11 12_32 12 PL 32
User Manual: 12 PL 32
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December 14, 2011 COUNTY FISCAL LETTER (CFL) NO. 11/12-32 TO: COUNTY FISCAL OFFICERS COUNTY WELFARE DIRECTORS CHIEF PROBATION OFFICERS COUNTY AUDITOR CONTROLLERS SUBJECT: COUNTY ASSISTANCE (CA 800) CLAIM AND COUNTY EXPENSE CLAIM (CEC) PRELIMINARY CLAIMING AND TIME STUDY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EXTENSION OF FOSTER CARE (FC) BEYOND AGE 18 REFERENCE: ASSEMBLY BILL (AB) 12 (CHAPTER 559, STATUTES OF 2010); WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE (W&IC) SECTION 11403(G); ALL COUNTY LETTER (ACL) NO. 11-78, DATED NOVEMBER 30, 2011; ACL NO. 11-77, DATED NOVEMBER 18, 2011; ACL NO. 11-61, DATED NOVEMBER 4, 2011; ACL NO. 11-69, DATED OCTOBER 13, 2011; CFL NO. 11/12-18, DATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2011; ALL COUNTY INFORMATION NOTICE (ACIN) NO. I-40-11, DATED JULY 1, 2011; CFL NO. 10/11-64, DATED MAY 2, 2011 This CFL provides preliminary claiming instructions for the CEC and CA 800 related to AB 12 Extended Foster Care (EFC) program. These instructions will assist counties in tracking expenditures and activities that are eligible for reimbursement under AB 12 upon final federal approval of the Title IV-E State Plan Amendment. A subsequent CFL will be issued with instructions for reimbursement of the federal match, once federal approval is received. AB 12 allows California to implement provisions of Public Law (PL) 110-351, the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008. This law provides states the option to fund the federal Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) program through the Title IV-E option of the Social Security Act for relatives who assume legal guardianship of foster youth. AB 12 also allows the extension of FC, federal Kin-GAP, Kin-GAP, and Adoptions Assistance Program (AAP) benefits to eligible youth up to age 21 on a staggered schedule. The extension of benefits up to age 19 will implement on January 1, 2012. On January 1, 2013, the extension of benefits will increase to age 20. On January 1, 2014, if the California Department of CFL-11/12-32 Page 2 Social Services (CDSS) determines that there are sufficient funds available, benefits may be extended up to age 21. Pursuant to AB 12, W&IC Section 11403(g)(3) provides that a county’s total contribution for EFC shall not exceed the county savings in Kin-GAP assistance grant expenditures realized by the county from the receipt of federal funds due to the implementation of the federal Kin-GAP program. This code section also requires CDSS to work with the County Welfare Directors Association to determine a methodology for calculating each county’s costs and savings. Below is a list of attachments included with this CFL to be utilized for claiming EFC expenditures: Attachment I: Attachment I-A: Attachment II: Attachment II-A: Attachment II-B: Extended Foster Care Aid Codes and CA 800 Claiming Instructions Cross Reference List of Under 18 Aid Codes and New Extended Foster Care Over 18 Aid Codes Extended Foster Care County Expense Claim (CEC) Program, Time Study, and Direct-to-Program Codes and Claiming Instructions Extended Foster Care Program Code/Time Study Code Descriptions Cross Reference Listing of Program Codes (PC) for the Under Age 18 Population and the Non-Minor Dependents Over Age 18 Population AB 118 (Chapter 40, Statutes of 2011) and ABX1 16 (Chapter 13, First Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2011) realigned the state funding for AB 12. As stated in CFL No. 11/12-18, dated September 16, 2011, the claiming process for assistance and administrative costs of AB 118 programs will remain the same as in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010-11, with some minor changes. Please refer to CFL No. 11/12-18 for more information regarding realignment. If you have any questions regarding claiming instructions for the CA 800, please direct them to assistance.claims@dss.ca.gov. If you have any questions regarding claiming instructions for the CEC, please direct them to the Fiscal Systems Bureau at CFL-11/12-32 Page 3 fiscal.systems@dss.ca.gov. Please indicate in the subject line of the e-mail that the questions are related to this CFL. If you have any questions regarding Realignment, please direct them to CDSSAB118@dss.ca.gov. Sincerely, Original Document Signed By: FRAN MUELLER Deputy Director Administration Division Attachments Attachment I EXTENDED FOSTER CARE AID CODES AND CA 800 CLAIMING INSTRUCTIONS For the CA 800, counties will be required to claim the costs expended for each of the realigned programs to the appropriate aid codes which allows the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to monitor the expenditures for reporting purposes and to continue calculating the Realignment 1991 Growth calculation. The state share for the impacted aid codes has been re-titled to “County 2011” effective with the September 2011 claim. Please refer to County Fiscal Letter (CFL) No. 11/12-18 for additional information. The following aid codes have been established, effective January 1, 2012, to capture the Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) population participating in Assembly Bill (AB) 12 Extended Foster Care (EFC). The following aid codes will be effective January 1, 2012. However, due to system complications, the new aid codes identified for tracking this population within the Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System (MEDS) are not anticipated to be operable until February 2012. Until aid codes are created in the MEDS system and available for use, counties must manually track cases utilizing these aid codes. Note: The aid codes below are impacted by AB 118 and the state share will be adjusted as described in CFL No. 11/12-18. A. Aid Code 43 - EFC Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care (AFDC-FC) Non-federal • Captures non-federal, NMDs in FC, age 18 but under age 21, under AB 12 on whose behalf financial assistance is provided for by state only FC. • Sharing ratio is 00/40/00/60 (Federal/State/Health/County). • Implementation date for this new aid code is January 1, 2012. B. Aid Code 49 - EFC AFDC-FC Federal • Captures NMDs, age 18 but under age 21, under AB 12 on whose behalf financial assistance is provided for federal FC placement. • Sharing ratio is 50/20/00/30 (Federal/State/Health/County). • Implementation date for this new aid code is January 1, 2012. C. Aid Code 07 - EFC Adoptions Assistance Program (AAP) Federal • Captures ongoing adoptive placement of hard-to-place non-minors, whose initial AAP payment occurred on or after age 16 and are over the age 18 but under age 21, and participating in one of five conditions who would require permanent placement without such assistance. • Sharing ratio is 50/37.5/00/12.5 (Federal/State/Health/County). • Implementation date for this new aid code is January 1, 2012. 1 Attachment I D. Aid Code 4S - EFC Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) Federal • Captures Kin-GAP Title IV-E eligible cases. Serves former and current foster youth over age 18 but under age 21, by moving them from FC placements into more permanent placement options through the establishment of a relative guardianship that occurred on or after age 16 and the youth is participating in one of five conditions. • Sharing ratio is 50/39.5/00/10.5 (Federal/State/Health/County). • Implementation date for this new aid code is January 1, 2012. Note: The aid codes below are not affected by AB 118 and the state share remains as described below. E. Aid Code 4W - EFC Kin-GAP Non-federal • Captures Kin-GAP cases that are not Title IV-E eligible. Covers non-minors age 18 but under age 21, eligible for extended Kin-GAP assistance based on a disability or based on the establishment of the guardianship that occurred on or after age 16 and youth is participating in one of the five conditions. Non-minors are subject to a full Medi-Cal eligibility review. • Sharing ratio is 00/79/00/21 (Federal/State/Health/County). • Implementation date for this new aid code is January 1, 2012. F. Aid Code 4N - State California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) NMD • Captures NMDs eligible to receive extended CalWORKs benefits. A NMD is defined as a current dependent child or ward of the juvenile court who is 18, but less than 21 years of age; is in FC under the responsibility of the county welfare department or county probation department; and is participating in a transitional independent living case plan. • Sharing Ratio is 00/100/00/00 (Federal/State/Health/County). • Implementation date for this new aid code is January 1, 2012. 2 Attachment I-A CROSS REFERENCE LIST OF UNDER 18 AID CODES AND NEW EXTENDED FOSTER CARE OVER 18 AID CODES NOTE: The Extended Foster Care (EFC) codes are to be used for Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs), age 18 but under 21, participating in the EFC program enacted by Assembly Bill (AB) 12 (Chapter 559, Statutes of 2010). Under 18 Aid Code 40 42 03 Current Description EFC EFC Aid Code Description Over 18 Aid Code Aid to Families with 43 EFC AFDC-FC Non-Federal: Covers Dependent Childrennon-minor dependents, age 18 but Foster Care (AFDC-FC) under age 21, under AB 12 on whose State: Covers children on behalf financial assistance is whose behalf financial provided for state only foster care assistance is provided placement. for state only foster care placement. AFDC-FC Federal: 49 EFC AFDC-FC Federal: Covers nonCovers children on minor dependents, age 18 but under whose behalf financial age 21, under AB 12 on whose assistance is provided behalf financial assistance is for federal foster care provided for federal foster care placement. placement. Adoption Assistance 07 EFC (AAP) Federal: A cash grant Program (AAP) Federal: program to facilitate the ongoing A cash grant program to adoptive placement of hard-to-place facilitate the adoption of non-minors, whose initial AAP hard-to-place children payment occurred on or after age 16 under age 18 and those and are over age 18 but under age up to age 21 based on a 21, and participating in one of five disability who would conditions who would require require permanent foster permanent foster care placement care placement without without such assistance. such assistance. 