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Issue 217 April 2012 Turkey TIPS FLW NEWS DNR Updates Outdoor Photos April 2012 ~ Page 2 Advertise in the W.Va. Sportsman ALSO ON THE INTERNET Promote Your Business Statewide In Business LOWER RATES Advertise SpecialTHAN Sales SIMILAR and EventsPUBLICATIONS Reach Thousands of Potential Customers 21 YEARS LOW ADVERTISING RATES /1/15 Page.......$28 1/10 Page.......$39 1/6 Page.........$65 1/5 Page.........$72 COLOR EXTRA MONTHLY RATES RATES START AT: 1/4 Page..........$82 1/3 Page........$100 1/2 Page........$135 2/3 Page........$150 FULL PAGE INSIDE....$195 BACK PAGE................$240 For Advertising Information In $28 a month For This Size Ad Less Than A Dollar A Day! The Number One Outdoor Publication In West Virginia CONTACT: W. Va. Sportsman P.O. Box 5521 Vienna, WV 26105 304-482-7217 wvasport@gmail.com 100% OWNED & OPERATED IN WV Magazine Volume 1 Issue 217 Publisher and Editor Mark A. Goudy Contributing Editors West Virginia Division Of Natural Resources No Subscriptions Offered W.Va. Sportsman is a monthly publication. W.Va. Sportsman P.O. Box 5521 Vienna, WV 26105 304-482-7217 Email wvasport@gmail.com Attention Bass Fishermen! Get Your Name On Our Mail-List For Upcoming Bass Tournaments For 2012 Fill Out The Form Below To Be Placed On The Mail List Name__________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City___________________________________________ ST______ Zip_________________ email______________________________ www.wvasportsman.net All Rights Reserved Cover Photo Clip & Mail To: Bass Sportsman P.O. Box 5521 Vienna, WV 26105 email: wvsport@live.com April 2012 ~ Page 3 A 6 1/2 pound brook trout was reeled in by Jay Sessions. Fishing has been outstanding all over the state due to the early spring. Mail in your big fish pictures to this magazine. Email or mail to the info on page 38. This magazine is online each month : www.wvasportsman.net Back issues are there too. It's free to view each month. Photo courtesy of Middle Mountain Sporting Goods in Elkins. ss nt t o s JARRETT'S • Large Selection Of Musky and Catfish Baits • Cold Beer • Ice • Snacks • Hunting Supplies • Ammo Bait and Carry Out LIVE BAIT Corner of Rt. 5 & 53 Elizabeth, WV 304-275-3574 TBF Co-Angler Winner 31.Mar.2012 BRANSON, Mo. – Gilbert Gagner of Highgate Springs, Vt., weighed a five-bass limit totaling 13 pounds, 10 ounces Saturday to win the TBF National Championship event on Bull Shoals Lake with a three-day total of 15 bass weighing 35 pounds, 5 ounces. For his victory, Gagner earned the $100,000 “Living the Dream” prize package which includes entry into the 2013 FLW Tour. Gilbert spent 20 years trying to qualify for the TBF National Championship and when all the fish were weighed he was in a tie with second-place finisher Jeff Erickson of Phoenix, Ariz. TBF rules state that in a tie the first tie-breaker is the total number of fish caught. Each had 15. The next tie-breaker is the total FEDERAL VALLEY PHEASANT FARM number of fish weighed alive. All 15 of Gilbert’s fish were weighed alive, while Erickson only weighed 14 of his 15 alive. Closeouts On honor for me,” “This is a great 1999 Models said the choked-up Gagner. “Stuff like this doesn’t happen to people like me. I was just thrilled to be competing in the TBF National Championship and just came to fish. I didn’t care how I finished. I was just honored to be here. “I had a really horrible practice ... didn’t catch a fish,” Gagner went on to say. “I was moving way too fast and tried to force feed the fish. Come tournament time I slowed way down and that is what made the difference. During the competition I was able to make meticulous casts to the base of bushes and let the bait sit. “The first two days I fished the continue to the next page 16171 E. KASLER CR. ROAD Amesville, Ohio 45711 HUNTING PRESERVE BOWTECH DIAMOND PARKER BOW-LISTIC ARCHERY SHOP COMPLETE BOW SERVICE BOW & HUNTING ACCESSORIES YOUTH BOWS•CUSTOM ARROWS 15105 MacCorkle Av. SE CHELYAN, WV 304-595-2699 BARNETT Mon Tue Thu Fri 11 - 8 PARKER Wed 11 - 5 CROSSBOWS Sat. 9AM to 2PM www.bow-listicarchery.com BOOKING WILD BOAR HUNTS Game Checking Station Tyler Webb, from Arnett, won the co-angler award at the Bass Federation National Champonship. He had 30.6 pounds for three days. HUNTING LAND OPEN TO APRIL 30 100 Acres Taylor County For Questions and Reservations Call: 740-448-6747 Gene and Roseanna Hines $80,000 Gary Jones shot a big buck. Photo courtesy Of Crossroads General Store near Newark. April 2012 ~ Page 4 Trout Stream • Road Frontage 304-457-1869 same area using Senkos. Today, I moved to a new area and started throwing a jig. The lake is up about 8 feet, so I found the lip of where Now Buying GOLD Several Items For Sale In The Pawn Area the lake is normally and fished a Slide Fire Stocks Large Knife Selection submerged ledge where the bass For AR’s & AK’s Sog • Kershaw • Gerber were just getting ready to spawn.” Lots Of New Long Guns, Pistols, Ammo & Accessories In Stock For his efforts Gagner won the $100,000 “Living the Dream” YOUR TACTICAL WEAPONS HEADQUARTERS! prize package, including cash and Open: Mon-Sat 10am to 6pm • AR-15 • AK47 • Mini-14 • Tactical Shotguns Old Heck’s Plaza • On The Rd. To Walmart We Have Bulk Ammo prizes, fully paid entry fees into the WE SHIP UPS PACKAGES • 7.62x39mm • .223 • 9mm • 40 S&W • .45 ACP FLW tour, travel funds and use of a 304-514-2113 120 Academy Dr. RIPLEY, WV wrapped Ranger Boat and Chevrolet truck for the year. 29-12 6th: Karl Beltz, Tucson, Ariz., 15Rounding out the top seven pros: 3rd: Wesley Taylor, Decherd, 8 2nd: Jeff Erickson, Phoenix, Ariz., Tenn., 28-13 7th: Gary Kurensky, Bridgeport, 35-5 4th: Chris Lambert, Olympia, Conn., 10-12 3rd: Miles Burghoff, Orlando, Fla., Wash., 19-3 For complete details and updated 35-2 5th: Robert Cox, Tippecanoe, Ohio, information visit the BassFedera4th: Marc Snyder, St. Johns, Mich., 18-2 tion.com website. 33-0 5th: Steve Hughes, Rimersburg, Pa., 31-3 6th: Brian Maloney, Osage Beach, Burnsville Lake 4/21 $90 per Team $10 Big Bass Mo., 29-13 • Sign Up At Ramp - No Late Fee 7th: Brandon Glass, Resaca, Ga., Open Early 5 AM TO 12 PM 28-15 7 DAYS A WEEK Full Moon Night Tournaments Webb nets co-angler title 6/2 7/7 9/1 Now Selling Tyler Webb of Arnett, W. Va., All Events $125 per Team $20 Big Bass won the Co-angler Division with Battle Run Ramp - Summersville Lake a three-dayNEAR total of 30 pounds, 6 CORNING RAMP Kings of the Lakes ounces. STAUNTON AVE. STORE IS8/18 NOW& 8/19 Sutton Lake & Burnsville Lake Rounding outOUR the top seven co-anPARKERSBURG’S SOURCE FOR LIVE BAIT$125 per Team - Free Big Bass glers: • SHINERS • GOLDFISH • MINNOWS 2nd: Robert Hime, Odessa, Mo., West Virginia Guns & Pawn BASS SPORTSMAN 2012 - TEAM TOURNAMENTS LIVE BAIT MEALWORMS • NIGHTCRAWLERS & MORE Entry Forms Will Be Okuma Rods & Reels - Other Selections Open Early 5 AM TO 12 PM CHEAPEST TOBACCO PRICES 7 DAYS A WEEK BEVERAGES AMISH DELI HOT DOGS BEER & MORE Now Selling LIVE MBAIT KO PAK NEAR CORNING RAMP Printed Soon Open Early 5 AM TO 12 PM Now Selling 7 DAYS A WEEK LIVE BAIT OUR STAUNTON AVE. STORE IS NOW PARKERSBURG’S SOURCE FOR LIVE BAIT • SHINERS • GOLDFISH • MINNOWS NEAR CORNING RAMP 1400 STAUNTON Propane • AV. MEALWORMS NIGHTCRAWLERS & MORE Okuma Rods &WV Reels - Other Selections PARKERSBURG, Filled OUR AVE. STORE IS NOW C H E A P E S T T• O BACCO P I C STAUNTON ES SHINERS •RGOLDFISH • MINNOWS • MEALWORMS 304-428-8461 PARKERSBURG’S SOURCE FOR LIVE BAIT BEVERAGES • NIGHTCRAWLERS - TERMINAL TACKLE - RODS & REELS • SHINERS • GOLDFISH • MINNOWS Denver Mullenix, from Harrisville, shot a wide-racked 10 point buck. KOM PAK AMISH DELI MEALWORMS • NIGHTCRAWLERS & MORE HOT DOGS BEVERAGES Other Selections AV. STAUNTON BEER & Okuma Rods & Reels -1400 AMISH DELI DISCOUNT MORE CHEAPEST TOBACCO PRICES PARKERSBURG, WV 1400 STAUNTON AV. HOT DOGS PARKERSBURG,TOBACCO WV BEER & MORE 304-428-8461 BEVERAGES 304-428-8461 AMISH DELI April 2012 ~ Page 5 HOT DOGS BEER & KOM PAK Holly River State Park Events HACKER VALLEY, W.Va. – Holly River State Park in Hacker Valley, Webster County, has been a family favorite for decades for camping, picnicking, fishing, and staying in a cabin in the spring, summer or fall for vacation. Now is the time to begin planning for a spring and summer schedule of free and fun events at the park. “We have many family oriented activities for park visitors that are open to the public at no charge,” said Park Supt. Ken McClintic. Holly River activities in the summer of 2012 include hikes led by the park naturalist, night-hikes, hayrides, and campfire programs. Specialty activities such as knot tying, fly tying, and outdoor cooking are often scheduled. Holly River hosts special events “Wings of Wonder – Birds of Prey” on July 6 and Irish Road Bowling on October 6. Special Spring and Summer Activities at Holly River State Park In May and June, Trout Unlimited conducts an education presentation at 10 a.m. Visitors meet at the Trout Pond to learn about West Virginia’s State Fish (the brook trout) and the Centennial (Golden) trout. This ac- OHIO’S PREMIER FISHING LAKE 50460 E. CAPTIINA HWY JACOSBURG, OH 43933 1-800-856-6098 Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass Hybrid Striped Bass Perch • Crappie • Catfish Trout • Hybrid Bluegills • 15’ Electric Powered Jon Boats Supplied • Catch & Release Fishing • Overnight Cabin Available • Near Moundsville, WV www.lakeshawn.com tivity is scheduled on May 25, 26, 27, 28, 31; June 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, R YOU K O BO NOW TRIP 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, continue to the next page MU S TAC KY KLE Specializing in a huge assortmant of MUSKY TACKLE Hooker Tackle, Legend, Wiley Lures, Hughes River, Ziggie’s Smuttly Dog, Big Game Tackle, Amma Bama, Musky Mayhem Red October, Crane’s, Jones, Myers, Phantom, Tuff Shad, Musky Innovations, Naze, Leo, Cats Tails Black River Rods, Shimano, Abu Garcia & More! Travis Greenlief landed an early musky. Photo courtesy of Husky Musky Guide in Jane Lew. Stonewall Jackson Lake’s Only Professional Musky Guide $125 Four Hours (2 people) $250 Eight Hours (2 people) Located In JANE LEW, WV Just Off I-79 (call for directions) April 2012 ~ Page 6 23, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Fundamentals of Fly Fishing class is scheduled at the activities building at noon on June 30. July and August dates will be posted online. Lou Maiuri will be calling square dancing and line dances on Friday, June 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Old Pavillion. “Knowing how to dance isn’t necessary,” McClintic said. “Maiuri teaches and calls the dances. It is good fun for families and visitors of any age.” Maiuri is an old-time square dance caller who has conducted square dance workshops at many of West Virginia’s state parks in the summer. Mauiri says “Dance and you’ll stay young!” At four score plus a half decade or so in years of age, Maiuri continues to promenade with park guests and teaches his “fountain of youth” – square dancing. For more information about Hol- Stop In Or Call For Details Barbara Miller Realty, LLC. Gilmer County - Collins Run - 101.25 acres with cabin. Very private, secluded cabin with all the comforts of home. Cabin has vinyl siding and a tin roof. Open 29 E. Main St. Glenville, WV 26351 floor plan for kitchen, dining, and living room. One bedroom is on the main floor. 304-462-7005 The second bedroom is in the loft area. There is a bathroom with a laundry room barbaramillerrealty.com on the main floor. There are many handcrafted features - the vanity and kitchen sink cabinet are made from 1902 barn wood. There is a drilled water well and private septic. The cabin is heated by propane and wood heat but it also wired 101.2 Acres for electric heat. There are three outbuildings. Access is by gravel county road. Cabin/Outbuildings This would be a great hunting tract but could also be used as a family recreational $159,900 property. Ideal For Hunters ly River State Park, visit www.hollyriver.com or call 304-493-6353. The activities schedule is posted Advertise In The W. Va. Sportsman Details On Page 3 MARIETTA POLARIS 27425 St Rt. 7 Marietta, Ohio monthly with activities scheduled from Memorial Weekend through Labor Day weekend. • Reach Thousands Of Potential Customers • 21 Years In Business • Target Market To Outdoor Related People 740-374-5766 www.mariettapolaris.com 3 EXTREME MACHINES. 1 EXTREME EVENT. Warning: The Polaris RANGER and RANGER RZR are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers must be at least 12 years old and tall enough to grasp the hand holds and plant feet firmly on the floor. Drivers and passengers should always wear helmets, eye protection, protective clothing, and seat belts. Always use cab nets. Be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never drive on public roads or paved surfaces. Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. Check local laws before riding on trails. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. Polaris adult models are for riders 16 and older. For your safety, always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing, and be sure to take a safety training course. For safety and training information in the U.S., call the SVIA at (800) 887-2887. You may also contact your Polaris dealer or call Polaris at (800) 342-3764. ©2012 Polaris Industries Inc. April 2012 ~ Page 7 NEW G-5 Prime Bows QUEST BOWS - From G5 PARKER G5 EASTON • CARBON EXPRESS ARROWS Open 7 Days A Week Parker & Excaliber Crossbows Archery Supplies - Pro Shop 1.8 Miles From I-77 - Rt. 31/Airport Road R&S SPORTS & PAWN INC. BUY • SELL • TRADE • PAWN GUNS - ACCESSORIES TOOLS - JEWELRY Mon to Fri 10AM - 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM 304-275-1112 901 Court St.. ELIZABETH,WV www.crookedcreekarchery.com WILLIAMSTOWN, WV 304-375-2434 STOP BY & CHECK US OUT! HUNTING SEASON IS HERE! 3 0 TA R G E T 3 - D A R C H E RY R A N G E Propane Outboard Motor Lehr’s new 2.5 and 5 hp outboards use the same fuel as your BBQ – no, not charcoal, but propane. You can even hook up a Lehr outboard to the same propane tank as your BBQ, or you can pop in a 16.4-ounce cylinder, the same kind used for a Coleman lantern. These four-stroke outboards, which debuted at the 2012 Miami International Boat Show. Both engines are easy to start – one pull and they were running without the need to prime or choke the engine. Driving solo, A top speed of 9 mph with the 5 hp model on 12-foot aluminum boat was obtained. The 5 hp model has neutral, forward and reverse gears, and carries an MSRP of $1,919,99 for the 49.6-pound 15-inch version; $1,955.99 for the 52.8-pound 20inch version. The 2.5 (available in a 37.9-pound 15-inch model only) has just neutral and forward (spin the outboard around to back up) and an MSRP of $1,199.99. All of the models carry three-year limited warranties. While you may not get excited about these small, tiller-steer, pullstart outboards, the prospect of more powerful propane-powered outboards is intriguing. According to Lehr founder and CEO Bernardo Herzer, propane may well be the fuel of the future. The U.S. produces so much that it is a net exporter of this clean-burning, high-octane fuel. To learn more about the test of the Lehr propane outboards, look for the April 2012 issue of Boating magazine. Or call 310-839-9009 or visit golehr.com. Save on fuel in the future. Propane fired outboard motor. 100 Count Bags Of Berkley Power Worms 4" & 7" BACKWATER BAIT Just South of Newport, Ohio on Rt. 7 Numerous Tube Colors Catfish Rods & Supplies In Stock Year-Round LIVE BAIT Minnows - Shiners Meal & Wax Worms Nightcrawlers Goldfish • Off the Ohio River • Dock Your Boat While You Shop • In The Dana Backwater 740-473-BAIT April 2012 ~ Page 8 St. Croix Rods Yo-Zuri• Slider Wave Worms Smallie Beavers VenomVenom • Cabin Creek Senko -• Kinami Garrett Tubes JonesMagnum Musky Baits Spro Crankbaits & More! Crane Musky Baits Zoom - Yum Quantum - Okuma Boogerman - Bandits Catch 'Em Spinnerbaits Owner - Gamakatsu Rods & Reels Custom Plastics Jigs & Trailers Dipping Dye Do-It Molds Splash-its Snacks & Beverages Browning Rods & Reels ATTENTION COAL MINERS - LIMITED EDITION HENRY RIFLE Coal Miners Tribute Edition H004CM Golden Boy .22 NEW FOR 2012 MSRP $899.99 $749 00 We Stock All Henry Rifles Currently Made Stocked Guns 77 55 36 25 In Stock Now Front & Back View Of Receiver * Areas Largest Stock Of Ammo * Lots Of Reloading Products * Over 1,400 New Guns in Stock SPORTING GOODS Open 6:30am Closed Wed. 196 US 33 East, ELKINS, WV (304) 636-3430 April 2012 ~ Page 9 OLD & NEW SPORTS JACKSON COUNTY’S OLDEST SPORT STORE BUY • SELL TRADE • PAWN We Do Gun Transfers Large Selection Alan White landed the large bass (3-10) at the recent Ohio River Team Tournaments at Moundsville on April 1. 30 teams competed and 22 teams caught their 6 fish limit. The Moundsville pool has been great the last couple of years with smallmouth being the primary fish caught. Look for the schedule on page LIVE BAIT RIFLES•SHOTGUNS PISTOLS•AMMO HI POINT PISTOLS HARD TO FIND .380 $119 9MM $159 AMMUNITION .40 & .45 $169 IN STOCK BOWS ARCHERY SUPPLIES GAME CHECKING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK New Fishing Tackle In Stock! Rods • Reels & Tackle For: Bass • Musky • Crappie Trout • Catfish & More 813 Washington St. RAVENSWOOD, WV 304-273-5855 18 for the team tournamnets. Looking For Hunting Equipment? Dodd’s Sporting Goods Features Quality New And Used Guns. Weatherby • Browning • Kimber • Cooper Ruger • Remington • Winchester Thompson Center • Glock • Springfield S&W • Walther • Taurus & More 11-6 Mon to Sat Archery Supplies Bowtech • Reflex • Crossbows Custom Arrows & Tuning Easton Arrows Reloading Supplies • Scopes • Holsters Large Selection of .22 Ammo • Knives Champion Safes Fishing Tackle Rods • Reels & More Buy • Sell • Trade • Pawn We Accept Major Credit Cards www.doddssportinggoods.com DODD’S SPORTING GOODS Just Off Rt. 50 Between Parkersburg And Clarksburg 103 North Maple St. ELLENBORO, WV 304-869-3200 April 2012 ~ Page 10 90 Day Lay-Away 20% Down Broken Wheel Campground I-79 Exit 96 Weston, WV Fishing & Hunting Supplies and Country Store Gifts - Game Room - Playground Nightly & Monthly Rates Boat & Camper Storage Past The Stonewall Jackson Dam Entrance 1 1/2 Miles On The Right LIVE BAIT 304-269-6097 A great 13 point was taken with a bow this season. Advertise In The W. Va. Sportsman Details On Page 3 Terry Turner used his bow for this 9 point buck. Photo courtesy of Glady Fork Archery in Weston. John Jones shot a wide racked 8 point buck. Photo courtesy of Broken Wheel Campground in Weston. NEW STORE CROSSROADS GENERAL STORE LOCATED AT THE JUNCTION OF ROUTE 47 & NEWARK RD. NEWARK, WV GUNS 304-275-4619 In Stock Or Ordered Open At 5am-7pm M-Th 5am-8pm Fr 7am-8pm Sat 7am-5pm Sun Safe Showroom • Hunting Supplies • Ammo • Camo Clothing • Muzzleloaders • Beverages • Gasoline • Food & More • Fishing Tackle • Musky Lures Financing Available On Items Over $200 •Long Guns • Safes 90 Days Same As Cash April 2012 ~ Page 11 www.TargetJerrys.com TURKEY SEASON STARTS AT JERRY’S Huge Ammo Selection Largest Area Selection of Targeting Your Outdoor Needs Huge Selection Of Trout Supplies Rods - Reels - Lures For All Species Of WV Fish TECHNO HUNT INDOOR ARCHERY RANGE MATHEWS - HOYT PSE - PARKER BOWS Lots Of Fishing Tackle TWO LOCATIONS Horner, WV Georgetown Road - Off US 33 304-452-8227 6am -9pm DAILY Flatwoods Outlet Stores Flatwoods, WV Exit 67 Off I 79 10 - 20 - 30 Yard Indoor Archery Range Numerous Bows And Accessories 10am - 9pm Mon - Sat. Sun. Noon to 6pm 304-765-5018 LARGE SELECTIONS OF RODS • REELS • TACKLE Complete Line Of Hunting Clothing & Boots Pistol & Rifle Indoor Gun Range • Scent-lok • ScentBlocker • Under Armour Carhartt • Columbia • Gamehide • Browning Mossy Oak • Kings • Georgia & LaCrosse Womens • Kids and Infant’s Clothing Full Selection Of LIVE BAIT GAME CHECKING STATION - SNACK BAR LAKEWOOD CABINS Nearby Public Hunting & Fishing Golf - Biking - Nearby Shopping • Outside Barbecue Grills • Furnished Kitchen • Washer & Dryer • Peaceful Wooded Area Over 1,000 Firearms Shotguns - Rifles - Pistols Between Stonecoal Lake & Stonewall Jackson Lake Resort Near Weston, WV Reservation Information 304-452-8227 April 2012 ~ Page 12 Turkey Hunting For Beginners Box Calls Starting with the first of several friction calls — and one of the simplest to master, we’ll begin with the box call. Invented in 1897 by Henry Gibson of Dardanelle, Ark., the hinged-lid box call is a simple design. Box calls are basically two pieces of wood; a coffin-shaped tone chamber and a paddle-like striker or lid. The two pieces are fastened together loosely by a screw at one end. Today’s box calls are mostly made from cedar, walnut and a host of other hard woods. Chalk or rosin is used to coat the playing surfaces to allow it to strike consistently and vibrate properly, which, in turn, produces sound. To play or “work” a box call, lightly grasp the lid handle between the thumb, index and middle finger of the right hand while holding the box in the palm of the left. (Southpaws should reverse their hold.) Flexing the wrist, the lid is stroked across the thin, top edges of the box to produce any of several turkey calls. For an alternate method of hold- STUMPTOWN, WV SEARS EXXON Over 50 Years In Business US HIGHWAY 33 GAME CHECKING Gas - Tires - Groceries - Hardware ing a box call, hold it in a vertical position with the hinged end down. Hold your hands straight out in a thumbs-up position. Grasp the bottom of the box in the left hand, while continue to the next page WV WILD OUTDOORS Hunting & Fishing Supplies Camo Cothing - Tree Stands - Ammo Rods & Reels • Daiwa • Quantum • Pflueger Archery • APA • Barnett • Martin • Bear Camping Equipment .380 Cobra Pistol $150 NEW LOCATION GAME CHECKING Mon - Sat 9am to 7pm Sunday 1pm to 6pm 2 Miles North Of Rt. 60 3069 Millers Ridge Rd. Off Of Rt. 19 HICO, WV (304) 658-4600 Former Songer Whitewater Building GUNS • Now Ordering • New Shipment Arriving Cody Canterbury & Arnett Nichols bagged birds last year. Photo cour- tesy of Johnson’s Sporting Goods in Summersville. April 2012 ~ Page 13 grasping the lid handle between the right index finger and thumb. The forward stroke produces a yelp. For best results, try to keep the lid in contact with the box on the forward stroke and away from the box on the non-calling return stroke. A cluck is made by placing the lid on the lip of the sound chamber and giving it a quick stroke while pulling the lid away sharply. Box calls are best for producing the hen or gobbler “yelp,” depending on how the box is tuned. The two-toned yelp is the foundation to communicating with wild turkeys. Box calls produce realistic clucks &# 8212 another basic call turkey hunters rely on. With practice, box calls realistically reproduce a hen’s “cutting” call, which is a staccato series of clucks. Advanced callers can also produce the kee kee of a young gobbler and a rough gobble of a mature tom. Slate-type Friction Calls Slate calls, also known as “peg and pot” type calls, are another type of friction call and, today, come in a wide array of surface and striker materials. The earliest calls were made from a flat piece of thin wood or slate. Early strikers, or pegs, were made from hickory and other hard woods or bone. The playing surface of the earliest calls was cupped in one hand while the striker was held Get Ready For Hunting Season With Our Large Selection Of New and Used Guns Now Handling Franchi Reloading Supplies Benelli Glock Kimber Leupold - Zeiss Scopes Gold - Platinum - Silver - Jewelry - Watches Tools - Electronics - Archery - Safes - And More! Buy - Sell - Trade - Loans Lay-Aways Available Two Locations To Serve Your Needs 515 Division St. Parkersburg, WV 3408Emerson Dudley Av. 3410 Av. Parkersburg, WV 304-428-7298 (like a pencil) in the opposite hand. The tip of the striker is scratched across the playing surface to produce sound. The evolution of the modern slate call comes from a flowerpot, or more accurately, the round watercatching tray that sits beneath it. The round, shallow shape created a cup or sound chamber to hold a round piece of slate. The pot kept the fingers off the sounding board of the call, which would play havoc with creating consistent sound. It also allowed the slate sounding board to vibrate more freely, amplicontinue to the next page 304-428-7296 Marlon Henry, from Montose, has a Randoph County 10 point buck. B O O N E’S BOW SHOP 3-D RANGE - PRACTICE RANGE INDOOR ARCHERY RANGE Located On Larkmead Rd Parkersburg, WV Parker 304-863-6962 April 2012 ~ Page 14 BEAR Game Checking Station •Archery Shoots •Leagues •Group Discounts BC, according to archeological ing back 4,000 to 6,000 years, is on WV DNR Seeks Paintings For 2012 Calendar findings of early American inhab- display in the NWTF’s Wild Tur- fying the created tones. Today’s calls come with sounding SOUTH CHARLESTON, boards made of slate, glass,W.Va. alumi-– The West Virginia Division of Natnum, ceramic and a host of other ural Resources Wildlife materials. Strikers come Resources in several Section is requesting original wildwood types, carbon, plastic, alumilife art the 2012 edition of the num andfor more. award-winning Wildlife To properly useWVDNR a slate call, grasp Calendar, according to WVDNR the pot in the left hand by forming Resources Chief aWildlife “C” with the indexSection and thumb. Curtis I. Taylor. The deadline for Hold the outside edge of the pot submission of and artwork is Februinside the– “C” use Dec. the other Nov. 24 Dec. 11 and 29 – ary 15, 2011. A high resolution fingers to givevary support to counties the bot31. Bag limits among electronic image or a 35-mm color call. Hold the peg like tom of the and will be one, two or four antlerslide of each entry must submityou verify that it hand. isbe unloaded aafter pencil in the right Draw Hunters may take only less deer. date. send ted by this and the cylinder orArtists actionmay is board open. small circles on the sounding one deer per day; therefore, a buck in multiple entries. Take a gun from only afto produce yelps.someone Pushing down and an antlerless deer may not be “This is our 27th calendar and ter youwith verify it is firmly the that striker andunloaded pullingit offers acylinder wonderful opportunity for and the or action is open. it inBlack a short, straight line have will create bear seasons been artists feature and theirspeed work.ofdon’t BeGuns,toIncrease alcohol drugs aexpanded cluck. the with 10the counties open sides distribution in West Virginia, mix. Alcohol and drugs can negarhythm a cackletheorbuck cutNov. 22to– produce Dec.are4 enjoyed during our calendars bypurrpeotively affect judgment as well as ting of an excited hen. Quiet season and the concurrent antlerless ple all over United States and physical Alcohol well as louder aggraing calls, ascoordination. deer season. A hunter may bag one are sent to several countries around and any other substance likely to vated purrs, can be mastered on the bear and onesaid deerTaylor. on the same day the world,” impaircall. normal mental slate Simply allowor thephysical striker during the concurrent seasons in Artists are encouraged to submit functions should not be used before to skip across the surface as you those counties. See variety the 2010-2011 paintings ofitaacross wide of wildor while handling guns. Avoid hansoftly draw theRegulations call. Hunting and Trapping life topics. These may depict popudling and using your gunCalls when you Wingbone and Trumpet fish species or feature lar game and are taking medications that cause Crafting calls from the wing bones All deer must be field tagged and the state’s diverse array of wildlife. drowsiness or include a warning to of wild turkeys dates back toof 6500 checked in within 72 hours the Paintings not operate depicting machinerylesser-known while taking time of kill 24frogs, hoursturof animals suchoraswithin snakes, the close of the season, whichever The loud noise from a fired gun comes first. Additional deer may can cause hearing damage, and not be taken until all previously the debris and hot gas that is often taken deer have been checked. emitted can result in eye injury. Always wear ear and eye protection GUNS AND CHILDREN--HANDGUN OWNER RESPONSIBILI- tles, salamanders, bats, frequently songbirds, itants. Early Americans small mammals as well as nongame yelped up their quarry into blowfish or arebow also range encouraged. gun using wingbone Artists are reminded thehave calcalls. Several wingbonethat calls endar unearthed format isand horizontal with been show where inches bones by 11 ameasurements single bone of or 14 multiple inches and should keep this ratio were fastened together to create a in mind when creating bugle-type call. One suchpaintings. call, datPaintings not chosen in previous years may bein resubmitted. key Museum Edgefield, S.C.“Just because the artwork Several variations is of not the selectwingdoesn’t will ed one bone callyear have been mean made itfrom not be selected in the future,” said materials such as cane, bone, horn Taylor. are materiseveral and other“Often, hollow,there slender submissions of a particular species als. One such call is the “Turpin and onlycreated one caninbe in days a given Yelper” theused early of year.” ontinue to the next page continue to the next page 2011 Boats Now In Stock 2012 Great Selection Of Used Bass Boats Jon Boats For 9.9 Lakes Available ������������������������ Ranger Boats 5 Star Dealer Top 100 G 3 Boats Summary of Safe Storage Laws You may be guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony if you keep a loaded firearm within any premBrandon Plumley caught a 19 1/2 Mark Banks, from West Columbia, ises that are under your custody or Wayne a 13 point “ New Harper River shot smallmouth inbuck. Feb. hunted in Mason County for this control and a child under 18 years Photo Store Photo courtesy courtesy of of Reese’s PC BaitCountry & Tackle in fine 10 point buck. Hinton. Rt. 2 South of St. Marys, WV •G 3 Aluminum 304-684-2850 #1 In District Total Horse Power Dealer Oct. March 2010 2011 ~~~Page ~Page Page 16 Dec. 2010 Page 15 April 2012 1515 the 20th century by calling legend Tom Turpin of Memphis, Tenn. Years ago, Nick Gilmore gave a turkey calling tip in a copy of Outdoor Life. Gilmore told of watching a flock of feeding turkeys from his deer stand one fall day. He was without a call to lure the flock closer, so he improvised by pulling a Bic ballpoint pen from his pocket. He pulled the guts out of his pen and used the hollow tube as a call. He put the call to his lips, puckered up and yelped one of the curious birds within range. Instead of blowing on this call, the small mouthpiece is “kissed” Buy - Sell - Trade - Loan MON, TUE, THU 10-5, WED 12-6, FRI 10-6, SAT. 10-NOON NEW & USED GUNS JACKSON COUNTY PAWN 506 WALNUT ST. RAVENSWOOD, WV 304-273-5961 Gold - Musical Instruments - Ammo Tools - Electronics - Archery - Guns - And More! with pursed lips and air is drawn inward to create several life-like turkey calls. As with any call, practice will prepare you to make yelps, clucks, kee kees, cackles and other requisite hunting calls. Diaphragm Calls Diaphragm calls are some of the “oldest” modern turkey calls. According to research, in 1867, Samuel McClain invented and patented a bird whistle that held a thin membrane inside a horseshoe-shaped, continue to the next page OHIO RIVER BASS BATTLE May 26 - Ravenswood Ramp Team Bass Tournament $50 Entry Fee $10 Big Bass 7am to 4pm Clip Out & Mail In Danny Brown’s buck scored 138 P & Y and was taken in Logan Co. HOUSE FOR SALE 3 Bedroom House Excellent Condition. Turkey Bone Road and Route 15, Monterville.WV Randolph County. Less than 1 mile to new Elkfork Lake opening in 2012. 5 miles to Elk River at Elk Springs Resort. 4 miles to 9,000 plus acre Kumbrabow State Forest. New roof and vinyl siding. 4,000 ft. elevation. Outside dimensions 30x110 ft on 1/4 Contact Jim or Betty Wilson. 304-339-6576 bjwilson@frontiernet.net acre. $49,900. Rules At Event Boater_____________________________ Address____________________________ City____________________ St_________ Zip_________ Phone_________________ MAIL TO Make Check or Money Order to: City Of Ravenswood 212 Walnut St. Ravenswood, WV 26164 Evening Entertainment On The River At The Park Fireworks Display Concessions Vendors & More April 2012 ~ Page 16 “Join The Fun” Bo Bice American Idol Star thin metal frame. In 1921, Henry Bridges of Maryland patented his own “sound producing device” specifically to call wild turkeys. Again, Bridges affixed a membrane material inside a horseshoe-shaped frame, which was to be held to the roof of the mouth and blown across to create a sound. Predating these patents was the use of leaves or grass as a reed material for improvised turkey calls. The leaf was held between both hands and blown across. Early pioneers learned the craft from indigenous Americans to bring wild turkeys close for the shot. Today’s mouth diaphragms use thin latex rubber as reed material in place of green leaves. The reed material is held inside a horseshoeshaped frame and is most commonly taped with waterproof tape. The call is placed in your mouth with rounded side to the back and is pressed to the roof of the mouth with the tongue. Huffing breath across the reed, which causes the reed to vibrate and create sound, makes the call sound. Because of their versatility and range, mouth diaphragms are the most widely used calls in turkey calling competitions. Realistic yelps, clucks, purrs, kee kee whistles, cackles and more can be made with some practice. 21 Country Market CHAINSAW ART FIGURES WABASH TRADING POST Custom Made Chainsaw Art Figures • In Stock & Made To Order GUNS 101 Front Street WEST UNION, WV (304) 873-2319 E-Mail: wabashtradingpost@gmail.com Hunting & Fishing Supplies • Rods & Reels (Reel Repair) • Air Gun Hunting Rifles (Gunsmith) • Ammunition - Archery Equipment • Knives - Handmade Knives MUSKY • Fishing Tackle - Lures LURES • Live Bait - Consignment Sales Over 170 OPEN 9am-6pm Mon - Sat Cobb’s Lures 1pm-6pm Sun • Jones & More Tube Calls Tube calls are another version of the diaphragm call. Instead of the reed being held inside the mouth, the latex material is stretched across the top of a round tube. Some refer to this call as a “snuff can” call, which was an early source of sound chambers for this effective turkey call. Today, calls typically are made from plastic or wood, with the reed stretched across the top and held in continue to the next page Live Bait & Tackle * Minnows ~ Crawlers *Mealworms ~ Shiners * GAME CHECKING * HUNTING & FISHING LIC. Everything you need for a day on the water! 372-9697 Rt. 21 North Ripley, WV www.newadventurerv.com April 2012 ~ Page 17 Greg Musgrave, from New Martinsville, went out west for an elk. Jayco 2456 Route 21 South RIPLEY, WV 866-372-1323 2012 Bass Sportsman Schedule•Ohio River & Salt Fork Lake All Of The Regular Team Events Are 7am to 4pm $90 Entry $10 Big Bass No Late Fees - Enter At The Ramp - Rules At The Events OHIO RIVER TEAM 20% of Field Payback 4/1 - MOUNDSVILLE 4/22 - MOUNDSVILLE 5/12 - ST. MARYS 5/26 - MOUNDSVILLE 6/16 - MOUNDSVILLE 7/29 - ST. MARYS 8/12 - MOUNDSVILLE 8/26 (Sat) - MOUNDSVILLE 9/9 - ST. MARYS • 6 Fish Limit - 5 Salt Fork Lake • 6 Oz. Dead Bass Penalty • No Live Bait • Courtesy Board • Obey DNR & Corps Rules • Must Return By Boat If Any Boat Problems Occur • Subject To Polygraph Test May 28 (Mon) - July 4 (Wed) Sept. 3 (Mon) Main Marina Ramp Championship Location Will Either Be: New Martinsville - Moundsville or Wheeling - TBA WRIGHT’S RIVERSIDE MARINE 9/22 & 9/23 CHAMPIONSHIP $125 ENTRY LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED Rt. 2 St. Marys, WV 304-684-2850 STRATOS • RANGER & G3 Boats 10/7 - MOUNDSVILLE 10/21 - MOUNDSVILLE TOURNAMENT INFO: Best 5 weights out of the first 9 river events used for chmapionship boat numbers. Must fish in a least one to qualify (50 Boat Field) place with a rubber band. The call is held against the lower lip and blown across to produce a wide range of effective calls. Push-Pin Calls Also called “push-button box calls,” the push-pin call is a wooden or plastic friction box similar in shape to the paddle-type box call. Instead of having an external hinged lid, it incorporates a lid that rides on a dowel that sticks through the end of the box. A spring or rubberband is used to give the paddle proper tension as it rides over a pillar inside. Pushing the rod causes the paddle to scrape over the internal pillar, which vibrates to make turkey-like sounds. Push-button calls are the easiest turkey call for beginners to learn to use. To use a push-button call, simply hold it in either palm and push the operating rod. Slow to SALT FORK LAKE medium rhythmic strokes produce yelps. Quick taps on the rod produce clucks. Wild Turkey Vocabulary The calls of the wild turkey are a universal language. Whether you’re hunting Osceola wild turkeys in Florida or Merriam’s in the Rocky Mountains, the basics: Yelp — A two-toned call that starts with a whistling “kee” and ends with a quick “oak” sound. This call means, “Here I am, come here” in turkey talk. Cluck — A single, sharp “puck” sound that means, “Here I am, where are you?” in turkey language. Purr — A staccato sound that, when uttered at a low volume, tells flock mates that all is well. Increase the volume and turkeys interpret it as a sign of agitation, frustration, anger or aggression. 304-482-7217 wvsport@wirefire.com Putt — A loud cluck uttered when turkeys are alarmed. Putting is most often shortly followed by a hasty retreat. Kee Kee — The whistling sound uttered by young fall turkeys. When a flock is scattered the young turkeys will kee kee to each other and the boss hen until the flock regroups. Cackle — A series of fast clucks uttered when a turkey is flying or when a hen is sexually excited. Gobble — The grandest sound to a turkey hunter’s ears, this call is uttered by the male turkeys to attract hens for breeding and to announce to the world that the tom is on watch and ready to defend his territory. Information provided - NWTF The West Virginia spring season dates are April 23 thourgh May 19. Hunt safely this year and be careful in the woods. Good Luck! #4 Tracker Dealer In The USA For 2011 We are proud to offer our Tracker Boats at the same price as Bass Pro Shops GIFT CARD & DISCOUNT CARD PROMO ENDS SOON LARGE SELECTION OF JON BOATS IN STOCK April 2012 ~ Page 19 JBC Game ARCHERY Check INDOOR SHOOTING RANGE 2563 RITTER DRIVE On Rt. 19 SHADY SPRING, WV Hoyt • Darton • PSE • Alpine 20 Yard Indoor Range • Ammo Complete Archery Pro Shop Arrows - Muzzleloaders - Fishing www.jbcarchery.com 10 am to 6pm Mon - Thur & Sat 10am to 5pm Friday 304-763-3109 www.wvasportsman.net It’s FREE BACK ISSUES FROM 2006 ON ARE THERE TOO MARSTILLER’S GUN SHOP & HEATED INDOOR RANGE Over 29 Years Of Service! A l w a y s O n “ Ta r g e t ” Home Of The “Gun Guys” NRA Firearms Safety Classes 3647 Collins Ferry Road Morgantown, WV 304-599-1556 Michael Gaines, from Parkersburg, caught and released this 6 1/2 pound Elk Fork Lake bass. Tom Berga landed and later released this big Ohio River spring bass. Photo courtesy of Backwater Bait in Newport, Ohio. LAKE VIEW CABINS Overlooking Stonewall Jackson Lake ~ 100 Yards From The Boat Ramp ~ Stay with us while you enjoy the Stonewall Jackson Lake area. Minutes from the state park which offers the Arnold Palmer Golf Course and boat rentals. Also, 1 1/2 milesfrom Stonecoal Lake Wildlife Area (public hunting & fishing). Only 6 miles from I-79 exit 96 or 4.5 miles from Rt. 33 - Corridor H - near Weston, WV • • • • A/C TV - DVD Barbecue Grill Large Porch Area • Easy Access • Great View Of Lake • Fully Equipped Kitchen Including Dishwasher April 2012 ~ Page 20 NOW BOOKING FOR SPRING & SUMMER SEASON RENTALS Easy Access To Public Hunting Areas. 