1152_Short_Form_Floating_Point_Output_Nov62 1152 Short Form Floating Point Output Nov62
1152_Short_Form_Floating_Point_Output_Nov62 1152_Short_Form_Floating_Point_Output_Nov62
User Manual: 1152_Short_Form_Floating_Point_Output_Nov62
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RECOMP II USERS' PROGRAM NO. 1152 PROGRAM. TITLE: SHORT FORM FLOATING POINT OUTPUT (Familiarly known as Super Floating Point Output) . PROGRAM CLASSIFICATION: Subroutine AUTHOR. Thomas W. Lawhorn PURPOSE: To rapidly print out a block of floating point data. DATE. 28 November 1962 Published by RECOMP Users' Librar,y at AUTONETICS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS A DIVISION OF NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC. 3400 East 70th Street, Long Beach 5, California DISClAIMER Afthovgh 1t' Is assumed that all the precautions have beon t,lcln to check out this progrJm thoroughly, no responsibility I~ tlk.n by the origin;')t~r of 11i!j progr.1n1 far llny orroncoul ralulta, mJ5c'onc p pt:ons, or mi ·re:Jro:::nt~tjor.s 1hflt mJY .~~~I)·'1j!r In this progrDm. Furth~ rrr.cr;!, r,o p~,p-, "l'ib!::ly III !ill~t:'f1 "'1 AUf()i"lot;c:. !ndu~tr!~,d Pronu.:ts br th~ c('.. rr,ct r~or"clwtb,~I,t; ~:\f this program. No wammty, ('nprr';::. r:,r imp/lQd, la by the use or application of the pro9ram. ~xf6m'ad - 1 - PROGRAM TITLE: SHORT FURM FLOATING POINT OUTPUT PURPOSE To rapidly print out a block of floating point data. DESCRIPTION This subroutine converts a specified block of internally stored floating point binary numbers into floating point decimal format and types them out. Four significant decimal digits of the normalized fraction are typed. The location of the block, length of the block, and number of outputs per line are specified by the user. USAGE This program is a subroutine, and thus must be "called" by the users' pro- gram. The calling sequence, given,below, must start in the left-half instruction of the word. + TRA 06100 + PZE XXXXO + PZE OOYYO + PZE OOZZO Return where XXIX is origin '(initial location) of block to be output OOY! is number (octal) of numbers in block OOZZ is number (octal) of numbers to be typed on a line The format for each output number is as follows: Sign of number, four digits of fraction, sign of exponent, one digit exponent. The sign of a positive exponent will be suppressed with a space. Examples: - 362.5 will appear as -3625 3 and + 0.03625 will appear as +3625 - 1. A carriage return will occur prior to but not following each block typeout. RESTRICTIONS The numbers must be in normalized floating point format. 10 The magnitude of a number must_~o no greater than 10 or, unless it is identically zero, less than 10 • The Tab-Carriage Return Switch on the typewriter must be in the Carriage Return position. - 2 TITLE: SHORT FORM F LOA T 1NG PO ,I NT ,OUTPUT 0610 - 0763 0610.0 +,sAX'716q.0 + + CTV 0620.0 + + ClA 0000.0 + ClAOaCO.O' ''+ ClA 0000.0, + CLA 0000.0 + ClA 7774.0 + + Tye 00 0.0+ CTl TRA CLA ClA CLA CLA STO TRA 0620.0 -:- STA ..:- STA + XAR +.STA 77.71. 1 ,+ ADD 0632.1 + FCA OOOOeO + STA 7764.1 + ARS ~-STO 7162.0 + CFL + CTl 0630.0 + XAR + STA 7707.1 + TYC + TYC 0033.0' + TRA 0630.0 .