Digital Wireless M3010 Model DM-3010 mobile radio User Manual Word Pro FCC Submitted Manual UHF Mobile lwp

Digital Wireless Corporation Model DM-3010 mobile radio Word Pro FCC Submitted Manual UHF Mobile lwp

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 c3

User Manual09-05-0003-00DM-3010DigitalTransceiver406-470 MHz 25 wattsDIGITAL WIRELESSCORPORATION
FCC Interference WarningThe FCC requires that manuals pertaining to Class A and Class B computing devices must containwarnings about possible interference with local residential radio and TV reception. This warningreads as follows:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused byunauthorized modifications to this equipment.  Such modifications could void the user’s authorityto operate the equipment.This product has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antennaIncrease the separation between the equipment or devicesConnect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’sConsult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistanceComputer Software CopyrightsThe product described in this Instruction Manual includes copyrighted Digital WirelessCorporation computer programs stored in semiconductor memory or other storage media. Lawsin the United States and other countries preserve for Digital Wireless Corporation certainexclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy orreproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted computerprograms contained in the product described in this Instruction Manual may not be copied orreproduced in any manner without the express written consent of Digital Wireless Corporation, aDelaware corporation. The purchase of the  product described in this Instruction Manual shall notbe deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license under thecopyrights, patents or patent applications of Digital Wireless Corporation, except for the normalnon-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.
ModificationsAny modifications or changes to the circuitry or settings not approved by Digital WirelessCorporation could void the user’s authority to operate this product.Digital Wireless Corporation696 Moulton Avenue, Unit ELos Angeles, California 90031United States of AmericaTel +1 (323) 276-5300www.digitalwireless.comIn Canada:Digital Wireless Canada1425 Chartwell DriveWest Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7S 2R7The product described in this Instruction Manual was manufactured in the United States ofAmerica. This document is copyrighted as of July 1, 2006. i2way is a registered trademark ofDigital Wireless Corporation.Publication PN 09-05-0003-00 (c) 2006 Digital Wireless Corporation Page iii Version -03 01 JUL 06File: DM-3010 Mobile Manual.lwp
1 General OverviewThe DM-3010 Digital Transceiver is a narrowband mobile transceiver specificallydesigned for DV/IP format digital transmissions used on the i2way Network. Theradio receives and transmits i2way Network signals containing audio (voice), textand control data. i2way Network signals contain call control information,streaming digital voice and customer payload data. i2way format stations do notrespond to or “hear” analog transmissions, or any other “foreign” form of digitaltransmission.The DM-3010 Digital Transceiver is available in various models that cover the138-520 MHz bands. The radio receives and transmits data at 10,000 bps usingfour level frequency shift keying (“4FSK”) in 12.5 kHz spaced channels and at5,000 bps in 6.25 kHz spaced channels. The radio’s construction is modular, and may be field-repaired by afactory-certified technician by replacing plug-in modules. It may be configured insingle channel “conventional” or multi-channel “trunked” modes. Multi-channelsystems are typically trunked, with one channel operating as the “control channel”and the remaining channels as “transaction channels”.This manual details the version for 12.5 kHz and 6.25 kHz spaced channels inthe 406-470 MHz bands. This radio may be used in international service down to380 MHz.2 InstallationThe DM-3010 radio is designed to be installed either in a vehicle, in a railroadlocomotive or indoors. It is has no moving parts or switch contacts. 2.1 Unpacking after Shipment Receipt The station is normally shipped in a cardboard carton protected in a plasticsuspension mount. The unit is ready-to-operate, and generally the only includedaccessories are the microphone, loudspeaker and cables. Do not apply power tothe radio unless a suitable antenna or load is connected to the transmitteroutput. In the United States and Canada this radio requires a suitable FCC orIndustry Canada license to operate.DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 1 Version -04 24 JAN 07
