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‘On the Frontline in Quality Assessment and Examination’
All official correspondence should be addressed to:
The Council Secretary/Chief Executive

REF: KNEC/EA/FA/MAR/2015/001





Instructions to Examiners
The instructions below define the regulations governing marking of national examinations. You
are advised to print and read them carefully before accepting to mark as you will be expected to
adhere to each of them strictly. Acceptance to mark will be deemed as acceptance to adhere to
all these regulations as well as the payments subscribed in the acceptance letter.


Marking Discipline

Examiners will be issued with copies of Marking Regulations on arrival. This
document should be read by each examiner and its contents adhered to in the
course of marking. It is the responsibility of each examiner to ensure that the
document is returned to the Centre Organizer before the end of the marking
exercise. Failure to return the regulations may lead to the offending examiners
being surcharged.


Except for Examiners in Charge on their own, all other examiners will work
under supervision of Senior Examiners whose professional instructions they are
required to follow.


Authority to mark extra scripts will be given by the Chief Examiner when an
examiner/team has satisfactorily cleared his/her/their scripts allocation. The
Council reserves the right to transfer answer scripts from any examiner/team to
another examiner/team should circumstances dictate.


Examiners are NOT allowed to carry away answer scripts from the marking
rooms/centres neither allowed to bring in any unauthorized materials. All
marking must be done in the specified rooms at the marking centre. Any
examiner found contravening this regulation will be dismissed instantly and a
report made to his/her employer for disciplinary action.

Integrity is an important requirement for being an examiner as per section 26 of KNEC
Act no 29 of 2012.

HEAD OFFICE: National Housing Corporation Building, Aga Khan Walk, P. O. Box 73598-00200 City Square, NAIROBI, KENYA
Telephone: (+254-20) 341098/50/71, 317419/12/13, 341113 Fax:(+254-20)2226032
E-mail:exams@knec.ac.ke; Website:www.knec.ac.ke




Examiners are required to complete claim forms accurately and honestly. You
are therefore warned that any false claims presented at the marking centre will
not be paid. Any examiner who presents false claims to the Council with intent
to defraud the Council of funds will be liable to instant dismissal from the
marking exercise and prosecution.


Examiners are required to declare on the declaration form the candidates and
centres whose answer scripts should not be allocated to them. They should
also declare to the Team Leaders when marking is in progress.


Examiners are discouraged from carrying personal electronic gadgets, like
laptops and tablets to the marking centres.


Every person getting into/out of a marking centre shall be subject to security
check/frisking at the gate.


From this year, the Council has banned use of mobile phones in the marking,
script and e-capture rooms. Examiners will be required to put their mobile
phones off or in a silent mode and store in one desk, under the supervision of
Team Leaders. They will however, use the phones during tea/lunch breaks
outside the rooms.

Marking hours


The normal marking hours is from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Where there is need to work
Beyond these hours, the Chief Examiner should liaise with KNEC for extension.

Travelling to the Marking Centre

All examiners are required to make their own travel arrangements from their
official contact addresses to the marking centre.


All examiners are expected to reside in the marking centres, unless with
clearance from KNEC.
All examiners should report to the marking centres for their subject/paper by
6.00 p.m. on the eve of the marking date shown on the letters of invitation. The
Council will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by examiners who
report for marking before the official arrival date.


Examiners should carry their letters of invitation and present them to the
Centre Organizers at the time of checking in.


In this regard, Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge should not permit any
person without the invitation letter to participate in marking without the
express authority of the Council Secretary/Chief Executive.

Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners

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Institutional Rules and Property

Examiners are required to respect and to be personally responsible for all
Council and institutional property issued to them and exercise great care when
using institutional crockery and cutlery to avoid loss and/or breakage while at
the marking centre.


Examiners must return all the property issued in their names to the relevant
authorities at the marking centres before they leave the centres. Failure to do
so may lead to their being surcharged.


