DesignTech SHTX Security R/C Transmitter User Manual 28636 38 v1 0 p65

DesignTech International Inc Security R/C Transmitter 28636 38 v1 0 p65

users manual

Remote Control Car StarterModels 28636 - 28638With Full Keyless Entry& Security Alarm FeaturesInstallation ManualFor use on automatic vehicles only.For gasoline or diesel vehicles.AutoCommand®v 1.07955 Cameron Brown CourtSpringfield, Virginia USATel: (703) 866-2000; Fax: (703) 866-2001www.designtech-intl.comDelux Long-Range ‘Super-het’ model
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 3Page 2                                                                    28636 - 28638!! WARNING !!Do not hook this remote car starter into a manual transmission vehicle.Doing so could cause serious property damage, personal injury, and willvoid all warranties.  DesignTech International, Inc. will not be held re-sponsible for any resulting damages or injuries if this remote car starterunit is installed in a stick shift vehicle.Tools required to install the AutoCommand® unit:◊Test meter◊Wire cutters/strippers◊Pliers◊Screwdrivers◊Drill and 1/4” drill bit to mount the switch & 5/16” bit for the LED.◊Soldering iron and solderWe highly recommend that all connections be soldered for a long lastingconnection.Parts list1Remote Car Starter module1 Miniature 3 button transmitter1 Control harness (10 position)1 Accessory harness (8 position)6 Power & Ignition wires and one short pink battery wirewith fuse holder.1 Model  20038 includes all of the above parts plus• shock sensor• siren• an additional 3 button transmitter1 Parts BaggyParts kit in plastic baggy:•Extra YELLOW Starter Kill wire•External LED with plug-in connector•2 Butt connectors for starter kill.•Control switch with plug-in connector•30 Amp Green fuse•Small ring terminal for ground wire•2 Cable ties•2 Antenna clips with for mounting antenna•Alcohol pad for cleaning windshield for antenna clips•Pin switch, washer, nut and tab connector (for hood)•Yellow “Warning” label•“Protected by DesignTech” window decalCongratulations on your purchase of the AutoCommand® Remote Car Starter.  ThisRemote Car Starter system allows you to start the car by remote control from thecomfort of your home or office in order to cool it down in the summer or heat it up inthe winter.This  Remote Car Starter system is for automatic transmission cars only.  It is anextremely sophisticated system with multiple built-in safety and security features.The DesignTech Remote Car Starter:•Will start your car by remote control, and run the heater, defroster, or air condi-tioner to warm up or cool down the car.•Is designed to start the car if it is in park, and only if the hood is closed.•Will attempt to start the car for up to six seconds, but no longer (to avoid damageto the starter motor).  Should the car not start, or if it stalls after starting, theremote car starter will make two further attempts to start it.•Keeps the headlights on to let you know the car is running, and has the ability touse your transmitter to light your way when walking to the car at night.•Will not let the car be driven without the key in the ignition.•Shuts itself off automatically after 10 or 15 minutes (you choose the run time -consult your installer) if you are delayed coming to your car (20/30 min for deisels).•Will shut off if the brake pedal is pushed, the hood is opened, or the transmissionis shifted out of park - unless the key is in the ignition and in the “run” position.•The QUICK STOPtm option using the transmitter will allow you to remove the keywhile leaving the car running with the doors locked for either 10 or 15 minutes.•The COLD START OPTIONtm using the transmitter starts the car automaticallyshould the temperature drop below either 0’F (-18’C) or if the battery voltagedrops below 11 volts.•Lock and Unlock the doors and open the trunk as well as control security alarmfeatures with the transmitter.•Comes with a built-in starter kill relay to prevent vehicle theft.•· Comes with a plug-in Flashing status LED.•DAILY STARTtm feature allows you to have the vehicle automatically start up atthe same time 24 hours later.  Great if you go to or leave from work at the sametime each day.•Using the built-in DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS feature you can automaticallyturn on your lights 10 seconds after the key is turned to the ignition position or thebrake is depressed.•Is quality engineered, microprocessor controlled, and made in the USA to providemany years of reliable use.
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 5Page 4                                                                    28636 - 28638!! WARNING !!If you are working on a newer car, you may notice bright yellow tubes orharnesses underneath the steering column area.  These are the “SRS” or AIRBAG wires.  DO NOT tamper with these wires in any way, since this couldresult in personal injury and/or damage to the air bag system.Battery gases are explosive.  Do not smoke while working near the car’sbattery.!! CAUTION !!When fishing wires through the car’s firewall, be sure to protect them fromsharp metal edges and  from hot surfaces on the engine.NOTE:  Some installers hook a battery charger up to the vehicle’s batteryduring the installation.  This is fine, but it must be removed before runningthe vehicle under remote car starter control.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1 BEFORE YOU STARTTake this time to read through the entire installation manual.  Readingthe manual now will save significant time in the long run.  ALL STEPSARE CRITICAL.The installation information section or our web site is available 24 hours/day to provide you with up to date vehiclewiring information for your particular vehicle if needed.Wire Harnesses:  Always check your wire harness before installing tomake sure that it matches the list/drawing on page 4 of the manual.  Youcan use the BLUE WIRE COLOR SHEET to help determine the col-ors of the wires in your vehicle -- but be sure to always check these usinga volt-meter since vehicle wire colors can change from year to year invehicles.When you have read the entire manual, and paid close attention to everystep, start the installation by putting the Yellow WARNING STICKERunder the hood.  Pick a surface that is readily visible with the hood openand will not be easily covered with grime.  Make sure that the surface isclean and grime free before applying the sticker.Color Function Type RequiredThick Pink Power(+12V) YesThick White Accessory Relay output YesThick Yellow Starter Relay output YesThick Blue Ignition 1 Relay output YesThick Green Ignition 2 Relay output Maybe - Consult Wiring GuideBlack Ground YesColor Function Type RequiredRed/Black Diesel “wait to start” Input (+/-) NoRed/White Remote Input Input (-) NoGreen Tach Input NoViolet Hood Input (-) YesOrange Brake Input (+) YesColor Function Type RequiredYellow Lights Relay output NoBlue Horn Relay output NoBrown Acc. Pulse/Dome Light Output (-) NoBrown/White Alarm Disable Output (-) MaybeWhite/Black Ignition 3 Output (-) NoColor Function Type RequiredGray Alarm Trigger Input (-) NoWhite Ground out while armed Output (-) NoGreen/White Trunk / Carburetor Output (-) NoGray/Black Door Pin Switch Input (-) NoColor Function Type RequiredWhite/Red Lock Common Relay output NoYellow/Green Unlock Normally Closed Relay output NoWhite/Green Lock Normally Closed Relay output NoYellow/Red Unlock Common Relay output NoPlug In SwitchPlug In LEDAutoCommand Wire HarnessOptional Shock Sensor JackFor vehicle specific wiring information -- consult the Blue Sheetfor general information and consult our Web sit for more specificinformation.
