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User Manual: Dell dell-dp-endpt-security-suite - Endpoint Security Suite Pro Advanced Installation Guide v1.8

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Dell Data Security
Endpoint Security Suite Pro Advanced Installation Guide
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
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Endpoint Security Suite Pro Advanced Installation Guide
2017 - 08
Rev. A01
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................6
Before You Begin................................................................................................................................................................6
Using This Guide.................................................................................................................................................................7
Contact Dell ProSupport................................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Requirements................................................................................................................................................ 9
All Clients.............................................................................................................................................................................9
All Clients - Prerequisites.............................................................................................................................................9
All Clients - Hardware.................................................................................................................................................. 9
All Clients - Localization............................................................................................................................................. 10
Encryption Client.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Encryption Client Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................10
Encryption Client Hardware....................................................................................................................................... 11
Encryption Client Operating Systems....................................................................................................................... 11
Encryption Client Operating Systems with Deferred Activation............................................................................11
Encryption External Media Operating Systems....................................................................................................... 11
Threat Protection Client...................................................................................................................................................12
Threat Protection Client Operating Systems.......................................................................................................... 12
Threat Protection Client Ports.................................................................................................................................. 12
SED Client..........................................................................................................................................................................13
OPAL Drivers...............................................................................................................................................................14
SED Client Prerequisites............................................................................................................................................ 14
SED Client Hardware..................................................................................................................................................14
Authentication Options with SED Client..................................................................................................................15
SED Client International KeyboardsSED Client LocalizationSED Client Operating Systems.............................16
Advanced Authentication Client......................................................................................................................................17
Advanced Authentication Client Hardware..............................................................................................................17
Advanced Authentication Client Operating Systems............................................................................................. 18
BitLocker Manager Client................................................................................................................................................ 18
BitLocker Manager Client Prerequisites...................................................................................................................19
BitLocker Manager Client Operating Systems........................................................................................................19
3 Registry Settings......................................................................................................................................... 20
Encryption Client Registry Settings...............................................................................................................................20
Threat Protection Client Registry Settings...................................................................................................................24
SED Client Registry Settings.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Advanced Authentication Client Registry Settings......................................................................................................26
BitLocker Manager Client Registry Settings................................................................................................................ 26
4 Install Using the Master Installer..................................................................................................................28
Install Interactively Using the Master Installer..............................................................................................................28
Install by Command Line Using the Master Installer.................................................................................................... 31
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
5 Uninstall Using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Master Installer................................................................. 33
Uninstall the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Master Installer.........................................................................................33
Command Line Uninstallation................................................................................................................................... 33
6 Install Using the Child Installers................................................................................................................... 34
Install Drivers.................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Install Encryption Client...................................................................................................................................................35
Command Line Installation........................................................................................................................................35
Install Threat Protection Clients..................................................................................................................................... 37
Command Line Installation........................................................................................................................................38
Install SED Management and Advanced Authentication Clients................................................................................39
Command Line Installation........................................................................................................................................39
Install BitLocker Manager Client.................................................................................................................................... 40
Command Line Installation........................................................................................................................................40
7 Uninstall Using the Child Installers............................................................................................................... 42
Uninstall Threat Protection Clients................................................................................................................................ 43
Command Line Uninstallation................................................................................................................................... 43
Uninstall Encryption Client..............................................................................................................................................43
Command Line Uninstallation................................................................................................................................... 44
Uninstall SED and Advanced Authentication Clients...................................................................................................45
Deactivate the PBA................................................................................................................................................... 45
Uninstall SED Client and Advanced Authentication Clients..................................................................................46
Uninstall BitLocker Manager Client............................................................................................................................... 46
Command Line Uninstallation................................................................................................................................... 46
8 Commonly Used Scenarios.......................................................................................................................... 47
Encryption Client, Threat Protection, and Advanced Authentication........................................................................48
Encryption Client and Threat Protection...................................................................................................................... 49
SED Client (including Advanced Authentication) and Encryption External Media..................................................49
BitLocker Manager and Encryption External Media....................................................................................................50
9 Pre-Installation Conguration for SED UEFI, and BitLocker Manager...........................................................51
Initialize the TPM..............................................................................................................................................................51
Pre-Installation Conguration for UEFI Computers......................................................................................................51
Enable Network Connectivity During UEFI Preboot Authentication....................................................................51
Disable Legacy Option ROMs...................................................................................................................................52
Pre-Installation Conguration to Set Up a BitLocker PBA Partition..........................................................................52
10 Set GPO on Domain Controller to Enable Entitlements.............................................................................. 53
11 Extract the Child Installers from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Master Installer......................................56
12 Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of Encryption Client Activated Against Security Management
4Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Services Panel - Add Domain Account User................................................................................................................ 57
Key Server Cong File - Add User for Security Management Server Communication.......................................... 58
Sample Conguration File......................................................................................................................................... 59
Services Panel - Restart Key Server Service............................................................................................................... 59
Remote Management Console - Add Forensic Administrator....................................................................................59
13 Use the Administrative Download Utility (CMGAd)..................................................................................... 61
Use the Administrative Download Utility in Forensic Mode........................................................................................ 61
Use the Administrative Download Utility in Admin Mode........................................................................................... 63
14 Congure Deferred Activation.................................................................................................................... 65
Deferred Activation Customization................................................................................................................................65
Prepare the Computer for Installation...........................................................................................................................66
Install the Encryption Client with Deferred Activation................................................................................................ 66
Activate the Encryption Client with Deferred Activation............................................................................................66
Troubleshoot Deferred Activation.................................................................................................................................. 67
Troubleshoot Activation.............................................................................................................................................67
15 Troubleshooting..........................................................................................................................................70
All Clients - Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................... 70
All Clients - Protection Status........................................................................................................................................ 70
Encryption Client Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................. 70
Upgrade to the Windows 10 Creators Update....................................................................................................... 70
(Optional) Create an Encryption Removal Agent Log File.................................................................................... 70
Find TSS Version.........................................................................................................................................................71
Encryption External Media and PCS Interactions...................................................................................................71
Use WSScan................................................................................................................................................................71
Use WSProbe............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Check Encryption Removal Agent Status...............................................................................................................76
SED Client Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................................77
Use the Initial Access Code Policy........................................................................................................................... 77
Create a PBA Log File for Troubleshooting............................................................................................................. 78
Dell ControlVault Drivers................................................................................................................................................. 79
Update Dell ControlVault Drivers and Firmware.....................................................................................................79
UEFI Computers...............................................................................................................................................................93
Troubleshoot Network Connection..........................................................................................................................93
TPM and BitLocker..........................................................................................................................................................93
TPM and BitLocker Error Codes..............................................................................................................................93
16 Glossary....................................................................................................................................................124
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
This guide details how to install and congure Threat Protection, the Encryption client, SED management client, Advanced Authentication,
and BitLocker Manager.
All policy information, and their descriptions are found in the AdminHelp.
Before You Begin
1 Install the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual before deploying clients. Locate the correct guide as
shown below, follow the instructions, and then return to this guide.
Dell Security Management Server Installation and Migration Guide
Dell Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start Guide and Installation Guide
Verify that polices are set as desired. Browse through the AdminHelp, available from the ? at the far right of the screen. The
AdminHelp is page-level help designed to help you set and modify policy and understand your options with your Security
Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
6 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
2 Thoroughly read the Requirements chapter of this document.
3 Deploy clients to end users.
Using This Guide
Use this guide in the following order.
See Requirements for client prerequisites, computer hardware and software information, limitations, and special registry modications
needed for features.
If needed, see Pre-Installation Conguration for SED UEFI, and BitLocker.
If your clients will be entitled using Dell Digital Delivery (DDD), see Set GPO on Domain Controller to Enable Entitlements.
If installing clients using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer, see:
Install Interactively Using the Master Installer
Install by Command Line Using the Master Installer
If installing clients using the child installers, the child installer executable les must be extracted from the master installer. See Extract
the Child Installers from the Master Installer, then return here.
Install Child Installers by Command line:
Install Drivers - Download the appropriate drivers and rmware based on your authentication hardware.
Install Encryption Client - use these instructions to install the Encryption client, which is the component that enforces security
policy, whether a computer is connected to the network, disconnected from the network, lost, or stolen.
Install Threat Protection Clients - use these instructions to install the Threat Protection clients, which are comprised of the
following policy-based Threat Protection features:
Malware Protection - Checks for viruses, spyware, unwanted programs, and other threats by automatically scanning items
when users access them or on demand at any time.
Client Firewall - Monitors communication between the computer and resources on the network and the Internet. Intercepts
suspicious communications.
Web Filter - Displays safety ratings and reports for websites during online browsing and searching. Web Filtering enables the
site administrator to block access to websites based on safety rating or content.
Install SED Management and Advanced Authentication Clients - use these instructions to install encryption software for SEDs.
Although SEDs provide their own encryption, they lack a platform to manage their encryption and policies. With SED
management, all policies, storage, and retrieval of encryption keys are available from a single console, reducing the risk that
computers are unprotected in the event of loss or unauthorized access.
The Advanced Authentication client manages multiple authentication methods, including PBA for SEDs, Single Sign-on (SSO),
and user credentials such as ngerprints and passwords. In addition, it provides Advanced Authentication capabilities to access
websites and applications.
Install BitLocker Manager Client - use these instructions to install the BitLocker Manager client, designed to improve the
security of BitLocker deployments and to simplify and reduce the cost of ownership.
Most child installers can be installed interactively, but installations are not described in this guide.
See Commonly Used Scenarios for scripts of our most commonly used scenarios.
Contact Dell ProSupport
Call 877-459-7304, extension 4310039 for 24x7 phone support for your Dell product.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Additionally, online support for Dell products is available at Online support includes drivers, manuals, technical advisories,
FAQs, and emerging issues.
Be sure to help us quickly connect you to the right technical expert by having your Service Code available when you call.
For phone numbers outside of the United States, check Dell ProSupport International Phone Numbers.
8 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
All Clients
These requirements apply to all clients. Requirements listed in other sections apply to specic clients.
IT best practices should be followed during deployment. This includes, but is not limited to, controlled test environments for initial tests,
and staggered deployments to users.
The user account performing the installation/upgrade/uninstallation must be a local or domain administrator user, which can be
temporarily assigned by a deployment tool such as Microsoft SMS or Dell KACE. A non-administrator user that has elevated privileges is
not supported.
Back up all important data before beginning installation/uninstallation.
Do not make changes to the computer, including inserting or removing external (USB) drives during installation.
Ensure that outbound port 443 is available to communicate with the Security Management Server/Security Management Server
Virtual if your master installer clients will be entitled using Dell Digital Delivery (DDD). The entitlement functionality will not work if port
443 is blocked (for any reason). DDD is not used if installing using the child installers.
Be sure to periodically check for the most current documentation and Technical Advisories.
All Clients - Prerequisites
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.2 (or later) is required for the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer and child installer clients. The
installer does not install the Microsoft .Net Framework component.
All computers shipped from the Dell factory are pre-installed with the full version of Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.2 (or later).
However, if you are not installing on Dell hardware or are upgrading the client on older Dell hardware, you should verify which version of
Microsoft .Net is installed and update the version prior to installing the client to prevent installation/upgrade failures. To verify the
version of Microsoft .Net installed, follow these instructions on the computer targeted for installation:
us/library/hh925568(v=vs.110).aspx. To install Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.2, go to
Drivers and rmware for ControlVault, ngerprint readers and smart cards (as shown below) are not included in the Endpoint Security
Suite Pro master installer or child installer executable les. The drivers and rmware must be kept up-to-date, and can be downloaded
from and selecting your computer model. Download the appropriate drivers and rmware based on your
authentication hardware.
• ControlVault
NEXT Biometrics Fingerprint Driver
Validity Fingerprint Reader 495 Driver
O2Micro Smart Card Driver
All Clients - Hardware
The following table details supported computer hardware.
Minimum hardware requirements must meet the minimum specications of the operating system.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
All Clients - Localization
The Encryption, Threat Protection, and BitLocker Manager clients are Multilingual User Interface (MUI) compliant and are localized in
the following languages.
Language Support
EN - English JA - Japanese
ES - Spanish KO - Korean
FR - French PT-BR - Portuguese, Brazilian
IT - Italian PT-PT - Portuguese, Portugal (Iberian)
DE - German
Encryption Client
The client computer must have network connectivity to activate.
To reduce initial encryption time, run the Windows Disk Cleanup Wizard to remove temporary les and any other unnecessary data.
Turn o sleep mode during the initial encryption sweep to prevent an unattended computer from going to sleep. Encryption cannot
occur on a sleeping computer (nor can decryption).
The Encryption client does not support dual boot congurations since it is possible to encrypt system les of the other operating
system, which would interfere with its operation.
The Encryption client now supports Audit Mode. Audit Mode allows administrators to deploy the Encryption client as part of the
corporate image, rather than using a third-party SCCM or similar solutions to deploy the Encryption client. For instructions about how
to install the Encryption client in a corporate image, see
The Encryption client has been tested and is compatible with McAfee, the Symantec client, Kaspersky, and MalwareBytes. Hard-coded
exclusions are in place in for these anti-virus providers to prevent incompatibilities between anti-virus scanning and encryption. The
Encryption client has also been tested with the Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit.
If your organization uses an anti-virus provider that is not listed, see or
Contact Dell ProSupport for help.
The TPM is used for sealing the GPK. Therefore, if running the Encryption client, clear the TPM in the BIOS before installing a new
operating system on the client computer.
Operating system re-install is not supported. To re-install the operating system, perform a backup of the target computer, wipe the
computer, install the operating system, then recover the encrypted data following established recovery procedures.
Encryption Client Prerequisites
The master installer installs the following prerequisites if not already installed on the computer. When using the child installer, you must
install this component before installing the Encryption client.
Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 or later Redistributable Package (x86 and x64)
Visual C++ 2015 Update 3 or later Redistributable Package (x86 and x64)
10 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Encryption Client Hardware
The following table details supported hardware.
Optional Embedded Hardware
TPM 1.2 or 2.0
Encryption Client Operating Systems
The following table details supported operating systems.
Windows Operating Systems (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Enterprise, Professional, Ultimate
Windows Embedded Standard 7 with Application Compatibility template (hardware encryption is not supported)
Windows 8: Enterprise, Pro
Windows 8.1 Update 0-1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (hardware encryption is not supported)
Windows 10: Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 2)
VMware Workstation 5.5 and higher
When using UEFI mode, the Secure Hibernation policy is not supported.
Encryption Client Operating Systems with Deferred Activation
Deferred activation allows the Active Directory user account used during activation to be independent of the account used to login to
the endpoint. Instead of the network provider capturing the authentication information, the user instead manually species the Active
Directory-based account when prompted. Once the credentials are entered, the authentication information is securely sent to the Dell
Server which validates it against the congured Active Directory domains. For more information, see
The following table details supported operating systems with deferred activation.
Windows Operating Systems (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Home Basic, Home Premium, Enterprise, Professional, Ultimate
Windows Embedded Standard 7 with Application Compatibility template (hardware encryption is not supported)
Windows 8: Home Basic, Home Premium, Enterprise, Pro
Windows 8.1 Update 0-1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (hardware encryption is not supported)
Windows 10: Home Basic, Home Premium, Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 2)
VMware Workstation 5.5 and higher
Encryption External Media Operating Systems
The following table details the operating systems supported when accessing media protected by Encryption External Media.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
External media must have approximately 55MB available plus open space on the media that is equal to the largest le to be
encrypted to host Encryption External Media.
Windows XP is supported when using Encryption External Media Explorer only.
Windows Operating Systems Supported to Access Encryption External Media-Protected Media (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Home Basic, Home Premium, Enterprise, Professional, Ultimate
Windows Embedded Standard 7 with Application Compatibility template (hardware encryption is not supported)
Windows 8: Home Basic, Home Premium, Enterprise, Pro
Windows 8.1 Update 0-1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise (hardware encryption is not supported)
Windows 10: Home Basic, Home Premium, Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 2)
Mac Operating Systems Supported to Access Encryption External Media-Protected Media (64-bit kernels)
Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
macOS Sierra 10.12.5 and 10.12.6
Threat Protection Client
The Threat Protection clients cannot be installed without the Encryption client being detected on the computer. Installation will fail if
To successfully install Threat Protection, the computer must have network connectivity.
Uninstall other vendors' anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware, and rewall applications before installing the Threat Protection clients to
prevent installation failures. Conicting software does not include Windows Defender and Endpoint Security Suite Pro.
The Web Protection feature is supported with Internet Explorer only.
Threat Protection Client Operating Systems
The following table details supported operating systems.
Windows Operating Systems (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Enterprise, Professional, Ultimate
Windows 8: Enterprise, Pro
Windows 8.1 Update 0-1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition
Windows 10: Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 1)
Threat Protection Client Ports
To ensure that Threat Protection clients receive the most current Threat Protection updates, ports 443 and 80 must be available for the
client to communicate with the various destination servers. If the ports are blocked for any reason, anti-virus signature updates (DAT
les) cannot be downloaded, so computers may not have the most current protection. Ensure that client computers can access the
URLs, as follows.
12 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Use Application
Port Number Destination Direction Notes
Anti-virus Updates HTTP TCP 443/fallback
80 Outbound
Anti-virus Engine/
Signature Updates
SSL TCP 443 Outbound
Anti-Spam Engine HTTP TCP 443 Outbound
Anti-Spam Rules
and Streaming
HTTP TCP 80 Outbound Packet types:
Type X-SU3-Status
SSL TCP 443 Outbound
Service Feedback
SSL TCP 443 gtifeedback.trustedsource.or
TCP 80
Your Security Management
Management Server Virtual
URL Reputation
Database Update
HTTP TCP 80 Outbound
URL Reputation
SSL TCP 443 Outbound
SED Client
The computer must have a wired network connection to successfully install SED management.
IPv6 is not supported.
Be prepared to shut down and restart the computer after you apply policies and are ready to begin enforcing them.
Computers equipped with self-encrypting drives cannot be used with HCA cards. Incompatibilities exist that prevent the provisioning of
the HCA. Dell does not sell computers with self-encrypting drives that support the HCA module. This unsupported conguration would
be an after-market conguration.
If the computer targeted for encryption is equipped with a self-encrypting drive, ensure that the Active Directory option, User Must
Change Password at Next Logon, is disabled. Preboot Authentication does not support this Active Directory option.
Dell recommends that you do not change the authentication method after the PBA has been activated. If you must switch to a dierent
authentication method, you must either:
Remove all the users from the PBA.
Deactivate the PBA, change the authentication method, and then re-activate the PBA.
Due to the nature of RAID and SEDs, SED management does not support RAID. The issue with RAID=On with SEDs is that
RAID requires access to the disk to read and write RAID-related data at a high sector not available on a locked SED from start
and cannot wait to read this data until after the user is logged on. Change the SATA operation in the BIOS from RAID=On to
AHCI to resolve the issue. If the operating system does not have the AHCI controller drivers pre-installed, the operating system
will blue screen when switched from RAID=On to AHCI.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Conguration of self-encrypting drives for Dell’s SED management dier between NVMe and non-NVMe (SATA) drives, as follows.