15,000 Acres On Stonewall Jackson & 3,000 Acres On Stonecoal For More Info & Reservations 304-269-5813 JOHNSON’S SPORTING GOODS 3003 WEBSTER RD. SUMMERSVILLE, WV New & Useed Guns LIVE BAIT • MINNOWS - WORMS - MORE • RODS & REELS - TACKLE BASS - CATFISH - TROUT • ARCHERY BOWS • SUPPLIES • CAMPING EQUIPMENT • SPORTING GOODS • HUNTING SUPPLIES 304-872-4141 9AM TO 6PM MON-SAT. 1PM TO 6PM SUN Free On The Internet - www.wvasportsman.net Josh Compton, from Ritchie Co., went to Alaska for a siver salmon. Jeremy Simons brought in a 55 pound beaver. Photo courtesy of Mid- dle Mountain Sporting Goods in Elkins. PARK CENTER SPORTING GOODS Park Center RAINELLE, WV 304-438-5660 9AM to 8PM Daily 12:30PM to 5PM Sun BUY • TRADE • PAWN Guns • Pistols • Bows • Knives Safes • Fishing Rods & Reels Tackle • Camo Clothing • Scents Gortex Clothing • Dog Supplies Trapping • Custom Arrows • More BOOTS BY: LaCrosse - Rocky - Georgia Browning - Handyman - Irsih Setter - Danner Fishing Boats Liberty & Remington Safes BOW SHOP Mathews • Martin Bear • PSE • Mission Whisper Creek Hunting Boots Gun Cases Franchi • NEF • Henry • Mossberg • Rouge • Braztech • Marlin • EAA • Liberty Brodu Gumm, from Alum Creek, got a nice 9 point Calhoun buck. Ruger • Glock • Benelli • Bersa • Taurus • Springfield • Smith & Wesson • Savage Remington • Winchester • Weatherby • Browning • Rossi Kimber • T-C Encore • Traditions • CVA • Thompson Center April 2012 ~ Page 21 COME SEE US AT THE BOAT SHOW! Charleston Civic Center February 17-19 PONTOON BOAT HEADQUARTERS BOATS POWERED BY Honda OUTBOARDS PRICES BELOW INCLUDE: Honda 50 4-STROKE, TRAILER, STORAGE COVER, FREIGHT, PREP, AND MUCH MORE! 18’ 304-473-0752 Make Those Outdoor Memories Last A Lifetime 23 Years Experience Off Hall Rd. On Black Ford Road Buckhannon, WV Accepting Major Credit Cards 20’ Full Time/Award Winning Master Taxidermist Rick Dunlap $189/MO.* 16,985 $$ $194/MO.* 17,485 $$ #1 PONTOON DEALER IN WV 24’ 22’ $211/MO.* 19,999 $$ *Payments include WV tax & title fees. 120 Months, 6.99%, 10% down, W.A.C. www.thegreatoutdoorsmarine.com (304)525-4556 $255/MO.* 22,999 $$ Darren Dean caught a 5 1/2 pound smallmouth. Photo courtesy of PC Bait in Hinton. Always wear a personal flotation device while boating, and read your owner’s manual. I-64 Exit 8, then 4.5 miles south Lavalette, West Virginia Mark Gapa brought in a nice buck. Mark Powell hooked a musky. Photo courtesy of Jarrett’s Bait in Elizabeth. April 2012 ~ Page 22 Photo courtesy of Crossraods General Store near Newark. Fishing Tips 101 Plan your fishing trip where the fish are plentiful, especially if you’re just starting out. Just getting outdoors to fish is part of the fun, but nothing beats landing lots of fish! Where fish live A city park, a pay-per-catch pond or a heavily stocked lake is a good bet. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and man-made reservoirs also hold fish. If you don’t know where to fish near your community, call an official from your state fisheries department or ask someone working at a local bait shop. Where fish swim Fish love to swim off sandbars, in deep edges, in weed beds and Baylee Dilling caught a nice crappie. Photo courtesy of Backwater Bait in Newport, Ohio. CUSTOM ARROWS around sunken islands. They also swim near artificial structures such as boat docks or piers and around natural cover such as fallen trees. Get a map of the lake if possible. It will help you locate some of these popular fish locations. FISHING TIPS: FISH LOVE LIVE BAIT! Not all people like the same foods. Fish are no different. Choosing the right kind of live bait can depend on the kind of fish you’re trying to catch. Here are some commonly used live baits, some listed with tips on where to find them outside of a bait shop. Click on the links to learn how to get them on your hook: Corn (it’s not alive, of course, but it works for some kinds of fish) - In a can from the kitchen. Crayfish - Under rocks or other shelter in lots of cold-water ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. Crickets - Outside under rocks or maybe even in your house! Frogs - In swamps, ponds and other areas with still, shallow water. Grasshoppers - In fields of tall grass. Grubs (insect larvae) - Sometimes continue to the next page HUNTERS and FISHERMEN WELCOME 866-301-7016 • HBO Toll Free • 70 ROOMS • COFEE & HOT BREAKFAST • MICROWAVE & REFRIGERATOR AVAILABLE NEARBY HUNTING & FISHING AT STONECOAL AND STONEWALL JACKSON LAKES 2906 US Hwy 33 East WESTON, WV (304) 269-7000 HOOK-UPS FREE ELECTRIC FOR BASS BOATS Rodney Hardbarger, from Elizabeth, shot a nice 8 point buck. 304-592-1302 • Houseboat Rentals • Pontoon Rentals • Fishing Boat Rentals • Seasonal & Transient Mooring Slips www.suttonlakemarina.com • Dinner Cruises (304)765-2120 Live bait - Pizza & Snacks and much more... www.WVTourism.com BIG BUCK CONTEST The Place for Summer Fun... Bee Run Recreational Area take Exit 67 of I-79 • Flatwoods - follow the signs Gold Tip Carbon XX75Aluminum J & R SPORTING GOODS & PAWN One Block Off Main Street 34 Rebecca Street SHINNSTON,WV HUNTING - FISHING - ARCHERY April 2012 ~ Page 23 SPENCER'S TAXIDERMY 304-824-3745 OVER 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE BIRDS, FISH, ANTLERS LIFE-SIZE MOUNTS, GAMEHEADS WEST HAMLIN,WV ACCROSS FROM THE POST OFFICE FULL TIME TAXIDERMY SERVICE they live in your lawn. Hellgrammites (dobsonfly larvae) Leeches Mealworms (insect larvae) Minnows (including different species like chubs, dace and shiners) - They can be tough to catch, but you’ll probably find them in the same bodies of water you fish. Night crawlers and earthworms Down in the dirt, probably in your yard or garden. Dakota White, from Ronceverte, landed a nice rainbow trout. Salamanders - In swamps, ponds and other areas with still, shallow water. Sometimes you can find them on marshy land underneath logs. Salmon eggs Wax worms (moth larvae) FISHING IS FUN! BUT REMEMBER TO STAY SAFE! Tips for a safe fishing trip Always wear your life jacket when fishing and keep it fastened. Safety should be your main focus, so the life jacket should be the right size (not too big) so that it won’t slide over your head. Have plenty of cold drinks and snacks in the boat. Avoid getting sunburned while fishing. You should apply sunscreen to any part of your body that isn’t covered by clothing. Sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes before going outdoors, even on a cloudy day, and reapplied every two hours. Keep hooks, sharp knives and fishing line in a tackle box. You don’t want to get hurt. Fins are sharp. Always handle fish carefully and under the supervision of an adult. It is important to be aware of weather conditions before setting out on a fishing trip. Also, weather ATV’s Motorcycles Rt. 33 East Buckhannon, WV 304-472-4824 www.supersmittys.com can change quickly so it is a good idea to take a radio along to stay tuned in to changing conditions. Wearing the right clothing for a fishing trip is important and it can help to keep you dry. Footwear should be appropriate for the occasion, and wearing multiple layers continue to the next page Danny Cunningham, from Gypsy, caught a 5.68 pound rainbow. IT’S BOAT SEASON AT MID-STATE MARINA G3 Aluminum MID - STATE MARINA Route 19 North Sutton,wv Phone: (304) 765-7325 (800) 640-7329 April 2012 ~ Page 24 Suzuki Honda Yamaha Can-Am CHEAT TROUT TRIPS Guide Trips From Rowlesburgh Up & Including The 5 Forks Of The Cheat River Through The Monongalia National Forest • Catfish Trips Rt 1 Box 113A Independence, WV 26374 For Info Call: 304-864-3390 RIVERVIEW DOG SUPPLIES & FEED • BLAZER • NITE LITE • COMPETITION • DOG BOXES & HOUSES • ABOVE GROUND KENNELS • DC 30 & 40 GARMIN “Anything for the Houndsman” of thin clothes allows you to adjust to changing temperatures. The right clothes and repellents can help keep the bugs away. If fishing from shore, pick an area free of debris and large enough to allow casting space for all of the anglers in your group. Never fish from bridges or roadways. FISHING EQUIPMENT Rod, reel and line Start with a spincasting reel (the one with the push button on the back) rigged with 10-pound-test monofilament and a 5- to 5 1⁄2-foot, two-piece rod with light action. This outfit is easy to use and transport, and it will cast light lures. Tackle No. 2 straight shank hooks, 1/16ounce clamp-on weights and floaters. This live-bait outfit works great with earthworms, minnows or PowerBait eggs and is highly effective for anything that swims. The most important factor to an en- joyable day of fishing is catching fish. Spinner baits, 1/4- and 3/8-ounce willow-leaf blades in both white and chartreuse. These baits have plenty of flash, are easy to cast and retrieve, and are relatively snagproof. 8-inch purple plastic worms, wire guard No. 3 hooks, and 1/8-ounce bullet-shaped slip sinkers. Shad colored Pop-R top-water bait. Top-water baits are exciting to fish; this one can’t be fished too fast or too slow. Be sure to purchase treble-hook covers to cover the hooks when not in use. Bait bucket If you’re fishing with minnows or other types of baitfish, you’ll need a bait bucket. It should be tethered to land or your boat whether it is the kind that floats or sinks. This container will have small holes to allow fresh water inside. Other items for a pleasant fishing trip Parker’s Safe Sales Murray’s 80 to 90 In Stock In Home Delivery - Up or Down Tri-States Largest Safe Distributor S & G Certified Locksmith Since 1958 - New WVU Safes 740-484-4572 Exit 208 I-70 S. on SR 149-2.7 Miles Belmont, Ohio Lures & Trapping Supplies BAGS OF CORN DOG FEED DOG SUPPLIES TRAIL CAMERAS AMMUNITION FEED FOR ALL ANIMALS 1 Mile West of Grantsville, WV 304-532-2174 304-354-7014 Cold drinks Lots of snacks Sunscreen Sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes prior to going outdoors, even on a cloudy day, and reapplied every two hours. Camera Flashlight Batteries Fishing cap Sunglasses Kaleb Greathouse, from Walton, shot a buck. 304-275-TRAP www.murrayslures.com UPS Service Available Trapping • Lure Scents • Oils • Urine • Traps • Triggers Baseplates • T-bar Springs • Links • Trapline Supplies Trap Holders • Trap Bedder • Trap Tags • Snaring Books Fleshing Tool • Push Pins • Sure Locks • Boots & Clothing Game Calling Supplies • Assorted Books • Videos and Much More Hawbaker • Carman’s • Burkhart’s • Sleepy Creek • Duke • Bridger Call or Visit Our Website - Shipments Will Be Sent UPS April 2012 ~ Page 25 • Regular Stockings • Huge Fish! • Weekly Tournaments Every Fri - Sat Night 7pm to 1 am • Hourly Jackpots $15 Per Pole Located On Route 3 PENCE SPRING, WV 304-898-2552 304-952-5847 OPEN - MAY 4TH Trout Tips For best results, remember these Trout Tips... Trout Don’t Need to be Scaled.. Removal of the tiny scales also removes the thin coat of natural jelly around the scales that allows the trout to be breaded without using any type of liquid Use Mild Flavored Oils...Off-flavors in fats can be transferred to the taste of the trout. Best fats include butter, hydrogenated shortening, peanut or corn oils. Hot and Quick...Trout fried at a Hillbilly Hunting Beagles AKC Pups & Hunting Dogs Garmin GPS • Diamond Deluxe • Tri-Tronics King • Easy Loader • Vinyl Flooring Wire For Kennels David Dewees (304) 545-3820 Curt Casto (304) 988-0482 2178 Fishers Ridge, Kenna, WV 25248 www.wvasportsman.net Free Online Back Issues To 2006 low temperature absorbs too much fat. The best temperature is 325 to 350F. Don’t Overcook...Trout should be moist and fork-tender. Overcooking dries out and toughens the fish. Trout is done when it flakes easily when probed with a fork. To assure good flavor and texture when preparing trout, follow these... Handling How-To’ s Fresh Trout...should be glistening, flawless and clean smelling. The flesh should be firm and spring back when pressed. When buying whole trout, look for bright red gills and shiny skin. Whether you buy fresh ADVERTISE • LOW RATES • OVER THREE MILLION PRINTED • DISTRIBUTED TO OVER 200 LOCATIONS EACH MONTH OWNED & OPERATED IN WV W. Va Sportsman Details On Page 3 Reach Interested Customers April 2012 ~ Page 26 or frozen, buy it last before heading home. If you’ll be delayed, have it continue to the next page Robert Hamrick went to Webster County for thsi 8 point buck. New Building Tin 3’ x 8’ - $12 per Sheet 3’ x 10’ - $14.25 per Sheet 3’ x 12’ - $16.75 per Sheet 26 Ga. All Types of New & Used Steel Square Tubing & Pipes Plywood 3/4 - $23 1/2 - $16 O.S.B. 3/4 - $22 5/8 - $19 Luan - $9.25 T-111 5/8 - $26 Rubber Roofing Cut To Size 12’ - $17 10’- $14 8’ - $12 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 All Sizes RRHAMCO Rt. 2 Box 484 Grafton, WV We Buy Ginseng Copper • Brass • Iron & Other Metals 304-265-0026 WE BUY SCRAP METAL Prices Subject To Change Stocking Treated Lumber packed on ice. Store fresh trout in the coldest part of your refrigerator (usually the lowest shelf at the back or in the meat keeper) as close to 32F as possible. Use fresh trout quickly; within 2 days. Packaged Frozen Trout...should be rock-hard, clear of ice crystals, having no white spots indicating freezer burn and showing no signs of thawed juices. Packages should be clean and tightly sealed. Store at 0 F or below for no more than three months. To Thaw Trout...gradually defrost in the refrigerator overnight. Avoid thawing at room temperature. To thaw quickly, seal fish in a plastic bag and immerse in cold water for about an hour OR microwave on the “defrost” setting, stopping when fish is still icy but pliable. Once trout thaws, it should be used immediately. NEVER RE-FREEZE TROUT AFTER THAWING...this will impair flavor. One of the most appealing characteristics of trout is the variety of WOODS & WATER TAXIDERMY Deer Shoulder Mount $350 TROPHY BUCK DISPLAY - BOOKING FOR SHOWS NOW • EUROPEAN SKULL CLEANING WITH DERMESTID BEETLES • FULL TIME AWARD WINNING TAXIDERMIST • FULL LINE OF TAXIDERMY • FISH-MAMMALS-AFRICAN DEER - BEAR & MORE ways it can be cooked. For best results follow these basic... Preparation Pointers Baking...To preserve flavor and moisture in the flesh, bake trout at a moderately high temperature, 400’ to 450’F, for the shortest period of time. Enhance moistness and flavor with a seasoned oil; or many baked recipes call for sauces or stuffings. Test for doneness by probing with a fork. Do not turn. Broiling...Never place trout closer than 4 inches from the source of heat. Baste well with a basting oil or sauce before and during cooking. Broil 8 to 10 minutes, depending on thickness. Do not turn. Grilling... Season to taste, or baste REELS RODS ELLIOT MILLIONE FAIRMONT, WV H- 304-363-5247 C- 304-365-0780 zippywild0780@yahoo.com trout with selected sauce before and during grilling. Place trout on grill approximately 4 to 6 inches from hot charcoal. Cooking time varies continue to the next page Blace Hutchins hooked a big smallmouth bass. Photo courtesy of PC Bait & Tackle in Hinton. PC BAIT & TACKLE HUGE SELECTION OF LIVE BAIT Minnows- Hellgramites - Lizards - Worms Goldfish - Shiners - Meal & Wax Worms - More Tackle By: Warden • Super Duper • Strike King Berkley • Mepps • Owner • Zoom • Yum • Gamakatsu Tru-Turn • Zoom • Trout Magnet • Eagle Claw • Daiwa Cabin Creek • Shakespeare • St. Croix • Zebco • Case Ugly Stik • Gitzit • Rebel • Heddon • Rapala & More! L I V E B Archery Bows & Supplies • Musky Tackle • Marine Products A 250 Greenbrier Drive - HINTON, WV I Pipestem Country Campgounds T Greenbrier Chalets Keagan Hartwell caught a crappie. Photo courtesy of PC Bait & Tackle in Hinton. On The Greenbrier River www.greenbriercabins.com 304-466-3536 On Rt. 20 www.pipestemcamping.com 304-466-9121 PC Bait & Tackle 304-466-1444 April 2012 ~ Page 27 Trophy Whitetail Now Booking Hunts Red StagGoat At Our Hunting Preserve Spanish Buffalo Fallow Deer Hunt Whitetail Deer& Other Game September Through April Ram Red Stag Doe Buffalo Wild Boar Boar Mountain Meadow 14 Acre Ram Fishing Lake $495 Shooting Preserve P.O. BOX 120 GREENVILLE, WV 24945 Call or Write For Info: 14 Acre Fishing www.mountainmeadow.net Lake 304-832-6635 WILD BOAR HUNTS Spring Gobbler Hunts Booking Now with size of trout and temperature of grill. About 1 to 2 minutes per ounce of trout. Cook naturally folded, not open even if boned, unless otherwise directed. To turn, trout will roll easily on its rounded back. To remove from grill, slide spatula under trout from head to tail. To test for doneness, check inside that no pink is left. Trout that is done will flake easily with a fork. (NOTE: To help prevent sticking, spray grill with a non-stick product.) Poaching...Immerse trout in liquid barely covering it. For a flavor bonus, add wines or other liquids. DO NOT BOIL. Boiling will destroy the delicate flavor. Pan-Frying...Use a small amount of hot vegetable oil, about I inch, in heavy fry pan. Roll in coating and fry lightly, or saute, at a moderate temperature, until browned Lodging Available At Our Lodge - With Meals on one side. Place meat-side down first. Turn and brown second side. Do not overload pan. Trout is done when it flakes easily with a fork. Deep Frying...Fill fryer about half full with oil. Use light breading (flour and/or cornmeal) or thin batter. (A thick batter absorbs fat.) Fry in deep oil at 325 to 350F until trout is brown and flakes easily with a fork. Microwave ... Microwaving is especially suited to the high temperature and short time required for cooking trout. Always thaw trout completely to ensure even cooking. Cover fish with plastic wrap, but turn back one corner to allow venting. Cook at HIGH for 5 to 6 minutes per lb. for one whole fish; increase time for a larger number of fish. Allow to stand 3 to 5 minutes to complete cooking. April 2012 ~ Page 28 Remember ... trout is a healthy choice Wade Stansbury went to Doddridge County for this 8 point buck. www.catfishparadiseohio.com For More Info CATFISH PARADISE NOW OPEN Join The Fun! “Home Of The Big Cats” 4 Miles North of Belpre, Ohio on St. Rt. 7 STOP IN FOR Now Stocking at Veto Road Intersection LIVE BAIT (740) 373-0686 BASS Tackle Catfish Paradise has stocked lots of catfish this season. Our bait shop carries a full line of bait, tackle and snacks. Big Fish Of The Week Jackpot FLATHEAD - BLUE - CHANNEL Tagged Fish - $1,200 Worth Tournament: May 19 $55 Buy-in Get Ready For The 2012 Season! Hourly Payouts Fri - Sat Shootout 8pm to 2am • $10 Buy-in = Hourly winners * $21 For 24 Hours Of Fishing $13.00 For 12 Hours of Fishing (2 Poles) 8am to 8pm Includes All Jackpot BAIT Open 24 Hours Every Day SHOP Mon-Thur 24 hours Fri - Sun Located Just Across The River From Parkersburg, WV April 2012~ Page 29 ���� ����������� ��������������� ���������������� �������� ������������ ����������� ������������� ������������ ���� ������� ����������������� ���������� �������������������� ��������������� ���������� ������������������� ���������� ������������������� ������������ OHIO RIVER TEAM TOURNAMENTS Details On Page 18 • First Event (4/1) Had 30 Teams - 22 Limits • 20% Of Field Payback • September Championship Robert Lane hooked a 4 pound, 15 oz. smallmouth bass. Photo courtesy of PC Bait in Hinton. CARDINA L PA W N B RO K E R S • S P O R T I N G G O O D S “Get Ready For Hunting Season With Our Large Selections” Indoor Test Shooting Range Archery Pro Shop Mathews Bowtech Parker Diamond Mission G5 Prime Bow Tuning • Custom Arrows • Accessories A big rainbow trout was landed. Photo courtesy of Middle Mountain Sporting Goods in Elkins. MORRELL Targets Parker • Carbon Express Stryker Crossbows • Guns • Ammo • Scopes • Fishing Tackle 1221 S. EISENHOWER DRIVE “We Trade Guns” B E C K L E Y, W V 304-253-7357 April 2012 ~ Page 30 Richard Godfrey shot a nice buck. North Mountain Vacation Rentals ROCK CAVE IGA Located Off Rt.28/55 on Smokehole Rd. Hunters and Near CABINS, WV 304-257-5411 866-999-2892 www.northmountainrentals.com Fishermen Welcome. Intersection of Rt. 4 & 20 Rock Cave, WV 924-5296 Groceries Fresh Meat & Produce Propane Exchange Beverages & Snacks Open Mon - Sat 8am to 8pm Sun Noon to 5PM All Hunters & Fishermen Check Us Out 22 North Locust Street This angler caught a 6 pound brook & rainbow. Photo courtesy of Middle Jim McClung hooked a nice largemouth bass. Photo courtesy of Jarrett’s Bait in Elizabeth. Buckhannon, WV 26201 (304) 472-4100 Cold Beer Beverages Snack Items Hot Dogs Hamburgers Pepperoni Rolls Discount Tobacco Mountain Sporting Goods in Elkins. “NEW Giant Selection Of Fishing Tackle In Stock” Ronnie Edge, from Hamlin, buck. 1909 Model 92 Winchester PSE & MARTIN Bows • Expert Bow Tuning • Ammo Rage - Muzzy - Boss - Wasp - Allen Broadheads Custom Arrows & Fletching - Moultrie Deer Feeders Georgia Boots - Tree Stands - Dog Supplies - Trapping Fishing Rods & Reels Tackle - Trout Baits - Custom Flies Nitro • Mike’s • Joe’s Flies • Berkley CABIN RENTAL 5AM to 9PM 7 Days A Week LIVE BAIT Minnows • Wax Worms Night Crawlers & More RT. 33 East Just Before The 4 Lane Bobby Ice got an 8 point buck. March 