Digital Monitoring PC0126 LOW POWER TRANSCEIVER User Manual

Digital Monitoring Products Inc LOW POWER TRANSCEIVER Users Manual

Users Manual

InstallatIon GuIde9000 Series Wireless KeypadsDescriptionThe DMP 9060 and 9063 are fully functioning supervised wireless keypads.  They provide installation exibility while also offering optional codeless arming and disarming capabilities.  Each keypad provides:• Custom 16-character home or business name• Four 2-button Panic keys• 32-character display• Backlit keyboard with easy-to-read lettering• Internal speaker. • Wall tamper protection• Keyboard and logo backlighting turns Red in alarm conditionsThe Model 9063 keypad also provides a built-in proximity card reader designed to read DMP/HID proximity credentials for codeless arming and disarming.CompatibilityXTL PanelsWhat is IncludedThe 9000 Series Keypad includes the following items:•  One wireless keypad mounted in a Thinline two-part housing (base and cover)•  One 3.7V lithium battery•  One 12 VDC DC Plug-in Power Supply•  Serial number labelKeypad Serial NumberFor your convenience, an additional pre-printed serial number label is included.  Prior to installing the device, record the serial number or place the pre-printed serial number label on the panel programming sheet.  This number is required during programming.  As needed, use the zone name and number label to identify a specic transmitter.Programming the Transmitter in the PanelThe 9000 Series Wireless Keypads can be programmed into the XTL through panel programming or using the wireless keypad association mode.Note:  When a receiver is installed, powered up, or the panel is reset, the supervision time for transmitters is reset.  If the receiver has been powered down for more than one hour, wireless transmitters may take up to an additional hour to send a supervision message unless tripped, tampered, or powered up.  This operation extends battery life for transmitters.  A missing message may display on the keypad until the transmitter sends a supervision message.Device Setup ProgrammingRefer to the XTL Programming Guide (LT-1107) as needed.  Program the keypad as a device in Device Setup during panel programming.  At the Serial Number: prompt, enter the eight-digit serial number.  Continue to program the device as directed in the panel programming guide.  Wireless Keypad AssociationPressing the XTL RESET button 3 times within 5 seconds enables the keypad association mode. For one minute the panel listens for wireless keypads.  Any keypads not already associated with another panel are assigned to the rst open keypad address. Keypads are automatically assigned addresses based upon the order in which they are detected.  A maximum of 4 keypads may be associated with a panel.Selecting the Proper Location (LED Survey Operation)The 9000 Series keypad provides a built-in survey capability in the Installer menu to allow one person to conrm keypad communication with the panel.  Refer to Accessing Keypad Wireless Survey later in this document.32-Character DisplayData Entry Digit keys COMMAND KeyBack Arrow KeySelect KeysBacklit Logo and Proximity AntennaFigure 1: 9000 Series Keypad
Digital Monitoring Products  9000 Series Installation Guide2Installing the KeypadAll DMP keypad housings are designed to easily install on any desk stand, 4” square box, 3-gang switch box, or a at surface.  Remove the CoverThe keypad housing is made up of two parts: the front, which contains the circuit board and keyboard components and the base.  Use the following steps and gures to separate the keypad front and base.  1.  Insert a at screwdriver into one of the slots on the bottom of the keypad and gently lift the screwdriver handle toward you while pulling the halves apart.  Repeat with the other slot.  2.  Using  your  hands,  gently  separate  the  front  from  the  base  and  set  the  front  and  components aside.DC Power SupplyLocate the keypad near a wall outlet for the Model 371-500 plug-in DC power supply.  In addition to powering the keypad, the power supply also charges the back-up battery. The plug-in power supply should be located within 100 feet of the keypad using 22 AWG wire or 250 feet using 18 AWG wire.  Use the following steps to connect the plug-in power supply:1.  