Any NVMe drive that is being leveraged as an SED – The BIOS’ SATA operation must be set to RAID ON, as Dell’s SED
management does not support AHCI on NVMe drives.
Any NVMe drive that is being leveraged as an SED – The BIOS's boot mode must be UEFI and Legacy option ROMs must be
Any non-NVMe drive that is being leveraged as an SED – The BIOS’ SATA operation must be set to AHCI, as Dell’s SED
management does not support RAID with non-NVMe drives.
RAID ON is not supported because access to read and write RAID-related data (at a sector that is not available on a locked non-
NVMe drive) is not accessible at start-up, and cannot wait to read this data until after the user is logged on.
The operating system will crash when switched from RAID ON > AHCI if the AHCI controller drivers are not pre-installed. For
instructions on how to switch from RAID > AHCI (or vice versa), see
Supported OPAL compliant SEDs require updated Intel Rapid Storage Technology Drivers, located at
home/us/en/19/product-support/product/dell-dp-endpt-security-suite/drivers. Dell recommends Intel Rapid Storage Technology
Driver version or later, with NVMe drives.
SED Management is not supported with Server Encryption.
OPAL Drivers
Supported OPAL compliant SEDs require updated Intel Rapid Storage Technology Drivers, located at
SED Client Prerequisites
The Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer installs the following prerequisites if not already installed on the computer. When using
the child installer, you must install these components before installing SED management.
Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 or later Redistributable Package (x86 and x64)
Visual C++ 2015 Update 3 or later Redistributable Package (x86 and x64)
SED Client Hardware
OPAL Compliant SEDs
For the most up-to-date list of Opal compliant SEDs supported with the SED management, refer to this KB article: http://
Dell Computer Models Supported with UEFI
The following table details Dell computer models supported with UEFI.
Dell Computer Models - UEFI Support
Latitude 3180
Latitude 3189
Latitude 3380
Latitude 3480
Latitude 3580
Latitude 5280
Latitude 5480
Precision M3510
Precision M3520
Precision M4800
Precision M5510
Precision M5520
Precision M6800
Precision M7510
Precision M7520
Optiplex 3040 Micro, Mini
Tower, Small Form Factor
Optiplex 3046
OptiPlex 3050 All-In-One
OptiPlex 3050 Tower, Small
Form Factor, Micro
Optiplex 5040 Mini Tower,
Small Form Factor
Venue Pro 11 (Models
Venue Pro 11 (Model 7139)
14 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Dell Computer Models - UEFI Support
Latitude 5580
Latitude 7370
Latitude 7380
Latitude E5270
Latitude E5285
Latitude E5289 2-in-1
Latitude E5470
Latitude E5570
Latitude E7240
Latitude E7250
Latitude E7260
Latitude E7265
Latitude E7270
Latitude E7275
Latitude E7280
Latitude E7350
Latitude 7389 2-in-1
Latitude E7440
Latitude E7450
Latitude E7460
Latitude E7470
Latitude E7480
Latitude 12 Rugged Extreme
Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet
(Model 7202)
Latitude 14 Rugged Extreme
Latitude 14 Rugged
Precision M7710
Precision M7720
Precision D5720 All-in-One
Precision T3420
Precision T3620
Precision T7810
XPS 15 9560
OptiPlex 5050 Tower, Small
Form Factor, Micro
OptiPlex 7020
Optiplex 7040 Micro, Mini
Tower, Small Form Factor
OptiPlex 7050 Tower, Small
Form Factor, Micro
Optiplex 3240 All-In-One
OptiPlex 5250 All-In-One
Optiplex 7440 All-In-One
OptiPlex 7450 All-In-One
OptiPlex 9020 Micro
Authentication features are supported with UEFI mode on these computers running Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
with qualied Opal Compliant SEDs. Other computers running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 support
Legacy Boot mode.
For a list of docking stations and adapters supported with the SED client, see
Authentication Options with SED Client
Specic hardware is required, to use smart cards and to authenticate on UEFI computers. Conguration is required to use smart cards
with Preboot Authentication. The following tables show authentication options available by operating system, when hardware and
conguration requirements are met.
Password Fingerprin
Windows 7 SP0-
X1X1 2
Windows 8 X1X1 2
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Password Fingerprin
Windows 8.1 X1X1 2
Windows 10 X1X1 2
1. Available when authentication drivers are downloaded from
2. Available with a supported OPAL SED.
PBA - on supported Dell computers
Password Fingerprin
Windows 7
Windows 8 X1X1
Windows 8.1 X1X1
Windows 10 X1X1
1. Available with a supported OPAL SED on supported UEFI computers.
SED Client International Keyboards
The following table lists international keyboards supported with Preboot Authentication on UEFI and non-UEFI computers.
International Keyboard Support - UEFI
DE-CH - Swiss German
DE-FR - Swiss French
International Keyboard Support - Non-UEFI
AR - Arabic (using Latin letters)
DE-CH - Swiss German
DE-FR - Swiss French
SED Client Localization
The SED and Advanced Authentication clients are Multilingual User Interface (MUI) compliant and are localized the following languages.
UEFI Mode and Preboot Authentication are supported in the following languages except Russian, Traditional Chinese, or Simplied Chinese.
16 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Language Support
EN - English KO - Korean
FR - French ZH-CN - Chinese, Simplied
IT - Italian ZH-TW - Chinese, Traditional/Taiwan
DE - German PT-BR - Portuguese, Brazilian
ES - Spanish PT-PT - Portuguese, Portugal (Iberian)
JA - Japanese RU - Russian
SED Client Operating Systems
The following table details the supported operating systems.
Windows Operating Systems (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Enterprise, Professional (supported with Legacy Boot mode but not UEFI)
Legacy Boot mode is supported on Windows 7. UEFI is not supported on Windows 7.
NVMe self-encrypting drives are not supported with Windows 7.
Windows 8: Enterprise, Pro,
Windows 8.1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition
Windows 10: Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 2)
Advanced Authentication Client
When using Advanced Authentication, users will be securing access to the computer using advanced authentication credentials that are
managed and enrolled using Advanced Authentication. Advanced Authentication will be the primary manager of the authentication
credentials for Windows Sign-in, including Windows password, ngerprint, and smart cards. Picture password, PIN, and ngerprint
credentials enrolled using the Microsoft Operating System will not be recognized at Windows Sign-in.
To continue using the Microsoft Operating System to manage user credentials, do not install Advanced Authentication or uninstall it.
An SED does not require a TPM to provide Advanced Authentication or encryption.
Advanced Authentication Client Hardware
The following table details supported authentication hardware.
Fingerprint and Smart Card Readers
Validity VFS495 in Secure Mode
ControlVault Swipe Reader
UPEK TCS1 FIPS 201 Secure Reader
Authentec Eikon and Eikon To Go USB Readers
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Contactless Cards
Contactless Cards using Contactless Card Readers built-in to specied Dell laptops
Smart Cards
PKCS #11 Smart Cards using the ActivIdentity client
The ActivIdentity client is not pre-loaded and must be installed separately.
CSP Cards
Common Access Cards (CACs)
Class B/SIPR Net Cards
The following table details Dell computer models supported with SIPR Net cards.
Dell Computer Models - Class B/SIPR Net Card Support
Latitude E6440
Latitude E6540
Precision M2800
Precision M4800
Precision M6800
Latitude 14 Rugged Extreme
Latitude 12 Rugged Extreme
Latitude 14 Rugged
Advanced Authentication Client Operating Systems
Windows Operating Systems
The following table details supported operating systems.
Windows Operating Systems (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Enterprise, Professional, Ultimate
Windows 8: Enterprise, Pro
Windows 8.1 Update 0-1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition
Windows 10: Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 2)
NOTE: UEFI mode is not supported on Windows 7.
BitLocker Manager Client
Consider reviewing Microsoft BitLocker requirements if BitLocker is not yet deployed in your environment,
Ensure that the PBA partition is already set up. If BitLocker Manager is installed before the PBA partition is set up, BitLocker cannot be
enabled and BitLocker Manager will not be operational. See Pre-Installation Conguration to Set Up a BitLocker PBA Partition.
The keyboard, mouse, and video components must be directly connected to the computer. Do not use a KVM switch to manage
peripherals as the KVM switch can interfere with the computer's ability to properly identify hardware.
Turn on and enable the TPM. BitLocker Manager will take ownership of the TPM and will not require a reboot. However, if a TPM
ownership already exists, BitLocker Manager will begin the encryption setup process (no restart is required). The point is that the TPM
must be "owned" and enabled.
The BitLocker Manager client will use the approved AES FIPS validated algorithms if FIPS mode is enabled for the GPO security setting
"System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing" on the device and you manage that device
via our product. We do not force this mode as default for BitLocker-encrypted clients because Microsoft now suggests customers not
use their FIPS validated encryption due to numerous issues with application compatibility, recovery, and media encryption: http://
18 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
BitLocker Manager Client Prerequisites
The Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer installs the following prerequisites if not already installed on the computer. When using
the child installer, you must install these components before installing BitLocker Manager.
Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 or later Redistributable Package (x86 and x64)
Visual C++ 2015 Update 3 or later Redistributable Package (x86 and x64)
BitLocker Manager Client Operating Systems
The following table details supported operating systems.
Windows Operating Systems
Windows 7 SP0-SP1: Enterprise, Ultimate (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 8: Enterprise (64-bit)
Windows 8.1: Enterprise Edition, Pro Edition (64-bit)
Windows 10: Education, Enterprise, Pro through Creators Update (Redstone 2)
Windows Server 2008 R2: Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2: Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
Windows Server 2016
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
This section details all Dell ProSupport approved registry settings for local client computers, regardless of the reason for the registry
setting. If a registry setting overlaps two products, it will be listed in each category.
These registry changes should be done by Administrators only and may not be appropriate or work in all scenarios.
Encryption Client Registry Settings
If a self-signed certicate is used on the Dell Security Management Server for Windows, certicate trust validation must remain
disabled on the client computer (trust validation is disabled by default with Security Management Server for Windows). Before enabling
trust validation on the client computer, the following requirements must be met.
A certicate signed by a root authority, such as EnTrust or Verisign, must be imported into Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual.
The full chain of trust of the certicate must be stored in the Microsoft keystore on the client computer.
To enable trust validation for the Encryption client, change the value of the following registry entry to 0 on the client computer.
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield]
0 = Fail if a certicate error is encountered
1= Ignores errors
To use smart cards with Windows Authentication, the following registry value must be set on the client computer.
To create an Encryption Removal Agent log le, create the following registry entry on the computer targeted for decryption. See
(Optional) Create an Encryption Removal Agent Log File.
0: no logging
1: logs errors that prevent the Service from running
2: logs errors that prevent complete data decryption (recommended level)
3: logs information about all decrypting volumes and les
5: logs debugging information
By default, during installation, the system tray icon is displayed. Use the following registry setting to hide the system tray icon for all
managed users on a computer after the original installation. Create or modify the registry setting as follows:
20 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
By default, all temporary les in the c:\windows\temp directory are automatically deleted during installation. Deletion of temporary les
speeds initial encryption and occurs before the initial encryption sweep.
However, if your organization uses a third-party application that requires the le structure within the \temp directory to be preserved,
you should prevent this deletion.
To disable temporary le deletion, create or modify the registry setting as follows:
Not deleting temporary les increases initial encryption time.
The Encryption client displays the length of each policy update delay prompt for ve minutes each time. If the user does not respond to
the prompt, the next delay begins. The nal delay prompt includes a countdown and progress bar, and it displays until the user
responds, or the nal delay expires and the required logo/reboot occurs.
You can change the behavior of the user prompt to begin or delay encryption, to prevent encryption processing following no user
response to the prompt. To do this, set the registry the following registry value:
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield]
Any non-zero value will change the default behavior to snooze. With no user interaction, encryption processing will be delayed up to the
number of congurable allowed delays. Encryption processing begins when the nal delay expires.
Calculate the maximum possible delay as follows (a maximum delay would involve the user never responding to a delay prompt, each of
which displays for 5 minutes):
Use the following registry setting to have the Encryption client poll the Security Management Server/Security Management Server
Virtual for a forced policy update. Create or modify the registry setting as follows:
"PingProxy"=DWORD value:1
The registry setting will automatically disappear when done.
Use the following registry settings to either allow the Encryption client to send an optimized inventory to the Security Management
Server/Security Management Server Virtual, send a full inventory to the Security Management Server/Security Management Server
Virtual, or to send a full inventory for all activated users to the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
Send Optimized Inventory to Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual:
Create or modify the registry setting as follows:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield]
If no entry is present, optimized inventory is sent to the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
Send Full Inventory to Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual:
Create or modify the registry setting as follows:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield]
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
If no entry is present, optimized inventory is sent to the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
Send Full Inventory for All Activated Users
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield]
This entry is deleted from the registry as soon as it is processed. The value is saved in the vault, so even if the computer is rebooted
before the inventory upload takes place, the Encryption client still honors this request the next successful inventory upload.
This entry supersedes the OnlySendInvChanges registry value.
Slotted Activation is a feature that allows you to spread activations of clients over a set time period in order to ease Security
Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual load during a mass deployment. Activations are delayed based on
algorithmically generated time slots to provide a smooth distribution of activation times.
For users requiring activation through VPN, a slotted activation conguration for the client may be required, to delay initial activation for
long enough to allow time for the VPN client to establish a network connection.
These registry entries require a restart of the computer for the updates to take eect.
Slotted Activation
To enable or disable this feature, create a DWORD with the name SlottedActivation under the following parent key:
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield\]
Activation Slot
To enable or disable this feature, create a subkey with the name ActivationSlot under the following parent key:
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield\]
Activation Slot - a string that denes the period within which the Dell Encryption client will attempt to activate with the Security
Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual. These values are dened in seconds, and the syntax is dened by
<lowervalue>,<uppervalue>. An example would be 120,300. This means that the Encryption client will attempt to activate at a
random time between 2 minutes and 5 minutes after user login.
Calendar Repeat
To enable or disable this feature, create a subkey with the name CalRepeat under the following parent key:
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield\ActivationSlot]
CalRepeat - A DWORD that denes the time period in seconds that the activation slot interval occurs. Use this setting to
override the time period in seconds that the activation slot interval occurs. 25200 seconds are available for slotting activations
during a seven-hour period. The default setting is 86400 seconds, which represents a daily repeat. The suggested decimal value
is 600, which represents 10 minutes.
Slot Interval
To enable or disable this feature, create a subkey with the name SlotInterval under the following parent key:
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield\ActivationSlot]
Slot Interval - A string value that denes the intervals between slot activations. The suggested setting is 45,120. This represents
activation time being randomly assigned between 45 and 120 seconds.
Missed Threshold
To enable or disable this feature, create a subkey with the name MissThreshold under the following parent key:
22 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield\ActivationSlot]
MissThreshold - a DWORD value that contains a positive integer that denes the number of attempts to activate before a log
o is required. If the MissThreshold is reached, activation attempts will cease until the next login for the unactivated user. The
count for MissThreshold is always reset on logo.
The following registry keys collect slotted activation user data:
[HKCU/Software/CREDANT/ActivationSlot] (per-user data)
Deferred time to attempt the slotted activation, which is set when the user logs onto the network for the rst time after slotted
activation is enabled. The activation slot is recalculated for each activation attempt.
[HKCU/Software/CREDANT/SlotAttemptCount] (per-user data)
Number of failed or missed attempts, when the time slot arrives and activation is attempted but fails. When this number
reaches the value set in ACTIVATION_SLOT_MISSTHRESHOLD, the computer attempts one immediate activation upon
connecting to the network.
To detect unmanaged users on the client computer, set the following registry value on the client computer:
"UnmanagedUserDetected"=DWORD value:1
Detect unmanaged users on this computer=1
Do not detect unmanaged users on this computer=0
To enable silent automatic reactivation in the rare case that a user becomes deactivated, the following registry value must be set on the
client computer.
0=Disabled (default)
System Data Encryption (SDE) is enforced based on the policy value for SDE Encryption Rules. Additional directories are protected by
default when the SDE Encryption Enabled policy is Selected. For more information, search "SDE Encryption Rules" in AdminHelp. When
the Encryption client is processing a policy update that includes an active SDE policy, the current user prole directory is encrypted by
default with the SDUser key (a User key) rather than the SDE key (a Device key). The SDUser key is also used to encrypt les or
folders that are copied (not moved) into a user directory that is not a encrypted with SDE.
To disable the SDUser key and use the SDE key to encrypt these user directories, create the following registry entry on the computer:
If this registry key is not present or is set to anything other than 0, the SDUser key will be used to encrypt these user directories.
For more information about SDUser, see
Setting the registry entry, EnableNGMetadata, if issues occur related with Microsoft updates on computers with Common key-
encrypted data or with encrypting, decrypting, or unzipping large numbers of les within a folder.
Set the EnableNGMetadata registry entry in the following location:
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
"EnableNGMetadata" = DWORD:1
0=Disabled (default)
The non-domain activation feature can be enabled by contacting Dell ProSupport and requesting instructions.
Threat Protection Client Registry Settings
Threat Protection events that the client sends to the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual are not
automatically archived on the client computer. Set the following registry key to archive events on the client computer, for example, if
Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual access is unavailable.
[HKLM\Software\Dell\Dell Data Protection\ThreatProtection]
0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
Log verbosity is set to Warning by default. To congure Debug log verbosity, set the following registry key.
[HKLM\Software\Dell\Dell Data Protection]
10=Debug verbosity
Pop-up notications display on the client computer when a threat is detected. Set this registry key to 1 to suppress the notications.
[HKLM\Software\Dell\Dell Data Protection]
0=Disabled (default), 1=Enabled (suppress notications)
To display notications of a minimum severity level, set this registry key.
[HKLM\Software\Dell\Dell Data Protection]
0=Information (displays all events), 1=Warning, 2=Minor, 3=Major (default, show Major and Critical only), 4=Critical
If "DDPTPHideToasters" is set to 1, settings for "DDPTPEventSeverityFilter" are ignored.
SED Client Registry Settings
To set the retry interval when the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual is unavailable to communicate
with the SED client, add the following registry value.
This value is the number of seconds the SED client waits to attempt to contact the Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual if it is unavailable to communicate with the SED client. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
24 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
If a self-signed certicate is used on the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual for SED management,
SSL/TLS trust validation must remain disabled on the client computer (SSL/TLS trust validation is disabled by default with SED
management). Before enabling SSL/TLS trust validation on the client computer, the following requirements must be met.
A certicate signed by a root authority, such as EnTrust or Verisign, must be imported into Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual.
The full chain of trust of the certicate must be stored in the Microsoft keystore on the client computer.
To enable SSL/TLS trust validation for SED management, change the value of the following registry entry to 0 on the client
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
To use smart cards with Windows Authentication, the following registry value must be set on the client computer.
To use smart cards with Preboot Authentication, the following registry value must be set on the client computer. Also set the
Authentication Method policy to Smart Card in the Remote Management Console, and commit the change.
To determine if the PBA is activated, ensure that the following value is set:
"PBAIsActivated"=DWORD (32-bit):1
A value of 1 means that the PBA is activated. A value of 0 means the PBA is not activated.
To set the interval at which the SED client will attempt to contact the Security Management Server/Security Management Server
Virtual when it is unavailable to communicate with the SED client, set the following value on the client computer:
"CommErrorSleepSecs"=DWORD Value:300
This value is the number of seconds the SED client waits to attempt to contact the Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual if it is unavailable to communicate with the SED client. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
The Security Server host may be changed from the original installation location if needed. The host information is read by the client
computer every time a policy poll occurs. Change the following registry value on the client computer:
The Security Server port may be changed from the original installation location if needed. This value is read by the client computer
every time a policy poll occurs. Change the following registry value on the client computer:
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
The Security Server URL may be changed from the original install location if needed. This value is read by the client computer every
time a policy poll occurs. Change the following registry value on the client computer:
Advanced Authentication Client Registry Settings
If you do not want the Advanced Authentication client to change the services associated with smart cards and biometric devices to a
startup type of "automatic", disable the service startup feature. Disabling this feature also suppresses warnings associated with the
required services not running.
When disabled, Advanced Authentication will not attempt to start these services:
SCardSvr - Manages access to smart cards read by the computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to read
smart cards. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
SCPolicySvc - Allows the system to be congured to lock the user desktop upon smart card removal.
WbioSrvc - The Windows biometric service gives client applications the ability to capture, compare, manipulate, and store biometric
data without gaining direct access to any biometric hardware or samples. The service is hosted in a privileged SVCHOST process.
By default, if the registry key does not exist or the value is set to 0, this feature is enabled.
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\DELL\Dell Data Protection]
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
To use smart cards with Windows Authentication, the following registry value must be set on the client computer.
To use smart cards with SED Preboot Authentication, the following registry value must be set on the client computer that is equipped
with an SED.
Set the Authentication Method policy to Smart Card in the Remote Management Console, and commit the change.
BitLocker Manager Client Registry Settings
If a self-signed certicate is used on the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual for BitLocker Manager,
SSL/TLS trust validation must remain disabled on the client computer (SSL/TLS trust validation is disabled by default with BitLocker
Manager). Before enabling SSL/TLS trust validation on the client computer, the following requirements must be met.
A certicate signed by a root authority, such as EnTrust or Verisign, must be imported into Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual .
The full chain of trust of the certicate must be stored in the Microsoft keystore on the client computer.
To enable SSL/TLS trust validation for BitLocker Manager, change the value of the following registry entry to 0 on the client
26 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Registry Settings
Install Using the Master Installer
Command line switches and parameters are case-sensitive.
To install using non-default ports, use the child installers instead of the master installer.
Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer log les are located at C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Installer.
Instruct users to see the following document and help les for application assistance:
See the Dell Encrypt Help to learn how to use the feature of the Encryption client. Access the help from <Install dir>:\Program Files
\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\Help.
See the Encryption External Media Help to learn how the features of Encryption External Media. Access the help from <Install dir>:
\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\EMS.
See the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Help to learn how to use the features of Advanced Authentication and Threat Protection.
Access the help from <Install dir>:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Client Security Framework\Help.
Users should update their policies by right-clicking the Dell Encryption icon in the system tray and selecting Check for Policy Updates
after installation completes.
The master installer installs the entire suite of products. There are two methods to install using the master installer. Choose one of the
Install Interactively Using the Master Installer
Install by Command Line Using the Master Installer
Install Interactively Using the Master Installer
The Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at
Use these instructions to install Endpoint Security Suite Pro interactively using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer. This
method can be used to install the suite of products on one computer at a time.
1 Locate DDSSuite.exe in the Dell installation media. Copy it to the local computer.
2 Double-click to launch the installer. This may take several minutes.
3 Click Next in the Welcome dialog.
4 Read the license agreement, accept the terms, and click Next.
5 In the Enterprise Server Name eld, enter the fully qualied host name of the Security Management Server/Security Management
Server Virtual that will manage the target user, such as
In the Device Server URL eld, enter the URL of the Device Server (Security Server) with which the client will communicate.
The format is (including trailing forward slash).
Click Next.
28 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Master Installer
6 Click Next to install the product in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\. Dell recommends installing in
the default location only, as problems may arise when installing in other locations.
7 Select the components to be installed.
Security Framework installs the underlying security framework and Advanced Authentication, the advanced authentication client that
manages multiple authentication methods, including PBA and credentials such as ngerprints and passwords.
Advanced Authentication installs the les and services required for Advanced Authentication.
Encryption installs the Encryption client, the component that enforces security policy, whether a computer is connected to the
network, disconnected from the network, lost, or stolen.
Threat Protection installs the Threat Protection clients, which are malware and antivirus protection to scan for viruses, spyware, and
unwanted programs, client rewall to monitor communication between the computer and resources on the network and the Internet,
and web ltering to display safety ratings or block access to websites during online browsing.
BitLocker Manager installs the BitLocker Manager client, designed to enhance the security of BitLocker deployments by simplifying
and reducing the cost of ownership through centralized management of BitLocker encryption policies.
Advanced Threat Prevention installs the Advanced Threat Prevention client, which is next-generation antivirus protection that uses
algorithmic science and machine learning to identify, classify, and prevent both known and unknown cyberthreats from executing or
harming endpoints.
NOTE: Threat Protection and Advanced Threat Prevention cannot reside on the same computer. The installer
automatically prevents the selection of both components. Should you wish to install Advanced Threat Prevention,
download the Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise
Advanced Installation Guide
for instructions.
NOTE: If the installer detects a Windows version later than Anniversary Update (Redstone 1), the Threat Protection
option does not display.
Click Next when your selections are complete.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Master Installer
8 Click Install to begin the installation. Installation will take several minutes.
9 Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now and click Finish.
30 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Master Installer
Installation is complete.
Install by Command Line Using the Master Installer
The switches must be specied rst in a command line installation. Other parameters go inside an argument that is passed to the /v
The following table describes the switches that can be used with the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer.
NOTE: If you attempt to install the optional Threat Protection features on a Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Redstone 2)
or later, an incompatibility warning displays.
Switch Description
-y -gm2 Pre-extraction of Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer. The -y and -gm2 switches must be used
Do not separate the switches.
/S Silent installation
/z Pass variables to the .msi inside the DDSSuite.exe
The following table describes the parameters that can be used with the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer. The Endpoint
Security Suite Pro master installer cannot exclude individual components but can receive commands to specify which components
should be installed.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Master Installer
Parameter Description
SUPPRESSREBOOT Suppresses the automatic reboot after the installation completes. Can be used in SILENT mode.
SERVER Species the URL of the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
InstallPath Species the path for the installation. Can be used in SILENT mode.
FEATURES Species the components that can be installed in SILENT mode.
DE-TP = Threat Protection and Encryption
DE = Drive Encryption (Encryption client)
BLM = BitLocker Manager
SED = SED Management (EMAgent/Manager, PBA/GPE Drivers)
BLM_ONLY=1 Must be used when using FEATURES=BLM in the command line to exclude the SED Management plugin.
Example Command Line
Command line parameters are case-sensitive.
This example installs all components using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer on standard ports, silently, in the default
location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\, and congures it to use the specied Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual.
"DDSSuite.exe" -y -gm2 /S /z"\"\""
This example installs Threat Protection and Encryption
using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer on standard ports,
silently, in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\, and congures it to use the specied Security
Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
"DDSSuite.exe" -y -gm2 /S /z"\", FEATURES=DE-TP\""
This example installs Threat Protection, Encryption, and SED Management using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer, on
standard ports, silently, with a suppressed reboot, in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\, and congures
it to use the specied Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
"DDSSuite.exe" -y -gm2 /S /z"\", FEATURES=DE-TP, SED,
32 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Master Installer
Uninstall Using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Master Installer
Each component must be uninstalled separately, followed by uninstallation of the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer. The
clients must be uninstalled in a specic order to prevent uninstallation failures.
Follow the instructions in Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer to obtain child installers.
Ensure that the same version of Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer (and thereby clients) is used for uninstallation as
This chapter refers you to other chapters that contain detailed instructions of how to uninstall the child installers. This chapter explains
the last step only, uninstalling the master installer.
Uninstall the clients in the following order.
aUninstall Threat Protection Clients.
bUninstall Encryption Client.
cUninstall SED and Advanced Authentication Clients.
dUninstall BitLocker Manager Client.
The Driver package does not need to be uninstalled.
Proceed to Uninstall the Master Installer.
Uninstall the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Master
Now that all of the individual clients have been uninstalled, the master installer can be uninstalled.
Command Line Uninstallation
The following example silently uninstalls the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer.
"DDSSuite.exe" -y -gm2 /S /x
Reboot the computer when nished.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Uninstall Using the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Master Installer
Install Using the Child Installers
To install each client individually, the child executable les must rst be extracted from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer,
as shown in Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer.
Command examples included in this section assume the commands are run from C:\extracted.
Command line switches and parameters are case-sensitive.
Be sure to enclose a value that contains one or more special characters, such as a blank space in the command line, in escaped
quotation marks.
Use these installers to install the clients using a scripted installation, batch les, or any other push technology available to your
The reboot has been suppressed in the command line examples. However, an eventual reboot is required. Encryption cannot begin until
the computer has rebooted.
Log les - Windows creates unique child installer installation log les for the logged in user at %temp%, located at C:\Users
If you decide to add separate a log le when you run the installer, ensure that the log le has a unique name, as child installer log les do
not append. The standard .msi command can be used be create a log le by using /l*v C:\<any directory>\<any log le name>.log.
All child installers use the same basic .msi switches and display options, except where noted, for command line installations. The
switches must be specied rst. The /v switch is required and takes an argument. Other parameters go inside an argument that is
passed to the /v switch.
Display options can be specied at the end of the argument passed to the /v switch to achieve the expected behavior. Do not use
both /q and /qn in the same command line. Only use ! and - after /qb.
Switch Meaning
/v Pass variables to the .msi inside the setup.exe. The content must always be enclosed in
plain-text quotes.
/s Silent mode
/x Uninstall mode
/a Administrative install (will copy all les inside the .msi)
With /v, the Microsoft default options are available. For a list of options, see
Option Meaning
/q No Progress dialog, restarts itself after process completion
/qb Progress dialog with Cancel button, prompts for restart
/qb- Progress dialog with Cancel button, restarts itself after process completion
/qb! Progress dialog without Cancel button, prompts for restart
34 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
Option Meaning
/qb!- Progress dialog without Cancel button, restarts itself after process completion
/qn No user interface
/norestart Suppress reboot
Instruct users to see the following document and help les for application assistance:
See the Dell Encrypt Help to learn how to use the feature of the Encryption client. Access the help from <Install dir>:\Program Files
\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\Help.
See the Encryption External Media Help to learn how the features of Encryption External Media. Access the help from <Install dir>:
\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\EMS.
See the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Help to learn how to use the features of Advanced Authentication and Threat Protection.
Access the help from <Install dir>:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Client Security Framework\Help.
Install Drivers
Drivers and rmware for ControlVault, ngerprint readers and smart cards are not included in the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master
installer or child installer executable les. The drivers and rmware must be kept up-to-date, and can be downloaded from http:// and selecting your computer model. Download the appropriate drivers and rmware based on your
authentication hardware.
• ControlVault
NEXT Biometrics Fingerprint Driver
Validity Fingerprint Reader 495 Driver
O2Micro Smart Card Driver
If installing on non-Dell hardware, download updated drivers and rmware from that vendor's website.
Install Encryption Client
Review Encryption Client Requirements if your organization is using a certicate signed by a root authority, such as EnTrust or Verisign.
A registry setting change is needed on the client computer to enable certicate validation.
Users should update their policies by right-clicking the Dell Data Security icon in the system tray and selecting Check for Policy
Updates after installation completes.
The Encryption client installer can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at and then Extract the Child
Installers from the Master Installer. After extraction, locate the le at C:\extracted\Encryption.
Command Line Installation
The following table details the parameters available for the installation.
SERVERHOSTNAME=<ServerName> (FQDN of the Dell Server for re-activation)
POLICYPROXYHOSTNAME=<RGKName> (FQDN of the default Policy Proxy)
MANAGEDDOMAIN=<MyDomain> (Domain to be used for the device)
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
DEVICESERVERURL=<DeviceServerName/SecurityServerName> (URL used for activation; usually includes server name, port, and
GKPORT=<NewGKPort> (Gatekeeper port)
MACHINEID=<MachineName> (Computer name)
RECOVERYID=<RecoveryID> (Recovery ID)
REBOOT=ReallySuppress (Null allows for automatic reboots, ReallySuppress disables reboot)
HIDEOVERLAYICONS=1 (0 enables overlay icons, 1 disables overlay icons)
HIDESYSTRAYICON=1 (0 enables the systray icon, 1 disables the systray icon)
For a list of basic .msi switches and display options that can be used in command lines, refer to Install Using the Child Installers.
The following table details additional optional parameters related with activation.
SLOTTEDACTIVATON=1 (0 disables delayed/scheduled activations, 1 enables delayed/scheduled activations)
SLOTINTERVAL=45,120 (Schedules activations through x,x notation where the rst value is the lower limit of the schedule and the
second value is the upper limit - in seconds)
CALREPEAT=600 (MUST match or exceed the upper limit set in SLOTINTERVAL. Number of seconds the Encryption client waits
before generating an activation attempt based on SLOTINTERVAL.)
Example Command Line
The following example installs the client with default parameters (Encryption client, Encrypt for Sharing, no dialogue, no progress bar,
automatic restart, installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
MSI Command:
msiexec.exe /i "Dell Data Protection Encryption.msi" /qn REBOOT="ReallySuppress"
The following example installs the Encryption client and Encrypt for Sharing, hides the Data Security Console system tray icon, hides
the overlay icons, no dialogue, no progress bar, suppresses restart, installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data
REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"
MSI Command:
msiexec.exe /i "Dell Data Protection Encryption.msi" /qn REBOOT="ReallySuppress"
Example Command Line to Install in Deferred Activation Mode
The following example installs the client with Deferred Activation in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection)
36 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
MSI Command:
msiexec.exe /i "Dell Data Protection Encryption.msi" OPTIN="1"
The following example installs the client with Deferred Activation and with default parameters (Encryption client, Encrypt for Sharing,
no dialogue, no progress bar, no restart, no Encryption overlay icons, installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data
MSI Command:
msiexec.exe /i "Dell Data Protection Encryption.msi" /qn REBOOT="ReallySuppress" OPTIN="1"
Some older clients may require escape characters of \" around the values of parameters. For example:
\"\" DA_PORT=\"8050\" SVCPN=\"\"
DA_RUNAS=\"domain\username\" DA_RUNASPWD=\"password\" /qn"
Install Threat Protection Clients
Threat Protection and Advanced Threat Prevention cannot reside on the same computer. Do not install both of these components on
the same computer, as compatibility issues will occur. If you wish to install Advanced Threat Prevention, download the Endpoint
Security Suite Enterprise Advanced Installation Guide for instructions.
The installers must be run in a specic order. Failure to install the components in the proper order will result in installation failure. Run
the installers in the following order:
NOTE: If you attempt to install the optional Threat Protection features on a Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Redstone 2) or
later, an incompatibility warning displays.
1\Advanced Authentication (Threat Protection needs the Dell Encryption Management Agent component).
2\Advanced Authentication (Advanced Authentication and Auth should be installed together)
3 The Encryption client is required with the Threat Protection components. Go to Example Command Line for an example installation.
4 Threat Protection Clients, as shown in Command Line Installation.
The SED and Advanced Authentication client installers can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at and then Extract the Child
Installers from the Master Installer. After extraction, locate the le at C:\extracted\Encryption Management Agent and C:
\extracted\Advanced Authentication\<x64/x86>.
The Encryption client installer can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at and then Extract the Child
Installers from the Master Installer. After extraction, locate the le at C:\extracted\Encryption.
The Threat Protection client installers can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at and then Extract the Child
Installers from the Master Installer. After extraction, locate the le at C:\extracted\Threat Protection.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
Command Line Installation
The following table details the parameters available for the EnsMgmtSdkInstaller.exe le.
Parameters Description
LoadCert Load the certicate at the specied directory.
The following table details the parameters available for the EPsetup.exe le.
Parameters Description
ADDLOCAL="tp,fw,wc" Identies the modules to install:
tp=Threat Protection
fw=Client Firewall
wc=Web Protection
NOTE: All three modules must be installed.
override "hips" Do not install Host Intrusion Prevention
INSTALLDIR Non-default installation location
nocontentupdate Tells the installer not to update content les automatically as part of the installation process.
Dell recommends scheduling an update as soon as installation has completed.
nopreservesettings Do not save settings.
The following table details the parameters available for the DellThreatProtection.msi le.
Parameters Description
Reboot=ReallySuppress Suppresses the reboot.
ARP 0=No entry in Add/Remove Programs
1=Entry in Add/Remove Programs
The following table details the parameters available for the EnsMgmtSdkInstaller.exe le.
Parameters Description
ProtectProcesses Specify the le name and location of processes to protect.
InstallSDK Installs the SDK at the specied location.
RemoveRightClick Removes the right-click menu option for end users.
RemoveMcTray Removes the system tray.
Example Command Line
\Threat Protection\SDK
The following command line loads the certicate default parameters.
38 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
"Threat Protection\SDK\EnsMgmtSdkInstaller.exe" -LoadCert >"C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data
Protection\Installer Logs\McAfeeSDKInstallerBeforeEndPoint.log"
This installer can be skipped if upgrading.
\Threat Protection\EndPointSecurity
The following example installs the Threat Protection, Web Protection, and Client Firewall with default parameters (silent mode, install
Threat Protection, Client Firewall, and Web Protection, override the Host Intrusion Prevention, no content update, no settings saved).
"Threat Protection\EndPointSecurity\EPsetup.exe" ADDLOCAL="tp,fw,wc" /override"hips" /
nocontentupdate /nopreservesettings /qn
\Threat Protection\ThreatProtection\WinXXR
The following example installs the client with default parameters (suppress the reboot, no dialogue, no progress bar, no entry in the
Control Panel Programs list).
"Threat Protection\ThreatProtection\WinXXR\DellThreatProtection.msi" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress
\Threat Protection\SDK
The following example installs the Threat Protection SDK.
