call. Zero Allocate - A null page has been allocated. The memory region is typically reserved, but in certain circumstances it can be allocated. Attacks can use this to setup privilege escalation by taking advantage of some known null dereference exploit, typically in the kernel. The Zero Allocate escalation affects Windows and macOS operating systems. Execution Control Prevent Service Shutdown from Device Selected Not Selected Not Selected If selected, the Advanced Threat Prevention service is protected from being shut down either manually or by another process. Selected Not Selected Kill Unsafe Running Processes and Sub-Processes Not Selected If selected, processes and sub-processes are quarantined and terminated regardless of their state when a threat is detected (exe or dll). Although a process or sub-process is terminated, the command prompt window remains open. If a file has been determined to be Safe and allowed to run and then a threat model update occurs that results in the file being identified as unsafe, the process is automatically terminated. Dell recommends that you review threat model updates before Selecting this policy. For more information, 204 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 see Threat Model Updates. Background Threat Detection Run Once Disabled Run Recurring Run Once If set to Run Recurring or Run Once, a full-disk scan is run to detect and analyze any dormant threats on the disk. An update to the Threat Model triggers a full-disk scan. Selected Not Selected Watch for New Files Set Maximum Archive File Size to Scan If selected, any new or modified files are detected and analyzed for dormant threats. Selected 150 MB Dell recommends enabling this policy. However, If Auto Quarantine is enabled for all Unsafe or Abnormal files, all malicious files will be blocked at execution. Therefore, it is not necessary to enable this policy with Auto Quarantine mode unless you prefer to quarantine a file as it is added to a disk but before execution. The default setting is 150 MB. Specify the maximum size of archive (compressed) files, including .jar files to be scanned. Because scanning compressed files can negatively affect computer performance, Dell recommends Quick-Scan - Scan Archives and Full-Scan - Scan Archives to be run during off-work hours. Protection Settings Enable Exclude Specific Folders (includes subfolders) Selected Not Selected Selected Allow specific folders to be excluded from Auto Quarantine and Auto Upload. This policy must be Selected to use the Exclude Specific Folders policy. String Folders specified in this policy are excluded from actions performed based on Background Threat Detection and Watch for New Files, when these policies are enabled. This exclusion extends to subfolders of folders that are specified in this policy. Exclude Specific Folders (includes subfolders) All exclusions must be specified using the Absolute path of that executable file. String Windows requires an absolute path (requires a drive letter) Mac requires an absolute path (macOS does not use a drive letter) Correct (Windows): C:\Program Files\Dell Correct (Mac): /Mac\ HD/Users/Application\ Support/Dell Incorrect: C:\Program Files\Dell\Executable.exe Incorrect: \Program Files\Dell\ Spaces only must be escaped on Mac-based exclusions. Application Control 205 Manage Policies Selected Not Selected If Selected, specified devices are locked down, restricting any changes. Only applications that exist on a device before the lock-down are allowed to execute on that device. Any new applications, as well as changes to the executables of existing applications, are denied. The Advanced Threat Prevention agent updater is also disabled. Application Control Not Selected Additionally, certain File Action, Memory Action, and Execution Control policies are automatically set. These policies may be changed after they are automatically set, without disabling Application Control. See Policies Set by Application Control for a list of policies that are automatically set when the Application Control policy is Selected. To exclude specific folders from lockdown, specify the folders in the Application Control Allowed Folders policy. IMPORTANT: Specify the following folder in the Application Control Allowed Folders policy when running Data Guardian Protected Office mode with this policy Selected: C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\assembly\tmp This policy does not apply to Mac clients. String Application Control Allowed Folders Specify folders to be excluded from Application Control lockdown. String IMPORTANT: Specify the following folder in this policy when running Data Guardian Protected Office mode with the Application Control policy Selected: C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\assembly\tmp Selected Not Selected Enable Change Window Not Selected If selected, Application Control is temporarily disabled to allow, edit, and run new applications or perform updates. This includes updating the Advanced Threat Prevention agent. After performing the necessary changes, deselect Enable Change Window. Note: Enable Change Window retains changes made to Application Control. Deselecting Application Control and resetting back to Selected resets Application Control to default values. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Script Control Selected Not Selected Script Control Not Selected If Selected, Script Control protects devices by blocking malicious scripts from running. Note: Script Control is currently only available for PowerShell and Active Scripts. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Script Control Mode Active Script Alert Alert Block Alert monitors scripts running in the environment. Recommended for initial deployment. Block allows scripts to run only from specific folders. This should be used only after testing in Alert mode. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Alert Alert Block Alert monitors Active Scripts running in the environment. Recommended for initial deployment. Block allows Active Scripts to run only from specific folders. This should be used only after testing in Alert mode. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. 206 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Macros PowerShell PowerShell Console Alert Alert Block Alert monitors Office macros running in the environment. Recommended for initial deployment. Block allows Office macros to run only from specific folders. This should be used only after testing in Alert mode. Note: Starting with Office 2013, macros are disabled by default. Most of the time, users should not be required to enable macros to view the content of an Office document. Dell recommends enabling macros only for documents from trusted users. Otherwise, macros should always be disabled. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Alert Alert Block Alert (default) - Monitors PowerShell scripts running in the environment. Recommended for initial deployment. Block - Allow PowerShell scripts to run only from specific folders. This should be used only after testing in Alert mode. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Allow Allow Block Allow (default) - Allows the PowerShell v3 console to be launched. Block - Blocks the PowerShell v3 console from being launched. Provides additional security by protecting against the use of PowerShell one-liners. Note: If this policy is set to Block and you use a script that launches the PowerShell console, the script will fail. It is recommended that users change their scripts to invoke the PowerShell scripts, not the PowerShell console. This policy applies only to PowerShell v3 and does not apply to Mac clients. Selected Not Selected Enable Approve Scripts in Folders (and Subfolders) Not Selected Allows scripts stored in specific folders to be automatically approved to run. This policy must be selected in order to use the policy, Script Control Approve Scripts in Folders (and Subfolders). This policy does not apply to Mac clients. String Folders specified in this policy are excluded from actions performed based on the Script Control policy. This exclusion extends to subfolders of folders that are specified with this policy. Approve Scripts in Folders (and Subfolders) String A folder must be specified using its relative path. A path may not include the drive letter. Example: \Cases\ScriptsAllowed A specified path may represent any of the following: - local drive path - mapped network drive path - universal naming convention (UNC) path This policy does not apply to Mac clients. String Quarantine String This policy is for Disconnected mode only, and allows for modification of the math model to ensure that pre-defined applications are handled in a specific way. This policy will force quarantine files based on a SHA256 hash of the specific portable executable. String Waive 207 String This policy is for Disconnected mode only, and allows for modification of the math model to ensure that pre-defined applications are handled in a specific way. This policy will force allow files based on a SHA256 hash of the specific Manage Policies portable executable. Disconnected Mode String Global Allow (available only in Disconnected mode) String This policy will NOT be sent to the client if the Server does not detect a Disconnected mode install token. The token is prefixed with *DELLAG*. The value of this policy must include the entire contents of the policy.xml file. Copy and paste the contents of policy.xml into the policy editor and shown in this example. String Quarantine List (available only in Disconnected mode) String This policy will NOT be sent to the client if the Server does not detect a Disconnected mode install token. The token is prefixed with *DELLAG*. The value of this policy includes a collection of hashes, represented by these JSON examples. String Safe List (available only in Disconnected mode) String This policy will NOT be sent to the client if the Server does not detect a Disconnected mode install token. The token is prefixed with *DELLAG*. The value of this policy includes a collection of hashes, represented by these JSON examples. Agent Settings Suppress Popup Notifications Minimum Popup Notification Level Not Selected High Selected Not Selected If Selected, popup notifications for Advanced Threat Prevention events do not display on the client computer. High Medium Low Severity level of events that result in popup notifications that display on the client computer. A setting of High allows only notifications of critical events to display. A setting of Low displays all on-screen notifications for all events. Listed below are examples of events that fall into the severity levels: High 1) Protection status has changed. (Protected means that the Advanced Threat Prevention service is running and protecting the computer and needs no user or administrator interaction.) 2) A threat is detected and policy is not set to automatically address the threat. Medium 1) Execution Control blocked a process from starting because it was detected as a threat. 2) A threat is detected that has an associated mitigation (for example, the threat was manually quarantined), so the process has been terminated. 3) A process was blocked or terminated due to a memory violation. 4) A memory violation was detected and no automatic mitigation policy is in effect for that violation type. Low 1) A file that was identified as a threat has been added to the Global Safe List or deleted from the file system. 2) A threat has been detected and automatically quarantined. 3) A file has been identified as a threat but waived on the computer. 208 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 4) The status of a current threat has changed (for example, Threat to Quarantined, Quarantined to Waived, or Waived to Quarantined). Selected Not Selected Enable BIOS Assurance Selected If selected, BIOS integrity checks are performed on end user computers to validate that the BIOS has not been modified from the Dell factory version. A custom factory image cannot be used with this feature, as the BIOS has been modified. This feature is available only on Dell platforms. Platforms available with this feature include the newest release of select XPS, Latitude, Optiplex, Precision Workstations, and Venues. Speak to your Sales Associates for details or contact Dell ProSupport. This policy does not apply to Mac clients. Enable Autoupload of Log Files Not Selected Selected Not Selected If selected, log files are automatically uploaded at 12:00 am or when their size reaches 100 MB. If this policy is Not Selected, logs can still be manually uploaded. See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Threat Protection This technology protects computers by identifying and taking action against threats of malware and malicious activity involving files, folders, the registry, and processes. On Off Threat Protection Off Toggle to ON to enable Threat Protection. If toggled to OFF, no Threat Protection policies will be applied. Threat Protection includes Malware Protection, Web Protection, and Client Firewall. 209 Manage Policies Block Only Report Only Block and Report Action on Malicious Activity for Files and Folders Block and Report Prevents users from modifying or deleting Threat Protection system files and folders and sets the action to take upon attempt. Block Only: Blocks activity but does not report to the Server. Report Only: Reports activity to the Server but does not block activity. Block and Report (default): Blocks and reports activity to the Server. Block Only Report Only Block and Report Action on Malicious Activity for Registry Block and Report Prevents users from modifying or deleting Threat Protection registry keys and values and sets the action to take upon attempt. Block Only: Blocks activity but does not report to the Server. Report Only: Reports activity to the Server but does not block activity. Block and Report (default): Blocks and reports activity to the Server. Block Only Report Only Block and Report Action on Malicious Activity for Processes Block and Report Prevents users from stopping Threat Protection processes and sets the action to take upon attempt. Block Only: Blocks activity but does not report to the Server. Report Only: Reports activity to the Server but does not block activity. Block and Report (default): Blocks and reports activity to the Server. String - Example: avtask.exe Exclude Processes String Excludes specific process files from Threat Protection scans. Enter the exact resource name of a process to exclude. Client Update Selected Not Selected Schedule Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other Client Scheduling policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no Client Scheduling takes place, regardless of other policy values. A Selected value enables the Client Scheduling options. Daily Weekly Monthly The schedule configuration defines when the task should run. Schedule types are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Schedule Repeats Daily Daily: Runs the task every day at the specified Schedule Start Time. Weekly: Runs the task weekly on the days specified in Day of the Week. Monthly: Runs the task monthly on the specified Day of the Month. Schedule Start Time String String - format is [HH:mm tt]. Example: 11:59 PM The time the task should run. 210 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Day of the Week Wednesday Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday The day of the week the task should run. 1-31 Day of the Month Debug Logging for Malware and Exploit Protection 1 Not Selected The day of the month the task should run. Example: 17. Selected Not Selected A Selected value enables debug logging of Malware and Exploit Protection activity. On Off Exploit Protection Off Toggle to ON to enable Exploit Protection. If toggled to OFF, no Exploit Protection policies will be applied. Exploit Protection protects the critical operating system resources from changes made by malware or other unauthorized processes. On Off On-Access Protection Off Toggle to ON to enable On-Access Protection. If toggled to OFF, no On-Access Protection policies will be applied. On-Access Protection protects the critical operating system resources from changes made by malware or other unauthorized processes at the time a resource is accessed. 10 to 9999 Max Seconds for Scan 45 Specifies the maximum number of seconds for each file scan. Limits each file scan to the specified number of seconds. If a scan exceeds the time limit, the scan stops and logs a message. On-Access Scan Selected Not Selected Scan Boot Sectors Selected Examines the disk boot sector. Consider disabling this policy if a disk contains a unique or abnormal boot sector that cannot be scanned. Selected Not Selected Rescans all processes that are currently in memory each time: - On-Access Scan is disabled and re-enabled. Scan Processes on Enable Not Selected - The computer starts. When the on-access scanner is enabled, it always scans all processes when they are executed. Because some programs or executables start automatically when the computer starts, enabling this option can slow the computer and increase computer startup time. Scan Trusted Installers Scan When Copying Between Local Folders 211 Selected Not Selected Not Selected Scans MSI files or Windows Trusted Installer service files. Disable this option to improve the performance of large Microsoft application installers. Selected Not Selected Not Selected Scans files whenever the user copies from one local folder to another. If disabled, only items in the destination folder are scanned. If enabled, items in both source and destination folders are scanned. Manage Policies Disable Very Low Low Medium High Very High When enabled, samples are submitted to the lab to determine if they are malware. Sensitivity level configures the sensitivity level to use when determining if a detected sample is malware. The higher the sensitivity level, the higher the number of malware detections. However, allowing more detections might result in more false positive results. Risk levels: Very low - The detections and risk of false positives are the same as with regular content files. A detection is made available to Threat Protection when the lab publishes it instead of waiting for the next file update. Use this setting for desktops and servers with restricted user rights and a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10–15 queries per day, per computer. Reputation Service Sensitivity Medium Low - This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers with a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10–15 queries per day, per computer. Medium - Use this level when the regular risk of exposure to malware is greater than the risk of a false positive. The proprietary, heuristic checks result in detections that are likely to be malware. However, some detections might result in a false positive. With this setting, the lab checks that popular applications and operating system files do not result in a false positive. This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. High - Use this setting for deployment to systems or areas which are regularly infected. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. Very high - Dell recommends using this level only for scanning volumes and directories that do not support executing programs or operating systems. Detections found with this level are presumed malicious, but have not been fully tested to determine if they are false positives. Use this setting for on-demand scans on non-operating system volumes. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. Selected Not Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other On-Demand Protection: Full Scan policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no On-Demand Protection: Full Scan policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. A Selected value means that On-Demand Protection: Full Scan is enabled. On-Demand Protection - Full Scan Selected This policy must be set to Selected to enable On-Demand Protection: Full Scan settings. If this policy is Not Selected, no On-Demand Protection: Full Scan policies will be applied. By default, every time Full Scan runs, it scans the following locations for threats: - the computer memory for installed rootkits, hidden processes, and other behavior that suggests malware is attempting to hide itself. This scan occurs before all other scans. - the memory of all running processes. - all drives and their subfolders on the computer. 212 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 By default, the scanner scans all file types, regardless of extension. Full Scan Selected Not Selected Boot Sectors Unwanted Programs Decode MIME Files Selected Examines the disk boot sector. Consider disabling this policy if a disk contains a unique or abnormal boot sector that cannot be scanned. Selected Not Selected Selected Not Selected Enables the scanner to detect potentially unwanted programs. The scanner uses configured information to detect potentially unwanted programs. Selected Not Selected Detects, decodes, and scans Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoded files. Selected Not Selected Scan Archives Files Migrated to Storage Selected Selected Not Selected Not Selected Program Threats Selected Macro Threats Selected Scan Subfolders Selected 213 Examines the contents of archive (compressed) files, including .jar files. Because scanning compressed files can negatively affect computer performance, Dell recommends using this option in scans during off-work hours. Scans files that remote storage manages. When the scanner encounters a file with migrated content, it restores the file to the local computer before scanning. Selected Not Selected Detects executable files that have code that resembles malware. Selected Not Selected Detects unknown macro viruses. Selected Not Selected Examines all subfolders of the specified folder. Manage Policies Disable Very Low Low Medium High Very High When enabled, samples are submitted to the lab to determine if they are malware. Sensitivity level configures the sensitivity level to use when determining if a detected sample is malware. The higher the sensitivity level, the higher the number of malware detections. However, allowing more detections might result in more false positive results. Risk levels: Very low - The detections and risk of false positives are the same as with regular content files. A detection is made available to Threat Protection when the lab publishes it instead of waiting for the next content file update. Use this setting for desktops and servers with restricted user rights and a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10–15 queries per day, per computer. Reputation Service Sensitivity Medium Low - This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers with a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10–15 queries per day, per computer. Medium - Use this level when the regular risk of exposure to malware is greater than the risk of a false positive. The proprietary, heuristic checks result in detections that are likely to be malware. However, some detections might result in a false positive. With this setting, the lab checks that popular applications and operating system files do not result in a false positive. This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. High - Use this setting for deployment to systems or areas which are regularly infected. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. Very high - Dell recommends using this level only for scanning volumes and directories that do not support executing programs or operating systems. Detections found with this level are presumed malicious, but have not been fully tested to determine if they are false positives. Use this setting for on-demand scans on non-operating system volumes. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. 214 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 String - Comma-separated list of parameters Specify files, folders, and drives to exclude from scanning. Comma separated list of parameters: , , Possible values: , , Exclusions String Examples: FileOrFolder,C:\Users,false FileType,xml,false FileType,mp?,false ModifiedAge,120,true AccessedAge,150,false CreatedAge,300,true Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected. Threat First Response Clean file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected if the first action fails. Threat First Response Fails Delete file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a potentially unwanted program is detected. Exploit First Response Clean file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. 215 Manage Policies Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the action for the scanner to take when an unwanted program is detected if the first action fails. Exploit First Response Fails Delete file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. Selected Not Selected Use Scan Cache Selected A Selected value enables the scanner to use the existing clean scan results. A Selected value reduces duplicate scanning and improves performance. Low Priority Below Normal Normal Enables the operating system to specify the amount of CPU time that the scanner receives during the scan. Each task runs independently, unaware of the limits for other tasks. System Utilization Below Normal Low Priority - Provides improved performance for other running applications. Select this option for computers with end user activity. Below Normal - Sets the computer utilization for the scan to the default. Normal - Enables the scan to complete faster. Select this option for computers that have large volumes and little end user activity. Scan on Battery Power Selected Not Selected Not Selected A Selected value allows the scan when the computer is using battery power. Not Selected postpones the scan until the computer is no longer using battery power. Daily Weekly Monthly The schedule configuration defines when the task should run. Schedule types are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Schedule Repeats Daily Daily: Runs the task every day at the specified Full-Scan Schedule Start Time. Weekly: Runs the task weekly on the days specified in FullScan Schedule Day of the Week. Monthly: Runs the task monthly on the specified Full-Scan Schedule Day of the Month. Schedule Start Time Day of the Week String Wednesday String - format is [HH:mm tt]. Example: 11:59 PM The time the task should run. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday The day of the week the task should run. 1-31 Day of the Month 1 The day of the month the task should run. Example: 17. Quick Scan 216 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Selected Not Selected This policy is the "master policy" for all other On-Demand Protection: Quick Scan policies. If this policy is Not Selected, no On-Demand Protection: Quick Scan policies are enforced, regardless of other policy values. A Selected value means that On-Demand Protection: Quick Scan is enabled. On-Demand Protection - Quick Scan Selected This policy must be set to Selected to enable On-Demand Protection: Quick Scan settings. If this policy is Not Selected, no On-Demand Protection: Quick Scan policies will be applied. By default, every time Quick Scan runs, it scans the following locations for threats: - the memory of all running processes - the files that the Windows Registry references - the contents of the Windows folder - the contents of the Temp folder By default, the scanner scans all file types, regardless of extension. Selected Not Selected Boot Sectors Unwanted Programs Decode MIME Files Selected Examines the disk boot sector. Consider disabling this policy if a disk contains a unique or abnormal boot sector that cannot be scanned. Selected Not Selected Selected Not Selected Enables the scanner to detect potentially unwanted programs. The scanner uses configured information to detect potentially unwanted programs. Selected Not Selected Detects, decodes, and scans Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoded files. Selected Not Selected Scan Archives Files Migrated to Storage Selected Selected Not Selected Not Selected Program Threats Selected Macro Threats Selected Scan Subfolders Selected 217 Examines the contents of archive (compressed) files, including .jar files. Because scanning compressed files can negatively affect computer performance, Dell recommends using this option in scans during off-work hours. Scans files that remote storage manages. When the scanner encounters a file with migrated content, it restores the file to the local computer before scanning. Selected Not Selected Detects executable files that have code that resembles malware. Selected Not Selected Detects unknown macro viruses. Selected Not Selected Examines all subfolders of the specified folder. Manage Policies Disable Very Low Low Medium High Very High When enabled, samples are submitted to the lab to determine if they are malware. Sensitivity level configures the sensitivity level to use when determining if a detected sample is malware. The higher the sensitivity level, the higher the number of malware detections. However, allowing more detections might result in more false positive results. Risk levels: Very low - The detections and risk of false positives are the same as with regular content files. A detection is made available to Threat Protection when the lab publishes it instead of waiting for the next content file update. Use this setting for desktops and servers with restricted user rights and a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10–15 queries per day, per computer. Reputation Service Sensitivity Medium Low - This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers with a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10–15 queries per day, per computer. Medium - Use this level when the regular risk of exposure to malware is greater than the risk of a false positive. The proprietary, heuristic checks result in detections that are likely to be malware. However, some detections might result in a false positive. With this setting, the lab checks that popular applications and operating system files do not result in a false positive. This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. High - Use this setting for deployment to systems or areas which are regularly infected. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. Very high - Dell recommends using this level only for scanning volumes and directories that do not support executing programs or operating systems. Detections found with this level are presumed malicious, but have not been fully tested to determine if they are false positives. Use this setting for on-demand scans on non-operating system volumes. This setting results in an average of 20–25 queries per day, per computer. 218 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 String - Comma-separated list of parameters Specify files, folders, and drives to exclude from scanning. Comma separated list of parameters: , , Possible values: , , Exclusions String Examples: FileOrFolder,C:\Users,false FileType,xml,false FileType,mp?,false ModifiedAge,120,true AccessedAge,150,false CreatedAge,300,true Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected. Threat First Response Clean file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected if the first action fails. Threat First Response Fails Delete file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a potential exploit is detected. Exploit First Response Clean file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. 219 Manage Policies Clean file Delete file Continue scanning Specifies the action for the scanner to take when an exploit is detected if the first action fails. Exploit First Response Fails Delete file Clean files - Removes the threat from the detected file, if possible. Delete files - Deletes files with potential threats. Continue scanning - Continues scanning files when a threat is detected. The scanner does not move items to the quarantine. Selected Not Selected Use Scan Cache Selected A Selected value enables the scanner to use the existing clean scan results. A Selected value reduces duplicate scanning and improves performance. Low Priority Below Normal Normal Enables the operating system to specify the amount of CPU time that the scanner receives during the scan. Each task runs independently, unaware of the limits for other tasks. System Utilization Below Normal Low Priority - Provides improved performance for other running applications. Select this option for computers with end user activity. Below Normal - Sets the computer utilization for the scan to the default. Normal - Enables the scan to complete faster. Select this option for computers that have large volumes and little end user activity. Scan on Battery Power Selected Not Selected Not Selected A Selected value allows the scan when the computer is using battery power. Not Selected postpones the scan until the computer is no longer using battery power. Daily Weekly Monthly The schedule configuration defines when the task should run. Schedule types are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Schedule Repeats Daily Daily: Runs the task every day at the specified Quick-Scan Schedule Start Time. Weekly: Runs the task weekly on the days specified in QuickScan Schedule Day of the Week. Monthly: Runs the task monthly on the specified Quick-Scan Schedule Day of the Month. Schedule Start Time Day of the Week String Wednesday String - format is [HH:mm tt]. Example: 11:59 PM The time the task should run. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday The day of the week the task should run. 1-31 Day of the Month 1 The day of the month the task should run. Example: 17. 220 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Selected Not Selected Selected Access Protection Access Protection prevents other computers from making a connection and creating or altering autorun (autorun.inf) files from CDs. The rule prevents spyware and adware distributed on CDs from being executed and will automatically block and report the issue. Selected Not Selected Script Scan Protection Selected This policy enables scanning JavaScript and VBScript scripts to prevent unwanted scripts from executing. Note: If Script Scan Protection is disabled when Internet Explorer is launched, and then is enabled, it doesn't detect malicious scripts in that instance of Internet Explorer. Source Sites for Update Hyperlink To modify the source sites your clients access for Malware Protection signature updates, click the Source Sites for Updates link. To modify the priority level or availability of an external source site, click either NAIHttp or NAIFtp, edit the necessary fields, and click OK. To designate an internal signature update server, see Designate a Threat Protection Signature Update Server. Designating a signature update server within your network allows client computers to obtain signature updates without accessing the Internet. See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Web Protection This technology protects computers by leveraging a web-based content ranking system to determine if a site that a user is browsing is considered safe or not. This technology also grants the administrator the ability to define what happens when an unsafe site is navigated to (allow, block, warn). Web Protection Off On Off Toggle to ON to enable Web Protection. If toggled to OFF, no Web Protection policies will be applied. Block Allow Warn Enforcement Action to Apply to Sites Not Verified Specifies the default action to apply to sites that have not been verified. Allow Block: Prevents users from accessing the site and displays a message that the site is blocked. Allow: Permits users to access the site. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the site. Users must dismiss the warning before continuing. Selected Not Selected Enforcement Enable File Scanning for File Downloads Selected A Selected value scans all files (including .zip files) before downloading. This option prevents users from accessing a downloaded file until Threat Protection marks the file as clean. Downloaded files are sent to Threat Protection for scanning. Threat Protection performs a Reputation Service lookup on the file. If a downloaded file is detected as a threat, Threat Protection takes action on the file and alerts the user. NOTE: This policy does not apply when Web Protection is installed as an optional feature with Advanced Threat 221 Manage Policies Prevention. Enforcement Enable HTML iFrames Support Enforcement Block Sites by Default if Reputation Service Server is not Reachable Enforcement Block Phishing Pages for All Sites Enforcement Specify Reputation Service Risk Level to Block Selected Selected Not Selected A Selected value blocks access to malicious (Red) and warn (Yellow) sites that appear in an HTML iframe. Selected Not Selected Not Selected Selected Very High A Selected value blocks access to websites if Web Control cannot reach the Reputation Service server. Selected Not Selected A Selected value blocks all phishing pages, overriding content rating actions. Disable Very Low Low Medium High Very High Specifies the Reputation Service risk level to block when the Threat Protection on-demand scan feature is not installed and enabled. Web Protection uses the risk level to calculate the score when retrieving the checksum reputation from the Reputation Service. String - IP or IP Range IP Exclusions for Web Protection String Configures Web Protection not to rate or act on the specified private IP address range. The format is the IP address or IP address range. Selected Not Selected Enable Secure Search Set Default Search Engine Block Links to Risky Sites in Search Results Not Selected Google A Selected value enables Secure Search, automatically blocking malicious sites in search results based on safety rating. Google Yahoo Bing Ask Specifies the default search engine to use for supported browsers: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask. Not Selected Selected Not Selected A Selected value prevents users from clicking links to risky sites in search results. 222 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Block Allow Warn Specifies the action to apply to sites that are rated Red. Rating Action for Red Sites Block Block: Prevents users from accessing the site and displays a message that the site is blocked. Block is the default for Red sites. Allow: Permits users to access the site. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the site. Users must dismiss the warning before canceling or proceeding to the site. Green-rated sites and downloads are automatically allowed. Block Allow Warn Specifies the action to apply to sites that are rated Yellow. Rating Action for Yellow Sites Warn Block: Prevents users from accessing the site and displays a message that the site is blocked. Allow: Permits users to access the site. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the site. Users must dismiss the warning before canceling or proceeding to the site. Warn is the default for Yellow sites. Green-rated sites and downloads are automatically allowed. Block Allow Warn Specifies the action to apply to sites that are Unrated. Rating Action for Unrated Sites Allow Block: Prevents users from accessing the site and displays a message that the site is blocked. Allow: Permits users to access the site. Allow is the default for Unrated sites. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the site. Users must dismiss the warning before canceling or proceeding to the site. Green-rated sites and downloads are automatically allowed. Block Allow Warn Specifies the action to apply to file downloads that are rated Red. Rating Action for Red Downloads Block Block: Prevents users from downloading the file and displays a message that the download is blocked. Block is the default for Red downloads. Allow: Permits users to proceed with the download. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the download file. Users must dismiss the warning before ending or proceeding with the download. Block Allow Warn Rating Action for Yellow Downloads Specifies the action to apply to file downloads that are rated Yellow. Warn Block: Prevents users from downloading the file and displays a message that the download is blocked. Allow: Permits users to proceed with the download. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the download file. Users must dismiss the warning before ending or proceeding with the download. Warn 223 Manage Policies is the default for Yellow sites. Block Allow Warn Specifies the action to apply to file downloads that are Unrated. Rating Action for Unrated Downloads Allow Block: Prevents users from downloading the file and displays a message that the download is blocked. Allow: Permits users to proceed with the download. Allow is the default for Unrated downloads. Warn: Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the download file. Users must dismiss the warning before ending or proceeding with the download. Web Event Logging Log Web Control iFrame Events Log Web Categories Green Rated Sites Not Selected Selected Not Selected When this policy is selected, blocked Red (malicious) and Yellow (warn) sites that display in an HTML iFrame are logged. Selected Not Selected Not Selected When this policy is selected, content categories are logged for all green-rated sites. Selecting this policy may affect Server performance. Selected Not Selected When this policy is selected, web sites can be blocked based on category. Web Categories that can be blocked When this policy is selected, the following categories can be blocked. Check the box next to a category to block that category. Categories indicated with * are selected and blocked by default when this policy is selected. Art/Culture/Heritage Alcohol Enable Web Category Blocking Anonymizers Not Selected Anonymizing Utilities Business Chat Public Information Potential Criminal Activities Drugs Education/Reference Entertainment Extreme Finance/Banking Gambling 224 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Games Government/Military Potential Hacking/Computer Crime* Health Humor/Comics Discrimination Instant Messaging Stock Trading Internet Radio/TV Job Search Information Security Dating/Social Networking Mobile Phone Media Downloads Malicious Sites* Usenet News Nudity Non-Profit/Advocacy/NGO General News Online Shopping Provocative Attire P2P/File Sharing Politics/Opinion Personal Pages Portal Sites Remote Access Religion/Ideology Resource Sharing Search Engines Sports Streaming Media Shareware/Freeware Pornography* Spyware/Adware/Keyloggers* Tobacco Travel Violence Web Ads Weapons Web Mail Web Phone Auctions/Classifieds Forum/Bulletin Boards Profanity School Cheating Information Sexual Materials Gruesome Content Visual Search Engine Technical/Business Forums Gambling Related 225 Manage Policies Messaging Game/Cartoon Violence Phishing* Personal Network Storage Spam URLs Interactive Web Fashion/Beauty Software/Hardware Potential Illegal Software Content Server Internet Services Media Sharing Incidental Nudity Marketing/Merchandising Parked Domain Pharmacy Restaurants Real Estate Recreation/Hobbies Blogs/Wiki Digital Postcards Historical Revisionism Technical Information Dating/Personals Motor Vehicles Professional Networking Social Networking Text Translators Web Meetings For Kids History Moderated Text/Spoken Only Controversial Opinions Residential IP Addresses Browser Exploits* Consumer Protection Illegal UK Major Global Religions Malicious Downloads* Potentially Unwanted Programs See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Client Firewall This technology protects computers by allowing administrators to determine which network traffic is permitted to pass between end user computers and the network. 226 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 On Off Client Firewall Toggle to ON to enable Client Firewall. If toggled to OFF, no Client Firewall Settings or Rules will be applied. Off Client firewall is a stateful firewall. See Client Firewall Settings and Rules. Settings and Rules See basic settings Client Firewall Settings and Rules In the Client Firewall policy, Settings and Rules, click View/Edit. In the Settings window, you can set Client Firewall Options and Client Firewall Rules. Return to Client Firewall Policies Client Firewall Options Setting UI Control Description Protection Options Allow traffic for unsupported protocols Check box Allow only outgoing traffic until firewall services have started Check box Allows all traffic that uses unsupported protocols. When disabled, all traffic using unsupported protocols is blocked. Allows outgoing traffic but no incoming traffic until the Firewall service starts. If this option disabled, Firewall allows all traffic before services are started. Allows traffic with a local MAC address. Check box Allow bridged traffic Enable IP spoof protection Enable firewall intrusion alerts Setting The MAC address is an address in the list of VMs that Firewall supports, not the local system's MAC address. Use this option to allow traffic through a bridged environment with virtual machines. Check box Blocks network traffic from non-local host IP addresses or from local processes that attempt to spoof their IP address. Check box Displays alerts automatically when Firewall detects a potential attack. Description UI Control Tuning Options Enable Adaptive mode Check box Creates rules automatically to allow traffic. NOTE: Enable this option temporarily while tuning a deployment. Log all blocked traffic to client activity log Check box Enabled by default Logs all blocked traffic to the Firewall event log (FirewallEventMonitor.log) on the Endpoint Security Client. 227 Manage Policies Log all allowed traffic to client activity log Check box Disabled by default Logs all allowed traffic to the Firewall event log (FirewallEventMonitor.log) on the Endpoint Security Client. NOTE: Enabling this option might negatively impact performance. Setting Description UI Control Network Reputation High Risk Unverified Do not block Medium Risk Specifies the rating threshold for blocking incoming or outgoing traffic from a network connection. High Risk - This source/destination sends or hosts potentially malicious content/traffic that is considered risky. Incoming network - reputation threshold Drop-down menu Unverified - This site appears to be a legitimate source or destination of content/traffic, but also displays properties suggesting that further inspection is necessary. Do not block - This site is a legitimate source or destination of content/traffic. Medium Risk - This source/destination shows behavior that is considered suspicious. Any content/traffic from the site requires special scrutiny. High Risk Unverified Do not block Medium Risk Specifies the rating threshold for blocking incoming or outgoing traffic from a network connection. High Risk - This source/destination sends or hosts potentially malicious content/traffic that is considered risky. Outgoing network - reputation threshold Drop-down menu Unverified - This site appears to be a legitimate source or destination of content/traffic, but also displays properties suggesting that further inspection is necessary. Do not block - This site is a legitimate source or destination of content/traffic. Medium Risk - This source/destination shows behavior that is considered suspicious. Any content/traffic from the site requires special scrutiny. Setting Description UI Control Stateful Firewall Number of seconds (1-240) before TCP connections time out Up/down number selector Specifies the time, in seconds, that an unestablished TCP connection remains active if no more packets matching the connection are sent or received. The default number is 228 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 60; the valid range is 1–240. Number of seconds (1-300) before UDP and ICMP echo virtual connections time out Setting Up/down number selector Specifies the time, in seconds, that a UDP or ICMP Echo virtual connection remains active if no more packets matching the connection are sent or received. This option resets to its configured value every time a packet that matches the virtual connection is sent or received. The default number is 60; the valid range is 1–300. Description UI Control DNS Blocking Defines domain names to block. When applied, this setting adds a rule near the top of the firewall rules that blocks connections to the IP addresses resolving to the domain names. Domain name Button/text input field Add - To add a domain name to block, click Add, then enter a domain name. You can use the * and ? wildcards. For example, * Separate multiple domains with a comma (,) or a carriage return. Duplicate entries are automatically removed. Delete - To remove a domain name from the blocked list, select the domain name and click Delete. Return to top Client Firewall Rules Client Firewall applies the rule at the top of the firewall rules list. 1. Client Firewall applies the rule at the top of the firewall rules list. If the traffic meets this rule’s conditions, Client Firewall allows or blocks the traffic. It doesn't try to apply any other rules in the list. 2. If the traffic doesn't meet the first rule’s conditions, Client Firewall continues to the next rule in the list until it finds a rule that the traffic matches. 3. If no rule matches, the firewall automatically blocks the traffic. To modify Core Networking or Default Rules, expand either Core Networking Rules or Default Rules, select the rule to modify, and edit the desired settings, and click OK. The settings are described in the table below. Alternatively, click one of the following buttons to perform the desired action: Add Rule - Adds a firewall rule. Duplicate - Creates a copy of the selected item. Delete - Removes a selected firewall item. Setting 229 UI Control Description Manage Policies Description Name Text input field Specifies the descriptive name of the item. Status Check box Select Enable rule to make the rule active. Allow Block Treat match as intrusion Log matching traffic Allow - Allows traffic through the firewall if the item is matched. Actions Radio button/Check box Block - Stops traffic from passing through the firewall if the item is matched. Treat match as intrusion - Treats traffic that matches the rule as an attack and generates an event that is sent to the Reputation Service. The Block action for the rule must be selected for an event to be generated. Log matching traffic - Preserves a record of matching traffic in the Firewall activity log on the Endpoint Security Client. In Out Either Drop-down menu Direction In - Monitors incoming traffic. Out - Monitors outgoing traffic. Either - Monitors both incoming and outgoing traffic. Text input field Notes Setting UI Control Provides more information about the rule. Description Networks Any protocol IP protocol Non-IP protocol Network protocol Radio Button/Check box Any protocol - Allows both IP and non-IP protocols. IP protocol - Excludes non-IP protocols. IPv4 protocol or IPv6 protocol. If neither check box is selected, any IP protocol applies. Both IPv4 and IPv6 can be selected. Non-IP protocol - Includes non-IP protocols only. Wired Wireless Virtual Connection types Check box Indicates if one or all connection types apply. A Virtual connection type is an adapter presented by a VPN or a virtual machine application, such as VMware, rather than a physical adapter. 230 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 To add a network, click Add, then specify the following: Name - Specifies the network address name (required). Type - Select either Local Network or Remote Network. Specify Networks Button/Drop-down menu/text input field Click Add, then specify the following: Network type - Specifies the origin or destination of traffic. Select from the network types Single IP, Subnet, Local subnet, Range, or Fully qualified domain name IP address - Specifies the IP address to add to the network. Wildcards are valid. Transport Select the transport protocol from the dropdown menu. Transport protocol Drop-down menu Executables The name that you use for the executable to add or edit. Name String The file path to the executable. File path String Description of the executable. File description 231 String Manage Policies The MD5 hash of the process. Fingerprint String Enables or disables the digital signature check that guarantees code hasn't been altered or corrupted since it was signed with a cryptographic hash. Enable digital signature check Check box If enabled, specify: Allow any signature — Allows files signed by any process signer. Signed by — Allows only files signed by the specified process signer. Return to top Return to Client Firewall Policies Policies Set by Application Control The following policies are set when Advanced Threat Prevention > Application Control is selected. Policy Setting When Application Control policy is Selected Unsafe Executable Auto Quarantine With Executable Control Enabled Selected Abnormal Executable Auto Quarantine With Executable Control Enabled Selected Memory Protection Enabled Selected Exploitation: Stack Pivot Terminate Exploitation: Stack Protect Terminate Exploitation: Overwrite Code Terminate Exploitation: Scanner Memory Search Terminate Exploitation: Malicious Payload Terminate Process Injection: Remote Allocation of Memory Terminate Process Injection: Remote Mapping of Memory Terminate Process Injection: Remote Write to Memory Terminate Process Injection: Remote Write PE to Memory Terminate Process Injection: Remote Overwrite Code Terminate Process Injection: Remote Unmap of Memory Terminate Process Injection: Remote Thread Creation Terminate Process Injection: Remote APC Scheduled Terminate 232 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Process Injection: Remote DYLD Injection (Mac OS X only) Terminate Escalation: LSASS Read Terminate Escalation: Zero Allocate Terminate Watch for New Files Selected Advanced Threat Events tab fields and filters The Advanced Threat Events tab displays information about events for the entire enterprise based on information available in the Dell Server. The tab displays if the Advanced Threat Prevention service is provisioned and licenses are available. To access the Enterprise Advanced Threats tab, follow these steps: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Enterprise. 2. Select the Advanced Threat Events tab. Use the following filters to select content to display on the Advanced Threat Events tab: Type - Threat Found, Threat Blocked, Threat Terminated, Memory Violation Blocked, Memory Violation Terminated, Memory Violation (Detected), Threat Removed, Threat Quarantined, Threat Waived, Threat Changed, Protection Status Changed. Severity - Severity level of the event: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, or Informational. Timeframe (in days) - 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 Columns - Allows you to select the following additional columns to display: Host Name - The fully qualified name of the computer Data - Details about the event Created - Date and time that the event was captured Machine Name - Name of the computer on which the threat event was detected Path - Path to the file in which the threat was detected Sha256 - The file's 256-character Secure Hash Algorithm can be compared with an expected result to indicate whether the file has been tampered with. Score - The threat file's score, indicating the confidence level that the file is malware. The higher the number, the greater the confidence. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Protection The Protection tab provides information about files and scripts that are potentially harmful. Threats The table lists all events found across the organization. An event may also be a threat but is not necessarily so. View additional information about a specific threat either by clicking on the threat name link to view details displayed on a new page or by clicking anywhere in the row of the threat to view details at the bottom of the page. 233 Manage Policies To view additional threat information in the table, click the drop-down arrow on a column header to select and add columns. Columns display metadata about the file, such as Classifications, Cylance Score (confidence level), AV Industry conviction (links to for comparison with other vendors), Date first found, Data last found, SHA256, MD5, File information (author, description, version), and Signature details. Filter Events Table Data Click the Threat Filters dropdown list at the upper right side of the table to view data about events by Priority, Status: Last 24 Hours, and Status: Total. The number of events occurring in each subcategory are shown in parentheses. Priority: Unsafe - Select a priority to view only events that match the selected priority. High, Medium, or Low. Status: Last 24 Hours - Select a status to view only events that have had changes to this status in the last 24 hours. Status: Total - Select a status to only events with that status. The predictive threat model used to protect devices receives periodic updates to improve detection rates. To understand differences in how a new threat model affects information about files in your organization, see Threat Model Updates. Commands Select a threat to act on it. On this page, you can do the following to the selected threat data: Export - Export threat data to a CSV file. Select the rows you want to export, and then click Export. Open the file with Microsoft Excel or similar application, which allows you to sort and organize the data. Global Quarantine - Add a file to the global quarantine list. The threat is permanently quarantined from all devices. Add the selected file to the Global Quarantine list to prevent it from being run on any device in the organization. Adding a file to Quarantine removes it from lists of Unsafe files. 1. Select a threat. 2. Click Global Quarantine. 3. Enter a reason that this file should be global quarantined and click Yes. Safe - Add a file to the safe list. The file is permanently treated as safe across all devices. 1. Select the file you want to list as safe. 2. Click Safe. 3. Select the category that fits the file. 4. Enter a reason why the file should be listed as safe, and click Yes. Note: Occasionally, a “good” file may be reported as unsafe (this could happen if the features of that file strongly resemble those of malicious files). Waiving or safelisting the file can be useful in these instances. Edit Global List - Add or remove files from the global quarantine list. 1. Click Edit Global List. 234 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 2. Select the items you want to change. 3. Select Safe to add the selected items to the safelist, or select Remove from list to remove the selected files from the Global Quarantine list. Manually Add File to the Global Quarantine list 1. Click Edit Global List. 2. Click Add File. 3. Enter the file's SHA256 hash number. (required) 4. Enter the file's MD5 number, if available. 5. Enter the file name, if available. 6. Enter the reason the file should be quarantined. 7. Click Submit. View Threat Details - Click a threat name to display details of the threat details on a new page. Click anywhere in the threat’s row to display the same threat details on the left side of this page, under the table. File Details Details: [file name] At the bottom of the page, this section displays details about the file that triggered an event. To display this information, select the row that displays the file name in the Advanced Events table. Click the filename next to Details: to display the same information about the event on a new web page. Overview The overview box contains summary information about the file. Threat Indicators Threat Indicators are observations about a file that has been analyzed. These indicators help administrators understand the reason for a file’s classification and provide insight into its attributes and behavior. Threat Indicators are grouped into categories. Devices In the Devices pane, the administrator can view a list of devices that have unsafe or abnormal files and quarantine or waive them. The device list can be filtered by file state: Unsafe, Quarantined, Waived, or Abnormal. Waiving a file will allow that file to run on the device. Detailed Threat Data If the file has been uploaded for analysis, the Detailed Threat Data pane may display a comprehensive summary of the static and dynamic characteristics of the file including additional file metadata, file structure details, and dynamic behaviors such as files dropped, registry keys created or modified, and URLs with which it attempted to communicate. Note: If no results display in the Detailed Threat Data pane, the file has not yet been uploaded for analysis. Debug logging may provide information about why the file was not uploaded. Script Control Table 235 Manage Policies The table lists details about Active and PowerShell scripts that have been blocked or have triggered an alert and the affected devices. Columns display the File name, Interpreter (PowerShell or ActiveScript), Last found, Drive type (such as internal hard drive), SHA256, Number of devices on which the script is found, and Number of occurrences that were blocked or triggered alerts. To filter column data, click the filter icon on a column header and select values to include or exclude. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Agents After an Advanced Threat Prevention client is installed on an endpoint computer, it is recognized by the Security Management Server as an agent. Agents Table Data, Explained Name - The name of the agent on the endpoint computer. State - State of the agent, online or offline. A computer will be in the offline state after three failed attempts in a 15-minute period to contact the Cylance server. Offline Date - If applicable, the date on which the agent went offline. Files Analyzed - Number of files analyzed on the endpoint computer. Unsafe - Number of files deemed Unsafe on the device. An unsafe file has characteristics that greatly resemble malware. Quarantined - Number of files Quarantined on the device. Waived - Number of Waived files on the device. Abnormal - Number of Quarantined files on the device. Exploit Attempts - Number of exploit attempts on the device. Commands To export details about an agent or remove an agent from the list, click the appropriate button: Export - Creates and downloads a CSV file that contains device information (Name, State, Policy, etc.). Remove - Removes selected agents from the Agent Table. This does not uninstall the agent from the device. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Certificate The Certificate tab allows you to upload a certificate for the purpose of safelisting it. Certificates must be in .cer or .crt format. To upload a certificate, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Populations > Enterprise > Advanced Threats tab > Certificate tab. 2. Click Browse. 3. Select a certificate and click Open. 4. Click Upload Certificate. 236 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 5. At the Upload Successful dialog, click OK. For instructions about how to safelist a certificate, see Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Global List. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Cylance Score and Threat Model Updates A Cylance score is assigned to each file that is deemed Abnormal or Unsafe. The score represents the confidence level that the file is malware. The higher the number, the greater the confidence. Threat Model Updates The predictive threat model used to protect devices receives periodic updates to improve detection rates. Two columns on the Protection page in the Remote Management Console show how a new threat model affects your organization. Display and compare the Production Status and New Status columns to see which files on devices might be impacted by a model change. To view the Production Status and New Status columns: 1. In the left pane, click Populations > Enterprise. 2. Select the Advanced Threats tab. 3. Click the Protection tab. 4. Click the down-arrow on a column header in the table. 5. Hover over Columns. 6. Select the Production Status and New Status columns. Production Status - Displays the current model status (Safe, Abnormal or Unsafe) for the file. New Status - Displays the model status for the file in the new model. For example, a file that was considered Safe in the current model might change to Unsafe in the new model. If your organization needs that file, you can add it to the Safe list. A file that has never been seen or score by the current model might be considered Unsafe by the new model. If your organization needs that file, you can add it to the Safe list. Only files found on device in your organization and that have a change in its Cylance Score are displayed. Some files might have a Score change but still remain within its current Status. For example, if the Cylance Score for a file goes from 10 to 20, the file status may remain Abnormal and the file will appear in the updated model list (if this file exists on devices in your organization). The information for the model comparison comes from the database, not your devices. So no re-analysis is done for the model comparison. However, when a new model is available and the proper Agent is installed, a re-analysis is done on your organization and any model changes are applied. Compare Current Model with New Model You can now review differences between the current model and the new model. The two scenarios you should be aware of are: Production Status = Safe, New Status = Abnormal or Unsafe • • Your Organization considers the file as Safe Your Organization has Abnormal and/or Unsafe set to Auto-Quarantine Production Status = Null (not seen or scored), New Status = Abnormal or Unsafe 237 Manage Policies • • Your Organization considers the file as Safe Your Organization has Abnormal and/or Unsafe set to Auto-Quarantine In the above scenarios, the recommendation is to Safelist the files you want to allow in your organization. Identify Classifications To identify classifications that could impact your organization, Dell recommends the following approach: 1. Apply a filter to the New Status column to display all Unsafe, Abnormal, and Quarantined files. 2. Apply a filter to the Production Status column to display all Safe files. 3. Apply a filter to the Classification column to only show Trusted - Local threats. Trusted - Local files have been analyzed by Cylance and found to be safe. Safelist these items after review. If you have a lot of files in the filtered list, you may need to prioritize using more attributes. For example, add a filter to the Detected By column to review threats found by Execution Control. These were convicted when a user attempted to execute an application and need more urgent attention than dormant files convicted by Background Threat Detection or File Watcher. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Global List The Global Quarantine, Safe, and Unassigned tables provide a view of files in list as well as options to perform actions on these files. Global Quarantine Global Quarantine lists files that are permanently quarantined from all devices. Add a file to the global quarantine list Add the selected file to the Global Quarantine list to prevent it from being run on any device in the organization. Adding a file to Quarantine removes it from lists of Unsafe or Unassigned files. 1. Select Global Quarantine (n). 2. Select a threat. 3. Click Add File. 4. Enter a reason that this file should be global quarantined and click Yes. Manually Add File to the Global Quarantine list 1. Select Global Quarantine (n). 2. Click Add File. 3. Enter the file's SHA256 hash number. (required) 4. Enter the file's MD5 number, if available. 5. Enter the file name, if available. 6. Enter the reason the file should be quarantined. 7. Click Submit. Remove a file from the global quarantine list Remove the selected file from the Global Quarantine list to allow it to run on any device in the organization. 238 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 1. Select Global Quarantine (n). 2. Select a file. 3. Click Remove from List. Safelist a file from the global quarantine list Safelist the selected file from the Global Quarantine list to allow it to run on any device in the organization. 1. Select Global Quarantine (n). 2. Select a file. 3. Click Safe. Safe Safelisted files and certificates are permanently treated as safe across all devices. Any certificate that is safelisted will be a known safe certificate for the Advanced Threat Prevention tenant. Add a file to the safe list Safelisting a file allows that file to run on any device across the entire organization. Note: Occasionally, a “good” file may be reported as unsafe (this could happen if the features of that file strongly resemble those of malicious files). Waiving or safelisting the file can be useful in these instances. 1. Select Safe (n). 2. Click Add File. 3. Enter the file's SHA256 hash number. (required) 4. Enter the file's MD5 number, if available. 5. Enter the file name, if available. 6. Enter the reason the file should be safelisted. 7. Click Submit. Remove a file from the safe list 1. Select Safe (n). 2. Select Files (n). 3. Select the file you want to remove from the safe list. 4. Click Remove from List. Add a certificate to the safe list Safelisting a certificate allows access to that certificate, as needed, across the entire organization. 239 1. Select Safe (n). 2. Select Certificates (n). 3. Select the certificate you want to list as safe. 4. Click Add Certificate. Manage Policies 5. Select the category that fits the certificate. 6. Enter a reason why the certificate should be listed as safe, and click Submit. Note: You must upload a certificate in order for it to be available to safelist. For more information, see Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Certificate. Remove a certificate from the safe list 1. Select Safe (n). 2. Select Certificates (n). 3. Select the certificate you want to remove from the safe list. 4. Click Remove from List. Unassigned Unassigned files can be added to the global quarantine or safe list. Add an unassigned file to the global quarantine list Add the selected file to the Global Quarantine list to prevent it from being run on any device in the organization. Adding a file to Quarantine removes it from lists of Unsafe or Unassigned files. 1. Select Unassigned (n). 2. Select a file. 3. Click Global Quarantine. 4. Enter a reason that this file should be global quarantined and click Yes. Manually Add File to the Global Quarantine list 1. Select Unassigned (n). 