2.2 MountingThe radio is intended to be installed either with the transceiver unit mounted in avehicle trunk, under a seat or in any other convenient, protected location, and theradio’s “control head” (control panel) unit mounted in a location accessible to theoperator. Two different brackets are available to facilitate mounting of the controlhead, an adjustable angle trunion mount and a flush-mounting bracket. Theloudspeaker, which mounts on its own trunion mount, should be installed in alocation where the front of the speaker faces towards the operator without anyobstructions. The transceiver may be secured to any surface using four self-tapping screws.Mount the transceiver in a location where it is protected from the weather anddirt. Reasonable air flow around the heat sink fins should be provided. Normallythe unit does not get hot, however after extensive transmitting, or under unusualconditions, the heat sink fins of the radio may get warm or hot and care shouldbe taken to prevent accidental exposure to human skin.  Optional rubber shock mounts are available to assist in mounting the radio inlocations that present extreme shock and vibration.2.3 DC Power ConnectionThe radio is intended to be powered from normal “12 volt” vehicle power systems.Such 12 volt systems actually operate normally between 12 and 15 volts.  The redand black “zip cord” power cable should normally be connected directly acrossthe a vehicle battery. The provided in-line fuse should be installed in the positive(RED) lead as close to the battery as possible in order to protect the cable fromaccidental shorts. In locomotive applications an external 72 volt to 12 volt powerconvertor rated at a minimum of 10 amps continuous is required.The power cable should be installed in the vehicle in such as way that it is notliable to accidentally be shorted to ground. It is advisable to shield the powercable where possible with “split loom” or other form of durable cable protection.Where the power cable passes through the firewall or any other metal bulkhead orbracket, ensure that proper grommets or other insulation protection devices areused to prevent rubbing and chafing of the insulation against sharp metal edges,which can cause shorts. If the vehicle’s power supply is suspected of “alternator whine” or other powerproblems, a 10 amp DC line filter should be installed, close to the battery. DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 2 Version -04 24 JAN 07
2.4 Transceiver Real Panel ConnectorsThere are several connectors on the rear panel:2.5 Typical ConnectionsControl Cable ControlHeadAntenna14 VDCLoudspeakerMicrophoneGPS AntennaTransceiver UnitDM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 3 Version -04 24 JAN 07AntennaConnectorUSB ConnectorGPSAntennaAccessoryConnectorDCPower InputHeatsink Fins
2.6 Environmental Considerations The radio is normally intended to be operated in environments that aremaintained between  -30° C and +50° C. The nominal operating temperature is+25° C ±3° C (77° F ±5° F). Please consult the factory for installation assistance inenvironments that vary from these parameters.The radio can be operated with a relative humidity of less than 95% at altitudesbelow 10,000 feet above sea level. Storage temperature range (unpowered) is from-40° C and +70° C.2.7 Exposure to Radio Frequency EnergyThe DM-1000 Digital Transceiver is a “mobile radio” and is intended to have itsantenna properly installed externally on a vehicle where the center of radiation(the antenna) when transmitting does not cause human exposure beyond safelimits. During installation planning, care should be taken to research andunderstand relevant government radiation regulations and to ensure that the finalinstallation will meet such regulations. Since every installation is unique,radiation safety is beyond the scope of this manual. Transmit only when peopleinside and outside the vehicle are at least the minimum distance away from aproperly installed, externally-mounted antenna. When the radio is nottransmitting, no non-ionizing radio frequency electromagnetic energy are beingradiated. 2.8 Mandatory Safety Instructions to InstallersThe minimum safe distance from a person(s) to the antenna when this radio istransmitting is at least 41 inches or 1 meter.The Federal Communications Commission has adopted a safety standard forhuman exposure to RF (Radio Frequency) energy, which is below OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Act) limits.Antenna Minimum Safe Distance: 41 inches or 1.0 meterAntenna Gain: 2.5 dBi maximum.Antenna Mounting: The antenna should be a fixed-mounted, properly installed,externally-mounted antenna with a minimum safe distance (when transmitting)for general Population/Uncontrolled Exposure of at least 41 inches or 1 meter. DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 4 Version -04 24 JAN 07
Warning: Maintain a separation distance from the antenna to a person(s) of atleast 41 inches (when transmitting) for general Population / UncontrolledExposure.The operation of this transmitter must satisfy the requirements ofOccupational/Controlled Exposure Environment, for work-related use. Transmitonly when person(s) are at least the minimum distance from the properlyinstalled, externally mounted antenna.The best location for an antenna is in the center of a large, flat, conductive metalarea. In many vehicles, this requirement is satisfied by mounting the antenna inthe center of the roof. If the trunk lid is used, connect suitable grounding strapsbetween the trunk lid and the vehicle chassis to ensure that the trunk lid is achassis ground. 2.9  Operational Warnings    2.9.1 Vehicles with Air BagsDo not install this radio in the area over an air bag or in the air bag deploymentarea.  Air bags inflate with great force with no warning. If this radio is place in thedeployment area and the air bag inflates, the radio may be projected with greatforce and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle Installation in vehicles with air bags should be performed by a installer/technicianqualified in the requirements of such installations. Contact the vehicle’smanufacturer for specific air bag information and requirements for your specificmake, model of vehicle and configuration. 2.9.2 Explosive AtmospheresTurn off your two-way radio when you are in an area with potentially explosiveatmosphere. Sparks in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosionor fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.  2.9.3 Blasting AreasDM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 5 Version -04 24 JAN 07
To avoid possible interference with blasting operations, turn off your radio whenyou are near areas posted: “Turn off two-way radio”, near a blasting area or nearelectrical blasting caps. Obey all signs and instructions. 2.9.4 Installation damage to critical vehicle componentsCare must be taken when installing this radio to not damage critical vehiclesystems including wiring, vacuum hoses and other systems. Screws installedthrough vehicle panels may puncture, pierce or otherwise damage wiring, hosesand other systems. If not properly installed, screws holding the radio may becomeloose and break free on collision or upon any impact. 2.10 Turning on the Radio Power The radio should not be connected to a DC power source unless all of thecomponents provides are connected (control head, loudspeaker, microphone).The power switch is located in the top left hand corner of the control head/frontpanel. The radio should not be powered unless all of the components areconnected. When radio power is applied and the radio is “powered on”, care mustbe taken to not depress the push to talk transmit button on microphone unless asuitable 50 ohm antenna load is attached to the transmitter output “mini UHF”connector on the rear panel. If the load is an antenna, do not cause the radio totransmit unless the minimum safe distance to humans is maintained.2.11 Mobile Antenna SystemThis radio needs an external antenna system, which should be any suitable styleof antenna with a gain of no more that 2.5 dB and an impedance of 50 ohms atthe operating frequencies. This antenna should be properly installed in anappropriate location externally on the vehicle. The antenna should be located insuch a position so that it may not be touched by a person when transmitting, orthe antenna should be fully insulated. The antenna should not be mounted nearladders, light bars or any other object which may affect or degrade itsperformance.2.12 GPS AntennaThis radio utilizes a GPS antenna. The GPS antenna must be of a type approvedby the factory for use with the DM-3010 mobile radio. The GPS antenna is forreceive only and presents no radio frequency emission hazard. DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 6 Version -04 24 JAN 07
3 OperationThe main operational control to this radio is the Push-To-Talk button on themicrophone. Depression of this switch causes the radio to transmit. Additionalcontrols are contained on the front of the Control Head:3.1 Transceiver Front PanelThe Base Station Transceiver Module has a number of pushbutton controls, an  LED status indicator, and a lighted, alphanumeric LCD display.A suitable DWC transistorized microphone plugs into the front panel by way of asix-conductor telecom-style connector. The connector latches to the control headconnector in the same way a telephone cord latches to a telephone set. When the radio is powered on, the keyboard and the liquid crystal display areboth backlighted with green light-emitting diodes (which may not be visible indirect sunlight).DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 7 Version -04 24 JAN 07
3.2 Keyboard Switch and Control LocationsInstantReplayCallerIDChannelNumberReceiveSignalStrengthSignal Strengthcan be displayedeither as BARSor in dBmCaller ID maydisplay either unit numbers or namesFor informationonly sincechannel selectionis automaticMicrophoneConnectorVolume GroupNameGroupNumberPowerSwitchTransmit/ReceiveIndicator3.3 Keyboard Commands*353633214PWRGRPUNTENDFCNFCNUNTFCNCLRPower SwitchSelect GroupInstant ReplayTwo “beeps” indicate private callSelect Private Call, Press PTT button.Send a Status Message (1 to 3 digits)Display last text messageResets to group mode in 10 secondsDisplay GPS latitude/longitudeDisplay vehicle battery voltageClear 3.4 Changing  VolumeThe radio’s receive volume is adjusted by pressing the “Up Arrow” and “DownArrow” pushbuttons to change volume up or down. Volume settings are storedwhen the radio is powered off.3.5 Changing TalkgroupsDM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 8 Version -04 24 JAN 07
The radio’s talk groups may be changed by entering the number of the desiredtalkgroup and pressing the “Group” button. Alternatively, the radio’s “Clear”button and then the “GRP” button may be pressed and then the Up and Downarrow keys used to select the desired group name, with the Group button pressedto store the selected group.3.6 Calling an individual Mobile A two-way radio call may be made to a selected individual mobile unit by firstentering that mobile unit’s ID number and then pressing the “UNT” button. After 10 seconds of no activity, the radio returns to Group Calling Mode. 3.7 Making a Telephone Call. Enter the telephone number and press “SND”. To talk, press the PTT button.Release to listen. To terminate the call press “END”.3.8 Instant ReplayThe last received audio transmission may be replayed by pressing the “*” button.3.9 GPS DisplayThe geographic coordinates of the radio may be displayed by entering “FNC” “5”.4 AdjustmentsThe radio’s programming is password protected, and are available only to thefactory and factory-trained maintenance personnel. Authorized, factory-trainedpersonnel should consult the maintenance manual for the radio for furtherinformation. DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 9 Version -04 24 JAN 07
5 Control Station InstallationThe DM-3010 mobile transceiver may be used as a fixed-mounted “controlstation” in a building. It may be powered from a suitable AC power supply whichprovides 12.2 to 15 volts at 10 amps. A factory-built desktop power supply isavailable from Digital Wireless which provides suitable mounting for the radio’stransceiver and control head and provides the necessary AC power supply as wellas a standby battery. A 19 inch wide rack-mounting version is also availablewhich also provides connections for Digital Wireless-provided “local remote”telephone-style desksets and an enhanced desktop dispatch console.5.1 Fixed AntennaWhen the radio is installed indoors, a suitable outdoor antenna must be utilized.The antenna should be installed outside the building in such a location as tocomply with the minimum spacing requirements as specified in paragraph 2 ofthis manual. When used as a control station or for other fixed usage, the relevant regulatoryeffective radiated power (ERP) regulations much be consulted in order to selectthe correct type of antenna, transmission line and installation location in order tocomply with regulations concerning radio frequency emissions exposure.  5.2 Transmission LineWhen a transmission line (antenna cable) is used to connect to an externalantenna mounted on a roof, external pole or tower, suitable grounding must beprovided where the cable enters the building and close to the radio. Extremecaution must be used to ensure that the antenna does not come in contact withpower lines. It is also recommended that a suitable lightning protection device be installed inthe transmission line and connected to a suitable ground connection. A suitableground connection is generally a purpose-installed ground rod driven into theearth and not the neutral or ground wire of a building’s electrical wiring.DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 10 Version -04 24 JAN 07
6 Maintenance and Repair6.1 GeneralThere are no user-servicable components in the radio. There are no manualadjustments or alignment controls. No hazardous voltages are present inside theradio although the danger of an RF burn is possible if the radio is transmittingand a person comes in contact with the transmitter output or internal transmittercircuitry. Testing, installation and repair must be performed by qualifiedtechnicians trained in the handling of this equipment. The covers of the radioshould only be removed by experienced and qualified technicians trained in thehandling of this equipment. CONTACT THE FACTORY FOR MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND WARRANTYINFORMATION.6.2 User Routine Maintenance6.2.1 QuarterlyyDust and debris should be removed from heat sink fins. yUsing a DV/IP compatible mobile or portable radio (“the test radio”), place thetest radio into “ECHO” mode and “TECHNICIAN” display mode, and makeseveral ten second voice transmissions through the station from a locationwhere normal or better coverage is routinely experienced. The test may beperformed at the station’s installation (tower) location. Observe the two frameerror readings on the front panel of the test radio. Typically 1 or less frameerrors should be observed. If an unusually high number of errors areobserved, contact your factory authorized service person or the factory.yThe antenna mounting base outside the vehicle should be inspected forcorrosion and any visible degradation.  6.2.2 AnnuallyyThe transmitter frequency and power output should be checked by a factorytrained service technician using service procedures recommended by thefactory.DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 11 Version -04 24 JAN 07
yThe radio’s transmit frequency(s) should be checked by a factory trainedservice technician using service procedures recommended by the factory.yAdditional tests should be performed as recommended by the factory by afactory trained service technician using service procedures recommended bythe factory.-END-DM-3010 Mobile Radio Transceiver- Instruction ManualPublication PN 09-05-0003-01 ©2007 Digital Wireless Corporation Page 12 Version -04 24 JAN 07

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