"Threat Protection\SDK\EnsMgmtSdkInstaller.exe" -ProtectProcesses "C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell
Data Protection\Threat Protection\DellAVAgent.exe" -InstallSDK -RemoveRightClick -RemoveMcTray
>"C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Installer Logs\McAfeeSDKInstallerAfterEndPoint.log"
Install SED Management and Advanced
Authentication Clients
The SED client is required for Advanced Authentication in v8.x.
Review SED Client Requirements if your organization is using a certicate signed by a root authority, such as EnTrust or Verisign. A
registry setting change is needed on the client computer to enable SSL/TLS trust validation.
Users log in to the PBA using their Windows credentials.
The SED and Advanced Authentication client installers can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at and then Extract the Child
Installers from the Master Installer. After extraction, locate the le at C:\extracted\Encryption Management Agent and C:
\extracted\Advanced Authentication\<x64/x86>.
Command Line Installation
The following table details the parameters available for the installation.
CM_EDITION=1 <remote management>
INSTALLDIR=<change the installation destination>
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 <no entry in the Control Panel Programs list>
For a list of basic .msi switches and display options that can be used in command lines, refer to Install Using the Child Installers.
Example Command Line
\Encryption Management Agent
The following example installs remotely managed SED (silent installation, no reboot, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list, installed
in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
norestart /qn"
\Advanced Authentication\<x64/x86>
The following example installs Advanced Authentication (silent installation, no reboot)
setup.exe /s /v"/norestart /qn ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1"
Install BitLocker Manager Client
Review BitLocker Manager Client Requirements if your organization is using a certicate signed by a root authority, such as EnTrust or
Verisign. A registry setting change is needed on the client computer to enable SSL/TLS trust validation.
The BitLocker Manager client installers can be located at:
From Your Dell FTP Account - Locate the installation bundle at and then Extract the Child
Installers from the Master Installer. After extraction, locate the le at C:\extracted\Encryption Management Agent.
Command Line Installation
The following table details the parameters available for the installation.
CM_EDITION=1 <remote management>
INSTALLDIR=<change the installation destination>
FEATURE=BLM <install BitLocker Manager only>
FEATURE=BLM,SED <install BitLocker Manager with SED>
40 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 <no entry in the Control Panel Programs list>
For a list of basic .msi switches and display options that can be used in command lines, refer to Install Using the Child Installers.
Example Command Line
The following example installs BitLocker Manager only (silent installation, no reboot, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list, installed
in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection)
EMAgent_XXbit_setup.exe /s /v"CM_EDITION=1 SERVERPORT=8888 SECURITYSERVERPORT=8443 FEATURE=BLM /norestart /qn"
The following example installs BitLocker Manager with SED (silent installation, no reboot, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list,
installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection)
norestart /qn"
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Install Using the Child Installers
Uninstall Using the Child Installers
To uninstall each client individually, the child executable les must rst be extracted from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master
installer, as shown in Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer Alternatively, run an administrative installation to extract
the .msi.
Ensure that the same versions of client are used for uninstallation as installation.
Command line switches and parameters are case-sensitive.
Be sure to enclose a value that contains one or more special characters, such as a blank space in the command line, in escaped
quotation marks. Command line parameters are case-sensitive.
Use these installers to uninstall the clients using a scripted installation, batch les, or any other push technology available to your
Log les - Windows creates unique child installer uninstallation log les for the logged in user at %temp%, located at C:\Users
If you decide to add separate a log le when you run the installer, ensure that the log le has a unique name, as child installer log les do
not append. The standard .msi command can be used be create a log le by using /l C:\<any directory>\<any log le name>.log. Dell
does not recommend using "/l*v" (verbose logging) in a command line uninstallation, as the username/password is recorded in the log
All child installers use the same basic .msi switches and display options, except where noted, for command line uninstallations. The
switches must be specied rst. The /v switch is required and takes an argument. Other parameters go inside an argument that is
passed to the /v switch.
Display options can be specied at the end of the argument passed to the /v switch to achieve the expected behavior. Do not use
both /q and /qn in the same command line. Only use ! and - after /qb.
Switch Meaning
/v Pass variables to the .msi inside the setup.exe. The content must always be enclosed in
plain-text quotes.
/s Silent mode
/x Uninstall mode
/a Administrative install (will copy all les inside the .msi)
With /v, the Microsoft default options are available. For a list of options, see
Option Meaning
/q No Progress dialog, restarts itself after process completion
/qb Progress dialog with Cancel button, prompts for restart
/qb- Progress dialog with Cancel button, restarts itself after process completion
/qb! Progress dialog without Cancel button, prompts for restart
42 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Uninstall Using the Child Installers
Option Meaning
/qb!- Progress dialog without Cancel button, restarts itself after process completion
/qn No user interface
Uninstall Threat Protection Clients
Command Line Uninstallation
Once extracted from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer, the Threat Protection client installer can be located at C:
\extracted\Threat Protection\ThreatProtection\WinXXR\DellThreatProtection.msi.
Go to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel and uninstall the following components in this order.
McAfee Endpoint Security Firewall
McAfee Endpoint Security Threat Prevention
McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control
McAfee Agent
• Then:
The following example uninstalls the Threat Protection client .
MSIEXEC.EXE /x "DellThreatProtection.msi"
Uninstall Encryption Client
To reduce decryption time, run the Windows Disk Cleanup Wizard to remove temporary les and other unneeded data.
Plan to decrypt overnight, if possible.
Turn o sleep mode to prevent an unattended computer from going to sleep. Decryption cannot occur on a sleeping computer.
Shut down all processes and applications to minimize decryption failures because of locked les.
Once the uninstall is complete and decryption is in progress, disable all network connectivity. Otherwise, new policies may be acquired
that re-enable encryption.
Follow your existing process for decrypting data, such as issuing a policy update.
Windows Encryption clients update the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual to change the status to
Unprotected at the beginning of a Encryption client uninstall process. However, in the event that the client cannot contact the Security
Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual, regardless of the reason, the status cannot be updated. In this case, you will
need to manually Remove Endpoint in the Remote Management Console. If your organization uses this workow for compliance
purposes, Dell recommends that you verify that Unprotected has been set as expected, either in the Remote Management Console or
Compliance Reporter.
Before beginning the uninstall process, see (Optional) Create an Encryption Removal Agent Log File. This log le is useful for
troubleshooting an uninstall/decryption operation. If you do not intend to decrypt les during the uninstall process, you do not need to
create an Encryption Removal Agent log le.
The Key Server (and Security Management Server) must be congured prior to uninstallation if using the Encryption Removal Agent's
Download Keys from Server option. See Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of Encryption Client Activated Against Security
Management Server for instructions. No prior action is needed if the client to uninstall is activated against a Security Management
Server Virtual, as Security Management Server Virtual does not use the Key Server.
You must use the Dell Administrative Utility (CMGAd) prior launching the Encryption Removal Agent if using the Encryption Removal
Agent's Import Keys from a le option. This utility is used to obtain the encryption key bundle. See Use the Administrative Download
Utility (CMGAd) for instructions. The utility can be located in the Dell installation media.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Uninstall Using the Child Installers
Run WSScan to ensure that all data is decrypted after uninstallation is complete, but before restarting the computer. See Use WSScan
for instructions.
Periodically Check Encryption Removal Agent Status. Data decryption is still in process if the Encryption Removal Agent Service still
exists in the Services panel.
Command Line Uninstallation
Once extracted from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer, the Encryption client installer can be located at C:\extracted
The following table details the parameters available for the uninstallation.
Parameter Selection
CMG_DECRYPT Property for selecting the type of Encryption Removal Agent
3 - Use LSARecovery bundle
2 - Use previously downloaded forensics key material
1 - Download keys from the Dell Server
0 - Do not install Encryption Removal Agent
CMGSILENTMODE Property for silent uninstallation:
1 - Silent
0 - Not Silent
Required Properties
DA_SERVER FQHN for the Security Management Server hosting the negotiate
DA_PORT Port on the Security Management Server for request (default is
SVCPN Username in UPN format that the Key Server Service is logged
on as on the Security Management Server.
DA_RUNAS Username in SAM compatible format under whose context the
key fetch request will be made. This user must be in the Key
Server list in the Security Management Server.
DA_RUNASPWD Password for the runas user.
FORENSIC_ADMIN The Forensic Administrator account on the Dell Server, which can
be used for forensic requests for uninstalls or keys.
FORENSIC_ADMIN_PWD The password for the Forensic Administrator account.
Optional Properties
SVCLOGONUN Username in UPN format for Encryption Removal Agent Service
log on as parameter.
SVCLOGONPWD Password for log on as user.
44 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Uninstall Using the Child Installers
The following example silently uninstalls the Encryption client and downloads the encryption keys from the Security Management
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /s /x /v"CMG_DECRYPT=1 CMGSILENTMODE=1
DA_PORT=8050 DA_RUNAS=domain\username
DA_RUNASPWD=password /qn"
MSI Command:
msiexec.exe /s /x "Dell Data Protection Encryption.msi" /qn REBOOT="ReallySuppress"
SVCPN="" DA_RUNAS="domain\username" DA_RUNASPWD="password" /qn
Reboot the computer when nished.
The following example silently uninstalls the Encryption client and downloads the encryptions keys using a Forensic Administrator
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /s /x /v"CMG_DECRYPT=1 CMGSILENTMODE=1 FORENSIC_ADMIN_PWD=tempchangeit /qn"
MSI Command:
msiexec.exe /s /x "Dell Data Protection Encryption.msi" /qn CMG_DECRYPT=1 CMGSILENTMODE=1 FORENSIC_ADMIN_PWD=tempchangeit
Reboot the computer when nished.
Dell recommends the following actions when using a Forensic Administrator password on the command line:
1 Create a Forensic Administrator account in the Remote Management Console for the purpose of performing the silent
2 Use a temporary password for that account that is unique to that account and time period.
3 After the silent uninstallation has been completed, remove the temporary account from the list of administrators or change its
Some older clients may require escape characters of \" around the values of parameters. For example:
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /x /v"CMG_DECRYPT=\"1\" CMGSILENTMODE=\"1\" DA_SERVER=
\"\" DA_PORT=\"8050\" SVCPN=\"\"
DA_RUNAS=\"domain\username\" DA_RUNASPWD=\"password\" /qn"
Uninstall SED and Advanced Authentication Clients
Network connection to the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual is required for PBA deactivation.
Deactivate the PBA, which removes all PBA data from the computer and unlocks the SED keys.
Uninstall the SED client.
Uninstall the Advanced Authentication client.
Deactivate the PBA
1 As a Dell administrator, log in to the Remote Management Console.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Uninstall Using the Child Installers
2 In the left pane, click Protect & Manage > Endpoints.
3 Select the appropriate Endpoint Type.
4 Select Show >Visible, Hidden, or All.
5 If you know the Hostname of the computer, enter it in the Hostname eld (wildcards are supported). You may leave the eld blank to
display all computers. Click Search.
If you do not know the Hostname, scroll through the list to locate the computer.
A computer or list of computers displays based on your search lter.
6 Select the Details icon of the desired computer.
7 Click Security Policies on the top menu.
8 Select Self-Encrypting Drives.from the Policy Category drop-down menu.
9 Expand the SED Administration area and change the Enable SED Management and Activate PBA policies from True to False.
10 Click Save.
11 In the left pane, click Actions > Commit Policies.
12 Click Apply Changes.
Wait for the policy to propagate from the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual to the computer
targeted for deactivation.
Uninstall the SED and Authentication clients after the PBA is deactivated.
Uninstall SED Client and Advanced Authentication Clients
Command Line Uninstallation
Once extracted from the master installer, the SED client installer can be located at C:\extracted\Advanced Authentication\<x64/x86>
The following example silently uninstalls the Advanced Authentication client.
setup.exe /x /s /v" /qn"
Shut down and restart the computer when nished.
Once extracted from the master installer, the SED client installer can be located at C:\extracted\Encryption Management Agent
The following example silently uninstalls the SED client.
EMAgent_XXbit_setup.exe /x /s /v" /qn"
Shut down and restart the computer when nished.
Uninstall BitLocker Manager Client
Command Line Uninstallation
Once extracted from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer, the BitLocker client installer can be located at C:\extracted
\Encryption Management Agent\EMAgent_XXbit_setup.exe.
The following example silently uninstalls the BitLocker Manager client.
EMAgent_XXbit_setup.exe /x /s /v" /qn"
Reboot the computer when nished.
46 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Uninstall Using the Child Installers
Commonly Used Scenarios
To install each client individually, the child executable les must rst be extracted from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer,
as shown in Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer.
The SED client is required for Advanced Authentication in v8.x, which is why it is part of the command line in the following examples.
Command line switches and parameters are case-sensitive.
Be sure to enclose a value that contains one or more special characters, such as a blank space in the command line, in escaped
quotation marks.
Use these installers to install the clients using a scripted installation, batch les, or any other push technology available to your
The reboot has been suppressed in the command line examples. However, an eventual reboot is required. Encryption cannot begin until
the computer has rebooted.
Log les - Windows creates unique child installer installation log les for the logged in user at %temp%, located at C:\Users
If you decide to add separate a log le when you run the installer, ensure that the log le has a unique name, as child installer log les do
not append. The standard .msi command can be used be create a log le by using /l*v C:\<any directory>\<any log le name>.log.
All child installers use the same basic .msi switches and display options, except where noted, for command line installations. The
switches must be specied rst. The /v switch is required and takes an argument. Other parameters go inside an argument that is
passed to the /v switch.
Display options can be specied at the end of the argument passed to the /v switch to achieve the expected behavior. Do not use
both /q and /qn in the same command line. Only use ! and - after /qb.
Switch Meaning
/v Pass variables to the .msi inside the *.exe
/s Silent mode
/i Install mode
Option Meaning
/q No Progress dialog, restarts itself after process completion
/qb Progress dialog with Cancel button, prompts for restart
/qb- Progress dialog with Cancel button, restarts itself after process completion
/qb! Progress dialog without Cancel button, prompts for restart
/qb!- Progress dialog without Cancel button, restarts itself after process completion
/qn No user interface
Instruct users to see the following document and help les for application assistance:
See the Dell Encrypt Help to learn how to use the feature of the Encryption client. Access the help from <Install dir>:\Program Files
\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\Help.
See the Encryption External Media Help to learn how the features of Encryption External Media. Access the help from <Install dir>:
\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\EMS
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Commonly Used Scenarios
See the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Help to learn how to use the features of Advanced Authentication and Threat Protection.
Access the help from <Install dir>:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Endpoint Security Suite\Threat Protection\Help.
Encryption Client, Threat Protection, and Advanced
The following example installs remotely managed SED (silent installation, no reboot, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list, installed
in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
norestart /qn"
The following example installs Advanced Authentication (silent installation, no reboot, installed in the default location of C:\Program
Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Authentication).
setup.exe /s /v"/norestart /qn ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1"
The following example installs the Encryption client with default parameters (Encryption client and Encrypt for Sharing, no dialogue, no
progress bar, no restart, installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /s /v" MANAGEDDOMAIN=ORGANIZATION DEVICESERVERURL=https:// /norestart /qn"
\Threat Protection\SDK
The following command line loads the certicate default parameters.
EnsMgmtSdkInstaller.exe -LoadCert >"C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Installer Logs
This installer can be skipped if upgrading.
\Threat Protection\EndPointSecurity
The following example installs the Threat Protection with default parameters (silent mode, install Threat Protection, Client Firewall, and
Web Protection, override the Host Intrusion Prevention, no content update, no settings saved).
EPsetup.exe /qn ADDLOCAL="tp,fw,wc" /override"hips" /nocontentupdate /nopreservesettings /qn
\Threat Protection\ThreatProtection\WinXXR
The following example installs the client with default parameters (suppress the reboot, no dialogue, no progress bar, no entry in the
Control Panel Programs list).
"DellThreatProtection.msi" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1
\Threat Protection\SDK
The following example installs the Threat Protection SDK.
EnsMgmtSdkInstaller.exe -ProtectProcesses "C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Threat
Protection\DellAVAgent.exe" -InstallSDK -RemoveRightClick -RemoveMcTray >"C:\ProgramData\Dell
\Dell Data Protection\Installer Logs\McAfeeSDKInstallerAfterEndPoint.log"
48 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Commonly Used Scenarios
Encryption Client and Threat Protection
The following example installs drivers for Trusted Software Stack (TSS) for the TPM and Microsoft hotxes at the specied location,
does not create an entry in the Control Panel Programs list, and suppresses the reboot.
These drivers must be installed when installing the Encryption client.
setup.exe /S /z"\"InstallPath=<c:\location>, ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1, SUPPRESSREBOOT=1\""
The following example installs the Encryption client with default parameters (Encryption client and Encrypt for Sharing, no dialogue, no
progress bar, no restart, installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /s /v" MANAGEDDOMAIN=ORGANIZATION DEVICESERVERURL=https:// /norestart /qn"
The following example installs the Threat Protection client with default parameters (silent mode, install Threat Protection, Client
Firewall, and Web Protection, overrides the Host Intrusion Prevention, no content update, no settings saved).
EPsetup.exe /qn ADDLOCAL="tp,fw,wc" /override"hips" /nocontentupdate /nopreservesettings
The following example installs the Threat Protection client with default parameters (suppress the reboot, no dialogue, no progress bar,
install at the specied location C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list).
MSIEXEC.EXE /I "DellThreatProtection.msi" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR="C:\Program
Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\" ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 "
The following example installs the Threat Protection client with default parameters.
EnsMgmtSDKInstaller.exe -LoadCert -ProtectProcesses "C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data
Protection\Threat Protection\DellAVAgent.exe" -InstallSDK -RemoveRightClick -RemoveMcTray >
"C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Installer Logs\SDKInstaller.log"
SED Client (including Advanced Authentication) and
Encryption External Media
The following example installs remotely managed SED (silent installation, no reboot, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list, installed
in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
norestart /qn"
The following example installs Advanced Authentication (silent installation, no reboot, installed in the default location of C:\Program
Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Authentication).
setup.exe /s /v"/norestart /qn ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1"
The following example installs Encryption External Media only (silent installation, no reboot, installed in the default location of C:
\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /s /v"EME=1 DEVICESERVERURL=
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Commonly Used Scenarios
BitLocker Manager and Encryption External Media
The following example installs BitLocker Manager (silent installation, no reboot, no entry in the Control Panel Programs list, installed in
the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
EMAgent_XXbit_setup.exe /s /v"CM_EDITION=1 SERVERPORT=8888 SECURITYSERVERPORT=8443 FEATURE=BLM /norestart /qn"
The following example installs Encryption External Media only (silent installation, no reboot, installed in the default location of C:
\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).
DDPE_XXbit_setup.exe /s /v"EME=1 DEVICESERVERURL=
50 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Commonly Used Scenarios
Pre-Installation Conguration for SED UEFI, and
BitLocker Manager
Initialize the TPM
You must be a member of the local Administrators group, or equivalent.
The computer must be equipped with a compatible BIOS and a TPM.