1 Attachment I-A Under 18 Aid Code Current Description EFC Over 18 Aid Code 4S 4T Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (KinGAP) Program Federal: Serves former and current foster youth by moving them from foster care placements to more permanent placement options through the establishment of a relative guardianship. N/A N/A 4N 4G Kin-GAP Cash Assistance: Covers non-Title IV-E children/non-Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Maintenance of Effort (MOE) countable in the state program for children in relative guardian placement receiving cash assistance. [Delete extended to age 21 due to disability] 4W 2 EFC Aid Code Description EFC Kin-GAP Federal: Serves former and current foster care nonminors over age 18 but under age 21, by moving them from foster care placements to more permanent placement options through the establishment of a relative guardianship that occurred on or after age 16 and the youth is participating in one of five conditions. (After checking with Region IX that there is no need to break out the over age 21, also “includes youth age 18 but under age 21 based on a disability”). State California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) NMD: Provides full scope, no share of cost Medi-Cal benefits and state assistance payment to non-minor dependents over 18 but less than 21 years of age; living with an approved CalWORKs relative who is not eligible for Kin-GAP or foster care. EFC Kin-GAP Non-Federal: Covers non-minors age 18 but under age 21, eligible for extended Kin-GAP assistance based on a disability or based on the establishment of the guardianship that occurred on or after age 16 and youth is participating in one of five conditions. Attachment II EXTENDED FOSTER CARE COUNTY EXPENSE CLAIM (CEC) PROGRAM, TIME STUDY, AND DIRECT-TO-PROGRAM CODES AND CLAIMING INSTRUCTIONS For the CEC process, counties will still be required to claim the costs expended for each of the realigned programs to the appropriate program codes which allows the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to monitor the expenditures for reporting purposes and to continue calculating the Realignment 1991 Growth calculation. Effective with the September 2011 quarter claim, all General Fund (GF) costs for the Program Codes (PCs) associated with realigned programs will be covered by the county with realignment funding using the State Use Only (SUO) overmatch codes. This will be accomplished by setting the affected allocation’s ledger to zero for realigned program ledgers. Please refer to County Fiscal Letter (CFL) No. 11/12-18 for more information. Effective with the March 2012 quarter, the following new PCs, Time Study Codes (TSC), and program identifier numbers (PINs) are available for claiming administrative costs for activities related to Assembly Bill (AB) 12 Extended Foster Care (EFC). The program code descriptions (PCD) can be found in Attachment II-A. Note: The PCs described below are impacted by AB 118 and the state share will be adjusted as described in CFL No. 11/12-18. Child Welfare Services Basic A. PC 837 EFC Eligibility Determination Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 837 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC eligibility determination activities for Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs). Program Supportive Transition PC PIN 837 837092 PIN PIN PIN 837093 837094 837088-91 EFC Eligibility Determination Casework Overtime/ Compensating Time Off (OT/CTO) Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 837 costs will be funded at 50/35/00/15 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 166. 1 Attachment II Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8371 will be available to capture social work activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). B. PC 838 EFC Health Related Services Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 838 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC health related activities for NMDs. Program Supportive Transition PC PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 838 838031 838003 838092 838093 838094 838088-91 EFC Health Related Services Contracted Services-Unemployed Transportation-Assistance Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 838 costs will be funded at 00/35/50/15 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 166. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8381 will be available to capture health related activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). C. PC 839 EFC Training Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 839 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC training activities for NMDs. PC PIN PIN PIN PIN 839 839092 839093 839094 839088-91 EFC Training Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 839 costs will be funded at 75/17.5/00/7.5 (Federal/State/Health/County). 2 Attachment II Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 166. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8391 will be available to capture training activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). D. PC 840 EFC Services/Non-Federal Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 840 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC services/non-federal activities for NMDs. Program EFC Services Non-Federal PC PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 840 840031 840066 840067 840068 840092 840093 840094 840088-91 EFC Services/Non-Federal Contracted Activities-Unemployed Personal SVCS ESC -County op Operating Costs ESC -County op Direct Costs Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 840 costs will be funded at 00/70/00/30 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 166. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8401 will be available to capture services/non-federal activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). E. PC 841 EFC Court Related Activities Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 841 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC court related activities for NMDs. 3 Attachment II Program Supportive Transition PC PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 841 841003 841092 841093 841094 841088-91 EFC Court Related Activities Transportation -Assistance Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 841 costs will be funded at 50/35/00/15 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 166. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8411 will be available to capture court related activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). F. PC 842 EFC Case Management Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 842 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC case management activities for NMDs. Program Supportive Transition PC PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 842 842003 842092 842093 842094 842088-91 EFC Case Management Transportation -Assistance Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 842 costs will be funded at 50/35/00/15 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 166. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8421 will be available to capture social work activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). 4 Attachment II Group Home Monthly Visits G. PC 843 EFC Group Home Monthly Visits (CWD) Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 843 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC group home monthly visits County Welfare Departments (CWD) for activities for NMDs. PC PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 843 843003 843092 843093 843094 843088-91 EFC MO VISITS/ GROUP HOMES/CWD Transportation-Assistance Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 843 costs will be funded at 50/50/00/00 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 045 and 051. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8431 will be available to capture group home monthly visits (CWD) related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). H. PC 844 EFC Group Home Monthly Visits (Probation) Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 844 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC group home monthly visits (Probation) activities for NMDs. PC PIN 844 844059 EFC MO VISITS/ GROUP HOME/PROBATION Probation Expenses PC 844 costs will be funded at 50/50/00/00 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section E, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 329. Probation Note: The PCs below are not affected by AB 118 and the sharing ratio remains as described below. 5 Attachment II I. PC 845 EFC Public Agency IV-E Pass-Through (Probation) Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 845 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC Public Agency IV-E PassThrough activities for NMDs. PC PIN 845 845069 EFC Public Agency IV-E Pass-Through Federal Pass-Through PC 845 costs will be funded at 50/00/00/50 (Federal/State/Health/County). Foster Care Note: The PCs described below are impacted by AB 118 and the state share will be adjusted as described in CFL No. 11/12-18. J. PC 846 EFC Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care (AFDC-FC) Eligibility Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 846 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC AFDC-FC eligibility activities for NMDs. PC PIN PIN PIN PIN 846 846092 846093 846094 846088-91 EFC AFDC-FC Eligibility Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 846 costs will be funded at 50/35/00/15 (Federal/State/Health/County). Note: CFL 11/12-18, Section F, all GF expenditures will be transferred to county-only share via SUO code 612. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8461 will be available to capture social work activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). 