1502494_PC_AT_Technical_Reference_Mar84 1502494 PC AT Technical Reference Mar84
1502494_PC_AT_Technical_Reference_Mar84 1502494_PC_AT_Technical_Reference_Mar84
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,.....----§ : :i~s: Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library Technical· Reference 1502494 Personal Computer Hardware Reference Lihrary Technical Reference First Edition (March 1984) The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: International Business Machines Corporation provides this manual "as is," without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time. This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. Products are not stocked at the address below. Requests for copies of this product and for technical information about the system should be made to your authorized IBM Personal Computer dealer. The following paragraph applies only to the United States and Puerto Rico: A Reader's Comment Form is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, address comments to: IBM Corp., Personal Computer, P.O. Box 1328-C, Boca Raton, Florida 33432. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligations whatever. All specifications subject to change without notice. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT Warning: The equipment described herein has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules. Only peripherals (computer input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to the computer. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. If peripherals not offered by IBM are used with the equipment, it is suggested to use shielded, grounded cables with in-line filters if necessary. CAUTION The product described herein is equipped with a grounded plug for the user's safety. It is to be used in conjunction with a properly grounded receptacle to avoid electrical shock. iii Notes: iv Preface This manual describes the various units of the IBM Personal Computer AT and how they interact. It also has information about the basic input/output system (BIOS) and about programming support. The information in this publication is for reference, and is intended for hardware and program designers, programmers, engineers, and anyone else who needs to understand the design and operation of the IBM Personal Computer AT. This manual consists of nine sections, four of which describe the hardware aspects of the IBM Personal Computer AT including signal charts and register information. Section 5 contains information about the usage of BIOS and a system BIOS listing. Section 6 contains instruction sets for the 80286 microprocessor and the 80287 math coprocessor. Section 7 provides information about characters, keystrokes, and colors. Section 8 has general communications information. Section 9 contains information about the compatibility of the IBM Personal Computer AT and the rest of the IBM Personal Computer family. A glossary of terms and a bibliography of related publications are included. v Prerequisite Publications Guide to Operations for the IBM Personal Computer AT Suggested Reading • BASIC for the IBM Personal Computer • Disk Operating System (DOS) • Hardware Maintenance and Service for the IBM Personal Computer AT • MACRO Assembler for the IBM Personal Computer vi Contents SECTION 1. SYSTEM BOARD ..................... 1-1 Description .................................. 1-3 Memory ................................ 1-4 Microprocessor ............................... 1-4 System Performance ........................... 1-7 System Timers ............................... 1-8 System Interrupts ............................ 1-10 ROM Subsystem ............................. 1-11 RAM Subsystem ............................. 1-12 Direct Memory Access (DMA) ................. 1-12 I/O Channel ................................ 1-15 Other Circuits ............................... 1-30 Speaker ................................ 1-30 Jumper ................................ 1-30 Type of Display Adapter Switch ............. 1-31 Variable Capacitor ....................... 1-31 Keyboard Controller ...................... 1-31 Real-time Clock/Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CRT/CMOS) RAM Information 1-45 Specifications ............................... 1-55 System Unit ............................ 1-55 Connectors ............................. 1-57 Logic Diagrams .......................... 1-61 SECTION 2. COPROCESSOR ...................... Description .................................. Programming Interface ......................... Hardware Interface ............................ 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-4 SECTION 3. POWER SUPPLY ...................... Inputs ...................................... Outputs ..................................... Output Protection ............................. Dummy Load ................................ Output Voltage Sequencing ..................... No-Load Operation ........................... Power-Good Signal ............................ 3-1 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 vii Fan-Out ................................ 3-6 Connectors .................................. 3-6 SECTION 4. KEYBOARD •.••••..•................. 4-1 Description .................................. 4-3 Interface ................................ 4-3 Sequencing Key Code Scanning .............. 4-3 Keyboard Buffer .......................... 4-3 Keys ................................... 4-3 Functions Performed at Power-On Time ........... 4-4 Power-On Reset .......................... 4-4 Basic Assurance Test ...................... 4-4 Commands from the System ..................... 4-5 Keyboard Outputs ........................... 4-10 Key Scan Codes ......................... 4-10 Command Codes to the System ................. 4-12 Clock and Data Signals ........................ 4-14 Keyboard Data Output .................... 4-15 Keyboard Data Input ..................... 4-15 Keyboard Layout ............................ 4-16 Specifications ............................... 4-23 Keyboard Connector ..................... 4-23 SECTION 5. SYSTEM BIOS ............•....••..... 5-1 System BIOS ................................. 5-3 System BIOS Usage ....................... 5-3 Keyboard Encoding and Usage .............. 5-12 Extended Codes ......................... 5-17 SECTION 6. INSTRUCTION SET .......•••......... 6-1 Instruction Sets ............................... 6-3 80286 Microprocessor Instruction Set ............. 6-3 Data Transfer ............................ 6-3 Arithmetic ............................... 6-6 Logic .................................. 6-10 String Manipulation ...................... 6-12 Control Transfer ......................... 6-13 Processor Control ........................ 6-19 Protection Control ....................... 6-21 80287 Coprocessor Instruction Set ............... 6-24 Data Transfer ........................... 6-24 Comparison ............................ 6-25 Constants .............................. 6-26 viii Arithmetic .............................. 6-27 Transcendental .......................... 6-29 Processor Control ........................ 6-29 SECTION 7. CHARACTERS, KEYSTROKES, AND COLORS ...............•...............•...... 7-1 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color ................ 7-3 SECTION 8. COMMUNICATIONS .................. 8-1 Communications .............................. 8-3 Establishing a Data Link ........................ 8-5 SECTION 9. IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER COMPATIBILITY ......•.............•.......... 9-1 Hardware Considerations ....................... 9-3 System Board ............................ 9-3 20Mb Fixed Disk Drive .................... 9-4 High Capacity Diskette Drive ................ 9-4 Adapters ................................ 9-4 Keyboard ............................... 9-4 The IBM Personal Computer AT Does Not Support 9-5 Application Guidelines ......................... 9-5 High-Level Language Considerations .......... 9-5 Assembler Language Programming Considerations 9-6 Multi-tasking Provisions .................... 9-11 SYS REO Key .......................... 9-15 Copy Protection ......................... 9-22 Machine-Sensitive Code ................... 9-23 Glossary ..•......•...•••••..........••..••• Glossary-1 Bibliography .......•.....••••..•......•••• Bibliography-1 Index ................................•....... Index-1 ix Notes: x INDEX TAB LISTING Section 1: System Board ............................... . Section 2: Coprocessor ................................ . Section 3: Power Supply ............................... . Section 4: Keyboard .................................. . Section 5: System BIOS ............................... . Section 6: Instruction Set .............................. . xi Notes: xii Section 7: Characters, Keystrokes, and Colors .............. . Section 8: Communications ............................ . Section 9: Compatibility ............................... . Glossary ........................................... . Bibliography ........................................ . Index .............................................. . xiii Notes: xiv System Block Diagram SYSTEM UNIT SYSTEM BOARD 80286 MICROPROCESSOR 80287 COPROCESSOR OSCILLATOR ---1 16 INTERRUPT LEVELS ROM SPEAKER CONNECTOR - 7 CHANNEL DMA RAM KEYBOARD CONTROLLER CMOS REAL-TIME CLOCK BATTERY CONNECTOR POWER SUPPLY 115/230 SPEAKER -H KEYBOARD BATTERY DISKETIE DRIVES xv Notes: xvi SECTION 1. SYSTEM BOARD Contents Description Memory 1-3 1-4 Microprocessor ............•.........•••••..••...• 1-4 Real-Address Mode .......................... 1-4 Protected Mode ............................. 1-5 System Performance ......................•........ 1-7 System Timers .•••.......•.•...................... 1-8 System Interrupts •...................•••....•.... 1-10 ROM Subsystem 1-11 RAM Subsystem 1-12 Direct Memory Access (DMA) ...................... 1-12 Programming the 16-Bit DMA Channels ......... 1-14 I/O Channel ...•.•.............................. 1-15 I/O Channel Signal Description ............... 1-22 Other Circuits .........................•.•....... Speaker ..................................... Jumper ..................................... Type of Display Adapter Switch .................. Variable Capacitor ............................ Keyboard Controller ........................... Receiving Data from the Keyboard ............. Scan Code Translation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sending Data to the Keyboard ................. Inhibit ................................... Keyboard Controller System Interface .......... 1-30 1-30 1-30 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-32 1-32 1-37 1-37 1-37 System Board 1-1 Status Register ............................. Status-Register Bit Definition ................. Output Buffer ............................. Input Buffer ............................... Commands (I/O Address hex 64) .............. I/O Ports ................................. Real-time Clock/Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (RT/CMOS) RAM Information. . . . .. Real-time Clock Information .................. CMOS RAM Configuration Information ......... I/O Operations ............................ 1-38 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-40 1-43 Specifications ................................... System Unit .................................. Size ..................................... Weight ................................... Power Cables .............................. Environment .............................. Heat Output ............................... Noise Level ............................... Electrical ................................. Connectors .................................. Logic Diagrams ............................... 1-55 1-55 1-55 1-55 1-55 1-55 1-56 1-56 1-56 1-57 1-61 1-2 System Board 1-45 1-45 1-48 1-54 Description The system board is approximately 30.5 by 33 centimeters (12 by 13 inches) and uses very large scale integration (VLSI) technology. It has the following components: • Intel 80286 Microprocessor • System support function: - 7-Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) - 16-level interrupt - System clock Three programmable timers • 64Kb read-only memory (ROM) subsystem, expandable to 128Kb • Either a 256Kb or a 512Kb random-access memory (RAM) Subsystem • Speaker attachment • Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) memory RAM to maintain system configuration • Real-Time clock • Battery backup for CMOS configuration table and Real-Time Clock • Keyboard attachment • 8 input/output (I/O) slots: - 6 with a 36- and a 62-pin card-edge socket. - 2 with only the 62-pin card-edge socket. System Board 1-3 Memory The system board has two banks of memory sockets, each supporting 18 128K by 1 modules for a total maximum memory size of 5 12Kb, with parity checking. Microprocessor The Intel 80286 Microprocessor has a 24-bit address, 16-bit memory interface!, an extensive instruction set, DMA and interrupt support capabilities, a hardware fixed-point multiply and divide, integrated memory management, four-level memory protection, I-gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) of virtual address space for each task, and two operating modes: the 8086-compatible real-address mode and the protected virtual-address mode. More detailed descriptions of the microprocessor may be found in the publications listed in the Bibliography of this manual. Real-Address Mode In the real-address mode, the microprocessor's physical memory is a contiguous array of up to one megabyte. The microprocessor addresses memory by generating 20-bit physical addresses. The selector portion of the pointer is interpreted as the upper 16 bits of a 20-bit segment address. The lower 4 bits of the 20-bit segment address are always zero. Therefore, segment addresses begin on multiples of 16 bytes. All segments in the real-address mode are 64Kb in size and may be read, written, or executed. An exception or interrupt can occur if data operands or instructions attempt to wrap around the end of a segment; for example, a word with its low-order byte at offset FFFF and its high-order byte at 0000. If, in the real-address mode, the information contained in the segment does In this manual. the term interface refers to a device that carries signals between functional units. 1-4 System Board not use the full 64Kb, the unused end of the segment may be overlayed by another segment to reduce physical memory requirements. Protected Mode The protected mode offers extended physical and virtual memory address space, memory protection mechanisms, and new operations to support operating systems and virtual memory. The protected mode provides a I-gigabyte virtual address space per task mapped into a 16-megabyte physical address space. The virtual address space may be larger than the physical address space, because any use of an address that does not map to a physical memory location will cause a restartable exception. As in the real-address mode, the protected mode uses 32-bit pointers, consisting of 16-bit selector and offset components. The selector, however, specifies an index into a memory resident table rather than the upper 16 bits of a real memory address. The 24-bit base address of the desired segment is obtained from the tables in memory. The 16-bit offset is added to the segment base address to form the physical address. The tables are automatically referenced by the microprocessor whenever a segment register is loaded with a selector. All instructions that load a segment register will refer to the memory based-tables without additional program support. The memory-based tables contain 8-byte values called descriptors. Following is a block diagram of the system board. System Board 1-5 1-6 System Board System Performance The 80286 Microprocessor operates at 6 MHz, which results in a clock cycle time of 167 nanoseconds. A bus cycle requires three clock cycles (which includes 1 wait state) so that a 500-nanosecond, 16-bit, microprocessor cycle time is achieved. 8-bit bus operations to 8-bit devices take 6 clock cycles (which include 4 wait states), resulting in a lOOO-nanosecond microprocessor cycle. 16-bit bus operations to 8-bit devices take 12 clock cycles (which include lO I/O wait states) resulting in a 2000 nanosecond microprocessor cycle. The refresh controller operates at 6 MHz. Each refresh cycle requires 5 clock cycles to refresh all of the system's dynamic memory; 256 refresh cycles are required every 4 milliseconds. The following formula determines the percent of bandwidth used for refresh. % Bandwidth used for Refresh 5 cycles X 256 1280 = -------------- 4 ms/167 ns 24000 5.3% The DMA controller operates at 3 MHz, which results in a clock cycle time of 333 nanoseconds. All DMA data-transfer bus cycles are five clock cycles or 1.66 microseconds. Cycles spent in the transfer of bus control are not included. DMA channels 0, 1,2, and 3 are used for 8-bit data transfers, and channels 5, 6, and 7 process 16-bit transfers. Channel 4 is used to cascade channels 0 through 3 to the microprocessor. The following figure is a system memory map. System Board 1-7 Address Name Function 000000 to 07FFFF 512Kb system board System board memory 080000 to 09FFFF 128Kb I/O channel memory - IBM Personal Computer AT 128KB Memory Expansion Option OAOOOOto OBFFFF 128Kb video RAM Reserved for graphics display buffer OCOOOO to ODFFFF 128Kb I/O expansion ROM Reserved for ROM on I/O adapters OEOOOO to OEFFFF 64Kb Reserved on system board Duplicated code assignment at address FEOOOO OFOOOO to OFFFFF 64Kb ROM on the system board Duplicated code assignment at address FFOOOO 100000 to FDFFFF Maximum memory 15Mb I/O channel memory - IBM Personal Computer AT 512KB Memory Expansion Option FEOOOOto FEFFFF 64Kb Reserved on system board Duplicated code assignment at address OEOOOO FFOOOOto FFFFFF 64Kb ROM on the svstem board Duplicated code assignment at address OFOOOO System Memory Map System Timers The system has three programmable timer/counters controlled by an Intel 8254-2 timer/counter chip and defined as Channels 0 through 2 as follows: Channel 0 System Timer GATE 0 Tied on CLK IN 0 1.190 MHz OSC CLK OUT 0 8259A IRQ 0 Channel 1 Refresh Request Generator 1-8 System Board GATE 1 Tied on CLKIN 1 1.190 MHz OSC CLK OUT 1 Request Refresh Cycle Note: Channel 1 is programmed as a rate generator to produce a 15-microsecond period signal. Channel 2 Tone Generation for Speaker GATE 2 Controlled by bit 0 of port hex 61 PPI bit CLKIN 2 1.190 MHz OSC CLK OUT 2 Used to drive the speaker The 8254-2 Timer/Counter is a programmable interval timer/counter that system programs treat as an arrangement of four external I/O ports. Three ports are treated as counters; the fourth is a control register for mode programming. Following is a system-timer block diagram. System Board 1-9 +5 Vdc -Refresh '-- . System Bus D Clock Clear o Refresh Requesl Gale D +5 Vdc I/O Addra ss Hax 0061 Port Bit 0 - Clock In 0 ----- Gate I Clock In I Gale 2 Clock In 2 To 8259A IRO 0 Clock Out 0 Clock Out I - Clock Oul 2 AND I/O Address Hex 0061 Port Bit I PCLK (2.38MHz) Divide by 2 W Driver I I Low ~To Speaker Pass Filler System Interrupts The 80286 Microprocessor NMI and two 8259A Interrupt Controller chips provide 16 levels of system interrupts. The following shows the interrupt-level assignments in decreasing priority. Note: Any or all interrupts may be masked (including the microprocessor's NMI). 1-10 System Board Level Function MicroProcessor NMI Parity or I/O Channel Check Interrupt Controllers CTLR 1 CTLR2 IRQ 0 IRQ 1 IRQ 2 IRQ 8 IRQ 9 IRQ 10 IRQ 11 IRQ 12 IRQ 13 IRQ 14 IRQ 15 IRQ 3 IRQ 4 IRQ 5 IRQ 6 IRQ 7 Timer Output 0 Keyboard (Output Buffer Full) Interrupt from CTLR 2 Realtime Oock Interrupt Software Redirected to INT ~AH (IRQ 2) Reserved Reserved Reserved Coprocessor Fixed Disk Controller Reserved Serial Port 2 Serial Port 1 Parallel Port 2 Diskette Controller Parallel Port 1 ROM Subsystem The system board's ROM subsystem consists of two 32K by 8-bit ROM/EPROM modules or four 16K by 8-bit ROM/EPROM modules in a 32K by 16-bit arrangement. The code for odd and even addresses resides in separate modules. ROM is assigned at the top of the first and last 1M address space (hex OFOOOO and hex FFOOOO). ROM is not parity-checked. Its access time is 150 nanoseconds and its cycle time is 230 nanoseconds. System Board 1-11 RAM Subsystem The system board's RAM subsystem starts at address hex 000000 of the 16M address space. It consists of either 256Kb or 512Kb of 128K by I-bit RAM modules. Memory access time is 150 nanoseconds and the cycle time is 275 nanoseconds. Memory-refresh requests one memory cycle every 15 microseconds through the timer/counter (channell). The RAM initialization program performs the following functions: • Initializes channel 1 of the timer/counter to the rate generation mode, with a period of 15 microseconds. • Performs a memory write operation to any memory location Note: The memory must be accessed or refreshed eight times before it can be used. Direct Memory Access (DMA) The system supports seven DMA channels. Two Intel 8237 A-5 DMA Controller Chips are used, with four channels for each chip. The DMA channels are assigned as follows: Ctlr 1 Ch 0 - Spare Ch 1 - SDLC Ch 2 - Diskette (IBM Personal Computer) Ch 3 - Spare Ctlr2 Ch 4 - Cascade for Ctlr 1 Ch 5 - Spare Ch 6 - Spare Ch 7 - Spare DMA Channels DMA controller 1 contains channels 0 through 3. These channels support 8-bit data transfers between 8-bit I/O adapters and 8- or 1-12 System Board 16-bit system memory. Each channel can transfer data throughout the 16-megabyte system-address space in 64Kb blocks. DMA controller 2 contains channels 4 through 7. Channel 4 is used to cascade channels 0 through 3 to the microprocessor. Channels 5, 6, and 7 support 16-bit data transfers between 16-bit I/O adapters and 16-bit system memory. These DMA channels can transfer data throughout the 16-megabyte system-address space in 128Kb blocks. Channels 5, 6, and 7 cannot transfer data on odd byte boundaries. The following figure shows the addresses for the page register. Page Register DMA Channel DMA Channel DMA Channel DMA Channel DMA Channel DMA Channel DMA Channel Refresh 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 I/O Hex Address 0087 0083 0081 0082 0088 0089 008A 008F Page Register Addresses The following figures show address generation for the DMA channels. Source Address 8237A-5 A15<---------->AO Address Generation for DMA Channels 3 through 0 Note: The addressing signal, 'byte high enable' (BHE), is generated by inverting address line AO. Source Address 8237A-5 A16<---------->A1 Address Generation for DMA Channels 7 through 5 Note: The addressing signals, 'BHE' and 'AO', are forced to a logic O. System Board 1-13 Addresses for all DMA channels do not increase or decrease through page boundaries (64Kb for channels 0 through 3 and 128Kb for channels 5 through 7). Programming the 16-Bit DMA Channels DMA channels 5 through 7 perform 16-bit data transfers. Access can be gained only to 16 bit devices (I/O or memory) during the DMA cycles of channels 5 through 7. Access to the DMA controller (8237 A-5), which controls these channels, is through I/O addresses OCO through ODF. The command codes for the DMA controller are as follows: Hex Address Command Codes OCO OC2 OC4 OC6 OC8 DCA OCC OCE CHO CHO CH 1 CH 1 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 000 002 004 006 008 ODA DOC ODE Read Status Register /Write Command Register Write Request Register Write Single Mask Register Bit Write Mode Register Clear Byte Pointer Flip-Flop Read Temporary Register/Write Master Clear Clear Mask Register Write All Mask Register Bits base base base base base base base base and and and and and and and and current current current current current current current current address word count address word count address word count address word count DMA Controller Registers All DMA memory transfers made with channels 5 through 7 must occur on even-byte boundaries. When the base address for these channels is programmed, the real address divided by 2 is the data that is written to the base address register. Also, when the base word count for channels 5 through 7 is programmed, the count is the number of 16-bit words to be transferred. Therefore, DMA channels 5 through 7 can transfer 65,536 words or 128Kb maximum for any selected page of memory. These DMA channels divide the 16Mb memory space into 128Kb pages. When the DMA page registers for channels 5 through 7 are 1-14 System Board programmed, data bits D7 through D 1 should contain the high-order seven address bits (A23 through A17) of the desired memory space. Data bit DO of the page registers for channels 5 through 7 is not used in the generation of the DMA memory address. After power-up time, all internal locations, especially the mode registers, should be loaded with some valid value. This should be done even if some channels are unused. 1/0 Channel The I/O channel supports: • I/O address space hex 100 to hex 3FF • 24-bit memory addresses (16Mb) • Selection of data accesses (either 8- or 16-bit) • Interrupts • DMA channels • I/O wait-state generation • Open-bus structure (allowing multiple microprocessors to share the system's resources, including memory) • Refresh of system memory from channel microprocessors. The following figure shows the location and the numbering of the I/O channel connectors. These connectors consist of eight 62-pin and six 36-pin edge connector sockets. Note: In two positions on the I/O channel, the 36-pin connector is not present. These positions can support only 62-pin I/O bus adapters. System Board 1-15 1-16 System Board The following figure shows the pin numbering for I/O channel connectors J1 through J8. Rear Panel Bl r- I - I Bl0 B20 B31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L.... Al I L- Al0 A20 A31 I- Component Side I/O Channel Pin Numbering (11-J8) System Board 1-17 The following figure shows the pin numbering for I/O channel connectors J12 through J16 and J18. lear Panel - - D1 OlD D18 r- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C10 I I L...... C1 C18 I ~ '- CDmpDnent Side I/O Channel Pin Numbering (J1 O-J14 and J16) 1-18 System Board The following figures summarize pin assignments for the II0 channel connectors. I/O Pin A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 Al0 A 11 A 12 A13 A 14 A 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 A19 A20 A 21 A22 A23 A 24 A 25 A26 A 27 A28 A29 A30 A 31 Signal Name -I/O CH CK S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01 SOO -I/O CH ROY AEN SA19 SA18 SA17 SA16 SA15 SA14 SA13 SA12 SA11 SA10 SA9 SA8 SA7 SA6 SA5 SM SA3 SA2 SAl SAO I/O I I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I a I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Channel (A-Side, J1 through J8) System Board 1-19 I/O Pin B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B 10 B 11 B 12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B 17 B18 B19 B20 B 21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B 27 B28 B29 B30 B 31 Signal Name GND RESET DRV +5Vdc IRQ9 -5Vdc DRQ2 -12 Vdc OWS +12 Vdc GND -SMEMW -SMEMR -lOW -lOR -DACK3 DRQ3 -OACK1 ORQ1 -Refresh ClK IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 -OACK2 T/C BALE +5Vdc OSC GND I/O Ground 0 Power I Power I Power I Power Ground 0 0 I/O I/O 0 I 0 I I/O 0 I I I I I 0 0 0 Power 0 Ground I/O Channel (B-Side J1, through J8) 1-20 System Board I/O Pin C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C 11 C 12 C 13 C 14 C15 C 16 C 17 C18 Signal Name SBHE LA23 LA22 LA21 LA20 LA19 LA18 LA17 -MEMR -MEMW S008 S009 S010 SOll S012 S013 S014 S015 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Channel (C-Side J1 0 through J14 and J16) I/O Pin D1 02 03 D4 05 D6 D7 08 D9 010 011 D12 013 D 14 015 D 16 D17 018 Sianal Name -MEM CS16 -I/O CS16 IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ15 IRQ14 -OACKO DRQO -OACK5 DRQ5 -OACK6 DRQ6 -DACK7 ORQ7 +5Vdc -MASTER GNO I/O I I I I I I I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I Power I Ground I/O Channel (D-Side, J1 0 through J14 and J16) System Board 1-21 I/O Channel Signal Description The following is a description of the system board's I/O channel signals. All signal lines are TTL-compatible. I/O adapters should be designed with a maximum of two low-power Shottky (LS) loads per line. ~AO through SA19 (I/O) Address bits 0 through 19 are used to address memory and I/O devices within the system. These 20 address lines, in addition to LA17 through LA23, allow access of up to 16Mb of memory. SAO through SA 19 are gated on the system bus when 'BALE' is high and are latched on the falling edge of 'BALE.' These signals are generated by the microprocessor or DMA Controller. They also may be driven by other microprocessors or DMA controllers that reside on the I/O channel. ~A17 through LA23 (I/O) These signals (unlatched) are used to address memory and I/O devices within the system. They give the system up to 16Mb of addressability. These signals are valid when 'BALE' is high. LA17 through LA23 are not latched during microprocessor cycles and therefore do not stay valid for the whole cycle. Their purpose is to generate memory decodes for 1 wait-state memory cycles. These decodes should be latched by I/O adapters on the falling edge of 'BALE. ' These signals also may be driven by other microprocessors or DMA controllers that reside on the I/O channel. eLK (0) This is the 6-MHz system clock. It is a synchronous microprocessor cycle clock with a cycle time of 167 nanoseconds. The clock has a 50% duty cycle. This signal should only be used for synchronization. It is not intended for uses requiring a fixed frequency. 1-22 System Board RESET DRV (0) 'Reset drive' is used to reset or initialize system logic at power-up time or during a low line-voltage outage. This signal is active high. SDO through SDIS (I/O) These signals provide bus bits 0 through 15 for the microprocessor, memory, and I/O devices. DO is the least-significant bit and D15 is the most-significant bit. A118-bit devices on the I/O channel should use DO through D7 for communications to the microprocessor. The 16-bit devices will use DO through DIS. To support 8-bit devices, the data on D8 through DIS will be gated to DO through D7 during 8-bit transfers to these devices; 16-bit microprocessor transfers to 8-bit devices will be converted to two 8-bit transfers. BALE (0) (buffered) , Address latch enable' is provided by the 82288 Bus Controller and is used on the system board to latch valid addresses and memory decodes from the microprocessor. It is available to the I/O channel as an indicator of a valid microprocessor or DMA address (when used with 'AEN ' ). Microprocessor addresses SAO through SA19 are latched with the falling edge of 'BALE.' 'BALE' is forced high during DMA cycles. ""- ~I/O CH CK (I) '-I/O channel check' provides the system board with parity (error) information about memory or devices on the I/O channel. When this signal is active, it indicates an uncorrectable system error. System Board 1-23 . , I/O eH RDY (I) 'I/O channel ready' is pulled low (not ready) by a memory or I/O device to lengthen I/O or memory cycles. Any slow device using this line should drive it low immediately upon detecting its valid address and a Read or Write command. Machine cycles are extended by an integral number of clock cycles (167 nanoseconds). This signal should be held low for no more than 2.5 microseconds. IRQ3-IRQ7, IRQ9-IRQI2 and IRQ 14 through 15 (I) Interrupt Requests 3 through 7,9 through 12, and 14 through 15 are used to signal the microprocessor that an I/O device needs attention. The interrupt requests are prioritized, with IRQ9 through IRQ12 and IRQ14 through IRQ15 having the highest priority (IRQ9 is the highest) and IRQ3 through IRQ7 having the lowest priority (IRQ7 is the lowest). An interrupt request is generated when an IRQ line is raised from low to high. The line must be held high until the microprocessor acknowledges the interrupt request (Interrupt Service routine). Interrupt 13 is used on the system board and is not available on the 1/ 0 channel. Interrupt 8 is used for the real-time clock. -lOR (I/O) , -1/ 0 Read' instructs an I/O device to drive its data onto the data bus. It may be driven by the system microprocessor or DMA controller, or by a microprocessor or DMA controller resident on the 1/ 0 channel. This signal is active low. -lOW (I/O) '-I/O Write' instructs an I/O device to read the data on the data bus. It may be driven by any microprocessor or DMA controller in the system. This signal is active low. 1-24 System Board -SMEMR (0) -MEMR (I/O) These signals instruct the memory devices to drive data onto the data bus. ' -SMEMR' is active only when the memory decode is within the low 1Mb of memory space. '-MEMR' is active on all memory read cycles. '-MEMR' may be driven by any microprocessor or DMA controller in the system. '-SMEMR' is derived from '-MEMR' and the decode of the low 1Mb of memory. When a microprocessor on the I/O channel wishes to drive '-MEMR', it must have the address lines valid on the bus for one system clock period before driving '-MEMR' active. Both signals are active LOW. -SMEMW (0) -MEMW (I/O) These signals instruct the memory devices to store the data present on the data bus. ' -SMEMW' is active only when the memory decode is within the low 1Mb of the memory space. '-MEMW' is active on all memory read cycles. '-MEMW' may be driven by any microprocessor or DMA controller in the system. ' -SMEMW' is derived from '-MEMW' and the decode of the low 1Mb of memory. When a microprocessor on the I/O channel wishes to drive '-MEMW', it must have the address lines valid on the bus for one system clock period before driving '-MEMW' active. Both signals are active low. DRQO-DRQ3 and DRQ5-DRQ7 (I) DMA Requests 0 through 3 and 5 through 7 are asynchronous channel requests used by peripheral devices and the I/O channel microprocessors to gain DMA service (or control of the system). They are prioritized, with 'DRQO' having the highest priority and 'DRQ7' having the lowest. A request is generated by bringing a DRQ line to an active level. A DRQ line must be held high until the corresponding 'DMA Request Acknowledge' (DACK) line goes active. ' DRQO' through 'DRQ3' will perform 8-bit DMA transfers; 'DRQ5' through 'DRQ7' will perform 16-bit transfers. 'DRQ4' is used on the system board and is not available on the I/O channel. System Board 1-25 -DACKO to -DACK3 and -DACK5 to -DACK7 (0) -DMA Acknowledge 0 to 3 and 5 to 7 are used to acknowledge DMA requests (DRQO through DRQ7). They are active low. ~AEN (0) , Address Enable' is used to degate the microprocessor and other devices from the I/O channel to allow DMA transfers to take place. When this line is active, the DMA controller has control of the address bus, the data-bus Read command lines (memory and I/O), and the Write command lines (memory and I/O). '",- -REFRESH (I/O) This signal is used to indicate a refresh cycle and can be driven by a microprocessor on the 1/ a channel. TIC (0) 'Terminal Count' provides a pulse when the terminal count for any DMA channel is reached. ~SBHE (I/O) 'Bus High Enable' (system) indicates a transfer of data on the upper byte of the data bus, SD8 through SDI5. Sixteen-bit devices use 'SBHE' to condition data bus buffers tied to SD8 through SD 15. " -MASTER (I) This signal is used with a DRQ line to gain control of the system. A processor or DMA controller on the I/O channel may issue a DRQ to a DMA channel in cascade mode and receive a '-DACK'. Upon receiving the '-DACK', an I/O microprocessor may pull '-MASTER' low, which will allow it to 1-26 System Board control the system address, data, and control lines (a condition known as tri-state). After '-MASTER' is low, the I/O microprocessor must wait one system clock period before driving the address and data lines, and two clock periods before issuing a Read or Write command. If this signal is held low for more than 15 microseconds, system memory may be lost because of a lack of refresh. , -MEM CS16 (I) '-MEM 16 Chip Select' signals the system board if the present data transfer is a 1 wait-state, 16-bit, memory cycle. It must be derived from the decode of LA 17 through LA23. ' -MEM CS16' should be driven with an open collector or tri-state driver capable of sinking 20 rnA. "-I/O CS16 (I) , -I/O 16 bit Chip Select' signals the system board that the present data transfer is a 16-bit, 1 wait-state, I/O cycle. It is derived from an address decode. '-I/O CS16' is active low and should be driven with an open collector or tri-state driver capable of sinking 20 rnA. OSC (0) 'Oscillator' (OSC) is a high-speed clock with a 70-nanosecond period (14.31818 MHz). This signal is not synchronous with the system clock. It has a 50% duty cycle. '''OWS (I) The 'Zero Wait State' (OWS) signal tells the microprocessor that it can complete the present bus cycle without inserting any additional wait cycles. In order to run a memory cycle to a 16-bit device without wait cycles, 'OWS' is derived from an address decode gated with a Read or Write command. In order to run a memory cycle to an 8-bit device with a minimum of two wait states, 'OWS' should be driven active one system clock after the System Board 1-27 Read or Write command is active gated with the address decode for the device. Memory Read and Write commands to an 8-bit device are active on the falling edge of the system clock. 'OWS is active low and should be driven with an open collector or tri-state driver capable of sinking 20 rnA. I The following figure is an I/O address map. 000-01F 020-03F 040-05F 060-06F 070-07F 080-09F OAO-OBF OCO-ODF OFO OF1 OF8-0FF Hex Range Device DMA controller 1, 8237 A-5 Interrupt controller 1, 8259A, Master Timer, 8254.2 8042 (Keyboard) Real-time clock, NMI (non-maskable interrupt) mask DMA page register, 74LS612 Interrupt controller 2, 8259A DMA controller 2, 8237A-5 Clear Math Coprocessor Busy Reset Math Coprocessor Math Coprocessor lFO-1F8 200-207 278-27F 2F8-2FF 300-31F 360-36F 378-37F 380-38F 3AO-3AF 3BO-3BF 3CO-3CF 3DO-3DF 3FO-3F7 3F8-3FF Fixed Disk Game I/O Parallel printer port 2 Serial port 2 Prototype card Reserved Parallel printer port 1 SDLC, bisynchronous 2 Bisynchronous 1 Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter Reserved Color / Graphics Monitor Adapter Diskette controller Serial port 1 I/O Address Map Note: I/O addresses, hex 000 to OFF, are reserved for the system board I/O. Hex 100 to 3FF are available on the I/O channel. At power on time, the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) into the 80286 is masked off. The mask bit can be set and reset with system programs as follows: Mask On Write to I/O address hex 070, with data bit 7 equal to a logic a 1-28 System Board Mask Off Write to I/O address hex 070, with data bit 7 equal to a logic 1 Note: At the end of POST, the system sets the NMI mask on (NMI enabled). The following is a description of the Math Coprocessor controls. OFO An 8-bit Out command to port FO will clear the latched Math Coprocessor busy signal. 'Busy' will be latched if the coprocessor asserts its error signal while it is busy. The data output should be zero. OFt An 8-bit Out command to port FI will reset the Math Coprocessor. The data output should be zero. I/O address hex 080 is used as a diagnostic-checkpoint port or register. This port corresponds to a read/write register in the DMA page register (74LS6I2). The '-I/O channel check signal' (-I/O CH CK) is used to report uncorrectable errors on RAM adapters on the I/O channel. This check will create a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) if enabled (see the figure, "I/O Address Map," for enable control). At power-on time, the NMI is masked off and check is disabled. Before check or NMI is enabled, the following steps should be taken. 1. Write data in all I/O RAM-adapter memory locations; this will establish good parity at all locations. 2. Enable 1/ a channel check. 3. Enable NMI. Note: All three of these functions are performed by POST. When a check occurs, an interrupt (NMI) will result. Check the status bits to determine the source of the NMI (see the figure, "I/O Address Map"). To determine the location of the failing adapter, write to any memory location within a given adapter. If the parity check was from that adapter, '-I/O CH CK' will be inactive. System Board t-29 Other Circuits Speaker The system unit has a 2-1/4 inch permanent-magnet speaker, which can be driven from: • The I/O-port output bit • The timer/counter's clock out • Both Jumper The system board has a 3-pin, Berg-strip connector. The placement of a jumper across the pins of the connector determines whether the system board's 2nd 256Kb of RAM is enabled or disabled. Following are the pin assignments for the connector. Pin 1 2 3 Assignments No connection Ground A8 (28542) RAM Jumper Connector(J18) The following shows how the jumper affects RAM. Jumper Positions 1 and 2 2 and 3 Function Enable 2nd 256Kb of system board ram Disable 2nd 256Kb of system board ram RAM Jumper Note: The normal mode is the enable mode. The disable mode permits the 2nd 256Kb of RAM to reside on adapters plugged into the I/O bus. 1-30 System Board Type of Display Adapter Switch The system board has a slide switch, the purpose of which is to tell the system into which display adapter the primary display is attached. Its positions are assigned as follows: On (toward the rear of the system unit): The primary display is attached to Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter. Off (toward the front of the system unit): The primary display is attached to the Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter. Note: The primary display is activated when the system is turned on. Variable Capacitor The system board has a variable capacitor. Its purpose is to adjust the 14.31818 MHz oscillator (aSC) signal that is used to obtain the color burst signal required for color televisions. Keyboard Controller The keyboard controller is a single-chip microcomputer (Intel 8042) that is programmed to support the IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard serial interface. The keyboard controller receives serial data from the keyboard, checks the parity of the data, translates scan codes, and presents the data to the system as a byte of data in its output buffer. The controller will interrupt the system when data is placed in its output buffer. The status register contains bits that indicate if an error was detected while receiving the data. Data may be sent to the keyboard by writing to the keyboard controller's input buffer. The byte of data will be sent to the keyboard serially with an odd parity bit automatically inserted. The keyboard is required to acknowledge all data transmissions. No transmission should be sent to the keyboard until acknowledgment is received for the previous byte sent. System Board 1-31 Receiving Data from the Keyboard The keyboard sends data in a serial format using an II-bit frame. The first bit is a start bit, and is followed by eight data bits, an odd parity bit, and a stop bit. Data sent is synchronized by a clock supplied by the keyboard. At the end of a transmission, the keyboard controller disables the interface until the system accepts the byte. If the byte of data is received with a parity error, a Resend command is automatically sent to the keyboard. If the keyboard controller is unable to receive the data correctly, a hex FF is placed in its output buffer, and the parity bit in the status register is set to 1, indicating a receive parity error. The keyboard controller will also time a byte of data from the keyboard. If a keyboard transmission does not end within two milliseconds, a hex FF is placed in the keyboard controller's output buffer, and the receive time-out bit in the status register is set. No retries will be attempted on a receive time-out error. Scan Code Translation Scan codes, which are received from the keyboard, are converted by the keyboard controller before they are put into the controller's output buffer. The following figure shows the keyboard layout with key numbers. 1-32 System Board System Board 1-33 The following figure is the scan-code translation table. Keyboard Scan Code Key System Scan Code 00 76 16 1E 26 25 2E 36 3D 3E 46 45 4E 55 66 OD 15 1D 24 2D 2C 35 3C 43 44 4D 54 5B 5A 14 1C 1B 23 2B 34 33 3B 42 4B 4C 52 OE 12 5D 1A 22 21 2A 90 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 43 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 44 14 46 47 48 49 FF 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F (Part 1 of 2). 1-34 System Board Scan-Code Translation Table Keyboard Scan Code 32 31 3A 41 49 4A 59 7C 11 29 58 05 06 04 OC 03 OB 02 or 83 OA 01 09 77 7E 6C 75 70 78 68 73 74 79 69 72 7A 70 71 7F or 84 (Part 2 of 2) Key 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 106 58 61 64 70 65 71 66 72 67 73 68 74 69 95 100 91 96 101 107 92 97 102 108 93 98 103 99 104 105 System Scan Code 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 Scan-Code Translation Table System Board 1-35 The following scan codes are reserved. Keyboard Scan Code 60 61 78 07 OF 17 1F 27 2F 37 3F 47 4F 56 5E 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 57 6F 13 19 39 51 53 5C 5F 62 63 64 65 67 68 6A 60 6E Key R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Scan-Code Translation Table 1-36 System Board System Scan Code 55 56 57 58 59 5A 58 5C 50 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 68 6C 60 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 78 7C 70 7E 7F Sending Data to the Keyboard Data is sent to the keyboard in the same serial format used to receive data from the keyboard. A parity bit is automatically inserted by the keyboard controller. If the keyboard does not start clocking the data out of the keyboard controller within 15 milliseconds or complete that clocking within 2 milliseconds, a hex FE is placed in the keyboard controller's output buffer, and the transmit time-out error bit is set in the status register. The keyboard is required to respond to all transmissions. If the response contains a parity error, a hex FE is placed in the keyboard controller's output buffer, and the transmit time-out and parity error bits are set in the status register. The keyboard controller is programmed to set a time limit for the keyboard to respond. If 25 milliseconds are exceeded, the keyboard controller places a hex FE in its output buffer and sets the transmit and receive time-out error bits in the status register. No retries will be made by the keyboard controller for any transmission error. Inhibit The keyboard interface may be inhibited by a key-controlled hardware switch, although all transmissions to the keyboard will be allowed, regardless of the state of the switch. The keyboard controller tests data received from the keyboard to determine if the byte received is a command response or a scan code. If the byte is a command response, it is placed in the keyboard controller's output buffer. If the byte is a scan code, it is ignored. Keyboard Controller System Interface The keyboard controller communicates with the system through a status register, an output buffer, and an input buffer. The following figure is a block diagram of the keyboard interface. System Board 1-37 RAM on the System Board Manufacturing Mode Display Type Keyboard Inhibited o U Data Bus T f---~p System Reset Gate A2D + Output Buffer Full - . . . + Input Buffer Empty------. Keyboard Clock -~----II... U T ~----l Keyboard Data --l--.---'" TO ~--------I Tl~------~ Status Register The status register is an 8-bit read-only register at I/O address hex 64. It has information about the state of the keyboard controller (8042) and interface. It may be read at any time. Status-Register Bit Definition Bit 0 Output Buffer Full-A 0 indicates that the keyboard controller's output buffer has no data. A 1 indicates that the controller has placed data into its output buffer but the system has not yet read the data. When the system reads the output buffer (I/O address hex 60), this bit will return to a O. Bit 1 Input Buffer Full-A 0 indicates that the keyboard controller's input buffer (II 0 address hex 60 or 64) is 1-38 System Board empty. A 1 indicates that data has been written into the buffer but the controller has not read the data. When the controller reads the input buffer, this bit will return to O. Bit 2 System Flag-This bit may be set to 0 or 1 by writing to the system's flag bit in the keyboard controller's command byte. It is set to 0 after a power on reset. Bit 3 Command/Data-The keyboard controller's input buffer may be addressed as either I/O address hex 60 or 64. Address hex 60 is defined as the data port, and address hex 64 is defined as the command port. Writing to address hex 64 sets this bit to 1; writing to address hex 60 sets this bit to O. The controller uses this bit to determine if the byte in its input buffer should be interpreted as a command byte or a data byte. Bit 4 Inhibit Switch-This bit is updated whenever data is placed in the keyboard controller's output buffer. It reflects the state of the keyboard-inhibit switch. A 0 indicates the keyboard is inhibited. Bit S Transmit Time-Out-A 1 indicates that a transmission started by the keyboard controller was not properly completed. If the transmit byte was not clocked out within the specified time limit, this will be the only error. If the transmit byte was clocked out but a response was not received within the programmed time limit, the transmit time-out and receive time-out error bits are set On. If the transmit byte was clocked out but the response was received with a parity error, the transmit time-out and parity error bits are set On. Bit 6 Receive Time-Out-A 1 indicates that a transmission was started by the keyboard but did not finish within the programmed receive time-out delay. Bit 7 Parity Error-A 0 indicates the last byte of data received from the keyboard had odd parity. A 1 indicates the last byte had even parity. The keyboard should send with odd parity. System Board 1-39 Output Buffer The output buffer is an 8-bit read-only register at I/O address hex 60. The keyboard controller uses the output buffer to send scan codes received from the keyboard, and data bytes requested by command to the system. The output buffer should be read only when the output buffer's full bit in the status register is 1. Input Buffer The input buffer is an 8-bit write-only register at I/O address hex 60 or 64. Writing to address hex 60 sets a flag, that indicates a data write; writing to address hex 64 sets a flag, indicating a command write. Data written to I/O address hex 60 is sent to the keyboard, unless the keyboard controller is expecting a data byte following a controller command. Data should be written to the controller's input buffer only if the input buffer's full bit in the status register is equal to O. The following are valid keyboard controller commands. Commands (I/O Address hex 64) 20 Read Keyboard Controller's Command Byte-The controller sends its current command byte to its output buffer. 60 Write Keyboard Controller's Command Byte-The next byte of data written to I/O address hex 60 is placed in the controller's command byte. Bit definitions of the command byte are as follows: Bit 7 Reserved-Should be written to a O. Bit 6 IBM Personal Computer Compatibility Mode-Writing a 1 to this bit causes the controller to convert the scan codes received from the keyboard to those used by the IBM 1-40 System Board Personal Computer. This includes converting a two-byte break sequence to the one-byte IBM Personal Computer format. Bit 5 IBM Personal Computer Mode-Writing a 1 to this bit programs the keyboard to support the IBM Personal Computer keyboard interface. In this mode the controller does not check parity or convert scan codes. Bit 4 Disable Keyboard-Writing a 1 to this bit disables the keyboard interface by driving the clock line low. Data is not sent or received. I I Bit 3 Inhibit Override-Writing a 1 to this bit disables the keyboard inhibit function. Bit 2 System Flag-The value written to this bit is placed in the system flag bit of the controller's status register. Bit 1 Reserved-Should be written to a O. Bit 0 Enable Output-Buffer-Full Interrupt-Writing a 1 to this bit causes the controller to generate an interrupt when it places data into its output buffer. AA Self-Test-This commands the controller to perform internal diagnostic tests. A hex 55 is placed in the output buffer if no errors are detected. AB Interface Test-This commands the controller to test the keyboard clock and data lines. The test result is placed in the output buffer as follows: 00 No error detected. 01 The keyboard clock line is stuck low. 02 The I keyboard clock I line is stuck high. 03 The keyboard data line is stuck low. I I I I System Board 1-41 04 The keyboard data line is stuck high. I I AC Diagnostic Dump-Sends 16 bytes of the controller's RAM, the current state of the input port, the current state of the output port, and the controller's program status word to the system. All items are sent in scan-code format. AD Disable Keyboard Feature-This command sets bit 4 of the controller's command byte. This disables the keyboard interface by driving the clock line low. Data will not be sent or received. AE Enable Keyboard Interface-This command clears bit 4 of the command byte, which releases the keyboard interface. CO Read Input Port-This commands the controller to read its input port and place the data in its output buffer. This command should be used only if the output buffer is empty. DO Read Output Port-This command causes the controller to read its output port and place the data in its output buffer. This command should be issued only if the output buffer is empty. Dl Write Output Port-The next byte of data written to I/O address hex 60 is placed in the controller's output port. Note: Bit 0 of the controller's output port is connected to System Reset. This bit should not be written low. EO Read Test Inputs-This command causes the controller to read its TO and T1 inputs. This data is placed in the output buffer. Data bit 0 represents TO, and data bit 1 represents T 1. FO-FF Pulse Output Port-Bits 0 through 3 of the controller's output port may be pulsed low for approximately 6 microseconds. Bits 0 through 3 of this command indicate 1-42 System Board which bits are to be pulsed. A 0 indicates that the bit should be pulsed, and a 1 indicates the bit should not be modified. Note: Bit 0 of the controller's output port is connected to System Reset. Pulsing this bit resets the microprocessor. I/O Ports The keyboard controller has two 8-bit I/O ports and two test inputs. One of the ports is assigned for input and the other for output. The controller uses the test inputs to read the state of the keyboard's clock line and the keyboard's data line. I I I I System Board 1-43 The following figures show bit definitions for the input, output, and test-input ports. Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined RAM on the system board 0= Disable 2nd 256Kb of system board RAM 1 = Enable 2nd 256Kb of system board RAM Manufacturing jumper 0= Manufacturing jumper installed 1 = Jumper not installed· Display type switch 0= Primary display attached to Color/Graphics adapter 1 = Primary display attached to Monochrome adapter Keyboard inhibit switch o = Keyboard inhibited 1 = Keyboard not inhibited Input-Port Definitions Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 System reset Gate A20 Undefined Undefined Output buffer full Input buffer empty Keyboard clock (output) Keyboard data (output) Output-Port Bit Definitions Test-Input Port Bit Definitions 1-44 System Board Real-time Clock/Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (RT /CMOS) RAM Information The RT/CMOS RAM chip (Motorola MC146818) contains the real-time clock and 64 bytes of CMOS RAM. The internal clock circuitry uses 14 bytes of this RAM, and the rest is allocated to configuration information. The following figure shows the CMOS RAM addresses. Addresses Description 00-00 * Real-time clock information * Diagnostic status byte * Shutdown status byte DE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19-20 2E-2F 30 31 32 33 34-3F Diskette drive type byte - drives A and B Reserved Fixed disk type byte - drives C and 0 Reserved Equipment byte Low base memory byte High base memory byte Low expansion memory byte High expansion memory byte Reserved 2-byte CMOS checksum * Low expansion memory byte * High expansion memory byte * Date century byte * Information flags (set during power on) Reserved CMOS RAM Address Map * These bytes are not included in the checksum calculation and are not part of the configuration record. Real-time Clock Information The following figure describes real-time clock bytes and specifies their addresses. System Board 1-45 Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Function Seconds Second alarm Minutes Minute alarm Hours Hour alarm Day of week Date of month Month Year Status Register A Status Register B Status Register C Status Register D Address 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD Real-Time Clock Information (addresses OO-OD) Note: The setup program initializes registers A, B, C, and D when the time and date are set. Also Interrupt 1A is the BIOS' interface to read/set the time and date. It initializes the status bytes the same as the Setup program. Status Register A Bit 7 Update in Progress (UIP)-A 1 indicates the time update cycle is in progress. A 0 indicates the current date and time is available to read. Bit 6-Bit 4 22-Stage Divider (DV2 through DVO)-These three divider-selection bits identify which time-base frequency is being used. The system initializes the stage divider to 010, which selects a 32.768kHz time base. Bit 3-Bit 0 Rate Selection Bits (RS3 through RSO)-These bits allow the selection of a divider output frequency. The system initializes the rate selection bits to 0110, which selects a 1.024kHz square wave output frequency and a 976.562 microsecond periodic interrupt rate. 1-46 System Board Status Register B Bit 7 Set-A 0 updates the cycle normally by advancing the counts at one-per-second. A 1 aborts any update cycle in progress and the program can initialize the 14 time-bytes without any further updates occurring until a 0 is written to this bit. Bit 6 Periodic Interrupt Enable (PIE)-This bit is a read/write bit that allows an interrupt to occur at a rate specified by the rate and divider bits in register A. A 1 enables an interrupt, and a 0 disables it. The system initializes this bit to O. Bit 5 Alarm Interrupt Enable (AIE)-A 1 enables the alarm interrupt, and a 0 disables it. The system initializes this bit to O. Bit 4 Update-Ended Interrupt Enabled (UIE)-A 1 enables the update-ended interrupt, and a 0 disables it. The system initializes this bit to O. Bit 3 Square Wave Enabled (SQWE)-A 1 enables the the square-wave frequency as set by the rate selection bits in register A, and a 0 disables the square wave. The system initializes this bit to O. Bit 2 Date Mode (DM)-This bit indicates whether the time and date calendar updates are to use binary or binary coded decimal (BCD) formats. A 1 indicates binary, and a 0 indicates BCD. The system initializes this bit to O. Bit 1 24/12-This bit establishes whether the hours byte is in the 24-hour or 12-hour mode. Al indicates the 24-hour, mode and a 0 indicates the 12-hour mode. The system initializes this bit to 1. System Board 1-47 Bit 0 Daylight Savings Enabled (DSE)-A 1 enables daylight savings and a 0 disables daylight savings (standard time). The system initializes this bit to o. Register C Bit 7-Bit 4 IRQF, PF, AF, UF-These flag bits are read only and are affected when the AlE PIE and UIE interrupts are enabled in register B. I I Bit 3-Bit 0 I, I I , I Reserved Register D Bit 7 Valid RAM Bit (VRB )-This bit is read only and indicates the condition of the contents of the CMOS RAM through the power sense pin. A low state of the power sense pin indicates that the real-time clock has lost its power (battery dead). A 1 on the VRB indicates power on the real-time clock and a 0 indicates that the real-time clock has lost power. Bits 6-Bit 0 Reserved CMOS RAM Configuration Information The following lists show bit definitions for the CMOS configuration bytes (addresses hex OE- 3F). Diagnostic Status Byte (Hex OE) Bit 7 Real-time clock chip has lost power. A 0 indicates that the chip has not lost power, and a 1 indicates that the chip lost power. 1-48 System Board Bit 6 Configuration Record-Checksum Status Indicator-A 0 indicates that checksum is good, and a 1 indicates it is bad. Bit 5 Incorrect Configuration Information-This is a check, at power on time, of the equipment byte of the configuration record. A 0 indicates that the configuration information is valid, and a 1 indicates it is invalid. Power-on checks require: • • At least one diskette drive to be installed (bit o of the equipment byte set to 1). The primary display adapter setting in configuration matches the system board's display switch setting and the actual display hardware in the system. Bit 4 Memory Size Miscompare-A 0 indicates that the power-on check determined the same memory size as in the configuration record and a 1 indicates the memory size is different. Bit 3 Fixed Disk Adapter/Drive C Initialization Status-A 0 indicates that the adapter and drive are functioning properly and the system can attempt "boot up." A 1 indicates that the adapter and/or drive C failed initialization, which prevents the system from attempting to "boot lip. " Bit 2 Time Status Indicator-(POST validity check) A o indicates that the time is valid and a 1 indicates that the time is invalid. Bit 1-Bit 0 Reserved Shutdown Status Byte (Hex OF) The bits in this byte are defined by the power on diagnostics. For more information about this byte, see "BIOS Listing. " System Board 1-49 Diskette Drive Type Byte (Hex 10) Bit 7-Bit 4 Type of first diskette drive installed: 0000 No drive is present. 0001 Double Sided Diskette Drive (48 TPI) 0010 High Capacity Diskette Drive (96 TPI) Note: 0011 through 1111 are reserved. Bit 3-Bit 0 Type of second diskette drive installed: 0000 No drive is present. 0001 Double Sided Diskette Drive (48 TPI) 0010 High Capacity Diskette Drive (96 TPI) Note: 0011 through 1111 are reserved. Hex address 11 contains a reserved byte. Fixed Disk Type Byte (Hex 12) Bit 7-Bit 4 Defines the type of first fixed disk drive installed (drive C): 0000 No fixed disk drive is present. 000 1 through 1111 define type 1 through type 15 (see BIOS listing at label FD_TBL). Bit 3-Bit 0 Defines the type of second fixed disk drive installed (drive D): 0000 1-50 System Board No fixed disk drive is present. 0001 through 1111 define type 1 through type 15 (see BIOS listing at label FD_TBL). The following figure shows the BIOS fixed disk parameters. Type Cylinders Heads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 306 4 615 4 615 6 940 8 940 6 615 4 462 8 733 5 900 15 820 3 855 5 855 7 306 8 733 7 Reserved--set to zeros Write Pre-comp 128 300 300 512 512 no 256 no no8 no no no 128 no Landing Zone 305 615 615 940 940 615 511 733 901 820 855 855 319 733 BIOS Fixed Disk Parameters Hex address 13 contains a reserved byte. Equipment Byte (Hex 14) Bit 7-Bit 6 Bit 5-Bit 4 Indicates the number of diskette drives installed: 00 1 drive 01 2 drives 10 Reserved 11 Reserved Primary display 00 Reserved System Board 1-51 01 Primary display is attached to the Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter in the 40-column mode. 10 Primary display is attached to the Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter in the 80-column mode. 11 Primary display is attached to the Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter. Bit 3-Bit 2 Not used. Bit 1 Math Coprocessor presence bit: Bit 0 o Math Coprocessor not installed. 1 Math Coprocessor installed. The set condition of this bit indicates that diskette drives are installed. Note: The equipment byte defines basic equipment in the system for power-on diagnostics. Low and High Base Memory Bytes (Hex 15 and 16) Bit 7-Bit 0 Address hex 15-Low-byte base size Bit 7-Bit 0 Address hex 16-High-byte base size Valid Sizes: Ol 000 256Kb system-board RAM 02000 512Kb system-board RAM 02800 640Kb 512Kb system board RAM and the IBM Personal Computer AT 128KB Memory Expansion Option 1-52 System Board Low and High Memory Expansion Bytes (Hex 17 and 18) Bit 7-Bit 0 Address hex 17-Low-byte expansion size Bit 7-Bit 0 Address hex 18-High-byte expansion size Valid Sizes: 0200H 512Kb I/O adapter 0400H 1024Kb I/O adapter (2 adapters) 600H 1536Kb I/O adapter (3 adapters) to 3COOH 15360Kb I/O adapter (15Mb maximum) Hex addresses 19 through 2D are reserved. Checksum (Hex 2E and 2F) Address hex 2E High byte of checksum Address hex 2F Low byte of checksum Note: Checksum is on addresses hex 10-20. Low and High Expansion Memory Bytes (Hex 30 and 31) Bit 7-Bit 0 Address hex 30-Low-byte expansion size Bit 7-Bit 0 Address hex 31-High-byte expansion size Valid Sizes: 0200H 512Kb I/O adapter 0400H 1024Kb I/O adapter System Board 1-53 0600H 1536Kb I/O adapter to 3COOH 15360Kb I/O adapter (15Mb maximum) Note: This word reflects the total expansion memory above the 1Mb address space as determined at power-on time. This expansion memory size can be determined through system interrupt 15 (see the BIOS listing). The base memory at power-on time is determined through the system memory-size-determine interrupt. Date Century Byte (Hex 32) Bit 7-Bit 0 BCD value for the century (BIOS interface to read and set). Information Flag (Hex 33) Bit 7 Set if the IBM Personal Computer AT 128KB Memory Expansion Option is installed. Bit 6 This bit is used by the Setup utility to put out a first user message after initial setup. Bit 5-Bit 0 Reserved Note: Hex addresses 34 through 3F are reserved. 110 Operations Writing to CMOS RAM involves two steps: 1. OUT to port hex 70 with the CMOS address that will be written to. 2. OUT to port hex 71 with the data to be written. 1-54 System Board Reading CMOS RAM also requires two steps: 1. OUT to port hex 70 with the CMOS address that is to be read from. 2. IN from port hex 71, and the data read is returned in the AL register. Specifications System Unit Size • Length: 540 millimeters (21.3 inches) • Depth: 439 millimeters (17.3 inches) • Height: 162 millimeters (6.8 inches) Weight • 19.05 kilograms (42 pounds) Power Cables • Length: 1.8 meters (6 feet) System Board 1-55 Environment • • • Air Temperature - System On: 15.6 to 32.2 degrees C (60 to 90 degrees F) - System Off: 10 to 43 degrees C (50 to 110 degrees F) Humidity - System On: 8% to 80% - System Off: 20% to 80% Altitude - Maximum altitude: 2133.6 meters (7000 feet) Heat Output • 1229 British Thermal Units per hour Noise Level • Meets Class 3; 42 decibels average-noise rating Electrical • VA-450 • Range 1 - Nominal- 115 Vac - Minimum - 100 Vac 1-56 System Board • Maximum - 125 Vac Range 2 Nominal- 230 Vac Minimum - 200 Vac Maximum - 240 Vac Connectors The system board has the following connectors: • Speaker connector (119) • Two power-supply connectors (PS8 and PS9) • Keyboard connector (J9) • Power LED and keylock connector (J20) • Battery connector (121) The speaker connector is a 4-pin, keyed, Berg strip. The pin assignments follow. Phi 1 2 3 4 Function Data out Key Ground +5Vdc Speaker Connector (J19) The pin assignments for power-supply connectors, P8 and P9, are as follows: System Board 1-57 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assi~mments Power good +5Vdc +12 Vdc -12Vdc Ground Ground Ground Ground -5Vdc +5Vdc +5Vdc +5Vdc Connector PS8 PS9 Power Supply Connectors The keyboard connector is a 5-pin, 90-degree Printed Circuit Board (PCB) mounting, DIN connector. The pin assignments are as follows: Pin Assi~mments 1 2 Keyboard clock Keyboard data Spare Ground +5Vdc 3 4 5 Keyboard Connector (J22) The power LED and keylock connector is a 5-pin Berg strip. Its pin assignments follow: Pin Assignments 1 LED Power Key Ground Keyboard inhibit Ground 2 3 4 5 Power LED and Keylock Connector (J20) The battery connector is a 4-pin, keyed, Berg strip. The pin assignments follow: 1-58 System Board Pin 1 2 3 4 Assignments Ground Not Used Not Used 6Vdc. Battery Connector (J21) System Board 1-59 The following figure shows the layout of the system board. ~" ,'0 I; ~ ~C3 ~"[§JO ~ p 11 P ~' ti Ii '18' r'; ~IJrn ~ riI1 IJ Ii, tl, II, ~I, II, II, II' II~ ~§I: ~ [I ~ ~ ,1 I/O CHANNEL CONNECTORS VARIABLE -- ~~onDQ.~DDDDDOW~~~ uuB888urnD~UDUD m mmrnm 0rn~ DOD 0 rn OJ UU nri mmrnmrnmmrnrn ~ mmmmmm 00[J DUu0 ~ 0uru [J 0 @l~~rJD 00 DOD D[J !ill illilllruwmm 0D' ~~. _",," JUMPER CONNECTOR System Board Layout 1-60 System Board ~~~~~6~g~K Logic Diagrams '" N "-----~---~~ ~ \'! ~ gl~ ~~;;:(.:;j,;~~~,;;:~~~~~s.;~~~~~!;i~~~~ ~fg\ '~ :f~· " ~ - 01 ,~ ~ 3 "- <;>:'::"''''' " " I(; - N - - N 0 ~ ....CD CD J: , -... tn go~~~~~8~~~O~5~~~ "0 co 0 In - E ....CD II) >tn ,J 1 ~~ ~ ~ N ~ >2!:'! "'M~§" ~ ~iii !2~\,!~ ~ -- j:5:5:'i I ~~~ ~ ~U:;-iii;t; III:!: '1~~\'! L...". ~~ " ~ S'i? \'?!!? System Board 1-61 .. I ~ N (SHTI) (SHT3) 82286 -a rJ'1 ~ lI.l ~ = e; (SHT6) (SHTl) (MOLY (SHTI) " (SHT 1) (SHT 1) (SHT 1) ISHT 1) (SHT 12) FiEAD~ PRO(ClK M/W CPU HLDA -(NTL OFF 0 =- (SHT3) ~9 CMOLY I lftArjy :8 ~?~o ~ SO ., MRDe ~ ~CENLLJfn .Oi~;F; f 15 MB 20 vee N ALSO" I DrIR , '" ~U<;l7 12 I?L FlO (SHTI) j (SHT I) 12 - MEMR ISHT 10,15,19.20 - MEMW (SHT6,7,15,19) -lOR (SHT6,15,20) -lew (SHT 15,20) -INTA (SHT3,4,13,16,21) (SHT 4,5,6) tk' J 12 (LR o US) Q Q e (SHTel " ., LSb't6 , "" , ALSO" DJR 1::::: " XAO LSAO '" '" I-JeLl( II 107 (SHT 13) (SHT4) " t1t==J. '~~' (SHT 15) '" 16 110 I " , ~ ~w;~ 12 ~ I~ i~lA '5 DEN.. AEN/CEN '" r RN') -It> r' - RESET 22 CBA seA I t CA' 00 , " """ Ol 7 II~ 06 D7 SA' A ~ A A Ub7 ! I ,,, 20 ,, "" ,, "", , " SOD so, (SHT 6,13.20) SOl SD3 so. 50< 506 r SD7 (SHT6,13.20) -)(8HE (SHT 7,10) ~g~ (SHT 6,13,19) ~ ALSZ"') I~ (SHT 1) 08 I DO (SHTI) DfR , ' , , , 010 D" DI2 A A A A A 0 . ,, : 7 '" DI< - ~~-- --- - DTiR , LSAO LSAQ :~ - ,, " ,,, ," ,,, " " "D U~ 1~ IV o m E II) UI ~ , :;~;;;:.:~:~~~~ Q::"''''~\!: :!'! ~ 9 " )0 I , , 11 (SHT2) FlO 1 USl " ~ " 10n 11- 12 7 ~on I(J , ,. ,.onl't 8 b ,.on l ! , 2 10f! IS -RAS a (SHT8) (SHT91 -RAS 1 (SHT81 -RAS 1 (SHT 9) FlO )1 U'>7 Z. R.2 , FlO (SHT81 I ~Ofllb U'>7\....i -CAS 0 H (SHT8) -CAS1 L (SHT9) -CAS I H (SHT 9) -XAO (SHT 10) -XBHE ~ 't 51 flO q U<;:. ') lonl 8 10 II == = ... , FlO S 10n 9 10 U<;:S\.. S to) Q. .... -- I Q'I ..... System Board (Sheet 7 of 22) l NOll:J3S I .... I a-, (SHT 10) MOPINO (SHT 10) (SHT 6) MOPINI MOO MD' MD2 QO '"' Mil'< MD> i 3 t:cI o a. MD6 MCf'lNO MD7 Moe MDD MOO ,p, MOlD I MOil MDll MOil (SHT 6) ,02 MOl'> 5" (SHT 4) SA8 ISHT 21) -REFRESH ISHT 4) SA(! (SHT2t) +REFRESH ~'I -WE FI'5e 5 2A m SA> 5" SA' SAID (SHT 4) (SHT 7) SAil 5AI2 Y2 14 1A 2 IA ," lB b :: , 'D , ,-------!'< ~~ US" ~2 4 " (SHT 4) -CA - 12 MAl l'j MAl 2 >C" SA7 l't " "3A SAI~ 10 48 Ii :~ H :611 L A , Ab A7 2 WE , U,q SANK 0 RAS I'> (AS ; RASI I- (9) 1281(>1; I "~; ~' I~ ~: " t------------i GSEC U," " ,>0" A MA' b , 8 ,on I" H HAb 'J MA7 RASI MAO ~ MA' 7 MAZ MAO b 12 "" MAO MAb MA7 -WE -RAsa CASOH RASI :~ A2 A4 10 A" , A7 2 \IE I~ SANK I Ai II DECOUPLING At> f'",OLTAGE r ., I~ ~o I I" "" '"1,14 DIN/DOUT '"1.14 MOIO -RASO MOil MDI2 -CASOH MDI~ MO' MDI'; ~. DIN/DOUT I., U2 (AI'S: '1-.,O!J.F , I 9-.IOj.jF! 2-IO .. F I BANK: TO GND MD8 -CASOL -RASI DIN/DOUT t M" MAS MAb MA7 (SHT 9,10: "' " II ~A SAI4 SAle; 1.1"1 WE -RAsa l~14 MAO 10 MAl , Uz> 1,14 MOJ MDPOUT UI U7 m 1,14 MDb (SHT 22) ISHr 1,14 DOUT 14 U4, DIN/DOUT 1,14 "" "" MDO :r MOl4 I Oli'l 1,14 DIN/DOUT 1,14 D 1 I 2- IO~F . 10 IJF : (I,z .<;2.'i~ .louF: (7,11.16.20,28. '2,~8,42,47, (8.12,11,21,2<1. ""Q,4,,48 U8 U" U20 U," '"1.14 U20 U," 1,14 DIN/DOur , U,", DIN/Dour (<11 128 K Xl System Board (Sheet 8 of 22) U44 14 MDPOUTi (SHT9,10' MDPIN 0 I IDIN UL+S DOUOJ Ilf HOD liQl HD2 HD' 1.11t HD' ~ HD7 TAD ~ (SHT6) {SHT6} r(SHT8) +> HAD MAl MA2 1 MA' (SHT6) \FJ. '< [Il ~ 51 = "e; M. . MA> MA' MA7 (SHT 7) -RAS 1 t .,.RAS2 (SHT7) TA2 HOD HOI HD2 HD' HD' HD' HD' HD7 HM HD' MOlD 11011 HD. H'" I101Lt 11011) DIN / DOUT UZ'; ~ OIN / DOUT U30 HD' 1.11+ DiN / OOUT U;')I 1,14 OlN /OOllT AD AI 'iii "" ~!~ ~ I I I I I 8ANK 2 .=!!&.1 ~ =ciST[ (Q) " , 11 128K XI I I. PI ",0 ---.!..tIlt i 1.11f 1,11+ 17 'DIN ULf6 DINI DOUr UI+ ~UIO DIN/oour U22 MDPJN 0 I1DPIN I MDPOIJTO MOPOIJTI (SHT 22) - TWE 1 DECOUPLING CAP: I BANK VOLTAGE IOuF : O,It,'iIt,SS TO GNO +S 19-.IDuF I 9-.tOuF .IOuF: (Q,EI,t8,22,lO ~It,ItO,'+It,1t9 (IO,IIf'\9,2;,,1 -CASIL -CASIH (SHT 10) (SHT 10) (SHT8) (SHT8) 8ANK DIN / DOUT UI6 lS,III,It'),,;O c. (9) ""'I " =-~ 1261< XI System Board (Sheet 9 of 22) 1 NOll:J3S a~;- .i:;;(~~~!!c:i!;i ~S"!i;:i~!i~~gQ~~g:&81:i1tl~ g~ ~~~ ~~N ~ _~e ~ ~e N I~ 2 ~~ S !i0i~~:l~~!:i~s:l;~~~U:~8521:;i!i~.8bltfc ~: g~ ~ ~3 ~~ N = - ~ - N C'II C'II '0 o .... . CD .c -.. en '2 o ID E .I J.I J 1-70 System Board .! ~ f- rt~O ~g::o~dd- ~9 5 " ." vIC e '!: 'Cr'o ....... I C\I C\I o ,... ,... I CP CP .c:: ! ~.~--- ! ~ " ,- " ~ " «on v .. muow LL"':t:_ CP [J" ·m " I , I 1 I 11) ~ 0 I Ii I ;;; E I I 0 - o ID 3 Q..., .... <:>7_ .(~ T" " .- ...ca I I w w 'C l I I System Board 1-71 " "- ""- "~ . ~ N ~ . .. ~ ~ ~ ;;: do~:;;;d;:' -' -. m '---:=:J- t= :l ~ ""- " ~~ " ~N ~ " "- ~ ""- "~ " 1-72 System Board ~ ~ "- ~ ~ '" ~ , " "- (SHT 6) DIR 24'5 (SHT2) SOD ALSZ4'5 501 SO, SDl SD' SO, SO. ==== ==== SOD I ~ 501 === (SHT 6) GATE 24'5 ------; 1 (SHT 2) (SHT2) 50s '" 1 (SHT2) SOlO SDII 5DI2 5013 5014 SOI'i , ~4 A A A ' ,4 A •A A A , ;.;!t. - ' 1 • 507 ~ @IR SO, 10 B1 " 501, : 5014 12 1 501'5 B Ul0Z === === === === SD~a B" B B B 14 . • '. • "· AL52 , 500 It, B B B B 8 • , • 4 ' A 4 • 507 +A(I( I~ ALSOII (SHT 3) HLOA (SHT 191-MASTER ~II I ,-----l ALSO'! " U81 (SHT 15) ie = ~ XA9 XAS ~U8Lt -XIOR (SHT 3) -NPCS (SHT 2) - INTA ~04 Ii UI21 II 12 XO' X04 B " B" Xo; : XD1 <0. I~ (SHT 14,15,16,17,18) (SHT 3,14,15,16,17,18) U II, 1 ~ 'i X02 -ACK B 2 ALS27 (SHT 5) (SHT 5) ~ CIR ISH1,4rI6,,,,'8) XOO XOI " 12 11 14 (SHT 3) (SHT4,15) +,6,(1( -ACK U6Z' 10 ,, (SHT 5) X/6 1 • (SHT 5) (SHT 5) XAb XA7 , ALSI ;a YO YI I; ,,, C Ilf Y1 , 4 0'. 02B L-J.: 01 Y4 1 '('5 10 -OMA I CS -INTRles (SHT 14) (SHT16) -TIC -PPI (SHT16) (S cs (SHT 18) -PG REG (S (SHT 15) -UlTR 2CS (SHT 16) Vb ' -DMAzes (SHT14) Y1 1 CS2B7 (SHT3) UI 2, """" I -..J ~ System Board (Sheet 13 of 22) L NOI1:ns 1 - -... N N o .. ~ CD CD .c::: ~ 'E IV o III .. E CD 1/1 >- t/) i 1- 7 4 System Board ~L 0' ~ N 5 - ~~L. ~~ ~ C'I o It) ,.. .... - G) G) .t:. D ~"<~ !! "EI'CI • o 85~~~~888g~~ ~~~5 ~I$~ III , •• E 2-,.e'WI *•• G) ~ttt~~~~=m~ ~ m ~~ ~"'''' trtrtr >'l.~'!!. ;::~ u ~\2. System Board 1-75 -..... Cii' N o CD CD II) "i- .c f/) .,J 1-76 System Board £ '" '8 .• £ N ~ ~ rn" '~'W mt J' .... -... N N o ,.. "'" G) G) ~----.----i-l--H-1--l-J-l--l .c ~ 'EIII o ID E G) i U) System Board 1-77 ID ~!?!? " III !!U!].(,£ '!l '!l ~ m ", ~ I C\I -... N o CXI ....CD CD .c ~ 'E as o ~Q N < c 1!i1 Itj ~ ~~ ~§ N In F" E CD 7ii >t rn > ~ " 000 ,~ ~ ~~§~~ ~~I~ '~~I .... \100'0 '---------h r< :g ::! ~ :5 2. ~S2~~~e~ 1-78 Svstem Board ;:; I -IJ1~~,tl g1iHgg~8 011'.., .... " -- O-NII''' ~~~~ ~g~~~ o en .- 7?r~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~ -'~~---~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~ Q) Q) .c::: ~ 'Eca o In E Q) 'li) Ii ~m I I I I System Board 1-79 -= I oc rJJ. '< ~ ~ a == ~ 0 =- (SHT2) 1 (SHT2) (SHT4} I 500 501 502 SO, 504 505 506 507 SAO SAl SAl SA> 5," SA' SA. SA7 SA8 SAO SAIO SAil 511.12 sm SAIL4 SAI15 SAlb SAI7 SAI8 (SHT4) SAIQ (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT?) (SHT7) -lOR -lOW (SHT31 {SHT 10j (SHT14) (SHT3) (SHT3) -5 MEMR -5 MEMW SYSC L K OSC TIC AEN RESET DRV (SHT 14) (SHT 14) (SHT 14) -REFRESH -DACK I -DACK 2 -DACK '3 (SHT3) (SHT 22) BALE OWS (SHT21) AO. A08 A07 AD. ADS A04 AD' A02 ." 0 A • A 8 JI J2 J' +, +5 J4 J' 02. J\_ J7 4.7K J8 Oil IKO :°ci -I/O (H (K A27 A26 110 CH ROY (SHT3) (SHT 12,15,21) IRQ q (SHT 16) A2' AZ' A22 I 0 AI. AI8 AI7 AI6 AIS AI4 An AI2 BI4 Ba< 82' BZ. B" B22 B21 IRQ "3 IRQ '+ [RG r; IRQ b 81. B06 BI6 "" BI2 BII B' B27 All B02 -----~ 826 81S 828 B08 (SHT 16) DRQ I DRQ2 DRG '3 (SHT 14) (SHT 14) (SHT 14) PWR GOOD (SHT 1,18) lTP" PS8 POWEI 820 ~N B09 +12 ,~ 807 -12 4 8" 801 810 G 10";,+ (X26) +.04M (X24) BOS BO' ~ +, 1 1 System Board (Sheet 20 of 22) -0 P ~~'~ ~ -, i ~ 4 R~ - I GOOD C C C ~ C " DC ! IRQ 7 ~ c ~ " ~ ~ ~ Q ~ "~ ~~ N ('II o " ~ " ~ . & ~ . " ~ ~'E- L . ~ " ~ System Board 1-81 ...m 'a o ID E CD I I) " ~ v , '::'~ ~--\-+-- -----~o+ ~ 3~ , r '!! .~~ r '" """ ~~~ rrr 1-82 System Board ~ ~ ~~ r rrr I~ ~M'" 00 WWOO r 00 "' 00 SECTION 2. COPROCESSOR Contents Description ...................................... 2-3 Programming Interface •............................ 2-3 Hardware Interface ................................ 2-4 Coprocessor 2-1 Notes: 2-2 Coprocessor Description The IBM Personal Computer AT Math Coprocessor enables the IBM Personal Computer AT to perform high-speed arithmetic, logarithmic functions, and trigonometric operations with extreme accuracy. The coprocessor works in parallel with the microprocessor. The parallel operation decreases operating time by allowing the coprocessor to do mathematical calculations while the microprocessor continues to do other functions. The coprocessor works with seven numeric data types, which are divided into the following three classes: • Binary integers (3 types) • Decimal integers (1 type) • Real numbers (3 types) Programming Interface The coprocessor offers extended data types, registers, and instructions to the microprocessor. The coprocessor has eight 80-bit registers, which provide the equivalent capacity of the 40 16-bit registers in the microprocessor. This register space allows constants and temporary results to be held in registers during calculations, thus reducing memory access and improving speed as well as bus availability. The register space can be used as a stack or as a fixed register set. When used as a stack, only the top two stack elements are operated on. The following figure shows representations of large and small numbers in each data type. Coprocessor 2-3 Data Type Bits Significant Digits (Decimal) Approximate Range (Decimal) Word Integer Short Integer Long Integer Packed Decimal Short Real * Long Real * Temporary Real 16 32 64 80 32 64 80 4 9 19 18 6-7 15-16 19 -32.768~ x ~+32.767 -2 x 109 < x <+2 x 109 -9 x 1018~ x-~+9 x 1018 -99 ... 99~ x :;;+99 ... 99 (18 digits) 8.43 x 10- 37 < x <3.37 x 1038 4.19 x 10- 307< x - < 1.67 x 10308 3.4 x 10- 4932 x 1.2 x 104932 < < Data Types * The Short and Long data types correspond to the single and double precision data types. Hardware Interface The math coprocessor uses the same clock generator as the microprocessor. It works at one-third the frequency of the system microprocessor clock. The coprocessor is wired so that it functions as an I/O device through I/O port addresses hex OOF8, OOF A, and OOFe. The microprocessor sends OP codes and operands through these I/O ports. The microprocessor also receives and stores results through the same I/O ports. The coprocessor's busy signal informs the microprocessor that it is executing; the microprocessor's Wait instruction forces the microprocessor to wait until the coprocessor is finished executing. The coprocessor detects six different exception conditions that can occur during instruction execution. If the appropriate exception mask within the coprocessor is not set, the coprocessor sets its error signal. This error signal generates a hardware interrupt (interrupt 13) and causes the BUSY signal to the coprocessor to be held in the busy state. The BUSY signal may be cleared by an 8-bit I/O Write command to address hex FO with DO through D7 equal to O. I I I I The power-on-self test code in the system ROM enables hardware interrupt 13 and sets up its vector to point to a routine in ROM. The ROM routine clears the I BUSY I signal's latch and 2-4 Coprocessor then transfers control to the address pointed to by the NMI interrupt vector. This allows code written for any IBM Personal Computer to work on an IBM Personal Computer AT. The NMI interrupt handler should read the coprocessor's status to determine if the NMI was caused by the coprocessor. If the interrupt was not generated by the coprocessor, control should be passed to the original NMI interrupt handler. The coprocessor has two operating modes similar to the two modes of the microprocessor. When reset by a power-on reset or an I/O write operation to port hex OOFl, the coprocessor is in the real address mode. This mode is compatible with the 8087 Math Coprocessor used in other IBM Personal Computers. The coprocessor can be placed in the protected mode by executing the SETPM ESC instruction. It can be placed back in the real mode by an I/O write operation to port hex OOFl, with D7 through DO equal to o. The coprocessor instruction extensions to the microprocessor can be found in Section 6 of this manual. Detailed information for the internal functions of the Intel 80287 coprocessor can be found in books listed in the Bibliography. Coprocessor 2-5 Notes: 2-6 Coprocessor SECTION 3. POWER SUPPLY Contents Inputs .......................................... 3-3 Outputs ......................................... 3-3 Output Protection ................................. 3-4 Dummy Load ..................................... 3-4 Output Voltage Sequencing .......................... 3-4 No-Load Operation 3-5 Power-Good Signal ................................ 3-5 Fan-Out ..................................... 3-6 Connectors ...................................... 3-6 Power Supply 3-1 Notes: 3-2 Power Supply The system's power supply is contained inside of the system unit and provides power for the system board, the adapters, the diskette drives, the fixed disk drives, the keyboard, and the IBM Monochrome Display. Inputs The power supply can operate at a frequency of either 60 ± 3 Hz or SO ±3 Hz and it can operate at 110 Vac, S A or 220/240 Vac, 2.S A. The voltage is selected with the switch above the power-cord plug at the rear of the power supply. The following figure shows the input requirements. Range Voltage (Vac) Current (Amperes) Minimum 100 Maximum 5 115 Vac Maximum 125 Minimum 200 Maximum 3.0 230 Vac Maximum 240 Input Requirements Note: The maximum in-rush current is 100 A. Outputs The power supply provides +S, -S, + 12, and -12 Vdc. The following figure shows the load current and regulation tolerance for the voltages. Note: The power supply also supplies either lIS Vac or 230 Vac for the IBM Monochrome Display. Power Supply 3-3 Nominal Output +5Vdc -5Vdc +12 Vdc -12 Vdc Load Current (AI Min 7.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 Max 19.8 0.3 7.3 0.3 Regulation Tolerance +5% to -4% +10% to -8% +5% to -4% +10% to -9% DC Load Requirements Output Protection If any output becomes overloaded, the power supply will switch off within 20 milliseconds. An overcurrent condition will not damage the power supply. Dummy Load If no fixed disk drive is connected to the power supply, the Dummy Load must be connected to PIO. The Dummy Load is a 5 ohm, 50 watt resistor. Output Voltage Sequencing Under normal conditions, the output voltage levels track within 300 milliseconds of each other when power is applied to, or removed from the power supply, provided at least minimum loading is present. 3-4 Power Supply No-Load Operation No damage or hazardous conditions occur when primary power is applied with no load on any output level. In such cases, the power supply may switch off, and a power/on cycle will be required. The power supply requires a minimum load for proper operation. Power-Good Signal The power supply provides a 'power-good' signal to indicate proper operation of the power supply. When the supply is switched off for a minimum of 1 second and then switched on, the 'power-good' signal is generated, assuming there are no problems. This signal is a logical AND of the dc output-voltage sense signal and the ac input-voltage sense signal. The power-good signal is also a TTL-compatible high level for normal operation, or a low level for fault conditions. The ac fail signal causes power-good to go to a low level at least 1 millisecond before any output voltage falls below the regulation limits. The operating point used as a reference for measuring the 1 millisecond is normal operation at minimum line voltage and maximum load. The dc output-voltage sense signal holds the 'power-good signal' at a low level when power is switched on until all output voltages have reached their minimum sense levels. The 'power-good signal' has a turn-on delay of at least 100 milliseconds but not longer than 500 milliseconds. The following figure shows the minimum sense levels for the output voltages. Power Supply 3-5 Level (Vdc) +5 -5 +12 -12 Minimum (Vdc) +4.5 -3.75 +10.8 -10.4 Sense Levels Fan-Out Fan-out is the number of inputs that one output can drive. The I power-good I signal can drive six standard TTL loads. Connectors The following figure shows the pin assignments for the power-supply output connectors. 3-6 Power Supply Load Point PSB-1 PSB-2 PSB-3 PSB-4 PSB-5 PSB-6 Voltage (Vdc) Power Good +5 +12 -12 Ground Ground Max. Current (A) See note 3.B 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 PS9-1 PS9-2 PS9-3 PS9-4 PS9-5 PS9-6 Ground Ground -5 +5 +5 +5 0.0 0.0 0.3 3.B 3.B 3.B P10-1 P10-2 P10-3 P10-4 +12 Ground Ground +5 2.B 0.0 0.0 1.B P11-1 P11-2 P11-3 P11-4 +12 Ground Ground +5 2.B 0.0 0.0 1.B P12-1 P12-2 P12-3 P12-4 +12 Ground Ground +5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 DC Load Distribution Note: For more details, see 'Power-Good Signal' . Power Supply 3-7 Notes: 3-8 Power Supply SECTION 4. KEYBOARD Contents Description ...................................... Interface ..................................... Sequencing Key Code Scanning ................... Keyboard Buffer ............................... Keys ........................................ 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 Functions Performed at Power-On Time ................ 4-4 Power-On Reset ............................... 4-4 Basic Assurance Test .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-4 Commands from the System .......................... Reset (Hex FF) ............................. Resend (Hex FE) ............................ No-Operation (NOP) (Hex FD through F7) ....... Set Default (Hex F6) ......................... Default Disable (Hex F5) ..................... Enable (Hex F4) ............................ Set Typematic Rate/Delay (Hex F3) ............ No-Operation (NOP) (Hex F2 through EF) ....... Echo (Hex EE) ............................. Set/Reset Mode Indicators (Hex ED) ............ 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-8 Keyboard Outputs ......................•......... 4-10 Key Scan Codes .............................. 4-10 Command Codes to the System ...............•...... Resend (Hex FE) ........................... ACK (Hex FA) ............................ Overrun (Hex 00) .......................... Diagnostic Failure (Hex FD) .................. Break Code Prefix (Hex FO) .................. BAT Completion Code (Hex AA) .............. ECHO Response (Hex EE) ................... 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 Keyboard 4-1 Clock and Data Signals ............................ 4-14 Keyboard Data Output ......................... 4-15 Keyboard Data Input ................ . . . . . . . . . .. 4-15 Keyboard Layout .........................•....... U.S. English Keyboard .......... . . . . . . . . . . . .. U.K. English Keyboard ...................... French Keyboard ........................... GennanKeyboard .......................... Italian Keyboard ........................... Spanish Keyboard .......................... 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 Specifications .•......•................•••....... Size ..................................... Weight ................................... Keyboard Connector ........................... 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-2 Keyboard Description The keyboard is a low-profile, 84 key, detachable unit. Interface The keyboard uses a bidirectional serial interface to carry signals between the keyboard and system unit. Sequencing Key Code Scanning The keyboard is able to detect all keys that are pressed, and their scan codes will be sent to the interface in correct sequence, regardless of the number of keys held down. Keystrokes entered while the interface is inhibited (when the keylock is on) will be lost. Keystrokes are stored only when the keyboard is not serviced by the system. Keyboard Buffer The keyboard has a 16-character first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer where data is stored until the interface is ready to receive it. A buffer-overrun condition will occur if more than sixteen codes are placed in the buffer before the first keyed data is sent. The seventeenth code will be replaced with the overrun code, hex 00. (The 17th position is reserved for overrun codes). If more keys are pressed before the system allows a keyboard output, the data will be lost. When the keyboard is allowed to send data, the characters in the buffer will be sent as in normal operation, and new data entered will be detected and sent. Keys All keys are classified as make/break, which means when a key is pressed, the keyboard sends a make code for that key to the Keyboard 4-3 keyboard controller. When the key is released, its break code is sent (the break code for a key is its make code preceded by hex Fa). All keys are typematic. When a key is pressed and held down, the keyboard continues to send the make code for that key until the key is released. The rate at which the make code is sent is known as the typematic rate (The typematic rate is described under "Set Typematic Rate/Delay"). When two or more keys are held down, only the last key pressed repeats at the typematic rate. Typematic operation stops when the last key pressed is released, even if other keys are still held down. When a key is pressed and held down while the interface is inhibited, only the first make code is stored in the buffer. This prevents buffer overflow as a result of typematic action. Functions Performed at Power-On Time Power-On Reset The keyboard logic generates a paR when power is applied to the keyboard. The POR lasts a minimum of 300 milliseconds and a maximum of 9 seconds. Note: The keyboard may issue a false return during the first 200 milliseconds after the +5 Vdc is established at the 90% level. Therefore, the keyboard interface is disabled for this period. Basic Assurance Test Immediately following the paR, the keyboard executes a basic assurance test (BAT). This test consists of a checksum of all read-only memory (ROM), and a stuck-bit and addressing test of all random-access memory (RAM) in the keyboard's microprocessor. The mode indicators-three light emitting diodes 4-4 Keyboard (LEDs) on the upper right-hand corner of the keyboard-are turned on then off, and must be observed to ensure they are operational. Execution of the BAT will take from 600 to 900 milliseconds. (This is in addition to the time required for the paR.) The BAT can also be started by a Reset command. After the BAT, and when the interface is enabled ( clock and data lines are set high), the keyboard sends a completion code to the interface-either hex AA for satisfactory completion or hex FC (or any other code) for a failure. If the system issues a Resend command, the keyboard sends the BAT completion code again. Otherwise, the keyboard sets the keys to typematic and make /break. I I I I Commands from the System The commands described below may be sent to the keyboard at any time. The keyboard will respond within 20 milliseconds. Note: The following commands are those sent by the system. They have a different meaning when issued by the keyboard. Reset (Hex FF) The system issues a Reset command to start a program reset and a keyboard internal self-test. The keyboard acknowledges the command with an acknowledge signal (ACK) and ensures the system accepts the ACK before executing the command. The system signals acceptance of the ACK by raising the clock and data for a minimum of 500 microseconds. The keyboard is disabled from the time it receives the Reset command until the ACK is accepted or until another command overrides the previous one. Following acceptance of the ACK the keyboard I I I I I I I I I I, Keyboard 4-5 begins the reset operation, which is similar to a power-on reset. The keyboard clears the output buffer and sets up default values for typematic and delay rates. Resend (Hex FE) The system can send this command when it detects an error in any transmission from the keyboard. It can be sent only after a keyboard transmission and before the system enables the interface to allow the next keyboard output. Upon receipt of Resend, the keyboard sends the previous output again unless the previous output was Resend. In this case, the keyboard will res end the last byte before the Resend command. No-Operation (NOP) (Hex FD through F7) These commands are reserved and are effectively no-operation or NOP. The system does not use these codes. If sent, the keyboard will acknowledge the command and continue in its prior scanning state. No other operation will occur. Set Default (Hex F6) The Set Default command resets all conditions to the power-on default state. The keyboard responds with I ACK I , clears its output buffer, sets default conditions, and continues scanning (only if the keyboard was previously enabled). Default Disable (Hex F5) This command is similar to Set Default, except the keyboard stops scanning and awaits further instructions. Enable (Hex F4) Upon receipt of this command, the keyboard responds with ACK clears its output buffer, and starts scanning. I I, 4-6 Keyboard Set Typematic Rate/Delay (Hex F3) The system issues this command, followed by a parameter, to change the typematic rate and delay. The typematic rate and delay parameters are determined by the value of the byte following the command. Bits 6 and 5 serve as the delay parameter and bits 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 (the least-significant bit) are the rate parameter. Bit 7, the most-significant bit, is always O. The delay is equal to 1 plus the binary value of bits 6 and 5 multiplied by 250 milliseconds ±200/0. The period (interval from one typematic output to the next) is determined by the following equation: Period = (8 + A) X (2B) X 0.00417 seconds, where A = binary value of bits 2, 1, and 0 and B = binary value of bits 4 and 3. The typematic rate (make code per second) is l/period. The period is determined by the first equation above. The following table results. Bit Rate Bit Rate 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 30.0 26.7 24.0 21.8 20.0 18.5 17.1 16.0 15.0 13.3 12.0 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.6 8.0 7.5 6.7 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 Typematic Rate The keyboard responds to the Set Typematic Rate Delay command with an I ACK I , stops scanning, and waits for the rate parameter. The keyboard responds to the rate parameter with another ACK sets the rate and delay, and continues scanning (if the keyboard was previously enabled). If a command is received instead of the rate parameter, the set-typematic-rate I I, Keyboard 4-7 function ends with no change to the existing rate, and the new command is processed. However, the keyboard will not resume scanning unless instructed to do so by an Enable command. The default rate for the system keyboard is as follows: The typematic rate = 10 characters per second ±20% and the delay = 500 ms ±20%. No-Operation (NOP) (Hex F2 through EF) These commands are reserved and are effectively no-operation (NOP). The system does not use these codes. If sent, the keyboard acknowledges the command and continues in its prior scanning state. No other operation will occur. Echo (Hex EE) Echo is a diagnostic aide. When the keyboard receives this command, it issues a hex EE response and continues scanning if the keyboard was previously enabled. Set/Reset Mode Indicators (Hex ED) Three mode indicators on the keyboard are accessible to the system. The keyboard activates or deactivates these indicators when it receives a valid command from the system. They can be activated or deactivated in any combination. It is up to the using system to remember the previous state of an indicator. This is in case its setting does not change when a command sequence is issued to change the state of another indicator. The system remembers the previous state of an indicator so that its setting does not change when a command sequence is issued to change the state of another indicator. The command has the following format: 4-8 Keyboard I Command I Options Set/Reset Command A Set/Reset Mode Indicators command consists of two bytes. The first is the command byte and has the following bit setup: 11101101 - hex ED The second byte is an option byte. It has a list of the indicators to be acted upon. The format of the option byte is as follows: Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Reserved Bit 5 Reserved Bit 4 Reserved Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 Caps Lock indicator Bit 1 Numeric Lock indicator Bit 0 Scroll Lock indicator Note: Bit 7 is the most-significant bit; bit 0 is the least-significant. The keyboard will respond to the Set/Reset Mode Indicators command with an I ACK I , discontinue scanning, and wait for the option byte. The keyboard will respond to the option byte with an Ack, set the indicators, and continue scanning if the keyboard was previously enabled. If another command is received in place of the option byte, execution of the function of the Set/Reset Mode Indicators command is stopped with no change to the indicator states, and the new command is processed. Then scanning is resumed. Keyboard 4-9 Keyboard Outputs Key Scan Codes Each key is assigned a unique 8-bit, make, scan code, which is sent when the key is pressed. Each key also sends a break code when the key is released. The break code consists of two bytes, the first of which is the break code prefix, hex FO; the second byte is the same as the make scan code for that key. The typematic scan code for a key is the same as the key's make code. The following figure is a keyboard layout. 4-10 Keyboard Keyboard 4-11 The following figure lists the positions of the keys and their make scan codes. Key Positions and Their Make Codes 1--0E 2--16 3--lE 4--26 5--25 6--2E 7--36 8--3D 9--3E 10--46 11--45 12--4E 13--55 14--50 15--66 16--00 17--15 18--10 19--24 20--20 21--2C 22--35 23--3C 24--43 25--44 26--40 27--54 28--58 30--14 31--1 C 32--18 33--23 34--28 35--34 36--33 37--38 38--42 39--48 40--4C 41--52 43--5A 44--12 46--1A 47--22 48--21 49--2A 50--32 51--31 52--3A 53--41 54--49 55--4A 56--51 57--59 58--11 60--19 61--29 64--58 65--06 66--0C 67--08 68--0A 69--09 70--05 71--04 72--03 73--83 74--01 90--76 91--6C 92--68 93--69 94--77 96--75 97--73 98--72 99--70 100--7E 101--70 102--74 103-7A 104--71 105--84 106--7C 107--78 Make Scan Codes Command Codes to the System The command codes described here are those sent by the keyboard. The codes have a different meaning when issued by the system. Resend (Hex FE) The keyboard issues a Resend command following receipt of an invalid input, or any input with incorrect parity. If the system sends nothing to the keyboard, no response is required. ACK (Hex FA) The keyboard issues an ACK response to any valid input other than an Echo or Resend command. If the keyboard is interrupted I 4-12 Keyboard I while sending I ACK I , it will discard I ACK I and accept and respond to the new command. Overrun (Hex 00) An overrun character is placed in position 17 of the keyboard buffer, overlaying the last code if the buffer becomes full. The code is sent to the system as an overrun when it reaches the top of the buffer. Diagnostic Failure (Hex FD) The keyboard periodically tests the sense amplifier and sends a diagnostic failure code if it detects any problems. If a failure occurs during BAT, the keyboard stops scanning and waits for a system command or power-down to restart. If a failure is reported after scanning is enabled, scanning continues. Break Code Prefix (Hex FO) This code is sent as the first byte of a 2-byte sequence to indicate the release of a key. BAT Completion Code (Hex AA) Following satisfactory completion of the BAT, the keyboard sends hex AA. Hex FC (or any other code) means the keyboard microprocessor check failed. ECHO Response (Hex EE) This is sent in response to an Echo command from the system. Keyboard 4-13 Clock and Data Signals The keyboard and system communicate over the I clock I and data lines. The source of each of these lines is an open-collector device on the keyboard that allows either the keyboard or the system to force a line to a negative level. When no communication is occurring, both the clock and data lines are at a positive level. I I I I I I Data transmissions to and from the keyboard consist of II-bit data streams that are sent serially over the serial data line. The following figure shows the structure of the data stream. Bit 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit 8th bit 9th bit 10th bit 11th bit Function o start bit Data bit 0 (least-significant) Data bit 1 Data bit 2 Data bit 3 Data bit4 Data bit 5 Data bit 6 Data bit 7 (most-significant) Parity bit (odd parity) Stop bit Transmission Data Stream The parity bit is either I or 0, and the eight data bits, plus the parity bit, always have an odd number. When the system sends data to the keyboard, it forces the data line to a negative level and allows the clock line to go to a positive level. I I I I When the keyboard sends data to, or receives data from the system, it generates the clock signal to time the data. The system can prevent the keyboard from sending data by forcing the clock line to a negative level; the data line may go high or low during this time. I I I I I During the BAT, the keyboard allows the lines to go to a positive level. 4-14 Keyboard I I clock and data I I I Keyboard Data Output When the keyboard is ready to send data, it first checks for a keyboard-inhibit or system request-to-send status on the clock and data lines. If the clock line is low (inhibit status), data is stored in the keyboard buffer. If the clock line is high and I data I is low (request-to-send), data is stored in the keyboard buffer, and the keyboard receives system data. I I I I I I I I If I clock I and I data I are both high, the keyboard sends the 0 start bit, 8 data bits, the parity bit and the stop bit. Data will be valid before the falling edge and beyond the rising edge of clock During transmission, the keyboard checks the clock line for a positive level at least every 60 milliseconds. If the system lowers the I clock I line from a positive level after the keyboard starts sending data, a condition known as line contention occurs, and the keyboard stops sending data. If line contention occurs before the rising edge of the tenth clock (parity bit), the keyboard buffer returns the data and clock lines to a positive level. If contention does not occur by the tenth clock, the keyboard completes the transmission. I I. I I I I I I Following a transmission, the system can inhibit the keyboard until the system processes the input or until it requests that a response be sent. Keyboard Data Input When the system is ready to send data to the keyboard, it first checks if the keyboard is sending data. If the keyboard is sending but has not reached the tenth clock, the system can override the keyboard output by forcing the clock line to a negative level. If the keyboard transmission is beyond the tenth clock, the system must receive the transmission. I I If the keyboard is not sending, or if the system elects to override the keyboard's output, the system forces the clock line to a negative level for more than 60 microseconds while preparing to send. When the system is ready to send the start bit ( data line will be low), it allows the I clock I line to go to a positive level. I I I I Keyboard 4-15 The keyboard checks the state of the I clock I line at intervals of no less than 60 milliseconds. If a request-to-send is detected, the keyboard counts 11 bits. After the tenth bit, the keyboard forces the I data I line low and counts one more (the stop bit). This action signals the system that the keyboard has received its data. Upon receipt of this signal, the system returns to a ready state, in which it can accept keyboard output, or goes to the inhibited state until it is ready. Each system command or data transmission to the keyboard requires a response from the keyboard before the system can send its next output. The keyboard will respond within 20 milliseconds unless the system prevents keyboard output. If the keyboard response is invalid or has a parity error, the system sends the command or data again. A Resend command should not be sent in this case. Keyboard Layout The IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard is available in six different layouts: • U.S. English • U.K. English • French • German • Italian • Spanish The following pages show all six possible keyboard layouts. 4-16 Keyboard .rtJ.~ i.... rIJ. =- i l ~ a. ~ ......... ". I tr NOI1~HS ... .... QC I ~ ~ '< == ... =~ ~ .~ ~ --.=- (JC! r.I'1 ~ ~ Q . ~ Q.. i i l [ ~ 01:00. ....'C I 17 NOIl:l~S German Keyboard 4-20 Keyboard g... ~ ~ i a ~ a. [ "" I N .... t NDl133S .1::0. I ~ ~ ~ g a rJJ. "C !i.... III =- i Specifications Size • Length: 540 millimeters (21.6 inches) • Depth: 100 millimeters (4 inches) • Height: 225 millimeters (9 inches) Weight • 2.8 kilograms (6.2 pounds) Keyboard Connector The keyboard cable connects to the system board through a 5-pin DIN connector. The following figure lists the connector pins and their signals. Connector Pin 1 2 3 4 5 Signal Name Clock Data Spare Ground +5Vdc Keyboard Connector Keyboard 4-23 01:0. I N 01:0. t 0 00 ) o NOTES: A1 PARTIAL VIEW A-A SOLDERING: THIS MANUFACTURING PROCESS MAY INCWDE HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS AND REQUIRE SPECIAL HEALTH AND/OR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. ~ ~ POLARIZE PI AT POSITION A1 +~ PI GND ~ B2 P02AQ A3 +~ CI +~ 81 r PI LJ. GND N/C ~ B~ -0 ~I b ~2 "0 ~, d 0 RI P22 AI UI 7406 B L _________ ..JB LED 2 P2d BI ~I~ P20,A2 ,,"- 2 ED1 /'i':;\+ LED~LED R1 COMPONENT SIDE" CARD ------ U "\ LARGE HOLE HOLDER PARTIAL VIEW Enhancement Logic Card Assembly B- B SECTION 5. SYSTEM BIOS Contents System BIOS .................................... 5-3 System BIOS Usage ............................. 5-3 Parameter Passing ........................... 5-4 Vectors with Special Meanings ................. 5-6 Other Read/Write Memory Usage .............. 5-8 BIOS Programming Hints .................... 5-10 Adapters with System-Accessible ROM Modules .. 5-11 System Board Additional ROM Modules ......... 5-12 Keyboard Encoding and Usage ................... 5-12 Encoding ................................. 5 -12 Character Codes ........................... 5-13 Extended Codes .............................. 5-17 Extended Functions ......................... 5 -17 Special Handling ........................... 5 -21 System BIOS 5-1 Notes: 5-2 System BIOS System BIOS The basic input/output system (BIOS) resides in ROM on the system board and provides level control for the major I/O devices in the system. Additional ROM modules may be placed on option adapters to provide device level control for that option adapter. BIOS routines enable the assembler language programmer to perform block (disk or diskette) or character-level I/O operations without concern for device address and characteristics. System services, such as time-of-day and memory size determination, are provided by the BIOS. If the sockets labeled V17 and V37 on the system board are empty, additional ROM modules may be placed in these sockets. During POST a test is made for valid code at this location, starting at address hex EOOOO and ending at hex EFFFF. More information about these sockets may be found under "System Board Additional ROM Modules" later in this section. The goal of the ROM BIOS is to provide an operational interface to the system and relieve the programmer of concern about the characteristics of hardware devices. The BIOS interface protects the user from the hardware, allowing new devices to be added to the system, yet retaining the BIOS level interface to the device. In this manner, hardware modifications and enhancements become transparent to user programs. The IBM Personal Computer MACRO Assembler manual and the IBM Personal Computer Disk Operating System (DOS) manual provide useful programming information related to this section. A complete listing of the BIOS is given later in this section. System BIOS Usage Access to BIOS is through program interrupts of the 80286 in the real mode. Each BIOS entry point is available through its own interrupt. For example, to determine the amount of base RAM available in the system with the 80286 in the real mode, INT 12H will invoke the BIOS routine for determining the memory size and return the value to the caller. System BIOS 5-3 Parameter Passing All parameters passed to and from the BIOS routines go through the 80286 registers. The prolog of each BIOS function indicates the registers used on the call and return. For the memory size example, no parameters are passed. The memory size, in lKb increments, is returned in the AX register. If a BIOS function has several possible operations, the AH register is used at input to indicate the desired operation. For example, to set the time of day, the following code is required: MOV AH,t ;function is to set time-of -day MOV CX,HIGH COUNT ;establish the current time MOV DX.LOW COUNT INT tAH ;set the time To read the time of day: MOV AH,O ;function is to read time-of-day INT tAH ;read the timer The BIOS routines save all registers except for AX and the flags. Other registers are modified on return only if they are returning a value to the caller. The exact register usage can be seen in the prolog of each BIOS function. 5-4 System BIOS The following figure shows the interrupts with their addresses and functions. Int Address 0-3 4-7 8-B C-F 10-13 14-17 18-1B 1 D-1 F 20-23 24-27 28-2B 2C-2F 30-33 34-37 38-3B 3C-3F 40-43 44-47 48-4B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 4C-4F 50-53 54-57 13 14 15 Diskette / Disk Communications Cassette 58-5B 5C-5F 60-63 64-67 68-6B 6C-6F 70-73 74-77 78-7B 7C-7F 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Keyboard Printer Resident BASIC Bootstrap Time of Day Keyboard Break Timer Tick Video Initialization Diskette Parameters Video Graohics Chars Name Divide by Zero Single Step Nonmaskable Breakpoint Overflow Print Screen Reserved Reserved Time of Day Keyboard Reserved Communications Communications Alternate Printer Diskette Printer Video Equipment Check Memory BIOS Entrv D11 D11 NMIINT D11 D11 PRINT SCREEN D11 D11 TIMER INT KBINT D11 D11 D11 D11 DISK INT D11 VIDEO 10 EQUIPMENT MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE DISKETTE 10 RS23210 CASSETTE 10/System Extensions KEYBOARD 10 PRINTER 10 F600:0000 BOOT STRAP TIME OF DAY DUMMY RETURN DUMMY RETURN VIDEO PARMS DISK BASE 0 80286 Program Interrupt listing (Real Mode Only) System BIOS 5-5 The following figure shows hardware, BASIC, and DOS reserved interrupts. Address 80-83 84-87 88-8B 8c-8F 90-93 94-97 98-9B 9C-9F AO-FF 100-17F 180-19F 1AO-1BF 1CO-1C3 1C4-1C7 1C8-1CB 1CC-1CF 100-103 104-107 Interrupt 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28-3F 40-5F 60-67 68-6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 108-1 DB 1DC-1DF 1 EO-1 FF 200-217 218-3C3 76 3C4-3FF F1-FF 77 78-7F 80-85 86-FO Function DOS program terminate DOS function call DOS terminate address DOS Ctrl Break exit address DOS fatal error vector DOS absolute disk read DOS absolute disk write DOS terminate, fix in storage Reserved for DOS Reserved Reserved for user program interrupts Not used IRQ 8 Realtime clock INT (BIOS entry RTC INT) IRQ 9(BIOS entry RE DIRECT) IRQ 10 (BIOS entry 011) IRQ 11 (BIOS entry 011) IRQ 12 (BIOS entry 011) IRQ 13 BIOS Redirect to NMI interrupt (BIOS entry INT_287) IRQ 14 (BIOS entry 011) IRQ 15 (BIOS entry 011) Not used Reserved by BASIC Used by BASIC interpreter while BASIC is running Not used Hardware, BASIC, and DOS Interrupts Vectors with Special Meanings Interrupt 15--Cassette I/O: This vector points to the following functions: • Device open • Device closed • Program termination • Event wait 5-6 System BIOS • Joystick support • System Request key pressed • Wait • Move block • Extended memory size determination • Processor to protected mode Additional information about these functions may be found in the BIOS listing. Interrupt IB--Keyboard Break Address: This vector points to the code that will be executed when the Ctrl and Break keys are pressed on the keyboard. The vector is invoked while responding to keyboard interrupt, and control should be returned through an IRET instruction. The power-on routines initialize this vector to point to an IRET instruction so that nothing will occur when the Ctrl and Break keys are pressed unless the application program sets a different value. Control may be retained by this routine with the following problems: • The Break may have occurred during interrupt processing, so that one or more End of Interrupt commands must be sent to the 8259 controller. • All 110 devices should be reset in case an operation was underway at the same time. Interrupt 1 C--Timer Tick: This vector points to the code that will be executed at every system-clock tick. This vector is invoked while responding to the timer interrupt, and control should be returned through an IRET instruction, The power-on routines initialize this vector to point to an IRET instruction, so that nothing will occur unless the application modifies the pointer. The application must save and restore all registers that will be modified. System BIOS 5-7 Interrupt 1D--Video Parameters: This vector points to a data region containing the parameters required for the initialization of the 6845 on the video adapter. Notice that there are four separate tables, and all four must be reproduced if all modes of operation are to be supported. The power-on routines initialize this vector to point to the parameters contained in the ROM video routines. Interrupt 1E--Diskette Parameters: This vector points to a data region containing the parameters required for the diskette drive. The power-on routines initialize this vector to point to the paramelers contained in the ROM diskette routine. These default parameters represent the specified values for any IBM drives attached to the system. Changing this parameter block may be necessary to reflect the specifications of other drives attached. Interrupt 1F --Graphics Character Extensions: When operating in graphics modes 320 x 200 or 640 x 200, the read/write character interface will form a character from the ASCII code point, using a set of dot patterns. ROM contains the dot patterns for the first 128 code points. For access to the second 128 code points, this vector must be established to point at a table of up to lKb, where each code point is represented by 8 bytes of graphic information. At power-on time, this vector is initialized to 000:0, and the user must change this vector if the additional code points are required. Interrupt 40--Reserved: When an IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter is installed, the BIOS routines use interrupt 40 to revector the diskette pointer. Interrupt 41 and 46: These vectors point to the parameters for the fixed disk drives, 41 for the first drive and 46 for the second. The power on routines initialize the vectors to point to the appropriate parameters in the ROM disk routine if CMOS is valid. The drive type codes in CMOS are used to select which parameter set the vector points to. Changing this parameter hook may be necessary to reflect the specifications of other fixed drives attached. 5-8 System BIOS Other Read/Write Memory Usage The IBM BIOS routines use 256 bytes of memory from absolute hex 400 to hex 4FF. Locations hex 400 to 407 contain the base addresses of any RS-232C adapters attached to the system. Locations hex 408 to 40F contain the base addresses of the printer adapter. Memory locations hex 300 to hex 3FF are used as a stack area during the power-on initialization and bootstrap, when control is passed to it from power-on. If the user desires the stack to be in a different area, that area must be set by the application. The following figure shows the reserved memory locations. Address Mode 400-4A1 4A2-4EF 4FO-4FF ROM BIOS 500-5FF 500 DOS 504 510-511 512-515 516-519 DOS BASIC BASIC BASIC 51 A-51 D BASIC Function See BIOS listing Reserved Reserved as intra-application communication area for any application Reserved for DOS and BASIC Print screen status flag store O=Print screen not active or successful print screen operation 1=Print screen in progress 255=Error encountered during print screen operation Single drive mode status byte BASIC's segment address store Clock interrupt vector segment: offset store Break key interrupt vector segment: offset store Disk error interrupt vector segment: offset store Reserved Memory Locations If you do a DEF SEG (default workspace segment): System BIOS 5-9 Offset 2E 347 30 358 Length 2 2 2 2 6A 1 4E 1 Line number of current line being executed Line number of last error Offset into segment of start of program text Offset into segment of start of variables (end of program text 1-1) Keyboard buffer contents O=No characters in buffer 1=Characters in buffer Character color in graphics mode* BASIC Workspace Variables *Set to 1,2, or 3 to get text in colors 1-3. Do not set to default is 3. Example 100 PRINT PEEK (&H2E) L Hex 64 o. The + 256 x PEEK (&H2F) H Hex 00 The following is a BIOS memory map. Starting Address 00000 001 EO 00400 00500 EOOOO FOOOO BIOS interrupt vectors Available interrupt vectors BIOS data area User read/write memory Read only memory BIOS program area BIOS Memory Map BIOS Programming Hints The BIOS code is invoked through program interrupts. The programmer should not "hard code" BIOS addresses into applications. The internal workings and absolute addresses within BIOS are subject to change without notice. 5-10 System BIOS If an error is reported by the disk or diskette code, you should reset the drive adapter and retry the operation. A specified number of retries should be required for diskette reads to ensure that the problem is not due to motor startup. When altering I/O-port bit values, the programmer should change only those bits necessary to the current task. Upon completion, the programmer should restore the original environment. Failure to adhere to this practice may cause incompatibility with present and future applications. Additional information for BIOS programming can be found in Section 9 of this manual. Adapters with System-Accessible ROM Modules The ROM BIOS provides a way to integrate adapters with on-board ROM code into the system. During POST, interrupt vectors are established for the BIOS calls. After the default vectors are in place, a scan for additional ROM modules occurs. At this point, a ROM routine on an adapter may gain control and establish or intercept interrupt vectors to hook themselves into the system. The absolute addresses hex C8000 through EOOOO are scanned in 2K blocks in search of a valid adapter ROM. A valid ROM is defined as follows: Byte 0 Hex 55 Byte 1 HexAA Byte 2 A length indicator representing the number of 512-byte blocks in the ROM. Byte 3 Entry via a CALL FAR A checksum is also done to test the integrity of the ROM module. Each byte in the defined ROM module is summed modulo hex 100. This sum must be 0 for the module to be valid. System BIOS 5-11 When the POST identifies a valid ROM, it does a far call to byte 3 of the ROM, which should be executable code. The adapter may now perform its power-on initialization tasks. The adapter's ROM should now return control to the BIOS routines by executing a far return. System Board Additional ROM Modules The POST provides a way to integrate additional ROM modules' code into the system. These modules are placed in the sockets marked U17 and U37 if they are empty. A test for additional ROM modules on the system board occurs. At this point, the additional ROM, if valid, will gain control. The absolute addresses hex EOOOO through EFFFF are scanned in a 64K block in search of a valid checksum. Valid ROM is defined as follows: Byte 0 Hex 55 Bytel HexAA Byte 2 Not used Byte 3 Entry via a CALL FAR A checksum is done to test the integrity of the ROM modules. Each byte in the ROM modules is summed modulo hex 100. This sum must be 0 for the modules to be valid. This checksum is located at address hex EFFFF. When the POST identifies a valid ROM at this segment, it does a far call to byte 3 of the ROM, which should be executable code. Keyboard Encoding and Usage Encoding The keyboard routine provided by IBM in the ROM scan codes into what will be termed Extended ASCII 5-12 System BIOS Extended ASCII encompasses one-byte character codes with possible values of 0 to 255, an extended code for certain extended keyboard functions, and functions handled within the keyboard routine or through interrupts. Character Codes The following character codes are passed through the BIOS keyboard routine to the system or application program. A-1 means the combination is suppressed in the keyboard routine. The codes are returned in the AL register. See Section 7 for the exact codes. System BIOS 5-13 The following figure is a keyboard layout showing the key positions. 5-14 System BIOS Kev 90 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 43 30 Ctrl 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 44 Shift 14 46 47 48 49 50 Upper Case Base Case Esc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Esc ! @ # $ % --, & * ( ) - + = Backspace(008) _(009) q e r t y u i Backspace(008) _(Note 1) Q W E R T Y U I 0 0 p P { } CR -1 A S D F G H w [ 1 CR -1 a s d f 9 h j k I J K L : Q • -1 -1 \ z x c v b (Part 1 of1). 0 I Z X C V B Ctrl Esc -1 NuI(OOO) Note 1 -1 -1 -1 RS(030) -1 -1 -1 -1 US(031) -1 De1(127) -1 DC1(017) ETB(023) ENQ(005) DC2(018) DC4(020) EM(025) NAK(021) HT(009) S1(015) DLE(016) Esc(027) GS(029) LF(010) -1 SOH(OOl) DC3(019) EOT(004) ACK(006) BEL(007) BS(008) LF(010) VT(Oll) FF(012) -1 -1 -1 -1 FS(028) SUB(026) CAN(024) ETX(003) SYN(022) STX(022) Alt -1 Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note -1 -1 Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note -1 -1 -1 Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Note Note Note Note Note 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Character Codes System BIOS 5-15 Key Base Case Upper Case 51 n N 52 m M < , 53 > 54 55 "7 / -1 -1 57 Shift 106 Note 2 * 56Alt -1 -1 61 SP SP 64 Caps -1 -1 Lock Lock Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 70 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 65 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 71 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 66 Nul(Note 1) 72 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 67 73 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 68 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 74 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) 69 -1 -1 95 Num Lock -1 -1 100 Scroll Lock Notes: 1. Refer to Extended Codes in this section. 2. Refer to Special Handling in this section. (Part 2 of 2) 5-16 System BIOS Ctrl Alt SO(014) CR(013) -1 -1 -1 -1 Note 1 -1 SP -1 Note 1 Note 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 SP -1 Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Nul(Note 1) Pause(Note 2) Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note Nul(Note -1 Break(Note 2) -1 Character Codes 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) The following figure lists keys that have meaning only in Num Lock, Shift, or Ctrl states. Notice that the Shift key temporarily reverses the current Num Lock state. Key Alt Ctrl tome(Note 1) (Note 1) Page Up(Note 1) -1 -1 -1 Clear Screen -1 Top of Text and Home -1 Reverse Word(Note 1) -1 Advance Word(Note 1) -1 Erase to EOL(Note 1) -1 Erase to EOS(Note 1) -1 Note 2 91 96 101 Num Lock 7 8 9 107 92 - - 4 _(Note 1) -1 -1 97 102 5 6 -1 _(Note 1) -1 -1 108 94 + 1 +Note 1) End(Note 1) -1 -1 98 102 2 3 t(Note 1) Page Down(Note 1) -1 -1 Ins Del(Notes 1,2) -1 Note 2 99 104 0 Base Case Notes: Refer to Extended Codes in this section. Refer to Special Handling in this section Special Character Codes Extended Codes Extended Functions For certain functions that cannot be represented by the standard ASCII code, an extended code is used. A character code of 000 (null) is returned in AL. This indicates that the system or application program should examine a second code, which will indicate the actual function. Usually, but not always, this second code is the scan code of the primary key that was pressed. This code is returned in AH. System BIOS 5-17 Second Code 3 15 16-25 30-38 44-50 59-68 71 72 73 75 77 79 80 81 82 83 84-93 94-103 104-113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120-131 132 Function - Nul Character AltQ, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, 0, P Alt A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L Alt Z, X, C, V, B, N, M F1 to F10 Function keys base case rome -f- Page Up and Home Cursor nd Page Down and Home Cursor Ins(insert) Del(delete) F11 to F20(uppercase F1 to F10) F21 to F30(Ctrl F1 to F10) F31 to F40(Alt F1 to F10) Ctrl PrtSc(start/ stop echo to printer) Ctrl _(reverse word) Ctrl _(advance word) Ctrl End(erase to end of line-EOL) Ctrl PgDn(erase to end of screen-EOS) Ctrl Home(c1ear screen and home) Alt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, = keys 2-13 Ctrl PgUp(top 25 lines of text and home cursor) Keyboard Extended Functions Shift States Most shift states are handled within the keyboard routine, and are not apparent to the system or application program. In any case, the current status of active shift states is available by calling an entry point in the ROM keyboard routine. The following keys result in altered shift states: Shift: This key temporarily shifts keys 1-14, 16-28,31-41, 46-55,106, and 65-74 to uppercase (base case if in Caps lock state). Also, the Shift temporarily reverses the Num Lock or non-Num Lock state of keys 91-93, 96, 98, and 101-103. 5-18 System BIOS Ctrl: This key temporarily shifts keys 3,7,13,15,17-28,31-39, 46-52,106,65-74,42, 101,92, 102,91,93,95,100, and 103 to the Ctrl state. The Ctrl key is also used with the AU and Del keys to cause the system-reset function; with the Scroll Lock key to cause the break function; and with the Num Lock key to cause the pause function. The system-reset, break, and pause functions are described under "Special Handling" later in this section. Alt: This key temporarily shifts keys 1-13, 17-26,31-39,46-52, and 65-74 to the Alt state. The Alt key is also used with the Ctrl and Del keys to cause the system reset function. The Alt key also allows the user to enter any character code from 0-255 into the system from the keyboard. The user holds down the Alt key and types the decimal value of the characters desired on the numeric keypad (keys 91-93, 96-98, and 101-103). The Alt key is then released. If more than three digits are typed, a modulo-256 result is created. These three digits are interpreted as a character code and are sent through the keyboard routine to the system or application program. Alt is handled internal to the keyboard routine. Break: The combination of the Ctrl and Break keys results in the keyboard routine signaling interrupt hex 1A. The extended characters AL=hex 00, AH=hex 00 are also returned. Pause: The combination of the Ctrl and Num Lock keys causes the keyboard interrupt routine to loop, waiting for any key except Num Lock to be pressed. This provides a system- or application-transparent method of temporarily suspending list, print, etc. and then resuming the operation. The key used to resume operation is thrown away. Pause is handled internal to the keyboard routine. Print Screen: The combination of the Shift and PrtSc keys results in an interrupt invoking the print screen routine. This routine works in the alphanumeric or graphics mode, with unrecognizable characters printing as blanks. Caps Lock: This key shifts keys 17-26,31-39, and 46-52 to uppercase. When Caps Lock is pressed again, it reverses the action. Caps Lock is handled internal to the keyboard routine. System BIOS 5-19 When Caps Lock is pressed, it toggles the Caps Lock Mode indicator. If the indicator was on, it will go off; and if it was off, it will go on. Scroll Lock: This key is interpreted by appropriate application programs as indicating that the use of cursor control keys should cause windowing over the text rather than cursor movement. When the Scroll Lock key is pressed again, it reverses the action. The keyboard routine simply records the current shift state of the Scroll Lock key. It is the responsibility of the application program to perform the function. When Scroll Lock is pressed, it toggles the Scroll Lock Mode indicator. If the indicator was on, it will go off; and if it was off, it will go on. Num Lock: This key shifts keys 90-93 and 95-104 to upper case. When Num Lock is pressed again, it reverses the action. Num Lock is handled internal to the keyboard routine. When Num Lock is pressed, it toggles the Num Lock Mode indicator. If the indicator was on, it will go off; if it was off, it will go on. Shift Key Priorities and Combinations: If combinations of the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys are pressed and only one is valid, the priority is as follows: the Alt key is first, the Ctrl key is second, and the Shift key is third. The only valid combination is Alt and Ctrl, which is used in the system-reset function. Sys Req When the Sys key is pressed, a hex 8500 is placed in AX, and an interrupt 15 is executed. When the Sys key is released, a hex 8501 is placed in AX, and another interrupt 15 is executed. If an application is to use the Sys key, the following rules must be observed: Save the previous address Overlay interrupt vector hex 15 Check AH for a value of hex 85 If yes, process may begin 5-20 System BIOS If no, go to previous address It is the responsibility of the application to preserve the value in all registers, except AX, upon return. Sys is handled internal to the keyboard routine. Other Characteristics The keyboard routine does its own buffering, and the keyboard buffer is large enough to support entries by a fast typist. However, if a key is pressed when the buffer is full, the key will be ignored and the "alarm" will sound. The keyboard routine also suppresses the typematic action of the following keys: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, Caps Lock, and Ins. Special Handling System Reset The combination of the Alt, Ctrl, and Del keys results in the keyboard routine that starts a system reset or reboot. System reset is handled by BIOS. System BIOS 5-21 Notes: 5-22 System BIOS Warning: No STACK segment Start Stop Length OOOOOH OFFFEH FFFFH Origin Group Address 0000 :E729 0000:3792 0000 ,E137 OOOO,E11G 0000: 17AA 0000,0000 0000,16B9 0000,E372 0000 ,E6F2 0000,lB66 0000, E05E 0000: 0222 0000, E060 0000,OC3F 0000,0454 0000: 0405 0000, E062 0000, E066 0000; E068 0000: F859 0000,3FE2 0000, 09FB 0000:E234 0000, E25D 0000,E286 OOOO,EODO 0000: E2C6 0000: E2DF 0000, E2F8 0000,E311 0000: FA6E 0000:£164 0000,1805 0000,E174 0000:E184 0000: 17FD 0000: EC59 0000: 20A5 0000: EFC7 0000,EF57 0000: 260E 0000: 2A71 0000,28DA 0000,2816 0000,FF53 0000,1851 0000 ,E06C 0000, E085 0000, E09E 0000,EOE9 OOOQ:E32A 0000, EOFC OOOO,E10G 0000,03E5 0000, 03EB 0000,F84D 0000,3E6C 0000' InA 0000: 187F 0000: 1884 0000,1889 0000: 188E 0000,1893 0000: 1898 0000,18B1 0000, 18B6 0000' 18BB 0000,18CO 0000' 18C5 0000, 18GA 0000, 18CF 0000: 18D4 0000,18D9 0000: 18DE 0000: 18£3 0000: 18E8 0000,18ED 0000,18F2 Name CODE Publics by Name Al AGT_DISP _PAGE ADERR ADERR1 BEEP BEGIN BLINK INT BOOT INVA BOOT-STRAP BOOT-STRAP 1 C1 - Gll C2 C21 C30 CB042 C8042A C8042B CB042C CASSETTE 1U CASSETTE - IO 1 CHK VIDEO - cm- CH2 CH3 CM CM4 A CH4 B C~14 - C GM4=D CRT GHAR GEN D1 D11 D2 D2A DDS 0000: 0008 DISKETTE 10 OISKETTE-IO 1 DISK_BASE DISK INT DISK-'NT 1 DISK-1O DISK-SETUP DSKETTE SETUP DUHHY RETURN DUHHY-RETURN 1 EO 0000: 18F7 0000.18Fe 0000,1901 0000,1906 0000; 190B 0000: 1910 0000,1915 0000,191A 0000,191F 0000: 1924 0000,1929 0000,192E 0000: 17.')3 0000,ElC2 0000: E393 0000, E3A8 0000: EJED 0000: E3DB 0000, E3EE 0000: E1FB 0000, E34E 0000: E2IF 0000:E152 0000: E15D 0000: E18B 0000, E1A1 0000, E2AC 0000: E2B2 0000:E401 0000:4752 0000:4392 0000: lFFO 0000,lBC6 0000,2FA4 0000,1852 0000, E8E 1 0000, E91B 0000, E955 0000: E9SF 0000:E969 0000,E976 0000: JOA9 0000,E87E - EO_A EO_B E1 E1_A E1_B E1_G E30B E30G EQUIPMENT EQUIPHENT 1 ERR BEEP EXC - 00 EXG 01 EXC=02 EXG 03 EXC-04 EXC 05 EXG- 06 EXC 07 EXG-08 EXC - 09 EXG 10 EXC 11 EXC-12 EXG-13 EXC=14 EXC 15 EXC=16 EXC 17 EXC-18 EXC=19 - 0000, E886 0000, E88E 0000, E8CS 0000,17D2 0000,E987 0000: 3054 0000, E82E 0000,2FG8 0000, E1D7 0000: 0010 0000: FOE4 0000, FOEC 0000, FOF4 0000, F841 0000,3E62 0000, E2G3 0000: 3E76 0000, 0411 0000, E064 0000: E06A 0000: 002e 0000: OC3F 0000, 16AO 0000,1753 0000: 187F 0000,199C 0000: 1C2D 0000: EFD2 0000,346F 0000, FF54 0000 46CC 0000: 174C 0000:1720 0000: 1719 0000,186A 0000: 176C 0000 :FFFO 0000,38F5 0000: 377B 0000,3A38 0000,3DBG 0000: 1861 EXC 20 EXC 21 EXC - 22 EXC- 23 EXC=24 EXC 25 EXC- 26 EXG 27 EXC _28 EXC 29 EXC- 30 EXC - 31 E tlSG Fl F1780 F178l F1782 F1790 Fl791 F1_A Fl B F3F3A F3B F3D F3D1 F4 F4E FD_TBL FILL GATE_A20 GDT_BLD H5 HD INT IN't287 KID Kll K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K6 Abs K6L K7 K8 K9 KBD_RESET KB INT KB-INT 1 KEYBOARD 10 KEYBOARD - IO LOGK -Abs U4 H5 M6 H7 ~lEHORY_SIZE DETERHINE }lEHORY SIZE-DETERmNE 1 NNI_'NT - NMI INT 1 OBF=42 OBF 42A OBF = 42B POST 1 POST2 POST3 POST4 POSTS POST6 POSTl PRINTER 10 PRINTER=IO_1 PRI:-.!T SCREEN PRINT=SGREEN 1 PROG _ SHUTD0\1N PROT PRT HEX PRT HEX PRT=SEG P HSG P--O R READ AC CURRENT READ - GURSOR READ-DOT READ=LPEN RE_DIRECT ROS Map 5-23 0000,16DO 0000,IAF9 0000,16AD 0000,E739 0000,34F5 0000,462A 0000,3SA3 0000,37FF 0000,24Cl 0000,37B6 0000,3751 0000,372A 0000,364E 0000,3F2F 0000,1197 0000,114A ROH CHECK ROM-ERR ROS -CHECKSUM RS232 10 RS232=IO_l RTC INT SCROLL DOWN SCROLL-UP SEEK - 0000,174C 0000:1753 0000,1753 0000,176C OOOO,l77A 0000,17M 0000: 1702 0000,17FD SET COLOR 0000,1851 0000,1852 0000,1861 0000, IBM DUMMY RETURN 1 0000; 187F EXC DO POSTS OOOO,IF1A 0000,1933 0000: 1938 0000,193D 0000,1942 0000,1947 0000,194C 0000,1951 0000, FEA5 0000,4684 0000 ,FE6E 0000,445C 0000, 03C7 0000, 03D3 0000: 03F7 0000 :FEF3 0000, F065 SET-CPOS SET-C'lYPE SET-HaDE SET-TOO SHUT2 SHUT3 SHUT4 SHUT6 SHUT7 SHUT9 SlOT 810 SLAVE VECTOR TABLE STARTSTART 1 STGTST CNT SYSINITI SYS 32 SYS -33 SYS - 34 SYS - 35 SYS - 36 SYS- 37 SYS- 38 THIER INT THIER-INT 1 TIHE OF DAY TIME-OF-DAY 1 TST4-B TST4-C TST4-D VECTOR TABLE VIDEO 10 DODD: 3605 VlDEO-ro 1 0000: 169B OOOO,11BC 0000,119A 0000,4252 0000,IFF9 0000, FF23 0000,E05B OOOO,OOM 0000: 199C 0000: 396£ 0000: 3A4C 0000,3D38 0000,1713 0000,IB25 0000,1708 Address EXC- 04 EXC - 05 EXC=06 EXC 07 EXC- 08 EXC=09 EXC 10 0000: IBCA 0000: 18CF EXC-ll EXC -12 EXC -13 EXC-14 EXC -IS EXC -16 EXC=17 EXC 18 EXC -19 EXC=20 EXC=22 EXC 23 EXC- 24 EXC- 25 EXC- 26 EXC- 27 EXC - 28 EXC-29 EXC - 30 EXC =31 0000:1933 SYS 32 SYS - 33 SYS=34 SYS 35 SYS=36 BEGIN 0000,1938 0000,193D 0000,1942 0000:1947 0000,194C 0000,1951 0000,199C 0000,199C 0000,IAF9 0000,IB25 0000: 0008 Abs K6L 0000: 1866 0000:0010 Abs 0000, 002C 0000,00A6 0000, 0222 0000, 03C7 0000, 03D3 M4 POST! START 1 C11 1'5'14 B TST4=C 0000: IBC6 0000: lC2D 0000: IFIA OOOO,IFFO 0000,IFF9 0000 20A5 0000: 03E5 E30B 0000, 03EB 0000, 03F7 0000,0405 0000, 0411 0000,0454 0000, 09FB 0000, OC3F 0000,OC3F 0000,114A 0000,1197 0000, !l9A 0000, !lBC 0000, 169B 0000,16AD 0000: 16AD 0000,16B9 0000,16DO 0000,1708 0000,1713 0000,1719 0000,1720 E30C TST4 0 C8042 OBF 42 C30CHK VIDEO POST2 C21 SHUn SHUT2 5-24 EXC 01 EXC=02 0000; 18CS 0000,1804 0000,IBD9 0000,18DE 0000,18E3 0000,18E8 0000,18ED 0000,18F2 0000,18F7 SHUT7 SHUT6 SHUT4 ROS CHECKSUM POST3 BLINK INT RON CHECK XPC-BYTE XLAT PR PRT HEX PROT]RT_HEX ROS Map OOOQ:24Cl 0000: 260E 0000: 2816 0000: 28DA 0000,2A71 0000: 2FA4 0000: 2FC8 0000: 3054 0000: 30[\9 0000,346F 0000,34F5 0000,3605 0000: 364E 0000 372A 0000:3751 0000: 377B 0000,3792 0000,37B6 0000,37DC 0000: 37FF 0000: 38A3 0000,38F5 0000:393B - EXC 03 0000,1901 0000,1906 0000,190B 0000: 1910 0000,1915 0000.191A 0000,191F 0000: 1924 0000,1929 OOOO,I92E Publics by Value 0000: 0000 INT 287 RE DIRECT PRT_SEG EXC 21 VIDEO-STATE VIR ERR \{RITE AC CURRENT \VRITE - C CURRENT WRITE-OOT WRITE-TTY XLAT PR XNIT-8042 XPC BYTE 0000: EOB7 0000: 3936 0000: 18 7F 0000,IB84 0000,1889 0000,188E 0000: 1893 0000,1898 0000:18B1 0000, 18B6 0000,18BB 0000' 18CO POST4 E_NSG P HSG ERR BEEP BEEP KBD RESET DDSD11 0000: 18Fe VIDEO-PARas OOOO,FOM 0000,37DC 0000: 1805 PRoe SHUTDOWN SYS 37 SYS- 38 POST6 STGTST CNT Rml xmT ERR 8042 BOOT-STRAP 1 H5 - POST? SYSI:-.IITI GDT BLD SIDTB10 DISKETTE IO 1 SEEK DISK INT 1 OSKETTE SETUP DISK SETUP DISK-JQ HD_INT KE YBOARD 10 1 KB I~T 1- Kl6 - PRI~TER 10 1 RS232 10 1VIDEO-ro-l SET l'lODESET- CTYPE SET=CPOS READ CURSOR ACT DISP PAGE SET-COLOR VIDEO STATE SCROLL UP SCROLL- DOiifN READ AC CURRENT ,,"'RITE _AC _CURRENT 0000,396E 0000: 3A3B 0000: 3A4C 0000: 3D38 0000: 3DBC 0000: 3E62 0000: 3E6C 0000 3E76 00DO·3F2F 0000,3FE2 0000,4252 0000,4392 0000, 445C OOOO:462A 0000,4684 0000,46CC 0000,4752 0000, E058 0000, E05E 0000, E060 0000: I062 0000, E064 0000, E066 0000: E068 0000; EGGA 0000, E06C 0000, E085 0000, E09E 0000:E087 ~RITE C CURRE~T READ_DOT "'RITE DOT WRITE-TTY READ LPEN NHIORY SIZE DETER~llNE EQUIP~lENT 1- Nf!! INT 1· SET=TODCASSETIE 10 1 SHUT9 GATE A20 TIME OF DAY 1 RTC INTTHIER INT 1 PRINT-SCREEN 1 FILL - em 0000 :E250 0000 :E286 0000 :E2AC 0000 :E282 0000 :E2C3 0000,E2C6 0000,E20F 0000 :E2FB 0000,E311 0000,E32A 0000,E34E CH2 0000, E150 0000, E 164 0000:E174 0000:E184 0000, E 188 OOOO:EIAI 0000,F.1C2 0000 :E1D7 0000 :E372 0000,E393 0000,E3A8 FI780 Fl781 RS232_IO KEYBOARD 10 K6 K7 K8 K9 KID 0000:E91B Kll 0000, E955 0000,E95F K13 0000:E969 0000, E976 0000,E987 0000,EC59 0000, EF5 7 0000, EFC7 ODDO:EFD2 0000, F065 OOOO,FOA4 SLAVE VECTOR TABLE DUHHY-RETURNPRINT-SCREEN P_O_R- INT CH4-A Cfl4- B C,'4=C CH4 D E1 A F1-B BOOT INVA F1782 0000, E8El QOQQ:FF23 mn F1790 Fl791 FD_TBL BOOT STRAP Al - 0000: E8CB 0000 ,FEF3 0000,FF53 0000, FF54 0000, FFFO erB 0000,E30B 0000,E3EE 0000,E401 0000,E729 0000,E739 0000,E82E 0000,E87E 0000 ,E886 0000, E88E 0000: FE6E 0000 :FEAS F4 F4E 0000 :E3BD 0000 :E6F2 0000, F859 0000,FA6E EO - 0000 :E234 0000:£152 0000: F84D OBr 42B 0000, E1FB 0000,E21F 0000, EOFC 0000: E IOC 0000: E lle 0000:E137 0000,F841 M5 H6 H7 HEllORY SIZE DETERHINE EQUIPHENT CASSETTE_IO CRT CHAR GEN TIHE OF DAY TIHER INT VECTOR_TABLE START C1 C2 C8042A OBF 42A C8042B C8042C EO A EO=B VIR ERR CH4El E1_B El C ADERRI ADERR F3A F3B D1 D2 D2A F3D F3Dl F1 LOCK FlA F3- 0000: EODO 0000: EOE9 0000,FOE4 OOOO:FOEG 0000: FOF4 K12 K14 K15 KB INT DISKETIE 10 DISK INTDISK=BASE PRINTER 10 VIDEO_IO VIDEO_PARHS ROS Map 5-25 5-26 ROS Map TITLE T£5Tl BIOS I/O 11/28/83 ROM POST INTERFACE THESES INTERFACE LISTINGS, PROVIDE ACCESS TO BIOS ROUTINES THESE BIOS ROUTINES ARE MEANT TO BE ACCESSED THROUGH ANY ADDRESSES PRESENT IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPTS ONLY, THE LISTINGS ARE INCLUDED ONLY fOR COMPLETENESS, NOT FOR REFERENCE. APPLICATIONS WHICH REFERENCE ABSOLUT E ADDRESSES WITH I N THE CODE SEGMENT VIOLATE THE STRUCTURE AND DESIGN OF BIOS. ----- - --- - - - ---------- -- -- -- ----- - ---- - - -- -- -- ---- -- - ----------- - --- PAGE MODULES R[QU I REO DATA.SRC TEST1,SRG TEST? SRC TEST3. SRC --"> --> TEST4. SRC TESTS.SRC TEST6. SRC --> --> TEST7. SRC SYSI N IT1. SRC GOT BLD. SRC 5101' BLD. SRC DSKETTE. SRC OISK.SRC KYBD. SRC PRT. SRC RS232. SRC VI DE01. SRC BIOS.SRC DATA AREA TEST.01 THRU TEST. 16 TEST.17 THRU TEST. 22 PROCEDURES ROS CHECKSUM BLINI\_INT ROM_CHECK XPC BYrE PRT-HEX PROT PRT HEX PROC-SHUTDOWN E MSG P-MSG BEEP ERR BEEP KBO-RESET Dll-DUMMY I NT HANDLER I NTl3 - X?87 HANDLER PRT SEG ODSHARDWARE I NT 9 HANDLER (TYPE 71) EXCEPTION INTERRUPTS STGTST CNT ROM ERR xMIT 8042 BOOT-STRAP PROTECTED MODE TEST BU I LO PROTECTED MODE DESCR I PTORS DISKETTE BIOS HARD FI LE BIOS KEYBOARD B I OS PRINTER BIOS RS232 BIOS VIDEO BIOS MEM SIZE EQUIP_DET NMI SET TOO DUMMY-CASSETTE (INT 15) DEVICE OPEN DEVICE CLOSE PROGRAM TERM J NAT I ON EVENT WA I T JOYSTICK SUPPORT SYSTEM REQUEST KEY WAI T MOVE BLOCK EXTENOEn MFMORY SIZE DETERMINE PROCESSOR TO V I RTUAL MODE TIME OF DAY TIMERl INT PR I NT SCREEN PC COMPATABILITY AND TABLES POST ERROR MESSAGES BIOS1.SRC B I OS2. SRC ORGS. SRC 0 0 0 0000 0000 oouo = Dora = 0020 = 0010 0 0000 8000 = FFFF = = 0000 c c c c c c c c c c INCLUDE POSTEQU. SRC EQUATES TEST KY LOCK KEY_NUMS EQU EQU EQU X287 EQU OFOH ; MATH EQU Q20H ; MFG LOOP POST JUMPER C C C C c C C c c ; ; ; 0 0060 0061 C C OOF3 DO De C 0040 C = ooeo 0 0 0 = 0080 0 0064 0 0001 = 0002 = 0004 0008 = 0010 0020 = 0040 = 0080 = OOFE c c C C C C C C 0 C C 0 C C C 0 QOAB 0 ODED 0001 0 C C C C C 0 0080 0001 0002 0004 0008 0010 0020 0040 C C C C C C C C C PROCESSOR EQU 0101'1 ; REFRESH TEST BIT POST SS POST-SP TEMP-STACK LO TEMP=STACK::::H! EQU EQU EQU EQU OH 8000li OFFFFH ; ; POST STACK SEGMENT PO:;T STACK POINTER PORT A PORT-B PAR ITY ERR RAM PAR ON RAM-PAR-OFF 10 CHK PRTY_CHK EQU EQU EQU EQU o c 0 CONDITIONAL ASH {TEST2.SRCj CONDITIONAL ASM (TEST2.SRC) CONDITIONAL ASM (KYBD.SRCj . -- -- -- - ------------ - ----------- -- --- -- -------------- - ------------- -- - -- - ---- [QU EQU EQU 60H 61H OCOH 111100119 00001100B 010000008 100000008 ~ SET PROTECTED ; 0: FFFFH ~ODE TEMP SS - 8042 KEYBOARD SCAN/DIAG OUTPUTS 8042 READ WR I TE REG I STER RAMI I 0 CHANNEL PAR I TY ERROR AND TH! S VALUE OR TH I S VALUE ! 0 CHECK? PARITY CHECK? STATUS PORT EQU 64H ;8042 STATUS PORT OUT_BUF_fULL EQU 01H 0 = +OUTPUT BUFFER FULL INPT BUF FULL tau 02H 1 = -tINPUT BUFFER fULL SYS_FLAGEQU 04H 2 = -SYSTEM FLAG -PORI-SELf TEST CMD_DATA EQU 08H 3 = -COMMANO/+OATA KYBD_I NH EQU 10H 4 '" +KEYBOARD I NH I B I TED TRANS_ TMOUT [QU 20H 5 '" +TRANS ...., ITT I M[OUT Rev TMOUT EQU 40H 6 = +RECE I VE T I ME OUT PARTTY EVEN EQU BOH 7 = +PAR I TY I SEVEN SHUT CMD EQU OFEH CAUSE A SHUTDOWN COMMAND EQU OABH CHECK 8042 INTERFACE CMD I NTR-FACE CK KYBD::::CLK_DATA EQU OEOH GET KYSD CLOCK AND DATA CMD KYBD_CLK EQU 001H ; KEYBOARD CLOCK BIT a ; ----------MANUFACTVR 1NG PORT -----------------------------------------------MFG PORT EQU 80H ; MMl'UfACTURING CH£CKf'OINT PORT ; ---=-------MANUFACTUR I NG BIT DEF I NIT I ON FOR MFG_ERR_fLAG+1 ------------------MEM_fAIL [QU 00000001S STORAGE TEST fAILED (ERROR 20X) PRO_fAIL EQU 000000108 VIRTUAL MODE TEST FAILED (ERROR 104) LMCS_FA I L [Qu 00000100B LOW MEG CH I P SELECT FA IUD (E.RROR 109) KYCLK FA I L EQU 00001000B KEYBOARD CLOCK TEST FA I LED (ERROR 304) KY_SYSJAIL EQU 00010000B KEYBOARD OR SYSTEM FAILED (ERROR 303) KYBD FAIL EQU 001000008 KEYBOARD FAILED (ERROR 301) DSK_FA I L EQU 01 OOOOOOB 0 I SKETTE TEST FA I LED (ERROR 601) Test 1 5-27 = 0080 c = 0010 C C 0020 0040 C c = = 0080 = 0010 = 0020 = 0060 = DOAA = OOGO = QDAE = QOAD = OOOF = 0000 = OOFl = oorlj = oorl = OOFl = ~OFf" = ODED = OOAA = DorA = DOFF = OOFE = Doro = 0010 = 0020 = OOllO = 0070 = 0081\ = 008B C C C C C c C C C C C C C C C c C C C C C c C C c C C C C C C C C C C C C = UOYU QOAD = D08F = 0080 = = = = = = = = = 00B1 0080 0096 C c 0095 0098 C C C C 0097 0094 0092 = = = = = = = = = = = COBE = = = = = = = = = 0020 0021 0020 OUAU UDAl DIHO 0010 c c c C C C C C C C 0080 OOllO 0020 0010 0008 0004 00B3 0080 0040 0020 c - = = = C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 00'10 00'13 00110 0001 0005 0000 c c c c c 0000 ODeD = ooe1 c D08F C = 0540 C = = = = = c 0410 0060 C C C C C 0060 0061 0080 c = 0080 110 = 00 = OO?O = 0010 = 0008 = 0004 = 0002 = UUOl = 0080 = 00 110 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0020 = - au ; -=--=--------- . ----=------- COU EOU [qlJ 4011 4311 40ft [QU 01 [>MII08 DMA [QU [QU 08 00 DMA STATUS I{[G ponf AD OR DNA CH.O AOOR. REG POrtT AOQR O~IA18 D~lAl EQU EQU ODOH OCOII 2ND DMA S lATUS PORT ADDR 2ND DMA CII,Q AODR. REG PORT AD DR DMA PAGE LAST _DHA_PAGE EQU E.OU 81H 8Ft! srART OF [)~lA PAGE REGISTERS LAST OHA PAGE REG I SHR 0010 0008 0004 c c = 0045 = 00116 = 0038 = 0010 = 003A = 002A = 0036 0052 = 0053 C C C C C C C C C C C C 0054 = 0080 0025 = 0080 00110 = 0020 = 0010 = 0009 5-28 Test 1 porn ADDR POR r ADDR MASK ------ ------- --- --- -- ---- --- ----- ---- -- ---- ---- --- -- -- - C .- 0002 = KEY_FAil. CQU 10000000[) ; K[YBOARD LOC:,[D (EnrWR 302) -----.--8'J"2 INPIJT porn BI T I NI T ION----------------------EQU , OH ; BASE R/W M[MOrW EQU 2011 ; LOOP POST JUMP[R [QU (lOll ;DISPLAY lYPE JUI1PER [QU SOH ;KEY~OARD INHIBIT SWITCH RAI1 DU I NIT I ON-- ----- ----- - ---- ---- ------- -- -- -- - - ----- - ----EQU 1011 ; BY1T 0 BIT 4 OF 80112 RAM CO~IMANOS - ---- - ---- -- -- - - - ----------- -- -- ---- -- ----- --- ----EQU 201l BITS 0-4 '"' ADDRESS (20-3F) EQU 60H EOU OAAH 801le SELF TfST H~U OCOH READ 80112 INPUT POl\1 fQU OM II ENABLE K[YBOAr{f) COI1MAND [QU OADH f) I SABI_E KEYBOARD COMMAND ~_NAf3LE AODr{ LINL BIT 20 LQU ODFH [QU O[)DH OISABL[AODRlINEBIT20 KfYBOAHD! LED COMMANDS -- --- ---------- --- -- ---- -- -------- ---[aU orlH EQU OF4H EOU ()F7H [OU orEIl EQU OFFlI [QU OEOI1 ; ---- --------- -- KEYBOARD RESPONSE ---------- -- ---- --- -- ------ -- ---- - -- - ---KB. OK EQU OAAt! flESPONSE FROI·I S[Lr 0 lAG KB-ACK [qu Ol-AH ACKNO\·H_EDGE FROM TRANSMISSION KB-OYUl. RUN EQU OFFH OYER RUN KB-RE::S[ND EOU OFEH RESfND REQU[ST KB-BREAK EQU OFOH KEYBOAt\O BH[AK CODE KB-FA EQU OlOH ACK RECEIVED W-f[ EQU 020H RESEND RECE IVt::D FLAG Kll PR lED EQU OilOH MODE INDICATat, UPDATE: CMOS EQUATES ------------------ ------- -- ------ - - -------- -- ---CMOS PORT rQu D70H 10 ADDRESS OF CMOS PORT CLK UP [QU D8AH CLOCK UPDATt:: STATUS CMOS ALARM EQU D8BH CMOS-BfG I N EQU 090H C~lOS-END EQU OALJH SHUT-DOWN EQU 08FH SHUTDOWN OF c·SL 1 BATTERY STAr US BATTERY COND STATUS EaU OeDIi M SIZE HI EaU OB1H 10 MEMORY SIZE. HIGH BYTE (POST) I1-S I ZE-LO EQU OBOH I () MFMORY S I /1· 10 flYTr (POST) 0->6110K CONFIG MEMORY SIZE (SETUP) ~fl SIZE HI [QU 09611 LOW BYTE (SETUP) Ml-SIZCLO EQu 095H M2-SIZCHI [Qu 098H 640K->UP CONrl G MEMORY SIZE (SETUP) lOW BYTE (SETUP) M2-SIZCLO [QU 097H CMOS EqU I PI'I[NT FLAG C Eau I PEQU 09411 HAKO FILE. TYPL 13Yll:. HD FILE TYPE EQU 0921i PAGE LACS---- -- -- ~-- ---- - -- ----- --- -- --; --------------- CMOS DIAG_STATUS ERROR CMOS ADDRFSS OF OIAG STATUS DIAG SIA"iUS EQU 08EH DEAD BATTERY BAD SAl EOU 080H CHECKSUM Eki~OH BAD-CKSUM EaU 0401f BAD-CONFIG [QU 020H MINIMUM CONFIG USED INSTEAD OF CMOS MEMORY SIZE NOT EOUAl TO CON 1'. I G W MtM SIZE EQU OlOH HARD FILE FAilURE ON INIT HI' FAil EQU D08H CMOS ClK NOT UPDATING OR NOT VALID CMOS ClK FAI L EQU 004H r;MOS INFORMATION FLAGS- -----------------------------------CMOS ADDRESS OF INFO BYTE I NFO STATUS [aU 083H 512K ~> 64GK CARD INSTALLED M640"K Equ G80H FLAG USED BY C~tOS SETUP UT I L I TY NEW I NST EQU 040H BOOT HARD FILE FLAG HF _BOOT EOU 020H INTERRUPT [QUATlS ----- -----------------------------------[QU 20H 8259 POI(T I:.QU 21 H 8259 POI'" f EqU 20H EQU (jAOH 2ND 8259 EaU OA1H fQU u7()H START OF 8259 INTERRUPT TABLE LOCATION [qu 01011 VIOFO yeCTOR ---------- -- ---------- [QU 5 110H MIN-PER I 00 [QU II lOH KBO-I N EQU 60H KBOINl EQU 02 KB DATA EQU 60H KB-CTL FQU 61H K8=E!H~ EQU 80H FLAG FQUATES WITHIN KB_FLAG [·QU 8011 [OU 11011 EQU 20H [QU lOll lQU 08H EQU 04H EQU 02H EQU 0111 EQU 80H [QU 40H [QU 20H EQU 10H FQU OBH COU U4H EOU 69 [aU (0 EaU ?6 (QU 29 EOU ~5 [QU lie EQU 5/1 EQU 82 EaU 83 CQu 54H -------------- DISKETTE EQUATES EQU oeOH ) NT FLAG MOTOR \1111 T EQU 37 T I ME OUT EQU 80H RAO S,FK EQU IIOH BAI)·-N~~C EQU 20H BAD-enc EQU 10H DMA:::'80lJNDARY EQU U9H --~ - --------- - --- MAX PER I OD K[YBOIIRD DATA IN ADDR PORT KEYBOIIRD IN rR t'lASK Kr·-YROARO sr;AN coor PORT CONTROL BITS FOR KEYBOARD SENSE DATA KEYBOARD TRANSt~ I T ERROR fLAG INSeRT STATE IS ACTIVE CAPS LOCK STATE liAS BFf.N TOCCLEO NUM LOCK SIAII· HAS IH.lN TOGGI.FO SCIWLL LOCK STAl E liAS BEEN TOGGLED ALTERNATE SHIFT KEY DEPRESSED CONTROL SH I FT KEY DE PRESSED LEFT SH I FT KEY DEPRESSED RIGHT SH 1FT I(EY D[pr~ESS[D I NSERT KEY I S DEPRESSED CAPS LOCK KEY I S DEPRESSED NUM lOCK K[Y I S DEPRESSED SCROLL LOCI( K~Y IS DEPRESSED SUSPEND KlY liAS BEEN TOGGL[Q SYS·I EM KEY DEP:{ESS([) AND HELD SCAN CODE FOR NUMBER LOCK SCROLL LOCK KEY ALTERNATE SHIFT KEY SCAN CODE SCAN CODE FOR CONTROL KEY SCAN CODE FOR Sil I FT LOCK SCAN CODE FOR l.EFT Sf! 1FT SCM~ CODE FOR RIGHT SH 1FT SCAN CO:)[ FOR I NS[RT KEY SCAN CO~E FOR DELETE KEY SCAN CODE FOR SYSTEM KEY INTERRUPT OCCURHENCE fLAG 2 SECS OF COUNTS fOR MOTOR TURN OFF ATTACHi 012 POA DUAL EQU 061 H POA-STAHT EQU U80f! ,----=---- UtOS NON-VOLATILE RAM EQUAllS CMOSUSB AODR EQU 00 EI-I CADR PRT EQU 070H COATA PRI EQU 071H CMOS GOO I) EQU ()eOI! CQU 010H CMOSOSk IWTF LOWNIB [au OOFH I NVAL I D_DRV Eau D02H = 0080 = = = = = EOU [au [QU EQU EQU [QU OOCO OU10 Door = = 0002 DISKETll CHANGE FLAG MASK BIT usm TO STRI P OFF STAll OF MEDIA USFD AS MASK re)R STATt: BITS SET STATE DETmMINEO IN STATE BITS ISOIAH SHIFTED 1RANSFER RATE BITS MASK TO 1 UHN ON DOUBLE STEPP I NG MASK TO CLEAR MOTOR ON BIT S MAX NUMBER OF DR I VES TI{ACK 0 MASK SCNSE DR Ive STATUS COMMAND SErK ONE TRACK CRASH STOP (48 TPI DRIVES) SEEK TO TRACK 10 1.2 M HEAD SETTU: TIME' 320 K IlrAD SETTLE TIME WRITE OPERATION FLAG NO I) I SK CHANGE 1..1 NE AVA I LABLE DISK CHANCE LINE AVAILABLE DISKETTE STATUS BYTE ADDRESS CMOS ADDRESS PORT ADDRESS CMOS DATA PORT ADDRESS SA TT fRY AND Gil ECKSUM I NO I CA TOk OISKf"TTE fWT[-, ADDRESS ISOl_Alt: LOW NIBBLE IN HlGISllH MASK FIHST INVALID DISKETTE TYPE TIMER DATA AI'-EA UN ; COUNTS SI_C COUNTS--=M I N ; COUNTS_HOUR ; COUNTS DAY PAGE ' 18 1092 65543 1?73040 = 1800BOH FOU rau EQU 1NClUDt. DSI:_G, SRC 0:0>86 SlCMEN r A'I srG LOCO or{C 2-ltl~ LOCATIONS (HEAD): 0 LABEL BYTE LABEL WORD lABEL WORD LABEL LABEL WORD DWORO LABEL WORD ORG 5*4 I NT5_PTR 0014 0020 0020 U020 ORC 8*4 I NT ADDR IN(:PTI{ ORG 10H*4 INT Of'lG 13H*4 ORC VECIOf'l ORC 1811*11 BASIC PTf, ORC 19H*4 BOOT VEC BOOT-VECTOR ~ ORG 1011*4 PARM PTR ORC 1 EH*4 DISK POINTfR ORG 01 FH*4 EXT_PIR Of'lC 40H*4 DISK VECTOR ORG 111 H1<-I\ HF TBl VEe - ORC 46H*4 Ilfl_TBL_VEC 0040 0011() OOIIC OOIIC 0060 0060 00611 006/1 VIDEO uo6 1t 007/1 0014 00"/8 OO-,R 007C 007C 0100 a 100 010 1-1 0104 0118 0118 LAf~El DWORD LABEL WORD I ARrl LABEL IMORD DWORD LABEL DWORD LABEL DWORD lABEL DWORD LABEL DWORD LABEL OWORD lABEL OWORD LABEL LABEL DWORD aWaRD LABlL DWOIW ; NEW FDISK ; POINTER TO VIDEO PARMS ; DISKETTE ; ; REAL T I ME Cl.OCK I NT F I XED 0 I SK I NT ERRU PT VECTOR PO INTER ORC 70H*ll OlGa OlGa OlGa SLAVE INT PIR RTC I NT vrc .- ORG 7GlI*4 HDISK INT ORG 40011 DAT A AREA DATA-WOf'lD OKG 0500H MFG TEST RTN ORG 7eOOH BOOT LOCN ABSOENDS PAG[ 0108 0108 OIj(}O 01,00 0400 0500 0500 7COO 7coa 7COD ; STACK -- US[O DURING STACK 0000 0000 INTERRUPI Al~SO OOUO 0000 0008 0008 0014 80 [ LABEL [3YTl l ABEL WORD LABEL FAR LABEL FAR ;ABSOLUTE LOCATION OF DATA SlCMENT INITIALIZATION ONLY SEGME.NT AT 30H ow 1<::8 DU?(?) ???? TOS STACK 0100 01GO LABEL ENDS WORD ROM BIOS DATA ARFAS 0000 0000 0000 bAIA SFGMENT AT 40H DATA BASE LABEL RS232_Bi\SE. OW 011 l 0008 0010 EQLJ I P_FLAG 01 BYTE 4 DUP(?) ADDRESSES OF RS232 AOAPTERS ow 4 OUP('1) ADDRESSES 0:" PR 1NTERS ow 1 DUP(?) I NSTAI_LI'.O HARDWARE 1??'1 Test 1 5-29 0012 01 [ 0013 01 MFG_ TST OB 1 DUP{? ) INITIALIZATION FLAG ow 1 OUP(?) ME~'ORY DB 1 DUP(?} SCRATCH PAD FOR MANUF ACTUR I NG DB 1 DUP(?} ERROR CODES SIZE IN K BYTES ???? 0015 0016 01 c 01 ?? OOl"r 01 0018 01 [ ?? 0019 01 c c c c c c C C C C PAGE C C C C C C C C C KBJLAG KEYBOARD DATA AREAS OB 1 DUP(? ) DB 1 OUP(?) SECOND BYTE Of KEYBOARD STATUS DB 1 DUPI?) STORAGE FOR ALTERNATE KEYPAD ENTRY ow 1 DUP(?) POINTER TO HEAD OF KEYBOARD BUFfER OW 1 PO I NTER TO TAl l ow 160UP(?) C C 001A c 01 ???? OOlC 01 DOlE 10 [ ???? BUFFER_TAil c c D03E 003E c c c c c c c c c c c c 01 LABEL c c c c c c c [ HEAD'" TAil DUP(? 1 Of KEYBOARD BU FFER ROOM FOR 15 ENTR I [S WORD INDICATES rHAT THE BUFFER IS EMPTY DISKETTE DATA AREAS OB 1 DUP(?) DRIVE RECAliBRATION STATUS OB 1 DUP(?) BIT 3-0 DR I Vi: 3-0 NEEDS RECAL BEFORE NEXT SEEK If BIT IS = 0 MOTOR STATUS DB 1 DUP(? ) BIT 3-0 = DRIVE 3-0 !S CURRENTLY RUNN I NG BIT 7 - CURRENT OPERATION IS A WRITE, [{lQU 1 RES OELAY TIME OUT COUNTER FOR DRIVE TURN OFF 01 SKETTE_STATUS DB 1 DUP(?) RETURN CODE STATUS BYTE CMD BLOCK liD ERROR NEC_STATUS 7 DUP(?) c c c 003P 01 c c [ c c c c c c c 0040 01 ?? 0041 01 0042 00 112 0042 07 [ c c c [ LABEL LABEL DB BYTE BYTE ; SlATUS BYTES FROM NEC ?? c PAGE C 0049 g 01 ?? 004A 01 ???? 004C 004E 01 01 ???? 0050 0060 08 01 01 ?? 0063 01 0065 01 l ?? 0066 c c c c c c Test 1 r CRT MOOt.. CRT_COlS OW 1 OUP(?) NUMBER Of COLUMNS ON SCREEN CRT_LEN OW 1 DUP(?) L[NGTH OF REGEN ow 1 DUP(?) START!NG ADDRESS c c OW 8 DUP(?) CURSOR FOR EACH OF UP TO 8 OW 1 DB 1 DUP(?) CURRENT PAGE BEING DISPLAYED ow 1 DUP(?) BASE ADDRESS FOR ACTIVE DISPLAY CARD DB 1 DUP(?) CURRENT SETT I NG OF THE 3X8 REG I STER DB 1 OUP(?) CURRENT PALLF.TTE SETT I NG COLOR CARD c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 5-30 CURREN c c c c c c c c 01 p(;i--------- c c c c c ???? 0062 VIDEO DISPLAY DATA AREA C~T=~~~~~~-~----DB------'-D~ CRT _PALLETTE PAGE DUP(?) ! N BYTES IN REGEN BUFFER PAGES CURfiENT CURSOR MODE SETT I NG POST DATA AREA ow 1 DUP(?) PNTR TO OPTIONAL ow 1 llUP(?) POINTER TO DB 1 DUP(?) FLAG TO 1 aU?(?) lOW WORD OF T I MER COUNT I/O ROM IN IT ROUTINE iO ROM SEGMENT INDICATE AN INTERRUPT HAPPE,\lD Tlr.o1ER DAlA AREA ow ow HIGH WORD OF TIMER COUNl DB 1 DUP(?) T I MER HAS ROllED OVER SINCE LAST READ DB 1 oUP(?) 61T 7=1 ow 1 oUPt?) WORD;1234H SYSTEM DATA AREA IF BREAK KEY HAS BEEN HIT IF KEY130ARD RESET UNDERWAY PAGE HARD F IlE DATA AREAS - - -------DB-- -- ----1 --OUP(?) - - - - ------- -- DISK_STAfUSl H~ NUM DB DUP(? ) DB 1 OUP(?) DB 1 OUP(?) PRINTER AND RS232 TIME-OUT VARIABLES 4DUP(?) 11- DU?(?) ADD I T I ONAl KEYBOARO OA TA AREA ow 1 DUP(?) ow 1 DUP(? ) ADDITIONAL FLOPPY DATA - -- - - --- - -- - --- -- -- - - -- -- --- - - - - - -- - --ORG lASTRATE BBH DB 1 DU?(?) LAST DATA RATE SELECTED c c C C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c C C C C C PAGE --------------------- -------- ---------ADDITIONAL HARD FilE DATA ------- -------------- ------------------ ORG 8CH fir _SlATUS DB 1 OUP(? ) STATUS REGISTER HF - ERROR DB , ERROR REG I STER HF - INT- FLAG DB 1 DUP(? ) HF _CNTRL DB 1 OUP(? 1 OUP(? ) HARD FILE J NTERRUPT FLAG ; COMBO HARD FilE/FLOPPY CARD BIT 0=1 --------------- ------------------------ADDITIONAL DISKETTE AREA . ---------------------------------------ORC 90ft DSK_STATE LABEL BYTE DB 1 DU?(?) DRIVE 0 MEOlA STATE c c c r, C DB 1 DU?(?) DRIVE 1 MEDIA STATE C DB 10UP(?) DRIVE 0 OPERATION START STATE c c Test 1 5-31 ?? 01 0093 ?? C C C C DB 1 DUP(? ) DRIVE 1 OPERATION START STATE DB 1 DUP(? ) OR I V£ 0 PRESENT CYL I NDER DB 1 DUP(? ) DRIVE 1 PRESENT CYL I NDER DB 1 OUP(? ) RfSERVEO C C 01 0094 n C C C DSK_TRK C 0095 01 0096 01 0097 0097 01 [ ADD I T I ONAl KEYBOARD LED FLAG c [ ?? C C C C C C C C 0098 0098 01 009A 01 ???? .. C C C C C C C C C ORG KB_FLAG_2 ???? 009E 01 ... 01 OOAO [ .. OOAl C C C C C C C C C C C C C OB 1 DUP(?) PAGE REAL TIME CLOCK DATA AREA ; ----- ----------------------------------ORC 98H OW 1 OUP(? ) OFFSET ADDR OF USERS WAIT FLAG OW 1 OUP(? ) SEG AGDR OF USER WAIT FLAG ow 1 DUP(? ) LOW WORD OF USER WAIT FLAG RTC_H I GH ow 1 DUP(? ) HIGH WORD OF USER WA I T FLAG RTC_WA IT_FLAG DB 1 DUP(? ) WAIT ACTIVE FLAG USER- FLAG USER - FLAG_SEG C 01 00ge 97H RTC - LOW DATA ENDS C 0000 [ 01 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 4000 [ C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EXTRA DATA AREA h~~~ ~ ~ -- SEGMEN~ -; ~ -50H--- --- --- --- ------- STATUS_BYTE XXDATA ENDS VIDEO RAM REGENLABEL REGENW LABEL DB SEGMENT AT OB800H BYTE WORD 1638 110UP(?) ENDS . LIST I NCLUOE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 FXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN FXTRN EXTRN EXTRN VIDEO PARMS: BYTE POSTi:NEAR DOS: NEAR 011: NEAR VECTOR TABlE:NEAR KBD RESET: NEAR DUMMY RETURN: NEAR STGTST CNT:NEAR ERR BEEP:NEAR ROM-CHECK: NEAR ROS-CHECKSUM:NEAR SYSIN I T1: NEAR SHUT2: NEAR SHUT3; NEAR SHUT4: NEAR SHUT6: NEAR SHun: NEAR SIIUT9; NEAR PROC SHUTDOWN; NEAR Cl : NEAR C2: NEAR C8042A: NEAR OBf 42A: NEAR C8042B:NEAR C8042C: NEAR OBF 42B: NEAR f3B:NEAR Sl.AVE VECTOH TABLE: NEAR NMI INT:NfARPRINT SCREEN:NEAR GATE_A20: NEAR ASSUME PUI3l1 C PUBlI C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUOll C PUBLIC PUBll C PUBL I C PUBLI C PUBll C PUBL I C PUBLIC 5-32 1 DUP(?) VIDEO DISPLAY BUFFER C C C C C 4000 DB Test 1 CS: CODE, 55: CODE, ES: ABSO, OS : DATA POST 1 BEG IN CHK VIDEO START 1 C8042Ol3r 42 CllC30 TST4 B TST4-C TST4'-D E30BEJOC BEGIN = 0000 0000 EQU DB 36 36 31 31 38 38 31 31 30 30 32 32 38 39 20 20 43 42 IjF ljF 50 ')0 52 ')2 7E 2E 20 20 49 jl9 1!2 1\2 40 40 20 20 31 31 39 39 38 38 34 34 6181028 6181029 • 66118811002289 COP R • cOP R . CCOOPPRR •. INITIAL RELIABILITY TESTS -POST1 002e PROC IBM IBM IIBBMM 1 9 8 4 1 9 8 4 ; EVEN ; 000 11998844' ; COPYR I GHT NOT I CE PHASE 1 NEAR LOAD A BLOCK OF TEST CODE THROUGH THE KEYBOARD PORT FOR ~IANU FACTU I NG TES 1 • THIS ROUTINE WILL LOAD A TEST (MAX LENGTH.::FAFFH) THROUGH THE KEYBOARD PORT. CODE WILL BE LOADED AT LOCA T I ON 0000:0500. AFTER LOADING, CONTROL WILL BE TRANSFEREO TO LOCATION 0000:0500. STACK WILL BE LOCATED AT 30:100 Hi I S ROUT I NE ASSUMES THAT THE FIRST 2 BYTES TRANSFERED CONTAIN THE COUNT OF BYTES TO !JE LOADI:::[) (BYT[ l=COUNT LOW, BYTE 2=COUNT HI.) 002C OU2e; MFG BOOT: - fA CLI NO I NTERRU PTS ;------- OEGATE ADDRESS LINE 20 0020 002F MOV B4 DO E8 (JOOO E CALL OEGATE COMMAND I SSUE THE COMf~AND AH,OISABLE 61T20 GATF _A?O - ;------- SETUP HARDWARE INT VECTOR TABLE LVL U-7 0032 003 11 0036 0039 003A 0038 003E 0041 00112 0043 00411 28 CO BE CO 89 0008 0046 0048 004A 0040 004E 004F 0052 00')5 0056 0057 0058 2B CO 8E CO 89 0008 SUB MOV MOV PUSH OE 1F BE 0000 E BF 0020 R A5 POP MOV MOV MOVSW MFG_B; <,7 47 INC INC LOOP E2 m AX,AX [S,AX CX,OB CS DS S I, OFFSET VECTOR_TABLE OI,OFFSET INT_PTR D! ; 0' SUB OE 1F BE 0000 E OlCO R lJr MFG_C: A5 47 47 f2 m ASSUME 005A OOSC OOSE 0060 0066 D06e 2B co SUB MOV MOV MOV BE 08 8E c7 C7 Cl CO 06 0008 R 0000 E 06 0014 R 0000 E 06 0062 R F600 t~OV MOV INT VECTOR TABLE LVL 8-15 (VECTORS START AT AX,AX ES,AX CX,08 CS ; ; iNT 70H) GET VECTOR CNT SETUP OS SEC REG OS SI,OFFSET SLAVE_VECTOR_TABLE o I ,OfFSET SLAVE_I NT_PTR ; SET UP OTHER ASSU~'E SK I P OYER SEGMENT MFG_8 ;------- SETUP HARDWARE MOV MOV PUSH POP MOV MOV MOVSW INC 'NC LOOP (ill VECTOR ern SETU P OS SEG REG SK I P OVER SEGMENT I NTERRUPTS AS NECESSARY os: ABSO ES:ABSO AX,AX OS,AX ES,AX NMI_ PTR,OFFSET NMI_INT INT5_PTR,OFFSET PRINT_SCREEN BAS I C_PTR+2. 0 F600H 05=0 [$=0 /'1M I I NTERRU PT PR I NT SCREEN SEGMENT FOR CASSETTE BAS I C ; ------- ENABLE KEYBOARD PORT 0072 0074 0077 0079 BO 60 0078 007£ 0080 0083 0085 0087 0088 0088 0088 0080 008F 0091 0093 E8 SA [8 SA SA 0094 £6 80 0096 [8 0405 R BO 09 £6 60 0090 R F8 0090 R E8 CF MOY CALL MOY OUT AL,60H C8042 AL,00001001B PORT _A, AL WRIT[ 8042 RAM 0 ISSUE THE COMMAND SET INHIBIT DVERrOE/ENABLE OBF AND NOT PC COMP CALL MFC 2 BH, AL MFC 2 CH,AL CL,BH GET COUNT LOW SAVE IT GET COUNT HI r~oy CALL MaY r~ov ClO FC tNT CX NOW HAS COUNT SET OIR. FLAG TO INCRIMENT sl:.r tARGET OFfSET (05"'0000) BF 0500 MaY 0 t ,0500H E4 A8 74 £4 AA IN TEST JZ AL, STATUS_PORT AL, OUT _BUf _FULL MFG 1 AL, rORT_A GET 8042 STATUS PORT KB REQUEST PEND I NG? LOOP TILL DATA PRESENT CET DATA STORE IT OUT MFG_PORT, AL DISPLAY CHAR AT MFG PORT E2 f3 LOOP MFG_1 LOOP TILL ALL BYTES READ 0098 EA 0500 ---- R JMP MFG_ TEST_RTN 0090 009F OOAl [4 64 A8 01 IN TEST LOOPl AL, STATUS_PORT AL, OUT BUf FULL MFG_2 - FAR JUMP TO CODE THAT WAS JUST LOADED CHECK FOR OUTPUT BUFF FULL HANG HERE I F NO DATA AVA I LABLE OOA3 OOA5 [4 60 E1 64 01 FA 60 '" STOSB MfG_2: FA ; ; 00A6 OOA7 QOA9 QOAA OOAe QOAE OOBO 00B2 FA 84 9E 73 75 7B 79 9F TEST.01 X286 PROCESSOR TEST (REAL MODE) DESCRt PTtON VERIFY fLAGS, REGISTERS AND CONDITIONAL JUMPS START_l: 05 2A 28 26 24 GET THE COUNT '" RET C3 ASSUME CLI MOV SAHF •.lNC JNZ JNP JNS LAHF CS: CODE, OS: DATA, ES: NOTH I fIIG, SS: NOTH I NG o I SABLE INTERRUPTS AH,OD5H SET SF, CF, ZF, AND AF FlAGS ON ERR02 ERR02 ERR02 ERR02 GO TO ERR GO TO ERR GO TO ERR GO TO ERR LOAD FLAG ROUTI NE IF CF ROUT I NE IF IF ROUT I NE IF PF ROUT I NE I F SF I MAGE TO AH NOT NOT NOT NOT SET SET SET SET Test 1 5-33 00B3 00B5 UOB7 0"0[\9 OOBB OOBD OOBF OOCl OQC2 OOCII OOC6 OOC8 OOC9 OOC(3 OOCD ooer 0001 0003 0006 DO ,0 71 17 32 E4 CL,5 AH,CL [RHO? Al_,40H AL,1 ERR02 AH,AH 76 12 ERR02 10 Of ERR02 ERR02 05 CL,5 AH,CL U-(R02 AII,1 [RR02 C7A EHROl 01 05 02 CC 73 1 D BO 40 LOAD CNT REG WITH SHIFT CNT SH 1FT Af I NTO CARRY BIT pas IF AF NOT SET SET THE OF flAG ON SETUP FOR TES-II NG GO TO ERR ROUT I NE I F Of NOT SET SET AH = 0 CLEAR Sf, CF, Zf, AND PF GO TO ERR ROUl I I'll IF CF ON GO TO ERR ROUTiNE If IF ON GO TO ERR ROUT I NE I F SF ON GO TO ERR ROUT I NE IF PF ON LOAD FLAG I MAGE TO AH LOA!) CNT REG 'rI1 Tif SH I FT CNT SIIIFT 'AF' INTO CARRY BIT pas GO TO ERR ROUT I NF. I F ON CHECK THAT' OF' I S CLEAR co TO [RR ROUT I NE I F ON CONTINU!:. ERROR EX I T GO TO ERR ROUT I NE 9[ 78 "fA 9F Ell 02 72 DO 70 EC 07 [4 03 EI> Ol! 90 E9 01l,C R ERR02; C7A; 0009 0009 B8 OODG OE 08 ~--- SET DATA SEGMEN-I AX,DAi"A DS,AX MOV MOV R ; ----- CHECK FOR PROCESSOR SHUTDOWN OODE OOEO 00E2 00E4 £4 6', 75 03 £9 U 181 R 00['7 oou 00E9 OOEB OOED OOEF OOFl OOF4 BO 8F E6 70 EB 00 E" 71 86 c4 80 Fe 09 30 '" RE-INITIALIZE THE 8259 ?A CO E6 F1 SUB OUl BO 11 E6 20 MOV EB 00 JMP MOV EB 00 JMP 0106 BO 04 E6 21 MOV OlOe OlOE CO ; ------ CHlCK FOR SHUTDOWN 9 C7B; AL_, SHUT __ OOWN CMOS PORT, AL SHORT $+? AL,CMOS_PORT+1 AL,AH AH,09t1 C7C OQF6 OOF8 oorA OOFC OOFE 0100 0102 0104 0108 OlOA CHECK FOR SHUTDOWN IN !"l.ST JNZ JMP A8 (PI OCi JI~P MOV 0110 E6 21 EB 00 0112 0114 00 FF E6 21 OUT JMP MOV OUT lu AO MOV OUI En 00 110 7<1 [6 A 1 BO 02 MOV OUT MOV 130 11 [6 Al ,JMP OUT EO 00 BO 01 JMP MOV E6 Al EB 00 OUT EB 00 JMP MOV BO FF OU I [6 Al - EDGE, MASTER, WAlT STATE rOR SETUP ICI-I4 ICW3 - (8-F) 10 MASTER LV 2 10 WAIT STAle SETUP ICWI~ - ~IASTER,8086 MODE WAIT STATE rOR 10 MP.SK ALL INTS. OFF (VIDEO ROUTINE ENABLES INTS.) INTERRUPT 112 CONTROLl_ER CIII? AL,1111 I N I HOO, Al SHOIl.l $+2 AL, INr~lYPE INTB01,AI AL,02H SIIOH I $+;> I NTB01 ,AL SHORT $+2 AL, 01 H INTIJ01,AL SIIORT $-t2 AL,OfFH IN1B01,AL J~'P CONTROLl_ER CHIP ICW1 RF-INITIALIZE THE 8259 0116 0118 011A 011C 011E 0120 01?? 0124 0126 0128 012A o 12C 012E 0130 ; ; ; WAIT STATE rOR 10 SETUP ICW2 - INT TYPE 8 AL,04H INTA01,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OHI INTA01,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OFFH INTA01,AL OUT EB 00 BO 01 CMOS ADDR FOR SHUTDOWN BYTE 10 DELAY GrT WHO SAVE TH[ SHlJTDOI-,N REQUEST 'rIAS IT SHUTOOWN REQUEST 9? BYPASS INIT or INT CHIPS I NSUR[ MATH PROCESSOR RESET AL,AL X2S7+1,AL AL,11H I NTA()O, AL SHORT $+2 AL,8 INIAU1,AL SHORT $+2 oor BO 08 E6 21 INTERRUPT #1 IF YFS ICWI - r:DGr, SLAVE ICW4 'rIAIT STATE FOR 10 snup ICW2 - INT TYPE 50 S[TUI' 1(;1013 - (50-~F) SLAVE LV 2 10 WAI T STATE SETUP ICW4 - 80B6 MODE, SLAVE WAIT STAT[ Fon 10 MASK ALL I NTS. OFF SHUTDOWN R[l"lIlm CONTROL AFTER A SHUTDOWN COMMAND I S I 35UED DESCR I PT I ON A TEST IS MAO[ FOH THE SYSTEM FLAG BEING IF lliE SYSTE::M FLAG I S SET, THE SHUTDOWN BYTE IN CMOS IS USED TO DETERMINE WHERE CONTROI_ IS RETURN[D. so. ~ a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 =c 9 '" A SOFT RlS[T OR UNEXPECTED SHUfOOWN SHUT DOWN ArTER MEMORY SIZE SHUT DOWN AFTER MEMORY TEST SHUT DOWN Vi I TIl MEMORY ERROR SHUT DOWN WITH BOOT LOADER REQUEST JMP OWORD REQUEST (WITH INT INI T) PROTECTED f~O[)[ TFST7 PASSED PROffel [0 MOOE TfST7 FAI U:O PROTECTED MODE TEST1 FAI LED BLOCK MOVE SHUTDOWN REQUEST JMP DWORD REQUl5T (W/O INT INIT) = = = = -:: = '" ;----- CHECK FROM WHERE 0132 01311 0136 0138 DBA 013E 0140 014? 0145 014"1 0149 OlllC 0140 0150 0152 0155 0156 BO E6 EB 2A l6 86 3C 77 BE 03 03 2E; FA BB 8E BC FB FF 0158 015A 015C 016E R 09BO R 0000 E OBC 5-34 SF 70 00 CO 71 EO OA 2C 015>8 R FO FO 8B 1C C7C: MOV Olrl ,JMP SUB DOT XCHG CNP JA MOV ADD ADO MOV AL, SHUT_DOWN CMOS PORT, AL SHOkr S+? AL,AL CMOS~PORT+l ,AL AH,AL AL,OAII SHUTO 51 ,OFFSET BRANCH SI,AX 51 ,AX BX,CS:[Slj CLEAR CMOS [lYlE 10 orl AY SET BYTE TO 0 MAX TA[~l.f f"NTRYS GO I r Cf{[ATER THAN MAX GET THE START OF BRANCH TABLE POINT TO BRANCH ADDRESS GET BRANCH 10 BX CL I Test 1 AX, STACK 5S,AX sP,onS!:.l Sfl JNP BX JUMP BACK OW OW OW SHUlO SHUTl SHUT2 NORMAl POWER LP/UNCXPECTED SHUTDOWN SHUT DOWN AFTf Il MEMORY SIZE SHUT DOWN AFT'ER MEMORY TEST ~10V E3 BRANCH; SCT STACK MOV MOV ---- R DO U100 R TOS 015E 0160 0162 0164 0166 0168 016A 016C D16E 0000 E 0000 E 0171 R 0000 [ 0000 [ 07F7 R 0000 E 017D R EB 11 9D SHUTO; OW OW OW ow ow ow ow ow SHUT3 SHUT4 SHUT5 SHUT6 SHUT7 SHUTS SHUT9 SHUTA JMP e7 SHUT DOWN WITH MEMORY ERROR SHUT DOWN WITH BOOT LOADER REQUEST JMP DWORD REQUEST (WITH INTERRUPT INIT) PROTECTED MODE TEST7 PASSED PROTECTED MODE TEsn FAILED PROTECTED i·mOE TEST1 FAILED BLOCK MOVE SHUTDOWN REQUEST JMP DWORD REQUEST (14/0 INTERRUPT IN IT) ;------- 0171 D173 0175 0177 0179 0176 [4 A8 74 E4 64 01 02 60 BO 20 [6 20 IO_ROM_INIT MUST BE INITIALIZED BY THE USER FLUSH THE KEYBOARD BUFFER CHECK I F OUTPUT BUFFER FULL AL,STATU$_PORT SHUT5: IN AL,OUT BUF FULL TEST SHUT5BGO IF NOT JZ FLUSH AL, PORT A IN AL,EOI FLUSH LAST T I MER TICK SHUT58 : MOV -TO ALLOW T I MER INTERRUPTS !NTAOO,AL OUT 0170 Ff 2E 0067 R SHUTA: JMP DWORD PTR DS:tO_ROM_INIT; CH[CKPO I NT 1 0181 0183 80 01 [6 80 C7: MOV OUT AL,OlH MFG_PORT, AL <><><><><> <><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 1 <><><> READ/WR I TE THE X286 GENERAL AND SEGMENT AT I ON REG I STERS WITH ALL ONE'S AND ZEROES'S, 0185 0188 0189 0186 01BD OlaF 0191 0193 0195 0197 0199 0196 0190 019F OlAl 01A3 OlAS 01A6 01A8 01A8 01AA 01AC 68 FFFF F9 73 21 BE 08 C8: 8e 8E 8C 8E 8C 86 86 88 8B DB C3 Cl Dl 02 E2 EC F5 FE 73 07 33 C7 75 07 F8 EB E3 MOV S7C JNC MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ~tOV MOV MOV MOV MOV JNC XOR JNZ ClC JMP AX,OFFFFH ERROl DS,AX BX,OS ES, BX CX, ES SS,CX DX,SS SP,DX BP,SP S I, BP DI,51 SETUP ONE'S PATTERN IN AX SET CARRY FLAG GO I F NO CARRY WR I TE PATTERN TO ALL REGS C9 AX,DI ERROl PATTERN MAKE IT THRU ALL REGS NO - GO TO ERR ROUT I NE CLEAR CARRY FLAG C8 C9: OB C7 74 01 F4 TSTlA OR AX, D t ZERO PATTERN MAKE IT THRU? JZ C10A YES - GO TO NEXT TEST ERROl: HLT ; HALT SYSTEM ;------- INSURE THAT CMOS CLOCK INTERRUPTS ARE DISABLED C10A: JMP OUT AL, CMOS_ALARM CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l AL,AH AIi,07H AL, CMOS_ALARM CMOS_PORT, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT +1, AL JMP MOV OUT JMP IN SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_ALARM+1 CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL. CMOS_PORT+1 MOY OlAD OlAF 01Bl 01 B3 0165 01B7 016A D1BC OlBE Oleo 01C2 BO £6 EB E4 86 80 BO [6 86 EI3 E6 BB 70 00 71 C4 E4 07 86 70 C4 00 71 01C4 01C6 Olca OlCA 01CC EB BO E6 EB E4 00 8C 70 00 71 OlCE OlDl 0103 0109 B8 ---- R 8E 08 81 3E 0072 R 1234 74 DB MOV MOV CMP JZ 010B 01DD OlEO 01E1 01E3 01 E5 01E6 01E8 2A CO BA 03D8 SUB MOV OUT INC MOV OUT OUT JMP IN XCHG ANO MOV OUT XCHG GET THE CURRENT CONTROL REG SAVE IT CLEAR SET,PIE,A!E, AND SQWE BITS 10 DELAY 10 DELAY CLEAR PENDING INTERRUPT 10 DELAY ; -------- RESET V IDEO ASSUME EE FE CO B2 B8 EE BO FC E6 61 SFT _RST: MOV OUT ; ; ; OS: DATA AX, DATA DS,AX RESET FLAG, 1234H SFT_RST SET DATA SEGMENT SOFT RESET? GO I F YES AL,AL DX,3D8H DX,AL DISABLE COLOR VIDEO Al DL,OB8H DX,AL AL,111111DOB PORT_B,AL DISABLE B/W VIDEO,EN HIGH RES DISABLE PARITY CHECKERS TEST.02 YER I FY CMOS SHUTDOWN BYTE DESCRIPTION ROLLING BIT WRITTEN AND VERifiED AT SHUTDOWN ADDRESS ;----- VERI FY AND CLEAR SHUTDOWN FLAG OlEA 01EC BO 02 E6 80 MOV OUT AL,2 MFG_PORT, AL alEE 01 F1 01 F3 01 F5 01 F7 01 F9 01 FB OHD 01 FF 0201 0203 0205 0207 0209 0208 0200 B9 B4 BO E6 8A EB E6 BO EB E6 EB E4 3A 75 00 E2 MOV MOV MOV OUT MOV JMP OUT MOV JMP OUT JMP IN CMP JNZ Rel CX,09H AIi,1 AL, SHUT_DOWN CMOS_PORT, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+1, AL AL, SHUT_DOWN SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l AL,AH ERROl AH,1 ClOB 0009 01 8F 70 C4 00 71 8F 00 70 00 71 C4 A1 04 E4 e10B: LOOP ; <><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 2<><> LOOP COUNT START WITH BIT 0 OUTPUT ROLL! NG BIT 10 DELAY READ CMOS 10 D[LAY 10 DELAY MUST BE THE SAME ERROR I r NOT ROLL A BIT THRU SHUT DOWN LOOP TILL DONE TEST. 03 ROS CHECKSUM TEST I OESCR I PT I ON A CHECKSUM IS DONE FOR THE 32K ROS MODULES CONTAINING POD AND Test 1 5-35 BIOS. (:,0: 020F ;----- CHECKPOINT 3 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPOI NT 3<><><> 020F 0211 80 03 E6 80 NOV AL,03H OUT MfG _PORT,AL 0213 0215 021J 8C C8 8E DO 8E 08 MOV MOV MOV AX,CS 5S,AX DS,AX ASSUNE 0219 021C 021 F 0222 8fi 0000 R BC 0000 E E9 0000 E MUV MOV JMP 5S: CODE BX, OFfSET BEGIN SP, OFfSET C1 ROS - CHECKSUH SETUP STARTING ROS AODR SETUP RETURN ADDRESS 0222 74 01 JL ellA HALT 0224 F4 ell: 0228 022A 022C SET UP DATA SEG fO RON ADDRESS SYSTEM PO I NT TO IF ERROR RLT ; ; ; 0225 5UUP SS SlG REG ---- B8 BE DB BD 04 R TEST.04 8253 CHECK TIMER 1 ALL BITS ON OEseR I PT ION SET TIMER COUNf CHECK THAT TIMER 1 ALL BITS ON CllA; E6 80 ASSUNE DS:DATA AX, DATA DS,AX AL,OlHI MFG _PORT,AL MOV MOV MOV OUT ; SET DATA SEGMENT . ~><><><><><><;><;><><><><><><><> ; <><><><>CHECKPO I NT 4<><><><><> DI SABLE DMA CONTROLLER MOV OUl OUT 022E 0230 E6 DB E6 DO 0232 0236 0238 023A 023C 023E 02'40 0242 0242 0244 02116 0248 024B 0240 024F 0251 0253 0255 0257 60 16 0072 R AL,04 DMA08,At. DMA18,Al AL ALREADY = OI+H o I SABLE DMA CONTROLLER 1 o I SABLE DMA CONTROLLER 2 ;----- VERI FY THAT TIMER 1 FUNCT IONS OK BO MOV MOV 5" OUT E6 43 [8 00 8A C1 £6 41 JMP MOV OUT MOV B7 05 ox, RESET_FLAG AL,54H rIMER+3,AL SHOHT $+2 AL,CL T I NrR+l, AL BH,05H C12 : CMP YES - JE IN OR C13 TIMER1_BITS~OfF AL, TIMER+l BL,AL READ T I MER 1 COUNT ALL BITS Ot~ IN TIMER TIMER1_BITS_ON FE CF LOOP DEC 75 EB JNZ E2 EF C12 611 C12 HLT '4 I S OFF LOOP COUNT TIMERl BITS ON LATCH TIMER-1 COUNT 10 DELAY AL,40H SHORT $+2 fIMER+3,AL 1:1t.,UHH Mav JMP OUT BO 40 EB 00 £6 43 tiU FO H 74 OB E4 ljl OA 08 SAVE RESET FLAG WH I LE REFRESH SEL TIMER 1,LSB,MOOE 2 WAIT STATE FOR 10 SET INITIAL TIMER CNT TO 0 SEE I F ALL BITS GO OFF TRY AGAIN TIMER 1 FAILURE, TIMER1_BITS_OFF HALT SYS -------------------------------------------------------TEST .05 ; ; 8253 CH[CK TIMEH 1 ALL Bll OFF DESCRIPTION SET T I MER COUNT CII[CK THAT TIMER 1 ALL BITS OFf ;------ CHECKPOINT ';) 0258 025A 025C 025E 0260 0262 026'1 0264 0266 0268 026A 026C 026E 0270 02"12 0274 0276 0278 027A Cl3: BO 0':> E6 80 MOV OUT AL,05H MFG _PORT, AL <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> o·<><>CHECKPO I NT 5<><><> 8A C3 28 C9 MOV SUB cX,ex AL,BL SET TIMER 1 CNT E6 41 OUl MOV TIME:R+l,AL BH,05H SET ,,0 ,IMP MOV E6 43 OUT JMP JMP IN AND SHORT $+2 AL,40H TIMER T 3,AL SHORT $T2 SHORT $+2 AL, T I MER+l BL,AL 87 05 C14: EB 00 BO [B 00 EB 00 E4 ',1 22 OR 7'1 07 E2 EE FE Cf JL LOOP 75 ,)NZ HlT DEC EA '4 Cl~ C14 SH C14 TRY AGAIN COUNT TIMER LOOP j a DELAY LATCH TIMER 1 COUNT DELAY FOR T II1CR ADDEO DELAY FOR TIMER REAO TIMER 1 COUNT WRAP O~1A REG TIMER lOOP - HALT SYSTEM I'I::SI.06 8237 DNA 0 INITIALIZATION CHANNEL REGISTER OEseR I PT I ON 01 SABL E TH E 8237 DMA CONTROLLER. WR I TE/READ THE CURRENT ADDRESS AND WORD COUNT REGI STERS FOR ALL CHANNELS. lEST ; ----- CHECKPO I NT 6 0278 0278 027E 0280 0282 0284 0288 028A 028C Q28E 0290 0293 0296 0297 0299 029A 029C U29E 029F OZA1 02A3 C15: 88 ---- R 8E 08 80 06 E6 80 89 16 0072 R £6 00 BO 8A SA 89 I:1A EE E8 EE 80 ED EC MOV MOV MOY OUT MOY OUT ;----- WRAP OMA MOV FF C16: 08 F8 0008 0000 en: I~OV MOV MOV MOV 00 OUT JMP QU'i 01 00 .iMP ffl 00 8A EO EC IN JMP MOV IN 5-36 MOV Test 1 AX, DATA ; SET DATA SEGMENT DS,AX AL,0611 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><> MFG_PORT,AL ;<><><>CIIECKPOINT 6<><><> RESET_ FLAG,DX ; RESTORE SOFT HEser FLAG DMA+OOH,AL ; SEND MASTER CLEAR TO DMA 0 r:HANNEL ADDRESS AND COUNT REGISTERS AL,OFFH BL,AL BH,AL CX,S OX,DMA DX,AL SHORT $+2 DX,AL. AL,OlH SIlORl $+2 AL., OX SHORT $+2 AH,AL AL, OX WRITE PATTERN 1'1' TO ALL REGS SAVE PATTERN fOR COMPARE SETUP LOOP CNT SETUP I/O PORT ADDR OF REG WR I TE PATTERN TO REG, LSB WAIT STATE FOR 10 MSB OF 16 BIT REG AL TO A~OTHER PAT BEfORE RO WAIT STATE FOR 10 READ 16-B I T O!>',A Cli REG, LSB WAIT STATE FOR 10 SAVE LSB OF 16-B I T REG READ MSB OF DMA GH REG 25T DMA eMP JE HLT 02M 02A6 02A8 02A9 02A9 02AA 02AC 02AE 3B 08 711 01 02BO 0283 80 FB 55 7', 09 r4 BX,AX C18 PATTERN READ AS WRITTEN? YES - CHECK NEXT REG NO - HALT THE SYSTEM NXT DMA CH SET-IO porn TO NEXT CH REG WRITE PATTERN TO NEXT REG SET PATTERN TO a YES caNT I NU E C18: INC 42 £2 EA fE CO 74 DC OX LOOP C17 INC AL Jl C16 ;------- WRITE OMA WITH 55 H.~ 0213~ 8U 0288 02BA 02BC 74 08 BO ~S> 02BE 02CO 130 AA eMP Jl eM? JZ MOV JMP AA [l3 C£ PATTERN BL,55H C19 BL, OAAH elO AL, 5~H C16 CHECK IF 55 PATTERN aONE GO I F YES CHECK 11- AA PATTERN DONE GO I F YES ;------- WRITE OMA WITH AA PATTERN C19: r~ov JHP EB CA AL,OAAH C16 - - -- - - - -- - - -- - --- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - - --------- -- - -TEST.07 823"1 DMA 1 INITIALIZATION CHANNEL REGISTER TEST OESCR I PT ION DISAI'l.[ THE 8237 DMA CONIIWLLER 1. ITE/READ THE CURRENT OMA 1 ADDRESS AND WORD COUNT REG I STERS FOR ALL CHANNELS. 1m ; ------- CHECKPO I NT 7 DHA 1 02C2 02C4 02C6 130 07 £6 80 E6 DA C20: NOV OUT OUI AI,07H MrG PORT,AL DMA'" -1-0011*2, AL ; ; <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CIIECKPO I NT 7<><><> ; SEND MASTER CLEAR TO 2ND DMA ;----- WRAP DMA 1 CHANNEL ADDRESS AND COUNT REGISTERS 02C8 02CA 02CC 02CE 0201 0204 0205 0207 02[)8 02DA 020C 0200 020F 02El 02E2 02E4 02£6 130 Fr 8A 08 C16A: 8A f8 89 0008 SA ooeo EE C17A: EB 00 EE AO 01 [8 00 EO EB 00 SA EO MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV OUT JMP OUT MOV JMP IN JMP ,'~()V EC IN CMP JE 38 08 74 01 f4 AL,OFFH BL,AL BH,AL CX,8 DX,OMAl DX,AL SIIORT $+2 DX,AL AL,OlH SHORT $+2 AL,DX SHORT $+2 AH,AL AL, OX BX,AX C18A WKIII:. PATII:.I{N Ff TO ALL REGS SAVE PATTERN FOR COMPARE SETUP LOOP CNT SETUP I/O PORT ADOR OF REG WRITE PATTER~ TO REG, LSB WAIT STATE FOR 10 MSB or 16 BIT REG AL TO ANOTHER PAT BEFORE RD WAIT STATE FaH 10 READ 16-B11 [lNA CH REG, LSB WAIT STAlE FOR 10 SAVE l.SB OF 16-6 I T REG READ MSB OF LiMA CH REG PATTERN READ AS WRITTEN? YES - CHECK NEXT REG NO - HALT HIE SYSTEM NXT DMA CH SET-IO PORT TO NEXT CH REG WRITE PATTERN TO NEXT REG SET PATTERN TO 0 YES CONTINUE HLT C1BA: 02E7 02E7 02EA 02EC 02EE 83 c2 02 02FO 02F3 02f5 02f8 02FA 80 rB 55 Dzre 74 09 80 rB AA 74 08 BO 55 EB CC 02fE 0300 BO AA EB C8 ADD DX,2 LOOP C17A INC AL C16A JZ WRITE OMA WITH 55 E2 E8 FE CO r4 OA 01P JZ CMP JZ MUV JMP 25T DMA PATTERN BL,55H C20A BL,OAAH C21 AL,55H C16A CHECK GO I F CHECK GO I F IF 55 PATTERN DONE YES IF AA PATTERN DONE YES ;------- WRITE DMA WITH AA PATTERN C2aA: MOV JMP AL,OAAH G16A INITIALIZE AND START MEMORY REFRESH. 0302 8B 1 E 0072 R 0306 0309 A3 0010 R 030B 80 12 E6 ,,1 0300 0300 030r 2A CO E6 08 0311 E6 DO C21 : MOV ex, RESET _FLAG GET THE RESET FLAG MOV MOV OUT EQU I I' _FLAG, AX AL,18 TIMER+1,AL DO A DUMMY WRITE RAM BEFORE REFRESH START TIMER ; ------- SET DHA COMMAND C21Z: suo AL,AL OUl DMA+8,AL OUT DACK SENSE LOW,DREQ SENSE HIGH LATE WRITE,flXED PRIORITY,NORMAL Tllo1lNG CONTROLLER ENA13LI:.. CHQ ADOR HOLI) lll5ABLE ~lEMORY TO MEM D I SABLE SAME TO SECOND CONTROLLER OMA18,AL ; -------- MODE SE1 ALL DMA CHANNELS 0313 0315 0317 0319 031R 0310 031F 0321 0323 0325 0327 0329 0328 0320 032F 0331 BO 40 E6 OB 1·10V OUT MOV 80 CO E6 06 OUT tB 00 80 41 E6 08 JMP MOV OUT OUT JMP MOV OUI E6 06 EB 00 80 E6 E6 EB BO f6 4:;> OB 06 OUT 00 JMP MOV 113 08 OUl [6 06 OUT AL,40H DMA+QBH, AL IIL,OCOH OMA18+06H,AL SHORT $-1-2 AL,41H DMA+OBH, AL DMA 1 8+D6H, AL SHORT $+2 AL,42H UMA+Q13II,AL DMA18+06H,AL SHORT $-1-2 AL,43H DMA+OBH, AL DMA18+0611,AL ; ------- RESTORE RESET 0333 ~10V 89 1 E 0072 R ; ; ; SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 0 SET CASCADE MODE ON CIiANNEL 4 WAIT STATE FOR 10 SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 1 SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 5 WAIT STATE rOR 10 SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 2 SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 6 WAIT STATE fOR 10 SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 3 SET MODE FOR CHANNEL 7 FLAG RESET_fLAG, BX TEST.08 DMA PAGE REG I STER TEST OEseR I PTION WR I TE/f" <><><><><><><><><><><> Test 1 5-37 0339 033B 033D 0340 0343 0344 0314.5 0347 034B 0340 034F 0351 0352 0354 0355 0357 0359 035B 035C 0360 0362 0364 0366 E6 80 2A CO BA 0081 89 ~OFF 0368 036A 0360 036f BO CC BA 008f 8A EO 0370 0372 0373 0375 0377 037A 037C 037E 0380 0383 0385 0387 2A CO e22A: EE 42 FE CO fA OOaf 75 f6 86 EO FE CC B1 C22B: EC 3A C4 75 30 FE CC 4A B1 fA 0080 75 FE 8A E2 fO C4 C4 DB DO ALL OAIA PArTERNS AL XCHG 4A 2A CO <><><>CIiECKPO I NT 8<><><> MFG_PORT,AL AL,Al OX, DMA PAGE CX,OFfH DX,AL OX OUT SUB MOV MOV OUT INC INC CMP JNZ TEST DMA PAGES 81 THUR 8EH DX,8FH C22A AH.AL SAVE CURRENT DATA PATTERN CHECK LAST WR I TTEN AH DEC DEC SUB IN CMP JNZ DEC DEC CMP JNL INC MOV OX AL.AL AL,DX AL,AH CHANGE DATA BEFORE READ DATA AS WRITTEN? GO ERROR HALT I F NOT C26 AH OX OX, MFG_PORT C22B CONT I NUE TI LL PORT 80 NEXT PATTERN TO RI PPLE AH LOOP AL,AH C22A ; -------- TEST LAST DMA PAGE REG I STER (USED FOR ADDRESS LINES OUR I NG REFRESH) EE SAVE THE DATA PATTERN OUTPUT PAGE REG C24: CHANGE DATA PATTERN BEFORE READ GET THE DATA FROM PAGE REG EC 3A 77 80 75 BO EB 80 714. 2A EB e4 12 Fe CC 04 33 EA FC 00 05 CO E1 WR tTE AN CC TO PAGE REG I STERS MOV AL,OCCH MOV DX,LAST_DMA_PAGE MOV AH,AL C23: OUT DX,AL ;-------- VERI FY PAGE REGISTER 8F C22: C25: AL,AL AL,DX AL,AH SUB IN CMP JNZ CMP JNZ MOV JMP CMP JZ SUB JMP GO I F ERROR C26 AH,OCCH GO I F ERROR SET UP DATA PATTERN OF 33 DO DATA 33 CHECK DONE GO IF YES SET UP FOR DATA PATTERN 00 00 DATA 0 C2' AL,033H C22 AH,O C27 AL,AL C22 ;------- ERROR HALT 0389 C26: F4 HlT HALT SYSTEM -------------------------------------------------------- ; TEST. 09 ; STORAGE REFRESH TEST ; OESCRI PTION : VER I FY STORAGE REFRESH IS OCCURR I NG ; -- ----- ------------------------------------------ - ------ ;------- CHECKPOINT 9 TEST MEMORY REFRESH 03BA 038C BO 09 E6 80 038E 0390 0392 0394 0396 0398 039A 039C 039E 03AO 2B C9 E4 61 A8 10 E1 FA 74 F1 2B C9 E4 61 A8 10 EO FA 75 E7 C27: C28: CX,ex SUB IN TEST LODPZ e29: ; <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPOI NT 9<><><> AL,09H MFG_PORT, AL MOV OUT JZ SUB IN ~t:~~~~E~H C28 I NSURE REFRESH B IT IS TOGGLI NG BII - C26 cX,ex AL, PORT B TEST LOOPNZ ~~9REFRESH_BIT JNZ C26 I NSURE REFRESH I S OFF GO IF NOT INSURE R[fR(SH IS ON -- ------------- -- --------------------- - -------- GO I F NO REFRESH TEST. 10 8042 TEST AND CONfiGURATION JUMPERS DESCR I PT I ON ISSUE A SELF TEST TO THE 8042 I NSURE A 55H IS RECE I VED CET MANUFACTURING/DISPLAY TYPE JUMPER INPUT PORT INFO SAVED IN MFG_TEST . --------- --- ------------------- - ------------ --- ; ------- CHECKPO I NT OA 03A2 03A4 BO OA E6 80 03A6 03A8 03M 03AC 03AF 03B1 03B3 0366 03B8 2B C9 EI~ 64 8A EO F6 C4 01 74 02 E4 60 F6 C4 02 EO FO 74 01 03BA F4 AL,OAH MFG_PORT, AL MOV OUT : <><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><>CHECPOINT OA<><><> ;------- SOFT RESET (HANDLE ALL POSSIBLE CONDITIONS) T511 : SUB IN MOV TEST JZ IN TST2: TEST LOQPNZ JZ [RRO: eX,ex AL,STATUS_PORT AH,AL AH, OUT _BUF _FULL TST2 AL, PORT_A AH, I NPT_BUF_FULL TS11 TST4 100 MSEC FOR TH I SLOOP CHECK FOR I NPUT BUFFER FULL GO IF NOT FLUSH IS THE OUTPUT BUFFER ALSO FULL? TRY AGAIN CONTINUE IF OK HALT SYSTEM I F BUFFER FULL HLT I SSUE A RESET TO THE 8042 T8T4: MOV OUT AL, aBH MFC _PORT ,AL <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT OB <><> MOV MOV JMP AL,OAAH SP,OFFSET C8042A C8042 ~~t~~~_aUF _FULL SELf TEST COMMAND SET RETURN ADDR 03BB 03BO BO OB E6 80 03BF 03Cl 03C4 03C7 03C9 03ca 03CO 0300 0303 0305 BO BC EB A8 74 E4 BC EB E4 3C 55 JZ IN MOV JMP IN CMP 0307 0309 BO DC E6 80 MOV OUT AL,aCH MFG_PORT, AL <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT OC <><> 030B 75 OD JNZ ERRO GO IF NOT OK 0300 03DF 03£2 03E5 BO BC EB BC AA 0000 E 3F 90 01 02 60 0000 E 3F 90 60 TST4_B: TST4_A: TST4_C: TEST AL, PORT_A Sf>, OFFSET oaF _ 42A OBF _42 ~t:;g~T_A IS THE OUTPUT BUFFER fULL? GO I F NOT FLUSH SET RETURN ADDR GO WAIT FOR BUFFER CET THE ENDING RESPONSE ;------- GET THE SWITCH SETTINGS CO 0000 E 21 90 0000 E 5-38 Test 1 MOV MOV JMP E30B: MOV AL,OCOH SP,OFfSET C8042C C8042 SP. OFFSET OSF_ 42S READ I NPUT COMMAND SET RETURN ADDRESS ISSUE COMMAND SET RETURN ADDRESS 03E8 03EB 03EO EB 27 90 (4 60 03EF 03Fl 03F4 03F7 BO Be EB 74 03F9 03FS 03ro 03FE 0400 0402 BO 00 E6 80 F4 BO 50 [6 60 EB 1E 90 040~ FA OSF 42 Al, PORT_A OMA_PAGE+l, AL JMP [30C: IN OUT £6 82 a ; ------ WR I TE BYTE May 60 0000 E OF 90 05 MOY JMP TST4_D: Jl May OUT OF 8042 RAM AL,60H SP,OFFSET C8042B C8042 TSTlI_Dl WRITE BYTE COMf1AND SET RETURN ADDR I SSUf rHE COMMAND CONT I NUE I F COMMAND ACCEPTED AL,OOH MfG_PORT ,AL <><><><><><><> <><><><><> <><><>CHECKPOI NT 00 <><> AL,5DH PORT_A, AL E30A ENABLE OUTPUT BUFF FULL INT - DISABLE KEYBOARD SET SYS FlAG - PC 1 COMP - I NH OVERR I DE CONT I NUE llLT T5T4_D1: MOV OUT JMP ; --------C8042 : I SSUE THE COMMAND TO TH[ 8042 CLI 0406 £6 64 OUT STATUS_PORT,AL 0408 040A 26 C9 Ell 64 A8 02 EO FA SUB IN ex,cx OIIOC 040E 0410 GO WAlT FOR RESPONSE G[T THE SWITCH SAVE TEMP TEST LOOPNl e3 AL, STATUS_PORT AL, I NPT BUF FULL C42_' - NO I NTERRUPTS ALLOWED SENO COMMAND IN AL REG LOOP COUNT WAIT fOR THE COMIMNO ACCI:Plr..o REl ;------- WAIT fOR 8042 RESPONSE 0411 0413 0415 01117 0419 041B 0410 041F 0421 OBf _ 42: 28 C9 B3 E4 A8 75 E2 06 64 01 06 FB SUB MOV IN TF:ST JNZ LOOP DEC JNZ C42_2: FE CB 75 F4 RET C42_3: e3 . ---- - ---------- -- ; ; ; 80 OE 0426 0429 042B 042F BB DOA: £6 80 ---- R AX, DATA DS,AX 8X, RESET_FLAG B9 8000 OI~33 01130 0441 0443 28 FF 26 F6 2B co 8E 08 8E CO 81 F!3 1234 75 03 F9 05E6 R SUB SUB MOY MaY eMP JNZ JMP 0 1146 0448 80 OF E6 80 044A 044c 044E 0451 0 115 11 0 1156 0458 80 E6 BC E9 88 75 E9 sua cx, ZOOOH*4 OI,DI SI,SI AX,AX OS,AX ES,AX ex. 1234H £30A 0 CLR - STC ;-------- GET THE MaY OUT MaY JMP MaY JNZ JMP 80 87 0000 E 0000 E 08 C30 : 03 ; SET CHECKPO I NT I EJ ; <><><><><><><><><><><> GET THE SYSTEM SEGMENT OF DATA SAVE RESET FLAe IN BX SET OIR FLAG TO INC. SET FOR 32K WCRDS FIRST 16K WARM START? I F NOT GO INPUT BUFFER (SWITCH SETTINGS) AL.OFH MFG_PORT, AL <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT F<><><> AL, PRTY_CHK DMA PAGE+6,AL SP,OFrSET CZ STGTST_CNT SET BASE RAM PAR I TY USE AS 'EMP SAVE SET RETURN ADDRESS BX,AX e31 SAVE fAlLING Fli' PA'TERN STORAGE OK, e33 --BASE -- - - - -- ------------- -- -- -- --------------64K STORAGE FAILURE R CJ'ILLER WITH DATA MOY 0430 Fe I~EMORY AL, OEH MFG_PORT, AL May 8E 08 88 l[ 0072 K 05F' ==1200 MS + GO I F RESPONSE TRY AGAIN DECREMENT LOOP COUNT TO -- -- - -- - -- - - ---------- - RETURN -- - -- -- MOY OUT MOY eLO MOY 01138 ~ 200MS/PER LOOP * 6 CHECK FOR RESPONSE TEST. 11 BASE 64K READ/WRITE STORAGE TEST DESCRI PTION WR I TE/READ/VER I FY DATA PATTERNS AA,55,FF,Ol, AND 00 TO 1ST 64K OF STORAGE _ VER I FY STORACE ADDRESSAB I L I TY. FILL 0422 0424 0435 0 1137 0439 ex, CX BL,6 AL,STATUS_PORT AL, OUT_BUF _FULL C42 3 C42-Z BL C42_2 CON'I NUE DISPLAY THE CHECKPOINT (MfG CHECKPOINT) AND XOR EXPECTED WITH READ IN MFG_PORT DISPLAY CHECKPOINT IN MFG PORT+3 DISPLAY XOR'D DATA HIGH BYTE MFG PORT+1 LOW BVTE IN MFG PORT+2 A READ/WRITE SCOPE LOOP OF THE FIRST WORD fOR POSSIBLE AOOR[SS LIN[ FA!LURES 045B 0458 0450 045F 0461 C31 : r~ov SA C7 £6 81 8A C3 1::6 82 OUT r~ov OUT 0463 0466 0468 046A 046C 0116E 01171 0473 Oll77 0117B 0470 Oll7F 0481 89 8E 28 88 COOO 09 DB 07 M1 : JMP CX,oeaOOH DS,CX ex, BX ~~6~~X~+2 cX,ex GO I r NOT BYPASS ERROR DISPLAY AA,OAA55H JZ AOO eMP JL ANO Z5 75 03 E9 0573 R Jr~p BA 0308 2A CO EE eX,oBoH CX,oe800H Ml --------- - -- --- -- --- ------------ - -- - ---- -- - - -- - -~ SET V IDEO MODE TO 0 I SPLAY MEMORY ERROR IF vrDEO ROM IIIIS ROUTINE INITIALIZES TIlE ATTAGrIMENT TO TO DISPLAY FIRST 64K STORAGE ERRORS. BOTH COLOR AND MONO ATTACHMENTS ARE I NIT I AL I ZED. M4 '" 0010 10 ROM C32 C31_0 CMP JNZ START OF GET THE FIRST 2 LOCATIONS BUS SETTLE I S THE V IDEO ROM PRESENT? GO I F YES POINT TO NExT 2K BLOCK TOP OF V j OED ROM AREA YET? TRY AGAIN SET NON ZERO FlAG EB 00 3D AA55 711 OC 81 Cl 0080 81 F9 C800 7C E9 23 C9 Z5: SAVE HIGH BYTE SAVE LOW BYTE CHECK FOR VIDEO ROM MaY MaY SUB MOY ; ; 0484 0487 0489 AL, BH MFG_PORT+1, AL AL,BL MfG_PORT+2, AL ;------- EQU 10H INIT COLOR/MONO C32: MOY SUB OUT DX,3D8H AL,AL OX,AL CONTROL REG ADDRESS OF COLOR CARD MODE SET Test 1 5-39 o48A 0460 04ef 0490 I3A 0388 130 01 EE 83 EA 04 0493 BB 0030 E 0496 B9 DOlO 0499 32 E4 Z_2: CONTROL REG ADDRESS OF BW CARD MODE SET fOR CARD RESET VIDEO BACK TO BASE REG I STER MOY MOY OUT SUB OX,03B8H AL,l DX,AL DX,4 MOV ASSUME MOV BX,OFFSET VIOEO_PARMS+M4*3 ; POINT TO VIDEO PARMS OS: CODE CX,M4 ; COUNT OF MONO VIDEO PARMS ; _____ ex POINTS TO CORRECT ROW Of INITIALIZATION TABLE XOR AH,AH ; AH WILL SERVE AS REGISTER NUMBER DURING LOOP LOOP THROUGH TABLE, OUTPUTTTlNG REG AOOKI:.55, Ml0: MOV OUT INC INC MOV OUT INC DEC LOOP MOV AND CMP JZ MOV MOV JMP AL,AH DX,AL OX AH AL,CS: {ax] OX,AL BX THEN VALUE FROM TABLE GET 6845 REG I STER NUMBER 0466 0469 8A C4 EE 42 FE e4 2E: 6A 07 EE 43 4A E2 F2 6A E2 60 E4 FO 80 FC DO 74 08 BB 0000 E SA 03D4 EB DB 0488 01.J.80 OI.J.CO 33 FF 138 BODO 8E CO XOR MOY MOY 01,01 AX,OBOOOH ES,AX SET UP POINTER FOR REGEN SET UP ES TO V IDEO REGEN G4C2 04C5 04CB 89 0600 88 0720 F3/ AB MOY MOY REP CX,2048 AX, I '+7*256 STOSW NUMBER OF WORDS I N MONO CARD FILL CHAR FOR ALPHA FILL THE REGEN BUFFER WITH BLANKS a4CA a4CC 04CF 0401 01.J.04 33 FF B8 BBOO 8E C3 89 2000 F3/ AS XOR MOY MOY MOY REP 01,01 BX,oeBOOH ES,BX CX,B192 STOSW CLEAR COLOR V I ow RAM SET UP ES TO COLOR V IDEO RAM 0498 0490 049E 049F 04Al 04A4 04A5 04A6 04A7 04A9 04A6 OllAE 0481 01~B3 ox Ml0 AH,OL AH,OFOH AH,OOOH Z_3 aX,OFFSET VIDEO PARMS OX,3Dil-H Z_2 POINT TO DATA PORT NEXT REG I STER VALUE GET TABLE VALUE OUT TO CHIP NEXT I N TABLE BACK TO POINTER REGISTER DO THE WHOLE TABLE CHECK I f COLOR CARD DONE STR I P UNWANTED BITS I SIT THE COLOR CARD? CONT I NUE I f COLOR POINT TO VIDEO PARMS COLOR BASE CONT I NUE ;------ fiLL REGEN AREA WITH BLANK FILL WITH BLANKS ; _____ ENABLE VIDEO AND CORRECT PORT SETTING 0406 0409 04013 MOY MOY OUT SA 03138 130 29 EE DX,3B8H AL,29H OX,AL SET V IDEO ENABLE PORT ;----- SET UP OVERSCAN REGISTER INC MOY OUT DX AL,30H DX,AL SET OVERSCAN PORT TO A DEFAULT VALUE OF 30li FOR ALL MODES EXCEPT 640X200 OUTPUT THE CORRECT VALUE TO 309 PORT OI.J.DC OI.J.DD Oil-OF 42 60 30 EE OI~EO 04E3 04E5 BA 0308 BO 28 EE 04E6 011E? 04E9 112 BO 30 EE 04EA 04EC BC C8 8E 00 MOY MOY AX,CS SS,AX 04EE 0I.J.F1 BB BOOO 8E DB MOV MOY eX,oeOOOH OS,BX SET OS TO BW CRT BUFrER 04F3 Oil-f5 04F8 04FA 04fC 04FD 04FE 80 89 2B 86 47 47 E2 MOY MOY SUB MOV INC INC LOOP AL, '0' CX,6 01,01 0::;:101 J,AL DI DI Z START AT 0 WR I TE TO CRT BUFFER POINT TO NEXT POSTITON 0500 0503 0505 80 FF 138 74 OC 213 FF CMP JZ SUB Z_, 0507 0509 O)OB 0500 050F 87 8E 67 8E EB MOY MOY MOY MOY JMP 0511 0513 0515 0518 0519 051A 051C 051E 0520 0523 130 20 88 05 26: 88 05 47 47 E4 81 B1 04 02 E8 6C 050E R EB 1E 90 Z_l: 0526 0526 052A 0520 0530 0532 0534 0536 0539 053C 053E 0540 E4 24 Be EB EI, 61 02 BC EB E4 21j. BC Zl: ; _____ ENABLE COLOR V IDEO AND CORRECT PORT SETT I NG MOV oX,3DaH MOV AL,28H OUT DX,AL SET VIDEO ENABLE PORT ; ----- SET UP OVERSCAN REGI STER INC MOY OUT DX AL,30H DX,AL SET OVERSCAN PORT TO A DEFAULT VALUE OF 30H fOR ALL MODES EXCEPT 640X200 OUTPUT THE CORRECT VALUE TO 309 PORT :------- DISPLAY FAILING CHECKPOINT AND 30 0006 Ff 05 FA 60 C3 68 DB E2 SET STACK SEGMENT TO CODE SEGMENT o I SPLAY BANK 000000 BH,OB8H CHECK THAT COLOR BUfFER WRITTEN 01,01 POINT TO START OF BUFFER BH,OBOH ES,BX BH,OB8H OS,BX Z_O ES = MONO SET SEGMENT TO COLOR OS '" COLOR ;-------- PRINT FAILING BIT PATTERN 81 OF 05EO R 14 90 82 04 E8 05E2 R 08 90 82 OF 05E4 R Z2: Z3: MOY MOY MOY INC INC IN MOV SHR MOY JMP AL, • as: I 01 J,AL ES;{DI1,AL DI DI AL, MFG_PORT+l CL,4 AL,CL SP,OFfSET Zl_O PR IN ANO MOY JMP IN MOY SMR MOY JMP IN AND MOY AL, MfG_PORT+l AL,OFH SP, OFFSET Z2_0 PR AL, MFG_PORT+2 CL,4 AL,CL SP, OFFSET Z3_0 PR AL,MFG_PORT+2 AL,OFH SP, OFFSET Z4_0 ;------- CONVERT AND PRINT 5-40 Test 1 DISPLAY A BLANK WRITE TO COLOR BUFfER WR I TE TO MONO BUFFER PO I NT TO NEXT POST I TON GET THE HIGH BYTE Of FAll NG PATTERN SHI fT COUNT NIBBLE SWAP ISOLATE TO LOW NIBBLE GET THE HIGH BYTE OF fAll NG PATTERN SH I FT COUNT NIBBLE $WAP I SOLATE TO LOW NIBBLE RETURN TO Z4: 0')43 0545 0546 0548 04 90 27 1'~ 40 27 0549 054B 054E 054F 86 05 0550 C3 PR: 26: 88 05 47 47 CONVERT 00-0 f TO ASC I I CHARACTER ADO FIRST CONVERSION fACTOR ADJUST FOR NUMERIC AND ALPHA RANGE ADO CONVERSION AND AD.JUST LOW NIBBLE ADJUST HIGH NIBBLE TO ASCHI RANGE ADD DAA ADC DAA AL~090H MOV MOV INC INC DS:{OI ).Al ES:{DI }.AL DI DI RET AL~040H WR I TE TO COLOR BUffER WRITE TO MONO BUffER POINT TO NEXT POSTITON ; ------- 0 I SPLAY 201 ERROR 0551 0553 0555 0558 0559 OS5A 055C 055E 0561 0562 0563 0565 0567 056A 056B 056C D56E 0570 130 20 Z4: 68 AS 26: 88 47 47 BO 32 88 05 26: 86 47 47 80 30 88 05 26: 88 47 47 80 31 88 05 26: 88 05 MOV MOV MOV INC INC MOV MOlt MOV INC INC MOV MOV MOV INC INC MOV MOV MOV 05 05 05 ;----~--- 0573 0575 0577 0579 057B BO E6 E6 2B 00 80 83 057B 0570 057F 0582 0584 2B CO BE 08 C3l_0: MOV SUB MOV MOV B8 AA55 2B FF 89 05 E5:[01 ).Al DI DI AL '2' OS:(OI }.AL ES:IOI1.AL DI DI AL, '0' OS:[OI ],Al ES:[DI],Al DI DI Al, ' , ' OS:(OI LAl ES:IOI J.AL FIRST THE CHECKPOINT <><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPOINT DO <><><> ALSO 0 I SPLAY CHECK PO I NT I N PORT 83 SETUP SEGMENT AX,OM55H WRITE A.N AA55 READ THE FIRST WORD DISPLAY CHKPT LONGER OS,AX 01,01 OS: f 01 l.AX AX.OS:(OI) C3l_A 058A 89 88 as as MOV MOV lOOP DS:(OI LAX AX,DS:[DI) C3'_B 89 as 88 05 E2 FA MOV MOV lOOP OS: [01 LAX AX,DS:(DI] C3'_C 89 05 88 05 E2 FA MOV MOV lOOP C31_0 89 05 88 05 MDV MOV lOOP OS:[Oll,AX AX.DS: [01] C31_E SUB E2 FA WRITE TO CRT BUfFER WRITE TO MONO BUffER -~> A'V'>' MOV MOV lOOP E2 fA WRITE TO CRT BUFFER WRITE TO MONO BUFFER PO I NT TO NEXT POSTI TON cX,ex 8B as E2 Fl 0590 0590 0592 0594 0596 0596 0598 059A 059C 059C 059E 05AO 01 SPLAY 201 ERROR WRITE TO CRT BUFFER WRITE TO MONO BUFFER POINT TO NEXT POSTITON AL,OOOH MFG PORT .Al MFG-PORT+3,AL 0586 0588 058A 058C 058E DISPLAY A BLANK WR I TE TO CRT BUFFER WR I TE TO MONO BUFFER POINT TO NEXT POSTITON D5~1011.Al ROLL ERROR CODE IN MFG_PORT OUT OUT SUB C9 AL • os: (01 J ,AX AX.DS:[DI) ; -------- ROLL ERROR CODE IN MFG_PORT --> NEXT THE HIGH 8YTE 05A2 05A4 05A6 05A6 05A9 05AB 05AD 05AF 05AF 0581 JN E6 80 OU-: MFG_PORT~AL XOR Of FAILING BIT PATTERN HIGH BYTE 88 AA55 89 05 88 05 t2 F7 MOV MOV MOV LOOP AX,OAA55H WRITE AN AA55 DS:[DI].AX AX.DS:[DI J C31_G READ THE FIRST WORD 89 05 MOV os: [DI I,AX MO'" AX,DS:[DI LOOP C31_H MOV MOV lOOP OS: (01) ,AX AX. OS: [01 ] C3'_' E4 81 88 05 E2 FA 0583 0585 0585 0587 0589 89 05 8B 05 [2 FA 05BB 05BO E4 82 E6 80 05Bf OSC2 05C4 05C6 05C8 B8 2B 89 88 E2 AA5S FF 05 89 Al.MFG_PORT+l J C3el: ; -------- ROLL ERROR CODE IN MFC_PORT --> THEN THE lOW BYTE 05CA 05CA 05CC 05CE 0500 05DO 0502 0504 0506 0506 0508 05DA 05DC 05DE 05£0 05E2 05E4 IN DUT Al.MfG_PORT+2 MFC_PORT ,AL lOW BYTE WRITE AN AA)) AX,DAA55H MOV SUB MOV MOV lOOP OS:[OI LAX AX,OS:[DI] 8B 05 E2 FA as NOV MOV lOOP OS:(OII,AX AX,DS:(DI] C3'_l 89 05 8B 05 E2 FA MOV MOV lOOP OS: (01 LAX AX,os:IDIJ C31_M 89 05 813 05 MOV MOV LOOP JMP C3'_O DO AGAI N 2' 22 23 TEMP TEMP TEMP TEMP C31_K: 05 F8 E.2 FA EB 95 DW DW DW DW 0526 R 0530 R 053C R 0551 R 01,01 READ THE FIRST WORD C31_K OS:[OI LAX Ax.os:IDIJ C31_N 24 STACK STACK STACK STACK ; ------- CLEAR STORAGE ENTRY 05E6 05£6 05£8 05EB 05EO F3/ A8 B8 ---- R 8E 08 89 1E 0072 R ClR_STG: ASSUME R[P MOV MOV MOV os: DATA STOSW AX,DATA OS,AX RESET_FLAG, STORE 32K WORDS OF 0000 RESTORE DATA SEGMENT ax RESTORE RESET FLAG ; ----- SETUP STACK SEC AND SP 05fl 05f4 05F6 05f9 B8 ---- R 8E 08 BC 0000 8E 04 C33: MOV MOV MOV MOV AX~DATA SET DATA SEGMENT OS,AX SP,P05T_SS SS,SP GET STACK VALUE SET THE STACK UP Test 1 5-41 O~FB ; MOV Be 80UO ; ________ GET THE 05FE 0600 60 0602 0604 0606 0609 0606 E4 82 fO A? 0012 R '6 l'iOV " OUT BO IN 2" AND MOV SUB 2A CO OUT E6 82 INPUT STACK I S HEADY TO GO BUFF[R (SWITCH SETTINGS) AL,11H MFG_PORT, AL <> <><><> <> <><><><> <><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 11 <><> AL,DMA PAGE+1 AL,OFOH MFG_IS1,AI AL,AL OMA_PAGE+1, AL GCT THE SWITCH SETTINGS STRIP UNUSED BITS SAVE SElT I NGS RESET DHA_PAGE TEST .11A YERIFY 286 LGOT/SC,OT LIOT/SIOT I NSTRUCT IONS DESCR I PT I ON LOAD COT AND IDT RlGISTERS WITH AA. 55,00 AND VER I FY CORRECT ;-------- VERIFY STATUS 0600 060E 060E 0610 060r 060E 0610 0610 0613 SMSW or 01 + + EO DB ??OOOO + + ??0001 + LABEL SHL LABEL ORG DB OKG 01 aoor INDICATE COMPABILITY (R[AL) MODE AX (JOFH BYTE AX,1 BYTE OFFSET CS;??OOOO OOlfi OFfSET CS: ??0001 AX,OFIi ERR_PROT A9 75 37 TEST JNZ 0615 0617 no £6 80 MOY OUT AL,12H MFG_PORT,AL 0619 061A 1E 07 BF DOAD B9 0003 88 AAAA E8 064F R B8 5555 E8 064F R 2B CO E8 D64r R 29 ED PUSH POP MOY MOY MOV CALL MOV CALL SUB CALL SUB OS ES D I ,SYS lOT LOC CX,3 AX,OAAAAH WRT PAT AX,05555H WRT PAT AX, AX win PAT BP,SP ; GET THE CURRENT STATUS WORD PE/MP/EM/TS BITS SHOULD BE ZERO GO I F STATUS NOT REAL MODE TEST PROTECTED MODE REGISTERS 061£5 061 E 0621 06211 06z-t 06?A 0620 062F 0632 12 TEST 286 CONTROl FD 9C 58 A9 75 A9 74 FC 9C 58 A9 75 06 119 EB 3E 90 0640 r I RST PATTERN ViR \ TE NEXT PATTERN WRITE 0 RESTORE BP REG SET 0 I RECT I ON FLAG FOR DECREMENT GET THE fLAGS PUSHF POP SET [5 TO SAME SEGMENT AS OS USE TH I:; AKEA TO flU I Lo TEST PATTERN FLAGS STD 0634 0635 0636 0637 OG3A 063C 063F 0641 0642 06 113 06 1111 061-17 OGIIC a611e ; SET CHECK f'OINT 12 ; <><><><><><><><><><><:> AX AX,0200H ERR_PROT AX,OllOOH ERR_PROT I NHRRUPT FLAG SHOULD BE OFF GO I f NOT CHECK DIRECflON FLAG GO I F NOT SET CLEAR D I REcr J ON FLAG INSURE DIRECT I ON fLAG IS HESEl 0;:>00 10 0400 DB TEST JNZ TEST JZ CLO PlJSHF POP AX 01100 03 nST JNZ AX,040QH ERR_PROT GO C37A TEST OK CONT I NUE JMP ERR PROT: - Ftl m FO HLT J F NOT PROTECTED MODE REGISTER FAILURE I NSURE NO BREAKOUT OF HALT JMP WRITE TO 286 REGISTERS 064r 0652 0651, 89 0003 F3/ AB 8D DOAO 0657 26 0658 OF + 88 5E 00 + + 0659 0659 + 06SC + OG~9 0659 WRT PA T: r~oY REPSTOSW MaY SECOY DB LI r)l DB LAlILL ??0003 MOY LABEL "?0004 ORG ORG MaY SEGOY DB LGDT DB LABEL MOV LAB[L ORG DB DOl H 065C 8D DOAQ 065F ?f. ()660 0661 0661 0664 0661 0661 06611 OF + 88 56 00 + "?0006 + + ""0007 0664 BO 08AO ['lOY seGoy 0667 26 DB 01 0668 0669 0669 066C 0669 0669 066C U66C OF 066F 26 0670 0671 0671 0674 0671 0671 0674 or 06 f4 BF 8B B9 BE 26: 06'19 067C 067F LOAD THE lOT REGISTER FROM THIS AREA I.OAD THE GDT FROM THE SAME AREA ORC OFFSET CS; ??0007 READ AND YER I FY 286 REG I STERS SlOT 067'1 STORE 6 BYTES OF PATTERN BP, SY5 lOT LOC E5 026H [BPI OOFH BYTE BX,WORD PTR {BP] BYTE OFFSET cs: ??0003 001H OFFSET CS: ??0004 BP, SY5 lOT LOC [S 026H {BP J UOFH BYTE OX,WORD PTR [BP] BYTE orrsCT CS:??0006 DB 01 06% CX, 3 + + 110009 8B liE 00 DB ourti LABEL BYTE ex, [BPI BYTE OFFSET CS;??0009 001H OFfSET CS: ??OOOA BP,GOT LOC+5 Mav + ??OOQA LABEL + aRC DB 01 ORC MOY SEGOV SO 08A5 DB SCOT 03 46 00 + DB + "?OOOC + ADD + ??OOOO + LABEL LABEL ORG DB 01 oOAD 05 0005 D8AO 3B 04 5-42 Test 1 ORG MOV MOV C37B: BP, GOT LOC ES 026H [BP [ May May CM' ES STORE THE REG1STERS HERE GET THE lOT REGS - 026H {BP I OOFH BYTE AX, [BPj BYTE OFFSET CS: ??OOOC 001H OFFSET CS: ??OOOO 01, SYS lOT LOC AX,DS:!DIICX,5 SI,GOT lOC AX, ES: [SI] GET rHE GOT REGS GET TH[ PATTERN WR I TTEN CHECK ALL ReG I STERS PO I NT TO THE BEG I NN I NG 0682 0684 0685 0686 0688 JNZ INC INC LOOP 75 C8 46 '[2,6 F7 ; 0693 0695 0697 2A CO E6 Fl CONTINUE TILL DONE RET C3 INITIALIZE THE 8259 0689 068S 0680 068F 0691 HALT I F ERROR POINT TO NEXT WORD ERR PROT 51 51 C37B JNTERRUPT #1 CONTROLLER CHI P : ---------- - -- - -------------- ------------------------- - -- C37A; SO 11 E6 20 EB 00 SO 08 E6 21 EB 00 SUB OUT MOY OUT JMP MOY OUT JMP AL,AL X287+1.AL AL, 11 H I NTAOO,AL SHORT $+2 AL,8 INTAQ1,AL SHORT $+2 AL,04H INTA01,AL SHORT $+2 Al.,Ol H INTA01,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OFfH INTA01,AL RESET MATH PROCESSOR ICW1 - EDGE, MASTER, WAIT STATE FOR SETlJP leW3 - 80 04 E6 21 [B 00 E6 21 EB 00 SO FF E6 21 MOY OUT JMP MOY OUT JMP MOY OUT 06A9 06AB SO 13 E6 80 MOY OUT 06AD 06AF 06Bl 06B3 06B5 06B7 0669 0666 06BD 066F 06Cl 06C3 06C5 06C7 BO 11 E6 AO EB 00 80 70 E6 Al BO 02 EB 00 E6 Al EB 00 80 01 E6 Al EB 00 BO FF [6 Al 06C9 06CB BO 14 EG 80 MOY OUT AL,14H MfG_PORT. AL 06CD 0600 0602 060!... 