Follow the instructions located at
Pre-Installation Conguration for UEFI Computers
Enable Network Connectivity During UEFI Preboot
In order for preboot authentication to succeed on a computer with UEFI rmware, the PBA must have network connectivity. By default,
computers with UEFI rmware do not have network connectivity until the operating system is loaded, which occurs after PBA mode.
The following procedure enables network connectivity during PBA for UEFI-enabled computers. Because the conguration steps vary from
one UEFI computer model to the next, the following procedure is only an example.
1 Boot into the UEFI rmware conguration.
2 Press F2 continuously during boot until you see a message in the upper right screen similar to "preparing one-time boot menu."
3 Enter the BIOS administrator password, if prompted.
Typically, you will not see this prompt if this is a new computer since the BIOS password has not yet been
4 Select System Conguration.
5 Select Integrated NIC.
6 Select the Enable UEFI Network Stack check box.
7 Select either Enabled or Enabled w/PXE.
8 Select Apply
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Pre-Installation Conguration for SED UEFI, and BitLocker Manager
Computers without UEFI rmware do not require conguration.
Disable Legacy Option ROMs
Ensure that the Enable Legacy Option ROMs setting is disabled in the BIOS.
1 Restart the computer.
2 As it is restarting, press F12 repeatedly to bring up the UEFI computer's boot settings.
3 Press the down arrow, highlight the BIOS Settings option, and press Enter.
4 Select Settings > General > Advanced Boot Options.
5 Clear the Enable Legacy Option ROMs check box and click Apply.
Pre-Installation Conguration to Set Up a BitLocker
PBA Partition
You must create the PBA partition before installing BitLocker Manager.
Turn on and activate the TPM before installing BitLocker Manager. BitLocker Manager will take ownership of the TPM (a reboot will
not be required). However, if the TPM's ownership already exists, BitLocker Manager will begin the encryption setup process. The point
is that the TPM must be "owned".
You may need to partition the disk manually. See Microsoft's description of the BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool for further information.
Use the BdeHdCfg.exe command to create the PBA partition. The default parameter indicates that the command line tool will follow
the same process as the BitLocker Setup Wizard.
BdeHdCfg -target default
For more options available for the BdeHdCfg command, see Microsoft's BdeHdCfg.exe Parameter Reference.
52 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Pre-Installation Conguration for SED UEFI, and BitLocker Manager
Set GPO on Domain Controller to Enable
If your clients will be entitled from Dell Digital Delivery (DDD), follow these instructions to set the GPO on the domain controller to
enable entitlements (this may not be the same server running the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual).
The workstation must be a member of the OU where the GPO is applied.
Ensure that outbound port 443 is available to communicate with the Security Management Server/Security Management
Server Virtual. If port 443 is blocked (for any reason), the entitlement functionality will not work.
1On the Domain Controller to manage the clients, click Start > Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management.
2 Right-click the OU where the policy should be applied and select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here....
3 Enter a name for the new GPO, select (none) for Source Starter GPO, and click OK.
4 Right-click the GPO that was created and select Edit.
5 The Group Policy Management Editor loads. Access Computer Conguration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Set GPO on Domain Controller to Enable Entitlements
6 Right-click the Registry and select New > Registry Item. Complete the following.
Action: Create
Key Path: SOFTWARE\Dell\Dell Data Protection
Value name: Server
Value type: REG_SZ
Value data: <IP address of the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual>
7 Click OK.
54 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Set GPO on Domain Controller to Enable Entitlements
8 Log out and then back into the workstation, or run gpupdate /force to apply the group policy.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Set GPO on Domain Controller to Enable Entitlements
Extract the Child Installers from the Endpoint
Security Suite Pro Master Installer
To install each client individually, extract the child executable les from the installer.
The master installer is not a master uninstaller. Each client must be uninstalled individually, followed by uninstallation of the master
installer. Use this process to extract the clients from the master installer so that they can be used for uninstallation.
1 From the Dell installation media, copy the DDSSuite.exe le to the local computer.
2 Open a command prompt in the same location as the DDSSuite.exe le and enter:
DDSSuite.exe /z"\"EXTRACT_INSTALLERS=C:\extracted\""
The extraction path cannot exceed 63 characters.
Before you begin installation, ensure that all prerequisites have been met and all required software has been installed for each child
installer that you plan to install. Refer to Requirements for details.
The extracted child installers are located at C:\extracted\.
56 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Extract the Child Installers from the Endpoint Security Suite Pro Master Installer
Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of
Encryption Client Activated Against Security
Management Server
This section explains how to congure components for use with Kerberos Authentication/Authorization when using an Security
Management Server. The Security Management Server Virtual does not use the Key Server.
The Key Server is a Service that listens for clients to connect on a socket. Once a client connects, a secure connection is negotiated,
authenticated, and encrypted using Kerberos APIs (if a secure connection cannot be negotiated, the client is disconnected).
The Key Server then checks with the Security Server (formerly the Device Server) to see if the user running the client is allowed to
access keys. This access is granted on the Remote Management Console via individual domains.
If Kerberos Authentication/Authorization is to be used, then the server that contains the Key Server component will need to be part of
the aected domain.
Because the Security Management Server Virtual does not use the Key Server, typical uninstallation is aected. When an Encryption
client that is activated against a Security Management Server Virtual is uninstalled, standard forensic key retrieval through the Security
Server is used, instead of the Key Server's Kerberos method. See Command Line Uninstallation for more information.
Services Panel - Add Domain Account User
1 On the Security Management Server, navigate to the Services panel (Start > Run... > services.msc > OK).
2 Right-click Key Server and select Properties.
3 Select the Log On tab and select the This account: option.
In the This account: eld, add the domain account user. This domain user must have at least local administrator rights to the Key
Server folder (must be able to write to the Key Server cong le, as well as the ability to write to the log.txt le).
Enter and conrm the password for the domain user.
Click OK.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of Encryption Client Activated Against Security Management Server
4 Restart the Key Server Service (leave the Services panel open for further operation).
5 Navigate to <Key Server install dir> log.txt to verify that the Service started properly.
Key Server Cong File - Add User for Security
Management Server Communication
1 Navigate to <Key Server install dir>.
2 Open Credant.KeyServer.exe.cong with a text editor.
3 Go to <add key="user" value="superadmin" /> and change the "superadmin" value to the name of the appropriate user (you may also
leave as "superadmin").
The "superadmin" format can be any method that can authenticate to the Security Management Server. The SAM account name,
UPN, or domain\username is acceptable. Any method that can authenticate to the Security Management Server is acceptable
because validation is required for that user account for authorization against Active Directory.
For example, in a multi-domain environment, only entering a SAM account name such as "jdoe" will likely fail because the Security
Management Server will not be able to authenticate "jdoe" because it cannot nd "jdoe". In a multi-domain environment, the UPN is
recommended, although the domain\username format is acceptable. In a single domain environment, the SAM account name is
4 Go to <add key="epw" value="<encrypted value of the password>" /> and change "epw" to "password". Then change "<encrypted
value of the password>" to the password of the user from Step 3. This password is re-encrypted when the Security Management
Server restarts.
If using "superadmin" in Step 3, and the superadmin password is not "changeit", it must be changed here. Save and close the le.
58 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of Encryption Client Activated Against Security Management Server
Sample Conguration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="port" value="8050" /> [TCP port the Key Server will listen to. Default is 8050.]
<add key="maxConnections" value="2000" /> [number of active socket connections the Key Server will allow]
<add key="url" value="" /> [Security Server (formerly Device Server) URL (the format is
8081/xapi for a pre-v7.7 Security Management Server)]
<add key="verifyCerticate" value="false" /> [true veries certs/set to false to not verify or if using self-signed certs]
<add key="user" value="superadmin" /> [User name used to communicate with the Security Server. This user must have the administrator
role selected in the Remote Management Console. The "superadmin" format can be any method that can authenticate to the Security
Management Server. The SAM account name, UPN, or domain\username is acceptable. Any method that can authenticate to the Security
Management Server is acceptable because validation is required for that user account for authorization against Active Directory. For
example, in a multi-domain environment, only entering a SAM account name such as "jdoe" will likely fail because the Security Management
Server will not be able to authenticate "jdoe" because it cannot nd "jdoe". In a multi-domain environment, the UPN is recommended,
although the domain\username format is acceptable. In a single domain environment, the SAM account name is acceptable.]
<add key="cacheExpiration" value="30" /> [How often (in seconds) the Service should check to see who is allowed to ask for keys.
The Service keeps a cache and keeps track of how old it is. Once the cache is older than the value, it gets a new list. When a user
connects, the Key Server needs to download authorized users from the Security Server. If there is no cache of these users, or the list has
not been downloaded in the last "x" seconds, it will be downloaded again. There is no polling, but this value congures how stale the list can
become before it is refreshed when it is needed.]
<add key="epw" value="encrypted value of the password" /> [Password used to communicate with the Security Server. If the
superadmin password has been changed, it must be changed here.]
Services Panel - Restart Key Server Service
1 Go back to the Services panel (Start > Run... > services.msc > OK).
2 Restart the Key Server Service.
3 Navigate to <Key Server install dir> log.txt to verify that the Service started properly.
4 Close the Services panel.
Remote Management Console - Add Forensic
1 If needed, log on to the Remote Management Console.
2 Click Populations > Domains.
3 Select the appropriate Domain.
4 Click the Key Server tab.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of Encryption Client Activated Against Security Management Server
5 In the Account eld, add the user that will be performing the administrator activities. The format is DOMAIN\UserName. Click Add
6 Click Users in the left menu. In the search box, search for the username added in Step 5. Click Search.
7 Once the correct user is located, click the Admin tab.
8 Select Forensic Administrator and click Update.
The components are now congured for Kerberos Authentication/Authorization.
60 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Key Server for Uninstallation of Encryption Client Activated Against Security Management Server
Use the Administrative Download Utility
This utility allows the download of a key material bundle for use on a computer that is not connected to an Security Management
Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
This utility uses one of the following methods to download a key bundle, depending on the command line parameter passed to the
Forensic Mode - Used if -f is passed on the command line or if no command line parameter is used.
Admin Mode - Used if -a is passed on the command line.
Log les can be located at C:\ProgramData\CmgAdmin.log
Use the Administrative Download Utility in Forensic
1 Double-click cmgad.exe to launch the utility or open a command prompt where CMGAd is located and type cmgad.exe -f (or
2 Enter the following information (some elds may be pre-populated).
Device Server URL: Fully qualied Security Server (Device Server) URL. The format is
Dell Admin: Name of the administrator with forensic administrator credentials (enabled in the Remote Management Console), such as
Password: Forensic administrator password
MCID: Machine ID, such as
DCID: First eight digits of the 16-digit Shield ID
Usually, specifying either the MCID or DCID are sucient. However, if both are known, it is helpful to enter both. Each
parameter contains dierent information about the client and client computer.
Click Next.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Use the Administrative Download Utility (CMGAd)
3 In the Passphrase: eld, type a passphrase to protect the download le. The passphrase must be at least eight characters long, and
contain at least one alphabetic and one numeric character. Conrm the passphrase.
Either accept the default name and location of where the le will be saved to or click ... to select a dierent location.
Click Next.
A message displays, indicating that the key material was successfully unlocked. Files are now accessible.
4 Click Finish when complete.
62 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Use the Administrative Download Utility (CMGAd)
Use the Administrative Download Utility in Admin
The Security Management Server Virtual does not use the Key Server, so Admin mode cannot be used to obtain a key bundle from a
Security Management Server Virtual. Use Forensic mode to obtain the key bundle if the client is activated against a Security Management
Server Virtual.
1 Open a command prompt where CMGAd is located and type cmgad.exe -a.
2 Enter the following information (some elds may be pre-populated).
Server: Fully qualied hostname of the Key Server, such as
Port Number: The default port is 8050
Server Account: The domain user the Key Server is running as. The format is domain\username. The domain user running the utility
must be authorized to perform the download from the Key Server
MCID: Machine ID, such as
DCID: First eight digits of the 16-digit Shield ID
Usually, specifying either the MCID or DCID are sucient. However, if both are known, it is helpful to enter both. Each
parameter contains dierent information about the client and client computer.
Click Next.
3 In the Passphrase: eld, type a passphrase to protect the download le. The passphrase must be at least eight characters long, and
contain at least one alphabetic and one numeric character.
Conrm the passphrase.
Either accept the default name and location of where the le will be saved or click ... to select a dierent location.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Use the Administrative Download Utility (CMGAd)
Click Next.
A message displays, indicating that the key material was successfully unlocked. Files are now accessible.
4 Click Finish when complete.
64 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Use the Administrative Download Utility (CMGAd)
Congure Deferred Activation
The Encryption client with Deferred Activation diers from the Encryption client activation in two ways:
Device-based Encryption policies
The Encryption client policies are user-based; the Encryption client with Deferred Activation's encryption policies are device-based. User
encryption is converted to Common encryption. This dierence allows the user to bring a personal device to use within the organization's
domain, while the organization maintains its security by centrally managing encryption policies.
With the Encryption client, activation is automatic. When Endpoint Security Suite Pro with Deferred Activation is installed, automatic
activation is disabled. Instead, the user chooses whether to activate encryption, and when to activate it.
Before a user permanently leaves the organization and while his email address is still active, the user must run the Encryption Removal
Agent and uninstall the Encryption client from his personal computer.
Deferred Activation Customization
These client-side tasks allow Deferred Activation customization.
Add a disclaimer to the Activation Logon dialog box
Disable automatic re-activation (optional)
Add a disclaimer to the Activation Logon dialog box
The Activation Logon dialog displays at these times:
When an unmanaged user logs on.
When the user decides to activate encryption and selects Activate Encryption from the system tray Encryption icon menu.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Deferred Activation
Prepare the Computer for Installation
If the data is encrypted with a non-Dell encryption product, before installing the Encryption client, decrypt data using the existing
encryption software, and then uninstall the existing encryption software. If the computer does not restart automatically, restart the
Create a Windows Password
Dell highly recommends that a Windows password be created (if one does not already exist) to protect access to the encrypted data.
Creating a password for the computer prevents others from logging on to your user account without your password.
Uninstall Previous Versions of the Encryption Client
Before uninstalling a previous version of the Encryption client, stop or pause an encryption sweep, if necessary.
If the computer is running a version of Dell Encryption earlier than v8.6, uninstall the Encryption client from the command line. For
instructions, see Uninstall Encryption and Server Encryption Client.
If you plan to install the latest version of the Encryption client immediately after uninstallation, it is not necessary to run the Encryption
Removal Agent to decrypt the les.
To upgrade a previous version of the Encryption client installed with Deferred Activation, use the Control Panel/Uninstall a Program
utility. This uninstallation method is possible even if OPTIN is disabled.
If no users were previously activated, the Encryption client clears the OPTIN setting from the SDE vault since the setting is left-over
from a previous installation. The Encryption client blocks Deferred Activations if users previously activated but the OPTIN ag is not set
in the SDE vault.
Install the Encryption Client with Deferred Activation
To install the Encryption client with Deferred Activation, install the Encryption client with the OPTIN=1 parameter. For more information
about client installation with the OPTIN=1 parameter, see Install Encryption Client.
Activate the Encryption Client with Deferred
Activation associates a domain user with a local user account and a specic computer.
Multiple users can activate on the same computer, provided they use unique local accounts and have unique domain email addresses.
A user can activate the Encryption client only once per domain account.
Before you activate the Encryption client:
Log in to the local account that you use the most often. The data associated with this account is the data that will be encrypted.
Connect to your organization's network.
1 Log on to the workstation or server.
2 Enter the domain email address and password and click Activate.
66 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Deferred Activation
Non-domain or personal email addresses cannot be used for activation.
3Click Close.
The Dell Server combines the encryption key bundle with the user's credentials and with the computer's unique ID (machine ID),
creating an unbreakable relationship between the key bundle, the specic computer, and the user.
4 Restart the computer to begin the encryption sweep.
The Local Management Console, accessible from the system tray icon, shows the policies sent by the Server, not the
eective policy.
Troubleshoot Deferred Activation
Troubleshoot Activation
Problem: Cannot access certain les and folders
Inability to access certain les and folders is a symptom of being logged in with a dierent account than the one under which the user
The Activation Logon dialog automatically displays even though the user has previously activated.
Possible Solution
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Deferred Activation
Log out and log back in with the credentials of the activated account and try to access the les again.
In the rare event that the Encryption client cannot authenticate the user, the Activation Logon dialog prompts the user for credentials to
authenticate and access encryption keys. To use the automatic re-activation feature, the AutoReactivation and AutoPromptForActivation
registry keys must BOTH be enabled. Although the feature is enabled by default, it can be manually disabled. For more information, see
Disable Automatic Re-activation.
Error Message: Server Authentication Failed
The Server was not able to authenticate the email address and password.
Possible Solutions
Use the email address associated with the organization. Personal email addresses cannot be used for activation.
Re-enter the email address and password and ensure there are no typographical errors.
Ask the administrator to verify that the email account is active and is not locked.
Ask the administrator to reset the user's domain password.
Error Message: Network connection error
The Encryption client could not communicate with the Dell Server.
Possible Solutions
Connect directly to the organization's network and try to activate again.
If VPN access is required to connect to the network, check the VPN connection and try again.
Check the Dell Server URL to ensure it matches the URL provided by the administrator.
The URL and other data that the user entered into the installer are stored in the registry. Check the accuracy of the data under [HKLM
\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield] and [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT
Disconnect and reconnect:
Disconnect the computer from the network.
Reconnect to the network.
Restart the computer.
Try to connect to the network again.
Error Message: Legacy Server Not Supported
Encryption cannot be activated against a legacy server; the Dell Server must be v9.1 or higher.
Possible Solution
Check the Dell Server URL to ensure it matches the URL provided by the administrator.
The URL and other data that the user entered into the installer are stored in the registry.
Check the accuracy of the data under [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield] and [HKLM
\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CMGShield\Servlet]
Error Message: Domain User Already Activated
A second user has logged on to the local computer and tried to activate against a domain account that has already been activated.
A user can activate the Encryption client only once per domain account.
Possible Solution
68 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Deferred Activation
Decrypt and uninstall the Encryption client while logged in as the second activated user.
Error Message: Server Error General
An error has occurred on the Server.
Possible Solution
The administrator should check the Server logs to ensure services are running.
The user should try to activate later.
Use the CMGAd utility prior to launching the Encryption Removal Agent to obtain the encryption key bundle. The CMGAd utility and its
instructions are located in the Dell installation media (Dell-Oine-Admin-XXbit)
Log Files
In C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption, look for the log le called CmgSysTray.
Search for the phrase "Manual activation result".
The error code is on the same line, followed by " status = "; the status indicates what went wrong.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Congure Deferred Activation
All Clients - Troubleshooting
Endpoint Security Suite Pro master installer log les are located at C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Installer.
Windows creates unique child installer installation log les for the logged in user at %temp%, located at C:\Users\<UserName>
Windows creates log les for client prerequisites, such as Visual C++, for the logged in user at %temp%, located at C:\Users
\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp. For example, C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp
Follow the instructions at to verify the version of Microsoft .Net that is installed on the computer targeted
for installation.
Go to download the full version of Microsoft .Net Framework
4.5.2 or later.
See this document if the computer targeted for installation has (or has had in the past) Dell Access installed. DDP|A is not compatible
with this suite of products.
All Clients - Protection Status
A new method for deriving a device's protected status has been implemented in the Dell Security Management Server v9.8.2. Previously,
the Endpoint Protected Status area in the management console's Dashboard would only denote the state of Encryption per device.
Protected status is now denoted if any of the following criteria have been met:
Advanced Threat Prevention is installed and enabled.
Dell Data Guardian is installed and enabled.
Self-Encrypting Drive Management is installed, enabled, and the Pre-Boot Authentication (PBA) is enabled.
BitLocker Manager is installed, enabled, and encryption has completed.
Dell Encryption (Mac) is installed and enabled, and policy-based encryption has been enforced.
Dell Encryption (Windows) is installed, enabled, Policy-Based Encryption has been set for the endpoint, and the most recent policy has
been applied for the last logged on user.
Encryption Client Troubleshooting
Upgrade to the Windows 10 Creators Update
To upgrade to the Windows 10 Creators Update version, follow the instructions in the following article:
(Optional) Create an Encryption Removal Agent Log File
Before beginning the uninstall process, you can optionally create an Encryption Removal Agent log le. This log le is useful for
troubleshooting an uninstall/decryption operation. If you do not intend to decrypt les during the uninstall process, you do not need to
create this log le.
70 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
The Encryption Removal Agent log le is not created until after the Encryption Removal Agent Service runs, which does not happen
until the computer is restarted. Once the client is successfully uninstalled and the computer is fully decrypted, the log le is
permanently deleted.
The log le path is C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption.
Create the following registry entry on the computer targeted for decryption.
0: no logging
1: logs errors that prevent the Service from running
2: logs errors that prevent complete data decryption (recommended level)
3: logs information about all decrypting volumes and les
5: logs debugging information
Find TSS Version
TSS is a component that interfaces with the TPM. To nd the TSS version, go to (default location) C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data
Protection\Drivers\TSS\bin > tcsd_win32.exe. Right-click the le and select Properties. Verify the le version on the Details tab.
Encryption External Media and PCS Interactions
To Ensure Media is Not Read-Only and the Port is Not Blocked
The Encryption External Media Access to unShielded Media policy interacts with Port Control System - Storage Class: External Drive
Control policy. If you intend to set the Encryption External Media Access to unShielded Media policy to Full Access, ensure that the Storage
Class: External Drive Control policy is also set to Full Access to ensure that the media is not set to read-only and the port is not blocked.
To Encrypt Data Written to CD/DVD
Set Windows Media Encryption = On.
Set EMS Exclude CD/DVD Encryption = not selected.
Set Subclass Storage: Optical Drive Control = UDF Only.
Use WSScan
WSScan allows you to ensure that all data is decrypted when uninstalling the Encryption client as well as view encryption status and
identify unencrypted les that should be encrypted.
Administrator privileges are required to run this utility.
Run WSScan
1 From the Dell installation media, copy WSScan.exe to the Windows computer to scan.
2 Launch a command line at the location above and enter wsscan.exe at the command prompt. WSScan launches.
3 Click Advanced.
4 Select the type of drive to scan from the drop-down menu: All Drives, Fixed Drives, Removable Drives, or CDROMs/ DVDROMs.
5 Select the desired Encryption Report Type from the drop-down menu: Encrypted FIles, Unencrypted FIles, All FIles, or Unencrypted
FIles in Violation:
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Encrypted FIles - To ensure that all data is decrypted when uninstalling the Encryption client. Follow your existing process for
decrypting data, such as issuing a decryption policy update. After decrypting data, but before performing a restart in preparation
for uninstall, run WSScan to ensure that all data is decrypted.
Unencrypted FIles - To identify les that are not encrypted, with an indication of whether the les should be encrypted (Y/N).
All FIles - To list all encrypted and unencrypted les, with an indication of whether the les should be encrypted (Y/N).
Unencrypted FIles in Violation - To identify les that are not encrypted that should be encrypted.
6 Click Search.
1 Click Advanced to toggle the view to Simple to scan a particular folder.
2 Go to Scan Settings and enter the folder path in the Search Path eld. If this eld is used, the selection in the drop-down box is
3 If you do not want to write WSScan output to a le, clear the Output to File check box.
4 Change the default path and lename in Path, if desired.
5 Select Add to Existing File if you do not want to overwrite any existing WSScan output les.
6 Choose the output format:
Select Report Format for a report style list of scanned output. This is the default format.
Select Value Delimited File for output that can be imported into a spreadsheet application. The default delimiter is "|", although it
can be changed to up to 9 alphanumeric, space, or keyboard punctuation characters.
Select the Quoted Values option to enclose each value in double quotation marks.
Select Fixed Width File for non-delimited output containing a continuous line of xed-length information about each encrypted le.
7 Click Search.
Click Stop Searching to stop your search. Click Clear to clear displayed messages.
72 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
WSScan Command Line Usage
WSScan [-ta] [-tf] [-tr] [-tc] [drive] [-s] [-o<filepath>] [-a] [-f<format specifier>] [-r] [-
u[a][-|v]] [-d<delimeter>] [-q] [-e] [-x<exclusion directory>] [-y<sleep time>]
Switch Meaning
Drive Drive to scan. If not specied, the default is all local xed hard drives. Can be a mapped network
-ta Scan all drives
-tf Scan xed drives (default)
-tr Scan removable drives
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Switch Meaning
-s Silent operation
-o Output le path
-a Append to output le. The default behavior truncates the output le.
-f Report format specier (Report, Fixed, Delimited)
-r Run WSScan without administrator privileges. Some les may not be visible if this mode is used.
-u Include unencrypted les in output le.
This switch is sensitive to order: "u" must be rst, "a" must be second (or omitted), "-" or "v" must
be last.
-u- Only include unencrypted les in output le
-ua Report unencrypted les also, but use all user policies to display the "should" eld.
-ua- Report unencrypted les only, but use all user policies to display the "should" eld.
-uv Report unencrypted les that violate policy only (Is=No / Should=Y)
-uav Report unencrypted les that violate policy only (Is=No / Should=Y), using all user policies.
-d Species what to use as a value separator for delimited output
-q Species the values that should be in enclosed in quotes for delimited output
-e Include extended encryption elds in delimited output
-x Exclude directory from scan. Multiple exclusions are allowed.
-y Sleep time (in milliseconds) between directories. This switch results in slower scans, but potentially
a more responsive CPU.
WSScan Output
WSScan information about encrypted les contains the following information.
Example Output:
[2015-07-28 07:52:33] SysData.7vdlxrsb._SDENCR_: "c:\temp\Dell - test.log" is still AES256 encrypted
Output Meaning
Date/time stamp The date and time the le was scanned.
Encryption type The type of encryption used to encrypt the le.
SysData: SDE Encryption Key.
User: User Encryption Key.
Common: Common Encryption Key.
74 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Output Meaning
WSScan does not report les encrypted using Encrypt for Sharing.
KCID The Key Computer ID.
As shown in the example above, "7vdlxrsb"
If you are scanning a mapped network drive, the scanning report does not return a KCID.
UCID The User ID.
As shown in the example above, "_SDENCR_"
The UCID is shared by all the users of that computer.
File The path of the encrypted le.
As shown in the example above, "c:\temp\Dell - test.log"
Algorithm The encryption algorithm being used to encrypt the le.
As shown in the example above, "is still AES256 encrypted"
AES 128
AES 256
Use WSProbe
The Probing Utility is for use with all versions of the Encryption client, with the exception of Encryption External Media policies. Use the
Probing Utility to:
Scan or schedule scanning of an encrypted computer. The Probing Utility observes your Workstation Scan Priority policy.
Temporarily disable or re-enable the current user Application Data Encryption List.
Add or remove process names on the privileged list.
Troubleshoot as instructed by Dell ProSupport.
Approaches to Data Encryption
If you specify policies to encrypt data on Windows devices, you can use any of the following approaches:
The rst approach is to accept the default behavior of the client. If you specify folders in Common Encrypted Folders or User
Encrypted Folders, or set Encrypt "My Documents", Encrypt Outlook Personal Folders, Encrypt Temporary Files, Encrypt Temporary
Internet Files, or Encrypt Windows Paging File to selected, aected les are encrypted either when they are created, or (after being
created by an unmanaged user) when a managed user logs on. The client also scans folders specied in or related to these policies for
possible encryption/decryption when a folder is renamed, or when the client receives changes to these policies.
You can also set Scan Workstation on Logon to Selected. If Scan Workstation on Logon is Selected, when a user logs on, the client
compares how les in currently- and previously-encrypted folders are encrypted to the user policies, and makes any necessary changes.
To encrypt les that meet your encryption criteria but were created prior to your encryption policies going into eect, but do not want
the performance impact of frequent scanning, you can use this utility to scan or schedule scanning of the computer.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
The Windows device you want to work with must be encrypted.
The user you want to work with must be logged on.
Use the Probing Utility
WSProbe.exe is located in the installation media.
wsprobe [path]
wsprobe [-h]
wsprobe [-f path]
wsprobe [-u n] [-x process_names] [-i process_names]
Parameter To
path Optionally specify a particular path on the device that you want to scan for possible encryption/
decryption. If you do not specify a path, this utility scans all folders related to your encryption
-h View command line Help.
-f Troubleshoot as instructed by Dell ProSupport
-u Temporarily disable or re-enable the user Application Data Encryption List. This list is only eective
if Encryption Enabled is selected for the current user. Specify 0 to disable or 1 to re-enable. The
current policy in force for the user is reinstated at the next logon.
-x Add process names to the privileged list. The computer and installer process names on this list,
plus those you add using this parameter or HKLM\Software\CREDANT\CMGShield
\EUWPrivilegedList, are ignored if specied in the Application Data Encryption List. Separate
process names with commas. If your list includes one or more spaces, enclose the list in double
-i Remove process names previously added to the privileged list (you cannot remove hard-coded
process names). Separate process names with commas. If your list includes one or more spaces,
enclose the list in double quotes.
Check Encryption Removal Agent Status
The Encryption Removal Agent displays its status in the description area of the Services panel (Start > Run... > services.msc > OK) as
follows. Periodically refresh the Service (highlight the Service > right-click > Refresh) to update its status.
Waiting for SDE Deactivation - The Encryption client is still installed, is still congured, or both. Decryption does not start until the
Encryption client is uninstalled.
Initial sweep - The Service is making an initial sweep, calculating the number of encrypted les and bytes. The initial sweep occurs one
Decryption sweep - The Service is decrypting les and possibly requesting to decrypt locked les.
Decrypt on Reboot (partial) - The decryption sweep is complete and some locked les (but not all) are to be decrypted on the next
Decrypt on Reboot - The decryption sweep is complete and all locked les are to be decrypted on the next restart.
76 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
All les could not be decrypted - The decryption sweep is complete, but all les could not be decrypted. This status means one of the
following occurred:
The locked les could not be scheduled for decryption because they were too big, or an error occurred while making the request to
unlock them.
An input/output error occurred while decrypting les.
The les could not be decrypted by policy.
The les are marked as should be encrypted.
An error occurred during the decryption sweep.
In all cases, a log le is created (if logging is congured) when LogVerbosity=2 (or higher) is set. To troubleshoot, set the log
verbosity to 2 and restart the Encryption Removal Agent Service to force another decryption sweep. See (Optional) Create an
Encryption Removal Agent Log File for instructions.
Complete - The decryption sweep is complete. The Service, the executable, the driver, and the driver executable are all scheduled for
deletion on the next restart.
SED Client Troubleshooting
Use the Initial Access Code Policy
This policy is used to log on to a computer when network access is unavailable. Meaning, access to the Security Management Server/
Security Management Server Virtual and AD are both unavailable. Only use the Initial Access Code policy if absolutely necessary. Dell
does not recommend this method to log in. Using the Initial Access Code policy does not provide the same level of security as the usual
method of logging in using username, domain, and password.
In addition to being a less secure method of logging in, if an end user is activated using the Initial Access Code, then there is no record
on the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual of that user activating on this computer. In turn, there is no
way to generate a Response Code from the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual for the end user if they
fail password and self help questions.
The Initial Access Code can only be used one time, immediately after activation. After an end user has logged in, the Initial Access Code
will not be available again. The rst domain login that occurs after the Initial Access Code is entered will be cached, and the Initial
Access Code entry eld will not be displayed again.
The Initial Access Code will only display under the following circumstances:
A user has never activated inside the PBA.
The client has no connectivity to the network or Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Use Initial Access Code
1 Set a value for the Initial Access Code policy in the Remote Management Console.
2 Save and commit the policy.
3 Start the local computer.
4 Enter the Initial Access Code when the Access Code screen displays.
5 Click the blue arrow.
6 Click OK when the Legal Notice screen displays.
7 Log in to Windows with the user credentials for this computer. These credentials must be part of the domain.
8 After logging in, open the Data Security Console and verify that the PBA user was successfully created.
Click Log in the top menu and look for the message Created PBA user for <domain\username>, which indicates the process was
9 Shut down and restart the computer.
10 At the login screen, enter the username, domain, and password that was previously used to log in to Windows.
You must match the username format that was used when creating the PBA user. Thus, if you used the format domain/username,
you must enter domain/username for the Username.
11 (Credant Manager only) Respond to the Question and Answer prompts.
Click the blue arrow.
12 Click Login when the Legal Notice screen displays.
Windows now launches and the computer can be used as usual.
Create a PBA Log File for Troubleshooting
There may be cases when a PBA log le is needed for troubleshooting PBA issues, such as:
You are unable to see the network connection icon, yet you know there is network connectivity. The log le contains DHCP
information to resolve the issue.
You are unable to see the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual connection icon. The log le contains
information to help diagnose Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual connectivity issues.
Authentication fails even when entering correct credentials. The log le used with the Security Management Server/Security
Management Server Virtual Server logs can help diagnose the issue.
Capture Logs When Booting Into the PBA (Legacy PBA)
1 Create a folder on a USB drive and name it \CredantSED, at the root level of the USB drive.
2 Create a le named actions.txt and place it in the \CredantSED folder.
3 In actions.txt, add the line:
get logs
4 Save and close the le.
Do not insert the USB drive when the computer is powered down. If the USB drive is already inserted during the shutdown state,
remove the USB drive.
5 Power on the computer and log in to the PBA. Insert the USB drive into the computer that the logs are to be collected from during
this step.
6 After inserting the USB drive, wait for 5-10 seconds, then remove the drive.
A credpbaenv.tgz le is created in the \CredantSED folder that contains the needed log les.
Capture Logs When Booting Into the PBA (UEFI PBA)
78 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
1 Create a le called PBAErr.log at the root level of the USB drive.
2 Insert the USB drive before powering on the computer.
3 Remove the USB drive after reproducing the issue requiring the logs.
The PBAErr.log le will be updated and written in real-time.
Dell ControlVault Drivers
Update Dell ControlVault Drivers and Firmware
Dell ControlVault drivers and rmware that are installed on Dell computers at the factory are outdated and should be updated by
following this procedure, in this order.
If an error message is received during client installation prompting you to exit the installer to update Dell ControlVault drivers, the
message may be safely dismissed to continue with the installation of the client. The Dell ControlVault drivers (and rmware) can be
updated after the client installation is complete.
Download Latest Drivers
1 Go to
2 Select your computer model.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
3 Select Drivers & Downloads.
80 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
4 Select the Operating System of the target computer.
5 Expand the Security category.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
6 Download and save the Dell ControlVault Drivers.
7 Download and save the Dell ControlVault Firmware.
82 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
8 Copy the drivers and rmware to the target computers, if needed.
Install Dell ControlVault Driver
1 Navigate to the folder which you downloaded the driver installation le.
2 Double-click the Dell ControlVault driver to launch the self-extracting executable le.
Be sure to install the driver rst. The lename of the driver at the time of this document creation is
3 Click Continue to begin.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
4 Click Ok to unzip the driver les in the default location of C:\Dell\Drivers\<New Folder>.
5 Click Yes to allow the creation of a new folder.
6 Click Ok when the successfully unzipped message displays.
7 The folder which contains the les should display after extraction. If not, navigate to the folder to which you extracted the les. In this
case, the folder is JW22F.
84 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
8 Double-click CVHCI64.MSI to launch the driver installer. [this example is CVHCI64.MSI in this example (CVHCI for a 32-bit
9 Click Next at the Welcome screen.
10 Click Next to install the drivers in the default location of C:\Program Files\Broadcom Corporation\Broadcom USH Host Components\.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
11 Select the Complete option and click Next.
12 Click Install to begin the installation of the drivers.
86 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
13 Optionally check the box to display the installer log le. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
Verify Driver Installation
The Device Manager will have a Dell ControlVault device (and other devices) depending on the operating system and hardware
Install Dell ControlVault Firmware
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
1 Navigate to the folder which you downloaded the rmware installation le.
2 Double-click the Dell ControlVault rmware to launch the self-extracting executable le.
3 Click Continue to begin.
4 Click Ok to unzip the driver les in the default location of C:\Dell\Drivers\<New Folder>.
5 Click Yes to allow the creation of a new folder.
88 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
6 Click Ok when the successfully unzipped message displays.
7 The folder which contains the les should display after extraction. If not, navigate to the folder to which you extracted the les. Select
the rmware folder.
8 Double-click ushupgrade.exe to launch the rmware installer.
9 Click Start to begin the rmware upgrade.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
You may be asked to enter the admin password if upgrading from an older version of rmware. Enter Broadcom as the
password and click Enter if presented with this dialog.
Several status messages display.
90 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
10 Click Restart to complete the rmware upgrade.
The update of the Dell ControlVault drivers and rmware is complete.
92 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
UEFI Computers
Troubleshoot Network Connection
In order for preboot authentication to succeed on a computer with UEFI rmware, the PBA mode must have network connectivity. By
default, computers with UEFI rmware do not have network connectivity until the operating system is loaded, which occurs after PBA
mode. If the computer procedure outlined in Pre-Installation Conguration for UEFI Computers is successful and is congured properly,
the network connection icon displays on the preboot authentication screen when the computer is connected to the network.
Check the network cable to ensure it is connected to the computer if the network connection icon still does not display during preboot
authentication. Restart the computer to restart PBA mode if it was not connected or was loose.
TPM and BitLocker
TPM and BitLocker Error Codes
Constant/Value Description
This is an error mask to convert TPM hardware errors to win errors.
Authentication failed.
The index to a PCR, DIR or other register is incorrect.
One or more parameters is bad.
An operation completed successfully but the auditing of that
operation failed.
The clear disable ag is set and all clear operations now require
physical access.
Activate the TPM.
Enable the TPM.
TPM_E_DISABLED_CMD The target command has been disabled.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The operation failed.
The ordinal was unknown or inconsistent.
The ability to install an owner is disabled.
The key handle cannot be interpreted.
The key handle points to an invalid key.
Unacceptable encryption scheme.
Migration authorization failed.
PCR information could not be interpreted.
No room to load key.
There is no Storage Root Key (SRK) set.
An encrypted blob is invalid or was not created by this TPM.
The TPM already has an owner.
The TPM has insucient internal resources to perform the
requested action.
A random string was too short.
TPM_E_SIZE The TPM does not have the space to perform the operation.
94 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The named PCR value does not match the current PCR value.
The paramSize argument to the command has the incorrect value
There is no existing SHA-1 thread.
The calculation is unable to proceed because the existing SHA-1
thread has already encountered an error.
The TPM hardware device reported a failure during its internal self
test. Try restarting the computer to resolve the problem. If the
problem continues, you might need to replace your TPM hardware
or motherboard.
The authorization for the second key in a 2 key function failed
The tag value sent to for a command is invalid.
An IO error occurred transmitting information to the TPM.
The encryption process had a problem.
The decryption process did not complete.
An invalid handle was used.
The TPM does not have an Endorsement Key (EK) installed.
The usage of a key is not allowed.
The submitted entity type is not allowed.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The command was received in the wrong sequence relative to
TPM_Init and a subsequent TPM_Startup.
Signed data cannot include additional DER information.
The key properties in TPM_KEY_PARMs are not supported by this
The migration properties of this key are incorrect.
The signature or encryption scheme for this key is incorrect or not
permitted in this situation.
The size of the data (or blob) parameter is bad or inconsistent with
the referenced key.
A mode parameter is bad, such as capArea or subCapArea for
TPM_GetCapability, phsicalPresence parameter for
TPM_PhysicalPresence, or migrationType for
Either the physicalPresence or physicalPresenceLock bits have the
wrong value.
The TPM cannot perform this version of the capability.
The TPM does not allow for wrapped transport sessions.
TPM audit construction failed and the underlying command was
returning a failure code also.
TPM audit construction failed and the underlying command was
returning success.
Attempt to reset a PCR register that does not have the resettable
Attempt to reset a PCR register that requires locality and locality
modier not part of command transport.
Make identity blob not properly typed.
96 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
When saving context identied resource type does not match
actual resource.
The TPM is attempting to execute a command only available when
in FIPS mode.
The command is attempting to use an invalid family ID.
The permission to manipulate the NV storage is not available.
The operation requires a signed command.
Wrong operation to load an NV key.
NV_LoadKey blob requires both owner and blob authorization.
The NV area is locked and not writtable.
The locality is incorrect for the attempted operation.
The NV area is read only and cannot be written to.
There is no protection on the write to the NV area.
The family count value does not match.
The NV area has already been written to.
The NV area attributes conict.
The structure tag and version are invalid or inconsistent.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The key is under control of the TPM Owner and can only be evicted
by the TPM Owner.
The counter handle is incorrect.
The write is not a complete write of the area.
The gap between saved context counts is too large.
The maximum number of NV writes without an owner has been
No operator AuthData value is set.
The resource pointed to by context is not loaded.
The delegate administration is locked.
Attempt to manage a family other than the delegated family.
Delegation table management not enabled.
There was a command executed outside of an exclusive transport
Attempt to context save a owner evict controlled key.
The DAA command has no resources available to execute the
The consistency check on DAA parameter inputData0 has failed.
The consistency check on DAA parameter inputData1 has failed.
98 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The consistency check on DAA_issuerSettings has failed.
The consistency check on DAA_tpmSpecic has failed.
The atomic process indicated by the submitted DAA command is
not the expected process.
The issuer's validity check has detected an inconsistency.
The consistency check on w has failed.
The handle is incorrect.
Delegation is not correct.
The context blob is invalid.
Too many contexts held by the TPM.
Migration authority signature validation failure.
Migration destination not authenticated.
Migration source incorrect.
Incorrect migration authority.
Attempt to revoke the EK and the EK is not revocable.
Bad signature of CMK ticket.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
There is no room in the context list for additional contexts.
The command was blocked.
The specied handle was not found.
The TPM returned a duplicate handle and the command needs to
be resubmitted.
The command within the transport was blocked.
The command within the transport is not supported.
The TPM is too busy to respond to the command immediately, but
the command could be resubmitted at a later time.
SelfTestFull has not been run.
The TPM is currently executing a full self test.
The TPM is defending against dictionary attacks and is in a time-out
An internal software error has been detected.
One or more input parameters is bad.
A specied output pointer is bad.
The specied context handle does not refer to a valid context.
A specied output buer is too small.
100 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
An error occurred while communicating with the TPM.
One or more context parameters is invalid.
The TBS service is not running and could not be started.
A new context could not be created because there are too many
open contexts.
A new virtual resource could not be created because there are too
many open virtual resources.
The TBS service has been started but is not yet running.
The physical presence interface is not supported.
The command was canceled.
The input or output buer is too large.
A compatible TPM Security Device cannot be found on this
The TBS service has been disabled.
No TCG event log is available.
The caller does not have the appropriate rights to perform the
requested operation.
The TPM provisioning action is not allowed by the specied ags.
For provisioning to be successful, one of several actions may be
required. The TPM management console (tpm.msc) action to make
the TPM Ready may help. For further information, see the
documentation for the Win32_Tpm WMI method 'Provision'. (The
actions that may be required include importing the TPM Owner
Authorization value into the system, calling the Win32_Tpm WMI
method for provisioning the TPM and specifying TRUE for either
'ForceClear_Allowed' or 'PhysicalPresencePrompts_Allowed' (as
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
indicated by the value returned in the Additional Information), or
enabling the TPM in the system BIOS.)
The Physical Presence Interface of this rmware does not support
the requested method.
The requested TPM OwnerAuth value was not found.
The TPM provisioning did not complete. For more information on
completing the provisioning, call the Win32_Tpm WMI method for
provisioning the TPM ('Provision') and check the returned
The command buer is not in the correct state.
The command buer does not contain enough data to satisfy the
The command buer cannot contain any more data.
One or more output parameters was NULL or invalid.
One or more input parameters is invalid.
Not enough memory was available to satisfy the request.
The specied buer was too small.
An internal error was detected.
The caller does not have the appropriate rights to perform the
requested operation.
The specied authorization information was invalid.
The specied context handle was not valid.
102 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
An error occurred while communicating with the TBS.
The TPM returned an unexpected result.
The message was too large for the encoding scheme.
The encoding in the blob was not recognized.
The key size is not valid.
The encryption operation failed.
The key parameters structure was not valid
The requested supplied data does not appear to be a valid migration
authorization blob.
The specied PCR index was invalid
The data given does not appear to be a valid delegate blob.
One or more of the specied context parameters was not valid.
The data given does not appear to be a valid key blob
The specied PCR data was invalid.
The format of the owner auth data was invalid.
The random number generated did not pass FIPS RNG check.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The TCG Event Log does not contain any data.
An entry in the TCG Event Log was invalid.
A TCG Separator was not found.
A digest value in a TCG Log entry did not match hashed data.
The requested operation was blocked by current TPM policy. Please
contact your system administrator for assistance.
The specied buer was too small.
The context could not be cleaned up.
The specied context handle is invalid.
An invalid context parameter was specied.
An error occurred while communicating with the TPM
No entry with the specied key was found.
The specied virtual handle matches a virtual handle already in use.
The pointer to the returned handle location was NULL or invalid
One or more parameters is invalid
The RPC subsystem could not be initialized.
104 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The TBS scheduler is not running.
The command was canceled.
There was not enough memory to fulll the request
The specied list is empty, or the iteration has reached the end of
the list.
The specied item was not found in the list.
The TPM does not have enough space to load the requested
There are too many TPM contexts in use.
The TPM command failed.
The TBS does not recognize the specied ordinal.
The requested resource is no longer available.
The resource type did not match.
No resources can be unloaded.
No new entries can be added to the hash table.
A new TBS context could not be created because there are too
many open contexts.
A new virtual resource could not be created because there are too
many open virtual resources.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The physical presence interface is not supported.
TBS is not compatible with the version of TPM found on the
No TCG event log is available.
A general error was detected when attempting to acquire the
BIOS's response to a Physical Presence command.
The user failed to conrm the TPM operation request.
The BIOS failure prevented the successful execution of the
requested TPM operation (e.g. invalid TPM operation request, BIOS
communication error with the TPM).
The BIOS does not support the physical presence interface.
The Physical Presence command was blocked by current BIOS
settings. The system owner may be able to recongure the BIOS
settings to allow the command.
This is an error mask to convert Platform Crypto Provider errors to
win errors.
The Platform Crypto Device is currently not ready. It needs to be
fully provisioned to be operational.
The handle provided to the Platform Crypto Provider is invalid.
A parameter provided to the Platform Crypto Provider is invalid.
A provided ag to the Platform Crypto Provider is not supported.
The requested operation is not supported by this Platform Crypto
The buer is too small to contain all data. No information has been
written to the buer.
106 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
An unexpected internal error has occurred in the Platform Crypto
The authorization to use a provider object has failed.
The Platform Crypto Device has ignored the authorization for the
provider object, to mitigate against a dictionary attack.
The referenced policy was not found.
The referenced prole was not found.
The validation was not successful.
Data Collector Set was not found.
The Data Collector Set or one of its dependencies is already in use.
Unable to start Data Collector Set because there are too many
Not enough free disk space to start Data Collector Set.
Data Collector Set already exists.
Property value will be ignored.
Property value conict.
The current conguration for this Data Collector Set requires that it
contain exactly one Data Collector.
A user account is required in order to commit the current Data
Collector Set properties.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
Data Collector Set is not running.
A conict was detected in the list of include/exclude APIs. Do not
specify the same API in both the include list and the exclude list.
The executable path you have specied refers to a network share or
UNC path.
The executable path you have specied is already congured for
API tracing.
The executable path you have specied does not exist. Verify that
the specied path is correct.
Data Collector already exists.
The wait for the Data Collector Set start notication has timed out.
The wait for the Data Collector to start has timed out.
The wait for the report generation tool to nish has timed out.
Duplicate items are not allowed.
When specifying the executable that you want to trace, you must
specify a full path to the executable and not just a lename.
The session name provided is invalid.
The Event Log channel Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-PLA/
Operational must be enabled to perform this operation.
The Event Log channel Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler must be
enabled to perform this operation.
The execution of the Rules Manager failed.
108 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
An error occurred while attempting to compress or extract the data.
This drive is locked by BitLocker Drive Encryption. You must unlock
this drive from Control Panel.
The drive is not encrypted.
The BIOS did not correctly communicate with the TPM. Contact
the computer manufacturer for BIOS upgrade instructions.
The BIOS did not correctly communicate with the master boot
record (MBR). Contact the computer manufacturer for BIOS
upgrade instructions.
A required TPM measurement is missing. If there is a bootable CD
or DVD in your computer, remove it, restart the computer, and turn
on BitLocker again. If the problem persists, ensure the master boot
record is up to date.
The boot sector of this drive is not compatible with BitLocker Drive
Encryption. Use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery
Environment to update or repair the boot manager (BOOTMGR).
The boot manager of this operating system is not compatible with
BitLocker Drive Encryption. Use the Bootrec.exe tool in the
Windows Recovery Environment to update or repair the boot
manager (BOOTMGR).
At least one secure key protector is required for this operation to be
BitLocker Drive Encryption is not enabled on this drive. Turn on
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot perform requested action. This
condition may occur when two requests are issued at the same
time. Wait a few moments and then try the action again.
The Active Directory Domain Services forest does not contain the
required attributes and classes to host BitLocker Drive Encryption
or TPM information. Contact your domain administrator to verify
that any required BitLocker Active Directory schema extensions
have been installed.
The type of the data obtained from Active Directory was not
expected. The BitLocker recovery information may be missing or
The size of the data obtained from Active Directory was not
expected. The BitLocker recovery information may be missing or
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The attribute read from Active Directory does not contain any
values. The BitLocker recovery information may be missing or
The attribute was not set. Verify that you are logged on with a
domain account that has the ability to write information to Active
Directory objects.
The specied attribute cannot be found in Active Directory Domain
Services. Contact your domain administrator to verify that any
required BitLocker Active Directory schema extensions have been
The BitLocker metadata for the encrypted drive is not valid. You can
attempt to repair the drive to restore access.
The drive cannot be encrypted because it does not have enough
free space. Delete any unnecessary data on the drive to create
additional free space and then try again.
The drive cannot be encrypted because it contains system boot
information. Create a separate partition for use as the system drive
that contains the boot information and a second partition for use as
the operating system drive and then encrypt the operating system
The drive cannot be encrypted because the le system is not
The le system size is larger than the partition size in the partition
table. This drive may be corrupt or may have been tampered with.
To use it with BitLocker, you must reformat the partition.
This drive cannot be encrypted.
The data is not valid.
The data drive specied is not set to automatically unlock on the
current computer and cannot be unlocked automatically.
You must initialize the TPM before you can use BitLocker Drive
The operation attempted cannot be performed on an operating
system drive.
The buer supplied to a function was insucient to contain the
returned data. Increase the buer size before running the function
FVE_E_CONV_READ A read operation failed while converting the drive. The drive was
not converted. Please re-enable BitLocker.
110 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
A write operation failed while converting the drive. The drive was
not converted. Please re-enable BitLocker.
One or more BitLocker key protectors are required. You cannot
delete the last key on this drive.
Cluster congurations are not supported by BitLocker Drive
The drive specied is already congured to be automatically
unlocked on the current computer.
The operating system drive is not protected by BitLocker Drive
BitLocker Drive Encryption has been suspended on this drive. All
BitLocker key protectors congured for this drive are eectively
disabled, and the drive will be automatically unlocked using an
unencrypted (clear) key.
The drive you are attempting to lock does not have any key
protectors available for encryption because BitLocker protection is
currently suspended. Re-enable BitLocker to lock this drive.
BitLocker cannot use the TPM to protect a data drive. TPM
protection can only be used with the operating system drive.
The BitLocker metadata for the encrypted drive cannot be updated
because it was locked for updating by another process. Please try
this process again.
The authorization data for the storage root key (SRK) of the TPM
is not zero and is therefore incompatible with BitLocker. Please
initialize the TPM before attempting to use it with BitLocker.
The drive encryption algorithm cannot be used on this sector size.
The drive cannot be unlocked with the key provided. Conrm that
you have provided the correct key and try again.
The drive specied is not the operating system drive.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be turned o on the operating
system drive until the auto unlock feature has been disabled for the
xed data drives and removable data drives associated with this
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The system partition boot sector does not perform TPM
measurements. Use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery
Environment to update or repair the boot sector.
BitLocker Drive Encryption operating system drives must be
formatted with the NTFS le system in order to be encrypted.
Convert the drive to NTFS, and then turn on BitLocker.
Group Policy settings require that a recovery password be specied
before encrypting the drive.
The drive encryption algorithm and key cannot be set on a
previously encrypted drive. To encrypt this drive with BitLocker
Drive Encryption, remove the previous encryption and then turn on
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot encrypt the specied drive
because an encryption key is not available. Add a key protector to
encrypt this drive.
BitLocker Drive Encryption detected bootable media (CD or DVD) in
the computer. Remove the media and restart the computer before
conguring BitLocker.
This key protector cannot be added. Only one key protector of this
type is allowed for this drive.
The recovery password le was not found because a relative path
was specied. Recovery passwords must be saved to a fully
qualied path. Environment variables congured on the computer
can be used in the path.
The specied key protector was not found on the drive. Try another
key protector.
The recovery key provided is corrupt and cannot be used to access
the drive. An alternative recovery method, such as recovery
password, a data recovery agent, or a backup version of the
recovery key must be used to recover access to the drive.
The format of the recovery password provided is invalid. BitLocker
recovery passwords are 48 digits. Verify that the recovery password
is in the correct format and then try again.
The random number generator check test failed.
The Group Policy setting requiring FIPS compliance prevents a local
recovery password from being generated or used by BitLocker Drive
Encryption. When operating in FIPS-compliant mode, BitLocker
recovery options can be either a recovery key stored on a USB
drive or recovery through a data recovery agent.
The Group Policy setting requiring FIPS compliance prevents the
recovery password from being saved to Active Directory. When
operating in FIPS-compliant mode, BitLocker recovery options can
be either a recovery key stored on a USB drive or recovery through
112 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
a data recovery agent. Check your Group Policy settings
The drive must be fully decrypted to complete this operation.
The key protector specied cannot be used for this operation.
No key protectors exist on the drive to perform the hardware test.
The BitLocker startup key or recovery password cannot be found
on the USB device. Verify that you have the correct USB device,
that the USB device is plugged into the computer on an active USB
port, restart the computer, and then try again. If the problem
persists, contact the computer manufacturer for BIOS upgrade
The BitLocker startup key or recovery password le provided is
corrupt or invalid. Verify that you have the correct startup key or
recovery password le and try again.
The BitLocker encryption key cannot be obtained from the startup
key or recovery password. Verify that you have the correct startup
key or recovery password and try again.
The TPM is disabled. The TPM must be enabled, initialized, and
have valid ownership before it can be used with BitLocker Drive
The BitLocker conguration of the specied drive cannot be
managed because this computer is currently operating in Safe
Mode. While in Safe Mode, BitLocker Drive Encryption can only be
used for recovery purposes.
The TPM was not able to unlock the drive because the system boot
information has changed or a PIN was not provided correctly. Verify
that the drive has not been tampered with and that changes to the
system boot information were caused by a trusted source. After
verifying that the drive is safe to access, use the BitLocker recovery
console to unlock the drive and then suspend and resume BitLocker
to update system boot information that BitLocker associates with
this drive.
The BitLocker encryption key cannot be obtained from the TPM.
The BitLocker encryption key cannot be obtained from the TPM
and PIN.
A boot application has changed since BitLocker Drive Encryption
was enabled.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The Boot Conguration Data (BCD) settings have changed since
BitLocker Drive Encryption was enabled.
The Group Policy setting requiring FIPS compliance prohibits the
use of unencrypted keys, which prevents BitLocker from being
suspended on this drive. Please contact your domain administrator
for more information.
This drive cannot be encrypted by BitLocker Drive Encryption
because the le system does not extend to the end of the drive.
Repartition this drive and then try again.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be enabled on the operating
system drive. Contact the computer manufacturer for BIOS
upgrade instructions.
This version of Windows does not include BitLocker Drive
Encryption. To use BitLocker Drive Encryption, please upgrade the
operating system.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be used because critical
BitLocker system les are missing or corrupted. Use Windows
Startup Repair to restore these les to your computer.
The drive cannot be locked when the drive is in use.
The access token associated with the current thread is not an
impersonated token.