6 Attachment II State Kinship-Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) Program Note: The PCs below are not affected by AB 118 and the sharing ratio remains as described below. K. PC 847 EFC Kin-GAP Non-Federally Eligible Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 847 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC Kin-GAP non-federal activities for non-minor former dependents. PC PIN PIN PIN PIN 847 847092 847093 847094 847088-91 EFC Kin-GAP Non-Federally Eligible Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Start Up/Nonrecurring Costs Support Operating PC 847 costs will be funded at 00/50/00/50 (Federal/State/Health/County). Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8471 will be available to capture Kin-GAP non-federally eligible activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). Federal Kin-GAP Note: The PCs described below are impacted by AB 118 and the state share will be adjusted as described in CFL No. 11/12-18. L. PC 848 EFC Kin-GAP IV-E Eligible Effective with the March 2012 quarter, PC 848 and its associated PINs are available for claiming administrative costs related to allowable EFC Kin-GAP Title IV-E Eligible activities for non-minor former dependents. PC PIN PIN PIN 848 848092 848093 848088-91 EFC Kin-GAP IV-E Eligible Casework OT/CTO Costs Support Staff OT/CTO Costs Support Operating PC 848 costs will be funded at 50/50/00/00 (Federal/State/Health/County). 7 Attachment II Note: Per CFL 11/12-18, Section F, all GF expenditures will be transferred to countyonly share via SUO code 815. A new ledger will be established to track Title IV-E eligible Kin-GAP administrative expenditures charged to PC 815. Time Study Instructions Effective with the March 2012 quarter, TSC 8481 will be available to capture Title IV-E eligible Kin-GAP activities related to the implementation of the AB 12 EFC program (refer to Attachment II-A). Direct-to-Program Codes Support staff performing direct-to-program activities associated with the AB 12 EFC, will time study to any of the following direct-to-program codes: A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 C16 C53 A57 EFC Eligibility Determination EFC Health Related EFC Training EFC Services Non-Federal EFC Court Related Activities EFC Case Management EFC AFDC-FC Eligibility EFC Kin-GAP Non-Federally Eligible EFC Kin-GAP IV-E Eligible 8 Attachment II-A EXTENDED FOSTER CARE (EFC) PROGRAM CODE (PC) / TIME STUDY CODE (TSC) DESCRIPTIONS The following list contains the PC/TSC descriptions for activities eligible for reimbursement for implementation of the Assembly Bill (AB) 12 EFC program. Please note that activities for EFC are the same as activities described in the codes noted below, except they are provided to Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs), age 18-21. CHILD WELFARE SERVICES (CWS) – PREPARATION FOR ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION: 1434 CWS - PERMANENT PLACEMENT PROGRAM Includes activities related to preparing for determination of a child's eligibility for Foster Care (FC) or Adoption Assistance Program (AAP); not actual eligibility determination. For example: • • • • • Gathering and verifying information used by the Eligibility Worker in regard to income, parental deprivation, resources, social security numbers, birth certificates, and child support. Filling out and processing necessary forms. Querying systems, records, and other staff for current Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) status. Preparing and conducting Title IV-E eligibility reviews. Travel time associated with any of the above activities. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 837 EFC Eligibility Determination TSC 8371 EFC Supportive Transition CWS – HEALTH RELATED FOR MEDI-CAL ELIGIBLE CHILDREN: 1444 CWS - PERMANENT PLACEMENT PROGRAM Any activity to help children who are Medi-Cal eligible, or potentially eligible, including all foster children, gain access to services covered by the Medi-Cal state plan in order to attain or maintain a favorable physical or mental health condition. These activities will not duplicate Targeted Case Management activities provided through the State Plan. Such activities include, but are not limited to: 1 Attachment II-A • • • • • • • Assisting Medi-Cal eligible children in identifying and understanding their health needs in order to secure and utilize treatment and health maintenance services covered by Medi-Cal. Facilitating the Medi-Cal eligibility application, by explaining the Medi-Cal eligibility rules and the eligibility process to parents/guardian of prospectively eligible children; assisting such applicants to fill out the eligibility applications; gathering information related to the application and eligibility determination or redetermination from the client, including resource information and third party liability information, as a prelude to submitting a formal Medi-Cal application to the county welfare department or providing necessary forms and packaging all forms in preparation for the Medi-Cal eligibility determination. Development, implementation, and management of care plans for Medi-Cal eligible children for their health-related needs covered by Medi-Cal. Referrals to other agencies and programs in order to meet the Medi-Cal covered health care needs of Medi-Cal eligible clients. Statistical reporting. Outreach activities to Medi-Cal eligibles or potential eligibles to communicate about available Medi-Cal services and programs. Liaison activities with Medi-Cal providers to facilitate case planning. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 838 EFC Health Related Services TSC 8381 EFC Supportive Transition 1456 CWS - TRAINING This PC for CWS training, at the enhanced rate of 75 percent, is for people employed or preparing for employment in all classes of positions by the state or local agency administering the program. Training is limited to topics necessary for performing the following specific FC program administrative functions: • • • • • • • • Referral to services. Case plan development. Case management and supervision. Preparation for and participation in judicial determinations. Placement of the child. Case reviews. Recruitment and licensing of foster homes and institutions. Eligibility determination. 2 Attachment II-A For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 839 EFC Training TSC 8391 EFC Training 1465 CWS - SERVICES The individual child's case plan shall be the basic guideline for the provision of CWS. Services include, but are not limited to, the following: • • • Providing counseling or other therapeutic services to a child or to the child's family in order to ameliorate or remedy personal problems, behaviors, or home conditions, as referenced. Providing homemaking instruction, through discussion and example when parent/guardian functioning can be improved by teaching more effective child care skills and home maintenance. Manual of Policies and Procedures 31-002(t)(1). Parenting training. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 840 EFC Services/Non-federal TSC 8401 EFC Supportive Transition CWS - COURT-RELATED ACTIVITIES: 1474 CWS - PERMANENT PLACEMENT PROGRAM Any court-related activity directed to-foster care child-who remains in out-of-home placement. Includes, but not limited to the following: • • • • • • • • • Preparing for and/or participating in any judicial determination regarding a child. Preparing or filing court documents including petitions, motion for extension, termination of dependencies or a custodial order. Any court appearance where the local agency is seeking custody of a child, or the status of a child in the county's custody, which is being reviewed. Paperwork and contacts related to judicial activity. Working with foster parents to prepare them to receive a child. Assessing child's/family's needs and developing a case plan as indicated in regulations. Evaluation or assessment of the child and family’s condition. Arranging for provisions of protective services when necessary. All planning, assessments, and paperwork which contribute to the above activities. 3 Attachment II-A • • • Case management and supervision. Recruitment activities, finding and developing resources, coordinating and consulting with service providers and community groups, distributing resource materials. Travel time associated with the above activities. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 841 EFC Court Related Activities TSC 8411 EFC Supportive Transition 1484 CWS - PERMANENT PLACEMENT PROGRAM Includes activities directed to a specific child when the child is in out-of-home placement, including relative placements and emergency shelter care. Included is the development of the case plan, which indicates specific services necessary to meet the protective needs of the child. The following are allowable activities: • • • • • • • • • • Assessing the child’s/family’s needs and developing a case plan as indicated in regulations. Referrals to services when necessary. Arranging for pre-placement visits. Working with foster parents to prepare them to receive a child. Monitoring progress in meeting case plan objectives and updating the case plan. Management and supervision of the case, participation in case conferences, permanency planning meetings, and administrative review. Recruitment activities, developing and distributing resource materials, consulting and coordinating with service providers and community based organization. Visits for non-group home FC placements (i.e., relatives and foster family homes). See TSC 5771 for visits related to children in group home placements. Travel time associated with any of the above activities. Do not include court document preparation or petition filing. These are Code 147 (CWS-Court Related Activities). For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 842 EFC Case Management TSC 8421 EFC Supportive Transition 4 Attachment II-A 5771 MONTHLY VISITS/GROUP HOMES/CWD Includes those activities performed by County Welfare Department (CWD) social workers when providing monthly visits to all children placed in-group homes (in-and outof-state). For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 843 EFC Group Home Monthly Visits (CWD) TSC 8431 EFC Supportive Transition 3451 AFDC-FC ELIGIBILITY Includes the following activities performed on behalf of FC cases: conducting eligibility determinations and benefit payment functions; various intake activities, such as screening, approvals, denials, and other dispositions of requests for aid, including restorations; budget computations and authorizing actions; referrals to other public assistance programs; inter-county transfers; and program status changes. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 846 EFC AFDC Foster Care Eligibility TSC 8461 EFC AFDC Foster Care Eligibility 0311 ENHANCED KIN-GAP NON-FED ELIGIBLE Includes the following activities performed on behalf of Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) cases: Conducting program eligibility determinations/redeterminations, and benefit payment functions; reassessment activities; various intake activities such as screening, approvals and denials; written agreement activities; other dispositions of requests for aid, including restorations; budget computations and authorizing actions; child support referrals; home visits; intercounty/interstate transfers; and program status changes. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 847 EFC Kin-GAP Non-federally Eligible TSC 8471 EFC Kin-GAP Non-federally Eligible CODE 7471 Kin-GAP TITLE IV-E ELIGIBLE Includes the following activities performed on behalf of Kin-GAP cases: Conducting program eligibility determinations/redeterminations, Title IV-E 5 Attachment II-A determinations/redeterminations and benefit payment functions; reassessment activities; various intake activities such as screening, approvals, denials; written agreement activities; other dispositions of requests for aid, including restorations; budget computations and authorizing actions; child support referrals; home visits; intercounty/interstate transfers; and program status changes. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 848 EFC Kin-GAP IV-E Eligible TSC 8481 EFC Kin-GAP Title IV-E Eligible Probation Claiming Because county Probation offices receive funding through a pass-through of Title IV-E funds, time study hours are not reported to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). However, activities for probation claiming codes for EFC are described below: 5791 MONTHLY VISITS/GROUP HOMES/PROBATION Includes those activities performed by probation officers when providing monthly visits to all children placed in-group homes (in-and out-of-state). For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 844 EFC Group Home Monthly Visits (Probation) PIN 844059 EFC Probation Expenses 119 PUBLIC AGENCY IV-E PASS-THROUGH As outlined in All County Letter No. 04-32, dated September 7, 2004, in addition to normal case management activities for children already in the CWS system, the federal government allows Title IV-E reimbursement for administrative activities associated with pre-placement prevention for cases that absent the referral to services would go into out-of home care. The CDSS now allows counties to pass on Title IV-E funds to other county public agencies, such as Probation and mental health that perform eligible administrative activities for children at risk of or currently placed in FC. This pass-on provision does not apply to similar activities performed by private non-profit organizations. For activities pertaining to NMDs, age 18-21, participating in EFC, please use: PC 845 EFC Public Agency IV-E Pass-Through (Probation) 6 Attachment II-B CROSS REFERENCE LISTING OF PROGRAM CODES (PC) FOR THE UNDER AGE 18 POPULATION AND THE NON-MINOR DEPENDENTS OVER AGE 18 POPULATION Program Child Welfare Services (CWS) CWS Under 18 PC 143 144 CWS CWS 145 146 CWS 147 CWS 148 Foster Care (FC) 577 FC 579 FC 119 FC 345 Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) 031 EFC Direct to Program A6 State Use Only (SUO) code 166 EFC Health Related EFC Training EFC Services Non-Federal A6 166 A6 A6 166 166 EFC Court Related Activities EFC Case Management EFC Group Home Monthly Visits (CWD) A6 166 A6 612 N/A 045, 051 N/A 329 N/A N/A C16 612 C53 N/A EFC Over Extended Foster 18 PC Care (EFC) Title 837 EFC Eligibility Determination PC Title CWS - Eligibility Determination CWS - Health Related CWS Training CWS Services/NonFederal CWS - Court Related Activities CWS - Case Management Group Home Monthly Visits (County Welfare Department [CWD]) Group Home Monthly Visits (Probation) Public Agency IV-E Pass-Through (Probation) 838 Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)-FC Eligibility Kin-GAP NonFederally Eligible 846 1 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 847 EFC Group Home Monthly Visits (Probation) EFC Public Agency IV-E Pass-Through (Probation) EFC AFDC-FC Eligibility EFC Kin-GAP Non-Federally Eligible
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