Connect the plug-in power supply Black wire with White stripe (positive) to the White wire of the included 4-wire harness.2.  Connect the  plug-in  power  supply solid Black  wire  (negative) to the Black wire of the wire harness.3.  Plug the  2-wire harness on  to the  header on the  back of the keypad. 4.  Plug the power supply into a 110 Volt AC outlet not controlled by a switch.Standby BatteryThe keypad rechargeable battery is used to provide 24 hours of backup battery power when DC power is not available.  The battery is intended for backup power only and not to operate the keypad on a daily basis.  If the battery is low, or not plugged into the J1 battery connector, a low battery condition is indicated by the XTL panel.  Use the following steps to replace the standby battery.  DMP recommends replacing the battery every 3 years under normal use.Note:  If removing the keypad from service, disconnect the 4-wire harness from the back of the keypad.Removing the Keypad PCB1.  Disconnect the 2-wire harness from the back of the keypad.2.  Remove the base.3.  Loosen the top keypad PCB snaps.4.  Lean the keypad PCB backwards and lift out from the bottom PCB snaps.Lift screwdriver handle up toward you to separate keypadcover from base.Thinline     or AqualiteKeypadBuilding Wall Surface and BackboxMounting HolesCombined 4-squareand 3-gang switch boxMounting HolesKeypad BackSurface and BackboxMounting HolesBlack (-)Black/White stripe (+)Top PCB SnapsBottom PCB SnapsPCB Alignment post4 Position headerBlack (-)371-500 Plug-in Power SupplyKeypad 4-Wire HarnessBlack/White stripe (+)Black (-)Black/White stripe (+)Figure 2: DC Power Supply Connection Figure 3: Mounting HolesFigure 4: PCB Snaps
9000 Series Installation Guide  Digital Monitoring Products3Battery Replacement1.  Disconnect the battery lead connector from the keypad J3 battery header.2.  Remove the battery strap from the standby battery.3.  Remove and properly dispose of the used battery. Caution: Risk of re, explosion, and burns.  Do not  disassemble, heat above 212°F (100°C), or incinerate.   Properly dispose of used batteries. 4.  Place the new battery on the keypad PCB and replace the battery strap.5.  Observe polarity and connect the battery lead connector to the keypad J3 battery header. Installing Keypad PCB1.  Set the keypad PCB into the bottom snaps2.  Line  up  the  PCB  alignment  post  with  the  hole  in  the keypad PCB.3.  Press the PCB into the top PCB snaps to secure in place.  4.  Replace the base.Battery SupervisionThe panel tests the battery once every hour when DC power is present.  This test occurs 15 minutes past each hour and lasts for ve seconds.  A load is placed on the battery and if the battery voltage is low, a low battery is detected.  If DC power has failed, a low battery is detected any time the battery voltage falls below 3.7V.Card ReaderWhen a proximity credential is presented to the Model 9063 internal reader, a beep tone is heard and the Power and Armed LEDs blink.  This provides both an audible and visual acknowledgement of the credential read. Panic Key Options2-Button Panic KeysAll keypads offer Panic key function that allows users to send Panic, Emergency, or Fire reports to the central station.  Enable the Panic key function in the keypad user menu.  See Keypad Programming Instructions later in this document.  Install the supplied icon labels below the top row of Select keys as shown in Figure 4.   The user must press and hold the two Select keys for two seconds until a beep from the keypad is heard.  At the beep, the panel sends the following zone alarm reports to the central station:   Panic (left two Select keys)—Zone 19 + Device Address Emergency—non-medical (center two Select keys)—Zone 29 + Device Address Fire (right two Select keys)—Zone 39 + Device AddressInternal Speaker OperationAll keypads emit standard tones for key presses, entry delay, and system alerts.  The speaker also provides distinct burglary, re, zone monitor, and prewarn cadences.  The keypads provide an alternate prewarn with alarm cadence that occurs when the status list displays a zone alarm.BacklightingBoth the logo and keyboard light when a key is pressed or the speaker sounds.  