Digital Security Controls FORCE2-2 User Manual 55888
Digital Security Controls Ltd. 55888
Egg"! '"° "W Fz-zou manna M INSTALLATION Security Produas RX: ID stmcfl.2 INSTRUG'I'IONS FEATURES LOCATIIIG THE DETEO‘I’OII ~ Mum-level FIR ugnalpmcesunq' - mam lmpeulure mpmmwn . mgnan mamve mgr-a: was-m ~ Daommvowmuscnmquoernnm renahkopafalm ~ mumwa mmm mm wmnmom we - NOV uamvem / yam mum - wvm sun mswcfim . Ilyfl mumly . Mmmw sake pmlecnm - 0mm tamper mm - cpnenaw Form vc- mm: cmm sPEclncA'rlous ELEcmchl. voiuge n 95|0145Vnc Ripple 10mm, 9 v» an 12 vnc saamwcwem. 30mg! 12m: so mA at \2 vac Conan! Filings . mo mA g! 24 V0: Spiks Prolochon . Ye; OPERATION emu-m, ‘ . w x 40’ mm x mm) MWRarvgoA/dum Iflwlfl'tamtoum) Mam mam U A. 2mm Walkspoed osmmomwAsm/smaom) mm . “ Alum LED cum mmuuwv RFI/EMI. v0.0\l01200MNz(30V/m) humus ,. ..., 2,4 kv “1.2mm Siahcalwinngmm aw wmze Law. 20000 Lux at me «mew Imporawve 3? lo 122‘ r (v lfl50' c) fumpemluie Compensafinn. Ova! mm. manna 1.1199 DESCRIPTION ma Ntw cheZsevies 200 n mm Dewey which mow-m meave (mwyana vae Inflaved(PIR)mm sensors. mm mam ue cunbined Waugh . micrwloc' 0110 mwde -imemgem-menammmaawmmwm mm singlemw vase alarms. Significant mm (echnicel «sutures such a Mum Pm sham amusing, mummy wmmhd murmurs Muslim 51 ugh mummy mo mmve mm and mm MW mm nnwsk combine tor a new level at cm uranium seam and um um mmmy. the ma anuMWsyflamure tinndbshnedaxlndapefvusnuigh quamy mama-13cm when oombmed. morasuniuuomcw wuh unmatched Derlo'mance. 1m new Fame 2 Indians an aulmomy wnun huh "my: mm mm wmm mama-uh m. 11» um unwr. mmrme punamwmmemmmumwummw tomndwnfimfim psflodauringwhlch xmmnmmurmunmoaewnmim “me Nmunsm‘saexecllm ismsomirmed, mmildkmarflsml am sensev alarm. Mk I MW BEAM PA'ITERNS Mwnunemudwmldlylmoflrloclflanwnkhwll zllwtma bum puller“ w ldtqulmy com um um bilng mamas. Survey ms momma beam and m. ma being manner! 00! mum»; WWII probiarmv MOUNTIIG NEIGHT Ihe FORCE 2 Ls dawned w Davida 59!me mags when mum-u mm" am (r) w 2.4mm Iran «moor w me uni! y; Imam-d mm 2.4m (so. the pun wm have a sligmty lonqav mac. mum ‘dud' mmdimclfiy wanna unnwin be increnud u m. uni! us momma bekm 241m (7') mo PIR secfinn will have a “may ram m In ~om- mm dimlty tum lhe demo: m be deem-sea. wars: opumum mmwmmmn when we eomwpmmalmommauwmmmm 17mm mum pm my uw emf-go pawn-n: eomd Maw n: ctr-mum um; swam Dom "mun-mm» "mu-w mum luflaoes mal awn wbuu Mm mflml cum awn the Pm coverage palm: wbufinq maul mm; or lamina hm could be seen as micn by m MW mu. AIR mm m FORCE 2 is momma agmnst air (low and . wnu cumin-um However. 5a nonocau lmdmcmfwhm llwll ba mum to cm: high alum won 3; Ian; halal! vans oropm mm eovmumnou Dom loam m- dilumvnnumureemofl nrw-wvwwmuch an lbs-mine km orcmkmg m. In . mam. sunsmns m FORCE 21x rummw whme am an amt gunfight w a mqn «may me Do not man me «new when i\ win receive unset sunlight. paniculw mm. wring amingwnen mm a Mind manning m mm awmdw. YEMPERA‘I’UHE mass Dem-2mm emummnmchmemmpemm ramery, such a mm a 0mm. oes‘mucmus Do ml In" {no awed an a pmlim mm was objects such as pm“ 01 filing awn-Is. PETS mmmmmmmmmmgwmmmmmcmw ovPlR-mmnwm4 nwmmmwedJnawmwmvesun DISASSEIIBLIHG TH! DETECTOR Yommummr. nulonlmlmdmflllficwrwI-wmhg ovum remu-annmunamemmavmnamnmewdrw, To rev-me me mm mm and mm umnvym um meow cue. umwymmmmmmwmmlmmmmm was and sum mam: ms mm at me «My — x ii wl ‘PAYEN‘V PENDING
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