0607 06D8 060A 060B B9 2B BE BB MOY SUB MOY MOY CX,7BH 01, OJ ES,DI AX, OFFSET 011 MOVE ADDRESS OF GET THE SEGMENT IN J T J AL I ZE THE 8259 0078 FF C7 0000 E MOV OUT JMP MOV OUT MOV ,IMP OUT JMP MOV OUT JMP MOV OUT ;------- SET UP 03: AB STOSW MOY AX, CS STOSW LOOP 03 80 15 E6 80 06E.1 06E4 06E5 06E6 06E8 06EB Bf 0040 R 06[E 06EF 06fO 06fl A5 MOV PUSH POP MOV MOY MOV DE 1F 8C 08 l3[ 0010 [ B9 0010 D3A: 47 47 E2 FB 06F6 06F8 E8 0000 E MOVSW INC INC LOOP CMOS: £6 BO I NT OfFSET INT[flRUPT VECTORS <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPOINT 15 <><> OI,OFFSET VIDEO INT CS OS AX, OS ; SI,OFFSET VECTOR_TABLE+16 CX,16 S[l VIDIO INT AREA SET UP ADDRESS OF VECTOR TABLE SET AX=SEGMENT ; START WITH VIDEO ENTRY MOVE VECTOR TABLE TO RAM 01 01 SKI P SEGMENT POINTER 03A DS:DATA DDS SET THE DATA SEGMENT AL,16H MFG_PORT, AL <><><><><><><> <><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 16 <><> I S THE BATTERY LOW TH I S POWER UP'? May E6 EB E4 A8 74 SO £6 EB E4 OUT JMP IN E9 07Al R fiLL ALL I NTERRU PT LOCAT IONS fiRST INTERRUPT LOCATION SET ES ALSO ASSUME CALL BO 80 74 21 <><><><><><><><> <><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 14 <><> May OUT ; ------- 0712 ; <><><> <><><><><><> <><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 13 <><> TEST.12 VER I FY CMOS CHECKSUM/BATTERY COOD DESCRI PTION DETERMINe I f CONFIG RECORD SHOULD BE USED FOR INITIALIZATION 80 16 06FA 06FC 06FE 0700 0702 0704 0706 0708 070A 070e 070E 0710 NTERRUPT #2 CONTROLLER CH I P ;------- ESTABLISH BIOS SUBROUTINE CALL MOV AL,15H OUT MFG_PORT,AL ; ; 06F3 j INTS. ) AL,11H ICWl - EDGE, SLAVE ICW4 INTBOO,AL SHORT $+2 WAIT STATE FOR 10 AI..,INT_TYPE SETUP ICW2 - INT TYPE 50 (50-5f) I NTB01 ,AL Al.,02H SETUP ICW3 - SLAVE LV 2 SHORT $+2 INTB01,AL SHORT $+2 10 WAlT STATE AL, 01 H SETUP ICW4 - 80B6 MODE, SLAVE INTB01,AL SHORT $+2 WA I T STATE FOR 10 AL,OFfH MASK ALL INTS. OFf I NTBOl ,AL ; THE INTERRUPT VECTORS TO TEMP INTERRUPT Be CB 0000 a60F 10 WAIT STATE SETUP ICW4 - MASTER,8086 MODE WAIT STATE FOR 10 MASK ALL I NTS. OFF (V IDEO ROUT I NE ENABLES AL,13H MFG_PORT,AL AB E2 F7 10 MASTER LV 2 0699 U696 069D 069F 06Al 06A3 06AS 06A7 SO 01 IC\,'4 WAIT STATE FOR 10 SETUP ICW2 - INI rYPE 8 (B-F) 70 00 71 80 OF 8E 70 00 71 CHECK BATTERY CONDITION POINT TO BATTERY STATUS WAIT STATE FOR to TEST JZ AL, SA TlERY_CONO_STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT +1 AL,80H CMOS1A AL,DIAG_STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+1 AL,BAD BAT CMOS1 - JMP CMOS4 CONTINUE WiTHOUT CONFIG TEST JZ MOY OUT JMP IN A8 BO I S THE BATTERY LOW? GO I F YES GET THE OLD STATUS HAS CUSTOMER SETUP BEEN EXECUTED? GO CHECK CHECKSUM I F YES SET DEFECT I VE BATTERY FLAG 0715 0717 0719 071B 0710 071F 0721 0723 0726 0728 072A 072e 072E SO 17 E6 80 SO BE E6 70 EB 00 £4 71 86 C4 80 CC BO KO 8E E6 70 86 C4 EB 00 E6 71 CMOS1A: MOV OUT AI.,17H MfG_PORT, AL <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 17 <><> MOV OUT JMP IN XCHG OR MaY OUT XCHC JMP OUT AL,DIAG_STATUS CMOS PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+1 AL,AH AH, BAD_BAT AL, 01 AG_STATUS CMOS PORT. AL AL, AH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT +1, AL CMOS DIAGNOSTIC STATUS BYTE GET THE CURRENT STATUS SAVE SET THE DEAD BATTERY FLAG OUTPUT THE STATUS SET FLAG I N CMOS Test 1 5-43 0130 E6 6f 90 JMP CMOS4 ; ----- VER I FY CHECKSUM 0733 60 E6 EB E4 fB 86 60 E6 81 75 86 24 CMOS1 : 013') 0737 0739 0736 073D 073f 0741 0"143 0749 0746 0740 8E 70 00 71 00 EO J"l XCHG A"D EB 03 90 0756 2B DB 0758 2B C9 81 90 65 AE unA MOV OUT CMP 10 ?A CO F6 71 077C onE 0780 0782 0784 0786 0788 XCHG 07 0752 0752 0754 075E 0760 0762 0764 0766 0768 076A 076C 076E 0770 0772 0774 0776 0778 '" JMP C4 8E 70 JE 0072 A 1234 074F 075A 075C MOV OUT JMP JMP CMOS1 - A, StiR CMOS1 - B: OUT CMOS2: 8A Cl E6 70 EB 00 [4 71 2A E4 13 08 FE C1 3A E9 75 EE DB DB 74 16 BO AI:: E6 70 EB 00 E4 71 8A EO BO AF E6 70 E6 00 E4 71 36 C3 MOV OUT JMP AL,CL CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_ PORT+l AH,AH BX,AX I MC CL CMP CH,CL CMOS2 BX,BX CMOS3 AL, CMOS_ENO+l CMOS_PORT,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_ PORT+1 AH,AL AL,CMOS_END+2 CMOS_PORT,AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l AX,BX CMOS4 J"l OR Jl MOV OUT JMP '" MOV MOV OUT JMP , " eMP JZ CLEAR OLD STATUS 10 D[LAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS 10 DELAY SAVE THE CURRENT STATUS IS THIS A SOFT RESET GO I F NOT RESTORE THE STATUS CLEAR ALL BUT TlI[ CMOS/POR MEMORY size MI SCOMPARE AI,AI CMOS_PORT+l,AL BX,BX CX,CX Cl., CMOS_BEG I N CH,CMOS_END+l ,N GO TO MINIMUM COMFIG CMOSl - B SUB SUB Mav Mav SUB ADC 74 17 AL, DJAG_ STATUS CMOS PORT,AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS PORT+1 SHORT $+2 AL,AH AL,DIAG_STATUS CMOS _PORT ,AL RESET_FLAG,1234H CMOS1 - A AH,AL AL, W_M£M_S I Z£ SET START OF CMOS 51:.1 lNO Or CMOS ADDRESS THE BEG I NN I NG WAIT STATE FOR 10 INSURE AH=O ADD TO CURRENT VALUE POINT TO NEXT WORD FIN I SHED? GO I F NOT BX MUST NOT BE 0 CMOS BAD IF CKSUM=O GET THE CHECK SUM FIRST BYTE OF CHECKSUM SAVE IT SECOND BYTE OF CHECKSUM I S THE CHECKSUM OK GO ! f YES ; ------- SET CMOS CHECKSUM ERROR 078A 078C 078E 0790 0792 0794 0797 0799 079B 0790 079F 07A1 07A3 CMOS3: BO 8E MOV OUT JMP E6 EB E4 86 80 70 00 71 C4 CC 40 60 8£ £6 70 EB 00 86 C4 E6 71 no 18 E6 80 ," XCHG DR MOV OUT JMP XCHG OUT CMOS4: MOV OUT AL,OIAG STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 Al,CMOS PORT+l AL,AH AI~,BAD_CKSUM AL,DIAG STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,AH CMOS_PORT+1,AL AL,18H MFC_PORT, AL SET BAD CHECKSUM FLAG 10 DELAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS SAVE IT SET BAD CHECKSUM FLAG 10 DELAY SET FLAG <><> <><><> <> <> <> <> <><> <> <><><>CHECKPOI NT 18 <><> ENABLE PROTECTED MODE '" 61 AL, PORT 8 AL,K.AM PAR Off SHORT 3+2 POHT_B,AL DISABLE IO/RAM PARITY CHK 07A'j 07A7 07A9 07AB Ell OC r:f3 E6 DIAD 60 19 OlAF E6 80 MOV OUT AL,19H MFG_PORf ,AL <><> <><><><><> <> <><><> <> <><><>CHECKPOI NT 19 <><> 0761 BO E6 E6 60 E6 SF 70 00 01 71 MOV OUT JMP MDY OUT AI., SHUT_DOWN CMOS_PORT ,AL SHORT $+2 AL.01H CMOS_PORT+1, AL SET THE RETURN ADDR BC 8E BG E8 0000 04 8000 0000 E MOV SP,POST_SS 55, SP 5P, POST.• SP SYSINITl SET STACK FOR SYSINITl OR JMP OUI OC 00 61 ; ------- 07B3 07B5 07B7 0·(B9 O·/BB 07BE 07GO 07G3 07e6 Olea SET RETURN ADDRESS BYTE I M CMOS MOV MOV CALL May OUT BO lA E6 80 10 DELAY AL,1AH ~1FG_PORT,AL 10 DELAY fiRST SHUTDOWN RETN AD DR CALL TH[ DESCR I PTOR TABLE BU ILDER AND REAL-TO-PROTECTED MODE SWITCHER <><><> <><><> <> <> <><><><> <><><>CHE"CKPOI NT 1A <><> ; -------- SET TEMPORY STACK 07CA 07CO 07Cf 0705 07DA 0700 07Df MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV B8 0008 08 06 005A 0000 06 005e 00 0058 06 F FrD 8E C7 C6 BE 8E BC AX, GOT PTR DS,AX ; DS:SS TEMP. BASE LO WORD,O BYTE PTR OS: (SS-TEMP.BASE HI BYTE),TEMP STACK HI S I ,SS TEMP .-55,SISP,~1AX_SEG_LEN-2 TEST. 13 PROTECTED MODE TEST CHECK MSW FOR PROTECTED MODE MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE (RAM -> 640K) OESCR I PT ION THIS ROUTINF RUNS IN PROTECTED MOOE IN ORDER TO ADDRESS ALL STORAGE MEMORY SIZE IS SAVED AT MEMORY SIZE CMOS DIAGNOSTIC BYTE BIT 4 = 512 -> 6401< ;------- 07E2 07E3 07E3 07E5 07£3 07[3 Of + ??OOOE 01 [0 01 5-44 Test 1 INSURE. PROllCJtU MOU!:. SMSW AX DB OOFH BYTE AX,1 BYTE OFFSET CS; ??OOOE 001H LABEL SHL + ??OOOf LABEL + ORG DB ; GET THE MACHINE STATUS WORD ORG OtES OIES 07E8 A9 0001 7S 10 07EA 07Ee OnE 07FO 07F2 07 F4 80 E6 EB 60 E6 E9 TEST JNZ 8F 70 00 SHUT_8: foIOV OCT OB 71 0000 E J;1P OFFSET CS:??OOOF AX, V I RTUAL ENABLE VIR_OI< - ARE WE AL., SHUT DOWN CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL.,08H CMOS_PORT+l, AL PROC_SHUTDOWN I N PROTECTED l'lODE SET THE RETURN AODR 10 DELAV SET SHUTDOWN 8 CAUSE A SHUTDOWN ;-------- VIRTUAL MODE ERROR HALT 07U ona ", SHUIS: EB FL IILI JMP ; SHurB ERROR HALT ;------- 64K SEGMENT LIMIT FFFF DHA C7 06 0048 0800 C6 06 0040 93 ;------- CPLO, MOV DATA ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP.DATA_ACC_RIGHTS),CPL.O_DATA_ACCESS ;------- START WITH SEGMENT AGDR 01-0000 (SECOND 6llK) 0805 DaDA c6 06 OOllC 01 C7 06 004A 0000 0810 0812 BO [6 0814 BB 0040 18 60 MOV MOY BYTE PTR OS: ( ES_ TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE) ,01 H OS: ES_ TEMP. BASE_LO_WORD, OH MOV OUT AL,lBH MFG_PORT, AL. <><><><><><> <> <><><> <><> <><><>-CHECKPO I NT 1 B <><> MOV BX,16*4 SET THE FIRST 64K DONE ;------- START STORAGE SIZE/CLEAR 0817 0817 081A OBlC 031 r 0821 0824 0824 Ba BE [B 74 E9 0048 CO 0838 R 03 08B7 R NOT DONE: MOY MOV CALL JMP AX, IeS_TEMP [S AX HOW BIG NOT-F I N DONE ADO 8X,16*1, JZ NOT FIN: 83 C3 40 ; ------- DO NEXT 64K (OXOOOO) 0827 PO I NT ES TO DATA PO I NT TO SEGMENT TO TEST 00 THE" FIRST 6L: K CHECK I r TOP OF RAM I NC FE 06 004C BUMP MEMORY COUNT BY 611K BL.OCK BYTE PTR OS: ( ES_ TEMP. BASE_H I _BYTE) : ------- CHECK FOR END OF FIRST 640K (END OF BASE RAM) 082B 0830 0832 0835 80 75 E8 E9 eMP 3E 004C OA E5 088B R 08B7 R JNZ CALL JMP ; ------- 0838 0838 083A 083D 083F 0842 084 11 0847 084A oa4C 084£ U8 11F 0852 28 FF 138 AAS5 01,01 PUSH MOY MOY CMP POP J NZ OS AX, RSOA_PTR OS,AX RESET fL.AG,1234H HOW_B! G_2 SOfT RESET RESTORE OS GO I F NOT SOFT RESET MOY WORD PTR [S:[OI ],0101H TURN OFF BOTH PARITY BITS IN JMP OR OUT JMP AND OUT Al.,PORTG SHORT $+2 Al,RAM PAR OFF PORT B-;-AL SHORT $+2 AL, RM1_PAR_ON PORT_B,AL t10V PUSH POP MOV AX,orrrnl AX AX AX,ES:[Dlj IN AND AL, PORT.,_B AL, PAR I TY _ERR CHECK FOR PARITV/IO CHECK 75 08 MOY J NZ WORD PTR ES:[OI),O HOW_B I G_E..NO I NSURE NO PAR I TY 10 CHECK GO IF PARITY/IO CHECK 28 CO HOW BIG 2: -SUB AX, AX WR I TE ZEROS CX,2000H*4 STOSW SET COUNT FOR 32K WORDS F j LL 32K WORDS IE 085D 26: 0862 0864 0866 OB68 086A DB6e OB6E [II 61 £13 00 OC DC E6 61 EB 00 24 F3 E6 61 B8 50 0018 08 3E 0072 R 1234 26 e7 05 0101 rFFF 58 26: 8B 05 OB78 Oa7A F)I 61 21+ co 087C 0881 UB83 0883 26: 0885 89 8000 F3/ AS C3 0888 OB8A OBBa 0888 OBBe 088E FILL/CHECK LOOP SUB MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV XOR JNZ 8B C8 26: 89 05 60 OF 26: 8B 05 26: 89 05 33 Cl 75 3D 085A 085B 0810 0873 08711 0875 C7 05 0000 9C 80 1C £6 80 MOY REP AX,OAA55H CX, AX ES: [D! [,AX AI_,orH AX,ES:[DI[ ES:[Dlj,AX AX, ex HOW_B IG_ENO BO £6 EB Ell OC 86 80 E6 B6 81 77 24 E6 B3 70 00 "1 I BO CII B3 70 C4 FB 0200 02 7F 71 TI:.5T PATTERN SAVE PIITTERN SEND PATTERN TO MEM. PUT SOMETH I NG IN AL. GET PATTERN INSURE NO PARITY 10 GHECK COMPARE PATTERNS GO END I F NO COMPARE POINT TO SYSTEM DATA AREA os- 10 DELAY TOGGLE PAR I TY CHECK ENABLES 10 DELAY D[LAY CHECK PAR I TV RET HOW BIG [NO; --PUSHF MOV OUT SAVE THE CURRENT AL,lCH MFG_PORT ,AL ;-------- SET OR RESET 512 TO 640 0890 OB92 OB94 0(396 0898 OB9A 089C 089E OBAO OBA2 08A6 08A8 08AA GO I F NOT GO SET MEMORY SIZE HOW_BIG: B8 BE 81 IF 75 085 l l BYTE PTR DS:(ES TEMP.BASE HI_BYTE),OMI NOT DONE HOW-BIG END DONE - t10V OUT JMP IN OR XCHG MOV OUT XCHG GNP JA K640: AND OUT AL, INFO_STATUS CMOS_PORT ,AL SHORT $+2 AL, GMOS PORT+l Al, M640K AL,AH At, INFO_ STATUS CMOS PORT, AL AL,AH BX,512 K640 AL, NOT M640K CNOS_PORT+l,AL FLAGS <><><> <> <> <><><><><><><> <><>CHECKPO I NT IG <><><> INSTALLED FLAG SET /RESET 640K STATUS FLAG 10 DELAY GET THE DIAGNOSTIC STATUS SAVE THE STATUS RESTORt THF SIATlJS CHeCK M[MORY SIZE SET rLAG FOR 512 -> 640 INSTALLED Test 1 5·45 08AC 08AF 08Bl ORB') 08B6 B8 0018 8E 08 89 lE 0013 R MOV MOV MOV 90 C3 RET RESTORE THE DATA SEGMENT AX, RSOA PTR DS,AX MEMORY_SIZE,BX SAVE MEMORY SIZE RESTORE THE FLAG REG popr TEST,13A MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE (RAM ABOVE l024K) OEseR I PT I ON TH I S ROUT I NE RUNS I N PROTECTED MODE MEMORY SIZE ABOVE 1 MEG ADDRESS I NG IS SAVED I N CMOS OONE: 08B7 08B7 aBBA MOV MOV B8 0008 8E D8 ; AX,GOT PTR OS,AX - POINT os TO THE DESCRIPTER TABLE ; _______ START WITH SEGMENT ADDR 10-0000 (ONE MEG AND ABOVE) DBBC D8Cl c6 06 OD4C 1D C7 06 004A 0000 MOV MOV BYTE PTR os: (ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),lQH as: ES_TEMP. 8ASE_LO_WORD. OH OBC7 BO 10 £6 80 MOV OUT AL,lOH MFG_PORT, AL <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 10 <><> 2S OS SUB BX, BX START WITH COUNT 0 08C9 08CS ;------- START STORAGE SIZE/CLEAR 08CD 08CO 0800 0802 NOT 00NE1: MOV 68 0048 BE CO E8 08EE R 0805 0807 74 03 EB 75 90 08DA 83 C3 40 AX, ES TEMP ES, AXHOW_BIGl POINT ES TO DATA PO I NT TO SEGMENT TO TEST DO THE FIRST 64K JMP DONEA DONE1 CHECK I F TOP GO I F TOP ADD BX,16*4 BUMP MEMORY COUNT BY 64K MOV CALL JZ DONEA: ; ------- DO NEXT 6JIK (XXOOOO) BLOCK 0800 INC FE 06 004C BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE) ;------- CHECK FOR TOP Of RAM (fEDOOO) 08El 08El 08E6 08E8 08EB 80 75 E8 EB 3E 004C FE E5 0933 R 61 90 NOT END BASE: -CMP BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),OFEH JNZ NOT DONE' CALL HOW=BIG_ENDl JMP DONEl ; ------- FILL/CHECK LOOP HOW BIGl: SUB MOV 08EE 08EE DeFO 08FJ 08FS oaF8 08FA 08FO 88 C8 26: 89 05 60 OF 26: 88 05 26: 89 05 0900 0902 _33 Cl XOR 75 2F JNZ 0904 0905 0908 28 FF B8 AA55 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV 1E B8 0018 8E 08 090A 0910 0911 81 0913 0918 091B 091C 0910 0920 0922 26: 1F C7 05 0101 80 1 E E6 80 AX AX IN TEST 26 : C7 05 0000 75 08 0933 0933 0935 \.lORD PTR ES;[0Ij,0101H AX,OFFFFH MOV 26: 88 05 Ell 61 A8 40 26 CO 09 8000 F3/ A8 I~OV JNL HOW BIG 2A: -SUB MOV REP RET HOW BI G ENOl: -MOV OUT ;------- SET 0947 0949 0946 BO 70 00 C3 71 00 61 70 EB 00 8A C7 E6 71 0940 e3 0937 0939 0938 0930 093F 0941 09t~3 0945 MOV BO E6 EB 8A E6 EB BO [6 OU, JMP MOV OUT Ji~P MOV OUT JMP MOV OUT PAR I TY BITS DELAY CHECK PAR I TY CHECK fOR 10 CHECK WORD PTR ES: [D I], 0 HOW_BIG_ENDl I NSURE NO PAR I TY GO IF 10 CHECK AX,AX eX,2000H*4 STOSW WRITE ZEROS SET COUNT FOR 321< WORDS FILL 32K WORDS AL,lEH MFG_PORT, AL <><><><> <><><><><><><><> <><>CHECKPO I NT 1 E <><><> 10 RAM SIZE 10 CHECK IN CMOS AL,M SIZE LO CMOS=PORT-;AL SHORT $+2 AL, BL CMOS_PORT+l,AL SHORT $+2 AL,M_SIZE_HI CMOS_PORT ,Al SHORT $+2 AL, BH CMOS_PORT+l,AL ADDRESS LO BYTE 10 DELAY SET LOW MEMORY SIZE I N CMOS 10 DELAY ADDRESS H I BYTE 10 DELAY SET THE HIGH MEMORY SIZE I N CMOS RET DONE1: BO 1F 80 06 004C 00 fFFF 09BA R 0950 E6 C6 BA E8 2B 095F 0964 0967 096C 096F 0974 0977 097C C6 [8 C6 E8 C6 E8 c6 E8 06 004C 098A R 06 004C 098A R 06 004C 098A R 06 004C 098A R 5-46 TURN OFF BOTH AX, ES: [0 11 AL, PORT B AL, rO_CHK ; ------- TEST ADDRESS Ll NES 19 094E 0950 0952 0957 095A POINT TO SYSTEM DATA AREA SOFT RESET RESTORE OS GO I F NOT SOFT RESET PUSH POP LAST OF POSS I BLE RAM, GO I F NOT ; GO SET MEMORY SIZE TEST PATTERN SAVE PATTERI'; SEND PATTERN TO MEM. PUT SOMETH I NG IN AL GET PATTERN I NSURE NO PAR I TY 10 CHECK COMPARE PATTERNS GO END I f NO COMPARE MOV t-tov 88 FFFF 50 58 e3 os AX, RSDA PTR DS,AX RESET_fLAG,1234H OS HOW_B I G_2A JNZ 75 18 0924 0929 092B 092B 0920 0930 0932 PUSH ~\oV MOV eMP POP 3E 0072 R 1234 01,01 AX,OAA55H CX,AX ES: [01 LAX AL,OfH AX,ES:[DI J ES:[DIj,AX AX,CX HOW_B I G_END1 ; ; 02 08 10 20 40 Test 1 MOV OUT MOV MOV CALL 23 AL, 1 FH ; <><><><><><><><><><><><> MFG_PORT,AL ; <><><>CHECKPOINT IF <><> BYTE PTR os: (ES_TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE), OOH DX,OFFFFH ; WRITE FFFF AT ADDRESS 0 SUB ~~~DX MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL BYTE SOO BYTE SDO BYTE SDO BYTE SOO ; WRITE 0 PTR os: (ES_TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE), 08H ; PTR os: (ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE1,10H ; PTR as: (ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE1,2QH ; PTR OS; (ES_TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE), 40H ; BYTE PTR DS: ( ES~ TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE), 80H SOO D97F 0981, C6 06 004C 80 [8 098A R MOV CALL 0987 EB 20 90 JMP SD2 098A 098C 098F 0991 28 fF B8 0048 8E CO 26 : 89 15 SBB ,t,OV !'10V MOV OI,DI AX, ES TEMP ES,AX- SOD: TEST PASSED CONT I NUE POINT ES TO DATA PO I NT TO S[Gr'1ENT TO TEST PATTERN WR I TE THE ES: [01 LOX 0994 C6 06 004C 00 MOV BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTEj,OOH 0999 099C 099E 09A3 09A? 09AB B8 BE 26: 74 E9 MOV MOV AX, ES_TEMP 0048 CO 81 3D rFrF 03 07EA R SOl: C3 GMP ES,AX WORD PTR E.S:[DI J,OFFFFH J7 Sal Jr~p SHUT _8 RET POI NT ES TO DATA PO I NT TO SEGMENT TO TEST DID LOCAl I ON 0 CHANGE? CONT I NUE I f NOT GO HALT I F YES ; ------- CAUSE A SHUTDOWN 09A9 09AB 09AD 502: £30 20 1'"6 80 E9 0000 E ; 09130 09B2 09B4 09B7 D9B9 09Re 09BF MOV AL,20H <><><><><> <><><><> <><><> OUT JMP MfG PORT. AL <><><>CHECKPOINT 20 <><> CAUSE A SHUTDON (RETURN VIA JUMP MOV <><> <><><><> <><><> <><><> <><><>CHECKPOINT 21 <><> SET REAL MODE STACK SET UP THE REAL DATA AREA PROC_SHUTDOWN --RETURN - ----------- - - -- - - -- ------- -- --- - -- - - - ------ - - ---- -- -1 FROM SHUTDOWN SHUll; Be 0100 R MOV AL, 21 H MFG_PORT ,AL SP, STACK SS,SP SP,OFFSET TOS B8 Mav Mav AX,DATA OS,AX BO 21 E6 80 oe ---- BE 01, OUT Mav r-lov R ---- R 8£ 08 ;-------- GET THE CONFIGURATION FROM CMOS 0gel 09C3 0ge? 09C7 09C9 09G8 09CD 0900 09D2 0904 0906 0908 090A 090C 09D[ 09EO 09E2 09E4 BO BE Mav E6 70 OUT [:(j lJU E4 A8 74 EB 8A ·{1 CO 03 77 90 EO BO BE E6 70 86 01 21\ OF E6 71 80 94 EB 00 E6 -to EB 00 E4 71 M_OK: JI-IP IN n:ST JZ JMP MOV MOV OUT XCHG ANa OUT MOV JMP OUT Jt~P IN ;-------- 09[6 09E8 09E" 09EC 09EF 8A A8 75 E8 711 09Fl 09F6 Ff) 06 0012 R 20 74 7A 09F8 £B IIG 90 09rB 09H} 09FE 09FE 09FF DADO OA02 OA04 OA06 OA07 OAOA OADB OAOO OAll ~AlS OA17 OA19 OA19 89 30 cuou 50 1E 8E 09 2B DB 88 07 1F 3D AA55 58 .' M OK BAD_MaS AH,AI AL, D lAG_STATUS CI~OS PORT, AL AL,AH AL,ODrH CMOS PORT+l,AL AL, C:'::EQU I P SHORT $+2 CMos_porn ,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT +1 [8 09FB R 74 27 GAl r OA21 OA26 8/... C4 DAZ8 24 30 3C 30 7'5 18 8A C4 EB 09 90 10 DELAY CALL JZ TEST JZ MfG_ TST, MFG_JMP NORMAL_CON FIG GO IF INSTALLED EXCEPT IF MFG JUMPER IS INSTALLED JMP BAD MOS ; GO DEFAULT j-------- ROUTINE CHECK FOR VIDEO ROM PRESENT CHK VIDEO; MOV CIII( VI DE01: PUSH PUSH MOV SUB MOV POP eMP POP JZ ADD Cl~P JL AND eX,OCOOOH START OF AX OS SAVE THE CONF I G SAVE THE DATA SEGMENT DS,CX ex, BX GET THE fiRST 2 DS F6 06 0012 R 40 74 OB cX,ex RETUI~N JZ CHK VIDEO BAO=MOS MOV TEST JL AL, AH NFC TST,DSP JMP MOS=OK_2- AND eMP JNZ MOV JMP LOCATIONS RESTORE DATA SEC AND BUS SETTLE \ S THE V I DEO ROt~ PRESENT? GET THE C:ONFIG GO I F VIDEO ROM INSTALLED PO I NT TO NEXT 2K BLOCK TOP OF VIDEO ROM AREA YET? lRYAGAIN SET N.ON ZERO FLAG AX,OAA55H AX CHK VIDE02 CX, (jaOH CX, QCBOOH CHK VIOEOI CHK VIOE02: RCT MOS OK 1: - CALL \0 ROM AX, [BXJ ;-------- MONO CARD OA2A UA2e GA2E OA30 GET THE EQU I PMENT BYTE SAVE VIDEO TYPE ANY VIDEO? CaNT I NUE INSURE VIDEO ROM PRESENT CONT I NUE ;-------- CMOS VIDEO BITS NON ZERO OA1A OA1A OAHl RESTORE THE STATUS BYTE CLEAR THE I~IN CONFIG BIT AH,AL AL,030H MOS_OK_1 CHK V IDEO MOS:'::OK ,I NZ 711 OC 81 Cl 0080 F9 C800 7C E7 23 C9 G3 CHECK CMOS GOOD GET THE STATUS OK? GO IF YES GO I F NOT SAVE THE CMOS STATUS ADDRESS THE D I AG STATUS INSURE CONFIGURATION HAS CORRECT VIDEO TYPE MOV TEST EO 2E 09FB R 4A AL, 0 I AG.,STATUS CMOS_PORT,AL SHORT $12 Al, CMOS_PORT+l AL,OCOH IS PRIMARY DISPLAY AL,30H I\L,30H BAO MOS AL,AH MaS_OK TO CALLlR (CHECK FOR PRIMARY DISPLAY AND NO VIDEO ROM) ; ; I S THE V IDEO ROM INSTALLED? WRONG CONFIGURATION IN CONFIG BYTE. f\ESTORE CONF I GURATl ON CHECK FOR DISPLAY JUMPER GO IF COLOR CAHO IS PRIMARY DISPLAY (NO JUMPER INSTALLED) INSURE MONO IS PRIMARY eONFIG OK7 GO I F NOT RESTORE CONFIGURATION USE THE CONFIG BYTE FOR CRT ; -------- COLOR CARD DAB OA33 OA35 QA37 OA39 24 38 3C 30 8A C4 74 OB OA3B OA30 OA3F OA44 A8 01 75 33 F6 06 0012 R 20 74 2C MOS OK 2: - AND 01P MOV JZ AL,30H AL,3QH AL,AH BAD_MOS STRI P UNWANTED BITS MUST NOT BE MONO WITH JUMPER RESTORE CONfiGURATION GO I rYES INSTALLED ;-------- CONFIGURATION MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE DISKETrE f~OS_OK: TEST JNZ TEST JZ AL,OlH NORf~AL CON F j G MFG_ TST, MFG_JMP NORMAL_CONFI G MUST HAVE A"J LfAST ON 0 I SKETTE GO SET CONFIGURATION IF OK EXCEPT IF MFG JUMPER IS INSTALLED GO I F INSTALLED Test 1 5·47 ;-------- MINIMUM CONFIG WITH BAD CMOS OR NON VAllO VIDEO OA46 OAJI6 OA48 OA4A OA4C OA4E OA5a OA52 OA54 OA56 OAS8 OASA OA5C OASE GA6a OA6a BAD_MOS: 80 (6 EB E4 A8 75 86 BO E6 E8 86 OG MDV OUT JMP IN 8E 70 00 71 CO DE c4 BE 70 TEST JNZ WAS THE BATTERY DEFECTIVE OR BAD CKSUM GO I F YES SAVE THE STATUS CHECK CMOS GOOD 00 MOV OUT JMP C4 20 OR AL,AH AL. 0 lAG_STATUS CMOS PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,AH Al,20H aUT CMOS_PORT+l,AL STORE THE STATUS CHK VIDEO XCHG XCHG E6 71 OA65 E8 09fB R BO 01 74 OB OM7 OA6C OA6E f6 06 0012 R 40 80 11 74 02 OA70 80 31 OMi3 GET THE DIAGNOSTIC STATUS AL, 0 lAG_STATUS CMOS PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l AL,OCOH BAD MQSl BAD MOS1: CALL RESTORE THE STATUS SET TH£ MIN eONFG FLAG MDV JZ AL.01H NORMAL_CON FIG CHECK fOR V IDEO ROM DISKETTE ONLY GO I F V IDEO ROM PRESENT TEST MDV JZ MfG_ TST. OSP _JMP AL, 1 lH NORMAL_CON FIG CHECK FOR 0 I SPLAY JUMPER DEFAULT TO 40X25 COLOR GO I F JUMPER J S INSTALLED MDV AL,31H 01 SKETTE / BW CRT 80X25 CONFIGURATION AND MFG. MODE NORMAL_CONF I G: OA72 JNZ AND MFG_TST, MFG_JMP NORMl AL,03EH SUB AH,A!1 MDV eMP JZ EQUIP fLAG,AX RESET-FLAG,1234H TEST DA72 OA77 OA79 f6 06 0012 R 20 75 02 24 3E OA7B OA7D OABO OAB6 2A A3 81 74 OA88 OASA OASD 80 60 E8 01105 R 80 40 Mav CALL MDV OA8F E6 60 OUT PORT_A,AL OA91 OA93 2B C9 E8 040A R SUB eX,ex CALL e42 1 OA96 B9 7FFf OA99 OA9S OA90 £4 64 AS 01 El FA OA9F OAAO OM2 OM5 OM6 OAA8 ge PUSHF BO AD E8 0405 R MDV AL, 01 S_KBD CALL POPF C8042 90 74 DC £4 60 A2 0072 R JZ IN MOV E4 0010 R 3£ 0072 R 1234 2C NORM1: E6 I S THE MANUFACTUR I NG JUMPER GO IF NOT STR I POI SKETTE fOR MfG TEST INSTALLED SAVE SWITCH INFO BYPASS I F SOfT RESET - ; _______ GET THE FIRST SELf TEST RESULTS FROM KEYBOARD DMA T516: ENABLE KEYBOARD ISSUE WR I TE BYTE COMMNAD ENABLE OUT BUFF fULL INT SYS FLAG - PC 1 COMP - I NH OVERR I DE ENABLE KEYBOARD AL,60H C8042 AL,4DH WAIT FOR COMMAND AGCEPTED - MDV eX,07FFFH IN AL, STATUS_PORT SET LOOP COUNT FOR APPROX 100 MS TO RESPOND WA I T FOR OUTPUT BUfF FULL TEST LOOPZ AL.OUT_BUf_fULl TST6 TRY AGAIN IF NOT SAVE FLAGS KEYBOARD I SSU£ THE COMMAND RESTORE fLAGS CONTINUE WITHOUT RESULTS GET I NPUT FROM KEY BOARD TEMP SAVE FOR AA REC I EVED o I SABLE E6 AL. PORT_A BYTE PTR RESET _FLAG,AL ; -------- CHECK FOR MFG REQUEST OAAD OAAF OABl eMP JNE JMP 3C 65 75 03 £9 002e R TEST AL,065H ; LOAD MFG. ; GO TO BOOTSTRAP TEST REQUEST? E6 MFG_6DDT I F SO .ll~ I NIT I AL I ZE AND START CRT CONTROLLER (6845) TEST VIDEO READ/WRITE STORAGE. OEseR I PT I ON RESET THE VIDEO ENABLE SIGNAL. SEl,[<.T ALPHANIJl4ER I C MO~I'", 40 '* 25, B & W. READ/WRITE DATA PATTERNS TO STG. CHECK STC ADDRESSAB I L I TY. ERROR == 1 LONG AND 2 SHORT BEEPS OAB4 OAB4 DAB7 OAB8 OABA OASD OABf OACl OAG3 OAG6 OM':8 QAGA OAGD OACF OADO OAD3 DAD5 DAD7 DAD8 OAD9 OADB DADO OAED OAE4 OAES OAE6 DAE9 OAE9 OAEB DAED OAEf OAFl OAf3 OAFS OAf? OAFS OAFA OAFC OAfD OAFE OBOl E6: Al 0010 R 50 80 30 A3 ~OlO R 2A E4 CD 10 BO 20 A3 0010 R 2A £4 co 10 B8 0001 CD 10 58 A3 ~OlO R 24 30 75 12 1E 50 2B CO BE 08 SF 0040 R C7 05 0000 E 58 1F E9 OB68 R MOV AX, [QU I P_FLAG PUSH AX MDV MOV SUB I NT MDV MDV SUB I NT MOV I NT POP MDV AND JNZ AL,30H EQU I P_FLAG, AX AH,AH INT_VIDEO AL,20H EQUIP FLAG,AX AH,AHINT_VIDEO AX,0001H INT VIDEO PUSH PUSH SUB MOV MOV MOV POP PDP JMP AX - EQUIP_fLAG,AX AL,30H E7 OS eMP JE I Ne eMP JNE MOV 74 FE 3C 75 64 86 50 2A CD 58 50 BB BA 5-48 08 C4 20 02 03 EO £8: XCHG PUSH EB AH AL,20H E8 AH,3 AH,AL AX AH,AH INT VIDEO SUB INT POP PUSH AX BODO 03B8 MOV MDV BX,OBOOOH DX,3BSH Test 1 AND I NIT TO S/W CARD I NIT COLOR CARD SET COLOR 40X25 MODE RECOVER REAL SWITCH INFO RESTORE IT I SOLATE V IDEO SWS V IDEO SWS SET TO 07 SAVE THE DATA SEGMENT OS E18_1 AL,30H 10 EI+ SEND INFO AX SET DATA SEGMENT TO 0 AX, AX OS,AX DI,OFFSET VIDEO INT ; SET INT 10H TO DUMMY WORD PTR [Dll,OFFSET DUMMY_RETURN; RETURN IF NO VIDEO CARD AX RESTORE REG I STERS £7: 3C 30 GET SENSE SAVE IT AX- BYPASS VIDEO TEST TEST VIDEO: B/W CARD ATTACHED? YES - SET MODE FOR B/W CARD SET COLOR ,.,.oOE FOR COLOR CD 80X25 MODE SELECTED? NO - SET MODE FOR 40X25 SET MODE FOR BOX25 SET MODE: SAVE V IDEO MODE ON STACK INITIALIZE TO ALPHANUMER1C MD CALL VIDEO 10 RESTORE V I DEO SENSE SWS IN AH RESAVE VALUE BEG V IDEO RAM ADDR B/W CD MODE REG FeR S/W OB04 OB07 01309 OBOC OBOE OB10 OB13 OB15 OB17 OB17 OB18 OB1A OB1C ORl E OB21 MOY MOV 89 0800 60 01 80 74 87 BA B5 FE CMP JE Mav Mav Mav aEe FC 30 09 B8 0308 20 C8 OB27 OB28 OB29 OB2B OB20 OB30 OB32 OB35 C3 DB C9 E9 BH, D8SH OX,3D8H CH,20H AL aUT May May DX,AL ES,BX RaR CX.l STGTST_CNT CALL 0000 £ JNE 6F os. ax E,7 TEST. 15 SETUP VIDEO DATA ON SCREEN FOR VIDEO LINE TEST. DESCRIPTION ENABLE V IDEO SIGNAL AND SET MODE. DISPLAY A HORIZONTAL BAR ON SCREEN. bo: BO 22 £6 80 May OUT AL,22H MFG_PORT. AL <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPOI NT 22 <><> 58 50 pap PUSH AX AX AH,O INT VIDEO AX.7020H 01,01 CX,40 STOSW GET V IDEO SENSE SWS (AH) SAVE IT ENABLE V IDEO AND SET MODE VIDEO WRT BLANKS I N REVERSE V IDEO SETUP START I NG LaC NO. OF BLANKS TO 0 I SPLAY WRITE VIDEO STORAGE MaY B4 00 CD 10 B8 7020 2B FF 69 0028 F3/ AS INT Mav SU8 May REP ; ; ; ; ; OB37 OB38 OB39 OB3C DB3F OB41 0844 0844 OB46 OB46 OB48 OB49 OB4B 0840 OB4F 0851 OB53 OB54 0856 OB58 OB5A WORD CNT FOR B/W CD MODE fOR BW CARD V IDEO C/,RD ATTACHED? - GO TEST V IDEO STG V IDEO RAM ADOR COLOR CD MODE REG FOR COLOR CD RAM WORD CNT FOR COLOR CO SET MODE TO 0 FOR COLOR CD TEST. VIDEO STG: o I SABLE V IDEO FOR COLOR CO PO I NT ES TO V IDEO RAM PO I NT OS TO V I OED RAM DIVIDE BY 2 FOR WORD COUNT GO TEST V IDEO R/W STG R/W STG FAI LURE - BEEP SPK E9: EE 8E 8E 01 £8 75 ; ; ; ; 0623 0623 0825 RAM SET B/W YES BEG CX.2048 AL,l AH,30H - - - - -- -- -- ------- 58 50 80 SA 74 8A --- - - ------- ----------- TEST.16 CRT I NTERF ACE LINES TEST OESCRI PTION SENSE ON/OfF TRANSITION OF THE VIDEO ENABLE AND HORIZONTAL SYNC LINES. FC 30 03BA 03 03DA POP PUSH eMP May JE May AX May AH.S SUB CX,CX AL,OX AL,AH : : GET V IDEO SENSE SW INFO SAVE IT B/W CARD ATTACHED? SETUP ADOR OF BW STATUS PORT YES - GO TEST LINES COLOR CARD I S ATTACHED LINeTST: AX AH,30H OX.03BAH E, , DX,030AH Ell: 84 08 OFLOOP_CNT: E12: 2B C9 EC 22 75 F? EB 28 [C 22 74 E2 £B E13: C4 04 F9 41 C9 IN ANa JNZ LOOP JMP E14: E15: C4 05 F9 36 90 SUB IN ANa JZ LOOP JMP READ CRT STATUS PORT CHECK V IDEO/HaRZ LI NE I TS ON - CHECK IF IT GOES OFF LOOP TILL m~ OR TIMEOUT GO PR 1NT ERROR MSG E'4 E13 SHORT El7 CX.CX AL,oX AL,AH E' 6 [15 ; ; E17 READ CRT STATUS PORT CHECK V' DEO/HORZ LINE ITS ON - CHECK NEXT LINE LOOP 1F ON TILL IT GOES OFf GO ERROR BEEP ;------- CHECK HORIZONTAL LINE 0850 aBSF OB61 OB63 OB63 0864 0666 S1 03 02 EC 75 £3 E16: May SHR JNZ CL,3 AH,CL GET NEXT BIT TO CHECK E, 2 pap Mav AX AH,O INT_VIDEO CONT I NUE o I SPLAY CURSOR; GET V IDEO SENSE SWS (AH) SET MODE AND SPLAY CURSOR CALL VIDEO I/O PROCEDURE E1S: 58 B4 00 CD 10 INT ;--------- CHECK FOR THE 0868 OB68 OB60 OB6F OB71 OB73 OB75 OB76 OB77 OB7A 087C OB7f OB81 0885 OB89 OB8B OB8D DB8F BA BO £6 8E 2B 88 CODa 23 80 DA DB 07 El8 1: E18A: MOV MOV aUT May SU8 May PUSH 53 POP 58 3D AA55 75 05 E8 0000 E £B 04 81 C2 0080 FA csoa 7C EO BO 24 E6 80 E9 0000 E ., E18B: E18C: eMP JNZ CALL JMP ADO CMP JL May aUT JMP 0' A~VANCED oX,oeaOOH AL,23H MFC PORT ,AL OS,DX I3X,BX AX, {BX} 8X 8X AX,OAA55H E188 ROM CHECK SHORT El8C OX,0080H OX,OCSOOH ElSA AL,24H MFG PORT,AL ; ; ; VIDEO CARD SET THE LOW SEGMENT VALUE <><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 23 <><> GET FIRST 2 LOCATIONS LET BUS SETTLE PRESENT? NO? GO LOOK FOR OTHER MODULES GO SCAN MODULE POINT TO NEXT 2K BLOCK TOP Of VIDEO ROM AREA YET? GO SCAN FOR ANOTHER MODULE <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><>CHECKPO I NT 24 <><><><> GO TO NEXT TEST rOST2 ; -------- CRT ERROR SET MfG CKPT AND ERR BEEP OB92 £8 0000 E E17: CALL DDS ; POINT TO DATA ;-------- CHECKPOINT OC "" MONO FAILED C6 80 74 F6 74 BA E8 06 0015 R DC MOV CMP MFG_ERR_FLAG,OCH ;<><><><>CRT ERR CHKPT. OC<><> BYTE PTR RESET_FLAG,064H ; IS THIS A MfG REQUEST? E19 BY PASS ERROR BEEP I F YES TlcST MFG_TST,MFG_JMP IS THE MFG LOOP JUMPER lNSTALLEO? JZ E19 BY PASS ERROR BEEP I F YES MOV OX,102H GO BEEP SPEAKER CALL ERR_BEEP PUSH OS E19 : GET THF CURRENT V IDEO NOV AX, EQU I P_FLAG STRIP OTHER BITS AND AL,30H IS IT MONO? CMP AL,30H GO I f YES JZ TRY COLOR ;------- COLOR FAILED TRY MONO OB95 OB9A OB9F OBAl 013A6 OBA8 OBAB OBAE OBAF 0882 0884 OB86 ,E Al 24 3C 74 OBB8 c6 06 0015 R 00 May MFG_ERR_fLAG, DOH aBBD aBCO OSC2 aBC3 aSC6 OBCS BA 03BS BO 01 May Mav aUT May Mav OX,3B8H AL,1 OX,AL SX, DBODDH OS,BX AX,OAA55H 3E 0072 R 64 00 06 0012 R 20 06 0102 0000 E 0010 R 30 30 31 JZ ;-------- CHECKPOINT 00 "" COLOR FAILED EE BB BODO 8E DB BS AA55 Mav ; <><><><>CRT ERR CHKPT. 00<><> DISABLE B/W OUTPUT THE 01 SABLE CHECK FOR MONO VloEO RAM WRITE AN AA55 Test 1 5-49 aBca aBCD OBCF OBDl 0803 0806 0807 0809 080F ORF? OBE4 08E6 213 89 EB 8B 3D 1F 75 81 A1 2A CO fB DB 07 00 07 AA55 SUB MOV JMP MOV CMP POP JNZ OR MOV SUB INT JMP 56 DE 0010 R 0030 0010 R [4 10 35 90 ax, ax [ BX),AX SHORT $+2 AX, [BX] AX, OAA~~H OS E17 3 EQUIPJLAG, 30H AX, EQU I P_FLAG AH,AH INT_VIDEO E17_1 TO THE FIRST LOCATION ALLOW BUS TO SETTLE READ THE fiRST LOCATION I S THE MONO V IDEO CARD THERE? RESTORE THE DATA SEGMENT CO I F NOT TURN ON MONO BITS IN EQUI P FLAG ENABLE V IDEO CONTINUE ;-------- MONO FAILED TRY COLOR OBE9 OB£9 OSEB as ED aBH OBF2 OBF4 OBF5 OBF8 OBFA OBFD OBFF OCOl aC03 Ocos acoa OC09 OCOB OC11 OC17 OC19 OC1S OC1D OC1D OC1E OC21 OC23 OC25 OC27 OC29 OC2B OC2C BO 2A CD BA BO EE BB 8E B8 2B 89 EB 88 3D 1F 75 B1 81 01 £4 10 0308 00 B800 DB AA55 DB 07 00 07 AA55 21~ 26 0010 R FFCF OE 0010 R 0010 BO 01 2A Eli CD 10 58 A1 24 3C 2A 74 FE 0010 R 30 30 Co 02 co 50 E9 OB63 R TRY_COLOR: MOV SUB INT MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV MOV SUB MOV JMP MOV CMP POP JNZ AND OR MOV SUB INT E17_1 : POP MOV AND CMP SUB JZ INC E17_2: PUSH E17_4: JMP AL,OlH AH,AH INT_VIDEO DX,3DSH AL,O OX,AL BX, GB80GH oS,ax AX,OAA55H aX,ax [ BXj.AX SHORT $+2 AX, [BX] AX,OAA55H OS E17_3 EQU I P_FLAG,OFFCFH EQU I P_FLAG,10H AL.,OlH AH,AH INT_VIDEO AX AX, EQU I P_FLAG AL,30H AL.30H AL.,AL £17_2 AL AX E18 SET MODE COLOR 4GX25 o I SABLE COLOR OUTPUT TilE DISABLE CHECK FOR COLOR V IDEO RAM \,fR I TE AN AA55 TO THE FIRST LOCATION ALLOW aus TO SEn L.E READ !tIE FIRST LOCATION IS THE COLOR VIDEO CARD THERE? RESTORE THE DATA SEGMENT GO I F NOT TURN OFF VIDEO BITS SET COL.OR 40><24 SET NEW VIDEO TYPE ON STACK IS I T THE B/W? I F YES INIT FOR 40X25 GO ;------- BOTH VIDEO CARDS FAI LED SET DUMMY RETURN I f OC2F OC2F OC30 OC32 OC34 OC37 OC3B OC3C OC3F OC3f RETRACE fALl URE E17_3: 1E 26 8E BF C7 CO 08 0040 R 05 0000 E 1F E9 OB68 R 5-50 POSTl CODE Test 1 PUSH SUB MOV MOV MOV POP JMP ENOP ENOS ENO OS AX,AX SET as SEGMENT TO 0 DS,AX OI,OFFSET VIDEO_INT SET INT lOH TO DUMMY WORD PTR [01 ].OFFS£T DUMMY_RETURN ; RETURN IF NO VIDEO CARD OS E18_1 ; 8YPASS REST OF V IDEO TEST T I HE 01/03/84 TEST2 POWER ON SELF TEST . II ST PURLLC CZl PUBL I C SHUT2 PUBL I C SliUT3 PUBL I C SHUT4 PUBL I C SHUT6 PUBL I C SHun PUBL I C PO::;T"" t NCLUDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN H5: NEAR POST7:NEAR SET TOD:NEAR EO:"NEAR EO A: NEAR £O::::B: NEAR 101 ERROR CODE , 02 ERROR CODE 103 lRROR CODE EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN VIR ERR:NEAR CM4:NEAR CM4 A: NEAR CM4-S:NEAR CM4 -C: NEAR CM4-D:NEAR CM1:NEAR CM2:NEAR CM3:NEAR E1_A:NEAR 104 ERROR '05 ERROR 106 ERROR 107 ERROR 108 ERROR 109 ERROR 161 ERROR 162 ERROR 163 ERROR 164 ERROR EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN E1: NEAR ADERR1: NEAR ADERR:NEAR 201 ERROR CODE 202 ERROR CODE 203 ERROR CODE EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN Fl: NEAR LOCK: NEAR Fl A:NEAR F1::::B:NEAR 301 302 303 304 ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR EXTRN EXTRN E1 ECC: NEAR 401 501 ERROR CODE ERROR CODE EXTRN F3:NEAR 601 ERROR CODE EXTRN EXTRN KBD RESET: NEAR GATE_AZO: NEAR EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN E MSG: NEAR XPC BYTE: NEAR VECTOR TABLE: NEAR SLAVE VECTOR TABLE: NEAR NMI INT:NEARPR I NT SCREEN: NEAR BLINK-INT:NEAR ?RT HEX: NEAR f3B:NEAR PRT SEG:NEAR XPC::::BYTE: NEAR EXTRN EXTHN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN UTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN ROM_CHECK: NEAR RDS CHECKSUM: NEAR SEEK: NEAR ERR BEE?;NEAR P MSG: NEAR START 1:NEAR F4: NEAR F4E: NEAR F3A: NEAR 0 I SK BASE: NEAR F3D: NCAR F3Dl :NEAR PRoe SHUTDOWN: NEAR SYSINITl :NEAR PROT PRT HEX: NEAR B:NEAR CODE CODE CODE COOE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE DISK~IO~NEAR HO INT:NEAR C801~2: NEAR OBF 42:NEAR STGTST CNT: NEAR BOOT STRA? 1: NEAR XI" I T-6042:NEAR ROM ERR:NEAR DDS:NEAR 01 SK SETtJP:NEAR DSKETTE_SETU P; NEAR TEST. 17 8259 I NTERRU PT CONTROLLER TEST OESCR I PT I ON READ/WRllE THE INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER (IMR) WITH ALL ONES AND ZEROES. ENABLE SYSTEM INTERRUPTS. MASK DEVICE INTERRUPTS OFF. CHECK FOR HOT INTERRUPTS (UNEXPECTED). ASSUME ASSUME 0000 0000 0002 0005 BO OA ?ROC NEAR C2l: MOV AL,10 ; CALL CALL PRT - HEX DDS ; SET DATA SEGMENT [8 0000 £ £8 0000 E TEST THE C21A: 0008 FA 0009 OOOB BO 00 £6 21 0000 OOOF 0011 0013 0015 E6 EB E4 8A E4 0017 0019 001S CS:CODE OS:DATA POST2 LI NE FEED ON CRT IMR REG I STERS eLi TURN OFF INTERRUPTS SU IMIi 10 LERO MDV OUT OUT JMP IN MOV IN AL,O INTA01,AL I NTBD1, AL SHORT $+2 AL,INTAOT AH,AL AL, I NTBOl OA EO 75 2C OR JNZ AH,AL 0010 BO 25 E6 80 MOV OUT AL,25H MFG_PORT, AL ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO t NT 25 <><><><> DOlf aD?' BO FF E6 2' MOV OUT AL,OFFH tNTA01,AL ; ; Al 00 Zl to Al SEND TO 2ND I NT READ t MR SAVE RESULTS READ 2ND IMR BOTH IMR = O? GO TO ERR ROUTINE 06 D I SABLE DEV t CE WRITE TO IMR IF NOT 0 I NTERRU?TS Test 2 5-51 OUT JNP IN MOV 0023 0025 0027 0029 0028 [6 A 1 EB 00 [14 21 8A [0 Ell Al 0020 0030 05 1 75 15 IN oao ADD JNZ ; ----- CHECK I NTB01, AL SHORT $+2 AL, I NTA01 AH, AL AL,INTB01 WRITE TO 2ND 10 DELAY READ I MR SAVE RESULTS READ 2ND IMR AX,l ALL IMR BIT ON? NO - GO TO ERR ROUT I NE 06 FOR HOT IMR INTERRUPTS INTERRUPTS ARE MASKED OFF. CHECK THAT NO A2 006B R MDV IN fR ~FLAG,AL ; 0035 BO 26 E6 80 MDV OUT AL,26H MFG_PORT, AL ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 26 <><><><> rB ST I SUD Loor LOOP GI1P JZ a; Dr;: MDV MFG_ERR.JLAG,OSH Mav D6A: CALL SI,OFFSET E- MSG 0037 0039 003A 003C 003E 0040 0045 2B [2 £2 80 ·'4 0047 C6 06 0015 R 05 004C aO/IF 0052 0053 BE 0000 E8 0000 FA F4 C9 FE FE 011: 05: 3E OOGB R 00 00 eLi CLEAR INTERRUPTS OCCUR. 0032 I NTERfWPT FLAG ENABLE EXTErWAL INTERRUPTS WAIT 1 SEC FOR ANY INTRS THAT M I CHT OCCUR CX,CX 04 DID ANY INTERRUPTS OCCUR? NO - GO TO NEXT TEST I NTR _FLAG, OUfI 07 Ea <> <><> <> <><> <><><><> <><> <><> <><>CHECKPO I NT 5<><><><><><> D I SPLAY 101 ERROR HALT THE SYSTEM HLT ; -------CHECK THE CONVERT I NG LOG I C ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 27 <><><><> 0054 0056 80 27 E6 80 MOV OUT Al,27H MFG_PORT ,AL 0058 0050 005F 0061 0063 0065 0068 B8 AA)5 E7 82 E4 82 86 C4 EB 00 E4 83 3D 5SM 74 05 II,OV OUT IN XCJlG JMP IN CMP JZ AX,OAA551i MFG_PORT+2, AX AL, MFG_ PORT+2 AL,AH SHORT $+2 AL, MFG_PORT+3 AX, 55AAH 07 - A 006A 006D BE 0000 E EB EO MOV JMP SI ,OFFSET CM4_A D6A 006F 006F 0071 2/0. CO £6 80 OO~B 07: ;------- CHECK fOR HOT NMI SUB OUT AL,AL MfG_PORT,AL MDV OUT MDV LOOP MOV OUT IN WRITE A WORl) GET THE r I RST BYTE SAVE IT 10 DELAY GET THE SECOND BYTE IS I T OK? GO I F YES D I SPLAY 106 ERROR INTt:RRUPTS WITHOUT 10/RAM PARITY ENABLED SET FLAG TO ZERO SAVE IT TURN ON NM I 0073 0075 0077 007A 007e 007E 0080 0082 0084 0f 70 OOFF FE BO 8 F E6 "fa [I, 80 OA CO 74 U9 JZ AL,OFH CMOS .PORT, AL CX,OOFFH D7 B AL-;-8FH CMOS_PORT,AL AL, MFG_PORT AL,AL D7 - C 0086 0088 BO 28 E6 80 MOV OUT At., ?8H MrG _PORT,AL 008A 0080 BE 0000 £ £8 eo MOV JMP SI,OFFSET eM4 B D6A 0081 0091 0093 0095 009·, 0099 0098 BO ?9 [6 80 [It 61 8A EO EB 00 24 Fe E6 61 MOV OUT IN MOV ,IMP AND OUT AI.,2YH MFG_PO,QT,AL AL., PORT_B AfI,AL SHORT $+2 Al,OFCH POHT_B,AL 0090 OD9F DOAl 00A3 00A6 00A8 QOAA OOAC BO BO Mav E6 EB 68 E6 EB 8A [6 AL,101100006 r I MfR+3, AI SHORT $+2 AX,OAA55H T I M[R+2, AL SHORT $+2 AL,AH T I MER+2, AL SEL TIM 2,LSB,MSB,BINARY,MOOE 0 WRITF THE TIMER MODf RfG 10 DELAY I-/R I T[ AN AA55 WRITE TIMER 2 CNT - LSB 10 DELAY SIIORT $+2 AL, TIMER+2 AH,AL 10 DELAY GET THE L5B SAVE IT SHORT $+2 AL, T I MER+2 AX,OS5AAH 10 DELAY GET THE MSB BUS 01(7 GO I F OK BO E6 B9 E2 07 - Bo OR DELAY TURN OFr NM I ANY NMI? CONT 1 NUF I F NOT ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 28 <><><><> - DISPLAY 107 ERROR ;------- TEST THE DATA BUS TO TIMER 2 D7_C: OUT JMP MOV OUT JMP !"-IOV OUT 43 00 AA55 112 00 Gli 42 EB 00 E4 42 OOAE 0080 0082 86 F.O OOBII 00B6 0088 00B8 EB E4 3D 74 0080 OOCO BE 0000 E EB 80 00 112 55AA 05 D7~D I'10V JMP 51,OFFSET CM4 C D6A - TEST.18 8253 T I MER CHECKOUT OESCR I PT I ON VERIFY THAT THE SYSTEM TIMER (0) TOO FAST OR TOO SLOW. OOC2 OOC4 00C6 ooer OOC9 OOCB OOCD GoeF 0002 00D4 0006 OOOB 0009 BO E6 FA BO E6 BO E6 B9 MOV 80 our eLi AL, ZAH MFG_PORT,AL FE 21 MOV OUT 10 43 002C OUT MOV AL,OfEH INTA01,AL AL, 000 1 00008 T I M_CTL, AL CX,16H*2 07_0; 2A Eli 00 8A C 1 E6 40 FB F6 06 006B R 01 5·52 Test 2 r~ov 08: JMP 1'10V OUT STI TEST SHORT S+? AL,Cl TIMERO,AL INTR_fLAG,01H ; <><><><><><> <><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CH[CKPO I NT 29 <><><><> GET CURRENT SETT I NG OF PORT SAVE THAT SEll I NG 10 DELAY I N5Ur1E SP[AKER OFf Wf{ I 11:. I I MI:.R 2 eN r MSB DISPLAY 108 ERROR DOESN'T COUN, <><><> <><> <><><><><> <><> <><> <><><>CHECKPOINT 2A <><><><> MASK ALL I ~!TRS EXCEPT LVL 0 WR I TE THE 3259 I MR SEL TIM 0, LSB, MODE 0, BINARY 'r/R I TE T I MER CONTROL MODE REG SET PGM LOOP GNT 10 DELAY SET T I MER 0 CNT REG WRITE TIMER CNT REG a OOOE ODED 75 OD E2 F7 JNZ LOOP DO DB 00E2 C6 06 0017 K 02 MOV MFG_ERR_FLAG,02H 00E7 OOEA BE 0000 E £9 004 F R D8_A: ODED DOEF BO 28 E6 80 09: 00F1 00F2 00F4 00F6 00F8 OOFO OOFF 0101 0102 0107 0109 FA BlOC BO FF E6 40 C6 06 0068 R 00 BO FE E6 21 FB F6 06 0068 R 01 75 DE E2 F7 010B 2B C9 SUB CX,CX 0100 OlOF BO 2C E6 80 MOV OUT AL,2CH MFG_PORT ,AL 0111 0116 0118 F6 06 0068 R 01 7508 E2 F7 011A 0110 BE 0000 E E9 004F R MOV ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ;<><>TlMER CHECKPOINT {2l<> DISPLAY 102 ERROR TI MER 0 I NTR 0 I ON' T OCCUR - SI,OFFSET EO_A JMP 00. MOV AL,2BH MFG_PORT, AL OUT DID TIMER 0 INTERRUPT OCCUR"! YES - CHECK TIMER OP FOR SLOW TIME WAIT fOR INTR fOR SPECifiED TIME ell MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT 010: STI TEST JNZ LOOP ERR ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 28 <><><><> CL,12 AL,OFFH TIMERO,AL INTR FLAG,O AL,O'FEH INTA01,AL SET PGM LOOP CNT WR I TE TI MER 0 CNT REG I NTR_FLAG, 01 H DB A 010 DID TIMER 0 INTERRUPT OCCUR? YES - TIMER CNTING TOO FAST, ERR WAIT FOR INTR FOR SPECIFIED TIME RESET I NTR RECE I VEO FLAG REENABLE TI MER 0 I NTERRUTS ;------- WAIT fOR INTERRUPT all: ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 2C <><><><> a JNZ INTR fLAG,OlH 012 - LOOP 0" DID TIMER GO IF YES TRY AGAI N MOV JMP Sl,OffSET EO_B D6A OISPLAY 103 ERROR ERROR I F NOT TEST INTERRUPT OCCUR? SETUP TIMER 0 TO MODE 3 012: 0120 0121 0123 0125 0127 0129 012B 0120 012F 0131 FA BO £6 80 E6 EB BO E6 EB E6 FF 21 36 43 00 00 40 00 40 0133 0135 0137 0139 013B 0130 013F 2B BO £6 E4 A8 74 £2 C9 20 80 64 02 DB F8 0141 0144 BE 0000 E E9 004F R ell MOV OUT MOV OUT JMP Mav OUT JMP OUT AL, OfFH I NTA01,AL AL,36H T I MER+3, AL SHORT $+2 AL, a TIMER,AL SHORT $+2 TIMER,AL OISABLE ALL DEVICE INTERRUPTS SEL TIM O,LSB,MSB,MODE 3 WRITE TIMER MODE REG 10 DI:.LAY WRITE LSB TO TIMER 0 REG , 10 DELAY ; WRITE MSB TO TIMER 0 REG ============="'===================="'''' ; -------' CHECK 8042 fOR LAST COMMAND ACCEPTED =====:=======""====================;== 013: SUB Mav OUT IN TEST JZ LOOP ERROR CX, CX AL,2DH MfG_PORT, AL AL, STATUS_PORT AL,INPT_BUf_FULL E19 013 EXIT (MSG 105) MOV JMP Sl,OffSET CM4 D6A SET WA IT TI ME ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 20 <><><><> GET THE 8042 STATUS HAS THE LAST COMMAND BEEN ACCEPTED"! GO I F YES TRY AGAIN PR I NT 105 ERROR GO ERROR HALT TEST. 19 ADD I T IONAL READ/WR I TE STORAGE TEST ; ++++ MUST RUN I N PROTECTED MODE ++++ ; DESCR I PTI ON WRITE/READ DATA PATTERNS TO ANY READ/WRITE STORAGE AFTER THE fiRST 6111<. STORAGE ADDRESSAB III TY I S CHECKED. ASSUME OS: DATA CALL MOV OUT DDS AL,2FH MFG_PORT. AL ; SET DATA SEGMENT ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ;<><><>CHECKPOINT 2f <><><><> eMP JNE JMP RESET_fLAG,1234H E19A SHUT2 WARM START? ; GO If NOT ; GO TO NEXT TEST I f WARM START 0147 0147 014A 014C E8 0000 E BO 2F E6 80 E19: 014E 0154 0156 B1 3E 0072 R 1234 75 03 £9 0558 R 0159 0158 SO 30 £6 80 0150 015F 0161 0163 0165 BO E6 BO EB E6 0167 016A 016C BC 0000 8E 04 BC 8000 016F E8 0000 E CALL SYSINIT1 0172 0174 BO 31 E6 80 MOV OUT AL,31H MfG_PORT. AL 0176 0179 0178 0182 0188 0188 0180 B8 0008 BE CO 26: C7 06 005A 0000 26: C6 06 005C 00 BE 0058 8E 06 BC FFFD 0190 0193 B8 0018 8E 08 MOV MOV AX,RSDA]TR DS,AX POI NT TO DATA AREA 0195 BO 80 MOV AL, PRTY_CHK SET CHECK PAR I TY ; ------- SET SHUTDOWN RETURN 2 8F 70 02 00 71 E19A: MOV ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHfCKPO I NT 30 <><><><> OUT AL,3011 MFG_PORT, AL MOV OUT MDV JMP OUT AL, SHUT DOWN CMOS_PORT, AL AL,2 SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+l. AL ADDR FOR SHUTDOWN BYTE MOV sr, POST SS SS,SP SP, POST_SP SET STACK FOR SYSINITl MOV MOV SECOND ENTRY I NTO TABLE 10 DE-LAY GO ENABLE PROTECTED MODE ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I fiT 31 <><><><> ; ------- SET TEMPORY STACK MOV MOV MOV MOY MOV MOV MOV AX, GOT PTR ES,AX ES:SS_TEMP.BASE_LO_WORD,O BYTE PTR ES:(SS_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTEl,D SI, SS TEMP SS, SISP, MA)CSEG_LEN-2 ; ------- DATA SEGMENT TO SYSTEM DATA AREA Test 2 5-53 0197 SAVE WH I CH CHECK TO USE OUT E6 87 ; ------- PR I NT 64 K BYTES OK 0199 019C 0190 B8 0040 OlAO 01A2 01A4 01A6 01A8 BO E6 EB E4 01A9 OlAB OlAD OlAF 01B1 01B3 01B5 01B7 0169 OlBB OlaF Ole, olC5 ao E6 EB E4 86 BO E6 EO E4 8B 03 89 01C6 01C8 01CA OlCO A8 CO 74 03 E9 026E R OlCO OlCF 0101 0103 0105 0107 0109 010B 0100 OlOF 01£3 BO E6 EB E4 86 60 E6 EB E4 39 74 E20A: 50 E9 0347 R ; -------BE 70 00 71 E20B: I S CMOS GOOD? MOV OUT Jf1P IN PUSH 50 STARTl NG AMT. Of MEMORY OK SAVE MEMORY OK SIZE POST MESSAGE MOV PUSH JMP AL, DIAG STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l tv< DETERMINE THE CONDITION Of CMOS 10 DELAY GET THE CMOS STATUS SAVE CMOS STATUS ; ________ GET THE MEMORY SIZE DETERMINED (PREPARE BX FOR BAD CMOS) MDV B1 70 00 71 EO 80 70 00 71 lE 0013 R 08 lE 0017 R OUT JMP IN XCHG MDV OUT JMP IN MDV AOO MDV POP 58 TEST JZ JMP AL,M_SIZE_HI CMOS PORT ,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+1 AH,AL AL,M SIZE La CMOS=PORT-;-AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l BX, MEMORY _S I ZE BX,AX WORD PTR KB_FLAG, BX GfT THE HIGH BYTE 10 D[LAY IlIGH BYTE SAVE HIGH BYTE GfT LOW BYTE tv< 10 DELAY LOW BYTE PRE LOAD THE MEMORY SIZE SET TOTAL MEMORY SIZE SAVE THE TOTAL SIZE RESTORE CMOS STATUS AL,OCOH E20BO E20e CMOS OK? GO ! F YES DEFAULT I F NOT E20BO: ;- ___ ~~ __ GET THE BASE O->640K MEMORY SIZE FROM CONFIG IN CMOS MDV 96 70 00 71 EO 95 70 00 71 06 0013 R 1C OUT JMP IN XCHG MDV OUT JMP IN C~lP JZ AL,Ml_SIZE_HI CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l AH,AL AL,Ml_SIZE_LO CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS PORT+l M~MOKY _5 I ZE, AX E20B1 GfT THE HIGH BYTE 10 DELAY HIGH BYTE SAVE HIGH BYTE GET LOW BYTE 10 DELAY LOW BYTE IS MEMORY SIZE GREATER THAN CONFIG? GO I F EQUAL ;------- SET MEMERY SIZE DETERMINE NOT EQUAL TO CONFIG 01 £5 01E6 01E8 OlEA OlEC 01 EE 01F0 01F2 01F4 01F6 01F8 OHA onc OHD 0201 0203 0205 0208 020A 020C 020E 0210 0212 0214 0216 0218 021A 021C 021 E rUSH 50 BO E6 EB E4 OC 86 SO E6 86 f8 E6 Mav 8E 70 00 71 10 C4 8E 70 C4 00 71 OUT JMP IN OR XCHC MDV OUT XCHG JMP OUT 58 39 77 88 3D 72 BO E6 EB E'I DC 86 BO E6 86 EB E6 06 0013 R 6B 08 0201 16 B3 70 00 71 80 C4 63 70 04 00 71 [20B1: POP eMP JA MDV CfolI' JB MOV OUT JMP IN OR XeHC MDV OUT XCHG JMP OUT AX AL,DIAG_STATUS CMOS PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l AL,W MEM SIZE AH i):AG STATUS (.110S_PORT,AL AL,MI SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+1,AL AX MEMORY SIZE,AX E20e BX,AX AX,513 NO 6110 AL-;-INFO STATUS CMos_rORT,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+l AL,M640K Al,AH AL, I Nro STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+l,AL SAVE AX AODRESS THE STATUS BYTE 10 DELAY GET THE STATUS SET CMOS FLAG SAVE AL RESTORE AL 10 DELAY RESTORE AX IS MEMORY SIZE GREATER TiIAN CONfIG? DEFAULT TO MEM SIZE DET IF YES SET BASE MEMORY SIZE CHECK I F BASE RAM LESS 512K GO I F YES SET 640K BASE RAM BIT 10 DELAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS TURN ON 640K BIT I F NOT ALREAOY ON SAVE THE CURRENT DIAG STATUS ADOR THE STATUS BYTE RESTORE THE STATUS 10 DELAY ;-------- CHECK MEMORY SIZE ABOVE 640K FROM CONFIG NO~G40: 0220 0220 0222 0224 0226 0228 022A 022C 022E 0230 0232 80 E6 EB E4 86 80 E6 E8 E4 88 98 70 00 71 EO 97 70 00 71 C8 0234 0236 0238 023A 023C 023E 0240 0242 0244 BO E6 EB E4 86 80 E6 EB E4 B1 70 00 71 EO BO 70 00 71 0246 0248 3B C8 74 18 021~A 021~B 0240 024F 0251 0253 0255 0257 0259 025B 0250 025F 0261 >0 BO E6 EB E4 DC 86 60 E6 86 EB E6 8E 70 00 71 10 C4 8E 70 C4 00 71 58 0262 5-54 Test 2 GET THE HIGH BYTE MOV AL,M2 SIZE HI OUT CMOS PORT, AL 10 DELAY JM? SHORT $+2 HIGH BYTE IN AL,CMOS PORT+l SAVE HIGH BYTE XCHC AH,ALCET LOW BYTE MOV AL,M2 SIZE LO OUT CMOS PORT, Al JMP SHORT $+2 10 DELAY IN AL, CMOS_PORT+l LOW BYTE MOV CX,AX ; SAVE THE ABOVE 640K RAM SIZE ;------- ABOV[ 640K SIZE FROM MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE ;------- CX=CONFIG AX=MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE MOV Al,M_SIZE_H! GET THE HIGH BYTE OUT CMOS_PORT, AL 10 DELAY JMP SHORT $+2 HIGH BYTE IN AL, CMOS PORT+1 SAVE HIGH BYTE XCHG AH, AL GET LOW BYTE MOV AL,M SIZE LO OUT CMOS:=PORT-;-AL 10 DELAY JMP SHORT $+2 LOW BYTE IN AL,CMOS_PORT+l WHICH IS GREATER ; _______ AX=MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE CX=CONfIG (ABOVE 640) BX=SIZE (BELOW 640) CMP CX,AX ; IS CONFIG EQUAL TO DETERMINED? JZ SET _MEM1 ; GO I F EQUAL ; _______ SET MEMERY SIZE OETERMINE NOT EQUAL TO CONFIG PUSH AX SAVE AX MOV AL,DIAG_STATUS ADDRESS THE STATUS BYTE OUT CMOS PORT, AL 10 DELAY JMP SHORT $+2 GET THE STATUS :N AL,CMOS PORT+l SET CMOS FLAG OR AL, W_"U;-M_517f SAVE Al XeHG AL,AH MOV AL,DIAG STATUS OUT CMOS_PORT,AL RESTORE AL XCHG AL,AH 10 DELAY JMP SHORT $+2 OUT CMOS PORT+1, AL POP AXRESTORE AX j------- 0262 0264 0266 0268 0268 026A CMP JA MOV SET MEM: ADO - 38 C8 77 02 813 C8 03 09 89 1 E 0017 R MOV 026E 026E 0271 0273 0275 83 EB 40 0276 02·'9 B8 0008 B' E20C: E200: 06 D3 EB 53 eX,AX SET MEM IS CONFIG GREATER THAN DETERMINED? GO I f YES USE I~EMORY SIZE DETERMINE I F NOT BX,CX WORD PTR KB_FLAG, BX SeT TOTAL MEMORY SIZE eX,Ax SUB MOV SHR I3X,16*4 CL,U6H BX,CL PUSH OX SAVE TOTAL SIZE FOR LATER TEST I NC 1 ST 64K ALREADY DONE DIVI DE BY 54 SAVE COUNT OF 64K BLOCKS ;-------'MODIFY DESCRIPTOR TABLES ;-------'SE1 0273 26: AX,GDT_PTR ES,AX MOV MOV 8E CO C7 06 0048 rrrF MOV ;------- CPLO, 0282 26: c6 06 0040 93 ; MOV ES: ES_ T[MP. SEG_L I MIT, MAX_SEG_LEN DATA ACCI::SS RIGHTS BYTE PTR ES: (ES_ TEMP. OATA_ACC_,R I CHTS). CPLD_DATA_ACCESS ;------- START WITH SEGMENT 010000 0258 02aE 26: C6 06 OOI~C 00 26: G7 06 004A 0000 0295 26: MODI FY THE DESCRI PTER TABLE Tmp ES DESCRIPTOR G4K SEGMENT LIMIT MOV MOY (SECOND 64K) BYTE PTR ES:(ES_TEMP.8ASE_HI_BYTE),O ES: ES_ TEMP. BASE_LO_WORD, 0 ;-------'SET TEMP DS OI::SCRIPTOR 64K SEGMENT LIMlr C7 06 0060 FFFF MOV ;------- CPLO, 02':1C ;':6: C6 06 u06';> 93 MOV ES: OS_TEMP. SEG_LIMI T, MAX_SlG_LEN DATA ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE PTR ES:(DS_TEP,·' ;------- START WITH SEGMENT 010000 C6 06 006/-1 00 C7 06 0062 0000 02A2 02A8 26: 26: MOV MOV 02AF 02[31 02B3 02B5 0287 2A CO EG 85 ~OT E6 86 OUT FE CO E6 81~ OUT BYTE PTR ES:(OS_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),O ES: OS_TEMP. BASE_LO_WORD, 0 ;------- TEMPORARY SEGMENT SAVE SOB INC IN DMA PAGE REGISTER AL,AL OMA_PAGE+4,AL DMA PAGE+5,AL AL DMA_PAGE+3,AL ; ; ; ; HIGH BYTE OF LOW WORD OF SEGMENT LOW BYTE OF LOW WORO OF SEGMENT SET HIGH ByrE. OF SEGMENT WORD HIGH BYTE OF SEGMENT ;------- POINT TO NEXT BLOCK OF 32K WORDS 0289 02BC 0?[3[ 02C2 138 0008 £21 : BE 08 MOV MOV FE 06 0064 FE 06 004e INC INC AX, GOT_PTR ; PO I NT TO START OF OESCR TABLE OS,AX ; BYTE PTR DS;{DS TEMP. BASE HI BYTE) BYTE PTR DS:(ES::::TEMP.BASCHI::::BVTE) ;-------- CHECK FOR END OF 256K PLANAR RAM 02C6 02CB 02CO 02CE 0201 0203 02D6 02D7 02D9 020B 0200 80 3E 0064 04 72 'E CMP '2 .)13 PUSH MOV MaY MOY POP TEST JNZ MaY OUT BB 0018 BE DB AO 0012 R ,F AB '0 75 01, 80 40 E6 87 BYTE PTR OS: (OS_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),04H E21 0 GO IF STILL BA:SE RAM OS SAVE THE CURRENT DATA SEGMENT AX, RSDA_PTR POI NT TO POST DATA SFGMFNT OS,AX AL,MFG_TST GET THE JUMPER INFO OS RESTORE OS AL, BASE_RAM CHECK I F SECOND 256K ON BASE PLANAR E21 a GO IF YES AL, To CHK SET 10 CHANNEL CHECK TEST DMA_PAGE+6,AL ;------- CHECK END 02DF 02E1 02[3 02[5 80 03 E6 70 [8 00 E4 71 02E7 02EC 80 3E 0064 08 72 08 E21_0: HOV OUT JMP IN ;-------- CHECK CMP JB or 86 C4 XCHG BO 40 MOV E6 8f 86 C4 OUT XCHG 02F6 02F8 A8 80 74 OA 02FA 02FF 0301 8D 3[ 0064 OA 75 EB 08 90 030 11 80 3E 0064 08 0309 7'5 OA SET 6401< [lASE HAM BIT ; ; FOR FND OF 512K PLANAR RAM 10 CHECK Al,AH AL, 10__ CHK DMA PAGE +6, Al AL,AH ;------- CHECK FOR 640K BASE RAM (128K SAVE AL RES rORE AL 10 CARD) ; ; C~lP '" .)NZ JMP 10 DELAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS BYTE PTR DS:(DS TEMP. BASE HI BYTE),08fi E12_A -GO-IF STILL BASE RAM ; ------- SET USE TEST 02EF. O?FO 02F2 02F4 FIRST 516K OR 640K (END OF BASE RAM) At, INFO_STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT +1 IS 640K BASE GO I F NO INSTALLED? BYTE PTR OS: (OS_TEMP. BASCHI_BYTE) ,OAH NEXTl E12_C ; CONTINUE BYTE PTR OS: ( OS_TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE), 08H 1'1 !:.XT 1 ;------- DO ADDITIONAL STORAGE ABOVE 1 MEG 0303 0310 CG 06 006i~ 10 CG 06 V04C 10 BYTE PTR DS:(DS TEMP.BAS[ HI 13YTE),lDH BYTE PTR OS: (ES::::TEMP.BASE:::H(_ BYTE), lOH ;------- SAVE BASE HI 031 ) 0318 AO 00611 031A 031F 0321 80 3£ 004e FE £6 81~ NEXTl: MOV OUT BYTE IN OMA PAGE REGISTERS 3 Al,BYTE PTR os: (OS_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE) DMA PAGE+3.AL ; SAVE THE HIGH BYTE OF SEGMENT .; FOR POS I BLE ERROR ;------- CHECK fOR TOP Of RAM (FEOOaO) 75 03 EB 66 90 CMP JNZ JMP 16MEG BYTE PTR DS:(ES TEMP. BASE HI BYTE),OFEH ; NEXT ;-GO-IF NOT KB_LOOP3 ; GO NEXT TES--;- TOP OF RAM? ; ------- SET ES AND OS REG I STERS Test 2 5-55 032'1 0327 0329 032C B8 BE B8 8E 0060 NEXT: MOV AX, OS TEMP OS, AXAX, ES_TEMP ES,AX MOV OUT AL,31H MFG_PORT, AL MOV CX,2000H*4 STGTST CNT N1 E21A CX AX MOV MOV MOV 08 0048 CO 032E 0330 80 31 0332 0335 0338 033A 0330 033E B9 E8 74 E9 033 F 0341 2B FF AB SUB STOSW OI,OJ 0342 0345 0346 05 0040 50 51 ADO PUSH PUSH AX, 16*4 AX 0347 0347 0348 B6 OODA 0346 034E 69 0005 2B FF E6 80 8000 0000 E 03 0470 R CALL JZ JMP POP eop N1 : 59 58 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 31 <><><><> SET COUNT FOR 32K WORDS CONTINUE I F OK GO PR I NT ERROR POP CX TO GET AX RECOVER TESTED MEMORY ; _______ WRITE THE CURRENT SIZE FOR (ADDRESS LINE 23-17 TEST) USED LATER 035A 0350 0350 035E 0361 0362 0364 0367 036A 036A 0360 036E 0371 0372 0374 0375 0378 037A 0370 0370 037E 037F 0381 0384 0384 0385 0386 SAVE TESTED MEr10RY SAVE LOOP COUNT ex PRT_SIZ: 50 03~0 0350 0352 0354 0357 0358 PO) NT TO BEG I N I NG OR A BLOCK WRITE THE CURRENT SIZE AT THE STARTING ADDRESS 33 02 F7 F3 80 CA 30 52 E2 F6 B9 0005 58 E8 0000 E 47 E2 F9 B9 0006 BE 0000 E 2E: 8A 04 46 E8 0000 E 47 E2 F6 58 3D 0040 75 03 E9 01AO R PU~H AX MOV BX,10 CONVERT AND SAVE CX,5 I.,OV SUB 01,01 DECIMAL LOOP: -XOR OX, OX DIV BX OR DL,30H PUSH DX LOOP OECIMAL LOOP DISPLAY LAST 6ii: MEMORY MOV CX,5 PRT DEC LOOP: -POP AX PROT_PRT_HEX CALL 01 INC PRT DEC LOOP LOOP CX,6 MOV SI,OFFSET F3B MOV KB LOOP; MOV AL,CS:ISlj INC 51 CALL PROCPRT_HEX INe 01 LOOP KB_LOOP eoe AX AX, 16*4 eMe KB LOOP1 JNZ E20B JMe KB LOOPl: 59 58 eoe eop E2 03 EB 06 90 JMe LOOP KB LOOP2: PUSH PUSH 50 51 JMe E9 0289 R SET DEC I MAL CONVERT OF 5 NIBBLES XX,XXx KB CRT BU FFER POS I T ION DIVIDE BY 10 MAKE INTO ASC I I SAVE RECOVER A NUMBER PO I NT TO CRT OUfF PRINT KB OK' I NCREMENT BUFF PTR RECOVER WORK REGS ~ I KS-I PASS? GO I F NOT ex RECOVER 64K BLOCK COUNT AX KG_LOOP2 KB_LOOP3 LOOP TilL ALL MEM. CONT I NUE CHECKED AX ex SAVE LOOP COUNT LOOP TILL ALL MEM CHECKED £21 KB_LOOP3: 0389 """''''=====:=====:::-=:====='''''' ; -------. ADDRESS LINE 16-23 TEST 0=============="'======== ; ------- CALCULATE NUMBER OF 0389 88 0040 03ac 50 64K BLOCKS MOV PUSH AX,64 AX START AT SECUO 64K SAVE START I NG AQOR AX, RSDA PTR DS,AX - GET THE MEMORY SIZE CET THE TOTAL MEMORY SIZE KB FLAG USED AS TEMP STORAGE START AT SECOND 64K BOUNDRY DIVIDE BY 64K 0380 0390 B8 0018 BE 08 MOV MOV 0392 88 1E 0017 R MOV 6X, WORD PTR KB_FLAG 0396 0399 0396 0390 83 EB 40 B1 06 SUB MOV SHR BX,64 CL,06H BX,CL f>USH UX 03 EB 53 ;------- 039E 03A1 03A3 03A9 68 0008 BE eo 26: C6 06 0064 00 26: C7 06 0062 0000 03BO 03B2 0364 0366 0368 2A E6 E6 BO E6 SAVE LOOP COUNT INITIALIZE OS DESCRIPTOR MOV MOV MOV MOV ;------- TEMPORARY SEGMENT SAVE CO 85 SUB OUT 86 OUT MOV OUT 01 84 IN DMA PAGE REGISTER AL,AL DMA_PAGE+4.AL OMA_PAGE+5,AL AL,01H DMA_PAGE+3,AL HIGH BYTE OF LOW WORD OF SEGMENT LOW BYTE OF LOW WORD OF SEGMENT SET HIGH BYTE OF SEGMENT WORD HIGH BYTE OF SEGMENT ;------- POINT TO NEXT BLOCK OF 64K E21_A: 03BA 03BA 03BC 03B£ BO 33 E6 80 26: 80 06 0064 01 MOV OUT ADD AL,33H . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MFG_PORT,AL :<><><>CHECKPOINT 33 BYTE PTR ES:(OS_TEMP.BASCHI_BYTEl.Ol ;------- CHECK END OF FIRST 516K OR 640K (END OF BASE RAM) 03C4 03C6 03C8 03CA 03CC 03CE MOV OUT JMP BO 83 E6 70 EB [4 A8 74 00 71 80 OB IN TEST JZ AL, INFO STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS PORT+l Al, M640K NEXT_A1 SET 640K BASE RAM BIT 10 DELAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS CHECK FOR 6ll0K BASE RAM GO I r ONLY 512K ;-------- CHECK FOR END OF 512K PLANAR RAM 0300 0306 0308 030B 03E1 26: 80 3E 0064 OA 75 15 EB 09 90 26: 80 3E 0064 08 75 OA 5-56 Test 2 eMP JNZ JMP NEXT Al:CMP JNZ BYTE PTR ES: (OS_TEMP. BASCH I_BYTEj ,OAtl NEXT A ; GO IF STILL BASE RAM NEXT=A2 ; BYTE PfR ES:(OS_T£MP.BASE_HI_BYTE)~OBH NEXT_A ;------- DO ADDITIONAL STORAGE ABOVE 1 MEG 03[3 26: C6 06 0064 10 NEXT _A2: MOV BYTE PTR ES: (DS_TEMP. BASE_H I_BYTE), 10H ; ------- SET USE TEST 10 CHECK 03E9 03£6 BO flO MOV E6 87 OUT AL, 10 CHK DMA_PAGE+6,AL 03EO 26: MOV AL,BYTE PTR ES:(OS_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE) AO 0064 NEXT_A: ; ------- OMA PAGE REG I STERS 3 ; ; OUT 03fl (6 84 0:H3 03F9 03F6 26: 80 3E 0064 FE 75 03 EB 79 90 03fE 0401 01103 0405 0407 0409 040B 0400 B8 8E 2B 8B 86 8B 2B 89 040r 0411 0 1113 0 1114 0415 0 1116 0 1\17 0419 2B C9 £2 FE ;------- CHECK FOR TOP OF RAM (FEOQOO) CMP JNZ JMP SAVE THE HIGH BYTE OF SEGMENT FOR POS I BLE ERROR 16MEG BYTE PTR ES:(OS_TEMP.BASE_Hl_BYTE).OFEH NEXT B ; GO IF NOT KB_LOOP _3 ; GO NEXT TEST ; TOP OF RAM? ;------- SET OS REGISTER Ol~ 1B 0410 041E 0111 F OJ~22 0423 0424 0425 NEXT_B: MOV AX, OS TEMP MOV OS, AXSUB 01,01 MOV AX,DS:[OI] MOY OX, AX MOY SI,DI SUB AX,AX MOY OS;[DI],AX ;------- ALLOW CRT TIME TO DISPLAY MSG SUB CX,CX Z2: LOOP Z2 POP ex POP AX PUSH AX PUSH CX eMP AX,DX MOV AX, OX JNZ E21A POP CX AX POP AOD AX,64 PUSH AX PUSH 0060 08 ff 05 DO f7 CO 05 59 58 50 51 3B C2 86 C2 75 60 59 58 05 0040 50 51 PO I NT TO START OF BLOCK GET THE VALUE OF TH I S BLOCK SAVE SET 51 FOR POSSIBLE ERROR CLEAR RAM LOCAT I ON GET THE LOOP COUNT RECOYER rESTED r.,EMORY SAVE TESTED MEMORY SAVE LOOP COUNT DOES THE 13LOCK I D MATCH GET THE BLOCK ID fOR POSSIBLE [RROR GO PR I NT ERROR POP ex TO GET AX RECOVER TESTEO MEMORY 64K INCREMENTS SAVE TESTED MFMORY SAVE LOOP COUNT ex PUSH MOV 50 BB OOOA AX SET DEC IMAL CONVERT BX,10 ; ------- CONVERT AND SAVE 0428 042B 042D 0420 042F 01~31 B9 0005 2B FF 33 02 F7 F3 80 CA 30 0431.1 0435 52 0437 043A 043A 0438 043£ 043f 04 111 0111111 0!147 011117 044A 01148 OIIIjE 04ljf 0451 0452 0 1153 01j54 B9 0005 E2 F6 58 E8 0000 ,,7 KB DIVIDE BY 10 MAKE INTO ASC I I SAVE ex,s E E2 F9 B9 0006 BE 0000 E 2E: OF 5 NI BBlES XX,XXX CRT BUFFER PGSITION MOY CX,5 SUB 01,01 DEC LOOP: XOR OX, OX DIV BX OR DL,30H PUSt! OX LOOP DEC LOOP ; - - - - - - - 0 I SPLAY LAST OK MEMORY MOV PRT_DEC: POP AX CALL PROT_PRT_HEX INC DI PRT_DEC LOOP ~lOY eX,6 SI,OfFSET F3B MOV KB LOOP 1; -MOY AL,CS:(Sll INC 51 CALL PROT PRT HEX DI INC KB LOOP 1 LOOP AXPOP POP CX POP AX LOOP KB_lOOP _2 8A 04 46 E8 0000 E 47 E2 F6 58 59 58 E2 1B RECOVER A NUMBER POINT TO CRT BUFF PRINT' KB OK' I NCR(MENT BU F F PTR RECOVER WORK REGS RECOVER 64K BLOCK COUNT LOOP T ILL ALL MEM. CHECKED ; -------- CHECK PAR I TY 0456 0458 01j5A 01j5C 045F 0460 0462 01l61j 0466 0468 01j6A 01j6C E6 86 E6 E4 24 86 E4 22 E4 86 l4 75 046E 01171 0 1171 01172 EB 06 90 0473 OUT XCHG OUT IN ANa XCHG IN AND IN XCHG IN JNZ 89 CIj 8A 61 CO C4 87 EO 8A C4 8':1 Of 50 51 JMP KB_LOOP_2: PUSH PUSH JMP E9 03BA R SAVE AX DMA_PAGE+8, AL AL,AH DMA_PAGE+9,AL AL, PORT B AL, PARITY ERR AL, AH AL,DMA_PAGE+6 AH, AL AL,OMA_PAGE+9 AL,AH Al,DMA PAGE+8 E21A- CHECK FOR 10 OR PAR CHECK STRI P UNWANTED BITS SAVE ERROR CHECK FOR RjW OR 10 ERR RESTORE AX GO AX ex £21 I F PAR J TY ERROR CONT I NUE KB_LOOP_3 SAVE LOOP COUNT CONTINUE TilL DONE A ; ------- BACK TO REAL MODE KB_LOOP_3: 01176 0476 0478 BO 31l E6 80 MOV OUT AL,34H MFG_PORT ,AL ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 34 <><><><> 041A [9 0000 E JMP PROG_SHUTDOWN ; ; BACK TO REAL MODE NEXT TEST VIA JUMP TABLE (SHUT2) PRINT FAILING ADDRESS AND XOR'ED PATTERN IF OATA COMPARE ERROR USE OMA PAGE REGISTERS AS TEMPORY SAVE AREA FOR ERROR SET SHUTDOWN 3 0470 047F 0481 0483 0485 0487 0489 048B 0480 E6 8A EB E6 8B E6 86 EB E6 82 C4 00 83 C6 86 EO 00 85 E21A: OUT MOV JMP OUT MOV OUT XCHG JMP OUT OMA PAGE+l,AL Al,AH SHORT $+2 DMA_PAGE+2,AL AX,SI DMA_PAGE+5,AL AH,AL SHORT $+2 DMA_PAGE+4, AL SAVE FAILING BIT PATTERN (LOW BYTE) SAVE HIGH BYTE 10 DELAY GET THE FAI:"ING OFFSET I 0 DELAY Test 2 5-57 ; ------- CLEAR lOCH CHK OR R!W PAR CHK 048F 0491 0492 0494 0496 0/~98 049A SUB 2B r6 E4 DC EB E6 24 SI,SI WRITE TO FAILING BLOCK STOSW AB IN 61 DC 00 61 F3 01~9C EIJ 00 049E E6 61 OR JMP OUT AND JMP OUT AL, PORT_B AL, RAM PAR OFF SHORT S+2 PORT B,AL AL. RAM PAR ON SHORT S+2 PORT_B.AL TOGGLE IOjPAR CHECK ENABLE 10 DELAY 10 DELAY ;-------; ~~~=~~~~~~=~7~~ a/lAO 04A3 :-"'''''''===;======== AX, RSQA_PTR OS,AX SET THE DATA SEGMENT I N PROTECTED MODE MOV B8 0018 8E 08 MOY ;------- GET THE DIAG_STATUS FROM CMOS 04A5 04A7 04A9 04AS 04AD BO E6 EB E4 8A 8E 70 00 71 08 MOV OUT JMP 04Ar 04a1 04B3 0485 04B7 BO E6 EB E4 8A B3 70 00 MOV OUl JMP 71 F8 MOV 04B9 04BA 04B8 59 58 IN MOV IN AL,DIAG STATUS CMOS_PORT, Al SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l BL,AL SAVE THE STATUS BYTE AL, INfO_STATUS CMOS_PORT ,AL SHORT $+2 AL.CMOS_PORT+l BH,AL SAVE THE STATUS BYTE 10 DELAY 10 DELAY ; ------- GET THE LAST OF GOOD MEMORY PDP POP MOV 88 C8 ex AX GET THE LAST OF GOOD MEMORY CX,AX SAVE IT ;------- BELOW S12K? 0480 04CO 3D 0200 eMP AX,S12 72 39 JB M3 04C2 04C5 3D 0280 7211 LAST GOOD MEMORY BELOW 512K? GO If YES ; ----~-- BELOW 640K? eMP AX, 640 JB M1 LAST GOOD MEMDRY BELOW 61.j.0K? GO I F YES ; ------- 640K UP ERROR C7 80 06 0200 or 90 0260 09 90 04C7 04CA 04CC OIICF 0402 0405 F6 75 20 EB 20 E8 0408 F6 C7 80 75 1E 20 0200 M1: 04EO 04£2 04E4 04E6 04£8 04EA a4EC 04EE 04FO OllF2 04F4 04F6 04FB 88 BO E6 8A [B M2: 04fB A3 0013 R MO; TEST JNZ SUB JMP SUB JMP I S BASE RAM 640K BH,M640K MO AX,512 M2 AX,640 M2 512K BASE RA!-'I 640K BASE RAM ; ------- 512K TD 640K ERROR 01~08 0400 C8 81 70 C5 00 [6 71 TEST BH,M640K JNZ M3 SUB AX,512 ;------- WRITE SIZE TO CMOS our MOV JMP OUT MOV JMP OUT JMP BO BO EB E6 8A EB E6 EB MOV MOV OUT MOV JM' 00 70 Cl 00 71 04 90 ; ~--~--- M3: I S BASE RAM 640K? GO I F YES STR I P BASE RAM FROM 10 RAM CX,AX AL,M_SIZE_HI CMOS_PORT, AL AL,CH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+1,AL AL.M SIZE LO SHORT $+2CMOS PORT, AL AL,C[ SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+1,AL SAVE ADJUSTED MEMORY SIZE GET THE HIGH BYTE MEMORY SIZE 10 DELAY WRITE IT UO THE lOW BYTE GET THE LOW BYTE 10 DELAY WRIlE IT CONT I NUE M4 SET BASE MEMORY SIZE TO INDICATE HOW MUCH MEM WORKING MOV ; ------- SET SHUTDOWN 3 04FE 0500 0502 0504 0506 BO E6 60 EB E6 8F 70 03 00 71 0508 E9 0000 E MOV OUT MOV JMP OUT AOOR FOR SHUTDOWN RETURN AL , SHUT_DOWN CMOS PORT, Al AL.3SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+l,AL SET RETURN 3 10 DELAY ; ------- SHUTDOWN JMP PROC_SHUTDOWN PACE ; ------- ENTRY 3 FROM PROCESSOR SHUTDOWN MEMORY mROR REPORT I NG DESCRIPTION FOR ERRORS 201(CMP ERROR or PARITY) or 202(ADDRESS LINE 0-15 ERROR) RjW MEMORY ERRORS WILL BE R[PORH.D AS taLLOWS MBBCC DDEE 201(or 202) AA=HIGH BYTE OF 24 BIT ADDRESS BB=MIDDLE BYTE OF 24 BIT ADDRESS CC=LOW BYTE OF 24 B IT ADDRESS DD=HIGH BYTE OF XOR FAILING BIT PATTERN [["'LOW BYTE OF XOR FAILING BIT PATTERN DESCR I PT I ON fOR ERROR 202 (ADDRESS A WORD Of rFrr IS WR I TTEN AT OF EACH 64K BLOCK WITH ZEROS BLOCK. A SCAN OF THE BLOCK 0-15 ARE FUNCTIONING. LINE 00- 1 5) THE FIRST WORD AND LAST WORD AT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS OF THE I S MADE TO I NSURE ADDRESS LI NE DESCRI PTION FOR ERROR 203 (ADDRESS LINE 16-23) AT THE LAST PASS Of THE STORAGE TEST, FOR EACH BLOCK OF 64K, THE CURRENT STORAGE SIZE (ID) IS WRITTEN AT THE FIRST WORD Of EACH BLOCK. IT IS USED TO DETERMINE ADDRESSING FAILURES. AABBCC DOEE 203 SAME AS ABOVE EXCEPT fOR DOEE 5-58 Test 2 GENERAL DESCR I PT I ON FOR BLOCK I D (DDEE WILL NOW cornA I NT THE 10) DD=H I GH BYTE Of BLOCK I D EE=LOW BYTE OF BLOCK I D BLOCK 0000 0040 ADDRESS RANGF 000000 --> OOFFFF 010000 --> 01 FFFF 10 II 090000 --> 09FFFF 1512->576K) IF 640K BASE 100000 --> lQFFFF (1024->10881<) IF 512K BASE 0200 EXAMPLE 1640K BASE RAM + 5121< 10 RAM = 1152K TOTAL} NOTE: THE CORRECT BLOCK 10 FOR THIS FAILURE IS 0280 HEX. DUE TO AN ADDRESS FAILUE THE BLOCK ID+128K OVERLAYED THE CORRECT BLOCK 10. 006401< OK <-- LAST OK MEMORY 10000 0300 202 <-- ERROR DUE TO ADDRESS FAI LURE DMA PAGE REG I SHRS ARE USED AS TEMPORARY SAVE AREAS FOR SEGMENT ; 050R 050E "" ---- R OESCR! PTER VALUES. ------------- - -------------- ----------------------------- ---------- SHUT3; MOV MOV BE 08 ; ------- SET REAL MODE DATA SEGMENT AX,DATA OS,AX I NIT AND SET MFG ERROR CLEAR FLAG 0510 C6 06 0016 R 00 MOV MFG~ERR_FLAG+l, 0515 80 DE 0016 R 01 OR MFG_ERR_FLAG+1 ,MEM_FAI L ; <><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><> MEMORY FA I LEO<><><><><><> 051A 051C 05H 0521 0524 0526 BO 00 0000 E MOV GAll MOV CALL AL,13 PRT HEX AL, To PRT HEX AL,DMA_PAGE+3 XPC_BYTE CARRAGE RETURN E8 BO E8 E4 E8 AL, DMA_PAGE +4 XPG BYTE AL, DMA_PAGE +5 XPC BYTE Al T , PRT HEX Al,DMA_PAGE+2 XPC_BYTE AL, DMA_PAGE +1 XPC_BYTE G[T THE MIDDLE BYTE OF 2/1 0529 052B 052E 0530 0533 0535 0538 053A 0530 053F E4 E8 E4 E8 BO £8 E4 E8 E4 E8 OA 0000 E 84 0000 E 85 0000 86 0000 20 0000 83 0000 82 0000 IN CALL IN CALL IN CALL MOV CALL E E E IN CALL IN GALL E E 0 GET THE H! GH BYTE OF 24 BIT ADDRESS CONVERT AND PR I NT CODE CHECKPO I NT OD->FE BIT ADDRESS GET THE LOW' BYTE OF 24 BIT ADDRESS SPACE TO MESSAGE GET HIGH BYTE FAILING BIT PATTERN CONVERT AND PR I NT CODE GET LOW BYTE FAI LI NG BIT PATTERN CONVERT AND PR I NT CODE ; -------- CHECK FOR ADDRESS ERROR 0542 0544 0546 0549 0546 054E 0550 0552 0555 E4 3C BE 74 BE 3C 74 BE E8 IN 80 33 0000 OA 0000 32 03 0000 0000 CMP MOV JZ MOV E E CMP E [ ERR2: JZ MOV CALL AL, MFG_PORT AL,33H SI,OFFSET AOERR ERR2 SI,OFFSET ADERR1 AL,32H ERR2 SI,OFFSET E1 E_MSG GET THE CHECKPOINT IS IT AN ADDRESS FA!LURE? PRELOAO ADDRESS ERROR 16->23 GO I F YES PRELOAD ADDRESS ERROR 00->15 GO If YES SETUP ADDRESS OF ERROR MSG PR I NT ERROR MSG ; ------- ENTRY FROM SHUTDOWN SHUT2: 0558 TEST.20 ADD I T I ONAL PROTECTED (V I RTUAL MODE) TEST OESCR I PT I ON THE PROCESSOR I S PUT I N PROTECTED MODE AND THE FOLLOW I NG FUNCT IONS ARE VER I F I ED 1. VERI FY PROTECTED MODE THE MACH I NE STATUS I S CHECK FOR V I RTUAL MODE PROGRAMMED I NTERRU PT TEST AN PROGRAMMED INTERRUPT 32 IS ISSUED AND AND VER I F I [0 3. EXCEPTION INT 13 TEST A DESCR I PTOR SEGMENT LIM I TIS SET TO ZERO AND A WRITE TO THAT SEGMENT IS ATTEMPTED AN EXCEPT!ON 13 IS EXPECTED AND VERIFIED 4. LOT/SOT LTR/STR TEST LOAD LOT REGISTER AND VERI FY CORRECT LOAD TASK REG I SHR AND VER I FY CORRECT THEY ARE VERIFIED VIA THE STORE INSTRUCTION S. THE CONTROL FLAGS Of THE 286 FOR DIRECTION ARE VERIFIED VIA THE STD AND CLO COMMANDS I N PRO I ECTED MODE 6. BOUND ! NSTRUCT ION TEST ([XC I NT 5) CREATE A SIGNED ARRAY INDEX W!TH!N AND OUTSIDE THE LIMITS. CHECK THAT NO EXC INT I F WITHIN LIMIT AND THAT AN EXC INT 5 OCCURS IF OUTSIDE THE LIMITS. 7. PUSH ALL POP ALL TEST SET ALL GENERAL PURPOSE REGS TO O! FFERENT VALUES ! SSUE A PUSH ALL, CLEAR THE REGS I SSUE A POP ALL AND VER I FY CORRECT. 8. CHECK THE VERRjVERW INSTRUCTIONS THE ACCESS BYTE IS SET TO READ ONLY THEN TO A WR! TE ONLY AND THE VERR/VERW I NST ARE VERLFIED. 9. CAUSE AN INTERRUPT 13 VIA A WRITE TO A READ ONLY SEGMENT 10. VER I FY THE ARPL 1NSTRUCT I ON FUNGT LONS SET THE RPL f I ELO OF A SELECTOR AND VERIFY THAT CURRENT SELECTOR RPL IS SET CORRECTLY. 11. VER I FY THE LAR I NSTRUCT I ON FUNCT IONS 12. VER I FY THE LSL I NSTRUCT I 0111 fUNCT! ONS 13. LOW MEG CH I P SELECT TEST 2. 0558 JMP E9 0000 [ POST7 GO TEST THE 286 PROTECTED MODE ;-------- FAILURE ENTRY fROM A SHUTDOWN 055B 055E 0560 0562 0565 0567 E8 E4 3C BE 74 BE 0000 E 80 35 0000 E OE 0000 E 056A 80 DE 0016 R 02 SHun: CALL IN SHUT7A: DDS ESTABL! SH THE DATA SEGMENT CHECK FOR CH I P SELECT ERROR MOV JZ MOV AL, MFG PORT Al,35HSI,OFFSET CM4_D SHUT7B SI ,OFFSET VIR_ERR OR MfG_ERR_FLAG+1 , PRO_fA I L ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> eMP PR I NT ERROR 109 GO IF NOT PROTECTED MODE fA I LED Test 2 5-59 ;<><> VIRTUAL MODE FA!LED<><><> 056F 0512 0575 [8 0000 E EB 09 90 E8 0000 E 0578 80 DE 0016 R 04 0570 0')80 0582 E8 28 A3 89 SHuns: 0585 0588 058B 0:"88 0580 O'-,flF 2A CO E[ II? 058F E2 F/\ SHur6: BO 35 0595 059A 059C 059F 05A4 05A6 05A9 05AB 05AD 05AE 0581\ 05136 058B 05130 05HF 05C2 05C4 F6 06 0012 R 20 75 03 E9 0651 R 80 3E 0072 R 64 75 03 £9 0651 R BO 36 E6 80 MfG_ERR_FLAG+ 1, LMCS_fA I l_,; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><> LOW MEG CH I P SELECT <><> 05C., 05C9 OSCB 05CD 05CF 0502 0504 0506 0509 05DC OSDE 05EO 05£2 05E7 05EA O~ED 05FO 05F2 D5F4 05F6 05F9 CALL C~1P F7_B: MOV JNZ JMP OUT eMP MOV CALL MOV LOOP1: CALL JNZ CF GlO: DEC BH LOOP1 o I SABLE KEYBOARD AL, D I S_KBO C8042 FLUSH AL, PORT A AL, KYBo-CLK DATA GET THE CLOCK AND DATA lINLS C8042 'riAl T FOR OUTPUT BUFFER FULL OBF 112 GET THE RESULTS AL, PORT A AL, KYBD-ClK KEYBOARD CLOCK MUST BE LOW G11 MFG_ERR_FLAG+l ,KYCLK_FA I L; <><><><><><><><::'<><><><><><> ; <><> KEYBOAKD CLOCK III GH<><><> ; [) I SPLAY 304 ERR.OR SI,OFFSET Fl_B ; REPORT ERROR f6D ; I SSU[ RESET TO KEYBRD KBD RESET F6 ; PRINT ERR MSG IF NO INTERRUPT ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> AL,37H ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 37 <><><><> MFG_PORT,AL ; SCAN CODE AS EXPECTED? BL,OAAH ; NO - D! SPLAY ERROR MSG F6 CALL CALL IN TEST JZ OR 01 DB DE 0016 R 08 Gll: 28 80 37 £6 80 80 rI3 AA 75 ; SOfT RESET? RESET_FLAG,1234H G10 BYTE PTR RESET FLAG,OAAH ; CHECK FOR AA ALREADY REC I EYED Gl0 ~ GOIFYES AL, ENA KBO C80!~2 I:.NABLE KEYBOARD TRY l~ TIMES BH,4 CHECK FOR OUTPUT BUFfER FlJLL OBF 42 G10~ GO I F BUFFER FULL JNZ MOV CALL IN MOV 60 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPOI NT 35 <><><><> ; MANUFACTURING BURN IN TEST MODE? MFG TST, LOOP POST F7_A F7 ; YES - SK I P KEYBOAHD TEST BYTE PTR RESET_FLAG,064H ; MANUFACUTRING RUN IN MODE? 1'7 B F7; YES - SK I P KEYBOARD TEST ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> AL,36H ; <><><>CHECKPO! NT 36 <><><><> MFG_PORl, AL JMP OL~ 0000 [ 62 90 0000 E PAGE REGS TEST JNZ Fl_A: JZ eMP JZ BE EB E8 £3 CLEAR AL,35H MFG_PORT, AL 74 80 7 1i BO £8 B7 £8 75 FE 75 80 F7 PROl [CTEO MODI:: TEST PASS[Q CLEAR KEYBOARD STATE FLAGS WORD PTR K8 fLAG, AX CX,OtH DX,OMA_PAGE+l MOV OUT eLi AD 0000 £ 60 EO 0000 E 0000 E TEST PASSED ENTRY FROM A SHUTDOWN TEST.21 KEYBOARD TEST oESCRI PllON RESET THE KEYBOARD AND CHECK THAT SCAN CODE -M' IS RETURNED TO THE CPU. CHECK FOR STUCK KEYS. FA 81 3[ 0072 R 1234 [8 £4 BO E8 £8 Eli A8 74 80 r~ODE DDS AX,AX CLR LOOP: SUB OUT INC: LOOP £6 80 17 3E 0072 R AA 10 AE 0000 E 04 0000 E PRINT MSG OR SUB MOV MOV MOV ; ; 0591 0593 PRINT MSG ; E ~~SG SHUTG E,_MSG ;-------- PROTECTED 0000 E CO 00 I 7 R OOOE SA 0082 ; CALL .JMP CALL 1F CHECK FOR STUCK KEYS 05FB 05FD BO 38 E6 80 MOV OUT OSFF 0601 0604 0606 0608 060A MOV a60c BO E8 2B E2 Ell A8 74 OGOE 0610 AE 0000 E C9 FE AL, ENA_ KBD C8042 ex,cx ASSURE KYBOARO ENABLED ISSUE THE COMMAND SUB I_OOP F5 IN AL, STATUS_ PORT AL,OUT_BUF_FULL DELAY FOR A \-!H I LE CHECK FOR STUCK KEYS OUT BUFfCR FULL? CONT I NUE TEST I NG YES CALL f5: 611 01 43 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 3B <><><><> AL,3811 Mfe _PORT, AL TEST - JE F7 BO 3') E6 80 MOV OUT AL,39H MFG _POfn,AL ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>OiECKPO I NT 39 <><><><> 0612 0614 0617 E4 60 E8 0000 E EB 20 90 IN CALL AL, PORT_A XPC_ BYTE F6e ; ; a61A 061 B 0610 FA BO A8 E6 64 061F 0621 28 C9 JMP ; _______ 0623 0625 0627 0629 0628 062D 062F 0632 0635 0637 0639 063B B7 U5 E4 64 A8 01 E1 FA 75 FE 75 BE EB OA CF F4 0000 E 1A 90 Ell 60 F6: OUT SUB MOV F6A: BE 0000 E EB 09 90 BE 0000 E 0649 80 OE 0016 R 20 064E E8 0000 E IN TEST LOOPZ IN.l DEC JNZ MDV JMP f6B: fO OFTFRMINE IF 8042 IS WORKiNG IN eMP JZ DR MOV JI1P F6C: MOV F6D: CALL OR AL, I NTR FACE CK STATUS_PORT ,AL COMMAND TO 8042 BH,O~ WAIT FOR OUTPUT BUFFER FULL AL, STATUS PORT AL, OUT BUF FULL F5A - 8042 FIN! SHED TEST? ex,cx F6B BH GO CHECK RESULTS F6A SI,OFFSET Fl __ A F6D AL, PORT __ A AL.O TRY AGAIN I NO I CATE rLANAr- FA I LUr-E (HlMOVE KEYBOARD TRY AGAIN) GET THE RESULTS OF I NTERFAC[ TEST I S THE I NTfRFACF OK? ~~g_ERR_FLAG+1 , KY_SYS_F A~ L; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> SI,OFFSET F1_A F6D SI,orf--SET Fl ; <><> KEYBOAROjSYSTEM<><><><><> ; PLANAR FAI LURE ; GO I F YES ; Gl I MSG ADDR MrC_ERR_FLAC+1, KYBD_FAI L; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><> KEYBOARD FA I LED<><><><><> ; INITIALIZE 80112 TO HONOR KEY LOCK 5-60 Test 2 INTERFACE Cl.I ~~ov 3C 00 74 DB 80 DE 0016 R 10 0640 0643 061,6 KEYROARO ERROR TRY GET THE SCAN CODE CONVERT AND PRI NT CONT I NUE PR I NT MSG ON SCREEN 0651 06::'3 uo 065'.1 0657 0659 eo 065A 06~c 065f 0661 3A l6 80 F"!; r'10V OUl MOV OUT eLi MOV CALL MOV OUl ff E6 21 FA BO 60 fR 0000 E t30 45 E6 60 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CIiECKPO I NT 3A <><><><> AL,3 AH MFG _POIn, AL AL,orfH INfA01,AL DISABLE IN1ERRUPTS AL,60H C8U'I2 AL,4';,H PORl _A,AL WR I TE 8042 RAM COMMAND I SSUE THE COMr-1AND SET SYS I [M FLAG - OUl13U f I NT ~ SYSH.M fLAG - PC 1 CDMf'ATABILITY RI::SET INHIBIT OVER RIDE ;------- OECATE ADDRess LINE 20 0663 0665 0'. E8 MOY CALL 00 0000 E 0668 D66A D66e 066F 0670 0611 0674 0677 0678 0679 067A 2B CO 81 cu 89 0008 061C 28 CU 8E CO 89 OU08 DE 1F 8F 0000 E SF 01CO R A5 47 117 E2 FO SlJH MOV 1-10V PUSH POP 1-10V DE. 1C BE 0000 E BF 0020 R A5 47 F7A; 1~7 E2 FB 067l 0685 0688 068B D6SC 0680 068E F7Al : Mav 51 ,OFfsn VECTOR_TABLE UI,OI-)-::;[T INT_PTR MOVSW INC INC LOOP 01 01 F7A SUB MOY MOV PUSH POP MOV MOV 1-10VSW INC INC LOOP 0694 069A 06AO 06A6 06A9 06AC 06BO 0683 l3F 0180 B9 DOOE C7 05 0000 83 C7 02 E2 F7 0685 UGBA OGSC OGC2 DGCII 06C6 F6 06 0412 R 20 75 UA C7 06 0020 R 0000 E BO FE [6 21 06C7 E8 0000 E 0692 ASSUME SUB MOV MOV MOY MOV CO 08 06 0008 H 0000 E 06 (H)14 R 0000 E 06 DOG? R F600 Gl.T VECTOR CNT SETUP OS SEC RlG os ; SI< I P OVER SEGMENT INT VECTOR TABLE LVL 8-15 (VECTORS START AT INT 50H) AX,AX [S,AX eX,08 ; GET VECTOR erf;CS SETU P US StG REG OS S i, OFFSET SLAVE:. VECTOR TABLE a I , OFf- SET SLAVE:::: I NT._ PTR DI 01 F7Al ;----- SET UP OlHCH 2B BF C7 [7 C7 0690 INT VECTOR TABLE LVL 0-7 AX,AX ES,AX CX, DB CS ;------- SETUP HARDWARE 0680 U683 0684 S[T COMI1ANO I N AI-! ISSUE THE COMI-1AND All, 0 I SI\13LE_B I T20 CATE_A20 -- SETUP HARD\-.IARE ; 5K I r OVER SEGMENT INTERRUPTS AS NECESSARY DS;ABSO AX, AX [)S,AX NMI_PTR,OFFsn NMI_INT I NT5_PTR, OFFSFT PR I NT_SCREEN BAS j C_Pl R+2, 0 F600H OS""O NM I INTERRUPT PR I NT SCREEN SEGMENT FOR CASSEn!:. BAS I C ; -------- ZE:.RO HESERVEO VECTORS f7A2; MOV MOV MOV ADD LOOP 01,60H*4 eX,14 WORD PTR OS; [ 0 I a 1,2 F7A2 ; _____ SETUP TIMFR 0 TO BLINK LED T[ST JNZ ; 06CA 0600 06[);'> 0605 0608 060A 060B 0600 06DF 3E 0072 R 123 11 DE UOFF BA 03FG BU 04 EE E2 FE 2A CU ASSUME CALL OS; DATA DDS I SSUE A RESET TO THE HARD FILE 81 cr~p 75 0, JNZ MOV r~OV FE IF MANUFACTURING TEST MODE OUT SFI ---~---- F9_A; POINT TO NEXT LOCATION OATA_AREA[MFG_TST-OATA_base],LOOP_POST; MFG. TEST MODE? F9 INT_ADDR,OFFSn BLlNK_INr SETUP TIMER INTR TO BLINK LED AL,OFEH ENABLE TIMER INTERRUPT INTA01,AL ALLOW INTERRUPTS MOV MOV F9: FO INT 60 THRU 67 FILL WI-IH ZERO CLEAR 14 WORDS J, 0 MOV OUT LOOP SU[3 OUT RESET fLAG,1234H F9A CX,OFFH OX,03f6H AL,04H DX,AL F9 A AL-;-AL DX,AL ESTABLISH DATA SEGMENT THE OPERAT I NG SYSTEM I F SOFT RESET SOFT R[SET? CONT I NUE I F NOT RESET HOLD RESET RE~lOV[ RESET fEST.23 DISKETTE ATTACHHENT T[ST OEcSCHI rTION CHlCK IF IPL DISKETTE DRIVE IS ATTACHED TO SYSTEM. IF ATTACIIED, VERIFY STATUS OF NEC FOC AFTER A RESET. ISSUE A REGAL AND SEEK CMD TO FDC AND CHECK STATUS. CO~1PL[TE SYSTEM INITIAliZATION THEN PASS CONTROL TO THE BOOT LOADER PROGRAM. 06EO 06E2 06[4 OGE6 06E9 06EA 06EF 06Fl 06F6 06F8 06F8 06FA OGFe 06FE 0700 0"102 U704 u706 0709 00 3e E6 80 F9A; BO 02 BA EE F6 74 F6 74 03F7 06 0010 R 01 4F 06 0012 R 20 48 AL,3CH MFG_PORT, AL MOV MOV OUl TEST JZ TES1 JZ AL,02H ; SET DATA RATE TO 250 K BITS / OX,3F7H DX,AL ; BYTE PTR EQUIP_FLAG,OlH ; DISKETTE PRESENT? F15 MFG_TST, LOOP_POST MFG .JUMPER INSTALLED? co I F YES F15 DISK_TEST: AL,INTAOl 10 DELAY SHORT $+2 ENABLE 0 I SK[TTE INTERRUPTS AL,OBFH INTA01,AL RESET ",e FOG AH,O OL,AH SET FOR DR IVE 0 VER I FY STATUS AFTER RESET 13H STATUS OK? AH,OFFH NO - Foe FA I LED F13 FlO; IN JMP AND OUT 110V MOV I NT TEST JNZ E4 21 EB 00 24 BF E6 B4 8A CO F6 75 21 DO 04 BA BO EE 2B B2 03F2 le " C4 FF 24 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 3C <><><><> MOV OUT SEC TURN DRIVE 0 MOTOR ON 070B 070E 0710 0711 0713 0715 MOV MOV OUT SUB MOV C9 OC Fl1; OX,03F2H AI.,lCH OX,AL CX,CX aL,12 eET ADDR OF roc CARD TURN MOTOR ON, EN OMA/I NT WRITE FOC CONTROL REG , WAIT SECOND MOTOR_WA IT: Test 2 5-61 LOOP '" WA I T FOR 1 SECOND DECREMENT DUTTER LOOP OX,DX CH,1 srEK STATUS,DL SEEKF13 CH,34 SEEK SELECT DR! VE 0 SELECT TRACK 1 0715 0717 0719 £2 FE FE CA 75 FA JNZ 071B 0710 071F 0723 0726 0728 072A 0720 072F 33 65 88 E8 72 D2 XOR JNe Fl4 072f 80 DE 0016 R 40 OR 0734 0737 BE 0000 E £8 0000 £ MOV CALL MFG_EHR_flAG+l ,DSK_FA I L ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><> 0 I SKETTE FA I LEO<><><><><> SI,OFFSET f3 GET AODR OF MSG E_MSG GO PR I NT ERROR MSG 073A 073A 073C 073F 80 OC BA 03F2 0740 0745 0748 074C 0750 0754 0757 CG 06 0066 B£ DOlE R 89 36 OOlA 89 36 00lC 89 36 0080 83 C6 20 89 36 0082 DEC MOY NOV CALL 01 16 003E R 0000 E 07 85 22 E8 0000 E 73 DB Je MDY CALL Ol Fll F13 : RECAll BRA TE D j SKETTE GO TO ERR SUBROUT I NE I F ERR SELECT TRACK 34 SEEK TO TRACK 34 OK, TURN MOTOR OFf DSK_ERR: ;----- TURN DRIVE 0 MOTOR OFF f14: MOY MOY OUT EE AL, OCH DX,03f2H DX,Al ORO OFF: TURN DR I VE 0 MOTOR OFF fOC CTl ADDRESS ; ------ SETUP KEYBOARD PARAMETERS R 00 MOY MOV MOY MOY I'IOV ADO MOY f15: R R R R I NTR_FLAG, DOH 51 ,OFFSET KB SUFFER BUFFER_HEAD, SI BUFFER_TAil,S! BUFFER_START, SI 51,32 BUFfER_END,SI SET STRAY INTERRUPT FLAG = 00 SETUP KEYBOARD PARAMETERS ; DEfAULT BuFFER OF 32 BYTES ;-------- SET PRINTER TIMEOUT DEFAULT MOV PUSH POP MOV STOSW STOSW SF 0078 R 1E 07 0758 075E 075F 0760 0763 0764 B8 1414 AB AB 0765 0768 0769 88 0101 AB AB 076A 076C 076E 0770 £4 24 EB E6 0772 0777 0779 077C F6 75 £9 80 OI,OFFSET PRINT_TiM_OUT ;SET DEFAULT PRINTER TIMEOUT OS ES AX,1414H ; O[fAULT=20 ; -------- SET 4S232 DEFAULT MOV STOSW STOSW AX,D1D1H ; RS232 DEFAULT=01 ; -------- ENABLE T I MER INTERRUPTS IN AND JMP OUT 21 FE 00 21 AL, I NTA01 AL,OFEH SHORT $+2 INTA01,AL ENABLE T I MER AND KB 10 DELAY I NTS ;------- CHECK CMOS BATTERY/CHECKSUM 077£ 0780 0782 078'1 0786 0788 078A 0780 07aF 0792 0795 0795 0798 079B 06 0012 R 20 03 0858 R 8E E6 70 EB 00 E4 -11 JMP MOV OUT JMP IN AND .)Z TEST May MFG_ TST , lOOP_POST B1_0K f15C AL,OIAG_STATUS CMOS PORT, Al SHORT $+2 Al, CMOS_PORT+1 AL,OEQH e OK AL,80H SI,OFFSET CMl TEST JNZ 81_0K: 2'1 EO 74 16 A8 80 BE 0000 10 74 06 [8 0000 E lOB 62 90 BE 0000 10 [8 0000 £ EB 59 90 B_OK: 83 03 C OK: MFC JUMPER? GO I F NOT BYPASS I f YES 10 DELAY JZ B2 OK CALL JMP E MSG H=:Ol 1OY OUT XCHC JMP IN OR XCHG OUT XCHG JMP OUT JMP AL,D!AG_STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l Al,CMOS_CLK_FAI L AL,AH CMOS PORT, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+l,AL H_OK SET CLOCK ERROR SAVE STATUS ADDRESS 10 DELAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS SET NEW STATUS GET STATUS ADDR AND SAVE NEW STATUS fO DELAY CONT I NU£ ---- CHECK CLOCK UDATE 0703 0706 0708 070A 070C 070E 07£0 07[2 A8 80 EO F4 E3 DO MDV MDY OUT JMP IN TEST lOOPNZ JCXZ CX,600 AL,CLK_UP CMOS_PORT,AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l AL,80H I_OK F_OK LOOP COUNT CHECK FOR appesl TE STATE 10 DELAY TRY AGAIN PR I NT ERROR 1FT I MEOUT ;-------- CHECK MEMORY SIZE DETERMINED == CONFIG 07£4 07E4 07E6 !.jOY OUT 80 8E E6 70 5-62 Test 2 AL, 0 lAG_STATUS CMOS_PORT ,AL GET THE STATUS BYTE 07[8 OlEA Q7EC 07EE EB E4 A8 74 07FO 07F3 BE 0000 E E8 0000 E 01F6 07FB 07FE B[ JMe IN 00 71 10 06 TEST JZ SIWRT $+2 AL, CMOS_PORT+1 AL,\.,(N£M_SIZE H_OK1A 10 DELAY WAS THE CONFIGo::MEM SIZE DETERMINED? CO I f YES -- ;-------- MEMORY SIZE ERROR MOV CALL PRINT SIZE ERROR DISPLAY ERROR 51 ,OFFSET El A E_MSG - ; -------- CHECK FOR CRT ERROR 0800 0805 0807 D8DA 80 3E 0015 R OC 0000 [ 74 OA H_OK1A: eMP JNZ MOV 80 3E 0015 R 00 75 06 BE 0000 E E8 0000 E CI-lP MOV JZ H_OK1B: CALL MFG ERR FLAG,OCH SI,OffSET E,_B H_OKl B CHECK fOR MONO CRT ERROR PRELOAD I~ONO CRT ERROR GO I F YES MFG ERR fLAG,OOH J OK SI,OFFSET E1 C E_MSG - CHECK FOR COLOR CRT ERROR CaNT I NU[ I F NOT CRT ERROR MSG "'=-=====-==-="'==-="'--.==========:-----; -------' CHECK fOR COMBO HARD F I LE/D I SKETTE CARD 0800 0800 080F 0811 08111 0815 0817 0819 081 B 0810 081 F 0821 0823 0826 0829 0828 D82C U82l 082F 0831 0833 0835 0836 0838 0839 083B 0830 MOV SUB MOV 83 OF 28 C9 RA 01 F7 J_OK1: Ee IN TEST A8 74 E2 FE 75 80 00 F9 CB F5 ?I~ DC "/4 lA EB 33 90 BA 01 F4 BO 55 JZ LOOP OEC J_OK2: 00 55 25 AA [[ EB 00 EC 3C AA 75 18 MOY MOV OUl Jj<',p IN eMP JNZ MOV OUT JMP IN eMP JNZ OX,lF4H AL,055H OX,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OX Al,055H F15C AL,OAAH DX,AL SHORT $+2 AL,DX AL,OAAH F15C 0849 D84C 0851 0853 [8 8U 74 80 0858 085,11.. BO 3E E6 80 0000 E 3E 0091 R 00 OS OE DOlO R 40 ;-------- CHECK CALL CMP JZ OR F15C: 80 8E GO I F NOT WR I TE ANOTHER PATTERN 10 DELAY IS DATA PATTERN THE SAME? GO I F NOT SET THE HF/FLOPPY SWITCH ON FOR 2ND DISKETTE DRIVE DDS DSK STATE+l,O F15C ; BYTE PTR EQUIP_FLAG,40H ; AL,3EH MFG_PORT, AL MOV OUT JMP IN AL,OIAG_STATUS CMOS _PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_ PORT+l AL,OCOH ROM SCAN1 0868 086A 086C 086E 0870 0872 BO 92 (6 70 EB 00 Ell 71 3C 00 74 03 MOV OUT JMP IN E8 0000 E TEST JNZ I NSURE DATA SEGMENT IS THERE A DRIVE 2 ATTACHED? GO I f NOT SET SECOND DRIVE INSTALL£D ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 3E <><><><><> GEl THE CMOS STATUS BATTE.RY/CHECKSUM OK BYPASS 0 I SK SETU P I F NOT I NSURE CMOS OEF I NES THE TYPE OF HARD FILE JZ Al, liO_F I LE_ TYPE CMOS PORT, AL SHORT $+2 Al, CMOS_PORT+1 AL,OH ROM_SCANl I NSURE TYPE IS OEF I NED BYPASS DISK SETUP IF NOT CALL DISK_SETUP INITIALIZE HARD FILE CMP ; ; ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 3D <><><><><> INITIALIZE FLOPPY INlllAlIZE HARD FILE [4 71 A8 co 75 OF [6 70 fB 00 AL,3DIl MFG PORT, AL DSK(TTCSETUP MOV OUT 085C oaSE 0860 0862 0864 0866 0877 0877 0878 D87A 087C 087F 0881 0884 10 DELAY CHECK DATA WRITTEN'" DATA READ INITIALIZE fLOPPY FOR DRIVE TYPE MOV OUT CALL ;------- 0874 VER I FY COMBO CARD \oJR I TE TO THE CYL BYTf HF _CNTRL, DUAL ;------- 80 30 E6 80 E8 0000 E Be .) OK1 AL,Qeli J OK3 F1SC C6 06 008F R 01 084? 0844 0846 OUTTER LOOP COUNT WAI T fOR BUSY OFF HARD FILE STArus PORT GET THE STATUS I S THE CONTROLLER BUSY? CONT I NUE I F NOT TRY AGAI N DECREMENT OUTTER LOOP TRY AGA I N I F NOT ZERO BITS 2 & 3 ~ 0 IF COMBO CARO GO I F YES NO COMBO CARD ex,cx AND JZ JMP JNl EE EB EC 3C 75 90 BL,OFH OX,01 F7H AI"DX AL,080H J OK2 J-OK1 TEST.22 CHECK FOR OPT I ONAL ROM FROM C800->EOOO IN 2K BLOCKS : (A VALID MODULE HAS '55AA' IN THE FIRST 2 LOCATIONS: LENGTH I NO I CATOR (tENGTH/512) • N HIE 3RD LOCA T JON : AND TEST/INIT. CODE STARTING IN THE 4TH LOCATION) ROM SCAN1: STI FB BO 3B E6 UI BO E8 80 UUUO E OA 0000 E 2A E6 EB E6 SA CO D2 00 04 C80a MOV OUl CALL MOV CALL ROM_SCAN: ; ALLOW INTERRUPTS ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><>-<> ;<><><>CHECKPOINT 3B <><><><> SET REAL MODE DATA SEGMENT LINE FEED ON CRT AL.3BH MFG PORT ,AL DDSAL,10 PRT_HEX ;-- _____ SET DMA MASK AND REQUEST REGISTERS 0884 0886 0888 088A 08BC 088F 088F 0891 0893 0895 0696 0897 089A 089C 08gr 08A2 08A2 08A6 08A6 BE DA 28 DB 8B 07 " ROM SCAN2: MOV SUB MOV PUSH 5B 3D 75 E8 EB SUB OUT JMP OUT MOV AA55 06 0000 E as 90 81 C2 0080 Bl fA EOOO POP eMP JNZ CALL JMP NEXT ROM: ADD ARE WE DONE: - CMP AL.AL DMA18+2,AL SHORT $+2 SEND ZERO TO MASK REG OX,oe80UH SEND ZERO TO REQ REG SET BEG I NN I1';G ADDRESS OS, DX BX, BX AX, (BX! SET BX=OOOO GET 15T WORD FROM MODULE DMA18+j~,AL BX BX BUS SETTL! ~:G '" TO I 0 WORD? PROCEED TO NEXT ROM I F NOT GO CHECK OUT MODULE CHECK fOR END OF ROM SPACE AX,OAA55H NEXT ROM ROM CHECK ARE::::WE_DONE PO I NT TO NEXT 2K ADDRESS oX,OOaOH ox, OEODOH ; AT EOOOO YET? Test 2 5-63 08AA JL 7C E3 END IF ; -------- TEST 08AC OSAF 0861 08B3 08B5 08B8 08B8 E8 0000 E E4 64 24 10 03 EB DC 90 CALL IN AND JZ JMP -(4 ; co ROM_SCAN2 CHECK ANOTHER ADD. I F NOT FOR KEYBOARD LOCKED DDS SET DATA Al, STATUS PORT AL, KYBD_I NH KEYl KEY1D is KEYBOARD UNLOCKED? GO SEGf~ENT I F OFF KEY1 : 80 DE 0016 R 80 OR MfG_ERR_FLAG+l, KEY_FAIL; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><> KEYBOARD I S LOCKED <><><> ASSUME OS: OAT A MOY CALL 51, OFFSET LOCK ELSE 08BO KEY9: ORAD RF 0000 08CO E8 0000 PR I NT LOCKED MESSAGE (302) E_MSG END I F KEY10: 08C3 ; -------:: SETUP PR INTER_BASE 08C3 08C6 06C9 08C9 08CC 08CE oeCF 0801 0802 0803 0804 0806 0808 08DC 0800 080E 080E 080f 08EO 08EIJ. Bf 0000 BE 0000 E MOY MOY Ol,OFfSET f4 PRT _SRC_ TBL 51,0 r16: MOY MOY 2E: 8B 15 BO AA EE EB 00 lE Ee OUT 1F 3C AA 75 06 89 94 0008 R "6 46 JMP PUSH IN POP eMP JNE MOY INC INe 51 INC INe eMP JNE 01 01 01, OffSET f4E f16 F17: 47 47 81 FF 0000 E 75 E3 PRT_BASE: eET PR INTER BASE AD DR WRITE DATA TO PORT A DX,CS: [011 AL,OAAH OX,AL SHORT $+2 10 DELAY RIIS SETn I tIIG READ PORT A OS AL,DX as DATA PATTERN SAME NO CHECK NEXT PRT CD YES - STORE PHT BASE ADDR iNCREMENT TO NEXT WORD AL,OAAH f17 PR INTER_BASEl S I ), OX - " PO I NT TO NEXT BASE AODR ALL POSS I BLE ADORS CIIECKED? PRT_BASE ","'=",0;;0===;;;;;;=== SETUP RS232 =0;;0;;;"'0;;"'=;"''''=:::== 08;::6 08E9 08EC 08ED 08EF oaFl oaF7 oaf8 08f9 Oflfe 08FO 08FF 0901 0907 0908 BS BA Ee A8 75 C7 43 43 SA Ee A8 75 C7 43 43 0000 MOV 03fA MOV IN TEST JNZ MOV INe INC MOV IN TEST JNZ MOV . .C INC F8 08 87 0000 R 03F8 02FA F18: F8 08 8-' 0000 R 02F8 PO I NTER TO RS232 TABLE CHECK If RS232 CO 1 ATTCH? READ INTR 10 REG BX,O OX,3FAH AL,DX AL,OF8H fl. RS232_BASE[ ex), 3F8H BX 8X OX,2fAH AL, AL, OF8~1 f19 RS232_BASEI BXI, 2F8H BX BX SETUP RS232 CD #1 ADDR CHECK IF RS232 CD 2 ATTCH READ INTERRUPT 10 REG ox BASE END SETUP RS232 CD 112 ==========0;;;;;;;;--=====-==-======-==-=======;;;::===="'==="'0;;======-=0;;=0;; SET UP EQUIP_FLAG TO 0909 0909 0908 0900 090F 0911 IN.DICATE NUMBER OF PRINTERS AND RS232 CARDS F19; 813 C6 B1 MOV MOV ROR 03 02 C8 OA C3 A2 0011 OR R MOV BASE END: S I HAS 2* NUMBER Of RS232 Sf! I FT COUNT ROTATE R ICHT 3 POSI nONS OR IN THE PRINTER COUNT ; STORE AS SECOND BYT E AX,51 CL,3 AL,CL AL,BL ; BYTE PTR EQUIP_fLAG+l,AL ; -------' TEST FOR ANY ERRORS (BP NOT ZERO) ="'== ==::= ======;;; === = == = == - ==== ===== K OK; 0914 0914 0916 ;-==------2B CO A3 0017 R ; -------0919 0918 0910 091 F E4 24 EEl E6 0921 0926 0929 21 fD 00 21 CLEAR KEYBOARD STATE FLAGS SUB MOV AX,AX WORD PTR KB_FLAG,AX ENABLE KEYBOARD RESET ALL KEYBOARD STATE FLAGS INTERRUPTS IN AND JMI' OUT AL, I NTAOl AL,OFDH SHOH I $+2 JNTA01,AL C6 06 0015 R 00 83 FD 00 MOV eM? BYTE PTR MFG_ERR_FLAG, BP,OOOOJ1 74 3D JE F15A_O CLEAR ~IFG ERROR FLAG CHECK FOR BP= NON-ZERO (ERROR HArrENCO) CONTINUE If NO ERROR 092B 0930 80 3E 0072 R 64 75 08 CMP JNZ BYTE PTR RESET_FLAG,64H ERR_WAIT MFG RUN IN MODE? GO I f NOT 0932 0937 093A 093A 0930 C6 06 0015 R AA EB 2F 90 0940 09 '.2 091111 0947 0949 094C 094F 0952 0952 E4 24 BE 75 BE E8 BE ; -------- MFG RUN SA 0002 E8 0000 E 64 10 0000 E 09 0000 E 0000 £ 0000 E E8 0000 E MaY JMP ERR_WA J T ~OV CALL IN AND MOV JNZ MOV CALL MaY ERR WAIT2; CALL ;-------- 0955 0957 0959 0956 0956 0950 B4 01 26 02 CD 17 BO 3f E6 80 5-64 Test 2 OUT a INTS IN MOOE -> SET ERROR FLAG BYTE PTR MFG_ERR_FLAG.OAAH f15A_0 ; ; INDICATE ERROR CONT I NUE DX,2 ERR_BEEP 2 SHORT BEEPS (ERROR) AL,STATUS PORT AL, KYSD_I NH 51 ,OFFSET f30 ERR WAIT2 S I, OfFSET F301 P_MSG SI,OFfSET F3D CHECK If RESUME MSG TO BE DISPLAYED RESUME ERROR MSG ERROR MSG fOR KEYBOARD LOCKED RESUME MSG P_MSG INIT PRINTER MOY SU8 INT ERR_WAIT1: MOV ENABLE TIMER AND KB 10 DELAY (All DISPLAY DEVICE) AH,1 OX,DX 17H ; AL,3FH MFG_PORT, AL ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 3 F <><><><><> FIRST PR INTER 095F 0961 0963 0966 0968 0968 0960 096F 0972 0977 Bll CO 80 75 00 16 Fe 3B F3 F6 75 E9 80 74 06 0012 R 20 03 0000 E 3E 0072 R 64 06 F15A: MOV INT eMP JNE AH,OO 16M AH,3BH ERR_WA 1T1 TEST MfG_TST , LOOP_POST flSA START_l ; BYTE PTR RESET_FLAG,64H ; F15B ; MFG BURN 1N MODE GO I F NOT GO lOOP POST MFG RUN 1N? BYPASS BEEP I f YES DX,l ERR_BEEP 1 SHORT BEEP (NO ERRORS) AH,AH Al, CRT_MODE 10M CLEAR FLAGS JNZ JMP eMP JZ 0979 097C SA 0001 MOV E8 0000 E CALL 097F 0981 0984 2A E4 AO 0049 R CD 10 fl~B: SUB MOV INT WAIT FOR ' f , ' KEY CLEAR SCREEN ; -------- CLEAR OESCRI PTOR TABLES 0986 0989 098C 098E 0990 0993 0996 B9 BF 2B BE 01 F4 DOAO eo co 26: 89 05 83 C7 02 E2 F8 F20: MOV t10V SUB MOV f20_A: MOV ADD LOOP CLEAR 1K PO I NT ES TO START OF OEseR I PTORS CX,0500 Dl,SYS_IDT_LOC AX,AX E5,AX ES: I DI LAX 01,2 F20_A CLEAR POINT TO NEXT LOCATION CONT I NUE TILL DONE ='='======'00=:===== T I ME OF DAY ===""=-========== ; -------- SET 0998 CALL £8 0000 E SET_TOO ; ~------- SET SYSTEM STACK 099B 099E 09AO B8 ---- R 8E DO BC 0100 R 091\3 80 40 E6 80 Al 0067 R MOV MOV MOV AX, STACK SS,AX SP, OFFSET T05 GET THE STACK SEGMENT ; ------- ENABLE HARDWARE I NTERRUPT I f MATH PROCESSOR (X287) 09A5 09A7 09AA 09AB 09AD 09BO 09B2 09B4 ,0 2B CO A3 0067 R MOV OUT MOV AL,40H MfG PORT ,AL Ax,To_ROM_IN1T PUSH SUB AX ; 09 3E 0067 R 09B8 60 DB 09139 09BA 0geo 0ge6 61 81 26 0067 R 1 F3F Bl 3E 0067 R 033F 75 24 DB AND eMP JNZ 0ge8 09C9 9B WAIT DO 3E 0067 R ESC 09CD 60 DB 09CE 09CF 0905 n 06 0067 R B8BF 75 15 JNZ 061H IO_ROM_l NIT, OB8BFH NO_287 0907 09D9 090B 0900 Ell Al 24 OF EB 00 E6 A1 IN AND JMP OUT AL, 1NTBOl AL,OOFH SHORT $+2 INTB01,AL 090F 09El 09E3 09E5 09E7 09EC E4 21 24 FB EB 00 E6 21 80 DE 0010 R 02 TEMP STORAGE CLEAR ID_R011_INIT AX,AX 10_ROM_1NIT,AX 28,BX AX,AX 15,10_ROM_INIT MOV ESC XOR [SC DB E3 33 CO ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 40 <><><><><> T I ME PUSHA ~OK 287 TO RESPOND 060H POPA 061H 10 ROM LN1T,OlF3FH I O::::ROM::::I NIT ,0033fH NO_287 CLEAR UNUSED 287 BITS I S THE 287 INSTALLED? GO 1 F MATH PROCESSOR 1S NOT INSTALLED STORE THE STATUS WORD T I ME FOR 287 TO RESPOND PUSHA 060H POPA 61 DB TEST ; 09Ee 09ED --~----- ALL BITs SHOULD BE Off GO I F NOT INSTALLED GET THE SLAVE 1NT MASK ENABLE 287 INTERRUPTS 10 DELAY ENSURE THAT MASTER LEVEL 2 ENABLED IN AND JMP OUT OR AL,INTAOl AL,OFSH SHORT $+2 INTA01,AL BYTE PTR EQU I P_FLAG, 02H GET THE CURRENT MASK POP MOV AX RESTORE 10 DELAY SET 287 BIT ON NO_287: 58 A3 0067 R 1O_ROM lNIT la_ROM _INIT,AX ; --------- TEST FOR MFG RUN-I N TEST 09FO 09F5 09F7 80 3[ 0072 R 64 75 03 EB 63 90 09FA 09FA 09FC 09FE DADO E4 24 EB E6 Al CMP JNZ JMP BYTE PTR RESET fLAG,64H ; END 287 , SHUT4 ; I S THE THE MFG RUN- I N TEST? GO IF NOT BOOT LOAD I F YES ;-------- UNMASK SLAVE HARDWARE INT 9 (LEVEL 71) END_281: IN AL, lNTB01 GFT THE CURRENT MASK ~~~ fD 00 Al OUT ~~6~~D~+2 ; INTB01,AL ; 10 DELAY SET NEW MASK TEST FOR SYSTEM CODE AT SEGMENT EOOO:O FIRST WORD == AAS5H LAST BYTE == CHECKSUM ENTRY POINT == FIRST BYTE + 3 I F TEST 15 SUCCESSFUL A CALL FAR TO THE ENTRY PO 1NT IS EXCUTED OA02 OA04 BO 4' £6 80 MOV OUT AL,41H MFG_PORT, AL OA06 DADS BO AD E6 70 MOV OUT AL, CMOS_END CMOS_PORT, AL MOV MOV MOV PUSH BYTE PTR RESET FLAG, AX, GEOOOH ES,AX OJ. DI AX,ES:[Dl] 8X POP eMP AX,OAA55H ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO 1NT 41 <><><><><> INSURE NM 1 OfF ENOl F OADA oAor OA12 OA14 OA16 OA19 OA1A OAlS DAlE OA1F OA22 OA24 C6 06 0072 R 00 B8 EDOO 8E CO 2B ff 26: 8B 05 53 5B 3D AA55 9C 26: 89 OS E4 61 OC DC SUB MOV CLEAR FLAG SEGMENT OF SYSTEM CODE CHECK FOR AAS5 BUS SETTLE BX PUSHF MOV IN OR a E5:!Dl],AX AL, i'ORT_B AL, RAM_PAR_OFf SAVE FLAGS CLEAR pass 1BLE PAR 1TY CHECK TOGGLE 10/PAR CHECK ENABLE Test 2 5-65 01\26 OA28 OA2A OA2C J~1? EB 00 E6 61 OUT AND JMP OUT POPF JNZ 2" F3 EB 00 UA~t. 1:.6 61 UA30 OA31 9D OA33 UI\34 OA35 OA36 01\38 OA3B OA3C IE 06 IF OA3E OAIIO 60 20 E6 70 MOV OUT OA42 OA44 OA46 OA48 E4 EB 24 E6 61 no F3 61 IN JMP OA4A OA50 c7 06 0067 R 0003 8C 06 0069 R OA54 OA56 80 42 E6 BO 15 29 10 DELAY SHOI1T $+2 PORT _B,AL AL, RAM PAR ON SHOHT ~+2 PORT _B,AL 10 DELAY RESTORE FLAGS CONTI NU( SHUT4 ; ------- CHECKSUM SYSTEM CODE rUSH PUSH POP SUB CALL POP JNZ 28 OR EB 0000 E 1F 75 l( OS ES OS BX, BX fl:OS_CHFCKSUM OS SHUT4 ENABLE NMI 80 20 E6 70 OA60 OA62 OAG4 UA66 E4 61 SHUTlI: ENABLE NM I OUT MOV MOV DS; 10_ROM_INIT,0003H OS; I O__ IWM_SEG, ES SET THE OFFSET SET THE SEGI>1ENT I V OUT AL,42H MFG_PORT ,AL 10 CH ; <><><><><><><><><><><><:><><> ; <><><>GHECI <><><:> EX 1T TO SYSTEM CODE DWORD PTR DS~ 10_ROM_ I NIT ; GU I D SYS I lM CODE VIA CALL ENABLE NMI OA5C OA5E IO/PAR CHECKS AL,~lm CMOS _PORT,AL ENABLE" PAR I TY 10 DELAY [NAGLe RAM PCK AND CALL FF 1 E 0067 R STABTING OFFSET RESTOH[ DATA SEGMENT GO I F CHECKSUM NOT OK AL, PORT_B SHORT $+2 AL, RAM_PAR_ON PORT_B,Al AND ;-------OA58 AND SET SEGMENT TO TEST INTERRUPTS + ENTRY FROM SHUTDOWN 'vi I TH BOOT REQUEST MOV OUT "L,2DH CMOS_PORT, AL ENABLE NMI IN JMP ENABLE PAR I TY 10 DELAY ENABLE RAM PCK AND 24 F3 '6 61 AND OUT AL, PORT B SHORT $+2 Al, RAf1_PAR_ON PORT _B,AL OA68 OA6A 80 43 E6 80 MOV OUT AL,43H MFG_PORT, AL ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ;<><><>CHECI <><><> OA6C CO 19 INT 19H ; GO TO BOOT LOADER EB 00 (NDI r ENOl F POST2 CODE OA6E OA6£ 5-66 Test 2 ENDP ENOS END 10 CH POST UT I Lt TIES I I TLE 09-26-83 TEST3 . Lt ST PUBLIC POST3 PUBL I eROS_CHECKSUM PUBL I C BL I NK I NT PUBL I C ROM_CHECK PUBl1 C XPC BYTE PUBl1 C PRT-HEX PUBliC XLAT PR PU8L I C PROT-PRT HEX PUBL I C PROC=SHUTDOWN I NCLUDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 EXTRN ROM_ERR: NEAR ROS CHECKSUM SUBROUT I NE ; 0000 0000 0000 0002 0002 0004 0004 0006 0007 0009 OOOB oooc 2B C9 32 CO 02 07 43 E2 FB OA CO C3 -- - -- ----------- - --- ------- -------- -- --- ASSUME CS;CODE, DS:ABSO POSH: ROS CHECKSUM PROC NEAR SUB ex,cx ROS CHECKSUM CNT: XOR AL,AL C26; ADD AL,OS:iBXj INC ax LOOP C26 AL,AL OR RET ROS_CHECKSUM NEXT ROS MODULE NUMBER OF BYTES TO ADO IS 64K ENTRY FOR OPT I ONAL ROS TEST PO I NT TO NEXT BYTE AUD ALL BYTES IN ROS MODULE SUM = O? ENOP 1311 NK LED IF LEO QOOC OOOC 0000 OOOE 0010 0012 0014 0016 0019 0018 0010 DOH 0021 0022 0023 0023 0023 0026 0028 002A 0020 002F 0031 0033 0034 0037 0039 0038 003C 003F 0041 0044 0047 0047 0048 FB 50 E4 80 ASSUME BLINK INT STI PUSH IN 8A EO F6 DO 80 E4 BF MOV NOT AND ANU OA C4 OR E6 80 BO 20 E6 20 OUT MDV OUT POP 24 40 5B CF SAVE AX REG CONTENTS READ CURRENT VAL OF MFG_PORT AX AL, MFG PORT AH,AL AL AL, 01 0000006 AH,10111111B AL,AH MFG PORT,AL AL, EOI INTAOO,AL FLIP ALL BITS I SOLAT E CONTROL BIT MASK OUT OF OR I G I NAL VAL OR NEW CONTROL BIT IN ; AX RESTORE AX RFG IREl Bli NK_I NT ENOP ROM CHECK - BB ---- R 8E CO 2A E4 8A 47 02 B1 D3 8B 51 B:l D3 PROCEDURE FOR MFG RUN-I N TESTS IS ON, TURN IT OFF. I f OFF, TURN ON. OS; DATA PROC NEAR PROC MOV MDV CL,09H AX,CL CX,AX MDV EO SHL C8 MOV PUSH CX 0004 MUV £8 03 DO 59 E8 0002 R 711 06 SHR CX,4 AX,CL OX,AX ADD PDP - 52 26: C7 06 0067 R 0003 004F 26: BC 1 E 0069 R 0054 0059 26: FF 1 E 0067 R 5A 005A 005A C3 ROS_CHECKSUM_CNT ROM_CHECK_, ROM ERR ROM=CHECK_END JMP ROM CHECK 1; PUSH OX MOV MOV ES: 10 ROM INIT,DD03H £s: I O=ROM=SEG, OS OWORD PTR ES: 10 ROM INIT OX - CALL POP ZERO OUT AH GET LENGTH I NO I CATOR MULTIPLY BY 512 SET COUNT SAVE COUNT ADJUST ex CALL J7 CALL E8 0000 E EB 14 90 POINT ES TO DATA AREA ES,AX AH,AH AL, [BX+2] MOY 09 NEAR AX, DATA SUB SET POINTER TO NEXT MODULE RETR I VE COUNT DO CHECKSUM POST CHECKSUM ERROR AND EXIT SAVE PO INTER LOAD OFFSET LOAD SEGMENT CALL INIT./TEST ROUTINE ROM_CHECK_END: RETURN TO CALLER RET ROM_CHECK 0058 ENDP CONVERT AND PR I NT ASC I I CODE AL MUST CONTAIN NUMBER TO BE CONVERTED. AX AND BX DESTROYED. 005B 005B D05C 005E 0060 0063 0064 0066 0066 0068 0069 006B XPC_BYTE PUSH AX B1 04 02 E8 E8 0066 R MOV SHR CL,4 AL,CL XLAT_PR CALL 58 24 OF PDP AND XLAT_PR PROC ADD DAA ADC OAA 04 90 27 14 40 27 DOGe D06C D06E 0070 0072 0073 0073 00"13 PROC 50 PRT_HEX PROC NEAR AX AL,OFH NEAR AL,090H AL,040H SAVE FOR LOW NIBBLE 0 I SPLAY SH I FT COUNT NIBBLE SWAP DO THE 11lGII NIBBL[ DISPLAY RECOVER THE NIBBLE ISOLATE TO LOW NIBBLE FALL INTO LOW NIBBLE CONVERSION CONVERT OO-OF TO ASCII CHARACTER ADD FIRST CONVERSION FACTOR ADJUST FOR NUMERIC AND ALPHA RANGE ADD CONYERS I ON AND ADJ UST LOW NIBBLE ADJUST HIGH NIBBLE TO ASCHI RANGE MDV MOV NEAR AH,14 BH,a DISPLAY CHARACTER IN AL CO 10 INT 10H CALL VIDEO_IO C3 RET B4 DE B7 00 PRT_HEX ENDP XLAT_PR ENDP XPC_6YTE ENDP ; -PU~- C~;~;CTER- T~ -THE-C~T - ;~~ -T£;T ~~ ~ -~N- -- -- ----; PROTECTED MODE ~ AL=ASCII CHARTER DI=CRT BUfFER POSITION 0073 0073 0074 0075 0078 a07A ~~~T=P~T=~E~----PROC----NE~R----------------------- 1E 53 BB 0020 PUSH PUSH OS BX ; ------- B/W v I OEO 8E DB MOV MOV E6 0098 R CALL SAVE CURRENT SEGMENT REGS CARD BX, C_BWCRT_PTR OS,BX PROT_PRT SET OS TO BW CRT BUFFER GO PR I NT CHARACTER Test 3 5-67 ;-------- COMPATIBLE COLOR 0070 0080 0082 BB 0028 8E DB E8 0098 R 0085 0088 008A 0080 0090 0092 0095 0096 0097 0998 0098 0099 009B 0090 009E 009f BB BE E8 BB 8E E8 5B If C3 MOV MOV CAll BX,C_CCRT_PTR OS,BX PROT_PRT SET OS TO COM PAT 1BlE COLOR RAM ; -------- ENtlANCED COLOR 009f 009f OOAl OOA3 OOAlI 00A6 OOA6 0030 DB 0098 R 0038 DB 0098 R 57 01 C7 88 05 SF C3 ax, E_CCRT_PTR DS,BX PROT PRT BX, CCCRT_PTR2 OS, BX PROT_PRT BX PROC_SHUTDOWN MOV OUT PROC_S: HLT JMP PROC_SHUTDOWN CODE ENDS END PROC Al, SHUT_CMD STATUS_PORT,Al - BO FE E6 64 F4 EB FD 5-68 MOV MOV CAll MOV MOV CALL POP POP RET PROT- PRT: PUSH ROL MOV POP RET PROT PRT_HEX Test 3 ENHANCED COLOR ENHANCED COLOR PTR HI 64" OS 01 01,1 OS:[DIj,Al 01 SAVE DISPLACEMENT MUlT *2 WR 1TE TO CRT BUFFER RESTORE DISPLACEMENT ENDP PROC_S ENDP SHUTDOWN COMMAND 1NSURE HALT TITLE 10/05/83 TEST4 POST UTILITIES . LIST PUBL I C PQS rll PUBL I C [~ISG PUBLIC KBD RESET PUBLIC rsr(p PUBLIC ERR BEEP PUBLIC [MSC rUBLI cobs PUBLIC P MSG rUBLI C PRT SEG PUBLI C DUMMY RETURN 1 PU8LIC 011 PURl IC I NT 287 PUBLIC ReDIRECT I NCI"UDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 rXTRN [XTRN [XTRN EXTRN ASSUI-1£ PRT HEX: NEAR XPC~BYTE:NEAR XMIT 80112:NEAR OBF 112: NEAR CS;COOE,DS:ABSO POST1~: 0000 THIS SUBROUTINE WILL PRINT A MESSAGE ON THE DISPLAY ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: SI " OFFSET(ADDRESS) OF MESSAGE BUFFER CX " r~ESSAGE BYTE COUNT MAX I MUM MESSAGE LENGHI IS 36 CHARACTERS LMSG 0000 0000 0002 8B EE [8 0019 R 0005 1£ 0006 f8 OOAA H AO 0010 R 0009 aaoc OOOE 0010 0010 DOll 0014 0016 0017 0017 0018 001') 0019 0019 001C 0010 001 E 0021 0022 0024 0026 0027 24 01 75 07 FA PROC MaY CALI PUSI-I ASSUME DS;DATA CALL MOV AND JNZ MFG HALT: eLI POP as WRITE_MSG: NEAR AL,es: [511 SI HLT 8A 04 46 50 E8 0000 E POP 58 3C OA CMP 75 JME F3 RET G3 P_MSG LOOP/HALT ON ER.ROR SW I TCH ON? NO - RETURN RET ENOP PROC MOV INC PUSH CALI MOV OUT F" 2[: DOS AL,BYTE PTR FQUIP_FIAG AL,OlH NOT_ON HALT SYSTEM YES RECOVER ERROR INDICATOR SET INTO MFG PORT HALT SYS [6 80 E MSG P-MSG G12A: SFT BP NON~ZERO TO FLAG ERR PRINT MESSAGE AL, MFG ERR FLAG MFG_PORT, AI AO 0015 R 1F G3 NFAR BP, SI P MSG OS PUT CHAR IN AL PO I Nl TO NEXT CHAR SAVE PR I NT CHAR CALL VIDEO 10 RECOVER PRINT CHAR WAS IT LINE FEED? NO, KEE P PR I NT I NG STR I NG AX PRT HEX AX AL,10 G12A ENoP INITIAL RELIABILITY TEST -- SUBROUTINES ASSUME CS; CODE, os: DATA SUBROUT I NES FOR POWER ON 0 I AGNOST I C$ THIS PROCEDURE WILL ISSUE ONE LONG TONE (3 SEeS) AND ONE OR MORE SHORT TONES (1 SEC) TO INDICATE A FAILURE ON THE PLANAR BOARD, A BAD RAM MODULE, OR A PROBLEM WI TH THE CRT. ENTRY PARAM[TFRS: DH = NUMBER OF LONG TONES TO BEEP OL = NUMBER OF SHORT TONES TO BEEP. 0027 0027 0028 0029 OD2A 0020 002F 0031 0031 0033 0036 0038 003A 003C 0041 0043 0045 0045 0047 004A OOI~C OOI(E 0050 0052 0054 0055 0056 0057 9C FA 1E E8 OOAA R OA F6 74 14 ERR - BEEP PROC PUSHF Cli PUSH CALL OR JZ NEAR DS DDS DH, DH G3 G1 : 83 E8 E2 FE 75 06 0057 R FE CE F5 80 3E 0012 R 01 75 02 EB CB G2: Mav CAl.L LOOP DEC JNI Bl,6 I)EEP G2 DH GMP G1 MFG_TST,l JNE JMP MFG_HAL T G3 G3: 83 01 £8 0057 R E2 FE FE CA 75 F5 E2 FE E2 FE 1F GIl: G5: G6: 90 Mav CALL LOOP DEC JNZ LOOP LOOP POP POPF BL,l BEEP G4 al G3 G5 G6 DS RET C3 ERR_BEEP ; ; ; SAVE FLAGS DISABLE SYSTEM INTERRUPTS SAVE OS REG CONTENTS ANY LONG ONES TO BEEP NO, DO THE SHORT ONES LONG_BEEP: COUNTER FOR BEf.PS DO THE BEEP DELAY BETWEEN BEEPS ANY MORE TO DO DO IT MFG TEST MODE? YES - CONTINUE BEEPING SPEAKER STOP BLINKING LED SHORT BEEP: COUNTER FOR A SHORT BEEP DO THE SOUND DELAY BETWEEN BEEPS DONE WITH SHORTS 00 SOME MORE LONG DELAY BEFORE RETURN RESTORE OR I G CONTENTS OF OS RESTORE FLAGS TO OR I G SETT I NGS RETURN TO GALLER ENDP ROUT I NE TO SOUND BEEPER 0057 0057 0059 0058 OU50 0060 0062 0064 0066 0068 006A 006e 006E 0010 0072 0074 0076 0078 BEEP BO B6 E.6 43 [8 00 B8 0533 E6 42 EB 00 SA C4 E6 112 E4 61 8A EO EB 00 OC 03 E6 61 26 C9 E2 FE FE CB 75 FA PROC MOV OUT JMP MOY G7: OUT JMP MOY OUT IN MOV JMP OR OUT SUB LOOP DEC JNl NEAR AL,10110110B T I MER+3, AL SHORT $+2 AX, S33H TlMER+2,AL SHORT $+2 AL,AH T I MER+2, Al AL,PORT_B AH,AL SHORT $+2 AL,03 PORT_B,AL CX, ex G7 BL G7 SEL TIM 2, LSB, MSB, B I NARY WR I TE THE T I MER MODE REG 10 DELAY D I V I SOR FOR 896 HZ WRITE TIMER 2 CNT - LSB LO DELAY WRITE TIMER 2 CNT - MSB GET CURRENT SETT I NG OF PORT SAVE THAT SElT I NG 10 DELAY TU~i~ SPEAKER ON SET CNT TO WA I T 500 MS DELAY BEFORE TURN I NG Off DELAY CNT EXPIRED? NO - CONT I NUE BEEP I NG SPK Test 4 5-69 007A 007C 007E 007f 8A c4 E6 61 C3 MOV OUT RECOVER VALUE OF PORT AL,AH PORT_S, AL RET BEEP ; RETURN TO CALLER ENOP ----- ---------- --------- -------- ----------------------------------------THIS PROCEDURE WILL SEND A SOFTWARE RESET TO THE KEYBOARD. SCAN CODE ~ AA' SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE CPU. SCAN CODE ~65' IS DEFINED FOR MANUFACTURING TEST 007t 007F 0061 0084 BO fF E6 0000 E E3 23 0086 0088 3C FA 75 IF CMP JNZ AL, KB_ACK 013 OOBA OOBC OOBE 0093 BO FD E6 21 C6 06 006B R 00 FB MOV OUT MOV STI AL,OFDH INTA01,AL INTR_FLAG,O ENABLE KEYBOARD INTERRUPTS WRITE 8259 IMR RESET INTERRUPT INDICATOR ENABLE INTERRUPTS 0094 0096 0098 0090 009F OOAl 00A3 B3 2B F6 75 E2 FE 75 MOV SU8 BL,10 CX,CX INTR_FLAG,02H 012 011 TRY FOR 400 MSEC SETUP I NTERRU PT TIMEOUT CNT o lOA KEYBOARD I NTR OCCUR? YES - READ SCAN CODE RETURNED NO - LOOP TILL TIMEOUT aOA5 E4 60 8A 08 OOA7 OOA9 OOAA OA C9 06 006B R 02 06 F7 CB F3 C3 TEST JNZ LOOP G12: DEC JNZ BL ell TRY AGAIN IN MOV AL, PORT_A BL,AL READ KEYBOARD SCAN CODE SAVE SCAN CODE JUST READ RETURN TO CALLER Gll: RET KBD_RESET DDS OOAA OOAA OOAR OOAE OOBO OOBl 00B2 Gll: 50 B8 PROC PUSH MOV MOV POP ---- R 6E 08 58 C3 RET DDS ENDP NEAR AX AX,DATA OS,AX AX ENOP TEMPORARY INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE 1. TH I S ROUT I NE I S ALSO LEFT I N PLACE AfTER THE POWER ON DIAGNOSTICS TO SERVICE UNUSED INTERRUPT VECTORS. LOCATION' INTR_FLAG' WI LL CONTALN EITHER: 1. LEVEL OF HARDWARE INT. THAT CAUSED CODE TO BE EXEC. 2. 'FF' FOR NON-HARDWARE INTERUPTS THAT WAS EXECUTED ACCIDENTLY • ooeo 00C2 00C4 00C6 00C8 OOCA OOCC OOCC OOCE 0000 0002 0004 0006 0008 OODA oaDC OODE OOEO 00E2 00E4 00E6 OOEB DOEA OOEe OOEE OOFO 00F2 OOF4 OOF6 OOF6 aOFA oaFS aOFc oom DOH OOFE OOFF : : .----------------------------------- -------------------PROC NEAR 011 00B2 00B2 00B3 00B4 00B5 0086 00B9 OOSB OOSO OOBf : : ASSUME PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH CALL lE 52 50 53 E8 BO E6 EB OOAA R DB 20 00 MOV OUT JMP NOP IN MOV DR JNZ MOV JMP 90 E4 8A OA 75 84 fB 20 £0 C4 04 FF 2A BO E6 EB E4 8A OA 74 E4 OA EB E6 BO EB E6 E4 EB OA E6 EB BO E6 DB AD 00 AO F8 FF DE Al C7 00 Al 20 00 AD 21 00 C4 21 00 20 20 MOV OUT JMP IN MOV OR JZ IN OR JMP OUT MOV JMP OUT NOT_SEC: IN JMP OR OUT JMP MOV OUT OS: DATA OS ox AX BX DDS AL,OBH I NTAOO, AL SHORT $+2 AL,INTAOO AH,AL AL,AH HW_I NT AH,OFFH SHORT SET_INTR_FLAG AL,OBH lNTBOO,AL SHORT $+2 AL, ItHBOO SH,AL BH,BH NOT_SEC AL,lNTBOl AL,BH SHORT $+2 I NTB01,AL AL,EOI SHORT $+2 INTBOO,AL AL INTA01 SHORT $+2 AL,AH INTA01,AL SHORT $+2 AL, EOI I NTAOO, AL SAVE REG AX CONTENTS SET DATA SEGM.ENT READ I N-SERVt CE REG (FIND OUT WHAT LEVEL BEING 10 DELAY SERVI CED) GET LEVEL SAVE IT OO? (NO HARDWARE ISR ACTIVE) SET fLAG TO r F If NON-HDWARE READ IN-SERVICE REG INT CHI P 2 10 DELAY CHECK THE SECOND I NT CH I P SAVE IT CONT I NUE I F NOT GET SECOND I NT MASK MASK OFF LVL BEING SERVICED 10 DELAY SEND EO I TO SECOND CH I P J 0 DELAY GET MASK VALUE 10 DELAY MASK OFF LVL BE I NG SERV t CEO 10 DELAY SET_INTR_FLAG: 88 26 006S R MOV POP POP POP POP 58 58 5A 1F Cf INTR_fLAG,AH BX AX OX OS DUMMY RETURN 1: IRET011 ENDP SET FLAG RESTORE REG AX CONTENTS ; NEED IRET FOR VECTOR TABLE ; --HARDWARE I NT 13 (LEVEL 75H) -------------------------SERVICE X287 INTERRUPTS : TH I S ROUT I NE f I [LOS X287 I NTERRUPTS AND CONTROL : IS PASSED TO THE NM I I NTERRUPT HANDLER FOR COMPATABILITY. ; ~OFF ------------------------------ - ------------------------- INT_287 PROC PUSH NEAR AX SAVE AX 0100 0102 32 CO £6 Fa XOR OUT AL,AL X287,AL REMOVE THE t NT REQUEST 0104 0106 0108 BO 20 [6 AD E6 20 MOV OUT OUT AL,EOI INTBOO,AL INTADO,AL ENABLE THE INTERRUPT THE SLAVE THE MASTER OlOA 010B 58 POP INT AX 2 RESTORE AX e I VE CONTROL TO NM I ~OFF 50 CD 02 5-70 Test 4 0100 CF I NT_287 010£ ; lRET ENDP RETURN ;--HARDI-JAKE INT 9 (LEVEL 7111) -------------------------; REDIRECT SLAVE INTERRUPT 9 TO INTERRUPT LEVEL 2 TH I S ROUT I ME F I ELOS LEVEL 9 I NTERRUPTS AND CONTROL IS PASSED TO MASTER INTERRUPT LEVEL 2 OlOE alOE OlaF 0111 0113 0114 0116 0117 R[ DIRECT PROC PUSH MOY OUT POP INT 50 SO 20 [6 AD 5' CD OA NEAR AX AL, EOI J NTBOO,AL AX UAH I~ CF SAVE AX [0 I TO SLAVE I NT CONTROLLER RESTORE AX GIVE CONTROL TO HARDWARE LEVEL 2 .n~ RCD I RECT [NDP PRINT A SEGMET VALUE TO LOOK LI KE A 21 BIT ADDRESS OX MUST GONTA I N SEGMENT VALUE TO BE PR I NTED 0117 0117 0119 Ol1C 011E 0121 0123 0126 0128 012B 012C Q12C SA £8 8A [8 80 [8 80 [8 C3 C6 0000 C2 0000 30 0000 20 0000 E E E E PRT SEC PROC MOV CALL May CALL May CALL May CALL NEAR AL,OH XPC BYTE AL,DL XPC BYTE A,L, TO' PRT HEX \L T , PR"LHEX GET MSB LSB PRINT A '0 SPACE RET PRT SEG ENDP CODE ENDS [NO Test 4 5-71 5-72 Test 4 TITLE 12/16/83 TEST5 • LIST PUBLIC POSTS PUBLIC EXC_OO PUBLIC EXC_Ol PUBLIC EXC_02 PUBLIC EXC_03 PUBLIC EXC_04 PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC EXC_07 PUBLIC EXC_08 PUBLIC EXC_09 PUBLIC EXC_10 PUBLIC EXC_l1 PUBLIC EXC_ 12 PUBLIC EXC_13 PUBLIC EXC_ 14 PUBLIC EXC_'5 PUBLIC EXC_ 16 PUBLIC EXC_17 PUBLIC EXC_ 18 PUBLIC EXC_19 PUBL IC EXC_20 PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC EXC_27 PUBLIC EXC_28 PUBLIC EXC_29 PUBLIC EXC_30 PUBLIC EXC_3 1 EXCEPTION INTERRUPT HANDLER ~~g:g~ ~g:~~ I~~~ii PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC m~n I NCLUOE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0005 0005 0007 OOOA OOOA OOOC DOOF OOOF 0011 0014 0014 0016 0019 SYS_32 SYS_33 SY5_34 ASSUME CS:CODE. DS:AB50 MOV JMP AL.90H TEST_EXC i <~~>~~~~T MOV JMP AL.91H TEST_EXC ; <~~>i~~~T I ~H~~~~~i~~~>~~~>~~PECTED MOV JMP Al.92H TEST_EXC ; <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST If EXCEPTI ON WAS EXPECTED MOV J"P AL.93H TEST_EXC ; <><><>5£T CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV J"P AL,94H TEST_Exe : <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED P05T5: EXC_DD: BO 90 E9 0007 R EXC_Ol: BO 91 E9 0007 R ~H~~~~~~ ~~~>~~~>~~PECTED EXC_02: BO 92 £9 00D7 R EXC_03: BO 93 E9 0007 R I EXC_04: BO 94 E9 0007 R EXC_05: 0019 06 PUSH ES 001A 0010 B8 0048 8E CO MOV MOV AX, ES_TEMP ES.AX ;------- LOAD ES REGISTER FIX BOUND PARAMETERS POINT BEGINING OF THE BLOCK SET FIRST WORD TO ZERO 0021 28 FF 26: C7 05 0000 MOV 01,01 WORD PTR E5:[01).0 0026 002C 26: C7 45 02 7FFF 07 MOV POP WORD PTR ES:[01+2J,07FFFH ; ES BO 95 E9 0007 R MOV JMP AL.95H TEST_EXC MOV JMP AL.96H TEST_EXC ; <:><><>5ET CHECKPO J NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP AL,97H TEST_Exe ; <><><>5ET CHECK POI NT<><><><> ; CO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP AL.98H TEST_EXC : <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED DOH 0020 002F 0032 0032 0034 0037 0037 0039 003C OOlC 003E 0041 0041 0043 0046 0046 0048 0048 0048 0040 0050 0050 0052 0055 0055 0057 005A 005A OO,}C 005F 005F 0061 0064 0064 0066 0069 0069 0068 006E 006E SUB EXC_06: BO 96 E9 0007 R EXC_07: BO 97 E9 0007 R EXC_08: BO 98 E9 0007 R EXC_D9: BO 99 E9 0007 R MOV JMP AL.99H TEST_EXC ; <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP AL,9AH TE5T_Exe ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV J"P AL.9BH TEST_EXC ; <><;><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP AL.9CH TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT! ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP Al.9DH TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST IF EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP Al.9EH TEST_EXC ; <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP AL.9FH TESCEXC ; <><><>SET CHECK PO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST IF EXCEPTI ON WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP Al.OAOH TEST_EXC ; <><><>$ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST IF EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED MOV JMP TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST IF EXCEPTI ON WAS EXPECTED MOV AL,OAZH ; <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><>...:::> EXC_1O: BO 9A E9 0007 R EXC_ll: BO 9B E9 0007 R BO 9C E9 0001 R EXC_12: EXC_13: BO 90 E8 7E 90 EXC_14: 80 9E EB 79 90 SET SECOND TO 07FFFH : <><><>5E1 CHECKPO I NT<><><><> : GO TEST IF EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED EXC_15: BO 9F EB 74 90 EXC_16: BO AO EB 6F 90 EXC_17: BO A1 E8 6A 90 AL.OA1H EXC_18: 80 A2 Test 5 5-73 EB 65 90 80 A2 t~Ov 00 f'j [B 60 90 JMP 0078 0078 007A 0070 0070 007F 0082 0082 0084 OD87 0087 0089 008C D08C OU8E 0091 0091 0093 0096 0096 BO A3 MOV [6 5B 90 JMP SO A4 MOY EB 56 90 JMP BO A5 MOV 00C5 AL,OA3H TE5T_EXC ; <><><>5ET CH EGKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS [XPECTED AI"OA4H TESl_EXC ; <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED AL, DASH TEST_EXC ; <><><>5ET CHECKPO I NT<> <><><> ; GO TE5T I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED ; <><><>5[T CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED JMP MOV JMP AL,OA6H TEST_EXC 60 A7 EB 47 90 MOV JMP AL,OA7H TEST_EXC ; <><><>$ET CHECKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED BO AB E6 42 90 MOV JMP AL,OA8H TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST IF EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED 80 A9 MOV ,JMP AL,OA9H TEST_EXC ; <><><>5[T CH ECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO T[ST I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED ~10V AL, OAAH TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPOI NT<><><><> ; GO TE5T I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED AL,OABH TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET GH ECKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPT ION WAS EXPECTED AL,OACH TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CH ECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST ! F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTE[) AL,OAOH TEST_EXC ; <>"'--""'''5ET CHECKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST IF EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED AL,OAEH TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CH ECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPTION WAS EXPECTED AL,OAFH TEST_EXC ;<><><>SET CHECKPOINT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F INTERRUPT WAS EXPECTED AL,OBOH fEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST I F INTERRUPT WAS EXPECTED 60 AA E8 38 90 00C3 ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F EXCEPTION WflS EXPECTED 51 90 ES 3D 90 ooeo ooe3 JMP MOV 80 AB EB 33 90 80 AC E6 2E JMP MOV 90 JMP MOy BO AD EB 29 90 JMP BO AE MOV EB 24 90 JMP 80 AF E8 1 F 90 MOV 60 130 EB 1A 90 MOV JMP JMP JMP AL,061H TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CH ECKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST I F INTERRUPT WAS EXPECTED so B2 EB 10 90 MOV JMP AL,082H TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT <><><><> ; GO TEST IF IIHERRUPT WAS EXPECTED BO 63 EB OB 90 MOV JMP AL,063H TE5T_EXC ; <><><>$ET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F INTERRUPT WAS EXPECTED MOV AL,OB4H TEST_EXC ; <><><>5l T l:HECKPO I NT<><><><> ; GO TEST I F INTERRUPT WAS EXPECTED AL,OB5H TEST_EXC ; <><><>SET CHECKPO I NT<><><><> GO TEST I F INTERRUPT WAS EXPECTED MOY BO S1 EB 15 90 OOC8 ooca OOCA OOCD OOCD OOCF 0002 0002 0004 0007 0007 0009 0008 DODD OOOE OOOF 00E2 DOEll DOEA OOEF 00F2 OOFII OOF5 00F6 oon OOFB OOf9 OOFC DOFE OOFF OOFF 0101 0103 0105 0107 0107 0109 010B 0100 alOE alOE 0110 0112 0113 SYS 37: BO 64 EB 06 90 BO BS E8 01 90 E6 80 3C AE 77 22 JMP MOV JMP TEST [XC; OUT CMP JA PUSH PUSH MOV MOV MOV MOV MOY MOV 1E 50 B8 8E C7 c6 88 8E 58 1F 5A 0008 08 06 0048 FFFF 06 0040 93 0048 CO POP POP POP POP 59 PUSH 51 83 F9 40 75 01 52 86 E4 3A 74 Cf~P JNZ PUSH TEST EXCO; XCHG IN EO 88 C4 OF CMP JZ TEST_EXC1; IN E4 80 3C 3fl 72 01 CF CMP JB TEST 86 EO E6 80 EXC2: XCHG OUT OUTPUT THE CHECKPO I NT CHECK FOR EXCEPT ION GO I F A SYSTEM I NT OS SAVE THE CURRENT DATA SEGMENT AX flX,GDT PTR OS,AX ; os: ES_ TEMP. SEG_L I MIT, MAX_SEG_LEN BYTE PTR OS: (ES_ TEMP. DATA ACC_R I GHTS) ,CPLO_DATA_ACCESS AX, ES TEMP E5,A)C AX RESTORE REGS OS OX CHECK I F CODE SEG SECOND ON STACK cx ex CX,SYS_ROM_CS TEST_EXCO ox CONTINUE I F ERROR CODE PUT SEGMENT BACK ON STACK AH,AL AL,OMA PAGE+OAH AL, AH JEST_EXC3 WAS THE EXCEPT I ON EXPECTED? GO I F YES SAVE THE CHECKPOINT AL,MFG_PORT AL,03BH TEST_EXC2 CHECK THE CURRENT CHKPT HALT IF CHKPT BELOW 3BH AH,AL MFG_PORT, AL OUTPUT THE CURRENT CHECKPO I NT <><><> CKPT 90 THRU B5 <><><> HLT Fli EB F9 JMP TEST EXC3; SUB OUT 2A CO E68B B80100 Cf 5-74 MFG PORT,AL AL,OAEH TEST_Exeo IRET 0115 0115 0117 0119 OllC 0110 I F EXCEPT I ON WAS EXPECTED AL,OA2H TEST_EXC 80 A6 EB 4C 90 EB 0098 0084 0084 0086 0089 0089 OOBB OOBE OOSE GO TEST EXC_19: 0098 0096 0090 DOAO OOAO 00A2 OOA5 OOA5 OOA7 OOAA OOAA OOAC OOAF aOAF 0081 ; JMP 0070 0073 0073 MOV IRET CODE Test 5 ENDS END TEST_EXC2 I NSURE SYSTEM HALT AL,AL DMA_PAGE +OAH, AL AX, 01 DOH CLEAR DMA PAGE USED FOR BOUND RETURN I NSTR EXPECTED I NT5 TITLE 01/03/84 TEST6 POWER ON SELF TEST . LI ST PUBL I C STGTST CNT PUBL I C ROM ERR PUBL I e BOOT STRAP 1 PUBLIC XMIT-B042PUBLI C POSTt; PUBLIC H5 I NCLUOE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLI C 0000 EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN PAGE POST6 0000 ; ; 0000 0000 0002 0004 0006 0008 OOOA OOOC OOOE 88 09 E4 EB DC E6 E8 24 E6 61 00 OC 61 00 F3 61 SA 89 28 28 88 AB 2B AD 33 74 E9 D1 E2 0001 0010 FF F6 C2 EO: NEAR E MSC: NEAR KSD_RESET: NEAR BYTE; NEAR F 1; NEAR VECTOR TABLE:NEAR NMI INT:NEAR PR I NT _SCREEN_l : NEAR BLINK_INT:NEAR PRT_HEX:NEAR F3B: NEAR PRT SEC: NEAR XPC-BYTE: NEAR El: NEAR ROM CHECK: NEAR ROS:=CHECKSUM: NEAR SEEK: NEAR f3:NEAR ERR_BEEP; NEAR P MSG:NEAR START 1: NEAR F4;NEAR F4[; N[AR DDS: NEAR F3A: NEAR o ISK_BAS[; NEAR F3D: NEAR PRoe SHUTDOWN: NEAR SYS I N I T1 : NEAR PROT _PRT _HEX: NEAR DISK 10:NEAR HD I NT: NEAR C8042; NEAR tWOI_INVA:NEAR xrc ASSUME ASSUME CS: CODE os: DATA PROC NEAR TH I S SUBROUT I NE PERFORMS A READ/WR I TE STORAGE TEST ON A BLOCK Of STORAGE. ENTRY REQU I RnlENTS: ES = ADDRESS OF STORAGE SEGMENT BE I NG TESTED OS '" ADDRESS OF STORAGE SEGMENT BE I NG TESTED CX == WORD COUNT OF STORAGE BLOCK TO BE TESTED EXI T PARAMETERS: ZERO FLAG = 0 IF STORAGE ERROR (DATA COMPARE OR PARITY CHECK). AL=O OENOTES A PAR I TV CHECK. [LSE AL=XOR' ED B IT PATTERN OF THE EXPECTED DATA PATTERN VS THE ACTUAL DATA READ. AX,BX,CX,DX,OI, AND 51 ARE ALL DESTROYED. STCTST eNT - MOV IN JMP OR OUT JMP AND OUT ;~------- ~OlO 0013 0016 0018 OOlA D01C 001D 001 F 0020 0022 0024 0027 0029 el ; F6 C2 03 DOCS R E2 EB PRoe NEAR BX,CX AL, PORT_B SHORT $+2 Al ,RAM_PAR_OF f PORT_B,AL SHORT $+2 AL, RAM PAR ON PORT_B-:-AL - SAVE WORD COUNT OF BLOCK TO TEST 10 DELAY TOGGLE PAR I TY CHECK LATCHES 10 DELAY ROLL A BIT THIWUGH THE FIRST WORD MOV MOV SUB SUB t-lDV STOS .... SUB LOOSW XOR JZ JMP SHL LOOP OX,OOOlH eX,16 DI,DI SI,SI AX,DX 51,51 AX, OX 01 A C13 OX,l C1 WRITE THE IN IT OATA PATTERN ROLL 16 BIT POSITIONS START AT BECININC OF BLOCK INITIALIZE DESTINATION POINTER GET THE PATTERN STORE DATA PATTERN START AT BEGINNING GET THE FIRST WR I TrEN INSURE DATA AS EXPECTED EX I T I F NOT SHIFT BIT TO NEXT BIT POSITION LOOP TILL DONE ;-------- CHECK CAS LINES FOR HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE 0028 0020 002F 0031 0034 0035 0038 0036 0030 003f 0041 0043 0046 0048 004A 0040 004E 0050 0053 0055 0057 0059 28 28 28 BA AB BF C6 28 8B 33 74 E9 28 28 8A AB 28 FF F6 CO FFOD 0001 05 Ff Ff as e2 03 00C5 R FF CO OOFf fF c6 05 FF 2B rr 8B 05 33 C2 75 6A - C1 B, START AT BEGINING OF BLOCK ; INITIALIZE DESTINATION POINTER ; WRITE 0 SUB SUB SUB to\DV STOSW MOV MOV SUB MOV XOR JZ JMP DI,OI S I, S I AX,AX DX,OFFOOH e13 EXIT SUB SUB MOV STOSW SUB MOV SUB MOV XOR JNZ 01,01 AX,AX DX,OOOFFH START AT BEGINING OF BLOCK WR I T[ a 01,1 BYTE PTR [OI},OfFH 01,01 AX,WORD PTR [01] AX,DX C1 B 01,01 BYTE PTR [01 ],OFFH 01,01 AX,WORD PTR [DI} AX,OX C13 ; STORE DATA PATTERN ; AT THE FIRST ODD LOCATION ; WRITE A BYTE OF FF GET THE DATA CHECK THE FIRST WRITIf:.N IF NOT STORE DATA PATTERN AT THE FIRST EVEN LOCATION WRITE A BYTE OF Ff BUS SETTLE GET THE DATA CHECK THE fiRST WRITTEN EXI T I F NOT ;------- TEMP SAVE FOR AX (PUSH NOT ALLOWED) 005B 0050 005F 0061 E6 86 EB E6 89 C4 00 BA OUT XCHG JMP OUT DMA PAGE+B, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 DMA_PAGE+9,AL SAVE AX Test 6 5-75 ; -------- CHECK 006-( 0069 0068 E4 24 86 Ell 22 006D 006F 0071 E4 8A 86 01 E4 89 0063 006~ IN AND XCHG IN AND 61 CO eLI 87 EO 10 OR BASE RAM CHECK fOR 10/PAR CHECK STR I P UNWANTED 8 I TS SAVE ERROR CHECK FOR R/W OR 10 ERR AL, PORT B AL, PARITY_ERR AL,AH AL,DMA PAGE+6 AH,AL - ; ------- RESTORE AX IN XCHG IN GET AH AL,OMA_PAGE+9 AL,AH AL,DMA_PAGE+8 GET AL ;-------- PARITY ERROR EXIT 0073 0075 0078 007A 007C 007E 0080 0082 00811 0086 0087 0089 008B 75 50 BA AA55 28 FF 26 F6 88 CB 88 C2 F3/ AS 8B C8 26 F6 JNZ MDV C3: C4: C5: Mav Mav RE? Mav SUB C6: AD SUB SUB 33 C2 75 3A E2 F9 GO I F YES WRITE THE INIT DATA PATTERN START AT BEGINING Of BLOCK INITlALlZ[ DeSTINATION POINTER SETUP BYTE COUNT fOR LOOP GET THE PATTERN STORE 64K BYTES (32K WORDS) SET COUNT START AT RFG INN 1 NG GET THE FIRST WR I HEN I NSURE DATA AS EXPECTED EXIT IF NOT LOOP T J LL DONE C13 DX,OAA55H [)I,DI 51,51 CX,BX AX,DX STOSW CX,BX SI,SI LOOSW xaR JNZ LOOP AX,OX en e6 ;------- TEMP SAVE FOR A:X (PUSH NOT ALLOWED) 0080 008F 0091 0093 E6 86 EB E6 0095 0097 0099 0098 0090 E4 24 86 E'-1 22 009F OOAl eOA3 E4 8A 86 C4 E4 89 OUT 89 C4 00 XCHG JMP 8A OUT SAVE AX DMA_PAGE+8, AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 DMA_PAGE+9,AL ; -------- CHECK 10 OR BASE RAM 61 IN C4 87 EO AND XCHG IN AND co CHECK FOR IO/PAR CHECK STR! P UNWANTED BITS SAVE ERROR CHECK fOR R/W OR 10 ERR AL, PORT_B AL, PAR I TY ERR AL,AH AL,OMA PAGE +6 AH,AL - ; ------- RESTORE AX IN XCHG IN GET AH AL,DMA_PAGE+9 AL,AH AL,OMA_PAGE+8 GET AL ;-------- PARITY ERROR EXIT aOA5 JNZ 75 1 E GO C13 Jf YES ; ------- CHECK fOR END Of 64K BLOCK AND JZ 23 02 OOA7 00A9 74 lA OOAB OOAf OOBl 00135 00B7 OOBA 81 74 81 74 BA EB OOBC OOBE 2B 02 EB B8 FA 55AA Of FA 0101 Of 55AA Be ENDING ZERO PATTERN WRITTEN TO STC ? YES - RETURN TO CALLER WITH AL=O OX,OX C14 ;------- SETUP NEXT PATTERN CMP OX,055AAII JZ C9 eMP OX,0101H JZ C10 MOV DX,055AAH JMP C3 CHECK I F LAST PATTERN =55AA GO I F NOT LAST PATTERN 0101? CO I F YES WRITE 55AA TO STORAGE ; -------- LAST PATTERN = 0000 C8: SUB OX,OX JM? C3 ;-------OOCO 00C3 BA Ul01 EB B3 C9: Mav JM? ; -------- 00C5 OOC5 C13: C14: C3 ; WR I TE 0000 TO STORACE INSURE PARITY BITS ARE NOT STUCK ON OX,OlOIH ; WRITE 0101 TO STORAGE C3 lX I I RET ;------- CHECKER BOARD TEST eOC6 OOC8 OOCA ooce OOCf DODO 0003 0004 0006 0001;1 OODA OODC 0000 OOEO 00E2 00E3 00£6 00E8 2B FF 8B CO 01 E9 C10: SUB 01,01 B8 5555 Cll: MDV SHR MDV STOSW Mav eX,BX eX,l AX, 010 1a 101 01 0 1 0 101 B LOOP ell AS B8 AAAA AB ~7 f6 28 f6 8B CB 01 E9 AD 35 5555 75 E3 AD 35 AAAA 75 00 E2 F2 srosw 51,51 MUV CX,BX CX,l SHR C12: AX,1010101010101010B SUB LODSW XUR AX, 0101010101 010 101 B JNZ LODSW C13 XOR AX,1010101010101010B JNZ LOOP e12 en PO I NT TO START 0 F BLOCK GET THE BLOCK COUNT DIVIDE BY 2 fiRST CHECKER PATTERN WRITE IT SECOND CHECKER PATTERN WRITE IT 00 I T FOR CX COlJNT PO I NT TO START OF BLOCK GET THE BLOCK COUNT DIVIDE BY 2 GET THE DATA CHECK CORRECT EXIT IF NOT GET NEXT DATA GO I F NOT CORRECT CONT I NUE TILL DONE ; ------- TEMP SAVE fOR AX (PUSH NOT ALLOWED) OOEA OOEC OUT E6 89 86 C4 5-76 XCHG Test 6 DMA_PAGE+8,AL AL,AH SAVE AX ITLE 12/28/83 TEsn EXCEPTION INTeRRUPT TEST TEST.20 ADD I T IONAL PROTECTED (Y 1 RTUAL HODE) TEST DESCHI PT ION THE PRoceSSOR I S PUT IN PROTECl ED MODE AND 1HE ~ OllOW I NG FUNCT IONS ARE VER I F I ED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. VER I FY PROTECI LlJ MOUt: THE MACHINE STATUS IS CHECK rOR VIRlUAL MODE PROCRAHMED I NTERRUPT TEST AN PROGRAMM[O INTERRUPT 32 IS ISSUED AND AND VER I F I ED lXCEI"1 ION INT 13 lEST A DESCRIPTOR SEGMENT LIMIT IS SET TO ZERO AND A WRITE TO THAT SEGMENT IS ATTEMPTED AN EXCEPT 1ON 13 I S EXPECTED AND VER I r I ED LD1/SDT LTR/STR TEST lOAf) lOT REGISTEH AND VERIFY CORRECT I DAD TASK REG I STER AND VCR I FY CORRECT THEY AR~_ VERIFIED VIA THE srORE INSTRUCTION T1IE CONTROL FLAGS OF THE 286 rOR DIRECTION ARE VERifiED VIA THE STD AND CLD COMMANDS I N PROTECTED MODE UOlJND INSTRUGTION TEST (EXC INT 5) CREATE A SIGNED AHRAY INDEX WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE LIMITS. CHECK THAT NO EXC INT If WITHIN LIMIT AND THAT AN EXC INT 5 OCCURS IF OU1SIDE TilE LlMITS. PUSH ALL POP AL.L TEST SET ALL GENERAL PURPOSE REGS TO 01 FFERENT VALUES I SSUE A PUSH ALL, CLEAR THE REGS I SSUE A POP ALL AND VER I FV CORRECT. CHECK THE VERR/VERW INSTRUCTIONS THE ACCESS BYTE I S SET TO READ ONLY THEN TO A WRITf ONLY AND THE VERR/VERW INST ARE VERIFIED. CAUSE AN INTERRUPT 13 VIA A WRITE TO A READ ONLY SEGMENT VERIFY THE ARPL INSTRUCTION FUNCTIONS SET THE RPL FIELD OF A SEt ECTOR AND VERIFY THAT CURRENT SELECTOR RPL IS SET CORRECny. VER I FY THE lAR I NSTRUCT I ON FUNGT IONS V[[,IFY THE LSL INSTRUCTION FUNCTIONS LOW I~EG CH I l' SELECT TEST POST7 INCLUDE S[GMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 0000 0000 0003 0005 EXTHN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN E MSG;NEAR x·PC BVTE:NEAR F1; NEAR VECTOR TABLE: NEAR PRINT SCREEN:NEAR BLiNK-INT:NEAR pRT HEX: NEAR F3B:NfAR PRT _SEG: NEAR XPC BYTE; NEAR E 1 ; NEAR EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN (XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN !::XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXfRN [XTRN (XTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN F3 ;NEAR EHI~ BEEP: NEAR P MSG:NEAR START l;NEAR fJI:N[AH filE; NEAH F3A; NEAR DISK BASE: NEAR F30: NEAR rJD1: NEAR PROC SHUTDOWN: NEAH SVSINIT1:NFAR PROT I>RT HEX: NEAR DISK-rO:NEAR Hll INT;NfAR CB042: NEAR OBF 112:NEAR SlG1SI CNI;NEAR BOOT STRAP l;NEAR XM I T-BOI.J2; NEAR ROt~ ERR;NEAR DDS;NEAR CM1 :NEAR CM2: NEAF\ CM}: NEAR LOCK:N[AR DISK 'SETUP; NEAR ADERR: NEAR ADERR1; NEAR ASSUME CS; CODE, DS:DATA PIWC CAL.L DDS MOV Al,OFOH OUT MFG_PORT, AL POST? [8 0000 E 60 FO E6 80 ; SET DATA SEGMENT ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT FO <><><><> ---- SET SHUTDOWN RETURN 7 0007 0009 00013 0000 Dour BO 8F MOV ,6 70 OUT BO 07 EB 00 E6 71 JMP ~lOV OUT AODR AL, SHUT DOWN CMOS_PORT, AL Al,7 SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+1,AL FOR SHUTDOWN BYTE SET ERROR EX I T (DOUBLE EXECPT ION? ) 10 DELAY ; -------' ENABLE PROTECTEO MODE 0011 0014 0016 BC 0000 8E 04 BC 8000 UU1Y [8 0000 E MOV MOV SP, POST_SS SS,SP SP, POST_SP CALL SYSINIT1 I~OV SET STACK FOR SYS I N I T1 ; CO ENABLE PROTECTEO MODE ; ------- SET TEMPORY STACK DOle 001 F 0021 0023 002A 0030 0033 B8 0008 8E CO 8E 08 26: C7 06 005A 0000 26: C6 06 005C 00 BE 005B 8E 06 MOV MOV MaV MOV MOV MOY MOV AX, GOT PTR FS, AX OS,AX ES: SS TEMP. BASE LO WORD, BYTE PTA ES:(SS=TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),O SI ,S5 TEMP SS,SI- ° Test 7 5-77 0035 MOV BC FfFO SP, MNCSEG_LEN-2 ; ------- ;VER~FY-PROTE;;TEO-MODE ; 0038 0039 0039 0038 0039 0039 0038 0038 003E 0040 OF 0043 0045 BO f1 E6 80 0047 0049 0048 0040 004F 0051 0053 0055 0057 BO E6 CO 2B E4 22 EO 74 E9 005A 005C BO f2 E6 80 005E 0060 BO 90 E6 88 01 EO + + 110000 + + 110001 + --------------------- 5MSW AX DB LABEL OOFH BYTE SHL AX,1 LABEL GET THE MACHINE STATUS WORD 01 DB A9 0001 75 03 E9 02EA R JMP BYTE OFFSET C5: 110000 00lH OFFSET CS: 110001 AX, V I RTUAL_ENABLE T7_1 ERROR_EXIT MOV OUT AL,OFlH MfG_PORT ,AL DRG ORG TEST JHZ T7_1: ; ARE WE I N PROTECTED MODE ; ERROR I F NOT ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT F1 <><><><> ; ---- ---!. -~NTERRU;T-TE;;-( ;ROGR;~MED- ~;rERRU ;r-32i ~OV-----~L:O~;~--------------------------- SET EXCEPTION FLAG AF 88 20 C9 88 CO fA 03 02EA R LOOP1: OUT INT SUB IN AND LOOPNZ OMA_PAGE+OAH,AL 32 CX,CX AL,OMA_PAGE+OAH AL,AL LOOPl j~p ~~R~R_EXIT FOR INT 10 INTERRUPT WAIT FOR INT DID THE 1NTERRUPT OCCUR? MISSING INTERRUPT ; -------- CAUSE AN EXCEPTI ON INTERRUPT (GENERAL PROTECT I ON I NT 130) ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT F2 <><><><> AL,OF2H MFG_PORT. AL MOV OUT SET INT 13 FLAG FOR THE I NT HANDLER AL,9DH OMA_PAGE+OAH, AL ; ------- MOO I FY DESCR I PTOR TABLES .-------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------- ; -------. SET TEMP ES OESCR I PTOR TO SEGMENT LI MI T ; 0062 ; MOV C7 06 0048 0000 SET SEGMENT TO 0 ;------- CPLO, DATA ACCESS RIGHTS 0068 0060 0072 C6 06 0040 93 C6 06 004C 01 C7 06 004A 0000 0078 007B B8 0048 BE CO HOV MOV MOV BYTE PTR OS:, ES_ TEMP. OATA_ACC_R I GHTS), CPLO_DATA_ACCESS BYTE PTR OS:(ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),Ol ; 00 ALL TESTS ON 2ND 64K WORD PTR OS: (ES_TEHP. BASCLO_WDROI. 0 ; -------- SET ES REG I STER 0070 007F 26 FF 26: 88 05 0082 0084 0086 0088 aOBA OOBC 2B [4 22 EO 74 E9 MOV MOV LOAD ES AX, ES_TEMP ES,AX ;------- CAUSE AN EXCEPTION 13 INTERRUPT SUB 01,01 MOV AX, ES: (01 ] c9 SUB LOOP2: 8B CO FA 03 02EA R IN AND LOOPNZ JZ JMP TH I 5 SHOULD CAUSE AND EXCEPTI ON WAIT FOR INT CX,CX AL,OMA_PAGE+OAH AL,AL LOOP2 T7 3 ERROR_EXIT DID THE INTERRUPT OCCUR? CONT 1NUE I F INTERRUPT M I S5 I NG INTERRUPT .-------------- --------------- ------------ ------- DoaF y~~+~~C~~gNtOTjSOT ; LTR/STR ; DESCR I PT I ON LOAD LOT REGISTERS WITH A DESCRIPTOR VER I fY CORRECT ; --------------------- --------------------------- ; ------- WR I TE TO 286 LOT REGI STER OOBf 0091 0093 0096 0097 0097 0099 0097 0097 0099 BO F3 £6 80 Bf 0078 OF 8B 07 00 + + 1?0002 + + 710003 + + MOV OUT I.lJOV LLOT DB LABEL MOV LABEL ORG OR ORG ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT f3 <><><><> AL,OF3H MFG PORT ,AL OI,POST_LDTR 01 OOFH BYTE OX,OI BYTE OFFSET CS: 110002 OOOH OFFSET CS:??0003 REGISTER FROM THIS AREA ; ------- READ AND VER I FY 266 LOT SELECTOR 0099 2B CO 009B 009C OOgc 009E 00ge 009C 009E D09E DOAl 00A4 OF 25 00f8 3D 0078 75 1B 00A6 BF 0068 00A9 OF + DB 8B OF + 110006 + + ??0007 LABEL MDV LABEL DRG DB SUB SLOT 03 CO + + 1?0004 + : 1?0005 DB LABEL ADD LABEL ORG DB 00 ORG AND eMP JNZ AX,AX AX OOFH BYTE AX,AX BYTE OFfSET cs: 1?0004 OOOH OFFSET cs: ??0005 AX,OF8H AX, POST_LOTR ERROR ; CLEAR AX ; GET THE LOT SE.LEC10R STR I P TI jRPL CORRECT SELECTOR? GO IF NOT ; -------- WR I TE TO 286 TR OOAA DOAA OOAC DOAA DDAA MOV + 00 OOAC LTR ORG 01, POST_TR 01 OOFH BYTE BX,OI BYTE OFfSET CS: 710006 OOOH OffSET cs: 110007 ;------- VERIFY 286 TR REGISTERS 5-78 Test 7 REG I STER FROM TH I S AREA OOAC 28 CO OOAE OOAr OOAF 0081 OOAF OOAF OOBl 00131 00B4 00137 OF .. + 88 C8 ??0008 + ??0009 SUB AX, AX 5TR AX 08 OOFH BYTE CX,AX BYTE OFfSET CS; ??0008 OOOH OFFSET CS: ??0009 AX,OFBI! AX, POST TR ERROR - LABEL Mav 00 LABEL ORO DB 25 OOF8 3D 0068 75 08 ORG AND eMP JNZ eET THE TR REG CORRECT SEL[CTOR? ;-------- TEST 286 CONTROL FLAGS 00139 OOBA OOBB OOBe OOBF OOC1 STD PUSljF I'OP TEST FO 9C 58 A9 0200 14 03 [9 02EA R ERROR: T7 - 4, OOC4 OQC4 OUC7 OQC9 aoce OOGO OOGE Doer 0002 0004 0007 A9 0400 75 03 E9 02EA R T7 -~: FC SeT 0 I RECT I ON FLAG FOR DECREMENT GET THE FLAGS AX INTERRUPT FLAG SHOULD BE OFF CONT I NUE I F OFF GO I F NOT AX,02001i JZ JMP 17 4 TEST AX,0400H JNZ JMP ERROR EXIT ERROR r7 ~- EXIT CHECK DIRECTION FLAG 5 GO I F NOT SET CLEAR DIRECTION FLAG - CtD INSURE DIRECTION PUSHF 9C POP A9 0400 03 E9 02EA R TEST AX,0400H JZ JMP 17 6 71~ FLAG IS RESE.T AX 58 ERROR EXIT GO - I F NOT VCR I FY 286 BOUNO I NSl RUCT I ON DESCR I PT I ON CRFATE A SIGNED ARRAY INDEX WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE LIMITS (EXPECT Ii'll 5) 0007 0009 0008 OOoE 80 F4 MOV E6 80 88 0048 8E CO MOV ODED 00E2 26: C7 00E7 26: C7 45 02 7fFF ODED OOEf OUT t<\OV ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ;<><><>CHECKPOINT F4 <><><><> AL,OF4H MFG PORT,AL AX,ES_TEMP [S .. AX ; ------- CHECK tlOUNU LOAD ES REGI STER fUNCT IONS CORRECTLY rOINT IH.GINING OF THE BLOCK SET FIRST WORD TO ZERO SUB MOV 01, DI WORD PTR [S:[OI],O MOV WORD PTR ES: [0 I +2], 07rFFH ; 130 95 E6 813 MOV OUT AL,09:;'H DMA_PAGE +OAH, AL SET OOFl 138 1000 SET AX WITHltj BOUNDS USE THE" ES REG 26 MOV SEGOV DB AX,1000H OOF4 28 FF os 0000 BOUND 00F·5 OOF5 OOf 7 OOFS OOfS 00F7 00F7 DOF9 OOFB OOFD OOFt 0101 0104 + ??OOOB 88 05 + + ??OOOC 62 28 E2 E4 3C SUB G9 FE LABEL MOV LAt3LL ORG DB ORO LOOPA: 88 00 7'y 03 E9 02EA R LOOP IN eMP JNZ JHP E5 026H AX, (01] BYTE AX, (01] (lYTE OFFSET CS:??OOOB 062H OFFSET CS: ??OOOC CX,CX LOOPA AL, DMA_PAGE +OAH AL,O 0106 26: ERROR_EXI T MOV SEGOV ES 26 DO 026H AX, [DI] BYTE AX, [01 I BYTE OFFSET eS:??OOOE 062H OFFSET CS:??OOOF cX,ex + ??OQO[ BOUND LA!3[L MOV 88 05 + ??OOOF LABEL ORO OB 62 ORe SUB 2B C9 AX OUT OF BOUNDS USE THE ES REG AX,10aOH BB 1000 alOE S(T WA I T IN [4 8B 3C 00 EO FA 74 03 £9 OZEA R eMP LOOPNZ JZ JMP I NTERRU PT GET THE RI:.SULTS DID AN I NT[RRUPT OCCUR? TRY AGAIN CONTINUE IF INTERRUPT CO I F NO I NTERRU PT AL,DMA_PAGE+OAH AL,OH LOOPS 178 EHfWR_[XI T AL,95H OMA_PAGE +OAH, AL all E 0120 BO 95 £6 8B 0122 0124 0129 012F 2B FF 26; c7 05 0000 SUB MDV 26: C7 45 02 OHF 138 1000 MOV ~10V SEGOV 0132 FOR POSS I BLE LOOPB: ; -------- CHECK HI CH BOUND WORD CAUSES 0133 0133 0135 0133 0133 0135 0135 013"7 0137 0139 01313 0130 013F INT 5 SUB Mav C7 05 3FFO 0108 OlaF Olor 0111 OlOF 010F 0111 0111 0113 0113 0115 011 7 0119 01113 GET THE RESULTS DID AN I NTERRUPT OCCUR? CONT I NUE I F NOT GO I F YES T7 I ;-:------- CHECK LOW BOU~O WORD CAUSES 28 FF INTERRUPT 5 FLAG WAlT FOR POSSIBLE INTERRUPT T7 7: 0104 SET SECOND TO 07FFFH OB 26 813 05 + ??0011 + ... ??0012 62 BOUND LABEL MOV LA[3[L ORO DB ORC SUB 28 C9 I NT 5 SET FLAG FOR INTERRUPT POINT BEGININC OF THE BLOCK 01,01 WORD PTR ES: (011.0 ; SET FIRST WORD TO 0 WORO PTR ES:[DI+2],OFFFH ; SET SECOND TO OFFFH SET AX OUT OF BOUNDS AX,1000H USE THE. ES REG ES 02611 AX, [DI J BYTE AX, [DI I BYTE OFFSET CS:??OOl1 062H OfFSET CS;7?0012 WAIT FOR POSSIBLE INTERRUPT cX,ex l.OOpc: El~ 88 IN CMP 3C 00 FA 74 03 E9 02EA R LOOPNZ [0 JZ JMP ; ; AL,OMA_PAGE+OAH AL,OH l.OOPC GET THE RESULTS DID AN INTERRUPT OCCUR? TRY AGAIN T7 9 ERROR_EX I T VERI FY PUSH ALL AND POP ALL OESCR I PT I ON GO IF NO INTERRUPT INSTRUCTIONS: Test 7 5-79 SET REG I STERS TO A KNOWN VALUE AND PUSH ALL. RESET THE REG I STERS POPALL AND VERI FY 0142 0142 0144 0146 0149 014B 014C 014E 014F 0151 0152 0154 0155 0157 0158 0159 015B BO E6 B8 8B '13 8B CB 41 8B D1 42 86 fA 47 86 f7 46 PUSH 55 HOV INC 88 EE 45 015C 0150 015f 0161 0163 0165 0167 0169 60 0168 016C 016F 0170 0172 0175 61 2B 86 8B 86 86 86 88 ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHEGKPO I NT F5 <><><><> SET AX",1 SET BX=2 AL,OF5H MFG_PORT, AL AX,Ol eX,AX BX SET CX=3 eX,BX CX OX,CX SET OX=4 DX DI,DX SET DI=5 DI $I,DI SET SI=6 SAVE THE SP REGISTER SET BP=7 SI BP BP,SI BP I SSUE THE PUSH ALL COMMAND PUSHA DB SUB MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV CO 08 CB DO Fa FO E8 5D OHA 017C 017F 0181 0184 0186 0189 0188 018E 0190 0193 0193 E9 02EA R BO F6 E6 80 C7 06 0048 FFFF C6 06 OOllC 00 C7 06 004A FOO~ OlAB OlAE B8 0048 8E CO 01BO 3E 01B1 0162 0182 01B4 0182 01B2 01B4 Df 01B4 75 DO - BP SHOULD BE RESTORE BP GO I f NOT AX SHOULD BE GO I F NOT BX SHOULD BE GO I F NOT CX SHOULD BE GO I F NOT OX SHOULD BE CO I F NOT 01 SHOULD BE GO I f NOT SI SHOULD BE GO I F NOT BP CRROR_EX I T1 AX,Ol ERROR_EXlTl BX,02 ERROR_EX I 11 CX,03 ERROR EXITl DX,04ERROR EXI11 01,05ERROR_EX I T1 SI,06 ERROR_EX I T1 T7_10 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 : : : : ------------------ ----------------------------- T7_10: MOV OUT MOV HOV MOV f>IDV MOV + ??0014 + MOV + 710015 + LABEL ORG + AL,OF6H ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MFG_PORT,AL ;<><><>CHECKPOINT F6 <><><><> OS: ES_TEMP.5EG_LlMIT,MAX_SEG_LEN ; SET SEGMENT TO OfffFH BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP,BASE_HI_BYTE1,O ;S[T THE ADDRESS OS: ES_ TEMP. BASE_La_WORD, DFDOOH ; ; AX, ES TEMP ES,AX- LOAD ES REG I STER THIS SEGMENT SHOULD BE WRITEABLE INSURE ACCESS RIGHTS MAY BE WRITTEN SEGOV DB VERW DB LABEL + DO GET THE REG I STERS BACK 061H BP,07 VER I FY ACCESS R I CHTS FUNCT I ON CORRECTLY DESCR I PT I ON SET ACCESS RIGHTS Of DESCRI PTER TO VER I FV THE VERW/VERR I NSTR READ ONLY, ACCESS A READ ONLY WITH A WR I TE AND VERIFY AN EXCEPTION INT 13 ;-------- 88 E8 CLEAR ALL REGS ;-----------ERROR [XIT ERROR EX I T1 : JMP ERROR_EXIT ; 0196 0198 019A OlAD 01A5 060H AX.,AX BX,AX CX,AX OX,AX OI,AX SI,AX BP,AX paPA OB CMP POP JNZ CMP JNZ CMP JNZ CMP JNZ CMP JNZ CMP JNZ CMP JNZ JMP 83 fD 07 75 21 3D 0001 75 lC 83 FB 02 75 17 83 F9 03 75 12 83 FA 04 75 00 83 FF 05 75 08 83 FE 06 75 03 E8 04 90 0177 MOV OUT MOV HOV INC MOV INC HOV INC HOV INC HOV INC f5 80 0001 D8 DB ORC as SET SEGMENT OVER I DE TO START Of TABLE 03EH AX OOFH BYTE BP,AX BYTE OFFSET CS:??0014 OOOH OFFSET CS: ?70015 CHECK THE ACCESS RIGHTS OF ES_TEMP ; JNZ ERROR I F SEGMENT CAN NOT WR I TE ;------- SET ACCESS RIGHTS TO READ ONLY 0186 C6 06 0040 91 MOV BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP.DATA_ACC_RIGHTS),91H 01B8 01 BE B8 0048 8E CO MOV MOV AX, ES TEMP OS LOAD ES REGISTER ES, AXSET SEGMENT OVER I DE TO START OF TABLE OlCO 3E 01Cl 01C2 01C2 01C4 01C2 01C2 OlC4 Of + 88 E8 + 00 SEGOV De VERW DB LABEL MOV LA6EL ORG DB 01C4 74 CD JZ ERROR_EX I T1 ERROR 1 F SEGMENT IS WR I HABLE 01C6 B8 MOV AX, ES TEMP I NSURE THAT SEGMENT I S READABLE 01C9 OlCA OlCS OlCS 01GO OlGS OlCS OlGD OlGO + ??0017 + ??0018 + ORG 0048 3E OF + 8S £0 + + ??0018 + + ??OOlA 00 75 C4 SEGOV DB VERR DB LABEL MOV LABEL ORG DB ORG 03EI1 AX OOFH BYTE BP,AX BYTE OFFSET CS:??0017 OOOH OFFSET CS: ??0018 OS - 03EH AX OOFH BYTE SP,AX BYTE OFFSET C5; ??OOlA OOGH OFFSET CS: ??001B GO I F SEGMENT NOT READABLE JNZ ;------- CAUSE AN EXCEPTION 13 0101 60 90 E6 86 MOV OUT AL,09DH DMA_PAGE+OAH,AL 0103 28 F6 SUB 51,SI OlCF 5-80 Test 7 CHECK THE ACCESS RIGHTS OF ES_TEMP INTERRUPT SET EXCEPT I ON FLAG FOR INT 13 0105 26: C6 04 00 0109 o lOB OlOO 010F 01E1 2B E4 22 EO C9 8B CO FA LOOPD: MOV BYTE PTR ES:(SI].OO SUB CX,CX AL,OMA_PAGE-+-QAH AL,AL LQOPO ERROR_EX I T1 IN AND LOOPNZ JNZ 75 80 WR I TE A BYTE THAT SHOULD CAUSE AN EXCEPT I ON WAIT FOR INT DID THE INTERRUPT OCCUR? MISSING INTERRUPT ;-------- RESTORE THE ACCESS RIGIITS BYTE 01£3 MOV C6 06 0040 93 BYTE PTR os: (ES_ TEMP. DATA_ACC_R I GHTS), CPlO_DATA_ACCESS VER I FY ADJUST RPl FIELD OF SELECTOR I NSTRUCT I ON (ARPL) FUNCT IONS OESCR 1 PT 1ON SET THE RPL FIELD OF A SELECTOR AND VER I FY THAT THE ZERO FLAG 1S SET CORRECTLY AND THAT THE SELECTOR RPL FIELD IS SET CORRECTLY ; 01E8 OlEA OlEC 01EF BO F7 £6 80 138 0048 BB 0060 01 F2 00 0003 -- - - - ---------- -------------------- - --- - -------MOV MOV AL,OF7H MFG PORT,AL AX,ES_TEMP BX,OS_TEMP OR AX,03H MOV OUl ; -------- NOTE BX = FIRST OPERAND 01 F5 01F5 01 F7 01 F5 01 F5 01 F7 01F7 01F9 01 FC 01 FF 8B C3 + ??OQ1G + + ??OQ1D + DB 63 75 80 80 75 ARPL LABEL MOV LABEL ORG ORO JNZ 9A E3 03 Fe 03 92 AND CMP JNZ ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT F1 <><><><> PUT A SELECTOR I N AX PUT A SELECTOR IN BX MAKE ACCESS Of AX < BX AX = SECOND OPERAND ; I SSUE TIlE RPL COMMAND ; NOTE: SOURCE / TARGET REGS ARE REVERSED DUE TO OPCDDE BIT 1 AX,BX BYTE AX,BX BYTE OFFSET CS; 7?OOlC 063H OFFSET CS: ??0010 ERROR EXI Tl BL,03H BL,03H ERROR_EX I T1 GO IF R PL WAS NOT CHANGED STR i P UNWANTED BITS AS f.XPFCTED? GO IF NOT ;-------- CHECK THAT ACCESS RIGHTS DO NOT CHANGE 0201 0204 0207 BB 0060 MOV MOV OR B8 0048 80 CB 03 ;-------- NOTE BX "" FIRST OPERAND 02GA 02GA 020C 020A 020A 020e 020C 020E 0211 0214 8B C3 -+- ??OOlE -++ ??OOl f + DB 63 74 80 80 75 ARPL LABEL MOV LABEL ORG ORO JZ 85 E3 03 F8 03 2F AND CMP JNZ ex ; PUT A SELECTOR I N ; PUT A SIcU:CTOR I III AX ; MAKE ACCESS OF BX < AX BX, OS_TEMP AX, ES_TEMP BL,03H AX = SECOND OPERAND AX,BX BYTE AX,BX BYTE OFFSET cs: ??OOl E 063H OFFSET CS: 7?001 F ERROR EXI T1 BL,03H BL,03H ERROR_EX I T2 ; I SSUE THE RPL COMMAND ; NOTE: SOURCE / TARGET REGS ARE REVERSED DUE TO QPCODE BIT 1 GO 1 F R PL WAS NOT CHANGED ; STR I P UNWANTED BITS ; AS EXPECTED? ;GOIFNOT ; VERIFY LOAD SEGMENT LIMIT (LSLI AND LOAD ACCESS RIGHTS (LAR) I NSTR ; -------------.--- -----------------------------================::==0==0=== ;-------- CHECK THE LAR INSTRUCTION ======================== MOV ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT f8 <><><><> AL,OF8H MFG_PORT, AL 0216 0218 80 F8 £6 80 021A c6 06 0040 F3 MOV BYTE PTR OS: (ES_TEMP.DATA_ACC_RIGHTS),CPL3_0ATA_ACCESS 021F 0222 BB 0048 28 CO MOV BX, ES_TEMP AX,AX OUT ; ------- SET THE OESCRI PTOR TO LEVEL 3 SUB ; CLEAR AX ; -------- GET THE CURRENT DESCRI PTOR"S ACCESS RIGHTS LAR 0224 0225 0225 0227 0225 0225 0227 Of 88 C3 • DB + ? ?0020 LABEl MOV LABEL ORG -+-+- ??0021 + DB ORO 02 ;-----~-- 02;>7 75 lC AX. BX DDFH BYTE AX,BX BYTE OFFSET CS:??0020 002H OFFSET CS: ??0021 ; 1SSUE THE LAR COMMAND INSURE THE DESCRIPTOR WAS VISABLE ; GO JNZ IF LAR WAS NOT CHANGED ;-------- THE DISCRIPTOR"S ACCESS RIGHTS MUST BE 0229 022C CMP JNZ 80 FC F3 75 1"1 AH, CPL3~DATA_ACCESS ERROR~EXIT2 3 ; AS EXPECTED? ; GO I F NOT =:;o=;===============================:=:= ;-------'CHECK THE LSL (LOAD SEGMENT LIMITS) ==-==::====::=::==-=",=:=:::=:::::==0:========== £6 80 C7 06 0048 AAAA 0238 C6 06 0040 93 0230 B8 0048 0240 0241 0241 0243 0241 0241 0243 0243 0245 0245 Of 88 08 AL.OF9H MFG PORT,AL OS: IS_TEMP. SEG_LIMI T ,OAAAAH MOV AXI ES_TEMP LSL BX,AX OOFH BYTE BX.AX BYTE OFFSET CS:??0022 003H OFFSET CS:??0023 R07 OUT • DB + ??0022 + LABEL MOV LABEL ORG -+- ??OQ23 + 03 74 03 MOV f~OV BO F9 022E 0230 0232 DB ORO JZ ERROR_EX! T2: £9 02EA R JMP ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ;<><><>CHECKPOINT F9 <><><><> ; SET SEGMENT L1 MIT TO OAAAAH LOAD ES REG I STER ; GET THE OESCR I PTOR SEGMENT LIM I T GO I F OK GO I F NOT SUCCESSFUL Test 7 5-81 I NSURE CORRECT SEGMENT LIM I T 0248 81 CM' BX,OMMH 024C C7 06 0048 5555 MOV os: ES_TEMP. SEG_LI HI T, 05555H 0252 88 0048 0255 0256 0256 0258 0256 0256 0258 0258 Of 75 EB MOV LSL DB LABEL MOV LABEL ORG DB ORG JNZ AX, ES_T£MP BX,AX OOFH BYTE BX,AX BYTE OFFSET CS;??0024 003H OFFSET CS: ??0025 ERROR_EX I T2 025A 025E 81 FB 5555 75 E5 CM' JNZ 6X,05555H ERROR_EX I T2 FB AAAA R07: + 88 08 ! ! 03 + + 170024 ??0025 ; ;SET THE S£TMENT LIMIT TO 05555H ; GET THE OESCR J PTOR SEGMENT LIM I T GO I F NOT SUCCESSFUL I NSURE CORRECT SEGMENT LI MIT GO I F NOT ; -LOW- ~E; -~~~; -SELECT -TEsT---------------------------------; ; ; 0260 0262 0264 0267 BO [6 B8 BE H.ST fHAI A WRI1£ 10 ADDRESS 180000 00[5 NOT WRITE TO BOOO;O, OR lB8000 DOES NOT WRITE TO B800;0 ----- ---- -------------------- ------------- ----------------; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ;<><><>CHECKPOINT FA <><><><> ; MODIFY THE DESCRIPTER TABLE AL,OFAH MFC_PORT, AL MOV OUT MOV MOV FA 80 0008 08 ~~:~~T_PTR ; -------; sE~-T~~p-Es-DEscR~PToR-64~-S~G;~NT-L~~~~ /GPLO ; 0269 026F ------------- - -- -------- - -------- ------- os: ES_TEMP.SEG_LlMI T, MAX_SEG_LEN BYTE PTR OS: (ES_ TEMP. OATA_ACC_R I GHTS), CPLD_DATA_ACCESS MOV MOV C7 06 0048 FFFF C6 06 0040 93 DATA ACCESS ;------- START WITH SEGMENT lBOOOO 0274 0279 C6 06 OOIl.C 1B c7 06 004A 0000 MOV MOV BYTE PTR OS; (ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTEl,lBH as: ES_TEMP.BASE_LO_WORD,O 027F 0282 B8 0048 BE CO MOV MOV AX. ES_TEMP LOAD ES REG ES,AX SUB MOV POINT TO FIRST LOCATION WRITE A ZERO 01,01 WORD PTR ES:(0IJ,OAA55H 0284 0286 2B FF 26: C7 05 AA55 0288 C7 06 004A 8000 MOV OS: ES_ TEMP. BASE_LO_WORD, 8000H 0291 0294 B8 0048 8E CO MOV MOV AX,ES_TEMP ES,AX LOAD ES REG 0296 26: C7 05 AA55 MOV WORD PTR ES:[DIJ,OM55H WRITE A ZERO 0298 02AO C6 06 004c lA C7 06 004A 0000 MOV MOV BYTE PTR DS:(ES_TEMP.BASE_HI_BYTE),1AH DS: ES_TEMP. BASE_LO_WORD,O 02M 02A9 02AS 88 0048 8E CO 26: C7 05 AA55 MOV MOV MOV AX, ES_TEMP ES,A>< WORD PTR ES:(DI],OM55H 02BO 0283 02B5 BS 0020 61:. DB 66 05 ; ------- DO FOR SEGMENT 1 B8000 ; -------- DO FOR SEGMENT 1AOOOO ; ------- B/W v IDEO MOV MOV MOV LOAD ES REG WRITE A ZERO CARD g~: ~XBWCRT _PTR AX,DS:[DI J SET as TO BW CRT BUFFER GET THE WORD FROM B/W V IDEO ;-------- COMPATIBLE COLOR 02B7 02BA 02BC BS 0028 8E DB B6 10 028E 02C1 02c3 89 0030 BE 09 8B 00 MOV MOV MOV BX,C_CCRT_PTR DS, BX BX,OS:[Olj SET OS TO COMPAT I BLE COLOR RAM GET THE WORD FROM COLOR RAM ; -------- AGC COLOR MOV MOV MOV g~; ~xCCRT _PTR AGC COLOR CRT PTR LOW 64K ex,os: [01] ; -------- TEST FOR ERROR 02C5 02C6 02ca 02CA 02CB 02eE 0200 0204 0206 020A 020C 020E PUSH MOV OUT POP eMP JZ CMP JZ CMP JZ MOV OUT 50 BO 35 E6 ao 58 30 AA55 74 1A 81 FB AA55 74 81 74 BO E6 14 F9 AA55 OE 34 80 AX AL.35H MFG_PORT. AL AX AX,OAA55H ERRORJXI T BX,OAA55H ERROR_EX I T CX,OM55H ERROR_EX I T AL,34H MFG_PORT, AL SAVE RESUL IS <><><><><><><><><><><> <><>CHECKPO I NT 35<><><> RESTORE CHEGKPOI NT <><>CHECKPOINT 34 <><><><> ;------- SHUTDOWN NORMAL_EX IT; 02EO 02EO 02E2 02E4 02E6 02E8 02EA 02EA BO E6 BO EB E6 8F 70 06 00 71 E9 0000 E MOV OUT MOV .IMP OUT ERROR_EX IT: JM' POSH CODE 02EO 02EO ENOP ENOS 'NO 5-82 Test 7 AL, SHUT DOWN CMOS_PORT, AL AL,6 SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+l,AL PROC_SHUTDOWN ADDR FOR SHUTDOWN BYT E SET GOOO END I NG J 0 DELAY TITLE SYSINITl - 09/26/83 INITIALIZE fOR PROTECTED MODE (POST TEST) Include fi les SYSINITl INCLUDE I NCLUOE INCLUDE I NCLUOE I NCLUOE SYSDATA.INC ACCESS, I Ne SYSDATA.MAC I APX286. MAC POSTEQU, SRC PUBLIC SYSINI'Tl .LIST EXTRN SlOT BLD:NEAR EXTRN GOT_BLD: NEAR I NCLUDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBL I C 0000 ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME PAGE SYSINITl 0000 ; CS: SS: OS: ES: CODE NOTH I NG NOTH I NG NOTH I NG NEAR PROC --- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------TH I S SU I LOS THE DESCR! nOR TABLES REQU IRED fOR PROTECTED MODE PROCESSOR MUST BE 0000 0001 0002 000lJ. 0006 0009 ell PUSH FA 80 81 E6 80 E8 0000 E 8B EF MOV OUT MOV BP AL,81H MfG_PORT, AL SIOT_BLO BP,OI OOOB OOOE OOOF 0012 0013 0016 B8 0800 AB B8 DOAO MOV AX, SYS_I OT_LEN AB STOSW B8 0000 AB MOV 0017 26 0018 0019 0019 001C 0019 0019 00lC 00lC OF 55 8B 5E 00 CALL I N REAL MODE ; ; SAVE THE PO I NTER TO JUST PAST THE lOT SINCE WE HAVE NO SOA, USE THE SIX BYTES HERE TO LOAD THE 10TR. WE WILL SlOT WHEN WE GET TO SOA INITIALIZATION. SEGMENT LIMiT = LENGTH OF lOT STORE THAT AS lOT LIMIT lOT ADDRESS AND ACCESS RIGHTS BYTf (UNDEfiNED) STOSW AX, SYS_ lOT- loe MOV + + ?10001 + + ?10002 + AX,O STOSW SEGOV DB LIOT DB LABEL ES 026H I BPI OOFH BYTE BX, WORD PTR IBP] BYTE OFFSET CS: ??OOOl OOIH OfFSET CS:??OO02 01, BP MOV LABEL ORe DB ORG MOV 01 8B FO NO I NTERRUPTS ALLOWED SAVE BP ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 81 <><><> LOAD THE lOT REG I STER fROM TH I S AREA ; ES:DI NOW --> END OF lOT AGAIN BUI LD THE GOT. DOlE 0021 0024 0026 0029 002A 0020 002£ 0031 BF E8 88 68 AO B8 AO B8 AB 0032 26 0033 OU34 0034 0037 00311 0034 0037 0037 0039 003A 0038 OF DI,GOT_LOC GDT_BLD BP,OI AX, GOT_LEN MOV D8AO 0000 E EF 0088 CALL MOV MDV STOSW D8AO MOV 0000 MOV AX,GOT_ lOC SToSW 88 56 00 AX,O STOSW SEGoV DB LGDT + + 770004 + + ??OOO5 + DB LAB[L MOV LABEL 88 fO ORe OB ORe MOV AB AB 8B FD MOV 01 ES 026H [BP J OOfH BYTE OX, WORD PTR [BPI BYTE OFfSET CS: 770004 00lH OFfSET CS: ??OO05 DI,BP SAVE THE ES:DI POINTER AX '" U.NGTH Of THE GOT ; PUT THAT IN THE LIMIT FIELD ; AX = LOW WORD or GOT ADDRESS ; PUT THAT I N BASE F I ELO - LOW ; AX '" HIGH BYTE Of ADDRESS, AND ACCESS RIGHTS B'fTE IS UNDEfIN[D LOAD THE CDTR FROM TH I S AREA RESTORE THE ES:OI POINTER STOSW STOSW 01, BP PAGE SW I TCH TO V I RTUAL MODE 0030 003£ 0041 0042 0042 0044 50 B8 0001 OF 8B fO + + ??0006 + + ??0007 0042 0042 0044 01 0044 0045 0047 0049 0049 0048 0040 004E 004E EA 0049 R 0040 POP MOV LMSW DB LABEL 140V LABEL ORG DB ORC JUMPFAR DB OW OW BP AX, VI RTUAL_ENABLE AX 00 fH BYTE 51 ,AX BYTE OFFSET CS: ??0006 001 H OFFSET CS: ??0007 DONE, SYS_ROM_CS OEAH (OfFSET DONE) 5YS_ROM_CS RESTORE BP MACHINE STATUS WORD NEEDED TO SW I TCH TO V I RTUAL MODE ; MUST PURGE PRE-fETCH QUEUE Jump 1';;1 r direct to th i s offset in this segment DONE: BO 85 E6 80 MDV OUT RET e3 SYSINIT1 CODE AL,85H MFG_PORT ,AI o ; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; <><><>CHECKPO I NT 82 <><><><> SYSTEM INITIALIZATION DIDP ENDS END Sys Init 5·83 5-84 Sys Init TITLE GDT_BlD . LI ST ! NCLUDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGf~£NT BYTE PUBl I C 0000 09/26/83 BU IlD THE GOT ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME cs; CODE PUBl I C GOT _BLO SS;NOfHING OS; CODE ES;NOTHING PAGE THE FOLLOWING DATA DF:FINES THE PRE-INITIALIZED GOT. THESE MUST BE lNITIALILED IN THE ORDER IN ~IIIICH TIlEY APPEAR IN THE CDT_DEF STRUCTURE DEFINITION AS IT IS IN SYSDATA.INC. 0000 FI RST ENTRY UNUSABLE 0000 0002 0004 0005 0006 0000 0000 0008 OOOA OOOC 0000 OOOE 0088 D8AO DESCR DE F OW 0 ow OB OB OW DO 00 0000 SEC, 0 THE GOT 0, 0, 0 Segment limit Segment base address Segment base addre:>:> Access rights byte Reserved low 'Word high byte ITSELF OESCR OEf SEC, COT_LEN, GOT_LOC, 0, CPLO_OAfA_ACCESS OW GOT L[N ; Segment lim i t OW GOr-LOC ; Segment base address - low word DB 0 ; Segment base address - high byte OB CI-'LO OAT A ACL:!;.SS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Reserved 00 93 0000 PACE THE SYSTEM 0010 0012 0014 001';> 0016 0, 0 0 0 lOT DESCRIPTOR OESCR_OEf SEC, SYS_IOT_LEN, SYS_IOT._LOC, 0, CPLO_OATA_ACCESS OW SYS_IOT_LEN ; Segment limit OW SYS_IDT_LOC ; Segment base address - 10'W 'Word DB 0 ; Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO DATA ACCESS : Access rights byte I)W Rese rvcd 0800 DOAO 00 93 ° 0000 -; THE SYSTEM DATA AREA OESCRI PTOR 0018 001A OOlC 0010 001 E SEC, SOA LEN, SOA LOC, 0, CPLO_DATA_ACCESS OESCR OEF ow SOA LEN ; Segment ITmit OW SOA-LOC ; Segment base address - 10'W 'Word DB 0 ; Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO_DATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW Reserved 0300 OI~OO 00 93 0000 ° PAGE ; CaMPA T I BLE MONOCHROME CRT 0020 0022 0024 0025 0026 OESCR OEf SEC, MCRT_S1ZE, MCRT@_LO, MCRT@_HI, CPLO_OATA_ACCESS OW MCRT_SI7F ; Segment limit OW MCRT@ LO ; Segment base address - low 'Word MCRT@-HI ; Segment ba se add ress - high byte DB CPLO_DATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Reserved 1000 0000 DB DB 93 0000 r..:OMPA I I BLEc COLOR CR I 0028 002A 002C 0020 002E DESCR_DEf SEG, ceRT_SIZE, CCRT@_lO, CCRT@_HI, CPLO_OATA_ACCESS Segment limit OW CCRT SIZE DI~ CCRT@ LO Segment base address - 10lt( 'Word DB CCRT@-HI Scgment base address - high byte OU CPLO DATA ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW Reserved 11000 8000 DO ° - - 93 0000 ; ENHANCED COLOR CRT - 0030 0032 0034 0035 0036 ONE ENTRY FOR EACH 64K OESCR OEF SEC, ECCRT SIZE, ECCRT@ LO LO, ECCRT@ La HI, CPLO_DATA_ACCESS OW ECCRT SIZE - ; segment-limit OW [CCRT@_LO_LO ; Segment base address - low 'Word DB ECCRT@_LO_HI ; Segment base address - high byte 013 CPLO DATA ACGESS ; Access rights byte OW Reserved FFFF 0000 OA 93 ° - - 0000 ; SECOND PART OF CRT 0038 003A 003C 0030 003E DESCR OEF SEG, EGCRT_SIZE, ECCRT@_HI_LO, ECCRT@_HI_HI, CPLO_OATA_ACCESS OW ECCRT S 11E ; Segment Jim i t OW ECCRT@ HI LO ; Segment base address - low word DB ECCRT@-HI-fll ; Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO_DATA:=ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Reserved FffF 0000 OC 93 0000 PAGE CODE SEGMENT fOR POST CODE, 00110 0042 0044 0045 0046 FFFF 0000 OF 9B 0000 SYSTEM TEMPORARY DESCR I PTORS FOR ES, 0048 004A oo4c FFFF 0000 0040 00 93 D04E 0000 0050 0052 0054 fFFf 0000 0055 93 0056 0000 00 lOT OEseR OEF SEC, MAX SEG LEN, CSEC@ LO, CSEG@ HI, CPlO_CODE_ACCESS OW MAX_SEC_LEN - ; segment-limit ow CSEG@_LO ; Segment base add res:> - 10 .... wont DB CSEC@_HI ; Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO_COOE_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Reserved CS, SS, AND OS OESeR OEF SEG, MAX SEC LEN, NSEG@ La, NSEC@ HI, CPLO_DATA_ACCESS ow MAX SEC LEN - ; Segment-I imit OW NSEG®_LO ; Segment base address - low ....ord DB N5lG@_Hi ; Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO_DATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Rese rved OESCR._DEF SEC, MAX_SEG_L[N, NSEG@_LO, NSEG@_HI, CPLO_OATA_ACCESS OW MAX SEC LEN ; Segment I imi t OW NSEG@ LO ; Segment base address - low 'Word DB NSEG@:=Ht ; Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO_OATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Rese rved 5-85 DESCR~DEf 0058 a05A DOse 0050 005E FFFF 0000 0060 0062 0064 0065 0066 FFFF 0000 00 93 0000 93 0000 0070 0072 0074 0075 0076 0078 0078 007A 007C 0070 007E 0080 0082 0084 0085 0086 ., 0800 COOO 00 0000 0800 0068 R 00 93 0000 0088 DODO 00 E2 0000 0088 0078 R 00 93 0000 SEG, MA)CSEC_LEN, NSEOO_LO, NSEG@_HI. GPLO_DATA_ACCESS MAX_SEC_LEN ; Segment limit NSEG@_lO ; Segment base address - loy{ Y{ord NSEG@_HI ; Segment base address - high byte CPLO_OATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte 0 ; Reserved OESCR_OEF SEG, MAX_SEG_LEN, NSEG@_LO, NSEG@LHI, CPLO_OATA_ACCESS OW MtuCSEG LEN ; Segment lim i t OW NSEG@ LO ; Segment base address - low ....or'd DB NSEG@=HI ; Segment base add~ess - high byte 08 CPLO_OATA_ACCESS ; Access rIghts byte OW 0 ; Rese rved 00 0068 0068 006A 006C 0060 006E OW OW DB DB OW ; POST_TR TR_lOC: OESCR_OEF SEG, 800H, OCOOOH, 0, fREE TSS Segment I imft OW 800H ; Segment base address - loW' W'ord OW oeODOH ; Segment base address - high byte DB 0 ; Access rights byte DB FREE_ TSS ; Reserved OW 0 POST TSS PTR - OESCR OEF SEC, 80QH, TR_LOC, 0, CPLO_DATA_ACCESS OW 800H ; Segment I; mit OW TR_LOC ; Segment base address - loW' W'ord DB Segment base address - high byte DB CPLO_OATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Rese rved LOT LOC: POST LDTR - OESCR DEF SEG, COT_LEN, ODaaOH, 0, LDT_OESC OW GOT_LEN ; Segment limit ; Segment base address - loW' W'ord OW OOOOOH ; Segment base address - high byte DB 0 ; Access rights byte DB LOT_DESC ; Reserved DW 0 POST LOT PTR - DESCR_OEF SEG, GOT_LEN, LOT_LOC, 0, CPLO_DATA_ACCESS OW COT LEN ; Segment lim I t Ow LDT=LOC ; Segment base address - loW' W'ord DB 0 ; Segment base audress - high byte 08 CPLO_OATA_ACCESS ; Access rights byte OW a ; Reserved PAGE a LABEL 0088 ; WORD END OF PRE-ALLOCATED GOT PROC 0088 0088 008B 008E BE 0000 R B9 0044 F3/ A5 MOY MOV REP 0090 C3 RET NEAR SI,OFFSET GOT_OATA_START ; DS:SI --> GOT CX,(GOT_DATA_ENO-GOT_DATA_START)/2; NUMBER OF WORDS TO COPY MOVSW ; COPY GOT INTO RAM 0091 0091 5-86 CODE ENDS END MPC ENDS TITLE SIOT_BlO 6/10/83 PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT TABLE SIOT_BlD Include f"i les INCLUDE SYSDATA.INC I NClUDE ACCESS. INC INCLUDE SYSDATA.MAC INCLUDE IAPX286. MAC .LlST I NClUOE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBl! C 0000 0000 ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME CS:CODE SS: NOTH I NG DS:NOTHING ES: NOTH I NG PUBl! C PROC SlOT BlO NEAR- BUilD TIlE lOT. THE lOT Will CONTAIN VECTORS FOR EXCEPT I ON HANDLERS 0000 0003 0005 0007 DaDA oooe BE 8C 8E BF 2B 8E 0066 R C8 08 DDAD DaDE 0011 0013 BB 0040 B6 87 B2 00 0015 B9 0020 co co MOV MOV MOV MOV SUB MOV 51 ,OffSET SYS_loT_OFFSETS ; MAKE DS:SI POINT TO AX,CS ; INTERRUPT ENTRY POINTS OS,AX ; OI,SYS_IDT_lOC ; POINT TO SYS_IDT_LOC AX,AX ; ES.AX ; WHERE THE lOT WILL BE. MOV MOV MOV BX, SYS_ROM_CS OH, TRAP_GATE Ol,O MOV CX,32 CS I S THE SAME fOR All INTERRUPTS ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE FOR THE GATE THE WORD COUNT FiElD I S UNUSED THERE ARE 3? RfsfRVm INTERRUPTS THIS LOOP BUILDS 32 DESCRIPTORS IN THE lOT FOR THE RESERVED INTERRUPTS GET A ROUTINE ENTRY POINT AND PUT IT IN THE OFFSET FIELD GET THE SYSTEM CODE SEGMENT SELECTOR AND PUT I TIN THE SELECTOR FIELD GET THE I NTERRUPT GATE BYTE AND PUT IT I N THE ACCESS RIGHTS FI ELO ZERO OUT THE RESERVED POST I TI ONS AND REPEAT AS DIRECTED LOW_lOT; 0018 0018 A5 MOVSW 0019 001B OOlC 8B C3 AB OOlF 0022 0023 AB E2 F3 MOV STOSW MOV STOSW MOV STOSW lOOP AX,BX ~OlE B9 ODED BO OOM R MOV MOV CX, 256~32 BP, OffSET FREE_I NTS 256 TOTAL ~ 32 DONE == WHATEVER I S lEFT THERE IS A COPY Of AN UNINITIAllZED INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR AT fREE_INTS MOV SI,BP MOVSW MOVSW MOVSW STOSW lOOP HIGH_lOT 05:51 -~> FREE DESCRIPTOR ([S:DI LEFT OFF AT INT 32) MOVE THE OFFSET OF THE IRET INSTRUCTION MOVE THE CS SELECTOR MOVE THE ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE ZERO OUT THE RESERVCD WORD FilL THE REMAINDER OF THE TABLE 0025 0028 AB 8B C2 B8 0000 AX, OX AX,O LOW_lOT PAGE HIGH_lOT: 002B 002B 8B 0020 002E 002F 0030 0031 A5 A5 A5 AB F~ E2 Fa INITIALIZE THE ENTRY POINTS fOR POST TEST 0033 26: C7 06 D1AO 0000 E MOV WORD PTR ES: (SYS_I DT_LOC+( 032*DESC_LEN). ENTRY_POI NT) ,OffSET SYS_32 003A 26: C7 06 D1A8 0000 E MOV WORD PTR ES:(SYS_loT_LOC+(033*OESC_LEN).ENTRY_POINT),OFFSET SYS_33 0041 26: C7 06 01S0 0000 E MOV WORD PTR ES: (SYS_I DT_LOC+(034*OESC_LEN). ENTRY_POINTI,OffSET SYS_34 0048 26: C7 06 01B8 0000 E MOV WORD PTR ES: (SYS_I DT_LOC+( D35*OESC_LEN). ENTRY_POI NTI,OFFSET SYS_35 OOLiF 26: C7 06 OlCO 0000 E MOV WORD PTR ES: (SVS_I oT_LOC+(036*DESC_LEN I. ENTRY_POI NT) ,OFFSET SYS_36 0056 26: C7 06 01C8 0000 E MOV WORD PTR 0050 26: C7 06 0100 0000 E MOV WORD PTR ES: (SYS_I DT_LOC+(03a*DESC_lEN). ENTRY_POI NT) ,OFFSET SYS_38 0064 C3 ES:(SVS_IDT_LOC+(037*OESC~LEN).ENTRY_POINT),OFFSET SYS_37 RET PAGE I RET_ADDR 0065 0065 LABEL WORD ; fOR UNINITIALIZEO INTERRUPTS I RET CF EXTRNS FOR THE FIRST 32 SYSTEM INTERRUPTS EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN 1~I~mm~ EXC_05: NEAR EXC_06: NEAR EXC_07: NEAR [XC_08: NEAR EXC 09: NEAR EXC-'O: NEAR EXC-'l: NEAR EXC:='2:NEAR EXC_13: NEAR EXC_'4:NEAR EXC_15:NEAR EXC_'6:NEAR EXC_17: NEAR EXC_18:NEAR EXC_19:NEAR EXC_20: NEAR EXC_21 : NEAR EXC_22: NEAR EXC_23:NEAR EXC_24: NEAR EXC_25: NEAR ~~g:=~~; ~~:= SIDT~LD 5-87 EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN l:.XfRN EXC 28:NEAR EXC=29: NEAR EXC_30:NEAR EXC_31:NEAR EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN SYS 32:NfAR SYS-33: NEAR SYS-34;NEAR SYS=35: NEAR SYS_36; NEAR SYS_37:NEAR SVS_38: NEAR PAGE Entry points f'or the first. 32 system interrupts LA8EL 0066 0066 0068 006A 006C 006[ 0070 0072 0074 0076 0078 007A 007C 007E 0080 0082 0084 0086 0088 OOM 008C 008E 0090 0092 0094 0096 0098 009A 009C 009E OOAO 00A2 00A4 [ [ [ [ [ E DW OW OW OW OW E OW OW OW ow E E ow E E E E E E E UOOO E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E 0000 E OW OW OW OW OW OW DW OW OW DW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW 0065 R 0040 00 86 ~REE I NTS END 5-88 OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OffSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OffSET OFFSET OFfSET OFFSET OfFSET OfFSET OFfSET OFfSET OFfSET OfFSET OfFSET OFFSET OffSET OfFSET OFFSET OFFSET EXC 00 EXC-Ot EXC-02 EXC-03 EXC-04 EXC-05 EXC-06 EXC-07 EXC-OB EXC-09 EXC-lO EXC-l1 EXC-12 EXC-' 3 EXC-'4 EXC-' 5 [XC-'6 EXC-17 EXC-18 EXC-19 EXC-20 EXC-21 EXC-22 EXC-23 EXC-24 EXC-25 EXC-26 EXC-27 EXC-28 EXC-Z9 EXC-30 EXC=31 EXCPT EXePT EXCPT EXePT EXePT EXCPT EXCPT ExePT EXCPT EXCPT EXePT EXe?T EXC?T EXePT 00 01 02 03 04 - 05 06 07 - 08 09 10 - l' '2 13 - ExePT 16 - OIVIDE ERROR SINGLE STEP NM I. SYS REQ FOR D1 BREAKPOINT I NTO DETECT BOUND INVALID OPCODE PROCESSOR EXT NOT AVA I L DOUBLE EXCEPTION PROCESSOR EXT SEGMENT ERR STK PL BAD I N GATE TRANSFER SEGMENT NOT PRESENT STACK SEGMENT NOT PRESENT GENERAL PROTECTION PROCESSOR EXTENSION ERROR PAGE FORMAT OOA6 OOAa OOAA OOAC OOAC WORD I NTERRUPTS AS DEF I NED 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 INTERRUPT DESCRIPTORS (GATES) 32 OW OW DB [NDP ENDS OFFSET I RET ADDR SYS_ROM_CS O,INT_GATE ~ 255 DESTINATION OFFSET DEST I NAT ION SEGMENT UNUSED BYTE, ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE 0000 TITLE DSKETTE DATE 01-12-84 DISKETTE BIOS • LI ST INCLUDE SEGHENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBL I C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC EXTRN DISK INT 1 SEEKDSKETTE SETUP DDS: NEAR I NT 13 ------------------------------------------------------------DISKETTE r/O THIS INTERFACE PROVIDES ACCESS TO THE 5 1/4" DISKETTE DRIVES 320/36DK DISKETTE DRIVES AND 1.2M DISKETTE DRIVES SUPPORTED INPUT (AH )=0 RESET 0 I SKETTE SYSTEM HARD RESET TO NEC, PREPARE COMMAND, RECAL REQD ON ALL DRIVES (AH)=1 READ THE STATUS OF THE SYSTEM INTO (AH) DISKETTE_STATUS FROM LAST OP'N IS USED REG I STERS FOR REAll/WR I TE/VER I FY / FORMAT (DL) - DRIVE NUMBER (0-1 ALLOWED, VALUE CHECKED) (DH) - HEAD NUMBER (0-1 ALLOWED, NOT VALUE CHECKED) (CH) - TRACK NUMBER (NOT VALUE CHECKED) MED I A OR I VE TRACK NUMBER 320/360 320/360 0-39 320/360 1. 2M 0-39 1.2M 1.2M 0-79 (CL) - SECTOR NUMBER (NOT VALUE CHECKED, NOT USED FOR FORMAT) MEDIA DRIVE SECTOR NUMBER 320/360 320/360 1-B/9 320/360 1. 2M 1 -8/9 1.2M 1.2M 1-15 (AL) - NUMBER OF SECTORS (NOT VALUE CHECKED) I~EDIA DRIVE r~AX NUMBER Of SECTORS 320/360 320/360 8/9 320/360 1.2M 8/9 1,2M 1.2M 15 (ES:BX) - ADDRESS OF BUFFER ( REQUIRED FOR VERifY) (AH)=2 (AH )=3 (AH )=4 (AH)=5 READ THE DESIRED SECTORS INTO MEMORY WR I TE THE DES I REO SECTORS FROM MEMORY VER I fY THE DES I RED SECTORS FORMAT THE DESIRED TRACK FOR THE FORMAT OPERAT ION, THE BUFfER PO INTER (ES, BX) MUST POINT TO THE COLLECTION OF DESIRED ADDRESS fiELDS FOR THE TRACK. EACH FIELD IS COMPOSED OF 4 BYTES, (C,H,R,N), WHERt C = TRACK NUMBER, H=HEAD NUMBER, R '" SECTOR NUMBER, N= NUMBER OF BYTES PER SECTOR (00=128, 01=256, 02"'512, 03=1024,) THERE MUST BE ONE ENTRY FOR EVERY SEcrOR ON THE TRACK, TH!S INFORMATION IS USED TO fiNO THE REQUESTED SECTOR DURING READ/WR I TE ACCESS. PRIOR TO FORMATTING A DISKETTE, FUNCTION CALL 17 OF THIS ROUT I NE MUST BE I NVOKED TO SET THE 0 I SKETTE TYPE THAT I S TO BE FORMATTED. IN ORDER TO FORMAT 320/360K MEDIA IN EITHER A 320/360K OR 1 .2M DISKETTE ORIVF THE GAP LENGTH FOR FORMAT PARAMETER OF DISI< BASE MUST BE CHANGE TO OSOH. ALSO THE EOT PARAMETER (LAST SECTOR ON TRACK) MUST BE SET TO THE DESIRED NUMBER OF SECTORS/TRACK - 8 FOR 320K, 9 FOR 360K. DISK BASE IS POINTED TO BY DISK POINTER LOCATED AT ABSOLUTE ADDRESS 0: 78. WHEN 320/360K FORMAT OPEt{AT IONS ARE COMPLETE, THE PARAMETERS SHOULD BE RESTORED TO THEIR RESPECTIVE INITIAL VALUES. (AH)=15 READ DASD TYPE REGI STERS (AH) - ON RETURN I F CARRY FLAG NOT SET, OTHERW I SE ERROR 00 - OR I VE NOT PR[S[NT 01 - DISKETTE, NO CHANGE LINE AVAILABLE 02 - DISKETTE, CHANGE LINE AVAILABLE 03 - FIXED DISK (DL) - OR I VE NUMBER (0-1 ALLOWED, VALUE CHECKED) (AH)=16 DISK CHANGE LINE STATUS REG I STERS (AH)=OO - DISK CHANGE LINE NOT ACTIVE 06 - DISK CHANGE LINE ACTIVE & CARRY BIT ON (OL) - DRIVE NUMBER (0-1 ALLOWED, VALUE CHECKED) (AH}=17 SET DASD TYPE FOR FORMAT REGI STERS (Al) 00 - NOT USED 01 - DISKETTE 320j360K IN 320/360K DRIVE 02 - DISKETTE 320/3601<'. IN 1.2M DRIVE 03 - OISKETTE 1 ,21~ IN 1.2M DRIVE (Dl) - DRIVE NUMBER (0-1 ALLOWED, VALUE CHECKED; DO NOT USE WHEN DISKE.TTE ATTACH CARD USED) DISK CI1ANGE STATUS IS ONLY CHECKED WHEN A 1.2M BYTE DISKETTE DRIVE IS SPECIFIED. IF THE DISK CHANGE LINE IS fOUND TO BE ACTIVE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS TAKE PLACE: ATTEMPT TO RESET DISK CHANGE LINE TO INACTIVE STATE. IF ATTEMPT SUCCEEDS SET DASD TYPE fOR FORMAT AND RETURN 0151< CHANGE ERROR CODE I f ATTEMPT FAILS RETURN TIMEOUT ERROR CODE AND SET OASD TYPE TO A PREDETERMINED STATE INDICATING 1~[DIA TYPE UNKNOWN. IF THE DISK CHANGE LINE IN INACTIVE PERFORM SET DASD TYPE FOR FORMAT. DATA VARIABLE -- DISK POINTER DOUBLE WORD POINTER TO THE CURRENT SET OF DISKETTE PARAMETERS OUTPUT AH = STATUS OF OPERAT I ON STATUS BITS ARE DEFINED IN THE EQUATES FOR DISKETTE STATUS VARIABLE IN THE DATA SEGMENT OF THIS j~ODULE CY = 0 SUCCESSFUL OPERATION (AH=O ON RETURN, EXCEPT FOR READ DASD TYPE AH=(lS)). CY = 1 FAILED OPERATION (AH HAS ERROR REASON) FOR READ/WR I TE/VER I FY OS, BX, OX, eH, CL PRESERVED NOTE: IF AN ERROR IS REPORTED BY THE DISI<[TTE CODE, THE APPROPRIATE ACTION IS TO RESET THE DISKETTE, THEN RETRY THE OPERATION. ON READ ACCESSES, NO MOTOR START DELAY IS TAKEN, SO lllAT THREE RETR I ES ARE REQU I RED ON READS TO ENSURE THAT THE PROBLEM IS NOT DUE TO MOTOR START-UP. DISKETTE STATE MACHINE - ABSOLUTE ADORESS 40:90 & 91 (DRIVE 0 - 90, DRIVE 1 - 91) BITS Diskette 5-89 I I RESERVED --PRESENT STATE 000: 001: 002- 36011. 360K 1.2r~ IN 36011. DRIVE UNESTA8LISHEO IN 1.2M DRIVE UNESTABLISHED IN 1. 2M DRIVE UNESTABLISHED OOit; 005: 36011. 1.2M IN 1.2M DRIVE ESTABLISHED IN 102M DRIVE ESTABLISHED 003~ 360K IN 360K DRIVE ESTABLISHED ------> --------------;> MEDIA/DRIVE ESTABLISHED DOUBLE STEPP I NG REQU I RED (360K IN 1 _2M DRIVE) ---------------------------- -> DATA TRANSFER RATE FOR THIS DRIVE; 00: 500 KBS 01; 300 KBS 10; 250 KBS 11: KI;.::;ll{V£O STATE OPERATION STARTED (DRIVE 0 - 92, DRIVE 1 PHESENT CYLI NDER NUMBER (ORIV[ 0 - 94, DRIVE 1 - ABSOLUTE ADDRESS 40:92 &: 93 93) AflSOLUTE ADDRESS 40: 94 &: 95 95) ASSUME CS;CODE,DS:DATA,ES:DATA PUBLIC DISKETTE_IO_1 ;;>:>:> ENTRY PO I NT FOR ORC OEC59H DISKETTE 10 1 PROC FAR STII NTERRUPTS BACK ON SAVE ADDRESS PUSH BX ex PUSH SAVE SEGMENT REG I STtR VALUE PUSH os SAVE ALL REGISTERS DURINC OPERATION 51 PUSH PUSH DI BP PUSH OX PUSH SP, SP SET UP PO I NTER TO HE/\D PARM Mav SI,DATA Mav Mav 05,51 SET DATA REGIOI~ CHECK FOR RESET AND STATUS OPERATIONS eMP AH,l BYPASS DR I VE CH EGK I F YES JBE R4 0000 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 OOOA 0000 OOOF 0012 FB 53 51 1E 56 57 55 52 8B 8E 8E 80 76 0014 0017 BO FA 01 76 OA 0019 001 E 0021 C6 06 0041 R 01 BE 0000 EB 49 0023 002 11 0027 0028 002A 0020 50 1:.8 OlOe R 5E 88 06 80 FE 01 76 30 002F 0034 74 36 TEST JZ 0036 0039 80 FE 15 73 31 CMP JAE OK 003B 003E 00 110 Mav ox, [O? I XOH ~~:~~ 0046 0048 BB 32 8A 8A OA 75 OR JNZ AH,DISKETTE_srATUS ; GET STATUS OF OPERATION AH, AH ; SEE I f ANY ERRORS RETRY ; JUMP TO CHECK FOR MEDI A CHANGE OOIIA 004E 0051 8A A7 0090 R F6 C4 10 75 14 MOV TEST JNl AH,OSK_SfATE[BX] AIi,DETERMINED OK2 0053 0055 0058 0058 OOJE 0060 0063 0067 006C OOGf 0071 8A 80 80 80 OA 80 88 C6 BB 813 50 E8 88 58 80 MOV ANO AOO AND CL,AH Cl, STATE_MSK CL,3 AH, REV STATE AH,GL AH,DETERMINED ; DSK_STATE[6XI.AH ; DSK_STATE[6X+2],0 BX,4 DX,SI AX GET PARM r40TOR_COUNT, AH 001~2 0072 00-(5 0079 007A 0070 EC ---- R DE Fe 01 OF f6 06 008F R 01 56 00 FF DA 26 0041 E4 4C CC [1 C1 E4 El CC CHECK DRIVE NUMBEH fOR VALIDITY I F VAll 0 CO NT I NUE JBE DL,l R4 Mav Mav JMP DISKETTE_STATUS,BAO_CMD; INVALID DRIVE ADDRESS, TERMINATE 51,0 INSURE THAT RETURN STATUS GETS SETUP SHORT OK GO TERM I NATE COMMAND PUSH CALL POP MOV CMP JBE AX J1 CMP R5: SAVE ORIGINAL OPERATION FOR RETRY LATER ON CALL THE REST TO ENSUHE OS RESTORED RESTORE OR I G I NAl OPERAT I ON FOR RETRY GET OR I G I NAL OPERAT J ON FOR TEST I NG SEE I FIT J S A RESET OR STATUS OPERAT I ON BYPASS STATE UPDATE 51 OX,SI OH,1 OK GO DETERMINE TYPE OF CONTROLLER CARD DISKETTE ATTACH CAR.D HF_CNTRL,OUAL OK READ DISK CHANGE STATUS OR DISK TYPE COMMAND I F YES, BYPASS STATE PROCESS I NG DH,15H RESTORE DR IVE PARAMETER ;ETUP ADDRESS 10 MEDIA STATE FOR THIS DRIVE ; Mav Mav R 07 03 F8 OK 10 0090 R 87 0092 R 00 0004 06 OR M Mav OK2: OK: 0382 R 26 0040 R MOV MOV MOV PUSH CALL MOV POP CMP CF 15 ; AX DfI,015H R20 GET MEDIA STATE Of DRIVE SEE IF MEDIA STATE SET ALREADY I F SET, DONT CHANGE STATE GET PRESENT STATE I SOLATE STATE NUMBER ELEVATE STATE TO SET ALREADY CLEAR OUT STATE NUMBER SET NEW STATE NUMBER MAKE MEDIA STATE SET SAVE IN DRIVE STATE INDICATOR ; CLEAR ORIGINAL STATE OPERATION STARTED GET THE MOTOR 'riA I T PARAMETER GET ORIGINAL OP AGAIN SAVE RETURN VALUE SET THE TIMER COUNT FOR THE MOTOR RESTORE RETURN VALUE SEE I FREAD DASD OPERATION I F NOT BYPASS 75 05 IN[ D07F 0081 0082 86 EO F8 E8 08 XCHG CLC AH,AL JMP SHORT R19 0081~ 8A 26 0041 80 FC 01 F5 5A 50 5F MOV AH,DISKETTE_STATUS ; GET STATUS OF OPERATION AH,1 SET THE CARRY FLAG TO INDICATE ; SUCCESS OR FAI lURE ox ; RESTORE ALL REGISTERS BP 01 Sl 0088 008B 008e 0080 008E 008r 0090 0091 0092 0093 R R20: eMP eMe R19: POP POP POP POP 5[ PUT RFSULT IN AH SET SUCCESSFUL OPERATION GO LEAVE os F POP 59 POP POP RET ex CMP JE DISKETTE_STATUS,MEDIA_CHANGE ; CHECK FOR DISK CHANGE ERROR OK1 ; TRUE ERROR DONT RETRY MOV AND CMP JAE AH,DSK_STATE[BX]; GET MEDIA STATE or DRIVE AH, STATE MSK I SOlATE STATE AH,3 SEE IF IN STATE 3 OK2 IF fSTABLISHED STATE THEN TRUE ERROR 58 CA 0002 0096 0098 80 3E 0041 74 54 OOYD OOAl 00A4 OOA7 8A 80 80 73 OOA9 OOAB OOAE FE C4 80 FC 03 75 02 OOBO 00B2 00B6 00B9 84 8A 80 3A R 06 RETRY: A7 0090 R E4 07 Fe 03 BE BX 2 ; ------ HANDLE STATES 0, 5-90 00 AF 0092 R E5 07 EC Diskette INC AH eMP AH,3 R2 JNE R2: MOV t40V AND eMP ; ; RECOVER ADDRESS THROW AWAY SAVED FLAGS 1 & 2 TRY NEXT STATE SEE If OVERFLOW IN NON-ESTABLISHED STATES SKIP RESET TO BEGINNING IF YES AH,O ; NEXT STATE TO TRY M fEH OVERFLOW CH,DSK_STATE[BX+2] ; GET START REfRY STATE CH,STATE_MSK ; ISOLATE STATE BITS CH,AH ; ALL STATES TRIED IN OOBB JE 74 47 OK3 ; I F YES, THEN TRUE ERROR ;------ SETUP STATE INDICATOR fOR RETRY ATTEMPT OOBO 00C3 8A AF 0090 R 00 C5 00 C5 OOC~ 80 E5 03 OOCl ooce OOCA OOCO OOCF 0001 0003 0005 0008 OODA 0000 OODF MOV ROL ROL AND DEC FE CD 80 FD FF 75 02 B5 DO DO 80 75 eMP JNE 02 CD CD R3: FC 01 03 BO CD 20 OA E5 BB A 7 0090 R R9: CH, OSK_STATE[ BX] ; GET STATE I NOI CATOR CH.l ; MOVE TRANSFER RATE TO LOW ORDER BITS g~; iRAN_MSK CH CH,OFFH R3 i7 SOLATE TRANSFER RATE BITS ; CONVERT TO NEXT RATE , SEE IF OVERFLOW OCCURRED ; JUMP I F NO OVERFLOW CH, XRATE CH,l CH,l SET TO NEXT RATE :UT TRANSfER BI TS BACK WHERE THEY BELONG AH,l SEE IF TH I S STATE REQU I RES DOU8LE STEP I F NOT, BYPASS SETT I NG DOUBLE STEP MOV ROR ROR eMP JNE R9 DR OR MOV TURN ON DOUBLE STEP REQU I REO CH, DOUBLCSTEP AH.CH • COMBINE WITH STATE TO MAKE NEW INDICATOR DSK_STATE[8Xj,AH ; SAVE AS NEW INDICATOR ;------ SETUP FOR ACTUAL RETRY OPERATION 00E3 00E6 00E9 OOEC OOEE 88 BB BB 8B E9 56 00 4E OA SE OC C6 0023 R oon OOF4 oon 6B 56 00 E8 0604 R 75 03 OK1 : MOV MOV MOV MOV JMP DX 1 [BPj CX,[BP+l0l BX, [BP+121 AX, SI R4 :ESTORE PARAMETERS fROM STACK MOV CALL JNZ OX, [BPj READ_DSKCHNG OK4 RESTORE DR I VE PARMETER GO READ DISK CHANGE LINE STATUS IF ACTIVE. NO DISKETTE IN DRIVE. TIMEOUT IF NOT ACTIVE. DISKETTE IN DRIVE, DISK CHANGE GO RETRY OPERATION 00F9 E9 0067 R JMP OK2 OOFC 0101 C6 06 0041 R 80 E9 0061 R MOV JMP DISKETTE_STATUS,TlMeOUT; OK2 0104 0109 C6 87 0090 R 80 E9 0067 MOV JHP DSK_STATEr BXl, POA_START ; OK2 n OK3: DISKETTE_IO_' OlOC INDICATE TIMEOUT IF DRIVE EMPTY ERROR PUT STATE AT POWER ON ASSUHPT ION ENOP ; ------ DETERM I NE NEW MED I A TYPE, NEED TO RESET 0 I 5K CHANGE II NE HERE OlOC OlOC BO FC 01 OlOF 76 76 PROC eMP JBE NEAR AH,1 J1E TEST FOR RESET AND STATUS OPERATION BYPASS STATE CHECK AND UPDATE HF _CNTRL. DUAL J1A GO DETERM I NE TYPE OF CONTROLLER CARD 01 SKETTE ATTACH CARD 0111 01'6 74 11 TEST JZ 0118 0118 80 FC 15 13 6A eMP JAE AH.15H J1E TEST FOR 01 SK CHANGE STATUS OR 01 SK TYPE BYPASS STATE CHECK AND UPDATE 0110 011E 011 F 0120 0121 0124 50 53 51 52 AX ex ox [8 0604 R 74 DC PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH CALL JZ READ_DSKCHNG J1I . 0126 E9 05E2 R JMP Jlf HANDLE 0 I SK CHANGE LI NE ACT I VE 0129 50 53 AX OX READ_DSKCHNG SHORT J1H . F6 06 008F R 01 SAVE ORIGINAL PARAMETERS !AVE PARAMETERS BX GO READ DISK CHANGE LINE STATE BYPASS HANDLING DISK CHANGE LINE SAVE OR I G I NAL PARAMETERS ;AVE PARAMETERS 0128 012C 0120 0130 52 E6 0604 R EB 51 PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH CALL JMP 0132 0136 0138 BA 67 0090 R OA CO 75 06 MOV OR JNZ AL,DSK_STATE[BX] ; GET MEDIA STATE INFORMATION FOR DRIVE AL,AL CHECK FOR NO STATE INFORMATION AT ALL J10 IF INFORMATION DONT DEFAULT 013A 013C BO 60 86 67 0090 R MOV MOV AL. POA_START ; GET DEFAULT TO STATE DSK_STATE[ BXl.AL ; SET UP DEFAULT TO STATE 1 0140 0142 3C 61 75 1E eMP JNE AL, POA_DUAL J1G SEE I F DOUBLE STEP RATE BYPASS TRACK CHECK 0144 BS 4E OA 0147 014A 60 FO 26 72 16 MOV eMP JB CX, [BP+l0} CH.40 J1G GET ORIGINAL TRACK PARAMETER SEE I F TRACK IS PAST END OF 0 I SKETTE( 320) GO TRY OPERATION AT THIS STATE IF NOT 014C C6 87 0090 R 02 BO 02 BA B7 0092 R OA F6 75 13 MOV MOV MOV OR JNZ OSK STATE[BXl.02H ; SET NEXT STATE TO TRY IN ALGORITHM AL,02H , PUT NEW STATE IN WORKING REGISTER OH, DSK_STATE[ BX+2j , CFT OPERATION START STATE DH,DH CHECK FOR OPERATION START J 1C I F STARTED PREV I OUSLY, BYPASS SETT I NG IT UP 015B 0160 C6 67 0092 R 61 ES OC MOV JMP DSK_STATE[BX+2], POA_DUAL ; SETUP STARTING STATE SHORT J1C ; BYPASS NEXT STEP ALREADY DONE 0162 0166 0166 6A 97 0092 R OA 02 75 04 MOV OR JHZ DL.DSK_STATE[BX+2] ; GET START MEDIA STATE DL.DL SEE IF THIS IS ORIGINAL OPERATION OR A RETRY J1C IF RETRY IGNORE Ol6A 88 87 0092 R Ol6E 8A DE 008B R 3A C1 74 00 MOV MOV eMP JE DSK STATE(BX+2],AL ; SAVE AS STARTING DATA RATE CL, IASTRATE ; GET LAST DATA RATE SELECTED AL,CL ; COMPARE TO LAST OPERATION J1H ; I F SAME DONT SELECT NEW TRANSFER RATE MOV ROL ROL AND HOV AL,l Ol2A 0151 0153 0157 0159 0172 0174 0176 0179 0178 0170 017F 0162 0183 0184 0185 0186 0167 0189 OlSE 0190 0192 0194 0196 0196 0190 019F OlAl 01A3 51 A2 008B R DO CO DO CO 24 03 BA 03F7 EE SA 59 56 56 8A 80 OA 74 FE Fa 26 003F R 7F E4 36 CC 76 06 oOln R 00 CC 6E 74 C6 FE 14 FE CC 15 03 E9 0240 R J1C: OUT J1H: J1E: POP POP POP POP MOV AND OR JZ OEe JZ MOV DEC JZ DEC JHZ JMP BX ex SELECT DRIVE FOR DISKETTE ATTACH CARD IGNORE DISK CHANGE STATUS a SAVE NEW TRANSFER RATE FOR NEXT CHECK TRANSFER RATE DATA TO LOW BITS LASTRATE,AL AL.1 AL, TRAN_MSK OX,03F7H DX,AL ox ex BX ~OVE ; ; CLEAR ALL BITS BUT DATA TRANSFER RATE BITS ADDRESS FLOPPY CONTROL REG I STER SET DATA TRANSFER RATE • ~ESTORE PARAMETERS , . AX DH,AL • SAVE # SECTORS IN DH MOTOR_STATUS,07FH ; INDICATE A READ OPERATION AH,AH ; AH::O DISK RESET AH ; AH=l g:~~E~~~~~~ATUS,O AH DISK READ AH - J2 ; RESET THE STATUS INDICATOR ; AH=2 ; AH=3 ; TEST_oISK_VERF DISK_WRITE Diskette 5-91 J2: 01A6 01A6 01A8 DIM 01AC 01AE 0161 rE 74 FE 74 80 7S 0163 E9 0698 R 01B6 01B8 FE CC 75 03 alBA 0160 OlBF Dec CC 6c CC 6C EC 10 03 TEST_DISK_VERF AH"'4 SUO AH DISK_VERF AH DISK rORMAT AH,10H JNZ J3 JMP 01 SK_ TYPE GO PERFORM OISI( TYPE OPERATION AH = 16H BYPASS 0 I SK CHANGE STATUS JZ DEC JZ AH=5 AH=15H BYPASS 01 SK TYPE OPERATION DEC AH JNZ J4 E9 0646 R JMP DISK_CHANGE GO CHECK DISK CHANGE LINE STATUS FE CC 7S 03 DEC AH JNZ AH = 17H BAD COMMAND OlCl E9 0700 R JMP FORMAT_SET 01C4 01C9 01CA c6 06 0041 MOV U I SKIc II E_STATUS, BAO_CMO J3: R 01 J' GO SET MED I A/OR I VE TYPE FOR FORMAT ; RET C3 ; ERROR CODE, NO SECTORS TRANSfERRED UNDEr I NED OPERAT I ON ENoP Jl ;------ RESET THE DISKETTE SYSTEM OlCA 01CA 01CD aleE 0101 0103 0105 0107 0109 010A 010F OlE" 01E6 01 E8 01 E9 01 EA OlEO OlfO Olf2 Olf" 01F9 DISK_RESET BA FA AO 24 Bl 02 03F2 MOV 003F R 3F 04 CO MOV AND MOV OC EE C6 C6 EB OC EE FB £8 AD 3C 74 80 08 OR U6 003E R 00 06 0041 R 00 00 04 OUT MOV MOV JMP OR OUT CLI ROL STI CALL 051A R 0042 R CO 06 DE 0041 R 20 MOV CMP JZ OR RET C3 PROC NEAR DX,03F2H ADAPTER CONTROL PORT NO INTERRUPTS WHICH MOTOR IS ON STRI P Ofr UNWANTED BITS SH I fT COUNT MOvE MOTOR VALUE TO HIGH NIBBLE, DRIVE SELECT TO LOW NIBBLE AL,8 TURN ON I NTERRUPT ENABLE OX, AL RESET THE ADAPTER SEEK_STATUS, a ,SET REGAL REQUIRED ON ALL DRIVES DISKETTE STATUS,O ; SET OK STATUS FOR DISKETTE $+2 ; I/O WAIT STATE AL,4 TURN OFf RESET OX, AL TURN OFF THE RESET REENABLE THE INTERRUPTS CHK STAT 2 00 SENSE I NTERRUPT STATUS fOLLOW I NG RESET AL, 'NEC STATUS IGNORE ERROR RETURN AND 00 OWN TEST AL,OCOH ; TEST FOR DRIVE READY TRANSITION J7 ; EVERYTH I NG OK DISKETTE_STATUS,BAO_NEC ; SET ERROR CODE AL, MOTOR_STATUS; AL,03FH CL,4 AL, CL ; ------ SEND SPEC I FY COMMAND TO NEC OlfA OlfA OlfC 01 FF 0202 0205 0208 020B 020C J7: 64 E8 BB E8 BB £8 MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL 03 03E2 R 0001 0382 R 0003 0382 R AH,03H NEC_OUTPUT BX,l GET PARM BX,"3 GET _PARM RET C3 DISK_RESET DR IVE READY SPECIFY COMMAND OUTPUT THE COMMAND FIRST BYTE PARM I N BLOCK TO THE NEC CONTROLLER SECOND eyrE PARM I N BLOCK TO THE NEe CONTROLLER RESET RE RETURN TO CALLER ENOP ;------ DISKETTE STATUS ROUTINE 020C 020C 0200 DISK STATUS RET DISK_STATUS C3 PRoe NEAR ENOP ; ------ DISKETTE READ 0200 0200 020F 020f 0212 0214 0216 PRoe NEAR AL,046H BO 46 J9: CALL E8 04CA R 84 E6 EB 36 MOV JMP DISK_READ DHA SETUP AH,OE611 SHORT RW OPN ENOP - READ COMMAND fOR DMA DISK READ CONT SET ijp THE OMA SET UP READ COMMAND fOR NEC CONTROLLER GO 00 THE OPERATION ;------ DISKETTE VERifY 0216 0216 0218 021A D I SK_VERf BO MOV JMP 1~2 EB F5 DISK_VERF PRoe NEAR AL,042H VER I FY COMMAND FOR DMA DO AS IF olSI( READ J9 ENOP ; ------ DISKETTE fORMAT 021A 021A 021F 0221 0224 0226 0228 0228 022B 022E 0231 0234 0237 023A 0230 0240 MOV JMP PROC NEAR MOTOR_STATUS, WRI TE_OP AL,04AH OMA SETUP AH, 04DH SHORT RW_OPN MOV BX,7 CALL Glcl PARM BX, '9 GET PARM DISK FORMAT 80 BO EB B4 EB - DE 003F R 80 4A 04CA R 40 24 OR MOV CALL Jl0: BB 0007 E8 0382 R BB 0009 £8 03B2 R B6 OOOF [8 0382 R BB ~Oll E9 032A R MOV CALL MOV ax,15 CALL GET PARM MOV JMP J16 DISK_fORMAT ax,17 INDICATE WRITE OPERATION WILL WRITE TO THE DISKETTE SET UP THE DHA ESTA8L1 SH THE FORMAT COMMAND DO THE OPERATION CONTINUATION OF RW_OPN fOR fMT GET THE BYTES/SECTOR VALUE TO NEC GET THE SECTORS/TRACK VALUE TO NEC GET THE GAP LENGTH VALUE TO NEC GEl THE fl LLER BYTE TO TH E CONTROLLER ENOP ; ------ 0 I SKETTE WR j TE ROUT I NE 0240 0240 0245 0247 024A 024C 80 60 E8 B4 OE 003F R 80 4A 04CA R C5 DISK WRITE PROC NEAR OR MOTOR_STATUS,WRI TE_OP INDICATE WRITE OPERATION MOV AL,04AH DMA WR I TE COMMAND CALL DMA SETUP MOV AH,OC5H NEC COMMAND TO WRITE TO DISKETTE DISK_WRITE ENDP ;----- ALLOW WRITE ROUTINE TO FALL INTO RW_OPN . - --- ------------------------------- ; ; 024C 024C 024E 0253 0255 0256 0256 R~COPN kW~OPN --P~OC-- J NC MOV MOV RET 73 08 C6 06 0041 R 09 BO 00 C3 Jll: PUSH 50 ---- THIS ROUTINE PERfORMS THE READ/WRITE/VERIFY OPERATION --N E;'~------- ------------- J 11 ; T EST FOR OI-IA ERROR DISKEHE_STATUS,DHA_BOUNDARY ; SET ERROR AL,O ; NO SECTORS TRANSfERRED j RETURN TO MAIN ROUTINE ; DO RWOPN AX ; SAVE THE COMMAND ;------ TURN ON THE MOTOR AND SELECT THE DRIVE 5-92 Diskette 0257 0258 02SA 02se 025E 025F ·0263 51 8A BO 02 FA 8 11 74 PUSH MOV MOV CA 01 EO SAL CX Cl,Dl Al,l Al,Cl Cli 06 003F R DC 0265 026A 026F 80 3E 0040 R EC C6 06 0040 R FF 72 42 0271 0275 0277 027C 027E 0282 0284 0285 0288 028A 028C 028E 028F 0292 0293 08 B1 80 02 08 02 FB AO 24 02 DC 52 SA 06 003F R 04 26 003F R CF C2 16 003F R CA R13: TEST JZ Al, MOTOR_STATUS CMP MOV JB MOTOR_COUNT, aECH MOTOR_COUNT,OFFH J14 SEE I F THE MOTOR HAS BEEN ON LONG ENOUGH ENSURE MOTOR DOESNT TURN OFF OUR I NG OPERATI ON I S LESS THAN EC, THEN TURN ON NOT DUE TO READING Of DISK CHANGE LINE, OTHERWISE CO TEST FOR WAIT NECESSARY OR MOV AND ROl DR ROR MOTOR_STATUS,AL Cl,4 MOTOR_STATUS, OCFH Dl,Cl MOTOR_STATUS,DL DL,Cl TURN ON THE CURRENT MOTOR SH I FT COUNT TO MOVE DR I VE TO HIGH NIBBLE CLEAR ENCODED DRIVE SELECT 81TS(4 & 5) MOVE DRIVE ENCODED BITS TO HIGH NIBBLE SAVE AS SELECTED DR I VE RESTORE INTERRUPTS BACK ON GET MOTORS ON AND DR I VE SELECTED STRIP OFF UNWANTED BITS SH I FT BITS AROUND TO DES I REO pas I T IONS NO RESET, [NABLE DMAII NT SAVE REG CONTROL PORT ADDRESS R13 STI MOV AND ROl OR PUSH MOV 003F R 3F CO DC 03F2 OUT POP EE SA SAVE THE J IS PARMS GET DR I VE NUMBER AS SH I FT COUNT MASK FOR DETERMINING MOTOR BIT SHIFT THE MASK BIT NO INTERRUPTS WHILE DETERMINING MOTOR STATUS IS THIS MOTOR ON I F NOT GO TEST FOR WAIT NECESSARY Al, MOTOR_ STATUS Al,03FH Al,CL Al,OCH DX OX, 03F2H DX,AL DX RECOVER REG I STERS ; ------ WAI T FOR MOTOR 0294 0295 0298 029A F8 B8 90FD CD 15 72 17 Cle MOV AX,090FDH INT JC Jl' 029C 029F 02A2 02A4 02A4 02A6 02A8 B8 0014 E8 0362 R OA E4 MOV CALL OR aX,20 GET_PARM AH.AH 74 00 28 C9 E2 FE JZ J13: LOOP J14 CX,CX J13 O?AA 02AD 89 6006 E2 FE R18: MOV LOOP CX.06006H R18 02Af 02B1 FE CC 75 F1 ',H J12: SUB DEC JNZ AH J12 FB 59 02B5 02B8 02B9 02BB 02BO 02BF 02C2 E8 58 8A B6 72 BE 56 041C R 02C3 02C6 02C9 02es 02CO 0200 0202 £6 8A DO DO 80 OA £8 03E2 R 66 01 Ell E4 E4 04 £2 03E2 R 02050 0208 020A 80 f f 40 75 03 E9 0228 R 0200 020F 02E2 02E5 02E8 02EA 02EO 02FO 02F3 02F6 02F9 02FC 02FE 0302 0305 SA E8 8A E8 8A E8 BB E8 aa E8 88 32 8A F6 14 STI POP GET THE MOTOR WAIT PARAMETER TEST FOR NO WAIT TEST WAIT TIME EXIT-WITH-TIME EXPIRED SET UP 1/8 SECOND LOOP TIME WAIT FOR THE REQUIRED TIME DECREMENT T I ME VALUE ARE WE DONE YET MOTOR RUN:-i j NG INTERRUPTS BACK ON FOR BYPASS WAIT J14: 02B3 02B3 02B4 CLEAR TIMEOUT INDICATOR LOAD WAIT CODE & TYPE PERFORM OTHER FUNCT I ON BYPASS liMING LOOP If IIM.l:.OUI O(;CUKKt.D ex ;------ 00 THE SEEK OPERATION CALL POP MOV MOV JC MOV PUSH FC 00 72 0331 R SEEK AX BH,AH OH,O J17 SI,OFFSET J17 SI MOVE TO CORRECT TRACK RECOVER COMMAND SAVE COMMAND IN aH SET NO SECTORS READ I No CASE OF ERROR I F ERROR, THEN EX I T AFTER MOTOR OFF DUMMY RETURN ON STACK FOR NEC OUTPUT SO THAT IT WILL RETURN TO MOTOR OFF LOCATION ; ------ SEND OUT THE PARAMETERS TO THE CONTROLLER CALL MOV SAL SAL AND OR CALL NlC OUIPUI AH, TBP+11 AH,l AH.l AH,4 AH.OL NEC_OUTPUT au I PUT 1 HE. OPE.RAI ION COMMAND GET THE CURRENT HEAD NUMBER MOVE IT TO BIT 2 ISOLATE THAT BIT OR I N THE DR I VE NU~IBER ; ------ TEST FOR FORMAT COMMAND £5 03E2 R 66 01 03E2 R E1 03E2 R 0007 0382 R 0009 0382 R SE 00 FF A7 0090 R C4 10 06 0307 030A 80 E4 07 80 EC 03 0300 0310 0313 60 E4 07 80 Fe 00 75 04 0315 0317 B4 2A EB DB 0319 031C 80 FC 01 75 04 031E 0320 B4 23 EB 02 0322 0324 0327 032A 032A 0320 B4 1S E8 03E2 R SS 0000 J15: CMP BH.04DH JNE Jl, JMP JlO MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV XOR MOV TEST JZ AH.CH CYLINDER NUMBER NEC OUTPUT AH,TBP+1] HEAD NUMBER FROM STACK NEC_OUTPUT AH,CL SECTOR NUMBER NEC_OUTPUT BX,7 BYTES/SECTOR PARM FROM BLOCK GET_PARM TO THE NEC aX,9 EaT PARM FROM BLOCK GET PARM TO THE NEC ax, TSP1 RESTORE DRIVE NUMBER FROM PARMS BH,BH CLEAR HJGH ORDER INDEX REGISTER AH,DSK_STATE[BX] ; GET DRIVE STATE VALUE AH, DETERM I NED SEE I F STATE ALREADY ESTABLI SHED DO BYPASS STATE REDUCT I ON FOR GAP LENGTH ANO AH, 07H AH,03H STRIP OFF HIGH BITS REDUCE STATES AB,07H AH,O R16 STRIP OFF HIGH BITS CHECK FOR DISKETTE ATTACH CARD OR 320 DRIVE I F NOT CHECK FOR NEXT STATE SUB DO: ANO eMP JNE ,.IOV JMP R16: CMP JNE R15: AH,O?AH SHORT R15 I DAD 3::>0/360 OR 1VF GAP I fNGTH GO ounUT AH,l R17 CHECK FOR 320 MEDIA IN 1.2 DRIVE IF NOT, THEN HANDLE 1.2 MEDIA IN 1.2 DRIVE LOAD 320/360 ME:.DIA IN 1.2 DRIVE GAP LENGTH JMP AH.023H SHORT R15 MOV CALL MOV AH,OlBH NEC_OUTPUT BX,13 CALL POP GET PARM SI - MOV R17: J16: E8 0382 R 5E IS THIS A fORMAT OPERATION NO. cornlNuE WITH R/W/V I F SO, HANDLE SPECIAL LOAD 1.2 MEDIA IN 1.2 DRIVE GAP LENGTH OTL PARM FROM BLOCK RW OPN FINISH T'O THE NEC CAN NOW DISCARD THAT DUMMY RETURN ADDRESS ; ------ LET THE OpERAT I ON HAPPEN 032E 0331 0331 E8 053B R GALL WAIT_INT JC J21 J17: 72 45 WAIT FOR THE INTERRUPT MOTOR OFF LOOK FOR ERROR Diskette 5-93 0333 0336 CALL Je E8 0580 R 72 3F ; ; RESULTS J20 GET THE NEC STATUS LOOK FOR ERROR ;------ CHECK THE RESULTS RETURNED BY THE CONTROLLER 0338 0339 OBG 0330 033F 0341 0343 FC BE AC 24 74 3C 75 03lj5 03 116 0348 03 1jA 034e 0311E 0350 0352 0354 0356 0358 035A 035C 035E 0360 0362 0364 0366 0368 036A 036e AC DO EO B4 04 72 24 DO EO DO EO B4 10 72 lC DO EO 84 08 72 16 DO EO DO EO B4 04 72 DE DO EO Blj 03 72 08 DO EO 84 02 72 02 CLD MOV LODS AND JZ GMP JNZ 0042 R CO 3B 40 29 ; SET THE CORRECT DIRECTION S I, OfFSET NEC STATUS PO I NT TO STATUS FIELD NEC_STATUS GET STO AL,OCOH ; TEST FOR NORMAL TERM I NAT I ON J22 ; OPN OK AL.040H ; TEST FOR ABNORMAL TERMINATION J18 ; NOT ABNORMAL, BAD NEC ; ______ ABNORMAL TERMINATION, LODS SAL MOV JC SAL SAL MOV JC SAL MOV JC SAL SAL MOV JC SAL MOV JC SAL MOV JC FIND OUT WHY GET Sil TEST FOR EOT fOUND NEC_STATUS AL,l AH, REGORD_NOT_FNO J19 AL,l AL,l AH, BAD_CRG J19 AL,l AH. BAD _OMA J 19 AL.1 AL,l AH, RECORO_NOT_FN J 19 AL,l AH, WR I TE PROTECT J19 AL,1 AH, BAD_AODR_MARK J19 RI'CfAI L TEST rOR CRC ERROR RW FAJ L TEST fOR DMA OVERRUN RW_FAI L TEST FOR RECORD NOT fOUND RW_FAI L TESI fOR WfUTE PROTECT RW FAIL TEST MISSING ADDRESS MARK RW_FAI L ; ------ NEC MUST HAVE fAI LED 036E 036E 0370 0370 0374 0377 0377 0378 0378 037B RW-NEC-FAI L J18: MOV 84 20 RW-FAI L J19: 08 26 0041 £8 05e8 R OR CALL R DISKETTE_STATUS. AH NUM_TRANS J20: RET C3 J21 : CALL RET E8 0580 R C3 HOW MANY WERE REALLY TRANSFERRED RW ERR RETURN TO CALLER ; RESULTS RW_ERR_RES FLUSH THE RESULTS BUFrER ;------ OPERATION WAS SUCCESSFUL 037C 037C 037F 0381 0382 J22: £8 05ce R 32 E4 C3 RW_OPN CALL XOR RET ENDP NUM TRANS AH,AH OPN OK HOW-MANY COT MOVED NO ERRORS GET PARM THIS ROUTINE FETCHES THE INDEXED POINTER FROM THE DISK_BASE BLOCK POINTED AT BY THE DATA VARIABLE DISK_POINTER A BYTE FROM THAT TABLE IS THEN MOVED INTO AH, THE I NDEX Of THAT BYTE BE! NG THE PARM IN BX ENTRY -BX '" I NDEX OF BYTE TO BE FETCHED * 2 IF THE LOW BIT OF ex IS ON, THE BYTE IS IMMEDIATELY OUTPUT TO THE NEC CONTROLLER EX I T -AH = THAT BYTE FROM BLOCK ----PARM - - -- ---- ---- ------ - -- - - - --- - -- - - -------PROC NEAR GET 0382 0382 0383 0384 0386 1E 56 28 CO 8E 08 0368 038C 038E 0390 0391 0392 C5 36 0078 R D1 EB 8A 20 5E 1F 9C 0393 0396 83 FB OA 75 19 0398 0390 F6 06 003F R 80 7 11 09 039F 03A2 80 Fe 08 73 3A 03A4 03A6 811 08 EB 36 03A8 03AB 03AD 03AF 03B1 03B4 83 FB 09 75 28 03B6 0368 - PUSH PUSH SUB MOV ASSUME LOS SHR I [\2 RET MOV BL,2 HIGH ORDER COUNT XOR CX,CX RESET THE COUNT IN TEST JNZ AL,DX AL,080H J27 GET THE STATUS IS IT READY YES, GO OUTPUT E2 F9 LOOP J26 COUNT DOWN AND TRY AGA IN FE CB Dl. 15 F3 DEC JNZ J25 DECREMENT COUNTER REPEAT TIL DELAY FIN I SHED EO E4 JMP J24 MOV MOV MOV OUT POP POP POP AL,AH DX,03F5H DL,OF5H OX,AL 83 02 Rl'?: J2~: 33 C9 J26: EC ERROR COND I T I ON OUTPUT GET BYTE TO DUl PUT DATA PORT J27: 11 EE 0418 0 1119 OlllA 041B 041C ,D Ol~ NEC_OUTPUT PUSH PUSH PUSH MOV MOV Rl1: XOR J23 : IN TEST JZ LOOP F5 59 5A C3 OU1PUT THE BYTE RECOVER REG ISTERS RECOVER REG I STERS BX ex OX RET CY '" 0 N!:.C_OUTPUT FROM TEST I NSTRUCT I ON ENOP SEEK THIS ROUfINE. WILL MOVE THE HEAD ON THE NAMED DRIVE TO THE NAMED TRACK. IF THE DRIVE HAS NOT BEEN ACCESSED SINCE THE DRIVE RESET COMl'lAND WAS ISSUEn, THE ORlvr WILL BE RECALIBRATED. INPUT (DL) '" DRIVE TO SEEK ON (CH) "'" TRACK TO SEEK TO OUTPUT CY '" 0 SUCCESS CY", 1 FAILURE -(AX) DESTROYED 041C 041C 041 E Ol~ 1 F 0421 0lt23 0 1124 0428 SEEK 80 01 51 8A CA D2 CO 59 84 06 003E R 15 37 042A 01.2E 08 06 003( R 0430 E8 8A E8 E8 73 0433 0435 0438 043B D', PROC tolOV PUSH MOV ROL POP TEST JNZ ex CL, DL AL,CL ex AL, SEEK_STATlIS J28 OR MOY CALL MOV CALL CALL 07 03E2 R [2 03£2 R 051A R 14 DISKET1E STATUS SET ACCORDINGLY - NEAR AL,l SEEK_STATUS, AL AH,07H NEC OUTPUT AH, ill NEC OUTPUT CHK-STAT 2 J28A - J~lC [Sl ABL I Srt MASK FOR RECAL TEST SAVE I NPur VAllJ[S GET OR IVE VALUE INTO CL SHIFT IT BY THE DRIVE VALUE RECOVER l'RACK VALUE TEST fOR RECAL REQUIRED NO_RECAL TURN ON THE NO RECAL BIT R[CAL I BRATE COMMAND I N FLAG OUTPUT THE DR lyE NUiolBER GET THE. INHRUPT AND SENSE SEEK_COMPLETE lNT STATUS ISSUE RECAL I !3RAT[ FOR 80 TRACK 01 SKETTES 0430 0442 0444 0441 0449 044C 044F 0451 0451 0456 0458 045A 04')C C6 06 0041 R 00 BII E8 8A E8 [8 07 03E2 R £2 03£2 R 051A R 72 78 F6 06 008F R 01 74 09 MOY MOV CALL MOy CALL CALL JC DISKETTE_STATUS,O AH,01H NEC OUTPUT AH,DL NEC OUTPUT Ci-UCSTAT 2 RB - TEST JZ Ji8 GO DETERMINE TYPE OF CONTROLLER CARD DISKETTE ATTACH CARD BH, BH ;ET FF 8A DA C6 87 0094 R 00 DRIVE 0461 H~ XOR MOY MOV 32 CNTRL, DUAL BL,DL DSK_1RKIBX),O IS ; CLEAR OUT INYALID STATUS RECALIBRATE COMMAND OUTPUT THE DR lYE Jl:UMBER GET THE I NTERUPT ArlO SENSE SEEK_ERROR UP ADDRESSING TO STATE I NT STATUS INDICATOR SAVE NEW CYL I NDER AS PRESENT POS I T I ON IN SYNCH WITH CONTROLLER, SEEK TO TRACK J28: Diskette 5-95 ~ET UP ADDRESSING TO STATE INDICATOR 01161 0"63 0 1165 046A 32 8A f6 74 FF DA 06 D08f R 01 09 TEST BH. BH BL.DL H f _CNTRL. DUAL JZ R7 046C 0471 F6 87 0090 R 20 74 02 JZ R7 0473 0475 0475 0479 DO E5 SHL CH.1 DOUBLE NUMBER OF STEP TO TAKE 3A Af 0094 R 74 3E GMP JE CH. DSK_ TRK[ SX] J32 SEEK I F ALREADY AT THE DESI RED TRACK I F YES. DONT NEED TO SEEK 0476 Oll7f 04B1 01lB4 0486 0489 0486 04BE 0491 0496 88 B4 EB BA £8 8A EB E8 f6 74 MOV MOY OSK_TRK[ 6xl. CH AH,OfH XOR MOV GO DETERMI NE TYPE OF CONTROLLER CARD DISKETTE ATTACH CARD DSK_STATE[ ex]. DOUBLE_STEP ; CHECK FOR DOUBLE STEP REQUIRED ; SINGLE STEP REQU I RED BYPASS DOUBLE TEST R7: AF 0094 R OF 03£2 R E2 03£2 R E5 03£2 R 051A R 06 DOBf R 01 09 CALL NEC~OUTPUT MOY CALL CALL TEST AH.DL NEC_OUTPUT AH.CH NEC_OUTPUT CHK_STAT_2 HF_CNTRL. DUAL JZ RA TEST CALL MOV SAVE NEW CYL 1NOER AS PRESENT POS I T I ON SEEK COMMAND TO NEC DR I VE NUMBER GET CYLI NDER NUMBER GET ENDING INTERRUPT AND SENSE STATUS GO DETERMINE TYPE OF CONTROLLER CARD DISKETTE ATTACH CARD DII9B 0490 F6 87 0090 R 20 74 02 JZ DSK_STATElBXI.DOUBLE_STEP; CHECK FOR DOUBLE STEP REQUIRED RA ; 51 NGLE STEP REQU I RED BYPASS DOUBLE 049F 04Al DO ED SHR CH. , 04A1 04A2 0',A5 04AB 04A9 04A9 04AC 04AE OliBO 04B2 04B4 04B6 04B6 04B7 04BB 9C PUSHF BB 0012 E8 0382 R MOY ; SET BACK TO LOG I CAL SECTOR RA: ; ----- WAIT FOR HEAD SETTLE 51 CX.BOO AH,AH SAVE REG I STER HEAD_SETTLE 1 MS LOOP TEST FOR TIME EXPIRED OEC JMP J31 J30 AH J29 DELAY FOR 1 MS OECREMENT THE COUNT 00 I T SOME MORE POP GX RECOVER STATE SEEK_ERROR GO DETERMI NE TYPE OF CONTROLLER CARD DISKETTE ATTACH CARD GX J29: MOV OR JZ B9 0320 OA E4 74 E2 FE EB 06 FE CC F3 J30: LOOP J31 : 59 90 G3 POPF RETURN TO CALLER RET j32: 04B9 04B9 04BE F6 06 008F R 01 74 09 TEST HF_CNTRL. DUAL JZ RB 04Cu 04C5 f6 87 0090 R 20 74 02 JZ RB DO ED SHR CH# 1 04C7 04C9 04C9 04CA SAVE STATUS FLAGS ~ET HEAD SETTLE PARAMETER BX.18 GET_PARM CALL PUSH OSK_STATE[BX].OOU8LE_STEP ; CHECK FOR DOUBLE STEP REQUIRED ; 51 NGLE 5TEP REQU I RED BYPASS DOUBLE TEST RB: ; SET BACK TO LOG I CAL SECTOR ; RETIJRN TO CAU fR RET C3 -------------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- SEEK ; ENOP DMA_SE~~fs ROUTINE SETS UP THE oMA FOR READ/WRITE/VERIFY OPERAT IONS. INPUT = (AL) MODE BYTE FOR THE DMA (ES:BXI - ADDRESS TO READ/WRITE THE DATA • 04CA O/ICA 04CB OliCC 04CE 04DO 0402 0404 0406 0408 04DA 040C 04DE 04EO 04E2 04£2 OllE3 OllE5 04E7 04E9 04E8 04ED 04EF 04F1 OUTPUT {AX 1 .-------------------------------------- --- --- ------PROC NEAR OMA SETUP PUSH 51 GLI OUT JMP OUT MOY MOY ROL MOY FA E6 OC (8 00 E6 DB BC CO 81 04 03 CO 8A £8 24 FO 03 C3 73 02 FE C5 >U E6 EB 8A E6 BA EB 24 £6 ANO AOO JNG DESTROYED CX SAVE THE REG I STER DISABLE INTERRUPTS DURING oMA SET-UP SET THE FIRST/LAST F/F WAIT FOR 10 OUTPUT THE MODE BYTE GET THE ES VALUE SHI FT COUNT ROTATE LEFT GET HIGHEST NYBBLE OF ES TO CH ZERO THE LOW NYBBLE FROM SEGMENT TEST FOR CARRY FROM AOD I TI ON OMA+12.AL $+2 DMA+11.AL AX.ES CL.4 AX.CL CH,AL AL.OFOH AX. ex ING J33 GH PUSH AX OUT JMP MOY OUT MOY JMP DMA+4.AL CARRY MEANS HIGH 4 BITS MUST BE INC J33: 04 00 C4 04 CS 00 OF 81 ANO OUT SAVE START ADDRESS OUTPUT LOW ADDRESS WAIT FOR 10 $+2 AL.AH DMA+4,AL AL,CH $+2 OUTPUT HIGH ADDRESS GET HIGH 4 BITS I/O WAIT STATE AL,OFH OB1H.AL OUTPUT THE HIGH 4 BITS TO PAGE REGISTER ;------ DETERMINE COUNT Ol~ F3 01lF5 04F7 Ollf9 04FA 04FD 0500 0502 0503 0505 0506 0507 0509 050B 0500 OjOF 0510 0511 0512 0514 0515 0517 0519 051A MOY SUB SHR BA E6 2A CO 01 E8 PUSH 50 BB 0006 E8 0382 R BA CC MOY CALL MOY POP SHL ,,8 50 OFC PUSH AX AX OUT JMP MOV OUT AL.AH DMA+5.AL E6 EB 8A E6 FB 05 00 C4 OJ POP POP 58 AX.CL DMA+5,AL $+2 GX AX 03 C1 ADD AX,CX 59 POP MOV OUT RET GX 60 02 E6 OA C3 DMA_SETUP USE AS SHI FT COUNT (0=12B. 1=256 ETC) AX STI 59 * GET THE BYTES/SECTOR PARM BX,6 GET PARM CL.AH 58 03 EO NUMBER OF SECTORS TIMES 256 INTO AX SECTORS 128 INTO AX AH.oH AL.AL AX,l AX AL.2 DMA+l0,AL ; ; ; ; ; MULTIPLY BY CORRECT AMOUNT -1 FOR DMA VALUE SAVE COUNT VALUE LOW BYTE OF COUNT WAIT FOR 10 HIGH BYTE OF COUNT RE-ENABLE I NTERRU PTS RECOVER COUNT VALUE RECOVER ADDRESS VALUE ADD, TEST FOR 64K OVERFLOW RECOVER REG I STER MODE FOR 8237 INITIALIZE THE 01 SKETTE CHANNEL RETURN TO CALLER. CfL SET BY ABOVE I F ERROR ENOP CHK_STAT_2 TH I S ROUTI NE HANDLES THE INTERRUPT RECE I VED AFTER A RECAlIBRATE. SEEK, OR RESET TO THE ADAPTER. THE INTERRUPT IS WAITED FOR. THE INTERRUPT STATUS SENSED. AND THE RESULT RETURNED TO THE CALLER. 5-96 Diskette INPUT NONE OUTPUT CY = 0 SUCCESS CY = , fA I LURE -- ERROR IS! N 0 I DESTROYED (AX) 051A 051A 0510 051 F 0521 0524 0527 0529 052C 052E 0530 0532 0533 0533 0534 0534 0539 053A 0538 SKETTE~STATUS b~;~;;~~=2------~~;~----~~;~------------------------- E8 72 B4 E8 E8 72 AD 24 3C 74 0536 R 14 08 03E2 R 0580 R WAIT~INT CALL JC MOV CALL CALL JC MOV AND CMP JZ CLC OA 0042 R 60 60 02 f8 WAIT FOR THE INTERRUPT I F ERROR, RETURN IT SENSE INTERRUPT STATUS COMMAND J34 AH.08H NEG OUTPUT RESULTS J34 Al, NEC_STATUS AL,060H AL,060H J35 RFAD IN THF RESULTS CHK2 RETURN GET THE FIRST STATUS BYTE ISOLATE THE BITS TEST FOR CORRECT VALUE I F ERROR, GO MARK IT GOOD RETURN J34: e3 RET RETURN TO CALLER J35: 80 OE 0041 R 40 Dr SKETTCSTATUS, BAD_SEEK' CHK2_ERROR OR STe f9 ERROR RETURN CODE RET e3 [NOP CHK_STAT_2 ; ------------------------------ --- ---------WAIT I NT - THIS ROUTINE WAITS FOR AN INTERRUPT TO OCCUR A T f ME OUT ROUT! NE TAKES PLACE OUR I NG THE WA IT. SO THAT AN ERROR MAY BE RETURNED I f THE DRIVE IS NOT READY INPUT NONE OUTPUT CY = 0 SUCCESS CY = 1 FAILURE -- DISKETTE STATUS IS SET ACCOROINGLY (AX) DESTROYED - 053B 0538 053C 0530 053E 053f 0540 0543 0545 051~7 0549 0548 0548 0550 0552 0554 0556 0558 0550 OSSE 05SE 055F 0564 0565 0566 0567 0568 0569 ~; 7; -7 N~ -------- ;~;~----~~~~- ----------------- fB - 5T I 50 53 51 ~~;~ ~~ PUSH ex f8 eLe 88 9001 CD 15 72 11 MOY INT JC 83 (4 33 C9 F6 75 E2 FE 75 06 003E R 80 f7 CB F3 80 DE 0041 R 80 J36A: 0578 0578 SEEK_STATUS, I NT_FLAG TEST FOR J37 J36 INTERRUPT OCCURR I NG COUNT DOWN WHILE WAITING SECOND LEVEL COUNTER BL J36 DISKETTE_STATUS, TIME_OUT; NOTHING HAPPENED ; ERROR RETURN OR STC f9 J37: PUSHf AND POPF POP POP POP 9C 80 26 003E R 7F 90 59 56 58 e3 RET CF ex ; SAVE CURRENT CARRY INT_FLAG ; TURN OfF INTERRUPT FLAG RECOVER CARRY ~ECOVER REG I STERS BX AX GOOD RETURN CODE COMES FROM TEST DISK INT - THIS ROUTINE HANDLES THE DISKETTE INPUT I NST INTERRUPT NONE OUTPUT DISK INT 1 FB lE 50 [8 0000 E 80 DE 003E R 80 80 20 E6 20 B8 9101 CD 15 58 1f SEEK_STATUS,NOT ENOP WAIT - I NT THE 0570 057E 057F 0580 CLEAR THE COUNTERS FOR 2 SECOND WA r T eX,ex TEST JNZ lOOP DEC JNZ ac ; 0574 0576 BL,4 MOY XOR ; 056F CLEAR TIMEOUT INDICATOR LOAD WA r T CODE AND TYPE PERFORM OTHER FUNCTION BYPASS TIM I NG LOOP 1FT I MEOUT OCCURRED AX,090Q1H 15H J36A J36: ; 0569 0569 056A 0568 D.56C TURN ON I NTERRUPTS. JUST I N CASE ;AVE REG I STERS - STI PliStl PUSH CALL OR MOY ouT MOY INT POP POP IRET DISK_INT_l I NTERRUPT FLAG PROC I S SET \ S SEEK_STATUS FAR os ;>>> ENTRY POtNT FOR ORG OEF57H RE ENABLE INTERRUPTS SAVE REG I STERS AX OOS SEEK_STATUS, !NT_FLAG AL,20H 20H,AL AX,09101H 15H AX SETUP DATA ADDRESS I NG TURN ON I NTERRUPT OCCURRED END OF I NTERRU PT MARKER I NTERRUPT CONTROL PORT I NTERRUPT POST CODE & TYPE CO PERFORM OTHER TASK ~ECOVER REG OS RETURN FROM INTERRUPT ENDP RESULTS THIS ROUTINE WILL READ ANYTHING THAT THE NEC CONTROLLER HAS TO SAY FOLLOWING AN INTERRUPT. INPUT NONE OUTPUT SUCCESSFUL TRANSFER CY = 0 CY = 1 FAILURE -- TIME OUT IN WAITING FOR STATUS NFC STATUS ARFA, HAS STA,TUS BYTE LOADED INTO IT (AH) DESTROYED 0580 0580 0581 0584 0585 0586 0587 0589 05BB 058B 0580 0590 0590 0591 0593 0595 0597 .; ---- - ----------------------------------------NEAR B3 07 RESULTS PROC ClO MOV PUSH PUSH PUSH MOY B7 02 ; ------ WA I T fOR REQUEST FOR MASTER R10: MOV BH,2 fC BF 0042 R 51 52 53 01, OFFSET NEC_STATUS ex PO I NTER TO DATA AREA SAVE COUNTER OX BX BL,7 MAX STATUS BYTES XOR MOV CX. CX OX, 03 F4H A8 80 75 10 E2 F9 IN TEST JNZ LOOP AL. OX AL.oaOH J40A J39 HIGH ORDER COUNTER INPUT LOOP COUNTER STATUS PORT WA IT FOR MASTER GET STATUS MASTER READY TEST DIR WA I T=MASTER FE CF OEC 6H DECREMENT HIGH ORDER COUNTER J38: 33 C9 SA 03F4 J39: EC Diskette 5-97 0599 75 FO 05913 80 DE 0041 O')AO 05AO O';:'{'1 05A2 05A3 05A4 5B 5A R 80 REPEAT TIL DELAY DONE JNZ J 38 OR DISKETTE _5fATUS, TIME_OUl RESULTS ERHOR SET ERROR RETURN J40: STC F9 POP POP POP 59 8X OX CX RET C3 TEST THE DIRECTION BIT 05A5 05A6 OSA8 05AA 05AA OSAF 05131 0581 0562 05B3 05115 0566 05139 05138 05BC 0580 05BF 05C1 05C3 OSC5 [C A8 40 75 07 J40A: IN T[ST JNZ J41 ; 80 OE 0041 [8 U OR JMP R 20 GCT STATUS REG AGAIN ; TEST DIRECTION BIT ; OK TO READ STATUS ; NEC FAIL D I SKETTE_ST A TUS,BAD_NEC RESUL TS_ERROR J40 AL, OX AL, Q40H J42 READ IN THE STATUS INC IN OX AL, OX [01 \,AL 01 CX,20 J l l3 OX AL, DX Al.,0101i J41, MOV INC "7 89 0014 E2 4A EC AB 74 FE MOV FE J43: 10 06 CB 75 C4 EB E3 LOOP DEC IN TEST JZ DEC JN7 JMP POINT AT STATUS PORr GCT STATUS rEST FOR NEC ST ILL BUSY RESULTS DONE ; DECHEMENT TH[ STATUS COUNTER ; GO BACK fOR MOI~E ; CH I P HAS FAILED BE Rl0 J41 RESULT OPERATION 05C7 OSC7 05C8 05C9 05CA INPUT - STAT POI NT AT DATA PORT GET THE DATA STORE THE BYTE INCREMENT Tl-JE PO INTER LOOP TO KI LL TIME FOR NEC J42; 4? [C 88 05 IS DONE J114: POP POP POP 08 oA 59 BX OX CX ; RET C3 RECOVER REG I STERS GOOD RETURN CODE FROM TEST I NST NUM TRANS THIS ROUTINE CALCULATES THE NUMBER OF SECTORS lHAT WERE AGTUALL Y TRANSfERRED TO/ FROM THE 0 I SKETTE. INPUT (CH) '" CYLINDER OF OPERATION (CL) '" START SECTOR OF OPERAT I ON OUT PUT (AL) = NUMBER ACTUALLY TRANSFERRED NO OTHER REG I STms MOO I F I EO NUM TRANS Oscs OSGB 05eE 0500 05D3 OSD5 05D8 0506 05DO OJ[)F 051::1 051::2 05E2 AO 3A AD 74 BB - 0045 R C5 MOV CMP MOV 004"1 R OA .JZ MOV 0008 [8 0382 R 8A C4 FE CO 2A Cl C3 CALL Mav INC J45; SUB RET NUM TRANS RESULTS lNDP PROC NEAR AL,NEC STATUS+3 AL,CH ~t5 NEC_STATUS+5 BX,8 GET PARM AL,AH AL AL,CL MOV C6 87 0090 R 61 GET EDT VALUE I Nro AL USE E.01'+1 FOR CALCULATION SUBTRACT START FROM END END? HANDLE 0 I SK CHANGE ACT I VE 0~l2 G[T CYLI NDER ENDED UPON SAME AS WE STARTED GET END I NG SEC fOR I F ON SAME GYL, THEN NO ADJUST I F rOUND TO BE DSK_5fATE(BXL POA_DUAL ; CLEAR STATE FOR THIS DRIVE THIS SEQUENCE OF SEEKS IS USED TO RESET DISKETTE CHANGE SIGNAL 05E7 05EA 05EO D5EF 05F2 OSF5 05F7 O')FA OS FF 0600 0601 0602 0603 E8 01CA R 813 56 00 B5 01 E8 ollle R 8f} 56 00 135 00 [8 041C I~ c6 06 0041 5A 59 58 58 C3 CALL MOV MOV CALL MOV MOV CALL MOV R 06 rop POP POP POP RET ; ; 0604 0604 0606 0608 060A OGor 0611 0613 0617 0619 0618 0610 OGlE 0622 32 8A 130 80 81 D2 08 02 8A 02 fA 81. 75 0624 OG28 0620 062E 0631 0634 0636 0638 063A 063C 0630 0640 08 C6 FB 8A AO ?4 81 02 DC [E BA EB READ DSKCHNG THIS ROUTINE READS THE STATE OF THE DISK CHANGE LINE ZERO FLAG: 0 - DISK CHANGE LINE INACTIVE 1 - 0 I SK CHANGE LIN E ACT I VE READ DSKCI-ING XOR May FF DA 01 MOV AND 26 003F R CF OLI MOY C3 1 E 003F H CB CB HOL EO 06 003F R 09 SHL CLI TEST JNZ 06 003f OR OR ROR MOV R MOV 06 0040 R FF R8: 03F2 OOH R 3F 04 GO DISK RESET RI:.SEf NEC DX,[BPj RESTORE DRIVE PARMETER CH,OlH MOVE TO CYLINDER 1 SEEK I SSU[ SEEK DX,[BP] KI:.$IORE DRIVE PARMETER CH,OQH MOVE TO CYLINDER 0 SEEK ; I SSUE SEEK DISKETTE_STATUS,MEOIA ,CHANGE; INDICATE MEDIA REMOVED FROM DRIVE OX RESTORE PARAMETERS CX ... GX AX M[QIA CHANGE, GO LJETERMINE NEW TYPE ST I MOV MOY AND MOV ROL OC OR OUT 03F7 00 MOV JMP PROC NEAR BH, BH ; BL,DL ; AL, 01 ; MorOR_STATUS,OCFH CL,4 BL,CL MOTOR_S r ATUS, BL BL,CL CL, BL AL, CL AL, MOTOR_STATUS R8 CLEAR HIGH ORDER 0' FSF.T LOAD DR I VE NUMBER AS OF rSET MASK FOR DETERM I N I NO MOTOR 81 T ; CLEAR ENCODED OHlvr SFt.ECT 8IT$\4 & 5) SHirr DRIVE NUMU[~ INTO HIGH NIBBLE COUNT SHin DRIVE NUM3EH INTO HIGH NIBBLE ADD I N DR I VE NUMBER SELECTED rOR LATER USE RESTORE DRIVE NUi'1BER RESTORE DRIVE NUMBER FORM MOTOR ON BIT t~ASK NO INTERRUPTS WHILE DETERMING MOTOR STATUS TEST DONT NEED TO SELECT DEVICE IF MOTOR ON MurOR_STATUS,AL ; TURN ON CURRENT MOTOR MOTOR_COUNT, 0 F 1"11 ; SET LARGE COUNT OUR I t-.;G 0 PERAT I ON ENABLE I NTERRU PTS AGA I N ADDRESS DIGITAL OUTPUT REGISTER DX, 03 F2H GET DIGI1AL OUTPUT REGISTER REFLECTION AL, MOTOR 5T ATUS AL,03FH STRIP AWAY UNWANTED BITS SH I FT COUNT CL,4 PUT BITS IN DESIRED POSITIONS AL, CL NO RESET, ENABLE O,"1A/1 NT AL,OCH SELECT DR I VE DX,AL ADDRESS DIGITIAL INPUT REGISTER OX,03F-rH DELAY FOR sUPPOIn CHI P $+2 06112 0643 0645 0646 IN rEST EC A8 80 C3 RET READ_DSKCHNG ; ; AL,DX AL,DSK_CHG ; ; ; INPUT DIR CHECK FOR DISK CHANGE liNE ACTIVE RETURN TO CALLER WITH ZERO FLAG SET ENOP 01 SK CHANGE THIS ROUTINE RETURNS THE STATE OF THE UI::;K CI!ANGE LINE DISKETTE STATUS: 00 - DISK CHANGE LINE INACTIVE 06 - DISK CHANGE LINE ACTIVE OJ SK J2 PROC NEAR HF CNTRl, DUAL OC2 XOR MOV MOV AND CMP JE BH,BH ; CLEAR HIGH ORDER OFFSET Bl,Dl ; LOAD DR I VE NUMBER AS OFFSET Al, DSK_STATE[ BX] ; GET MED IA STATE I NFORMATI ON FOR DR IVE AL, STATE_MSK I SOLATE STATE Al,3 CHECK FOR !.8TPI DRIVE & NOT ESTABLISHED STATES SET I T I F FOUND SET DISK CHANGE ACT I VE CHANCE TEST 0646 0646 0646 F6 06 008F R 01 74 29 0640 064F 0651 0655 0657 0659 32 8A 8A 24 3C 74 0658 72 OB JB DCO 0650 0660 E8 0604 R 74 05 CALL READ DSKCHNG FINIS 0662 0667 c6 06 0041 R 06 C3 FINIS: MOV RET DISKETTE STATUS,MEDIA CHANCE; INDICATE MEDIA REMOVED FROM DRIVE ; RETURN TO CAllER 0668 066c 066E 8A 87 0090 R OA CO 75 F2 DCO: MOV 0670 0675 80 OE 0041 C3 0676 0678 067A 067C 067E 0680 60 E6 EB E4 A8 75 OE 70 00 71 CO EE 0682 0684 0686 0688 068A 06Be 60 E.6 EB E4 OA 75 10 ·(0 MOV 00 JMP IN 068E 0690 0692 0694 81 Ol~ 02 C8 24 OF 74 OA 0696 0698 EB CA - FF DA 87 0090 R 07 03 07 J2 R 80 SET IT: OC2: MOV OUT AL, CMOSDSB ADDR ; cADR_prn, AI JMP IN TEST JNZ AL,CDATA_PRT Al, CMOS_COOD DCl MOV ROR AND Jr~p 01 SK._CHANGE $+2 GET CMOS DIAGNOSTIC STATUS BYTE ADDRESS WR I T[ ADDRESS TO READ OUT TO CMOS DELAY GET CMOS STATUS SEE I F BATTERY GOOD AND CHECKSUM VAll 0 ERROR I F EITHER BIT ON Al,CDATA_PRT Dl,Dl VC3 ADDRESS OF DSKETTE BYTE I N CMOS WR I TE ADDR.ESS TO READ OUT TO CMOS DELAY GET DSKETTE BYTE SEE WHICH DRIVE IN QUESTION I~ I)I L~O) SEEK SEEK TO TRACK OX RESTORE PO INTER OX SAVE POINTER CIl,QUIET SEEK SEEK SO FAR IN, BEFORE ISSUING SINGLE STEPS SEEK SEEK TO TRACK 10 07EI, 07E6 07£8 DnA 07[[3 07EC £8 041 C R PUSH PUSH CALL DX 56 07ED SI SEEK GET TRACK AT PRESENTLY CLEAR SEEK COUNTER SEEK TO NEXT TRACK, TOWARDS TRACK 0 RESTORE PO INTER SAVE PO j NTER SAVE COUNTER SEEK TO TRACK 07FO 07 F2 OHB OlF9 Bl.J 04 £8 082C R E8 0580 R 5E 46 MOV CALL CALL POP INC AH, SENSE OIlV ST sUPS RESULTS SI SI SENSE DRIVE STATUS COMMAND BYTE I SSUE THE COMMAND GO GET STATUS RESTORE COUNHR COUNT NUMBER OF SEEKS TIL AT HOME( TRACK 0) OHA 07FF 1'6 06 0042 R 10 75 08 1[ST JNZ NEC_ST ATU5, HOME SUP4 LOOK TO SEt: I F HEAD I S AT TRACK 0 GO OETER~lINE DRIVE TYPE 0801 fl3 F[ OB eMP 0801, 72 £2 JB 51,QUIET S[EK+l SUP3 - SEE 1F TilE NUMBER OF SEEKS = NUMBER I r LESS THAN, NOT DONE YET 0806 5B EB 10 POP JMP BX RESTORE POINTER DRIVE NOT INSTALLED, POP CMP BX RESTORE POI NTER SI,QUIET_SEEK ,SEE IF S[EKS S'/EPPED EQUAL THE Of{IGINAL OSK_STATEIBX1,POA_DUAL, SETUP POWER ON ASSUMPTION NXT_DRV j IF YES 1.2 DRIVE 07F5 0807 0809 080A 08UO 0812 85 OA H F6 rE CD 5A 52 '" MOV SUP3: §UPl.J: 83 FE OA C6 8"1 0090 R 61 C6 87 0090 R 93 081 F 0822 0823 08211 0825 0826 0827 0828 0829 082A 0828 50 CH, QU lET_SEEK 51, SI Cit POP OX MOV JAE 73 05 08111 0819 0819 081A 0810 XOR D[C MOV SHORT NXT_DRV OSK_STATEI3Xj,M326D326 BYPASS ESTABLISH 320/360K STATE NXT_DRV: 43 INC BX 83 FB 02 7l.J 03 eMP JE BX, !-lAX_ORY SUPl E9 07AO R JMP §UP1: 1F 07 5> F SE SA 59 5B 58 C3 E8 03E2 R 8A £2 [8 03[2 R C3 SUPO REPEAT TIL OONF FOR EACH DRIVE POP Be RESTORE ALL REGISTERS DS POP ES 01 SI POP POP POP POP POP POP RET SUP5: POINT TO NEXT DRIVE SEE I F DONE IFF I N I SHED LEAVE TEST POP DX ex BX AX OTI-IERW I S[ ReTURN KEEP STACK CORRECT 082C 082F 0831 0834 j ISSUED CALL Mav CALL NEG OUTPUT AH,OL NEG_OUTPU T FOR CALL TO NEC_OUTPUl I F ERROR OUTPUT TO NEC GET DR 1VF NUMBER SELECTED OUT PUT TO NEC RET 0835 OSKETTE_SETUP [NOP 0835 CODE ENDS END Diskette 5-101 5-102 Diskette TITLE FIXED DISK BIOS FOR PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLI C IBM DISK CONTlWLLER 1-11-84 DISK 10 HD INT DI5K_SETUP EX'rRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN ; -- F1I80:NEAR F1781:NEAH F17f12:NEAR r1790: NEAR F1791: NEAR FD TBL:NEAR I NT 13 --------------------- ---- ----- - - ------------- ---- -- --- FIXED DISK I/O INTERFACE THIS IIHERrACE PROVIDES ACCESS TO 5 1/1\" FIXED DISKS THROUGH THE IBM F1XED DISK CONTROLLER. TilE BIOS ROUTINES ARt: MEANT TO BE ACCESSED THROUGH ANY ADDRESSES PRESErH IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPTS ONLY. THE liSTINGS ARE INCLUDED ONLY FOR COMPLETENESS, REfERENCE. APPLICATIONS WHICH REFERENCE NOT FOR ABSQLiJTE AOORESSES WITHIN THE CODE SEGMENT VIOLATE THE STRUCTURE AND DESIGN OF BIOS. (AH == HEX VALUE) INPUT (AH)=OO RES!:.! DISK (OL == 8QH,811-1) / OlSKETTE (AH)=Ol READ THE STATUS OF THE LAST DISK OPERATION INTO (AL) NOTE: DL < SOH - DISKETTE DL :> 80H - 0 I SK (AH)""02 READ THE DESIRED SECTORS INTO MEMORY (All )"'0.) WR I TE THE DES I RED SECTORS FROM MFMORY (AH) =0/1 VER I FY THE DES I REO SECTORS (AH)=05 FORNAT THe. DESIRED TRACK (AH)=06 UNUSED (AH )""07 UNUSED (AH)=08 RETURN THE CURRENT DRIVE PARAMETERS (AH)=09 INITIALIZE DRIVE PAIR CHAHAGIERISTICS INTERRUPT 41 POINTS TO DATA BLOCK FOR DRIVE 0 INTERRUPT 46 PO I NTS TO DATA BLOCK FOR DR I VE 1 (AH)==OA READ LONG (MI )=06 WR I TE LONG NO fe.: HEAD AND WR I TE LONG CNCOMPASS 512 + 1-1 BYTES ECC (AH )=OC SEEK (AH)=OD ALTERNATE DISK RESET (SEE DL) (AI-I )=OE UNUSED (AH)=OF UNUSED (AH)=10 TEST DRIVE RFADY (AH)=l1 RECAlIBRATE (AI-I )=12 UNUSED (Ali)==13 UNUSED (AH )= 1 ,+ CONTROLLER INTERNAL D I AGNOST I C (AH)=15 READ DASD TYPE REG I STERS USED FOR f I XED 0 I SI( OPERAT IONS (80H-8 1 H FOR 0 I SK, VALUE CHECKED) (0-15 ALLOWED, NOT VALUE CHECKED) (0-1023, NOT VALUE CHECKED)(SEE CL) (1-17, NOT VALUE CHECKED) ( OL) ( DH) (CH) (CL) DR I VE NUMBER HEAO NUMBER CYL.INDER NUMBER SECTOR NUMBER (AL) NOTE: HIGH 2 BITS OF CYLINDER NUMBER ARE PLACED IN THE HIGH 2 BITS OF THE CL REGISTER (10 BITS TOTAl) NUMBER OF SECTORS (MAXIMUM POSSIBLE RANGE 1-80H, FOR READ/WR I TE LONG 1-79H) ADDRESS OF BUFFER fOR READS AND WRITES, (NOT REQUIRED FOR VERIFY) ( ES:BX) FORMAT (AH==5) ES:BX POINTS TO A ~12 BYTE BUfFER. THE fiRST 2*{SECTORS/TRACK) BYTES CONTAIN F,N FOR EACH SECTOR. F == DOH FOI<. A GOOD SECTOR 80H FOR A BAD SECTOR N = SECTOR NUMBER FOR AN I NTERLCAVE OF 2 AND 17 SECTORS/TRACK THE TABLE SHOULD BE: DB OOH, 01 H, DOH, OAll. OOli, 02H, OOH, OBH, DOH, 031-1, OOH, OCH DB OOH, WIH, OOH, OOH, OOH, OSH, DOH, OEH, DOH, 06H, DOH, 0 FH DB DOH, 07tl, DOH, 1 OH, DOH, 08H, QOH, 1 1 H, DOH, 091-1 OUTPUT AH " STATUS OF CURRENT OPERATION STATUS BITS ARE DEFINED IN THE EQUATES BELOW CY = 0 SUCCESSFUL OPERATION (AH;:O ON R[TURN) CY", 1 FAILED OPERAT!ON (AH HAS ERROR REASON) NOH.: ERROR 11H INDICATES THAT THE DATA READ HAD A RECOVERABLE THE DATA ERROI\ WH I CH WAS CORRECTED BY THE ECC ALGOR I THM. IS PROBABLY GOOD, HOWEVER THE BIOS ROUTINE INDICATES AN ERROR TO ALLOW THE CONTROlL I NG PROGRAM A CHANCE TO DEC I DE FOR ITSELF. TI-IE ERROR MAY NOT RECliR I F THE DATA IS RE'rIRI HEN. I F DR I VE PARAMETERS WERE REQUESTED, DL'" NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE ACKNOWLEDGING DRIVES ATTACHED (0-2) (CONTROLLER CARD ZERO TALLY ONLY) DH ~ MAXIMUM USEABLE VALUE FOR HEAQ NUMBER CH = MAX 1MUM USEABLE VALUE FOR CYL I NDER NUMBER CL == MAXIMUM USEABLE VALUE FOR SECTOR NUMBER AND CYLINDER NUMBER HIGH BITS 1 FREAD DASD TYPE WAS REQUESTED, AH = 0 - NOT PRESENT 1 - 0 I SKETTE - NO CHANGE L j NE AVA I LABLE 0 I SKETTE - CHANGE LINE AVA I LABlE FIXED DISK CX,DX:o NUMBER OF 512 BYTE BLOCKS WHEN AH = 3 2 - 3 - REGISTERS WILL BE PRESERVED EXCEPT WHEN THEY ARE USED TO RETURN INFORMATION. NOTE: ~OFF OOEO DOCC 008B OOAA 0080 0040 SENSE fAIL NO_ERR WRITE FAULT UNDEr-ERR NOT ROY TIME OUT BAD SEEK IF AN ERROR IS REPORTED BY THE DISK CODE, THE APPROPRIATE ACT ION I S TO RESET THE 01 5K, THEN RETRY THE DPERAT J ON. EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU [QU EQU OfFH OEDH OCCH 08BH OAAH 80H 40H NOT IMPLEMENTED STATUS ERROR/ERROR REG=O WRITE FAULT ON SELECTED DRIVE UNDEF I NED ERROR OCCURRED DR I VE NOT READY ATTACHMENT FAI LED TO RESPOND SEEK OPERATION FAILED Disk 5-103 BAD CNTLR DATA CORRECTED I3AD Icc BAD-TRACK BAD-SECTOR DHA -BOUNDARY INIT FAIL BAD RFSFT RECORD NOT FND BAD AODR MARK BAO-CMD PAGE 0020 0011 0010 OOOB aoaA 0009 0007 0005 0004 0002 0001 ~ [OU [QU [OU [OU [OU [QU [OU EQIJ [OU [QU [QU CONTROLLER HAS FAI LED ECC CORRECTED DATA ERROR BAD ECC ON 0 I SK READ NOT IMPLEMENTED 8AD SECTOR FLAG DETECTED DATA EXTENDS TOO FAR DRIVE PARAMETER ACTIVITY FA I LED RESET FAILED REQUESTED SECTOR NOT FOUND ADDRESS MARK NOT FOUND BAD COMMAND PASSED TO 0 I SK I/O 20H lHI 10H OBH OAH 09H 07H 05H O!IH 02H 01H IXED DISK PARAMETER TABLE - THE TABLE +0 +2 +3 +5 +7 +8 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 -+-9 -+-12 -+-111 -+-15 (3 (1 (1 (1 - IS COMPOSED OF A BLOCK DEFINED AS; WORD) BYTE) WORD) WORD) BYTE) BYTE) - MAX I MUM NUMBER OF CYL I NOERS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF HEADS NOT USED/SEE PC-XT STARTING WRITE PRECOMPENSATION CYL MAXIMUM EGC DATA BURST LENGTH CONTROL BYTE BIT 7 OISAFl/F RFTRIES -ORB IT 6 D I SABLE RETR I ES BIT 3 MORE THAN 8 HEADS BYTES)- NOT USED/SEE PC-XT WORD) - LANDING ZONE BYTE) - NUMBER OF SECTORS/TRACK BYTE) - R[SERVEU f-OR FU/,URE USE TO DYNAMICALLY DEFINE A SET Of PARAMETERS BUILD A TABLE fOR UP TO 15 TYPES AND PLACE THE CORRESPONDING VECTOR INTO INTERRUPT 41 FOR DRIVE 0 AND INTERRUPT 46 FOR DRIVE 1 • . LIST PAGE I NCLUOE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 0000 HARDWARE SPEC I f I C VALUES CONTROLLER I/O PORT > WHEN READ FROM: Hf_PORT+O Hf_PORT+1 HF PORT+2 flr-POBT+3 Hr-PORT+4 HF::::PORT+5 Hr PORT+6 - READ DATA (FROM CONTROLLER TO CPU) - GET ERROR REGISTER - GET SECTOR COUNT - GET SECTOR NUMBER - GET CYLINDER LOW - GET CYLINDER HIGH (2 BITS) - GET SIZE/DRIVE/HEAD Hr~PORT+7 - GET STATUS REGISTER > WHEN WR I TTEN TO: Hf_PORT+O - WRITE DATA (FROM CPU TO CONTROLLER) HF PORT+1 - SET PRECOMPENSATION CYLINOER HF-PORT+2 - SET Si:.CTOR COUNT Hf-PORT+3 - SET SECTOR NUMBER HF-PORT+4 - SET CYLINDER LOW HCPORT+5 - SET CYLINDER HIGH (2 BITS) HF PORT+6 - SET SIZE/DRIVE/HEAD HCrORT+7 - SET COMMAND REGISTER HF PORT Hf::::REG_POHT = 01 FO == 03F6 [OU [au 01 fOH '" 0001 '" 0002 := 0004 " 0008 == 0010 == 0020 == 0040 == 0080 ; 01 SK PORT 3 f6H , STATUS REGISTER ST ERROR EQU 00000001 B ST-I NO[X EqU 00000010B ST~CORliCTD EQU 00000100B ST-DRQ [Qu 00001000B ST-SEEK COMPL EQU 000100DOB ST-WRT FLT Equ 001000008 ST-REAGY EQU 01000000B ST::::BUSY EQU 100000008 ECG CORRECT I ON SUCCESSFUL SEEK CONPLETE WRITE FAULT == 0010 ERROR REG I STER FRR DAM EqU ERR-TRK 0 EQU ERR::::ABORT EQU [Qu [OU = OOIjU == 0080 ERR DATA ECC ERR::::8AOJ'iLoCK EqU 00000001 B 00000010B 00000100B 000010008 000100008 00100000B 010000006 100000008 = 0010 == 0020 - 0030 == 0040 = 0050 = 0060 = 0070 == 0090 = 0091 = 0001 = 0002 = 0008 REGAL CMO READ CMI) WR I r't'. CMD VER I FY eMD FMTTRK-CMD INIT CMD SEEK-CMD 01 AC=CMD SET PARM GMD NO RETR I ES ECG MODE BUfFER_MODE EQU EQU EQU [QU EqU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EqU EQU 000100008 00100000B 00110000B 010000008 01010000B 01100000B 01110000B 10010000B 10010D01B 00000001 B 0000001DB 000010006 DRIVE RECAL READ WRITE VER I FY FORMT TRACK INITIALIZE SEEK DIAGNOSTIC DRIVE PARMS CND MODIFIER CMD MODI FIER CMD MODIFIER == OOAO = 0020 = 0020 I NT CTL PORT I NT1_CTCPORT EOI lQU EQU EQU OAOH 020H 20H 8259 CONTROL PORT #2 8259 CONTROL PORT #1 [NO OF I NTERRUPT COMMAND == 0002 == 0002 MAX FILE S_MAX_F I LE EQU [aU == 0020 == 0600 DELAY 1 [QU [aU [OU 20H 0600H 0100H DELAY FOR or COMPLETE DELAY FOR READY DELAY FOR DATA REqUEST [QU 08H CMOS FLAG J N BYTE OEH TO INHIBIT DISK I PL EXTRN P_MSG: NEAR =- 0001 = 0002 == 0004 ~g~ DELAY~2 = 0100 DELAY::::3 ;:; 0008 HF_FAI L ASSUME GS;CODE PAGE FIXED DISK 5-104 Disk 1/0 SETUP DATA ADDRESS MARK NOT FOUND TRACK 0 NOT fOUND ON RECAL ABORTED COMMAND NOT USED j D NOT rOUND NOT USED (10H) (20H) (30H) (1IO~j) (50H) (60H) (70H) (90H) (91H) (OlH) (02H) (OSH) - ~Oll 0015 DOle 0021 0024 0028 0020 0034 0039 0040 00115 0046 0048 004A 004e D04E 0050 PROC NEAR ES: ABSO AX,AX ES,AX DISK~SETUP 0000 0000 0002 0004 0005 0009 0000 ESTAaLI SH TRANSFER VECTORS FOR THE f I XED 0 I SK PERfORM POWER ON DIAGNOSTICS SHOULD AN ERROR OCCUR A "1701" MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED ASSUME 2B CO BE CO FA SUB MOV 26 A 1 004e R 26 A3 0100 R 26 A1 004E R 26 A3 0102 R 26 C7 06 004C 26 8e OE 004E B8 06CA R 26 A3 010B R 26 Be DE 010/\ 26 C7 06 0104 26 BC DE 0106 26 C7 06 0118 26 8C DE OllA FB MOV MOV MOV MOV Mav MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV CLI R 0197 R R R R 0000 I: R R 0000 E R STI IN AND OUT IN AND OUT E4 A 1 24 BF E6 A1 E4 21 24 FB E6 21 ASSUME 0052 0055 0057 005C 0061 0066 0068 006A 006C 006E 0070 0072 0074 0077 0079 007B 0070 007F 0081 0083 0085 0087 0089 008E 0090 0092 0094 0096 0099 0090 DOA2 00A4 00A4 OOA6 OOA4 OOAlI OOA6 OOA6 00A7 00"9 OOAB aOAE 00B2 00B7 0089 0000 OOBD QOBF 00C2 OOC4 00C7 OOC9 OOCC 0001 0003 0005 0008 0008 0009 OODB 0000 OOOF OOEO ~lOV B8 ---- R 8E 08 C6 06 0074 R 00 C6 06 0075 R 00 C6 06 0076 R 00 BO 8E [6 70 EB 00 E4 71 8A EO 24 CO 75 64 80 E4 F7 BO 8E E6 70 8A C4 EB 00 E6 71 80 92 E6 70 EB 00 E4 71 C6 06 0077 R 00 8A 08 B4 00 24 FO 74 42 05 FFFO E 26; A3 0104 R C6 06 0075 R 01 8A C3 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV OUT JMP IN MOV AND JNZ AND MOV OUT MOV JMP OUT MOV OUT JMP IN MOV MDV MOV AND JZ ADD MOV MOV MOY + ??OOOO + + 170001 DO EO + co 04 74 (IE B4 00 05 FFro E 26: A3 0118 R C6 06 0075 R 02 B2 80 64 111 CO 13 72 22 Al 006C R 8B 08 05 0444 8B C8 E8 OOEF R 80 3E 0075 R 01 76 05 62 81 E8 GOEF R ISHl lABEL SHl lA8EL ORG DB ORG DB JZ MOV AUD Mav MOV L4: MOV MOV INT Je MOY MOY ADO MOV CALL Cf~P JBE Mav CAll ** DS:DATA AX,DATA OS,AX DISK STATUS1, 0 flF _NUM,O CONTROl_BYTE,O Al,8EH 70H,Al SHORT $+2 Al,71H AH,AL AL, OCOH POD DONE AH, NOT HF _FAI L Al,8EH 7DH,Al Al,AH SHORT $+2 71H,Al Al,92H 70H,AL SHORT $+2 AL,71H PORT_OFF,O Bl,Al AH,O Al,OfOH POD OOI';E AX,OFFSET FD_TBL-16D WORD PTR HF_TBL_VEC,M HF _NUM, 1 Al,I3L Al,4 BYTE Al,l BYTE OFFSET CS;170000 GCOH OFFSET CS:??OOOl SHORT l4 AH,O AX,OfFSET FD~TBl-160 WORD PTR HF1_TBl_VEC,AX HF NUM,2 Dl--;-80H AH,14H 13H CTL ERRX AX, TIMER_lOW BX,AX AX,6*182 CHECK CMOS VAL I D I TY SAVE CMOS FLAG CMOS NOT VAll 0 -- NO HARD FI LES AllOW HARD FilE I PL WRITE IT BACK ACCESS HARD FILE BYTE I N CMOS ZERO CARD OFFSET SAVE HARD FILE BYTE GET FIRST DRIVE TYPE NO HARD FILES COMPUTE OFFSET AT LEAST ONE DRIVE GET SECOND DR I VE TYPE ONLY ONE DRIVE COMPUTE OfFSET FOR DRIVE 1 TWO DRIVES CHECK THE CONTROLLER GET START T I MER COUNTS 60 SECONOS .. lB.2 ex,AX HO RESET 1 HCNUM,1POD DONE Dl,e1H HD_RESET_1 SET UP DRIVE a WERE THERE TWO DRIVES? NO-ALL DONE SET UP DRIVE 1 ** CLI IN AND oaT STI RET ESTABLISH SEGMENT RESET THE STATUS I NO I CATOR 7ERO NUMBER OF HARD Fl lES 4 POD~OONE; FA E4 21 24 FE E6 21 FB C3 ZERO GET 0 I SKETTE VECTOR AX, WORD PTR ORC VECTOR INTO INT 40H WORD PTR 01 SK VECTOR,AX AX, WORD PTR ORG_ VECTOR+2 WORD PTR 0 I SK VECTOR+2, AX HD I SK HANDLER WORD PTR ORG_ VECTOR, OF fSET 0 j SK_' 0 WORD PTR ORG V£CTOR+2, CS HDISK INTERRUPT AX, OFFSET HD_If'H WORD PTR HD I SK_' NT. AX WORD PTR HOISK INT+2,CS PARM TBl DRV 80 WORD PTR HF TBL VEe, OFFSET FD TBl WORD PTR HF-TBl-VEC+2,CS PARM TBL DRV 81 WORD PTR HFl TBL VEC, OFFSET FD TBl WORD PTR HF()BL:=VEC+2, CS 10 DELAY NOT REQU I RED ** TURN ON SECOND I NTERRU PT CH I P Al, I NT __ CTL]ORT+l AL,OBFH INT CTl PORT+1,Al LET I NTERRUPTS PASS THRU TO Al,INTl-Cll PORT+1 Al,OFBHSECOND CH I P I NTl_CTl_PORT+1, AL 10 DELAY NOT REQU I RED BE SURE T I MER I S ENABLED Al,021H AL,OFEH 021H,Al ** POD ERROR OOEl OOEl 00E4 00E7 OOEA ODED CTL_ERRX: BE E8 E8 SO EB 0000 E 0161 R 0000 E OOOF E9 53 51 84 CO 72 B4 CD 73 E8 73 BE f6 75 BE E8 EB 84 09 13 06 11 13 15 0178 EF 0000 C2 01 4£ 0000 0161 46 08 ~OH CALL CALL MOV JMP HD RESET 1 ~ PUSH PUSH MOV RES~l : DOH OOFO OOFl OOF3 00f5 OaF? DOF9 OOFB OOFD 0100 0102 0105 0108 010A 0100 0110 0112 MOV I NT JC MOV INT JNC R RES_2: £ RES~FL: CAll JNe Mav TEST JNZ MOV E R CALL JMP RES_CK: I~OV S [, OFFSET F1782 SET FAIL P MSG BP,OFH SHORT POD~DONE PROC BX CONTROLLER ERROl{ DOtH I PL FROM DISK 01 SPLAY [RROR POD ERROR FLAG NEAR SAVE TIMER liMITS ex AH,09H SET OR I VE PARMS 13H RES 2 AH,llH REGAllBRATf DRIVE 13H RES CK POO-TCHK RES-1 SI,OFFSET F1781 Dl,1 RES E1 SI, OFFSET F1780 SET FAIL SHORT RES_El AH,08H DRIVE OK CHECK T I ME OUT INDICATE DISK 1 FAI lURE INDICATE DISK a FAILURE DONT TRY TO (PL DISK 0 GET MAX CVL, HEAD, SECTOR Disk 5-105 0114 0116 0118 011A 01le 0-" F 0121 0123 0126 0128 012B 0120 0130 0132 0135 0137 013A 013C 013E 0142 0146 0146 0148 0146 0146 0148 0148 0149 OlllB 0140 0150 0153 0155 0158 0158 015E 015F 0160 0161 0161 0161 0163 0165 0167 0169 016B u160 016f 0171 0173 0175 0177 0178 0178 0178 0179 017A 0178 MOV 8A Oil CD 13 INT JC 72 33 8A 03 B8 01101 CD 13 73 3B 80 Fe OA 74 36 BO Fe 74 31 BO Fe 10 74 2C E8 0178 R 72 16 AD 0044 R FE C8 74 D4 8A 2E 0045 R 8A DE 0046 R RES_3: CMP JE l' eMP JE eMP JE CALL JC MOV u~_c JZ + 1?0003 00 + + ??0004 + E1 eo MOV MOV I SHL LABEL SHL LABEL ORC DB ORG OB OR 06 OA C8 EB CF BE 0000 E F6 C2 01 15 03 BE 0000 E8 0000 80 OOOF 59 JMP RES_ER: MOY rEST JNZ MOV RES_E1: CALL MDV RES_OK: POP POP 5B e3 BO E6 EB E4 OC 8A BO E6 8A EB E6 e3 MOV MaY INT JNC VER I FY OK OK ALSO I F JUST 10 READ CHECK FOR T I ME OUT FAI LED GET SECTOR ADDRESS TRY PREY I OlJS ONE WE'VE TRI ED ALL SECTORS ON TRACK GET CYL I NOER NUMBER MOVE THE BITS UP BYTE 6 PUT SECTOR NUMBER IN PLACE TRY AGAI N INOICATE DISK 1 ERROR CL,AL R[S 3 5 I, OFFSET F1791 DL,1 RES E1 S I, OFFSET F1790 P M5G BP,OFH INDICATE DISK 0 ERROR ex RESTORE T I MER L! M I TS BX RET BE ENDP SET FAIL Mav PROC NEAR AL,BEH 70H,AL SHORT $+2 AL,71H AL, ~IF FAI L AH,ALAL,BEH 70H,AL AL,AH SHORT $+2 71H,AL 70 OUT JMP 00 71 IN OR MOV MOV DB EO 8f 70 OUT C4 00 71 JMP OUT MOV GET CMOS ERROR BYTE SET DONT I PL FROM 0 I SK FLAG SAVE IT CMOS BYTE ADDRESS PUT I TOUT RET ENDP SET FAIL POD TCHK POP POP POP PUSH PUSH PUSH MOV 0170 Ol7E 0181 0183 0185 0187 0189 018B 0180 018F 0191 38 D9 CMP 72 06 JB 38 72 EB 3[} 72 3B 72 eMP 0193 0194 0195 0196 Uly{ RESTORE DRIVE CODE VER I FY THE LAST SECTOR OfFSET CS: ??0003 OCOH OFFSET CS: 1?0004 HD_RESET_l 58 59 5B 53 51 50 A1 006C R one SAVE DRIVE CODE BL,DL 13H RES ER DL,BL AX, 0401 H 1311 RES OK AH, BAD SECTOR RES_OKAH, DATA CORRECTED RES OK AH,BAD ECC RES_OKPOD TCHK RES-ER AL, eMU BLOCK+2 AL RES CK CH,CMD BLOCK+3 CL,CMO-BLOCK+4 CL,6 BYTE': Ct,l DB OC a/I C] OJI Cl 02 J8 JMP TCHK1: TCHK2: TCHKNG: F9 e3 FB e3 CMP JB CMP JB CHECK FOR 30 SECOND T I ME OUT SAVE RETURN GET TIME OUT LIMITS PROC NEAR AX ex ex BX ex AND SAVE THEM AGAIN RESTORE RETURN AX :::: CURRENT TIME BX _ START TIME CX ~ END TIME AX AX, T I MER_LOW BX,CX TCHKl aX,AX TCHKG SHORT TCHK2 AX, BX TCHKNC AX,CX TCHKG START < END END < START < CURRENT END, CURRENT < START CURRENT < START < END START < CURREN r < END OR CURRENT < END < STARI CARRY SET INDICATES TIME OUT STC RET TCHKG: ENDP DISK SETUP PAGE- 0197 I NO I CATE ST I LL T I ME CLC RET POO_fCHK ENDP FIXED DISK RIDS [NTRY POINT DISK 10 PROC ASSUME 0197 0197 019A 019C 019E 019E 01Al 01Al 01A2 01A4 01A6 0111B 01AA 01AD OlAF OlAF 01B2 01B4 01B7 01BA 01BC 01BF 01Bf 01CO 01Gl 01C2 01C3 01CII 0lC5 01c6 01C8 OlCA a1CC 01CF 0100 0103 CMP FA 80 73 05 CO 40 BO JAE I NT AS3Ur~[ BACK TO CALLER 08: DATA ENABLE STI OR E4 09 40 JNZ I NT SlJB CMP Ell FA 81 77 EF JA AH,AH A2 40H AH,AH OL,(80H + S MAX FILE RET_2 -- A2: 80 FC 08 75 03 E9 038B R 80 FC 15 75 03 E9 0349 R eMP JNZ A3: JMP eMP JNZ JMP A4: 53 51 52 1E 06 56 57 OA 75 62 E-8 50 B8 BE TEST FOR FIXED DISK DRIVE Y"S, HANULE HERE DISKETTE HANDLER RET HARD_DISK: CA 0002 fB OA -(5 CD 2A 80 FAR 05: NOTH lNG, ES: NOTH I NG DL,80H HARD 01 SK 40H - Fli 02 80 0212 R ---- R 08 5-106 Disk A5: PUSH PUSH PUSH rUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH OR JNZ MOV CALL PUSH MOV MOV INTERRUPTS RESET NEC WHEN AH::::O 1) AH,08H A3 GI:.T_PARM_N AH,15H A4 READ_DASa_TYPE GET PARAMETERS IS A SPECIAL CASE READ OASD TYPE IS ALSO ox SAYE REGISTERS DURING OPERATION ex DX 1)$ ES SI 01 AH,AH A5 DL,80H DISK 10 CONT AX AX, DATA OS, AX CHECK FOR RESET FORCE DR I VE 80 FOR RESET PI:.RFORM THE OPERATION ESTABL I SH SEGMENT 0105 0106 010A 01 DO 01 DE 01DF 01 EO 01 E1 01 E2 01 E3 01 E4 01 E5 01E8 01 E6 01 E8 OlEA 01 EG 01EE 01 FO 01 F2 01 F4 01 F6 01 F6 01 FA 01FC 01 FE 0200 0202 58 POP AX 8A 26 0074 R 80 FC 01 MOY eMP eMe POP AH,DISK_STATUS1 AH,1 f5 5F 5E 07 POP POP POP POP POP POP 1F 5A 59 58 GA 0002 RET M1 0263 0307 0310 0318 0320 R R R R R 0333 R 02AB R 02AB R 02AB R 03EA R 041 F R 0427 R 042 F R 02B3 R 02AB R 0206 0206 020A 020G 020E 0210 '" 002A 021.3 0219 021C 021 E OW OW OW ow OW OW M1L 0227 022B 022C 022F 0231 0233 0234 0231 0238 023B 0230 0238 0238 0238 0230 0230 023E 0241 02!15 0246 0249 024A 024B 024G 0250 0253 0255 50 B8 ---- R BE 08 58 80 FC 01 75 03 E9 0307 R 50 80 E2 7F 3A 0/\ 76 76 06 E8 06B4 R 26: 86 47 05 01 £8 MOV MDV POP CMP JNZ JMP 07 8A 26 0076 R 80 E4 GO OA EO 50 + 770009 DO E8 + 7?000A CO 06 A2 0046 R SA C2 + 77000G DO EO E6 Of C6 AO 0047 R 0282 8A G4 32 01 028D 028F 0290 0291 0292 0293 E4 EO 8B FO 3D 002A 73 lA 58 56 51 50 86 CS 0295 029;' 0297 0295 0295 710000 GO 0286 028A + + + 0284 0288 + + 0280 0281 027B 0270 MOV PUSH MOV PUSH " AND eMP JBE PUSH CALL MOV ISHR + 770006 LABEL + SHR + 7?0007 LABEL + ORG + ?70008 LABEL DB ORG 5A 04 80 OA OC A2 58 50 0279 I ON TRANSFER TABLE fORMAT BAD SECTORS FORMAT DRIVE RETURN PARf1S READ BUFfER WRITE BUFFER 010H 011H 012H 013H 014H RAM DIAGNOSTIC DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC CONTROLLER 0 I AGNOST I e NEAR AX AX,DATA OS,AX EST ABL I SH SEGMENT AX RETURN STATUS AH,OlH SUO RETURN_STATUS DISK STATUS1,O BXBL,Hf NUM AX DL,7fH BL,DL BAO_COMMAND_POP ES GET VEC AX,WORD PTR ES:[BX)[5i AX,2 BYTE AX,l BYTE OFfSET CS: 770006 NEAR OC1H OFfSET CS: n0007 2 0275 0276 PROC CMD_BLOCK~ AL AL,BYH PTR ES:[BXj(8j OX OX, HF _REG_PORT OX, AL OX ES AH,CoNTROL_BYTE AI-I,oCOH AH, AL CoNTROL_BYTE,AH AX CMD_BLOCK+l ,AL AX Al, CL AL,3fH CMD BLOCK+2,AL CMD-BLOCK+3,CH AL, Cl 24 3f A2 0044 R 88 2E 0045 R SA Gl 0273 0273 FUIIICT OOOH 001H 002H 003H OOl.jH 005H 006H D07H D08H 009H OOAH OOSH OOCH OOOH OOEH OOFH DB 8A C1 0273 0?73 0275 0275 THROW AWAY SAVED FLAGS MOV MOV PUSH MOV OUT POP POP MOV AND OR MOV POP MOV PUSH MOY AND MOY MOV MOV ISHR LABEL SHR LABEL ORG DB ORG DB MOV MOV ISHL LABEL SHL LABEL ORG DB ORG 0250 02,)[ 02613 2 WORD DI SK RESET RETURN STATUS DISK READ 01 SK-WRI TE 01 SK-VERF FMT TRK BAD-COMMAND BAD-COMMAND BAD-COMMAND INIT DRV RO LONG WR LONG DISK SEEK 01 SK-RESET BAD COMMAND BAD-COMMAND TST-RDY HDISK REGAL BAD GOMMAND BAO=COMMAND CTLR DIAGNOSTIC $-Ml- 02 0260 0262 0265 0269 0260 0260 026E 0271 ex BX 112 0042 R 26: 8A 47 08 52 l3A 03 F6 EE o25A 0268 0268 0260 0268 51 SUO: C6 06 0074 R 00 53 SA 1 E 0075 R 88 26 0076 R 58 A2 0043 R 0259 EOU DISK_IO CONT -PUSH 0221 0221 0226 LABEL OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW ow 02AB R 044E R 0465 R 02AB R 02AB R 0489 R 0212 0?16 0218 D' ES OS OX DISK_IO ENDP 0204 0212 GET STATUS FROM OPERAT I ON SET THE CARRY FLAG TO INDICATE SUCCESS OR FAILURE RESTORE REG I STERS D1 E9 + 77000F + + 770010 + + 770011 ; RESET THE STATUS INDICATOR SAVE DATA ADDRESS GET NUMBER OF DRIVES GET DRIVE AS 0 OR 1 INVALID DRIVE GET 0 I SK PARMS GET WR I TE PRE-COMP CYL GET CONTROL BYTE MOD I F I ER SET EXTRA HEAD OPT I ON SET EXTRA HEAD OPT I ON CONTROL BYTE IN SECTOR COUNT GtT SECTOR NUMBER GET CYL I NDER NUMBER AL,6 BYTE AL,l BYTE OfFSET CS:?70009 OCOH OfFSET CS:77000A 6 CMD_BLOCK+4,AL AL, DL AL,4 BYTE AL,l BYTE OffSET CS:?7000C oCOH OFFSET CS:7?OOOD DB 4 AND DR DR MOV POP PUSH MoV XOR SAl MOV CMP J N8 POP POP PUSH PUSH MOV ISHR LABEL SItR LABEL ORG LABEL DH,OFH AL,DH AL,80H OR 20H CMD_BLOCK+5, AL AX AX AL,AH AH,AH AX,l SI,AX AX,M1L BAD COMMAND POP AX - BX CX AX ex, BX CX,4 BYTE CYLINDER HIGH ORDER 2 BITS DR I VE NUMBER HEAD NUMBER ECC AND 512 BYTE SECTORS ECC/S I ZE/DR I VE/HEAD GET I NTO LOW BYTE ZERO HIGH BYTE *2 FOR TABLE LOOKUP PUT INTO S I FOR BRANCH TEST WITHIN RANGE RESTORE AX AND DATA ADDRESS ADJUST ES: BX GET 3 HIGH ORDER NYBBLES OF BX CX,l BYTE OfFSET CS:??OOOF NEAR Disk 5-107 0295 0297 0297 0298 029A 029C 029E 02A2 02A3 02A4 02A9 02A9 02AA 02AS 02AS 02BO 02B2 0283 el a" BC CO 03 Cl 8E CO 81 E3 OOOF 58 59 2E: FF A4 01E8 R 58 5B C6 06 0074 R 01 BO 00 e3 DB OC1H ORG OfFSET CS:??0010 OB " MOV AX, ES ADD AX, CX MOV ES, AX AND BX,OOOFH ; ES:BX CHANGED TO ES:OOOX PiJP AX POP CX JMP WORD PTR CS: [SI + OFFSET Ml] BAD_COMMAND_POP: POP AX POP BX BAD COMMAND: MOV 0ISK_STATUS1,BAD_CMD COMMAND ERROR MOV AL,a RET DISK_IO_CONT ENDP ; ; 02B3 02B3 02B4 02B6 02B8 02BA 02BB 02BO 02CO 02C' 02c4 Q2C5 Q2C7 02CA 02CC 02CD 0200 0202 0205 0206 0208 020A 020f 02E1 02E4 02£1 02EC o2EE 02f3 02F~ OZFa 02fB 0300 0301 0306 0307 0307 0307 030A 030f 0310 FA E4 24 E6 FB BO SA ----------------------------------------------RESET THE 0 I SK SYSTEM (AH = OOOH) ------ --------- -------------------------------- 01 SK_R£S~ll IN Al SF A1 ANa OUT STI MOV MOV OUT MOV DEC JNZ MOV 04 03F6 EE 89 OOOA "9 75 AO 24 EE E8 75 BA Ee 3C 75 80 2A E8 E8 80 76 80 82 E8 E8 C6 e3 C6 C3 ORO: FD 0076 R OF ANa OUT CALL 050f R 2f OlF1 JNZ MOV IN 01 eMP 27 JNZ 26 0047 02 03EA R 0465 R 3E 0075 00 DE 0047 01 03EA R 0465 R 06 0074 R EF ANa SUB GALL START INTERRUPTS Al,04H OX, HF _REG_PORT DX,Al CX,10 CX ORO Al, CONTROL_BYTE Al,OFH OX,Al NOT_BUSY DR ERR OX, HF _PORT+l Al,DX AL,l DR ERR CMO_BLOCK+5,OEFH DL,Dl RET CARD fAI LED ENDP -------------------- ------- ----------- ----------------------------------- ---- -- ---- AO 0074 R c6 06 0074 R 00 e3 RET RETURN_STATUS c6 06 0048 R 20 E9 04BB R o I SK_REA~OV JMP 01 SK_READ c6 06 0048 R 30 E9 04F8 R ENOP (AH ::: 002H) 06 00'-18 R 40 0544 R 08 05A,) R 03 061£ R JMP 003H) PROC NEAR CMD_BLOCK+6, VERI FY_CMO COMMAND VERF EXI T CONTROLLER STI LL BUSY WAITVERF_EXIT ; TIME OUT CHECK_STATUS RET DISK_VERF ; C6 06 0048 R 50 06 53 £8 0684 R 26: 8A 47 OE A2 0043 R 5B 07 E9 0500 R fORMATTING 005H ) (AH = 005H) NEAR CMD_BLOCK+6, fMTTRK_CMO FORMAT TRACK GET_VEC Al,ES:[BX](14] CMO BLOCK+l. AL GET 01 SK PARMS ADDRESS GET SECTORS/TRACK SET SECTOR COUNT I N COMMAND CMo_OF GO EXECUTE THE COMMAND '5 BX BX ES fMT TRK ENDP PAGE --------- -------------------------------------READ OASO TYPE (AH = 15H) --- --------------------------------------------- READ nASO TYPE REAO::::O.T PUSH Disk (AH ------------------------------------------------ POP POP JMP ; lE ENOP ------- ----------------------------------------= FMT_TRK PRoe MOV PUSH PUSH CALL MOV MOV ; 5-108 (AH PROC NEAR CMO_BlOCK+6, WR I TE_CMO COMMANDO ENOP DISK VERIFY (AH = 004H) ---------- ------------------------------------- OISK_VERF MOV CALL JHZ CALL JNZ CALL VERF_EXIT: e3 PRoe NEAR CMD BLOCK+6, READ CMD COMMAND I ENDP DISK WRITF ROUTINF DISK_WRITE C6 E8 75 E8 75 £8 OBTAIN PREVIOUS STATUS RESET STATUS = --- --------------------------------------------- DISK_WRITE MOV ; 03119 0349 0349 SET TO ORIVE 1 SET MAX HEADS REGAL TO RESLT SEEK SPi:.ED I GNORE ANY SET UP ERRORS ; ------- --DISK STATUS ROUTINE (AH = 001H) ; RETURN_STATUS PROC NEAR MOV AL, 0 I SK_STATUS1 ; 01 SK_STATUSl ,0 ; MOV ; 0333 0333 0338 0339 033A 0330 0341 0344 0345 0346 0349 BAD RESET STATUS SET TO OR IVE 0 SET MAX HEADS RECAl TO RESET SEEK SPEED CHECK FDR OR I VE 1 01 SK_STATUSl ,BAD_RESET ; 0320 0320 0325 0328 032A 0320 032F 0332 0332 Q333 TIME OUT ON RESET GET RESET STATUS MOV ; 0318 0318 0310 0320 SET HEAD OPT I ON TURN RESET OFF ~~: ~K~~~CAL DISK READ ROUT I NE 0310 0310 0315 0318 RESET DELAY COUNT WAIT 4.8 MICRO-SEC OR ERR: RET ** ENABLE HARD FilE I NT. ORE: DISK_RESET 10 DELAY NOT REQU I RED GET THE MASK REG HF _NUM, 1 ORE CMO_BLOCK+5,010H OL,l INIT DRV HD J SICRECAl 01 SK_STATUSl ,0 R 10 R 00 ** CAll CMP JBE OR MOV CALL CAll MOV R 01 06 0074 R 05 ~EAR PROC Al, I NT _CTl_PORT+1 AL.OBfH I NT_CTl_PORT+l, Al LABEL PROC OS NEAR FAR ; ; GET DR I VE PARAMETERS SAVE REG I STERS 034A 03 1413 03 11C 034F PUSH PUSH 06 53 ---- BB BE 08 MOV MOV 8 ASSUME 0351 0356 035A 0350 035F 0361 036 11 0368 036C 036E 0371 0372 037'1 0376 037R 037A 037C 0370 037E 037F 0380 0383 0383 0385 0387 038<) 0388 e6 06 0074 R 00 MOV MOV AND CM? JBE 8A 1 E 007';1 R 80 E2 7F 3A DA 76 22 E8 0 PARM BLOCK GE r NUM6EH OF HfAOS CONVERT TO 0-1 NOEX (AH '" OBH) PflOC NEAR eMD BLOCK+6, WR I TE CMO OR ECC MODE COMMANDO ENOP Disk 5-109 ; ; 042F 042F 0434 0437 0439 043e 043E 0441 0446 04li8 C6 E8 75 E8 75 E8 80 15 C6 o I SK_SEE~OV 06 0048 R 70 0544 R 14 05A5 R OF 061E R 3E 0074 R 40 05 06 0074 R 00 CALL JNZ CAll JNZ CALL CM' JNE MOV OS EXIT: RET DISK_SEEK 0440 04liD ---------------------------------------SEEK (AH = OCH) ---------------------------------------- C3 044E PROC NEAR CMD_BLOCK+6, SEEK_CMD COMMAND OS_EXIT WAIT OS EXIT C~I'ECK STATUS 01 SK_STATUS1, BAD_SEEK DS_EXI T 0ISK_STATUS1,0 CONTROLLER BUSY ERROR T I ME OUT ON SEEK ENOP ----------------- -----------------------------; TEST DISK READY (AH = 010H) ; ; 044E 044E 0451 0453 0456 0459 045A 0450 045f 0464 0"'65 E8 75 AD SA EE E8 75 C6 C3 05DF R 11 0047 R 01r6 0630 R 05 06 0014 R 00 i:f=~6y ~~bp ; ; ; 0465 0465 046A 0460 046F 0472 0474 04n 047C 047E 0483 0483 0488 0489 0489 0489 048B 0480 04eF 0491 0493 0495 0498 049A 0490 049F 04AO 04A3 04AS 04A7 04AA 04AIl 04AE 04BO 0482 OliB4 04B6 04B6 04BA 0488 04BB 04BI1 04SE 04CO 04C2 04C5 01le7 04G1 04CA 04CC 04CF 0402 0403 0405 04DA 04DG 04DF 04E1 04E4 04£1 04E6 04E8 04EC 04EE 04F1 04F3 04F8 04FA 04fA 04FA C6 E8 75 E8 75 E8 80 75 C6 06 00"'8 R 10 0544 R 14 OSA5 R Of 061E R 3E 0074 R 40 05 06 0074 R 00 80 3E 0074 R 00 C3 E4 24 E6 E4 24 (6 £8 75 SA 80 A1 BF Al 21 FB 21 050F R 1A 01 F7 90 EE £8 84 75 SA EC A2 84 3C 74 84 --- --------------------------------------------- TST_ROY PROC CALL JNZ MOV MOV OUT CALL JNZ MOV 050F R 80 OF 01 Fl 0080 R 00 01 02 20 88 26 0074 R C3 NEAR NOT_BUSY TR_EX AL, CMO_BLOCK+5 OX, HF_PORT+6 DX,Al CHECK_ST TR_EX o ISK_STATUS1 ,0 WAI T FOR CONTROLLER SELECT OR I VE CHECK STATUS ONLY ; WI PE OUT DATA CORRECTED ERROR -------- ---------- -----------------------------= all -- --- ------------------------------------------RECAll BRATE (AH H) HOI SK RECAL MOV CALL JNZ CALL JNZ GALL CM' JNE MOV REGAL_EXIT: CMP RET HO I SK_RECAL PROC NEAR CMD_BLOCK+6. REGAL_CMO COMMAND RECAL EXIT WAIT RECAL_EXI T CHECK_STATUS 01 SK_STATUS1,BAO_SEEK RECAL_EXIT DISK_STATUS1,0 CTLR_DIAGNOSTIC IN AND OUT IN AND OUT CALL JNZ MOV MOV OUT CALL MOV JNZ MOV IN MOV MOV CMP JE CO ERR: MOV PROC NEAR AL,INT_CTl_PORT+l AL,OBFH INT_CTL_PORT+l,AL Al,INTl_CTL_PORT+l AL,OFBH I NTl_CTL_PORT+1,AL NOT_BUSY CO_ERR DX, HF _PORT+7 AL,OIAG_CMO OX,Al NOT_BUSY AH, T I ME_OUT CO_EXIT OX, UF _PORT+l AL,OX H F ERROR, AL AH-;-O AL,1 SIiORT CO EXIT AH, BAD_CNTLR CO:EXIT: MOV 01 SK_STATUSl,AH : START THE OPERATION ERROR WAI T FOR COMPLET ION TIME OUT SEEK NOT CO;.'lPLETE IS OK 01 SK_STATUS1 ,0 ENOP ** 10 DELAY NOT REQU I RED TURN ON SECOND INTERRUPT CH I P LET I NTERRUPTS PASS THRU TO SECOND CHI P WA I T FOR CARD BAD CARD START DIAGNOSE WAIT FOR IT TO COMPLETE T I ME OUT ON 0 I AGNOSTI C GET ERROR REG I STER SAVE IT CHECK fOR ALL OK RET CTlR_D I AGNOST I C [NOP ~ -CO;;;';'N~ ~----- ---------------------------------- ; ; REPEATEDLY INPUTS DATA TIL NSECTOR RETURNS ZERO bOM;ANOi;---------------------------------------[8 72 8B E8 75 068F R 3A FB OSli4 R 33 CALL JC MOV CALL JNZ CHECK_OMA CMD_ABORT OI,BX COMMAND CMO_ABORT CHECK 64K BOUNDARY ERROR OUTPUT COMMAND CMo_ 11: 1:.8 o~A~ R 75 2E 89 0100 BA 01 Fa FC F3 60 F6 06 0048 R 02 74 12 E8 0608 R 72 19 SA 01 FO 89 0004 EC 26: 88 05 47 E2 E8 15 F6 15 f9 06lE R 07 06 008C R 80 co C3 GALL WAlT TM OUT JNZ MOV CX-;-256D MOV DX,HF_PORT CLO REP_ INSW DB OF3H,060H TEST CMo_BLOCK+6, ECC_f'lODE JZ CMD_13 CALL WAIT_ORQ JC TM OUT OX-::-HF _PORT MOV MOV CX,4 CMD_12: IN AL,OX MOV ES:8YTE PTR [01 J,AL INC 01 LOOP CMO 12 CMD_ 13: CALL CHECK STATUS CMO ABORT JNZ Hf'_STATUS,ST_BUSY TEST SHORT CMO_ll JNZ CMO ABORT: TM_OUT: RET WAI T FOR DATA REQUEST INT TIME OUT SECTOR SIZE IN WORDS GET THE SECTOR ; GET ECC BYTES GO SLOW FOR BOARD ERROR RETURNED CHECK FOR MORE COMMANDO REPEATEDLY OUTPUTS DATA TIL NSECTOR RETURNS ZERO 5-110 Disk CHECK fOR NORMAL INPUT WAIT FOR DATA REQUEST --------- - -- - - - --- -- -- ----------- - - ----------~- 04FB OIIFB 04FE O~OO 0502 0505 0507 050A 050C 0:'>00 050E 05DF 0512 0515 0516 0518 0519 051 E 0520 0523 0525 0528 052B 052E 052F 0530 0532 0532 0535 0:;'37 053A 053C 05 111 05 Jn E8 72 8B E8 75 E8 72 1E 06 D68r R FA F3 054/1 R F3 0608 R EE COMMANDO: CALL JC CMD_OF: MOV CALL JNZ CALL JC CHD_01 : PUSII PUS~I 1F B9 0100 BA 01 Fa FC F3 6F 1F F6 06 0048 R 02 74 12 E8 0608 R 72 05 BA 01 FO B9 0004 26: 8A 04 EE 46 E2 F9 E8 05A5 R 75 C3 E8 061E R 75 BE F6 06 008C R 08 75 C9 C3 0573 0578 057A 0570 057F 0581 0583 0~85 0587 OS8C 058C 058E 05BF 0590 0591 0595 0597 0598 0599 0599 059E 059E 059F 05A4 05A5 53 89 U6UU 51 E8 044E R 59 7" DB 80 3E 0074 R 80 74 43 [2 1'0 Ea 44 58 57 C6 E4 24 LG E', 2'. E6 I3F OA F6 74 AO 24 3C 06 008E R 00 At BF A1 21 Fil 21 0042 R 01 F 1 06 0076 R CO 12 0048 R Fa cO 72 09 3C '10 77 05 80 OE 00/18 R 01 8A 05 EE 47 42 81 FA 01 F8 75 F5 5F C3 C6 06 0074 R 20 58 80 3E 0074 R 00 C3 ex OUT PUT COMMAND COMMAND CMD ABORT WAIT _DRQ TM_OUT DS ES DS CX,2':>60 ox, IIF _PORT \-IAI T FOR DATA REQUEST TOO LONG MOVE ES 10 OS PUT TH[ DATA OUT fO THE CARD RESTORE OS CHECK FOR NORMAL OUIPUT WAI T FOR DATA REQUEST OUTPUT THE ECC BYTES WAI T FOR SECTOR COMPLETE ERROR RETURNED INT CHECK FOR MORE COMMAND IHIS ROUTINE OUTPUTS THE COMMAND BLOCK OUT POT 131_ =' STA1US BH '" ERROR REG I STER COMMANO PROC PUSH ~10Y COMMAN01 : PUSH CAl L POP JZ CMP JZ l.OOP JMP COMMAND2: POP PUS,l MOV IN AND OUT IN AND OUT MOV MOV lEST JZ MOV AND CMP JB CMP JA OR COMMAND3: MOV OUT INC INC GMP JNZ POP RET WAI I WAIT Fa 213 G9 F8 B8 9000 co 15 7? 28 r6 06 008E R 80 75 11 03 20 FOR NEAR OX CX,OCLAY_2 \oIAI T FOR SEEK COMPLETE AND READY SET I NIT I AL DELAY BEFORE TEST SAVE LOOP COUNT CHECK DRIVE READY CX TST ROY CX COMMAND? 01 SK_STATUS1, TIM[_OUT eMU TIMEOUT COMMANDl SHORT COMMAND!I DR lYE I S READY TST_RDY TIMED OUT--GIVE UP KEEP TRYI NG FOR A \-IH ILE \ TS NOT GO I NG TO GET REAOY BX -It-lt \ a OELAY NO:- REQU I RED ** RESET I NTERfWPT flAG TURN ON SECOND INTERRUPT CH I P DI HF I NT FLAG,O AL-::-I NT=:CTL_PORT+l AI.,OBFH \NT CTL rORT+l,AL AL, 1111 f'=:CTL_PORT+1 AL,OFBH INTl GTl PORT+l,AL 01 ,OfFSET CMD_BLOCK DX,HF_PORT+l CaNT ROL_BYTE, OCOH COMMAND3 AL, CMD BLOCK+6 AL,OFOll AL,20H COMMAND3 AL,IIOH COMMAND3 CMD_BLOCK+6, NO_RETR I ES LET I NTERRUPTS PASS THRU TO SECOND CH I P I ND[X THE COMMAND TABLE DISK ADDRESS CHECK FOR RETRY SUPPRESS I ON YES-GET OP CODE GET RID OF MODIFIERS 20H-40H I S READ, 'rIR I TE, VER I FY VALID OP FOR RETRY SUPPRESS AL, l DI] OX,AL GET THE COM~\Atm STR I NG GIVE IT TO CONi ROLLER N[XT BYTE NEXT DISK REGISTER ALL DONE? NO--GO DO NEXT ONE DI DX OX, HF _PORT+8 COMMAND3 DI ZERO FLAG CMD f IMEOU r: MOV COHMAIIID4: POP eMP REl COMMAND ENDP ; 05A5 05A5 05A6 05A8 05A9 05AC 05Al 051.30 0'jB5 05137 51, POP MOV MOV CLD REP _OUTSw 08 OF3H,06FH PDP OS TEST CMD_BLOCK+6, ECC_MODE JZ CMD 03 CALL WAIT _DRQ TM OUT JC MOV DX~HF _PORT MOV CX,4 AL, ES; BYTE PTR [S I J CMO_02 : MOV OUT DX,AL INC 51 CMO_02 LOOP CMD_03 : CALL WAIT TM OUT JNZ CALL CHECK STATUS CMD ABORT JNZ HF _STATUS, 5T_ DRQ TEST SHORT CMD_Ol JNZ RET ; ; 0544 05 '-14 0545 0548 0')48 0549 054C OSI,O OS4f 055 11 0556 0558 05'>A 055A 0558 O55C 0561 0563 0?6'.l 0567 0569 056L:l 0560 0':>70 CHECK 64K BOUNDARY ERROR CHECK DMA CMD ABORT I S SET 01 SK_STATUS1, BAO_CNTLR BX DISK_STATUS1,O ; SET COND I T I ON CODE FOR CALLER I NfERRurl PROC ST I SUB CLC MOV INT JC TEST JNZ MOV NEAR ex,cx AX,9000H 15H wn HF INT _FLAG,BOH WT2 BL, DELAY_ 1 MAKE SURE I NTt::RRU PTS ARE ON SEI INIIIAL DELAY BEfORE TEST DEVICE WAIT INTERRUPT DEVICE TIMED OUT TEST FOR I NTERRUPT ALREADY SET DELAY COUNT WAIT LOOP 05139 OSSE OSGO OSC2 05C4 05C6 OSC8 OSCD 0502 0507 0508 OSOO OSDF F6 06 F1 F9 06 FE CB 7S F3 EB 10 C6 06 C6 06 80 3E C3 008E R 80 WT1; 75 007 11 R 00 008E R 00 00711 R 00 W12; <':6 06 0074 R 80 WT3: w-rx; Ea F3 'riAl T TEST LOOPZ JNZ D[C JN7 JMP MOV MOV Ct-lP HF INT _FLAG,BOH WTl WT2 BL WT1 SHORT 1413 DISK_STATUS1,0 HF INT _FLAG,O DISK_STATUS1,O TEST FOR INTERRUPT INTERRUPT--LETS GO KEEP TRYI NG FOR A WHilE SET COND I T I ON CODE FOR CALLER RET MOV JMP ENDP DISK_STATUS1, TIME_OUT WTX REPORT T I ME OUT ERROR Disk 5-111 ~~ ; 05DF 050f 05EO 05E1 05E3 05E5 05E6 05E9 05EB 05EO OSEF OSf1 OSF3 05f5 05FA 05FB 0600 0601 0606 0608 WAIT-FOR -coNTRoLLER -NOT-SUsY--------------------------- ----- ---- ----------------------- ------------------------ NOT_BUSY FB 53 B3 20 28 C9 SA 01F7 Ee A660 EO FB 7JI 06 fE CB 75 F5 £B DC C6 06 0014 R 00 5B 80 3E 0074 R 00 C3 C6 06 0074 R 80 EB F2 STi PUSH MDV SUB MDV IN TEST LOOPNZ JZ NBl: DEC JNZ JMP MOV POP CMP RET MOV JMP N82: NBX: NB3: NOT_BUSY PROC NEAR MAKE SURE INTERRUPTS ARE ON BX BL,OELAY_1 CX,CX ox, HF_PORT+7 AL,OX AL, ST_BUSY NBI NB2 BL NBI SET I N I TI AL DELAY BEFORE TEST CHECK STATUS NOT 8USY--LETS GO KEEP TRYI NG FOR A WH I LE SHORT NB3 01 SK_STATUS1 ,0 BX DISK_STATUS1~0 SET COND I TI ON CODE fOR CALLER DISK_STATUSl, TIME_OUT NBX ENDP REPORT T I ME OUT ERROR i -WA~;:-FO;- D~;:A-;E;;uEs;:------------ -------------7 0608 0608 060B 060E 060F 0611 0613 0615 061A 0618 061e 0610 061E ~A~T-oR;;--------PRoc----NEAR--------------------- B9 BA Ee A8 75 E2 C6 0100 01 f7 - F9 CX,DELAY_3 ox, Hf_PDRT+7 AL,OX AL, ST_DRQ WCLOK W DRIVE PARAMETERS HARD DISK INTERRUPT ROUTINE 06Dr 06EO 06E3 06E6 06E7 ES:BX ES: BX -> DR I VE PARAMETERS 06DE 06E5 GET 0 I SK PARAMETER ADDRESS . -------------------------------- ; a6CC ; AX,AX ES,AX ES:ABSO - RETURN FROM INTERRUPT IRET ENDP DB END_ADDRESS CODE ENDS END INTERRUPT , 1/11/84' LABEL ; RELEASE MARKER BYTE Disk 5-113 5-114 Disk TITLE 01/04/84 KEYBOARD BIOS . LIST 0000 PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC KEYBOARD_I o_1 KB INT 1 K16 - CODE EXTRN [XTRf./ EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XIRN EXTRN SEGMENT BYTE PUBL I C DDS: NEAR START_l:NEAR K6: 6YTE K6L: ASS K7:BYTE K8:BYTE K9:BYT£ Kl0:BYTE Kll:BYTE K12:BYTE K13:BYTE K14:BYTE K15: BYTE I NT 16 ------------------------------------- -------------------KEYBOARD I/O THESE ROUTINES PROVIDE KEYBOARD SUPPORT INPUT (AH )=0 READ THE NEXT ASC I I CHARACTER STRUCK FROM THE KEYBOARD RETURN THE RESULT IN (AL), SCAN CODE IN (AH) (AH)=l SET THE Z FLAG TO INDICATE IF AN ASCII CHARACTER IS AVAILABLE TO BE READ. (ZF)==l -- NO CODE AVAILABLE (ZF)=D -- CODE IS AVAILABLE IF ZF == 0, THE NEXT CHARACTER IN THE BUFFER TO BE READ IS IN AX, AND THE ENTRY REMAINS IN THE BUfFER (AH)=2 RETURN THE CURRENT SHIFT STATUS IN AL REGISTER THE BIT SETTINGS FOR THIS CODE ARE INDICATED IN THE TIlE [QUATES FOR KB_FLAG OUTPUT AS NOTED ABOVE, ONLY AX AND FLAGS CHANGED ALL REG I STERS RET A I NEO 0000 0000 0001 0002 0003 0006 0008 COCA COOC OOOE 0010 0012 0013 0014 KEYBOARD F. IE 53 E8 OA 74 FE 74 FE 74 0000 E £4 06 ASSUMF CS: CODE, OS: DATA !0 1 5TIPUSH PUSH CALL OR JZ .X DEC CC 45 CC 67 1F CF FAR DOS AH,AH K1. AH JZ K2 OEC AH K3 JZ POP POP IRET 5. PRoe OS OX ; »> ENTRY PO I NT FOR ORG OE82EH INTERRUPTS BACI< ON SAVE CURRENT OS SAVE BX TEMPORAR I L Y ESTABLISH POINTER TO DATA REGION AH"'O ASC I I READ AH=1 ASCII STATUS AH=2 SHI FT STATUS RECOVER REG I STER OS I NVAL I 0 COMMAND ;------ READ THE KEY TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO 0015 0019 0010 86 lE 001A R 3B lE 001C R 75 07 K1B: MOV eMP JNE BX, BUFfER_HEAD BX, BUFFER_TAl L K1C GET PO I NTER TO HEAD OF BUFFER TEST END OF BUFFER IF ANYTHING IN BUFFER DONT DO INTERRUPT MOV INT AX,09002H 15H MOVE IN WAIT CODE & TYPE PERFORM OTHER FUNCT I ON ASC I I READ I NTERRUpTS BACK ON OUR I NG LOOP ALLOW AN I NTERRUPT TO OCCUR I NTERRUPTS BACK OFF GET PO I NTER TO HEAD OF BUFFER TEST END OF BUfFER SAVE ADDRESS SAVE FLAG CO GEl MUUl INDICATOR DATA BYTE GET PREVIOUS BITS SEE I f ANY D I HERENT ISOLATE INDICATOR BITS I F NO CHANGE BYPASS UPDATE OOlF B8 9002 0022 0024 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 002f 0030 0031 0034 0038 003A 0030 CD 15 003f 0042 0043 0044 0045 E8 044C R FA 90 74 00 CLl POPF POP JZ 0047 0049 004C 86 07 £8 007F R 89 lE OOlA R MOV CALL MOV 0050 0051 0052 5. POP POP IRET Kl : F. 90 FA 8B lE 001A R 313 1'E DOle R STI NOP K1C: 9C E8 8A 32 80 74 CLl MOV CMP PUSH PUSHF CALL MOV 53 al18A R 1 £ 0097 R 08 E3 07 011 AND JZ MAKE LED BL. KB_FLAG_2 BL,AL BL,07H K1A CALL SND_LEDl XOR K1A: 5. 1F CF BX, BUFFER_HEAD BX, BUFFER_TAl L .X .X K1 AX,lBX) K4 BUFFER_HEAD, BX BX OS GO TURN ON MODE I ND I CATORS D I SABLE INTERRUPTS RESTORE FLAGS RESTORE ADDRESS LOOP UNl I L SOMETH I NG I N BUFFER GET SCAN CODE AND ASC I I CODE MOVE POINTER TO NEXT POSITION STORE VALUE IN VAR I ABLE RECOVER REG ISlER RECOVER SEGMENT RETURN TO CALLER ; ------ ASC I I STATUS 0053 0053 0054 0058 005C 005E K2: FA CLl 8B l [ 001A R 38 lE 001C R MOV eMP MOV PUSHF 88 07 9C 005F 0060 0063 0067 0069 006c 50 PUSH CALL MOV XOR AND JZ 006E 0071 0072 0073 007 11 0075 0076 £8 044C R CALL POP POpF STI POP PDP E8 048A R SA 1£ 0097 R 32 08 80 E3 07 74 03 58 90 SK2: F. 5. 1F CA DOD? RET BX, BUFFER_HEAD BX, BUFFER_TAl L I NTERRUPTS OFF GET HEAD POINTER I F EQUAL (Z:=l) THEN NOTHING THERE AX, [BX} SAVE FLAGS AX MAKE LED BL, KBJLAG_2 BL,AL BL,071-1 SK2 SND LEDl AX- .X OS 2 SAVE CODE GO GET MODE INDICATOR DATA BYTE GET PREV I OUS BITS SEE I F ANY 01 FFERE.'H ISOLATE INDICATOR BITS ! F NO CHANGE BYPASS UpDATE GO TURN ON MODE INDICATORS RESTORE CODF RESTORE FLAGS I NTERRUPTS BACK ON RECOVER REG I STER RECOVER SEGMENT THROW AWAY FLAGS SH I FT STATUS 0079 0079 007C 0070 007E 007F K3: AO 0017 R 5. 1F CF MOV rop POP !RET KEYBOARD_I o_1 AL, KB_FLAG ax OS GET THE SH I FT STATUS FLAGS RECOVER REC I STER RECOVER REG I STERS RETURN TO CALLER ENDP Keyboard 5-115 INCREMENT A BUFFER POINTER 007F 007F 0080 0081 0085 0087 008B 0088 008C PROC "4 NEAR BX BX BX,BUfFER END K5 ; BX,BUFFER_START ; INC 43 43 38 1[ 0082 R 75 04 8B 1 E 0080 R , NC CMP JNE MOV K5: Kli KB FB ENOP - 55 50 53 51 52 56 57 1E 0095 06 0096 0097 009A 009C FC E8 0000 E BO AD E8 0498 R 009F OOAO OOA2 OOA2 00A4 OOA6 FA 2B C9 OOM OOAA E4 60 FB IN LI ST AT END OF !lUFFER? NO, CONT I NUE YES, RESET TO BUFfER BEGINNING RET C3 KEYBOARD 008C 008C 0080 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 MOVE TO NEXT WORD I NT 1 PflOG - STI PUSH PUSH PUSH rUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH I NTERRUPT ROUT I NE FAR ; ex OX SI 0I OS ES FORWARD DIRECTION SET UP ADDRESSING o I SABLE THE KEYBOARD EXECUTE 0 I SABLE CLO CALL MOV CALL ENABLE INTERRUPTS BP AX BX DOS AL,DIS I IS TH I S AN OVERRUN CHAR NO, TEST FOR SHI FT KEY BUF FER_FULL_REEP ; ------ TEST fOR SH I FT KEYS K16: ; ------- TEST AL,07FH TEST SH I FT TURN-OFF THE BREAK BIT ESTABLISH ADDRESS OF SHIFT TABLE FOR SYSTEM KEY AL, SYS_KEY K16A 1 SIT THE SYSTEM KEY? CONT I NUE I F NOT JNZ AH,080H K16C CHECK IF TH I S A BREAK CODE DONT TOUCH SYSTEM I NO I CATOR F6 06 0018 R 04 75 17 TEST JNZ KB FLAG 1,SYS SHIFT; SEE IF IN SYSTEM KEY HELD DOWN K16B - ; IF YES, DO NT PROCESS SYSTEM INDICATOR OOF5 aOFA OOFC 80 DE 0018 R 04 BO 20 U.> <'U OR MOV OUT KB_FLAG_1, SYS_SH I FT AL, EO I 020H,AL OOFE 0100 0103 0106 0107 0109 OlOC MOV E8 Bf! FB CD E9 E9 AL, ENA_KBD SH I PIT AX,08500H 010F 0114 0116 80 26 0018 R FB BO 20 £6 20 0118 011A OlIO 0120 0121 BO AE E8 0498 R BS 8501 FB CD 15 3C 54 eMr 75 3D JNZ 00£9 OOEC F6 C4 80 75 21 TEST OOEE 00F3 OOE~ oon BO AE CA1.l 0498 R 8500 MOV S" 15 OlEC R 01£2 R 5-116 K166: I NT JMP JMP K16C: AND Keyboard MOV OUT MOV CALL MOV sn INT 151'1 K27A "26 I F TRUE I NO I CATE SYSTEM KEY DEPRESSED ; END OF I NTEIlRUPT COMMAND ; SEND COMMAND TO INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT ; I NTERRUPT-RETURN-NO-ED I ; I NSURE KEYBOARD I S ENABLED ; EXECUTE ENABLE FUNGT I ON VALUE FOR MAKE OF SYSTEM KEY !"IAKE SURE I NTERRUPTS ENABLED USER INTERRUPT END PROCESS I NG I GNORE SYSTEM KEY KB FLAG 1,NOT SYS SHI'FT TURN OFF SHIFT KEY HELD DOWN AL-;-EO I ; END OF I NTERRUPT COMMAND 020H,AL ; SEND COMMAND TO INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT ; INTERRUPT -RETURN-NO-EO I ; I NSURE KEYBOARD I S ENABLED AL, ENA_KBD ; EXECUTE ENABLE SH I PIT FUNCTION VALUE FOR BREAK OF SYSTEM KEY AX, 08501 H MAKE SURE I NTERRUPTS ENABLED USER I NTERRU PT 15H 0123 i9 OlEC R 0126 012') 012C 012E 0130 0132 BF 0000 E B<) 0000 E F2/ AE 8A C4 74 03 E9 D1CE R K16A: JMP K27A I GNORE SYSTEM KEY MOV MOV OI,OffSET K6 ex, OFf SET K6L SCASB SHI FT KEY TABLE LENGTH LOOK THROUGH THE TABLE FOR A MATCH RECOVER SCAN CODE JUMP I f MATCH FOUND I F NO MATCH, THEN SH I FT NOT fOUND RE PNE MOV JF JMP AL,A~I K17 K25 ;------ SHIFT KlY fOUND 013~ 81 EF 0001 E 2E: 8A A5 0000 E A8 80 74 02 E8 63 K17: 013<) OBE OlllO 0142 011HI 0147 80 FG 10 73 07 K17C: SUB MOV rEST JZ JMP OJ ,OFFSET K6+1 AH,CS:K7[O[ J AL,80H 1(17C SHORT K23 ADJUST PTR TO SCAN CODE MTCH GET MASK I NTO All TEST fOR BREAK 1 ?5 f6 06 0017 R 08 71l 03 EB 67 90 F6 06 0017 R 20 75 00 F6 06 001 r f{ U3 74 00 B8 5230 E9 0375 R 0181 7'1 01H3 0183 0187 0189 018B Ol8F K18A: TEST KB_FLAG, K20 K21 : JZ 0190 019F 01Al 01A4 ; NUMER IC ZERO, NOT I NSERT KEY ; PUT OUT AN ASC I I ZERO ; BUFFER_FI LL ; MIGHT BE NUMERIC LEFT_SHIFT+ RIGHT_SHIFT ; JUMP NUMER I C, NOT INSERT ; SH I FT TOCGLE KEY HIT; PROCESS J T IS KEY ALREADY DEPRESSED ; GO If NOl ; JUMP IF KEY ALREADY DEPRESSED ; INDICATE THAT THE KEY IS DEPRESSED ; TOGGLE THE SH I fT STATE K22: 84 26 0018 R 74 02 EB 57 08 26 0018 R 30 26 0017 R AH, KB_FLAG_.1 K22AO SHORT K26 I 01E7 01 E7 01 E9 BO Af E8 0498 R 01EC OlED 01 EE 01Ef 0IFO 01FI 01F2 01 f3 01 f4 01f5 01f6 FA 07 1F 5F 5E 5A 59 58 58 50 eF CLI FA BO 20 E6 20 MOV OUT AL, EOI 020H, AL MOV CALL AL, ENA_KBD SHIP_IT eLi POP POP POP DI K27: K27A: POP PDP POP POP POP PDP I RET OS SI CAN'T END HOLD ON NUM_LOCK ; TURN OfF THE HOLD STATE BIT I NTERRlJPT-RETURN TURN Ofr ! NTERRUPTS END Of I NTERRUPT COMMAND SEND COMMAND TO I NTERRU PT CONTROL PORT INTERRUPT -RETURN-NO- EO I I NSURI:. KEYBOAKO I S ENABLED EXECUTE ENABLE D! SABLE ES NO-SHI FT-FOUND TEST FOR BREAK KEY NOTH I NG FOR BREAK CHARS FROM HERE ON ARE W[ I N HOLD STATE BRANCH AROUND TEST I F NOT . INTERRUPTS REGI STERS RETURN, INTERRUPTS BACK ON WITH ~ESTORE OX ex BX AX BP fLAG CHANGE Keyboard 5-117 01f7 OlF7 Olrc 01 FE ;------ NOT IN HOLD STATE K26: ; KB_FLAG.ALT_SHlfT K29 ; K36 ; F6 06 0017 R 06 75 03 E9 0290 R TEST JNZ JMP NO-HOLD-STATE ; ARE WE IN ALTERNATE SHIfT JUMP IF ALTERNATE SHIFT JUMP I F NOT ALTERNATE ;------ TEST FOR RESET KEY SEQUENCE (CTL ALT DEL) 0201 0201 0206 0208 3C 02QA 75 20 020C 0212 C7 06 0072 R 1234 K29: F6 06 0017 R 04 7~ TEST JZ CMP JNE 31 53 ; TEST-RESET KB_FLAG,CTL_SHIFT; ARE WE IN CONTROL SHIFT ALSO K31 ; NO_RESET AL,DEL_KEY ; SHIFT STATE IS THERE. TEST KEY K31 ; NO_RESET ;------ CTL-ALl-DEL HAS BEEN FOUND, 00 I/O CLEANUP MOV JMP E9 0000 E 0215 0215 021C 021F 0227 022F 0237 52 4F 50 51 40 47 48 49 ~B RESET_FLAG. 1234H ; SET FLAG fOR RESET fUNCTION START_l ; JUMP TO POWER ON DIAGNOSTICS ;------ ALT-INPUT-TABLE K30 LABEL BYTE DB 82, 79~80,61, 75, 76, 77 4C DB 71.72,73 ; 10 NUMBERS ON KEYPAD ;------ 5UPER-SHI FT-TABLE DB 16,17,18,19,20,21.22.23 ; A-Z TYPEWRITER CHARS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 22 24 17 19 1£ 1F 20 21 23 25 26 2C 20 2E 2f 30 31 32 DB 24,25,30,31.32,33,34.35 DB,45,46.47.48 DB 49,50 ;------ IN ALTERNATE SHIFT, RESET NOT FOUND 0239 0239 023B 023D 023F K31 : 3C 39 75 05 BO 20 E9 0375 R CMP JNE MOV JMP AL,57 '32 AL ' 1 K57 NO-RESET TEST FOR SPACE KEY NOT THERE SET SPACE CHAR BUFFER_fI LL ; ------ LOOK FOR KEY PAD ENTRY 0242 0242 0245 0248 024A 024C 0250 0253 0255 0257 0259 025C K32: BF 0215 R MOV MOV B9 DaDA F2/ AE 75 12 81 EF 0216 R AD 0019 R B4 F6 03 A2 EB REPNE JNE SUB MOV MOV OA E4 MUl ADD C7 0019 R MOV JMP 84 OI,OFFSET K30 eX,10 SCASB '33 DI,OFFSET K30+1 AL,ALT_INPUT AH,10 ALT-KEY-PAD ALT-INPUT-TABLE LOOK FOR ENTRY USI NG KEYPAD LOOK FOR MATCH NO_ALCKEYPAO 01 NOW HAS ENTRY VALUE GET THE CURRENT BYTE MULTI PLY BY 10 AH AX,DI ALT_INPUT.AL .26 ADO I N THE LATEST ENTRY STORE I T AWAY THROW AWAY THAT KEYSTROKE ; ------ LOOK FOR SUPERSH I FT ENTRY 025E 025E 0263 0266 0268 026A 026C K33: C6 06 0019 R 00 B9 OOlA F2/ AE 75 05 BO 00 E9 0375 R ALT_INPUT,O MOV MDV CX,26 REPNE SCASS JNE MOV JMP AL.O ." '57 ; NO-ALT-KEYPAD ; ZERO ANY PREVIOUS ENTRY INTO INPUT DI,ES ALREADY POINTING ; LOOK FOR MATCH I N ALPHABET ; NOT FOUND, FUNCT ION KEY OR OTHER ; ASCII CODE OF ZERO ; PUT I TIN THE BUffER ;------ LOOK FOR TOP ROW OF ALTERNATE SHI FT 026F 026F 0271 0273 0275 02(( 027A 027C K3~: 3C 02 72 DC 3C DE 73 DB CMP JB CMP JAE 60 (;476 ADD BO 00 E9 0375 R MOV JMP AL,2 '35 AL,14 '35 AH,116 AL,a '57 ALT-TOP-ROW KEY WITH ' , ' ON IT NOT ONE OF I NTERESTI NG KEYS IS IT IN THE REGION ALT-FUNCT I ON CONVERT PSUEOO SCAN CODE TO RANGE INDICATE AS SUCH BUfFER_F I LL ; ------ TRANSLATE ALTERNATE SH I fT PSEUDO SCAN CODES 027F 027F 0281 0283 02B3 K35: CMP JAE 3C 3B 73 03 K36: E9 01 E2 R d28A 0280 .37 JMP .26 CMP JAE MOV JMP AL,71 K37: 0286 0286 0288 AL,59 3C 47 73 f9 B8 0000 E E9 03ec R <36 BX, OFFSET K13 <63 ALT-FUNCTION TEST FOR I N TABLE ALT-CONTINUE CLOSE-RETURN I CNORE THE KEY ALT-CONTI NUE I N KEYPAD REG I ON I F SO. IGNORE AL T SH I FT PSEUDO SCAN TABLE TRANSLATE THAT ;------ NOT I N ALTERNATE SHI FT 0290 0290 0295 0297 0299 029B 029F 02A3 02A1 K36: F6 06 0017 R 04 7 1, 62 3C 46 75 1D 88 89 89 C6 1 E 0080 R 1 E OOlA R 1 E 001C R 06 0011 R 80 TEST KSJlAG, CTL_SH I FT JZ '44 NOT-ALT-SHI FT I N CONTROL SH I FT NOT-CTL-SHI FT ARE WE ;------ CONTROL SHIFT, TEST SPECIAL CHARACTERS ; ------ TEST FOR· BREAK AND PAUSE KEYS CMP AL, SCROLL_KEY TEST FOR BREAK NO-BREAK JNE K39 RESET BUFFER TO EMPTY MOV BX,BUfFER_START MOV BUf'FER_HEAD,BX MOV BUFFER_TAl L.BX TURN ON 8 lOS_BREAK BIT MOV BIOS_BREAK,60H ; -------- ENABLE KEYBOARD 02AC 02AE 0261 0283 0285 02B8 0288 02BA 02BC BO E8 CO 28 E9 AE 0498 R 1B co 0375 R MOV CALL INT SUB JMP AL. ENA_KBD SHIP_IT lBH AX,AX K57 ENABLE KEYBOARD EXECUTE ENABLE BREAK I NTERRUPT VECTOR PUT OUT DUMMY CHARACTER BUFFER_F ILL CMP JNE AL,NUM_KEY DR KB_FLAG_'. HOLO_STATE NO-BREAK LOOK FOR PAUSE KEY NO-PAUSE TURN ON THE HOLD FLAG K39: 3C 45 75 26 80 OE 0018 R 08 <41 ; -------- ENABLE KEYBOARD 02el 02e3 02C6 02C8 BO E8 BO E6 AE 0498 R 20 20 5-118 Keyboard MOV CALL MOV OUT AL. ENA_KBD SHIP_IT AL, EOI 020H,AL ENABLE KEYBOARD EXECUTE ENABLE END OF I NTEllRUPT TO CONTROL PORT ALLOW FURTHER KEYSTROKE I NTS ; ------ OUR' NG PAUSE 02CA 02Cf 0201 0204 0207 0208 80 74 BA AO EE 3E 0049 R 07 07 0308 0065 R I N I ERVAL, TURN CRT BACK ON eMP JE MOV MOV OUT CRT MODE,7 K40DX,03D8H AL, CRT_MaDE_SET DX,AL TEST JNZ JMP KB FLAG 1, HOLD STATE K40A K27A IS TH I S BLACK AND WH ITE CARD YES, NOTH I NG TO DO PORT FOR COLOR CARD GET THE VALUE Of THE CURRENT MODE SET THE CRT MODE, SO THAT CRT IS ON PAUSE-LOOP K40: ENOl 0208 0208 0200 020F O?f? F6 06 0018 R 08 75 f9 E9 01 EC R 02E2 02E4 02£6 02E9 3C 75 88 E9 02[C 02EC 02EF 02F1 BB 0000 E 3C 38 72 7E 02F3 02f6 BB 0000 E E9 03CC R F K40A: LOOP UNT I l FLAG TURNED OFF I NTERRU PT RETURN NO EO I NO- PAUSE -- K41 : ;------ TEST SPECIAL CASE KEY 55 eMP JNE MOV JMP 37 06 7200 0375 R AL,55 K42 AX,114*256 K57 ; ; ; NOT-KEY-55 START/STOP PRINTING SWITCH BUFFER_FilL ; ------ SET UP TO TRANSLATE CONTROL SH I FT K42: MOV eMP J8 BX, OFFSET K8 AL,59 K56 MOV JMP BX, OFFSET K9 K63 ; ------ NOT I N CONTROL SH 1FT NOT-CTL-SHI FT K44 : 02F9 02F9 02FB 02FD 0302 3C 73 F6 74 0301~ 0306 0308 0306 3C OF 75 05 88 OFOO EB 68 030D 0300 030F eM? JAE TEST JZ 47 33 06 0017 R 03 62 AL,71 TEST FOR KEYPAD REG I ON K48 ; HANDLE KEYPAD REG I ON KB. FLAG, LEFT SHIFT+RIGHT SHIFT K54 - TEST FOR SH I FT STATE ;------ UPPER CASE, 0321 0321 0323 0325 0328 HANDLE SPECIAL CASES eMP JNE MOV JMP AL,15 K45 AX, 15*256 SHORT K57 BACK TAB KEY NOT-BACK-TAB SET PSEUDO SCAN CODE BUFFER fiLL 3C 37 75 10 eMP JNE AL,55 K46 NOT-BACK-TAB PR INT SCREEN KEY NOT-PRI NT-SCREEN BO E8 BO E6 55 CO MOV CALL MOV OUT PUSH INT POP JMP Al, ENA_KBD SH I P IT AL, EOI 020H,AL 8P 5H BP K27 I NSURE KEYBOARD IS ENABLED [XECUTE ENABLt: END OF CURRENT INTERRUPT SO FURTHER TH I NGS CAN HAPPEN SAVE PO INTER ISSUE PR I NT SCREEN INTERRUPT RESTORE PO INTER GO BACK WITHOUT EOI OCCURRI NG C~lP J8 MOV JMP AL,59 K47 BX, OFFSET K12 K63 NOT-PRI NT-SCREEN FUNCT I ON KEYS NOT -U PPER- FUNCT I ON UPPER CASE PSEUDO SCAN CODES TRANSLATE_SCAN MOV JMP BX, OFFSET K11 SHORT K56 NOT -U PPER- FUNCT I ON POI NT TO UPPER CASE TABLE OK, TRANSLATE THE CHAR - K45: ISSUE 0311 0313 0316 0318 031A 0318 0310 031 E NOT-KEY-S5 SET UP TO TRANSLATE CTl IS IT IN TABLE YES, GO TRANSLATE CHAR eTL- TABLE-TRANSLATE CTL TABLE SCAN TRANSLATE_SCAN AE 0498 R 20 20 05 5D E9 01E7 R INTERRUPT TO INDICATE PRINT SCREEN FUNCTION K46: 3C "12 88 E9 38 06 0000 E 03ce R K47 ; 0328 0328 032E 1313 0000 E 0330 0330 0335 0337 OBe F6 06 0017 R 20 75 21 F6 06 0017 R 03 E8 41 ;------ KEYPAD KEYS, K48: TEST JNZ TEST JNZ 75 21 MUST TEST NUM LOCK FOR DETERMINATION ; KEYPAD-REG I ON KB_FLAG, NUM_STATE ; ARE WE IN NUM_LOCK K52 ; TEST FOR SURE KB_FLAG,LEFT_SHIFT+RIGHT_SHII-I ; AKl Wl IN SHIFT STATE K53 ; IF SHIFTED, REALLY NUM STATE ; ------ BASE CASE FOR KEYPAD 033E 0340 0342 034L~ 031~6 0348 0348 BASE-CASE K49: 033E 3C 74 3C "14 2C SB £9 SPECIAL CASE FOR A COUPLE Of KEYS MINUS 4A oe 4E CMP JE CMP AL,74 K50 AL,78 00 .JE <51 /17 0000 03CE SUB JMP AL,71 BX, OFFSET K15 K64 CONVERT OR I GIN BASE CASE TABLE CONVERT TO PSEUDO SCAN MINUS BUFFER_F I LL ~lOV 03/IE 0351 88 11A20 EB 22 K50: MOV JMP AX, 71~*256+'-' 03')3 0356 138 4E28 K51 : MOY JMP AX, 78*256+' +' SHORT 1<57 E8 10 SHORT K57 ;------ MIGHT BE NUM LOCK, K52: 03')8 0358 0350 F6 06 0017 R 03 75 OF 035F 035F 0361 0364 2C LI6 88 0000 E EB OB U366 0366 0368 036A 036C 3C 38 72 04 BO 00 EB 0"( 036E 036E BB 0000 E TEST JNZ ; AlMOST-NUI-1-STATE KB FLAG, LEFT SH I FT+R I GHT SH I FT !(1~9 SHI flED TEMP OUT OF NUM STATE K53 ; SUB MOV Jl~P ;------ PLUS BUFFER_F I LL TEST SHIFT STATUS AL,70 BX, OFFSET K14 SHORT K56 REALLY NUtl/ STATE CONVERT aRT GIN MUM STATE TABLE TRANSLATE_C:iAR PLAIN OLD LOWER CASE eMP JB MOV JMP AL,59 K55 AL,O SHORl K57 NOT-SHI FT TEST FOR FU~:CT I ON KEYS NOT -LOWER- rUNCT I ON SCAN CODE I N Ali AI READY BUFFf.R_FILL MOV BX, OfFSET K10 NOT -LOWER- FUNCT I ON LC TABLE K54: K55: ; ------ TRANSLATE THE CHARACTER Keyboard 5-119 0311 0311 0313 TRANSLATE-CHAR CONVERT ORIGIN CONVERT THE SCAN CODE TO ASC II K56: DEC fE C8 2E: D7 XLAT AL CS: K11 ;------ PUT CHARACTER INTO BUFFER 0315 0375 0377 0319 037C BUffER-fl LL IS THIS AN IGNORE CHAR YES, 00 fiOTHING WITH IT LOOK fOR -1 PSEUDO SCAN NEAR_I NTERRUPT_RETURN K57: 3C 14 80 711 ff 1f fC fF lA CM' JE AL.-l '59 CM' AH,-l JE '59 ; ------ HANDLE THE CAPS LOCK PROBLEM K58: 037E 037E 0383 f6 06 0017 R 40 74 20 0385 038A f6 06 0017 R 03 74 Of 038C 038E 0390 0392 0394 0396 3C 72 3C 77 04 EB TEST JZ BUffER-f I LL-NOTEST ARE WE IN CAPS LOCK STATE SKIP If NOT KB_fLAG, CAPS_STATE 061 ; ------ I N CAPS LOCK STATE TEST JZ KBJLAG.LEFT_SHIFT+RIGHT_SHIFT; TEST fOR SHIFT STATE K60 ; I f NOT SH 1FT, CONVERT LOWER TO UPPER ;------ CONVERT ANY UPPER CASE TO LOWER CASE 0398 0398 41 15 5A 11 20 00 CM' JB eM' JA ADO JM' AL. 'A' 061 AL. 'z' 061 AL. 'a '-'A' SHORT K61 fiNO OUT I f ALPHABET I C NOT_CAPS_STATE ~g~V~~~ST~Tt6~ER JMP E9 OlE2 R CASE NOT_CAPS_STATE NEAR-I NTERRUPT-RETURN INTERRUPT_RETURN K59: 02. ; ------ CONVERT ANY LOWER CASE TO UPPER CASE 0396 039B 0390 039f 03Al 03A3 03A5 03A5 03A9 03AB 03AE 03B2 03B4 03B6 03BA 03B8 03BO 03Bf 03Cl 03C4 03C1 03C9 K60: AL K6i AL SUB AL,'a'-'A' lE ODIC R f3 007f R IE 00lA R 22 04 IE 001C R MOV MOV CALL eM' JE MOV MOV BX, BUffER_TAl L SI,BX 20 20 AE 0498 R 9102 15 alEC R MOV OUT MOV CALL MOV INT JMP K61 : 8B 88 E8 38 14 89 89 FA BO E6 BO E8 B8 CO E9 K61 ; LOWER-TO-UPPER ; fiND OUT I f ALPHABETIC ; NOT_CAPS_STATE 'a' eM' JB eM' JA 3C 61 72 06 3C 7A 77 02 2C 20 'z' NOT_CAPS_STATE CONVERT TO UPPER CASE NOT-CAPS-STATE GET THE END POINTER TO THE BUffER SAVE THE VALUE AOVANCE THE TAIL liAS THE BUffER WRAPPED AROUND BUffER_fULL_BEEP STORE THE VALUE MOVE THE PO I N1ER UP TURN OFF I inERRUPTS END Of I NHRRUPI COMMAND SEND COMMAND TO I NTERRUPT CONTROL PORT I NSURE KEYBOARD IS ENABLED EXECUTE ENABLE MOVE I N POST CODE &: TYPE PERfORM OTHER fUNCTION I Nl ERRUPT_RETURN 04 BX, BUffER_HEAD K.2 [Sll,AX BUFFER_TAIL.ax eLi AL, EOI 020H,AL AL, ENA_KBD ~~~~9~62H 15H K27A ; ------ TRANSLATE SCAN fOR PSEUDO SCAN CODES 03CC 03CC 03CE 03CE 0300 0302 0304 TRANSLATE-SCAN CONVERT OR I GIN TO fUNCT I ON KEYS TRANSLATE-SCAN-ORGO CTl TABLE SCAN PUT VALUE INTO AH ZERO ASCI I CODE PUT IT INTO THE BUffER K63: 2C 3B K64: 2E: 8A BO EB 00 9F 80 E6 BB E4 20 20 0082 61 D7 EO SUB AL,59 XLAT CS: K9 AH,AL AL,O Mav Mav JMP 057 0306 0306 0308 030A 0300 030f 03EO 03EO 03E2 03E4 03E6 03E9 03EB 03EO 03Ef 03f2 03f4 03f5 03F? 03f8 03fA K62~ 5D 24 EB E6 B9 E2 DC E6 B9 E2 4B K65: fC 00 61 OOCE fE 02 61 00E5 fE K66: K67: 75 E9 5. E6 61 E9 01E7 R ~ MOV OUT MOV IN PUSH AL,EOI INTAOO,AL BX,82H AL, KB_CTL AND JMP OUT MOV LOOP OR OUT MOV LOOP DEC JNZ POP OUT JMP AL,OfCH SHORT 5+2 KB CTL,AL CX-;-OCEH K66 AL,2 KB_CTL, AL CX,OE5H K67 BX AX K65 AX KB CTL, AL K27 ENABLE I NTR. CTL. CH I P NUMBER OF CYCLES fOR 1/8 SECOND TONE GET CONTROL I NfORHA T I ON SAVE BEEP-CYCLE TURN Off TIMER GATE AND SPEAKER DATA 10 DELAY OUT PUT TO CONTROL HALf CYCLE T I ME fOR TONE SPEAKER Off TURN ON SPEAKER BIT OUTPUT TO CONTROL SET UP COUNT ANOTHER HALf CYCLE TOTAL TIME COUNT 00 ANOTHER CYCLE RECOVER CONTROL OUTPUT THE CONTROL EXIT ----------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------- -----THIS ROUTINES HANDLES TRANSMISSION Of COMMAND AND DATA BYTES TO THE KEYBOARD AND RECEIPT Of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. IT ALSO HANDLES ANY RETRIES If REQUIRED ; 03FD 03FD 03fE 03ff 0400 0402 0404 0405 --------- -------- ----------- -- ------------------------------------------------ SND_OATA p~~~C 50 53 51 SA f8 B3 03 FA 80 26 0097 R Cf 500: PUSH PUSH MOY MOY CLI AND NEAR AX ~AVE REG I STERS BX CX BH,AL BL,3 SAVE TRANSMITTED BY FOR RETRIES LOAD RETRY COUNT ; DISABLE INTERRUPTS KB_FLAG_2, NOT (KB_fE+KB_fA) ; CLEAR ACK AND RESENO fLAGS ;------- WAIT fOR COMMAND TO ACCEPTED aliOA G40C a40C 040E 0410 2B cg SUB CX,CX E4 64 AS 02 EO fA IN TEST LODPNZ AL, STATUS_PORT ; AL, I NPT_BUf_fULL 505 0412 0414 0416 0417 8A C1 E6 60 FB B9 lAOO May AL,BH PORT_A,AL 5-120 S05: OUT STI MOY Keyboard CX,OlAOOH WA I T fOR COMMAND TO BE ACCEPTED REESTABLISH BYTE TO TRANSMIT SEND BYTE ENABLE INTERRUPTS LOAD COUNT fOR IOmS+ 041A 04H F6 06 0097 R 30 7":> 00 0421 E2 F7 0423 0425 FE CI3 7S DO 0427 042C 80 OE 0097 R 80 EB 07 042E 0433 F6 06 0097 R 10 74 EE 503: DIns 59 5B 58 e3 S04: 0436 0437 0 1138 SOl: TEST JNZ SD2: KB_FLAG_2, KB_FE+KB_FA ; SEE I F EITHER BIT SET SD3 I F SET, SOMETH I NG RECE I VEO GO PROCESS LOOP 501 OTHERWISE WAIT DEC JNZ 8l DECREMENT RETRY COUNT RETRY TRANSM J SS I ON OR JMP KB_FLAG_2, KB_ERR ; TURN ON TRANSM I T ERROR FLAG SHORT SD4 RETR I ES EXHAUSTED FORGET TRANSM I SS I ON TEST JZ KB_FLAG_2, KB_FA ; SD2 POP POP POP GX BX AX SOD SEE IF TH J SIS AN ACKNOWLEDGE GO RES(ND I F NOT. RESTORE REG I STERS RET RETURN. GOOD TRANSM ISS I ON SNO_DATA ENDP 0439 TH I S ROUT! NES TURNS ON THE MODE SND_LED PROG 0439 0439 043A 043F FA eLi F6 06 0097 R 40 75 47 TEST JNZ 0441 04I.J6 0448 OI.JI.JA 80 OE 0097 R 40 BO 20 E6 20 EB 00 OIII.JC 04 1jC Q4I.JD 0452 0454 0459 0 1158 045E 01,15F 0 1462 0I.J67 0466 0470 OR MOV OUT JMP I NO I CA TORS. NEAR ; TURN OFF INTERRUPTS KB_FLAG_2,KB_PR_LED; CHECK FOR MODE INDICATOR UPDATE SL1 ; DONT UPDATE AGAIN JF UPDATE UNDERWAY KB_FLAG_2, KB_PR_LED ; TURN ON UPDATE I N PROCESS AL, EO! END OF I NTERRUPT COMMAND Q20H,AL ; SEND COMMAND TO INTERRUPT CONTROL POKI SHORT SLD ; GO SEND MODE INDICATOR COMMAND SND LED1: FA - eLi TEST JNZ F6 06 0097 R 40 75 34 80 DE 0097 R 40 BO ED E8 03FD R OR MOV CALL SLO: FA ell E8 048A R 80 26 0097 R F8 08 06 0097 R F6 06 0097 R 80 75 OB OR CALL AND TEST JNZ ; TURN OFF INTERRUPTS CHECK FOR MODE INDICATOR UPDATE OONT UPDATE AGAIN I F UPDATE UNDERWAY KB FLAG 2,KB PR LED; SLl - - -; KB_Fl.AG_2,KB_PR_lED ; TURN ON UPDATE IN PROCESS AL.lED CMD l.ED CMD BYTE SND_DATA SEND DATA TO KFYBOARD MAKE_LED ; GO FORM I ND I CATOR OAT A BYTE KB_FLAG~2, OF8H ; CLEAR MODE I NO I CATOR BITS KB_FLAG_2,AL ; SAVE PRESENT INDICATORS SlATES FOR NEXT TIME KB FLAG_2,KB_ERR ; TRANSMIT ERROR DETECTED SL2 I F YES, BYPASS SECOND BYTE TRANSM I SS I ON 0472 E8 03FD R CALL 0475 0476 047B FA ell F6 06 0097 R 80 74 06 TEST JZ SND_DATA ; SEND DATA TO KEYBOARD ; TURN OFF INTERRUPTS KB FLAG 2,KB ERR; TRANSMIT ERROR DETECTED SL3 I F NOT, DONT SEND AN ENABLE COMMAND 0470 047F 0482 0483 MOY CALL AL, KB_ENABLE SND_DATA 80 26 0097 R 3F SL3: AND FB SL1: ST! 0488 0I.J89 048A BO F4 E8 03FD R SL2: ell FA e3 RET ; GET KEYBOARD CSA ENABLE COMMAND ; SEND DATA TO KEYBOARD ; TURN OFF INTERRUPTS KB_FI AG_2,NOT(KB_PR_LED+KB_ERR) : TURN OFF MODE INDICATOR ; UPDATE AND TRANSMIT ERROR FLAG ; ENABLE INTERRUPTS ; RETURN TO CAllER SNO_LED ENDP THIS ROUTINES fORMS THE DATA BYTE NECESSARY TO TURN ON/OFF THE MODE INDICATORS OI.J8A 0118A 0488 Q48E 0490 0492 01194 0I.J96 0497 0498 ~~~E-~ED-;~~~---NEAR----------------------------------------------------------- - 51 AO 0017 R 24 70 131 04 02 CO 24 07 59 C3 PUSH MOV AND MOV ROL AND SAVE CX AL,KB_FLAG ; GET CAPS & NUM LOCK INDICATORS AL,CAPS_ST ATE+NUM_STAT[+SGROLL_STATE; I SOLATE I NO I CATORS CL,4 SH I fT COUNT AL,CL ; SHIfT BITS OVER TO TURN ON INDICATORS AL,07H ; MAKE SURE ONLY MODE BITS ON ex ; ~~~ CX ; RETURN TO CALLER MAKE_LEO ENDP SH!P_IT THIS ROUTINES HANDLES TRANSMISSION OF COMMAND AND DATA BYTES TO THE KEYBOARD CONTROLLER. ~~i;-IT-P~~~----NEAR----------------------------------------------------------- 0498 0498 0499 049A 049C 049C 049E 04AQ 50 ell SUB FA 28 C9 CX,CX D I SABLE INTERRUPTS CLEAR COUNTER AL,STATUS_PORT ; AL, I NPT_BUf _fULL SIO WAIT FOR COMMAND TO BE ACCEPTED 510: E4 64 A8 02 EO FA IN TEST LOOPNZ E6 64 POP OUT FB STI 04A2 04A3 04A5 58 OI.iA6 e3 04A7 04A7 PUSH AX ; SAVE DATA TO SEN!) ;------- WAIT fOR COMMAND TO ACCEPTED RET GET DATA TO SEND SEND TO KEYBOARD CONTROllER ENABLE INTERRUPTS AGAIN RETURN TO CALLER SHI P IT ENDP CODEENDS END Keyboard 5-121 5-122 Kevboard TITLE 09/09/83 PRINT BIOS .LIST I NCLUDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBL I C 0000 EXTRN DDS: NEAR PUBLIC PR'NTER_'O_1 ; --- I NT 17 ---------------------- -----------------------------PRINTER 10 THIS ROUTINE PROVIDES COMMUNICATION WITH THE PRINTER INPUT {AH)=O PRINT THE CHARACTER IN (AL) ON RETURN, AH=1 IF CHARACTER COULD NOT BE PRINTED (TIME" OUT) OTHER BITS SET AS ON NORMAL STATUS CALL (AH)=l INITIALIZE THE PRINTER PORT RETURNS WITH (AH) SET WITH PRINTER STATUS (AH)=2 READ THE PRINTER STATUS INTO (AH) 7 6 5 4 3 2-1 0 1 I I I 1 I 1_ T I ME OU r I I I I I I_UNUSED I I I J I 1 '" I /0 ERROR I I I I 1 '" SELECTED I I 1_ 1 '" OUT Of PAPER 1 "" ACKNOWLEDGE I I I 1 '" NOT BUSY (OX) = PR'I NTER TO BE USED (0,1,2) CORRESPOND I NG TO ACTUAL VALUES IN PR I NTER BASE AREA DATA AREA PRINTER BASE CONTAINS THE BASE ADDRESS Of THE PRINTER CAROISI AVAILABLE (LOCATED AT BEGINNING Of DATA SEGMENT, 408H ABSOLUTE, 3 WORDS) DATA AREA PRINT TIM OUT (BYTE) MAY BE CHANGE TO CAUSE 01 FFERENT TIME OUT WAITS.-DEFAULToo20 * 4 REG I STERS MI IS MODIFIED ALL OTHERS UNCHANGED ASSUME 0000 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0009 OOOB OOOf 0011 0015 0017 0019 001~ 0010 DOlf 0021 0023 0025 0025 0026 0021 0028 0029 002A CS: CODE, OS: DATA PROC PRINTER_'O_1 ENTRY POINT FOR ORG OEFD2H I NTERRUPTS BACK ON SAVE SEGMENT FAR 51 I FB 1E 52 56 51 53 E8 0000 E 8B F2 8A 9C 0078 R 01 [6 88 94 0008 R 08 02 74 OC OA [4 74 DE FE CC 14 54 FE CC 14 3C PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH CALL MOV MOV SHL MOV OR JZ OR JZ DCC JZ DEC JZ OS OX 51 ex BX ODS SI,OX BL,PRINT_TIM_OUT[SI} Sl,l OX, PR I NTER_I:lASE[ ~ I} OX, OX B1 AH,AH 82 AH B8 AH B5 B1 : BX CX POP POP POP POP POP I RET 5B 59 5E 5A 1F CF GET PR INTER PARM LOAD TIMEOUT VALUE WORD OFFSET I NTD TABLE GET BASE ADDRESS FOR PR I NTER CARD TEST OX FOR ZERO, INDICATING NO PRINTE RETURN TEST FOR (AH)=O PRINT AL TEST FOR (AH)=l INIT PRT TEST-FOR (AH)=2 PR I NTER STATUS RETURN RECOVER REG! STERS RECOVER REG I STERS 51 OX OS :------ PRINT THE CHARACTER IN (AL) 002B 0026 002e 0020 82: SAVE VALUE TO PRI NT OUT PUT CHAR TO PORT POI NT TO STATUS PORT AX DX,AL OX PUSH OUT INC 50 EE 42 ; ------- CHECK FOR PR I NTER BUSY BX AL,DX AL,8DH B2_A PUSH OOZE 002F 0030 0032 EC A8 80 15 05 0034 0037 B8 90FE CD 15 0039 0039 003B 0030 2A FF D1 03 01 03 53 IN TEST JNZ :-------- GET STATUS I S THE PR I NTER CURRENTLY BUSY OUT_STROBE INT 15 DEVICE BUSY FUNGT I ON 90 PR I NTER 10 AX,90FEH 15M MOV INT :------ADJUST DUTTER LOOP COUNT BH.BH BX,1 BX.1 CLEAR BH MULT BY 4 CX.CX AL. OX AH,AL Al,80H B4 B3 1 BXB3 INNER lOOP (64K) GET STATUS STATUS TO At! ALSO IS THE PRINTER CURRENTLY BUSY OUT STROBE LOOP I F NOT DROP OUTER LOOP COUNT -----MAKE ANOTHER PASS I F NOT ZERO SUB RCL RCL ;------WAIT BUSY 003F 0041 0042 0044 0046 0048 C9 B3: 83_1; SUB IN MOV TEST JNZ LOOP DEC JNZ 004A 0046 2B EC 8A A8 75 E2 4B 75 0040 5B POP BX RESTORE BX ------- 004E 0051 0054 0056 80 CC 01 80 E4 F9 EB 17 OR AND JMP POP AH,1 AH,OF9H SHORT B7 BX 0057 0059 005A 0056 0050 005F 0060 60 00 42 EE BO OC EB 00 MOV INC OUT MOV JMP OUT PDP AL,ODH SET ERROR FLAG TURN OFF THE UNUSED BITS RET URN WITH ERROR fLAG SET RESTORE BX ------OUT_STROBE SET THE STROBE HIGH DX,AL AL,OCH SHORT $+2 DX,AL AX RECOVER THE OUTPUT CHAR EO 80 DE F7 F2 5B B4: EE 58 ox SET THE STROBE LOW 10 DELAY PR I NTER STATUS 0061 0061 0062 0062 B5: 50 ; SAVE AL REG PUSH AX MOV UX,PRINTI:.R_BASE[SIJ B6: 8B 94 0008 R Printer 5-123 0066 0067 0068 006A 006D 0060 006E 0070 0073 42 INC IN MOV EC SA EO 80 E4 F8 AND OX AL,DX AH,AL AH,OF8H B7: PDP MOV XOR JMP 5A 8A C2 80 F4 48 fB BO OX AL,OL AH.48H ., GET PRINTER STATUS TURN OFF UNUSED BITS STATUS_SET RECOVER AL REG GET CHARACTER INTO AL FLIP A COUPLE OF BITS RETURN FROM ROUTI NE ;------ INITIALIZE THE PRINTER PORT 0075 0075 0076 0077 0078 007A 007B 007E 007E 007F 0081 0083 0084 0066 0086 BB: PUSH INC INC MOV OUT MOV 50 42 42 BO 08 EE B8 OFAO AX OX OX AL,8 DX.Al AX,1000*4 B9: 48 75 FO BO OC DEC JNZ MOV OUT JMP PR INTER_I 0_' CODE EE EB DC AX 89 AL,OCH DX,AL 86 ENDP ENOS END 5-124 Printer SAVE AL PO I NT TO OUTPUT PORT SET INIT LINE LOW I NIT_LOOP LOOP FOR RESET TO TAKE INIT LOOP NO I NTERRU PTS, NON AUTO LF, PRT_STATUS_ 1 IN IT HIGH TITLE DATE 07/06/83 RS232 _ LIST INCLUDE Si::GMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBlI C 0000 [XTRN EXTRN PUBLIC DDS;NEAR A1; NEAR RS232_IO_' ; ----- I NT 14--- ----------------------------- -----------;RS232 10 - THIS ROUTINE PROVIDES BYTE STREAM I/O TO THE COMMUNICATIONS PORT ACCOHOING TO THE PARAMeTERS; (AH)=O INITIALIZE THE COMMUNICATIONS PORT (AL) HAS PARMS rOR INITIALIZATION 7 6 4 5 ----- BAUD RATE -- (Ati)"" r (Atl)o:=2 (AH)=3 (OX) " 3 - PAR I TY-- 2 1 STOPB I T 0 --WORD LENGTH-- 000-110 XO-NONE 0-110-7BITS 001-1?O 01-000 1-21'-86ITS 0'0 - 300 " - EVEN 01' - 600 100 - 12()O 101 - 2400 110 - 4800 111 - 9600 ON RETURN, CONDITIONS SEl AS IN CALL TO COMMa STATUS (AH=3) SEND THE CHARACTER IN (AL) OVER THE COMt~O LINE (AL) REGI~ITR IS PRESERVED ON EXIT, BIT 7 OF AH IS SET IF THE ROUTINE WAS UNABLE TO 10 TRANSMIT THE BYTE OF DATA OVER THE LINE. I BIT 7 AH IS NOT SET, THE REMAINDER OF AH IS SET AS IN A STATUS REQUEST, RErELtCTING THE CURRENT STATUS OF fHF liNE. R[CEIVE A CHARACTER IN (AL) FROM COMMa LINE BEFORE RETURN I NG TO CAI,LER ON EXIT, AH HAS THE CURRENT LINE STATUS, AS SET BY THE THE STATUS ROUTINt::, EXCEPT THAT THE ONLY BITS LEFT ON ARE THE ERROR BITS (7,4,3,2,1) IF AH HAS BIT 7 ON (TIME OUT) THE REMAINlNG BITS ARE NOT PRED I CT ABLE. THUS, AH I S NON ZERO ONLY WHEN AN ERROR OCCURRED. RETURN THE COMMD PORT STATUS IN (AX) AH CONTAINS THE LINE CONTROL STATUS f:S IT 7 == T I ME OUT BIT 6 '" TRANS SHtFT REGISTER EMPTY BIT 5 '" TRAN HOLDING REGISTER EMPTY BIT 4 "" BREAK DETECT BIT 3 := FRAMING ERROR BtT 2 == PARITY ERROR 6 I T 1 = OVERRUN ERROR 61 T D '" DATA READY AL GONTAINS THE MODEM STATUS 6 I T 7 = RECEVED LI NE SIGNAL DETECT BIT 6 == RING INDICATOR 61 T 5 == DATA SET READY BIT 4 = CLEAR TO SEND BIT 3 = DELTA RECEIVE LINE SIGNAL DETECT BIT 2 = TRA III NG EDGE RING DETECTOR 61 T 1 = DELTA DATA SET READY BIT 0 - DELTA CLEAR TO SEND PARAMETER or INDICATING WHICH RS232 CARD (0,1 ALLOWED) DATA AREA RS232 BASE CONTAINS THE BASE ADDRESS OF THE 8250 ON THE CARD l_DCATION 40011 CONTAINS UP TO 4 RS232 ADDRESSES POSSIBLE DATA Af-lEA LABLE RS232 TIM OUT (BYTE) CONTAINS OUTER LOOP COUNT ;OUTPUT VALUE FOR TIMEOUT (Dr"FAULT=l) AX MOD 1Ft ED ACCORD I NG TO ; PARMS OF CALL AI 1 OTHERS UNCHANGED ----- ---ASSUME -- --- - - - --- - - - - - -- --- ----- --- ------- ------CS:CODE,DS;UATA PROC 0000 FAR ;------ VECTOR 10 API'IWf'RIATE ROUTINE 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0009 OOOB 0000 0010 0014 0016 0018 D01A 001C DOlE 0020 0022 00211 0021, 0026 0028 0023 002B 002e 0020 002E D02F 0030 0031 STI PUSH PUSH PU5H PUSH PUSH PUSH MOY MOY SHL CALL MOY FB lE 52 56 57 51 53 8B 88 01 E8 88 DB 74 OA F2 FA E6 0000 E 94 0000 R 02 13 E4 74 16 FE CC 74 48 FE CC 74 70 DR JZ OR I NTERRUPTS BACK ON SAVE SEGMENT OS OX SI 01 ex BX RS232 VALUE TO 51 AND TO DI (FOR TIMEOUTS) WORD OFFSET 51,DX OI,DX SI,l DOS OX,RS232_BASE[ S I DX,DX A3 AH,AH JZ DEC JZ DEC JZ Al, DEC JNZ JMP AH J GET BASE ADDRESS TES'1 FOR 0 BASE ADDRESS RETURN rESf fOr< (AH)=O COMMUN INIT TEST FOR (AH )"'1 SEND AL TEST FOR (AH )=2 RfCFIVE INTO Al AH A5 Afl A12 A2; FE CC 75 03 E9 00B6 R TEST FOR (AH)=3 A3 A18 COMMUNICATION STATUS RETURN FROM RS232 A3; POP POP POP POP POP POP IRET 5B 59 5F 5E 5A 1F CF 8X cx 01 SI ox Os ; RETURN TO CALLER, NO ACT I ON INITIALIZE THE COMMUNICATIONS PORT 0032 0032 0034 0037 0039 8A EO 83 C2 03 80 80 EE r~ov ADD MDY OUT AH,AL DX,3 AL,80H OX,AL SAVE IN IT PARMS IN AH PO I NT TO 8250 CONTROL REG I STER SET DlAB=1 ;------ DETERMINE BAUD RATE UIVl50R 003A 003C 003E 0040 8A 81 02 81 04 r~ov 0" MOY C2 1:2 DOOt: RDL AND DL,AH CL,4 DL,CL OX,O[II GET PARMS TO OL I SOLATE THEM RS232 5-125 0044 0047 0049 0040 004E 0052 0053 0054 0056 0059 EE OOSA 83 C2 03 8A C4 24 IF FE 0050 005F 0061 0062 0063 0064 0066 0068 0009 MOY BF 0000 E 03 FA 8B 94 0000 R 42 2E: 8A 45 01 EE 4A EB 00 2E: 8A 05 ADO MOV INC MOV OUT DEC JMP MOY OUT AOO MOV AND OIJT DI,OFFSET A1 DI,DX g~, RS232_BASEf S I DEC DEC JMP OX OX SHORT $+2 MOV EE OUT JMP AL,D aX,AL 0076 0079 0076 42 E8 DOCS R 74 06 59 8A Cl 0091 0092 PUSH AX AOD 10 DELAY I NTERRUPT ENABLES ALL OFF (;UM~STATUS IN (AL) OVER COMMO LINE SAVE CHAR TO SEND MODEM CONTROL REG I srER OTR AND RTS DATA TERMINAL READY, REQUEST TO SEND MODEM STATUS REGISTER our DX,4 AL,3 OX,AL I NC INC MOV CALL BH,30H WA I T_fOR_STATUS ARE BOTH TRUE JE A9 YES, POP MOV CX AL, CL RELOAD DATA BYTE OR JMP AH, BOH A3 MOV B7 30 007C 007E 007E 0081 008F GET PARMS BACK STRIP OFF THE BAUD BITS I I NE CONTROL TO 8 BITS AS: 50 83 C2 04 BO 03 EE 42 007B 0083 0083 0084 0084 0086 0089 0088 0086 008E a 10 DELAY GET LOW ORDER OF DIVISOR SET LOW Of DIVISOR ::>HOHJ A18 ;------ SEND CHARACTER 006B 0066 006C 006f 0071 0072 0073 0074 SET MS OF DIY TO OX SHORT $+2 AL,CS:[DI] DX,AL OX,3 AL,Ati AL,OlfH DX,AL 'IA EB 00 1:.13 46 GET HIGH ORDER OF DIVISOR AL,CS:[DI]+1 DX,AL 60 00 4A BASE OF TABLE PUT J NTO J NOEX REG I STER POINT TO HIGH ORDER OF DIVISOR I ox OX DATA SET REA[)Y & CLEAR TO SEND READY TO TRANSMIT CHAR A7: A8: 80 CC 80 EB A8 INDICATE TIME OUT RETURN CLEAR TO SENO LINE STATUS REGISTER WAI T SEND IS TRANSM I TTER READY TEST FOR TRANSMITTER REAOU RETURN WITH TIME OUT SET OUT CHAR DATA PORT RECOVER IN CX TEMPORARILY MOVE CHAR TO AL FOR OUT, STATUS OUT PUT CHARACTER RETURN A9: DEC 4A OX A10: MOV CALL 67 20 E8 DOCS R 75 FO JNZ BH,20H WAIT_FOR_STATUS A7 All: SUB 83 EA 05 59 8A C1 EE EB 97 OX,5 POP cx MOV AL. CL DX,AL A3 OUT JMP IN AH RECE I VE CHARACTER FROM COMMO II NE 0094 0094 0097 0099 009A 0096 D09C A12: A[)O MOV OUT I/IIC 83 C2 04 BO 01 EE 42 42 67 20 D09E OOAl DOA3 OOA3 00A4 00A4 OOA6 00A9 OOAB (JOAB E8 OOC5 R 75 DB 00B2 0063 MODEM STATUS REGISTER I NC ox MOV BH,2QH CALL JNZ WAIT FOR STATUS AB - WAIT OSR DATA-SET READY TEST FOR DSR RETURN WI TH ERROR WAI T aSR END LlNCSlA1US REGISTER WAI T RECV RECEIVE BUFFER FULL TEST FOR REG, BUFF, FULL SET T I ME OUT ERROR GET CHAR TEST FOR ERROR CONDITIONS ON RECV CHAR DATA PORT CET CHARACTER FROM LI NE RETURN A13: 00ge OOAE MODEM CONTROL REG I STER DATA TERMINAL READY DX,4 AL,1 OX, AL OX A15: 4A DEC ox MOV CALL JNZ BH,l WAI T fOR_STATUS A8 AND MOV AH,OOOl1l10B RS232_BASE[ S I AL, OX A3 A16; 87 01 E8 DOCS R 75 03 Al7: 80 Ell 1 E 86 94 0000 R EC E9 002B R f/ll JMP ox, J COMMO PORT STATUS ROUT I /liE 00B6 00B6 OOBA OOBO A18: MOV ADD IN MOV I NC 1N JMP 8B 94 0000 R 83 C2 05 EC OOBE 8A EO OOCO OOCl 42 OOC2 E9 002B R EC , ; - --- - - -- - - ------------ -- - - -- ------------- ; ENTRY: ; ;EXIT; ; OOC5 DOCS ox, RS232_BASE[ 51] OX,5 AL,OX AH,AL OX AL, OX A3 - ~~!~T~?~S S~~H~) R?gT~~~K - FOR, OX=ADDR. OF STATUS REG ZERO FLAG ON =: STATUS FOUND ZERO FLAG OFF = TIMEOUT. AH=LAST STATUS READ - -- ~; ~ ~ ~~~ -;~; ~us ;~~c8A 90 D07C R CONTROL PORT GET LINE CONTROL STATUS PUT IN AH FOR RETURN PO I NT TO MODEM STATUS REG I STER GET MODEM CONTROL STATUS RETURN MOV -~ ~~~- -------------- BL,RS232_TIM_OUT[DI] ;LOAD OUTER LOOP COUNT ; ------ADJUST DUTTER LOOP COUNT OOC9 GOCA OOCB OOCC 0000 0002 OOD4 0006 0007 00D9 OODB DODD OOOF OOEl 00E2 00E4 00E6 00E6 Don 55 53 50 81 E5 DOff D1 D5 01 05 WFSO: wrSl; 2B C9 EC 8A 22 3A n E2 EO C7 C7 07 F5 BP PUSH PUSH BX POP AND BP,OOfFH RCL RCL BP,1 SUB IN MaY AND CMP JE lOOP BP BP,l ex,cx AL, OX AH,AL AL,BH AL,6H WFS END \-IFSl 40 DEC BP 75 fO OA Ff JNZ OR WFSO BH, BH PO? BP SAVE BP -----SAVE BX -----USE BP fOR DUTTER LOOP COUNT STRIP HIGH BITS MULl DUTTER BY 4 ;GET STATUS ; MOVE TO AH ; ISOLATE BITS TO TEST ; EXACTLY = TO MASK iRETURN WITH ZERO FLAG ON ;TRY AGAIN ; SET ZERO FLAG OfF WfS END: - 50 RET C3 00E8 00E8 WAIT fOR STATUS ENOP RS232_IO:=1 ENDP 00E8 CODE 5-126 RS232 ENDS RESTORE BP ----- TITLE 08/18/83 VIDEOl . LIST includes are postequ,src, dseg.src I NeLUN 0000 ~ 0010 SEGMENT. SRC GODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC EXTRN EXTRN LXIHN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN DDS: NEAR 1'15: WORD M6:BYTE 1'17: BYTE CRT CHAR erN: NEAR BEEP: NEAR PUBLIC M4 VIDEO 10 1 EQU 601 OH I NT 1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------VIDEO 10 THESE ROUTINES PROVIDE TH!:. CRT INTERFACE fHE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS ARE PROVIDED; (AH)"'O SET MOUE (AL) CONTAINS MODE VALUE (AL)"'O 40X2~ BW (POWER ON DEFAULT) (AL)",l 40X25 COLOR (AL)",2 80X25 6W (AL)",3 80X25 COLOR GRAPH I CS MODES (AL)",4 3?OX200 COLOR (AL).::5 320X?'OO BW {AL)"'6 64QX200 8W CRT MODE'" 7 8QX25 B&W CARD (USED JNT[RNAL TO VIDEO ONLY) -it-it-it NOTES -BW MODES OPERATE SAME AS COLOR MODES, BUT COLOR BURST IS NOl ENABU·O -CURSOR IS NOT DISPLAYED IN GRAPHICS MODE (AH) '" 1 SET CURSOR TYPE (GIi) '" I:IITS 4-0 ;0 START LINE FOR CURSOR -it* HARDWARE WILL ALWAYS CAUSE BL I NK *-11- SETTING BIT 5 OR 6 WILL CAUSE ERRATIC BLINKING OR NO CURSOR AT ALL (CL) = BITS 4-0 '" END LINE FOR CURSOR (AII)=2 SeT CURSOR POSITION (DH,DL) = ROW,COLUMN (0,0) IS UPPER LEFT ( BH) '" PAGE NUMBER (MUST BE 0 fOR GRAPH I CS MODES) (AH)=3 READ CURSOR POSITION ( BIi) ;= PAGE NUMBER (MUST B[ 0 FOR GRAPH I CS MODES) ON EX I T (DH, DL) ;= ROW, COLUMN OF CURRENT CURSOR (GH,CL) ;= CURSOR MODE CURRENTLY SET (AH)"'4 READ LIGHT PEN POSITION ON EXIT: (AH) = 0 - - LIGHT PEN SW I TCH NOT DOWN/NOT TR I GGERED (AH) = 1 -- VALID LIGHT PEN VALUE IN REGISTERS (DH,DL) "" ROW,COLUMN or CHARACTER LP POSN (CH) = RASTER LINE (0-199) (BX) '" PiXEL COLUMN (0-319,639) (AH)=5 SEl.ECT ACTIVE DISPLAY PAGE (VALID ONLY FOR ALPHA MODES) (AL)=NEW PAGE VALUE (0-7 FOR MODES 0&1, 0-3 FOR MODES 2&3) (AH)"'6 SCROLL ACTIVE PAGE UP (AL) = NUMBER OF II NES, I NPU' LINES BLM':KED AT BOTTOM OF WINDOW AL = 0 MEANS BLANK ENT I RE WINDOW (GH,CL) ;= ROW,COLUMN OF UPPER LEFT CORNER OF SCROLL (OH,DL) = ROW,COLUMN OF LOWER RIGHT CORNER OF SCROLL (BH) '" ATTR I BUTE TO BE USED ON BLANK LI NE (AH)"'7 SCROLL ACTIVE PAGE DOWN (AL) '" NUMBER OF LINES, INPUT LINE.S BLANKED AT lOP OF WINDOW AL'" 0 MEANS BLANK ENTIRE WINDOW (CH,Cl) = ROW,COLUMN OF UPPER LEFT CORNER OF SCROLL (OH,DL) = ROW,COLUMN OF LOWER RIGHT CORNER OF SCROLL (BH) '" ATTRIBUTE TO 1)[ USED ON BLANK LINE CHARACTER HANDLI NG ROUT I NES 8 READ AlTR I BUTE/CHARACTER AI" CURRENT CURSOR POS I T I ON (BH) ;0 DISPLAY PAGF (VALID FOR ALPHA MODES ONLY) ON EXIT; (Al) = CHAR READ (AH) = ATTRIBUTE Of CHARACTER READ (ALPHA MODES ONLY) (AH) = 9 WRITE ATlRIBUTE/CHARACTER AT CURRENT CURSOR POSITION (BH) '" 0 I SPLAY PAGE (VAll 0 FOR ALPHA MODES ONLY) (CX) ;= COUNT OF CIiAHACTERS· TO WRITE (AL) ;:0 CHAR TO WRITE (BL) '" ATTRIBUTE OF CHARACT[R (ALPHA)/COLOR OF CHAR (GRAPHICS) SEE NOTE ON WRITE [)OT fOR I3IT 7 Of BL = 1. (AH) == 10 WRITE CHARACTER ONLY AT CURRENT CURSOR POSITION (BH) = DISPl.AY PAGE (VALID FOR ALPHA MODES ONLY) (CX) ;0 COUNT OF CHARACTERS TO wRITE (AL) ;0 CHAR TO WRITE FOR READ/WRITE CHARACTER INTERfACE WHILE IN GRAPHICS MODE, rtlE CHARACTERS ARC FORMED FROM A CHARAC1ER GENERATOR IMAGE MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM ROM. ONLY HIE 1ST 128 CHARS ARE CONTAIN[D THERE. TO READ/WRITE TilE SECOND 128 CHAr~S, THE USER MUST iNITIALIZE THE POINTER AT INTERRUPT 1FH (LOCATION 0007CH) TO POINT TO TIlE lK BYTE TABLE CONTAINING THE CODE POINTS FOR THE SECOND 128 CHARS (128-255). FOR WRITE CHARACTER INTERFACE IN GRAPHICS MODE, HiE REPLICATION fACTOR CONTAIN!:'D IN (ex) ON ENTRY WilL PRODUCE VALID RESULTS ONLY FOR CHARACTERS CONTAINED ON THE SAME RO'...'