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 7Page 6                                                                    28636 - 28638Ignition Key Diagram for Steps 4-7                                     Lock/Off   ACCRUN       ACC START4 Thick Blue Wire Ignition 1Attach the Thick BLUE 14 gauge wire (Ignition 1) to the ignition 1 wirecoming off the key switch behind the steering column.  This is a wire whichshows positive (+12v) on the test meter in the run and start position, but is offin the lock/off and accessory position.5 Thick Green Wire Ignition 2Most cars (especially newer cars) have a second ignition wire that is neces-sary.  Use the Thick GREEN 14 gauge (Ignition 2) wire for this connection.This is a wire that shows positive (+12V) on the test meter in the run position.It may be best to leave this wire until the end to determine whether the vehicleneeds this wire to operate some of the accessories.    Note -- setting dip-switchoption 10 (described in Step 29) will cause this wire to be off during crank.6 Thick White Wire AccessoryAttach the Thick WHITE 14 gauge wire to the accessory wire coming off ofthe key switch behind the steering column area.  This is a wire which showspositive (+12v) on the test meter in the run and accessory position, but is offin the start and off position.All dipswitches should be OFF  (up position) during the installa-tion.POWER & IGNITION WIRESThe AutoCommand® module (large black box) will be installed under the dash,once all wiring has been completed.  Do not mount the module at this timebecause you will need to check the diagnostic lights as the installationprogresses.  Locate (or drill a hole) in the firewall to run all of the long wires (12AWG PINK, 18 AWG YELLOW, VIOLET, GREEN, and BLUE) through the firewallto the engine compartment.  The remaining short wires stay in the passengerarea.  Leave about a foot of length at the harness end under the dash for ease ofworking and visual access to the diagnostic lights.(Note: Always connect up the Black and Pink wires before connecting upany of the other wires.)2 Black Wire GroundOptimum ground connection is critical for proper operation of this unit, as wellas transmitter range.  Connect this BLACK wire to a very good clean chassisground in the driver’s side kick panel area.  Use the small red ring terminal ifneeded.  The metal bracing around or beneath the dash board is not adequate.3 Long Pink & Short Pink Wire Power (+12V)The LONG PINK wire goes through the fire wall and connects to the SHORTERPINK wire with fuse holder.  We recommend getting power directly at thebattery +12V terminal.  Connect the ring terminal on the SHORT PINK wire tothe +12 volt terminal of the battery.  Strip back some insulation and then solderthe two ends of the PINK wires together, or use the Yellow Butt connector toconnect these.  Either way, you must have a very good connection.  Install the30 Amp green fuse.As soon as the Pink (Power) wire is connected the GREEN LED will come on andgo out. (If the unit is already initialized, the GREEN LED will come on for severalseconds while the RED LED flashes 4 times.)NOTE: WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND GETTING POWER AT THEBATTERY.  ALSO, FAILURE TO INSTALL THE FUSE HOLDER AND30 AMP FUSE TO THE PINK WIRE VOIDS ALL PRODUCT WAR-RANTIES, BOTH WRITTEN AND IMPLIED!
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 9Page 8                                                                    28636 - 2863811 Orange Wire Brake Shut-off Control HarnessThe ORANGE 18 gauge wire will disable the remote starter when the brakepedal is pressed down.  This is an added anti-theft safety feature.  This con-nection is usually made under or behind the brake pedal linkage at the switch.Connect the ORANGE wire to the wire that receives +12V only when thebrake pedal is pressed down.  Any +12V input on this wire will shut off theAutoCommand®.  In some cars, the ignition must be on to see power at thebrake wire.  This wire must be hooked up.  This is a critical safety feature.This connection is also required for several options discussed later.NOTE: With the Valet switch connected and in the ON position, pushing onthe brake pedal with the hood open (hood pin switch at ground) at this timewill cause the ignition wires to power up unless the unit has been initializedas described in the next step.12 Initializing the Remote StarterBEFORE THE CAR WILL START FOR THE FIRST TIME, YOU MUSTINITIALIZE THE REMOTE STARTER WITH THE  HOOD OPEN.A. The Remote Starter requires the installer to open the hood, and press andhold the brake pedal.  If the unit is not initialized at this time -- thisaction will cause the ignition outputs to come on (i.e. the dash lights comeon) informing you that the unit is not initialized.B. While depressing the brake (with the engine off and the hood open),  turn thekey to the “RUN” (not “start”) position.C. Put the car in GEAR from the PARK position.D Put the car back in PARK and release the brake.  The GREEN LED shouldhave flashed twice when you did this -- then 2 seconds later, the Green LEDwill stay on while the Red LED will give 4 quick flashes.  (The remote starterlooks at the vehicle’s neutral safety switch and checks for an automatic trans-mission during this step.)E. Turn off the key and remove key from ignition.You can confirm that the unit has been ‘initialized’ — simply turn the ON/OFFswitch OFF and then ON.  The GREEN LED (or dashmount LED) on the Auto-Command module will flash once immediately as the switch is flipped from the off7 Thick Yellow Wire StarterAttach the YELLOW 14 gauge wire to the starter wire coming off of the keyswitch in the steering column area.  This wire is hot (+12V with a meter) in thestart position only.  It is off in all other positions.CONTROL HARNESS8 On/Off  Plug-in Control SwitchThis switch must be installed for the remote starter to operate.  Mount theswitch then plug this switch harness into the AutoCommand module at the 2pin white connector.  (See diagram on page 4).Mount the control switch so that the “On” position is facing upward.Connection of this switch is mandatory.9Red/Black Wire      Diesel “wait to start” / PAGER Control Harn.This wire is used in diesel vehicle applications - and is optional.  This wirecan be hooked up to the “wait to start” light’s switched wire behind the dash,or directly to the glow plug wire.  The sense wire must change state when theWait to Start light turns on.  If dip switch option 9 (described in Step 29) isset, this wire will feed information to the remote starter as to when to beginstarting the vehicle.This wire can also be used with DesignTech’s Nationwide Pager (model28010).  In Data-Link mode, one can control all features of the remote startervia any telephone.  If the pager is used in Data-Link mode, this wire cannot beused for Diesel applications.  Follow the separate Pager directions for instal-lation.10 Violet Wire           Hood Pin Switch Control HarnessThe hood pin switch must be installed for the unit to initialize and workproperly.  It prevents operation of the remote starter when the hood is open.Attach the VIOLET 18 gauge wire to the supplied pin switch using the hard-ware provided.  Be sure to have a good ground connection.If you already have a hood pin switch which is being used by a car alarmsystem, you may share the wiring -- but be sure to diode isolate each wiregoing to the hood pin switch.  See following diagram:
