11_Pascal_News_Feb78 11 Pascal News Feb78
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PASCAL USER'S GROUP Pascal News (FORMERLY PASCAL NEWSLETTER) NU~1BER 11 COMMUNICATIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE PASCAL BY PASCALERS FEBRUARY) 1978 TAB LEO F CON TEN T S o 1 3 4 4 8 10 10 13 16 19 33 ·33 34 36 40 41 48 51 54 57 64 70 70 70 70 72 75 80 104 105 COVER: Paper Fasteners from the mail of international Pascalers POLICY: Pascal News AI.L PURPOSE COUPON EDITOR'S CONTRIBUTION HERE AND THERE WITH PASCAL News (Jobs, Help Wanted!, Tidbits from Pascalers) Pascal in the News Conferences Books and Articles Errata to Pascal User Manual and Report, Second Edition Review of Pascal Newsletters 5 - 8 Roster Increment ARTICLES "Type Compatibility Checking in Pascal Compilers" Pierre Desjardins "A Novel Appro,ach to Compiler Design" James Q. Arnold "Status of UCSD Pascal Project" Kenneth L. Bowles "Suggestions for Pascal Implementations" Wi 11 ett Kempton "Suggested Extensions to Pascal" Robert A. Fraley "What to do After a While" David W. Barron and Judy M. Mullins "Adapting Pascal for the PDP 11/45" David D. Miller "Pascal: Standards and Extensions" Chris Bishop OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS Special Topic: Pascal Standards IMPLEMENTATION NOTES General Information Applications Portable Pascals Pascal Variants Feature Impl ementation Notes Machine Dependent Implementations Index to Implementation Notes POLICY: Pascal User's Group I 1 (C::: J POLICY: PASCAL NEWS (77/12/30) * Pascal News is the official but informal publication of the User's Group. Pascal News contains all we (the editors) know about Pascal; we use it as the vehicle to answer all inquiries because our physical energy and resources for answering individual requests are finite. As PUG grows, we unfortunately succumb to the reality of (1) having to insist that people who need to know lIabout Pascal II join PUG and read Pascal News - that is why we spend time to produce it! and (2) refusing to return phone calls or answer letters full of questions - we will pass the questions on to the readership of Pascal News. Please understand what the collective effect of individual inquiries has at the IIconcentratorsli (our phones and mailboxes). We are trying honestly to say: IIwe cannot p1'omise more than we can do." * An attempt is made to produce Pascal News 4 times during an academic year from July 1 to June 30; usually September, November, February, and May. * ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS, WE PRINT. Please send written material for Pascal News single spaced and in camera-ready form. Use lines 18.5 cm wide! * Remember: ALL LETTERS TO US WILL BE PRINTED UNLESS THEY CONTAIN A REQUEST TO THE CONTRARY. * Pascal News is divided into flexible sections: ~ u -o -- 11. POLICY - tries to explain the way we do things (ALL PURPOSE COUPON, etc.). EDITOR'S CONTRIBUTION - passes along the opinion and point of view of the editor together with changes in the mechanics of PUG operation, etc. HERE AND THERE WITH PASCAL - presents news from people, conference announcements and reports, new books and articles (including reviews), notices of Pascal applications, history, membership rosters, etc. ARTICLES - contains formal, submitted contributions (such as Pascal philosophy, use of Pascal as a teaching tool, use of Pascal at different computer installations, how to promote Pascal, etc.) OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS - contains short, informal correspondence among members which is of interest to the readership of Pascal News. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES - reports news of Pascal implementations: contacts for maintainers, implementors, distributors, and documentors of various implementations as well as where to send bug reports. Qualitative and quantitative descriptions and comparisons of various implementations are publicized. Sections contain information about Software Writing Tools for a Pascal environment, Portable Pascals, Pascal Variants, Feature Implementation Notes, Machine Dependent Implementations, etc. * Volunteer editors are: Andy Mickel - editor Tim Bonham and Jim Miner - Implementation Notes editors Sara Graffunder - Here and There editor John Strait and John Easton - Tasks editors Rich Stevens - Books and Articles editor Rich Cichelli - Software Tools and Applications editor George Richmond - past editor (issues 1 through 4) PASCAL USER'S GROUP ALL PURPOSE COUPON USER'S ****************** GROUP (77/12130 ) Pascal Userls Group, c/o Andy Mickel University Computer Center: 227 EX 208 SE Union Street University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA + Clip, photoQopy, + ~e~oduQe, O~ etQ. and / / Please enter me as a new member of the PASCAL USER'S GROUP for Academic year(s) ending June 30 I shall receive all 4 issues of Pa6Qal N0W~ for each year. Enclosed please find ($4.00 for each year). (* When joining from overseas, check the Pa6Qal N~ POLICY section on the reverse side for a PUG "regional representative. 1I *) / / Please renew my membership in PASCAL USER'S GROUP for ___ Academic year(s) ending June 30 Enclosed please find ($4.00 for each year). . (* See the Pa6Qal / / Please send a copy of Pa6Qal N0W~ Number(s) POLICY section on the reverse side for price-s-a-n'd~issues available. *) / / My new a~~~~~s is printed below. Please use it from now on. old mailing label if I can find one. address / / You messed up my phone' See below. N0W~ 1111 enclose an / / Enclosed please find a contribution (such as what we are doing with Pascal at our computer installation), idea, article, or opinion which I wish to submit for publication in the next issue of Pa6Qal N0W~. (* Please send bug reports to the maintainer of the appropriate implementation listed in the Pa6Qal N0W~ IMPLEMENTATION NOTES section. *) / / None of the above. Other comments: From: name ______________ mailing address ______________ phone _________-:..-_ _ __ computer system(s) ______________ date ______________ >....... u -l o CL JOINING PASCAL USER'S GROUP? - membership is open to anyone: particularly the Pascal user, teacher, maintainer, implementor, distributor, or just plain fan. Memberships from libraries are also encouraged. please enclose the proper prepayment - we will not bill you. please do not send us purchase orders - we cannot endure the paper work! (if you are trying to get your organization to pay for your membership, think of the cost of paperwork involved for such a small sum as a PUG membership). when you ~oin PUG anytime within an academic year: July 1 to June 30, you will receive all issues of Pascal i~ews for that year unless you request otherwise. You will receive a membership receipt. please remember that PUG is run by volunteers who don't consider themselves in the "publishing business." We consider production of Pascal News as simply a means toward the end of promoting Pascal and communicating news of events surrounding Pascal to persons interested in Pascal. We are simply interested in the news ourselves and prefer to share it through Pascal News (rather than having to answer individaally every letter and phone call). We desire to keep paperwork to a minimum because we have other work to do . THROUGH "REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES" ? - To join through PUG(USA) , see address on reverse side. International telephone: 1-612-376-7290. PUG(USA) produces Pascal News and keeps all mailing addresses on on a common list. Regional representatives collect memberships from their regions as a service and reprint and distribute Pascal News using mailing labels sent from PUG(USA). Persons in the Australasian Region must join through PUG(AUS). European Region (Europe, North Africa, Australasian (Australia, New Zealand, Region Indonesia, Malaysia): Middle and Near. East): send '£2.50 to: Pascal Users' Group (UK) send $AI0 to: Pascal Users Group (AUS) c/o Computer Studies Group c/o Arthur Sale Dept. of Information Sci. Mathematics Department University of Tasmania The University Southampton S09 5NH GPO Box 252C Un i ted Ki ngdom Hobart, Tasmania 7001 telephone: 44-703-559122 x700 Australia telephone: (002) 23 0561 RENHJING? - please renew early (before August) and please write us a line or two to tell us what you are doing with Pascal, and tell us what you think of PUG and Pascal News to help keep us honest. To save PUG postage, We do not send receipts wh~n you renew. JOIi~ING ORDERING BACKISSUES OR EXTRA ISSUES? Our unusual policy of automatically sending all issues of Pascal News to anyone who joins within an academic year (July 1 to June 30) means that we eliminate many requests for backissues ahead of time, and we don't have to reprint important information in every issue - especially about Pascal implementations! - Issues 1, 2, 3, and 4 (January, 1974 - August, 1976) are out of print. - Issues 5, 6, 7, and 8 (September, 1976 - May, 1977) are out of print. (A few copies of issue 8 remain at PUG(UK) available for tl each.) - Extra single copies of new issues (current academic year) are: $2 each - PUG(USA); ~1 each - PUG(UK); and $A3 each - PUG(AUS). SENDING MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATION? (such as ideas, queries, articles, letters, oplnlons, notices, news, implementation information, conference announcements and reports, etc.) "ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS, WE PRINT." Please send written material for Pascal News single spaced and in cameraready form. Use lines 18.5 cm wide! Remember: ALL LETTERS TO US WILL BE PRINTED UNLESS THEY COiHAIN A REQUEST TO THE CONTRARY. MISCELLANEOUS INQUIRIES? Please remember we will use Pascal News as the vehicle to answer all inquiries and regret to be unable to answer individual requests. l5i1 Postage for 9/lD was UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA lWlN CITIES Country University Computer Center 227 Experimental Engineering Building U.K. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 (612) 376-7290 Europe group 3S0g SOOg Previous group Unit Cost Unit Cost 4Sc 300g 39c 48c 2S0g 26c The DEADLINE for written contributions to Pascal News #12 is March 20. Please send DARK copy! New companies committed to Pascal (add to the list in PUGN#9): Ericsson Telephone and ICL in Europe, Interdata and Tektronix in the US. TI continu~be very mysterious about their heavy use of Pascal - they haven't told us a word in a year now! DEC may be finally waking up because of DOD-1 (see Here and There). Thanks to everyone who sent material for this issue. We sent renewal notices to 315 holdouts in November. We may have to stop sending receipts for membership - it is getting too time consuming. We will probably have to combine issues 13&14 next autumn. Judy sent the letter below to "The Editor, Pascal News": and came to a total of $llS (approx.). The mailing included close on SO renewals received after you ran the labels off. As you can see, it is unlikely that any future issue will hit the lower group for European postage, so that we might have to face 90c + 48c = $1.38 for getting a copy to a European member. However, with luck we can still do it at under a dollar. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON Thank you very much for all the numerous snippets of information over the past year, and for the most recent one. on South Africa. The personal touch is sincerely appreciated. You will be glad to know that ~its are seriously contemplating switching from Fortran to Pascal for first years (including engineers) in January. It all depends on whether a decent 370 compiler is ready. Faculty of Mathematical Studies Southampton, S095NH. Telex 47661. Tel 0703 559122Ext 238 7 ~:.: That seems to be all. I have today handed over the files in good order to David who will handle everything after my departure. Following his article in Computing we have had an influx of queries, especially from Industry. Pascal lives: I'll keep in touch, of course, and won't forget to send a photo of the wedding. Sth December, 1977. All the best, Dear Andy, ~ = { :::0 . PUG (UK) PRINTING and POSTAGE "7_ ,~.-.--/ /' ~ :/" Now that PUGN 9/10 is out of the way, I thought I would share some statistics on printing costs. PUGN number S 6 7 8 9/10 USA pages 64 96 48 64 112 per copy per page $0.70 $1.18 $0.69 $1.07 1.09c 1.23c 1.44c 1.67c per copy $O.SO $0.14 $0.40 $0.S6 per page .S2c .29c .62c .Slc As you can see, we have managed to keep our costs at well below half yours. After No.8, we outgrew the Departmental printing service and took 9/10 to the University Printing Unit. They were able to do the job at the same price - in fact slightly cheaper because I did much of the collating myself to hurry it along. However, indications are that there could be a steep rise in costs in the New Year. It may be possible to avoid it, and in order to do so we need to know, accurately, No. of pages in No. 11 Date of arrival of Masters. However, should it not be possible to get preferencial rates, we shall have to face a cost of about 90c for a 64 page issue (compared to $1.07 in the U.S.A. and 40c previously). Are you still relying on our ultra cheap rates or can PUG afford to pay the going rate? Editor's Contribution ( Juay Mullins UK -n rn Professors: H.B. Griffiths, S.A. Robertson (Pure Mathematics); P.T. Landsberg (Applied Mathematics); 1.W. Craggs (Engineering Mathematics); D,W. Barron (Computer Studies); T,M,F, Smith (Statistics). (* It might help explain to new PUG members a few related facts. Judy Mullins last year (76-77) proposed and implemented a reprinting and distribution service of PUGN for PUG members in Europe. Not only was delivery speeded, but also the rates were kept low. Last March, the University of Southampton Computer Studies Group headed by Prof. David Barron held their third annual computing symposium on "Pascal - the Language and Implementation." Both Judy and David have done PUG many great services. Judy graduated this month and is going home to South Africa where she will marry her fiance. David (who by the way edits the ever-popular journal: SOFTWARE - Practice and Ex erience) recently wrote an outstanding article for the 77/10/24 issue of Computing Europe a kin of Computerworld for Europe); please see Here and There. David continues to man the PUG European region and as a result had to quit as a Books and Articles editor for PUGN. Regarding the question marks under "USA" for PUGN 9/10 in Judy's letter, the costs were $1.10 and $0.96. Ken Robinson (see Open Forum) asks for a public explanation of the high ($A10) cost of PUGN for Australasian members for the new distribution service provided this year by Arthur S~ Arthur on 77/09/07 sent this information about his estimated costs: $2.80 for printing per issue (based on the size of #8); postage within Australia = $0.70. Arthur says that he thinks the cost is "dubiously low" and that $10 might leave his operation "out of pocket, and to understand the costing, you have to realize that Australia has a high postal charge, and I also am taking on New Zealand." I think it is unfortunate that Arthur's costs are so high,because it is not in the cheap spirit of PUG. Until Ken wrote I didn't know the $A10 price was relatively "high". Remember though that last year we had severe distribution problems to Australia. I'm grateful to Arthur for volunteering to do the work, and I'm sure he's watching costs. - Andy *) to ::0 ;t:> -< I--' <.P '-J CO Here and There With Pascal NEHS PASCAL JOBS"" People keep calling us at PUG central asking for people to employ who know Pascal. (*If that isn't evidence of Pascal's viability, I don't know what is!*) ~Iith the interest of Pascalers in mind we list here as a service contacts who desire people with compiler experience and knowledge of Pascal: David Shaw, Structured Systems Corp., Suite 605,2600 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306. (415) 321-8111 Charl es Moore, ADP Network Services, 175 Jackson Pl aza, Ann Arbor, fll 48106. (313) 769-6800 (also Neil Barta, same address and phone) Gregory Hopwood, Sperry Univac Mini Computer Division (formerly Varian), 2722 Michelson Drive, Irvine, CA 92713. (714) 833-2400 HELP WANTED! Pascal is to make any inroads into serious scientific computing (currently the almost exclusive preserve of FORTRAN) it must have a decent library of scientific subroutines which means, as far as the U.K. is concerned, that there must be a Pascal version of the NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) library. (* ... and as far as the U.S. is concerned, that there must be a Pascal version of the IMSL (International Mathematics and Statistics Library) library ... *) If It should be possible to make a Pascal NAG library largely machine-independent, with all machine-dependent features begin coll ected into the "X" routines. Probably the easi est method of production of the library would be straight transcription of the existing ALGOL-60 versions, together with the writing of the set of "X" routines for each different range of machines. Please send your views on this matter, and offers of help, to: Professor D. W. Barron, Computer Studies Group, Department of Mathematics, The University, Southampton, Hants, S09 5NH (United Kingdom) who is coordinating this project and negotiating with NAG. TIDBITS D. B. Anderson, 280 Bella Vista Drive, Hillsborough, CA 94010: "I am particularly interested in implementations usable on my company's Interdata 7-32." (* 77/12/12 *) David B. Anderson, Dept. of Math., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015: "By the way, the section in the newsletter called 'Here and There with Pascal' has been very helpful in stimulating the interest of non-believers." (* 77/12/17 *) Peter A. Armstrong, Digital Data Systems, 1113 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109: "We are immediately interested in information on PASCAL compilers for PDP-II processors running DEC's RSTS/E monitor. However, we are also interested in any mini- and or microcomputer PASCAL capabilities." (* 77/12/13 *) -0 » Paul Barr, Raytheon Co., Equipment Div., Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778: "Am attempting to use PASCAL for a Signal Processing application (FFT). Am designing hardware to fit the compiler." (* 77/11/21 *) V> " » Michael Behar, 428 Windy Hill Rd., Orange, CT 06477: "Do you know if there is a version of PASCAL for a MICRO-MIND-II computer (manufactured by ECD of Cambridge, MA)?" (* 77/9/22 *) Roy E. Bollinger, Dept. 1965, BLD 529, Lockheed, P. O. Box 504, Sunnyvale, "Are there any plans to have any Pascal seminars?" (* 77/11/8 *) CA 94088: Steven L. Brecher, 5221 Marina Pacifica Dr., N. Key 19, Long Beach, CA 90803: "More generally, I am interested in information on any implementation which can be run on/adapted to a Digital Equipment LSI-ll based system." (* 77/12/19 *) A. Charles Buckley, Data/Information Systems, Urban Studies Center, Gardencourt/Alta Vista Road, Louisville, KY 40205: "We are currently interested in any work being done to implement Hansen's CONCURRENT PASCAL on a DEC-I0 and/or an IBM 370." (* 77/11/28 *) David Burnett-Hall, Univ. of York, Heslington, York, YOI 500, England: "In the discussions on whether array parameters could be dynamic in size, there have been some suggestions that only numerical analysts handling matrices need these facilities. A much more important use, to my mind, is to be able to pass strings of varying lengths. E. g., the DEC-I0 compiler has to have 9 almost identical error routines, to handle errors of lengths 15, 20, 25, • • • 55 characters: Stupid." (* 77/8/10 *) Joe Celko, Box II 11023, around?"(* 77/12/6 *) Atlanta, GA 30310: "Is there a Nova Pascal sitting Grant M. Colvin, Management Shares, 2121 W. Airport Frwy., Suite 660, Irving, TX 75062: "Do you know of PASCAL implementations for the Hewlett-Packard 3000 series?" (* 77/12/5 *) C. R. Corner, 514 S. 9th St., Moorhead, MN 56560: "I have a PDP 11/05 and am interested in Pascal activity on the 11 and on micro-based systems." (* 77/09/29 *) Lawrence S. Cram, 64 Bowen Street, Newton, MA 02159: "Although I am not now a user of PASCAL, I certainly would like to be, and I would like to be on your mailing list. I program commercial applications on a DECsystem-l0 in COBOL and am fed up with the limitations inherent in COBOL. I was introduced to PASCAL in Wirth's book, Data Structures + Algorithms = Programs and have followed up with Hansen's Principles of Operating Systems and the PASCAL Users' Guide. I currently have a second-hand bootleg PASCAL compiler and I dabble with it occasionally." (* 77/11/8 *) Pierre Desjardins, Departement d'informatique, Universite de Montreal, Immeuble principal V-240, Montreal 101 Quebec H3C 3J7, Canada: '~y implementation of the Concurrent Pascal machine on Sigma 6 is presently being used to implement (using Concurrent Pascal, of course) the "line access protocol" necessary for communicating with a packet switching service of Bell Canada called DATAPAC. "I am currently involved in the organisation and realization of a primitive distributed microprocessor system. System programs will be written in CP and executed by a CP machine contained in every MP." (* 77/10/13 *) Robert I. Demrow, 11 Linda Rd., Andover, MA 01810: "I am interested in finding a copy of Pascal that will run on my 8080 computer--presently have 32K and am planning an expansion." (* 77/11/26 *) John DeRosa, The Boston Systems Office, 400-1 Totten Pond Road, Waltham, MA 02154: "We're presently beginning development of PASCAL systems ·for micro's as well as resident compilers with the intent of creating a PASCAL well-suited for writing system software. Any news from people working in this direction would be appreciated." (* 77/9/21 *) "Tl !'T1 t>oJ = = » = -< f-' LO '-I CO George B. Diamond, Diamond Aerosol Corp., RD 1/ I, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826: "Any, other information on PASCAL would be appreciated especially compilers or assemblers for the Z80 CPU." (* 77/12/14 *) Thomas Giventer, 1250 Post Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583, "1 am currently working on a PASCAL compiler for the TMS 9900 and would like to find out what other work is being Roberio Dias, 134 Colin Ave., Toronto, Ont MSP 2C3, Canada: "I am a humble owner of a digital~oup Z-80 minicomputer and as such very interested in learning new languages. Steven B. Hall and Arthur Dartt, 1599 Orchard Grove, Lakewood, OR 44107 (* address for Hall *): "The installation with which we are professionally affiliated and are students (Cleveland State University) currently is running VSl on a 370/158.. Any help you can give us in differentiating between the various PASCALs will be appreciated (as we do not wish to waste valuable man-hours at vain attempts). We will look forward to I understand that you are publishing four times a year a paper on Pascal. I would very much like to subscribe to it but instead of sending US$4 right now, I would like to know if the price would be the same for a subscriber in Brazil, as I will be moving to that country in February 78, with my computer." (* 77/11/30 *) Richard Dievendorff, Dept. 84F, IBM, 620 North Brand Blvd., "Although I am having this sent to my business address, this is venture." (* 77/12/3 *) Felix F. Dreher, Computer Glendale, CA 91203: a personal, hobby Science, Pittsburg State Univ., Pittsburg, KS 66762: "I am interested in obtaining information about the possible implementation of PASCAL on a small IBM 370/125 machine. Do you have any data suggesting that this has been done? Is there a bootstrap interpreter/compiler available that might be modified for this system? I f so, from whom can it be obtained?" (* 77/10/13 *) William E. Drobish, Silicon Systems, 16692 Hale Ave., Irvine, CA 92714: "Additionally, I would appreciate any information on PASCAL compilers and the availability of one for the Interdata 7/32." (* 77/11/14 *) C. E. Duncan, 865 Thornwood Dr., Palo Alto, CA 94303: "I am not at present a would like user, but to be one. We have available a number of computing systems, and I would be particularly interested to obtain a running system for IBM 360/370, Univac 1110, Data General NOVA and Intel 8080A. Perhaps not altogether at once; these systems happen to be conveniently available." (* 77/10/24 *) Randall B. Enger, 28 Briar Patch Lane, Sudbury, MA 01776: "I'm planning to try an implementation on a small machine, mostly because I'm tired of assembly language, but also because I've been away from programming languages stuff for too long. "I like to believe I'm relatively free from 'N. I .H.' disease--'not invented here,' and done in this area." hearing from you, (* 77/12/6 *) as several people are anxious to implement and use PASCAL." Michael E. Harris, 309 W. Edwards II 4, Springfield, IL 62704: "Does anyone have a "full" PASCAL that will work with minor modification on an HP3000 ~r on an IBM 370/MVS system? Micros? Any computer graphics activity in PASCAL?" (* 77/10/26 *) Charles Hedrick, Computer Science Dept., Rutgers Univ., Hill Center, New Brunswick, NJ 08923: "Implementors should give some thought to implementing machine-independent representations of data so that data is transportable as well as programs. This involves the generating of files which are not textfiles. What may be the only way out is to use ASCII text representations (using blanks as separators where appropriate)." (* 77/09/20 *) H. F. Hession, Adv. Record Systems Eng., Gov't. Systems Div., Western Union, 7916 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22101: "We are programming Zilog Z-80 microprocessors in assembly language for communications controller applications, and noted an article in the December 1977 issue of BYTE magaZine referring to 'your user group on PASCAL. "None of us has had training in PASCAL, but given the proper documentation, we are confident we can master it." (* 77/12/5 *) Charles Hethcoat, 2416 Yorktown II 371, Houston, TX 77056: "I obtained a copy of the Pascal PCODE assembler-interpreter with a view to study how it works. I suggest that a worthwhile project would be collect copies of this program as written for a variety of machines and languages, or to write them up for those machines not having a version yet. (This would be especially appealing as a way to implement Pascal on the 8 bit consequently will eagerly build upon the work of others (borrow from, steal from • • • ). micros). A project like this would go a long way toward assuring that a common language Whatever is widely distributed, and a the same time it would simplify life for those wishing to tryout language extensions. Also, the PCODE language can be extended to include will help me get an implementation going--listings/source on tape/whatever - I'd be willing to spend a few $ charges • • • )" (* 77/11/10 *) happily (especially if it were to cover copying interruption handling, queues and other real-time techniques for operating system development, as Brinch-Hansen has done with Concurrent Pascal." (* 77/10/10 *) Robert B. Finch, 910 N. Lk. Sarnish Dr. II 30, Bellingham, WA 98225, "My interest is personal/hobbiest computing, and I am currently in the process of implementing Per Brinch Hansen's Sequential Pascal on an Alpha-Microsystems AM-I00." Read T. Fleming, Program in Computer Science, Box F, Brown Univ., Providence, RI 02912: "Brown has an IBM 360/67 running CP-CMS for interactive work, an IBM 370/138 for batch, running VS 1. We have on order a Pascal compiler from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission. When it arrives, we hope to put it up on the batch machine immediately, and at some later date add it to the interactive (CP/CMS) system. "Everybody here is looking forward to Pascal; we hope to use it in a course on compile design next semester, and we're anxious to see how it works in an instructional environment." (* 77/12/18 *) Jim Fontana, 3519 W. Warner Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92704: "The implementor/maintainer of the 2550/Cyber 18 Pascal compiler is Gordon Wood at CDC LaJolla operation. The compiler is distributed from PSD in Sunnyvale." (* 777TfT2 *) Sciences Bldg., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907: "You guys sure are ).ax about sending out renewal notices. Most periodicals bombard you with notices for months befo,re your subscription expires. With PUG, you don't get a single notification until 5 months after your subscription expires." (* 77/12/16 *) Ed F. Gehringer, Dept. of Computer Science, Math Here and There With Pascal microprocessor devices. Our main product, the Eyedentifier, is a microprocessor based image recognition system that utilizes the retinal image as a means of identification (as opposed to a finger print). "Although the Eyedentifier is a simple machine whose software was written in Motorola 6800 assembly language, we anticipate the support products we intend to build for it will require development with a high level structured language. Lewis and Clark college near here, by Kenneth L. Bowles, UCSD on the PASCAL language. As a result, we are very interested in implementing it on a 6800." Philip T. Hodge, Habco, microprocessor P.O. Box 305, Schererville, IN 46375: "As a Z-80 rn t:O :::0 c::: J:>o :::0 -< I-' LO 'I 00 Robert B. (Buzz) Hill, Eyedentify, Inc., P.O. Box 2006, Longview, WA 98632: "We are a new company i~he business of developing and manufacturing custom dedicated "Recently, a group from my company attended a talk at -n based user anxiously awaiting the UCSD version of Pascal, it is heartening to find others who share my opinion of both Basic and Pascal." (* 77/12/6 *) Ross F. Householder, 1725 Brooks Drive, Arlington, TX 76012: "I am a Pascal user working at Texas Instruments and would like to see what is going on with Pascal in other parts of the country." (* 77/09/11 *) R. Warren Johnson, Dept. of Math. and Compo Sci., St. Cloud State U., St. Cloud, MN 56301: "I am seeing more and more hobbyists in beginning courses who need some convincing that PASCAL is real." (* 77/09/15 *) Ernest W. Jones, 59 Billou St., San Rafael, CA 94901: "I am interested in certain languages for use on 16-bit micro's and have investigated the MID!PS language. Pascal would no doubt provide more suitable capabilities, but may not be suitable for so small a machine. I would like to learn more about i t nevertheless." (* 77/12/81 *) K. P. Lee, Dept. of Computer Science, 102 Nicholson, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA 70803: "You may be interested to know that we are in the process of getting the Australian compiler. We will be happy to share with PUG any experience we may have with it." (* 77/10/6 *) Hark Jungworth, 13318 Newland St., Garden Grove, CA 92644: "We have recently implemented Pascal on our CDC 7000 machines at HcDonnell Douglas in Huntington Beach. I am a complete novice at Pascal usage, but can't wait to BEGIN." (* 77/09/12 *) Haria Lindsay, Hicrocomputer Library ! Resource Center, 5150 Anton Dr., Room 212, Hadison, WI 53719: "Thank you so much for sending us your brochures and issues. Your You = rn sure that when we are asked about computer languages t Pascal is mentioned in a very favorable light." (* 77/9/21 *) en newsletter is very impressive. It for one t now view Pascal as a favorable language. Hopefully it will be available for microcomputers through the Hilan Karspeck, 1149 North Hichigan, Pasadena, CA 91104: "I am dying to get my hands on a PDP-11 PASCAl implementation. According to the December editorial in Byte Hagazine, you ran a list of PASCAl implementations in your issue # 8. I would appreciate it if you could begin my subscription with that issue." (* 77/12/11 *) Neil T. Keane, Stansaab Elektronik AB, System Development, Veddestavagen 13, Jaarfaalla, Sweden S-175 62: "As a manufacturer like to know the extent to which it has been implemented in the US (apart from the Solo System), and the status of such implementations." (* 77/11/17 *) Paul Kelly, Educational Data Systems, 1682 Langley Ave., Irvine, CA 92714: "If you are aware of any FORTRAN compilers written in PASCAl which are available at a reasonable cost, I would be quite interested to hear about it." (* 77/10/26 *) Thomas J. Kelly, Jr., 58-B Headowlake Drive, Downington, PA 19335: "Here at Burroughs I have been using the UCSD implementation of PASCAl for the B6700. It is fairly reliable, although a number of problems have been noted. I have been sending bug reports (most with fixes) directly to UCSD. If anyone is interested in the bugs and/or the fixes, drop me a line. I'll be glad to send listings (most fixes are less than 1 page). "You may also be interested in the fact that a colleague and I have brought up the CDC 6000 compiler at Burroughs (although the code generation. has been disabled). This is to us to run checks soon. William Kempton, Language Behavior Research Lab, 2220 Piedmont Ave., University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720: "As a linguistic anthropologist, I find the reasons for using Pascal versus other languages fascinating. You find a lot of the same factors operating that operate in any other multilingual speech community. Clearly the merit of the language and the utility of the compiler are only two of many factors affecting language choice, they may not be the most important for most users. The best strategy for a long large change is to have computation center staff at least very familiar with Pascal t and to have it taught in science." (* 77/09/22 *) the introductory course in computer John Kenyon, Technical Staff, International Computing, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, no . 20014: "We are currently involved in the planning and concept development for the USAF Foreign Technology Division data processing for FY78-82. One of the primary subjects of our study will be the use of standard higher-order systems programming languages within the Department of Defen~e. I understand that Pascal has been chosen as the candidate language for all DOD and I would appreciate any information you Ron Hahon, Video Link, 201 N. Hain St., P. O. Box 688, Hasontown, PA 15461: "Be very interested in any compilers for direct use (* 77/12/06 *) John P. HcGinitie, P.O. Box 655, on Berkeley, a micro, preferably Motorola 6800." CA 94701: "During my education at U.C. Berkeley, I had the honor of learning Pascal as well as BaSic, Fortran t Lispt Ct Snobol t • • Having experienced many languages Pascal has impressed me the most." (* 77/12/17 *) Uichae1 McKenna, Time Share Corp., Box 683, Hanover, NH 03755: "We are currently using ESI/OMSI Pascal for the PDP 11. We are planning a distributed network using LSI 11's in stand alone mode and with RT 11; the host computer is an 11/60 under RSTS/E - all will be programmed in Pascal." (* 77/12/27 *) James S. Hiller, Intermetrics Inc., 701 Concord Ave., Cambridge, UA 02138: "Today my interest is in finding a solid Pascal compiler for Data General equipment t Novas and/or Eclipses." (* 77/11/10 *) John C. Knight, US 125A, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665: "Any interest withing PUG in actively pursuing a PASCAL standard with the National Bureau £f Standards?" (* 77/10/20 *) U. of Mass., Amherst, UA OlD02: "We've been with over 50 requests for our prettyprinter and losing money distributing it in the process, too." (* 77/9/15 *) produce object code for the Intel 8080 microprocessor. (Either II res ident" or "cross" compilers would be acceptable implementations for my purposes, although a "resident" implementation would be preferable.)" (* 77/12/4 *) Herbert E. Morrison, 1257 2nd St., Hanhattan Beach, CA "I am interested in implementing PASCAL on my Poly 88 (8080) computer. Is there someone you know of who has done this in the Los Angeles area?" (* 77/12/7 *) G. 0' Schenectady , 144 Lancaster St., Albany, NY 12210: "Most pleased that the most rational language ive seen has found 1087 adherants. Read of you-all in Hicrocomputer SCCS Interface, ! id like to be one of you. "Hy own activity is presently restricted to hardware selection, and i doubt my 8K S-100 system-to-be will support too much of Pascal without additions, but even so it will be good to be in touch with whats happening." (* 77/9/17 *) David Peercy, BDH Corp., 2600 Yale Blvd. S.E., Albuquerque, UN 87106: "I was previously with Texas Instruments, where Pascal is beginning to flourish." (* 77/12/15 *) Stephen Klein, 188 Judy Farm Rd., Carlisle, UA 01741: "Computer programming has been a hobby of mine for a few years, mostly in FORTAN and BASIC, but now I'm sure there are better languages around so I'm also looking into APL and LISP (* besides Pascal *) to get an idea what type of work each language is best suited for." (* 77/12/27 *) Darrell Preble t Computer OJ rn to :;0 = Roderick Montgomery, Statistical Associate, Health Products Research, 3520 U.S. Route 22, Somerville, NJ 08876: "I would also appreciate rece1v1ng information on the availability of back issues for the Newsletter and on PASCAL implementations that could send me on this subject." Henry Ledgard, Compo and Info. Sci., ::e:: Peter Linhardt, 1890 Arch St. Berkeley, CA 94709: "I'm interested in PASCAl for use on a personal system. I understand there is a system that will run on my machine (* TDL Z80 system *)." (* 77/12/9 *) on what constructs were implemented there. We think we have found a bug in it. I f so, we'll pass along a bug report." (* 77/11/29 *) inundated manufacturer be of Turn Key Computer Systems we are currently engaged in the assessment of a suit:able high level programming language to which we can standardize our in-house programming. Since we are mainly engaged in real time applications we are particularly interested in Concurrent Pascal. To this end, we would allow can Center t Georgia State Univet University Plaza, Atlanta t GA 30303: "Georgia State University would like to implement Pascal on our Univac 70/7 or barring that, our Interdata 8/32. If you have a working version of Pascal on either of these machines please contact me at the above address. We would like to obtain a working source copy of Pascal for either of these machines." (* 77/11/28 *) Jerry Pournelle, 12051 Laurel Terrace, Studio City, CA 91604: "A consulting engineering firm is at the moment putting together my Cromemco Z-80, with which I hope to put together some word-processing and small-business bookkeeping--as well as play about. I can see some limits to BASIC, and from years ago when I had my only previous experience with computers I know there are limits to FORTRAN •• •• " (* 77/12/3 *) :I:> :;0 -< Edward K. Ream, 508 Farley Avenue, Apt. 5, Madison, WI 53705: "I interested in implementations for the 8080 or Z80." (* 77/11/30 *) am particularly Peter Richetta, Computer Science, Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, PA 16057: "I have been trying to get Brinch Hansen's Concurrent PASCAL compiler. After distributing Mark Riordan, User Services, Computer Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824: "Here at MSU we are developing (in PASCAL, of course) a word processing system we call Redact. Our CDC 6500 is becoming badly overloaded, so we are considering moving Redact to an Ontel Op-1 intelligent terminal, based partly on the availability of a PASCAL compiler or cross-compiler for an 8080 chip. (We have even considered modifying the venerable CDC 6000 PASCAL compiler to do the trick.) Any input from other microprocessor PASCALers would be appreciated." (* 77/10/24 *) P. Roberts, Kern Instruments, 111 Bowman Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573: "We will soon be accepting delivery of a Nova 3/12 computer with floppy disk and 32K words of memory. I wonder if your PASCAL Users Group has a compiler/interpreter suitable for this T. An for one of our Eric Small, 680 Beach St., San Francisco, CA 94109: "Am using ESI Pascal in process control type application in broadcasting." (* 77/11/30 *) hundreds of systems he stopped distribution. Dr. Hartmann, who wrote much of the compiler, gave me a list of sources to try. Can you help? Any suggestions? "Our computers are NOVA 3 (soft discs) and 370/135 using DOS/VS. Educational use is all we want." (* 77/10/26 *) machine? developments of the language as well as perhaps finding a compiler machines (NOVA, PDP-11 , or any microprocessor)." (* 77/12/06 *) interpreter alone is not of interest to me, but a compiler would be of interest. "If you have such programs, please inform me of the price, core required, comparison of compile times with Data General Fortran." (* 77/09/08 *) and rough Jon A. Solworth, 7 W. 14th St., Apt. 15A, New York, NY 10011: "Please send info on implementations on ~ minicomputer and addresses if possible (especially Interdata)." (* 77/09/08 *) Turney C. Steward, 201 Drake St., Pascal compiler running on a CDC to obtain info on versions for resident or cross-compilers." (* San Francisco, CA 94112: "I am at present using a 6600 at Berkeley, Cal., but would be most appreciative microcomputers, especially 8080 or Z80 systems, either 77/12/14 *) Jim Stewart, 194B Pleasantview Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854: "I am interested in the implementation of a subset of PASCAL on a Z-80 based micro-computer system." (* 77/11/20 *) Jyrki Tuomi and Matti Karinen, Room 2113, Computing Center, Tampere University of Technology, Box 527, 3310 Tampere 10, Finland: "When you wrote to us with info about PUG, you said that there are 4 members in Finland already. "Well, now we are doubling that, and more. The coupons money, too. are enclosed and here's the "We have a PDP 11/70 at our disposal and have sent for a couple Pascal implementations. What comes out of this, we shall see •• •• " (* 77/10/7 *) Robert Rogers, 18625 Azalea Drive, Derwood, MD 20855:" •• being in Minneapolis, do you know of any implementations of PASCAL for a Control Data Corp. 3500? I am aware of the CYBER implementation, but I have a CDC 3500 available for my use." (* 77/12/01 *) Herb Rubenstein, 1036 6th St., Golden, CO 80401: "I would like any information on Varian V75 Pascal--even a Pascal to Fortran preprocessor (translator)." (* 77/12/19 *) Steven Vere, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Information Eng., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680: "In the December 1977 issue of Byte Magazine Carl Helmers mentioned that a PASCAL compiler exists for the Z80 microprocessor. Do you have any direct information on this compiler, or know where information can be obtained? I would like to know 1. the core requirements 2. 3. 4. cost of obtaining the compiler if it runs on the Z-80 or is a cross-compiler where and how it can be obtained." (* 77/12/12 *) Janne Sahady, Systems Programmer, LAMBDA, Div. of Biol. and Med., Brown Univ., Providence, RI 02912: "We have recently implemented a Pascal compiler on a V77-600 Univac minicomputer (formerly Varian Data Machines). This compiler is the sequential version of P. Brinch Hansen's Concurrent Pascal compiler. Our current emphasis is on upgrading the I/O interface and we hope to be writing major system utilities (a mag tape utility to start with) in Pascal in the near future. Wayne Vyrostek, Tektronix, Inc., MS 74-329, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077: "I am a Technical Instructor on Microprocessor Development aids for Tektronix, Inc. I would "Herb Rubenstein, currently working at Autotrol, has referred us to your newsletter and mentioned that you are maintaining a Pascal software library • . • we would definitely like to enroll our training department in the Pascal users group and receive back issues that are available. I would also appreciate information you have about training be interested in contributing to it as we develop useful routines--most likely in the areas of graphics, signal processing and I/O utilities." (* 77/09/16 *) Stephen C. Schwarm, duPont Co., 101 Beech St., Wilmington, DE 19898: "Should have Sweden PDP-11 compiler self-compiling soon." (* 77/12/6 *) Ted Shapin, 5110 E. Elsinore Ave., Orange, CA 92669: "I have access to an Stanford's version." (* 77/12/15 *) IBM 370 and Thomas E. Shields, Software Resources, 2715 Bissonnet, Suite 212, Houston, TX 77005: "We have UCSD Pascal compiler for B6700 - currently a 1 x 1 (1 cpu, 1 I/O processor); soon to become a 2 x 2)." (* 77/11/04 *) John Sigle, Computing and Information Sciences, Trinity Univ., 715 Stadium Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284: "We have two Digital Group systems, a Motorola 6800 and a Z-80, and I am interested in developing PASCAL compilers and/or interpreters for them." (* 77/12/7 *) Jon Singer, 1540 W. Rosemont CE, Chicago, IL 60660: "Do you know of anyone around here who has a micro running PASCAL? I would like to see such a system." (* 77/12/14 *) Dave Skinner, Communication Mfg. Co., 3300 E. Spring St., P. O. Box 2708, Long Beach, CA 9080~ust finished reading the article 'Is PASCAL the next BASIC?' in the December issue of BYTE magazine, where they mention the Pascal User's Group. As a former PASCAL user (on~e Univ. of Colorado CDC 6400's), I am interested in following the programmers in the use of development." (* 77/09/06 *) Donald PASCAL; particularly for Microprocessor software Warren, 130 W. 81st St., Apt. 7, New York, NY 10024: "I heard about the group in Creativ~uting. I've been programming in Pascal for the past four years, first at the State Univ. of N.Y. at Buffalo, and currently at N.Y. University, and I'm pleased to see its use has spread enough to merit this organization." (* 77/09/12 *) Hellmut Weber, Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Barer Strasse----zr:-D-8000 Munchen 2, West Germany: "I am collecting from collegues some more user-oriented points of view. (I feel that simple users who want to write production programs haven't found enough attention in the PASCAL community)." (* 77/09/12 *) Terry Weymouth, 4702 Beau Bien Lane East, Lisle, IL 60532: "I'm interested in on micros with PASCAL (or should that be PASCAL with micros?)" (* 77/12/7 *) Fulton any news Wright, Jr., Yavapai College, 1100 East Sheldon Street, Prescott, Arizona 86301: "I'm the educational coordinator for Computer Services a Yavapai College. I've just read an editorial in BYTE magazine about PASCAL. I know almost nothing about it, but the editorial makes it sound like the language of my dreams. The editorial suggested you as a source of further information. What should I and my DEC 10 do next?" (* 77/12/7 *) OJ » Mark Zimmer, 1110 2750 Dwight Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704: "PASCAL is supported in U.C. Berkeley (in which I am a student) for the use of teaching data-structures (and now) compilers courses. I learned it in our style course CS 40. I am interested in implementing PASCAL on the DG ECLIPSE machine. The specification is done (PASCAL has been modified slightly so that ALGOL code from DG can be a subset) and the code is BYTE, 77/09, p. 174, two letters to the editor, one from PUG member suggest Pascal as a high-level language for micro-processors. George Cohn. Both pouring forth for the compiler. Since PASCAL is a 'oue-pass language,' some readers may BYTE, 77/10, "C: A Language for Microprocessors?" J. Gregory Madden. Mentions Pascal as --;;;;- reasonable candidate" for a high level, machine-independent language for microprocessors, but goes on to tout Bell Labs' language C as the candidate of choice. be interested in my three-pass approach with special emphasis on the reversability of the parse-tree into 'source' form." (* 77/09/23 *) BYTE, 77/11, "Language Development. A Proposal," Glen A. Taylor. Mentions Pascal as a "good structured programming language," but rejects any "large" language lias choice for a standard home computing language." *** the best BYTE, 77/11, Two letters to the editor suggesting that Pascal be considered as a language for progrrams and as an execellent high-level language for microcomputers. The writers are PUG members Stephen Alpert and David Mundie. ~ndard Dear Editor., Just so this newsletter isn't quite so serious, can I draw your BYTE, attention to the evolution of the pug dog that is the heraldic emblem of the Pascal Users Group? The York Herald of Arms, in visiting Tasmania recently, was at pains to emphasize that artists Were free to re-interpret heraldic emblems and that this was a medieval norm. 77/12, "Is Pascal the t'/~t B ASIC?", editorial by Carl Helmers. "We at BYTE are interested in giving Pascal a boost," best sums up the author's attitude. The editorial demolishes, point-by-point, several arguments frequently made in favor of BASIC, and argues the superiority of Pascal in several areas. Well worth reading, if you are interested in personal computers. He said it was regrettable that in this machine age a sad uniformity had crept in. Computer Weekly, 77/10/20, "ICL Pascal users expect boost." Report of As you can see from the samples group reproduced here, Pascallers are free from this mechanistic taint, and the for exchange of software among a Pascal users' ICL users: organizer, David Joslin, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, England. Pascal users in Britain are dickering with the Numerical Algorithms Group, which produces scientific routines in other languages, to get a scientific library translated into Pascal. See David Barron's Help Wanted ad in another guardian of rational programming has changed significantly over the months, eVen at one stage being rather pig-like (possibly an unintended pun). part of "Here and There" for details. Computer Weekly, 77/10/20, "More support for Pascal.'~ Reports that "the Swedish defence procurement agency, EMV, has specified a Pascal-based language as its standard for real time sof tware development." ~ ~r Computing, 77/10/20. Computer Weekly. .... "Two rn to ::::t:J pleas to Pascal users." Similar to the first article from = :x> :;:0 -< Computerworld, 77/11/14, '"'Sounds of Computing' a Record for History," Miles tongue-in-cheek Benson. A description of a new record entitled "Sounds of Computing," the second movement of which is called "Pascal Time-Sharing Terminal." 1376, U.S.A. Computing Europe, 77/10/24, pp. 18-19, "Letting the dinosaur know that it's dead," David Barron. An argument for burying FORTRAN, however great its effect on computing might 1977, Australia 1977, Europe once have been. Barron argues the need for using compact, conceptually clear languages that make writing correct programs and specifying data structures easy. Pascal is the language of choice. Creative Computing, Sept/Oct 1977, p. ll. "A Plug for Pascal" letter to the eidtor from PUG member David Mundie. He counters an argument for creating a structured COBOL/BASIC by showing how clearly a main program can be in Pascal. His example program (5 lines PASCAL IN THE NEWS long) is a Pascal version of the one used in the article he criticizes. (* This new section will list articles which take note of Pascal, sometimes just in passing. Most of the entries here don't really belong in a bibliographical section like "Books and Articles," but they do give some indication of the currency of Pascal. The references have now become so frequent that they merit being set off in a separate section of "News. II Several PUG members have mentioned that "Here and There" is visible proof of interest in Pascal. We hope that this section is useful in the same way. The three most important articles listed here are Carl Helmers' editorial David Barron's article in Computing Europe, and in Byte and the press release (with editorial comment by Andy) from the US Dept. of Defense. PUG member David Mundie is doing heroic work, writing letters to the editor in praise (and defense) of Pascal. Three of his letters are listed here, as are one each by PUG members George Cohn and Stephen Alpert. More PUG members should do the same. In addition, we'd appreciate copies of references made to Pascal in publications you read so that we can make this list more complete. *) Dataline, 77/10/31, "Blazing the trail for Pascal." More reports from the UK ICL about the user's group, the Swedish defense language contract, and David Barron's commission to write a Pascal compiler for the ICL 2900 series. First Computer Faire Proceedings, pp. 245-247, "Computer Languages: the Key to Processor Power," by Tom Pittman. Discusses the virtues of various high level languages for personal computers. Mentions Sequential Pascal, and says that Pascal is in many ways better than FORTRAN or BASIC. Kilobaud, October 1977, p. 11. Another letter to the editor by PUG member David Mundie. He says that Pascal is a better language than a structured BASIC discussed in an earlier article, and gives a sample main program in Pascal which duplicates the program suggested by the author of the earlier article. 00 MACC Computing News (University of Wisconsin Academic Computing Center), 77/11/28. Mentions plans to distribute a Pascal compiler under a license agreement. Reference comes in an article about proprietary software. SCCS Microcomputer Interface, Aug. 1977, p. 52. An announcement about the PUG and Pascal News. existance of Standford Campus Computing Bulletin, Nov. 1977, p. 24. A user wrote in to ask that Stanford acquire a good Pascal compiler. The editor's response was that Stanford is looking into what compiler to acquire. Twin Cities Technical Hobbyist, (77:9), pp. 01111-10000, "Pascal in Micros," Geoff Wattles. An article describing Pascal, with a discussion of the syntax of the language and Pascal's usefulness for hobbyists. *** Whi Ie different approaches were offered, al I four winning contractors proposed to start from the computer language PASCAL as a base. They ... i II provide modifications to construct a resulting language to sati sfy mi I i tary needs as expressed in the "DoD Requirenlents for High Order Computer Programm i ng Languages (Rev i sed I RONMAN, Ju I y 19771". The U. S. Department of Defense High Order Language Effort (or "IRONMAN" or "DOD-1") (* In PUGN8, May, 1977, on page 3, we passed along the summary of a press release by the U. S. Department of Defense which was distributed by the March 3, 1977. British Computer Society on William A. Whitaker, Lt. Col. USAF, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) described in the full version of that press release a three year effort by the U.S. Defense Department (DoD) to develop specifications for a real-time language called DOD1--a single common military computer programming language for "embedded systems," computer systems on board tanks and ships, on rifles, etc.). The language would replace FORTRAN, COBOL, JOVIAL, and all the others. A working group at DARPA was formed in January, 1975. A rigorous language definition was sought, but as it turned out", 4 different stages of development/evolution have 'transpired: first STRAWMAN, a set of relatively complete, although tentative requirments. WOODENMAN and TINMAN followed. With each step, the proposals were widely distributed for comment. Existing languages were evaluated, and, as we reported in PUGN8, only Pascal, Algol-68, and PL/1 survived. At the IRONMAN (4th step), specifications gave way to a language definition. In July, 1977, IRONMAN was released to vendors for competitive bidding. The report below, sent to us by William Whitaker, tells the results. The four successful contractors be narrowed to two in February, defense-related software per year. 1978. What The Defense Supply Service Washington has announced the a~ard of four contracts to produce competitive prototypes of a common high order computer programming language for Department of Defense embedded computer systems. These a~ards came as a result of a request for proposa I and offers rece i ved from fourteen firms, both U. S. and fore I gn. The successfu I contractors ~ere Honey~e II (CI t -Honey~e II Sui I), Intermetrics, Softech, and SRI-International. is at stake will is $3 billion spent on It is truly amazing how a giant operation .such as the HOLWG (Higher Order Language Working Group) came up with 95% Pascal almost independently in three years working with committees. There has been sporadic news coverage of these events journals. One, in October 1977 Datamation, reported on in the computer trade how a French software organization's bid got lost in the mail in the original competition. In the December, 1977, SIGPLAN Notices, it is amusing to see the confusion resulting from their just having learned about IRONMAN and still not realizing that it's going to be based on Pascal. - Andy Mickel *) The contracts provide for three phases at the discretion of the government. The first phase is to be six-months and will produce a preliminary language design. At the end of the first phase, an evaluation of the products will result in some of the contractors be i ng cant i nued through fu II forma I des i gn, rigorous def i nit i on, and prototype imp I ementat i on. The one contractor ~hose language is selected by the government wil I be continued for refinement and initial maintenance. The language will be ready for initial use in 1979. This language design is the next step in a Department of Defense effort to reduce software costs of enlbedded computer systems. Earl ier act ions inc I uded i ssu i ng 000 0 i rect i ve 501m.29, "Management of Computer Resources in Major Defense Systems, which, as one of several II ~anagement actions, required the uses of approved high order languages in futUre Defense systems software. 000 Instruction 5B0B.31, "Interim List of 000 Approved High Order Programming Languages," prol iteration by approving only seven existing languages. stopped The technical effort in high order languages has, over the last three years, brought increasingly refined sets of .requirements, produced an evaluation of existing languages, and has established the technical feasibi I i ty of a single language for these appl ications. The successful design of such a language wi I I be followed by testing and evaluation, compiler and tool generation, and the necessary long- term language control. This program is presently being directed by the 000 High Order Language Working Group, chaired by Lt Col Wi Iliam A. Whitaker, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 1400 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va., 22209. "Tl fT1 t>::I ;:;0 c:: ::> ;:;0 -< I-' to 'J 00 BOO KSAN DAR TIC LES CONFERENCES APPLICATIONS German ACM meeting on. Pascal, held 77/10/14-15 in Kaiserslautern. S. (* We received a postcard from Hans Wipperman, Albrecht Beidl, Manfred Sommer, Helmut Schauer, Lutz Christoph, and Thomas Wagner, all of whom attended the conference. We haven't as yet received a report on the proceedings; therefore we are printing a list of the papers presented so that you can write for more information if you like. The address for inquiries is Hans-Wilm Wipperman, Informatik, F13, Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Pfaffenbergstr. 95, Kaiserslautern D-6750, Germany. The German titles are from the program; the English ones PUGN's attempt at translation. *) H. Burkhart (ETH Zuerich), "Ein interaktives System zur Programmierung in PASCAL." (* "An interactive System for Programming in PASCAL." *) H. Balzert (Univ. Kaiserslautern), "PASCAL aus didaktisch-methodischer Sicht." (* "PasCiif"fi=Om the pOint of view of teaching methods." *) Brunnstein (Univ. Hamburg): "Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz von PASCAL-E im Schulversuch. 1I (* "First experiences on the introduction project." *) H. J. Hoffman (TH Darmstadt): "Uberlegungen zu PASCAL und (* "Overview of Pascal and Pascal implementations." of PASCAL-E into a school zur PASCAL-Implementierung." *) M. Sommer (Siemens Muenchen), "Das PASCAL-BS 2000 Programmiersystem." (* "The Pascal-BS 2000 Programming System." *) R. T. Kolsch (Univ. Kiel), "Laufzeitbeschleunigung durch den Einsatz von Mikroprogramnien." (* "Run-time system through a microprogram." *) H. D. Petersen (Univ. Stuttgart), "Uber die Implementierung von PASCAL auf der TR 440." (* "Implementing Pascal on the TR 440." H. ~ Verhaltens *) (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe), "Hilfsmittel zur von PASCAL-Programmen." (* Aids to Weller (Philips, Eiserfeld): des dynamischen analysis of the dynamic constructs of PASCAL programs. *) G. Peresch and G. Winterstein, "Testdatengenerierung dat~ation for Pascal programs." *) Th. Analyse fuer "Concurrent PASCAL-Programme." PASCAL als (* "Test Entwurfs- Implementierungssprache fuer ein kommerziel1es Betriebssystem." (* Concurrent project and implementation language for a commercial operating system. II *) und Pascal Spiess (Univ. Braunschweig): "Die Implementierung von PASCAL fuer die PRIME 300." (* "Implementing Pascal on the PRIME 300." *) W. Metzger (Univ. Karlsruhe), "Entwurf eines dialogorienteirten Programmiersystems fuer Kleinrechner auf der Basis der Programmiersprache PASCAL." (* A dialogue-oriented programming system for a mini-computer based on the programming language PASCAL." *) W. Remmele (Siemens Muenchen), "Ein portables PASCAL-System fur Mikro-rechner {PPS)." {* "A portable PASCAL system for micro-computers (PP's)." *) ACM '77, Seattle, held 77/10/27. (* report from Richard J. Cichelli, loosely transcribed from a phone conversation: *) "Basically, ACM '77 screwed up the schedule so that the computer chess tournament and SIGFISH conflicted with the PUG meeting and confused everyone. Fifteen people came to the Pascal gathering. "Some people quoted Matwin, M. Missala, "A Simple, Machine Independent Tool for Obtaining Rough Measures of Pascal Programs," SIGPLAN Notices (11:8), August, 1976, pp. 42-45. "Description of a Pascal prog~ augment Pascal programs with code to gather execution time information by procedure entry and exit." (* A listing of the programs will appear as a software tool in PUGN 12. *) James L. Peterson, "On the Formatting of Pascal Programs," SIGPLAN Notices (12:12), December, 1977, pp. 83-86. "One aspect of programming style which affects the usefulness of programs is their readability. A program is readable if a programmer can pick up the program and read and understand it. Many aspects of style affect readability, including variable names, commenting, modularity, and formatting. It is this last aspect of readability that we discuss here." (* from the abstract *) P. Roy, "Linear Flowchart Generator for a November, 1976, pp. 58-64. "This article refers to a paper by Nassi introduced a type of flowchart specially defined a similar flowchart language for program which, given a program Structured Language," SIGPLAN Notices (11:11), and Shneiderman published in this review. They designed for structured programming. We have the Pascal programming language and designed a written in Pascal, generates the corresponding flowchart. The article presents a description of the output produced by this generator." (* from the abstract *) flowchart Joachim W. Schmidt, "Some High Level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation," ACM Transactions on Database Systems (2:3), September, 1977, pp. 247-261. "For the extension of high level languages by data types of mode relation, three language constructs are proposed and discussed: a repetition statement controlled by relations, predicates as a generalization of Boolean expressions, and a constructor for relations using predicates. The language constructs are developed step by step starting with a set of elementary operations on relations. They are designed to fit into Pascal without introducing too many additional concepts. 1I (* from the abstract *) D. A. Thomas, B. Phaguvek, R. J. Buhr, "Validation Algorithms for Pointer Values in DBTG (Data Base Task Group) Data Bases," ACM Transactions on Database Systems (2:4), December, 1977, pp. 352-369. "This paper develops algorithms for verifying pointer values in DBTG (Data Base Task Group) type databases. To validate pointer implemented access paths and set structures, two algorithms are developed. The first procedure exploits the 'typed pointer' concept employed in modern programming languages to diagnose abnormalities in directories and set instances. The second algorithm completes pointer validation by examining set instances to ensure that each DBTG set has a unique owner. Sequential processing is used by both algorithms, allowing a straightforward implementation which is efficient in both time and space. As presented, the algorithms are independent of implementation schema and physical structure." (* from the abstract *) a "Pascal's I/O is no good" rumor. The confusion was in thinking that textfiles were Pascal's only form of I/O. "I emphasized that there should be no attempt to add things to Pascal to make things compatible with COBOL/FORTRAN; Pascal's I/O is fine: textfiles are for IMPLEMENTATIONS people, not for programs." D. Bates, R. Cailliau, "Experience with Pascal (* Ken Bowles is planning a summer workshop about Pascal. See the his letter with details. *) letters section for Notices (12:11), November, 1977, pp. 10-22. "This paper relates the history of an Compilers on Mini-Computers," SIGPLAN -c implementation of the language Pascal on a :J:> mini-computer. The unnecessary difficulties encountered on the way led the authors to reflect on the distribution of "portable" compilers in general and suggest some Gl guidelines for the future. Their experiences described within show that it should be possible to implement a P4 Pascal" System on any 16-bit mini-computer in less than two man months, given an implementor already familiar with the target machine." (* From the abstract *) rn R. D. Tennent, "A Denotational Definition of the Programming Language PASCAL," Technical Report 77-47, Department of Computing and Information SCience, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 1977. "This report presents a formal definition of the semantics of the programming language LANGUAGES PASCAL, (* This section miscellaneous sub-divided articles for this issue. The first section is a set of in alphabetical order by author. The second is a semi-complete list of articles on the subject of dynamic arrays in Pascal. The bibliography on Concurrent Pascal, supplied by Rich Stevens. *) R. third is a static aspects such as scope and type checking, using the concepts Conradi, "Further Critical Comments on Pascal, Particularly as a Systems Programming There has recyntly been some controversy between Habermann and Lecarme and Desjardins on Pascal in' "Acta Informatica." This paper contains some more comments on Pascal from a systems programmer's point of view. Some undefined points are first treated. Then Pascal's datatypes are critically reviewed. A few remarks on common Pascal constructs are also given. Since the author has experience with comparisons between Pascal and MARY will the be programming made." language (* from the Not?" SIGPLAN proof rules, MARY, M. Yasumura, "Evolution of Loop Statements," SIGPLAN Notices (12 :9), September, 1977, pp. 124-129. "This paper is motivated by two papers. One is written by Ledgard and Marcotty and the other by Ishihata and Hikita. The former paper is a good summary of control structures but its conclusions are seriously questioned. The latter paper is the report of a new Pascal computer in which Zahn's "event" construct is implemented. That construct is, however, shown to be unsuitable to Pascal." (* From the abstract *) (* A chronological exchange on dynamic arrays in Pascal *) author's abstract *) R. Edwards, "Is Pascal a Logical Subset of ALGOL 68 or June, 1977, pp. 184-91. as a standard from which to derive complete informal descriptions, valid and correct implementations." (* From the abstract *) short Language," SIGPLAN Notices (11:10, November, 1976, pp. 8-25. some including and notation of denotational semantics. It is suggested that the definition can be used is Notices (12:6), "It is often believed that Pascal is ALGOL 68 in miniature B. J. MacLennan, "A Note on Dynamic Arrays in Pascal," SIGPLAN Notices (10:9), September, 1975, pp. 39-40. "Pascal is frequently criticized for its lack of any variety of dynamic array facility. This lack is particularly unfortunate for systems programs which must manipulate activation records and segments whose sizes are not known at compile time." (* From the abstract. *) well structured it will be argued that both beliefs are badly founded." (* from the abstract *) J. Holden and I. C. Wand, "Experience with the Programming Language MODULA," a paper presented to the 1977 IFAC/IFIP Real Time Programming Workshop held at Eindhoven, Netherlands, 77/06/20-22. "This paper describes a compiler for MODULA, written in the programming language BCPL, which runs on a PDP-11/40 computer under the RSX-11D operating system. The code produced by the compiler is run on PDP-11s under a very small executive (less than 150 words). The quality of the code produced compares well with that of compilers for other high-level languages. The use of the language is illustrated by the construction of a real-time scheduler similar to that written by Brinch Hansen in CONCURRENT PASCAL. A brief discussion is given of experience gained in the use of the language and comments made about inclusion and exclusion of certain language features." (* From the abstract *) the W. H. Kaubisch, R. H. Perrott, and C. A. R. Hoare, "Quasiparallel programming," Software: Practice and Experience (6), 1976, 341-356. "This paper describes SIMONE, and extension of PASCAL, which provides the quasiparallel programming facility of SIMULA 67, but without classes or references. The language is intended to be suitable for the design, testing and simulation of operating system algorithms. It is illustrated by simple examples, suitable as project material in a N. Wirth, "Comment on A Note on Dynamic Arrays in Pascal," SIGPLAN Notices (11:1), January, 1976, pp. 37-38. "A reply to B. J. MacLennan and a suggested alternative." (* From the abstract. *) J. Steensgaard-Madsen, "More on Dynamic Arrays in Pascal," SIGPLAN Notices (11:5), May, 1976, pp. 63-64. "A further proposal in reply to Wirth's article." (* From the abstract. *) C. Jacobi, "Dynamic Array Parameters,tI Pascal User's Group Newletter (5), September, 1976, pp. 23-25. "A proposed description of dynamic array parameters is given in the form of a set of amendmimts to the book, Pascal User Uanual and Report by Jensen and Wirth with syntax diagrams and examples. The extension was implemented successfully in the Pascal-6000 compiler." (* From the abstract. *) S.Pokrovsky, "Formal Types and Their Application to Dynamic Arrays in Pascal," Notices (11:10), October 1976, pp. 36-42. "The formal ~ SIGPLAN concept is presented as a means to uniformly introduce in the Pascal language the dynamic array facility (which may be done as a pure extension) and procedure formal specifications (which would require some changes in the standard language)." (* From the abstract. *) course on operating systems." (* from the abstract *) E. N. Kittlitz, "Block Statements and Synonyms for Pascal," SIGPLAN Notices (11:10), October, 1976, pp. 32-35. "PYXIS is a language which is the result of (still continuing) modifications to Wirth's PASCAL 1 system. Many of the language concepts are identical to, or slightly evolved from PASCAL 1, others are incompatible with Pascal and its apparent design philosophy. Two new features have been implemented in PYXIS: block statements and synonyms." (* From the abstract *) O. Lecarme, "Is ALGOL 68 a Logical Subset of Pascal or Not?" SIGPLAN Notices (12:12), December, 1977, pp. 33-35. "A paper by Roy Edwards uses a comparison of ALGOL 68 and Pascal to make some disputable assertions. The purpose of the present note is simply to correct the most serious errors. It follows exactly the structure of Edwards' paper." (* from the abstract *) Edward N. Kittlitz, "Another Proposal for Variable Notices (12:1), January, 1977, pp. 82-86. "The syntax, semantics, and some Size Arrays in Pascal," SIGPLAN implementation details for a flexible array bound capability in Pascal are discussed. The constructs described are currently implemented as part of the PYXIS system at the University of Calgary. PYXIS is the result of more than two years of modifying [ the old Pascal-6000 compiler written by Urs Ammann et. al.]." (* From the introduction. *) M. Condict, "The Pascal Dynamic Array Controversy and a Method for Enforcing Global Assertions," SIGPLAN Notices (12:11), November, 1977, pp. 23-27. "In a previous article, Wirth commented that allowing expressions (rather than constants) as sub range bounds would produce dynamic array capability significantly complicating the language. • • • This discussion leads directly method for obtaining automatic just without into a enforcement of assertions about variables throughout their lifetime." (* From the abs tract. *) --n rn t:>:l = = ):> = -< Concurrent Pascal Literature: September 1977 Brinch Hansen, Per., The Programming Language Concurrent Pascal. on Software Engineering 1, 2 (June 1975), 199.207. IEEE Trans. Introduces Concurrent Pascal - an abstract language for concurrent programming. It extends the sequential programming language Pascal with modules called processes, monitors, and classes. The language is illustrated by a hierarchical design of a simple spooling system. The main contribution of Concurrent Pascal is to extend the monitor concept with an explicit hierarchy of access rights to shared data structures that can be stated in the program text and checked by a compiler. Brinch Hansen, Per., The Solo Operating System. Experience 6, 2 (April-June 1976), 141-205. successfully on a PDP 11/45 computer. The book includes the complete text of these ?rograms and explains how they are structured, programmed, tested, and descr1bed. It also inclu~es the Concurrent Pascal Report and a description of the Co~current Pascal Mach1ne. The book suggests promising areas of further research 1n structured concurrent programming. Software· Practice & Describes the single-user operating system Solo written in Concurrent Pascal. It supports the development of sequential and concurrent Pascal programs for the PDP 11/45 computer. Input/output are handled by concurrent processes. Pascal programs can call one another recursively and pass arbitrary parameters among themselves. This makes it possible to use Pascal as a job control language. Solo is the first major example of a hierarchical concurrent program implemented in terms of abstract data types (classes, monitors, and processes). The paper contains the complete text of the concurrent program. It is a sequence of nearly independent components of less than one page of text each. Brinch Hansen, Per., Experience with Modular Concurrent Programming, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 3, 2 (March 1977), 156.159. Brinch Hansen, P., Network: A Multiprocessor Program. IEEE Computer Software Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 1977. &Applications Hartmann, A.C., A Concurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers. in Computer Science 50, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1977. Lecture Notes Describes a seven-pass compiler for Concurrent Pascal. The compiler, written in sequential Pascal, generates virtual code that can be interpreted on any l6-bit minicomputer. The function of each pass is described and the intermediate languages are defined by syntax graphs. Of particular interest is the checking of access rights to data structures within classes, monitors, and processes. This is.done exclusively during compilation and is not supported by hardware protection mechanisms. The compiler has been running on a PDP 11/45 computer since January 1975. Brinch Hansen, P .• The Architecture of Concurrent Programs. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, July 1977. Prentice-Hall, Presents a method for developing reliable concurrent programs using Concurrent Pascal. The use of this language is illustrated by three model operating systems for minicomputers; a single-user operating system, a job-stream system, and a real-time scheduler. All of them have been running rn C/) TEXTBOOKS Tony Addyman and 1. R. Wilson, March-April 1978, 140 pages. A short and A Practical Introduction to Pascal, Macl1illan, concise introduction to Pascal. S. Alagic and M. A. Aebib, ~ Design ~ Well-structured and ~ Programs, New York: Springer-Verlag, to appear in 1978, 260 pp., $12.80. An undergraduate text. "Using the Pascal language, both the techniques of top-down Summarizes the first 2 years of experience with Concurrent Pascal in the design of three model operating systems. A Concurrent Pascal program consists of modules (processes, monitors, and classes). The compiler checks that the data structures of each module are accessed only by the operations defined in the module. The creative aspect of program construction is the initial selection of modules and the connection of them into hierarchical structures. By comparison the detailed implementation of each module is straightforward. The most important result is that it is possible to build a concurrent program of one thousand lines out of one-page modules that can be comprehended at a glance. :2 Explores the problems of implementing arbitrary forms of process communication on a mult~pr07essor network. It develops a Concurrent Pascal program that enables d1str1buted processes to communicate on virtual channels. The channels cannot deadlock and will deliver all messages within a finite time. Th7 operation, str~cture, text, and performance of this program are descr1bed. It was wr1tten, tested and described in 2 weeks and worked immediately. The program has been running on two PDP 11/45 computers connected by bus links. program design and verification of program correctness are presented. Many examples of program and proof development as well as an explanation of control and data structures are provided. As a Pascal programming text, it gives not only advanced algorithms, which operate on advanced data structures, but also the full axiomatic definition of Pascal. "Although an introductory course in programming is presupposed, no particular mathematical background is necessary'. An extensive, carefully chosen sample of algorighms, including some examples from business data processing, is presented. Supplementing this collection is an extensive set of exercises." (* From the -n rn Co = = :> = -< publisher's ad *) Kenneth L. Bowles, Microcomputer Problems Solving Using Pascal (* Please note the title; it's the first time we've had it right *), New York: Springer-Verlag, 563 p~., $9.80. Th1s text 1ntroduces problem solving and structured programming using the PASCAL. (sic) correct ~97?, language, extended with built-in functions for graphics. DeSigned for a one-quarter/semester curriculum at the sophomore/junior level, this book serves a dual purpose: to teach students an organized approach to solving problems, and to introduce them to the computer and its applications, which may be of use later in their chosen professions." (* From the publisher's ad. See also R. Cichelli's review in this section. *) P~ter.Grogono, Programming in~, Addison-Uesley, February, 1978,350 pp., $10.50. An ~ntroductory book; assumes no prior knowledge of programming linguages or computing techniques." (* Publisher's ad *) We hear rumors of more texts to come from the UK: one by Jim Welsh and John Elder (Dept. of COmPuter Science, Queen's Univ., Belfast, N. Ireland BT7 INN), publisher unknown; and one by David Watt and Bill Findlay (COmPuting Science Dept., Univ. of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland G12 8QQ) , Pittman Publishers. *) (* ...... N NEWS FROM UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO -- PASCAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Book Review - (Microcomputer) Problem Solving Using PASCAL By Kenneth L. Bowles Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977 ISBN 0-387-90286-4 563 pp. ~9.80 REPORT REQUESTS The following is a list of reports currently available: Microcomputer ••• PASCAL, the title sounds like a wish. But it's true. Professor Bowles of the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) has full PASCAL (with extensions for graphics, character string manipulation and direct access files) running on interactive single-user microcomputer systems - Digital Equipment LSI-ll's, Zilog Z-80's, and 8080 based machines. He expects to soon have Motorola 6800 and MOS Technology 6502 PASCAL systems as well. Almost all of the software for these systems is written in machine independent PASCAL. The text, (Microcomputer) Problem Solving ~ PASCAL, is an integral part of a revolutionary environment for computing education. As Bowles says, "PASCAL is clearly the best language now in widespread use for teaching ••• structured programming at the introductory level". By using PASCAL Bowles is able to introduce algorithm development and problem solving as components of top-down, stepwise design. Procedures are introduced right from the start. Flow of control is presented in terms of modern programming principles (sequence, selection and iteration). Recursion is presented as an obvious extension of the procedure mechanism. Data structures are explained fully and clearly. $6.50 On Code Generation in a PASCAL Compiler The PASCALCompiler: Implementation Notes An Axiomatic Definition of the Programming Language Pascal $4.00 $5.50 Concurrent Pascal Implementation Notes Sequential Pascal Report $3.00 Richard J. Cichelli Research Manager, Computer Applications American Newspaper Publishers Association/ Research Institute Easton, PA ~ Department of Mathematics Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA $5.00 ~appropriate North America, there is a $2.50 postage and Overseas orders will be billed for postage. PASCAL SYSTEM REQUESTS We are receiving a lot of out-of-date order forms. The prices and options quoted on any form prior to September 1977 are no longer valid. Most important, please note that tapes will no longer be accepted from buyers. Please phone for details or request an up-to-date distribution statement. -n rn tp ;;0 Address requests to: PASCAL Distribution University of Colorado Computing Center 3645 Marine Street Boulder, CO 80309 U.S.A. c:: ::t:> ;;0 -< I-> <.D (303) 492-8131 '" 00 In addition to the compiler/interpreter/editor software, the UCSD system includes a complete computer aided and managed instruction system. The CAl lessons parallel the text and permit easy management of very large introductory classes. The system is s1mple and complete in and of itself and could also be used effectively by high schools and community colleges to provide low-cost interactive student computing. Reviewed by: $3.00 ~For orders from ~handling charge. Because the text uses graphics and text processing programming examples, unnecessary numericalization of computer science principles is avoided. At UCSD students from the arts, humanities and bUSiness disciplines are able to do just as well writing programs for non-numeric applications as are more mathematically sophisticated students. (Bowles' UCSD course is phenomenally successful. More than 650 students from all disciplines registered for it in the Fall of 1977 before registration had to be closed. They use more than 20 single-user micro-systems - each costs about $5,500 and consists of micro computer, diskette storage, keyboard and graphics display.) Kenneth Bowles has revolutionized the teaching of introductory computing at UCSD. The publication of this book and release of the UCSD PASCAL system will permit other schools to follow his lead. = PASCAL-S: A Subset and its Implementation *** ERRATA TO PASCAL USER MANUAL AND REPORT (* Note: second edition These errata were sent to us by Niklaus Wirth in December. The "whole pages" referred to in a couple of places were not sent. Niklaus stated that so far 25,000 copies of the book have been sold! *) 0. Key s p ~ page 1 ~ line c = code (11 •• 12 means 11 until 12) r replace i d insert dele te (after the line mentioned) 1. Errors (to be corrected mandatorily) p 1 6 5 •• 6 c 149 154 154 154 158 -15 I" -19 I" - 15 I" -14 r 213 •• 21 " hue" by "hue1" "1130" by "63 " "a [ i ,k1 *b[k ,j]" by "A[i ,k1 *8[k,j1" "c[ i ,j 1 " by "c [ i , j 1 " I" both lines by ("'") "Concerning the procedures read, write, readln, writeln, and page'::J> "see chapter 12." r "procedure " by ".l2Iocedures" -13 I" z -8 r " by" T re tag" -8 i field values must be listed contiguously and in th<~ order of thei r decla ra tion and must no t be changed en during exec ution ... ::dispose (p) indicates that storage occupied by the variable pT H'l*; is no longer needed. If the second form of new was" ........ used to allocate the variable then " ........ "dispose(p,tl, . . . . tn) with identical tag field values must be" " used to indicate that st~rage occupied by this" va rian t i s no longe I" needed." -13 i '+' no line feed (overprinting)" -17 •• -16 exchange the two lines I" whole page by the correctad one to be found in the enclosure both lines by of "construct. Enclosure of se quence con struc ts" a repetition"158 "by the meta brackets { .and implies their 158 21 12 I" whole line by except"158 "Assignment is type, po ssible va riable s to of any 15 r 35 whole line by "constant value in the subrange ,where the lower bound must not be" 16 r "less than the" by 35 "greater than the" 513 8 d whole line "implementations" by "Implementations" 513 9 r 513 "first operand is a scalar type ," by -4 I" "second operand is of a se t" 165 513 -3 •• -1 I" all the lines by type, the first of its associated base type; the' 166 resul t is true when the first is an element of the' 167 second, otherwise false ." 59 -11 •• -113 I" both lines by be'2. Printing Errors (to be corrected optionally) "NLUlit: The standard procedures J:lUl.e..j; (rewri te) must not "a ppl ied to the file in put (0 utput) • " "a [ i 1 .. by "a [ 11 " 69 8 I" p 1 c "Then ," by "Then:" 86 17 I" 86 18 d whole line 39 6 r "eof(f)" by "eof(x) ..... 89 12 I" "multidimentional" by "multidimensional" 613 -7 I" "printeo" by "printed" "textfiles." by "files." 913 -8 r 61 -1 r "5S" by "59" "paramenter" by "parameter" 97 7 I" 64 13 r " ne" by "one" H5 25 •• 26 I" bo th 1 1.-n e s by 71 "paramen te r" by "pe rame te r 0' 3 r "read, readln, write, writeln are discussed in chapter 12." ., f" by "of" 71 -10 I" " by -4 r 91 13 r " and are subsituted" by "and are substituted" They must not be changed" 96 - 11 "nf" by "of" r 1135 -4 i during exec ution • .......f .. by "ll.f" 17 r the" 98 "dispose (p) indicates that storage occupied by .. ut" by "out" 99 -5 r variable pT is no longer needed." .. by " 1135 -14 r "procedure ~. by :nrocedu:':"8s" The" 1135 -1 r 1135 -1 tag field values must be identical to tho se "1~5 -13 I" i .. --------by ---------163 "if" by "If" 14 I" used when allocating the variable." 163 -113 I" "i f" by "I f" "~i.w:J..ll" b y "0 oe ra to r.s " 1138 2 I" "if" by "If" 163 -7 r 1113 12 •• 13 d both lines 116 1 d "PASCAL" 118 r whole page by the corrected one to be found in the enclosure ~_~~:~~::_~~:::~~:_:~:::~~:~~: 126 •• 1281" all three pages by the corrected ones to be found in the enclosure "three" by "four" 136 -H' I" p c 1 "and procedure or" by 136 -9 r proced ure and" "p .. by "P;" 32 -16 I" 1413 15 .. 19 r ell the lines by "The general" by "Its" I" the meaning of a" 36 -113 ::~,~ this has in general no effect on 36 -7 r whole line by "scalar or subrange type (where types in tege I" "program (for a restriction see 9.1 •. 2.); but i t is a hint to tha" "index" by "not allowable index" I" ::compiler that storage should be economized even at the price of" 36 42 .. field identifier is the smallest" by I" Some loss in ef'ficiency of access., and even if this may expand" "field identifier is the innermost" "the code necessary for expressing access to components of the" ";" by -6 I" "structure." 59 2 I" 142 "test for equali ty." by fJ6 -4 r ::;" by .. by .. "assignment and the" 67 -3 I" ";" bye ..... 6 I" 142 -4 "test for equali ty." 69 i .. ( 6)" by" [ 61 .. r 145 -113 "operands, i.e. by 76 I" "schemas" by "schemes" "0 pera to rs and" 89 -1 1 r 18 r ":" by ":" 145 -9 I" whole line by 1135 by ", preceded by an appropriate number of" "operands, i.e. variables, constants, and functions." 163 -6 r blanks as specified by m. 146 12 r "
" by " " 163 -6 i I" -" rn to ;;:0 = :J> :;:0 -< and real are -0 128 127 » C/) n When a reference Appendix A), then x1 in this index is not a section name (e.g. the reference may be of the following forms: x 1 .x2 x1.x2.x3 x1 is always the chapter number. x2 may be a capital letter in which case i t may be followed by x3, a number, and refers to a chapter section. When x2 is a small letter, the reference is a figure; when x2 is a number, the reference is a program. alfa (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.0.1 array types 6 assignment statement 4.A binary tree 11.A block 0 RNF defini tion s A ppendi x D Roolean 2.A case statement 4.0.2 char 2.0 character sets 13.8.3 commen t 1 compile r erro r me ssa!les 14.C .1, Appendix E compiler options (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.8 compound statement 4.8 condi tional statements 4.0 constant declaration part 3.C control statements (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 14.A control variable 4.C.3 da ta ty pe s 2 declaration part 3 empty statement 4.8 equivalence 2.A ex pre s sion 4.A field list 7 figure s after (list insertion) 10.c alternative representation of standard symbols ASCII character set (with COC's ordering) 13.a before (list insertion) 10.b binary tree structure 11.b block structure 0.b CDC scientific character set (with 64 elements) expressions 11 .. 8 iden ti fie r l.a linked list 10.a syntex diagram of program structure 0.a two sample people 7.a unsigned number 1.b file types 9 external files (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.8 .1 representation in PASCAL 6000-3.4 13.8.2 segmen ted file s (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.A .1 textfiles 9.A for statement 4.C.3 fo rwa rd refe rence 11.C functions 11.8 declaration part 3.F de signa tor 11.8 heading 11.B predefined (PASCAL 6000- 3.4) 1 3.D .2 standard, table of Appendix A global variables 11.A goto statement 4.E Appendix C identifiers, table of standard if statement 4.0.1 implication 2.A input 9.8 inte!ler 2.B I/D 12 label s case 7.A declaration part 3.8 goto 3.B, 4.E 11 sts (linked) 10 11.A local variables name precedence 11.A no ta tion 1 numbe rs 13.b 13.a operator precedence 4.A operators, summary of Appendix 8 output 9.B packed structures 6 parameters 11.A PASCAL 6000-3.4 13, 14 ocinter types 10 proced ure s 11.A declaration part 3.F external procedures (PASCAL 6000-3.4) heading 11.A predefined (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.D.2 procedure statement 1 1.A standard, table of Appendix A prog ram heading 3.A (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.B .1 programs and program parts begin end 4.1 bi sec t 11.6 complex 7.1 convert 3.1 cosine 4.5 egalfa 13.1 egj"or 4.4 egrepeat 4.3 egwhile 4.2 examples of goto 4.E exponen tia tion 4.8 expon 2 11.8 fo rwa rd refe rence 11.C frequency count 9.1 graph 1 4.9 g ra ph 2 6.2 infla tion 0.1 insert 9.2 matrixmul 6.3 merge two files minmax » r ::2 9 6.1 minmax2 11.1 minmax3 11.2 parameters 11.3 10 pointers, construction via postfix 11.4 primes 8.2 recursivegcd 11.9 roman 4.7 setop 8.1 sideffect 11.7 sum file of real numbers 9 summing 4.6 tree traversal 11.5 read, the standard procedure 12.A real 2.C record types 7 relational operator 2.A, 4.A repeat statemEtnt 4.C.2 repetitive statements 4.C re se rved wo rd s--see wo rd -cI el imi te rs restrictions (PASCAL 6000-3.4) 13.C run -time error messages 14.C.2 scalar types 5.A schema ta read a text 9.A read a text from "input" 9.A read and write a segmented file 13.A.1 reading a segmented file 13.A.1 13.A.2 reading arbitrary number of numerical i terns from a textfile 12.A write a segmented file 13.A.1 wri te a text 9.A write a text onto "output" 9.A wri te a te x t x to ,y 9.A seo pe 0 sepa ra to rs se top e ra to r s 8 Set types 8 side effec t 11.8 standard identifiers Appendix C string 1, 6 subrange types 5.B syntax diagrams Appendix 0 tables block structure 0 defaul t value for field width 13.B.4 operations on textfiles 9.A printer control characters 9.8, 13.8.4 special symbols 1 truth val ue s 2.A rn ::e:: C/) ~ I--' I--' -0 :r:> 167 REVIEW OF PASCAL NEWSLETTERS parameter qroup painter type poin ter variable procedure and function declaration part procedure procedure procedure procedure declaration heading identifier or function declaration proced ure 5ta temen t prog ram proqram headinq program parameters record section record type reco rd va riab Ie reco rct va riable 1 is t mfe ranced va riable rels tional opera tor repeat statement re pe ti ti va sta temen t resul t type scalar type scale factor set set type sign simple expression sim pI e s ta temen t simple type special symbol sta tem en t statement part string struc tured sta temen t structured type sub ran ge type tag field term type type defini tion type definition part type identifier ~labelled statement ~packed structured type unsigned constant ~ signed integer 1.J1 siqned numbe r unsigned real teriable variable decla ra tion va riable ctecla ra tion part va riable identifier \.€I. rian t variant paTt \Nh 1.1 e s ta to IT] en t wi th s ta temen t 10. 6.3 7.3 5, 6, 7, AND 8 Because issues 5, 6, 7, and 8 are now out of print, we ought to lay them to rest properly. This will end a lot of curiousity among new PUG members regarding their contents. 10. 111. 10. 9.1.2 10. 9.1.2 13. 13. 13. 6.2.2 6.2.2 7.2.2 9.2.4 7.3 8.1.4 9.2.3 11 • 6. 1. 1 4. 8. 6.2.3 4. 8. 9.1 6.1 3. 9. 10. 4. 9.2 6.2 6.1.3 6.2.2 8. 6. 6. 10. 6.1 9. 6.2 8. 4. 4. 4. 7. 7. 10. 7.1 6.2.2 6.2.2 r;. 2.3.1 9.2.4 en \) :r:> r:2 rn Issues 5-8 were the first to be produced under PUG auspices - see explanation on page 11 of Pascal News 9/10, September, 1977. I suggest you contact PUG members near you and photocopy any issues or parts of issues you really want. - Andy Mickel ::e:: en Pascal Newsletter #5, September, 1976. ...... ...... :f:t: Editor's Contribution: established user group and newsletter policies; recounted the history of the formation of Pascal User's Group over the previous year; described Pascal activities at the University of Minnesota; suggested that all was not well with Pascal because implementations proliferated different features, implementors and critics disregarded Pascal's language design goals, and finally people not having realized the importance of simply making the use of Pascal a respectable activity; acknowledgments to all that helped PUG make a start. Here and There: 2 conference announcements - a Pascal get-together at ACM '76 in Houston and a preliminary notice of the Pascal Symposium in Southampton in March. a summary of existing or planned textbooks on Pascal; news from Pascalers; errata to the second edition of Pascal User Manual and Report. Articles: "Designing Data Structures by Step-wise Refinement" - Richard J. Cichelli [Dijksta and Wirth have defined the principles of systematic programming. They illustrated these principles'by designing programs whose control structures reflected hierarchical abstractions of their logic flow. In this paper, systematic programming principles are applied to the design of a program's data structures.] "In Defense of Formatted Input" - John Eisenberg [Formatted input can be useful in many cases, and almost necessary in others. Thre'e examples of "typical" basic computer science problems are presented which would be inconvenient or next to impossible without the use of formatted input.] "Overlays: A Proposal" - James F. Miner [As the availability of Pascal for serious productions grows wider, it will become evident that many implementations will need to cater to features commonly employed in production work which are not currently found in implementations of Pascal. The need to reduce the amount of storage required for a program's object code is such a feature and a proposal for overlays is given here as a remedy.] "'Minor' Problems in Pascal" - Timothy M. Bonham [A number of syntactic details in Pascal are criticized - not to prove that Pascal is a bad language, but on the contrary to perfect a language which is easily one of the best around, because of its logical clarity, austerity, and the readability of source programs.] "Dynamic Array Parameters" - Chris Jacobi [A description is given of a proposed extension to Pascal-6000 to implement dynamic array parameters. This solves a serious problem in the construction of subprogram libraries written in Pascal. A set of amendments to the User Manual and Report are given, as well as syntax diagrams and an example program.] Articles: Open Forum: urndexed Files" - Svend Knudsen 75/11/05 John Eisenberg to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-S, University of Illinois PDP-II Pascal, the User's Group] 75/11/22 Urs Ammann to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 extensions (dynamic array parameters value part, constructors); Pascal Day in Switzerland] 75/11/25 Andy Mickel to Niklaus Wirth: [questions about the language Pascal, changes to the language, and to features in Pascal-6000] 75/12/10 Niklaus Wirth to Andy Mickel: [distinguish clearly between language and implementation; reply to questions about changes; literature.about Pascal] 75/12/29 Andy Mickel to Niklaus Wirth: [looking at the nature of change - several versions of the Pascal Report, details on Pascal-6000 changes, conventionalized extensions; Pascal Newsletter / Pascal User's Group] 76/01/12 Ed Fourt to Andy Mickel: [Lawrence Berkeley Labs and Pascal-6000] 76/01/14 Hellmut Golde to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 at the University of Washington Pascal-Fortran subprogram linkage] 76/03/08 Wilhelm Burger to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 at the University of Texas, and implementation changes] 76/03/09 Richard Cichelli to Andy Mickel: [Soma cube paper, Pascal at Lehigh University DEC PDP 11 Pascal and UNIX] 76/03/15 Andy Mickel to George Richmond: [Where is Pascal Newsletter #4?, our plans for the User's Group / Newsletter, plans for the transition] 76/04/05 Susan Stallard to Andy Mickel: [IBM 370 Pascal at the University of Southern California] 76/05/04 Philip Enslow to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 at Georgia Tech, Brinch Hansen Pascal on the B5700] 76/05/23 Harry M. Murphy to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 at Air Force Weapons Labrrtory variable dimension array problems] 76/05/26 David Elliot Shaw to Andy Mickel: [PDP-II Pascal employment at Structured Systems Corporation] 76/05/27 Charles L. Lawson to Andy Mickel: [Pascal and Numerical Software, adjustable array dimension problems. Pascal on the 1108 at Jet Propulsion Labs] 76/06/18 George Richmond to Andy Mickel: [Pascal Newsletter #4, updates on distribution information on Pascal-6000 and Pascal-P] 76/06/18 Steve Bellovin to Andy Mickel: [Pascal on the 370 at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, problems with Pascal-P2] 76/07/01 James Kendall to Andy Mickel: [Pascal on several machines at the Texas State MHMR Department] 76/07/22 Steven Soule to Andy Mickel: [Pascal at the University of Calgary, Pascal's inability to subvert Fortran] 76/07/23 Mike Hagerty to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 modifications, Pascal Standards committee, solicit ACM sponsorship, formatted reads] 76/07/23 George Richmond to Niklaus Wirth: [Explanation of current situation regarding distribution of compilers, Pascal Newsletter and transfer of duties to other persons] Implementation Notes: Checklist, Pascal P3 and P4, Pascal Trunk, PascalJ, Pascal-S Machine Dependent Implementations: B6700, CDC-6000, DEC PDP-II, DECsystem 10, Honeywell 6000, IBM 360/370, Univac 1100. Pascal Newsletter #6, November, 1976. Editor's Contribution: Standards - course to take very confusing; Pascal User's Group mechanics and finances; feedback from PUGN#5; establishment of a PUG outpost in the United Kingdom. [In addition to the possibility of dividing sequential files into segments (creating a "segmented file"), it is also possible to construct, read, and modify indexed files. This feature also covers the need for rapid location and modification of segments.] liThe Need for Hierarchy and Structure in Language Management" - G. Michael Schneider [I find it quite ironic that so much concern is being paid to problems of structure and organization of statements within the Pascal language but so little to the structure and organization of the management of the language itself. By this I mean that there is currently lacking a formal administrative hierarchy for the handling of questions relating to language standards, specifications, and ext ens ions] "Pascal Potpourri" - Richard J. Cichelli [A set of (perhaps ill-formed) topics for the Pascal User is presented for debate: the problem of direct access files, standards and the language Pascal, software tools for the Pascal user] "The Case for Extending Pascal's I/O" - Michael Patrick Hagerty [With the introduction and subsequent increase in the popularity of Pascal, a number of papers concerning the language, its features and deficiencies, have appeared in various journals and newsletters. Champions of the language have extolled the virtues of its structure and unambiguous grammar using both example and theory as justification of its usefulness. Pascal critics on the other hand, have questioned the claim of the proponents that Pascal will replace FORTRAN, pointing to the inadequacies of the language in several areas. Wirth (1974) defends the absence of certain "favorite features" as necessary to avoid inefficient programming solutions or reliance upon features which are contrary to the aim of clarity and reliability. When the features being debated refer to the flexible input of large amounts of data, the critics hold the stronge~ hand, and with much justification.] "General Thoughts on Pascal Arising out of Correspondence Between Southampton and Tasmania" - Arthur Sale [a set of topics of potential interest to the Pascal community: Mixed languages, Portability, Inclusions of Source Text, Files, Standards] Open Forum: 76/07/28 Rich Cichelli to Andy Mickel: [Ifuat happened to Pascal-6000 Release 2? Pascal CAl system] 76/07/30 Brian Rowswell to Andy Mickel: [Pascal at the University of Sydney Computing Centre] 76/08/17 Willett Kempton to Andy Mickel: [Pascal for applications in anthropology, the case for formatted reads.] 76/08/31 Henry Ledgard to Andy Mickel: [Pascal Prettyprinter at the University of Massachusetts] 76/09/13 Duke Haiduk to Andy Mickel: [Pascal on DEC-I0 for teaching at West Texas State University] 76/09/16 Olivier Lecarme to Andy Mickel: [European distribution of Pascal Newsletter, PUG session at IFIP '77, book by Bill Atwood, news about Pascal in France (activities and efforts), Pascal language publication notation, comments on Tim Bonham's paper Here and There: News from Pascalers; empirical study of Pascal programs by John Banning at Stanford; agenda for the international Pascal Symposium at the University of Southampton; update on textbooks; update to errata to the Second Edition of Pascal User Manual and Report; listing of contents of Pascal Newsletters 1, 2, 3, and 4; PUG roster of 516 members. news of translation of the book Systematic Programming into French] 76/09/17 Robert Novak to Andy Mickel: [remarks in reply to Eisenberg's article on formatted input.] 76/09/22 Stephen Young to Andy Hickel: [Impressed with Pascal - should have a Pascal standards committee] 76/09/29 Tony Addyman to Andy Mickel: [Pascal-6000 details, Pascal standards group should be formed.] -n rn tr.1 ::0 = :J> ::0 -< f-' lD '-J 00 Open Forum: 76/10/09 Rich Cichelli to Andy Mickel: [Contribution of William Waite's dues to PUG "Which Language?" article in British Computer Society Bulletin] 76/10/11 Charles Hedrick to Andy Mickel: [Pascal versus SAIL and PL/1 in AI work, Pascal on the DEC-10 at the University of Illinois] 76/10/15 Niklaus Wirth to Andy Mickel: [disagreement with the policy of printing private letters and letters to the editor] 76/10/21 Duke Haiduk to Andy Mickel: [liked Pascal Newsletter #5, Brinch Hansen Pascal on the DEC-10?] 76/10/22 Arthur Sale to Andy Mickel: [series of letters between Southampton and Tasmania may be of interest; Pascal implementation proliferation; B6700 Pascal] 76/10/04 Judy Mullins to Arthur Sale: [ICL 1900 / 2900 Pascal: I/O, standardization, compiler options, else in case, syntactic sugar] 76/10/22 Arthur Sale to Judy Mullins: [standards, character sets, B6700 commenting conventions, else in case, mixed languages, files, diagnostics, compiler options sets, bounds checking, B6700s: arrays and off stack storage, pointers speed & space] 76/10/29 Jonathan Sachs to Andy Mickel: [Interest in the Tokyo 370 compiler at Trans Union Systems Corporation] 76/11/04 Tim Bonham to PUG membership: [Comments on Jacobi's Dynamic Array Parameters standardization, Pascal on the IBM System 3?, CDC 3200?] 76/11/18 David Barron to Andy Mickel: [Against the continuation of Fortran "carriage control character" conventions into Pascal] 76/12/09 Andy Mickel to Niklaus Wirth: [PUG should have your reaction to the issue of formal standardization of Pascal] 76/12/10 Andy Mickel to Chris Jacobi: [PUG needs the results of the Pascal-P questionaire and sites using Pascal-P] 77/01/02 Arthur Brown to Andy Mickel: [A Pascal standards committee should be set up standard Pascal should be close to the Revised Report and extensions to standard Pascal compilers should be written in standard Pascal.] 77/01/03 Jim Miner to Andy Mickel: [Revised Report good in its stated aim; but production uses of Pascal dictate a need for a standard. Fear that a committee will decide what the standard will be - current users are vulnerable because we have an investment in code.] Implementation Notes: General Information, Checklist, Pascal-P, PascalJ, Software Writing Tools, B6700/7700, CII Iris 80, 10070, DEC PDP-8, DEC PDP-II, Foxboro Fox-1 IBM 360/370, IBM 1130, Interdata 8/32, Univac 90/70, 1100, Xerox Sigma 6/9,Sigma 7. Pascal Newsletter 118,May, 1977. Implementation Notes: General Information, Checklist, Pascal-P, Concurrent Pascal, Pascal prettyprinter, Machine Dependent Implementations: B1700, B4700, B6700,7700 CII 10070, Iris 50, Iris 80, CDC-6000, CDC-7600, CRAY-1, DECsystem 10, DEC PDP-II Foxboro FOX-I, HP-2100, 3000, Honeywell H316, level 66, IBM 360/370, IBM 1130 Interdata 7/16, Motorola 6800, Prime P-400, Siemens 4004-157, Univac 1100, Varian V73, Xerox Sigma 6, 7, 9. Pascal Newsletter #7, February, 1977. Editor's Contribution: Promoting Pascal Usage (experience at the University of Minnesota); Pascal and Standards - conventionalizing extensions; PUG and Pascal Newsletter mechanics. Here and There: News from Pascalers, a new textbook, roster update. Editor's Contribution: Renewal reminder, new developments with microprocessor Pascal, PUG and Pascal Newsletter, Pascal publicity, future, backissues, membership, end of the year acknowledgements. Here and There: News from Pascalers, 2 Pascal get togethers planned at IFIP '77, and at ACM '77, Report on the University of Southampton Pascal Symposium, large Books and Articles section with new policy announced, first news about DoD-1 (a common language for U.S. Department of Defense use), a book review, several Pascal applications reported. Articles: "Development of a Pascal Compiler for the C.I.I. Iris 50, A Partial History" - Olivier Lecarme [The history which is the subject of the present paper takes place in the University of Nice, a medium-scale University with about fifteen thousand students. Articles: "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Unformatted Input" - David Barron and Judy Mullins [In PUGN #5, Eisenberg presents three examples which, he claims, demonstrate the necessity for formatted input. This note attempts to demolish those claims. •• • WARNING: FORTRAN CAN IMPAIR YOUR JUDGEMENT.] "Pascal Printer Plotter" - Herb Rubenstein [This printer plotter consists of four Pascal callable procedures. A high speed line-printer or a 132 column hard copy interactive terminal is used for output. The plots are X-Y graphs scaled to fit a single sheet of printer paper. Axis labels and axes are automatically set up. Plots may be overlayed and expansions can be performed to blow up tiny pieces of a plot.] "Yet Another Look' at Code Generation for Pascal on CDC 6000 and Cyber Machines" - Lawrence A. Liddiard [Pascal 2 is amenable to several different methods of compiler length reduction. As a fellow compiler writer (although since MNF is written in machine language it may be compared with the last of the dinosaurs speaking to Homo sapiens), I would rather see the full language specifications and one standard compiler, than to see small subsets such as Pascal-So For this reason I think it essential to improve Pascal 2 and with the reductions discussed in this article it should be possible to obtain load lengths of approximately 30K octal for the full language rather than the current 44K octal on a CDC 6000 (i. e. a reduction by one-third). The history of the Pascal Compiler development covers several attempts (illustrated by "T" diagrams) and finally a description of the nearly completed successful effort.] "A Further Defence of Formatted Input" - Brian Meekings [In PUGN #7, Barron and Mullins attempt to demolish the case for formatted input • Without wishing to blow up the controversy beyond reasonable proportion, I would like to add a voice in favour of formatting. The addition of formatted input to supplement the existing unformatted input facilities, can only enhance an already versatile language.] "proposals for Pascal" - George H. Richmond [A laundry list of idealized proposals are presented making the case for improvement in the areas of: the representation of Pascal for computer input, compile options, internal character set, removal of current restrictions and asymmetries, the program declaration, variant records, the case statement, boolean expressions, constants, declarations, and constructors, value initialization and own variables, procedure and function types for compile time checking, dynamic array parameters, new basic types and operators, transfer functions, extension of relational operators to structured types, files and text files, formatted input and output, file handling, overlays, and preambles and postamble.] "A Proposal for Increased Security in the Use of Variant Records" - William Barabash, Charles R. Hill, and Richard B. Kieburtz [The use of variant records in most Pascal Implementations is dangerous because most compilers do not emit a check for conformity with the value of the tagfield when a variant field is referenced. Indeed, the latest version of the Revised Pascal Report defines a language in which the tagfield may even be absent, making conformity checks impossible! Even so, when the tagfield is present and the compiler does emit conformity checks automatically, the programmer still has the ability to dynamically assign values to the tagfield.] "Update on UCSD Pascal Activities" - Ken Bowles [A potpourri of lively events at the University of California, San Diego is reported including their microprocessor Pascal system on LSI-ll, Z-80, 8080, 6502, and 6800 based systems. Also reports on LSI-ll hardware, other micro hardware, a proposal for a manufacturer independent Pascal System, news about an introductory Pascal textbook, the UCSD B6700 compiler, and a sample graphics picture from the LSI-ll system are given.] the case statement, and handling of TEXT variables.] 77/03/07 Richard Kieburtz to Niklaus Wirth: [Comments invited by Wirth on complete typing of formal procedure parameters, field width specifications in the arguments of the procedure write. strings. Also comments on dynamic arrays, array and record constructors, default in case lists, and formatted input.] 77/03/29 Andy Mickel to Southampton Symposium: [The Future of Pascal (Extensions and Standardization). A summary of the present state of affairs around Pascal and the desire for a standard; desirable goals for Pascal and current problems; consideration of a standard.] 77/04/07 Tony Addyman to Andy Mickel: [News on BSI / ISO standardization effort. A three page "attention list" of problems in the Pascal Report.] 77/04/24 Andy Mickel to Tony Addyman: [When in the BSI Working Group, don't forget the principles: "Some Comments on Pascal 1/0" - Chris Bishop [While admitting that Pascal has I/O specifications involving the concept of files and the GET and PUT statements that are consistent with the flavour of the language and with theoretical manipulation of data, I feel that it is lacking in simple, easy to use I/O and in flexible I/O.] On suggested extensions - relax the restriction on the maximum cardinality of set types, typed structured constants, and variable length "don't confuse the language with the implementation ll and IIsome aspects are intentionally left undefined in Pascal and must be defined by implementation", possible meanings for omissions in the Revised Report.] (* * * End of Special Topic: Standards * * *) 77/01/28 Arthur Sale to Andy Mickel: [Pascal has more to fear from its friends than its enemies, defense of editorial attack in PUGN6; Pascal Files - are Pascal's files inadequate?, are files variables?, is the best way to random access through slow array of ••• ? What relation is there between Pascal files and our operating system files? Pascal's two greatest dangers are from naive extensions and Pascal Open Forum: 77/01/14 Nick Solntseff to Andy Mickel: [The nature of standardization efforts on Pascal and perhaps operating system independence as well] 77/01/12 Michael Condict to Andy Mickel: [Comment that "slow array" more appropriate than Rich Cichelli' s "long array" in PUGN 116 article] 77/01/04 Larry Landis to G. Michael Schneider: [Ao endorsement of Schneider's standards proposals in PUGN 116 article] 77/02/14 Robert Fraley to Andy Mickel: [A case for revising Pascal -> 3 ~ndatory extensions for Pascal so that it can compete with FORTRAN: parametrlc arrays shared variables in separate compilations, and input formatting.] 77/01/24 Mike Hagerty to Andy Mickel: [On the standard, mods to the standard, mods to the implementation, available software, otherwise in case] Special Topic - Standards .. . (* A very important exchange regarding standards and conventl0nallzed extensl0ns follows. At the Southampton Pascal Symposium, Tony Addyman made the case for a formal ISO standard without a standards committee through BSI. Votes were taken which called for standardizing the Revised Report with semantics tightened.up, adopting a set of conventionalized extensions, and a list of designated extensions not to be conventionalized. *) . 77/01/31 Niklaus Wirth to Andy Mickel: [Regarding standards, extendlng Pascal, Standard Pascal Recommended set of extensions: dynamic array parameters, array and record constr~ctors; possibility of unnecessary but convenient extens~ons:. default in case lists, and formatted input. Other extensions per se for ~ndiv~dual.computer systems admissable but they have no place in the Standard language. Var~ous comments on PUGN#6, especially regarding criticism of Pas:al:] 77/02/09 J¢rgen Steensgaard-Madsen to Andy Mickel: [Comments lnvlt~d b~ Wirth on fanaticism. The language has defects; it has strengths. Let's be a bit more cautious.] 77/02/14 Arthur Sale to ~ndy Mickel: [3 criticisms: 1) Sea mail distribution of PUGN overseas unacceptable, 2) Editorial sniping, 3) Pascal Support - Bill Waite's criteria. Distribution of software; we don't need crusaders yet; despite bits of rubbish PUGN serves a very useful purpose, publishing Arthur Sale - Judy Mullins correspondence.] 77/04/26 Andy Mickel to Arthur Sale: [Apologies for editorial sniping, reasons for seamail distribution of PUGN, Pascal files, CDC bias, PUGN's non-academic membership Pascal usage at Minnesota.] 77/03/04 Olivier Lecarme to Andy Mickel: [PUG produces PUGNs faster than I can read them. CII Iris 50 news, Pascal Subgroup formed in AFCET (French counterpart of ACM), compiler writing system.] 77/03/28 Nick Fiddian to Andy Mickel: [Plea to recognize the value to others of the software products we originate; invest accordingly in faithful standardization down with backstreet implementors.] ~mplementation Notes: Checklist, General Information, Microprocessors, Software Writing Tools, Pascal-P4 corrections, Pascal Trunk Compiler, PascalJ, Medula, Feature Implementation Notes: Reading and Writing Scalars (Arthur Sale), Pointer Values (Arthur Sale), Pointer Tests (Andy Mickel). Machine Dependent Implementations: B3700 / B4700, B6700, Computer Automation LSI-2, CDC Cyber 18, CDC 6000,7000, Cyber 70,170, Data General Nova, DEC-l0, DEC PDP-ll, HP-2100, Honeywell H66, IBM 360/370, IBM 1130, ICL 1900 / 2900, Intel 8080, Motorola 6800, Nanodata QM-l, Norsk Data Nord 10, SEMS T1600/Solar, Siemens 4004, 7000, TI ASC, TI 990/9900, Univac 90/70, Ull00, Varian V70, Zilog Z-80. initialization of variables, dynamic arrays, exhaustive specif~cat~on of parameters, ROSTER INC REM ENT (7 7 /12 /31 ) The names listed below represent people who have renewed, changed address or joined PUG since the roster was printed in PUGN #9/1~. 01002 01451 01545 01581 01609 01701 01701 01701 HENRY F. LEDGARD/ COMPUTER AND INFO. SCI./ U OF MASSACHUSETTS/. AMHERST MA 01002/ (413) 545-2744/ (413) 545-1332 RALPH S. GOODELL/ HILLCREST DRIVE/ HARVARD MA 01451/ (617) 456~8090 JOHN DE ROSA JR./ 3Z-G BRANDYWINE DRIVE/ SHREWSBURY MA 01545 JOHNNY STOVALL/ 15 TURNPIKE RD./ WESTBORO MA 01581/ (617) 366-8911 STEPHEN R. ALPERT/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE/ WORCESTER MA 01609/ (617) 753-1411 X416 MARGARETTA HOMMEL/ 43 ADAMS ROAD/ FRAMINGHAM MA 01701/ (617) 879-6848/ (617) 890-8460 X208 X351 BARRY F. MARGOLIUS/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCI./ FRAMINGHAM STATE COLLEGE/ FRAMINGHAM MA 01701/ (617) 872-3501 X224/ (617) 266-6648 (HOME) ROBERT J. OBERG/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCE/ FRAMINGHAM STATE COLLEGE/ FRAMINGHAM MA 01701/ (617) 852-3501 -n rn t:>:I :;;0 = ::t:> ;;0 -< 01730 01741 01752 01754 01776 01778 01810 01852 01886 01960 02035 02114 02132 02138 02138 02138 02138 02139 02142 02154 02159 02165 02165 02172 02840 02912 02912 03060 03755 03824 06106 06268 06437 06477 06520 06810 06901 07054 07470 07724 08077 08512 08618 08826 08854 08854 08876 08903 09098 10003 10009 10010 10011 10012 10012 10016 10019 10024 10024 10025 10027 10510 10573 11210 11439 11740 ROGER D. ROLES/ COMPUTERVISION CORP./ 201 BURLINGTON RD/ BEDFORD MA 01730/ (617) 275-1800 X212 STEPHEN KLEIN/ 188 JUDY FARM ROAD/ CARLISLE MA 01741 CARL W. SCHWARCZ/ MR 1-2/E27/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ 200 FOREST STREET/ MARLBORO MA 01752/ (617) 481-9511 ROBERT TROCCHI/·EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS GROUP/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP./ PARKER STREET - PK3-1/M40/ MAYNARD MA 01754/ (617) 493-3475 RANDY ENGER/ 28 BRIAR PATCH LANE/ SUDBURY MA 01776 PAUL BARR/ EQUIPMENT DIVISION J9/ RAYTHEON CO./ BOSTON POSTROAD/ WAYLAND MA 01778/ (617) 358-2721 X2825 ROBERT I. DEMROW/ 11 LINDA DRIVE/ ANDOVER MA 01810 EDWARD STEEN/ 119 SHERMAN STREET/ LOWELL MA 01852/ (617) 454-9320 RICHARD KRASIN/ FIRST DATA CORP./ 1 MAIN STREET/ WESTFORD MA 01886 SAM CARPENTER/ 22 PULASKI ST. APT. B-7/ PEABODY MA 01960/ (617) 532-0669 WARREN R. BROWN/ D.330/ THE FOXBORO COMPANY/ 38 NEPONSET AVE./ FOXBORO MA 02035/ (617) 543-8750 X2023 RICHARD PITKIN/ COMPUTER NETWORK/ MASS. STATE COLLEGE/ 150 CAUSEWAY ST./ BOSTON MA 02114/ (617) 727-2530 BILL SOUTHWORTH/ 30 POTOMAC ST./ W. ROXBURY MA 02132/ (617) 323-4537 FRED LUHMANN/ ABT ASSOCIATES INC./ 55 WHEELER ST./ CAMBRIDGE MA 02138/ (617) 492-7100 X424 JAMES S. MILLER/ INTERMETRICS INC./ 701 CONCORD AVE./ CAMBRIDGE ~~ 02138/ (617) 661-1840 DENNIS J. MURPHY/ ABT ASSOCIATES INC./ 55 WHEELER ST/ CAlIBRIDGE MA 02138/ (617) 492-7100 ROBERT E. WELLS/ BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC./ 50 MOULTON STREET/ CAllBRIDGE MA 02138/ (617) 491-1850 X694 CHARLES L. BROOKS/ ABT ASSOCIATES INC./ 55 WHEELER STREET/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02139/ (617) 492-7100 JAMES STEINBERG/ 23/ DOT/TSC/ KENDALL SQUARE/ CAMBRIDGE MA 02142 BRYAN HOPKINS/ EKS/ 200 TRAPELO ROAD/ WALTHAM MA 02154/ (617) 893-3500 X277 LAWRENCE F. CRAM/ 64 BOWEN STREET/ NEWTON MA 02159 THOMAS M. ATWOOD/ 70 BARNSTABLE RD./ W. NEWTON MA 02165/ (617) 235-8171 X131 JOHN C. MILLER/ 105 CHERRY STREET/ W. NEWTON MA 02165/ (617) 272-7070 X160 FRED ElLEN STEIN/ 68 SPRING STREET/ WATERTOWN MA 02172/ (617) 924-2248 DAVID TAFFS/ 42 THIRD STREET/ NEWPORT RI 02840/ (401) 847-3770 ATTN: L.A.M.B.D.A./ BROWN UNIVERSITY/ BOX G/ PROVIDENCE RI 02912/ (401) 863-3162 READ T. FLEMING/ PROGRAM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE/ BROWN UNlVERSITY/ BOX F/ PROVIDENCE RI 02912/ (401) 863-3088 BETTY BUXTON/ NCA 1-3220/ SANDERS ASSOCIATES INC./ 95 CANAL STREET/ NASHUA NH 03060/ (603) 885-5314 MICHAEL MCKENNA/ TIME SHARE CORP./ BOX 683/ HANOVER NH 03755/ (603) 448-3838 WILLIAM J. VASILIOU JR./ COMPUTER SERVICES/ KINGSBURY HALL/ U OF NEW HAMPSHIRE/ DURHAM NH 03824/ (603) 862-2323 A. E. SAPEGA/ ENGINEERING DEPT./ TRINITY COLLEGE/ HARTFORD CT 06106/ (203) 527-3151 X202 TIM RAND/ P.O. BOX 98/ STORRS CT 06268 PAUL KOHLBRENNER/ 261 DUNK ROCK ROAD/ GUILFORD CT 06437/ (203) 453-9540 MICHAEL BEHAR/ 428 WINDY HILL RD./ ORANGE CT 06477/ (203) 878-7141 DICK OSGOOD/ YALE COMPUTER CENTER/ 175 WHITNEY CENTER/ NEW HAVEN GT 06520/ (203) 432-4080 RONA GURKEWITZ/ 181 WHITE STREET/ DANBURY CT 06810 DOUGLAS M. GRANT/ NATIONAL CSS/ 500 SUMMER STREET/ STAMFORD CT 06901/ (203) 327-9100 ROBERT KAST/ 350 BALDWIN ROAD APT. F4/ PARSIPPANY NJ 07054 HAL PACE/ KEARFOTT DIV. - DEPT. 5760/ SINGER CO./ 150 TOTOWA ROAD/ WAYNE NJ 07470/ (201) 256-4000 X3503 CHRISTOPHER J. HENRICH/ SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT/ INTERDATA INC./ 106 APPLE STREET/ TINTON FALLS NJ 07724/ (201) 229-4040 FOREST VAN SISE SHAFER/ COMCON INC./ 504 U.S. ROUTE 130 AT HIGHLAND AVE./ CINNAMINSON NJ 08077 WILLIAM G. HUTCHISON JR./ N 191 PRINCETON ARMS/ CRANBURY NJ 08512/ (609) 443-6631 WILLIAM J. K. HARRINGTON/ 70 ~~IN BOULEVARD/ TRENTON NJ 08618 GEORGE B. DIAMOND/ DIAMOND AEROSOL CORP./ RD #1/ GLEN GARDNER NJ 08826 ATTN: CCIS LIBRARY HILL CENTER/ BUSCH CAMPUS/ RUTGERS UNIV./ p.O. BOX 879/ PISCATAWAY NJ 08854/ (201) 932-2296 JIM STEWART/ 195B PLEASANT VIEW ROAD/ PISCATAWAY .NJ 08854 RODERICK MONTGOMERY/ HEALTH PRODUCTS RESEARCH INC./ 3520 U.S. ROUTE 22/ SOMERVILLE NJ 08876/ (201) 534-4148 CHARLES HEDRICK/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. / RUTGERS UNIV. / HILL C ENTER/ NEW BRUNSWICK NJ 08903 DOUG FORSTER/ P.O. BOX 1027 UNIT AA/ APO NY 09098 WILLIAM HENRY/ 117 E. TENTH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10003/ (212) 673- 6944 NORMAN D. WHALAND/ 430 EAST 9TH STREET - APT. 15/ NEW YORK NY 10009 ROBERTO MINIO/ SPRINGER-VERLAG INC./ 175 FIFTH AVE/ NEW YORK Ny 10010/ (212) 477-8316 JON A. SOLWORTH/ 7 WEST 14TH ST APT 15A/ NEW YORK NY 10011/ (212) 243-2183 EDWARD R. FRIEDMAN/ CIMS/ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY/ 251 MERCER ST./ NEW YORK NY 10012/ (212) 460-7100/ (212) 460-7293 ANDREW P. VALENTI/ COURANT INST. OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE/ NEW YORK UNIV./ 251 MERCER ST./ NEW YORK NY 10012/ (212) 641-0274 RAMON TAN/ 305 E. 40TH ST. APT. 12W/ NEW YORK NY 10016/ (212) 682-1013 MARK STAHLMAN/ COMPUTRON INC./ 888 7TH AVENUE - 25TH FLOOR/ NEW YORK NY 10019 PAUL SPRECHER/ 241 WEST 77TH STREET/ NEW YORK NY 10024 DONALD WARREN/ 130 WEST 81ST STREET APT 7/ NEW YORK NY 10024 HOWARD D. ESKIN/ CENTER FOR COMPUTING ACTIVITIES/ ROOM 712/ COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY/ 612 W. 115TH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10025/ (212) 280-2874 LARRY ARONSON/ CENTER FOR COMPUTING ACTIVITIES/ COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY/ 612 W 115TH ST./ NEW YORK NY 10027/ (212) 280-2698 JERRY S. SULLIVAN/ PHILIPS LABORATORIES/ 345 SCARBOROUGH ROAD/ BRIARCLIFF MAN NY 10510/ (914) 762-0300 TIMOTHY P. ROBERTS/ KEEN INSTRUMENTS INC./ 111 BOWMAN AVE./ PORT CHESTER NY 10573/ (914) 939-0200 PAUL S. KLARREICH/ 2809 BEDFORD AVE./ BROOKLYN NY 11210/ (212) 859-1408 LYNN S. MARTINI DEPT. OF ENGLISH/ ST. JOHN'S UNIV./ GRAND CENTRAL AND UTOPIA PARKWAYS/ JAMAICA NY 11439/ (212) 969-8000 X387 M. WAITE/ FAZELTINE· CORP./ GREENLAWN NY 11740/ (516) 261-7000 X687 ., IT1 to :;:0 = ::t> :;:0 -< N C> 11756 11794 11794 11797 12210 13201 13440 14072 14127 14226 14454 14850 15213 15213 15213 15461 15701 16057 17019 17837 18015 18015 18017 18042 18049 18938 19010 19044 19046 19085 19087 19101 19122 19151 19301 19335 19341 19438 19440 19711 19711 19898 19898 20006 20014 20014 20014 20016 20036 20041 20229 20375 20770 20770 20784 20855 21010 21045 21045 21045 21235 21793 22003 22042 22090 ROBERT SCHUTZ/ 93 MERIDIAN ROAD/ LEVITTOWN NY 11756 RICHARD B KIEBURTZ/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCI./ SUNY AT STONY BROOK/ STONY BROOK NY 11794/ (516) 246-5987/ (516) 246-7146 GENE ROLLINGS/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ SUNY - STONY BROOK/ STONY BROOK NY 11794/ (516) 246-4383 PAUL ZILBER/ ONTEL CORP./ 250 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE/ WOODBURY Ny 11797/ (516) 364-2121 GARYO 0' SCHENECTADY/ 144 LANCASTER ST./ ALBANY NY 12210 J. DANIEL GERSTEN/ COMPUTED IMAGE ENG. - CSP 3-21/ GENERAL ELECTRIC CO./ SYRACUSE NY 13201/ (315) 456-7366 STEPHEN B. WATERS/ ROME SENTINEL COMPANY/ 333 W. DOMINICK STREET/ ROME NY 13440/ (315) 337-4000 LEO CHRZANOWSKI/ 67 WARD PARK ROAD/ GRAND ISLAND NY 14072 F. DOUGLAS ROBINSON/57 TANGLEWOOD WEST/ ORCHARD PARK NY 14127/ (716) 843-7142 (WORK)/ (716) 662-4093 (HOME) STUART W. ROWLAND/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ SUNY - BUFFALO/ 4226 RIDGE LEA ROAD/ AMHERST NY 14226/ (716) 831-1351 ANTHONY E. HOFFMAN/ MATHEMATICS DEPT. / SUNY-CAS/ GENESEO NY 14454/ (716) 243-3833 WILLIAM LYCZKO/ SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT/ NCR CORPORATION/TERMINAL SYSTEMS/ 950 DANBY ROAD/ ITHACA NY 14850/ (607) 273-5310/ X251 X254 ATTN: EARL L. MOUNTS-COMP. SCI. LIBRARI E & S LIBRARY/ SCIENCE HALL/ CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIVERSITY/ PITTSBURGH PA 15213/ (412) 578-2426 DAVID B. GROUSE/ GRAPHIC ARTS TECHNICAL FOUNDATION/ 4615 FORBES AVE/ PITTSBURGH PA 15213 KEVIN WEILER/ SCHOOL OF URBAN AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS/ INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL PLANNING/ CARNEGIE MELLON UNIV/ SCHENLEY PARK/ PITTSBURGH PA 15213 (412) 578-2177 RON MAHONI VIDEO LINK/ P.O. BOX 688/ MASONTOWN PA 15461/ (412) 583-7786 HOWARD E. TOMPKINS/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PAl INDIANA PA 15701/ (412) 357-2524 PETER RICH ETTA/ 129A WEST WATER STREET/ SLIPPERY ROCK PA 16057/ (412) 794-3531 E. R. BEAUREGARD/ P.O. BOX 357/ DILlSBURG PA 17019 ATTENTION: MARJORIE HEINE/ FREAS-ROOKE COMPUTER CENTER/ BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY/ LEWISBURG PA 17837/ (717) 524-1436 DAVID B. ANDERSON/ DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS/ 14 CHRISTMAS-SAUCON/ LEHIGH UNIVERSITY/ BETHLEHEM PA 18015/ (215) 683-5086 CRAIG PAYNE/ LEHIGH UNIV./ P.O. BOX 22A/ BETHLEHnl PA 18015/ (215) 867-6367 ROBERT COLE/ 782 BARRYMORE LANE/ BETHLEHEM PA 18017 JOHN A. WEAVER/ ANPA - RESEARCH INSTlTUTE/ P.O. BOX 598/ EASTON PA 18042/ (215) 867-1085 JOHN W. IOBST/ 22 N. KEYSTONE AVE./ EMMAUS PA 18049/ (215) 965- 46 77 BILL CHESWICK/ DARIEN 15B / VILLAGE 2/ NEW HOPE PA 18938/ (215) 866-4491 DONALD B. KLEIN/ 145 LOWRY'S LANE/ ROSEHONT PA 19010 JAMES P. MCILVAINE IV/ BRIDGEPORT-TEXTRON/ 200 PRECISION RD./ HORSHAH PA 19044/ (215) 674-2700 DAN MORTON/ 701 WASHINGTON LANE/ JENKINTOWN PA 190461 (215) 885-2443/ (215) 895-2259 STEPHEN W. CHING/ DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY/ VILLANOVA PA 19085/ (215) 527-2100 X631 MARK HIPPE/ GEOMETRIC DATA CORP./ 999 WEST VALLEY ROAD/ WAYNE PA 19087/ (215) 687-6550 G. KEVIN DOREN/ P.O. BOX 8191/ PHILADELPHIA PA 191011 (215) 963-0465/ (215) 963-0551 EARL RALEY/ COMPUTER ACTIVITY/ ACADEMIC SERVICES/ TEMPLE UNIV./ PHILADELPHIA PA 19122/ (215) 787-8527 CLIFTON CHANG-CHAO TING/ 879 WYNNEWOOD ROAD - 1ST FLOOR/ PHILADELPHIA PA 19151/ (215) 878-7231 DAVID M. ADAMS/ CSG/T/ BURROUGHS CORPORATION/ P.O. BOX 203/ PAOLI PA 19301/ (215) 648-2000 TOM KELLY/ 58-B MEADOWLAKE DRIVE/ DOWNINGTOWN PA 19335/ (215) 269-3626 JEFFREY D. STROOMER/ 224 HERITAGE LANE/ EXTON PA 19341/ (216) 363-1948 DONALD A. KEFFER/ 252 MANOR ROAD/ HARLEYSVILLE PA 19438 V. LALITA RAO/ HATFIELD VILLAGE APARTMENTS UTl-5/ HATFIELD PA 19440/ (215) 865-6448 JOHN D. EISENBERG/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ SMITH HALL/ U OF DELAWARE/ NEWARK DE 19711/ (302) 738-8441 X57 (OFFICE)/ (302) 453-9059 (HOME) WILLIAH s. PAGE/ 23 OLD MANOR ROAD/ NEWARK DE 19711/ (302) 731- 5988 C. E. BRIDGE/ ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT LAB/ E. I. DU PONT DE NE t10URS AND CO./ 101 BEECH STREET/ WIlliINGTON DE 19898/ (302) 774-1731 STEPHEN C. SCHWARM/ E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS CO./ 101 BEECH ST./ WIlliINGTON DE 19898/ (302) 774-1669 KENNETH R. JACOBS/ FEDERAL SYSTEMS DIVISION/ ADPNETWORK SERVI CES / 2011 EYE STREET NW/ WASHINGTON DC 20006/ (202) 872-0580 KEITH E. GORLEN/ 2017 BLDG.12A/ NATIONAL INST. OF HEALTH/ BETHESDA MD 20014/ (301) 496-5361 TERRY P. MEDLIN/ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH UNIT - DPSA/ B23 BLDG 30/ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL HEALTH/ BETHESDA MD 20014/ (301) 496-1621 JOHN M. SHAWl BLDG 36 / ROOM 2A29/ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH/ BETHESDA MD 20014/ (301) 496-3204 JOSEPH P. JOHNSON/ 3520 QUEBEC ST. NWI WASHINGTON DC 20016/ (202) 362-8523 MARGERY AUSTIN/ THE URBAN INSTITUTE/ 2100 M STREET NW/ WASHINGTON DC 20036/ (202) 223-1950 X486 DAVID AULT/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ VPI AND sui P.O. BOX 17186/ WASHINGTON DC 20041/ (703) 471-4600 STEVE O'KEEFE/ 7328/ U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE/ 1301 CONSTITUTION AVE. N.W./ WASHINGTON DC 20229/ (202) 566-2974 PETER A. RIGSBEE/ CODE 5494/ NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY/ WASHINGTON DC 20375/ (202) 767-3318 LEO DAVIS/ 40 LAKESIDE DRIVE/ GREENBELT MD 20770 CAROL B. HOWELL/ P.O. BOX 326/ GREENBELT MD 20770 EDWARD D. ROTHE/ 7101 VARNUH ST/ LANDOVER HILLS MD 20784 BOB ROGERS/ 18625 AZALEA DRIVE/ DERWOOD MD 20855 PAUL H. BROOME/ BIOPHYSICS BRANCH/ CHn1ICAL SYSTEMS LAB/ RESEARCH DIVISION/ PROVING GROUND/ ABERDEEN lID 21010/ (301) 671-3489 JOHN FRINK/ 5304 THUNDER HILL ROAD/ COLUHBIA MD 21045/ (202) 394-2396 RICHARD LLEWELLYN/ 5355 RED LAKE/ COLillffiIA MD 21045/ (301) 765-4570 RAINER F. MCCOWN/ MCCOWN COMPUTER SERVICES/ 9537 LONG LOOK LANE/ COLUHBIA MD 21045/ (301) 730-0379 LESTER SACHS/ OPERATIONS/ HS 3-0-25/ SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION/ 6401 SECURITY BOULEVARD/ BALTIMORE MD 21235 PAUL C. BERGMAN/ DIGITAL SYSTEMS CORP./ P.O. BOX 396/ WALKERSVILLE MD 21793/ (301) 845-4141 ROBERT C. JANKU/ 5112 ALTHEA DRIVE/ ANNANDALE VA 22003/ (703) 978-8384 ROBERT LEE SHARP/ P.O. BOX 2170/ FALLS CHURCH ITA 22042 HENRY DAVIS/ ACUITY SYSTEMS INC./ 11413 ISAAC NEWTON SQUARE/ RESTON VA 22090/ (703) 471-4700 X243 """"0 :I> C/) n ,:r> z rn :::E: C/) =!:!: f-' f-' -n rn t:Ij ;::0 = :r> = -< 22091 22101 22101 22152 22180 22209 22901 22901 22903 23185 23508 23665 23669 27409 27607 27709 30303 30303 30303 30310 30339 32303 32306 32901 32901 32905 32935 33313 33313 35486 35805 37130 37916 40205 40217 43403 43403 43403 44106 44106 44107 44115 44116 44119 44691 45036 45036 46375 46530 47401 47401 47805 47907 47907 47907 48100 48104 48104 48106 48824 48824 48824 48824 49008 50011 52240 JAMES K. MOORE/ 12345 COLERAINE COURT/ RESTON VA 22091/ (703)437-2338 H. F. HESSION/ ADVANCED RECORD SYSTEMS ENGINEERING/ WESTERN UNION/ 7916 WEST PARK DRIVE/ MCLEAN VA 22101 ROBERT L. STEELE 11/ INCO. INC./ 7916 WEST PARK DRIVE/ MCLEAN VA 22101/ (703) 893-4330 MARK S. WATERBURY/ 8358 L DUNHAM CT./ SPRINGFIELD VA 22152/ (703) 451-8255 TRUMAN C. PEWITT/ 8507 COTTAGE STREET/ VIENNA VA 22180/ (703) 821-6321/ (703) 573-3192 WILLIAM A. WHITAKER/ DARPA/ 1400 WILSON BLVD./ ARLINGTON VA 22209/ (202) 694-1139 ROBERT A. GIBSON/ WEST LEIGH/ 2380 KINGSTON RD/ CHARLOTTESVILL VA 22901/ (804) 977-3233 STEPHEN F. MERSHON/ SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING--DAMACS/ AERO-MATH BLDG./ UNIV. OF VIRGINIA/ CHARLOTTESVILL VA 22901/ (804) 924-3917 ATTN: J. F. MCINTYRE - LIBRARIAN/ COMPUTING CENTER/ GILMER HALL/ UNIV OF VIRGINIA/ CHARLOTTESVILL VA 22903/ (804) 924-3731 MICHAEL K. DONEGAN/ DEPT. OF MATH. & COMPo SCIENCE/ COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY/ WILLIAMSBURG VA 23185/ (804) 253-4481 FRANCES L. VAN SCOY/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPUTING SCIENCES/ OLP DOMINION UNIV./ NORFOLK VA 23508/ (804) 489-6525 JOHN C. KNIGHT/ LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER/ M/S 125A/ NASA/ HAMPTON VA 23665/ (804) 827-3875 JOHNCLARSON/ 303 TENDERFOOT COURT/ HAMPTON VA 23669 TOM TYSON/ COMPUTER LABS/ 505 EDWARDIA DRIVE/ GREENSBORO NC 27409/ (919) 292-5427 DONALD L. PARCE/ BUSINESS APPLICATIONS SYSTEMS INC./ 7334 CHAPEL HILL ROAD/ RALEIGH NC 27607/ (919) 851-8512 W. J. MEYERS/ DATA GENERAL CORP./ RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK/ TRIANGLE PARK NC 27709 ROBERT N. MACDONALD/ INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT./ GEORGIA STATE UNIV./ UNIVERSITY PLAZA/ ATLANTA GA 30303/ (404) 658-3880 DARRELL PREBLE/ COMPUTER CENTER USER SERVICES/ GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY/ ATLANTA GA 30303 MORRIS W. ROBERTS/ DEPT. OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ GEORGIA STATE UNIV./ UNIVERSITY PLAZA/ ATLANTA GA 30303/ (404) 658-3882 JOE CELKO/ P.O. BOX 11023/ ATLANTA GA 30310/ (404) 753-7993 DOUGLAS MANN/ SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC./ 2028 POWERS FERRY ROAD _ SUITE 260/ ATLANTA GA 30339/ (404) 955-2663 C. EDWARD REID/ RT. 7 BOX 1257/ TALLAHASSEE FL 32303/ (904) 488-2451 JOHN H. BOLSTAD/ DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS/ FLORIDA STATE UNIV./ TALLAHASSEE FL 32306/ (904) 644-2580 GEORGE E. HAYNAM/ SYSTEMS DIVISION/ HARRIS CORP./ P.O. BOX 2080/ MELBOURNE FL 32901/ (904) 378-8118 TOM SPURRIER/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS DIVISION/ HARRIS CORP./ P.O. BOX 37/ MELBOURNE FL 32901/ (305) 727-4000 DENIS KERMICLE/ WOODLAKE DRIVE EAST APT. D-130/ PALM BAY FL 32905/ (305) 725-2417 ROBERT L. CHEEZEM JR./ 2192 CHERYL CT./ MELBOURNE FL 32935/ (305) 254-6522 S. HAYES/ DEVELOPMENT ENGR. LIBRARY/ SYSTEMS ENGR. LABS/ 6901 W. SUNRISE BLVD./ FT.LAUDERDALE FL 33313/ (305) 587-2900 STEVE MATUS/ MARKET PLANNING AND RESEARCH/ SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LABS/ 6901 W. SUNRISE BLVD./ FT.LAUDERDALE FL 33313/ (305) 587-2900 DONALD B. CROUCH/ DEPT.OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIV OF ALABAMA/ p.O. BOX 6316/ UNIVERSITY AL 35486/ (205) 348-6363 MIKE D. PESSONEY/ ANALYSTS INTERNATIONAL CORP./ 2317 BOB WALLACE AVE. SE/ HUNTSVILLE AL 35805/ (205) 533-4220 SAMUEL T. BAKER/ 1310 STONEWALL BLVD./ MURFREESBORO TN 37130/ (615) 896-3362 (HOME)/ (615) 741-3531 (OFFICE) ATTENTION: CHARLES PFLEEGER/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ U OF TENNESSEE/ KNOXVILLE TN 37916/ (615) 974-5067 A. CHARLES BUCKLEY/ DATA/INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ URBAN STUDIES CENTER/ ALTA VISTA ROAD - GARDENCOURT/ LOUISVILLE KY 40205/ (502) 588-6626 MICHAEL P. ROBINSON/ AMERICAN DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/ 2434 CRITTENDEN DRIVE - SUITE 200/ LOUISVILLE KY 40217/ (502) 637-9765 FRANK J. BATES JR./ OFFICE OF COMPUTATIONAL SERVICES/ BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIV./ BOWLING GREEN OH 43403/ (419) 372-2911 JOHN M. HEMPHILL/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCI./ BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIV./ BOWLING GREEN OH 43403/ (419) 372-2337 RICHARD T. THOMAS/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIV./ BOWLING GREEN OH 43403/ (419) 372-2339 R. B. LAKE/ BIOMETRY/ WEARN BUILDING/ CASE WESTERN UNIV HOSPITALS/ CLEVELAND OH 44106/ (216) 444-3491 TOM NUTE/ SYS. & COMPUTER ENG./ CRAWFORD HALL/ CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV./ CLEVELAND OH 44106/ (216) 368-2800 STEVEN B. HALL/ 1599 ORCHARD GROVE/ LAKEWOOD OH 44107/ (216) 521-4178 ARTHUR C. DARTT/ CHEMISTRY DEPT./ CLEVELAND STATE UNIV./ EUCLID AT EAST 24TH STREET/ CLEVELAND OH 44115/ (216) 687-2473 BILL SHANNON/ 21345 HILLIARD/ ROCKY RIVER OH 44116/ (216) 331-8733 DAVID PESEC/ 21030 MILLER/ EUCLID OH 44119/ (216) 486-4716 ANN C. JOHNSTON/ RD 6/ HAPPY VALLEY RD./ WOOSTER OH 44691 ATTN: BETTE BOLLING-LIBRARIAN/ TECHNICAL INFORMATION CTR-ELECTRONICS/ CINCINNATI MILACRON INC./ LEBANON OH 45036/ (513) 494-1200 TOM MORAN/ PROCESS CONTROLS DIVISION/ CINCINNATI MILACRON/ MAS ON RD & RT 1148/ LEBANON OH 45036 PHILIP T. HODGE/ 346 KENNEDY/ SCHERERVILLE IN 46375 JOE TORZEWSKI/ 51625 CHESTNUT ROAD/ GRANGER IN 46530/ (219) 272-4670 ANNA BUCKLEY/ WHUBEL COMPUTING CENTER/ INDIANA UNIV./ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-1911 ANTHONY J. SCHAEFFER/ 3510 DUNSTAN DR./ BLOOMINGTON IN 47401/ (812) 337-9137 ROBERT L. ARGUS/ 2603 THOMAS AVE. APT 4/ TERRE HAUTE IN 47805 ALLAN M. SCHWARTZ/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCES/ MATH SCIENCES BUILDING/ PURDUE UNIVERSITY/ WEST LAFAYETTE IN 47907/ (317) 743-2473 EDWARD F. GEHRINGER/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ MATH SCIENCES BU'ILDING/ PURDUE UNIVERSITY/ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47907 SAUL ROSEN/ COMPUTING CENTER/ PURDUE UNIV./ W. LAFAYETTE IN 47907/ (317) 494-8235 MARK HERSEY/ 1114 MAIDEN LANE COURT APT. 112/ ANN ARBOR MI 48100/ (313) 994-3934/ (517) 355-1764 (OFFICE) GREG WINTERHALTER/ HORIBA INSTRUMENTS/ 3901 VARSITY DRIVE/ ANN ARBOR MI 48104/ (313) 973-2171 KARL L. ZINN/ CTR. FOR RESEARCH ON LEARNING & TEACHI/ UNIV. OF MICHIGAN/ 109 EAST ~MDISON STREET/ ANN ARBOR MI 48104/ (313) 763-4410/ 763-0158 CHARLES G. MOORE/ ADP NETWORK SERVICES/ 175 JACKSON PLAZA/ ANN ARBOR MI 48106/ (313) 769-6800 JOHN B. EULENBERG/ COMPo SCI. DEPT./ MICHIGAN STATE U/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-0831 HARRY G. HEDGES/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ 400 COMPUTER CENTER/ MICHIGAN STATE UNIV/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-6484 STEVEN L. HUYSER/ USER INFO. CENTER/ 313 COMPUTER CENTER/ MICHIGAN STATE U/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-1800 MARK RIORDAN/ USER SERVICES/ COMPUTER LABORATORY/ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/ EAST LANSING MI 48824/ (517) 353-1800 JACK R. MEAGHER/ COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS/ WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIV./ KALAMAZOO MI 49008/ (616) 383-0095 AHMED KASSEM/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ 104 COMPUTER SCIENCE/ IOWA STATE UNIV./ AMES IA 50011/ (515) 294-8424 G. STEPHEN HIRST/ 930 FAIRCHILD/ IOWA CITY IA 52240/ (319) 351,-5253 (HOME)/ (319) 353-3935 (WORK) "fT1 b:I ;:0 = :J> ;:0 -< f-' l.O " 00 N N 52242 52302 52402 53149 53201 53219 53705 53706 53719 55057 55057 55066 55105 55108 55112 55112 55112 55165 55337 55343 55343 55391 55404 55404 55413 55414 55414 55418 55420 55427 55427 55429 55435 55436 55437 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 55455 56267 56301 56569 57069 58201 60148 60181 60201 60439 60532 60652 60657 60660 61801 61801 61801 61820 61820 62704 DONALD L. EPLEY/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIV. OF IOWA! IOWA CITY IA 52242/ (319) 353-5605 DENNIS SUTHERLAND/ 2835 25TH AVE./ MARION IA 52302/ (319) 395-4728 JAMES C. COZZIE/ 254 NORTHPOINTE N.E. - APT. 322/ CEDAR RAPIDS IA 52402 MICHAEL A. BEAVER/ ROUTE 3 BOX 271B/ MUKWONAGO WI 53149/ (414) 728-5531 X249 RICHARD E. NEUBAUER/ JOHNSON CONTROLS INC./ P.O. BOX 423/ MILWAUKEE WI 53201/ (414) 276-9200 JOHN G. DOBNICK/ 3171 S. 83 ST./ MILWAUKEE WI 53219/ (414) 963-5727 EDWARD K. REAM/ 508 FARLEY AVE. - APT. 5/ MADISON WI 53705 LARRY E. TRAVIS/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIV OF WISCONSIN - MADISON/ 1210 WEST DAYTON STREET/ MADISON WI 53706/ (608) 262-7971/ (608) 262-1204 LEN LINDSAY/ 5150 ANTON DR. #212/ MADISON WI 53719 CARL HENRY/ COMPUTER CENTER/ CARLETON COLLEGE/ NORTHFIELD MN 55057/ (507) 645-4431 XS04 TIMOTHY W. HOEL/ ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER/ ST. OLAF COLLEGE/ NORTHFIELD MN 55057/ (507) 663-3097 TERRY MYHRER/ 1324 EAST AVENUE/ RED WING MN 55066 ATTN: COMPUTING SERVICES/ MACALESTER COLLEGE/ 1600 GRAND AVE/ ST. PAUL MN 55105/ (612) 647-6171 JAMES KREILICH/ 1408 ALBANY AVE./ ST. PAUL MN 55108/ (612) 644-1375 ED KATZ/ 3564 N. SNELLING/ ARDEN HILLS MN 55112/ (612) 636-3472 W. B. CHAPIN/ ARB 242/ CONTROL DATA CORP./ 4201 N. LEXINGTON/ ST. PAUL MN 55112/ (612) 483-4673 MARK RUSTAD/ 585 HARRIET AVE #213/ ST. PAUL MN 55112/ (612) 483-0589/ (612) 376-1143 (WORK) ROBERT A. LAWLER/ MS U2M23/ UNIVAC/ P.O. BOX 3525/ ST. PAUL MN 55165/ (612) 456-3109 LARRY w. SMITH/ 125 RIVER WOODS LN./ BURNSVILLE MN 55337 ROBERT G. LANGE/ MN 11-2120/ HONEYWELL INC./ 600 2ND ST. NE/ HOPKINS MN 55343/ (612) 542-4925 ROSS D. SCHMIDT/ MS MNll-2120/ HONEYWELL INC./ 600 2ND STREET NE/ HOPKINS MN 55343/ (612) 542-6741 GREG KEMNITZ/ 1539 CLARE LANE/ WAYZATA MN 55391/ (612) 473-6123 JON G. KLASEN/ 911 22ND AN. SO. 11375/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404/ (612) 339-4170 RICK L. MARCUS/ 1609 11TH AVE. S./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404/ (612) 339-1638 BELLE P. SHENOY/ MS MN17-3670/ HONEYWELL INC./ 2600 RIDGEWAY ROAD/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413/ (612) 378-5418 ATTN: KHK/ 330 11TH AVE. S.E./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (612) 331-2133 WALT PERKO/ 727 15TH AVE. S.E./ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414/ (612) 331-6984 BOB PETERSON/ 2415 POLK ST. NE/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55418/ (612) 789-2393 JOHN ALSTRUP/ INTERDATA CORP./ 10800 LYNDALE AVE. SOUTH - SUITE 130/ BLOOMINGTON MN 55420/ (612) 884-1757 HUGO MEISSER/ 3021 WISCONSIN AVE. N./ CRYSTAL MN 55427/ (612) 482-3052 DAVID PERLMAN/ 8309 NORTHWOOD PKWY./ NEW HOPE MN 55427/ (612) 546-2154 DAVID L. PETERSON/ 6301 UNITY AVE. NO./ BROOKLYN CTR MN 55429 DANIEL E. GERMANN/ 6813 BROOK DRIVE/ EDINA MN 55435/ (612) 941-1082 JOHN FITZSIMMONS/ 5025 YVONNE TERRACE/ EDINA MN 55436/ (612) 926-8954 DENNIS NICKOLAI/ MNAOZA/ CONTROL DATA CORPORATION/ 5001 W. 80TH ST./ BLOOMINGTON MN 55437/ (612) 830-6903 ATTENTION: BOB JARVIS/ SCH. OF DENTISTRY/CLINICAL SYS. DIV./ 8-440 HEALTH SCIENCE UNIT A/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 (612) 376-4131 KEVIN FJELSTED/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP ENGR/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4181 PAULETTE D. GENES/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ UNIV. OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-5262 SARA K. GRAFFUNDER/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-1637 THEA D. HODGE/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ UNIV OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4599 DAN LALIBERTE/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EXP. ENGR./ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-4181 MICHAEL PRIETULA/ MGMT. SCIENCES DEPT./ 773 BA/ U OF MINNESOTA/ WEST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-7506 STEVEN A. REISMAN/ UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ 227 EX/ UNIV OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-1762 J. B. ROSEN/ 114 LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-0133 TIMOTHY J SALOl UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER/ LAUDERDALE/ U OF MINNESOTA/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 376-5607 G. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER/ C.SCI. DEPT./ 114 LIND HALL/ U OF MINNESOTA/ EAST BANK/ MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455/ (612) 373-7582 ANDY LOPEZ/ COMPUTER CENTER/ U OF ~ITNNESOTA - MORRIS/ MORRIS MN 56267/ (612) 589-1665 X321 R. WARREN JOHNSON/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPo SCI./ MS-149/ ST. CLOUD STATE U/ ST. CLOUD MN 56301/ (612) 255-2147 PAUL J. WOZNIAK/ R. R. 1/ OGEMA MN 56569/ (612) 376-1137 JOHN LUSHBOUGH/ COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ UNIV. OF SOUTH DAKOTA/ VERMILLION SD 57069/ (605) 677-5221 CATHLINE S. HILLEY/ COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIV. OF NORTH DAKOTA/ p.O.BOX 8218 UNIVERSITY STATION/ GRAND FORKS ND 58201/ (701) 777-3171 ROBERT E. NOVAK/ 21 W 551 NORTH AVE. APT. 123/ LOMBARD IL 60148/ (312) 629-3512 STEVEN A. VERE/ 1635 S. MICHIGAN AVE. APT. 307/ VILLA PARK IL 60181/ (312) 627-2965 ARNOLD LAU/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ NORTHWESTERN UNIV./ EVANSTON IL 60201/ (312) 463-2694 ATTENTION: J. M. KNOCK/ BLDG 203-C110/ ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY/ 9700 SOUTH CASS AVENUE/ ARGONNE IL 60439/ (312) 739-7711 TERRY E. WEYMOUTH/ 4702 BEAU BIEN LANE EAST/ LISLE IL 60532 TONY Ctll1IEL/ 3900 WEST 84TH PLACE/ CHICAGO IL 60652 ROBERT D. GUSTAFSON/ SIMULATION SPECIALISTS INC./ 609 WEST STRATFORD PLACE/ CHICAGO IL 60657 JON SINGER/ 1540 W. ROSEMONT #3E/ CHICAGO IL 60660/ (312) 262-8545 ATTENTION: MIKE WILDE - CONSULTING OFF/ COMPUTING SERVICES OFFICE/ 138 DIGITAL COMPUTER LAB/ U OF ILLINOIS/ URBANA IL 61801/ (217) 333-6133 BOB LIDRAL/ 406 EAST GREEN STREET - APT. 104/ URBANA IL 61801/ (217) 367-5372 M. D. MICKUNAS/ 297 DeL/ U OF ILLINOIS/ URBANA IL 61801/ (217) 333-6351 ATTN: L. LAWRIE/ CERL - SOC/ U.S. ARMY/ P.O. BOX 4005/ CHAMPAIGN IL 61820/ (217) 352-6511 PETER DEWOLF/ 310 W. EUREKA/ CHAMPAIGN IL 61820/ (217) 356-1548 (HOME)/ (217) 333-8252 (WORK) MIKE HARRIS/ APT. 4/ 309 WEST EDWARDS/ SPRINGFIELD IL 62704/ (217) 789-7669 (HOME)/ (217) 782-0014 (WORK) ., IT1 to ;;0 = :t> :::0 -< I-' lD ""'-J co 62901 63188 64108 64108 64108 65201 65401 66045 66045 66045 66045 66506 67401 68154 70118 70504 70803 71201 72554 73019 73019 73019 74102 74145 75023 75062 75080 75081 75081 75229 75235 75275 75961 76012 77005 77005 77027 77043 77341 77801 77843 78284 78712 78731 78758 79409 79409 79601 80004 80204 80303 80303 80309 83316 83639 84112 84112 84112 84112 85001 85016 85282 87106 87106 87115 JAMES W. BUTLER/ COMPUTER SERVICES/ WHAM BLDG./ SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV./ CARBONDALE IL 62901/ (618) 453-4361 JOHN K. MCCANDLISS/ ATTN: DRXAL-TF(JOHN K. MCCANDLISS)/ ALMS A/ P.O. BOX 1578/ ST. LOUIS MO 63188/ (314) 268-5361/ (314) 268-5362 LARRY D. LANDIS/ UNITED COMPUTING SYSTEMS/ 2525 WASHINGTON/ KANSAS CITY MO 64108/ (816) 942-6063 JEFFERY M. RAZAFSKY/ UNITED COMPUTING SYSTEMS INC./ 500 W. 26TH STREET/ KANSAS CITY MO 64108/ (816) 221-9700 ROBERT R. TEISBERG/ UNITED COMPUTING SYSTEMS/ 2525 WASHINGTON/ KANSAS CITY MO 64108/ (816) 221-9700 X431 DIANE L. KRAMER/ CAMPUS COMPUTING CENTER/ UNIV. OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA/ 100 LEFEVRE/ COLUMBIA MO 65201/ (314) 882-6382 HOWARD D. PYRON/ 312 MATH - COMPo SCIENCE/ UNIV OF MISSOURI - ROLLA/ ROLLA MO 65401/ (314) 341-4495 JIM ARNOLD/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ 18 STRONG HALL/ KANSAS UNIV./ LAWRENCE KS 66045/ (913) 864-4482 CHARLES J. BANGERT/ ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS/ P.O. DRAWER 2007/ LAWRENCE KS 66045/ (913) 864-4291 STEVEN S. MUCHNICK/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ 18 STRONG HALL/ UNIV OF KANSAS/ LAWRENCE KS 66045/ (913) 864-4482 GREGORY F. WETZEL/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPo SCI./ 18 STRONG HALL/ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS/ LAWRENCE KS 66045/ (913) 864-4482 ALAN E. SKIDMORE/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ KANSAS STATE UNIV./ MANHATTAN KS 66506/ (913) 532-6350 KEARNEY HILL/ 857 NAVAJO/ SALINA KS 67401/ (913) 825-2971 JERRY L. RAY/ 4540 SOUTH 84TH STREET/ OMAHA NE 68154/ (402) 592-3520 DANIEL B. KILLEEN/ COMPUTER LAB/ RICHARDSON BLDG./ TULANE UNIVERSITY/ 6823 ST. CHARLES AVE/ NEW ORLEANS LA 70118/ (504) 865-5631 DAVID LANDSKOV/ UNIV OF SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA/ USL BOX 4-4154/ LAFAYETTE LA 70504/ (318) 233-7949 K. P. LEE/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI./ 102 NICHOLSON/ LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY/ BATON ROUGE LA 70803/ (504) 388-1495 KENNETH R. DUCKWORTH/ FORD BACON AND DAVIS/ 3901 JACKSON STREE T/ MONROE LA 71201 DAN REED/ BOX 22/ MAMMlTH SPRING AR 72554 RICHARD V. ANDREE/ MATH DEPT./ UNIV OF OKLAHOMA/ NORMAN OK 73019/ (405) 325-3410 R. A. MORRIS/ MATH DEPT/ UNIV OF OKLAHOMA/ NORMAN OK 73019/ (405) 325-3391 JAMES D. WHITE/ COMPUTING SERVICES/ UNIV. OF OKLAHOMA/ 1610 NEWTON DRIVE/ NORMAN OK 73019/ (405) 325-1882 KENNETH R. DRIESSEL/ AMOCO RESEARCH/ P.O. BOX 591/ TULSA OK 74102 CONRAD SUECHTING/ DATA GENERAL CORP./ 9726 E. 42ND ST. SUITE 200/ TULSA OK 74145 ROGER R. BATE/ 3428 MISSION RIDGE/ PLANO TX 75023/ (214) 238-3 052 GRANT COLVIN/ MANAGEMENT SHARES INC./ 2121 WEST AIRPORT FREEWAY - SUITE 660/ IRVING TX 75062/ (214) 255-7121 E. J. SAMMONS/ M/S 406-246/ ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL/ 1200 N. ALMA/ RICHARDSON TX 75080/ (214) 690-5802 FRANK DUNN/ 1912 E. SPRING VALLEY ROAD/ RICHARDSON TX 75081/ (214) 231-3423 GEORGE LIGLER/ 626 GOODWIN DR./ RICHARDSON TX 75081/ (214) 238-5311 DAVID E. BREEDING/ HARRIS DATA COHN DIV/ 11262 INDIAN TRAIL/ DALLAS TX 75229/ (214) 620-4294 W. J. PERVIN/ REGIONAL COMPUTER CENTER/ UNIV. OF TEXAS-DALLAS/ 5601 MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE/ DALLAS TX 75235/ (214) 688-2383 JANET TAYLOR/ USER SERVICES/ COMPUTER CENTER/ SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY/ P.O. BOX 262/ DALLAS TX 75275/ (214) 692-2900 JESSE D. MIXON/ DEPT. OF ACCOUNTING/ STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIV/ P.O. BOX 3005 SFA STATION/ NACOGDOCHES TX 75961/ (713) 569-3105/ 569-2508 ROSS F. HOUSHOLDER/ 1725 BROOKS DRIVE/ ARLINGTON TX 76012/ (817) 461-1149 JOHNNIE BUZEK JR./ SOFTWARE RESOURCES/ P.O. BOX 25210/ HOUSTON TX 77005/ (713) 521-0366 THOMAS E. SHIELDS/ SOFTWARE RESOURCES/ 2715 BISSONNET _ SUITE 212/ HOUSTON TX 77005/ (713) 521-0366 CHARLES L. HETHCOAT 111/ C/O PIPELINE TECHNOLOGISTS INC./ 5251 WESTHElMER P.O. BOX 22146/ HOUSTON TX 77027/ (713) 622-3456 X334 (WORK) (713) 626-7737 (HOME) JOHN EARL CRIDER/ 2918 KEVIN LANE/ HOUSTON TX 77043/ (713) 241- 4501 EASTON BEYMER/ SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIV./ P.O. BOX 2821/ HUNTSVILLE TX 77341 CHARLES MATTAIR/ AGENCY RECORDS CONTROL/ P.O. BOX 1009/ BRYAN TX 77801/ (713) 693-6122 X253 uno POOCH/ INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPT./ TEXAS A & M UNIV./ COLLEGE ST4TIO TX 77843/ (713) 845-5531 MIKE GREEN/ DATAPOINT CORPORATION/ 9725 DATAPOINT DRIVE/ SAN ANTONIO TX 78284/ (512) 699-7345 TOM KEEL/ COMPUTATION CENTER/ UNIV. OF TEXAS - AUSTIN/ AUSTIN TX 78712/ (512) 471-3242 DAVID W. HOGAN/ 4312 FAR WEST BLVD/ AUSTIN TX 78731/ (512) 258-7837 WILLIAM L. COHAGAN/ SUITE 211/ S/B/P &.C ASSOCIATES/ 8705 SHOAL CREEK BLVD./ AUSTIN TX 78758/ (512) 458-2276 ATTN: COMPUTER CENTER/ TEXAS TECH UNIV./ P.O. BOX 4519/ LUBBOCK TX 79409 LEONARD H. WEINER/ DEPT. OF MATH AND COMPo SCI./ TEXAS TECH. UNIV/ P.O. BOX 4319/ LUBBOCK TX 79409/ (806) 742-2571 JOHN TUCKER/ 628 E. N. 16TH ST. / ABILENE TX 79601/ (915) 698-1 605 RAYNER K. ROSICH/ 7031 PIERSON ST./ ARVADA CO 80004/ (303) 499-1000 X3109 (WORK)/ (303) 421-0425 (HOME) GERHARDT C. CLEMENTSON/ DEPT. OF COMPo AND MGMT SCIENCE/ METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE/ 1006 11TH STREET BOX 13/ DENVER CO 80204/ (303) 629-3009 P. K. GOVIND/ 850 WEST MOORHEAD CIRCLE - APT. 2-L/ BOULDER CO 80303 R. KEITH NICKEY/ 3580 EVERETT DRIVE/ BOULDER CO 80303/ (303) 494-2847 WILLIAM M. WAITE/ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPT./ SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP/ UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO/ BOULDER CO 80309/ (303) 492-7204 GEORGE W. ANTHONY/ ANTHONY FARMS/ BOX 632/ BURL ID 83316/ (208) 326-5703/ (208) 543-5233 JAY WOODS/ BOX 297/ MARSING ID 83639/ (208) 896-4462 ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT/ 3160 MEB/ UNIV OF UTAH/ SAL T LAKE CITY UT 84112/ (801) 581-8224 MIKE LEMON/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ 3160 MEBI UNIVERSITY OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CITY UT 84112/ (801) 581-8378 GARY LINDSTROM/ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT./ UNIV OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE CITY UT 84112/ (801) 581-8224 ED SHARP/ COMPUTER CENTER/ 3116 M.E.B./ U OF UTAH/ SALT LAKE .CITY UT 84112/ (801) 581-6575 RICHARD M. WILSON/ BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS/ ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL/ P.O. BOX 2071/ PHOENIX AZ 85001/ (602) 277-6611 X3257 ROBERT FULKS/ SUITE 253/ OMNICOMP INC./ 5150 N. 16TH ST./ PHOENIX AZ 85016/ (602) 264-2475 KIRK D. THOMPSON/ 2321 EAST LOYOLA DRIVE/ TEMPE AZ 85282/ (602) 965-3716(WORK) DAVE PEERCY/ BDM CORP./ 2600 YALE BLVD. SEt ALBUQUERQUE NM 87106 BOB WALSH/ 817 LAFAYETTE DR. NE/ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87106/ (505) 268-1654 BRUCE LINK/ DIVISION 1712/ SANDIA LABORATORIES/ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87115/ (505) 264-1281 ., J'T1 t:rI :;;0 = :l> :;;0 -< ....... 1.0 ......... CO 87115 88003 88047 89154 90007 90007 90020 90036 90066 90250 90266 90274 90278 90278 90278 90278 90402 90403 90405 90406 90501 90733 90801 90803 91101 91101 91104 91126 91203 91307 91330 91342 91360 91367 91405 91601 91604 91711 91775 92014 92093 92093 92110 92127 92152 92324 92335 92507 92626 92627 92634 92634 92644 92646 92669 92680 92680 92704 92704 92705 92713 92713 92714 92714 92714 92714 NANCY RUIZ/ ORG. 5166/ SANDIA LABS/ ALBUQUERQUE NM 87115/ (505) 264-3690 JOSEPH EINWECK/ COMPUTER CENTER/ NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY/ BOX 3AT/ LAS CRUCES NM 88003/ (505) 646-1443 JOHN TUCKER/ P.o. BOX 2122/ MESILLA PARK NM 88047/ (505) 526-5544 X64 JOHN WERTH/ DEPT. OF MATH/ UNIV OF NEVADA - LAS VEGAS! LAS VEGAS NV 89154/ (702) 739-3567 PER BRINCH HANSENj COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT.! UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! UNIVERSITY PARK! LOS ANGELES CA 90007! (213) 741-5501 JORGEN STAUNSTRUP! COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT.! UNIV. OF SOUTHERN cALIFORNIA! UNIVERSITY PARK! LOS ANGELES CA 90007/ (213) 741-5501 KENNETH YOUNG! 3311 WEST 3RD ST. APT. 1-319/ LOS ANGELES CA 90020/ (213) 383-9666 WILLIAM MOSKOWITZ! INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT GROUP! CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY! 5670 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD/ LOS ANGELES CA 90036/ (213) 852-5789 LEROY E. NELSON/ 11925 AVON WAY/ LOS ANGELES CA 90066! (213) 397-7390 CHARLES SISKA JR.! TRW DATA SYSTEMS/ 12911 SIMMS AVENUE! HAWTHORNE CA 90250! (213) 535-3777 HERBERT E. MORRISON/ 1257 2ND STREET! MANHATTAN BEAC CA 90266 JIM HIGHTOWER! 4947 BROWNDEER LANE/ RANCHO PALOS V CA 90274! (213) 541-4662 JAMES L. AGIN/ 2178 BLD. 90! TRW-DSSG! ONE SPACE PARK! REDONDO BEACH CA 90278/ (213) 535-0313 JOHN R. DEALY! BLDG. R3!1072! TRW DSSG! ONE SPACE PARK/ REDONDO BEACH CA 90278/ (213) 535-0833 WILEY GREINER! 90!2178! TRW DSSG! ONE SPACE PARK/ REDONDO BEAC H CA 90278/ (2l3) 535-03l3 ROGER A. VOSSLER! BLDG. 90-2178! TRW!DSSG! ONE SPACE PARK! REDONDO BEACH CA 90278! (213) 535-0312 WILLIAM S. COOKE! 503 22ND STREET! SANTA MONICA CA 90402! (223) 451-2615 MICHAEL TEENER! TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CORP.! 2811 WILSHIRE BLVD./ SANTA MONICA CA 90403/ (2l3) 829-7411 X244 TERRY J. LAYMAN/ 2039 4TH ST. #106! SANTA MONICA CA 90405! (213) 357-2121 X279 ATTN: ELAINE DENTON (41-41)! SOFTWARE INFORMATION SERVICES! SY STEM DEVELOPMENT CORP./ 2500 COLORADO AVE./ SANTA MONICA CA 90406 WILLIAM E. FISHER! 2074 SANTA FE AVENUE! TORRANCE CA 90501! (2 13) 328-7193 PAUL RUSSELL/ LOGICON INC.! 255 WEST 5TH ST. P.O. BOX 471/ SAN PEDRO CA 90733/ (213) 831-0611 DAVE SKINNER! COMMUNICATION MFG. COMPANY/ P.O. BOX 2708! LONG BEACH CA 90801! (213) 426-8345 STEVEN L. BRECHER/ 5235 MARINA PACIFICA DR. NORTH KEY 19! LONG BEACH CA 90803 GURUPREM SINGH KHALSA! BYTE SHOP OF PASADENA! 496 SOUTH LAKE A VENUE! PASADENA CA 91101! (213) 684-3311 E. E. SIMMONS/ 455 SOUTH OAKLANU AVE! PASADENA CA 91101/ (213) 687-7047 MILAN KARSPECK! 1149 NORTH MICHIGAN! PASADENA CA 91104 LARRY SEILER/ 1-55 RUDDOCK! CALIFORNIA INST. OF TECHNOLOGY/ PA SADENA CA 91126/ (2l3) 449-9886 RICHARD DIEVENDORFF/ DEPARTMENT 84F! IBM/ 620 NORTH BRAND BLVD .! GLENDALE CA 91203 RHODA P. NOVAK/ 6736 RANDlWOOD LANE/ CANOGA PARK CA 91307! (213) 346-1135 JOHN M. MOTIL/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ CALIFORNIA STATE UNI V.! NORTHRIDGE 'CA 91330! (2l3) 885-2193 STERLING WILSON! 1162t, RINCON AVE./ SYLMAR CA 91342 PAULO S. CASTILLO JR.! 385 QUEENSBURY ST.! THOUSAND OAKS CA 91 360! (213) 670-1515 X3100 GEORGE MASSAR/ 6225-102 SHOUP AVE./ WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367! (213) 346-1883! (213) 970-5021 (NORTHROP) L. F. MELLINGER! 13622 HART ST.! VAN NUYS CA 91405! (213) 354- 2505 LARRY ROBERTSON! 5651 CASE AVE./ N. HOLLYWOOD CA 91601! (213) 762-8068 JERRY POURNELLE/ 12051 LAUREL TERRACE DRIVE! STUDIO CITY CA 91604/ (213) 762-2256 STANLEY E. LUNDE! 890 HOOD DRIVE/ CLAREMONT CA 91711! (714) 626~9977 TOM GREER! 224 N. ALABAMA ST./ SAN GABRIEL CA 91775/ (2l3) 286 -8226 JOEL MCCORMACK/ 507 CAMINO DEL MAR! DEL MAR CA 92014/ (714) 75 5-8135 KEN BOWLES! APIS DEPT./ C-021/ U OF CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO! LA JOLLA CA 92093/ (714) 755-7288! 452-4526 BOB HOFKIN/ APIS DEPT. C-014! UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO! LA JOLLA CA 92093 BILL VELMAN/ SCHOOL OF LAW! UNIV. OF SAN DIEGO! ALCALA PARK/ S AN DIEGO CA 92110/ (714) 291-6480 WALT FEESER! MS 401/ BURROUGHS CORP./ 16701 W. BERNARDO DR.! S AN DIEGO CA 92127 MICHAEL S. BALL! CODE 632/ NAVAL OCEAN SYSTEMS CENTER! SAN DIEGO CA 92152! (714) 225-2365 DAVID H. WELCH! P.O. BOX 721! COLTON CA 92324 WALLY SCHNITGER! C/O INSTRUlIENT RESEARCH CO.! P.O. BOX 666! FO NTANA CA 92335/ (714) 546-4474 JOHN DE PILLIS! 2931 WALDORF DRIVE/ RIVERSIDE CA 92507! (714) 686-0534 (HOME)! (714) 787-5002 (WORK) ATTN: A. S. WILLIAMS - LIBRARIAN! LIBRARY! TECHNOLOGY MARKETING INC.! 3170 RED HILL AVE.! COSTA MESA CA 92626/ (714) 979-1100 TIll LOWERY! 2653 SANTA ANA AVE.! COSTA MESA CA 92627 WALTER R. RYPER/ BLDG 604 M!S E212! HUGHES - GSG! P.O. BOX 3310! FULLERTON CA 92634! (714) 871-3232 X3318 SEYMOUR SINGER/ BLDG 606/M.S. K110! HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO.! P.O. BOX 3310! FULLERTON CA 92634! (714) 871-3232 X1167 lIARK JUNGWIRTH! 13318 NEWLAND ST! GARDEN GROVE CA 92644 BARcLAY R. KNERR! 9061 CHRISTINE DRIVE! HUNTINGTON BCH CA 9264 6 TED SHAPIN! 5110 E. ELSINORE AV.! ORANGE CA 92669! (714) 633-0922 ROBERT W. ANDERSON! 345 W. FIRST APT 38! TUSTIN CA 92680 GARY DUNCAN! P.O. BOX 930! TUSTIN CA 92680 DAVID C. FITZGERALD! CONTROL DATA CORP.! 3519 W. WARNER AVE.! SANTA ANA CA 92704! (714) 754-4244 JIM FONTANA! CONTROL DATA CORPORATION! 3519 W. WARNER AVE.! SANTA ANA CA 92704! (714) 754-4244 lIARK M. SCHNEGG! PERTEC COMPUTER CORP.! 17112 ARMSTRONG AVE./ IRVINE CA 92705! (714) 540-8340 RUDY L. FOLDEN/ OPERATING SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT! P.O. BOX C-1950 4! SPERRY UNIVAC! 2722 MICHELSON DRIVE/ IRVINE CA 92713! (714) 833-2400 BOB HUTCHINS! COMPUTER AUTOMATION INC./ 18651 VON KARMAN/ IRVINE CA 92713/ (714) 833-8830 X335 ALEX BRADLEY/ STANDARD SOFTWARE SYSTEMS/ 17931 'J' SKY PARK/ IRVINE CA 92714 WILLIAM E. DROBISH/ ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT/ SILICON SYSTEMS INC. / 16692 HALE AVENUE! IRVINE CA 92714! (714) 979-0941 PAUL KELLY/ EDUCATIONAL DATA SYSTEMS/ 1682 LANGLEY AVENUE/ IRV INE CA 92714/ (714) 556-4242 JOHN S. CONERY! PERTEC COMPUTER CORP.! 17112 ARMSTRONG AVE.! SANTA ANA CA 92714! (714) 540-8340 -0 :P (/) n :t:> r = fT1 ::;: en ~ f--' f--' -< ~ :> Gl [11 N V1 92715 92803 92807 93017 93105 93111 93407 94010 94022 94025 94035 94086 94086 94086 94086 94088 94109 94112 94301 94303 94304 94304 94306 94404 94521 94546 94550 94563 94611 94701 94701 94702 94704 94707 94708 94709 94720 94720 94801 94804 94901 95005 95014 95014 95014 95030 95030 95035 95050 95050 95051 95051 95064 95120 95131 95133 95153 95404. 95521 97077 97077 97077 97077 97077 97077 97201 WILLIAM J. EM!.L/ 10 BANYAN TREE LANE/ IRVINE CA 92715/ (714) 552-1543 C. L. HORNEY/ MICROELECTRONIC DEVICE DIV./ D/832-RC27/ ROCKWEL L INTERNATIONAL/ P.O. BOX 3669/ ANAHEUI CA 92803 DAN MARCUS/ GTE INFORMATION SYSTEMS/ 5300 E. LA PALMA AVE./ ANAHEIM CA 92807/ (714) 524-3131 BILL DODSON/ BURROUGHS CORP./ 6300 HOLLISTER/ GOLETA GA 93017/ (805) 964-6881 DENNIS R. AU·STIN/ 26 WEST JUNIPERO STREET/ SANTA BARBARA CA 93105/ (805) 962-7320 ANDY HARRINGTON/ 72 SOUTH PATTERSON #207/ SANTA BARBARA CA 93111/ (805) 964-6881 (WORK)/ (805) 967-4235 (HOME) NEIL W. WEBRE/ DEPT. OF COMPo SCI. AND STAT./ CALIF. POLY. STATE UNIV./ SAN LUIS OBISP CA 93407/ (805) 546-2986 D. B. ANDERSON/ 280 BELLA VISTA DRIVE/ HILLSBOROUGH CA 94010 ATTN: NEWBERRY MICROSYSTEMS/ 24225 SUMMERHILL AVE/ LOS ALTOS CA 94022/ (415) 948-8007 BOB ALBRECHT/ DYMAX/ P.O. BOX 310/ MENLO PARK CA 94025/ (415) 323-6117 CARL S. ROSENBERG/ AMES RESEARCH CENTER/ MAIL STOP 239-19/ MOFFETT FIELD CA 94035/ (415) 965-6436 (WORK)/ (415) 967-7000 (HOME) GEORGE LEWIS/ R & D/ BASIC TIMESHARING INC./ 870 WEST MAUDE AV ENUE/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 733-1122 FLEMING M. OLIVER/ 213 WEDDELL - APT. 12/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 734-8771 GERALD STEINBACK/ SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING/ SIGNETICS CORP./ 811 EA ST ARQUES AVE./ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 739-7700 X2055 ANDREW HARRIS ZI~lliRMAN/ 550 NORTH FAIR OAKS AVE. APT. 14/ SUNNYVALE CA 94086/ (408) 732-8109 ROY E. BOLLINGER/ DEPT. 1965/ BLD 529/ LOCKHEED/ P.O. BOX 504/ SUNNYVALE CA 94088/ (408) 742-3182 ERIC SMALL/ ERIC SMALL AND ASSOCIATES/ 680 BEACH STREET/ SAN FRANCISCO CA 94109/ (415) 441-0666 TURNEY C. STEWARD/ 201 DRAKE ST./ SAN FRANCISCO CA 94112 JAN DEDEK/ 505 LOWELL AVE./ PALO ALTO CA 94301/ (415) 321-9298 C. E. DUNCAN/ 865 THORNWOOD DRIVE/ PALO ALTO CA 94303 LINDA E. CROLEY/ BNR INC./ 3174 PORTER DR./ PALO ALTO CA 94304/ (415) 494-3942 X40 OR 61 ROBERT A. FRALEY/ HEWLETT PACKARD LABS/ 3500 DEER CREEK RD./ pALO ALTO CA 94304/ (415) 494-1444 DAVID ELLIOT SHAWl SUITE 605/ STRUCTURED SYSTEMS CORPORATION/ 2600 EL CAMINO REAL/ PALO ALTO CA 94306/ (415) 321-8111 BRUCE BARRETT/930 LIDO LANE/ FOSTER CITY CA 94404/ (415) 349- 8724 PAUL GODFREY/ 5545 MARYLAND DR./ CONCORD CA 94521 DAVID F. FRICK/ 5964 HIGHWOOD RD./ CASTRO VALLEY CA 94546/ (415) 537-9536 S. T. HEIDELBERG/ DIVISION 8323/ SANDIA LABORATORIES/ LIVERMOR E CA 94550/ (415) 455-2179 DAVID CLINGERMAN/ 63 LOST VALLEY DRIVE/ ORINDA CA 94563/ (415) 834-3030 ROBERT C. NICKERSON/ 6966 COLTON BLVD/ OAKLAND CA 94611 JOSEPH N. JOHNSON/ P.O. BOX 92/ BERKELEY CA 94701 JOHN P. MCGINITIE/ P.O. BOX 655/ BERKELEY CA 94701 TIMOTHY DAVID MCCREERY/ P.O. BOX 2423/ BERKELEY CA 94702/ (415) 527-2774 MARK ZIMMER/ #10 2750 DWIGHT AVE/ BERKELEY CA 94704 DAVE BAASCH/lOll FOUNTAIN WALK/ BERKELEY CA94707/ (415) 525- 3458 MAURICE MCEVOY/ 1212 QUEEN'S ROAD/ BERKELEY CA 94708/ (415) 843-8260 PETER LINHARDT/ 1890 ARCH STREET - APT. 202/ BERKELEY CA 94709/ (415) 841-6917 ATTN: LIBRARY/ LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB/ 134 BLDG 50/ UNIV OF CAL IFORNIA/ BERKELEY CA 94720 WILLETT KEMPTON/ LANGUAGE BEHAVIOR RESEARCH LAB/ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/ 2220 PIEDMONT AVE./ BERKELEY CA 94720 HARRY R. CHESLEY/ 400 WEST RICHMOND/ POINT RICHMOND CA 94801/ (415) 233-8220 CARROLL E. BUTTERFIELD/ ELECTRONICS DIVISION/ BADGER METER INC./ 150 EAST STANDARD AVENDE/ RICHMOND CA 94804/ (415) 233-8220 ERNEST w. JONES/59 BILLOU STREET/ SAN RAFAEL CA 94901 WARREN VAN CAMP/ 485 PARK DR./ BEN LOMOND CA 95005/ (408) 336- 5654 ATTN: ENGINEERING LIBRARY/ FOUR-PHASE SYSTEMS INC./ 10700 NORTH DE ANZA BLVD./ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 255-0900 X2694 ARDON R. CORDI DATREX CORP./ 21050 MCCLELLAN ROAD - SUITE 1/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 996-2551 BOB PUETTE/ DATA SYSTEMS DIVISION/ HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. / 11000 WOLFE ROAD/ CUPERTINO CA 95014/ (408) 257-7000 STAN HEAD/ 19270 RAINERI LANE/ LOS GATOS CA 95030/ (408) 353-3055 TERRY THOMAS/ 24740 MILLER HILL RD./ LOS GATOS CA 95030/ (415) 965-6436 ROB MEANS/ 1421 YELLOWSTONE/ MILPITAS CA 95035/ (408) 262-0420 JOHN DENNIS COUCH/ GSD/ HEWLETT-PACKARD/ 5303 STEVENS CREEK BLVD./ SANTA CLARA CA 95050/ (408) 249-7020 X2949 E. HAROLD WILLIAMS/ SYSCOM/ 3058-B SCOTT BLVD./ SANTA CLARA CA 95050/ (408) 246-2437 JOHN DOERR/ INTEL CORPORATION MCD/ 3065 BOWERS AVENUE/ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 987-7351 R. STEVEN GLANVILLE/ 100 BUCKINGHAM DR. APT 238/ SANTA CLARA CA 95051/ (408) 241-6294 MICHAEL FAY/ INFORMATION SCI. DEPT./ UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA - SANTA CRUZ/ SANTA CRUZ CA 95064/ (408) 429-4043 THOMAS A. ROLANDER/ 21950 MCKEAN ROAD/ SAN JOSE CA 95120/ (408) 378-2014 D. H. SPRINGER/ COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIVISION/ ANDERSON JACOBSON INC./ 521 CHARCOT AVENUE/ SAN JOSE CA 95131/ (408) 263-8520 JOHN H. SpANTON/ 2351 RAVINE DRIVE/ SAN JOSE CA 95133/ (408) 734-7145 TOM PITTMAN/ ITTY BITTY COMPUTERS/ P.O. BOX 23189/ SAN JOSE CA 95153 GARY LOWELL/ 2625 HIDDEN VALLEY/ SANTA ROSA CA 95404/ (707) 544-6373 ATTN: DIRECTOR / INST. RESEARCH/ ADP/ HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY/ ARCATA CA 95521 , ATTN: MANUFACTURING COMPUTER GROUP/ DS 60-171/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 638-3411 X2710 TERRY HAMM/ M.S. 60-456/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 638-3411 X2579 RANDY HODNETT/ MS 39-007/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 644-0161 GREG JOHNS/ MS 39-007/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 644-0161 LYNN SAUNDERS/ MS 39-135/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 644-0161 X6640 WAYNE VYROSTEK/ MS 74-329/ TEKTRONIX INC./ P.O. BOX 500/ BEAVERTON OR 97077/ (503) 644-0161 ROBERT D. PERRY JR./ 255 SW HARRISON ST. APT. 5-D/ PORTLAND OR 97201/ (503) 222-6654 -0 ::I> (/) n , :> z fT1 ~ (/) ~ I-' i--' = f~ CO 'J c:o N en 97213 97221 97229 97330 97330 97401 97440 98008 98033 98040 98043 98109 98195 98225 98401 98632 98926 99210 99258 2006 2006 2006 2308 2308 2308 2600 3000 AUSTRALIA AUSTRAL IA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 3052 3052 3072 3165 4001 4067 5001 5063 5098 6102 7001 A-1040 A-1150 B-1050 B-1170 B-1180 H3C 3J7 H3S lJ6, K1S 5B6 K2A 1T2 L4W ITO L5N 1KT L5N 1KT L5N 1K7 M4B 2E5 M4N 1M M4Y 1P9 M5P 2C3 M5S 1A4 M9W 5R8 N2J 4H2 N2L 3G1 N2L 3G1 N6A 4N5 QUEBEC AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRAL IA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA , V6T 1W5 CANADA V6X 2Z9 CANADA BRIAN HANSEN! 2426 N.E. 57TH AVE. APT #3! PORTLAND OR 97213! ( 503) 284-3537 ATTN: OREGON MINI-COMPUTER SOFTWARE IN! 4015 SW CANYON ROAD! PORTLAND OR 97221! (S03) 226-7760 DAVID ROWLAND! ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES! 13900 N.W. SCIEN CE PARK DRIVE! PORTLAND OR 97229! (503) 641-4141 DAVID F. CAUTLEY! DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! GENERAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC.! 983 N.W. SPRUCE ST.! CORVALLIS OR 97330! (503) 754-1171 GARY OLIVER! P.O. BOX 826! CORVALLIS OR 97330! (503) 753-1770 H. MARC LEWIS! REGIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS! 125 E 8TH! EUGENE OR 97401! (503) 687-4559 KENT LOOBEY! FARWEST STEEL CORP.! P.O. BOX 889! EUGENE OR 9744 O! (503) 686-2000 KEITH MITCHELL! 16213 SE 28 PL! BELLEVUE WA 98008 KENNETH E. CHARLTON! 12929 1 11TH PLACE N.E.! KIRKLAND WA 98033! (206) 822-9348 DONNAFAYE FINGER! 4108 78TH AVE SE! MERCER ISLAND WA 98040! (2 06) 232-2428 GARY S. ANDERSON! JOHN FLUKE MFG. CO. INC.! P.O. BOX 43210 - M.S. 29! MOUNTLAKE TERR WA 98043! (206) 774-2296 PETER A. ARMSTRONG! DIGITAL DATA SYSTEMS! 1113 DEXTER AVE. N.! SEATTLE WA 98109! (206) 282-2323 HELLMUT GOLDE! DEPT. OF COMPo SCI.! FR-35! U OF WASHINGTON! SEATTLE WA 98195! (206) 543-9264 ROBERT B. FINCH! 910 N. LAKE SAMISH DR.-APT. 30! BELLINGHAM WA 98225! (206) 734-0781 ATTN: ENGINEERING LIBRARY! PT 1-14! WEYERHAUSER CO.! TACOMA WA 98401! (206) 572-9000 X495 BUZZ HILL! EYEDENTIFY INC.! P.O. BOX 2006! LONGVIEW WA 98632! (206) 423-3281 F. STANLEY! COMPUTER SERVICES! CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIV.! ELLENBURG WA 98926 FRED J. MILLER! BUSINESS COMPUTER SYSTEMS! DATACOMP! P.O. BOX 1087! SPOKANE WA 99210! (509) 456-6908 HOUSTON P. LOWRY! GONZAGA UNIVERSITY! STDDENT BOX 816! SPOKANE WA 99258 TONY J. GERBER! BASSER DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY! SYDNEY N.S.W. 2006! AUSTRALIA! 6923216 CARROLL MORGAN! BASSER DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! UNIV. OF SYDNEY! SYDNEY N.S.W. 2006! AUSTRALIA! 692 3216 BRIAN G. ROWSWELL! UNIVERSITY COMPUTING CENTRE H08! UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY! SYDNEY N.S.W. 2006! AUSTRALIA! (02) 692-3491 ATTN: SERIALS DEPARTMENT! AUCHMUTY LIBRARY! UNIVERSITY OF NEWC ASTLE! NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2308! AUSTRALIA! 685391 J. A. CAMPBELL! MATHEMATICS DEPT.! UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE! NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2308! AUSTRALIA! 685 657 P. SIMON! DEPT OF MATHEMATICS! UNIV. OF NEWCASTLE! NEWCASTLE N .S.W. 2308! AUSTRALIA N. D. H. HAMMOND! FLEET MAINTENANCE! NAVY OFFICE OF UNDERWATER WEAPONS! CANBERRA A.C.T. 2600! AUSTRALIA Q. VAN ABBE! COMPUTER CENTRE! ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITDTE OF TEC HNOLOG! 124 LATROBE STREET! MELBOURNE VICTORIA 3000! AUSTRALIA! (03) 341-2467 (03) 341-2292 ATTN: LIBRARIAN! SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES! RICHARD BERRy BUILDING! UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE! PARKVILLE VICTORIA 3052! AUSTRALIA PETER RICHARDSON! COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT.! UNIV. OF MELBOURNE! PARKVILLE VICTORIA 3052! AUSTRALIA! (03) 3415225 M. RAHILLY! 2 RITA STREET! EAST PRESTON VICTORIA 3072! AUSTRAL IA GEOFFREY A. CLEAVE! 18 NEIL COURT! E. BENTLEIGH VICTORIA 3165! AUSTRALIA W. J. G. FISHER! QUEENSLAND INST. OF TECHNOLOGY! G.P.O. BOX 2434! BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4001! AUSTRALIA! 221-2411 X423 D. B. JOHNSTON! DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! UNIV. OF QUEENSLAND! ST. LUCIA QUEENSLAND 4067! AUSTRALIA! 07!3706930 B. KIDMAN! DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE! GPO BOX 498! ADELAIDE S.A. 5001! AUSTRALIA! 223 4333 I. N. BLAVINS! 40 WOODFIELD AVENUE! FULLARTON S.A. 5063! AUSTRALIA CHRIS A. RUSBRIDGE! SAENET! SOUTH AUSTRALIA INSTITDTE OF TECHNOLOG! P.O. BOX I! INGLE FARM S.A. 5098! AUSTRALIA! AUSTRALIA 08-260-2055 D. P. HODGSON! DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER STUD! WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INSTITDTE OF TECHNO! HAYMAN ROAD! SOUTH BENTLEY W.A. 6102! AUSTRALIA A. H. J. SALE! DEPT. OF INFORMATION SCIENCE! UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA! BOX 252C! HOBART TASMANIA 7001! AUSTRALIA! (002) 23 0561 ATTN: INST. FUER INFORMATIONSSYSTEME! TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT WlEN! WIEN A-1040! AUSTRIA KONRAD MAYER! REICHSAPFELG 13!8! VIENNAA-1150! AUSTRIA! (02254) 201 781 o. BEAUFAYS! MATHEMATIQUES APPLIQUEES! C P I 165! UNIVERSITE L IBRE DE BRUXELLES! AVENUE F.-D. ROOSEVELT 50! BRUXELLES B-10S0! BELGIUM ALAIN PIROTTE! MBLE!RESEARCH LABORATORY! AVENUE EM. VAN BECELAERE 2! BRUSSELS B-1170! BELGIUM! 673.41.90! 673.41.99 MARTINE DE GERLACHE! CENTRE DE CALUL! INSTITDTE ROYAL METEOROLOGIQUE! 3 AVENUE CIRCULAIRE! BRUXELLES B-1180! BELGIUM PATRICK WARD! CENTRE DE CALCULI UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL! C.P. 6 128! MONTREAL QUEBEC H3C 3J7! CANADA! (514) 343-6866 FRANCOIS PINARD! 2780 BARCLAY - APPARTEMENT I! MONTREAL QUEBEC H3S lJ6! CANADA! (514) 342-3450 DAVID A. THOMAS! COMPUTING SERVICES! 401 ADMIN. BLDG.! CARLETON UNIV.! OTTAWA ONTARIO K1S 5B6! CANADA! (613) 231-6770 F. S. WINTERSPRING! P.O. BOX 6115 STATION J! OTTAWA ONTARIO K2A 1T2! CANADA CARLO LOCICERO! 3501 GLEN ERIN DRIVE #401! HISSISSAUGA ONTARIO L4W ITO! CANADA! (416) 826-8640 PETER HAYNES! CONTROL DATA CANADA LTD.! 1855 MINNESOTA COURT-STREETSVILLE! MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO L5N 1KT! CANADA! (416) 826-8640 X238 DAVID JONES! CONTROL DATA CANADA LTD.! 1855 MINNESOTA COURT-STREETSVILLE! MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO LSN 1KT! CANADA! (416) 826-8640 X262 HENRY MCGILTON! CONTROL DATA CANADA! 1855 MINNESOTA COURT! MIS SISSAUGA ONTARIO L5N 1K7! CANADA! (416) 826-8640 X295 MARK GREEN! #1001 - 390 DAWES ROAD! TORONTO ONTARIO M4B 2E5! CANADA! (416) 755-8607 NORMAN A. JULL! 56A BLYTHWOOD ROAD! TORONTO ONTARIO M4N 1M! CANADA RON BAECKER! HUMAN COMPUTING RESOURCES! 10 ST. MARY STREET SUITE 401! TORONTO ONTARIO M4Y 1P9! CANADA! (416) 922-1937 ROBERIO DIAS! 134 COLIN AVE.! TORONTO ONTARIO MSP 2C3! CANADA LEONARD VANEK! ,COMPUTER SYSTEMS RESEARCH GROUP! SANFORD FLEMIN G BLDG! UNIV. OF TORONTO! TORONTO ONTARIO M5S 1M! CANADA! (416) 978-6219 RON MCKERRON/ COMSHf~E LTD.! 230 GALAXY ROAD! REXDALE ONTARIO M9W SR8! CANADA CHARLES H. FORSYTH! APT. 2-304! 300 REGINA ST. N.! WATERLOO ONTARIO N2J 4H2! CANADA! (519) 884-7531! (519) 885-1211 X3055 JOHN C. BEATTY! DEPT. OF COMPo SCIENCE! UNIV OF WATERLOO! WATERLOO ONTARIO N2L 3G1! CANADA! (519) 885-1211 X2241 W. MORVEN GENTLEMAN! MATHEMATICS COMPUTING FACILITY! UNIVERSITy OF WATERLOO! WATERLOO ONTARIO N2L 3G1! CANADA! (519) 578-8866! (519) 885-1211 R. A. ALLAN! DIESEL DIVISION! GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA LTD.! P.O. BOX 5160! LONDON ONTARIO N6A 4N5! CANADA DANIEL THALMANN! DEPARTEMENT D'INFORMATIQUE ET RECHERCH! UNlVE RSITE DE MONTREAL! CASE POSTALE 6128 - SUCC A! MONTREAL H3C 3J7 QUEBEC! CANADA (514) 343-7477 BARY W. POLLACK! DEPT OF COMPo SCI.! UNIV. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA! 2075 WESBROOK PLACE! VANCOUVER B.C. V6T 1WS! CANADA! (604) 228-6794 I. GANAPATHY! NOOTKA BUILDING! MACDONALD DETTWILER & ASSOCIATES! 10280 SHELLBRIDGE WAY! RICHMOND B.C. V6X 2Z9! CANADA! (604) 278-3411 X32 -n rn t:O :;;0 = ;I> :;;0 -< DK-1051 DK-2200 DK-2650 DK-2800 DK-9220 SF-00100 SF-20500 SF-33101 SF-33101 SF-33101 SF-33200 SF-33340 SF-33410 SF-33720 F-310n DENMARK DENMARK DENHARK DENHARK DEmlARK FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND FRANCE F-310n FRANCE F-34075 FRANCE F-38000 F- 54042 F-75230 D-lOOO D-2000 D-2000 D-2000 D-3000 D-3000 D-4400 D-5000 D-6236 D-6300 D-6750 D-7000 D-7408 D-7500 FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERl1ANY GERHANY GERHANY D-7500 GERHANY D-7500 GERHANY D-7900 D-8000 D-8000 D-8000 D-8000 D-8012 D-8031 500762 2 1-40033 1-40122 1-40122 113 151 182 560 0001 14 34 GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY GERHANY INDIA IRELAND IRELAND IRELAND ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ITALY ITALY ITALY JAPAN JAPA.'1 JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN NEW ZEALAND NORWAY SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SPAIN 110GENS LINDHARD/ NYHAVN 20/ KOBENHAVN K DK-1051/ DENHARK/ (01) 11 12 04 ATTN: BIBLIOTEKET/ DATALOGISK INSTlTUT./ KOBENHAVN UNIVERSITET/ SIGURDSGADE 41/ KOBENHAVN N DK-2200/ DENMARK NIELS WINTHER/ REBAEK SOPARK 5-544/ HVIDOVRE DK-2650/ DENHARK GUNNAR JOHANSEN/ DEPT. OF CHENISTRY AND CHEN. ENG./ DANISH ENGINEERING ACADEHY/ BYGNING 375/ LYNGBY DK-2800/ DENHARK UFFE MOLLER/ DATANOMUDDANNELSEN/ LANGAGERVEJ 16/ AAIBORG OST DK-9220/ DENMARK/ (08) 15 81 00 ATTN: DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI/ TOOLONKATU 11/ HELSINKI 10 SF-00100/ FINLAND MARKKU SUNIl COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF TURKU/ TURKU 50 SF-20500/ FINLAND/ 921-335599 X280 MATTI KARINEN/ COMPUTING CENTRE/LPR-PROJECT/ TAMP ERE UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY/ PL 527/ TAMPERE 10 SF-33101/ FINLAND/ 931-652802(HOME)/ 931-162125 (WORK) JUKKA KESO/ COMPUTING CENTRE/LPR-PROJECT/ TAMPERE UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY/ PL 527/ TAMPERE 10 SF-33101/ FINLAND/ 931-33727 (HOME)/ 931-162125 (WORK) JYRKI TUOMI/ COMPUTING CENTRE/LPR-PROJECT/ TAMPERE UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY/ PL 527/ TAMPERE 10 SF-33101/ FINLAND/ 931-50000/570 (HOME)/ 931-162125 (WORK) JORMA SINNAMO/ PYYNIKINT. 3/ TAMPERE 20 SF-33200/ FINLAND VEIKKO VISALA/ KUOKKIJANTIE 10/ TAMPERE 34 SF-33340/ FINLAND/ 917-712338 TIMO HAMMAR/ JANISLAHDENKATU 3 A 7/ TAMPERE 41 SF-33410/ FINLAND ERKKI LEHTlMAKI/ OPISKELIJANK. 4A 20/ TAMPERE 72 SF-33720/ FINLAND/ 963-37141 (HOME) MICHEL GALINIER/ INFORMATIQUE/ UNIVERSITE P. SABATIER/ 118 ROUTE DE NARBONNE/ TOULOUSE CEDEX F-31077/ FRANCE/ 16-61-53 11 20 PIERRE MAURICE/ INFORMATIQUE/ UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER/ 118 ROUTE DE NARBONNE/ TOULOUSE CEDEX F-31077/ FRANCE/ (61) 53 11 20 X300 ATTN: CENTRE DE RECHERCHE/ INFORMATIQUE ET GESTRON/ UNIV. DES SCIENCES ET TECH. DU LANCUED/ AVENUE D'OCCIREINE/ MONTPELLIER CEDEX F-34075/ FRANCE 633886 ATTN: A. D. R./ CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE/ 6 BOULEVARD GAMBETTA/ GRENOBLE F-38000/ FRANCE ALAIN TISSERANT/ DEPARTENENT INFORMATIQUE/ ECOLE DES MINES/ PARC DE SAURUPT/ NANCY CEDEX F-54042/ FRANCE/ (28) 51 42 32 JACQUES FARRE/ INSTlTUT DE PROGRAMMATION/ T 55.65/ UNIVERSITE P. ET H. CURIE/ 4 PLACE JUSSlEU/ PARIS CEDEX 05 F-75230/ FRANCE/ 336 25 25 X58 77 ATTN: NIXDORF COMPUTER GMBH/ BEREICH ENTWICKLUNG/ ABT DOKUMENTATION/ KAISERIN-AUGUSTA-ALLEE 21/ BERLIN 21 D-1000/ GERMANY H.-H. NAGEL/ INSTlTUT FUER INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG/ SCHLUTERSTRASSE 66-72/ HAMBURG 13 D-2000/ GERMANY/ 040-4123-4151 BERNHARD NEBEL/ CLASINGSTRASSE 8/ HAMBURG 19 D-2000/ GERMANY/ 040/4913613 ATTN: INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG/ SCHLUETERSTRASSE 13/ HAMBURG 70 D-2000/ GERHANY ROLF SONNTAG/ RICHARD WAGNER STR. 27/ HANNOVER 1 D-3000/ GERMANY G. MARQUARDT/ REGIONALES RECHENZENTRUM/ WUNSTORFER STR. 14/ HANNOVER 91 D-3000/ GERMANY HORST STENZEL/ RECHENZENTRUM/ UNIVERSITAT MUNSTER/ ROXELER STRASSE 60/ MUNSTER D-4400/ GERHANY HENK JANSEN/ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT GMBH/ STOBERGER STR. 90/ KOLN 41 D-5000/ GERMANY/ (0221) 5486-1 GERHARD BLANKE/ POSTBOX 5107/ ESCHBORN D-6236/ GERMANY/ (06196) 403267 A. GEUBE/ ABTEILUNG BIOMATHEMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT GIESSEN/ FRANKFURTER STRASSE 100/ GIESSEN D-6300/ GERMANY/ 06 41-702/4855/56/57 ruu,S-WILM WIPPERMANN/ INFORMATIK/ F13/ UNIV. OF KAISERSLAUTERN/ PFAFFENBERGSTR. 95/ KAISERSLAUTERN D-6750/ GERHANY/ (0631) 8542635 KLAUS LAGALLY/ INSTITUT FUR INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT STUTTGART/ AZENBERGSTRASSE 12/ STUTTGART 1 D-7000/ GERMANY/ (0711) 2078-373/329 ASHOK N. ULLAL/ GOETHESTR. 10/ KUSTERDINGEN D-7408/ GERMANY/ 07121/271446 KARLHEINZ KAPP/ ANGEW. INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAET KARLSRUHE/ TRANSPORT-U. VERKEHRSSYSTEME/ KARLSRUHE D-7500/ GERMANY/ (0721) 608-3170/3898 (07247) 823 928 GERHARD T. GOOS/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK II/ UNIVERSITAT KARLSRUHE/ POSTFACH 6380/ KARLSRUHE 1 D-7500/ GERMANY/ (0721) 751-176 ULRICH KULISCH/ INSTITUT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK/ UNIVERSITAT KARLSRUHE (TH)/ KAISERSTR. 12 - POSTFACH 6380/ KARLSRUHE 1 D-7500/ GERMANY (0721) 608-2680 AXEL T. SCHREINER/ SEKTION INFORMATIK/ UNIVERSITAET ULLU/ ULLU D-7900/ GER}1ANY/ 0711/176 2523 ATTN: BIBLIOTHEK/ LEIBNIZ - RECHENZENTRUM/ BARERSTRASSE 21/ MUENCHEN 2 D-8000/ GERHANY/ (089) 2105-8489 MANFRED LUCKMANN/ ALEMANNENSTR. 24/ MUENCHEN 90 D-8000/ GERMANY/ (089) 2105-8276 PETER RAUSCHMAYER/ HERZOG-GARIBALD-STRASSE 15/ MUENCHEN 90 D-8000/ GERMANY/ 647504 JAN WITT/ ZFE FL SAR/ SIEMENS AG/ POSTFACH 832729/ MUNCHEN 83 D-8000/ GERHANY/ (089) 722-22651 BERNHARD H. BEITINGER/ INDUSTRIEANLAGEN-BETRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT/ EINSTEINSTRASSE/ OTTOBRUN D-8012/ GERHANY/ 089/60082363 RAINER R. LATKA/ AN DER GRUNDBREITE 1/ WESSLING D-8031/ GERHANY/ 08153-1063 ATTENTION: N. V. KOTESWARA RAO/ COMPUTER TRG. UNIT/ ELECTRONICS CORPORATION OF INDIA/ HYDERABAD (AP) 500762/ INDIA/ 71611 DIARMUID MCCARTHY/ KILMACUD/ 7 ST. KEVIN'S PARK/ BLACKROCK CO. DUBLIN/ IRELAND JOHN W. FINNEGAN/ SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING/ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE/ G ALWAY/ IRELAND DAVID M. ABRAHAMSON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ TRINITY COLLEGE/ 200 PEARSE ST./ DUBLIN 2/ IRELAND/ 772941 X1716 X1765 ATTN: THE LIBRARY/ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE/ P.O.BOX 962/ HAIFA/ ISRAEL ATTN: PERIODICALS DEPT./ JEWISH NATIONAL AND UNIV. LIBRARY/ P.O. BOX 503/ JERUSALEN/ ISRAEL GIDEON YUVAL/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY/ JERUSAL EN/ ISRAEL M. E. RONCHI/ CENTRO DI CALCOLO/INTERUNIVERSITARIO/ VIA MAGNANELLI 6/3/ LECCHIO DIRENO BOLOGNA 1-40033/ ITALY/ 576541/ 576542 MAURO MONTESI/ TEMA S.P.A./ VIA MARCONI 29/1/ BOLOGNA 1-40122/ ITALY/ 051-267285 GUISEPPE SELVA/ TEMA S.P.A./ VIA MARCONI 29/1/ BOLOGNA 1-40122/ ITALY/ 051-267285 NOBUO WAKABAYASHI/ DEPT. OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE/ OTARU UNIVERSITY OF COMMERCE/ 3-5-21 MIDORI/ OTARU HOKKAIDO/ JAPAN/ 0134-33-7227 (HOME) HARUHISA ISHIDA/ COMPUTER CENTRE/ UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO/ 2-11-16 Yf.YOI/ BUNKYOKU TOKYO 113/ JAPAN/ 03-812-2111 X28ll KOHEI NOSHITA/ 1-52-4 YOYOGI/ KHIBUYA-KU TOKYO 151/ JAPAN/ 03-370-8031 MASATO TAKEICHI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ THE UNIV. OF ELECTRO-COMMUNICATIONS/ 1-5-1 CHOFUGAOKA/ CHOFU-SHI TOKYO 182/ JAPAN/ JAPAN 0424-83-2161 X525 NOBUKI TOKURA/ DEPT. OF INFORMATION AND COMPo SCIENCE/ OSAKA UNIV./ '1-1 MACHIKANEYAMA/ TOYONAKA 560/ JAPAN/ 06 (856) 1151 X3245 G. A. VIGNAUX/ DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE/ VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON/ PRIVATE BAG/ WELLINGTON/ NEW ZEALAND/ 721-000 HARALD EIDE/ NORSK DATA A.S./ LORENVN. 57/ OSLO 5/ NORWAY/ 47 2 21 73 71/ 47 2 22 80 90 ATTENTION: E. N. VAN DEVENTER/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ NATIONAL RESEARCH INST FOR MATH SCIENC/ POBOX 395/ PRETORIA 0001/ SOUTH AFRICA/ 74-9111 MARTIN VERGES TRIAS/ CENTRO DE CALCULO UPB/ AV. DR. GREGORIO MARANON S/N/ BARCELONA 14/ SPAIN/ (93) 334.35.00 LUIS A. GARCIA-RAMOS/ E.S.A.D.E./ AV. VICTORIA 60/ BARCELONA 34/ SPAIN/ (93) 203 7800 N 00 $-000 00 5-100 44 oS-100 44 S-161 54 S-175 62 5-220 07 $-402 20 S-431 39 S-461 01 5-752 23 5-901 87 $-951 45 S-951 87 5-951 87 CH-1200 CH-8005 CH-8008 CH-8092 CH-9470 SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM AB9 2UB UNITED KINGDOM AL10 BB7 BNl BN1 BT7 eM17 CV4 eH10 EH5 EX4 E14 HA4 LA1 LA1 LA1 LA1 L69 9AB 4DZ 2GJ 9QT INN 9NA 7AL 6NH 2XT 4Q6 6JG 9DP 1BA 4YN 4YW 4YX 3BX UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM KINGDOM M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM M60 1QD UNITED KINGDOM M60 1QD UNITED KINGDOM NW3 UNITED KINGDOM SG2 9UT UNITED KINGDOM S09 5NH UNITED KINGDOM S09 5NH UNITED KINGDOM SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM SW7 WC1H Y01 630 2AZ OPY 5DD 090 UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM USSR ~U-61000 YUGOSLAVIA 61001 YUGOSLAVIA JOHN TIMOTHY FRANKLIN/ KRUKMAKERGATTAN 1/6/ STOCKHOLM S-OOO 00/ SWEDEN STAFFAN ROMBERGER/ COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNO LOGY/ STOCKHOLM S-100 44/ SWEDEN/ 08-787 7194 LARS-ERIK THORELLI/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS/ THE ROYAL INSTI TUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/ STOCKHOLM 70 S-100 44/ SWEDEN/ SWEDEN-08-236520 CLAES RICKEBY/ HEDEBYVAGEN 5/ BROMMA S-161 54/ SWEDEN/ 08/37 65 37 NEIL T. KEANE/ 'SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT/ STANSAAB ELEKTRONIK AB/ VEDDESTAVAAGEN 13/ JAARFAALLA S-175 62/ SWEDEN/ 08/36 28 00 LENNERT BENSRYD/ LUNDS DATACENTRAL/ LUND UNIVERSITY/ BOX 783/ LUND S-220 07/ SWEDEN/ 046/12 46 20 AKE WIKSTROM/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCES/ CHALMERS UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY/ FACK/ GOTHENBURG 5 S-402 20/ SWEDEN KURT FREDRIKSSON/ RINGLEKEN 7/ MOLNDAL S-431 39/'SWEDEN/ 4631- 41-04-15 (HOME)/ 4631-27 50 00-491 (OFFICE) LARS G. MOSSBERG/ VOLVO FLYGMOTOR AB/ BOX 136/ TROLLHATTAN S-461 01/ SWEDEN/ (0520) 30900-287 OLLE OLSSON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE:ADP/ UPPSALA UNIVERSITY / STUREGATAN 4B 1 TR/ UPPSALA S-752 23/ SWEDEN/ 018-138650 HANS WALLBERG/ UMDAL/ UMEA S-901 87/ SWEDEN/ 46-90 12 56 00 LARS LYSEN/ HAVSORINGSGRAND 11/ LULEA S-951 45/ SWEDEN/ (0920) 65515 JOHNNY WIDEN/ UNIV. OF LULEA/ FACK/ LULEA S-951 87/ SWEDEN/ (0920) 98000 HANS-KURT JOHANSEN/ UNIV. OF LULEAA/ LULEAA S-951 87/ SWEDEN/ (0920) 98000 X386 DAVID BATES/ 12 CHEMIN DE TAVERNAY/ 1218 GRAND SACONNEX/ GENEV A CH-1200/ SWITZERLAND/ 98-55-44/ 41-98-11 RAFAEL E. EGLOFF/ HONEYWELL BULL/SCHWEIZ AG/ HARDTURMSTRASSE 2 53/ ZURICH CH-8005/ SWITZERLAND/ (01) 44 49 40 URS R WYSS/ BLEULERSTRASSE 2/ ZURICH CH-8008/ SWITZERLAND/ 0041-22-28.79.61 NIKLAUS WIRTH/ INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK/ ETH - ZENTRUM/ ZUERICH CH-8092/ SWITZERLAND HELMUT SANDMAYR/ NEU-TECHNIKUM BUCHS/ BUCHS CH-9470/ SWITZERLAND/ CH-085/6 45 24 D. GOSMAN/ ZEEMAN LABORATORIUM/ UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM/ PLANTAGE MUIDERGRACHT 4/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 020-5222177 H. S. M. KRUYER/ DEPT. MSE/ KONINKLYKE/SHELL-LABORATORIUM/ BAD HUiSWEG 3/ AMSTERDAM/ THE NETHERLANDS ATTN: I.W.I.S.-TNO/ POSTBUS 297/ KON. MARIALAAN 21/ DEN HAAG/ THE NETHERLANDS ATTN: DSM/ CENTRAL BIBLIOTHEEK 4213.001/ CENTRAL LABORATORIUM/ P.O. BOX 18/ GELEEN/ THE NETHERLANDS H. PAAS/ DEPT. OF SPACE RESEARCH/ UNIV. OF GRONINGEN/ P.O. BOX 800/ GRONINGEN/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 050-116662 J. D. ALANEN/ FREDERIK HENDRIKSTRAAT 112/ UTRECHT/ THE NETHERLANDS/ 030 + 520548 MAURICE O'FLAHERTY/ ANTRIM/ 444 MEVILLE GARDEN VILLAGE/ N,EWTOWNABBEY N. IRELAND/ UNITED KINGDOM B. L. MARKS/ U.K. LABORATORIES/ IBM/ HURSLEY/ N.WINCHESTER ENGLAND/ UNITED KINGDOM STEPHEN L. BREIBART/ EASTCOTE/ 12 ELM AVENUE/ PINNER MIDDLESEX/ UNITED KINGDOM PETER J. BURNS DE BONO/ NEWFOUNDLAND HOUSE/ HUGH PUSHMAN COMPILERS/ THE QUAY/ POOLE ENGLAND/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (02013) 70510 DENIS M. WILSON/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY 0 F ABERDEEN/ KING'S COLLEGE/ OLD ABERDEEN SCOTLAND AB9 2UB/ UNITED KINGDOM 0224 40241 X6418 JOHN w. LEWIS/ SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES/ HATFIELD POLYTECHNIC/ P.O. BOX 109/ HATFIELD HERTS AL10 9AB/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 68100 X237 J. N. HARRISON/ MOSNA COTTAGE/ NEWEY - RIMINGTON/ N. CLITHEROE LANCS BB7 4DZ/ UNITED KINGDOM/ GISBURN 329 STEVEN PEMBERTON/ DEPT. OF COMPUTING AND CYBERNETICS! BRIGHTON POLYTECHNIC/ MOULSECOOMB/ BRIGHTON ENGLAND BN1 2GJ/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 693655 X2273 J. R. W. HUNTER/ SCHOOL OF ENGR. AND APPL. SCI./ UNIV. OF SUSSEX/ BRIGHTON SUSSEX BN1 9QT/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0273) 66755 X146 JIM WELSH/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE! QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY/ BELFAST N.IRELAND BT7 1NN/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0232) 45133 X3221 DAVID FLOOD PAGE/ STANDARD TELECOMMUNICATIONS LABORATORI/ LONDON ROAD! HARLOW ESSEX CM17 9NA/ UNITED KINGDOM/,0279 29531 X345 RUTH RAYMOND! COMPUTER UNIT/ UNIV. OF WARWICK! COVENTRY ENGLAN D CV4 7AL/ UNITED KINGDOM DAVID A. COOPER! FAIRMILEHEAD/ 52 SWAN SPRING AVENUE/ EDINBURGH SCOTLAND ER10 6NH/ UNITED KINGDOM T. M. SPENCE/ SYSTEMSHARE LTD/ PILTON DRIVE/ EDINBURGH SCOTLAND EHS 2XT/ UNITED KINGDOM D. R. ALLUU/ DEPT. OF PHYSICS/ UNIVERSITY OF EXETER/ EXETER ROAD/ EXETER ENGLAND EX4 4Q6/ UNITED KINGDOM ISAMU HASEGAWA/ LUKE HOUSE/ 7 CANTON STREET/ LONDON ENGLAND E14 6JG/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 01/987-4612 ROBERT KIRKBY/ RUISLIP MANOR/ 44 WHITBY ROAD/ MIDDLESEX ENGLAND HA4 9DP/ UNITED KINGDOM CHI-KEUNG YIP/ DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES/ GILLOW HOUSE/ UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER/ LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 1BA/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0524) 65201 EXT.4123 BOB E. BERRY! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES/ UNIVERSITY OF LANCAST ER! BAILRIGG/ LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YN/ UNITED KINGDOU/ (0524) 65201 X4134 ATTN: USER SERVICES MANAGER/ COMPUTER SERVICES/ UNIV OF LANCAS TER/ LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YW/ UNITED KINGDOM BRIAN A. E. 11EEKINGS! DEPT. OF COMPUTER STUDIES/ UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER/ BAILRIGG/ LANCASTER ENGLAND LA1 4YX/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0524) 65201 K. C. MANDER/ DEPT. OF COMPo AND STAT. SCIENCE/ VICTORIA BUILD ING/ UNIV. OF LIVERPOOL/ BROWNLOW HILL/ LIVERPOOL ENGLAND L69 3BX/ UNITED KINGDOU 051-709-6022 X2022 SRISAK WATHANASIN! DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ THE UNIVERSITY/ }~CHESTER ENGLAND M13 9PL/ UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN/ DEPT. OF COl~UTATION! UMIST/ P.O. BOX 88/ MANCHESTER ENGLAND M60 1QD/ UNITED KINGDOU/ 061-2363311 X2178 DEREK COLEMAN/ DEPT. OF COMPUTATION/ UNIV. OF MANCH. INST. OF SCI. & TECH/ P.O. BOX 88! MANCHESTER ENGLAND U60 1QD! UNITED KINGDOM/ 061-236-3311 X2341 H. J. ZELL! 14 KEMPLAY ROAD/ LONDON ENGLAND NW3/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (01) 435-9396 G. J. FREEMAN/ 125 WIGRAM WAY/ STEVENAGE HERTS SG2 9UT/ UNITED KINGDOM/ (0442) 42291 X330 J. E. AHERN/ MATHS DEPT/ THE UNIVERSITY! SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH/ UNITED KINGDOM M. EL-NAHAS/ MATHS. DEPT! UNIV. OF SOUTHAMPTON/ SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND S09 5NH/ UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: COMPUTING AND CONTROL COLLECTION/ LYON PLAYFAIR LIBRARY/ IMPERIAL COLLEGE/ 180 QUEENSGATE/ LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ/ UNITED KINGDOM (01) 589-5111 X2115 DAVID SLATER/ DEPT OF COMPUTING AND CONTROL/ IMPERIAL COLLEGE/ 180 QUEENSGATE/ LONDON ENGLAND SW7 2AZ/ UNITED KINGDOM/ 589-5111 X2722 I. D. GRAHAM/ INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY/ 31-34 GUROON SQUARE/ LONDON ENGLAND WC1H OPY/ UNITED KINGDOM D. G. BURNETT-HALL/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/ UNIVERSITY' OF YORK/ HESLINGTON/ YORK ENGLAND Y01 5DD/ UNITED KINGDOM/ ('0904) 59861 EXT.5641 S. POKROVSKY/ COMPUTING CENTRE/ USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES/ NOVOSIBIRSK 630 090/ USSR BOSTJAN VILFAN/ FAKULTETA ZA ELEKTROTEHNIKO/ UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI/ TRZASKA 25/ LJUBLJANA YU-61000/ YUGOSLAVIA ROBERT REINHARDT/ INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN/ UNIV. V LJUBLJANI/ JAMOVA 39! LJUBLJANA 61001/ YUGOSLAVIA/ 63-261 I-' lD '-J 00 N lD DAVID M. ABRAHAMSON DAVID M. ADAMS JAMES L. AGIN J. E. AHERN J. D. ALANEN BOB ALBRECHT R. A. ALLAN D. R. ALLUM STEPHEN R. ALPERT JOHN ALSTRUP DAVID B. ANDERSON D. B. ANDERSON GARY S. ANDERSON ROBERT W. ANDERSON RICHARD V. ANDREE GEORGE W. ANTHONY ROBERT L. ARGUS PETER A. ARMSTRONG JIM ARNOLD LARRY ARONSON ATTENTION: BOB JARVIS ATTENTION: CHARLES PFLEEGER ATTENTION: E. N. VAN DEVENTER ATTENTION: J. M. KNOCK ATTENTION: MARJORIE HEINE ATTENTION: MIKE WILDE - CONSULTING OFF. ATTENTION: N. V. KOTESWARA RAG ATTN: A. D. R. ATTN: A. S. WILLIAMS - LIBRARIAN ATTN: BETTE BOLLING-LIBRARIAN ATTN: BIBLIOTEKET ATTN: BIBLIOTHEK ATTN: CCIS LIBRARY HILL CENTER ATTN: CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ATTN: COMPUTER CENTER ATTN: COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT ATTN: COMPUTING AND CONTROL COLLECTION ATTN: COMPUTING SERVICES ATTN: DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ATTN: DIRECTOR / INST. RESEARCH ATTN: DSM jlT1N: EARL L. MOUNTS-COMP. SCI. LIBRARIAN ATTN: ELAINE DENTON (41-41) ATTN: ENGINEERING LIBRARY ATTN: ENGINEERING LIBRARY ATTN: INSTlTUT FUER INFORMATIK ATTN: INST. FUER INFORMATIONSSYSTEME ATTN: I.W.I.S.