During an alarm condition, all lighted areas turn Red.  When all alarm conditions are cleared from the display, the Red display turns off and the lighted areas return to the user-selected brightness.  Backlit Keyboard and LogoThe backlit keyboard and logo indicate the power and armed status of the panel.  Depending on the status, the LED displays in Red or Green as listed in the table.Color and Activity OperationGreen Steady Panel Disarmed, AC Power OK, Battery OKGreen Blinking Panel Disarmed, AC Power OK, Battery FaultNo Light Panel Disarmed, AC Power Fault, Battery OKRed Steady Panel Armed, AC Power OK, Battery OKRed/Green Alternate Panel Armed, AC Power OK, Battery FaultRed Blinking Panel Armed, AC Power Fault, Battery OKStandby battery connectorStandby battery strapFigure 5: Battery Replacement
Digital Monitoring Products  9000 Series Installation Guide4End-User OptionsAll keypads provide three keypad adjustments the end-user can make through a User Options Menu.  The user can also view the keypad model number and address.  On all keypads press and hold the Back Arrow (<—) and CMD (COMMAND) keys for two seconds to access User Options.  The keypad display changes to SET BRIGHTNESS.  Use the COMMAND key to display the next Option or press the Back Arrow to exit.    Set brightneSS<         > Backlighting BrightnessSet the keypad LCD Display brightness level, Power and Armed LEDs, and the Green keyboard and logo backlighting.  Use the left Select key to lower the brightness and the right Select key to raise the brightness.  If the brightness level is lowered, it reverts to maximum intensity whenever a key is pressed.  If no keys are pressed, and the speaker has not sounded for 30 seconds, the user-selected brightness level restores. Set tOne<         > Internal Speaker ToneSet the keypad internal speaker tone.  At the SET TONE display, use the left Select key to lower the tone and the right Select key to raise the tone.   Set VOLUMe LeVeL<         > Internal Volume LevelSet the keypad internal speaker volume for key presses and entry delay tone conditions.  During alarm and trouble conditions, the volume is always at maximum level.  Use the left Select key to decrease the volume and the right Select key to increase the volume.  MOdeL nUMber9060 V100   Model NumberThe LCD displays the keypad model number and rmware version and date.  The user cannot change this information.   Keypad addreSS  01 Keypad AddressThe LCD displays the current keypad address.  The user cannot change the keypad address.  Entering Alpha CharactersTo enter an alpha character, press the key that has the desired letter written below it.  The keypad display shows the number on that key. To change the number to a letter, press the top row Select key that corresponds to the letter location under the key. For example, if you press key number 1, the letters for that key are A, B, and C. Press the rst Select key for A, the second Select key for B, the third Select key for C, and the fourth Select key for special characters. First LetterSecond LetterThird LetterSpecial Character(CBAEntering Alpha CharactersEntering Non-Alphanumeric CharactersEach key also has a special, non-alpha character.  These characters are not shown on the keypad.  Enter a space by pressing 9 then the third Select key.  The following non-alpha characters are available: ( ) ! ? / & $ ‚ (space) ’ starting with the left bracket on the 1 digit key to the blank space and apostrophe on the 9 digit key.  Use the 0 digit key to enter - . * # (dash, period, asterisk, or number sign).1  2  3  49  0   CMD5  6  7  8A(CBD)FEG!IHJ?LKV,XWS$UTP&RQM/ONY'(space)Z-#*.Keys with Non-Alpha Characters