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 11Page 10                                                                    28636 - 28638OPTIONAL STEPS14 Yellow Wire      Headlights/Parking Lights Control HarnessThe optional YELLOW 18 gauge wire activates the low beam headlights orthe parking lights with a built-in 15 amp 12 volt relay.  This feature providesvisual indication that the car has started.  After the remote starter has success-fully started the car, the lights will come on and stay on until the system shutsoff, or until the key is inserted into the ignition and the car is driven.  Hookthe YELLOW wire to the low beam headlights or the parking lights if youdesire this feature.   (Note:  There is a 15 Amp fuse in the case for the head-light circuit.  This is the one furthest from the power wires.  Check this fuse ifyou have no output).15 Blue Wire Horn/Siren (or Trunk) Control HarnessThis wire puts out a  pulse once each time the remote starter starts the car.  Italso is used to confirm Lock and Unlock and in the various CarFinder® andPanic/Alarm modes.The AutoCommands have a +12 volt relay output which can directly drive ahorn or siren.If connecting up to a horn, this BLUE wire goes to the positive wire for thehorn.  The ground side of the horn is probably arleady going to ground.If connecting up to a siren, this BLUE wire goes to the positive wire for thesiren and the black ground wire of the siren goes to ground.  Note:  See Step29 Option 11 for changing from the factory setting of ‘horn’ mode to the‘siren ‘ mode.This output can also be used to supply a +12 volt relay output to power anelectric trunk by setting option 22 (Described in Step 29).  If set, the BLUEwire now acts like a 12 volt positive trunk output and the GREEN/WHITEwire refered to in Option 22 now acts as a negative (-) horn/siren output.  ThisGREEN/WHITE wire is a negative transistor output which can be used todirectly drive the negative going horn wire at the steering the on position confirming that the unit has been ‘initialized’.  The ignitionwires will also not come on when the brake is depressed if the unit is initialized.IF THE UNIT DOES NOT INITIALIZE AT THIS TIME, see the purple TroubleShooting Sheet.13 Green Wire Tach Input Control HarnessThe Remote Starter has two ways of monitoring the car during the starting process.Either way will ensure a clean, accurate start.  Read about both methods beforedeciding which one to use.“No TachTM” StartingThis starting method does not require hooking up the GREEN tach wire.  Thismethod will start the car by reading the car’s voltage before attempting to start, andthen looking for a voltage increase when the alternator kicks in.  This feature auto-matically takes into account voltage, temperature and the time since the vehiclewas last run.The “No-TachTM” starting method is preset at the factory (dip switch 3 OFF), andyou can skip the rest of this step and proceed to Step 14 should you choose it.  Notethat some hard to start vehicles may require option 3 to be set for “extended crank”.Tachometer sensingIf the vehicle is generally hard starting (requiring a cranking time of more than 2seconds) you will get more accurate starting with the tachometer sensing startingmethod.  If you are installing the remote starter on a carbureted vehicle, you mustuse the tachometer sensing.  This method starts the car by reading the engine speed(tach) information from a wire under the hood.  If you choose tachometer sensing,connect the GREEN wire to the car’s tach wire under the hood.  After you haveconnected the GREEN wire, you need to teach the remote starter  the vehicle’s tachrate.  Set the Tach rate as follows:TACH RATE LEARNINGA. Connect the GREEN wire to the car’s tach wire under the hood.B. Turn the Control Switch OFF.  Wait 5 seconds for the flashing of theGREEN LED to stop.C. On the remote starter module, make sure dip switch 3 is in the ON (down)positionD. Start the car and let it get to a normal idle.E. Keep your foot clear of the gas pedal to prevent varying engine speedF. Flip dip switch #2 to the ON (down) position.G. Watch the RED LED.  It will come on after 3 or 4 seconds, indicating theidle rate has been learned.H. RETURN DIP SWITCH #2 TO THE OFF (UP) POSITION (LEAVE DIPSWITCH #3 DOWN -- ON)
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 13Page 12                                                                    28636 - 28638ACCESSORY HARNESS20 Gray & Gray/Black Alarm Inputs Accessory HarnessImportant Note:   If you want to use the keyless entry features only - withno alarm functions - connect the GRAY wire to ground or set Option 24(described in Step 29) for No Alarm mode .The GRAY alarm input wire will accept any negative alarm input, including:shock sensors, perimeter sensors, etc.  When connecting a shock sensor ormicrowave sensor, always use the GRAY wire.  AutoCommand ignores thisinput during the remote starting and when the AutoCommand is running thevehicle, preventing false triggering.Model 20038:  If you are using the included plug-in Shock Sensor --simply plug it into the 3 pin connector jack shown on page 4.  The GRAYwire is in parrallel with the Shock Sensor’s output wire -- thus care needsto be taken (i.e. diode isolate this wire) if you want to use the GRAY wirefor any other sensor as well.If you are using a sensor or input that switches to (+) when triggered, you willneed to reverse the polarity with a relay before connecting to the GRAY wire.The  GRAY/BLACK wire is normally for the door pin switch and will betemporarily disabled for the first 45 seconds of starting  (this prevents ve-hicles with dome light that come on when starting from activating the alarmif the GRAY/BLACK wire is hooked to the door pin switch).  This input ispolarity selectable.  This means you can set it to respond to a positive input ora negative input by setting the dip switch option 23 (described in Step 29).Factory setting is negative trigger and the option setting is positive (typicallyFORD vehicles).Both inputs are isolated and independent.  