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Project Management Institute


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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PREFACE ................................................................................................................................ viii
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................1

Purpose of this Practice Guide................................................................................1
The Need for this Guide ...........................................................................................2
Intended Audience for this Guide ...........................................................................2

2 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW .........................................................................5
2.1 Requirements Process Overview ............................................................................5
2.1.1 Requirements Management and Change..................................................6
2.2 Interaction with PMBOK ® Guide Process Groups ..................................................7
2.2.1 Initiating Process Group Interactions .......................................................8
2.2.2 Planning Process Group Interactions .......................................................8
2.2.3 Executing Process Group Interactions ......................................................8
2.2.4 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Interactions ..........................8
2.2.5 Closing Process Group Interactions ..........................................................8
2.3 Interactions with PMBOK ® Guide Knowledge Areas ..............................................9
2.3.1 Requirements and Stakeholder Management ..........................................9
2.3.2 Requirements and Communications Management ..................................9
2.3.3 Requirements and Other Knowledge Areas ..............................................9
2.4 Project Life Cycle Considerations .........................................................................10
3 NEEDS ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................................................13
3.1 Needs Assessment Results ...................................................................................13
3.2 Needs Assessment Portfolio-Level Activities .......................................................14
3.2.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan .............................................................14
3.2.2 Define Portfolio Roadmap........................................................................14
3.3 Needs Assessment Program-Level Activities.......................................................14
3.3.1 Define Business Case or Equivalent........................................................14
3.3.2 Develop Program Plan .............................................................................15
3.3.3 Develop Program Roadmap .....................................................................15

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



3.3.4 Create Benefits Register ..........................................................................15
3.3.5 Engage Stakeholders ...............................................................................15
3.3.6 Develop Benefits Realization Plan ..........................................................15
3.4 Needs Assessment Project-Level Activities .........................................................16
3.4.1 Develop Business Case............................................................................16
3.4.2 Document and Communicate Results .....................................................16
3.5 Needs Assessment Techniques.............................................................................16
3.5.1 SWOT Analysis .........................................................................................16
3.5.2 Decision Analysis.....................................................................................16
3.5.3 Gap Analysis ............................................................................................17
3.5.4 Benchmarking..........................................................................................17
4 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT PLANNING ........................................................................19
4.1 Requirements Management Planning Success Factors ......................................19
4.1.1 Organizational Commitment....................................................................19
4.1.2 Recognizing the Value of Requirements Management Planning ...........19
4.1.3 Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration ..........................................19
4.1.4 Integration with Project Management Activities ....................................20
4.2 Requirements Management Planning Activities ..................................................20
4.2.1 Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement ..................................................20 Generate or Refine the Stakeholder Register ............................20 Group and Characterize Stakeholders .......................................21 Manage Stakeholder Engagement .............................................21
4.2.2 Requirements Management Planning Initiation .....................................21 Gather Project Information .........................................................22 Identify Organizational Standards and Guidance ......................22
4.2.3 Develop the Requirements Management Plan .......................................22 Core Components of the Requirements Management Plan ......23
4.2.4 Launch the Requirements Management Plan.........................................23
4.3 Requirements Tools ...............................................................................................23
5 REQUIREMENTS ELICITATION..............................................................................................25
5.1 Requirements Elicitation Success Factors ...........................................................25
5.1.1 Planning and Preparation ........................................................................25
5.1.2 Active Stakeholder Engagement .............................................................26


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


5.1.3 Defined Business/Organizational Need ..................................................26
5.1.4 Domain Knowledge ..................................................................................26
5.2 Requirements Elicitation Activities .......................................................................26
5.2.1 Plan for Elicitation ...................................................................................26
5.2.2 Define Types of Requirements ................................................................27
5.2.3 Conduct Elicitation Activities ..................................................................28
5.2.4 Document and Communicate Results .....................................................28
5.3 Requirements Elicitation Techniques ...................................................................29
5.3.1 Interviews ................................................................................................29
5.3.2 Facilitated Workshops .............................................................................29
5.3.3 Focus Groups ...........................................................................................29
5.3.4 Brainstorming ..........................................................................................29
5.3.5 Questionnaires and Surveys....................................................................30
5.3.6 Document Analysis ..................................................................................30
5.3.7 Interface Analysis ....................................................................................30
5.3.8 Prototypes ................................................................................................30
5.3.9 Observation ..............................................................................................31
6 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS..................................................................................................33
6.1 Requirements Analysis Success Factors..............................................................33
6.1.1 Skilled Resources ....................................................................................33
6.1.2 Communication ........................................................................................33
6.1.3 Collaboration ............................................................................................33
6.2 Requirements Analysis Activities .........................................................................34
6.2.1 Plan for Analysis ......................................................................................34 Activities......................................................................................34
6.2.2 Conduct Analysis Activities .....................................................................34 Identify, Analyze, and Document Requirements Attributes .......34 Select the Requirements Models................................................35 Prioritize Requirements ..............................................................35 Allocate and Derive Requirements .............................................35 Verify Requirements ...................................................................36 Validate Requirements................................................................37
6.2.3 Document and Communicate Results .....................................................37

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



6.3 Requirements Analysis Techniques ......................................................................37
6.3.1 Backlog Management and Prioritization ................................................37 MoSCoW ......................................................................................38 Voting ..........................................................................................38 Timeboxing ..................................................................................38
6.3.2 Modeling .................................................................................................38 Scope Models ..............................................................................38 Function Models..........................................................................39 Process Models ...........................................................................39 Rule Models.................................................................................40 Data Models ................................................................................40 Interface Models .........................................................................41
7 REQUIREMENTS MONITORING AND CONTROLLING ............................................................43
7.1 Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Success Factors ...............................43
7.2 Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Activities ...........................................44
7.2.1 Prepare for Requirements Monitoring and Controlling ..........................44 Set Up System for Managing Requirements and Traceability ...44 Manage Requirements Attributes ..............................................45 Maintain Traceability ..................................................................45
7.2.2 Create Traceability Matrix .......................................................................45
7.2.3 Approve and Baseline Requirements ......................................................45
7.2.4 Manage Requirements Change Requests ...............................................46
7.2.5 Monitor Requirements Status .................................................................47
7.2.6 Document and Communicate Results .....................................................47
7.3 Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Techniques........................................47
7.3.1 Dependency Analysis...............................................................................47
7.3.2 Impact Analysis .......................................................................................48
7.3.3 Traceability Matrix ...................................................................................48
7.3.4 Change Control Boards ............................................................................48
8 SOLUTION EVALUATION .......................................................................................................49
8.1 Solution Evaluation Success Factors ....................................................................49
8.1.1 Approach Evaluation as a Process ..........................................................49


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


8.2 Solution Evaluation Activities ...............................................................................49
8.2.1 Plan for Evaluation ...................................................................................50
8.2.2 Validation During Solution Evaluation ....................................................50
8.2.3 Document and Communicate Results .....................................................50
8.3 Solution Evaluation Techniques ............................................................................50
8.3.1 Solicit Inputs ............................................................................................51
9 PROJECT OR PHASE CLOSURE ............................................................................................53
9.1 Project or Phase Closure Success Factors ...........................................................53
9.1.1 Documented Transition Plan ...................................................................54
9.1.2 Final Customer Acceptance ....................................................................54
9.1.3 Defined Metrics to Measure Benefits Realization ..................................54
9.2 Project or Phase Closure Activities.......................................................................54
9.2.1 Document .................................................................................................54
9.2.2 Reuse .......................................................................................................54
9.2.3 Lessons Learned and Providing for Knowledge Transfer.......................54
9.2.4 Support Transition to Operations ............................................................55
9.3 Project or Phase Closure Techniques ...................................................................55
9.3.1 Expert Judgment......................................................................................56
9.3.2 Analytical Techniques..............................................................................56
9.3.3 Meetings ..................................................................................................56
APPENDIX X1..........................................................................................................................57
APPENDIX X2..........................................................................................................................59
APPENDIX X3..........................................................................................................................61
REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................63
GLOSSARY ..............................................................................................................................65
INDEX .....................................................................................................................................77

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Requirements Management: A Practice Guide is a complementary document to the Project Management
Institute’s (PMI’s) foundational standards. This practice guide provides guidance for project and program managers
who are looking to further understand the components and importance of requirements management.
Industry has generally accepted that a requirements process will encompass the tasks associated with
requirements development and requirements management. To establish a consistent understanding of the terms,
each is defined. Requirements development encompasses the tasks of: eliciting and identifying requirements,
planning, analysis, documenting or specifying requirements, and validating and verifying requirements.
Requirements management entails managing requirements of the project’s products and product components
and ensuring alignment between those requirements and the project’s plans and work products. Requirements
management therefore encompasses the tasks of: establishing a requirements baseline, and maintaining
traceability, change control, and configuration management.
Business analysis includes two additional components to requirements development and requirements
management. Those components include needs assessment, which begins pre-project/program, and solution
evaluation, which occurs before and after solution implementation.
Historically, PMI included the tasks of requirements development and requirements management within
requirements management, but with the 2014 introduction of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide
and the PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)® certification, PMI is standardizing on the term and
definition of “business analysis” as a critical competence for project, program, and portfolio management, and will
use the term “requirements management” as a component of business analysis.
For this reason and our stakeholders’ requirement for a stand-alone document, readers of this guide who are
familiar with Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide will recognize and appreciate the consistencies
between the two practice guides, especially in the sections addressing Needs Assessment, Planning, Elicitation,
Analysis, and Solution Evaluation.
Practice guides are intended to encourage discussion related to areas of practice where there may not yet
be consensus. Requirements development and requirements management practices have been performed for a
long time, yet these practices continue to evolve and grow as indicated in the 2014 PMI Pulse of the Profession ®
In-Depth Report titled Requirements Management: A Core Competency for Project and Program Success. The
report states that 52% of organizations expect an increase in the integration of requirements management and
business analysis with project management over the next 3 to 5 years and that 58% of organizations are focusing
on more defined practices and processes.
PMI is introducing this practice guide to act as the bridge between project management as specified in A Guide
to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide) – Fifth Edition and business analysis as specified


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


in Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide. PMI research indicates that 67% of high-performing
organizations value the collaboration between project managers and business analysts or whatever role is
responsible for requirements-related activities. This guide is intended to endorse and support increased collaboration
and understanding as a means toward attaining increases in project and program success.
As such, the primary audience for this guide is project and program managers who are more familiar with PMI’s
historical position on requirements management and less aware of business analysis and PMI’s Business Analysis
for Practitioners: A Practice Guide. The intended audience for Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide
is anyone who is responsible for performing business analysis work regardless of his or her title.
Practice guides are developed by leading experts in the field using a process that provides reliable information
and reduces the time required for development. PMI defines a practice guide as a standards product that provides
supporting supplemental information and instructions for the application of PMI standards. Practice guides are
limited consensus-based standards and do not go through the public exposure draft process. However, practice
guides may evolve into full consensus standards.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide





1.1 Purpose of this Practice Guide
As stated in the preface, this practice guide describes the work of requirements management as historically
defined by PMI. It identifies the tasks that are performed as well as the essential knowledge needed to perform
requirements management effectively on programs and projects. This practice guide is applicable to most programs
and projects, whether they are focused on products, services, or other results. The concepts and techniques
described in this guide are implementation-independent and can be used to develop manual or automated solutions,
using any type of life cycle approach.
The purpose of this practice guide is to discuss the elements and criticality of requirements development and
management for project and program success as defined by PMI. This is accomplished by:
• Providing a practical discussion of the requirements management work,
• Defining “what is” the work of requirements management as it relates to programs and projects, by
defining the tasks, knowledge, and skills that the requirements management process comprises,
• Discussing why the work is important,
• Providing a description of the activities performed, and
• Explaining how different types of project life cycles impact the timing and type of requirements
management work performed.
This guide is intended to be a stand-alone document and thus acts as a bridge between two important PMI
documents: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide) – Fifth Edition [1]1 and
Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide [2].
The PMBOK ® Guide – Fifth Edition identifies the subset of the project management body of knowledge that is
generally recognized as good practice for developing and managing requirements.
The PMBOK ® Guide states, “The integrative nature of project and program management can be understood by
thinking of other types of activities performed while completing a project. Examples of some activities performed
by the project management team are to develop, review, analyze, and understand the scope of the project. This
includes the project and product requirements, criteria, assumptions, constraints, and other influences related
to a project, and how each will be managed or addressed within the project. Completion of the product scope is


The numbers in brackets refer to the list of references at the end of this practice guide.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



measured against the product requirements. The success of the project is directly influenced by active stakeholder
involvement in the discovery and decomposition of needs into requirements and by the care taken in determining,
documenting, and managing the requirements of the product, service, or result of the project. Requirements include
conditions of capabilities that are to be met by the project or present in the product, service, or result to satisfy an
agreement to other formally imposed specifications.”
Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide describes the work of business analysis, which includes
requirements development and requirements management tasks, how these tasks can be practically applied on
programs and projects, and the essential knowledge and skills needed to perform them.
This practice guide defines the common processes for the development and management of requirements
on projects and programs, and therefore serves as the bridge between the PMBOK ® Guide – Fifth Edition, which
speaks to requirements development and management from a high-level awareness perspective, and Business
Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide, which describes requirements development and management at a
detailed level. This practice guide offers the middle ground, so project and program managers, other interested
project team members, and stakeholders can learn more about the requirements process than is covered by the
PMBOK ® Guide and gain an appreciation for and knowledge of the complexity of requirements development and
management that is detailed in Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.
The relationship among these documents provides an integrated approach for developing and managing
requirements on projects and programs from an awareness level to a detailed level.

1.2 The Need for this Guide
When properly implemented and supported, the critical competency of developing and managing requirements
enables the organization to meet stakeholder expectations, improve project performance, meet expected
organizational benefits, and achieve tangible business outcomes.
According to PMI’s annual Pulse of the Profession ® research reports, poor requirements management is a major
cause of project failure [3]. The Pulse of the Profession ® research uncovered these related findings for organizations:
• Only 49% of respondents have the resources in place to perform requirements management properly.
• Only 33% of the respondents state that their leadership values requirements management as a critical
competency for projects and strategic initiatives.
• Approximately 53% of respondents fail to use a formal process to validate requirements in an unbiased way.
The research emphasizes that organizations continue to experience project issues associated with poor
performance of requirements-related activities.

1.3 Intended Audience for this Guide
This practice guide is intended for program and project managers who are ultimately responsible for the
integration of the requirements development and management activities within the overall project effort and who


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


need to understand the risks and impacts that poor requirements management is having on their projects and
programs and need to receive guidance to address these deficiencies.


This document will also be valuable to anyone who is responsible for performing requirements work, or for
project stakeholders who interact with practitioners performing requirements activities. It was also developed to
help those interested in improving their requirements-related competencies and for those interested in improving
their knowledge of requirements processes and the application of this work on programs and projects.

1.4 Summary
The principles of requirements development and management as described in this practice guide should be
appropriately applied based on the specifics of a project and the organizational environment. Effective requirements
practices provide organizational benefits when they are consistent with organizational strategy and objectives by
implementing good practice principles aligned with strong organizational commitment.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide





To describe the relationship between requirements management and project management, an understanding of
the definitions of a project, a requirement, and project management is needed. A Guide to the Project Management
Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide) – Fifth Edition defines these terms as follows:
• Project. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
• Requirement. A condition or capability that is required to be present in a product, service, or result to
satisfy a contract or other formally imposed specification.
• Project management. The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to
meet the project requirements.
Project management is an integrative and iterative undertaking, meaning that actions taken during one process
typically affect other related processes. Requirements development and requirements management are also
integrative and iterative undertakings. PMI’s definition of requirements management includes both requirements
development and requirements management activities, so a definition of each term is provided to help solidify this
Requirements management encompasses the tasks of establishing a requirements baseline and maintaining
traceability, change control, and configuration management.
Requirements development encompasses the tasks of eliciting and identifying requirements planning, analysis,
documenting or specifying requirements, and validating and verifying requirements.
This section presents the following:
• Requirements management process overview,
• Interactions with PMBOK ® Guide Process Groups,
• Interactions with PMBOK ® Guide Knowledge Areas,
• Requirements management process considerations, and
• Requirements management associated communities of practice (described in Appendix X3).