2. Click Add File. 3. Enter the file's SHA256 hash number. (required) 4. Enter the file's MD5 number, if available. 5. Enter the file name, if available. 6. Enter the reason the file should be quarantined. 7. Click Submit. Add an unassigned file to the safe list Safelisting a file allows that file to run on any device across the entire organization. 1. Select Unassigned (n). 2. Select a file. 3. Click Safe. 4. Select the category that fits the file. 5. Enter a reason why the file should be listed as safe, and click Yes. Note: Occasionally, a “good” file may be reported as unsafe (this could happen if the features of 240 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 that file strongly resemble those of malicious files). Waiving or safelisting the file can be useful in these instances. Manually Add File to the Safe list 1. Select Unassigned (n). 2. Click Add File. 3. Enter the file's SHA256 hash number. (required) 4. Enter the file's MD5 number, if available. 5. Enter the file name, if available. 6. Enter the reason the file should be safelisted. 7. Click Submit. Add the selected file to the Global Quarantine list to prevent it from being run on any device in the organization. Adding a file to Quarantine removes it from lists of Unsafe or Unassigned files. 1. Select Global Quarantine (n). 2. Select a threat. 3. Click Add File 4. Enter a reason that this file should be global quarantined and click Yes. Manually Add File to the Global Quarantine list 1. Select Global Quarantine (n). 2. Click Add File. 3. Enter the file's SHA256 hash number. (required) 4. Enter the file's MD5 number, if available. 5. Enter the file name, if available. 6. Enter the reason the file should be quarantined. 7. Click Submit. Manage Enterprise Advanced Threats - Options The Options tab allows you to integrate with Security Information Event Management (SIEM) software using the Syslog feature as well as export Advanced Threat data. SIEM software allows administrators to run customized analytics on threat data within their environments. Software options include Splunk, available to Splunkbase users at Syslog events are persisted at the same time Agent events are persisted to the Cylance server. For more information about supported event types, see Syslog Event Types. To integrate with SIEM, select Syslog/SIEM on the Options tab, and complete the form that displays. For a list of syslog server IP addresses to allow, see Syslog IP Addresses. With SIEM integration, to export data about threats, select Threat Data Report on the Options tab. For instructions and a description of exportable data, see Threat Data Report. 241 Manage Policies Threat Data Report Select Threat Data Report on the Options tab to enable threat data export to .csv files. The following types of data are available for export: Threats - Lists all threats discovered in your organization. This information includes File Name and File Status (Unsafe, Abnormal, Waived, and Quarantined). Devices - Lists all devices in your organization that have an Agent installed. This information includes Device Name, OS Version, Agent Version, and Policy applied. Events - Lists all events related to the Threat Events Graph on the Dashboard for the last 30 days. This information includes File Hash, Device Name, File Path, and the Date the event occurred. Indicators - Lists each threat and the associated threat characteristics. Cleared - Lists all files that have been cleared in your organization. This information includes files that were Waived, added to the Safe List, or deleted from the quarantine folder on a device. Export Data To access the exported data: 1. Select Generate token. 2. Copy the URL of the desired data and paste it into a web browser address field. 3. In the URL, replace [Token] with the generated token displayed in the Token field. To disable access to the exported data, select Delete or regenerate to invalidate the current token. After regenerating a token, provide it to persons who should have continued access to the exported data. Advanced Threat Prevention Classifications The Advanced Threat Prevention Classifications pane shows a heat map of threats. The color indicates the priority classification of the threat. The size of the box indicates the relative number of endpoints that have a particular threat. This classification helps administrators determine which threats and devices to address first. Click a threat to view threat and device details. Threat classifications include the following: Malware • • Trojan Downloader Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) • • • Adware Hacking Tool Portable Application Enable Compatibility Mode for Memory Protection Compatibility Mode allows applications to run on the client computer while Memory Protection or Memory Protection and Script Control policies are enabled. Compatibility Mode is enabled through a registry setting or a command on the client computer. Compatibility Mode does not apply to Mac clients. 242 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 To enable Compatibility Mode with a registry setting: 1. In the Remote Management Console, disable the Memory Protection Enabled policy. If the Script Control policy is enabled, disable it. 2. Save the policy changes, and Commit_Policies. 3. Using the Registry Editor on the client computer, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cylance\Desktop. 4. Right-click Desktop, click Permissions, then take ownership and grant yourself Full Control. 5. Right-click Desktop, then select New > Binary Value. 6. For the name, type CompatibilityMode. 7. Open the registry setting and change the value to 01. 8. Click OK, then close Registry Editor. 9. In the Remote Management Console, enable the Memory Protection Enabled policy. If the Script Control policy was enabled, enable it. 10. Save the policy changes, and Commit_Policies. To add the registry setting with a command: 1. In the Remote Management Console, disable the Memory Protection Enabled policy. If the Script Control policy is enabled, disable it. 2. Save the policy changes, and Commit_Policies. 3. Select one command line option to run on the client computer: (For one computer) Psexec: psexec -s reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cylance\Desktop /v CompatibilityMode /t REG_BINARY /d 01 (For multiple computers) Invoke-Command cmdlet: $servers = "testComp1","testComp2","textComp3" $credential = Get-Credential -Credential {UserName}\administrator Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Cylance\Desktop -Name CompatibilityMode -Type REG_BINARY -Value 01} 4. In the Remote Management Console, enable the Memory Protection Enabled policy. If the Script Control policy was enabled, enable it. 5. 243 Save the policy changes, and Commit_Policies. Manage Policies Disconnected Mode Policy Examples Examples for Global Allow, Quarantine List, and Safe List policies are shown below. Global Allow policy example Quarantine List and Safe List policy examples Quarantine List The Global Quarantine List contains hashes of files to be quarantined as shown in this example: 0A5F695900F1FC75070BB8B7C7A55B5BCFAAD6FE 525E7A55B5BCB6B16F25B5DD6CE11DFC6DD0B4E6 Safe List The following sample value for the Safe List policy can be set at the Enterprise- and Endpoint-levels: Default Acme uxSYabW9P2nMbGLzuqJhvT9Y Date(-62135596800000+0000) 244 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 temp\files\exe1.exe stuff\folder\exe2.exe 0 C:\temp C:\stuff 3fdc391ef0e200af3e4c206e785e1de0 1E-05 509 XjxtEUkQvOFIxTZof+f6Jb149fhxFbOHUzc3S/5Hif6zqeiZrvOaM9QvGruM1un /uiOGeMwiNB3lLCBD9PtwbgaYUpiz8Ne88wOmKhnerXo5TJRy+4HzPWDotDXSz+d5AHP74zbbHfH7m47KG 9bFAsPa4KNhFLqSOD3g/AI7ZCWLL/IOFyWcFMTLLkeLRycDIyZpzf8QDskQVsAt8Ub1h2UGY4BGgKwCQfY z9J/yJWuF1XGy9A7rMAHzYdqh0B5s4Y2iB2jrdlHuGSxtNPu9gTuMldfxEBgcXq7XUWxuJUTbo1Fv2jsCH Ypd/hg1d+3SkNbI9qykHmK9gnCH2r7IHPlK5zvR9Y1eVxTshl6JoxQMDD+M0VkrL3tHqlS1mJi9NI979dd 8GiYnAqtkFsMg+FhOT2PkVkBSzLgkCF+rHWoeDdo+MVX79X9XjJqT1kRwSM2p30IPi4g+NH6X/YPs6Fz7w b95jMx6ILX/L7pHGOdM0fSeSfwO/XIOyk5FhogOJqY86SkJs437CS7+pW+nz82lXuFqNP4pZaG2xf2iepT Do89dAMQJGWEoCnlR1z0lPI8782TLLRm5OKytCrhUMut+P28K8LuPOTdTgSCnf2uVrcecQTz/BZOyqX5B6 vy7g1P2H0HmEV1uVfhWMjABRoSK+aI5VXd5qNRaY4zfn0w5Z6LOiIYDtvESgkLuw0bzHrsf5ADKEkwv9Ig 09DxhDYzLdJlZp/DNMsnJGtvntZ/cezXbGtzJuGSFq7lem5L00cavDQ3vRo3GlfettwN2CT9Z2MssLJhwe TS8utTabMBFfIsM8dx3sdN26lAsx9rDyR7fLn4BJ2WnMXv8FRoTZJ3oXxOQFUsCM1Rnhw7ottTaLEiPf7R d4jdxbsErBnK1CYfyYAePaD6ycle1h6bYMyWxUUD2ZqyVBiu3La/4MKalmI9V2IzEsYObxp9RRXkY3HcTz PHk5e8Zp+YbPQAr88RNpC277sCRiBWYlb00OH/hx5yc61rae/pzrGjusBT53KaiG6mlLpvRYrqDQ7fW0cp Fa2eC1czQ+o8LN/gNVT7FtFhKgd8pnQW00CidxeSULfzRk6TS9rLCgXBDtRyK1fRrkkOCrHZU/YvC2BXaW 245 Manage Policies VAx60giDsKxBUYQsgXQbaGwPG279ChdwnjWlVMWCqdvOoGEBMDApjbkqqkwgHJpkCJIF4zOTChpVfM17Pf Kw/uycxoqMzpdb+AOQnTX+MzRm9BkTN9T9aFh+CRleDqc/xhP59RBUUT3GAP+rk3789EQXdUVp9tC7hmXT jjg85jWSEe6IcGE5RY7NQXdXZGJScLmyiUVq+0lZjO3xkAUZ5eq0lUJo5KYaneGeYQFe7VzSmyzPMao6YP fpnRxOuLvMANIhKf9q0zL1IPgJfVTwU9AHoLcUE2ztor3bdrRnZ3+e5HqZkEpHtMGruMjiP4ZLmA7tJNhj 63KspEEKJfCSkXGw74+cepc6J5ThPJWNd33IZmgcwqE27/sXxsb5xzYFgfBUZmr12KnU7JMbg95bZTatxN 8PtIQS2NTdnyXK/f7j7i74FQZXNksONgfyEelFDOTlqlI7SLKw1uffUEk2QGv54bUQANLhbAvLbLR1b6v3 52rw3ANgECdQbqXcvKE/jYKUzHSW3qqIPcPnrguYVoJuydKNiJVmoaqPLJ3LC6m7+PdGBuqEdVo+MK/PMJ dTVb47zW1RSYX0t9SJ/4xWEBybUMsHXRZTux6nlca5qCxHDiHb50I677Bi+Y0YLddza7iA7z4mPTRmqEX6 jEo5ZorZ4kcTIbNHj77p4kzouYDg3s+o+9KvoxcI0iw8MAOtKrRVZTN24jjSUAETJ66rb3JdzcfJJeb7w4 QVOUckL2kfyaS4ASp80fzpOxJl3hSLw2bnR2n0WukMhj3kWvY+GeXDBfGzHfDGeLV0pF/+hQTPR/XWuOSs nH1wUeJEXS3al6lyhcRCS7XbVPt+85NYGuk2ntf6zmST/v6a3E2exxerUDAmHfCK/0VQKrqlYec1hkH1Sb vCQ== rT7UrQItY0RfpDEVEDwSXdiGq3fUgEJ9OpQMEUEacRRy1OFAS2W51 m9f3hbzrOA7lvoiKZLy9/h0koV2d5vyIj+xC275ucwOvqhKpKPQH8mfcD3vT498DuteV0i1Tmzq/WFLlhd qK75CF8ys17UVZZabbExD2s9W49gUft5W9UozOW5K1mC9V5E79YCf83s0wra6qrZqENI98WNpD9UbyN1UQ N72g5mQligT8ViuoEMagB6JQaTI8CgCLe6NK8DFvuykGOYVtLfKCtmCqt0eg1Im0oFxLiVrouovcCdNpfz WOXflQSEVEbVeqfPxEuTrHRWZBzFxOYLrT86tSsH8ll+XC3uFjN7uI/HB8daE3saFPmIAZUC9sq3rMU8Ro y9+iRw3lebL0P51RTSHxC9Mz8xr85gt3m4MyqSO8mNNBxIzwxeUCishz8A17VB5ai/R5Hy17zMTwIXU2x5 Pcnpd2UqyeLQbXWpnkeRpl7f0rdwBM0FDCpZqExnFYQswvOb8kPnruC0/iIgx/zNSFeuFlT8dSbCZNvgh0 7Ohh4sl0v9U9Ir7nBe9ZreDgdZMdZ1wCTqXBk/yxJB74+95uRYasNznVAG2yD1IIwtWNvygHrmw5sZgk09 7K2quTOHjDp0thnhaSGdOK5pF2TFEm8zegjewP65pR5Jdys1lvKquzbx3NZ3LtR0XyVIMBzcF9NDLP8v4U kwaKg9EL73o2yPjqgDVwt9AhXlh4VdSEv5M+JRfo+EguQB9I/DleTbWUGAEMMn1cADZj9yY0fB/SEsDVAW iLbiP/PYcUXz6g4Cv2uF9jk2Tn7KEbvuFWfIlnq2+z/qUNUH0Uj44jgqswv6G/q5VfbW5dM0MtTGmZd5jE 8PNy3R/uygm4ZoTvnOUu93FIC8dpmVjlsyii9XhM8XN/YX9om5wXAJ9CuTgRWbuUK4lvW9ROiEokQRFu76 Y8OTEvx6kpCEFgAVZlhbfe0fmGo+CD1wI+dg0tze2BN7jk/ItXgiPKp/+/fLoH3HR8mZSWX8bW8uRpBgqo 3xq57tpP9JxcyPQetG9fungtlBjzAd53Frro8XYXbzOd71honuEsFYv4T03ojU8w7a9EBbJ7SvRfDDi27m T/YmZNr3Y39FRlT7qQ44Ng5cjgp9etwVIego1xpfBXECF2PxOuA/S7u06QakK+Ngkl+bFw5MBbG/NLHALb kV+jbL6NKmUMWHYO4ruPzSoUYE84f9V0WFBZpWMxnx/j/ZZZMwv8+p8kF3dAR9SjK38coPVCnLCJ8uDJPo LDXS79u+pfQbsqgdPL+dwDeQAlIhHzjpNlpM5UeHYGUiwHFbOr8GTdq2GSEacfW510uv1dNeIk1wo2a2zl cBMH0V57f3/aVi0ZDtDKL5N1TO81xSPa6/hck4RGjIRInr632OmMh/dtx+40q7c8269KQSnXvpaVS8kyf2 GvLMHCWurEg+NyCB0N5+UonnC+0i9KialfIByLBuPCNQppds0mkjhbCmJqPtCxgLaJVYop2qddzsry9PFW 97tDEJcUilrQc7a5NTFWExc4a8LLpT+dtXNxEvZAg2VSsffawcZ894um6Gw55IBRmLHeyso0Y3zBWOGq5G 3KA31fFyk9OAfxgdwIkHA6jB9nSRzi/ea7HSRUHNRfp26Bc0/c4K/dDDA23NdTOT14AIuU+3d822EH9l/M cuVa1FAK1gzPwcOrL8lT3x9vrRJwUOCw0EamqgAzQNrE3tIbPsVuOhevtZhjm+NDzRZcxuk4Tu38Tojo5H 2xCucaEWdYxz0CKzCch/vH8FIpr0J9s1Jbl0Ac1m+frnuUZImePkSXdmvkX4SpD4hoCy0L1F4eVGMniFfj fCIhQyBwphCoqGKo1wP7WOQA/9fDZc7z0vka2u6Uz3Sy/ekJHZ0yI7OzP4nAzTq7bnBQR2KCXgLaUP2mq0 VjyFS9zPmsxloHU8fjs2kDP4jH2e+qXSAJwQ0112Y+9mEvdktSkAJq24c5HSO4F80p1Ae8YhpuAECKXqCC +P0YiksNToTGA== Threat Protection Policy Overview Threat Protection policies are divided into the following categories: • Threat Protection • Client Firewall • Web Protection When you set the Threat Protection policy to Selected, you can then set policies for these client options: • Actions to take when malicious activity is identified (Block, Report, Block and Report) Policies allow you to set the action to take when users attempt to modify or delete Threat Protection system files, registry keys, and processes. The default setting for these policies is Block and Report: Action on Malicious Activity for Files and Folders, Action on Malicious Activity for Registry, and Action on Malicious Activity for Processes. • Exclusion of specified processes from Threat Protection scans • Logging locations and debug/verbose logging of certain activities Activity logging is enabled by default. Debug logging is disabled by default. • Client update scheduling Client updates ensure that client computers are always protected from the latest threats through content files that include definitions of threats such as viruses and spyware, that are used to detect threats. The Client Update Schedule policy is selected (Enabled) by default. The Client Update Schedule Repeats policy, which determines the frequency of client updates, is set to Daily by default. The following policies represent the different types of scans included in Threat Protection: On-Access Protection – When a user accesses files, folders, and programs, the on-access scanner intercepts the operation and scans the item. Default: Selected (Enabled). On-Demand Protection - Full Scan – Based on a schedule set in policy, the on-demand scanner runs a thorough check of all areas of the computer. Default: Selected (Enabled). By default, every time Full Scan runs, it scans the following for threats: • Computer memory for installed rootkits, hidden processes, and other behavior that suggests malware is attempting to hide itself. This scan occurs before all other scans. • Memory of all running processes. • All drives on the computer and their subfolders. By default, the scanner scans all file types, regardless of extension. 247 Manage Policies On-Demand Protection - Quick Scan – Based on a schedule set in policy, the on-demand scanner runs a quick check of areas of the computer that are most susceptible to threats. Default: Selected (Enabled). By default, every time Quick Scan runs, it scans the following for threats: • Memory of all running processes. • Files that the Windows Registry references. • Contents of the Windows folder. • Contents of the Temp folder. By default, the scanner scans all file types, regardless of extension. Access Protection – Prevents other computers from making a connection and creating or altering autorun (autorun.inf) files from CDs. The rule prevents spyware and adware distributed on CDs from being executed and automatically blocks and reports such issues. Default: Selected (Enabled). Exploit Protection – Monitors for application vulnerabilities and keeps buffer overflow exploits from executing arbitrary code on the computer. Default: Selected (Enabled). Script Scan Protection – Enables scanning JavaScript and VBScript scripts to prevent unwanted scripts from executing. Default: Selected (Enabled). Configurable Actions - After Threat is Detected Actions taken if a threat, unwanted program, or exploit is detected are controlled by policy and include the following: Full-Scan Threat First Response - Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected. Default: Clean file. Full-Scan Threat First Response Fails - Specifies the action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected if the first action fails. Default: Delete file. Full-Scan Unwanted Program First Response - Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a potentially unwanted program is detected. Default: Clean file. Full-Scan Unwanted Program First Response Fails - Specifies the action for the scanner to take when an unwanted program is detected if the first action fails. Default: Delete file. Quick-Scan Threat First Response - Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected. Default: Clean file. Quick-Scan Threat First Response Fails - Specifies the action for the scanner to take when a threat is detected if the first action fails. Default: Delete file. Quick-Scan Exploit First Response - Specifies the first action for the scanner to take when a potential exploit is detected. Default: Clean file. Quick-Scan Exploit First Response Fails - Specifies the action for the scanner to take when an exploit is detected if the first action fails. Default: Delete file. Reputation Service Sensitivity policies When the Full-Scan Reputation Service Sensitivity or Quick-Scan Reputation Service Sensitivity policies are enabled, samples are submitted to the Reputation Service lab to determine if they are malware. The sensitivity level is used when determining if a detected sample is malware. The higher the sensitivity level, the higher the number of malware detections. However, allowing more detections might result in more false positive results. The following values can be set: 248 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Disable - Samples are not submitted to the Reputation Service lab. Very Low - A detection is made available to Threat Protection when the Reputation Service lab publishes it instead of waiting for the next file update. Average of 10-15 queries per day, per computer. Low - This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers with a strong security footprint. This setting results in an average of 10-15 queries per day, per computer. Medium - Use this level when the regular risk of exposure to malware is greater than the risk of a false positive. This setting is the minimum recommendation for laptops or desktops and servers. Average of 20-25 queries per day, per computer. High - Use this setting for deployment to systems or areas which are regularly infected. This setting results in an average of 20-25 queries per day, per computer. Very High - Dell recommends using this level only for scanning volumes and directories that do not support executing programs or operating systems. Detections found with this level are presumed malicious, but have not been fully tested to determine if they are false positives. Use this setting for on-demand scans on nonoperating system volumes. This setting results in an average of 20-25 queries per day, per computer. For more detail about Threat Protection policies, see Windows Threat Protection. Client Firewall Policies The Client Firewall is a stateful firewall that checks all incoming and outgoing traffic against its list of rules. If the traffic matches all criteria in a rule, the Client Firewall acts according to the rule, blocking or allowing traffic through the firewall. Configurable options and rules define how the Client Firewall works. When the master policy, Client Firewall, is set to On, you can select View/Edit in the Settings and Rules policy to view or configure an extensive set of Client Firewall options and rules. Client Firewall options Options include which subsets of traffic to block or allow and logging settings, as well as timeout parameters for TCP, UDP, and ICMP connections. Client Firewall rules Client firewall rules define specific handling of network traffic. Each rule provides a set of conditions that traffic must meet and an action to allow or block that traffic. When Client Firewall finds traffic that matches a rule’s conditions, it performs the associated action. Client Firewall uses precedence to apply rules and applies the rule at the top of the firewall rules list. 1. If the traffic meets the conditions of the rule at the top of the list, Client Firewall allows or blocks the traffic. It does not try to apply any other rules in the list. 2. If the traffic does not meet the first rule’s conditions, Client Firewall continues to the next rule in the list until it finds a rule that the traffic matches. 3. If no rule matches, the firewall automatically blocks the traffic. For a list of Client Firewall rules and their descriptions, see Client Firewall Settings and Rules. Web Protection Policies Web Protection monitors web browsing and downloads to identify threats and enforce action set by policy when a threat is detected, based on ratings for websites. When you set the master policy, Web Protection, to On, you can set other policies for Web Protection. The Reputation Service analyzes each website and assigns a color-coded safety rating based on test results. The color indicates the level of safety for the site: 249 Manage Policies Red – Malicious Yellow – Potentially malicious Green - Safe Through the following policies, you can assign actions to implement when a user accesses a website or attempts a download, based on website ratings: Rating Action for Red Sites - Specifies the action to apply to sites that are rated Red. Default: Block. Rating Action for Yellow Sites - Specifies the action to apply to sites that are rated Yellow. Default: Warn. Rating Action for Unrated Sites - Specifies the action to apply to sites that are Unrated. Default: Allow. Rating Action for Red Downloads - Specifies the action to apply to file downloads that are rated Red. Default: Block. Rating Action for Yellow Downloads - Specifies the action to apply to file downloads that are rated Yellow. Default: Warn. Rating Action for Unrated Downloads - Specifies the action to apply to file downloads that are Unrated. Default: Allow. Configurable actions for website access or download attempts include the following: Block – Prevents users from accessing the site or downloading a file from the site. A message is displayed. Allow – Permits users to access the site or proceed with the download. Warn – Displays a warning to notify users of potential dangers associated with the site or download file. Users must dismiss the warning before ending the web session or proceeding with the download. To exclude a private IP address or range of addresses from Web Protection content rating actions, specify the IP address or IP address range in the IP Exclusions for Web Protection policy. To block all phishing pages, without regard to policy values that control content rating actions, select the Enforcement - Block Phishing Pages for All Sites policy. Designate a Threat Protection Signature Update Server Both an HTTP and FTP signature update server are pre-configured with your Security Management Server installation. You can also, optionally, designate an internal signature update server or servers within your network. Designating a signature update server within your network allows client computers to obtain signature updates without accessing the Internet. Rather than individual clients contacting an external update server, they contact your internal update server, which maintains current signatures through contact with the external signature update server. To designate a signature update server, follow these steps: 1. As an administrator on the server that will be the internal update server, run the appropriate command: VSSETUP_86.EXE /SetRelayServerEnable=1 or VSSETUP_64.EXE /SetRelayServerEnable=1 2. Restart the internal update server. 3. In the Dell Server Remote Management Console, navigate to Populations > Enterprise and select Malware Protection on the Security Policies tab. 250 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 4. In Malware Protection advanced settings, click Source Sites for Updates. 5. Click Add. 6. Enter a Name for the internal update server. 7. To enable connections to the internal update server, select Enabled. To enable later, clear the Enabled check box. 8. In the Order field, set the sequence in which clients will contact the internal update server in relation to other update servers. Dell recommends that you set the Order for internal update servers to precede the Order for external update servers. 9. Select the type of repository or path to the update server: HTTP repository, FTP repository, UNC path, or Local path. 10. Enter the URL or path to the internal update server. 11. Complete the remaining fields in the form, and click OK. 12. Repeat these steps to designate additional internal update servers. To revert an internal update server to non-update server status, enter the appropriate command: VSSETUP_86.EXE /SetRelayServerEnable=0 or VSSETUP_64.EXE /SetRelayServerEnable=0 Data Guardian Data Guardian Data Guardian provides the following: • Data is encrypted on the device and if the data is moved. To decrypt and view the content, users must have Data Guardian installed on the client. Users can access protected files on Windows, Mac, mobile devices, and a web portal. • An audit trail of file activity allows you to monitor security. See Data Guardian and Audit Events. • Protection against data leakage for protected Office documents - policies allow you to control copy/paste or to add a watermark with the user's name, domain, and computer ID Data Guardian basic policies are available for these populations: • Cloud Encryption - Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, and Endpoints • Protected Office Documents - Enterprise (master switch) • Mobile Client - Enterprise, Domain, User Groups, and User • Web Portal - Enterprise, Domain, User Groups, and User • Node level policies are only available at the Enterprise level and require a node restart. • Lock Account is only available at the User level. Determine which Data Guardian policy groups you want to enable for Windows and Mac: 251 Manage Policies Data Guardian Policy Groups Windows Cloud Encryption is On Office and non-Office documents are Office and non-Office documents are protected as .xen files based on policies set. protected as .xen files based on policies set. Protected Office Documents is Off Cloud Encryption is Off Protected Office Documents is On Mac A DDG VDisk virtual drive displays in the client's Windows Explorer. Office documents are protected based on policies. For more information, see Set Security Policies to Protect Office Documents N/A in Windows. No DDG VDisk virtual drive is created. NonOffice documents are not impacted. Both are On Non-Office documents are protected as .xen Non-Office documents are protected as .xen files if in the DDG VDisk virtual drive. files. A DDG VDisk virtual drive displays in the client's Windows Explorer. Office documents are protected based on Protected Office policies. Office documents have different levels of security based on policy. If protected, the Office document retains its extension in the cloud but unauthorized users cannot access it. For more information, see Set Security Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mac. Additional policies impact Office documents. For more information, see Set Security Policies to Protect Office Documents in Windows. Neither is On Files are not protected. If opened, content displays in cleartext. Files are not protected. If opened, content displays in cleartext. The Dell Server automatically updates profiles of cloud storage providers. For more information, see Cloud Profile Update. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Cloud Encryption This technology allows for files to be automatically encrypted prior to being uploaded to supported public clouds; this maintains ownership/control of all data encryption keys. The supported public cloud providers are Dropbox, Dropbox for Business, Box, SkyDrive, OneDrive for Business, and Google Drive. Cloud Encryption Off (Windows and Mac) Enable Access to Restricted File Toggle On to enable Cloud Encryption policies. If this policy is Off, no Cloud protection takes place, regardless of other policies. Not Selected (Windows and Mac) Selected Not Selected Applies only to Google Drive. Selected disables any Google Drivecreated shortcuts to the web that Data Guardian cannot encrypt. (Windows) Enable In-App Feedback (Cloud) On Off Not Selected Selected Not Selected When selected, an end user can submit feedback and satisfaction ratings to Dell via a link within the client application to a web form. 252 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Cloud Storage Protection Providers (Windows and Mac) String Protect,Dropbox_V1 Protect,Box.net_V1 Protect,Chrome_V1* Protect,Firefox_V1* Protect,IE_V1* Protect,SkyDrive_V1 Allow,BoxInstaller_V1 Allow,SkyDriveInstaller_V1 Protect,Flash_V1* Protect,Java_V1* Allow,TrendMicroProxy_V1 Allow,DropboxInstaller_V1 Protect,OneDrive_For_Business_V1 String Profiles that Allow, Block, Protect, or Bypass these providers/connections. Protect: Allow the provider/connection, encrypt the files, and send audit events about file/folder activity. Block: Block all access to the provider/connection. Allow: Allow the provider/connection to pass through without encrypting, but audit file/folder activity. Bypass: Bypass the protection of the provider/connection without encrypting or auditing. When this value is set, the cloud storage provider folder does not display in the DDG VDisk virtual drive on the client computer. The format is: ProtectionLevel,ProfileName. ProtectionLevel options: Allow, Protect, Block, Bypass The Dell Server automatically checks for updated profiles of Cloud storage providers supported with Data Guardian. When available, updated profiles are sent to Data Guardian clients after the administrator commits policy changes. When the Pending Policy Changes value in the Remote Management Console is automatically incremented although an administrator has not modified policy values, at least one updated profile is available. Protect,Google_Drive_V1 The polling interval for Cloud storage provider profile updates is daily Allow,OneDriveForBusinessInstaller_V1 at 12:30 a.m. Allow,GoogleDriveInstaller_V1 *For these profiles, ProtectionLevel settings must match. Dropbox Encrypt Personal Folders Selected (Windows) Dropbox Encrypt Personal Folders Message (Windows) Help File Visible Selected Not Selected Selected encrypts personal cloud storage provider folders. String String You have added files to your Dropbox Message to display when Dropbox Encrypt Personal Folders is set to (Personal) folder. Do not add business Not Selected. This message is customizable by the Administrator. files to your Dropbox (Personal) folder. The names of all files that you add to your Dropbox (Personal) folder are being logged and sent back to the Dell Server. Selected (Windows) Selected Not Selected Selected allows the registration help file to be visible in the provider folder. More... Not Selected hides the help file, therefore, potential file sharers will not be redirected to the registration URL located at https:// 3fdc391ef0e200af3e4c206e785e1de0 246 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.101E-05 509 Xj..CQ== rT..A== . .com:8443/cloudweb/register. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Protected Office Documents This technology allows for Office documents (Excel, PowerPoint, and Word) to be encrypted at the file level. Encryption travels with the file wherever it goes, inside or outside the network. Protected Office Documents (Windows and Mac) Note: Enabled only at the Enterprise level. 253 Off On Off Toggle On to provide users with a menu option for protecting Office documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .docm, .xlsm, .pptm, and .pdf). On also allows you to enable other Protected Office policies. If this policy is Off, no Office-protected formatting takes place, regardless Manage Policies of other policies. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Mobile Client This technology allows mobile phones and tablets access to encrypted content on supported public clouds, including Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive, and OneDrive for Business. Data Guardian Off Off Cloud Protection Office Protected Documents Both Select one option or Both to use Data Guardian with mobile clients. If this policy is Off, Data Guardian is not enabled for mobile clients, regardless of other policies. Dropbox Allow and Audit Allow and Audit Allow and Protect Disallow Sets the status for Dropbox usage and protection. Box Allow and Audit Allow and Audit Allow and Protect Disallow Sets the status for Box usage and protection. Google Drive Allow and Audit Allow and Audit Allow and Protect Disallow Sets the status for Google Drive usage and protection. OneDrive Allow and Audit Allow and Audit Allow and Protect Disallow Sets the status for OneDrive usage and protection. OneDrive for Business Allow and Audit Allow and Audit Allow and Protect Disallow Sets the status for OneDrive for Business usage and protection. Apply Encryption to Root Data-Store Location Selected Selected Not Selected Selected encrypts personal cloud storage provider folders. Geo-Fencing Enable Geo-Fencing Not Selected Selected Not Selected Selected allows only users in the region selected in the Geo-Fencing Location policy to access files. Geo-Fencing Location US and Canada US Canada US and Canada Sets the location in which users can access files. The Enable Geo-Fencing policy must be Selected. See advanced settings 254 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Policy Default Setting Description Web Portal This technology allows for files to be automatically encrypted prior to being uploaded to supported public clouds using a web-based client; this maintains ownership/control of all data encryption keys. The supported public cloud providers are Dropbox, Dropbox for Business, Box, SkyDrive, OneDrive for Business, and Google Drive. Edit Permission Selected Selected Not Selected Selected allows users to edit files within the web client. External User Edit Permission Not Selected Selected Not Selected Selected allows external users to edit files within the web client. Main Title Image Choose File button (Enterprise only) Image or logo to display on the login page. Note: The image must be a .jpg of square dimensions with a maximum file size of 25 KB. If the image height and width dimensions are not equal, the displayed image is stretched. Masthead Choose File button (Enterprise only) Access Agreement String (Enterprise only) Image to display as the masthead on the login page. The image must be a .png file, 26x26 pixels. Agreement text to be displayed for users to accept before they are allowed to log in. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Settings This technology enables/disables Data Guardian Mac and Data Guardian Mobile access. Allow Mac Data Guardian Activation Not Selected Selected Not Selected Not Selected prevents Mac Data Guardian clients from being activated. Allow Mobile Data Guardian Activation Selected Selected Not Selected Not Selected prevents Mobile iOS or Android Data Guardian clients from being activated. Advanced Data Guardian Advanced Data Guardian policies are available for these populations: 255 • Cloud Encryption - Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, and Endpoints • Protected Office Documents - Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, and Endpoints (The Protected Office Documents master policy, Enable Callback Beacon, and Callback Beacon URL policies are available at the Enterprise level only.) • Mobile Client - Enterprise, Domain, User Groups, and User • Web Portal: Manage Policies • Node level policies are only available at the Enterprise level and require a node restart. • Lock Account is only available at the User level. See Data Guardian policy groups to determine which policies to enable. The Dell Server automatically updates profiles of cloud storage providers. For more information, see Cloud Profile Update. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Cloud Encryption This technology allows for files to be automatically encrypted prior to being uploaded to supported public clouds; this maintains ownership/control of all data encryption keys. The supported public cloud providers are Dropbox, Dropbox for Business, Box, SkyDrive, OneDrive for Business, and Google Drive. Cloud Encryption On (Windows and Mac) Toggle On to enable Cloud Encryption policies. If this policy is Off, no Cloud Encryption protection takes place, regardless of other policies. iOS Document Handling Disallow (Windows) Allow Disallow Use this policy to allow or disallow iOS clients to open documents with external applications. Help File Name 1. How to access secure files.html (Windows) String Name of the registration help file. The file name format is helpfilename.html. Help File Contents (Windows) On Off HTML HTML for the registration help file. HTML validation is not performed. The files in this folder have been secured using Data Guardian. To view files in this PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" folder you need to register with the owner " of the files. %PRODUCTNAME% and %ACTIVATIONURL% The html can be modified to suit your environment. How to Access Secure Files %PRODUCTNAME%
Excluded Folders (Windows) String %windir% %SystemDrive%\$recycle.bin %ProgramFiles% %SystemDrive%\users\*\appdata %ProgramFiles(x86)% String Folders excluded from encryption, separated by carriage returns. A "!" before the variable means to exclude exactly that directory. Folders without the "!" are partial matches, so everything that starts with the path will be excluded. %ProgramData%\WebEx Excluded Files (Windows) String String C3901A99-1A1B-55B4-AE11-891207B1D341.xen Files excluded from encryption, separated by carriage returns. desktop.ini thumbs.db creddb.cef ~$* .~* ~*.tmp .DDPCE.attr *.lnk Server Polling Interval 360 minutes 1-1440 minutes (Windows and Mac) How often, in minutes, the client checks in with the Dell Server for updates. Default is 360 minutes (6 hours). Software Update Server URL String (Windows) Use this policy if software updates for users will be located at an alternate Server URL. Obfuscate Filenames Extension only (Windows and Mac) Extension only Guid Select Extension only to display the actual filename with the ".xen" extension. Select Guid to display a scrambled filename with the ".xen" extension. When this policy is changed, Cloud Encryption maintains the previous option for any existing folders. Any new folders created will have the new policy applied. To use the new policy with the old files, cut and paste files to a new folder. Folder Management Enabled (Windows) Not Selected Selected Not Selected Selected allows management of encryption on a folder-by-folder basis within the sync client folders. For example, if users uploaded files before installing Data Guardian, you can provide temporary Folder Management rights to some users. To provide temporary Folder Management rights to a user: 257 1. Set this policy for the specific endpoint to Selected. 2. Instruct the user to manually turn on encryption for the pre- Manage Policies existing folder. The files will be encrypted when the files sync to the cloud. 3. After the folders are encrypted, set the Folder Management Enabled policy for the endpoint back to Not Selected. See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Protected Office Documents This technology allows for Office documents (Excel, PowerPoint, and Word) to be encrypted at the file level. Encryption travels with the file wherever it goes, inside or outside the network. Protected Office Documents Off (Basic - Windows and Mac) Toggle On to provide users with a menu option for protecting Office documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .docm, .xlsm, .pptm, and .pdf). On also allows you to enable other Protected Office policies. If this policy is Off, no Office-protected formatting takes place, regardless of other policies. Note: Enabled only at the Enterprise level. Force Protected Files Only On Off Not Selected (Windows) Selected Not Selected Selected forces users to save Office files as protected documents. It also enables a sweep on the clients' internal fixed drives to locate new Office files and change them to Protected mode. It disables the Share option (Office 2013 and 2016) and Save & Send option (Office 2010). If Not Selected, users have some options in determining whether to save a file as protected or unprotected. Enable Time To Live and Embargo Control Not Selected (Windows) On Screen Watermark Selected Not Selected Selected allows users to specify dates for when protected Office files are accessible to external users. Not Selected Selected Not Selected Selected displays a watermark on the client computer screen when any protected Office file is open. Print Control (Windows and Mac) Allowed Allowed Watermark Disabled Controls the Print function of protected Office documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .docm, .xlsm, .pptm, and .pdf): • Allowed - Print option is enabled for protected Office documents. • Watermark - Print option is enabled for protected Office documents but a watermark with the user's name, domain name, and computer ID displays on each page. Unprotected documents 258 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 print without the watermark. • Disabled - Print option is enabled. However, if the user clicks Print for a protected Office document or when a protected Office document is open in Acrobat Reader DC, a toaster states that Print is not allowed. In addition, the attempt to print is an audit event. Note: Users can print unprotected Office documents. Note: If Force Protected Files Only is Not Selected, the Print option is available for all unprotected Office documents. Export Control Allowed (Windows) Allowed Watermark Disabled For Office 2013 and higher, controls the Export function of protected Office documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .docm, .xlsm, .pptm, and .pdf): • Allowed - This varies based on whether Force Protected Files Only is Selected. For detailed information, see Set Security Policies to Protect Office Documents. • Watermark - Export is disabled. See Protected Export. • Disabled - Export is disabled for protected Office documents. Users can export unprotected Office documents. Note: For Office 2010, see Save and Send. Protected Office Clip Board Unauthorized Text (Windows) Pasting of protected data is not allowed on this String to display when a user attempts to computer. Please contact your administrator for paste secure data from a protected assistance. document into an unprotected location. Protected Office Document Tamper Prompt The file has been tampered with. Contact the author or your administrator. (Windows) Offline Key Generation Escrow Reminder Delay 3 days (Windows) Protected Office Documents Cover Page Notice 1-14 days. 3 days default. Specifies the number of days the client will wait while not being able to escrow key material prior to warning the end user. (Windows) Offline Key Generation Escrow Reminder Text String to display if a user encounters an Office-protected document that is identified as having been tampered with. Data Guardian has not been able to contact the Dell Server for several days. Please ensure that String to display when the end user is you are connected to the network. If you are warned that the client cannot escrow key connected to the network, contact your material. Administrator. String (Windows and Mac) Enterprise-defined text to be displayed on Office-protected cover pages. Maximum number of character is 4096. See Set Cover Page Policies. Note: If line breaks are entered as part of the text, they are automatically converted to spaces to ensure the text displays correctly in all Office applications. Protected Office Documents Cover Page Corporate Logo 259 Browse button and Save Logo File button Image to be displayed on the document cover page. See Set Cover Page Policies. Manage Policies (Windows and Mac) Note: The logo image must be a .jpg of square dimensions with a maximum file size of 25 KB. If the image height and width dimensions are not equal, the displayed image is stretched. Protected Office Documents Cover Page Dell Server URL String (Windows and Mac) Enable Callback Beacon Not Selected Dell Server URL that will be displayed on the cover page. Selected inserts a callback beacon into every protected Office file. To use the callback beacon, the following requirements must be met: Callback Beacon URL String • The beacon server must be installed as part of Front End Server/Proxy Mode installation. Port 8446 must be open. For more information, see the Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide or Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide. • An administrator must have enrolled to receive Product Notifications. • The Callback Beacon URL policy is set. Specifies the URL to be used when the callback beacon is inserted into Officeprotected files. The URL, for example, must be externally available, hosted on an HTTP server that is installed as part of Front End Server/Proxy Mode installation. Port 8446 must be open. For more information, see the Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide or Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide. The Enable callback beacon policy must be Selected. Hidden Audit Trail within Protected Office Document (Windows and Mac) Selected Enables a hidden watermark audit trail within a Protected Office Document. See also for Mobile and Web Client. For information on decrypting protected documents to view audit data, see the Data Guardian in the Recovery Guide. See also web_client and Mobile. Selected Not Selected On Screen Watermark Not Selected Selected displays a watermark on the mobile client screen when any protected Office file is open. See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Mobile Client This technology allows mobile phones and tablets access to encrypted content on supported public clouds, 260 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 including Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive, and OneDrive for Business. Enable Callback Beacon Not Selected Selected inserts a callback beacon into every protected Office file. To use the callback beacon, the following requirements must be met: Callback Beacon URL String • The beacon server must be installed as part of Front End Server/Proxy Mode installation. Port 8446 must be open. For more information, see the Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide or Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide. • An administrator must have enrolled to receive Product Notifications. • The Callback Beacon URL policy is set. Specifies the URL to be used when the callback beacon is inserted into Officeprotected files. The URL, for example, must be externally available, hosted on an HTTP server that is installed as part of Front End Server/Proxy Mode installation. Port 8446 must be open. For more information, see the Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide or Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide. The Enable callback beacon policy must be Selected. Hidden Audit Trail within Protected Office Document Selected Enables a hidden watermark audit trail within a Protected Office Document. For information on decrypting protected documents to view audit data, see the Data Guardian in the Recovery Guide. See also Windows_and_Mac and web_client. Selected Not Selected On Screen Watermark Not Selected Selected displays a watermark on the mobile client screen when any protected Office file is open. 1-1440 minutes Server Polling Interval 360 minutes How often, in minutes, the client checks in with the Data Guardian for updates. Default is 360 minutes (6 hours). Workspace Access 4 or 6 Application pass code (PIN) 4 Required number of characters for Workspace PIN. 4 - 16 Set maximum failed login attempts 8 Set action on maximum failed login attempts Timeout for 1 minute 261 Define the number of PIN login failures. Then set the policy for action to take on the Workspace after the failed attempts. Timeout for 1 minute Timeout for 5 minutes Manage Policies Lock Workspace Wipe Workspace Data The action to take after the maximum failed login attempts are reached. 