Since this unit is "last door arm-ing" and "negative trigger", a faulty sensor will not affect the other sensorinput and will not render the alarm inactive.  You should diode isolate theinputs of two or more sensors on the same input wire.16 Brown Wire   Accessory Pulse/Dome LampControl HarnessThe BROWN  wire is the acessory pulse which gives you a quick pulse justbefore the car starts or stops. This is a 500 mA transistor ground output whichMUST drive a relay (not included) which in turn will supply either ground orpositive signal.  This is important in some vehicles to control the defroster or tocontrol the GM  R.A.P. system, or to re-lock power door locks if the vehicleautomatically unlocks them whenever the vehicle stops running.You can also use the dip-switch option 20 (described in Step 29) to change thisoutput to turn on the dome lamp when the doors are unlocked.  This is a 500mA transistor ground output which MUST drive a relay  which in turn willsupply either ground or positive signal to the door pin switch wire.   Most GMvehicles, most Chrysler vehicles and most Japanese vehicles require a ground.Most Ford cars and trucks will require a positive +12 v output.17 Brown/White Alarm Disable Control HarnessThe  BROWN/WHITE  wire will put out a quick negative pulse just beforeunlocking or starting the vehicle.  This wire is used to turn off the factoryalarm.  Connect this Brown/White wire directly to the factory alarm disarmwire.  This wire is usually located in the driver's kick panel.  Refer to the"factory disarm" column of the blue vehicle wiring guide to determine thecolor code of your particular vehicle.18 White/Black Wire IGN 3 / VATS Control HarnessThe WHITE/BLACK wire is a 500 mA transistor ground output that acts justlike the IGN1 or IGN2 relay outputs.  It is active during run and crank.  Thiswire MUST be set up to power a relay.  With a relay, it can be used to powerthe third ignition wire at the ignition key.The WHITE/BLACK wire comes on before anything else, and turns off 2.5seconds after the last wires turn off.   Consequently one of the most commonuses for this wire is for a VATS disable wire.  See SPECIAL CASES for usingthis with the VATS system.19 Red/White Wire Remote Input Control HarnessThe RED/WHITE wire can be used to trigger the AutoCommand to start froma source other than DesignTech’s remote control transmitter.  Giving this wirea negative pulse will cause the AutoCommand to start.  Giving it another nega-tive pulse will cause it to stop.
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 15Page 14                                                                    28636 - 28638The YELLOW/GREEN wire is the NC (normally closed) contact of the on-board door unlock relay.  The YELLOW/RED wire is the C (common) con-tact of the on-board door unlock relay.The WHITE/GREEN wire is the NC (normally closed) contact of the on-board door lock relay.  The WHITE/RED wire is the C (common) contact ofthe on-board door lock relay.  Check the separate GREEN SHEET to deter-mine which wire the correct lock/unlock wires in your vehicle.To select lock polarity output:The remote starter has a 15 amp fuse inside it’s case to select lock polarity.This fuse is factory set at positive. (This fuse  is the one closest to the powerwires and connects the normally open contact of the relay to +12V or ground).The position furthest from the power wires is ‘positive’.  The closest positionis ‘negative’.If your door locks are positive, keep the fuse set for positive as it comes fromthe factory.   If your door locks are negative, open the unit and reverse theposition of the fuse (as described in the above paragraph).     If your door locksare reverse polarity, keep the fuse set for positive and cut the lock and unlockwires of the vehicle in half and follow the Green Sheet Keyless Entry Notes.Check this chart for connecting to the 3 most popular locking styles:  AutoCommand  Positive  Negative Reverse          Wire  Polarity Polarity  Polarity  Yellow/Red  Connect to car ‘s Connect to car’s Connect to car side, Unlock wire unlock wire car unlock wire  Yellow/Green  NOT NOT Connect to door side, USED USED car unlock wire   White/Red  Connect to car’s Connect to car’s Connect to car side,lock wire lock wire car lock wire   White/Green NOT NOT Connect to door side,USED USED car lock wire24 Yel/Red & Yel/Green Door Unlock Accessory HarnessWht/Red & Wht/Green Door Lock21 Green/White  Wire Trunk / Carb Accessory HarnessThe GREEN/WHITE wire can be used for one of 2 functions.  See the dipswitch setting  option #21 (described in Step 29) to choose the setting youwant (factory setting is trunk).  This output is a 500 mA negative transistoroutput.  You  MUST have this output power a relay to either the trunk orthe carburetor solenoid.  NOTE:   If the remote starter is in the armed mode-- popping the trunk with the transmitter will disarm the alarm.You can also swap the trunk and horn wires using option 22 (described inStep 29).  This option is also described in Step 15.22A     Extra Yellow      Starter KillThese models have a built-in Starter Kill relay to immobilize the vehiclewhen the alarm is armed.  You will need to cut the vehicle’s Starter wire inhalf between the key cylinder and the starter solenoid of the vehicle.  If youhave already hooked up the Thick Yellow Wire in Step 7, cut the wire betweenwhere the Yellow wire is and the key.  Now connect the solenoid (engine) sidewire to the yellow starter wire that goes to the module where there are 6 spadeconnectors -- if not already done in Step 7.  Now attach the extra Thick Yel-low wire onto the tab connector of the remote starter that is protruding out ofthe opposite side of the module as the main power wires.  Connect the otherend of this wire to the remaining cut end of the keyside of the vehicle’s starterwire that was cut in half earlier.22B      White    Ground out while armed    Accessory HarnessThis  WHITE  wire is 400mA continuous negative transistor output whichfollows the Starter Kill output.  This wire is active whenever the alarm of theremote starter is armed or the vehicle is running remotely under remote startercontrol.  You can use the WHITE wire for any other special applications thatare only active while the alarm is armed or running remotely.23 Dash-mount LED Plug-In LEDThis external LED gets pluged into the connector just to the left of the dipswitches.  This external LED can be dash mounted as desired.  This LED willdisable the GREEN LED on the unit.  This becomes useful for checking diag-nostics even if the unit is not visible.  This LED will also blink on and offcontinuously when the remote starter is locked/armed.  The LED mounts in a5/16 inch hole.