2012 ~ Page 31 ELKINS, WV 304-636-5569 Hillbill y Haven Log Cabin Rental s Situated on 50 wooded acres in beautiful Central West Virginia, just two minutes from Stonewall Jackson Lake and Stonewall Resort 235 Haven Lane, Roanoke, WV 26447 phone: 304-269-3459 or 866-652-3379 email: info@hillbillyhavenwv.com website: www.hillbillyhavenwv.com First-class vacation cabins conveniently located one mile off Interstate 79, Exit 91, one mile south on US 19 toward lake Call or visit website for rates, additional information, and policies. A 50% deposit is required for reservations. Major credit cards are accepted. Recently built log cabins are exceptionally clean and beautifully decorated to be your home away from home Private, romantic, remote, peaceful and safe environment Honeymoon cabins with hot tub sleep two Four person cabins have full bed downstairs and two twin beds in loft Six person cabins have king or queen bed and two full beds, whirlpool tub or hot tub, dishwasher, and washer and dryer Eight person cabins have four bedrooms, two baths, and an eight person hot tub Accessible cabin available Fully equipped kitchen with dishes, cookware, refrigerator, microwave, toaster, and coffee maker Satellite tv and dvd player Gas log fireplace and air conditioning Full bath with shower Linens and other amenities provided Picnic table, fire ring, gas grill, stocked ponds, playground, and horseshoe pits Convenience store onsite with gift shop, WV souvenirs, and many unique hillbilly gifts Open 365 days a year Stonewall Resort with fine restaurants and Arnold Palmer Signature Golf Course, and 2,650 acre Stonewall Jackson Lake with all types of water recreation, fishing, and hunting, just two minutes away MR. CLEAN BOW SHOP *LIVE MINNOWS Bows - Arrows - Sights - Quivers - Rests - Ammo Martin • PSE • Quest • Crossbows M-Sat 9-9 Sun 9-5 Nite Lite - Hunting Supplies • Live Bait 305 N. Lewis St. - GLENVILLE, WV 304-462-8688 LARGE SELECTION OF FISHING TACKLE STOCKED Young Nicky got a big buck buck. Photo courtesy of Mr. Clean Bow Shop (now in Willie’s store) in Glenville. PSE BOWTECH Parker Mon - Fri 10-7 Sat 10-6 Closed Sun www.madsportinggoods.com Drinks Snacks • Viper Archery • Muzzy • G5 • Wildlife Research • Merrell Code Blue • Carbon Express • Hunters Specialties • Summit • Rage Ammunition • Guns (Ordered) • Full Line Archery - Nightcrawlers - Meal Worms • More Bass - Musky - Trout - Panfish Lures Powell Rods • Jackall Lures • Skeet Reese Rods • Zoom • Warrior War Eagle • Yamamoto • Trokar Hooks • Robo Worm • Seaguar Line Jarrod used a bow for a nice buck. Photo courtesy of Glady Fork Archery in Weston. Rt. 14 - (North of Vienna) BOAZ, WV 304-375-2070 NEW INDOOR ARCHERY RANGE - LEAGUES FORMING NOW April 2012~ Page 32 Little Beaver State Park BEAVER, W.Va. – Since 2004, the Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) has partnered with Little Beaver State Park as the home of its annual Migration Celebration, a festival of West Virginia’s birds and of the state’s natural heritage. The 2012 Migration Celebration is scheduled for May 12 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is open to the public at no charge. Held each year on International Migratory Bird Day, the Migration Celebration encourages young and old alike to go outdoors and see what lives in their backyards and in their biologically diverse state. The day features live birds of prey on display from TRAC; exhibits from the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Diversity Program and the New River Gorge National River; the West Virginia Department of Agriculture’s Insect Survey; storytelling; bird, bug and nature walks; a free photography workshop; and fun for the whole family. “Little Beaver State Park is not just for humans,” said Park Supt. Erik Evans. “Animals find refuge and a place to relax, too. Squirrels, deer, foxes, bear, and many other animals call the park home, and so HOLMES MARKET 304-845-0502 Complete Convenience Store • Beer • Beverages Hot Dogs • Snacks & More “Where You Get Great In-Town Service...Out Of Town” ROBERTS RIDGE RD. OFF RT. 2 GAME CHECKING do birds. An osprey has been hunting fish in the lake for several summers, peregrine falcons have been seen flying over, and birders have counted more than 35 other species as well.” In honor of eight years of working together to conserve West Virginia’s wild birds and educating and involving people in ecosystem stewardship, TRAC recently awarded Little Beaver State Park a certificate of appreciation for hosting the annual Migration Celebration. About Three Rivers Avian Center Three Rivers Avian Center is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to caring for West Virginia’s wild birds. Founded in 1990, TRAC provides veterinary care and rehabilitative services to more than 200 wild bird species, is the project coordinator for the multi-state and multi-agency effort to restore peregrine falcons to the New River Gorge, provides environmental programs featuring MOUNDSVILLE, WV live birds of prey throughout West Virginia, and encourages public participation in birding and birdrelated activities through an extensive website (www.tracwv.org) and continue to the next page Eric Young hooked a 46” musky. Photo courtesy of Crossroads General Store near Newark. DOUBLE “DD” “DD” RANCH RANCH (740) 596-4711 DOUBLE ORIGINAL OWNERS HAVE RETURNED TROUT CATFISH SURE CATCH “A Hunting Preserve Unlike All Others” (740) 596-9013 FAX FISH FARM 5 MILES NORTH OF • Wild Russian Hogs • Exotic Rams and Goats • Fallow Deer, Sika Deer, Red Stag & Elk • African & Asian Species Prices include animal, guide & caping. Lodging, meals and meat processing available. BAIT & TACKLE ELKINS, WV OLD RT. 219 304-636-1278 STALNAKER RD. WEEKDAYS OPEN FRI/SAT 9AM - DARK BY APPOINTMENT SUN 12:30PM - DARK April 2012 ~ 33 58501 US Rt 50, McArthur, OH 45651 e-mail Dannie@DDRanch.com Web Site www.DDRanch.com active Facebook page. About Little Beaver State Park Little Beaver State Park, located just outside Beckley in Raleigh County, is a popular place for family outings. Eighteen hiking and biking trails, rated from easy to strenuous and ranging in length from a quarter mile to 2.6 miles long, wind their way throughout the 562 acre park. Little Beaver Lake is an 18-acre focal point at the park entrance that provides facilities for fishing and paddle boat rides. Geocaching is also a growing activity. Picnic shelters and tables are scattered in convenient areas around CRISS SALES & SERVICE (304) 472-1474 Lawn & Garden Saws & Trimmers OLD WESTON ROAD BUCKHANNON,WV 30 Years Experience GLADY FORK ARCHERY Elite • Bowtech • Diamond • Hoyt • Alpine Bowtuning - Custom Arrows – Accessories Guns • Ammo – Scopes – Targets 2539 Glady Fork Road 3.8 Miles Off I-79 Exit 96 - Turn Left WESTON, WV the Lake and a playground offers youngsters a place to exercise youthful energies. Little Beaver State Park has added 30 campsites with water, electricity, a bathhouse and a laundry room. More information can be found at www.littlebeaverstatepark.com. Advertise in the W. Va. Sportsman Details On Page 3 Rodney Kirkendoll used a bow for this nice 10 point buck. TYGART LAKE POROPERTY 464 Acres 2 1/2 Miles Waterfront City Water Timber Great Location Barbour County $1,300,000 304-457-1869 Husqvarna Shindaiwa & More Free Online www.wvasportsman.net Carhartt Clothing PSE ARCHERY 304-269-6292 Mon-Fri-Sat 10-5 Tue-Wed-Thur 3-9 Visa Mastercard Discover Accepted Landing Your Fish Landing As your fish gets closer to the boat, drop your entire rod and reel to your waist. If the fish goes under the boat, get your rod tip in the water and follow it. If you can see the fish, you’ll know when it’s tired. It’ll roll over on his side. And if you can’t see the fish, you’ll be able to feel it. Mouth Pick-Up Carefully avoiding hooks, many bass anglers use the thumb and index finger to grip a bass by its lower jaw. This holds the jaw wide open and temporarily paralyzes the continue to the next page Waterfront Sporting Goods ROCKY BOOTS • Live Bait • Licenses • Game Check • Guns & Ammo Rod and Reel Repair Service Joy Dog Food Hours: 9 to 9 Daily 304-445-2551 Just a few minutes off I-64 in Alderson, WV Pawn Service Riverview Motel Overlooking The Beautiful Greenbrier River 304-445-2550 April 2012 ~ Page 34 Bass Pro Shop Tri - Lakes Rt. 19 Walkersville Ammo Live Bait Game Checking Fishing Supplies Easy Access To Stonewall Jackson Stonecoal & Burnsville Lakes 304-452-8870 Camp Sites - Full Hookups GAS Chalets - Call For Reservations Eat-in or Carry Out Food - Pizza Hoagies - Subs - Burgers Beverages - More 6am to 10pm Mon - Sat the fish. You can also land pan fish by pulling the fish towards you with the rod. Then grab the fish by the mouth or around the belly to remove the hook. Gaff Landing Don’t gaff a fish unless you’re planning to take it home. In most cases, you should try to land your catch with a net. If you gaff a red snapper or a grouper that’s too small to take home, you’ll be releasing a fish with a gaping hole in its side that’s not likely to survive. Today’s nets are made to withstand a lot of weight when handled properly. Netting Always try to land a bigger fish with a net. Place the net in the water and lead the fish into the net head first. Don’t stab the net at the fish. If you don’t get it the first time, reaim and try again. Keep the fish in the water if you plan on releasing it. If you plan on eating the fish, get it out of the water as quickly as possible and take the hook out away from the water. BUY • SELL • TRADE • PAWN NEW & USED GUNS - MORE BUCKHANNON, WV 304-472-1177 9am to 9pm Sun To handle a fish with sharp teeth like a walleye or northern pike, carefully hold it around the body. Other fish like chinook or Atlantic salmon have a strong tail and you can grasp them in front of the tail fin. Eye Pick-Up Never hold a fish by the eyes or gills if you plan to free it. Beaching a Fish Beaching a fish involves leading it into increasingly shallower water and gradually sliding the fish on its side onto dry land. In salt water, time your retrieval with an incoming wave. As the wave recedes, quickly grab your beached fish and pull it ashore. Unhooking a Fish If you’re practicing catch and release, try to remove the hook without exciting or harming the fish. The eyelet (small hole) of the hook is the best place to grab the hook. Back the hook out the same way it went in. There are special tools designed for taking out hooks. But needlenosed pliers work pretty well. If you need to, use a hook remover or pliers to flatten the barb. Depending on how the fish is hooked, you might be able to cut away a small amount of flesh to get the hook out. Professionals sometimes flatten the barbs on their hooks before they start fishing to cause less harm to the fish they catch. In some arApril 2012 ~ Page 35 BRUSHY FORK MART Brushy Fork Road Buckhannon, WV (1.3 Miles From US Rt. 33) Gasoline Gas Diesel Live Bait Kerosene WV Lottery & Powerball Fishing Supplies Knives - Novelty Items M-S 6am-12pm Sun 8am-10pm 304-472-5132 eas, you can only fish with barbless hooks. Larry Handley, from Walker, shot a black bear. "Business Goes Where Invited Stays Where Appreciated" Colonial Hotel - Motel Hunters & Fishermen Welcome TV & AC Free Parking Center of City 304-472-3000 24 N. Kanawha St. Buckhannon, WV 26201 Dalton Cutright, owner T&T GUN SHOP UNCLE TOM’S LOANS SWAROVSKI Scopes BUY • SELL • TRADE • PAWN GUNS • AMMO • ACCESSORIES Reloading Supplies - Powder - Primers - Bullets - Dies & More 304-472-AMMO Jolynne Addition KOWA BUCKHANNON, WV Optimed Spotting Scopes Bass Smarter Than a 5th Grader Some anglers grossly underestimate the brain of a bass, especially its capacity for change. In reality, a bass’s behavioral response to any given experience leaves a physical mark on the bass. In other words, bass learn. Some fishermen apparently think fish are too dumb to learn anything. But the process of learning has nothing to do with intelligence. Let’s say a bass hears a rattling crankbait. The longer, or more frequently, the bass is exposed to the rattle, the more memorable the sound. Should the bass attack the crankbait and be hooked, then the trauma of being hooked will be associated mentally with the sound. With each subsequent exposure and consequent hooking, the likelihood that the bass will attack the lure shrinks because of growing negative associations with the lure. The bass learns to just say no. There is also huge variation among bass in how quickly they learn, such as the susceptibility Achery Specialists Matthews • Parker • PSE New & Used Guns Rt. 10 - Cook Parkway of individual bass to being caught more than once. In one four-year study of angling recapture rates at a catch-and-release lake in Illinois, the average largemouth was caught twice each season. However, some bass were caught up to 16 times in a single season. Bass can gradually become less sensitive to particular stimulus situations. One common example is bass in large store aquariums, where they regularly see huge crowds of people each day. When first placed in the aquarium, the bass shy away from the passing traffic, especially those bystanders who enjoy pressing their faces up against the glass. With time, the bass learn to ignorethe people. Another example would be bass learning to ignore the presence of boating traffic on a busy lake. When possible, bass often stake out home territories. This requires them to learn the difference between home and non-home. To do this they learn the layout of various OCEANA, WV 304-682-5002 GAME CHECKING structural landmarks. Without this learning, bass would be forced to start afresh each time they set out to find a distant food source or relocate a preferred spot. In the labocontinue to the next page The Leather Shop - Booth 132 - Alligator Jack’s Flea Market • WIll Custom Fit Full-Grain Leather Belts (Cut to Size) • Leather Chain Wallets • Leather Fanny Pouches • Nylon Gun Holsters • talian Charms • 8.5 oz Cofee 25 cents 16 oz. 50 cents • Diabetic Socks FRI - SAT & SUNDAY www.afleamarketstore.com 41300 Laurel Cliff Rd. POMEROY, OHIO Convenience Store • Movie Rentals Boat & RV Supplies • Souveniers Game Checking Station • Hardware Large Selection New & Used Guns Phone 304-536-3606 Lazy Acres Mart 1/2 Mile from Audra State Park in WV 304-472-4279 LIVE BAIT 19 East Main St. We Buy, Sell and Trade Rt. 60 E. Main St. White Sulphur Springs, WV Open: 10-5 Tues.-Fri. 9-1 Sat. Closed on Sunday & Monday Mtn. Gun 1st Traffic Light WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WV Effeciciency • 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. • Commercial Rentals April 2012~ Page 36 Bank buck with bow and arrow atory, bassa have found theirduring way the archery season, which began through an underwater maze to Oct. 1. When confronted with the reach a desired point. evidence bullet, thebass youth alpredators, have Finally,ofasthe legedly admitted to have been para strong dispensation for learning ticipating Youth Hunting Day, prey searchinimages. An animal is Oct. 29, when he took the buck said to have developed a search with his rifle from tree image if it30/30 actively looks for aa parstand. object Only antlerless deer may ticular with an indefinable be taken legally with a rifle during visual, acoustic, vibrational, or Youth Hunting Day. He also allegchemical signature. Given enough deer edly admitted to checking positive experience with athe certain in as type, a bow akill before it to prey bass willtaking gradually come to actively seek out that specific prey. Smarter than a fifth grader? Well, probably not. But bass are a lot smarter than most people give them credit. the taxidermist mounting. and wild boar for harvests. In addiThe juvenile was cited county, for the tion, harvests by season, following violations: killing and wildlife management areadeer are during closed season, illegal posdisplayed in the publication. session of wildlife, and improper “The Big Game Bulletin equips checking of game. Examination of hunters with a wealth of data and the deer head/neck determined it to information that may help them be a 10-point an The antlerpublicaspread plan their nextwith hunt. 2011 Big Game Bulletin SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The 2011 West Virginia Big Game Bulletin is available at Division of Natural Resources district offices, the Elkins operations center, and on the agency’s website, according to Curtis I. Taylor, Chief of the Chip Groves used Section. a bow for this Wildlife Resources Wood Co. Game buck. Bulletin Photo courtesy of The Big supplies Crooked Creek Archery in Williamstown. the public with the annual whitetailed deer, wild turkey, black bear, of The replacement tion15alsoinches. has updates on current fee for a trophy this size big game researchbuck and of monitoring is $1,000. said TheTaylor. case is pending in projects,” Harrison Magistrate Court, To viewCounty the 2011 Big Game Bulwhere he may face additional letin, look under “Hunting”fines on and court costs. the Division of Natural Resources All suspects are innocent website at www.wvdnr.gov . until proven guilty in aa court of law. Hope you have nice one. MOUNTAIN STATE LOG HOMES “Your Path To Affordable Log Home Living” Why Choose Mountain State Log Homes? Providing Quality Log Home Materials since 1978 FREE House Package Delivery in WV and Bordering States FREE Unloading at Your Site FREE Quotes and Custom Designing MILL Detail Construction Manual, with Purchase DIRECT Kiln Dried White Pine Log Choices PRICES! Milled Locally, in Jane Lew, WV D-Logs 6”x 6”,6”x 8”,8”x 8” Log Siding 6”, 8” , 12” Douglas Fir Beams Dove Tail Log 6”x 12” T/G 1”x 6”, 2”x 6” Cedar Posts and Railing PO BOX 679, 208 Display Drive, Jane Lew, WV 26378 Visit us on the web at www.mountainstateloghomes.com or Email us at info@mountainstateloghomes.netOPEN Keith Lawrence arrowed this wide racked hoto courtesy of BowTaylor buck. Tucker Pshot a 14 point in Listic Archery in Chelyan. Harrison County. JANE LEW MODELS OPEN DAILY 9am-5pm 800.553.3006 Other Hours by Apt. 304.884.6646 Located in the Industrial Park, 1-79 exit 105 EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE! Hunting 2011Page ~ Page April 2012~ 37 37 P R A C M E R H L L I G E U L B R O O K K H S I F L L A F D C T B S E L L L B T Y S O C H R P O U R E H U E I P P A R C E S K L E C E B D U E O L T F T O F C O L A A T T M R P I M S S L L A H R N H K L B I A H O C E A R A T H F L S M E P L O H G H W C E E P H U I E W T I U N I A W A R N D W H H Q R C G A M A F S O K C N W X R A E W A Y H I E D A C T K I E I C E A U E E T K N B A R R N E A E S B N T N D C R G B T C N R G N E N C L R P H U E A L E E U S O O E I R D A S L I I T R N O E T G R A S U S I F O E L N T K O O W Y P O N Z A Z P N L D L E E U M C U T I G B L F W H I T E E T G O B G H E M V A Y T E L N A W O B N I A R E E H R L I H A F F P A S T R I P E D T S A E E L U C U Z Z Y S W N O R T H E R N E S L A L A R G E M O U T H E D A E H T A L F M G N R E W O B N I A R G N I N W O R B S GAS FOOD AMMO Reese's Country Store Breakfast - Lunch - Deli Items HUNTING SUPPLIES GAME CHECKING MUSKY PLUGS 304-679-3502 Just Off U.S. Rt. 50 Near Mountwood Park Deerwalk, WV YEAR ROUND Hunting Season ✫✫✫ At ✫✫✫ WV SAFARIS HUNTING PRESERVE WILD BOAR WORD SEARCH Crappie • Golden • Bass • Flathead • Channel • Yellow • Hybrid Freshwater • Smallmouth • Muskellunge • Rainbow • Bluegill Drum • Largemouth • Sauger • Spotted • Brook • Northern • Carp Brook • Perch • Brown • Catfish • Striped • Tiger • Rainbow Walleye • Chain • Bullhead • Trout • Fallfish • White • Pike Look Up - Down - Across - Diagonally Exotic Sheep * Goats Mouflon * Texas Dall Water Buffalo * Jacob Aoudad * Oryx 341 LONGVIEW ROAD EVANS, WV 25241 www.wvsafaris.com 304-532-4514 304-397-4226 Large Fish & Game Pictures Wanted We are looking for large fish & game animal pictures from 2011 & 2012. Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Send Photo To: City________________________________________ State_____________________ Zip_______________ Fish______________________ Pound______ Oz____ Game_______________ Bow __ Gun__ Points_____ Photos Will Be Returned April 2012 ~ Page 38 E-mail WVS P.O. Box 5521 Vienna, WV 26105 wvasport@gmail.com April 2012 ~ Page 39
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