-TNO ATTN: J. F. MCINTYRE - LIBRARIAN ATTN: KHK ATTN: LIBRARIAN ATTN: LIBRARY ATTN: L. LAWRIE ATTN: L.A.M.B.D.A. ATTN: MANUFACTURING COMPUTER GROUP ATTN: NEWBERRY MICRO SYSTEMS ATTN: NIXDORF COMPUTER GMBH (frTN : OREGON MINI-COMPUTER SOFTWARE INC. ATTN: PERIODICALS DEPT. ATTN: SERIALS DEPARTMENT ATTN: THE LIBRARIAN ATTN: THE LIBRARY ATTN: USER SERVICES MANAGER THOMAS M. ATWOOD DAVID AULT DENNIS R. AUSTIN 2 IRELAND 19301 90278 S09 5NH UNITED KINGDOM THE NETHERLANDS 94025 N6A 4N5 CANADA EX4 4Q6 UNITED KINGDOM 01609 55420 18015 94010 98043 92680 73019 83316 47805 98109 66045 10027 55455 37916 0001 SOUTH AFRICA 60439 17837 61801 500762 INDIA F-38000 FRANCE 92626 45036 DK-2200 DENMARK D-8000 GERMANY 08854 F-34075 FRANCE 79409 84112 SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM 55105 SF-00100 FINLAND 95521 THE NETHERLANDS 15213 90406 98401 95014 D-2000 GERMANY A-1040 AUSTRIA THE NETHERLANDS 22903 55414 3052 AUSTRALIA 94720 61820 02912 97077 94022 D-1000 GERMANY 97221 ISRAEL 2308 AUSTRALIA M60 1QD UNITED KINGDOM ISRAEL LA1 4YW UNITED KINGDOM 02165 20041 93105 MARGERY AUSTIN 20036 DAVE BAASCH 94707 RON BAECKER M4Y IP9 CANADA SAMUEL T. BAKER 37130 MICHAEL S. BALL 92152 CHARLES J. BANGERT 66045 PAUL BARR 01778 BRUCE BARRETT 94404 ROGER R. BATE 75023 DAVID BATES CH-1200 SWITZERLAND FRANK J. BATES JR. 43403 JOHN C. BEATTY N2L 3Gl CANADA o. BEAUFAYS B-1050 BELGIUM E. R. BEAUREGARD 17019 MICHAEL A. BEAVER 53149 MICHAEL BEHAR 06477 BERNHARD H. BEITINGER D-8012 GERMANY LENNERT BENSRYD S-220 07 SWEDEN PAUL C. BERGI1AN 21793 BOB E. BERRY LAI 4YN UNITED KINGDOM EASTON BEYMER 77341 GERHARD BLANKE D-6236 GERMANY I. N. BLAVINS 5063 AUSTRALIA ROY E. BOLLINGER 94088 JOHN H. BOLSTAD 32306 KEN BOWLES 92093 ALEX BRADLEY 92714 STEVEN L. BRECHER 90803 DAVID E. BREEDING 75229 STEPHEN L. BREI BART UNITED KINGDOM C. E. BRIDGE 19898 PER BRINeH HANSEN 90007 CHARLES L. BROOKS 02139 PAUL H. BROOME 21010 WARREN R. BROWN 02035 ANNA BUCKLEY 47401 A. CHARLES BUCKLEY 40205 D. G. BURNETT-HALL Y01 5DD UNITED KINGDOM PETER J. BURNS DE BONO UNITED KINGDOM JAMES W. BUTLER 62901 CARROLL E. BUTTERFIELD 94804 BETTY BUXTON 03060 JOHNNIE BUZEK JR. 77005 J. A. CAMPBELL 2308 AUSTRALIA SAM CARPENTER 01960 PAULO S. CASTILLO JR. 91360 DAVID F. CAUTLEY 97330 JOE CELKO 30310 W. B. CHAPIN 55112 KENNETH E. CHARLTON 98033 ROBERT L. CHEEZEM JR. 32935 HARRY R. CHESLEY 94801 BILL CHESWICK 18938 STEPHEN W. CHING 19085 TONY CHMIEL 60652 LEO CHRZANOWSKI 14072 JOHN CLARSON 23669 GEOFFREY A.• CLEAVE 3165 AUSTRALIA GERHARDT C. CLEMENTSON 80204 DAVID CLINGERMAN 94563 WILLIAM L. COHAGAN 78758 ROBERT COLE 18017 DEREK COLEMAN M60 1QD UNITED KINGDOM GRANT COLVIN 75062 JOHN S. CONERY 92714 WILLIAM S. COOKE 90402 DAVID A. COOPER EHI0 6NH UNITED KINGDOM ARDON R. CORD 95014 JOHN DENNIS COUCH 95050 JAMES C. COZZIE 52402 LAWRENCE F. CRAM 02159 JOHN EARL CRIDER 77043 LINDA E. CROLEY 94304 DONALD B. CROUCH 35486 ARTHOR C. DARTT 44115 HENRY DAVIS 22090 LEO DAVIS 20770 ITINE DE GERLACHE B-ll80 BELGIll1 JOHN DE PILLIS 92507 JOHN DE ROSA JR. 01545 JOHN R. DEALY 90278 JAN DEDEK 94301 ROBERT I. DEMROW 01810 PETER DEWOLF 61820 GEORGE B. DIAMOND 08826 ROBERIO DIAS M5P 2C3 CANADA RICHARD DIEVENDORFF 91203 JOHN G. DOBNICK 53219 BILL DODSON 93017 JOHN DOERR 95051 HICHAEL K. DONEGAN 23185 G. KEVIN DOREN 19101 KENNETH R. DRIESSEL 74102 WILLIAM E. DROBISH 92714 KENNETH R. DUCKWORTH 71201 C. E. DUNCAN 94303 GARY DUNCAN 92680 FRANK DUNN 75081 WILLIAM J. EARL 92715 RAFAEL E. EGLOFF CH-8005 SWITZERLAND HARALD EIDE NORWAY FRED EILENSTEIN 02172 JOSEPH EINWECK 88003 JOHN D. EISENBERG 19711 M. EL-NAHAS S09 5NH UNITED KINGDOM RANDY ENGER 01776 DONALD L. EPLEY 52242 HOWARD D. ESKIN 10025 JOHN B. EULENBERG 48824 JACQUES FARRE F-75230 FRANCE MICHAEL FAY 95064 WALT FEESER 92127 ROBERT B. FINCH 98225 DONNAFAYE FINGER 98040 JOHN W. FINNEGAN IRELAND WILLIAM E. FISHER 90501 W. J. G. FISHER 4001 AUSTRALIA DAVID C. FITZGERALD 92704 JOHN FITZSIMMONS 55436 KEVIN FJELSTED 55455 READ T. FLEMING 02912 RUDY L. FOLDEN 92713 JIM FONTANA 92704 DOUG FORSTER 09098 CHARLES H. FORSYTH N2J 4H2 CANADA ROBERT A. FRALEY 94304 JOHN TIMOTHY FRANKLIN S-OOO 00 SWEDEN KURT FREDRIKSSON S-431 39 SWEDEN G. J. FREEMAN SG2 9UT UNITED KINGDOM DAVID F. FRICK 94546 EDWARD R. FRIEDMAN 10012 JOHN FRINK 21045 " ::t:> C/) n ::t:> r Z rtl :e: C/) ""'" i--' ...... -n rtl to :::0 = :l> = -< i--' LO '-I 0.') -0 :l> G'l rtl V\l 0 85016 ROBERT FULKS MICHEL GALINIER F-31077 FRANCE I. GANAPATHY V6X 2Z9 CANADA 34 SPAIN LUIS A. GARCIA-RAMOS EDWARO F. GEHRINGER 47907 PAULETTE D. GENES 55455 W. MORVEN GENTLEMAN N2L 3G1 CANADA TONY J. GERBER 2006 AUSTRALIA DANIEL E. GERMANN 55435 13201 J. DANIEL GERSTEN A. GEUBE D-6300 GERMANY ROBERT A. GIBSON 22901 R. STEVEN GLANVILLE 95051 94521 PAUL GODFREY 98195 HELLMUT GOLDE RALPH S. GOODELL 01451 D-7500 GERMANY GERHARD T. GOOS KEITH E. GORLEN 20014 THE NETHERLANDS D. GOSMAN P. K. GOVIND 80303 SARA K. GRAFFUNDER 55455 I. D. GRAHAM WC1H OPY UNITED KINGDOM DOUGLAS M. GRANT 06901 MARK GREEN M4B 2E5 CANADA MIKE GREEN 78284 TOM GREER 91775 WILEY GREINER 90278 DAVID B. GROUSE 15213 RONA GURKEWITZ 06810 ROBERT D. GUSTAFSON 60657 STEVEN B. HALL 44107 TERRY HAMM 97077 TIMO HAMMAR SF-33410 FINLAND 2600 AUSTRALIA N. D. H. HAMMOND BRIAN HANSEN 97213 ANDY HARRINGTON 931ll WILLIAM J. K. HARRINGTON 08618 MIKE HARRIS 62704 J. N. HARRISON BB7 4DZ UNITED KINGDOM ISAMU HASEGAWA E14 6JG UNITED KINGDOM S. HAYES 33313 GEORGE E. HAYNAM 32901 PETER HAYNES L5N 1KT CANADA STAN HEAD 95030 HARRY G. HEDGES 48824 CHARLES HEDRICK 08903 S. T. HEIDELBERG 94550 JOHN M. HEMPHILL 43403 CHRISTOPHER J. HENRICH 07724 CARL HENRY 55057 WILLIAM HENRY 10003 MARK HERSEY 48100 H. F. HESSION 22101 CHARLES L. HETHCOAT I I I 77027 J Il1 HIGHTOWER 90274 BUZZ HILL 98632 KEARNEY HILL 67401 CATHLINE S. HILLEY 58201 MARK HIPPE 19087 G. STEPHEN HIRST 52240 PHILIP T. HODGE 46375 THEA D. HOpGE 55455 D. P. HODGSON 6102 AUSTRALIA RANDY HODNETT 97077 TIMOTHY W. HOEL 55057 14454 ANTHONY E. HOFFMAN BOB HOFKIN DAVID W. HOGAN MARGARETTA HOMMEL BRYAN HOPKINS C. L. HORNEY ROSS F. HOUSHOLDER CAROL B. HOWELL J. R. W. HUNTER BOB HUTCHINS WILLIAM G. HUTCHISON JR. STEVEN L. HUYSER JOHN W. IOBST HARUHISA ISHIDA KENNETH R. JACOBS ROBERT C. JANKU HENK JANSEN GUNNAR JOHANSEN HANS-KURT JOHANSEN GREG JOHNS JOSEPH N. JOHNSON JOSEPH P. JOHNSON R. WARREN JOHNSON ANN C. JOHNSTON D. B. JOHNSTON DAVID JONES ERNEST W. JONES NORMAN A. JULL MARK JUNGWIRTH KARL HEINZ KAPP MATTI KARINEN MILAN KARSPECK ARMED KASSEM ROBERT KAST ED KATZ NEIL T. KEANE TOM KEEL DONALD A. KEFFER PAUL KELLY TOM KELLY GREG KEMNITZ WILLETT KEMPTON DENIS KERMICLE JUKKA KESO GURUPREM SINGH KHALSA B. KIDMAN RICHARD B KIEBURTZ DANIEL B. KILLEEN ROBERT KIRKBY PAUL S. KLARREICH JON G. KLASEN DONALD B. KLEIN STEPHEN KLEIN BARCLAY R. KNERR JOHN C. KNIGHT PAUL KOHL BRENNER DIANE L. KRAMER RICHARD KRASIN JAMES KREILICH H. S. M. KRUYER ULRICH KULISCH KLAUS LAGALLY R. B. LAKE DAN LALIBERTE LARRY D. LAND IS DAVID LANDSKOV ROBERT G. LANGE 92093 78731 01701 02154 92803 76012 20770 BN1 9QT UNITED KINGDOM 92713 08512 48824 18049 113 JAPAN 20006 22003 D-5000 GERMANY DK-2800 DENMARK S-951 87 SWEDEN 97077 94701 20016 56301 44691 4067 AUSTRALIA L5N 1KT CANADA 94901 M4N 1A4 CANADA 92644 D-7500 GERMANY SF-33101 FINLAND 91104 50011 07054 55112 S-17562 SWEDEN 78712 19438 92714 19335 55391 94720 32905 SF-33101 FINLAND 91101 5001 AUSTRALIA 11794 70118 HA4 9DP UNITED KINGDOM 11210 55404 19010 01741 92646 23665 06437 65201 01886 55108 THE NETHERLANDS D- 7 500 GERMANY D-7000 GERMANY 44106 55455 64108 70504 55343 D-8031 GERMANY RAINER R. LATKA 60201 ARNOLD LAU ROBERT A. LAWLER 55165 TERRY J. LAYMAN 90405 HENRY F. LEDGARO 01002 K. P. LEE 70803 SF-33720 FINLAND ERKKI LEHTIMAKI MIKE LEMON 84112 GEORGE LEWIS 94086 H. MARC LEWIS 97401 JOHN W. LEWIS AL10 9AB UNITED KINGDOM BOB LIDRAL 61801 GEORGE LIGLER 75081 MOGENS LINDHARO DK-1051 DENMARK LEN LINDSAY 53719 GARY LINDSTROM 84112 PETER LINHARDT 94709 BRUCE LINK 87115 RICHARD LLEWELLYN 21045 CARLO LOCICERO L4W 1TO CANADA KENT LOOBEY 97440 ANDY LOPEZ 56267 GARY LOWELL 95404 TIM LOWERY 92627 HOUSTON P. LOWRY 99258 D~8000 GERMANY MANFRED LUCKMANN FRED LUHMANN 02138 STANLEY E. LUNDE 91711 JOHN LUSHBOUGH 57069 WILLIAM LYCZKO 14850 LARS LYSEN S-951 45 SWEDEN ROBERT N. MACDONALD 30303 RON MARON 15461 K. C. MANDER L69 3BX UNITED KINGDOM DOUGLAS MANN 30339 DAN MARCUS 92807 RICK L. MARCUS 55404 BARRY F. MARGOLIUS 01701 B. L. MARKS UNITED KINGDOM G. MARQUAROT D-3000 GERMANY LYNN S. MARTIN 11439 GEORGE MASSAR 91367 CHARLES MATTAIR 77801 STEVE MATUS 33313 PIERRE MAURICE F-31077 FRANCE KONRAD MAYER A-1l50 AUSTRIA JOHN K. MCCANDLISS 63188 DlARMUlD MCCARTHY IRELAND JOEL MCCORMACK 92014 RAINER F. MCCOWN 21045 TIMOTHY DAVID MCCREERY 94702 MAURICE MCEVOY 94708 HENRY MCGILTON L5N 1K7 CANADA JOHN P. MCGINITIE 94701 JAMES P. MCILVAINE IV 19044 MICHAEL MCKENNA 03755 RON MCKERRON M9W 5R8 CANADA JACK R. MEAGHER 49008 ROB MEANS 95035 TERRY P. MEDLIN 20014 BRIAN A. E. MEEKINGS LA1 4YX UNITED KINGDOM HUGO MEISSER 55427 L. F. MELLINGER 91405 STEPHEN F. MERSHON 22901 W. J. MEYERS 27709 M. D. MICKUNAS 61801 -C :l> c.n n :l> r z rr1 :::: c.n ""*' I--' I--' ""Tl rr1 t:t:J :::c = ):> ?C -< I--' LO '-I 00 -c :l> '" rr1 \.N I--' FRED J. MILLER JAMES S. MILLER JOHN C. MILLER ROBERTO MINIO KEITH MITCHELL JESSE D. MIXON UFFE MOLLER MAURO MONTESI RODERICK MONTGOMERY CHARLES G. MOORE JAMES K. MOORE TOM MORAN CARROLL MORGAN R. A. MORRIS HERBERT E. MORRISON DAN MORTON WILLIAM MOSKOWITZ LARS G. I~SSBERG JOHN M. MOTIL STEVEN S. MUCHNICK DENNIS J. MURPHY TERRY MYHRER H.-H. NAGEL BERNHARD NEBEL LEROY E. NELSON RICHARD E. NEUBAUER ROBERT C. NICKERSON R. KEITH NICKEY DENNIS NICKOLAI KOHEI NOSHITA RHODA P. NOVAK ROBERT E. NOVAK TOM NUTE ROBERT J. OBERG FLEMING M. OLIVER GARY OLIVER OLLE OLSSON DICK OSGOOD MAURICE O'FLAHERTY STEVE O'KEEFE GARYO 0' SCHENECTADY H. PAAS HAL PACE DAVID FLOOD PAGE WILLlAU S. PAGE DONALD L. PARCE CRAIG PAYNE DAVE PEERCY STEVEN PEMBERTON WALT PERKO DAVID PERLMAN ROBERT D. PERRY JR. W. J. PERVIN DAVID PESEC MIKE D. PESSONEY BOB PETERSON DAVID L. PETERSON TRUMAN C. PEWITT FRANCOIS PINARD ALAIN PIROTTE RICHARD PITKIN TOM PITTMAN S. POKROVSKY BARY W. POLLACK UDO POOCH JERRY POURNELLE DARRELL PREBLE 30303 99210 BILL SHANNON 44116 MICHAEL PRIETULA 55455 02138 TED SHAPIN 92669 BOB PUETTE 95014 02165 ED SHARP 84112 HOWARD D. PYRON 65401 10010 ROBERT LEE SHARP 22042 3072 AUSTRALIA 27409 M. RAHILLY TOM TYSON 98008 DAVID ELLIOT SHAW 94306 D-7408 GERMANY ASHOK N. ULLAL EARL RALEY 19122 75961 JOHN M. SHAW 20014 TIM RAND 06268 10012 ANDREW P. VALENTI DK-9220 DENMARK BELLE P. SHENOY 55413 3000 AUSTRALIA V. LALITA RAO 19440 Q. VAN ABBE 1-40122 ITALY THOMAS E. SHIELDS 77005 PETER RAUSCHMAYER D-8000 GERMANY WARREN VAN CAMP 95005 08876 E. E. SIMMONS 91101 68154 JERRY L. RAY 23508 FRANCES L. VAN SCOY 48106 P. SIMON 2308 AUSTRALIA LEONARD VANEK MSS lA4 CANADA RUTH RAYMOND CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM 22091 JON SINGER 60660 WILLIAM J. VASILIOU JR. 03824 JEFFERY M. RAZAFSKY 64108 45036 SEYMOUR SINGER 92634 BILL VELMAN 92110 EDWARD K. REAU 53705 2006 AUSTRALIA JORMA SINNAMO SF-33200 FINLAND STEVEN A. VERE 60181 DAN REED 72554 73019 CHARLES SISKA JR. 90250 G. A. VIGNAUX NEW ZEALAND C. EDWARD REID 32303 90266 ALAN E. SKIDMORE 66506 BOSTJAN VILFAN YU-61000 YUGOSLAVIA 61001 YUGOSLAVIA ROBERT REINHARDT 19046 DAVE SKINNER 90801 VEIKKO VISALA SF-33340 FINLAND STEVEN A. REISMAN 55455 90036 DAVID SLATER SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM ROGER A. VOSSLER 90278 3052 AUSTRALIA PETER RICHARDSON S-461 01 SWEDEN ERIC SMALL 94109 WAYNE VYROSTEK 97077 16057 PETER RICHETTA 91330 LARRY W. SMI TH 55337 M. WAITE 11740 CLAES RICKEBY S-161 54 SWEDEN 66045 JON A. SOLWORTH 10011 WILLlAU M. WAITE 80309 20375 PETER A. RIGSBEE 02138 ROLF SONNTAG D-3000 GERMANY NOBUO WAKABAYASHI JAPAN 48824 MARK RIORDAN 55066 BILL SOUTHWORTH 02132 HAN S WALLBERG S-901 87 SWEDEN 30303 MORRIS W. ROBERTS D-2000 GERMANY JOHN H. SPANTON 95133 BOB WALSH 87106 10573 D-2000 GERMANY TIMOTHY P. ROBERTS T. M. SPENCE EH5 2XT UNITED KINGDOM PATRICK WARD H3C 3J7 CANADA 91601 90066 LARRY ROBERTSON PAUL SPRECHER 10024 DONALD WARREN 10024 14127 D. H. SPRINGER 53201 F. DOUGLAS ROBINSON 95131 MARK S. WATERBURY 22152 40217 TOM SPURRIER 32901 94611 MICHAEL P. ROBINSON STEPHEN B. WATERS 13440 20855 MARK STAHLMAN BOB ROGERS 10019 80303 SRISAK WATHANASIN M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM 95120 F. STANLEY 98926 THOMAS A. ROLANDER 55437 JOHN A. WEAVER 18042 01730 JORGEN STAUNSTRUP ROGER D. ROLES 90007 151 JAPAN NEIL W. WEBRE 93407 11794 GENE ROLLINGS ROBERT L. STEELE I I 22101 91307 KEVIN WEILER 15213 STAFFAN ROMBERGER S-100 44 SWEDEN EDWARD STEEN 01852 60148 LEONARD H. WEINER 79409 M. E. RONCHI 1-40033 ITALY GERALD STEINBACK 44106 94086 DAVID H. WELCH 92324 55455 J. B. ROSEN JAMES STEINBERG 02142 01701 ROBERT E. WELLS 02138 47907 SAUL ROSEN HORST STENZEL 94086 D-4400 GERMANY JIM WELSH BT7 INN UNITED KINGDOM 94035 TURNEY C. STEWARD CARL S. ROSENBERG 97330 94112 JOHN WERTH 89154 80004 RAYNER K. ROSICH JIM STEWART S-752 23 SWEDEN 08854 GREGORY F. WETZEL 66045 20784 EDWARD D. ROTHE JOHNNY STOVALL 06520 01581 TERRY E. WEYMOUTH 60532 97229 UNITED KINGDOM DAVID ROWLAND JEFFREY D. STROOMER 19341 NORMAN D. WHALAND 10009 14226 STUART W. ROWLAND CONRAD SUECHTING 20229 74145 WILLIAM A. WHITAKER 22209 2006 AUSTRALIA BRIAN G. ROWSWELL JERRY S. SULLIVAN 12210 10510 JAMES D. WHITE 73019 87115 NANCY RUIZ MARKKU SUNI SF-20500 FINLAND THE NETHERLANDS JOHNNY WIDEN S-951 87 SWEDEN 5098 AUSTRALIA DENNIS SUTHERLAND CHRIS A. RUSBRIDGE 52302 07470 AKE WIKSTROM S-402 20 SWEDEN 90733 PAUL RUSSELL DAVID TAFFS 02840 CM17 9NA UNITED KINGDOM E. HAROLD WILLIAMS 95050 55112 MARK RUSTAD MASATO TAKEICHI 182 JAPAN 19711 DENIS M. WILSON AB9 2UB UNITED KINGDOM 92634 WALTER R. RYPER RAUON TAN 10016 27607 RICHARD M. WILSON 85001 21235 LESTER SACHS JANET TAYLOR 75275 18015 STERLING WILSON 91342 7001 AUSTRALIA MICHAEL TEENER 87106 A. H. J. SALE 90403 GREG WINTERHALTER 48104 ROBERT R. TEISBERG BN1 2GJ UNITED KINGDOM 55455 64108 TIMOTHY J SALO F. S. WINTERSPRING K2A IT2 CANADA DANIEL THALMANN 55414 75080 QUEBEC CANADA E. J. SAMM:lNS NIELS WINTHER DK-2650 DENMARK 55427 DAVID A. THOMAS K1S 5B6 CANADA HELMUT SANDMAYR CH-9470 SWITZERLAND HANS-WILM WIPPERMANN D-6750 GERMANY 97201 06106 RICHARD T. THOMAS 43403 A. E. SAPEGA NIKLAUS WIRTH CH-8092 SWITZERLAND 75235 TERRY THOMAS 97077 95030 LYNN SAUNDERS JAN WITT D-8000 GERMANY 44119 KIRK D. THOMPSON 85282 47401 ANTHONY J. SCHAEFFER JAY WOODS 83639 35805 LARS-ERIK THORELLI S-100 44 SWEDEN 55343 ROSS D. SCHMIDT PAUL J. OOZNIAK 56569 55418 CLIFTON CHANG-CHAO TING 19151 92705 MARK M'. S CHNEGG URS R WYSS CH-8008 SWITZERLAND 55429 ALAIN TISSERANT F-54042 FRANCE 55455 G. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER CHI-KEUNG YIP LA1 1BA UNITED KINGDOM NOBUKI TOKURA 22180 560 JAPAN 92335 WALLY SCHNITGER KENNETH YOUNG 90020 HOWARD E. TOMPKINS H3S 1J6 CANADA 15701 D-7900 GERMANY AXEL T. SCHREINER GIDEON YUVAL ISRAEL B-1170 BELGIUM JOE TORZEWSKI 46530 11756 ROBERT SCHUTZ H. J. ZELL NW3 UNITED KINGDOM 02114 LARRY E. TRAVIS 017.52 53706 CARL W. SCHWARCZ PAUL ZILBER 11797 95153 19898 MARTIN VERGES TRIAS 14 SPAIN STEPHEN C. SCHWARM MARK ZIMMER 94704 47907 ROBERT TROCCHI 630 090 USSR 01754 ALLAN M. SCHWARTZ ANDREW HARRIS ZIMMERl1AN 94086 V6T 1 W5 CANADA 91126 JOHN TUCKER 79601 LARRY SEILER KARL 1. ZINN 48104 JOHN TUCKER 77843 88047 GUISEPPE SELVA 1-40122 ITALY 91604 JYRKI TUOMI SF-33101 FINLAND 08077 FOREST VAN SISE SHAFER V ):> en n ):> r Z rn :r: en =!;:; f-' f-' "rn t:t:1 ;::c = ):> ::>::l -< ........ LO '.J 00 -0 ):> '" rn vI N TYPE COMPATIBILITY CHECKING IN PASCAL COMPILERS Tne conditions that satisfy SRTCCO have already been stated 4 : two variables are considered as belonging to (being of) the same type if and only if they are declared using the same named type, Introduction Val! It is imperative we clearly set down the semantics of type compatibility for structured variables in the programming language Pascal. The matter in urgent since the lack of an explicit set of rules in that sense has already given rise to some incompatibilities resulting from the use of different Pascal compilers. Or, the basis of how a compiler implements type compatibility checking, we can currently distinguish two majo:r classes of Pascal compilers, represento.tives of which will react differently t::> :>articulo.r cases involving operations on structured variables. It is of course clear that such a conflict must not be allowed to continue, and in that sense I will try to explain how the two classes of compilers came into being and also present the reader with a few examples to display the consequences. a.: IU:tjpeA-d; b: IU:tjpeA-d or their associated identifiers both appear in the same list. VM a., fl: MJUtL{ [1..10] £i ,:,ometype On tile other hand, what Vie know of SRTCCI Kas picked up in the source text of t"e compiler itself since we could not find such information elsewhere. In general, the conditions that sa::isfy SRTCCI are based on the principle that: !>10 variables are considered as belonging to the same type if and only if the data structure(s) implementing their respective type are "identical". To know what "identical'! really means, one has to refer to the source text of the compiler (as we did) and understand how the Boolean function COMPTYPES works. We purposely omitted to display the source text of that function here for two reasons: I autOJ!'.atically inhericed a new set of rules (lets call this one SRTCCl). The whole happening went by almost unnoticed because no one had mentioned the change in policy. Even in the recent Pascal User's Manua1 3 , I :ill react differently if they enforce different sets of rules for type compatibility checking. A compiler u~:ng SP.TCCO will reject the st3.tement on a type-check error, while ariother e;lforcing SRTCCI let it go by ~'lhitout utt.ering a lztter, sinc~ both named types are implemented usi.llg the same data structvre: a 1te.c..OfT..d structure ha.vtng two fields of \'-7il~ The problem now, is that in the area of type compatibility checking, representatives of both classes of compilers are not fully compatible. That means that in particular situations, a compiler enforcing SRTeCO will reject a statement on a type-check error while another compiler enforcing SRTCCI \~ill accept it.. Articles t)'"]Je real. CUT second example shows hO\'1 enforcin.g SRTCCI can sometimes lead to 5 ide effects \.,rhich can be disastrous. Even if the examnle below is 92..sed on the particular behavior of a given compiler, it should be easy for 1:he readcl· to imagine th~ various related pitfalls ~ can accidentally stumble _cnto., Consider the following declarations: ttl :;:0 = :t> :;:0 -< Articles It was our intention to make every "pas caler" aware of the importance that lies in precisely stating tli.e semantics of type compatibility for structured variables. It is our hope that other opinions make themseh'es be heard. ,..J • lLec.olUi In any event, bear the following thought in mind: making a programming language a better tool to work with, can sometimes be acheived by lowering its level of permissiveness. ---x;tj: 1le.a:1. end; 1l2 .. Ilecolu:l ---x:.:te.a:1.; y: Ileal. end; VaIL REFERENCES b: 112 1.1.: 1t1; Pascal 6000, distribution version: IS. Feb. 1972. In the lattest release of the Pascal compiler for CDC machines, memory cells corresponding to record fields declared in the same list, are allocated in the reverse order of appearance of the field identifiers. Whether i t be an involuntary omission or a voluntary simplif~cation of compiler code, the underlying assumption that a user does not care about how the memory cells are allocated to his record components, is certainly debatable. All of this however should have no ill-effects on program execution; but because of the fact that the considered compiler enforces SRTCCl, things do not come out that way. To start with, the assignment statement "a.:: b" is accepted as legal. Furthermore, because of the peculiar allocation scheme described above, the execution of the assignment statement turns out to correspond to the following assignments "a.. x:: b.y; a..y:: b. x"! Pascal 2 (i.e. Pascal 6000-3.4), distribution version: May 1974. Jensen K., Wirth N., uPascal User Manual and Report", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 18, SpringeT-Verlag, 1974. "Restrictions of Pascal 6000", distribution document, IS Feb. 1972. ..,., As a starting point for our last example, we quote from Wirth &Jensen's Pascal user manual: "Semantically, a subrange type is an appropriate substitutio~or the associated scal~r type in.all definit~o~s. Furthermore, it is the associated scalar type l~hlCh determInes the vahdIty of all operatIons involving valUeS of subrange types." it is our intentio~ to e;-::amine some of the conseqto.ences ~f the first pCi.rt of the quo!:.c, in rel(i.tion tv the type compatibility of structured variables. ValL - 11 rn Pierre Desjardins Departement d'Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle Universite de Montreal Quebec n ttl ;;0 = ):> ;;0 -< (* Received 77/10/18 *) hroup a.: a/limy (1 .. 10] ln1:egeJl; b: MIlay [1 .. 10J a 0 .. 511; c.: MIlay [1 .. 10] 0 0 •• 255; *** {group 2} d: pa.c.~e:~ MMy (J . . 5J £i 0 .. 511; e:.: ~c. e MMy [J .. 5J £i O•• 255; 6: ~ MMy [1 .. 5] £i -128 .. 127 According to SRTCCO, all the variables declared above are pairwis~ t~e incompatible. Under SRTCCI however, variables of group 1 are all paIrwIse compatible while in group 2, only the pair is compatible (as obtained when compiled by a CDC ·Pascal 2 compiler). The incompatibilities in group :2 stern only from differing sizes in storage occupancy (which in turn ~epends on the packing strategy employed). It shculd not be necessary to complle.a pro?ram in order to find out if a given pair of variables are t}Te compatIble; Language semantics should take care of that. A Novel Approach to Compiler Design By James Q. Arnold e-n For the sake of discussion, let us suppose that the Pascal language implemented on a computer providing instructions for efficie~t byte The implementor might choose to compile some arrays (those WIth the priate type of element) as implicit byte (packed) arTays. In.s~c~ a pairs a-Co and b-c. would no longer be compatible. Type compatIbIlIty not be implementation dependent. is to be access. approcase, the should Computer Science Department Kansas University The ideas presented in this paper reflect those of the author, and no support for them was either requested or received from HoneywelL the University of Kansas Computer Center, the Department of Computer Science at KU, or the University of Waterloo. USing During the last several months, we have had the extreme pleasure of a Pascal compiler produced at the University of Waterloo. The compiler's five versions have given us new insights compiler design, and into the area of we would like to highlight a few of them in this paper. In the interest of brevity, we shall not delve into all areas p oss ibl e, but we hope the mention of some importa nt items will s t imul a te the interested reader to reflect upon the further application of these ideas. Our discussion will center upon the followin9 topics: 1. Program Portabil ity 2.. Program Correctness 3. User Interface. Although each of the areas interacts to sOlne degree with the others, we feel these are the natural categories exemplified by the Waterloo compiler.. Thus we shall str ive to pres ent them ina rna nner comme nsurate with the clarity and elegance in which they present themselves to the user. A.. "Use machine instructions in the differ fro;n processor to processor .. II conpiler support package which Both KU and Waterloo have Honeywell 66/60 computers; KU has a processor A, and tv-ateriao has a processor B. \"lhen implementing a p royram des igned for portabil i ty I it is af the u tmos t import ance to utilize instt"uctions which behave diffe.rently from machine to machine .. The Waterloo compiler does just that; but they have taken this principle to it s logical conclusion. Not only should programs behave differently, but it .is even more desirable if one can arrange for an operation fault as well. One very important consequence is providing the iraplementation team with the chance to practice patchin0 core-image load modules (the compiler is only provided in load module form). This is becoming a lost art. and the necessary steps are being taken by \'aterloo to keep it alive. We certainly applaud theln for this. B. "Change the language definition." Hany Pascal implementations provide extensions; Waterloo has transcended the lowly extension and introduced the new concept of outri9ht nodification. 'This extraordinary achievement was surprisingly easy to make. convert the !?'£Q.9.~,C!'-~ heading into ".Ero£~,2,~~~ main; Notice how mnemonic i.t is now, and how the first line immediately tells t he reader what the program was written for. Notice "lso that the messy parameters have been eliminated. This will obviously prevent any confus ion about the meaning of the undeclared variables in the J2££9.E~ heading. AdditiQnally, the "curious" period terminator has been dropped. It amazes us even now how such Sili1ple modifications could add so much to the clarity and portability of programs. I'e wonder why Niklaus liiirth didn't think of these things himsel f. Naturally, the compiler rejects Standard Pascal, but this is a blessing in disguise. As soon as we have reached the sar.1e level of insight as the desiqners at VJaterloo, we shall certainly let the reader know what the blessing is. .11 A. "Distribut~~ compile ("5 which are not debugged." Once ayain, the compiler is used as an educational tool. Since pro,]rammers can not be assumed to know Pascal, any compiler for the language should encourage the user to study the user manual. This can be done in several ways, but some of' the techniques llsed by t'1aterloo s truck us as being particularly noteworthy. One example follows which aborts the compiler: iY~ sex: (female, male) ; { : should be = }. We relayed our initial reaction of conCern to Waterloo, but they reassured uS with an explanation [Pascal Release Bullet1n, September, 1977], "The compiler is based on an LALR parser, and LALR parsers are famous for this behaviour." Naturally, we were grateful to receive this lesson. in parsi,:" theory. It also illuminated a new attitude which should be 1nst1~ led 1n all compiler writers of the future. If there are syntax errors 1n the program, the programmer must not know the langua~e in the first pla~e. Encourage him to read the manual; furthermore, don t waste comp~ter t~me by looking at the rest of the program if the error was one wh1ch could only have been made by a complete dolt. A compiler abort is the quickest and cheapest way to quit scanning. (i i) "The c ()nstructs. II compiler should abort on some syntactically correct We believe this is a truly ingenious device to educate the experienced programmer.. While aborts on syntactic e~ror~ ar,e ~irected at people who still make mistakes, this kind of abort 1S a1med r1ght at the knowledgeable one. Furthermore, this will help the programmer expand his Pascal vocabulary by forCing him to use different language features than the ones he really wants to use. Surely no further explanation of the power of this device is needed. (iii) "The executes. II compiler should generate incorrect code, which still Thi s mus t be considered the suc cessor of both (i) and (i i) • On ce t he program has sifted through the compiler, and a load module is obtained, it will surely help the progranmer understand the program better if it runs incorrectly. Hand traces are illuminating, and they are essential in the development process of a program. Waterloo has extended their application even further to include post-runtime. Once again, we are amazed at the insight and courage needed to make this intellectual leap. At this point it should be noted that these principles combine to help unify the user community. At KU a "bug list" has been compiled (by hand), and all users are invited to contribute. It is a marvelous tool for bringing people together. Furthermore, we have actually discovered t hat some of those people prefer entomology to computer science. They a re indebted to \,aterloo for providing the initial motivation to explore t he field. The compiler seems to serve as a limited, occupational counselor. B. uGive brief error messages without referring to program text." This will obviously make the user study the whole line (or procedure, or program). Our favorite message of this kind is "Syntax error near "'identifier"'. II The runner-up is "Syntax error near 'program'." It should be apparent how exemplary the latter is, especially for beginning programmers who are trying to write their first Pascal program using Wirth's definition. (The second message actually refers to a use of the defunct keyword, Erogram, which is not allowed to b e us ed a t a l L ) most (i) "The cCl11piler should abort on sorne simple syntax errors." A. One "Make the compiler opt ions a dynamic set. II All programmers like to feel they are in control of their machine. way to foster this feeling is to provide an interface to the \.N V1 This .i5 superbly executed by language processor whi~t) keeps changing. To allow the use of the time shar ing command scanne r. for the compiler. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO upper Cfise keywords, we huve used "-dualcase," II-uppercase," and "-singlecase" with different ve~sions of the cOJnpiler. Inexplicably, t hey neglected to r.ecognize those options only when typed in lower case, BERXELEY • DAVIS • IRVINE • LOS ANGELES • RIVERSIDE • SAN DIEGO • SAN FRANCISCO to completely rule out the use of an upper case terminal. will Perhaps that be provided in a future version. INSTITUTE FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS In addition, it is also advisable to maintain a dynamic set of requireH1f:'nts foe the placement of the options on the command-line in relation to the filenafi1es. Particularly useful here is requiring one option to follow the natne of the BOUrCe fil e, whil e all others must precede it. As new versions evolve, howe\~er, this restriction may be loosened.. Once again, Waterloo seems to have missed the chance to change .!th.1.ft!. option must follow the filenames. B. "Do not implement all of the options documented at The reason for this is to prevent confusion providi!1g too many thint]s at one time which all work. CO' files "Create files for the user, already in existence." I'e must admit that this is without the checking best in the feature compiler performs with char.-acteristic aplomb. one of time,," by the user names of the and the all, We were also delighted to discover that the filenames used depend upon the options given in the command-line.. This is necessary to prevent standardization. One exalople wi] 1 open the door for future implementations to follow. If the user simply wants to compile the program and get d relocatable a ppending II object .0" deck, the compiler creates to the name of the source file a file (it can not for that by be specified by the user, a nice extra). The Honeywell time sharin'J fi Ie system limits filenames to eight characters; what should the compiler do if the name of the source file a lready guessed. is eight characters long? Perhaps the reader The only logical thin'} to do is write the object has deck r i9ht over the source.. Nothing could be more clever" Source files are useless when one has the object deck. Why \vaste file space maintaining both?! This will also prevent the user from making wasteful and costly listings of the program. vie are contin°~"lly impressed by the resourcefulness displayed with this unique feature. An important thing in it's irnplementation is the requisite lack of system documentation. The best system features ilre . :::0 -< The software system is currently executed in a pseudo machine interpreter, which emulates a hypothetical real machine designed to handle PASCAL constructs efficiently. Our pseudo machine is similar in concept to the P-machine distributed by Wirth's group at Zurich, but we have made extensive changes to compress the PASCAL object code into a much smaller space than possible with the Zurich interpreter. The interpreter, and run-time support routines, currently occupy about 8K bytes of main memory. The interpreter is in the native machine language of the host machine, and thus far has been coded by hand using the host's assembly language. All other code in the system is written in extended PASCAL. While the interpreted object code runs roughly five times slower than native code for the host machine, several factors allow our large system programs to run substantially faster than this would indicate. The strategy of code compression makes it possible to run relatively large programs without time consuming overlays. For example, the complete compiler occupies 20K bytes in a single overlay. Since the system is designed for frequent compile/go cycles associated with instruction, we have added several built-in procedures and functions to handle low level operations needed frequently by the compiler. ·As a result, the compiler translates PASCAL source code at about 650 lines -0 ::t:> G"l rn per minute on an LSI-11 with its clock set to 2.2 MHz. the compile speed will be slightly faster than this. On a 4 MHz Z80, Interpreter based versions of our system are now running on 5 distinct processors, and two others are close to completion. Those operating include DEC PDP-11's ranging from the LSI-11 to the 11/45, using either floppy disks or RK05 disks for secondary storage. Versions for the 8080 and Z80 are operating in our laboratory, but more of that later. Sperry Univac Minicomputer Operations at Irvine is using the system on the V-15 and related machines. Another group at UCSD has the system running on the Nanodata QM-1. With support fro~ General A~tomation, a version is close to completed on the GA-440 fam~ly of mach~nes. National Semiconductor has an implementation nearly completed on the PACE microcomputer. The principal modules of the system as it will be distributed in the 1.4 release include the following: PASCAL compiler File manager (capabilities similar to DEC's PIP) Screen oriented editor (cursor positioning, immediate updates) Line oriented editor (similar to DEC's RT-11 Editor) Debugger (single line execution, reference to variable contents) SETUP program (adapt system. to most ASCII terminals) BASIC compiler (ANSI standard plus strings) Operating System and user command interpreter PASCAL pseudo machine interpreter Linker program (for linking independently compiled program segments) Desk Calculator utility program Users of the Terak 8510A may, on request, also receive copies of the CAl package, and automated quizzes for the introductory textbook, as well as the bookkeeping package. Documents describing all of the above are available, and part of the release but not all documents ca~ be considered complete at this time. We dist;ibute source and object code files on separate floppy disks formatted to be compatible with the IBM 3140 standard, with 512 byte blocks laid out in alternate 128 byte sectors according to DEC's standard. We haveoccastonally sent copies recorded directly pn disk packs for the RK05 drives. All other media are painful or impossible for us to handle, and no promises are made to use them. Those who order the full $200 release package will be sent both the documents, and printed listings of the source programs. Copies of the descriptive documents amounting to approximately 150 pages, may be ordered at $10 each (che~ks payable to the "Regents of the University of California") to cover printing and handling costs. 3. Minimum Configuration In order to use the compiler, you need a total of at least 48K bytes of main memory, including the 8K bytes assigned to the interpreter. We use 56K bytes. Ideally, the interpreter should be completed re-entrant and thus it should be possible to operate the interpreter from Read Only Memory. To date, the ideal has not quite been achieved, as none of our sponsors has yet insisted on that feature. At present, the system we use with students contains several built-in functions not needed for system development. The aggregate size of these functions is large enough to prevent compiling the compiler itself, or the operating system, even on a 56K byte system. Accordingly, we currently have two versions of the system, one for students, and one for system development. Within the next few months, we plan to add a means of configuring general purpose libraries for the system, and by that means expect to be able to return to a single version for all purposes. That single version should be practical to use in less than 48K bytes for some purposes. If you intend to compile on one microcomputer, and to executed object routines on others, the others can get by with as little as 16K bytes of main memory if the operating system is not used. The resident portion of the operating system occupies about 8K bytes itself. This will undoubtedly be reduced as part of the libraries project. = The system is designed to be used with standard IBM compatible floppy disks. Clearly it can be used with other varieties of floppy disks, or with other secondary storage media, with appropriate I/O drivers. The I/O drivers have proven to be one of our principal bottlenecks, and we make no promises in advance about supporting other devices. For DEC PDP-11 machines, the floppy disk drivers are assumed to be compatible with the RX-11, or with the Terak 8510A drives. Hard disks are assumed to be compatible with the RK05. The system is normally supplied with the assumption that the user has a simple line-oriented ASCII terminal. The SETUP program can be used to configure control codes for more appropriate use of most CRT terminals. Copies of the system supplied to users of the Terak 8510A make fairly extensive use of the special graphics and character generator facilities of that machine. 4. 8080 and Z80 versions The Z80 version is now running on the Tektronix 8002 Microprocessor Development Aid system, for which Tektronix has supplied substantial support to the project. The 8080 version uses virtually the same source code as is used on the Z80, with conditional assembly altering certain passages in the source to substitute for a few of the extended Z80 instructions that proved useful. "Tl rn tt:J ;;0 = » :::0 -< Release of the 8080/Z80 version of the system for other machines has been held up primarily because of the awkwardness of handling I/O. We currently have a Zilog Development System, a Processor Technology SOL system, and a Computer Power and Light COMP~L-80 system. The floppy disk provisions for each of these machines ~s non-standard. As a result, we have been forced to down-load programs via serial interfaces to get from the LSI-11 host machines used for development over to the new 8080 or Z80 based host. This has proven to be a very time consuming process, and a serious bottleneck in our work. Moreover, we are somewhat amazed to find that the Assembly of large programs on these machines runs almost a factor of ten slower than compilation of PASCAL programs that carry out similar tasks! Clearly, something has to give if we are to reach the objective of distributing PASCAL systems for more than a few 8080 and Z80 based machines. The solution to this problem that we now plan to use is based on the extensive market penetration of an operating system called CP/M, which is a product of Digital Research Inc. We have talked with many OEM and hobbyist users of the 8080 and Z80 who wanted to know when we would have the PASCAL system operating under CP/M. We then learned that CP/M is distributed in a package which assumes that most users will write their own 110 drivers. In effect, CP/M establishes a quasi standard for the interface between an 8080/Z80 operating system and its I/O drivers. With thousands of copies working in the field, CP/M seems to be far ahead of the field in this area. Accordingly, we have decided to release the UCSD PASCAL System for 8080 and Z80 users in a form that will work with I/O drivers and bootstrap loaders developed for use with CP/M. This does not mean that our package will run under CP/M. However, if CP/M runs on your machine it should be relatively easy to install the PASCAL system on that machine. We have been in contact with Digital Research on this concept, and they have offered to cooperate. ,If you do not have CPIM for your machine, the implementation package may be obtained from Digital Research Inc., Box 579, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 for $70. Since CPIM has been implemented on a very wide variety of 8080 and'Z80 based machines, there is a high probability that CPIM 110 drivers are already available from Digital Research or someone else for your machine. Alteration of our present interpreter to match the CP/M I/O calling conventions has proven to be very simple, at least on paper. We expect that some implementors of CPIM will have installed standard console input routines which automatically echo to the standard console printer or display device. This will necessitate a change, since our system uses both echoing and non-echoing console input. At this writing, the exact method to be used is under discussion. Barring some unforeseen calamity, copies of our system designed to run with CPIM 110 drivers should be ready for distribution by early January, 1978. The distribution medium will be IBM compatible floppy disks formatted in a manner yet to be finally speQified. We will undertake to transform the system for other media and other formats, in general, only if a copy of the necessary hardware is available in our laboratory, and only if funds are available to pay for the extra conversion work. For many of the 80S0 based machines we have seen, the most practical way to install our system will be to use 4SK bytes of RAM augmented with 8K bytes of ROM for the interpreter. Any additional RAM or ROM required by the host processor system will also be needed. 5. PASCAL Extensions and Alterations We have attempted to implement faithfully as much as possible of PASCAL as defined in Jensen & Wirth's User Manual and Report. The principal extensions to PASCAL embodied in our system are related to STRING variables, Turtle Graphics, handling of disk files, Segment (overlay) Procedures, and several functions for support of the system itself. Alterations include a prohibition against passing procedure or function identifiers as parameters, restriction against GOTO out of a procedure, the addition of EXIT«procedurename» to effect a normal exit from the procedure named in the parameter, and a change in READ applying to the interactive INPUT and KEYBOARD files. Further details than given in this s~ction are given in our system release documents. Type STRING is a pre-declared record containing a character count fOllowed by a packed array of characters. Built-in procedures and functions include LENGTH, POS(ition), INSERT, DELETE, COpy (i.e. extract), CONCATenate, SCAN, FILLCHAR, MOVERIGHT, and MOVELEFT. The last four of these also operate on conventional packed arrays of characters. Turtle Graphics describes a technique originated by Seymour Papert of MIT in which one can either MOVE a cursor (called the "turtle") an arbitrary number of screen units in the current pointing direction, or TURN an arbitrary number of degrees at the current position. A PENCOLOR procedure allows the line drawn by a 'MOVE to be either WHITE, BLACK, or NONE. The disk file extensions allow working with fixed length logical records corresponding to any legal , which might typically be a RECORD data structure. GET and PUT operate normally through a window variable of the same . OPENNEW creates a new file, OPENOLD opens a pre-existing file, and CLOSE allows saving or purging a file. SEEK (which will be distributed with the 1.4 system for the first time) allows random access to logical records within a file. SEGMENT Procedures are separately compiled and then linked into the host program using the LINKER. A Segment procedure is only loaded into ~ain memory when it is entered for the first time, and its memory space lS deallocated upon exit from the first invocation. R~AD(INPUT,X) is defined by Wirth as X:=INPUTf; GET(INPUT); which we flnd to be extremely awkward for interactive use. Our solution is to place the implied GET before the implied aSSignment in the case of interactive files of type TEXT. READ operates as defined in Wirth's Report for other TEXT files. en PACKED records on our system which fit within 16 bit fields are automatically packed and unpacked without explicit action by the programmer. 6. Introductory PASCAL Course and Textbook Man~ of those inquiring about our system have heard about it through havlng seen the textbook "Microcomputer Problem Solving Using PASCAL" by the author of this note, published this fall by Springer Verlag. If you haven't seen a copy, they may be obtained from Springer at 175 Fifth Ave., New York City, NY 10010. The book is the basis for teaching the large attendance iritroductory computer science course at UCSD. This course Gomes close to matching the specifications for course CSl in the recently published curriculum recommendations from ACM's SIGCSE. The approach is non-numerical as f~r a~ practical, as a tactic to reach the many students who come to us wlth,lnadequate prep~ration in high school mathematics. The problem solvlng and programmlng approach taught is the same as we would teach even if all the problem sets were mathematics oriented. Because many problem examples and illustrations use our string and graphics e~tensions to PASCAL, the textbook currently assumes that the student wlll,have access to a computer which runs under the UCSD PASCAL system. We wlll be glad to discuss the possibility of conversion to other softwar~ systems, but have very limited resources to apply to such conve:slons. There ~r~ several stand-alone microcomputers now being sold ln,large quantltles on which our system would run, given a small converSlon effort, and we would welcome support funds to pay ,for such converSlons. Software in the form of automated quizzes is available with our system release for those who may wish to teach using the textbook Each chapter in the book has a list of study goals for the stud;nts to ach~eve. Wherever,appropriate, the quizzes test for mastery of the tOP1CS enumera~ed ln the goals lists. The quiz programs have been lmplemented uSlng a set of CAl primitive routines patterned after the w~ll known DIALOG CAl system developed at U.C.lrvine by Alfred Bork and hlS colleagues. The introductory course is taught using Keller's Personalized System of Instruction (PSI). PSI has been found to be a more successful method of instruction than any other method commonly USed in universities and colleges. This success is achieved, almost completely without conventional lectures, by using experienced students as Learning Assistants called "proctors". The characteristics of this method make us believe that it is possible to offer this course, or others construc~ed along the same lines, on a packaged basis for use at other lnstltutlons. A separate paper describing this possibility in detail called "Microcomputer Based Mass Education" is available from the writer of this status report. -n f'T1 t:I:I ;:0 = :t> ;:0 -< 7, Tele-Mail User Support Facility We have reached the point where it will be possible for us to begin operating a dial-in computer "mailbox" by early in the winter quarter. We have been using the Terak 8510A machines occasionally as intelligent terminals for exchanging messages via the large B6700 computer operated by the campus computer center. Our own Tele-Mail facility will use its own single telephone number reachable directly from the national dialed telephone network, or internally via the California state government telephone network. Paid subscribers to our software release will be notified when this mailbox facility is ready to be used. The mailbox will be operated primarily to serve users of our software system. It will provide notices of recent bug corrections, down-loading of program files (either source or object) where appropriate, notices on new additions to the software and new machines on which implementations have been completed, and other useful information from us to the users. It will also serve as a means for us to collect messages from specific users, and to answer them expeditiously, without the hassle of both parties having to be at their telephones at the same time. Through the use of block transfer software, the mailbox will make relatively efficient use of the dialed telephone network. We would like to begin immediately by offering a dial-in port at 1200 bits per second. However, the present state of confusion in the industry at that speed (which is the fastest one can use with acoustic couplers) leads us to move cautiously. We can and will install a port at 300 bits per second using the standard Bell 103A equivalent conventions. The system will answer an incoming call from an ordinary terminal by providing a brief summary of recent developments. It will otherwise expect a "handshake" from a special file transfer program that we will provide to users of our software package. This program will be the means of interchange based on efficient transfer of messages in the form of complete files. If ycu wish to send an ordinary text message to us, you will prepare the message using either of the editors built into the system. Only after the message is complete will you need to make the telephone connection. 8, Forthcoming Improvements As mentioned earlier, our next significant improvement in the software will be a more flexible system allowing libraries of programs. One of the main reasons for doing this will be to allow the software to be configured to make efficient use of main memory in cases where the user does not need all of the built-in facilities. For example, we have no need for turtle graphics when compiling large system programs. One of the long awaited features of the new library system will be an arrangement allowing mixture of PASCAL procedures with Assembly language routines and/or procedures compiled directly to the native code of the host machine. The necessary assemblers and code generation will come somewhat after the library system is operational. If all goes well, the library system should be ready to distribute during the winter quarter of 1978. The assemblers and native code ve'rsions of the compiler will come somewhat later as time for the necessary work permits, Many people have asked whether we have in mind extensions to support Concurrent PASCAL, or similar facilities to allow independent processes running concurrently, This is something we would like to do eventually, but our current resources do not allow making definite plans in this area. (* Received 78/01/03 *) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY' DAVIS' mVINE • LOS ANGELES' RIVERSIDE' SAN DIEGO' SAN FRANCISCO PROGRAM IN QUANTITATIVE ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY SANTA BARBARA' SANTA CRUZ 2220 PIEDMONT AVENUE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720 21 December 1977 SUGGESTIONS FOR PASCAL IMPLEMENTATIONS These suggestions are not based on implementation experience (I have none), but on using, teaching, and arguing about the language and on maintaining and trans- porting Pascal programs across several machines. Items 1 through 7a below concern implementation and have no bearing on the Pascal language. Items 7b through 10 would affect portability if implemented on only some machines, and thus seem worth considering as "conventional extentions." 1) A very nice feature offered by some Fortran compilers is a special comment construction which is treated as a comment under one compiler option (the default), while such comments are compiled if the appropriate option is specified. This feature allows debugging code to be inserted in with the rest of the program at no cost to the size or execution time of the final production object code (since the debugging code is treated as comments in the final compilation). In addition to debugging, this feature can be used to produce two slightly different object versions from a single source program, or for insertion of machine-dependent extra features in an otherwise transportable program. Pasc~l This could be implemented in a . compiler in two ways: a) The most analogous implementation would use a $ comment option which would cause the preceeding open and the following close comment symbols to be ignored under "debug" mode, while otherwise these $ comments would be treated as comments. This means of implementation has the advantage that it can be used for declarations or for actions. It has the disadvantage that no comments can appear within the "debug" code since few (if any) compilers allow nesting of comments (some allow pseudo-nesting through different comment symbols). b) A different implementation would use Pascal language structure rather than special comments: "debug" code would appear within an if statement which has as its Boolean expression only a single constant identifier. The following (compound) statement is compiled if and only if the constant has the value TRUE. The code for the if statement itself is not generated in either case. Means of implementation b) has two advantages over a). First, the programmer can provied as many different "constant switches" as desired: one actually for debugging, another if certain features are available on the host machine, etc. The second advantage is that any Pascal compiler will generate correct code from programs using these constant switches, in fact, I used them frequently to move programs back and forth between machines (Texas-Austin CDC and DEC 10). Of course, such programs will run less efficiently if the special use of the Boolean constant is not recognized at compile t~e. For the specific purpose of' debugging, it would be convenient to have a predefined Boolean constant identifier DEBUG global to the main program. This would be FALSE unless set by the job control command invoking the compiler, and could as usual be overriden by a local same-named constant. 2) Large programs would be easier ·to read and debug if the compiler source listing included, at the end of each procedure or function, the names of global variables referenced in that routine, and the routine in which they were defined. suggested Extensions to Pascal Part I 3) A compiler option to flag non-standard constructs is quite useful. At some future time it may be desirable to expand this to flag only constructs which are both non-standard Pascal and non-"conventional extentions ll. A. Fra ley University of British Columbia August 25, 1977 ll • 4) If the reserved word PACKED is ignored by the compiler, the procedures PACK and UNPACK should be implemented as the appropriate FOR assignment loops. 5) If LINELIMIT (not a part of Standard Pascal) is not called for a file, the default should be no line limit at all, rather than a small positive limit. A small default limit is undesirable for two reasons: a) programs writing to several files may run ~orrectly during testing and then fail on a large production run (Pascal 6000 enforces a limit on every output file, not just printer files), and b) portability of programs written on machines not implementing this extention is impared. 6) The syntax which makes one-pass compilation possible also makes possible a compiler for interactive program entry, with syntax checking after each line of code is entered by the user. Actually, program entry could be done by a syntax scanner which copies good input to a file but does not generate code (thus would be transportable). If the user was given some simple editing facilities, such a system would compare favorable with many of the selling points of a good Basic interpretor. 7) The following two comments on numeric input apply to either free-field or formatted input: a) The standard language definition of '" rn This allows compares. 2. simple implementation of moves and The parameter& are stored next. These fields may be interrogat€d or used for type com pa Ubili t y checks. 3. The data area for variable sized fields is placed at the end of the record structure. This allows direct access to all fields without the need for computinq displacements at run time. 4. Each field of variable size is replaced in the structure by a pointer to the appropriate data area. Unlike other pointers in Pascal, the field pointer is relative: it is the displacement of the data area from the pointer. field. This allows record items to be moved without changing the pointers. 5. When an array has a component of variable size, the length and index origin are stored in a dope vector. one additional restriction is that parameterized types are not compatible with simple types. For example, if we have the aeclarations racilities rpUGN 45 (Eisenberg), #6 (Hagerty, Cichelli), 118 (Sale)]. The suqgestions in this section and the tllO that follow address these complaints and related topics. What is a file? A file is a record, one of whose components is a system object. The system obiect contains a seguence of typed components. Pascal over-simplifies this situation by iqnoring the system obiect. When a user: first ~earns about files, he must learn the system conventions guite early. Hiding them in Pascal does not shor:ten the learning time significantly. C/) Files in Pascal contain the one important property which makes them variables: they vary. The assignment operator is not defined for this data type. Euclid even has a method for assignment to be illeagal for selected user types. But assignment of files in Pascal could be given a meaning. Just as "1'," suggests a dereference Which does not necessarily occur, the assignment "P1:= 1'2" could assign the system obiect from one file variable to another. After this assignment, F1 and F2 ~ould access the same system obiect. (The coordination between these files, the contents of their buffers and flags, and ether issues would need to be decided if this inter:pretation is made. These issue must be pursued anyway since two external files may access the same system obiect.) HeLe are some suggested operations on files. Some of these would be meaningless for the cur:rent Pascal definition of files. YAR V: STRING (12); Ii: ARRAY [ 1•• 121 a!' CHAR; PROCEDURE Q (VAR STR: STRING); DEFI NED (file) Returns TRUE if there is a with this file variable. the call Q(V) is legal, but the call Q(W) is not. --n system obiect associated Modules OPENED (file) Returns TRUE if the file has been used. If FALSE, a RESET or REWRITE should be performed rather than a GET or PUT. One of the strengths of Fortran is the ability to have library packages. . Some Pascal compilers allow separate compilation, so that libraries can contain individual procedures. But for a package of procedures, there must be a shared ·data area for retaining values and communica ting from one procedure to another. The Fortran mechanism for this process is "named common". Pascal has no such mechanism. Its global data area serves as a structured form of "blank common", but there should be a structured form of named common. RESET (file, name); REWRITE (file, nam~ Changes the system obiect associated with the file to the named ob;ect. This allows the program to reference catalogged files without the user supplYinq the name each time the program is run. Conventions for names would need to be established for portability. Modules in the language Modula r 51 provide such a structure. Selected constants, types, variables, and procedures of a module are known to ·the outside world; all others are the private property of the module. Pascal should allow separate compilation of modules. Later compilations could reference the "obiect module", which would contain definitions of all external names. The compiler could include the module's obiect code with the current compilation, or could insert the appropriate loader control lines for fetching the module. Some provision should be made for alerting users when the external specifications of library modules are modified. Files A number of complaints have been made about Pascal's I/O M b:l = c::: ::t:> = -< I-' <.0 '-I co EXT END (file); EXTEND (file, name) These work like REWRITE, but can be used to extend an existinq file without reading it first. (Example: A compiler might wish to keep a statistics file of all error messages issued to users. The second form of EXTEND could be used, since the user would not know about this file.) END.FILE (file) Assurninq EOF(file) is TRUE. this procedure ends the current file. If EOF(file) is FALSE, skip past the end of the file. This is useful if the actual file is a tape. ""'C :l> = rn Random access facilitie~ may be added to the existing file facilities with little cost. Unlike the "slow array" proposals, the technique below does not permit integer indexes into the tile. While this may be inconvenient, it can be easily ~mplement€d on most machines. In addition, if a file element is ueleted in an integer indexing scheme, there would be a question dS to whether the subseguent elements should be renumbered. POSITION (file) This function returns a value of an internal data type "filepos", indicating the current position of the window in the file. DELETE (file, pos) Deletes an el~rnent of a file. "filepos". "pOSH must have losing significant information in the inteqer case, so we should avoid it in the character case. The statement wRITE (0 ABCD ':3) could be defined to produce .. ABCD" instead of .. ABCD". This would allow the form WRITE (A:O) to be used inside of messages without leavinq irrelevant spaces. 3. There are certain applications where the programmer may wish to truncate integers or strings on output. The statement type WRITE (1234:3:TRUNC,'ABCD':3:TRUNC) REPOSITION (file, pos) Repositions the file window to the parameter position. Following this position, a GET or a PUT is permitted, regardless of the current value of EOf(file). If the component at the indicated position has been deleted, a GET will set EOF (file) TRUE. could produce the output "234ABC". 4. NEXTPOS (file, pos) This procedure differs from REPOSITION in two ways: 1. If the component has been deleted, a GET will access the next component which has not been deleted. 2. A PUT will place the current buffer into the file position immediately following the indicated position. Real number formatting in Pascal is currently inadequate. When the decimal digits aren't specified, the format ("E" or "F") should be chosen by the output routine to maximize the number of significant digits which can be contained in the field. The call WRITE (r:w:d) causes "P" format output with "d" decimal digits, unless siqnificant digits would be lost on the left. The field could be expanded, but a switch to "E" format would be appropriate. (The field would be widened to allow for a value having the specified number of decimal places and the exponent as well.) The statement WRITE (r:w:d:EI could force "E" format with the specified number of digits. For consistency with the previous cases, the call WRITE (r:O) could output in free-format. The conventions could be those found in APL, in which trailing zeros are eliminated when possible. PIRSTPOS (f 11e); LASTPOS (file) These functions return the first and last positions of a file, respectively. For consistency with the source language, at least one digit must be printed to the left of the decimal point. I f no diqits are requested to the right of the decimal, "." is not printed. An additional convention may be that exact zeros are printed "0" with no decimal part and no exponent. These functions should be easy to implement for files havinq a lixed com~onent si1:e. A clarification of the effects of these procedures would be needed for text files. (O~r system does aeletions ,and rewriting of entire lines, rather than individual characters. )' I--' LO ........ As to the usefulness of this scheme, most random accesses reguire the use of a directory, links in fieldS, or remembering d location. The special pointers can be stored as easily as ~nt",gers. \lashing to a file isn't possible, but a procedure for mapping integers into file locations miqht be specified. 5. Formatted output of scalars and characters should be provided, and should be identical to strinq output. 6. Input of character strings should be allowed. READ (s) would start at the current input position and fill s with characters. If the end of line is reached before s is full, the remainder of s is filled with blanks, and the window remains at the end of line. If EOLN is TRUE when the read is started, the read begins on the next line. (Note that if zero lenqth lines are permitted, a null line could pass unnoticed. Our system returns one space with EOLN false even if the oriqinal line was empty.) 7. It should be possible to associa·te read and write formatting routines with each user-defined type. This would allow all variables to be used in READ and WRITE statements. Formatting The Pascal Report [1] does not specify the effects of the formattin~ procedures READ and WRITE in sufficient detail. The auggestions below clarify a few points, and present some extensions and changes which seem more consistent and flexible than the current conventions. 1. 2. What is the effect of WRITE (1234: 3)? To avoid erroneous printing of numbers, the full value "1234" should be printed. This has the desirable side effect that WRITE (1:0) produces free-form output. No extra spaces are placed around the number, so it will appear naturally in the text. Consistency what is the effect of IiRITE ('ABCD':3)? We avoided says that the output should be "ABCD". Input formatting, while not discussed above, should be provided. People won't use Pascal if they can't read their existing data, whether or not it is archaic. Sometimes data is generated Olf laboratory equipment as strings of diqits; modifications to the hardware should not be forced on the user. 1n addition, most users don't have the time to write their own 0:> ~umber conversion routines for reading the data a character at a time. Conclusions The use of Fortran ca~ridqe control is archaic, and doesn't l.nterfacE well with some operatinq systems. (i.e.: Pascal would need to know whether the first character is carriaqe control in order to generate the proper file formdt.) The Lollowing format generators could be included as a~guments to . ';': PROCESS (C); ERROR (C) END This has an advantage over the "OTHEWISE" notation fPUGN la. pq 26 (steensqaard-I!adsen) 1 because specific error values can be J.isted along with the default symbol "<>". Wirth has reiected the use of a CASE default rpUGN fa. pq. 23]. This author feels that it is no worse than the unqualified ELSE in an IF statement. It is an absolute requirement if the CASE is to be useful in real programs. Consider wirth's example of a CASE beinq used with a character field. A proqram which will receive wide distribution may use a restricted character set. All characters cannot be listed. because implementation character sets may differ. On certain machines. some characters Aave no external representation, and could not be entered as case labels. Sometimes the internal, printer, and terminal character sets differ. addinq to the confusion. To restrict the temptation to misuse the case default. a of values (such as 1•• 10) should be allowed as a case ~abel. For characters. the ASCII orderinq could be assumed to permit portaoility. (' • •• ·w' means "all characters from • , to 'ill' in the ASCII sequence". It does 1lQ! imply that the ~nternal representation is ASCII. Compilers for non-ASCII ~mplementations would need a table to select the appropriate character values for the case label.l range ,Other for.ulations use "FI", "END IF". or "END" in place of "END_IF".) The advantage to this form is that the programmer need not decide whether a BEGIN is needed or not when writinq his code. A line may be inserted without needinq to add BEGIN END brackets. The "danglinqELSE" problem disappears: it is 41ways obvious which IF an ELS.E is associated with. Loop Statements Sost of Pascal's compound statements may easily be given a closed form: a suitable closinq word is selected for the end. For convenience. "ELIF" (a contraction of ELSE and IF) is 4ddedto the IF statement, allowing multiple tests with only one closing END_IF. The REPEAT statement already has a closed format. The CASE statement reguires the most modification to meet this suggestion. The format below might be used: CASE I WHEN 1,2 DO X := Y; Y := Z WHEN 3 DO X := Z; Y := X END The word "CASE" miqht be replaced by "TEST" for readability. The CASE Statement The existinq loop statements are not applicable in all situations. The author suqqests an infinite loop. toqether with an exit statement. LOOP EXIT IF F (I) I := I + '; END < 10; A semantics check could quarantee that each loop contains an EXIT. The EXIT can be Embedded in an IF or CASE, but not ~nother loop. The condition followinq EXIT is optional. ,Compilers should generate a table of all exits from a loop. or flag exit statements in the marqin.) A FOR clause could introduce a loop: FOR I := 1 TO 10 LOOP ••• END 1: For loops would be more useful if a set value could control the iteration. X:= Y; 10000: Y := X END I'TI tI:I :;:0 c:: J> :;:0 -< ...... <.0 ........ The CASE statement, as specified by the report. has a number of weaknesses. The legality of the statement below is not specified by the report. CASE I OF " FO R I IN [1,7, 9 •• N 1 ••• 00 ~o specific o~de~ of value seiection should be assumed. Another FOR loops (as moditied above) would be a code reg~on wh~ch 1S executed only when the ite~ation te~minates no~mall y, but not when an EXIT is used to leave the loop. ~mp~oveme~t ~o := 1 TO L.IMIT LOOP IF KEY = TABLE rIl THEN BEGIN BESULT:= I; EXIT END AFTERWARDS LIMIT := LIMIT + 1; TABLEfLIMIT];= KEY; RESULT :~ LII'lIT END rhe value of the controlled variahle should be defined on exit. dany machines cannot trap references to undefined values, so l.mplementation dependent p~ograms could be developed which rely on the specific values left by that implementation. The variable should have the value of the last time throuqh the loop, or be unchanqed if the loop was not executed. Miscellaneous Points Allow "_" in identifiers. Allow";" before ELSE {optionally). Proqrammers oould then use a;" as a statement terminator if they wish. Allow st~inqs to De extended with blanKS on the riqht. Do nQl automatically truncate characters from st~inqs. Allow sinqle characters to be extended to strinqs. Alternatively, Explicitly prohibit character continued on a new line. Allow subranges instead parameter lists. Chanqe ";" to "," in Require parameter parameters. of type types Allow "PROCEDUR En in place of "FU NCTION". allow constants from identifiers in a being formal Provide procedure variables. A representa tion of procedure pointers is available for procedure parameters. Only top-level procedures (within a module) lIay be assigned to variables, thus avoidinq the "vanishing environment" problem. Use parentheses for array references (A(II instead of A[IJ). An array is a method for implementing a function of inteqer arguments. Why should implementation decisions affect the technique for writing the function reference? A library packaqe miqht chanqe its implementation, without changing its external specifications; users would then need to chanqe their proqrams. (Note: there is currently no distinction between a variable reference and the invocation of a parameterless function.) Provide a compiler option format, instead of exam1n1nq comments for compiler options. "$" brackets could surround option specifications. Each option name may optionally be followed by ".n, "_n, or ":- ". Options are separated by"," or ";". Com Filer options should be standardized. An implementation need not provide an option, but if it does, the name is chosen from the standard list. Options not on the list may be provided as well. Compilers not recoqnizing an option name should iqnore it. Compiler options which affect the qenerated code (such as options for range and index checks, non-standard features, optimization, or debug facilities) should follow standard nestinq rules. option chanqes made within a procedure should not affect outer procedures. Semantic Ambiguities parameter declarations. p~ocedu~e for procedures passed as The validity and interpretation of each construct should be made explicit in any forthcominq standard. PROCEDTHlE Q (PHOCEDURE P (VAR REAL; 3 REP INTEGER)); type TYPE PTR ~ specifications t RECORD '" pointer in END below 1. Consider the program segment below. PROCEDURE P; TYPE T = fXX; XX = RECORD ••• END; Procedure argument lists are a specialized form of record. The variant mechanism should be available fo~ parameter lists. Allow arbitrarv dec lara tions. Require a ":" if the tag name is omitted. Specify a maximum source line length. 100 is a reasonable value. (This allows some extra formatting space on a 132 characteL' print line, and allows for line expansion when 80 character lines are edited.) FCB I Provide a substring function. number ~anqe as a subsc~ipt. decla~ations. END; T obviously points to a record obiect of type XX. But what if the debugged procedure P is placed in a surrounding program which also contains a type xx. Usinq many compilers, T is now a pointer to the outer XX. Is this interpretation proper? (Also allow PTR to te referenced within the record.) Allow arbitrary scala~ types in case tag field 2. Our any compiler will messaqes. erro~ process the declaration below without "rn ttl :;:c = :r> :::0 -< TYPE COMPLEX Language 1977. RECORD REAL: REAL; Il'IAG: REAL END; Should it produce aD error message? 3. Maybe two? Exact rules for type compatibility should be stated. We r""cf'ntly received a proqICam which passed a O•• 100 variable as a VAR INTEGER parameter. Should this be leqal? If so, how can valiJ ranqe cheCKS be performed? How about two record declarations having identical field structures (and names)? 4. Our compiler used to loop when it encountered the below. TYPE A : VIR BEGIN X: fA; A; Y: X:= Y B = '8: Does VOUL compiler qenerate the Notif<~.§. 12: 2. Feb wirth. N•• "An assessment of the Proqramminq Lanquaqe Pascal", SIGE!.A N 1!Q!j,£!l.§, J ul Y 1975. [41 Fraley, R., "Parameterized Types", Unpublished Paper, April 1975. r 51 Wirth, n., "MODULI: Multiproqramm [ 6] Fischer, C. N. and R. J. LeBlanc, "Efficient Implementation and Optimization of Run-Time Checking in Pascal", E!:2.!<. !s;:~ \.;Qllf. .Q!! Lall.!I ~~§i.!Il! fQ£ Helia~l~ ~oft~~~. Raleigh. N.C., March 1977. f71 Dahl, I 81 vanWijnqaarden, A. et al.. "Revised Report on the Algorithmic Languaqe Algol 68", .:illiPLA.!! Notice.§. 11:5, 1977. Languaqe for O. et al.. £omJ!!Qll ~g&~ gll.9.J!i!.!I!l, Norwegian Compo Ctr., Oslo. 1970. (* Received 77/09/13 *) Conclusions Extensive changes to Pascal have been sugqested in this paper. The author feels that changes of this maqnitude are required if Pascal is to be useable for proqram development in a professional settinq. Quite a number of additional features could be recommended; the changes above have the hiqhest priority. *** If Pascal was modified as described, we may need to call it somethinq else, for it would no lonqer be Pascal. PeLhaps it is Pascal 11? Or Pascal 77? A standard languaqe resembling Pascal ~s surely needed, but why shoul~ hun~reds of programmers be ~nvolved in writing a standard, new processors. and textbooks if the standardized lanquaqe has a limited life or cannot be used tor larqe svstems? WHAT TO DO AFTER A WHILE D. W. Barron Do not condemn Fortran without understanding it. It has changed over the years to provide improved facilities for program development, even if its basic structure has remained static. Each feature, as used in proqram writing, should have an equivalent in Pascal, or good reason should be given as to why it is not. Fortran owes its lonq life partly to its standard, even though it has not been strictly impLemented. But ~t also owes its life to its usefulness in solvinq many of the avery-day tasks of proqramminq, such as communication with the operatinq system and referencing libLary packaqes. Pascal would Denefit from expansion in some of these practical directions. & J. M. Mullins Computer Studies Group. University of Southampton. The Problem Biblioqraphy q The problem is simple. If one writes while p and do •••• will q be evaluated if p is false? The "boolean operator" approach says yes, the "sequential conjunction" approach I 1] Jensen, K. and N. Wirth, Eg§£sl Usg£ ~~l RgEQ£!, Springer-Verlaq New York (1976). I 2] Lampson, B. W. et aI., "Report on th~ sng Proqramming Modular = rn U? END. Are these types leqal? erLor message properlv? .:illif!.!! f 31 program B; Euclid" • says no. The Revised Report leaves the question open (though the User ManuaZ says "yes"). and A.H.J. Sale (1) has argued strongly that the boolean operator approach should be uniformly enforced. We take the opposite view. A Proposal We propose that in the forthcoming reV1S10n of the Revised Report the operators and and ~ should be defined as p and q _ (if p then q else false) p or q _ (if p then true else q) • The reasons in favour of this proposition are summarised here for the convenience of readers who may not wish to study the detailed argument in the remainder of this paper. i) ii) iii) Sequential conjunction permits a programming style that is more in the spirit of PASCAL. If sequential conjunction is adopted as the standard, existing programs that assume the "boolean operator" interpretation will continue to work. The converse is not true. (This argument does not hold for programs that rely on side-effects of functions, but we have no sympathy whatever for those who perpetrate such monstrosities.) If sequential conjunction is adopted as the standard the effect of the boolean operator interpretation can be fabricated by user-defined functions: the converse is not true. Programming style and the "spirit of PASCAL" This is a natural way of expressing the operation to be carried out; what follows the while is a sequence of guards. which determine whether or not the body of the loop is to be executed. If we specify that the guards are inspected in strict left-to-right order until one of them "triggers" there are no problems: this corresponds to evaluating the while condition by sequential conjunction. However, if the boolean operator approach is used we are in trouble (array bounds) if the item sought is not in the table. OK, there are lots of ways round this, (e.g. put the item sought at the end of the table, use a boolean variable, or even use a goto) , but as we illustrate in the appendix, these are distortions: the program no longer bears a simple and obvious relationship to the problem, and this is bad style. Our contention is that the need to distort the program to satisfy the boolean operator interpretation is contrary to the spirit of Pascal. Study the examples in the appendix to see the truth of this assertion. Uniformity and Regularity Our argument has concentrated on while statements (and similar arguments could be applied to repea~til constructions). This is because these are the only constrUCtions where the sequential conjunction interpretation is required and cannot be fabricated by other means. The question arises whether all occurrenceS of and and or should be treated the same way. Sequential conjunction should certainly be used for conditional statements. If the boolean operator approach is used, we can fabricate the effect of sequential conjunction by writing if (p and q) then The argument in favour of sequential conjunction hinges on programming style. Efficiency is sometimes raised as a consideration but it is a red herring. For some architectures (e.g. pipelines) sequential conjunct~on is inefficient: for other architectures it is more efficient. But in the Pascal community we should have gotten beyond judging language features solely in terms of implementation efficiency. What matters is being able to write correct programs that are easily comprehensible. table: ~ [1. .maxsizeJ of whatever; index := 1; while (index <= maxsize) and (table [index] <> item) do index: = index + 1 ; (*condition for item not found is "index> maxsize"*) else S2 Sl else as ifp then begin i f q then S2 end I-' LO One of the classic illustrations of the two approaches is the problem of searching a table: var Sl else S2; '-I 00 but this is not perspicuous, and is not in the spirit of PASCAL. What should happen to boolean expressions in other contexts e.g. expressions? If we were starting the language design again, there would be quite strong arguments for allowing the boolean operator interpretation in these other contexts. It is a good principle of language design to separate clearly the data objects and the permitted operations on them from the mechanisms for achieving flow of control. Sale's paper distinguishes between boolean expressions in a jump context and in a value context. He is recognising (unconsciously perhaps), that whilst boolean variables are data objects, and can be combined into boolean expressions, the condition following an if or a while is something different. To emphasise the difference, might give it a different name; taking a term from English grammar(3) (an obscure subject, rarely studied these days), we could call it a protasis. Because it is a different kind of object it is possible for it to obey different evaluation rules, and sequential conjunction is the right approach. Equally, because it is a different kind of animal we would need a new notation e.g. and, ~ for sequential conjunction, we • The first of these relations defines sequential conjunction. The second defines sequential disjunction, but we shall use the term "sequential conjunction" to include both. • Compare Dijkstra's if and do constructions expounded in "A Discipline of Programming". (2)- boolor for boolean operator. This is the solution adopted by some other languages e.g. POP-2(4), RTL/2(S). But given that we have a fairly well defined language already that we don't want to change, it seems better to make sequential conjunction uniformly the method to be used for evaluation of and and or in all cases. This has the supreme advantage that existing-programs (and particularly compilers) continue to work, and don't have to be changed to conform to a new standard. It also happens to be the rule adopted by MODULA and EUCLID. ~, Appendix Searching a list without sequential conjunction 1. var table : array Before leaving this topic it is worth remarking that the dangers of confusing a protasis with a boolean expression are well illustrated in Algol 68. The pursuit of regularity, orthogonality, etc. allows us to write while Sl; B do INSERT A DUMMY ITEM [1. .maxsizeplusone] of whatever; index := 1; table [maxsizeplusone] := item; S2; while (table [index] <>item) meaning L: Sl; if B then S2; goto do index : = index + 1; L; (*condition for item not found is "index=maxsizeplusone"*) which is thoroughly confusing. Getting the best of both worlds Adopting the sequential conjunction interpretation allows a more natural style of programming. (Compare Welsh's compiler with Amman's to see this illustrated vividly.). If anyone really wants to enforce the boolean operator interpretation of and he has only to define function var andop (p,q : boolean) 2. USE A BOOLEAN VARIABLE ~ table: array [1 .. maxsizel of whatever; notfound : boolean; boolean; index := 1; pl,ql : boolean; notfound := true; while notfound and (index <= maxsize) pI := p; ql := q; andop := pI and (*ensures both arguments evaluated*) do if table [index] = item ql then not found false else index := index + 1; then he can replace while(p and q) by while(andop(p,q» be assured that p,q will bo~be evaluated. and be (*condition for item not found is "notfound"*) 3. References USE A.§Q!Q label 9; 1. Sale, A.H.J. Compiling Boolean Expressions - the case for a "boolean operator" interpretation. PUG Newsletter No. II, 1977. 2. Dijkstra, E.J. A Discipline of Programming. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1976. var table array [1. .maxsize] .£!. whatever; index := 1; 3. Onions, C.T. Modern English Syntax. Routledge and Kegan Paul London 1971. 4. Burstall, R.M., Collins, J.S. and Popplestone, R.J. in POP-2. Edinburgh University Press 1971. while(index <= maxsize) do if table [index] = item ~ goto 9 else index := index + 1; 5. Barnes, J.P. RTL/2 Design and Implementation. Son, London 1977. Programming 9: (*condition for item not found is "index> maxsize"*) Vl Hayden and C) (* Received 77/09/21 *) ADAPTING PASCAL FOR THE PDP 11/45 D. D. Miller GTE Sylvania, Inc Mountain View, California ABSTRACT This paper describes our adaptation of the University of illinois' PASCAL student compiler for a PDP 11/20, to a production compiler on an 11/45. We will discuss, a) the extensions to the language which were necessary to communicate between PASCAL programs, data and MACRO-II code, b) support routines such as a routine debug and source update and reformatting, and c) how we introduced PASCAL into an existing software system and to MACRO programmers. INTRODUCTION HistOrically GTE Sylvania has delivered turnkey systems with software written in machine language. For all the usual reasons management decided to investigate the possibility of developing software based on a higher level language. The target project was a system which was already in the field, but under contract for a major revision. The system controls a real time experiment. It has several special purpose I/O devices and doesn't use any DEC software. It is about 25,000 lines of macro-11 code and runs on a PDP 11/45 with 64K of memory. In March 1975 we attempted to locate compilers other than FORTRAN which were running on all-series machine. Candidate compiler s had to be able to handle complex data structures with ease and would have to generate LINKable code so we could build our own system. The only compiler we could find to meet these criteria was PASCAL at the University of Illinois. It was running on an 11/20 under a version of DOS-4. We began in-house training for PASCAL using the Jensen and Wirth User's Manual l in April. The legal aspects of acquisition were completed in the meantime and the Compiler was ready for use in May. We then wrote some toy problems to get a better feeling for PASCAL and to test its non-standard features. In June we identified the changes we would have to make and tho se we woUld like to make, and then laid out a schedUle. The production compiler was released to the programming staff in November so that they could begin compilation. It. was completed in December according to our requirements. But we continued to modify it as we saw the need. : = . I . : = : = program < identifier>; = < modUle heading> = modUle ; = = < statement part> A program is an executablfO entry, i. e., it contains outer block code and has a start point. A modUle is a non-executable entity, i. e., it does not contain outer block code. A modUle is composed of data and procedure declarations only. ModUles allow for portions of the system to be separately programmed and compiled. Selected data elements and/or procedures and functions can be accessed from other modUles or froIn t~e program via the external and entry declarabons. Data spaces consist of the following types: "rn t:P We will discuss the specific changes we had to make to the compiler, a description of the supporting software and the non-technical problems we encountered introducing the compiler to the staff. CHANGES TO PASCAL normal external own = ~ ;;;0 Normal data space is the same as Jensendescribed. Normal data space is allocated on the "stack" upon entry to a procedure and is deallocated (erased, lost) upon exit from the procedure. Each entry to a procedure which declares normal data structures causes space to be reallocated to those data structures. Consequently, no memory of previous value s is retained, and the same stack space may be shared among procedures'. The changes outlined in this section were made because the several programmers are all working on a single system. The system as originally designed, had a large common data base which was accessed by all programs. And the system contained several utility programs. Furthermore, from a practical level, the routine s in the system are better developed and maintained in smaller units. A fifty page PROGRAM is more difficult to develop and maintain than five ten page PROGRAMS. A fifty page PROGRAM may also exceed the compiler s table limits. external data space consists of those data structures that are used locally but are allocated in another Inodule or MACRO program and have been declared as either entry points or global. The usual declarations are used to describe these data structures, but no space is allocated for them. Program Cross Linkage ~ PASCAL does not allow linkage to data outside the PROGRAM and only allows linkage to predefine external utility programs. This was unacceptable as we expected to make use of existing MACRO code and data. Therefore the major change to the compiler was to implement the following syntax: ;;;0 data space consists of those variables that are allocated in a program or a module but are not put on the It stack." own data structure s retain their values from procedure entry to procedure entry. ~ data structures may be initialized and/or may be designated as entry points. Entry points are used by LINK to resolve references created by use of EXTERNAL data spaces in other modUles. -< V1 f-' Example: program LISTEN: external ~ TALK: CHAR: procedure SPIT (ANSWER: CHAR): procedure ASK: end exte rnal: begin while TALK = , 'do ASK: Storage is allocated in one of two modes, normal and packed. For normal storage allocation (i. e. , the variable has not been declared as packed, it is not a packed type, and is not part of a packed variable) each unstructured variable is allocated either a byte or word. A byte is allocated for scalars with less than 128 elements, for subranges within -128, +127, and for char. A full word is allocated for all other unstructured type s. If the next element to be allocated is a full word and the next available byte is an old address, then that byte will be skipped and the full word will be allocated on the next higher even address. Arrays and records are allocated as a set of contiguous elements. module SAYSO: own TALK: CHAR: initial TALK: = , ': procedure ASK; 1. With tagfield in record ~ X:(A, B, C) of A:( ): B:( ): C:( end 2. Without tagfield in record ~ :boolean of true: SPIT (TALK): end. Examples: packed records are allocated in a slightly different manner. Each element is allocated only the number of bits necessary to contain the element. If the next such element to be allocated will fit within the current word then it will be allocated there. If the element does not fit, then it will be allocated starting at the next even byte. Allocation of elements starts at bit 0 of a word and proceeds to bit 15 (i. e., from right to left). ): false: end Additional Functions We found that we needed several functions added to the compiler begin READ (TALK) end; procedure SPIT (X:CHAR): Examples of PACKED record: begin WRITE (X) end; Channel Status Unit entry TALK, ASK, SPIT. In this example the main, or controlling program is program LISTEN. Within LISTEN the procedures SPIT and ASK are declared external, indicating that these two procedures may be invoked but are not defined within this program. The assumption is that some other body of source code defines these two procedures appropriately. The variable TALK is also defined as external to the program. The module SAYSO satisfies all of the external references made by LISTEN. Note that the variable TALK is declared in·~ space (a necessity for entry points) and is initialized to' '. TALK, ASK, and SPIT are declared as entry points, i. e., they may be referenced from other modules or programs as externals. Packed Records The Illinois PASCAL didn't allow packed record or array declarations. But our existing system contained a lot of packed data, which naturally .fell into the packed record syntax. Since Wirth leaves the semantics of packed records to be defined at implementation time, we chose the following scheme for stor age allocation: STATUSWORD = packed ~ UNIT: 0 •• 15; STATUS: array [0 •• 8J of boolean: CHANNEL: 0 •• 7 Procedure MACRO (CODE:INT;X:INT): This procedure reference signals to the compiler to generate an inline word of instruction. This is the mechanism to be used if special instructions must be executed in the middle of PASCAL code. CODE must be -I, and X may be either a constant or the name of a variable. IF X is a constant then that value is the value used. IF X is a vari~ble, the p_ relative address of the variable is used. Example: MACRO (-I, 016746B): MACRO (-I, X): Variant Record W: e chru:ged the syntax of variant record descriphons shghtly to ease the job for the compiler and to make the presence or absence of a tag field in the record more consistent. The semantics of this syntax means that the record mayor may not contain space for the tag field. The variant record is similar to FORTRAN's equivalence state~The syntax is := ~ : of [ < variant subfield>} end := I empty - etc. Procedure TRAP (TRAPNO:INT:var SPECBLK:tbd: varLINKBLK:tbd) This procedure first places the addresses of SPECBLK and LINKBLK on the stack then executes a trap instruction. The trap number is indicated by the parameter TRAPNO. The code generated by the compiler for this procedure call is: mov #SPECBLK, -(SP) mov #LINKBLK, -(SP) trap #TRAPNO Function FIRST (X:INT):INT: This procedure reference signals the compiler to use the lowest value defined for the parameter X. X may be of type integer, scalar or subrange. See below for example of usage. V1 N Function LAST (X:INT):INT; This function reference signals the compiler to use the last, or highest, value defined for parameter X. X may be of type integer, scalar, or subrange. Example: ~ X: 13 •• 21; Y (A, B, C, D); X = FIRST (X); while (X:=X+l) <= LAST(X) do; for Y:=FIRST(Y)!£. LAST(Y) do; Function ADDR (X:TYPE): TYPE; This function generates a pointer (i. e., the address) to the variable given as a parameter. The compiler included a cross reference pass. This pass sorts all the routine variables and prints all references to that variable along with its definition. This feature is found on very few compilers but is a valuable aid to debugging and maintaining any block structured language routine. Z:integer; var Y:t integer; Y:=ADDR(Z) end; Function POINTER (X:int):t; This function causes the integer parameter to become a universal pointer. This allows the programmers to do pointer arithmetic: Given the following declarations: ~ DIGITS = array [0 •• 9 J of integer; var of PASCAL is seven core loads, linked together with disk files. There are two routines the compiler writer has to debug PASCAL. One prints all the intercommunication files and the other prints the resultant code in MACRO format. This second routine was originally the last pass of the compiler, and generated input to the MACRO assembler. However that final pass had to be modified to print out its table of PASCAL labels and statement numbers versus relocatable address. This was required to relate console debugging to compiler listings. X:DIGITS; W:DIGITS; Z:integer; then we may write the following statements: W:=addr(X); "W points to X" The University of Illinois included a source deck reformatting routine. This routine is used to enforce a consistent statement indention scheme throughout a program and across all programs. This permits all programs to be more portable between programmers. To assure that it is used regularly, we added a line editor to the front end, and embedded the whole thing as the first pass to the compiler. curiosity) concerning some practical applications of the language to the problem that they were familiar with. Occasionally, some suggestions were made to improve the data definitions. And thus a gradual acceptance of PASCAL was beginning to be seen. The modification of the target system included fir st, documenting the existing system and then upgrading it according to customer requirements. Necessarily the documentation was carried out at a high level, i. e., higher than machine language flow charts. And as the system was modified, the same high level documentation technique was used. It would be ideal to conclude at this point by saying that the documentation style closely resembled PASCAL, but that simply isn't true. Each designer developed his own style. What did take place is that they learned how to express their ideas in a language above that of the machine while still precise enough to be short of arm waving. As the language decision date approached, the lines-of-code estimates for the two language alternatives were made. Based on those estimates alone, PASCAL was clearly the choice. However, some of the designers, looking forward to coding, were appalled by the suggestion the machine language was still being considered. NON-TECHNICAL PROBLEMS At the outset, the project staff was composed of six programmers; five had just completed delivery of the predecessor systeIn. The author had been hired to complete the staff. The five had little recent contact with high level languages. Most had spent their career at the machine language level. And so when it became known that management was considering a high level language for the project update their reaction ranged between-disbelief and rebellion. When PASCAL was finally declared to be the language, real programs began to appear. And consequently the designers' imagination crashed the compiler on a regular schedule. Syntax was added and in one case (the variant CASE) changed at the suggestions of the designer turned programmer. So finally we realized not only acceptance of PASCAL, but an effort to improve it to better describe the problem at hand. :2 rn -n rn tel = c::: :J> = -< Acknowledgments Z:=addr(X[2J ); Z:=addr(W[ 3J ); Z:=pointer(ord(W)+6); "Z points to X [3J or W [3J" X [1 J:=ord(Z)-ord(W); "# of bytes" lLpointer (ord(addr(X»=addr(X) "true" Of course management was quick to point out that a high level language was only being considered and that the language decision would be made in the future, based on availability and economic factors. And of course, the basic design of the project wasn't affected by the language. So design could continue independently from the language. then • • • , SUPPORT ROUTINES The University of Illinois supplied us with several debug and support routines, which we have enhanced. We have written others to support the user. The compiler writer must.have access to intermediate results in order to find errors. This version When the Illinois version of PASCAL was chosen as the candidate compiler, in-house classes were held, and the basics of the language explored. When the compiler actually became available, a few five line programs were attempted by the staff. The first relevant PASCAL introduction for the five was a compilation of the system's data areas in June. This sparked some discussions (out of We wish to acknowledge Professor Don B. Gillies (deceased), Ian Stocks, and Jaynt Krishmasamy of the University of Illinois for their assistance in transferring the PASCAL compiler from the PDP 11/20 to GTE Sylvania's PDP 11/45. In addition we wish to acknowledge the National Science Foundation for making the Illinois PASCAL compiler available to GTE Sylvania. Especially we must thank Larry Drews and David Shaw, whose foresight and diligent work modified this version of PASCAL. (* Received 77/09/13 *) (1) Jensen, Kathleen; and Wirth, Niklaus "PASCAL User Manual and Report, " Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 18, Springer-Verlag, 1974 IJ1 1.'\1 - 2 - (C) PASCAL: Standards and Extensions Modification to the Standard for and Case Statements currently, multiple statements under control of a while statemp-nt are bracketed by a A. General In this article I ~ould like to· make some comments on the current standards/extensions argument, and to suggest some specific modifications to the standard and some useful extensions. In my opinion the. following points are relevant to the standards argument:(1) Any implementation of PASCAL should conform to some minimum "standard". This is the basic requirement for portability, which is so necessary if PASCAL is ever to supplant FORTRAN. If any implementation does not meet this standard it should not be called PASCAL. (2) The standard should be based on the revised Report. However, there are areas in which the Report needs tidying up before the standard can be specified (see the contributions by Niklaus Wirth [pp. 22-24, PUGN #8] ,Andy Mickel [pp 28-30, op.cit.] and below) • begin ••• end pair, those under control of a repeat statement are bracketed by the repeat and the corresponding until and those controlled by a case statement by the ~ and end. --While admitting that these forms are reasonably strightforward, I think they are inconsistent. I consider that programming style can be much improved with little or any extra compilation cost by treating all statements controlled by a control statement in a consistent manner, i.e. by grouping with a begin ••• end pair in the form of a compound statement. -To my mind the greatest advantage of this is that related statements are always grouped in the same manner and that when reading a program each end matches with a corresponding begin. I therefore suggest that the standard syntax for the repeat staement be modified to: repeat + ... until + --I and that the syntax for the (3) Extensions should be allowed, but they should be "conventionalised" as suggested by Andy Mickel [loc.cit.]. By conventionalised I understand that any extension to provide a specific function should be consistently supplied in only one standardised form. Possibly, only extensions that can be expressed in standard PASCAL (albeit in a possibly lengthy or inefficient manner) should be allowed (?). (5) The standard should be specified as soon as possible to restrict the current proliferation of incompatible implementations. The standard should hopefully be agreed upon by some form of concensus of the PASCAL user/implementor community. There should also be some recognised means of conventionalising any extensions. On the Standard Language I would like to briefly discuss some of the points that Andy Mickel [loc.cit] has placed in categories of standards and extensions. (1) I think that variable extent arrays as formal parameters should be allowed as part of the standard.· For many general purpose applications programs these are virtually indispensible unless the source code is to be modified each time for each specific appiication. (See also the discussion on varying arrays below) ~ statement be: case ~ -+ of"'" begin - - etc. Admittedly the repeat statement can already be used in the suggested manner, however I don't think it would be a bad thing to force programmers to use (D) (4) Any compiler that implements extensions should also be capable of processing only the standard language. This would enable any program to be checked against the standard. This could be controlled by a compiler option indicating whether the standard or the extended language was to be processed. B. ~ ~t in this way! Varying Size Arrays as an Extension This extension to the language is prompted by a foreseen need for varying length character strings (they make the manipulation of non-numeric data so much simpler!). However in as much as a character string can be considered to be an array of char or a packed array of char, the idea can obviously be extended to any array, with the added advantage that the treatment of many problems involving the use of varying quantities of data might be simplifed. I therefore suggest the following extension to the declaration of array types:- --rL----------~--"-rL------------J~~---~ ~ 2t ---~ ~ packed --.J etc. ~~ The declared size of the array would be treated as a maximum only, the initial size being zero. As an example, a variable declared so:- (2) Some decision must be made on a standard character set upon which the type char is based. (3) While the suggested otherwise part in a case statement would be useful I don't think it is essential. However, I do think that the standard should specify the action to be taken when a missing value is encountered, i.e. error or null operation. (4) I would like to keep well away from formatted as well). ~ statements (see below Taking into account the above consideration, I agree basically with the cl~ssification of the various points discussed by Andy Mickel. However, I do have some additional points which I would like to see discussed. These are dealt with below. ~ S: packed varying array [10 •• 19] of char would be a string of maximum length 10, the first element being SILO] and the initial length being zero. I think that such an extension would minimally require the following extensions in addition:(1) A concatenation operator to allow appending of one string or array on the end of another. (2) An additional form of selector to allow the equivalent of the PL/I substring function. For example give S above, the reference:- S[12 •• 15] would be equivalent to a reference to a variable of type packed array [12 •• 15] of char. " rr1 t:D ::::c c: :t> ::::c -< - 3 - - 4 - This form of selector need not apply only to varying arrays but could apply to any arrays. (A relevant aside: This idea would be even more useful if variables were considered to be of the same type if they had the same structure, not just if they had the same type identifier.) (3) A size function. varying or otherwise. (E) This would be used to return the size of any array, A General Inverse to the Ord Function Very briefly, I think that some function comparable to the char function but acting on any scalar type (except real) as an inverse to ord would be very useful. At the moment I canlt think wha~ call it! (F) A Different Approach to the Treatment of File Variables Clearly, in case (a), (c) and (d) the files have some existence separate from the program and the file variables used to reference them. There must be some way of associating a file variable with such a "permanent" file in such cases. This is currently done by effectively passing the files as parameters to the program and associating the file with the file variable by the file variable identifier. This seems to me to be 04K. as a start particularly if the operating system provides some method for associating external and internal file names (e.g. B6700 label equation). However, I think this method has two disadvantages. Firstly, it seems to imply that the files must exist for program execution to be successful, there is no reason why this should be so. Secondly, it lacks flexibility in that a file variable must always be associated with one particular file during program execution. I would like to suggest that a file variable only bcome associated with a file when the file variable is referenced by a file reference functon or procedure, e.g.: There has been much discussion on the meaning of statements such a8:fl (d) Exist~nce before, during and after program execution (e.g. permanent database file). :=f2 where fl and f2 are both file variables. I think much of the discussion has arisen through some conceptual confusion between a file and the file variable used in PASCAL to reference a file. I would like to suggest an approach to the whole subject which I think is different to those that have been put forward before, but which is both natural to PASCAL and consistent with the normal usage of file variables in PASCAL. The notation ft (where f is a file variable) for an item in a file is identical to the notation pt for the variable referenced by the pointer variable p. Thus file variable f could be considered to be a pointer variable tied to the set of items in the file which it references. (It should be noted that this argument does not assume that an item in a file need be transferred to a file buffer before it may be used even though it may be transparently implemented in such a manner~) Then,just as pl:~p2 (where pI and p2 are pointer variables based on the same type) assigns to pI a reference to the same variable as it referenced by p2, so fl:~f2 (where fl and f2 are file variables) assigns to fl a reference to the same item in the same file as is referenced by f2. Consequently, the expression fl=f2 would have the value true if and only if fl and f2 referenced the same item in the same file. The use of file variables as formal var or value parameters is also obvious by analogy with the similar use of pointer variables. The use of file variables in any other expressions (except as parameters to I/O procedures or when qualified by t as in ft) would be meaningless and should be treated as syntax errors. Naturally enough, the usage of file variables in the above statements and expressions would only be legal if the base types of the relevant files were the same. As has been mentioned by others, files can have four basically different kinds of temporal existence:(a) Existence before and during program execution, but not after (e.g. file removal in a archiving system). (b) Existence during program execution only (i.e. a scratch work file) (c) Existence during and after program execution but not before (i.e. file creatibn). 4 or eof (f), get (f) , put (f), reset (f), rewrite (f). Until a file variable is associated with a file, it should have the value nil or an an undefined value (is there/should there be a difference?). A file variable could be disassociated from a file either by setting it to nil, or by using a procedure such as close(f). It may be considered useful to have a corresponding procedure, the only action of which is to associate a file variable with a file, e.? open (f) -n rn CO ;:;0 = ::t> ;:;0 -< Of the four types of file discussed above, for (a) and (b) we need to be able to indicate that the file is to be expunged from the system and that the file variable is to be disassociated from the file. For cases (c) and (d) we need to be able to disassociate the file variable but leave the file known to the system. May be a procedure delete (f) or something similar, could be used'to perform the first of these functions and let the suggested procedure close perform the second. (What should the default action be?) When performing output to a file we need to be able to distinguish between creating a new file (case (c) above) or outputting to an existing file (case (d)). When creating a new file it is possible that we may be creating a new version of an already existing file. I would suggest that by default, output to a file should append to a file if the file already exists, or to a new one if not. If it is wished to replace an existing file, this can be done by preceding the first output to it by a rewrite (or possibly a delete). So far it has been assumed that a file variable is associated with an actual file by correspondence of names, i.e. the file variable ~ would reference a file known to the system as ~, unless over-ridden by some operating system control. If a file variable is to be able to be associated with files at will then there ought to be some method of associating a file name with a file variable. To make things simpler this could be restricted to being legal only when the file variable is not associated with a file. A possible way of allowing this would be to introduce (yet another!) standard procedure, e.g. name (f, s) where f is a file variable s is packed array of char and contains the name of the file. V1 \J1 - 5 - Finally, I would like to put in a plea for random access of files. While accepting that a file should be considered as a sequential data structure, I think that the term sequential should only be considered to imply that there is some positional ordering of the items in the file and not that the items may only be accessed sequentially. Thus, I think it should be possible to access any item of a file at random using a procedure such as - 6 The actual values assigned would be the constants represented by the characters in the textfile, each constant being separated by one or more blanks, or possible a comma. i.e. with the textfile input containing the following characters:12 TRUE -1.342 seek(f,n) where n (of type integer) is the ordinal number of the item to be referenced. If the GREEN 'ABCDE' n'th item does not exist the eof (f) would become true. 15 2. i :=12; D:=TRUE; r:= -1.342; c:=GREEN Notes: 5:= IABCDE I ; ~ 1. This scheme assumes that 2. Seek(f,l) is equivalent to reset(f). 3. Failing anything more efficient, seek(f,n) could be implemented by: and put may be mixed on the same file. The occurrence in the textfile of a constant of the wrong type for the variable should cause an error. reset(f); i:~O; while not eof(f) and i<>n do begin get(f); i:=i+l end; An alternative to using seek would be to extend get so that get(f,n) put(f,n) 5. While the file variable can be conceptualised as a pointer to an item in a file, it would probably best be implemented still as a pointer to a buffer area and let the various file manipulation procedures be responsible for the data transfer between the buffer and the file. I/O on Text Files I think there is a great need to rationalise the methods of I/O on text files, particularly with reference to the read statement. output to a textfile using the write statement should produce the characters representing the relevant constant value, preceded by a blank so that any output produced by a write statement could be input by a read statement. The current simple formatting in the write statement, using a field width specification, could be retained provided there is some predefined action (non-fatal error, or default output) if the value will not fit in the given field width. H. would assign to f, a reference to the n I th item in the file. get (f) would still assign to f a reference to the next item in the file. Similarly for G. 2 read (input, i,b,r,c,s,v) would be identical to If the action required by the seek was not possible on the particular file, then a run-time error condition should be indicated. 4. -5 the effect of Addition of Exponentiation Operator If PASCAL is to ever supplant FORTRAN then I think an exponentiation operator (e.g. **) should be included at least as a conventionalised extension, if not in the standard itself. I. In Conclusion I suspect that some of my suggestions (if not all) will not meet with the general approval of PASCAL implementors and users. However, they do cover my main dissatisfactions with the language (or at least the ones that I don't think are being adequately dealt with by others) and I hope they will be food for thought. In writing all the above, I have tried to bear in mind that there are basically three areas of application for PASCAL with possibly conflicting requirements:- Present suggestions are for i. ii. iii. formatted read statements, this I do not like. In roy opinion, execution of a read statement should be considered to be equivalent to the assignment to the relevant variables of some (unknown) constant values. The values should be represented in the text file in the same way that the same constants would be represented in the program. For example, given: type colour = (red, green, blue); var i: integer; b: boolean; r: real; c: colour; s: packed array [0 .• 4] of char; v: array [1.3] of integer; the effect of real(input,i,b,r,c,s,v) should be to assign an integer value to i, one of true or 'false to b, a real value to r, one of red, green or blue to c, a character string of length 5 to s, and an integer value to each of V[1],V[2] and V[3]. I-' lD '-I 00 A simple teaching language A satisfactory replacement for FORTRAN A useful and powerful systems programming language. I think that PASCAL can (but doesn't at present) fulfill all of these, without straying from its basic principles, but it is necessary to take care that in suggesting modifications one doesn1t push one use at the expense of the others. Above all, I would like to see some consistent standard (and soon!) that implementors would feel morally obliged to adhere to if they wish to call their language PASCAL. Chris Bishop, Computing Centre, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND. (* Received 77/12/27 *) U1 0"> Department of Computing Science, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5039 LEIBNIZ-RECHENZENTRUM DER BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE BARER STRASSE 21 DER WISSENSCHAFTEN D-8000 MDNCHEN 2 28th October, 1977. :2 Pascal User's Group c/o Andy Mickel UCC: 227 Exp. Enr. University of Minne~ota Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) Miinmen, den Telefon (089) 9.11. 1977 ~: ~:;84, 84 HW/br Telex: 05124634 376-7290 Dear Mr. Mickel, thank you very much for sending me PASCAL Newsletters so promptly. Sorry that I am not equally prompt with my thanks. On my PUG llIembership certificate you ask wether I am the "EULER" Weber; sorry, I am not. My interest in PASCAL has begun'only half a year ago when we received the ZurichCompiler for our CYBER 175 (with Operating System NOS 1.1). ::E: Also in PN, it was announced that a PASCAL-Software pool will be created and will be handled by the respective compiler distributors. Can you, please, inform me what libraries ~a~€ available for CYBER 175 on what conditions. I enclose an American Express Cheque to the amount of US $ 7.00. Please send me another set of backissues and two issues of each PN for my membership year. Beside the set for our official library I should like to have one for my own. I am very expecting PN 9. The other ones I like very much. en I am writing to correct an impression which may have been given by Arthur Sale's letter in Pascal News, September 1977. At the University of Adelaide, we were fortunate to have access to Pascal several years ago because the University computer was a CDC6400 - I personally first taught Pascal to students in 1974. After two years experience with earlier versions of the language, in 1976 the department adopted Pascal as its main teaching language. We have no;vcompleted two years of teaching wlth Pascal as the main language in first year, second year and third year! In detail, some 500 students in our courses are programming in Pascal in anyone year - writing programs from prime number generators to compilers. The number of enthusiasts is growing! Yours sincerely, At the PASCAL-meeting of the German Chapter of the ACM I met Urs Ammann who told me that you could probably help me with information about interactive PASCAL-Systems for CYBER 175/ NOS 1.1. From PASCAL Newsletters I learned that the maintenance of the Zurich System is now in your hands. Did you get from Zurich a list of all installations of their system? Anyway we are very interested to be on your mailing list for future corrections, extensions (?!) and releases. From Urs Ammann I heard that in early 1978 there will be Release 3 includinq dynamic arrays. Since I am interested in procedures for mathematical algorithms, I will be very glad about this extension. / rn Dear Andy, Barbara Kidman. Copy to: Professor A.H.J. Sale, University of Tasmania. *** Thomas J. Kelly Jr 58-8 Meadowlake Drive Downingtown. Pa. 19335 f-' ill '-J Gear Andy 3 Nov 1977 co Just a short note to tell you: I've moved. new address is above. I've changed jobs: I now work for Burroughs Corp. I exerted some effort and we are now using the UCSD implementation of PASCAL on our B7700. for any other 87700 users who need a compiler. you can get one from UCSD. I suppose. It's okay. but we have discovered several bugs. There is also a fix that ~eeds to be installed to allow the generated code to r~n properly on a B77JO (as opposed to B6700). I will send that fix on to UCSD. I don't know if they'll put it in. If anyone wants to. they can get one directly from me (at the above address). Yours sincerely, \Wl--l \N~ Helmut Weber We are currently beginning work on adapting Brinch Hansen's Sequential Pascal for one of our internal projects. Interest in PASCAL and its derivativEs (especially MOOULA) is increasing here at Burroughs. whiCh I can't say that it is all my I consider to be a very good sign. doing. but I like to believe !'ve helped. Direktorium: o. Prof. Dr. G. SeegmUller (Vorsitzender), o. Prof. Dr, F. L. Bauer, o. Prof. Dr. G. Hammerlin, o. Prof. Dr. K. Samelson -0 :J> Gl rn Take care. V1 Open Forum for Members '-I THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Open Forum for Members 2075 WESBROOK MALL VANCOUVER, B,C., CANADA V6T lW5 25 August 1977 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE rn wce Memor ial Hall w. Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana October 12, 1977 47401 Mr. Andy Mickel Editor, Pascal Newsletter Computer Center University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Min ~54~~ Andy Mickel University of Computing Center 227 Exp. Engr. Univ. of Minnesota (/) Minneapolis, Minn. U.S.A. 55455 Dear Andy, Dear Andy: I have finally found the time to rewrite the paper which I sent last spring. I would like to add my two cents worth to the concerning Pascal. animated discussions I believe that the difficulties that arise while using interactive input files would be resolved if a GET was required before the file variable was defined. This would allow a programmer to state explicitly when (s)he wanted the first read from the file. This modification could be made to Pascal, and currently running programs would compile and run correctly by simply adding a GET at the beginning of the program. I'm afraid it was sent without proofreading. It is much longer now so I've divided it in two parts in case you want to print it in installments. I disagree with your statement about not changing Pascal [PUGN #8, pg. 29J. You may have guessed this by the nature of the accompanying paper. Pascal can, and should, be changed now, before a standard is created. -" rn You state that documentation, implementations, and software exist, so the language should remain static. But minor changes will be needed to all of them ttl when a standard is created, so it is a good time to make other needed changes. I think that the discussion of standards is missing historical observatons of natural languages. Well standardized languages are dead languages! One only has to look at I,atin or ANS Fortran. I believe t~at the following proposal would allow Pascal to evolve, but at the same t1me allow portability of programs. The laguage processed by a translator can be called a dialect of Pascal if: ;;:0 A change from Pascal to a revised Pascal ("Pascal 11") can be compared to the change from Fortran II to Fortran IV which occurred in 1964. A mechanical translator aided in the translation, but many long hours were spent re-writing programs. A Pascal to Pascal II conversion should allow a more effective mechanical translation to occur, but machine-dependent features and under-the-counter type conversions = :t:> ;;:0 -< would hinder this effort. 1. It includes "Standard" Pascal as a subset. 2. The implementor has provided a mechanical translator (written in "Standard" Pascal) of the dialect into "Standard" Pascal. I would be willing to accept a dialect that satisfied both of these conditions as "being consistent with the design of Pascal." Of course, when a program in the dialect was shipped to another installation, the dialect version and either the "Standard" version or the translator would also be sent. I would suspect that it might be reasonable for the "Standard" version that is appropriate in this context to be be "sub-Standard" in compar ison to the present idea of "Standard" Pascal. The point is this: a change now will affect a relatively small number of people. If you wait until a standard is made and then try to change the language, the amount of pain and agony will be increased by an order of magnitude or more. I don't pretend that every change suggested in my paper would produce a superior product. Some have not been tried; none have been subjected to a large user community. I am describing problems which I have found with proposed solutions so that reactions can be gathered. Above all, I do not suggest that change be made for its own sake, but that change remain an open possibility. While committee action is not good for a language design effort, it can be effective for the task at hand. I would like to obtain copies of the back issues of PUGN, but I have two sheets that conflict in the listed prices. How much would it be for the issues that you have. Designers in the committee can independently create language versions which combine the present language with the suggestions presented in the newsletter. Committee critics can force a justification of each change, and can compare different solutions to problems. A group from varied backgrounds can provide a degree of universality which a single designer cannot hope for. ' ? I:lf(/·.i. Sincerely, ~~"'.' Robert A. Fraley ,/ \.T1 00 HEWLETT", PACKARD 3500 Deer Cr-eek. ROlJd. Palo Alto, California 94304, Telephone 415494--/444, TWX 9/0 373 1267 November 7, 1977 Is the set above of type SET OF 0 .. 10? Type SET OF 0 .. 59? I can't tell. This is one situation where the strong typing of the "pure" language fails, and the resulting type is therefore left to the implementor. I would make three proposals: 1. r = r1"1 S [A, B, C] 2. Dear Professor Sale: I read with interest your contributions to PUGN #9. of reactions. Here are a number While I am strongly in favor of an "ELSE" clause in the CASE statement, I do not like your choice of keyword. In my recent work at the University of British Columbia I found that a common error, committed both by students and faculty members, is to place a ";" before the word ELSE in an IF statement. It was so common that (in our extended compiler) we allow an optional semicolon in the IF statement. This has several effects: a. Programming errors and resulting frustrations were reduced. b. 2-token look-ahead is required. (In a recursive descent parser, a Bool ean fl ag can be added to i ndi cate whether a ";" was swa 11 owed by the IF statement procedure before discovering that no ELSE exists. ) c. Combined with your syntax, 3-token look-ahead is needed. Without this addition, however, an IF statement in the preceding case clause which contains an erroneous semicolon will probably get an obscure error message. Our choice for the default clause designator was the token "<>". We thought that it looks nice, and it suggests that values not equal to the other labels should use this clause. Sets of characters are a problem, but I think you missed the heart of the issue, at least in this discussion. The Pascal standard does not define the meaning of sets, so implementations differ. Sets behave in many ways like PACKED ARRAY [type] OF BOOLEAN except that "type" must start at 0 and has a fixed upper bound (in some implementations). If such a restriction were placed on arbitrary arrays, with the upper bound being implementation defined, the users would scream loudly. So why make such restrictions on sets? 3. This allows explicit control ::E: en When the elements of a set constructor are a scalar type T other than INTEGER, the current set constructor produces type SET OF T rather than a subset of this type. ~ ~ ~ The current set constructor is illegal with non-constant INTEGER operands. The notation in point 1 above must be used. One other point which you raised was the character set question. I am sick and tired of this problem, due to the variety of character codes which I've encountered. (1401 BCD, 7090 BCD, 1620 code, Univac 1108 code, CDC code, EBCDIC, ASCII, and occasional others.) The ASCII code was agreed upon ten years ago by representatives from across the industry, and closely resembles the international standard code. While its purpose is information interchange, we could contort its original purpose and say that programs are indeed information, and their algorithms (to be transportable) must be expressed in terms of ASCI I. If Pascal were to impose an ASCII rule today, it may alienate a number of supporters. But if users don't push for some sort of standard. we will never free ourselves of this problem. Pascal currently requires that '0' .. '9' be contiguous. Perhaps it could also require that sets such as ['!' .. '@'] be interpreted as containing those ASCII characters between '!' and '@'. This requires a conversion table at compile time to compute the set. In those relatively rare occurrences where the 1imits are· variable, a runtime conversion table is required. An eventual goal of ASCII in all aspects of the language within (say) five years might be nice. It might encourage Pascal implementers to prod the hardware companies into supporting ASCII files and allowing an override of the ASCII to internal conversion for terminal input. (Univac provided such facilities several years ago for the 1108 series.) I am enclosing some of my own suggestions for Pascal changes, which will appear in PUGN #11. I am looking forward to hearing your reactions to these suggestions. Sincerely, , .52 <----TA /Gt-OA.-1flJ c{. Sets of characters aren't the only problem. I am implementing an interpreter which has 150 instructions, defined as a scalar type. Will I be able to transport my program if I use sets of these instructions? (~~ Robert A. Fraley Hewlett-Packard Laborato ies Electronics Research La oratory The one language "feature" which prevents a general definition of sets is the set constructor. [3, I, TRUNC(EXP(R))] en n :t:> When S is a set type, denotes a set of type S. of the s ubrange. Professor Arthur Sale Department of Information Science University of Tasmania Box 252C Hobart, Tasmania 7001 Austra 1i a -c :t:> -c :t:> Gl rn V1 RAF/hma cc: Andy Mi cke 1 <0 "OMSI Computing" is a product and service name of Oregon Minicomputer Software, Inc. December 26, 1977 Dear Andy, It seems that we owe you and the Pascal User's Group a good deal of information about our work with Pascal, so perhaps this letter can serve as an informal introduction. 'We' are a small group of computer freaks who have been working and playing together for about 7 years. The group is an outgrowth of the Student Research center of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), a not-for-profit private science education center in Portland, Oregon. To make a long history short, we began in 1970 with a very small DEC PDP-8 system and over the years grew to a large PDP-8 and a large PDP-ll/45 computer facility. This expansion was mostly financed by swapping software written at OMSI with the manufacturer (DEC) for additional hardware. Several past and present DEC software products were first developed at OMSI (the PDP-ll APL is the latest example). The group members (John Ankcorn, Don Baccus, Wayne Davison, Steve poulsen, Barry Smith, Rusty Whitney, Dave Vann) grew up as assembly language programmers. Our interest in Pascal began when Wayne noticed the Acta Informatica report - our continued interest is probably because Pascal has the structuring tools we found necessary (and available!) in assembler. Pascal is also "small enough" for practical implementation, efficient for real-world programs, and (if used carefully) really machine independent. (I should note that we're not Pascal fanatics - we use several other languages, and follow Wirth's Modula with much interest.) Our Pascal history shifted in 1974 to Electro-Scientific Industries (ESI) in Beaverton, Oregon. ESI manufactures precision electronic equipment, including computer controlled systems for on-line laser trimming of hybrid integrated circuits. The first laser systems were controlled by DEC PDP-8's with a special-purpose language. When ESI switched to PDP-ll's and was faced with the task of rewriting the control software, we (somewhat hesitantly) suggested Pascal for the implementation. ESI's enlightened management (Don cutler, Bob Conway) agreed, and ESI sponsored the development of a PDP-ll Pascal compiler (ESI Pascal). The compiler (initially patterned after an early version from the University of Illinois) was written by John Ankcorn and Don Baccus with assistance from David Rowland, and became largely stable in early 1975. Significant features of ESI Pascal include: _ single pass compiler coded in PDP-ll assembler _ translates to assembler code (not interpretive) - full standard Pascal _ extensions for process control _ stable, reliable production compiler Expe:ience with ESI Pascal at ESI and OMSI has certainly convLnc~d us of the practical utilty of the language - if anyone Ln the PUG needs a showcase example of "Pascal in the non-aca~emic world", contact ESI. However, ESI's design constraLnts resulted in a compiler which is not as gene:al-purpose as one might wish. Specifically, the requLr~ment of a 16K word operating environment led to a very tLghtly coded bare-bones compiler (both Wirth and Tony Hoare exp:essed surprise at the 11K word (22KB) compiler, and I belLeve we have a reasonable claim to the smallest standar~ compiler in existence). The ESI compiler is not well sULted to the "naive user", and of course an assembler coded compiler is hardly portable. Agreeing with Arthur Sale's comment that Pascal must have very robust compilers and support software if it is to be taken seriously, we began in late 1975 the development of a to~ally new Pascal programming system. The compiler for t~LS system was written in standard Pascal and was designed wLth s~v~ral coequal goals: efficiency of compiled code; portabL1 7 ty of the compiler and support system; robustness, and usab 7 1Lty o~ ~he entire system. We attempted to see each desLgn decLsLon from the user's viewpoint rather than the compiler writer's. Our view of the 'typical user' is the professional Pascal programmer - one who expects system software w~thout glitches or rough edges, one who works in a p~scal e~vLronment wLth high-level support tools (excellent dLa~n~s~Lcs at compile and :u~t~me, Pascal debug and library fac71LtL~s, measurement facLILtLes for practical engLneerLng) • The comp~ler for this system (written almost entirely by Don Baccus) Ls.currently producing code for some members of the PDP-~l famLly. It LS certainly larger than the ESI Pascal compLIer ~runs in 2-4 phases, depending on optimization and other ~ptL~ns), but the time from compilation to program e~ecutLon LS roughly the same (the compiler produces dLre~tly executable object files, whereas ESI Pascal requLres use of the assembler and object linker - both much slower than the compiler!). Recently (October ~977~ we formalized our relationship and created ~ ~orporatLon Lndependent from the science museum Oregon MLnLcomputer Software, Inc. (known simply as Oregon Software to our friends). "Out of the frying pan, ••• " We've arranged with ESI for Oregon Software to distribute and supp~rt ESI Pascal (we call it OMSI Pascal-I). The updated Lmplementation notes should read: Implementors, Jo~n A~kcorn, Don Baccus, David Rowland; Distributor and M~LntaL~er, Oregon Software; Machine, any model PDP-II (LncludLng LSI-II); Configuration, 16K memory RTII RSTS~E, or.RSX.ope:ating systems (all the DEC ~ystem~ at last.~; DL~trLbutLon, 9 track 800 bpi magtape, DEC cartrLdge dLsk, $1500 ($995 for educational use)· Reliabil~ty, exce~lent - currently about 60 inst~llations and growLng steadLly. We've also been talking with Ken Bowles at the University of California, San Diego, and are pleased to announce that the UCSD Pascal system is available now for RSTS/E timesharing systems - a~ ex~ellent system for introducing programmers to Pascal • . PrLce.Ls.not yet fixed, but should be established by the tLme thLs LS published. en Cl Our new Pascal programming system (known as OMSI Pascal-2) is not yet available - we'll keep you informed as to our progress with the PDP-ll and other machines. One last note - we have a limited supply of Pascal T-shirts with a portrait of Blaise Pascal from a woodcut frontispiece for a bi?graphy published in 1891 - see enclosed copy. These sh1rts are 100% cotton, hand silk-screened, available in sizes S, M, L, XL - price is five dollars postpaid from Oregon Software. Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year! Barry Smith Oregon Software 4015 SW Canyon Road Portland, Oregon 97221 (503) 226-7760 Dear Andy, Just a short note to describe an application of Pascal here at I.e. over the last couple of months. All university computer installations must be plagued by their share of Startrek games, mostly written in the most hideous basic or horrendous pl/i (sorry Ploughskeepie). Naturally most of these installations suffer because of it, both in terms of machine time wasted and the constant staff overhead of having to spend hours looking for and destroying incarnations of the game only to have a PhysiCS undergraduate restore it the same evening. Our own case was slightly different. The Department runs VM on a 370/135 with 384k of store. MerCifully, our basic compiler wouldn't handle the Startrek program run on our College Computer Centre's CDCs: but even had it compiled, it could have been debatable whether the kind of response that would have been achieved could have justified the tag 'interactive'. Thus we set about writing our own Startrek, in Pascal, which we hoped would be more elegant and efficient than the versi_ons we had access to. The user interface was designed and implemented by Greg Pugh (the guy who implemented our P4 compiler). It maintains a full screen display on Lynwood VDUs, showing the status of The Lynwood features the Enterprise, short and long range scans, damage control etc.. blinking, cursor positioning, protected mode etc. and Startrek uses them to the full. Using the cursor positioning, only the fields that change between moves are updated. This leads to a faster (and more exciting) game. Because everything is continuously displayed on the screen, we have been able to remove all the commands controlling the' display (like damage control report), so the user only has to remember about 10 commands. These are entered as English words, like 'WARP' :no more lost games 'cos you typed 3 hoping to fire photon torpedoes and actually warped into a Nova! We produced our first version in June '77, which ran quite successfully (and efficiently) despite the abuses received during our department's open day. However (and this is the interesting bit, I hope!) we have since extended the Startrek system to run up to 16 users simultaneously, without modifying one line of the source code. This was possible because of the natural re-entrancy of Pascal code. All that was needed was a small interrupt handler (1000 lines of Assembler) to interface Pascal and the terminals. As each user 'dials' into Startrek, the interface routines find some store for his (her) stack/heap, and enter the Pascal bit of Startrek at the beginning. The program runs until it initiates I/O, at which point it is suspended and other users run until it completes. Because Startrek is thorough-ly I/O bound, we have experienced no problems with its being totally interrupt driven (indeed on VM the level of I/O activity is a boon; it stops you from getting dropped from the "fast response" queue!). We have run 8 simultaneous users on the same Startrek program, with no notiapble degradation in the response of the system generally or of Startrek itself. Since Startrek has paved the way (boldly going where no man etc ... },we have really "gotten into" multi-user Pascal programs here at IC. lain Stinson has written a filing/archiving system which services 16 users simultaneously_ A multi-user context editor is on the way. I think the thing that surprised us was the ease with which all these were implemented. In all cases, the actual low-level interface needed was surprisingly small and took very little time to write. The Pascal programs, because they do not need to know that they are multithreaded, are equally easy (and of course are easily tested with a more conventional, single user interface). Anyway, if anyone is interested, send us a tape (preferably containing some goodies of your own) and we'll return a copy of the system (including our Pascal compiler). Please specify 800 or 1600 BPI. The game itself has a "user manual" in the form of a Starfleet technical directive, but unfortunately only sketchy implementation notes exist. Keep Blaising the way_ Live long and Prosper. 4015 SW Canyon Road Portland. Oregon 97221 (503) 226-7760 Dave Thomas. Department of Computing and Control, Imperial College 180 Queensgate London SW7 London 589- 5111 = .,., rn co :;0 = ::t> :;0 -< en I--' THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW P.O. BOX 1 • SOUTH KENSINGTON • N.S.W. WALES • AUSTRALIA • 2033 TELEPHONE 6630351 EXTN. STATE OF MINNESOTA PLEASE QUOTE Department of Computer Science, School of Electrical Engineering. Crime Control Planning Board 6th Floor, 444 Lafayette Road ST. PAUL 55101 December 30, 1977. November 7, 1977 Dear Andy, Andy Mickel 227 Experimental Engineering University Computer Center University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Dear Andy: In the September 1977 issue of Pascal News I was quoted regarding LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration) regulations vis-a-vis programming languages for use in criminal justice information systems. While the thrust of that quotation was essentially correct, it may be useful to publish the actual guideline referred to: From: First let me congratulate you and your colleagues for the excellent job you have been doing on the Pascal News(letter}. The new Australasian distribution arrangernnents will certainly be welcome to people down in this part of the world and I am grateful to Arthur Sale for offering to print and distribute Pascal News but I too am confused over the Australasian subscription rate of $lO~ This makes Pascal News the most (relatively) expensive journal/newsletter to which I now subscribe. You can take it as considerable proof of the quality of your publication that/if members continue to subscribe. The price disparity between the Australasian on one hand and the USA and UK subscr.intion rates on the olhe!" is such that Australasian 5ubsc,::,ibers are surely owed a public explanation (through Pascal News). U.S. Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance Administration National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service Comprehensive Data Systems Program Guideline Manual (M6640.l, April 27, 1976) I feel I must correct Arthur Salo's misleading claim to "a first for reactionary Australia" for his proposed switch to Pascal in his first year course in the next academic year. That Australia is reactionary js beyond doubt but surely Arthur is letting his newfound enthusiasm for Pascal blur his perspective of what is happening in the rest of Australia. Simply to set the record straight and without any pretension to claiming a "first", I would like to point_ out that the computer Science Department at this University has been teaching Pascal as a first and principal programming language for the past three years. Chapter 3/Paragraph 37d: I enclose a collection of sundry comments on various ascpects of Pascal. Whenever possible, all application programs will be written in ANS COBOL in order that they may be transferred readily to another authorized user. Where the nature of the task requires a scientific programming language, ANS FORTRAN should be used. Request for waivers shall be justified in writing first to the appropriate Regional Office and then to NCJISS/SDD for review. -n rn ttl :;:0 c:: :t> :;:0 -< Best wishes. f-' LD Yours sincGrely, '-.j 00 Ken Robinson The most recent Direction of Automated Criminal Justice Information ~ terns shows virtually all existing Criminal Justice software (whether developed under the federal guideline above, or by a local agency without benefit of such paternalistic guidance) to be written in COBOL or FORTRAN. Sincerely, ";j~t.Kt~ Community Crime Prevention MRJ/amc Sundry comments on Pascal Standardization: I fully support the current moves for standardization of Pascal, however I beleive a number of minor changes should be made to Pascal before such standardization takes effect. I disagree with Prof. Wirth's sentiment (PUGN #8) that changes should not be made to "Standard Pascal" as "it would seem unfair to suddenly declare that what once was a Pascal compiler now suddenly isn't any longer. Standard revision must be prepared to add or even change features to a language if there are compelling reasons for doing so, and as a result it has to be accepted that compilers will be obsoleted and require change. Pascal should be kept alive as a language; standardization could sound the death knell of Pascal somewhat earlier than necessary. FORTRAN standardization provides an example which should not be followed - FORTRAN is of course dead; many people do not realize it. 1I m N Exponentiation: The exponentiation operator should be part of Standard Pascal. The look of disbelief when a Pascal programmer first discovers that it doesn't exist! Complex: 'Complex' should be added as a predefined type. Have you ever tried to convince a sroup of Electrical Engineers to use Pascal? They work most of the time in the. complex domain and when you explain how you do complex arithmetic in Pascal ' Pascal is surely not only for compiler writers. who work with real and complex numbers. We cannot ignore programmers Semantics, Axioms and Undefinedness: The comment is frequently made that Pascal "leaves undefined the action of a CASE where the expression evaluates to a value not matched by a case label" (PUGN #6 p60),or some such similar comment,. usually implying that the action is left to the whim of the implementor. Nonsense! The observation above is quite precise: the action is undefined not arbitrary. Just as the action of mUltiplying two boolean expressions is undefined. We seem to have become accustomed, due to our experiences with badly implemented software or even hardware, to confuse lIundefined ll with "arbitraryll. Surely if an action is undefined we expect good software to detect such an infringement of the semantics and to signal an error? Incidentally there is no analogy between a case statement with no label for a particular value of the case-expression and a if-then statement in which the boolean expression; the semantics of the latter are quite well defined. On the above question and many others the axiomatic definition of Pascal by Hoare and wirth [lJ is very clear and I am surprised that this paper is not referenced more frequently within discussions of the semantics of Pascal. The case-statement: I fundamentally lean towards Wirth's position that the case statement should not have an exception case (else label) but one particular exercise has fairly well convinced me that such a facility is necessary. The exercise: write a reasonably portable lexical analyzer in Pascal. Solution 1: Use a case-statement to classify the next character. Then all characters will have to appear as case labels, but many/most of the characters in ASCII/EBCDIC are unprintable (at the least) which certainly does not aid documentation. Some characters may even be all but impossible to include in the program, for example chr(O) in the CDC character set does not always have a character representation; the ETH compiler gets around this one by predefining a constant (undocumented) COL = chr (0) ~ Solution 2: Guard the case statement using a set as follows: if next character in set of characters of interest then case -- nextcharacter of end else Useless~ due to the severe constraints on set of char in most implementations (see below). solution 3: Guard the case statement by selecting a subrange as follows: if (nextcharacter >= first character of interest) and(nextcharacter <= last character of interest) then case -- nextcharacter of end else OK for ASCII but not of much help for EBCDIC. in solution 1 remain. In general the problems encountered Solution 4: In desperation you might abandon the case statement and use a mapping vector to map from char to an enumerated scalar type. This solution eases the portability problems but at some cost: the mapping vector is neither easily nor efficiently tnitialized in Pascal! Conclusion: the case statement remains attractive, but an exception case label appears to be necessary when disciminating on an expression of type char. I beleive the exception case is not necessary for expressions of another type. Note: the lexical analyzer in the ETH compiler is not a good solution to the problem, being solution 1 above. Unfortunately (or fortunately) the CDC character set is small enough to mask most of the problems which arise with larger character sets. Set of char: I am inclined to go further than Arthur Sale (PUGN #9,10 p66) in relation to minimum set size. Rather than picking an arbitrary number such as 32 I feel it would be better to insist that every Pascal compiler should support set of char for its particular character set(s). There is nothing to stop the compiler optimizing in the case of smaller sets of course. Without the above requirement sets containing characters must be banned from programs which are required to be portable, and surely many if not most large programs should be portable. For statement: While agreeing with Arthur Sale's comments on the semantics of the for-statement (PUGN #9,10 p66) I disagree with his suggestion of describing the semantics in the form of an equivalent Pascal sequence. A similar scheme was used in an earlier Pascal Report and was rejected in the axiomatic definition of Pascal [lJ for reasons of over specification. The definition of the for-statement given in the axiomatic definition is not open to the same ambiguity as that discussed by Arthur Sale since the concept of "assignment to the control variable" does not enter the axiom. Nor does the axiom say anything about the final value of the control variable, i.e. it is "undefined" (see above). All of the problems associated with the control variable are removed if the forstatement is implemented in such a way that the control variable is local to the statement (as does AlgolW and dare I say Algo168) 1 the value of the control variable after executing the statement is beyond discussion since the variable no longer exists! I strongly urge that the Pascal for-statement be implemented in this way and note that it is only an ~plementation change - the semantics as defined in the axiomatic definition are not changed at all. Files: I must disagree strongly with many of Arthur Sale's numerous criticisms of Pascal's file type. A file is definitely a valid data structure and it is one of Pascal's strengths that file is but another predefined structure and not some strange special object. True! Pascal, at the moment, only supports sequential files and there are other file structures which are ignored, amongst which direct access could be singled out as a file organization which should be supported. I would disagree with wirth's second thoughts (PUGN #8 p23) of substituting "sequence" for ufile"; perhaps the qualified "sequential file" instead of simply "file" is preferable but I feel that the word "file" is required as a reminder to the programmer that this structure will in general reside on secondary storage. Why is an array of files an absurdity? Done any merge sorting lately? As for file lifetime and scope being bound; doesn't this give you the perfect realization of a temporary file associated with a particular process? The anomaly of the lifetime of external files and their apparently different scope is removed by my suggested change to the program statement below. The program statement: Pascal's program statement has been frequently picked on as "an importation from CDC FORTRAN" and as some kludge to allow external files to be specified. There seems to me that there is a lot of truth in these observations but the real problem is that the program statement should have the same form and function as the procedure statement. After all a program is really only a distinguished procedure which is called from an outer block (level 0) which represents the external environment. ." rn ttl ;:0 = J> ;:0 -< I would like to see the syntax of Pascal changed (as shown in the syntax diagram below) to allow declarations to be placed at level 0 and for the program statement to have the same syntax as the procedure statement except for the replacement of procedure by program. I assume a number of restrictions will be required, for example a program may be declared at level 0 only and there must be only one program - but maybe you could have more than one program? Example: Old syntax: program foo(input,output,myfile) 1 The effects of this change are manyfold: var the files input and output would be declared implicitly at level 0 and thus simple :2: myfile: text; external file parameters would now be declared as var parameters; New syntax: programs could reference input and output without specifying any file parameters in the program statement; program foo(~ input,output,myfile: text); external procedures and functions could be declared in their correct environment and, assuming the compiler compiles an object of class "module", external procedures and functions could be compiled separately without awkwardly (and usually erroneously) imbedding them in a dummy program environmenti a program may now possess formal parameters other files. Reference: an 1. C.A.R. Hoare and N. Wirth: An Axiom~e Veninit{on the P~og~g Language Pa6eat Acta Informatica ~, 335-355 (1973) blockhead *** unsigned integer SPECIAL TOPIC: PASCAL STANDARDS 1-----'fr--~identifi8r~r------------------; 1-4---_ _---1...--_ _ _ _ _ block module &,______---' (* Andy Mickel and Jim Miner *) We (Jim and Andy) feel that it is a good time to review what is happening with Pascal standardization and bring new PUG members up to date. We believe it is essential to have a tight, officially standardized base language especially on which to develop conventionalized extensions. ISO STANDARD Pascal In general, events are going very well in the effort to obtain an official standard. In a very short time (less than a year) the effort is more than half done. For those of you who haven't read PUGN #8, Tony Addyman is obtaining an official ISO (International Standards Organization - the people entrusted with, for example, the metric system of measurements) Pascal standard. Tony began to organize a British Standards Institute (BSI) working group after the University of Southampton Pascal Symposium. It is passing on a standards document consisting of the Revised Report with the semantics "tightened up." In no case were new language features to be considered. Tony is a member of the programming language committee at BSI, and his working group has met several times (in June, September, and this January). Jim Welsh and R. Tennent have supposedly written papers for the group which we at PUG central have not seen. So far Tony has attended an ISO language subcommittee meeting in the Netherlands in November at which he requested consideration of an ISO Pascal standard for the first time. A Swedish technical committee also had representatives there to request the same thing. The French and German representatives were also keen on the idea (the Americans were COBOL people who "were not interested at this time."). A superior committee of ISO had to decide the question, and after the necessary applications are made it should be on the ISO agenda by late March (Ken Bowles" letter quoting 3-5 years notwithstanding). One problem has been that up until now, all programming language standards have been American (ANSI) standards and that ANSI has cooperated with the rest of the world. For example the ISO COBOL standard is simply a couple of sentences which says to refer to the ANSI standard. In other words, precedents do not exist for an ISO standard starting from scratch. Apparently a group recently pushing for ISO ALGOL-60 standardization was helping do the work to set precedents on procedure. The ALGOL-60 effort has been stymied, and ISO is now considering mechanisms for advancing a language standard. As Tony puts it, the UK has the conscience of Pascal "in its pocket because the UK proposed first." We at PUG central have stated before our reluctance to go through a lengthy ANSI process for a standard. COBOL, BASIC, and FORTRAN ANSI standards were long in coming. No one that we know of has proposed going through the American National Bureau of Standards (NBS). This may perhaps be an easier route. But we endo~se the current.E~ropean effort to standardize Pascal - after all it is a language wlth European orlglns! The Swedish technical committee announced their existence to -PUG with a letter from B~ngt Nordstrom (in this section), and sent "Yet Another Attention List.'~ .We really appre~late that and we're glad to see contact with the British. Further, Ollvler Lecarme has ln the past'told us of the Pascal sub-group he coordinates in AFCET (the French counterpart of ACM). We understand that the Germans are also organizing as a result of the successful Pascal Conference in October held by the German ACM (see Here and There). CONVENTIONALIZED EXTENSIONS Pierre Desjardins wrote us on 77/10/13: "Have you given any thought as to how to proc;~d once you (we, "the pascalers") decide to conventionize an extension of Standard Pascal. Good question. Going back to last year in PUGN and at the University of Southampton Pascal Symposium, we developed a consensus which directed the standards.effo~t t~ do precisely what Tony is doing. Further, areas exist (such as those outllne~ ln Nlklau~ Wirth's letter in PUGN #8) in which there is no point in having different lmplementatlons add similar constructs in different ways. ~o, if an implem~ntor chooses.to ~xtend Pa~cal in a certain direction, he or she should stlck to an establlshed conventlon lf one eXlsts. Ken Bowles' letter (in this section) proposes a workshop for the purpose of getting together a set of conventionalized extensions: We ~eel t~is ~s a good first start. Because there is a lack of practice and experlence ln havlng lmplemented a number of extensions (such as variable extent array parameters), the results of the workshop should not be interpreted as a final act. LAUNDRY LISTS OF ADDITIONAL FEATURES Pascal is often mistaken as a SIL (systems implementation language). Although it may be good for writing compilers, Pascal without extensions cannot be used to write operating systems, for example. We think more support should be given to making Pascal available for general user use where there will be widespread benefit. It is sad to see more people calling for more and more and more redundant and even whimsical features in Pascal. Pascal's virtue is its small size (limit on the total number of features) which has enabled its quick spread to other machines; implementation effort is small. That's a significant fact. If you ever want to push your own language or large software system someday, perhaps you can write it in Pascal for portability purposes instead of straitjacket FORTRAN. So Pascal is paving the way. With regard to these laundry lists of changes, people still seem to be forgetting things we learned last year from discussions in PUGN: Niklaus Wirth wrote in a letter in PUGN #5, "we must clearly distinguish between the language and the implementation ... the language is defined by the Report alone, and intentionally leaves many details unspecified that an implementation inherently must define in one way or another." We think that dissatisfaction (leading to suggestions of new features/changes) may be the result of problems in the implementation and could be solved in th~ implementation and not by changing the language. Niklaus Wirth also wrote in a letter in PUGN #8: " ... most ... other extensions ... belong to a different category which, I believe, has nothing to do with the goal of obtaining a common language. Rather their primary objective is to introduce some favourite facility suggested by either a particular application or, more frequently, an existing operating system. Whereas I have no objection to such extensions in principle, they do not belong in the core language, whose facilities must be understood without reference to any particular implementation. If at all possible they should be incorporated in the form of predefined procedures, functions, types, and variables and in the documentation they must be clearly marked as facilities pertaining to a given system ... " And what about the design goals of Pascal (which appear on the inside back cover of PUGN)? Remember that the combination of these goals has to be considered. Some of the articles we print in PUGN may unfortunately give the impression that there is a lot wrong with Pascal because they are full of suggested changes. We are growing weary of such articles which too often don't explain their suggested changes in the light of the design goals in proper proport i on. To quote Richard Cichelli, one of the world's foremost practition~r~ ~f Pascal in indust~y, "the problem in the United States is not the lack of language facllltles, but rather mak~~g programs understandable and to communicate them to average and below-average programmers. We say that changes to Pascal are basically irrelevant. It is s~ far ahead of.th~ competition! It's strange that the phenomenon of real people uSlng Pascal as lt l~ for.so many real things can be overlooked. People who need to get real work done now can t walt for academics to come up with Utopia 84. So-called "improved" languages such as EUCLID were announced before being implemented (shame, shame!) and are not tempered by good ole practice and experience. Let's examine as an example, the case for adding an exponentiation operator to Pascal. One of the design principles of Pascal is not to hide time and space efficiency costs from t~e user. An exponentiation operator makes it easy to be wasteful beca~se we dare say tha~ ln FORTRAN, its most frequent use is to square a number. (Pasca~ ~rovldes a square ~un~tlon (SQR) which can be compiled in-line for efficiency.) The addltlon of an exponentlatlon operator confuses the evaluation of arithmetic expressi~ns . . Is -2**3**2.= -512 o~ :6~ or 64? Of course parentheses can be used, but exponentiatlon llke subtr~ctlon and dlvlslon (but not multiplication and addition) is not associativ~ (or ~ommutatlve ~or that matter). Also exponentiation is hard to axiomatize (like real arlthmetlc) so that lS probably another reason why it was left out of the base language. But by using the principle of extending the language th~ough predifined ~dentifiers, simply predefine a function called power (as suggested by sectlon 11 of the Revlsed Report: real; function power ( x, y: real) We know of implementations which have easily done this. As a last thought, we don't think people should look at Modula, a langu~ge developed by. Wirth for time-dependent ("real-time") programming, to find features WhlCh can necessarlly be viewed as improvements. Modula's design goals are different. For one thing it is a much smaller language than Pascal, and its syntax is stripped down, too. Modula is another experiment, and we think it is an interesting one, but Modula will not replace Pascal in the forseeable future. Pascal COMPATIBILITY REPORT To end on a bright note, on 77/12/19 we received an excellent report by Arthur S~le: Sale, A.H.J. (1977): "Pascal Compatibility Report", Department of InformatlOn Science Report R77-5, University of Tasmania. . which should be of interest to the standards working groups and we hope they obtaln a copy. The abstract reads: "This report collects implementation variations between significant Pascal compilers for the edification of users, the education o~ comp~tibl~ software writers, and the influencing of implementors. In most cases, the behavlour clted lS a result of (a) an explicit loophole allowed by the User Manual or the Revised Report, or (b) an undefined loophole left by these documents. An attempt has been ~ad~ to document important" differences only, not local extensions, nor areas where great devlatlons are to be expected. A special note reads: "The information contained in this report is dated at November, 1977. Since compilers change with time, and the ones on which the tests were m~de cannot always be certified in mint condition by the author, caution is to be used in relYlng on.any information found here. A future edftion of this compatibility report may be lssued as more information is available." The main report consists of a series of two-page sections containing a test program.and the responses made by compilers to it and the questions posed. The responses are sometlmes abbreviated to cut down verbiage at the expense of accuracy. Test programs include: boolean expressions~ const declaractio~s, identif~ers, for loops 1, 2, 3, and 4, pointer types, set types, wlth statements, varlables, varlant storage. Compilers used in the preparation of the report were the Burroughs B6700 (Tasmania), CDC 6000/Cyber 70 (Zurich), ICL 1900 (Belfast), ICL 2900 (Southampton), Univac 1100 (Copenhagen), and the DECsystem 10 (Hamburg). -n rn co :::0 = J> :::0 -< Department of December 9, 1977 1977-11-30 COMPUTER SCIENCES GOTEBORG Yet another attention list Dear Andy, There is a growing interest of Pascal in Sweden, both in industry, universities and other governmental inGtitution~. There arc h0Jf-n-doz0n ~rou~~ working with implementations of Pascal of some variety. This interest has lead to a couple of meetings with implementors, users and possible users. These meetings have resulted in the creation of a technical committee for Pascal in Sweden. Swedish Technical Committee on Pascal Department of Computer Science Fack, CTH S-402 20 Goteborg, Sweden 3. Terminology: This section should cover all relevant terms and expressions used in the definition of the language (associate, identical, correspond, denote, undefined, scope ... ). These should be defined, explained and/or listed The goals for this committee are to: for easy reference. - critically analyze current definitions and implementations of Pascal in order to discover problematic spots. Special symbols: nil is here listed as a reserved word. - suggest a standard for implementation of Pascal which solves most of these problems. It is however conceptually a predefined constant comparable - work for getting an international standard for Pascal. to "true" and "false". The ETH-compilers view in fact nil - in a second phase develop as a predefined constant and you may redefine it. - a programming standard for Pascal - a standard for extensions of Pascal Comments m2_y - a "very" portable subset of Pascal. not always be removed! They should be considered as equivalent to space instead. We have been in touch with the Brittish standardization group. Vie find it very important that an international standard group will be created. Otherwise there will be several national variants of Pascal, which probably will be hard to follow since the computer market is very international. 4. "values of scalar types" to first sentence (cf. Burnett-Hall). The phrase: "Their association .•. " is neither clear nor sufficient. What type of asso~iation? What about record definitions and with-statements? We would like to get in touch with any group working with some sort of standard and also with implementors and their lists of problems in the definition of Pascal. Yours sincerely, Identifiers: Add "programs", "fields and tagfields in record", 6. Terminology: The terminology for description and classification of types and their properties is obscure to say the least (cf. below) . The members of the committee are: ... associates an identifier with the type. array A of B is a type. What is the associated identifier? Per-Olof Lundberg, L M Eriksson, Kft, Fack S-431 20 Molndal Hans Lunell, Informatics lab, Linkoping University, S-581 83 Linkoping Lars MOSSberg, Volvo Flygmotor, Box 136, S-461 01 Trollhattan Bengt Nordstrom, Dep:t of Computer Sciences, CTH, Fack, S-402 20 Goteborg Staffan Romberger, Dep:t of Computer Sciences, KTH, S-lOO 44 Stockholm Ake Wikstrom, Dep:t of Computer Sciences, CTH, Fack, S-402 20 Goteborg 6.1.1. Scalar types: This term is in the subsequent usea to denote at least three different things: - all simple types; - all simple types except real; - the types that are described in this section. UM-5A (p 34) states that they are given the values 0,1 etc. Real: Is real a scalar type? Note that scalar types are "ordered set(s) of values by enumeration"! en en Why not change the syntax to: 6.1. 2. Standard types: Are they predefined scalar types or ::= : predefined simple types? It is not good Char: UM-2D (p 14 f) also describes some properties that are shared by all implementation (cf. also Axiomatic The manual and the report is not in agreement about the semantics. case : Certainly not every typeidentifier. 6.2.4. = rn Defini tion) . 6.2.2. programming practice to jump between case list elements. 9.2.4. It can be argued that the with-statement evaluates its only once. This is part of a more file of : Restrictions on type should be clearly general problem: The philosophy of Pascal is to leave stated. certain things undefined so that a program which relies Can a file be a part of other structured types? on these undefined constructs is not portable. It is Can new be applied to a file? assumed that such a program is poorly written. But is this the right way to prevent people from making bad programs? It is usually not the same person who writes a program and 8. evaluated (b+a)+c, but not as a+(c+b). What about a*b+c*d? 8.1. 2. who transports it. The wrong person is punished. Sequences of operators: The expression a+b+c may be 10.1, Should passing of predefined procedures and functions 11.1. as parameters be prohibited? 10.1.1. (l)What happens to eoln at reset of a text file? (2)It has been suggested that reset should not assign the value of the first element of the file to the buffer The syntax for is erroneous. The and <> on pointer variables should be listed m~never possible, define typerules by a corresponding or several in the case of generic here. 8.2. functions. and <> defined in UM-App B (p 108). 11. 3. What are the types of the result of trunc and round? Function application: There are several things left 11. 3. How is ordinal number defined? With undefined here. For example, in what order is the actual type colour (blue,red,yellow); parameters (evaluated and) bound? warmcolour red •. yellow; Especially in connection with functions one has to consider side-effects, global var variables etc. begin c:colour; w:warmcolour; c:= red; w:= red; what is ord(c) and ord(w) and what is ord(-l)? 11.1.4. 9.1. 3. \-> 00 11.1. Sets: -< 'I (for a Boolean b): or b. Pointers: = :J> <.D variable. possibility allows you to write 8.1. 4. t::O :::0 var i: 1 .. 10?(5ee also the axiomatic definition: §1.3-1.4) 8.1. 3. rn :::0 Is type-checking of a subrange done only in assignments or in arithmetic too? Is pred(succ(i)) always legal, where -n What is the significance of leading zeroes in a label? Should succ of the last and pred of the first value of a scalar type be explicitly illegal? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO BERKELEY • DAVIS • IRVINE • LOS ANGELES • RIVERSIDE • SAN mEGO • SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS SANTA BARBARA' SANTA CRUZ MAIL CODE C-021 UCSD LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 9209_1 30 Dec, 1977 To Andy Mickel PASCAL User's Group Subject: Standardized PASCAL Extensions As discussions in PUGN have made clear, many people in the PASCAL user community feel it mandatory that PASCAL be extended in various ways, either for specific applications, or to make the language easier to work with in general. A large subset of the same people are also very much concerned because all the extension activity seems to be leading PASCAL into the same multi-dialect state that characterizes BASIC. You and others have ventured the oplnlon that the evolution of PASCAL has already progressed beyond the stage where there is much hope of obtaining formalized standardS, via ANSI or ISO, for more than the language described in Wirth's revised "Report". One U.S. representative to the ISO language standards activity told me recently that it is not unusual for an item to take 3 to 5 years just to be put on the agenda for ISO consideration. Those who cite the short (two years) time it took to standardize MUMPS should recognize that MUMPS is used primarily by a close knit user community concerned with a fairly small range of applications. My feeling, shared by many others, is that PASCAL is now being accepted so rapidly as the base language for practical system programming that there is no time for formal standardization to be completed before extended versions of the language come into very widespread use. In that environment, defacto standards are likely to prevail, and there may be many defacto standards as is the case with BASIC. As an alternative to formal standardization, you have already proposed that there might be formed sev.eral quasi-standard extensions to PASCAL covering specific application areas. At a small PUG meeting, held in Seattle during the recent ACM Convention, it became apparent that numerous large industrial firms are preparing to use PASCAL as the base language for serious system programming. The point made repeatedly is that these firms find it necessary to extend PASCAL to make this practical. The nature of the extensions generally falls into several familiar areas which have been mentioned already in the pages of PUGN - particularly random access facilities for disk files. In general, each firm is making its own extensions since there has been no evidence that anyone would come forward to coordinate the extensions in this field of applications. The industrial people said repeatedly that their firms would be making sufficiently large investments in system programs using the extended dialects of PASCAL (typically in units of Millions of Dollars) that they would find it effectively impossible to retrofit to a standardized set of extensions starting more than 6 months to a year from now. I am aware that there is a subset of the current PUG membership which feels that PASCAL should be retained by the academic community as a basis from which to study better future languages. They feel that extensive practical applications of PASCAL would prevent this from happening, and argue that PUG should not assist in the effort to make PASCAL a practical alternative to BASIC, FORTRAN or COBOL in the world of computing at large. Judging from the rapid ~rowth of PUG membership among those who wish to use PASCAL for practical purposes, I would guess that the great majority of the membership would (very soon if not now) favor pressing on with the promotion of PASCAL as the next major language. I would also guess that, lacking leadership from PUG or someone else, there will be a wide divergence of opinion on what constitutes PASCAL in this sense. The PUG membership should also be made aware of another large scale activity that is sure to have a big impact on the PASCAL community, like it or not. This is the project at the United States Defense Department currently known as "Ironman". The ambitious goal of this project is to force all development of so-called "embedded" system programs to be done in a common programming language that we can refer to as "000-1". The range of programming activities currently excludes the major business applications, which tend to use COBOL, and scientific applications, which tend to use FORTRAN. Embedded system programming is reputed to cost 000 more than $3 Billion per year, much of it redundant or inefficient. The expectation is that common use of the new language will make this activity more efficient by a significant amount. At present the Ironman project is waiting for delivery, expected in February 1978, of reports on preliminary language designs from four contractors all of whom are working from an overall specification published by 000 last year. All four are reported to be using PASCAL as their base language. The overall specification makes it appear very likely that 000-1 will differ slightly from PASCAL within the range of the base language, and it will contain many important extensions very similar to those already being discussed for industrial and commercial system programming. If all goes well, 000 expects to start implementing early in 1979, after a round of additional refinements based on the reports due this year. "'T1 rn ttl :::c = ::t> :::c -< It is probable that any possible quasi-standard extended PASCAL, as discussed in this note (I'll call it PASCAL-X from here on), will differ in some respects from 000-1. If the Ironman 1977 specification is held in the final 000-1 product, there will be no subset or superset languages. If our experience with code compression is a valid guide, this will probably rule out the use of 000-1 for interactive program development on small microcomputers such as those we use at UCSD. On the other hand PASCAL-X might amount to a large subset of 000-1 and still be implemented on the micro's. A visit to m 00 DoD in December convinced me that they too are very much interested in using stand alone micro's for interactive program development. Apart from the size issue, the major differences that will probably make DoD-1 incompatible with the PASCAL base language have to do with tightened rules to help prevent side effects committed within functions and FOR loops. A persistent rumor that I have not yet been able to check is that Niklaus Wirth himself has had a hand in recommending that these rules be included in DoD-1, and/or in at least one industrial firm's version of extended PASCAL. At the Seattle ACM meeting, and on several occasions since then, I have asked representatives of large industrial firms interested in using PASCAL for serious system programming whether their companies might be willing to participate in a 'workshop' convened to seek a consensus on PASCAL extensions among such firms. The implication would be that the influence of such a group of firms would be great enough to make the consensus language, PASCAL-X, a defacto standard for those interested in PASCAL for practical system programming. The verbal responses I have received so far have been enthusiastic and affirmative. Lacking an alternate invitation, we propose to convene such a workshop here at UCSD during the forthcoming summer, probably for several weeks during July. In order to have a reasonable expectation that the workshop will indeed emerge with consensus on a sUbstantial range of extensions, it will be necessary to limit the attendance to a maximum of about 30 people. Attendance will be by invitation only. Those attending from industrial firms, and from government agencies, will be asked to pay a registration fee of several hundred dollars to help pay the expenses for running the workshop. In addition to paying the fee, these organizations will be asked to give credible assurances that the participant(s) they send will be able to influence their employers to use the resulting consensus language. Approximately three quarters of those attending should be from organizations which will have made investments in practical system programming uses of extended PASCAL exceeding 10 person-years by the end of 1978. We would hope to attract a small number of academic experts who enjoy the widespread confidence of large subsets of the remaining PASCAL user community. The aforementioned fee will cover the expenses of these experts, and of a small UCSD.group (mainly students) who will serve as the staff of the workshop. As a plan of action for the workshop, we propose that those who expect to participate should begin circulating position papers and proposals regarding features they wish to see included in the expected consensus language PASCAL-X. Though we have no formal commitment from them, it appears likely that the Defense Department group will allow us to use the language descriptions resulting from the Ironman project as part of the set of position papers. We assume that the Ironman papers will allow a moderately accurate projection to be made regarding the description of the expected DoD-1 language. Assuming that our conjecture is correct, that DoD-1 will amount to an extended version of the PASCAL base language with few incompatibilities, we will urge the workshop group to make PASCAL-X as compatible as possible with DoD-1. Naturally, we will insist that PASCAL-X remain faithful to the overall philosophy embodied in Niklaus Wirth's original design. Wherever incompatibilities with the base PASCAL language seem frivolous they will be strongly discouraged. The workshop will probably consist of relatively short plenary meetings on most days in the weeks when it is in session, plus smaller working group meetings on specific topics. I plan to chair the plenary meetings, as convener, in the hope that I may be able to keep the attending group focussed on the objective to reach consensus on as large a set of extensions as seems important to most of the group. To assure reasonable acceptance of the results of the workshop, most decisions will have to be reached by consensus - i.e. with the acquiescence of virtually all of those attending. Except for our own extensions associated with the pre-declared type STRING, and with the READ statement for interactive implementations of the INPUT file, we at UCSD still have relatively small investments in the specific syntax of most other changes or extensions to PASCAL. We will circulate position papers regarding these matters. Copies of this note will be going directly, with invitations, to representatives of the firms that we already know are likely to be interested in participating in the workshop. Since we may not know about others, readers of this note in PUGN should feel free to contact us. Please bear in mind that we are a small group, and currently close to saturated for communications with others due to the high interest in our software package. For a reader who thinks that his/her firm should be on our invitation list for the workshop, a brief letter explaining why would probably be the most effective way to get started. ..,., rn ttl = = = -< J> Bowles Director IIS -0 :J> = rn en lD Implementation Notes PORTABLE Pascal P4 -- How (Non-) Standard is it? GENERAL I NF 0 RMAT I ON A number general: of short comments are in order about this issue and our editorial policies in Some of us at Pascal News have implementation~ "Standard seen a Pascal" disturbing simply trend recently to label differs from the standard in a number of significant ways. We have compiled the _ INDEX: The index near the end of this issue covers the Implementation Notes from last issue (/19-10) and this. issue. Earlier issues are not referenced because: (1) they are out of print, and (2) the information in them was summarized and updated in #9-10. _ Corrections: Unless otherwise stated, the information in this issue supercedes the information in #9-10. We received several corrections (and complaints) about incorrect information in #9-10. As ~ policy, we print the information that we have available At the suggestion of Rich Cichelli we start with next issue to print the source code of programs which are known practice of writing software. to be useful in the the Rich will be editing this section, and programs may be submitted to him for consideration. We also encourage criticism and comments on these programs. Rich's address is: 901 Whittier Drive, Allentown, PA 18103, USA. Also, Tom Tyson (DECUS SIG)has offered to distribute software at cost. Details are not yet clear to us, but Tom's offer is quite encouraging. ---- Pascal Variants: We have decided as a policy to print notices of machine-dependent implementations of Concurrent Pascal, Modula, etc., in the "Machine Dependent Implementations" section. Also, the "Index" will not discriminate between the variants of Pascal. Notices of general interest will continue to appear in the "Pascal Variants" section. Checklist: When submitting Data implementation notes please use the Checklist (#9-10, page 60), and send dark camera-ready copy (see Policy, page 2!). As we begin to concentrate more on applications~ standards, and software tools, we will be less willing to rekey following Systems Development; Consultants; Suite 302; 1894 Commercenter West; San Bernardino, CA 92408), using P4. -Jim Miner 1. P4 implements nil as a predeclared constant, and forward as a reserved word. The standard indicate;--that nil is a reserved word, and forward is not listed as a reserved word. ----- 2. P4 does not support the standard comment delimiters { and }. 3. P4 does not provide the standard predeclared identifiers maxint, text, round, ~, or dispose. Further, the following standard predeclared identifiers are recognized, but are flagged as errors: reset, rewrite, pack, and unpack. 4. P4 does not require a program heading. Further, where a program heading is included, P4 does not require it to contain a parameter list. 5. P4 does not allow "non-discriminated variant record types"; i.e., every variant record must have a tagfield. The standard does not require a tagfield. 6. material which is not properly prepared. z rn and also based on our own experience with P4. In no way do we intend this list as a criticism of the authors of P4; rather we hope to raise the awareness of implementors to us. Although this sometimes leads to confusion, we have found that printing incorrect information causes people to send corrected material when they might not have done so otherwise. Software Tools, and Applications: list of deviations, based on a list sent to us by Ted Park (Director, Medical P4-based because they are based on P4. In fact, P4 P4 does not allow a ";" before the "end" in a record type. (See the P4 Bug list, item 3. ) - Jim Hiner (78/1/5) 7. P4 does not implement any of the following file-related features: ~ Declarations of file types, variables, and parameters. The standard predeclared type text, and the standard predeclared procedures reset, rewrite, and ~. AP P LIe AT ION S The requirement that standard files input and header if they are used. HELP WANTED! of the must appear in the program Access to non-text files via the standard procedures read and write. Output of Boolean expressions, or output of real exp~ions in the fixed-point form If PASCAL is to make any inroads into serious scientific computing (currently the almost exclusive preserve of FORTRAN) it must have a decent library of scientific subroutines which means, as far as the U.K. is concerned, that there must be a PASCAL version output (r: ex1: ex2) via the procedure write. 8. P4 does not support formal procedure or function parameters. 9. P4 NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) library. It should be possible to make machine-dependent features being method of production of the ALGOl 60 versions, together with a PASCAL NAG library largely machine-independent with all collected into the "X" routines. Probably the library would be a straight transcription of the existing the writing of the set of "X" routines for each different range of machines. does not allow set constructors containing the subrange notation (e.g. , ['0' •• '9']). easiest 10. P4 does not support goto statements which jump out of the procedure or function in which they occur. (In fact, P4 has a bug wherein it fails to diagnose such goto's, and treats them like "local" jumps -- see the P4 Bug list, item 6.) Please send your views on this matter, and offers of help, to: Pascal P4 -- Bug Reports. Professor D.W. Barron, Computer Studies Group, Department of Mathematics, The Univers ity, Southampton, Hants, S09 SNH, United Kingdom, who is coordinating this project and negotiating with NAG. We have received several reports of bugs in P4, in addition to Updates 1 and 2 which were printed in Pascal News #8. Since Zurich has not promised support on P4 we intend to print such reports here, including fixes when possible. Also, to make sure that they are widely known, we are reprinting Updates 1 and 2 from Chris Jacobi. These should already be included in the P4 distribution tapes. ~ ~ 00 The list following Univers ity of O.W. van Wijk News) • is based on bug reports from: Juha Heinanen (Computer Center; 11. Tampere; P.O.Box 607; SF-33101 Tamp ere 10; Finland; (931-156111», (TNO-IBBC; P.O. Box 49; Delft, Holland; (015-138222», and Jim Miner (Pascal change: tu: P4 bugs not affecting portability. 12. Insert after PASCP.461: IF LGTH = 0 THEN ERROR ( 205) ELSE On line PASCP.1079 change: to: IN [IDENT,CASESY] IN FSYS + [IDENT,CASESY] ~ C/) n :x> Correct error numbers. r:2: rn ~ 13. Write end of line on last line of listing, and also flag errors in all cases on the last line .. Replace P.555 with: IF LIST THEN WRITELN(OUTPUT); IF ERRINX > 0 THEN BEGIN LIST := FALSE; ENDOFLINE Assure non-compatibility of different length strings. Insert after P.145: AND (FSPl~.SIZE = FSP2~.SIZE) Allow ";11 between field list and "end" in record type. -0 10 THEN 6 THEN On PASCP.2277 and on PASCP.2285 change: ERROR(125) to: ERROR(116) Disallow zero-length string constants. 2. Correctly diagnose "write(f)". On P.380 14. C/) 'I*: I-' I-' END P4 does not diagnose forward-declared procedures and functions which are not actually defined. No fix has been submitted for this bug. P4 portability-related bugs. Correct comment. On line P.307 change: to: 5. The items listed here involve implementation dependencies. (*LOD*) (*LDO*) 15. On line PASCP.1772 change: to: to: := 0 TO 58 DO := SETLOW TO SETHIGH DO 16. Insert after PASCP.2893: WHILE DISPLAY [TTOP] .OCCUR <> BLCK DO TTOP := TTOP - 1; TTOP1 := TTOP; Replace PASCP.2895 and PASCP.2896 with: LLP := DISPLAY [TTOP] .FLABEL; Correct comment. On line P. 500 change: to: 8. 9. (*lJP*) (*UJP*) Allow label definition inside of a with statement. On PASCP.3153 change: DISPLAY [TOP] DISPLAY [LEVEL] to: Avoid spurious "undefined forward type" diagnosis. Replace PASCP.1368 and PASCP.1369 with: END ELSE LCP2 := LCP1; LCP1 := LCP1~.NEXT 10. Correctly diagnose "read(f)". On P.347 change: to: 8 THEN 5 THEN Implementation Notes SET OF O•• 58 SET OF SETLOW •• SETHIGH Diagnose set declarations exceeding implementation defined limits. Replace PASCP.1275 to PASCP.1278 (inclusive) with: IF LSP1 <> REALPTR THEN IF LSP1 <> INTPTR THEN BEGIN GETBOUNDS(LSP1,LMIN,LMAX); IF (LMIN < SETLOW) OR (LMAX > SETHIGH) THEN ERROR( 169) ; NEW(LSP ,POWER) ; WITH LSP~ DO BEGIN FORM := POWER; SIZE := SETSIZE; ELSET := LSP1 END END ELSE ERROR( 169) ELSE ERROR(l14) Correct failure to disallow non-local gato's. 7. Correct declaration of set values. On PASCP.85 change: Correct generation of set cons tants .. 17. On some implementations it is not safe to allow tests of (in-) equality on arrays and records. This is because P4 does not guarantee that all storage units within an array or record type are accessible to the programmer, due to alignment considerations. The following changes disallow such comparisons, except for strings. Replace PASCP.2826 and also replace PASCP.2831 with: ERROR(l34) ; PASCAL - P4 Installation Parameters intsize,realsize,charsize,boolsize,setsize,ptrsize: Number of addressable storage units to be reserved for variables of type integer, real, character, boolean, set, pointer. As to 'setsize', remember that a set must be able to hold at least 48 elements if you intend to use the system to bootstrap the compil er. intal,realal,charal,boolal,setal,ptral: Variables of the corresponding types will be given an address which is a multiple of these alignment constants. I-' lD '-J 00 stackelsize: Minimum size for a value on the expression stack. The expression stack is that portion of the stack which is used for the evaluation of expressions. 'Stackelsize' has to be equal to or a multiple of 'stackal '. Concurrent Pascal COMPlITER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT 22 September 1977 Su.VAToaI CoMPUTEI. ScIENCE CENTU. stackal: Alignment constant for a value on the expression stack. 'Stackal' must be a multiple of all other alignment constants and must be less or equal to 'stackelsize' . UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY PARK, LOS ~"IGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 Dear Colleague: strglgth: Maximum length of a string. (In fact all strings will be of length 'strglgth'). A string must be able to hold the character representation of a number (real or integer) with its sign. The minimum length for a bootstrap is 12. I am pleased to announce that the distribution of Concurrent Pascal tapes has been resumed. The two tapes contain copies vf the Solo Operating System and the Sequential and Concurrent Pascal compilers. The system is ready to run on a PDP 11/45 system and can (with some effort) be moved to other minicomputers. intbits: Number of bits used for representing an integer without the sign. integer is: 2intbits_ 1 To obtain the system tapes, please contact So the largest sethigh,setlow: Maximum and minimum ordinal values for the element of a set. ordmaxchar,ordminchar: Maximum and minimum ordinal values of the character set. Depending on the alignment conditions there may be two possibilities for the assignment of store on top of the expression stack: _ Each stack element requires the same amount ,of store. In this case 'stackelsize' has to be greater than or equal to the maximum of the other size constants. (Remember: 'stackelsize' is a multiple of 'stackal'). _ No waste of store: A new element on the expression stack has to be placed at the next position allowed by the alignment constant 'stackal '. In this case 'stackelsize' has to be less than or equal to the maximum of the other size constants. Thanks to George Richmond for sending us revised Pascal-P ordering information. Mr. George H. Richmond Computing Center University of Color~do 3645 Marine Street Boulder, Colorado 80309 Concurrent Pascal and three model operating systems written in the language are described in P. Brinch Hansen, The Architecture of Concurrent Programs. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, July 1977. The compiler is described in A.C. Hartmann, A Concurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 50, Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 1977. I am interested in hearing about any experience you may have had in using Concurrent Pascal. Pascal-P may be ordered from: In Europe, Asia, and Africa: In Australasia: In North and South America: Chris Jacobi, Institut fuer Informatik, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland. (*last published cost was SFr 160 for configured compiler - do not prepay;') Carroll Morgan, Basser Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of SydDey, NSW 2006 Australia. U'last published cost was $A30 ,,) George Richmond, Computing Center: 3645 Marine, Boulder, CO 80309 USA. ('·'new prices: $60 for tape, documentation, and overhead, please prepay, and $30 additional for configured compiler. ;,) PASCAL VARIANTS Pascal-S (* See the Checklist and letter from Rich Cichelli under CDC 6000 in the Machine Dependent Implementations section. *) Per Brinch Hansen CONCURRENT PASCAL DISTRIBUTION George H. Richmond Septembe" 1977 Concurrent PASCAL is a variant of PASCAL developed by Per Brinch Hansen while he was at the California Institute of Technology. This system is implemented for the POP 11/45. It includes the Solo Operating System, the Sequential PASCAL Campi leI", and the Concurrent PASCAL Campi leI". The software suppl ied is ready to run for a suitably configured POP 11/45 system. It could be transported to other minicomputers as the bulk of the code Is written in PASCAL. The University of Colorado is distributing Concurrent PASCAL In cooperation with Per Brinch Hansen following the publication of his most recent book liThe Architecture of Concurrent Programs" by Prentice-Hall in July 1977. This book describes the Concurrent Pascal system. It fs not included in the documentation distributed by the University of Colorado. The materials available include two magnetic tapes containing a complete copy of the Solo Operating System for loading onto a RK05 disk pack on a PDP 11/45 computer and a source and vi rtual code copy of the Solo programs for listing on any computer. Documentation includes two reports not included in "The Architecture of Concurrent Programs" and other items or suitable replacements as follows: en Li terature about the Programming Language Pascal (5 pages) A Note on the Concurrent Pascal Tapes (2 pages) Concurrent Pascal Implementation Notes (2B pages) Sequential Pascal Report (46 pages) TEXT FI LES «SCll) A text fi Ie conSists of one or more I ines. Each 1 ine conSists of zero or more characters terminated by a LF character (decimal value 10). (There are no CR characters.) A text fi Ie is terminated by an EM character (decimal value 25 ). The cost may be paid in advance by check (payable to the University of Colorado) or a more formal purchase order and invoice mechanism can be used. Concurrent PASCAl. can be mai led from the University ot Colorado to outside ot North America for the addttional cost of air-mai 1 postage. • < 1 i ne > LF The Solo system consists of a Single-user operating system written in Concurrent Pascal and a set ot ut1! ity programs written in a variant of Sequential Pascal. It includes two multi-pass campi lars for Sequential and Concurrent Pasca 1 (see: P. Br inch Hansen, The Programmi ng Language Concurrent Pascal, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1, 2. .June 1975) • The Solo system was bui 1t only development of Concurrent Pascal. It programm1 ng (but can be made so) • following machine configuration: < 1 i ne > LF EM The text is packed into blocks of 512 characters. So aline may begin in the middle of one block and end somewhere in the next blocK. The character's (if any) I.\;'hich follow the EM character in the last block of the file are irrelevant. A text file is also terminated by an end of fi Ie mark on the tape (just as any other fi 1e). to support Per Br inch Hansen I s is not convenient for casual The Solo system require. the VIRTUAL CODE FILES - POP 11/45 computer with floating-point arithmetic - Memory management and 4BK words of core storage - Line frequency clock KW11-L - Disk cartridge drive RK11-D - Teletype terminal LT33 code fi Ie consists of 16-bit binary integers. Each integer is output as two 8-bi t bytes. The 10",'('r order 8 bi ts are output f; rst, foll0'... ed by the higher oreer 8 bits (this is due to the byte addressing of the PDP 11/45 computer). This configuration allows editing and recol'lpilation of compi lers. The system also supports the following peripherals! both When a tl3p~ is reproduced on another machine, the bytes should therefor\? be output in exactly the same order in which they ar"e input from the tape. - Magnetic tape unit TM11 (9 tracks, BOO bpi) - Punched card reader" CD1 1-A (BO co 1umns, 1000 cards/mi n) - Line printer LP (Data Printer Corp., 132 columns, 600 lines/min) The virtual code is packed into blocKs of 512 8-bit bytes each. A code fi Ie is terminated by an end of fi Ie mark (just 1 iKe any other f i 1 e) • The Pascal campi lers generate code for" a virtual machine that can be simulated on a variety of 1S-bit minicomputers. (The Sequential Pascal campi leI" was moved to another minicomputer in one man-month.) .." 0:1 This tape contains.2 files. The first file (of blOCk) is an autoload prcgN~m that can copy the second fi Ie onto a disk pack on a PDP 11/45 cor.,puter. The second file (Of 4800 blOCkS) is a complete copy of the Solo disk paCk. Distribution Tapes ;;0 = ~ ;;0 -< The SOI.O COPY tape is a magnetic tape (9 tracks. BOO bpi, 600 feet) containing a complete copy of the Solo system. It also contains an autoload pr"ogram that can copy the system onto an RK05 disk pack on a PDP 11/45 computer". This tape can only be used on a PDP 11/45 computer with double-length floating-point arithmetic, memory management. 48K words of core storage, line frequency clo...:k KW11-L, disk cartridge drive RK11-D 1 teletype terminal LT33 (or an equivalent terminal), and magnetic tape unit TM11. The SOLO FILES tape is a magnetic tape (9 tracks. BOO bpi, 600 feet) containin;.! copies of all Solo programs in alphabetiC order. Each pr"ogram is stored both as Pascal text (ASCII code) and virtual code (16bi t integers). Th i s tape can be used to 1 i st the programs on any computer. The system can be moved to another computer by rewriting an assembly language program, called the system kernel, that Simulates a virtual machine and 1ts periper"als. The tape contains a copy of the kernel for the PDP 11/45 computer (4K words). SOLO FILES TAPE This tape contains 116 files. The first file is a text f1le that lists all the other files. The other 115 files are copies of the text and code fi les of the Solo operating system. Cost Concurr"ent PASCAL Order Form 1. Oocumentat ion for Concurrent PASCAL $10.00 2. Distribution Tapes for Concurrent PASCAL $50.00 3. Over"seas Postage 4. Tota 1 Cost of Order 8111 ing Address: Per Br inch Hansen CONCURRENT PASCAL TAPES rn SOLO COpy TAPE To get a copy of the system, please reture the enclosed order form. Please notice that neither Caltech, the UniversitY of Colorado, Or the University of Sourthern Cal ifornia make a warr"anty of any kind, end do not guarantee correctness or maintenance of the Solo system. f-> to "-J 00 Sh i pp i no Address: July 1977 TAPE FORMAT Each magnetic tape (9 tracks, 800 bpi, 600 feet) contains several files. Ther"e are no labels on a tape. I t begins with the first block of the first file. Each tape contains a fixed number of files. There is no end of tape label. Each fi Ie consists of one or more blocks of 512 B-bit bytes each. file is terminated by a single end of file mark. [1 ... [1' [1 ... [1 • [1 ••• [1 • < File 1 < < File n > File 2 > A understand that the distribution costs entitle me to use the Concurrent P~scal, system on a non-exclusive basis only, and that the se~lerS,(Callfornla Institute of Technology, University of Colorado, and Unn/ er"slty of Southern CalifOrnia),make no warranty of any kind, and do not guarantee correctness or malntenanCe of the system. I 1IIIil1 aCknowledge the authorship ot the system and retain the names "Concurrent Pascal" and "SalaM In all uses of It. > Each file contains either ASCII text or virtual code. Signature: Date: -0 ~ Gl rn TRW DSSG One Space Park 90/2178 Redondo Beach, CA 9f)27fl (213) 535-0312 19 October 1977 TRW Dear Andy: The Multi-Minicomputer Architecture IR&D Group at TRW, headed by Roger P.. Vossler, is using Per Brinch Hansen's Concurrent Pascal, to write specja:-ourpose operating systems for distributed computing research. Although Hansen's Concurrent and Sequential Pascal compil ers generate vi rtua 1 code for an ideal machine which is implemented by an interpreter, we find that for some applica· tions this approach can compete successfully with real machine code running under a general purpose operating system. One of the advantages of Concurrent Pascal is that its compile time enforcement of access rights eliminates many potential time-dependent run time errors. We have developed a number of utility programs to supplement those available on the SOLO distribution tape. Other work has involved writing device drivers for additional 10 devices, improvements to the co~pilers, and an experimental kernel with all 10 drivers removed and rewritten in Pascal. Future plans include moving the interpreter and parts of the kernel to microcode on machines with WCS, such as the PDP-ll/60. (ii) The VALUE statement for presetting global variables has not been implemented, (iii) The procedures "off" and "arnongll have not been implemented. Their effect can be obtained by other means within the language. The following run-time systems are available. (i) (ii) A similar nucleus for the PDP-ll/OS, including the out-ofline routines for division and multiplication, requiring about (iii) A simple system for running "sequential" MODULA programs under RSX-llD. 200 words, J.B. Heidebrecht Checklist mentioned is listed Dependent Implementations section. *) under A structured test set of about 100 programs to test the sequential parts of the language, and (ii) Many device driving MODULA programs (including those given by Wirth) for testing the full language. We have device drivers written in MODULA for the DL-II, KW-IIL, RK-Il, AR-ll, GT40, CA-IIF and many other DEC devices. DEC PDP-II (Redondo Beach) in the Machine (ii) TELEPHONE 0904 59861 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Professor of Computer Science: 1. c. Pyle 1-' (i) (i) HESLINGTON, YORK, YO! SDD 13 September 1977 Dear Mr Mickel, A MODULA Compiler for the PDP-l1 computer Providing a cross compiler for the INTEL 8080 that runs on the PDP-llj40. An initial version of the code generator and runtime system is now complete. Our initial conclusion after development of this version is that the 8080 is unsuitable for an efficient version of MODULA, and Making the compiler run under UNIX. We have just applied to the Science Research Council of Great Britain for funds to support a programmer who would look after the MODULA compiler maintenance and distribution. Until we know the result of this application we will not know what distribution scheme we will adopt. In the meantime", we would like to hear from any PASCAL Newsletter reader who would be interested in receiving the compiler so that we may gauge the interest in this work. We would also be interested in knowing what areas of application potential users have in mind. A recent copy of the Pascal Newsletter asked for details of any compiler for the programming language MODULA. We are writing this letter to inform you and the readers of the Newsletter about the existence of a compiler written at the University of York and completed in the spring of 1977. Our initial conclusions on MODULA, together with further details on the compiler, are given in The York MODULA compiler is written in BCPL and is structured in four passes using a sequential binary stream for communication between the passes. The present version of the compiler runs under RSX-l1D and requires a 16k partition for the compilation of a program of about 1000 lines. The compiler output is MACRO-ll. A paper presented to the 1977 IFAC/IFIP Real Time Programming Workshop held at Eindhoven, Netherlands, on 20-22 June 1977. To be published by Pergamon Press. All of the MODULA language as defined by Wirth has been implemented with the following exceptions. Yours Sincerely, (i) All names must be declared before use, thus mutually recursive procedures are not possible, en The compiler and its run-time system have been tested using: UNIVERSITY OF YORK Modu1a and So far the compiler has not been distributed to any other institution. At the present time our efforts are directed towards providing full external and internal documentation of the compiler (we hope to produce a document similar in style to Hartman's description of the Concurrent PASCAL compiler) and putting the present RSX-llD system into a presentable package. Our present development work is: Sincerely, (* The Including a "loader II to overwrite the operating system, the nucleus requires about 150 words of code, Although we are unable to serve as a distribution center, we are interested in exchanging ideas and programs with other users of Concurrent Pascal. An Implementation Checklist for our implementation is attached. JBH:nc A nucleus to allow MODULA programs to be run on a base PDP-ll/40. J. HOLDEN & I. C. WAND: MODULA' • (Experience with the programming language g' We have a very limited number of preprints of this paper available. () .'1,j~''P • Holden -- ~~. 1. C. Wand "rn to ;:0 = » ;:0 -< ponent accesses if regularity is attempted, this feature, too, is virtually un- FEATURE IMP LEMEN TAT ION NOTES implementable on machines which use descriptor-based memory organization, and in particular on the Burroughs B6700. UNIMPLEMENTABLE FEATURES - WARNING This note addresses some features I have noted others adding to their PASCAL Arrays and records in this machine are not stored on-stack, rut are allocated compilers which I condemn as particularly nasty because they are not implementable memory on demand, this memory being described by an on-stack descriptor word. on the Burroughs B6700 system and possibly on other computers. great potential features is that of portability. One of PASCAL's make a plea to everyone In the B6700, this descriptor is memory protected by its tag-field (an extra 3-bit memory field), and the "RETURN FROM FUNCTION" instruction (RETN) does not not to introduce features that are not implementable on all computers, and to recognise a descriptor as a legal value to return: it expects an operand value remove any that presently exist. as represented by an integer, real, etc (with tag-field = 0). Consequently attempts to return such va 1ues wi 11 a lways crash due to the" I NVALI 0 OPERAND" (I) Passing pointer values as Seen in PN #9/10, page 40. addre~ses. interrupt. even in-stack. The following program is allowed to execute, storing The the (stack) address of x in p: ~ way around this problem that does not totally destroy the architectural features of the B6700 (thereby slowing it manyfold), is to: program P; var p t integer; x integer; begin (a) turn interrupts off, (b) shift the local PASCAL stack up (c) adjust the dynamic and static stack activation record pointers to by one word, correspond to the shift, x:=I; p:=tx; (d) {the horrod implant the return descriptor into the caller's stack in the free word created under the make-stack word, and end. Since the concept 'address' does not exist in some computers, and notably not in the Burroughs B6700 in the sense used here, this is virtually unimplementable. (e) turn interrupts back on. have omitted some important features which maybe could be resolved, like how Stack-addresses are generally not computable segment addresses have two compon- the returned memory get de-allocated, but this should suffice to show that this ents; and any contortion made to try to implement this feature will cause either is really impossible. serious security risks, or explode all pointers into requiring two words of 48-bits for storage (with a time penalty too), or destroy the structure of B6700 programs making them CDC-like. Pointers are not necessarily address~s; a point (3) Allowing pointers to file-types and the use of new{file) Observed in correspondance, on Univac PASCAL. program P; which seems not to be widely realised. var p c The restriction in the PASCAL report was there for a reason: leave it there. t file of char; char; begin The feature should not exist, or should only be available when specifically new{p); enabled by a computer directive. reset{pt); (2) read{pt,c) Returning function values of all kinds except files end. The Report. allows one to define functions which return values which may be: * * And it will execute. scalars of all types, The following will compile: In the Burroughs B6700, file-descriptor-blocks (the oper- ating system's status area for a real file) must reside in the task's st,ack. reals, and ;, po inters. They cannot reside in some other area such as the heap as they will not then be It has been proposed to extend this permission to all types except file-type. closed and de-allocated by the operating system's block-exit procedure, and the (PN 9/10, page 48). ensuing mess will be horrible to contemplate. were also omitt~d The omission of file-types is a blessing, but the others for a definite purpose. Apart from the invention of array and record temporaries on the PASCAL run-time stack (which do not otherwise occur), and the greater difficulty of distinguishing recursive calls from com- fi les. Moral: beware what you do with rn CONPILING BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS - The User t1anual, our second "standard" document is thankfully more THE CASE FOR A "BOOLEAN OPERATOR" INTERPRETATION In some recent correspondence, I became aware that there might be some argument about the correct way to implement boolean expressions in PASCAL. This argument arises partially because the "standard" generally preferred implementation method for evaluating boolean expressions. is in error! the consensus area is perceived by some to be "restrictive". I wish here to argue two points: that the consensus area outlined in the "standard" documents should be preserved, and * It says: "Boolean expressions have the property that their value may be known before the entire expression has been evaluated. Assume for example that x=O. Then (x > 0) and (x < 10) is already known to be false after computation of the first faetor, and the second need not be evaZuated. The rules of PASCAL neither require nor forbid the evaluation of the second part in sueh cases. This means that the programmer must assure that the seeond faetor is well-defined, independent of the value of the value of the first faatoI'. Hence if one assumes that the =ray a has an index ranging from 1 to 10, then the following program documents of PASCAL do not say the same things, and partially since * explicit. that a IIboolean operator'l interpretation be regarded as the :x:=0; repeat x:=+l until (x > 10) or (a[x) = 0) (User Manvnl, pp 20-21) The problem area The essential problem is related to complex boolean expressions, for /I While this comment only covers some of the possibilities, it is quite example: explicit as far as it goes. (a < 0) £!:. (b > c) Are both relational expressions evaluated, followed by a logical or-ing of the result (the boolean op~o~ interpretation), or is the first factor evaluated and only if it gives false is the second factor evaluated (the 4equential eonjunction interpretation)? I give, if a,b & op~o~ or the 4equel"..tJd c.onjunction approach. (Perhaps this freedom is regrettable, but that is a question of language or standard criticism.) In the example c are all simple variables, the t\10 evaluations give identical results. If you accept the authority of the User Manual, implementations are at liberty to choose the booiean If however there could be side-effects, whether This would seem to dispose of my first question: the consensus area reserved for implementors in the standards. Now, which is preferable? intentional ones due to funcdon evaluations, or unintentional ones This is a quite difficult question (impossible to resolve in abstract), due to undefinition of values, then the two possible implementations and hinges around three points: may give different execution results. Hhich is an implementor to * regularity, * efficien~y, choose? 1< and portability. The "standard" documents of PASCAL The Revised Report does not specify the semantics of an expression, except Regularity by a rather remote impl ication. One of the guiding principles-of PASCAL is parsimony of concepts. It simply states the syntactic rules for expressions, prefaced by an introduction which says: "Expressions are eonstruets denoting rules of eomputation for obtaining values of variables and generating new values by the applieation of operators. Sequenees of operators of the same preeedenee are exeeuted from left to right . ...... " (Revised Report #8) In general, one expects expressions to be evaluated as they are written, and this is the practice for all expressions in existing PASCAL compilers, apart from the cases we are now considering. Regularity therefore suggests that treating boolean operators just like all other operators (both left and right side operands are evaluated) is the more regular approach. Certainly a naive student learning how to program is likely to assume this when tracking down an elusive bug, though a programmer conditioned by exposure to other languages might not. There is little semantic guidance here, except to imply that all operators are intended to be applied. Particularly is this the case if the boolean expressions become even mre complex than the ones I or Wirth give. = rn Time-efficiency Existing compilers The evaluation of a complex boolean expression might be quite I cannot speak for all compilers. because I don't have access to them time-consuming. all. Obviously, minimizing the number of things to be Of those I knO\v. we have: evaluated \"ill alvlays payoff for sufficiently complex expressions, more especially if function evaluations are involved. Just where the break-even point comes (if it exists) depends upon whether the boolean expression is in a jwnp eontex.t as in.!.i., while or repeat, or in a va1.ue eontex.t where it ~ deliver a boolean value. It also depends on on a Burroughs B6700 in toto, than by sequential conjunction. This arises because conditional branches flush the instruction buffers (lookahead), and delete the top-of-stack value. On a DEC PDP-II, this would be reversed. On the other hand, involving a function evaluation in the second sequential conjunction CDC 6000 seri es ICL 1900 PASCAl-P (all of them) C/) Burroughs 66700/7700 the machine architecture of the target computer. For example the sample expression I gave first is faster to evaluate boolean operator Other factors I have said before that PASCAL does not have a good standard, and this can be illustrated here too. Nowhere in the "standard" documents is it required that a compiler .,hich implements sequential conjunction eva 1uate the 1eftmost factor first. I don' t th ink any exi st i ng compi 1er is that clever (they are largely one-pass) but an optimizing compiler factor as in might quite easily decide to evaluate a simpler second (or third) (gtyptr = realptr) and compatible(gtyptr,ltyptr) would always be faster evaluated by the sequential conjunction method. factor before the leftmost one. It seems reasonably certain that some PASCAL compiler will attempt it if the language has a reasonable future to go. Space-efficiency Unlike speed, which tends to be dominated by the properties of a small proportion of a program, space occupied by code depends upon the properties of all the code. Since typical PASCAL programs have a fair number of boolean sequential operator conj unct i on - boolean expressions, compactness is also a desirable property of a compiled boo I ean express i on eva I uat i on. Here the dec i s ion cou I d go either \vay, depending on the machine architecture, or could exhibit a cross-over (as with the Burroghs B6700's time-efficiency). Again to give examples, "a:=b and c" better speed ? - better for complex expressions the n6700 alViays requires less code space for the boolean operator interpretation (the most extreme case regularity requires 8 bytes or 18 bytes for the two approaches), and the reverse situation holds space ? ? portab iii ty better - in the DEC PDP-II. As happens so often, we end Portab iIi ty desirable properties. u~ comparing incomparables: efficiency vs Fortunately for me, the Burroughs 66700 architecture Any implementor must be cognizant of the effects of a compiler on the un i forml y favours the method ,.i th the bes t propart i es, and there was no likely portability of the programs written under its umbrella. confl ict. a preference here? Is there The answer is fortunately relatively clear: a compiler that implements boolean expressions just 1 ike all other expressions is This \.i 11 not be so in other computers where a comparison does not give a boolean result, but sets condition codes or some such hardware fudge. likely to lead to the detection of more illegal PASCAL constructs (1 ike "[6 a eompileJt. -fA Wended pOJr. teac.hlng that instanced by Wirth) by run-time errors before they leave the system Let me supposedly debugged.' llegu!aJU:ty -fA hnpoJt:ta.nt and e66,[ci.e.ney not). 01l,.[6 :the pllomotion Since part of the role of a compiler is detecting illegal constructs (as well as compiling legal ones), the eonjun~n 6eque~~ interpretation can be seen to reduce the portability of PASCAL programs. My, tha;t puJtp06 U (60:that 06 pllogllam ,.[1'l.:teJt.eha.nge -fA llegaltded M hnpoJt:ta.nt, then the cJ1.O,.[ee 6eem6 quUe cleM :to me: boolean opeJt.a:toJrh 6hou1d be hnplemented and eveJty 6ac.:t0Jr. eva1.ua.:ted. M 6ueh, Only in a compUelL wlU.c.h -i.6 ct-i.med at plwdue-i.ng op:tim-i.zed code. 06 lugh qu.a..U;ty wou.td .u and you ha.ve. :;;c -< I--' "-.I 00 is issued at this point. Masquerade: The most important case to detect: this may successfully compile on both tel :;;c c.D S ibl ing: This is a distinct name which is so treated on the B6700, but will result but would possibly execute with quite different effects. -n rn during the subsequent entry of the name into the table. v:=initial; if (final - initial) ~ 0 then begin repeat beg i n MAC HI NED EPEN DEN TIM P LEMEN TAT ION S s' v:=v+l end unti 1 v > final; Alpha Micro Systems AM-ll end; See DEC LSI-ll (San Diego). The consequences are (i) the order of execution is el, e2, assign to v. Identical to PASCAL-6000 Andromeda Systems ll/B ANOROMeo~ and 86700. (ii) the exit value of v if the loop is never entered is el. sys,eMS. (iii) the exit value of v if the loop is entered is (e2 + 1). Additionally, the controlled variable can be altered from within the loop, and this alteration affects the progress of counting. It is interesting, and sad, to note that all three compilers reported so far have different answers to my questions (ii) and (iii). The uniform answer to November 21, 1977 question (i) is perhaps a sign for the future ... Professor A.H.J. Sale, Department of Information Science, University of Tasmania. Mr. Timothy 1"1. Bonham D605/1630 S. Sixth St. Minneapolis, MN 55454 Dear Timothy: Thai1k you for your inquiry about our ll/B System. standard product literature enclosed. You will find our In regard to your specific questions: FOR Statement - Robert A. Fraley 1. IBM 370 (UBC Version) HP 3000 (Forthcoming) (2 31 on IBM. We have been in communication with Ken Bowles and nis assistant ~ark Overgaard. Based on our discussions we have no reason to believe the UCSD Pascal won't ~ork on the II/B. (If we were to offer Pascal directly it would be UCSD Pascal.) , 3. I'm not familiar with the systems mentioned so I can not comment on them. There are no limits except for word size. Currently 215 on the HP, but double word integers may eventually be supported.) For the IBM version, optimizations are made in several cases: a. If the limit is a constant, it is not stored in temp 2. b. In order of decreasing efficiency, the loop forms are: If you should have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. down to 1 down to constant to constant < to constant vari?b 1e 1imi t ,,0 2. The program behavior matches that of the CDC 6000 version, as printed in PUGN #9. We are considering offering Pascal with the II/B. final decision has been made yet. 224 (with initial value ~ 0) 14701 ARMINTA STREET NJ PANORAMA CITY, CALIFORNIA 91402 (213) 781-6000 f-I <.D '-I 00 Burroughs B5700 (Edinburgh) Burroughs B6700/7700 (Tasmania) Department of Computer Science Arthur Sale sent us a very implementation: B6700/7700 impressive (about 170 pages) manual for his B6700/7700 PASCAL Reference Manual (R77-3; July, 1977). Arthur also sent ~n. interesting report entitled "Th~ Use of Tag Six in a Pascal 37-39 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HW Heriot-Watt University Tel 031-2258432 031-2265601 Ext Compiler" (R77-4), the use of words w~th tags of six in the PASCAL implementation for the Burroughs B6700 developed at the University of Tasmania. It involves questions of language definition, undefined values of variables, and machine design. 1I (From the abstract.) Head of Department Mr. A. Mickel, PASCAL Users' Group, 277 Experimental Engineering Building, 208 Southeast Union Street, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55455, U.S.A. Professor A Balfoul, MA, FIMA, fBCS Both of these reports are published by the Department of Information Science, The University of Tasmania, G.P.O. Box 252C Hobart, Tasmania 7001. (* Thanks Arthur! *) your ref Burroughs B6700/7700 (San Diego). our ref date ABjKM 30th November 1977. In PA Dear Mr. Mickel, I thought it was about time that I let the PASCAL Users' Group know about the implementation of PASCAL that we are running at Heriot-Watt University on our Burroughs B5700. We have a PASCAL translator that produces a Burroughs XALGOL program. It is based on the CDC 6600 compiler written by U. Amman & R. Schild, and conforms as closely as possible to the definition by Jensen & Wirth. We have been using it for almost 2 years now very successfully. Indeed, one colleague has almost completed writing a MODULA compiler in ~ASCAL using it. The only major extension to the compiler 1S a cross-referencing option. We also have a frequency analyser that can be run in conjunction with the compiler. This is still being worked on to tidy it up, but works very well. The PASCAL compiler was produced for us by an M.Sc. student from.Oslo, Norway called Dag Langmyhr, to whom we are extremely grateful as he continues to maintain it for us. The frequency analyser was written by another M.Sc. student Mike Staker. Recently we obtained a PASCAL compiler for our Burroughs B1726 from Paul Schul tess of the University of Zurich. This has so far proved very successful with no problems. I have extended it slightly to allow the slightly odd character set from our B5700 PASCAL programs to be acceptable to it. We look forward to the implementation of real arithmetic by Herr Schultess. Anybody wishing any information about our efforts with PASCAL can contact me at the above address. I will be on~y to~ ~lease~ to help if I can. We already have several un1vers1t1es uS1ng our compiler in the USA Japan and South Africa. ' Yours sincerely, which d~scusses a letter dated 3 November 1977, Thomas J. Kelly, 58-B Meadowlake Drive, Downingtown, 19335, wrote: "I've changed jobs: I now work for Burroughs Corp. I exerted some effort and we are now using the UCSD implementation of PASCAL on our B7700. For any other B7700 users who need a compiler t you can get one from UCSD t I suppose. It's okaYt but we have discovered several bugs. There is also a fix that needs to be installed to allow the generated code to run properly on a B7700 (as opposed to B6700). I will send that fix on to UCSD. I don't know if they'll put it in. If anyone wants tat they can get one directly from me (at the above address). tI Also see Tom Shields in the Here and There section. CDC Cyber 18 and 2550 (Santa Ana) Jim Fontana reports that the Implementor/Maintainer of this implementation is Gordon Wood, CDC t La Jolla t California, and that the Distributor is Control Data Corporation t Professional Services Division t Sunnyvale t California. CDC Cyber 18 (Berlin) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. Implementors: Lutz Chris toph (Kernel) and Thomas Wagner (Interpreter); Technische Universitaet Berlin; DV-Grundausbildung; Institut fuer angewandte Informatik; VSH 5; Otto-Suhr-Allee 18/20; D-1000 Berlin - 10; Germany. Phone: secretariate 30-314-4893 from 8 to 13 MEZ except Tuesday. 2. MACHINE. CDC Cyber 18, Models OS, 10, and 20. Model 17 is not supported due to use of the Enhanced Instruction Set, and Model 30 because it is a dual processor machine. Floating point firmware and software will both be supported. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. In interpretive form compilation. Requires a disk (cartridge or SMD). 4. DISTRIBUTION. branch. ) Not yet. will need less than 48KW for self Later will be distributed by CDC. (Agreement with the German 5. DOCUMENTATION. A supplement to the Brinch Hansen articles is planned. 6. MAINTENANCE POLICY. Not determined yet. 7. STANDARD. Brinch Hansen Pascal. Some extensions are to be discussed. 8. MEASUREHENTS. Will be provided when system is operative. 9. RELIABILITY. /" v~A~ ~A. Cooper. co f-' 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. Kernel/In·terpreter Compiler: Development not started. rewritten and cross-assembled on CDC 6500. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. As with all Concurrent Pascal implementations. (poor) CDC 3200 (Minneapolis) Unfortunately, the rumor printed in Pascal News #9-10 regarding John Urbanski (West Bank Computer Center, 90 Blegen Hall, University of Minnesota, 269 19th Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55455) and the CDC 3200 i~lementation is no longer viable. John's 3200 is being replaced by a different machine. CDC 6000, Cyber 70, Cyber 170 (Zurich) George Richmond has announced: (1) that Release 2 of Pascal-6000 will be distributed for $60, and (2) that buyers may no longer send their own tapes to receive Pascal. Also, John Strait and Andy Mickel sadly announce a six month delay in the long awaited Release 3. CDC 6000, Cyber 70, Cyber 170 (Bethlehem) PASCAL-I Interactive. Conversational PASCAL-S PASCAL-I is a version of the Wirth PASCAL-S (PASCAL subset) system designed to interact with a terminal user. The system compiles and interactively interprets PASCAL-S programs. It automatically formats source text on compilation and allows the user to edit his program. Text editing functions include GET and SAVE a file. All other editing operations follow PASCAL scope rules (i.e. the command LIST defaults to listing only the procedure being edited). Statements can be inserted, erased, replaced, moved, and printed. Strings can be searched for and changed. The REPEAT command reapplies the last edit command. There are no line numbers; the editing scope is alw~ys very local, and none seem needed or desired. The edit pOinter can be moved from procedure to procedure, up and down within a procedure, and to the top and bottom of a procedure. Entire procedures can be moved or deleted. Their levels can be easily changed. A tree structured listing of procedure relationships is produced by the STRUCTURE command. The HELP command gives detailed instructions and examples for each command. The MESSAGE command gives a full descriptive statement of the cause of a syntax error and sometimes includes recommendations for possible fixes. "LIST,E,M" will list only the erroneous lines of a procedure with the full descriptive messages for each error. The compiler automatically formats the user program on input and re-compilation. Statements are placed on single lines and properly indented. Data structures are neatly laid out. Comments are well handled. and inter symbol spacing is rationally done. The internal text is efficiently stored as linked. variable length, blank suppressed lines. After program changes. the compiler recompiles only the minimal set of affected procedures. The internal code is a dynamically managed, linked group of variable length code blocks. This internal code resembles PASCAL-S code, is position independent, highly compressed. and exceptionally efficient for interpretive execution; the linked data structures allow the system to perform efficient automatic dynamic garbage collection. Code and text for statements are mutually linked so that the run time system displays user program statuses with actual text line references. A user may EXECUTE or CONTINUE his program. Single statement stepping is available. Statements or procedures may be traced. Fifteen ::0 -< SCOPE 3.4 with INTERCOM. 00 N 8. 9. 10. We now have a fairly complete checklist for you, which I enclose, and some details of timings, both execution and compilation, which Bob Berry put together. I think PUG readers might find them interesting. MEASUREMENTS. Interpreter and overlayed. Beats CDC BASIC hands down in cpu efficiency (size and time), features, etc. It is the fastest compiler on campus (because of partial compilation it outperforms PASCAL-S), and it does very well at run time. The compiler forms the largest overlay segment and runs at 358K The editor 3egment runs in about 24SK. PASCAL-I will compile and interpret PA8CAL-S programs of up to about 500 lines as the system is currently ccmfigured. F.ELIABILITY. Thanks, Runs just great. DEVELOPMENT ~lETHOD. Started with PASCAL-S and Wirth-Jensen I/O routines. Built suitable data structures for storage of compressed program source and interpr'eter code. Modified PCSYSTM to fully recover from user aborts and system timeouts. Also added file access primitives and moved stack and heap to low core to enable the segmented loader to vary field length. Development took place during April, 1977 to Octobe:r, 1977 and was a very part-time effort. The system is about 7000 lines of tightly formatted PASCAL. Implementor responsibilities: Curt Loughin Editor i"ormatter PASCAL-S compiler rewr He PASCAL-S interpreter rewl'ite Immediate code routines Jor,r, McGrath I/O routines rewrite HELP conuuand PCSYSTM mods Richard Cichelli. (project leader) Post mortem dump and other run-time control and status routines Arthur Foster. 1. segment structure. Self-compiles in less than 60000. - First released in July 1976. Now used at four sites, running under Scope 2.1.4. R.E.BERRY and A.FOSTER Computer Studies Department University of Lancaster Bailrigg Lancaster Data General Nova 3. 4. Developed with RDOS 4.02, we also use it under RDOS 5.00, and one user tells us he uses it under RDOS 6.10 without any trouble. We assume at least 32K words of core, disc backing store. The present system assumes no hardware Multiply/Divide or flcating point. -n Distribution: from Lancaster 2.5 Mbyte cartridge disk Data General Cassette in U.S.A. two people who have Lancaster Pascal have offered to oct as distributors thus increasing the range of distribution media. Dr.H.S. Magnuski Gamma Technology BOO Welch Road Palo Alto California 94304. (9 trac~ BOO BPI mag tape) CDC 7600 (Hanchester) Peter Hayes (UlIRCC; Oxford Road; Manchester M13 9PL; England; 061-2738252) reported on 22 November 1977 several corrections to the Checklist printed in Pascal News #9-1D: ---------- Price: 30 pounds sterling (instead of 50). - Core requirements (octal): 42402 Se11, or 36045 i f segment loaded (using a simple Distributors/Implementors rn t:>:J :;;0 = Jim Hebert, 51 Thomas Road Swampscott Mass. 01907. (9 track 800 BPI mag tape) ::t:> :;;0 -< 'J 5. User manual provided, Pascal User Manual and Report assumed. 6. Maintenance pol.<.cy : No formal commitment to provide support can be given, however, bug reports welcome. To date all kno~n bugs have been fixed and this policy will continue for as long as is practicable. 7. Pascal P4 subset accepted. B. Measurements : P-code is generated, assembled and then interpreted 00 Data General Nova (Lancaster) University of Lancaster Compiler core requirements (n.b. compiler uses overlays) Release 2 Release 1 Department of Computer Studies Ballrigg, Lancaster Telephone Lancaster 65201 (STD 0524) Head of Department: J A. Llewellyn B.Sc., M.PhiL, ERGS, ELM.A. Compiler (decimal) Additional fixed table space 27th October 1977. Deer Andy. Hp.re at Lancaster we are just about ready to distribute the \.ye are aiming to do this or. or about, 25th Ncvember 1977. I;Je have already sent details to Dr.Maqr:uski end ,Jim Hebert. They should also have copies of the ne\·' compiler shortly. 14,055 15,505 (words) 1,092 1,197 (words) The workspace remaining depends upon size of the ROOS system usee!. size of program which can be compiled depends upon the number of user defined symbols (dynamic area used) and the depth of nesting of procedures/ statements. Thus it is difficult to make any general statement acout the size of progra'll which can be compiled, however, we observe that the assembler for the system is of some 1,100 lines of Pascal source g"ner<:ting 7,400 Pcode instructions and we can compile this on our 32K system. ~e cannot compile the compiler but would expect to do so with more than 32K of core. Th~ second relefise of Nova PASCAL Comniler. 1,~1AX More about the test programs Timing 9. See attached sheet. Reliabili ty : Release 1 was made available to our own department user<:, in January 1977 and at the time of writing has been distributed to eight knO\;n sjtes. No significant bugs have been reported from ext€;rnal users. ReleasE? is at present available to our own use£s and will be available to others by the time this appears in PUG newsletter. 10. Develol'ment : Originally cross-co'npiled from a CDC 7600. The P-code asser,bler was written from scratch in Pascal; the P-code interpreter was implemented in Nova Assembly language. 11. Libraries : no library support in Release 1. Under Release 2 user procedures may be separately compiled enabling the user to set up his own libraries. It is not possible to link into any other librariES. 2:iming information for Nova Pascal Release 2 We have no+: a::; yet campi] ed the compiler cannot give figures for that. \-,1i th our sys tern so Instead to provide the basis for our statement that the performance of our Pascal 'lcompares favourably" with DG Algol a list of times obtained by running some well known small, and often uninteresting programs are given. The timings are taken from a Nova 2/10 running under RLJOS 4.02 with 32K of core and no hard~'are multiply divide and no floating point unit. They were (rather crudely) obtained by using the GTOD command to prefix and postfix the CLI con~and necessary to load the appropriate program. "Compile" should be taken to mean ",he production of a save file (.SV) from the .3ppropriate source program. 1. A program consisting simply of BEGIN END 2. Matrix multiply of two 50'50 matrices of integers.No I/O 3. Matrix multiply of 50'50 matrices of reals. No I/O 4. Sort an array of 1,000 integers into descending order of magnitude from ascending order of masnitude. No I/O 5. Ackomans function (3,6). 6. Write 10,001 integers into a file. 7. Read 10,001 integers from a file. 8. Generate 5,000 random integers (printing only the last). 9. Genera'e 5,000 random integers and write to a file. No I/O Timings 5uch as these offer much scope for debate. It is safer to let others draw what conclusions they will from these figures (and any other figures that may be produced). I simply wish to observe that interpretive Pascal "comparEe; favourably" with the code produced by DG Algol. r" the programs used above the Algol and the Pascal looks very much the same. No attempt is made to exploit one feature of a particular language or implementation, and no tuning has been done. If anyune has other examples to contribute to such timing comparisons I would be pleased to hear ?bout them. R.E.Berry. Algol Program 'H' Compile ~ Pascal B2! Compile B2! m:s m:s m:s m:s 1. 0:55 0:06 1:21 0:07 2. 1:15 1:54 1:39 2:35 3. 1:16 14:32 1:40 11:59 4. 1:10 2:06 1:38 5: 56 5. 1:09 2:52 1:37 1:55 c. 1:06 3:18 1:35 1:11 7. 1:08 1:28 1:36 1:03 8. 1:36 1:56 1:57 3:13 - A.Foster l:elieves that ~ programs both compile and execute more efficiently in PASCAL than Algol, due to the nature of the lan~age. He has experience writing large programs in Nova PASCAL and Nova ALGOL over the last year and believes that the real advantages of PP5CAL are that Nova PP.SCAL programs are considerably easier to develop than Nova Algol programs, in his view. GAMMA TECHNOLOGY October 6, 1977 Dear Andy: Thanks for the pre-release of the DG notes. 9. 4:46 4:30 Here's some new information for you. I have made an agreement with R.E. Berry of the University of Lancaster to be a secondary distribution point for his NOVA PASCAL. We will supply the program on 9-track BOO-bpi magnetic tape in RDOS dump format, and the manuals. The distribution charge is $70 for the binaries of Release 1. We will collect trouble reports and ship them to England, but all corrections will have to come from U.1. Also, we cannot supply the program on any other media, on disks, on floppies, on cassettes, in bottles or cans. California residents must add the appropriate sales tax. = During September I had a chance to run a comparision of the Lancaster PASCAL against the PASCAL written by Ted Park now with Medical Data Consultants (formerly Loma Linda University). First, I must compliment both authors on the ease of use of both of these compilers. For both systems I had compiled and run a program in less than an hour after loading the tape, and there were no mysterious system crashes or wipeouts as one would expect with the first release of a new used (courtesy of ROLM Corp.) was a top-of-the-line disk. The Lancaster PASCAL was also run on my 32KW drive. Five short PASCAL programs were compiled (a three of the programs were executed. Compile time (seconds) Run time (seconds) software package. The system ECLIPSE C330 with DG's ZEBRA NOVA 2/10 with a Diablo 30 disk total of 5319 characters), and These are the results: Lancaster Lancaster NOVA 2/10 515 86 C330 242 47 Loma Linda C330 582 299 After these tests I called Ted to ask him what his program was doing with all that CPU time, and he described to me a long list of problem areas where performance could be improved (changes in his macro facility, use of variable size data structures, more efficient use of the RDOS I/O structure, revision of his paging algorithm, less runtime e.rror checking in the compiler's P-code interpreter, etc.). He has implemented a virtual memory scheme and makes heavy use of the ECLIPSE instruction set, so with a little tuning up of his software I predict he'll be able to run larger programs faster You have received a letter from Hank Magnuski comparing my system with the Lancaster system. He pointed out several problem areas (speed-wise, we still have found no bugs!) I mentioned to him. Since his letter to you I have cleaned up all these problems and am putting together a 'final' version. I am obtaining a copy of the Lancaster compiler to do my own internal benchmarks; I want to make detailed comparisons of the two systems. The Lancaster version will always compile a little faster than mine and maybe run character-oriented or integer-oriented programs faster. I feel the strong points of my compiler are: 1. Total integration into the RDOS environment 2. The exclusive use of double precision (32-bit) integers 3. The exclusive and fast use of double precision (64-bit) reals 4. Ease of modification and extension. rn will share my benchmark results with you when I complete them. than the Lancaster group. The Lancaster PASCAL has a few quirks of its own, primarily related to problems of the compiler and run-time system knowing about their environment: a subdirectory is difficult to use, long filenames cause errors, and it doesn't work at all in the foreground partition. Nevertheless, my conclusion is that we have two good implementations now available on DG equipment. Yours sincerely, am still happy to distribute my preliminary version free. I am negotiating with Hank to market the nevi version for a cost. The exact price and distribution methodology have not yet been established. By the way -- It is no secret that PASCAL-P4 is a subset but has anybody compiled a complete list of its differences? I have begun one and will enclose it for your information. I'm sure it is not complete and would like someone to add to it and perhaps publish it in PUGN. H.S. Magnuski, President Gamma Technology, Inc. 800 Welch Ro.d • P.lo Alto • California 94304. 415-326-1661 • TWX: 910-373-1296 Ted C. Park Director, Systems Development TCP:map cc: H.S. Magnuski Data General Eclipse (San Bernardino) (previously Loma Linda) 1894 Commercenter West, Suite 302, San Bernardino, CA 92408 MD MEDICAL DATA CONSULTANTS October 19, 1977 • Dear Andy, I received your pre-release of the D.G. notes for #9 and #10 -thanks. I have some updated information for you concerning my ECLIPSE PASCAL system: (714J 825-2683 DEC PDP-8 (Minneapolis) The SSRFC Pascal Group (SSRFC; 25 Blegen Hall; University of Minnesota; 269 19th Ave. South; Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612/373-5599) announced on 31 December 1977 that: "The project is undergoing extensive redesign and development. We apologize to all those who have received no response to inquiries regarding distribution. He are not distributing any version presently. A mailing list is being maintained so that interested parties can be informed of changes in status." "0 :I:> Gl rn 00 V1 DEC LSI-ll (San Diego) Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-ll and LSI-ll -- Introduction. See also Ken Bowles' article "Status of UCSD Pascal Project" in this issue for information about Z80's, 8080's, and CP/M. Good News: DECUS Pascal SIG was resurrected by John Barr (Pascal SIG; c/o DECUS; 146 Main Street, PK-3/E55; Maynard, MA 01754; -OR- Hughes Aircraft Co.; Box 92919; Los Angeles, CA 90009; Attn: John R. Barr 377/C209) who edits the bimonthly DECUS Pascal SIG Newsletter. So far (31 Dec. 1977) we have received two issues: Vol. 1, numbers 1 and ~ dated Sept. 1977 and Dec. 1977. Number 3 is on the way. To quote "From the Editor" in issue number 1: "Welcome to the Pascal SIG. The Pascal SIG has been in existence in ********************************************* k name OF-r'ICIAL NOTICE OF RELEI1SE OF UCSD ~ * ********************************************* only since Atlanta (Spring 1976 DECUS). It was started again in Boston (Spring 1977 DECUS) with a commitment from DEC (Larry Portner) to aid the SIG in the development of a Pascal January 1978 compiler for the PDP-II computers and operating systems. 1I And from the same issue: "The main goal of the Pascal SIG is to provide DECUS members with common Pascal compilers for all DEC equipment. One of the highest priority prerequisites of the effort is that such compilers will be available to users for only the cost of reproduction through the DECUS library. Support of the compilers will rest with the Pascal Implementation Working Group who will use this newsletter to report bugs and fixes to these bugs. "A secondary goal of the Pascal SIG is to report the existence of commercially available Pascal compilers and/or compilers developed outside of the SIG which may be of interest to users. In accordance with DEGUS policies we cannot report the cost of such compilers but can only indicate who the users can contact for information on them. We will publish at most one announcement per year from any company which has a Pascal compiler available for DEC computers." John Barr reports that the following persons are Officers of DECUS Pascal SIG: - Program Librarian: Tom Tyson (PUG member). PUG/SIG Liaison: John Iobst (PUG member). Standards Committee: Ken Bowles (PUG member) and John Iobst. DoD-l Language Committee: Fredreck Bartlett and Don Chaney. - Concurrent Pascal Committee: Roger Vossler. Anyone may join DECUS by contacting one of the following offices: AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: DECUS P.O. Box 491 Crows Nest, N.S.W. 2065 Australia EUROPE and MIDDLE EAST: DECUS Case Postale 340 CH-12ll Geneva 26 Switzerland CANADA: DECUS P.O. Box 11500 Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K8 Canada ALL OTHERS: DECUS 146 Main Street Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 U.S.A. This PASCAL system is our first system intended for general purpose use awau from UCSD. We are still making maJor modifications to the software. and expect that you will find errOrS. If you do find an error in our system. please contact us before attempting to fix the problem yourself. We may have already found the error. and solved it. There are many expansions yet to be made to our PASCAL system. and hope that you will let us know what is needed. Recompilation of object code files will be necessary on" maJor updates of the system Please remember that our proJect is mainly staffed by students. We iniend to support USBrs who have paid the distribution fee within our resources. but may not respond as quickly as a commercial vendor might. due to conflicting university schedules. We are offerin9 two kinds of subscriptions: Complete subscription: Floppy disks with all sources and code. Compiled listings all SDurces. User and system maintenance documentation as complete as it exists Updates at least three times during the next 12 months. $200. (paid in advance) 0' Code subscription: Floppy disk with system code. Users manual but no detailed system documentation. No continued support for later subscriptions. Only minimal assistance in response to telephone inquiries. $50 (paid in advance) The complete subscription is a years bond with our proJect. We will do our best to answer your questions. and keep you up to date on new subscriptions. The code subscription is for the user who is not concerned with our development. and Just wants a running PASCAL system. A user of the code subscription may upgrade to the complete subscription upon payment of $175. Please make your check payable to: Regents. Please return the completed order form. DEC PDP-ll (Stockholm) Seved Torstendahl's implementation has become quite widespread -- it was reported (in PUGN Checklist form!!) in the first issue of DECUS Pascal SIG Newsletter, and we have heard from several PUG members who have used it: Jo;--Gross (Minneapolis), Steve Schwarm (Wilmington), and Rich Cichelli (Bethlehem). University of California and your check to: PASCAL GT'OUp Institute for Information Systems UC SD Ma i 1 c: 0 d e C-021 92093 La Jolla. CA In a conversation with Andy Mickel on 17 December 1977, Ken Bowles mentioned that DEC is coming out with Writable Control Store (WCS) for the LSI-ll. Ken expects that use of this feature will speed up the UCSD system by a factor of five -- allowing it to compile 3000 lines per minute! 00 en DEC PDP-II (Amsterdam) *" li-.********************************* REGUEST FOR COPY OF UCSD PASCAL * ***~******:;.;;*:;;;;*;;*;;**.*;;:;;;;** 1.DISTRIBUTOR/IMPLEMENTOR/MAINTAINER. DISTRIBUTOR: Sources, binaries and documentation are part of the third UNIX software distribution. IMPLEMENTOR: Johan Stevenson, Vrije Universiteit. MAINTAINER: Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Wiskundig Seminarium, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel: 020-5482410. LSI-tt PDP-tt model ] TERAK 8510 ] TERAK 8510A :I other (please specify) ] ----.--- ) 2.MACHINE. DEC PDP 11, all models on which the·UNIX operating system version 6 will run. The above mentioned processor has PDPtl/40 type (e. g. 'loating point hardware Memory space available gn ~ LSI-1t EIS/FIS chip) RKII (DEC floppy dlLk drives) (or hardware equivalent / software transparent) TERAK Other (please speci.y, l ~tlA!1!. to I I we may not support it, l l J The above system has a line L [ printe~ UD..a.tl~ with an LPII (or equivalent) interface. devi~ to aboy£' system: Decscope series (please specify model) ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ .__ :1 Uatamedia product (please specify) ._______.__________________.______ Other (please specify) .L.ljP~ [ someone else might) ~ted_: Termlnal(s) to be attached I I l Q.£ r.el.!ll!. !!!!3.Il.ted: Complete release ($200 paid in advance) Cude release ($50 paid in advance) No release. but keep us up to date on new developments. Please complete this form. and return with your check to: PASCAL Group Institute for Information Systems UCSD Mailcode C-021 La doll",. CA 92093 SHIP TO: 5. DOCUMENTATION. Short manuals for the compiler and interpreter in UNIX MAN format. A 12 page description giving details about the implementation. 3100 RK05 (we may not be able to support all 'ormats) Qj;Jlll see 2. 4.DISTRIBUTION. The UNIX software distribution center takes care of distribution. W01"'d~;. AED 3.SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. process.2.!:.: {i. e. -n 6.MAINTAINANCE POLICY. Bug reports are welcome. There will be no improved release of the current system. However, we are working on a totally new one. Main differences with the old one are: a new hypothetical stack computer named EM1 (see Tanenbaum, A.S. "Implications of structured programming for machine architecture" CACM Dec. '11). This intermediate machine allows very compact code (only 15000 8-bit bytes for the compiler itself) and fast interpretation. Emulating EM1 on a microprogrammable computer must be easy. Moreover, this EM1 machine allows compilation of other high-level languages as well. a new interpreter with all kinds of runtime checks and debugging aids . - expansion of EM1 code into PDP-11 instructions. - less restrictions on the language Pascal. rn tx:I :;:c = ::J> :;:c -< 1.STANDARD. Main differences with full Pascal are: - no goto's out of procedures and functions. - procedures and functions can not be passed as parameters. - extern procedures and functions not implemented. - mark and release instead of dispose. - only non-local textfiles (up to 15). an explicit get (or readln) is needed to initialize the file window even for input. where do you want your PASCAL sent} ---.-.----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 8.MEASUREMENTS. Compilation speed: 40000 chars per minute on a PDP-11/45 with cache. Compilation space: 48k bytes to compile the compiler. Very big programs can be compiled. 00 " execution speed: You lose a factor 8 by interpretation. However 1/0 is relatively fast. Compared to not interpreted Pascal on a big machine (Cyber 73) it is ten times slower. execution space: The size of the complete interpreter is 5300 bytes. The binary code for the compiler is 23000 bytes. 9.RELIABILITY. The compiler and interpreter are good. the runtime checking of the interpreter is poor. 5. There is lots of good comments in 'the source compiler and supplementary information on the internals of the compiler system have also been written. There isn't much good information on the usage or details on the extensions however. We used the first edition of JENSEN and WIRTH user manual. However rn ::e:: 6. 10.DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The compiler is based on the PASCAL-P2 compiler. A Cyber-73 was used for bootstrapping. The time needed by an unexperienced implementor was about 6 months. 11.LIBRARY SUPPORT. DOCUMENTATION: No library support at all. MAINTENANCE: en The compiler probably will be maintained for several years, to support the application. It is not expected to change much over the years -- it is quite satisfactory as it stands. Any problems which may turn up will probablY be worked around rather than fixed. For instance, LABEL doesn't appear to work altogether correctly, but we don't use it anyhow. DEC PDP-ll (GTE SYLVANIA) 7&B IMPLEMENTATION: 1. IMPLEMENTORS: Larry Drews (Address Unknown) Sharlene Wong (almost PUG member) GTE SYLVANIA P.O. Box 205 Mountain View, California 94042 (415) 966-3373 2. David Miller (PUG member) GTE SYLVANIA l1203A Avalanche Way Columbia, Maryland 21044 (301) 992-5665 David Shaw (PUG member) STRUCTURED SYSTEMS CORP. 427 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto, California 94301 (415) 32l-Blll MACHINE: As described in our paper, we probably have the most non-standard PASCAL in the world. We are therefore its most fearsome friend. (PNB - p33). The following shopping list is a concatention of the University of Illinois PASCAL (PN5 - p53, PNB - pSI-52), and of our own modifications. EXTENSIONS: - Overlay: the compiler is itself an overlay with nine segments. The application doesn't use this feature. - Identifiers may contain an underscore as a break character. - It recognizes octal constants. Digital Equipment Corporation PDP 11/45 and up I suppose - Multiple assignments and imbedded statements are supported. McCarthy boolean expression evaluation has been implemented. 3. SYSTEM: - WRITE formats may specify; octal, hexidecimal, binary, unsigned decimal; field width; with or without leading zeros. DOS/BATCH-II V9.20C 4. - Pretty print/line editor pass may be included in the compilation. The editor line numbers are carried through the compiler. DISTRIBUTION: Corporate policy has not been decided at this time. there is enough community pressure it could be arranged. must be emphasized that this compiler was developed to support a single application. If It A cross reference pass may be included in the compilation. - Compiler directives include: list suppression page eject statement number code suppression (used for post mortum trace) 00 00 CHANGES: subscript and pointer check (execution time) code suppression stack size specification comment blocks lexical inclusion of other source files (we included TYPE and VAR files) conditional compilations fast code linkage for procedures at the expense of tracing - Abbreviations: BOOL, INT, PROC, FUNC - Lexical changes: for \ for "for & for for # - Post mortum trace and stack unwind. c> NOT {and} limited to one line AND OR - DIV (and I ) implemented as floor function to be consistant with MOD. - Real time procedure trace. - CLOSE, EXTEND for files. - WRITE f (list) - DISPOSE and NEW with one argument. - READ f (list) - POINTER treats an integer as a universal pointer variable. - PROGRAJl parameter redefined to be consistant with the application. ADDR creates a pointer. Usage of tag field in the variant record. - NIL as zero. - EOL. 9. - MODULE, ENTRY to link PASCAL and/or MACRO object. RELIABILITY: In our controlled environment, pretty print and the compiler have excellent reliability. However, at this writing, there are only four users. - EXTERNAL, ENDEXTERNAL to support data linkage. - MACRO to imbed machine code in the PASCAL code. - TRAP to communicate within the application executive. 10. FIRST and LAST to get the limits of a scalar. The compiler is written in PASCAL (about 10,000 lines) and its father is from the University of Illinois. The run time support package is written in MACRO (machine language). I have no estimates on the man-hours expended to build our PASCAL. - EXIT from a procedure instead of GOTO. - The compiler generates either load and go ~no linking required) or linkable object code. The obJect . generated has separate instruction and data space flIes to allow the application the greatest use of the 11/45 architecture. Because PASCAL modules can be linked, dynamic array can be explicit~ly used. However, the compiler doesn't support thlS feature. ANCESTRY: DEC PDP-II (Redondo Beach) {* Please see the letter from J.B. Heidebrecht which accompanied this in the PASCAL VARIANTS (Concurrent Pascal) section. *) checklist, printed Concurrent Pascal Implementation Checklist DELETIONS: WITH SET and its support operations REAL and its support operations PACKED ARRAY - lV'lAXINT 1. J.B. Heidebrecht, R.A. Vossler, F. Stepczyk O. Heimbigner. M. Feraud, and S. Danforth PAGE PUT, GET TRW DSSG One Space Pa rk Bldg. 90/2178 Redondo Beach, CA (213) 535-0312 - READLN, WRITELN - PACK, UNPACK - EOLN - (* and *) Imp1ementors! 90278 (Original implementation by Per Brinch Hansen and Alfred C. Hartmann.) 2. Machines: PDP-11/40, PDP-l1/45, PDP-11/60 co <.D 3. Operating systems: SOLO, Experimental Development System, and user written systems. 48 KW Minimal hardware configuration: memory, 1 - RK05 disk drive, 1 - 9-track tape drive, FPll floating pOint option. Future versions will run on smaller PDP-ll machines without floating point. 4. Method of distribution: no established policy. 5. Documentation available: (a) machine retrievable user manuals are available for all utility programs; (b) several books and papers have been published by Per Brinch Hansen and Al Hartmann on the operating systems and compilers. 6. Maintenance: DEC PDP-II (Vienna) Distributor and Maintainer: osterreichische Studiengesellschaft fur Atomenergie Ges.m.b.H., Lenaugasse 10, 1082 Wien, Physikinstitut Implementor: A portable Sequential and Concurrent Pascal compiler has been designed and implemented by Prof. P.B. Hansen and A.C. Hartmann, California Institute of Technology. The Compilers have been modified and a new runtime system has been implemented by D.I. Konrad Mayer, osterreichische Studiengesellschaft·fur Atomenergie. no established policy. Machine: 7. Two compilers are available: CPASCAL (Concurrent) and SPASCAL (Sequential). SPASCAL implements most of standard Pascal. The main exceptions are that procedures may not be nested, and only a few of the standard predefined Pascal functions are available. CPASCAL has further restrictions on scope rules and does not implement the pointer type. Extensions to CPASCAL include processes, classes, and monitors, and compile time checking of access rights. 8. Both compilers generate virtual code I"lhich is interpreted. The· interpreter and operating system kernel are written in MACRO-ll, the PDP-ll assembly language. Together they comprise less than 7000 statenents, and are the only assembly language components of the operating system. Work is currently being done to reduce the size of the kernel. The SOLO operating system is written in Concurrent Pascal, consisting of about 1200 statements. All other utilities, including compilers and the file system, are written in Sequential Pascal. The compilers consist of seven passes each, totaling about 9200 statements per compiler. Compilation speed is about 240 char/sec on a PDP-ll/45. Digital Equipment's PDPll, all types System Configuration: Operating System a) Rsxll-M (version 2 or later) or compatible systems (RSXI1-D, lAS) b) RT11 (version 2C or later) Minimum memory requirements for self-compilation of the compiler. a) RSX11M: 23 k words-part.ition This amount can be reduced by using overlays. b) RT11: 24 k words (including the operating system). Distribution: Distribution medium: 9. Reliability of compilers: very good; only one bug has been found in nearly a year of heavy use. Reliability of interpreter: 10. Method of development: excellent; no bugs have been found to date. developed by A1 Hartmann and Per Brinch Hansen. 11. Libraries of subprograms are not available. Procedures and functions to be referenced by a program must either be included in the source file or accessed through a procedure entry in the operating system. Facilities for using procedures written in other languages are not currently available. Separate compilation is available in a limited sense in two ways: (a) commonly used procedures may be compiled and included in the operating system; (b) a sequential program can call another sequential program. DEC PDP-ll (PAR) The implementation started by Michael N. Condict (PAR Corporation; On the Mall; Rome, NY 13440; 315/336-8400) and reported in Pascal News #9-10 has been discontinued. ...... DEC-tape or floppy disk or magnetic tape (9 track, 800 bpi). <.0 'oJ 00 E'ormat Files 11 or RT11 or DOS for DEC-tape and floppy disk A "PRESERVE"-copy of a RK05 disk for magnetic tape The package contains - All sources and codes of the Sequential and Concurrent Pascal compiler. - All sources and object code of the runtime system and the I/O routines. - All indirect command files (RSXll only) for assembling and building the runtime system. The runtime system can execute only Sequential Pascal Programs! A system for Concurrent Pascal programs will be available later. - A disassembler for analyzing the generated code of Sequential and Concurrent Pascal programs. - Documentation Distribution costs: 5.000,-- Austrian Schilling including distribution media. <.0 o Documentation: The compiler and the language is described in Hartmann, A.C., A Concurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers. LGctur€f Notes in Computer Science 50, Springer Verlag, New York, NY, 1977 and in the Concurrent and Sequential Pascal Reports of California Institute of Technology. The distribution package includes a supplement to the reports and a description of the runtime system. Maintenance and Warranty: Although every attempt has becn made to achieve accuracy and freedom from errors, Osterrcichische Studiengesellschaft fur At.omenergie, makes no warranty of any kind and does not guarantee correctness or maintcna_nce of the system. But reported ~rrors will be corrected, if possible. Please report errors to D.l. Konrad Mayer (address see above). La~'Llage Sta.nda,.E.d! Note, that Sequential Pascal is different to standard Pascal. The Sequential and Concurrent Pascal comp.ilers have been extend8d slightly (a different lexical analyzer) to meet RSXll and RTII standards. I/O routines for handling sequential and random access files are provided. Measurements: 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. RSX-llD, lAS, RSTS, and RSX-llM. 4. DISTRIBUTlpN. Send 600' mag tape. No cost. 5. DOCUMENTATION. (* no information given *) 6. MAINTENANCE POLICY. Bug reports accepted with corrections Newsletter. the DECUS Pascal SIG 7. STANDARD. Implements most of Standard Pascal. Exceptions are no for loops, real arithmetic, or set operators "<=" or ">="; set operators are represented by"!" (union) and u&u (intersection); logical operators are II-II (negation), "!" (disjunction), and u&" (conjunction); functions and procedures not supported are: abs, arctan, ~, eoln, ~, In, round, sin, ~, sgrt, trunc, pack, ~, readln, unpack, and writeln; predefined terminal input and output files are INP and OUT; reset and rewrite require a second parameter of type array [O •• N] of char representing a file specifier terminated by a blank. Extensions are structured constants and the ability to mix the order of ~, ~, and var declarations. .." Heli5'bi li_t.z'_ 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Several Pascal programs which aided in the development effort are available. At present there is no facility for separately compiling procedures or for linking to non-Pascal subroutines other than the run-time library. Development method: started with the distribution kit of the Solo system. Then we wrote a kernel-interpreter, which can execute Sequential Pascal programs without needing the Solo operating system. The interface to DEC's operating system RSXll (RTll) is the virtual machine instruction CALLSY. External assembler routines can be called via the "program prefix". Every external routine must be defined in the program prefix and can be linked using the standard Fortran call conventions. DEC PDP-ll (Los Angeles) (* The following was obtained from the DECUS Pascal SIG Newsletter vol. 1, number 1. *) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. John R. Barr; 377 /C209 - Hughes Aircraft Company Box 92919 - Los Angeles, CA 90009 (213/648-8295). MACHINE. PDP-ll/35 and higher. Requires EIS. rn to ;;;0 = ::t> :::c -< DEC-l0 (Hamburg-DECUS) UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG INSTITUT FeR INFORMATIK ~Ie External routines: c,,? 9. RELIABILITY. At present the BSM compiler will loop and possibly abort under several conditions. Syntax errors are reported using references to the error table in Jensen and Wirth. The Pascal versions are expected to be much better. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The major portion of the compiler was taken from Brian Lucas' DOS version of the compiler. The PASS2 Pascal code has been extensively debuged in about three months of part time effort. The portable compilers of P.B. IIansen/A.C. Hartmann are in use on some sites on different machines. 'The first release was January 1975. (See Pascal News, Vol. 6-10) rn 8. MEASUREMENTS. The compiler is currently written in Block Structured Macros, and is in the process of being converted to Pascal. It is a two pass compiler with each pass requiring approximately 20K words of task space. Compile speed is approximately 450 characters per second. PASS2 of the compiler written in Pascal is approximately 2200 lines which compiles in less than four minutes on a PDP-ll/45. Compilation speed: 150 - 200 characters per second (PDPI1/45) Execution time: 1 to 3 times of equivalent Fortran programs The reliability of telle system is really excellent. ~le have the system in use since one year. Up to now we have had only one minor problem with the system. 2. in Prof. Dr. H.-H. Nagel r Inftitlrt fer laformatllt 1 Hamba... n, SdalltenmBe 66-7l Dear Mr. Mickel, in February 1977 I made our PASCAL compiler for the DECSystem-10 available to Digital Equipment Corp. to whom I had ceded the distribution rights. Since the envisioned distribution through DECUS took some time I received numerous enquiries concerning our comiler system. I refered people interested in using PASCAL on the DECSystem-10 to DECUS. I would be interested in learning whether the distribution of our compiler version through DECUS is now running to the satisfaction of interested users. Experiences with the distribution of our current compiler version might influence the way that a further improved version might eventually be distributed. ";;J )::> = rn Since I no longer know who intends to use our latest compiler version and who is actually using it I would appreciate if you could include this letter in the next PASCAL Newsletter. With many thanks in advance I remain yours sincerely, Hewlett Packard HP-21MX (Dallas) David Mcqueen from Analyst International, Dallas, Texas, reports that he has a Pascal system for the HP-21MX implemented in Fortran which provides direct access files. Honeywell 6000 (* Please also see the article in this issue by James Q. Arnold entitled "A Novel Approach to Compiler Design". *) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS/LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66045 Department of Computer Science Dear Andy, 18 Strong Hall 29 October 1977 913 864-4482 Thanks for entering my membership in PUG. I have read my backissues of the PUG newsletter and find only passin;J reference to the implementation of Pascal on the Honeywell 66/60 under GCOS. Pascal is a "software pr oduct" 0 ffer red by Honeywell to installations with Series 6000 and Series 60 Level 66 computers. The compiler originated at the University of waterloo, waterloo, Canada, and is distributed through Honeywell (shades of WATFIV). There are two aspects of the implementation which will be of interest to PUG members: what the implementation should do, and what it does do. The Honeywell v ers ion of Pascal is an independen t implementation (unrelated to CDC-Pascal or Pascal-P) and is written in "B," an implementation language and successor of BCPL. It is ccmpletely time sharing based (compiled programs can be run in either batch or TSS). The compiler has one restriction on Standard Pascal and several extensions. The restriction is that the program statement is replaced by ·.Erocedu~ main;" and the dot terminator at the end of the program is eliminated. This has a curious sideeffect. Constants, types, variables, and procedures (functions) may be defined Q.Y£!.il!!l. of "main" and thus allows the definition of a global environment which may be replicated for externally (separately) compiled procedures, thus allowing the global variables to be accessed both from the program ("main") and from the externally defined procedures. Other than that the compiler accepts Standard Pascal programs. Of the implementation dependent features, several are worth mentionin;J here. Ide,ntifiers need to be distinct in the first 80 characters. The base type of a set is limited to at most" 9,437,184 elements (36 bits x 262,144 words). The compiler distinguishes between lower and upper cases and will recognize keywords in both case~ or in lower case only. This is based on terminal command and means that you can use the upper case version of a reserved word as an identifier -- not suggested, but it can be useful. Our typical use is uppercase CONST and TYPE identifiers and lowercase variables. The standard character set is Ascii. There are several extensions in the Honeywell implementation. An alternate I/O package is provided (in addition to the standard get, put, read, write, etc.) to make interactive use easier (it is based on the RATFOR input/output package described in §.oftwi!.~ !.Qols, by Kernighan and Plauger). External procedures are allowed and calls may be made to Pas ca 1 pr ocedur es or to pr ocedur es wr it ten in ot her languages. The declaration of external procedures is implemented as i t is in CDC Pascal with the exception that "extern " can be used to declare an external procedure in another language Currently, < language> may only be FORTRAN. Extensions are planned to allow GMAP, COBOL, Algol, PLll, B, C, etc. An ~ls!l. clause is added to the case statement (and in the record variant section) to allow default selection. Files may be of any type, except ~ of file. Files may be accessed and associated with a file ;;r1able at run time via a procedure call. The standard files "input" and "output" are normally directed to the terminal, but can be redirected to files by terminal command when invoking a Pascal program. Subscript checking is implemented by bounds checking on all variables of subrange type. Now that I have decribed the way the compiler is supposed to work, allow me to describe some of our experiences using it. We at KU have had access to the compiler for approximately 10 months (s ince January 1977). We are currently using version 5 of the compiler and expect a sixth version by late December. As stated earlier in this letter, our Pascal is distributed through Honeywell. The actual implementor is the University of Waterloo. This leads to several problems; most of them havin;J to do with the communication of bugs, suggestions, questions, etc. The lack of fast and accurate communications would not be quite so important, however, if the compiler worked and if the documentation were complete. Unfortunately, the compiler has been plagued with several very serious bugs. When usin;J compound structures, the compiler sometimes computes incorrect addresses thus resulting in memory address faults or operation faults (where the data is unintentionally stored over the program code and subsequently "executed"). The compiler aborts when it encounters sane simple syntax errors (such as using a reserved word as an identifier). Resettin;J an output file garbages the file. Most of the serious bugs, and hence most of our complaints, center on the compiler either aborting with no indication of what is wrong, or procucing object code which behaves similarly. At present, we have found more than 30 serious bugs in the compiler; the current version retains 11 of them (the others being fixed). Fortunately, we now have direct contact with Waterloo and are getting much better response to our complaints. We hope that by next January, most of the serious bugs will be fixed. As it is, a couple of people working on large Pascal programs have almost (?) given up USing the compiler (one has writt-en a letter to PUG to vent his frustrations). It is, unfortunate that more extensive testing was not done before releasin;J the compiler for distribution. We are curren tly using the compil er in three classes: Data Structures. Compiler Construction. and Programming Structures. This totals more than 150 students each using the compiler several times a week. Two graduate students are Writing an assembler and a simulator (emulator?) for the Interdata 85 minicompute r to a id in teaching an undergraduate course. We are also trying to implement the BOBS System Parser Generator (our copy from the University of Aarhus. Denmark). Unfortunately. these projects are at a standstill because the compiler either won't compile them (the compiler aborts) or cc::rnpiles them into incorrect object code. But. we're all hoping for the best. so until January and a new version ....• I u. Ole VELUPMENT 'lET:10D. Thfl H310 k"rnfl1 i mitat"s the pnp 11 1 rflv"rs"dbyte addres5inq which makps it comoatih1fl with the distrihl)tion t"ln o tout slow in exp.clltion. The deVfdoi'ment was don" IlndP.r W1S ;>10. ThR kernel is wri tten in nAP700. II. LIBHMIY SUPPORT. Those Drovided b;' th" SflLfl s'fstel'l. = IBM 360, 370 (Australia) I am enclosing documentation which defines the differences between Standard Pascal and Honeywell Pascal -this is in the form of an appendix to the User Manual and Report. You mayor may not want to include it in the newsletter. It's up to you. I am sorry not to have written this in the form of the implementation checklist. but I am not the implementor -- I have talked with the folks fran Waterloo and they assure me they will send you a letter. Thanks for spreading the word. AUSTRALIAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Sincerely. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRANCH RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. NEW ILLAWARRA ROAD. LUCAS HEIGHTS Greg Wetzel Research Assistant TELEGRAMS: TELEX: ATOMRE. SYDNEY 24562 TELEPHONE: 531-0111 IN REPLY PLEASE QUOTE: ADDRESS ALL MAIL TO; AAEC RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT PRIVATE MAIL BAG, SUTHERLAND 2232 N.S.W. AUSTRALIA GWC .mwb 4 January, 1978. -n rr1 to :;;0 c::: :t> :;;0 Dear Andy, Honeywell H316 I. I MPLC:iAENTLJR/DISTfl I BUTOfliMAPHAI NEil. Roh",t A.. strv lc • i'r)""'lwcd 1 Corpor atR Computer Sci ence Cent"r. 10701 Lyndelle AVA. .Sr) •• Bloomington, MN 55424; 612/887-4356. 2. ,'.,\j\CHIiIE. Honeywf> 11 11311\. 3. SfST;:::,! CDNFIGUFlATI();I. 7 track magnetic tape. 32K, dual cartridae disks. linA orint8r. 4. DISTFlIBUTION. 1 track tape with proqrams to hnotstrA() from BflS ?IO. 5. D[)CUMf:~ITATlU:l. 6. MfdrHAINANCE. No known errors, no work p1Flnn8d. 1. Two versions are now supplied - the original compile-and-go version, with provision for saving compiled code, as well as a version which produces IBM-standard object modules and can link to externally compiled procedures written in Pascal or Fortran or Assembler language. 2. The price is now $A100 for both versions of the system in source and object form, plus machine-readable documentation, all supplied on a 600 ft. magnetic tape. There is now no agreement to be signed. Yours sincerely, Informal comments on 31 r, kArn81 impl8rnentFltinn. 7. STANiJARD. P. B. l1ans8n's SDUJ system with modifi8d sti'ndard and Concurrent Pascal. MEASJflE!-:ENTS. SDLCl systp.m neRds minimum of 40K to execilt" compilers. 8. 9. -< Enclosed is up-to-date information on our implementation of Pascal 8000 for IBM 360/370 computers. Variations from previous information are: FlELIABILITY. No known P.rrors. Jeffrey M. Tobias Gordon W. Cox Applied Mathematics &COmputing Division 6. PASCAL SOOO FOR IBM 360/370 1. Implementors: T. Hikita and K, Ishihata, Dept. of Information Science, University of Tokyo, 2-11-16 Yayoi Btmkyo-ku TOKYO, 113 JAPAN Maintenance Policy. No guarantee on maintenance is given; however we are anxious to receive bug reports and suggestions, and will do our best to fix any problems which may occur. 7. Standard. The full standard is supported with finiteness in a few areas: - maximum static procedure nesting depth is 6. (HITAC - SOOO Version) - maximum set size is 64. (this precludes set of char.) It is hoped to increase this soon. G.W. Cox and J.M. Tobias, Systems Design Section, AAEC Research Establishment, Private Mail Bag, SUTHERLAND, 2232, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA maximum number of procedures in a program is 256 (IBM 360/370 Version) Distributors/Maintainers: G.W. Cox and J.M.Tobias address as above 2. Machines: IBM360 and IBM370 - compatible machines 3. System Configuration: The compiler rtms tmder any of the OS family of operating systems - i.e. MVT,MFT, VS1, VS2, SVS and MVS. A minimal program can be compiled in 12SK; the compiler requires about 220K to compile itself. Distribution: Write to G.W. Cox and J.M. Tobias at AAEC to receive an order form. The cost is $A100; there is no agreement to be signed. Two systems are supplied: 4. a "compile-and-go" system which has its own compiled-code format, and a "liI)kage-editor" system which produces IBM-standard object modules. Both source and load modules for these systems are supplied - the compilers are written in Pascal and the rtmtime support in 360 Assembler. An implementation guide, plus machine-readable implementation JCL, and machine-readable documentation are also supplied. The system is distributed on a new 600 ft. magnetic tape at a density of SOO or 1600 bpi; the tape is supplied by the distributor. 5. Documentation Machine-readable documentation is in the form of a report comprising a summary of extensions to Standard Pascal plus a complete specification of the language as implemented. - maximum size of compiled code in anyone procedure depends on its static level: the main program may be up to 24K, and this is reduced by 4K for each increment of static nesting level. Significant extensions to the standard are in the following areas: - Constant definitions for structured types. arrays, records and sets as constants. It is therefore possible to have - A '~' statement for variable initialisation - A 'forall' statement of the form: forall in do where is of type set. - A 'loop' statement, specifying that a group of statements should be repeatedly executed tmtil an 'event' is encotmtered. Control may then be transferred to a statement labelled by that event. - The types of parameters of procedures or ftmctions passed as parameters must be specified explicitly, and this enables the compiler to guarantee integrity. The 'type identifier', restriction in a procedure skeleton has been relaxed to allow 'type'. - Ftmctions 'pack' and 'tmpack' are supported, as are packed structures in general. Exponentiation is fully supported, and is used via the double character symbol '**'. - A 'type-change' ftmction has been introduced that extends the role of 'chr' and lord'. - Case-tag lists may now range over a number of constants, without explicitly having to list each constant. The range is denoted by .. Thus, 4,6 •• 10,15,30 •• 45 is now a v~lid case tag list A default exit is also supplied via '"Tl I'T'1 I:>" :::0 c: ;x:. :::0 -< else: i.e. else: 10. is a valid case tag in every case statement. This path will be used if none of the other tags match. Pascal-P by Hikita and Ishihata, who got it running on a HITAC-SOOO computer Other interesting features of the system are: (similar instruction set to IBM360). Procedure 'new' is fully supported, obtaining the minimum heap requirements as specified by variant tags. Procedures 'mark' and 'release' are also supported. - Files may be external or local. Thus, structures such as 'array of files' External files are named in the program statement, local files are not. Both external and local files may be declared in a procedure at any level. = FIB]. All real arithmetic is in double precision (64 bit floating-point format). - Control of input and output formatting is as described in the Jensen and [:n1 The form is 11. Library Support. The linkage-edit version has the ability to perform separate compilation of editor as necessary. These can be stored in a library and selected by the linkage It can also link to routines written in FORTRAN or other languages which use a FORTRAN calling sequence. To use an externally compiled routine, one must include a declaration for it. Such declarations consist of the proce'dure or function skeleton followed by the word 'pascal' or 'fortran I . The linkage-editor then automatically searches for that routine when it is linking the [:m], where nand m are integer expressions. Further, elements of type packed array Cox and Tobias spent about 10 person-months on the system. was already a very workable system. procedures or functions. - Text-files with RECFM of F[B] [S] [A], V[S] [S] [A] and UrAl are supported. X The compiler is written in Pascal SOOO (6000 lines) and runtime support is in 360 Most of this time was spent improving the OS support and adding enhancements to what are available. Non-text files must have RECFM This version was further developed by Tobias and Cox for use under the OS family of operating systems on IBM360/370 computers. Assembler (3500 lines). Procedure 'dispose' is not supported. Wirth report. Development Method The compiler was developed from Nageli's trunk compiler and bootstrapped using .2i program~ char may be read on input. Global variables are accessible to externally compiled Pascal routines. Pascal procedures cannot be overlayed. - Execution errors terminate in a post-mortem dump, providing a complete execution history that includes procedure invocations, variable values, A symbolic dump of local variables and traceback of procedures called is provided on detection of execution errors. type of error, etc. - the use of separately-compiled procedures in Pascal, FORTRAN or other i--' languages is supported by the linkage-edit version. Thus one can build up a library of Pascal procedures or use a pre-existing library of LO IBM 360, 370 (Williamsburg) '.J 00 FORTRAN routines. 8. Measurements. - compilation speed about 2,500 chars/sec on an IBM 360/65 - compilation space l28K for small programs l60K for medium programs 220K for the compiler - execution speed - execution space 1. Michael K. Donegan Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 (804) 253-4481 2. IBM 360/370 3. OS/VS Requires 192-256K to compile the "normal" programs. comparable with Fortran G. about 30K plus the size of the compiled code, stack and heap Compiled code is fairly compact - the compiler itself occupies 8SK. 9. Reliabili ty. The system was first distributed in its current form late in 1977. currently used at about 30 sites. excellent. It is Reliability reports have been generally good to A few minor problems which have been reported are currently being fixed. 4. compile~ l50K is sufficient to compile Distribution is in the form of object, source, and documentation on 9-track tape and is currently free if you supply a tape (we can't). This is subject to change. LO Vi 5. Documentation is distributed on the tape. implementor's guide. 6. Maintenance is currently in the form of a new distribution and reported bugs will be fixed on a time-available basis. We are continually working on the limitations of the system and have plans for: 7. We are currently writing an 1) Additional debugging facilities, cross-reference, post-mortem dump callable as a built in procedure, frequency profile. 2) Better interactive capability for TSO users. 3) Double-precision arithmetic. 4) Dynamic arrays--as soon as some one can come up with a decent syntax for them. 5) A bottom-up version of the compiler. Differences in the handling of EOLN. 2) Sets are limited to 64 elements (no SET OF CHAR). 3) No subranges in sets, e.g. [1. .4J. 4) Subscripts are enclosed in parentheses. (~ 5) Set brackets are 6) PACK and UNPACK not supported. 7) Dynamic values cannot be freed. All files must be declared globally. 9) Single precision REAL amithmetic. Additions 1) TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITjXT BERLIN BERLIN Fachbereich Informotik (20) DVG Technische UniversitiH Berlin (Fa 20) LEHREINHEIT DV·GRuNDAliSBILDUIljG 1 10, Otto-Suhr-AUee 181'20 aerlin . Otto-Suhr-Allee 18120, 0·1000 Berlin 10 PASCAL News - Editor Tel., (030) 314- University Computer Center 227 Experimental Engineering 208 Southeast Union Street Telex: 1 84262 tubln -d. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN and ,). 8) (* The editors wish to thank the persons in Berlin and London for taking the time to fill us in so well on their activities. We never expected such an outpouring of information when we wrote #9-10! Once again, thanks! -Andy, Jim, and Tim *) 'llJ Berlin· FB 20 . VSH ___ 5 The major discrepancies are: 1) IBM 370 (London) 55 455 4893 November 30, 1977 USA Dear Andy: A necessary correction of if 8 and 9/10 : At the Technical include~ University of Berlin, we never embarked on an implementation Additional formatting capability. based on P4 , but we do not intend to drop our efforts at a 2) I/O for arrays, records, and all scalar types. 3) Modified handling of labels and gotos. 4) Direct Access Files. of Concurrent PASCAL for the CYBER 18. We have added check 5) Formatting for READ and WRITE is different. lists for both projects, reporting the current status. 8. Compiler written in PASCAL (5500 lines). Compiler size is 108K + 8K runtime support. Compiles itself in -78 seconds on IBM 370/158. 9. Runtime support for files has essentially no diagnostics. Real number formatting is less than ideal. Post-mortem of variables is not available on all errors. The compiler has been used for three semesters here with little difficulty. new implementation of PASCAL for IBM /370 under CMS (Thomas Habernoll). In addition, we are starting an implementation We are using the P4-based implementation of Imperial College London for purposes of teaching and bootstrapping. As these people seem to be very modest (humble programmers 7), a word of praise for their work seems appropriate: 1. Greg 10. 11. Pug h implemented a VM /370 CMS PASCAL- The compiler was written in PL/l using the unrevised compiler for the CDC6600 as a model. This was done by two undergraduates, Doug Dunlop and Mark Gillette, and required an academic year. The bootstrap took another year of less-than-intensive effort. Improvements have been added as more users have dictated. A major rewrite of the runtime system is in progress. compiler in September 76 based on P4. Its P-code No, but should be available this year. this time. rating system is very convenient to use. No separate compilation planned at is converted to standard OS object modules in a separate pass. A number of extensions are helpful for systems programmers; the interface to the ope- 2. At Technical University of Berlin, the London compiler was ready to use within a few hours; we found some minor bugs within six months of heavy usage, and these have been corrected in the latest release from London. l.O en IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3. Full Standard PASCAL is supported with several notable additions, - full file support, including in-store files, random-access files, explicit opening of files, DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING AND CONTROL 180 Queen's Gate London SW7 2BZ Telephone: 01-589 5111 Telegrams: IMPCOL London SW7 Telex: 261503 Head of Department Professor J.H. Westcott, D se, FBCS. FlEE non-standard opening of files for interactive use; - external procedures and functions; alfa variables and returncode in program heading; - symbolic post mortem dump; - cross reference option. The compiler is not very fast (about 65 lines per Andy Mickel Pascal Users Group University Computer Center:227EX 208 S.E. Union Street, University of Minnesota Minneapolis. MN55455 USA CPU-second), but we consider it now very reliable. 4. Along with the compiler comes a special batch system running in CMS environment. It has been adapted and extended for our purposes by Thomas Habernoll. It has drastically reduced time-consuming system overhead (re-initialization of the CMS batch machine) • By fall, we have switched - at last - our introductory course from ALGOL to PASCAL, with excellent 'results so-far. T HAN K S T 0 LON DON Dear Andy, We are using Pascal on our tiny 3'70/135 under CMS,to support our undergraduate course,for systems programming and in a number of research projects. Greg Pugh,one of our research students implemented our compiler from the P4 compiler(* described in the attached letter and report *) Our undergraduate teaching began using Algol on the 7094,and moved to Delft Alpp,",\~en the 370/135 appeared. Because we wanted to use a ~ set of data structures and types than those available in Algol 60 we changed our initial teaching language to Algol\; .After two years with Algol" we have again changed our initial teaching language - this time to Pascal. There were a number of reasons for this change: 1) Some of us had regarded the choice of Algol" as a stop-gap until a reliable Pascal compiler was available under eMS.This we now beleive has happened with the pif implementation at IC. /IZ_~ (A. ~:dl) £ /-,:.-LZ ~ c::!!? ---(L. Christoph) 7:i~ A d ji,JeI-'/( (T. Habernoll) (* The Berlin implementation mentioned is listed separately, below. *) 2) \-Ie use a number of different computers during the undergraduate course,and we found that , standard' Pascal ,oms the only programming language that we felt able to use on a Computer Science Course,which had similar implementation across these machines (IBH370/135,CDC Cyber 1'73,ICL 1900 if CDC 7600) 3) It was clear that 'standard' Pascal included a number of features which ,lOuld'''extend the life" of our initial programming language,putting off the time when any additional language need be taught to provide a practical tool for course support. 4) 1-/e had a number of bad experiences with the AlgolW Compiler.For example some ::'arge valid programs,would fail to execute,however seemingly arbitary changes to them, got over the problem. -n rrl b:1 ;;0 = :l> ;;0 -< We attempted to look at the compiler to fix the problems but found it an almost impossible task to understand the commentless PL360.TheP4 Compiler C* the first pass anyway *J being written in Pascal C* although with few comments *J is generally understandable and therefore possible to correct. Greg tells me the main areas where he met problems was in the reliance of CDC character set ordering. Its too early to say whether the change over has made any great impact on the course or on the students' programming ability - it can be said with some certainty that they are no worse than other years 1 We beleive that by starting off their programming in a well disciplined enviroment,that students make better and perhaps a more cautious use of other programming enviroments they meet later on. Our final year students carry out group projects. Some of them are using Pascal to implement the nucleus of a multiprogramming operating system and others are implementing an algebraic manipulation package in Pascal.(* Attempts to persuade the Data Processing project groups to use Pascal Failed: *) In the area of systems programming we have made a great deal of use of Pascal. The P4 implementation is well integrated into the C~lli system and behaves exactly. like any of the other compilers. By accepting the basic architecture imposed by CI1S, the P4 cO'lJpiler has avoided any problems about "being special" or "being an exception".This has aided in user acceptability and made it much easier to use for systems programming. Work is now in progress on implementing out batch subsystem schedular in Pascal. Various system utilities,and our central file manager which supports multi-user access to the file base,have been written in Pascal. .The research use,of Pascal is quite diverseC* program development systems,m.cro~assemblers,multi-user editors *J and our research students have produced a number of useful tools to aid nice program production (* POLISH - a very powerful reformatting program, SPUP - a Pascal system similar to CDC Update *l.A research group in the department piloted the ICL 2900 implementation of Pascal to u'se Pascal in research irtto operating system architectures. Pascal,then is in wide use within the Deptment of Computing and Control here at Imperial College : Please keep up the good work of PUG : 4. DISTRIBUTION. The current version is available for distribution now. Distribution is by 9-track magnetic tape in standard CMS tape dump format. Cost is just postage plus cost of tape (or provide your own tape). 5. DOCUMENTATION. A user's manual is available replacing chapters 13 and 14 of the Jensen and Wirth User Manual and Report. This includes details of all departures from standard and additional features plus descriptions of error messages, invoking commands, etc. 6. MAINTENANCE. Currently we cannot offer any guaranteed support, since we are very short of manpower, however we are using it for teaching ourselves so problems will probably be fixed i f you tell us about them. 7. STANDARD. The compiler provides a number of additional standard procedures and a couple of small extensions to the language syntax. The compiler gives warnings when non-standard features are used. There are a few minor restrictions. The following summarises the differences: Extensions Hex and Octal numbers are supported. Expressions can be used to define the value of constants. External procedures can be declared. Some 20 additional standard procedures are available, including DATE, TIME, DAY, MONTH, CPU time, routines to do direct access I/O on files, and several routines allowing VM/370 commands to be issued from the program. ALFA variables can be specified on t~e PROGRAM statement as well as files. Restrictions Sets are o•• 255 Files of files are not allowed, but files can appear within other structures (i.e. arrays and records of files are o.k.). ." rrt to :;;0 Dispose doesn't work (the dread Mark and Release can be used). Packed is accepted but ignored (character strings are always packed anyway). = ::r=:;;0 Features -< We accept upper and lower case identifiers with 30 characters significant. Integers are 32 bits and reals 64 bits. The compiler produces listings with bold printed etc. keywords, titles, nesting level, I--' LD 'l 00 Best wishes to you all, lain Stinson 8. MEASUREMENTS. The compiler is a much developed version of the P4 compiler. An assembler for the P-code runs as a second pass producing standard object code. The P4 compiler is now about 7000 lines of Pascal, the assembler is 5000 lines of .PL370. The run-time system consists of about 90 small modules (in Assembler F) which are included by the loader on a by-need basis (a small program may only use about a dozen of these routines). I'm not sure about exact compilation speed, but it is faster than and slower IBM Fortran than AlgolW. The compiler generates re-entrant code and is shared between all users (which saves a lot of store since the compiler code is quite large). (* Greg Pugh wrote the following checklist. *) 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER. lain Stinson (distributor) and Greg Pugh (implementor); Department of Computing and Control; Imperial College; London SW7; England; Phone: 01-589-5111, extensions 2700 and 2758. 2. MACHINE. IBM 370 (~ 360s). Our machine is a 135 with 384k. It operates a student service within the department with some terminal work (up to 8 terminals) and a batch stream, Pascal is the main teaching language. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. Operates under the VM/370 system using the CMS subsystem. It would take quite a bit of work to convert the system to run under any of the other IBM systems. The compiler should run on any machine that runs VM/370 (i.e. model 135 and upwards, >= 256k). 9. RELIABILITY. Reliability seems pretty good. Currently the compiler is being used mainly for fairly large programs (4000 lines). A student version is now available and shuld put the system to a severe test. 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD. The compiler was developed from the Zurich P4 compiler by writing an assembler for the P-code in PL370 in 1976. The run-time library was written at about the same time. A symbolic dump package dumping all variables (including records, arrays etc.) is available. A batching version is available for student use. 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT. Procedures can be declared to be external and compiled programs can be placed into object code libraries. Assembler and Fortran procedures can be accessed. LD 00 IBM 360, 370 (Berlin) r------------------ ----, I'Modular PASCALI1370 Compiler 12/01/11 I LI _____________________________________________________ Page - - -1- JI 1~~_~g!g12Rmgni-mgthQ~ The compiler is written in PASCAL. The syntax analysis is based on the PASCAL 6000 compiler. which influenced the method of code generation too. 1,,-_I!!!l!!g!!g!!t2~ Thomas Habernoll Technische Universitaet Berlin {Fachbereich Informatik} [Institut fuer angewandte Informatikl OV-Grundausbildung iSH 5 Otto-Suhr-Allee 18/20 0-1000 Berlin 10 IBII /360, /370 (Implementation is done on a 370/158) VII 370 (CP+CIIS) OS (with some modifications of the rUIl time system) Not yet. probably starting fall 1918. A detailed reference manual will retrievable form. HOpefully good. be available in machine Not yet determinated. Full standard PASCAL. The compilec is the first step to a 'compiler family'. Later members of this family will include extensions (especially for system pcogramming). But they will ~Qt be uamed 'PASCAL compiler'! (becanse PASCAL is the language defined in the report of Jensen/Wirth: User Kanual and Report. At this level, enough difficulties arise for portability of programs.) Presently. no precise information can be given. The rnn time system is written in PASCAL and Assembler. I hope that the Assembler part can be reduced to a minimum. As I started working we didn't have a PASCAL compiler useful for bootstrapping on the /370 at Technical University. The Stony Brook and lIanitoba compilers were not sufficient. Therefore I wrote a PASCAL->Simula compiler {in SIIIULAI. It is slow {compilation speed 10 lines per CPU secondl. I have learned something due to this project: don't think that it is a simple and straightforward task to translate a high level language into another (relatively similar) high level language. Just as I finished the PASCAL->SIMULA compiler, we got the PASCAL P4 compiler from Imperial College London. This facilitated my work. I am trying now to write a 'modular compiler': that means, the compiler architecture allows changing of the accepted language and/or of the generated code by exchanging only few modules. Therefore we will have not one compiler for Standard PASCAL and another one fora subset (e.g. for educational purposes) but a set of modules. Depending on the command, the modules necessary for a specific purpose will be loaded. Writing modules {in the sense of IIOOULAI in a block structured language makes fun - if one has grim humour. Presently the compiler is a one pass compiler.. But its structure allows splitting it into a mUltipass compiler. The first version to be released will accept Standard and produce {for several reasons) PASCAL IBlI/310-Assembler code. Later versions viII prodnce relocatable macnine code (in standard OS loader format). As a vision the following versions exist: - PASCAL subset for educationa~ purposes; - PASCAL supersets. First level: machine independent extensions like else or Q.t!Ht£!!i§.g in £!!§.~ statements: a simple module concept. Second level: extensions for systems programming. - Generation of interpretative code. This is normally the first step to implement PASCAL, but I think that interpreters are a good tool to check out programseven for large ones (one of these reasons is the fact, that additional check out code and test aids need additional space resulting in frustrated programer of large progcams, who fights against storage constraints. --n fTl t:>:l ;;0 = :J> ::0 -< f-' to ....... 00 Another reason is a possible step-by-step execntion of interpretative code, that is more nsefnl than execnting step-by-step on machine instrnction level.) ICL 1900 (Belfast) (* Thanks to Judy Mullins and to David Joslin who wrote on 4 Nov. 1977 and on 13 Oct. 1977, respectively, to correct the information which we printed in issue #9-10. David provided the following revised checklist. *) - Optimizing compiler. processing of pre-scanned source programs (assume programs to be edited and analysed on a mini compnter, the processed sonrce being sent to the /370 for compilation and executing. 1. Implementor & Distributor: Dr. J.Welsh, Dept. of Computer Science, Someone somewhere interested should please contact me. To provide a better support than more software aids besides the (for example the embedding of system is a useful task). Queen's University, in )o1.ning this project have a chance, PASCAL must other langnages. Therefore compiler must be provided the compiler in an editor BELFAST, 2. ~: 3. Operating System: N.lreland, BT7 INN. ICL 1900 series. Any (although the Source Library facility is only possible, and the Diagnostics package only practicable, under GEORGE 3 or 4). Ninimum Configuration: The compiler needs at least 36K of core, Linkage to FORTRAN subrontines is withont any problem. Separate compilation is available. The first release provides no symbolic dump. In the event of a run time error the following informations will be given: error message, corresponding source line number and a back trace of procedure calls (with source line numbers of calls). and uses CR, LP, DA files. 4. Distribution: Free. Send a mag. tape (either 9-track PE 1600 bpi or 7-track NRZI 5. Documentation: 556 bpi) to Belfast. Belfast's Users' Guide (supplement to Revised " Report) and implementation documentation is distributed with the compiler. :;:c Glasgow's supplement to the Revised Report is available from Bill Findley or David Watt, ICL -- Clearing House (* University of Glasgow, GLASGOW, Scotland, Gl2 8QQ -< c.o 'J (\;ho produced the Diagnostics package). 6. Maintenance Policy: - Exchange of library routines; CO No formal commitment to maintenance. No plans for development in near future. Avoidance of duplication of effort in provision of new facilities; - Circulation of user and other documentation; Send bug evidence to Belfast, and also a note of the bug to PCHICL - Circulation of bug reports and fixes; (see separate notice) who circulate bug reports & fixes to their merJbers. - Organisation of meetings of Pascal users and implementors; - Acting as a "User Group" to negotiate with Pascal 1900 and 2900 suppliers. There are currently about 40 people on PCHICL's mailing list, mainly in Computer Science departments and Computing Centres of U.K. Universities and Polytechnics. Any User of Pascal on ICL machines whose institution is not already a member of PCHICL should contact 7. Implementation Level: Exceptions: The language of the Revised Report, with: There are no anonymous tag fields; FILEs cannot be assigned, passed as value David Joslin, o~ University of Sussex Computing Centre, Falmer, Brighton, Sussex, BNl 9QH, United Kingdom. All ICL Pascal users are urged to notify make, :;:c 1-' PCHICL - the Pascal Clearing House for ICL machines - has been set up for the purposes of: they = ::t> Dept. of Computer Science, David Joslin sent us the following announcement on 13 October 1977 *) modifications f"T'1 Cd any useful David programs of any or bugs they find, any compiler routines or documentation they have written, anything they have that may be of use or interest to other users. para~eters, oocur as components of any structured type; Predefined procedures & functions cannot be passed as actual parameters; The correct execution of programs which include functions with side-effects is not guaranteed. ICL 2900 (Southampton) ""1:J J> Thanks again to David Joslin and Judy information. *) ... ..... . ... .... ........ (* Only the first 8 characters of identifiers are significant. SETs are limited to x •• y where 0 ~ ¢RD(x) ~ ¢RD(y) ~ 47 The ICL 64-charaoter graphio set is used for type CHAR. PACKED is implemented, and TEXT = PACKED FILE ¢F CHAR. Mullins (see ICL, ADDRESS¢F, allow use of inline machine code. 8. Compiler Characteristics: Compiler, producing absolute binary machine code. 9. 10. 11. Reliability: sending revised en n J> r = rn :::e:: en "It:: ...... ...... PASCAL 1(a). Implementation ICL are providing support for University of Southampton. Project Supervisor: The compiler is written as c. 14000 lines of PASCAL & c, 3500 lines of Asser.1bler Lan[;Uage (Issue 3). Performance is better than !.lost other rCL 1900 language processors (exceptions are incore compileand-eo batch systems of the the HATF¢R type). The postmortem analysis program is written as c, 2500 lines of PASCAL. for 1900) ~~ -J~@ r ALFA = PACKED ARRAY 1 •• 8J ¢F CHAR. Extensions: VALUE and DISP¢SE are implemented. Integers may be written in octal. Additional predefined procedures & funotions DATE, TIME, I1ILL, HALT, CARD are provided, and procedures ICL an implementation group based on the Dr.M.J.Rees, Computer Studies Group Faculty of Mathematioal Studies, The University, Southampton, S09 5NH, England. -n rn Telephone: 0703 559122 x2270 Implementors: Very good. Hethod of development: Complete rewrite of original PASCAL 1900 compiler, which was bootstrapped from the original ZUrich CDC compilers by Welsh & Quinn. J.J.M.Reynolds, Computer Centre, Queen Mary College, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, England. Telephone: 01 980 4811 x778 tx:l H.J.Zell, New Huxley Building, Imperial College, University of London, London SW7 2AZ, England. Telephone: 01 589 5111 Libraries: Source Library facility available under GEORGE 3 & 4. Efforts are to be made to develop a PASCAL version of the NAG 1(b). Distribution library (which would be applicable to ~ machine, not just rCL). No facilities for separate compilation or for inclusion of semicompiled routines "ri tten in any other lan[;Uage. The Pascal compiler will be distributed as a standard ICL product. Contact should be made to the nearest ICL sales Failing that, contact the project supervisor shown above. :::c c:: ::t> :::c -< ...... 1.0 ....... CO program offioe. 2. Machine The ICL 2900 series machines 2960, 2970 and 2980. D.A.Joslin October lOth 1977 3. Operating System VME/B and VME/K 4. Method of Distribution As per ICL standard, see 1(b) above. ...... C> ...... 5. Documentation Intel 8080 (Oslo) Standard ICL manuals will be available: (a) Pascal Language Manual: operating Pascal Lan~uage. (b) system independent aspects of the Runnin.~ Pascal Programs on VME/B and VME/K: information on run Pascal programs under the operating systems. David Barron sent us a short piece that appeared in the 17 November 1977 issue of Computing describing an 8080 implementation distributed by the Norwegian company, Mycron, of Oslo. The compiler is said to run in 29K bytes. (* We would appreciate receiving any more information about this implementation that a PUG member could provide. *) how to rn ::E: MITS Altair 8800 en 6. Maintenance Policy See DEC LSI-ll (San Diego). Full maintenance will be provided by the implementation group and/or ICL while the compiler is offered as a standard ICL program product. The usual ICL procedures for bug reports will be adopted. Motorola 6800 (St. Paul) 7. Language Standard Mark Rustad asked (30 October 1977) that we make the following updates to his checklist printed in Pascal News 119-10. The compiler implements all features of the language as described in the User Manual and Report (Jensen and Wirth, 1974). 1. Work phone: 612/376-1143. 8. Translation/Execution Mechanism 2. Developed using a Motorola 6800 Exercizor (48K, dual floppies) and MITS Altair 680b and SWTP 6800. Should be extremely easy to adapt to any system using the M6800 chip. The compiler is written in Pascal and produces Object Module Format (OMF) compatible with all standard ICL compilers. The OMF module may be directly loaded or linked with other OMF modules. The source listing is approximately 10000 lines of Pascal and produces 80K bytes of code. Approximately 160K bytes of store are required to compile the compiler. 3. Requires 32K bytes and an ASCII terminal. Also, a high speed I/O device (floppy disk, cassette, or data cartridge) is highly recommended to reduce loading time to a reasonable "rn amount. 4. The system is being distributed by Computer Depot (3515 West 70th Street; Minneapolis, MN 55435; (612/927-5601)) for less than $100 for documentation, binary, and interpreter source. machine mapping of reserved words to single case, and separate compilation of procedures. 10. Method of Development The compiler was bootstrapped usino; the 1900 compiler from the Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland as e base. , Nothern Ireland as 1 baRf'. Twenty four person-months of effort from experienced programmers were requirf"d. 7. The following are not supported: with and goto statements; real arithmetic and the transcendental functions; pack and unpack. The compiler handles real arithmetic but the present interpreter does not. The system is designed to make it easy to interface the interpreter to a floating point package or a hardware floating point chip. The following extensions have been made: predefined procedure exit and halt. As of 77/10/23, only lower the the 9. As of 77/10 the compiler had successfully compiled itself in the 6800. Was released to two external sites for testing. lines. see Ken Bowles' article "Status of the UCSD Pascal Project", and for an order form see the DEC LSI-II (San Diego) implementation note. address -0 :t:> G') 11. The compiler and interpreter are completely relocatable, may be information, <.0 "-..J 00 case is recognized. 10. As of 77/11 about 3 person-months had been invested. The compiler source is about 2400 Intel 8080 (San Diego) For ...... 8. Interpreter requires 4K (with floating point package). No compilation speed was provided. The interpreter is unbuffered and can keep up with typing speeds of 10cps. Approximately 2-5K M-code instructions are executed per second. This is at least 5-10 times faster than SWTP BASIC. 11. Libraries As the compiler produces OMF modules, separate compilation and inclusion of external procedures will be possible providing necessary operating system facilities are present. :::0 -< 6. Mark guarantees maintenance only to the distributors. They are expected to pass bug reports, etc., to him. Future plans include full acceptance of upper/lower case with Current reliability is moderate to good. = :t:> 5. Documentation is the responsibility of the distributors. Mark is providing a retrievable supplement to the Pascal User Manual and Report to the distributors. 9. Reliability t:>:I :::0 space where located anywhere in sufficient memory exists. Presently this memory must be contiguous, but it is planned to change this in the future. A crude but usable method for calling external (assembly code) procedures exists. No direct parameter passing is available this must be done via the stack. rn ...... o N THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL'S PASCAL COMPILER Prime P-300 FOR PRIME 300 COMPUTER THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL 1. IMPLEMENTOR/DISTRIBUTOR/MAINTAINER: Barry Cornelius, Ian Thomas or Dave Robson; Department of Computer Studies, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, England; Hull (0482) 497951. HULL Hue 7RX. ENGLAND Telephone: Hull 46311 z rn Department of Computer Studies 2. MACHINE: PRIME 300. 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: Our own system is currently 48K words running under PRIMOS-3 Revision 10 (but Revision 14 sometime in 1978). 15th December, 1977 4. DISTRIBUTION: We hope to have a first release of the compiler completed by April 1978. No details about distribution have been arranged yet. Mr. Andy Mickel, Editor, "Pascal News", University Computer Centre, 227 Experimental Engineering Building, University of Minnesota, MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55455 U.S.A. 5. DOCUMENTATION: None - see details of PASCAL-P elsewhere in "Pascal News". 6. MAINTENANCE POLICY: We intend to correct reported errors for the next few years. Error reports and updates will be sent at irregular intervals to all those who receive the compiler. Dear Andy, The main purpose of this letter is to let you have a copy of the enclosed implementation notes. As we're only about half way through building our PASCAL compiler for the PRIME 300, we've left some of the details vague. We'll send you a fuller set of implementation notes sometime in 1978. We started our compiler because we couldn't find a suitable version of PASCAL on PRIME 300 computers. The only other implementation that we know of is an implementation of Per Brinch Hansen's Sequential PASCAL. We did some work in early 1977 taking bugs out of this implementation and it is now available from PRIME Computer International, Bedford, England. We don't like it because: (a) Sequential PASCAL doesn't permit nested procedures, (b) it's We currently teach ALGOL 60 to our Computing s,cience undergraduates. After much debate within the department, we" will be teaching PASCAL to our first years from October 1978. For this purpose we'll be using the Belfast Mk.2 compiler as the University's mainframe is an ICL 1904S. The conversion to PASCAL would be easier if there was a book which properly teaches programming! We haven't found one yet. Addison Wesley arebringing out a book in early 1978 which we think may be suitable - it's entitled "Programming in PASCAL" and written by PUG member Peter Grogono. Yours sincerely, g"~ 'LM )1~ Barry Cornelius. Ian Thomas. Dave Robson. STANDARD: PASCAL-P subset of Standard PASCAL. 8. MEASUREMENTS: No details are yet available. 9. RELIABILITY: No details yet. f-' lD 10. DEVELOPMENT METHOD: The code generation parts of the PASCAL-P4 compiler are currently being rewritten to generate PMA which can then be assembled. The first version of the compiler is being tested using the Belfast ~fr.2 ICL 1900 compiler. It will be bootstrapped on to the PRIME by using a P-code interpreter for the PRIME written in CORAL 66. The work has been done on and off since June 1977 by five people - some have now left and some learnt CORAL 66 and PASCAL during this time! very slow which makes it useless for teaching purposes. Finally, we'd like to say what an excellent job you I re doing with "Pascal News". It stimulated us into implementing PASCAL-P for PRIME 300s and is keeping us well informed of what's happening elsewhere_ Thanks. 7. '-J 00 11. LIBRARY SUPPORT: No facilities for external procedures are currently available but they may be developed in the future. Univac 1100 (Madison) A short note appeared in the 24 October 1977 issue of the University of Wisconsin Academic Madison Computer Center newsletter, MACC NEWS, which stated that "The UW-Pascal comp iler is now fully supported by MACe." Two versio;;:-the relocatable, and the load-and-go, mentioned. were Zilog Z-80 (San Diego) For information, see Ken Bowles' article "Status of the UCSD Pascal Project", and for an order form see the DEC LS1-11 (San Diego) implementation note. I NDEXT 0 IMP LEMEN TAT ION NOT ES computer Automation LSI-2 General Information 119&10: 60. 1111: 70. Checklist 119&10: 60. Applications 1111: 70. Software Tools 119&10: 61. Portable Pascals Pascal-P 119&10: 61-62. 1111: 70-72. Pascal Trunk #9&10: 62. Pascal J 119&10: 62. Pascal Variants Concurrent Pascal 119&10: 63. 1111: 72-74. Modula 119&10: 63. 1111: 74. Pascal-S 119&10: 63. 1111: 72. Feature Implementation Notes Set of Char #9&10: 64-66. For Statement 119&10: 66-69. 1111: 79-80. Def ault Cas e 119&10: 69-70. Variable Parameters 119&10: 71. Interactive I/O 119&10: 71-72. Unimplementable Features 1111: 75. Long Identifiers 1111: 78-79. Boolean Expressions 1111: 76-78. Machine Dependent Implementations Alpha Micro Systems AM-II See DEC LSI-It. Amdahl 470 See IBM 360, 370. Andromeda Systems 11-B 1111: 80. Burroughs B1700 119&10: 73. Burroughs B3700, 4700 119&10: 73. Burroughs B5700 119&10: 74. 1111: 81. Burroughs B6700, 7700 119&10: 74-75. 1111: 81. CDC Cyber 18 and 2550 119&10: 75. 1111 : 81-82. CDC 3200 119&10: 75. 1111 : 82. CDC 3300 119&10 : 75. CDC 3600 119&10: 75. CDC 6000, Cyber 70, Cyber 170 119&10: 76. 1111 : 82-83. CDC 7600, Cyber 76 119&10: 76. 1111: 83. CDC Omega 480-1, 480-11 See IBM 360, 370. CDC Star-100 119&10: 77. CIl Iris 50 119&10: 77. Cll 10070, Iris 80 119&10 : 77-78. 119&10: 78. Cray Research Cray-1 119&10: 78-79. Data General Eclipse 119&10: 79-80. 1111: 85. Data General Nova 119&10: 79-82. 1111: 83-85. DEC PDP-8 119&10: 82. 1111: 85. DEC LSI-II and PDP-II 119&10: 82-88. 1111: 86-91. DEC DECSystem-10 119&10: 89-9l. 1111: 91-92. Dietz MINCAL 621 119&10: 91-92. Foxboro Fox-1 119&10: 92. Fujitsu FACOM 230 119&10: 92. Harris / 4 119&10: 92-93. Heathkit H-ll 119&10: 93. Hewlett Packard HP-21MX 119&10: 93. 1111: 92. Hewlett Packard HP-2100 119&10: 93. Hewlett Packard HP-3000 119&10: 94. Hitachi Hitac 8700, 8800 119&10: 94. Honeywell H316 119&10: 94. 1111: 93. Honeywell 6000 119&10: 94-95. #11: 92-93. IBM Series 1 119&10: 95. IBM 360, 370 119&10: 95-101. 1111: 93-100. IBM 1130 119&10: 101. ICL 1900 119&10: 101-102. 1111: 100-101. ICL 2900 119&10: 102. #11: 100,101-102. Intel 8080, 8080a 119&10: 102-103. 1111: 102. Interdata 7/16 /19&10: 103. Interdata 7/32, 8/32 119&10: 103-104. ITEL AS/4, AS/5 See IBM 360, 370. Kardios Duo 70 119&10: 104. Mitsubishi MELCOM 7700 119&10: 104-105. MITS Altair 680b See Motorola 6800. MITS Altair 8800 See DEC LSI-11. MaS Technology 6502 See DEC LSI-11. Motorola 6800 119&10: 105. 1111: 102. Nanodata QM-1 119&10: 105. NCR Century 200 119&10: 105. Norsk Data NORD-10 119&10: 106. Prime P-300 1111: 103. Prime P-400 119&10: 106. SEMS T1600, SOLAR 16/05/40/65 119&10: 106. Siemens 330 119&10: 107-108. Siemens 4004, 7000. 119&10: 108. Telefunken TR-440 119&10: 108. Terak 8510 See DEC LSI-ll. Texas Instruments TI-ASC 119&10: 109. Texas Instruments 9900/4 119&10: 109. Univac 90/30 119&10: 109. Univac 90/70 119&10: 109. Univac 1100 119&10: 109-112. 1111: 103. Univac V-70 119&10: 112. Varian V-70 See Univac V-70. Xerox Sigma 6, 9 #9&10: 112. Xerox Sigma 7 119&10: 112. Zilog Z-80 119&10: 112. 1111: 103. = rn ~ C/) -n rn OJ ;;0 = ;J:> = -< I-' <.D '-J 00 POLICY: PASCAL USER'S GROUP Purposes: (77/12/30) Pascal User1s Group (PUG) tries to promote the use of the programming language Pascal as well as the ideas behind Pascal. PUG members help out by sending information to Pascal News, the most important of which is about implementations (out of the necessity to spread the use of Pascal). The increasing availability of Pascal makes it a viable alternative for software production and justifies its further use. We all strive to make using Pascal a respectable activity. Membership: Anyone can join PUG: particularly the Pascal user, teacher, maintainer, implementor, distributor, or just plain fan. Memberships from libraries are also encouraged. See the ALL PURPOSE COUPON for details. FACTS ABOUT Pascal, THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: Pascal is a small, practical, and general purpose (but not all-purpose) programming language possessing algorithmic and data structures to aid systematic programming. Pascal was intended to be easy to learn and read by humans, and efficient to translate by computers. Pascal has met these design goals and is being used quite widely and successfully for: * teaching programming concepts * developing reliable IIproductionll software * implementing software efficiently on today1s machines * writing portable software Pascal is a leading language in computer science today and is being used increasingly in the world1s computing industry to save energy and resources and increase productivity. Pascal implementations exist for more than 62 different computer systems, and the number increases every month. The Implementation Notes section of Pascal News describes how to obtain them. The standard reference and tutorial manual for Pascal is: Pascal - User Manual and Report (Second, study edition) by Kathleen Jensen and Niklaus Wirth Springer-Verlag Publishers: New York, Heidelberg, Berlin 1975, 167 pages, paperback, $5.90. Introductory textbooks about Pascal are described in the Here and There Books section of Pascal News. The programming language Pascal was named after the mathematician and religious fanatic Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). Pascal is not an acronym. Pascal User1s Group is each individual member1s group. We currently have more than 1351 active members in more than 30 countries. This year Pascal News is averaging more than 150 pages per issue. ~ (.) - .o a. Return to: University Computer Center 227 Experimental Engineering Building 208 Southeast Union Street University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 USA return postage guaranteed The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin, or handicap.
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