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 17Page 16                                                                    28636 - 2863827 TRANSMITTER LEARNINGYour transmitter is factory coded to one of over 16,000,000 different codes.The remote starter module can learn the codes of up to 4 different transmitters.Once power and the Control switch have been hooked up to the module, thecodes can be learned.  The transmitter should have already come from thefactory taught to the remote starter module.  If your unit does not respondto the transmitter in any way -- then you must teach the AutoCommand®the code of the transmitter with the following procedure -- otherwise --skip this step:With the Valet Switch in the ON position:1. On the remote starter module, put the dip switch marked “1” to the on (down)position.2. Watch the green or external dash-mount red LED as you press and hold the leftLOCK button on the transmitter down.  When the LED & dash lights come  on,the module has learned the transmitter code.  Stop pressing on the transmitterbutton3. To learn additional transmitters (up to 3 more), simply push the left LOCKbutton on another transmitter for a few seconds until the green feedback light& dash lights comes on.4. RETURN DIP SWITCH #1 TO THE UP OFF POSITION!!!  A few sec-onds later the LED and dash lights flash 4 times signifying exiting thismode.NOTE: Teaching new transmitters erases all previously learned transmit-ters.  Thus you must learn all current transmitters at the same time.28 Trouble Shooting with the Self DiagnosticsThe remote starter unit comes with a complete built in diagnostic routine.  It tells youwhy the remote starter wouldn’t start the car or why the unit shut the car off the lasttime.  To activate the diagnostic mode, simply turn the control switch OFF.  In a fewseconds, the GREEN LED on the remote starter module will flash 1 to 12 times to tellyou what the problem was.  See the chart on the following page for an explanation ofthe flashes.Note:  If the hood is open when the control switch is turned off, the light output willflash the diagnostic code.  This will allow you to see the code from outside the vehicle.REQUIRED FINAL STEPS 25 The AntennaThe black coax antenna wire with the clear plastic tube at the end receives the remotesignal from the transmitter.  Plug the coax antenna into the remote starter module.Snake the coax antenna around under the dash and up the inside of the right or leftwindshield post and over the top of the windshield.  Use the 2 enclosed black clips tomount the last eight inches of the antenna to the windshield behind the rear viewmirror and at least  2 inches down from the metal top of the vehicle.  Clean the wind-shield with the alcohol pad provided for maximum adhesion of the black clips.  Usethe 2 double stick foam tape pieces to mount the plastic clips.  The better exposed thelast (clear tube) section is, the better the range performance.  In many vehicles, youcan get better range performance by mounting the antenna vertically hanging down-ward from the top of the windshield.The wiring section of the installation is now complete.  Be sure to tape off all unusedwires so as to prevent short circuits, and mount the module securely under the dash.When tying up and mounting, be sure to avoid any moving parts (steering column,pedals) and sharp edges.26 Trying the Unit OutNOTE:  Failure to properly install the hood pin switch and the Control Switch couldresult in serious personal injury.  All safety features provided must be installed.WARNING:  Be prepared to apply the brake during this testing.  Close the hood,fully apply the emergency brake, and place the vehicle in Park.Note:  Some installers hook up a battery charger to the battery during installation.This is fine, but the remote starter will not function properly until the charger is re-moved.  Remove the charger before final testing.1. Once all the wiring is checked and is correct, turn the control switch from Off toOn once. (The green LED on the module or external dash mount red feedbackLED if plugged in should flash once then go off.)  Note that these LED willactually glow dim when in the off position.2. Now put the car in park, then press and hold the middle button on the transmitter.3. When the remote control radio signal is received, the HORN, if hooked up, willhonk quickly.4. After this, power will be applied to IGN1, IGN2, and then START.5. When the car’s rpm go above 500, the START wire will lose power and the AC-CESSORY and LIGHTS will be turned on a few seconds later.6. The car will continue to run for ten minutes, or until the car is taken out of park,the hood is opened, the brake is depressed, or the transmitter is pushed again.Please check out each of these safety features.7. The remote starter will also turn off if the car stalls, but in this case it will trystarting the car up to 2 more times, waiting a little longer between tries.8. The tan USER TIPS & NOTES and Wallet Cardgives you further details regard-ing the daily use of this product.  Refer to this sheet for further functions andfeatures. NOTE:  If you unit does not respond at all to the transmitter, you may need tofollow the Transmitter Learning on the next page.
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 19Page 18                                                                    28636 - 28638#ON - Down OFF - Up       Factory Setting1 Learn TX Normal use OFF2 Learn tach Normal use OFF3 Tach mode “No-Tach” mode OFF4 (Programing switch) OFF5 (Programing switch) OFF6 (Programing switch) OFF7 (Programing switch) OFF8 (Programing switch) OFF#1 is for teaching the transmitter(s).  See step 27.#2 is for teaching the AutoCommand’s tach rate.  See step 13.#3 sets the starting method.  The normal setting is up.  In this position, the theremote starter uses “No-Tach” starting.  If you wish to use the tach to start, andyou have connected the GREEN wire, set this switch down (On).  See Step 13.The following list explains the settings as they come from the factory andthe options you may set, if you choose to do so:FACTORY SETTING OPTION SETTINGOption # (2  Flashes) (1  Flash)Option 1 Not usedOption 2 10 minutes 15 minutesSelect this option to increase the standard run time to 15 minutes.Option 3 Normal crank Extended CrankThis option will increase the amount of time the AutoCommand engages the starter.This is useful for older vehicles or vehicles with throttle body fuel injection that maytake longer to start.  This adds 50% more crank time.Option 4 Normal Crank Super CrankSame as option 2, but 100% more crank time.  This option applies even if Option 2 isset.Option 5 Normal Voltage Ignore Voltage MeteringSelecting this option for Diesel vehicles tells the AutoCommand to ignore up to a .5volt dip below the voltage reading it takes when in the NO-TACH mode.  This isuseful when using the NO-TACH starting on a diesel with many electrical accessories.Option 6 Gasoline engine Diesel  engineThis option allows the AutoCommand to be installed in a diesel vehicle.  In this modethe run times are doubled.Why the remote starter shut off the last time:1 flash 10/15 minute time out -- i.e. nothing unusual happened.2 flashes Brake pushed/Hood opened/Auxiliary kill input received3 flashes No Tach or Stalled.  May be missing an ignition wire which powers up thealternator.  Or in tach mode -- you may be missing the correct tach wire.4 flashes Received another remote input from the transmitter5 flashes Transmission was shifted into gear.6 flashes Low battery voltage, or alternator not coming up.  Either low battery volt-age or you are missing one of the necessary ignition wires needed to runthe vehicle.  When you locate it -- simply connect it to the AutoCommand’sIGN2 wire.  If low battery, start vehicle with key and recharge battery.7 flashes An alarm input was activated.8 flashes Overcurrent.  One of the transistor outputs is driving an output with tooheavy a load.  You must have this output drive a relay.12 flashes Control Switch was turned off or a wire to the switch has been cut.This self diagnostic mode can also tell you why it started the last time.  To know whythe unit started the last time, simply hold your foot on the brake while you turn thecontrol switch off.  The diagnostic code is as follows:Why the remote starter started the last time:1 flash The unit has not started yet since it was last powered up.2 flashes Received a radio signal input from the transmitter to start.3 flashes N/A.4 flashes Temperature reached 0’F in Cold Start mode.5 flashes Voltage reached 11 volts in Cold Start mode.6 flashes Received a start command from the optional Pager unit.7 flashes Started from 24 hour daily start feature. 29 DIP SWITCH SPECIAL SETTINGSThe remote starter unit has 8 dip switches on the side of the case which allow forprogramming of special options and features.  The first 3 dip switches have alreadybeen used in earlier steps for transmitter learning, and tach rate learning.  DIPswitch numbers 4 - 8 are used for selecting up to 31 options other than those thathave been set at the factory.  Some options may alter the way the remote starteroperates, some options turn on special features for your particular installation.  (Seethe next page for a detailed description of each option.)You will not need to use these special switches in most situations.  The factorysettings will operate most vehicles.  You must turn the Control Switch OFF toprogram any features.  (Note that when turning off this control switch the LEDwill flash a few times giving the diagnostic code described in Step 28.   Ignore thisby waiting a few seconds for it to finish before programming your new Dip Switchsettings.)
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 21Page 20                                                                    28636 - 28638FACTORY SETTING OPTION SETTINGOption # (2  Flashes) (1  Flash)Option 20 Accessory Pulse Dome LampAccessory pulse puts out a brief pulse output after the remote starter starts or stops thevehicle.  When set, this output can be used to turn on a defroster that requires amomentary pulse or could be used to control GM RAP (retained accessory power)output.  Dome lamp will come on when you unlock the door for 20 secondsOption 21 Trunk Carb outputConverts the Green/White wire, normally the trunk output, into an output that willcontrol a carburetor solenoid.  Set this option if you plan on using a carburetor kit topump the gas pedal before starting the car with the remote starter.Option 22 Horn - Relay Trunk - RelayTrunk - Transistor Horn - TransistorFactory: Blue wire (+12 volt relay output) has Horn function& Green/White wire (neg. transistor) has Trunk functionOption: Blue wire (+12 volt relay output) has Trunk function& Green/White wire (neg. transistor) has Horn functionOption 23 Negative Door Pin Positive Door PinThis option will change the polarity of the door pin switch input.Option 24 Alarm Mode No Alarm ModeThis option will turn off the alarm features if not desired.Options 25-30 N/AOptions 31 Reset allPROGRAMMING OPTIONS:If you do not want any special features -- DO NOTHING and skip thissection.  If you want to change to one of the options, TURN THE CON-TROL SWITCH OFF and make sure dip switch #1 and #2 are up (Off).Wait 6 seconds for the Green LED on the remote starter module (or theexternal LED) to stop flashing and then continue with the following pro-cedures:* Set programming switches (4, 5, 6, 7 & 8) to the correct order for thefirst item you would like to set.  All five switches must be set accord-ing to the chart on the next page.FACTORY SETTING OPTION SETTINGOption # (2  Flashes) (1  Flash)Option 7 Enable Required No Enable RequiredThe AutoCommand has a safety feature which requires the user to ‘set’ the controlswitch by turning it off and on once each time the user leaves the vehicle.  This iscalled ‘enabling the unit’.  You can disable this feature by choosing the option “noenable required”.Option 8 Normal Daytime Running LightsThis option will turn the headlights on about 10 seconds after it sees the key in theignition position -- and turn if off when the key is removed from the ignition.Option 9 Normal Diesel “Wait to Start”This option will control the time before cranking the diesel vehicle by looking at the‘wait to start’ light of the vehicle.  Simply hook the Red/Black Input wire of Step 9 upto the wire behind the ‘wait to start’ light.  Also set option 6 for diesels.Option 10 Normal IGN 2 off during CrankThis option will turn off IGN 2 during crank.  This is required on some newer vehicles.Option 11 Horn Pulsing Siren ConstantChanges the thin blue wire from pulsing output for horn to constant output for a siren.Option 12 Chirp with locks Silent lock/unlock/startThis option will eliminate the chirp with Start, Lock and Unlock.Option 13 Active Arming Passive ArmingActive arming--Requires the owner to actively arm the car with the remote control.Passive arming--Automatic arming after the key is removed and the door is closed.Option 14 Normal Lock Follow IgnitionThis option locks the door when the key is in the ignition.Option 15 Normal Unlock Follow IgnitionSelecting this option will unlock doors when key is removed from ignition.Option 16 Normal Double Lock PulseThis option will pulse the lock output wire twice instead of once for normal mode.Option 17 Normal Double Unlock PulseThis option will pulse the unlock output wire twice instead of once for normal mode.Option 18 Short lock pulse Long lock pulseThis option will increase the door lock time from 0.6 seconds to 3 seconds for vehicleswith vacuum locking systems. (many European vehicles).Option 19 N/A
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 23Page 22                                                                    28636 - 28638 4  5  6  7  817) Norm./Dbl. Pulse Unlock DOWN UP UP UP DOWN18) Short/Long Locks DOWN UP UP DOWN UP19) N/A DOWN UP UP DOWN DOWN20) Acc. Pulse/Dome Light DOWN UP DOWN UP UP21) Trunk/Carb. Output DOWN U P DOWN U P DOWN22) Horn-Trunk/Swap DOWN UP DOWN DOWN UP23) Neg./Pos. Door Pin SwitchDOWN UP DOWN DOWN DOWN24) Alarm / No Alarm DOWN DOWN UP UP UP25-30)  Not applicable31) Reset all DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWNFactory Anti-Theft SystemsMany vehicles come with an anti-theft system that must be temporally  by-passed for the vehicle to be remotely started.Some systems use a resistor in thekey.Others use a transponder-a small device in the key that communicates ahigh security code to the vehicle before the vehicle will successfully start.Check the following list of vehicles below.If your vehicle is  listed, your ve-hicle has an Anti-Theft System that the remote starter MUST  temporallybypass in order to start the vehicle.  More information about the factory anti-theft systems and vehicle wire colors can be found at DesignTech web  DesignTech has developed a Universal AlarmBypass Module,model #20402,that will temporally bypass  the factory anti-theft systems when using the remote starter.Check with your local retailer/installer to purchase this Universal Alarm Bypass Module,model #20402 orcontact DesignTech directly.* Press the MIDDLE button on the transmitter.  The green LED onthe remote starter module or the external plug-in LED will flashONCE to indicate that the remote starter has changed the selectedfeature from the factory setting to the option setting.  Pushing themiddle button again will give you 2 flashes of the LED and willchange the setting back from the option setting to the factory set-ting.  You can go back and forth as often as needed.* Repeat this procedure for each feature you choose to adjust from the31 options.* When you have adjusted all of the settings that need to be changed,reset all the switches to the UP (or OFF) position (towards the LEDs).This is the normal use position.       FOR OPTION                    SET SWITCHES 4  5  6  7  8Normal Factory Setting/Option UP UP UP UP UP1) Not used2) 10 min./15 min. Run Time UP UP UP DOWN UP3) Normal/Extended Crank UP UP UP DOWN DOWN4) Normal/Super Crank UP UP DOWN UP UP5) Norm/Ign. Meter Voltage UP UP DOWN UP DOWN6) Gasoline/Diesel UP UP DOWN DOWN UP7) Enable/No enable UP UP DOWN DOWN DOWN8) Normal/DaytimeLights UP DOWN UP UP UP9) Norm/Diesel Wait Start UP DOWN UP UP DOWN10) Normal / IGN2 off dur crank UP DOWN UP DOWN UP11) Horn Pulse/Siren Const. UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN12) Chirp/Silent Lock/Unlock UP DOWN DOWN UP UP13) Active/Passive Arming UP DOWN DOWN UP DOWN14) Normal/Lock after Ign. UP DOWN DOWN DOWN UP15) Normal/Unlock after Ign. UP DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN16) Norm./Dbl.  Pulse Lock DOWN UP UP UP UP
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 25Page 24                                                                    28636 - 28638List of vehicles and the types of security systems:Acura 3.2TL 98+ TransponderAcura RL 98+ TransponderAudi A4,A6,A8 98+ TransponderBMW (all 97 +) TransponderBuick LeSabre 90 -96 VATSBuick Park Ave 91 -96 VATSBuick Park Ave 97+ TransponderBuick Regal 93 -96 VATSBuick Riviera 93 -96 VATSBuick Roadmaster 93 – 96 VATSBuick Skylark 96 -98 Passlock ICadillac Allante VATSCadillac Brougham VATSCadillac Catera TransponderCadillac Deville 92 -96 VATSCadillac DeVille 99 TransponderCadillac Eldorado 89 -98 VATSCadillac Fleetwood 90 -96 VATSCadillac Seville 90 -98 VATSCadillac Seville 99 TransponderChevrolet Venture 99 TransponderChevy Astro Van 98+ Passlock IIChevy Blazer 98+ Passlock IIChevy Camaro 86 -99 VATSChevy Cavalier 96+ PasslockChevy Corvette 88 – 99 VATSChevy Lumina 96 -99 VATSChevy Malibu 97 -99 Passlock IIChevy Monte Carlo 96 -99 VATSChevy Pickup Full-size 98+ Passlock IIChevy S-10 98+ Passlock IIChevy Suburban 98+ Passlock IIChevy Tahoe 98+ Passlock IIChrysler Concorde 98+ TransponderChrysler Sebring Conv 98+ TransponderChrysler LHS 99 TransponderDodge 300 M 99 TransponderDodge Intrepid 98+ TransponderFord Contour 97 + TransponderFord Expedition 97+ TransponderFord Explorer 98+ TransponderFord Mustang 98+ TransponderFord Taurus 96 + TransponderGMC Jimmy 98+ Passlock IIGMC Safari 98+ Passlock IIGMC Suburban 98+ Passlock IIGMC Yukon 98+ Passlock IIHonda Accord 98+ TransponderHonda Prelude 98+ TransponderJeep Grand Cherokee 99 TransponderJeep TJ (Wrangler)99 TransponderLexus (all 97+) TransponderLincoln Continental 97+ TransponderLincoln Mark VIII 97+ TransponderLincoln Navigator 97+ TransponderLincoln Towncar 97+ TransponderMercedes (all 97+) TransponderMercury Cougar 99 TransponderMercury Mystique 97+ TransponderMercury Sable 96+ TransponderNissan Maxima 98+ TransponderOldsmobile Intrigue 98+ Passlock IIOlds.Cutlass 97+ Passlock IIOldsmobile Achieva 95-98 Passlock IOldsmobile Alero 99 Passlock IIOldsmobile Aurora VATSOldsmobile Bravada 98 Passlock IIOldsmobile Eighty-Eight VATSOldsmobile Ninety-Eight VATSOldsmobile Silhouette 99 TransponderPontiac Bonneville 89+ VATSPontiac Firebird 88+ VATSPontiac Grand Am 96 -98 PasslockPontiac Grand Am 99 Passlock IIPontiac Grand Prix 92 – 96 VATSPontiac Montana 99 TransponderPontiac Sunfire 96+ PasslockPorsche (all 97+) TransponderSaab (all 97+) TransponderSaturn 97+ FactoryToyota Avalon 98+ TransponderToyota Camry 98+ TransponderToyota Land Cruiser 98+ TransponderToyota Solara 99 TransponderToyota Supra 98+ TransponderVolkswagen Passat 98+ TransponderVolvo (all 98+) TransponderHOW TO USE A RELAYMany of the optional steps require a relay to be hooked up. The mostcommon relay used for this type application is the Bosch type relay (Ra-dio Shack Cat.#275-226).Use the diagram below for a typical hookup. Ifyou have another relay then you need to know that pins 85 and 86 in thisdiagram relate to the coils of the relay.  Pin 30 is the ‘common ’,and pin87 is the ‘normally open ’contact. If your relay has a pin 87A in themiddle it is the normally closed contact and is not used.FromAutoCommand®To Vehicle's Accessory+12 V8786To Supply +12 Volt FromAutoCommand 85 30®To Vehicle's Accessory+12 V8786To Supply Ground (–) output85 3012 Volt Constant To Ground
28636 - 28638                                                                       Page 27Page 26                                                                    28636 - 28638USER INFORMATIONThe tan colored USER TIPS & NOTES sheet and the Wallet Card gives you furtherdetail regarding daily use of this product.  Refer to this sheet for further functionsand features. This product complies with both FCC and DOC requirements.  Anymodifications not expressly approved by DesignTech will void the user’s authorityto operate the equipment.The transmitter button functionsare as follows:Button 1: Once - Lock doors/arm alarmAgain - Unlock doors/disarm alarmHold for 2 seconds - Panic alarm (horn and lights)Button 2: Once - Start the car with all accessories left on.Again - Stop the carButton 3: Once - Turn on the headlights for 25 secondsAgain - Turn off the headlightsHold for 2 seconds -Pop Trunk / Unlock Doors /Disarm  AlarmThe LED on the transmitter will display 3 different colors - Green for Button #1, Redfor Button #2, and Yellow for Button #3.  The unit is powered by a long life lithiumbattery.  The transmitter and remote starter receiver module are FCC and DOC ap-proved.Important Note:Make sure that all drivers who will be operating this unit are fully aware of the safetyprecautions installed and their limitations.  Stress the importance of switching thecontrol switch to OFF (the down position) every time the car is serviced.  Show theuser how the Control switch must be turned off and on again after pulling out the keybefore leaving the car.  