2.1 Requirements Process Overview
The requirements process includes a common set of standardized and structured activities for developing and
managing requirements on a project. While presented in sequence, each set of activities may occur independently

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



or iteratively as program and project needs dictate. Each set of activities is described in more detail in subsequent
sections, as follows:
• Needs assessment (Section 3). Needs assessments are conducted to identify and define a current
business problem or opportunity at the portfolio level, typically pre-program and pre-project; however,
during the course of a program or project, should external factors that influence or impact the program or
project change, the needs assessment should be revisited to ensure previously made decisions remain
valid. Section 3 discusses the process and considerations for needs assessments.
• Requirements management planning (Section 4). In conjunction with the development of a program
or project management plan, the requirements management plan or business analysis plan is a critical
portion of the overall project planning activities. Planning the requirements activities ensures the optimal
requirements approach is pursued for the program or project.
• Requirements elicitation (Section 5). In this domain, the team elicits the necessary information to develop
the solution requirements. Elicitation is the activity of drawing out information from stakeholders and other
sources to further understand the needs of the business, in order to address a problem or opportunity and
identify the stakeholders’ preferences and conditions for the solution that will address those needs.
• Requirements analysis (Section 6). This domain focuses on examining, decomposing, and synthesizing
the elicited information into an actionable set of requirements that fulfill the stated goals and objectives.
• Requirements monitoring and controlling (Section 7). Requirements are continually traced, monitored,
and controlled to ensure the product scope is continually managed throughout the project and changes
to the requirements are placed in scope only when approved.
• Solution evaluation (Section 8). Solution evaluation is concerned with the activities performed to validate
a solution that is about to be or that has already been implemented.
• Project or phase closure (Section 9). Upon program or project closure, the product, service, or result
has been transitioned from a development state to a maintenance state. Solution evaluation activities are
performed on an as-needed basis to ensure the solution continues to meet the needs of the business and
continues to deliver the expected value.
Figure 2-1 shows the flow of information during the requirements process across programs and projects. The
process may be iterated as necessary.

2.1.1 Requirements Management and Change
As depicted in Figure 2-1, the requirements process is iterative. A key principle of program and project
management is that progressive elaboration will lead to change. The PMBOK ® Guide defines progressive
elaboration as “the iterative process of increasing the level of detail in a project management plan as greater
amounts of information and more accurate estimates become available.” This concept relates directly to
requirements development and management. At the onset of a requirements process, a given set of information
is known. As requirements are elicited for the product, service, or result, more is known and original assumptions
may change based on this new knowledge. As more information is discovered, each step in the requirements
process supports change and adapts to it.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Program Activities
Project Activities





Requirements Monitoring and Controlling

Figure 2-1. Requirements Process Diagram

2.2 Interaction with PMBOK ® Guide Process Groups
This section discusses the mapping of the requirements process to the Project Management Process Groups
(as depicted in Figure 2-2). The management and development of requirements can be managed as an overall
program, a distinct project, or as part of a project for a given product, service, or result. Figure 2-2 represents the
Portfolio Activities
Program Activities
Project Activities
Planning Processes




Initiating Processes

Executing Processes

Closing Processes

Requirements Monitoring and Controlling

Monitoring & Controlling Processes

Figure 2-2. Mapping of the Requirements Process to the Project Management
Process Groups
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



relationship of the requirements process to the project management processes. The activities shown in Figure 2-2
may be iterative.

2.2.1 Initiating Process Group Interactions
The Initiating Process Group consists of those activities performed to define a new project or new phase of an
existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase. The outputs of the initiating phase inform
the Planning Process Group.

2.2.2 Planning Process Group Interactions
The Planning Process Group consists of those tasks required to establish the scope of the project, refine the
objectives, and define the course of action required to attain the objectives that the project was undertaken to
achieve. The planning processes in the Project Scope Management Knowledge Area are performed to achieve those
objectives. Those processes include Plan Scope Management, Define Scope, Collect Requirements, and Create WBS.

2.2.3 Executing Process Group Interactions
The Executing Process Group consists of those tasks performed to complete the work defined in the project
management plan to satisfy the program and project specifications. In the context of the requirements process,
activities include: eliciting the requirements (Section 5), analyzing the requirements (Section 6), documenting the
requirements, and validating and verifying the requirements and solution (Section 8).

2.2.4 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Interactions
The project scope is the work performed to deliver a product, service, or result. The product scope comprises
the features and functions that characterize the product, service, or result. Requirements describe features and
functions for the project; therefore, there is a direct relationship between the number of requirements and the
product scope, which impacts the project scope. The requirements baseline is the boundary that contains all the
approved requirements for the project, project phase, iteration, increment, release, or any other part of a project.
The Monitoring and Controlling Process Group consists of the tasks completed to ensure that requirements are
approved and managed throughout the project life cycle as described in Section 7.

2.2.5 Closing Process Group Interactions
The Closing Process Group consists of those tasks performed to finalize all activities across all Process Groups
to formally close the project or phase. Closing activities are performed at the project level and include documenting
lessons learned; providing knowledge transfer; reviewing completed or remaining artifacts; transitioning the
product, service, or result to operations; or performing other benefits-sustaining activities (Section 9).

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Within the Closing Process Group are the requirements-related activities of assisting with the transition of the
solution from development to production, conducting lessons learned to capture relevant lessons concerning the
requirements process, and ensuring the solution is evaluated on an ongoing basis, as defined by the business, to
ensure value continues to be delivered by the new solution.


2.3 Interactions with PMBOK ® Guide Knowledge Areas
The requirements process is influenced by and has interactions with many of the PMBOK ® Guide Knowledge
Areas. It should be noted that the life cycles and related activities involved in the development and management
of requirements are distinct from the project management life cycle. The primary domains for requirements
management are described in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.2. In addition, Section 2.3.3 discusses interactions with
other Knowledge Areas in the PMBOK ® Guide.

2.3.1 Requirements and Stakeholder Management
Project Stakeholder Management includes the tasks required to identify all people or organizations impacted by
the project, to analyze stakeholder characteristics for impact on the project or program, and to develop appropriate
management strategies for effectively engaging stakeholders in decisions and execution. Stakeholder involvement
and buy-in are also essential for the success of the requirements process. Proactively and methodically managing
stakeholder needs and expectations helps to facilitate a successful outcome.

2.3.2 Requirements and Communications Management
Project Communications Management includes the tasks required to ensure timely and appropriate planning,
collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, controlling, monitoring, and the ultimate disposition
of project information. Project managers spend most of their time communicating with team members and other
stakeholders regardless of whether they are internal or external to the organization.
Communication is also an important factor in the requirements process. The information used across requirement
activities is based on input from stakeholders and dependent on timely communications to both the internal team
and the cross-section of stakeholders.

2.3.3 Requirements and Other Knowledge Areas
The resulting requirements baseline impacts other PMBOK ® Guide Knowledge Areas: Project Integration
Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human
Resource Management, Project Risk Management, and Project Procurement Management. These Knowledge Areas
will influence and be influenced by the requirements process. It is incumbent upon the person with responsibility
for requirements to be aware of the potential impacts to these Knowledge Areas and provide timely related
communications to the project manager or appropriate stakeholders.
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



2.4 Project Life Cycle Considerations
The PMBOK ® Guide (Section 5.2) states that project life cycles occupy a continuum from predictive to adaptive.
It is essential that the chosen requirements approach aligns with the selected project life cycle and the project
characteristics such as complexity and risk level and team distribution. Factors that characterize the positions of
life cycles for projects within the continuum include, but are not limited to, the various ways requirements and plans
are handled; how risk, schedule, resources, and cost are managed; and the timing and level of involvement of key
stakeholders. The continuum of life cycles for projects is illustrated in Figure 2-3.

Highly Predictive

Highly Adaptive

• Requirements are mostly
defined up-front before
product development

• Requirements are defined
iteratively and elaborated
at periodic intervals during
the requirements process

• Requirements are
elaborated at frequent,
recurring intervals for each

• Risk and cost are
controlled by detailed
planning based on in-depth
analysis of requirements
and constraints prior to

• Risk and cost are
controlled by
progressively detailed
planning based on timely
specification of
requirements and
constraints during

• Risk and cost are fixed and
controlled for each

• Key stakeholders are
involved at scheduled

• Key stakeholders are
continuously and actively

• Key stakeholders are
involved at specified

Figure 2-3. The Continuum of Project Life Cycles

The importance of the project life cycle to the requirements process is best demonstrated by understanding how
different project life cycles impact the requirements-related work. For example, highly predictive project life cycles
are characterized by ensuring all requirements elicitation and analysis work is completed before the start of any
solution design and development work. One cycle of requirements analysis is performed and, upon requirements
approval, requirements are baselined and a formal change control process enacted. The objective is to use formal
processes and detailed documentation to control requirements and manage change across the project.
With adaptive life cycles, the requirements process is much less an “all or nothing” approach. Instead,
requirements are elicited throughout the project, which provides more opportunity for the business to progressively
elaborate its needs as more information and understanding about the solution is acquired. Adaptive life cycles
impact the requirements process by supporting an iterative approach to requirements elicitation and analysis,
higher stakeholder collaboration, and progressive planning. Much less emphasis is placed on documentation
because the requirements are evolving. Any emphasis on heavy documentation would be wasted in such a
dynamic environment.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


The same requirements-related activities are performed in either life cycle. It is the timing of the work and the
level of thoroughness and formality of the documentation that distinguishes the different requirements processes
across life cycles. It is for these reasons that the selected project life cycle is an important factor when planning
the requirements-related work.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide




Needs assessment begins before the project life cycle and analyzes requirements for a business problem or
strategic organizational need. As depicted in Figure 3-1, requirements that are initiated at the portfolio, program,
and/or project level are synchronized throughout the life cycle into a product, service, or result that is intended to
meet those requirements and provide business value.




• Portfolio
strategic plan

• Business case

• Business need

• Program plan

• Business case

• Portfolio

• Program roadmap

• Project charter

• Benefits register

• Project agreements

• Business case

Service, or

• Benefits realization


Figure 3-1. Requirements Cross All Levels to Provide Business Value

The key benefit of performing a needs assessment is the creation of a high-level needs definition that will
ultimately be used to determine viable solution options that drive the development of a business case and subsequent
requirements. The business need is assessed to understand the goals and objectives of the organization, define
problems and opportunities, assess the current capabilities of an organization, define the desired future state, and
identify capability gaps.

3.1 Needs Assessment Results
The result of maximizing the effectiveness of the needs assessment process will increase the likelihood of
requirements being implemented successfully within the product, service, or result as documented. It is critical
that the results of the needs assessment be understood before initiating the program or project. The results of the

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



needs assessment define the problem to be solved or the opportunity to be exploited, and provide the basis from
which the remainder of the requirements process is performed. It is also critical that the requirements support the
strategic objectives and align to the organizational strategy described in the business case.

3.2 Needs Assessment Portfolio-Level Activities
This section provides an overview of the activities performed to define requirements when the project is part
of a portfolio.
In the Portfolio Strategic Management Knowledge Area, there are two portfolio management processes that
help to define requirements: Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan and Define Portfolio Roadmap.

3.2.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
The portfolio strategic plan conveys the alignment of the portfolio’s individual components to the organizational
strategy, future benefit, and stakeholder expectations. The portfolio strategic plan conveys the key strategic
assumptions, constraints, dependencies, and priorities that influence the requirements.

3.2.2 Define Portfolio Roadmap
The portfolio roadmap provides insight to the strategic prioritization mapping of the portfolio and its components.
The roadmap is the initial basis upon which dependencies between initiatives and deliverables are established. The
roadmap should provide the context for requirements efforts on the project.

3.3 Needs Assessment Program-Level Activities
This section provides an overview of the activities performed to define requirements when the project is part
of a program.

3.3.1 Define Business Case or Equivalent
The program business case provides insight into alternative solution options, time to market, constraints, and
philosophy behind the business need. It also contains a clear vision statement for the initiative, identifies an initial
set of known stakeholders and their needs, and identifies any constraints or dependencies. Requirements definition
is enhanced by understanding the alternative solution options, expected benefits, and other program requirements
to improve the success of the program and component projects.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


3.3.2 Develop Program Plan
The program plan and other high-level plans required by a customer or internal processes assist the
component projects with detailed planning. The program planning process is highly iterative and may involve
coordination between the project manager and the program manager to develop. During program planning,
external influences, organizational constraints, and business strategies influence the requirements outlined in
the program plan.


3.3.3 Develop Program Roadmap
The program roadmap provides the high-level timeline, benefits, and strategy that the project is expected
to accomplish. Major milestones from the component projects are typically included in the program roadmap.
Requirements are monitored to ensure they continue to address the needs of the program and/or portfolio.

3.3.4 Create Benefits Register
The benefits register collects and lists the planned benefits for the program; it is used to measure and
communicate the delivery of benefits throughout the life of the program. It defines the appropriate performance
measures for each of the benefits. The benefits register typically includes the person, group, or organization
responsible for delivering each of the benefits.

3.3.5 Engage Stakeholders
Stakeholder engagement is the work involved to maintain stakeholder involvement across the initiative.
Stakeholder engagement begins with the process of identifying the people, groups, or organizations that may affect,
be affected by, or have an interest in a decision, activity, or outcome of a program or project. A stakeholder analysis
is conducted to identify and understand the needs of the stakeholders. Stakeholder preferences, characteristics,
and expectations influence requirements-planning decisions.

3.3.6 Develop Benefits Realization Plan
The benefits realization plan defines when a benefit is delivered by a program or project. This plan defines the
benefits, how they are achieved, and how the benefits link to constituent project outputs like the work performed
in solution evaluation. There are defined metrics and procedures to measure the benefits, to describe how the
resulting capability is transitioned to an operational state, and to describe how the organization can sustain the
benefits. Please consult Appendix X5 of The Standard for Program Management – Third Edition [4] or Section 6
of The Standard for Portfolio Management – Third Edition [5] for additional information.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



3.4 Needs Assessment Project-Level Activities
This section provides an overview of initiating the requirements process for the product, service, or result.

3.4.1 Develop Business Case
A business case (or equivalent) is normally developed before project initiation. The needs assessment and
business case build the foundation for determining the project objectives and serve as inputs to a project charter.
The business case defines the strategic need, objectives, and recommended solution options. The business need
provides the perspective as to why the organization needs the project.

3.4.2 Document and Communicate Results
The business case should align with the portfolio strategic plan and program plan, and thus should be
communicated with the sponsor and other appropriate stakeholders.

3.5 Needs Assessment Techniques
Sections 3.5.1 through 3.5.4 describe common techniques used during needs assessment.

3.5.1 SWOT Analysis
An analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) is a widely used technique
to help understand high-level views surrounding a business need and to compare options at any level of project
management. The SWOT analysis becomes more detailed at the project level and more strategic at the portfolio
or program level, and may be used to understand the strengths and weaknesses (focused inwardly or internally)
and opportunities and threats (focused outwardly or externally) of the organization. A SWOT analysis may help the
organization mitigate a problem. For additional information, refer to Section of the PMBOK ® Guide – Fifth
Edition or Section 2.4.2 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.

3.5.2 Decision Analysis
Decision analysis is a group of techniques that provide a basis for structured, analytical decision making. For
example, decision trees and decision tables depict a series of decisions and their outcomes. Decision trees work
best with binary choices (i.e., yes or no), and decision tables can be used when more choices exist and the analysis
is becoming complex. For more information, refer to Section of Business Analysis for Practitioners:
A Practice Guide.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


3.5.3 Gap Analysis
Gap analysis is a technique used to compare the current assessment of organizational capability against a
future desired state. The result is normally referred to as the “to be state” of a solution (see Section 2.4.7 of
Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide).


3.5.4 Benchmarking
Benchmarking, like competitive analysis, provides insights into how other organizations are responding to the
same challenges experienced by the performing organization. Benchmarking is used to compare an organization’s
actual or planned practices, such as processes and operations, to those of comparable organizations to identify
best practices, generate ideas for improvement, and provide a basis for measuring performance.

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Requirements management planning activities occur within the Planning Process Group. The key benefit of this
domain is that it provides guidance and direction on how requirements will be developed and managed throughout
the project. The plan is developed, reviewed, and updated to reflect the specific activities of the life cycle domains
from elicitation, analysis, monitoring, and controlling through solution evaluation. The success factors, planning
activities, and tools and techniques are described in Sections 4.1 through 4.3.


4.1 Requirements Management Planning Success Factors
The success factors outlined in Sections 4.1.1 through 4.1.4 are considered vital to maximize the effectiveness
of the requirements planning process and increase the likelihood of project success.

4.1.1 Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment is paramount to the success of any strategic work. The requirements process
should be aligned with the organization’s goals and values, and a sponsor should be engaged. PMI’s annual Pulse of
the Profession ® [3] research report indicates lack of sponsorship support as a leading contributor to project failure.
Therefore, sponsor and stakeholder commitment to the requirements process is paramount during requirements

4.1.2 Recognizing the Value of Requirements Management Planning
Requirements management planning should be recognized as a valuable domain that provides a positive
potential return on investment for organizational management, stakeholders (both internal and external), project
managers, and team members.

4.1.3 Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration
Stakeholders should be engaged early and often throughout the life cycle. Stakeholder analysis is often conducted
during the planning domain so the project team can understand the stakeholder impacts and influences on the
requirements process as early as possible. This analysis is performed iteratively and is revisited throughout the project
as new stakeholders are discovered or existing stakeholders are determined to no longer be impacted by the proposed
solution. Lack of stakeholder analysis and engagement may lead to incomplete, incorrect, or missed requirements.

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4.1.4 Integration with Project Management Activities
Requirements development and management do not exist in isolation from other project management processes.
A successful requirements plan requires integrated execution with the project management plan.

4.2 Requirements Management Planning Activities
Sections 4.2.1 through 4.2.4 cover the four core processes of requirements management planning.

4.2.1 Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement
Stakeholder analysis and engagement is critical to the success of the requirements management plan. Stakeholder
analysis and identification is the process of analyzing and identifying the people, groups, or organizations that may
affect, be affected by, or have an interest in a decision, activity, or outcome of a program or project. Stakeholders
may be internal or external to the organization. Further stakeholder identification is conducted during requirements
planning activities to set expectations with the key stakeholders to ensure they understand the requirements
activities that will be performed and to gain their buy-in and support for the requirements process before work
begins. Stakeholder preferences, characteristics, and expectations influence requirements management planning
decisions. The steps involved in the stakeholder analysis are described in Sections through Generate or Refine the Stakeholder Register
An initial stakeholder register may have been developed as a part of the needs assessment, or the work
to produce the project management plan, stakeholder management plan, communications plan, or other plan
documents. Whether there is a need to start anew or begin with an existing register of stakeholders, this step
analyzes and identifies the stakeholders who will have a role in the requirements process. The register may include
stakeholders such as those who will:
• Provide sponsorship for the project;
• Benefit from the project outcomes;
• Be responsible for the project outcomes;
• Define the product service or result;
• Provide support;
• Articulate the benefits;
• Provide financial backing;
• Use the solution; and
• Implement the solution.
After the register is generated and reviewed, the stakeholders are characterized and grouped.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Managements: A Practice Guide

4 - REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT PLANNING Group and Characterize Stakeholders
Once the stakeholder register is complete, an analysis of the characteristics of the identified stakeholders
should be performed. Some commonly applied characteristics for consideration are attitude, complexity, culture,
experience, level of influence, location, and availability. Brief descriptions of these are in Section 3.3.2 of Business
Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.
Once characteristics are understood, stakeholders can be grouped. Groupings can be structured by similar
interests, common needs, level of importance, etc., but are used to help identify unique groups for eliciting


It is important to make sure that there are clear roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities; therefore, a
single primary contact should be identified for each task. A commonly used approach to organizing these
assignments, known as either RACI or ACRI, characterizes and groups stakeholders into one or more of four
• Responsible. Person(s) performing the work.
• Accountable. Person(s) approving the work or assigning a delegate to approve for them.
• Consulted. Person or group (often subject matter experts) to be consulted for input.
• Informed. Person or group to be apprised of progress.
Once the stakeholder register is reviewed and approved, the information collected in this step can be later
documented in the requirements management plan. As stakeholders change over the course of the project, the
register is updated to reflect the current stakeholders. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Through proactive communication and working directly with stakeholders to meet the project objectives,
stakeholders are engaged and managed throughout the requirements life cycle process. It is important to understand
their needs and expectations, address issues as they arise, and foster the appropriate engagement throughout the
life cycle in order to gain increased support and reduced resistance, significantly increasing the chance to achieve
project success.
For additional information on Project Stakeholder Management, please refer to Section 13 of the PMBOK ® Guide
and Section 3.3 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.

4.2.2 Requirements Management Planning Initiation
Generally, there is a list of project artifacts that describe the project. It is essential at the start of the requirements
process to clearly understand the initial project scope statement and project objectives. The key tasks for initiating
requirements management planning are described in Sections and

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


In the project management plan, the scope statement describes the scope, major deliverables, assumptions,
and constraints for the project. Leveraging this foundational information is an appropriate starting point, as the
work within a project should link back to this scope statement. To better understand the enterprise environmental
information in which the project is being performed, additional information can be leveraged to provide the context
for the scope statement which may include (but is not limited to):
• Organizational strategic plans,
• Feasibility studies,
• Needs assessment(s),
• Business case(s),
• Concept of operations documents,
• Program management plan (when applicable),
• Project charter,
• Project management plan,
• Project scope statement,
• Contractual documents, and
• Customer specifications.
By reviewing the appropriate associated documents, the context and enterprise environmental factors can be
better understood, leading to the development of an effective requirements plan. Identify Organizational Standards and Guidance
Many organizations have established operating procedures, standards, and predeveloped tools, templates,
techniques, and process documents. It is important to investigate the existence of organizational standards or
guidance that impact the requirements process up front. This can save considerable time by not having to develop
processes, protocols, templates, etc., that are already in place. In addition, when existing processes are not
followed, significant rework may be incurred.
For organizations that do not have organizational standards and guidance in place, there are numerous
resources available, such as standards development organizations (e.g., PMI), consulting firms, and Internet
resources. As processes are introduced and improved, it is a good practice to build a process library to
institutionalize standards and guidance.

4.2.3 Develop the Requirements Management Plan
The requirements management plan is a component of the project management plan and describes how the
requirement activities of the project will be planned and managed. The project life cycle (predictive to adaptive)
strongly influences how requirements are planned, developed, and managed.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Managements: A Practice Guide

4 - REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT PLANNING Core Components of the Requirements Management Plan
The requirements management plan focuses on the scope of requirements activities to be conducted and
deliverables to be produced. The core components of the requirements management plan can include, but are not
limited to:
• How requirements should developed, tracked, managed, validated, and reported;
• What the roles and responsibilities are for those participating in requirements activities;


• What the authorization and key decision-making process is;
• How requirements should be prioritized, approved, and maintained;
• How the acceptance criteria are determined for the requirements and solution;
• What product metrics are used and the rationale for using them;
• What the traceability structure is and the implementation to reflect which requirement attributes will be
captured on the traceability matrix; and
• How requirements will be documented and communicated to stakeholders.
In addition, information pertinent to planning, such as the list of involved stakeholders and the roles they will
fulfill during the requirements process, may be included as part of this document or as a part of the overall project
management plan.
A requirements management plan has evolved in some organizations to also encompass planning decisions for
business analysis. Section 3.4 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide discusses the relationship
between a requirements management plan and a business analysis plan.

4.2.4 Launch the Requirements Management Plan
Once the requirements management plan is complete, it should be reviewed with key stakeholders to reduce
the risk of stakeholders failing to support the work to be performed. Once reviewed, it is presented to the sponsor
and stakeholders for approval. Approval may be formal and require a signature or may be informal and only require
verbal acceptance. There may be an organizational or project life cycle process that defines how approval should
be attained. Once approved, the plan may be updated throughout the requirements process.

4.3 Requirements Tools
During the planning process, any requirements tools in use by the organization should be identified and then
determined when and how they will be used.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



The purpose of this section is to expand upon the Collect Requirements process described in the PMBOK ® Guide
and align it to Section 4 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.


Elicitation is a discovery process used to bring forward or produce information relevant to the project or program
by drawing out information from stakeholders and other sources. This process aims to identify the causes of the
business problem or the reasons for addressing an opportunity, as well as the information to be used to derive a
sufficient level of requirements to enable a solution to be developed and implemented.
The elicitation domain uses progressive elaboration, as all requirements are generally not known or revealed
at the onset of a project or program. Elicitation is largely conducted in an iterative, ongoing manner. As details
emerge over the project life cycle, requirements are likely to be further decomposed, and new information will be
translated into additional requirements. Requirements may also surface as analysis and other activities within the
requirements process are performed.
In an adaptive life cycle, elicitation and analysis are performed throughout the project as part of defining the
initial product backlog and grooming the backlog as details are analyzed and features are implemented for each
This section outlines generally accepted activities used to successfully identify and capture requirements, as
well as key factors to consider when determining the appropriate elicitation techniques for a particular project life
cycle or approach. The major components of this domain are outlined in Sections 5.1 through 5.3.

5.1 Requirements Elicitation Success Factors
A range of factors is considered vital to maximize the effectiveness of requirements elicitation and reduce the
likelihood of having incomplete, inaccurate, or missing requirements.

5.1.1 Planning and Preparation
Some elicitation planning occurred during the requirements management plan process. Within requirements
elicitation, planning focuses on how to conduct elicitation sessions, which stakeholders to involve, and in which
order. Preparation should be completed before requirements can be properly elicited. This initial planning is used
to assess the level of effort required to elicit requirements for the project, and to plan the elicitation tasks that will
be performed. The size, complexity, and type of project should be considered, as the elicitation activities will vary
based on these characteristics.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



5.1.2 Active Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholders are a principal source of requirements, which places them at the center of many project and
program issues related to unrealistic expectations, lack of user involvement, and ambiguous, unclear requirements.
For this reason, active support and participation of key stakeholders should be fostered and maintained throughout
the elicitation process. Input should be collected from a broad, diverse set of stakeholders to confirm that varying
perspectives are captured and to reduce the risk of missing requirements.

5.1.3 Defined Business/Organizational Need
A properly conducted needs assessment lays the foundation for achieving the goals and objectives of the
business or organization. A comprehensive understanding of the business need, problem, or opportunity helps to
determine that the right information is elicited and the appropriate stakeholders and elicitation techniques to obtain
that information are selected.

5.1.4 Domain Knowledge
The person responsible for elicitation should be competent in the domain or have access to subject matter
experts for support so as to ask the right questions during elicitation activities. Understanding the relevant terms,
processes, and procedures within a specified domain greatly increases the ability to accurately define and examine

5.2 Requirements Elicitation Activities
At this point, eliciting requirements for the solution is performed to address the defined problem/opportunity.
Elicitation involves the discovery and translation of needs into requirements and includes the following activities:
selecting the appropriate elicitation techniques, conducting the actual elicitation, and documenting the outputs.

5.2.1 Plan for Elicitation
Before the actual elicitation, more detailed preparation is required such as drafting agendas, scheduling
conferences for elicitation workshops, inviting stakeholders, etc.
Careful consideration should be given to the following elements:
• Activities. Even though activities were previously defined in Requirements Management Planning, now
that more is known about the problem/opportunity to be solved or addressed and the stakeholders
involved, the techniques to be used are revisited. Generally, a combination of techniques is employed
depending upon the organizational culture, schedule constraints, and relevant knowledge and skills of
the person responsible for eliciting requirements.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


• Requirements sources. Determine the potential sources of information that are needed to develop
requirements. These sources can be internal or external to the organization and include specific people,
reference material, or other documentation relevant to the project or program scope. This information may
exist in many forms, including user manuals, procedures, market research, or governmental regulations.
Existing requirements can also be viable sources of information. Those requirements that are common
across projects and programs should be considered for reuse to improve productivity of the elicitation effort.
• Resources. Identify the project resources that are required to participate in the elicitation activities.
These resources may include stakeholders, equipment, and facilities.


• Expected deliverables. While typically addressed during Requirements Management Planning, revisit
the deliverables or work products that will be created during the elicitation process, because more is
now known about the problem/opportunity to be solved or addressed. Deliverables will vary depending
on the project life cycle and chosen elicitation technique(s). More predictive life cycles typically require
formal requirements specifications, whereas highly adaptive life cycles focus on more lightweight
documentation, such as user stories.

5.2.2 Define Types of Requirements
Requirements can be classified into various categories to provide clarity and context to the issue.
These categories also help define what information needs to be elicited and the source of that information.
Expert judgment, standards, or common practices associated with an organization, industry, or community of
knowledge may be used to determine the types of requirements and level of detail sufficient to develop the solution.
Common classifications include:
• Business requirements. Describe the high-level needs of the overall organization to address a problem
or opportunity. These requirements provide the rationale for why a project or program is launched.
• Stakeholder requirements. Express the needs of a specific stakeholder or group of stakeholders, which
may include customers, users, or suppliers. These requirements communicate the material interest of
the stakeholders in the outcome of the product, service, or result. These requirements provide a basis for
identifying the solution requirements.
• Solution requirements. Describe the features and functions that the product, service, or result needs
to exhibit to satisfy the business and stakeholder requirements. Solution requirements may include
requirements related to technology and standard compliance. These are often grouped into two categories:
functional and nonfunctional requirements.
○ Functional requirements denote particular behaviors and operations that the solution will perform.
These focus on the required functionality to enable stakeholders to accomplish their objectives,
which in turn fulfills the business need.
○ Nonfunctional requirements describe certain environmental conditions or required attributes to
ensure the product or service operates effectively.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



• Transition requirements. Describe the temporary capabilities that are essential to migrate from the
current state to a future state environment. Requirements that fall into this category include conversion
of data from the current system and training needed to address skill gaps.
• Project requirements. Describe the actions, processes, and other conditions that the project needs to
satisfy. These requirements focus on the execution of the work required to deliver the solution.
• Quality requirements. Describe the criteria needed to ensure completion of project deliverables and
demonstrate compliance with identified standards and quality metrics.
• Program requirements. Describe the specifications and outcomes for successful implementation and
delivery of the program benefits.
Project, quality, and program requirements are not a part of the requirements process but are a part of the
project or program work. These requirements are typically the responsibility of the project or program manager but
may be delegated as appropriate.

5.2.3 Conduct Elicitation Activities
Elicitation is an exploratory activity that draws out implicit and hidden information. During elicitation, input is
received by consulting a broad range of stakeholders, as well as reviewing existing systems, historical records,
and documentation. This ensures that varying viewpoints are represented and the project goals and objectives are
well understood.
While elicitation is generally an iterative process for most projects, the timing and degree of iteration varies
based on the project life cycle. In a plan-driven or predictive environment, elicitation activities are typically
conducted as early as possible in the project. Even in a predictive life cycle, requirements are expected to evolve as
the project progresses, both to include increasing levels of detail and to address changes. However, the elicitation
of requirements should cease once the solution has been defined to a sufficient level so it can be built. For more
adaptive life cycles, elicitation activities occur continuously throughout the project life cycle in conjunction with
requirements analysis. The initial work is performed to define the vision, scope, and high-level business needs
of the problem or opportunity. As the project evolves, the scope is further evaluated and decomposed into a set
of requirements, also known as the product backlog, one iteration at a time. This just-in-time method allows the
project team to focus on delivering a portion of the functionality and to receive feedback on the requirements before
moving to the next iteration.

5.2.4 Document and Communicate Results
The outcome of elicitation activities should be recorded to properly examine and synthesize the relevant
information during the analysis process. It is important that the documented results are consolidated, communicated
with, and reviewed by the stakeholders to ensure accuracy. This information may be documented in a number of
forms, including audio recordings, meeting minutes, interview notes, and survey responses. Work products can be
described as informal documents or a collection of notes and diagrams created during elicitation.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


These work products may or may not evolve into requirements. However, they are necessary throughout the
elicitation process to clarify the information received and identify other items that require additional research or
explanation. These additional items should be documented in the form of open issues or action items and recorded
appropriately using an action item or issue-tracking mechanism.

5.3 Requirements Elicitation Techniques
A wide range of techniques is available for requirements elicitation, with each one having its own strengths and
weaknesses. These techniques may be used alone or in combination with others to achieve the desired outcome.
It is necessary to understand the characteristics of each technique before selecting and applying the appropriate
ones to ensure an optimal exchange of information.


Some commonly used techniques are described in Sections 5.3.1 through 5.3.9.

5.3.1 Interviews
An interview is a methodical approach used to elicit information from stakeholders by asking relevant questions
and documenting the responses. During this activity, questions are posed to program and project participants
to identify functions and capabilities that should exist in the end product, service, or result. Interviews may be
structured, where questions are prepared in advance of a meeting, or unstructured, where questions are asked in
a free-flowing manner based on responses to previous questions.

5.3.2 Facilitated Workshops
Facilitated workshops convene stakeholders or multidisciplinary teams in a focused and structured session
to identify requirements, reconcile differences, and reach consensus among the participants. These interactive
workshops enable discovery of requirements while resolving conflicts early in the project life cycle.

5.3.3 Focus Groups
Focus groups assemble prequalified participants, such as subject matter experts, in a group setting to share
their attitudes and expectations about a particular product, service, or result. The group members voice their
opinions and provide clarity on specific topics. This technique provides qualitative feedback that can be further
examined as requirements are analyzed.

5.3.4 Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a group technique used to generate multiple ideas related to a particular subject. It uses the
collective input from the group to understand different perspectives of a problem or solution and to build upon each

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



other’s ideas. This method relies heavily on the contribution of its participants to gain valuable information regarding
a specific topic. Other examples of group creativity techniques include use of the nominal group technique, idea/
mind-mapping, affinity diagram, and multicriteria decision analysis.

5.3.5 Questionnaires and Surveys
Questionnaires and surveys are techniques used to quickly solicit and obtain information from a large number of
users. These techniques involve prepared questions to elicit subjective and demographic data from respondents. The
data is analyzed to extract relevant requirements or may be used to prepare for further elicitation. Questionnaires
and surveys are most effective when quick responses are needed and stakeholders are geographically dispersed.
Questionnaires and surveys can be closed-ended or open-ended. Closed-ended questions provide the respondent
with a predefined list of responses from which to choose. In contrast, open-ended questions allow the respondent
to answer questions in his or her own words.

5.3.6 Document Analysis
A substantial amount of information can be uncovered by reviewing and analyzing existing documentation.
Document analysis inspects a wide range of materials, such as a glossary of terms, strategic and business plans,
process flows, problem/issue logs, regulations, policies, and procedures to discover and/or verify requirements.
This technique provides a good starting point for eliciting relevant product details. Using up-to-date and accurate
documentation is important to safeguard against erroneous information.

5.3.7 Interface Analysis
Interface analysis is used to define requirements by examining system interactions between users, processes,
and other system components. It helps to establish relationships and boundaries by determining the input and
output needs of each interfacing system. This method is useful for identifying additional stakeholders who may be
impacted by changes to the system interfaces, as well as potential interoperability issues.

5.3.8 Prototypes
Prototyping is a method of obtaining early feedback on requirements by providing a working model of the
expected product before actual development. This model is used to progressively refine requirements by giving
stakeholders an opportunity to test, experiment, and provide feedback. Prototyping is performed in an iterative
manner that consists of prototype creation, evaluation, and revision. It continues until the requirements obtained from
the prototype are sufficiently complete to move forward in the requirements process. In an adaptive environment,
prototyping is considered to be an evolutionary development process that transforms the requirements into a
subset of functionality that provides value.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


5.3.9 Observation
Observation, also known as “job shadowing,” provides a direct way of viewing people in their environment
to see how they perform their jobs or tasks and carry out processes within their environment. This technique is
particularly helpful for eliciting tacit requirements that are difficult to verbalize.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Analysis is the process used to examine, decompose, and synthesize information to further understand it and
the features and capabilities of the solution. Throughout the analysis domain, requirements are captured in various
formats and decomposed to obtain the necessary level of detail.


Similar to elicitation, analysis is performed using a progressive and iterative approach to examine the information
to lower levels of detail to develop a set of requirements. The iteration and analysis continues until a sufficient level
of requirements needed to formulate the solution is obtained.
In an adaptive life cycle, elicitation and analysis occur throughout the project or program as part of defining the
initial backlog, grooming the backlog to refine requirements, and analyzing details for each iteration.
This section describes the processes recognized as good practices in requirements analysis, including success
factors, activities, and techniques.

6.1 Requirements Analysis Success Factors
Achieving the objectives of requirements analysis is dependent on numerous factors as described in Sections 6.1.1
through 6.1.3.

6.1.1 Skilled Resources
Having the correct talent is vital to conducting meaningful analysis. Once the process has started, there is little
opportunity to train and acquire the right skill set to effectively perform analysis.

6.1.2 Communication
Throughout analysis, frequent and timely communication with the project team, stakeholders, etc., is key to
improving the quality of the requirements. This communication helps to further clarify uncertainties and avoid
costly rework in downstream domains.

6.1.3 Collaboration
The success of analysis greatly depends on establishing a collaborative working relationship between the
stakeholders involved in the requirements effort and the person performing the analysis. This environment enables

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



open and effective communication that may foster the discovery of stakeholder expectations that should be vetted
during the refinement of the requirements.

6.2 Requirements Analysis Activities
Analysis plays a critical role in confirming that the requirements are complete, accurate, and aligned with the
business goals and objectives. In practice, analysis is performed using the outputs from requirements elicitation
and includes planning, analyzing, and documenting results.

6.2.1 Plan for Analysis
It is essential to establish a strategy for how analysis will be performed. This strategy includes determining what
activities and techniques will be used to yield the greatest benefit based on what is known about the project or
program. Analysis planning also involves defining which tools to apply and how the outputs will be documented. The
activities and techniques executed during this requirements analysis are governed by the requirements management
plan. However, activities may be refined and adjusted as more details are discovered throughout the project.
Planning for effective requirements analysis also relies on careful review and consideration of additional factors
(see Section Activities
Evaluate what types of analyses will be performed and identify the appropriate analysis techniques and tools
to employ. Visual models, for example, provide context to better understand and clearly convey information. It is
important to identify existing models in the organization to leverage as a starting point for analysis.

6.2.2 Conduct Analysis Activities
Requirements analysis is more than analyzing information to further understand it, complete it, and improve it.
It involves structuring requirements in different views to capture varying perspectives, evaluating requirements for
certain attributes, and integrating the collective information into written documentation. Requirements analysis is
a continuous process. Conducting analysis includes six main components, which are described in Sections
through Identify, Analyze, and Document Requirements Attributes
Requirements attributes are specific characteristics or traits that capture key information about a requirement,
such as the source, owner priority, complexity, rationale, and status. Requirements attributes are elicited as
requirements are elicited. This information is used to aid in requirements traceability and monitoring throughout the
project life cycle. Specifying attributes is critical to the analysis process as the information can be filtered, sorted,
and validated to reveal discrepancies that may require additional analysis.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide

6 - REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS Select the Requirements Models
A component of analysis is the development of graphical or text models, which are helpful in finding gaps in
information and identifying extraneous information. Requirements are modeled and refined to provide greater insight
and correctness and to elicit additional information to define the details necessary to build the product, service, or result.
As some models are better suited for certain environments, it is important to select requirements models based
on specific characteristics, type of project, methodology, timing, purpose, and level of abstraction.
Requirements models are constructed at various levels of detail. There are a number of categories and modeling
notations available to assist in model development, which is described in Section 6.3.2 of this practice guide and
in Section 4.10.3 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide. Consistent language and syntax should
be used in the models to minimize confusion and increase comprehension of requirements.

6 Prioritize Requirements
Requirements prioritization is an important step in managing product scope and is used to rank requirements
in the order of importance. It is used to assist key stakeholders in making tradeoffs between requirements and
to analyze the relative value of requirements against one another. Since it may not be feasible to implement all
requirements within the project constraints, prioritization helps to focus the stakeholders on the most critical
requirements based on the prioritization criteria. It is essential to define the criteria that will be used in prioritization,
and this is typically accomplished during requirements management planning. Common types of criteria include:
• Value,
• Risk level,
• Complexity,
• Cost, and
• Regulatory constraints.
These criteria provide the foundation for continual prioritization as requirements evolve and change over the
project life cycle. Several techniques exist that can be used to drive prioritization. Some commonly used techniques
include MoSCoW, voting, and timeboxing, which are further described in Section 6.3.1. Allocate and Derive Requirements
Requirements allocation is the process of assigning requirements to functions, solution components, and
organizational entities. Requirements are subsequently allocated to specific releases or iterations. This activity
occurs in the analysis process until in-scope requirements have been apportioned across the solution. Allocation
helps assure that the proposed solution will be delivered in a manner and order that maximize value to the
business. How requirements are allocated can change the amount of value delivered by the solution.
Deriving requirements is the process of analyzing requirements into more detail to extrapolate more granular
discrete requirements and remove ambiguity. When requirements are broadly defined, they should be progressively
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



elaborated to a greater level of detail or decomposed into multiple discrete requirements to aid in the implementation
of higher-level requirements or to reduce ambiguity. This process results in derived requirements, which are important
to confirm that the required functionality is present. It provides the basis for subsequent verification and validation. Verify Requirements
Requirements should be scrutinized to confirm integrity and ensure that quality standards are being met.
Requirements verification is the process of reviewing requirements to ensure the requirements are constructed
properly and are error free.
Requirements verification involves conducting peer reviews and inspections to detect errors and identify
inconsistencies in the requirements in order to meet quality standards.
A successful verification process requires that specific quality characteristics are known and adhered to. These
characteristics serve as a set of guidelines when reviewing requirements to ensure they are of high quality. The
following characteristics are present in all well-written, high-quality requirements:
• Unambiguous. The requirement has a single meaning and is interpreted the same way by the intended
• Consistent. The requirement does not contradict or duplicate other requirements.
• Correct. The requirement accurately represents the functionality to be built as defined by the stakeholder
or other requirement source.
• Complete. The requirement includes the necessary information and valid conditions necessary to design,
build, and test the solution.
• Measurable. The requirement can be proven or verified through analysis, test, inspection, or demonstration.
• Feasible. The requirement can be implemented within the known constraints and capabilities of the
operating environment.
• Traceable. The requirement has a unique identifier and can be referenced throughout the life cycle and
requirements hierarchy.
• Precise. The requirement states precisely what the solution to the business problem is—no more, no less.
• Testable. The requirement should be written in a way that allows it to be tested.
In an adaptive life cycle where user stories typically represent requirements, the INVEST acronym can be
applied to ensure the quality of the user story. INVEST encompasses the following elements:
• Independent. The user story should be stand-alone and avoid the creation of dependencies between
user stories.
• Negotiable. The user story should be subject to negotiation at all times regarding its content, priority,
form, and function.
• Valuable. The user story should only define features or functions that are valuable to the business and
help solve the business problem.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


• Estimable. The user story should be clear enough to generate a valid estimate or enable discussions that
result in an estimate.
• Small. The user story should be small enough to be implemented within a single iteration.
• Testable. The user story should be independently verifiable. Validate Requirements
Requirements are validated to ensure that the product, service, or result represents the needs of the business
and relevant stakeholders. Validation is a process used to evaluate that all requirements accurately reflect the
intent of the stakeholder, thereby ensuring requirements meet stakeholder expectations. Validation is typically
performed by conducting a walkthrough of the requirements with stakeholders to confirm the requirements as
stated are valid and will deliver the anticipated value.


6.2.3 Document and Communicate Results
Analysis is conducted with the intent of documenting the results in an accessible and consistent manner to
meet the needs of the intended audience and the project life cycle being used. This documentation is developed
in accordance with the requirements management plan, which defines the requirements that define the solution
scope to address the business problem or opportunity. This documentation is used by the solution team so that
the team understands how to build the solution. The requirements documentation may be created in various
forms and levels of formality, such as specifications, written text, models, etc. These different representations
should be selected based on the type of project life cycle, organizational or industry practices, and stakeholder
preferences. For example, projects using adaptive (e.g., agile) or lean methodologies favor more lightweight and
less extensive requirements specifications because the development environment is more collaborative and can
use conversations over documentation.

6.3 Requirements Analysis Techniques
Many techniques are used to perform requirements analysis. These techniques primarily assist with prioritization
and modeling of requirements.

6.3.1 Backlog Management and Prioritization
In adaptive life cycles, user stories populate a backlog and are used as a basis for prioritizing development. As
user stories get closer to the top of the backlog, they should be elaborated using relevant modeling techniques to
generate enough details for development to occur (known as “grooming the backlog”).
Since decisions regarding priorities are often complex, a structured approach may be necessary to simplify the
process. Several of these techniques are defined in Sections through
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


MoSCoW, a prioritization technique, provides four possible classifications to prioritize requirements and
derives its name from the first letter of each classification: must, should, could, or won’t. “must have” means the
requirement is fundamental to the success of the solution. “should have” defines the requirement as important, but
project success does not rely on it. “could have” means the requirement can be eliminated without impacting the
project. “won’t have” means the requirement will not be delivered during the current release or iteration. Voting
Voting is a participatory decision model that allows participants to distribute a predetermined number of votes
to a list of requirements. The votes allocated are then used to compare the relative weight or importance of
requirements to one another to establish order. There are many methods of voting available to gain active support
and participation from stakeholders. Regardless of the method used, voting provides a systematic process for
identifying requirements that are deemed higher-priority than others. Timeboxing
Timeboxing ranks requirements based on the capacity of work that can be accomplished within a specified
period of time. It is most often used for projects with tight schedule constraints and allows for control of the project
schedule at the lowest level. If fixed cost is a concern, this technique can be modified to use money instead of time.
This variation is used to determine the requirements that can be delivered within the budget constraints.

6.3.2 Modeling
The types of models used should be determined by the particular information that needs to be communicated
and the audience that will receive the information. Models are used to determine what is important and valuable so
that the right requirements are created. These techniques can be organized into categories, which are defined by
the information that is conveyed, as described in Sections through Scope Models
Scope models identify the boundaries of the project, program, product, or system under analysis. These models
are used to express the features, functions, capabilities, and boundaries of the domain being analyzed. Techniques
within this category are described as follows:
• Context diagram. A system context diagram depicts the product scope by showing the direct interactions
that occur between the system, people, and other systems in a solution. It provides the inputs, outputs,
and flow of information for each entity involved, which may reveal interface requirements that need to
be elicited. This diagram may be represented as an architectural view within an architecture framework.
• Ecosystem map. An ecosystem map illustrates the components of the system, including the relationships
that exist among the people, data, hardware, and software, for example. It provides a high-level depiction

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


of the system interfaces, but not the specific requirements themselves. In contrast to the context diagram,
an ecosystem map shows both direct and indirect interactions. This diagram may be represented as an
operational view within an architectural framework.
• Goal model and business objectives model. Goal models and business objectives models are used
to organize the goals, business problems, business objectives, and top-level features. These models
provide a structure to specify the business requirements that trace back to the higher-level objectives.
This traceability helps to quantify the value of the project based on its contribution to the business goals
and objectives, which makes it easier to prioritize requirements and shape the scope of the features.
• Feature model. A feature model displays the organization of requirement sets (features) in logical
groupings and their relationship to one another. Organizing features in this fashion supports traceability
by identifying missing or redundant requirements or features.


• Use case diagram. A use case diagram is a graphical depiction of the in-scope use cases for a system and
how an actor (stakeholder) interacts with them. Use cases do not show requirements, but help to organize
requirements for analysis efforts and a requirements document. These are described in Section Function Models
Function models in value management/value engineering are used to organize the logic and dependency
relationships between functions. These models are used to graphically represent the project, product, and process
as well as identify gaps for the purpose of discovering functions that may be difficult to identify. Function models
can be developed for products, projects, or processes to represent either the baseline or a future state. Function
models differ from process models in that they reveal what is required to be done rather than describe how the
process is or will be delivered. Function modeling techniques may include decomposition models or function/
feature tree models.
• Functional decomposition model. A function modeling technique that identifies basic and secondary
functional relationships and requirements for the current or desired future scope.
• Function/feature tree model. A function/feature modeling technique that identifies major functions/
features and subfunction/feature relationships in a hierarchical arrangement.
These models can be used to assess cost, performance, roles, and risk dimensions, which aid in the selection
and targeting of specific functions for improvement. Process Models
Process models describe user or stakeholder interactions with a particular process or solution. Some common
process models used to analyze requirements include process flows, use cases, and user stories.
• Process flow. A process flow outlines the activities performed, including the sequence of steps, decisions,
and roles responsible for performing the step. It is typically used to display processes for the current and
future states during facilitation sessions with stakeholders. This model is effective during elicitation and
analysis to derive requirements, since requirements can be directly traced to individual processes.
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



• Use case. A use case describes a system’s behavior from the user’s perspective and provides a highlevel view of the intended functionality. It helps identify functional requirements by clarifying the goals
that a stakeholder needs to accomplish while interacting with a particular system. Use cases support
requirements traceability and solution validation as they provide the foundation for developing test cases.
A use case may be supplemented by a use case diagram that visually displays the use cases, the
stakeholders who interact with the solution (actors), and the interfaces between the use cases and the
actors. Use case diagrams are explained in Section
• User story. A user story is a statement written in everyday language from the viewpoint of a user. It
is intended to capture the new functionality or capability of a solution. A user story may contain many
requirements; therefore, it can serve as a functional grouping of requirements. User stories can be used
to manage, prioritize, trace, and allocate functionality to releases and iterations. Rule Models
Rule models document business policies, business rules, and decisions that are required to be adhered to by
the solution. Techniques that fall in this category include business rules catalog and decision tree/decision tables.
• Business rules catalog. A business rules catalog is a repository of business rules and related attributes,
which define the guidelines and standards that influence the behavior of a solution. Business rules are
generally documented in a type of a computation, fact, or constraint. These rules should be defined
during elicitation and analysis because they could lead to functional requirements that exist to support
the business rules.
• Decision tree/decision table. Decision trees and decision tables document a series of decisions and
their associated outcomes. These models are used to represent complex business rules, including
possible conditions and actions. A decision tree resembles a tree of decision points in which each branch
provides a different option. It is best used to select binary choices, such as yes or no. A decision table
uses a tabular format to represent decision points and outcomes and is most effective when multiple
options exist. This helps stakeholders make informed decisions, which are based on expected values and
outcome probabilities, and help expose gaps in the requirements to ensure that the anticipated results
are achieved. Data Models
Data models describe the specific information needs of a process or system and the transition of this information
throughout its life cycle. By showing relationships between data and processes, this model provides additional
details needed to extract requirements and related business rules. Techniques within this category are described
as follows:
• Entity relationship diagram. A business model that shows the business data objects involved in a
project and the relationships between those objects, including the cardinality of those relationships. Also
known as a business data diagram, this model is essential for allowing business data objects to be traced
directly to requirements.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


• Data flow diagram. Data flow diagrams portray the movement of data through a system and how the
data is manipulated by processes. It documents where information is stored and identifies specific inputs
and outputs of processes. This documentation provides a deeper understanding of how data is used in a
system leading to identifying specific data requirements.
• Data dictionary. A data dictionary provides a description of the fields, attributes, and properties that
define the data objects relevant to the system. This structure allows information about each data element
to be documented in a consistent format. Due to the large amount of detail analyzed, data dictionaries
are used to capture very detailed requirements and their business rules that may have been overlooked
in the elicitation process.
• State table/state diagram. State tables and state diagrams document the life cycle of a data object by
defining the possible conditions or stages that the object may undergo within a solution. These models
illustrate the transition between states, the sequence in which the transition occurs, and the events that
trigger each transition.

6 Interface Models
Interface models document the relationships and interactions among systems and/or users within a solution.
The following include some of the common interface models:
• Report table. A report table describes the requirements needed to develop and display information
for a single report. It defines how data is manipulated and displayed to a user. This table helps
specify the type of data that needs to be included in the report to ensure details are not forgotten
or overlooked in the solution. It provides additional details that cannot be gleaned by reviewing a
• System interface table. A system interface table documents the communication flow and transfer of
data between the source and target systems. This includes the specific data objects, the volume of
data transferred, and the frequency of the transmission. This table is used to verify that the interface
requirements accurately describe how data will be used by the system.
• User interface flow. A user interface flow describes communication between a user and a system.
It depicts how users manipulate a system to accomplish a task. This model can be traced to other
requirements models such as process flows and individual requirements of a solution.
• Wireframe/display-action-response. A display-action-response (DAR) model documents the manner
in which a system displays data and how the system responds to actions initiated by a user. This model
is typically used in conjunction with wireframes that provide screen mockups of the user interface.
Wireframes and DAR models are helpful for identifying user interface requirements related to user actions
and system behavior.
• N2 diagram. An N2 diagram is a model, represented in a tabular format, used to identify and represent
the interfaces among elements of a system. This tool can be used to help identify and trace requirements
that affect more than one part of a system, which generally require allocation to multiple lower-level
requirements, often resulting in an iterative solution design process.
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



The requirements monitoring and controlling domain iteratively monitors the status of requirements and manages
the requirements baseline over the project life cycle. In the context of the requirements process, activities include
monitoring and controlling so changes to the requirements themselves are approved and managed. It should be
noted that the process and related activities involved in the development and management of requirements are
distinct from the project management life cycle.


The requirements traceability matrix and associated attributes created during elicitation and analysis are
applied in requirements monitoring to help control the product and project scope. Traceability is updated as
changes are approved. Approved requirements are baselined and tracked, to include linkages among parent and
child requirements. As new requirements are identified, they are assessed for impacts to the project and product
and presented to stakeholders for approval. Throughout monitoring and controlling, the status of requirements is
communicated using the communication methods defined and approved within the communications management
plans. This section will describe requirements monitoring and controlling success factors, activities, and techniques.
Requirements instability is a leading cause of scope creep, and the requirements monitoring and controlling
activities ensure that requested changes to requirements are processed through the Perform Integrated Change
Control process as described in Section 4.5 of the PMBOK ® Guide – Fifth Edition and in greater detail in the Practice
Standard for Project Configuration Management [6].
In an adaptive life cycle, scope is controlled during monitoring and controlling by managing the backlog. The
backlog is reviewed and revised for each iteration, thereby allowing more opportunity for new requirements to be
addressed. Once the scope of an iteration is decided upon, changes are managed and controlled accordingly.
Traceability provides the ability to track product requirements from their origin to the activities and deliverables
that satisfy them. Traceability is “bidirectional” or “forward and backward.” Not all projects require the same amount
of traceability documentation, so the specific deliverables that are traceable for the project are determined during
requirements management planning. Generally, the more complex projects require more traceability. A project in
a heavily regulated industry or one with numerous components, interfaces, risks, and stakeholders requires more
detailed traceability than a project without those characteristics.

7.1 Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Success Factors
From the start, the project management plan should include the activities required to monitor and control project
baselines. The application of the overall project baseline monitoring and controlling processes to the requirements
baseline should be defined in the requirements management plan, as described in Sections 4 and 7.2.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Key requirements should be identified and marked as such, and monitored continuously. These requirements,
sometimes referred to as key performance indicators, are those requirements for which the inability to meet a
threshold value puts the project at risk of failing to meet the business need of the organization.

7.2 Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Activities
After creating the traceability matrix during elicitation and analysis, requirements monitoring and controlling key
processes include approving baseline requirements, managing changes to requirements, monitoring requirements
status, and communicating results. Once the requirements baseline is established, the person primarily responsible
for the requirements ensures that they are managed and that changes to the requirements are addressed through
the defined change management process. Figure 7-1 describes the process flow.
Requirements Monitoring and Controlling
Iteratively Plan
Monitoring and

Iterative Functions



Approve Requirements
and Communicate


Change to

Document and
Communicate Results

Figure 7-1. Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Activities Diagram

7.2.1 Prepare for Requirements Monitoring and Controlling
Requirements monitoring and controlling planning is completed during requirements management planning and
considers interactions among the requirements elicitation, analysis, and evaluation domains. Because requirements
monitoring and controlling activities occur across all of these domains, decisions about how requirements will be
controlled and traced should be made before the creation of requirements and captured within the requirements
management plan. Set Up System for Managing Requirements and Traceability
Identification of the appropriate requirements management methods and tools for a project was discussed in
Section 4.2.3. In order to monitor and control requirements, a tool may be purchased or used. This tool should be
made available, with the appropriate training provided to the requirements management team before initiating the
elicitation and analysis domains.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


There is a range of tools available for creating traceability, from simple spreadsheets and tables to high-end
systems that control the requirements and provide full traceability. The tools used to enable traceability should be
determined at the start of the project, as traceability can quickly become complex and switching tools mid-project
could present challenges. Manage Requirements Attributes
Requirements attributes help define key information about the requirements. If using a traceability matrix, each
attribute forms a column on the traceability matrix. Typical requirements attributes include, at a minimum, a unique
ID, source of the requirement, version, priority, and acceptance criteria. Tools with an inherent traceability feature
offer lists of common attributes. Within the Requirements Monitoring and Controlling process, requirements
attributes are maintained along with requirements. Some attribute changes may initiate the change control
process, such as a requirement that was originally deemed out of scope becoming in-scope or a requirement
moving from a low level of priority to a high priority. The change control process should outline which requirements
attributes will require initiation of the change control process if changed after requirements are baselined.

7 Maintain Traceability
The necessary level of traceability should be determined during planning and tailored to meet project needs.

7.2.2 Create Traceability Matrix
The process of creating the requirements traceability matrix is performed in parallel with the elicitation and
analysis of requirements. When a requirement is written, the associated attributes and linkages should also be
captured in the traceability matrix. To create such traceability after a requirement is created or updated could
be difficult and important linkages and information could be lost. The basic elements of a traceability matrix are
defined in more detail in Section 7.3.3.

7.2.3 Approve and Baseline Requirements
Once the requirements and associated traceability attributes have been collected and documented, it is critical
that they are approved. Organizations and projects vary in how requirements are approved. Stakeholder approval
to the level of formality required establishes a requirements baseline. In an adaptive approach, baselining is an
iterative process focused on release and iteration planning. This baseline is traced and monitored throughout the
The requirements baseline is the boundary that contains the approved product requirements for the project,
project phase, iteration, increment, release, or any other part of a project. The baseline provides a mechanism for
comparison, thereby allowing the project team to recognize that a change has occurred. In an adaptive life cycle,
baselining requirements is performed by maintaining the product backlog.
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Once the requirements have been baselined, any suggested change to requirements initiates the change
management process. Changes need to be analyzed, which typically involves performing an impact analysis to
evaluate the proposed change in relation to how it will affect other requirements, the product, the project, and the
program. Additional information on impact analysis can be found in Section 7.3.2.
There can be less formality in approving requirements in an adaptive approach, yet there should still be some
norm or informal agreement on what should be approved, how it should be approved, and when it should be
approved. The product owner is the primary point of contact for adaptive projects and is, therefore, ultimately
responsible for approving requirements.

7.2.4 Manage Requirements Change Requests
A change request process should be defined in the planning domain. Managing change requests involves
following the defined process for the project to ensure that changes are managed and requirements are updated
only once the approved change management protocols are followed.
In an adaptive life cycle, the defined change request process commonly adds new requirements to the
backlog, and then adds planning sessions for follow-up iterations or sprints to review the entire backlog and use
a prioritization process to determine the next set of features for the subsequent iteration or sprint. This approach
provides multiple opportunities to address new or modified requirements over the course of a project.
The Practice Standard for Project Configuration Management defines in detail the configuration change
management process. Applying configuration change management principles may provide a number of assurances,
• The correct version of the configuration item is in use by the project team;
• Changes to configuration items are made only by authorized individuals;
• A planned means of notifying stakeholders of approved changes to configuration items is in place; and
• A record of configuration item changes is kept to support auditing and project closure activities.
PMI defines the following individual phases of the configuration change management process in the Practice
Standard for Project Configuration Management :
• Establish baseline,
• Submit change request,
• Verify change request,
• Evaluate impacts,
• Review decision and plan,
• Implement change if approved, and
• Conclude change process.
Impacts of this process should be communicated and monitored (see also Section 7.2.6).

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


7.2.5 Monitor Requirements Status
The current state of requirements should be monitored in the requirements monitoring and controlling domain.

7.2.6 Document and Communicate Results
Communicating the project and product requirements baseline and effort keeps project stakeholders
apprised of the current state and maintains a good level of collaboration. This is especially important with the
increasing complexity of projects and programs. The overall state of the requirements management work, key
requirements metrics, and overall status of requirements fulfillment should be captured and communicated to
stakeholders in accordance with the project communications management plan. The metrics to be captured and
communicated in requirements monitoring and controlling may be defined in the planning domain. If the metric
to be monitored changes, then updates to the requirements management plan should be made. Measurements
are taken over the course of the project to address the metrics, and results are shared with stakeholders on an
ongoing basis.


The following are the updates captured during the requirements monitoring and controlling domain:
• Update requirements baseline. All requirements updates should be captured and placed under
configuration control as indicated in the requirements management plan. In addition, requirements
traceability updates should be captured and the configuration should be managed in accordance with
the requirements management plan.
• Capture change requests. Change requests for all requirements should be captured and placed under
configuration control as indicated in the requirements management plan. In addition to the change
requests, the impact analysis and any other documents created during the change request process
should be captured. The status and disposition of change requests should be readily available and
monitored through change logs.

7.3 Requirements Monitoring and Controlling Techniques
Some of the techniques used to perform requirements monitoring and controlling are listed in this section.
These techniques primarily assist with assessing and visualizing impacts to requirements changes.

7.3.1 Dependency Analysis
Requirements are often related to other requirements; therefore, sometimes a requirement cannot be satisfied
in a solution without the other requirements being present. Dependency analysis is a technique that is used to
discover dependent relationships. Once analyzed, the set of requirements are recorded in the traceability matrix
by grouping dependent requirements together. Some requirements management tools illustrate the dependencies
visually by creating traceability trees.
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



7.3.2 Impact Analysis
When a requirement change is proposed, it is necessary to complete an impact analysis to evaluate the
proposed change in relation to how it will affect other requirements, the product, the project, and the program.
The impact analysis assesses a proposed change that includes the identification of the risks associated with the
change, the work required to incorporate the change, and the schedule and cost implications. One should consider
how a proposed change may impact the value of the solution to be delivered and whether the change continues to
address the business need and objectives that were approved by the stakeholders. A key benefit of completing an
impact analysis is that it allows for changes within the project to be considered in an integrated fashion, thereby
reducing project and product risk, which often arises from changes being made without consideration to the effect
on the program, project, and the end product.

7.3.3 Traceability Matrix
Organizations often trace their requirements using a structure called a traceability matrix. A traceability matrix
is a grid that links product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that satisfy them. The implementation
of a requirements traceability matrix supports the goal that each requirement adds business value by linking it to
the business and project objectives. It provides a means to track requirements throughout the project life cycle,
helping to ensure that approved requirements are delivered at the end of the project. The matrix also provides a
structure for managing changes, thereby helping to manage the product scope.

7.3.4 Change Control Boards
A change control board (CCB) is a formally chartered group of stakeholders responsible for reviewing,
evaluating, approving, delaying, or rejecting changes to the project in addition to recording and communicating
such decisions. Not all projects require the use of a CCB. A project in a heavily regulated industry or one with
numerous components, interfaces, risks, and stakeholders may require the use of a formal CCB more than a project
without those characteristics.
The CCB is often the ultimate source for approving requirements when there is a significant scope change
beyond the project sponsor’s ability to approve. Once approved requirements are baselined, any changes are
proposed through the CCB. The CCB may choose to have change requests under a prescribed dollar amount
approved by business stakeholders and/or the sponsor, and change requests over the threshold approved by
the CCB. Those thresholds usually are defined by impact on cost, schedule, or deliverables and should be defined
in the requirements management plan.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Solution evaluation is the domain of business analysis concerned with the activities performed to validate
a solution that is about to be or that has already been implemented. Evaluation determines how well a solution
meets the business needs expressed by stakeholders, including delivering value to the customer. Evaluation of an
implemented solution can also identify new or changed requirements that may lead to solution refinement or new
Evaluation activities generally support verification and validation of the solution. A well-defined set of
requirements should reflect an agreement with the stakeholder(s) on a set of measurable outcomes that are most
likely to meet the stakeholder needs. Testing, analysis, and other means of demonstrating that the agreed-upon
requirements have been met (verification activities) work alongside activities that demonstrate the suitability of
the solution for its intended purpose (validation activities). Stated more simply, validation answers the question,
“Did we do the right thing?,” while verification addresses, “Did we do it correctly?”


Different organizations and communities of practice may use different terminology or may assign these
functions to different parts of the project team. However, the concepts and associated methods for ensuring that
the delivered product meets stakeholder needs are common to many projects. Organizations may choose to have
an independent third party that is not involved in the development of the product conduct verification and validation,
otherwise known as independent verification and validation (IV&V).

8.1 Solution Evaluation Success Factors
The success factors for evaluation involve clearly defining and understanding how the evaluation processes will
be iteratively performed, and how these processes affect each other.

8.1.1 Approach Evaluation as a Process
Evaluation is most successful when treated as a process rather than a discrete event. Evaluation forms a basis
for stakeholder acceptance as solutions or segments of a solution are implemented. Acceptance criteria, when
established early, can serve as a foundation for evaluating candidate solutions, are useful in the development of
verification strategies, and can identify which areas of a solution will need the most testing.

8.2 Solution Evaluation Activities
The key processes involved in evaluation include planning, documenting, and communicating results.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



8.2.1 Plan for Evaluation
Planning for evaluation should begin in requirements management planning early in the project and should
consider the interactions with other project management related activities.
Evaluation planning includes the selection of specific techniques used to evaluate that the solution delivered
is performing as intended and ensuring the business needs and value are still being addressed. A common, good
practice is to include selected evaluation techniques as part of the requirements management plan. Evaluation
activities should also be reflected in the overall project baseline.

8.2.2 Validation During Solution Evaluation
The validation process conducted during solution evaluation ensures the solution is working as intended and
meets the stakeholder and business needs on which its documented requirements are based. Some approaches to
validation attempt to draw a distinction between validation of the requirements set (accomplished during analysis)
and validation of the solution or component of the solution.
For a predictive project life cycle, validate the solution at the end of the project life cycle either immediately
before release or at an agreed-upon time after release. For an iterative or adaptive project life cycle, validation is
performed at the end of every iteration, sprint, or release, when the team provides production-ready functionality
for the stakeholders to evaluate. For many projects, validation is a prerequisite to solution acceptance.
This step serves as a final check on demonstrating that the product does, in fact, meet its intended business
need in the user, stakeholder, or organizational context.

8.2.3 Document and Communicate Results
There are many available methods to document and communicate the evaluation results. The approach should
be selected early in a project and documented in the requirements management plan. The documentation approach
may depend on factors such as the size and complexity of the project, the nature of the solution (e.g., software,
hardware, or service), contractual or regulatory constraints, stakeholder preferences, or the predictive or adaptive
nature of the project life cycle.
For most projects, a combination of communication approaches is used to convey not only the raw evaluation
results, but also to inform solution decisions.

8.3 Solution Evaluation Techniques
A wide variety of evaluation techniques exist and are selected and applied differently depending on the community
of knowledge, industry, or sector. Many commonly used techniques can be grouped into broad categories based
on the type of information evaluated. Many of the techniques described in this section are also applicable to the


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


requirements elicitation and analysis domains. When applied to elicitation and/or analysis, the tools are generally
being used to identify and document a set of requirements that, if met, will meet the needs identified during the
needs assessment domain. When applied to evaluation, the same tools may be used to validate the full solution or
a segment of a solution and how well the solution meets the underlying business need and value to the customer.
For additional information on when and how to validate solution results, refer to Section 6.6 of Business Analysis
for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.

8.3.1 Solicit Inputs
One general approach to evaluating a solution is to solicit input from stakeholders, end users, or people with
specific related expertise to validate that the product, service, or result is performing as intended. A variety of formal
and informal techniques exists, including reviews, focus groups, surveys, brainstorming, checklists, multivoting, or
the Delphi technique. Usage context documentation generated during the requirements elicitation and/or analysis
domains may also be useful tools to support the collection of subjective inputs.


Another common class of techniques used for evaluation is examination. This is a broad group of techniques
that includes testing and demonstration.
• Testing. Testing, either exploratory or user acceptance testing, validates that the solution meets the
defined acceptance criteria.
• Demonstration. This examines the solution, generally by operating it, to prove or show that it meets its
intended functions.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



The outcomes of solution evaluation activities lead to a go/no-go decision, and if a go decision is reached,
signoff of the solution is obtained. Signoff can be either formal or informal.
Evaluating the long-term performance of the solution is part of assessing the business benefits realized by
implementing the solution, which is described in Section 6.10 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice
Guide, and occurs after the project or phase is closed.
Project or phase closure is the process of finalizing all activities across all of the Project Management Process
Groups to formally complete the project or phase. This work is the responsibility of the project or program manager
and addressees the transition of the product, service, or result from the project life cycle. Closure may include:


• Documenting lessons learned and providing knowledge transfer,
• Supporting transition to operations, and
• Enabling the organization to sustain long-term performance benefits over time.
Organizational process asset updates are completed for the project, as they are considered to be an output of
the process. Project or phase closure includes all planned activities necessary for administrative closure of the
program, project, or iteration, including:
• Activities necessary to satisfy completion or exit criteria for the program, project, or iteration, including
the evaluation of the acceptance criteria performed during the solution evaluation domain;
• Activities necessary to transfer the product, service, or result to the next program, project, or iteration or
to production and/or operations; and
• Activities necessary to collect project or iteration records, audit project success or failure, gather lessons
learned, and archive related information for future use by the organization.
If the program, project, or iteration was terminated prior to completion, the formal documentation indicates why
the initiative was terminated and formalizes the procedures for transferring project artifacts to another project or
program, or archiving those artifacts for possible reuse.

9.1 Project or Phase Closure Success Factors
The success factors discussed in Sections 9.1.1 through 9.1.3 are considered vital to maximize the effectiveness
of this process.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



9.1.1 Documented Transition Plan
The transition plan provides the transition team with the project files, closure documents, and historical
information for the project as a part of the transition for project or phase closure.

9.1.2 Final Customer Acceptance
Customer acceptance, internal or external, allows the project to transition into closure activities and allows the
organization to transition to long-term performance benefits realization monitoring.

9.1.3 Defined Metrics to Measure Benefits Realization
Metrics measuring the benefits realized by the product, service, or result provide valuable feedback to the
stakeholders. This feedback loop may enable improvements to the solution and increase the maturity of the
organization, thereby leading to increases in project success.

9.2 Project or Phase Closure Activities
Closure comprises four primary activities, as described in Sections 9.2.1 through 9.2.4.

9.2.1 Document
Most organizations find it important to document whether they are satisfied with the product, service, or result
at the end of a program, project, or iteration. The documentation may be updated once long-term performance
benefits have been realized, but this is the responsibility of business analysis and considered to be a post-project
activity as discussed in Section 6 of Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide.

9.2.2 Reuse
Reuse involves leveraging existing knowledge across projects and programs with similar needs. Requirements
reuse should be planned for during business analysis planning and performed throughout the various phases of the
project. When reuse is planned and executed effectively during the project or program, it takes advantage of work done
previously, which may result in improved productivity, lower costs, increased service delivery, and reduced rework.

9.2.3 Lessons Learned and Providing for Knowledge Transfer
Collecting and documenting lessons learned is a critical means of transferring knowledge to other programs,
projects, or iterations. Lessons learned are generally planned during planning domains and collected at the end of


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


a program, project, or iteration or after a critical activity or milestone. For adaptive life cycles, lessons learned are
often captured during retrospectives, which are often scheduled on a regular basis or conducted when a body of
work is completed, such as the conclusion of an iteration or at the end of a project phase.
To apply these lessons learned, it is essential that the information be easily accessible and institutionalized into
the governing organization and its processes and procedures.
According to PMI’s Pulse of the Profession ® research findings, organizations that are most effective at knowledge
transfer improve project outcomes by nearly 35% [7]. These organizations are also three times as likely to have
a formal knowledge transfer process: 92% compared to 33%. Organizations that are good at knowledge transfer
conduct the following steps of the knowledge transfer life cycle:
• Identifying. Determining what knowledge needs to be transferred.
• Capturing. Accumulating the essential knowledge that needs to be transferred.
• Sharing. Establishing methods for transferring the knowledge.


• Applying. Using the knowledge that is transferred.
• Assessing. Evaluating the benefits of the knowledge that is transferred.
Capturing lessons learned and providing for enabling knowledge transfer provides the means to continuously
improve the project life cycle process, activities, and techniques.

9.2.4 Support Transition to Operations
Programs, projects, or iterations deliver benefits by enhancing current capabilities or developing new
capabilities that support the sponsoring organization’s strategic goals and objectives. Benefits may be
realized incrementally upon completion of a project or iteration or may be realized over the longer term.
Transition of the product, service, or result to operations, whether done incrementally or at the end of the
program or project, is an important step in preparing the solution to realize the expected benefits of the
program or project.
Transition to operations may be a formal activity between functions within a single organization or may involve
an agreement with an entity outside the organization. The receiving entity should have a clear understanding
of the capabilities or results to be transitioned and what is required for the entity to successfully sustain or
attain benefits.

9.3 Project or Phase Closure Techniques
Various techniques can be used to finalize the project or phase closure activities. These techniques may be used
separately or together. The most commonly used techniques are described in Sections 9.3.1 through 9.3.3.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



9.3.1 Expert Judgment
Expert judgment is applied when performing administrative closure activities. These experts ensure the closure
of the program, project, or iteration is performed to the appropriate standards. Expertise is available from many
sources, including but not limited to:
• Business analysis and requirements professionals,
• Project management office, and
• Professional and technical associations.

9.3.2 Analytical Techniques
Many of the analytical techniques previously described may also be used to determine the limitations of the
implemented solution.
Other examples of analytical techniques used in project or phase closure may include:
• Benchmarking,
• Gap analysis,
• Regression analysis, and
• Trend analysis.

9.3.3 Meetings
Meetings are used to discuss and address topics related to project or phase closure activities. These meetings
may be face-to-face, virtual, formal, or informal, and normally involve knowledge transfer and documentation of
lessons learned. In adaptive life cycles, lessons learned meetings are generally referred to as retrospectives and
are conducted at the end of each iteration. These meetings are used to understand the successes and challenges
of an initiative, as well as to identify areas of improvement.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


The Project Management Institute is grateful to all of these individuals for their support and acknowledges their
contributions to the project management profession.

X1.1 Core Committee
The following individuals served as members, were contributors of text or concepts, or served as leaders within
the Project Core Committee:
James F. Carilli, PfMP, PgMP, PMP (Vice Chair)
Shika Carter, PgMP, PMP, CBAP
Wanda Curlee, PfMP, PgMP, PMP
Brian L. Grafsgaard, PfMP, PgMP, PMP (Chair)
Joanne Muszynski, PMP, CSM
Rebecca Onuschak, PMP, CSEP
Craig L. Squires, CVS
Dennis K. Van Gemert, PMP, CSEP, AFAIAA
Kristin L. Vitello, Standards Project Specialist
PMI would also like to thank the following organization for its contribution: Stellar Solutions, Inc.

X1.2 Content Reviewers
In addition to the members of the Committee, the following individuals provided their review and recommendations
on the draft of this practice guide:
Ashutosh Agarwal, PgMP, PMP
Shyamprakash K. Agrawal, PgMP, PMP
Vahid Azadmanesh, MBA, PMP
M. Salman Bilal, PfMP, PMI-PBA
Steve Blais, PMP, PMI-PBA
Greta Blash, PMP, PMI-PBA
Marc Burlereaux, PgMP, PMP

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Sergio Luis Conte, PhD
Michael J. Frenette, PMP, CMC
Lars Grossmann, PhD, PMP
Candase Hokanson
Prasad Kamath, PfMP, CBAP
Gerhard Kloimwieder, PMP
Ronald Kohl
Ginger Levin, PhD, PgMP, PMP
Peter Lefterov, CBAP
Vanina Mangano, PMP, PMI-RMP
Mohammed Mansoor, PfMP, PgMP
Eric E. Nichols
Beth Ouellette, PgMP, PBA
Jose L. Fernandez Sanchez, PhD
Jenny Saunders BSc hons, ICP-BVA
Guy Schleffer, PfMP, PgMP
Carolina Gabriela Spindola, PMP, SSBB
Beth Stana, PMP
Angela M. Wick, PMP, PBA
David Wilf

X1.3 PMI Standards Program Member Advisory Group (MAG)
The following individuals served as members of the PMI Standards Program Member Advisory Group during
development of Requirements Management: A Practice Guide:
Cyndi Snyder Dionisio, MBA, PMP
Larry Goldsmith MBA, PMP
Hagit Landman, PMP, PMI-SP
Yvan Petit, PhD, PfMP
Chris Stevens, PhD
Dave Violette, MPM, PMP
John Zlockie, MBA, PMP, PMI Standards Manager

X1.4 Production Staff
Special mention is due to the following employees of PMI:
Donn Greenberg, Manager, Publications
Roberta Storer, Product Editor
Barbara Walsh, Publications Production Supervisor


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


The following are suggested additional reading materials:
Alexander, I. F., and Beus-Dukic, L. 2009. Discovering Requirements: How to Specify Products and Services. New
York: Wiley.
Beatty, J., and Chen, A. 2012. Visual Models for Software Requirements (Developer Best Practices). Redmond, WA:
Microsoft Press.
Beatty, J., and Wiegers, K. 2013. Software Requirements, 3rd ed. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.
Cohn, M. 2006. Agile Estimating and Planning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Cohn, M. 2009. Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum. Essex, UK: Addison-Wesley Professional.
Crispin, L., and Gregory, J. 1009. Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Education.
Davis, A. M. 2005. Just Enough Requirements Management: Where Software Development Meets Marketing. New
York: Dorset House Publishing.
Gottesdiener, E. 2002. Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs. Boston: Addison-Wesley
Gottesdiener, E. 2005. The Software Requirements Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide to Help Software and Business
Teams Develop and Manage Requirements. Salem, NH: Goal/QPC Inc.
Gottesdiener, E., and Gorman, M. 2012. Discover to Deliver: Agile Product Planning and Analysis. Sudbury, MA: EBG
Consulting, Inc.
Hass, K. B., Wessels, D., and Brennan, K. 2007. Getting It Right: Business Requirement Analysis Tools and Techniques.
Vienna, VA: Management Concepts.
Kulak, D., and Guiney, E. 2000. Use Cases: Requirements in Context. New York: ACM Press.
Larson, E., and Larson, R. Practitioner’s Guide to Requirements Management (2nd ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Watermark
Leffingwell, D., and Widrig, D. W. 2003. Managing Software Requirements: A Use Case Approach (2nd ed.). Boston,
MA: Addison-Wesley Professional.
Lieberman, B. A. 2006. The Art of Software Modeling. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications.
Miller, R. E. 2009. The Quest for Software Requirements. Milwaukee, WI: Maven Mark Books.
Project Management Institute. 2015. PMI Lexicon of Project Management Terms (ver 3). Newtown Square, PA:
Robertson, S., and Robertson, J. C. 2004. Requirements-Led Project Management: Discovering David’s Slingshot.
Essex, UK: Addison-Wesley Professional.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Robertson, S., and Robertson, J. 2005. Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting Requirements Right (3rd ed.).
Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional.
Rumbaugh, J., Jacobson, I., and Booch, G. 2004. The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual (2nd ed.).
Essex, UK: Addison-Wesley Professional.
Schneider, G., and Winters, J. 2001. Applying Use Cases, A Practical Guide. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Thayer, R. H., and Dorfman, M. 1990. System and Software Requirements Engineering. Washington, DC: IEEE
Computer Society Press.
Wake, B. 2003. INVEST in Good Stories, and SMART Tasks. Retrieved from http://xp123.com/articles/invest-ingood-stories-and-smart-tasks/
Weinberg, G. M., and Gauss, D. C. 1989. Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design. New York: Dorset House.
Wiegers, K. 2005. More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical Advice (Developer Best
Practices). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.
Young, R. R. 2001. Effective Requirements Practices. Essex, UK: Addison-Wesley Professional.


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Requirements Management: A Practice Guide identifies the commonalities between four requirements
development and management communities of practice. The communities of practice that were researched
and consulted during the development of this guide include business analysis, systems engineering, software
engineering, and value engineering. PMI research confirmed significant overlap between these communities
of practice. The following are brief descriptions of each community of practice that was researched during the
development of this practice guide.

X3.1 Software Engineering
Software engineering is the application of engineering to the design, development, and maintenance of
computer software. Software engineering is divided into 10 related disciplines. The first of these subdisciplines is
requirements engineering. This includes the elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of requirements for
software. This practice guide presents each of these subdisciplines along with the needs assessment, requirements
management planning, and requirements monitoring and controlling domains.
For more information see: Software Extension to the PMBOK ® Guide Fifth Edition. [8].

X3.2 Systems Engineering
Systems engineering is a community of knowledge that emphasizes the satisfaction of business and technical
needs through the delivery of a product, service, or result in the form of a system. The focus on solutions in the
form of systems results in a structured, holistic approach to defining and managing the elements of the system and
its interfaces (interface requirements) and interdependencies. Concept of operations (CONOPS) uses the solution
life cycle as a framework to integrate the needs of the stakeholders and users that will interact with the solution
while ensuring breadth of elicitation. Requirements development and management over the system life cycle is a
significant part of the overall systems engineering approach.
For additional information, see:
• Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities, version 3.2.2 [9], and
• 15288:2008 – IEEE/ISO/IEC Systems and Software Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes [10].

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



X3.3 Value Management/Value Engineering
Value management/value engineering, as defined by the PMBOK ® Guide – Fifth Edition, is a technique used
to optimize project life cycle costs, save time, increase profits, improve quality, expand market share, solve
problems, and/or use resources more effectively. This technique is applied by multidisciplinary teams to a planned
or conceptual scope for a product, project, or process. Its purpose is to analyze and understand an established
baseline of existing or proposed functions and requirements to develop additional ideas and alternatives to optimize
the use of resources, build team consensus through the participation in the work phases, and identify gaps and
opportunities for improvement. Therefore, this technique is most useful when applied in the early phase of the
project when the general scope of requirements is understood well enough to develop alternatives to the baseline,
and can be used at the project, program, or portfolio level. To use this technique, follow a formal and systematic
process following a job plan that includes function analysis with a multidisciplinary team and led by an expert
experienced in the methodology.
For additional information, see:
• Value Methodology Standard [11],
• Value Methodology Body of Knowledge [12],
• A Framework for Value Management Practice [13], and
• ASTM E1699-14: Standard Practice for Performing Value Engineering (VE)/Value Analysis (VA) of Projects,
Products and Processes [14].


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


[1] Project Management Institute. 2013. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK ® Guide) – Fifth Edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author.
[2] Project Management Institute. 2015. Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide. Newtown
Square, PA: Author.
[3] Project Management Institute. 2014. Pulse of the Profession ® In-Depth Report on Requirements
Management: A Core Competency for Project and Program Success. Available from http://www.pmi.org
[4] Project Management Institute. 2013. The Standard for Program Management – Third Edition. Newtown
Square, PA: Author.
[5] Project Management Institute. 2013. The Standard for Portfolio Management – Third Edition. Newtown
Square, PA: Author.
[6] Project Management Institute. 2007. Practice Standard for Project Configuration Management. Newtown
Square, PA: Author.
[7] Project Management Institute. 2015. Pulse of the Profession®: Capturing the Value of Project Management
Through Knowledge Transfer. Available from http://www.pmi.org/learning/pulse.aspx
[8] Project Management Institute. 2014. Software Extension to the PMBOK ® Guide Fifth Edition. Newtown
Square, PA: Author.
[9] INCOSE. 2012. Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities,
ver 3.2.2. San Diego, CA: Author.
[10] IEEE. 2008. IEEE/ISO/IEC 15288:2008: Systems and Software Engineering—System Life Cycle Processes.
Piscataway, NJ: Author
[11] SAVE International. 2015. Value Methodology Standard. Dayton, OH: Author.
[12] SAVE International. 2008. Value Methodology Body of Knowledge. Dayton, OH: Author.
[13] Thiry, M. 2013. A Framework for Value Management Practice, 2nd ed. Newtown Square, PA: Project
Management Institute.
[14] ASTM. 2014. ASTM E1699-14: Standard Practice for Performing Value Engineering (VE)/ Value Analysis (VA)
of Projects, Products and Processes. West Conshohocken, PA: Author.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Acceptance Criteria. A set of conditions that is required to be met before deliverables are accepted. [Note: In
requirements management, acceptance criteria are built to evaluate the product requirements and solution.]
Activity. A distinct, scheduled portion of work performed during the course of a project.
Adaptive Life Cycle. A project life cycle, also known as a change-driven or agile method, that is intended to
facilitate change and requires a high degree of ongoing stakeholder involvement.
Affinity Diagram. A group creativity technique that allows large numbers of ideas to be classified into groups for
review and analysis.
Architecture. A method to describe an organization by mapping its essential characteristics, such as people,
locations, processes, applications, data, and technology.
Assumption. A factor that is considered to be true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration.
Backlog. A listing of product requirements and deliverables to be completed, written as stories, and prioritized by
the business to manage and organize the project’s work.
Baseline. The approved version of a work product that can be changed only through formal change control
procedures and is used as a basis for comparison.
Benchmarking. The comparison of actual or planned practices, such as processes and operations, to those of
comparable organizations to identify best practices, generate ideas for improvement, and provide a basis for
measuring performance.
Brainstorming. A general data-gathering and creativity technique that is used to identify risks, ideas, or solutions
to issues by using a group of team members or subject matter experts.
Business Analysis. The set of activities performed to identify business needs; recommend relevant solutions; and
elicit, document, and manage requirements.
Business Analysis Approach. A description of how the business analysis process will be conducted for the project
or program. The business analysis approach is documented in the business analysis plan.
Business Analysis Plan. A subplan of the project management plan that defines the business analysis approach,
including the tasks that will be performed, the deliverables that will be produced, the roles required to carry out
the process, and process decisions regarding how requirement-related decisions will be made; how requirement
priorities will be set; how changes to requirements will be proposed, approved, and managed; how requirements
will be validated, verified, monitored, and traced; and how business analysis communication will be performed.
©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Business Analysis Planning. The domain of business analysis that involves planning all of the business analysis
activities and reaching the necessary process decisions required for running an effective business analysis process
for a program or project.
Business Case. A documented economic feasibility study used to establish the validity of the benefits of a selected
component lacking sufficient definition and used as a basis for the authorization of further project management activities.
Business Need. The impetus for a change in an organization, based on an existing problem or opportunity.
The business need provides the rationale for initiating a project or program.
Business Objectives Model. A business analysis model that relates the business problems, business objectives,
and top-level features. This model encompasses the justification for a project.
Business Requirements. Requirements that describe the higher-level needs of the organization, such as the
business issues or opportunities, and which provide the rationale for why a project is being undertaken.
Business Rules. Constraints about how the organization wants to operate. These constraints are usually enforced
by data and/or processes and are under the jurisdiction of the business.
Business Rules Catalog. A business analysis model that details all of the business rules and their related attributes.
Business Value. A concept that is unique to each organization and includes tangible and intangible elements.
In requirements management, business value is considered the return, in the form of time, money, goods, or
intangibles in return for something exchanged.
Capability. The ability to add value or achieve objectives in an organization through a function, process, service,
or other proficiency.
Cause-and-Effect Diagram. A decomposition technique that helps trace an undesirable effect back to its root
cause. See also fishbone diagram.
Change Control. A process whereby modifications to documents, deliverables, or baselines associated with the
project are identified, documented, approved, or rejected.
Change Control Board (CCB). A formally chartered group responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving,
delaying, or rejecting changes to the project and for recording and communicating such decisions.
Change Request. A formal proposal to modify any document, deliverable, or baseline.
Charter. See project charter.
Communications Management Plan. A component of the project, program, or portfolio management plan that
describes how, when, and by whom information about the project will be administered and disseminated.
Concept of Operations (CONOPS). A document that is used to describe the characteristics and capabilities of a
proposed system and to communicate the system need to all stakeholders in enough detail to ensure the proposed
architecture meets its intent and stakeholder buy-in is achieved.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Configuration Management. A collection of formal documented processes, templates, and documentation used
to apply governance to changes to the product, service, result, or subcomponent being developed.
Constraint. A limiting factor that affects the execution of a project, program, portfolio, or process.
Context Diagram. A visual depiction of the product scope showing a business system (process, equipment,
computer system, etc.) and how people and other systems (actors) interact with it.
Data Dictionary. A business analysis model that catalogs the attributes of specific data objects.
Data Flow Diagram. A business analysis model that combines processes, systems, and data to show how data
flows through a solution.
Decision Table. An analysis model that uses a tabular format to display complex business rules by representing
decision points in the upper rows and outcomes in the bottom rows with the purpose of providing all combinations
of choices.
Decision Tree. An analysis model that shows business rules associated with complex branching logic. Rules are
depicted by modeling the decisions and their outcomes in a tree structure.
Decomposition Diagram. See decomposition model.
Decomposition Model. A model that is used to divide and subdivide a high-level concept into lower-level concepts,
for example, dividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts for the purpose
of analysis. Also known as decomposition diagram.
Deliverable. Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a service that is required to be
produced to complete a process, phase, or project.
Delphi Technique. An information-gathering technique used as a way to reach a consensus of experts on a
subject. Experts on the subject participate in this technique anonymously. A facilitator uses a questionnaire to
solicit ideas about the important project points related to the subject. The responses are summarized and are then
recirculated to the experts for further comment. Consensus may be reached in a few rounds of this process. The
Delphi technique helps reduce bias in the data and keeps any one person from having undue influence on the
Dependency Analysis. A technique that is used to discover dependent relationships.
Document Analysis. An elicitation technique that analyzes existing documentation and identifies information
relevant to the requirements.
Ecosystem Map. A business analysis model that shows the systems involved in a project and how they interrelate
with each other.
Elicitation. See requirements elicitation.
Entity Relationship Diagram. A business analysis model that shows the business data objects involved in a
project and the relationships between those objects, including the cardinality of those relationships.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide



Estimate. A quantitative assessment of the likely amount or outcome. It is usually applied to project costs,
resources, effort, and durations and is usually preceded by a modifier (i.e., preliminary, conceptual, feasibility,
order-of-magnitude, definitive). It should always include some indication of accuracy (e.g., ⫾ x %).
Evaluation. See solution evaluation.
Expert Judgment. Judgment provided based upon expertise in an application area, Knowledge Area, discipline,
industry, etc., as appropriate for the activity being performed. Such expertise may be provided by any group or
person with specialized education, knowledge, skill, experience, or training.
Facilitated Workshops. An elicitation technique using focused sessions that bring key cross-functional
stakeholders together to define product requirements. In requirements management, facilitated workshops use a
structured meeting that is led by a skilled, neutral facilitator, in which a carefully selected group of stakeholders
collaborate to explore and evaluate product requirements.
Feature. A set of related requirements typically described as a short phrase.
Feature Model. A business analysis model that shows the first, second, and third level of features involved in
a project.
Fishbone Diagram. A version of a cause-and-effect diagram that depicts a problem and its root causes in a
visual manner. It uses a fish image, listing the problem at the head, with causes and subcauses of the problem
represented as bones of the fish. See also cause-and-effect diagram.
Focus Groups. An elicitation technique that brings together prequalified stakeholders and subject matter experts
to learn about their expectations and attitudes about a proposed product, service, or result.
Functional Requirements. Requirements that describe the behaviors of a product.
Gap Analysis. A technique for understanding the gap between current capabilities and needed capabilities. Filling
the gap is what comprises a solution recommendation.
Grooming the Backlog. A process used on agile projects where the product team works with the product owner
to gain more depth about the user stories in the backlog list. A groomed backlog is an input for sprint planning
meetings, which are used to determine which user stories to cover in the next iteration.
Impact Analysis. A technique for evaluating a change in relation to how it will affect other requirements, the
product, the program, and the project.
Interviews. A formal or informal approach to elicit information from a group of stakeholders by asking questions
and documenting the responses provided by the interviewees.
Issue. A point or matter in question or in dispute, or a point or matter that is not settled and is under discussion or
over which there are opposing views or disagreements. See also opportunity, threat, and risk.
Iterative Life Cycle. A project life cycle where the project scope is generally determined early in the project life
cycle, but time and cost estimates are routinely modified as the project team’s understanding of the product


©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


increases. Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles, while increments successively add
to the functionality of the product.
Kanban. An adaptive life cycle in which project work items are pulled from a backlog and started when other
project work items are completed. Kanban also establishes work-in-progress limits to constrain the number of
work items that can be in progress at any point in time.
Key Stakeholder. A stakeholder who is identified as having a significant stake in the project or program and who
holds key responsibilities such as approving requirements or approving changes to product scope.
Lessons Learned. The knowledge gained during a project, which shows how project events were addressed or
should be addressed in the future for the purpose of improving future performance.
Measure. The quantity of some element at a point in time or during a specific time duration, such as the number
of work months spent on a project during a specific time period, the number of defects uncovered, or the number
of customers responding to a survey stating that they were extremely satisfied.
Metric. A set of quantifiable measures used to evaluate a solution or business.
Model. A visual representation of information, both abstract and specific, which operates under a set of guidelines
in order to efficiently arrange and convey a lot of information in an efficient manner.
Modeling Language. A set of models and their syntax. Examples include Requirements Modeling Language (RML),
Unified Modeling Language (UML), Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), and System Modeling Language
Monitoring. The process of collecting project performance data, producing performance measures, and reporting
and disseminating performance information.
MoSCoW. A technique used for establishing requirement priorities. In this technique, the participants divide the
requirements into four categories of must haves, should haves, could haves, and won’t haves.
Needs Assessment. The domain of requirement management concerned with understanding business goals and
objectives, issues, and opportunities, and recommending proposals to address them.
Negotiation. The process and activities used to resolve disputes through consultations between involved parties.
Nonfunctional Requirements. Requirements that express properties that the product is required to have, including
interface, environment, and quality attribute properties.
Objective. Something toward which work is to be directed, a strategic position to be attained, a purpose to
be achieved, a result to be obtained, a product to be produced, or a service to be performed. In requirements
management, objectives are quantifiable outcomes that are desired from a product, result, or service.
Observation. An elicitation technique that provides a direct way of obtaining information about how a process is
performed or a product is used by viewing individuals in their own environment performing their jobs or tasks and
carrying out processes.

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Open-Ended Question. A question that allows the responder to answer in any way desired.
Opportunity. A risk that would have a positive effect on one or more project objectives. See also issue, risk, and
Opportunity Analysis. A study of the major facets of a potential opportunity to determine the viability of successfully
launching a new product or service.
Opportunity Cost. The loss of value that could be realized in other actions or alternatives, if the current action is
Participant. One who participates in a group activity, such as focus groups or facilitated workshops.
Persona. An archetype user representing a set of similar end users described with their goals, motivations, and
representative personal characteristics.
Phase. See project phase.
Portfolio. Projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.
See also program and project.
Portfolio Management. The centralized management of one or more portfolios to achieve strategic objectives.
Portfolio Manager. The person or group assigned by the performing organization to establish, balance, monitor,
and control portfolio components in order to achieve strategic business objectives. See also program manager and
project manager.
Predictive Life Cycle. A form of project life cycle in which the project scope, and the time and cost required to
deliver that scope, are determined as early in the life cycle as possible.
Problem. An internal or external environment of an organization that is causing detriment to the organization,
for example, lost revenue, dissatisfied customers, delays in launching new products, or noncompliance with
government regulations.
Problem Domain. The area or context surrounding the problem that is currently under analysis.
Procedure. An established method of accomplishing a consistent performance or result. A procedure typically can
be described as the sequence of steps that will be used to execute a process.
Process. A systematic series of activities directed toward causing an end result such that one or more inputs will
be acted upon to create one or more outputs.
Process Flow. A business analysis model that visually shows the steps taken in a process by a human user
as it interacts with an implementation. A set of steps taken by a system can be shown in a similar model,
a system flow.
Product. An artifact that is produced, is quantifiable, and can be either an end item in itself or a component item.
Products are also referred to as materials or goods. See also deliverable.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Product Backlog. See backlog.
Product Scope. The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result.
Program. A group of related projects, subprograms, and program activities that are managed in a coordinated way
to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually. See also portfolio and project.
Program Manager. The person authorized by the performing organization to lead the team or teams responsible
for achieving program objectives. See also portfolio manager and project manager.
Project. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. See also portfolio and
Project Charter. A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence
of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project
Project Life Cycle. The series of phases that a project passes through from its initiation to its closure.
Project Management Plan. The document that describes how the project will be executed, monitored and
controlled, and closed.
Project Manager. The person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for
achieving the project objectives. See also portfolio manager and program manager.
Project Phase. A collection of logically related project activities that culminates in the completion of one or more
Project Schedule. An output of a schedule model that presents linked activities with planned dates, durations,
milestones, and resources.
Project Scope. The work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and
Project Stakeholder Management. Includes the processes required to identify all people or organizations
impacted by a project, analyzing stakeholder expectations and impact on the project, and developing appropriate
management strategies for effectively engaging stakeholders in project decisions and execution.
Project Team. A set of individuals who support the project manager in performing the work of the project to
achieve its objectives.
Prototypes. A method of obtaining early feedback on requirements by providing a working model of the expected
product before actually building it.
Regulation. A requirement imposed by a governmental body. These requirements can establish product, process,
or service characteristics, including applicable administrative provisions that have government-mandated
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Report Table. A business analysis model that documents in a tabular format all of the requirements necessary to
develop a single report.
Requirement. A condition or capability that is required to be present in a product, service, or result to satisfy a
contract or other formally imposed specification.
Requirements Analysis. The process of examining, breaking down, and synthesizing information to further
understand it, complete it, and improve it.
Requirements Attribute. A property of a requirement used to store descriptive information about the requirement,
such as last change date, author, source, etc.
Requirements Documentation. A description of how individual requirements meet the business need for the
Requirements Elicitation. The activity of drawing out information from stakeholders and other sources for
the purpose of further understanding the needs of the business, to address a problem or opportunity and the
stakeholder’s preferences and conditions for the solution that will address those needs.
Requirements Elicitation and Analysis. The domain of business analysis concerned with the iterative work to
plan, prepare, and conduct the elicitation of information from stakeholders and to analyze, model, and document
the results of that work with the objective of defining a set of requirements in sufficient detail to enable the
purchase or build of the preferred solution or refinement of processes to achieve the business objective.
Requirements Life Cycle. The flow or life of a requirement throughout a project or program. The requirements life
cycle is managed by assigning an attribute or qualifier onto the requirement to depict the requirement state at a
specified point in time.
Requirements Management Plan. A component of the project or program management plan that describes how
requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed. See also project management plan.
Requirements Traceability Matrix. A grid that links product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that
satisfy them.
Requirements Verification. The process of reviewing requirements and models to ensure they meet quality
standards. Verification is performed to ensure that requirements are constructed properly and that models conform
to the proper use of modeling notation.
Responder. Any participant or person from whom information is gathered by means of elicitation.
Return on Investment (ROI). The percent return on an initial project or program investment, calculated by taking
the projected average of all net benefits and dividing them by the initial cost.
Risk. An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on one or more project
objectives. See also issue, opportunity, and threat.
Role. A defined function to be performed by a project team member, such as testing, filing, inspecting, or coding.