All examiners must observe the meal times and hours for visiting sick bay as set
out by the administration of the marking centre.
Exa i ers’ arki g roo s a d hostels are out of bounds to unauthorized



Marking centres are out of bounds to members of the mass media and
examiners should not discuss marking and other welfare issues with members
of the press or other unauthorized persons or in the social media during and
after the exercise. Any examiner found contravening this regulation shall be
instantly dismissed.

Payment of Examiners Expenses

The Council will reimburse the following expenses incurred by examiners:

coordination fee allowance per day;


travel (inclusive of su siste e) fro the exa i ers’ offi ial o ta t
addresses to the marking centres and return at a fixed rate;


Basic fees as indicated in the invitation letter.


Payments to Examiners at the marking centre will be made on production of
their original National Identity card. Examiners must ensure that they bring
their identity cards to avoid inconveniences. Should the payments be made
through M-pesa or bank account modes, Examiners will be required to furnish
the Council with correct personal Mobile Numbers and bank account details.
NB: KNEC shall only make payments upon receipt of processed claims from
the marking centres. All examiners are requested to cooperate in verifying
their personal details on time.


All Kenyans are required by law to pay taxes. Kindly note that payment to all
contracted professionals shall be taxed in accordance with the Kenya Revenue
Authority (KRA) regulations and guidelines.

Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners

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Enquiries on Payment
Examiners should note that for security reasons, casual visits to the Council
offices are not allowed. Enquiries about claims should be made in writing.
Visits to Council offices will only be allowed if appointments had been made in
advance through the Chief Examiners and Centre Organizers.



Medical Expenses

The Council will make arrangements to avail a First Aid Kit at the
marking centres for care of minor ailments such as headaches and
stomach upsets. In such cases examiners MUST sign against any forms
of treatment for purpose of accountability.


Examiners are encouraged to take the necessary precautions against
malaria whenever they have to travel to marking centres far away from
their duty stations.


The Council will not meet inpatient, optical, dental, maternity
treatment, laboratory tests and surgery medical expenses incurred by
any examiner.


Examiners who are already ill are advised not to take up the marking
contract for the session but instead write indicating their willingness to
mark in future.

Senior Examiners

Senior examiners are requested to carry out thorough and continuous coordination as well as accurate completion of the various documents related to
Marking and Awards.


Chief Examiners and Examiners-in-Charge will be informed the dates for coordination meetings under separate cover.


All senior examiners will be availed the various documents related to their work
through the Centre Organizers.


The KNEC Senior Officer will issue stationery to the Chief Examiners and
Examiners in Charge who will be responsible for the distribution of stationery to
examiners and ensure that all non-consumable stationery items issued to
examiners are returned and handed over to Centre Organizers before the
examiners leave the marking centres.


The Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge will organize checking of marked
answer scripts and the transfer of marks on to mark sheets by the Examiners.
The Chief Examiner/ Examiner in Charge should be satisfied that all marks
printouts and other documents have been properly completed and handed in
before examiners leave the marking centre. It is the responsibility of each
examiner to obtain such clearance before leaving the marking centre.

Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners

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The Team leader will keep a record of the number of scripts coordinated and
marked. This record will be updated as the marking progresses. He/she must
ensure that examiners sign the final document as it will form the basis for


At the closing of marking, the Chief Examiner must ensure that all examiners
sign the final record of number of answer scripts marked document. No
payment will be honoured unless all the examiners have signed.


Chief Examiners/Examiners in charge will obtain from paying officers and return
duplicate copies of all the vouchers of payment of coordination fee, advance,
travel and any other payments made to examiners during the marking session.
These copies will then be submitted to the Centre Organizer who will in turn
submit them to the Council office at industrial Area, Likoni Road at the end of
the marking exercise.


