—__—.___.———-—-——————-— Fedenl Cn-mlm uliuns Cemmiss‘uu (FCC) Sumner“ TIIIs uquipmuu has been leued and fmd m muply Mm me Ilmlls [at a Class B digital device, pumnnl w Pan ls of sec Rnln neg. llmlls are dcsiyltd lo plvvide reasonable pmwcflotl mum Inn-lull min-fumes in “manual lnsullmon. This equipment qmemfl, m5 ml can radlaie lad-in fiequeuey energy th if not [mulled and used u. mnlmee wlm inmclimu mauled m mu muuul, mly ans: hamlfnl ln‘erfqmce la mu» “4 lelevision cummmuufinm. Hewevee, um is no gummce dm Mum will nol poem in a panivnhr lumllauue. ll mu equipmem does use hmfill imam“ up radio er ulvvlsinn mepu'uu. which cm be dew-mined by naming the equipmelu eff-ul ml, me use is meowd m rrym carved me inwlmnce by me of mm eme followingmmum: - REORIENT OR RELOCATE THE RECEIVING ANTENNA - INCREASE THE SEPARATION BETWEN THE EQUIPMENT AND THE RECEIVER 0 CONNECT THE EQUIPMENT INTO AN OUTLET ON A CIRCUIT DEFERENT FROM THAT OF THE RECEIVER l CONSULT THE DEALER OR AN EXPERIENCED AUDIO/TELEvlsION TECHNICAN NOTE: Contain: mil «maul periphenl deviueu and» not wmplywidl Clm E requimnalls‘ or using Ind unshialdu‘l wiphufl in- ublc, squid in mall! in hlrmful inflame: no ndlc nrfdzvisian mm, The use is aufimedllmmy Chalgaurmndifiu‘iun! mzexpmfly awl-wed by me pmy mphnsibl: fur wmpfium could void The Inc's mummy ln (mu-El: mi; Equipment. Tu elm-em: use uflnis pmducldoes nu mun-llama m Mel-nu, il l'snecensuy w m skidded l/O ablfl. Cmdiln Deptrzment DI Gunman-m Notice The emu-mu nep-uueul Of Cummuuim‘um (DOC) label ileum mfiod aquinmult Tnis eerfifiuliou mm: mu m: mimnmk meels cumin Hmflmunn nous netwwk motive. ope-lime! Ind safely mqumcms ne Deplnmcntdlv! mm mm: (b: equipmm will ops-am me M's mere-aim Cepyn-m nu mmm l;- copyn'ghbad wlm all um; med. Ne pm'eu ami- munul my be mpied m reymdumd by my mum. ‘Vhfle every pleulmun has been Ilka: u. ||l= p'cpanfian of um uni-lull. no whiny rm awrs m' missile": i; mulled. Reamer il my li-biljly assumad “5“ m mm... m Ihe nu eme infmnnian confined hm . fnr dam“ [Mlnnilon min-lull A) Syna- Reg mM K a, eompmuli eempmer will. - Its-m (of 951) my purl had 1 JV: Happy dnva. 5) l, 3. c) “lldwan lulu“ rum ofl‘ me puwer of your camp-Ira, Dlscmmec' m5 Imxu: inshlled ma loule up empty 97pm mm pun (e: um USE mwu pun.) The pulp), is unlly uu me luck of me cap-pulse, See m user‘s minim me wIIh ymr cunpula, lryeu have pmblem u: find Eh: pony conned It: 9-pln Daub gamma fiom AQMcuse (said mm) m the 15-111 port, or mutual um usB pun euuueelue fivm AQMmue USB menu m me use mall! pal. Tighrul Ihe mm and mm: th: camcchon. Tmlhewwcrpummywmmpmz. Driver Imam (Ann fl.» nu “ll-whim I..." 3 showed mm.) R's momma-Ideal mu you move other mww wml mini 1nd ubool you! mmplner Mae fnuuwmx mall-firm swps. . Window: 1.1 1. sm Window! (cpwmu). Opel the "PM Min-m" vnndnw(A1|¢ TAB). hull down Ihe “File” (Alt e 1-7,de R |o open RUN dlllog my lusmme AQwa Dnyee m In you dnvuA (at B). Type Azlwmnowssmlv in me comma Iim ml m Emu]. Fallvw me dimluul/ mpe en dz: nee-u um use default sawing: by Jug musing ENTER. Clamp use my ifnmesury. Bemwrmvemdisklrvmlhemimaamninmllpmgmmdiwm m mull 11mm will result your nmnpum and um: me AQMnnse wofhv - Wit-inn” Sm Windmvs qsv Pulleup “Sun” mm(Cm ~ ESC). Seleel “RUN‘ by mkeyum onypelL lusen the AQMuu-e Drivcf disk In you dnverA (or E) Type A.\WINDOWS\S‘EH}F in me nommmd Inn: and was away). Follw me dim-mun 1 ms; ml me scum and use default smug! by jufl. ”hymn Change m. stains: lfnwemty. B-mmnmvvelhediskfmmlhefi-ivnulhzinfl-Iflpmym mama-u m imll prom vnll rem your comp-nu md me. me AQMol-u well-s pyAuN— _______—————-————'—"— Al. bum! mes null: Madam-flu ale-mum m plum uf than mmv: mun
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:24 22:56:28 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 65812.pdf Modify Date : 2001:05:24 22:56:30-04:00 Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools