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Neutrophil Dysfunction and Host Susceptibility to Periodontal
Inflammation: Current State of Knowledge
Corneliu Sima &Michael Glogauer
Published online: 25 March 2014
#Springer International Publishing AG 2014
Abstract Normal polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN)
function is critical for the maintenance of host-biofilm equi-
librium and periodontal tissue homeostasis. Mounting evi-
dence suggests that PMNs play important roles in the control
of commensal periodontal flora and initiation of resolution
following inflammation caused by accumulating subgingival
plaque. Quantitative and qualitative alterations of PMNs in
bone marrow, blood, periodontal tissues, and gingival crevic-
ular fluid contribute to host-microbial dysbiosis and onset of
irreversible loss of clinical attachment around teeth. Recent
findings of specific PMN phenotypes associated with different
disease states bring us closer to understanding disease activity
and addressing chronic, non-resolved, periodontal inflamma-
tion to better monitor and predict patient-specific treatment
outcomes. The present review addresses the current state of
knowledge in PMN biology in the pathogenesis of periodontal
inflammation and the onset of periodontitis.
Keywords Neutrophil .Inflammation .Gingivitis .
Periodontitis .Host-biofilm .Innate immunity
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) are the most abun-
dant leukocytes in humans accounting for 50–70 % of all
circulating white blood cells. They are produced by the bone
marrow at a rate of approximately 10
cells/kg per day from
common myeloid precursors. A combination of stem cell
factors, interleukin (IL)-3, and granulocyte macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is required for commit-
ment to the myeloid lineage [1]. Differentiated PMNs are
released into blood as band (incompletely matured) or seg-
mented (mature) neutrophils after a 12-day maturation period.
Classically, it was thought that PMNs spend 6–8hinthe
circulation before they migrate into the tissues where they
can remain for days and then undergo apoptosis and be cleared
by macrophages. More recently, several studies have shown
that PMNs can circulate in the blood for up to 5 days [2,3]. In
the extravascular compartment, PMNs participate in several
critical functions of the innate immune system including
phagocytosis and killing of microorganisms, extra-cellular
matrix degradation, and post-inflammatory restoration of tis-
sue homeostasis. It is generally accepted that PMN recruit-
ment and microbicidal function are essential for the mainte-
nance of periodontal health. Research has shown that de-
viations from normal PMN activity, including altered
production, release, recruitment, impaired function, or
hyper-reactivity with the exception of some forms of
reduced superoxide production, are associated with dis-
ruption of periodontal tissue homeostasis that results in
tissue destruction and loss of clinical attachment [4•].
Furthermore, PMNs play important roles in periodontitis
pathogenesis through impaired apoptotic programs and
activation of adaptive immunity that leads to failure to
resolve inflammation and disease progression.
Neutrophil Physiology in the Periodontium
Neutrophil Recruitment
Several lines of evidence suggest that PMN recruitment to,
and function in the periodontal tissue are essential for main-
taining homeostasis. It is estimated that 30,000 PMNs transit
through periodontal tissues every minute and that their pres-
ence in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) is physiological. In
fact, >90 % of GCF cells are PMNs and they form a barrier
between the junctional epithelium and the subgingival biofilm
C. Sima :M. Glogauer
Matrix Dynamics Group, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
C. Sima :M. Glogauer (*)
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology, University of
Toronto, Room 221 Fitzgerald Building, 150 College Street, Toronto,
ON M5S 3E2, Canada
Curr Oral Health Rep (2014) 1:95–103
DOI 10.1007/s40496-014-0015-x
preventing its apical migration [5]. IL-8 and intercellular
adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) gradients in the junctional
epithelium mediate PMN migration to the gingival sulcus
[6]. In gingival post-capillary venules, activated endothelial
cells increase the expression of chemokines (macrophage
inflammatory protein 2-alpha, MIP2-αor CXCL2 and IL-8
or CXCL8), selectins (P and -E selectin or CD62P and
CD62E), and intercellular adhesion molecules or ICAMs for
capture, rolling, and attachment of circulating PMNs. Activat-
ed PMNs increase surface expression of chemokine receptors
(CXCR1 or CD181, CXCR2 or CD182), selectin ligands (P-
selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 or PSGL-1 or CD162 and
containing glycoproteins), and β2-integrins (lympho-
cyte function-associated antigen 1 [LFA-1] or CD11a/CD18).
The role of commensal periodontal bacteria in PMN recruit-
ment is incompletely understood. Recent evidence suggests
that PMN migration into the healthy periodontium is mediated
by selective CXCL2 chemokine upregulation in response to
non-pathogenic periodontal bacteria [7]. These observations
support the current paradigm that chemoattractants can be
functionally divided into “intermediate”, found at the blood
tissue interface (CXCL8, LTB4) and generally produced by
endothelial cells, and “end-target”chemoattractants, found in
the immediate vicinity of bacteria (formylmethionyl-leucyl-
phenylalanine; fMLP, C5a). It appears that PMNs preferen-
tially respond to the latter group [8•]. It is therefore possible
that specific recruitment mechanisms result in different PMN
phenotypes in the tissue and that sequential chemokine en-
gagement can also mediate recruitment. Prior to transmigra-
tion into gingival tissues, PMNs undergo rolling mediated
by P-selectin-PSGL-1 interactions followed by slow
rolling and attachment mediated by LFA-1-ICAM-1 inter-
actions. Using a mouse model of acute gingivitis, we have
shown that the leukocyte rolling rate 2 h after proinflam-
matory stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-αshows a
dose-response relationship with the stimulus [9]. Several
physiological inhibitors of PMN integrins have been des-
cribed. Galectin-1, Lipoxin A4, and Resolvin D series
interfere with integrin activation by altered transcription,
decreased expression of endothelial ligands, and de-
creased upregulation. Pentraxin 3 (PTX-3), growth diffe-
rentiation factor 15, and developmental endothelial locus
1 (del-1) interfere with the interaction between integrins
by antagonism of receptor engagement, interception of
inside-out signaling, and antagonism of integrin engage-
ment, respectively [10]. At the disease level, Lipoxin A4
was shown to prevent bone loss and mediate bone regene-
ration in a rabbit model of ligature-induced periodontitis
[11], while del-1 was shown to inhibit PMN infiltration
and IL-17-mediated alveolar bone loss in aging mice.
Further, del-1-deficient mice developed spontaneous
periodontitis characterized by PMN infiltration and IL-
17 expression [12].
Bacterial Killing
It is currently generally believed that periodontitis is a
polymicrobial inflammatory disease initiated by bacteria,
and that several bacteria are associated with disease; however,
which organisms actually initiate it remains unknown. PMNs
play key roles in the control of periodontal biofilm composi-
tion by the killing and clearance of pathogens. PMNs can
eliminate pathogens by phagocytosis and intracellular killing
through oxidative and proteolytic means, and by extracellular
mechanisms such as degranulation and release of neutrophil
extracellular traps (NETs). Phagocytosis is exponentially en-
hanced by opsonization through IgG and complement protein
C3b. Following recognition of opsonized pathogens, the PMN
forms phagocytic cups and then phagosomes, which ultimate-
ly fuse with lysosomes to form digestive vacuoles
(phagolysosomes) where oxidative and proteolytic antimicro-
bial molecules are released into an acidic milieu. These in-
clude lactoferrin, lysozyme, β2-microglobulin, MMP 2 and 9
(collagenase and gelatinase), histaminase, heparinase,
sialidase, superoxide, hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and
peroxynitrate (ONOO
). Although GCF PMN can phagocy-
tose bacteria in the gingival crevice, this may not be the
predominant mechanism of protection in this particular niche.
When exposed to pathogens, PMN employ efficient oxidative
means to kill phagocytosed bacteria mainly through produc-
tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and derivatives (HOCl,
). However, ROS generation by PMN may not be
critical for maintenance of periodontal health because patients
with chronic granulomatous disease having PMNs deficient in
producing ROS do not have increased susceptibility to peri-
odontitis [13,14]. Interestingly, it has been shown that patients
with a hyperactive ROS response are more susceptible to
periodontitis [15,16]. Degranulation may be a more powerful
mechanism for control of compositional biofilm changes [5].
The relationship between crevicular PMN and commensal
periodontal bacteria is poorly defined. It is believed that
similar to intestinal bacteria, oral bacteria associated with
periodontal health induce immune tolerance and prevent the
host immune system from being activated [17]. It is also likely
that non-invading commensal bacteria in the gingival sulcus
maintain the continuous influx of PMN that contribute to
control of subgingival biofilm composition. The shift from
in-offensive to pathogenic subgingival biofilms remains poor-
ly understood. Recent evidence suggests that some periodon-
tal bacteria associated with disease such as Porphyromonas
gingivalis can influence the pathogenicity of subgingival
biofilms by disrupting the host-microbial homeostasis. On
the one hand, P. gingivalis can stimulate proinflammatory
cytokine production by PMNs and alter their apoptosis
through upregulation of Triggering Receptor Expressed on
Myeloid cells 1 (TREM-1) [18]. On the other hand, it can
trigger changes in the composition and amount of commensal
96 Curr Oral Health Rep (2014) 1:95–103
bacteria ultimately leading to alveolar bone loss [19•]. There-
fore, it seems that the persistence of PMNs inside periodontal
tissues combined with ineffective bacterial killing through
non-oxidative means contributes to disease activity and tissue
breakdown in periodontitis.
Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
NETs are extracellular fibers extruded actively by the PMN as
a type of biological “spider’sweb.”NETs are made up of
granule and nuclear constituents that entrap and kill bacteria in
the extracellular space [20,21]. Only about 30 % of transiently
resident PMN release NETs with some evidence that only
viable cells can produce them. The current hypothesis of
NET formation states that the dying neutrophil is character-
ized by nuclear swelling, chromatin degradation, and extra-
cellular extrusion of large strands of de-condensed nuclear or
mitochondrial DNA that carry with them proteins from the
cytosol, granules, and histones from the nuclei [22]. NETs
entrap bacteria but they do not appear to be bactericidal.
Incubation of entrapped Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and
Candida albicans blastospores with DNAse did not result in
the killing of these pathogens [23]. The presence of NETs is
significantly increased in areas of gingivitis compared with
healthy gingival tissues.
Initiation of NET formation is dependent on ROS and
patients with chronic granulomatous disease cannot form
NETs [24]. Upon ROS release, peptidyl arginine deiminase-
4 is activated. The latter is known to hypercitrullinate the
condensed nuclear chromatin promoting chromatin de-
condensation. PMN elastase translocates to the nucleus where
it digests nucleosomal histones assisting chromatin unfolding
[25]. Ultimately, the space between inner and outer nuclear
membranes enlarges, forming distinct vesicles that fuse with
granule membranes resulting in the release of elastase,
myeloperoxidase, and LL-37, and co-localization with nuclear
chromatin. Disintegration of the nuclear envelope allows for
the DNA/histone complex mixed with granular contents to fill
the cytoplasmic space. The final stage involves rupture of the
PMN cell membrane and extrusion of the DNA/histone/
cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide mix through changes in
the actin cytoskeleton and the microtubular complex [21].
Although the role of NETs in pathogenesis of periodontitis
is at an early stage of research, the increased DNAse activity
in gingival crevicular fluid during 21-day experimental gingi-
vitis would suggest that removal of biofilm or NET-derived
DNA is necessary for inflammation resolution and restoration
of health. Therefore, it appears that NET formation in peri-
odontal tissues may not be critical for control of biofilm
composition because patients with chronic granulomatous
disease do not have increased susceptibility to periodontitis,
but NET persistence at sites of periodontal inflammation
may be associated with failure of resolution and onset
of periodontitis.
Resolution of Inflammation
Resolution of inflammation is a tightly regulated active pro-
cess that follows successful removal of non-self. It consists of
switching off proinflammatory pathways and clearing local
tissue debris ultimately leading to complete restoration of
homeostasis. Essential signals from front-line PMNs are need-
ed to initiate resolution. Inside the tissues, PMNs coordinate a
lipid mediator switch from proinflammatory (prostaglandins,
leukotrienes) to pro-resolving arachidonate and omega-3 fatty
acid derivatives (lipoxins, resolving, protectins, and
maresins). It is the lipoxins that provide important signals to
switch from inflammatory states characterized by PMN infil-
tration and activation to resolution and return to tissue homeo-
stasis [26••]. Lipoxin A4 is known to inhibit PMN migration
and stimulate non-inflammatory recruitment of monocytes
and apoptotic PMN phagocytosis by macrophages [27••].
Once it has accomplished its mission, the PMN triggers self-
destroying mechanisms in a non-inflammatory manner initi-
ating apoptosis through sequential activation of caspases 8, 9,
7, and 3, and activation of calpains and ubiquitin-proteasome
complexes [28,29]. This results in destruction of essential
cytoplasmic proteins including the ubiquitously present actin,
and chromatin inter-nucleosomal degradation in the nucleus.
Aged or dying PMN simultaneously expose
phosphatidycholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE),
and phosphatidylserine (PS), oxidized phospholipids, and car-
bohydrates including fucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine on
their surface [30]. Several pattern recognition molecules
(PRM) bind some of the apoptotic cell surface markers and
act as bridging molecules to enhance phagocytosis of apopto-
tic PMNs by macrophages. PRM that have been correlated
with apoptotic cells include thrombospondin 1, C1q,
mannose-binding lectin, and surfactant proteins (SP-A, SP-
D) with affinity for carbohydrates, and pentraxins CRP, PTX3,
and serum amyloid (SAP) that probably bind chromatin re-
leased from dying cells. Specific scavenger receptors includ-
ing scavenger receptors A, B, CD36, and CD68, αvβ3
integrin, PS receptor, and complement receptors (CR1, CR3,
CR4) will bind to these molecules activating macrophages and
dendritic cells to phagocytose and clear dying PMNs from the
tissue [31]. Some non-professional phagocytes such as
mesangial and epithelial cells may also help in the clearance
of apoptotic PMNs. This physiological “start of the end”
allows the PMNs to die silently while sending “find me”and
“eat me”signals to be cleared without releasing intracellular
components that are highly toxic for host tissues. Neverthe-
less, a late secondary apoptotic phenotype of PMN can be
induced by persistence and increase in proinflammatory lipid
mediators such as LTB4. This late apoptosis characterized by
Curr Oral Health Rep (2014) 1:95–103 97
selective leakage of intracellular content, particularly DNA
fragments, is distinct from primary necrosis or NET formation
but it may lead to secondary necrosis in the absence of efficient
resolving mechanisms [32]. The local and newly recruited
monocytes become M2-type (anti-inflammatory) macrophages
inside the tissue and phagocytose apoptotic PMN and other
debris. Ultimately, macrophages drain via lymphatic vessels
into the circulation to be cleared in the spleen or undergo
apoptosis locally in a process called efferocytosis [33–35].
Neutrophil Pathology in Periodontal Diseases
Defective PMN production in the bone marrow results in
neutropenia characterized by reduction of the absolute circu-
lating PMN numbers to <1,500 cells/μL. Control of endoge-
nous microbiota is significantly impaired at absolute counts of
<500 cells/μL and an inability to mount an inflammatory
response is seen at counts of <200 cells/μL[34]. Congenital
and acquired (autoimmune, HIV-, and cancer therapy-
associated) neutropenia increases the incidence and severity
of periodontitis in both primary and permanent dentitions [36].
It is considered that an absolute PMN count of <1000 PMN/μL
increases the risk of gingivitis [37•]. Pathophysiology of neu-
tropenia can be classified into altered bone marrow stem cell
development, altered release from the bone marrow, altered
distribution of circulating and marginating PMN pools, and
decreased survival of circulating PMN. Benign chronic neu-
tropenia characterized by prolonged noncyclic neutropenia is
associated with hyperplastic, edematous, fiery-red gingiva, and
in some cases with periodontitis [38,39]. Cyclic neutropenia
characterized by periodic oscillations in production and release
of mature PMN including a 21-day cycle with severe neutro-
penia persisting for 3–10 days is consistently associated with
gingivitis and periodontitis [40]. Treatment includes human
recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hrG-
CSF) three times per week with successful increase in PMN
numbers. Congenital neutropenia (Kostman syndrome) is an
inherited hematological disorder characterized by an arrest of
PMN hematopoiesis at promyelocyte/myelocyte stage and
absolute counts of <2000 cells/μL. Mutations in the ELANE
gene coding for PMN elastase have been associated with
periodontitis in patients with severe congenital neutropenia
[41]. Gingivitis and severe periodontitis are common compli-
cations and despite some temporary improvement in PMN
counts with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)
treatment, patients with congenital neutropenia tend to have
persistent gingivitis. Other conditions characterized by neutro-
penia and associated with periodontitis are Felty syndrome (an
uncommon complication of rheumatoid arthritis), lazy leuko-
cyte syndrome manifested by qualitative and quantitative
PMN defects, and agranulocytosis manifested by a decrease
or absence of granulocytes and peripheral leukopenia [37•].
Altered Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil (PMN) Release
During Periodontal Inflammation
Release of PMNs from the bone marrow in response to
proinflammatory stimuli is a rate-limiting step in the host
response to pathogens. Under normal conditions, more than
90 % of all PMNs are in the bone marrow and roughly 50 % of
the circulating PMNs are marginating in postcapillary venules
throughout the body [1]. Systemic proinflammatory mole-
cules mediate release of PMNs from the bone marrow through
increased G-CSF expression. The mechanisms underlying
increased G-CSF expression in periodontitis are incompletely
understood. However, persistent PMN recruitment at sites of
periodontal inflammation has been associated with activation
of the IL-23-IL-17 axis [42]. IL-23 stimulates naive CD4
cells to differentiate into T
17 lymphocytes producing IL-17
that further enhances G-CSF production. It is currently be-
lieved that G-CSF interferes with the CXCR4-CXCL12
(SDF-1, stromal cell-derived factor 1) axis, a major regulator
of PMN retention in the bone marrow. CXCR4 mutations
associated with the WHIM syndrome (warts, hypo-
gammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis) affect
the desensitization of CXCR4 upon stimulation with SDF-1,
leading to retention of PMN in the bone marrow [43]. In
children with WHIM syndrome, periodontitis is associated
with premature tooth loss and recurrent superficial infections.
Downstream of CXCR4, Rac GTPases play a crucial role in
cytoskeletal organization and genetic control of proliferation
and survival pathways. Rac2 plays critical roles in PMN
homing in the bone marrow and its absence is associated with
neutrophilia [44]. Using Rac null mice, we have recently
shown that PMN release from the bone marrow in response
to localized ligature-induced periodontitis is significantly in-
creased 24 h after induction in the absence of Rac2 [45]. Rac2
null mice are more susceptible to alveolar bone loss, possibly
because of reduced recruitment and function in the periodon-
tium, and increased retention in periodontal microvasculature.
Therefore, existing evidence suggests that increased or de-
creased PMN release from the bone marrow is associated with
higher susceptibility to periodontal inflammation.
Altered PMN Recruitment
Leukocyte adhesion deficiencies (LADs) represent a group of
inherited disorders associated with defects in the expression or
function of leukocyte adhesion molecules. Specifically in
LAD type 1 (LAD-I), there is a deficiency in β2integrins,
in LAD type 2 (LAD-II), there is a deficiency in glycosylation
of selectin ligands, and in LAD type 3 (LAD-III), there is
dysfunction of signaling intermediates affecting integrin
98 Curr Oral Health Rep (2014) 1:95–103
activation. A fourth type of LAD (LAD-IV) was proposed for
Rac2 mutations affecting PMN chemotaxis and margination
[46]. All LADs are characterized by neutrophilia in the ab-
sence of infection and impaired PMN recruitment into tissues.
Other conditions similar to LADs include Chediak-Higashi
syndrome associated with mutations of the LYST gene, which
encodes for a protein involved in the regulation of lysosomal
trafficking and the Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome caused by de-
ficiency in cathepsin C (dipeptidyl peptidase-I), a lysosomal
exo-cysteine protease also involved in pro-enzyme activation
(cathepsin G, elastase, and proteinase 3). All syndromes char-
acterized by impaired PMN recruitment and function are
associated with increased susceptibility for early onset of
severe forms of periodontitis affecting both primary and per-
manent dentitions [10]. The roles of Rac GTPases in PMN
recruitment in periodontitis are less well characterized, possi-
bly because Rac mutations (LAD-IV) are less common. How-
ever, observations of PMN dysfunction associated with severe
infections in patients with D57N RAC2 mutation similar to
Rac2 null PMN phenotype in mice suggests that Rac2 may
play critical roles in PMN function to control subgingival
biofilms. We have recently shown that the initial inflammatory
response to induced periodontitis was altered in mice with
Rac2 null PMNs. Further, the alveolar bone loss was signifi-
cantly higher than healthy mice with periodontitis [45]. These
findings may be relevant for epigenetic changes that alter the
expression of Rac2 and therefore increase susceptibility to
periodontitis. Recent focus on epigenetic regulation of gene
expression in periodontal inflammation points to potentially
significant roles of opportunistic pathogens and the environ-
ment on PMN function in inflammatory responses [47].
Impaired Pathogen Clearance
The association between periodontal pathogens and periodon-
titis was only defined in cross-sectional studies; therefore
failing to demonstrate a direct cause-effect relationship. Hu-
man PMN from healthy individuals can efficiently phagocy-
tose and kill the traditionally known “periodontal pathogens”
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans,P. gingivalis,Trepo-
nema denticolla,andTannerella forsythia [48,49]. However,
these so-called pathogens also possess immune evasion mech-
anisms that impair or delay their phagocytosis and killing by
PMN via leukotoxins, gingipains, and fimbriae that ultimately
leads to bacterial tissue and intracellular persistence. Low-
abundance bacteria with community-wide effects such as
P. gingivalis are critical for altering host-biofilm symbiosis
by acting directly or indirectly on PMN. Porphyromonas
gingivalis can impair PMN recruitment by altering coordinat-
ed expression of chemokines (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-α,
and adhesion molecules (E-selectin) [50••,51]. These effects
are only transient in vivo suggesting that P. gingivalis does not
block the recruitment of PMN but rather can delay it.
Porphyromonas gingivalis can escape immune clearance
through proactive manipulation of leukocyte receptors and
complement. The most documented such mechanism is the
P. gingivalis-induced C5aR-TLR2 crosstalk in macrophages
that impairs iNOS-dependent intracellular bacterial killing
[52]. Although these and other mechanisms through which
P. gingivalis and other periodontal pathogens can manipulate
the inflammatory response and bactericidal function of innate
immune cells are incompletely understood, a recently pro-
posed model that accommodates these concepts is called the
polymicrobial synergy and dysbiosis (PSD) model [51,53].
This model implies that physiologically compatible organisms
aggregate and coexist in a controlled immuno-inflammatory
state being proinflammatory and toxic for the tissues, but the
host response controls their overgrowth and overt pathogenic-
ity. Consistent with the ecological plaque hypothesis proposed
in the early 1990s to explain the microbial etiology of peri-
odontal diseases, the PSD model supports the concept that
non-specific accumulation of subgingival biofilms leads to
inflammation of gingival tissues but it is the latter that drives
the microbial changes associated with irreversible tissue de-
struction seen in periodontitis [26••,54]. In fact, gingivitis is a
risk factor for periodontitis whereas only certain bacterial co-
aggregates and their quantitative changes can predict onset of
disease [55••,56].
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (DM) seems to modify periodontal tissues in
several ways including immunological dysfunction, micro-
vascular alteration, and changes in extracellular matrix. The
relative contribution of these mechanisms to the increased
susceptibility for chronic periodontitis and rapid disease pro-
gression in diabetic patients is unknown. However, regardless
of dental plaque index, gingivitis is more prevalent in patients
with DM than in healthy individuals suggesting a direct im-
pact of DM on the local immune response to the bacterial
biofilm [57–60]. It is well documented that DM, particularly
when uncontrolled, leads to impairment of PMN adherence,
chemotaxis, and pathogen clearance [61,62]. Furthermore,
similar to LADs, a common finding in patients with DM is
neutrophilia [63]. Although PMNs from patients with DM
appear to be primed for hyper-responsive superoxide release,
their ability to kill bacteria is often paradoxically impaired [9,
64]. These alterations combined with increased expression of
leukocyte adhesion molecules may lead to ectopic inflamma-
tory responses and tissue degradation though enzymatic and
oxidative mechanisms. Increased leukocyte adhesion mole-
cule expression and gingival microvascular permeability in
DM in the absence of periodontitis suggests an immune-
vascular priming that predisposes to periodontitis [9]. There-
fore, it seems that in DM, PMNs are released in higher
numbers from the bone marrow and are primed to respond
Curr Oral Health Rep (2014) 1:95–103 99
to inflammatory stimuli before reaching the sites of periodon-
tal inflammation. In addition, PMN and microvascular chang-
es associated with DM seem to predispose to altered PMN
margination with subsequent degranulation and oxidative
stress in the vasculature that contribute to increased suscepti-
bility, severity, and progression of periodontitis.
Impaired Initiation of Resolution
Mounting evidence that a failure to resolve inflammation is
critical to the chronicity of periodontal tissue inflammation is
changing the current paradigm that treatment should primarily
focus on control of infectious agents. It is becoming evident that
innate immune alterations in response to overgrowing
subgingival biofilms result in failure to restore tissue homeosta-
sis and host-microbial symbiosis. PMN apoptosis and expres-
sion of “eat me signals”lead to macrophage polarization to pro-
resolution phenotypes in the periodontal environment, which is
essential for control of commensal biofilm ecology and tissue
integrity. Increased PMN survival and decreased apoptosis was
reported in GCF and tissue samples from chronic periodontitis
patients [54,65]. In fact, one study has shown that GCF PMNs
from diseased sites show histone citrullination, a change indic-
ative of PMN activation and initial stages of NET formation.
Furthermore, many crevicular PMNs are in advanced stages of
NET formation [66]. Similarly, in oral rinses from periodontitis
patients, there are more viable and fewer apoptotic PMNs,
suggesting increased cell survival in disease [67].
Fig. 1 Polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) recruitment and func-
tion in periodontium. In health, persistent low-abundance commensal
bacteria in the subgingival biofilm trigger PMN recruitment to the peri-
odontium and GCF gingival crevicular fluid. Recruitment is mediated
predominantly by CXCL2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2. In the
gingival crevice, PMN form a “wall”between host tissues and the biofilm.
Most oral PMNs are short lived or apoptotic and exhibit a downregulation
of pro-survival gene expression. In gingivitis, CXCL8-mediated PMN
recruitment is predominant; PMN accumulate in higher numbers in the
tissue and GCF, particularly in early stages of gingivitis, and have de-
creased survival and increased apoptosis. In both health and gingivitis
inflammation, resolution leads to restoration of homeostasis once PMNs
and tissue debris have been cleared by pro-resolution macrophages. In both
entities, there is no clinical or histological evidence of alveolar bone loss. In
periodontitis (chronic or aggressive forms), local and systemic proinflam-
matory markers stimulate release of PMNs from the bone marrow. Condi-
tions that impact the release, recruitment, and function of PMNs (e.g.,
diabetes mellitus, neutropenias, LADs) are associated with different forms
of periodontitis. Microbial chemotactic agents such as fMLP, particularly in
advanced disease, likely mediate recruitment into periodontal tissues. GCF
and oral PMNs have increased survival and decreased apoptosis. CB
commensal bacteria, PB pathogenic bacteria, APC antigen-presenting cell,
fMLP formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, G-CSF granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor, TNF-αtumor necrosis factor-α,MIP2-αmacrophage
inflammatory protein 2-α,PSGL-1 P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1, ICAM-
1intercellular adhesion molecule 1, IL interleukin, WHIM warts, hypo-
gammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis, LADs leukocyte ad-
hesion deficiencies
100 Curr Oral Health Rep (2014) 1:95–103
The study of oral PMNs offers several advantages in the
case of periodontitis because the subgingival biofilm is locat-
ed at the interface between periodontal tissues and the oral
environment. Therefore, most oral PMN are likely to have
encountered the bacterial biofilm, thus offering information
on the result of this interaction. The collecting of oral PMNs
that extravasate into the mouth through the periodontal crevice
was carried out initially by Klinkhammer in the 1960s [68].
Recent work using this approach has demonstrated that PMNs
from sites with periodontal disease display increased numbers
of gene changes compared with oral neutrophils that enter the
healthy periodontium [67]. Genes associated with PMN sur-
vival, delayed apoptosis, and PMN recruitment to sites of
inflammation were all found to be upregulated in PMNs,
which have located to the infected periodontium. This ap-
proach has also allowed for the phenotypic characterization
of tissue-recruited PMNs. With the identification of novel
PMN phenotypes found in tumors, it has been suggested that
novel neutrophil subtypes may be associated with some in-
flammatory diseases [69,70]. A recent paper has identified a
novel oral PMN subset in healthy patients that expresses the T-
cell receptor CD3 [71]. While previous reports suggested that
some circulating neutrophils express CD3 receptors, this work
is the first to identify tissue neutrophils expressing T-cell
receptors. This finding is significant as it supports the view
that PMNs act as a critical bridge between the innate and
adaptive immune responses in the context of altered resolution
programs. This notion is supported by a well-designed study
by Pelletier et al., which demonstrated that activated PMN
communicate directly with T
17 cells by mutual recruitment.
PMN also release chemokines, such as CCL20 and CCL2,
which have chemotactic activity, and T
17 cells release C-X-
C motif chemokine 8 (CXCL8), which attracts PMN. Using
the same approach, they also demonstrated that PMN release
CXCL10 and CCL2, which promote chemotaxis of T
[72]. It therefore seems that increased PMN survival and
activity that initiates adaptive immune responses, two indica-
tors of impaired inflammation resolution, are characteristics of
active periodontitis.
The function of PMN from bone marrow to the oral cavity is
critical to host-microbial homeostasis and maintenance of
periodontal health. Unbalanced (increased or decreased) re-
lease, recruitment and function of PMN in the periodontium
are likely critical to inflammatory tissue damage, failure of
inflammation resolution, and progression from gingivitis to
periodontitis. Increasing evidence validates the ecological
plaque hypothesis and polymicrobial synergy and dysbiosis
theory that account for an altered inflammatory response to
accumulating commensal periodontal biofilms as the cause for
opportunistic microbial pathogenicity and disease onset
(Fig. 1). Genetic and epigenetic factors may contribute to
various degrees to altered PMN function associated with loss
of periodontal clinical attachment and tooth loss. The hetero-
geneity in disease expression can be in part explained by the
multiple rate-limiting steps in PMN function in relation to
periodontal biofilms. Oral PMN characterization throughout
the entire spectrum of disease states will further our under-
standing of inflammation resolution in the periodontium and
provide diagnostic tools for monitoring disease activity and
response to therapy.
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
Conflict of Interest Dr. Corneliu Sima and Dr. Michael Glogauer each
declare no potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article.
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
of the authors.
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