Chapter 903 1184
User Manual: 903
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- Chapter 903
- § 903-1. General definitions.
- § 903-2. Specific definitions
- § 903-3. Interpretation.
- § 903-4. Use and display of permit.
- § 903-5. On-street accessible parking for persons with a disability exemptions; restrictions. [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-20106F ]
- § 903-6. Designated locations where accessible parking permits are not valid.[Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-20107F ]
- § 903-7. Designated loading zones in parking lots or other parking facilities.
- § 903-8. Designated on-street parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
- § 903-9. Designated on-street loading zones for persons with disabilities.
- § 903-10. Parking fees in parking lots or other parking facilities.
- § 903-11. Installation requirements for designated parking spaces in parking lots or other parking facilities.
- § 903-12. Technical guidelines for off-street accessible parking spaces.
- [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-201019F ; 2013-02-21 by By-law 246-201320F ]
- § 903-13. Penalties and administrative penalties.

903-1 December 8, 2017
Chapter 903
On-Street and Off-Street Parking for Disabled Persons
§ 903-1. General definitions.
§ 903-2. Specific definitions
§ 903-3. Interpretation.
§ 903-4. Use and display of permit.
§ 903-5. On-street accessible parking for persons with a disability exemptions; restrictions.
§ 903-6. Designated locations where accessible parking permits are not valid.
§ 903-7. Designated loading zones in parking lots or other parking facilities.
§ 903-8. Designated on-street parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
§ 903-9. Designated on-street loading zones for persons with disabilities.
§ 903-10. Parking fees in parking lots or other parking facilities.
§ 903-11. Installation requirements for designated parking spaces in parking lots or other
parking facilities.
§ 903-12. Technical guidelines for off-street accessible parking spaces.
§ 903-13. Penalties and administrative penalties.
§ 903-14. Transition.
Schedule I, Technical Guidelines and Standards for the Design of Off-Street Parking
Spaces to Serve Permit Holders
Schedule II, Designated On-Street Parking for Permit Holders
Schedule III, Designated On-Street Loading Zones for Permit Holders
Schedule IV, Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces required to be designated for Permit
Schedule V, Exempted Provisions of By-laws and Municipal Codes of Former
Municipalities and the amalgamated City of Toronto for Permit Holders

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[History: Adopted by the Council of the City of Toronto April 24, 2007 by By-law 443-
2007.1 Amendments noted where applicable.]
General References
Parking Authority - See Ch. 179.
Fire routes - See Ch. 880.
Parking machines and meters - See Ch. 910.
Parking on private or municipal property - See Ch. 915.
Parking on residential front yards and boulevards - See Ch. 918.
Permit parking - See Ch. 925.
Temporary closing of highways - See Ch. 937.
Traffic and parking - See Ch. 950.
Highway Traffic Act - See R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8.
Planning Act - See R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13.
Repair and Storage Liens Act - See R.S.O. 1990, c. R.25.
On-Street and Off-Street Parking for Disabled Persons
§ 903-1. General definitions.
A term not defined in this section shall have the same meaning as the term has in the Highway
Traffic Act and its associated regulations and its successors.
§ 903-2. Specific definitions
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY - As defined in Chapter 610, Penalties, Administration of.
[Added 2017-07-07 by By-law 806-20172]
AUTHORIZED SIGN - Any sign or other device approved by the General Manager.
DESIGNATED PARKING SPACE: [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-20103]
A. An off-street parking space having a width of at least 3.65 metres, designated for the use
of persons with a disability, and identified by an official accessible parking permit sign in
accordance with the Technical Guidelines set out in Schedule I to this chapter; or
B. An on-street parking space bounded on either side by an official accessible parking
permit sign.
FORMER BOROUGH OF EAST YORK -The Corporation of the Borough of East York as it
existed on December 31, 1997.
1 Editor's Note: This by-law comes into force 30 days after the date of the first approved set fine order from the Regional Senior Justice
of the Ontario Court of Justice for Chapter 903. Set fine date approval was received June 6, 2007. Section 2 of By-law 443-2007 amended
various by-laws and municipal code sections of former municipalities.
2 Editor's Note: By-law 806-2017 added new definitions related to the Administrative Penalty System, removed stopping, standing and
parking offences from the Provincial Offences Act and placed them under the Administrative Penalty System for Parking Violations (see
Ch. 610, Penalties, Administration of). By-law 806-2017 came into effect August 28, 2017.
3 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.

