0610_w12_ms_61x MS61 0610 W12 Ms 61
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w w ap eP m e tr .X w CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS 0610 BIOLOGY 0610/61 Paper 6 (Alternative to Practical), maximum raw mark 40 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes. Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2012 series for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level components. om .c MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2012 series s er International General Certificate of Secondary Education Page 2 Question 1 (a) (i) Mark Scheme IGCSE – October/November 2012 Mark scheme Syllabus 0610 Mark allocation Paper 61 Guidance respiration / fermentation; [1] (ii) carbon dioxide; [1] A chemical formula if correct. (iii) limewater; cloudy / milky / AW; [2] A ecf If test matches gas named in (ii) (b) temperature control / avoid temperature fluctuation / to keep them at same temperature / AW; (warm water) increase in rate of reaction / activates yeast / increases respiration / AW; correct reference to enzyme activity; Max [2] (c) Description W1 lower number bubbles than W2 / AW; No: bubbles decrease from trial 1 to trial 2 and /or trial 3 (for W1 and /or W2 / AW; Max [3] Explanation must link to correct description Explanation less yeast in W1 / W2 has been (reacting) in warm water longer / AW; sugar / substrate decreasing; © Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 3 (d) Mark Scheme IGCSE – October/November 2012 Any 2 sources of error and 2 linked suggestions of improvement. Max [4] Syllabus 0610 NB Improvement should be specific to an error and refer to an experimental method. e.g. Error: change in temperature / different starting temperatures / different length of time in warm water; Improvement: (monitor with thermometer and) add hot / cold water (to keep constant) / use water bath / start testing at same time / AW; Error: varying amounts of yeast Improvement: use same mass yeast / AW; Error: (inaccurate) timing; Improvement: use stop watch / AW; Error: (variable) shaking of tube; Improvement: shake for same amount of time / at same rate / AW; Error: inaccurate counting of bubbles / different sized bubbles; Improvement: use gas syringe / measuring cylinder / repeat (experiment); [Total: 13] 2 (a) O outline; S size and proportion; D details; Label; Paper 61 [4] © Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 4 Mark Scheme IGCSE – October/November 2012 (b) (i) midrib / (network of )veins / petiole or leaf stalk / serrated edge / AW / AVP [1] (ii) entire v divided (into leaflets) / simple v compound / AW; leaf v leaflets; pointed tip v rounded tip; AVP; Max [2] (c) (i) Syllabus 0610 Ig Paper 61 size / shape /sharp. Give ECF BOD for incorrect drawing label. Must have a comparative answer. line to or within palisade cell; [1] start / entry from outside through lower stoma; end on or in labelled cell / c(i) cell; [2] Max 1 if no arrows or arrows in wrong direction (d) measurement : 14 ± 1 mm); formula : length ÷ magnification; calculation : 0.05 ( 0.046 – 0.054 mm); [3] If different unit e.g. cm, then units must be present. (e) (i) idea of mesophyll cells / blade / lamina / AW decomposed first / veins or midrib remain; midrib / veins harder or tougher (so remain) / lamina softer or weaker / AW; by bacteria / fungi / microorganisms or detritivores / named examples; digestion / respiration / decay (by decomposers); AVP; (ii) Max [3] © Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 5 (ii) Mark Scheme IGCSE – October/November 2012 [4] A –axes and linear scaling; S – size; P – correct plots; L – line; (iii) increase in mass at start / first 6 months / AW; [3] (overall or after 6 months) mass decreases; correct reference to figures; [Total: 23] 3 (a) (i) (ii) A C [2] 2 from elongated body shape / eyes / scales / no legs or limbs;; [2] [Total: 4] © Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Syllabus 0610 Paper 61
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