9000 Series Installation Guide  Digital Monitoring Products5Installer Options MenuAll keypads provide Keypad Option and Keypad Diagnostic menus to allow installing and service technicians to congure and test keypad operation.Accessing Installer OptionsAccess the Installer Options Menu through the User Options function.  Hold down the Back Arrow and COMMAND keys for two seconds to display SET BRIGHTNESS.  Enter the code 3577 (INST) and press COMMAND.  The display changes to KPD OPT (keypad options) KPD DIAG (keypad diagnostics) and STOP.The Keypad Options menu allows you to set the keypad address, select Supervised or Unsupervised mode, change the default keypad message, selectively enable the 2-button Panic keys. Note: All programming options display on all keypads, however, actual operation for some programming options is restricted to the listed keypads.Programming Keypad OptionsKpd KpdOpt diag    StOp Keypad Options (KPD OPT) To program keypad options, press the left Select key under KPD OPT.  CUrrent KeypadaddreSS:     01 Keypad AddressSet the keypad address from 01 to 04 with the XTL panel.  The factory default address is set at 01.  To change the current address, press any Select key and enter the new address.  It is not necessary to enter a leading zero for addresses 01 to 04.deFaULt Keypad MSg: Default Keypad MessageEnter a custom message of up to 16 characters to appear on the keypad display top line whenever that line is not used for any other purpose.  Press any Select key to clear the current message and enter a new custom display.arM paniC KeyS:*pn  *eM  *Fi Arm Panic KeysUse this option to congure the top row Select keys as 2-button Panic keys.  To enable or disable a Panic, press the Select key under the appropriate display: PN (Panic), EM (Emergency), and FI (Fire).  Once the panic is enabled, an asterisk displays next to the description.  Refer to the Panic Key Options section earlier in this document.aLL?:    nO  yeSdeLay:      2 Arming/Disarming Wait Time (9063)Select the number of seconds (1-9) the keypad should wait when an area system displays ALL?  NO  YES during arming/disarming or a HOME/SLEEP/AWAY system waits during arming only.  If NO or YES, or HOME,  SLEEP, or  AWAY is not manually selected before the delay expires, the keypad automatically selects the YES or the AWAY key.  Select zero (0) to disable this feature.  This delay only occurs when any credential is presented for arming the Home/Sleep/Away system.  The following options are for programming the proximity credential for the Model 9063 only.Card OptiOnSdMp    CUStOM Card Options Select DMP to indicate the reader sends a 26-bit DMP data string.  To save the DMP option, press the left top row Select key under DMP.  Default is DMP.Select CUSTOM if using a non-DMP credential.  To select CUSTOM press the right top row Select key. Custom Card DefinitionsWiegand COde Length:     26  Wiegand Code LengthWhen using a custom credential, enter the total number of bits to be received in Wiegand code including parity bits.  Press any top row Select key to enter a number between 0-255 to equal the number of bits.  Default is 26 bits.Typically, an access card contains data bits for a site code, a user code, and start/stop/parity bits.  The starting position location and code length must be determined and programmed into the keypad.01110101101101010001100111First BitReceivedPosition = 0Site CodePosition = 1Length = 8User CodePosition = 9Length = 16Last BitReceivedPosition = 25In this example the Wiegand Code Length = 26 bits.
Digital Monitoring Products  9000 Series Installation Guide6Site COde pOSitiOn:     1 Site Code Position Enter the site code start position in the data string. Press any Select key to enter a number between 0-255.  Default is 1.  Site COde Length:       8 Site Code Length Enter the number of characters the site code contains.  Press any Select key to enter a number between 1-16.  Default is 8.  USer COde pOSitiOn:    9 User Code PositionDene the User Code start bit position.  Press any Select key to enter a number between 0-255.  Default is 9.  USer COde Length:     16 User Code LengthDene the number of User Code bits.  Press the fourth Select key to enter a custom number.  Custom numbers can only be a number between 16-32.  Press COMMAND to save the entry.  The default is the DMP value of 16.reqUire Site COde:     nO  yeS Require Site CodePress the top row Select key under YES to use a site code and press COMMAND to view the site code entry display.  Default is NO.In addition to User Code verication, door access is only granted when any one site code programmed at the SITE CODES entry option matches the site code received in the Wiegand string.  You can program up to eight three-digit site codes.Note: A card with a site code greater than three digits cannot be used.  