15 1925 04 25 A
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142 >vI~lwhr or not hogs or cattle shall be allowed to run at large iii said district; forbiddeing owners to allow hogs or cattle to run at large contrary to the result of such election, and providing penalties tlherefor.'' Yours very truly, H. CLAY CRAWFORD, Secretary of State. Mr. Phillips moved that the Senate do now adjourn to 3 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. Calkins moved that the Senate do now adjourn to 11 o'clock A. Ml. tomorrow. The question was put upon the motion of Mr. Calkins. The motion to adjourn until 11 A. M. tomorrow was agreed to. Whereupon the Senate stood adjourned to 11 o'clock A. AM. Wednesday. April 15, A. D. 1925. Wednesday, April 15, 1925 The Semite contveiied at II A. AM. piirsiiaiit to adc1onrntuent. Thte Pesient iln the chair. Tfie roll wvas called aid the followbiinz Seinators aiiswered to tlicir names: Air. Presidenit, Senators Anderson., Buttler, Clark, Coe, ;olsoii, Cloie, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, Hineley, Hodges, Kni golt. Malone, Meana)iels, Overstreet,, Phillips, Puitnam, Rowe. Russell, Scales, Singletary, Smitli, wearnigen.i Tay-lor (31st Dist. ), Ttinbunll, Tminner, Walker, WYitsoini Wieker-31. A qiuorium presenit. Plro yer by Chiaplain. R~eadjlug (of thie Joiurna] was dispensed wirth. llie daily .Joiirial of April 14th was corrected amd. as corrected. Was ljplroved. lif. Walker. (1a irmiiall of the C'olilniittcc s1ibihitin] fi, following 41101r: · oil Claimis, 143 Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Fla., April 14, 1925. lon. Jo7hnl S. [lTgylor, President of the Senate. Sir: Youl Commlittee onl Claimls to wholm A-as refelredlSenla.te Bill No. 79: A bill to be entitlel An Act folr thel relief of Sidlney J. Catts, Jr., as Adjutallt General of Flolica, for the loss of lpart of salary fromi September 1st, 1919, to January 1st, 1921. IIave had the same under considelration, and recommenlllnldll that it do not pass. Very respectfully, II. N. WALIKER, Chai:rlman of Committee. And Senate Bill No. 79, contained in. the above repolt, was pla.ce(l on the table undlel the rule. Also the followillgMr. Clark, Chairman of the Comnlllittee( on Juliciary C, sublmittedl the followillg report: Senate Chamlbel, Tallahassee, Fla., April 15, 1925. Mlon. John S. Taylor, Presilent of the Selnate. Sir, Your Comlmniittee onl Judliciary C, to wlhom was ref erlredlSenate Bill No. 63: A bill to be entitled An Act prohllibiting. the trial of persolns upoln charges of felonies in the courts of this State, in within the thirty (lays iimmleediately following thle arla]ignnlent on such cha.rges, except with thle consent of the perlsonls so charged. Hlave hadl the same lndler colsidelratiojl, alld recoellllllcl that it do nlot pas.s. Very respectfully, W. W. CLARIK, Chlairman of Committee. 144 Anud Sentate 13l1 No. 63. contained iii the above report. -was placed oil the table under the rule. Also the followingMir. Clark, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary (C, submitted tile follownhg report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. lion2. John S. Taylor, Pi-esideut of [lee Senate. Si,': Your· Committee on Judiciary3 C, to whom was referredSenate Bill No. 64: A bill to be entitled An Act prescribing the essential features of Orders of Publication in certain Chancery ;Suits iii the courts of this State, and fixing the lenwgth of time-, the manner and the place of publication of sucll old'ers. Have itadl tlie sane tinder consl erat ionll' and iccomillenl that it do paass waith the followniti comnmnittee amenijdmlent, to-W1it . Sti'ike o " 19i '926"in Sectio :. n(l isert inl liei theireof Aftc "192"5." . the wtrdt ''C(onlltv in Ilext to the last linec of S-f1011 1. strike the balance ot the sectionl anid insert in lieu theiid. the foilow-ing. ''then ftlice iinotices thereof shall be posted ini tlitee different places iii tuie said (omntv, one of wii cit sliall ibe ])ostcd at the front door of them Court ilHotse in said Comity. aned thje piroof of posting sha11 he imade by aft itlaivit of tile Clerk of the ('Cnoit issuing s"aul liotice.· Very respectfully, W.T :\\ CLARK. Chairman, of (Comnlmittee. Athir Senate B'ill No. 64, I og-ether with Comnmittee amendiiwent. contained(l ini the abo\e report, was p)laceti onl the Colcladet of Bills oi Seotmit Rteadiung. Allso titi' itollowinoTrM. (halrk (Imairman of the Committee on Judiciary C, Fsttinl 'it lied1w l~IoAAlhowmn report: 145 Senate Chamber, rallalassee, Fla., April 15, 1925. ibmo, JolIt S. Taylor, Frcsidcnt of the SenaIte. Si,:r Committee on Judiciary C, to whom was referredSenate Bill No. 59: A bill to be entitled Ain Act prescribing the compensation of jurors and witnesses in all courts of this State, your1- excext lnffiil)Ql courts. Have had the samne under consideration, and r-ecommend that it do pass. Very respectfully, V. WT. CLARK, Chairman of Committee. A2nd Senate Bill No. 59, contained in the above report. was placed oil tde Calendar of Bills on Second Reading. Also the followinlgY Mr%. Clark, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary C, s,,hnuitted thle following report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Mla., April 15, 1925. lIon. John S. Taylor, P'c.sideent of the Senate. Sir: Committee on Judiciary C(,to whom was referredSenate Bill No. 5: A bill tobe eintitled An Act to abolish occupation licenses in tlie State of Floridla. Ilave hbd the same innler consideration, and reconmmend Youtr that it do0 not pass. VT ery' respectfully, WT. W. C(LARK, Chairman of Committee. Akml Senate Bill No. 5, contained in the above report, was placed on the tab)le under the rnle. A 146 Also the follow-ingMr. Clark, Clhairlmlan of tile C'olmlmittee on Jud(lieiar C submittetl the fol]o\w-ing report: Sellate Chllambelr, Tallahlassee. Florida, April 15, 1925. ion.l. John S. Taylor, Presidelnt of the Senate. Si)r: Your Committee on Judliciary C, to w-homl was referredSenate Bill No. 62: A bill to be entitled An Act dlefining the righits of parties to suits in AN-licll two or mllore defendants are sted jointly, and providling for a recovery in such eases from defendlants whlose joint liability is shown, and against any one of such defendants w+hose sole liability is shown. IIave had the same under consideration, and recoimmiend that it do pass. Very respectfully, W. W. CLAR.K, Chairman of Committee. Andl Senate Bill No. G6, contained in the above report, w-as place(l onil the Calendar of Bills on Second Heading. Also the followringMrl. Clark, Clhairmani of tile Conimittee on Judicialry C: submitted the following report: Senate Chamlber, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. Jobhn S. T'aylor. Ioni. Presidelnt of the Senate. Sir:: Your Comlmittee on Judliciary C, to whom was refellrredSenate Bill No. 60: A bill to be entitled An Act prloviding for the admission. in evidence in certain cases of certified copies of porti(ons of cer.tain recolds andl documents. 147 had the samqie under conisideratim. and recommend (:11;i lo pass. VerN, respectfully, W. W. CLAlIIC. Chairnman of Comunittee. And Sellate Bill No. 60, contained in the above report. IIla' of Bills oB Secotid lReadinD. d xqs plo.ed on die Calendlmi Also tile folloxing: ~themlge, (lhairinan of the Comiumittee oni Er. suhiaitteil the following report alc. Tjcxier- Sen ate Chiamuber. Tahlahasse, Fia., April 15. 1925. Jolit a1S.~Taylor, Piestle at of Ihe Seniate. IHoe. b.:: oil Temperaince to whom was referred. Senate Bill No. 27: A bill to ihe entitled An Act to require daily readings yolur (onnuoittec from the H1olv Bib]e in all the public schools of the State of Florida. [ivae lad dir same tinder consideration, and recommend thaIt it (lo 1)"I","s \ cry respectfully, E. J. ETIIEIIEI)GE. (Cihairman of Committee. Aiiul Semiite Bill No. 27. contained iii the abo\ve report. was plawed on the Calendar of Biills oil Seciond Readiinu. Also the followingMr. Malone, Chairman of the Committee onl .ldiciary A, sxihniitted thle following report Senate (Chamber Tallahassee, Florida, April 15. 1925. ollo. Johi i S. utayJor O Presideat of the Seatde. Sir: Your Committee on Jundiciary A, to wbhom was referred- 148 Senate Bill No. 54: A bill to be entitled An Act to amniend( Section 2525 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida of 1920, prescribing the disqualifications of Judges, to repeal conflictinig legislation; to prohibit Attorneys at Law from accepting employment in causes wherein such emplovment would result in the disqualification of the presiding Judge, and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof. Have had the same under consideration, and recolilmend that it cio pass. Very respectfully, W. H. MALONE, Chairman of Committee. And Senate Bill No. 54, contained in the above report, was placed on the Calendar of Bills on Second Reading. Also the following: Mr. Malone, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary A, submitted the following report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. Hou. John S. Taylor, President of the Senate. sir: Your Committee on Judiciary A, to *whom was referredSenate Bill No. 80: A bill to be entitled An Act to confirm anti validate all sales and conveyance, and contracts for the sale, of lands made by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of Florida by authority and under the provisions of Sections 1061 and 1.062 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida. Have had the Sam1e und(ter consideration, and recom1mend that it do pass. Very respectfully, W. H. MALONE, Chairman of Committee. Anid Senate B1ill No. 80, containied. in the above report, was placed on the Calendar of Bills on Second Reading. 149 Also tile followingMr. Malone, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary i\, subuittcd time followilig report S'enate Chamber. Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925 ilomi. Johi& S. Taylor, Prcsident of the Senate. Sir: Your Committee on Judiciary A, to whom was referredSenate Bill No. 47 A bill to be entitled Ani Act vesting in the Trustees (It the Internal I muprovemelnt Fund of Florida time title to certain lands of Ilendrv County, Florida, described in State Deed Numuber 21,284 executed by Trustees, and authorizingg said Trustees to convey and confirm such lands to time i~ersoms to whom suchi lands have been pIeTrristees or their grantees. viously conveyed byT saidr Have bad tile same under consideration, and recomnumend that it dlo pass. Very respectfully, Wv H. MIALONE. Chiairmall of Committee. Anid Senate Bill No. 47, contained in the above report, was placemi on. the C~alendar of Bills on Second Readling. Also the followingMr. Overstreet, Chairmuami of the. Committee on Dr-ainage, 5111)Ifitted tile followimig report: Senate Chamber. rllflhassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. lion. JobIla S. Taylor. Piestdeiit of the Senate. Sir: Yomr Committee on l)rainagc, to whoim was referred-Senate Bill No. 81.: A bill to be entitled Anl Act to amend Section 5295 of the Rev isedl General Statutes of Florida, same bein, Sction 28 of Chapter 6456, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1913, 150 prescribing penalty for dlamaging dlainage works or obstructing flow of wvater in Everglales Drainage District. IHave hlad the same under conIsitleration al recolnendl that it dlo pass. Velry lrespetfully, M. O. OVERBSTRE:ET, Clhairmlan of ('ornmlittce. ill tile above report, And Senalte 13ill No. 81. containedl Reading. on the Calendlar of Bills onl Secondl was placedl Also the followingMr. Overstrect, C'hairmilna of the Comnlmittee on Drain- age, submlitted the followinjg report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Fla., April 15, 1925. liol. Jo1hn. S. Taylor, Presicdent of the S'enate. Your Comlmlittee onl Drlainage, to whom w-as referredlSenate T-ill No. 85: A bill to be entitled Anl Act to amend Section 7 of Chapter 8411, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1921, relating to the setting out of fires inl the Everglades Drainage District, and plreserilbiiig punishmnttt lierlefor. inderl consilderatiolln, and recommend Ihave ha1ld the same that it do pass. Verv respectfttlly, Ml. 0. OVERSTREET, Chairman of Committee. And Senaiite 1 ill No. Sn. conitailned in the albove repolrt, onl the ('aolellar of TBills on Seeond Reading. w-as placedl Also the following: Mr. Malone, Chlirman of thle Committee on Judiciary A. sulbmlitted the followving report: 151 Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. lion. John S. Tal8or, PrewleIitu of the Se note. Si,: on Judiciary A, to whom was referyonr Comnnittee redSenate Bill No. 52: A bill to be entitled Au Act to provide for the paynIellt of taxes upon real property from the proceeds of all judicial sales or other sales made undler legal pirocess. 1-1ave haid the same under conisideration, and rceommend that it do pass. Very respectfully, mVr. H. MALONE, Clhairman of Committee. Anid Senate Bill No. 52, contained in the above report, was placed on. the Calendar of Bills onl Seconmd Reading. Also the followingMr. Malone, Chairman of the Coinmiti tee on Judiciary A, submitted the following report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Fla., April 15, 1925. Lieu. John S. Ty/lor, President of i/h~e Senate. Sir: Your- C ommittee on Judiciary A, to whom wos rie. ferredSenate Bill No. 67: A bill to le entitled An Act to presribe the form and outline the requilrlnemlents of Nleas to be filed hr defendants in. all suits or actions for goods, wares or merchianldise sold, and in all actions upon account stated. Have bad the same under consideration, and recommend that it (lo not pass. Very respectfullyx. W. H1.MALONE, Chairman of Committee, 152 And Seniate 1ill No. 67. contained in the above report, wvas placed on the table undertlbe rules. Also the followingt-I Mr. Malone, (C'liaijman of the ( o nomittee onl JudiciamY A? submi-itted the following ecpoi't Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925z5 Hon. John S. Taylor, President of the Senate. Sir: Your Committee oil .Idiciarlv A, to whom was referredSenate Bill No. 53: A bill to be entitled An Act to aunend Section 715 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida, to Provide for the Return of Property for Taxation, for a punishment for failure to make such return, or for making Fraudulent return, and for the prosecution of offenders. Have had the samne under consideration. and the C'onŽiuittee reports a subst ituite, as follows: A bill to 1)e entitled An Act to amend Section 715 of the Revised General, Statutes of Florida, to provide for thle Return of P'roperty for Taxat ion, forwa punishment for failnur to make soeli reto rn, or for making, fraudulent returin, andI for tire prosecution of offenders; and to regulate the assessment of property wherie no iretuin is made. And(] recotmiii end I hat siibstitnte do pam. Very respectfully, AV. If. MALONE, Chairman of Comnimittee. And Senate Bill 1 No. 581. together with thew( 'ommiittee Subst itfit e 1hierefor. etiitii nild ili the above loI-"rt.. was placer] onili dw 'aleoda,11 oif' Bills oil Se-cond~ Bead ilo, Also thlie follo] Jinx Mrt'. MaIonw, CIhairnnaa of the (C'onintmittee on Judiciary A, siuiuiltted lxi following report: 153 Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Fla., April 15, 1925. IollI. John71 S. '(ayUlO), Prcsidc)ut of' the Neilate. b'ir·: your Committee oii Judiciarv A, to w-hom was re- ferred- Senate Bill No. 38: A bill to be entitledl An Acet to make recitals in decrees, jligientels dleeds of convreyallnces anLl pow-ers of attorney prima facie evidence of the facts so recited w-hen suchl decree, judgmellt, deed of conveyance or power of attorney has been recorlded more than twenvty years; and to plrescribe the conditions ulnder which such recitals shall be recceived ill evidence. Thile collmmlittee re coleinmrs the following amellmllent to the albove Senaite Bill No. 38 Iin Section :3, strike out all the balance of the section alter the last wor(l in the third line. lave hl1ad the sanme inler considleration, and recommend that it do pass, as amended. Very respectfully, W. II. MALONE, Chairman of Committee. And Semnate Bill No. 38, contained in the above report, together w ith committee amendment, was placed on the ('alenldar of B'ills on Second Reading. Also thle followring: Mr. Mallone. Chairlman of the Committee on Judiciary A, sublmitted the following report Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. Hom. Johnl S. Taylor, Presidlevt of the Senlate. Sir: Youlr (Commllittee on Judiciary A, to whiom was referred- 154 Senate Bill No. 90: A bill to be entitled An Act to empower County Judges in the exercise of jurisdiction as Judges of the Juvenile Court to issue compulsory process for the attendance of witnesses and to provide for the service thereof and the payment of the costs of same. Have had tie same under consideration, and recoinimend that it do pass. Very respectfully, W. H. MALONE, Chairman of Committee. And Senate Bill No. 90, contained in the above report, was llaced on the Calendar of Bills on Second Reading. -Mr. Anderson, (ha ioman of tile C(onmmittee oil Enrolled Bills, moved that the Committee be empowered to add Seetioti 3 to Scnate bill No. 21 as an essential to perfecting said bill. Whlmich wvas UnaninmotislY ag-reed to. And the Chairman of tle Committee Oil Enrolled Bills was authorized to covcer the defect by adding Section 3 as lroposed at the end of line 5 of said bill. Mr. lhodges, Chairmnan of the Special Joint Conmmittee oil the GoVernior"','s mecssalge, submitted the follownri yrep~ort: Tallahassee, Fla.. April 14, 1925. 1101?.. John S. Taylor, Prrsident of the Senate, 11071 A. Y. Mlilamt, Apealer) of the Hoiuse of Representatives. Sirs: Youi select committee 1)rovided for by Concurrent Resohltiomi to Ipepare and recommend such bills as would be appropriate to carry out. the recommenidations coitailed in the miessag-e of the Governor, be-g leave to report and recomnmend the passage of the attached committee bill: A bill to be entitled An Act relating to corporations. As being ap.lpropriate to carny out the recommendation of the· Governor to reNvamp the corporation laws. 155 Your comm11littee reconnuendsllcJS that this bill be placed oil the Clalenldar of each house .without further reference to a, comnmittee and that five hundecld copies of the bill be printed for distribution to members of the Legislature and other interestedl plersols. Respectfully submnitted, WM. C. JIODGE8, *Joint Cbhairman on part of Seiiate. C. W. HUNTER. ,Joint ( hairnmn on part of the House. FRED I.L DAVIS, A. N. TUJRNI3I'LL. Which was received ainl read and thte accompanying" bill by the above committee wras int 'oducel undeir teli iRnubOr of Senate Bi'll No. 123. On motion by Senator Ilotldges 500 copies wvas or-de-red printed. INTRODIT(C[ON O OF RESOLI IT IONS Mr. Colson offered the follow-ing Resolutioll--Senate Concurreint Resolution No. 6: Wh"fiereas the Congress of the United States has passed an act aplproved by the President February 24, 1925, entitled ''An Act to authorize the more complete endownment of agriculture experiment stations, and for other purposes''; and Wlhereas it is plrovided in Section 2 of said Act that rlTlle giants of mloney authorized by this Act are made subject to legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of said grants''; therefore be it R~esolv·ed~ y the Senate the House of Representatives concurring, That the assent of the Legislature of the State of ]Florida. he and is hereby given to the purpose of the grants made in that Act, and that the State, Board of Control is hiereby authorized and empowerel to apply them for the benefit of the agricultural experiment stations in accordance with the terms and] conditions exlpressed in the Act of Congress aforesaid. Which wimas read the first time. Air. Colson moved to waive the rules and that Senate (noucH Irent Resolution No. 6 be read the second time. 156 Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. The Resolution was read tIle second time. Mr. Turnbnll moved that the Resolution be referred to a committee for consideration. Which was agreed to. And Senate Conlcurrent Resolution No. 6 was referred to the C'ommiittee on -Approprlations. INTRODMCTION OF' 1 BILLS AN'~'D JOINT RESOLUTIONSlky M1r. ButlerSenate Bill No. 1(J5-A: A bill to be entitled An Act miaking an emergency ap])ropriatiou for contingent expenises of the State for the remainder of thle current fiscal year. Which N-as read thje first time by its title. Mr. Hodge moved that the rules he waived and that Senate Bill No. 105-A be read the second time by its title only. Which was agre'ed to by a twio-thirds v-oie. And Senate Bill No. 105-A was read the second time by its title only. Mr. Hod"ges iioved that the rules le waived and that Senate Bill No. 105-A be read the third time in fall and pilt up01 it',s passage. Which Was WIlreed to by a two-thirds vote. And Senate 1ill No. 10.5-A with title above stated, was read the third time in full. Upon the piassace of this bill the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Clark ,Coe, (0olson0 ('one. Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, Hineley, fologes. Knight, Malone, MeDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe, Russell, Scales, Singletary, Smith, Swearingigen. Taylor (31st Dist.), Turnbhull, rfurner Walker, 0 Watson. Wieker-0 N aivs-None. So tbe bill pnassed, title as stated. Anid the same was ordered to be certified to the. House of Representatives under the rule. Byv Mr. SwearingenSenate Bill No. 106: A bill to he (entitled An Act to amend Sections 6, 14 and 17 of ('hapter 9356, establshing a Criminal Court of Ree- 157 ord in P1olk County, Floridaa; said Section 6 relating to the salary of the judige of said court, said Section 14 relating to the sinluoning of jurors for said court, and said Section 17 relating to challenges in said court. Which was read the first time by its title. Mir. Swearingen nmovecd that the rules be waived and that Senate Bill No. 106 be read the second time by its title only. Wvhich was agreedl to by a, two-thirds vote. Aid Senate Bill No. 106 was read tile second time by its title only. Air. Swvearingen mi-oved that the rules he warived and that Senate Bill No. 106 he read the third time in full and pot upon its passage. Which wvas ageced to by a twio-thirds vote. And Senate Bfill No. 106, with title above statel, was r(ca. the third tiere in full. UJpon the pas;sazae of the )hill the vote was: Yeas-Mr. Pliesident, Seaators Ander-son, ClarK. Coc. * olsoit. Cone. Etfferedge, 0Allis. Hale. H-inelev. Kniilit, MaTr. Phillips, P'lutnalm, Rowe lone, MfcDaliiels, Overst8ect sell, Singletary, Swearingen, 'Taylor (31st D ist.). 'lTnbrhllf. Wasalot, Wicher-2(i. T1ulinet. \Talhert. Navs-None. So the bill passeil. title as stated. And the saute was ordered to be certified to the Hlouse of itch)preseitatt yes immediately, the ru1fle riavina beeti wvaivedl. By Mr. Clark (by request)Senate Bill No. 107: A bill to be entitled Anl Act to place the name of Dock Kemp Williams on Pension Roll of the State of Florida. Which was read the first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. PhillipsSenate Bill No. 108: A bill. to be entitled An Act providing for the appointment; of an additional Circuit Judge in and for the Third Judicial Circuit of Florida. Which was read the first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Judiciary A. 158S By Mr. Cla1rkSenate Bill No. 109: A bill to be entitled An Aet relative to crimes and offeuses conmmitted by persons using a disguise calculated to conceal their identity. Whicl was read the first time br its title and referred to thle Comlmittee on Jutdiciary C. By Mr. Clark (by reqCuest)Senate Bill No. 110: A bill to be entitled Anl Act grantilig a pelsiol to Daniel J. Matthe-ws of Okaloosa County, Florida. lTlhicl was read the first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Pensions. Blr Mi. McDanielSenate Bill No. 111: A bill to be entitled An Act providing for the distlibttion of Motol Vehicle License Tags by the Tax Collectols of the seveiral ('ounties of the State of Floiida; providiing that Motol \Vehicle Licenise Tags shiall be fu-nished by the Comp]tlollel of the Stalte of rFlorida to the Tax (Collect-olrs in serial numbers ; providing tile supervisiojn by thle Conil-- troller of the (listlihlltion of MIotol Vellicle Licelse Taogs andL plrovidillg for the comlpensation of the Tax Collector for (listiibilting Motoir Vehicle License Tags. VWhliclh was read tile first time br its title and refelrred to the ('onmnittee on Vffinance and TaxSation. Brv 3II. BitlelSenate Bill No. 112: A bill to be entitled An Act to plescribe tile open season for shooting and huntinig deer in Dnuval Collty, Florida anld Ipovidiiig penalties forl hlunlting, cliasing or killing deer in said Coumnty. Except in tile open season as providedl by this Act. Which was lead tile first tilne by its title anl( referred( to the Conmmittee orn (lame adl F'islleries. 1B3y Mr. ButlerSenate Bill No. 113: A. bill to be entitled An Act regulatinig the procedure in suits against infant and unknolwn parties. Which was read the first time by it-s title and referred to the Committee on Judiciarv A. 7 -·4 7 7---m .i·::--,·:--- - - 159 By Mr.%OverstreetSenate Bill No. 114: * bill to be entitled Au Act creatinig a Florida State p'ar-k System ownied and operated by therl Triustees of the *lncternal Inmprovemient Fd, authorizing- them to set aside certUain lamud for park piutiposes and other lands to le sold1 for the puipose of creating Florida State Patuk System; to accept gifts of land and purchlase lanlds fromil ind(i\viduals, the I [iinted States Govrenmnent anid its, ac-encies ; tuitoriizi~ll" thlle C(o'un1ty Clomm1lissioners to puirchlase and ma intani parks a 11(1cooperate wvith the trutstees ; to mitake Ž11 a)]) 0opriationu for ca]ifll)g out the provisions of this Act. hllich was",read the first timue hr- its title and referred to the Committee on Judiciarv B. BrMr. Plhillips8Senate Ilill No. 116: A bill to be entitled Anii Act to increase the efficiency of the Bureaui of Immigratio n of the Department of Agriculture of the State of Florida ; defining( duties anid power,1s; projifling for' inecessary assistants; and ialkino' alppropriationi therefor. W\liieh was read the first time 1hr its title and1 referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Br Mr-. (larkSenate Bill No. 116: A bill to be entitledi An Act plrohibiting- the carrving onl. orl enligaging inl Work, labor, trades occupations. pprofessions, gcamries or sports on Suniidav under certain cireutnstances ; ploriding a. penalty for the violation hiereof, auid( rep)ealing certain lawns in conflict herrew.ith. Which -wa~s read the first time by its title annd referred to the Committee on .Judicia r C. Bv Mr. Clarki-k Senate Bill No. 117: A bill to be entitled An Act(Br permission, Senate Bill No. 117 was withdrawn by Mr. Clark temporarily, to be introduced tomorrow under the 5ame nmnber). Byv Mr. Clark-Senate Toint Resolution No. 118 A. Joint Resolution proposing an. amendmient to Section 160 4 of Arlticle II I of the Conlstitution of thile State of F'loridcla relative to lqualificatiolns andl pay of Senate and Members of thle Hlouse of Reprleselitatives. AVlcli w\-asieadl tile first time by its title alndl referre(l to tlie (omminittee on ('onstititioiial Ainellidments. By· Mlr. ClarkSenate B3ill No. 119): A bill to be entitledl An Act(By permlissioin Senate B3ill No. 119 Avas Avithdrawnv by Mr. Clark temporarily, to be iintrodlctled tomorrow undllelrl the same numtiber). ]3y l i. ClarkSemate Bill No. 1]20: A bill to be entitledl An Act nmaking it a misdemeanllor for an plelrson to use or A-ealr uplon any%lpublic highway, public load, pIublic bypath, puhlic stlreet, public passage-war or an)y lubllic place of any chalracter whatsoever, or ill ally opelL place in view thereof, or llpOII the private plr('emises of another Avithout suhel othelr's colnselnt, in the State of Flolrida, a hood an(l Inask, olr a hoodl or a mashl, orl alnything ini the nature of either. or any facial disguise of n;ay kindl o dlescri]ption wlaltsoeverl calculated to coiweca! oi hiide tihe identity of saidl person or to prevent his being rea(lily lecognizedl. except in the cases of seluill)tioll helrein provi(ledl, all(l fixing thIe penalty thercfo'. Whlich was readl the first tilme 1h) its title dll(lreferred to tile Committee on judliciarlv (C. 1:M Ali. liinelevSeniate B:ill No. 121: A bill to be entitledl An11 Acet to legalize and validate the electiolln held in the City of Live Oak, Florida, on the 25Tth dlay of Marchll A.D. 1924, to determine whether or not said city shlould issue bolnds for certain Municipal Implrovclen.t plurlposes; to calrry into effect, legalize, validate alnd confillr the results of said election; anthorizing sai(l city io issue bonds in the sum of $9,500.00, with whviiclh to laise moniev folr tile purpose of paving Helvenllstonll Avenlue, pilrSllant to the results of said election; andl repealing all laws and parts of lawvs in conflict withl tIhe provisions of thiis Acet. Whichl -was lreadl the first time by its title. 161 that the rules be waived and that mlovedl 1lillelegy tr. Senate Bill No. 121 le read the seoeond time by its title o011y, Wbich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And Senate Bill No. 121 wias read the second time by its title 0y3'. Arl.. Hilneley moved that tie rules be w)aived anrd that Senlate Bill No. 121 be read tile third time in full and pult uPOn its passage. which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And Senate Bill No. 121, witlh title above stated, wNas sead tile thircd timn in full. Ujpon the passage of the bill the vote was: e~as-Mr.· 'President, Senator-s Anderson, Butler. Clark, (,oc,, (,Iolsou, Cone, Edge, Gillis, Hale, Hineleyv ,odges. KnIjighit, Malone, MeDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe', Russell, Scales, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor, (31st Turnerle Walker, Watsoni, Wfieker-- 29 l)ist.), Trnnimbll, Nays-Nonie. So tint bill passed, title as stated. Anjd thlie same w:as, ordered to le ceritified to thie Houise of ltepresenitt 13y M. ive-s nuder- the rnle. ilincley- S4enate Bill No. 122: A bill to he entitled Al Act to legalize and validate the election held in the City of Live Oak, Florida, on the 18th day of November, A. D. 1924, to determine whether or not said city should issue bonds in the suni of $27,500.00, for certail municipa~l improvement pnrposes; to carry into effect, legalize, validate aid confirm the results of said election; authorizing said city to issue said bonds; ,and repealing all laws and parts of lawvs in conflict with tile pirovisions of this Act. Whichiwas read the first time by its title. the rules be waived and that Mr. Hjinley moved tiat Senate Bill No. 122 be read the second time by its title only. Which waxs agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And Senate Bill No. 122 was read the second time by its title only. Mr. 1-inheley moved that the rules be waived and that Senate Bill No. 122 be read the third time in full and put npon its passage. Whitch was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. 162 And Senate bill No. 122, with title above stated, was read the third time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-----Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Butler, Clark, Coe, Colson, Cone, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale IHineley, Knight, Malone, McDaniels, Overstreet, Putnam, Rowe, Russell, Scales, Singletary, Simith, Swearingen, Taylor, Trurnbull, Walker, Watson, Wicker-28. Nays-None. So the bill passed. title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the Iouse of Representatives immediately, the role having lbeef waived. By Special Committee to Consider Governor's MessageSenate Bill No. 12:3: A. bill to be entitled An Act relatinig to corporations. Which was read the first time by its title and placed on thm Calenidar of Bills on Secontd Rueading Lunder the rules. By iMr Walker (Byr Request)- Senate till No. 124: A bill to lit cnttled Ani Act to create the Department of Game and Fr mih Water Fish and the position of State ganme cominiiisiouer and to define his dtI~ties and powA~ers and fixlhis compensation; to provide for the issuance of huntintg linses- aintl to make an appropriation to carry out the prov isions of this Act. Which was readc thie first timie by its title and referred to the Committee on Game and Fisheries. MTESS~a(E vliM TIlE HOISE 01O I{EI'I1E SENTAT1 yES Time following melc8ssagWe from tihe House of lleprceslentatives wvas received and read: oause of Repre.sentativ·es, Tall ahmassee, P~lorida, April 15, 1925lion. Johin S. Taloi or, President of the 8ewitite. x~: T a.n directed hrA the House of Represtentatives to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has passed- 163 House Bill No. 209: A bill to be entitled C1ounItv ('Colnissionci's Floida. b resolution, ingt bonids, bearinig six An Act autlhorizing the Board of of the County of Okeechobee, to issue negotiable interest bearper cent. (6%) interest per annull, Jpayable semi-annually, in sunch form( date of maturity and time and place or places of payiments as the said Boareti of County ('omnussioners may adopt. in thle sum111 of 200,000.00, the proceeds of w-hich to be used] for tile construction of a courthouse for- Okeechobee County. Florida, and for furnishing fixtures for said building, and for paving and work incidental to the preparation of the gTrounnds around said building and to create a sinking furnd for the payiment of the principal and interest on said bondIs anti to provide for tbe sale anld retirement of same; nraming depositories for moneys derived from sale of said bonds and from tax for sinking funud for ietirementm of bonds. Aind respectfully requests the concurrence of tile Senate heIlreto. Very respectfully, B. A. MEGINNTSS. Chief Clerk House of Representati-ves. And House Bill No. 209, contained in the above inessage, was r~ead thle first time by its title. Air. 'Walson moved that Hie rules he rwaived and! that House 13i11 No. 209 he read the second time by its title only. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And LiHonse Bill No. 209 wvas read the seconrd time by its title only. Mr. Watson moved that the rules be wvaived and that hlouse Bill No. 209 be read the third time in full and put utpon its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Andtiouse Bill No. 209 -withl title above stated, was end the third time in full. Upon call of tile roll oil the passage of the bill thle vote was,: Yeas-Mlr. President, Senators Andeson , Butler, Clark, Coc, Cone, Etheredge, Hale, Hodges, Knight, McDaniels, Over-street. Putnam, Russell, Singletary, Smith, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker21. 162 And Senate Bill No. 122, with title above stated, was read tre third time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas--Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Butler, Clark, Coe, Colson, Cone, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale Hineley, Knight, Malone, MeDaniiels, Overstreet, Putnami, Rowe, Russell, Scales, Singletary, Smith, Swearimgen, Taylor, Turubull, Walker, Watson, Wieker-28. Nays-None. So the bill passed, title as stated. And the samne was ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives innmediately, the vale having been waived. By Special Committee to Consider Governor's MessageSenate Bill No. 123: A bill to be entitled An lAct relating to eorporations. Which was read the first time by its title and placed on the Calenidar of Bills oil Second Rcadinlg undAer the rules. By Mr. Walker (By R'equest)Senate 13ill No. 124: A bill to be entitled An Act to create the Department of Gaame and Fresh Water Fish and the positIon of State gamne conimussioner and to define his dnties and powers and fix Iis compensation; to provide for the issuance of hiuntinig licenses ; ann to make an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this Act. Which wN-as read tire first time by its title and referred to tie C0ommll'ittee on Game 'and Fisheries. M:ESSAGE ~FROM TIlE 110 UrSE (F' II E P REl.SE NTAT [\'VES rfie. folloing messag-e from tire House of lIep-esentatuves wvas received and read: House of Relepreseiltatives, '1'all haluss e. Flor-ida, April 15, l92¼ Ifom. Job~ ii . Talu for, Presidenit of tihe 8einote. Sur: i am (lileeted bhr tire house of Represenitatives to inlform tire Senate thiat the lo1ruse of Representatives Inns passed- 163 IIoPuse Bill No. 209: A bill to be entitlel An. Act authorizing the Board of CIounItyt Commnssioners of the ('ounty of Okeechobee, Floridia by resolution,. to issue negotiable interest bearjug bonds, bearing six per cent. (6%/) interest per anpunt, )ayable semi-annually, in such form date of ma.- trit y and time antid place or places of payiments as the said Board of County Coimuissioners, may adopt, in the sum of $200.000.00, the ])roeee(s of which to he used for tile construction of a courthouse for Okeechobee County. Florida, mid( for furnishing fixtures, for said building, ant for paving and wYork incidental to tim preparation of the gfrounds, arlolnd said building and to create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal and interest on saiil bonds antl to plrovidle for tim sale and retirement of same; naming depositories for moneys derived from sale of said bonds and from tax for sinking fund for retirenient of bonds. And respectfully requests the concurrence of the Senate thereto. Very respectfully, B. A. MEGINNISS, Chief Clerk House of Representatives. And] Tlouse Bill No. 209, contained in the above messaige. wvas rea1 tile first time by its title. *Mr. Watson mooved that the rules he waivaed and that hfouse Bill No. 209 he read the second time by its title only. Which wvas agreed. to by a two-thirds vote. Ant House Bill No. 209 was read the second time by its title only. Mr. Watson moved that the rules be wai'ved and that TIouse Bill No. 209 he read the third time in full and put upon its passage. Which was agreed to by a twNo-thirds vote. Aind House Bill No. 209 with title above statedi. was I eadi the third time in full. Upon. call of the roll on the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-M-r. President, Senators Anderson, Blutler, Clark, Co, Cone, Etheredge, Hale, Hodges, Knight, Mc- IDaniels, Overstreet. Putnam. Russell, Singletary, Smith, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turner. Walker, Watson, Wicker21. 164 N a~ys-None. So the bill was passed as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the IHouse of Representatives inmediately, the rule having been waived. Alsovlhe following- messag-e from the(, House of RepIesentafive!s was recei vedl anti read: House of Re.('preselntatives, Tlallahaassete Fla.. April 15. 1.925. llomm. John 8. Toylor. Pecsideta of the Senate. Sir: 1 amu directedI by the ho0iuse of Rep]res emtatives to iniform111 time Senate that the, house of R-tepresentatives has adoptedh0ouse· Comeriicuent· Resolution No. 5: bongresass Coil"-rcss of oilethe United 'States hasdpassed an. Act approved lby the President February 24. 1925, (entitled '"Al Act to authorize the mooe eomplete endowmeIlat of ag-ricultural experinment stations, andi(] for other pulrposes`''; anld WiVerews it is provided ill Section 2 of salid A ct that Time g-rants of money auitlioiizedl by this Act are niade subject to lerislat ive assent of the several States animl te'rritories to tile paipose of said giants'' therefore lbe it Iesool\etd b iln Ilollse- of RI'epreselltatives, thlle SenaVt cncurring", that t lie assent of the Legis-lattore of the(, Statek of Florida be anid is Iierelby given to tile pmmr pose of time grn-mits mula nh ill that i\ct, and tlit the St;lte Board of Control is hcIicbv authorized and empowered to apply them for thetbentfit of thie agricultural experiment stations inl aceortlanut -wVith the terms and conditions express-ed. in the Act of Cong-ress afor-esaid. And IrspieCtfiill- requests tile concurrentce of the Senate therin to. Very respectfuilly. B. A. MEGINNISS, (hief Clerk House of Repr~esentatives. Anti House Conenrurenit Resolutioni No. 5, contained ill tille bliove message, was, read time first time and referred to tho Committee oil Appropriations. 165 Tallahassee, Fla., April 14, 1925. House of Represeltatives, lion. Jo!71 a S. Taylor, fl'rcs4deuit of the S'enate. i ant directed by- the Hfouse of hIeipresenitatives to inform the Senate that the Speaker has announced lthat he has app"oillned on the Committee on the part of the lou[se W irovifled for hr Senate Concurrent Resolution No. i, to invi\stipcte the State Llvvestock Sanitary BoardBeryY'lnt, Mar and Stone. VerY respectfully, B. A. MEGINNIS8, Chief Clerk Iouse of Representatives. A!lso-'Fhi, following messeage N front thie hlowse of lires wasif received anld reaid vlepresenita- House of Representatives,' Tallahassee, Fla.. A~pril 15. I ¶J'5. Hlol. Jolhm 'S. Tajlor. Sr:Fr.ideallt of the Senate. [ an directed by the IHo use of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House of riepresentative has passedSenate Bill No. 19: A bill to be entitled Aul Act providing for tie issuance and sale of bonds in the sum of $125,000 by the Board of Public Instruction of the Coutity of Santa Rosa, State of Florida, to fund the outstanding indebtedness of tie said Board of Public Inst.ruction ; providing, a sinking fund with which to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as same mature, specifying what interest said bonds are to bear, the late and maturity of the same, prescribing cern tain duties of the saial Board of Public Instruction; pro- 166 hibiting said board from borrowing money after the sale of such bonds, and prescribing penalties for a violation thereof. AlsoSenate Bill No. 48: A bill to be entitled An Act to validate and confirm the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, to authorize the issuance and sale of $2,000,000 of road bonds of said County and $650,000 of bridge bonds of said County, and providing for the levy of a tax to pay the said bonds. AlsoSenate Bill No. 68: A bill to be entitled An Act to Igealize and validate the proceedings of the Town of Hastings, Florida, for the issuance and sale of twenty-five thousand dollars improvement bonds of the Town of Hastings, Florida, issue of 1925, and authorizing the issuance of said bonds, and the levy of taxes thereon. AlsoSenate Bill No. 94: A bill to be entitled An Act to legalize, validate and confirm an election held in the City of Gainesville, a Municipal Corporation in Alachua County, State of Florida, on August 29th, A. D. 1924, under the provisions of An Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the issuance of bonds of the Municipality of the City of Gainesville in the sum of three hundred sixty-six thousand dollars for the construction of street paving upon the streets thereof, and for the extension of and improvement of the water and the sewerage systems of the City of Gainesville, for the construction and maintenance of a Hospital, and for the construction or acquisition of a City Building, and the calling and holding of a special election in said city for the purpose of deciding at said election, by the votes of the qualified electors of said city, who were qualified to vote in the annual city election held on April 8th, 1924, and who pay a tax upon real or personal property, whether or not bonds shall be issued as provided for herein,'' approved 22nd day of July, A. D. 1924, to determine whether or not the said City of Gainesville should issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of three hun- 167 dred sixty-six thousand dollars, for the purposes specified therein; and legalizing and validating the bonds issued, or to be issued under the provisions of said ordinance and tile said election ; legalizing and confirnming the expeinditures provided for in said ordinance for the objects and jiiirposes, enwtioned thierein, and legalizing, validating and c1rntjifming any and all proceedings had in connection tilprcwith. Very respeetfuliv. B. A. kIEiGINNNSS, Chief Clerk House of IRepresentatives. And Senate Bills, Nos. 19, 48, 68 and 94, contained in tile above message. were referred to the Committee on En- rolled Bills. AlsoThe following message from the Ilm.ojsi olF tiv·es wTlas received and I'icsC'ite- eadl: lou~se of teiire-seniiat ives. Tallahiliassei, Florida, April 15. P125. Ifoii. John s. 'taylor. President ofhe rfewnole. Nip: elpcresentatives to infoinm houl1s'e of Representative"s has passedHouse Memorial No. 1: Mlemorializin g the interstate Comnmerce t'iominission forthe relief of those egngaged in ag-riculture anld horitrultulre. Very respectfully, B. A. MEGINNISS, Chief Clerk 1house of Representative's. 1 ani drecteii Ine tie House of the Senate that. the;( And House Memorial No. 1. containied in the above message, was read the first time and was laid over unader thile rule. Also-The following- message from the house of Representatives was received and read: .4- 168 IHlouse of Reprlesentatives, Tallahassee, Floridla, April 15, 1925. IIoni. Joh7 S. Toylor, Presidelt of the Senate. PSii·: 1 am tliectedl by the I-louse of Reprleseltatives to inform the Senate that the House of Reprlesentatives has passetlIIonse Bill No. 119: A bill to be entitled An. Aet to authorize tle C1olulty of Olrange to levy a. special tax for publicity ptnuposes alnt proviling for the expenditure thereof. AlsoHouse Bill No. 140: A bill to be entitled An Act giilvg and granting to the Board of County Commissioners of Bay County, Florida, and its successors in office, the consent and authority of the State of Florida to erect, construct, build, control and operate a bridge for highway purposes over and across the east arm of St. Andrew's Bay, at a place known as Long Point, and also a bridge at a place on St. Andrews Bay known as Sulphur Point, thle same being navigable water in the Counlty of Bav, State of Florida. AlsoHouse Bill 1)1: A bill to be entitled Anll eActauthorizinlg thle Citv of Titulsville to issue bonls and to amendl Section 39 relating to sale of bonds of Chlapter 6108 of the Law's of Florida, entitled, "An. Act to abolish the present municeiipal government of the Town of TitLusville, in the Countty of Brevard and State of Florida, and to establish, organize and constitute a mnunicilpality to be knolwn and desigllated as the City of Titnsville ant to define its telrritorial boundaries and to lprovi(le folr its jllrisdictiion, powrers alnd privileges. AlsoHIonse Bill No. 22G: A bill to be entitledl An Act to establish, organize anti constitute a mlnunicil)aity to be known anil designated as the Town- of Oviedo and( to tlefine its terrIitorial bounldaries, anl to plrovide for its jurlisdiction, goVelrnlment, powers andl privilege. 169 A Iso1loamO Bill No. 242 ]bill io be centitehl Aix Act to pr-ovide for and establish bid alnd gamue rserrat ion, defining its boundaries, proIlil~itto'' thle lxnintiit trapping, chasing, killing or miolest- ay n t aildiniials, birds; or fowl within said lesw) Ao" rihel'( bound xuaries alld providing a punlislunent for the \ Iltere 31. xespectfulli 1 013lt1011 \n1tl requests the concurrence of the Senate Very respeetf lliv. B. A. MEFGINN1tSS. ChAief Clerk Hlonse of iepresentatcives. ol h1ous1ee Iill No. 11!), contained in tire above message, Wa\.s real tile first time 1 its title. MiI. (Q)vrstreet movedl that the rules be waived and that loose B'ill No. 11D be r-ead thle secox I[ time hrv its title 0 iii'·. Whliich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And House B ill No. 119 was read the seeond Iilme 1hv its litle on1ly. Air'. ()verstreet moved that the rules bxx'waived adl that ii 1nl antid put itLtspassage. ltili Which was agreed to by a t-wo-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 119, with title above stated, was read tile third time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was * House Bill No. 119 be read the biill timei *Yeaas-Mi.. Presidlent, Senators Auxierson, Butler, Clark. Coe. Cone. Edg-e, Etheredge, Gfillis, 1-Tale, Hineley, Malone. Singletar-y. e~ll~an iels, Oversitreet, Phl'lips. Russell, Smriith~. Swearin-i, Tay'lor (01st Dish.), Turfinbull Turner. Waiflker. Wicher-25. Navs-No ne. So the bill passed, title as stated. Adl the same was nrderexl to be certiflexi to tIre -louse; or Representfati ves. Aid 1louse B ill No. 140(. conlta iii cx ill tin a i)ove nxess-xee, was readl the first time hr its title. Mr-. MeDaniiels moved that the roles ibe waived and that loose Bill Ni. 141) he readl time second time tinlv. Wixiell was agreed to byV a two-fi irds rote. hr is ;title 170 Alu I 110 US Bill No. I.,I was iCidh ilie ecolhl Lime bill its title 0111-. Mr. MeDaniels moved that the rules be waived and that House Bill No. 140 be read the third time in full and put upon its jpassage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And H1ouse Bill Ni). 1-40. with- title above statet, Was read the third tline in full. Upon the passage of the bill tile vote wvas: Yeas-Mr. President, Senators Anderson. Clark, C(oe, CJolson, Cone; Edge, Etlieredge, GIillis, Hale, Hjinelc, Hodges, Jnight, Malone, MeDaniels, Overstrcet, Phillips, Rowe, Russell, Singletary, Smith, Swearingeni, Taylor (31st Dist.) Turnbull, Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker -28. Nav-s-Noue. So the bill lpassed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to tile House of Representatives. And Hlouse Bill No. sag, nwas ic'ad the first tile Calendar of Local reference. And House Bill No. sage, was jead the first the Calendar of Local reference. And House Bill N). sage, wias read the first tile Calendlida of Local reference. 151, contained in the above mestime li its title his place(I on wall Bills on Secondil Reading withlout 226, contained in the albove mestime by its title andl was placed on Bills on Seconl Reading w itliout 242, containied ill the above mestime by its title and was placel oil Bills 01] Second Reading without AlsoThe followingp mtessage from the House of Representatives )vas received ani read: House of Representatives, Tallahassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. lion. Jovhn . Taylor, President of Iihe eiiedte. I al directed by the Honse of Representatives to in- form thle Senate that tlie House of Representatives has passedl- 171 Hrouse bill No. 243: A bill to le entitled An Act to Jirohibit the rI-[jlimjio at larg~e of mogs Avitliit the fOllOw'iing describl IbonumidaI(Ies Iegiflfli~lg at the northeast corner'. of Sectioo 6, Towvlship 48' Southj, Range 26 East, in Lee Conit'-, Florida, south to Caloosaliatelicc River, wvesteri- al]( folowino- alongi j1iortli side of said river low water mark to thie A. C. L. Rail-oad, thence following said railroad track in a northwecsterl~y direction to the north boundary li e of ice ,ounuIty, theiiee easteri- and along said boundary line to thle pOinit of b)g-illiIligO ;11(d providing ai peiialty foi tile violatiols thereof. And respectfully irquiets tile cOmlilcicilce of IIe Sejiate tlicreto. Veryv respectfullY, B. A. MEC4JNNISS. Cbiief (Jerk House of Repr-esentatives. A;d House Bill No. 248, contained iIl the above Inessage, was riead the first timie by, its title and placed on the (1 aleudar of Local Bills o01 Second Reafding- without refere'llee. 1:- 1lolaiHinlous consent'lHie Senate reverted to the('ONSIDERATIJON 0? IOlFSOL~UT IONS. Senate Conenrrent Resolution No. 5 The Joint Resolution proposing the rejeetion by the Legislature of the State of Florida of the proposed aoienduient to the Constitution of the United States, provided for 1bw- House -Joint Resolution No. 184, of tie 68th C'ongress (if the Unitied States, conterring lpon (Congress jwx'cr to lihmt, regnilate and plroilibit the lalbor of persons 1111(e11 18 years of age. Was taken up andl placed bIefore the Senate, fliii secoc0ml tunte. Mr. Phillipps moved to adopt thle resolution. mJj* coo offered tile following amendmnent Joinlt Resolintion No. 5: in lil' onie, insert the wvoid 'Concurrent,'' word ''Senate,'' and] hefore the, word 'Resolution." And] inserting at teli cud of line 2:3, after Ifhe", '' and before IeI(' word '' 1 iiit. ' i word tar iaoI. and[ read to Senate after the tile wvorid 'hulmnni- 172 Mr. (oe mlove(I tile adoption of the amenwdment. Which wvas agreed to. The. question theni recurred upon the aidoption, of the Resolution as amended. Upon wvhich a call of tile r·oll was demanided. Tile roll was called and the vote stood: Yt'aS3-Mr. Presidenlt, Senlators" Andersonl, Butt' r. (sd Jo-e, C2ol-01o. Cone, Edge. Etheredoge, Gillis. aMle, li11ijiwy, Iondges Knight, 21alone, MUel)anfels, (irerestreet I 11111p,s Putnam, Russell, Scales, Singletar. Smith, Sn'ai iii" a, Taylor (31st Dist.), rhurwl., Walker, Waitson, Wui )k,,,--2 Nays-None. Thr- action of the Senate Nvwa olrld' ici to hIC Irt( Hrd to the Committee oil Engrossed Bills sin ifter thi report to he certified to thle, h1oluse of Represntatives. The following explanation of his vote oil Senlt (onil' lent Resolutioni No. 5 was registered by Senator TunbIubll I ask to he. excused froin voting oil tins Resol t Sml for following reasonsi. The amlendmencltt. to 1. S. ConstilLat1i somught to he(~ rejected is not properly before the Jegsin )lAme. 2. See. 19, Act XVI, Flor'ida Colu-tltft1011. lpl'ol~iiuits action by the present Legislature on said amenedment. 3. 1 am not ii sympathy with the verhing of the· Resolution, although T am in favor of rejectimx the amendme(njout. TITEO. T TI T RNBI3I L. The followinlg coininnication from tile Sevretmarv -if State wvas receivedl, read and ordered to lie spreadl o tile .Tonrn~al: Office of the Secretary of State. State of Florida, Tallahassee. April 14. 1925. lion. John S. Taylor, Senate Clanhber, Talaliat e85. Flor I'tt MyI T Dearl Sir: Responding to req nest from members of Ilie Stale Seiiate, i ami writning vono to state tllat no cojn' of fihe pronlcosed Nineteenthi Amiendmnent to the ( 1onstitutiomi of the T, IitedI States 1155 been received at this office. Yonres vee-r t aI.I, HI. C('LAY C'RAWAFORD. Seereta n- of State. 173 The considciatioii of bills onl the second readnig was reslumed : Senate Bill. No. 103: A bill to he entitled An Acet permitting coulties to owll ancl opelate coldl stolrage plants. WVas talken up andl placed before the Senate, and readl the secoid tilme. rI..IIodges novetl tllat the further consideratioln of the prassedl allnd that it -retain its pJositimnl On bil be teliPoillily thile Calendclar. Senlate 13ill No. 104: A bill to be elltitledl An Act to providce for tllhe elreatioii of a colnlissionl to mllake a complete phvsical aud economlli- of the Florida C'oast Line Canal, with authorcal surlvey ity to malke aI full report of its findings to the ('ovenilor. anld llmaking a*1 approl)riatioil tlelrefoLr. Was tak(ll uip nlid placedl before the Senllate, adl readl thle secolllnd tillle. Mrl. Wiatson mlloved that the raules be waive-d alld that Sellnte Bill No. 104 lbe )laeed back onl the secolld read(lig folr amelllml11ellt. Whicth w-as not agleed to. Antl the bill was placed on the Calendar of bills on third reading. to waive the rules and take up Mr. Ovelrstreet movedl out of its olrder House Bill No. 119 for consideration. Which w7as agreed to by a two-thirclds vote. AndIIouse Bill No. 119: A bill to be entitled All Act to authllorize the Conllty of Olalge to levy a special tax for publicity purposes adllcl providingr fol the expelcnditure thereof. Was taken tip. amld that Mr. Overstlreet imoved thlat the rules be waivedl Ilolucse Bill No. 119 be read the second time by its title olly. Whllich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Anfd 1louse Bill No. 119 was read the seconl timle by its title on1ly. Mr. Overstreet movedl that the rules be wraived andl that lTouse Bill No. 119 be lead the third time in fnll and put 111ioi its passage. 174 Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 119, with title above stated, was read the third time in full. Upon call of the roll on the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas--Senators Anl]d(ersol, Clark, C(oe, Cone, Edge, Etheredge Gillis, Hale. h1ineley, Hiodoes, Knight, Malone. MeDaniels, Overstrcet, Phillips, Putnam, Russell, Scales, Singletary, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor, Turner, Walker-24. Nays-None. So the bill passed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. On motion of i'lr. hale, Senate Bills Nos. 40 and 41 were withdrawn from the Calendar of Local Bills on Seeond0 Readinoi and referred to the Comintltee on Roads and Ihighways. Mr. Overstreet moved to waive the rules and take up out of its order House Bill No. 119 for consideration. Which was agreed to by a t-wo-thirds vote. Andi-louse Bill No. 226: A bill to lie entitled Anu Act to establish, organize and constitute a niunicipality to be known anld designated as the Town of Oviedo, and to define its territorial bounidaries, and to provide for its jurisdietion, government, piowxers and privilegres. Was taken uti and placed before the Senate. Mr. Overstreet noved that the rules be waived and that House Bill No, 226 be read the second time by its title only. Which wrasi,, a greed to by a two-thirds vote. And 'louse Bill No. 226 was read the second time by its title onli. Mi-. Overstreet moved that tbe rules be wvaived and that House Bill No. 226 be read the third time in full and plut 1)1p01 its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And house Bill No. 226, with title above stated, was read the third time in frill. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: a's Andrson. Btler. (lark, 'c (one. E~iu. iiln cdii..(fllis. Halo. hliiiub'v, I m K iiighit, 175 M:alone, MAcDanliels, Ov-erstreet, Phlilips, Putlam. Rowe, Russell. Scales. Singletary, Smitlh, Swearingen, Taylor , Wallker, watson, Wicker (31st Dist.), Trurnlall, TurelneL -29. Nays-Noine. So the bill passeLd, title as stated. Andcl the same was ordered to be certifiel to the IHouse of Representatives. By perllissionMr. Turnbull offered the following lResolutioll: Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7 Whereas, Senate Bill No. 26, being a bill to be entitlicl An Act to amend Section 1061 of tlhe Revised General Statutes of the State of Florida, sarme being Section 1 & C(lIapter 7304, Laws of Florida, Aets of 1917, vesting title to l illprove certain tidal lands in the Trustees of the Internal mnent Fulnd of the State of Florida, intlroduclee h.- Sellator Singletary, of the 4th. AndSenate Bill No. 35, being a bill to be entitledl An Aet vesting in the Trutstees of the Internlal ILmprovemllent Fu nd of the State of Florida the power and antlolrity to regulatle and control the filling in and the placing of obstructions in the navigable watelrs of the State; and vestilnr in tile trustees the power and anthority to establish plel-leadl, bullk-hlead and clockl lines, introdluced by Se'.ator- Triirbull. of the 22nd. Arc now pellnding for consideratioln '?e 1udiciallry B or the S-nat; and, Whereas, Companion Bills, known as IHouse Bill No. 179, by Replresentative and House Bill No. 178, introducedl Weeks, of Holmes County. are pending for consideration before Jnudiciary B of the House; and, Wllereas, These measures are of State-wTide intelrest and importance and should have full and free discussion and consilelration ; now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives, concurring, That said bills be considered by the Judiciary Committees B, by the Senate and I-Iouse of Relpresentative s in a Joint public hearing to be held in the Hall of the house of Representatives on Welnesday evening at 8 o'clock, Aprlil 22nd, 1925. Whiceh -wasreadl the first time. 176 Mir. Turunull moved that the rules be waived and that Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7 be read the second time. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7 wvas read the second time. Mr. Turnbull moved to adopt the Resolution. Which was agreed to. So the Resolution was adopted. A ud the shame wxas ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. Mi'. Mlalone introducedSenate Bill No. 125: A bill to be entitled An Act to give to Common Carriers a lien upon goods transported by them, or held for delivery or in storage on demurrage by them; and providing for the enforcement of such lien by, sale; and for the sale of perishable plroperty and live stock in certain cases; and repealing Section 45313 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida relating to demanid for freight, when prohibited. Which was read the first time hr its title anid referred to the Committee on Judiciary A. ly- permussionMr. Mlalone introduced6enate Bill No. 126: A bill to be entitled An Act to fix the salaries of judges of the criminal courts of record in certain counties in the State of Florida. Which was read the first time by its title. Andi the lIll was placed on the Calendar of Local Bills oi,i he Secomi Reading without reference. hii niotion of Mr. Watson, the rules beiag waived by a two-dhirds vote Senate bill No. 104 was ordered to be placed back on its, seond readilug!] for1 the purpose of ameilwndment. The hotur of one 0'clock havinir arrived, t-'e hour prescijlw imd("' the rule for adjornMen01t the Senate adimi}riied until 11 o'clock A. M1., Thursday. April 16, A. D., 1 1025. Thursday, Aprili R6, 1925 Tihe sen ale Convefled at 11 A\. All.. puiirsnant to adijour-n'flie Pyesident iii t le chairl. Teiou .(I anlswere(d AlI. was (diled andt to their iianlies: President S~enators the foll owIitig Anderson., Butler, Sen~atlos Calkins, Clarik. Coc., (olsoii Conie. Ed-e. Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, ifijie~ley, ifodges, Kniotlt, AlcDaniet, Overstreet, Phillips, pultniam, Row e Russell, Singletary. Smitli, ,Swearingen, ,rax'ho, T~puiuu Kui , Ttimier. Walker, Watson, Wicker-30A. quormol"mmpre-sent. [Iiraver br Chaplainl. Rleadling of time .Jo'nial was dispensed with. T1hie daily ~Jolitnal o~f April 15th was corrected and, as cr ieceteil, waxs app rove(1. The Jou1 rimal of the Seniate ofl Friday, April 10th, commit' ed 1)w tile Senlate as follows: Omil page two (2) inue two (2) of said pag-e to immidlei Se~nate Resolution No. 6'' instead of ''under atje Iomiuirvient Rtesolutioni No. ~3' as it appears in Journal anid as corr-ected was., approved. wvas read Sensaid REPORTS~ OF COMMITTEES. Senate Chamber, Tallahassee. Florida, April 15, 1925. Iion. John S. Taylor, Pre.sidemit of the Senate. Your Special Commnittee, apploilted under the terms of Senate Resolution No. 26 of the Semiate of 1923, to report- to time next Leg-islainre their reconinendationis asl to a. ' Workniemi's Compensation Act,"' inl a dr-aft of such a hiill lieg, leave to report. that I Ii v hiave pl-ima red Vand 178 drafted a bill in accordance with the said resolution, and submit the same hierewithl with the reconmmendation that it do pass. Respectfully this 15th day of April, A. D. 1925. JOHN M. COE, JAMES E. CALKINS, W. W. PHILLIPS, Comlmittee. The bill referred to in above report was introduced by Messrs Coe, Calkins and Phillips, and was numbered Senate Bill No. 141. Mr. Phillips, Chairman of the Committ~ee on Engrossed Bills, submitted the following report: Senate Chamber, Tallala."see Fla., April 15, 192-5. l-on1. Johnit S. Taylor, President of the ASeflte. Your Committee on Enlgrossed Bills, to whom was referred (with amendments) after second, readingSenate Concurrent Resolutio n No. 5: A Joint Resolution proposinig the rejection by the Legislature of the State of Florida of the proI0osedc amendment to the Constitution of the United States provided for by House Joint Resolution No. 184, of the 68th Congress of the United States conferriing upon Congress power to limit, regulate and prohibit the labor of persons under 1.8 years of age. I-Have carefully exanminied the samle, and( find same cot.same herewith. engrossed. anad retuin Very respectfully, W. WT. PHTILTPS. C(hairman. of Committee. Resolution No. 5, contained[ iii And Senate (Coieurreniit reetly the above report, was certified to the hloause of Represen- tatives nuder the rule. Mr. Knilghit, Chairman of the Comimmittee onl Pensions, submitted the following report: 179 Senrate Chlamber, Tallahassee, Fia.. April 15, 1925. Jlon. John11 S. Taylor, resihlen t of the Senate. Sir: Your Comninttel e on Penisions, to whomn was referredSenate Bill No. 96: A bill to be entitled An Act to granlt a pension of one lIer i)onh to Hlor. W. T. hulndred dollaus ($100.0) Weeks, of Starke IBradford Counnty. Florida. Have had the sainun mder consideration an l r~e~ommend that it do pass, with the followinig Committee amenidmelnt Strike the figourcs "100'' and the words ''One H-unmdred' -%hierever eitlier or both appear in the title anrd the body cf the bill, and insert in lien thereof the followhing : "ThlIe figures ''500'' or- the word ''Fifty'' therefor. Very reslpectfnhly, D. E. KNIGHT. c'hairmann of ('op'' itt)·e. And Senate Bill No. ¶93 I-ret her with tile C'ommittee anewndjent, cojit0aiied ini tfle allove relort, wvas ;rwcl on tie Calenidar of Bills on second reading. Mr. Knight. Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, slitimitted tile followillng report Senate Chiamber, Tallahiassee, Fla., April 15, 1925. ilou,. John S. Taylor, Prcsident of tihe Senate. Yoiir Coin teiieitte on Pensions, to whom was referredSenalte Bill No. 110 A hill to hle entitled Anl Act granting pension to Daniel Jr. Mabtthiews of Okaloosa Coumty, Florida. I lare had1ltle same unlder consiideration, amd recommend thal it do not pass. Very respectfully, D. B. KNIGHT, Chiairmnan of Committee. And([ Sniiate Bill No. 110, contained in the above report, was Ildaeed oil the table lunder thfe 1n1ile. 180 IMr. Knighlt, Chailrman of the Comlmlittee on Pensions, submitted the following report: Senate Chamber, Tallalassee, Florida, Aplril 15, 1925. Ilone. John S. Taylor, Precsidelt of the Seniate. 'YourCoimnittee on P'ensions, to wlholll was refelrred- Senate Bill No. 107: A bill to be entitled All Acet to place the name of Dock Kemip Williams on pension roll of the State of lFlorida. IIave had the same undlcler considelration, and recommend that it do pass. Very respectfully, D. E. KNIGHT, Chailrman of Committee. Ancl Senate Bill No. 107, contained in the above relport, Was placed on the Calenldar of Bills on Second RPeadig. IMr. Walker, Chairman of the Comlmittee on Claims, snbmitted the following report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Fla., April 16, 1925. Tlon. John S. Taylor, Presidelt of the Senate. Your Committee on Claims, to whom was referredSenate Bill No. 42: A bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the members of the Florida State Canal (Comlllmissioln for seclrtill tihe constlructionl of the Atlantie Gulf and Mississippi Canal, created by Chapter 8578, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1921, in the performance of their duties unler said Act. IIa.ve ha.d tihe same umder consideration, and recommend that it do pass. Very respectfully, IH. N. WALKER, Chairman of Committee. 181 And Scnate Bill No. 42, contained iii the above report, was placed on the Calendar of Bills on Second Reading. Mijr uiflI.\ Swearing-eni, Chiairmani of the Conmnittee on JudiIt suhbmitted the tollowing report. Senate Chiamber. Tallaliassee, Florida, April 15, 1925. lon. Jolt)?, S. Taylor, Pypesidelt of the Senate. o Judicinary B, to wvioun was referYouI·iCommittee ircdSenate Bill No. 3: A bill to be entitled An Act to repeal Clhapter 9291 of the Acts of the Legislature of 1923 creating a Live Stock Sanitary Board, prescribing its duties and lpowrers; the qualifications of its members, their compansation and term, of office, providing for their giving a bond; the ciiployment of a State Veteriniarian, prescribing hiis duties, term of office, compensation and bond; providing for the division of the State into quaraiitine areas anid zones anti the method ant system of tick eradication prescribinjg work in Florida-; the notices to be giren by the Board, the method and manner of conducting tick eradication *vwork; designating -where the same shall be begun ; definilig the word' "cattle" and providing for the payment of the cost anti explense of carrying on such tick eradication for the levying of a tax to provide funds work ; providing for such work; prescribintg the method of enforcement of such work anid the sale of cattle thereunder; prescribinlg the dutities and compensatioii of sheriffs by this Act; pIovidiNg for the disbursement of funds arising fromn sale of calttle under this Act anti paymemit to the owner of ccvtain proceeds of such sales and providing w7hen the Act Shoult becomte effective,"' iiitroduced by Mr. Hodges of the EighJth District. Have had the samle under consiteration, and beg to report it withiout recommendation. Very respectfully, JOHN J. SWEARINGEN, Chairman of Commitftee. 182 And Senate Bill No. "3, contained iii the above report, wvas placed on the Calendar of Bills on Second readi-g. MNlr.Swearingen. (Cairmanl. or th1e ('o0m cmia yi, submitted the following 1701ort ittee Oil 01 di- Senate· Chamber. Trallahassee, FILa., April 15, 1925. 110)1. John S. Taylor, Presidest of the &enote. Sir: B. to wlom wais referredSenate 13ill No. 9: A\ bill to be entitled An Act to levv a tax on dealers in cigarettes at retail, provide for collection of tax, use of stamps as evidence of Payment, prescribe a penalty for violation of the Act or counterfeiting of stamps. prescribe jules,; of evidence for the trial of p0sons1 violatinig the A~ct to appropriation funds raised into the general revenue of Florida. Have had the same tllder consideration, and recommend that it do not pass. Very respectfully, JOH-IN J. SWE ARINGEN. Chairman of Committee. YOLLr Colnlittee 01 J1Ildicmala And Senate Bill No. 9. contained in the above report. was placedl on the table under the rule. Mr. Sweaaringen. Chairman of the Cominmittee on Judiciarv B. subhmitte(d the following report: Senate Chamber. Tallahassee. lila.. April 15. 1925. Tb oi. Jobi n 8.Tl!17ol. Pirsidejit of 1he Seatlle. S'ir: Your1. C'omm11itt1ee onl Juldiciarv I", to whom was referred-Seinate Bill No. 25' 183 A bill to be entitledl An Acet to autlhorize thle Truitees of the Internal Improvement Fund of Florida to sell tlhe moss from anuy lands belonging to the State of l!'Iorida, inelulding lands, sovereignty and providing that the l)'O- ceecls f0rol1 sucll sales be paic into the State School Fun'l. d lHave hadl the same u-nder consideration, and reconmmel tllhat it (lo p)ass. Arery respectfully, JOHIN J. s8WEAtIN\GENN. Chairman of C'ommittee. And Senate :ill No. 25, contained in thle above report, was placedl on the Calendlar of Bills on seeondl reading. Mlr. (Ilalk, Chairman of the Commuitlee on Jidieiar (C, report: slublmitted the followingi l (i Chamlbelr. Sente Tallahassee, Florida, Aprl 16, 1925. lioi. Jolh, S. Taylo,, Pr)e.side71 of the Sentate. Sir: Your Colmmittee on Jutdieialrv C to whlom was Ireferrle(lSenal.te Bill No. 45: A bill to be entitled An Act to Taylor Countyt. HIave hadl the samie tilder iolguate solicitors in consideration, and recom- mend that it do pass. Very respectfully, Wi. W. CLARK. Chairman of Committee. Andl Senate Bill No. 45. contained in the above report was placedl on tlhe C'alendar of Bills on Second Reading. LMr. Clark, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary ('C submittedl the following report: Senate Chambelr. Tallalhassee, Flolida. Apr1il 16, 1925. Ilol. Jolhn S. 'Taylor, Presidenlt of tIhe Seate. Sir: Yronr Commllittee on JudiciarIy C. to whllom was refelrred-Senate IBill No. i70: A bill to 1be entitled An Act relating to husband and wif- .4- 184 and their right-s, obligations and property, the wages and earnings of mnarried womeen, the domicile of mlarried women, the homestead and the homie and prohibiting the devise of either and the alienation of either except by joint conlsent of husband and wife, and to estates by entirety; to remove the disabilities of coverture and iuinority ; to fix the rights of husband and wife in tie property of tile other on thle death of either to antho}ize either spouse to function as the agent of the other; and to repeal Sectionis 3801, 3802, 380:3, 3804, 3805, 3806, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810, 3811, 3812, 3813, 3814, 3948, 3949 and 39,53 of the Revised Genieral Statutes of Florida, relatinlg to conveyances, sales, mrortgalges, relinquishmnient of dower, separate acknowledgements, cotitracts, covenants, powvers of attorney, and specific performalice of contracts, of married -womien, and the custody and management of their property, and all oilier laws in coiltlict withl the provisjions of this Act. I-lave adtil he same under consideratioiio and beg to rep)ort same witlhout reconlnnedation.i A'erv respectfully, W. NV. C(LARK, Chairman of Conunittee. And Senate Bill No. 70. contained in tile above report, was ilaeed on the Calenda,r of Bills on Second Reading. Mr. Clark, Chairman of tie Committee onl Judiciarv C, submittedftie following report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Pla., April 16, 1925. lieul. Joiln S. Taylor,, President of thie Sewae. Si,': Your ('0oalulittee onl1Judicial' v C, to whomn was referred- Senate lal No. 33: A bill to lie eltifloll itl 'An et alth1Orizin tile appoinitment of iwo sets of clerksr land tispectoris and fl ie furnishjug.I of two ballot b)oxecs in certain election precincts at all elections, pi'ser·~ilmt ftile manneer of such) appoinltment,, the duties of sue],I clerks ciid in1sp~ctors and tile use of suet ballot b)oxes. 185 Ihave h1ad t he same under consideration, and recommend thailt it (10 Ilot pass. Very respectfully, W. W. CLARK, Chairman of Committee. Awl Senate Bill No. 33, contained in the above report, placedl onbe fable under the rule. mr. Clark, Chairman of the Committee on Judieiary C, submitted the followning report: Senate Chamber, Tallahassee, Fla., April 16, 1925. lion. John 6. Pr1 csji;: Taylor, of thof eCSen0te. Youir Comimittee oin JIniciarv C(. to whom was referred-SXenate Bill No. 31: A bill to be entitled An Act providing for the drawing, summoning and impaeieling of juries for the courts of the County Judges of the severaf Counties of the State of Florida having no county cour~t, criminal court or court of record, and prescribing the manner of securing jurors to make up any deficiency thiereof in the trial of any cause in such courts. Have had the same under consideration, and recommend thllat it (10 pass. Very respectfully, W. W. CLARK, Chairman of Committee. And Senate Bill No. 31, contained in the above report, was placcd on the Calendlar of l3ills on Seomini Reading. Mr. Clark. (ICairman of the Committee . suhmitteed thle following report: on Judiciary 186 Senate Chamber, rallaliassee, Florida, April 1G6, 1925. IHoll. Jo7hn S. Taylor, Presidenit of the Selate. Sir: Your Commllittee oln Jiciary C, to whom was referred--Senate Bill No. 32: A bill to be entitlecd An Act Establishing a Spring Term of the First Judicial Circuit Court of this State for Santa Rosa County aud prescribing the time aid place for holding the.same. I[ave bad the samle wiuler collnsidelration, anl reeoiumenl that it do pass. Very respectfully, Mr. Wv. (CLARK. (Chairilanof Comnimittee. An(l Senate li]l No. 32, contained in the above report, was placed ol thle C'alenliar of Bills on Second Readinig. Mr. Kiniglht. Clllhairmanllllil of thile (.'ommllittee onl Pensions subliittedl the follow-ig rel)ort: Senate Chamber, Tallabassee. Florida, Aprlil 16. 1925. 7lon. John0St. Tayllor, Piesidifnt of' the Senate. Pii: Your Committee oI P'ensions. to wholm was refelrredSenate Bill No. 101: A bill to be entitled An Act to require the State Board of 'ellsions of tIe State of Florida, to increase the pensimoi of Sarah Franklin, of l-erinando County, State of Flolrida. froml Twenlty-five ($25.00) Dollars to Fifty (*50.00) Dollars per mointb. ILHave hlad tihe same uldelr consideration, andl receommend tlalt it (0lopass. Very respectfully, D. E. IKNIGHT. Chairman of Committee. And Senate Bill No. 101, contained in the above report, wa.s placed on the (Calendar of Bills on Second Reading. 187 llll All ijf',ititilol fronot (lovernor and Mils. Joh . Nlartill to tile Sellate allnd Iouse of Representatives and friends to tle Goverllor s Receptiol on Thlursday, April 23rd, froal eight to ten-tllirty P. Al., wvas received, read and accepted. Sellate J!y unlalnimous consenlt Nit. Etheredge withdrewz Bill No. 10. anlll coullllnlicatioll was re1lhe followillg teleglraml ceived(l, rea( llnl or(ler-ed to h1e spreald upon tile .1oluinal Clearwater, I'la., Aprllil 1G6. 11!25. lion). Johnllll S. Taylor, T'ra.llab;ssee. F'lolridla. Tlhis is to esplress my unqua;lified relquest that youl have our P'etitionl colcellrlndg extension lalrgo fTo'n limits rea d Jollnals of Senate. int.lo ;. KiLGORE. To the lonor1ablle lPresident of the Senate, Speaker of the Hlouse of Replresentactives aand to Each Senator andi Memlberl of the Hlouse of Replesentatives, State of Flori(la, Tallahassee, Florida : We, tile undersigned citizens and resicents of that portion of Pinellas County, Florida, proposed to be annexed to the Town of Largo, having been acdvisedl that it is proposed to introdluce a bill into the Senate and IHIouse of Replesentatives at the present session to grant a charter to the Towvn of Largo providing in said charter for the extension of the present town limits of the Town of Largo, to cover an area of approximaltely eight (8) times the present area of said town and extencling in one direction approximately four (4) miles from the present town limits of said Town of Largo. WVe desire to call yonr attention to the fact that a, special election was held, pnrsuant to a call issued by the Tovwn of TLargo, on the 10th day of March, A. D. 1925, to authorize the said town to extend its corporate limits over practically the same territory which it is proposed to incorporate in the territorial limits described in the bill granting the newv charter to said Town of ILargo; at said election twenty-eight (28) of the voters residing in the territor- outside of said town limits voted in favor of an- 188 nexation, and twenty-three (23) voted against annexation. At saidl election thirty-three (33) qualified electors residing in said territory, all of whom would have voted against the annexation of said territory, were denied the right to vote in said election. Under the law of the State of Florida providing for the extension of territorial limits of town and cities it is necessary to carry the election in the territory affected by a two-thirds majority. If all of the qualified voters residing in said district had been permitted to vote tile election would have carried two-thirds against annexation. The town, having failed to carry the election by the necessary two-thirds vote, are now attempting to incorporate the ter- ritory in the town limits by legislative enactment against the expressed will of the people residing in said territory. We desire to call y-our attention to the fact that no notice has been published, as required by law, that application would he made to the Legislature for the passage of any bill amendingp or grantilng a new charter to the Town of Largo, or for the exiension of the city limits thereof. We, therefore, pietition your honorable body to refuse to enact the proposed bill into law. TIesjectfullY submitted, ILinnie Laurence, S. Horace Kilgore, E. B. Barrow, Lois Trotter, G>. W. Tucker, Lola Barrow, Guthrie Trotter, Martha A. Kilgore, P. H1. Fuller, Ruth I. Fuller, R. Kilg-ore, S. H-I. Kilgore, J. W Trotter, Rosa Trotter, Verleta Trotter lJas. A. Sheldon, Carrie E. Sheldon, Rufus Rathbarn, B. F. Thorpe, M1. Alice Thoipe, Mrs. R. C. Fails, Mrs. Mar- TLe, V. T . Hendricks L J.Hendricks, I. C. E. Roberts, Mrs. C. E. Roberts, Leonaud Ivilgore, W. D. Fillmon, Josephine Filimon, Joe Fillmonl W. M. Williams, G. II. MIlanton. Ornay PWaintoni, P. J. Fitch, Margaret P. Fitch, ];. J1. Dewar, Catharine Dewar, Jno. E. Laurence, T. S. Sullivan, Rachel L Sullivan, J. J. Cheatham, P. J. Cheatfiam. AV. F. Neale, Ainanda IMearee, John B. Walsinjghan. IL. II. Walsin~gham, Gladys Walsinghain. State of Florida, Countxt of Pinellas-as. Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Horton Belcher, Theodore Kamenshy and Barnard Gilgore, each of whom first being severally duly swvorn, on oath state: That they hare read the foregoing petition and know of their Own-11 Iknow-ledIxe that the facts therein L~~~ .-- 189 stated to be true, are true; and that the matters and tlijugs therein alleged upon information and belief, they verily believe to be true. HORTON BELOHIER, THEOIDORE KAMENSIY, BARNARD KILGORE. Swsorn to wiiid 5t11)scribed before me, this the 11th day of April, A. -. 1925. E. F. WETROVER, (SEAL) Notary Public State of Florida at Large. Mvr commission e-xpires April 27, 1927. DIi.. Calkins moved to waive the rules awl that the order made on yesterday to have 500 copies of Bill No. 123 be reconsidered. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. rTh-o Senate reconsidered its action. Mr. Hodges moveil that 200 copies of Senate 13ill No. 123 be printed. Which N-wasnot agroeed to. By MIr. ClarkSenate *Joint Rwesolutionl No. 117 A. Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to Seetion 17 of the iDcclaration of Rights of the Constitution of thre Sttate of Floridla. relating to thle passage of certain laws. Withich was read thre first time by its title and ifFclred to thle o( 1 mittce on Constitutional Amendments Br -Mr. ClJarkSenate .Joint Resoluttion No. 119: A Joint Reesolution proposing an amendmient to Section 1 or ANrticle X of tile Con)stitution of the State of Florida, relatiing to Ilomestead and Exemptions. Which was read the first time hr its title and referred to tlhe (Comnmittee on Constitutional Amendments. By Mr. Clark (By Request)Senate Bill No. 127: A bill to he entitled An Act presqribing the compensatim, of .Jurors in the Courts of the County Judges of the several Counties of this State. 1 W {hich was read the first time by its title and referred to thle Committee on Judiciary C. 190 Br Mr. ClarkSenate Joillt Resolutionl No. 1'28: A joint resolutioln proposing an amelndmlellt to the Declaration of Rights of thile Constitutioll of the State of Florida, aind providing equal i'ilts for nien ami( women. Whichll was read the filrst time by- its title and referred ents. to the Committee ol C'ollstitutional1 Amellndl By Mr. ClarkSenate Bill No. 129: A bill to be enltitled An Act prohibiting ainy court from requiring the memlbers of any petit, or tlrial, jury impan elecl and swvorn to try al)ny cause inl ally colllrt of tis State to remain together, except cluring thle sessiolls of stuch court; permlittillg snelh jurors to separate at thle conclusion of each session of such court, and making a violation of this Act by anly court a glound for new trial or reversal. Which w-as read the first time by its title and referred to the Committee oil Judicialry C. Br Mr. C'larlkSenate Bill No. 130: A bill to be entitled Anll Act to create a reserv-ation or ill Santa ialllnals for wild game birds and sanctuary Rosa, Olaloosa andlll Waltoll Counties, in the State of Floricla. Which wRas read the first time by its title and referred to the Connltittee onil fish and game. By Messrs. ('lalrk, Coe and GillisSenate Bill No. 131: A bill to be entitled Aln Act to protect anlld r egulate the fishing industlry inl the salt waters of Escalllbia, Santa Rosa, Olkaloosa and Walton (Counties, in the State of Florida. Which was read the filrst time by its title and referred to the Conmlllittee on Fish and Game. By Mr. SmitllSenate Bill No. 132: A bill to be entitledl An Act prescribing the maximtum conllpensatioll of (outlly (C'omnissiolnels in ('ounlties having a population of less than ten thousand. Whichll was read tie first time bh its title amid reflerred to the Commllittee on Ju(lieialrv A. 191 By Air. Ivuightsenate Jill No. 133 A bill to be entitled Aii Act fixina compensation of County Judges wlhen aeting aS Coroners. Whtich wxas read thje first tinie hr its title and referred to the Committee oiu Judiciavv B. By Mr. RussellSenate 1Bill No. 1034: A bill to be entitled A\n Act providing that the Toown of Interlaclien, Putnam Couint Florida, be authorized to levy taxes Illlually. fo Illullicliral purposes, upon all real -Illd pecrlsonlal property in said Town, not exempt from taxationi by the Coonstitution of the State of Florida, upon the )rijlieipleS established for State taxation ; providing: the loaxilllnl I~pet enltum of such levy ; providing that such levy shall be Loniformi tq0on the s;Bameclasses of property ; alnd pl.oviiing that all property in such Town shall be assessed at its full cashs value as fixed by said Town, and providing that said(l Townl 1be authorized to make its own assessmuents 011(1 Place its own valuation upon said property, for the purpl-ose of assessment and taxation, independent of anyi lim itation placedl thereoni by State laws. Whichli was read the first time by its title. Anti the hill was,placed on the Calendar of Local Bills on thle Second Reading without reference. Br Mr. Ph1ilips-Senate Bill No. 135: A bill to be entitled An Act to amend Sections 213. 2124. 2125, 2126, 21831, 2142, 2147, 2152 ail 5641 of the Re vised General Statutes of Florida relating to the powers anti duties of the Hotel Commissioner. Which was read the first time hb its title andl referred to the Committee on Judiciary 1B. By Mr. ColsonSenate Bill No. 136: A bill to be entitled Ani Act levying an Occupation Tax upon the right and privilege of producing phosphate, clay. sand gravel. shell, rock, brick, pottery, petroleum, or any Ininerals. for commercial purposes, in this State by taking fromu the earth ; defining the words ''Person'' and ''Market Value''; levying such] tax against those engaged in suchi production ; requiring reports to be made in order 192 to ascerltain the aluount of said tas dlue the State; ple scribing pellnalties for failulre to eomply wvith the Act requiring repolrts to be made and requiring said tax to be paicl within a certain time; making necessary provision for carrying into effect the Act and accomplishing its pllrpose, andl alppropriating the funds arising frolm the provisions of this Act. Wllichll was readl thle first time by its title anmd refelr'e ? 1 to the Commlittee on EduLcation. By Mr. Russell- Senate Bill No. 137: A bill to be entitled An Act to amiend(lSections 60. 73, 75, 102 and 114 of Chapter 9875, TLaws of Florida, Acts of 1923. apploveld May 7, 1923, being "An Act to Abolish the Present Mlunicipal Goverrnment of the City of Palatka in the Cloulnty of Putnam, in the State of Florida, ant to Create, Establishl alnd Organize a Municipality- in the Count- of Putnam, State of Flolrida, to be known and (lesignated as tlhe (City of P'alatka, and to Define its Territorianl Boundaries, and to provide for its Government, Jurlisdictiol, Powersls. Franchllises and P'rivileges." Whichl w-as readl thle first time by its title. And the bill was placed on the Calendalr of Local Bills on thle Second Reading w-itlhout reference. By Mr. C'oe (13y Request)Senate Bill No. 138: A bill to be entitled An Act to alnelllnd Section 2812 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida, entitlei "Harmless Error." WVich was read thle first time by its title and referred to tllhe Commlittee on Judiciary A. By Mr. CoeSenate Bill N\To. 139: A bill to be entitled An Act rel]atinlg to the Practice of Law in this State; to define the practice of law; to prohibit the practice of law without a license therefor; to provide for the appearance of foreign attorneys in the Conurts of this State without license in certain cases; to provide penalties folr the violation of this Act. Which wvas read the first time by its title and referrlled to the Committee on Judiciary A. 193 By Mr. Swearin-enSenate Bill No. 140: A bill to be entitled An Act Granting a Pension to Elizaleth M. Wer. Which was read the first time hrv its title aind referred to the Committee on Pensionls. B3y (!ommitteeSenate Bill No. 141A bill. to be entitled An A-ct to establish an option systemn of Workmen's Compensation in the State of Floridla, to provide for the amomnt I hereof and the manner of exercising such option; to fix the rules of liability for persons and corporations refusing to accept such option; to provide for the collection, of such compensation by legal process or otherwvise; and to define and provide for the punishmnenit of certain offenses committed in the enforcement or attempted enforcement of the provisions of this Act. Which was read the first time hv its title aad referred to tile Committee on Organized Labor. By Mr. KnightSenate Bill No. 142: A bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the inv-estigation. of means for thje control anld prevention of diseases of strawberry plants, and the perfecting of cxisting nwais eand development of more perfect methods of prevention and control of diseases and insect or fungous enemies injuries to tihe strawberry plant, and providing an appropriation to he used by the State Plant Bdard in carrying out the Ilcovisions of this Act ani of Chapter 6885, Laws, of Florida. Which was read the first time 1w7- its title and referred to the Committee on Judiciary C. Mr. Knigltt in the chfair. Bly Mr. Tavlor. of 11thSenate Bill No. 143 : A bill. to be entitled An Act to abolish the Municipality known as the To-wn of Largo in Pinellas County, Florida to create and establish a. Municipality to he known as the C(it'y of Large ii Pinellas County, Florida; to legalize and validate the Ordinances of said Town of Lar-go amd Official. Acts theremider, ant to adopt the same as the 7-s. I,. 194 Or-din anees of said City of Largo; to validate the conti-acts of said Town of Largo; to regulate the bringing of suits against said City and providing for notice thereof, and to fix and prescribe the territorial limits, jurisdfiction anid powers of said City of Largo and the jurisdiction llad 11 powers-; of its officers, and repealing Chapter 6715 of the Acts of 1913 and Chapter 7191 of the Acts. of 1915. Wliicii was read the first time br its title. Mr. Tavlor of 11th Dist., moved that the rales be wvaived and that Senate Bill No. 148 he i-ead the second time hr' its title only. Wliiciht was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. andi Senate Bill No. 143 -was read the second timie by its title only. Mr. Tavlor of 11th Dist. moved that the rules he waived antd that 'Senate Bill No. 143 he -cad the th ird timie ini full amid lput upIOn its passage. Whiclh was ag-reed to hr a. two-thirds vote. nsi\ Senate Bill No. 143 wvith title above stated, was i-cad the third time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Butlei, Clark, Coe, C!one, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, Hineley, Knight, MeDaniels, Overstreel, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe, Russell, Si1ietary, Smith, Searineilnrl, Tayloi. Turnier, Walker. WVicker--25. Nays-None. So the bill passed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the House of Representatires inmediately, tile rule hlaving been wvaivedi By Mr. litutmanlSenate Bill No. 144: A bill to be entitled Ani Act flxing the compensationl of county commissioners of counties whilch have a population of miore than twelnty-three thousand anld not more than tweintty-thlree thlousanld five hundred, according to time last Fdcrwal census, and wvhich have a total assessed valuation of moric than twentv-two million dollars. Wihich was i-cad the first time by its title. Mr. Putnallm moved that the rules be waived and that 195 Slla-tt LBill No. 144 be readl the second time byr its title oilly. WVhich was agreed to by a two-thll (s vote. ,Andl Senate Bill No. 144, wih title above statedl, was ,cadl tlle second time by its tltle vuly. Mlr. Lutllalin movedl that the rules be waiv-edl alnd that Senlate Bill No. 144 be readl the thir(l time in full and put t1pon its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Anid Senate Bill No. 144, with tit-le above stated, wRas read the third time in full. Tlpo11the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-Mlr. President, Senators Anderson, Clallrk. Coe, Cone, Edge Etheredge, Gillis, Iale, H-ineley. Hodges, JInight, McDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe. Russell. Singletary, Smith, ,Swearlingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Tlribull, Turner, Walker, Watson, WVielker-27. Navys-None. So thle bill passed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the TIonuse of Represenitatives inunediately, the rule havRing been waived. BYv Mri. PutnamSenate Bill No. 145: A bill to be entitledl An Act autholrizing and empowering the Board of Countv Comruim iouners of Volusia County, Florilda, to issue and( sell for andL on behalf of Turnbull Special Rtoad and Britge District of Volusia County, Flor- ida, addlitional bonds to pay for the construction and completion of certain roads ant bridges in the sa.icl Turnbll Special Road and Bridge District, and providig for the payyment of said bonds. Which was read the first time by its title. Mlr. Intnam moved that the rules be waived and that Senate Bill No. 145 be read the second time by its title Ollly. Which was agreedl to by a. two-thirdcls vote. And Senate Bill No. 145 was read the second time by its title only. Air. IPutnamn move(l that the rules be waived and that Senate Bill No. 145 be read the third time in full and put npon its passage. Whichll was agreedl to by a two-thirds vote. 196 And Senate Bill No. 145, with title above stated, was read the third time in fall. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeazs-Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Caikins, lark, Coe, Coue. Ethei edge, Gillis, Hale, Hineley, Hodg-es, Knigt, McIaiuels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe, Russell, Singletar. Sumith, Swearingen, Turnbull, Turner, Walker, Wieker-25. Nays-None. So tile bill jmpsdt, title as stated. Aid the same waxs ordered to be certifed to the House ( of Representatives waived. immediately, the rule hav-ing been CONS IDELrATION OF OTHER RESOLUTIONS fouse Mlemorial No. 1: Moorl1i zinc thle In1terstate Comnmerce Comiumission for the Relief of Those Engaged in Agriculture and HorticulI itt-c. Was taken up and placed before the Senate, and read thie second timile. TMr. Singlctary- moved to adopt House Memor-ial No. 1. Which was agreed to. And Hoiise Memorial No. I was adopted annd the action of thle Senate was ordered to le certified to the House of Repi'reseitativ-es under the rule. IMESSAGC'ES FROMA THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 'Vito following messagre from the House of Representatives was received and read: House of Representatives, Tallol assee, Florida. April 16. 1925. iIon1. -Johnit S. Tayl/1or1, Frevist/eit of the Sewlde. I am directed by the House of Representatives to inFortu the Senate that the House of Representatives has p);tsedc-- 197 -ouse 13ill No. 2:35: A bill to be entitled Anl Act to permit the qualified voter.s of Slu-mter County, Florida, to decide whether live stock shall be allowed to run or roam at large within limits of said county and to require the the territiiial fnciig'i~ of county- bounida.ries and providing for the enfotcllt el~ anld carrying out of this Act, and for the inlor roam)Oiiiidiug and sale of live stock founid rumiinning ing at large if] said county. A\lso-Ihouse l'ull No. 239: A bill to be entitled Ani Act to amend Section 67 of Chjaljpter 9840, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1923, and provid- jag a method for the collection of taxes in thle City of Mvloore Haven, Florida. And resp)ectfully reqfnests the concurrence of the Senate thereto. Very respectfoldiv. B. A. AIJEGJNNISS , Chief Clerk House of Representatives. A ad Ilonse Bills No. 2`35 and 239, contained iii the above Itc,;sagre. W&erie read the first time by their titles mnd( pilaced 'aleniida of' Local Blills oil Mecoiml hleadline. o AlsoTo follow-ji iiicssan tfrain tilhe llouse of Rep resruta- House of Representatives, Tallahassee, Fla., April 16. 1925. lion&. John AS. [la/trn, Presildert of the Scan/cu. SI'I': I ani directed by the House of Represenlavti yes to inform tin Senate that the Ilouse of Representatives lins passedHlouse till No. 139: A. bill to be entitled Ani Act authorizing flay CoLunty. FPlorida. to issue 811l(1 sell bonds for thie purpose of imJproviiig iepairing and rebuilding roads an7d bridges in said lar Counity, Florida, and to priovide for the levr and collection of taxes oil projierty aud pr'ovide a sinking' fulld In raise, said funds. 19S ,AlsoHouse Bill No. 147: A bill to be entitle(l An Act to authlorize the Boardll of l'ublie Iistruetion of Bay Cotunty, Florida, to plro(clce a loaln of not exceeding one hundclredl tlhonsand ($.100.000) dollars, and pay interest thereon at a rate not exeeclng seven (7 per cent lpelr annum, for the purpose of erecting a IHigh Selool building in the City of Planamna ('ity, and wherein is to be maintained the County High School for said Bay C'ounty; to autllolrize said Board in order to procure said loan, to issue and sell not exceeding one hun.100,000) dollars in. principal amount of dred thousand interest-bearing eoupon wararants; to make provision for a sinking fund for the retirement of said warrants, and the interest to become due thereon ; to regulate the expelnditure of the suml dlerived frolm the sale of said warrants; and to provide for the validation of said warrants. Alsolonuse Bill No. 148: A bill to be entitled An Aet to regulate the cateching of fishl in cerltain rivers, creeks, ba\oml. esot-otis am!d inlets in Bay County, Florida; providing plenalties for thlle. violation thereof. Alsoollonse Bill No. 150: A bill to be entitled An Act autholizing thre Boarld of County Commijissqionerls of C harlotte County., Floridla, to issne ;*75,000 negotiable time warrants for the plrpose of gradling, hardsnrfacing and imlprovillng thelroads of (Char.llotte ('ounty, Florica, for buildincg bridges. in said county and for the purlpose of llpurchasing road bnildling machilerv. And respectfully requlests the colnclurlllene of the Senate thereto. . Velry respeetfllyl B. A. MEGTINISS. ('Chief Clerk House ot Rleprleselltatives. And HIonuse Bill No. 139, contained in the abov(e message, w-as read the first time by its title. Mr. McDaniel moved that the rules be waived and that IIouse Bill No. 139 he readl the second time by its title only. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. 199 And House Bill No. 139 was read the second time by its title only. Mr. McDaniel moved that the rules be waived and that Ilouse Bill No. 139 be read the third time in full and put upon its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And -lHouse Bill No. 139, with title above stated, was read the third time in full. I[pon its passage the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Calkins, Clark, C(one, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, Hineley, Knight, Mc1)aiiiels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowre, Russell. Smith, Swearingen, Taylor, T urbull, Turner, · Singl etary, Walker, Watson, Wicker-26. Nays-None. So the bill passed, title as stated, and the same was or(bred to be certified to the House of Representatives immediately, the rule havinig been waived. Mr. Etheridge moved to waive the rules anti taeke upr h1ouse Bill No. 239 from thie Local Calendlar for eoolsidleration. WHich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Andblonse Bill No. 299.: itfleil \u nAct to amendI Sect io (i7of A\ bill to lie ut C'hapter 9840. Laws of Florida, Acts of 1923, and providinig a method for the collection of taxes in the City of -Moore hlaven. Floridla. Was taken up and placed before the Senate. AMr-. Etheridge inoved that the rules le waived and that House Bill No. 239 ibe read the second time by its title only. Which was agreed to by a tvo-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 239 was read the second time by its title only. Mr. Etheridge moved that the rules be vaived and] that House Bill No. 239 be read the tbird time in full and put upon its pa"ssage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 239. with title above stated, was read the third time in full. was: Upon the passage of tlme bill the votev 200 Yeas-Mr. Pre-sideit. - Senators Anderson, Butler. Calkins, Clark, Coe, ('olson, Cone, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, Ijineley, Rniigh t. MlcDaniels, Phillips, Putnamr Rowe. Ru 5sell, Singletaryv, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor (31st D)st), Turubull, Turner, Walker, Watson. Wicker-28. Nays-None. So thle bill passed, title as stated., and the same was orlei'ed to lbe Certifiel to the [louse of RIepresenitati;es unmder the rule. TPle consideratioll of miessages fromn the H-louse of Rep- resentat iVCs was resutmed. And 'louse Bill No. 147, contained it tile above message, was Ieread the first time by its title. Mr. McDaniel moved that tile rules lie waived and that House Bill No. 147 be read the second time by its title only,. Which t was ag-reed to by- a two-thirds vote. And hoiouse Bill No. 147. wvith. title above stated, was read the seeonl time bv- titie only. Air. McDaniel moved that time rules be waived and that House Bill No. 147 line ead the third time in. full and put upon its passage. Which was agreel to by a twvo-thirds vote. And I'louse 13ill No. 147 with title above stated, was read the third time in full. [[pon the passage of the bill the vote was Yeas-Mir. President: Senators; Anderson. Butler, Calkins, Clark, Coe, Colson, Cone, Edge, Etheredge, Hale, Hineley, Hodges, Knight, Malone, MeDaaniels, Pjhillips, lutnam, Rowe, Russell, Singletary, Smith, Swvearingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turnbull, Turlner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-28. Nays-None. So the bill passed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the House of Repreesentatives under the rule. And I-louse IBill No. 143, containedl in the above iesmsage, was read the first time by its title and was placed on the Calendlar of Local Bills on second reading without reference. 201 Bill Ko. 152. conmtained in tire above messaoge, Amd 1lji'>i'e wa5jts read tire first time by its title. and1 that 'fr. Eflh-lerede Moved that thfe jules ite waitvel Ihie read tile seconid time by its title ill o. hjou(se Bill5\ was, agrreed to Iv-a two-thirdsA vote. \'Tlriei1i And Ilowst bill No. 152, with title al)ove stated, was Rar thI thfilrd timle in full. Sirt. tfheredg-e moved thiat- 1the, rules re furthler waived arid( that R-louse Bill No. 152 lie read the third timte in aliid frill1 1mt llupoIits passage. Whelrcl0 was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Aird ho1mse B)ill No. 152, with title above stated was thii'( time in full. iC;Itl tfleo ITrpon thle paj.ssage of tire l)i'l the vote was: yea s-Mlr. President, Senators Anderson, Butler, Calkirs, ('lark, (Coe, CJolson, 'oiie, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, limieY, Hodges, Knigiht, 1IieDaniels, Phillips, Putntam, Rowe, Taylor (31st Rutssell. Singletary, Smithl, Srearinoge, l)ist.). Tiinrrnbuil, 'Trirner, Walker, Watson, Wickere-28. _Nays-None. tSrtire trill passed, title as stated. A\ird] flie sRrnie was ordiered to ire certified to the House rreseli tat ves in1der the rule. or Ithi AlsoThe followkving message from the House of Representaliveos walls read House, of Representatives., Tallahassee. Fla.. April 16. 1925. 1eir. Job ir S. Tayl/or, Presiiderrt of tie Srcrote. Sin': I anl directed hr the hlouse of Representatives to informll ilire Senate that the House of Representatives has pagseed[Ilonse Bill No. 154: A bill to be entitled An Act to prescribe the open sea-sen County. Florina. l for' shooting and hunting (leer i nlDual or' killingldePr chiasing hluntinig, for penalties anii proviilding ill sair cont-it e-xcept ini the open season, as priovidled by tlris Act. 202 AlsoI-louse Bill N'o. 156: A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the iloaj-i ' oi County Commissioners of Glades County. Florida. to clebiier the location of that part of the road to be built frtll" aj County Bond Issue, between the hlighliland Cotiity Ji1' aind time 1lIediid ry omfluvf Iii throughi G adles (omit. 'a ; ida, to such a location as tIher mav (Teem time mfost 'emoii;,;' ical and to time best interest of Glades Comitm. Fmt l m ml along whmichi to bUil1( a harI'd -surfaced icoedl. AlsoIfouse Bill No. 15:): A bifl to be entitled An Act toi authorize tih lBaainl (i County Commissioners of Glades County, Florida. to change the locatiom of that part of the hmiohled road ini the Indian Prairie Special Road and Bridge District of t'l:olades County, Florida, to stieh location as they mav deeiii to be most economical and to tbe best interest of the said Slpe, cial Road and Bridge District. AlsoHouse Bill No. 161: A bill to be entitled An Act to validate bondo.s, taxes, levies and all orders, proceedings and decrees of the 'iirCuit Court of Glades County, of and commcining tIme Diisstoij Island Drainage District of Glades County, Florida. and Hlendry County, in the State of Florida. and also all official Acts and Proceedhingos of persomis anti hoards holdimig office and purportiug to hold orfjce ii auid under said Disston Island Draimmage Distm'ict. And respcetfully requests tlie colic ii rremmce of the Ss'mmate thereto. 'VerY respectfully. B. A. MEG-INNISS. Chief Clerk House of Representatives. And 1-house Bill No. 154, comtained in time above imussamze. a-iis read the first timie by its title. Mr. Butler moved tih at the jldcs lie waiv[ed and tilat House 1di, No. 154i be read the second time by its title only. Whicli was ag-reed to by a two-tl iirmis vote. And Ihonse Bill No. 15i4 was read thi seonmd timtle by its title only. 203 I intier moved that tile rules he waved al that 1r. loulse Bill No. 154 be read tile third time iii full and pott Itp(,, its passage. to Ihr a two-thir-ds vole. Whichll wvas aizreedl A\nld IHouse B~ill No. I;--I with title above statu I. was yea(I time third time iil lull. tile passage of tile hill the vote was': I -Iop Yeas-MrI. 1resideilt, Senators Butler, (Calkinrs. C'irk, ('one, Edge, Elieredge, hale, Ilinele v, (e,,,~ (~olsoi. [iiodges, Kmiight, Atfa es ~olps.Ptniami, Rowe. LsMI. Singletary, Smnithi. Swearingen, Tavlor (31.st DPish) NWTielrel. 27. r'Inr.liuill. Tllnl73C', W\rlker ,Tatson .Nays--None. Si) the bill piassed, lill e as slated. And the same was ordered to be certified to tile h1ouse lI' Representatives unjder tle rutle. And House Bill No. 1.56, contaiiied in the above(, mlessage, wais icad the first time by its title ajid placed oil the Calrefereiitlai of Local Bills on Seeouid Readiug'-vitliout anice. And House Bill No. 159, contaiiiod ill tile above miessage, was read tile first timie by its title. Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be waived and that Ilouse· 1Bill No. 159 be read([ the second time by its title oiilly. WVhich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Aniid House Bill No. 159, with title above stated, was read the second time by its title only. 11Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be waived and that louose Bill No. 159 be vead the third time in full and pIut u1ponl its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 159, with title above stated, was read the third time, in full. 111)o11 the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-M]r. President, Senators Butler, Calkins, Clark, Coc, Colson, Edge, Etheredge, Hale, iineley, Kniight. MeDaniiels, Phillips. Putnam, Rowe, Russell, Singletary, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor (31-st Dist.), Tnrnbull, Tureter,Walker, Wicker-24. Nays-None. So the bill passed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the house of Re1 )resentatives, under the ride. 204 AnidIt-oise Bill No. 161, contaiied in tire above message, vwas read the first time by its title and was placed on thle Calendar of Local Bills on second reading without rcferience. Also[lie folloin-viig message from tdie hfouse of Repriesentatives was read: House of Representatives. Tallahassee. Fla., April 16, 19¾1-5. loii. Johni S. Taylor. Jr)csidC ut of time Seiaate. I am directed by· the House of Relpresenitatives to inform the Senate that the House of leprsiiesellhli4 Ihas passedHouse Bill No. 165: A bill to be entitled An fAct to ameinid Section 1. Sectioi' 2, and Section 4 of Article 5 of Chapter 5864. LaJws of Florida, Acts of 1907, approved -May 2nId, 19l07, sanie being entitled 'An Act to abolish the presents municipal golverimnient of the Town of Wanchutla, Florida anldl organize a city government for tile same, and to provide its jurisdiction and powers. AlsoHouse Bill No. 167: A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize tile Board of Public Instruction of Fernando County, Florida. to procure a. loan of not exceeding severity-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), and pay interest thereon at a rate not cx. per annuam, for tire purpose ceeding six per cent. (6%f) of acquiring land within said county and erecting thereon and furnishing a fligli School building to belong to the said Board, wherein to maintain a County Thigh School for said Tiernando Comuty- to autlrorize said Bloard in order to procure said loan, to issue and sell not exceeding seventyk-five thousand dollars ($75.000.00) in p minecipal amount of interest-bearing coupon boonds: to make procvision for a sinking fund for the retirement of said bonds and the interest to become due thereon and to regulate the re of the siun derived from the sale of said bonds. expendhli 205 Also- 11ouse Bill No. 169: A bill to be entitled An Act fixing the method bTy wbhich the City Clerk and Municipal Judge of Tampa shlall, be chlosen. AlsoHouse Bill No. 173: A bill to be entitled An Act to ratify and A aiidalte all acts and proceedings of the Board of County Coimais;sionlers of IHillsborougli County, Florida, done andl taken in coistrllcting, paving and improlving a portion of Bavrsl0ole Boulevard and in constructing a sea w-all along Ole tl sate portion of said Boulevardcl, witlh cuits and fills, aln in levying assessments for a part of the cost of said seai rall. cuts and fills, andl in autllorizing $157000 Connllty Iighway Bonds. Ancl respectfully requests thle conlcurrelce of thle ,Senate thereto. Very respectfully, B. A. MEGINNISS, Chief Clerk Ihonse of Replresentatives. Andl IIHouse Bill No. 165. contailledl in the above Inmessage. was read the first time by its title. Mr. Ethereclge moved that the rules be w-aived and that Hlouse Bill No. 165 be read the second time by its title only. Wllieh was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 165 was read the second time by its title only. Mr. Etheredge movedl that the rules be waived and that Ilouse Bill No. 165 be read the thirdcl time in full and put upon its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thilrds vote.. And House Bill No. 165, with title above stated, was read kthethird time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Senators Calkins, Clarlk, Coe, Colson, Cone, Edge, Etheredge, Gillis, Hale, Hineleyr, Knight, MleDaniels, Overstlreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe, Singletary, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor (l31st Wallke.r, Wiclker-26. Nays-None. Dist.), Tnrnbull, Turner, 206 ŽIj 11' )1ill passed, title as stated. Ani I the same was ordered to l)e cci ified to the 'louse of Representatives minlder the rule. Ans([ Iouse Bill No. 167, contained in the above message. wails read the first time bY its title and was placel >ii the (alcnidai of Local Bills on Second Reading withouot ref erccei. And Hlouse till No. 169. contained in the above nessage- was readl the first time by its title aiic was placed 011 the Calendar of Local Bills on Second Reading without, reference. And 1ouse Bill No. 173. contained in the above messag-e, w,,as read the first time by its title anid was placed on the Calendar of Local Blills on second readingr withoitt reference. AlsoThe following message from the House of Representatives was received and read: House of Representatives, Tallahassee, Florida, April 16. 1925- lion. Jo1 it S. Taylor,., President of the Senate. I am directed by the House of Representatives to infonrmi the Senate that the House of Representatives has passedHouse Bill No. 213): A bill to be entitled Ani Act lroviding a supplemental, additional and alternative method of making local imjlwovemiets of the City of Clearwater, a municipal cor1Iolatioli. authorizing and providiing for special assessnents for the cost thereeof, aind authorizing the issuance and.,sale of bonds of such municipality. A\lso-Rlouse B ill No. 214: A bill to lie entitled An Act to extend tile territorial limits of the CitY of Clearwater, Florida, anid to provide for the taxation of thle annexed territory. 207 Alsohlouse Bill No. 216: A bill to be eititled An Acet to amend Sectionls 5 anld 6 of Chalpter 8490, Lavs of Florida, enltitled An Acet to of Pinella.s to olgaulize a country court in thle Coutyt provide folr a plrosecuting attorney for sall county. to plrov-ide for the telrms of said court, to l1oxilde for the tlrial and continulance of all cases pending in thle present county court of said county, to provide for the salary of the jtdge andl the prosecutillg attorney of said court, and to provide for a clerllk anid his compensation of said court anld pre scribe the rules and practices of said court. AlsoIlouse Bill No. 232: of A bill to be entitled An Act autholizing the. Boardl Commissiollners of Fort Pielrce Inlet District ill St. Lucie Counlty, Florida., o issue and sell the Bonlds of Said DisDollars trict in the amount of Four HIundlred Thousalndl for thle plupose of improvilng anl Maintailning the Fort Pierce Illlet; providing for the ]evy andcl collection of taxes to pay princilpal and intelrest of said bollds. andl providing for an electioln to detelrmline whether said hoiidls shall be issued. And respectfully reqluests the concurrence of the Senate thereto. Very rvespectfully, B. A. MEGINNISS, Chief Clerk House of Representatives. And I-Iouse Bill No. 213 containedl in the above mnes- sage was lead the first time by its title and placedl on the Calenldar of Local Bills on the Second Reading without refelrence. Andl louse Bill No. 214, contained in the above minessage, was read the first time by its title. 1Mr. Swealringen movedl that the rules be waived anld that House Bill No. 214 be readl the second tilne by its title only. Which wras agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Andl hIouse Bill No. 214 was read the second lime by its title only. Sweari.ilgen mlloved tha.t the lrules be vaiverl andl tllat 111I-. Ilouse Bill No. 214 be read the thilrd time in full anl pullt upon its passage. Which was agreedl to by a two-thilclrds vote. 208 Aiidl House Bill No. 214, with title above statcd, was read the third time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was Yreass-4Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Butler, Calkuncs, C(lark. Coe, C(olson, Cone, Edge, Etheredge. Gillis, Hale, hhineley, Knlight.7 MDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam, Rowe, Singletary, Smith, Sweariingen. paylor (31st Dist.) 'Tu1rnbul, Turner. Walker, Watson, Wieker-28. Nays-Noue. So thre- bill passed, title as stated, and the same was or(ieired to be certified to the House of Representatives under the rule. And I-House Bill No. 216, contained in the above message, was read the first time by its title and was placed on Calendar of Local IBills on second reading without irf erence. And House -Bill No. 232, contained in the above mnessage·, wa·s read the first time by its title. Mr. Watson mnovel thliat the rules he waived and thlat House Bill No. 232i e read the second time In- its title only. Whieli was agreed to by a two-thirfds vote. And House Bill No. 232 with title above stated, was road the second time bv its title only. Mr. Watson moved that the rules bk waived and thlat House Bill No. 232 be read the third time in full and put ii]upon its passage. Which was a-rieed to hI- a two-thirdIs vote. And House Bill No. 232 with title above statedl. was rcad the third time in full. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-Mi President. Senators Anderson, Butler, Clark. Coe, Colson, Clone. Edge, Etheredge. Gillis. Hale, Hineley Kunigh it. MeDan iels, O~verstreet, Phillips, Putnam. Powe, Singletary, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor (81st Dist.). Turnhu11, Turner, Walkerl, Watson, Wicker-27. Navs-None. So the b1ill passed, title as stated. And the, same -was ordered to be certified to the Tlouse of Rep-iresentatives under the rule. ,ME8SSA0E PROM THE HOUSE OF PlEPRESENTATI EiS. 'l'JIe followimig message frcoin tlhi I fouse ofr leprcsentat ives was reeei ved and] read 209 I-House of R-epresentatives, Tallahass-ee, Fla., April 16, 19,25. ,nr.rsirlet of tfie Senatle. i all dtirc(ted bN` th(e ilotistse of iiei~resentatives to iliforlf he Senah` t that thec Ifoutse of Pepresentatives; has passedIIo No. 17 : IBillt se A1;dill to be entitledl An Act authorizing anl' p1cvniittingy uiv\al.County, Florida, to acquire, 1)- purchase or oft1eranjld to use. improve anid diIsnose of \Vis(t. ijeitall) propfcrt the saine in the manner hierein set forth. AlsoHouse Bill No. 1SS: A bill to be entitled An Act to abolish the present mugovernment of the Town of East Fort Myers, in nicipal Lee County, and to create in lien thereof a new charter and iunicipal government, to be known as the City of East Fort Myers, anti provide for its jurisdiction, powers, privileges anld inmunnities; to validate all taxes, assessments and licenses heretofore made or imposed by the Town of East Fort MVyers, and preserve intact all debts and obligations of said town. AlsoHouse Bill No. 200: A bill to be entitled An Act establishing a bird reservation to be known as the Tamiami Bird Reservation in the County of Manatee. AIsoHouse Bill No. 205: A bill to be entitled An Act to prescribe the open and closed season for the Hunting of squirrels in Okaloosa County, Florida, and providing a penalty for violation of this Act. AlsoI-louse I-ill No. 212: A bilt to le entitled An Act v'alidating and confirmlng tnt election held in the City of Clearwater, Pinetlas County, Plorida. and the territory adjacent thereto on the 12th day of November, 1924, pr;oviding for- the extension of tite territoriall limits of said City. 210 And respectfully requests the concurrence of the Sena thereto. Very respectfully, B. A. MEGINNISS, Chief Clerk House of Representatives. And(-tHouse Bill No. 187, containedI ii the above to was read the first time by its title. Mr'. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that House Bill No. 187 he read the second time by its title only. WVhichbwas agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Andl House Bill No. 1,87 was rend tie second tiine byl itS title oily. Mrl'. Butler' mIoVed that the Irules te waived andl fltha House Bill No. 187 be icad the third timer in full and plut up'on its hiaskbile. Which o aagreed to by a two-thirds vote. And House Bill No. 187, with title, above state(l. wvas read the third timne in full. pl]on the Passage of the bill the vote w-as: Yeas-Mr. Presiden, Seiiatows Anderson, Butler. Calkins, Clark, Coo, Colsonj. (Conc, Edge, Etheredge. Gillis, 1hineley. Hodges, Knight, Mebaniels, Overstreet. Phillips, Itnain, Rowe, Russell, S ingletarv. Sm iti, Swca ringell, Taylori (31st Dist.). Tnrnbull, Turner, Walker. Watsoni Wicker-29. Nays-None. So the' bill pascd, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives under tie rule. And House Bill No. 188, contained in the above inmssage, was read the first timre by title and was placedl on Calendar of Local Bills on Second Readina without referdIce. And House Bill No. 200, contaiiled in the above nessage, was read the first turne by its title. Mr. Etheredge moived that thie rules he waived and that House Bill No. 200 be read the second time liv its title only. Witicj was agree(d to byv a two-thir~ds vote. And House Bill No. 200 was read the second lime by ifs title only. Mr. Ethei'cdge moved that the inles be waived and that Tlouse Bill No. 200 be rcad the thifi-d timie in full and put upon its passagre. 211 Which le was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Allcl House Bill No. 200, with title abov-e staledf, was ),~, tle, thiird riune in] full. I 'poi thle p'assage of thle bill tile vote was. xIys--AIli. I"residen(1t- . Selnators Anderson, Hllut br. CalkCone lEdge, Etloeredge, (julius, (olson, ws~ Cllark, toe. Ove~rstreet. 1\nigl-t. nlvres. Melionels.) Iflje. IlNlnle. h ill o ls.PIa 4sell, SOigletar·-. SmithI, Swearinen. Walker. Watson, WVicker 2W,' 'tlll(l' TI. 'l'avliol, TI'iiollll le same was or0So Ithjje hill pass'ed, title as statednd tihe dleiri I to hw ccr itif ed to thle Mouse of Reinesentat nves mndei ill tile above unesAndl HIouse 13,ill No. 205, containedl sage. Wa"s read the first time by· its title and was placedl on tile Secondl Reading i oni thle Calenidar of Local B ills withlimit referenclc. Anid I louse Hill No. 212. contained in thle abov~e messagJYe, was read thle fir"st time by its title. 1Mr. Swealrm-ooen moved that thel 1Illes he waiNved and that 1lottse Hill No. 212 bie rwl fiete secoiini time by its title iilyn?. W\hiiehi was ag-reed to by a, two-thirds vote. Anl House Bill No. 212 wwas read the second tfime bv its title only. moved that tile rules he waivedl and *Mr. Swearingn that Ioose cBill No. 212 he readl thle third time in full and pulit uiponl its passage. Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. Andl hlous:e Bill No. 212, withi title above statedl, was read the third time in foil.1 Ilipon its passage tile vote was: Yeas----M., President Senators Anderson. l13utler. Calkills, (lark, (Coe. (olson. (Cone, Edge, Etheredge, G(illis, Ilale. TIndcv. Knight, McDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Putnam. Rowe. Russell. Singletary. Smith. Sxvearingen. Taylor·. Ttirubuhlll, Titriler, Wldker, Watson, WTick-pr- 29.! Navs-Nonie. So the Hill passedl, Iitle as statedl. A'ndi tire same\1 was ordlerell to he certified to the House )1 Repres'entatives wider lile rule. 212 Also-The following 1uvc.cxsge fromi the House of RepresentatiNres was read 1-louse of Representatives, Tallahassee, Fla., April 16, 1925. ilou. Jokn S. Taulor, Preri'dellt of the Asrcluatc. I am.directed by the Ilouse of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has passedSenate. Bill No. 91: A bill to be entitled An Act to abolish the mnuicipal corporation of the Town of Molinio, Eseambia County, Florida, incorporated under the provisions of Chapter 6729, Laws of Florida, as amnended; to provide for the iprotection of all creditors of said municipality; and to jprovide that said abolition shall be effective, wiless dlefeated by a majority of the votes east within the limits of said municipality, at a special election therein hield; to provide for the holding and coudnct of such election ; and the qualification of electors thereat. AlsoSenate Bill No. 99: A bill to be entitled Ani Act for certain special tax school districts in Polk County. Florida, to be reiwbuhursed by the Board of Public Instruction for said countiy, from its general fund. Very respectfully, 13. A. MTEGINNISS, Chief Clerk House of Representatives. And Senate 13ills, Nos. 91 and 99. contained(] in the aliov-e message, weie readl the first time by their titles an(l Ire fcrVed to the Committee on En tolled B ills. AlsoThe followinig message from the House of Representatives was i-cad: 213 H-Iouse of Representatives. Tallahassee, Fla., April 16, 1925. lT If(Il. John. 8. alor, PrCesidenlt of the Secate. Sir: ' I anm directed by the IIouse of Representatives to inform the Senate that the HIonuse of Representatives lhas passedlSenate Bill No. 28: A bill to b.e entitled An Acet to antlhorize the City of Forlt Myelrs, in the Counity of Lee, and State of Florida, to issne bonds to the amount of 4145,000 for municipal inmproiements, to levy ant collect annually, sufficient taxes for pamlient of the principal and interest thereof, .anil to validate proceedings heretofore had in connection therewlith AlsoSenate Bill No. 44: A bill to be entitled An Aet authorizing the Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns County, Florida, to issue bondls to refuilned certain outstanding bonds of said county and providing for the levy andl collection of taxes to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon. AlsoSenate Bill No. 56: A bill to be entitledl An Act to create and establish a mulicipality to be knownr ant designated as the Towvn of IKeystone HIeights and to define its territorial boundalries andl provide for the organization government thereof, and for its jurisdliction, powers and privileges, and to provice folr thle assessuient and collection of taxes therein; andl to aulthori/e the imposition of penalties for the violation of its ordlinanl es. AlsoSenate Bill No. 65: A bill to be entitledl An Act authorizing the Board of l'ondl Tlrlstees of Special Road and Bridge District Numher Six, of Putnmlln (County, Florida, to join or enter into an agreement with the State Road Department of Florida for the construlction, olr contracting the constricetion, of in Chapter 9582, any of the roadl.s alendlblridige.s describedl 214 Laws of Florida, and authorizing said board of bond tr~usj tees to increase 11e width and chiange the materials of any of said roads an(d bridges to conform to the requiremnent s and specifications of said State Road Department; and to ap])ly the proceeds of bonds of said district to the com1 striction of such roads, and] bridges. Very respectfully. B. A. MEGINNISS, Chiei Clerk House of Representatives. And Senate BMlls Nos. 28, 44, 56, and 65, contained in the abov-e mecssage, were referred to the (Comlmittee on Enrolled Bills. The following- message from the House of Represeutatives wvas received and read: House of Representatives, rrafl~ahlisee.Plor~ida, April 16. 1925). Ilout. Joli , S. To qlor, Prestident of the AenIate. Sor: I am ditected hr- the House of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has passedken~ate bill No. 12: A bill to be entitled An Act to abolisli S'pecial Tax School Districts No. 2 Cora, No. 3 Jay, No. 1 IAll. Cannel an-id No. 13 Ebenezer, of Santa Rosa Countly', State of Florida, and to establish a consolidated special tax district illcluding the territory covered by said abolished districts, to be known- as Coonsolidated Special Tax School District No. 9-B Jav. Also-Senate Bill No. 13: A bill to be entitled An Act to validate and ratify all proceedings of the Town Council of the Town of Milton, Santa Rosa Countv, State of Florida, for widening and extendling tfe pavement 11po011 that portion of Oak Street between Wrilling Street and Elmira Street; assessing the cost on abutting property, and providing for thle claim and retention of liens 111)011 said abutting- ptroperty hy the said towil for suchll cost, and tile collection thereof. 215 A\lso- B ictl Il N o. 14: A bill to ibe cutitledI Ani Act to validate and ratifY aill pr'ctnliitgs of the Town of Milton, Santa Rosa County. for pazlving·ff and improving certain public streets of said town, assessing Part of the cost on abuttting property and ' to authorize the reassessment Oil abutpro0v'(idin therefcor or anv of saidI assessmllents; and to authoirize ting 1Pro(pttY tile jssuance of negotiable general obligation coupon bonds improveof saidI tolitl iHt lieu of or subs4titution for said mnent certificates. andl tihe levy and collection of taxes for of said bonds. the payeiien 1 Very respectfully, B. A. MEGINNISS. Chief Clerk House of Representatives. And PSenal C Bills Nos. 12, 13 andI 14, contained in the above message, were referred to the Committee on Enrolled Bills. AlsoThe following, mecvsslage from, thle I1ose tires was icadl )oflof ) resI a- Hoiuse of Represenitatilve.s. Tlallahiassec, Fla., Apr-il 16. 1925. lon1. Jolt I fS. T§I'oIlor-, Thrsidet'lt of the Senate. Sir: T am directed by the House of Repr-esentatives lo iniform the. Senlate thiat the H-louse of Representatives has passed-Sentate Bill -No. 15: A bill to be entitled Ani Act to authforoize the TrownT,1 Council of t(le Town of Milton, Santa Rosa County, Florida, to make certain inmllptovements to streets, sidtewalks. and oliher puiblic places, and to certain lpt'i\-ate property w64it1hin thle town, palrtly at tile cost of thle lon-it anad partly 'it thle cost of tile abuttingi~ property owners ; presr'ibing rk ; pr-ovhi1inig for inmethod of proh.edlure, for doing- suchc wrojj s uponi tue pr-operty of abiuttingl ownerj~s sPecial assessmenll for cost of such work, prescribing tile' effect of suchl asessIneils andl the mainaer of collecting, and eniforcling the same ; authorizing the said Town (Council to issue and sell certain imiiproveme-nt, bondls, prescribinlg the effect of interest rate suich bonds andrl limiting thev termns andl thereof. 216 AlsoSenate BIill No. 16: i Act to validate andl ratfy a(ll A bill to be enttled 1 proceedings of the To-wn of Milton. Santa Rosa County, lorlda. for pavini0 and improving a certain portIoniof Elmira Street anld a ceCfaini portion of Coial Street withill s 0 part of the cost on abuttingA the so ol towni, as:-es-n property. anli providliiga for the collection of such assessbounts and for the issuaniie and sale cf Imiproveeniit Bonds of the said tow ii tberefor; to authorize the re-ason al~utting Pr~ol~erty of any of sajd pssessinents, sessinent anld to authlorize the issuanice anld sale of negotiable geii oral obligation co11pon bonds of said towni, anid the levy- to be iMposed 1o1 aiv persoi or persons wbo, wvithi inteiit to h1inder, delay, defraud, or defeat the hiolder of a chattel m1ortgage or written conIditionlal sale contract, sliall pledge, mnortgage. sell, hide, conceal, transfer, oi- refuse O1) olemand of the holder of sitch mortgage or c'ontract to reveal the location of personal property snbject to such mortgage oir written coiinditional sale contract. or who shall, with sorh iuteit, remove such property b~eyond the or oren, limits of the county where sniclo mortgage N-as eiite'ed was' eointract sale where snell written; conditional ilnto, anl( prescribinlg a rule of ev~idence ]in such. Was taken up an(l p)1aced berore Ole Senate, an(l read the on the (Calendlar of second thune, and t((ok its 1)(ositi(onl Bills on the Trbird Reading. Senate Bill No. 23: A bill to be entitled An Act to amend Section 3213 of the Revised General Statutes of the State of Florida, relating- to quieting title and removing clonds from title to real estate. Was taken up and placed before the Senate, and read the second time, and the further consideration of the bill was telniiorari- passed, to rctaii its positiol) on the Calmidar. Mr. Butler moved to waive the rules and that tbe Senate reveccrt to the ordler of messages froom the House of Repr~esenlta tives. Which was a,-reed to by a two-thirds vote. The following miessage from the House of Representatives was readl 218 House of Representatives, Tallahassee, Fla., April 16, 1925.) uifl. J ohm S. Tat llot, President of t7he ;Senate. Sir: I aiu directecl by the I-louse of Representatives to inforil the Senate that the House of Representatives has passeclSenate Bill No. 105-A: A bill to be entitledl Anll Act mlakilig all emieIgency approprliationl for contingent expenses of the State for the renmailndilel of the current fiscal year. amlelndment: With tile followhing nll Section 1, lines 1 alid 2, strike out the w-ordcs alndl figures ''Fifteenll IIlHundred Dollars ($1,500.00)," andi inTllolisall(l I)olthelreof the follow-ilg: ''Five Rert;nlien larls (5.000.00)). " Andl reslpectfilY leyrelests the coincurrence of the Senate thereto. . Very reslpeetfilll B. A IAl\(lINNISS, Clilief Clerk House oit lepresentatives. Alll Slenate Bill No. 1(0--A, together w-ith the amenldIments of tl(e H1ouse of Representatives thelreto, as comtailedl ill the folregoing lmessage, was placed before the Senlate for considlration.ll 1Mr. Butler mlovedl that the Selnate do colncur to IIonse to Senate 13ill Aillendmenllllllt contailled il the above miessage No. 105-A. W7hichll was agreed to. AnlldlSelnate Bill No. 105-A, as amended br thie Ihouse eelrsiitatives anld conculrredl inl by the Senate, was oftl Bills. to the (Commllittee on Enrlolledl referredl Andl the action of the Seliate thereon was ordlelred to be cerl:ified1 to thle lomse of Repr esentatives. Tllei olderl of Senate sumLed. 3ills on the seconml readinig wVas re- Seniate Bill No. 24: A bill to be entitled All Acet to amiend Section 5529 of the Revised General Statutes of the State of Florida, relative to the sale of narcotics. Was taken ulp alnd placed befolre the Senaltedz, an(l readl tlhe A- 219 sec(nd, tinec. a011( look its,position oin thle TI'I(iI R lieading. on the Calenda i of 13tills Semiite Bill No. :39 A bill to ibe entitled Ani Act to prolii it the placiog of advertisilg sighs upoii the property of another witlihot the writtein consenit of the owner, and( to prohibit the placing of advertising signs on the igp-hts of wa v of tile pliblic highwvays of the State of Floridla, anid to iprotvixde penalties for the violation of this Act. Was taken ili) anti Iplaceil before tihe Senate. and read t,1e secondl titne andl took its positioni oii tlie Calen1(10i of Bills oil therTfiird Reading. 11oulse Bill No. 121 011(1 Senate Bill No. 126 were taken p ill their respective orders, and the consideration of tile samne wa:s temporarlily passed over, tile bills to keel their position oin the Catlendtar. House Bill No. LII Ah ill to be entitled Ani Act autrhorizing the C'ity, of1 * itusville to issue bonds aiid to amiend Section 39 relating to sale of bond(Is, of Chapter 61(18 of the Law.s of Florida, entitled, 'Ani Act to abolish the present municipal governniient of the Town of Titusvilie, in the County of IBrevard, allnd the State, of Florida, andI to establish, organize and coiistitute a niuhicil)Olity to be known andl designated as tile City of Titusviile, and to define its territorial boundlaries and([ to provide for its jurisdlictionl, powers 011(1 privileg-es. Was taken op and placed before thle Senate, andtl read the second time. Mr. Watson moved that the rules be wvaived 01111 that IIouste Bill No. 1-51 be read the third time it full and(] put 11)0oll its passalge. Which wavs agreed to by a two-tlilrds vote. Andl Hrouse Bill No. 151, with title above state(d, was ra d the third time in full. 111)011 the passage of the bill the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Senators Anderson, Butler, Calkins, Clark, Coe, Conle. Ethereclde. Gfillis. Hale, ilineley. Iodoges, Knight. McDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips. Putnam, Russell, Singletary, Smithi, Swearingen., Taylor (31st Dist.), Turnbnll, Walker, Watson, Wicker-27. Nays-None. So tile bill passed, title as stated. 220 And the samie wvas ordlered to be certified to the House of Representatives Lundelr thle rule. IIouse Dill No. 242: A bill to be entitled An Act to provice for and establish a bird and game reservation, dlefining its boundaries, prohibitillg thle hunting, trapping, chasing, lkilling or molest- ing of any wilcl animals, birds or fowl within, said descriecl boundclaries and providing a pnmishment for the violation thereof. WVas talien up and placed befolre the Senate, and read the second timne, and the further consideration of the bill was tempollllrarily passed, to retain its position on the Calendal r. Mr. Swearingen movred to waive the rules and take up for consideration Senate Bill No. 23 out of its order. Which wvas agreed to bv a tw-o-thirds ot.e. AnidSenate Bill No. 23: A bill to he entitled An Act to aimend Sectioni 3213 of thle Rev-ised General Statutes of tle State of Florida, re]ating to qulieting title and remloving cloud(s from titles to Was takenl lup andl placed before thle Senate, andl read the secondl time, togetlher wnith the Comlmittee Amenldmelnt thelreto. Mr. Sw-earingen, C('hairman of Judiciary B, offered the following amendment to Senate Bill No. 2,: Tn Section 1. line 8, aftelr the wol-i "has," insert thle followving: "Appears to have." Mrf. Swearhingen moved the adoption of the amendlment.lt WhlliclL was agreed to. Andl tlhe hill as amnellled was referred to the 'Committee on En1lgrnssed Bills. REP'ORT ()OF ENROLTTING COMIITTEE Mr. 8. V. Anldelrson. Chlairman of thle Joint Colmmlittee on Enrolled Bills on the 1pl0t of the Senate. submlitted the follnow-inlg lreport: 221 Senate Chamber. rrllahassee, Florida, April 16. 1925). i1oni. .joh a S. Taylor, Piesidenut of the Scnate. Sir: Yur J(Hoint ('ninnuitt ref errued c?OEnE olle[l to whom was (Tonse Bill No. 72) Aln Act to autholirize the CitV of ForIt Mers. in tile Colnilty of Lee and State of Florida to Issue Bonds to the Amliount of *445,000 for Municipal limprovements, to Levr and Collect Annually. Sufficient Taxes for payment of tile Principal awl interest thereof, and to Validate p"roceeding-s heretofore had iii connection therewith. Alsoionotse Bill No. 117) the 'Charter of the City of Ellenton, An Act to amnenl F1lorilla., anld Section Twenty-six (26) thereof, so as to permil the issuance of Bonds in Denomiination of MalitiDollars. 1)1cM of One Hundred (*100.00') Also(IHouse Bill No. 21) An Act to legalize, ratify, confirm and validate all Acts and procedings of the Mayor and City Counicil of thle City of South Jacksonville in connection with the issuance of Fouir T-Tndred Thousand (*400,000.00) Dollars Municipal iinlprovernent Bonds of said City, including tile election held in said City on thle third day oif Mairch, A. D. 1925, upon the question of the issu~ance of said Bonds and legalizing. ratifying, confirming and validating said Bonds. Also(House Bill No. 129) Chapter 8936, Laws of Florida which An Act repealingr is an. Act providing for the appointment of a Town Malrshal of the Town of DeFuniak Springs, Florida, for Iis suspension or removal from office, and 'relating to thel powers and duties of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of DeFmuiak Springs, Florida, in connection therewithl. 2~22 Also(hlouse Bill -No. 2'13 An Act to authtorize tMe em plovnent by tile Comitv 2 ~petial C'ollfl15510HCP5 of the (Comiitv of Escalnmia of Mlotor-cvcle Police, to fix the 13onld thereof, to pIrei',ibe their powers. (lietIs anti compellnsation, and to fix tilout term of office. A Iso(Ulouse Bill No. 86) An Act validating anlldl clonfirmming an Issue of seveinty- five thousand ($75,000.00) dollars bonds issued by Special Trax School District Number Five, IHarlee County, Florida, and authorizing aiti requirijng the leNvy and collection of a. tax for the payment of the interest anIl principal thereof, as the same becomes due. Also(iloumse BI-'ll No. 26): An Act to legalize ant validate all acts anti proceedings heretofore done and had by1 the towil council ant the city colncil, the tax collector, tax assessor, ant all other town officials of the Clity- of Moore Haven, ant the town of Moore Haven, Florida, il connection wvitlh anid relating to the assessment of taxes, either town or special, and providiiig that no future assessmient or levy shall be void or invalidlated on account of any irregularity, ouission, or- forin proceediings relating thereto. ial defeet t Also(h1ouse Bill No. 138) An Act authorizing Bay Connty, Florida, to Issue ant sell bonds for the construction of a toll bridge across the east armi of St. Andrew's Bay at a place known as Long Poiiit, ini said Bay County, Floridla; also authorizing Bay County, Florida, to issue ant sell bonds for the construction of a toll bridge across one arm of St. Andrews Bay at a place kno-wn as Sulphur Point on said St. Andrews Bay, Ill said Bay County, Florida; ant to provite for the levy and collection of taxes on property and provide a sinking fumud to raise said funds. Also(house Bill No. 31) An Act validating and confirming. an issue of fifty thousant ($50,000.00) dollais lbonds issued by Special Tax 223 School Di)strict Nuimber Fiive, Ilendry County, Florida, 5njd authiorizing antd requiring the levy and collection of g tax for the payment of the interest and principal tlpereof. as tlw saime becomies die. flare exianm1"Ied the same and find them correctly enrolled. rlhe samle b-ing been duily signed by the Speaker and C1hief Clerk of the hlouse of Representatives, wie herewith pjreset the samlre for the signa-ture of the President and Secretal' of the Senate. Very respectfully, S. W. ANDERSON, C'hainn an of thie -Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills on the Part of the Senate. The bills contained in the above report wvere duly signed by tile President and Secretary of the Senate in open sessIolland orilered referred to the Joint C(oniuittee on Enrolled B1,illseon the part of tile Senate, to hle conveyed to the (1overnor for- his approval. AlsoMr. S. V. Andeison. Chairman of tile Jointf Conmittee en Enrolled Bills oil the, ]part of the Senate. sutbmitted thie followi~ng report: Sciiate Chamber. Tallahassee. Fla.. 1925. lion. Jolh it S. Taglor, Presufleit of fite SeCna'te. Your -Joint (olumiittee on Enrolled B1ills, to Avbom Was referredHouse B1ill No. 66: An Act validating certain Mn licipal Impr'ovemernt B1onids of the City of Tarpon Springs, Florida, and proceedings pertaining thlereto. and validating Refunding Bonds of said City, and proceedings pertaining thereto. to be issued for the purpose of refunding said Municipal Improvement Bonls. Also-House Bill No. 65: An. Act to amend the Charter of the City of Tarpon Springs as provided for in the following- Chapters and Sections of thie Laws of Florida. to wit : To anieud Seetiol1 2 of Chapter 6784, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1913, as amienhl( ed bv Section 1 of Chapter- 7719, Acts of 1917t and finttfier amended by Section 1, Chapter 8372. [Ia of F lorida, Acts of 1919, the samne being pa' t of time Ch;aItei of the City of Tarpon Springs with rtefei nce to tile te iritoiial limits and incorporation of the City of ITampow Si aings miso to aniedl Section 19 of (haptu (ub4 Laws of IFlorida, Acts of 191-3, as amended hr Seetion 1) of Chapter 38t72, [Jaws of. Flor-ida, Acts of 1919, l~me same being part of time Charter of the Cit y of Tar-pon Sil'ing with reference to thre qualification of time electors of tile City of Tarpon Spr-ings. AlsoHouse Bill No. 67: An Act l.o amend Section 14 of Chapter 9097 of time Laws of Florida, Acts of 1921, the same being part of tile, Charter of Ta~i-onl Springs, with reference to the PowPers of time Board of Commissioners of the City of Tarlpon Spr inigs. I-ave exanhine(1 the same and find theinm correctly enrolled. The same ]mav-ing been duly siancd hr the Speaiker and Chief Clerk of time house of Representatives, we herewith present the samne for time signature of the President and. Secretary of time S'enate. Very respectfully, Ft W'. ANDERSON, Chairman o the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills on the Parit of the Senate. The bills contained in the above report wvere duly signed by time President and Secretary of the Senate in open session and ordered referred to the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills on the amrt of the Senate, to be conveyed to the Goverinor for his approval. IMr. Turnbull moved that time Senate do now adjourn. Which was aigreed to. Whereupon, at 1 :03 o'clock P.1M, the Senate stood adjourned to 11 o'clock A. M., Friday, April 17, A.D. 1925.
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