+ CTV '+ SUB' + ARS + C~A + STO + CLA + STO + CTV 0640.0 + CFL + TM I + TRA + FST + SUB + TMI + XAR ' 0610.0 7775.0 0000.0 7773.0 77L3.0 7767.0, 7167.0 0640.0 06~0.0 7772.1 7773.0 7770.0 7771.1 075i.0 0000.0 + Trv11 0670.0' 0650.0 + CTV + FST + ADD + FCA '+ XAR + TPL + FST + C~L 0610.0 7770.0 0001.0 0001'.0 0004.0 0001.0 7713.0 7765.0 0762.0 0000.0 7763.1 0024.0 0610.0 0000.0 ' 0010.0 77 67. 0 + CLA 7772.0 + STO 7772.0 ,+ TZE.73i6.o + SUB 7775.0 + TZE 777.0.0 + ADD 0162.0 + CFV 0610.0 + FCA 5216.0 + TZE 0704.0 + TYC 0021.0 + TYC 0003.0 + CLA + TZE + FCA +'TZE + TRA 0661.0 075~.0 7170 • 0 0670.0 0763.0 0660.0 + XAR 0000.0 7776.0 + CLA 7774•0 777~.0 + STO 777~.0 7776.0 + FOV 7712.0 0000.0' + TZE 776~.1 7760.1 + XAR ,0000.0 7776.0 + ARS 0000.0 , 0710.0 ,+ TRA,77 60 .0 - 3 PROGRAM· TITLE: SHORT FORM' FLOATING POINT OUTPUT 0660.0 + SUB 7.766.0 + + CLA. oooo~o +·TZE 0000.0 + CLA 0000.0 .+ CLA 0000.0 .. + CLA 0000.0 + CTl 3~~4.0 + .- ClA 0000.0 - 7764.1 001 7 • 0 . 0000.0 0002.0 . '1071.0 0007.0 7761.0 0000.0 7775.0 ·7775.0 07"40.0 + ADD + TYW + ALS + Tt'--11 0000.1 0000.0 TRA 0660.0· XAR CLA 7776.0. 7774.0 STO 7776.0 FMP 0000.0 TZE 7761. 1 . + XAR 0700.0 + TRA 0700.0 + FDV + CLA -'.- STO + CTl + ClA + CTL + FSB + FSB 7772.0, 777"5.0 7775.0 0710.0 0706.0 0750.0 6102.0 7156. 1 + FST 7776.0 + ADD 7774.0 + ARS 0000.0 + TRA 7760.0 + TYC 7760.0 + TRA 7760.0 ..: DS l 41 13.0 + DIS 6102.0 ' 0666.0 0000.0 7767.0 7772.0. + + + + 77l6.1 + ALS + XAR + ARS + ALS + STO + MPY + TRA - CLA 0001.0 0000.0 0670~0 + '+ + + + + FAD TZE XAR FST 7775~0 + ADD 7775.0 + FCA 0720.0 + TRA 0720.0 ' + TRA 0720.0 + XAR 0000.0 + STA 7762.1 + ARS 0000.0 + MPY 7~67.0 + ADD 0 65.0 + 'XAR 0000.0' + CTL·OljO.O + CLA.O 00.0 °7~Q·0 + ADD + STO + MPY + ALS + XAR. + ADD + eTl + CLA 067000 + eTL + CTV + FST '+ SUB + FCA + XAR + TM I +'CTL 0710.0 + FCA + XAR ,+' TMI + FDV + ClA .+ STD. + CTl + CTL .. TRA. CLA CLA CLA CLA CLA FST ClA 77~2.0 77 1.1 0000.0 7760.0 77 7. 0 0000.0 7776 •. 0 7774.0' 7776.0 7760.0 7760. 1 0000.0 0004.0 7771.0 7767.0 7760.0 0005.0 + ADD .+ T'fW "+ SUB + CLA 0750.0 + CLA + CTl - DSl + CTl + CLA + CLA + TRA + TYC 07 60.0 7771.0 7771.0 7767.0 0004.0 0000.0 77]1.0 071):0.0 0000.0 + ALS· ob04.0 + + + + + + - XAR ADD STO MPY AlS TRA CLA 0000.0 7771.0 7771.0 7767.0 0027.0 7760.0 0005.0 + STO + CLA + TZE + TYC 7766~0 + STO 7771. 1 + TRA 6000.0 - CLA 0002.1 - PNC 7771.0 7767.0 7771.1 0043.0' 7770.0 . 7~62.0 0 30.0 4102.0 0750.0 7771.0 0707.0 7760.0 7767.0 + + + .+ '+ + '+ TYC TRA DSL TRA TMI Tye CLA TRA 77~5.0 7~~.1 0 .0 77~1.0 06 1.0 °0000.0 00.0 7764.0 1160.0 Ii 02.0 7764.0 7766.1 7767.0 0760.0 7760.0 - PTW 75')6. 1 ' -. PTW 751~2.0 + CTL 0750.0. + TRA 7660~0 + ClA 0000.0 CLA 0 02.0 + CTL 0650.0 +- TRA 7760.0
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2010:05:14 19:01-08:00 Modify Date : 2010:05:14 20:31:46-07:00 Metadata Date : 2010:05:14 20:31:46-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.32 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:423c8db5-047b-442f-8918-6422ce6218f1 Instance ID : uuid:76e83655-c7b1-4e59-963a-919bfcf7cc5c Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools