____————-———-—————— Fain-ll Ca-muniumn) Comminlon (FCC) Sumner-1 This up pmcfll Ms been lcslzd md found In amply wuli inn limin for a Class B dignnd dnvice, pinsuuni in pan ls of FCC Rules “use lupin m designcd op wovidc luscnnble pmizuim mum hu-mfu] inlerferrncc m a rcsldallizl inmllaliono nus quipmcm “mums, usei and m iodine mdin f'mquency nnngy md, if not mulled nod used in mommct wnli insnuuuonn mum in mm manual. may cause mm inurfzmlcz op ndio md lelzvlsmu cnmmumcallms Hawmr, um in no gamma don inwrfzmoe will uol 0mm in a particular insinnuo'ou, u no; eqmpmflrl does cause hinnful unmfmnno [0 radio on wlwisim “warden. which an be damn-lined by nunu'ng due eouipmoni qfi nnd on, up: um ii encoungzd no ny m tween!» mud-Hen“ py one ormofe om; {allnwmg momuns. - RE-ORIENT on RELOCATE THE RECEIVING ANTENNA - INCREASE THE SEPARATION BETWEEN 11-113 EQUIPMENT AND THE I OONN‘ECI‘ THE EQUIPMENT lNTo AN OUTLET ON A CIRCUIT 0mm FROM THAT OF THE RECEIVER o CONSULT THE DEALER on AN amen AUDIO/TELEVISION IECmCAN NOTE: Candle-fling mis Weave penphtnl device: um do um oomply leh Chss E requiremnns. or using and unshldded pompnml data ouloln. Wald also mull in hmfid Mel-em in lid“! of Idevlsmn recepnon. The user is undoned am my ell-opener mndifiun'onn not mpmly npprovpd by me patty termsible For compliance pould vvid the user‘l authority to cperxxe nus oqmpmmn To ensure inn use of ths product does not (arm-lbw: io inlafzmnoe, ii is “mess-my w m shielded yo able, Cindi“: Dell-“mm! MCnm-llniufl'un Nuliw Th: Canadian Dvpanmrnl or Communications (bog label moorin- unified equip-null. This cafifiufion mom llm in: nonipmmn meets ecru-n ulmn-nniufious nawm'k pnoioodve. opnmn'onnl and saley mquiremmu. m Bap-man don- nm sacrum: mo equipmml wlll operate m m user's snot-anon Cflpyril-hl Thlsmlmu‘ u nopynplnod wnn ill npnu nsaynd. Nu poinon nflhls ninnuul may hemmed on modumd by my mulls. While way mudon hu bum upon in no pup-moon of manual. no mponiioiliiy for arms on ominnono is issumed. Neima u my lilbl ny assumed [at flanges {chilling noin me use om: lnfonnnion contained harm, Iuhlhfion Al Synen "minimum IBM PC or mmpnihl: eompuler Wlfll n 115-232 (or P51) ,USB porn and a w," floppy driver. 3] C) Hunt-um Inmll Turn off he pawn of ymlr onmpnkr, Dimnnefl anodler mouse mulled and local: in tmpty 9.pin R543; pm (or die uss mouse pan.) The ponds), is usndly on the back of in: nompma, See in usnn'p mununl fame wnn yam mmpu‘zr, irynu mm pinnlm m find in: ppm. Common 9~pin mun mum hm AQMollse (grill mom) (0 din mm pon. or ponnpm dx USB pon onnnmnr from AQMause use mnnu m in; US}: mmu: pon. 113th mu slaw; and gecure inn cmacnml Tum inn power on to sun yam Cmp‘lflx. Driver lune-n (Arm runs-n in: “Hurdwlrv Inn-ll" I: allowed Aline.) It's (mommzndfid um you minim “humane comm! program ind reboot your cnmpma before following mull-non steps . Window] SJ Sun windows ic;\>wnu). Open on “Fagin! Mmaga“ windaw (All y TAB) Pull down the “Fun“ mmu (All + r), and 'ype x in ppm RUN dinlog non, [nun flle AQMm Driver disk lo you drich (w a). Typc A.\W|NDOWS\SHUP in dog summmd [me nod pmi ENTENJ). Foflnwlhzdinaiml/mapam'hz mum-mdnfiidimioyyun messing ENTER. Chung: inn satiny ifnmy. nommmnovnmdinknonmemvmumninmupnmmmdlwm no inslxll pmgnm will remn ynur wmpilm‘ und darn m AQMnose works, munch-3a:— «4 o Windnw: 9! 513“ windqwx 95. Pall-up "sun" menn (cod + Esc) 54m “RUN‘ ey mow Fwy; (T) on type R, loin-zine AQMouu my" dink In you dnver A (at B). Typ‘ Azlwmbowsmrrup in the oominmd line md pm. ENTERU) Follow me dilemma / up; on in. mm and use dnimli suing: hyjnsl messing MK Change Lb: mugs ilnocomry. B: sun no mum in: disk noun do: driver I: fin: inn." pippnni indiw The infill] ploy“ will mun your tempura Md mm m AQMnuse wonkn. All bmd num- und muscled ndulllrlu mmllonud m pioputy orinm mpnnnyu nwnux.
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