10.3.031_PERT_ _LESS 10.3.031 PERT LESS
10.3.031_PERT_-_LESS 10.3.031_PERT_-_LESS
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St.·P, '~. ",) . o '\~.IJ DISCLAIMER Although each program has been tested by its contributor, no warranty, express or implied, is made by the contributor or any User's Group, as to the accuracy and functioning of the program 'and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the contributor or any User's Group, in connection therewith. o o • • COMMON USERS GROUP PROGRAM REVIEW AND EVALUATION (fill out in typewriter, ink or pencil) Date---------------- ~OgramNO.--__------------- , ProgramName: _______________________________________________,_____________ 1. Does the abstract adequately describe- what the program is and what it does? Comment Yes No 2. Does the program do what the abstract says? Comment Yes No 3. Is the description clear, understandable, and adequate? Comment Yes No 4. Are the Operating Instructions understandable and in sufficient detail? Comment . ----------------------------------~--------~---Are the Sense Switch options adequately described (jf applicable)? Are the mnemonic labels identified or sufficiently understandable? Comment Yes No Yes Yes No No 5. Does the source program compile satisfactorily Of applicable) ? Comment Yes No Yes No Yes No 8. Does the Program meet the minimal standards of COMMON? Comment Yes No 9. Were all necessary parts of the program received? Comment Yes No· -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Does the object program run satisfactorily?· Comment -------------------------------------------------- 7. Number of test cases run • Are any restrictions as to data, size, range, etc. covered adequately in description? Comlnent --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Please list on the back any suggestions to improve the usefulness of the program. These will be passed onto the author for his consideration Please return to: IBM Corporation Program Information Department 40 Saw Mill River Road Hawthorne, New York 10532 ' " Attn: PREP FORM COORDINATOR o Your Name Company Address U G C d sers roup 0 e - - - - - - - - ~HIS REVIEW FORM IS PART OF THE COMMON ORGANIZA11ION'S PROGRAM REVIEW AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE. NoNMEMBERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVALUATION g 2/2/67 . ::UstL:::liJMNIN,X ; $ . 3 . ( 44t4tAJIU$44 i¥ 44 pi o n ~ ':-~ • • I f ~ r J IIe 1620 10.3.031 January 3, 1964 Statement 231 IW1 = A4 (L) + . 5 in program 1 has been replaced by statements: 231 IF (A4(L) - 99999.) 701,125, 125 701 IW1 =A4 (L) + 5 0 This correction eliminates the possibly of getting an Error E9 when A4(L) becomes larger than 99999. PERT - LESS L. Standlee Steenrod Computer Research Center 9B&ffi University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 1620 Users Group Code 3211 Augus t 30, 1963 Modifications or revisions to this program, as they occur, will be announced in the appropriate Catalog of Programs for IBM Data Processing Systems. When such an announcement occurs, users should order a complete new program from the Program Information Department. 4- Ji- ABSTRACT Deck Labeling Sheet 1. Title: 2. Author: Deck 1 - Fortran Program 1 Hash Total 75367450954418300571 PERT-LESS Classification: Deck 2 - Fortran Program 2 Hash Total 58007769218123676099 August 20, 1963 Date: Deck 3 - Sample Problem - Input to Program Hash Total 73730844640539713845 Management Science Organization: L. Standlee Steenrod, Computer Research Center, University of Missouri Users Group Membership Code: Deck 4 - Output from Program 1 _ Hash Total 78920772480045238602 Deck 5 - Output from Program 2 Hash Total 54307502721721210377 3211 3. Direct Inquiries to name: L. Standlee Steenrod, Computer Research Center, 9 B & PA, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Phone: GI 9-9533 4. Description/purpose: This is a critical path program devised to compute schedules of paths and their associated "least cost" through a network of activities of a large project. The schedules are generated between the project's normal time and crash time and each contains start and finish times, costs and floats for each activity. These schedules enable a time and its associated " least cost" to be chosen. 5. Method: 6. 7. Restriction/range: Not applicable Specifications: a. Storage used by program: 60 K b. Equipment required by program: Card system Auto divide, Indirect addressing, Floating point hardware The above decks were Hash Totaled with the 1620 Users Group Program 1,6.031. c. 8. Critical Path Programming by Mauchly Associates; other information - not available Program can be used on lesser machine if dimensions are reduced or part of labeling in program deck 2 is removed Programming type Fortran II Remarks: a. b. This program is a modification of SHARE program 1188 PA GMCP. Program consists of two (2) decks. Deck I gives intermediate output, Deck II gives final output for listing . .( (" • c CJ Cj • o n r} Table of Contents All inquiries concerning the following program should be directed to: L. Standlee Steenrod Computer Research Center 9 B & PA University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri Page Users Group Code 3211 Note Discussion Input Format Output Operating Instructions 12 These programs (2) are a translation of the SHARE program 1188 PA GM XP for the 7090 to a form usable on the 1620. Because of this much of the mathematical method is unavailable. Appendix A - Panel Wiring 14 Surmnary Appendix B - Program Listings Program 1 Program 2 16 24 Appendix C - Sample Problem Input for Program Input for Program Output 5 10 30 32 33+1 Critical Path Programming is a method devised to plan and control large projects composed of many activities that must be completed in certain sequences. In these programs the critical path method has been programmed in the FORTRAN language. This permits the computer to accept a description of a project structure and time-cost information for each activity in order to generate a series of project schedules. Each project schedule has a certain duration and cost associated with it. This cost arises from assigning to each activity in the project a scheduled duration and related cost. In general, the shorter the activity, the higher the activity cost. The project time related to a schedule results from the durations assigned the various activities together with the precedence relationships binding the activities. For each schedule generated, its project cost is the least possible for that project time. The FORTRAN programs are designed for flexibility. Various types of computer runs can be made, and alternative forms of output are obtainable. These are described in detail under Input. Discllssion I. Background The basis of these programs is PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) developed for the U. S. Navy to help measure and control progress on the Polaris System. The PERT model assumes that a project can be broken down into activities (or sub - projects) and that the sequence relationship between these activities can be specified. A graphical representation of a project can be obtained by depicting activities as arrows, each beginning and ending at a point called a benchmark or event. Several activities may begin or end at a single event. Figure I is used as an example of such a graphical representation I ':\ . 3 of a small project. ~~ b 9 5 Q-t------~)----- ~- I e ~'- Path a-b-c is critical, and project time is 16. By g1v1ng three time estimates for each activity, uncertainty is inCOrPorated by the PERT method into the overall project completion time. This program employs a network representation and also activity costs. Each activity is assumed to have a "normal time" for completion and an associated "normal cost". Likewise, each activity is assumed to have a "crash time", generally less than the normal, and on associated "crash cost" - generally higher than normal cost. The Critical Path Progrannning Method assumes that in the time - cost plane, the "normal point" can be connected by a straight line to the "crash point" to define an activity cost function. Figure III below represents this relationship. c4 ~" -0-' ~~ FIGURE I Activity Activity Cost-Time Cost In this example, a network of 6 activities (arrows a,b,c,d,e,f) defined by 5 events (circles) might represent a small project. The project begins with activity "a" is completed, event "2" is realized and activities "b" and "d" are innnediately begun in parallel. When "d" is complete at at event "3", activities "e" and "f" are begun in parallel. Event "4" is realized, or occurs, only when both "b" and "e" are completed. The same structure represente~ Figure I can be described by listing the 6 pairs of event numbers describing the 6 activities; let us also list a sample completion time for each of these activities. Function Crash Cost (XA4) Normal Cost (XA2) Completion Time in Weeks Time Crash Time (XA3) (a) 1,2 (d) 2,3 (b) 2,4 (e) 3,4 5 (f) 3,5 6 (c) 4,5 Normal Time (XA1) FIGURE 'III The Method assigns each activity a duration between crash and normal XA3,XAl , at the associated cost. 4 FIGURE II Thus, Figure II is logically equivalent to Figure I. In the PERT System it is only necessary to supply information of the type in Figure II to analyze the status of a project. Project completion time can be obtained by tracing all paths connecting the first event (1) to the last event (5), and adding together the completion times of activities along each given path. The path giving the largest sum would be called the "critical path" and its sum would be the project duration. In Figure I, three paths connect events (1) and (5). These are: a-b-c a-d-e-c a-d-f See PERT, Summary Report Phasel, Special Projects Office, Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C. ~ureau of (3+9+4=16) (3+2+5+4=14) (3+2+6=11) q (j c o • o n ~ _~o-l • • 4 An algorithm developed by J. E. Kelly, Jr. of Mauchly Associates generates a series of project schedules (assignments of times to activities) such that for each project schedule, its associated cost is the least possible for the related total project time. The first schedule generated is the "normal" project schedule which results from setting all activities at their normal times. This is clearly the least cost and longest project schedule. Then, successive schedules are generated down to a "crash" time project schedule which is the shortest possible time and the least expensive for that time. The number of schedules is unknown in advance, depending on project structure as well as activity cost-time curves. This generates a project cost-time function which when linearly connected, is like Figure IV below. Project Cost Crash Schedule Project Cost-Time FlJlnction -- Normal Schedule __ Normal---7-" Project Time Crash Project Time II. Program Description This program is composed of two decks. The first deck does the major part of the computation and provides intermediate output to be used as input into program II. Program II primarily arranges and labels the final output. This output must be listed on a special board described later. III. Input Data The input for Program I is divided into four simple parts. Let us assume that a project has "N" events and "LL" activities. a) The first data card for a computer run has an integer punched in column 2. In the program it sets the value of a control variable called "19". This variable defines three possible types of computer runs related to the project. I 9 = 1 Generates all possible characteristic project schedules. 2 Generates "normal" schedule only (the longest pos~ible project duration) 3 Generates "normal" and "crash" project schedules. The "crash" schedule in this case results when all activities are set at "crash" time. b) The second part of the input data consists of four cards (cards 2 through 5 of the data input deck) containing project description information that will subsequently appear on the schedule printouts. Project Time The first of these four cards contains the date to appear on all schedules from this machine run. It is punched in columns 1-12, in any convenient manner (e.g., 2 MARCH 61 or 3/1/61, etc.). The second of these cards has punched into columns 1-36 the division or entity involved in the project. Any format within column-s-----1-36 is permissible. Figure IV The third card contains the project description punched in columns 1-72, in any desired manner. The project's cost-time curve can then be scanned and the appropriate duration and cost point for the project can be selected. Corresponding to each point on the curve (Figure IV), a schedule is generated and each activity set at a completion time between normal and crash times. Schedules between indicated points can be computed from the schedules associated with the two neighboring points. \\ The fourth card has punched in column 1 through 6 (e.g., "WEEKS") appropriate to the input data for run. In columns 7-18 are punched the appropriate (e. g., "DOLIARS" or "1000 DOLIARS "l c) the time units this~puter cost units -- The third part of the input data consists of "LL" activity cards followed by a trailer card with a negative, non-zero integer punched in columns 6-10. One card should be present for each activity in the project. The card format, for each activity, is as follows: -- p--- 1) Columns 1-5: 2) Columns 6-10: Succeeding event number. larger than the number in columns 1-5. 3) Columns 12-40: 4) Columns 41-45: "Normal" activity time. A decimal "XA1" point is assumed between columns 44 and 45. Do no~ punch the point. 5) Columns 46-55: "XA2" "Normal" activity cost. A decimal point is assumed between columns 54 and 55. Do not punch the point. 6) Columns 56-60: "XA3" "Crash" activity time. Decimal point assumed between 59 and 60 - do not punch it. - 7) Columns 61-70: "XA4" 8) Preceding event number. The 'N" event cards must be sorted in ascending sequence on columns 6-10. The trailer card follows. This must be This concludes the input for Program I. Activity description (any format). The input for Program II is the intermediate output from Program I plus a header card which contains parameters that specify what schedules are to be drawn from the data for output printing. The intermediate output consists of partially completed schedules. The last card of the intermediate output deck contains 'N" - the number of events, "LL" - the number of activities, ''MIK'' - the maximum schedule count (k=O, 1,2,---,MIK), "I 9" - for this computer run. This card must be moved to the front of the intermediate output deck. The header card is then placed in front of this card. "Crash" activity cost. Decimal point between 69 and 70, do not punch it. ~ During a machine run, if I 9 =1, all characteristic schedules are generated; this set begins with the normal and terminates with the crash. Each schedule has a characteristic project time and project cost. In this case, the above mentioned parameters permit a selection of these schedules for printout according to several criteria that will become evident in the following descriptions. Columns 71-72: This field is normally not punched, hence is treated as a zero. Any non-zero integer in this field causes the activity to be set at either "normal" or "crash" time, but at no pOint in between. When all ''LL'' activity cards are prepared, they must be sorted in ascending sequence: major sort on columns 1-5, minor on columns 6-10. Finally, the trailer card follows with a negative integer in columns 6-10. If I 9 Columns 1-5 (KE) =1 =2 The following conditions on XAl, XA2, XA3 and XA4 must hold for each activity card. 1) XA3 < XA3 (crash time < normal time) 2) XA2-< XA4 (normal cost-< normal time) 3) if xA3 = XAl, cannot have XA4 #-XA2 (infinite slope on time - cost function) d) =3 =4 Columns 6-10: 2) Columns 12-71: print every "KD" schedule selects only such schedules for printing that differ from their predecessor by "DT" in project duration or "DC" in project cost. selects only such schedules for printing that differ from their predecessor by "DT" in project duration. no output printing of schedules. Columns 6-10 (KD)=1,2, ... ; i f interval Thus, if would be The fourth part of the input data consists of 'N" event cards followed by a trailer card with a negative, non-zero integer punched in columns 6-10. One card should be prepared for each event in the project - punched as follows: 1) 1, the leader card is punched in the following manner. "KE" -1, KD is the sampling for printing out schedules. KD=3, schedules 0,3,6,9, ... printed. Columns 11-15 (IR) = 0 Event number Columns 16-20 (INDIR) = 0 will eventually be used to incorporate indirect project costs. Event description-any format ;../ .3 • ~ o o • n n o 8 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Columns 21-30 (DT) A ten digit time increment with a decimal point assumed or punched before column 40 (see "KE" above). Columns 31-40 (DC) A ten digit project cost increment with a decimal point assumed or punched before column 50 (see "KE" above). Don't punch if KE=1,4. If 19 = 2 or 3, the columns 26-50 (INDIR,DT,DC) are ignored. and KD are both punched one, IR is punched zero. KE Most of the options for preparing printer output are summarized in the following table. ,,/' ' Input Program I J' /J 1// EDITING OPTIONS / L_ ~ Variable Settings on Parameter Card Desired Schedules KE ----r----·-- Normal, Every 6[th, Crash 6K Normal, 6T or6C, Crash § 3 No Schedules 4 DT . --- ( / ~ v'~t "N" E + 1 Card, Tr"'or Card ) J///"LL" Activ· . -" / + 1 Tra·l Cards 1 er1ty Card __ -' 4 Card "Label" DC 0 i: i Normal, 6T AND 6C, Crash INDIR IR KD -----r. 1 ! All Schedules _] =-J_~~::_----- 19 = 1 , 2 ,3 I ~: / ~_ '0 I I I 6T 6C 6T 6C Input Program II ,/1 I i - --1 ~ r----,l . / L_ ij~/ ~ Intermediate Output N,LL,MIK,I9 1 Parameter Card I:) /0-.. • 11 lO IV. Output c) All the selected schedules are printed and then the project time-cost curve is printed at the end. Each schedule selected for output printing is arranged into three parts. Common project information is shown on every page. a) Activity List The first part of every schedule report contains a detail line for each activity. Printed with each activity is the minimum schedule information: the activity "Duration" and "Direct Cost". In addition, the report provides the earliest start and finish, the latest start and finish, and three floats - total, free, and independent. Exact definitions of these quantities can be found in "Definitions". b) c) Scaling of Input Data J. E. Kelley's algorithm is an "integer" algorithm. Hence, to assure convergence, it is necessary to scale input data. To be safe, activity costs as described under III - c, should be kept less than 10 5 in magnitude. Should they be larger, we would suggest a change of cost units (e.g., substitute "Thousands of Dollars" for "Dollars"). d) Event Numbering The events of the project network must be numbered such that the "head" of an activity arrow has a larger event number than its "tail". Event List The second part of every schedule report contains a detail line for each event. A detail line is prepared for each event giving its earliest and latest occurrence times. e) Accuracy Since the algorithm is an "integer" algorithm some errors occur due to truncation. These errors should be expected and in relation to the total should be small. Critical Activities The third part of every schedule contains a detail line for each critical activity. Since such activities have zero float values are not printed. The other information that appeared for these critical activities under "activity List" is repeated here for convenience. VI. Definitions a) All output is to be listed with a special 407 Panel Board (diagram in Appendix A) or the "FORGO" panel board. General Definitions 1. Total Float for activity (I,J) is defined to be the latest occurrence of event J minus the sum of the earliest occurrence of event I and the duration of activity (I,J). V. 2. Free Float for activity (I,J) is defined as the earliest occurrence for event J minus the sum of the earliest occurrence of event I and the duration of activity (I,J). 3. Independent Float for activity (I,J) is defined to be the earliest occurrence of event J minus the sum of the latest occurrence of event I and the duration of activity Miscellaneous Details a) Constraints on Project Size Number of activities (LL) < 50 Number of events (N) ~ 50 These restrictions are due to the dimension statements. The size may be increased somewhat with no overlap or if Disk File is available the number can easily be increased. b) (I ,J) . b) Program Stops Definitions of Variables used in the FORTRAN Programs. l. N: 2. LL: ERROR - CORE 3 3. B: STOP 4. IK: Only one stop besides the ones at the end of each program is provided. It appears in Program I on the typewriter as Number of events in the project network. Number of activities in the project network. The total fixed, direct cost for a schedule. The number of a schedule (IK = O,1,2, ... ,MIK) If this error occurs, or any other irregularity, first check the input data as the error will usually be found here. }f I" ~ ~~ \~ c) • o o ~ 12 13 VII. 5. IAl(L): The preceding event number of the Lth activity. 6. IA2(L): The succeeding event number of the Lth activity. 7. A4(L): S. AS (L): "Crash" time for activity "L". Remove the blank cards from the Punch Hopper, press NON PROCESS RUNOUT on the 1622, remove the 2 blank cards from the end of the deck and then take the last card from this deck and place it on the front of the deck. Place the header card in front of this card. This is now the input data to Program II. 9. A9 (L): "Normal" time for activity "L". Clear the computer again as directed before. 10. AlO(L) : Duration of activity "L". Place Program Deck II, Subroutine Deck* and Input Data for Program II in the 1622 Read Hopper. When Program I is finished, the typewriter will type "END OF PROGRAM 1, LOAD PROGRAM 2, AND DATA IN PROPER ORDER - STOP". Absolute value of slope of time - cost curve of activity "L" Operating Instructions Press LOAD and PUNCH START on the 1622. First clear the computer by pressing When the typewriter types "LOAD SUBROUTINES", press START on the 1620. INSTANT STOP RESET INSERT When the typewriter types "ENTER DATA", press START on the 1620. Type on the typewriter 160001000000 Then press the R-S button on the typewriter or RELEASE, START on the computer, When the "READER NO FEED" light on the 1620 lights, press READER START on the 1622. When Program II is finished, the typewriter will type "STOP". Wait about 15 seconds then press INSTANT STOP RESET Set I/O, Parity switches to stop; overflow to program. Place Program Deck I, Subroutine Deck* and Input Data for Program I in the 1622 Read Hopper. Press LOAD on the 1622 and PUNCH START on the 1622. When the typewriter types "LOAD SUBROUTINES", press START on the 1620. Remove the blank caEcls from the Punch Hopper, press NON PROCESS RUNOUT on the 1622, remove the 2 blank cards from the end of the deck. This is the final output ready for listing on the 407 Printer with special panel (see Appendix A). VIII. Equipment Reguired 1620 computer (60K memory) 1622 card Reader - Punch 407 Printer Fortran II Compiler - 1620 - FO - 019 Version 1 When the typewriter types "ENTER DATA", press START on the 1620. When the "READER NO FEED" light on the 1620 lights, press READER START on the 1622. *If the last card of Program I is numbered 807 in columns 78, 79, 80, the Subroutines are E£! in the program and must be added separately. / .9 *If the last card of Program II is numbered 717 in columns 7S, 79, 80, the Subroutines are not in the program and must be added separately. .2 () • 14 Appendix A Panel Wiring: This panel is to be used to list the output from Program II. The FORGO panel can also be used if the wire to the overflow (upper left section) is removed, this controls the printing of the student number, page number and the data at the top of each page. This panel is controled by characters in column 1 and performs in the following way. Column 407 Control blank Normal operation c Print a C in column 1. + No space before printing. o (zero) Double space before printing. I Shift columns 25-72 of card to column 73-120 of sheet. 1-5 Skip to channels 1-5 on the 407 carriage control tape J-n Short skip to channels 1-5 of the 407 carriage control. All other characters cause some combination of the above operations. Carriage Control Tape: This tape should be punched as follows: Column 2 16 22 33 44 49 62 68 82 88 99 110 116 123 Punch 1-5 4 3 2,4 3 4 12 1-5 4 3 2,4 3 4 12 The tape should be 132 columns long. ~ c o • o • ~ ~ t IBM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION IBM 407, 408, 409 ACCOUNTING MACHINES, CONTROL PANEL DIAGRAM FIXED 408, 409 CARRIAGE CONTROL PANEL -'0 " r~---·-- co - S!lt(TO~~ B ;·:~UO 'I' "',.>~~~~"\'~~~~"\'~"\'~~"\'~~~~~~'\ i I;~ . -'R'" -- --- ~ -----""-""--CZ3 ~ ~.., " • ~ • EZoIO , ~ --- ~ ~ :-: ------<.. - - .,: i;·Ulhrij' ~;~·~rr ,~')',::==t" ~;_'O"_ ,n' c. -~~--: ,_:~' ~ I ~F ' ~','," ~ --(; ~ ~-' ~) ,.",,,- - '"'' - - ::~ ---4-:::~-=:==-~:'.':-==.c~--=-1 ==~ '_~ C~~=,'" "~:,: =-~ - _ • v " - , 1 - i;,"''':.1 ~ REPORT """.":-', JE R r - L .S"t:~b d Le. ';),/,':•.>i<.AII. DAH ~~ o-~-~':""~' -;,--o-o-,~· L,=E~S~s_ _ __ E;.. . st.e._~ 111" ~c{_ NO_ A (..t..l- ;2 9 ) I ~ ~ :3 ,9-6UOM-Sl i • • o o o o ~ • • 16 17 Appendix B The following are the program listings. C 1 c 3 4 8 106 ~RAIII 1 DIMENSION ZI(50).IA1(50).IA2(50 •• A4(50).A.(501.A9(50).I£I(50) Dl~NSlON 1!Z(50).A'(50) DIMENSION IE4(50) ,lAs( 50) .f5UO J ."6"0"A7(50) FO""A T el2 ) FORMAT(ZI5.7A4.AZ.ZlF5.G.FIO.OJ.F2.01 FORMATC5X.15,10(A4.A2tJ FORMAT(2I5.7A4.AZ.ZlF5.0.F10.0J.FIO.O) FORMAT« Z( A4.l2) 16e A4,A2"12 (A4.A2) Il( A4,A2 U RE~ AND PUNCH ~08 DESCttI'TION CARD REAO 1.19 ~EAO l06.CZUllhU-h46) PUNCH 106.rZl(ll).ll-1,46) 2Z7 A4(l)--I. GO TO 125 228 IF(A8(L)-A9(L»)230.229.230 229 A4(U-0.0 GO TO 125 230 A4Cl)-1. GO TO 125 231 IVI-A4(ll+.5 A4(L)-JW1 GO TO 125 173 lL-L-1 N-1 110 REAO 4.IE1(N).CIICI).I-1.20) IF(IE1(NI)122,113,113 113 PUNCH 4.IE1(NJ.(ZI(II.J-1,20) N=N+1 """-1 L-O '-0 12' L-L+1 GO TO 110 It!. " tAU L) .lA2 CU. (Z1 CI) • I -It.) .XAltXA2 ,XA3 .XA4. XAS XA2-100.*XAZ XA4-100.*XA4 rF(IAZ(LttI7S.1S2.1!Z 132 IFeXAI-X"3)141.148.133 133 IF(XA4-XAZ.l.,,14,.15' 148 "4(l)-0.0 Z-XAZ GO TO 161 I" n-le IF O(A5U46.147,146 146 W--I. 141 "4 ( l ) -W*CXA4-XAZ» IUAI-U3J Z-XA4+A4CL)*XA3*VV 161 12-1 IE4(l )-1 C 206 210 217 218 219 a-lI+z UCLI-U3 Z-Zl1ooo. 18 225 90 RENUMBERING 201 AgeLI-UI 15 16 77 122 N-,.-1 XXAI-XAI XXAZ-XAz/IO'O. XXA3-XA' UA4-XA4/100. PUNCH l.tAl CI.1 .lA2 (LhUH I It 1-1.8» .XXAhXXA2.XXA3.XXA4.Z IFCA4(L)-1.)75.75.2Jl IF(A4(I.))225.76.225 IF(XAS)77.71.11 VM--l. GO TO 90 VIII-t. GO TO '0 VIII-ASSF(A4(L •• /A4(L' tFeVM)Z26.Z28.Z28 226 IF(A4(l)+I •• 125.227,227 :J-J NODES DO 210 I3-1,lL IFCIA1(13)-IE1fI2)J207.210,207 12-12+1 lE4(12)-13 GO TO 206 IAl( 13)-12 13-1 DO 222 J2-1,N IF(IA2(13)-IEl(121)217.219,222 IA2(13)-12 13=13+1 IF(13-LL)218,218,223 222 CONTINUE 223 00 224 12-1,N £5(12)·0.0 224 IEl( 121-12 IE4(N)-lL+1 1500 GO TOC1505.1135,1735.,19 1505 N02N-1 DO 1570 l-l,NO KlaIE4(I) K.2-IE4( 1+1)-1 DO 1560 K"Kl,K2 Ja IA2 CK) X=A9CK)+E5(1) IF(E5(JJ-X)1550.1560.1560 1550 E5(J)-X 1560 CONTI NUE 1570 CONTINUE ;;..-i COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ':~ 19 18 IIC. .. O 1590 DO 1595 L-1,LL A3(L)-0.0 IA5(U-0.0 1595 A6 ( l ) -0. DO 1690 l-l,NO Kl-IE4(l ) K2-IE4( 1+1)-1 DO 1680 L-U.K2 J-IA2(l) A6(L)-A9(l}+ES(II-E5IJ) A7(L)-A8(L)+ES(ll-E5(J) IF(A7(L) 1650,1675.1650 U50 IFIA6Il)) 1655.1665.1655 1655 1A5IL).,l GO TO 1680 1665 IA5(L)-2 GO TO 1680 1675 IA5(U-3 1680 CONTINUE 1690 CONTINUE 1135 STARTS CORE 3 C DIMENSION A90(50),AI00(SOI.E6(50) 1135 DO 1952 L-1,LL AIOO(L)-A9(U 1952 A90(L)-A9(LJ IK.O 2000 TC-O. DO 2011 J-l.LL IF(A4(JJ)2002,2007.2007 2002 V=-l. 2003 IF(AIOO(J)-A90(J))2006,200 4 .2004 2004 tF(A4(J)+1.I2010.2005,200S 2005 A90(J)-0.O GO TO 2011 2006 AI00(J)-A8(J) GO TO 2004 2007 Val. IF(A4(J)-1.)2009,2009,2010 2009 A90(J)=O. GO TO 2011 2010 A90(J)·AI00(J)*A4(J)*V TC-TC+A90IJI 2011 COHTI NUE TC-S-TC 00 2050 I-I, .. E5 (I) -0. 2050 E6(1)-.95E31 NO-N-I DO 2100 I-I,NO U-IE4( l ' K2-IE4( 1+1 I-I DO 2090 K-U .K2 J. I A2 no X-AI00(lO+E, (I) IF(E'(JI-X)2011,2090,2090 2011 E5(J)-X 2090 CONTINUE 2100 CONTI NUE E6(N)-E5(N) DO 2140 I-I,NO lOaN- I 2111 2130 2140 5 2180 2220 2270 ZZ78 / Kl-rE4IIO) K2-IE4(10+l)-1 DO 2130 K-Kl.K2 J"'IA2 (K) X-E6 (J )-AI00 (10 IF(E6(10)-X)2130,2111,2111 E6(10)"'X CONTINUE CONTINUE TC-TCI1000. X=E6(NIII0. PUNCH 5,IIC.,TC,X.B FORMAT (14.3EI2.6) DO 2180 J-l,LL A90(J)-A90(JI/I000. PUNCH 9,(A100(I),I-l,LL) PUNCH 9.(A90(I),I-l.LLI DO 2220 I-l.NO Kl-IE4( I I K2-IE4(1+1)-1 DO 2220 L-UtK2 A90IL)-E5(1) J=IA2tL) AI00(L)-E6(JI PUNCH 9.tA90(1).I-l,LL) PUNCH 9,(A100(I).I-l.lL) DO 2270 l-l.NO Kl-rE4(J) K2-IE4( 1+1)-1 DO 2270 L-Kl.K2 A90(L)-E6(I) J:aIA2 (ll AlOO(L)-ES(J) DO 2218 J"1.N ES (J) -E'( J) /l0. E6tJ)-E6(J)/lO. PUNCH 9.(A90tI),I-l,lll PUNCH 9.(A100(I),I-l.LL) "I b .)- ) • ~ CJ o • o c ~ 'c:.J 21 20 9 10 2!00 2505 2507 2510 2512 2514 4000 4005 4030 4050 4075 4076 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4100 4105 IElCI)-l 4175 CONTINUE LISW-1 DO 4340 1-1.NO ISW"IElC I) GO TO(4'40.4120.4120.4215),ISW 4215 U-I!4(1) KZ-IE4( I+ll-l DO 4325 K-U.K2 KSW=IA5(K) GO TO(4'25.4235.4253).KSW 4235 IF(A3(K»4325.4325.4240 4240 UC-A3(K) GO TO 4265 4253 Z-A4C10 4254 If(A3(K)-Z)4325.4'Z5.4255 4255 UC-A3CK)-Z 4265 J3.IA2(K) J3SW-IE1(J31 GO TO(429~.4120.4120,4325).J3SW 4295 IFIE6(II-UCI4296.4296.4297 4297 E6(1)-UC 4296 IE2(1)--J3 lEUII-2 LBSW-2 GO TO 4340 4325 CONTINUE lElIl)-3 4340 CONTINUE IEUN)-3 GO TO(6000.43551.LBSW 4355 DO 4395 1-1.N LSW=IEl( II GO TO(4395.4395.4385.41201,LSW 4385 IElell:4 4395 CONTINUE GO TO 4030 5000 IF(E6(NI-.9E3715005.9000.9000 5005 IF(E6(NI)4120,5010,5010 5010 IF(IE2(N»)4120,5014.5014 5014 JO-N 5015 IF(IE2(JO»5020,5045,5045 5020 Z--I. J1=-IE2(J0) 10-JO JO-J1 GO TO 5060 5J45 Z-1. J1-IE2(JO) 10-J1 PUNCH 10.(E5(11.1-1.NI PUNCH 10.(E6CI).1-1.NI FORMAT(8EIO.41 FORMAT ( 8E10.4) GO TO(2510.9000.2505.9000).19 DO 2507 L-l.LL A100(L)-A8(LI 19-4 I K-IK+l GO TO 2000 IF(NNA-112514.2512.2514 IKaO CONTINUE DO 4005 1-2.M IE1(I)-4 IE21l 1--I E6(1)-.95E37 IEUII-2 NO-N-1 DO 4115 l=l.NO 1 SW- lEU J 1 GO TOI417S.4050.4175.4175).ISW U-IE4(I) K2-IE411+1I-l DO 4160 K=IO. K2 KSW-IA50U GO TO(4160.4075.41001.KSW IFIA4IKI)4076.4018.4078 Z=-A4(KI GO TO 4079 Z-A4( 10 IFCA3(KI-ZI4080.4160.4160 Z-Z-A3(KI IF(E6(II-ZI4081.4082.4082 ERS=E6 (II GO TO 4105 ERS-Z GO TO 4105 ERS-E6II) J3aIA2(KI J~SW=IEl(J31 4120 4125 4135 4160 GO TO(4160,4160.4120,4135),J3SW PRINT 4125 FORMAT Cl~H ERROR-CORE 3) STOP 3 JEl(J31"2 E6(J31-ERS rE2(J3)·I IF(J3-N)4160.5000,4160 CONTI HUE :~II '"l ~: ,- • 22 23 5060 U-l£4(10) K2-rE4(10+U-l DO 50" L-U.ICZ IF(IAZ(LJ-JOJ509,.5010,5095 5010 A3(L)-A3(L)+Z*E6CNJ .JO-Jl 6090 DO 6161 K-1C1.K2 J-IA2 (K) KSW2-IEl(J) 6100 GO TO (6101.6101,6104.6104',KSWI 6101 GO TO C6110,6110,6103,6103),KSWZ 6103 A6(teJ-A6(K)+04 A7 (ICI -A7C10+Q4 GO TO 6110 6104 GO TO C6106,6106,6110,61l0',KSW2 6106 A6(KlcA6(KI-Q4 A7(I(I-A7CK)-Q4 6110 IFCA7(I(JJ6130,6159,6130 6130 IFCA6{K))6150,61'5,6150 6150 IA5(10-l GO TO 6161 6155 IA5(KI-2 GO TO 6161 6159 IA5(K)-' 6161 CONTINUE 6162 CONTINUE DO 6201 K-l,LL A90(K)-A9(KJ IF CA6(K)) 6171.6171.6172 6111 AlOO(K)-A9(K) GO TO 6201 6172 AlOOCK)-A'(K)-A6IK) 6201 CONTINUE 6230 GO TO 2000 9000 MIKsIK IFCI9-4)9002,'OOI.9001 9001 19.3 9002 PUNCH 6451,N,LL.MIK.I9 PRINT 6450 6450 FORMATC58HEND OF PROGRAM 1, LOAD PROGRAM 2. AND DATA IN PROPER ORO lER) 6451 FORMATf315,I2) 9008 STOP IF(JO-l)~015.4000,501S 5095 CONTINUE 6JOO IIC-IIC+1 ,,"A-Z 6005 01-.95E37 02-.95£37 03-.95E37 6010 DO 601' I-l,NO U-IE4(l ) 1C2-1£4(1+1)-1 ICSWI-IEl(I, 6020 DO 6015 1C-1C1,1C2 JaIA2 (IC) ICSW2-tEl(JI 6030 GO TO C6031,6031,60l4,6034).KSWl 6031 GO TO (6085,6085.6040.6040),KSW2 6034 GO TO (6035.6035,6085,6085),KSW2 6035 IFCA6(1C»)6085,6085,6037 6037 IFCQ2-A6(K)16085,6085.6043 6043 Q2-A6(KI GO TO 6085 6040 IFCA6(KI16060,6070,6070 6060 X&-A6(K) IF(Q1-XI60'~,6015.6062 6062 QI-X GO TO 6085 6070 rF(A7(K»)6010.6015,6085 6080 X--A7 (te) IFCQ3-X)6085,6085,6082 6082 Q3-X 6015 COHTINUE 6016 COHTINUE IF(Q1-Q216091,60,I,6092 6091 IFCQ1-Q3)6093,6093,6095 6092 IFIQ2-Q3)6094.6095,6095 6093 Q4-Q1 GO TO 6019 6094 04-02 GO TO 6089 60'5 Q4-Q3 6~19 DO 6162 I-l.HO KIaIE4C I' IC2-IE4CI+1I-1 KSWl- IElC II END .2 ~ t, •., D 'J Fl ~~ o t o ~ ~ \-_~ 24 25 C PROGRAM Z DIMENSION ZI(50).AIOO(SO).CHECK(SO) DIMENSION Z3(S).lZ(20).SMLCCSO).SMLTI(SO).CAPTJ(SO).CAPTI(SO) DIMENSION SMLTX(50).XXA4C50).XXA6(SO),KKK(SO),lZZ(ZO,SO) DIMENSION KK(50).MM(50I,lZ3IS,50),XXAICSO),XXA2150).XXA3(SO) DIMENSION AIOOA(50I,COSTACSOI,SMLTIACSO) DIMENSION CAPTJA(50) DIMENSION IKBCSOI,TCB(50I,EEB(SOI,MCOUNA(SO) REAO l03.KE.KD,IR.INDIR,DT,OC 103 FORMAT(4IS,ZFlO.l) IFCKE-41 105. 310. 310 lOS READ 106,N.LL.MIK.I9 106 FORMAT(3I5.IZ) READ 26.(Zl(Il).Il-l,46) Z6 FORMATCZ(A4,AZ)/6(A4,AZ)/lZ(A4,A2)/3(A4,A211 DO 114 J2El,LL 114 READ 8.KKCIZI,MM(I21,CZZ3IIl.I21.ll-l.8).XXA1(IZ),XXA2CI2).XXA3(IZ 1).XXA4(IZ,.XXA6(12, 00 118 13-= 1.N lIS READ 4.KKK(I3),(ZZZ(Il,I3),11=1.201 8 FORMAT(ZIS,7A4.AZ,2CF5.0,FlO.OI,FlO.O) 4 FORMATC5X.I5.l0CA4.AZ), KSW2=1 KCOUNTsO KSW1"KE READ 5.IK.Te,EE.6 5 FORMAT(I4.3EIZ.6) KO-O JI-42 T2-EE JCOUNT=O 13=EE ARGl-O.O TCZ::TC TC3:TC NOPGE-l JHEAD-l 146 NCOUNT"O NHEAD-l NI-42 9 FORMA T( 8EIO.4) READ 9,(AlOOCIl).Il-l,LL) READ 9.(SMLC(Ill.Ilal,LL) READ 9.CSMLTIIIl),Il=I.LL) READ 9,(CAPTJII1),Ilz1,LLI READ 9,(CAPTI(llltI1~I.LL) READ 9.ISMLTXlIl),Il-l,LL) 154 MCOUNT=O 00 204 ILL-I,LL 158 IFINCOUNT) 184, 159, 184 3i 159 PUNCH 160,NOPGE 160 FORMATr1HI,45X.Z6HA C T I V I T Y LIS T/1HI,Z3X,37X.4HPAGE,16 11 NOPGE:NOPGE+l IF(NHEADI 163, 178, 163 163 NHEAD=O PUNCH 165.(ZlIIl),Il;5.161,(Z1IIl1,Ilzlt41 165 FORMATI13HO DIVISION - ,6IA4,A21,5X.2IA4.AZI) PUNCH 167,(Zl(Il),Il=17.401 167 FORMATI18H PROJECT TITLE - .9(A4.A21/1HI,23X.3(A4.AZ» PUNCH 169,ZI1411.Z11421 169 FORMAT(14HO TIME UNIT - ,A4,A21 PUNCH 171,CZl(IlI,Il=43.46ltIK 171 FORMATr14H COST UNIT - ,2(A4,AZ1,46X/IHI,37X,8HSCHEDULE.12X.I61 PUNCH 173,TC 173 FO~MAT(/1HI,23X,14X,11HDIRECT COST,F15.11 PUNCH 175.LL,EE 175 FORMAT(19H ACTIVITY COUNT - ,I5,48X/IHI.23X,14X,8HOURATION,F18.11 PUNCH 177.N 177 FORMATf19H EVENT COUNT ,151/1111 178 PUNCH 179 179 FORMATC12HOPREC. SUCC.,47X,13HDIRECT EAR/IHI,23X,5HLIEST.9X,6HL lATEST,15X,5HFLOATI PUNCH 182 18Z FORMAT(12H EVENT EVENT.7X,11HDESCRIPTION,15X,8HDURATION,6X,13HCOST 1 START IIHI,Z3X,48H- FINISH START - FINISH TOTAL FREE IND 2EP.I/l 184 IF(NCOUNT-Nll 188, 185, 185 185 NCOUNT"'O Nl::55 GO TO 189 188 NCOUNT=NCOUNT+l 189 K"'I(.I(.I ILL) M=MMIILLI DO 36 11=1.8 36 Z3CI1)=ZZ3(Il,ILL) XAl=XXAlIILLI XA2=XXAZ I I LL I XA3-XXA3IILLI XA4z)(XA4IILLI xA6=XXA6 I I LLI COST-XA6-SMLCIILL) EF=SMLTIIILL)+A100CILL) SLzCAPTJ(ILLI-Al00CILL) TF::CAPTJIILLI-SMLTI(ILL)-AI00IILL) FF"SMLTX(ILLI-SMLTIIILLI-AIOO(ILL) ARG2=SMLTX(ILLI-CAPTICILLI-AIOO(ILLI IF(ARGI-ARG2) 092, 093, 093 092 FI=ARG2 GO TO 094 32..- • 26 27 GO TO 232 231 NCOUNT-NCOUNT+l 093 FIaARGl 0'4 X-TF EF.EF/lO. SLaSL/lO. TF-TF/lO. FF-FF 110. SMLTX(ILL)·SMLTX(ILlJ/lO. CAPTI(ILL)·CAPTI(ILL1/10. 212 K-KU, (I"") DO 46 11-1.20 46 Z2(ll)-Zl2Cll.INNI 233 PUNCH 234.K,(Z2(ll),Ilcl.20),AI00(INN),SMLCeIMN) 234 FORMATtlX.I6,2X,lO(A4.A2),3X/lHI,23X,FI3.1,FI6.11 240 NCOUNT-O "1-42 MH£AO-l IF(~COUNTI 27'. 273. 243 243 DO 272 IM-i,MeOUMT IFC .. COUNT) 265. 245, 265 245 PUNCH 246.NOPGE 246 FORMATCIH1.40X.31HC R I TIC A L A C T 1 Y I 11HI,2'X.7HT I £ IS.30X,4HPAGE,16) NOPGE-NOPGE+l IF'NHEAD) 250. 258, 250 250 NHEAD.O PUNCH 165.eZl(lll.II-5,16).(Zl(Il),Il-l,4) PUNCH 167.(ZI(lll.11-17,40) PUNCH 169,ZI141),Zl(42) PUNCH 171,(ZlCIl),Il-43.46),IK PUNCH 173. TC PUNCH 175,LL,EE PUNCH 177 ," 2-58 PUNCH 2'5 CJ 259 FORMATC70X,2HEA/IHI,2JX.23HRl. START LAT. FINISH) PUNCH 261 IIHI,23X,21HTI~E FOR T 261 FORMAT(12H PREC. SUCC.,50X,10HDIRECT lIME FOR) PUNCH 263 263 FORMATCl2H EVENT EVENT,9X,11HDESCRIPTION.16X,8HDURATION.7X,4HCOST, 15X/IHI,23X,21HACTIVITY ACTIVITY/II 265 IF(NCOUNT-Nl) 269, 266, 266 266 NCOUN1-0 NI-55 GO TO 270 269 "COUNT-.. COUMT+l 270 J2-CHECK(IMI CAPT~(ILlJ-CAPTJ(ILl)/lO. AlOO(llL)-AlOO(ILL)/lO. SMLTICILl).SMLTI(llL)/lO. FI-FI/lO. PUNCH 199.K.M.(Z3(Il).11-1,8J.AlOO(ILL),COST,SMLTI(ILL),EF,SL.CAP IT~(ILL).TF,FF.FI 199 FORMAT(lX,I5,I6,lX.7A4,A2.FlO.1.Fll.l,F8.l/1HI.Z~X,6F8.l) 200 IF(X) 201, 201, 204 201 MCOUNT-MCOUNT+l CH£CK(MCOUNTI-ILL AIOOA(MCOUNT)aAIOO(IlL) COSTA (MCOUHT)-COST SMLTIA(MCOUNT)·SMLTI(ILLI CAPTJACMCOUNT)-CAPTJ(ILLI 204 CONT !NUE Nla42 NCOUNT-O .. HEAD-I REAO 9.CAIOOell),ll-I ... , READ 9.(SMLCell),II-I.N) DO INN-I," IF (NCOUNT) 227, 210, 221 210 PU"CH 211.HOPGE 211 FORMAT(lHl,49X,20HE V E N T l I S T,2X/IHI,23X,31X,4HPAGE,16) 1iIOft6E-HOPGE+l IF (NH£AO) 213. 222, 213 213 NK£AO-O PUNCH 165,CZICI1),Il-5,161,(ZICIl),Il=I,4) PUNCH 167,CZlfll),Il-17,401 PUNCH l69.Zl(4l),Zl(4Z) PUNCH 171.fZlClll,ll-43,46"IK PUNCH 173,TC PUNCH 175.LL.EE PUNCH 171," 222 PUNCH 223 223 FORMATClHO,7lX/lHI,23X.5X8HEARLIEST,9X,6HlATEST) PUNCH 225 225 FORMATC7H EVENT,27X,IIHOESCRIPTION,27X/lHI,23X,4XlOHOCCURRENCE.6X l.lOHOCCURRENCEIII 227 lFC"COUNT-Nll 231. 228, 228 228 ..COUNT-O NI-55 2" K-KK(~21 "'MM(J2) I)() 56 11-1,8 56 Z3(Il)-ZZ3(Il.J21 XVZ-AIOOA(IM) COST-COSTAr 1M) YZX-SNLTIA(1Ml ZXY-CAPTJAIIM) 272 PUNCH 303.K,M.(Z3(Ill,Il-1,8J.XYZ.COST.TlX.ZXY 303 FORMAT(lX,15,16,3X,7A4,A2,2FI2.1,Fll.1/1HI,23x.eX,FI4.1) :3 3 () 3../ c o • o ~ \ __# ~ 28 29 ~16 324 325 '3~ 334 336 338 350 351 354 356 351 358 360 362 365 366 999 GO TO( 213. 310. 2111.19 271 19-2 READ 5,1I(.TC.EE.8 GO TO 146 213 KCOUNT.KCOU~T+l IKBCKCOUNT)-IK TCB(KCOUNTI=TC EEB(KCOUNT I-EE MCOUNACKCOUHTI-MCOUNT 214 IF(K5W2-11 216. 316. 276 276 00 308 12-1.KCOUNT IF(JCOUNT) 369. 278. 369 218 PUNCH 219.NOPGE 279 FORMAT(IHl.41X.30HT I M E -- COS T FUN C 11HI,23X,1HT ION 1,30X.4HPAGE.16) HOPGE-NOPGE+l IF(JHEAO) 283, 293. 283 283 JHEAD-O PUNCH 165.(ZICII).11-5.16),(ZI(II).1121,4) PUNCH 167.(ZI(lll,ll-l1.401 PUNCH 169,ZI(41),ZI14Z) PUNCH 288.CZlllll.11-43.46) 288 FORMATI14H COST UNIT - .2(A4.A2)) PUNCH 290.LL 290 FORMATIIHO.18H ACTIVITY COUNT - ,16) PUNCH 292.N 292 FORMAT(19H EVENT COUNT .161/111) 293 PUNCH 294 294 FORMATII5X.7HOPTIMAL) PUNCH 296 DIRECT PROJECT CRITICAL IN 296 FORMAT(72H SCHEDULE lDIRECT T/lHI.Z3X.4HOTAL) PUNCH 299 299 FORMAT(76H NUMBER COST DURATION ACTIVITIES leOST COSTIII 369 IFIJCOUNT-Jl) 373, 310. 310 370 JCOUNT=O Jl .. 55 GO TO 301 313 JCOUNT:JCOUNT+l 301 IK-IK8(12) TC-TCBeI2) EE-EEBIIZ) MCOUNT-MCOUNA(IZ) 306 COSTIN-O.O 307 TOTCOSsTC+COSTIN 308 PUNCH 309.IK,TC.EE,MCOUNT.COSTIN.TOTCOS 309 FORMAT(IX,I7.2FI4.1,I9,4X.2FI4.11 310 PUNCH 66 66 FORMAT(lHO.10HENO OF JOBI GO TO 99. READ 5,IK.TC.EE,B IFCMIK-IK) 325, 325, 333 K5W2-2 GO TO 146 GO TOC 334, 354. 3621.KSWI K1-KO+I(D IF(IK-Kl1 338. 336, 338 KO-II( GO TO 1 ... 6 READ 9,(AI00(ll).Il-l.LL) READ 9,(SMLC(Il).Il-1.LLI READ 9,(SMLTI(ll).Ilal.LL) REAO 9,tCAPTJ(Il1.ll-1.LLI READ 9.(CAPTI(II).ll-l.LLI READ 9.(SMLTX(ll),Il=I.LL) READ 9.(SMLTX(Il).Il=I.N) REAO 9.'SMLTXell).Il-1.NI MCOUNT-O 00 ~51 I lei .LL TF-CAPTJ(121-SMLTI(I2)-AI00(I2) IffTF) 351. 350. 351 MCOUNT-MCOUNT+I CONTINUE GO TO 273 T21-T2-DT IFIEE-T21) 356. 356. 358 T2-EE TC21-TC2+DC IF(TC-TC21) 146. 357. 351 TC2=TC GO TO 146 TC2I a TC2+DC IF(TC-TC21) 338. 360. 360 TCZ .. TC GO TO 146 131-T3-DT TC31-TC3+DC IF(EE-T311 365. 365. 338 IF(TC-TC3l) 338. 366. 366 13-EI: TC3"TC GO TO I ... , STOP END ) \- jG f 31 30 Appendix C The following is a sample problem and its results. Input for program 1 +1 17 JULY" CQURSE CE ." CONSTRUCTION DAYS ~JfCT l)OU.ARS 1 2 L!AO TIME 1 2 5 3 G A 2 4 B 3 4 C 3 5 OU"'Y 4 6 E 5 6 6 7 D F SAMPLE PROJECT NfTWORK 00 40 80 80 60 00 50 .0 140 00 00 24000 40OGO 17000 00 15000 27000 00 10 20 40 30 00 10 70 28 DOG 140 00 500 1 60000 72000 29000 00 51000 33000 2S00C G -100 1 START " 2 3 A 4 5 6 7 -100 C ~UUSH ~1 c ;; it () () • o c ~ 32 33 Input for program II in its proper order. 1 1 7 9 4 1 17 JULY 63 COURSE CE 453 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NETWORK DAYS DOLLARS 2 LEAD TIME 1 G 1 5 A 3 2 B 4 2 4 C 3 5 I)UMMY 3 4 E 6 0 5 6 F 7 6 1 START 2 3 4 5 6 7 FINISH o .151000£+05 .330000E+02 .359666E+08 .0000E-99 .4000E+02 .8000E+02 .8000£+02 • 1400E+03 .0000E-99 .6666E+02 .4800E+04 .6400E+04 .0000£-99 .0000E-99 .OOOOE-9~ .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .1900E+03 .0000£-99 .1000E+03 .8000£+02 .1400E+03 .3300E+03 .0800£-99 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .0000£-99 .1900E+03 .0000E-99 .8000E+02 .80ooE+02 .1400E+03 .3300f+03 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .8000E+01 .1400E+02 .0000£-99 .0000E-99 .8000E+Ol .1400E+~2 1 .1590~OE+05 .310000E+02 .359666E+08 .0000E-99 .4000E+02 .8000E+02 .8000E+02 • 1400E+03 .0000E-99 .6666E+02 .4800E+04 .6400E+04 .0000£-99 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .1700E+03 .0000E-99 .8000E+02 .8000E+02 .1200E+03 .3100E+03 .0000£-99 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .0000E-99 .1700E+03 .0000E-99 .8000E+02 .8000£+02 .1200£+03 .3100£+03 O. O. O. O. o. 40. 80. 80. 60. O. 24000. 40000. 11000. 10. 20. 40. 30. 500. 60000. 72000. 29000. 7200. 10400. 4100. O. O. O. O. 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SUCC. EVENT EVENT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 2 5 ,. 3 4 5 6 6 7 SCHEDULE DIRECT COST DURATION 9 7 ACTIVITY COUNT EVENT COUNT - DESCRIPTION 0 15100.0 330'0 0 DURATION LEAD TIME G A 8 C DUNMY E 0 F 0.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 0.0 S.O 9.0 14.0 DIRECT EARLIEST COST START - FINISH 0.0 -.6 2400.0 4000.0 1700.0 0.0 150ChO 21100.0 2.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 14.0 8.0 19.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 14.0 8.0 19.0 17.0 3300 LATEST START - FINISH 0.0 6.0 0.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 14.0 10.0 19.0 0.0 10.0 8.0 14.0 14.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 33.0 TOTAL 0.0 6.0 0.0 6.0 FLOAT FREE 0.0 4.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 z.o INDEP. 0.0 4.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o EVE N T DIVI SI ON - COURSE CE 453 PROJECT TITLE - COHSTRUCTI ON PROJECT NETWORK PAGE LIS T 17 JULY 63 TIME UNI T - DAYS COST UNIT - DOLLARS DESCRIPTION EVENT START 4 5 6 7 FINI SH o SCHEDULE DIRECT COST DURATION ACTIVITy COUNT EVENT COUNT - EARLIEST OCCURRENCE 0.0 0.0 8.0 14.0 8.0 19.0 33.0 15100.0 33.0 LATEST OCCURRENCE 0.0 0.0 8.0 14.0 10.0 19.0 33.0 o C R I T I C A L 4n DIVISION - COURSE CE PROJECT TITLE - CONSTRUCT! 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EVENT EVENT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 2 5 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 DESCRIPTION LEAD TIME G A B C DUMMY E 0 F 4 17 JULY 63 DURATION 0.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 5.0 9.0 14.0 DIRECT EARLIEST COST START - FINISH 0.0 -.6 2400.0 4000.0 2500.0 0.0 1500. a 2700.0 2800.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 17.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 17.0 17.0 31.0 LATEST START - FINISH 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 17.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 12. a 12.0 8.0 17.0 17.0 31.0 1 15900.0 31.0 TOTAL 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FLOAT FREE INDEP. 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o 4-1 I_ALtA !! 1:1 ... (LX.iL : (LI.liM ; .4ifiW1ll#U j 1m2 iiaaUmUUiiJiu!UJtJua:a:t4AIiiaLiUaztalie: it t Ii saL" am 41 lUi i.. Mil, ($£&(!iiliiliktilaiiUilw::a:U;;Ui;Mi£iiUSim MiU.;WUUU Ul&SUiUL .' 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FINISH TIME FOR ACTIVITY 0.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 17.0 17.0 31.0 o A ( T I V I T Y DIVISJote - COUitSf CE US ~ROJECT T J TLE - CONSTRUCTI ON NOJECT ~ L I S T PAGE 17 JULY U TINE UNn - D~YS (OST UNIT - DOLLARS ACTIVITY COUNT EVENT COUNT - SCHEDULE DIRECT COST OURATIC* 9 7 2 11300.0 27.0 (~'1'1 .yi PREC. SUCC. EVENT EVENT DESCIUPTIOIII 2 5 3 4 4 5 LEAO TIME G A 0.0 4.0 4.0 !I.O 4.0 0.0 5.0 9.0 14.0 B C DUMMY E D 6 6 7 DIRECT EARLIEST COST START - FINISH DURATION F 0.0 -.6 4800.0 4000.0 2500.0 0.0 1500.0 27CO.0 2800.0 EVE N T DIVISION - COURSE CE 453 PROJECT T lTLE - CONSTRUCT! ON PROJECT NETWORK 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 13.0 LATEST START - FINISH 0.0 4.0 4.0 !I.O 8.0 4.0 13.0 13.0 27.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 13.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 4.0 13.0 13.0 27.0 LIS T 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FLOAT FREE I"DEP. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PAGE 17 JuLy 63 TIME UNIT - DAyS COST UNIT - DOLLARS SCHEOULE DIRECT COST DURATION ACTIVITy COUNT EVENT COUNT - EVENT TOTAL EARLIEST OCCURRENCE DESCRIPTION START 0.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 13.0 27.0 FINISH 2 18300.0 27.0 LATEST OCCURRENCE 0.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 13.0 27.0 o t4;t¥iW,.4QY 84TM41M4i4414MOM AP.MW M4W<4i9.f Q. ,Ii« ,. $ . _ a 4¢ 1$$(¥UiItAQ . .2144 ==£==4$U'._.=44 4. _. . $#MiW 4A4AUA i¢4WW. i4 #4#4$ 44,0;a 444414.4 BI.\ C R [ T I C; A L DIVISION - COUItSE C( 455 PROJECT TITLE - COMSTRUCTI ON PROJECT NUWORK TIlliE UNIT - DAYS COST UNIT - DCK.LAItS ACTIVITy COUNT EVENT COUNT - PAGE ACT I V I TIE S 9 11 JULY U SCHEOULE DIRECT COST DURATION 9 7 1.300.0 27.0 0 PREC, suee. 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FINISH TIME FOR ACTIVITY DURATION 0.0 1.0 2.0 a.o 6.0 0.0 3.0 9.0 14.0 DIRECT EARLIEST COST START - FINISH 0.0 49.3 6000.0 4000.0 1700.0 0.0 3300.0 2700.0 2800.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 11.0 25.0 LATEST START - FINISH 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 11.0 25.0 3 20550.0 25.0 TOTAL 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FLOAT FREE lNOEP. 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o E.V E N T DIVISION - COURSE CE 453 PROJECT TITLE - CONSTRUCTI 0tI PROJECT NETWORK TIME UNIT COST UNIT - PAGE DAyS DOLLARS SCHEDULE DIRECT COST DURATION 9 7 ACTIVITy COUNT EVENT COUNT - EVENT 1 LIS T EARLIEST OCCURRENCE DESCRIPTION START 0.0 0.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 25.0 0.0 2.0 B.O 2.0 11.0 25.0 .. 5 6 FINI SH 3 20550.0 25.0 LATEST OCCURRENCE 0.0 2 3 7 11 17 JULY 63 c CRITICAL DIVISION - COURSE CE 453 !"ROJECT TITLE - CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NETW~I( ACTIVITIES TIME UNIT - DAYS COST UN IT - DOLLARS ACTIVITy COUNT EVENT COUNT - SCHEDULE DIRECT COST DURATION 9 7 PREC. SUCC. EVENT EVENT DESCRIPTION DURAT ION LEAD TIME A C DUMMY E 0 F 5 4 5 6 0.0 2.0 B.O 6.0 0.0 3.0 9.0 14.0 e 4 4 6 PAGE 12 17 JULY 63 EARL. START TIME FOR ACTIVITY DIRECT COST 0.0 6000.0 4000.0 1700.0 0.0 3300.0 2700.0 2800.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 3 20550.0 25.0 LAT. FINISH TIME FOR ACTIVITY 0.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 ll.O 25.0 o AtMMMQ;4.@$#4¥4** .4. >.1« 4 P@@'A .. ¥4tM¥4 ..S PUtO$( 4.. #_= sa_a.. ..am 4¢4MS$4I q\ 445* I ( #,%¥44MM#MMU4Q44 44MgqoAAA4TWM,$", " i , «M %.#.4*( t PUt, -11 A C T I V I T Y DIVISION - COURSE CE .53 PROJECT TITLE - COfilSTRUCTI ON PROJECT NETWORK PAGE LIS T T I1"E UNIT - DAYS COST UNIT - DOLLARS, SCHEDULE DIRECT COST " 4 22"0.0 2300· DURATI~ 9 7 ACTIVITy COUNT EVENT COUNT - 13 17 JULY 63 0 PREC. SUCC. EVENT EVENT 2 1 1 5 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 6 7 DESCRIPTION DIKE'CT EARLIEST START - FINISH COST DURATION 0.0 1.0 2.0 LEAD TIME G A 8 C DUMMY E D F e.o 6.0 0.0 1.0 7.0 14.0 0.0 49.3 6000.0 4000.0 1700.0 0.0 5100.0 33<10.0 2800.0 EVE N T DIVISION - COURSE CE 453 PROJECT TIlLE - CONSTRUCT! ON PROJECT NETWORK 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 LATEST START - FINISH 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 9.0 23.0 9.0 1 4 5 6 7 FIN! SH EARLIEST OCCURRENCE 0.0 0.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 23.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PAGE 14 4 22950.0 23.0 LATEST OCCURRENCE 0.0 0.0 2.0 e.o 2.0 9.0 23.0 INOEP. 0.0 SCHEOULE DIRECT COST DURATION DESCRIPTION START 2.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 9.0 23.0 LIS T ACTIVITY COUNT EVENT COUNT - 2 3 0.0 FLOAT FREE 17 JULY 63 TIME UNIT - DAYS COST UNIT - DOLLARS EVENT TOTAL ( R ( T i DIVISION - (OURSE (E 45! PROJECT TnLE - C,*STRUCTIOH fl'ttOJECT HETWOItK C A L A ( T I V I T I E S TIME UNIT - DAYS COST UNIT - DOLLARS ACTtVITY COUNT EVENT COUNT - PAGE 15 17 JULY 63 SCHEOULE DIRECT COST DURATIC»I 9 7 '+ 22950.0 23.0 0 PREC. SUCC. EVENT EVENT 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 '+ 6 6 7 5 DES(RIPTIotc LEAD TIME A 0.0 2.0 8.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 7.0 14.0 B C DUMMY E 5 0 F EARL. START TIME FOR ACTIVI TY DIRECT COST DURATION 0.0 6000.0 ,+000.0 1700.0 0.0 5100.0 3300.0 2800.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 LAT. FINISH TIME FOR ACTIVITY 0.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 9.0 9.0 23.0 c TIM E -- ( DIVISION - COURSE CE 453 PROJECT TITLE - CONSTRUCT! ON PROJECT NETWOlilK 0 S T FUN C T ION 17 JULY 63 TIME UNIT - DAYS COST UNI T - DOLLARS ACTIVITY COVNTEVENT COUNT - SCHEDULE NUMBER OPTIMAL [)IRECT COST PROJECT DURATION 15100.0 15900.0 18300.0 20550.0 22950.0 27.0 25.0 23.0 33.0 31.0 CRITICAL ACTIVITIES INDIRECT COST 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 END OF JOB o ¢¢#s ;.;;;AI, '.:Z U 444aq;=_C a_ qQ..MM.':: ;;ii1i.Ui2UZiu::u:uaua"_uu,,• • TOTAL COST 15100.0 15900.0 18300.0 20550.0 22950.0 PAGE 16
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