Senior Examiners Marking Report
It will be the responsibility of the Chief Examiner/Examiner in Charge to ensure
that the Chief Exa i er’s Report is ritte , i detail and accurately. The
contract between the KNEC and the Chief Examiner will only be realized after
successful marking and submission of the Chief Examiner Report to KNEC. They
are also expected to submit a detailed report about the marking centre i.e.
cleanliness of marking centre, promptness of payment, food, reception,
adequacy of accommodation facilities, security and availability of Centre
Organizers and their Assistants.



Any problems encountered at the marking centre should be communicated to the Chief
Examiner or Examiner in Charge who will then communicate to the Centre Organizer.
This channel of communication must strictly be adhered to. Under no circumstance
may examiners communicate with the press or other parties regarding any aspect of
their work, before, during and after the exercise.

Obligations between the Examiners and KNEC
Scope of Work
The marking service to be provided by the examiner is as follows:



Normal marking of examination answer scripts;


Checking of marked answer scripts to ensure validity, reliability and accuracy of
mark allocation;

2.1.3 Verification and adjudication of captured marks.
The fees and expenses for the marking to be made by the KNEC shall include:

Stipulated travel and subsistence expenses incurred while travelling to and from
the marking centre;


Coordination fee per day;

Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners

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Stipulated commuter allowance for examiners commuting from their residences
to various marking centres using own or public means with express approval by
the Council ;


Script and Basic fee.

Obligations/Responsibilities of an Examiner

The Examiner must not disclose his/her identity as a marker or divulge any
information acquired in the course of their work;


The Examiner will be expected to adhere to the marking regulations as set out
by the Council;


The Examiner will complete mark printouts and claim forms accurately and


The Examiner will not be allowed to do partial marking unless due to illness or
unforeseeable circumstances that may rise;


The Examiner should declare on the Acceptance Form the centres whose
answer scripts should not be allocated to him/her before the marking starts
due to conflict of interest;


The Examiner must ensure that his/her work is checked and validated by
another examiner by exchanging marked answer scripts;


The Examiner must not carry away the Council, question paper, marking
scheme, and other marking materials either in their original form or photo


The Examiners shall air his/her grievances on welfare issues to the Senior
Examiners and not directly to the Centre Organizer;


All Examiners are expected to bring their own personal effects including towels,
soap etc.

2.3.10 All Examiners should verify and sign against their details including their own
bank account and Mobile numbers. The Council will NOT be held accountable
for payments made to incorrect mobile and bank accounts provided by
2.3.11 Examiners allowed to use their own vehicles to the marking centre must present
the ehi le’s origi al log ook to the Ce tre Orga izers a d the urre t
duplicate Insurance Certificate for verification during the actual marking.
2.3.12 It is the responsibility of each commuting examiner using own vehicle to a
marking centre to ensure that the vehicle is recorded by the Council staff on
daily basis. Commuter examiners using public means should also sign in on daily
basis. Failure to do so may result in the claim not being honoured for payment.
Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners

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2.3.13 Before leaving the centre, the examiner must ensure that he/she signs against
their claims showing the actual number of answer scripts which he/she will have
marked on the final document that will be sent to KNEC as it form the basis for


Duration of the Contract
Unless otherwise agreed this marking contract shall be for this marking period from
the date mentioned hereof and shall be renewed thereafter for every marking session
from year to year until terminated.



Letter of invitation

A letter of invitation and any other communication will be sent to all prospective
Examiners online/electronically with details of the marking venue and dates.


Any changes in marking venue or starting dates will be communicated to the Examiners
affected. If you do not receive any counter instructions, you should treat the venue and
dates indicated in the invitation as correct.

Acceptance Confirmation


Please note that the acceptance of this invitation to mark means acceptance of
the terms and conditions set out herein, and are not negotiable. In this
connection, any Examiner who engages in activities that disrupt or are likely to
disrupt the marking exercise will be disciplined.


Examiners must confirm availability and acceptance to mark under all the KNEC
regulations by clicking the accept offer button (highlighted in green) in their invitation
letters as follows:

KCPE- on or before 20th November, 2015;
KCSE-on or before 30th November, 2015;
ECDE – on or before 16th December, 2015.


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