09_10_Pascal_News_Sep77 09 10 Pascal News Sep77
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PASCAL USER'S GROUP PascalNews (FORMERLY PASCAL NEWSLETTER) NUMBERS 9 AND 10 (COMBINED ISSUE) COMMUNICATIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE PASCAL BY PASCALERS SEPTEMBER" 1977 TAB LEO F CON TEN T S o 1 3 4 4 8 8 11 11 12 39 39 40 42 43 47 54 58 60 60 60 61 61 63 64 73 113 POLICY: Pascal News ALL PURPOSE COUPON EDITOR'S CONTRIBUTION HERE AND THERE News Conferences Books and Articles Past Issues of Pascal Newsletter PUG Finances Roster ARTICLES "Pascal at Sydney University" - A. J. Gerber and C. C. Morgan "Disposing of Dispose" - Stephen P. Wagstaff "What is a Textfile?" - William C. Price "Generic Routines and Variable Types in Pascal" - B. Austermuehl and H.-J. Hoffmann OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS Special Topic: Micro/Personal Computers and Pascal Special Topic: Pascal Standards IMPLEMENTATION NOTES Checklist General Information Software Writing Tools Portable Pascals Pascal Variants Feature Implementation Notes Machine Dependent Implementations POLICY: Pascal User's Group POLICY: PASCAL NEWS (77109/01) * Pascal News is the official but informal publication of the User's Group. Pascal News contains all we (the editors) know about Pascal; we use it as the vehicle to answer all inquiries because our physical energy and resources for answering individual requests are finite. As PUG grows, we unfortunately succumb to the reality of (1) having to insist that people who need to know "about Pascal" join PUG and read Pascal News - that is why we spend time to produce it! and (2) refusing to return phone calls or answer letters full of questions - we will pass the questions on to the readership of Pascal News. Please understand what the collective effect of individual inquiries has at the "concentrators" (our phones and mailboxes). We are trying honestly to say: "we cannot promise more than we can do." * An attempt is made to produce Pascal News 4 times during an academic year from July 1 to June 30; usually September, November, February, and May. ~ u .- -c.o * ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS, WE PRINT. Please send written material for Pascal News single spaced and in camera-ready form. Use lines 18.5 cm wide! * Remember: ALL LETTERS TO US WILL BE PRINTED UNLESS THEY CONTAIN A REQUEST TO THE CONTRARY. * Pasc&l News is divided into flexible sections: POLICY - tries to explain the way we do things (ALL PURPOSE COUPON, etc.). EDITOR'S CONTRIBUTION - passes along the opinion and point of view of the editor together with changes in the mechanics of PUG operation, etc. HERE AND THERE WITH PASCAL - presents news from people, conference announcements and reports, new books and articles (including reviews), notices of Pascal applications, history, membership rosters, etc. ARTICLES - contains formal, submitted contributions (such as Pascal philosophy, use of Pascal as a teaching tool, use of Pascal at different computer installations, how to promote Pascal, etc. OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS - contains short, informal correspondence among members which is of interest to the readership of Pascal News. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES - reports news of Pascal implementations: contacts for maintainers, implementors, distributors, and documentors of various implementations as well as where to send bug reports. Qualitative and quantitative descriptions and comparisons of various implementations are publicized. Sections contain information about Software Writing Tools for a Pascal environment, Portable Pascals, Pascal Variants, Feature Implementation Notes, Machine Dependent Implementations, etc. * Volunteer editors are: Andy Mickel - editor Tim Bonham and Jim Miner - Implementation Notes editors Sara Graffunder - Here and There editor John Strait and John Easton - Tasks editors David Barron and Rich Stevens - Books and Articles editors Rich Cichelli - Software Tools and Applications editor George Richmond - past editor (issues 1 through 4) ALL PURPOSE COUPON USER'S ****************** GROUP (77109/01) • Pascal User's Group, c/o Andy Mickel University Computer Center: 227 EX 208 SE Union Street University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA + Clip, photoQopy, + + + ~eplLOdu.Qe, m. O~ a.nd / / Please enter me as a new member of the PASCAL USER'S GROUP for Academic year{s) ending June 30 I shall receive all 4 issues of P~ca.l N~ for each year. Enclosed please find ($4.00 for each year). (* When joining from overseas, check the P~Qal N~ POLICY section on the reverse side for a PUG "regional representative." *) / / Please renew my membership in PASCAL USER'S GROUP for ____ Academic year{s) ending June 30 Enclosed please find ($4.00 for each year). / / Please send a copy of P~Qal N~ Number{s) • (* See the P~eal POLICY section on the reverse side for prices and issues available. *) / / My new a~~~~~s is printed below. Please use it from now on. old mailing label if I can find one. address / / You messed up my phone. See below. N~ I'll enclose an / / Enclosed please find a contribution (such as what we are doing with Pascal at our computer installation), idea, article, or opinion which I wish to submit for publication in the next issue of P~Qal N~. (* Please send bug reports to the maintainer of the appropriate implementation listed in the Pa.oca.l N~ IMPLEMENTATION NOTES section. *) / / None of the above. Other comments: From: name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ mailing address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ computer system( s) _ _--'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,-__ (* Your phone number aids communication with other PUG members. *) JOINING PASCAL USER'S GROUP? - membership is open to anyone: particularly the Pascal user, teacher, maintainer, implementor, distributor, or just plain fan. Memberships from libraries are also encouraged. please enclose the proper prepayment - we will not bill you. please do not send us purchase orders - we cannot endure the paper work! (if you are trying to get your organization to pay for your membership, think of the cost of paperwork involved for such a small sum as a PUG membership). when you join PUG anytime within an academic year: July 1 to June 30, you will receive all issues of Pascal News for that year unless you request otherwise. You will receive a membership receipt. please remember that PUG is run by volunteers who don't consider themselves in the "publishing business. " We consider production of Pascal News as simply a means toward the end of promoting Pascal and communicating news of events surrounding Pascal to persons interested in Pascal. We are simply interested in the news ourselves and prefer to share it through Pascal News (rather than having to answer individaally every letter and phone call). We desire to keep paperwork to a minimum because we have other work to do. JOINING THROUGH "REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES" ? - anyone can join through PUG(USA) - address on reverse side. International telephone: 1-612-376-7290. PUG(USA) produces Pascal News and keeps all mailing addresses on a common list. Regional representatives collect memberships as a service and reprint and distribute Pascal News using mailing labels sent from PUG(USA) which speeds up delivery overseas. Australasian Region (Australia, New European Region (Europe, North Africa, Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia): Middle and Near East): send $AI0 to: Pascal Users Group (AUS) send £2.50 to: Pascal Users Group (UK) c/o Arthur Sale c/o Computer Studies Group Dept. of Information Science Mathematics Department University of Tasmania The University GPO Box 252C Southampton S09 5NH Hobart, Tasmania 7001 United Kingdom Australia telephone: 44-703-559122 x700 telephone: 23 0561 l RENEWING? - please renew early (before August) and please write us a line or two to tell us what you are doing with Pascal, and tell us what you think of PUG and Pascal News to help keep us honest. To save PUG postage, we do not send receipts when you renew. ORDERING BACKISSUES OR EXTRA ISSUES? Our unusual policy of automatically sending all issues of Pascal News to anyone who joins within an academic year (July 1 to June 30) means that we eliminate many requests for backissues ahead of time, and we don't have to reprint important information in every issue - especially about Pascal implementations! - Issues 1, 2, 3, and 4 (January, 1974 - August, 1976) are out of print. - Issues 5, 6, 7, and 8 (September, 1976 - May, 1977): Less than 40 copies each remain at PUG(USA) available for $2 each. Less than 20 copies each remain at PUG(UK) available for {I each or ~2.50 for 6,7,8. None available at PUG(AUS): write to PUG(USA) or PUG(UK). - Extra single copies of new issues are $2 each - PUG(USA); £1 each - PUG(UK); and $A3 each - PUG(AUS). SENDING MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATION? (such as ideas, queries, articles, letters, oplnlons, notices, news, implementation information, conference announcements and reports, etc.) "ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS, WE PRINT." Please send written material for Pascal News single spaced and in cameraready form. Use lines 18.5 cm wide! Remember: ALL LETTERS TO US WILL BE PRINTED UNLESS THEY COiHAIN A REQUEST TO THE CONTRARY. MISCELLANEOUS INQUIRIES? Please remember we will use Pascal News as the vehicle to answer all inquiries and regret to be unable to answer individaal requests. I ~I . UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA \.JIll! TWIN CITIES University Computer Center 227 Experimental Engineering Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 (612) 376-7290 Here is another potpourri of topics: Pascal Newsletter #8 "Green on green" was not our idea (neither was the thick paper - it destroyed our poverty image!). It was a giant disappointment to have worked so hard on #8 and see it come out this way. We agree with the 20 or so people who gently suggested that "we say it in black and white." We were faced with wasting paper and making the newsletter 3 weeks late if we reprinted)or sending it out. We sent it out and were reimbursed by the printer for the extra postage and heavy paper costs. PUGN 8 from the UK was over 2 months late due to circumstances beyond their control, but it was black on white! Pascal Jobs Who says you can't get a job "in the real world" using Pascal? Herb Rubenstein, the first research assistant to work for us at the University Computer Center who learned Pascal before he learned FORTRAN, picked Colorado as a place to live when he graduated with a B. Sci. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota and then he began job hunting. In 2 months he landed a job with a rapidly growing engineering peripherals firm, AutoTrol, and is working almost exclusively with Pascal. Also see the OPEN FORUM section for a letter from Neil Barta. New Australasian Distribution Center for PUG To solve problems with slow mail to Australia (as well as currency exchange), Arthur Sale, prolific PUGN contributor at the University of Tasmania, has kindly set up a distribution center this summer (winter) much like Judy Mullins and David Barron did for Europe a year ago. The area served is Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. We at PUG(USA) are confused about why the price is so high; apparently we were to receive a letter from Arthur over 2 months ago with the details, but it was lost in the mail. Other details are on the reverse side of the ALL PURPOSE COUPON. Computer Companies Using Pascal It is past time to print a list we've been keeping of computer companies who are seriously using Pascal. This is so we all can argue back that "Pascal is being used for serious real world work" when accused otherwise! Total conversion internally to the company: Texas Instruments, January, 1977 ("from micros to super computers") Harris Data Communications, March, 1977 ("Pascal is our language - replacing FORTRAN and COBOL" - Tom Spurrier.) Companies Using Pascal for future software systems: Cray Research (CRAY-2) Control Data Corporation (Cyber 270 series)(They have already been using it for the 2550 and the Cyber 18) DATA 100 Corporation (model 78) companies marketing Pascal as a user product: Honeywell; Computer Automation; Four Phase Systems; Varian Data Machines (Sperry Univac). Editor's Contribution New Developments - Micro/Personal Computers Several PUG members took my request seriously to write to several of the personal computing journals to promote Pascal over BASIC (see Editor's Contribution PUGN 8). David Mundie, George Cohn, and Tim Bonham have written letters. At Frank Brewster's and Rich Cichelli 's urging, I sent personal letters and a free copy of #8 (the ~ free copies we'had given) to the editors of 14 computing journals. We received warm responses from half a dozen. Also we've Qeen getting new members from their readership, some who are so curious to know about Pascal that they are dyi ng to get thi s issue of PUGN! I'm really encouraged at these developments because these computers represent the future and we have an early start (unlike on the current dinosaur systems). See the OPEN FORUM section. Pascal News We changed the name to avoid confusion by people who think a newletter is 4 pages long. This issue is a combined one because it contains so much material - and it is also late. We had to revise nearly everything: the cover, the coupon, policy, and do a summary for the implementation notes! This has good side effects because PUGN 8 was late in Europe, and renewals have been slow to come in. Next issue will be in February. Deadline for material is the last day in December: (77/12/31). New Policies Look at all the new editors! Please read the revised policy pages on the inside covers (front and back). The major change is that we are declaring that we are tired of processing purchase orders and answering requests for information "about Pascal" from people who won't join PUG and read Pascal News. It may sound strange, but we print everything we know about Pascal in Pascal News. Back Issues It is really difficult to plan ahead on back issues with a growing membership. Nevertheless we made it through last year with some extra copies of each issue. But we incurred some tremendous distribution problems which caused unjustified delays in sending back issues to people who joined PUG after mid-February. I apologize, and hope that we have learned enough from our mistakes to do better this year. Membership We began collecting PUG memberships on 76/03/03. Here are some interesting membership totals: 317 on 76/08/13 (#5 to press); 368 on 76/09/09 (#5 mailed); 516 on 76/11/14 (#6 to press); 560 on 76/12/10 (#6 mailed); 598 on 76/12/29 (#7 to press); 644 on 77/01/13 (#7 mailed); 943 on 77/04/26 (#8 to press); 984 on 77/05/12 (#8 mailed); 1095 on 77/06/30 (end of year);1306 on 77/09/07 as I write this (759 active). We have 211 new members and 560 renewals since 77/07/01 with renewalS still rolling in. PUG Finances I last printed information in PUGN 6. Last year (our first) we promised and delivered 4 issues of PUG Newsletter. What we did not know was how popular PUG was going to be. We also delivered a few things we did not promise: 230 copies of backissue #4, mass mailings to get to new and old people, letters to implementors to get compiler information and unfortu_nately, slow service to late joiners (sorry, but we wish you had joined earlier). See the HERE AND THERE section for details under "PUG Finances". We show a small loss almost exactly 1% - and our crude accounting knowledge doesn't account for all the back issues produced with 76-77 money and sold in 77-78 (since July 1,·we have sold 243 at PUG(USA) alone. So I claim we did okay. ~ - 77/09/07. (/) rn -0 -l rn NEWSHere and There With Pascal (* Here are extracts from almost all of PUG's mail. To reiterate what we've said elsewhere, many of the inquiries we get are answered in previous issues. If you are a member, please try to find answers to your questions from Pascal News before you write to us. If you aren't a member and you want information that's in an issue that's already Qut, we'll tell you to join rather than to answer each inquiry with a personal letter. *) Attn: Production Automation Project, Dniv. of Rochester Dept. of Elec. Engr., Rochester, NY 14627 (Aristides Requicha): III also would appreciate any information you might have on the existence and availability of reliable and efficient Pascal compilers for the PDP-11/40. We normally use the RT-11 operating system." (* 77/6/28 *) Attn: Centro Ciencias de 1a Computacion, Universidad Catolica de Chile, Casilla 114 D, Santiago, Chile; "Is there any FULL PASCAL implementation for the IBM 370?" (* 77/6/7 *) Bill Barabash, Dept. of Computer Sci., State Univ. of NY, Stony Brook, NY 11794: "Yes. I want to be the first one on my block to RENEW my membership in the Pascal User's Group_ I enclose a check for $4.00 which entitles me to issues 9-12 of the newsletter plus a Captain Pascal secret decoder ring which glows in the dark • • • • " (* 77/6/8 *) D. Michael Clarkson, DBt1S Research and Development, California Software Products, 525 N. Cabrillo Park Dr., Suite 300, Santa Ana, CA 92701: 'My company is currently involved in implementing a (* 77/6/27 *) Kurt lot of high-level transportable Requirements Engineering and Validation System, supporting interactive color CALCOMP plotting, and a relational PASCAL system." (* 77/8/22 *) data Gus Bjorklund, 2250 Coppersmith Square, Reston, VA 22091: "l am presently working on a Pascal compiler for the IBM Series 1, and should be finished in September 1977." (* 77/6/22 *) Kenneth Bowles, P.O. Box 1123, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067: "Looks like we will be working with CONDUIT on getting a (Standard) ANSI BASIC running under our PASCAL system. Object: entice Basic users over to PASCAL by making a switch very convenient. This will be the only truly portable BASIC we know of." (* 77/6/22 *) presently engaged in activity is for my education mostly, not for release.} certainly could use the information your newsletter will provide. For your information, I heard of the PASCAL user's group from a notice in 'Creative Computing. n, (* 77/9/1 *) Arthur using PASCAL." Cockrum, 3398 Utah, Riverside, CA 92507: "R. A. Lovestedt should get in touch with John Collins, 3M Co., Bldg. 235-F247, St. Paul, MN 55101: "We are considering using PASCAL as a Systems Implementation Language for microprocessor based systems, PDPll as a host for cross-compilation and system monitoring." (* 77/6/13 *) using a Larry Crane, EDS, 1200 Locust, Des Moines, IA 50309: "Thanks for sending us the PUG newsletters, hopefully we'll be able to get ahold of something good. If not we'll just have to develop it. With luck we'll have an operating system in Pascal. To the bit bucket with Fortran, even COBOL will be overcome. Long Live the Computocracy." (* 77/5/16 *) (* Response to Andy's letters to personal computing publications has been heartening, if somewhat humorous at times. In Creative Computing, f or example, the "Pasacal" User's Group was mentioned, but the address got lost in the press. Nonetheless, high school address from Andy's name and the Columbia name of Heights, the building MN 55421, deduced the and wrote to ask for an all-purpose coupon. *) graphics, base. We have implemented a complete 7600 Bill Brennan, 39 Jody Drive, Norristown, PA 19401: "I am implementing PASCAL for Sperry-Univac 9000 computers. {This software Tom Payne, Math Dept., University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA 92507 for information on HP-3000 implementations of Pascal. I believe that John Hayward of UCR has written a P-code interpreter that runs on the 3000. "Are there any HOBBYISTS doing anything with Pascal? Most of us can't handle tapes (except paper) and some of us are poor." (* 77/6/6 *) student Steven Trapp, 5020 Mulcare Drive, Philip N. Bergstresser, 128 Jackson Ave., Madison, AL 35758: "TRW has a PASCAL program on the CDC 7600 and TI-ASC with 40000 statements and 1100 procedures, REVS, the system A. Brown, 1101 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20037: "I am a professional translator of Russian mathematics, and will be glad to abstract the Proceedings of the All-Union Symposium on Implementation Techniques for New Programming Languages. (* We sent them off right away, but just received word from Arthur Brown that an English translation has been published as Vol. 47 of Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Jack Crone, Systems Analyst, USC School of Medicine, Hoffman Res. Ctr., Rm. 805, 2025 Zonal Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033: (* From his letter which we saw in ~ May 1977. *) "At present, supporting a full blown high level language compiler is quite an achievement for a personal computer; supporting several is out of the question. For this reason it is important to make the best possible selection and to select some obscure educational vernacular such as PASCAL because it is esthetically more pleaSing, and [sic] would leave personal computing where it is right now: a lot of hardware with very little software." Kenneth A. Dickey, 1662 Stromberg, Arcata, CA 95521: "I am especially interested in Pascal] applications dealing with environmental modeling, approximations, simultaneous equations, and text editing." *( 77/7/11 *) John Dickinson, Dept. of Elec. Engr., Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843: like to ask your help in locating "I would also a good implementation of PASCAL for a IBM 370 machine. I understand there are many such implementations and my question for you is which is best for a student environment. I plan to use PASCAL in a beginning computer science class and so I would like a version that is easy to use and one that has clear error messages." (* 77/6/30 *) Jim Elam, 150 Lombard, No. 601, San Francisco, CA 94111: "I would be interested in information on usage in a production environment and efficiency of generated code on 370 gear?" (* 77/6/2 *) Computer Science. *) (* 77/6/10 *) Gary Thomas W. Burtnett, Computer Center, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013: "What PASCAL is available for a PDP-ll running RSTS?" (* 77/6/30 *) Edwin J. Calda, Dept. E152, AAI Corp., P.O. Box 6767, Baltimore, MD 21204: "\;ould appreciate information concerning the availability of Pascal for the SEL 8000 series or SEL 32." (* 77/7/19 *) Patrick Chevaux, DEC, Quai Ernest Ansermet 20, B.P. 23, CH-1211 - Geneva 8, Switzerland: "I am urgently looking for a PASCAL compiler running on PDP-11 under RSX-llM operating system, and I wonder if you know about such a product. If so, could you please give me a few indications about it, as well as the person to contact and perhaps how to obtain it." (* 77/7/11 *) Feierbach, Advanced Studies Dept., Inst. for Advanced Computation, P.O. Box 9071, Sunnyvale, CA 94086: "We currently have Pascal upon our KI-IO and plan to put it up several other machines including a version on the ILLIAC IV." (* 77/6/24 *) Charles N. Fi~er, Academic Computing Center, Street, Madison, WI 53706: "We may have a proposal on Univ. of Wisconsin, 1210 West Dayton for PL/l like varying length strings for for you in the next few months - it appears to extend PASCAL fixed length strings rather nicely. Also, I'll be in Minneapolis for a Univac User's Meeting in mid-october. If its convenient, I may be able to stop by and talk some PASCAL with you (I'll be heading a PASCAL "birds of a feather" session at the meeting). (* 77/8/30 *) Dan Fylstra, 22 Weitz St. C, Boston, MA 02134 {* To put this letter in context: an Dan is editor/consultant for Byte *}: "Initially I plan to write an article explaining the = rn :::e: en """ 1.O !eatures and strengths of Pascal, aimed at the BASIC-oriented beginning programmer or casual user. But I'll certainly include notes on the status of Pascal implementations and especially their availability on micros (since the news is so good). "You can invite people to write or call me if they have late-breaking news that deserves a w~der audience than the User's Group itself. Since everyone connected with Byte is enthusiastic about Pascal, articles, new product announcements, and material for "Byte's Bits" or the "Technical Forum" are always welcome. These should be sent to or IMSAI, and (* 77/6/5 *) any information you could supply would be greatly appreciated. Tao-Yang Hsieh, VIDAR, 77 Ortega Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040: "I am considering implementing Pascal on our HPZI00 system and would appreciate very much if you could assist me in obtaining a copy of Pascal P-code compiler and a copy of Pascal compiler written in Pascal." (* 77/8/1 *) Byte's regular address in Peterborough." (* 77/8/22 *) Richard Gemeinbardt, Jr., Discipledata, Inc., 110 S. Downey, Indianapolis, IN 46219: "Please advise i f Pascal operates on any NCR hardware--such as NCR Century 201 or NCR Criterion." (* 4/25/77 *) James D. George, Computer Branch, Underwater Sound Reference DiVision, Naval Research Laboratory, P. O. Box 8337, Orlando, FL 32806: "The Naval Research Laboratory has several PDP-11s, and is using RSX11M and RSX11D. I would be very much interested in finding out more about PASCAL under RSXll, and would appreciate any leads you could provide." (* 77/5/17 *) Roger Gulbranson, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801: "Even though I know you don't like it, you can add my name to the list of people who want an OTHERWISE (or whatever) clause added to the CASE statement. I particularly liked George Richmond's article. I'm not sure I agree with all the things he said, but most of his points seem reasonable. I'm not sure I agree with his point about partial L->R evaluation of boolean expressions. While I'll admit it will help some problems concerning array indexes and the like I'm finding out that the FTN (* CDC FORTRAN *) method of logical if evaluation (i.e., convert the whole mess into a logical (or ~oolean) result) and subsequent jump on true/false is faster on machines like the [ CyberJ 175 and probably also the 76. Considering the trend toward faster hardware, it may not be a good idea to explicitly demand partial evaluation. "I agree with Legenhausen's comment ** * about pushing PASCAL in the appropriate micro computer journals. Maybe the way to do it is to develop a standalone PASCAL compiler for a paper tape based system with no more memory than 8K (16K if you must) and then distribute it for a nominal fee--say $10 or $15. And no, I don't have the time to do it." (* 77/6/6 *) George E. Haynan, 556 Parker Rd., W. Melbourne, FL 32901: 'Many maintainers who arbitrarily change Pascal at their sites are guilty of the NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome: 'If I haven't ~hought of it then it isn't any good.' "r'm interested in Sequential Pascal, directly compilable, for the PDP-Il, with an Jon F. Hueras, Dept. of Information and Comp. Sci., Univ. of Calif., Irvine, CA 92717: "I'm. ~king for Univac on the side • . • . We would find life a whole lot easier if we had a reasonable file comparison program to work with. You wouldn't happen to know of anyone Who's written one in Pascal, would you? Please let us know." (* 77/7/26 *) Alfred J. Hulbert, Inhalation Toxicology Res. Inst., P.O. Box 5890, Albuquerque, NM 87115: "We are working with John Barr of Hughes Aircraft to get Brian Lucas' NBS PASCAL written in PASCAL for RSX-ll users of DEC PDP-II's (along with real time and character string extensions)" (* 77/6/22 *) Geoffrey Hunter, Chemistry Dept., York Univ., Duwnsview M3J 1P3, Ontario, Canada: "Thanks for your memo of 77/05/24. I am of course familiar with Pascal and actually taught a course one year using Wirth's book "Systematic Programming: an Introduction." I used "Algol" rather than PASCAL, Simula, Algol 68, etc. for the Waterloo talk, because it is, as you note, the ancestor of all current structured programming languages. On first acquaintance I was an enthusiast for PASCAL, but after some practical experience, and after reading Habermann's article in Acta Informatica V~l. 3 (1973) p. 47., I have some reserVations about some features of the language. Espec1ally the lack of block structure (environment structuring--as distinct from control structures and procedures in particular), and the lack of dynamically dimensio~ed arrays" ar:, it seems to me conceptually oversights of the language. PASCAL s strong po~nt 1S, of course, data structuring. *** . . " (* 77/6/1 *) Peterborough Nl! 03458: "A couple of optimized for high level languages such as Pascal is being performed. lobby of the A talk in the West Coast Computer Faire's convention hotel with one of Motorola's LSI compilation and assembly done on the larger PDP-11 system. (* 77/7/29 *) Univ. of MN, Minneapolis, MN 55455: "It may interest PUG members to know that the LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration), a division of the Justice Department, requires, by legally enforceable regulation, that all criminal justice sof tware be in ANSI FORTRAN or ANSI COBOL." (* 77/8/18 *) Matti Karinen, Univ. of and Jyrki Tuomi, Compiler Project, Room 2113, Computer Center, Tampere Technology, PL 5.27, 33101 Tampere 10, Finland: "We would appreciate language Pascal Newsletter, especially as w~ have in mind to implement Pascal on our PDP 11/70." (* 77/8/17*) constructs in the next generation of integrated circuits. A strong suggestion: people involved with the implementation of languages should seek out LSI design engineers in order to inject ideas about appropriate features to be Barbara I. Karkutt, Box 942, Easton, PA 18042: HAm interested in the Pascal compiler for the Z-80 microcomputer." (* 77/6/6 *) designers strongly hinted of the possibility of built in microcode for built into the designs of future microprocessor products. (* 77/6/20 *) information about PUG and the Doug Kaye, DuArt Film Labs Inc., 245 W. 55th Street, New York, NY Richard Hendrickson, Cray Research Inc., 7850 Metro Parkway, Suite 213, Minneapolis, MN 55420: "Keep up good work. Articles like the one by Barron and Mullins in No. 7 will do wonderful job of keeping FORTRAN and eliminating PASCAL as major computing language." (* 77/5/23 *) Sam Hills, 3514 Louisiana Ave. Pkwy., New Orleans, LA 70125: "I am interested in developing a subset of PASCAL to run on a hobby-type microcomputer such as the Altair Here and There With Pascal 3: to :::0 Aron K. rnsinga, 126 Dupont Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711: IIWe are interested in using Pascal under UNIX (and DEC-supported operating systems) as well as on micro-processors (the LSI-II, Motorola M6800, and Intel 8080, in particular) with Mitch Jolson, SSRFC, 25 Blegen Ilall, St., comments about the Zi10g rumor. All the information came from the same source and later proved premature. At the IEEE Computer Society Asilomar conference this year, a Zilog representative could not confirm Pascal as a programming model for advanced architectures, but hinted strongly that research in the direction of instruction sets --l rn RT-l1/RSX-11 operating system." (* 77/5/25 *) Carl Helmers, BYTE Publications, 70 Main -0 rn There is a danger with any organisation such as PUG--that it becomes the defendent of a fixed particular definition and implementation of the language. Guard against this. C/') rn 10~19 ~ await Newsletter #9 with writeups about PASCAL on Data General gear. ( "I anxiously 77/7/21 *) Ed Keith, Citrus College, 18824 E. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, CA 91702: "Please send data on availability of compilers, assemblers etc. I have a XEROX 560, IMSAI 8080, SWIPC 6800." (* 77/4/28 *) Thomas J. Kelly, Jr.: 120 East Street Road, C3-9, Warminster, PA 18974: "I am interested in obtaining a Pascal compiler for any Burroughs computer; especially for the B5500, B6700, or B7700." (* 77/5/16 *) Peter Klauberg, c/o Hamburgische Electricitaets-Werke, Ueberseering 12, D-2000 Hamburg 60, Germany: l~y intention to use PASCAL, is to introduce the philosophy of structured programming to out commercial COBOL-programmers. For this reason the PASCAL must be able to communicate with normal IBM datasets. ''My question to you is: Do you know a working PASCAL compiler for our IBM 370/158 SVS?" (*77/6/16*) Jerry LeVan, Dept. of Math. Sciences, Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond, KY 40475: "I would like to know if anybody has PASCAL running under RSTS/E on a PDP 11/70 (or 45 etc.)" (* 77/5/2 *) Donald Lindsay, Dynalogic Corporation Ltd., 141 Bentley Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2E 6T7: III am interested in M6800 Pascal. I have an incomplete implementation of Brinch Hansen's Sequential Pascal. Due to the press of other work, I would be just as happy to purchase a compiler. (It would have to·be commercially Viable.)" (* 77/6/22 *) David Lippincott, Information Control Systems, 313 N. First Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107: "We are a computer typesetting firm upgrading to an as yet unknown machine. We will be writing an operating system so any information of similar applications would facilitate my attempts at convincing others that Pascal would be a good choice. 11 (* 77/7/23 *) R. A. Lovestedt, 20427 SE 192, Renton, interpreter on HP3000." (* 77/5/24 *) WA, 98055: "Will soon be starting a P4 Tim L. Lowery, Applications Prog. Group, 110 Love Building, Computing Center, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL 32306: "We are very interested in acqu~r~ng a Pascal implementation for 8080 development, since Pascal is the favorite and dominant language among the computer science students. 11 (* From a letter to PUG member Peter Zechmeister, 77/7/20 *) and an application system, I failed to notice the Group has grown so much. /"inally got to reading some SIGPLAN notices, and ran across your letter. 1I (* 77/5/22 *) Carlton Mills, 203 North Gregory, Urbana, 1L 61801: "We are working on Pascal compiler for micro-processors. It is a highly optimized cross compiler running on the B6700 (Burroughs). Currently I am looking for venture capital to get it on the market. I will let you have more details when we are ready to announce it." (* 77/8/22 *) J. Misra, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Painter Hall 3.28, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712: "I would appreciate receiving any information about Pascal implementation on NOVA computers. "0ur department has recently acquired two NOVA's for which we wish to get the compilers. The size of P-compiler wOol'ld probably make i t prohibitive for the NOVA's. I f you know of any existing implementation, please send us the information. It (* 77/8/29 *) Tom Moberg, Academic Computing, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 50112: "We are looking for a PASCAL system which will run on our PDP 11/70 (RSTS/E)." (* 77/6/7 *)." Gerald Nadler, RBMS Research Center, Brandeis Univ. ,Waltham, MA 02154: 11 • I was hoping that a list was a available of Pascal implementations on machines other than CDC and PDP-10's." (* 77/8/18 *) Brian Nelson, Computer Services, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, U. of Toledo, Toledo, OR 43606: "I am trying to locate a Pascal compiler for use on a PDP 11/70 and a PDP 11/40." (* 77/6/2 *) John W. Nunnally, Harding College, Box 744, Searcy, AR 72142: "Harding College has just ordered a PASCAL compiler from Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). It is a modified version of ESI's implementation that is supposed to run under RSTS/E Version 6B (with the RT-11 emulator). We will let you know how it goes." (* 77/5/25 *) (/) rn Bruce Mackenzie, Computervision Corporation, 201 Burlinton Road, Route 62, Bedford, MA 01730: "We will be implementing PASCAL-P4 on Data General NOVA's and NOVA compatible machines, running under our own operating system. We will also be using Zilog's Z80 in the near future, PASCAL has been mentioned for it. Do you know of anyone planning to implement PASCAL for the Z80? "1 found a little bit of information for you: Ted Park of Loma Linda, California has a PCODE interpreter and assembler written in (Data G~neral) ECLIPSE assembly language and running under RDDS. It took them about a month of work. Ted said he would write you directly." (* 77/8/9 *) Ian MacMillan, P.O. Box 128, Mount Royal, Quebec, Canada H3N 2T6: "We are running Pascal under NOS (* CDC 6000 operating system *). How do you get that interactive?" (* 77/4/28 *) Mark T. Marshall, 18229 Topham St., Reseda, CA 91335: COMPUTER AUTOMATION LSI 4/90." (* 77/8/29 *) "I am going to be using the Jim McCord, Systemetrics Inc., 120 E. de la Guerra Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101: "I'm a hobbyist with an LSI-II (PDP-11-03) with dual floppies. If anybody knows of a version of Pascal that will run on this machine, I'd like to hear about it, (especially if it's cheap). (* 77/9/7 *) . Brian Meekings, Dept. of Computer Studies, Univ. of Lancaster, Bailrigg, Lancaster, England, UK LA1 4YX: "I took advantage of the fact that we have an enthusiastic Pascal faction here to collect some subscriptions. (* NINE were enclosed. *) Incidentally, is there a student subscription rate--some of our undergraduates may well be interested. t1 (* There isn't, but where else can a student get a student rate that is much cheaper? *) (* 77/5/18 *) c. A. Miller, Nuclear Research Centre, Dept. of PhYSics, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2N5, Canada: "Our computing equipment giving rise to my interest in PASCAL consists of three DATA GENERAL Eclipses." (* 77/6/8 *) David Miller, 11203A Avalanche Way, Columbia, MD 21044: "Please sign me up for th" PASCAL User's Group. I've been so busy developing PASCAL (relocatable, for DEC 11/45) Carol Anne Ogdin, Software Technique, Inc., 100 Pommander Walk, Alexandria, VA 22314: "I am preparing some material for publication on PASCAL for micros in my capacity as Consulting Editor of Mini-Hicro Systems and EDN.II (* From a note to PUG member Peter Zechmeister, 77/6/15. *) Shmuel Peleg, Computer Science Center, University of Maryland, College Park, ·Do you know of any PASCAL compilers working under UNIX?" (* 77/8/28 *) MD -C -; rn 20742: Lee Potts, DARCOM ALMSA, Attn.: DRXAL-TL, P.O. Box 1578, St. Louis, MO, 63188: "My agency is planning to try Pascal as a systems implementation language on IBM 360 and several minicomputers of varying architecture. Pascal's main attraction to us now is systems portability. (* 77/9/1 *) Walter F. Prautsch, Albertinenestrasse 29, D-IOOO Berlin 37, Germany: "1 would like to mention that I am working in the field of system-simulation (methodology applications in the field of urban and regional planning). If you know any people uSin~ PASCAL for the development of simulation-systems (event-oriented as well as continuous) please let me know their addresses." (* 77/6/10 *) , Bruce K. ~, Polymorphic Computer Systems, P. O. Box 3581, Boulder, CO 80303: "1 am interested in developing a PASCAL compiler for use with the NOVA-series computer, and am therefore interested in anything and everything which may help me in the task. Is there a PASCAL written in a mini-PASCAL (subset) which is available which would be easier to bootstrap, and if so, who, how, where, and how much." (* 77/8/16 *) Harlan R. Ribnik, P.O. Box 3182, Boulder, CO 80307: "1 am a graduate student in Computer Science at the University of Colorado working on an implementation of a PASCAL to JANUS compiler. I was informed by someone I met on the CDC PLATO system that I might be able to get some information from you regarding the PASCAL Users' Group." (* 77/8/19 *) Bo Rojder, AB Atomenergi, Fack, 611 01 Nykoping 1, Sweden: "AB Atomenergi is a research and development center for nuclear and other energy forms. At our data center we have a CDC CYBER 172 with 131 K memory, and NOS 1.2 operating system. We plan to install Pascal on it and hereby apply for membership in Pascal User's Group, as individuals or as an organization, whichever the policy of PUG is. II (* 77/8/22 *) en .Peter Rouschmayer, Luitpold-Gymnasl.um, Seeaustrasse 1, U-!:SUUU Munchen, Germany: "We got: A PDP 11/34 with 64 kWordsCore, 2 Disks RK05, a LA180 Lineprinter and 7 VT50 screens. RSTS/E Release 6B, BASIC+. "We ought to: teach Informatics to our pupils aged 10 to 20. '~e would like to get: a PASCAL-Compiler, interactive if possible, running in RSTS if possible. "Can you help us?" (* 77/4/2 *) Bernie Rosman, Math/CS Dept., Framingham State College, Framingham, MA 01701: "I'm trying to get (CDC 6000) Pascal 2 for Mass. State Gollege Computer Network (Cyber 72,73). Currently, we have Pascal-Release 1 update 11 which has some bugs; e.g., SQRT doesn't work (fixed by MSCCN). Also: we're now using Pascal in data structures and CS II (2nd semester-freshman) courses. We have, however, not yet switched to Pascal in CS KI-11 Tom Spurrier, Electronics Systems DiVision, Harris Corp., P.O. Box 37, Melbourne, FL )2901: "Harris Corp. headquarters has issued a corporate directive that Pascal is our language. There are over 100 computer centers in the corporation. It will be used for systems level development initially and then in applications areas." (* 77/6/21 *) John P. Stallings, Tymshare, Corporate Offices, 20705 Valley Green Drive, Cupertino, CA Y5014: "Once again I find myself potentially involved in a project concerning Pascal and have decided that it is past time for me to associate myself with an appropriate source of information. "Could you tell me how to go about joining the Pascal User's Group, and if possible, z rn :::E: U') how to obtain a list of available Pascal compilers for the PDP-11?" (* 77/7/18 *) I. Finally, we hope to install Pascal on our new PDP-11/34." (* 77/5/31 *) David J. Rypka, Dept. of Computer and Info. SCience, 2036 Neil Ave. Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210: receive a special executab.le version, with GSI and CCL intertace to version) at and LSSG's RT-11X extension of version 2C." (* 77/4/23 *) "I am an active user of a DEC-l0 version and would like to find other versions and documentation for the DEC-10." (* 77/14/6 *) Carlos Scheel, Depto de Sistemas, Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Sucursal J, Monterrey, Mexico: I~e would like to have the compiler of the PASCAL system; please mail me back all the information and prices, manuals, etc." (* 77/8/8 *) Rod Steel, MS 60-456, Tektronix Inc., P.O. Box 500, partially OR 97077: the. Interdata 7/16 running on our DEC KL10 (translated from Sequential lower case version of PASREL)." (* 77/5/31 *) "I have a Pascal to the W. Richard Stevens, Kitt Peak National Observatory, P.O. Box 26732, Tuscon, AZ 85726: (* What follows is extracted from an article Richard wrote for the Kitt Peak Computing Newsletter Barry Searle, TowerC Floor 10C, Transport Canada, Section TASX, Place de Ville, Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON8, Canada: "The Canadian Dept. of Transport will be converting to Pascal on PDP-11 equipment." (* 77/8/25 *) Beaverton, debugged version of Mike Ball and Co.' s Concurrent Pascal cross-compiler for *) "The PASCAL language, because of features designed into it, has the ability to detect programming errors that would be undetected by any FORTRAN system. I have personally found that this feature alone cuts in half the time needed to develop a new program." (* 77/1/3 - The article mentions other features of PASCAL which make it useful at Kitt Peak. *) David Segal, 111 Third Ave. BK, New York, NY 10003: "I am planning to get a microcomputer and would like to implement something more useful than BASIC for it to think in. I first heard about Pascal while trying to track down information on another decent language, BCPL. In my BCPL search I talked to Art Evans and Bob Morgan at Bolt, Beranek and Newman in Cambridge, Mass. From them I gathered that BCPL compilers aren't so easy to come by on small machines, but that Pascal is implemented on several PDP-ll's. That was heartening since the microcomputer I'm most interested in is a PDP-ll look-alike with respect to instruction set • • • • If you happen to know of any already existing Pascal implementations on a microcomputer, or anybody working on one, please let me know about it." (* 77/8/18 *) Bruce Seiler, UCLA Dept. of Chemistry, Los Angeles, CA 90024: "I am interested in the Peter Sumner, Interdata Computers Pty. Ltd., 30 Kings Park Rd., West Perth, Western Australia 6005: "I was delighted to discover the existence of your User's Group as there are a number of interested Interdata customers in Australia. In fact, a Pascal compiler is currently under development at the University of Melbourne, Dept. of Computer Science." (* 77/5/3 *) Markku Suni, Computer Centre, Univ. of Turku, SF-20500 Turku 50, Finland: "Since I interested in Pascal and have spent some nice hours kitbashing our Pascal compiler, would like to join in. . We have here a PDP-ll with KA processor, 128Kw of core, RP03 discs, one TU10 mag tape unit, card reader, line printer, and usual sortiment terminals." (* 77/4/28 *) am I 2 of implementation of PASCAL on microprocessor based systems. n (* 77/5/23 *) Rodney Thayer, Central Research Group, P.O. Box 451, Harvard, MA 01451: "A few people in Michael Settle, 751 Washington, No. 115, Arlington, TX 76011: "I have a confession to make--I~t have any idea what PASCAL is. I work with the huge Insane Business Monsters and tinker with my own Altair. There has been so much discussion of PASCAL in Dr. Dobb's Journal during the past year, that I finally broke down and wrote you. Please enter a subscription to your newsletter for me, and send me the details about your PUG." (* 77/8/15 *) David Elliot Shaw, Structured 94022: "You are performing a implementors, fans • • • • Systems Corp., 343 Second St. - Suite K, Los Altos, CA welcome service for the' community of Pascal users, G. Shaw, P.O. Box the Data General Lancaster PASCAL for NOVA. If I am closer than England for somebody, they are welcome to write to me to find out about Lancaster PASCAL." (* 77/7/7 *) Mike Tiller, 2501 N. Lancaster Ln. No. 178, Plymouth, MN 55441: for NOVA/ECLIPSE." (* 77/7/14 *) "Interested in Pascal Martin Tuori, Behavioral Sci. Div., Defence and Civil Inst. of Environmental MediCine, P.O. Box 2000, Downsview, Ontario, M3M 389, Canada: "We will be running ES1 Pascal under RSX11M, as soon as ESI has it ready." (* 77/7/26 *) On the accompanying sheet we describe (as compactly as possible) the STRUCTURED SYSTEMS PASCAL-SS compiler for the PDP-11." (* 77/7/12 *) Jeffrey my area (myself included) are investigating R. E. Berry's U. of 2678, Menlo Park, ~ Texas at Austin: (* The statistics from their newsletter indicate that Pascal and Pascal 2 accounted for 5% of their total use in t1arch 1977. *) Univ. CA 94025: "Could you direct me to an individual OJ: group that might have a Pascal compiler for (* 77/8/18 *) the 8080 or 280 micros?" Evan L. Solley, The Life Support Systems Group, Ltd., 2432 NW Johnson, Portland, OR Y7210: " • • • Also enclosed is a write-up and sample listing for a PASCAL cross-referencer we developed some time ago. It is an extension of Wirth's PCREF, which we find much more usable. Its symbol tables are currently set up to process ESI Pascal (V5.5) for RT-11, but can be easily modified for use with other compilers. "The program is licensed and distributed in ASCII source form for a fee of $25.00. Distributable media include magtape (9 track 800 bpi), DECtape, RK05 cartridge, or card deck (800 cards). Media should be provided by Licensees. RT-11 users will additionally James A. Vellenga, System Development, Data 100 Corp., Box 1222, Minneapolis, MN 55440: (* He reports that there is a class in Pascal at Data 100. Ten to fifteen people were enrolled. Nine memberships came from people at the company. *) Kenneth R. Wadland, Computer Science Dept., Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA 01420: "Although I have not used PASCAL much, I have become quite interested in it from talking to Professor Bergeron of the University of New Hampshire. (He has been modifying a DEC System-10 compiler written in Germany.) "I intend to teach PASCAL in my Data Structures course and later in my Systems Programming course on a CDC Cyber 72. As a teaching device, I think it is far superior to any of the other standard languages." (* 77/6/29 *) U') rn -0 --I rn 3 0:1 rn :;;0 Walter Wehinger, Pfaffenwaldring 64, Rechenzentrum Uni Stuttgart, 0-7000 Stuttgart 80, Germany: '~e are running PASCAL 6000.3.4 modified by T. A. Nemeth Uni Adelaide, so we have only minor INTERCOM problems (e.g., EOL-definition). We switched over to NOS/BE 1.0 L.420 without problems." David H. Welch, P.O. Box 721, Colton, CA 92324: "In the August issue of 'Microcomputer sees Interface' the existance of your group, its quarterly newsletter, and dues of $4.00/yr were mentioned. I'm interested in learning more about Pascal and I think your newsletter might be useful." (* 77/9/2 *) Richard West, Small Terminal Engineering, Comterm Ltd., 147 Hymus Blvd., Montreal 730, Quebec,~nada: Our software team has decided to change over to using PASCAL to write our systems packages. • • • I would like to have copies of • • • back issues so that we can find the most economical way of obtaining PASCAL for our PDP-II DOS system and a variety of microprocessors." (* 77/6/20 *) Hans-Wilm for Wipperman, Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Pfaffeuberstr. 95, 0-6750 Kaiserslautern, Germany: "German Chapter of ACM is planning a meeting concerned with PASCAL. .1 shall inform you about details later on." (* 77/5/20 - See the Conferences section for details of the 77/10/14 meeting. *) Louis F. Wojnaroski, Mental Health Research Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109: "I am interested in implementing Pascal on my Prime-300. I would like to get more information on the hypothetical stack machine code (Pascal-P I believe) and any macro generat-ing systems before I attempt to order a particular tape from PUG." (* 77/6/27 *) Joan Zimmerman, MUMPS Users' Group, Biomedical Computer Laboratory, 700 South Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63110: "I have never heard of any other group obsessed with a single language apart from ours: we are all involved with MUMPS as described in the enclosed Pocket Guide (additional copies $1) and Book of MUMPS (additional copies $2). '~e have about 250 paying members ($25 annual mailing fee), but about 5000 people on Report on IFIP conference, Aug. 8-12, 1977, Toronto. (* Thanks for this report to Nick Solntseff *) "I did not have too much interest shown at IFIP in a meeting of PUG, but I am not really surprised as it was almost impossible to get in touch even with people one knew were at the conference. "The computerized message system was terrible to say the least, but anyone interested should have seen my manual notice on the general notice board. "In all, I gathered nine people over coffee in the hospitality lounge at various times, but decided that a more formal meeting was not called for." Meeting of the Pascal sub-group, AFCET, Nice, France, June 13-14, 1977. (* PUG member Olivier Lecarme, IMAN, University of Nice, Parc Valrose, F-06034 - Nice CEDEX, France, has sent us a bulletin, which he publishes regularly before meetings of the sub-group, of articles to serve as a basis of discussion for the meeting of the sub-group. He'll try to get word to you in advance of the next meeting, but in the meantime, if you wish to receive the bulletin and/or be notified of meetings, write to Olivier Lecarme. *) Titles of Articles: "The language Pascal as support for teaching introductory progranuning," R. Rousseau. "The future of Pascal (extensions and standardization)," Andy Mickel. "Some tools for users of Pascal at Rennes," l' equipe Simone. "Simulator of machines in Pascal, II D. Thalmann. "Pascal/CIl-Iris 80 and 10070," P. Maurice. "Application of parallel algorithms to three simple problems, II J. Bezivin, J. L. Nebut, and R. Rannou. "One year of using the language Simone at Rennes: Judgment and perspectives, II J. Bezivin, J. L. Nebut, and R. Rannou. (/) BOOKS AND ARTICLES -0 our --i list. A member has asked me to find out for him if anyone has written MUMPS in PASCAL. If you know of anyone who has, or could query your members about this, I appreciate any positive information." (* 77/8/22 *) would Karl L. Zinn, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan, 109 East Madison Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109: "I am working on uses of PASCAL in personal computing as "ell as in intro courses." (* 77/8/15 *) rn We've had no news from David Barron. Rich Stevens supplied us with one item. George Richmond's bibliography, which we didn't have room for in No.8, appears separately. A price list for some formerly out-of-print documentation appears under IMPLEMENTATIONS LANGUAGES Brinch Hansen, Per, The Architecture October 14, 1977 in Kaiserslautern. Papers will include such subjects as "Implementations," "Pascal in Schools," "Applications," and "Pascal and Microcomputers." For more information get in contact with G. Nees, German Chapter of the ACM, c/o Siemans AG, E 54, Mozartstr. 33/b, Erlangen, Concurrent Programs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: simple and reliable operating systems from scratch using Concurrent Pascal." German Chapter of the ACM, a meeting on Pascal. (* This is rather late notice, but we'll hope that interested members will at least be able to attend the conference, if not submit papers. *) Meeting of August 1977, 366 pp.~16.95. (Prentice-Hall) (* From the publisher's blurb *) " • • • detailed handbook showing you how !Q develop CONFERENCES D-8520 rn Germany; or H.-W. Wippermann, Universitat Kaiserslautern,Informatik, Pfaffenbergstr., Gebaude 14, 0-6750 Kaiserslautern, Germany. (* Our thanks to Hans-Wilm Wippermann for keeping us informed about the conference. We hope to have a report from the conference in No. 11. *) Pascal Day or Pascal Workshop, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (* From a letter from Nick Solntseff *) "I am starting to plan a 'Pascal Day' or a 'Pascal Workshop' to be held at McMaster on March 3, 1978. I will be getting in touch with the Regional ACM group and the IEEE Computer Society, to see if they want to sponsor it. I am thinking of asking for brief reports on implementations, use of Pascal for teaching, etc. n (* For more information, write to Nick Solntseff, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1; or call (416) 525-9140. *) "Proceedings of the All-Union Symposium on Implementation Techniques for New Programming Languages," Novosibirsk 1975, English translation published by Springer-Verlag as Volume 47 of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (* PUG member Arthur Brown, who had offered to abstract the Russian, sent us news of the English translation in lieu of the abstract. We'll try to get more information for No. 11. TEXTBOOKS (* A Summary of all known Pascal textbooks, partly reprinted from newsletters 5-8 *) Atwood, J. W., Standard Pascal, to be published. (* Note: we haven't heard anything new about this book. For more information, write to J. W. Atwood, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Sir George Williams Campus, Concordia Univ., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1MB. *) Conway, Richard C., David Gries, and E. C. Zimmerman, ~ Primer ~ Pascal, Winthrop, 1976, 448 pp., paper, $9.95. An introduction to Pascal for non-programmers which in spite of its length fails to cover any data structures besides arrays. A rewrite of a book based on PL/C which still carries the smell of PL/I--a foreward stating the contrary notWithstanding. Bowles, Ken (U. of Calif., San Diego), Introduction by Springer-Verlag in October 1977. ~ Computer SCience, to be published APPLICATIONS A complete introduction to Pascal for non-programmers using an interactive graphics approach and the Keller teaching method. Kieburtz, Richard, Structured Programming and Problem published by Prentice-Hall sometime in 1977. For more Solving with Pascal, to be information, write Richard G. Michael, Steven W. Weingart, and David The M. Perlman, Introduction!Q manuscript may, with written permission, be duplicated for class use until the publication date. A complete introduction to Pascal for computer science majors. Collection to Compile Time," CACM, 20:7 (July Algorithms expressed in Pascal. for Numerical Computation in A description of how to carry attributes of computation such as temperature, energy, fuel consumption, etc., and units expressing these attributes such as celsius, kelvin, joules, liters per km with numerical quantities used in scientific and engineering problems. This circumvents problems which arise in dealing only with pure (dimension-less) real numbers in current programming languages. Brownlee, J. Nevil, "An (July 1977), pp. 527-529. Webster, C.A.G., Introduction to Pascal, Heyden, 1976. $11.00, Garbage Science and Engineering with Special Reference to Pascal," SIGPLAN Notices, 12:4 (April 1977), pp. 31-33. Programming and Problem Solving with PASCAL, New York: Wiley, to be published in January 1978. A camera-ready copy of the manuscript can be obtained by writing Gene Davenport, Editor, John Wiley and Sons Publishers, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10016. "Shifting Biedl, Albrecht, "An Extension of Programming Languages Kieburtz, Dept. of Compo Sci., SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794. A rewrite of a book by the same name on PLjI. Schneider, Barth, Jeffrey M., 1977), pp. 513-519. 5.50, DM35.00. Implementation of SNOBOL4 Patterns," (;AQ1, 20:7 Algorithms expressed in Pascal. A book for beginning computer-;cience majors which received a bad review in Pascal Newsletter No. 8 because, among other things, there are numerous errors and the old language definition was used. Wirth, Niklaus, Systematic Programming: An Introduction, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: ALGOL-Based Prentice Hall, 1973, 169 pp., $13.96. (* From the preface *) "A book which introduces programming as the art or technique of formulating algorithms in a systematic manner, recognizing that it is a discipline its own right." (* This introductory book only covers Pascal through arrays *) in Bulman, David M., "Stack Computers," IEEE's Computer, May Suggests that new machines introduced by semiconductor 'Pascal machines' instead of stack machines because the for a 'hypothetical stack machine' and manufacturers may 1977. manufacturers may be called Pascal compiler generates code start building machines, using LSI technology, like the hypothetical one. Gries, David, and Narain Gehani, "Some Ideas ort Data Types in High Level Languages," CACM, 20:6 (June 1977), pp. 414-420. Algorithms expressed in Pascal. Wirth, Niklaus, Algorithms + Data Structures ~ Programs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hueras, Jon, and Henry Ledgard, "An Automatic Formatting Programming for Pascal, SIGPLAN Hall, 1976, 366 pp., $16.50. (* From the cover *) " . . . lucid, systematic, and penetrating treatment of dynamic data compilers. " structures, sorting, recursive algorithms, language basic and structures, and Notices, 12:7 (July 1977), pp. 101-105. A larger description of the pretty printer announced as available for distribution in Pascal Newsletter 6, page 70. (* This and the other article below from the were drawn to our attention by PUG member Harry M. Murphy. *) July issue IMPLEMENTATIONS Price List s!!!:. Reports .9.!. Leventhal, Lance A., "Talk Your Computer's Language, II Kilobaud, August 1977, pp. 34-38. Mentions Pascal as one high-level language used on small computers, and urges readers to be aware of it. Interest--hard-to-get implementation information: Through the courtesy of George H. Richmond and his co-workers Karin Bruce and Michele Dowd, reprints of some hard-to-get Pascal documentation is now available. Write to: Karin and Michele--Pascal Distribution Computing Center Library: 3645 Marine St. Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 or call (303) 492-8131. (* These all can be ordered from North America at the price listed. All others must include overseas postage. *) "Pascal-S, A Subset and its Implementation," 63 pages, N. Wirth, ETH, June 1975, $6.50. (* Includes an entire listing of a Pascal-S compiler/interpreter in Pascal. *) "On Code Generation in a Pascal Compiler," 42 pages, U. Ammann, ETH, April 1976, $4.00. (* Description of the internal design and performance of Pascal-6000 *) "The Pascal-P Compiler Inplementation Notes," 65 pages, ETH, December 1974, revised July 1976 by K. V. Nori, et. al., $5.50. (* Describes the portable Pascal compiler and interpreter. *) (* Letter received from David Barron - 77/7/25 *) "I am sorry I have not been able to write earlier with news of the publication Proceedings of the Pascal Symposium. We had Springer-Verlag 'Lecture Notes in Computer Science,' but after reaction of the hoped that these would appear in the an initial favourable Springer delayed, and have finally declined to publish. However, I am pleased to be able to report that Wiley-Interscience have agreed in principle to publish the proceedings. I am currently discussing details with them, and hope to be able to give you firm details very shortly." Peterson, James L. , and Theodore A. Norman, "Buddy Systems, II ~, 20:6 (June 1977), pp. 421-431. Algorithm in Pascal. Singer, A, J. Hueras, and H. Ledgard, "A Basis for Executing Pascal Programmers, SIGPLAN Notices, 12:7 (July 1977), pp. 101-105. A set of guidelines for standard naming, formatting and commenting conventions in Pascal programs and why programmers should adhere to them. Surden, Esther, "Software Thievery Cited as Thorny Hobbyist Problem, II Computer World, June 6, 1977. A report on the National Computer Conference, whJch lists Pascal as a programming language available on personal computers, but which says that there are few implementations of it so far. Tennent, R. D., "Language Design Methods Based on Semantic Principles," to appear in Acta Informatica, 1977. (* Rich Stevens let us know about this one. *) (* from the summary. *) '~Two language design methods based on principles derived from the denotation approach to programming language semantics are described and illustrated by an application to the language Pascal. The principles are, firstly, the correspondence between parametric and declarative mechanisms, and secondly, a principle of abstraction for programming languages adapted from set theory. Several useful extensions and generalizations of Pascal emerge by applying these principles, including a solution to the array parameter problem, and a modularization facility." MacLennan. S. 1.1., "A Note on Dynamic Arrays -10·~. 9. pp. 39-40 (September 1975) BIBLIOGRAPHY Li tp.rature abo~lt the Programming Language Pascal January 1971 - George H. Richmond, University of Colorado Computing Center Ammann, U., "The MeU10d of Structured Programming Applied to the DevO::!Jopment of a Compiler". "International Computing Symposium 1973", Gunther, et a1.. Eds., pp. 93-99 North Holland (1974) Ammnnn, U., "Die Entwlcklung eines Pascal-Compilers nach del" Methode des strukturierten Programmierens, ETH-Diss. 5456 (1975) Ammann., U., "On Code Generation in a PASCAL Compiler", Institwts fur Informatik, Nr. 13, ETH ZuriCh (April 1976) Bachmann, K. H., Akademie-Verlag, PAGE 10 SEPTEMBER,1977 PASCAL NEWS #9 & #10 "Die Programmiersprachen Serlin (1976) Pascal Berichte und des Algol in Pascal", SIGPLAN NOTICES Mancel, P., Thibault,O., "Trensport dlun compilateur PASCAL. Ecrit en PASCAL dlun CDC 6400 sur un ell IRIS BO", These de Docteur lngenieur, Univ':?rsite Paris VI (1974) Marmier. E •• "A Program Verifier fol" Pascal", (IF!P Congress 1974),. North-Holland (1974) Information Processing 74 Micl,el. A., "Pascal Newsletter", University of Minnesota Computer Center, Minneapolis; No.5 (September 1976), No.6 (November 19:3) (see G. Richmond) Molster, T., Sundvor, V •• "Unit Pascal System Computer~, Teknisk Notat 1/74, Institutt Uni verSi tetet I Tronheim, Norway (February 1974) for the Univac 1108 for Databehandling. 68", TR-22, Nagel, H.-H., "Pascal for the DEC-System 10, Experiences and Further Plans", Mitteilung Nr. 21, Institut fur Infcrmatik. Universitat Hamburg (November 1975) C'Jrger, W. F., "BOBSW A Parser Generator", Department of Computer SCiences. SESLTR-7, The University of Texas at Austin (December 1974) Nori, K. V., Ammann. U., Jensen, K., Nageli, H. H •• "The Pascal(P) Compiler: Implementation Notes ll , No. 10, Berichte des Instituts fur Informatik, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule. ZuriCh (December 1914) Burger, W. F., "Pascal Manual", Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (JUly 1973) Bran, C •• de Vries, W., "A Pascal Compiler for PDP11 Minicomputers", Department of Electrical Engineering, Twente University of Technology, En5chede, Netherlands (1974); SOFHJARE-PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE -6-, 1, pp. 109-116 (January 1976) Com1teur pour les ~riesland, Solntseff. N., "McMaster Modifications to the Pascal 6000 3.4 System'I, Computer Science Technical Note 74-CS-2, McMaster University, OntariO, Canada (November 1974) 11974 ) Takeichi, M., "On the portability of a PASCAL Compiler". Proceedings the 16-th- Programming Symposium, pp. 90-96 (1975) in Japanese (1974 ) G., Sengler, H.-E., "lur Ueberotrag;Jng von Campi lern durch Selbstcompilatic-n am Beispiel des PASCAL-Compilers", Institut fuel" Infof'matlk des Universitaet Hamburg, report 1Fl-HH-B-13/74 (December c.-a., Grosse-Lindemann, Lorenz, P.-W., Nagel, H.-H. t Stir}, P. J., If A PASCAL Compi leI" Bootstrapped on a DEC-System10", Fachtaguno uber ProgrammiersP"'achen, pp. 101-1i3, Le-Cture Notes in Computer SCience -3-, Springer-Verlag (1974). Grosse-Lindemann, C.-O., Naqel, H.-H., "Postlude to a Pascal-Compi leI" Boo·.:strap on a DEC System-l0", Bericht Nr. 11, Institut fur Informatik, Un i vers i tat Hamburg, Germany (1974); SOFTWARE-PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE -6-, 1, pp. 29-42 (January 1976) Hab~:!rmann, Pascal", A. N., "Critical ACTA INFORMATICA -3-. Comments on the Programming 1, pp. 47-57 (1973) Hansen, P. S., "Operating System Principles", Cliffs, New Jersey (1973) Prentice-Hal', Hansen, P. B., "The Purpose of Concurrent Pascal", 6. pp. 305-309 (1975) Language Englewood SIGPLAN NOTICES -10-, Heistad. E., I!Pascal Cyber Version", Teknisk Notat 5-305 Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt, Norwegian Defense Research Es 3blishment, Kjeller, Norway (June 1973) Hikita, T., Ishihata, K., "PASCAL 8000 REFERENCE MANUAL, Version 1.0 u , Techrdcal Report 16-02, Depaf'tment of Information Science, Faculty of SCience, University of Tokyo (March 1976) Hoal'e, C. A. R., Wirth, N., "An Axiomatic .Definition of the Programming Language Pascal", ACTA INFDRMATICA -2-, 4. pp. 335-355 (1973) 11 1um, K., "En i ntrodukt i on t i l programmer i ngssporget Pasca 1 ~, Ingeniorakademi, Aalborg (1973) Danmarks Ishihata. K., H't'\ita, T., "Bootstrapping PM 'AL Using a Trunk", Technical Report 76-04, Department of Information SCience, Faculty of SCience, University of Tokyo (March 1976) Takeichi. M., "PASCAL Compi ler for the FACQM 230-38: Notes". Internal Report, UniverSity of Tokyo, Department Engineering and Instrumentation PhysiCS (1975) of Implementation of Mathematic Takeichi, M.. .IPASCAL -- Implementation and Experience", University of Tokyo, Department of Mathemattc Engineering and Instrumentation Physics (December 1975) Thibault. 0 •• Mancel, P., "Implementation of a Pascal Compiler for the CII Iris 80 Computer". SIGPLAN NOTICES -8-, 6, pp. 89-90 (1973) de Vries. W., "An Implementation of the language Pascal for the PDP 11 series, based on a portable Pascal compi 1er M, Technische Hogeschool TWe'1te, Enschede (March 1975) Welsh, J., QUinn, C., "A Pascal Compiler for the ICL 1900 Series Computer ll , SOFTWARE-PRACTICE AND ·EXPERIENCE -2-, 1, pp. 73-77 (1972) Wirth. N., Hoare, C. A. R., tlA Contribution to the Development Algol", COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM -9-, 6, pp. 413-432 (1966) of Wirth, N., "The Programming Language Pascal", ACTA INFORMATICA pp. 35-63 (1971) 1, -1-, Wirth, N., MThe Design of a Pascal Compiler". SOFTWARE-PRACTlCE AND EXPERIENCE -1-.4, pp. 309-333 (1911) Wirth, N., "Program Development by Step-Wise Reflnement M , OF THE ACM-14-, 4, pp. 221-227 (April 1971) CDfllMUNICATIONS Wirth, N., "The Programming Language f.c3scal and Its Design Criteria", presented at the Conference on Sof tware Eng; neer i ng Techn i ques (NATO Science Committee). Rome (Dctober 1969); published in "High Level Languages U , Infotech State of the Art Report 7 (1972) Wi r th, N.. ·Systemat i sches Programmi eren'l (Tasche. ,-,uch), Teubner-Vet' lag, Stuttgart (1972) Jensen. K •• Wl rth, N., "Pasca I User Manua I and Report" I Lecture Notes in Computer SCience, -18-, Springer-Verlag, New York (1974): Springer Study Add i t ion (1975) Wirth, N., • ... he Programming Language Pascal (Revi,sed Report) .. , Nr. 5, Berichte des Instituts fur Informatik, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, ZUrich (November 1972) Knobe, B., Yuval, G., "Making a Compiler Indent", Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Wirth, N •• Man Pascal. Code Generation, and the CDC 6400 Computer M• Computer Sc i ence Department, STAN-CS-72-257, Stanf ord Un; vers; ty (1 972) (out of print, Clearinghouse stock no. PB208519) Computer Science (November 1974) Kristensen, B. B., Madsen, O. L., Jensen, B. B., Eriksen, S. H., itA Short Description of a Translator Writing System (BOBS-System)", Daim1 PB-11, Un i vers i ty of Aarhus, Denmark (February 1973) Kristensen, B.' B •• Madsen, O. L., Jensen, B, B., IIA Pascal Environment Machine (P-code)", Daimi PB-28, UniverSity of Aarhus. Denmark (April 1974) Kristensen, B. B., Madsen, O. L, uensen, B. B •• Eriksen, S. H. t "User Manua I for the BOBS-System'I, unpubl i shed Enal ish Version, Uni versi ty of Aarhus, Denmark (Apri 1 1974) Lecarme,O., "Le Montreal (1972) langage de programmation Pascal·, Universite Lecarme, D., "Structured Programming, Programming Teaching, Language Pascal", SIGPLAN NOTICES -9-, 7. pp. 15-21 (JUly 1974) de and the Lecarme, 0., Desjardins, P., "Reply to a Paper by A. N • .Habermann on the Pascal", SIGPLAN NOTICES -9-, 10. pp. 21-27 ~~~~~~~~i7~74~anguage Lecarme, 0., Desjardins, P., "More Comments on the Programming Language Pascal", ACTA INFr"MATICA -4-. PP. 231-243 (197Sl Wirth, N., "SystematiC Programming: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1973) An IntrodU'_ction u , Prentice-Hall Wirth, N •• "On the Composition of Well-Structured SURVEYS -6-, 4. pp. 247-260 (December 1974) Wirth. N .