08 Officers And Cvr Colony 4275.301 Board List Entire

User Manual: Colony 4275.301

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www.nrmca.org Revised: 2/09
900 Spring Street
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
(301) 587-1400
(301) 585-4219 - Fax
R. Frank Craddock Henry Batten
NRMCA Chairman NRMCA Vice Chairman
Cemex, Inc. Concrete Supply Co.
840 Gessner Road, Suite 1400 3823 Raleigh Street
Houston, TX 77024 Charlotte, NC 28206
(713) 722-5813 (704) 372-2930
(713) 722-5109 – Fax (704) 343-0271 – Fax
Email: frank.craddock@cemex.com Email: henry.batten@concretesupplyco.com
Tim Becken Elizabeth Twohy
NRMCA Secretary/Treasurer Immediate Past Chairman
Cemstone Products Company Capital Concrete, Inc.
2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard #300 400 Stapleton Street
Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Norfolk, VA 23504
(651) 688-9292 (757) 627-0630
(651) 688-0124 – Fax (757) 627-3927 – Fax
Email: timbecken@cemstone.com Email: boo@capitalconcreteinc.com
Executive Committee
R. Frank Craddock Michael Harlan
Cemex, Inc. US Concrete, Inc.
840 Gessner Road, Suite 1400 2925 Briarpark Drive, Suite #1050
Houston, TX 77024 Houston, TX 77042-3720
(713) 722-5813 (713) 499-6200
(713) 722-5109 - Fax (713) 499-6201 - Fax
Email: frank.craddock@cemex.com Email: mharlan@us-concrete.com
Henry Batten David Robison
Concrete Supply Co. Delta Industries, Inc.
3823 Raleigh Street 100 West Woodrow Wilson
Charlotte, NC 28206 Jackson, MS 39213
(704) 372-2930 (601) 292-3900
(704) 343-0271 - Fax (601) 352-1922 - Fax
Email: henry.batten@concretesupplyco.com Email: drobison@delta-ind.com
Tim Becken James Schelzi
Cemstone Products Company Aggregate Industries, Northeast Region
2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard #300 1751 Broadway
Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Saugus, MA 01906
(651) 688-9292 (781) 941-7200 x1137
(651) 688-0124 - Fax (781) 231-2871 - Fax
Email: timbecken@cemstone.com Email: james.schelzi@aggregate.com
Elizabeth Twohy Greg Sheardown
Capital Concrete, Inc. Lafarge North America
400 Stapleton Street 7880 Keele Street
Norfolk, VA 23504 Concord, Ontario L4K 4G7
(757) 627-0630 Canada
(757) 627-3927 - Fax (905) 764-5260
Email: boo@capitalconcreteinc.com (905) 738-9179 - Fax
Email: greg.sheardown@lafarge-na.com
William F. Childs, IV
Chaney Enterprises Karl Watson, Jr.
12480 Mattawoman Drive Cemex, Inc.
Waldorf, MD 20604 1501 Belvedere Road
(301) 843-6101 West Palm Beach, FL 33406
(301) 870-8086 - Fax (561) 820-8699
Email: bchilds@chaneyenterprises.com (561) 655-6876 - Fax
Email: khwatson@cemexusa.com
Stephen Fidler
Kuert Concrete Inc.
3402 Lincoln Way West
South Bend, IN 46628-1455
(574) 232-9911
(574) 232-9977 - Fax
Email: steve@kuert.com
Elected Members of the Board of Directors
Members indicated by an asterick (*) are state association executives elected as non-voting Board members.
William Arent (2010) Diggs Bishop (2011)
Carolinas Ready Mixed Concrete Assn. Vulcan Materials Company
1805 J.N. Pease Place 6860 Commercial Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262 Springfield, VA 22151
(704) 717-9199 (703) 354-7100
(704) 717-8688 - Fax (703) 658-3206 - Fax
Email: arent@crmca.com Email: bishopd@vcmail.com
Michael Arps (2010) Dave Bull (2011)
Arps Red-E-Mix, Inc. Morse Bros., Inc., A Knife River Company
250 W Vine Street 32260 Highway 34
Fremont, NE 68025-5570 Tangent, OR 97389-9606
(402) 721-8181 (541) 928-6491
(402) 721-7261 - Fax (541) 928-6494 - Fax
Email: mike@arps.ws Email: dave.bull@kniferiver.com
Carmine Attanasio (2011) Jose A. Cancio, Sr. (2010)
New York City Concrete Promotion Council Central Concrete Supermix Inc.
1465 Bronx River Avenue 4300 SW 74th Ave.
Bronx, NY 10472 Miami, FL 33155-4406
(718) 842-5997 (305) 262-3250
(718) 842-3837 - Fax (305) 267-0698 - Fax
Email: cattanasio@nyccpc.org Email: pcancio@supermix.com
Thor Becken (2009) Eugene Ceccotti (2010)
Cemstone Products Company Shamrock Materials, Inc.
2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard #300 181 Lynch Creek Way, Suite 200
Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Petaluma, CA 94954
(651) 688-9292 (707) 781-9000
(651) 688-0124 - Fax (707) 781-9048 - Fax
Email: thorbecken@cemstone.com Email: donomadi@shamrockmaterials.com
Scott Bigler (2010) William F. Childs, IV (2009)
Altaview Concrete Inc. Chaney Enterprises
9547 South 500 West 12480 Mattawoman Drive
Sandy, UT 84070-2529 Waldorf, MD 20604
(801) 255-3580 (301) 843-6101
(801) 255-9387 - Fax (301) 870-8086 - Fax
Email: scottb@altaviewconcrete.com Email: bchilds@chaneyenterprises.com
Board of Directors - continued
Ron Davis (2009) Sherry Griswold (2011)
Irving Materials, Inc. Griswold Ready Mix Concrete, Inc.
8032 N State Road 9 11660 Camden Road
Greenfield, IN 46140-9017 Jacksonville, FL 32226
(317) 326-3101 (904) 751-3796
(317) 326-3108 - Fax (904) 751-3902 - Fax
Email: ron.davis@irvmat.com Email: concretia@griswoldconcrete.com
Richard DeBoer (2009) Rodney Grogan (2009)
Ozinga Bros., Inc. MMC Materials, Inc.
15959 S. 108th Avenue 1052 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 201
Orland Park, IL 60467 Ridgeland, MS 39157
(708) 364-8255 (601) 898-4004
(708) 364-8202 - Fax (601) 898-4030 - Fax
Email: richdeboer@ozinga.com Email: rgrogan@mmcmaterials.com
John Ferraiolo (2011) Allen Hamblen (2011)
Ferraiolo Construction Co., Inc. CalPortland Company
28 Gordon Drive 5975 East Marginal Way South
Rockland, ME 04841-5304 Seattle, WA 98134
(207) 594-9840 (206) 909-7600
(207) 594-2812 - Fax (206) 764-3012 - Fax
Email: john.fcc@verizon.net Email: Ahamblen@calportland.com
Stephen Fidler (2009) John Hannon (2010)
Kuert Concrete Inc. Berks Products
3402 Lincoln Way West 965 Berkshire Boulevard
South Bend, IN 46628-1455 Wyomissing, PA 19610
(574) 232-9911 (610) 374-5131
(574) 232-9977 - Fax (610) 375-1469 - Fax
Email: steve@kuert.com Email: john.hannon@berksproducts.com
Michael Gentoso (2010) Michael Harlan (2009)
Eastern Concrete Materials Inc. (A U.S. Concrete Sub) US Concrete, Inc.
475 Market Street 2925 Briarpark Drive, Suite #1050
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407-3126 Houston, TX 77042-3720
(201) 797-7979 (713) 499-6200
(201) 797-1155 - Fax (713) 499-6201 - Fax
Email: mgentoso@us-concrete.com Email: mharlan@us-concrete.com
Board of Directors - continued
Mr. Pat Heale (2010) Whit Kennedy (2010)
Ocean Construction Supplies LTD, A Lehigh Company Hardaway Concrete Upstate, Inc.
PO Box 2300, 8955 Shaughnessy Street 520 Springfield Road
Vancouver, British Columbia V6P 3W6 Spartanburg, SC 29303
Canada (864) 578-3851
(604) 269-6405 (864) 578-1235 - Fax
(604) 261-7537 - Fax Email: whit.kennedy@aggregate-us.com
Email: pheale@lehighcement.com
Mr. John Holiman (2011) Vic Lattimore (2010)
Conco Companies Lattimore Materials Company, LP
510 N Sherman Street 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 400
Springfield, MO 65802-3655 McKinney, TX 75069
(417) 447-9076 (972) 221-4646
(417) 447-9070 - Fax (972) 221-5226 - Fax
Email: jholiman@concocompanies.com Email: vicl@lmctx.com
Keith Ingram (2009) William Layton* (2009)
Razorback Concrete Co., Inc. New Jersey Concrete & Aggregate Assn.
211 North 6th Street 15 N. Front Street
West Memphis, AR 72301-3220 Trenton, NJ 08608
(870) 735-9580 (609) 393-3352
(870) 732-2703 - Fax (609) 393-3354 - Fax
Email: kmingram@aol.com Email: layton01@comcast.net
Norm Jagger (2011) Adam Manatt (2011)
Aggregate Industries, North Central Region Manatt's Inc.
2915 Waters Road, Suite 105 1775 Old 6 Road
Eagan, MN 55121-1562 Brooklyn, IA 52211-0535
(651) 683-0600 (641) 522-9206
(651) 683-8108 - Fax (641) 522-5594 - Fax
Email: norm.jagger@aggregate.com Email: adamm@manatts.com
Wally Johnson (2010) Geoffrey McNiven (2009)
US Concrete, Inc. Colville Valley Concrete Corp.
2925 Briarpark Drive, Suite 1050 1175 East 3rd Street
Houston, TX 77042-3720 Colville, WA 99114
(713) 499-6229 (509) 684-6552
(713) 499-6201 - Fax (509) 684-7635 - Fax
Email: wjohnson@us-concrete.com Email: gmcniven@plix.com
Board of Directors - continued
E.J. "Manny" Nappa (2011) Jamie Rogers (2009)
California Portland Cement Co. Texas Industries, Inc.
7225 N. 110th Avenue, Suite 6 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane
Glendale, AZ 85037 Dallas, TX 75247-6913
(623) 889-0362 (972) 647-3389
(623) 889-0372 - Fax (972) 647-3878 - Fax
Email: enappa@calportland.com Email: jrogers@txi.com
Eric Nicholson (2011) Charles Rohde (2009)
Centre Concrete Company King's Material Inc.
2280 East College Avenue 355 50th Avenue Drive, SW
State College, PA 16804 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
(814) 238-2471 (319) 364-4144
(814) 238-2914 - Fax (319) 364-4147 - Fax
Email: enicholson@centreconcrete.com Email: carohde@kingsmaterial.com
Scott Parson (2010) James Schelzi (2010)
Jack B. Parson Companies Aggregate Industries, Northeast Region
151 West Vine Street 1751 Broadway
Murray, UT 84107 Saugus, MA 01906
(801) 262-9378 (781) 941-7200 x1137
(801) 266-8048 - Fax (781) 231-2871 - Fax
Email: scott.parson@jbparson.com Email: james.schelzi@aggregate.com
James Purcell (2011) Greg Sheardown (2009)
Lehigh Cement Company Lafarge North America
7660 Imperial Way 7880 Keele Street
Allentown, PA 18195-1016 Concord, Ontario L4K 4G7
(610) 366-4712 Canada
(610) 366-4616 - Fax (905) 764-5260
Email: jpurcell@lehighcement.com (905) 738-9179 - Fax
Email: greg.sheardown@lafarge-na.com
David Robison (2010)
Delta Industries, Inc. Ric Suzio (2009)
100 West Woodrow Wilson The L. Suzio Concrete Co., Inc.
Jackson, MS 39213 975 Westfield Road
(601) 292-3900 Meriden, CT 06450-0748
(601) 352-1922 - Fax (203) 237-8421
Email: drobison@delta-ind.com (203) 238-9177 - Fax
Email: hesuzio@suzioyorkhill.com
Board of Directors - continued
Reece Thomas (2009) Karl Watson, Jr. (2010)
Sequatchie Concrete Service, Inc. Cemex, Inc.
406 South Cedar Avenue 1501 Belvedere Road
South Pittsburg, TN 37380 West Palm Beach, FL 33406
(423) 837-7913 (561) 820-8699
(423) 837-7529 - Fax (561) 655-6876 - Fax
Email: rthomas@seqconcrete.com Email: khwatson@cemexusa.com
Carmine Valente (2010) Mark Williams (2010)
Jenna Concrete Corp. Williams Concrete, Inc.
1465 Bronx River Ave. 1350 Ford Street
Bronx, NY 10472-1001 Maumee, OH 43537
(718) 842-5250 (419) 893-3251
(718) 589-3446 - Fax (419) 893-2929 - Fax
Email: cvjenna@aol.com Email: mark@wbci.com
Gene Wagner (2009)
Bestway Concrete
301 Centennial Drive
Milliken, CO 80543
(970) 356-7523
(970) 587-4995 - Fax
Email: gwagner@bestwayconcrete.com
William B. Wagner (2011)
Lafarge Building Materials, Inc.
12375 Morris Road, Bldg. 200, Suite 300
Alpharetta, GA 30004
(678) 746-2240
(678) 746-2373 - Fax
Email: bill.wagner@lafarge-na.com
John Ware (2009)
Irving Materials, Inc.
8032 N. State Road 9
Greenfield, IN 46140
(317) 326-3101
(317) 326-3105 - Fax
Email: john.ware@irvmat.com
Past Chairmen
Past Chairmen of the Association still engaged in an active capacity with an active
member company (*Associate member co.) who are ex officio members of the Board.
John W. Roberts* (1957) Norman R. Nelson (2001)
Northeast Solite Corporation Lyman-Richey Corporation
1500 Westbrook Court, Apt 5115 4315 Cuming Street
Richmond, VA 23227 Omaha, NE 68131
(804) 200-1428 (402) 558-2727
(804) 329-5122 - Fax (402) 556-5171 - Fax
Email: johnsolite@aol.com Email: norm.nelson@lymanrichey.com
William B. Allen* (1981) David L. Vickers (2002)
Allen Villere Partners US Concrete, Inc.
4411 Barfield Road 46-360 Monte Sereno Drive
Memphis, TN 38117 Indian Wells, CA 92210
(901) 755-0010 (760) 360-3958
(901) 763-4918 - Fax (760) 360-6865 - Fax
Email: wballen@allenvillere.com Email: dvickerssr@aol.com
Thomas H. Baird, III (1996) James A. Russ (2003)
Concrete Company of Springfield Essroc Cement Corp.
510 Sherman Parkway 200 The Point Lane
Springfield, MO 65802 Stevensville, MD 21666
(417) 863-2000 (410) 721-6900
(417) 831-7236 - Fax (410) 261-3716 - Fax
Email: tbaird3@msn.com Email: jim.russ@essroc.com
Murray S. Simpson (1997) Hardy B. Johnson (2004)
US Concrete, Inc. Tarmac America - A Titan America Company
5809 Devonshire Drive 455 Fairway Drive, Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20816 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
(301) 229-4880 (954) 425-4275
(301) 229-2409 - Fax (954) 570-9245 - Fax
Email: murraycora@aol.com Email: hjohnson@titanamerica.com
Thomas E. Chandler (1999) Peter Brewin (2006)
Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. GCC
1006 S. Church Street - PO Box 131 130 Rampart Way, Suite 200
Burlington, NC 27216 Denver, CO 80230
(336) 226-1181 (214) 693-6669
(336) 570-0557 - Fax Email: pbrewin@gcc.com
Email: Tom.Chandler@chandlerconcrete.com
Elizabeth Twohy (2007)
Thomas L. Flynn (2000) Capital Concrete, Inc.
The Flynn Group 400 Stapleton Street
801 Kerper Court Norfolk, VA 23504
Dubuque, IA 52001 (757) 627-0630
(563) 583-6494 (757) 627-3927 - Fax
(563) 583-7435 - Fax Email: boo@capitalconcreteinc.com
Email: FRMdubuque@aol.com
Ex Officio Voting Members
John Jacob, Chairman CPMB Charles P. Schumacher, Chairman TMMB
RexCon, LLC Schwing America, Inc.
7100 North Tuetonia Avenue 5900 Centerville Road
Milwaukee, WI 53209 White Bear, MN 55127-6899
(414) 351-7000 (651) 653-4218
(414) 351-8188 - Fax (651) 653-5481 - Fax
Email: Jjacob@rexcon.com Email: cschumacher@schwing.com
Tom McKernan, Chairman Manufacturers Div. John Rabchuk, Vice Chairman Manufacturers Div.
CBMW/Continental Mfg. Systech, Inc.
9797 Galveston Road 9014 Heritage Parkway, Suite 304
Houston, TX 77034-3915 Woodbridge, IL 60517
(713) 947-2600 (630) 515-0200
(713) 947-8925 - Fax (630) 515-0214 - Fax
Email: tmckernan@cbmwmixers.com Email: jrabchuk@systech-inc.com
Carol Hagan, Immediate Past Chairman Manf. Div. Kari Saragusa, Chairman Materials Division
The Vince Hagan Company Lehigh Cement Company
1601 North Walton Walker 675 Quaker Hill Road
Dallas, TX 75211 Union Bridge, MD 21048
(214) 330-4601 (410) 386-6325
(214) 339-4166/(214) 331-9177 - Fax (410) 386-6311 - Fax
Email: chagan@vincehagan.com Email: ksaragusa@lehighcement.com
Bruce Strickland, Vice Chairman Materials Division Brad Violetta, Past Chairman Materials Division
Sika Corporation BASF Admixtures, Inc.
1061 NE 34th Street 23700 Chagrin Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 Cleveland, OH 44122
(423) 421-2995 (216) 839-7050
(954) 564-3817 - Fax (216) 839-8825 - Fax
Email: strickland.bruce@sika-corp.com Email: bradley.violetta@basf.com
Ex Officio Non-Voting Members
Current Chairmen of NRMCA Standing Committees:
Terry Green, Chairman OES Committee John Shelonko, Chairman Legal Activities Committee
US Concrete, Inc. Lafarge North America, Inc.
2925 Briarpark, Suite 1050 12950 Worldgate Drive, Suite 500
Houston, TX 77042-3720 Herndon, VA 20170
(713) 499-6206 (703) 480-3738
(713) 499-6201 - Fax (703) 796-2217 - Fax
Email: tgreen@us-concrete.com Email: john.shelonko@lafarge-na.com
Jeff O'Leary, Chairman RES Committee Stephen Thomas, Chairman CIAC Committee
Florida Rock Industries, Inc. Consumers Concrete Corporation
155 East 21st Street 3508 S. Sprinkle Road
Jacksonville, FL 32201-4667 Kalamazoo, MI 49001
(904) 355-1781 x267 (269) 342-0136
(904) 791-1811 - Fax (269) 384-0974 - Fax
Email: olearyj@vmcmail.com Email: sathomas@consumersconcrete.com
Mr. Bill Roy, Chairman BCS Committee Robert Sells, Chairman Concrete Promotion Committee
Ready Mix USA, Inc. Titan America LLC
2570 Ruffner Road 6071 Catawba Road
Birmingham, AL 35210-6868 Troutville, VA 24175
(205) 986-4800 (540) 966-6870
(205) 986-4892 - Fax (540) 966-1542 - Fax
Email: billr@rmusainc.com Email: rsells@titanamerica.com
Ted Chandler, Chairman Membership Promotion Cmte. Tom Pittman, Chairman Educational Activities Cmte.
Chandler Concrete Co., Inc. PCS
1006 S. Church Street - PO Box 131 PO Box 265
Burlington, NC 27216 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
(336) 226-1181 (301) 725-1456
(336) 570-0557 - Fax (301) 725-1268 - Fax
Email: Ted.Chandler@chandlerconcrete.com Email: t.pittman@myconcretesupply.com
Past Chairmen of the NRMCA Manufacturers Div. still active in an associate member company:
Robert F. Strayer (1990-1992) Neil C. Smith (1994-1996)
Erie Strayer Company CON-E-CO
1851 Rudolph Avenue 237 N. 13th Street
Erie, PA 16502 Blair, NE 68008-1673
(814) 456-7001 (402) 426-4181
(814) 452-3422 - Fax (402) 426-4180 - Fax
Email: rfs@eriestrayer.com Email: nsmith@con-e-co.com
Charles P. Schumacher (1996-1999) Paul Ellingen (1999-2000)
Schwing America, Inc. McNeilus Companies
5900 Centerville Road 7520 Freedom Way
White Bear, MN 55127-6899 Fort Wayne, IN 46818
(651) 653-4218 (260) 489-3031
(651) 653-5481 - Fax Email: pellingen@mcneilusco.com
Email: cschumacher@schwing.com
Past Chairmen of the NRMCA Materials Div. still active in an associate member company:
W. G. Jack Irmscher (1988-1990) Dennis Hogan (1999-2002)
Irmscher Consulting, Inc. Propex Concrete Systems
1151 Scenic Drive 25 Ridgerrock Drive
North Muskegon, MI 49445 Signal Mountain, TN 37377
(231) 744-4567 (423) 553-2814
(231) 744-4245 - Fax (423) 510-1872 - Fax
Email: miamsure@aol.com Email: docfiber@aol.com
Ex Officio Non-Voting Members
Honorary Directors
Honorary Directorship is bestowed by the Board of Directors on distinguished
individuals who have rendered service to the ready mixed concrete industry.
Bruno Benna - Chairman 1993 Warren Goehringer - Chairman 1994
8500 Dieringer Drive 12 Bellechase Gardens Drive
Reno, NV 89511 Beaumont, TX 77706
(775) 853-4895 (409) 892-9199
Bill Blaha James T. Haney - Chairman 1989
3011 Loma Portal Way 3021 Poplar Hill Road
Michigan City, IN 46360 Charlotte, NC 28270
(219) 878-0868 (704) 846-4528
Joseph F. Boardman, Jr. - Chairman 1984 Warren A. Holden
201 48th Street 600 Park Land #314
Gulfport, MS 39507 Waterloo, IA 50702
(601) 803-8492 (319) 291-8380
Earl F. Callison, Jr. - Chairman 1983 T. Michael Kaney - Chairman 1995
546 Wetmore Court 3210 Park Green Drive
Wichita, KS 67209-1324 Tampa, FL 33611
(316) 722-1761; (316) 260-8765 - Fax (813) 837-2590
Email: ecaljr@cox.net Email: mkaney@verizon.net
John D. Casey, Jr. - Chairman 1988 Harold M. Lacy - Chairman 1966
501 Falconhead Drive 4892 Kellogg Circle
Burneyville, OK 73430 Boulder, CO 80303-1110
(580) 276-2728 (303) 499-0309
Stanley S. Ernst, Jr. (*no mailings) Morris A. Lauwereins - Chairman 1978
3577 Halla Lane 1N587 Augusta Court
Bloomfield, MI 48301 Winfield, IL 60190-2361
(248) 644-2814 (630) 682-1946
Aureo W. Garcia - Chairman 1986 Rick Leeper
18101 Sugar Brook Drive 819 Barrington Place
Tampa, FL 33647 Brentwood, TN 37027
(813) 654-0908 (270) 559-5300
Richard D. Gaynor - EVP (1985-1996)
2433 Countryside Drive Eugene P. Martineau
Silver Spring, MD 20905 308 Sea Moss Lane
(301) 384-4598; (301) 384-9545 - Fax Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(281) 558-4570
Email: eugenemartineau@comcast.net
Honorary Directors - continued
Thomas J. McHale - Chairman 1992
37 Governors Lane
Hilton Head, SC 29928
(843) 671-5982
Email: GvTjmchale@aol.com
Mike L. McNeill - Chairman 1991
6925 S. US Highway 281
Stephenville, TX 76401-7492
(972) 283-8833
Email: dadmcneill@aol.com
William J. O'Connell
5548 Southern Hills Drive
Frisco, TX 76034
(972) 624-5492
Hale Ritchie - Chairman 2005
8100 E. 22nd St. N., Suite 800-103
Wichita, KS 67226
(316) 351-7802; (316) 613-2758 - Fax
Email: Hale@ritchiecorp.com
L. Michael Shydlowski
563 E. Acadia Point
Aurora, OH 44202
(330) 562-5901; (330) 562-0927 - Fax
Email: mike.shydlowski@basf.com
James R. Spear - Chairman 1969
17206 Meadow Tree Circle
Dallas, TX 75248
(972) 248-2903
Carl W. Tilden
3404 E. Fernan Hill Road
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
(208) 664-9318
Kenneth E. Tobin - President (1966-1984)
31428 Point Drive
Lewis, DE 19958
(302) 644-1486
Robert P. Turner
79020 Via Carmel Circle
LaQuinta, CA 92253
(828) 689-8383; (828) 689-9754 - Fax

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