03 Instructions Creating Your ENL 2019 Gantt Chart In Excel

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If you get stuck, this tutorial may help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA67g6zaKOE
Step 1: Plan it out on paper. Decide what the major tasks are and when they need to be completed by.
Then, enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is a sample using the course assignments for ENL 2019T. I have provided you with the Week that I will be assigning
each task, and the amount of time that you have to work on it (in weeks).
Step 2: Select “Insert” thenInsert Bar Graph” then “2D Stacked Bar.”
A blank box will appear onscreen
Step 3: Right click and select “Select Data.” The box below will appear.
Now you will add a legend entry. Select “Add. This box will appear:
Type a title for the series name. For the series values, select all of your "Week Assigned" dates by holding down the Shift
button and clicking on each entry. Make sure that the box is blank before you type in it.
Your chart will now look something like this (bar lengths may vary):
Step 4: Repeat the process for Duration (Weeks). Your chart should look like this (colour and bar lengths may vary):
Step 5: Delete the legend if one is appearing (Week Assigned / Duration) by selecting the legend and hitting delete.
Step 6: Replace the numbers (12-1) with your tasks.
Click on the numbers on the left hand side of your graph to highlight them. Right click and select “Select Data” again. Go
to the horizontal axis and click on “Edit.” Enter the tasks the same way that you entered the week assigned / duration.
Your chart will look like this (colour and bar lengths may vary):
You want the tasks to be listed in the right order. Right click on the tasks and select “format axis.” You will see this
Check this box to have your
titles listed in the correct
The end result (colour and bar lengths may vary):
Step 7: Now you want to get rid of the blue bars. This will make the chart look more like a true Gantt chart. Click on
the blue bars. Right click and select “Format Data Series.” Click “Fill” and select the dot for “No Fill.” Click "Border" and
select the dot for "No Line."
Step 8: To complete the chart, get rid of the extra space (Excel automatically adds more time to the beginning of the
Click on the numbers on the horizontal axis (probably 0-16). Select "format axis." Set the Minimum Bound to "1" and
the Maximum Bound to "15." In the "Units" fields put "1" in both the "Major" and "Minor" boxes"
Your Gantt Chart is now complete (colour and bar lengths may vary)!
There are marks for the visual appeal of your Chart for full marks, I recommend that it fill at least ¾ of a page
(landscape orientation), that it include a title, and that it have labels for the horizontal and vertical axis. You may
need to copy the Chart from Excel and paste it into Word in order to make it visually appealing
Do not submit the text that you entered into Excel just the graph.

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