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Root Cause Analysis. An analytical technique used to determine the basic underlying reason that causes a
variance or a defect or a risk. A root cause may underlie more than one variance or defect or risk.
Scenario. A case of usage of a solution often manifested as a concrete example of a use case or user story or
several functional requirements specified in the sequence in which they occur.
Schedule. See project schedule.
Scope. The sum of the products, services, and results to be provided as a project. In requirements management,
scope is defined as the boundary for the products, services, or results. See also project scope and product scope.
Scope Creep. The uncontrolled expansion to a product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and
Scope Model. A type of model that identifies the boundaries of the project, program, product, and/or system under
analysis. A context diagram is one example of a scope model.
Scrum. A type of adaptive life cycle where a product is built in small incremental portions and each cycle of
development builds upon the last version of the product.
Situation. A condition that may be an internal problem or external opportunity that forms the basis of a business
need and might result in a project or program to address the condition.
SMART Goals. Goals that are well-written to meet the quality criteria of being specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bounded.
Solution Evaluation. The domain of requirements management concerned with the activities to validate a solution
that is about to be or that has already been implemented.
Solution Requirement. A requirement that describes the features, functions, and characteristics of a product,
service, or result that will meet the business and stakeholder requirements. Solution requirements are further
grouped into functional and nonfunctional requirements.
Sponsor. An individual or a group that provides resources and support for the project, program, or portfolio, and is
accountable for enabling success. See also stakeholder.
Stakeholder. An individual, group, or organization that may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected
by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project, program, or portfolio. See also sponsor.
Stakeholder Analysis. A technique of systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative
information to determine whose interests should be taken into account throughout the project.
Stakeholder Identification. The process of determining the stakeholders impacted by a business problem or
Stakeholder Register. A project document including the identification, assessment, and classification of project

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Stakeholder Requirement. A requirement that describes the need of a stakeholder or stakeholder group.
State Diagram. A business analysis model that visually shows how an object moves between different states. This
model helps to show the life cycle of an object in a solution.
State Table. A business analysis model that shows all of the possible states of an object and all of the valid
transitions. This model helps to enumerate all possible states and possible transitions.
SWOT Analysis. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization, project, or option.
System Interface Table. A business analysis model that documents the requirements for the connections
between each interfacing system involved in a project, including how they are connected and what information
flows between them.
Technique. A defined systematic procedure employed by a human resource to perform an activity to produce a
product or result or deliver a service, and that may employ one or more tools.
Technology Feasibility. An analysis to determine the extent to which a technology exists in an organization
to support a potential solution and if not present, how feasible it would be to acquire and operate the needed
Template. A partially completed document in a predefined format that provides a defined structure for collecting,
organizing, and presenting information and data.
Threat. A risk that would have a negative effect on one or more project objectives. See also issue, opportunity,
and risk.
Traceability. Traceability provides the ability to track product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that
satisfy them.
Traceability and Monitoring. The domain of requirements management concerned with building and maintaining
the traceability matrix to manage requirements and product scope, baselining the product requirements, assessing
impacts of proposed requirement changes, and managing the required updates to the requirements and other
requirements management deliverables once proposed changes are approved.
Traceability Matrix. See requirements traceability matrix.
Transition Requirements. Requirements that are the temporary capabilities, such as data conversion and training
requirements, needed to transition from the current as-is state to the future state.
Use Case. An analysis model that describes a flow of actor-system interactions and boundaries for those
interactions, including trigger, initiating and participating actors, and preconditions and post conditions.
Use Case Diagram. A business analysis model that shows all of the in-scope use cases for a project and which
actors have a part in those use cases.
User Interface Flow. A business analysis model that shows the specific pages or screens of an application and
how a user can navigate between them.

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


User Story. A one or two sentence description, written from the viewpoint of the actor, describing what function
is needed. A user story usually takes the form of “as an , I want to , so that I can .”
Validation. The assurance that a product, service, or system meets the needs of the customer and other identified
stakeholders. It often involves acceptance and suitability with external customers. Contrast with verification.
Value Engineering. An approach used to optimize project life cycle costs, save time, increase profits, improve
quality, expand market share, solve problems, and/or use resources more effectively.
Verification. The evaluation of whether or not a product, service, or system complies with a regulation, requirement,
specification, or imposed condition. It is often an internal process. Contrast with validation.
Weighted Criteria. A technique used to help support objective decision making. It uses a weighted ranking matrix
to compare alternatives and their weighted scores in order to evaluate decision options. See also weighted ranking
Weighted Ranking Matrix. A table used in decision making that combines pair matching of all alternatives with
weighted criteria to add objectivity when formulating a decision or recommendation. Each alternative is compared
with every other alternative on the basis of weighted criteria, and the resulting scores are added together to
determine the preferred choice.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by
the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.
Work Product. An output produced as a result of some completion of work that is required for a short-term
purpose and not required to be monitored and maintained on an ongoing basis.

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Acceptance, customer, in project or phase closure, 54
Acceptance criteria, 49, 65
Activity, definition of, 65
Adaptive life cycles, 10–11
definition of, 10, 65
project or phase closure in, 55, 56
requirements analysis in, 33, 36–37
requirements elicitation in, 25, 27, 28
requirements monitoring and controlling in, 43, 45–46
solution evaluation in, 50
Affinity diagram, definition of, 65
Allocation of requirements, 35
Analysis, definition of, 33
See also specific types
Approval of requirements, 45–46
Architecture, definition of, 65
Assumption, definition of, 65
Attributes of requirements, 34, 45, 72
Backlog, product
definition of, 28, 65
grooming the, definition of, 68
management of, 37–38, 43
definition of, 65
project, 43
requirements, 8, 45–46, 47
Benchmarking, 17, 65
Benefits realization, measurement of, 54
Benefits realization plans, 15
Benefits register, 15
Brainstorming, 29–30, 65
Business analysis, 2, 65
Business analysis approach, definition of, 65

Business Analysis for Practitioners, 2
Business analysis planning, definition of, 66
Business analysis plans, 6, 65
Business case
definition of, 66
program, 14
project, 16
Business data diagrams, 40-41
Business needs, definition of, 66
See also Needs assessment
Business objectives models, 39, 66
Business requirements, 27, 66
Business rules, definition of, 66
Business rules catalog, 40, 66
Business value, 13, 66
Capability, definition of, 66
Cause-and-effect diagrams, definition of, 66
Change control, definition of, 66
Change control board (CCB), 48, 66
Change control process, 43, 45
Change management process, 46
Change request, 46, 47, 66
Charter, project, 16, 71
Closed-ended questions, 30
Closing Process Group, 8–9
Closure, project or phase. See Project or phase closure
Collaboration, in requirements analysis, 33–34
in requirements analysis, 33
of requirements analysis results, 37
of requirements elicitation results, 28–29
of requirements monitoring and controlling results, 47
of solution evaluation results, 50

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Communications management, 9
Communications management plan, definition of, 66
Concept of operations (CONOPS), definition of, 66
Configuration change management process, 46
Configuration management, definition of, 67
CONOPS (concept of operations), definition of, 66
Constraints, definition of, 67
Context diagram, 38, 67
Costs, opportunity, definition of, 70
Customer acceptance, in project or phase closure, 54
DAR (display-action-response) models, 41
Data dictionary, 41, 67
Data flow diagram, 41, 67
Data models, 40–41
Decision analysis, 16
Decision table, 16, 40, 67
Decision tree, 16, 40, 67
Decomposition model, 39, 67
definition of, 67
in requirements elicitation, 27
in requirements management planning, 22, 23
Delphi technique, definition of, 67
Demonstration, solution evaluation through, 51
Dependency analysis, 47, 67
Derived requirements, 35–36
Diagrams. See specific types
Dictionary, data, 41, 67
Display-action-response (DAR) models, 41
Document analysis
definition of, 67
requirements elicitation through, 30
in project or phase closure, 54–55
requirements, definition of, 72
of requirements analysis results, 37
of requirements attributes, 34
of requirements elicitation results, 28–29
of requirements monitoring and controlling results, 47
of solution evaluation results, 50


Ecosystem map, 38–39, 67
Elaboration, progressive, 6, 25
Elicitation, requirements. See Requirements elicitation
Entity relationship diagrams, 40, 67
Estimate, definition of, 68
Evaluation, solution. See Solution evaluation
Examination, solution evaluation through, 51
Executing Process Group, 8
Expert judgment, 56, 68
Facilitated workshops, 29, 68
Feature model, 39, 68
Feature, definition of, 68
Fishbone diagram, definition of, 68
Focus groups, 29, 68
Functional decomposition models, 39
Functional requirements, 27, 68
Function/feature tree models, 39
Function models, 39
Gap analysis, 17, 68
Goal models, 39
Grooming the backlog, 37, 68
Guidance, organizational, 22
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,
A. See PMBOK Guide
Impact analysis, 46, 48, 68
Independent verification and validation
(IV&V), 49
Initiating Process Group, 8
Inputs, solicitation of, in solution evaluation, 51
Interface analysis, 30
Interface models, 41
definition of, 68
requirements elicitation technique, 29
INVEST, 36–37
Issues, 68
Iterative life cycles, 10–11, 68–69
IV&V. See Independent verification and validation

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Job shadowing, 31
Judgment, expert, 56, 68
Kanban, 69
Key performance indicators, 44
Key stakeholder, 69
See also Stakeholder(s)
Knowledge Areas, 9
Knowledge transfer, in project or phase closure, 54–55
Lessons learned, 54–55, 69
Life cycles, project, 10–11
See also Adaptive life cycles
definition of, 71
iterative, 10–11, 68–69
Kanban, 69
predictive, 27, 28, 70
Life cycles, requirements, 72
Management, requirements. See Requirements management
Measure, definition of, 69
Meetings, in project or phase closure, 56
definition of, 69
for measuring benefits realization, 54
See also specific types
definition of, 69
in requirements analysis, 35, 38–41
Modeling language, definition of, 69
Monitoring, definition of, 69
Monitoring and controlling. See Requirements monitoring
and controlling
Monitoring and Controlling Process Group, 8
MoSCow technique, 38, 69
Needs assessment, 6, 13–17
definition of, 13, 69
portfolio-level activities in, 14
program-level activities in, 14–15
project-level activities in, 16

in requirements elicitation, 26
results of, 13–14
techniques used in, 16–17
Negotiation, 36, 69
Nonfunctional requirements, 27, 69
N2 diagrams, 41
Objective, definition of, 69
Objectives models, business, 39
definition of, 69
requirements elicitation through, 31
Open-ended question, 30, 70
Operations, transition to, 55
Opportunity, definition of, 70
Opportunity analysis, definition of, 70
Opportunity costs, definition of, 70
Organizational commitment, 19
Organizational standards and guidance, 22
Participant, definition of, 70
Persona, definition of, 70
Phase closure. See Project or phase closure
Phases, project, definition of, 71
benefits realization, 15
communications management, definition of, 66
portfolio strategic, 14
program, 15
project management, 20, 22, 43, 71
requirements management, definition of, 72
transition, 54
See also Requirements management planning
in needs assessment, 14–15
in requirements analysis, 34
in requirements elicitation, 25, 26–27
in requirements monitoring and controlling,
in solution evaluation, 50
Planning Process Group, 8, 19

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PMBOK Guide, 1–2
definitions in, 5
Knowledge Areas in, 9
on progressive elaboration, 6
on project life cycles, 10
Portfolio, definition of, 70
Portfolio-level activities, in needs assessment, 14
Portfolio management, 14, 70
Portfolio managers, definition of, 70
Portfolio roadmap, 14
Portfolio strategic plan, 14
Practice Standard for Project Configuration Management, 46
Predictive life cycle, 27, 28, 70
for requirements elicitation, 25, 26–27
for requirements monitoring and controlling, 44–45
Prioritization, in requirements analysis, 35, 37–38
Problem domain, definition of, 70
Problem, definition of, 70
Procedure, definition of, 70
Process, definition of, 70
Process flow models, 39, 70
Process Groups, Project Management, interactions of, 7–9
Process models, 39–40
definition of, 70
work, definition of, 75
Product backlog. See Backlog
Product scope, definition of, 71
Program(s), definition of, 71
Program business case, 14
Program-level activities, in needs assessment, 14–15
Program manager, 53, 71
Program plans, development of, 15
Program requirements, 28
Program roadmap, 15
Progressive elaboration, 6, 25
Project(s), definition of, 5, 71
Project baseline, monitoring and controlling of, 43
Project business case, 16
Project charter, 16, 71


Project Communications Management, 9
Project information, in requirements management planning, 22
Project-level activities, in needs assessment, 16
Project life cycles. See Life cycles
Project management
definition of, 5
integration of requirements management planning with, 20
Project management plans, 20, 22, 43, 71
Project Management Process Groups, interactions of, 7–9
Project managers, 53, 71
Project or phase closure, 6, 53–56
key activities in, 54–55
success factors in, 53–54
techniques used in, 55–56
Project phases, 71
Project requirements, 28
Project schedule, 38, 71
Project scope, 8, 71
Project Stakeholder Management, 9, 71
Project teams, definition of, 71
Prototyping, 30, 71
Pulse of the Profession, 2, 19, 55
Quality requirements, 28
Questionnaires, requirements elicitation through, 30
closed-ended, 30
open-ended, 30, 70
Regulations, definition of, 71
Report tables, 41, 72
See also specific types
characteristics of high-quality, 36
definition of, 5, 72
types of, 27–28
Requirements analysis, 6, 33–41
definition of, 33, 72
key activities in, 34–37
success factors in, 33–34
techniques used in, 37–41

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


Requirements attributes, 34, 45, 72
Requirements baseline, 8, 45–46, 47
Requirements development, 5
Requirements documentation, definition of, 72
Requirements elicitation, 6, 25–31
definition of, 6, 25, 72
key activities in, 26–29
success factors in, 25–26
techniques used in, 29–31
Requirements elicitation and analysis, definition of, 72
Requirements life cycle, definition of, 72
Requirements management, 5–11
definition of, 5
interactions of Project Management Process Groups and,
overview of process of, 5–7
project life cycles and, 10–11
Requirements management planning, 6, 19–23
development stage of, 22–23
key activities in, 20–23
success factors in, 19–20
Requirements management plan, definition of, 72
Requirements monitoring and controlling, 6, 43–48
definition of, 43
key activities in, 44–47
success factors in, 43–44
techniques used in, 47–48
Requirements traceability matrix, 44, 45, 48, 72
Requirements verification, definition of, 72
See also Verification
Resource needs
for requirements analysis, 33
for requirements elicitation, 27
Responder, definition of, 72
Return on investment (ROI), definition of, 72
Reuse, in project or phase closure, 54
Risk, definition of, 72
portfolio, 14
program, 15
ROI. See Return on investment

Role, definition of, 72
Root cause analysis, definition of, 73
Rule models, 40
Rules, business, 40, 66
Scenarios, definition of, 73
Schedule, project, 38, 71
definition of, 73
product, 71
project, 8, 71
Scope creep, 43, 73
Scope model, 38–39, 73
Scrum, definition of, 73
Situation, definition of, 73
SMART goals, definition of, 73
Solicitation of inputs, in solution evaluation, 51
Solution evaluation, 6, 49–51
definition of, 49, 73
key activities in, 49–50
success factors in, 49
techniques used in, 50–51
Solution requirements, 27, 73
Sponsors, 73
definition of, 73
key, definition of, 69
Stakeholder analysis
definition of, 20, 73
in requirements management planning, 19, 20–21
Stakeholder engagement
in needs assessment, 15
in requirements elicitation, 26
in requirements management planning, 19, 20–21
Stakeholder identification, 20, 73
Stakeholder management, 9
Stakeholder register, 20, 73
Stakeholder requirement, 27, 74
Standards, organizational, 22
State diagram, 41, 74
State table, 41, 74

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Surveys, requirements elicitation through, 30
SWOT analysis, 16, 74
System interface table, 41, 74
Teams, project, definition of, 71
Technique, definition of, 74
Technology feasibility, definition of, 74
Template, definition of, 74
Testing, solution evaluation through, 51
Threat, definition of, 74
Timeboxing, 38
in requirements management planning, 23
in requirements monitoring and controlling, 44–45
definition of, 74
in requirements monitoring and controlling, 43, 44–45, 48
Traceability and monitoring, definition of, 74
Traceability matrix, requirements, 44, 45, 48, 72
Transitional requirements, 28, 74
Transition plans, documentation of, 54
Transition to operations, 55
Use case, 40, 74
Use case diagrams, 39, 74


User interface flow models, 41, 74
User stories
definition of, 40, 75
in requirements analysis, 36–37, 40
definition of, 75
in requirements analysis, 37
in solution evaluation, 49, 50, 51
Value engineering, definition of, 75
definition of, 75
requirements, 72
in requirements analysis, 36–37
in solution evaluation, 49
Voting, in requirements analysis, 38
WBS. See Work breakdown structure
Weighted criteria, definition of, 75
Weighted ranking matrix, 75
Wireframes, 41
Work breakdown structure (WBS), definition of, 75
Work products, definition of, 75
Workshops, facilitated, 29, 68

©2016 Project Management Institute. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide


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