1033008_Series_E_2100_Parts_Catalog_Oct68 1033008 Series E 2100 Parts Catalog Oct68
1033008_Series_E_2100_Parts_Catalog_Oct68 1033008_Series_E_2100_Parts_Catalog_Oct68
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'SERIES E" 2:100 DIRECT ACCO~NTING ' COMPUTERS" INCLUDES E4000, E6000 ' and ADJUNCTS A592, A594 , Burroughs PROCE;:SSOR & ELECTRONICS . .' CARRIAGe . .. a" PROGRAM'UNIT HELD ENGINEERING CONTROl,- L.ANES KEYBOAftD PRINTING . <.' " SIDE FRAM$ , , ' POWER, BASE Be ,CASE" ADJUNCTS. PROPERTY OF AND TO BE RETURNED To' Burroughs Form103300~, , CHANGES OR ADDITIONS On IIRevised ll pages, the check mark shown to the left of items or subject titles indicqtes changes or additions since last issue. Refer to Basic F Parts Cata log Form 1034477 for parts not identified COMMON ELECTRICAL PARTS Refer to "Electrical Parts Catalog ll for common electrical parts not identified in this catalog. Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog INDEX PROCESSOR & ELECTRONICS - SECTION I Plate No. Plate No. E2l00 - E4000 Chokes . . . Power Supply, Lower Base Plate. Power Supply, Upper Base Plate. Printed Circuit Cards. . . . . . Relays . . . . . . -~ . . . . . Stand and Connecting Accessories Switches . . Transformers Upper Gate. 1-14 1-1 1-4 1-11 1-12 1-2- 1-13 1-14 1-3 E6000 Cable Connector Panel. Chokes. . . . . . . . Fuse Panel and Muffin Fan Assembly Indicator Panel Assembly. Main Gate Assembly. Panels. . . . . . . Power Supply. . . . Printed Circuit Cards. Relays . . . Switches . . Transformers 1-6 1-14 1-10 1-9 1-8 1-5 1-7 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 CARRIAGE & PROGRAM UNIT - SECTION II Beam of Light Timing Cam Assembly Carriage Construction . . . . Carriage Closing' and Opening Mechanism • • . . • • . . Carriage Drive Unit . , . . . Carriage Drive Unit-Escapement Unit Carriage Drive Unit, Right Side. • . Carriage Drive Unit Top Plate. . • . Carriage Open and Close Key InterlockStripe Ledger . . • . • Carriage and Panel Rails • . Carriage Position Indicator . Carriage Rail Support Frames Check Stop Mechanism. . . Directional Control Keys and Interlock Assembly . . • . . . • . . . . Fonn Aligning Tables . . . . . . . . "Infeed" Guide Assembly, Pin Feed . . Inner EndPlate and Journal Paper Guide Assembly. . . • . . . . . . . . Journal Paper Guide and Rear Pressure Roll Assembly, Pin Feed . . . . . Left End Plate. . . . . . . . . . • Lowet Pressure Rolls, Opening and Closing and Form Space Bails. . . . . • Paper Drive Motor. . . . . . . . Paper Drive Motor Reduction Gear _.. Assembly . • . . . . • . . . . Paper Drive Unit - Housing Assembly. Printed in U,S. America 10-1-68 II-26 II-I II-35 II-38 II-4l II-39 II-40 II-36 II-4 II-18 II-3 II-17 II-37 II-2 II-9 II-5 II-ll II-12 II-6 II-29 Paper Drive Unit - Pressure Roll Drive Shaft and 1/10 Spacing' Clutch Assembly . . Paper Drive Unit - Program Cam Shaft Dri ve Asse mbly . . . . . . . . . . Paper Drive Unit - Solenoids and Mounting' Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . Paper Handler Assembly - Lower Pan SubAssembly . . . . . . . . . . Paper Handler Camshaft Assembly. . Paper Handler Carriage Tray . . . . Paper Handler Form Guide Assembly. Pin Feed Form Advance Device Platens. . . . . . . . . . . Platen Shafts and Form Spacing Mechanis'm . . . . • . . . Pressure Bracket Assembly, Pin Feed. Pressure Finger Selection Shaft Assembly . . . . . . . . . Program Unit Assembly. . ._ . Program Unit Component Parts Program Unit Latch Plate Assembly Rear Form Chutes . • . • . Right End Plate . . • . • . . Split Platen Spacing Control . Variable Forms Selection Shaft II-32 II-33 II-34 II-28 II-24 II-23 II-25 II-8 II-15 II-14 II-lO II-7 II-20 II-2l II-22 II-19 II-13 II-16 II-27 CONTROL LANES - SECTION III AEC Mechanism. . . . . Carriage Movement Solenoid . . . Electrical Sensing Unit Lane Switch Assembly . . . . . . . . . . • Electrical Sensing Unit Tappet Assembly Non-Sensing Switch Assembly. . Sensing Unit Backplate Assembly Sensing Unit Camshaft Assembly. Sensing Unit Tappet Block Assembly III-4 III-5 III-2 III-I III-3 III-6 III-8 III-7 KEYBOARD - SECTION IV Calendar Feature, Rotary Dial In:."'-. ""'I I "'..:-- .J~: AO AN di:l. AM ~\ r:: CI~ -~ o ~AK " x ."-'Al U AG AJ AL PART NUMBERS (PLATE 1-7) K 1527 2958 1109 5106 1527 0135 1256 7749 12561262 15272867 1527 2859 10154896 1256 7483 1311 5696 1256 0850 L M N 13432786 1257 3473 12561106 A B C D E F G H 0 P Q R 1256 0694 1511 2469 12567442 plastic removable rivet non-metallic spacer heat sink lock washer screw insulating washer mica washer washer lockwasher nut screw, use 1256 7723 lockwasher, 1256 5248 nut socket, use 1024 8540 eyelet screw screw, use 1256 7459 loc kwasher include d in W screw, use 1256 7715 lockwasher bracket lockwasher Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 S T 15272669 1527 0168 U V W AA AB 12560868 15239213 13288709 12560843 1511 2410 1511 2345 1527 3782 10642627 1527 0960 AC 15236219 Ab AE 1527 2644 15272578 X y Z plastic cover line cord (13 1/2' long), includes 1143 1632 connector screw, use 1256 7442 lockwasher clamp plastic cover, includes 0 screw, use 1256 7442 lockwasher relay bracket bracket bracket assembly, includes L standoff complete assembled component board (TB1104) nylon screw, use 1320 9168 insulating washer insula tor strip mounting plate PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE For Form 1033008 Sec. I Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Caralog Processor and Electronics PART NUMBERS (PLATE 1-7) CONTINUED AF AG AH AI AI AK AL 10641108 1256 8028 12565248 1256 7459 1256 8119 15272461 15272453 15272172 AM AN AO 1256 7491 1256 6279 1256 5263 bridge rectifier washer nut lockwasher washer tapped bushing, left rear foot, adjustable, left rear foot, non-adjustable, right rear, right and left front lockwasher screw nut AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA 1106 0126 12560710 12567434 1523 0395 15272651 1257 0909 15272677 1256 5206 13135785 1313 5793 1256 7426 1256 0371 standoff screw lockwasher standoff plastic cover screw plastic cover nut insulator spacer lockwasher screw MAIN GATE ASSEMBLY - E6000 (PLATE 1-8) Ai AR~~ ' AQ I ~ AP / ' CDE 1/ / \-!JJ. . I z .~. AO--V P A R AH AC AB PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Sec.1 Burroughs - Series E2100 Par1!S Catalog Processor and Electronics PART NUMBERS (PLATE I-B) A B C D E F G H K L M N 13239199 12561296 12568044 12567467 12565271 1511 7179 13405964 1337 3568 1256 0926 15272073 15272412 1337 3113 15040090 13372693 screw, includes AR screw washer lockwasher nut template nylon screw ground strip screw upper panel left panel card receptacle rail card receptacle card guide, all positions except row P, R, column 8, 9 1511 3434 1511 3459 0 P Q R S 15232671 15232721 15272248 15272255 15236227 T U V W X Y 1256 7426 1256 5206 13222948 15236185 15272388 card guide for row P, column 8, 9 card gUide for row R, column 8, 9 card guide support vinyl cover vinyl cover card guide support thermistor disk assembly, includes V lockwasher nut included in S grommet mounting plate access panel Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP INDICATOR PANEL ASSEMBLY - E6000 (PLATE 1-9) AQ 12561262 12560330 15272081 15272156 15239213 1523 9205 1320 9168 15236219 13235726 12560884 1256 8010 13235734 1256 7442 12565248 15111719 1511 4184 1340 6905 13372446 AR screw screw lower end panel right side panel cable clamp harness strap washer nylon screw terminal board screw washer insula ting strip lockwasher nut mounting bracket cover relay receptacle spring clip included on A PART NUMBERS (PLATE 1-9) F A B C D E F G 12565263 12572939 12567459 1256 8036 15272909 15239213 1256 1106 H 0 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 K L M N 0 P Q 15111966 15272750 15272719 10021046 10021053 12554937 15272727 12561197 15272743 nut screw lockwasher washer panel latch bracket cable clamp screw, use 12568028 washer, 1256 5263 nut see SWITCHES locking ring lamp indicator panel cable clamp clamp keeper screw printed circuit card screw standoff For Form 1033008 I Burroughs - Series E2100 Pa.rts Catalog Sec. I PrOcessor and Electronics FUSE PANEL AND MUFFIN FAN ASSEMBLY - E6000 (PLATE 1-10) K s AJ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U 12560975 13102645 12561767 12568036 13209424 12567459 12561098 12565263 15272552 1311 7411 13185327 15272560. 13171194 12561262 12567467 12561460 12560843 1341 6243 15272420 12561122 PART NUMBERS screw muffin fan screw washer mica washer lockwasher screw nut plastic cover screw standoff terminal service outlet screw lockwasher screw screw grommet plate see SWITCHES screw, use 1256 7459 lockwasher, 1256 5263 nut (PLATE 1-10) V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AI AK 13121454 13431259 12561106 1256 1221 13426192 1341 2465 13412721 13412713 13412481 12565271 10214062 13121983 1471 9454 15272388 15239213 15272925 12561296 13239272 1002 6797 fuse holder fuse holder screw screw, use 1337 4582 mica washer, _256 8028 plain washer, 1256 7459 lockwasher, 1256 5263 nut, 1323 8886 centering washer handle jack, red, use 1010 0220 clip jack, black jack, yellow jack, white nut plug washer screw, use 1256 7459 lockwasher access panel clamp component location decal screw clamp grommet Sec. I Burroughs - Series 132100 Parts Catalog Processor and Electronics PRINTED CIRCUIT CARDS (PLATE 1-11) ELEC. REF. BOLA CLK COMP CW CWE OC DMV-A DMV-B DMV-C DSC FF FFS FPS HB m IND lD KBW LCA LCB LCC LCD LCE LCF LCG MCO MD DESCRIPTION PART NO. ELEC. REF. beam of light amp. clock components (diodes) contact wetter contact wetter encoder decoupling delay multivibrator "A" Requires Media Package 1033479 when replacing card 1511 5660 delay multivibrator "B" Requires Media Package 1037199 when replacing card 1511 5637 delay multivibrator "c" Requires Media Package 1037181 when replacing card 1511 5728 disconnect flip flop flip flop special front paper switch heavy buffer heavy inverter indicator inhibit driver keyboard wetter logic card "A" logic card "B" logic card "c" logic card "D" logic card "E" logic card "F" logic card "G" master clock oscillator memory driver 15115124 15116718 15103427 15232341 15232374 15103401 15267933 MDS 1526 7966 MEM-MR MEM-MR MTA MTB ND PC POC 1526 7990 POC PS 15103500 15102668 1511 8375 1511 5694 15103443 1526 9160 15103468 1511 5215 15263759 15103187 15103203 15103229 15103245 15103526 1511 5157 1511 5751 1526 6075 15102783 RA RS RSD RW SCD SSCA SD SCW SSC SSCP SW TB1150 TRANS WA WE DESCRIPTION PART NO. m emory driver special R€'4uires Media Package 1035987 when replacing card 1510 2783 100 word - includes one memory and four matched MR cards 200 word - includes one memory and four matched MR cards memory timing "A" memory timing "B" neon driver print control paper drive clutch (after serial E8611p) paper drive clutch (before serial E8612 p) pulse standardizer Requires Media Package 1033180 when replacing card 1511 5272 read amp reset standardizer rack stop driver relay wetter slave clock driver solar cell cam amp. solenoid driver special contact wetter single shot clock single shot clock (P) special wetter -15m regulator read transformer write amp-monitor wetter encoder 1526 9137 1511 6270 1526 6711 15103260 15103310 1526 9194 1511 9332 1526 6133 1511 5603 1526 7909 1511 5090 15103062 15102817 15103096 15267222 15115579 15103138 15232317 1511 7195 15266042 15103484 15236201 1511 5066 1511 5181 15103161 RELAYS (PLATE 1-12) ELEC. REF. K1 K401 K402 K403 K404 K405 K901 K902 K902A K903 K904 K905 K906 K906 K907 K911 K912 DESCRIPTION motor start pin feed mode reed - latch type lock tab auxiliary tab start manual mode AEC skip RKA (E6000) AEC delay punch lock cge. open PART NO. ELEC. REF. 13240510 13392147 K914 K920 K921 KH01 K1102 K1103 K1104 K1105 KIl06 K1107 KIl08 K1109 K1110 K1201 K1202 K4201 K4202 K4203 } ••••••••••••• 15264138 1511 0182 } ............ 1511 0190 13392329 13392337 13392329 1339 1958 1511 0182 13392147 } • .. •• ...... ·1339 2337 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 DESCRIPTION PART NO. printer trip } .............. 1339 2147 shift 13392329 TOM neg V sense } .............. 13239124 pos V sense 1323 9173 mercury start 13392097 power on 13392352 delay power on reset 13392329 clock start 1324 0494 latch release 13392329 cge motor 13392097 power on memory clear 1 } •••••••••••••• 1339 1958 memory clear 2 13392253 control 1339 1974 motor 13392261 power on reset } ............. For Form 1033008 I Sec.! Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Processor and Electronics SWITCHES (PLATE 1-13) ELEC. ~ l Sl S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S15 S601 S604 S607 (ESOOO) S607 S618 S622 S627 s629 S630 S632 S635 S641 S642 8645 S646 S647 PART NO. ELEC. REF. 13366836 S661 thru s670 S680 13411848 13411950 13411848 13431143 13411426 13411848 1341 1590 10345254 13411848 1510 8673 13411848 } 13411848 } 1510 8673 } 15112584 13411848 S698 } S698A S698B 1341 8314 S728A } S728B S728C s731 thru S750 S751 thru S766 S770 S771 S774 S851 thru S857 S1101 S1101 (ESOOO) S1121 S1151 S1201 S1201 (ESOOO) } } 15108673 ELEC, REF, PART NO. } 13411897 SEE ELECTRICAL SENSING UNIT SEE NON -SENSING LANE SWITCH ASSEMBLY 13431143 13411590 13411848 1511 9712 S1202 S1203 S1204 S1205 S1206 S1207 S1208 S3101 53102 S3103 S3106 S4101 34102 34103 S4104 S4105 S4106 S4107 34108 S4109 34110 1323 9991 1527 0986 1527 0986 1323 9991 10016350 1511 3988 TRANSFORMERS AND CHOKES (PLATE I-14) DESCRIPTION ELEC, REF. CVT 115/230V, 60 cycle CVT 150V, 60 cycle CVT 115/230V, 50 cycle 13200191 1511 4143 15005093 CVT Il5/230V, 60 cycle, type CVN 1526 8626 CVT 115/230V, 50 cycle, type CVN 1526 8634 CVT 115/230, 60 cycle CVT 115/230, 50 cycle -4 volt power transformer main power transformer 15263783 1527 7379 1511 2279 1511 2261 } main power transformer 1511 5504 } primary voltage 150V, 220V, 240V secondary VOltage 115V primary voltage 150V, 230V, 250V secondary voltage 115V primary voltage 100V secondary voltage 115V on read transformer circuit card T1101 Tll01 - E2100 (SL) and all E4000 T1101 - E2100 (SL) and all E4000 TIlOl - ESOOO T1101 - ESOOO T1102 T1103 TIl03 - E2100 (SL) and all E4000 TIl 04 I TRANS Lll01 L1102 Lll03 Lll05 L1104 PART NO. ) choke choke -15V DC (M) -15V DC +15V DC -4V DC -100V DC } 13368212 } 1336 8246 } 15236920 13162912 1511 2295 1511 2303 } PART NO, 1323 9991 1321 8722 13238605 15114671 13218763 10091767 } 1323 9991 15114671 1312 1504 } 1312 1496 } 13122874 13122866 1312 1538 1321 8755 Burroughs ' E2100 •Parts Catalo C -' Senes arnage and Pr ogram Unit g Sec. II CARRIAGE _CONSTRUCTION (PLATE II-I) STRlPE LEDGER - I 'f AK Al PART NUMBERS (PLATE n-1) A B C D E F G carriage cover, inc~udes B, G, AU, AV 13419163 pm, included in A 1341 9155 ~ocking pin, included rnA 1302 9673 metal pellet 1522 3399 paper guide, right 1522 3415 paper guide, left 1522 3381 screw 1256 0348 screw 1522 1310 H 15234511 15234776 cover upper journal pressure roll and tear off blade assembly, includes D, G thru K AN, AP, AQ I J 15234487 15234495 15264724 tear off blade pressure roll pressure roll pin feed ' K L M N 0 ' P 15234479 blade support 1256 0843 screw 1300 1508 speed nut 1334 1979 brace 1522 1302 pressure roll shield 15264740 pressure roll shield pin feed ' 1522 1633 5051 paper deflector 1526 paper deflector pin feed ' PART NUMBERS CONTINUED 0 N NEXT PAGE Printed in U • S • America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Sec, II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog carriage and Program Unit PART NUMBERS (PLA TE II-I) CONTINUED Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH 1010 0378 1010 0386 1010 4610 10573665 1010 9163 1303 1729 1302 5663 1302 9624 1326 8081 1302 7651 1302 7636 1328 1191 1328 1183 15265069 1256 7715 10100378 1327 0723 15234685 1522 5808 15225790 15225774 1526 5259 15094337 nut nut screw nut screw spring screw stud pressure roll shaft yoked brace journal pressure roll bracket, left bracket, right limit, left limit, right limit, left and right, pin feed. Use 1526 5044 hex head screw on bottom lockwasher nut tear off blade aluminum decor aluminum decor aluminum decor left end cover, includes AE, AF, AG, AI, AK, .AL left end cover, pin feed, includes AI, AK, AL, and aluminum decors 1526 5234 1526 5663 1526 5648 AI AI AK AL 12565263 1522 5766 1303 1414 1303 0473 13274535 AM AN 1341 0410 15234461 15264997 15234453 15264989 right end cover, includes AI, AK, AL, and 1341 5294 aluminum decor right end cover, pin feed, includes AI, AK, AL, and aluminum decors left end cover, pin feed, non -stripe ledger, includes aluminum decors right end cover, pin feed, non-stripe ledger, includes AL nut threaded stud rivet, included in AH indica tor plate, 1/6" spacing, included in AH indicator plate, 1/6" spacing, pin feed, non-stripe ledger spring bracket, left bracket, left, pin feed bracket, right bracket, right, pin feed AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC 13403092 15265036 screw screw, hex head, pin feed 1256 0348 screw 15234529 thumbscrew 12554226 screw 1522 3431 journal paper table 15224256 journal paper table assembly, includes D, E, F 1526 5275 journal paper table, pin feed 1257 3309 screw, use 1344 5614 lockwasher 1522 1344 hinge, left side 1522 1336 hinge, right side 1303 1414 rivet 15264757 shaft, pin feed 15264765 roller assembly, pin feed 1027 6426 spring 15264799 screw, pin feed 15264815 lever, left, pin feed 15264807 lever, right, pin feed 15264781 bracket,' pin feed 1256 0702 screw, pin feed, use 1256 5230 nut FORM ALIGNING TABLES (PLATE II-2) - STRIPE LEDGER - c v X w i~l AB rf{ l z AA PART NUMBERS (PLATE II- 2) 1522 8638 A 1522 5063 complete form platform and removable check table assembly, includes A thru H, T. U ledger table B C D E F G H 15224983 1522 5097 15224942 15224967 15224991 15225048 form guide, left thumb screw check lim it stop included in F form guide, right tie plate pIa tform hanger. right 1522 5055 12553178 1328 1928 1328 1910 1303 9854 platform hanger, left clip lock link, right lock link, left washer, pin feed, replaces 1328 1928 and 1328 1910 PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriase and Program Unit PART NUMBERS (PLATE II - 2) CONTINUED K 1328 1720 15264864 15264872 L M N 12553152 1522 1427 1522 1443 1522 1450 1522 1963 15265796 lock plate right and left lock plate, right. pin feed lock plate, left, pin feed clip arm, right arm, left form guide shaft form guide shaft assembly, includes I thru S 1303 1729 1303 2206 1257 3887 10174118 1328 1811 0 P Q R S 15225006 1523 3950 12654564 T U form guide shaft assembly, pin feed, includes I thru S screw spring nut washer eccentric screw V 15225485 W X 1321 2881 15225444 1522 7077 check table screw screw, for nonremovable check table Y 1508 2407 1508 2415 1337 1430 1256 0876 13405097 1522 5477 Z AA AB plastic form guide, left, included in X plastic form guide, right, included in X nut, included in X plastic form platform complete platform assembly, includes V, W, AA, AB hanger, right hanger, left washer screw, included in X thumb screw CARRIAGE SUPPORT FRAMES (PLATE II-3) i ~::;=~ \ .... ~ o~ \ 1 ~\~. G \ A B~ c .~ c~·~ D J'~ \/~~, v L \ .... - r1 bJI ~--u II // 1/ '/~I e-# F/.G '"--lJ .I / o T Q-~ p--$ .... PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-3) A B C D E F G H I J 13318308 13405501 13402300 1511 1248 1256 5230 12567434 1304 1645 1303 8278 1304 2056 12565263 bracket shoulder screw eccentric screw case bracket nut lockwasher screw brass slug screw nut Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 K L M N 0 P 1010 1256 1304 1510 1316 1342 0402 0694 0787 8897 5329 6648 N nut Q screw R screw right support frame shoulder screw washer S T U V 1010 1341 1256 1510 1510 1510 0402 9411 1536 8913 8905 8921 nut spacer screw center support frame left support frame tie bar For Form 1033008 I Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit CARRIAGE AND PANEL RAILS CPLA TE II-4) D L PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-4) A B 1523 6334 1327 8627 1522 1369 C D E F 1010 0410 13405527 1510 8533 1327 3271 G H K L 10109981 1256 0686 1328 2306 1304 4805 1010 0360 15104409 15099484 M N 1010 0147 1523 5567 0 13282298 P 1328 2330 front carriage rail carriage raceway carriage raceway, stripe ledger nut screw screw rebound blank, includ ed in AP, stripe ledger screw, use 1256 7442 lockwasher, included in AP y Q R S T AJ 1017 2096 13258090 1256 0199 1341 9536 10345254 1256 5180 1256 5263 1331 8308 1340 5501 1340 2800 1340 5519 1027 3399 1256 0843 1511 1313 1523 5211 1010 5377 13282991 AK AL 15235252 1338 0183 U V W X Y screw Z skid AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI screw nut panel rail complete panel rail assembly, includes M thru R, T, AE, AJ, AL thru AO clip, included in L switch actna tor, included in L interlock, included in L block, included in L 1341 0444 13282421 spring, included in L bracket, included in L included in U screw, included in L actuator; includes S screw spacer switch nut nut adjustable support X AM 1523 7001 AN 13282322 13282314 AD AP 1010 9981 15108566 1510 9408 screw eccentric screw 15235658 screw spring screw bracket shift finger screw bearing rods, included in Land AP skid deflector bearing, included in Land AP AQ 13282314 13282322 AR AS 1010 9197 1523 7043 bearing retainer, included in Land AP cap, right end, included in L cap, left end, included in L screw rear carriage rail complete rear carriage rail assembly, stripe ledger, includes F, G, AJ, AL, AM, AD, AQ complete rear carriage rail assembly, non-stripe ledger, includes AJ thru AM, AO, AQ cap, right end, included in AP cap, left end, included in AP screw bracket Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriage and Program Unit INNER END PLA TE AND JOURNAL PAPER GUIDE ASSEMBLY (PLATE II-5) - STRIPE LEDGER - H o E AN p I ©) \ AK AI AI PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-5) 1523 7258 A B C D E F G H K L M N 0 P Q R S 10276798 1013 3106 15221583 1526 5010 15221567 15221542 1035 0890 1303 3253 1302 6091 15221500 15221518 15221575 15265028 1337 5183 10104719 1018 0289 15221591 15237142 15094311 15094287 12553384 complete ledger and statement pan, includes N, P thru AG spring spring camming lever camming lever, pin feed lever flat spring, in\!luded in I screw, included in I pressure roll, included in I shaft, included in I paper guide assembly, includes E, F. G. H. J shaft, included in I spring anchor spring anchor, pin feed washer screw screw inner carriage end plate assembly, includes AL, AN ledger and statement pan detent pivot bracket retaining clip Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM 15094295 13342688 15094279 15094303 1523 7100 1523 7118 1255 7575 1523 7084 15237076 13405303 15224785 1308 1005 15237134 1523 7126 12553095 1028 8769 1057 3665 1303 0721 1010 5963 1010 0501 1303 1406 15265002 AN AO 13403092 torsion spring knurled adjusting wheel pressure leaf joint pin check limit, 11/2" printing line check limit, 1 3/4'· printing line setscrew cam block shaft and pivot arm assembly screw support plate nut joint pin pivot support bracket retaining clip screw nut space collar washer pin, included in 0 screw screw. pin feed inclnded in 0 screw For Form 1033008 Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit LOWER PRESSURE ROLLS, OPENING AND CLOSING AND FORM SPACE BAILS (PLA TE II-6) -STRIPE LEDGER- S PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-6) A B C D E F G H 13408935 10104198 1257 0636 1255 3129 1522 1252 1308 1716 13026638 1302 6620 1017 9802 K L 1013 1333 1522 1333 1333 7883 9221 1880 9247 9254 spring included in F screw screw clip platen feed shaft, includes B, H, I, 1, Z, and arm AD on right and left end spring spac ing pawl, left spacing pawl, right, included in F eccentric, included in F nut, included in F shaft, 5 1/8" long shaft, 2 1/8" long bracket, 5 1/8" long pressure roll actuating bracket assembly, 5 1/8" long. includes E, K, AA 1522 1898 15222029 M N 0 P Q R S bracket, 2 1/8" long pressure roll actuating bracket assembly. 2 1/8" long, includes E, K, AA 15234743 carriage open and close bail for pressure finger selection shaft construction 1522 1286 carriage open and close bail without pressure finger selection shaft construction 1522 1906 shaft included in P 1522 1914 bracket, includes 0 13268222 pressure roll 1522 1948 bracket 10272847 spring T U V W X y 12565222 1257 3374 1340 5782 10100212 1026 9801 15234693 1522 1245 Z AA AB AC AD 1010 1337 1303 1010 0501 5175 2982 0089 nut screw screw clip spring carriage open and close shaft assembly for pressure finger selection shaft construction carriage open and close shaft assembly without pressure finger selection shaft construction pin, included in F. Y steel roller 22" form space bail clip included in F Sec, II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog . Carriage and Program Unit PRESSURE FINGER SELECTION SHAFT ASSEMBLY (PLATE 11-7) J E ~~ H\~~\ G \ ll:~'@;~ ~~~> ~ p Q S T ~ l~ \~@~ CD - ~\ M --~ -",- -A , D 1256 0694 1256 7715 1523 4750 F G H I J N K L M N o PAART NUMBERS (PLATE n-7) B C D E screw lockwasher link P Q R S T 1301 0178 1523 4552 1010 9759 1018 0594 12557575 1010 5229 1523 4537 15234594 15234602 12553129 15234651 15234586 15234578 15234560 15234545 1255 7708 1523 4644 spacer latch arm shoulder screw spring setscrew screw bracket pressure finger cam pressure finger cam clip shaft pressure finger cam pressure finger cam pressure finger cam detent setscrew knob I PIN FEED FORM ADVANCE DEVICE (PLATE U-8) -. N C PART NUMBERS (PLATE n-8) 1526 5630 A B C D E F G H K L M N 0 complete assembly includes all parts shown except A. B. J 15265200 mounting screw 1526 5218 mounting screw 15268352 contact wire 15268345 solenoid leaf switch 15268402 coil assembly 15268410 suppression diode 15268436 cable assembly 15268386 motor and gear assembly 15268428 power on switch 15268261 program tape 15268378 cover switch 15268444 feed finger screw 1526 8360 sense lever and star wheel assembly 1526 8394 contact screw 15277866 cover Printed in U. S. America 10.1-68 H For Form 1033008 Burroughs" Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec.U Carriage and Progra'in Unit_ "INFEED" GUIDEASS~MBLY, PIN FEED (PLATE U-9) PART NUMBERS (PLATEn - 9) A B C D E 15264625 15264542 15264641 10100238 15264567 15264559 F 15264575 15264591 J 10277457 15264633 12558102 15264609 K 15264674 G H I 15265085 15264658 1526 5093 L M N 13406004 13374095 12565230 PRESSURE BRACKET ASSEMBLY, PIN FEED (PLA TEll-I0) ~ STRIPE LEDGER - PART NUMBERS (PLATE n-lO) A B C 12557708 15264476 15264534 D E . 15264468 12557625 F 13427737 screw release lever pressure roll bracket release arm screw, included inF set collar, includes E G H I J K L M 15264500 10272847 12553129 13268222 10276806 15264492 bracket, includes M Clip spring pressure roller spring pivot shaft included in G journal roll locator thumb screw journal roll support shaft clip pressure fl!1ger, right hand pressure finger, left hand in feed guide pIa te, right hand infeed guide plate, left hanq spring paper guide shaft set screw form tension shaft, use 1255 3152 clip side plate, right, stripe ledger side plate, right, non -stripe ledger side plate, left, stripe ledger side plate! left, non -snipe ledger screw spacer nut Burroughs - SICries E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriage and Program Unit JOURNAL PAPER GUIDE AND RE!\R PRESSURE ROLL ASSEMBLY. PIN rEED (PLATE II-ll) - STRIPE LEDGER - I PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-H) 15264682 A B C D complete assembly. includes A thru D screw paper gUide shaft pressure roll assembly 1035 0890 15264369 1526 4351 1526 4328 A"fill---- D \ ~_A LEFT END PLA TE (PLA TE II-Ll) - STRIPE LEDGE\<- ~L .. \- iif i J \~~ : \ \II\) J / I Q \ ~G AW ~, ~w A?II AR T R AI! AH ~ " ~,\ _ ~~z I I ~ '~ ~G ~"~~ "" AE ~ ~ ~ ~~AB AC PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Frinted in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Sec.II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-12) A B C D 1342 7026 1306 7830 1342 8362 13416961 E F G H 1256 109S 1522 5816 12565263 1522 1658 K L M 1522 8604 1522 8612 1522 1419 1255 3178 15264930 N 0 P 0 R S T U V W 10171775 1522 1799 15264823 1017 9919 10272847 1523 5559 13403852 1522 1773 1526 5499 1010 0220 13282835 15264856 15264849 washer eccentric nut screw, use 1256 7459 lockwasher X 15224769 1526 5713 screw latching bracket nut support block, right and left limit screw spring latch detent clip switch actuator, pin feed setscrew journal table release journal table release, pin feed screw spring set collar screw support support, pin feed, non-stripe ledger retaining clip interlock actuator arm, left side, pin feed actuator arm, right side, pin feed 1526 5408 ,y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AO 1522 1823 1522 1047 1010 0378 12553152 1328 1233 1526 8592 15268600 1026 9769 12565743 1256 8010 1256 8002 12565255 13404876 1522 6160 1255 3129 1027 3431 13282827 1256 1189 camming link and shaft assembly, ineludes AG and 1010 0501 pins camming link and shaft assembly, pin feed, includes AG and 1010 0501 pins camming link and shaft assembly, pin feed, non -stripe ledger, includes AG and 1010 0501 pins space disabling interlock AR screw AT AU AV AW nut clip safety shield pivot rubber washer spring included in X nut washer washer nut screw spacer clip spring actuating arm screw 1522 6129 15274897 AS 1522 6061 15273543 spiral cable wrap. series E2100. EAOOO, included in AS spiral cable wrap. series E6000. ineluded in AS inter-connecting cable, series E2100, E4000, includes AR, AT and connectors inter-connecting cable, series wOOO, includes AR, AT and connectors AX AY AZ included in AS 1311 7411 1256 1486 15225675 1511 1487 1522 1849 1328 2900 13282918 screw screw disabling arm disabling arm, non ... stripe ledger end plate tie bar mounting bracket Burroughs - Series El100 Parts Catalog Sec. II CarrIage and Program Unit RIGHT END PLA TE (PLATE II-13) - STRIPE LEDGER - AB y z I N PART NUMBERS (PLATE n-13) D E 1256 1098 15221765 12565263 12553178 1522 1393 F G 13401880 1010 0501 A B C H I K L M N 15221666 15265531 10179919 12585743 12568010 13416524 13402334 screw latching bracket nut retaining clip detent and pivot assembly eccentric screw pin, included in R included in R right support right support, pin feed, non-stripe ledger screw nut washer rubber shock washer bumper block 0 P Q R 13412226 1522 1757 1337 1398 15224736 1526 5705 1526 5515 S T U V W 1300 1490 1303 0903 13401575 13387.378 10100386 spring anchor ratchet arm spacer camming link and shaft assembly, includes G, H camming link and shaft assembly pin feed, includes G, H camming link and shaft assembly, pin feed, non-stripe ledger, includes G, H retaining clip roller eccentric stud shoulder nut nut X Y Z AA AB BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 15264294 ratchet pawl 10174290 retaining clip 13409495 spring 15267768 hex post, use 1010 8777 washer 1522 1708 end plate 15264914 end plate, pin feed 15265390 end plate, pin feed, non -stripe ledger 13403852 screw 15225659 bracket 12560355 screw 15224710 lamp 15225691 mounting block 15225667 light shutter 1256 0512 screw 15224058 solar cell, includes leads 1522 5683 retainmg bracket For Form 1033008 Sec.II Burroughs • Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PLATFN SHAFTS AND FORM SPACING MECHANISM (PLATE II-14) A PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-14) A 1343 0087 B 13418504 C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q 1303 1216 13273362 1303 1562 13001458 1303 1703 1302 6810 1302 6836 1303 0820 1302 6778 1302 6794 1010 0238 10152239 1013 3312 1302 7883 1302 6844 15221468 setscrew, included in V, AC eccentric shoulder nut refer to Platens shoulder nut bearing plate, includes G screw included in E, Z clip screw spring stud yoked detent, right yoked detent, left space collar yoked detent. right yoked detent. left clip spring spring washer ~pacing ratchet, right spacing ratchet, left R 1505 8969 S T 12553418 1303 1257 U V 13032230 13275441 1303 1836 1326 9808 W X y Z 1302 6661 10276335 13266606 13267745 AA 13388020 clutch cup, right or left clip variable line spacer clutch, right or left compression spring twirler, includes A setscrew spacing selector. right spacing selector. left washer platen shaft 4 1/4", stripe ledger, for normal or split and normal platens, ineluded in C platen shaft 4 1/4". non -stripe ledger, for normal or split and normal platens, included in C platen shaft bushing AB AC AD AE AF 12570511 platen shaft screw 13273354 bearing plate, includes G 15232069 sleeve 15221492 platen shaft 4 3/4" , stripe ledger, for normal or split and normal pIa tens, ineluded in C 13267729 platen shaft 3", nonstripe ledger, for normal platen, ineluded in C 13267745 platen shaft 4 1/4". non-stripe ledger, for split and normal platen, included in C 13275458 twirler, includes A 13275441 twirler, for split and normal platen, ineludes A Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriage and Program Unit PLA TENS (PLA TE II-15) NORMAL PLATENS ~===:W.,.+!'!!!!l14~.;Q;(aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~ st r- 3" 1 -1---------- r- 4 J'" !/.4-, I NON-STRIPE LEDGER _ _ _ _ _ ________ __ __ I- 4 1/" /4 I -4 STRIPE LEDGER _ _ _ _ _ - - - __ 1 DESCRIPTION 1 ~ 'A" '4-,I PART NUMBERS LENGTH CARBON SPACING 22" 22" 22" 22" 5-9 12 5-9 12 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 NON-STRIPE LEDGER STRIPE LEDGER 13266762 13267026 15232085 15232093 I SPLIT AND NORMAL PLATENS 1 I" 1 1 1 -4~I ," , 1 - - - - ----·NON-STRIPELEDGER--- - - - - - - '-4~-1 1_4~_ "I 1I 1 1/" I '- ________ NOTE: STRIPE LEDGER - - - ____ - - _ . - 4 14 - I Platens listed below for stripe ledger carriages are split left only. Platens with special splits not listed below must be ordered by description specifying split from left end. e. g., - 1523 6706 (22", split 12" left, 1/6" spacing, 12 carbon) for stripe ledger carriage, or 1326 6523 (22", split 10" left. 1/6" spacing. 12 carbon) for non-stripe carriage. DESCRIPTION LENGTH CARBON SPACING SPLIT 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 5-9 12 5-9 12 5-9 12 5-9 12 5-9 12 5-9 12 5-9 12 5-9 12 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 23/8" 23/8" 35/8" 35/8" 6" 6" 61/2" 61/2" 9" 9" 11" 11" 13" 13" 15" 15" Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 PART NUMBERS NON-STRIPE STRIPE LEDGER LEDGER 1326 7695 1326 7703 13266887 1326 6986 13266895 13266994 13266903 1326 7000 13266911 1326 7018 -.- 15221484 15232077 15232614 15232622 15232143 15232416 15232127 15232135 15232101 15232119 15232440 15232473 1523 2507 15232531 For Form 1033008 Sec, II BurrQughs - Series E2100 Parts CatalQg Carriage and Program Unit SPLIT PLATEN SPACING CONTROL (PLA TE ll-16) -STRIPE LEDGER- F / > / / / A / • PART NUMBERS (PLATE ll-16) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P 10100378 1017 1437 15221641 10104198 1522 1377 15264955 13268313 13274469 1017.9984 1522 3209 13406194 1522 1690 1307 1964 1522 1385 1303 1836 1522 1831 1303 1406 nut spring screw screw cam. cam., pin feed skid shaft skid, includes N screw bracket screw space cQntrol arm spacer cam screw, included in G space control arm screw Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit CHECK STOP MECHANISM (PLATE II-17) -STRIPE LEDGER- C D H AG PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-17) A B C D E F G H K L 1340 3167 1523 1541 1522 4793 1255 3129 1028 8959 1340 2656 1341 1731 1522 4199 1017 2369 1256 0835 1010 0378 1523 7167 R S T 1257 2301 15224777 1017 0942 1522 4918 1027 7689 1523 7159 1010 4198 12560223 u 1523 7233 M N a P Q v w X y 15224785 1308 1005 1255 7575 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 screw screw support bracket retaining clip spring diode switch switch bracket screw screw nut solenoid link, after serial F163407P Before serial F163408P, use 1523 7167 solenoid link, 15237258 complete ledger and statement pan, 1523 7159 guide bracket. screw guide bracket pin, included in Z round nut spring guide bracket screw screw, use 1256 7418 lockwasher spring post, after serial F163407P Before serial F163408P, use 1523 7258 complete ledger and statement pan, 1523 7167 solenoid link, 1523 7159 gUide bracket. included in Z support plate nut setscrew I u Z 1523 7076 AA 1523 7084 AB AC AD AE AF AG 1010 1310 1509 1320 9726 0524 4345 0076 1341 8686 shaft and pivot arm assembly, after serial F163407P, includes 0, V Before serial F163408P, use 1523 7258 complete ledger and statement pan, 1523 7167 solenoid link, 1523 7159 guide bracket. cam block, after serial F163407P Before serial F163408P, use 1523 7258 complete ledger and statement pan, 1523 7167 solenoid link, 1523 7159 gUide bracket. spacer plunger rubber spacer pin included in AG solenoid, includes AF For Form 1033008 Sec.II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit CARRIAGE POSITION INDICATOR(PLATE II-18) ~8 I c PART NUMBERS (PLATE IT-IS) A B C D E F G H K L M 1256 0686 1523 1343 1523 1384 1503 0943 1255 3129 1503 0935 1'103 1778 1503 0976 1256 0702 1337 1208 12567715 1257 3887 1523 1335 screw N drum assembly cover indicator tape nylon flanged roller retainer clip bracket screw mounting bracket scr.ew spacer lockwasher nut pointer a P Q R S T 1523 1257 1525 1523 1442 0362 3677 1426 1523 1368 1523 1467 1523 1483 1522 1302 15264740 U 1527 0200 shim screw spacer spring drum assembly power spring thread forming screw shield, non-stripe ledger shield, stripe ledger shield, pin feed, stripe ledger screw Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit Sec.n REAR FORM CHUTES (PLA TE 11-19) PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-l9) I Complete Assembled Rear Form Chutes 1327 7256 contains 1 set of style 3 chutes and 1 flat guide 1327 7280 contains 2 sets of style 3 chutes and 2 flat gUides 1506 0304 contains 1 set of style 5-9A chutes for use with check limits, 1 set of style 9A check limits and 1 flat guide A 1327 0632 style 3 1327 0673 style 5 -9A for use complete assembled left with check limits form chutes style 9A 1 1327 0624 1327 0665 B C 1328 2223 1327 0616 1327 0657 I style 3 style 5-9A for use left form chute only with check limits style 9A billiard cloth, included in A, C style 3 style 5 -9A for use with check limits 1 complete assembled right form chutes ~~~~ ~:~ ::~: :~9A D E G H 1506 0163 1506 0171 13277264 1302 7867 J K L M 1302 1327 1327 1343 1303 1343 1343 F Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 1506 0155 1506 0148 1328 1472 7875 3628 3610 0863 2180 0103 0111 for use} right form chute only with check limits style 9A right check limit, included in F left check limit, included in F screw, included in F, use 1302 8469 friction washer, 1327 1192 locking plate right limit, includes D, E } style 9A left limit, includes D, E check limits table only center ledger support, split and normal platen center ledger support left hanger right hanger torsion spring torsion spring screw screw For Form 1033008 Burroughs· Series E2100 Parts Catalog carriage and program Unit PROGRAM UNIT ASSEMBLY (PLA TE II-20) PART NUMBERS (PLATE n-20) 1510 9390 1522 1237 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T 13406236 13403845 1328 2629 1337 1505 15107782 13405949 15107832 1327 8387 15107915 13405568 13282736 12567459 1256 5263 10100626 1511 0356 15228661 13396361 1255 7617 132783'19 133'19748 complete assembled program unit. Specify unit number or furnish form layout partial program unit assembly. Does not include magazines, pins, stop dogs or disks screw screw worm sleeve, adjustable shim brace screw type skip shaft bearing brace, use 1255 7617 screw slide support bar screw, use 1337 8617 spacer spacer bar· lockwasher nut pin detent skip shaft assembly for chain drive. For belt drive use 1522 8661 shaft assembly. 1522 8679 chain, 1522 8695 sprocket (2 req,). 1522 8711 spring, 1522 8687 shaft, 1340 3621 screw, 1340 6236 screw (4· req.) lock pin screw bearing brace . set collar, use 1255 7617 screw U V W X y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR 13282660 15107824 1338 0191 13001490 1328 1001 12553129 13001474 1338 0209 13275193 10103893 13282736 13282728 15107857 13385448 15107881 1511 9308 15107873 12568028 12572939 15107907 1328 0987 132'7 5201 13275219 13387998 detent spacer shaft bearing retaining clip detent retaining clip retaining clip shaft bearing spacer block set collar, use 1255 7807 screw spacer bar slide support plate adjustable blank belt idler shaft post, use 1256 7459 lockwasher screw washer screw idler pulley squaring block squaring block nut PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Sec.u Burroughs • Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PART NUMBERS (PLATE Il-20) CONTINUED AS AT AU AV AW AX 13405956 15115892 1337 8609 13276977 1327 5433 13267919 screw detent spacer flanged collar idler gear stop dog shaft AY AZ BA BB BC BD 1522 8687 10133338 1256 7418 12572269 13282959 1327 5417 BE BF BG BH BI BJ idler shaft spring lockwasher screw thrust plate schedule selector knob 13428495 1328 0979 13403621 15228711 1522 8679 1522 8695 pin pulley flange screw spring chain sprocket PROGRAM UNIT COMPONENT PARTS (PLATE 11-21) F G ~~~K -----L s I AD PART NUMBERS (PLATE U-21) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 1303 1596 13271143 15107972 13405543 1511 7310 15107923 15107980 13272232 10172211 screw retaining strip graduated strip screw gauging magazine magazine 9Y pin 99Y pin screw. use 1010 4867 screws at end positions 15107956 shaft retainer 15107949 shaft 1010 3927 washer 1256 7434 iockwasher 12565230 nut 15107741 magazine channel 13278270 gauging magazine Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC 1327 1077 magazine channel 13405550 screw 1502 6115 gauging magazine 15107964 left elld plate 1341 6961 screw 13282751 pilot track 13282348 track rod, .123" dia. 13282355 track rod, .124" dia. 13282363 track rod, .125" dia. 13282371 track rod, .126" dia. 13282389 track rod, .127" dia. 13406624 clip 13403845 screw 15107725 program unit casting 13282793 insert 1338 7881 nut 1506 0536 round nut 14005813 lockwasher AD AE AF AG AH Al AJ AK AL AM AN AO 15107758 10172039 13402326 13387865 1338 7873 1255 8466 1257 0990 1256 7459 1337 6611 1256 8036 1522 8703 cover screw eccentric washer nut round nut screw 'screw lockwasher spacer washer right end plate, for chain drive construction 1511 9316 right end plate, for belt drive construction 1010 0469 nut For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec.ll Carriage and Program Unit PROGRAM UNIT LATCH PLATE ASSEMBLY (PLATE II-22) A B T PART NUMBERS (PLATE U-22) 13282405 15222011 A B 13314026 13282413 1522 1872 C D E F G H 12553152 10288637 12553129 13282553 1522 9156 13282470 13402565 10328201 com plete latch plate assembly, includes A thru AM, AQ complete latch plate assembly, stripe ledger, includes A thru AM, AQ lever button actuating arm actuating arm, stripe ledger clip spring clip actuating arm main plate locking slide eccentric lim it, use 1255 7591 screw spring K 13391214 L M N 0 13282579 13282561 13072715 1010 0469 P Q R 1027 7770 13282587 13402318 S T U 1026 6344 10263440 V 13412317 W X 13282504 post, use 1337 8591 spacer, 1256 5263 nut actuating arm rocker arm screw nut, use 1057 3665 washer spring locking slide post,· use 1337 8591 spacer, 1256 5263 nut spring anchor spring included in X spring anchor included in X toggle jaw assembly, includes U, W AC AD AE AF 1027 1971 12567459 13406020 15229164 10100238 10266476 10346922 1256 0538 AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ 1522 9180 13282595 13282447 12553145 13282462 13282439 10273415 12560868 12567442 12568028 13282892 Y Z AA AB spring lockwasher screw spacer clip spring anchor spring screw, use 1256 7715 washer, 1256 5727 nut shoulder screw aligning comb interlock arm clip interlock arm restoring arm spring screw lockwasher washer link Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PAPER HANDLER - CARRIAGE TRA Y (PLATE I1-23) PART NUMBERS (PLATE n-23) 15268568 Complete tray for single striped ledger systems after serial F186194P. Before serial F186195P use 1526 8568 tray and resistor 1266 9495 at R2003 & R2004. Also reverse diodes CR2004 & CR2005. NOTE: For early carriage construction, also use new sty Ie carriage having variable forms selection control. 1526 8576 Complete tray for dual striped ledger systems after serial F186194P. Before serial F186195P use 1526 8576 tray and resistor 1266 9495 at R2003 & R2004. Also reverse diodes CR2004 & CR2005. NOTE: For early carriage construction, also use ne w sty Ie carriage having variable forms selection control. Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 I Sec.TI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and program Unit PAPER HANDLER CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY (PLA TE II-24) AL AQ PART NUMBERS (PLATETI-24) A B C D E F G H l J K L M N D P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG 1256 0322 1522 3688 1523 5518 13401815 1333 9106 1255 7724 1340 9016 1334 1110 1035 0700 1333 9163 1342 7794 13401666 1333 9130 1522 5352 1523 5294 12565206 1523 3281 1523 3257 1341 0311 1522 5329 1027 3076 1337 1547 1522 5832 1256 0686 1337 9656 1255 7526 1522 8653 1522 5311 1337 1356 1320 8236 1522 3639 1523 3265 1522 3670 1333 9197 screw bearing bearing eccentric screw, use 1337 5589 roller, 1010 Q394 nut cam assembly setscrew spring timing dial screw, use 1010 0378 nut timing pointer, use 1255 7724 screw set collar, includes 1025 6162 screw eccentric shoulder screw, included in N, use 1337 5589 roller, 1256 8002 washer, 1256 5206 nut cam, use 1255 7724 screw bail read head bail assembly, includes L nut eccentric limit read head pressure roll assembly, includes AE spring spring post spring, use 1026 6351 spring anchor spacer locking blank screw set collar setscrew read head mounting block shim,. 010" washer adapter ring shaft, inclnded in Q bearing, use 1256 0330 screw key, 13/32" long AH Al AJ AK AL AM AN 1333 9189 1333 9171 15264286 1522 3647 1522 3985 1522 9412 1522 3860 1522 3811 1326 8214 AD 15235302 15234362 AP AQ AR AS 1013 9350 1337 9482 1523 5310 15234354 AT 1522 3944 1522 3969 AU AV AW 1522 3852 12562112 1256 0330 key. 3" long key, 2 13/16" long spacing cam camshaft right hand inner form guide, includes AV gear, use 1255 7724 screw hold down form guide, includes AV set collar rubber roller. included in AD, use 1255 3129 clip idler support assembly, includes AM. AN, AP. Used at position 1 and 2 from right end of shaft AU on carriage with stripe ledger selection knob. Use at all positions for carriage without stripe ledger selection knob. idler support assembly. includes AM, AN, AP. Used at position 3 thru 7 from right end of shaft AU on carriage with stripe ledger selection knob included in AD spring, use 1026 6351 spring anchor set collar pusher assembly. includes D. Used at position 1 and 2 from right end of shaft AU on carriage with stripe ledger selection knob. Use at all positions for carriage without stripe ledger selection knob pusher assembly. inclndes D. Used at position 3 thru 7 from right end of shaft AU on carriage with stripe ledger selection knob left hand form guide, for 19" forms, includes AV left hand form gUide, for 16 1/2" forms, includes AV idler shaft screw, included in AJ, AK. AT screw. use 1256 5206 nut Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II ,S=arriage and Ptogram Unit PAPER HANDLER FORM GUIDE ASSEMBLY (PLA TE II-25) I PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-25) A 1523 0949 1523 5328 B 10256162 C D E F 1522 3852 13408893 1523 1046 1523 1020 G H K 1256 1256 1523 1010 1523 L 1523 1129 M N R S T U V 10246817 1017 6667 1523 1152 1312 9788 1312 9770 1312 9762 1312 9754 1523 1012 1342 7794 1523 0956 W 13403654 0 P Q Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 5230 0686 1079 0378 1095 retractable form guide arm retractable form guide assembly, includes D, V, W setscrew, included in U idler shaft spring, included in A detent spring shoulder screw, use 1337 1364 washer nut screw support strip nut pin bracket assembly. includes L, M. N form limit lock button spring spring pin form limit key button key button key button key button actuating slide set collar. includes B form guide support. included in A screw. included in A For Form 1033008 Sec, II Burroughs - Series £2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit BEAM OF LIGHT TIMING CAM ASSEMBLY (PLATEII-26) PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-26) L M A B C D E F G H J K L M N 0 P Q R S T 1522 9503 complete assembly 1522 9412 gear assembly 1255 7724 setscrew 1522 9446 shaft 1522 9420 screw 1024 8219 dowel pin 1522 9388 housing 13380092 bearing 1522 9396 insulator 1522 9354 printed circuit board assembly, includes J i.ncluded in I 1522 9479 aperture plate 15235260 shoulder collar 1522 9347 timing disk 1011 3124 compression spring 1010 0378 nut 13405279 screw 13403308 screw 1522 9461 lamp, included in S 1522 9362 printed circuit board assembly, includes R 1522 9438 spacer VARIABLE FORMS SELECTION SHAFT (PLATE 11-27) PART NUMBERS (PLATE 11-27) M J K L BJ o D A B C D E 1340 1523 1523 1523 1523 F 15234271 G 1523 4255 H 1523 4230 15234214 A B il~~'~d~A'-~A--/ /AS/ iJ:ft §!~\ \ p K L M N o P Q ',' u ~~ w V 5980 4313 4321 4339 4297 R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB 1314 3540 1255 3160 1523 4305 1256 0322 1508 2316 1255 7724 1523 4347 1256 5776 1334 1474 1334 1482 1028 8892 1523 4446 1255 3145 1337 5134 1523 4438 1255 7807 1523 4420 1255 3152 1255 7617 screw flanged bushing sprocket chain cam, use 1333 9171 key cam, use 1333 9171 key cam, use 1314 3540 key cam, use 1333 9189 key cam, use 1314 3540 key key clip disabling shaft screw chain link kit setscrew disabling shaft nut coupler drive coupler spring detent clip spacer knob setscrew detent shaft clip setscrew Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriage and Program Unit PAPER HANDLER ASSEMBLY - LOWER PAN SUB-ASSEMBLY CPLA TE II-28) G ~ H "~I A ~' I o PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-28) A B C D E F G H I J K L M !'I 0 P 15224066 front beam 12565206 nut 12560363 screw 13406475 cable clamp 1527 0606 lamp holder 15223233 lamp assembly 13405303 screw 1527 0598 lamp retainer 1522 3217 bracket 13403654 screw 13403845 screw 12567434 lockwasher 15224025 bracket 15224140 bracket 1256 0330 screw included in W Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 R S T U 12554119 1256 7996 12565198 1256 0322 13403704 V W 15224116 15224082 Q X Y Z AA AB AC AD screw washer nut screw screw end bearing drive shaft, includes P, X, AC, AD included in W 15224033 bracket 1303 1315 screw 15224058 solar cell, includes leads 15224108 middle bearing 12568721 pin, included in W included in W For Form 1033008 Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PAPER DRIVE MOTOR CPLA TE II-29) AU AT 15224280 1522 8562 A 1256 0702 B C D E F G H I 1256 1341 1522 1323 1256 1333 1333 1018 J 1031 0084 10310092 0322 3737 3720 8886 0983 9593 9585 0602 K 13342480 L M 10344695 complete motor without reduction gear assembly complete motor and reduction gear assem bly screw, use 1256 7723 lockwasher screw resistor standoff washer screw bracket tappet post compression spring. included in J brush brush assembly. includes I governor, includes L, M, AK, AL, AM screw, included in K included in K PART NUMBERS (PLATE 1I-29) N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC 12565206 13406475 1256 0348 13375381 1337 2198 1028 7555 nut clamp screw spacer thrust spring plastic tubing included in V 1333 8736 tie rod 1333 8694 armature assembly. includes T 1334 0260 field lamination assembly 13409388 spring 1256 0330 screw. included in AA 1256 7707 lockwasher, included in AA 1333 8751 bearing plate, ineludes Y, Z, AB 1333 9601 bearing housing, included in AA 1333 8819 brush holder, includes AD AH AI AJ 1341 0717 clip, included in AC 1333 8793 commutator brush 13412499 terminal post 13404330 screw. use 13404231 screw. 1256 8028 washer on opposite side 1333 8769 bearing plate 1256 7426 lockwasher 1256 0322 screw AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV included in K 1027 1963 sp~ing, included in K 1303 1836 setscrew, included in K 10100378 nut 13342472 brush holder 1031 0258 terminal post 1025 9554 screw 12565230 nut 12568002 washer 1522 3696 mounting bracket 10247708 clamp 10305407 capacitor AD AE AF AG Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program UlIit PAPER DRIVE MOTOR REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY (PLA TE II-30) E -- ~ / -- /~~ B ~ V R Q P S PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-30) 1333 8892 A B C 1333 9643 D 1333 8876 E F G H 1333 8835 1256 8721 1333 8850 1333 8918 1333 8827 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 complete assembled reduction gear box threaded post included in C separator plate, ineludes B gear assembly, ineludes E, G pin, included in D separator plate, includes W included in D gear assembly, includes N, S separator plate, ineludes U K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y 1256 7426 1308 1005 1333 8942 1333 8959 1256 8754 13403332 12553103 1333 8934 1340 9370 1337 5050 1337 5043 1337 5035 1333 9635 lockwasher nut gasket cover pin, included in H mounting screw clip clutch jaw spring ineluded in H neoprene bushing ineluded in I space collar included in F space collar threaded post For Form 1033008 I I Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PAPER DRIVE UNIT - HOUSING ASSEMBLY (PLATE II-31) J N K I }t s Q PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-31) 15224728 A B C D E F G H I J K 1256 0314 1256 8002 1523 5187 15224595 1256 0330 13403555 15224058 15224579 15224587 1{l43 0731 1256 5248 complete paper drive gear box assembly screw washer lamp holding block plate screw screw solar cells, includes leads bracket clamp spring nut L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W 12553145 1334 0021 1255 7740 1338 8376 15224678 clip reversing arm setscrew groo ved post housing, includes bushings 1256 0322 screw 1256 0330 screw 12554119 screw 1255 7708 setscrew 15224553 adaptor block 13403712 screw 15224710 light assembly Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog carriage and Program Unit PAPER DRIVE UNIT - PRESSURE ROLL DRIVE SHAFT AND 1/10 SPACING CLUTCH ASSEMBLY CPLA TE IJ-32) B AA ) / I '" /' N B U PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-32) A B C D E F G H K L M N 1334 0286 1255 7617 1334 0187 15224603 1337 1463 1340 9438 12553095 1337 5464 15224652 1333 9809 1333 9213 15224645 1333 9833 1333 9874 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 bevel gear setscrew clutch casing timing disk felt pad compression spring clip roller clntch shaft grooved pin key clntch assembly bevel gear reversing sleeve 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA 1333 9858 slotted bushing 1333 9825 bevel gear 1333 9866 shaft 1337 9656 set collar 12557526 setscrew 15224611 clutch driver, use 1256 0447 screw 1255 7690 setscrew 1334 1482 coupler 1334 1474 drive coupler 1256 5776 brass hex nnt 15224629 shaft assembly, includes Z, AA included in Y 12568739 pin, included in Y For Form 1033008 Sec.U . Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage. and Program Unit PAPER DRIVE UNIT - PROGRAM CAM SHAFT DRIVE ASSEMBLY (PLATE II-33) B F y r pQ~ R PART NUMBERS (PLATE U-33) A B C D E F G H I J 12561106 13339841 13375514 13339940 12561080 15224660 12557617 1334 5475 12568804 screw bevel gear spacer drive shaft. includes F. J screw included in D coupling setscrew coupler pin. included in D K L M N a P Q R S 13340336 clutch driver 1300 1540 pin. included in W included in P 1334 1458 drive coupler 13387352 locknut 13340120 shaft assembly. includes M. S 13375480 washer. .050" 13378765 bronze spacer • • 005" 1337 9128 bronze spacer. .003" 10100519 pin. included in P T U V W X Y Z AA AB 1256 0330 1334 0047 13340062 13340070 1334 0013 13409446 1311 3980 13341409 13340088 screw bearing cap shim •• 005" shim, .003" worm gear shaft, includes L, X included in W torsion spring spacer ·clutch throw-out arm bevel gear Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PAPER DRIVE UNIT - SOLENOIDS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE (PLATE II-34) I AA A B C D E F G H K L M N 0 P Q R S T 15082662 13342779 screw clapper support plate. included in AP 13403845 screw. included in AP 12565248 nut 1340 1658 grooved screw post 1334 0229 clutch pawl 12553137 clip 1343 0731 spring 12553103 clip. included in T 1337 1455 spacer. included in T 1522 3795 shaft. included in T 1522 3803 clapper, included in T 1522 3738 screw, included in T 1522 3761 solenoid assembly. includes P 15223787 insulator, included in T included in N 1522 3761 solenoid assembly. includes R, included in T included in Q 1340 5303 screw 1522 3746 solenoid bracket 15224298 dual solenoid and bracket assembly, includes I thru M, 0, Q Printed in U. S, America 10-1-68 PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-34) U V W X y Z 1256 8010 1338 9176 1334 1425 13408943 10266351 13340344 AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH 10269769 1333 9916 13239264 13403662 13403654 1026 9363 1334 0369 AI AJ AK AL 12553145 12565701 1256 0355 1334 0211 washer grooved stud anti-backup arm spring spring anchor solenoid assembly. includes AE spring clapper clamp screw included in Z screw spring clutch throw -out release arm clip nut screw clutch pawl AF AE AM 15233463 AN AO 1333 9924 AP 13342787 1523 5278 AQ AR 13396403 13402896 solenoid assembly. includes AN. included in AP included in AM clapper, included in AP solenoid bracket reverse and return solenoid assembly, includes B, C, AM, AN, AO threaded post clamp For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series El100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriage and Program Unit G CARRIAGE CLOSING AND OPENING MECHANISM (PLATE II-35) B X PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-35) A B C D E F G H K 1522 5279 1510 6982 15106990 1026 9769 1510 6933 15106941 15104391 bail assembly camming bail switch bail spring latching arm solenoid arm solenoid bracket, included in H 1511 9118 electrical coil with leads 15107675 complete solenoid assembly, includes G 1018 0164 screw 15104540 solenoid plunger 10105674 screw, use 1256 7434 lockwasher, 1010 0386 nut L M 13100524 13407283 1523 7068 N 1511 7930 0 1256 7459 P 1256 1080 1256 8028 Q R S T U V 13402656 1523 6938 12553129 1321 3400 solenoid plunger solenoid, includes leads solenoid assembly, includes N thru S bracket, included in M, includes S lockwasher, included in M screw, included in M washer, included in M diode, included in M included in M bracket retaining clip retaining shaft P W X y Z 1341 1848 13409339 15226350 1522 6384 1527 1851 switch spring actuating link carriage open and close shaft assembly. series El100. E4000. Use 1522 6384 and 1522 6400 bracket on non-stripe ledger machines before serial F168057P carriage open and clo.se shaft assembly. series E6000 CARRIAGE OPEN AND CLOSE KEY INTERLOCK - STRIPE LEDGER (PLA TE II-36) PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-36) A B C D E F G H I K L 1522 1522 1522 1257 1340 1025 1028 1303 1522 1522 6384 carriage open and dose shaft assembly 6350 link 6368 interlock arm 3887 nut 8091 solenoid coil, included in I 8689 screw 8777 screw stud, included in I 1372 screw, included in I 6665 solenoid bracket, includes terminals 7242 complete solenoid assembly, includes E, G thru K 1326 3108 clapper retainer, included in I 15105992 clapper, included in I, use 1027 2946 spring 1522 6376 eccentric screw .' 132100 Parts Catalog Burroughs - Senes . , Carnage an d Program Umt Sec. II , DIRECTIONAL CONTROL KEYS AND INTERLOCK ASSEMBLY (PLATE II-37) H ~ A B C D E A F G PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-37) 1522 9123 H 1527 1919 carriage directional keyblock sole:lOid assembly, sene~ 132100, E4000, 111cludes A thrn F carriage directional keyblock sole~oid assembly, senes E6000, includes A thru F 1326 3348 1340 8091 13263421 1026 9306 1511 7351 bracket coil clapper spring blocking slide, series 132100, E4000 1527 1901 blocking slide, series E6000 1255 3129 clip directional key as15108970 sembly, series 132100, 1527 1836 E4000, includes H directional key assembly, series E6000, 1337 2370 includes H clip, series E210~, E4000, included 111 G 12553434 I J K 13042973 10107969 1010 9981 lip, series E6000, included in ,G spring washer screw C CA RRIA GE DRIVE UNIT (PLA TE II -38) Z AA AB AC AD AC AE B r - - - --, .- ~-::;--F , I iI I __ I'--%.'~6 H I II lil rC1f' II ~ b' If--' ;' ~K I as BD U '..---r IC)'~ I , I I, I I (jJIIU' '---. ..,BR ' , .,../ I IS(I,,~ 'II I ~BG r~, L.J_J BP-~ L ~'~~~n \;> Printed in U. S. Ame rica 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 I ,',' Sec. II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Carriage and Program Unit PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-38) 15273378 complete carriage drive unit and escapement assembly for machines with CONTINUOUS FORM FEED and P and PA Machines without CONTINUOUS FORM FEED and P & PA require items No. I, 2, 3 and 4 Machines with P & PA but without CONTINUOUS FORM FEED require items No.1 and 3 Machines with CONTINUOUS FORM FEED but without P & PA require items No.2 and 4 Remove: 1. parts AY thru BG (see PLATECARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT-RIGHT SIDE) 2. parts G, V. W,X (see PLATE CARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT TOP PLATE) dated Install: 3. screws Land support G from replaced carriage drive unit (see (PLATE - CARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT -RIGHT SIDE) 4. spring G, part No. 1027 6392, from replaced carriage drive unit (see PLATECARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT TOP PLATE) A B C D E F G H 1 12553152 1256 0850 11967858 1527 3006 15105349 15104987 12553152 1338 8244 1523 8454 J K L 12553145 1510 5315 1510 5331 M N 1510 5760 1510 5323 0 P T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD 1510 5752 1523 9262 1523 9247 15105307 10264240 15105661 10263945 1027 7424 15105562 10104446 12553392 15105927 10443158 15105398 15104995 1256 0728 AE AF AG AH AI AJ 1344 5630 15105224 15105463 15105786 1011 3074 15105802 AK 15105901 AL AM AN AO AP AQ 15105026 15105638 15105588 15105380 15105356 15105414 AR 1510 5018 Q R S retaining clip screw lockwasher flanged post lever post retaining clip pin, included in 1 gear shaft assembly, includes H, BP retaining clip bellcrank link, .use 1255 3129 clip latch assembly link, use 1255 3129 clip latch assembly eccentric bushing latch bellcrank spring arm eccentric spring latch washer retaining clip screw spring bellcrank post screw, use 1523 1269 eccentric bearing gear spacer j bellcrani spring shaft and gear assembly post, use 1255 3152 clip bracket return shaft assembly tab shaft assembly cam block shift arm guide, use 1256 0843 (front screw), 1010 4313 (rear screw) post, use 1337 1117 spacer, 1256 5248 nut AS AT AU AV 15238751 1026 9785 1523 8520 1523 8512 AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH Bl BJ 1523 9270 10272839 10266252 1523 9239 1255 7807 BK BL BM 1337 1337 1523 1522 BN BO 1523 8504 1523 8595 1526 8238 BP BQ BR BS 10103893 1510 8004 1010 6615 1026 1220 1522 9107 1511 6981 1511 6999 1523 8561 1526 8170 1117 1778 8488 9115 12553160 15105208 15105216 shift arm assembly spring roller screw, use 1256 5248 nut nut spring spring anchor shoulder screw setscrew included in BG set collar spacer spacer, set collar shaft, includes BB spacer (.003") as req. spacer (.005") as req. return gear return gear, for shifting arm AP construction spacer (. 003 ") as req. spacer (. 006") as req. shuttle shuttle, for shifting arm AP construction sleeve tab gear tab gear, for shifting arm AP construction. Replacement of tab gear 1526 8238 requires the use of return gear 1526 8170, sleeve 1523 8504 and 1337 1117 and 1337 1778 spacers included in I retaining clip gear shaft and gear assemb1y Sec, II Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog, Carriage and Program Unit CARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT, RIGHT SIDE (PLATE n-39) Al AL PART NUMBERS (PLATE U-39) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X 13074596 1511 3376 1300 8065 15104870 1337 2222 1010 0402 1511 9142 1256 5248 1256 7442 1256 0843 1511 9134 1010 8991 15105117 1255 3152 1307 3150 1255 7518 1014 7650 15108020 1510 8012 15105455 10105625 1026 9363 gear post screw bracket lockwasher nut support nut lockwasher screw guide comb screw post retaining clip shaft setscrew spring includ ed in T bail, included in T shaft assembly, includes R, S, V, W, Z, AS thruAV bushing included in T pin, included in T spring Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL 1026 6344 1010 0238 1511 9985 1511 9993 1512 0009 1026 6252 1510 5083 1511 9977 1027 6855 1028 '8504 1522 5279 1307 6138 1510 5091 1510 5711 1329 0036 1523 8405 1523 6409 AM AN 1255 7625 1510 5141 spring anchor retaining clip latch, .532" radius latch, .577" radius latch, .602" radius spring anchor spring post tab latch assembly spring spring bail pivot pin post yoked bellcrank yoked bellcrank post, for casting having cleared hole, use 1344 5622 washer, 1256 5263 nut repair post, for casting having threaded hole, use 1196 7858 washer, 1256 5248 nut setscrew AO AP AQ AR AS 133.7 9656 1510 5109 13074828 10287670 1307 3721 AT 1010 9403 AU 1256 7426 AV AW 1027('07 1512 0017 AX 1510 8038 AY AZ BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH 13409339 15272016 12553103 1256 0686 1023 7980 10111193 15264450 15265929 1527 1992 15104912 set collar post interlock spring bellcrank, included in T washer, included in T lockwasher, included in T screw, included in T grooved post, use 1338 7360 nut cge. open and close slide spring switch actuator clip screw shoulder screw washer bellcrank mounting plate switch mounting plate shaft and gear assembly standoff For Form 1033008 I Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec.II Carriage and Program Unit CARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT TOP PLATE (PLATE II-40) PART NUMBERS (PLATE II-40) A B C D E F G H shaft assembly. includes U 15105240 top plate 1026 7185 pin 1044 2937 eccentric collar 12565198 nut 15105729 interlock slide 1027 6392 spring 1341 0246 spring. for P & PA 1510 5133 threaded post 1510 5539 K L M N 0 P 1256 0884 12567442 15105471 13375134 15105844 screw lockwasher plate spacer gear and clutch assembly 15105463 spacer. as required 15105489 shaft assembly. includes C and P 1307 5627 pin R S T 15235369 1522 7101 1256 5248 1510 5885 U V W X Y 1526 1837 10288629 13402938 1256 0850 Q screw gear. nut gear and clutch assembly included in A switch actuator spring screw screw CARRIAGE DRIVE UNIT - ESCAPEMENT UNIT (PLATE U-41) y z 0'-..... w PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. II Carriage and Program Unit PART NUMBERS (PLATE U-41) 1523 6276 escapement unit assembly with timing latch A construction after serial F158339P M N 0 P Q 1511 1651 A B C D E F G 15235898 1255 3103 10105401 1523 5989 1510 5794 1027 3423 1523 3208 H 1523 3182 I 10344604 15234040 1010 0386 1256 0868 J K L Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 escapement unit assembly without timing latch A construction before serial f158400P timing latch retaining clip screw cam arm post spring pivot arm. use 1255 3129 clip eccentric screw, use 1315 7995 washer, 1256 7442 lockwasher, 1256 5248 nut washer cam arm assembly nut R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC 1256 7442 lockwasher 13406525 cable clamp 15105406 bracket 1510 7568 screw 1010 0428 nut 1523 6029 eccentric screw 1523 5997 spacer 1026 9769 spring 1255 3129 retaining clip 1522 5246 roller 1523 5906 escapement latch 1523 6060 tabulate latch 1523 9254 wire link 1010 0378 nut 1340 1427 eccentric bushing 1303 9904 spacer 15235922 auxiliary top plate for timing 1a tch A, after serial F158339P Before serial F158400P, use 1523 5922 top plate, 1523 5997 spacer for machines without timing latch A I screw for form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, III Control Lanes ELECTRICAL SENSING UNIT TAPPET ASSEMBLY (PLATE Ill-I) lJ L / / I / I / AL I IlM I AM ~ ( I I I I AI AE PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Sec. III Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Control Lanes PART NUMBERS (PLATE m-1) 1511 6155 15225410 1523 3307 1523 5476 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X 12553129 13403878 1027 3191 13165089 15104607 1526 8071 1511 0174 1511 6528 1340 3142 1256 7459 1256 8028 1511 6502 1511 6510 15104615 1511 6536 15104771 12553145 1026 9769 10276426 15104722 1511 6205 15104565 complete electrical sensing unit - series E2100 without AEC com plete electrical sensing unit - series E2100 with AEC complete electrical sensing unit - series E2100 stripe ledger com plete electrical sensing unit - series E4000 clip screw spring screw tappet guide tie bar tappet plate, use 1256 7442 lockwasher, 1256 0843 screw tappet screw lockwasher washer tappet spring tappet tappet guide tappet gUide plunger pin clip spring spring included in V included in V latching shaft, includes T, U,AF sleeve tie bar y Z AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR 1510 1496 solenoid bracket 1326 1565 solenoid, white/red leads 1511 9118 solenoid, blk/red leads 1028 7514 spacer 10104370 lockwasher 1256 5289 nut 13402656 diode 1010 0493 pin, included in V 12553178 clip 15104540 plunger 1326 1516 core 1256 0728 screw 1256 1098 screw 15108921 tie bar 12565230 nut 1339 0554 connector 1511 1438 bracket 15104623 back plate, all series E2100 and for series E4000 before serial Fl 78209P, includes AQ 15268147 back plate, series E4000 after serial F1 78208P, include s AQ 10236735 needle bearing, included in AP, AV 15104789 camshaft, all series E2100 and for series E4000 before serial F1 78209P, includes AS, AX. A Y. AZ 15268154 camshaft, series E4000 after serial F1 78208P, includes AS. AX, AY. AZ AS AT AU AV 10100493 1026 0248 13164967 15104649 15268121 AW AX AY AZ BB BC 1511 7245 1010 0493 1255 3152 1522 9289 15252380 1526 8097 BD BE 1027 3407 15252372 pin, included in AR eccentric screw front plate, all series E2100 and for series "E4000 before serial F178209P, includes AQ front pline, series E4000 after serial F178208P, includes AQ shaft pin, included in AR included in AR included in AR clip rebound latch, all series E2100 and for series E4000 before serial F1 78209P rebound latch, series E4000 after serial F178208P rebound latch (not shown), series E4000, mounted on back plate AP, after serial F178208P spring mounting bar Burroughs - Series E2~00 Sec. III Parts Catalog Control Lanes ELECTRICAL SENSING UNIT LANE SWITCH ASSEMBLY (PLATE III-2l I I I I I I F {I I E D 0" I • ""1 AK?:7 ( / AJ "- '\ I \ I I M f f f N \ I f / AC AF AB PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1~68 For Form 1033008 Burrou~!Js~s~ries E2100Parts C~talog Sec. III control Lines PART NUMBERS (PLATE m-2) complete printed circuit card assembly. includes G through R. y, Z, AB, AC 12553152' clip 15104763 shaft 15268105 tappet bail. includes AQ . 1522 1112 A B C 1511 6494 roller 15104714 .~haft 10276830 spring 1511 6544 insulator 1510 8483, ; contact assembly " 15108418 nylon spacer 13166749 compression spring 15108400 spacer bushing i5108426 spacer 12565230 nut for left end. use 1010 0378 nut on right end N, 151'() 8459 shaft 15108491 compression spring 0 15108418 nylon spacer P Q 15108467 contact assembly 1511 9472 printed circuit board R S 12553137 clip 15225113 shaft T 1511 9506 connector U 15225121 plate V 1511 9498 connector block W 1010 9791 screw, beginning X with serial F178209P, use 1256 '5230 mit 1025 868'9 . screw, prior to serial F178209P, use '1337 2214 lockwasher, 1256 '5230 nut D E F G H I J K L M ,y 13~16742 shoulder screw 12565248 Z AB :!-510 8434 AC ' 15108442 AD 12560868 1340 :4629 AE AF 15119548 AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS .AT nut qracket 1:lraci5et screW' sc,ew printed cirC\lit card. . $eries E~rOO stripe !edger and all series , E4000 15268~3 ' printed circuit card. series EaOOO 1511(l464 'printed circuit card. ~bri';s E2100 nonStripe ledger 1511, 1446 bracket 1511142,0, inSulating board 15108921 tie bar 10100477 nut 12567400 lockwasher 13126206 actuator assembly 12560207 screw for single switch const. Use 1340 4678 for 3 switch const. 1341 1897 switch 10286219 spacer nut. for single switch const. Use 1332 2631 for 3 switch const. 12553129 clip" 1010 ~!J3 pin, inCluded in C 12553;178 clip 12553160 clip 1522' 8976 fiber pa per insula tor Sec. III Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Control Lanes NON-SENSING SWITCH ASSEMBLY (PLATE III-3) AL AK I I ) / / AE / ( I H Y PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-3) 1510 9374 1522 1120 A B 12553103 1510 8806 complete non -sensing switch assembly. series E6000 and series E2100 nonstripe ledger com plete non-sensing switch assembly, series E2100 stripe ledger and all series E4000 clip switch actuator, odd number lanes switch actuator, even number lanes 15108764 shaft 12565230 nut 12567434 lockwasher 1256 8002 washer 1511 1156 guide comb for odd number actuators 1522 0361 guide comb for even number actuators 15108889 lower guide comb 1026 1386 screw 15108756 cover 1512 0306 C D E F G H I J Q 1321 7013 15108798 12567442 15108863 1340 5923 10326056 1313 1024 R 1313 1032 K L M N 0 P screw plate lockwasher screw screw washer terminal block (20) without internal jumper terminal block (20) with internal jumpers between 1 and 2, 3 and 4, etc. PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E210a Parts Catalog Sec, III Control Lanes PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-3) CONTINUED S T U V W X 1256 1171 15225196 12561130 12565263 12568028 12567459 screw, use 1256 1189 screw for four terminal blocks bracket screw nut washer lockwasher Y Z AB AC AD AE AF AG 1256 1122 1511 2030 1256 1106 15108921 15109077 15108699 15108723 1256 0686 screw AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO eccentric screw tie bar bracket back plate contact block screw 1256 8002 1510 8780 1511 1164 1510 8707 15108855 1510 8772 12553129 15108871 washer fiber board contact wire front plate spring shaft clip tie bar AEC MECHANISM (PLA TE III-4) F G H BK ~ BI AR AQ PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-4) A B C D E F G 15222961 1522 3134 1522 3001 12553186 1522 3027 15222821 15222995 chain idler sprocket hex post, use 1256 8044 spacer, 1256 7467 lockwasher 1256 5248 nut clip spacer sprocket link H J K L M N 0 1340 9107 15222771 1522 3076 15222854 15222888 1522 3118 10352136 1338 7360 spring tab -return shaft assembly clutch spring clutch limit assembly clutch trip assembly tab -return cam spring nut P 1256 7467 Q 15222599 R S T U 1522 1522 1522 1522 3068 3050 3035 3043 lockwasher cam, use 1255 3186 clip spring post post clutch trip arm bracket, use 1304 2767 screw, 1256 5230 nut PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. III Control Lanes PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-4) CONTINUED V W X 13408893 1325 5377 13255492 Y Z AA AB AC 13408307 13407929 1256 7715 12565248 15222581 AD 1333 3117 AE AF AG 1256 0322 1311 8575 1256 0355 AH AI AJ AK AL 1522 0577 1308 1005 15222656 15222748 15222698 AM AN 1026 9769 15222755 spring solenoid bracket clapper, use 1026 9975 spring solenoid core solenoid coil lockwasher nut, included in AQ contact, use 1311 5670 nut phenolic insulator, 1333 3125 contact block, 13378179 phenolic spacers screw taper tab screw, use 10104552 washer phenolic spacer nut drive shaft assembly mounting bar reset camshaft assembly spring reset arm, included in AQ AO 12567442 AP AQ 13164637 15222722 AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC 13403878 15222573 1342 8263 1304 4680 15222938 BD 1522 3175 1522 2763 12565230 1256 7434 15224694 1522 3159 13243613 lockwasher, included in AQ screw, included in AQ reset shaft assembly. includes AB. AN, AO, AP shoulder screw contact assembly nut coupling screw shaft assembly included in I escapement beUcrank nut lockwasher screw bracket cycle counter, use 1257 2301 screw, 1256 5230 nut arm, use 1257 2269 BH BI BJ BK BL BM BN screw BE BF BG 1522 3167 15222805 1522 3019 link tab -return bellcr ank arm 1336 8253 13072632 15222631 1523 6078 spring flanged spacer cam follower arm cam follower arm after serial F158339P 15222623 cam follower arm before serial F158400P 1523 6045 escapement cam after serial F158339P. Use 1522 3092 and 1522 3100 screws 1522 3084 escapement cam before serial F158400P, use 1522 3092 and 1522 3100 screws 15224330 plastic guard, use 1256 0694 screw, 1256 5230 nut 15222813 bracket, use 1316 5204 screw, 1256 5248 nut I CA RRlA GE MOVEMENT SOLENOID (PLA TE III -5) PART NUMBERS (PLATE m-5) A A B C D E F G H Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 15222631 1336 8253 1255 3145 1522 3019 1256 5230 13372214 15224694 1523 3240 1341 8686 cam follower arm spring clip link nut lockwasher eccentric screw solenoid plunger assembled solenoid For Form 1033008 Sec. III Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Control Lanes SENSING UNIT BACK PLA TE ASSEMBLY (PLATE III-6) PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-6) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 15102155 1337 9656 12557526 1326 1516 10100212 15102205 10276582 12553145 15102296 12553129 15102312 1010 0212 13388525 1331 8480 shaft set collar setscrew adjusting screw clip notched control slide spring clip bellcrank clip lfuk clip pin plunger 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y 1511 7930 solenoid bracket 15229073 solenoid and bracket assembly. includes D. 0 through V. X 12565289 nut 12567749 lockwasher 13402656 diode 13039854 washer 10287514 spacer 1326 1524 bracket 1511 9118 coil 13403852 screw 1511 6205 solenoid sleeve 1510 1884 back plate, series £2100. E4000 1527 1679 back plate. series ESOOO AA AB AC AD AE AF AG 1010 8991 1010 0378 1511 3517 10306298 1304 4516 1303 9854 13335740 13334743 AH 15271646 13334784 AI 1527 1653 13334792 Z 1527 1661 screw nut bracket washer spacer spacer hexagon post ban. series E2100, E4000 ban. series ESOOO ban. series E2100. E4000 bail. series ESOOO bail, series E2100, E4000 bail" series. E6000 Burroughs - Series .E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. III Control Lanes SENSING UNIT AND TAPPET BLOCK ASSEMBLY (PLATE III-7) I PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-7) 15105521 A B 13334552 15102197 1527 1240 15105513 1527 1638 C D E 15102171 10103380 1503 1701 1527 1299 F 1511 3509 G H 1255 3129 15102239 tappet control assembly, series E2100, E4000, includes G thru Q, T, U, V guide plate tappet block, series E2100, E4000 tappet block, series E6000 complete tappet unit assembly, series E2100, E4000 complete tappet unit assembly, series E6000 guide plate screw solenoid coil, series E2100, E4000, includes core solenoid coil, series E6000, includes core bracket clip shaft K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA 1010 8579 15102254 10269298 15102262 10104552 15102338 1028 8645 15102320 15102270 10106706 10104362 1510 1926 10272912 15102213 1255 3103 13411848 1333 5898 spacer bail spring limit bail spacer turnbuckle eye turnbuckle screw clapper assembly screw lockwasher bobbin assembly spring bracket. tappet c9ntrol clip switch blank included in AB 15222789 bracket. with AEC mechanism. included in AB 1336 7545 bracket. without AEC mechanism. included in AB AB 15222771 1336 7529 AC 1336 7545 AD AE AF AG 10100659 AH AI AJ AK 1010 9197 1502 9507 1333 5922 12565248 1304 2965 13403118 1511 3632 AL AM AN AO 1257 3887 13334545 15102346 15102185 1527 1257 shaft assembly. with AEC mechanism. includes Z through AE shaft assembly. without AEC mechanism. includes Z through AE bracket. included in AB pin. included in AB included in AB screw skid. ,4" skid. I" nut spring screw stab Hizer. for PG rack nut upper guide plate bracket lower guide plate, series E2100, E4000 lower guide plate, series 00000 PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. III Control Lanes PART NUMBERS (PLATE 1I1-7) CONTINUED AP 1304 3799 1527 1224 AQ AR 1303 1364 guide plate, series E2100, &l000 guide plate, series E6000 screw TAPPETS Lane of Control Part No. 3 1511 6759 4 1511 6775, series E2100, &l000 Lane of Control 4 5 5 6,8,13 17,18,19 Lane of Control 12 14 15 Part No. 1527 1190, series E6000 1511 6767, series E2100, &l000 1527 1208, series E6000 15 21 22 13334842 Part No. 1333 5005 1511 1123 15111123, series E2100, &l000 1527 1216, series E6000 13334875 13334867 SENSING UNIT CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY (PLATE III-8) PART NUMBERS (PLATE III-8) 15102023 A B C D E F 1511 6643 1256 8903 15102015 10109924 15102031 camshaft assembly, includes B thru K. R thru X front plate included in D pin, included in D shaft assembly, includes B, C, X spacer cam G H I J K L M N 0 P 15102064 cam 1511 9845 cam 15102049 cam 15102072 cam 1333.6003 spacer 1333 6813 coupling cam 1510 1934 actuating arm 1304 4490 eccentric bushing 15101942 actuating arm 1257 3291 screw VI 15102163 15102122 1304 4466 15102080 15102098 15102056 15102106 X Y 1510 1959 Q R S T U V spacer nut spacer cam cam cam cam included in D spacer Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. IV Keyboard CODE ACTUATING SLIDES, BELLCRANKS AND LINKS (PLATE IV-I) B PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-I) A B C POSITION NO. 1337 7361 1523 7449 1336 7685 spacer for eight slides spacer for nine slides guide post code slides E2100 NON -STRIPE LEDGER 1 1336 7578 2 1336 7586 3 1336 7594 4 1336 7602 5 1336 7610 8 not used 8A (not shown) 1511 9878 for upper case characters with TTFM 6 1336 7628 7 1511 9852 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 I E2100 STRIPE LEDGER AND ALL E4000 1522 5972 15225998 1522 6004 1522 6012 1522 6020 1522 6053 1523 7423 1522 6038 1522 6046 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. IV Keyboard CLEAR MEMORY AND NON-AUTO KEY INTERLOCKS (PLATE IV-2) H E PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-2) A B C D E 1511 0133 1301 3263 13404991 13404983 F G H I J K L M 13295001 15111628 1330 1981 1511 1636 10'26 9355 15226822 15226848 keytop, "CLR MBM" keystem screw spring stud screw lock, 90 1/2 Style 7, specify combination BU1091F8 thru BUllOOF8 key, 905/8 Style 7, specify combination BU1091F8 thru BU1100F8 lock cam locking slide button, included in L spring stud screw spring keystem lock keytop, "NON AUTO" Sec. IV Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Keyboard KEYBOARD CONSTRUCTION (PLATE IV-3) B-1I I K I I / I PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-3) A B C D E F G H 13301981 plastic button, included in D 1012 0178 screw 10288785 screw, use 1010 0444 nut 13302179 locking slide 1523 5716 shaft, 11 1/2" long 10lD 0220 clip 1012 0301 spring, for motor bar column and columns 0 thru 14 1301 9666 spring, for column A, B, C 1301 0533 spring anchor shaft K L M N 0 P Q R 1337 5662 1510 9846 15109853 10109635 10442622 13293030 1255 3145 1510 9804 1255 3129 15109796 15252919 S 1256 0322 spacer interlock slide bellcrank screw spring spring anchor shaft clip shaft, 2 1/2" long clip lamp bracket, series E2100, E4000 lamp bracket, series E6000 T U V 13012729 13293089 13412200 W 1510 9812 1510 9770 15109820 X y Z AA AB 13314042 1510 9879 1522 8398 bail shaft spring anchor, columns A, B, C shaft repeat slide date repeat control lever, use 1010 0220 clip plastic button shaft bail screw, use 1256 5206 nut Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. IV Keyboard KEYTOPS (PLATE IV-4) SYMBOL cms. Beige 129 on Brown 114 MEMORY ADDRESS COLS. Ivory 300 on Red 401 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 9911 9929 9937 9945 9952 9960 9978 9986 9994 *• + 1511 0026 1511 0042 13309471 1330 9513 For character key tops and/or other keytops with special markings and matching type - order on SPECIAL TYPE AND KEYTOP CHART Form 2836 KEYSTEMS (PLATE IV-5) E F PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-5) A B C D E F G H G H K I J K position 8 col. B, position 1 col. C position 4, 5, 7, col. B position 3, 4. 6, 7, 8, col. C 1522 0973 position 5, col. C 13013271 position 3, col. B 13013453 position 6, col. B 1301 3297 position 3, col. A 1512 0108 motor bar No, 3 and No, 4, series E2100, E4000 1527 0655 motor bar No, 3 and No, 4, series E6000 1512 0116 motor bar No, 1 series E2100, E4000 1527 0663 motor bar No, I, series E6000 13013388 auxiliary keystem 1523 5740 position 1 thru 9, col. 0 thru 14 15109895 position 7, col. A 1301 3263 1511 0000 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. IV Keyboard KEYBOARD LOCKING SLIDES, AUXILIARY SLIDES, LIMIT STRIPS, INTERLOCKS (PLATE IV-6) • .. . ee ee ee ee s Q I PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-6) A B C 0 E F G H locking slide, cols. A, B locking slide, cols. 0 thru 14 locking slide, col. C locking slide, motor bar col., all series camming slide, motor bar col., series 00000 locking slide locking slide binary slide (embossed) all series binary slide (smooth) series E4000 binary slide (smooth) series 00000 MA enforced slide (embossed), nine projection 1527 0739 MA enforced slide (smooth), nine projection 15235005 MA enforced slide, single projection 1527 0689 MA enforced slide, three projection 15109556 15109762 1522 0957 13293865 15270671 13294343 13294335 15235534 15234990 1527 0721 15235542 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W 1511 7419 1301 0632 13010640 13293386 13293402 13293394 13294228 1301 0657 13302385 13293618 13293527 13293485 1523 6979 13010939 1510 9887 limit strip interlock plate, col. B interlock plate, motor bar interlock plate, col. C interlock plate, col. C interlock plate, col. C positioning strip, col. C interlock plate, motor bar limit strip limit strip limit strip, cols. A, B, C limit strip, col. C lim it strip, motor bar col. limit strip, motor bar col. limit strip, cols. A, B col. col. (right side) (left side) For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Keyboard Sec. IV INDICA TOR STRIPS, LIGHTS AND SWITCHES (PLA TE IV -7) 0 0 C B A PRT MEM ADD 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRT MEM ADD RD PWR ON PCH ON TPE LCK EXC CAP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PWR ON ALT. PRG LCK 0 0 PWR ON PCH ON TPE AAP POS CHK 0 0 0 0 0 PRT MEM ADD 0 0 PRT MEM ADD F LCK EXC CAP VER WRT FS l K J 0 0 0 0 0 0 PWR ON ALT PRG LCK M N OSTR OPWR o OPGL PCH OTPE AAP POS CHK OPGt OLCK OEXC OCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRT MEM ADD RD VER WRT FS 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRT MEM ADD RD ORD VER OvER WRT OWRT FS OFS OOPA CGE POS 0 0 00 00 CGE POS 0 0 8 4 00 00 2 1 8 4 , 2 PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-7) A B C D E F .G H 1522 1522 1522 1522 1511 1511 1526 1511 1511 1511 7184 6863 1039 1021 7724 7732 8907 7559 7567 7575 indicator strip indicator strip, stripe ledger indicaror strip (printer to card) indicator strip (printer to tape) locknut, included in G and H lockw asher, included in G and H indicator light & switch (red), includes Eo F indicator light & switch (amber), includes Eo F indicator light & switch (green), includes E, F indicator light (red), includes E, F indicator light (amber), includes E, F indicator Ilght (green), includes E, F K L M N 1522 1522 1527 1527 1527 1526 1526 1526 1526 6871 6889 1042 1158 1182 8915 9095 9103 9111 indicator strip, stripe ledger (printer to tape) indicator strip, stripe ledger (printer to card) indicator strip, stripe ledger indication strip indication strip cge, position lamp (red, neon) "PWR" and "PCH" lamp (green) "TPE" lamp (amber) "LCK" and" EXC" lamp (red, incandescent) Sec. IV Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Keyboard KEYBOARD READ-OUT ASSEMBLY (PLATE IV-8) .., ~ ~, ~~ T '" K J L I _N o PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-8) / A ·B C D E 1511 8805 complete keyboard read-out assembly. series E2100 15235435 complete keyboard read -out assembly. series E4000 152'1 0580 complete keyboard read-out assembly, series 00000 15108343 insulator sheet (8 1/3" x 6 3/4") 13165295 nylon screw 15108194 insulating strip 15108293 contact assembly 15108301 contact assembly ... Printed in U.S. America 10-1-68 F G H 15108236 contact assembly (shown). 9 prong 15235021 contact assembly. 8 prong 152'10630 contact assembly. 6 prong 152'10648 contact assembly, 3 prong 1523 5013 contact assembly. single prong for hundreds of MA. series E4000 15108319 baseboard assembly, includes U 1308 1005 nut K L M N 0 P Q R S T U 15108350 13406525 10100261 15114'162 15108202 151082'1'1 15108285 12565180 13406608 1256 '19'10 1256 0132 15111180 1510832'1 insulating sheet cable clamp speed nut cable clamp insulating strip contact assembly contact assembly nut cable clamp washer screw lamp assembly black vinyl tape, included in G for form 1033008 Burroughs· Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. IV CALENDAR FEATURE, ROTARY DIAL INDEXED - FOUR DIAL CONSTRUCTION (PLATE IV-9) PART NUMBERS (PLATE IV-9) A 1503 0752 B C D E F 15235633 1502 4730 15024698 15025018 15024680 15024672 15024664 G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R 1342 7737 1255 7617 1510 9713 1503 0547 15025034 1503 0778 1503 0679 1503 0794 1503 0687 1503 0653 1503 0695 dial assembly (plain), for year or month, includes B dial only (plain), for year or month ratchet, included in A detent ratchet detent detent detent included in K set collar, includes J setscrew, included in I separator strip, includes H decal (months) ratchet, included in N dial assembly (plain) unit of days, includes M dial only (plain) dial, (plain) tens of days decal, (tens of days) decal, (units of days) decal, (year) Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. V PRINTING SECTION - COMPONENT PARTS (PLATE V-I) A A8 1~ I. 0 / @),.c:?~ Y X w R I PART NUMBERS (PLATE V-I) 1512 0264 15235500 15273022 A B C D 1523 1228 1510 3906 1510 3880 1332 6186 13324009 15104078 1306 9653 series E2100 complete assembled printing section with carriage controlled cipher splits between kyb. col. sym/1, 2/3, 5/6, 6/7, 9/10 series E4000 complete assembled printing section with carriage controlled cipher splits between kyb. col. sym/1, 2/3, 5/6, 6/7, 9/10 series E4000, E6000 complete assembled printing section with carriage controlled cipher splits between kyb. col. sym/1, 2/3, 5/6, 6/7, 8/9 hammer, position Sl thru S4, 16, 17 hammer, position 18 hammer, position 15 hammer, position 1 thru 13 bail hub collar shaft E 1340 9537 1340 9743 F G H 1522 5873 1303 1364 1306 9695 15104029 K L 10293389 1307 1170 15103930 1337 5902 13324199 1511 9209 M N 0 P 1337 5910 hammer latch spring for hammer latch position Sl thru S4, 2, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15 thru 18 hammer latch spring for hammer latch position 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 hammer limit bar screw tie shaft timing bail shaft, includes K, R included in M pin, included in I, M ind exing finger main drive shaft, includes J, K shoulder collar latch release latch release, contains stud for split of symbols shoulder collar PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U.S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. V PART NUMBERS (PLATE V-I) CONTINUED Q 13324256 R S T U V 1306 8861 15104045 1010 0154 1332 6715 W 1511 9233 1332 6533 1332 6301 1332 6277 1332 6319 1332 6350 1307 1311 1307 1493 1307 1295 1307 1188 15234982 channeled spring anchor included in I shaft, incl ud ed in T hammer block latch assembly, includes F clip link hammer latches (split, kyb, coL 9/10) (split, kyb. coL 8/9) Position No. Position No, 1 1 2 2 3, 6, 9 3, 6, 10 4, 8, 11 4, 8, 10 5, 11, 12 5, 9, 12 Sl, S2, 13 15, 17, 18 16 S3 S4 X y 1340 9735 13072665 1337 5894 Z AA AB AC 1503 0471 13426895 10100410 13322821 13375886 13072616 1337 5928 1337 5936 AD 1341 1340 1341 1341 Sl, S2, 13 15, 17, 18 16 S3 S4 0063 9818 0105 0113 1511 9191 spring flanged spacer, for hammer latch position S2, S3, S4, 15 thru 17 flanged spacer for hammer latch position Sl, 1 thrt\ 14 hex spacer, for hammer latch position 18 collar nut shaft flanged collar, position 18 flanged collar, position S2, S4, 15 thru 17 flanged collar, position 1 thru 15 flanged collar, position Sl hammer spring. Use 1510 3872 spring anchor· position S3, 1 thru 4, 6 thm 8, 12, 13, 16 position 18 position S2, S4, 5, 9, 11, 17 position Sl, 10, 15' aligning bar assembly (double drive), not illustrated PRINTING CONTROL LINKAGE (PLATE V-2) PART NUMBERS (PLATE V-2) 1510 7709 A B C 1010 0337 10100212 D E F G H 1010 0337 13323399 1510 7428 13408984 complete assembled printing control camshaft - specify unit number or furnish chart included in F nut, included in F clip included in F nut shaft assembly, includes A, B, D print control arm assembly spring, use 1026 6351 spring anchor Sec. V Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog WRITER BOX ASSEMBLY (PLATE V-3) PART NUMBERS (PLATE V-3) A B C 1523 8850 writer box assembly. includes B. beginning with serial F165951P. Use 1523 8850. 1511 1107 bracket. 1010 0394 rrut (2 req.). 1035 1278 screw (2 req.). 1256 7434 lockwasher (2 req.) prior to serial F165951P. Use 1026 9355 spring on shift lever. 1523 8843 writer code plate assembly. included in A. beginning with serial F165951P. Use 1523 8843, 1511 1107 bracket, 1010 0394 nut (2 req.), 1035 12'18 screw (2 req.). 1256 7434 lockwasher (2 req.) prior to serial F165951P 1511 1107 removable counter bracket, use 1010 0394 nut (2 req.). 1035 1278 screw (2 req.). 1256 7434 lockwasher (2 req.) I TYPE BOX ASSEMBLY (PLATE V-4) PART NUMBERS (PLATE V-4) 1522 7234 complete assembled type box for series E2100 stripe ledger. series 84000. E6000. includes 1336 1605 complete assembled type box for series E2100 non -stripe ledger A, B Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. V TYPEWRITER TYPE CHART (PLATE V-5) Normal Part Number Shift Part Number Position Number E2100 Stripe E2100 Ledger E4000, E6000 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N a P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; @ / 13365606 13365515 13365416 13365424 13365580 13365630 13365663 13365523 13365440 13365689 13365531 13365622 1336 5473 1336 5481 1336 5598 13365465 1336 5820 13365432 1336 5648 1336 5614 1336 5671 13365457 1336 5549 1336 5507 13365655 1336 5499 1336 5796 6/ /15 13/ 8/ 3/ 9/ 10/ = /3 /10 /12 /16 1336 5705 1336 5713 1336 5.721 1336 5739 13365747 13365754 13365762 1336 5770 13365788 13364286 13364401 13364393 13364047 13364476 13364831 * 0 : /6 /8 1/ 4/ 7/ 5/ X 14/ 2/ 12/ + 11/ ) .. # $ 0/0 - & .- ( £ ? ¢ 1/4 1/2 3/4 13364617 13364682 13364591 13364583 133645!19 13364666 13364716 13364328 13364567 13364740 13364732 1a364674 1336 5127 13364310 13364625 13364633 13364757 13364575 13364658 13364609 1336 5697 13364641 13364724 13364690 13364344 13364708 13364799 13364351 13365101 13364518 13364500 13364765 13364385 13364369 13365119 13364799 13364294 13364302 13364807 13364781 13364815 13364823 14 34 26 22 20 8 4 31 42 2 33 19 24 28 37 16 27 38 21 1 5 30 7 3 39 40 25 32 9 23 29 13 10 12 6 35 11 41 15 36 17 18 2 20 12 10 9 14 18 22 29 26 30 34 28 24 33 37 1 13 6 17 25 16 5 8 21 4 39 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 36 32 38 41 42 40 :» 8 ~ n' '" .... o, ...., 2 o 01 ~----~~--------------- '" 00 43 ° ° 95 54 0 ( 9C( 172 i::l Gl c=: ::r: Q) ) >-l rn 48 6t':l O:J I; ... 'T1 ;0 :» AUXILIARY RIGHT SIDE FRAME 8 ;0;:: OQ ir t':l ~ 'T1 51 ;0 (1) (t ;; ::; a °43 440 fA. Y41 ~O) (» ~17 22 O 285 628 o 'T1 g g 8 .... o '"'"oo 00 610 0627 8 111 066 629 072 G 616 634 00 0 612 633 0611 0 630 277 256 cO 293 o 617 00 257 258 o 278 °294 - to@ o74 RIGHT SIDE FRAME 0 0 o70 51 o 52 0 o100 619 o 85 >-l >-l -::;; 0 '"~ §;: >-l , 88 0 89 0 ~ 93 O~ 194 75 D Cl :» 0087 o <::)113 o 620 81 73 0 80 0 ;0 0 92 84 4)614 170 o @ t"" ::r: :» ~1'-----~ iJ 23 276 295 50 ~) 0 @0238 0 0 274 C9 0 i) ()36 @609 o 0 ~ ::; ~ -< '-' Cl 623\~14 615 o 631 16 266 ©263 ~ (1) 48'§l8~ 54 OJ 622 0 632 o 0 '"164 " ::r: 259 291 0 191 0 rn rn ~ ~ tIl ." 0: (1) a'g" ~. .... 0 0 '"ft~ Cl '" Ii! 0' OQ Sec. VI Burroughs - Series 62100 Parts Catalog Side Frames AUXILIARY RIGHT SIDE FRAME (PLA TE VI-2) AM PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-2) A B C D E F G H I I K L M N 0 1255 3103 clip 1341 1848 switch 12553152 clip 15106933 latch 15106958 plate 1256 5248 nut 1256 5263 nut 1018 0164 screw 1256 0892 screw 1341 9411 spacer 1256 1536 screw 1010 0337 nut 1341 9023 screw stud 15111271 bracket, includes 0 1341 9106 grommet. included in N. AM R S 1341 9098 1256 0850 12567442 1511 2253 T U V 1326 1706 1026 9751 15105992 W 10288777 X Y 1303 1372 1326 3108 Z AA 1010 0386 1304 2338 P Q screw screw lockwasher bracket, includes T thru Y coil, included in S spring, included in S clapper, included in S spring stud, included in S screw, included:in S retainer, included in S nut stud AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AI AK AL AM 1511 1602 15111594 10109569 1256 0686 1522 6400 12565230 10263440 1256 1098 1256 7459 13314026 1341 9064 1326 1102 lever detent screw screw plate nut spring screw lockwasher key button screw stud bracket, includes 0 Sec. VI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames MOTOR BAR LINKS (PLA TE VI-3) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-3) A B C D E F G H K L M N 1303 9904 1510 7485 15109309 15109168 12553160 15107493 15107444 13032248 1012 0335 15107469 10108736 1010 0147 12553129 1300 1490 spacer post, use 1256 7459 lockwasher, 1010 0402 nut actuating arm cam follower clip arm slide spring spring latch (.040") washer clip clip clip Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AB AC 15106909 link 10272870 spring 10109205 screw 1010 0220 clip 1303 8286 link 13255153 arm 10272748 spring 1510 1363 bail 1510 1371 lever 1307 3002 spring 13252119 link 13254396 post 1010 0378 nut 1339 1073 post, series E2100, E4000 1527 0523 post, series E6000 AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP 13265426 15109325 1510 9333 10266377 12553152 15107535 1510 7089 1301 0079 1010 9940 1010 0360 1010 0402 13372263 1339 1065 guide screw link spring anchor clip actuator arm cam recessed spacer nut nut nut lockwasher extension nut For Form 1033008 I Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VI Side Frames DRIVE TRIP AND REPEA T BELLCRANKS (PLATE VI -4) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-4) A B C D E F G H 15103583 1303 9433 1026 6351 13408984 1511 7294 13428271 13372347 13038765 post link spring anchor spring restoring shaft assembly nut spacer bellcrank. series E2100.E4000 15270218 bellcrank, series E6000 13038799 bellcrank. series E2100. 64000 1527 0226 bellcrank. series E6000 1303 8'124 152'10234 K L M N 0 P Q R S T 10100220 1337 5365 1025 6162 1510 9226 1342 7794 1307 1964 1010 0238 13254123 1012 8221 1510 8996 bellcrank, series E2100, 64000 bellcrank, series 66000 clip spacer setscrew, included in 0 bellcrank set collar. includes M spacer clip post spacer bail U V W X Y Z AB AC AD AE AF AG AH 1342 7315 flanged collar 15107402 spring 12553152 clip 13039854 spacer 13427455 collar 1324 6087 lever 15109044 post 1013 9350 spring 15109010 slide assembly 1304 1181 post 10100378 nut 1010 0360 nut 12567442 lockwasher Sec. VI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames ACCUMULATION CONTROLS (PLATE VI-5) I PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-5) A B C D E F G H K L M 1255 1510 1510 1340 1337 1010 1010 1256 1010 1344 1342 1340 1340 3178 3641 3716 2532 9193 0360 4164 7467 0337 4625 8354 0411 2524 clip drive arm assembly post eccentric post bushing N o P Q R nut S washer lockwasher T nut eccentric washer round nut flanged post eccentric post Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 U V W X Y Z 1337 9185 bushing 1510 9341 locati)1g plate 1257 3051 screw 1321 6551 screw 1304 0845 post 1510 4151 spacer 1256 8044 washer 15104169 spacer 1304 0738 spacer 15104185 spacer 1010 8983 screw 1510 4177 spacer 1510 3575 slide AB AC AD AE AF AG AH Al AJ AK AL AM AN 1010 1510 1304 1044 1303 1013 1010 1255 1303 1510 1510 1300 1510 0428 9002 1538 2622 8377 3114 6011 3152 5928 9465 6701 1490 3732 nut rocker screw spring pawl spring spacer clip lever spring bushing clip support bracket For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VI Side Frames SPACING AND HAMMER BLOCK CONTROLS (PLATE VI-6) AT AR AK PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-6) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R 13034228 1010 0238 1303 7668 1027 6160 1304 0670 1303 7684 1303 7700 15106982 1256 5289 1256 7467 1255 3137 15107014 10269769 15106990 13409339 13427489 10100220 1303 9805 shaft clip bail spring sleeve bail bail bail nut lockwasher clip screw spring bail spring collar clip link S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AI 10276392 10272979 1304 1579 1510 1322 1010 8991 1510 1330 13255120 1343 0814 10269769 1026 9892 1026 6351 1304 1579 1510 1454 1324 7796 1303 7882 1342 7471 1026 0651 10288405 spring spring post latch plate screw latch plate latch plate spring spring spring spring anchor post bail bail assembly link spacer screw spring AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB 1510 1447 1510 1439 1510 1470 13402896 1010 0469 1303 8567 13072970 13401765 13252416 1026 3531 15236664 15107501 1304 0449 13254040 12567442 10100360 1303 7742 1303 7726 latch. lane 5 spring latch screw nut link spring screw indexer spring bail bail assembly space collar post lockwasher nut bail bail o J8 o > 8 ~ (i0 0~o II> ..... o .....II '" o 308 @ 281 303 0272 030~Z118 @~ 280~ 154 OOA 37 146,. <;) 266°0 83 0301 267 0 309 f;; ..,., °163 18 0 o-l 242 Ul 0 305 o 0 ° 040 °41Q86 Q -.-2"-0_ _ _ _ @ 4 1 304 o 287 0136 21 °76 275 00 0 129 282 6 027 31 c:=::::=:l 91 123 ( 145 3O_6_0...:1~56~_O=--O:....:;:261@8{50 260 _,.;...._ _ _ 300) 0 '"on 0 1480 '" on g ~ '"" '" '0;"' R > AUXILIARY LEFT SIDE FRAME t""' :0 () (\) ~ 235 237 311 :Q) (0) 244 0 0 239 ..... /74 79 o276 ~0 240 ..,., g ..,., g 8 ..... o '"'"oo 00 0 (~ 0 "!!!J \~' 248 100o 58 0 238 24::S 0 0 56 0 241 61 247 ~ a 242 314 24D.~'45 @ 0 0 @ (g 246 43 - 256 o 69 °110 Q 26~ 70 'V'§I 067 260 0 294 0 277 0 278 () 257 00 51 52 - t""' o-l o o 55 0 42 0 41 o 0 LEFT SIDE FRAME 258 '" ;:; 27 o 28 44 ::c '"> @ o 111 ~ () ~ 11 99 92 o-l > ~ O'----~ o °295 293 r"z 98 9o~06O 059 274 0 :s 91@ os.- ©5 25410ti @ ~316 0 76 236 312 (~, ag. 0 94 93 0 I ~ o 25 0 24 0 148 §"'" g s:B:: 164 <)q it I Ul ~ 0. (l) ~ II> 8 ~ ~ ~. i;3 ..... 0 0 a'" () '" E 0 <)q Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VI Side Frames AUXILIARY LEFT SIDE FRAME (PLATE VI-8) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-8) A B C D E F G H I J K L M. slide clip tapped post mounting plate lockwasher nut shoulder post screw, use 1256 7723 lockwasher 1010 0378 nut 15022486 bracket (shown) 15271174 bracket. top position. series E6000 13417381 roller 15109200 switch actuator 12553137 clip 1510 9085 1010 0220 1338 9218 1326 6234 1256 7467 1010 0345 1338 9226 10120178 N a P Q R S T U V W X y Z AA AB 1510 9218 1510 9192 1511 2055 1256 8010 12567442 1256 5248 10104198 15022452 13287743 13403845 1511 5975 12553178 1502 3732 1511 2071 1511 2063 shaft AC 1511 2188 chain spacer AD 1512 0215 sprocket insulating shield 1510 9481 chain AE washer 1256 8846 pin, included in AG AF lockwasher AG 1527 3030 drive sprocket assembly, includes AF, AH nut included in AG, inscrew AH bracket cludes 1010 0493 pin bearing and housing 13412812 thrust washer AI assembly 1337 2370 clip AI screw 1511 2097 pivot stud AK 1526 6299 auxiliary left side drive shaft assembly AL frame clip connecting link AM 10104446 washer sprocket sprocket PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VI Side Frames PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-8) CONTINUED AN AO AP AQ AR 1256 7459 12565263 1256 0785 1256 0785 13403696 lockwasher nut screw screw screw AS 15022445 1523 7480 AT 12553129 bellcrank bellcrank for upper case characters with TTM retaining clip AU AV AW AX 1256 5289 12568044 12572483 13406046 nut washer screw flanged screw MAIN CAMSHAFT DRIVE (PLATE VI-9) I PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-9) A B 15111263 1010 0386 C 15025133 D E F 15109481 1338 5455 1341 7738 mounting bracket nut, use 1015 2213 screw main clutch and camshaft drive assembly chain belt idler pulley, use 1300 1417 clip Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 G H I 13385489 1512 0215 1522 1195 1523 2846 K 15024656 1512 0173 chain sprocket front chain guard without TTM front chain guard with TTM rear chain guard sprocket L M N 1338 5463 1010 0345 1512 0140 0 1326 0435 10104305 1256 7467 13406046 P Q R chain nut carriage opening shaft assembly idler br acket screw lockwasher flanged screw For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VI Side Frames LEfT SIDE fRAME (PLATE VI-10) z 'y ( I I y x w PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-I0) A B C 0 E F G H I J K L M N 12553145 1510 6701 15109465 15103740 15103823 1028 8850 1510 3815 1338 8236 15111974 1256 8721 1337 9987 1512 0140 clip bearing spring follower arm assembly, includes E, G, H. I set collar, included in 0 setscrew bearing, included in 0 included in 0 pin, included in 0 drive arm pin. included in N included in N bushing carriage open and close and vertical space shaft 0 P Q R S T U V W X y Z AA 15106602 1256 7434 1256 5230 15109143 1026 0677 10106706 1511 6726 15109341 12568044 13405469 1257 3051 15228406 15103831 spring stud lockwasher nut limit screw screw post, use 1010 0410 nut locating plate washer screw screw left side frame ribbon spacing arm Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VI Side Frames ROTARY DATE CONTROLS (PLATE VI-ll) PART NUlvIBERS (PLATE VI-11) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 1522 6913 1510 6891 13403118 15106750 15233091 1010 0360 12553152 15106594 15106578 15106560 15106552 15106545 10100154 15106511 1340 9826 12553145 10108967 trip link trip link, series E2100 non-stripe ledger shoulder screw interlock, series E2100, E4000 interlock, series E6000 nut clip shaft bail (years) bail (unit of days) bail (tens of days) bail (months) clip sector indexer spring clip screw, inc! ud ed in P P Q R S T U V 10154920 1510 6537 1326 1516 1316 5089 1256 8028 1511 6205 15234123 15104532 W X y Z AA 10287514 10104370 1256 5289 13402656 1010 0386 collar, includes 0 shaft adjustingscrew, included in V screw, use 1256 7459 lockwasher washer solenoid sleeve, included in V solenoid assembly, series E2100 stripe ledger and all series E4000, E6000, includes R, U, X thru Z solenoid assembly, series E2100 non-stripe ledger, includes R, U, X thru Z washer, included in V lockwasher, included in V nut, included in V diode, included in V nnt PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 I ,Sec. VI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-H) CONTINUED AB AC AD AE AF AG 12567434 lockwasher 15104540 plunger 10105674 screw 1526 8253 arm 1337 1497 washer d 1522 6954 slide actuator, series E2100 stripe Ie ger and all £4000, £6000 1510 '7188 AH AI AJ AK AL 1013 9350 10106441 15106586 1027 7440 1510 n05 slide actuator, series £2100 non -stripe ledger spring spacer years slide spring spring READ-IN UNIT (PLA T£ VI-12) PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VI Side Frames PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-12) 15221146 A B C D E F G H K L M complete read-in unit, series E2100. E4000 1527 1984 complete read-in unit, series E6000. does not include O. P.AM,AN,AP 1342 8362 nut 1256 7467 lockwasher 15106263 left end frame 1010 0360 nut 15106156 main cross shaft 15106271 auxiliary frame 1323 9371 cable clamp 13372180 "D" washer 1256 0710 screw 10109981 screw 1511 7013 bracket 15106115 separator plate 12567442 lockwasher AA AB AC AD 1010 0378 15106339 15106032 15106313 1026 6963 1013 9335 12553152 15106297 1028 7910 1256 7442 1256 5255 15106230 12553145 10272797 15106040 15106289 15106164 AE AF 15106180 15106172 N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z nut bracket magnetic pick-up coil spring anchor spring clip rear reset bail spacer lockwasher nut right end frame clip spring front reset bail transfer arm solenoid shaft. use 1255 3145 clips spacer clapper shaft AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT 13408877 15112246 13419742 15106149 1332 8828 spring clapper.reset arm spring clapper single shoulder spacer (shown) 1332 8810 double shoulder spacer 1332 8836 single shoulder spacer 1257 3010 screw 1256 8044 washer 15106123 main cross shaft 15106354 bracket 1510 6131 solenoid core 1344 5630 bearing 1511 7690 connector 1257 0511 screw, use 1256 5206 nut TIMING SWITCH ASSEMBLY (PLATE VI-13) D I PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-13) 15225386 15273204 A B 15112634 13165204 1256 0868 complete timing switch assembly, series E2000, E4000 complete timing switch assembly, series E6000 coupling shoulder screw pan head screw C D E F 1511 7401 15'11 2691 G H 1340 6434 mounting bar plate included in S See Timing Cam Disks and Circuit Cards See Timing Cam Disks and Circuit Cards cable clamp PART NUMBERS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 10330'08 Sec. VI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-13) CONTINUED I J K L M N 0 P Q 13372180 washer 1010 9981 screw 1511 2659 plate 1018 0248 screw 10484533 collar, includes 1010 9643 setscrew 1255 3160 clip 1316 6749 spring 1511 2907 brass setscrew 1511 7377 shaft R S T U V W X Y 1511 2584 1511 7393 13403845 1328 7743 1304 2775 1256 7434 1010 0386 reed switch, included in F main timing shaft, includes E and W screw bearing and housing assembly screw included in S lockwasher nut TIMING CAM DISKS AND CIRCUIT CARDS (PLA TE VI-14) ELEC. REF. PRINTED CIRCUIT CARD S661 S662 S663 S664 8665 S666 8667 S668 8669 S670 1511 2535 1511 2592 1511 2535 1511 2592 15112535 1511 2592 1511 2535 1511 2592 1511 2535 1511 2592 TIMING CAM DISK E2100-E4000 1511 2725 1511 2782 1511 2808 1511 2824 1511 2840 1511 2865 1511 5942 15222607 15222615 1511 2808 E6000 1527 3188 15222607 1511 2808 1511 2824 1511 2840 1511 2865 15273196 ALPHA TIMING CAM UNIT ASSEMBLY (PLATE VI-15) AT~' ____ A M N 0 )j ,~~-, ~~ T S U PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Sec. VI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-15) 1526 6687 1526 6703 15266695 A B C D E F G H K L M N 0 P 1522 0445 1311 8492 15220452 15226178 15222573 1522 6186 1337 8450 1522 0478 1522 0395 1522 0486 1255 3194 1526 6257 1523 6995 1522 0536 1522 0437 1526 6265 1522 0403 10174464 (shown) complete alpha timing cam unit assembly for P & PA and TTM, includes A thru H, J thru L, X thru AS, and 1522 0502 plastic window complete alpha timing cam unit assembly for TTM, includes 1522 0502 plastic window com plete alpha timing cam unit assembly with P & PA without TTM, includes 1522 0502 plastic window cam, stamped 6, for P & PA machine switch for P & PA machine cam, stamped 7, for P & PA machine cam, stamped 8, for TTM machine switch for TTM machine cam, stamped 9, for TTM machine spacer cover standoff right side plate clip timing camshaft timing camshaft, between serial F167032P and serial F171822P bearing housing assembly, includes 1344 5630 bearing gear idler gear, after serial F171821P idler gear, before serial F171822P. Use 1255 3152 clip, 1011 1193 washer to retain gear on side frame stud. For replacement of side frame stud use 1526 6281 shoulder screw, 1341 7969 washer, 1337 2214 lockwasher, 1256 5230 nut (2 req.), 1522 0403 idler gear spacer Q R 12553152 15266273 S T 1337 1255 1526 1523 U 1117 8375 6240 6987 AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO 13403845 1256 7434 1337 8609 1522 0551 1522 0569 1337 8179 1342 6911 15222581 1025 8820 1311 5670 1256 1080 1522 0460 1522 0510 1256 0322 12564555 1341 3034 13333117 13333125 1522 0494 1256 1106 AP AQ AR AS AT 1522 1256 1340 1522 1304 V W X y Z 0536 0686 3845 0528 2171 clip shoulder screw, use 1344 5622 lockwasher, 1256 5263 nut, after serial F171821P washer screw gear gear, between serial F167032P and serial F171822P screw lockwasher spacer shaft shaft spacer spacer contact screw, for TTM machine screw nut screw support tie bar screwscrew contact screw, for P & PA machine phenolic spacer contact block left side plate screw, use 1256 8028 plain washer, 1256 7459 lockwasher bearing housing assembly screw, use 1256 8002 washer screw, use 1256 7434 lockwasher bearing plate screw I Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Sec. VI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames ALPHA READ-IN SOLENOID ASSEMBLY (PLA TE VI-16) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-16) A B C D E 1522 7143 complete alpha readin solenoid assembly 13406525 1256 0686 1522 6772 cable clamp screw terminal board, includes F nut diode included in C mounting bracket solenoid clapper nut spacer spring screw lockwasher nut 12565230 13402656 F G H I J K L "- /> M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X 15226764 1522 6681 12565263 1024 0091 1340 9123 13405725 12567459 12565248 13405758 15226715 1522 6723 1522 6731 1338 7360 15226699 1522 6749 1522 6707 1344 4633 1326 1581 1522 6756 1522 6673 screw stop slide (pos. I, 4, 7) stop slide (pos. 2, 5, 6) stop slide (pos. 3, 8) nut support bracket stop slide shaft spacer screw solenoid coil solenoid core solenoid bracket Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VI Side Frames GUIDE COMBS AND RACK BARS (PLA TE VI-17) B A~ c R~ N H N L K B PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-I?) A B C D E F G H 1303 8112 1304 5067 1510 7196 1527 1695 1510 7287 1306 7244 1306 7210 1306 7202 1510 7212 1527 1927 1510 7261 1510 9275 locking plate shaft gUide and tie strip, series E2100, 134000 guide and tie strip, series E6000 spacer, OD .296", for date rack bar (front) spacer, OD .217", for date rack bar (rear) spacer, double shoulder spacer, single shoulder rack bar, symbol col. and keyboard cols. 1 thru 11, except keyboard cols. 6 and 7 for series E6000 rack bar, keyboard cols. 6 and 7, series E6000 rack bar, keyboard col. 12 and Sl thru 84 pulse rack bar, series E2100, 134000 1527 1943 1510 7279 1304 0779 10109205 15107204 1510 7402 1510 7386 13404769 K L M N 15109242 1510 7378 1510 9234 1024 3764 1510 7394 1527 1976 0 P Q R S pulse rack bar, series E6000 date rack bar screw, use 1010 0378 nut screw, use 1010 0378 nut guide comb rack bar spring guide strip screw, use 1010 0386 nut, 1256 7715 lockwasher brace brace limit plate screw, use 1010 0360 nut guide and tie strip, series E2100, 134000 guide and tie strip, series E6000 TYPEWRITER KEYBOARD DRIVE TRIP SOLENOID (PLATE VI-18) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-18) 1522 8851 A Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 1522 8877 complete assembled drive trip solenoid, solenoid coil For Form 1033008 I Sec . .vI Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Side Frames INTERPOSER AND E-GORE SYNC PICKUP ASSEMBLY (PLATE VI-19) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VI-19) A B C D E F G H K grommet, included in C 1507 5963 cover 1527 1315 magnetic head and E-core sync pickup, includes A, and printed circuit card 1526 9087 interposer 13403548 screw 1527 1943 pulse rack bar 10105229 screw 10174720 eccentric 10185148 washer 1256 0868 screw 1256 5198 nut 13222948 , E2100 Parts~C::a;:ta~l~o~g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sec, VI _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~h~S~-:JS~er~l~es~iIT~~ Burroug ,.§.ide Frames ------- (PLATE VI-20) ROTARY READ-OUT ASSEMBLY A B G p N L I I PART NUMBERS (PLA TE VI-20) 1522 1138 1523 8744 A B C D E F G H I ~ L M N o P Q , a 10-1-68 Printed in U. S. Amenc ~/ M , series E2100 , E4000, letc rotary re ad-out umt, nit senes camp complete rotary read-out u , rl 13372420 clip, E6000 • 023 " selective, 'included in D ' 019" 13372438 1522 0742 clIp, • included in D 1522 0775 pinion, spring, included in D 1522 0734 pinion assembly, includes A, B, C 1522 0726 pinion 1522 0700 wiper gear 1522 0833 detent bail 1015 1736 spacer 13216627 mounting screw 10276806 spring 1522 0841 post, use 1 010 0360 nut 15220858 bail 1522 0866 cover 13403605 screw 15220809 left end plate 'ght end plate 15220783 15109341 n mounting p I ate 12573051 mounting screw, use 1256 8044 washer I For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VII Power, Base & Case TYPEWRITER CAMSHAFT (PLATE VII-1) A B o PART NUMBERS (PLATE VII-I) (Complete cam assemblies include A thru N) 1523 6094 15233851 1523 6086 1523 3869 without TTM or P & PA, for carriage drive escapement unit with timing latch construction after serial F158339P without TTM or P & PA, for carriage drive escapement unit without timing latch construction before serial F158400P with TTM and/or P & PA, for carriage drive escapement unit with timing latch construction after serial F158339P with TTM and/or P & PA, for carriage dri ve escapement unit without timing latch construction before serial F158400P 15233398 G H I J 1336 7909 K A B C D E F 1336 7800 1336 7818 13367974 1336 7867 1336 7875 13367859 1523 6052 arbor, without TTM or P & PA arbor, with TTM and/or P & PA cam spacer cam spacer cam, for carriage drive escapement unit with timing latch construction after serial Fl58339P Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 1336 7826 1336 7891 1336 7834 15235880 L M N 0 P 1336 7842 13367958 1336 7917 13404785 1341 8256 13404793 1341 8264 15025133 1341 7803 cam, for carriage drive escapement unit without timing latch construction before serial F158400P spacer cam spacer cam, for carriage drive escapement unit with timing latch construction after serial Fl58339P cam, for carriage drive escapement unit without timing latch construction before serial Fl58400P spacer cam, includes gear, for TTM and/or P and PA cam, without TTM and/or P and PA screw, for TTM and/or P and PA screw. without TTM and/or P and PA screw. for TTM and/or P and PA screw. without TTM and/or P and PA camshaft and pulley assembly spacer For Form 1033008 I Sec. VII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Power, Base & Case MAGNETIC CLUTCH (PLATE VII-2) A PART NUMBERS (PLATE Vn-2) 1502 8103 A B 1502 12M 1511 9035 C D E 1502 7196 1502 7089 1503 M06 com plete clutch assembly spacer sprocket, use 1314 9141 key spacer spacer clutch only. torque setting 22 :!: 1 inch ounces (marked with red dot) COMPLETE MAIN CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY (PLATE Vn-3) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VII-3) 1510 7634 A B C 1511 3665 15104334 1502 0993 complete main camshaft assembly bronze gear clutch dog lock plate Sec, VII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Power, Base & Case CASE PANELS, COVERS (PLATE VII-4) B ~ C E ~ G H F~ , B J & .. 1 L'Me, I / / -- T w x AA I ~/ z PART NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Sec. VII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Power, Base & Case PART NUMBERS (PLATE VII-4) ribbon turret cover, includes A, B, D, AK thru AN 1522 5725 ribbon cover 1341 4370 nameplate, use 1256 5925 speed nut 1325 0451 dust cover 1522 5733 ribbon cover 1511 1230 left top cover 1010 8991 screw 1511 1255 dust cover 1511 1222 right top cover 1506 2243 rear case panel, includes 1511 1388 rubber moulding, right, 15111396 rubber moulding, left 1256 5925 speednut 1340 5477 screw, use 1300 1508 clip 1340 2961 screw 1523 5781 false keyboard, series 82100 1523 5773 false keyboard, series 82100 stripe ledger 1523 5765 false keyboard, for P and PA, all series 82100 1526 5978 false keyboard, series E4000 1526 5986 false keyboard, series E4000 stripe ledger 1526 5994 false keyboard for P and PA, all series E4000 1527 1893 false keyboard, series 00000 1527 3238 false keyboard for P and PA series E6000 90 1/2 style 7 lock assembly, includes S, specify combination(s) BU1091F8 thru BU1100F8. For key, order 90 5/8 style 7, specifying above combination(s) required 13295001 lock cam 1303 6694 washer 1523 1525 A B C D E F G H J K L M N o P R 1256 7459 1337 7742 S T U V 1013 8782 1341 8967 1522 5295 Q W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO 1502 1341 1341 1341 1522 1522 1523 1325 1511 1523 1527 1338 1342 1010 1012 1502 1527 1522 1523 1341 1025 1024 1341 1326 1326 6669 8975 8983 4321 5139 5147 4891 0899 2022 8793 3253 8079 0013 0360 0178 2494 1166 7259 1186 8991 6154 7906 9114 0955 1011 lockwasher fiber washer included in N screw rubber beading upper front case panel and typewriter false keyboard assembly oil pan beading, included in Z beading, rear, included in Z medallion, included in Z right case panel, includes J, X, Y left case panel, includes J, X, Y stand top frame front case panel series 82100 decal series E4000 decal series E6000 decal clip, included in AE power signal light, includes AD nut screw cover, series E2100, E4000 cover, series 00000 plastic plug plastiC window aluminum decor screw washer spring bracket, left side bracket, right side Burroughs - Series E2l00 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A592 COVER AND COVER LATCH ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-l) E K PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-I) A B 1523 8306 1523 8389 C D E F 1256 5925 10208712 1316 8604 1320 9283 1320 8723 10103067 G Printed in U. S. America 1-5 -68 coyer assembly coyer molding. cut to fit other positions spring nut medallion grommet spacer. rear spacer. front rubber pad H K L M N a 12568077 1257 3176 1257 3192 1523 8231 1523 8249 10180149 1523 8256 1010 0378 10268738 washer screw, rear screw. front coyer latch latch spring screw latch support nut nameplate I For Form 1033008 Sec. VIII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog A592 STACKER BIN ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-2) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-2) A B C D E F 15266323 1523 8272 1256 5206 1256 7996 15238298 1523 8280 cushion pIa te stacker bin nnt washer stacker molding st:!lcker floor Burroughs - Series E2100 Pans Catalog Sec, VIII A592 HOPPER ASSEMBLY (PLATE VTII-3) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VTII-3) A B C D E F G H I J 1311 7338 screw 1523 7746 clamp plate 1523 7738 pressure blade assembly 15225329 spring stud 1523 7761 adjustment rod 1256 0843 screw 1523 7829 hopper wall (feed) 15265937 card weight 1523 7837 hopper (feed) 1035 1138 . screw K L M N 0 P Q R S T 1523 8082 1256 0850 1508 7646 12554960 1523 7845 1523 7985 1523 7977 12553129 1256 0686 1523 7753 hopper floor (feed) screw spacer screw hopper wall pressure roller pressure shaft retaining ring screw stop support I Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Bw:toughs _Series B'2100 Parts Catalog Sec. V111 A5\f2. CONTROL PANEL (PLATE Vl11-4) G ~l 0. _____- - . . t p-_......, PART NUMBERS (PLATE Vl11-4) A B C D E F G H 1 J 1'256 5'206 nut lockwasher 1'256 '7434 spacer. use 13'20 943'2 spacer on right 13135'193 insulator 1313 5'185 transistor. type '2N155'1 (amber) 10021145 indicator lamp assembly. 1511 '156'1 133'7451'1 spacer lockwasher 1256 '1459 1256 089'2 screw switch (push buttOn) 13201413 K L M N 0 P Q R S light bulb 1503 0984 snap-in lens (POWER) 15'263940 panel molding 15'23 8'2'23 screw 1'256 0843 washer 1'256 8010 switch mounting plate 15'2381'13 snap-in lens (FEED) 15'26395'1 125'7 055'2 screw washer 1'256 '7'70'7 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec, VITI A592 READ STATION ASSEMBLY (PLATE VITI-5) F 0 S PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-5) A 1/ C D E F G H I J K L M N a 1523 7894 1256 0124 1256 5248 1319 7843 1320 0258 1256 0926 15012966 1255 3178 1027 7168 1027 7150 1527 1752 1256 0165 1341 1905 13164967 1523 7811 buss bar support screw, use 1256 7491 washer nut, use 1256 8002 washer, 1256 0900 screw buss bar lamp screw bushing, use 1501 3014 washer retaining clip spring spring setscrew, use 15012941 plugs screw, use 1256'7970 washer, 12565180 nut switch screw support assembly P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE 1523 8108 idler roller assembly 1523 7688 angled idler bracket 12553418 clip 1523 7704 idler pivot shaft 13165311 screw 1523 8009 idler bracket 15012909 clamping block 15268642 cell mounting plate 1523 7886 cell and mask assembly 1523 8041 shim 1256 0686 screw 1256 5206 nut, use 1256 7996 washer 15012933 light rod 15012974 stand -off nut 1520 1403 light rod block 1501 3089 B.O.L. mounting block I For Form 1033008 Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 Sec, VIII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog A592 KICKER ROLLER ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-6) p PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-6) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X 1255 7617 15266505 1523 7969 1344 3791 1523 7555 10105476 15266513 1342 7778 13209853 15238017 13165238 12565248 1523 7902 10276202 12560843 15238033 12553178 12553152 15237571 1523 7563 1523 7589 1523 7597 setscrew kicker sheave kicker roller assembly, includes D included in C bearing bearing housing setscrew, included in I separa tor sheave set collar, includes G bearing separator bail included in M bum per screw nut limit bracket spring screw separator camshaft assembly clip retaining clip kicker pivot shaft kicker pivot bracket kicker drag shaft kicker tie rod AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP 10105229 1301 9450 1255 7807 13419270 1256 8002 1010 0378 1523 7605 13093109 1323 9306 1256 8036 1256 1106 1256 1080 1316 5204 1256 7467 1256 8044 13164587 13402656 1338 9499 AQ AR AS AT AU 1523 7613 15263726 1338 8475 13372511 15012131 Y Z screw set ~ol1ar setscrew spring washer nut tie rod coupling solenoid plunger cable clamp washer screw screw screw lockwasher washer eccentric diode terminal strip, use 1013 8782 screw, 1320 8848 washer solenoid bracket solenoid pin retaining ring rubber washer Sec, VIII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog A592 TRANSPORT SHAFT ASSEMBLIES (PLATE VIII-7) A PART NUMBERS (PLATE Vm-7) A B C D E F G H K L M 15266489 transport sheave 1255 7617 setscrew 1255 7526 setscrew 15266497 transport sheave 1337 9656 set collar 1523 7670 transport shaft 13209853 flanged ball bearing 1255 3178 clip 1523 7662 transport roller 1255 7807 setscrew 1342 7778 set collar. includes L 10105476 setscrew, included inK 12568036 washer F A592 TRANSPORT BELTS (PLATE vm-8) A B PART NUMBERS (PLATE vm-8) A B C Printed in U, S. America 10-1-68 15266539 15266521 15266547 "V" belt "V" belt "V" belt For Form 1033008 I Sec, VIII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog A592 MOTOR AND MOUNTING HARDWARE (PLATE VIII-9) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VITI-9) A B C D E F G 1255 7617 15266471 1503 0901 1503 1008 13404686 1256 0843 1256 8010 1256 7459 setscrew motor sheave, 60 cycle motor sheave, 50 cycle motor shoulder screw screw washer washer H I 1256 0850 J 10082477 1523 7621 1256 7723 1338 9135 1256 7467 1256 1122 K L M N 0 screw included with J capacitor, includes I motor mounting plate washer stand -off post washer screw Sec. VIII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog A592 POWER SUPPLY (PLATE VIII-I0) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-10) A B C D E 1522 7598 1511 2311 1256 0892 1030 0499 15232382 F G H 1256 7723 12653754 15263601 13374756 1256 0884 12568010 13222849 13222617 1267 1624 11003878 12565743 K L M N 0 P delay relay silicon rectifier, type 1N3209 screw steel spacer primed circuit card assembly, includes G, H, M thru R lockwasher resistor, 47 ohm, 1/2W, 5"/0 capacitor, 1000 /Lf, 6V, -10 +1500/0 phenolic spacer screw washer rubber pad resistor, 500 ohm variable, 1W, 100/0 resistor, 178 ohm, 1/2W, 10/0 resistor, 300 ohm, 1/2W, 20/0 nut, use 1257 2384 screw, 1256 7723 lockwasher Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 , Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG 1321 7591 transistor, type 2N235A 1265 0321 capacitor, . 047 ~f, 600V, 2rP/o 15263619 capacitor 1318 3256 mounting bracket 1523 8181 relay and fuse br acket 1256 0850 screw, use 1256 7459 lockwasher 1343 0293 screw, use 1010 0378 nut 13432786 socket 1323 8126 fuse, 1 amp. 1343 1259 fuse holder 1526 6570 insulator, included in AC 13410949 fuse, 2 amp. 15238264 bottom cover, includes AA 1256 7459 lockwasher 15232275 transformer 1323 9371 clamp 13372180 "D" washer For Form 1033008 I Sec, VIII Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog A592 CARD RECEPTACLE FRAME ASSEMBLY (PLATE Vm-ll) A B A PART NUMBERS (PLATE Vm-ll) A B C D 1523 7795 13372693 1504 0090 1526 3676 15263718 E F G H 1323 9272 13372180 1256 5248 1257 0859 clamp bracket card guide card receptacle assembly printed circuit card, solar cell amp, row "A" col. 1B, 1C, 1D printed circuit card, C, R, spec, amp, row "A" col. 1A cable clamp "D" washer nut screw I J K L M N 0 P Q R 11034543 1256 0892 1256 0876 1256 7459 1256 0918 12568010 1523 8215 13102645 1523 7787 1256 0843 terminal strip screw screw, use 1341 8082 spacer lockwasher screw washer fan clamp muffin fan bracket screw Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 COVER AND COVER LATCH ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIIl-12) J K p 0 N PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-12) A B C D E 15274038 1511 8821 12565925 1527 6652 12560868 F 12565248 G 15275118 1316 8604 1320 9283 1010 3067 H Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 machine cover medallion speed nut tamping block screw, use 1256 7442 lockwasher nut, use 1256 7442 lockwasher tamping plate grommet spacer rubber pad K L M N 0 P Q R S T U 1256 8077 1257 3176 15238231 15238249 10180149 15238256 1256 5230 1523 8389 washer screw cover latch latch spring screw support latch nut rubber molding. cut to fit other posItions 12565248 nut 15274137 molding 15069214 name plate I For Form 1033008 Burroughs .- Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 STACKER BIN ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-13) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VlII-13) A B C D E F G stacker bin. includes B, D include d in A 12571733 screw 15274053 stacker floor. included in A 1256 7996 lockwasher 1256 5206 nut 15238298 molding 15276736 A594 CONTROL PANEL (PLATE VIII-14) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIIl-14) C D A B C G G 12660843 15274509 15274525 15274517 15275043 H 15274467 D E F M-':~~==:'II p~O DID H 15274491 15275027 K L M N 0 12560868 12565248 15274806 12568010 12560850 15274145 switch. momentary contact, includes B include d in A screw switch lamp socket lamp lens (green). included in H face plate. includes G, I lens (red). included in H screw nut bracket washer screw bracket Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 UPPER TRANSPORT ASSEMBLY (PLATE VlIJ-15) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-15) A B C D E F G H I J 1502 9523 12567715 15274863 15274178 15274442 15274426 1340 3878 1256 8036 15274087 12568002 round nut lockwasher eccentric alignment link front frame rear frame shoulder screw washer gUide plate washer Printed in U. S. America 10-1-68 K L M N 0 P Q 12565230 15274418 12560702 1527 4384 1256 5289 15274665 15274590 R S T 15274533 1256 0850 nut gate bracket screw gate nut screw card weight included in Y alignment spring screw U V 15274822 15274830 W X 12560843 13404876 15274095 Y Z 1256 5248 AA 1256 7442 AB 1256 8010 hopper. includes V leaf spring. included in U screw shoulder screw idler roller sha ft. includes R nut lockwasher washer For Form 1033008 I Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 HOPPER AND TRANSPORT FLOOR ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-16) PART NUM3ERS (PLATE Vlll-16) A B C D E 15274632 1256 8010 12567442 12560843 15274285 F G 1010 8991 15274269 H 12554937 leaf spring washer lockwasher screw light bulb, included in G and J screw lamp circuit card. assembly, includes E screw 12560835 15274293 K L M N 0 P Q screw terminal board, ineludes E 15274327 lamp and gUide plate 12560850 screw 1303 6595 washer 15274400 gate ramp 15275100 screw 15274657 hopper floor plate 12571733 screw R S T 15274541 15274558 15274616 U 15224058 V W 15274376 15274228 15274640 X plate retaining plate solar cell retaining bracket solar cell, includes leads transport floor cell block assembly exit floor Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 TRANSPORT SHAFT ASSEMBLIES (PLATE VIII-17) B E G H A 0 A PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-17) A B C D E F G H K L 15274772 12558078 15274673 1527 7106 10277499 15274707 15277080 12558094 12561122 15277064 1527 7122 15277114 set collar setscrew transport roller shaft assembly. ineludes one bearing spacer pulley pulley setscrew screw pulley pulley shaft assembly. ineludes one bearing M N 0 P Q R S T U V 15274764 timing disk 13181482 termina 1 board 12560678 screw included in Q 15274582 electromagnetic pickup. ineludes P 15274004 bracket 1256 7442 lockwasher 12560868 screw 1338 7774 nut 1320 9853 bearing I Printed in U.S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII Adjuncts A594 KICKER ROLLER ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-18) A R S T U V W X V y PART NUMBERS (PLA TE VIII-18) A B C D E F G H 15277072 1255 8094 1320 9853 1527 3956 15274681 15274699 1255 8078 1340 3142 pulley setscrew bearing kicker shaft, iilcludes E included in D support shaft support setscrew screw K L M N 0 P Q 15274772 1063 7403 1522 1047 10151488 1256 7459 12567434 1010 0386 15274889 set collar shoulder screw screw washer lockwasher lockwasher nut link Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AI AK ,'1594 TIMING IlI:LTS (PLATE VIII-19, A PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-19) A B 1527 5092 1527 6710 timing belt timing belt 1338 8475 pin 1338 7295 nut 15274574 solenoid limit 15274459 solenoid bracket 12561080 screw 1256 8036 washer 12561106 screw 1323 9371 cable clamp 12561122 screw 1338 9499 terminal strip 1013 8782 screw 1320 8848 washer 15263726 solenoid 15274566 solenoid plunger 13372511 retaining ring 12565263 nut 15276702 eccentric rubber bumper 15050685 sleeve 13280979 washer 12560900 screw Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 MOTOR, FAN, AND RELAY BRACKETS (l'LATE VIII-2(1) PART NUMBERS (PLATE VIII-20) A B C 0 E F G H I J K L M 12561106 12567459 13392097 13190681 1343125-9 12565248 12560850 1256 7483 12568093 15274186 12560892 15274194 1256 7442 screw lockwasher relay swItch fuse holder nut screw lockwasher washer bracket screw bracket lockwasher N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y 1310 2645 12572954 muffin fan screw included in Z 1527 3972 idler roller 12560678 screw 15274723 motor pulley, 60 cycle 15274731 motor pulley, 50 cycle 12558391 setscrew 1527 3980 hex screw stud 1256 8051 washer 12561122 screw 1256 8036 washer 12567467 lockwasher Z 15274749 AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ 1256 5271 1310 9319 13404686 1257 3135 1323 9280 13372180 12560868 1311 6421 1526 9954 15274202 motor mounting bracker, includes P nut motor screw screw cable clamp "0" washer screw motor start relay identification plate relay bracket I Printed in U.S. America 10-1-68 For Form 1033008 Burroughs - Series E2100 Parts Catalog Sec. VIII A594 CARl) Rt::CEl''l'1ICLE PRAME ASSEMBLY (PLATE VIII-21) F A PART NUMBERS (PLA TE VIII-21) A B C D E 1256.0843 15274608 12567715 12565230 13372693 p 15275134 15275167 15275191 15275225 15275258 15275415 screw pivot plate lockwasher nut card guide printed circuit cards I.C.l I.C.2 MOS & SHIFT REGISTER DISCRETE 1 DISCRETE 2 SOLAR CELL AMP G H K L M N 0 P 15040090 15274079 15274012 15274020 12561106 12567442 12568010 15275068 15274061 10180149 card rece ptacle rail support rail tie rail screw lockwasher washer bottom cover bracket shoulder screw
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