2, 5, 20, 30, or 60 minutes Set inactivity lock duration 5 Set copy/paste capabilities Not Selected Allow Non-Genuine device OS Not Selected Configure the amount of inactivity time that can elapse before the end user must re-enter a PIN. Selected Not Selected Selected allows users to copy and paste outside of the workspace. Selected Not Selected Selected allows a jailbroken iOS device or a rooted Android device. Cover Page Protected Office Documents Cover Page Acceptance Text String Enterprise-defined text to be displayed on Office-protected cover pages. See Set Cover Page Policies. Image to be displayed on the document cover page. See Set Cover Page Policies. Protected Office Documents Cover Page Corporate Logo Browse button and Save Logo File button Protected Office Documents Cover Page Dell Server URL String The file being opened appears to have been tampered with and can no longer be validated. Protected Office Document Tamper Prompt Please contact the original author or your administrator. Note: The logo image must be a .jpg of square dimensions with a maximum file size of 25 KB. If the image height and width dimensions are not equal, the displayed image is stretched. Dell Server URL that will be displayed on the cover page. Text to be displayed if a user encounters an Office Protected Document that has been determined was tampered with. Web Browser Set a default homepage Homepage default for the Workspace browser. Pre-configure bookmarks. Pre-configure bookmarks See basic settings Policy Default Setting Description Web Portal This technology allows for files to be automatically encrypted prior to being uploaded to supported public clouds using a web-based client; this maintains ownership/control of all data encryption keys. The supported public cloud providers are Dropbox, Dropbox for Business, Box, SkyDrive, OneDrive for Business, and Google Drive. Lock account (displays only on a User Detail page) Protected Office Documents Cover Page EULA Not Selected String Selected Not Selected Selected prevents the user from logging in to the web client. Text to be displayed on Protected Office Documents Cover Page. The text in this policy is translatable. 262 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Corporate logo to display on the document cover page. Protected Office Documents Cover Page Corporate Logo Choose File button Protected Office Documents Cover Page Dell Server URL String Note: The image must be a .jpg of square dimensions with a maximum file size of 25 KB. If the image height and width dimensions are not equal, the displayed image is stretched. Dell Server URL that will be displayed on the Cover Page. Selected inserts a callback beacon into every protected Office file. To use the callback beacon, the following requirements must be met: Enable Callback Beacon • The beacon server must be installed as part of Front End Server/Proxy Mode installation. Port 8446 must be open. For more information, see the Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide or Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide. • An administrator must have enrolled to receive Product Notifications. • The Callback Beacon URL policy is set. Not Selected Specifies the URL to be used when the callback beacon is inserted into Officeprotected files. Callback Beacon URL String The URL, for example, must be externally available, hosted on an HTTP server that is installed as part of Front End Server/Proxy Mode installation. Port 8446 must be open. For more information, see the Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide or Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide. The Enable callback beacon policy must be Selected. Hidden Audit Trail within POD Selected Enables a hidden watermark audit trail within a Protected Office Document. For information on decrypting protected documents to view audit data, see the Data Guardian in the Recovery Guide. See also Windows_and_Mac and Mobile. Selected Not Selected On Screen Watermark Not Selected Selected displays a watermark on the mobile client screen when any protected Office file is open. See basic settings Set Cover Page Policies You can set policies to customize a cover page for protected Office documents. • 263 Internal users - The cover page displays for the following: Manage Policies • • Protected Office Documents policies have been enabled but the user has not yet installed or activated the Data Guardian. • User opens a protected Office document from the cloud. • User downloads a protected Office document to a device that does not have Data Guardian installed. Unauthorized users - The cover page displays, and the person cannot access the content. To customize the cover page for protected Office documents, you can use these Advanced Data Guardian policies: • Protected Office Documents Cover Page Notice • Protected Office Documents Cover Page Corporate Logo • Protected Office Documents Cover Page Dell Server URL Cloud Profile Update The Security Management Server can automatically check for updated profiles of cloud storage providers supported with Data Guardian. To configure Dell Server to automatically check for updated profiles, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to
The files in this folder have been secured using %PRODUCTNAME%.
To view the files in the folder, you need to register with the owner of the files.
Click Here To Register\conf\ and open the file. 2. Locate cloud.profile.updater.enabled and set the value to true. When update is enabled and updated profiles are available, the profiles are sent to Data Guardian clients after the administrator commits policy changes. When the Pending Policy Changes value in the Remote Management Console is automatically incremented although an administrator has not modified policy values, at least one updated profile is available. The polling interval for cloud storage provider profile updates is daily at 12:30 a.m. Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Windows For enhanced security on Office documents (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, or .pdf), you can implement Data Guardian's Protected Office mode for internal users. You can open a protected .pdf file with: • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC • Microsoft Word - from a local drive or from the network Note: You cannot map a network drive to a local drive to open a .pdf. If an unauthorized user tries to access a protected file, the file remains encrypted, for example when the file is: • Attached in an email • Moved in a browser - if the user selects Move in a cloud sync client • Moved in File Explorer • Stored on removable media 264 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Set Policies for Protected Office Documents To set Protected-mode policies on Office documents for internal users: 1. Log in to the Remote Management Console. 2. In Populations > Enterprise, under the Data Guardian technology group, click the Protected Office Documents policy group. 3. Determine the level of security for Office documents: • Opt-in mode (allows users the option to choose which Office documents to protect): Toggle the Protected Office Documents policy to On. • Force-Protected mode (ensures protection of all Office documents): • At the Enterprise level, toggle the Protected Office Documents policy to On. • At the Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, or Endpoints level, click Show advanced settings and select the Force Protected Files Only check box. Note: For Endpoint Groups or Endpoints, click an option to access the Detail page’s Security Policies tab. 4. Set additional Protected Office Documents policies based on security requirements for Office documents, for example, Print, Export, and Embargo. 5. To view protected Office documents in mobile devices, see Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mobile Devices. Determine Impact on Windows Users for Opt-in or Force Protected Modes When you set Protected Office Documents policies and the client is activated, the File menu for Office documents displays additional options and enables/disables some options. Dell recommends that you test policy updates on a test group of endpoints before applying them on a large scale. This table provides an overview of the security impact on the Office File menu options for internal users based on which policies you activate: • Protected Office Documents (Opt-in mode - user has the option to choose which Office documents to protect. Both Save As and Protected Save As are enabled). • Protected Office Documents and Force Protected files only (Force-Protected mode - higher security) - The Force Protected policy enables a sweep on the clients' internal fixed drives to locate unprotected Office files and change them to Protected mode. It disables Save As, the Share option (Office 2013 and 2016), and Save & Send option (Office 2010). It enables Protected Save As. For Data Guardian to sweep the Office documents, the user must log in and be connected to the network. The sweep acquires keys from the server for ten unprotected Office files at a time. If fewer than ten unprotected Office files require keys, the sweep waits 30 seconds for more files but then requests the keys. Note: Sweep ignores network file share, optical, and removable drives. Note: On the DDG VDisk virtual drive, if the user right-clicks to create an Office document, it is saved as a .xen file. The user must manually access the File menu option and save the document as Protected. The Office document retains its file extension, such as .docx or .pdf, in the cloud but is encrypted. Note: For Office-protected documents, users cannot run macros in macro-enabled documents. 265 Manage Policies Policies for Force-Protected mode: File menu option for Policy for Opt-in mode: Office Protected Office Documents documents Open Save Save As Protected Save As Protected Office Documents Force Protected files only Protected Office documents Unprotected Office documents All Office documents Files open as usual. Files open as usual. Unprotected documents open in readonly mode. See Save and Protected Save As. User clicks Save: the file is protected. User clicks Save: the file is saved but not in protected mode. User clicks Save: the file is protected. Enabled for user - saves as unprotected Enabled for user- saves as unprotected Disabled for user - the only option is Protected Save As. Enabled for user Enabled for user Enabled for user If the file is in read-only mode, the Save As window opens. The only option Save as type field - If this is the in the Save as type field is Protected first time to save the file, the (Documents, Presentation, or Save As window opens and this Workbook). field has the standard list of User opens and saves a .xen file - the options. User opens and saves a .xen file only option in the Save as type field is the only option in the Save as type Protected. The .xen file is removed field is Protected. The .xen file is from the cloud. removed from the cloud. If the file is in read-only mode, the Save As window opens. The only option in the Save as type field is Protected (Documents, Presentation, or Workbook). Save as type field - the only option Save as type field - the only Save as type field - the only option is Protected (Documents, option is Protected (Documents, is Protected (Documents, Presentation, or Workbook). Presentation, or Workbook). Presentation, or Workbook). This table provides an overview of additional Protected Office policy settings and what displays in the Office File menu. File menu Policy enabled (some protection options for user): option for Protected Office Documents Office documents Print (Office 2013 and higher) Protected Office Documents Force Protected files only Protected Office documents Unprotected Office documents With Force Protected enabled, the user is forced to save any Office document as Protected. Enabled for user Enabled for user Enabled for user For Office-protected documents, the Print_Control policy determines how this function behaves. Export Policies enabled (higher security): Office 2013/2016 and Export Control policy: • Allowed: Enabled for user • Watermark: Export is disabled. See Protected Export. • Disabled: Disabled for user For Office-protected documents, the Print_Control policy determines how this function behaves. Enabled for user Office 2013/2016 and Export Control policy: • Allowed: Export option is enabled for user. However, with Force Protected enabled and a higher level of security, Dell recommends setting this policy to Watermark or Disabled. With Allowed, users can save as another file type, which could leave a document unprotected. 266 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 • Watermark: Export is disabled. See Protected Export. • Disabled: Disabled for user Protected Office 2013/2016 and Export N/A Export Control policy: (Office 2013 • Watermark: The user and higher) can export only to a This option PDF, but a watermark displays in with their name, the File domain name, and menu only if computer ID displays on the Export each page. Control Note: Export is disabled policy is set for user. to Watermark. Office 2013/2016 and Export Control policy: Save and Enabled for user Send (Office 2010) Disabled for user Enabled for user (Office 2013 and higher ) Disabled for protected Office documents Watermark: The user can export only to a PDF, but a watermark with their name, domain name, and computer ID displays on each page. Note: Export is disabled for the user. Note: To export to a PDF, the user can use the Print menu (if Print Control policy is set to Allowed) to print to a PDF. (Instead of Export) Share • Enabled for user Disabled for user Enabled for unprotected documents This table provides an overview of Protected Office policy settings and other menu options. File menu option for Policy enabled (some protection options for user): Office Protected Office Documents documents Copy/Paste (Office Protected Clip Board policy) Policies enabled (higher security): Protected Office Documents Force Protected files only With Force Protected enabled, the user is forced to save any Office document as Protected. Protected Office documents Unprotected Office documents Copy/Paste only to a protected Office document or protected .pdf. However, no unprotected PDFs can be open in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Copy/Paste unprotected content Copy/Paste only to a protected Office as usual. document or protected .pdf. However, no unprotected PDFs can be open in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Enable Both Cloud Encryption and Protected Office Documents If you enable both policy groups, Protected Office documents differ from non-Office documents in some areas: • If the Cloud Storage Protection Providers policy is set to Allow and does not encrypt non-Office files, protected Office documents still maintain any protection status. • If the Excluded Folders policy excludes a particular folder from encryption, protected Office documents still maintain any protection status if copied to those folders. Return to Data Guardian. Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mac 267 Manage Policies For enhanced security on Office documents (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, or .pdf), you can implement Data Guardian's Protected Office mode. Protected Office documents are uploaded to the cloud, not as .xen files, but with their file extensions (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, or .pdf). However, the Office documents are encrypted. If opened or downloaded to a device that does not have Data Guardian installed, only a cover page displays with instructions on how to obtain validated access. An authorized user can obtain installation or activation information from the enterprise. An unauthorized user cannot access the protected data. Note: The cloud storage provider is optional. Protected Office documents and .xen files can be opened from local storage. Set Protected Office Document Policies To set Protected-mode policies on Office documents for internal users: 1. Log in to the Remote Management Console. 2. In Populations > Enterprise, under the Data Guardian technology group, click the Protected Office Documents policy group. 3. Toggle the Protected Office Documents policy to On. 5. Note: The Force Protected files only policy is not available for Mac. 4. At the Enterprise level, under Data Guardian, click Settings. 5. 6. Ensure the Allow Mac Data Guardian Activation check box is selected. Set additional Protected Office policies at the Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, or Endpoints levels. Note: For Endpoint Groups or Endpoints, click an option to access the Detail page’s Security Policies tab. 7. To view protected Office documents in mobile devices, see Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mobile Devices. Return to Data Guardian. Set Policies to Protect Office Documents in Mobile Devices For enhanced security on Office documents (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, or .pdf), you can implement Data Guardian's Protected Office mode. Protected Office documents are uploaded to the cloud, not as .xen files, but with their file extensions (for example, .docx or .pdf). However, the Office documents are encrypted. Set Protected Office Document Policies To set Protected-mode policies on Office documents: 1. Log in to the Remote Management Console. 2. In Populations > Enterprise, under the Data Guardian technology group, click the Protected Office Documents policy group. 3. Toggle the Protected Office Documents policy to On. 5. Note: The Force Protected files only policy is not available for mobile. 4. At the Enterprise level, under Data Guardian, click Settings. 5. 6. Ensure the Allow Mobile Data Guardian Activation check box is selected. Set additional Protected Office policies at the Enterprise, Domains, User Groups, or Users levels. 268 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Note: For Domains, User Groups, or Users, click an option to access the Detail page’s Security Policies tab. Set Policies to Protect Office Documents on the web client For enhanced security on Office documents (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, or .pdf), you can implement Data Guardian's Protected Office mode for internal users. Note: You can open a protected .pdf file with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or Microsoft Word. Set Protected Office Document Policies To set Protected-mode policies on Office documents: 1. Log in to the Remote Management Console. 2. In Populations > Enterprise, under the Data Guardian technology group, click the Protected Office Documents policy group. 3. Toggle the Protected Office Documents policy to On. 4. In the Web_Portal policy group or Global Settings, set additional policies at the Enterprise, Domains, User Groups, or Users levels. Some polices are set at the Enterprise (node level) only. Note: For Domains, User Groups, or Users, click an option to access the Detail page’s Security Policies tab. Removable Media Encryption Removable Media Encryption A note about Removable Storage policies: Encryption External Media for Mac policies are device-based policies. This is different behavior than Encryption External Media for Windows, which are user-based. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Windows Media Encryption This technology works on Windows computers using Dell Encryption External Media to encrypt data on removable devices, which can be accessed using a user-defined password. These policies allow configuration of the Encryption External Media password requirements and the removable media allowed. Windows Media Encryption Off This policy must be selected to use all other Removable Storage policies. Not Selected means that no encryption of removable storage takes place, regardless of other policy values. Selected forces a scan of removable storage every time it is inserted. EMS Scan External Media Not Selected When this policy is Not Selected and the Windows Media Encryption policy is Selected, only new and changed files are encrypted. More... A scan occurs at every insertion so that any files added to the removable storage without authenticating can be caught. Files can be 269 Manage Policies added to the removable storage if authentication is declined, but encrypted data cannot be accessed. The files added will not be encrypted in this case, so the next time removable media is authenticated (to work with encrypted data), any files that may have been added are scanned and encrypted. Block, Read Only, Full Access Note that this policy interacts with the Port Control System - Storage Class: External Drive Control policy. If you intend to set this policy to Full Access, ensure that Storage Class: External Drive Control is not set to Read Only or Blocked. More... When this policy is set to Block Access, you have no access to removable storage unless it is encrypted. EMS Access to unShielded Media Read Only Choosing either Read-Only or Full Access allows you to decide what removable storage to encrypt. If you choose not to encrypt removable storage and this policy is set to Full Access, you have full read/write access to removable storage. If you choose not to encrypt removable storage and this policy is set to Read-Only, you can read or delete existing files on the unencrypted removable storage, but files cannot be edited on, or added to, the removable storage. Block access to any external media that is less than 55 MB and thus has insufficient storage capacity to host external media encryption (such as a 1.44MB floppy disk). More... Selected EMS Block Access to UnShieldable Media All access is blocked if Windows Media Encryption and this policy are both Selected. If Windows Media Encryption is Selected, but this policy is Not Selected, data can be read from the unencryptable external media, but write access to the media is blocked. If Windows Media Encryption is Off, then this policy has no effect and access to unencryptable external media is not impacted. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Mac Media Encryption This technology works on Mac computers using Dell Encryption External Media to encrypt data on removable devices, which can be accessed using a user-defined password. These policies allow configuration of the Encryption External Media password requirements and the removable media allowed. Mac Media Encryption Off Toggle On to enable Mac Removable Media Encryption policies. If this policy is toggled to OFF, no Mac Removable Media Encryption takes place, regardless of other policies. HFS Plus is supported and must be enabled. For instructions to enable HFS Plus, see the Encryption Enterprise for Mac Administrator 270 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Guide. Media containing Time Machine backups are not supported. However, media recognized by computers as Time Machine backup destinations are automatically whitelisted, to allow backups to continue. All other removable media with Time Machine backups are handled based on EMS Access to unShielded Media and EMS Block Access to UnShieldable Media policies. Selected allows Encryption External Media to scan removable storage every time removable storage is inserted. When this policy is Not Selected and the Windows Media Encryption policy is Selected, Encryption External Media only encrypts new and changed files. More... EMS Scan External Media Not Selected A scan occurs at every insertion so that Encryption External Media can catch any files added to the removable storage without authenticating. You can add files to the removable storage if you decline to authenticate, but you cannot access encrypted data. The files added will not be encrypted in this case, so the next time you authenticate to the removable media to work with encrypted data, Encryption External Media scans it and encrypts any files that may have been added without encryption. Block, Read Only, Full Access When this policy is set to Block Access, you have no access to removable storage unless it is encrypted. Choosing either Read-Only or Full Access allows you to decide what removable storage to encrypt. EMS Access to unShielded Media Read Only If you choose not to encrypt removable storage and this policy is set to Full Access, you have full read/write access to removable storage. If you choose not to encrypt removable storage and this policy is set to Read-Only, you cannot read or delete existing files on the unencrypted removable storage, but the Encryption client will not allow any files to be edited on, or added to, the removable storage unless it is encrypted. Block access to any removable storage that is less than 55 MB and thus has insufficient storage capacity to host a Removable Media Encryption client (such as a 1.44MB floppy disk). EMS Block Access to UnShieldable Media Selected All access is blocked if Encrypt External Media and this policy are both True. If Encrypt External Media is True, but this policy is False, data can be read from the unencryptable removable storage, but write access to the media is blocked. If Encrypt External Media is False, then this policy has no effect and access to unencryptableremovable storage is not impacted. 271 Manage Policies See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Media Encryption Settings This technology allows definition of what media encryption events to retain in logs. "security", "fail", "30" "security", "success", "30" "application", "error", "30" "application", "warn", "15" "application", "info", "5" "application", "debug", "5" Defines the amount of time (in days) that Encryption External Media, HCA, and PCS event types are maintained in the Server event log. Each event type is defined by category and level. You may set different retention times for each event level in each category. Event Retention The "Security" category represents events related to user authentication, authorization, or encryption. This includes events for Dell-encrypting devices, updating security policies, or failed authentication attempts. "Security" events are further differentiated by a "fail" or "success" indicating the outcome of the event. The "Application" category (application type event, rather than a security type event) represents events related to general application actions. These events are further differentiated by a set of severity levels "error", "warn", "info", and "debug". You should use longer retention times for more severe levels. Removable Media Policies that Require Logoff • Windows Media Encryption • EMS Scan External Media • EMS Encryption Algorithm • EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption • EMS Data Encryption Key Advanced Removable Media Encryption A note about Removable Storage policies: Encryption External Media for Mac policies are device-based policies. This is different behavior than Encryption External Media for Windows, which are user-based. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description 272 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Windows Media Encryption This technology works on Windows computers using Dell Encryption External Media to encrypt data on removable devices, which can be accessed using a user-defined password. These policies allow configuration of the Encryption External Media password requirements and the removable media allowed. Windows Media Encryption EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption Off Not Selected This policy must be selected to use all other Removable Storage policies. Not Selected means that no encryption of removable storage takes place, regardless of other policy values. False encrypts CD/DVD devices. This policy applies to 5.4.x Windows Encryption clients only. EMS Allow Read-access to unShielded Media (5.4.x Only) More... Selected If an end-user chooses not to encrypt media and this policy is set to True, they will be able to read or delete existing files on the media that is not Dellencrypted, but the Encryption client will not allow any files to be edited on or added to the removable storage unless it is Dell-encrypted. AES 256, AES 128, 3DES EMS Encryption Algorithm AES256 Encryption algorithm used to encrypt removable storage. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256, 3DES. Common, User, User Roaming Choose a key to be used by the Encryption client to encrypt all data encrypted by the Encryption External Media. EMS Data Encryption Key User Roaming More... You cannot save a policy where this policy has the same value as either User Data Encryption Key policy or Application Data Encryption Key policy, the error message Policy Constraint Violation: The value for EMS Data Encryption Key conflicts with User Data Encryption Key and/or Application Data Encryption Key will display. Disabled, Local, Roaming EMS Automatic Authentication Disabled Local automatic authentication allows the encrypted media to be automatically authenticated when inserted in the originally encrypting computer when the owner of that media is logged in. When automatic authentication is Disabled, users must always manually authenticate to access encrypted media. Not Selecting Roaming automatic authentication helps to prevent users from forgetting their password when they take the media home or share it with a colleague. Not selecting Roaming automatic authentication also promotes a sense of awareness from a security perspective for users that the data being written to that media is protected. Selected allows the user to access encrypted data on removable storage whether the endpoint is Dell-encrypted or not. EMS Access Encrypted Data on unShielded Device Selected More... When this policy is False, the user will be able to work with encrypted data when logged on to any encrypted endpoint, regardless of the Security Management Server the user activated against. The user will not be able to work with encrypted data using any device that is not Dell-encrypted. String - Maximum of 300 devices with a maximum of 500 characters per PNPDeviceID. Maximum of 4096 total characters allowed. "Space" and "Enter" characters used count in the total characters used. EMS Device Whitelist This policy allows the specification of removable storage devices to exclude from Encryption External Media encryption [using the removable storage device's Plug and Play device identifier (PNPDeviceID)], thereby allowing users full access to the specified removable storage devices. More... This policy is available on an Enterprise, Domain, Group, and User level. Note that local settings override inherited settings. If a user is in more than one group, all EMS Device Whitelist entries, across all Groups, apply. Note: This policy is particularly useful when using removable storage devices 273 Manage Policies which provide hardware encryption. However, this policy should be used with caution. This policy does not check whether external media devices on this list provide hardware encryption. Whitelisting removable storage devices which do not have hardware encryption will not have enforced security and will not be protected. For example, the Kingston® DataTraveler® Vault Privacy model enforces that encryption is enabled to use the device. However, the Kingston DataTraveler Vault model has an unsecured partition and a secured partition. Because it is the same physical removable storage device with only one PNPDeviceID, the two partitions cannot be distinguished, meaning that whitelisting this particular removable storage device would allow unencrypted data to leave the endpoint. Additionally, if an removable storage device is protected by EMS and subsequently added to the EMS Device Whitelist policy, it remains encrypted and requires a reformat of the removable storage device to remove encryption. The following is an example of a PNPDeviceID, which contains the manufacturer identifier, product identifier, revision, and hardware serial number: To whitelist a removable storage device, provide a string value which matches portions of the device’s PNPDeviceID. Multiple device PNPDeviceIDs are allowed. For example, to whitelist all Kingston DataTraveler Vault Privacy models, input the string: To whitelist both models of Kingston DataTraveler, the Vault and Vault Privacy models, input the string: Note that space characters are considered part of the substring to match to a PNPDeviceID. Using the previous PNPDeviceID as an example, a space before and after the semicolon would cause neither of the substrings to be matched, because the space character is not part of the PNPDeviceID. Instructions... To find and edit the PNPDeviceID for removable storage: 1. Insert the removable storage device into an encrypted computer. 2. Open the EMSService.log in C:\Programdata\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\EMS. 3. Find PNPDeviceID= and enter the applicable values, explained below. For example: 14.03.18 18:50:06.834 [I] [Volume "F:\"] PnPDeviceID = USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SEAGATE&PROD_USB&REV_0409\2HC015KJ&0 Specify the following: VEN=Vendor; Green highlighted text represents the vendor's devices to be excluded PROD=Product/Model Name; Blue highlighted text also excludes all of Seagate’s USB drives; a value represented by green highlighted text must precede this value REV=Firmware Revision; Gray highlighted text also excludes the specific model being used; values represented by green and blue highlighted text must precede this value Serial number (in this example); Yellow highlighted text excludes only this device; values represented by green, blue, and gray highlighted text must precede this value OR To find the PNPDeviceID for removable storage on Windows 7 or later: 274 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 1. Insert the removable storage device. 2. Open the Control Panel and go to Administrative Tools > Computer Management. 3. Select the Hardware tab, select the drive, and click Properties. 4. A new windows displays. Select the Device Instance Path in the Property drop-down menu. The PNPDeviceID is displayed in the Value field. To find the PNPDeviceID for removable storage on Windows XP: 1. Click Start > Run... 2. Type msinfo32 and click Enter. 3. When the System Information window displays, go to Components > USB. A list of USB devices and their PNPDeviceIDs displays. Available Delimiters: Tabs Commas Semi colons Hex character 0x1E (Record separator character) EMS Alpha Characters Required in Password Selected Selected requires one or more letters in the password. EMS Mixed Case Required in Password Selected Selected requires at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter in the password. EMS Number of Characters Required in Password 8 EMS Numeric Characters Required in Password Selected EMS Password Attempts Allowed 3 EMS Special Characters Required in Password Not Selected 1-40 characters Minimum number of characters required in the password. Selected requires one or more numeric characters in the password. 1-10 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the correct password. Selected requires one or more special characters in the password. 8, 16, 32 EMS Access and Device Code Length 16 EMS Access Code Attempts Allowed 3 Number of characters access and device codes have. 32 characters is the most secure, while 8 is the easiest to enter. 1-10 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the access code. Apply Cooldown, Wipe Encryption Keys Action to take following unsuccessful EMS Access Code Attempts Allowed: EMS Access Code Failure Action Apply Cooldown • Apply Cooldown to allow another round of attempts following the specified cooldown period (EMS Cooldown Time Delay and EMS Cooldown Time Increment policies) • Wipe Encryption Keys to delete the encryption keys on the removable storage, making the encrypted data inaccessible until the owner takes the media to an encrypted computer for which he has a login. String - 5-512 characters - Authentication Failed: Please contact your system administrator. EMS Access Code Required Message String Authentication Failed. Please contact your system administrator. Message that displays when a user needs to contact you for an access code (after authentication failure). More... Message policies must have non-blank values. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Messages over the 512 character limit are truncated on the 275 Manage Policies client. We recommend that you customize the second sentence of the message to include specific instructions about how to contact a Help Desk or Security Administrator for authentication failures. 0-5000 seconds EMS Cooldown Time Delay 30 EMS Cooldown Time Increment 20 Number of seconds the user must wait before attempting to enter the access code after failing the specified number of times. 0-5000 seconds Incremental time to add to the cooldown time each time the user fails to enter the correct access code in the specified number of attempts. String - 5-512 characters - You are not authorized to use this media. Please contact your system administrator. Message that displays following unsuccessful Access Code Attempts Allowed. EMS Access Code Failed Message String More... You are not authorized to use Message policies must have non-blank values. this media. Please contact "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as your system administrator. characters used. Messages over the 512 character limit are truncated on the client. We recommend that you customize the message to include specific instructions about how to contact the Help Desk or Security Administrator. Encryption rules to be used to encrypt/not encrypt certain drives, directories, and folders. A total of 2048 characters are allowed. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Any rules exceeding the 2048 limit are ignored. See Encryption Rules for information. More... Storage devices which incorporate multi-interface connections, such as Firewire, USB, eSATA, etc. may require the use of both EMS and encryption rules to encrypt the endpoint. This is necessary due to differences in how the Windows operating system handles storage devices based on interface type. To ensure encrypting an iPod via EMS does not make the device unusable, use the following rules: EMS Encryption Rules -R#:\Calendars -R#:\Contacts -R#:\iPod_Control -R#:\Notes -R#:\Photos You can also force encryption of specific file types in the directories above. Adding the following rules will ensure that ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx files are encrypted in the directories excluded from encryption via the previous rules: ^R#:\Calendars ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Contacts ;ppt .doc.xls .pptx.docx .xlsx ^R#: \iPod_Control ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Notes ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Photos ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx 276 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 .docx.xlsx Replacing these five rules with the following rule will force encryption of ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx files in any directory on the iPod, including Calendars, Contacts, iPod_Control, Notes, and Photos: ^R#:\;ppt.doc.xls .pptx.docx.xlsx These rules disable or enable encryption for these folders and file types for all removable devices - not just an iPod. Use care when defining rules to exclude an iPod from encryption. These rules have been tested against the following iPods: iPod Video 30gb fifth generation iPod Nano 2gb second generation iPod Mini 4gb second generation We do not recommend the use of the iPod Shuffle, as unexpected results may occur. As iPods change, this information could also change, so caution is advised when allowing the use of iPods on EMS-enabled computers. Because folder names on iPods are dependent on the model of the iPod, we recommend creating an exclusion encryption policy which covers all folder names, across all iPod models. See basic settings Mac Media Encryption This technology works on Mac computers using Dell Encryption External Media to encrypt data on removable devices, which can be accessed using a user-defined password. These policies allow configuration of the Encryption External Media password requirements and the removable media allowed. Mac Media Encryption Off Toggle On to enable Mac Removable Media Encryption policies. If this policy is toggled to OFF, no Mac Removable Media Encryption takes place, regardless of other policies. AES 256, AES 128, 3DES EMS Encryption Algorithm AES256 Encryption algorithm used to encrypt removable storage. Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256, 3DES. Common, User, User Roaming EMS Data Encryption Key User Roaming Note that although Common is available, it is not implemented in this release. Choose a key to be used by the Encryption client to encrypt all data encrypted by the Encryption External Media. EMS Alpha Characters Required in Password Selected Selected requires one or more letters in the password. EMS Mixed Case Required in Password Selected Selected requires at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter in the password. EMS Number of Characters. Required in Password 8 EMS Numeric Characters Required in Password Selected EMS Password Attempts Allowed 3 EMS Special Characters Required in Password Not Selected EMS Access and Device Code Length 277 1-40 characters Minimum number of characters required in the password. Selected requires one or more numeric characters in the password. 1-10 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the correct password. Selected requires one or more special characters in the password. 8, 16, 32 16 Number of characters access and device codes have. 32 characters is the most secure, while 8 is the easiest to enter. Manage Policies EMS Access Code Attempts Allowed 3 1-10 Number of times the user can attempt to enter the access code. Apply Cooldown, Wipe Encryption Keys Action to take following unsuccessful Access Code Attempts Allowed: EMS Access Code Failure Action Apply Cooldown • Apply Cooldown to allow another round of attempts following the specified cooldown period (Cooldown Time Delay and Cooldown Time Increment policies) • Wipe Encryption Keys to have the Encryption client delete the encryption keys on the removable storage, making the encrypted data inaccessible until the owner takes the media to a Dell-encrypted computer for which he has a login. String - 5-512 characters - Authentication Failed: Please contact your system administrator. Message that displays when a user needs to contact you for an access code (after authentication failure). String EMS Access Code Required Message Authentication Failed. Please contact your system administrator. More... Message policies must have non-blank values. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Messages over the 512 character limit are truncated on the client. We recommend that you customize the second sentence of the message to include specific instructions about how to contact a Help Desk or Security Administrator for authentication failures. 0-5000 seconds EMS Cooldown Time Delay 30 EMS Cooldown Time Increment 20 Number of seconds the user must wait between the first and second rounds of access code entry attempts. 0-5000 seconds Incremental time to add to the previous cooldown time after each unsuccessful round of access code entry attempts. String - 5-512 characters - You are not authorized to use this media. Please contact your system administrator. String EMS Access Code Failed Message You are not authorized to use this media. Please contact your system administrator. Message that displays following unsuccessful Access Code Attempts Allowed. More... Message policies must have non-blank values. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Messages over the 512 character limit are truncated on the client. We recommend that you customize the message to include specific instructions about how to contact the Help Desk or Security Administrator. Encryption rules to be used to encrypt/not encrypt certain drives, directories, and folders. A total of 2048 characters are allowed. "Space" and "Enter" characters used to add lines between rows count as characters used. Any rules exceeding the 2048 limit are ignored. See Encryption Rules for information. More... EMS Encryption Rules Storage devices which incorporate multi-interface connections, such as Firewire, USB, eSATA, etc. may require the use of both EMS and encryption rules to encrypt the endpoint. This is necessary due to differences in how the Windows operating system handles storage devices based on interface type. To ensure encrypting an iPod via EMS does not make the device unusable, use the following rules: -R#:\Calendars -R#:\Contacts -R#:\iPod_Control -R#:\Notes -R#:\Photos You can also force encryption of specific file types in the directories above. Adding the following rules will ensure that ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx files are encrypted in the directories excluded from encryption via the previous 278 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 rules: ^R#:\Calendars ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Contacts ;ppt .doc.xls .pptx.docx .xlsx ^R#: \iPod_Control ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Notes ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx ^R#:\Photos ;ppt.doc .xls.pptx .docx.xlsx Replacing these five rules with the following rule will force encryption of ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx files in any directory on the iPod, including Calendars, Contacts, iPod_Control, Notes, and Photos: ^R#:\;ppt.doc.xls .pptx.docx.xlsx These rules disable or enable encryption for these folders and file types for all removable devices - not just an iPod. Use care when defining rules to exclude an iPod from encryption. These rules have been tested against the following iPods: iPod Video 30gb fifth generation iPod Nano 2gb second generation iPod Mini 4gb second generation We do not recommend the use of the iPod Shuffle, as unexpected results may occur. As iPods change, this information could also change, so caution is advised when allowing the use of iPods on EMS-enabled computers. Because folder names on iPods are dependent on the model of the iPod, we recommend creating an exclusion encryption policy which covers all folder names, across all iPod models. Disabled, Enable Local, Enable Roaming EMS Automatic Authentication Local Local automatic authentication allows the Dell-encrypted media to be automatically authenticated when inserted in the originally Dell-encrypting computer when the owner of that media is logged in. When the User Roaming key is applied to Encryption External Media, Roaming Automatic Authentication allows Dell-encrypted media to be automatically authenticated when it is inserted in any Dell-encrypted computer the media owner is logged into. When automatic authentication is disabled, users must always manually authenticate to access Dell-encrypted media. Disabling Roaming Authentication helps to prevent users from forgetting their password when they take the media home or share it with a colleague. Disabling Roaming Authentication also promotes a sense of awareness from a security perspective for users that the data being written to that media is protected. Selected allows the user to access encrypted data on removable storage whether the endpoint is encrypted or not. EMS Access Encrypted Data on unShielded Device EMS Device Whitelist 279 Selected When this policy is Not Selected, the user is able to work with encrypted data when logged on to any encrypted endpoint, regardless of the Dell Server the user activated against. The user will not be able to work with encrypted data using any unencrypted device. String - Maximum of 150 devices with a maximum of 500 characters per PNPDeviceID. Maximum of 2048 total characters allowed. "Space" and "Enter" characters count in the total characters used. Manage Policies This policy allows the specification of removable storage devices to exclude from encryption [using the removable storage device's Plug and Play device identifier (PNPDeviceID)], thereby allowing users full access to the specified removable storage devices. More... This policy is available on an Enterprise, Domain, Group, and User level. Note that local settings override inherited settings. If a user is in more than one group, all EMS Device Whitelist entries, across all Groups, apply. Note: This policy is particularly useful when using removable storage devices which provide hardware encryption. However, this policy should be used with caution. This policy does not check whether external media devices on this list provide hardware encryption. Whitelisting removable storage devices which do not have hardware encryption will not have enforced security and will not be protected. For example, the Kingston® DataTraveler® Vault Privacy model enforces that encryption is enabled to use the device. However, the Kingston DataTraveler Vault model has an unsecured partition and a secured partition. Because it is the same physical removable storage device with only one PNPDeviceID, the two partitions cannot be distinguished, meaning that whitelisting this particular removable storage device would allow unencrypted data to leave the endpoint. Additionally, if a removable storage device is encrypted and is subsequently added to the EMS Device Whitelist policy, it remains encrypted and requires a reformat of the removable storage device to remove encryption. The following is an example of a PNPDeviceID, which contains the manufacturer identifier, product identifier, revision, and hardware serial number: To whitelist a removable storage device, provide a string value which matches portions of the device’s PNPDeviceID. Multiple device PNPDeviceIDs are allowed. For example, to whitelist all Kingston DataTraveler Vault Privacy models, input the string: To whitelist both models of Kingston DataTraveler, the Vault and Vault Privacy models, input the string: Note that space characters are considered part of the substring to match to a PNPDeviceID. Using the previous PNPDeviceID as an example, a space before and after the semicolon would cause neither of the substrings to be matched, because the space character is not part of the PNPDeviceID. Instructions... 1. Insert USB removable media. 2. Open System Profiler. 3. Under Hardware, select the USB device and find the Product ID and Vendor ID, as follows: Capacity:2.06 GB (2,055,019,008 bytes) Removable Media:Yes Detachable Drive:Yes BSD Name:disk2 Product ID:0x5406 Vendor ID:0x0781 (SanDisk Corporation) Version: 0.10 Serial Number:0000188C36725BC8 Speed:Up to 480 Mb/sec Manufacturer:SanDisk Location ID:0x24100000 280 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Current Available (mA):500 Current Required (mA):200 Partition Map Type:MBR (Master Boot Record) S.M.A.R.T. status:Not Supported 4. The following Whitelist Rules can be used: USBVendorName=abc USBVendorNum=0x02 USBVendorNum=2,USBProductNum=3 USBVendorNum=2,USBProdName=abc For this example, in the Security Management Server, add the following key/pair string to the EMS Device Whitelist policy, as shown below: "USBVendorNum=0x0781,USBProductNum=0x05406" (including quotes) 5. EMS Trust for Unsupported File Systems When satisfied with the EMS Device Whitelist rules, save and commit the policy. Ignore, Provisioning Rejected, Unshieldable Ignore Specifies how media are handled when formatted by file systems that are not supported with Encryption External Media. Users matching this dictionary are restricted from unencrypted media use. Example: AccessUnencryptedMediaRestrictionUsers Restricted user list for access to unencrypted media Dictionary Restrict Access to Unencrypted Media Full, Read Only, Block Full Specify how media encrypted with Encryption External Media is handled for users matching unencrypted media restriction. See basic settings Removable Media Policies that Require Logoff • Windows Media Encryption • EMS Scan External Media • EMS Encryption Algorithm • EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption • EMS Data Encryption Key Mac Encryption Mac Encryption Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. 281 Manage Policies Policy Default Setting Description Dell Volume Encryption This technology allows the use of either Mac FileVault full disk encryption or Dell's proprietary Dell Volume Encryption. On Off Dell Volume Encryption On Toggle ON to enable Dell Volume Encryption policies. If this policy is toggled to OFF, no Dell Volume Encryption takes place, regardless of other policies. On Off Encrypt Using FileVault for Mac Off Toggle ON to enable FileVault to encrypt all volumes including System Volumes and Fusion Drives. Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lowest Normal Workstation Scan Priority Specifies the relative priority of encrypted folder scanning. High and Highest prioritize scanning speed over computer responsiveness, Low and Lowest prioritize computer responsiveness over scanning speed and favor other resource-intensive activities, and Normal balances the two. The Encryption client checks for a changed Workstation Scan Priority before processing the next file. NOTE: This policy applies to Dell Encryption, not FileVault encryption. See advanced settings Policy Default Setting Description Mac Global Settings This technology defines Mac encryption behavior, including targeted volumes, polling intervals, and restart policies. Volumes Targeted for Encryption All Fixed Volumes System Volume Only All Fixed Volumes The System Volume Only setting secures only the currently running system volume. String - maximum of 1500 characters List fully qualified Policy Proxy hostnames, or IP addresses, separated by carriage returns. More... Once the Encryption client finds a valid entry, the remainder of the entries are ignored. Policy Proxy Connections Entries are processed in the following order: 1. GKConnections Override (this registry entry overrides all other entries) 2. GKConnections (this registry entry is set automatically by the Encryption client, based on the this policy) 3. GK This policy works in conjunction with the 282 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 Policy Proxy Polling Interval policy. You cannot specify ports in this policy. The Encryption client communicates with Policy Proxies using the GKPORT specified during client installation (the default is 8000). Inherited values for this policy accumulate. In order for the Encryption client to connect to a Policy Proxy specified in this policy, it must be in the same group as the Policy Proxy specified during client installation. Because the Shield supports up to 255 users per endpoint, this policy is available only at the Enterprise Policies level. 1-1440 minutes Policy Proxy Polling Interval 360 The interval that the Encryption client attempts to poll Policy Proxy for policy updates, and send inventory information to Policy Proxy. Setting the Policy Proxy Polling Interval below 60 minutes is not recommended, due to potential degradation of performance. The Encryption client also attempts to poll Policy Proxy each time a user logs on. Force Restart on Policy Updates Selected If this policy is set to Selected, the Encryption client will force a computer restart after the specified delay upon receiving a policy update requiring a restart. The delay is specified by the Length of Each Restart Delay and Number of Restart Delays Allowed policies. If this policy is set to Not Selected, the Encryption client will neither force nor prompt for a restart. The policy requiring the restart will take effect the next time the user restarts their computer. If Force Restart on Policy Updates is set to Selected, this value is the number of minutes the user can delay the restart before another restart prompt is displayed. If Force Restart on Policy Updates is set to Not Selected, this policy is ignored. More... Length of Each Restart Delay 15 The Encryption client displays the restart prompt for five minutes each time. If the user does not respond to the prompt, the dialog is dismissed and next delay begins. If the five-minute timer expires and no restart delays remain, the computer will restart immediately. Tip: Calculate the maximum possible delay as follows (a maximum delay would involve the user responding to each delay prompt immediately prior to the 5-minute mark): (Number of Reboot Delays Allowed x Length of Each Reboot Delay) + (5 minutes x [Number of Reboot Delays Allowed + 1]). Number of Restart Delays Allowed 283 3 If Force Restart on Policy Update is set to Selected, this value is the number of times the user can delay the restart. If this policy is set to "0", the Encryption client will prompt the user to restart immediately and will force the restart if the user does not acknowledge Manage Policies the prompt within five minutes. If Force Restart on Policy Updates is set to Not Selected, this policy is ignored. Advanced Mac Encryption Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Dell Volume Encryption This technology allows the use of either Mac FileVault full disk encryption or Dell's proprietary Dell Volume Encryption. On Off Dell Volume Encryption On Toggle ON to enable Dell Volume Encryption policies. If this policy is toggled to OFF, no Dell Volume Encryption takes place, regardless of other policies. Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lowest Workstation Scan Priority Normal Specifies the relative Mac priority of encrypted folder scanning. High and Highest prioritize scanning speed over computer responsiveness, Low and Lowest prioritize computer responsiveness over scanning speed and favor other resource-intensive activities, and Normal balances the two. The Encryption client checks for a changed Workstation Scan Priority before processing the next file. AES 256, AES 128 Encryption algorithm used to encrypt data at the endpoint (all users) level. Encryption Algorithm AES256 Encryption algorithms in order of speed, fastest first, are AES 128, AES 256. NOTE: This policy applies to Dell Encryption, not FileVault encryption. Required, Optional Firmware Password Mode Required Specify if the firmware password in older hardware is optional or required for Dell Volume Encryption. Ignore, Report, Convert Specify behavior when volume is Dell encrypted and policy is for FV2 encryption. FileVault 2 Policy Conflict Behavior Ignore Ignore – Default behavior, Dell encrypted volumes are reported as protected if the policy requires FV2 encryption. Report – Conflicted volumes are reported to the Server as unprotected. Convert – Dell encrypted volumes are converted to FV2 volumes and reported as unprotected while converting. See basic settings Mac Global Settings This technology defines Mac encryption behavior, including targeted volumes, polling intervals, and restart policies. 284 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 0-32400 seconds Limits the maximum delay in seconds that can be set in the system preferences “max password delay after screen saver or sleep” of the Security panel. Max Password Delay 300 Delay Authentication Not Selected If Selected, users aren’t prompted to activate or authenticate to the Dell Server until required, such as to use media encrypted with Encryption External Media. Users matching this dictionary are not required to activate or authenticate to the Dell Server. Example:dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority ;Kerberosv5;;;* ;Kerberosv5;;; NoAuthenticateUsers No Auth User List DictionaryUsers matching this dictionary are allowed to add themselves to FileVault Preboot Authentication. Example: dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority ;Kerberosv5;;; FV2PBAUsers FileVault 2 PBA User List DictionaryPort Control Port Control Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Windows Port Control This technology allows for control of all the physical ports on a Windows computer (disable/enable/bypass), and can be customized by port type. Port Control System Disabled Enable or Disable all Port Control System policies. If this policy is set to Disable, no Port Control System policies are applied, regardless of other Port Control System policies. All PCS policies require a reboot before the policy takes effect. Port: Express Card Slot Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass ports exposed through the Express Card Slot. Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to external USB ports. Port: USB 285 Enabled Note: USB port-level blocking and HID classlevel blocking is only honored if we can identify the computer chassis as a laptop/notebook form-factor. We rely on the computer's BIOS for the identification of the Manage Policies chassis. Enabled Port: eSATA Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to external SATA ports. See advanced settings Windows Device Control This technology allows for control of all the devices on a Windows computer (disable/enable), and can be customized by device type. Enabled Class: Storage Enabled Class: Windows Portable Device (WPD) PARENT to the next 3 policies. Set this policy to Enabled to use the next 3 Subclass Storage polices. Setting this policy to Disabled disables all 3 Subclass Storage policies - no matter what their value. PARENT to the next policy. Set this policy to Enabled to use the Subclass Windows Portable Device (WPD): Storage policy. Setting this policy to Disabled disables the Subclass Windows Portable Device (WPD): Storage policy - no matter what its value. Control access to all Windows Portable Devices. CHILD of Class: Windows Portable Device (WPD) . Class: Windows Portable Device (WPD) must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Subclass Windows Portable Device (WPD): Storage Full Access Full Access: Port does not have read/write data restrictions applied. Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled. Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability. Control access to all Human Interface Devices (keyboards, mice). Enabled Class: Human Interface Device (HID) Note: USB port-level blocking and HID classlevel blocking is only honored if we can identify the computer chassis as a laptop/notebook form-factor. We rely on the computer's BIOS for the identification of the chassis. See advanced settings Advanced Port Control Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. In this table, master policies are in bold font. Policy Default Setting Description Windows Port Control This technology allows for control of all the physical ports on a Windows computer (disable/enable/bypass), and can be customized by port type. Subclass Storage: External Drive Control Full Access CHILD of Class: Storage. Class: Storage must be set to Enabled to use this policy. This policy interacts with the Removable Storage - EMS Access to unShielded Media 286 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 policy. If you intend to have Full Access to media, also set this policy to Full Access to ensure that the media is not set to read only and the port is not blocked. Full Access: External Drive port does not have read/write data restrictions applied Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability This policy is endpoint-based and cannot be overridden by user policy. CHILD of Class: Storage. Class: Storage must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Full Access: Optical Drive port does not have read/write data restrictions applied UDF Only: Blocks all data writes that are not in the UDF format (CD/DVD burning, ISO burning). Read data is enabled. Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled Subclass Storage: Optical Drive Control UDF Only Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability This policy is endpoint-based and cannot be overridden by user policy. Universal Disk Format (UDF) is an implementation of the specification known as ISO/IEC 13346 and ECMA-167 and is an open vendor-neutral file system for computer data storage for a broad range of media. To encrypt data written to CD/DVD media: Set EMS Encrypt External Media = True, EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption = False, and Storage Class: Optical Drive Control = UDF Only. CHILD of Class: Storage. Class: Storage must be set to Enabled to use this policy. Full Access: Floppy Drive port does not have read/write data restrictions applied Subclass Storage: Floppy Drive Control Read Only Read Only: Allows read capability. Write data is disabled Blocked: Port is blocked from read/write capability This policy is endpoint-based and cannot be overridden by user policy. Port: PCMCIA Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to PCMCIA ports. Port: Firewire (1394) Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to external Firewire (1394) ports. Port: SD Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass port access to SD card ports. Port: Memory Transfer Device (MTD) Enabled Enable, Disable, or Bypass access to Memory Transfer Device (MTD) ports. See basic settings Windows Device Control This technology allows for control of all the devices on a Windows computer (disable/enable), and can be customized by device type. 287 Manage Policies Enabled Class: Other Control access to all devices not covered by other Classes. See basic settings Global Settings Global Settings policies are available at the Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, and Endpoints levels. All Global Settings policies are endpoint-based, meaning the policies follow the endpoint, not the user. Audit Control policies are available at the Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, Endpoints, User Groups, and Users levels. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. Policy Default Description Settings This technology allows control over general settings such as polling intervals, support dialogs, in-app feedback, auto updates, data auditing, and client retention periods. Defines the period of inactivity (in days) before an encrypted endpoint is automatically removed from the list of managed clients. Device Lease Period 30 The inactivity period is based on the number of days since the Dell Server last received inventory information from the encrypted endpoint. Once removed, the endpoint will no longer be included in reports, statistics, and other administrative views. If the encrypted endpoint communicates with the Dell Server after the inactivity period has expired, the endpoint will be returned to the list of actively-managed clients. Note: The Dell Server will always keep encryption keys in escrow, even for removed endpoints. This ensures recoverability of encrypted data through various workflows, such as Encryption client re-activation and forensic analysis. Enable In-App Feedback Not selected Server Polling Interval 360 minutes When selected, an end user can submit feedback and satisfaction ratings to Dell via a link within the client application to a web form. 1-1440 minutes Custom Support Dialog String How often in minutes the SED client attempts to contact the Dell Server for updates. Customizable text that provides information for users to contact IT support for the organization. This allows a maximum of 10,000 characters, which can be four lines with a maximum of 2500 characters each. The text cannot contain line feeds, Enters, or similar characters unless they are escaped. If an administrator enters an invalid character (non-JSON format), this may cause Data Guardian clients to stop activating. For user experience on Windows devices, a maximum of 2000 characters is recommended; for Mobile devices and Mac, a maximum of 1000 288 Security Management Server - AdminHelp v9.10 characters is recommended. Dell Encryption Auto Updates Selected Not Selected Enable Software Auto Updates Not Selected Selected enables the client update agent to automatically check for updates to Dell Security software. If this policy is not selected, no Dell Auto Updates take place, regardless of other policies. If this policy is set, the On Premise Update Staging Location must have a network location in its value. String On Premise Update Staging Location String Update Check Period 10080 Network location (UNC) where Dell Server stages Dell update packages. If a network location is not specified in this policy, the Enable Software Auto Updates policy should not be published. 1-43200 minutes (30 days) The period in minutes between checks for updates. See advanced settings Audit Control Selected Not Selected Data Guardian Audit Data Enabled Data Guardian Geo Location Audit Data Selected Selected Selected enables Audit Control policies. If this policy is not selected, no Audit Control takes place, regardless of other policies. It also enables the collection of audit data from Data Guardian clients. Selected Not Selected Selected includes geo tracking location data in audit data. 1-365 days. 30 days default. Client Retention Period 30 days Specifies the number of days that the client will hold on to audit data without transmission. Megabytes of storage space Client Retention Storage 512 Specifies the maximum storage space used by the client for audit data without transmission. Mobile Audit Control Selected Not Selected Data Guardian Audit Data Enabled See advanced settings Advanced Global Settings 289 Selected Selected enables Audit Control policies. If this policy is not selected, no Audit Control takes place, regardless of other policies. It also enables the collection of audit data from Data Guardian clients. Manage Policies Global Settings policies are available at the Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, and Endpoints levels. All Global Settings policies are endpoint-based, meaning the policies follow the endpoint, not the user. Audit Control policies are available at the Enterprise, Endpoint Groups, Endpoints, User Groups, and Users levels. Policy descriptions also display in tooltips in the Remote Management Console. Policy Default Description Settings This technology allows control over general settings such as polling intervals, support dialogs, in-app feedback, auto updates, data auditing, and client retention periods. DDP Auto Updates 1-43200 minutes (30 days) Update Check Period 10080 The period in minutes between checks for updates. See basic settings Mobile Audit Control Data Guardian Geo Location Audit Data Selected Selected Not Selected Selected includes geo tracking location data in audit data. See basic settings 290 dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority ;Kerberosv5;;*;*
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