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FORMER CITY OF ETOBICOKE -The Corporation of the City of Etobicoke as it existed on
December 31, 1997.
FORMER METROPOLITAN TORONTO -The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto as it
existed on December 31, 1997.
FORMER CITY OF NORTH YORK - The Corporation of the City of North York as it existed on
December 31, 1997.
FORMER CITY OF SCARBOROUGH - The Corporation of the City of Scarborough as it
existed on December 31, 1997.
FORMER CITY OF TORONTO - The Corporation of the City of Toronto as it existed on
December 31, 1997.
FORMER CITY OF YORK - The Corporation of the City of York as it existed on December 31,
York, the former Cities of Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough, Toronto, York and the former
Metropolitan Toronto, or any of them.
GENERAL MANAGER - The City's General Manager of Transportation Services or his or her
designate or successor.
HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT - The Highway Traffic Act, as amended from time to time, and its
associated regulations and its successors.
MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - Property owned or occupied by the City, one of its City boards or
one of its local boards.
OFFICIAL SIGN - Any sign prescribed by the Highway Traffic Act for identifying a designated
parking space or a loading zone for persons with a disability. [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law
PENALTY NOTICE - As defined in Chapter 610, Penalties, Administration of. [Added 2017-
07-07 by By-law 806-2017]
PERMIT: [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-20105]
A. A current and valid accessible parking permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation
under the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act; or
B. A current and valid permit, number plate or other marker or device bearing the
international symbol of access for persons with a disability which has been issued by a
jurisdiction outside Ontario.
4 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set fine
order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
5 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set fine
order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.

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PERMIT DISPLAYED - A permit which is displayed on or in a vehicle in accordance with the
requirements of the Highway Traffic Act.
PRIVATE PROPERTY - Property other than municipal property.6
VEHICLE OWNER - As defined in Chapter 610, Penalties, Administration of. [Added 2017-07-
07 by By-law 806-2017]
§ 903-3. Interpretation.
A. The only highways to which this chapter applies are highways under the jurisdiction of the
B. The schedules referred to in this chapter form part of this chapter, and each entry in a
column of a schedule shall be read in conjunction with the entry or entries across from it
and not otherwise.
C. Expression of time.
Where any expression of time occurs or where any hour or other period of time is stated,
the time referred to shall be standard time except in periods when daylight saving time is in
effect, in which periods it shall be daylight saving time.
D. Public holidays.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following days are defined as public holidays:
New Year's Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
August Civic Holiday
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
and any other day designated by City Council as a designated holiday, with the exception
of Easter Monday and Remembrance Day.
§ 903-4. Use and display of permit.
No person shall park or stand a vehicle in a designated parking space unless:
A. A valid permit has been issued to the person and the permit is displayed in accordance with
the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act; or
6 Editor's Note: By-law 531-2010, enacted May 12, 2010, added a new § 903-2.1 which contained definitions for "collector roadway,"
"local roadway," "major arterial roadway" and "minor arterial roadway." By-law 531-2010 was subsequently repealed by By-law 1045-

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B. The operator of the vehicle is transporting, picking up or dropping off a person who has
been issued a current valid permit and the permit is displayed in accordance with the
provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.
§ 903-5. On-street accessible parking for persons with a disability exemptions; restrictions.
[Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-20107]
A. Subject to §§ 903-5B and 903-6, any vehicle with a permit displayed is exempt from the
(1) The provisions of the by-laws and municipal codes of the former municipalities as set
out in Schedule V to this chapter;
(2) Chapter 925 or any other City by-law or code with respect to permit parking; and
(3) Chapter 910 with respect to the requirement to deposit funds in parking meters and
parking machines.
B. Parking restrictions.
(1) The exemptions set out in § 903-5A do not apply so as to permit any person to park or
stand a vehicle with a permit displayed on any highway for a period exceeding
24 hours, except in a designated parking space on a highway licensed for overnight
permit parking, pursuant to the provisions of any by-law or municipal code of the
City or a former municipality. For further clarity, in the event a person parks or stands
a vehicle with a permit displayed on any highway for a period exceeding 24 hours,
except as set out in the previous sentence, that person shall be liable to prosecution as
if they had violated the restrictions or time limits in relation to parking or standing a
vehicle as set out in the applicable by-law or municipal code section.
(2) The exemptions set out in § 903-5A do not apply to any vehicle on any highway
where official signs have been posted to prohibit parking, standing and stopping
between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday to
Friday (rush period). For further clarity, any person with a permit displayed who
parks, stands or stops a vehicle on any highway where official signs have been posted
to prohibit parking, standing and stopping between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and
9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday shall be subject to
prosecution under the by-law or code provision providing for the parking restriction.
7 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set fine
order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.

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§ 903-6. Designated locations where accessible parking permits are not valid.[Amended
2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-20108]
A. Despite any other provisions of this chapter, or any provisions of any other by-law or code,
having a permit displayed does not permit any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle in any
of the following locations or areas:
(1) In an area signed as "No Stopping" or "No Standing";
(2) On or over a sidewalk or footpath;
(3) Within an intersection or pedestrian crossover, excluding a "T" - type intersection;
(4) [Amended 2010-05-12 by By-law 531-2010; 2012-07-13 by By-law 1045-20129]
(a) Within 15 metres of a pedestrian crossover on the approach side to a pedestrian
crossover; or
(b) Within nine metres of a pedestrian crossover beyond the crossover.
(5) Between a safety zone and the adjacent side of roadway or within 15.0 metres of the
points on such side opposite the ends of the safety zone;
(6) Alongside or across the highway from any excavation or obstruction in the roadway
when the free flow of traffic would thereby be impeded;
(7) On the roadway side of any stopped or parked vehicle;
(8) Upon any bridge or elevated structure or within any tunnel or underpass;
(9) On any middle boulevard or centre strip separating two roadways or adjacent to either
side or ends of such middle boulevard or centre strip;
(10) Within a school bus loading zone; or
(11) In a designated fire route.
(12) In an area prohibited for parking, standing or stopping under § 400-37.1A of the
Municipal Code of the former City of Toronto with respect to time restricted parking
zones in Schedule XXV in § 400-78 at those locations in Schedule XXV where the
phrases "(Buses Only)" or "(delivery vehicles parking zone)" are found in Column 5
of the Schedule. [Added 2007-05-25 by By-law 535-2007]
B. Despite any other provisions of this chapter, or any provisions of any other by-law or code,
having a permit displayed does not permit any person to park a vehicle in any of the following
locations or areas:
8 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
9 Editor's Note: By-law 531-2010, as amended by By-law 1045-2012, requires approval of set fines for Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking
before coming into force. Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking has received set fine approval and comes into force January 23, 2014.

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(1) In front of or within 0.6 metres of a driveway, laneway or ramp leading to a front yard
parking area or boulevard parking area for which a license has been issued by the
designated authority, or so as to obstruct vehicles in the use of a driveway, laneway, a
licensed front yard parking area or a licensed boulevard parking area;
(2) Within 3.0 metres of a point on the curb or edge of the roadway opposite any fire
(3) Within 9.0 metres of an intersecting roadway;
(4) Within 15.0 metres of any level crossing of a railway other than a street railway;
(5) Alongside the tracks of any railway other than a street railway; or
(6) In such a position or location as will prevent the removal of any other vehicle previously
(7) Reserved.10
(8) In electric vehicle charging station parking listed in Schedule XLIV to Chapter 950,
Traffic and Parking. [Added 2012-07-13 by By-law 1057-201211]
(9) In parking machine locations designated as electric vehicle charging stations as set out in
Schedule II to Chapter 910, Parking Machines. [Added 2012-07-13 by By-law 1058-
(10) In parking machine or parking meter locations designated as motorcycle parking
zones as set out in Schedule IV to Chapter 910, Parking Machines and Meters,
between April 1 and October 31, inclusive, of each year. [Added 2017-12-08 by By-
law 1440-2017]
C. Despite any other provisions of this chapter, or any provisions of any other by-law or code,
having a permit displayed does not permit any person to park a vehicle in any of the following
locations or areas where authorized signs prohibiting parking have been erected:
(1) Any public lane;
(2) Within a distance of up to 15.0 metres of any intersection;
(3) Within a distance of up to 30.5 metres of an intersection controlled by traffic control
(4) In front of an entrance to or exit from any building or enclosed space in which
persons may be expected to congregate in large numbers;
10 Editor's Note: By-law 263-2008 added subsection (7) in the event of a Toronto Transit Commission strike. This strike did not occur
and the subsection is repealed.
11 Editor's Note: By-law 1057-2012 requires approval of set fines for Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking before coming into force. Set
fines have been received for Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking and come into force January 23, 2014.
12 Editor's Note: By-law 1058-2012 requires approval of set fines for Chapter 910, Parking Machines before coming into force. Set fines
have been received for Chapter 910, Parking Machines and come into force January 23, 2014.

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(5) Within a distance of up to 7.5 metres of any fire hall on the side of the highway on
which the fire hall is located or within a distance of up to 30.5 metres of such fire hall
on the opposite side of the highway;
(6) Within the following distances of a crosswalk controlled by traffic control signs and
located other than at an intersection:
(a) Within a distance of up to 15.0 metres of a crosswalk measured on each side of the
highway in the direction of travel of vehicles on that side of the highway.
(b) Within a distance of up to 30.5 metres of a crosswalk measured on each side of the
highway in the direction opposite to the direction of travel of vehicles on that side
of the highway;
(7) Within a turning basin;
(8) Within a distance of up to 15.0 metres of the termination of a dead end street;
(9) So as to interfere with the formation of a funeral procession;
(10) Within a "T" - type intersection; or
(11) Within a stand designated for taxicabs.
(12) In an area prohibited for parking, under s.32 of By-law 32-92 of the former
Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto at locations listed in Schedule VIII to the by-
law, where the words, "(Buses Excepted, 6:30 p.m. of one day to 7:30 a.m. of the next
following day, Monday to Friday and All Times Saturdays, Sundays and Public
Holidays)" is found in Column 4 of the Schedule. [Added 2007-05-25 by By-law 535-
(13) In a car-share vehicle parking area listed in §§ 400-9B(6) of former City of Toronto
Municipal Code Chapter 400, Traffic and Parking. [Added 2010-01-27 by By-law 130-
(14) In a car-share vehicle parking area listed in subsection 3.1(6)(a) of former City of North
York By-law 31001. [Added 2010-02-23 by By-law 203-201014]
D. Despite any other provisions of this chapter, or any provisions of any other by-law or code,
having a permit displayed does not permit any person to park a vehicle in any of the following
locations, areas or manners:
(1) On a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the
clearing of snow from the highway or interfere with a special event where the Toronto
Police Service occupies at least half the roadway and have placed bags over parking
meters or pay and display parking machines so that they are not in use, or where
emergency "No Parking" signs have been posted to maintain the orderly flow of
13 Editor's Note: This by-law came into force March 15, 2010.
14 Editor's Note: This by-law came into force March 15, 2010.

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(2) In a "No Parking" zone on a street that has two lanes or less for travel when there is a
permitted parking area available on one side of that street; or
(3) On any highway within the boundaries of the former City of North York, where signs
have been placed or erected to prohibit overnight parking between 2:00 a.m. and
6:00 a.m. from December 1 of each year up to and including March 31 of the
following year.
E. Section § 903-6A shall not apply where the by-laws or codes of the former municipalities
provide exemptions to vehicles with permits displayed when they are actively engaged in
the loading or unloading of persons with a disability while in a lane designated for the use
of bicycles or other classes of vehicles. [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-201015]
§ 903-7. Designated loading zones in parking lots or other parking facilities.
A. No person shall park or stand a vehicle on a parking lot or other parking facility to which
the public has access in an area designated by an official sign as a loading zone for persons
with a disability unless actively engaged in boarding or discharging persons with a
disability and a current valid permit has been issued to the person and the permit is
properly displayed. [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-201016]
B. The provisions of Chapter 915, Article III, Parking on Private or Municipal Property,
Removal of Vehicles, respecting the tagging and towing of any vehicle which is parked or
left on private or municipal property contrary to §§ 903-7A and 903-10, apply.
§ 903-8. Designated on-street parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
A. No person shall park or stand or stop a vehicle in a designated parking space marked by an
official sign(s), on a highway set out in Schedule II to this chapter at the side and between
the limits, during the times and days set out in Schedule II, unless a current valid permit
has been issued to the person and the permit is properly displayed.
B. An applicant who is the holder of a permit may be eligible to have an on-street accessible
parking space for persons with a disability designated in front of or near the applicant's
residence if the on-street designation will not result in the loss of more than one on-street
permit parking space as provided for under Chapter 925, Permit Parking. [Amended 2010-
08-27 by By-law 1154-201017]
C. A person who has been issued a front yard accessible parking permit under Chapter 918,
Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, or for whose use that permit has been
issued, shall not be entitled to obtain a designated on-street accessible parking space for
15 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
16 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
17 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.

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persons with a disability under § 903-8B, unless that person first surrenders his or her front
yard accessible parking permit. [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-201018]
§ 903-9. Designated on-street loading zones for persons with disabilities.
No person shall park or stand a vehicle at a place marked by an official sign designating a
loading zone for persons with a disability on a highway set out in Schedule III to this chapter on
or at the side and between the limits during the times and days set out in Schedule III unless
actively engaged in boarding or discharging disabled persons and a current valid permit has been
issued to the person and the permit is properly displayed. [Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law
§ 903-10. Parking fees in parking lots or other parking facilities.
No person who owns or operates a parking lot or other parking facility to which the public has
access shall require a driver or operator of a vehicle with a permit displayed to pay an amount in
excess of the normal fee paid by other users of the same parking lot or parking facility.
§ 903-11. Installation requirements for designated parking spaces in parking lots or other
parking facilities.
A. No person who owns or operates a parking lot or other parking facility to which the public
has access, whether on payment of a fee or otherwise, shall fail to provide designated
parking spaces in accordance with Schedule IV to this chapter.
B. Every owner or operator of a parking lot or of a parking facility may voluntarily provide a
number of designated parking spaces above and beyond the requirements of this chapter if
they so wish.
C. Every owner or operator of a parking lot or of a parking facility who so provides
designated parking spaces shall comply with all the other applicable sections of this chapter
in respect of all designated parking spaces provided.
§ 903-12. Technical guidelines for off-street accessible parking spaces.
[Amended 2010-08-27 by By-law 1154-201020; 2013-02-21 by By-law 246-201321]
Every person who is required to provide off street parking spaces to serve holders of accessible
parking permits shall provide parking spaces meeting the technical guidelines set out in
Schedule I to this chapter.
18 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
19 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
20 Editor's Note: By-law 1154-2010, as amended by By-law 1006-2012, came into force 30 days after the date of approval of the first set
fine order for Chapter 903. Set fine approval was received on February 11, 2013.
21 Editor's Note: By-law 246-2013 came into effect March 13, 2013.
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§ 903-13. Penalties and administrative penalties.
[Amended 2007-12-13 by By-law 1367-2007; 2017-07-07 by By-law 806-2017]
A. Every person who contravenes any provision with the exception of §§ 903-4A, 903-4B, 903-
7A, 903-8A and 903-9 of this chapter is guilty of an offence, and upon conviction, is liable to
a fine of not less than $300 for each offence.
B. Every vehicle owner who contravenes §§ 903-4A, 903-4B, 903-7A, 903-8A, or 903-9 is liable
to an administrative penalty of not less than $300.00 for each contravention.
C. Unless at the time of the contravention the vehicle was in the possession of another person
without the vehicle owner's consent, if a vehicle has been left parked, standing or stopped in
contravention of §§ 903-4A, 903-4B, 903-7A, 903-8A or 903-9, the vehicle owner shall, upon
issuance of a penalty notice, be liable to an administrative penalty.
D. A police officer, police cadet, municipal law enforcement officer, constable or an officer
appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, upon discovery
of any vehicle parked or left in contravention of this chapter, may cause it to be moved or
taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing,
care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle which may be enforced in the
manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act.
E. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the municipality or any delegated authority from
imposing a higher standard or requirement for the number or technical requirements for
spaces than those set out in Schedule I and Schedule IV on any land as a result of a
rezoning, site plan approval, Committee of Adjustment condition or any other approval
lawfully given under the Planning Act. Where such higher standard is imposed on any land,
the owner of such land shall, to the extent that the higher standard conflicts with the
requirements of this chapter, be required to comply with those higher standards and not
with the standards contained in this chapter.
§ 903-14. Transition.
A. Effect on other parking for persons with disabilities by-laws/codes.
(1) Despite this section, Chapter 400 of the former City of Toronto Municipal Code
(Traffic and Parking), Chapter 183, Article IV of the former City of Etobicoke
Municipal Code (Off-street Parking for the Handicapped), By-law 34-93 of the
former Borough of East York, being a by-law "To provide for disabled person parking
permit holders", By-law 85-90 of the former Metropolitan Toronto, being a by-law
"To authorize certain on-street parking of vehicles operated by or for physically
disabled persons", Chapter 965 of the former City of York Municipal Code (Parking-
Disabled-Off-street), Chapter 966 of the former City of York Municipal Code
(Parking-Disabled-On-street), By-law 31770 of the former City of North York, being
a by-law "To regulate parking for disabled person parking permit holders" and By-
laws 23059 (To authorize certain on-street parking of vehicles operated by or for
903-12 December 8, 2017
disabled persons), 23060 (A By-law to prohibit the parking of vehicles in a parking
area reserved for disabled parking permit holders) and 24302 (Being a By-law to
regulate parking for Disabled Person Parking Permit Holders) of the former City of
Scarborough, being by-laws "To regulate parking for disabled person parking permit
holders" (collectively referred to as the "Parking for Persons with Disabilities By-
laws"), shall remain in force until expressly repealed.
(2) In the event of any conflict between any one or more of the Parking for Persons with
Disabilities By-laws and this chapter, this chapter shall govern.