• MAlgorithmen und Oatenstrukturen M , Programs", f COMPUTING Teubner-Verlug, Stuttgart ( 1975) Wirth, N., MAlgorithms + Datastructures Englewood Cl iffs, New Jersey (1975) Prog ·.J.ms'l, Prentice-Hall t Wirth, N., MAn Assessment of the Programming language Pascal·, IEEE TRANSACTlONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING -1-, 2, pp. 192-198 (1975); SIGPLAN NOTICES -10-, 6, pp. 23-30 (~une 1975) Wirth. N., MPASCAL-S: A Subset and its Berichte des Instituts fur Infor;natik, Hochschl,l 1 e, Zur i ch (Jl,lne 1975) Wirth, N., ·Comment on A Note on Dynamic NOTICES -11-, 1, pp. 37-38 (,January 1976) Implementation", Nr. 12, Eidgenossische Technische Arrays in Pascal", SIGPLAN PAST ISSUES OF Pascal Newsletter (now Pascal News) George RichmOnd, Computing Center, University of Colorado, started Pascal Newsletter with issue #1 in January, 1974. He proceeded to produce 3 more issues while doing the other thankless chores of distributing 2 Pascal compilers to dozens of sites and promoting Pascal in other ways. In mid-1975 John Strait and I proposed a Pascal User's Group after having talked to several other Pascalers around the U.S. At the Minneapolis ACM '75 conference in October, 1975, we launched the group at an ad hoc meeting (35 persons) convened by Rich Cichelli and Bob (Warren) Johnson. A year later we began the task of producing 4 issues of Pascal Newsletter which PUG as a group assumed responsibility for. John and I edited the first 2 issues with help from Tim Bonham on the Implementations section. By issue #8 John had less time for the constant demands of the newsletter and only promised occasional help, but with #8 Jim Miner, Sara Graffunder, and others volunteered to help. With this issue (#9 ), we have spread the load quite a bit, which only causes coordination problems! #1 January, 1974, University of Colorado Computing Center, (also SIGPLAN Notices 9:3 1974 March) 8 pages, edited by George Richmond. (* Mostly contained descriptions of the CDC-6000 implementation of unrevised Pascal. *) out of print #2 May, 1974, University of Colorado Computing Center, (also SIGPLAN Notices 9:11 1974 November) 18 pages, edited by George Richmond. (* A Pascal history; news of other implementations for unrevised Pascal; news of the new CDC-6000 implementation for revised Pascal.*) out of print #3 February, 1975, University of Colorado Computing Center, (also SIGPLAN Notices 11:2 1976 February) 19 pages, edited by George Richmond. (* Announcement of the book: Pascal User Manual and Report; Pascal usage questionaire; revised History of Pascal; bibliography; news of Pascal-P; more on Pascal-6000 for CDC machines; letters to the editor. *) ouf, of print #4 August, 1976, University of Colorado Computing Center, 103 pages (103 numbered pages), edited by George Richmond. (* 36 letters of correspondence dealing mostly with various implementations; implementors list; bibliography; news of new release of Pascal-P.*) out of print #5 September, 1976, Pascal User's Group, University of Minnesota Computer Center, 124 pages (65 numbered pages), edited by Andy Mickel. (* Short notes, 5 articles, general correspondence, and implementation notes were featured; Christian Jacobi, ETH Zurich supplied a description of Dynamic Array Parameters. *) #6 November, 1976, Pasc,al User's Group, University of Mi nnesota Computer Center, 180 pages (91 numbered pages), edited by Andy Mickel. (* News from members; a full membership roster; conference notices; information on back issues; 6 articles including 2 proposing directions for Pascal by G. Michael Schneider of the U of Minnesota, and Rich Cichelli of Lehigh University; much implementation news. *) #7 February, 1977, Pascal User's Group, University of Minnesota Computer Center, 90 pages (45 numbered pages), edited by Andy Mickel. (* ~1ore News from members; books; 3 articles; correspondence; implementation notes. *) #8 May, 1977, Pascal User's Group, University of Minnesota Computer Center, 128 pages (65 numbered pages), edited by Andy Mickel. (* News from members; Conferences; Books; Applications; 6 articles including one by Ken Bowles about a very complete inexpensive implementation for nearly every microprocessor in existence; Special topic: official standardization and clarified definition of Pascal; Portable Pascals, Feature implementation notes, Machine Dependent implementations, Index. *) PUG FINANCES 1976-1977 Here are the details for our finances last academic year by both PUG(USA) and PUG(UK). For additional information see the EDITOR'S CONTRIBUTION (for a real con) under "PUG Finances." PUG(USA) Accounts: Income: $3980.00 995 memberships @ $4 (76-77) 161.73 contributions 70.00 miscellaneous back issues sold @ $1 $4211.73 TOTAL Income. Expendi ture: $ 123.37 buying (230) and mailing #4 from George Richmond 492.70 printing (700) and mailing #5 1239.50 printing (1050) and mailing #6 697.17 printing (1000) and mailing #7 1071.60 printing (1000) and mailing #8 30.23 mailing originals of 5-8, etc. to PUG(UK) for reprinting 92.13 promoting PUG (mass mailings) 10.00 refunds for overpayment 19.00 backissue requests for #4 forwarded to George Richmond 101.09 miscellaneous postage for automatic backissues $3876.79 TOTAL Expenditure. PUG(UK) Accounts: (submitted by David Barron, 15 August, 1977) Income: £249.90 subscriptions for 76-77 (99 @ 2.50; 1 @ 2.40) £249.20 TOTAL Income. Expenditure: 70.86 printing 250 copies of No.6 29.14 printing 350 cop~es of No.7 105.34 printing 450 coples of No.8 171.06 postage for 6,7, and 8 including back issues ~ f376.40 total production costs 90.01 printing and posting NO.5 (450 copies) ~466.41 TOTAL Expenditure. ======================================================================================== PUG(USA) surplus PUG(UK) deficit = ~216.51 Total deficit for year $334.94 = $380.00 approx. = $ 45.06 Andy Mickel Back issue ordering information for #5-#8 is on the back of the ALL PURPOSE COUPON. 77/09/01 ROSTER (77109/09) The PUG roster is sorted by mail code (USA first) and then alphabetically by country. Members span 31 countries and 47 states. Also supplied is a member index by last name to mail code. Institutional members begin with the prefix ATTN or ATTENTION. U1002 01420 01451 01451 01609 01609 01701 01701 01701 01720 01730 01741 01742 01749 01752 01752 01754 01754 01754 01754 01754 01754 01754 01754 01754 01776 01852 01907 02035 02035 02038 02111 02115 02115 02115 02125 02134 02138 02138 02138 02138 02139 02139 02139 02139 02139 02140 02154 02154 02154 02154 02154 02154 02155 02160 02167 02168 You can see at a glance who is at a well known organization at a well known place. The roster makes a great organizing tool for our mutual communication! Please look yourself up to check for accuracy and then you can see who is nearby; why not phone them and talk about Pascal? States with over 50 PUG members are: California - 171; Minnesota - 128; Texas - 62; Massachusetts - 61; and countries: United Kingdom - 101; Canada - 59; Germany - 57. HENRY F. LEDGARD/ COMPUTER AND INFO. SCI./ U OF MASSACHUSETTS/ AMHERST MA 01002/ (413) 545-2744 KENNETH R. WADLAND/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ FITCHBURG STATE COLLEGE/ MAIL BOX NUMBER 6372/ FITCHBURG MA 01420/ (617) 342-2268 RALPH S. GooDELL/ HILLCREST DRIVE/ HARVARD MA 01451/ (617) 456-8090 R. L. TMAYER/ CENTRAL RESEARCH GROUP/ P.o. BOX 451/ HARVARD MA 01451/ (617) 772-2306 JOHN DE ROSA JR./ WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INST./ P.O. BOX 2131/ .WORCESTER MA 01609/ (617) 798-8947 NORMAN E. SONDAK/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE/ WORCESTER MA 01609/ (617) 753-1411 HANK EDWARDS/ 2C BRACKETT ROAD/ FRAMINGHAM MA 01701/ (617) 620-1066 (HOME)/ (617) 897-5111 X6809 BERNIE ROSMAN/ MATH/CS DEPT./ FRAMINGHAM STATE COLLEGE/ FRAMINGHAM MA 01701/ (617) 872-3501 DAVID TARABAR/ FIELD ENGINEERING/ DATA GENERAL CORPORATION/ 23~ OLD CONNECTICUT PATH/ FRAMINGHAM MA 01701/ (617) 620-1200 X362 SCOTT D. HANKIN/ 382A GREAT ROAD APT. 103/ ACTON MA 01720/ (617) 263-9121 BRUCE MACKENZIE/ COMPUTERVISION CORP./ 201 BURLINGTON ROAD - ROUTE 62/ BEDFORD MA 01730/ (617) 275-1800 MARTHA L. SPENCE/ 145 CARLISLE PINES DR./ CARLISLE MA 01741/ (b17) 369-7311 (HOME)/ (617) 449-2000 X2526 (OFC.) MARK S. MAYES/ TSD SYSTEMS ENGINEERING/ GEN RAD./ 300 BAKER AVE./ W. CONCORD MA 01742/ (617) 369-4400 KATHLEEN JENSEN/ 1 FRANKLIN ST./ HUDSON MA 01749/ (617) 897-5111 (WORK)/ (617) 562-9538 (HOME) DWIGHT BAKER/ MRl/M64/ DIGITAL COMPONENTS/ ONE IRON WAY/ MARLBORO MA 01752/ (617) 481-7400 X6637 CARL W. SCHWARCZ/ MR 1-2/E27/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ 200 FOREST STREET/ MARLBORO MA 01752/ (617) 481-9511 ATTN: LIBRARY/ ML5-4/A20/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION/ MAYNARD MA 01754 RONALD F. BRENDER/ BLISS LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT/ ML3-5/E82/ DIGItAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ 146 MAIN STREET/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-5111 X2520 ALBERT S. BROWN/ PK3-1/M12/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ 146 MAIN STREET/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-5111 X2391 N. AMOS GILEADI/ APPLIED SYSTEMS GROUP/ ML 21-4 E-20/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ 146 MAIN STREET/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-5111 X4402/X3888/X6472 RONALD J. HAM/ ML5-5/E40/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION/ 146 MAIN STREET/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-5111 RICHARD KIMBALL/ 145 WALTHAM ST./ MAYNARD MA 01754 DAVID MOBERLY/ P.O. BOX 241/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-8078 ISAAC R. NASSI/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ 146 MAIN STREET/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-5111 X4487 WILLIAM F. SHAWl ML5-5/E40/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION/ 146 MAIN STREET/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 897-5111 LLOYD DICKMAN/ 93 PRATTS MILL ROAD/ SUDBURY MA 01776 EDWARD STEEN/ 119 SHERMAN STREET/ LOWELL MA 01852/ (617) 454-9320 JAMES W. HEBERT/51 THOMAS ROAD/ SWAMPSCOTT MA 01907/ (617) 581-3807 THOMAS G. MCGINTY/ DEPT. 330/ FOXBORO CO./ 38 NEPONSET AVE./ FOXBORO MA 02035/ (617) 543-8750 X2031 AARON SAWYER/ DEPT 330/ THE FOXBORO COMPANY/ FOXBORO MA 02035/ (617) 543-8750 X2029 WARREN R. BROWN/ D.330/ THE FOXBORO COMPANY/ 38 NEPONSET AVE./ FOXBORO MA 02038/ (617) 543-8750 X2023 ROGER A. DUE/ SOFTWARE SYSTEMS DESIGN/ TERADYNE INC./ 183 ESSEX STREET/ BOSTON MA 02111/ (617) 482-2700 ATTN: MATH LIBRARY/ NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY/ 360 HUNTINGTON AVE./ BOSTON MA 02115/ (617) 437-2460 JOHN CASEY/ DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS/ NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY! 360 HUNTINGTON AVENUE/ BOSTON MA 02115/ (617) 437-2450 JENNIFER CLARKE/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ 25 RICHARDS HALL/ NORTHEASTERN U./ HUNTINGTON AVE./ BOSTON MA 02115/ (617) 437-3183 VICTOR S. MILLER/ DEPT OF MATHEMATICS/ BLDG 2/ U OF MASSACHUSETTS/ HARBOR CAMPUS/ BOSTON MA 02125/ (617) 287-1900 X3170/X3161 DAN FYLSTRA/ 22 WEITZ ST. #3/ BOSTON MA 02134 BRUCE KNOBE/ INTERMETRICS INC./ 701 CONCORU AVE./ CAMBRIDGE MA U2138/ (617) 661-1840 MICHAEL MEEHAN/ WINTHROP PUBLISHERS/ 17 DUNSTER STREET/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02138/ (617) 868-1750 CHARLES ROBERT MORGAN/ BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN/50 MOULTON STR EET/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02138/ (617) 491-1850 XS02 ROBERT E. WELLS/ BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC./ 50 MOULTON STREET/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02138/ (617) 491-1850 ATTN: READING ROOM/ INFORMATION PROCESSING CENTER/ 39-430/ MIT I CAMBltIDGE MA 02139 GABRIEL CHANG/ 575 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE/ HONEYWELL INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02139/ (617) 491-6300 F. J. CORBATO/ NE43-514/ MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY! 545 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02139/ (617) 253-6001 JEANNE FERRANTE/ 125 ANTRIM ST./ CAMBRIDGE MA 02139/ (617) 876-8635 JOHN N. STRAYHORN/ BOX 157 MIT BRANCH P.O./ CAMBRIDGE MA 02139! (617) 923-1133 KENNETH OLSON/ 16 MONTGOMERY ST./ CAMBRIDGE MA 02140/ (617) 86H-3068 R. STERLING EANES/ SOFTECH/ 460 TOTTEN POND ROAD/ WALTHAM MA 02154/ (617) 890-6900 JOHN B. GooDENOUGH/ SOFTECH INC./ 460 TOTTEN POND RD/ WALTHAM ',MA 02154/ (617) 890-6900 R. KRASIN/ FIRST DATA CORP./ 400 TOTTEN POND ROAD/ WALTHAM MA U2154/ (617) 890-6701 GERALD NADLER/ RBMS RESEARCH CENTER/ BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY/ WALTHAM MA 02154 MICHAEL ROONEY/ THE BOSTON SYSTEMS OFFICE INC./ 400-1 TOTTEN pOIID ROAD/ WALTHAM MA 02154/ (617) 890-0888 ROY A. WILSKER/ 27 BENEFIT STREET/ WALTHAM MA 02154/ (617) 899-6638 DAVID SOLOMONT/ COMPUTER SERVICES/ MILLER HALL/ TUFTS UNIVERSITY/ MEDFORD MA 02155/ (617) 628-2943 PETER COLBY/ 289 MILL ST./ NEWTONVILLE MA 02160/ (617) 527-2394 GEORGE C. HETRICK/ COMPUTING CENTER/ BOSTON COLLEGE/ CHESTNUT HILL MA 02167/ (617) 969-0100 GEORGE POONEN/ 15 ORCHARD AVE./ WABAN MA 02168/ (617) 969-4684 en l"T1 ""0 -I l"T1 3: tx:1 l"T1 ;:c ""0 » Ci") l"T1 ....... N 02172 02173 02174 02193 02809 02881 02912 03060 03301 03458 03766 03824 03824 04103 06035 06268 06320 06413 06432 06488 06901 07102 07205 07470 07724 07724 07733 07757 07828 08540 08903 08904 10003 10003 10012 10012 10013 10016 10016 10019 10019 10024 10025 10027 10036 10598 11530 11740 11794 11794 11794 11973 12180 12181 12308 13032 13201 13210 13210 13323 13440 13440 13676 13676 13760 14063 FRED EILENSTEIN/ 68 SPRING STREET/ WATERTOWN MA 02172/ (617) 924-2248 G. M. SHANNON/ LINCOLN LAB/ J-148G/ M.I.T./ 244 WOOD STREET/ LtiINGTON MA 02173/ (617) 862-5500 X5719 MICHAEL HAGERTY/ 83 PARK STREET/ ARLINGTON MA 02174/ (617) 492 -7100 TERRENCE M. COLLIGAN/ RIVERSIDE OFFICE PARK/ MANAGEMENT DECISION SYSTEMS INC./ RIVERSIDE ROAD/ WESTON MA 02193/ (617) 891-0335 E. R. BEAUREGARD/ 10 HYDRAULION AVE./ BRISTOL RI 02809/ (401) 253-7358 DAVID J. GRIFFITHS/ ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER/ TYLER HALL/ UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND/ KINGSTON RI 02881/ (401) 792-2701 ANDRIES VAN DAM/ BROWN UNIVERSITY/ BOX F/ PROVIDENCE RI 02912/ (401) 863-3088 ATTENTION: JO AN HUESMAN/ NASHUA OPERATIONS/ HARRIS DATA COMMUNICATIONS DIV./ DANIEL WEBSTER HIGHWAY SOUTH/ NASHUA NH 03060/ (603) 883-3313 VINCENT KAYSER/ NORTHEAST ELECTRONICS/ BOX 649/ CONCORD NH 03301/ (603) 224-6511 X-261 CARL HELMERS/ BYTE PUBLICATIONS INC./ 70 MAIN STREET/ PETERBOROUGH NH 03458/ (603) 924-7217 WILLIAM M. LAYTON/ POLYTRONICS/ METHODIST HILL/ LEBANON ~H 03766/ (603) 646-2068 ATTENTION: R. D. BERGERON/ DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS/ KINGSBURY HALL/ U OF NEW HAMPSHIRE/ DURHAM NH 03824/ (603) 862-2321 WILLIAM J. VASILIOU JR./ COMPUTER SERVICES/ KINGSBURY HALL/ U OF NEW HAMPSHIRE/ DURHAM NH 03824/ (603) 862-2323 JOHN HEATH/ DEPT. OF MATH. AND COMPUTER SCI./ UNIV. OF MAINE/ PORTLAND ME 04103/ (207) 773TIMOTHY DENNIS/ 62 LAKESIDE DRIVE/ GRANBY CT 06035/ (203) 653-4492 EDWARD E. BALKOVICH/ DEPT. OF ELECT. ENGR. AND COMPo SCI./ U-157/ UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT/ STORRS CT 06268/ (203)486-4816 JAMES P. SHORES/ 344 GLENWOOD AVE./ NEW LONDON CT 06320/ (203) 442-0771 X2126 ROSEMARY HOWBRIGG/ 36 MENUNKETESUCK DRIVE/ CLINTON CT 06413/ (203) 669-5812 (HOME)/ (203) 442-0771 X2963 (WORK) MARK BECKER/ 300 COLLINGWOOD AVE/ FAIRFIELD CT 06432/ (203) 334-3627 CHARLES E. SIMON/ RD #1 BERKSHIRE RD./ SOUTHBURY CT 06488/ (203) 264-0640 (HOME)/ (203) 377-4141 X2286 (WORK) MARK SEIDEN/ NATIONAL CSS INC./ 500 SUMMER ST. - 4 FL./ STAMPORD CT 06901/ (203) 327-9100 X206 PETER ANDERSON/ COMPUTER AND INFO SCI DEPT./ NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ 323 HIGH STREET/ NEWARK NJ 07102/ (201) 645-5126 NICHOLAS WYBOLT/ 576 LEO STREET/ HILLSIDE NJ 07205/ (201) 688-5328 RICHARD D. SPILLANE/ DEPT OF MATH/C.S./ WILLIAM PATTERSON COL.! WAYNE NJ 07470/ (201) 881-2158 DAN C. RICHARD/ P.O. BOX 188/ EATONTOWN NJ 07724/ (201) 542-3814 (hOME) RON PRICE/ PERKIN-ELMER DATA SYSTEMS/ 106 APPLE ST./ TINTON FALLS NJ 07724 RON OLSEN/ ROOM 3E207/ BELL LABORATORIES/ CRAWFORD CORNER ROAD! HOLMDEL NJ 07733/ (201) 949-5537 FRANK KURKA/ P.O. BOX 209/ OCEANPORT NJ 07757/ (201) 229-4487 KEN POLAKOWSKI/ 5D VILLAGE GREEN/ BUDD LAKE NJ 07828/ (201) 347-4375 PAUL S. HELLER/ EDUCOM/ P.O. BOX 364/ PRINCETON NJ 08540/ (609) 921-7575 CHARLES HEDRICK/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ RUTGERS/ HILL CENTER/ NEW BRUNSWICK NJ 08903 STEVE LEGENHAUSEN/ 12 BARNARD STREET/ HIGHLAND PARK NJ 08904/ (201) 572-6585 WILLIAM HENRY/ 117 E. TENTH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10003 DAVID SEGAL/ 111 THIRD AVE. #2K/ NEW YORK NY 10003/ (212) 674-0454 EDWARD R. FRIEDMAN/ CIMS/CS DEPT./ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY/ NEW YORK NY 10012/ (212) 460-7100 DAVID SHIELDS/ COURANT INSTITUTE/ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY/ 251 MERCER ST./ NEW YO"RK NY 10012/ (212) 460-7168 FRANK PAVLIK/ QUOTRON SYSTEMS INC./ 325 HUDSON ST./ NEW YORK NY 10013/ (212) 344-0400 EXT. 71 GENE A. DAVENPORT/ JOHN WILEY AND SONS/60S THIRD AVENUE/ NEW YORK NY 10016/ (212) 867-9800 STEPHEN LEIBOWITZ/ 165 EAST 32 ST. - APT. 6D/ NEW YORK NY 10016/ (212) 483-2595/ (212) 889-1035 DOUGLAS R. KAYE/ COMPUTER SERVICES/ DU ART FILM LABORATORIES/ 245 WEST 55 ST./ NEW YORK NY 10019/ (212) 757-4580 PETER PAWELCZAK/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ C/O LIBRARY/ CUNY! 555 W. 57TH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10019 STEVE GROSS/ 200 W. 86TH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10024 HOWARD D. ESKIN/ CENTER FOR COMPUTING ACTIVITIES/ ROOM 712/ COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY/ 612 W. 115TH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10025/ (212) 280-2874 T. A. D'AURIA/ CENTER FOR COMPUTING ACTIVITIES/ COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY/ NEW YORK NY 10027 P. J. PLAUGER/ SUITE 3830/ YOURDON/ 1133 AVE. OF THE AMERICAS/ NEW YORK NY 10036/ (212) 730-2670 PETER G. CAPEK/ IBM RESEARCH CENTER/ P.O. BOX 218/ YORKTOWN HTS NY 10598/ (914) 945-1250 REX FRANCIOTTI/ COMPUTER CENTER/ ADELPHI UNIVERSITY/ GARDEN CITY NY 11530/ (516) 294-8700 M. WAITE/ HAZELTINE CORP./ GREENLAWN NY 11740/ (516) 261-7000 X687 ATTENTION: GARRY S. MEYER/ COMPUTING CENTER/ APPLICATIONS SUPPORT/ SUNY STONY BROOK/ STONY BROOK NY 11794/ (516) 246-7047 WILLIAM BARABASH/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ SUNY STONY BROOK/ STONY BROOK NY 11794/ (516) 246-7146 RICHARD B KIEBURTZ/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCI./ SUNY AT STONY BROOK/ STONY BROOK NY 11794/ (516) 246-5987 M. ELIZABETH IBARRA/ DEPT. OF APPLIED MATH/ BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY/ UPTON NY 11973/ (516) 345-4162 J. SCOTT MERRITT/ 36 OAKWOOD AVE./ TROY NY 12180/ (518) 271-7553 S. KAMAL ABDALI/ DEPT. OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES/ RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE/ TROY NY 12181/ (518) 270-6558 GEORGE H. WILLIAMS/ EE/CS DEPT./ UNION COLLEGE/ SCHENECTADY NY 12308/ (518) 370-6273 J. WILSON/ WHITMAN RD. R.D. #3 BOX 224H/ CANASTOTA NY 13032/ (315) 697-3639 J. DANIEL GERSTEN/ COMPUTED IMAGE ENG. - CSP 3-21/ GENERAL ELECTRIC CO./ SYRACUSE NY 13201 J. L. POSDAMER/ SCHOOL OF COMPo AND INFO. SCI./ 313 LINK HALL/ SYRACUSE U/ SYRACUSE NY 13210/ (315) 423-4679 JOHN M. WOBUS/ 453 WESTCOTT ST. APT. 1/ SYRACUSE NY 13210/ (315) 472-4923 WALTER WUENSCH/ BOX 62/ CLINTON NY 13323/ (315) 797-2370 DAVID A. BENNETT/ PAR CORP./ ON THE MALL/ ROME NY 13440/ (315) 336-8400 MICHAEL N. CONDICT/ PATTERN ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION CORP/ ON THE MALL/ ROME NY 13440/ (315) 336-8400 X36 NEWTON J. MUNSON/ COMPUTING CENTER/ CLARKSON COLLEGE/ POTSDAM NY 13676/ (315) 268-7721 TED TENNY/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ SUNY - POTSDAM/ POTSDAM NY 13676/ (315) 268-2954 ROBERT L. KING/ 1452 SANDRA DR./ ENDICOTT NY 13760/ (607) 754-3112 G. H. GOLDEN JR./ COMPUTER CENTER/ MAY TUM HALL/ STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE/ FREDONIA NY 14063 14226 14420 14609 14623 14627 14850 14850 14850 14850 14853 14853 15260 15261 15701 15701 16802 17011 17257 17837 17837 18015 18015 18015 18015 18015 18015 18017 18018 18018 18018 18041 18042 18049 18055 18103 18104 18353 18651 18703 18938 18960 18974 19018 19085 19085 19104 19122 19122 19122 19122 19174 19301 19301 19401 19426 19464 19711 19711 19711 19711 19898 19898 20006 20012 20014 20014 G. FRIEDER/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ SUNY BUFFALO/ 4226 RIDGE LEA RD./ BUFFALO NY 14226/ (716) 831-1351 JAMES MOLONEY/DEPT. OF COMP. SCI. / SUNY BROCKPORT/BROCKPORT n 14420/ (716) 395-2384 EDWARD W. SUOR/ COMPUTER CONSOLES INC./ 97 HUMBOLDT STREET/ ROCHESTER NY 14609/ (716) 482-5000 X291 MICHAEL J. LUTZ/ SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ ROCHESTER NY 14623/ (716) 464-2139 ATTN: PRODUCTION AUTOMATION PROJECT/ ELEC. ENGR. _ COL. OF ENGR. AND APPLIE/ UNIV. OF ROCHESTER/ ROCHESTER NY 14627/ (716) 275-3775 RICHARD CONWAY/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY/ ITHACA NY 14850/ (607) 256-3456 WILLIAM LYCZKO/ SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT/ NCR CORPORATION/TERMINAL SYSTEMS/ 950 DANBY ROAO/ ITHACA NY 14850/ (607) 273-5310/ X251 X254 KEVIN WEILER/ 147 CORNELL QRTRS/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY/ ITHACA NY 14850/ (607) 256-4880 (DAY)/ (607) 272-7563 (NITE) JOHN H. WILLIAMS/ OCS/ 418 UPSON HALL/ CORNELL U/ ITHACA NY 14~50/ (607) 256-5033 THOMAS P. BISHOP/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY/ ITHACA NY 14853/ (607) 256-4052 HAL PERKINS/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY/ ITlu\CA NY 14853 MARY LOU SOFFA/ COMPUTER SCI. DEPT./ 335 ALUMNI HALL/ UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH/ PITTSBURGH PA 15260/ (412) 624-6454 JOHN DOW/ WESTERN PSYCHIATRIC INST. AND CLINIC/ U. OF PITTSBUR~H/ 3811 O'HARA STREET/ PITTSBURGH PA 15261/ (412) 624-2848 JOHN NOLD/ COMPUTER CENTER/ G7 STRIGHT HALL/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PA./ INDIANA PA 15701 HOWARD E. TOMPKINS/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PAl INDIANA PA 15701/ (412) 357-2524 BENTON LEONG/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ PENNSYLVANIA STATE U./ UNIVERSITY PK PA 16802/ (814) 865-1545 DONALD L. WRIGHT/ 832 WYNNEWOOD RD./ CAMP HILL PA 17011/ (717) 161-0260 CHARLES E. MILLER/ RD 5 - CRESCENT DRIVE/ SHIPPENSBURG PA 1725'7/ (717) 532-9121 X104 ATTENTION: RUTH DROZIN/ FREAS-ROOKE COMPUTER CENTER/ BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY/ LEWISBURG PA 17837/ (717) 524-1436 DANIEL C. HYDE/ COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAN/ BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY/ LEWISBURG PA 17837/ (717) 524-1392 JOHN W. ADAMS/ DEPT. OF I.E./ 19 PACKARD LAB/ LEHIGH UNIV./ BETHLEHEM PA 18015 DAVID B. ANDERSON/ DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS/ 14 CHRISTMAS-SAueON/ LEHIGH UNIVERSITY/ BETHLEHEM PA 18015/ (215) 867-4253 DAVE ENGLANDER/ 302 SUMMIT STREET/ BETHLEHEM PA 18015/ (215) 865-9027 S. L. GULDEN/ DEPT. OF MATH/ LEHIGH UNIVERSITY/ BETHLEHEM PA 1~015/ (215) 691-7000 X341 THOMAS RAMS BERGER/ 1036 BROADWAY/ BETHLEHEM PA 18015/ (215) 86~-0905 V. LALITA RAO/ 506 W. THIRD STREET APT. 4/ BETHLEHEM PA 18015/ (215) 865-6448 STEPHEN TITCOMB/ 1111 NORTH BLVD./ BETHLEHEM PA 18017 RANCE J. DELONG/ MORAVIAN COLLEGE/ BETHLEHEM PA 18018 MARILYN HOFFMAN/ 531 W. UNION BLVD./ BETHLEHEM PA 18018/ (215) 865-6937 JOHN A. WEAVER/ 2112 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. F-6/ BETHLEHEM PA 180181 (215) 867-1085 JOSEPH A. MEZZAROBA/ BOX 164/ E. GREENVILLE PA 18041/ (215) 472-8365 (WORK)/ (215) 679-9900 (HOME) BARBARA I. KARKUTT/ BOX 942/ EASTON PA 18042/ (215) 252-1684 JOHN W. IOBST/ 22 N. KEYSTONE AVE./ EMMAUS PA 18049/ (215) 965-4677 ALEX OSTAPENKO/ 346 ELLEN ST./ HELLERTOWN PA 18055/ (215) 838-7171 RICHARD J. CICHELLI/ 901 WHITTIER DRIVE/ ALLENTOWN PA 18103/ (215) 797-9690 RAMON,TAN/ 2345 UNION ST./ ALLENTOWN PA 18104/ (215) 434-5432 THOMAS HALLDORSON/ BIRCHWOOD PARK #4/ SAYLORSBURG PA 18353 STEPHEN J VNUK/ 740 MILL ST./ PLYMOUTH PA 18651/ (717) 779-9741 JOSEPH A. PARKER JR./ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPo SCI./ WILKES COLLEGE/ WILKES-BARRE PA 18703/ (717) 824-4651 X448 BILL CHESWICK/ DARIEN 15B / VILLAGE 2/ NEW HOPE PA 18938 CHESTER J. SALWACH/ 2124 DIAMOND STREET/ SELLERSVILLE PA 189601 (215) 723-8301 TOM KELLY/ APT. C 3-9 ASHWOOD APARTMENTS/ 120 EAST STREET ROAOI WARMINSTER PA 18974/ (215) 674-9821 T. L.(FRANK) PAPPAS/ 5130 GRAMERCY DRIVE/ CLIFTON HGTS PA 1901~/ (215) 259-1325 ATTN: MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT/ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY/ VILLANOVA PA 19085/ (215) 527-2100 THOMAS SCOTTI COMPUTER CENTER/ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY/ VILLANOVA PA 19085/ (215) 527-2100 X215 DAVID A. NELSON/ INFORMATION ENGINEERING/ 3401 MARKET STREET/ PHILAOELPHIA PA 19104/ (215) 387-5150 FRANK L. FRIEDMAN/ DEPT. OF COMPo AND INFO. SCI./ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY/ PHILADELPHIA PA 19122 GIORGIO P. INGARGIOLA/ CIS/ 382 SPEAKMAN HALL/ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY/ PHILAOELPHIA PA 19122/ (215) 787-8457 ROBERT KEZELL/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER ACTIVITY/ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 1 PHILADELPHIA PA 19122/ (215) 787-8527 FRANK RYBICKI/ COMPUTER ACTIVITY/ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY/ BROAO AND MONTGOMERY/ PHILAOELPHIA PA 19122/ (215) 737-1115 WILLIAM C. HOPKINS/ DEPT. OF COMPo AND INFO. SCI./ U OF PENNSYLVANIA/ PHILAOELPHIA PA 19174/ (215) 243-8549 JOHN T. LYNCH/ BURROUGHS CORP./ P.O. BOX 517/ PAOLI PA 19301 E. L. ROWE/ BURROUGHS CORP./ BOX 517/ PAOLI PA 19301/ (215) 648-2218 BILL BRENNAN/ 39 JODY DRIVE/ NORRISTOWN PA 19401 LEE LAMBERT/ 967 SCHOOL STREET/ COLLEGEVILLE PA 19426 RICHARD A. JOKIEL/ P.O. BOX 818/ POTTSTOWN PA 19464/ (215) 385-6324 JOHN D. EISENBERG/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ SMITH HALL/ U OF DELAWARE 1 NEWARK DE 19711/ (302) 738-8441 X57 (OFN,CE) / (302) 453-9059 (HOME) WILLIAM Q. GRAHAM/ COMPUTING CENTER/ U. OF DELAWARE/ 13 SMITH HALL/ NEWARK DE 19711/ (302) 368-1513 DAVID HAWK/ 2B7 WHARTON DRIVE/ NEWARK DE 19711 ARON K. INSINGA/ DEPT. OF ELEC. ENGR./ 126 DUPONT HALL/ UNIV. OF DELAWARE/ NEWARK DE 19711/ (302) 738-2406 C. E. BRIDGE/ ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT LAB/ E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND CO./ 101 BEECH STREET/ WILMINGTON DE 19898/ (302) 774-1731 STEPHEN C. SCHWARM/ E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS CO./ 101 BEECH ST. 1 WILMINGTON DE 19898/ (302) 774-1669 MIKE FRAME/ FIRST DATA CORP./ 2011 EYE ST. NW/ WASHINGTON DC 20006/ (202) 872-0580 RICK THOMAS/ 408 DOMER AVENUE/ TAKOMA PARK MD 20012/ (301) 565 -2678 TERRY P. MEDLIN/ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH UNIT - DPSA/ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL HEALTH/ BETHESDA MD 20014 WAYNE RASBAND/ BLDG 36 ROOM 2A-03/ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH/ BETHESDA MD 20014/ (301) 496-4957 :z 20014 20016 20016 20037 20037 20052 20052 20234 20375 20433 20550 20705 20742 20742 20742 20755 20810 20810 20854 20910 21031 21044 21045 21204 21218 22090 22091 22091 22101 22152 22201 22209 22210 22304 22311 22314 22314 22901 22901 22901 22901 22901 22903 22903 23234 23284 23508 23602 23665 23666 24401 27514 28743 29206 29208 29613 30092 30328 30332 30332 30332 30332 30332 32303 32304 32304 JOHN M. SHAWl BLDG 36 / ROOM 2A29/ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH/ BETHESDA MO 20014/ (301) 496-3204 DAVID A. GOMBERG/ DEPT. OF MATH. STAT. AND COMPo SCI./ AMERICAN UNIVERSITY/ MASSACHUSETTS & NEBRASKA AVES./ WASHINGTON DC 20016/ (202) 686-2393 JOSEPH P. JOHNSON/ 3520 QUEBEC ST. NW/ WASHINGTON DC 20016/ (202) 362-8523 MARGERY AUSTIN/ THE URBAN INSTITUTE/ 2100 M STREET NW/ WASHING TON DC 20037/ (202) 223-1950 ARTHUR A. BROWN/ 1101 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. NW APT.l002/ WASHINGTON DC 20037/ (202) 785-0716 RICHARD TABOR/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY/ 2013 G STREET N.W. #201/ WASHINGTON DC 20052/ (202) 676-6140 RAYMOND E. THOMAS/ DEPT. OF STATISTICS/ GEORGE WASHINGTON UN IV ./ WASHINGTON DC 20052/ (202) 676-6369 T. HARDY/ SECTION J-640.02/ TECH A367/ NATIONAL BUREAU OF STAN DARDS/ WASHINGTON DC 20234 PETER A. RIGSBEE/ CODE 5494/ NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY/ WASHINGTON DC 20375/ (202) 767-3181 PETER GUTTERMAN/ COMPUTING ACTIVITIES/ DEPT. N954/ THE WORLD BANK/ 1818 H STREET N.W./ WASHINGTON DC 20433/ (202) 393-6360 THOMAS A. KEENAN/ DIVISION OF MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER/ Nf\IlONAL SCIENCE. FOUNDATION! WASHINGTON DC 20550/ (202) 632-7346 TED L. FREEMAN/ RDA INC./ 5012 HERZEL PLACE/ BELTSVILLE MO 20705/ (301) 937-2215 SHMUEL PELEG/ COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER/ U OF MARYLAND/ COLLEGE PArtK MO 20742/ (301) 454-4527 BEN SHNEIDERMAN/ DEPT. OF INFO. SYS. MGMI./ U OF MARYLAND/ COLLEGE PARK MO 20742/ (301) 454-2548 JOYCE A. SMITH/ COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER/ PROGRAM LIBRARY/ U OF I~YLAND/ COLLEGE PARK MO 20742/ (301) 454-4261 JOHN NOLAN/ NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/ R51/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/ 9800 SAVAGE ROAD/ FT. MEADE MO 20755 M. J. GRALIA/ APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY/ THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY/ JOHNS HOPKINS ROAD/ LAUREL MO 20810/ (301) 953-7100 X7386 A. E. SALWIN/ APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY/ THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY/ JOHNS HOPKINS ROAD/ LAUREL MO 20810/ (301) 953-7100 CHARLES BACON/ 10717 BURBANK DR./ POTOMAC MO 20854/ (301) 299-2732 (HOME)/ (301) 496-4823 (WORK) JACOB C. Y. WU/ SYSTEM SCIENCES DIVISION/ COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION/ 8728 COLESVILLE ROAD/ SILVER SPRING MO 20910/ (301) 589-1545 X276 ATTN: M. WATKINS - TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN/ GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP./ 11126 MCCORMICK ROAD/ HUNT VALLEY MO 21031/ (301) 666-8700 X333 DAVID MILLER/ 11203A AVALANCHE WAY/ COLUMBIA MO 21044/ (301) 992-5665 RAINER F. MCCOWN/ MCCOWN COMPUTER SERVICES/ 9537 LONG LOOK LANE/ COLUMBIA MO 21045/ (301) 730-0379 EDWIN J. CALKA/ E152/ AAI CORP/ P.O. BOX 6767/ BALTIMORE MO 21204 JOHN LEWIS/ MATH. SCIENCES DEPT./ JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY/ CHARLES AND 34TH STREETS/ BALTIMORE MO 21218/ (301) 338-7207 DAVID AULT/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ VPI AND sui 11440 ISAAC NEWTON SQ. N./ RESTON VA 22090/ (703) 471-4601 GUS BJORKLUND/ 2250 COPPERSMITH SQUARE/ RESTON VA 22091 JAMES K. MOORE/ 12345 COLERAINE COURT/ RESTON VA 22091/ (703) 437-2338 EDWARD W. HURLEY/ XONICS INC./ 1700 OLD MEADOW ROAD/ MCLEAN VA 22101/ (703) 790-1840 MARE S. WATERBURY/ 8358 L DUNHAM CT./ SPRINGFIELD VA 22152 L. EDWARD REICH/80S N. CLEVELAND STREET/ ARLINGTON VA 22201/ (703) 243-3131 WILLIAM A. WHITAKER/ DARPA/ 1400 WILSON BLVD./ ARLINGTON VA 22209 JOHN N. LATTA/ P.O. BOX 1297/ ARLINGTON VA 22210 FRANK BREWSTER/ 4701 KENMORE AVE #1009/ ALEXANDRIA VA 22304/ (/03) 370-6645 ARNOLD SHORE/ 5021 SEMINARY RD. #1613/ ALEXANDRIA VA 22311/ (703) 379-2247 RONALD S. NAU/ C/O TELEDYNE GEOTECH/ P.O. BOX 334/ ALEXANDRIA VA 22314/ (703) 836-3882 CAKOL A. OGDIN/ SOFTWARE TECHNIQUE INC./ 100 POMMANDER WALK/ ALEXANDRIA VA 22314/ (703) 549-0646 LINWOOD FERGUSON/ 741-B MOUNTAINWOOD RD./ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22901/ (804) 293-7816 ROBERT A. GIBSON/ WEST LEIGH/ 2380 KINGSTON RD/ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22901/ (804) 977-3233 STEPHEN J. HARTLEY/ 2330-20 PEYTON DR./ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22901/ (804) 827-2897 (WORK) TIM HILL/ MEDICAL COMPUTING CENTER/ MEDICAL CENTER BOX 282/ UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA/ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22901/ (804) 924-5261 TERRENCE PRATT/ DEPT. OF APPLIED MATH/ THORNTON HALL/ UNIV. OF VIRGINIA/ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22901/ (804) 924-7201 ATTN: J. F. MCINTYRE - LIBRARIAN/ COMPUTING CENTER/ GILMER HALL/ U OF VIRGINIA/ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22903/ (804) 924-3731 DAVID A. MUNDIE/ FRENCH DEPT./ 302 CABELL HALL/ U. OF VIRGINIA/ CHARLOTTESVIL VA 22903/ (804) 924-7157 WILLIAM C. MOORE JR./ 3518 LUCKYHEE CRESCENT/ RICHMOND VA 23234/ (804) 275-6676 ANN D. DAVIES/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY/lOIS FLOYD AVE./ RICHMOND VA 23284/ (804) 770-6339 FRANCES L. VAN SCOY/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPUTING SCIENCES/ OLD DOMINION UNIV./ NORFOLK VA 23508/ (804) 489-6522 DAVID A. HOUGH/ 529 HELM DRIVE/ NEWPORT NEWS VA 23602/ (804) 874-3387 J. C. KNIGHT/ LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER/ M/S 125A/ NASA/ HAMPTON VA 23665 DAVID E. HAMILTON/ 119G PINEWOOD CRESCENT/ HAMPTON VA 23666/ (~04) 827-0758 FRED W. POWELL/ INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/ PO BOX 2585 / 865 MIDDLEBROOK AVENUE/ STAUNTON VA 24401/ (703) 885-4950 STEVEN M. BELLOVIN/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ U OF NORTH CAROLINA/ CHAPEL HILL NC 27514/ (919) 933-5698 CHRISTOPHER K. JOHANSEN/ FREEKSHOW ELECTRON WORKS & XOPHER INFOR/ ROUTE 1 BOX 157/ HOT SPRINGS NC 28743/ (704) 622-3423 HOWARD EISENSTEIN/ 6616 DARE CIRCLE/ COLUMBIA SC 29206/ (803) 782-0544 GERALD STEINBACK/ COMPUTER SERVICES DIV./ U. OF SOUTH CAROLINA/ COLUMBIA SC 29208/ (803) 777-6001 T. RAY NANNEY/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ FURMAN UNIV./ GREENVILLE SC 29613/ (803) 294-2097 GERALD N. CEDERQUIST/ DIGITAL CO~ftIDNICATIONS ASSOC./ 135 TECHNOLOGY PARK/ NORCROSS GA 30092/ (404) 448-1400 M. L. MCGRAW/ 655 SPALDING DR./ ATLANTA GA 30328/ (404) 394-2017 ATTENTION: JERRY W. SEGERS/ OFFICE OF COMPUTING SERVICES/ GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ ATLANTA GA 30332/ (404) 894-4676 PHILLIP H. ENSLOW JR./ SCHOOL OF INFO. AND COMPo SCI./ GEORGIA TECH/ ATLANTA GA 30332/ (404) 894-3187 JAMES N. FARMER/ OFFICE OF COMPUTING SERVICES/ GEORGIA TECH/ 225 NORTH AVE. NW/ ATLANTA GA 30332/ (404) 894-4660 JOHN J. GODA JR./ SCHOOL OF INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCI/ GEORGIA TECH/ ATLANTA GA 30332/ (404) 894-3131 JOHN P. WEST/ OFFICE OF COMPUTING SERVICES/ GEORGIA TECH/ 225 NORTH AVE. N.W./ ATLANTA GA 30332/ (404) 894-4676 C. EDWARD REID/ RT. 7 BOX 1257/ TALLAHASSEE FL 32303/ (904) 48~-2451 T. P. BAKER/ DEPT. OF MATH/ 225 LOVE BUILDING/ FLORIDA STATE U,/ TALLAHASSEE FL 32304/ (904) 644-2580 TIM LOWERY/ COMPUTING CENTER/ 110 LOVE BUILDING/ FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY/ TALLAHASSEE FL 32304/ (904) 644-3860 rn :::e:: C/) -0 » Gl rn 32306 32604 32611 32611 32611 32806 32901 32901 32901 32901 32901 33307 33309 33314 35223 35486 35758 35801 35801 35806 35807 37130 37232 37916 37916 38677 38677 39210 39762 40208 40208 40475 40506 40506 43210 43220 43606 44106 44106 44115 44139 44306 44325 44691 45036 46202 46637 46989 47130 47150 47306 47401 47401 47401 47401 47401 47401 47401 47902 47906 47906 47907 47907 47907 47907 48103 R. GARY LEE/ COMPUTING CENTER/ 110 LOVE BUILDING/ FLORIDA STATE U/ TALLAHASSEE FL 32306/ (904) 644-2761 LE H. NGUYEN/ UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA STATION/ P.O. BOX 12605/ GAINESVILLE FL 32604/ (904) 377-9879 (HOME)/ (904) 392-0907 (OFFICE) ATTN: DIRECTOR/ NORTHEAST REGIONAL DATA CENTER/ 253 SSRB/ U OF FLORIDA/ GAINESVILLE FL 32611/ (904) 392-2061 ATTN: LIBRARIAN/ CIRCA/ 411 WEIL/ U OF FLORIDA/ GAINESVILLE FL 32611/ (904) 392-0907 JAMES B. CONKLIN JR./ CIRCA/ 411 WELL HALL/ U. OF FLORIDA/ GAINESVILLE FL 32611 J. D. GEORGE/ COMPUTER BRANCH/ NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY/ P.O. BOX 8337/ ORLANDO FL 32806/ (305) 859-5120 SAM HARBAUGH/ E.E. DEPT./ FLORIDA INST. OF TECHNOLOGY/ P.O. BOX 1150/ MELBOURNE FL 32901/ (305) 723-3701 X332 GEORGE A. SEYFEBT/ HARRIS CONTROLS DIVISION/ P.O. BOX 430/ MELBOURNE FL 32901/ (305) 727-5675 TOM SPURRIER/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS DIVISION/ HARRIS CORP./ P.O. BOX 37/ MELBOURNE FL 32901 CASEY TUBBS/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS DIVISION/ HARRIS CORP./ P.O. BOX 37/ MELBOURNE FL 32901/ (305) 727-4000 GEORGE E. HAYNAM/ 556 PARKER ROAD/ W.MELBOURNE FL 32901/ (904) 378-8118 BOB BRUCE/ COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIV./ MAIL DROP 15/ HARRIS CORPORATION/ 1200 GATEWAY DR./ FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33307/ (305) 974-1700 X235 ATTN: MOD COMP LIBRARY/ MS #21/ 1650 W. MCNAB ROAD/ FT. LAUDERDAL FL 33309/ (305) 974-1380 FRED L. SCOTTI BROWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE/ 3501 DAVIE ROAD/ FT. LAUDERDAL FL 33314/ (305) 581-8700 JEFFREY W. GRAHAM/ GRAHAM COMPUTER ENTERPRISES INC./ 3 OFFICE PARK CIR. - SUITE 106/ BIRMINGHAM AL 35223/ (205) 870-7267 DONALD B. CROUCH/ DEPT.OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U. OF ALABAMA/ P.O. BOX 6316/ UNIVERSITY AL 35486/ (205) 348-6363 PHILIP N. BERGSTRESSER/ 128 JACKSON AVE./ MADISON AL 35758/ (205) 837-2400 MARVIN E. KURTTI/ 1327 MONTE SANO BLVD. S.E./ HUNTSVILLE AL 35H01 JOHN D. REYNOLDS/ C/O SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CORP./ 4810 BRADFORD BOULEVARD/ HUNTSVILLE AL 35801/ (205) 837-7610 ATTENTION: DAVID MADISON/ ADVANCED SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY DEPT./ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC./ 304 WYNN DRIVE/ HUNTSVILLE AL 35806/ (205) 837-7510 PEL HSIA/ COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGHAM/ U OF ALABAMA AT HUNTSVILLE I P.O. BOX 1247/ HUNTSVILLE AL 35807/ (205) 895-6088 SAMUEL T. BAKER/ 1310 STONEWALL BLVD./ MURFREESBORO TN 37130/ (615) 896-3362 (HOME)/ (615) 741-3531 (OFFICE) STANLEY B. HIGGINS/ DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE/ VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY/ NASHVILLE TN 37232/ (615) 322-3384 ATTENTION: GORDON R. SHEBMAN/ COMPUTER CENTER/ 200 STOKELY MGMT. CENTER/ U OF TENNESSEE/ KNOXVILLE TN 37916 CHARLES PFLEEGER/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ U OF TENNESSEE/ KNOXVILLE TN 37916/ (615) 974-5067 ATTN: DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U OF MISSISSIPPI/ UNIVERSITY MS 38677 RALPH D. JEFFORDS/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U. OF MISSISSIPPI/ UNIVERSITY MS 38677/ (601) 232-7219 (OFFICE)/ (601) 234-0874 (HOME) ROBERT A. SHIVE JR./ MILLSAPS COLLEGE/ STATION A/ JACKSON MS 39210/ (601) 354-5201 GAY THOMAS/ COMPUTEB SCIENCE DEPT./ DRAWER cc/ MISS. STATE MS 39762/ (601) 325-2942 BRUCE DAWSON/ COMPUTER CENTER -BELKNAP/ COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS BUILDING/ UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE/ LOUISVILLE KY 40208/ (502) 588-6123 SANDEE MITCHELL/ DEPT. OF APPLIED MATH AND COMPUTER SCI/ U. OF LOUISVILLE/ SPEED SCIENCE S/ LOUISVILLE KY 40208/ (502) 636-6661 JERRY LEVAN/ DEPT. OF MATH. SCIENCES/ EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIV./ RICHMOND KY 40475/ (606) 622-5782 LAVINE THRAILKILL/ COMPUTING CENTER/ 72 MCVEY HALL/ U OF KENTUCKY/ LEXINGTON KY 40506/ (606) 258-2916 M. W. VANNIER/ WENNER-GREN RESEARCH LABORAIORY/ U. OF KENTUCKY I LEXINGTON KY 40506/ (606) 258-8885 DAVID J. RYPKA/ DEPT. OF COMPo AND INFO. SCI./ OHIO STATE UNIV./ 2036 NEIL AVENUE MALL/ COLUMBUS OH 43210/ (614) 422-7402 ROY F. REEVES/ 1640 SUSSEX COURT/ COLUMBUS OH 43220/ (614) 422-4843 BRIAN NELSON/ COMPUTER SERVICES/ U. OF TOLEDO/ 2801 W. BANCROFT STREET/ TOLEDO OH 43606/ (419) 537-2511 R. B. LAKE/ BIOMETRY/ WEARN BUILDING/ UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS/ CLEVELAND OH 44106/ (216) 791-7300 FRANK OLYNYK/ CHI CORPORATION/ 11000 CEDAR AVE./ CLEVELAND OH 44106/ (216) 229-6400 T. S. HEINES/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY/ CLEVELAND OH 44115/ (216) 687-4762/ (216) 687-4760 TOM ZWlTTER/ ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT DIV./ BUILDING B/ OHIO NUCLEAR INC./ 6000 COCHRAN RD./ SOLON OH 44139 JOHN R. LINDSAY/ 1609 SALEM AVE./ AKRON OH 44306/ (216) 784-68/4 ROBERT L. BRIECHLE/ THE COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF AKRON/ 302 E. BUCHTEL AVE./ AKRON OH 44325/ (216) 375-7172 E. C. ZIMMERMAN/ COMPUTER CENTEB/ THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER/ WOOSTER OH 44691/ (216) 264-1234 X304 PATRICIA VAN DERZEE/ PROCESS CONTROLS DIVISION/ CINCINNATI MILACRON INC./ LEBANON OH 45036/ (513) 494-5320 ROBERT J. SNYDER/ GR.FL. UNION BUILDING DATA CENTER/ INDIANA U - PURDUE U AT INDIANAPOLIS/ 1100 WEST MICHIGAN STREET/ INDIANAPOLIS IN 46202 ATTN: DOCUMENTS ROOM LIBRARIAN/ COMPUTING CENTEB/ U OF NOTRE DAME/ NOTRE DAME IN 46637/ (219) 283-7784 R. WALDO ROTH/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT/ TAYLOR UNIVERSITY/ UPLAN'D IN 46989/ (317) 998-2751 X269 ANDREW S. PUCHRIK/ 1803 VILLAGE GREEN BLVD. #94/ JEFFERSONVILL IN 47130/ (812) 283-4059 DOUGLAS H. QUEBBEMAN/ COMPUTING SERVICES/ INDIANA UNIV. - SOUTHEAST/ 4201 GRANTLINE ROAD/ NEW ALBANY IN 47150/ (812) 945-2731 X287 GEORGE GRUNWALD/ DEPT. MATH. SCIENCES/ BALL STATE UNIVERSITY/ MuNCIE IN 47306/ (317) 285-6164 GEORGE COHN 111/ 316 N. WASHINGTON/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-9255/ (812) 337-1911 ANTHONY J. SCHAEFFER/ 3510 DUNSTAN DR/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 334-1163/ (812) 337-9137 LAURA SNYDER/ 402 E. 17TH/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401 HAL STEIN/ BOX 102 WRIGHT QUAD/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-7081 ALFRED I. TOWELL/ WRUBEL COMPUTER CENTER/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-1911 DAVID S. WISE/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ 101 LINDLEY HALL/ INDIANA U/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-4866 STEPHEN W. YOUNG/ WRUBEL COMPUTEB CENTER/ HPER BUILDING/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY/ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-1911 JAMES R. MILLER/ P.O. BOX 1141/ LAFAYETTE IN 47902/ (317) 494-8232 (OFFICE) KENNETH LEROY ADAMS/ 927 N. SALISBURY ST./ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47906/ (317) 743-9905 (HOME)/ (317) 493-9407 OR 494-8232 (WORK) DAN DORROUGH/ 400 NORTH RIVER RD. - 1018/ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47900/ (317) 493-9408 DOUGLAS COMER/ COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPT./ 402 MATH BLDG./ PURDUE UNIVERSITY/ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47907/ (317) 493-3327 DOROTHY E. DENNING/ COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPT./ 442 MATH SCIENCES. BLDG./ PURDUE UNIVERSITY/ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47907 JOSEPH H. FASEL 111/ COMPUTER SCIENCES/ 442 MATH SCIENCES BUILUING/ PURDUE UNIVERSITY/ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47907/ (317) 494-8566 EDWARD F. GEHRINGER/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ MATH SCIENCES BUILDING/ PURDUE UNIVERSITY/ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47907 ALAN A. KORTESOJA/ 701 W. DAVIS/ ANN ARBOR MI 48103/ (313) 995_6124/ (313) 995-6000 48105 48106 48106 48106 48107 48109 48109 48109 48127 48130 48202 48221 48228 48823 48823 48823 48824 48824 48824 48824 48910 49007 49008 49008 49401 50011 50112 50309 50311 52101 52242 52242 53115 53201 53211 53211 53219 53703 53705 53705 53706 53706 53706 53706 54302 54701 54701 54701 55057 55057 55068 55101 55101 55104 55108 55108 55109 55112 55112 55112 55112 55113 55113 55113 55113 55165 JOHN s. GOURLAY/ 1413 MCINTYRE/ ANN ARBOR MI 48105/ (313) 994-6645 NEIL J. BARTA/ ADP NETWORK SERVICES/ 175 JACKSON PLAZA/ ANN ARBOR MI 48106/ (313) 769-6800 CHARLES G. MOORE/ NETWORK SERVICES INC./ 175 JACKSON PLAZA/ ANN ARBOR MI 48106/ (313) 426-2620 PAUL R. TEETOR/ OPER. SYS. GROUP/ ADP NETWORK SERVICES/ 175 JACKSON PLAZA/ ANN ARBOR MI 48106/ (313) 769-6800 DAVID LIPPINCOTT / INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS/ 313 N. FIRST Sf REET/ ANN ARBOR MI 48107/ (313) 761-1600 EXT. 40 PAUL PICKELMANN/ 2217 CROSS/ 1440 HUBBARD ST./ ANN ARBOR MI 48109/ (313) 764-2121 LOUIS F. WOJNAROSKI/ MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH INST./ U. OF MICHIGAN/ ANN ARBOR MI 48109/ (303) 763-1143 KARL L. ZINN/ CTR. FOR RESEARCH ON LEARNING & TEACHI/ UNIV. OF MICHIGAN/ 109 EAST MADISON STREET/ ANN ARBOR MI 48109 L. RICHARD LEWIS/ 5806 COOLIDGE ROAD/ DEARBORN MI 48127/ (313) 274-6871 GREGORY J. WINTERHALTER/ 3825 NORTH ZEEB/ DEXTER MI 48130 WILLIAM GROSKY/ MATH DEPT - COMPo SCI. SECTION/ WAYNE STATE UN IVERSITY/ DETROIT MI 48202 RONALD G. MOSIER/ 17596 WILDEMERE/ DETROIT MI 48221/ (313) 956-2417 R. NEIL FAIMAN JR./ 8235 APPOLINE/ DETROIT MI 48228/ (513) 834-3065 MARK HERSEY/ 323 VILLAGE DRIVE APT. 534/ EAST LANSING MI 488231 (517) 351-5703 (HOME)/ (517) 355-1764 (OFFICE) THOMAS W. SKELTON/ 315 WEST SAGINAW STREET/ EAST LANSING MI 48~23/ (517) 332-4368/ (517) 351-2530 THOMAS c. SOCOLOFSKY/ SYSTEMS RESEARCH INC/ 241 E. SAGINAW/ EAST LANSING MI 48823/ (517) 351-2530 (OFFICE)/ (517) 351-2530 (HOME) JOHN B. EULENBERG/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ MICHIGAN STATE U/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-0831 STEVEN L. HUYSER/ COMPUTER LABORATORY/ MICHIGAN STATE U/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-1800 MARK RIORDAN/ USER SERVICES/ COMPUTER LABORATORY/ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-1800 H. G. HEDGES/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ MICHIGAN STATE U/ E. LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-6484 ALLAN MOLUF/ 3410 DAVIDSON/ LAMSING MI 48910/ (517) 393-8639 MARK T. O'BRYAN/ PRESTIGE APARTMENT E/ 421 STANWOOD DRIVE/ KALAMAZOO MI 49007 MARK C. KERSTETTER/ DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS/ WESTERN MICHIGAN UNI VERSITY/ KALAMAZOO MI 49008/ (616) 383-6165 JACK R. MEAGHER/ COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS/ WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIV./ KALAMAZOO MI 49008/ (616) 383-0095 GORDON A. STEGINK/ COMPUTER CENTER/ 325 MANITOU HALL/ GRAND VALLEY STATE COLLEGE/ ALLENDALE MI 49401/ (616) 895-6611 X571 GEORGE O. STRAWN/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ IOWA STATE U/ AMES IA 50011/ (515) 294-2259 TOM MOBERG/ ACADEMIC COMPUTING/ GRINNELL COLLEGE/ GRINNELL IA 50112/ (515) 236-6521 LARRY CRANE/ ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEMS CORP./ 1200 LOCUST/ DES MOINES IA 50309 MIKE BURGHER/ DIAL COMPUTER CENTER/ DRAKE UNIVERSITY/24TH AND CARPENTER/ DES MOINES IA 50311/ (515) 271-3918 EDWARD o. THORLAND/ COMPUTER CENTER/ LUTHER COLLEGE/ DECORAH IA 52101/ (319) 387-1043 ATTN: SERIALS DEPT./ UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES/ UNIVERSITY OF IOWA/ IOWA CITY IA 52242 ATTN: UCC LIBRARIAN/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ LCM/ UNIVERSITY OF IOWA/ IOWA CITY IA 52242/ (319) 353-3170 MICHAEL A. BEAVER/ INSTRUMENTS DIVISION/ BUNKER RAMO/ 902 WISCONSIN ST./ DELAVEN WI 53115 JAMES S. BOTIC/ POST OFFICE BOX 423 MS/51/ JOHNSON CONTROLS INC,/ 507 EAST MICHIGAN STREET/ MILWAUKEE WI 53201/ (414) 276-9200 W. A. HINTON/ 3469 N. CRAMER ST./ MILWAUKEE WI 53211/ (414) 964-2671 (HOME)/ (414) 963-4005 (OFFICE) BROOKS DAVID SMITH/ 4473 N. NEWHALL ST./ SHOREWOOD WI 53211/ (414) 963-6413 JOHN G. DOBNICK/ 3171 S. 83 ST./ MILWAUKEE WI 53219/ (414) 963- 5727 HERMAN BERG/ 108 E. DAYTON/ MADISON WI 53703/ (608) 255-8545 KEVIN W. CARLSON/ 1820 SUMMIT AVE/ MADISON WI 53705/ (608) 238,-3441 EDWARD H. HARRIS/ SYNNOVATION INC./ 2106 BASCOM ST./ MADISON WI 53705/ (608) 233-1984 ATTN: FRIEDA S. COHEN/ ACADEMIC COMPUTING CENTER/ U OF WISCONS·IN/ 1210 W. DAYTON ST./ MADISON WI 53706 CHARLES N. FISCHER/ MACC/ U OF WISCONSIN/ 1210 WEST DAYTON ST. 1 MADISON WI 53706/ (608) 262-7870 FRANK H. HORN/ ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF WISCONSIN/ 1210 WEST DAYTON STREET/ MADISON WI 53706/ (608) 262-9841 RICHARD LEBLANC/ MADISON ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF WISCONSIN/ 1210 W. DAYTON STREET/ MADISON WI 53706/ (608) 262-0138 ED GLASER/ COMPUTING SERVICES/ U OF WISCONSIN - GREEN BAY/ GREEN BAY WI 54302/ (414) 465-2309 DAVID A. NUESSE/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U OF WISCONSIN - EAU CLAIRE/ EAU CLAIRE WI 54701/ (715) 836-2526 RUDOLPH C. POLENZ/ INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND COMPUTING SERV/ U OF WISCONSIN - EAU CLAIRE/ EAU CLAIRE WI 54701/ (715) 836-4428 BRUCE A. PUMPLIN/ DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U OF WISCONSIN - EAU CLAIRE/ EAU CLAIRE WI 54701/ (715) 836-2315 CARL HENRY/ COMPUTER CENTER/ CARLETON COLLEGE/ NORTHFIELD MN 5)057/ (507) 645-4431 XS04 TIMOTHY W. HOEL/ ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER/ ST. OLAF COLLEGE/ NORTHFIELD MN 55057/ (507) 663-3096 CHRIS BOYLAN/ 14620 BISCAYNE WAY/ ROSEMOUNT MN 55068/ (612) 423-1922 JOHN E. COLLINS/ BLDG 235 F247/ 3M CENTER/ ST. PAUL MN 55101/ (612) 736-0778 GLENN FISHBINE/ GCCPC/ CCP/ 444 LAFAYETTE RD./ ST. PAUL MN 55101/ (612) 296-7543 GEOFF WATTLES/ P.O. BOX 4244/ ST. PAUL MN 55104/ (612) 331-7087 GEORGE GONZALEZ/ 1435 W. JESSAMINE APT. #305/ ST. PAUL MN 5510~/ (612) 647-0976 JAMES KREILICH/ 1408 ALBANY AVE./ ST. PAUL MN 55108/ (612) 644-1375 GLENN MILLER/ 2317 N. HENRY ST./ N. ST. PAUL MN 55109/ (612) 777-2483 DARRELL L. WONDRA/ ARH254/ CONTROL DATA CORP./ 4201 LEXINGTON AVE. N./ ARDEN HILLS MN 55112/ (612) 482-2542 (OFFICE)/ (612) 484-3804 (HOME) PAUL K. HUNTWORK/ CONTROL DATA CORP./ 4201 LEXINGTON AVE. N./ ST. PAUL MN 55112/ (612) 482-2772 RUSS PETERSON/ ARH254/ CONTROL DATA CORP./ 4201 N. LEXINCTON/ ST. PAUL MN 55112/ (612) 482-2548 MARK RUSTAD/ 585 HARRIET AVE #213/ ST. PAUL MN 55112/ (612) 433-0589 KEVIN HAUSMANN/ MINNESOTA EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING CONSOR/ 252U II. BROADWAY/ LAUDERDALE MN 55113/ (612) 376-1119 SUE PETERSON/ COMTEN INC./ 1950 W. COUNTY RD. B2/ ROSEVILLE MN )5113/ (612) 633-8130 X249 ROBERT D. VAVRA/ 741 TERRACE DRIVE/ ROSEVILLE MN 55113/ (612) 483-6123 STEVEN W. WEINGART/ MS 4753/ SPERRY-UNIVAC/ 2276 HIGHCREST DRIVE/ ROSEVILLE MN 55113/ (612) 633-6170 X3748 ATTENTION: ROBERT E. NOVAK/ DSPL DEVELOPMENT GROUP/ SPERRY UNIVAC/ UNIVAC PARK / P.O. BOX 3525/ ST. PAUL MN 55165/ (612) 456-5551 (I) rn --0 -I rn ::s: tx:l rn :;0 55165 55165 55165 55303 55337 55343 55343 55343 55401 55401 55404 55404 55406 55406 55408 55409 55413 55413 55413 55414 55414 55414 55414 55414 55416 55417 55420 55421 55421 55422 55423 55424 55424 55425 55427 55427 55431 55435 55437 55440 55440 55440 55440 55440 55440 55440 55440 55440 55440 55441 55441 55454 55454 55454 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 ROBERT A. LAWLER/ MS U2M23/ UNIVAC PARK/ P.O. BOX 3525/ ST. PAUL MN 55165/ (612) 456-3107 LEO J. SLECHTA/ DSD/ SPERRY UNIVAC/ BOX 3525 MS UIU25/ ST. PAUL MN 55165/ (612) 456-2743 RAYMOND YOUNG/ M.S. U2U22/ SPERRY UNIVAC/ F.O. BOX 3525/ ST. PAUL MN 55165/ (612) 456-5517 DAVID HELFINSTINE/ 1136 5TH AVENUE SOUTH/ ANOKA MN 55303/ (612) 421-8964 HAROLD DE VORE/ 13401 MORGAN AVE. SOUTH APT. 321/ BURNSVILLE MN 55337/ (701) 746-6977 PAUL CHRISTOPHERSON/ M.S. MNll-1611/ HONEYWELL INC./ 600 SECOND STREET N./ HOPKINS MN 55343/ (612) 542-6438 GENE H. OLSON/ 421 COUNTY ROAD 3 APT 512/ HOPKINS MN 55343/ (612) 938-2454/ 941-5560 X429 (WORK) ROSS D. SCHMIDT/ MN 11-2120/ HONEYWELL INC./ 600 2ND ST. NO.E.} HOPKINS MN 55343/ (612) 542-6741 MARK BILODEAU/ ENGINEERING SYSTEMS 4TH FLOOR/ NORTHERN STATES POWER/ 414 NICOLLET MALL/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401/ (612) 330-6749/ (612) 330-5899 CHRIS EASTLUND/ ENGINEERING SYSTEMS 4TH FLOOR/ NORTHERN STATES POWER/ 414 NICOLLET MALL/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401/ (612) 330-6749/ (612) 330-5899 RICK L. MARCUS/ 1609 11TH AVE. S./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404/ (612) 339-1638 JOHN STANLEY/ 607 S. 9TH ST./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404/ (612) 339-1728 BRUCE M. SORLIE/ 2810 29TH AVE. S./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55406/ (612) 729-4435 INDULIS VALTERS/ 2810 E. 22ND STREET/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55406/ (612) 341-4430 (HOME) ABDUL RASAQ BELLO/ P.O. BOX 8681/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55408/ (612) 330-4106 DON HAMNES/ 4215 PLEASANT AVE. SO./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55409/ (612) 823-3030 WILLIAM C. MARSHALL/ SYSTEMS AND RESEARCH CENTER/ MN-17-2321/ HONEYWELL INC./ 2700 RIDGWAY PARKWAY/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413/ (612) 378-4501 BELLE SHENOY/ MS MN17-1649/ HONEYWELL INC./ 2600 RIDGWAY ROAD/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413/ (612) 378-5418 STANLEY C. VESTAL/ MS 2340/ HONEYWELL INC./ 2600 RIDGWAY PKWY. 1 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413/ (612) 378-5046 ATTN: KAPPA ETA KAPPA/ 330 11TH AVE. S.E./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (612) 331-2133 KEVIN R. DRISCOLL/ 330 SE 11TH AVENUE/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (b12) 331-2133 JOHN FUNG/ 425 13TH AVE S.E. #1502/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (612) 376-5464 (OFFICE)/ (612) 378-0427 (HOME) GARY M. JACKSON/ 1008 27TH AVE. SE. APT.A/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (612) 378-2178 WALT PERKO/ 727 15TH AVE. S.E./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (612) 331-6984 WARREN STENBERG/ 2012 CEDAR LARE PKWY/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55416/ (b12) 920-7465 KEITH HAUER-LOWE/ 4819 COLUMBUS AVE. SO./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 554171 (612) 633-6170 X3362 (WORK)/ (612) 824-8026 (HOME) RICHARO HENDRICKSON/ CRAY RESEARCH INC./ 7850 METRO PARKWAY SUITE 213/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55420/ (612) 854-7472 STEVEN N. TRAPP/ 5020 MULCARE DR/ COLUMBIA HTS. MN 55421/ (612) 571-5020 WILLIAM T. WOOD/ 3820 MACALASTER DR. NE #31i/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55421/ (612) 788-2390 CALVIN STEVENS/ 4936 SORELL AVE. N./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55422/ (612) 588-7724 KEITH BOLSON/ 7425 17TH AVE. SO./ RICHFIELD MN 55423/ (612) 86b-4658 JOHN ALSTRUP/ INTERDATA/ 4620 VALLEY VIEW ROAD/ EDINA MN 554241 (612) 854-4264 ROBERT A. STRYK/ 5441 HALIFAX LANE/ EDINA MN 55424/ (612) 920-~434 (HOME)/ (612) 887-4356 (OFFICE) RON THOMAS/ DATA 100 CORPORATION/ 7725 WASHINGTON AVE. S./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55425/ (612) 941-6500 RICHARD HOYME/ 1404 KELLY DR. N./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55427/ (612)~45-4642 HUGO MEISSER/ 3021 WISCONSIN AVE. N./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55427/ (612) 544-2349 JACK ANDERSON/ HART ENGINEERING CO. INC./ 9341 PENN AVENUE SOUTH/ BLOOMINGTON MN 55431/ (612) 881-8464 JONATHON R. GROSS/ CYTROL INC./ 4510 W. 77TH ST./ EDINA MN 55435/ (612) 835-4884 DENNIS NICKOLAI/ SOUTHGATE OFFICE PLAZA/ CONTROL DATA CORPORATION/ 5001 W. 80TH ST./ BLOOMINGTON MN 55437/ (612) 830-6609 RANDALL W. HANSEN/ HQS06B/ CONTROL DATA CORPORATION/ P.O. BOX 0/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 853-5466 JON HANSON/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 GENE MARTINSON/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 DOUG PIHL/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 BILL SIMMONS/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 RICHARD SPELLERBERG/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 JERRY STODDABD/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 TOM URSIN/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 JAMES A. VELLENGA/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 12221 MINNEAPOLIS MN '55440/ (612) 941-6500 X227 JIM VERNON/ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ DATA 100 CORP/ BOX 1222/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440/ (612) 941-6500 DAVID C. MESSER/ 3205 N. HARBOR LANE APT 4301/ PLYMOUTH MN 55441 MIKE TILLER/ 2501 N. LANCASTER LN. #178/ PLYMOUTH MN 55441/ (612) 546-6687 TIM BONHAM/ D605/1630 S. 6TH ST. / MINNEAPOLIS MN 55454/ (612) 339-4405 JACK LAFFE/ 320 19TH AVE. S./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55454/ (612) 336-4946 R. K. NORDIN/ 1615 SOUTH 4TH ST. APT.M3607/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 554541 (612) 339-5232 (HOME)/ (612) 482-3751 (OFFICE) ATTENTION: PAUL C. SMITH/ CONSULTING GROUP ON INSTRUCTIONAL DESI/ 205 ELLIOTT HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-5352 ATTENTION: STEVE REISMAN/ SCH. OF DENTISTRY/CLINICAL SYS. DIV. 1 8-440 HEALTH SCIENCE UNIT A/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 (612) 376-4131 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ 114 LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-0132 ATTN: REFERENCE ROOM/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP ENGR 1 U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7744 SCOTT BERTlLSON/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ UINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-5262 (WORK)/ (612) 729-0059 (HOME) BRADFORD E. BLASING/ 1308 'CENTENNIAL HALL/ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-6053 KEN BORGENDALE/ C.SCI. DEPT./ 114 LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ E,AST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 824-3389 JEFFREY J. DRUMMOND/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ LAUDERDALE/ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4573 RON DYKSTRA/ WEST BANK COMPUTER CENTER/ 93B BLEGEN HALL/ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-3608 JOHN T. EASTON/ SSRFC/ 25E BLEGEN HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-5599/ (612) 373-7525 en rn ""0 --I rn ""0 J> G"l rn ...... 00 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55792 55812 55812 55901 55987 56201 56267 56301 56301 56301 56560 58202 58501 59715 59717 59801 60015 60030 60076 60201 60201 60201 60202 60439 60439 60532 60604 60625 61738 61801 61801 61801 LINCOLN FETCHER/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENCR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-1637 KEVIN FJELSTED/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP ENGR/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4181 K. FRANKOWSKI/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT/ 110H LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7591 SARA K. GRAFFUNDER/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR. I U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-5262 KRISTINA GREACEN/ C.SCI. DEPT. / 114 LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 JOEL M. HALPERN/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4181 BRIAN HANSON/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-5262 (OFFICE) THEA D. HODGE/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4599 TIMOTHY J. HOFFMANN/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR ./ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 926-9330 (HOME)/ (612) 376-5262 (WORK) PETER YAN-TEK HSU/ 475 FRONTIER HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7052 PATRICK L. JARVIS/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-1763 GEORGE D. JELATIS/ BOX 15 MAYO/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-8941 MITCHELL R. JOELSON/ SSRFC/ 25 BLEGEN HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WE ST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-9914/ (612) 373-5599 DAN LALIBERTE/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U 0 F MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4181 LAWRENCE A. LIDDIARD/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENG. BLDG./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-5239 DENNIS R. LIENKE/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-1572 SHIHTA LIN/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP ENGR/ U OF MIN NESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4886 JOHN E. LIND/ 139 TERRITORIAL HALL/ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 MICHAEL MEISSNER/ C.SCr. DEPT./ 114 LlNO HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 ANDY MICKEL/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-7290 JAMES F. MINER/ SSRFC/ 25 BLEGEN HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-9916 TOM MOHER/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ 114 LIND HALL/ UNIV. OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7746 JOHN NAUMAN/ 901 MIDDLEBROOK HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-6596 DAVID PERLMAN/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT/ 114 LIND HALL/ U 0 F MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7581 MICHAEL PRIETULA/ MISRC/ 93 BLEGEN HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4973 TIMOTHY J SALOl UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ LAUDERDALE/ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-5607 BOB SCARLETT/ PHYSICS DEPT./ 148 PHYSICS/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-0243 G. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER/ C.SCI. DEPT./ 114 LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7582 JOHN P. STRAIT/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-7290 JOHN URBANSKI/ WEST BANK COMPUTER CENTER/ BLEGAN HALL/ U OF MI NNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 377-3198/ (612) 373-3608 (WORK) KAREN WAGGONER/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 129 SPACE SCIENCE CENTER - SICL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-5168 WARREN J. WARWICK/ DEPT. OF PEDIATRICS/ BOX 184 MAYO/ U OF MIN NESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-8886 PETER H. ZECHMEISTER/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4181 ATTN: SSRFC LIBRARY/ SSRFC/ 25 BLEGEN HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-5599 DAVID SARANEN/ 117 7TH ST. SO./ VIRGINIA MN 55792/ (218) 741-1378 ATTENTION: DAN BURROWS/ UMO COMPUTER CENTER/ 178 M.W.ALWORTH HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA - DULUTH/ DULUTH MN 55812/ (218) 726-7587 MARK LUKER/ DEPT. OF MATH SCIENCES/ U OF MINNESOTA - DULUTH/ DULUTH MN 55812/ (218) 726-8240 L. W. YOUNGREN/ 1505 N.W. 41ST ST. APT. 18F/ ROCHESTER MN 55901/ (507) 285-9696 GERALD W. CICHANOWSKI/ DEPT. COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ST. MARY'S COLLEGE/ P.O. BOX 56/ WINONA MN 55987/ (507) 452-4430 X229 JAMES F. MARTINSON/ 1210 WILLMAR AVE/ WILLMAR MN 56201/ (612) 796-2342 ANDY LOPEZ/ COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF MINNESOTA - MORRIS/ MORRIS MN 56267/ (612) 589-1665 X321 LARRY GROVER/ 330 ANGUSHIRE APTS #127 RT 1/ ST. CLOUD MN 56301 I (612) 252-0290 PAUL HELVIG/ 314 4TH AVE. S./ ST. CLOUD MN 56301/ (612) 253-80~1 R. WARREN JOHNSON/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPo SCI./ ST. CLOUD STA TE U/ ST. CLOUD MN 56301/ (612) 255-2141 C R CORNER/ 514 SOUTH 9TH ST/ MOORHEAU MN 56560/ (218) 233-113 4 R. I. JOHNSON/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ U OF NORTH DAKOTA/ BOX 8181 UNIVERSITY STATION I GRAND FORKS ND 58202/ (701) 177-4107 GARY J. BOOS/ 517 N. lTH STREET/ BISMARCK ND 58501/ (701) 223-0441 (WORK) ATTN: COMPUTING CENTER/ MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY/ BOZEMAN MT 59715 JAMES C. WILLIAMS/ COMPUTING CENTER/ MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY/ BOZEMAN MT 59117/ (406) 994-3042 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT/ UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA/ MISSOULA MT 59801/ (406) 243-2883 MARK S. NIEMCZYK/ HEWITT ASSOCIATES/ 102 WILMOT ROAD/ DEERFIELD IL 60015/ (312) 945-8000 DANIEL M. O'BRIEN/ 665 PIERCE CT./ GRAYSLAKE IL 60030 JOSEPH LACHMAN/ COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE/ LACHMAN ASSOCIATES/ 8931 BRONX AVENUE/ SKOKIE IL 60016/ (312) 614-5685 (WORK) FRED E. HALLARD/ 2139 LINCOLNWOOD DRIVE/ EVANSTON IL 60201/ (312) 491-0951 (HOME)/ (312) 822-7921 (WORK) JOHN L. NORSTAD/ VOGELBACK COMPUTING CENTER/ NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY/ 2129 SHERIDAN RD./ EVANSTON IL 60201/ (312) 492-5369 ALBERT STEINER/ VOGELBACK COMPUTING CENTER/ NORTHWESTERN U/ 2129 SHERIDAN ROAD/ EVANSTON IL 60201/ (312) 492-3682 BRIT J. BARTTER/ 850A FOREST AVENUE/ EVANSTON IL 60202 MARTIN R. KRAlMER/ B221-B241/ ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB. / 9100 S. CASS AVE. / ARGONNE IL 60439/ (312) 739-7711 X3660 TRUMAN C. PEWITT/ APPLIED MATH DIVISION/ BLDG. 221/ ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY/ 9700 SOUTH CASS AVENUE/ ARGONNE IL 60439/ (312) 739-7711 TERRY E. WEYMOUTH/ 4102 BEAU BIEN LANE EAST/ LISLE IL 60532 JONATHAN SACHS/ TRANS UNION SYSTEMS CORPORATION/ III WEST JACKSON BLVD/ CHICAGO IL 60604/ (312) 431-3330 DAVID E. CARLTON/ DEPT. OF INFO. SCI./ NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS U I 5500 N. ST. LOUIS AVE./ CHICAGO IL 60625 MIKE LEMON/ 168 WEST THIRD STREET/ EL PASO IL 61138/ (309) 521-4342 ATTN: CONSULTING OFFICE/ COMPUTING SERVICES OFFICE/ 116 DIGITAL COMPUTER LAB'/ U OF ILLINOIS/ URBANA IL 61801/ (217) 333-6133 RICHARD HALOCCA/ 114B DIGITAL COMPUTER LAB/ U OF ILLINOIS/ URBANA IL 61801/ (217) 344-5284 ROGER GULBRANSON/ PHYSICS DEPT./ U OF ILLINOIS/ URBANA IL 61801/ (217) 344-4162 (HOME)/ (211) 333-3191 (OFFICE) --0 ):> U') n ):> r U') rn --0 -t rn :;: tel rn ;:0 I-' lD '.J '.J 61801 61801 61820 61820 61820 62025 62708 62901 63110 63110 63188 64108 64108 64108 65401 66045 66045 66502 67220 68005 68022 68101 68123 68588 70118 70122 70125 70504 70504 70504 70504 70504 70504 70504 72143 72143 72204 73019 73034 73034 73070 73106 73110 74171 75023 75042 75075 75075 75080 75080 75081 75081 75081 75081 75081 75214 75220 75222 75222 75222 75229 75229 75234 75234 75240 75240 M. D. MICKUNAS! 297 DCL! U OF ILLINOIS! URBANA IL 61801! (217) 333-6351 CARLTON MILLS! MILLS INTERNATIONAL! 203 NORTH GREGORY! URBANA IL 61801! (217) 328-2436 (HOME) ATTN: RECEIVING CLERK/ CERL - SOC! U.S. ARMY! P.O. BOX 4005! ClVU~AIGN IL 61820! (217) 352-6511 FRED P. BAKER! 302 E. GREGORY! CHAMPAIGN IL 61820! (217) 344-7)11 AVRUM ITZKOWITZ! 505 E. CLARK APT. 22! CHAMPAIGN IL 61820! (217) 359-9644 (HOME)! (217) 352-6511 (WORK) WALT PARRILL! MID. ILLINOIS COMPUTER CO-OP/ COTTONWOOD ROAD! EDWARDSVILLE IL 62025! (618) 288-7268 DONALD S. KLETT! SANGAMON STATE UNIV.! SPRINGFIELD IL 62708! (217) 786-6549 THOMAS MELLMAN! 603-1!2 S. WASHINGTON! CARBONDALE IL 62901! (6 18) 457-2708 GERALD c. JOHNS! COMPUTER SYSTEMS LAB! WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY! 724 S. EUCLID AVENUE! ST. LOUIS Me 63110! (314) 454-3395 JOAN ZIMMERMAN! MUMPS USERS' GROUP! BIOMEDICAL COMPUTER LABORATORY! 700 SOUTH EUCLID! ST. LOUIS Me 63110! (314) 454-3364 LEE POTTS! ATTN: DRXAL-TL/ DARCOM ALMSA! P.O. BOX 1578! ST. LO'jiS MO 63188! (314) 268-2786 LARRY D. LANDIS! UNITED COMPUTING SYSTEMS! 2525 WASHINGTON! KANSAS CITY MO 64108! (816) 942-6063 JEFFERY M. RAZAFSKY! UNITED COMPUTING SYSTEMS INC./ 500 W. 26TO! STREET! KANSAS CITY Me 64108! (816) 221-9700 ROBERT TEISBERG! UNITED COMPUTING SYSTEMS! 2525 WASHINGTON! KAYSAS CITY MO 64108 HOWARD D. PYRON! MATH - C.SCI.! UOF MISSOURI - ROLLA! ROLLA MO 65401! (314) 341-4491 ~HARLES J. BANGERT! COMPUTATION CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS! P.O. DRAWER 2007! LAWRENCE KS 66045! (913) 864-4291 STEVEN S. MUCHNICK/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! U OF KANSAS! LAWRENCE KS 66045 DAVID NEAL! 1534 COLLEGE AVE UC10/ MANHATTAN KS 66502/ (913) 539-9209/ (913) 532-6350 (WORK) RODNEY M. BATES! 4732 N. GLENDALE/ WICHITA KS 67220! (316) 744-2847! (316) 687-5275 KEN RITCHIE! 508 BEAMAN DR.! BELLEVUE NE 68005/ (402) 291-7224 (HOME)! (402) 291-5400 (WORK) JERRY L. RAY! 21320 OLDGATE RD.! ELKHORN NE 68022/ (402) 289-3381/ (402) 291-5400 LYNNE J. BALDWIN/ DEPT. OF MATH!COMP. SCI./ U OF NEBRASKA/ BOX 688/ OMAHA NE 68101! (402) 554-2836 RONALD G. MARTIN/ 12430 WALKER DRIVE/ OMAHA NE 68123! (402) 294-3253 SHARAO C. SETH! DEPT. OF COMPo SCI.! U OF NEBRASKA! LINCOLN NE 68588/ (402) 472-3488 D. B. KILLEEN! COMPUTER LAB! RICHARDSON BLDG.! TULANE UNIVERSITY! NEW ORLEANS LA 70118 FRED A. HOSCH! COMPUTER RESEARCH CENTER/ UNIV. OF NEW ORLEANS! NEW ORLEANS LA 70122/ (504) 283-0347 SAM HILLS/ 3514 LOUISIANA AVE. PKWY.! NEW ORLEANS LA 70125/ (504) 821-1737 ATTN: SERIALS DEPT.! U. OF S.W. LOUISIANA LIBRARIES! 302 E. ST. MARY BLVD.! LAFAYETTE LA 70504 WARREN JOHNSON! U OF SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA/ BOX 4-2770 USL STATION/ LAFAYETTE LA 70504! (318) 234-7349 ED KATZ/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT.! U OF SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA! BOX 4-4330 USL STATION/ LAFAYETTE LA 70504/ (318) 233-6840/ (318) 233-6767 STEVE LANDRY/ COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA! P.O. BOX 4-2770/ LAFAYETTE LA 70504/ (318) 234-7349 DAVID LANDSKOV! U OF SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA! USL BOX 4-4154! LAFAYETTE LA 70504/ (318) 234-7640 A. I. STOCKS! P.O. BOX 4-1039! USL STATION/ LAFAYETTE LA 70504/ (318) 233-3850 X538 TERRY M. WALKER/ cOMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT.! U OF SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA! P.O. BOX 4-4330/ LAFAYETTE LA 70504/ (318) 234-7640 MIKE CHALENBURG! HARDING COLLEGE/ BOX 4/ SEARCY AR 72143! (501) 268-6161 X322 JOHN NUNNALLY! HARDING COLLEGE/ BOX 744/ SEARCY AR 72143/ (501) 268-6161 X440 DENNIS DANCE/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT.! UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK! 33RD AND UNIVERSITY! LITTLE ROCK AR 72204! (501) 569-3252 RICHARD V. ANDREE! MATH DEPT./ U OF OKLAHOMA! NORMAN OK 73019! (405) 325-3410 MARY DEE FOSBERG/ 600 TIMBER LANE/ EDMOND OK 73034 ARDOTH H. WILSON! COMPUTER CENTER/ CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY/ EDMOND OK 73034/ (405) 341-2980 X321 RALPH HOWENSTINE/ P.O. BOX 1327/ NORMAN OK 73070 DAVID HUSNIAN! 1731 N.W. 29TH/ OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73106! (213) 521-1547 STEPHEN A. PITTS! 305 EAST JARMAN DRIVE! MIDWEST CITY OK 73110, (405) 732-4060 DAVE R. ELAND! ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY/ 7777 SOUTH LEWIS! TULSA OK 74171/ (918) 492-6161 ROGER R. BATE! 3428 MISSION RIDGE! PLANO TX 75023/ (214) 238-3U52 JOE C. ROBERTS! 1529 MEADOWCREST! GARLAND TX 75042 GILBERT J. HANSEN! 3104 BONNIEBROOK DRIVE/ PLANO TX 75075/ (214) 423-7837 BRIAN W. JOHNSON! 1525 WESTLAKE! PLANO TX 75075! (214) 690-2885 ATTN: COMPUTER SERVICES - F01.3/ U. OF TEXAS AT DALLAS! P.O. BOX 688! RICHARDSON TX 75080/ (214) 690-2651 GEORGE LIGLER! 1000 W. SPRING VALLEY RD. APT. 263! RICHARDSON TX 75080! (214) 231-0825 FRANK DUNN! 1912 E. SPRING VALLEY ROAD! RICHARDSON TX 75081! (214) 231-3423 DAVE HABERMAN! 1806 AUBURN DRIVE! RICHARDSON TX 75081/ (214) 238-4446! (214) 238-5357 J. P. HARVELL! ADV. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 410-260! ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL/ 1200 N. ALMA ROAD! RICHARDSON TX 75081/ (214) 783-3854 DOUGLAS S. JOHNSON! 907 EDGEWOOD DR/ RICHARDSON TX 75081! (214) 238-4092 (TI) KENNETH L. WILLIAMS! 614 CLEARWOOD DR.! RICHARDSON TX 75081/ (214) 341-6278 cu.KK A. SCHROEDER/ 6451 VANDERBILT! DALLAS TX 75214/ (214) 824- 0834 DEXTER COOK/ 3040 PARK LANE APT. 106/ DALLAS TX 75220! (214) 3)8-3794 DONNA K. DUNAWAY/ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC.! P.O. BOX 5936 - MS132/ DALLAS TX 75222! (214) 238-2635 TED FISHMAN! TEXAS INSTRUMENTS/ P.O. BOX 6015 (MS 3101)/ DALLAS TX 75222! (214) 689-4111 X330 DENNIS J. FRAILEY/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIV.! DALLAS TX 75222 DAVID E. BREEDING! HARRIS DATA COMM DIV! 11262 INDIAN TRAIL/ DALLAS TX 75229/ (214) 620-4294 JERRY SCHIEFFER/ HARRIS CORPORATION! 11262 INDIAN TRAIL/ DALLAS TX 75229! (214) 620-4237 T. W. EKBERG! HARRIS DATA COMMUNICATIONS! 11262 INDIAN TRAIL! DALLAS TX 75234/ (214) 620-4208 SAM LISOOK! HARRIS DATA COMMUNICATIONS DIV./ 11262 INDIAN TRAIL - P.O. BOX 44076! DALLAS TX 75234! (214) 620-4225 JOHN EARLS! SUITE 509W/ ARTHUR A. COLLINS INC./ 13601 PRESTON RD.! DALLAS TX 75240/ (214) 661-2928 GERALD A. SHOULTS! 13336 MAHAN RD. APT. 138/ DALLAS TX 75240! (214) 238-4458 (OFFICE)! (214) 234-2182 (HOME) 75243 75248 75275 75275 75275 75961 76011 76019 76114 76201 77001 77001 77001 77001 77027 77030 77043 77098 77550 77843 78284 78705 78712 78712 78712 78712 78712 78721 /8721 78723 78751 78753 78758 78767 78769 79015 79409 79409 79601 79601 80201 S0201 ~0215 110225 110225 110302 80302 80302 1l0302' 80303 80303 80307 110309 ~0309 110309 80309 110401 80523 110523 ~0537 ~2071 ~3401 ~3843 114112 114112 W. J. MEYERS/ 4-214S THE TIMBERS/ 13447 N. CENTRAL EXPR./ DALLAS TX 75243/ (214) 231-4869 JOE COINTMENT / 7709 QUEENS GARDEN DR. / DALLAS TX 75248/ (214) 387-0468 JOHN J. ALLAN 111/ CENTER FOR SPECIAL STUDIES/ 118 CARUTH HALL/ SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIV./ SCHOOL OF ENGR. AND APPL. SCIENCE/ DALLAS TX 75275 (214) 692-3058 GARY CEDERQUIST/ SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIV./ BOX 2112/ DALLAS TX 15275 JANET TAYLOR/ USER SERVICES/ COMPUTING CENTER/ SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY/ DALLAS TX 75275/ (214) 692-2900 JESSE D. MIXON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE U/ P.O. BOX 6167 SFA STATION/ NACOGDOCHES TX 75961/ (713) 569-2508 MICHAEL SETTLE/ 751 WASHINGTON #115/ ARLINGTON TX 76011 PHILIP STEPHENSON/ COMPUTER TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT/ UNIV. OF TEXAS-ARLINGTON/ BOX 19608/ ARLINGTON TX 76019/ (817) 273-3666 RANDY BEST/ 5878 CALLOWAY DR. NORTH/ FT. WORTH TX 76114/ (817) 731-4974 EDWARD E FERGUSON/ 1222 AUSTIN AVE/ DENTON TX 76201/ (214) 231-9736 ATTENTION: COLIN G. CAMPBELL/ MS / 781/ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS/ P.O. BOX 1444/ HOUSTON TX 77001 S. BALASUBRAMANIAN/ SHELL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY/ PO BOX 481/ HOUSTON TX 77001/ (713) 667-5661 GINGER KELLY/ ICSA/ RICE UNIVERSITY/ HOUSTON TX 77001/ (713) 527-4965 TONEY MORELOCK/ TEXAS EASTERN TRANSMISSION/ P.O. BOX 2521/ HOUSTON TX 77001/ (713) 651-0161 CHARLES L. HETHCOAT 111/ C/O PIPELINE TECHNOLOGISTS INC./ P.O. BOX 22146/ HOUSTON TX 77027/ (713) 622-3456 X334 (WORK)/ (713) 626-7737 (HOME) JAMES A. KENDALL/ MHMR/TRIMS/ TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER/ HOUSTON TX 77030/ (713) 797-1976 JOHN EARL CRIDER/ 2918 KEVIN LANE/ HOUSTON TX 77043/ (713) 665-3016 SCOTT K. WARREN/ ROSETTA ALGORITHMS/ 2414 BRANARD IID/ HOUSTON TX 77098/ (713) 526-0849 RUSSELL W ZEARS/ BIOMETRY LAB/ 449 ADMINISTRATION BLDG R7/ UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH/ GALVESTON TX 77550/ (713) 765-1813 RICHARD HUBER/ DEPT. OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING/ TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY/ COLL. STATION TX 77843/ (713) 845-5531 X256 MIKE GREEN/ DATAPOINT CORPORATION/ 9725 DATAPOINT DRIVE/ SAN ANTONIO TX 78284/ (512) 699-7345 WILLETT KEMPTON/ 2512 SAN GABRIEL ST./ AUSTIN TX 78705 ATTN: DOROTHY SMITH - REFERENCE LIBRAR/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ U OF TEXAS AUSTIN/ AUSTIN TX 78712/ (512) 471-3242 WILHELM BURGER/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCES/ 328 PAINTER HALL/ UNIV. OF TEXAS - AUSTIN/ AUSTIN TX 78712/ (512) 471-1902 TOM KEEL/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ UN IV • OF TEXAS - AUSTIN/ AUSTIN TX 78712 WAYNE SEIPEL/ BOX 8259 U.T. STA./ AUSTIN TX 78712/ (512) 472-1773 WALLY WEDEL/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ U OF TEXAS AUSTIN/ AUSTIN TX 78712/ (512) 471-3242 EDWARD P. STRITTER/ V BLDG./ MOTOROLA/ 3501 ED BLUESTEIN BLVD. / AUSTIN TX 78721/ (512) 928-2600 XS01 DONALD G. WEISS/ 3501 ED BLUESTEIN BLVD./ AUSTIN TX 78721/ (512) 928-2600 JOEL BONEY/ 6707 LASALLE/ AUSTIN TX 78723/ (512) 928-4649 DAVID W. HOGAN/ 4104 AVENUE F/ AUSTIN TX 78751 TERRY RITTER/ 12002B POLLYANNA AVE./ AUSTIN TX 78753/ (512) 92~-2600 XS32 WILLIAM L. COHAGAN/ SUITE 211/ S/B/P & C ASSOCIATES/ 8705 SHOAL CREEK BLVD./ AUSTIN TX 78758/ (512) 458-2276 ATTENTION: MILES RICKARD/ MS / 2201/ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS/ P.O. BOX 2909/ AUSTIN TX 78767 DAVID N. GRAY/ MS 2188/ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS/ P.O. BOX 2909/ AUSTIN TX 78769/ (512) 258-5121 X2377 HARRY P. HAIDUK/ DEPT. OF COMPo INFO. SYSTEMS/ WEST TEXAS STATE U/ CANYON TX 79015/ (806) 656-3966 MAURICE BALLEW/ COMPUTER SERVICES/ TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY/ BOX 4519/ LUBBOCK TX 79409/ (806) 742-2900 LEONARD H. WEINER/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPo SCI./ TEXAS TECH. U/ P.O. BOX 4319/ LUBBOCK TX 79409/ (806) 742-2571 D. A. CAUGHFIELD/ 609 E. N. 21ST/ ABILENE TX 79601/ (915) 672-1604 JOHN TUCKER/ 628 E.N. 16TH ST./ ABILENE TX 79601/ (915) 673-2840 GREGG E. MARSHALL/ P.O. BOX 2784/ DENVER CO 80201/ (303) 499-1000 X4482 NORMAN T. OLSEN/ C/O AUTO TROL CORP./ 5650 N. PECOS/ DENVER CO 80201/ (303) 458-5900 DAVID M. WARNER/ 755 VISTA LANE/ LAKEWOOD CO 80215/ (303) 238-U900 ATTN: CHIEF BRANCH OF DATA SYSTEM SERV/ HSAC-POB 25367/ MINE ENFORCEMENT AND SAFETY ADM./ DENVER FEDERAL CENTER/ DENVER CO 80225/ (303) 234-3025 ATTN: LIBRARY/ 67 DENVER FEDERAL CENTER/ BUREAU OF RECLAMATION / DENVER CO 80225 ATTN: KARIN & MICHELE - PASCAL DISTRIB/ COMPUTING CENTER LIBRARY/ UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO/ 3645 MARINE STREET/ BOULDER CO 80302/ (303) 492-8131 HOWARD BUSSEY JR./ NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMIN/ BLDG. 1 RM 4557/ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/ BOULDER CO 80302 RAYNER K. ROSICH/ OT/ITS/ U.S. DEPT. OF COMMERCE/ 325 BROADilAi / BOULDER CO 80302/ (303) 499-1000 X3109 JOE WATKINS/ 2895 18TH STREET/ BOULDER CO 80302/ (303) 443-859~ DENNIS R. ELLIS/ C/O CRAY RESEARCH/ 75 MANHATTAN DR. - SUITE #3/ BOULDER CO 80303/ (303) 499-3055 VINCENT B. WAYLAND/ C/O CRAY RESEARCH INC./ 75 MANHATTAN DRIVE SUITE 3/ BOULDER CO 80303/ (303) 499-3055 BRUCE K. RAY/ POLYMORPHIC COMPUTER SYSTEMS/ P.O. BOX 3581/ BOULDER CO 80307/ (303) 443-5362 LLOYD D. FOSDICK/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ECOT 7-7/ U OF COLORADO/ BOULDER CO 8309/ (303) 492-7514 GEORGE H. RICHMOND/ COMPUTING CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO/ 3645 MARINE STREET/ BOULDER CO 80309/ (303) 492-8131 TERRY L. SPEAR/ CLIPR/ E318 MUENZINGER/ UNIV. OF COLORADO/ BOULDER CO 80309/ (303) 492-6991 WILLIAM M. WAITE/ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPT./ SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP/ UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO/ BOULDER CO 80309 HERBERT RUBENSTEIN/ 401 GARDEN STREET/ GOLDEN CO 8041/ (303) 278-3469 ATTN: USER SERVICES GROUP/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ COLORADO STATE U/ FORT COLLINS CO 80523/ (303) 491-5133 DALE H. GRIT/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ COLORADO STATE U/ FT. COLLINS CO 80523/ (303) 491-7033 JEFF EASTMAN/ CALCULATOR PRODUCTS DIV./ HEWLETT PACKARD/ P.O. BOX 301/ LOVELAND CO 80537 HENRY R. BAUER 111/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING/ BOX 3682/ LARAMIE WY 82071/ (307) 766-5134 KYU Y. LEE/ E.G.& G. IDAHO INC./ P.O. BOX 1625/ IDAHO FALLS ID ~3401/ (208) 526-0111 X321 JOHN DICKINSON/ DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGR./ 214 BEL/ UNIV. OF IDAHO/ MOSCOW ID 83843/ (208) 885-6554/6555 ATTN: B1700 PROTEUS PROJECT/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ 3160 MEB/ U OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CIT UT 84112/ (801) 581-8224 MARTIN L GRISS/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT/ U OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CIT UT 84112/ (801) 581-6542 ~4112 ~4112 ~4112 ~4601 ~4601 ~4602 ~4602 ~5061 ~5260 ~5281 ~5721 ~5726 ~5726 • ~5731 ~6301 ~7002 ~7106 ~7109 ~7114 87115 IS 71 15 87115 ~7117 ~7544 ~7545 ~7545 ~7545 ~7801 87801 ~7801 ~8003 ~8003 ~9154 ~9154 ~9507 ~9507 89509 90007 90007 90009 90020 90024 90024 90024 90036 90048 90064 90066 90068 90230 90260 90274 90274 90278 90278 90278 90278 90291 90403 90501 90503 90746 91016 91101 91103 91107 M. A. KLEINERT/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ 3160 MERRILL ENG. BLDG./ U OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CIT UT 84112 GARY LINDSTROM/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ U OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CIT UT 84112/ (801) 581-8224 ED SHARP/ COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CIT UT 84112/ (801) 581-6802 DENNIS FAIRCLOUGH/ EYRING RESEARCH INSTITUTE/ 1455 WEST 820 NORTH/ PROVO UT 84601/ (801) 375-2434 PAUL GODFREY/ 41 SOUTH 500 WEST/ PROVO UT 84601/ (801) 377-4331 THEODORE A. NORMAN/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY/ PROVO UT 84602/ (801) 374-1211 X3027 RICHARD ORRAN/ ELECTICAL ENGINEERING DEPT/ 459 ESTB/ BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY/ PROVO UT 84602/ (801) 374-1211 X4012 E. W. ERRICKSON/ P.O. BOX 11472/ PHOENIX AZ 85061/ (602) 242-3420 DENNIS KODlMER/ SUITE 100/ TERAK CORPORATION/ 14425 N. SCOTTSDALE RD./ SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260/ (602) 991-1580 BRIAN D. LOCKREY/ COMPUTER SERVICES ECA-109/ ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY/ TEMPE AZ 85281/ (602) 965-7327 PATRICK PECORARO/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF ARIZONA/ TUCSON AZ 85721/ (602) 884-2901 R. W. MILKEY/ KITT PEAK NATIONAL OBSERVATORY/ P.O. BOX 26732/ TUCSON AZ 85726/ (602) 327-5511 W. RICHARD STEVENS/ KITT PEAK NATIONAL OBSERVATORY/ P.O. BOX 26732/ TUCSON AZ 85726/ (602) 327-5511 JOHN E. WAHL/ P.O. BOX 18078/ TUCSON AZ 85731/ (602) 747-0700 X307 NEAL H. CHAMPION/ 435 S. GRANITE/ PRESCOTT AZ 86301 TOM SANDERSON/ RFD 1 BOX 459/ BELEN NM 87002 BOB WALSH/ 817 LAFAYETTE DR. NE/ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87106/ (505) 268-1654 DON H. ROWLAND/ 5805 TORREON DR./ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87109/ (505) 1S21-9207 (HOME)/ (505) 264-9149 (OFFICE) ATTENTION: ARMENELLA VINSON/ E.G. & G. INC./ PO BOX 10218 - ALAMEDA STA./ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87114/ (505) 898-8000 EXT 246 ALFRED J. HULBERT/ INHALATION TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH INST. / P.O. BOX 5890/ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87115/ (505) 264-2030 BRUCE LINK/ DIVISION 1712/ SANDIA LABORATORIES/ ALBUQUERQUE NM ~7115 NANCY RUIZ/ ORG. 5166/ SANDIA LABS/ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87115/ (505) 264-3690 ATTN: AIR FORCE WEAPONS LABORATORY/ DYM (HARRY M. MURPHY JR.)/ KIRTLAND AFB NM 87117/ (505) 264-9317 KAY A. HANSBOROUGH/ 2377B 45TH ST./ LOS ALAMOS NM 87544/ (505) 662-9369 (HOME)/ (505) 667-5275 (OFFICE) BILL BUZBEE/ LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY/ C-DO MS-260/ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/ P.O. BOX 1663/ LOS ALAMOS NM 87545 ROBERT T. JOHNSON/ C-11 MAIL STOP 296/ LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY/ P.O. BOX 1663/ LOS ALAMOS NM 87545/ (505) 667-5014 JOHN MONTAGUE/ GROUP C11/ MAIL STOP 296/ LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY/ LOS ALAMOS NM 87545 JAMES DARLING/ NEW MEXICO TECH/ BOX 2139 CAMPUS STATION/ SOCORRO NM 87801/ (505) 835-5455 T. A. NARTKER/ NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TEC/ SOCORRO NM 87801/ (505) 835-5126 KIM L. SHIVELEY/ NEW MEXICO TECH./ P.O. BOX 2129 C.S./ SOCORRO NM 87801/ (505) 835-5766 J. MACK ADAMS/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ NEW MEXICO STATE U/ BOX 3CU/ LAS CRUCES NM 88003/ (505) 646-3723 ATTN: USER SERVICES LIBRARIAN/ UNIVERSITY COI1PUTER CENTER/ NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY/ BOX 3AT/ LAS CRUCES NM 88003/ (505) 644-4433 ATTN: RESEARCH PROGRAMMING ADVISOR/ COMPUTING CENTER/ U. OF NEVADA - LAS VEGAS/ 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/ LAS VEGAS NV 89154/ (702) 739-3557 JOHN WERTH/ DEPT. OF MATH/ U OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS/ LAS VEGAS NV ~9154/ (702) 739-3715 ATTENTION: ROY MAXION-PROGRAMMING ADVI/ UNS COMPUTING CENTER/ 22 WR/ U OF NEVADA/ BOX 9068/ RENO NV 89507/ (702) 784-4008 GARY CARTER/ SEISMOLOGY DEPT./ MACKAY SCHOOL OF MINES/ U OF NEVADA RENO/ RENO NV 89507 WILLIAM R. BONHAM/ SIERRA DIGITAL SYSTEMS/ 1440 WESTFIELD AVE. / RENO NV 89509/ (702) 329-9548 ATTN: ACADEMIC SERVICES/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/ 1020 W. JEFFERSON BLVD./ LOS ANGE~ES CA 90007/ (213) 746-2957 JORGEN STAUNSTRUP/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/ UNIVERSITY PARK/ LOS ANGELES CA 90007/ (213) 748-1977 FREDERICK C. COWAN/ MAIL STATION A2-2043/ THE AEROSPACE CORP./ P.O. BOX 92957/ LOS ANGELES CA 90009/ (213) 648-6482 ~~NN~lti luUNG/ 3311 WEST 3RD ST. APT. 1-319/ LOS ANGELES CA 90020/ (213) 383-9666 ERIC PUGH/ 632 LEVERING AVE. APT. D/ LOS ANGELES CA 90024/ (213) 479-1352 KARL H. RYDEN/ HEALTH SCIENCES COMPUTING FACILITY/ 23 DEPT OF BIOMATH/ UCLA/ LOS ANGELES CA 90024/ (213) 825-5200 BRUCE SEILER/ DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY/ UCLA/ 405 HILGARD AVENUE/ LOS ANGELES CA 90024/ (213) 825-3818 WILLIAM MOSKOWITZ/ INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT GROUP/ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY/ 5670 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD/ LOS ANGELES CA 90036/ (213) 852-5780 STEVEN BARRYTE/ 6620 W. 5TH STREET/ LOS ANGELES CA 90048/ (213) 653-8697 DAVID G. CLEMANS/ 2830 SEPULVEDA APT.20/ LOS ANGELES CA 90064/ (213) 473-7961 ERWIN BOOK/ 3169 COLBY AVENUE/ LOS ANGELES CA 90066 HOWARD H. METCALF/ 2590 GLEN GREEN #4/ HOLLYWOOD CA 90068 ARTHUR I. SCHWARZ/ BLDG. 150/MS A222/ HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO./ CULVER CITY CA 90230 ATTN: LAL CHAN DANI ENTERPRISES/ COMPUTER LAND/ 16919A HAWTHORNE BLVD./ LAWNDALE CA 90260 JIM HIGHTOWER/ 4947 BROWNDEER LANE/ RANCHO PALOS CA 90274/ (213) 541-4662 MARK L. ROBERTS/ RYAN MCFARLAND CORPORATION/ 608 SILVER SPUR ROAD/ ROLL.H.ESTATE CA 90274/ (213) 377-0491 JOHN R. DEALY/ BLDG. R3/1072/ TRW DSSG/ ONE SPACE PARK! REDONDO BEACH CA 90278/ (213) 535-0833 WILEY GREINER/ 90/2178/ TRW DSSG/ ONE SPACE PARK/ REDONDO BEACH CA 90278/ (213) 535-0313 J. B. HEIDEBRECHT/ 2178 BLD. 90/ TRW DSSG/ ONE SPACE PARK/ REDONDO BEACH CA 90278/ (213) 535-0313 DENNIS HEIMBIGNER/ 2500 CARNEGIE LANE HB/ REDONDO BEACH CA 90278/ (213) 535-0833 RALPH L. LONDON/ INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE/ U OF SOUTHERN CALlFORNIA/ 4676 ADMIRALTY WAY/ MARINA DEL RE CA 90291/ (213) 822-1511 X195 MICHAEL TEENER/ TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CORP./ 2811 WILSHIRE BLVD./ SANTA MONICA CA 90403/ (213) 829-7411 X244 WILLIAM E. FISHER/ 2074 SANTA FE AVENUE/ TORRANCE CA 90501 JOHN R. BARR/ 22014 REYNOLDS DRIVE/ TORRANCE CA 90503/ (213) 648-8295/ (213) 540-1381 PHYLLIS A. REILLY/ 19711 GALWAY AVENUE/ CARSON CA 90746/ (213) 321-5215 CLARK M. ROBERTS/ 219 VIOLET AVENUE/ MONROVIA CA 91016/ (213) 456-3858 (HOME)/ (213) 658-2405 (WORK) E. E. SIMMONS/ 455 SOUTH OAKLAND AVE/ PASADENA CA 91101 CHARLES L. LAWSON/ JET PROPULSION LABORATORY/ MS 125/128/ CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ 4800 OAK GROVE DR./ PASADENA CA 91103/ (213) 354-4321 ROBERT M. LANSFORD/ 3620 GREENHILL ROAD/ PASADENA CA 91107/ (213) 351-0206 (/) rn -0 --l rn 91109 91330 91335 Yl702 91711 91711 91711 91740 91775 92025 92026 92067 92093 92093 92093 92103 92111 92121 92121 92122 92152 92152 92324 92408 92507 92507 92626 92634 92653 92663 92675 92101 92704 92704 92704 92704 92705 92713 92713 92713 92714 92714 92714 92714 92715 92717 92717 92805 92807 92807 93lOl 93105 93109 93401 93407 93407 93453 93555 93940 93940 93940 93940 94022 94022 94025 94025 ATTN: LIBRARY/ BURROUGHS CORP./ 460 SIERRA MADRE VILLA/ PASADENA CA 91109/ (213) 351-6551 X505 KEN MODESITT/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV./ 18111 NORDHOFF ST./ NORTHRIDGE CA 91330 MARK T. MARSHALL/ 18229 TOPHAM ST./ RESEDA CA 91335/ (213) 345-1739 ED KEITH/ CITRUS COLLEGE/ 18824 E. FOOTHILL BLVD./ AZUSA CA· 91702/ (213) 335-0521 X313/ (213) 963-1052 GERALD BRYAN/ SEAVER COMPUTER CENTER/ CLAREMONT COLLEGES/ CLAREMONT CA 91711/ (714) 626-8511 X3228 CHRIS P. LINDSEY/ COMPUTING/ HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE/ CLAREMONT CA 91711/ (.714) 626-8511 X2897 STANLEY E. LUNDE/ 890 HOOD DRIVE/ CLAREMONT CA 91711/ (714) 626-9977 DAVID C. FITZGERALD/ 652 S. CULLEN/ GLENDORA CA 91740/ (213) 335-6055 TOM GREER/ 224 N•. ALABAMA ST./ SAN GABRIEL CA 91775 MARK J. KAUFMAN/ 916 E WASHINGTON APT. 108/ ESCONDIDO CA 92025! (714) 743-5911 K. DOUGLAS JOHNSTON/ 1375 N BROADWAY APT F-2/ ESCONDIDO CA 92026/ (714) 743-5830/ (714) 485-2309 (WORK) LANCE A. LEVENTHAL/ P.O. BOX 1258/ RANCHO SANTAF CA 92067/ (714) 755-6541 KEN BOWLES/ APIS DEPT./ C-21/ U OF CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO/ LA JOLLA CA 92093/ (714) 755-7288/ 452-4526 JIM MADDEN/ C-010 COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA - SAN ~IEGO/ LA JOLLACA 92093/ (714) 452-4067 MARK OVERGAARD/ APIS DEPT./ C-014/ U OF CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO! LA JOLLA CA 92093/ (714) 452-4723 DAVID M. BULMAN/ PRAGMATICS INC./ BOX 33228/ SAN DIEGO CA 92143/ (714) 565-0565 WARREN EDWARD LOPER/ 6542 ALCALA KNOLLS DR. / SAN DIEGO CA 9211!l/ (714) 560-0718 (HOME) / (714) 225-2480 (WORK) LOUIS A. BENTON/ STAFF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CORP./ 10457 J ROSE'LLE ST./ SAN DIEGO CA 92121/ (714) 453-0303 CRAIG MAUDLIN/ SUITE M/ RENAISSANCE SYSTEMS/ 11760 SORRENTo' VALLEY RD./ SAN DIEGO CA 92121/ (714) 452-0681 GORDON J. WOOD/ 5818 MOTT ST./ SAN DIEGO CA 92122/ (714) 453-8167 MICHAEL S. BALL/ CODE 632/ NAVAL OCEAN SYSTEMS CENTER/ SAN DIEGO CA 92152 KENNETH O. LELAND/ R&D CENTER/ NAVY PERSONNEL/ CODE 9303/ SAN DIEGO CA 92152/ (714) 225-7388/ 933-7388 (DEF. DEPT. AV) DAVID H. WELCH/ P.O. BOX 721/ COLTON CA 92324 TED C. PARK/ SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT/ SUITE 302/ MEDICAL DATA CONSJLTANTS/ 1894 COMMERCENTER WEST/ SAN BERNARDIN CA 92408/ (714) 825-2683 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCES INSTITUTE/ U OF CALIFORNIA/ RIVERSIDE CA 92507 KURT COCKRUM/ 3398 UTAH/ RIVERSIDE CA 92507/ (714) 682-1907 ATTENTION: A.S. WILLIAMS/ LIBRARY/ TECHNOLOGY MARKETING INC./ 3170 RED HILL AVE./ COSTA MESA CA 92626/ (714) 979-1100 SEYMOUR SINGER/ BLDG 606/M.S. K110/ HUCHES AIRCRAFT CO./ P.O. BOX 3310/ FULLERTON CA 92634 ED HIRAHARA/ 25062 GRISSOM RD,/ LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653/ (714) 8/1-3232 X3073/ OR X3989 L. M. FOSTER/ COLLINS GOV!. TELECOMM. DIV. TECH. INF/ ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORP./ 4311 JAMBOREE ROAD (501-105)/ NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663/ (714) 388-4389 ROBERT L. JARDINE/ BURROUGHS CORP./ 25725 JERONIMO ROAD/ MISSION VIEJO CA 92675/ (714) 768-2370 ROBERT L. HARTMAN/ 1425 E. FRANZEN AVE./ SANTA ANA CA 92701/ (714) 646-7466 COLE A. CHEVALIER/CONTROL DATA CORPORATION/ 3519 W. WARNER/ SANTA ANA CA 92704/ (714) 754-4134 CHARLES J. FETE/ W-14/ C/O CONTROL DATA CORP./ 3519 W. WARNER AVE./ SANTA ANA CA 92704/ (714) 754-4155 JIM FONTANA/ CONTROL DATA CORPORATION/ 3519 W. WARNER AVE./ SANTA ANA CA 92704/ (714) 754-4102 S. J. PACKER/ CONTROL DATA CORPORATION/ 3519 W. WARNER AVE./ SANTA ANA CA 92704/ (714) 754-4129 WALTER KOSINSKI/ INFORMATION SCIENCES CONSULTING/ 1654 SE SKYLINE DRIVE/ SANTA ANA CA 92705/ (714) 838-9387 GREGORY L. HOP\,OOD/ MINICOMPUTER OPERATIONS/ SPERRY UNIVAC/ 2722 MICHELSON DRIVE/ IRVINE CA 92713/ (714) 833-2400 BOB HUTCHINS/ COMPUTER AUTOMATION INC./ 18651 VON KARMAN/ IRVINE CA 92713/ (714) 833-8830 X335 ERIC OLSEN/ VARIAN DATA MACHINES/ 2722 MICHELSON DRIVE/ IRVINE CA 92713/ (714) 833-2400 WILLIAM E. CROSBY/ 15381 ORLEANS CIR./ IRVINE CA 92714/ (714) ~51-5632 RUDY L. FOLDEN/ 14681 COMET ST./ IRVINE CA 92714/ (714) 552-0398 STEVE LUNDQUIST/ 5142 CHATEAU CIRCLE/ IRVINE CA 92714/ (714) 871-3232 X4352 DONALD D. PECKHAM/ PERTEC COMPUTER CORP./ 17112 ARMSTRONG AVE.! SANTA ANA CA 92714/ (714) 540-8340 WILLIAM J. EARL/ 6 LEMON TREE/ IRVINE CA 92715/ (714) 552-1543 JOHN M. GRAM/ COMPUTING FACILITY/ U OF CALIFORNIA/ IRVINE CA 92717/ (714) 833-6844 JON F. HUERAS/ DEPT. OF INFORMATION AND COMPo SCI./ U OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE/ IRVINE CA 92717/ (714) 833-2400 WILLIAM L. COOPER/ ORG 4400/ INTERSTATE ELECTRONICS/ 707 E. VERMONT I ANAHEIM CA 92805/ (714) 772-2811 X1848 DAVID W. GIEDT/ 5421 WILLOWICK CIR./ ANAHEIM CA 92807/ (714) 7/2-2811 D. MARCUS/ GTE INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ 5300 E. LA PALMA/ ANAHEIM CA 92807/ (714) 524-4461 JIM MCCORD/ SYSTEMETRICS INC./ 120 E. DE LA GUERRA STREET/ SANTA BARBARA CA 93101/ (805) 963-8941 ATTENTION: NANCY BROOKS/ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DIVISION/ GENERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION/ 5383 HOLLISTER AVE./ SANTA BARBARA CA 93105/ (805) 964-7724 ROBERT ALAN DOLAN/ SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH LAB/ 800A MIRAMONTE DRIVE/ SANTA BARBARA CA 93109/ (805) 965-3011 NEIL W. WEBRE/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI. AND STAT./ CALIF. POLY. STATE UNIV./ SAN LUIS OBIS CA 93401/ (805) 546-2986 JAMES L. BEUG/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE U/ SAN LUIS OBIS CA 93407/ (805) 546-1255 DANA A. FREIBURGER/ COMPUTER CENTE/ CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC ST. UNIV./ SANLUIS OBISP CA 93407/ (805) 546-2005 H. MARC LEWIS/ PO BOX 505/ SANTA MARGARI CA 93453/ (805) 546-2009 GARY BABCOCK/ 110-E RICHMOND ROAD/ CHINA LAKE CA 93555/ (714) 939-3661 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. A/ CODE 52/ NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL/ MONTEREY CA 93940 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. B/ CODE 52/ NAVAl POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL/ MONTEREY CA 93940 GORDON BRADLEY/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL/ MONTEREY CA 93940 SUSAN FEUERMAN/ W.R. CHURCH COMPUTER CENTER/ CODE 0141/ NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL/ MONTEREY CA 93940 HORACE ENEA/ HEURISTICS INC./ 900 N. SAN ANTONIO ROAD/ LOS ALTOS CA 94022/ (415) 948-2542 DAVID ELLIOT SHAWl STRUCTURED SYSTEMS CORPORATION/ 343 SECOND STREET - SUITE K/ LOS ALTOS CA 94022/ (415) 321-8111 DENNIS R. ALLISON/ 169 SPRUCE AVENUE/ MENLO PARK CA 94025/ (41~) 325-2962 GENE AUTREY-HUNLEY/ 318-8/ SRI INTERNATIONAL/ 333 RAVENSWOOD AVE./ MENLO PARK CA 94025/ (415) 326-6200 X2629 z rn 94025 94025 94035 94035 94040 94041 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94086 94087 94088 94088 94088 94111 94114 94143 94304 94304 94304 94304 94305 94305 94305 94305 94305 94538 94545 94550 94550 94550 94566 94596 94611 94613 94621 94703 94704 94720 94720 94720 94720 94720 94903 95003 95008 95014 95014 95014 95014 95014 95014 95050 95050 95051 95051 95051 95051 95051 APRIL MILLER CONVERSE/ SEISMIC ENGINEERING BRANCH/ M/S 87/ U.S.G.S./ 345 MIDDLEFIELD ROAD/ MENLO PARK CA 94025 JEFFRY G. SHAWl P.O. BOX 2678/ MENLO PARK CA 94025 ZAY CURTIS/ P.O. BOX 235/ MOFFETT FIELD CA 94035/ (415) 964-9900 CARL S. ROSENBERG/ AMES RESEARCH CENTER/ MAIL STOP 239-19/ MOFFETT FIELD CA 94035/ (415) 965-6436 (WORK)/ (415) 967-7000 (HOME) J. R. BAICHTAL/ PCM SWITCHING ENGINEERING/ TRW/VIDAR/ 77 ORTEGA AVENUE/ MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94040/ (415) 961-1000 WARREN VAN CAMP/ 178 CENTRE #14/ MT. VIEW CA 94041/ (415) 967-3170 RICH ALTMAIER/ 655 S. FAIROAKS AVE. APT. G101/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086 DENNIS S. ANDREWS/ COMPUTING SERVICES/ AMDAHL CORP./ 1250 E. A~~ue~ AV~I 'UNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 735-4011 GL~N T. EDENS/ DAGONICS DIV./ XEROX/ 350 POTRERO AVENUE/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 738-4800 (DACONICS)/ (415) 494-4464 (XEROX/PARC) DENNIS ERNST/ INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATION/ 1095 E. DUANE/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 735-0635 DENNIS GRAHAM/ AMDAHL CORP./ 1250 E. ARQUES AVE./ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 735-4602 ROBERT S. LENT/ AMDAHL CORPORATION/ P.O. BOX 5070/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 735-4205 GEORGE LEWIS/ R & D/ BASIC TIMESHARING INC./ 870 WEST MAUDE AVENUE/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 733-1122 M. H. MACDOUGALL/ AMDAHL CORP./ P.O. BOX 5070/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 735-4654 FLEMING M. OLIVER/ 213 WEDDELL APT. 12/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086 ARTHUR C. WILLIS/ AMDAHL CORP./ 1250 EAST ARQUES AVE./ SUNNYV~LECA 94086/ (408) 735-4011 ANDREW HARRIS ZIMMERMAN/ 550 NORTH FAIR OAKS AVE. APT. 14/ SU~NYVALE CA 94086 ADRIAN BYRAM/ 1131 S. SAGE COURT/ SUNNYVALE CA 94087 RICHARD COREl PO BOX 61628/ SUNNYVALE CA 94088/ (408) 735-8400 X233 T. D. TELFORD! DEPT. 19-63/ BLDG 529/ LOCKHEED/ P.O. BOX 504/ SUNNYVALE CA 94088/ (408) 742-7301 GARY W. WINIGER/ P.O. BOX 60835/ SUNNYVALE CA 94088/ (415) 96(-6982/ (408) 742-5699 (WORK) JIM ELAM/ 150 LOMBARD #601/ SAN FRANCISGO CA 94111 RICHARD H. KARPINSKI/ 3071 MARKET STREET/ SAN FRANCISCO CA 94114/ (415) 666-4529 FRANCIS KRIKORIAN/ ADMIN. INFO. SYSTEMS/ 101 BUILDING MR 4/ U.C.S.F. MEDICAL CENTER/ SAN FRANCISGO CA 94143/ (415) 666-3012 LINDA E. CROLEY/ BNR INC./ 3174 PORTER DR./ PALO ALTO CA 94304/ (415) 494-3942 X40 OR 61 SAM GEBALA/ HEWLETT PACKARD/ 3500 DEER CREEK RD./ PALO ALTO CA 94304/ (415) 494-1444 X214 H. S. MAGNUSKI/ GAMMA TECHNOLOGY/ 800 WELSH ROAD/ PALO ALTO CA 94304/ (415) 326-1661 rAuL MCJONES/ SDD/SD/ XEROX CORPORATION/ 3333 COYOTE HILL ROAD/ PALO ALTO CA 94304/ (415) 494-4522 PAUL HECKEL/ INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS/ P.O. BOX 2345/ PALO ALTO CA 94305/ (415) 965-0327 ATTN: LIBRARY / SERIALS/ BIN 82/ STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER/ P.O. BOX 4349/ STANFORD CA 94305 JOHN BANNING/ MALL DROP 88/ STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER/ P.O.BOX 4349/ STANFORD CA 94305/ (415) 854-3300 X2802 (OFFICE)/ (415) 325-9226 (HOME) DAVID C. LUCKHAM/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ A.I. LABORATORY/ STANFORD UNIVERSITY/ STANFORD CA 94305/ (415) 497-4971 HUGH MCLARTY/ BOX 10291/ STANFORD CA 94305/ (415) 322-4822 BRIAN MCGUIRE/ P.O. BOX 1371/ FR~roNT CA 94538 WILLIAM F. RAGSDALE/ DORADO SYSTEMS/ 20956 CORSAIR BLVD./ HYW ARD CA 94545/ (415) 783-0289 JOHN C. BEATTY/ L-73/ LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB/ BOX 808/ LIVERMCRE CA 94550/ (415) 447-1100 X3114 S. T. HEIDELBERG/ DIVISION 8323/ SANDIA LABORATORIES/ LIVERMORE CA 94550/ (415) 455-2179 WILLIAM P. TAYLOR/ L-315/ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/ P.O. BOX 808/ LIVERMORE CA 94550/ (415) 455-6729 J. E. POLLACK/ 435 ABBIE STREET/ PLEASANTON CA 94566 RALPH W. SWEARINGEN/ VIRTUAL SYSTEMS INC./ 1500 NEWELL AVE. #406/ WALNUT CREEK CA 94596/ (415) 254-1147 PAUL S. GERKEN/ PROGRAMMING METHODS/ INFORMATICS/ 120 RONADA AVE./ PIEDMONT CA 94611/ (415) 655-4499 RITA MAY LIFF/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCE/ MILLS COLLEGE/ OAKLAND CA 94613/ (415) 632-2700 X308 BRYAN L. HIGGINS/ SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC./ 8201 CAPWELL DRIVE/ OAKLAND CA 94621/ (415) 562-9163 JAMES A. WOODS/ 2014A WOOLSEY ST./ BERKELEY CA 94703 JIM MERRITT/ P.O. BOX 4655/ BERKELEY CA 94704/ (415) 845-4866 JEFFREY BARTH/ COMPo SCI. DIVISION/ 573 EVANS HALL/ U OF CALIFORNIA/ BERKELEY CA 94720/ (415) 642-4948 BLAND EWING/ DEPT. OF ENTYMOLOGY/ 137 GIANNINI HALL/ U OF CALIFORNIA/ BERKELEY CA 94720/ (415) 642-6660 ED FOURT/ C/O LBL LIBRARY/ 134 BLDG 50/ LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB/ BERKELEY CA 94720/ (415) 843-2740 X5293 SUSAN L. GRAHAM/ COMPo SCI. DIVISION-EECS/ 511 EVANS HALL/ U OF CALIFORNIA/ BERKELEY CA 94720 LAWRENCE A. ROWE/ DEPT. OF EE AND CS - TEOI/ EVANS HALL/ U OF CALIFORNIA/ BERKELEY CA 94720 CHRIS K. PHILLIPS/ P.O. BOX 6283/ TERRA LINDA CA 94903/ (415) 494-7900 X357 ROBERT C. NICKERSON/ 517 SANTA MARGUARITA/ APTOS CA 95003/ (408) 688-9735 THOMAS A. ROLANDER/ 1012 SMITH AVE./ CAMPBELL CA 95008/ (408) 378-5785 A. G. CARRICK/ MS970/ FOUR-PHASE SYSTEMS INC./ 10700 N. DEANZA BLVD./ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 255-0900 X281 FAY CHONG/ 10405 DEMPSTER AVENUE/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 987-1655 R. GREINER/ MS970/ FOUR-PHASE SYSTEMS INC./ 19333 VALLCO PARKWAY/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 255-0900 X231 DONALD E. GRlMES/ TYMSHARE INC./ 20705 VALLEY GREEN DRIVE/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 446-6586 P. LIAO/ MS970/ FOUR-PHASE SYSTEMS INC./ 19333 VALLCO PARKWAY/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 255-0900 X302 JOHN P. STALLINGS/ TECHNICAL DIVISION/ TYMSHARE/ 20705 VALLEY GREEN DRIVE/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 446-6000 JOHN DENNIS COUCH/ GSD/ HEWLETT-PACKARD/ 5303 STEVENS CREEK BLVD./ SANTA CLARA CA 95050/ (408) 249-7020 EXT.2949 LARRY WALSH/ ROLM CORPORATION/ 4900 OLD IRONSIDES DRIVE/ SANTA CLARA CA 95050/ (408) 988-2900 JOHN W. BURNETT/ M/S 690/ NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP./ 2900 SEMICONDUCTOR DR./ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 737-5228 RONALD L DANIELSON/ DEPARTMENT OF EECS/ UNIVERSITY OF SANTA CLARA/ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 984-4181 AL HARTMANN/ INTEL CORPORATION/ 3065 BOWERS AVENUE/ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 246-7501 DEAN SCHULZ/ INTEL CORPORATION/ 3065 BOWERS AVENUE/ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 246-7501 E. HAROLD WILLIAMS/ M.S. 690/ NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP./ 2900 SEMICONDUCTOR DRIVE/ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 737-5228 95054 95060 95121 95131 95133 95153 95376 95404 95521 95819 95926 96822 97005 97005 97068 97077 97077 97077 97077 97077 97077 97077 97123 97210 97210 97212 97217 97221 97229 97331 97331 97331 >l4u3 97403 98004 98004 98006 98043 98055 98055 98105 98117 98124 98124 98124 98177 98195 98195 98195 98225 99163 2006 2006 2006 2007 2033 2033 2232 2308 2308 2308 2500 2600 2600 2600 2601 FRITHJOF KOLBERG/ BOX 4802/ SANTA CLARA CA 95054/ (408) 255-0900 X2794 TYLER/ 200 SEABURG PLACE/ SANTA CRUZ CA 95060/ (408) 925-0206 DADO BANATAO/ 3060 BILBO DRIVE/ SAN JOSE CA 95121/ (408) 227-9027 D. H. SPRINGER/ COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIVISION/ ANDERSON JACOBSON INC./ 521 CHARCOT AVENUE/ SAN JOSE CA 95131/ (408) 263-8520 JOHN H. SPANTON/ 2351 RAVINE DRIVE/ SAN JOSE CA 95133/ (408) 258-6763 TOM PITTMAN/ ITTY BITTY COMPUTERSrp.O. BOX 23189/ SAN JOSE CA 95153 TOM HORSLEY/ 1750 MELLO COURT/ TRACY CA 95376 GARY LOWELL/ 2625 HIDDEN VALLEY/ SANTA ROSA CA 95404/ (707) 544-6373 KENNETH A. DICKEY! 1662 STROMBERG/ ARCATA CA 95521/ (707) 822-3986 DAVID HILL/ COMPUTER CENTER/ SCI 319/ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. _ SACREMENTO/ 6000 J STREET/ SACRAMENTO CA 95819 ORLANDO S. MADRIGAL/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY AT CHICO/ CHICO CA 95926/ (916) 895-6442 W. W. PETERSON/ DEPT OF ICS/ U OF HAWAII/ 2565 THE MALL/ HONOLULU HI 96822/ (808) 948-7420 STEPHEN A. DUM/ 16820 S.W. CAMBRIDGE COURT/ BEAVERTON OR 97005! (503) 642-1168 PETER H. MACKIE/ PHM AND ASSOCIATES/ P.O. BOX 427/ BEAVERTON OR 97005/ (503) 645-2282 WILLIAM C. PRICE/ 28282 SW MOUNTAIN ROAD/ WEST LINN OR 97068 ROY CARLSON/ (50-454)/ TEKTRONIX/ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077 TERRY HAMM/ M.S. 60-456/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 638-3411 X2579 DON HARVEY/ MSG-WILSONVILLE/ 60-171 TEKTRONIX/ BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077 NORM P. KERTH/ MS 58-736/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077 PAUL L. MCCULLOUGH/ TEKTRONIX 60/666/ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 638-3411 X2397 LYNN SAUNDERS/ MS 39-135/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 5001 BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 644-0161 X6640 ROD STEEL/ MS 60-456/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 638-3411 X2516 JOHN L. RUTIS/ RT 3 BOX 292/ HILLSBORO OR 97123 ATTENTION: EVAN L. SOLLEY/ THE LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS GROUP LTD.! 2432 NW JOHNSON/ PORTLAND OR 97210/ (5U3) 226-3515 PAUL O-BRIEN/ P.O. BOX 10572/ PORTLAND OR 97210/ (503) 244-753~ BOB PHILLIPS/ 2009 N.E. BRAZEE/ PORTLAND OR 97212/ (503) 284-8369 DAVID WOLFE/ 7019 N. CHASE AVE./ PORTLAND OR 97217/ (503) 289-1228 DARRY SMITH/ COMPUTING/ OREGON MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY/ 4015 SW CANYON ROAD/ PORTLAND OR 97221/ (503) 248-5923 DAVID ROWLAND/ ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES/ 13900 N.W. SCIEN'CE PARK DRIVE/ PORTLAND OR 97229 ATTENTION: WILLIAM HUNTEMAN/ COMPUTER CENTER/ OREGON STATE U/ CORVALLIS OR 97331/ (503) 754-2494 DAVID F. CANTLEY I DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ OREGON STATE UNIV.! CORVALLIS OR 97331 KURT KOHLER/ MILNE COMPUTER CENTER! OREGON STATE UNIV.! CORVALLIS OR 97331! (503) 754-3474 ATTN: DOCUMENTS ROOM/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT/ U OF OREGON,! EUGENE OR 97403/ (503) 686-4394 VERNON CHI/ ELECTRONICS SHOP/SCIENCE SERVICES/ 4 SCIENCE 1/ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON/ EUGENE OR 97403 BILLY R. CASON/ 11521 NE 20TH STREET/ BELLEVUE WA 98004/ (206) 454-4846 Lt.~LIE R. KERR/ SOFTWARE DESIGN/ 10545 WOODHAVEN LANE/ BELLEVU'E WA 98004/ (206) 455-3068 JOHN D. WOOLLEY/ 6722 128TH AVE. SE/ BELLEVUE WA 98006/ (206) 641-3443 GARY S. ANDERSON/ JOHN FLUKE MFG. CO. INC./ P.O. BOX 43210 M.S. 16/ MOUNTLAKE TER WA 98043/ (206) 774-2211 X353 R. A. LOVESTEDT/ 20427 SE 192/ RENTON WA 98055/ (206) 237-1397 RICHARD N. TAYLOR/ 10411'S.E. 174TH #3444/ RENTON WA 98055/ (206) 255-5856 ATTN: COMPUTER CENTER USER SERVICES! UNIVERSITY ,OF WASHINGTON/ 3737 BROOKLYN AVE. N.E. RM 15! SEATTLE WA 98105 ERIC SCHNELLMAN/ HONEYWELL MARINE SYSTEMS/ 5303 SHILSHOLE NW/ SEATTLE WA 98117 ATTENTION: BLAIR BURNER/ MS 73-03/ BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES INC./ P.O. BOX 24346/ SEATTLE WA 98124/ (206) 773-8683 ATTN: BOEING COMPANY/ 87-67 KENT TECHNICAL LIBRARY/ P.O. BOX 3999/ SEATTLE WA 98124 DAVID DEMOREST/ M/S 8M-71/ BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES/ P.O. BOX 24346/ SEATTLE WA 98124/ (206) 244-6923/ (206) 773-2019 CHARLES A. CASTELLOW! 203 NW 176TH PLACE/ SEATTLE WA 98177/ (206) 546-1579 HELLMUT GOLDE/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ FR-35/ U OF WASHINGTON/ SEATTLE WA 98195! (206) 543-9264 JOE KELSEY/ COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHING LABORATORY/ UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON/ MAIL STOP FR-35/ SEATTLE WA 98195/ (206) 543-2697 JOHN S. SOBOLEWSKI/ RG-20/ LOCKE COMPUTER/ UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON/ SEATTLE WA 98195/ (206) 543-9275 MARLIN PROWELL/ 3925 SILVER BEACH AVE./ BELLINGHAM WA 98225/ (206) 676-1554 ROBERT E LORD/ COMPUTER CENTER/ WASHINGTON STATE UNIV./ PULLMAN WA 99163 A. J. GERBER/ BASSER DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY/ SYDNEY N.S.W. 2006/ AUSTRALIA CARROLL MORGAN/ BASSER DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U OF SYDNEY/ SYDNEY N.S.W. 2006/ AUSTRALIA BRIAN G. ROWSWELL/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY/ SYDNEY N.S.W. 2006/ AUSTRALIA/ 692 3491 E. H. DOBELL/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ NSW INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ P.O. BOX 123/ BROADWAY N.S.W. 2007/ AUSTRALIA/ (02) 218 9438 ATTN: LIBRARIAN/ COMPUTING SERVICES UNIT/ UNIV. OF N.S.W./ P.C. BOX 1/ KENSINGTON N.S.W. 2033/ AUSTRALIA KEN ROBINSON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOlTH WALES/ P.O. BOX 1/ KENSINGTON N.S.W. 2033/ AUSTRALIA/ 663 0351 JEFFREY TOBIAS/ APPLIED MATHS AND COMPUTING DIV./ AUST. ATOMIC ENERGY COMM. RES. EST./ PRIVATE MAIL BAG/ SUTHERLAND N.S.W. 2232/ AUSTRALIA/ 531-0111 ATTN: SERIALS LIBRARY/ AUCHMUTY LIBRARY/ UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASILE/ NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2308/ AUSTRALIA/ 685745 J. A. CAMPBELL/ MATHEMATICS DEPT./ UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE/ NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2308/ AUSTRALIA JOHN A. LAMBERT/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE/ NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2308/ AUSTRALIA J. REINFELDS/ COMPUTING SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG/ P.O. BOX 1144/ WOLLONGONG N.S.W. 2500/ AUSTRLIA/ (042) 297311 ATTN: PURCHASING OFFICE/ RESEARCH SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES/ AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY/ P.O. BOX 4/ CANBERRA A.C.T. 2600/ AUSTRALIA/ 492143 A. J. HURST/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY/ P.O. BOX 4/ CANBERRA A.C.T. 2600/ AUSTRALIA/ (062) 49 4625 MALCOLM C. NEWEY/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIV./ P.O. BOX 4/ CANBERRA A.C.T. 2600/ AUSTRALIA/ 81-6376 / 49-4216 ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN/ CSIRO/ DIV. OF COMPUTING RES./ P.O. BOX 1800/ CANBERRA CITY A.C.T. 2601/ AUSTRALIA w. AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA N Vl 2616 3000 3001 3052 3052 3052 3052 3083 3165 4067 5000 5001 5001 5001 )001 ;006 6005 6009 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 1001 AUSTRALIA 7001 AUSTRALIA A-1040 AUSTRIA A-I040 AUSTRIA A-1l50 AUSTRIA A-4060 AUSTRIA A-5020 AUSTRIA BELGIUM B-1170 BELGIUM B.,.2000 BELGIUM B-3030 BELGIUM B-3030 BELGIUM 13100 BRAZIL 13100 BRAZIL 13100 BRAZIL 13100 BRAZIL 13560 BRAZIL A1C 5S7 CANADA A1C 5S7 CANADA A1C 5S7 CANADA G1W 2P3 CANADA H1 Y 3C3 CANADA H1 Z 3P 1 CANADA H3C 3J7 CANADA H3C 3J7 CANADA tuC 3J7 CANADA H3G 1M8 CANADA H3G 1M8 CANADA H3G 2C8 CANADA H3P 3B9 CANADA H4 V 2H3 CANADA H9R 1G1 CANADA H9R 1G1 CANADA J 1K 2R1 CANADA K1A ON8 CANADA KlJ 6L2 CANADA K1N 6N5 CANADA K1N 6N5 CANADA K1S 5G3 CANADA K2E 6T7 CANADA K2K 1K2 CANADA K7L 3N6 CANADA K7L 3N6 CANADA K7L 3N6 CANADA L8N 3W3 CANADA L8S 4K1 CANADA L85 4K1 CANADA M3J 1P3 CANADA ATTN: SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES/ CANBERRA COLLEGE OF ADV4NCED EDUCATION/ P.O. BOX NO. 1/ BELCONNEN A.C.T. 2616/ AUSTRALIA G. J. KNOX/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOG/ 124 LATROBE STREET/ MELBOURNE VICTORIA 3000/ AUSTRALIA/ 341.2292 ATTN: CENTRAL LIBRARY/ FLOOR 1 CASEY WING/ ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOG/ 376-392 SWANSTON STREET/ MELBOUKNE VICTORIA 3001/ AUSTRALIA PETER RICHARDSON/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIV. OF MELBOURNE/ "~LBOURNE VICTORIA 3052/ AUSTRALIA/ (03) 3415225 ATTN: LIBRARIAN/ SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES/ RICHARD BERRY BUILDING/ UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE/ PARKVILLE VICTORIA 3052/ AUSTRALIA ANTHONY P. KYNE! DEPT. OF CO~WUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE/ PARKVILLE VICTORIA 3052/ AUSTRALIA/ 345 1844 PRABHAKER MATELI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIV. OF MELBOURNE/ PARKVILLE VICTORIA 3052/ AUSTRALIA/ (03)341-6459 ATTN: COMPUTER CENTRE/ LA TROBE UNIVERSITY/ BUNDOORA VICTORIA 3083/ AUSTRALIA/ 478 3122 GEOFFREY A. CLEAVE/ 18 NEIL COURT/ E. BENTLEIGH VICTORIA 3165/ AUSTRALIA D. B. JOHNSTON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIV. OF QUEENSLAND/ ST. LUCIA QUEENSLAND 4067/ AUSTRALIA/ 07/3706930 c. A. RUSBRIDGE/ SOUTH AUSTRALIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOG/ P.O. BOX 1/ INGLE FARM S.A. 5000/ AUSTRALIA/ AUSTRALiA 260-2055 ATTN: PROGRAM LIBRARIAN/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE/ BOX 498 G.P.O./ ADELAIDE S.A. 5001/ AUSTRALIA/ 61 82, 34333 X2720/X2099 YOUNG J. CHOI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING SCIENCE/ UNIV. OF ADELAIDE/ ADELAIDE S.A. 5001/ AUSTRALIA/ 223-4333 B. KIDMAN/ DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE/ GPO BOX 498/ ADELAIDE S.A. 5001/ AUSTRALIA/ 223 4333 C. D. MARLIN/ COMPUTING SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE/ G.P.O. BOX 498/ ADELAIDE S.A. 5001/ AUSTRALIA/ 223 4333 X2762 I. N. BLAVINS/ KATHLEEN LUMLEY COLLEGE/ FINNIS STREET/ NORTH ADELAID S.A. 5006! AUSTRALIA PETER R. SUMNER/ INTERDATA COMPUTERS PTY. LTD./ 30 KINGS PARK RD./ WEST PERTH W.A. 6005/ AUSTRALIA/ (09) 322-3391 J. S. ROHL/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA/ NEDLANDS W.A. 6009/ AUSTRALIA ATTN: SECRETARY! DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCI,ENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA/ GPO BOX 252C/ HOBART TASMANIA 7001/ AUSTRALIA A. H. J. SALE/ DEPT. OF INFORMATION SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF TAStIANIA/ BOX 252C/ HOBART TASMANIA 7001/ AUSTRALIA/ 23 0561 HELMUT SCHAUER/ TU WEIN/ ARGENTINIERSTR. 8/ WIEN A-1040/ AUSTRIA/ 0222/6587 31 316 ADA SZER/ INSTITUT F. INFORMATIONS-SYSTEME/ ARGENTINIERSTR. 8/ WIEN A-1040/ AUSTRIA/ 65 87 31/313 KONRAD MAYER/ REICHSAPFELG 13/8/ VIENNA A-1150/ AUSTRIA KARL PRAGERSTORFER/ EDERACKERSTRASSE 11/7/ LEONDING A-4060/ AUSTRIA FRANZ W. MAIER/ ZENTRUM FUER EDV/ UNIVERSITAET SALZBURG/ PETERSBRUNNSTR. 19/ SALZBURG A-5020/ AUSTRIA/ 06222/44511/343 o. BEAUFAYS/ MATHEMATIQUES APPLIQUEES/ C P I 165/ UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES/ AVENUE F.-D. ROOSEVELT 50/ BRUXELLES B-1050/ BELGIUM ALAIN PIROTTE/ MBLE/RESEARCH LABORATORY/ AVENUE EM. VAN BECELAERE 2/ BRUSSELS B-1170/ BELGIUM/ 673.41.90/ 673.41.99 RAYMAOND BOUTE/ FRANKRIJKLEI 96A - BUS 24/ ANTWERP EN B-2000/ BELGIUM! 031/317445 JOHAN LEWI/ AFD. TOEGEPASTE WISKUNDE EN PROGRAMMAT/ KATHOLIEKE UNIV. LEUVEN/ CELESTUNENLAAN 200B/ HEVERLEE B-3030/ BELGIUM/ 0032/16/235821 P. VERBAETEN/ APPLIED MATH. AND PROGRAMMING DIV./ K U LEUVEN/ CELESTYNERLAAN 200B/ HEVERLEE B-3030/ BELGIUM JOSE OSVALDO FERRARI/ lMECC/ UNICAMP/ C.P. 1170/ CAMPINAS SP 13100/ BRAZIL/ 31-4555 ROGERIO BURNIER FILHO/ RUA MARIA MONTEIRO 223/ CAMPINAS SP 13100/ BRAZIL PALTONIO DAUN FRAGA/ IMECC/ UNICAMP/ C.P. 1170/ CAMPINAS SP 13100/ BRAZIL/ PABX 31-4555 FERNANDO ANTONIO VANINI/ lMECC/ UNICAMP/ C.P. 1170/ CAMPINAS SP 13100/ BRAZIL/ 31-4555 SERGIO DE MELLO SCHNEIDER/ DEPARTAMENTO DE COMPUTACAO/ UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO CARLOS/ SAO CARLOS SP 13560/ BRAZIL R. JAMES DAWE/ MATH STAT AND COMPo SCI./ MEMORIAL UNIV. OF NEWFOUNDLAND/ ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLA A1C 5S7/ CANADA/ (709) 753-1200 EXT. 2767 RANDY DODGE/ COMPUTING SERVICES/ MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY/ ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLA A1C 5S7/ CANADA/ (709) 753-1200 X2746 F. G. PAGAN/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY/ ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLA AlC 5S7/ CANADA JEAN CASTONGUAY/ 3140 AVENUE FRANCE-PRIME #202/ STE-FOY QUEBEC G1W 2P3/ CANADA CARLO LOCICERO/ 6426 MOLSON/ MONTREAL QUEBEC H1Y 3C3/ CANADA/ (514) 727-3110 SERGE FROMENT/ 9142 QUINZIEME AVENUE/ MONTREAL QUEBEC H1Z 3P1/ CANADA/ (514) 321-2482 JEAN VAUCHER/ DEPARTEMENT D'INFORMATIQUE/ UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL/ C.P. 6128 - STATION A/ MONTREAL QUEBEC H3C 3J7/ CANADA/ (514) 343-7092 PATRICK WARD/ CENTRE DE CALCULI UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL/ C.P. 6128/ MONTREAL QUEBEC H3C 3J7/ CANADA/ (514) 343-6866 PIERRE DESJARDINS/ INFORMATIQUE! UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL/ C.P. 6128/ MONTREAL 101 QUEBEC H3C 3J7/ CANADA/ (514) 343-7662 DAVID KARL PROBST/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ CONCORDIA UNIVERSITy/ 1455 DE MAISONNEUVE W./ MONTREAL QUEBEC H3G IM8/ CANADA/ (514) 733-4921 J. W. ATWOOD/ DEPT OF COMPo SCI.:H963-10/ CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY/ 1455 DE MAISONNEUVE BLVD. WEST/ MONTREAL QUEBEC H3G 1M8/ CANADA/ (514) 879-8130 ERIC MELBARDIS/ 3467 AVE. DU MUSEE - #206/ MONTREAL QUEBEC H3~ 2C8/ CANADA IAN MACMILLAN/ P.O. BOX 128/ MOUNT ROYAL QUEBEC H3P 3B9/ CAN~1~ PETER GROGONO/ THE SOUND MACHINE/ 4877 ROSEDALE AVENUE/ MONTL\L QUEBEC H4V 2H3/ CANADA/ (514) 489-9995/ (514) 879-4251 (WORK) RICHARD WEST/ SMALL TERMINAL ENGINEERING/ COMTERM LIMITED/ 14! HYMaS BLVD./ MONTREAL QUEBEC H9R 1Gl/ CANADA/ (514) 697-0810 X227 EDWIN TSE/ 525 DELMAR ST./ POINTE CLAIRE QUEBEC H9R 1G1/ CANAlA/ (514) 697-1320 JACQUES HAGUEL/ FACULTE DES SCIENCES/ UNIVERSIIE DE SHERBROOKE/ SHERBROOKE QUEBEC J1K ZR1/ CANADA/ (819) 563-4635 BARRY SEARLE/ SECTION TASX/ TOWER C FLOOR 10C/ TRANSPORT CANAn A/ PLACE DE VILLE/ OTTAWA ONTARIO K1A ON8/ CANADA/ (613) 996-0218 D. B. COLDRICK/ COMPUTATION CENTRE/ BLDG. M-60/ NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL/ MONTREAL ROAD/ OTTAWA ONTARIO K1J 6L2/ CANADA/ (613) 993-3870 LUIGI LOGRIPPO/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ U OF OTTAWA/ OTTAWA ONTARIO K1N 6N5/ CANADA H. TAYLOR/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ APPLICATIONS DEPT./ U OF OTTAWA/ OTTAWA ONTARIO K1N 6N5/ CANADA SAM WILMOTT/ APT. 501/ 463 CAMBRIDGE SOUTH/ OTTAWA ONTARIO K1S )G3/ CANADA ATTENTION: DONALD LINDSAY/ DYNALOGIC CORPORATION LIMITED/ 141 BENTLEY AVENUE/ OTTAWA ONTARIO K2E 6T7/ CANADA/ (613) 226-1383 FRANKLIN B. DE GRAAF/ 6 CARMICHAEL COURT/ KANATA ONTARIO K2K IK2/ CANADA/ (613) 592-5793 ATTN: REFERENCE ROOM/COMPUTING AND INF. SCI./ QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY/ KINGSTON ONTARIO K7L 3N6/ CANADA JACK HUGHES/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ DUPUIS HALL/ QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY/ KINGSTON ONTARIO K7L 3N6/ CANADA/ (613) 547-2800 R. D. TENNENT/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCI/ QUEENS UNIVERSITY/ KINGSTON ONTARIO K7L 3N6/ CANADA MARK GREEN/ #904 - 123 CHARLTON AVE. E/ HAMILTON ONTARIO L8N 3W3/ CANADA/ (416) 522-2512 N. SOLNTSEFF/ DEPT. OF APPLIED MATH./ MCMASTER UNIVERSITY/ HAMILTON ONTARIO L8S 4K1/ CANADA/ (416) 525-9140 X4689 ATTENTION: CHRIS BRYCE/ APPLIED MATH. COMPUTER LAB/ MCMASTER UNIVERSITY/ HAMILTON ONTARIO L85 4K1/ CANADA/ (416) 525-9140 X4689 GEOFFREY HUNTER/ CHEMISTRY DEPT./ YORK UNIVERSITY/ DOWNSVIEW ONTARIO M3J 1P3/ CANADA/ (416) 667-3852 N en M3M 3B9 CANADA M5S lA7 CANADA M5V MSW N1G N2J N2L N2L N2L N6A N6A N6A N9B R3T R3T 57K T2N T2N T2N T6G T6G VSN V6T V6T V6X V6X V7W V8P 259 lN5 2Wl 4T2 3B8 3Gl 3Gl SB7 SB7 SB7 3P4 2N2 2N2 3P7 lN4 lN4 lN4 2J8 2NS 3Xl lWS lWS 2Z9 2Z9 2J6 SJ2 DK-1601 DK-ZOOO DK-2100 DK-2100 DK-2200 DK-2300 DK-2S00 DK-2650 DK-26S0 DK-2730 DK-2800 DK-2800 DK-2800 DK-2880 DK-8000 DK-8000 DK-8000 DK-8200 DK-9000 DK-9000 DK-9000 SF-00130 SF-00330 SF-20S00 SF-33101 F-06034 F-31077 F-31077 F-34000 F-3S031 F-38040 F-S4042 F-7S00S F-7S230 0-1000 CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CHILE DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE GERMANY ATTENTION: MARTIN TUORI/ BEH. SCI. DIV./ DEFENCE AND CIVIL INST. OF ENVIRONMENT/ P.O. BOX 2000/ DOWNSVIEW ONTARIO M3M 3B9/ CANADA (416) 633-4240 X204 (OFFICE) / )C238 (LAB) ATTN: M. DOHERTY/ 128 TECHNICAL REFERENCE CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO COMPUTER CENTER/ 10 KINGS COLLEGE ROAD/ TORONTO ONTARIO MSS lA7/ CANADA (416) 978-8995 MIKE KIMBER/ DATA CENTRE/ THE GLOBE AND MAIL/ 444 FRONT ST. WEST/ TORONTO ONTARIO MSV 2S9/ CANADA HENRY SPENCER/ SP SYSTEMS/ BOX 5255 STATION A/ TORONTO ONTARIO MSW lNS/ CANADA ANNE STOCCO/ COMPo AND INFO. SCIENCE/ 108 I.C.S./ UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH/ GUELPH ONTARIO N1G 2Wl/ CANADA/ ••••••••• X22S9 CHARLES H. FORSYTH/ APT. 2-304/ 300 REGINA ST. N./ WATERLOO ONTARIO N2J 4T2/ CANADA/ (519) 884-7531 DELE AYENI/ 316-102 SEAGRAM DRIVE/ WATERLOO ONTARIO N2L 3B8/ CANADA/ (509) 884-4679 W. MORVEN GENTLEMAN/ MATHEMATICS COMPUTING FACILITY/ UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO/ WATERLOO ONTARIO N2L 3Gl/ CANADA/ (519) 578-8866 KAY HARRISON/ COMPUTER CENTER/ 1088B M AND C/ U OF WATERLOO/ WATERLOO ONTARIO N2L 3Gl/ CANADA ATTN: PROGRAM LIBRARY/ COMPUTING CENTER/ 223 NATURAL SCIENCE CENTER/ U OF WESTERN ONTARIO/ LONDON ONTARIO N6A SB7/ CANADA/ (519) 679-2151 F. CELLINI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO/ LONDON ONTARIO N6A SB7/ CANADA/ (519) 679-6051 S. WILLIAMSON/ NATURAL SCIENCE CENTRE/ 223 COMPUTING CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO/ LONDON ONTARIO N6A SB7/ CANADA/ (519) 679-2151 L. C. PORTIL/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ U OF WINDSOR/ WINDSOR ONTARIO N9B 3P4/ CANADA/ (519) 253-4232 X645 G. D. DERHAK/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ U OF MANITOBA/ WINNIPEG MANITOBA R3T 2N2/ CANADA W. BRUCE FOULKES/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA/ WINNIPEG MANITOBA R3T 2N2/ CANADA/ (204) 269-3363 WILLIAM BLAMPIED/ SED SYSTEMS LTD/ P.O. BOX 1464/ SASKATOON SASK. S7K 3P7/ CANADA/ (306) 244-0976 X37 STEPHEN SOULE/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCL/ U OF CALGARY/ CALGARY ALBERTA T2N lN4/ CANADA/ (403) 284-6780 BRIAN W. UNGER/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIVERSITY OF CALGARYl CALGARY ALBERTA T2N lN4/ CANADA/ (403) 284-6316 B. VENKATESAN/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SERVICES/ U OF CALGARY/ 2920 24TH AVE. N.W./ CALGARY ALBERTA T2N lN4/ CANADA/ (403) 284-6207 ATTN: LIBRARY/ PERIODICALS SECTION/ UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA/ EDMONTON ALBERTA T6G 2J8/ CANADA C. A. MILLER/ DEPT. OF PHYSICS NUCLEAR RES. CTR./ UNIV. OF ALBERTA/ EDMONTON ALBERTA T6G 2N5/ CANADA ALAN LILLICH/ 3477 BELLA VISTA/ VANCOUVER B.C. V5N 3Xl/ CANAD~ ROBERT A. FRALEY/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ U OF BRITISH COLUMBIA/ VANCOUVER B.C. V6T lWS/ CANADA! (604)~22~-Z083 BARY w. POLLACK/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ U OF BRITISH COLUMBIA/ 2075 WESBROOK PLACE/ VANCOUVER B.C. V6T lW5/ CANADA/ (604) 228-6794 WAYNE FUNG/ NOOTKA BLDG./ MACDONALD DETTWILER AND ASSOC. LTD./ 10280 SHELLBRIDGE WAY/ RICHMOND B.C. V6X 2Z9/ CANADA/ (604) 278-3411 DOUG TEEPLE/ NOOTKA BUILDING/ MACDONALD DETTWILER & ASSOC. LTD'/ 10280 SHELLBRIDGE WAY/ RICHMOND B.C. V6X 2Z9/ CANADA/ (604) 278-3411 DOUG DYMENT/ 6442 IMPERIAL AVE./ W. VANCOUVER B.C. V7W 2J6/ CANADA/ (604) 921-7954 (HOME) GORDON STUART/ TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL INST./ CAMOSUN COLLEGEI 1950 LANSDOWNE RD./ VICTORIA B.C. V8P 5J2/ CANADA/ (604) 592-1281 X248 ATTN: CENTRO DE CIENCIAS DE LA COMPUTA/ UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE/ CASILLA 114-0/ SANTIAGO/ CHILE/ 513548 LARS EKMAN/ EDB-SEKRETARIATET/ DANISH POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFIC E/ VESTER FARMAGSGADE 37.3/ KOBENHAVN V DK-1601/ DENMARK/ (01) 14 51 66 PHILIP PARKER/ VAGTELVEJ 59 ST. MF./ COPENHAGEN F DK-2000/ DENMARK/ (01) 34 00 58 ATTN: SOFTWARE/HARDWARE GROUP/ EMlLIUS MOLLER AS-NCR/ TEGLVAERKSGADE 31/ COPENHAGEN DK-Zl00/ DENMARK/ (01) 29 15 55 JORGEN OXENBOLL/ RC4000 AFDELINGEN/ H.C. ORSTED INSTITUTET/ UNIVERSITETSPARKEN 5/ KOBENHAVN 0 DK-2100/ DENMARK ATTN: DATALOGISK INSTITUT/ COPENHAGEN UNIVERSITY/ SIGURDSGADE 41/ COPENHAGEN N DK-2200/ DENMARK ANDERS WEBER/ EBERTSGADE 2 - 3STH/ KOBENHAVN S. DK-2300/ DENMARK ATTENTION: JAN LAUGESEN V. 3-357/ I/S DATACENTRALUM AF 1959/ RETORTVEJ 8/ VALBY DK-2500/ DENMARK/ (01) 46 81 22 G. RICHARD BLADEN/ GILLESAGER 226 ST TV / HUIDOVRE DK-26S0/ DENMARK/ (01) 75 79 15 NIELS WINTHER/ REBAEK SOPARK 5-544/ HVIDOVRE DK-26S0/ DENMARK JENS PETER RINGGAARO/ CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S/ MARIELUNDVEJ 46 BI HERLEV DK-2730/ DENMARK/ 02 91 88 33 ATTN: BIBLIOTEKET/ NEUCC/ BUILDING 305/ TECHNICAL UNIV. OF DENMARK/ LYNGBY DK-2800/ DENMARK/ 02 88 12 77 KELD' HELBIG HANSEN/ NEUCC/ TECHNICAL UNIV. OF DENMARK/ BUILDING 3bs/ LYNGBY DK-2800/ DENMARK/ (02) 88 12 77 GUNNAR JOHANSEN/ DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEM. ENG./ DANISH ENGINEERING ACADEMY/ BYGNING 375/ LYNGBY DK-2800/ DENMARK LARS CHRISTENSEN/ ALDERSHVILEVEJ 16/ BAGSVAERO DK-2880/ DENMARK/ 009 45 2 98 20 09 ATTN: RECAU/ NY MUNKEGADE/ AARHUS C DK-8000/ DENMARK/ 06-128355 u. HAMMELEFF/ DET REGIONALE EDB-CENTER/ RECAU/ AARHUS UNIVERSITET/ NY MUNKEGADE/ AARHUS C DK-8000/ DEN~~RK/ 45 6 12 8355 ATTN: RECAU (B)/ NY MUNKEGADE/ AARHUS C. DK-8000/ DENMARK/ 06-12 83 55 HOLGER NIELSEN/ OSLOGADE 6 11/ AARHUS N DK-8200/ DENMARK UFFE MOLLER/ DATANOMUDDANNELSEN/ SOHNGAAROSHOLMSVEJ 57/ AALBORG DK-9000/ DENMARK/ (08) 14 12 06 PREBEN TAASTI/ COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF AALBORG/ STRANDVEJEN 19/ AALBORG DK-9000/ DENMARK/ (08) 138 788 KLAUS ILLUM/ INSTITUT 4/ ALBORG UNIVERSITETSCENTER/ BADEHUSVEJ lB/ ALBORG DK-9000/ DENMARK/ 08-138788 HEIKKI KASKELMA/ OY SOFTPLAN AB/ EROTTAJANKATU 9 A/ HELSINKI SF-00130/ FINLAND/ 90-644306 ANTTI SALAVA/ MUNKKINIEMEN PUISTOTIE 17 - A 13/ HELSINKI 33 SF-00330/ FINLAND/ 90-486288 MARKKU SUNIl COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF TURKU/ TURKU SO SF-20S00/ FINLAND/ 921-335 599 JUHA HEINANEN/ COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE/ P.O. BOX 607/ TAMPERE 10 SF-33101/ FINLAND/ 931-651595 O. LECARME/ I.M.A.N./ UNIVERSITE DE NICE/ PARe VALROSE/ NICE CEDEX F-06034/ FRANCE/51 91 00 MICHEL GALINIER/ INFORMATIQUE/ UNIVERSITE P. SABATIER/ 118 ROUTE DE NARBONNE/ TOULOUSE CEDEX F-31077/ FRANCE/ 16-61~53 11 20 P. MAURICE/ INFORMATIQUE/ UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER/ 118 ROUTE DE NARBONNE/ TOULOUSE CEDEX F-31077/ FRANCE ATTN: C.R.I.G./ INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE TECHNOLOGIE/ MONTPELLIER F-34000/ FRANCE JEAN BEZIVIN/ DEPARTEMENT DE MATHEMATIQUES & INFORMA/ UNIVERSITE DE RENNES/ RENNES CEDEX F-3S031/ FRANCE/ 36.48.15 JEAN-PIERRE FAUCHE/ DEPARTMENT INFORMATIQUE/ IREP/ BOlTE POSTALE 47/ GRENOBLE CEDEX F-38040/ FRANCE ALAIN TISSERANT/ DEPARTEMENT INFORMATIQUE/ ECOLE DES MINES/ PARC DE SAURUPT/ NANCY CEDEX F-54042/ FRANCE DIDIER THIBAULT/ 17 RUE GAY-LUSSAC/ PARIS F-7S005/ FRANCE/ 527 16 85 JACQUES FARRE/ T 55.65/ INSTlTUT DE PROGRAMMATION/ 4 PLACE JUSSIEU/ PARIS CEDEX OS F-75230/ FRANCE/ 336 25 25 X58 77 HUBERT LEYGRAF/ INSTITUT FUR ETALLURGIE/ TECHNISCHE UNIVERSIT AT BERLIN/ JOACHIMSALER STR. 31/32/ BERLIN D-l000/ GERMANY :z rn ::E (/) (/) rn """tJ --I rn :::s: tJ;:! rn ::0 N '-J 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-1000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0- 2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-2000 GERMANY 0-3000 GERMANY 0- 3000 GERMANY 0-5000 GERMANY 0-5100 GERMANY 0-5205 GERMANY 0-5300 GERMANY 0-6100 GERMANY 0-6300 GERMANY 0-6750 GERMANY 0-6750 GERMANY 0-7000 GERMANY 0-7408 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7500 GERMANY 0-7750 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8000 GERMANY 0-8012 GERMANY 0-8012 GERMANY 0-8031 GERMANY 0-8520 GERMANY 0-8551 GERMANY 500762 INOlA 2 IRELANO ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ALBRECHT BIEDL/ INSTITUT FUR SOFTWARE/ OV-GRUNDAUSBILDUNG/ TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN / VSH 5/ OTTO-SUHR-ALLEE 18/20/ BERLIN 100-1000/ GERMANY ROLF SCHUMACHER/ JEBENSSTR. 1/ BERLIN 10 0-1000/ GERMANY/ 030 393 18 12 THOMAS HABERNOLL/ TURMSTR. 19/ BERLIN 21 0-1000/ GERMANY/ (030) 394 56 91 WOLFGANG HAMPE/ WILHELMSHAVENER STR. 47/ BERLIN 21 0-1000/ GERMANY LUTZ CHRISTOPH/ SCHUTZALLEE 52/ BERLIN 37 D-I000/ GERMANY/ (030) 811-1743 WERNER F. PRAUTSCH/ ALBERTINENSTRASSE 29/ BERLIN 37 D-1000/ GERMANY/ (030) 801 11 88 THOMAS WAGNER/ AHORNSTRASSE 16/ BERLIN 41 0-1000/ GERMANY/ (03U) 7925361 KAY BITTERLING/ SCHOENBURGSTR. 1/ BERLIN 42 D-1000/ GERMANY/ (U30) 7524517 PETER NELLESSEN/ MARTIN-OPITZ STR. 20/ BERLIN 65 0-1000/ GERMANY/ (030) 39393593 ATTN: INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSIIAT HAMBURG/ SCHLUETERSIRASSE 70/ HAMBURG 13 D-2000/ GERMANY GERHARD FRIESLAND/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG/ SCHLUTERSTRASSE 66-72/ HAMBURG 13 0-2000/ GERMANY/ 040-4123 X4170 H.-H. NAGEL/ INSIlTUT FUER INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG/ SCHLUTERSTRASSE 66-72/ HAMBURG 13 D-2000/ GERMANY THOMAS BERNER/ BURGERWEIDE 77/ HAMBURG 26 D-2000/ GERMANY/ 040-2506602 PETER KLAUBERG/ C/O HAMBURGISCHE ELECTRICITAETS-WERKE/ UEBERSEERING 12/ HAMBURG 60 D-2000/ GERMANY/ 040 636 2614 CARSTEN KOCH/ OISTRIKT NORD/ CONTROL DATA GMBH/ UBERSEERING 131 HAMBURG 6002000/ GERMANY/ 630 80 21 - 25 CARSTEN KOCH (B)/ OERTZWEG 32/ HAMBURG 60 D-2000/ GERMANY/ 6901884 BERND BRUGGE/ VIELOHWEG 164/ HAMBURG 61 0-2000/ GERMANY KLAUS LIEBENWALD/ BOHMESTRASSE 8/ HAMBURG 70 D-2000/ GERMANY/ U40-686036 BERNHARD NEBEL/ STEGLIIZER SIR. 17F/ HAMBURG 70 D-2000/ GERMANY/ 040/664911 ROLF SONNTAG/ RICHARD WAGNER SIR. 27/ HANNOVER 1 0-3000/ GERMANY G. MARQUARDT/ REGIONALES RECHENZENTRUM/ WUNSTORFER SIR. 14/ HANNOVER 91 D-3000/ GERMANY DIETRICH KREKEL/ RECHEN ZENTRUM/ UNIVERSITAT ZU KOLN/ ROBERT KOCH STR 10/ KOLN 41 D-5000/ GERMANY/ 0221/478/5587 ATE PHUNG/ KREFELOER STR. 23/ AACHEN D-5100/ GERMANY HORST SANTO/ POSIFACH 1240/ GMD MBH/ SCHLOSS BIRLINGHOVEN/ ST. AUGUSTIN 10-5205/ GERMANY G. ENGELIEN/ MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUI FUR RAOIOASTRONOMl/ AUF OEM HUGEL 69/ BONN 1 D-5300/ GERMANY H.-J. HOFFMANN/ FACHBEREICH INFORMATIK/ TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE DARMSTADT/ STEUBENPLATZ 12/ OARMSTADT D-6100/ GERMANY/ (06151) 163410 DIETER WEISS/ HOCHSCHULRECHENZENTRUM (HRZ)/ DER JUSTUS LIEBIG-UNIVERSITAT/ LEIHGESTERNER WEG 217/ GIESSEN D-6300/ GERMANY/ (0641) 702-2514 ATTN: BIBLIOTHEK/ UNIVERSITAT KAISERSLAUTERN/ P.O. BOX 2040/ KAISERSLAUIER 0-6750/ GERMANY/ (0631) 8541 HAN.S-WILM WIPPERMANN/ INFORMATIK/ Fl3/ UNIV. OF KAISERSLAUTERN / PFAFFENBERGSIR. 95/ KAISERSLAUTER D-6750/ GERMANY/ (0631) 854 2635 WALTER WEHINGER/ LANGUAGES AND PROCESSORS GROUP/ RECHENZENTRUMI UNIVERSITAT STUTTGART/ PFAFFENWALDRING 64/ STUTTGART 80 D-7000/ GERMANY/ 0711-784 2507 ASHOK N. ULLAL/ GOETHESTR. 10/ KUSTERDINGEN D-7408/ GERMANY KARLHEINZ KAPP/ ANGEW. INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAET KARLSRUHE/ TRANSPORT-U. VERKEHRSSYSTEME/ KARLSRUHE D-7500/ GERMANY/ (0721) 608-3170/3898 ROLF G. KNOEPKER/ GESELLSCHAFT FUER KERNFORSCHUNG/IOT/ P.O.B. 3640/ KARLSRUHE D-7500/ GERl~Y MANFRED SEIFERT/ INFORMATIK 111/ UNIVERSITAT KARLSRUHE/ ZIRKEL 2/ KARLSRUHE D-7500/ GERMANY/ 0721/608-3982 ATTN: INST. FUR ANGEWANOTE MATHEMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT KARLSRUHE (TH)/ KAISERSTR. 12 - POSTFACH 6380/ KARLSRUHE 1 D-7500/ GERMANY LUCIEN FEIEREISEN/ HAID-&-NEU-STR. 16 / W 81/ KARLSRUHE 1 D-7500/ GERMANY GERHARD GOOS/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK 11/ UNIVERSITAT KARLSRUHE/ POSTFACH 6380/ KARLSRUHE 1 D-7500/ GERMANY/ 0721/608-3970 8RUNO LORTZ/ RECHENZENTRUM/ UNIVERSITAET KARLSRUHE/ ZIRKEL 2/ KARLSRUHE 1 0-7500/ GERMANY KLAUS R. OITTRICH/ UNIVERSITY KARLSRUHE/ DURMERSHElMER STR. 77 1 KARLSRUHE 21 0-7500/ GERMANY/ 0721-555506 DIRK KRONIG/ AEG-TELEFUNKEN/ POSTFACH 2154/ KONSTANZ 0-7750/ GERMANY/ 07531-862066 MANFRED SOMMER/ DEPARTMENT 0 AP GE/ SIEMENS AG/ HOFFMANNSTRASSE/ MUENCHEN D-8000/ GERMANY/ 089-722-61276 HELLMUT WEBER/ LEIBNIZ-RECHENZENTRUM/ BARERSTRASSE 21/ MUENCHEN 2 D-8000/ GERMANY/ (089) 2105-8489 PETER RAUSCHMAYER/ LUITPOLO-GYMNASIUM/ SEEAUSTR. 1/ MUENCHEN 22 0-8000/ GERMANY/ 226587 MANFRED LUCKMANN/ ALEMANNENSTR. 24/ MUENCHEN 90 0-8000/ GERMAN Y E. OENERT/ SOFTLAB GMBH/ SEDERANGER 4-6/ MUNCHEN 22 D-8000/ GERMANY/ 089/347051-55 S. ROHLFS/ SOFTLAB GMBH/ SEDERANGER 4-6/ MUNCH EN 22 0-8000/ GERMANY/ 089/347051-55 P. SCHNUPP/ SOFTLAB GMBH/ SEDERANGER 4-6/ MUNCHEN 22 0-8000/ GERMANY/ 089/347051-55 ATTENTION: JAN WITT/ ZFE FL SAR/ SIEMENS AG/ HOFMANNSTR. 51/ MUNCHEN 70 0-8000/ GERMANY/ (089) 722-22651 WERNER REMMELE/ ZFE FL SAR 12/ SIEMENS AG/ HOFMANNSTR. 51/ MUNCHEN 70 0-8000/ GERMANY ATTN: INSTITUT FUR MEO. OATENVERARBEIT/ STRAHLEN- UND UMWELTFO.RSCHUNG GMBH/ ARABELLASTR. 4/1/ MUNCHEN 81 0-8000/ GERMANY/ (089) 911061-68 ROLANO F. BLOMER/ IMD OER GSF/ ARABELLASTR 4/1/ MUNICH 81 0-8000/ GEID1ANY/ 089/ 91 10 66 BERNHARD H. BEITINGER/ INDUSTRIEANLAGEN-BETRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT/ EINSTEINSTRASSE/ OTTOBRUN 0-8012/ GERMANY HERBERT F. BISCHELTSRIEDER/ C/O INOUSTRlEANLAGEN-BETRIEBS GMBH 1 ABTEILUNG SZF/ OTTOBRUNN 0-8012/ GERMANY RAINER R. LATKA/ AN OER GRUNOBREITE 1/ WESSLING D-8031/ GERMANY/ 089/229131 (CSIO MUNICH) ATTN: REGIONALES RECHENZENTRUM/ UNIVERSITAET ERLANGEN-NURNBERGI MARTENSSTR. 1/ ERLANGEN 0-8520/ GERMANY/ 09131/85 7410 REINHOLO WEICKER/ WEIHERSTR. 14/ HEMHOFEN 0-8551/ GERMANY ATTENTION: N. V. KOTESWARA RAO/ COMPUTER TEG. UNIT/ ELECTRONICS CORPORATION OF INOIA/ HYOERABAD (AP) 500762/ INOIA/ 71611 O. ABRAHAMSON/ OEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ TRINITY COLLEGE/ 200 PEARSE ST./ OUBLIN 2/ IRELANO MICHAEL Z. HANANI/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ BEN GURIAN UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV/ BEER-SHEVA/ ISRAEL ATTN: THE LIBRARY/ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE/ P.O.BOX 962/ HAIFA/ ISRAEL MENACHEM SZUS/ ART ANO SCIENCE/ BEZALEL ACADEMY OF ART ANO OESIGN/ 10 SHMUEL HANAGIO ST./ JERUSALEM/ ISRAEL/ JERUSALEM 32579 RUTH WEINBERG/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM/ JERUSALEM/ ISRAEL/ 02-32011/280 GIDEON YUVAL/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY/ JERUSALEM/ ISRAEL ATTENTION: M. MALKOSH/ DEPT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS - GOLEM GR/ WEIZMANN INST. OF SCIENCE/ REHOVET/ ISRAEL/ (03) 951721 X2124 SAM LIBAI/ SDS COMPUTERS LTD./ P.O. BOX 29663/ TEL AVIV/ ISRAEL/ 53054 IRVING N. RABINOWITZ/ OEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ TECHNION-ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOG/ TECHNION CITY HAIFA/ ISRAEL (/) rn -0 -l rn ::s: tel rn :;c -0 ):> G> rn N 00 1-34100 1-40122 1-40122 1-56100 113 113 143 182 210 ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN 222 JAPAN 400 JAPAN ~OO JAPAN 560 JAPAN LIBYA MALAYSIA NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND N-2007 NORWAY 1 NORWAY 3 NORWAY 00901 POLAND PORTUGAL SOUTH AFRICA 0001 SOUTH AFRICA 4000 SOUTH AFRICA 4001 SOUTH AFRICA b140 SOUTH AFRICA 12 SPAIN 14 SPAIN S-100 44 SWEDEN S-100 44 SWEDEN S-126 25 SWEDEN S-145 72 SWEDEN S-161 54 SWEDEN S-l72 04 SWEDEN S-220 07 SWEDEN S-220 07 SWEDEN S-223 62 SWEDEN S-281 00 SWEDEN 5-341 00 SWEDEN S-402 20 SWEDEN S.,.431 20 SWEDEN S-431 39 SWEDEN S-434 00 SWEDEN S-461 01 SWEDEN S-581 83 SWEDEN S-603 78 SWEDEN S-751 21 SWEDEN S-751 21 SWEDEN S-751 21 SWEDEN S-752 23 SWEDEN CH-1007 SWITZERLAND CH-1007 SWITZERLAND CH-1200 SWITZERLAND CH-1200 SWITZERLAND CH-1205 SWITZERLAND CH-1207 SWITZERLAND CH-1211 SWITZERLAND CH-1211 SWITZERLAND CH-1211 SWITZERLAND CH-1211 SWITZERLAND CH-1211 SWITZERLAND CH-1211 SWITZERLAND CH-2000 SWITZERLAND CH-3000 SWITZERLAND MATTIA HMELJAK/ CENTRO DI CALCOLO/ UNIVERSITA DI TRIESTE/ VIA DEL RONCO 11/ TRIESTE 1-34100/ ITALY/ 040-733033 MAORO MONTESI/ TEMA SPA/ VIA MARCONI 29/1/ BOLOGNA 1-40122/ ITALY/ 051-267285 GUISEPPE SELVE/ TEMA S.P.A./ VIA MARCONI 29/1/ BOLOGNA 1-40122/ ITALY/ 051-267285 MARCO SOMMANI/ C/O CNUCE/ VIA SANTA MARIA 36/ PISA 1-56100/ ITALY/ (050) 45245 TERUO HIKITA/ DEPT. OF INFO. SCI./ U OF TOKYO/ BUNKYO-KU/ TOKYO 113/ JAPAN/ 03-812-2111 X2947 EIlTI WAOA/ DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL ENGINEERING/ UNIVERSITY. OF. T!JKyoLBUNKlrOKU TOKYO 113/ JAPAN/ (03) 812-2111 X7486 TOSHIAKI SAISHO/ 1-25-7 KITAMAGOME/ OOTA-KU TOKYO 143/ JAPAN MASATO TAKEICHI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ THE UNIV. OF ELECTRO-COMMUNIC~TIONS/ 1-5-1 CHOFUGAOKA/ CHOFU-SHI TOKYO 182/ JAPAN SUSUMU YOSHIMURA/ INFORMATION SYSTEMS LAB./ 1 KOMUKAI TOSHIBA-CHO, TOSHIBA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT/ SAIWAI-KU KAWASAKI-CITY 210r JAPAN (044) 511 2111 X2489 MASARU WATANABE/ 9-16 SHINOHARADAI/ KOHOKU-KU YOKOHAMA 222/ JAPAN/ (045) 401-9324 Ml en n :J> r :z rn :::E en en rn -c -I rn 3: tx:I rn ;;0 ..... lD ....... ....... -c :J> G> rn N lD CH-8021 CH-8027 CH-8035 CH-8092 CH-8092 CH-8092 CH-8092 SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND CH~8092 SWITZERLAND CH-8092 SWITZERLAND CH-9470 SWITZERLAND THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS 1005 THE NETHERLANDS 2005 THE NETHERLANDS 2076 THE NETHERLANDS 2231 XE THE NETHERLANDS 2506 THE NETHERLANDS 9321 THE NETHERLANDS UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM AB9 2UB UNITED KINGDOM ALI 1NF UNITED KINGDOM ALI lRZ UNITED KINGDOM AL10 9AB UNITED KINGDOM AL10 9AB UNITED KINGDOM BH22 8HL UNITED KINGDOM BN1 9QT UNITED KINGDOM BN2 4GJ UNITED KINGDOM BN2 6RD UNITED KINGDOM BN3 IRA UNITED KINGDOM BS9 4PL UNITED KINGDOM BT37 OQB UNITED KINGDOM BT7 INN UNITED KINGDOM BT9 SEQ UNITED KINGDOM B15 ZIT UNITED KINGDOM CB2 1RP UNITED KINGDOM CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM DE3 6RU UNITED KINGDOM E. MARMlER/ ORGANISATION AND AUTOMATION/ SWISS CREDIT BANK/ ZURICH CH-8021/ SWITZERLAND P. J. ERARD/ FIDES COMPUTING CENTER/ BLEICHERWEG 33/ ZURICH CH-8027/ SWITZERLAND/ (41) 12027840 ATTENTION: MAX SEVCIK/ COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INTL. LTD./ STAMPFENBACHSTR. 52 - P.o. BOX/ ZURICH CH-8035/ SWITZERLAND/ 01-60 42 52 URS AMMANN/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ ETH - ZENTRUM/ ZUERICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND/ 01-32 62 11 X2214 CHRISTIAN JACOBI/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ ETH - ZENTRUM/ ZUERICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND/ 41 1 32 62 11 X2217 SVEND ERIK KNUDSEN/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ ETH - ZENTRUM/ ZUERICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND/ (01) 32 62 11 X2217 NIKLAUS WIRTH/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ ETH - ZENTRUM/ ZUERICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND ATTN: RZ - BIBLIOTHEK/ ETH - ZENTRUM/ ZURICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND/ 01-32 62 11 HANS-HEINRICH NAGELI/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ E.T.H. - ZENTRUM/ ZURICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND/ 01/32 62 11 HELMUT SANDMAYR/ NED-TECHNIKUM BUCHS/ BUCHS CH-9470/ SWITZERLAND/ CH-085/6 45 24 ATTN: SARA-LIBRARY/ P.O. BOX 7161/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 020-5484911 W. DE VRIES/ C/O I.K.O./ POSTBOX 4395 - OOSTERRINGDIJK 18/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS D. GOSMAN/ ZEEMAN LABORATORIUM/ UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM/ PLANTAGE MUIDERGRACHT 4/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 020-5222177 A. C. W. LEYEN/ DEPARTMENT MSE/ C/O KONINKLIJKE/ SHELL-LABORATORIUM/ P.O. BOX 3003/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 070-203264 ANDREW S. TANENBAUM/ WISKUNDIG SEMINARIUM/ VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT/ DE BOELELAAN 1081/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 020 548 24 10 R. P. VAN DE RIET/ VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT/ DE BOELELAAN 1081/ AMST ERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 020-5482410 P. VAN EMUE BOAS/ ITW / VPW UVA/ ROETERSSTRAAT 15/ AMSTERDAM C, THE NETHERLANDS/ 020-522 3065 STEPHEN G. S. PROUT/ MeR. BUCKXSTRAAT 18/ BORN (L)/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 04498-2481 G. E. VAN BEINUM/ TNO-iBBe/ POSTBOX 49/ DELFT/ THE NETHERLANDS, 015-138222 EXT 250 ATTN: BIBLIOTHEEK 05627/ TECHNISCHE HOGESCHOOL/ POSTBUS 513/ EINDHOVEN/ THE NETHERLANDS LEO C. NOORDHUIZEN/ GLOEILAMPEN - FABRIEKEN/ BUILDING VN-521/ N.V. PHILIPS/ EINDHOVEN/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 040-783634 J. J. VAN AMSTEL/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ EINDHOVEN ONIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY/ P.O. BOX 513/ EINDHOVEN/ THE NETHERLANDS/ (040) 474547 C. BRON/ DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING/ TECHNISCHE HOGESCHOOL !WENTE/ POSTBUS 217/ ENSCHEDE/ THE NETHERLANDS/ (031) 53 894451 S. D. SWIERSTRA/ TECHNISCHE HOGESCHOOL TWENTE/ P.O. BOX 217/ ENSCHEDE/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 31-53-894441 ATTN: DSM/ CENTRAL LIBRARY/ P.O. BOX 18/ GELEEN/ THE NETHERLANDS LOU H. KRAMER/ CALLUNALAAN 8/ GOUDA/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 070 - 264221 D. D. DE VRIES/ LANDLEVEN 1/ REKENCENTRUM R.U.G./ P.O. BOX 800, GRONINGEN/ THE NETHERLANDS TOM VAN DER HOEVEN/ HAGEDOORNSWEG/ NIEBERT/ THE NETHERLANDS P. F. KLOK/ COMPUTER GRAPHICS/ KATHOLlEKE UNIVERSITEIT/ TOERNO OIVELD/ NIJMEGEN/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 080-558833 X3201 L. S. C. STATEMA/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTING CENTRE/ TOURNOOIVELD 1/ NIJMEG&~/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 080-558833 X2590 ATTN: INSTITUTE TNO FOR MATHEMATICS/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ INFORMATION PROCESSING AND STATISTICS/ KONINGIN MARIALAAN 21/ THE HAGUE/ THE NETHERLANDS 070-824161 D. SANDEE/ PHYSICS LABORATORY TNO/ P.O. BOX 2864/ THE HAGUE/ THE NETHERLANDS/ (070) 264221 P. A. SLATS/ INFORMATION PROCESSING AND STATISTICS/ INST. TNOFOR MATHEMATICS/ KON. MARIALAAN 21/ THE HAGUE/ THE NETHERLANDS P. J. VAN DER HOFF / PIJPERSTRAAT 5/ BERKEL EN RODENRIJS/ THE NETHERLANDS H. VAN .LOON/ ACADEMlSCH COMPUTER CENTRUM UTRECHT/ BUDAPESTLAAN 6/ DE UITHOF UTRECHT/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 030-531436 ATTN: LIBRARY/ MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM/ 2E BOERHAAVESTRAAT 49/ AMSTERDAM 1005/ THE NETHERLANDS ATTN: BOEKHANDEL VERWIJS EN STAM B.V./ PRINSESSEGRACHT 2/ 'S-GRAVENHAGE 2005/ THE NETHERLANDS N. D. BREWER/ MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER DIV./ SHAPE TECHNICAL CENTRE/ P.O. BOX 174/ THE HAGUE 2076/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 070-24.55.50 JEAN-PIERRE BOUCHEZ/ ELZENLAAN 6/ RIJNSBURG 2231 XE/ THE NETHERLANDS J. A. ALANEN/'VAKGROEP INFORMATICA R.U. / BUDAPESTLAAN 6/ UTREC.T 2506/ THE NETHERLANDS T. J. VAN WEERT/ ELZENLAAN 28/ PEIZE GN 9321/ THE NETHERLANDS C. B. KING/ PHILIPS RESEARCH LABORATORIES/ CROSS OAK LANE / REDHILL/ SURREY ENGLAND/ UNITED KINGDOM/ HORLEY 6377 ATTN: THE DOCUMENTATION OFFICER/ COMPUTING LABORATORY/ UNIVERSITY OF KENT/ CANTERBURY KENT/ UNITED KINGDOM STEPHEN L. BREIBART/ EASTCOTE/ 12 ELM AVENUE/ PINNER MIDDLESEX, UNITED KINGDOM MAURICE O'FLARERTY/ ANTRIM/ 444 MEVILLE GARDEN VILLAGE/ NEWTOWNABBEY N. IRELAND/ UNITED KINGDOM ROBERT G. CLARK/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF STI RLING/ STIRLING SCOTLAND/ UNITED KINGDOM N. J. FIDDIAN/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING MATHEMATICS/ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CARDIFF/ CARDIFF WALES/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 44211 CARDJFF X2669 DENIS M. WILSON/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY 0 F ABERDEEN/ KING-S COLLEGE/ OLD ABERDEEN SCOTLAND AB9 2UB/ UNITED KINGDOM J M JENKIN/ 23 HART ROAD/ ST ALBANS HERTS. ALI 1NF/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 68026 M. I. JACKSON/ 165 RIVERSIDE ROAD/ ST ALBANS HERTS. ALI 1RZ/ UNITED KINGDOM/ HATFIELD 68100 X252 BOB DICKERSON/ COMPUTER SYSTEMS GROUP/ THE HATFIELD POLYTECHNIC/ PO BOX 109 COLLEGE LANE/ HATFIELD HERTS AL10 9AB/ UNITED KINDOM/ HATFIELD 68100 JOHN W. LEWIS/ SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES/ HATFIELD POLYTECHNIC/ P.O. BOX 109/ HATFIELD HERTS AL10 9AB/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 68100 X237 DAVID SPENCER/ 29 DORSET AVE./ FERNDOWN DORSET BH22 8HL/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 0202 875571 R. L. GRIMSDALE/ SCHOOL OF'APPLIED SCIENCES/ UNIVERSITY OF SUS SEX/ FALMER/ BRIGHTON ENGLAND BN1 9QT/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0273).66755 ATTENTION: B.S. MOSSAKOWSKI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING AND CYBERNETICS/ BRIGHTON POLYTECHNIC/ MOULSECOOMB/ BRIGHTON ENGLAND BN2 4GJ/ UNITED KINGDOM D. A. JOSLIN/ WOODINGDEAN/ 40 BATEMANS ROAD/ BRIGHTON SUSSEX BN2 6RD/ UNITED KINGDOM/ BRIGHTON 37772 B. WILLIAML/ 67 DAVIGDOR ROAl)/ HOVE SUSSEX BN3 1RA/ UNITED KINGDOM ALAN BLANNIN/ WESTBURY-ON-TRYM/ 28 HARBURY ROAD/ BRISTOL ENGLAND BS9 4PL/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0272) 624808 C. J. COPELAND/ SCHOOL· OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ULSTER COLLEGE/ JORDANSTOWN/ NEWTOWNABBEY N.IRELAND BT37 OQB/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 0231-65131 X2131 JIM WELSH/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY/ BELFAST N.IRELAND BT7 1NN/ UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: SCIENCE LIBRARY/ QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY/ BELFAST N. IRELAND BT9 5EQ/ UNITED KINGDOM ALAN REED/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM/ BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND B15 2TT/ UNITED KINGDOM C. A. LANG/ PITT BUILDING/ CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS/ TRUMPINGTON ST./ CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND CB2 1RP/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 0223-53301 ATTN: COMPUTER UNIT/ COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK/ COVENTRY ENGLAND CV4 7AL/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0203) 24011 X2754 G. OAKES/ 45 HAMILTON ROAD/ DERBY ENGLAND DE3 6RU/ UNITED KINGDOM DH1 EC3V EH1 E1 3LE 1LP 2HW 4NS E14 GU16 5HJ GU16 5HJ G12 8QQ G12 8QQ G12 8QQ HA4 9DP HA6 3DZ HP2 5HG HR1 1TY HU6 7RX KIl2 5NF KY16 LA1 4YB LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LA1 4YX LE1 7RH LS2 9JT MK40 2PN M13 9PL M13 9PL M13 9PL M20 9QL M5 4WT M60 1QD M60 1QD NPT 1XG NR4 7TJ NW3 Nw3 7ST N10 N8 OX 11 OQX OX11 OQX PE17 3QB RG1 7QN RG6 SA2 SE1 S09 S09 S09 S09 509 S09 ST5 2LH 8PP OAA 5NH 5NH 5NH 5NH 5NH 5NH 5BG SWll SW7 2AZ SW7 2AZ SW7 2AZ UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM H. F. TIBBALS! COMPUTER UNIT! SCIENCE LABORATORIES! DURHAM UNlV.! DURHAM ENGLAND DH1 3LE! UNITED KINGDOM! DURHAM 64971 PHILIP J. MALCOLM! C!O BANK OF ADELAIDE! 11 LEADENMALL ST.! LONDON ENGLAND EC3V 1LP! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-323 0637!0 A. BALFOUR! COMPUTER CENTRE! HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY! 37-39 GRASSMARKET! EDINBURGH SCOTLAND EH1 2HW! UNITED KINGDOM JOHN HUTCHINSON! COMPUTER CENTRE! QUEEN MARY COLLEGE! MILE END ROAD! LONDON ENGLAND E1 4NS! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-980-4811 X778 ISAMU HASEGAWA! 7 STAINSBURY ROAD! LONDON ENGLAND E14! UNITED KINGDOM ANTHONY LESLIE GOLBORN! SYSTEMS DESIGNERS LIMITED! SYSTEMS HOU SEt '57-61 HIGH STREET! FRIMLEY SURREY GU16 5HJ! UNITED KINGDOM VIC STENNING! SYSTEMS DESIGNERS LTD.! 57-61 HIGH STREET! FRIMLEY SURREY GU16 5HJ! UNITED KINGDOM BILL FINDLAY! COMPUTING SCIENCE DEPARTMENT! UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW! GLASGOW SCOTLAND G12 8QQ! UNITED KINGDOM! 339 8855 X7391 D. G. JENKINS! COMPUTING SCIENCE DEPT.! THE UNIVERSITY! GLASGOW SCOTLAND G12 8QQ! UNITED KINGDOM! (041) 339-8855 X478!7458 DAVID WATT! COMPUTING SCIENCE DEPT.! UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW! GLASGOW SCOTLAND G12 8QQ! UNITED KINGDOM! 041-339 8855 X7458 ROBERT KIRKBY! RUISLIP MANOR! 44 WHITBY ROAD! MIDDLESEX ENGLAN D HA4 9DP! UNITED KINGDOM N ROBINSON! 1 THE FAIRWAY! NORTHWOOD MIDDLESEX! LONDON ENGLAND HA6 3DZ! UNITED KINGDOM C. B. A. PRICE! CBAP SERVICES! 67 FIGTREE HILL! HEMEL! HEMPSTEAD HERTS HP2 5HG! UNITED KINGDOM! 0442 57340 A. J. FISHER! 2 ELGAR AVENUE! HEREFORD ENGLAND HR1 1TY! UNITED KINGDOM B. J. CORNELIUS! DEPT. OF COMPo STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF HULL! HULL ENGLAND HU6 7RX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0482) 497951 DAN C.C. HAMM! HERSHAM! 85 QUEENS ROAD! WALTON-ON-THA SURREY KT12 5NF! UNITED KINGDOM! WALTON-ON-THAMES 43639 B. T. MITCHELL! COMPUTING LABORATORY! UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS! NORTH HAUGH ST. ANDREWS! FIFE SCOTLAND KY16! UNITED KINGDOM D. R. ALLUM! DEPT. OF PHYSICS! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YB! UNITED KINGDOM! LANCASTER 65201 X4178 ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! U OF LANCASTER/ BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! 'UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 X4133 ANN V. BARROW! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YXi UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 BOB E. BERRY! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 MIKE W. CORNELIUS! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM/ (0524) 65201 X4120 ARTHUR FOSTER! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 X4123 BRIAN A. E. MEEKINGS! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 CHRIS D. PAICE! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 HIKMET SAKA! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 X4120 S. P. J. WAGSTAFF! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 CHI YIP! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER! BAILRIGG! LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX! UNITED KINGDOM! (0524) 65201 H. J. ROWE! COMPUTER LABORATORY! LEICESTER UNIVERSITY! LEICESTER ENGLAND LE1 7RH! UNITED KINGDOM TONY MITCHELL! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES! LEEDS UNIV.! LEEDS ENGLAND LS2 9JT! UNITED KINGDOM B. HALE! THE MERTON CENTRE! PRIME COMPUTER INC.! ST. PETERS STREET! BEDFORD ENGLAND MK40 2PN! UNITED KINGDOM! 0234-65121 A. M. ADDYMAN! DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! THE UNIVERSITY! OXFORD ROAD! MANCHESTER ENGLAND M13 9PL! UNITED KINGDOM! 061-273 5466 X6 RIC COLLINS! REGIONAL COMPUTER CENTRE! UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER! OXFORD ROAD! MANCHESTER ENGLAND M13 9PL! UNITED KINGDOM! 061-273-8252 M. A. PELL! DEPT. OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE! UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER! OXFORD ROAD! MANCHESTER ENGLAND M13 9PL! UNITED KINGDOM! 061-273 8241 XO-X197 GRAHAM J. WHITE! 8 KINNAIRD ROAD! MANCHESTER ENGLAND M20 9QL! UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: DIRECTOR! COMPUTINC LABORATORY! UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD! S ALFORD ENGLAND 115 4WT! UNITED KINGDOM! 061 - 736 5843 X307 ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN! DEPT. OF COMPUTATION! UMIST! P.O. BOX 88! MANCHESTER ENGLAND M60 1QD! UNITED KINGDOM! 061-2363311 X2178 DEREK COLEMAN! DEPT. OF COMPUTATION! UMIST! P.O. BOX 88! MANCH ESTER ENGLAND M60 1QD! UNITED KINGDOM GEOFF V KING! BUSINESS STATISTICS OFFICE! CARDIFF ROAD! NEWPORT CWENT NPT 1XG! UNITED KINGDOM! 0633 56111 S. M. JOHNSON! SCHOOL OF MATHS AND PHYSICS! UNIV. OF EAST ANGLIA! UNIVERSITY PLAIN! NORWICH ENGLAND NR4 7TJ! UNITED KINGDOM H. J. ZELL! 14 KEMP LAY ROAD! LONDON ENGLAND NW3! UNITED KINGDu M J. B. SLATER! COMPUTER UNIT! WESTFIELD COLLEGE! KIDDERPORE AVENUE! LONDON ENGLAND NW3 7ST! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-435-7141 X520 W. H. L. WILLIAMS! 252 COLNGY HATCH LANE! LONDON ENGLAND N10! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-405-8400 JOHN REYNOLDS! 31 BARRINGTON ROAD! LONDON ENGLAND N8! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-340-2413 ATTN: LIBRARIAN! ATLAS COMPUTING DIV.! RUTHERFORD LABORATORY! CHILTON DIDCOT! OXON ENGLAND OX11 OQX! UNITED KINGDOM! ABINGDON 21900 X6226 CHRISTOPHER S COOPER! C & A DIVISION! RUTHERFORD LABORATORY! CHILTON DIDCOT! OXON ENGLAND OXll OQX! UNITED KINGDOM! ABINGDON(0235) 21900 X6211 A. R. M. WAJIH! EARITH! 15 SCHOOL RD! HUNTINGDON ENGLAND PE17 3QB! UNITED KINGDOM lAIN SMITH! EUROPEAN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING! FOUNTAIN HOUSE! DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. LTD.! BUTTS CENTRE! READ INC ENGLAND RCl 7QN! UNITED KINGDOM (0734) 583555 ROGER P. WRIGHT! EARLEY! 16 RAGGLESWOOD CLOSE! READING BERKS. RG6 2LH! UNITED KINGDO~! READING 663178 B. NIBLETT/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SWANSEA/ SWANSEA ENGLAND SA2 3pP/ UNITED KINGDOM S. T. DEVEREUX! COMPUTER CENTRE! POLYTECHNIC OF THE SOUTH BANK / BOROUGH ROAD! SOUTHWARK! LONDON ENGLAND SEl OAA! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-928 8989 X2327 ATTN: DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS C!O D.W. BA! THE UNIVERSITY! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH! UNITED KINGDOM! 0703 559122 X700 D. W. BARRON! COMPUTER STUDIES GROUP! THE UNIVERSITY! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH! UNITED KINGDOM! 0703-559122 X700 J. GOODSON! DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS! THE UNIVERSITY! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH! UNITED KINGDOM! 0703-559122 X2387 JUDY MULLINS! DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS! THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH! UNITED KINGDOM! 0703559122 X2387 MIKE J. REES! DEPT. OF MATHS.! COMPUTER STUDIES GROUP! THE UNI VERSITY! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH! UNITED KINGDOM MORLEY W. SAGE! COMPUTING SERVICE! UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH! UNITED KINGDOM! 0703-559122 X694 K. H. BENNETT! DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! UNIV. OF KEELE! KEEL E STAFFORDSH ST5 5BG! UNITED KINGDOM! STOKE-ON-TRENT 621111 X410 DENIS LENIHAN! BATTERSEA LABORATORY! BRITISH STEEL CORPORATION / 140 BATTERSEA PARK ROAD! LONDON ENGLAND SWll! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-622-5511 X6 P W R CLARKE! CCD! NEW HUXLEY BLDG! IMPERIAL COLLEGE! 180 QUEENSGATE! LONDON ENCLAND SW7 2AZ! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-589-5111 X2758 R. A. FRANCIS! CCD HUXLEY BUILDING! IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON! LONDON ENGLAND sIn 2AZ! UNITED KINGDOM JEFF KRAMER! DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING AND CONTROL! HUXLEY BUILDING! IMPERIAL COLLEGE! 180 QUEENSGATE! LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ! UNITED KINGDOM 01-589-5111 X2754 STUART JAMES MCRAE! DEPT OF COMPUTING & CONTROL! IMPERIAL COLLEGE! 180 QUEENSGATE! LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-589-5111 X2706 GREG PUGH! DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING AND CONTROL! IMPERIAL COLLEGE! 180 QUEENSGATE! LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ! UNITED KINGDOM! 01-589-5111 X2758 C/l rn --0 ---i rn 3: o:l rn :;0 --0 :» G> rn SW7 SW7 SW7 S10 TSI TWll TW20 WCIE 2AZ 2AZ 2AZ 2TN 3BA OLW OEX 7HX WCl WCl WCIH DAM WlA 4SE W8 7AM YOI 5DD b30090 41000 bl 000 71000 UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM USSR YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA DAVID SLATER/ ceo/ IMPERIAL COLLEGE/ 180 QUEENSGATE/ LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ/ UNITED KINGDOM lAIN STINSON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING & CONTROL/ IMPERIAL COLLEGE/ 180 QUEENSGATE/ LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 01-589-5111 X2700 DAVE THOMAS/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING & CONTROL/ IMPERIAL COLLEGE/ LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ/ UNITED KINGDOM CHRIS MARTIN/ COMPUTING SERVICES/ THE HICKS BUILDING/ UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD/ SHEFFIELD ENGLAND S10 2TN/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0742) 78555 X263 ATTN: THE LIBRARY/ TEESIDE POLYTECHNIC/ BOROUGH ROAD - MIDDLES BROUGH/ CLEVELAND ENGLAND TS1 3BA/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 0642-44176 1. GOODE/ NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY/ DNAC/ TEDDINGTON MIDDLESEX TWll OLW/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 01-977 3222 ROY EDWARDS/ DEPT. OF STAT. AND COMPo SCI./ HOLLOWAY COLLEGE/ EGHAM HILL/ EGHAM SURREY TW20 OEX/ UNITED KINGDOM/ EGHAM 4455 J. J. FLORENTIN/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ BIRKBECK COLLEGE/ MALET STREET/ LONDON ENGLAND WCIE 7HX/ UNITED KINGDOM CHRIS LAZOU/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF LONDON/ 20 GUILFORD STREET/ LONDON ENGLAND WCl/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 01-405-8400 SILVIA SUSSMAN/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF LONDON/ 20 GUILFORD ST./ LONDON ENGLAND WCl/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (01) 405 8400 ANTHONY B. WELLER/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON/ 19 GORDON STREET/ LONDON ENGLAND WC1H OAH/ UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: LIBRARIAN/ PO BOX 4SE/ LOGICA LIMITED/ 64 NEWMAN STREET/ LONDON ENGLAND W1A 4SE/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (01) 580 8361 BRIAN MEEK/ COMPUTER UNIT/ QUEEN ELIZABETH COLLEGE/ CAMPDEN HILL ROAD/ LONDON ENGLAND W8 7AH/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 01-937 5411 D. G. BURNETT-HALL/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF YORK/ HESLINGTON/ YORK ENGLAND Y01 5DD/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0904) 59861 S. POKROVSKY/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES/ NOVOSIBIRSK 630090/ USSR STJEPAN JARNJAK/ 13 PROLET. BRIG. 247/ ZAGREB 41000/ YUGOSLAVIA/ (041) 513-822/767 (OFFICE) ROBERT REINHARDT/ FABIANIJEVA 39/ LJUBLJANA 61 000/ YUGOSLAVIA SUAD ALAGIC/ ELEKTROTEHNICKI FAKULTET/ SARAJEVO LUKAVICA 71000, YUGOSLAVIA ATTENTION: NANCY BROOKS S. KAMAL ABDALI 12181 ATTENTION: N. V. KOTESWARA RAO PUAN SHARlFAH L. ABID MALAYSIA ATTENTION: PAUL C. SMITH D. ABRAHAMSON 2 IRELAND ATTENTION: REIDAR AUNAN JOHN W. ADAMS 18015 ATTENTION: ROBERT E. NOVAK J. MACK ADAMS 88003 ATTENTION: ROY MAXION-PROGRAMMING ADVISOR KENNETH LERDY ADAMS 47906 ATTENTION: RUTH DROZIN A. M. ADDYMAN M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM ATTENTION: R. D. BERGERON SUAD ALAGIC 71000 yUGOSLAVIA ATTENTION: STEVE REISMAN J. A. ALAN EN 2506 THE NETHERLANDS ATTENTION: WILLIAM HUNTEMAN JOHN J. ALLAN III 75275 ATTN: ACADEMIC SERVICES DENNIS R. ALLISON 94025 ATTN: AIR FORCE WEAPONS LABORATORY D. R. ALLUM LAI 4YB UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: BIBLIOTEKET JOHN ALSTRUP 55424 ATTN: BIBLIOTHEEK 05627 RICH ALTMAIER 94086 ATTN: BIBLIOTHEK URS AMMANN CH-8092 SWITZERLAND ATTN: BOEING COMPANY DAVID B. ANDERSON 18015 ATTN: BOEKRANDEL VERWIJS EN STAM B.V. GARY S. ANDERSON 98043 ATTN: B1700 PROTEUS PROJECT JACK ANDERSON 55431 ATTN: CENTRAL LIBRARY PETER ANDERSON 07102 ATTN: CENTRO DE CIENCIAS DE LA COMPUTACION RICHARD V. ANDREE 73019 ATTN: CERN LIBRARY DENNIS S. ANDREWS 94086 ATTN: CHIEF BRANCH OF DATA SYSTEM SERVICES MAKOTO ARISAWA 400 JAPAN ATTN: COMPUTER CENTER USER SERVICES KARL JOHAN ASTROM S-220 07 SWEDEN ATTN: COMPUTER CENTRE ATTENTION: ARMENELLA VINSON 87114 ATTN: COMPUTER CENTRE ATTENTION: A.S. WILLIAMS 92626 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT ATTENTION: BLAIR BURNER 98124 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. ATTENTION: B.S. MOSSAKOWSKI BN2 4GJ UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. A ATTENTION: CHRIS BRYCE L85 4Kl CANADA ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. B ATTENTION: COLIN G. CAMPBELL 77001 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCES INSTITUTE ATTENTION: DAN BURROWS 55812 ATTN: COMPUTER SERVICES - F01.3 ATTENTION: DAVID MADISON 35806 ATTN: COMPUTER UNIT ATTENTION: DONALD LINDSAY K2E 6T7 CANADA ATTN: COMPUTING CENTER ATTENTION: EVAN L. SOLLEY 97210 ATTN: CONSULTING OFFICE ATTENTION: E. N. VAN DEVENTER 0001 SOUTH AFRICA ATTN: C.R.I.G. ATTENTION: GARRY S. MEYER 11794 ATTN: DATALOGISK INSTITUT ATTENTION: GORDON R. SHERMAN 37916 ATTN: DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE ATTENTION: JAN LAUGESEN V. 3-357 DK-2500 DENMARK ATTN: DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ATTENTION: JAN WITT D-8000 GERMANY ATTN: DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS C/O D.W. BARRON ATTENTION: JERRY W. SEGERS 30332 ATTN: DIRECTOR ATTENTION: JO AN HUESMAN 03060 ATTN: DIRECTOR ATTENTION: MARTIN TOORI M3M 3B9 CANADA ATTN: DOCUMENTS ROOM ATTENTION: MAX SEVCIK CH-8035 SWITZERLAND ATTN: DOCUMENTS ROOM LIBRARIAN ATTENTION: MILES RICKARD 78767 ATTN: DOROTHY SMITH - REFERENCE ISRAEL ATTENTION: M. MALKOSH ATTN: DSM 93105 ATTN: FRIEDA S. COHEN 500762 INDIA ATTN: INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK 55455 ATTN: INSTITUT FUR MED. DATENVERARBEITUNG N-2007 NORWAY ATTN: INSTITUTE TNO FOR MATHEMATICS 55165 ATTN: INST. FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK 89507 ATTN: J. F. MCINTYRE - LIBRARIAN 17837 ATTN: KAPPA ETA KAPPA 03824 ATTN: KARIN & MICHELE - PASCAL DISTRIBUTION 55455 ATTN: LAL CHAN DANI ENTERPRISES 97331 ATTN: LIBRARIAN 90007 ATTN: LIBRARIAN 87117 DK-2800 DENMARK ATTN: LIBRARIAN ATTN: LIBRARIAN THE NETHERLANDS D-6750 GERMANY ATTN: LIBRARIAN 98124 ATTN: LIBRARY 2005 THE NETHERLANDS ATTN: LIBRARY 84112 ATTN: LIBRARY 3001 AUSTRALIA ATTN: LIBRARY CHILE ATTN: LIBRARY CH-1211 SWITZERLAND ATTN: LIBRARY / SERIALS 80225 ATTN: MATH LIBRARY 98105 ATTN: MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT 3083 AUSTRALIA ATTN: MOD COMP LIBRARY 4001 SOUTH AFRICA ATTN: M. DOHERTY 59801 ATTN: M. WATKINS - TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN 55455 ATTN: PRODUCTION AUTOMATION PROJECT 93940 ATTN: PROGRAM LIBRARIAN 93940 ATTN: PROGRAM LIBRARY 92507 ATTN: PURCHASING. OFFICE 75080 ATTN: READING ROOM CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: RECAU (B) 59715 ATTN: RECAU 61801 ATTN: RECEIVING CLERK F-34000 FRANCE ATTN: REFERENCE ROOM DK-2200 DENMARK ATTN: REFERENCE ROOM NEW ZEALAND ATTN: REGIONALES RECHENZENTRUM 38677 ATTN: RESEARCH PROGRAMMING ADVISOR S09 5NH UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: RZ - BIBLIOTHEK 32611 ATTN: SARA-LIBRARY M5 4WT UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES 97403 ATTN: SCIENCE LIBRARY 46637 ATTN: SECRETARY LIBRARIAN 78712 ATTN: SERIALS DEPT. THE NETHERLANDS 53706 D-2000 GERMANY D-8000 GERMANY THE NETHERLANDS D-7500 GERMANY 22903 55414 80302 90260 32611 W1A 4SE UNITED KINGDOM 3052 AUSTRALIA OX11 OQX UNITED KINGDOM 2033 AUSTRALIA 80225 01754 T6G 2J8 CANADA 1005 THE NETHERLANDS 91109 94305 02115 19085 33309 M5S 1A7 CANADA 21031 14627 5001 AUSTRALIA N6A 5B7 CANADA 2600 AUSTRALIA 02139 DK-8000 DENMARK DK-8000 DENMARK 61820 K7L 3N6 CANADA 55455 D-8520 GERMANY 89154 CH-8092 SWITZERLAND THE NETHERLANDS 2616 AUSTRALIA BT9 5EQ UNITED KINGDOM 7001 AUSTRALIA 52242 ATTN: SERIALS DEPT. ATTN: SERIALS LIBRARY ATTN: SOFTWARE/HARDWARE GROUP ATTN: SSRFC LIBRARY ATTN: THE DOCUMENTATION OFFICER ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN ATTN: THE LIBRARY ATTN: THE LIBRARY ATTN: UCC LIBRARIAN ATTN: USER SERVICES GROUP ATTN: USER SERVICES LIBRARIAN J. W. ATWOOD DAVID AULT MARGERY AUSTIN GENE AUTREY-HUNLEY DELE AYENI DANG VAN BA GARY BABCOCK CHARLES BACON J. R. BAICHTAL DWIGHT BAKER FRED P. BAKER SAMUEL T. BAKER T. P. BAKER S. BALASUBRAMANIAN LYNNE J. BALDWIN A. BALFOUR EDWARD E. BALKOVICH MICHAEL S. BALL FRED E. BALLARD HAURICE BALLEW RICHARD BALOCCA DADO BANATAO CHARLES J. BANGERT JOHN BANNING WILLIAM BARABASH JOHN R. BARR D. W. BARRON ANN V. BARROW STEVEN BARRYTE NEIL J. BARTA JEFFREY BARTH BRIT J. BARTTER ROGER R. BATE DAVID BATES RODNEY M. BATES HENRY R. BAUER III JOHN C. BEATTY o. BEAUFAYS E. R. BEAUREGARD MICHAEL A. BEAVER MARK BECKER BERNHARD H. BEITINGER ABDUL RASAQ BELLO STEVEN M. BELLOVIN DAVID A. BENNETT K. H. BENNETT LENNERT BENSRYD LOUIS A. BENTON HERMAN BERG PHILIP N. BERGSTRESSER THOMAS BERNER BOB E. BERRY SCOTT BERTILSON 70504 2308 AUSTRALIA DK-2100 DENMARK 55455 UNITED KINGDOM LA1 4YX UNITED KINGDOM 2601 AUSTRALIA M60 1QD UNITED KINGDOM ISRAEL TS 1 3BA UN ITED KINGDOM 52242 80523 88003 H3G 1M8 CANADA 22090 20037 94025 N2L 3B8 CANADA CH-1207 SWITZERLAND 93555 20854 94040 01752 61820 37130 32304 n001 68101 EH1 2HW 06268 92152 60201 79409 61801 95121 66045 94305 11794 90503 S09 5NH LAl 4YX 90048 48106 94720 60202 75023 CH-1200 67220 82071 94550 UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM SWITZERLAND BELGIUM 02809 53115 06432 D-8012 55408 27514 13440 ST5 5BG S-220 07 92121 53703 35758 D-2000 LA1 4YX 55455 GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM RANDY BEST 76114 JAMES L. BEUG 93407 JEAN BEZIVIN F-35031 FRANCE ALBRECHT BIEDL D-1000 GERMANY MARK BILODEAU 55401 HERBERT F. BISCHELTSRIEDER D-80 12 GERMANY C. M. BISHOP NEW ZEALAND THOMAS P. BISHOP 14853 KAY BITTERLING D-1000 GERMANY GUS BJORKLUND 22091 G. RICHARD BLADEN DK-2650 DENMARK WILLIAM BLAMPIED S7K 3P7 CANADA ALAN BLANN IN BS9 4PL UNITED KINGDOM BRADFORD E. BLASING 55455 1. N. BLAVINS 5006 AUSTRALIA ROLAND F. BLOMER D-8000 GERMANY P. VAN EMDE BOAS THE NETHERLANDS KEITH BOLSON 55423 RAFAEL M. BONET 12 SPAIN JOEL BONEY 78723 55454 TIM BONHAM 89509 WILLIAM R. BONHAM ERWIN BOOK 90066 GARY J. BOOS 58501 KEN BORGENDALE 55455 ARNE BORTEMARK S-581 83 SWEDEN 53201 JAMES S. BOTIC JEAN-PIERRE·BOUCHEZ 2231 XE THE NETHERLANDS RAYMAOND BOUTE B-2000 BELGIUM 92093 KEN BOWLES CHRIS BOYLAN 55068 93'940 GORDON BRADLEY DAVID E. BREEDING 75229 STEPHEN L. BREIBART UNITED KINGDOM RONALD F. BRENDER 01754 BILL BRENNAN 19401 N. D. BREWER 2076 THE NETHERLANDS FRANK BREWSTER 22304 C. E. BRIDGE 19898 ROBERT L. BRIECHLE 44325 C. BRON THE NETHERLANDS ALBERT S. BROWN 01754 ARTHUR A. BROWN 20037 WARREN R. BROWN 02038 BOB BRUCE 33307 BERND BRUGGE D-2000 GERMANY ALF M. BRUNSTROM S-751 21 SWEDEN GERALD BRYAN 917ll DAVID M. BULMAN 92103 WILHELM BURGER 78712 MIKE BURGHER 503ll JOHN W. BURNETT 95051 D. G. BURNETT-HALL Y01 5DD UNITED KINGDOM HOWARD BUSSEY JR. 80302 BILL BUZBEE 87545 ADRIAN BYRAM 94087 EDWIN J. CALKA 21204 J. A. CAMPBELL 2308 AUSTRALIA DAVID F. CANTLEY 97331 PETER G. CAPEK 10598 KEVIN W. CARLSON 53705 ROY CARLSON 970n DAVID E. CARLTON 60625 A. G. CARRICK 95014 GARY CARTER 89507 JOHN CASEY 02115 BILLY R. CASON CHARLES A. CASTELLOW JEAN CASTONGUAY D. A. CAUGHFIELD GARY CEDERQUIST GERALD N. CEDERQUIST F. CELLINI MIKE CHALENBURG NEAL H. CHAMPION GABRIEL CHANG BILL CHESWICK COLE A. CHEVALIER PATRICK CHEVAUX VERNON CHI YOUNG J. CHOI FAY CHONG LARS CHRISTENSEN LUTZ CHRISTOPH PAUL CHRISTOPHERSON GERALD W. CICHANOWSKI RICHARD J. CICHELLI ROBERT G. CLARK JENNIFER CLARKE P W R CLARKE GEOFFREY A. CLEAVE DAVID G. CLEMANS KURT COCKRUM WILLIAM L. CO HAGAN GEORGE COHN III JOE CO INTMENT PETER COLBY D. B. COLDRICK DEREK COLEMAN TERRENCE M. COLLIGAN JOHN E. COLLINS RIC COLLINS DOUGLAS COMER MICHAEL N. CONDICT JAMES B. CONKLIN JR. APRIL MILLER CONVERSE RICHARD CONWAY DEXTER COOK CHRISTOPHER S COOPER WILLIAM L. COOPER C. J. COPELAND F. J. CORBAro RICHARD CORE B. J. CORNELIUS MIKE W. CORNELIUS C R CORNER. JOHN DENNIS COUCH FREDERICK C. COWAN LARRY CRANE JOHN EARL CRIDER LINDA E. CROLEY WILLIAM E. CROSBY DONALD B. CROUCH ZAY CURTIS BJARNE DACKER LUIS M.M. DAMAS DENNIS DANCE RONALD L DANIELSON JAMES DARLING GENE A. DAVENPORT ANN D. DAVIES R. JAMES DAWE 98004 98in G1W 2P3 79601 75275 30092 N6A 5B7 72143 86301 02139 18938 92704 CH-1211 97403 5001 95014 DK-2880 D-1000 55343 55987 18103 -0 CANADA J> (/) n J> CANADA r z rn ~ (/) SWITZERLAND '1:1: <.D AUSTRALIA f en rn I.N I.N BRUCE DAWSON FRANKLIN B. DE GRAAF JOHN DE ROSA JR. HAROLD DE VORE D. D. DE VRIES W. DE VRIES JOHN R. DEALY RANCE J. DELONG DAVID DEMOREST E. DENERT DOROTHY E. DENNING TIMOTHY DENNIS G. D. DERHAK PIERRE DESJARDINS S. T. DEVEREUX BOB DICKERSON KENNETH A. DICKEY JOHN DICKINSON LLOYD DICKMAN KLAUS R. DITTRICH E. H. DOBELL JOHN G. DOBNICK RANDY DODGE ROBERT ALAN DOLAN DAN DORROUGH JOHN DOW KEVIN R. DRISCOLL JEFFREY J. DRUMMOND ROGER A. DUE STEPHEN A. DUM DONNA K. DUNAWAY FRANK DUNN RON DYKSTRA DOUG DYMENT T. A. D'AURIA R. STERLING EANES WILLIAM J. EARL JOHN EARLS CHRIS EASTLUND JEFF EASTMAN JOHN T. EASTON NORBERT EBEL GLENN T. EDENS HANK EDWARDS ROY EDWARDS FRED EILENSTEIN JOHN D. EISENBERG HOWARD EISENSTEIN T. W. EKBERG LARS EKMAN JIM ELAM DAVE R. ELAND DENNIS R•. ELLIS HORACE ENEA G. ENGELIEN DAVE ENGLANDER PHILLIP H. ENSLOW JR. P. J. ERARD DENNIS ERNST E. W. ERRICKSON HOWARD D. ESKIN JOHN B. EULENBERG BLAND EWING R. NEIL FAIMAN JR. DENNIS FAIRCLOUGH JAMES N. FARMER 40208 K2K 1K2 CANADA 01609 55337 THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS 90278 18018 98124 D-8000 GERMANY 47907 06035 R3T 2N2 CANADA H3C 3J7 CANADA SE1 OAA UNITED KINGDOM AL10 9AB UNITED KINGDOM 95521 83843 01776 D-7500 GERMANY 2007 AUSTRALIA 53219 A1C 5S 7 CANADA 93109 47906 15261 55414 55455 02111 97005 75222 75081 55455 V7W 2J6 CANADA 10027 02154 92715 75240 55401 80537 55455 CH-2000 SWITZERLAND 94086 01701 TW20 OEX UNITED KINGDOM 02172 19711 29206 75234 DK-1601 DENMARK 94111 74171 80303 94022 D-5300 GERMANY 18015 30332 CH-8027 SWITZERLAND 94086 85061 10025 48824 94720 48228 84601 30332 JACQUES FARRE F-75230 FRANCE JOSEPH H. FASEL III 47907 JEAN-PIERRE FAUCHE F-38040 FRANCE LUCIEN FEIEREISEN D-7500 GERMANY EDWARD E FERGUSON 76201 LINWOOD FERGUSON 22901 JEANNE FERRANTE 02139 JOSE OSVALDO FERRARI 13100 BRAZIL LINCOLN FETCHER 55455 CHARLES J •. FETE 92704 SUSAN FEUERMAN 93940 N. J. FIDDlAN UNITED KINGDOM ROGERIO BUHNIER FILHO 13100 BRAZIL BILL FINDLAY G12 8QQ UNIIED KINGDOM CHARLES N. FISCHER 53706 GLENN FISHBINE 55101 A. J. FISHER HR1 1TY UN IIED KINGDOM WILLIAM E. FISHER 90501 TED FISHMAN 75222 DAVID p. FITZGERALD 91740 KEVIN FJELSTED 55455 HANS FLACK S-751 21 SWEDEN J. J. FLORENTIN WClE 7HX UNITED KINGDOM RUDY L•. FOLDEN 92714 JIM FONTANA 92704 CHARLES H. FORSYTH N2J 4T2 CANADA MARY DEE FOSBERG 73034 LLOYD D. FOSDICK 80309 ARTHUR FOSTER LA1 4YX UNITED KINGDOM 92663 L. M. FOSTER W. BRUCE FOULKES R3T 2N2 CANADA ED FOURT 94720 PALTONIO DAUN FRAGA 13100 BRAZIL DENNIS J. FRAILEY 75222 ROBERT A. FRALEY V6T 1W5 CANADA 20006 MIKE FRAME REX FRANClOTTl 11530 SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM R. A. FRANCIS K. FRANKOWSKI 55455 KURT FREDRIKSSON S-431 39 SWEDEN TED L. FREEMAN 20705 DANA A. FREIBURGER 93407 G. FRIEDER 14226 EDWARD R. FRIEDMAN 10012 FRANK L. FRIEDMAN 19122 GERHARD FRIESLAND D-2000 GERMANY SERGE FROMENT H1Z 3P 1 CANADA JOHN FUNG 55414 WAYNE FUNG V6X 2Z9 CANADA DAN FYLSTRA 02134 MICHEL GALINIER F-31077 FRANCE 94304 SAM GEBALA EDWARD F. GEHRINGER 47907 W. mRVEN GENTLEMAN N2L 3G1 CANADA 32806 J. D. GEORGE A. J. GERBER 2006 AUSTRALIA PAUL S. GERKEN 94611 13201 J. DANIEL GERSTEN 22901 ROBERT A. GIBSON 92807 DAVID W. GIEDT 01754 N. AMOS GILEADI 54302 ED GLASER 30332 JOHN J. GODA JR. 84601 PAUL GODFREY ANTHONY LESLIE COLBORN GU16 5HJ UNITED KINGDOM 98195 HELLMUT GOL@ G. H. GOLDEN JR. 14063 DAVID A. GOMBERG 20016 GEORGE GONZALEZ 55108 I. GOODE TW11 OLW UNITED KINGDOM RALPH S. GOODELL 01451 JOHN B. GOODENOUGH 02154 J. GOODSON S09 5NH UNITED KINGDOM GERRARD GOOS D-7500 GERMANY D. GOSMAN THE NETHERLANDS JOHN S. GOURLAY 48105 SARA K. °GRAFFUNDER 55455 DENNIS GRAHAM 94086 JEFFREY W. GRAHAM 35223 SUSAN L. GRAHAM 94720 WILLIAM Q. GRAHAM 19711 M. J. GRALIA 20810 JOHN M. GRAM 92717 DAVID N. GRAY 78769 KRISTINA GREACEN 55455 MARK GREEN LEN 3W3 CANADA MIKE GREEN 78284 TOM GREER 91775 R. GREINER 95014 WILEY GREINER 90278 DAVID J. GRIFFITHS 02881 DONALD E. GRIMES 95014 R. L. GRIMSDALE BN 1 9QT UN ITED KINGDOM MARTIN L GRISS 84112 DALE H. GRIT 80523 PETER GROGONO H4V 2H3 CANADA WILLIAM GROSKY 48202 JONATHON R. GROSS 55435 STEVE GROSS 10024 LARRY GROVER 56301 GEORGE GRUNWALD 47306 ROGER GULBRANSON 61801 S. L. GULDEN 18015 HILMAR GUTFELDT CH-3000 SWITZERLAND PETER GUTTERMAN 20433 DAVE HABERMAN 75081 THOMAS HABEHNOLL D-1000 GERMANY MICHAEL HAGERTY 02174 JACQUES HAGUEL J 1K 2R1 CANADA HARRY P. HAIDUK 79015 B. HALE MK40 2PN UNITED KINGDOM THOMAS HALLDORSON 18353 JOEL M. HALPERN 55455 RONALD .1:. HAM 01754 DAVID E. HAMILTON 23666 DAN C.C. HAMM KI12 5NF UNITED KINGDOM TERRY HAMM 97077 U. HAMMELEFF DK-8000 DENMARK DON HAMNES 55409 WOLFGANG HAMPE D-1000 GERMANY MICHAEL Z. HANANI ISRAEL C. C. HANDLEY 4000 SOUTH AFRICA SCOTT D. HANKIN 01720 KAY A. HANSBORO UGH 87544 GILBERT J. HANSEN 75075 KELD HELBIG HANSEN DK-2800 DENMARK RANDALL W. HANSEN 55440 BRIAN HANSON 55455 JON HANSON 55440 SAM HARBAUGH 32901 20234 T. H<\RD.J EDWARD ». HARRIS 53}05 -0 :J> en (""") :J> r- = rn ::e:: en :;to <.D !CO :;to I-' 0 en rn -0 -I rn :::s: t::C rn ;0 I-' <.D '.J '.J -0 » '" rn Vol .J::- KAY HARRISON STEPHEN J. HARTLEY ROBERT L. HARTMAN AL HARTMANN J. P. HARVELL DON HARVEY ISAMU HASEGAWA KEITH HAUER-LOWE KEVIN HAUSMANN DAVID HAWK GEORGE E. HAYNAM JOHN HEATH JAMES W. HEBERT PAUL HECKEL H. G. HEDGES CHARLES HEDRICK J. B. HEIDEBRECHT S. T. HEIDELBERG DENNIS HEIMBIGNER JUHA HEINANEN T. S. HEINES DAVID HELFINSTINE PAUL S. HELLER CARL HELMERS PAUL HELVIG RICHARD HENDRICKSON STEN HENRIKS SON CARL HENRY WILLIAM HENRY MARK HERSEY CHARLES L. HETHCOAT III GEORGE C. HETRICK BRYAN L. HIGGINS STANLEY B. HIGGINS JIM HIGHTOWER TERUO HIKITA DAVID HILL TIM HILL SAM HILLS W. A. HINTON ED HlRAHARA HATTIA HMELJAK THEA D. HODGE TIMOTHY W. HOEL MARILYN HOFFMAN H. -J. HOFFMANN TIMOTHY J. HOFFMANN DAVID W. HOGAN WILLIAM C. HOPKINS GREGORY L. HOPWOOD FRANK H. HORN TOM HORSLEY FRED A. HOSCH DAVID A. HOUGH ROSEMARY HOWBRIGG RALPH HOWENSTINE RICHARD HOYME PEl HSIA PETER YAN-TEK HSU RICHARD HUBER JON F. HUERAS JACK HUGHES ALFRED J. HULBERT GEOFFREY HUNTER PAUL K. HUNTWORK EDWARD W. HURLEY N2L 3G 1 CANADA 22901 92701 95051 75081 97077 E14 UNITED KINGDOM 55417 55113 19711 32901 04103 01907 94305 48824 08903 90278 94550 90278 SF-33101 FINLAND 44115 55303 08540 03458 56301 55420 S-223 62 SWEDEN 55057 10003 48823 77027 02167 94621 37232 90274 113 JAPAN 95819 22901 70125 53211 92653 1-34100 ITALY 55455 55057 18018 D-6100 GERMANY 55455 78751 19174 92713 53706 95376 70122 23602 06413 73070 55427 35807 55455 77843 92717 K7L 3N6 CANADA 87115 M3J lP3 CANADA 5511 en n , ):> :z rn ~ en 'It: <.D I?O 'It: ...... 0 SHMUEL PELEG M. A. PELL HAL PERKINS WALT PERKO DAVID PERLMAN RUSS PETERSON SUE PETERSON W. W. PETERSON TRUMAN C. PEWITT CHARLES PFLEEGER BOB PHILLIPS CHRIS K. PHILLIPS ATE PHUNG PAUL PICKELMANN DOUG PIHL ALAIN PIROTTE TOM PITTMAN STEPHEN A. PITTS P. J. PLAUGER S. POKROVSKY KEN POLAKOWSKI RUDOLPH C. POLENZ BARY W. POLLACK J. E. POLLACK GEORGE POONEN L. C. PORTIL J. L. POSDAMER LEE POTTS FRED W. POWELL KARL PRAGERSTORFER TERRENCE PRATT WERNER F. PRAUTSCH C. B. A. PRICE RON PRICE WILLIAM C. PRICE MICHAEL PRIETULA DAVID KARL PROBST STEPHEN G. S. PROUT MARLIN PROWELL ANDREW S. PUCHRIK ERIC PUGH GREG PUGH BRUCE A. PUMPLIN HOWARD D. PYRON DOUGLAS H. QUEBBEMAN IRVING N. RABINOWITZ WILLIAM F. RAGSDALE THOMAS RAMSBERGER V. LALITA RAO CHARLES RAPIN WAYNE RASBAND PETER RAUSCHMAYER BRUCE K. RAY JERRY L. RAY JEFFERY M. RAZAFSKY ALAN REED MIKE J. REES ROY F. REEVES L. EDWARD REICH C. EDWARD REID PHYLLIS A. REILLY J. REINFELDS ROBERT REINHARDT WERNER REMMELE JOHN REYNOLDS JOHN D. REYNOLDS 20742 M13 9PL 14853 55414 55455 55112 55113 96822 60439 37916 97212 94903 D-5100 48109 55440 B-1170 95153 73110 10036 630090 07828 54701 V6T 1W5 94566 02168 N9B 3P4 13210 63188 24401 A-4060 22901 D-1000 HP2 5HG 07724 97068 55455 H3G 1M8 UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY BELGIUM USSR CANADA CANADA AUSTRIA GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM CANADA THE NETHERLANDS 98225 47130 90024 SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM 54701 65401 47150 ISRAEL 94545 18015 18015 CH-1007 SWITZERLAND 20014 D-8000 GERMANY 80307 68022 64108 B15 2TT UNITED KINGDOM S09 5NH UN ITED KINGDOM 43220 22201 32303 90746 2500 AUSTRALIA 61 000 YUGOSLAVIA D-8000 GERMANY N8 UNITED KINGDOM 35801 DAN C. RICHARD PETER RICHARDSON GEORGE H. RICHMOND CLAES RICKEBY PETER A. RIGSBEE JENS PETER RINGGAARD MARK RIORDAN KEN RITCHIE TERRY RITTER CLARK M. ROBERTS JOE C. ROBERTS MARK L. ROBERTS KEN ROBINSON N ROBINSON J. S. ROHL S. ROHLFS THOMAS A. ROLANDER STAFFEN ROMBERGER MICHAEL ROONEY CARL S. ROSENBERG RAYNER K. ROSICH BERNIE ROSMAN R. WALDO ROTH E. L. ROWE H. J. ROWE LAWRENCE A. ROWE DAVID ROWLAND DON H. ROWLAND BRIAN G. ROWSWELL HERBERT RUBENSTEIN NANCY RUIZ C. A. RUSBRIDGE MARK RUSTAD JOHN L. RUTIS FRANK RYBICKI KARL H. RYDEN DAVID J. RYPKA JONATHAN SACHS MORLEY W. SAGE TOSHIAKI SAISHO HIKMET SARA ANTTI SALAV.A A. H. J. SALE TIMOTHY J SALO CHESTER J. SALWACH A. E. SALWIN D. SANDEE TOM SANDERSON HELMUT SANDMAYR HORST SANTO DAVID SARANEN LYNN SAUNDERS AARON SAWYER BOB SCARLETT ANTHONY J. SCHAEFFER HELMUT SCHAUER JERRY SCHIEFFER ROSS D. SCHMIDT G. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER SERGIO DE MELLO SCHNEIDER ERIC SCHNELLMAN P. SCHNUPP MARK A. SCHROEDER DEAN SCHULZ ROLF SCHUMACHER CARL \1. SCHWARCZ 07724 3052 80309 S-161 54 20375 OK-2730 48824 68005 78753 91016 75042 90274 2033 HA6 3DZ 6009 D-8000 95008 S-100 44 02154 94035 80302 01701 46989 19301 LEI 7RH 94720 97229 87109 2006 80401 87115 5000 55112 97123 19122 90024 43210 60604 S09 5NH 143 LA1 4YX SF-00330 7001 55455 18960 20810 AUSTRALIA SWEDEN DENMARK AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRALIA GERMANY SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM JAPAN UNITED KINGDOM FINLAND AUSTRALIA THE NETHERLANDS 87002 CH-9470 D-5205 55792 97077 02035 55455 47401 A-1040 75229 55343 55455 13560 98117 D-8000 75214 95051 D-1000 OnSL SWITZERLAND GERMANY AUSTRIA BRAZIL GERMANY GERMANY 19898 STEPHEN C. SCHWARM 90230 ARTHUR I. SCHWARZ 33314 FRED L. SCOTT 19085 THOMAS SCOTT BARRY SEARLE KIA ON8 CANADA DAVID SEGAL 10003 06901 MARK SEIDEN D-7500 GERMANY MANFRED SEIFERT 90024 BRUCE SEILER 78712 WAYNE SEIPEL GUISEPPE SELVE 1-40122 ITALY 68588 SHARAD C. SETH MICHAEL SETTLE 76011 32901 GEORGE A. SEYFERT 02173 G. M. SHANNON 84112 ED SHARP 94022 DAVID ELLIOT SHAW 94025 JEFFRY G. SHAW 20014 JOHN M. SHAW WILLIAM F. SHAW 01754 55413 BELLE SHENOY 10012 DAVID SHIELDS 39210 ROBERT A. SHIVE JR. 87801 KIM L. SHIVELEY 20742 BEN SHNEIDERMAN 22311 ARNOLD SHORE 06320 JAMES P. SHORES 75240 GERALD A. SHOULTS 55440 BILL SIMMONS 91101 E. E. SIMMONS 06488 CHARLES E. SIMON 92634 SEYMOUR SINGER 48823 THOMAS W. SKELTON sw7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM DAVID SLATER J. B. SLATER NW3 7ST UNITED KINGDOM THE NETHERLANDS P. A. SLATS LEO J. SLECHTA 55165 BARRY SMITH 97221 BROOKS DAVID SMITH 53211 lAIN SMITH RG1 7QN UNITED KINGDOM JOYCE A. SMITH 20742 LAURA SNYDER 47401 ROBERT J. SNYDER 46202 JOHN S. SOBOLEWSKI 98195 THOMAS C. SOCOLOFSKY 48823 MARY LOU SOFFA 15260 N. SOLNTSEFF L8S 4K1 CANADA DAVrp SOLOMONT 02155 MARCO SOMMANI 1-56100 ITALY MANFRED SOMMER D-8000 GERMANY NORMAN E. SONDAK 01609 ROLF SONNTAG D-3000 GERMANY BRUCE M. SORLIE 55406 STEPHEN SOULE T2N 1N4 CANADA JOHN H. SPANTON 95133 TERRY L. SPEAK 80309 RICHARD SPELLERBERG 55440 MARTHA L. SPENCE 01741 DAVID SPENCER BH22 8HL UNITED KINGDOM HENRY SPENCER M5W INS CANADA RICHARD D. SPILLANE 07470 D. H. SPRINGER 95131 TOM SPURRIER 32901 JOHN P. STALLINGS 95014 JOHN STANLEY 55404 L. S. C. STATEMA THE NETHERLANDS 90007 JORGEN STAUNSTRUP 97077 ROD STEEL 01852 EDWARD STEEN 49401 GORDON A. STEGINK 47401 HAL STEIN 29208 GERALD STEINBACK 60201 ALBERT STEINER 55416 WARREN STENBERG VIC STENNING GU16 5HJ UNITED KINGDOM 76019 PHILIP STEPHENSON 55422 CALVIN STEVENS 85726 W. RICHARD STEVENS lAIN STINSON SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM NIG 2Wl CANADA ANNE STOCCO 70504 A. I. STOCKS 55440 JERRY STODDARD 55455 JOHN P. STRAIT 50011 GEORGE O. STRAWN 02139 JOHN N. STRAYHORN 78721 EDWARD P. STRITTER 55424 ROBERT A. STRYK V8P 5J2 CANADA GORDON STUART 6005 AUSTRALIA PETER R. SUMNER MARKKU SUNI SF-20500 FINLAND 14609 EDWARD W. SUOR WCl UNITED KINGDOM SILVIA SUSSMAN LARS SVENSSON S-281 00 SWEDEN 94596 RALPH W. SWEARINGEN THE NETHERLANDS S. D. SWIERSTRA A-I040 AUSTRIA ADA SZER ISRAEL MENACHEM SZUS PREBEN TAASTI DK-9000 DENMARK 20052 RICHARD TABOR 182 JAPAN MASATO TAKEICHI 18104 RAMON TAN THE NETHERLANDS ANDREW S. TANENBAUM 01701 DAVID TARABAR H. TAYLOR KIN 6N5 CANADA 75275 JANET TAYLOR 98055 RICHARD N. TAYLOR 94550 WILLIAM P. TAYLOR 90403 MICHAEL TEENER DOUG TEEPLE V6X 2Z9 CANADA 48106 PAUL R. TEETOR 64108 ROBERT TEISBERG 94088 T. D. TELFORD R. D. TENNENT K7L 3N6 CANADA 13676 TED TENNY DANIEL THALMANN CH-1200 SWITZERLAND 01451 R. L. THAYER DIDIER THIBAULT F-75005 FRANCE DAVE THOMAS SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM 39762 GAY THOMAS 20052 RAYMOND E. THOMAS 20012 RICK THOMAS 55425 RON THOMAS LARS-ERIK THORELLI S-100 44 SWEDEN 52101 EDWARD O. THORLAND 40506 LAVINE THRAILKILL S-341 00 SWEDEN BENGT THYLEN DHl 3LE UNITED KINGDOM H. F. TIBBALS 55441 MIKE TILLER HERVE TLREFORD CH-1211 SWITZERLAND ALAIN TISSERANT F-54042 FRANCE 18017 STEPHEN TITCOMB 2232 AUSTRALIA JEFFREY TOBIAS NOBUKI TOKURA 500 JAPAN HOWARD E. TOMPKINS 15701 SEVED TORSTENDAHL S-145 72 SWEDEN ALFRED I. TOWELL 47401 STEVEN N. TRAPP 55421 MARTIN VERGES TRIAS 14 SPAIN EDWIN TSE H9R IGl CANADA CASEY TUBBS 32901 JOHN TUCKER 79601 W. TYLER 95060 ASHOK N. ULLAL D-7408 GERMANY BRIAN W. UNGER T2N IN4 CANADA 55455 JOHN URBANSKI 55440 TOM URSIN INDULIS VALTERS 55406 J. J. VAN AMSTEL THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS G. E. VAN BEINUM 94041 WARREN VAN CAMP ANDRIES VAN DAM 02912 THE NETHERLANDS R. P. VAN DE RIET THE NETHERLANDS TOM VAN DER HOEVEN THE NETHERLANDS P. J. VAN DER HOFF 45036 PATRICIA VAN DERZEE THE NETHERLANDS H. VAN LOON 23508 FRANCES L. VAN SCOY 9321 T. J. VAN WEERT THE NETHERLANDS 13100 BRAZIL FERNANDO ANTONIO VANINI M. W. VANNIER 40506 WILLIAM J. VASILIOU JR. 03824 JEAN VAUCHER H3C 3J7 CANADA 55113 ROBERT D. VAVRA JAMES A. VELLENGA 55440 B. VENKATESAN T2N IN4 CANADA P. VERBAETEN B-3030 BELGIUM JIM VERNON 55440 STANLEY C. VESTAL 55413 STEPHEN J VNUK 18651 EllTI WADA 113 JAPAN KENNETH R. WAD LAND 01420 55455 KAREN WAGGONEK THOMAS \,Al~NEK lJ-I000 GERMANY s. P. J. WAGSTAFF LAl 4YX UNITED KINGDOM 85731 JOHN E. WAdL 11740 M. WAITE 80309 WILLIAM M. WAITE A. R. M. WAJIH PE17 3QB UNITED KINGDOM 70504 TERRY M. WALKER BOB WALSH 87106 LARRY WALSH 95050 PATRICK WARD H3C 3J7 CANADA 80215 DAVID M. WARNER SCDTT K. I,ARREN 77098 55455 WARREN J. WARWICK MASARU WATANABE 222 JAPAN 22152 MARK S. WATERBURY 80302 JOE WATKINS DAVID WATT G12 8QQ UN ITED KINGDOM 55104 GEOFF WATTLES 80303 VINCENT B. WAYLAND JOHN A. WEAVER 18018 ANDERS WEBER DK-2300 DENMARK D-8000 GERMANY HELLMUT WEBER NEIL W. WEBRE 93401 WALLY WEDEL 78712 WALTER WEHINGER D-7000 GERMANY REINHOLD WEICKER D-8551 GERMANY 14850 KEVIN WEILER ISRAEL RUTH WEINBERG 79409 LEONARD H. WEINER 55113 STEVEN W. WEINGART D-6300 GERMANY DIETER WEISS 78721 DONALD G. WEISS ANTHONY B. WELLER WCIH OAH UNITED KINGDOM 02138 ROBERT E. WELLS JIM WELSH BT7 INN UNITED KINGDOM 89154 JOHN WERTH 30332 JOHN P. WEST RICHARD WEST H9R IGl CANADA 60532 TERRY E. WEYMOUTH 22209 WILLIAM A. WHITAKER GRAHAM J. WHITE M20 9QL UNITED KINGDOM BN3 lRA UNITED KINGDOM B. WILLIAML 95051 E. HAROLD WILLIAMS 12308 GEORGE H. WILLIAMS 59717 JAMES C. WILLIAMS 14850 JOHN H. WILLIAMS 75081 KENNETH L. WILLIAMS 6140 SOUTH AFRICA M. H. WILLIAMS NI0 UNITED KINGDOM W. H. L. WILLIAMS N6A 5B7 CANADA S. WILLIAMSON 94086 ARTHUR C. WILLIS SAM WILMOTT KIS 5G3 CANADA 02154 ROY A. WILSKER 73034 ARDOTH H. WILSON DENIS M. WILSON AB9 2UB UNITED KINGDOM 13032 J. WILSON 94088 GARY W. WINIGER 48130 GREGORY J. WINTERHALTER NIELS WINTHER DK-2650 DENMARK D-6750 GERMANY HANS-WILM WIPPERMANN NIKLAUS WIRTH CH-8092 SWITZERLAND 47401 DAVID S. WISE 13210 JOHN M. WOBUS 48109 LOUIS F. WOJNAROSKI 97217 DAVID WOLFE 55112 DARRELL L. WONDRA 92122 GORDON J. WOOD 55421 WILLIAM T. WOOD 94703 JAMES A. WOODS 98006 JOHN D. WOOLLEY 17011 DONALD L."WRIGHT ROGER P. WRIGHT RG6 2LH UNITED KINGDOM 20910 JACOB C. Y. WU 13323 WAL TER WUENSCH MARYLENE WUEST CH-1211 SWITZERLAND "07205 NICHOLAS WYBOLT URS R WYSS CH-1205 SWITZERLAND CHI YIP LAl 4YX UNITED KINGDOM 210 JAPAN SUSUMU YOSHIMURA 90020 KENNETH YOUNG 55165 RAYMOND YOUNG 47401 STEPHEN W. YOUNG 55901 L. W. YOUNGREN ISRAEL GIDEON YUVAL 77550 RUSSELL W ZEARS 55455 PETER H. ZECHMEISTER NW3 UNITED KINGDOM H. J. ZELL 94086 ANDREW HARRIS ZIMMERMAN 44691 E. C. ZIMMERMAN 63110 JOAN ZIMMERMAN 48109 KARL L. ZINN 44139 TOM ZWITTER --0 :r> r :z rrl ::e:: m rrl I..N 00 -2Pascal at Sydney University A.J.Gerber ~. C.C.Morgan Introduction The temptation to IIplayll with software is more often than not too great to resist, and we succumbed. Our experience (over 12 months) with our changes has given us confidence in them, and only a few of our original mods have been retracted. We are also pleased to add that users seem more than happy to use these "extra" features, and that we often have to turn away requests for the more fanciful changes which do get proposed from time to time. We do realise that Pascal is deliberately designed to be minimal, efficiently implementable and so on. We also have some rather strong views on where the absence of certain features actually hinders many programmers, as opposed to those features which are genuinely used rarely by a small group of users (which does not include ourselves) . 1. 1.1 1.5 2. Glitter a. A dayfile message bas been added to provide timing information. b. An option (*$w±*) provides warnings if any of the language extensions detailed below are used by the programmer. The default setting is "on". Language-oriented extensions Most of the language lIextensions" detailed below do not, we believe, run contrary to the Ilspiritll of Pascal. They were all implemented quite cheaply and with little or no effect on compiler efficiency. Our experience with them has vindicated them at least as far as we are concerned. 2.1 Reading strings The standard procedure "read" is extended so that variables of type "string (i.e. packed arrays of char) may be read. The definition is as follows: if f is a textfile, and s a string variable, then "read(f,s)II is equivalent to: Implementation-dependent/oriented features KRONOS-oriented changes for i := 1 ~ n do begin sCi] := ft ; if not eoln(f) then get(f) Necessary as always. In particular, allowing INPUT & OUTPUT to operate interactively under TELEX; and letting the compiler accept line numbers (sequence numbers) on source files. 1.2 ll en Listing format Note that read(f,s) never does a IIget(f)II when eoln(f) is true. Hence it never causes a readln(f) II, and in addition it right-fills incompletely-read strings with blanks. II A listing format modelled after the 1972 Stanford Algol W implementation was adopted. Particularly valuable is the ability for programmers to check BEGIN-END, etc. nesting with level indicators on the left-hand side of-the listing. $-cards (lines with a 1$1 in the first column) may be used to control the listing's spacing, titling, paging, etc. A more interesting $-card is the "$INCLUDE 1I which allows source text from other files to be interspersed within the main source file. 1.3 For the benefit of student users Some more checking facilities have been added. There is a compile-time check against the assignment of a value to a for-loop control variable. The $T+ option has the added effect of initializing the stack at run-time to 1777~~~~~~~~~~377776B·s. This allows hardware cbecking for undefined reals and (most) pointers. An oversight in Pascal-6000-3.4. was corrected: a check is made that during a IIread" a subrange-typed variable is not assigned an out-of-bounds value. The post-mortem dump was reformatted to make it a little more informative and easier to read. In addition, a procedure which invokes PMD, but then continues execution, has been added to the library (IlSNAPIl). 1.4. Fieldlength handling A different FL-handling discipline is implemented. The user may preset his run-time FL at compile-time by use of the (*$FLxxxxx*) control comment. This has the effect of forcing the program (at run-time) to grab an amount of core equal to its code space, plus "XXXXX". The default setting is: run-time FL = code space + size (global-data-seg) + 2~~B. These settings may, of course, always be overridden at run-time by not running in REDUCE mode. rn 2.2 Reading and writing symbolic scalar types 3: to It is possible in our version to read and write symbolic scalar variables (RED,GREN,BLUE; ••• ;CAT,DOG,MOUSE; ... ;TRUE,FALSE etc.). This allows the language to be more generous in its treatment of scalar variables - most users complain of the absence of this feature at one time or another. An additional benefit is that the post-mortem dump can now really dump such variables. 2.3 case-statement revamp These extensions are arguably at odds with Pascal's "minimal language" philosophy, but turn out to be incredibly useful. They are: (i) the addition to the case-statement label list of a constant "range and (ii) the addition of a "default" label. The first of these is surprisingly absent from standard Pascal in view of the recent addition of constant ranges in the syntax of sets (e.g. [1 •• 9]). We have a sneaking suspicion that this was not implemented because the Pascal-6000 lexical analyser maps colon (:) and dot-dot ( •• ) into the same internal symbol, thus making compilation of things like ll , case i of ~ ,2 •• 1~-;12: begin rather awkward for a one-symbol-lookahead compiler. Our (ad hoc) solution was to use the word symbol to in place of " •• n here. The default label is represented by else and is executed if no constant satisfies the evaluation of the case-expression. A typical example is: case ch of ~to '~' Articles rn -0 -I 'Z' to '9' -;lse rn :::0 Articles Introduction -3- Consider the following PASCAL code fragment: 2.4 And for systems programmers ~ T ~ record Two further modifications were made to the language which are not intended for use by "general-purpose programmers". They enable ODe to undertake systems x :;z : integer; rn The extensions in this regard allow :::e:: one to treat pointers as integers (and vice-versa), and to access the address of a variable. They are: (/') programming from within Pascal exclusively. var P:J Q : tT; (1) The "pointer to" operator. The use of "t" is extended so that if has been declared thus: ~ new(P); Q then the value of the expression "t " is a pointer to , and is of type "t ': (2) The mechanism provided by the standard functions "ord" and nchr u is extended in the follov.Jing way: every type declaration allows the use of a corresponding IItype-function ll throughout the scope of its declaration. The type-function is of one argument, of ~~; the function-result is the same argument (bit-for-bit), but with its type changed to that of the type-function. 3. :~ P; dispose(P); Qt.x :~ 1; The space occupied by the variable Qt has been de-allocated and yet Q has a non-nil value. in [2]. In conclusion We would like to stress that our changes to Pascal-6000 have not detracted from the overall efficiency of the compiler or its object programs. Our experience over the past year or two with these changes has definitely vindicated them, and we feel they are worth the consideration of the Pascal community at large. This problem is mentioned in [1] and discussed I should like to propose a solution which uses a garbage collection system based on the block structure of PASCAL. Performing the garbage collection is simple and inexpensive, and the programmer can easily arrange matters so that the space occupied by dynamic variables is not allocated for any significantly longer time than that for which (* Received (77/01/03) the variable is actually required. Tony Gerber and Carroll Morgan are at the Basser Dept. of Computer Science University of Sydney *) The Scope of a Dynamic Variable Consider DISPOSING OF DISPOSE procedure OUTER; Stephen P. Wagstaff. University of Lancaster England. var PI tT; procedure INNER; Abstract var P2 : tT; This paper presents an argument for an automatic garbage collection system for dynamic variables in PASCAL, obviating the need for, and risks Variables of type T cannot exist outside the scope of OUTER, and neither associated with, user-controled de-allocation (e.g. DISPOSE). can pointers of type It also T. Thus, whenever a dynamic variable is created, describes how complete protection from tldanglingtl pointers may be the space it occupies can be maintained on a list associated with the appro- obtained. priate "procedure-instancell (or in implementation terms, "stack frame"). Keywords Protection, pointer, garbage collection, dynamic variables, PASCAL. (/') rn --0 ---I rn 3: to rn :::0 On exit from any procedure, the whole list can then quite simply be returned of type pointer. The third and fourth points concern variant records. to the allocation system. When dealing with access to the variant part of a record (static or The programmer can minimise his storage expenses by giving type declarations the minimum possible scope (which is good programming anyway). dynamic), the compiler should generate code to perform a run-time check However, the question remains: that the value of the tag-field is consistent with the variant implied what happens in the case where pointers reference identical structures but with differing type identifiers (and (this check could perhaps be optional in general but mandatory for hence, possibly, differing scopes)? components of type pointer). It seems reasonable to regard pointers Finally, if variants are overlaid, there is a possibility that a as referencing types rather than structures, and whenever two types have the same structure, to regard this as a "coincidence ll • This gives the dynamic change of variant would result in erroneous access to memory programmer a fine degree of control over both the lifetime and accessibility space beyond that occupied by the variable. of dynamic variables. with either by forcing all variants to be specified with NEW and dis- Thus, with allowing any further assignments to tag-fields or by disallowing the type T = .•. ; procedure OUTER; ~Tl = This can be dealt "variant" form of NEW so that the maximum required space is always allocated (The latter would allow dynamic changes of variant). t; C/) rn The last two points are discussed in detail in [21. var Pi : tTl; -0 --i rn procedure INNER; type T2 By incorporating an automatic garbage collection system for dynamic = T; var P2 : tT2; variables in PASCAL, together with appropriate scope rules for ~ identifiers, the responsibility for de-allocation can be taken away from the user, new(P2); Pl := P2; the distinction in the programmers mind between types T, Tl and T2 would be recognised and the final statement would be flagged as an error by the compiler, as an incompatible assignment. Associated Protection Measures Should it be desired to trap all possible address violations associated with pointer variables, four accompanying measures are required. and hence a class of potential address violation errors can be eliminated. Given a little programmer awareness, the cost of this added protection need not be significant. Together with the other protection measures noted all address violation errors can be wither prevented at compile time or immediately trapped at run time. References 1. Wirth, N. 2. Fischer, C. N. and LeBlanc, R. J. IIEfficient Implementation and Pascal New3letter No.5 September '76 p.29 Optimization of Run-time Checking in PASCAL". Firstly, to ensure that spurious pointer values do not exist, all pointers should be given an initial value of nil. Secondly, (assuming that pointers are implemented as main memory addresses!), external files should not be allowed to contain components SIGPlAN Notices Vol. 12 No.3, March '77, p 19-24 (* Received 77/05/17 *) 3 t:I' rn = WRITELN(F) What is a Textfile? The PASCAL revised report, section 6.2.4 in particular, is in serious error as to the nature of textfiles. PUT(H@), EOLN(F) EOF (H@)" and PAGE (F) PUT (H) . This error arises -- or is demonstrated by -- the definition of type TEXT as FILE OF CHAR. (As a typographical con- At this point, we have developed the structure that is necessary and vention, program fragments are presented in upper case, and the pointer operator, sufficient to support all the standard textfile operations. up-arrow, is represented by the character @). benefit (or is it a side effect?) we have a better appreciation of the As a result of this lapse, complex special-case notions are introd,uced as primitive concepts. Please embedded file, or file-of-file, concept. As an added Before running off to reimplement notice that I am not advocating a change in the language, or an abolition of textfiles the new way into your favorite compiler, however, let's give some existing notation: thought to extensibility. I merely propose a new, more useful, understanding and definition of the textfile notion. If a text file is considered as merely a nest of files, then those implementations which would like to give access to such things as page First, consider the files F and G: numbers, line nuinbers, and vertical printer spacing ("carriage control") will F: TEXT; G: FILE OF FILE OF CHAR. have to kludge those features in as primitives: we started. Obviously, a READ or WRITE performed on F will perform the same on G@, the lIinner " file in G. Some of the auxiliary I/O constructs, however, change in a very enlightening fashion: we notice some nice hooks: TYPE TEXT: RECORD reviewing all available literature on the (*EXTERNAL FILE NAME, ETC*) semantics of PASCAL file operations, we conclude that WRITELN(F) becomes PUT (G), READLN(F) becomes BEGIN WHILE NOT EOF(G@) DO GET(G@): EOLN(F) becomes EOF(G)! P:FILE OF RECORD ~ET(G) I'Tl END, and We conclude that to supply the structure L:FILE OF RECORD (*LINENUMBER*) each line is a file of characters. (*SPACING*) C:FILE OF CHAR we haven't considered the PAGE statement. END Let's add another declaration: END H: FILE OF FILE, OF FILE OF CHAR. END; Now, anywhere we used G, we can use H@: of READLN changes. logically, however, the re-representation The whole set of equivalent construct-pairs becomes, with The comments point out places where interesting implementation-dependent features can reside. the addition of the PAGE statement: READ (F) READ(H@@), WRITE (F) WRITE (H@@) , READLN(F) BEGIN WHILE NOT EOF(H@@) D0 GET(H@@): William C. Price 28282 SW Mountain Rd. West Linn. OR 97068 USA (* Received 77/06/10 *) IF NOT EOF(H) THEN IF EOF(H@) THEN GET (H) ELSE GET(H@) WCP:pt END, - 1 - en I'Tl -0 --I (*PAGENUMBER*) implied by WRITELN, READLN, and EOLN, a textfile is at least a file of lines, where There is even more to a textfile: thus we would be back where If, however, we consider TEXT to be predeclared as follows, - 2 - Generic ~()utines and VariaOle Tyoes in GenerlC ~ASCAL o 71271712uo L, I / t. I' / ( to ~fneric HOutlnes ~nO VariaOle ly~es in PASCAL =========~==========~======================== riS ~Jutines 1 i ,: ~~J varlaole types in ~AS(~l 0 ~~SC~L-G~T. r l' (, e t .~ i l e'J C1; s C'.J S S ; c: ~ (i fl II e r rt: (j") a f t 11 E' 1 jed san d res u l tnunj in Lil. An experilrentdL version of the oroposej extens~on5 ,s inulempnted oaSeo Ijn tne ~ASCAL P2-comp~ler~ may t s bp rn C/") 8. Austern\uehl, H.-J. t10ftmann to~puter Sc;ence OePdrtment TM Darmstadt, Germany Generic r0~tinps aM~ variaole tyD~S, as intrOJucea in E~1 [1J, dre d means to pDstPOne tne bindIng tim. at routines and data. In this oao~r it is exa~inpa to ~hat aearee SUCh feat~res may be carried over to PASCAL .ithout SEvere violation of the static type checking requirel11ent. Yle concl;..Jde that gen~ric routines fit to PASCAL, wnile var;aolp. ttoes nave to ~e subject to strong restrictions. 6es;des, tney may be ~sea only in connection with a special syntactic form, = :E TI~e ~ASCAL aes19n ~rinciples reliabi Lity ana clarity of the lanqUdtH' arp tnEo' cr;terla tor tnt' extension. Tnese pr;nciples, ;n the E:xtrerrp., reQI,Jire stat.ic type chE'c!(inq anu prohiOlt run time type Ct·)Pc~·in:: of C'lp!:"rJnos. In PA:)Ci\L, the caropi ler is aOle to assert the co~nat'oilitv ot oper&na ty,)PS for eacn operation, inCluding field Sflect ion an:J arroy su[;scrir.l1nq. rherefore, in our extension . . . e nave to qiye stdtic intorm&ti8n auout v~~i~ole types to tne compi ler whenev~r ~~ Jr~ anle to. It we idil, a~ a ccnsequpnce, there must exist ,ntertdc~s to ti~ varidcle ty~)es at comp~ le ti~e. 4t those intertac~&, ho~~ver, wP have to adw1t oyna~ic ty~e chpCkS to ensure the ~aliai(y of tht tixin~ at run time, and there type-dependent run tim~ errors ~ay oCCur if the run tii1e inStdMce of the type is not in the set of allc~eo types. Tnese interfaces ~ust De tne only points wn~re 1ynamic cneCks are rpql"red, and the user must De aware of run tirre errors only at thOse points. C/") rn ""'CJ IntrOductiun -i rn Uniun Typps and ttle Generic Form in EL"\ Thi, Pdo~r Is concerned .Ith the possiutLity ot extenalng PASCAL oy two mdln features ot ~en wegDrejt"s langudge ~L1 [lJ, namely ~generic rOutines~ ano 'treatment of data types as values-. In a generic routine in tne sense of I:.L1, formal parameters are DOUno to a set of oat a types, and tne type of an. ar9ument must De an element ot tne tyee set at the corresPonoing formal. Insioe a generic aifferent ~ctions m~y be exeCuted aepending-on argument types.Thus, a GenerIC routine may be regardea as a COllection of different rOutines tor arguments ot different types under a sinqle name, i.e. as tne abstraction ot an operation that requires aifferent alg~rithms tor dlfterent Input data types. From tre seconD feature of ELl, the treatment of types as values, tollows tne aoility to evaluate ano compute types and theretore the existence aT type variaOles ana type functions. Types are not treated stat'ically, but in a oynamic environment. Hence, var~able types, too, for~ abstractions, since routines are not to be bound to tneir oata at definition time, Out the structure of objects may oecome known orlly at campi le or even rUn time. we are .ell a.are of tne Conceptual difference between ELl, whiCh Is an interpreter-baseo lanquage (D,sed on the facilities of the ~CL syStem) where type cheCking may De aeferrea untl l run ti~e, and ~A,CAL, where all types have to ~e ~nOwn to the compiler, Our goal Is to aeter~ine tne restrictions to oe posed on the ELl features tnat are useD to postpone the binoing of procedures and data from proqrammrng time to compi le Or even run time Oy the type cneeking requirements of FASCAL. In this DdPer, .e deal witn features Df ELl In PASCAL terminology, too, SO we speak of types Insteao of modes and Ignore that ELl is an expression language, i.e. we distinguish between statements and expressions. The extenoea PASCAL tnat we investigate is referred 3: ttl rn In ~Ll, we find url~on types. fhe medn,nq of 'Uni8n', there, ;s only thp postponement of type cnc1c~, i~e. at run time each object ana varijule nas ourirlg its litetil1e a oefinite and uncnangeable type. Ir, Pcifl1Cul&r, the aef1nite type ot ~ union-typeo parameter is detpr~linpO Oy th~ argument type ~nO c~nnot ~e Changed s~bsequent to creation. A qen~ric routine has carameters ot u~ion tyees. I"sioe its Doay, tne alternatives 01 tne ~n~on t/PES ~~y be sinqlea out by "leanS of the 'qeneric form~ tt13t resemoles a case statement in PMSC'L. A generic form consists of se.er_l alternative orancnes ancl ~ neaaer na~inq toe pardn1eters the typ~s of ~nich are to be tixpd. The rigtlt hand sides of trle ~ranches are statements, the lett nand sials are formed of type-lists (one entry for each generic 06ra~et~r) and joditional (ovtional) predicates. In the typ~-list5, alt~rrlativ€s (or unio~s of alternatives) of the param~ters' uniorl types are speCified, to wh~ch the types of the correspondln~ p~rameters are fixeo in~ioe tne branChes. nranch for a qiven combination of argument types ate 0 on 0 i l e t i me, ; t a l L t y pes i non e 0 f the t y p elists 'cover" (for aefinition ot cover see [lJ, P.<~o) the correspon0~nt drqu~pnt types. Since argument types ~ay be unions (if arguments are ~ardmeters at Otfler ro~tines), a" argum~nt type may be onlY p~rtidlly covpr~a (l1J,P.2j~) oy d typp-ljst element, i.e. some alternatives ot the argume~t tYpe are not alternatives of the typeL;st tltlement, j,oIh1le others are. rr.en tt'l€' comf.)i ler is nOt aDle to decicp w~etner tne net~nits run timp t)pe fits or not, ana must The In Q y be aoproprl~te S e lee t E'd ;::0 Generic Routines ano Variable Types in PA~CAL 07/~7/7720b gene rete a run time test. Tnis, holds, too, if the additional predicate is not evaluable at compi le time. The PASCAL-b~r &eneric Extension In weqbreit"s ECl system there exists a compi ler as well as an interpreter, bOth fully compatible. Each may call the other as a suoroutine. Theretore tne compi ler is able to evaluate parts of a compi lation unit (routine) and to use the v~lue instead of the form. &0 predicates of a generic fOrm may be evaluated by the compi ler and a compile time selection may be done, In the generiC form carried over to PASCAl-bvr, preoicates are not allowed. There are two reasons for this aecision: 1. ~e have no interpreter in our system, Therefore, predicates are not ev~luable at compile-time, and a run time selection is necessarY for eaCh call of a generiC routine with predicates, even if the covering of all argument types is asserte~. ~o the numDer of possiole run time errDrs increases. 2. ijy o@sign, a oecision in a generic form is a decision deoendlng on tne types, nOt on the velues of the arguments. Accoroingly, oreOicates in a generic form sno~ld De predicates on types only. The type "lasses that are ceflned implicitly by predicates, however, dO not have ~uCh a specific structure that the compiler is aole to hanale them (e.g. all one-aimensional arrays). The cawpi ler ~i II not be able to determine any comaonent statically. Therefore a static type cheCking will no ae possiDle inside the branCh ana sO the adva~tages of tne generiC form wi II De lost. union tyoes in the sense of ELI, no~ever, fit to the reQuirements at PASCAL. First, tne structure of eaCh alternative is known to the Compiler, so there is no difference to a normal PASCAL type after the selection of one single alternative in a generiC form. second, tne type constanc, during tne lifetime of a union-typed parameter allows a staCk Imple~ent.tion of such parameters. when the procecure is entereo, the definite type _itn its length Decomes known (Since this happpns at run time, run time type descriptors have to be generat~d by the compiler). Since tn~ length is uncnangeaole, an aaoress on the staCK may be Computed for eaCh union-typea parameter and the argument values may De copied. Access to tne parameter values is inairect via the compi le-time-computable local address, ~here a pointer to tne run-time-computable real adoress is to be stored. Since .e are able to ~Ut union-typed parameters on the staCk as opposed to tne PASCAL heap (where flexiDle-length parameters woulD have to oe putl, there are no oroblems with RELEASEcommanOS of the user. So union-typed parameters do not mess UP PASCAl"S storage management SCheme. The demand for static type cnecKing implies tnat eaCh qeneric parametpr is fi.eo to a oefined, compiler-known type (including a union typel at the entry into a generic Drancn. If that type is a union, operations on tne pdrameter are restricted to assignments and eQuality tests inside the Drancn, Since static type cnecking reQuires tully fixed operana types for any otner operation, This restriction torces a progra~mer to write aOwn reoeatedly similar branches for 3 Generic koutines ann variaoLe tyoes in PASCAL 071271(72Uo similar, but different types (e.y. array of intpger vs, array of real'. Tne PASCal conventiun of identifylny a type by its na~e, not Oy its structure, aisenacles us to oefine arrays of unions and SO to hanale si~ilar structures In a single or~ncn, since we then hao to nave variaOles of type array of unians. unjon-typed variaoles, nowever, .ill not be aLloweo, sinCe (a) each variable must nave an unchangeaole type (tnere is no cha"ce of a postponement of type cnolee as with p.rameters) ana (ol unjon-typed variables wculd impose further neea for run time type CheCKS. So the disadvantage of multiple writing de.n can not oe remedied Oy using unions, we will see later that there is a slight improvement oy use of variable types. with the given restrictions, the generic form is easily transferaDle to PASCAL. Tnus, a PASCAL-ijWT procedure body may oe either a normal PASCAL proceaure or a generiC form. The only violation of static ty~e checkinq ~y tne use of a generic fOrm may occur if only oartial coverinq is 91Ven at compile time ~nd thUS a run time cheCk is needed Tor craneh selectiOn. If at rvn time the comolnation of arqument types does not fit to any of the branChes, a type-dependp.nt run time error will reSUlt, viOlating the principle of static tyoe thec en n In PASCAL, we dO not nave the faci lity to freele variables, since there is no interpreted environment avai lable, A variable type at programming time remains variaole at compi Ie time ($lthoU9h being invariaole at run time). Static type Checking, however, requires a wiae range of constancy for type variables, since tnese have to act as repr@sentatives of the run time types: Two variable. declared by the same type variable must nave tne same run time type, since the compiler can cheCk their types only by means of the name of the tyoe variable. As a conseqUence, a type variaDle in PASCAL-GVT must not be assignee a value in any other than in its declaring proceaure; otherwise assi,nments to a tyoe variable between oeclarations of two variables in hierarChically ordereo procedures might result in different run time types of thOSe variables in spite of the com~ pile time assumption that they haVe the same type. In contrast to tL1, where type checking of variable-typed variables ana, it neee be, insertion of operations for conversion of their values, may De done at run time, the static type checking mechanism of PASCAL requires full compi Ie time cheCking of operand types for every operation other than assignment or equality cheCk (wh~re no specific types, but only equality of types is required). Tnerefore ~e have to introouce a facility to nai l aown types of variablp.-typeo variables, similar to tnat we have· for nailing down types of generic parameters. we define in PASCAL-GVT a new syntactic form, calleo 'gpneric expreSSion', whiCh looks like the original generiC for~ used as the DOdy of a generic routine, out has expressions insteao of statements as its oranChes. The 'oarameters' of a generiC expression na~e the variaole-typed variables, the types of whicn are fixeo to allow operations on them in the branches, By this, static type cheCking remains possible in spite of allowing variables to be Oeclared with (at compile ti",e) variaDle types. Here, too, we have an interface, where type-depenaent run ti~e errors may be e.pec~ ted, if the definite combination of types at run time is not covered Dy on~ of tne type-lIsts in the qeneric form. Only variables or parameters Can nave a varlatle type, since there are no operations on variaole types ava; lable. ThUS, a generic e.pression must have a unique invariahle typP, i.e. all oranches must nave the same resulting type, whiCh must be invariaole. There is only one excePtion to this uniQue~ ness requirement: Assi~nment Of an invariable-typed value to a variaol~-tyoed iariable is done Oy use of the generic expression, too. Then the left hana variable is entered into the 'parameter'-list of tne generic expression forming the right hana sioe of the assignment statement, and eacn cranCh of tne generiC expression mUSt have that result type, to whiCh the lett hand variaDle is fixed in tnat Dranch. .itn tnese restrictions ano svntactical aids type variables may De handlee in a static type chec~inq environment. Besides variables, ho.ever, we hdVe to consid·er type functions ana other type-valued exoressions. ",ust be forbjOden. In addition, even without recursion, type functions are not com~i l~ time evalu&Dle oecause of the existence of parameters and 'looals, Since the compiler is unable to determine tne ~tructure of any fu~ction-defined type, those types are obviously meanl"91~sS ane tnus are forbidden in PASCAL-GVT. As to other ty~e-valued expreqsions, we must consider the above remark on recursion. rlere tne same hoLds for iteration. If we allow Complex type-valued expressions, it will always De possiole to assig"~ TVA~ := array ( •• ,J of "AR, whiCh structure will ~ot be reCOgnl~aDle statically. So we must toroid, too, complex tyee-valued expressIons and allow only type variables and type constants to apoear on the right hana side of an assignment statement. r ::z IT! ~ en 'II:: c.o I/O 'II:: ...... 0 Structures Over ~~riable Types .titructures !arr~ys, recoras) over unions cannot be oefinea, sInce type unIon Is only allowea lor oarameter specification· parameters in PASCAL, ~o~ev~r, ~ust be specified not oy a ty~e structure, out Oy a type name, ano compatibi lity of aCtual ana formal p~r~~et:rs ;s aetermined only by equality of tne type name, no~ by SImI larltv ot str~cture (or a certain kina ot covering, if un,ons werp- ,nvolveo). SInce we 00 not allo~ variaoles of union type, tnere cannot exist any cOmp8tiole araument for a formal of 'strIJct~re type of union~. StruCtures over tyPP var,aeles, ho~ever, are meaningful, since variaDles may De usee in any context where otner types may be usee. Although its o.erall ~tructure is known to the compi ler the entire variable of suCh a type is considerpO a variaole-tvped'varl_ aOle insefar as its real aooress is aetermineo only at run time and access is indirect. Recoras are pnysically restructured to Shift ty~e variacle-typeo +ielos to tne end ana so to give information about th@ relative aOJress of tne tixeo-typed fields to the Compiler. Bath arrAys and recor~s may be stOred continuously without any use of. internal pointers ana thus copying may De cone without examining suostructures. Sincp the co~piler has infor~atinn aoout the overall structure of suCh an array or record, only COmDonent typeSi if varianie, have to oe tixed 1n a generiC expression. Example: vilr Tv"R : MOllE; prOce TPAR; T~AH; VA'"F~LO: F lxFE:LO: ena; VARRAY; I~TEGEk Generic Routines and Variable Ty~es in PASCAL v1i27!f7Zvo VHr VV: IVAR; (;eq; is ~ tion, ',J: INTEGER; r"\ ~aria~!le and TYPes in PASCAL 11'1H:(itR] VV; I R tAll r R L' NC to ~e~ni~qful eX1.ension in SlnC€ ~e ~OW are 8blp im~)lement 8 -0 :to(/) the direction of functional abstracto dpnote on~ operatjon by one name with no reaara to oitterent aota typ@s I := generi c (VV)' Of enG Generic Routir'ES :)1/<1I70u>, ~itn possiOLy different algorithms tnp operation. n :to- r z rn ~ U V) ... J; (/) 'S'nCl; ~ ACKnOwleapf'noent ~e thankfully our f::n'Jlisn. Cone lus ions I.D aCknowledg~ the DDvice of Hans Kron in impro~ing 1<0 "" I-' a Tyoe variauility is a mearlS of separating. data and programs. In EL1, tt is a meaninytul instru~pnt, since compile and run time are tlomngenuous in that compile time of rautinesand run time of type evaluAtion may he the same. Tnus, liorary routines may be written References usta ~ndepende"t ano tne~r types evalu&tea ir"l an interpreted environment or their cOMPilation, 50 aChieving an efficient and type-secure object code in spite of data injepenoence, since type chpcKing may be ~one at Comp~ le time. In PASCAL, were compile ana run time Are strictly separated, the static type checking mechanism imposes strong restrictions onto the use of type .aria~les, ~aking them constant in hierarchically suboraered Droeecures. ~e are not BDle to extena PASCAL"s type scheme ay iterateD typps ana type functions, which may De regarDed as classes of tYDes, since these two features require dynamic treatment. Tnus the type definition part remains the only place where types may De constructed. The use of type variaules in PASCAL-bVT is along two axes: is an extension of the generic (1) aireetly for oeclaration; this parameter mechanism to variaole~; (2) as aase tyee ot a structure; ~e may look at similar structures it we represent the differe~t base types by a type variabLe. However, if we want to abstraCt from tne base type Qf • structure and use a type variaole, we have to COpy each instance at the structure with invariaole oase type to an instance of the structure kith .ariable Dase type, Since, even if we were able to fix that •• riaDle nase type in a generic expression to the right invariable pase type, the PASCAL convention of considering two equal structures as oifterent types enforces copying. Such a usage may be meaningful, however, ;n the context of generic routlnes to avoid multiple writing oown of similar brancoes, Then, we may enclose the generiC in a kina ~f pseuDo-procedure (generiC, too), where the cop.ing is done, ana the yeneric itself may Oeal only with one structure over a variaale base type, Especially for library routines one must consider the traoe off Detween tne COPy overhead On the one hana ana the possibi lity to use one name for one operation independently at types on tne athpr nand. ~naer one Single type, Providing more type variaoility in PASCAL-GVT would have violated the aoove-mentlonea principles of our extension. The feature of tne gener1c routine fits mUCh better to PA~CAL than tnat of type v~riaDllit., since we only nave to exClude the grouping of tyres by predicates to r~taln static type CheCking. This feature [ 1] ~euorpit,~: Tne (,()~m. (2) Treatment of Data Types "(,i", 1/(1Y"), 5, in EL1, o.2S1~'/)4 ~.: Zur verwenaunq typaDhaenoiger Prozeduren und variELI.r Typen in ~A~CAL, Diploma Ihesis, Computer AUster~uehl, ~cience ~'artt\ TH DarmStijdt, ~~uartnlent, llt(, H4 File Paoes (* Received 77/08/05 *) Nr~ PU ~055, The University of Tasmania Postal Address: Box 252 C, G.p.a., Hobart, Tasn--ania 7001, Austr'J!ia Te!ephor.e: 230561. Cables 'Tilsuni' Telex: 58150 U WtLj -<-1J:Lelle..<,t you to Imow too tlw.t d -0., qude pOM-<-ble to leave a;t;tJUbltte -<-lLbC,".J:'a.uoH ou;!: 06 a BUf'Jlclllghi> B6700 PASCAL pltogltam, and;to .t.ttpp£.Lj d aLt -<-n ;tIle LiQJ'!2- Hew Language ic.ontltal pltogltam? JCL?) to be bowid -<-n a;t apen;.ng t-<-me. TlU-i. rv[p ;oac.lu.ne- cuta /[ul1-depel1dell;t -<-n6o/[mauoll JUght dtU: oS the PASCAL p/[og/[am, but «'Ducd b2. uHbecuwbll} .tecUo1U> -<-6 done bO/[ evcu11} PASCAL ~ile o/[ /[Wt. TIU/.> wou£.d be ~e.L6-ev.Ldertt;to aJ!tj B6700 P/[og,1ammell lteacUltg DUIt doc.wnevJ:Lauol1, btU: m-<-glU:It';t be :to 10th Nay, 1977 Dear Andy, All is forgiven. Let's forget the past and get on with work. Distribution Centre for Australasia: I await your suggestions. I think we can act for Austral ia, New Zealand and Papua/New Guinea, but Japan is probably nearer the U.S. than us. Standards: great news! desparately needed! I am on tenterhooks! O.tfU2/i.,,6. Your point (4): Remember B6700s and 85500s have been around a fair while: they are also today's machines. Ny point here is that the CDC 6000s are just about an extreme in simplicity of (i) architecture, and (ii) operating system. It is quite natural that troubles will arise at the other ends of the spectrum. It is also quite natural that systems with reasonable affinity will prove to be easy to implement PASCAL on, for the assumptions are the same. Actually the CDC conventions and operating systems are more troublesome than its architecture wtlich is a triumph of monolithic simplicity. Examples of the (again subtle) effects are PASCAL's nJnexistent attitude to interactivity, the lack of read/write scalars, and so on. Quite a long list of regrettable influences could be compiled. t1any of them do not directly lead to implementation difficulty, but show up as a less-than-perfect construct. I grieve, but can do nothing about it. CDC-bias, etc: May I take some time to talk around the points you make on files, program, and CDC-bias? I donlt expect a reply since you are busy, but lid 1 ike to try to convince you that I have some points here. Your point (1): fi les as sequential access structures: I t ..-;·taZl?j aOY'ee. Sequential files are useful; they are data objects; they are needed fort'i'1e purpose you cite. What I try to say is that files are not full PASCAL-variables in that their usage in array of file or record of fi Ie, or fl Ie of file or in expressions, is undefined. They partake of few properties of full variables; about many~procedure or function-names for example. I express a sadness that the opportunity has been lost of expressing this well in the PASCAL language. as Your point (2): arrays as random-access. only partly agree. Sure a slow array could be implemented as a random-access fi Ie, but not all randLFiIaccess files can be implemented as slolJ aY'Y'ays. Unless you are wi 11 1n9 to thrm"r away PASCAL's strong typing and admit truly dynamic sized arrays. The point being that even a random-access file is a sequence of variable length. PASCAL arrays are always of fixed pre-determined length. I e~phasize that random-access is a property of the access, not of the file (though CDC's standard implementation of files disguises this). Think abstractly. So lIve no objection to slow arrays; they're just not equivalent to random-access files. Your point (3): program heading. I can't see FORTRAN's ident"~cal program heading as a 'coincidence', I'm afraid. Your subsequent argument is a pragmatic one for collecting all machine-dependent information at a central place. A good practical point. The counter-argument is that based on a feel ing for structuring. One of the precepts of structured programming is that information relevant to a structure should appear in one place (the point of decision) and that only. So this urges me to collect all file data at one point: the type or var declaration for it. --Besides this, several nasties creep in if the information is collected in the heading. CDC PASCAL crudely restricts 'permanent' files to ones declared in the outermost block; if this restriction is 1 if ted (an obvious step leading to better structuring of subprograms and their scopes), then name confusion may arise (two files called INPUT?). In addition, the program heading could become very large for camp.lex programs, and a useful faci 1 ity has been pre-empted (I mean the facility to activate a PASCAL program with genuine parameters). Now much of this is non-standard, but I hope it better illuminates what 1 mean when I say there is subtle CDC influence (and I mean subtle, not blatant: ~/irth is a good designer). -Pa/Le'lthe.uc.afJ'.y, ovell the lMt 10 Ljea/L6 I have had qrUte -<-J1,uma;te c.on;tac;t W-Gtll c7,(.L ;the tl0Uow-i.vrg hy,stem;: 1B,\I1130, 18:1360 & 370, 18.1.17040, IBM1401, CDC6600 (Scope) & CLjbell 72, (K/[ovrOh) CDC1700, El1gWh-Elewuc. KDF9, Etuo;U 503, PDP-S, PDP-ll (20,40,45 &70), Bu.-'1ltougl1,; B1700, B6700, Un-<-vac. 110&, ICL 1900, . t~I" 10 (KIlO), Va/L·can and 1'U:Vtda;ta. I c.ouid add -<-11 molte p/[e-1967 mac.fUHe6. I I have. managed ;to develop Ct c.olHw-0.,~eUlt' h vwhe nO/[ mac.YUIle6 altd ;thruiA -in fJ2-~uci:ce,6 . •. o:J =-'8.Y'suGsive 8egmen·t. -i ! a:t1 interested to know that the non-academic world in the U.S. is interested in PASCf\L. I'd love to know how many of those PUGN subscribers are (i) miniCDrlr::uter firms, (ii) mainframe operators, (iii) software houses) or (iv) just interested individuals? It'd be interesting, yes? Thank you too for the Minnesota breakdoHn of lIsage. 5 - 10% usage rate in number of runs is indeed good pro~ress. Our first-year course will switch over entirely to PASCAL next academic year (a first for reactionary Austral ia) now our campi ler is operational, and wi 11 put on a "\.Jhat's in PASCAL for yoU!1 course later this year for the general academic population. It will be interesting, as our FORTRAN usage at Tasmania has never been dominant due to some complex historical constraints. Switching Algo~into Pascallers is easier in one way, but convincing them of the merit of the switch is more difficult! We are also organizing through Burroughs to run our compiler on a B7700 system, and probably a dual-processor B6700. If I can get to any others of the range (eg the new 6800) I'll try them too. \1e aim to thrash it on re-entrancy and any possible model-dependent features. Hardware documentation is very poor i~ Burroughs. And needed. progra~ Open Forum for Members fly bes t wi shes. (/) rn I hope the work load doesn't get you down. Yours sincerely, rn 3: b:I rn ;:0 Open Forum for Members TELEPHONE: 692 1122 BASSER DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE School of Physi cs (Bui Iding A2B), University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 24 May 1977 Andrew B. Mickel, lliitor, Pascal Newsletter, Canputer Centre, 227 Exp Engr, University of Minnesota, MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 UNITED srATES OF AMERICA Dear Andy, Thanks for mailing my newsletter #8 air mail - as Arthur Sale points out, three rronths' lag is unacceptable. (It's continually annoying to receive conference notices and Calls for Papers fram ACM _eks after the event.) I am mainly writing to air a grudge. At the beginning of this year we sent you a short article dealing with changes to the Pascal-6000 ca:rpiler we had made. Although you no doubt have good reasons for not publishing any word of these changes, _ are at a loss to understand why you subsequently publish proposals for changes, when _ have actually irrgJlemented these changes and can attest to their worth or otherwise. W= have not attempted, nor do we wish to attempt to irrgJlement features such as dynamic arrays and initializations as it is obvious that a lot of people are debating several alternative proposals. With one exception, what _ have irrgJlemented entails sirrgJly weakening restrictions already present in the language. 'l.'hey are: (1) Our other under-the-table extensions (type-functions which relax type-checking (cf. Richm:md's transfer functions in PUGN #8) and the address-of operator) illustrate nore closely our ideas on why we feel no regret at "extending" Pascal. These systerns-oriented changes were made for purely selfish reasons: scxre of us wanted to carry out systans progranming entirely in Pascal, despite the fact that Pascal was not designed as such. '!he point is that progranrning in "extended Pascal" is nruch more satisfying than prograrmning in an assembly language. Our concern is therefore that we should make Pascal nore useful than it really is, sirrgJly because the alternatives available (on the ax: Cyber) are so abho=ent. In our minds, we always maintain the distinction between "Sydney" and "Standard" Pascal, and so dces the corrpiler - it will, unless directed otherwise, flag every use of a Sydney-irrgJlemented extension. Finally, we would be grateful if you would give our nodifications sane publicity. They are actually irrplemented, they work, our experience with them (over a year) is positive, and the l.ltlJlementation overhead incurred is definitely acceptable. (/) rT1 -0 -l ~.grinting,,~ ~~ reading "packed arrays of char"; (* Editor's Note: In a reply dated 77/06/07, I stated: "I just received you letter, Tony, yesterday. John and lowe you several big I found out shortly after reading your 24 May letter that there was reading and writing symbolic scalar ty~s; (3) allowing a "range" of labels for case-statement labels; apologies, (4) providing an "else" - clause for case-statements (this is the exception) ; (5) allowing functions to be of any type (except file). a new one, only just irrgJlerrented.) material on John's deck which I had never seen: a listing and some correspondence. I hope you don't get the idea that we go out of our way to hassle Australian PUG members! •... liThe trouble with an else on case is that it catches things you don't plan for Separate as well as the things you ~and you can't distinguish among them. compilation is a good thing. Your include feature or something like it will wind The debate on the suitability of the else-clause in the casestatement seems to be a rather ove=rked one, reminiscent of the dangling~ debate for if-statements. wirth talks of convenience as opposed to necessity in this context in PUGN #8, but I cannot help feeling that a lot of the language would disappear i f this criterion was applied to the whole language (e.g. the with-statement, if-then-else is really only "case - of true: ..• ; false: ... end", record variants). Most people here seem to be perfectly haPPY about using the else-clause - they include people who one could genuinely call "good" prograrnrers. (/) Surely then, our efforts should not be concentrated on standardizing Pascal at a time when Pascal is beginning to show signs of age. There are non-trivial deficiencies in Pascal which are being attacked in nore recent languages (Eu-olid, CUl, Alfhard et al). Pascal might better serve therefore as a testbed in which irrgJroved ideas may be evaluated. I have this recurring nightmare: I'm reading the UTOPIA 84 Newsletter and they're carplaining about all these old-fashioned people in industry and academia who won't rrnve fran Pascal to UTOPIA 84 because of the large financial investment tied up in Pascal software •.• Pascal's role is not, I belJ.eve, to serve as the next irrgJortant widely-used general-purpose language. It is a credit to its design that although it wasn't designed as such, it has nearly becane such. let's keep Pascal in its proper perspective, please! (2) (This is :z rT1 . ::E: up in Release 3 [of Pascal-6000]. ------- "Regarding Utopia 84, ilve had the same thoughts, but we haven't even gotten rid of Fortran yet, and once that precedent is set, getting rid of Pascal when its time comes will be easier. No, I don't think you comprehend the politics of getting a language like Pascal widespread. So yes, Pascal's role is to be the next widely used general purpose language, and any attempts by you or I are going to fail; it simpley has too much merit on its own to stop it. Languages like Euclid, Alphard, and CLU are not general purpose and therein is the rub! adopted different syntax for similar semantic constructs. "Thank you again for all you have done .... " "P.s. What does "grinting" mean?" *) Besides they needlessly rT1 ANPA RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1111111111111 1350 Sullivan Trail, P. O. Box 598 Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 (215) 253·6155 June 1, 1977 Mr. Andy Mickel Pascal User's Group Dear Andy, Each Newsletter seems to be getting better. high quality both in presentation and content. Number 8 is truly I have given lots of thought to the question of PASCAL software tools, There is no question that there exists a great need for the collection, review, and distribution of shareable software. We need to do this within PUG so that we can preserve our independence while increasing our scope. Up until now I have collected and installed at Lehigh University a number of useful programs. I've used those to trade to get others. The problems of wider distribution have me truly worried. At Lehigh our antiquated 7 track drives and strange 63 character set make machine compatibility problems (via ma~netic tape) almost insurmountable. I've even had five crates of cards (50,000) punched to import some software. Postage and other distribution costs have been paid out of my own pocket. There has got to be a better way - here's my suggestion: I recommend that PUG Newsletter allocate a number of pages in each issue to the publication in source form of generally useful PASCAL programs. Both software tools and pedagogic examples could be published ~program listings, documentation, designer commentary, and reviews) in 'The Programmer's Corner" of the Newsletter. I could use my facilities at ANPA to produce camera ready copy of this material. Local nonstandard usage could be clarified in text descriptions. Constructive criticism from members would be invited. "The Programmer's Corner" has other benefits besides facilitating the sharing of programs. Good technique and compliance to standards would be encouraged. A new outlet for programmer/user ideas would be opened. Software tool distribution would be furthered by encouraging implementers/distributers to include the published programs on PASCAL distribution tapes. The tools would also form a good test base for implementors. My personal interest in this stems from my great disappOintment in the dropping of the Algorithms Section from Communications of the ACM. "The Programmer's Corner" offers a way to restore program and algorithm design to its rightful preeminent place in our profession. I can see two disadvantages to this approach. First, it will take time before a thorough set of tools is published and, secondly, valuable AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION I RESEARCH INSTITUTE space in the already crowded Newsletter will be used. To the first objection I respond that a continually grOWing, universally available software set offers significant advantages. To the second I offer the following method for increaSing the available space in the Newsletter. First, we set up an abbreviation scheme. E.g., SA: slow arrays, DA il dynamic arrays, DF!! direct access files, FlO.!!. formatted input/output, etc. Letters from dissidents could then be ti~htly compressed for publication. "w/o FlO & DF, PU & WNRF: MH/ABT could be the concise representation of "Dear Andy, Without formatted I/O and direct access files, PASCAL is useless and will never replace FORTRAN. " :z rn :e:: U) Incidentally my own experience over the last five years with students who have learned to program using PASCAL is that if they go into a non-PASCAL environment, they quickly become an importer or implementer of PASCAL. In their minds, neither FORTRAN, COBOL, nor PL/I will ever replace PASCAL. One final word about "The Programmer's Corner" idea. It seems to me that as our organization matures member interest will shift from implementation discussions to applications. I, therefore, look for the Newsletter to soon begin reflecting this change and membership to grow even faster because of it. nZJ:lY' ~R1chard J. Cichelli Research Manager Computer Applications Department Co-director, Computer Science Group Department of Mathematics Lehigh UniverSity (* Editor's Note: I reacted negatively to this proposal at first, especially beca~se of space :onsiderations and who would judge what programs would be publlshed. But R1Ch phoned me and talked me into it - provided he edit the section; he's really right that we should involve the interest of users much more than we have. It's been mostly implementors so far. Beginning with next issue (~ascal News #11), we should have some programs (mostly software tools) to prlnt. See also the second page of Mike Ball's letter for his views on portable program exchange. *) U) rn "1:l -l rn 16 June 1977 Mr Andy Mickel University Computer Center University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dear Andy Enclosed is a check for my membership renewal for the next year. Please change my address to: Michael S. Ba11 Code 632 Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego, CA 92152 This is a change of address due to a local reorganization. I am currently hard at work an the concurrent and sequential Pascal compilers for the Interdata 8/32. The past few months were spent on the design of the Kernel and compiler changes, so I had very little time to worry about anything. else. We . have an innitial operation date 6f 15 July, so thlngs are comlng to a head. It will not be available for distribution for at least several months. The Univac 1100 compiler is seeing increasing local use, and there are 24 known copies in the field. There are 11 at universities, 4 at government installations, and the rest in industry. I have no data on the amount of use except at a few of the installations. I was interested in the "standard extensions" to Pascal. I would like to suggest that these be limited to those which can.be translated easily into equivalent standard Pascal. For lnstance, Dynamic arrays can be used in ways which are much more difficult to translate than can parameter arrays. Other extensions should be limited to additional standard procedures, and prehaps minor changes to highly system dependent actions such as file . . declarations. This limitation should increase program portablilty, while at the same time providing the convenience and added efficiency which seems to be the motivation behind most of the suggested improvements. Along that line, I would like to suggest that a standard syntax be specified for external and other language subroutine declarations. The implementation is of course highly machine dependent, but a uniform syntax would ease transfer pains. While on the subject of extensions, I heard from Jim Shores that you have a proposed extension for initialization which Wirth liked. If this is in shape for use, I wduld like a copy of this, since the initialization of tables is an area of considerable inefficiency in many programs. I would also like to urge the creation of a standard editing procedure and distribution format for Pascal programs, since in my experience much of the trouble in transporting programs comes in incorporating corrections, and then later in merging corrections with the inevitable local modifications. Something similar to Bell Lab's source code control system might provide a reasonable approach. The first job, of course, is to decide what features are needed, and what can be implemented in a portable manner. I would like to suggest the following list of features as a starting point. 1. The standard should include the full ASCII character set, but all programs should be case independent, so that they can be translated to an upper-case subset without harm. 2. Card length restrictions should be followed, since many operating systems work in card images. Serial numbers should be optional. 3. Corrections should include enough redundancy (prehaps an alphabetic checksum of some sort) so that corrections which are transmitted on paper have a reasonable chance of surviving the keypunching experience. 4. The system should provide the ability to add local changes with the local editor, then merge these corrections with new corrections from the distributer (a down-date procedure). 5. The programs which implement this should be implementable with the subset Pascals which are frequently the first step in a bootstrap. In particular, as few files as possible should be used. More specific suggestions are easy tQ generate. We are intending to implement some form of source code control system for our own use, and if there is interest in this, we will take the extra trouble to make it portable and generally useful. Lets here from athers on the subject. I am sure that I am not the only one tired of simulating other systems' editors by hand. <:J yours, J> G> fT1 Mike Ba11 U1 C> incorporating Sir George Williams University and Loyola of Montreal I:j!j 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West Montreal, Quebec H3G 1 M8 o then the first READ would find 123 and the next would fail, which might be confusing. !qe could insist that the item be followed by a blank, but this has obvious problems too. For example, a program reading expressions would accept 123 +456 but not 123+ 456. The method extends naturally to user defined scalars and (note!) subranges. This is important, because I think that it would be pointless to extend PASCAL in such a way that scalars could be read but entering FLASE instead of FALSE causes a fatal run-time error. 7141 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H4B 1 R6 Tel. 514-879-4251 June 16, 1977 PASCAL User's Group c/o Andy Mickel UCC:227 Exp. Engr. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 The programmer still has to provide an error recovery routine. For an interactive program, there is no problem: issue a diagnostic and cue for corrected data. For a batch program the easy way out is to READLN, leaving the user to spot further errors on the same line. In a specific application, however, it is often possible to design a more sophisticated error recovery procedure which takes reasonably intelligent action. The PASCAL Newsletter is doing a fine job. Keep it up! Dear Andy, The merit of PASCAL is its simplicity. It is reasonable to expect a competent PASCAL programmer to correctly predict the effect of any well-constructed PASCAL statement, which is more than can be said of certain other programming languages. In attempting to standardize PASCAL we should attempt to tidy up loose ends, not to incorporate fancy features. When we have to extend the language, we should preserve the spirit of the initial design. Everyone has their own ideas about what the most important defects of PASCAL are. My own pet grievance is the P~AD statement used to perform automatic conversion from character string to INTEGER or REAL. No user will accept a program which collapses when it encounters an unexpected character in the input stream, and no programmer wants to incorporate conversion procedures into every program he writes. Therefore, READ must have an error exit, and the problem is how to provide it in a clean way. The solution should be compatible with the existing READ, so that simple-minded conversion is available for toy programs and novice programmers. I tentatively propose the fOllowing: the READ statement should accept an actual parameter whose type is RECORD. The record must contain two fields, one scalar or REAL, and the other BOOLEAN. For example: VAR ITEM: RECORD DATUM: SCALARTYPE; FOUND: BOOLEAN END; After executing READ (FILENAME, ITEM) either ITEM. FOUND = TRUE and ITEM. DATUM has the appropriate value or ITEM. FOUND = FALSE and ITEM. DATUM is undefined. In the first case, the file pointer will have been advanced past the item read, and in the second the file pointer will be unchanged, except that leading blanks and blank lines will have be~ skipped. If we have formatted input, then the pointer woul~~be advanced over the indicated field width in either case, and the program would not get a second chance to read the item. If SCLARTYPE is INTEGER and the input stream contains AA the string (/) rn ""0 -I rn :::s: t::O rn THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN AUSTIN, TEXAS Complltalion Center 512/471-7242 June 24, 1977 Dear Andy: Since it's renewal time, I thought it would be appropriate to bring you up to date on PASCAL related happenings here at UT. The best news is that we finally got confirmation that the new version of DEC-lO PASCAL has in fact made i t to the U. S. and DECUS. This confirmation came in the form of a copy of the files for a test installation from Carl Perkins of DEC to whom we had supplied the old version of PASCAL. He informed us that he would be the official DEC US submittor. We have the new version up and in reasonable shape. The biggest problem with it is that all programs that ran with the old version have to be changed. On the job in PASCAL PASCAL Control Data side of things, Wilhelm Burger has left UT to take a Washington, D.C. Tom Keel of our staff is now looking after the system. We are looking at installing your efficiency mods from the Newsletter #5. Another programmer made a good start on a PASCAL interactive debugger this past semester. 123J5 ;;0 78712 V1 f-> Let me turn now to the question of standardization which has been debated so thoroughly in the PN issues of the past year. It appears from the information in PH DB that the U. S. standardization process is not well understood. I enclose a copy of a presentation made at VIM.23 by Meredith Speers which describes the process quite well. A careful r~view of the process will reveal that it is an extremely expensive and t1mS consuming process. The effort in shepherding the proposal for a standard through SPARC is considerable. I would estimate that it would take a year and about $35,000. counting personnel support to get a technical committee set up. A conscientious effort could shorten this time frame, but I doubt it. Once the technical committee is established I suspect at least 12 to 18 months will be required to formulate an acceptable standard. Assuming quarterly meetings, th:Ls translates to 4 to 6 meetings. This estimate assumes a 20 to 25 person technical committee. As you point out in PN 1ffl, the technical committee is critical to the formulation of a standard and I doubt that the canvas approach will work with PASCAL given the acknowledged weak spots in both the Report and Manual. The technical committee under Xl rules is a volunteer organization with strong continuing attendance requirements to assure a body of expertise behind the proposed standard. GivEllthe strong interest in a standard expressed within PUG, I would expect a technical committee of 20 to 25 sufficiently committed volunteers could produce a standard in 12 to 18 months. The most difficult part, as you point out, would be to control extensions to the language. If the effort through BSI does in fact result in a proposed ISO standard, then SPARC will almost certainly set up an Xl PASCAL technical committee. Consequently, I think that a u.S. XlJ committee for PASCAL is probably inevitable and PUG should probably take the leadership in establishing such a committee. Enclosed is my renewal check. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, 4J AUL/ wald~~edel, Manager Programming Services WMW:mp Enclosures (* Editor's Note: Wally is a member of the ANSI X3J2 Basic Standards Committee. I replied to Wally in a quick note dated 77/06/27 th~t: "I guess the point is that we don't want an ANSI standard that dlffers from an ISO standard. We are not going to go for an ANSI standard because it takes too much timeand energy." I mi ght now add that after there is an ISO standard, ANSI should adopt it as a matter of course. *) UNIVERSITY COMPUTING CENTER ,!JNIVERSITY OF COLORADO eOUL..DER. COLORADO 60309 22 July 1977 Mr. Andy Mickel University Computer Center 227 Exp. Engineering Building University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dear Andy: Please academic year to you, John, exceptionally find enclosed my membership for the next for the Pascal User's Group. And congratulations and the others for producing four newsletters of high quality. Keep up the good work. After reading Newsletter i8 and listening to CDC present their future plans, I agree with your position that now is the time to formalize the definition of Standard Pascal by cleaning up the semantic definition and making relatively few extensions to the syntax. The important syntactical changes should include dynamic arrays, value initialization (including arrays and records), strict procedure parameter ·type checking and case statement alternative. I don '.t expect to see the bulk of my proposals in Newsletter i8 implemented in Standard Pascal. I believe the best route for implementing extensions to PASCAL is to build a preprocessor (written in Standard Pascal) to translate extended Pascal to Standard Pascal. Such a processor is truly portable and essentially changes the compiler into a two-pass system. en rn -c -I rn :;;: o:J rn :;c ....w ...... ...... Our distribution mechanism is operating efficiently with less than one week turnaround (except for vacations). Karin Bruce and Michele Dowd are doing a good job. I've enclosed some of our recently developed material. Karin feels it would be more expedient to drop the option of letting the buyer supply the tape and incorporate the cost of a tape into the minimum cost. I concur with this idea. Do you have an opinion on this change? ***** -0 :l:> ~ Richmond rn I.TI N The University of Calgary 292024 AVE. N.W. I; I-I:OJ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE TElEPHONE: (403) 284-6316 CALGARY, CANADA ® Network Services, Inc. 175 Jackson Plaza Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 (313) 769·6800 T2N 1N4 77-07-29 Dear Andy, Enclosed is my renewal; if I've missed P.N. #9, would you send July 28, 1977 me a copy? Mr. Andy r·1ickel Editor, Pascal User's Group University Computer Center227 Experimental Engineering Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 I really stand in awe of the job you've done in publishing the P.N.; nevertheless, I hereby add to your burden with the following. If Pascal is to compete with Fortran, I believe four things are needed which I have not seen discussed as a unit in the Pascal Newsletter so far; hence, this letter. Dear Andy: Before I go on, I should point out that all the possibilities I thought your readers might like to know that we have an interesting PASCAL project in progress and that there are PASCAL related positions available here in Ann Arbor. discussed here can be inserted into the Pascal language without much syntactic change. Better still, efficient one-pass compilation of these features is still possible, Fortran being a weak demonstration of the fact, another being found in an M.Sc. thesis which discusses these and ADP Network Services currently operates more than fifteen DECSystem-10's on an international communications network and we have the need to develop a systems implementation language to support language, monitor and other software development for DEC-IO's and other hardware that may be attached to our network as our company grows. PASCAL has been chosen as the base for this language. We have embarked on a jOint project with Al Kortesoja of Manufacturing Data Systems Inc., also of Ann Arbor, to develop language and code generation features that will provide us \vith a general implementation language that will generate good code for a variety of machines. We began ~ith ~he DECSystem-lO compiler developed by H. Nagel of the UnLversLty of Hamburg and are modifying it to include: random 10 facilities; flexible length arrays; constant arrays and records, an exception handling facility, functions which re~urn arrays, records and sets; and STRING handling. Through t~LS we have endeavored to maintain the coherence and compile tLme checking capabilities originally designed into PASCAL by Professor Wirth. We, ADP Network Services and MDSI, have a variety of positions open in the areas of PASCAL compiler development, systems programming, and applications development using our PASCAL. I would be pleased to receive any resumes your readers would like to send and would see that they are properly considered by 111:. Kortesoja and myself. many other interesting possibilities, "Pyxis: A language Evolved from Pascal" by E. N. Kittlitzt Department Computer Science, University of Calgary, 1977. (The author may be contacted via that department, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N lN4.) First, concerning storage mapping: I join the cry for a variable initialization facility, which in turn implies a certain amount of statically allocated storage. Second, storage could be explicitly allocated as static either in common blocks or as "private" areas for given procedures or fUBctions. Then one has the possibility of Pascal subroutines that do not use the run-time stack and so could be loaded with and called by a Fortran main program. A second benefit that I find personally more important is that one could then program more modularly, no longer having to use unprotected globals to implement the Algol own. Third t there is the need for flexible array parameters; I don't suppose that is debatable any more. Of course, one must distinguish between flexible array parameters and "rubber" dynamically-allocated arrays. It strikes me as not in the spirit of Pascal to admit rubber arraYSt nor would rubber arrays be at all necessary from the view of Pascal as a Fortran- replacement. The flex array facility of Pyxis has merit; for example, it costs nothing if you don't use it. The following is a Pyxis program fragment which prints the sums of the two 6-element vectors. Flexvec = array [1 to *] of real; var A: array [5 to 10] of real; B: array [-3 to 2] of real; function Sumvec(X: Flexvec): real; ~ Sincerely, ~~~ Manager, Programming Languages var I: - - S: integer; real; begin S := 0; for I := 1 to UPB(X) do S :=S+X[I]; return S NJB/kjs end·--begin (;initialize values*); write(Sumvec(A), Sumvec(B» end en rn -0 -l rn 3: t>:l rn :::0 Pyxis also allows one to allocate flex-typed objects of run-timespecified size to the heap, and to have a pointer which may reference any object of a given flex type, i.e. an object of a type which falls within the class of types specified by a flex type declaration. The fourth point involves the great format debate, and variant records too., I think people are not thinking straight about these issue,s. A text file is not a string, nor a sequence - not even one of indeterminate length! It has funny states, e.g. the "not-opened" state; even an abstract model of a file does odd things. In Pyxis, a program interacts with a file (which is "outside" the program) via its image (which is a record of status information with a string acting as a buffer); a string is a fixed-length packed array of characters, in the Pascal sense. Thus, format operations become type coercions changing various simple data types into short strings and vice-versa; the analogy with integer-to-real coercion is quite good, and SPECIAL TOPIC: MICRO/PERSONAL COMPUTERS AND PASCAL the following four letters deal with some developments described on page two of the EDITOR'S CONTRIBUTION. See also the IMPLEMENTATION NOTES section under INTEL 8080, LSI-II Motorola 6800, etc. And also see HERE AND THERE News section under Kenneth Bowles Kurt Cockrum, John Colli~s, Creative Computing, Jack, Crone, Dan Fylstra, Roger Gulbrans~n, C~rl Helmers, Sam Hllls, Aro~ K. Insinga, Bafbara I. Karkutt, Ed Keith, Donald Lindsay, Tlm L. L?wery, ~ruce Mackenzle, Jim McCord, Carlton Mills, Carol Anne Ogdin, David Segal, Bruce Seller, Mlchael Settle, Jeffrey G. Shaw, David H. Welch, and Richard West! format operations are no longer the perquisite of the file handling package. Of course, not all the foregoing viewpoint fits well with Pascal, but some fair amount does, and is worth considering. Assuming a good type coercion syntax can be designed, format operations could simply be functions which accept or return flexible arrays of characters, and their use in I/O becomes natural without being their only use. Further, if you do not use these functions, they need not consume space in your load module. The tie-in with variant records should be clear. Variant records are used for two totally distinct and completely valid reasons. The first is that which they were designed for; the second is to pun: One must write one's own "dispose"; one needs to dump large list structures; and for a myriad of other purposes a programmer sometimes needs to get at the bits, do arithmetic on pointers and the like. Although these activities are machine dependent they are not dirty; because they must be done with great care, they must be done in a good language; and because they are so universally necessary, they ought to be accommodated in the language in a clear machine-independent way. Rather than continuing the abuse of the variant record, let the job be done by a syntax designed for the purpose. To this end, I favor the common idea of allowing a to be used as a such that if its (one) argument is of a suitable type, a pun is allowed or, in certain specified cases, a coercion occurs. A suitable type for punning would normally be a type requiring the same storage as that which one is "punning it into"; and if the user doesn't know his implementation well enough to do what is required, he's still better off with the resulting error message than with the current "guess and hope" method required by variant records. In summary, I hope most for variable initialization, private (own) variables, flexible array parameters (but not rubber arrays), and a view of type coercion to solve both formatting and variant-record problems. Killing Fortran was presented as a motivation; more precisely I want a strong, viable language so I won't have to reprogram soon. I've done a lot of work in Pascal, in part because I hope that with just a little more strength of expression Pascal will survive; but I also believe that without that strength, it won't. Very truly yours, Stephen Soule, Assistant Professor SS:tah 104B Oakhurst Circle Charlottesville VA 22903 8 July 1977 Andy Mickel, Editor Pascal Newsletter University Computer Center 227 Exp Engr University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dear Mr. Mickel: (1) I have received a reply from Dean Brown at Zilog about the hypothetical Pascal machine. Zilog is not describing the machine to the public at this time--see enclosed copy. Perhaps his spontaneous use of the term "Pascal machine" is a hopeful indication however. (2) Enclosed please find copies of letters I have sent to Byte, Creative Computing, Kilobaud and Personal Computing as my one-man campaigo to stamp out BASIC and increase Pascal's visibility. (3) Since (judging from PN 8) Pascal will soon be available for personal computers, it seems to me that a timely collection of Pascal games and hobby programs might help wean the hobbyists away from BASIC. I personally have been writing Pascal versions of Star Trek, Mastermind, Lunar Lander and so on. I would like to hear from anyone in PUG interested in sharing such programs, and also from anyone who could explain to me the copyright laws concerning Pascal translations of copyrighted BASIC programs. (4) I personally was aghast at the proposal to change variant record usage (PN 8-15). I think the language designer's responsibility to protect the programmer from himself stops short of that. Perhaps I have strange tastes, but I like having access to individual bits of a word by treating the word as a packed array of boolean. I like being able to declare var r: record case boolean of false: (x,y,z:integer); true:(p:arraY) •• 3Jof integer) end; so that for statements can be used for assignment (for i := 1 to 3 do pli1:~something) yet clumpsy array notation is avoided in other situations for example: write(a[x,y,z) instead of write(a[p[l], p[2J, p[3]]). ' (5) Could someone in PUG e~lain why Pascal's semicolons make Prof. Sales weep? (PN 8-33) (6) Congratulations on the Newsletter. v;::ta-·M David A. Mundie en rr1 -C --f rr1 ::;;:: 0:1 rr1 ::::c SCCSINTERFACE The International Publication of the Southern California Computer Society Box 5429 Santa Monica, California 90405 U.S.A. (2f3) 396-0048 'J' r' ~ Aug. Dear Andy, Sincerely. /~~ Larry Press Editor P.S. We have an informal system of coordinators for various topics. Would you mind if I were to list you or PUG as coordinator for Pascal? I' I'll Maria Lindsay Coordinator 5150 Anton Dr Room 212 Madison, WI 53719 June 27, 1977 Thank you for the copy of your newsletter. I wi 11 put a "short contribution" extolling it in the next issue, of Interface. As Steve Legenhausen points out on page two of the newsletter, BASIC is becoming a microcomputer standard. I am very much interested in urging our members to consider other languages than BASIC, and would like to publish anything which would work to that end. An article such as a Pascal tutorial, a critique of BASIC (control stru~tures, data types, etc.), a Pascal bibliography, a survey of micro-based Pascal activity, or a Pascal subset proposal, would be most valuable for our readers. If you or any'PUG members would be up for writing or compiling material along these lines, I would love to publish it. Like yours, our format is quite flexible, with room for short contributions as well as longer articles. t, 1. 1977 t::: Pascal User's Group ........ c/o Andy Mickel University Computer Center 227 Exp Eng. o "'I,.\I~''S t.~>, ~5- (Y\l\i\.V\e~2+-e...., h-''''V\"'-''f'~( I.ter al you have managed to compile and publisn. In reference to my earlier offer to help promote PASCAL, you mentioned "pr~ssing our advantage in the microprocessor area", through articles and letters to such magazines and journals as Dr.. DQbb'~,~, tgrsonal ~ ~ CrE!tiye ~~~puti~ etc. While I'a-be-gIad .0 swamp ese and ~ erpijl)hca ons,w pr07 ASCAL material, I really can't "press" any "ad_ vantage" because, frankly, we have none" -- yet. As of today. I know of no reasonably-priced, memory-efficient generally available implementation of PASCAL {or a deaent subset}, in compiler OR interpreter form, suitable for use on any of the popular micros, with the dubious exception of the LSI-11, which has itself only become inexpensively available through the still brand-new Heath computer line. Having an "advantage" entails for me. two considerations. First. one's product or service must be in~erently superior to its competition. Secondly, it must be ayailaRle and ~lQ use. PASCAL certainly is a superior language, perhaps t e worthiest ITVi yet encountered (despite its many flaws wnich I hope will be truly CORRECTED, and not merely "written around"}. However, the availability of a powerful, easy-to-use microPASCAL remains nil, and so our "advantage" remains merely a tantalizin~ phentom. For the average micro-user. PASCAL iS l and will remain, ·unreal until someone comes up with an implementation wh ch iS from both aesthetic and practical standpoints, more attractive than the al t ernatives BASIC and FORTRAN. {Mioro-l>ASC~L w111 have to be "more -attractive", of course, in order to lure away the vast majority of satisfied BASIC and FORTRAN haok~ @nd give them proper cause to learn and embrace a strange new ·language.} I've been reading about the UCSD PASCAL project, and I'm filled with hope that, finally, I will be able to show my d0M:~~~ friends and customers some.hing more than the {often confusing} .IlScr .lIIl!1~. Perhaps I will be able to demonstrate a working compIrer or nterp~ as well as the superiority of PASCAL as a programming tool. The moral victory would be even sweeter if I could point to simultaneously_available IDENTICAL ver_ sions of the language optimIzed for the LSI 11, Z80, 8080 and 65021 Any. way, until I liear more from La Jolla, the emergence of PASCAL into the micro-age is still my pipe dream. Regarding media exposure for PASCAL, though, I am all for it, and suggest th~ formation of a steering or co-ordina.ion committee to manage a media blitz to awaken the personal computing oommunity to the advantages and joys of PASCAL prOgrammi~. What do you tnink? I have noticed too many APL ar- 110 (* Editor's Note: I replied to Jim in a quick letter dated 77/08/31: " ••• My basic problem is time, and the hasty note I scribbled last time to you did contain some hazy thoughts. What I meant by 'pressing our advantage' was literally that in the 5 years I've been involved with Pascal, there were no areas where we had a chance to shine and the doomsayers were pretty explfcit about us keeping in our place. But ·because microprocs/ personal computers are relatively new, there's a much less powerful establishment to overthrow. So relatively speaking Pascal pproc developments seemed to me further along than other fronts &that we should concentrate energy there (press). Oh well, I should have originally said 'enlarge the opening.' 'I agree about .the APl problem. It upsets me a great deal. "Regarding other fronts, I consider that we haven't and shouldn't yet take one080l, and that Pascal .vs. FORTRAN is the front I've been involved with. "Other fronts are of course getting manufacturers just to support Pascal processors 1n their software line, and getting stuck up computer science departments to teach the stuff. "I appreciate your offer of help and am glad you liked the newsletters. liThe spirit of PUG so far has been its far-sighted inability to form working cOlllllittees - just loose unions .... " *) ~~~~it.~og~i~~ XBLlglit~'~i~~:~ef~o~~r ~;t~~~o~;tyc~:ng:eni~or:~~k~~~ is calling the shots. In either case, we'd better get something together if we intend to make any dent in tne personal comguting. sector. APL. as ~~f~~l~ t~ !~ ~~~. s w:g~lo~t ~OOd language, and coul very well bury us by t Finally,'in ~ #8 {I think}. you expressed interest in getting JiM MERRiTT POBox46~~ BERkElEY CA 94704 PhoNE 41~-84~-4866 informa- ""CI l> en I'TI V1 en FROM Andy Mickel Editor, Pascal Newsletter University of Minnesota 227 Experimental Eng. Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 TO: THE EOITOR'S DESK September 6, 1977 Dear Andy, Finally getting around to a detailed reading of PUG.' Newsletter #8 pro- vides me with a theme for an editorial I will put into the December 1977, pushing PASCAL as a possible language. I picked up several Springer-Verlag books at IFIPS last month and have since spent some time discussing PASCAL with my good friend and associate Dan Fylstra. I think that PASCAL would make an excellent choice as a successor to BASIC in the personal computing world, a thought which is echoed by several contributors to PUGN #8. Here are two points about PASCAL Personal Computing Use which will no doubt appear in the editorial I am composing this week: Like BASIC, PASCAL is an academicly originated language with a fairly well defined set of machine independent standards. As such it has one major point in its favor: it is not a proprietary product confined to anyone organization, and is thus open to the general computing public as a standard to be implemented and delivered with machines. Thinking of the general public as users requires a machine independent (or nearly so) language, and in the interests of better software techniques a structured language like PASCAL comes to mind. The large amount of activity evidenced by PUGN suggests that both the academic training and wide usage which were present in BASIC's evolution will also be available with PASCAL. When implemented for the personal computing millieu, PASCAL should at a minimum level of function offer an interpretive or semi-compiled interactive system which is friendly to the user in the same way that BASIC is friendly. Fully compiled and optimized code generation is not needed in a context where one high speed processor is dedicated to each user and his or her files. As a final point in closing, we (BYTE Publications) are in the process of preparing a series of publications initially oriented to systems software books characterized by tutorial documentation of the design, complete publication of source code and any necessary intermediates, machine readable representations of the source of object text, and other information relevant to the process of getting the particular software item running in the user's personal system. (Where machine dependence is involved, we are looking for target machines which are in the following set: LSI-II, 6800, 6502, 8080, Z-80.) I would be most interested in talking with readers of PUGN who have implementations of PASCAL available for sale which run interpretively, semi-interpretively or as compilers. Our standard form of publication agreement is an exclusive book and audio record publishing license to the software and its machine readable representations. I'll send a copy of the editorial after it is written. tlr;~ Carl T. Helmers Editor in Chief Byte Publications, Inc. C/) rn -0 -i rn SPECIAL TOPIC: PASCAL STANDARDS 6.2.1 In Pascal Newsletter #8, we devoted many pages to a series of letters about standards. Among the actions described as being taken were: 1) we try to clarify instances of vague semantics in the Pascal Revised Report, and 2) Tony Addyman of the University of Manchester coordinate an effort to get an ISO standard certified which would amount to a tightened up' Revised Report,with no additions. This summer, Tony phoned that: 1) he had received another list of points requlrlng clarification from Jim Welsh in Belfast. 2) he wondered if there would be copyright problems with the current Revised Report already published and the proposed standards document. 3) he was very pleased that the June meeting of a British Standards Institute (BSI) committee on programming languages (of which he is a member) authorized a working group (headed by himself) for a Pascal standard. This is for the purpose of certifying a document as a standard, not to propose additions and changes to the language. 4) he envisions an appendix to the Report which would both suggest various strategies for things left to be defined by an implementation and list conventionalized extensions. I sent him a small list of items which included: 1) Optional; on last limb of a case. 2) Role of the word-symbols: extern, forward, and fortran (all non-standard) but in various implementations they are neither predefined, reserved,nor user-declared. 3) Many good definitions in the Axiomatic Definition don't appear in the Report. For example (brought to my attention by Charles Hedrick): the Report specifies the mod operator as the operation: "modulus." But the mathematical meaning of modulus gives things like: -3 mod 2 ; 1. The Axiomatic Definition clearly states -3 mod 2 ; -1. (a) Is array [integ~r] of real legal?? Note that ::= , and ::= •. . I .. I (b) ~ 1'1 ; array [0 .. 9] of array [Boolean] of integer; T2 = array [0 .. 9, Boolean] of integer; ~ Al:Tl; A2:T2i Are Tl and T2 identical types? (Assuming that "identical types" means more than having the same type identifier.) Specifically, is it legitimate to write Al [S,trueJ or A2[S][true]? (cf. Ul1-6, p39) 6.2.2 n.1 On 77/08/17 I received a note from PUG member D. G. Burnett-Hall dated 77/08/10 which read: "Dear Andy, I enclose ~nother Attention List' following Tony Addyman's Attention ,List in Newsletter 8: I've tried to avoid duplicating his points (and I've sent him a copy)." ... 8.1.2 (a) Field identifiers within a record must be distinct, taking all varia~ts of the record into account (UM-7,p46). But one identifier can be used simultaneously as a field identifier and the identifier of a variable (say) (UM-7,p49). (b) Helpful if last example included an empty field list (UH-7, p46). (*E.g. include POINT; in type SHAPE: also in exa~ple at end of R6.3.*) (c) Why is the conjUllction of ;end (i) illegal in the declaration record ... case ••• ;end , but (ii) legal in the statement case~end ?--{R9.2.2.2) (*DEC-l¢ compiler rejects i t in both instances.*) This should include something along the lines of UM-4A (p21) (and UM-IO, p63/64) about whether compo~~d Boolean expressions are completely evaluated. (*It would change the language to say now tha-t they are evaluated only as far as necessary, but I wish this had been done. So did the author of SKIPBLANKS (UH-12A,p85) which is only dubiously legal. *) (a) 14 div{-3) is not defined anywhere! (b) mod operator is defined (in terms of div) only in UM-2B (pI3). Is i t -4 or -5? ::z rn :::E: C/) C/) rn -0 -i rn 3: Cd rn :::c Another Attention List D. G. Burnett-Hall U N I V E R SIT Y o 8.1.4 F Y 0 R K 1977 August 9 (In-) Equality operators for sets? (UH-8,pSO). More obvious than the set-inclusion operators the Report does describe. DEPARTMENT or' COMPUTER SCIENCE 9.1.1 Consider also: R4 = record case B : Boolean of false: (I :integer); true : (R:real) ~ 4 6.1.1 (a) Add IIprograms" to first sentence. (b) Is II an illegal constant? (n =0 characters not defined~) var X,Y,Z:R4; (*Integer and real quantities need not be the same size*) X.B :; false; Y.B := false; Z.B:= true; X.I :; 1; Y.l := 2; Z.R :; 3.4; X := Y; (*Presumably their types are,identical~) X : ; Z; (*Legal?? Are their types identical?*) (*Does this imply a run-time check?*) 1'1; (ZERO,ONE); T2; (ONE,TWO); should be illegal because the type of ONE is ambiguous (UM-5A,p34) ~ 6.), 2 For Boolean type, better to make clear here that it is ordered (false; true) than just a note in 8.1.4. 6.1.3 Allows lower; upper band for subrange type: not. (Why?) en rn 9.1.2 UM-5B(p3S) does -0 :P UM-1LA (p71) says that if procedure P (var X,Y:integer); is declared, the procedure statement P(A,A) is illegal (flxl •. xn should be distinct variables"). \Jl 00 Why? 9.1. 3 9.2.2 (a) Doesn't forbid duplicate use of one label in the same block! (b) procedure P, label 99; procedure Q; begin .......... ; 99: ......... end (*Q*); begin (*P*) ••.•. ; go to 99, •.. end (*P*): - R. does not require label 99 to be in Q, thus contradicting its second sentence. In R9.1.3.2, should "procedure ll be replaced by II innermost procedure, function or program"? (a) (i.e. the file ends with the end-of-line marker or is empty?) If not, the program schemata in UM-9A2. 9A3 (p58/59) will fail. This assumption would considerably simplify input of data (try rewriting UN-9A2 if eaf can occur at any moment!) and would be easily implemented in the run-time system. Perhaps this should be answered in R14? 12.1. 4 (a) All the case labels within one case statement must be (cf r:=+2)? distinct (UM-402, p31). (b) One of the examples should include a list of case labels. (e) A case label cannot be used as the destination of a gato statement. (This is implicit, but it would be helpful to make it explicit.) In the final example, i t is very tempting to write: 1: (a) begin. x := x- pi/2; (b) 10 (a) (b) -- is it illegal to give real datum for integer variable (cf i:=-13.4)? {*DEC-l¢ system rejects both: the first is unhelpful and unnecessary. *} (b) \..;'hen read (c) What terminates (i) an integer, (ii) a real n~~er? Does end-of-file terminate an otherwise valid nQ~er? (*My suggestion under 12 \-10uld remove this possibility*) goto 2 end; Never says that tht, statement S \vill not bE' obeyed if el>e2 (to) or el , for that matter?) If one can reset (F) for a textfile F to re-read its data, why not for INPUT? (*DEe-l~ system allows them: chiefly because DEe-l~ operating system expects matching of internal and external filenames to be done at run-time and not by JCL commands, worse luck!*) (a) type of argument must exclude real. Can one assume, when reading ~ textfile F, that eof(F) becomes true only (i) after readln (f) or (ii) immediately, on reset (F)? (b) This section should include a list of those implementationdependent constants whose values are needed when a program is being transported. e.g. MAXINT (m~-2B, p13"but not in Report), maximum size of a set, default values of M in write (E:M) for integral and real E, etc. (*Should these be standard constant identifiers? I favour a limited number of environment enquiries, c.f~ Algol 68*) A compiler-option takes the form of a comment whose first character is $. (*That much, pace N. Wirth, but no more. Itensures that one can put comments in portable programs which won't accidentally be taken as compiler options.*) ""Cl ::r:> G"l rn IJl LD Implementation Notes GENERAL IN FOR MAT I ON As this is the first issue of Pascal News in this academic year July I, 1977 30, 197B, let us explain how this section is organized: CHECKLIS T C H E C K LIS T CHECKLIS T C H E C K LIS T -- First a CHECKLIST to maintainers for reporting be the June used as a guide to distributors, implementors and status of Pascal implementations on various computer systems. 1. DISTRIBUTOR/IMPLEMENTOR/MAINTAINER (* Names, addres-ses, phone numbers. *) 2. -- A SOFTWARE applications. MACHINE (* !lanufacturer, model/series and equivalents. *) TOOLS section describing aids to Pascal users in developing -- A PORTABLE PASCALs section reporting distribution information about kits used to produce Pascal compilers for real computer systems. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (* operating system, minimum hardware, etc. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION (* cost, magnetic tape formats, etc. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION (* In form of supplement Machine retrievable? *) to Pascal ~ Manual and Report? 6. MAINTENANCE POLICY (* How long? Accept bug reports? Future development plans. *) 7. STANDARD (* Implements full standard? Why not? What is different? *) B. MEASUREMENTS (* -compilation speed (in characters/sec. please; this is a meaningful measurement for compilation speed); -compilation space (memory required at compilation time); -execution speed; -execution space (the memory required at execution time; compactness of object code produced by the compiler); ** Try to compare these measurements to the other language processors on the machine, e.g., FORTRAN. *) 9. RELIABILITY (* stability of system (poor, moderate, good, excellent); how many sites are using it? when was the system first released to these sites? *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD (* Compiler or interpreter? Developed from Pascal-P / handcoded from scratch/bootstrapped/cross-Compiled/etc.? What language? Length in source lines? Effort to implement in person-months? Previous experience of implementors? *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT (* Libraries of subprograms available? Facilities for external and FORTRAN (or other language) procedures available? Easily linked? Separate compilation available? Automatic available? copy of text from library into source program Symbolic dumps available? *) .. •. •.. ••. •.. .. •. -- Information on PASCAL VARIANTS • -- A FEATURE IMPLEMENTATION NOTES section describing implementation strategies and detsils of various Pascal features as suggestions to all the compiler implementation efforts underway. --A list of MACHINE DEPENDENT IMPLEMENTATIONS sorted by name of computer system, giving news of Pascal compilers for real machines • -- And in subsequent issues information for this year. this year, an INDEX to all the implementation We are essentially beginning anew this year and so in this issue we are combining summaries hand-compiled from PUGN's 5-8 (last year) with the news received since #8. IMPLEMENTORS - 11AINTAINERS - DISTRIBUTORS Please use the checklist if you are reporting information and please keep us all up to date. You might also send us a copy of your documentation and distribution forms as so many implementors have done so that we can keep up to date on the overall development of Pascal. Please send camera-ready copy, single spaced, and use wide text (we prefer IB.5 cm lines). We also will accept reports on ASCII paper tape accompanied by a listing. And please include PUG All-Purpose Coupons with each copy of your system that you send out! USERS Please help make us all informed consumers of Standard Pascal systems by reporting your quantitative and qualitative experiences with particular implementations • EVERYONE We would like to thank all the effort put forth by people who have sent in information. We regret to say that our ability to answer individual requests is limited not only by time, but by the commitment we have first to this section of the newsletter. Therefore we prefer to answer inquires through Pascal News. We print all the news that en comes to our attention barring oversights and mistakes on our part! o The person implementing Pascal has several choices. SOFTWARE TOOLS There has been much discussion concerning the distribution of Software Tools written in Pascal in PUGN 5-8. Please see the letter by Richard J. Cichelli 1n the OPEN FORUM section this issue. It was our idea that tools should be incorporated with the distribution of Pascal implementations but even this poses real problems. Starting next issue we should see news on tools greatly expand. Examples of software tools are listed below: 1. A program to ~ 1£ there is no access to a working Pascal compiler on another machine, the implementor orders a Pascal-P kit already configured to the target machine. Configured compilers have constants inserted in them to specify, for example, the size of each simple data type. These configuration parameters are given by the implementor on the Pascal-P order form. (See below.) After receiving the kit, the implementor can write an interpreter for P-code in another language (usually takes about one person-month), and thus immediately has access to a Pascal compiler running interpretively by using the P-code version of the compiler included in the kit. To produce a real Pascal compiler for the target machine then requires editing of the Pascal-P compiler written in Pascal to produce code for the target machine (instead of the P-machine). After recompiling, a Pascal compiler exists in the code of the target machine. reference identifiers in Pascal programs. If the implementor initially has access to a working Pascal compiler on another machine, the step of writing a P-co~e interpreter can be omitted. 2. A decompiler to examine the object code produced by a Pascal compiler. 3. A prettyprinter to format and indent Pascal programs. 4. Performance measurement programs to monitor execution times in Pascal programs. 5. A program to change character 6. A program to compare ~ - The current version is called Pascal-P4 and is distributed with a copy of Pascal-P3 (which is of interest to previous recipients of Pascal-P2). - Pascal-P4 represents a major improvement over earlier Pascal-P versions because it from one to another. two text files and generate a set of modifications to convert one to the other. 7. A text editor to slter and record modifications made to a source program. 8. A ~ formatter used to produce written documentation Facts about the Pascal-P compiler: about software for users. Believe it or not, right now several different programs exist in categories 1, 4, and 8, and at least one program exists in every category except 7! All are written in PascalI PORTABLE PASCALS removes data type alignment restrictions, is more efficient, includes runtime tests, and 1s a more complete implementation of Pascal. - Pascal-P2 was developed from a phase in the stepwise refinement of Urs Ammann's Pascal-6000 compiler in 1974 by K. V. Nori, Urs Ammann, K. Jensen, and H. H. Nageli. Subsequent improvements were done by Christian Jacobi. - Reliability of Pascal-P4 has been fairly good. As of Spring, 1977, it was distributed to 106 sites by George Richmond and to 37 sites by Chris Jacobi. (No distribution data has been received from Carroll Morgan.) - Several good reports on the viability of Pascal-P were reported in PUGN #8 as well as two more in this issue: Ted Park for a Data General Nova and John C. Knight for a CDC Star-lOO. - The is no promise of maintenance for Pascal-Po P4 is the final version produced at Zuerich. We at Pascal News will attempt to print bug corrections in future issues in this section. - Documentation for Pascal-P4 consists of a 65 page report entitled The Pascal Compiler: Implementation Notes (Revised Edition) July, 1976. (A 24 page c~ection li;t to the original December, 1974, edition is also available.) - Pascal-P4 is a significant subset of Standard Pascal. Restrictions to the standard include: Pascal-Po The most widely used portable compiler for creating new Pascal Implementations is Pascal-Po Basically Pascal-P is distributed from three pOints in the form of a kit consisting of a magnetic tape and printed documentation. procedure and function formal parameters are not allowed. files are not implemented. goto's may not exit procedures or functions. Pascal-P is a compiler written in Pascal (almost 4000 lines) which generates symbolic code for a hypothetical stack machine called a uP-machine" because it is somewhat of an ideal architecture for Pascal-Po The symbolic code is thus called P-code. On the magnetic tape are text files containing: - a sample character set collating sequence. This file is also distributed as a listing to simplify character set conversion. - the Pascal-P compiler in Pascal. - a P-code assembler/interpreter written in Pascal which is intended to document how to write an interpreter in an existing language on the target computer system. - a Pascal-P compiler in P-code. In other words, the result of compiling the Pascal-P compiler on itself. Implementation Notes a (rather small) maximum string constant length is imposed. the sub range form of set constants is not implemented. nil is not a reserved~rd, but rather is predeclared. many standard procedures and functions are not fully implemented. text and maxint are not predeclared by the compiler. Pascal-P can be ordered from three places (write for prices and order forms). In Europe, Asia, and Africa, order from: Christian Jacobi Institut fuer Informatik E.T.H. Zentrum CH-8092 Zuerich Switzerland Phone: 41/1-32 62 11 x2217 George H. Richmond Computing Center: 3645 Marine Street University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 USA Phone: 303/492-8131 In North and South America, order from: Carroll Morgan Basser Dept. of Computer Science University of Sydney Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia Phone: 629 1122 In Australasia order from: Departement Informatique de l'INPL, Ecole des Mines, Parc de Saurupt, F-54042 Nancy Cedex, France. In this case t the compiler operates in two passes; the first pass can be parameterized and the second pass can be rewritten to generate code for different machines. This effort is explicitly oriented toward 16-bit machines. So far as we know, no other implementations have been developed from the initial compiler. See SEMS T1600 in the Machine Dependent Implementations section. Pascal J (* We at PUGN would appreciate new ordering information be sent to us by these three distributors for inclusion in Pascal News #11. We would also appreciate some sort of distributors. *) coordination on a common order form for these three 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. B. W. Pavenel, C. B. Mason, Group, Dept. of Software Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Engineering 80309, USA (303/492-7204) • Pascal Trunk Compiler 2. 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. H. H. Nageli, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland (Tel. 32 62 11). Institut fuer Informatik, 2. MACHINE. The trunk compiler is the machine independent part (e.g., syntax analysis and error recovery) of a Pascal compiler in which the code generation has to be inserted in a certain number of empty procedures. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Requires a working Pascal compiler. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Magnetic tape. Cost: SFr. 50.--. MACHINE. Pascal-J is a compiler which translates Pascal to the intermediate language Janus, a totally portable "mobile programming system" -- even to the pOint of defining its own character set! Janus in turn is macro-processed via Stage2 which is implemented in standard Fortran. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. ANSI Standard 1966 Fortran IV compiler. Specify character set: (a) ASCII (full 96, or 64 character subset), (b) EBCDIC, (c) CDC display code, or (d) other character sets if detailed collating sequence is sent. 4. IJISTRIBUTIllN. 7-track magnetic tape (1200 ft. reel) $28.00 (0.8 kg); 9-track magnetic tape (1200 ft. reel) $39.00 (0.8 kg). Subtract $7.00 if you supply a 1200 ft. reel. Longer reels are accepted, but more postage is charged. Overseas orders must add cost of postage and specify type of shipping. 5. DOCUMENTATION. In German, available in May, 1977 (77/3/3). Detailed comments in the source describe how an implementor can write algorithms for the machine dependent parts. 5. DOCUMENTATION. (a) SEG-76-1 "A Preliminary Definition of Janus" $4.00 (180 grams); (b) SEG-76-2 "PASCALJ Implementation Notes" $2.00 (60 grams); (c) SEG-76-1 (*-3?*) "Janus Memory Mapping: The J1 Abstraction" $2.25 (60 grams). 6. 6. MAINTENANCE. Not defined yet. en rr1 MAINTENANCE. Every -0 -I rr1 3: 0:1 rr1 :;0 six months (February and September) a new release is planned, but this is subject to manpower constraints. Attempt to fix all reported bugs. 7. STANDARD. Full Pascal is treated. 8. MEASUREMENTS. Not applicable. 9. RELIABILITY. Moderate (77/3/3). The Trunk was used with good results in 1975-76 by Teruo Hikita in producing a high quality Pascal compiler for the Hitachi 8000 series. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Started in 1975 from a phase in the stepwise refinement of Urs Ammann's Pascal-6000 compiler. The Trunk is a 5800 (indented) line Pascal source program in which the machine dependent parts are clearly marked and separated from the machine independent parts. Some other machine-dependent compilers are written in such a way that they might be useful as Trunk compilers. Take for example, the current ICL 1900 compiler written by Jim Welsh, Colum Quinn, and Kathleen lkShane at the Computer Science Department, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 INN, United Kingdom. The syntax analysis is separated from the code generation in this compiler, which is written in Pascal. possible Trunk-like 8. MEASUREMENTS. As an interpreter, very slow, but the intent is to do a full bootstrap to a real compiler. 9. RELIABILITY. Moderate, improving with each release (Sept. 1975, Feb. 1976, Sept. 1976, Sept. 1977). As of February, 1977, the portability of the September 1976 release is deemed inadequate with implementation times ranging upwards from six person months. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Compiler originally written in Pascal to generate Janus, and used compiler is that 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Not applicable. en N See ICL 1900 under Machine Dependent Implementations. Another STANDARD. (* no information - presumably full Pascal *) to translate itself to Janus. Janus processor written in Stage2 macros as an LL(l) system. The set of macros consists of stack operations and indeXing in terms of a single accumulator and simple index register. A set of macros for multi-register machines is being implemented. The Stage2 macro-processor is implemented in Fortran. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Not applicable. clearly 7. implemented by Alain Tisserant, PASCAL VARIANTS Pascal-S A description of Pascal-S comes from the abstract in the report "Pascal-S: A Subset and its Implementation", by Niklaus Wirth, Institut fuer Informatik, ETIi Zuerich, June, 1975. (Available for $6.50 from George Richmond; see address under Pascal-P.) (2) A guest editorial and four articles by Brinch Hansen in the April-June, 1976, issue of Software - Practice and Exp~rience 6, pp 139-205. The articles are entitled: "Pascal-S is s subset of the programming language Pascal selected for introductory programming courses. This report describes an implementation that "The Solo Operating System: A Concurrent Program" "The Solo Operating System: Job Interface" is especially designed to provide comprehensive and transparent error diagnostics and economical service for large numbers of small jobs. The system consists of a compiler and an interpreter and is defined as a single, "The Solo Operating System: Procedures, Monitors, and Classes" (3) self-contained (4) "Disk Scheduling at Compile Time" The book Operating Systems Principles by Per Brinch Hansen, Prentice Hall, 1973. An article "Experience with Modular Concurrent Programming" in the )larch, 1977, (5) ~ncurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers by Al Hartmann, Pascal program. This machine-independent formulation in high-level language facilitates its construction and is a prerequisite for portability. " a easy IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 3:2, by Brinch Hansen. Springer-Verlag: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 50, 1977. Standard Pascal constructs omitted from Pascal-S are: pointers, set and file types, with and goto statements, functions as parameters, and the scalar and subrange types, passing of procedures (6) The new book Prentice-Hall, and the 1977. Architecture of - Concurrent Programs by Brinch Hansen, several standard procedures. The only file operations are read on input and write on output. The report contains a complete listing of the and interpreter on 34 pages! compiler Modula Pascal-S is currently distributed on tape with the second release of the CDC-6000 Pascal compiler from Zuerich, Colorado, and Sydney. Pascal-S was implemented in PL/I under Honeywell Multics by the Computer Science Department, University of Southwestern Louisiana, P.O. Box 4-4330, Lafayette, LA 70504 (318/234-7640). O. Lecarme reported on 77/03/04 that Helmut Sandmayr, Neu-Technikum, CIi-9470 Buchs, Switzerland (085/6 45 24), has implemented a Pascal-S compiler (not interpreter) for the IBM 1130. Rich Cichelli reports (77/08/31) that an incremental interactive (conversational) Pascal-S compiler was implemented at Lehigh University which is smart enough only to recompile the subprograms in which changes are made. Modula written in assembler. The project at Cal Tech centered around writing a one-user operating system called SOLO in Concurrent Pascal. Both compilers are written in Sequential Pascal. In 1975-1976 the system was distributed widely (252 sites) and led to the development of a machine independent version with a different kernel. As reported in PUGN #6, distribution of Concurrent Pascal was terminated in August, 1976, when Per left Cal Tech to join the University of Southern California. On 77/07/12, Per phoned to say that distribution may resume and arrangements are being made. Details may be available for Pascal News #11. Plans are to write a simpler kernel and I/O drivers. This may take 6 months. Publications about Concurrent Pascal include: (1) "The programming language Concurrent Pascal", in the June, Transactions ~ Software Engineering 1:2, by Brinch Hansen. 1975, language for dedicated computer systems and process control 1975-76. Published material on !10dula includes: (1) (3) Pascal" compiler, a "Concurrent Pascal" compiler (used for writing operating systems and other concurrent programs), and a "kernel II or machine dependent set of run time routines small though. *) (4) A portable pair of Pascal compilers was implemented by Per Brinch Hansen and Al Hartmann at Cal Tech in 1974-1975 for the PDP 11/45. The system consists of a "Sequential a It is conceptually cleaner than Concurrent Pascal in many respects. Modula is still experimental and the implementors in Zurich have insisted there are no distribution arrangements. (* We are hearing rumors of implementation efforts outside of Zurich (2) Concurrent Pascal is applications on small machines, developed by Niklaus Wirth and co-workers in "Modula: A Language for Modular Multiprogramming", Softw'!.~ Practice and Experience 7 (1977), pages 3-35, by Niklaus Wirth. "The Use of Modula", same as (1), pages 37-65, by Niklaus Wirth. "lJesign and Implementation of Modula", same as (1), pages 6 7-84, by Niklaus Wirth. "Toward a Discipline of Real-Time Programming", Communications of the ACM 20:8 (August, 1977), pages 577-583, by Niklaus 14irth. The following is the Abstract from reference (4), above: "Programming complexity of is divided reasoning in into three program major categories validation: with sequential increasing programming, multiprogramming, and real-time programming. By adhering to a strict programaming discipline and by using a suitable high-level language molded after this discipline, the complexity of reasoning about concurrency and execution time constraints may be drastically reduced. This may be the only practical way to make real-time systems analytically verifiable and ultimately reliable. A possible discipline is outlined and expressed in terms of the language Modula." Copyright (c) 1977, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. Reprinting privileges granted by permission of the ACM. FEATURE IMPLEMENTATION NOTES Rcc.omrnc"da.uon 2 : to PASCAL 1977 February 17 PORTAB I Ll TY NOTE obje~ ~equenc.e 06 on type c.haJt ;.,houtd (.{.) a;ttempt to c.oUec.:t i l l ,;Udl MM .{.mo o. ClI:~R SET OF p"ugftamn"v,,~ PftogtammeM wJt.{.ung c.ode -that depenM on the c.oLtatin9 ,jelV /Wu:t.{.nu, and Introduction I have recently been examining a number of PASCAL programs that are thought by their authors to be highly portable. It rapidly became obvious that it is not realized by the PASCAL community just how (u) o.dc.quateJ.y c.ommCIt-t ~uc.ft IUle-, ~o that the .{.mellt 06 the c.ode M deaJt. Tlw adv.{.c.e CLppUM pOJVuc.ulaJt£y to PASCAL ted by leuc.illy aIlCl1.Y~,{,Ylg PJt09~ wh'{'d! pitOC.M-6 U. many problems are caused by the different character sets used on the computers \1e have avai lable, nor ho\tJ this problem is compounded by the ~ type in PASCAL. This note sets out to make the problems more widely known, and to make recommendations to implementors and Available characters Except that PASCAL originated in CDC machines this would not be a severe problem, since ASCII and EBCDIC have a high degree of commonality in programmers. the graphics. Programmers should however be aware that the characters Character set collating order There are two very common character sets in the computing industry: "hich can be assumed to be avai lable on all computers are 1 imited to EBCDIC (adopted by IBM, Burroughs and ICL 2900 range), and ASCII (adopted of probability (for example '>' and' [' are quite highly probable, but the 48 FORTRAN characters. Others are available with varying degrees by a number of other mainframe suppliers, and most minis)~ together with 't', '=', '{' are extremely unlikely). a fev.J manufacturers \"ho use their own idiosyncratic character sets felt when designing a language or sub-language or a reply system. (the key example being CDC). inappropriate choice of character may mean that there is no suitable In this lot, we can assume nothing The point of this is mainly An about the collating order except that the alphabets collate in ascending alternative in another system, and doublet symbols will have to be used order; that the digits collate in ascending order and have successive (as for example happened with the { } and (* *) in PASCAL itself). ORO values; and that the 101-ler-case alphabet collates either lower or higher than the entire upper-case alphabet (if it exists). Practically every other variant of ordering occurs. The second major deficiency in awareness occurs in respect of the lower-case alphabet. Programmers, through long conditioning, are very proficient at reading solid upper-cased text. The general This has always been a severe problem to programmers attempting to write populace are not, and even programmers read normal text faster and portable software, and the advice that can be given only alleviates the more accurately than the upper-case we normally print. problem: it cannot solve it. regrettable that many programs are written so as to totally ignore the existence of loItJer-case. Rec.ommendarun 1 : :to PASCAL hnplemel1x:oiL6 All PASCAL c.ompJ-teM ~houtd be able to handle obje~ 06 type c.itaJt M .{.meJtvtaUy ftepitu en:ted .{.yt UtiteJt tlte Ascn Oft the EBCVIC C.OdM, and pite6eJW.bly botfl. It may be nec.uMfty :to deteJUri.{.l1e the dtaJt Jtept'cM enmt.{.on by a c.omp.{.,teJt opt.{.on. It is thus Programmers should make provision for systems that can read and print lower-case alphabets to use them, even if their system cannot, by simply providing the hooks and commentary. Rec.ommendation 3 : to PASCAL ~ogJtamm~ Be cuvaJte 06 the UHvttiat d.{.6ileJtel1c.M be;tween the pit.{.ntable gJtaph.{.~ (and.{.11 ~ome c.MM the c.omol c.ilaJtac.teM), and make illowanCM 60ft thMe d.{.66eJtenc.M. They aJte .{.mpoJttavtt. The set of char -0 The PASCAL set construct looks at first sight as to be heaven-sent to enable programmers to write code which is independent of character set collating order. The ~ operator allows testing a character for membership in a set, rather than having to do relational comparisons. Rec.ommeHdation 5 : :to PASCAL .i.mpleme.l1:toM 16 pOM.i.b.te, .unplenlevI:tation6 ~hou..td pV-,nd a mo.wnum J.. e:t J..,~ze wlUcll will. ac.c.ommoda:te ill c.haJWc.-teJt; .i.n .the c.ilCVto.c;teJt ~ e:t. The mcUn pfwbleJn6 c.en:tlLe CVtound J.. e:t a p0ta-tOM, and the Cfle.atiOll ~ e:t Alas, this is an illusion. Though conceptually the set construct is ideal, :tempolLcvUu, .i.6 .the. wOl1dJ...i.ze lCVtg e ~ e:ts mal{ ltutM.c;ted :to :the V, :to 0 Mill. ~.i.l1gle ::t>(I') "::t>oil r 6 nec.uuUtl{, C.M e 06 'J.. e:t 06 eilCVt'. and it is excellent for writing such constructs for sets of more (I')
= rn ~ It follows that the definition of PASCAL ought to explicitly give this sequence, rather than leave it to be implied. is made to the PASCALERROR routine to kill the program. Undefinition The definition (and the preceding paragraph) state that after the The detection facility is not available if the loop is a DOWNTO loop, execution of a for statement (provided the statement is not left by a or if it cannot be simply optimized. goto) the value of the control variable is undefined. implement the loop efficiently. = The primary purpose of this undefinition is to allow implementors freedom to PASCAL programmers should not therefore rn ::E Summary CI) In this case, and others, the 86700/87700 PASCAL compiler enforces strict presume any particular value in the control variable after it has been adherence to standard PASCAL. used in a for statement. negligible time penalty. Of particularly nasty characteristics are the compi 1ers which may leave it set at succ(e2), since this may be out-of-range of its type. Hardware checks make this possible with Programs written in 86700 PASCAL therefore have a higher probability of being portable in this respect than would be the case for many other PASCAL compilers. effect, however: In the 8urroughs 86700/87700 computers, it is easy to prevent programmers There is one unfortunate non-standard PASCAL programs are less likely to execute in 86700 PASCAL since it is such a searching test. from doing any computation with this variable until it has been re-defined by setting it to a tag-six word (uninitia1 ized operand). This value can be overwritten by a legal value, but causes a machine interrupt if the va r i ab 1e is used in an operator context. Th i sis done for all for statements in 86700/87700 PASCAL, and the illegal use of the variable Imp1ementors of PASCAL are invited to send me answers to the following questions about their compilers. 1. cannot therefore be permitted. In what order are e1, e2, and the assignment of v carried out? Does this differ with the form of the loop? It should also be pointed out that the definition of a for statement a110vls the control variable to be undefined whether or not the body of the loop is ever entered. The invitation is also extended to users as implementors are notoriously unreliable correspondents. 2. What value is left in v if the loop is never entered? 3. 4. What value is left in v if the loop is entered? 86700 PASCAL treats both cases the same, 1 imit-variable) unlike some other compilers which take advantage of the implementation freedom to leave the control variable unchanged, or at el, if the loop body is never entered. Vlhat happens if the control variable is altered (or a (a) from a piece of code compiled in the body, and (b) from a procedure called in the body? 5. Are there different (optimized) forms of for-statement? 6. Are there any limits on the number of repetitions or size How do they differ? Internal change to the control variable The User Manual, on p24, explicitly forbids the alteration of the control variable by any statement in the body of the loop. constructs are hard to detect as they may occur in the body of a procedure or function. this occurrence at On the 86700 computer it is possible to detect run-time with a small ti"me of the limit-expressions? Such illegal penalty, under some If code-templates could be attached (with explanations) this might be usefu 1 too. If sufficient information is received, it may be possible to prepare a summary for PUGN. circumstances. If the loop is capable of being optimized to use the STEP-INDEX facility Arthur Sale (which implies that e1 and e2 are in the range 0 .. 65535, and the loop is Professor Information Science University of Tasmania a TO-loop), then a STEP-IIWEX-VlORD (SIVI) is stored in the control (Burroughs B6700 implementor) variable v. All read-accesses of v return the (integer) value of v, without the final or increment fields, but write-accesses destroy the tag field. Thus when the loop incrementation point is reached, the STBR instruction causes abnormal termination of the loop, and a call APPENDIX (continued) APPElml x ::z 66700 'FOR' STATEMENT CODE TEI'IPLATES CASE 3 (constant bounds) CASE 2 (unoptimized, but was CASE I (unoptimized) CASE 4 (first bound constant, second capable of optimization) rn C/) a potential case for optimization) LIT (1/,,2/el) e2 el e2 I OUPL e2 NAt,1C(TEMP) I lIT(el) NAMC(TEr~p) STOO STOD LIT(el) t~r----------------~I ~:~:(EL) Ii"" , LIT(el) NAMC(V) rI TL: l STON EXCH 1 (* store into V, but leave on TOS *) VALC(TE~IP) LSEQ (*GREQ if DOliNTO loop") BRFL(EL) (*test whether to exit the ioop*) INSR(35:16) ONE INSR(47: 12) - - - - - - . J1 v,r.----. LT8(4 ) STAG , body i VAlC(V) NAHC(V) STOO I ONE f :C(V) L STON BRUN(Tl) (* increment i') U' body 5UBT if OO\vNTO loop *) (* store, but leave on TOS *) NAI'1C(V) (* go do the test again *) STBR(El) _ _ ___. (* increment, store, and test *) BRTR(TL) (1, branches unless SIH overwritten i,) El: ' E - - - - - ' MKST ZERO NN1C(PASCAlERROR) lT8(6) STAG LT8(4) (* now got a tag-s ix word on TOS I,) ENTR NAMC(V) STOO (* store the 51W into V *) Tl: (* into the control variable *) (* causes pascalerr(4) *l EL: ZERO lT8(6) STAG NAHC(V) STOO (1, undefine the control variable ,0,) 0"> 00 NOTE TO PUGN tempI :=el; tempZ:=Z; INTERIM REPORT - IMPLEMENTATION OF FOR-STATEMENT - I v:=templ; while v ~ ~empZ The note gives some comparative details on the implementation of for- s; statements in two PASCAL compilers. As more information becomes avail- v:=v+l ; able, it will be added to the list. See my earlier comments in a do begin z rn :::e: end; (/) Note to PUGN on the Burroughs B6700 implementation. v:=invalidtagsixvalue; BAS I C TEMPLATE The answers are again: (i) as for PASCAL-6000. for v:=el to eZ do s; (ii) + (iii) In all cases the exit value of v is a special word which cannot be utilized as a value, but can be overwritten PASCAL-6000 .-cCDC Cyber range) with a proper value. The implementation produces code which is equivalent to the following: ~ templ = a register; temp2 = a temporary stack location; tempI :=el ; tempZ:=eZ; while tempI ~ tempZ do begin v:=templ; I,~PLHIENTAT I ON NOTE s; 1977 February 17 templ:= v+l; B6700/B7700 Pt1SCAL end; ELSE JtI USE The consequences of this code on the precise action of the loop with the three questions I posed are: In t roduct ion (i) the two expressions are computed before an assignment, so that Many PASCAL implementations are inserting an ELSE clause in the CASE statement v:=l; for v:=v+l to v+l0 do 5; of PASCAL. will count from 2 to II. pseudo-standard for any such implementations so that maximum compatibility (i i) The exit value of v if the loop is never entered is its value before the loop is reached. (iii) The exit value of v is eZ if the loop is ever traversed. This note puts the cases for and against, and proposes a between PASCAL compi~ers can be achieved. Aga i ns t In addition, alterations of v from within the body of the loop do in The case against having an ELSE clause in a fact alter the progress of counting, if they can be achieved. encourages a programmer to use the clause through laziness simply to save "riting a long I ist of alternatives. PASCAL for Burroughs B6700/B7700 (Tasmania) More details are given in the Note mentioned before. generally equivalent to: The code is ~ statement is that it Thus \-Ihen an unexpected value of the case expression occurs, it is processed erroneously by the ELSE clause, rather than being one of the 'undefined' areas of PASCAL. The arguments here rest on implementors choosing to detect values of the case expression ~ tempI a temporary stack location; temp2 = a temporary stack location; which do not match any label, and choosing to make such occurrences definite run-time errors. Such an interpretation is not mandatory. For Syntax of else-clause The arguments for an ELSE clause are regularity, and robustness. The regula In the 86700 implementation, an ELSE can appear wherever a case-label can, argument comes from (i) examination of languages of similar age and utility, except that there can be at most one in any case statement. in most of which the feature appears, (i i) the analogy with .i.i.-~-else may appear in a case-label list, though it is difficult to see why this which may be viewed as a special version of ~, and (i i i) actual thought habits of good programmers. would be done. The robustness argument derives from the need to be able to write programs Thus an ELSE This syntax is very easy to accommodate, and requires minimal changes to the CASESTATEfiENT routine in PASCAL-p4. There are no other syntactic changes. z rn :::e:: C/) which are robust against all input, and all circumstances, and from the difficulty of handling all case statements without error. of labels are error-prone, and sometimes inappropriate. Long lists Reeommel1da.t.i.on 3 If the intention loan ~p.temetJ.tatioll adopu an fLSE-e.tw,vJ e, .then .the above is that all values other than a specified few are to be similarly treated, ~yn.tax 6houU be JtegalLde.d then it ought to be possible to specify this. alLe a.t..;tac.hed. (V; ~.tal1dafLd. Mo~Med ;,yntax ~ag!'"am6 The B6700 implementation Styl istics The implementation of PASCAL for the Burroughs B6700/B7700 computers The preferred style for a case statement containing an else clause has the at the University of Tasmania contains such an ELSE facil ity. develo~ The semantic else clause last, follmving all labelled clauses. features of this implementation are suggested as a pseudo-standard for PASCAL implementors who also agree that this is a necessary feature. Example of case with else A case without else If no else appears in a ~ statement, the 86700 implementation will raise a run-time error event, and terminate the program, if the case expression evaluates so as to match no case label. Rec.ommendation 1 1 Tha:t aLe. ~mp.temen;ta;t;{.o 116 a n PASCAL fLegalLd .the above a/.) .the thing := arithmeticoperator; thing := variahZeevaZvator; .- separator; ,~ , ; ': thing pfLeneM.e.d ,!>emaruCh on .th-iJ, 6uua;Uon OJtM.~ng ~11 a c.a/.)e Arthur Sa I e else: 6.ta:teme.m. Professor of Information Science thing .- otherthing University of Tasmania (Burroughs 86700 implementor) A case with else, If an else clause appears in a ~ statement, then the B6700 implementation transfers control to the else clause for all values of the case expression which do not match an explicit case label. In all other respects an else clause behaves as a labelled clause. Re.c.omme.l1dation Tha:t .the above. be. fLegalLded a/.) .the m~~mum 6e.marue r,equ..Uceme.na on an we-e.tD.lL6e ~11 a ea/.)e-6.ta:teme.m. 10 06 .the ea/.)e-expfLu6~0I1 w~dt alLe olLU~de -0 an ~)J.tememation Mil eaU6e .the 6ame. eooee.t a/.) ~11 Reeommendatiol1 1 OOfL m > va.tuu G) rn dee.talLe,d fLange. (a/.) ~n .the .type.}, .they alLe el1eoUfLaged .to do 1.>0. Tw -iJ, fLe.tevan.t oH.ty .to ~p.temetJ.ta.tJ.aM .that A..Vle.tude an we-e.taMe.. MODIFIED SYNTAX CHART FOR CASE-STATEMENT IN WIRTH-FORM Variable-parameters in Pascal Bill Findlay, Glas?ow University, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, U.K. I!:ter[~ct:12.~~":~: -th _.:~§S;~-Il n!:'S:L~23 - D. A. Joslin, University of' Sussex~ Computer Centre, Brighton, U.K. :i::l18 rccPJ.iro,,:::rd; of the HcviZ'f'd. nopcrt t'!:~_~-.:G T~:rU~;.:·t- fron the vej"~r- :::·t~:":'t of c~ }):~:og:t'n::J (;:ore ~_'r~'·!;C':::·8._11:.!! iLulJ8cliatc:;'y [,foGer ]{,,:-- ,~i\:E)y and liJi;AD(i'~:'.:)~~ X~= 1-( C.cfi:r..:-:11. f"1'" £"i'; 18/5/77 l'i:-::'1t iD cl.ci-ir..ca ~~E'I'(f) ) ~est:.lto The impression that variable-parameters in Pascal must be passed by reference is wid~spread (e.g. it appears in the books by Conway, Gries and Zimmerman and by Webster). However, I believe it to be a misconcept Lon stemming from the fact that all existing implementations have used reference passing. Many other controversies in the Pascal Newsletter arise from this failure to distinguish between language and implementation. My understanding of the matter is that (as in Fortran and for the same reason) both reference and value-result are valid mechanisms for variable-parameters. If we look at Section 9.1.2 of the Report we find only that the formal "represents" the actual during the execution of the procedure. ~ame binding is disallowed (thank Heavens!) by the rule that the index of a subscripted variable-parameter is evaluated just once, but reference is not specified. Ca.:Cd·<:~0r_ ;.d X'E:01.le;~t by a.ny dt~~'LiI(f :c'ccol~cl (tfh.ich &C·~UDJ.::"y process) 'i -the pY0E:;2'"f!.!.'l 'I.-rill ~.:.ot and 8econd a!1o. 8u.bseqnent r8quests cy {:er:QinB-l inpl.rL:; en rn (ii) """CJ In the Axiomatic Definition, at axiom 11.2, it is stated that the variable-parameters and non-local variables accessible by a procedure-call must be distinct (no "aliaSing"). Given this condition, it is not possible to determine the parameter-passing mechanism by running a legal program. I conclude that any method which satisfies axiom 11.2 is allowable. This issue is not just of theological interest. The implementor has been given an important degree of freedom: he can copy the technique used by the Fortran system on his machine and thereby gain access to the enormous investment in Fortran library routines. -i rn pny;C}~J)lJRE G}~I~Fr:{1JAL(VAR X:IU~AL); Cd rn BEGIN lillADL!I; READ(:::) mill; = ;JJ1J1?3L!':( tS:'YP:i_~ A REAL N1Jl·132ERt); r;];T '.'(EflL (x) ; (.x- 'luE'stion .lj,) (.;,. cet 2_ns\.,'8r .,:.) unIIJ:BL:n(tx =', x); (.;~ :('8Bllonne t::> EL:!!3\-.'cr .;'. \ to rule (U) above; he h3.8 loac.8~ a P:::0C'''.co.;n b.a is to interac"!; wit}, a sar:1ple teletYIJe 383st0J1 r::hOi./ine ini:era0'GioD wi th CC21Il~'T viE'" III~[lEru~Ct.L .. _LISTING OF ,T CelIINT(1/) PROOUCfD ON 'MAY7' AT _OUTpUT RY LlSTFllF IN ',T.rC21' ON 13MA-V77 AT 11.49.48 ".~O.44 usING 1~.19.51~ LlSl'FILF INT~RACT,NUM~fR o .t,'llJACRI'J INTF.RACT D.A.JrJSLIN. U14 coni" Ic'>J !,T???? 5 ')? .... ? 6 AS *CRO, ! 7 F.R ! ~ RP CfO:., DP,LS,I]L,P!W'j PASCAL rn~p, OpJFCTCC21INTPROG TypE STRING = pACK~D ARRAY [1 •• ,6] OF r.HAP, VAR ~! STRI~G: J,K, INTEGF': r. CHAR: PROCrnURF GFTSTRI~G(VAR S: STRING), VAR I, I"THER' AI A'RAY n •• 16] OF CkAR. nFGIN 9 FOR 1.= , TO 16 E,' 0 10 IF F"AILCFILE *CRO), II RP F>i.CM 12 R,~ JlEAiHN: pAC'UA,1 n~"'1~Y77 IlL *LPO CE DO RFADCA[Il): dL *CRO ,S~ OJD. PROCFOURF GF.TINTEGFR(VAP I,INTEGERI: RFGIN HADI N: OFADel) I!.?· 20. S~- LdAD CC~l I NTPRiJG .. CdRESK FNO. PROCEPUO. GETeNAReVAR r., 12.21.05- INTERACT ~l THERf~ - PLEASE TYPE IN YdUR C"~R): RfG '" OEADtO FtJD. BEGIN WRITFlNC'N! TNfRE • • lFA~E 'YPE IN YOUO NAME'II GETSTRINGCS) , WRITFLN('GlAn TO HfET ~I'IJ, ',S): REPEAT W.!TFlNt'TVPE IN A UkOlF NUMBEr'): GFTJNTrr.ER(J): WRITElNI'Ann ANOTHEO'): r,FTtNTrr.FR(IO: tJrHTFLNl 'YOUR I-.ttlt-'RERS ARF-f NA:~E IlAVI D GL4f) Til MEET YiJU, D~VI D TYPE IN A WHOLE NU<'1RF.R ~ HADIN: ,.J, I ANO. ,110: WRITFlNt'TIIFIR SU~ T~·,J+K,., ANn THEIW DIFFERENCE 1~',J~K): WWITFlNl'S~AlL WE TRV AGAIN?I): GFTCHARlC) UNT!L ell'Y·: WRITELNC'GOODS,E, '.5) END. :::~AL COMPILE • • pASQ/2A r~USSFX VFRSlnN 001) ON 04/05/77 AT ,,'49/44 OPTloN(SI ~FLErTEoI NoNr .. 1~3 AND ANUTrlER - 67 YiJUR j'lW1B!':HS ARE 123 AND (:, 7 THE.lR SUr'l IS 190, AND TH.EIR DIFFERENCE IS S~ALL W~ TRY AGAIN? ... Y i-~S TYPr". IN A i~HUI...E NUM8ER - -I .4Nf) ANUTHER • 77 ¥tlUR Nl),"18Er.::, ARE T>iF:l:", $lJ,"j IS 70' SHALL W~ TRY AGAIN? .. Vi-:S,. :ji'lCE ':"10~E -, TYP~ iN A W~JLE Y!J'L~ ~lJ"I~I<:.~.c; 5 A,'ll) 90R, W~ TRY AGAIN? Nu TdANx (Uljil4Yr~, D.A.V D 1?26.n1 FRf *LPO ,18 lRANSFERS 12.?6.0A FRE .CRO ,10 TRANSFE~S n•n3 : HAL HO , iJK /£Nt) IJF ;'oiACRCt 901 AND TrlF.l;~ DIFr~F~ENCIi.· IS S~ALL - IS NUM8ER ~'~F I.,FJ~ 00'1 IS -I AND 77 ANJJ T,",EIR DIFFF.:-RF.i'iCE 8. MEASUREMENTS. Pass 1: 4000 lines of Pascal, compiled @ 1000 lines/min. Pass 2: 2500 lines of BPL, taking 45 sec. to generate code for Pass 1 of the compiler. A minimum of 110K bytes is needed for a logical (reasonable) segmentation of the compiler. (* Size and execution speed of code produced not reported. How this compares to FORTRAN and other languages not reported. *) MAC HI NED EPEN DEN TIM P LEMEN TAT ION S ---Pascal Implementations Summary--- 9. RELIABILITY. Good, but not excellent. (* Number of sites using compiler not Date first released not reported. *) (* This section summarizes all the information that we have on all Pascal implementations, in the checklist format. *) reported. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Compiler was bootstrapped from an early PI compiler obtained from CalTech. The compiler consists of two passes. The first is written in Pascal and emits augmented P-code. The second pass (written in BPL, a PL/360-like assembler) generates 4700 code from the P-code. The first version of the compiler was written by Mike Mahon in 2 person-months. An additional 8 person-months have been expended in teaching the compiler Amdahl 470 about such things as optimal variable size and alignment, segmentation, etc. (* See implementation notes for IBM 360/370. *) II. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information prOVided. *) Tektronix, Inc. Burroughs B1700 June 8, 1977 In a letter dated November 3, 1976, Tony Gerber (Basser Dept. of Computer Science, School of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, N. S. W. 2006, Australia; Tel. 629 1122) reported several persons who have worked on B1700 implem~ntations. They are: Elliott Organick's group at the University of Utah, using Brinch Hansen's Sequential Pascal. Mr. Andy Mickel PASCAL User's Group University Computer Center 227 Experimental Engineering Building University of Minnesota en Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 rn projects. Dear Andy: -i P. Albrich, Univers'ity of Karlsruhe, Germany, was working with Concurrent Pascal. Thank you for the incredible amount of effort you have put intu making PUG work. Please, however, don't use anymore of that ugly c.hartreuse paper. to P. Schul tess and K. Hauserman at the University of Zuerich, who each worked on "0 (separate) M. Ellison at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne was using Pascal-P "version 1.On. rn ::s: rn :;:0 As to the Burroughs 83700/84700 PASCAL implementation reported by Dr. Lansford in PUGN#8: Due to the efforts of Burroughs' management, the (spare-time) project has been cancelled. We understand that Burroughs B3700, B4700 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. R. M. Lansford; 3620 Greenhill Rd.; Pasadena, CA 91107; 213/ 351-0206. P. L. McCullogh; Tektronix 60/666; P.O. Box 500; Beaverton, OR 97017 (503/638-3411 x2397). W. C. Price; 28282 S\~ Mountain Road; West Linn, OR 97068 (503/644-0161). inquiries through Burroughs Medium Systems Plant have been answered with "Ask your local Burroughs representative. 11 The reports we promised on certain interesting aspects of our implementation (segmentation, optimization, augmentation of P-code, etc.) have been delayed (perhaps indefinitely), as we are no longer associated with Burroughs Corporation. 2. MACHINE. Burroughs B3700, B4700 (with Accumulator operator.) Herewith, however, is a short comment arls1ng from our attempt at understanding the full implications of PASCAL's file structure. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. MCVP 5.7 and Time Sharing System Truly, 4. DISTRIBUTION. No plans at present--the need has not arisen. 5. DOCUMENTATION. Foreward to program listing; in form of supplement Manual ~ Report. (* This is apparently not machine retrievable. *) 6. 7. to MAINTENANCE. None. Development has terminated. tllf you find' em, f ix' em. II STANDARD. Unimplemented: real arithmetic formal procedures and functions files, .(except text files INPUT and OUTPUT) Extensions: segmentation symbolic procedure call tracing stack checking and statistics packing is optional Pascal User lJL~> ;.~i~~~ William Instrument Research Group Tektronix Laboratories WCP:pt Attachment cc: Dr. R.M. Lansford P. L. McCullough Burroughs B5700 teaching intervenes. Project has thus far been limited to two people: and R.A. Freak (Support programmer). Bruce A. Pump lin, Department of Computer SCience, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54701, has promised us a report on the progress of his Pascal-P based implementation for the B5700. Last we knew (76/08/25), the compiler-interpreter was 11. LIBRARY ~UPPORT. There is as yet no Prof. A.H.J. Sale BI~UI~FO in the code-file so that it is not possible to l1Rk Pascal to modules compiled by other language processors, but contains an extended set of predefined mathematical functions. the system working. = rn Burroughs B6700 (San Oiego) Burroughs B6700/7700 (Tasmania) C/) 1. HIPLEMENTOR/DISTUBUTOR/MAINTAINER. A.K.J. Sale; Dept. of Information Science; University of Tasmania; Box 252C G.P.O.; Kobart, Tasmania 7001 Australia; STU 002 23-0561 x435. 2. MACHINE. Burroughs Model III B6700, B7700 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Burroughs MCP version 11.8 (with few (minor) local mods). Minimal system to operate not known, but unlikely to be any B6700 that small--storage demands are low, and little else is critical. 4. ::E: 1. IMPLEMENTOR/UISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Distributor: Henry Fischer; UCSD Computer Center; University of California - San Diego; La Jolla, CA 92093; 714/452-4050. Implementors: Mark Overgaard; Jim Hadden: same site. 2. MACHINE. Burroughs B6700 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* No information provided. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. Scheduled to start in mid-summer, 1977. (* Information on cost, magnetic tape formats, etc. was not prOVided. *) DISTRIBUTION. Both 7 and 9 track magnetic tapes available. (* Cost not reported. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) DOCUMENTATION. Supplement to Pascal User Manual and Report available; a dictionarystyle "Reference Manual" is in preparation but is not yet complete (77/4/20). (* Not known if this documentation is machine retrievable. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. Unknown at this time. 7. STANDARD. (* No information prOVided. *) s. 6. MAINTENANCE. To be maintained for teaching use within the University as well as larger aims. Reported bugs will be fixed as soon as possible. with patch notices to users. Duration of support not yet determined; several other developments are also pending. 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: Program heading: reserved procedure; no parameters (files) are word program is synonymous permitted after the program heading. Reason: with cue anachronism of no utility in our installation, and likely to be confusing. Set constructor of form A•• B not implemented. Reason: future plan. FORTRAN control character on print line not implemented. Reason: a ridiculous feature to standardize. Full Pascal I/O not implemented. Reason: future plans. Present I/O scheme is like Pascal-l. Extensions: Various reserved words, character set transliterations. Burroughs comment facility_ ELSE in CASE. File attributes in declaration. Format declarations. Extensive Burroughs-compatible compiler options. (Pascal control comment option mode C/) rn 8. MEASUREMENTS. Current compile speed is 5000 line/min; but expected improvements could make that 10,000 lines/min--as fast as the Burroughs Fast Algol compiler. (* Size and -0 execution speed of code produced not reported. *) rn 9. RELIABILITY. Unknown at this time. (* Number provided. Date of first release not reported. *) of sites using this compiler not 10. DEVELOPMENT MET~OD. Real compiler, written in Pascal which produces native code for the B6700. (* Person-hours to create compiler not reported. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) not implemented). Burroughs B6700 (New Zealand) 8. MEASUREMENTS. compiles about 20% slower than FORTRAN or ALGOL, but in about 2/3 of their space (for test programs about 4-5 K words on average instead of 8-10K). Elapsed compilation times similar, though Pascal slower. Speed should be improved by eventual tuning. executes at same speed as FORTRAN and ALGOL (code is very similar and optimal) and takes generally longer elapsed residence time primarily due to MCP intervention to create new segments for record structures (not present in FORTRAN/ALGOL). Elapsed residence times about 20% greater than equivalent ALGOL. 9. RELIABILITY. Excellent. Only one system crash during testing attributed to Pascal. Compiler now in use at 3 sites. Compiler has been in use since 7&/10. First released to outside sites in 77/4. 10. DEVELOPMENT METKOD. Compiler which generates B6700 code-files which are directly executed by the B6700 with MCP. Written entirely in B6700 ALGOL. Kand-coded using Pascal-P as a guide/model. All other paths offered much more difficulty due to special nature of machine/system. Person-month details not kept, and project proceeds in fits and starts as ----------------------------1. IMPLEMENTOR/UISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Chris Bishop; Computing Centre; Otago; P. O. Box 56; Dunedin; NEW ZEALAND; (Tel. Dunedin 40109 x890). 2. MACKINE. Burroughs B6700 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* No information provided. *) University of 4. DISTRIBUTION. Tapes can be written in any of the following formats: a) 1600 bpi, PE, 9 track, B6700 library tape b) 800 bpi, NRZ, 9 track, B6700 library tape c) 1600 bpi, PE, 9 track, USASI Multi-file tape d) 800 bpi, NRZ, 9 track, USASI Multi-file tape. (* Costs for tapes not reported. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. retrievable. *) Brief notes on usage available. (* Not known if this is machine --i 6. MAINTENANCE. (* No information provided. *) 7. STANDARD. (* No information provided. *) 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* the Cyber 18 is a self contained interactive system. *) Dennis Nicolai (CDC, Minneapolis) reports that the Cyber 18 and the 2550 have similar instruction sets, and that the compiler is a cross-compiler which runs on Cyber 70's and 170's. Code is linked and 'down loaded' to the Cyber 18 and 2550. MEASUREMENTS. compilation space-- (* No information provided. *) compilation speed--Compiles the Karlsruhe B6700 compiler in 90 sec. of processor time. execution speed--, (* No information provided. *) execution space-- (* No information provided. *) (* How this compares to FORTRAN and other languages not reported. *) 8. 9. RELIABILITY. Unknown at this time. Compiler in use at compiler has been in use not reported. *) 3 sites. (* Length of time 10. DEVELOPMENT METKOD. Karlsruhe 86700 compiler-interpreter translated from Pascal source to Burroughs Extended Algol. Produces symbolic code for a hypothetical stack machine.' This symbolic code must be assembled to produce absolute machine code which may then be interpreted. Both the assembler and interpreter are written in Extended Algol. It is planned to convert this Algol version into a true compiler for the 86700; work will start in earnest about July of 1977. (* Person-hours to create compiler not reported. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. Control Data Corporation. 5. DOCUMENTATION. CDC Manual 88988500 A. (* Apparently no machine retrievable rn documentation available. *) :E: 6. MAINTENANCE. CDC supported Communications Front End software. 7. STANDARD. Unrevised Pascal def ined. language definition 8. HEASUREMENTS. (* No information available. *) 9. RELIABILITY. Excellent. (* with C/) extensions. I/O is hardware Number of sites using system not reported. Date of first release not reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METKUD. The compiler is derived from the compiler for the CDC 2550 front end processor, which in turn was derived from the old Zurich Pascal-6000 (1972) compiler. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information available. *) Burroughs B6700 (Helsinki) CDC 3200 C/) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Antti Salava; formerly at Dept. of Computer Science; University of Helsinki; Toolonkatu 11, SF-00100; Helsinki 10, Finland; Present address: Munkkiniemen Puistotie 17-A13; SF-00330 Helsinki 33, Finland; phone: 90-486288. 2. MACHINE. Burroughs 6700 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (*Unknown *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. None; project not yet complete. 8. MEASUREMENTS. Unknown; project not yet complete. 9. RELIABILITY. Unknown; project not yet complete. on our Pascal ;;0 We have not heard any news from either of the following two implementors for over two years, in spite of several attempts by us and others to reach them. P. J. Voda, Computing Research Centre, Dubravska 3, 885 31 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, has (not the using it. same concurrent constructs as Brinch Hansen's), and several large software projects were implemented Lou Beverino, Computer Center, California State University, Northridge, CA 91324, is known to have received Pascal-P2. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The compiler is written in Burroughs Extended Algol and B6700 machine code. (* Person-hours to create compiler not reported. *) generates CDC 3600 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) This 1s another case of the "two-year silence" (see CDC 3300). You are welcome to try contacting Marcel Dupras, Institut de Programmation, Tour 55-65, l1-Quai Saint Bernard, F-75 Paris, France, who was listed by George Richmond as having completed an implementation on the 3600. CDC Cyber 18 and 2550 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Jim Fontana, 3519 W. Warner Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714/754-4102). 2. MACHINE. Control Data Cyber 18 and 2550. rn rn a version of Pascal operational on the 3300. This version includes STANDARD. (* No information provided. *) -l o:l CDC 3300 MAINTENANCE. None, project not yet complete. 7. rn --0 3: 5. DOCUMENTATION. We are currently (77/1/17) preparing a report implementation. (* Not known if this will be machine retrievable. *) 6. A local rumor is that John Urbanski, West Bank Computer Center, 90 Blegen Hall, University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. South, Hinneapolis, MN 55455 USA (612/373-3608), is working on an implementation of a subset of Pascal for the CDC 3200. Control Data Corporation, CDC 6000, Cyber 70, Cyber 170 (Zurich) CDC 7600, Cyber 76 (Manchester) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Distributors: -(Europe, Asia, or Africa) Urs Ammann (* same address as implementor *) -(North or South America) George H. Richmond Computing Center: 3645 l-larine St. University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 USA 303/ 492-8131 -(Australia, New Zealand, or Oceania) Carroll Morgan Basser Dept. of Computer Science University of Sydney Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 Australia 629 1122 2. (* See announcement elsewhere in this issue. *) Implementor: Urs Ammann 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. This compiler is essentially the Pascal 6000 compiler modified to fit the 7600 and Cyber 76 machines. The run time system is based on that of Hans Joraanstad at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (see Pascal News #4). Improvements by H. D. Ellison; A.P. Hayes; UMRCC; Oxford Road; Manchester M13 9PL; England, U.K.; (061-273 8252). Institut fur Informatik Eo T• H. -Zent rum CH-S092 Zurich Switzerland 01/ 32 62 11 Maintainer: John P. Strait / Andy Mickel 227 Experimental Engineering Bldg. 208 SE Union St. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA 612/ 376-7290 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. SCOPE 2.1.3, 32K SCM. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Contact R. J. Collins at address above. A distribution aggreement must be Signed and the cost is 50 pounds sterling. 5. together on a common release for Release 3. 3.4 and Tape format is Scope 3.4 internal binary, 7 track, unlabelled, 800 bpi. Specify: person responsible for mainta-ining the system. your hardware, operating system, and character set (ASCII or Scientific, 63 or 64). From Switzerland cost is S.Fr. 100 (includes cost of tape; do not pay in advance, you will be billed); from Colorado cost is $60 for new recipients (includes tape and documents), and $35 for old reCipients (includes tape but not documents); from Australia cost is $A30 (tape and documents). New installation notes will be machine retrievable in Release 3. 5. DOCUMENTATION. Machine retrievable supplement to Pascal User Manual and Report and documentation of library support package will be available with Release 3. 6. MAINTENANCE. Will accept bug reports at Minnesota for issue Release 3 in 1978. forseeable future. DOCUMENTATION. Same as Pascal-6000. 6. MAINTENANCE. The situation is unclear at present. UMRCC will assist with bugs in the 7600 dependant code (runtime system) only. Currently UMRCC and Minnesota will work MACHINE. Control Data 6000 series, Cyber 70 series, and Cyber 170 series. DISTRIBUTION. MACHINE. Control Data 7600 & Cyber 76. University Computer Center 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Minimum central memory-49K words. Operates under Scope Kronos 2.1. 4. 2. Expect to 7. STANDARD. Nearly full standard. Restrictions include: standard procedures and functions cannot be passed as actual parameters; file of file is not allowed. Extensions include: additional predefined procedures and functions; segmented files. 8. MEASUREMENTS. Compilation speed: 10500 characters per second on a Cyber 74; 54 seconds to compile the compiler. Compilation size: 46K (octal) words for small programs; 57K for self-compilation. Execution speed: see 7600 statistics, below. Execution size: binaries can be as small as 2.4K, compared with Fortran minimum of over 10K. 7. STANDARD. Same as Pascal 6000. S. MEASUREMENTS. Compilation speed is about 57,000 characters/sec. Compiler compiles itself in less than 10 sec. Pascal execution speed has been measured by using the obvious encoding in Pascal of Wichmann's Synthetic Benchmark (see Computer Journal Vol. no runtime -------------------------------------------------------ALGOL 4 (OPT-5) 1996 Pascal FIN (OPT-2) -------------------------------------------------------* Using T+ option--all run time checks included. ** Forces OPT-O. Compiler will recompile itself on a 'half-size'(32K prOVided on size of compiler or object code produced. *) routines in SCM) machine. (* No information 9. RELIABILITY. 3 sites; as reliable as Pascal 6000 (Zurich). (* Date not reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Cross cOClplled from Cyber 72 not reported. *) (* See implementation notes for IBM 360/370. *) of first release compiler. Based on Zurich 6000 compiler with necessary additions for this machine. (* Person-hours CDC Omega 4So-I, 480-11 many 1230 6240* 3174** 6850 945 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Bootstrapped from the original Pascal-6000 compiler, but developed in a 6 pha~e stepwise refinement method. Approximately 1.5 person years. contains array bound checking checking 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Same as Pascal 6000. (FTN) subprograms. The user library supplied with the system addition to the standard. #1). ------------------------------------ compiler and optimisation level 9. RELIABILITY. Excellent. The compiler is in use at 139 known sites. First version of this compiler was operational in late 1970. The present version was first released in l-lay 1974. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Allows calls to external Pascal and assembler subprograms and Fortran 19, The Units are in kilo Whetstones. to develop compiler CII IRIS 50 (Nice) CDC STAR-100 (NASA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration NI\S/\ Langley Research Center 2. Hampton Virginia 23665 Replv to A\\'l or 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAI~TAINER. Olivier Lecarme; Unlversite de Nice; Laboratoire D'informatiquei Parc Valrose, 06034 Nice Cedex; France (51 91 00). JUN 125A ~A 1977 MACHINE. CII IRIS 50. :z: 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Siris 3 operating system. (* Minimum hardware known. *) requirements not Dear Andy: 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) Expected to be available by end of 1977. This is to inform you that a PASCAL implementation has been completed for the CDC STAR-100. The details are: 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. (* Unknown, project still underway. *) 1. Implementors: Douglas D. Dunlop Dept. of Mathematics College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA 23185 John C. Knight Analysis and Computation Division NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665 7. STANDARD. Will implement exactly Standard Pascal. 8. 11EASUREMENTS. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) 9. RELIABILITY. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Various approaches tried. Tool compiler developed using Pascal-P, Pascal-E subset, intermediate machine oriented languages, and 2. Language: The PASCAL p4 subset of PASCAL. 3. Machine: Control Data Corporation STAR-lOa. 4. Operating System: STAR O/S. 5. Documentation: At present, only the compiler listing. 6. Reliabili ty: Compiler correctly compiles itself. 7. Distribution: No formal mechanism. the Nagel trunk compiler used to write a true compiler. (* Person hours to implement system not reported. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Will produce modules for the provided on external and other language subroutines, source inclusion, or symbolic post-mortem dumps. *) linkage editor. (* No information separate compilation, automatic ell 10070, IRIS 80, XDS Sigma 7 (Pa-ris) Write if you are interested. 1. 8. Implementation: The compiler was developed from PASCAL p4. Two forms exist and both compilers generate STAR machine code. They are a 6000 based cross compiler which produces object Modules for input to the STAR loader, and a STAR resident compile and execute system. 2. Our experience with PASCAL p4 has been very satisfactory and we congratulate the developers. In less than six man weeks of effort, the PASCAL p4 compiler was modified to generate STAR-lOa machine code, and the compiler which was produced successfully compiled itself on the STAR-lOa. Sincerely, Distributor: Didier Thibault 17 rue GAY-LU55AC F-75005 Paris FRANCE 527 6 85 Pierre Maurice UER d'informatique-Universite Paul Sabatier 118 route de Narbonne F-31077 Toulouse FRANCE (61) 53 11 20 x300 MACHINE. CII 10070; CII IRIS 80; ~)S Sigma 7. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. SIRIS 7 & SIRIS 8 (CII operating systems; also easily available on other operating systems, see implementation description.) 4. DISTRIBUTION. Compiler source and assembler code are available on magnetic tape Just send a tape (mini if possible) to distributor. 5. DOCUMENTATION. retrievable. *) 6. ~hn C. Knight Aerospace Technologist Programing Techniques Branch IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAIN~R. Implementor: 7. Users free. Manual (in French); Sept. 1975. (* Not known if this is machine MAINTENANCE. Maintained from July 74 thru Jan 78. STANDARD. Full standard with following extensions: -separate compilation of Pascal program -symbolic post mortem dump of variables & procedure in case of abort at execution time -'value' feature for initialization of variables rn -'packed' variables implemented -extensions to 'read' and 'write' for use in an interactive environment 8. 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* No information provided. *) 9. RELIABILITY. Very good. (* Number of sites released not reported. *) MEASUREMENTS. compilation speed--1800 Pascal lines/min.; 2400 characters/sec; versus 1200 characters/sec. for FORTRAN. compilation space--to run the Pascal system: 30 K words with overlay; 45 K words without overlay. execution speed--dependant on program profile; compared to FORTRAN: FORTRAN Pascal matrix multiplication 1 1.6 recursive program 1 0.3 character count on file 1 0.2 execution space--(* No information provided. *) using system not reported. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Seven pass compiler. (* Method of developing reported. Number of person-hours to implement compiler not reported. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Automatic formatting option implemented. (* No on separate compilation or subprogram libraries. *) Date first compiler not information provided rn :::;:: (/) CRAY-l (Los Alamos) 9. RELIABILITY. Good to Excellent. This is release 3 of this compiler. The been tested since 1974 in 30 installations. compiler has UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY (CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-36) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Full compiler generating object code for the linkage editor. The compiler consists of a MONITOR: programmed in CII's local assembly language (2K 32-bit words). It links the Pascal program to the operating system and controls the execution of the Pascal program. All operating system dependancies are located in this moniter. To get the compiler available on some other operationg system,the rewriting of this moniter is neccessary. a COMPILER: written in Pascal itself, it consists of 4800 lines. It is a one pass compiler with top-down syntax analysis, separate compilation of Pascal programs, symbolic post mortem dumps, and several specific options. The compiler is fully bootstrapped so that any user may adapt it easily to a specific need (change the table sizes, specific features, etc.). a LIBRARY used by the linkage editor. (* Person-hours -to create compiler not reported. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Separate compilation information on subprogram libraries. *) of Pascal programs implemented. P.O. BOX 1663 LOS ALAMOS. NEW MEXICO 87545 IN REPLY REFER TO: C-11 MAIL STOP: 2':1 b Jilly '(, 1T11 Dear And y: (/) rn Despite I)ob J~hnson's rather discoura~ing letter, (~AS CAL Newsletter '6), PASCAL still lives on the CRAY-1. We n~w tl8ve a new version based on Sassan Haze~hi's P-corie Post Processor concept (P.~. 07). Current plans are to extend P-code and the P-code translator to provide cede ~enerati0n f"or the (* I';odel compiler. No ""0 -; rn :3: ttl rn :::0 I enclose an 11-point Mewsletter-style descrintion of our impleolentation, the User's Guide Addendum, ~nd ~V check for $~ i'or next year's P.U.G. membership. Computer Automation LSI-2 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Computer Automation; Naked Von Karman; IrVine, CA 92713; 714/ 833-8830; TWX:910 595 1767. 2. Mini Division; 18651 MACHINE. Computer Automation LSI-2 (16-bit minicomputer). 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Computer Automation OS. Minimum hardware: moving head or floppy disk and 32K Memory. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Distributed on floppy disk for $900. 5. DOCUMENTATION. User's Guide explaining the use of Pascal under CA-OS. (* Apparently no machine retrievable documentation. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. Fully supported including acceptance and response reports. In the near future, standard Pascal I/O will be implemented. to user trouble 7. S~~DARD. Implements Sequential Pascal which varies from standard Pascal. Missing: reserved words file, goto, label, packed; mixed type arithmetic; standard functions: ODD, EOLN, EOF, SQR, ROUND, SIN, COS, ARCTAN, LN, EXP, SQRT. Restricted to 2 levels of static nesting. Has extended 1/0 and file access methods. 1. Implementors: The compiler was bootstrapped by John Montague and Michael Powell. Many of the code templates were taken from Bob Johnson's cross compiler. Nearly all changes and improvements since the bootstrap was completed are due to Forest Baskett and Linda Zucconi. We can all be reached at the following address: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Group C-11, Mail Stop 296 P. O. Box 1663 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (505) 667-7877 'J 00 2. 2. Machine: Most of the programs we have compiled were first debugged with PASCAL-6000, so error recovery hasn't really been tested. The P-compiler has had quite a bit of use at Stanford. No errors in the generated code have been detected for several months, and we have compiled and executed John Banning's 10,000 line PASCAL Analyzer program (PASCAL Newsletter '6). Cray Research, Inc. CRAY-l }. Operating System: Benchmark Operating System (BOS), a LASL modified sion of the CRI CRAY-OS Version 1. 4. 10. Distribution is arranged on an ad hoc basis. (both) current CRAY-l installations have -a copy. 2' All PASCAL Maintenance: We will maintain CRAY PASCAL at LASL as long as we find it useful. The compiler is still undergoing development, and new versions will probably be complete replacements rather than updates. A project is underway to use the P-code translator as a code generator for Model, a LASL-developed language which will be used for much of our new CRAY-l operating system. I· July 7, 1977 ALGOL-W, PL/C, and Sassan Hazeghi's PASCAL-P compiler) and are experienced system programmers. Neither implementor had ever used a CDC 6600 or a CRAY-l, or written large PASCAL programs before the project started. Subsequent development has been done using a PDP-11/70 running UNIX, with a link to the CRAY-l for compilation and testing. Standards: CRAY PASCAL implements the. subset of PASCAL defined by the PASCAL-P compIler wIth a few extensions toward Standard PASCAL and several of the PASCAL-6000 predefined functions and procedures. 8. Method of Development: CRAY PASCAL was bootstrapped using PASCAL-P and PASCAL-6000. A total of 5 machines (CDC 6600, Cyber 73, 7600, Data General Eclipse, and the CRAY-l) and 3 character sets were involved in the bootstrap process. Approximately 6 man-months were required. Both implementors have previously modified batch OS/360-370 compilers to run interactively under ORVYL/370 (including Documentation: Short write-up on the differences between CRAY and Standard PASCAL, plus instructions for use. 6. ver- Distribution: Reliability: Compiler Implementation: CRAY PASCAL is written in PASCAL and consists of two separate programs, the PASCAL-P compiler (version 2 extended by Sassan Hazeghi of Stanford University t~ the equIvalent of P4, and further modified at LASL) and the P-CODE translator which converts P-CODE into CRAY Assembly Language (CAL.) Despite some character set problems, both programs currently run on the CRAY-l and on a CDC 6600 under NOS. Some statistics on our implementatIon are: Lines of source code P instructions generated CAL instructions generated Size of code (64-bit words)* Compile, translate, assemble time (CPU sec.) P-compiler 4400 23,500 38,100 18,200 43 Translator 3900 19,100 36,500 18,400 40 * this includes the run-time package The compiler and translator run-time are currently domInated by the character by character 1/0 (about 50% of the total time). One of our current projects is dIrected toward improving the run-time support. 11. Libraries, External Compilation, Etc. No libraries are currently available or planned. External procedures (declared as FORTRAN, though actually requiring PASCAL calling conventions) are supported and have been used. Limited separate compilation is supported by allowing second level procedures (procedures declared in the PROGRAM block) to be entry points. Data General Nova/Eclipse -- Introduction. Since the announcement in PUGN 8 of a Data General implementation by R. E. Berry, we've witnessed a lot of activity this summer. As an experiment. we are going to try to get everyone together here! Thanks to Rodney Thayer, Central Research Group, P.O. Box 451, Harvard, MA 01451 (617/772-2306) "ho "rote 77/07107: "a few people in my area (myself included) are investigating R. E. Berry's U. of Lancaster PASCAL for the Data General NOVA. If I am closer than England for somebody, they are welcome to write to me to find out about Lancaster Pascal." On 77/8/12, Gregg Marshall at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Denver, CO 80200 (303/499-1000 x4482) wrote out a checklist for the Lancaster NOVA Pascal implementation, "in case they haven't sent one, too. 1I (They hadn't.) Its information is included in the summary below. Other NOVA implementations have appeared by Ted Park, A. J. Hurst, and Rafael Bonet - see below. H. S. Magnuski, Gamma Technology, 800 Welch Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 (415/326-1661), wrote on 77/7/21 that he is trying to obtain several NOVA implementations for evaluation. Hopefully he will report his findings to PUGN. On 77/8/9, Bruce 11acKenzie, Computervision Corp., 201 Burlington Road, Route 62, Bedford, MA 01730 (617/275-1800), announced that "we will be implementing Pascal on Data compati.ble machines running under our own operating system •. " General's NOVA's and NOVA Also, Larry Iialsh, ROLM Corp., 4900 Old Iron Sides Drive, Santa Clara, (408/988-2900) is looking at Pascal-P for the ROLM 1664, a ruggedized NOVA. CA 95050 -0 J:> received from George Richmond at the University of Colorado was quite complete and bug free. I was able to have the compiler compile itself correctly after less than one man-month effort. All-in-all, I am very satisfied with the results. Requests for Data General implementation information have come from: 77/07/11: Doug Kaye, Computer Services, Du Art Film Labs, 255 Ilest 55 St., New York, NY 10019 (212/757-4580). 77/07/14: Mike Tiller, 2501 N. Lancaster Lane #178, Plymouth, MN 55441 (612/546-6687). 77/06/08: C. A. Miller, Dept. of Physics Nuclear Res. Center, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2N5. 77/08/10: Kevin Driscoll, 330 SE 11th Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612/331-2133). 77/08/16: Bruce K. Ray, Polymorphic Computer Systems, P.O. Box 3581, Boulder, CO 80303 (303/443-5362). 77/03/14: Wayne Seipel, James Peterson, Computer Science Dept., University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712 (512/472-1773). -Andy Mickel Old address: Ted C. Park Scientific Computation Facility Lorna Linda University Lorna Linda, CA Ted C. Park Technical Specialist LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY June 3, 1977 1894 Commercenter West cc: George Richmond LOMA LINDA CAMPUS LOMA LINDA, CALIFORNIA 92354 SClENTIFICCOMPUTATION FACILITY = New address: Ted C. Park Medical Data Consultants Suite 302 TCP:map Data General ECLIPSE (Loma Linda) 92354 San Bernardino, CA 714/ 825-2683 92408 The Scientific Computation Facility is a Biotechnology Research Resource supported in part by NIH grant RR 00276. Dear Andy, Data General NOVA (Canberra) I thought this might be the first, but I see from the latest newsletter that at least one other Data General version exists. THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY However, I would like to report another Pascal P4 system solely designed for the Data General Eclipse Series computers with floating point hardware (since the Eclipse enhanced instruction set is heavily used, my Pascal will not run on a Nova). DEPARTMENT OF BOX To ease the implementation, I used a single size data unit 64-bits for everything. A virtual memory (paging) scheme is employed so that the system will run in almost any memory confi gura ti on. The assembler for PCODE and interpreter are both written in DG assembly language. I am quite pleased with the speed of the system, it takes something over an hour to compile the compiler (-4000 lines of code). This is only 4 times slower than th~ vender supplied FORTRAN compiles! (And the Pascal system 1S interpreted with software paging!!) The specifications of the system are as follows: worksize = 64 bits memory size 64K words integer size = 32 bits used in all calculations (64 bits stored) 64 bits real size = I have implemented the entire interpreter except the transcendental functions and the I/O of 'real' data. The transcendental functions are, at present, of little interest so I may be several months before implementing these. I/O of 'real' data is needed, I am working on it and will have it ready in a couple of weeks. 2600 C/) rn -u 22 June 1977 I would be willing to disperse DG compatible dumps of the system to interested users who supply their own mag-tape. I am not in a position to supply documentation, so interested parties would· still need to get the implementation kit from the University of Colorado. Computer Science 4, POST OFFICE, CANBERRA, A.C.T. Dear Andy, -I The department of Computer Science, Australian National University, is implementing PASCAL-P for a Data rn 3: to rn ;::0 General NOVA from the Zurich P-4 portable compiler. The system is intended for cafeteria style student use and will require processor + 32K memory, disk, card reader and line printer as a minimum hardware under RDOS. configuration, and runs It is not intended at this stage to distribute the system, but interested people may write to A.J. Hurst, Department of Computer Science, ANU, Post Office Box 4, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600, Australia. The estimated completion date is late 1977. -u ~ Gl rn I have read several comments in the PUG newsletter indicating how many people perceived the bootstrapping process as being rather difficult -- indeed, the implementation kit seemed to indicate this also. I would like to offer my encouragement to those who try by pointing out that the implementation kit we 00 <::) John Hurst tG:,~~':'~~(iCi'u 51' Q. ordenadores eleclronicos Data General NOVA 840 (Barcelona) rocofort, 98· 100 'ole!. 1931 3854100 telex 53095 barcelona· 15 5 June 1977 Dear Mr. Pascal User's Group Mick~l: I have received Pascal Newsletters #5 and #7 on the same enclosure from the University of Southampton, Great Britain. What about *67. My company, SECoINSA-TEL~SINCRo is a holding owned by the spanish government for the development of the national computer lndustry. We bought CALTECH'S SOLO SYSTEM to experiment it as a software tool running in the DGC'S NOVA B40 at the research & development department. The NOVA is used as a software factory. Enclosed is a short report about our ·implementation. Sorry but distribution is not planned. I have personnel interest in PASCAL, sO the address in the PUG mailing list is my home address. My office addre~s is the impl~ mentors' address below e Minimal Hardware Configuration: CPU options: Floating Point Unit Automatic Multiply/Divide Unit Real Time Clock Memory Map&Protection Unit (MMPU) Memory 44Kw, minimum Disk DIABLO model 33 (2.5MBytes) AMPEX model DM44B with western Peripherals Interface Tape WANG CD BOD bpi, 9tracks, 45 ips Printe'r TALLY 200 Ipm with Data Products Interface Card Reader: DOCUMATION 600 cpm with Documation Interface Console Standard Also supported by the system: Second Console 4060 Multiplexer as much memory as supported by the MMPU 4.- Method of distribution: The SOLO SYSTEM and its distribution is not a company objective. Thus, we have no plans for distribution. But we shall study each request of a system copy. 5.- Documentation available: Our system is an implementation of the CALTECH'S SOLD SYSTEM. The languages description is given in two CALTECH Manuals: - Concurrent PASCAL report. - Sequential PASCAL report. Sincerely yours: /!\~ ~ \ RMB/tg cc: P. Brinch Hansen 1.- Implementors: Rafael M. Bonet Arsenio Lago Ram~n Cervell~ TELESINCRO S.A. Departamento de Investigaci~n y Desarrollo Rocafort 100 Barcelona 15 SPAIN Phone: (93) 3254100 2.- Machine: Data General Corp. NOVA B40 3.- Operating System: SOLO SYSTEM \Rafael M. Bonet \ = rn The system works in interpretive mode. The NOVA interpreter, an assembly program, is documented in spanish. 6.- Maintenance: The high level coding (CPASCAL or SPA5CAL) was writen at the CALTECH by Per Brinch Hansen's team. Neither CALTECH nor Per Brinch Hansen (now at the 50uthern California University) pr£ vide maintenance for this software. The low level coding (the NOVA interpreter) is responsibility of our team, but our structure does not allow a formal maintenance. Of course, we accept error reports. 7.- 5tandards: CALTECH sequential PA5CAL is not a standard PA5CAL implementation as you can found in the CALTECH report. B.- Compiler / Interpreter: The system is interpretive. The only potion in target machine code is an assembly program, called the kernel, with a size of 5K words of 16 bits. The PA5CAL interpreter, included in the kernel is 2 K words long. The 50Lo 0.5. runs interpretively and is coded in Concurrent PASCAL. The SOLD runs seque~ PA5CAL programs. The compilers speed is about 90 char/sec. 9.- Reliability: The kernel reliability is excelent. For the compilers, some not important bugs were detected. S£ me of them were fixed. In general the reliability is good. en rn -c -I rn 3: i.:;O rn :;:0 4. 10.- Development method: ,he tapes from CALTECH were used to implement a bootstrap soLO SYSTEM running under DGC'S Real Time Disk Operating System. Then we developed our stand-alone SOLO SYSTEM. The system can produce a backup tepe. This tape is loaded into disk by means of the IPL operation and an AUTOLOAD program writen at the begining of the tape. Once the tape on disk the system is loaded by IPL. For the people interested only in sequential PASCAL: it is posible to write an interpreter (or compiler) of seque~ tial PASCAL, changing the SYSTEM CALL instruction from a branch to concurrent code to the actual execution of the fun£ tion required. As Per Brinch Hansen says, it is a 1 man month work, but it doesn't exist a documentation about how to doit. Data General NOVA (Lancaster) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. R. E. Berry and A. Foster; Dept. of Computer Studies; University of Lancaster; Bailrigg, Lancaster LAI 4YX, U.K.; 65201 (STD 0524). 2. MACHINE. Data General Nova series (2/10, 820). 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. RDOS 4.02/5.00 operating system; 32K core, disk backing store. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Cassette tape or 2.5 Mbyte cartridge disk. 5. DOCUMENTATION. A user manual is provided. 6. MAINTENANCE. No formal commitment to provide support; Release 2 under development and will subsequently be consolidating bug reports accepted on Release ~. 7. STANDARD. Pascal P4 subset accepted. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Originally was written from scratch in Pascal; assembly language. not reported. cross-compiled from a CDC 7600. The P-code assembler the P-code interpreter was implemented in Nova DEC PDP-8 Minnesota 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. John T. Easton, 612/373-7525; James F. Miner, 612/373-9916; Jonathon R. Gross, 612/835-4884; Address correspondence to: Pascal Group; SSRFC; 25 Blegen Hall; University of Minnesota; 269 19th Ave. South; Minneapolis, MN 55455; 612/ 373-5599. 3. 6. (about MAINTENANCE. A policy has not yet been determined. 7. STANDARD. Emphasis has been placed on close adherance to the Pascal User Manual and Report. There are two major restrictions: a) Parameters may not be procedures and functions. This restriction will not be lifted without full type checking (which requires a change in the Pascal Standard). b) Files may be declared only in the main program, and files may not be components of arrays, records, or files; nor may files be allocated with the procedure NEW. Minor restrictions: set size-96 elements; maxint-8,388,607 (2**23-1). Full ASCII character set is supported. 8. MEASUREMENTS. Execution speed--roughly comparable to FORTRAN IV (F4). I/O seems to be faster than FORTRAN, while computation seems slower. Execution space--Interpreter takes 12K, space needed for P-code and runtime storage depends on program. Compilation speed--much slower than F4. We hope to make some improvements in this area. About 30 characters/sec. presently (77/07/30). Compilation space--65K 12-bit words to compile itself. 9. RELIABILITY. Fair to good and improving. The system is has been in use at 1 site since 76/11. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. As with most languages on the PDP-S, Pascal makes use of an interpreter (a modification of P-code) written in PAL8. The compiler (about 5400 lines, based on Pascal-P4) and assembler are written in Pascal. All standard procedures are written in PAL8. Because of the design of the system, the implementation is not suitable for real-time applications. On the other hand, the implementation does provide 131K words of virtual memory for code and store. Effort involved has been 1 person-year for applications programmers without previous experience writing compilers. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-II -- Introduction Date 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) 2. 5. DOCUMENTATION. Machine retrievable supplement to Pascal User Manual and Report 25 pages), in preparation. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Currently (77/07/30), none. 8. MEASUREMENTS. Typical runtimes compare favorably with those of other languages generally available on the Nova. P-code is generated, assembled and then interpreted. (* Compilation and execution space requirements not reported. *) 9. RELIABILITY. (* Thought to be good. Number of sites using system first released not reported. *) DISTRIBUTION. Not yet ready for release. MACHINE. Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-8/e SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. OS/8 version 3. Hardware required: -KE8-E (EAE with mode B instruction set) -RK8-E disk, or other direct access mass storage device with at least 131K 12-bit words (e.g., DF32 or RF08). -16 K minimum of core/RAM. 32 K is highly recommended. At one time last year (PUGN 6-7) Steven Schwarm and C. E. Bridge at DuPont wrote to say they were coordinating a DECUS SIG Pascal. W~ thought they would coordinate PDP-II implementations. Well, they haven't, and they have not been communicating either. We've heard that DEGUS SIG Pascal is in other hands. Interest in PDP-II Pascal has been high. But from our point of view there are far too many Pascals on the 11 to wade through. A few comments: Electro Scientific Industries Pascal for the 11 has received another good report - see the letter from Wayne Rasband. Structured Systems has come up with an implementation which runs on many operating systems including UNIX. The highest quality RSX-ll system we've had reports on comes from Stockholm. Finally, we have news of UNIX Pascal from U.C. Berkeley. Jim Shores, with the US Navy in Connecticut, phoned on 77/05/24 and reported he had a Brinch Hansen interpreter running as a task under RSX. Also he phoned Bob Lucas at NBS in Maryland and found out that Bob doesn't think too much of his own RSX implementation. With all the others around now, that's okay. See also HERE AND THERE News section under David Miller, Nunnally, Alfred J. Hulbert, Martin Tuori, and Aron Insinga. -Andy Mickel Matli Karlnen, John 7. STANDARD. Full standard plus extensions: additional features for real-time hardware control; separate compilation of procedures; Macro (assembler) code in line insertion; actual core addresses of variables can be fixed (giving access to eKternal page 1/0 addresses at the Pascal level. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERViCE ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE, AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH 9000 ROCKVILLE PIKE BETHESDA. MARYLAND 20014 July 14, 1977 AREA CODE 301 TEL,656....4000 I suspect that readers of the PASCAL Newsletter may get the impression that there does not exist a reliable standard PASCAL compiler for the PDP-II that is useful for production work, but from our experience this is simply not the case. ESI PASCAL has also proven more practical for use on small PDP-II configurations, such as a 16K llV03 with dual floppy disks, because it requires less memory and disk space. The ESI compiler (written in MACRO) is half the size of DEC's FORTRAN compiler and the PASCAL run-time support library is one-third the size of the FORTRAN library. ",~ // DEC POP-II (ESI) 1. IMPL&MENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/tiAINTAINER. John Ankcorn; David Rowland; Electro-Scientific Industries; 13900 NI, Science Park Dr.; Portland, OR 97229'; 503/ 641-4141; TELEX: 360273. MACHINE. Any model Digital Equipment Corp. POP-II. 3. SYSTEI1 CONFIGURATION. Minimum of 16K words. (76/11/02), an RSX-IIM implementation is underway. Operates under RT-ll. DISTRIBUTION. Compiler, support module, cross referencer, text editor and Currently instruction manual available for $1500. (* Tape formats, etc. not reported. *) 6. 3000 line programs in z rn machine retrievable instruction i\ worst-case manual. MAINTENANCE. One year of unlimited fixes and updates, followed by annual Currently subscription service. (* Reported by users that IIvendor seems to be re'sponsive in terms of support". ,II) ~ "number-cruncher' U> example ran at 40% faster than the DEC original FORTRAN. execution space--very economical-much of the space improvement over DEC FORTRAN is due to the smaller support module for Pascal. 9. RELIABILITY. Excellent--far better than DEC FORTRAN. In use since 75/11. sites using compiler not reported. *) (* Number of 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Single pass recursive descent compiler written in Macro-il. Hand-coded based on University of lllnois bootstrap (with extensive changes) in about two person-years of effort. First compiler written by both implementors. Compiler translates source into l1acro-ll which is then assembled and linked to the support module for execution. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Separate linkage is implemented. compilation of procedures with load-time insertion and DEC PDP-ll (Los Altos) structured systems corporation "/r"": 7 ,""{, Wayne Rasband Section on Technical Development National Institute of Mental Health Bldg. 36, Rm. ZA-03 Bethesda, Md. 20014 301-496-4957 page faster than DEC BASIC. .:: $ Sincerely, 5. DOCUMENTATION. Over 70 (76/11/02) working on more. compilation space--very economical-it can compile We are using the compiler from Electro Scientific Industries (ESI) under the RT-ll operating system on five different PDP-II systems (11/03, 11/04, 11/20, 11/34, 11/40) for real-time laboratory applications and image processing. We have found ESI PASCAL better suited for process control type applications than the DEC FORTRAN. It generates in-line as opposed to threaded code. It allows direct aCcess to I/O device registers as opposed to requiring subroutine calls. It provides a more efficient interrupt handling capability and allows insertion of assembler language statements in-line. 4. MEASUREMENTS. compilation speed--About 3500 characters /second, on the PUP-II model 05. 28K on PDP-ll/40. No overlays are used in the system. execution speed--about twice as fast as the DEC FORTRAN IV and many times Dear Andy: 2. 8. 343 Second Street, Suite K Los Altos, California 415 94022 321 8111 STRUCTURED SYSTENS CORPORATION is pleased to announce a new Pascal compiler for the DEC PDP-ll. The STRUCTURED SYSTEMS Pascal compiler (PASCAL-SS) was designed and implemented by the team of A. Ian Stocks and Jayant Krishnaswamy, who previously developed the University of Illinois Pascal-ll compiler. U> rn -0 --i rn :3: to rn :::0 The PASCAL-5S compiler is itself written in PASCAL and is self-compilable. It translates Pascal source programs directly into machine code. The language implemented is closely based on Jensen and vlirth's revised report (1975) with a number of language extensions and additional features aimed at large-scale system development in a production environment. Versions of PASCAL-5S are implemented or under development to run under the most popular PDP-ll operating systems, including DOS, RT-l1, RSX-l1 and UNIX. Many features have been incorporated into STRUCTURED SYSTTI~S PASCAL-SS which make it one of the most powerful and convenient-to-use Pascal systems for a production environment. Extensive compile- and run-time error checRing and reporting features are incorporated in the compiler. Compiler '$' options include an identifier cross-reference, automatic formatting/indentation of source listings, conditional compilation of sections of the source, a macro-expansion pass (similar to DEFINE in Burroughs Algol), and textual inclusion of library files in the source stream. ~tensive object code optimization may be specified. Programs and routines may be defined in separately compiled modules and linked together. User-controlled overlays permit very large programs to be compiled and executed under severe core constraints. Anyone wishing additional information on PASCAL-5S should contact: Martin Rattner STRUCTURED SYSTEMS CORPORATION 343 Second Street, Suite K Los Altos, California 94022 (415) 321-8111 00 I.N DEC PDP-ii (Stockholm) 1 ( 01 'tockholer 19l1-('i-li~ ) rh~ COTI0iler ~ill De jistrituted at no CQst it tapps are supolled for one or .ore 01 I"e follo~in~ choices: - - three DfCtaoes In P0P 11 - The ne~5lptters alth0lJ~n ~re really lnterrestiGQ to reaa, aistribution is somp~nat slow. Ifonen the r-:'ay J fou-nr:l that the ; J 'l'l issue ma,]netlc tape D05 tor~at (ClC10 ~"a lr'l \"ll 1\, fOrTidt (ut.t lv user-s) - one y-tr~ck ~a'loetic taoe In inau9trv (d s e r S 0 f J; l ( 11! an j o t h f' reo 1. C V t ~ r s ) - one 'I-track !) 0 C U "1 E ~ T I~ T I Ut'f ~ LJ S ern f'J1a-.Jnetic tdpe in' IJ( S, PDP11 llsers) c?wpati~le forrrat (tlUt-' 1 j for~at USe-fS)" finallY a~;r;earp.C1 in the €nQ of July 1 had mixea un rr,y o"",n "GOreS5 pte IT! e n tat ion n ~ t e enclose an one -'I-track update~ (j esc. r i t: ; In nc;o u r P () ~ 11 co fll rJi l e r .. version. AS you can also see, I have oeCl~e~ to dlstriLlute t~e compiler ~yselt~ ~r Schwar~ ot nu Port have proMiseo to dlstribute tl"l.ro99h DECU5, but I hHven't Iledrea anyt n l""·1 fro'!' hi~ yet. ~o a r!J a l co 'i'l~) l e II e n tin 9 the U(.- (. ':J re~uansiniljt), be distrihuted to bJt 1t prrors are users .. ~'O 0 k .. toun~ rerorts ~ill kno~n lruly yours, htSl~ICljO~S Tne fro-n AL IX /l dc, Stockholm, Sweden ~r the co~piler ~ener~tes stM~~ar0 o~Ject nodules tne comoiler 9,veS full access to "aX tlle systpm The lollowin~ llSt is T~l"ly a co~. lro. 1r 8ron's cortribut10n in Pascal ~e~sletter ~7. '"lth r"?lard to the ·-.,efinition of Fascol in t'ascal lJser ~anuaL 8no ~eport the tollo~in9 restrictions hole: 2 DEC-lu: crosseompiler that Renerates eooe for all PDP-Tl's. P~P-ll: ~ouel j~ anj UP. lhe ~nd cO~Diler generates code for tlOAt1na ooint nardware extended aritnmetic it option s~itches are set. UPERATi~G SYSTE~ MSX-ll~ or lAS. (DEC-1Q crossco~Diler under TuP~-lU). PrObaDly it 15 an easy task to rpplace the AS. interfacino routines .ith new ones intertac1ny DU, or ~T-11. we ao not plan to dO that .or~ nere. Maybe routines to interface with NS.-l1S .ill De made. 4 cO~Jiler LJnljert3l(en: Seveo Torstendahl AdOress; Telefon A~ L~ ~rlcsson 2~ EXTE~SIONS is a mOjitlcat1on of tne crossco~uiler Uron of T~ente 0niversity of TeChnology, The Netnerlands. f~o Talor ~oci1ications hdJe neen Severl TorstenCohl 101PlU'EHOR S-'2~ ~NU llIST~It3UTION Ine eO~Dilers are available at "0 cost if tapes are sUPDliej. The distrioution set contains source anG oDject modules of the compilers ana the runtime liorary, commana files tor co~piler generation 8"j n'dirltenance, user manual and compiler ger'eration instructions. - patkej data struct~res Hre orly lTrle~enteo tor thar3cter arrays , 3l~dYS packea, tAO c~arls/.orJ and tor bOoLpan arr~YS ( cackin~ O(ltion~l, one ooolean/bit J. Ihe orocedures raCk and unp~ck are not implementeJ. - only local ju~ps ar~ allowe~. - a oair ot t'roce~ures, l\:ar~ anc release, to allocate and 1eallocate ayna~ic storage~ the followinq extensl0ns have ceerl i~'~ le~enteu: - funct~on results can ce of ~onscalar tyoe, - arrays ~ith unsoecified ~ourlas ( hut specitie~ iniex-structure ) can be usee as for~al ~dran;etprs to oroceaures, allowino oitferently ceclareo varl'~les or constants as act~al plra'aters, - a strlna parai~eter tyue has heer irtroo~ceo 1n ~"ich one-jlmpnsional ch3r3cter arrays or sUDstrinJs therpot ~a) oe passed a§ Dara~et@rs. SUCh ~trjn]s an~ their constltuent c,",~racters are consiaereu as "re~a only", - ~roce~ures may te co~o1led seo8r?tely, - seoar1tely cOIIJr'l~j proceoures cen roe accessea tnroUlh d decldration with tne rroceoure blOCk reDl~ced DY "extern". 50clRCE LANGUAGE the source • • hen it then co.p,les itself the 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: Files not implemented (except input and output); jumps out of procedures not allowed; packed only implemented for one-dimensional character arrays(always packed) and one-dimensional boolean arrays (packing optional); procedure "dispose" not implemented (procedures 'mark' and "release' will suffice for nested allocation and deallocation). Extensions: function results can be of non-scalar type; arrays with unspecified bounds can be passed as parameters to procedures; several added standard procedures, including a pair to obtain and set the value of device-register PdP-l1 version is createri. memory rne comoilers are ~ritten irl Pas~al, ana Doth flavp the saTe source code ex cent tor two seoerately compile1 routines. TMe crosscompilpr is ~enerateo. .. hen tne {)E:C-1ti Pascal tomp; Ler from ~'a'TIour~ camp, les Tne size of the compiler is ~L~~ores of coae. in a PDP-11 runnin~ under NSX-l1~ V2 onl. 52 ~.orus dre "vaila~le for co~e anj aata. lhrouah a sli~nt modification of tne overlay loadin; routine of PSx-llM ,t "as ~een Dossi~le to seg~ent the verY recursive COlllpiler. It now fits in a j2 I.oras partition an~ uses auout C::2 r(loior:JS tor COde le3vif"lq 1\1 f..\Ioiords tor 'lata. locations; may be declared in the outer block to be associated with (such strings and their constituent characters are considered as tlread-only". :z rn :E: en 8. MEASUREMENTS. (x No information provided. x) Reported to be "quite fit for appiications l l • 9. RELIABILITY. in 75/12. lhis is enouqh to co~pile fa,rl. larGe programs. Ho~ever, the overlay ~eLhanis" ~akes the COlnpiler slo~, aeout <'JO lines I ",in"te witn ~PI'4-eo",pati"le (j,SkS, less"ith kKIJ5 (lis"s • • ith RSa-ll:" v3 uSinJ ~LAS and ~ 64K partition the soeeo ;5 increased ,-I,) times. procedures specified interrupt sources; a string parameter type has been introduced in which one-dimensional character arrays or substrings thereof may be passed as actual parameters real time Good. (x Number of sites using system not reported. x) First distributed 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Cross-compiler running on DEC-10 producing code for Developed from Pascal-P. (* Person-hours to develop system not reported. *) any PDP-11. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (x No information provided. *) DEC PDP-11 (Vienna) RtLlAtlILI II Excellent. Ihe compiler ;s noo in sites, ana is usee at tour more. founa durinq tne last t.o ~eav, use et·,rOrs f~o at thr~e Osterreichische nave neen ~~I.!c:li~n~!t~ellschaft fur ~ontns. Lenaugasse 10 • A-l082 ~tT~OD OF lhe ~i i~olementatl0n II ~~ en DEVEL~P0E~1 ne~ effort until v~rsion wnich developea later. no~ Dertor~s '5 about so,'e b Bankverblndungen CA-Bankverein: 26-34343/02 E. o. Spar-Casse: 100-94709 Osterr. Uinderbank: 106-100-432 ~Ianmont~s. Ihr Zeichen Ihre Nachricht yom -0 Forschungszentrum Selbersdorf Telefon: (02254) 201, 781.y. Telex: 014/353 Telegramm: austratom wien USA o~timization rn Institut fur Physik Pascal User's Group c/o Andy Michel University Computer Center 227 Exp Engr University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Ine crosseomp,ler tor PDP-ll runrinq on DEC-lu pr~duced by bron et al ~as usee as input. ~s mentioned earlier, tn,s compiler .as mOGilild to cenerate o~ject code linkable unaer ~SA-11' anO to ~ive access to t net i l e s y 5 t e 'n 0 IPS x -11 t . " t, e n t r' e c r 0 s s con, p, l e r "a 5 tinishej it compiled itself anD the conpiler .a5 t~us transferrea to PDP-11. Nayoe a Atomenergie Ges. m. b. H. WIEN • Austria Unser Zeichen PH/May/HE; Sachbearbeiler . Telefon (Durchwahl) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. C. Bron; Twente University of Technology; P.O. Box 217; Enschede, Netherlands; 05420-99111; TELEX: 44200. 1.) that we have implemented P.B. Hansen's Sequential Pascal compiler in the PDP-11 Operating System RSX11-M and RT11. 2.) why we choose just this compiler 3.) something about the new design of the compiler 4.) what we are just working on and what we plan to do. MACHINE. DEC-10 cross-compiler producing code for any PDP-11. operating system requirements. (x Minimum 4. DISTRIBUTION. Available on DECtape or 9 track magtape free of charge. 5. DOCUMENTATION. Machine retrievable documentation package. hardware 6. 11AINTENANCE. We intend to correct reported errors for the next few years. Error reports and updates will be sent at irregular intervals to all those who have received the compiler, unless otherwise requested. ad 2.) We needed a high level programming tool for process control~ scanning and analyzing data and so on. Our principal concern was system security and fleXibility. (One of the main applications being in safety control), The advantages of P.B. Hansen's Pascal compiler are: It is the only compiler we know, running in the original version without any bugs. Anyone concerned with compilers that are not supported by any maintainer will appreciate this. td rn ;;0 Datum We have just recently joined the PASCAL Users Group and want to tell you about the work concerning PASCAL and its applications in our data-processing group, especially 2. rn ::s: 1977 OR 01 DEC PDP-11 (Twente) 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. No requirements not reported. *) -l -0 > G> rn 00 \J1 - The concept is clear and easy to understand. This enables you to modify or extend the compiler for your special purposes. 3.) routines for reading and writing CoNST PAGELENGTH = 512, TYPE PAGE = ARRAY [1 .. PAGELENGTH - The concept of a "virtual machine" makes you almost independent from machine and Operating System. - The complete interface to the Operating System is contained in a simple program prefix. This seems to be the greatest advantage. PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE The few restrictions· to "Standard Pascal" did not matter that much to us. ad 3.) One of the most difficult tasks was to design a suitable set of prefix routines (as an interface to RSX instead of the Solo Operating System of P.B. Hansen)· These prefix routines are system functions that manage for example and overlay loading. reading~ CHAR, READPAGE(U: UNIT, N: INTEGER, VAR BLOCK: PAGE), WRITEPAGE(U: UNIT, N: INTEGER, VAR BLOCK: PAGE), READCHAR(U: UNIT, VAR C: CHAR), WRITECHAR(U: UNIT, C: CHAR), READLINE(U: UNIT, VAR TEXT: UNIV LINE), WRITELINE(U: UNIT, TEXT: UNIV LINE), - the programmer can learn to use the new interface as quick as possible. - even in extreme cases it is obvious what happens But how to work with those simple liD routines? - liD is efficient (time and core/discsr ace ). A good practice will be the following one: To put this concept through requires a lot of courage~ for the users often want an liD system as complex as they are used to from other programming languages (FORTRAN! J. Moreover~ RSX has a very sophisticated filesystern and it is hard tu The programmer chooses needs. These operators Pascal. The programmer writes them himself or implement it in An example for such a set will be: and not to use all the rn ::E: C/) be used. We don't claim to have invented new functions. On the contrary we have omitted as much as possible from the RSX-file system options without restricting its feasibility for the PASCAL user. the~PASCAL-system = "readpage" and "writepage" are for random access pagefiles. The other routines are for sequential textfiles. Instead of the type "page" any other type with the same length can writing Our main prinCiple of design was to be as simple and clear as possible so that J OF CoNST LINELENGTH = 132, TYPE LINE = ARRAY [1 •. LINELENGTH J OF CHAR, complex functions it contains. a set of "liD-operators" for his special are procedures and functions written in takes them out of a programlibrary or modifies existing programs for his purposes. procedure read integer (var n: integer~ length: integer]; procedure writeinteger (n: integer, length: integer); procedure skipdelimiter; procedure newline; As an example~ look at the way files are handled by the new prefix. Only two types of files are supported: sequential textfiles and random access files with a fixed recordlength of 512 bytes. C/) rn """0 -i rn on :3 tD There are three groups of prefix routines for the file handling: The procedure readinteger does what you expect: rn 1.) routines for file definition: It reads an integer "n" with at most "length" characters from the inputstream e~ding with the next delimiter. PROCEDURE PAGEFILE(U: UNIT, F:FILENAME), PROCEDURE TEXTFILE(U: UNIT, F:FILENAME), with the type definition and 50 The only systemroutine used is "read one character from an inputstream". In Pascal procedures like readinteger can easily be written. If the programmer is in doubt what the program CONST FILENAME LENGTH = 30, TYPE FILENAME = ARRAY [1 .. FILENAMELENGTHJ OF CHAR, really does, one glance at the pascal source program (instead of considering twenty rules in a manual) obviously will explain it. CoNST MAXUNIT = 4, TYPE UNIT = 1 .. MAXUNIT, This method is the best one to meet the need for structured, modular. ~rtabel and flexibel programs. These routines associate a page- or textfile with an unit number. 2.) file management routines: PROCEDURE CREATE(U: UNIT, INITIALSIZE: INTEGER, C: CoNTIGDUSTYPE), PROCEDURE CREATETEMPORARY (U: UNIT, INITIALSIZE: INTEGER, C: CoNTIGoUSTYPE), PROCEDURE oPEN(U:UNIT, ACCESS: FILEACCESS), PROCEDURE CLOSE(U: UNIT), PROCEDURE DELETE(U: UNIT), ad 4.) A Pascal version for easily programming CAMAC Systems is under work and will ~e running summer 1977. The implementation of Concurrent Pascal in the Operating System RSX11M using the task synchronisation facilities of RSX11M will be completed at the end of the year. Afterwards we are planning to use (Concurrent) Pascal and the conditional critical regions-concept for multiprocessing applications (with microprocessors Intel 8080). If you are interested in our "Create" and "create temporary" create a new file and "open" opens an existing file. "contigoustype: and "fileaccess" define the method of allocation and aCC8SS. Sincerely TYPE FILEACCESS Dipl.-Ing. K. Mayer J = TYPE CoNTIGoUSTYPE (READoNLY,MoDIFY,EXTEND.APPEND.REAOSHARED), = (NONCoNTIGoUS,CoNTIGoUS), = '1~· yours~ ",-"tllU,i. l( \ work~ please write to us. """0 J> G> rn DI{t'- 00 m DEC PDP-ll (Portland) DEC PDP-ll (Belgium) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Pierre Verbaeten; K. V. -Leuren; Applied Mathematics and Programming Division; Celestijnenlaan 200B, B-3030; Reverlee, Belgium; (* No phone number provided. *) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTADIER. Barry Smith, Oregon l1useum of Science and Technology, Computing Department, 4015 SW Canyon Road, Portland, OR 97221 (503/248-5923). 2. MACHINE. Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-ll. rn 2. MACRINE. Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-ll. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. RSTS/E. (* Minimum hardware requirements not reported. *) 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. UNIX. (* Minimum hardware requirements not reported. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* No information provided. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* No information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. (* No information provided. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. (* No information provided. *) 7. STANDARD. (* No information provided. *) :::;: C/) 7. STANDARD. (* No information provided. *) 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* No information provided. *) B. MEASUREMENTS. (* No information provided. *) 9. RELIABILITY. (* No information provided. *) 9. RELIABILITY. (* No information provided. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. (* No information provided. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METROD. (* No information provided. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) C/) rn DEC PDP-l1 (PAR) -0 DEC PDP-ll (Berkeley) -i rn 1. IMPLEI1ENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Rome, NY 13440; 315/ 336-8400. 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Charles Raley, Computer Center, Evans Rall, University of CalHornia (* No phone number provided. *) 2. William Joy, Berkeley, CA 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* No information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. We at PUGN 94720. "User Manual", and "PXP MAINTENANCE. (* No information provided. *) 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: procedures and functions may not be passed as parameters; only the first parameter to NEW is treated - subsequent parameters are ignored. A compiler option directs the compiler to accept only Standard Pascal constructs. MEASUREMENTS. (* We have been told that the system is quite fast, even interpreted. though it is ;;0 MACRINE. Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-l1/45. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. RSX-lld. Minimum hardware same as for RSX. 4. DISTRIBUTION. None until at least 77/06. 5. DOCUMENTATION. None yet. (* Not known i f documentation will be machine retrievable. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. None yet. 7. STANDARD. Full Standard, probably with extensions. No other measurements have been reported. *) 8. !1EASUREl1ENTS. Expected to be about 5000 FORTRru~ source lines and 3000 Pascal source lines. Expected to run rings around FORTRAN compiler. (* Rich Cichelli reports on 77/0B/31 that it is a 2 pass system in wh~ch the code generated is faster than the 19 (!) pass optimizer for William Wulf PDP-ll Fortran! *) 9. RELIABILITY. Will not be distributed until it is. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. One pass Pascal to FORTRAN translator. Initial version of each procedure written in Pascal and then hand translated into FORTRAN. When compiler is finished or can co~pile itself it will be restored to its original RELIABILITY. (* No information provided. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METROD. Parsing interpreted via threaded code. is done by Pascal in a massive inverse translation, and then run through itself, thus completing the bootstrap_ Currently a modified LALR parser. Object code is (76/12/14) project has consumed about 4 person-months. Expected to consume 6 to 9 person-months in all (with 1 person devoting half-time). Implementor previously built a compiier for a subset of Pascal for a class project, but has never written any program this large before. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information prOVided. *) 3: ttl rn 2. have received "MANual" documentation (machine readable). Also available are: UNIX Pascal "Report Appendix", UNIX Pascal User Manual". (* These are apparently machine readable. *) 9. ~1all; MACRINE. Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-ll. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. UNIX. (* 11inimum hardware configuration not reported. *) B. N Condict; PAR Corporation; On The and Ken Thompson, Berkeley, 3. 6. Michael DEC LSI-II (San Diego) Hardware requirements are: 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Pascal Group; Institute for Information UCSD Mailcode C-021; La Jolla, CA 92093; (* No phone number reported. *). 2. MACHINE. and 8510A. Digital Equipment Corp. LSI-ll Microprocessor, PDP-ll any model, TERAK 8510 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Comes with a one-user 'operating system. Apparently requires some mass storage (disk or floppy disk). 4. DISTRIBUTION. Distributed on floppy disk in two versions: 1) Complete release: including all source code and internal documentation ($200); and 2) Code release: including system code and users manual ($50). 5. DOCUMENTATION. For complete release: compiled listings of a1'l source code, and user and system maintainence documentation as complete as it exists. For code release: Users manual but no detailed system documentation. Do~umentation is machine retrievable. 6. MAINTENANCE. For complete release: compiler updates at least 3 times during 77/8/1 thru 78/8/1. For code release: No continued support for later releases. Only minimal assistance in response to telephone inquiries. Future plans: plan to have a version of this system for the Zilog Z-80 ready. Plan to have versions for Intel 8080a ready by 77/9, MOS Technology 6502, and Motorola 6800 ready by summer of 1978. 7. STANDARD. Pascal-P subset plus strings. 8. MEASUREMENTS. 700 lines per minute compile speed. 20K byte compiler, 10K bytes for resident monitor, interpreter, and run-time support. 9. PDP-ll/20 or up. 28K words of addressable core store. either a DEC RF-l1 or a DEC RK-ll. (In case you have some other disk, your DOS expert should have little trouble replaCing our disk driver with your own.) a DECtape unit (we can supply the system only on DECtapes). Systems; 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Pascal-P2 via B6700, PDP-l1/10 bootstraps. text editor, text formatter, pretty DEC PDP-l1 (Urbana) :e:: en distributor:~ 1) Three DECtapes (these must be in PDP-ll format). 2) A statement of your intended uses.* 3) One signed copy of Prof. Snyders encLosed letter.* 4) A stamped, self addressed mailer for returning your DECtapes (total weight is about 900g (2 pounds». *The Pasca1-11 compiler was developed at the University of Illinois Urbana and is copyrighted by its Board of Trustees. The work was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Accordingly, distribution is made to any interested persons or parties who intend to use this software for "research, education, or other legitimate purposes." The NSF requires that we inform them of those receiving this software and their intended uses of it. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Implementors: J. Krishnswamy A.I. Stocks Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science University of SW Louisiana University of Illinois--Urbana Urbana, IL 61801 P. O. Box 4330 217/ 333-4428 Lafayette, LA 70509 318/ 233-3850 x538 Distributor: Pascal-ll; c/o M.D. Mickunas; 222 Digital Computer Lab; University of Illinois - Urbana; Urb8na. IL 61801; 217/ 333-6351. 6. MAINTENANCE. Since the project under which the compiler was developed has expired, we have no source of funds for maintaining and upgrading the compiler. Consequently, we offer Pascal-ll 'as-is', with no plans to extend it or to implement it on another system. 7. 1. 2. = rn 5. DOCUMENTATION. Unfortunately, very sparse at present (77/01/21) but we shall include in the distribution package all that is available. (* This is apparently not machine retrievable. *) RELIABILITY. Reported good. First released on 77/8/1. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Extensive gtaphics software, printer, all in Pascal; 4. DISTRIBUTION. While our Pasca1-11 &ystem is not yet complete enough for widespread distribution, weare happy to make it available on a limited basis to interested persons. Our distribution package includes: 1) Pascal-ll source of the Pascal-l1 compiler. , 2) MACRO-ll source of the Pascal-ll run-time routines. 3) Binary for both the compiler and the run-time routines. 4) Binary for our operating system. If you are interested in obtaining this software, please send the following to the MACHINE. Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-l1/20 or up. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Operates under our own operating system, Which grew out of DEC's DOS/V4. In case you desire to install Pascal-l1 on your own version of DOS, we also provide a list of DOS/V4 modifications. We believe that these modifications are sufficient for adapting DOS/V4 to Pascal-l1, but we can, of course,' make no guarantees. We caution that these modifications are not sufficient for installing Pascal-lIon other operating systems, but 'your DOS expert should be able to make the neccessary modifications using our DOS/V4 modifications as a guide. STANDARD. Differences: "with"unimplemented. types real and set unimplemented. variant records not permitted. procedures-as-parameters not permitted. writeln, read In not implemented EOL feature still included. Extensions: compile time options. source level library routines. overlays. 8. MEASUREMENTS. compilation speed--(* No information reported. *) compilation space--(* No information reported. *) execution speed--(* No information reported. *) execution space--(* No information reported. *) 9. RELIABILITY. (* Information on reliability not reported. Number of sites using not reported. Date first released not reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. (* No information provided. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Source level library routines are implemented. system 00 00 UNlVERSlTAT HAMBURG the idea to proGram our local inhonor;eneous cOElputer netl'!Ori, (tVJQ different MINCAL-621, a PDP-l1/20 and a PDP-l0) in Concurrent Pascal. A code generator for the PDP-l0 has just been conpleted and is currently being tested. In the course of writing a code fenerator for the PDP-l0 (36 bits per word) we realized some of the shortcomings in the def~nition of the intermediate hypothetical machine whic~ was originally conceived for byte-oriented machines. INSTITUT FeR INFORMATIK Tela-Hr.: 2 t.73:1 ani hhd Prof. Dr. H.-H. Nagel Inrt!tut fer laformatik 1 H&lIIbllI"'lIJ, Schlltel'ltn6e 66-71 Na/Ja Nevertheless, we have already executed a system of Concurrent ?ascal orocesses on the PDP-10 and another one "hich comrmnicated fron one ~INCAL-621 to another. May 16, 1977 ~ Our Concurrent Pascal Compiler is described in a report (in German): Dear Mr. Mickel, CONCURRENT PASCAL Compiler f(jr Kleinrechner B. Br(jgge, B. Gisch, Th. Kahl, E. Linde, M. Mittelstein. H. viestphal IfI-HH-B-30/76 (December 1976) as I have indicated by a letter mailed on February 14, 1977 our DECSystem-10 Pascal compiler of December 30, 1976 is now distributed by DECUS. ~lr. Nigel Derrett from Aarhus/Denmark pointed out one error in our PASCAL implementation of December 30, 1976: The attempt to pack a variable of a subrange type that requires exactly 35 bits one less than an entire word - may result in an infinite loop. Another, although minor, bug is connected with reading from TTY: in order to avoid unnecess~y prompting of input during opening input from the TTY, the compiler checks whether any reading from TTY is requested during aprogran. The aste.risk - promptinr; input to fill the first TTY-buffer - will only appear, if input from the T?Y will be requested somewhere in the program. Unfortunately, arguments of standard procedures have not been included in this test. Therefore, if input from TTY appears within a program only as first argument to GETFILENM1E, the input device TTY will not be opened automatically. An easy way around this weak point consists in inclusion of, e.g., a statement READLN(TTY). Both errors will be removed in the next compiler version which, however, may take some time. I 110uld like to investigate means to further optimize code generation by e.g, improving the allocation and use of registers. Since any change at such a sensitive area has to be made very carefully, it will take some time. A PASCAL cross compiler running on the DECSystem-10 and generating code for a German minicomputer Dietz I'lINCAL 621 is currently being converted to software paging of procedures: the pure code of procedure bodies is allocated in 128 Byte pages that may be loaded from disk to a .certain core area and may be overwritten if that core area is needed. The nesting of 131 simple procedures has been successfully tested to verify the loading, overwriting and reloading of procedure bodies into core. Next we want to implement the PASCAL-S system (which is already available by a non-paging cross compiler for this ;'UNCAL-621) by this new software paging PASCAL system and to compare its performance with oaging versus the one without paging. A compiler for Concurrent PASCAL has been developed by a group of students at our-lab-orat-ory in collaboration with E. Kemen and myself. This is an implement8tion completely independent from that of Brinch-Hansen for the PDP-11145. Our Concurrent Pascal compiler is executed as a PASCAL program on the DECSystem-10 and generates code for a hypothetical intermediate machine which has been designed to facilitate easy code generation for Byte-oriented minicomputers. Two code generators have been implemented, one for the MINCAL-621 and one for the HJTERDATA M85. Using this Concurrent Pascal implementation an assembler program to control our TV-periphery connected to the HINCAL-621 has been reimplemented as a system of Concurrent Pascal processes. The ease of designing a process system for actual applications in Concurrent Pascal has encouraged us to proceed with Sincerely yours, DEC-10 (Hamburg-DECUS) C/) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Implementor/Maintainer: E. Kisicki; H. -H. Nagel; lnfor~tik; rn 13, ""0 Germany; 040-4123-4151; TELEX: 214 732 uni hh d. Distributor: DECUS; Maynard, MA 01754; USA; 617/ 897-5111; TELEX: 94 8457; TWX: 710 347 0212. --I Universtat Hamburg; Institut fur SchluterstraBe 66-72; D-2000 2. MACHI~E. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. DEC TOPS-10 moniter using Concise Command Language Hamburg rn 3: ttl Digital Equipment Corp. DEC-10. (Adapted to the DEC-20 by DEC). rn KA-IO (CCL). Uses ::0 instruction set. Modifications to use KI-IO improved instruction set have been made by Charles Hedrick. 4. DISTRIBUTION. DECUS (Digital Equipment Corp. User's Society) Maynard MA 01754 (617/897-5111; TWX 710-3470212; TELEX 948457). Also DECUS Europe, P.O. Box 340, CH-1211 Geneva 26, Switzerland «022) 42 79 SO; TELEX 22593). 5. DOCU!1ENTATION. Machine retrievable manual included on distribution tape. 6. MAINTENANCE. No regular maintainance can be given. 7. STANDARD. Extensions: Functions FIRST and LAST for scalars; UPPERBOUND and LOWERBOUND for arrays; MIN and t1ax available as standard functions; procedures to determine the value of eeL options available; "OTHERS" in ~ statement; LOOP ••• EXIT IF ••• END statement; Initialization procedure. 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* No information provided. *) 9. RELIABILITY. Very good. First version released in 75/7. Distributed to at least 60 sites. Later version operational in 76/9. Latest version released to DECUS in 77/2. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Pascal-P2 and subsequent self 76/12/30. bootstraps. Latest version dated 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Symbolic post-mortem dump available. Interactive run-time source-level debugging package available. Separate compilation and inclusion in relocatable object code library of Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, and l1ACRO-lO assembler routines. ""0 » G) rn 00 to DEC-I0 (Systems-Pascal) Cnarles Hedrick wrote (received 77/07/28), "Ine version of PASCAL described nerein answers most of tne criticisms that caused me originally to declare it useless. Ine lack of strings and variable-size arrays is still a bother, but not serious. 1 chose to do all tnis to PASCAL because SAIL (the alternative vehicle) is too baroque to contemplate. My design goals were to give the PASCAL programmer access to all the facilities of the system - (1) in a manner that is not too badly machine-dependent nor requires him to know assembly language, but (2) in a manner that does not require a complex system of runtimes, e.g., one that simulates the OS/360 access methods. I believe the results have been successful. I'm still not sure whether it would be usable for hard-core data processing (ala COBOL), but it comes close. Mainly it is missing tape label processing and ISAM data sets. But one can now get the operating system to handle tape labels (PULSAR), and IS&~ is not a primitive concept, at least for the 10. If DECsYstem-l0 System ProSrammers' PASCAL - an alter.ative PASCAL system for those who need full access to the facilities of TOPS-IO, or who want to do data processinS. (1) Charles L. Hedrick, Computer Science Dept., Rutsers Universitw, New Brunswick, N.J. 0''\03 (21 PDP-10, KI-IO and KL-l0 CPUs onlw. Probablw PDP-20, with minor ch.!!Jn!l1EoS. (3) TOPS-l0 operatins system. Virtual memory 6.01 or later monitor reauired. One minor feature reGuires 6.02. (4) The latest stable version is distributed throu~h DECUS. The most recent experimental version can be obtained from me directlw (at the above address), if ~ou send a blank mastape and return postaSe. (5) A supplement to the Revised Report is included in the distribution in machine-readable form. (6) I air, cl..lrr't~nt.ly maint.ain:i.n~.:j it. and will continue to d(J ~:j.(J fc,r the forseeable future, but I probablw will not do further development work (i.e. addin~ features)~ I hops this version will be superceded by an improved version from Hamburg. (7) GO TO out of the current procedure is not supported. (Trick~ to implement, and a terrible idea anwway.) Local files not implemented. (No ECS on a DEC-10 and simulation with random1w- named files seems l.Jnat t. T'act i Vf~. ) (8) Compiler plus interactive debussinS packaSe (PASDDT) and a librarw of useful system functions. CompletelY inte~rated into eCL (COMPILl. (9) The compiler is Quite reliable. The runtimes are reliable for standard PASCAL and the most commonlw-used extensionst Some obscure corners of the extensions have not been well tested (mostly those involving user error recoverw'. (10) Modified version of the Hambur. (Na.ell compiler. The latter was done from some edition of PASCAL-P, I believe, in several stages. I did r)ot start out intendinS to have my own version of PASCAL+ Rather I wanted to test out a few ideas, with the hope that Proft Na.el would adopt those that turned out to work, for use in the official DEC'wstem-10 PASCAL (which he maintains, and which is available from DECUS). I believe this will happen in the Ion. run, but in the meantime I am publishinS my experiences in the hope that it will help other PASCAL implementors who are confrontinS similar problemst Thus this note is directed at fellow implementors, and is not intended as an advertisement for our version. (Indeed I recommend hi~hls that other people use the HamburS version unless thew absolutely reauire some of our features.) In the following, an asterisk (*) indicates a feature not in the edition we submitted to DECUS~ version~ A plus si~n <+, indicates a feature present in the HamburS I don't want to take credit for them, but thousht other implementol'S mi~ht like to know about them+ (II INITPROCEDURE(tll These specifw initial values for variables. The~ do not compile code, but put the values in the initial co~e ima~e directl~~ INITPROCEDURE BEGIN END. (2) OTHERS in case statement(+): cases not fittin~ anywhere else. OTHERS: will catch any (3) LOOP<+>: Allows a loop with exactlY one exit in the middle. Note that this is still a one-in-one-out construct. LOOP EXIT IF ; END (4) Program sta'tement(t). There was some Question what the PROGRAM statement should do in interactive implementations. I believe HamburS's solution is a good one. If any files are listed in the PROGRAM statement, the prosram beSins with a dialoSue asking ~or specifications for them. It is important that this dialogue can be suppressed by not listins an~ filest This sives the proSram the option of Settins the file names in some other way and specif~in~ them to the RESE1· OT' REWRITE directl~. This follows my BASIC DESIGN PRINC:IPLEI It should be possible to write a program that cannot be identified by its users as a PASCAL pro~rami I.et one should be able to take over error handlin~ and file specif~ins if f.:h:;:.s:i. T'f:~d. ·Interactive· files: RESET does an implicit GET in official PASCAL. This causes PASCAL proSrams to try to read from the user's terminal before startinS the prusram when i t is INPUT. That makes it impossible for the pro~ram to Dutput a promptin~ messa~e first, or to write a pro~ram that doesn't have terminal ir)Put at all. Most implementati(Jns on interactive systems allow one tu specify a file as interactivet Then when it is RESET, no GET is done. Instead the buffer is filled with null (in our easel or blankCfor the CYBER, which doesn't have a null), and EOLN is set~ This abilit~ is also useful for ffia~tapes, where one mi~ht wish to issue a positioninS command (space forward, rewind, etc.) before doins the first GE1+ The CYBER specifies files as interactive by puttin~ a.slash (\) after their name in the PRociRAM statement. We make this an option specified in the RESET statement. (See below.' PuttinS it in the RESET statemerlt is helpful since not all files are listed in our PROGRAM statemerlt+ In our·imp!ementatiollf the user's terminal is the special file TTY, and is alwa~s irlteractive. (3) (6) End of line: The Revised Report seems to reGuire us to set the buffer to blank at end of line~ Alas, the DEC-10 has several line-te~ffiinato~ characters. Thus one cannot tell which one has uccurred+ We put ttle actual terminator in the buffer. A blank seems useful for those swsterns that do not have line-terminator characters (e.S. CYBER). Pro.rams that use IF Ern_N THEN READLN will work either wa~. (Our READLN also skips the line feed if the initial terminator i.s (":~I'I'ia,j~' r~'tu~n.) Nd. .. -t.k",+ ct- ...e~u.;res i,""o GET', -tc d<.\~" c'~a.rr,o.S<-r~+unl, 1.~-f',,«4 S~\l~ce) o..ltt......~i-- '" ~."ql" REA&L,," '".>;l\ d •• {;. ""tJ ::t> G"> IT! <.0 o (7) End of file: 111 PASCAL EOF is normally false for input and true for output. This lack of S~'ffiffietrY complicates the I/O J'untimes needlesslyv confuses users~ and makes tl"le ilnplementation (If update mode difficult. In update mode, one can do both GET afld PLJT on the same file. Howeverv if EOF is truev GET will sive an errorv and if EOF is false, PUT will Sive all erroy'. We have not really solved this problem. Fortunatelw ul-Iciel' most CirClJmstances PUTX is used rather thai) PUT in update mode. (13) Random access 1/0(*): On the DEC-10 random access devices have fixed size ph~sical blocks. No slalldard "access methods" are provided. (Basicalls we have onls QSAM i~nd BSAM with form~~t U y'ecoy'ds.) l"hus (Jl"lS call sittler simlllale tile COBOL rlilltiine ShlS"temF or stick wittl lc)w level primitives+ Tile latteY' seel~s COflsistel"lt with PASCAL's philosophs. It ~las "t~le cijsadv3ntB~e of beins 1~~!cl"line-deperldel"l"tv l"l(JWeVer~ ~;ir)(:~e it depends UpeJf1 the arc~litectllre of the DEC file shlstem. (This architectllre is probablY Guite common o~Jtside of IBMy h()wever.) We use an index into the filet SETPOSC"filey:index[,slIPpress GET:]) sets one to the illdex'th b~te in the file. CNB: b~te, not-disk block. We P81'f(Jrm ttle b~Jffer maniPl"lliltion fleeded to ~et "t(J the specified byte.) CURPOSCfile) retuPI""IS ttle posJ"tion a"t the besinr"rirls of -tile last T'ec(Jrd read or (8) liD to strinSs. STRSEfCfile,arrsY[,start[,endJ]) allows resular input to be done from "the arri~Y' startin~ at element start and soins throuSh S11ci. Similarly STRWRITE foy' output. T'lis allows conversioll fr(Jm text to intesel' and visa versa using ttle standard READ and WRITE. It also provides a sort of poor man's simulation of files in ECS (which we don't have). I am not enttlusiastic about this feature v however v and would be h8PP~ to see it So away. One mlJst re~uire "that "the ay'ray be declared at ttle same lexical level as tile filev be ~lobal to it, or be or) the heap+ Otherwise one could exit tile block where the arras is defined and have the file pointin~ into now/lere. IAY':i. ( :I. ~":":;) BI=\:EAI{, BFi'1 :,,:)1\ I N ~ BF~Er-t.ll\ fo I'C(·:·~~:; out th(":"~ I:"luff(::.' Y' :i" n 1:.luf"i"(~-.:o l'€·~d modC'!:;. BREAKIN cle~~rs the bu"ffeY' "illS if1 blJffered m(:)de!;~ "fhev 81'e used before or after magtape positiol"lingv etc. BREAI\ would be needed to f(lrCe output to the "tel'mil"ldl, except tl"lat the file TTY is ~Iafldled with a special l~if1d of I/O tha"t clops Ilot l"lse buffers. READ applied to strings: READCfile,arrsy[:lensttl varJ) will read characters into the arra~1 ul"ltil the next end of l:ine. Ttlis is reall~ amazingly useful for conductin~ dialo~ues with the user. T~le alternative seems to be to reQIJire strin~ Quotes to delimit the strin~~ or dCl:i"ns somethins like READ(file,arra!~:set[:len~th]), wtlere the user speci"Pies a set of break characters. 1"11e idea of strin~ ~uotes is vers tack~, impeclin~ the contruction of simple dialo~ues+ 1"t)8 br'eak set idea is a Scod orlev that we Just have ~otten around tOt If a variable is specified after the COlOll' it :is set to tile number of character's read. If mc)rs chari~cters are t~ped than the size of the arras, the extras 21'e isnoy'ed (but couflted ill lensth, so the proSram can tell what 1"18S h~!ppended)+ If t(JO few are "tspedv the rest of tl"le al'ras is filled with blanks. (9) (16) RENAME RENAME(file,filej;P8c[,ilnplenrsntatj"(Jn-depsndentJ) renames the file opel' on . (:1.7) CL""()SECfile) safe if1 case t~le "f(Jr use b~~ utl"IOr Llle DEC-lO.) All :;"'rD~,~~ram (:LS) (10) RESET and REWRITEI Our RESET and REWRITE are REWRITE(file[,filespec[,il~plementatioll-dependent st~JffJ]) 2nd (11) Variable size recoY'cis(*): Olle call declaY's a file to consist of a tVP2 that irlvo]"ves vi~rian"Ls. Then one can u!;e GET(file[,variarltJ ••• C:sizeJ), sild siiJnilal'l~ for PUT. As witll NEW, this c~auses onl~1 the appropriate rr~Jmber E:)f words to be I'ead or written. :size is used wtlen "tile last elemellt in the declaration is an arl'BY. It !;pecifies ttlst (Jflls the "f:ir!;t elements are to be ls"d. ~()(TgL()(.K ({';Ie., S<>trr<-,> GEl?) qa\5 l.l :j"lnuln of 16 I/O c'lannels on files al'e i~utomaticall~1 closed at tf"le ef)d of tl"le 6 DISMISSCfile) aborts cT'eati(Jn of all OU"tP~Jt f:ile. (:1.9) IJPCASE("f:il"e,Booloall e)(preSS;i(Jfl) (::c)f)tr(Jlls IrlsppillS of lower case t D U }".., F' j"":~ Y' ~": d ~:; c") "~ RESET(fi]"e[v"rilespec[,ir~teractive?[,iffiplement2tion-deperldelltJ]]} Filespec is a strirlS CPACI(ED ARRAY OF CHAR) of an~1 len~th, includifls a literal in strin~ Quotes. It contains a device/file specification if) "tIle standard DEC-I0 format. Interactive is true to SlIPPY'eSS the impllci"L GET, as described above. l"I"\e ilnplemer~ta"l:ion-"dependeI1t stuff allows the lJSer to control protect:ioflV version Ilumber', date, I/O Ihode, bufferin~, etc. In par"ticlJlar, it all(Jws l1im to specif~ buffered elr urlb~J"ffered I/O (*)v arId t() declare that the file is blocked (in the COBOL sense) C*,. It also allows ilim to sUPpress the normal runtime error me!~sa~e!j. ERSTATCfile) can then be used to see wi"lst erT'crs, if ar"IY, o(~curred. 1•• ttf:1rt. (14) APF'END: APF'ENII :is lik"e REWRITEy blJ"t beSil")s wri"tiflS at the end of ~~rl exiS"tj"flg file. il"ltOT'Job CC)mmUI"licat:iE:)rl CIPCF), (SCAN/WIL"D). i~l"ld ca:L SC~alll"ley' Dietz MINCAL 621 (Hamburg) See the letter from H.-H. Nagel under DEC-I0. 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/~~INTAINER. H. -H. Nagel; Universtat Hamburg; Schluterstrasse 66-72; 0-2000 Hamburg 13, Germany; 040-4123-4151; TELEX: 214 732 uni hh d. 2. MACHINE. DEC-I0 cross-compiler producing code for the Dietz 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* No information prOVided. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* No information prOVided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) 6. l1AINTENANCE. (* No information provided. *) paging of procedures. 7. STANDARD. (* No information provided. *) Currently MI~CAL being 621 minicomputer. converted to software 8. MEASUREMENTS. The pure code of procedure bodies is allocated in 128 byte pages that may be loaded from disk to a certain core area and may be overwritten if that core area is needed. (* No information provided on compilation speed, or execution speed or space.*) 9. RELIABILITY. (* No information provided. *) The nesting of 131 simple procedures has been successfully tested to verify the loading, overwriting and reloading of procedure 5. DOCUMENTATION. See the article "l'ascal Implementation and Experience", by Masato Takeichi, Journal £i the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo 34:1 pp 129-136. 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information provided. *) 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: No local file variables; no parametric procedures. bodies into core. 10. DEVELOPMENT METKOD. Cross-compiler on the DEC-I0 that generates MINCAL 621 minicomputer. code for the Dietz 8. MEASUREMENTS. Self co~piles in 309 sec. Compiler object code is 117K bytes, monitor is 8K bytes, and self compilation requires 43K bytes of data store. Execution times, relative to Fortran, are given in the following table. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) Fortran 1 1 FOXBORO Fox-l rn ::;: c:n OS2/VS Matrix mUltiply Sort :z Pascal 1.35 1.24 0.96 0.63 Additive parition Character count I-' 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Foxboro, MA 02035; 617/ 543-8750. Bob Matherne; Jim Pownell; The Foxboro Company; 9. RELIABILITY. reported. *) \~orking very well. (* Number of sites and first date of release not 10. DEVELOPMENT HErHOD. Based on H.H.Nageli's Trunk compiler (5800 lines of Pascal), 2. MACKINE. Foxboro Fox-l (16-bit minicomputer designed primarily for industrial control applications). 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* No information provided. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* No information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. (* No information provided. *) 9. Extensions: STOP statement, based on Pascal-Po (* 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) Fujitsu FACOM 230 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Masato Takeichi, formerly at Department of Math. Engineering and Instr. Physics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. Present COtDpute.r SCience, in with FASP. The initial version began \'1orking in October, 1975, c:n TEL 015-138222 TELEX Person-months to create system not reported. *) of written rn RELIABILITY. (* No information provided. *) Department monitor 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information provided. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METKOD. Interpreter of P-code written in FORTRAN 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi Pascal after 2-3 months of work. MEASUREMENTS. interpretation speed--fairly slow interpretation space--14K (much overlaying involved) execution speed--fairly slow. (interpreted with software paging) execution space--(* No information provided. *) address: a Harris/4 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: sets limited to 48 members. program controlled trace facility, optional profiler. 8. process 0 University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo 182, Japan. 2. MACHINE. FACOM 230-38, 224K bytes. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. OS2/VS. (* Minimum hardware required not reported. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* no information provided. *) 33~67 :ri·.'l!:'.r. Ei'r!~l>.\·!J'r~C P l\SCJ\L P 4 SYSIJ_'j':J\i ON l\. Ill\ l::[,{I S/ 4 COjliPU"fr.:::H.. r.t IJhO-iJ:;bc ~_ }C hCi\'C (-,'. lla.l'r:l ~;/t1 lr;ach.i.~lC "Jith 64l~ of 24 bits words. \'he:_ implcHK:nc.at:Loi"l \V"'0 done as a. stu~J-:'nt task by O.~·l. van W-ijk from Delft Un.L\'ersi Ly of Tec}Hlology, def)'::),ri.:emenL of rnathemat..l_cs. Starting- with an irnnlement,at:i.on kit, obtained Leon E.T~IJ~-Zurich iL took about: 600 hours to get a :Cl.1nn:i n9 '.,"ert~.i.()ll of t~he compi.le:( th2lt could compi_le .1, tself. ']:h(; P&.sc(),l r:~)lst(}m tt'~n cO:i1si~;;t(-:;d of tfH? p4-compilf.!l", an assembler for t.he pcude inst:rnction:3, \'ll:'itt,(-'n in fortran! and a runtirne syst.em of about: 11K Harr:i.f~ c; C,S(jlu~)l.cr code.. The fortrQ.n p4· -asscTPbler sc&ns' the pc ode two tirnes ancl gen0J.'('1.·l.C~,; d-u::..-:i.nq tho s0-cond scan J inl-ccd p.age::; of subroutine calls. One page :.;-~ 102!" lilo:n~L:: corte -! :2 \'lordr:.: link_, thc-,se pag-es arQ stored 0;1 disk. Hunnj.ng a P(,~:"_;ccll pro~f:c(lm is dODe by lO<1dj,ng t}"Je run'tirr:.e system, vlh:Lch is <1 normal bC::1ckgro\Jllu P)~~ogJ:all1. 11'11:i.5 prc~!:rar!l has tVlO par;:lmet:c::::cs I onc to spccJfy 1:J18 disk fiIe contain:i.ng the pa~T(C-;!.:; vri.."ch the program object, the second to f:;pccify tbc number of }leld in core ~ 'I'he pages are alloca~ tc!o in the p~·:.ge c.:CCD, <"'1nd_ acco:cding- the 'lc~i.ist recently used t algorithm. In this construction the code Sj.Z8 of a PaDcal program js not lil1tit.cd by the size of the J;F:;ch).nes ccn:e, and illIO'\'..Js the l1se of rnax.-LmUItl 37K of the clvaileblc t~2K core r for Pcu::cal duta on st.ack and heap. Rllnnin9 PaBcal thi.!:.; way v:.i.-Lh 15 page:.? in corc, it t:akes th0 compiler about 6 min. to cornptlc ~i.t,sulf ~ The s8con(1 f~ta~Jc of t.he implc:n1'2nt_atic))'1 \\~as making somc?: extentions to the cOlr.piler and slight changes .i.ll thE:; code g·eneration. Extentions were made to allow the use of external procedurss of different kinds of -sou]:ce J.an~Jua,gGn. ( Pasca.l, fortran r Barr is: (lssemblcr.) External procedure..; ar(~ decL:lred in i-) prefix to the Pasca.l progr('.ICt~ The t.ype of para.meters of e)~{_ cl·':)a.l procG.dures is r8FtJ_':!.cb:::.d to t.h~ st.andard types. Soft.-_vJ2.rc to c·--c< '~.C' 'l.ib.l:·,_~J·-:.(~S Vla~ /}C'vcl01.H_~ll. Extcrnc.i.l p:cocedur-ef; of Pa::;cal .c:::ourcc aTe st\)1-:-~::;d OH di~.:;k in pcode fOX-il1. end inc:-tndc:d by t_hE pli-assc:mhJer f nO\'l a_:U.:,;o written in P0scal, on the p~~;2 file. External proc2durcs of fortran/asE0H!hler. source a.re st.orccl on disk as y:clocat.ablc---: nlod~jlc.sF included by the p4~assel~bler as one record on the l?age filej loaded a;~d relocated by -c -l rn 3: tJ::I rn ;::0 lD N the runtime system. The use of external procedures also allows a kind of fortran-like direct access I/O, which was, among the use of existing pro grams, the main reason to make this extension. so on. scheme for running Pascal core layout This now appears to be working and I have run a few hand compiled programs However memory size limited the amount of~I iroUld give the CDDE and through it. This is alright for running small programs but the compiler itself U> would not fit. I have thus taken that interpreter and split into two phases - a J> The load phase produce the internal form of code on a disc now~two file,~than passes over the P4 code to in an array. The run phase is then a stripped down version of the normal interpreter with ell irrelevent detail (post mortom dumps, trig functions etc.) eliminated. This will have a biggish CODE array and will basically operate on a virtual storage concept. fORTRAN but I will rewrits it in HP assembly soon. This is still in Thus as soon as I can get a compiler for the HP compiled I should be able to compile programes, but I feel thet recompiling the compiler will be beyond me. Now for the Univec. I am modifying the original FORTRAN interpreter to make allowances for the difference in architecture, ~ etc. and will move that on to the Univac soon. Then by the usual bootstrap operation I will get PASCAL up there. That done I will probably bootstrap a more effective (non ininterperative) system probably the BELfAST compiler for the 1900 series. Thus by the end of July I should be able to compile programes (albeit slowly) on both (* This machine is based on the LSI-II microprocessor from DEC and it is believed that the DEC LSI-II (San Diego) implementation will run on this machine; though nothing definite has been reported. *) machines and by the end of the year have efficient systems going on each. Next year all my students will learn PASCAL of as a first language as a matter of course in their algorithms and problem solving course. Hewlett Packard liP-2IMX (Durban) See also IIERE AND TH~;RE News section under Tao-Yang Hsieh. UNIVERSITY OF DURBAN-WESTVILLE Hewlett Packard IIP-2l00 (Trieste, Italy) Private Ba9 )(5400 I, relephone: 821211 Durban. relegrams: INKOL Rei. 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Mattia Hmeljak; Instituto di Electrotechnica ed Electronica; Universita di Trieste; Trieste, Italy; Tel. 040-733033. 4000. DEPARTMENT OF C.C. COMPUTER SCIENCE 2. MACHINE. Hewlett Packard HP-2IOO. 3. SYST&~ CONFIGURATION. (* No information provided. *) HANDLEY. 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* Unknown, implementation not yet complete. *) Preliminary report on implementation of PASCAL on HP21MX and Univac 90/30. 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* Unknown, implementation not yet complete. *) We bought the P4 system from Zurich early this year and after a few hassles with 6. MAINTENANCE. 7. STANDARD. (* No information provided. *) fronts, namely implementation of the PASCAL defined by the P4 system on the two 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* Unknown. implementation not yet complete. *) machines mentioned. 9. RELIABILITY. block sizes, end of files and character sets, managed to get the files to tape and also listed. (* Unknown. implementation not yet complete. *) Since then I have been attacking the problem on two roughly parallel My major effort has been on the HP as I have easier access to it. the P4 interpreter in (of all things) FDRTRAN chiefly because I heve rewritten could make use of its horrible features, such es EQUIVALENCing REALs and INTEGERs for the stack and J> STACK arrays. load phase and a run phase. Heathkit 11-11 ""C (* Unknown, implementation not yet complete. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METijOD. A P-code interpreter written in HP-Algol. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided •• ) n r Hewlett Packard lIP-3000 -- Miscellaneous See also HERE AND THERE News section under Kurt Cockrum works at Boeing (CAD) in interactive graphics). IA 8. and R. A. Lovestedt (who Also, on 77/07/25, Edward o. Thorland, Computer Center, Luther College, Decorah, 52101 (319/387-1043), phoned that he was ordering the P4 compiler to start an HP-3000 implementation. I1EASUREMENTS. Compiler object size is about 100 kilobytes. compilation speed--about 350 lines/second. execution speed--comparable to FORTRAN-compiled objects. execution space--(* No information provided. *) 9. RELIABILIT~. Good. (* Number of reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT sites using system and date first released not MET~OO. A 5200 line Pascal program created by modifing Naegeli's Trunk compiler and bootstrapping it by Pascal-P. Required about 3 person-months to complete. = rn C/l 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. None - the compiler produces absolue code, not relocatable modules. Hewlett Packard HP-3000 (Santa Clara) Honeywell 11316 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Ronald Danielson; University of Santa Clara; Santa Clara, CA 95093; 408/ 984-4482. 2. MACHINE. Hewlett-Packard HP-3000/Series II. 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Robert A. Stryk; 55424; 612/ 887-4356. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Runs under MPE with 256K words memory. 2. MACIII~E. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* No information provided. 4. DISTRIBUTlUN. (* No information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* No information provided. *) 6. MAINn:NANCE. (* No information provided. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. is 78/01. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) A very rough completation date 5441 Halifax Lane; Edina, ~ Honeywell H-316. 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) 6. MAINTENANCE. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) 7. STANDARD. (* No infonnation provided. *) 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) 7. STANDARD. Pascal. 9. RELIABILITY. (* Unknown, project not yet complete. *) 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* No information provided. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHUD. Via Pascal-Po 9. RELIABILITY. (* no information provided. *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. (* No information provided. *) *) A modified implementation of Concurrent Pascal, which varies from Standard 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* No information provided. *) HITACHI Hitac 8800/8700 (Tokyo) Honeywell 6000 (* See also implementation notes for IBM 360/370. *) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTUR/MAINTAINER. Teruo Hikita; Kiyoshi Ishihata; Department Information Science; University of Tokyo; Tokyo, 113, Japan; 03-812-2111 x2947. of 2. MACHINE. Hitac 8800/8700. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. 057 (Hitachi). (* Minimum hardware requirements not reported. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. Reluctantly. 5. DOCUMENTATION. 'Pascal Trunk' are available documentation. *) 6. from 8000 above Reference t1anual', and 'Bootstrapping Pascal using a (* Apparently no machine retrievable address. MAINTENANCE. No formal support can be promised. Bug reports are welcome. 7. STANDARD. differences: standard procedures pack and unpack not implemented; files must be declared at main program level; extra loop control structures; Itvalue" initialization part. 1. IMPLEI1ENTUR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Implementor: W. Morven Gentleman; Mathematics Faculty Computing Facilty; University of Waterloo; Waterloo, ONT. N2L 3Gl; CANADA; 519/ 885-1211. Distributor: Honeywell Information Systems; 7400 aetro Blvd.; Edina, MN 55435; (* See local HIS sales office. *) 2. MACHINE. Honeywell 6000, level 66 series. Operates 76/03/08 *) a DRL TASK version is under consideration. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Honeywell level 66 or under GCUS (TSS). Currently (* 6000 series with EIS. Minimum of 26k words. 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* No information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. From Honeywell Information Systems; Publication Dept.; MS-339; 40 Guest St.; Brighton, MA 02135: "A Pascal Product Brief", (IIAI,66, free), 2 pg. (marketing oriented) and "Pascal User's Guide", (IIA\,65, $1.30), 30 pg. (reference manual). Machine retrievable supplement to Pascal User Manual and Report; also includes extensions, restrictions, known bugs, etc.--about 45 pages total. 6. MAINTENANCE. Supported by HIS. 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: -Program statement not accepted. replaced by required procedure 'main'. -No files wi th components of type file. -Only files of type char may be read or written. -Sets limited to 72 members (no sets of char). Extensions : -Files may be opened dynamically. -Extended file handling is available. -External separately compiled Pascal and FORTRAN procedures may be used. -Various procedures and functions to provide access to operating system. -Optional left-to-right evaluation for Boolean expressions and 1£ statements. -'else' clause in ~ statement. MEASUREMENTS. compilation space--minimum of 26k words. Typical programs require less than 30k words compilation speed--(* No information provided. *) execution space--can be as small as 4-Sk words depending on the program and the Pascal support routines required. execution speed--(* No information provided. *) (* How this compares to FURTRAN and other languages not reported. *) 8. 9. RELIABILITY. (* No information system. *) Distributed since 76/05. provided on reliability Our thanks to W. Bruce Foulkes for sending us new and complete information on his implementation which now, we are pleased to find, is improved, upgraded, and more standard! Also thanks to Richard Kieburtz for sending new information plus an explanation as to the cost of SUNY Stony Brook Pascal. It is a credit to their dedication to Pascal that they continue to support an ISt1 compiler when they no longer have IBM equipment! One final note: Thanks to Philip Malcolm (Computer Associates, Park House, Park Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 lSL United Kingdom) who phoned twice this summer to give us information about plans to evaluate many IBM implementations for the the purpose of writing production software (on 6 or 8 operating systems!). He found that: 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Separately compiled Pascal and FURTRAN routines may be saved and called from user specified libraries at run time. A post-mortem debugger is planned, but presently (* 76/10/25 *) far from being implemented. C/l 1) The Technical Unversity of Berlin has dropped their effort at a P4 implementation and has obtained Imperial College, London's version of a P4 implementation, which "runs nicely ". (* Our only problem here at PUG(USA) is that no one at Imperial College has told us in writing what they are doing. Here are the names of the PUG members at Imperial College: P.W.R.Clarke, R.A.Francis, Jeff Kramer, Stuart James McRae, Greg Pugh, David Slater, lain Stinson, and Dave Thomas. Their address: Department of Computing and Control, New Huxley Building, Imperial College London, 180 Queensgate, London, England SW7 2AZ United Kingdom (phone: 01-589-5111). Well, how about it? or number of sites using 10. DEVELUPMENT METHOD. (* No infonnation provided. *) rn *) 2) He was procuring the Australian AEC version of Hikita's Hitac-8000 compiler. 3) He rejected the SUNY Stony Brook version. C/l 4) He could not get the source for the Manitoba version or the source of the run time system of the Grenoble version. rn """"Cl ---i 5) Ruled out virtual memory, and thus the Vancouver version. rn 3: ttl 6) Still awaited news from Oslo and from Stanford. IBM Series 1 Philip promised a followup report and evaluation and we certainly look forward to it. rn ;;0 -Andy :Uckel Gus Bjorklund, 2250 Coppersmith Square, Reston, VA 22091, reported in late June that he had an IBt1 Series 1 implementation nearly complete and should be finished by 77/9. AUSTRALIAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRANCH IBM 360, 370 -- Introduction RESEARCH TELEGRAMS TELEX: TELEPHONE As with DEC PDP-lls, requests for and news about IBM 360/370 i~plementations abound. Last year we tracked over ten different implementation efforts. We have news for this issue of PUGN regarding improvements to the Hitac-BOOO compatible compiler which has been converted to IBM systems by the Australian AEC, as well as about the t1anitoba and SUNY Stony Brook compilers. Following these, summaries are given for other known implementations based on news from last year. Teruo Hikita's University of Tokyo Hitac-8000 compiler attracted our interest last fall when it was announced as being (1) written in Pascal, (2) very fast (as fast as the Fortran compiler), and (3) adaptable to IBM systems. Apparently the project ran short of resources and not much news developed until Joseph Mezzaroba (PUGN #8) coaxed a copy and with a team of graduate students had it running in three weeks under DOS. This summer news came from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) that they have finished the job with respect to making Hitac-8000 Pascal available on IBM systems to non-commercial sites only. So now we list Hikita's compiler under Hitachi Hitac-8000 and replace its IBM entry with the AAEC. Joseph Mezzaroba indicates that they (at Villanova) have switched from their version of the Hitac compiler to the AAEC version. ESTABLISHMENT, NEW ILLAWARRA ATOMRE, SYDNEY 24562 531-01ll IN REPLY PLEASE QUOTE: JMT.mwb Mr. Andy t1ickel, Editor, Pascal Newsletter, University Computer Center, 227 Experimental Engineering Bldg. , University of Minnesota, MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455. ROAD, LUCAS HEIGHTS ADDRESS ALL MAIL TO AAEC RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT PRIVATE MAlL BAG, SUTHERLAND 2232 N.S. W. AUSTRALIA 20th June, 1977. Dear Mr. Mickel, On the 18th March, 1977, we received a copy of Pascal 8000 from Professor Teruo Hikita, university of Tokyo, Japan. Pascal 8000 was developed for use on a Hitachi IIMII series computer, reputed to operate under an IBM370 compatible operating system. With a few modifications to the run-time system, we brought up Pascal on our IBM360/65 in only a few days. <.D Vl Basically, the compiler is excellent. The language implemented is very nearly standard Pascal with some very significant extensions. The compiler itself is written in Pascal 8000, and produces very efficient and, in general, compact machine code. In the majority of cases, execution speed of compiled code is faster than that of a similar program compiled under FORTRAN G. The original version of the compiler coMpiled itself in about 290K bytes. The system currently being distributed produces object.code in a form suitable for its own internal loader; the code produced by the compiler can be saved for later execution (one example of this being the compiler itself), but cannot be linked with other modules. We are, however, in the final testing stages of a version that produces standard IBM linkage-editor compatible object decks, and linking to externally compiled Pascal, Fortran and Assembler routines is supported. This new version will be distributed as well as the original, as each has its own advantages. Since March, we have been developing further the compiler for OS and VS on IBM360 and IBM370 computers. We have completely re-written the run time system in assembler (it now occupies 6K bytes instead of 36K) and in so doing have extended and implemented various features such as local file processing (in the true sense, not just temporary datasets), extended addressing (procedures can now be up to 24K bytes in length, rather than 4K), and various traceback and post mortem dump routines. Further, files of RECFM=F.(B) (A) and V(B) (S) (A) are supported for both input and output. We are enclosing a brief description of our Pascal System. are very welcome, and order forms are available from Yours sincerely, ,"-V (0i,zC__ .\, --/f 4)~ Several areas of the compiler have been restructured and extended. J. M. Tob~ls G. w. Cox Systems Design Section Procedures PACK and UNPACK are implemented, so now a true superset of standard Pascal is accepted by the compiler. Internal mechanisms of code generation were changed and new functions and standard type names added. Exponentiation has been included, parts of the lexical analyzer have been rewritten, and code has been optimized in several areas. It is now possible to compile small programs in l28K, and the compiler compiles itself in 2l0K (corresponding figures were l76K and 286K in the original version). . We are now making this modified IBM360/370 version of Pascal 8000 available. Distribution arrangements have not quite been finalised, however, it is envisaged that support for ·the system will be provided. All enquiries are very welcome. 1. Fully implements 'standard Pascali, with some very significant extensions. 2. Compiler is itself written in Pascal. 3. Total system size is relatively small. Moderately sized programs may be compiled in 128K, with the compiler able to compile itself in 210K. Je~f~ey 4. JMT.mwb 19 August, 1977. Mr. Andy Mickel, Editor, Pascal Newsletter, University Computer Center, 227 Experimental Engineering Building, university of Minnesota, PASCAL 8000 - IBM360/370 VERSION YO;1~ce~el~C0 Tobias Systems Design section Gordon W. Cox IN REPLY PLEASE QUOTE: All enquiries ~s. . Datasets of RECFM = F[B][SJ[AJ, v[B][SJ[AJ or U[A] are supported. 5. Fi:es may be ex.ternal,or local. Thu~, structures such as 'array of files' are ava11able. External f11es are named 10 the program statement, local files are not. Both external and local files may be declared in a procedure at any level. 6. Arithmetic is performed in double precision. 7. Control of input and output formatting is as described in Jensen and Wirth (1975). MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 U.S.A. x(:n(:m]J, Dear Mr. Mickel, We have now finalised the distribution arrangements of our IBM360/370 version of Pascal 8000. As you know, this system is based on Hikita's PASCAL 8000 compiler, which has been extensively modified and adapted by us for the O.S. family of operating systems. Important features· of this system are small memory requirement for compilation (128K for small programs), extensive file support including local files, and full traceback and post-mortem dump facilities. we are distributing this system, including documentation, source and object code for a ·fee of A$50. This is to cover handling expenses only; no charge is being made for development of the system. We also require that·an agreement be signed to· the effect that the provided system will not be used for profitable purposes. Our policy with respect to maintenance of the system is that no written undertaking can be given; we are, however, very keen to hear of any problems that may arise, and we hope to be able to provide solutions. The torm is where nand m are integer expressions. Elements of type packed array of char may now be read on input. Procedures read and write have also been extended to apply to both non-text and text files.---- 8. ----- Procedures have a maximum size, depending on their static nesting level. This size ranges from 4K to 24K of compiled code. 9. Some.of the language extensions include: (i) Constant definitions for structured types. It is therefore possible to have arrays, records and sets as constants. (ii) (iii) A '~' A .~. statement of variable initialisation. statement of the form: ~ ~ ~ where is of type set. C/) (iv) (v) A 'loop' statement, specifying that a group 6f statements should be repeatedly executed until an 'event' is encountered. Control may then be transferred to a statement labelled by that event. The types of par&~eters of procedures or functions passed as parameters must be specified explicitly, and this enables the compiler to guarantee integrity. (vi) (vii) The 'type identifier', restriction in a procedure skeleton has been relaxed to allow 'type'. July 13, 1977 Functions 'pack' and 'unpack' are supported, as are packed structures in general. Dear Andy: (viii) Exponentiation is fully supported, and is used via the double character symbol (ix) '**'. A 'type-change' function has been introduced that extends the role of Enclosed This version releases. I have earlier is information about the latest release of the Manitoba Pascal Compiler. is more standard, more complete, cleaner, and more reliable than previous am sending complimentary copies of this release to the thirty sites which versions of the compiler. Work on the file support is now in progress. 'chr' and 'ord'. (x) Case-tag lists may now range over a number of constants, without explicitly having to list each constant. 1. Implementor and Distributor Dr. W. Bruce Foulkes Department of Computer Science University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3T 2N2 (204) 269-3363 The range is denoted by: .. 2. Thus, 4,6 •. 10,15,30 •• 45 3. is now a valid case tag list. C/) Machine ~ 360/370, AMDAHL 470 rr1 -0 Environment The compiler has been installed under the following operating systems: -l MFT, MVT, VS1, VS2, MVS and CMS (with modifications to the interface routines). A region of l80K bytes is required. (Absolute minimum is approximately 160K bytes.) A default exit is also supplied via This path 11. O~ject code produced by the compiler is compact and efficient. In general, speed of PASCAL 8000 programs is faster than that of similar programs Maximum set size is 64 elements. Reference 1. 'Pascal - User Manual and Report', Kathleen Jensen and Niklaus Wirth, Springer Verlag, Second Edition, 1975. July 1976 version released to 30 = We require a "SOFTWARE RELEASE AGREEMENT" to be signed. Cost: $50 for June 1977 release. Medium: 600-ft. 9-track tape which we provide. 5. Documentation Two manuals are included in machine-retrievable form: "MANITOBA PASCAL USER GUIDE" "MANITOBA PASCAL CODE GENERATION" 48 pages. 84 pages. 6. Main tenance I have supported the compiler since December 1975 and intend to continue, but I am not in a position to make a formal commitment. I welcome comments, suggestions, and even bug reports. 7. Language Supported Many non-standard features of earlier versions have been eliminated in this release. Some examples are: 13. Procedure 'new' is fully supported, obtaining the m1n1mum heap requirements as specified by variant tags. Procedures 'mark' and 'release' are also supported. Procedure 'dispose' is not supported. First released in December 1975 to 10 sites. sites. June 1977 release is now available. Distributed in load module and object module form with assembler source of the wr1tten 1n FORTRAN G level. 12. Distribution interface routines. 10. Execution errors terminate in a post-mortem dump, providing a complete execution histo~y that includes procedure invocations, variable values, type of error, etc. ex~cut1o~ to rr1 4. else: i.e. else: is a valid case tag in every case statement. will be used if none of the other tags match. rr1 .3 _ predefined types are now global. output formatting has been standardized. [ and] are now allowed for arrays and sets. (* and *) are now allowed for comments. PACKED is ignored. program header is optional. etc. -0 :.t> G> rr1 to '.J Pzscal Compiler Project Dept. of Computer Science State Univ. New York ot Stony Brook Stony Brook, N. Y. 11794 July 15, 1977 of IBM 360,370 (Stony Brook) Restrictions - Only the standard input and output files SYSIN and SYSPRINT are supported. All I/O is accomplished through the use of READ, READLN, WRITE, WRITELN, EOLN, and EOF. (This is a temporary restriction. Work on file support is in progress.) Procedures PACK and UNPACK are not implemented. Branches to global labels are not allowed. SETs of characters. are not supported (temporary restriction). Built-in procedures and functions are not accepted as actual parameters. The maximum static nesting of procedure and function declarations is 5. Program segments are restricted to 4K bytes of code. Extensions - Three additional scalar types are supported: LONGREAL(LREAL), and STRING(n) 1$n$256. SHORTINTEGER(SHRTINT), - A substring operation is provided. - Formatted input is provided and input of BOOLEAN and STRING values is permitted. - hexadecimal constants are supported. 8. Compiler Development The compiler is one pass and uses a top-down parsing strategy. All semantic routines are written in PL360 (about 13,000 lines) and system interface routines in Assembler (500 lines). The run-time routines are written in PL360 (1600 lines) with an Assembler interface (500 lines). Compile speed averages 500-1000 lines of source per second on an IBM 370/168. Considerable effort has been spent on localized optimizations in areas such as array subscripting, record field accessing and boolean expression evaluation with the aim of producing a compiler suitable for the compilation of application programs. (A 3l00-line Assembler/Loader/Interpreter system has been written locally in PASCAL and is in production use on our student terminal.) The compiler has been running on our express student terminal since January 1976. I haven't run any speed tests recently, but execution speed seems competitive telephone: (516) 246-7146 !\ndy Mickel University Computer Center 227 Exp Engr University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 rn ~ C/) Dear IIndy: Enclosed is cn anouncement of the Reliability Good and getting better. (Some routines were borrowed from the translator- Stony C/) rn mach ine time and we are just breaking 2ven (so far) on our $175 distribution fee. -l jt works. Needless to 52-y, \\'f' eDJ3~~-,- -0 rn 3: t;d rn ::0 Richard B. Kieburtz have been remedied.) The compiler was hand coded. th~ must pay for inconvr::-nient, but (All problems which have been brought to my attention 10. Method of Development rcle2se of lis some of your readers may know, Stony Brook has not had an IBM 370 for over a year and a h31f, 2nd '#2 now no 10ngC'r have ellen the Univac Spectra 70 on which the Pascal/360 compiler could be executed. Our present mode of operation involves doing all machin"O-independent development work on 3 Uni'J2c 1110 at Stony Brook, then installing new developments and testing the operating system interface on an IBM 360/65 at Polytechnic Tnstituto of New York. This arr,'Ongement is slightly with the IBM Fortran G compiler. 9. new~st Brook Pascal/360 compilers, for publication in the Pascal NewslettFr. We hove distributed over 100 copies of Release 1, and under our distribution policy, those who ordered Rel02se 1 will receive Rele~se 2 automatically. StonyBrook writing system SYNTICS.) The project was begun in the summer of 1972 and is still continuing. I have spent a total of 60 man-months on the project but was also teaching for 40 of those months, and have been distributing the compiler (copying and mailing tapes, etc.) for the last 20 months. This is my first production compiler, but I now have five years experience. 11. Subprograms The compiler produces OS-compatible object modules and uses standard IBM linkage and parameter lists in calls of external routines (Fortran, etc.). Separate compilation is not yet supported. If people are interested in the compiler, they can write to me at the above address and I will send them a copy of my user manual, a description of the distribution tape contents, and a Software Release Agreement and order form. Best regards, ~-:r~ Bruce Foulkes STONY BROOK PIISCl\L/J60; RELE~SE 2.0 liND RELEASE 2.5 ThE' second release of th'" Stony Brook Pase'?l comoiler for IBM 360 and 370 computers is 110,"/ re~dy for distrib~tion. ! r z ;,mplement'20?! stor-Jgc: m;;:ln,:g0ment SChen:0 usi.r,g t.wo-l,2\lcl rrT Relt?asp 2.0 implements Standard Pase2l, including indi.rection (se0 [21 for n general chScusslon) 1n whICh a ::;;:: external, ?Ons~and"rd filE~ (implemented using the QSII.'I pointer Jctually is an index into a stor?g0 dpscripto~ tobIe, C/) r.ccess methoa). WIth the followIng enhcnc('ments: invi.sible to th.-;" usr:-r. Descriptors contaIn ~ h'i'ap 2odrcss, 2 hold count, nnd " pointer to 2 stor3ge template. This has th . III so , ~ange~ of constants are "llowso ,2S case in its heading. External references are declared by gl'lllng a Ilabels. Thp cardInal lty of " label r2ng2 is not bmlt"" by proc"dure or function declaration, in which the body is, Obviously, it is possible for inaccessibl(>, but cyclic any implementation r('stric~ion, but only by the coor.din?lity replaced by the KGyword ext.ernal. A rna In progrz:m can 2:1so d0ta structures to '?x ist und,-,tpcted 2nd to congest the i of j ts base type. Thr- Imp1effientatlon uses .:3 combln?.tlon of contain garbage collection, within the array of fixed-length program module in .,hich they ere declared. descriptors. B. Diagnostic aids The two pr incipal run-time (Jiagnostic aids provided by Ea ch compilation prepares an output fil" called a Pasc,al 4. 5trinq processing (to be implemcnted in Release 2.1) the P2sca]/360 compiler 2r'2 a symbolic, post-mortt'm dump of C/) Object Module, which contains not only code and data, but II new, built in type, String, h2'S been added. Values of ,'ct i liP viJriables, ~nd an execution-count profile printed on a rT'l also .; symbol table describing the names, types, and stor2ge this type are varioble-l"ngth strings over type Char. formatted source listing. These dbgnostics in Release 1 have ""0 given to its entry points and external references. A new Oper?tors are 211 realized by means of rreccclared funct ions; proven to be valui"bl2 tools for amlysis and debugging of - I system module called the Pasc21 Linker accepts Pascal ObJect n'o n progr,3m linker. The pr incipal reason for this extension is that it allows the dec1aratjon of subrange types whose bounds can be al tered wi thou t recompilation; thus array and set types can have t.heir sizes adjusted to the demands of an application merely by re-linking z program. This sch"me is admitedly a compromise between the desire to allow Algol 60 dynamic a r rays and the desire not to perturb the type formation rules of Pascel. Only the experience of users will tell wheth€ r or 5. II predeclarecl type IIIfa h2s been defined to be, IIlfa : packed array [1 •. 801 of Ch?r Ref€rencps [1] Th i s type is principally intended to permit efficient reading of fix€'d-length, 80 byte records. I f thE' condition Eoln becomes true curing on 2tt!'mpt to read a variable of type [21 IllEa, and prior to r('",ding th~ 80th byte, a read error, occurs. K:leburtz, R. B., Two Generalizations of the Programming L2nguage Pascal, Tech. R0pt. No. 66, Dept. of Computer Science, SUNY at Stony Brook, IIpril 1977. Bobrow, D. G., lin efficient, incremental, ?utomCltic gargabecollector, CACM~, No.9, p.522, Sept. 1976. rT'l <.0 <.0 IBM 360, 310 (Grenoble) IBM 360, 310 (Stanford) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. J. P. Fauche, Boite Postale 41, F-38040 Grenoble Cedex, France. 2. Departement Informatique, IREP, MACHINE. IBM 360/61, 310/148. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. for self-compilation. Runs under OS/MVT (360/61) and VS/MFT (310/148). Requires 220K 4. DISTRIBUTION. Distribution is via 9 track, 800 bpi magnetic tape. 5. DOCUMENTATION. The implementation is described in a supplement to the User Manual. 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 1. STANDARD. Deviations are described in the documentation. 8. MEASUREMENTS. The standard compiler (6000 lines of Pascal) compiles in 105 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Sassan Hazeghi, Computation Research Group, P.O.Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94305. 2. MACHINE. IBM 360, 310. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* no information *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. The entire system is available to the public (as is). 5. DOCUt1ENTATlON. (* no information *) 6. MAINTENANCE. No maintenance is promised. 1. STANDARD. Implements the Pascal-P2 (May, 1914) subset, with a few minor extensions. 8. 11EASUREMENTS. u> CPU seconds; an enhanced compiler compiles in 84 seconds. 9. SLAC, Source lines (Pascal) Bytes, including I/O. RELIABILITY. (* no information *) Compiler 4000 16K Post-processor 2500 52K Time to process compiler 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. (* no information *) (310/168, 16K cache) Source lines per second 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Assembler procedures are supported. 10 sec. 400 5 sec. 800 The system self-compiles in 130K bytes, 24K of which is returned to the operating system for I/O buffers. IBM 360, 310 (Socorro, New Mexico) 9. Tom Nartker, Computer Science Department, ~erillat, and Distributor: New Mexico Tech. Socorro, New Mexico 87801 rn RELIABILITY. (* no information *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Developed from Pascal-P2. P-code was first translated to 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Implementors: Jan V. Garwick, Paul Robert Knight, Computer Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, New Mexico 81801. u> assembly code by macros; a P-code translator was then written in Pascal. The P-translator can produce either assembler code or a standard OS object module. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT.. (* no information *) (505/835-5126). Direct non-distribution questions to Robert Knight. 2. MACHINE. IBM 360, 310 series. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. OS operating system. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Released January, 1911. 5. DOCUt1ENTATlON. (* no information *) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. lvar Laberg, Computer Hospital Oslo, Rikshospitalet, Oslo I, Norway (411 20 10 50). 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 2. MACHINE. IBM 310/125. 1. STANDARD. The following are not supported: gotos and labels; unpacked arrays; and sets 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. DOS/VS operating system. 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* no information *) 5. DOCUl1ENTATlUN. (* no information *) 6. HAINTENANCE. (* no infonnation *) IBM 360, 310 (Oslo) of characters. 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* no information *) 9. RELIABILITY. Results of one month of testing were good (16/9/20). 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Designed by Jan Garwick and implemented in PL360 using GPM. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) Department., University 7. STANDARD. A number of extensions are being considered, including: interface to all secondary storage access-methods; external procedures written in other languages; and "external records" (functionally equivalent to "named common fl in Fortran). -0 ::.> en rn f-' 8. 11EASUREMENTS. (* no information *) o o 9. RELI~BILITY. (* no information *) Projected extensions: McCarthy if. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Based on Pascal-Po ~ 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) -0 J:> and and lower precedence than relations. en "Usual" precedence used throughout. n Sets over the range 0 •• 255. , J:> Better control of input and output formats. 8. MEASUREMENTS. The compiler is written in Pascal and is modeled after the CDC 6400 implementation, but it has been extensively modified and improved. The translator consists IB11 360,370 (Vancouver) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Barry W. Pollack and Robert A. Fraley, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1W5 (604/228-6794 or 604/228-3061). 2. MACHINE. IBM 370/168. of approximately 8000 lines of Pascal code.··The run-time library consists of approx1onate1y 500 lines of Pascal code. The monitor (which contains the interface to the operating system) consists of approximately 2000 lines of IBM Assembler G code. The translator speed has not been determined, but it seems faster than our Algol-II compiler. The code produced has been timed against Algol-W code and is almost uniformly 10-15% better. This is especially true of any program using a large number of procedure calls. The compiler compiles itself in less than 60 seconds of 370/168 processor time. The compiler requires 320K bytes of core. 3 •. SYSTEM CONFIGURAtION. The current version runs under the tiTS operating system. The monitor may be modified with minimal effort to run under VS, OS, etc. Standard OS object modules are generated. The translator requires about 320K bytes of store. Division of the compiler into overlays for non-VM systems would be possible. 9. RELIABILITY. To date has been excellent. A student version of the translator has running since version has September, 1976, been in operation with since only been one detected compiler error. The main system December, 1975. All problems which have been encountered to date have been corrected. 4. DISTRIBUTION. The current version magnetic tape. Costs will be limited to supplied) • 5. DOCUMENTATION. A User's Guide for distribution now, via 9 track tape purchase, if one is not is available postage (and describes completely the implementation's departures 10. I)EVELOP11ENT METIIOIl. The original translator was developed by Wirth and several graduate students at Stanford University as a partial re-write of the CIlC 6400 version in 1972. The current translator and monitor have been extensively modified, a run-time library has been implemented, and a post-mortem symbolic dump package has been developed. The from the Jensen and Wirth Pascal User Manual and Report. translator has been under continuous development at UBC since December, 1975, by two faculty members and one (* anonymous? *) graduate student. 6. MAINTENANCE. No policy has been decided. It is anticipated that periodic upgrades and modifications will be distributed at least once a year. Reported bugs will be corrected as quickly as possible with notification to users. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Fortran routines can be called. The compiler object modules. en generates standard OS --i f"T1 7. STANDARD. The compiler provides numerous extensions and a few restrictions. A compiler option issues error messages when non-standard features are used. A complete description is contained within the documentation provided. A summary of the differences follows. f"T1 -0 3: to IBM 1130 f"T1 :::0 Extensions: Strings are padded on the right with blanks. We have heard of two possible implementations, by: The is a case default label: n<>". Optional ~allowed before ~. 11( ••• )11 may be used instead of "[ ••• )". The character ~ (1) H. Sandmayr, Neu-Technikum, CH-9470 Buchs, Switzerland (085/6 45 24). has been retained. Packed is ignored. Input of character strings using read is allowed. Support of EBCDIC characters "&", "I", and (logical not sign). (* Sorry, we ASCII at PUG News. *) Use II • • • II (2) Fred Powell, Innovative Management Systems, 865 Middlebrook Av., Staunton, Virginia (703/885-4950). (Fred was formerly at Mary Baldwin College.) "Little has been done so far," according to Fred (76/12/10). use for comments. ICL 1900 (Belfast) - MK2. Value section exists for variable initialization. Hexadecimal integers are supported. FORTRAN subroutines may pre-declared variable be called. A return code is available in the ~. Direct access files are supported. . Additional built-in functions include: min, max, substr (using constant length), position (direct access files), I/o-interface functions and extensions to ~ and rewrite, and ~ for data packing. Restrictions: Sets are limited to 32 elements (0 •• 31). Program heading is not used. Files may not be components of other structures. Set constructors may not include •• . Input@ is initially eol instead transparent when read is used. 1. IMPLEMENTOR/UI5TRIBUTOR/t1AINTAINER. Jim Welsh, Colum Quinn, and Kathleen McShane, Department of Computer SCience, Queens University, Belfast BT7 INN, Northern Ireland, U.K. (* No phone number provided. *) Enhancements by David Watts and Bill Findlay, Cooputer Science I)epartment, University of Glasgow, Glasgow GIl 8QQ, Scotland, U.K. (* No phone number provided. *) 2. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Has been installed under George 3, George 4, Executive, and COOP operating systems. Requires 32K. of the first character of the file. This is 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* no information *) -0 J:> MACHINE. ICL 1900 G> ~IMOP, f"T1 i-' o i-' Intel B080 (I~~ITE) 5. DOCUHENTATION. A clearly written machine retrievable Supplement to the Revised Report, dated 77/2/23. 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 7. STANDARD. Primarily implements the Revised Repo~; exceptions include (a) files not allowed as components of structured types, and (b) non-discriminated variant records are not allowed. A six bit character set is used. Sets may have at most 48 elements. A value 1. IHPLEClENTOR/UISTRIBUTOR/!1AINTAINr:R. Implemented by Thomas A. Rolander, 1012 Smith Ave., Campbell, CA 95008 (408/378-5785). Uistributed by INSITE, Intel User's Library, Microcomputer DIvision, 3065 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408/246-7501 x294B). 2. MACHINE. Intel H080A using the Intel Intellec Hicrocomputer Development System. ::e: initialization part is implemented. 8. MEASUREHENTS. Compares favorably to Fortran, requ1r1ng about 32K to compile. Generated code is better than that produced by the old 1900 Pascal compiler. (* Compilation speed not reported. *) 9. z rn 3. SYSTEH CONFIGURATION. Operating system: Intel MUS ISIS-II. Hardware: 64K bytes of and dual floppy disks. RM! (/) 4. DISTRIBUTION. The software is distributed on two soft-sectored diskettes, and includes the binaries and sources. RELIABILITY. Reported to be good. The compiler is in use at about 50 sites. 10. DEVELOPHENT METHOD. This compiler resulted from a complete rewrite of tile old ICL 1900 compiler. The new compiler is designed for portability, with a semantic analysis and code generation. clean separation between 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Allows access to Fortran routines. 5. DOCUt1ENTATION. Consists of a short User's Guide~ syntax graphs, and the source code for the virtual machine and the compiler. 6. 11AINTENANCE. Bug reports will be accepted. 7. STANUARD. Implements Brinch Hansen's Sequential Pascal, except for floating point (which is under development - 77/2/22). 8. ICL 2970, 2980 (London) 9. 1. IHPLEMENTOR(DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. John Reynolds and Jules Zell, Department of Computing and Control, Imperial College, London SI/7, U.K. (* No phone number provided. *) MACHINE. ICL 2970, 29BO series. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* no information *) 5. Contact The virtual machine interpreter is 1300 lines of code (PL/H-80) and 10K David Joslin, Sussex RELIABILITY. Will self-compile and has been used successfully by students. (* Number of sites using system not reported. *) 10. 2. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Sussex, U. K. HEASUREHENTS. bytes. Compilation speed is 30 lines/minute. (* Execution speed and size of generated code not reported. *) UEVELOP~1ENT HETHOD. An interpreter (PAS80) was written in PL/H-BO, and emulates a 16-bit machine. The implementation required about "2 man-months-of-evenings" and was accomplished in the implementor's spare time. The i~plementor was familiar with the process of implementing the virtual machine. "Credit for the ease of implementation is due to Per Brinch Hansen who developed the virtual machine." University Computer Centre, Brighton, 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) DOCUMENTATION. (* no information *) 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 7. STANDARD. Presumably similar to the ICL 1900 HK2 compiler. B. MEASUR&~NTS. Code generated is fairly compact, the compiler itself producing 80000 bytes. This is better than the 2900 standard compilers. The (CUC) Pascal 6000 compiler compiles the 2900 compiler on a CUC 6400 in 82 seconds. The ICL compiler self-compiles on the 6400 in 100 sees. Running on a 2900, the 2900 compiler self-compiles in 360 seconds. John Reynolds tells us, "I've determined that almost all time required for a compilation on the 2900 is just burnt up by the system and that hardly any time at all goes in the actual act of code generation." (77/7/8) (* Execution speed of generated code not reported. *) 9. RELIABILITY. The compiler has been extensively tested and seems to work fairly well. (* Date of first release and number of sites using system not reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Based on the ICL 1900 t1K2 compiler, with code generators rewritten. Poor performance of the ICL 2970 system led to development on a Control Data 7600 using Zurich's Pascal-6000. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) Intel 8080 (Minneapolis) 1. I'1PLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/HAINTAINER. Peter Zechmeister, University Computer 227 Exp Eng, University of Minnesota, Hinneapolis, MN 55455 (612/373-41Bl). 2. Center: MACHINE. Intel B080. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. An operating system is included with the implementation. The minimal hardware required is an I/O device (TTY) and about 16K bytes for the compiler. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Has not been determined. 5. DOCut1ENTATION. In progress. 6. HAINTENANCE. Under development. 7. STANDARD. The implementation is called Tiny Pascal (TP). It does not provide a -0 :J:> G> number of standard features due to size constraints. 8. HEASURB1ENTS. The bootstrap cross-compiler runs at 2400 lines/minute on a CUC 6400. The TP compiler itself loads in about 14K. rn I--' <.:) N 9. RELIABILITY. !tIe reliability of the compiler is excellent. (* Number of sites using 9. RELIABILITY. (* no information *) system not reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. (* no information *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Based on the PLO compiler by Niklaus Wirth. Modifications were made to implement "variable types, Pascal statements, code generation, and register mapping. II A cross-compiler running on a Control Data 6400 has been used to develop the Tiny Pascal (BOBO) compiler, which WaS 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) not complete as of PUGN #B. Interdata 8/32 (Parkville, Australia) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. None. 1. Intel 8080a (San Diego) IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAI~TAI~ER. Guy Ward, 2. MACHINE. Interdata 8/32. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* no information *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* no information *) 5. DOCU~IENTATlON. 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information 7. STANDARD. (* no information *) 8. MEASUREMENTS. (* no information *) 9. RELIABILITY. (* no information *) See DEC LSI-11 (San Diego), above. lJepartment of Computer Science, 3052, Australia (345 1844). University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria Interdata 7/16 Two possibilities to check out: Mike Ball (see Interdata 8/32 for address) has Concurrent and Sequential Pascal (* no information *) *) cross-compilers running on the UllOa generating code for the Interdata 7/16. Rod Steel, Tektronix, MS 60-456, PO Box 500, reported a year Beaverton, OR 97707 (503/638-3411 x2516), ago that he might attempt to bring up Pascal on the_ 7/16. No news since then. 10. DEVELOPHENT METrlOU. Using Pascal-J (University of Colorado). Stage2 into CAL (assembly). translates 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) Interdata 7/32 !~E~E~~E~_~L~~_~~~~~~2 See Kardios Duo 70, below. KRnSRS STRTE unIVERSITY Department of Science Manhattan, 66506 Phone: 913 532-6350 Interdata 8/32 (San Diego) August 11, 1977 (* See Mike's letter in the OPEN FORUI! section *) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Mike Ball, Code 632, Naval Ocean San Diego, CA 92152. (* No phone number reported. *) Dear Mr. Mickel: Systems Center, 2. MACHINE. Interdata 8/32. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. (* no information *) 4. IHSTRLBUTION. lilt will not be available for distribution for at least several months." As reported by Mike Ball in the Pascal Newsletter 117, we have transported the Brinch Hansen Concurrent Pascal system from the PDP 11/45 to the Interdata 8/32. This implementation in its present form uses an interpreter for a slightly modified version of the abstract code as distributed by Brinch Hansen. I am enclosing for your information a copy of the Implementation manual for the system and the implementation checklist as requested for the Implementation notes section of the Pascal newsletter. (77/6/15) Sincerely, 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* no information *) 6. HAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 7. STANDARD. Brinch Hansen's Sequential and Concurrent Pascal. B. MEASUREMENTS. (* no information *) J -/C-) ;y) CV~Lf 0- It- <---<'L- David Neal Research Assistant DCN: tlb Enclosure (1) (.7 Janus 1. 10. Imp1ementors: Transported from the Brinch Hansen PDP 11/45 implementation. David Neal, Gary Anderson, Jim Ratliff, and Virgil Wa11entine. 66506 11. Distributors: Interchange (Interdata Users Group) Sequential Pascal programs may call one another in arbitrary, recursive fashion using the interfaces of the SOLO operating system (which is written in Concurrent Pascal). No provision is made for FORTRAN or any other language. The utility programs of the SOLO operating system include the Sequential and Concurrent Interdata, Inc. Oceanport, New Jersey 2. The system was moved with an approximate outlay of 4 person-months of experienced graduate student effort. Department of Computer Science Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas Method of development: 07757 Pascal Compilers, a text editor similar to Interdata's OS-Edit, and the source code configurer program mentioned by Mike Ball (Pascal Newsletter #7 p. 29). All programs are maintained by the SOLO file system and appears to OS/32-MT as a single contiguous file. Hardware: Interdata 7/32 or 8/32. 3. lTEL AS/4, AS/5 Operating System: OS/32-MT, minimum partition size 72.75 K, disk storage required, floating point support necessary. See IBM 360, 370, above. 4. Method of distribution: Nine track tape -- details available through Interchange. 5. Kardios Duo 70 Documentation: See IBM 360, 370, above. KSU Implementation of Concurrent Pascal -- A reference Manual, KSU Technical Report CS 76-16 will be provided with the implementation package. It may be provided in machine retrievable form. The Brinch Hansen SOLO manuals are not provided with the implementation. The availability of these references is a necessity. The Kardios Duo 70 consists of an Interdata 7/32 modified by Kardios Systems Corp., 3820 Court leigh Dr., Randallstown, ~ 21133 (301/542-6826). The machine includes firmware which emulates both Interdata and IBM 360, 370 systems. The system is designed to concurrently execute both Interdata and IBM software. According to Kardios, most software such as the ISH 6. Pascal implementations will run on the Duo 70 with little or no modifications. The changes most often required are: use Interdata CSS instead of IBM JCL; change IBM file access calls to Interdata access calls (this is only necessary in the few cases where the IBM file access methods are not supported by Interdata). The Duo 70 will execute 360, 370 object modules produced by a compiler with no changes at all. Kardios reports that their customers have reported very little trouble in modifying 360, 370 Maintenence Policy: None software to run on this system. 7. Fully implements Concurrent Pascal and Sequential Pascal (SPASCAL) a subset of Standard Pascal. Mitsubishi 8. Sequential and Concurrent Pascal programs are executed by a code interpreter written in Interdata CAL assembler language. This interpreter as well as the Concurrent Pascal Kernel are provided in source and object. The system consists of about 5000 source lines and requires a library segment of 7.50 K for execution. Pascal source is translated into code by the Hartman Compilers which are written in Sequential Pascal (SPASCAL). The source and object of these compilers are also contained in the package. Microcode routine for virtual instruction decode are included for the 8/32. 9. Reliability: Excellent -- all errors detected at KSU have been traced to hardware. 1. ~ELCOM 7700. I)1]'LEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAISTAI~ER. ~lasato Takeichi, formerly at Dept. of Math. Engineering and lnstr. Physics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. Present address: Department of Computer Science, University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi Tokyo 182, Japan. 2. MACHINE. MELCOM 7700, 256K bytes. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. BPM. (* Minimum hardware required not reported. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* no information provided. *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. See "Pascal Implementation and Experience" by Masato Takeichi, £i the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo 34: 1, pp 129-136. Journal 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information provided. *) 7. STANDARD. Comparable to CII IRIS 80 implementation by Mancel and Thibault. 8. MEASUREMENTS. Self compiles in 150 sec. and 150 Kbytes (10SK for code, 10K for monitor, 32K for data). Execution times, relative to Fortran, are given in the following table. Extended Fortran IV Matrix multiply Pascal 1.90 1. 75 0.48 0.34 1 1 1 Sort Additive partition Character count 6. MAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 7. STANDARD. The following are not supported: files (except TTY input get, put, unpack. reset, rewrite; with and goto; and output), and sin, cos, arctan, exp, 1n, sqrt, pack, and 8. MEASUREMENTS. Compiler code occupies 24K bytes, the interpreter requires 3K bytes. 9. RELIABILITY. Seems to be excellent. Not yet released. rn 10. DEVELOP~1ENT METHOD. Based on Pascal-P2, cross-compiled first from a Univac 1100 (using San Diego Pascal), and later from a CDC 6400. As of 76/11/4, about 2 man-months had been invested. The compiler source is ahout 2200 lines. The cross-compiler has been designed to be independent of the host-machine's character set. The interpreter could be implemented on other 8-bit machines with minimal work. 9. RELIABILITY. Was first released in April, 1976, with the author using for several months before that. Several compiler errors have been corrected. (* Number of sites not 11. LIBRARY SUPPllRT. (* no information *) reported *l 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The compiler is based on the CIl IRIS 80 compiler by Hance I and Thibault, with modified code generation. The monitor and library procedures were rewritten Nanodata QM-1 to interface with BPM. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information provided. *) 1. IHPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Dennis Heimbigner, TRW DSSG, Mail Station R3/1072, 1 Space Park, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 (213/535-0833). 2. HITS Altair 680b MACHINE. Nanodata QM-1. en 3. SYSTEM CllNFIGURATION. 256K words nanostore; 8K words control store; 60K words main store; 9755 (55M byte) disk; TASK version 1.04.02 (or later); PRllll version 2.04.01 (or later). Optional: Card Reader, Printer (very desirable). (* See implementation notes for Motorola 6800. *) 4. DISTRIBUTION. ttRelease by TRW is currently under consideration. Inquiries are welcome." (77/3/17) HOS Technology 6502 (San Diego) 5. rn -0 -I rn :;;:: t;d rn DOCUMENTATION. Brinch Hansen's SOLO manuals (not available from TRW); machine readable ;;0 document describing the implementation and ways to modify it. See DEC LSI-ll (San Diego), above. Motorola 6800 (San Diego) 6. HAINTENANCE. (* no infonnation *) 'I. STANDARD. (* no information *) 8. 11EASUREMENTS. Executes at about one-third the speed of (* Space requirements not reported. *) 9. See DEC LSI-II (San Diego), above. the Pl)Pll/45 (SOLO) system. RELIABILITY. (* no information *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The Concurrent Pascal system kernel was programmed in micro-code in 6 months of part-time work. Half of that time was spent on I/O drivers. Motorola 6800 (St. Paul) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. St. Paul, MN 55112 (612/483-0589). 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) Mark D. Rustad, 585 Harriet 2. MACHINE. Designed for the HITS Altair 680b, based on a Motorola 6800. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Requires 32K bytes and a TTY. No disk needed. 4. DISTRIBUTION. (* no information *) 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* no information *) Ave., Apt #213, NCR Century 200 Jack Laffe, 320 19th Ave. 5., Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612/336-4946) (77/08/30) that he is writing a Pascal compiler in Neat 3 for the Century 200. tells us f--' o Vl Norsk Data NORD-l0 (CERN) Prime P-400 1. IIWLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. David L. Bates and Robert Caillian, PS/CCI Group, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. (Tel. 41-98-11) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/l~INTAINER. Phillip H Enslow, School Computer Science, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA 30332 (404/894-3187). 2. MACHINE. Norsk Data NORD-l0. 2. MACHINE. Prime P-400. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Virtual memory operating system. 4. DISTRIBUTION. "Anyone is welcome to receive a copy of our system." (77/1/19) 4. DISTRIBUTl G> I"T1 I-' o 00 Machine independent parts of the system, i.e., the compiler and part of the interpreter are in the intermediate language. Only the nucleus of the interpreter is machine-dependent and therefore handcoded. The input device is a mark-sense card reader accepting specially coded cards (reserved words have their own punch codes). TeRAK 8510 (San Diego) (* See i~plementation notes for DEC LSI-ll (San Diego). *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) Texas Instruments TI-ASC. rn Univac 90/30. ::e::: en See letter from C.C. Handley under Hewlett Packard HP-21'IX. Philip Bergstresser (see HERE AND THERE News section) phoned 77/05/26 to correct our information in PUGN #8. The POL (Production Development Language) system TI implemented included a superset of Pascal and a library management system. This included software tools, a check for matching source and binary module interfaces, procedures recompiled independently with scope, complete reversible overlay process, cross reference and instrumentation code. Documentation is available from Bill Bixler at TRW Huntsville. The TI-ASC is a 650K 32 bit word machine with IBM scalar hardware. It has 48 registers. 360-like floating point and vector Univac 90/70. and See Siemens 4004, 7000 series. The U90/70 (formerly RCA hardware and software (Vli0S Spectra 70) is very similar to the Siemens machines, both in BS2000). ~ Texas Instruments 9900/4 (Vienna) Univac 1100 (San Diego) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Implementors: H. Schauer, R. Nagler, and A. Szer, Institut fuer Informationssysteme, A-l040 Wein, Argentinierstrasse 8, Austria (Tel. 65 87 31/313). Distributors: ECO-Computer GesmbH&Co Kg (Fa. Langschwert), A-lOla Wein, Tuchlauben 14, Austria (Tel. 63 35 80). 2. 3. MACHINE. TI 9900/4. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. No operating system; requires a mark-sense card reader and 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Hichael 5. Ball, Code Center, San Diego, CA 92152. (* No phone number provided. *) 2. MACHINE. Univac 1100 series. 3. SYST~M 4. DISTRIBUTION. 632, Naval Ocean Systems -0 --i rn CONFIGURATION. Exec-8 operating system; can be run in Demand mode. a line printer. As a member of USE, you may request a copy from ~ike by sending a mag tape and noting any res.trictions on its format. 4. DISTRIBUTION. The system Schillings (about $1500 U.S.). (hardware and software) MAINTENANCE. "We intend sold to the Pascal Report. (* Not bug reports." 7. STANDARD. The following are not supported: files; procedures/functions. Sets of 64 characters are supported. 8. MEASUREMENTS. It is very with and goto; formal slow compared with other systems. The system uses 12K Rmi words and no external memory. 9. RELIABILITY. The reliability of the system is excellent. (* Date number of sites using system not reported. *) 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The system is first released written in Pascal and machine code (3000 source lines). It took 3 months to implement it on any microprocessor with no special of and experience DOCUMENTATION. A 29 page machine readable supplement to the represented the source program into an consists of the intermediate code of a PASCAL block in reversed Polish notation. This tree is the static information of the program. The compilation does not exceed the level of syntactic decomposition defined by the syntax diagrams in the PASCAL report. The interpreter performs all context-sensitive checking at execution time. and allowed. Sets may have at most 144 elements. The compiler accepts the full ASCII character set. A compiler optiori allows processing of Brinch Hansen Sequential Pascal programs. 8. MEASUR&~ENTS. The compiler compiles into 34K words and requires 6K words of library routines. Self-compilation requires about lS.SK for stack and heap. Execution times for code compiled by Pascal was com?ared with code generated by the NUALG and ASCII FORTRAN processors. Fortran's local optimization was taken as a base value. The programs used for comparison were taken from Hirth's paper on the design of a Pascal compiler (Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 1 (1971), pages 309-333). The results are summarized in the following table. -0 Pascal intermediate as a tree, where each node represents one declaration and each leaf Manual 7. STANDARD. Restrictions: entry, processor, and univ are reserved words; standard procedures and functions may not be passed as actual parameters; file of file is not the implementors. The machine independent parts are bootstrapped by an existing Pascal Basic concepts: the compiler translates User MAINTENANCE. (* no information *) compiler. The system is intended primarily to support programming education. language Pascal Report entitled "Pascal 1100 11 documents the i:nplementation. 6. to make more of i t [the system] and we would like to accept 3: tJ:I rn ;:c for 200.000. Austrian 5. 5. DOCUMENTATION. Available in the form of a supplement known if this is machine retrievable. *) 6. is en rn PART PARTNP SORT MATMUL COUNT Pascal (reI) 0.62 1.18 1.37 1.82 0.30 no tests (reI) 0.61 1.06 1.12 1.43 0.28 ~UALG NUALG (reI) 0.85 3.29 1.83 2.05 0.72 no tests (reI) 0.34 3.17 1.49 1.70 0.66 FORTRAN (reI) 1.00 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.00 FORTRAN FORTRAN local opt. global opt. (reI) (reI) (time) 15.10 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.93 0.85 1.00 18.01 0.59 1.00 10.26 0.39 1.00 16.83 0.97 :l> C) rn I--' Cl <.D Univac 1100 (Madison) 9. RELIABILITY. Quite good; i t should approach excellent. The system has been in local about February, 1976, and i~ has been installed at 25 sites (11 university, 4 government, 10 industry). use since 10. DEVELUPMENT ~lLTIlOIl. The compiler was develop system not reported. *) developed from Pascal-P2. (* Person-hours ACADEMIC COMPUTING CENTER THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MADISON to 1210 WEST DAYTON STREET MADISON, WISCONSIN 53706 608-262-1166 11. LIBRARY assembler. SUPPORT. Generated code can be linked to subprograms written in Fortran or August 31, 1977 Univac 1100 (Copenhagen) 1. I~lPLEHENTOR/DISTRIBUTUR/aAINTAI~ER. J. Steensgaard-Madsen, DIKU (Datalogisk Institut, (* No phone Kobenhavns Universitet), Sigurdsgade 41, UK-2200 Copenhagen N., Denmark. PASCAL Implementations University Computer Center 227 Experimental Engineering Bldg. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 number reported. *) Dear Mr. Bonham: 2. MACHINE. Univac 1100 series. 3. SYSTDI CONFIGURATION. Exec-8 operating system. Enclosed please find a description of our new diagnostic PASCAL compiler. The following will outline the development of the compiler (which isn't specifically dealt with in the description). 4. DISTRIBUTIUN. The charge for distribution from Datalogisk Institut is Dkr. 200. The distributors are attempting to maintain a distribution tree to reduce costs and hassles. Purchasers must sign a license agreement. The system is released only in relocatab1e form. 5. DOCUMENTATION. A 19-page machine readable supplement to the Pascal User Hanual and Report is available. It is "A Pascal Compiler for the Univac 1100 machines II , by J. Steensgaard-tladsen and Henrik Snog of DIKU. 6. t1AINTE.NANCE. There the license aggreement. is no promise of maintenance, but bug reports are required under 7. STANDARU. Deviations from the standard: Reset(E) on any textfile will cause eof(f) = false and eoln(f) = true; Parameter types of formal procedures and functions must be specified. Restrictions: file £f file is not allowed; standard procedures cannot be passed as actual parameters. Machine dependencies: Sets may have 72 elements, char is defined as (6-bit) Fieldata, ascii is an additional type; real is double precision always. 8. HEASUREMENTS. Compilation space is roughly 42K; speed is 100 lines per SUP second. Compiled programs run efficiently compared to other processors. 9. RELIABILITY. Excellent. (* Date first released and number of sites reported. *) using system may of five people (myself, Richard Gary Holmes). It currently was initiated during the sumreleased to users in late 1976. The compiler was designed from scratch, using a syntax-directed organization. The compiler uses a table-driven LALR(l) parser and an error corrector which is driven by the parsing tables. Initially the compiler was bootstrapped through a version of the P-compiler. Later, Mike Ball's N.D.S.C. compiler was used. At present, of course, we bootstrap through our own compiler. This has the added benefit of allowing our diagnostic checks to monitor our own compiler (at a very acceptable level of overhead). Indeed, the preponderance of compiler bugs are found in this manner. As a result, errors are automatically linked to the offending source statement in the compiler and readily fixed. In case you are interested, I'm including a copy of our current User's guide (an updated version is being prepared). rfm also posting a copy of the compiler description to Andy Mickel for inclusion in the PUG Newsletter (or are you the person who handles that department?) not 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Pascal-P with a team of 4 persons. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. External procedures Incluslon of assembler code is possible. The UW-PASCAL compiler is the joint effort LeBlanc, Masahiro Honda, Steve Zeigler and represents about 24-30 man months. Design mer of 1975 and the first test version was be written in Pascal or (ASCII) Fortran. If youfd like. further information, please feel free to write me. Sincerely, ~1LF~ Charles N. Fischer CNF:rb enc. Diagnostic PASCAL Compiler for Univac 1100 Series environment of their declaration. This allows complete compile- time checking of procedure interfaces as well as access to global The University of Wisconsin-Madison Academic Computing Center (MACC) variables. The compiler is especially designed for research and instructional use. (b) It emphasizes careful and complete diagnostic checking at both cornpiletime and run-time. V0 Conditional compilation facilities are provided. These in- clude the optional compilation of code sequences enclosed by Included are subscript and subrange checks, pointer validity checks, record variant and set range checks. Linkage to externally defined assembly language pro- cedures is also provided. has developed a diagnost'ic PASCAL compiler for the Univac 1100 series. comment brackets (llconditional comments tl ) . When run-time er- Further, code is not generated for unreachable prugram statements. rors are discovered a procedure walk back (with source program line numbers) as well as a symbolic dump of scalar variables are available. (c) During com- The DISPOSE procedure is implemented. Run-time pointer checks pilation, a complete analysis of the syntactic and semantic correctness of ensure that disposed objects cannot subsequently be referenced. the source program is performed. Heap objects may be grouped into logical units (termed "sub- Automatic correction of minor syntax er- pools") which may be freed in a single DISPOSE operation. rors (e.g. missing semicolons or parentheses) is included. This often significantly simplifies reclamation of heap storage. The following provides detailed information about the compiler and its (4) distribution policy. UW-PASCAL has been in use since early in 1977. It has received rather heavy use and has been found to be very reliable (at present (1) The ~T-PASCAL compiler is an ASCII processor which operates on any Univac 1100 series computer under EXEC-8a compiler are available. no extant bugs are known). Two versions of the MACC currently maintains UW-PASCAL as a fully supported software The first produces standard relocatable product a elements which may be collected to produce executable absolute elements. The second version operates in a lILoad and GoT! manner. Both the source and absolute modules of both versions of the compiler as well as PASCAL support routines will be PASCAL source programs are compiled directly into core and immediately executed. The compiler, with a year of compiler support, is available for a fee of $750. provided. No collection step is used. Prompt distribution of corrections to compiler bugs as well as improvements to the compiler are also included. (2)' m,-PASCAL is written in PASCAL. sions) is about 14K lines. min (on an 1110). Its source (including all ver- Compilation speed is about 4000 lines/ and extensions) is available for a fee of $600 per year. A surcharge The compiler requires about 70K words to operate ('l:vhich is larger than most other Univac compilers). of $100 will be added for users outside of the United States. However overall A m,-PASCAL User Guide (included in machine-readable form with the compilation costs appear to be comparable to other Univac ASCII compilers. After this initial period, continuing support (including compiler improvements compiler) which further details this compiler is available for a Code generated by the compiler is as good as, or better, than that generated by other ASCII compilers operating in a non- postage and handling fee of $3 ($5 foreign). optimizing mode. is distributed on a 9-track 1600 BPI tape. Normally, the compiler However, other tape formats and densities may be available upon special request. The Load and Go version is marginally smaller and faster than the standard compiler. All inquiries should be directed to: For small programs, its cost (for compila- tion and execution) is about 60% of the standard compiler. (3) PASCAL Development Group Attn: Dr. C. N. Fischer MACC 1210 West Dayton Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 UW-PASCAL implements all of the Standard PASCAL language with the exception of GOTO's out of procedures. (STOP and ABORT statements are available as a partial alternative.) Information may also be obtained by contacting Dr. Charles N. Fischer at (608) 262-7870. In addition to the extensive diagnostic capabilities noted above, a number of other language extensions are available. (a) A very powerful external compilation capability. These include: Procedures which are compiled independently are always compiled in the --0 J> Gl rn (5) UW-PASCAL is an on-going research project at the University of Wisconsin. (a) Future development plans include: Compiler tuning to reduce core requirement (to about 45K for small programs) and to reduce overall compilation costs. (b) Inclusion of a varying-length string manipulation capability 4. DISTRIBUTION. Distributed on magnetic tape (9 track, 800 bpi, structured much like a standard Xerox processor distribution tape - labelled in account :SYSGEN). Distribution cost is $250, payable to Pierre Desjardins. The distribution includes documentation. (similar to PL/I varying length strings), with catenation and 5. DOCUHENTATION. Program comments are in English. The following documents are distributed: "Program Description" (English) contains installation and maintenance information; "Manuel d'utilisation ••• " (French) is the user's manual; "METAPASC ••• tI (French) provides macro-procedures to aid writing external procedures or functions in Meta-symbol; "Pascal 2 - Sigma: un systeme de prograrnmation Pascal" (French) describes the functional structure of the compiler. substring operations, I/O, etc. (c) Addition of an interface to ASCII Fortran subprograms. 6. t1AINTENANCE. Bug reports are welcome, and "update sheets could be sent. fI The distribution fee does not imply any responsibility or maintenance service on the part of the distributor, implementor, or the Universite de Montreal. Varian (Sperry-Univac) V-70 1. IMPLEHENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/HAINTAINER. I)istributed by the Varian Users Group (VOICE). Varian Data Hachines (Sperry Univac), 2722 Michelson Drive, Irvine, CA 92713 (714/833-2400) • 2. HACHINE. Varian V-70 series. 3. SYSTEH CONFIGURATION. Requires 32K+ memory, memory map, Vortex I I operating extended instruction set, and 512 words of writable control store (WCS). 4. A 120 page manual (non-machine retrievable) is available as part of HAINTENANCE. (* no information *) 7. STANI)ARD. This is Brinch Hansen style Pascal. 1/0 is non-standard and oriented toward the Vortex-II 1/0 macros. Reference to files is by unit number. Additional restrictions: Strings must have an even number of characters. Gota's are not supported. Enumeration types cannot be defined within record declarations. Records may have at most 16 variants, and the ordinals of the variant labels (constants) must be in the subrange 0 •• 15. Sets may have 128"elements. Uses Hark-Release. 8. HEASURE~!ENTS. Compiles over 1000 statements per minute. Compiler requires 17K words of main memory. 9. decimal 10. DEVELOPHENT r·IETHOD. Based on Brinch Hansen's Sequential Pascal. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. (* no information *) tIACHD1E. Xerox Sigma 6 and 9. 3. SYSTEH CONFIGURATION. (* no information *) 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. The compiler produces a relocatable object module (in Xerox Standard Object Language) for each procedure and function. Provision is made for external procedures and functions written in t1eta-symbol. Xerox Sigma 7. See also CII 10070. Another Sigma project, apparently incomplete and Bauer, III, Computer Science Department, University WY 82071 (307/766-5134). Xerox Sigma 6, 9. 2. 10. DEVELOPHENT HETHOD. The compiler source is 6200 lines of Pascal. It was produced by cross-compiling from a cl)e Cyber 74. Effort was 18 person-months (without any prior knowledge of Sigma machines). The GIl Iris-80 compiler (described above) has been transposed to the the Xerox Sigma 7 running under the BPM monitor by t1asato Iakeichi, formerly at Department of Mathematical Engineering, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. Present address: Department of Computer Science, University of Electro-Coffil:runications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi Tokyo 182, Japan. RELIABILITY. Good. Distributed to over 10 sites. i. I'1PL;:HENTOR/I)ISTRIBUTOR/~IAINTAINER. Pierre DeSjardins, Universite Informatique, C.P. 6128, '10ntreal 101, Quebec, Canada (514/343-7662). 8. t1EASUREHENTS. Compiler peak code size is 25K. Self-compilation takes 35K. Compilation rates are: 600 lines per minute (Sigma 6 - BPH/BTH) and 1200 lines per minute (Sigma 9 CP-V). (* Size and execution speed of generated code not reported. *) 9. RELIABILITY. Good to excellent. (* Date first release and number of sites using system not reported. *) DISTRIBUTION. Available from Varian as VOICE i1183C8. 5. I)OCUMENTATION. distribution. 6. system, 7. STANDARD. Corresponds to Pascal User Manual except: files may not ,be components of arrays, records or files; string constants may not occur in the ~ section; standard procedures and functions may not be passed as actual parameters. Sets may have at most 32 elements. de Hontreal, inactive, was headed by Henry of HyOining, Box 3682, Laramie, Z110g Z-80. Ken Bowles and co-workers, UCSD, have adapted the San I)iego DEC LSI-ll implementation to run on the Z110g Z-80 running (at 2.5 lUtz) about 70% as fast as the LSI-ll. Release is expected by the end of 1977. See the DEC LSI-11 (San Diego) note, above. I-' I-' N
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