Give the user a copy of the tan colored page - USER TIPS ANDNOTES so that they can familiarize themselves with the product.If further assistance is required, call our Tech Hotline.  Please have modelnumber (20036, 20037 or 20038) and the diagnoistic code (See Step 28)ready before calling tech support.7955 Cameron Brown Court; Springfield, Virginia 22153 USA          Tel:  (703)866-2000 or (800)337-4468www.designtech-intl.comDiesel VehiclesYou must also set Option 6 to run in diesel mode.  This may be all that is required inmany installations.However if possible, hook up the RED/BLACK wire from Step 9 to ensure the bestpossible starting.The Wait-To-Start option 9 combined with Deisel option 6 is the best wayto connect to a diesel vehicle.  The Wait-To-Start wire for the 3 mostpopular deisel vehicles are as follows:Ford Pink/Black at Wait-To-Start lightDodge Orange/Black at Wait-To-Start lightChevrolet Lt Blue at Glow Plug in engine compartmentFor Ford vehicles, you may find the vehicle tends to stall after a shortperiod.  You may need to set Option 5 “Ignore meter” for the vehicle tocontinue to run.The Following installation accessories are available through your distributor orDesignTech.  All prices are in US dollars.  Shipping and handling are included.#20061 Extra 3 button transmitter $49.95#20051 Extra 1 button transmitter $44.95#20059 Transmitter 3 volt lithium battery $7.95#20402 Alarm Bypass Module $39.95#20043 Bosch 30 amp relays $9.95#20046 Carburetor kit $79.95#20610 Shock sensor kit $49.95#20612 Siren $49.95#30021 Garage Door Receiver Unit $49.95#20314 Long range cellular style antenna $59.85#20519 Digital Multimeter $29.95#20401 Universal Alarm Bypass Module $39.957955 Cameron Brown Court; Springfield, Virginia 22153 USA          Tel:  (703)866-2000 or (800)337-4468www.designtech-intl.comThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undes-ired operation.FCC ID: ELGSHRX & ELGSHTX          DOC: _____________User is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by Design-Tech could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.Covered under US Patent Numbers:  5,024,186; 5,349,931 and 5,656,868
Page 28                                                                    28636 - 28638LIMITED  LIFETIME  WARRANTYDesignTech International, Inc.  Warrants to the original consumer/purchaser that thisproduct shall be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and circum-stances for the period of time that the original owner of this product owns the vehicle inwhich it is installed.  When the original consumer/purchaser returns the product pre-paid toDesignTech International Inc., 7955 Cameron Brown Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153,USA within the warranty period, and if the product is defective DesignTech International,Inc. will at its option repair or replace such.This warranty shall constitute the sole liability of DesignTech International, Inc. concern-ing the product.  DesignTech International, Inc. expressly disclaims all other warrantiesINCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABIL-ITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  NO PERSON, FIRM , OR CORPO-RATION IS AUTHORIZED TO ASSUME FOR DESIGNTECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THEPRODUCT.  DesignTech International, Inc. and agents and distributors will bear no liabilitywhatsoever for incidental or consequential damages or charges of any kind.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,so the above disclaimer regarding incidental or consequential damages may not apply toyou.This warranty shall be effective only if the registration card is fully completed and mailedwith proof of purchase to:  DesignTech International, Inc., 7955 Cameron Brown Court,Springfield, Virginia 22153, USA within ten (10) days after date of purchase.This warranty is void if the product or has been damaged or tampered with or if the productor any such parts have been opened.  In all cases of damage during shipment, a claim mustbe filed with the shipping carrier and not with DesignTech International, Inc.This warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which varyfrom state to state.OUT OF WARRANTY REPAIRSIf the warranty card was not returned, or if you are not the original owner of the vehicle theproduct was installed in, DesignTech International, Inc. will at its option either (1) replacethis product with a functionally similar (but not necessarily visually identical) refurbishedproduct or (2) repair the original product and return it to the original consumer/purchaserafter payment of repair/replacement charges have been received.This registration card must be returned within ten (10) days of purchase.Name_________________________________________________________ User's Age_________Address _________________________________________________________________________City____________________________________ State__________________ Zip_______________Phone Number:      Home___________________________            Office______________________Place of Purchase__________________________________       Date of Purchase________________Product Purchased:____28636,  ____37 or   ____38     Price of Purchase:________Vehicle Make:__________________Vehicle Model:________________Year:__________This product was purchased for: ( ) Myself            ( ) Spouse           ( ) Relative           ( ) FriendHow did you first become interested in this product?( ) Retailer Newspaper Ad ( ) Magazine Ad ( ) In-Store Display( ) Newspaper / Magazine Article ( ) Mail Order ( ) Friend / Relative( ) In-Store Salesperson ( )  Other  _______________________________ Please send me FREE information on other innovative DesignTech products7955 Cameron Brown Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153, USATel: (703) 866-2000     Fax: (703)866-2001

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