Use only cards with three-digit site codes.Site COdeS 1-4>    >    >    > Site Codes 1-4  Enter site codes 1-4 (left to right separated by > sign).  Press the Select key below the > sign to add, delete, or change the site code and press COMMAND.  Site code range is 0-999.  Press the COMMAND key to display SITE CODES 5-8.  Site COdeS 5-8>    >    >    > Site Codes 5-8Enter site codes 5-8 (left to right separated by > sign).  Press the Select key below the > sign to add, delete, or change the site code and press COMMAND.  Site code range is 0-999.nO OF USer COde digitS:      5 Number of User Code DigitsThe keypad recognizes four digit user codes.  Press any Select key to enter the user code digit length being used by the panel.  Default is 4.  When searching the bit string for the user code, the digits are identied and read from left to right.  degraded MOde reLay aLWayS OFF Degraded ModeThis option denes the relay action when communication with the panel has not occurred for ve seconds.  Press any top row Select key to display CHOOSE ACTION.  The default is Relay Always Off.  ChOOSe aCtiOnOFF Site  any On Choose the Degraded Mode Action required. Press the rst Select key to choose OFF (Relay Always Off)  —  The relay does not turn on when any  Wiegand string is received.  Off does not affect any REX operation.    Press the second Select key to choose SITE  (Accept Site Code) — Door access is granted when the Wiegand site code string received matches any site code programmed at SITE CODE ENTRY.  For details refer back to the REQUIRE SITE CODE option.   Press the third Select key to choose ANY  (Any Wiegand Read) — Door access is granted when any Wiegand string is received.    Press the fourth Select key to choose ON  (Relay Always On) — The relay is always on.  ChOOSe aCtiOnLaSt Press the rst Select key to choose LAST  (Keep Last State)    —  The relay remains in the same state      and does not change when      communication is lost. After choosing the action, DEGRADED MODE and the newly dened action display.  Programming is now complete.
9000 Series Installation Guide  Digital Monitoring Products7Accessing Keypad DiagnosticsIf necessary, refer to Access the Installer Menu earlier in this document.Kpd Kpd  KpdOpt diag rF   StOp  Keypad Diagnostics (KPD DIAG) The Keypad Diagnostic option allows you to check the display segments, keyboard backlighting and test individual keys.  Press the Select key under KPD DIAG.  The keypad lights all display segments and illuminates the keyboard in Red.  In approximately one second the display backlighting changes to Green.  The keypad alternates between these two states for approximately two minutes.  Press COMMAND at any time to begin testing individual keys.  preSS Key tOteSt  Test Individual KeysThe display changes to PRESS KEY TO TEST.  This option tests each key on the keyboard to ensure it is operating properly.  Press and hold each key for about two seconds.  The key number being held appears in the display.  Verify the correct number displays before testing the next key. Accessing Keypad Wireless SurveyIf necessary, refer to Access the Installer Menu earlier in this document.Kpd Kpd  KpdOpt diag rF   StOp  Keypad Wireless Survey Operation (KPD RF) The Keypad Survey option allows you to check the wireless communication between the keypad and the panel.  Press the Select key under KPD RF.  The keypad logo blinks once to indicate proper operation.  When the keypad does not receive an acknowledgement from the panel, the logo remains on for about 8 seconds to let you know communication is not established.  Communication is also faulty when the logo ashes multiple times in quick succession.  Relocate the keypad until the logo immediately turns off indicating the keypad and panel are communicating properly.  Proper communication between the keypad and panel is veried when for each press of the Select key, the LED blinks immediately on and immediately off.  Repeat this test to conrm ve separate consecutive LED blinks.  Any indication otherwise means proper communication has not been established. Exiting the Installer OptionsWhen done, press the COMMAND key once to return to the Installer Options screen.  Press the Select key under STOP to exit the Installer Options function.
Digital Monitoring Products  9000 Series Installation Guide8Additional Programming The 9063 keypads allow users to present a proximity credential to the built-in proximity reader.  Users can also manually enter their user code into the keypad.  The keypad veries the user code and its authority with the panel.  Programming Cards into the SystemThis programming feature operates on 9063 keypads only.  Access the User Menu in one of two ways.  When MENU?  NO YES displays, choose YES and present your proximity credential to the reader or manually enter your user code into the keypad. From the User Menu, select USER CODES?.  Choose ADD.  At the ENTER CODE: - display, present the credential to the reader.  The keypad works by reading the user code from the data sent by the proximity reader.  For more information, refer to Entry Cards in the programming section of this document and the panel User’s Guide section on adding, deleting, and changing user codes.Proximity Credentials CompatibilityDMP Keypads with internal proximity readers are compatible with most standard 125Khz Prox credentials available from HID and all DMP proximity credentials.  DMP Keypads are not compatible with iClass or other non-HID credentials.  There are custom and non-standard credentials from HID that are not compatible with DMP proximity keypads.  If you are using HID cards that have not been purchased directly from DMP, it is recommended to thoroughly test the application fully before installation.  DMP does not guarantee compatibility with credentials not purchased from DMP.User’s GuideThis User’s Guide covers 9063 keypads and contains different sections:  Keypad Arming and Disarming, and Keypad Entry Delay.  All of the examples displayed assume that CLOSING CODE is YES in panel programming.Keypad Arming and DisarmingArea system Arming and DisarmingPress COMMAND, the keypad displays ARM   DISARM.  Press the Select key under either option.  The keypad displays ENTER CODE: -.  Present your card to the reader.  Once validated by the system, all areas assigned to your code arm or disarm automatically.      ABC SECURITYARM                DISARM     ABC SECURITYENTER CODE:  –     ABC SECURITYALL?            NO    YESSelect NO to arm or disarm individual areas.  Select YES, or simply wait, to automatically arm or disarm all areas for which you are authorized.Figure 6: Area Arming and DisarmingAll/Perimeter System Arming and DisarmingPresent your card to the reader or press COMMAND, the keypad displays DISARM? or PERIM  ALL (when arming).  Press the Select key under the desired option.  The keypad displays ENTER CODE: -.  Present your card to the reader.  Once validated by the system, the selected areas arm or disarm automatically.Home/Away System Arming and DisarmingPresent your card to the reader. If the system is armed, once the card is validated, all areas are disarmed and the keypad displays ALL SYSTEM OFF.  If the system is disarmed when you present your card, once the card is validated, HOME  SLEEP  AWAY displays.  Manually select HOME, SLEEP, AWAY or after a short time-out, all areas automatically arm in the AWAY mode.Keypad Entry DelayAll SystemsOnce the entry delay starts, the keypad sounds an entry tone and displays ENTER CODE:  - . Present your card to the reader.  Once validated by the system, all areas assigned to your code arm or disarm automatically.Entry delay starts.The System disarms the areas to which you are authorized.ABC SECURITYENTER CODE: –Figure 7: Entry Delay
9000 Series Installation Guide  Digital Monitoring Products9FCC InformationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modications made by the user and not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
LT-1107 © 2010 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.800-641-4282www.dmp.comMade in the USAINTRUSION • FIRE • ACCESS • NETWORKS2500 North Partnership BoulevardSpringfield, Missouri 65803-887710055SpecicationsOperating Voltage  12 VDCStandby Battery  9000BAT Voltage    3.7 VDC Capacity    800Ah Type     Lithium Polymer          Recharable Standby Time  24 Hours See Battery Life Expectancy for full details.Frequency Range: 903-927 MHzDimensions    7” W x 5.25” H x 0.5” DColor WhiteHousing Material Flame retardant ABSCompatibilityXTL PanelsPatentsU. S. Patent No. 7,239,236 Accessories371-500   12 VDC Plug-in Power Supply 9000BAT   Replacement Standby Battery 699    Keypad Deskstand 777     Protective Keypad CoverProximity Credentials 1306P Prox Patch™ 1306PW Prox Patch™ 26-Bit 1326 HID ProxCard II® Card 1386 HID ISOProx II® Card 1346 HID ProxKey II® Access DeviceListings and ApprovalsFCC Part 15 RFID Reader FCC ID: CCKPC0126 Industry Canada ID: 5251A-PC0126Underwriters Laboratories (UL)ANSI/UL 1023   Household Burglar Alarm System Units  ANSI/UL 1610   Central Station Burglar Alarm Units ANSI/UL 985   Household Fire Warning System

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