The BitLocker encryption key cannot be obtained. Verify that the
TPM is enabled and ownership has been taken. If this computer
does not have a TPM, verify that the USB drive is inserted and
You must restart your computer before continuing with BitLocker
Drive Encryption.
Drive encryption cannot occur while boot debugging is enabled. Use
the bcdedit command-line tool to turn o boot debugging.
No action was taken as BitLocker Drive Encryption is in raw access
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot enter raw access mode for this
drive because the drive is currently in use.
The path specied in the Boot Conguration Data (BCD) for a
BitLocker Drive Encryption integrity-protected application is
incorrect. Please verify and correct your BCD settings and try
114 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
BitLocker Drive Encryption can only be used for limited provisioning
or recovery purposes when the computer is running in pre-
installation or recovery environments.
The auto-unlock master key was not available from the operating
system drive.
The system rmware failed to enable clearing of system memory
when the computer was restarted.
The hidden drive cannot be encrypted.
BitLocker encryption keys were ignored because the drive was in a
transient state.
Public key based protectors are not allowed on this drive.
BitLocker Drive Encryption is already performing an operation on
this drive. Please complete all operations before continuing.
This version of Windows does not support this feature of BitLocker
Drive Encryption. To use this feature, upgrade the operating system.
The Group Policy settings for BitLocker startup options are in
conict and cannot be applied. Contact your system administrator
for more information.
Group policy settings do not permit the creation of a recovery
Group policy settings require the creation of a recovery password.
Group policy settings do not permit the creation of a recovery key.
Group policy settings require the creation of a recovery key.
Group policy settings do not permit the use of a PIN at startup.
Please choose a dierent BitLocker startup option.
Group policy settings require the use of a PIN at startup. Please
choose this BitLocker startup option.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
Group policy settings do not permit the use of a startup key. Please
choose a dierent BitLocker startup option.
Group policy settings require the use of a startup key. Please
choose this BitLocker startup option.
Group policy settings do not permit the use of a startup key and
PIN. Please choose a dierent BitLocker startup option.
Group policy settings require the use of a startup key and PIN.
Please choose this BitLocker startup option.
Group policy does not permit the use of TPM-only at startup.
Please choose a dierent BitLocker startup option.
Group policy settings require the use of TPM-only at startup. Please
choose this BitLocker startup option.
The PIN provided does not meet minimum or maximum length
The key protector is not supported by the version of BitLocker
Drive Encryption currently on the drive. Upgrade the drive to add
the key protector.
Group policy settings do not permit the creation of a password.
Group policy settings require the creation of a password.
The group policy setting requiring FIPS compliance prevented the
password from being generated or used. Please contact your
domain administrator for more information.
A password cannot be added to the operating system drive.
The BitLocker object identier (OID) on the drive appears to be
invalid or corrupt. Use manage-BDE to reset the OID on this drive.
The drive is too small to be protected using BitLocker Drive
The selected discovery drive type is incompatible with the le
system on the drive. BitLocker To Go discovery drives must be
created on FAT formatted drives.
116 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The selected discovery drive type is not allowed by the computer's
Group Policy settings. Verify that Group Policy settings allow the
creation of discovery drives for use with BitLocker To Go.
Group Policy settings do not permit user certicates such as smart
cards to be used with BitLocker Drive Encryption.
Group Policy settings require that you have a valid user certicate,
such as a smart card, to be used with BitLocker Drive Encryption.
Group Policy settings requires that you use a smart card-based key
protector with BitLocker Drive Encryption.
Group Policy settings do not permit BitLocker-protected xed data
drives to be automatically unlocked.
Group Policy settings do not permit BitLocker-protected removable
data drives to be automatically unlocked.
Group Policy settings do not permit you to congure BitLocker
Drive Encryption on removable data drives.
Group Policy settings do not permit you to turn on BitLocker Drive
Encryption on removable data drives. Please contact your system
administrator if you need to turn on BitLocker.
Group Policy settings do not permit turning o BitLocker Drive
Encryption on removable data drives. Please contact your system
administrator if you need to turn o BitLocker.
Your password does not meet minimum password length
requirements. By default, passwords must be at least 8 characters
in length. Check with your system administrator for the password
length requirement in your organization.
Your password does not meet the complexity requirements set by
your system administrator. Try adding upper and lowercase
characters, numbers, and symbols.
This drive cannot be encrypted because it is reserved for Windows
System Recovery Options.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
of conicting Group Policy settings. BitLocker cannot be congured
to automatically unlock xed data drives when user recovery
options are disabled. If you want BitLocker-protected xed data
drives to be automatically unlocked after key validation has
occurred, please ask your system administrator to resolve the
settings conict before enabling BitLocker.
FVE_E_POLICY_CONFLICT_RDV_RK_OFF_AUK_ON BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
of conicting Group Policy settings. BitLocker cannot be congured
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
0x80310084 to automatically unlock removable data drives when user recovery
option are disabled. If you want BitLocker-protected removable data
drives to be automatically unlocked after key validation has
occurred, please ask your system administrator to resolve the
settings conict before enabling BitLocker.
The Enhanced Key Usage (EKU) attribute of the specied
certicate does not permit it to be used for BitLocker Drive
Encryption. BitLocker does not require that a certicate have an
EKU attribute, but if one is congured it must be set to an object
identier (OID) that matches the OID congured for BitLocker.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive as
currently congured because of Group Policy settings. The
certicate you provided for drive encryption is self-signed. Current
Group Policy settings do not permit the use of self-signed
certicates. Obtain a new certicate from your certication
authority before attempting to enable BitLocker.
BitLocker Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because of
conicting Group Policy settings. When write access to drives not
protected by BitLocker is denied, the use of a USB startup key
cannot be required. Please have your system administrator resolve
these policy conicts before attempting to enable BitLocker.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
there are conicting Group Policy settings for recovery options on
operating system drives. Storing recovery information to Active
Directory Domain Services cannot be required when the generation
of recovery passwords is not permitted. Please have your system
administrator resolve these policy conicts before attempting to
enable BitLocker.
The requested virtualization size is too big.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
there are conicting Group Policy settings for recovery options on
operating system drives. Storing recovery information to Active
Directory Domain Services cannot be required when the generation
of recovery passwords is not permitted. Please have your system
administrator resolve these policy conicts before attempting to
enable BitLocker.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
there are conicting Group Policy settings for recovery options on
xed data drives. Storing recovery information to Active Directory
Domain Services cannot be required when the generation of
recovery passwords is not permitted. Please have your system
administrator resolve these policy conicts before attempting to
enable BitLocker.
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
there are conicting Group Policy settings for recovery options on
removable data drives. Storing recovery information to Active
Directory Domain Services cannot be required when the generation
of recovery passwords is not permitted. Please have your system
administrator resolve these policy conicts before attempting to
enable BitLocker.
118 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The Key Usage (KU) attribute of the specied certicate does not
permit it to be used for BitLocker Drive Encryption. BitLocker does
not require that a certicate have a KU attribute, but if one is
congured it must be set to either Key Encipherment or Key
The private key associated with the specied certicate cannot be
authorized. The private key authorization was either not provided or
the provided authorization was invalid.
Removal of the data recovery agent certicate must be done using
the Certicates snap-in.
This drive was encrypted using the version of BitLocker Drive
Encryption included with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
which does not support organizational identiers. To specify
organizational identiers for this drive upgrade the drive encryption
to the latest version using the "manage-bde -upgrade" command.
The drive cannot be locked because it is automatically unlocked on
this computer. Remove the automatic unlock protector to lock this
The default BitLocker Key Derivation Function SP800-56A for ECC
smart cards is not supported by your smart card. The Group Policy
setting requiring FIPS-compliance prevents BitLocker from using
any other key derivation function for encryption. You have to use a
FIPS compliant smart card in FIPS restricted environments.
The BitLocker encryption key could not be obtained from the TPM
and enhanced PIN. Try using a PIN containing only numerals.
The requested TPM PIN contains invalid characters.
The management information stored on the drive contained an
unknown type. If you are using an old version of Windows, try
accessing the drive from the latest version.
The feature is only supported on EFI systems.
More than one Network Key Protector certicate has been found
on the system.
Removal of the Network Key Protector certicate must be done
using the Certicates snap-in.
An invalid certicate has been found in the Network Key Protector
certicate store.
This drive is not protected with a PIN.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
Please enter the correct current PIN.
You must be logged on with an administrator account to change the
PIN or password. Click the link to reset the PIN or password as an
BitLocker has disabled PIN and password changes after too many
failed requests. Click the link to reset the PIN or password as an
Your system administrator requires that passwords contain only
printable ASCII characters. This includes unaccented letters (A-Z, a-
z), numbers (0-9), space, arithmetic signs, common punctuation,
separators, and the following symbols: # $ & @ ^ _ ~ .
BitLocker Drive Encryption only supports used space only
encryption on thin provisioned storage.
BitLocker Drive Encryption does not support wiping free space on
thin provisioned storage.
The required authentication key length is not supported by the
This drive is not protected with a password.
Please enter the correct current password.
The password cannot exceed 256 characters.
A password key protector cannot be added because a TPM
protector exists on the drive.
A TPM key protector cannot be added because a password
protector exists on the drive.
This command can only be performed from the coordinator node
for the specied CSV volume.
This command cannot be performed on a volume when it is part of
a cluster.
FVE_E_EDRIVE_NO_FAILOVER_TO_SW BitLocker did not revert to using BitLocker software encryption due
to group policy conguration.
120 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
The drive cannot be managed by BitLocker because the drive's
hardware encryption feature is already in use.
Group Policy settings do not allow the use of hardware-based
The drive specied does not support hardware-based encryption.
BitLocker cannot be upgraded during disk encryption or decryption.
Discovery Volumes are not supported for volumes using hardware
No preboot keyboard detected. The user may not be able to provide
required input to unlock the volume.
No preboot keyboard or Windows Recovery Environment detected.
The user may not be able to provide required input to unlock the
Group Policy settings require the creation of a startup PIN, but a
preboot keyboard is not available on this device. The user may not
be able to provide required input to unlock the volume.
Group Policy settings require the creation of a recovery password,
but neither a preboot keyboard nor Windows Recovery
Environment is available on this device. The user may not be able to
provide required input to unlock the volume.
Wipe of free space is not currently taking place.
BitLocker cannot use Secure Boot for platform integrity because
Secure Boot has been disabled.
BitLocker cannot use Secure Boot for platform integrity because
the Secure Boot conguration does not meet the requirements for
Your computer does not support BitLocker hardware-based
encryption. Check with your computer manufacturer for rmware
BitLocker cannot be enabled on the volume because it contains a
Volume Shadow Copy. Remove all Volume Shadow Copies before
encrypting the volume.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot be applied to this drive because
the Group Policy setting for Enhanced Boot Conguration Data
contains invalid data. Please have your system administrator resolve
this invalid conguration before attempting to enable BitLocker.
This PC's rmware is not capable of supporting hardware
BitLocker has disabled password changes after too many failed
requests. Click the link to reset the password as an administrator.
You must be logged on with an administrator account to change the
password. Click the link to reset the password as an administrator.
BitLocker cannot save the recovery password because the
specied Microsoft account is Suspended.
BitLocker cannot save the recovery password because the
specied Microsoft account is Blocked.
This PC is not provisioned to support device encryption. Please
enable BitLocker on all volumes to comply with device encryption
This PC cannot support device encryption because unencrypted
xed data volumes are present.
This PC does not meet the hardware requirements to support
device encryption.
This PC cannot support device encryption because WinRE is not
properly congured.
Protection is enabled on the volume but has been suspended. This
is likely to have happened due to an update being applied to your
system. Please try again after a reboot.
This PC is not provisioned to support device encryption.
Device Lock has been triggered due to too many incorrect
password attempts.
Protection has not been enabled on the volume. Enabling protection
requires a connected account. If you already have a connected
account and are seeing this error, please refer to the event log for
more information.
122 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Constant/Value Description
Your PIN can only contain numbers from 0 to 9.
BitLocker cannot use hardware replay protection because no
counter is available on your PC.
Device Lockout state validation failed due to counter mismatch.
The input buer is too large.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
Activate - Activation occurs when the computer has been registered with the Security Management Server/Security Management Server
Virtual and has received at least an initial set of policies.
Active Directory (AD) - A directory service created by Microsoft for Windows domain networks.
Advanced Authentication - The Advanced Authentication product supports login with self-encrypting drives, SSO, and manages user
credentials and passwords. In addition, Advanced Authentication can be used to access not only PCs, but any website, SaaS, or application.
Once users enroll their credentials, Advanced Authentication allows use of those credentials to logon to the device and perform password
Application Data Encryption - Application Data Encryption encrypts any le written by a protected application, using a category 2 override.
This means that any directory that has a category 2 protection or better, or any location that has specic extensions protected with
category 2 or better, will cause ADE to not encrypt those les.
BitLocker Manager - Windows BitLocker is designed to help protect Windows computers by encrypting both data and operating system
les. To improve the security of BitLocker deployments and to simplify and reduce the cost of ownership, Dell provides a single, central
management console that addresses many security concerns and oers an integrated approach to managing encryption across other non-
BitLocker platforms, whether physical, virtual, or cloud-based. BitLocker Manager supports BitLocker encryption for operating systems,
xed drives, and BitLocker To Go. BitLocker Manager enables you to seamlessly integrate BitLocker into your existing encryption needs and
to manage BitLocker with the minimum eort while streamlining security and compliance. BitLocker Manager provides integrated
management for key recovery, policy management and enforcement, automated TPM management, FIPS compliance, and compliance
Cached Credentials - Cached credentials are credentials that are added to the PBA database when a user successfully authenticates with
Active Directory. This information about the user is retained so that a user can log in when they do not have a connection to Active
Directory (for example, when taking their laptop home).
Common Encryption – The Common key makes encrypted les accessible to all managed users on the device where they were created.
Deactivate - Deactivation occurs when SED management is turned OFF in the Remote Management Console. Once the computer is
deactivated, the PBA database is deleted and there is no longer any record of cached users.
Encryption External Media - This service within the Dell Encryption client applies policies to removable media and external storage devices.
Encryption External Media Access Code - This service within the Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual
allows for recovery of Encryption External Media protected devices where the user forgets their password and can no longer login.
Completing this process allows the user to reset the password set on the removable media or external storage device.
Encryption Client - The Encryption client is the on-device component that enforces security policies, whether an endpoint is connected to
the network, disconnected from the network, lost, or stolen. Creating a trusted computing environment for endpoints, the Encryption client
operates as a layer on top of the device operating system, and provides consistently-enforced authentication, encryption, and authorization
to maximize the protection of sensitive information.
Endpoint - a computer that is managed by Security Management Server/Security Management Server Virtual.
Encryption Keys - In most cases, the Encryption client uses the User key plus two additional encryption keys. However, there are
exceptions: All SDE policies and the Secure Windows Credentials policy use the SDE key. The Encrypt Windows Paging File policy and
Secure Windows Hibernation File policy use their own key, the General Purpose Key (GPK). The Common key makes les accessible to all
managed users on the device where they were created. The User key makes les accessible only to the user who created them, only on
124 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
the device where they were created. The User Roaming key makes les accessible only to the user who created them, on any Shielded
Windows (or Mac) device.
Encryption Sweep - An encryption sweep is the process of scanning the folders to be encrypted on a managed endpoint to ensure the
contained les are in the proper encryption state. Ordinary le creation and rename operations do not trigger an encryption sweep. It is
important to understand when an encryption sweep may happen and what may aect the resulting sweep times, as follows: - An
encryption sweep will occur upon initial receipt of a policy that has encryption enabled. This can occur immediately after activation if your
policy has encryption enabled. - If the Scan Workstation on Logon policy is enabled, folders specied for encryption will be swept on each
user logon. - A sweep can be re-triggered under certain subsequent policy changes. Any policy change related to the denition of the
encryption folders, encryption algorithms, encryption key usage (common versus user), will trigger a sweep. In addition, toggling between
encryption enabled and disabled will trigger an encryption sweep.
Malware Protection (Full Scan) -Malware Protection Full Scan scans the following locations for threats:
The computer memory for installed rootkits.
Hidden processes, and other behavior that suggests malware is attempting to hide itself.
The memory of all running processes, all drives and their subfolders on the computer.
Malware Protection (Quick Scan) -Malware Protection Quick Scan scans the following locations for threats:
The memory of all running processes.
The les that the Windows Registry references.
The contents of the Windows folder.
The contents of the Temp folder.
On-Access Malware Protection - When a user accesses les, folders, and programs, the on-access scanner intercepts the operation and
scans the item.
Preboot Authentication (PBA) - Preboot Authentication serves as an extension of the BIOS or boot rmware and guarantees a secure,
tamper-proof environment external to the operating system as a trusted authentication layer. The PBA prevents anything being read from
the hard disk, such as the operating system, until the user has conrmed they have the correct credentials.
SED Management - SED Management provides a platform for securely managing self-encrypting drives. Although SEDs provide their own
encryption, they lack a platform to manage their encryption and available policies. SED Management is a central, scalable management
component, which allows you to more eectively protect and manage your data. SED Management ensures that you will be able to
administer your enterprise more quickly and easily.
System Data Encryption (SDE) - SDE is designed to encrypt the operating system and program les. To accomplish this purpose, SDE
must be able to open its key while the operating system is booting. Its intent is to prevent alteration or oine attacks on the operating
system by an attacker. SDE is not intended for user data. Common and User key encryption are intended for sensitive user data because
they require a user password in order to unlock encryption keys. SDE policies do not encrypt the les needed by the operating system to
start the boot process. SDE policies do not require preboot authentication or interfere with the Master Boot Record in any way. When the
computer boots up, the encrypted les are available before any user logs in (to enable patch management, SMS, backup and recovery
tools). Disabling SDE encryption triggers automatic decryption of all SDE encrypted les and directories for the relevant users, regardless of
other SDE policies, such as SDE Encryption Rules.
Threat Protection - The Threat Protection product is based on centrally managed policies that protect enterprise computers against
security threats. Threat Protection consists of: - Malware Protection - Checks for viruses, spyware, unwanted programs, and other threats
by automatically scanning items when accessed or based on schedules dened in policy. - Client Firewall - Monitors communication
between the computer and resources on the network and the Internet and intercepts potentially malicious communications. - Web
Protection - Blocks unsafe websites and downloads from those websites during online browsing and searching, based on safety ratings and
reports for websites.
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) - TPM is a security chip with three major functions: secure storage, measurement, and attestation. The
Encryption client uses TPM for its secure storage function. The TPM can also provide encrypted containers for the software vault.
Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro
User Encryption – The User key makes les accessible only to the user who created them, only on the device where they were created.
When running Dell Server Encryption, User Encryption is converted to Common Encryption. One exception is made for external media
devices; when inserted into a server with Encryption installed, les are encrypted with the User Roaming key.
126 Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Pro

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