. CONTINUATION TO SUCCEED I NG LINES WILL NOT PRODUCE CORRECTLY. (AH) ;0 GRAPHICS INTERFACE (AH) == 11 SeT COl.OR PALETTE (BH) = PALLETTE COLOR 10 BEING SET (0-127) (8L) "" COLOR VALUE TO BE USED WITH THAT COLOR 10 NOT E: FOR THE CURRENT COLOR CARD, TH j S ENTRY PO I NT HAS MEAN I NG ONLY FOR 320X200 GRAPH I CS. COLOR 10 == 0 SELECTS THE BACKGROUND COLOR (0-15) COLOR 10 '" 1 SELECTS THE PALl.ETTE I 0 ~[ USED: 0= GREEN(1)/RED(2)/YELlOW(3) 1;= CYAN(1)/MAGENTA(2)/WIfITE(3) IN 40X25 OR BOX25 ALPHA MODES, TI1E VALUE SET FOR PALLETTE COLOR 0 I toWlCATES THE BORDER COLOR TO BE USED (VALU[S 0-31, WHERE 16-31 SELECT THE HIGH I tHENS I TY BACKGROU;m SET. (AH) 12 WRITE DOT ( OX) '" ROW NUMBER (CX) '" COLUMN NUMBER (AL) =- COLOR VALUE IF BI T 7 or AL == 1, THEN THE COLOR VALUE j S EXCLUS IVE ORID WITH THE CURHENT CONTENTS OF THE DOT (AH) = 13 READ DOT (OX) = ROW NUMBFR (CX) ;= COLUMN NUMBER (AL) RETURNS THE DOT READ Video 5-127 ASCII TELETYPE ROUTINE FOR OUTPUT (AH) '" 14 WHITE TELE1YPE TO ACTIVE PAGE (AL) =; CHAR TO WRITE (BL) := FOREGROUND COLOR IN GRAPHICS MODE NOTE -- SCREEN WIDTH IS CONTROLLED BY PREVIOUS MODE SET (AH) 15 CURRENT VIDEO STATE RETURNS THE CURRENT VIDEO STATE (AL) '" MODE CURRENTLY SET ( SEE AH=D FOR EXPLANATION) (Ali) = NUMBER OF CHARACTER COLUMNS ON SCREEN (BH) = CURRENT ACT I VE 0 I SPLAY PAGE (AH) = 16 RESERVED (AH) = 17 RESERVED (AH) = 18 RESERVED (AH) =; 19 WRITE STRING ES:BP CX OX BH (AL) - POINTER TO STRING TO BE WRITTEN LENGTH OF CHARAC[f( STR I NG TO WR I TTEN CURSOR POS I T I ON fOR STR I NG TO BE WR I TTEN PAGE NUMBER = 0 ATTRIBUTE BL STR I NG IS iCHAR,CHAR, CURSOR NOT MOVED (AL) - ATTRIBUTE BL lCHAR,CHAR, STR I NG IS CURSOR I S MOVED (AL) ,CHARI ! CHAR, ATTR, CHAR, ATTR STR ING IS CURSOR I S NOT MOVED (AL) STR I NG CURSOR NOTE: ,CHAR! 1 CHAR, A TTR, CHAR, ATTR IS I S MOVED ,CHAR,ATTRl ,CHAR,ATTRl CARRIAGE RETURN, LJNE FEED, BACKSPACE, AND BELL ARE TREATED AS COMMANDS RATHER THAN PRINTABLE CHARACTERS. SS,SP,ES,DS,DX.CX,BX.SI,DI,BP PRESERVED DURING CALL ALL OTHERS DESTROYED. ASSUME 0000 0000 0071 0002 0140 00011 0174 0006 019£ 0008 07DF OOOA 01B5 OOOC 0222 000£ 02C6 0010 0318 0012 035£ 0014 0391 0016 0109 0018 046F 001A 045£ OOlC 0756 001 E OUF 0020 0144 0022 01411 0024 0144 0026 03C3 '" 0028 PUBL I C PUBL I C PUBLJ C PUBLIC PUBL I C PUBLIC PUBlI C PUBL I C PUBLIC PUBL I C PUBLIC PUBL I C PUBL I G PUBL I C PUBLIC PUBLIC Ml R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R FB FC 06 1£ 52 51 53 56 57 55 0032 50 0033 8A C4 32 £4 0044 E8 88 88 81 0055 0057 XOR SAL MOY eMP NEAR ES OS ENTRY PO I NT FOR ORG OF065H I NTERRUPT5 BACK ON SET 0 I RECT I ON FORWARD SAVE SEGMENT REG I S II:.RS OX ex BX SI 01 BP AX AL,AH AH,AH AX,1 51 ,AX AX,M1L JB POP M2 JMP VIDEO_RETURN AX SAVE AX VALUE CET I NTO LOW BYTE ZERO TO HIGH BYTE *2 FOR TABLE LOOKUP PUT INTO S I FOR BRANCH TEST FOR WITH I N RANGE BRANCH AROUND BRANCH THROW AWAY THE PARAMETER ; DO NOTH I NG I f NOT I N RANGE M2: 83 75 CALL MOY MOY 0000 E B800 3E 0010 R E7 DOlO FF 30 02 AND eMP JNE 64 BO 0059 8E CO 0056 58 Dose 80 75 55 8B BE 005F 0061 0062 0064 PUSH PUSH PUSH PliSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PliSH PUSH MOY 01 EO 8B FO lD 0028 72 04 58 E9 0144 R 0052 PROC ; TABLE OF ROUTINES WITHIN VIDEO I/O SET MODE Sn-CTYPE SET-CPOS READ CURSOR REAO-LPEN ACT DISP PAGE SCROLL UP SCROLL:::::DOWN READ AC CURRENT WRITE AC CURRENT WR I TE::::C_CURRENT SET COLOR WRITE DOT READ DOT WRITE TTY V IDEO-STATE V I OED-RETURN Reserved V IDEO-RETURN Reserved V I OED-RETURN Reserved WR I TE:::::STR I NG CASE 19h, Write string eLD 0039 0038 003E 0040 0041 0044 0047 OD4A 004£ Ml L VIO£O_'O_l ST I 0028 0028 0029 002A 0026 002C 0020 002E 002F 0030 0031 0035 0037 R R R R CS: CODE, OS: OAT A, ES: V IDEO_RAM SET MODE SET-CTYPE SET-CPOS READ CURSOR REAO-LPEN ACT_DISP_PAGE SCROLL UP SCROLL=OOWN READ AC CURRENT WR I TE AC CURRENT WRITCC CURRENT SET_COLOR WR I TE_DOT READ DOT WRITE TTY VIDEO-STATE LABEL WORD OW OFFSET OW OrrSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OffSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET uw OffSET OW OfFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET OW OffSET OW OfFSET OW OFFSET OW OFFSET EQU $-Ml M3: MOY MOV POP ODS AX,OB800H DI,EQUI PJLAG DI,30H DI,30H M3 AH,OBOH E5,AX AX SEGMENT GET EQU ISOLATE IS SElT FOR COLOR CARD I PMENT SETT I NG CRT SWITCHES I NG FOR BW CARD? SEGMENT FOR 8W CARD SET UP TO POINT AT VIDEO RAM AREAS RECOVER VALUE FC 13 07 AH,13H MM' TEST fOR WR I TE STR! NG OP JNE PUSH MOY MOY BP EC 46 10 BP,S? ES,[BPI·ES_POS If IT'S WRITE STRING THEN GET THE STR I NGS SEGMENT, SINCE I T GET CLOBBERED 5-128 Video eMP 0067 0068 0068 D06e 50 POP BP MOV AH,CRT_MOOE ; GET CURRENT MODE WORD PTR CS:[SI+OffSET Ml] ENOP MM3: 8A 26 0049 R 2£: FF A4 0000 R J~lP VIDEO_IO_l 0071 INTO AH SET_MO~~IS ; ; ; ; ; 0071 0071 0074 0076 0079 0078 0070 0080 0082 0084 0087 008B OOBC 0080 008E 0091 0093 0094 0095 0097 ROUTINE INIT1ALlLES THE ATTACHMENT TO I NPUT THE SELECTED MODE. THE SCREEN I S BLANKED. (AL) = MODE SELECTED (RANGE 0-9) OUTPUT NONE - ---- --------------------- - -- -------- - MOV MOV CMP PROC NEAR f)X,03D4H BL,O DI,30H JNE M8 MOV MOV AL,7 OX,03B4H BL AIi,AL CRT MODE,AL ADDIC6B45, OX OS SET_MODE SA 0304 33 00 83 FF 30 75 07 BO 07 SA 03B4 FE C3 8A EO A2 0049 R 89 16 0063 R 1E INC M8: MOV MOV MOV PUSH PUSH PUSH 50 52 OX,4 AL, BL DX,AL EE 5A POP OX SUB AX,AX DS,AX DS:ABSO PARM_PTR 28 CO 8E 08 MOV C5 1E 0074 R ASSUME LOS 0099 0090 58 009E OOAl OOA4 OOA6 00A8 OOAB OOAD OOAF 00B2 0084 B9 80 72 03 80 72 03 80 72 03 FC 02 10 D9 Fe 04 09 09 FC 07 02 09 ax, POP AX ASSUME OS:CODE CX,M4 AH,2 M9 BX,CX AH,11 M9 BX,CX AH,7 M9 BX.CX MOV CMP JC ADO CMP JC AOO CMP JC AOO DOlO ADDRESS OF COLOR CARD MODE SET fOR COLOR CARD IS BW CARD INSTALLED OK WITH COLOR INDICATE BW CARD MODE ADDRESS OF BW CARD ; MODE SET fOR BW CARD SAVE MODE IN AH SAVE I N GLOBAL VARIABLE SAVE ADDRESS OF BASE SAVE POINTER TO DATA SEGMENT SAVE MODE SAVE OUTPUT PORT VALUE PO I NT TO CONTROL REG I STER GET MODE SET FOR CARD RESET VIDEO BACK TO BASE REG I STER SET UP FOR ABSO SEGMENT ESTABLI SH VECTOR TABLE ADDRESS I NG AX OX AOO MOV OUT 83 C2 04 8A e3 ---- GET POINTER TO VIDEO PARI1S RECOVER PARMS LENGTH OF EACH ROW OF TABLE DETERMINE WHICH ONE TO USE MODE ISO OR 1 MOVE TO NEXT ROW OF I NIT TABLE MODE IS 2 OR 3 MOVE TO GRAPHICS ROW OF INIT_TABLE MODE IS 4,5, OR 6 MOVE TO BW CARD ROW OF INIT_TABLE ;----- BX POINTS TO CORRECT ROW OF INITIALIZATION TABLE 00B6 00B6 OUT IN IT SAVE MODE [N AH M9: 50 PUSH AX 00B7 00B8 OOBA OOBe DOBF 06 PUSH ODCl 26: DOC') 07 POP ES SAVE SCREEN BUFFER'S SEGMENT AX, AX ESTABL I SH ADDRESS I BILl TY TO ABSO ES,AX AX,WORD PTR [BX+10] GET THE CURSOR MODE FROM THE TABLE AH,AL PUT CURSOR MODE IN CORRECT POST ION ES:ABSO ES:WORD PTR DATA_AREA[CURSOR_MODE-DATA],AX ES:V1DEO_RAM ; RESTORE THE SCREEN BUFFER'S SEGMENT ES Ooc6 32 E4 XOR AH,AH 33 8E 88 86 XOR MOV MOV CO CO 47 OA EO XCHG ASSUME A3 0460 R MOV ASSUME ; AH WI LL SERVE AS REGISTER NUMBER DURING LOOP LOOP THROUGH TABLE, OUTPUTTTING REG ADDRESS, ooca oocs 8A C4 OOCA OOCB OOCC aOCE FE Cl~ BA 07 ~ODO 0001 0002 0003 EE 42 0005 0006 IF 33 89 C6 B9 80 INC INC AH INC OEC f3 ;-~---- 0007 0009 DODD 00E2 00E5 OOEa OOEA 00 ED OOEF OOFl OOF3 00F3 OOF5 OOF5 OOF8 OOf8 AL,AH DX,AL MOV OUT EE 43 4A [2 58 MOV OUT fF 3£ 004E R 06 0062 R 00 2000 fe 04 DB FC 07 04 CO 72 80 74 33 EB 05 POINT TO DATA PORT NEXT REG I STER VALUE GET TABLE VALUE OUT TO CHI P NEXT IN TABLE BACK TO PO I NTER REG I STER DO THE WHOLE TABLE GET MODE BACK RECOVER SEGMENT VALUE OX AL, [BX] DX,AL BX OX "'0 LOOP POP AX POP DS ASSUME OS; DATA FILL REGEN AREA WITH BLANK XOR MOV MOV MOV CMP JC CMP 01,01 CRT_START,OI ACT IVE _PAGE,O CX,8192 AH,4 JE M11 SET UP PO I NTER FOR REGEN START ADDRESS SAVED IN CLOBAL SET PAGE VALUE NUMBER OF WORDS I N COLOR CARD TEST FOR GRAPH I CS NO_GRAPHICS_INIT TEST fOR BW CARD BW_CARD_I NIT F ILL FOR GRAPH I CS MODE CLEAR_BUFfER BW CARD INIT BUFfER SIZE ON BW CARD (2048) NO GRAI'H1CS INIT FilL CHAR FOR ALPHA CLEAR_BUFfER FILL THE REGEN BUFFER WI TH BLANKS M12 AH,7 XOR JMP AX,AX SHORT Ml3 MOV CH, 08H MOV AX, REP STOSW Mll: B5 06 M12: 88 0720 M13: f3/ AB THEN VALUE fROM TABLE INIT LOOP GET 6845 REGISTER NUMBER M10: '+7*256 ;----- ENABLE VIDEO AND CORRECT PORT S[TTING OOfA DOFf 0101 0105 AD 0049 R 32 E4 88 Fa 8B 16 0063 R 83 C2 04 0108 ooro MOV XOR MOV MOV AOO AL,CRT MODE AH,AH 51 ,AX DX,ADDR_6845 OX,4 ; GET THE MODE ; I NTO AX REG I STER ; TABLE POINTER, I NDEXEQ BY MODE PRE PARE TO OUTPUT TO V I OED ENABLE PORT 2E: SA 84 0000 E MOV AL, CS: I S I + OfFSET BYTE PTR M7J 0100 EE OlOE A2 0065 R OUT MOV DX,AL CRT_MOOE_SET ,AL ; ; SET V IDEO ENABLE PORT SAVE THAT VALUE ;----- DETERMINE NUMBER OF COLUMNS, BOTH FOR ENTIRE DISPLAY ;----- AND THE NUMBER TO BE USED FOR TTY INTERFACE 0111 0116 0118 2E: 8A 84 0000 E 32 E4 A3 OD4A R 011B 81 MOV XOR MOV AL,es: [SI + OFFSET BYTE PTR M6j AH,AH CRT_eoLS, AX NUMBER OF COLUI-INS IN TH I S SCREEN ;----- SET CURSOR POSITIONS E6 OOOE ANa SI,OEH WORD OFFSET I NTO CLEAR LENGTH TABLE Video 5-129 2E: 88 8C 0000 E MDV CX,CS:ISI 0124 0128 0128 a12E 012F 0130 0132 89 OE 004C R 89 0008 Bf 0050 R IE MDV MDV CRT_LEN, CX CX,8 01, OFFSET CURSOR POSN SAVE LENGTH OF CRT -- NOT USED FOR BW CLEAR ALL CURSOR POS tTl ONS OS ESTABL I SH SEGMENT ADDRESS I NG tolOV PUSH XDR REP 33 CO f3/ A8 - ES AX,AX STOSW POP 07 + OFFSET M5] LENGTH TO CLEAR 011F FI LL WITH ZEROES SET UP OVERSCAN REG I STER 0134 0135 0137 013C 013E 0140 0141 ,,2 INe OX SO 30 80 3E 0049 R 06 75 02 80 3F MDV JNl AL,30H CRT_MODE,6 M14 AL,3FH DX,Al CRT_PALLETTE.AL eMP MDV M14: EE DU7 MDV A2 0066 R SET OVERSCAN PORT TO A DEFAULT VALUE OF 30H FOR ALL MODES EXCEPT 640X200 SEE 41 F THE MODE IS 6'-1.0X200 8W I FIT I SNT 640X200, THEN GOTO REGULAR IF IT IS 640X200, THEN PUT iN 3FH OUTPUT THF CORRFCT VAl ttF TO 309 PORT SAVE THE VALUE FOR FUTURE USE ; ----- NORMAL RETURN FROM ALL V IDEO RETURNS 0141, 0144 0145 0146 0141 0148 0148 0149 014A 0146 014C 0140 VIDEO RETURN: POP PDP POP POP 50 5F " 5. 01 SI BX ex ox POP POP POP POP 59 5A IF 07 eF OS RECOVER SEGMENTS ALL DONE ES IRET --SET --- - -- - - -- --- - ---------------------- --- -- -------CTVPE SFT_MOOF ; 014D 0140 014F 0153 0156 13P ENOP ; I NP~T TH I S ROUT I NE SETS THE CURSOR VALUE ; ; ; OUTPUT (CX) HAS CURSOR VALUE eH-START LINE, CL-STOP LINE NONE §ET-CT~;E-------P~OC----NEA~------------------------- - B4 OA 89 OE 0060 R E8 0158 R EB EC MOV MOV CALL JMP MI,10 ; 6845 REGISTER FOR CURSOR SET CURSOR_MODE, CX M16 VIDEO_RETURN ; ; SAVE t N DATA AREA OUTPUT CX REG ;------ THIS ROUTINE OUTPUTS THE CX REGISTER TO THE 6845 REGS NAMED IN AH 0158 0158 015C 015E 015F 0160 0162 0164 0165 0166 0168 016A 016C 016D 016E 0170 0172 0173 M16: 42 EB 00 8A C5 INC DX JMP SHORT $+2 AL.CH OX,Al MDV OUT EE E8 00 8A Ct. FE CO EE SHORT $+2 AL,AH AL OX,Al MDV INC OUT 00 SHORT $+2 Al,Cl DX,Al MOV OUT E[ 10 DELAY POINT TO OTHER DATA REGISTER SET FOR SECOND REG I STER OX INC JMP 42 8A Cl ADDRESS REGI STER GET VALUE REG I STER SET DATA REG I STER 10 DELAY DATA OX DEC JMP 4A [B ox. ADOR_6845 AL,AH DX,Al MDV MDV OUT 8B 16 0063 R 8A c4 EE 10 DELAY SECOND DATA VALUE RET C3 ALL DONE ENDP SET.CIYPE 0174 ; ------------ --- --------- --------------- ---SET CPOS - 1 HIS ROUT I NE SETS THE CURRENT CURSOR POS I T ION TO THE NEW x-v VALUES PASSED INPUT ox BH - ROW, COLUMN OF NEW CURSOR 0 I SPLAY PAGE OF CURSOR OUTPUT CURSOR 0171, 0174 017(, 01"/8 017A 017C 0180 0181, 0186 0188 0188 0188 0180 SET - 8A CF 32 ED 01 E1 88 F1 CPOS CALL M1B SAL MOV MDV eMP JNl PROC CAll MOV ADD SAR r-10V CALL M18 E8 88 03 01 84 E8 IS CURRENT DISPLAY ESTABLISH LOOP COUNT WORD OffSET USE INDEX REGI STER POSH 1, ox ; SAVE THE PO INTER SET.CPOS.RETURN GET ROW/COLUMN TO AX CURSOR SET SET.CPOS_RETURN V IDEO_RETURN ENOP EB 87 ;------ SET CURSOR POSITION, 0180 0180 0190 0192 0196 0198 019A 0190 019E IF DISPLAY PAGE MOV XDR 89 94 0050 R 38 3E 0062 R 75 05 81::1 G2 E8 0180 R IS SET AT 6845 PRoe NEAR CL,BlI CH,CH ; CX,l ; S I,CX ; [ S' +OFFSET CURSOR ACT I VE_PACE, BH • Ml7 AX, OX lolOV 0211 R C8 DE 004E R F9 OE 0158 R NEAR POSITION CX, AX CX, CRT START CX,l- AH,14 M16 AX HAS ROW/COLUMN FOR CURSOR DETERMINE LOCATION IN REGEN BUFFER ADD I N THE START ADDRESS FOR TH I SPACE o I V I DE BY 2 FOR CHAR ONLY COUNT REG I STER NUMBER FOR CURSOR OUTPUT THE VALUE TO THE 6845 RE'r C3 M18 ; -- ENDP ---------------------- --- -- -- ---- - -- - - ------------ READ_CURSOR TH I S ROUT I NE READS THE CURRENT CURSOR VALUE fROM THE 6845, FORMATS IT, AND SENDS I T BACK TO THE CALLER INPUT BH - PAGE OF CURSOR OUTPUT OX - ROW, COLUMN OF THE CURRENT CURSOR POSITION CX - CURRENT CURSOR MODE kEAD-~~~;~R-----;~OC----NEAR---------------- Q19E 019E 01 AD 01A2 01A4 alAS OlAC 8A OF FF 32 01 88 88 50 OlAo 5F OlAE OlAF 0180 5E 58 58 E3 97 0050 R DE 0060 R l:i.l10 - MOV XOR SAL MOV MOV POP POP POP POP POP BL, BH BH, BH BX,l ; WORO OFFSET OX, [BX+OFFSET CURSOR_POSN 1 ex, CURSOR MODE SP • DI SI BX ; 01 SCARO SAVED CX AND OX 01Bl 01B2 01B3 01B4 0185 58 1F 07 POP AX DS ES por POP IRET READ_CURSOR CF ENOP ; ACT 0 I SP PAGE THIS ROUT I NE SETS THE ACT IVE 01 SPLAY PAGE, ALLOWI NG INPUT THE FULL USE OF THE RAM SET ASIDE FOR THE VIDEO ATTACHMENT ; ; OUTPUT AL HAS THE NEW ACT I VE 0 I SPLAY PAGE THE 6845 0185 0185 01S8 01BC A2 0062 R 8S DE 004C R 98 01Bo 01B£ 50 OlCO A3 004E 8B C8 01 F9 01e3 01CS 01C7 01G9 01GC 01GD 01GF 0103 01D6 ACT DISP PAGE MOV MOV PUSH AX ex DC 0158 R MOV MOV SAR MOV CALL eX,AX eX,l AH,12 £3 87 0050 R 0180 R SAL MOV CALL R POP E9 0144 R JMP ACT_DI SP_PAGE 0109 PAGE SAVE ACT IVE PAGE VALUE GET SAVED LENGTH OF REGEN BUFFER CONVERT AL TO WORD SAVE PAGE VALUE DISPLAY PAGE TIMES REGEN LENGTH SAVE. START ADDRESS fOR LATER REQU I REMENTS START ADDRESS TO CX DIVIDE BY 2 FOR 6845 HANDLING 6845 REGISTER FOR START ADDRESS eBW MDL F7 [1 B4 E8 58 01 88 E8 IS RESET TO DISPLAY THAl PROC NEAR ACTIVE PAGE,AL CX, CRT=LEN CRT _START, AX M16 BX RECOVER PAGE VALUE BX,l ; *2 fOR WORD OFFSET AX, [8X "'" OFFSET CURSOR_POSN] ; GET CURSOR M18 ; SET THE CURSOR POSITION V IDEO RETURN ENoP - FOR TH I S PAGE SET COLOR THIS ROUTINE WILL ESTABLISH THE BACKGROUND COLOR, THE OVERS"AN COlOR, AND THE FOREGROUND COLOR SET fOR MED I UM RESOLUT ION GRAPH I CS INPUT (BH) HAS COLOR 10 IF BH=:O, THE BACKGROUND COLOR VALUE I S SET mOM THE LOW BITS OF BL (0-31) IF BH=1. THE PALLETTE SELECT I ON I S MADE BASED ON THE LOW BIT Of BL: 0= GREEN, RED, YELLOW FOR COLORS 1,2,3 1 = BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA FOR COLORS 1,2,3 (BL) HAS THE COLOR VALUE TO BE USED OUl PUT THE COLOR SELECT ION I S UPDATED 0109 0109 0100 01 EO 01 E3 01E5 8B 16 0063 R SET COLOR MOV 83 C2 05 OR PROC NEAR OX, ADoR_6845 oX,5 ; AL, CRT_PALLETTE ; BH,BH ; JNZ H20 ADO MOV AD 0066 R OA FF 75 OE ; ------ HANDLE COLOR 01ef 01 E9 01 EC OlEE 01 EE 01 EF 01f2 24 EO 80 E3 1F OA C3 AND AND OR ; 0 EE OUT MOV AL,OEOH BL,Ol FH AL,8L OX, AI_ ; CRT PALLETTE,AL ; V IDEO_RETURN JMP a? BY SETT I NG THE BACKGROUND COLOR M19; A2 0066 R E9 0144 R I/O PORT FOR PALETTE OVERSCAN PORT GET THE CURRENT PALLETTE VALUE IS THIS COLOR OUT PUT COLOR 1 TURN OFF LOW 5 BITS OF CURRENT TURN OFF HIGH 3 BITS Of INPUT VALUE PUT VALUE INTO REGISTEH OUTPUT THE PALLETTE OUTPUT COLOR SELECT: ON TO 309 PORT SAVE THE COLOR VALUE ; ------ HANDLE COLOR 1 BY SELECT I NG THE PALLETTE TO BE USED 01f5 M20: 24 OF 01F5 01F7 DO m AND SHR 73 F3 JNe 01 rI3 DC .20 OHD OR EB EF on9 OlFF JMP SET_COLOR : ; ; ; OlFF 011"F 0203 0206 020A 020B 020C 020D 020E 0211 8A 26 004A. R AO 0049 R 8A 3E 0062 R 50 5F 5E 59 E9 01118 R PROC NEAR AH, BYTE PTR CRT_COLS AL,CRT_MODE BH, ACT IVE_PAGE MOV POP POP POP SI ex POP DISCARD SAVED BX RETURN TO CALLER roll 5 JMP ENDP POSITION THIS SERVICE ROU1INl CALCULATES THE REGEN BUFFER ADDRESS INPUT OF A CHARACTER IN THE ALPHA MODE ; AX = ROW, COLUMN POSITION OUTPUT AX'" OFFSET OF CHAR POSITION 0211 0211 0212 021!, 0216 021A 021C 021E 0220 0221 0222 POSITION 53 8B 8A F6 32 03 GET NUMBER OF COLUMNS CURRENT MODE GET CURRENT ACT I VE PAGE RECOVER REG I STERS BP 01 VI OED_STATE ; "'9 ENDP TURN OFF PALLETTE SELECT BIT TEST THE LOW ORDER BIT OF BL ALREADY DONE TURN ON PAtLETTF SFLFCT BIT GO DO IT VIDEO STATE RETURNS THE CURRENT VIDEO STATE IN AX AH = NUMBER Of COLUMNS ON THE SCREEN AL =: CURRENT V I OED MODE BH = CURRENT ACT IVE PAGE \IIDEO STATE MOV MOV ; AL,ODFH BL,1 "'9 AL,2011 PUSH MOV MOV 08 C4 26 004A R MDL FF XOR C3 ADD 01 EO SAL POP RET 5B C3 POS I T I ON IN REGEN BUFFER PROC NEAR BX ; SAVE REG I STER BX,AX AL, AH ; ROWS TO AL BYTE PTR CRT~COLS ; DETERM I NE BYTES TO ROW BH,BH AX, ex ; ADD I N COLUMN VALUE AX,l ; 2 FOR ATTRIBUTE BYTES BX *" ENDP SCROLL UP THIS ROUTINE MOVES A BLOCK OF CHARACTERS UP ON THE SCREEN INPUT (NI) '" CURRENT CRT MODE (AL) '" NUMBER OF ROWS TO SCROLL (ex) '" ROW/COLUMN OF UPPER LEFT CORNER (OX) == ROW/COLUMN Of LOWER RIGHT CORNER (BH) = ATTRIBUTE TO BE USED ON BLANkED LINE (OS) = DATA SEGMENT (ES) = REGEN BUFFER SEGMENT OUTPUT NONE -- THE REGEN BUFfER IS MODifIED ASSUME CS: CODE, OS: DATA, ES: DATA Video 5-131 0222 0222 E8 0303 R 0225 0228 022A 0220 022F 0232 0232 0233 0235 0238 023A 023e 023£ 0240 0240 02113 0245 0247 0249 02 Af ENOP -- CLEAR A SI NGLE ROW OSA7 0'>A7 05A9 05AA 05AC 05AD 05B1 05B2 0584 05B6 05B7 05B8 R18 PROC Mav REP NEAR CL,DL 01 STOSB 01 DI,2000H 01 CL, DL STOSB POP DI MOV 8A GA 57 F3/ AA SF 81 C7 2000 57 8A CA F3/ AA SF" C3 PUSH REP PDP ADO PUSH RET R18 NUMBER OF BYTES IN FIELD SAVE POI NTER STORE: THE: NEW VALUE PO I NTER BACK ; POINT TO OOD FIELD FILL THE ODD FJLELD RETURN TO CALLER [NOP GRAPHICS WRITE THIS ROUTINE WRITES THE ASCII CHARACTER TO THE CURRENT POSIT!ON ON THE SCREEN. ENTRY -Al ::= CHARACTER TO WR I TE BL "" COLOR ATTR I BUTE TO BE USED FOR FOREGROUND COLon IF BIT 7 IS SET, THE CHAR IS XOR'D INTO THE REGEN BUFFER (0 I S USED FOR THE BACKCROUND COLOR) ex = NUMBER OF CHARS TO WR I TE OS = DATA SEGMENT ES ::= REGEN SEGMENT EXIT -NOTH I NG I S RETURNED GRAPHICS READ HilS ROUTINE READS THE ASCII CHARACTER AT THE GUgRENT CURSOR POS I T I ON ON THE SCREEN BY MATCH I NG THE DOTS ON THE SCREEN TO THE CHARACTER GENERATOR CODE PO I NTS ENTRY -NONE (0 IS ASSUMED AS THE BACKGROUND COLOR) EXI T -AL = CHARACTER READ AT THAT POSITION (0 RETURNED IF NONE FOUND) FOR BOTH ROUTINES, THE IMAGES USED ')0 FORM CHARS ARE CONTAINED IN ROM fOR THE 1ST 128 CHARS. TO ACCESS CHARS IN THE SECOND HALF, THE USER MUST INITIALIZE THE VECTOR AT INTERRUPT 1FH (LOCATION 0007CH) TO POINT TO fHE USER SUPPLIED TABLE OF GRAPHIC IMAGES (8X8 BOXES). FAILURE TO DO SO WILL CAUSE IN STRANGE RESULTS ASSUME GRAPHICS WRITE MOV PUSH 05B8 05138 05BA 84 00 50 05B8 058E E8 0745 R 88 F8 OSCQ 05C1 05C3 58 CS:COOE,OS:DATA,ES:DATA PROC NEAR AII,O ; ZERO TO HIGH or COOI: POINT AX ; SAVE CODE PO 1 NT VALUE ;------ DETERMINE POSITION IN REGEN BUFFER TO PUT CODE ; ; CALL MOV POINTS FIND LOCATION IN REGEN BUFFER REGEN POINTER IN 01 ;------ DETERMINE REGION TO GET CODE POINTS FROM JAE !MAGE 05C5 OSCs OSC9 IS MOV PUSH JMP BE 0000 E DE EB OF" ; ; ; AX AL, BUH 51 POP CMf' 3C 80 73 06 IMAGE IS IN fiRST HALF, SI,O~~5~_1 GKI CS SHORT 52 osce 2C 80 05CD OSCE 0500 1E 2B F6 8E DE MOV 0502 0506 CS 36 OU7C R 8C OA MOV 0508 O:>U:,I ,< SUB PUSH 5UB IN SECOND HAl.F, PDP AL, BaH D5 SI,SI DS,SI DS:ABSO S I ,EXT PTR OX, OS DS:DATA D5 PUSH OX ASSUME LOS ASSUME 1F ;------ DETERMINE GRAPHICS MODE 05EA 05EA 05£B OSEe 5AL 5AL SAL EO EO EO 1f "!2 2C IN USER HAM EXTFND CHAR ZERO ORIGIN FOR SECOND HALf SAVE DATA PO INTER ESTABLI SH VECTOR ADDRESS I NG GET THE OffSET OF THE TABLE CET THE SEGMENT OF THE TABLE RECOVER OATA S[GMENT SAVE TABLE SEGMENT ON STACK IN OPERATION '6 136 04 AC F6 C3 80 75 16 AX.1 AX,l AX,l 51 ,AX CRT_MODE,6 05 S7 ;------ HIGH RESOLUTION MODE 53: PUSH DI 51 PUSH MDV DH,4 S4: LOOSB TEST BL,80H 56 JNZ STOSB LODSB 57 05[£ AA AC $5: 26: 88 85 1 FFF 83 C7 4F FE CE 75 EC 0602 0603 5E 5F 060 1• 0605 0607 117 £2 E3 E9 0144 R Q6QA 060A ?6: 0616 0616 0618 ADD CMP POP JC 03 FO 80 3E 0049 R 06 05EF 05F2 05Flf 05F5 05F6 05F6 05FB 05F£ 0600 a60E a60F 0614 ; OFFSET OF IMAGES ; SAVE SEGMENT ON STACK ; DETERM I NE_MODE ; ; DE TERM I NE MODE MULTI Pl.Y CODE PO I NT VAl.UE BY 8 ; 51 52: D1 01 D1 05EE 0600 CONTAINED IN ROM CHAK tilN ~ - Sl : 05CS 05DA 05DA 05DC 050E 05EO 05E2 05E7 05E.8 RECOVER CODE PO I NT I::; 1"1" IN SECOND HALF YES ES: [UI+2000H-1 ],AL MOV ADO 01, '19 DEC DH JNZ pOP POP INC 54 DI LOOP 53 JMP V IDEO_RETURN XOR STOSB LODSB XOR JMP AL,ES:[DI] 51 01 HAS OFFSET OF DESIRED CODES RECOVER TABLE PO I NTER SEGMENT TEST FOR MED I UM RESOLUT I ON MODE HIGH CHAR SAVCREGEN PO INTER SAV1=- CODE PO INTER NUM8ER OF TIMES THROUGH LOOP GET BYTE FROM CODE POIHTS SHOULD WE lJSE THE FUNCT I ON TO PUT CHAR IN STORE I N REGEN BUFFER ; STORE IN SECOND HALF MOVE fO NEXT ROW I N REGEN DONE WITH LOOP RECOVER REGEN POI NTER POINT TO NEXT CHAR POSITION MORE CIIARS TO WRITE S6: 32 05 AA AC 26: 32 EB EO 85 1FTF ; ------ MED I UM RESOLU f I ON WR 1TE S7: MOV DL, BL SAL 01,1 8A 03 01 £7 5-138 EXCLUSIVE OR WITH CURRENT STORr THf GOOF PO I NT ; AGA I N FOR ODD FIELD AL,ES:[DI+2000H-l) ; S5 BACK TO MA I NSTREAM Video MEO RES WRIIE SAVE HIGH COLOR BIT OFFSET*2 SINCE 2 BYTES/CHAR Of;lA 0610 0610 061E 061F 0621 0621 0622 0625 0627 062A 062C 062F 0633 0633 0636 063A 063[3 063E 06110 0643 0645 064A 064F 064F 065'. 0659 065C 065E 0660 0661 0662 0663 0664 0666 0669 E8 06Fl R 136 04 519 PUSH PUSH MOV 01 51 DH,4 EXPAND BL TO FULL WORD OF COLOR MED CHAR SAVE REGEN PO INTER ; SAVE THE CODE POI NTER NUMBER OF LOOPS 521 AX,BX Ol, BOH 510 AH,ES:(DI J AL,E5:[DI+1J GET CODE PO I NT DOUBLE UP ALL THE BITS CONVERT THEM TO FOREGROUND COLOR ( 0 BACK ) IS THIS XOR FUNCTION NO, STORE IT IN AS IT IS DO fUNCT I ON WITH HALf AND WITH OTHER HALF 59: LODSB CALL AND TEST JZ AC E8 0706 R 23 C3 F6 C2 80 74 07 26: 32 25 26: 32 45 01 XOR XOR S10: 26: 88 25 26: MOV MDV LODSB CALL AND TEST JZ 88 45 01 AC E8 0706 R 23 C3 F6 C2 80 74 OA 26: 32 AS 2000 26: 32 85 2001 XOR XOR ES: [01 J,AH ES:{DI+l1,AL 521 AX,BX DL, BOH ; 511 ; AH,ES:[DI+200DHj AL,ES:[DI+2001Hj STORE fiRST BYTE STORE SLCUND I::loYTf. GET CODE PO I NT CONVERT TO COLOR AGAIN, IS THIS XOR FUNCTION NO, JUST STORE THE VALUES ; fUNCT I ON WITH fiRST HALF ; AND WITH SECOND HALF S11 : 26; 88 AS 2000 26: 88 85 2001 83 C7 50 FE CE 75 Cl 50 5F 47 47 E2 B7 E9 0144 R MDV MOV ADD DEC JNZ POP POP INC INC LOOP JMP GRAPH I CS_WR I TE ; 0669 0669 066c 066E 0671 CALL 58: 57 56 E8 8S 83 88 0745 R FO [C 08 EC ES:IDI+2000H],AH' ES:[DI+2000H+lI.AL ; STORE IN SECOND PORTION OF BUFFER 01,80 POINT TO NEXT LOCATION DH KEEP GOI NG 59 51 RECOVER CODE PONTER RECOVER REGEN POINTER DI POINT TO NEXT CHAR POSITION DI DI MORE TO WR I TE 58 V IDEO RETURN ENOP - GRAPH I CS READ GRAPH I CS_REAO CALL MOV SUB MOV PROC 526 51 ,AX SP, B SP, SP NEAR CONVERTED TO OFFSET IN REGEN SAVE IN SI ALLOCATE SPACE TO SAVE THE READ CODE PO I NT PO I NTER TO SAVE AREA DETERMINE GRAPHICS MODES 0673 0678 0679 067A CMP PUSH PDP JC 80 3E 0049 R 06 06 1F 72 lA CRT_MODE,6 E5 05 513 PO I NT TO REGEN SEGMENT MEDIUM RESOLUTION HIGH RESOLUT ION READ 067C 067E 067E 0680 0683 0684 0688 068B 068C 068F 0691 0693 0696 0696 0698 069A 069A 0690 06A1 06A4 a6A8 06AA 06AC 06AC 06Af 0600 06B1 06B4 06B6 06B7 06B9 06B9 a6BA 06BB a6BE 06BE 06B~ GET VALUES FROM REGEN BUFFER AND CONVERT TO CODE PO I NT MOV OH,4 NUMBER PASSES or 86 04 512: MOV MOV INC MOV MOV INC ADD DtC JNZ JMP 8A 04 88 46 00 45 8A 84 2000 88 46 00 45 83 FE 75 EB C6 50 CE [B 17 90 513: D1 E6 B6 04 AL, [51] [BP),AL BP AL, [5 1+200QH I [ BPI,AL BP 5 I, 6U DH 512 515 SAL MOV 51,1 DH,4 CALL ADD CALL SUB DEC JNZ 523 5 I ,200QH 523 S I ,2000H-BO DH 514 E8 81 E8 81 rE 75 0728 R C6 2000 0728 R EE 1 FBO CE EE SF 0000 E DE 07 83 EO 08 BI) F5 Fe BO 00 16 1F SA 0080 56 ,r B9 0008 F3/ A6 8A H 0017 R 3C 74 2B BE 00 12 CO 08 CMP JE SUB MOV ASSUME 0600 06E1 C4 8C OB 74 60 £B 3E 007C R CO C7 04 80 CE LE5 5F 5E 74 H FE CO 83 C7 08 4A CHAR NOT MATCHED, MIGHT BE 83 C4 08 £9 0144 R GET PAl R BYTES fROM REGEN INTO SI NGLE SAVE GO TO LOWER REG I ON GET THIS PAIR INTO SAVE ADJUST POINTER BACK Irno UPPER KEEP GOING UNTIL ALL a DONE ; -------- SAVE AREA HAS CHARACTER I NIT, MATCH IT S15: ; fiND_CHAR !-'lOV OI,OFFSET CRT CHAR GEN ; ESTABLISH ADDRESSING PUSH CS -POP ES ; CODE POINTS IN CS SUB SP,8 ADJUST POINTER TO BEGINNING Of SAVE AREA MOV SI,BP CLD ENSURE 0 j RECT I ON MOV AL,O CURRENT CODE POINT BEING MATCHED S16 : ESTABLISH ADDRESSING TO STACK 55 PUSH fOR THE STR I NG COMPARE POP D5 NUMBER TO TEST AGAI NST MOV OX,128 S17: SAVE SAVE AREA PO INTER PUSH 51 DI SAVE CODE PO INTER PUSH CX,8 NUMBER OF BYTES TO MATCH MOV CMPSB COMPARE THE B BYTES REPE READ ANY BYTE OF STORAGE MOV BL, KB_FLAG RECOVER HIE POINTERS POP DI 51 POP I F ZERO fLAG SET, THEN MATCH OCCURRED 518 JZ NO MATCH, MOVE ON TO NEXT INC AL ADD 01,8 NEXT CODE PO I NT DX LOOP CONTROL DEC DO ALL OF THEM JNZ S11 0605 0607 06U9 06DB 06E6 06EB 06EE MED_RES_REAO Off5EP"2 5 I NCE 2 BYTES/CHAR NUMBER OF PASSES 514: 75 E9 06E3 PO I NTER I NTO REGEN LOOP CONTROL DO I T SOME MORE GO MATCH THE SAVED CODE PO I NTS MEO I UM RESOLUT ION READ a6co a6C3 06CS 06C9 06CA 06CB 06CD 06Cf 0602 0603 06£5 06£7 06£9 GET fiRST BYTE SAVE I N STORAGE AREA NEXT LOCAT I ON GET LOWER REGION BYTE ADJUST AND STORE MOV OR JZ MOV JMP ASSUME AL,O 518 AX,AX OS,AX DS:ABSO 01 ,EXT PTR AX, ES AX,DI 51B AL,128 516 I N USER SUPPLl ED SECOND HALF AL<> 0 If ONLY 1ST HALF SCANNED IF 00 0, THEN ALL HAS BEEN SCANNED ESTABL I SH ADDRESS I NG TO VECTOR GET POINTER SEE IF THE POINTER REALLY EXISTS ! FALL O. THEN DOESN'T EXI ST NO SENSE LOOK I NG ORIGIN fOR SECOND HALF GO BACK AND TRY fOR IT OS: DATA ; ------ CHARACTER I S FOUND ( AL=O ! f NOT FOuND ) S18: ; READJUST THE STACK, ADD SI>,8 ; ALL DONE V IDEO_RETURN JMP TH~OW AWAY SAVE Video 5-139 GRAPH I GS~R[AO 06Fl ; ; ; ; ; 06F1 06Fl 06F4 06F6 06F7 06FA 06FA OGFG 06FE 0700 0702 0704 070? 0706 PROC AND MDV PUSH MOV 0003 0706 0706 0708 0709 070B 070E 070E 0710 0712 0714 0716 0718 071A 071C 071 E 0720 0722 0724 0725 0726 0727 0728 NFAR Sl,3 AL. Bl I SOLATE THE COLOR BITS COPY TO AL SAVE REG I STER NUMBER OF TIMES TO 00 TH I S ex CX.3 S20: DO EO DO OA E2 8A SAL SAL EO OR 08 F8 LOOP MOV POP fB 59 03 Al,l AL,l BL,AL 520 SH,aL ex ; ; RET LEFT SHIFT BY 2 ANOTHER COLOR VERSION FilL ALL Of BL FILL UPPER PORTION REG I STER BACK ALL DONE INTO BL ENDP $19 ; ; ; ; %r = 80 E3 03 8A C3 51 89 ENOP EXPAND MED COLOR TH I S ROUTINE EXPANDS THE LOW 2 81 TS IN BL TO FILL THE ENTIRE BX REGISTER ENTRY -~ BL COLOR TO BE USED ( LOW 2 BITS) EX I T -BX = COl.OR TO BE USED ( 8 REPLICATIONS OF THE 2 COLOR BITS) EXPAND~BYTE THIS ROUTINE TAKES THE BYTE IN AL AND DOUBLES ALL OF HIE BITS, TURNING THE 8 BITS INTO 16 BITS. THE RESULT IS LEFT IN AX PROC PUSH PUSH PUSH 52 "53 2B 02 B9 0001 NEAR ox ex SAVE REG I STERS BX SUB MOV DX,DX CX,l RESULT REG I STER MASK REG I STER MOV AND BX,AX BX,GX OX, BX AX,l CX,1 BX,AX BX,CX OX,BX CX, , BASE INTO TEMP USE MASK TO EXTRACT A g I T PUT I NTD RESULT REGI STER S22; 8B 23 DB D1 D1 8B 23 OB D1 73 8[3 08 09 03 ED E1 08 09 03 E1 OR SHL SHl MOV AND OR SHL JNe MOV POP POP POP RET f.C C2 5B 59 SA e3 522 AX, ox SH I FT BASE AND MASK BY 1 BASE TO TEMP EXTRACT THE SAME BIT PUT I NTO RESULT SHI FT ONLY MASK NOW, MOVING TO NEXT BASE USE MASK BIT COMING OUT TO TERMINATE RESULT TO PARM REGISTER BX ex ox RECOVER REGISTERS ALL DONE $21 ENOP ; M£D READ I3YTE ------------- -- - -- ---------- ----- - -- --- -- -- - --- -THIS ROUTINE WILL TAKE 2 BYTES FROM THE REGEN BUFFER, COMPARE AGAINST THE CURRENT FOREGROUND COLOR, AND PLACE THE CORRESPONDING ON/OFF BIT PATTERN INTO THE CURRENT POSITION IN THE SAVE AREA ENTRY -S I, OS = PO I NTER TO REGEN AREA OF INTEREST BX == EXPANDED FOREGROUND COLOR SP = POINTER TO SAVE AREA EXIT -SP I S I NCREMENT AFTER SAVE 0728 0728 072A 0720 0730 0732 0732 0734 0735 0737 0738 073A 073G 073E 0740 0743 0744 0745 523 8A 21t 8A 44 01 89 COOO 82 00 MOV MOV MOV MOV PROC NEAR AH, [$1 J AL. [SI +1 ) eX,oeOOOH DL,O TEST AX,CX JZ 525 GET FIRST BYTE GfT SECOND BYTE 2 BIT MASK TO TEST THE ENTRIES RESULT REG I SHR S24: 85 C1 F8 711 cec 01 F9 00 02 S25: STe RCl 01 £9 01 E9 SHR SHR 73 F2 JNe MOV INC RET 88 % 00 1<5 C3 523 DL,l ex, , CX,l S2 1t [or J. oL BP IS TH I S SECT I ON BACKGROUND'] CLEAR CARRY IN HOPES THAT IT IS IF ZERO, IT IS BACKGROUND WASN'T, SO SET CARRY MOVE THAT BIT I NTO THE RESULT MOVE THE MASK TO THE RIGHT BY 2 BITS DO IT AGAIN IF MASI( DIDN'T FALL OUT STORE RESULT I N SAVE AREA ADJUST POINTER ALL DONE ENDP V4 POSITION THIS ROUTINE TAKES THE CURSOR POSITION CONTAINED IN THE MEf-iORY LOCATION, AND CONVERTS IT INTO AN OffSET I NTO THE REGEN BUF F ER, ASSUM I NG ONE BYTE/CHAR. FOR f-iEDIUM RESOLUTION GRAPHICS, THE NUMBER MUST BE DOUBLED. lNIRY -- NO KU;ISIERS,MEMORY LOCATION CUHSOK_PO::>N IS USED EXIT-AX CONTAINS OFFSeT INTO REGEN BUFFER 0745 07 115 0748 07il8 0749 074B 074D 0751 0753 0755 0757 0759 075A 075B 526 A1 BB PHOC MOV 0050 R GRAPH - POSN PUSH 53 08 MOV MOV MUl SA C4 F6 26 Q04A R 01 ED D1 ED 2A Ff SHL 03 C3 ADD 5B POP RET SHl SUB C3 S26 NEAR AX, GURSOR_POSN NEAR LABEL BX BX,AX Al,AH BYTE PTR CRT COLS AX,1 AX,1 BH, BH AX, BX BX GET CURRENT CURSOR SAVE REG I STER SAVE A COPY OF CURRENT CURSOR GET ROWS TO AL MULTI PLY BY BYTES/COLUMN MULTIPLY*4 SINCE 4 ROWS/BYTE ISOLATE COLUI"N VALUE DETERM I NE Of FSET RECOVER POINTER ALL DONE ENDP WRITE TTY THIS INTERFACE PROVIDES A TELETYPE LIKE INTERfACE TO THE VIDEO CARD. THE I NPUT CHARACTER IS WR I TTEN TO THE CURRENT CURSOR pas I T I ON, AND THE CURSOR I S MOVED TO THE NEXT POS I T I ON. ) F THE CURSOR LEAVES THE LAST COLUMN OF THE F I ELO, THE COLUMN IS SET TO ZERO, AND THE ROW VALUE IS INCREMENTED. I F THE ROW RO'" VALUE LEAVES THE FIELD. THE CURSOR IS PLACED ON THE LAST ROW, FIRST COLUMN, AND THE ENTIRE SCREEN IS SCROLLED UP ONE LINE. WHEN HIE SCREEN IS SCROLLED UP, THE ATTRIBUTE FOR FILLING THE NEWLY BLANKED LINE IS READ FROM THE CURSOR POSITION ON THE PREVIOUS LINE BE.fORE THE SCROLL, IN CHARACTER MODE. IN GRAPHICS MODE, THE 0 COLOR I S USED, ENTRY -(/lH) '" CURRENT CRT MODE (AL) '"- CHARACTER TO BE WRI TTEN NOTE THAT BACK SPACE, CAR RET, BELL AND LINE FEED ARE HANDLED 5-140 Video AS COMMANDS RATHER THAN AS DISPLAYABLE GRAPlil CS (el) = FOREGROUND COLOR FOR CHAR WRITE IF CURRENTLY IN A GRAPHICS MODE EXI T -ALL REG I STERS SAVED 075B 075B 075C 0750 o r~ ~ 0763 0765 ASSUME WRITE TTY PUSH PUSH 50 50 B4 03 BA 3E 0062 R CD 10 MOV MOV INT POP 58 ox 0·r66 on8 076A 076C 076[ 0770 0"172 077lt 3C 74 3C 74 3C 711 3C 74 CS:COOE,OS:DATA PROC NEAR AX AX AH,3 RH, ACT I VE_PAGE GET CURRENT pA(~r SFTTl NG READ HIE CURRENT CURSOR POS I T I ON RECOVER CHAR NOW HAS THE CURRENT CURSOR POSITION 08 CMP 52 00 J[ CMP J[ eMP 'j7 OA 57 07 5A lOll AX SAVE REG I STERS SAVE CHAR TO WR I TE I SIT A BACKSPACE BACK SPACE IS IT CARRIAGE RETURN CAR RET IS IT A LINE F[ED 1I N[ FEED IS IT A BELL BELL AL,8 U8 Al.,ODH U9 AL,OAH JE Ul0 CMP AL,07H U11 JE ; ----- WR I TE THE CHAR TO THE SCREEN 077B B4 OA B9 0001 CD 10 0770 077F 0783 0785 0787 078A FE C2 3A 16 OOllA R 75 33 82 00 80 FE 18 75 2A 0776 on8 WRITE CHAR ONLY ONLY ONE CHAR WR I TE THE CHAR AH,lD CX,1 MOV MOV I NT lOH POSITION THE CURSOR FOR NEXT CHAR DL DL, BYTE PTR CRT_COLS U7 INC CMP JNl CMP DL,O DH,24 JNZ U6 MOV TEST FOR COLUMN OVERFLOW SET CURSOR COLUMN FOR CURSOR SET_CURSOR_I NC SCROLL REQU I R[D lJ1: 078C 078C 078E AH,2 MOV I NT B4 02 CO 10 ; lOll SET THE CURSOR DETERMINE VALUE TO FILL WITH DURING SCROLL 0790 0793 0795 0'797 0799 079B 079D 0790 079F 07A1 07A3 07A3 07A6 OlA8 O·{AA 07A[ 07BO omo 07B2 07B2 0·(83 07B6 0786 07A8 07138 07BA AD OOI~9 R 3C 011 r~ov Cf~P 72 06 3C 07 JC CMP MOV JNE B7 00 75 06 GET THE CURRENT MODE AL, CRT _MODE AL,I. U2 AL,7 BI-I,O U3 READ-CURSOR FILL WITH BACKGROUND SCROLL-UP READ-CURSOR U2: AH,8 B4 08 CD 10 8A Fe READ CHAR/ATTR AT CURRENT CURSOR STORE IN BII lOll BH,AH SCROLl.-UP SCROLl. ONE LI NE UPPER LEFT CORNER LOWER R I CHT ROW LOWER R I CHT COLUMN U3: AX, MOV SUB MOV MOV OEC B8 0601 28 C9 86 18 8A 16 004A R FE CA 601 H ex,cx DH,24 OL, BYTE PTR CRT_COlS OL VI DEO-CALL-RUURN SCROLL UP THE SCREEN nY-RETURN RESTORE THE CHARACTER RETURN TO CALLER U4: INT CD 10 1011 U5: 58 E9 0144 R POP JMP AX VIDEO RETURN INC Oil MOV JMP AH,2 U. - SET-CURSOR- INC NEXl ROW SET-CURSOR u6: FE C6 U7 : 134 02 EB f4 ESTABLISH THE NEW CURSOR ; ----- BACK SPACE FOUND 01BC 07BC O"/BF 07C1 07C3 U8: 80 74 FE EB JE OL,O U7 OEC JMP U7 CMP fA 00 F7 CA F3 ALREADY AT END OF LINE SET CURSOR NO JUST MOVE I T BACK SET_CURSOR =- DL ;----- CARRIAGE RETURN FOUND 07CS 07CS 07C7 U9: MOV JMP B2 00 EB EF MOVE TO FIRST COLUMN SET_CURSOR DL,O U7 LI HE FEED FOUND 07C9 07C9 07CC 07CE U10: BO FE 75 E8 EB BC BOTTOM Of SCR[EN YES, SCROLL TIl[ SCREEN NO, JUST SET THE CURSOR DH,24 CMP JNE JMP " u6 U1 -- BELL FOUND 0700 0700 0702 0705 0707 U11 : 83 02 EB 0000 E EB DB MOV CALL BL,2 BEEP JMP US WR I TE_ TTY ; ; ; SET UP COUNl FOR BEEP SOUND THE POD BELL TTY RETURN ENOP LIGHT PEN THIS ROUTINE T[STS HIE LIGHT PEN SWITCH AND THE LlGH' PEN TRIGGER. IF BOTH ARE SET, THE lOCATION OF THE LIGHT PEN IS DETERMINED. OTilERWISE, A RETURN WITH NO INFORMATION IS MADE. ON EXIT: (AH) = IF NO LIGHT PEN INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BX, ex, DX ARE DESTROYED (AH) '" 1 IF LIGHT PEN IS AVAilABLE (DH,DL) ROW,COLUMN OF CURRENT LIGHT PEN POSITION (CH) '" RASTER POSITION (8X) = BEST GUESS AT PIXEL HORIZONTAL POSITION a 0707 0707 ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:OATA ; ----- SUBTRACT_TABLE Vl LABEL BYTE 03 03 05 05 03 03 DB 3,3,5,5,3,3,3,4 03 011 Q7DF PROC NEAR Video 5-141 ;----- WAIT 070r 07E1 07E5 07E8 07E9 07E8 07EO Mav Mav (3/1 00 8B 16 0063 R 83 C2 06 ADO EC 'N TEST JZ A8 04 74 OJ E9 0872 R JMP FOR LIGHT PEN TO BE DEPRESSED SET NO LICHT PEN RETURN CODE GET BASE ADDRESS OF 6845 POINT TO STATUS REGISTER GET STATUS REG I STER TEST LIGHT PEN SWITCH GO j f YES NOT SET, RETURN AH,O DX,AODR_6845 DX,6 AL,DX AL,4 V6 A V6- NOW TEST fOR LICHT PEN TR I GGER 07FO 07F2 07 F4 V6_A: A8 02 75 03 E9 087C R TEST JNZ JMP ; ----- TR I OOER HAS BEEN SET, 07F7 07F7 V7A: 84 10 Mav TEST LIGHT PEN TRIGGER RETURN W! THOUT RESEH I NG TR I GoER AL,2 V7A V7 READ THE VALUE ; AH,16 INPUT REGS POINTED TO BY AH, 07F9 07FD 07FF 0800 0802 0603 0804 0806 0807 Mav 88 16 0063 R 8A C4 MDV OUT EE JI1P INC IN EB 00 42 EC 8A E8 4A FE C4 8A C4 Mav 0806 EE OBoe 42 EB 00 OB09 0800 Mav EC 8~ OX aUT INC OX JMP SHORT $+2 AL, OX AH,CH 0812 SA 1 E 0049 R 2A FF 2E: SA 9F 0707 R 213 C3 88 lE 004E R 01 EB 28 C3 Mav E5 ax AH AL,AH OX,AL ; ----- AX HAS THE VALUE READ 0816 0818 0810 081f 0823 0825 0827 0829 Mav SUB MOV SUB Mav 79 O? 28 CO IN OX ADDRESS REGISTeR FOR 6845 REGISTER TO READ SET IT UP 10 DELAY DATA REGISTER GET THE VALUE SAVE IN CX ADDRESS REG I STER AL,DX CH,AL INC " OSOF 0810 AND CONVERT TO ROW COLUMN OX,ADOR_6845 AL,AH DX,AL SHORT $+2 DEC IN LI GHT PEN REG I STERS ON 6845 SECOND DATA REG I STER POINT TO DATA REGISTER 10 DELAY GET SECOND DATA VALUE AX HAS I NPUT VALUE I N FROM THE 6845 8l, CRT MODE BH, BH BL,CS:V1[I3Xj AX,BX BX, CRT _START MODE VALUE TO BX DETERM I NE Afv.OUNT TO SUBTRACT TAKE I T AWAY eX,l SHR SUB AX,BX JNS V2 SUB AX,AX CONVERT TO CORRECT PAGE OR I GIN I r POSITIVE, DETERMINE MODE <0 PLAYS AS 0 ;----- DETERMINE MODE Of OPERATION 0826 082'B 0820 OB32 OB34 0839 V2: B1 80 72 80 74 MOV CMP 03 JE 0049 R 04 2A 3E 0049 R 07 23 JB CL,3 CRT MODE,4 V4 - CMP CRT_MODE,7 JE V4 DETERM I NE ! 'IORY CS:CODE,DS:DATA - PROC FAR PUSH OS CALL DDS MOV AX,MEMORY_SIZE POP OS I RET MEMORY_SiZE_DETERMINE_l ENDP IN1ERIWPTS BACK ON SAVE SEGMENT EST ABL I SH ADDRESS! NG GET VALUE RECOVER SEGMENT RETURN TO CALLER ; --- I NT 11 ------------------------- ---------------------------: EQU I P~lENT DETERM I NAT I ON THIS ROUTINE ATTEMPTS TO DETERMINE WHAT OPTIONAL DEVICES ARE ATTACHED TO THE SYSTEM. INPUT NO REG I STERS THE FQUIP fLAG VARiABLE IS SET DURING THE POWER ON DIAGNOSTICS USING THE FOl.LOWING HARDWARE ASSUMPTIONS: PORT 3FA := INTeRRUPT 10 REGISTER OF 8250 (PRI!"iARY) 2FA:-: INTERRUPT ID REGISTER OF 8250 (SECONDARY) 61 TS 7-3 ARt ALWAYS 0 PORT 378 '" OUTPUT PORT Of PRINTER (PRIMARY) 278 = OUTPUT PORT OF PR I NT[R (SECONDARY) 3BC'" OUTPUT PORT Of PRINTER (I~ONO-PRINTER) OUTPUT (AX) IS SET, BIT SIGNIFICANT, TO INOICATE ATTACHED I/O BI-I 15,14 '" NUMBER OF PRINTERS ATTACHED BIT 13,12 NOT USED BIT 11,10,9 = NUMBER OF RS232 CARDS A1TACHED BIT 8 '" NOT USED BIT 7,6 = NUMBER OF DISKETTE DRIVES 00= 1, 01=2 ONLY I FBI T 0 = 1 BIT 5,11 = INITIAL VIDEO MODE 00 - UNUSED 01 - 40X25 BW US I NG COLOR CARD 10 - 8UX25 llW us I NG COLOR CARD 11 - 80X25 BW US 1NG BW CARD BIT 3 '" NOT USED BIT 2 = NOT USED BIT 1 :0 MATH COPROCESSOR BIT 0 =c 1 (IPl. DISKETTE INSTALIF'D) NO OTIlER REG I STERS AFF[CTED ASSUME FqlJl PMENT 1 aOUA OOOA OOOB FB 1E OOOF DOl? E8 0000 E Al 0010 R 1F CF oooe 0013 CS; CODE, OS: DATA PROC STI PUSH CALL MDV POP FAR »> ENTRY PO I NT FOR ORG 0 F84DH INILRRUPTS BACK ON os SAVE SEGMENT REG I STER DDS ESTABL I SH ADDRESS I NC GET THE CURRENT SETT I NGS RECOVER SEC/·1ENT RETURN TO CALLER AX, EQU I P_FLAG OS I RET 0014 EQU I PMENT 1 ENOl" ; -- I NT 2-- ----- ---- ---------- --- -------- - ---- ---------------- - -: NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT ROUTINE (REAL MODE) THIS ROUTINE WILL PRINT A "PARITY CHECK 1 OR 2" ~l[SSACE AND AnEMPT TO FIND THE STORACE lOCATION CONTAINING THE BAD PAR I TY. I F rOUND, HIE SEGMENT ADDRESS WILL BE PRINTED. IF NO PARITY ERROR CAN B[ FOUND j INTERMITTENT RfAD PROBLEM) ?????<:-WILL BE PRINTED WHERE THE ADDRESS WOUl.D NORMALLY CO. 0014 NMI PARITY CHECK 1 = PLANAR BOAIW MEMORY FAILURE. PARITY CHECK 2 = OFF PLANAR BOARD MEMORY FAI lURE. INT 1 PROC . 0014 0015 0017 0019 00113 50 001D 001 F E4 61 A8 CO E4 FE EB EG 80 CO 00 80 -ASSUME PUSH IN INC NEAR DS: DATA AX OUT AL, MFG PORT AL SHORT $+2 MFG_PORT, AL IN TEST AL, PORT_B AL,PARITY_ERR JI~P SAVE OR I G CONTENTS Of AX I NCRf.MENT NM I COUNT I N DELAY SET COUNT PAR I TY CHECK? BIOS 5-143 8A EO 75 03 E9 OOCl 0028 002A 0020 002F 0031 80 AD E8 0000 E E4 60 MOV CALL BO CO 0034 0037 £8 0000 E £4 60 MOV CALL CAll R IN E8 0000 E ~~6~~AO=8042_1 0039 E6 80 OUT 0038 003E 0040 0043 BA 8E BE F6 75 BE MaY MOV MOV TEST JNZ MOV OX,OATA OS, ox 51 ,OFFSET 01 AH,40H NM1_2 SI,OFFSET 02 0048 004B 004B 0040 ---- R DA 0000 E c4 40 03 0000 E B4 00 AD 0049 R 10 E8 0000 E 0050 0052 co 0055 80 FF £6 70 0057 0059 E4 61 005B 0050 EB 00 DC DC 005F 0061 0063 0065 0067 006B 006e 006E E6 61 EB 00 24 F3 £6 61 88 lE 0013 R 006E BE OA 8E C2 B9 8000 2B F6 0070 0072 0075 IN Fe 2B 02 F3/ AD 0079 0078 0070 0081 0083 0087 0089 008B 0080 ooaF 0092 0095 0098 009A 009E OOAl 00A3 00A6 00A9 OOAA OOAB OOAB OOAD OOBO 00B2 E4 61 86 C4 81 FA 4000 XCHG 72 OC JB 81 FA 8000 73 OC £4 80 A8 10 74 06 F6 C4 80 fB 04 90 F6 C4 40 75 11 81 C2 lOaD 83 fB 40 75 CB BE 0000 E E8 0000 E FA F4 eMP JAE 00B5 0087 008A OORe aOBF OOCO OOCl OOCl 00C3 DOC5 OOC7 OOC9 DOCS ooce OOCD OA 0000 28 0000 53 0000 29 0000 E E E EXIT FROM ROUTINE o I SABLE THE KEYBOARD FLUSH GET THE SWITCH SETT J NGS tojPUT ISSUE THE COMMAND WAI T FOR OUTPUT BUFF FULL GET THE SWI TeH SAVE SWI TCH ADOR OF ERROR MSG I/O PARITY CHECK DISPLAY ERROR MSG MUST BE PLANAR IIIIIT AND SET MODE FOR VIDEO MaY AH,O MOV AL, CRT MODE J NT lOH; CALL V IDEO 10 PROCEDURE ; PR I NT ERROR MSG CALL P MSG ; ----- SEE IF LOCAT I ON THAT CAUSED PAR J TY CHECK CAN BE FOUND MASK TRAP MOY AL, OFFH OUT CMOS PORT, AL JN AL, PORT 8 )0 DElAY JMP SHORT $+2 TOGCLE PAR J TY CHECK ENABLES OR AL, RAM PAR OFF OUT PORT B-;-AL ~ ; 10 OELAY JMP SHORT $+2 AND AL, RAM PAR ON OUT PORT B-;-AL ~ GET MEMORY SIZE WORD MaY eX,MEMORY SIZE CLO SET 0 I R FLAG TO I NCR I MENT POINT ox AT START OF MEM SUB OX, OX NMI LOOP: MOV OS,DX MOV ES,DX SET FOR 64KB SCAN eX,4000H*2 MOV SET SI TO BE REALTIVE TO SUB 51,SI START OF ES READ 64K8 OF MEMORY REP LODSW 0077 8e [8 BO E8 BO E8 BO £8 FA F4 NO, AL,OIS KBO C8042 ~ Al, PORT A OBF 42 Al, PORT A MFG_POR'='AL 0046 SAVE PAR I TY STATUS MOV AH,AL JNZ NMI 1 JMP 014 ~ NMI 1: ;--:;---- GET THE SWITCH SETTINGS 0021 0023 0025 0028 IN eMP IN NMI_3: NMI 4: NMI=S: TEST JZ TEST JMP TEST JNZ ADO SUB "NZ MOV CALL SEE I F PAR I TY CHECK HAPPENED SAVE PAR t TY CHECK CHECK FOR END OF OF FIRST 256K AL, PORT B AL,AH DX,4000H NMI_3 OX,8000H NMI 4 AL,MFG PORT AL, BASE RAM NMI 4 AH, PRTY CHK NMI 5 AH, To CHK PRT NMI oX,lOOOH eX,160*4 NMJ LOOP SI,(OFFSET D2A) P_MSG CHECK A30VE 51 2K CHECK FOR 10 CHECK GET THE SW I TCH SEn I NGS CHECK FOk ~ND 256K ON PLANAR GO IF NOT CHECK FOR PARITY ERR CONT I NUE TEST FOR J 0 ERROR GO PRINT AOORESS IF IT DID POINT TO NEXT 64K BLOCK PRINT ROW OF ????? IF PARITY CHECK COULD NOT BE RE-CREATED ell HALT SYSTEM HLT PRTNMI: MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL MOV OX,OS PRT SEG AL, T{' PRT ttEX AL TS' PRT HEX AL, T) I CALL PRT~HEX E PR I NT SEGMENT VALUE PRINT IS) HALT SYSTEM ell HLT 014: BO 8F E6 70 EB 00 MOV 80 Of MOV E6 70 OUT POP OUT JMP 58 AL,8FH CMOS_PORT,AL SHORT S+2 AL,OFH CMOS_PORT ,AL TOGGLE NMI AX RESTORE OR I G CONTENTS OF AX 10 DELAY IRET NMI JNT 1 ENOP PAGE CF ; ------------------- - --- ------------------------------- - --------THIS ROUTINE INITIALIZES THE TIMER DATA AREA IN THE ROM BIOS DATA ARfA. IT IS CALLED BY THE POWER ON ROUTINES. IT CONVERTS HR:MIN:SEC FROM CMOS TO TIMER TICS. IF CMOS IS INVALID, TIMER DATA IS SET TO ZERO. ) NPUT NONE PASSED TO ROUT I NE BY CALLER CMOS BYTES USED FOR SETUP 00 02 04 OA OE SECONDS MI NUTES HOURS REGISTER A (UPDATE CMOS VAll 0 ) F ZERO IN PROGRESS) OUTPUT TIMER LOW T!MER-HIGH TIMER-OFL ALL REG I STERS UNCHANGED COUNTS SEC COUNTS~M I N :: '" '"' :: = :: = ;:;; "" ;:: 0012 0444 0007 0070 0071 OOOE 0000 0002 0004 OOOA = 0080 OOCO 5-144 COUNTS~HOUR CMOS ADR CMOS-DATA CMOS-VALl D CMOS-SECONDS CMOS-MJ NUTES CMOS~HOURS CMOS=REGA UPDATE TIMER SET TOO PROC ~ PUSHA BIOS EOU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU NEAR 18 1092 7 70H 71 H OEH OOH 02H 04H OAH 80H ; 65543 - 65536 00 CD OOCE 60 1E DOCF BB 0002 8E 2B A2 A3 A3 BO £6 EB E4 24 75 28 BO E6 EB E4 A8 74 E2 EB 0004 0006 0009 OODe OODF OOEl DOn DOES 00E7 00E9 OOEB OOED QOH OOF1 DOF3 OafS OOF7 OOF9 OOFB OOFE OOFE 0100 0102 0104 DB PUSH ASSUME ---- R 08 CO 0070 R D06e R 006E R DE 70 00 71 C4 61 C9 OA 70 00 71 80 as F2 4F 90 UI P: 060H OS JZ OS: DATA AX, DATA OS,AX AX,AX T I MER_OfL, AL TIMER_LOW,AX TIMER_HIGH,AX AL,CMOS_VALID CMOS_ADR, AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_DATA AL,OC4H POD_DONE cX,ex AL, CMOS_REGA CMOS_AOR, Al SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_OATA AL, UPDATE_TIMER READ_SEC LOOP UIP MOV MOV SUB MOV MOV MOV MOV OUT JMP IN AND JNZ SUB MOV OUT JMP IN TEST JMP POD_DONE ; ESTABL I SH SEGMENT RESET T I MER ROLL OVER AND TI MER COUNT INDICATOR CHECK CMOS VALIDITY BAD BATTERY, I CHKSUM ERROR OR CLOCK ERROR CMOS NOT VAL'ID -- T I MER SET TO ZERO ACCESS REG I STER A ; CMOS CLOCK STUCK READ_SEC: BO E6 EB E4 00 70 00 71 MOV OUT JMP IN AL, CMOS_SECONDS CMOS_AOR,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_DATA ACCESS SECONDS VALUE I N CMOS ARE THE SECONDS WITHIN LIMITS? I F NOT 0106 0108 3C 59 77 40 CMP JA AL,59H TOO_ERROR 010A 0100 010F 0111 0113 0115 0117 E8 0176 R CALL CVT_BI NARY 8L, COUNTS_SEC CONVERT BL COUNT fOR SECONDS CX,AX AL, CMOS~M I NUTES CMOS_AOR,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_DATA ACCESS MINUTES VALUE I N CMOS GO IT TO 61NARY B3 12 0119 f6 8B BO E6 EB E4 E3 C8 02 70 00 71 MOV MUL MOV MOV OUT JMP IN 0119 0110 3C 59 77 38 CMP JA AL,59H TOO_ERROR 011F 0122 01;,?5 0127 0129 0128 0120 012F 0131 0133 0135 0137 OHA 013C Ol3E 0140 0142 0145 0149 014C Oll,iC 0140 014F 0151 0153 0154 £8 0176 R BB 01144 CALL CVT 81 NARY BX, COUNTS_M I N CONVERT BX COUNT FOR MINUTES 1F CLI IN AND OUT STI POP 0155 0156 0157 61 C3 DB RET 0157 1F PDP 0158 0159 01se 015f 0161 0163 0165 0167 0169 016B 0160 016f 0171 0173 0175 61 DB MOV MOV MUL ADD MOV MDV OUT JMP IN CMP JA f70 03 86 BO E6 EB 1::4 3C 77 E8 88 83 F6 03 83 89 A3 Cl C8 04 70 00 71 23 20 0176 R DO 07 E3 C1 02 00 16 006E R D06e R CALL MDV MOV MUL ADD ADC MOV MOV FE E6 21 F. 0178 0178 017A 0178 0178 017A 017A 017B 0170 017f 0180 0180 IT TO BINARY ACCESS HOURS VALUE I N CMOS ; ARE THE HOURS WITHIN LIMITS? ; GO I F NOT ; CONVERT IT TO BINARY COUNT FOR HOURS BL AX,CX DX,OOOOH T I MER_H I GH, OX T I MER_LOW, AX POD_DONE: FA E4 21 24 ** 10 DELAY NOT REQU I RED BE SURE T I MER I S ENABLED AL,021H AL,OFEH 021H,AL ** OS POPA 061H TOO_ERROR: RESTORE SEGMENT RESTORE REGS OS POPA BE £8 BO £6 86 EB E4 OC 86 E6 86 EB E6 0000 E 0000 E 8E 70 CII 00 71 all C4 70 C4 00 71 CALL MOV OUT XCHG JMP IN OR XCHG OUT XCHG JMP OUT RET C3 061H SI,OFFSET CM3 E MSG AI,OIAG_STATUS CMOS_PORT, AL AL.AH SHORT $-+2 AL.CMOS_PORT+1 AL, CMOS_CLK_FAI L AL,AH CMOS_PORT ,AL AL.AH SHORT $+2 CMOS_PORT+1.AL DISPLAY CLOCK ERROR SET CLOCK ERROR SAVE STATUS ADDRESS 10 DELAY GET THE CURRENT STATUS SET NEW STATUS GET STATUS ADDR AND SAVE NEW STATUS 10 DELAY SET_TOO ENDP 0176 0176 0176 AX,CX CX,AX AL;CMOS_HOURS CMOS_ADR,AL SHORT $+2 AL, CMOS_DATA AL,23H TOO ERROR CVT-BINARY oX,AX BL, COUNTS_HOUR ARE THE MINUTES WITHIN LIMITS? I F NOT GO CVT_BI NARY MOV 8A EO DO EC CD 04 211 Of 05 OA C3 + ??OOOO + ISHR LABEL SHR + ?10001 LABEL + DRG DB ORG DB AND AAD PROC NEAR AH,AL AH,'-lBYTE AH,l BYTE OffSET CS: 110000 OCOH OfFSET CS:??0001 ; UNPACK 2 BCD DICITS IN AL 4 AL,orH RESULT IS IN AX CONVERT UN PACKEO BCD TO B I NARY RET CVT BINARY ENDS CODE ENor END BIOS 5-145 5-146 BIOS TITLE 11/22/83 810S1 . LIST I NCLUDE SEGMENT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBL I C 0000 EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN DDS:NEAR PRT HEX: NEAR 01: NEAR 02: NEAR P MSG:NEAR 02A:NEAR PRT SEG:NEAR PROG_SHUTDOWN: NEAR PUBL I C StlUT9 PUBLIC CATE A20 PUBLIC CASSETTE_IO_l J NT 15 --- -------------.---------- ------------------------J NPUT CASSETTE I/O fUNCT IONS (AH) '" 00 (AH) = 01 (Ali) '" D2 (Ali) = 03 RETURNS FOR THESE rUNGT IONS ALWAYS (AH) '" 861i, Cf = 1) I f CASSETTE PORT NOT PRESENT I N PUT - UNUSED FUNCT IONS (AH) '" Oil THROUGH 7F RETURNS FOR THESE FUNCTIONS ALWAYS (AH) == 86H, --- CF '" 1) . - - - -------- ------ -------------------------- -- --------------Extensions (AH) = 80H OEVICE OPEN (BX) = OEVICE ID (CX) = PROCESS ID (Ali) = 81H DEVICE CLOSE (ax) == DEVICE ID (CX) = PROCESS ID (AH) = 82H PROGRAM TERMINATION (BX) = DEVICE 10 (AH) = 83H EVENT WAIT (AL) = 0 SET INTERVAL (ES:BX) POINTER TO A BYTE IN CALLERS MEMORY THAT WILL liAVE THE HIGH ORDER BIT SET AS SOON AS POSS I BLE AFTER THE INTERVAL EXPIRES. (GX,OX) NUMBER OF MICROSECONDS TO ELAPSE BEFORE POST! NG. (AL) :0 1 CANCEL (AH) '" 84H ( OX) = JOYST I CK SUPPORT 0 - READ THE CURRENT SW ITCH SETT 1NGS RETURNS AL == SWITCH SETTINGS (BITS 7-4) (OX) = 1 - READ THE RESISTIVE INPUTS RETURNS AX = A( x) VALUE BX = A(y) VALUE ex = B(x) VALUE OX = B(y) VALUE SYSTEM REQUEST KEY PRESSED (AH) '" 85H (AL) = 00 MAKE OF KEY (AL) = 01 BREAK OF KEY (AH) = 86H WAIT (ex, OX) NUMBER OF MICROSECONDS TO ELAPSE BEFORE RETURN TO CALLER MOVE BLOCK (AH) '" 87H NUMBER OF WORDS TO MOVE (ex) (ES:SI) PO I NTER TO OESCR I PTOR TABLE EXTENDED MEMORY SIZE DETERM I NE (AH) = 88H PROCESSOR TO V I RTUAL MODE (AH) '" 89H (AH) '" 90H {AL 1 DEVICE BUSY LOOP SEE TYPE CODE (AH) '" 91H (ALl INTERRUPT COMPLETE FLAG SET TYPE CODE ~OH -> 7f"H SER I ALLY REUSABELE DEV ICES; OPERAT I NG SYSTEM MUST SER I AL I ZE ACCESS SOH -> BFH REENTRANT DEVICES; ES:BX IS USED TO 0 I ST I NGU I SH 0 I FFERENT CALLS (MULTI PLE I/O CALLS ARE ALLOWED SIMULTANEUSLY) COM -> HH WAIT ONLY CALLS; THERE IS NO COMPLEMENTARY' POST' FOR THFS[ WAITS - - THESE ARE TIMEOUT ONLY. TIMES ARE FUNCT ION NUMBER DEPENDENT TYPE OESCR f PT I ON 0 I SK 0 I SKETTE KEYBOARD NETWORK ES:BX --> NCB FDH = 0 I SKETTE MOTOR START FEH = PRI NTER DOli 01 Ii 021i Bali 0000 0000 0001 0004 0006 0009 OOOB 0000 OOOF 0011 0013 U015 0017 0019 0018 0010 DOlF 0021 0023 0025 CASSETTE FB 80 72 80 OA FC 80 46 EC 80 £4 74 45 FE 7V, FE 7'-i FE 74 FE 74 FE 74 FE 74 FE CC 41 CC 3D CC 38 CC 78 CC 31 CC 07 CC ASSUME CS: CODE PROC FAR 10_' STI eMP AH,80H JB C1 SUB AH,80H OR AH,AH DEV_OPEN JZ AH DEC DEY_CLOSE JZ AH DEC PROG_TERM JZ DEC AH EVENT_WAI T JZ DEC AH JOY_STICK JZ AH DEC SYS_RfQ JZ AH DEC C1_A JZ AH DEC = = = = TIMEOUT YES YES NO NO YES YES CHECK FOR RANGE RETURN IF 0O-7FH BASE ON 0 DEVICE OPEN DEV I CE CLOSE PROGRAM TERMINATION EVEMT WAIT JOYSTICK BIOS SYSTEM REQUEST KEY WAIT BIOS 1 5-147 JNZ 0027 0029 75 06 E9 0183 R 002e E9 0132 R C1_A: Cl_B: e1 0 JMP BLOCKMOVE MOVE BLOCK JMP WAI T WAIT 002f FE CC DEC All 0031 0033 75 03 JNl e1 e E9 0302 R JMP EXT _r~EMORY GO GET THE EXTENDED MEMORY 0036 0038 FE CC DEC JNZ JMP All (;1 U SET_VMODE CHECK FOR FUNT!ON 89 SWAP TO V I RTUAL MODE OQ3A 0030 0040 C1_C: 75 03 E9 03E6 R Cl_D: 80 EC 07 0042 75 03 £9 0475 R 00/.5 0047 FE CC 75 03 00LI9 E9 0479 R 004C B4 86 004E F9 Cl_E: Cl: C1 004F 004F SUB AH,7 JNZ JMP E DEV ICE_BUSY DEC JNl e1 JMP I NT_COMPLETE MOV STC AH,86H 0052 DEV_CLOSE: 0052 PROG_TERM: 0052 0052 SYS_REQ: EB fB JMP CASSETTCIO_l 1E EVENT WA I T ASSUME PUSH CALL TEST JZ 00?4 0054 0054 0055 0058 E8 0000 E 0050 005 F 0060 0061 74 04 1F F9 EB EC F6 06 OOAO R 01 006A 006E 0072 0076 007A 007F 0081 0083 0085 0087 0089 a08A ooec 008E 008 F 0091 0092 0093 CHECK FOR FUNCT I ON 86 GO I F NOT All SET BAD COMMAND SET CARRY FLAG ON POP Cl F END? ; RETURN PROC NEAR CS:CODE,OS:DATA OS SAVE DDS RTC WAIT FLAG,Dl EVENT WAIT 1 OS - CHECK fOR FUNCTION ACTIVE SET ERROR RETURN STe JMP 0063 0068 FA E4 211 E6 8C A1 FE Al 06 009A R 89 1 E 0098 R EVENT WAIT 1: CLI IN AND OUT MUY MOY MOY MOV MOY MOY OUT 89 DE 009E R B9 16 009C R C6 06 OOAO R 01 BO OB [6 -(0 1::4 71 " 24 7F OC 40 50 AND 80 DB MOY OUl POP OUT OR PUSH Ff1 70 58 E6·(1 FB 1F EB BA NO INTERRUPTS ALLOWED ENSURE I NTERRU PT UNMASKED AL, OAl H AL,OFEH OA1H,AL USER_FLAG_SEG, ES USER_fLAG,6X RTC_HIGH,eX RTC_LOW, OX RTC WAlT FLAG,01 AL,OBH CMOS_PORT,AL AL, CMOS PORT +1 AL,07fHAL,040H SET UP TRANSFER TABLE SET ON FUNCT I ON ACT I VE SW ITCH ENABLE PIE AX AL,OBH CMOS_PORT,AL AX CMOS_PORT+l,AL ENABLE I NTERHUPTS S1I POP OS JMP C1_F [VF.:NT WA I T ENDP ; --- JOY _ ST I CK -------------- -- ----- ------- -- ------------------THIS ROUTINE WILL READ THE JOYSTICK PORT 0095 INPUT (DX)"'O READ THE CURRENT SWI TCH[S RETURNS (AL)", SWITCH SETTINGS (DX)=l 0096 0098 009B 009D D09F OOAl 00A3 DOA5 DO AS OOA6 OOA8 OOA8 OOA9 OOAB OOAD OOAD 74 FE 7/, EB 09 C8 OA A7 EC 24 FO EB F8 OOC9 MOV E6 DA 00C8 R CALL PUSH 02 OOGB R MOV CALL PUSH 04 MOV OOCB R CALL PUSH MOV 08 oaCB R TEST_CORD PUSH 52 5-148 CALL MOV POP POP POP JMP 01 OOCEI OOCB AL, OX AL,OfQH JOY_ 1 I NTEHRU PTS BACK ON GET SUB FUNCT I ON CODE ADDRESS OF PORT READ SW ITCHES READ RESISTIVE INPUTS GO TO ERROR RETURN GO TO COMMON RETURN F STRI P UNWANTED BITS OFF FINISHED JOY_3: 58 aaBF e1 - IN AND JMP 01 OOG8 00139 OOBB aasE JMP I NVAL I 0 CALL jOY_2 : 00C1 OOC4 OOC6 OOC7 0082 0083 00B5 00B8 511 FB EB A7 83 E8 51 83 E8 51 83 E8 51 B3 E8 8B 59 56 OOM I F NO ADAPTER CARD OR ASSUME CS: CODE JOY 5T I CK PROC NEAR STI MOV AX, DX MOV DX,201H OR AL,AL JZ JOY 2 DEC AL JZ JOY 3 JMP C1 - FB 88 C2 SA 0201 OA CO IN BITS 7-4 READ THE RESISTIVE INPU1S RETURNS (AX)=A(x) VALUE (BXJ=A(y) VAIUf (CX)=B(x) VALUE (DX)=B(y) VALUE CY fLAG ON 0095 0095 90 RET CA 0002 DEV_OPEN: 0066 CHECK FOR FUNCT I ON GO I F NOT F· 0052 0063 0064 e1 BIOS 1 6L,1 TEST_CORD ex SAVE A(x) VALUE SAVE A(y) VALUE BL,2 TEST_CORD ex BL,4 TEST_CORD ex SAVE 8(x) VALUE 8l.,8 TEST CORD OX,cx ex BX AX JOY_1 PROC OX SAVE B{y) VALUE GET B( x) VALUE GET A( y) VALUE GET A( x) VALUE FINISHED - RETURN NEAR SAVE OOCC OOCD OOCF 0001 0003 0005 0007 0009 00D8 OODO CU FA 80 00 E6 Ell E4 F:B 8A E4 86 MOV OUT JMP IN JMP MOV IN l.J3 00 40 00 EO 40 [0 XCHC PUSH 50 OODE B9 OliFF OOEl 00E2 ODEll EE 00[4 00£5 00E7 00E9 OOEC OOEO DOEF oaFl OOF3 OOF3 00F5 OOF7 DOF9 OOFB OOfD DOFf 0101 MOY OUT JMP EB 00 EC 84 c3 EO FB 83 f9 00 TEST CORD 1: IN T[ST LOOPNZ CMP POP 59 JNZ 75 04 2B C9 EB 20 BO E6 EB E4 8A SUB JMP TEST CORD 2: MOV 00 43 00 40 EO OUT JMP IN MOV JMP IN EB 00 E4 40 86 EO XCHC 0103 0105 3B C8 73 OB Olor 52 JAE PUSH 0108 SA FFFF MOV 010B 0100 2B 00 03 CA OlOF 5A 0110 EB 02 0112 0112 26 C8 CMP SUB AOO POP JMP TEST CORD 11: SUB TEST_CORD_5: 01111 0111j 0118 011A 011e 011E 81 01 01 01 D1 E1 ANO 1 FFO SHR SIlR SHR E9 [9 E9 E9 SHR AL,DX AL,BL TEST CORD 1 CX,OCX AL.D TIMER+3,AL SHORT $+2 AL, TIMER AH,AL SHORT $+2 AL, T I MER Ati,AL eX,AX TEST CORD 4 OX OX,-l AX POf> ex 0131 0132 0132 C3 RET 0140 0153 0157 015B 0160 0162 016 11 0166 0168 016A 01613 0160 016F 0170 0172 0173 0173 0178 017A 017F 0180 0183 BA 0201 MOY OX,201H 51 PUSH PUSH AX 50 ~10V 69 04 f F TEST CORD 6: IN TEST l.OOPNZ POP TEST CORD JOY_STICK WAIT 1E E8 0000 E F6 06 OOAO R 01 71j 05 PROC PUSH CAll TEST JZ POP STC JMP 1F F9 E9 004F R WAI T_': SET 6 COUNT ; FOR RETURN EXIT WITH COUNT = 0 SET UP TO LATCH T I MER 0 READ LOW BYTE OF T I MER 0 READ HIGH BYTE OF TIMER 0 REARRANGE TO HI OH, LOW CHECK FOR COUNTER WRAP GO ! F NO eX,AX ex, 1 FFOH CX,l eX,l CX,l CX,l TEST CORD 3: S11 FR ORIGINAL COUNT ADJUST FOR WRAP DX,AX CX, OX OX ; SHORT TEST_CORO_5 PDP 011~9 ; SHORT TEST_CORD_3 58 59 5A 014~{ READ VALUES HAS PULSE ENDED? ~~~~~ TEST_CORD_~ 012E 012f 0130 01313 0130 013E 013F 0142 0142 0143 0145 READ HIGH BYTE or TIMER 0 REARRANGE TO HIGH, LOW SAVE SET COUNT FIRE T I MER CX,Ip-FH OX,AL SHORT $+2 [C A8 Of EO FB 0136 READ LOW BYTE OF TIMER 0 AX 0120 01?0 0121 0124 012:; 0126 0129 0129 012A 012C 013? 0132 0133 BLOCK I NTERRU PTS WH I LE READ I NG SET UP TO LATCH T I MER a AL,O TIMER+3,AL SHORT $+2 AL,TIMER SHORT $+2 AH,Al AL,lIMER AH,AL ex CX,4FFH ADJUST I NTEHRUPTS 8ACK ON FLUSH OIHI:.K INf-'U'IS COUNT AL, OX AL,OfH TEST_CORD_6 SET COUNT OX Rl'TURN ENDP ENDP NEAR SAVE OS DDS RTC WAIT FLAG,Ol WAIT 1 OS TEST FOR FUNCTION ACTIVE - C1_F SET ERROR RETURN IN AND OR NO I NTERRUPTS ALLOWED AL, OA 1 H ENSURE I NTERRUPT UNMASKED AL,OFEH OA1H,AL USER_Fl.AG_SEC, OS ; SET UP TRANSFER TABLE USER_Fl.AG, OFFSET RT C_WA IT_flAG Inc HIGH,CX RTC-LOW, ox RTC-WAIT FLAG,01 SET ON FUNCTIO:-.l ACTIVE SWITCH AL, aBH ENABLE PIE CMOS PORT, AL AL, CMOS_PORT+l AL,07FH AL,040H 50 PUSH AX BOOB Mav [6 70 OUT AL,OBH CMOS_PORT, AL 58 [6 71 POP OUT CMOS_PORT+1, AL FB STI CI I IN AND OUT MOV CA E4 24 E6 8e C7 89 89 C6 A1 FE Al 1 E 009A R 06 0098 R OOAO R DE 009E R 16 009(; R 06 OOAD R 01 '·IOV MOY MOV MOV MOV BO DB OUT E6 70 III 71 24 7F OC 110 AX ENABLE INTERRUPTS WAI T_2: TEST F6 06 DOAD R 80 74 F9 C6 06 OOAD R 00 JZ MOY POP JMP 1F E9 004F R WAIT PAGE RTC WAIT FLAG,080H WAI T 2 RTC WAIT FLAC,O OS Cl_F CHECK FOR END OF WAIT SET FUNCTION INACTIVE ENOP INT 15 (FUNCTION 87H - MOVE BLOCK) --------------------PURPOSE; THIS 810S FUNCTION PROVIDES A MEANS TO TRANSFER A BLOCK or STORAGE TO AND FROM STOKAGE ABOVE THE 1 MEG ADDRESS RANGE IN VI RTUAL (PROTECTED) MODE. ENTRY REQU I REMENTS; ES:SI POINTS TO A DESCRIPTOR TABLE (GOT) 8UILT 3EFORE IN 11IHW PT I NG TO TH I S FUNCT I ON. THESE OEseR I PTORS ARE ARE USED BY THIS FUNCTION TO PERFORM THE 8LOCK MOVE. THE SOURCE AND TARGET DESCRIPTORS BUILT BY THE USER MUST HAVE THE SEGMENT LENGTH = 2 * CX - 1 OR GREATER. THE DATA ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE WILL BE SET TO CPLO-RjW(93H) THE 24 BIT ADDRESS (BYTE HI, WORD LOW) WILL BE SET TO TilE TARGET/SOURCE. THE OESCR I PTORS ARE DEF I NED AS FOLLOWS: BIOS 1 5-149 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. , THE FIRST OESCR I PTOR I S THE REQU I RED DUMMY. (USER INITIALIZED TO 0) THE SECOND OESCR I PTOR PO I NTS TO THE GOT TABLE AS A DATA SEGMENT. (USER INITIALIZED TO 0) THE THIRD DESCRIPTOR IS THE DESCRIPTOR THAT POINTS TO THE SOURCE TO BE MOVED. (FROM) (USER INITIALIZED) THE FOURTH OESCR I PTOR IS THE DESCR I PTOR THAT PO I NTS TO THE DESTINATION. (TO) (USER INITIALIZED) THE FIFTH IS A DESCRIPTOR THAT THIS FUNCTION USES TO CREATE A VI RTUAL CODE SEGMENT (USER INITIALIZED TO 0) THE SIXTH IS A DESCR! PTOR THAT THIS FUNCTION USES TO CREATE A VIRTUAL STACK SEGMENT. (POINTS TO USERS STACK) (USER INITIALIZED TO 0) ~AGE------------------------------------------------------------ ~ ------ I NT 15 (FUNCT I ON 81H CaNT I NUED) ------------------------ ~ AH=87 (FUNCT ION CALL) ES:SI = LOCATION OF THE GOT TABLE BUILD BY ROUTINE USING THIS FUNCTION. CX = WORD COUNT OF STORAGE BLOCK TO BE MOVE. NOTE: MAX COUNT = 8000H 32K WOROS EXI T PARAMETERS: AH = 0 I F SUCCESSFUL AH 1 IF RAM PARITY (PARtTY ERROR IS CLEARED) AH = 2 I F EXCEPT I ON I NTERRUPT ERROR AH = 3 IF GATE ADDRESS LINE 20 FAILED ALL REG I STER ARE RESTORED EXCEPT AX. CARRY FLAG 1 I F ERROR ZERO FLAG 1 I F SUCCESSFUL CONSI DERAT IONS: = = = NO I NTERRUPTS ARE ALLOWED. TIME OF DAY (ADJUSTED BY USER???) DESCR I PT ION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ; 9. 10. 1.1 • 12. 13. CLI (NO INTERRUPTS ALLOWED) WHILE THIS FUNCTION IS EXECUT ING. ADDRESS LINE 20 IS GATED ACTIVE. : THE lOT (INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE) IS ROM RESIDENT: THE CURRENT USER STACK SEGMENT AND OFFSET IS SAVED. : THE GOTR IS LOADED WITH THE OFFSET INTO ES:SI : THE loTR SELECTOR IS ROM RESIDENT AND IS LOADED. : THE PROCESSOR IS PUT IN VIRTUAL MODE : DATA SEGMENT IS LOADED WITH THE SOURCE DESCRI PTOR EXTRA SEGMENT IS LOADED WITH THE TARGET oESCRI PTOR : DS:SI (SOURCE) ES:DI (TARGET) REP MOVSW IS EXECUTED: SHUTDOWN 09 I S EXECUTED. STACK SEGMENT/OFFSET IS RESTORED. ADDRESS LINE 20 IS DEGATED. INTERRUPTS ARE ALLOWED -_.--------------------------- ---------------------------------14. ; ~age ; THE fOLLOWING DIAGRAM DEPICTS THE ORGANIZATION or -------------- --- ----------------.- -- ----- --------------------: GOT GOT. (ES: SI )--» +00 +08 +10 +18 +20 +28 DUMMY i 1 1 1----------------1 r GOT LaC I 1 1 1----------------1 I I SOURCE GOT I I I TARGET GOT I I I I BIOS CS I I 55 I r 1----------------1 1----------------1 I 1----------------1 1 1 ,----------------, SAMPLE OF SOURCE OR TARGET DESCRI PTOR SOURCCTARGET.DEf SEG LIMIT BASE LO WORD BASE=H I ::::BYTE DATA_ACC.RIGHTS DATA_RESERVED STRUC SEGMENT LIMIT ('-65536 BYTES) 24 B IT SEGMENT PHYS! CAL ADDRESS (0 TO (16M-l») ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE RESERVED WORD OW ow DB DB OW SOURCE.TARGET ENDS ---------------------------------------------------------------: ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------THE GLOBAL DESCRIPTOR TABLE (ACTUAL LOCATION POINTED TO BY ES:SI) ; ------------------------- -- ------------------------- -----------------; ; BLOCKMOVE_GDT.DEF 0000 0008 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 STRue DQ FIRST OESCR I PTOR NOT ACCESS I BLE CGOT_LOe OQ LOCATION OF CALLING ROUTINE GOT DUMMY SOURCE OQ SOURCE oESCR I PTOR 0018 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TARGET DQ TARGET DESCRI PTOR 0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BIOS.CS DQ B I OS CODE oESCR I PTCR TEMP_5S DQ 5T ACK OESCR I PTOR 0010 0028 0030 5-150 BIOS 1 --------------------------_.----_._-------------------------------._-- BLOCKMOVE_GDT.OEF ; ENOS ASSUME ASSUME BLOCKMOVE 0183 ;------- CS; CODE DS;DATA PROC NEAR INITIALIZE rOR VIRTUAL MODE 0183 0184 FA FC eLi 01 B5 0186 0187 60 06 lE OR NO I NTERRUPTS ALLOWED SET 0 I RECT I ON SAVE GENERAL PURPOSE REGS CLD PUSHA PUSH PUSH ;---~--- 0188 018A SAVE EXTRA SEGMENT CLEAR EXCEPTION ERROR FLAG SUB 2A CO E6 80 060H ES OS OUT AL,AL MFG_PORT, AL SET TO 0 ;------- GATE ADDRESS BIT 20 ON 018C 018E 0191 0193 0195 01')7 0199 MOV CALL eMP JZ MUV B4 OF £8 03BO R 3C 00 74 07 BO 03 E6 80 E9 0270 R our JMP AH, ENA8LE_B! T20 GATE A20 AL,OBL4 AL,03H MFG PORT. AL SHUT9 WAS THE COMMAND ACCEPTED? GO I F YES SET THE ERROR FLAG EARLY EXI T ;-------- SET SHUQOWN RETURN ADOR 019C 019E 01AO 01A2 01A4 80 8F 01A6 01A8 OlAA OlAC OlAF OlAF 01Bl OlAF OlAF 01Bl 01 Bl 01B2 01B5 01B5 01B7 01B5 01B5 01B5 Bl4: OU E6 71 OUT 8e CO 8B OE 8A Fl~ 80 E6 FO MOV MOV MOV AND + ??OOOO + + ??OO01 + DO EE ISIIR LABEL SHB lABEL CO ORG DB 04 80 E4 OF DRC DB AND 01 + ??0003 + + 1700011 + + ??0005 + EO Cl 01B7 04 03 08 73 02 alBC FE C6 26; 26; 88 74 DC 89 5C OA ;>6; 26; C'1 411 08 FFFF C7 1111 DE 0000 0102 BD 02Al 2E 0106 0107 0107 aIDA 0107 OF 0107 OIDA 01 DB ORe Al,SHUT DOWN CMOS PORT, AL SHOR"f $+2 Al,9 CMOS_PORT+l,AL SET THE SHUTDOWN BYTE TO SHUT DOWN 9 10 DELAY AX, ES BX,51 DH,AH OH,OFOH oH,4 IWTE OH,l BYTE OFrSET CS; ??OOOO OCOH OFfSET cs; !'!0001 GET THE CURRENT DATA SEGMENT GET THE CUIUO:.N I OFFSET DEVELOPE THE M IGH BYTE OF THE 24BI T ADDR USE. ONLY THE HIGH NIBBLE SHI FT RIGHT I. 4 STRIP I-IICH NIBBLE FROM AH SHI FT AX AH,OOFH AX,II ByrE AX,1 BYTE OFFSET CS: ??0003 NEAR DC1H OFFSET CS; ??0004 4 DEVELOPE THE LOW worm ADDRESS BX,AX GO I F NO CARRY BUA I NCREMENT THE HIGH BYTE ADORES DH =- ===-==-=-=;-------.'.. SET THE CDT_LOC =-===""--------. BUA: MOV ES; [S j ] , ceaT _LOC _ BASE_H I_BYTE, DH ; SET THE HIGH BYTE MOV ES:(SI],CGDT_LOC.BASE_LO_WORD,8X; SET THE lOW WORD JNe rue 01('6 OlCC 0105 ISHL LABEL SHL lABEL ORC LABEL DB AUU 018E 01C2 010A r JNP MOV 0187 01B8 01l1A MOV ES; [S I ]. CGDT_LOC. SEG_L I MIT, MAX_SEC_LEN MOV ES:! S 11. CCDT ... LOC. DATA_RESOWED, 0 ; RESERVED ==="'====-=-==== LOAD THE JOT MOV SECOV R 88 5E 00 BP,OFFSET ROM_,OT_LaC cs DB O?lH LI DT [131'] + DB + ??O007 LABEL MOV I ABEL ORC OOFH BYTE BX,WORD PTR [BPj BYTE OFFSET CS:??Q007 00111 OFFSET CS; ??0008 + + ??0008 + DB DRG 26 010B OF + + 01UC 01 DF 01De 01 DC OIDF 8854 08 + + 01DF E8 0000 E alOe MOV [6 70 EB 00 BO 09 + 01 LOAD THE I DT REGISTER FROM lHIS AREA ; -------' LOAD THE CDTR ="="'==="''''-==== SEGOV ES ; LOAD THE GLOBAL DESCRlPTOR TABLE REG DB 026H LCOT [ S I ] . CGDT _LOC 08 OOFH ??OOOA l.ABEL BYTE MOV OX,WORD PTR [SI].CGoT_LOC ??OOOB LABEL BYfE OI~G OFFSET CS: ??OOOA DB 001 H ORG OfFSFT (;S;??OOOB ;------- SET THE DATA SEGMENT TO BIOS RAM CALL DDS ; SET OS TO DATA AREA ;-------- SAVE THE CALLING KOUTINE"S STACK 01E2 01 E4 01[7 01 E9 8C 1\3 8B A3 01 [C BC 00 01 EE 01 FO 8A Fli 80 £6 FO MOV MOV DO 0069 R C4 006! R MOV NOV AX, SS 10 ROM SEC,AX AX--;-SP 'O_HOM_'N'T,AX ; ; GET lHE STACK SEGMENT SAVE STACK S[GI~ENT SAVE STACK ?OlNTER PAGE ------- MAKE A 24 BIT ADDRESS OUT OF THE S5 (Sf' REI':AINS USER SP) 01F3 01 F3 01F5 QlF3 01 F3 MOV MOV AND + ??OOOC DO EE + + ??ODOD + CO I SHR LABEL SHR I.ABEL ORC DB AX,55 DH,AH DH,OFOH DH,4 BYTE DH,l leW]l OFFSET CS: ??OOOC OCOH CET THE CURRENT STACK SEGMENT DEVELOPE THE HIGH BYTE OF THE 24BIT AOOR USE ONLY THE HIGH NIBBLE SHI FT RIGr!T J. BIOS 1 5-151 OlF'} 01 F5 01F6 01F9 01F9 QHB ORG 04 80 £4 OF + 01 + + ??001O + + 7?0011 EO D1F9 01F9 01 F9 OHB OHB ??OOOF + C1 04 4 AH,OQFH AX,4 BYTE AX,l BYTE OfFSET CS; '?OOOF NEAR OC1H OFFSET CS:7?0010 OB 4 ;-------- 55 01FC 0200 0204 020A 26: 26; 26: 26: 88 74 89 44 C7 44 c6 44 OZOF 0214 021A 0220 0225 26: 26: 26: 26: 26: C6 C7 C7 C6 C7 0226 68 0001 022E 022F 022F 0231 022F 022f 0231 OF BU: 2C 2A 28 FFff 20 93 OFFSET CS:??OOOO DB AND ISHL LABEL SHI LABEL ORG LABEL DB ORC IS NOW IN POSITION FOR A 24 BIT ADDRESS --> SETUP THE OEseR I PTOR MOV MOV MOV MOV ; -------- STACK 4!~ 44 44 44 44 24 22 20 25 26 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV Of 0000 fFFF 96 0000 ;------ 0231 0232 0234 0236 + + ?70012 + BB FO + ??0013 + + 01 EA ES:[SI[.TEMP_SS.BASE_Hl_BYTE,DH ; SET THE ES: [ S I I. TEMr _55. BASE_LO_WORD, AX ; SET THE ES:[SI].TEMP_SS.SEG_LlMIT,MAX_SEG_LEN ; SET THE ES:[SIJ.TEMP_SS.DATA_ACC_RIGHTS,CPLD_DATA_ACCESS I S NOW SET ---> SET UP THE CODE SEGMENT DESCR I PTOR ES:[Slj.BIOS_CS.BASE_HI_BYTE,CSEG@_HI ; HIGH BYTE OF CS=OF ES;[Slj.BIOS_CS.BASE_LO_WORD,CSEG@_LO; LOW WORD OF CS;;oO ES: [S I ]. B I OS_CS. SEG_LI MI T, MAX__ SEG_LEN ES: I S I 1. B I OS_CS. OAT A_ACC_R I CHTS, CPLO_CODE_ACCESS ES: I S I 1. BI OS_CS. DATA_RESERVED, 0 ; RESERVED OW AX, VIRTUAL ENABLE AX oorH BYTE SI,AX BYTE OfFSET CS:7?0012 001H OFFSET CS:770013 VIRT,BIOS_CS OEAH (OFFSET VIRT) B I OS_CS MACH I NE STATUS WORD NEEDED TO SW J TCH TO V I RTUAL MODE ; MUST PURGE PRE-FETCH QUEUE ; Jump far direct ; to th i s offset in this segment VI RT: ;------- SET STACK SEGMENT 0236 0239 HIGH BYTE LOW WORD SS SEGMENT LIMIT ; SET CPL 0 SWITCH TO VIRTUAL MODE MOV LMSW DB LABEL MOV LABEL ORC DB ORC JUMPfAR DB OW 0236 R 0020 STR J PHI GH NIBBLE FROM AH SHIFT AX MOV MOV B8 0028 BE DO (NEEDED FOR POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS) USER'S SS+SP IS NOT A DESeRI PTOR AX, TEMP 55 SS,AX - ;------- SETUP SOURCE/TARGET REGISTERS 023B 023E B8 ~OlO 8E 08 MOV MOV AX, SOURCE DS,AX GET THE SOURCE ENTRY 0240 0243 B8 0018 8E CO NOV MOV AX, TARGET ES,AX GET THE TARGET ENTRY 0245 0247 28 FF 2B F6 SUB SUB 01,01 SI,SI 0249 F3/ A5 02413 0240 024F Ell 61 24 CO "(4 lC 0251 0254 0257 0259 02513 0250 26: 8B 04 26: 89 04 86 05 89 05 BO 01 [6 80 REP GeT INDEX R[GS TO ZERO MOVE THE BLOCK MOVSW ;------- CHECK FOR RAM PARITY BEFORE SHUTDOWN IN AND JZ GET THE PAR I TY LATCHES STRIP UNWANTEO BITS GO I F NO PAR I TY ERROR AL, PORT_B AL, PAR I TY ERR DONEl - ;-------- CLEAR PARITY BEFORE SHUTDOWN 025F 0261 0263 0265 0267 0269 026B MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV OUT E4 61 IN EB 00 OC OC OR JMP OUT E6 61 EB 00 .JMP 24 F3 E6 61 OUT AND FETCH CURRENT TARGET DATA WRITE IT BACK FETCH CURRENT SOURCE OATA WR ITE IT BACK SET PAR I TY CHECK ERROR AX,ES:lSI] ES: SJ LAX AX,DS: [DI] r os: l 01 LAX AL,Ol MFG_PORT .AL AL, PORT B SHORT $+2 Al, RAM PAR OFF PORT_S-;AL SHORT $+2 AL, RAM PAR ON PORT_B-;AL - 10 DELAY TOGGLE PAR I TY CHECK LATCHES 10 DELAY ; -------- CAUSE A SHUTDOWN 0260 E9 0000 E DONE1: JMP =========-==="'===-=='" ;-------::. RETURN FROM SHUTDOWN SHUT9: ;------- ENABLE NMI 0270 0270 0272 2A CO E6 70 0274 0276 0279 Bl~ SUB OUT INTERRUPTS AL, AL CMOS_PORT, Al ;------- GATE ADDRESS BIT 20 OFF MOV AH,OISABLE BIT20 GATE A20 Al,ODONE3 AL, MrG rORT AL,ODONE3 Al,03H MFG_PORT,AL 0270 027F 0281 0283 0285 DO E8 0380 R 3C 00 74 OA E4 80 3C 00 75 04 80 03 E6 80 0287 ,E8 0000 E GALL ODS SET OS TO DATA AREA 02BA 0280 A 1 0069 R 8E DO lolOV MOV AX, 10_ROM_SEG SS,AX SAVE STACK SEGMENT RI:.SrORE lHE STACK POINTER 028F 0292 Al 0067 R 8B EO MOY MOV AX,IO_ROM_INIT SP,AX 0294 1f DU6 CALL CMP JZ IN CMP J NZ MOV OUT COMMAND ACCEPTED? GO I F YES CH[CK rOR eRROR WAS THERE AN ERROR? GO IF YES SET ERROR FLAG ; -------- RESTORE USERS STACK OONE3 : ;------- RESTORE THE USER DATA SEGMENT 5-152 POP BIOS 1 OS ; RESTORE USER DATA SEGMENT 0295 07 por ES 0296 0297 61 86 C4 POPA OB XGHG 061H Al,AH 0299 0298 0290 029F 02AD IN £4 80 3C 00 86 EO eM' XGHG 511 IRET FB CF RESTORE USER EXTRA SEGMENT RFSTORE THE GENERAL PURPOSE REGS SAVE AL CHECK THE END I NG STATUS SET THE ZERO FLAG RESTORE AL TURN INTERRUPTS ON RETURN TO USER Al,MFG_PORT Al,O AH,AL ;-------- ROM lOT LOCATION EQU "" 0100 ROM_lOT_LEN D2Al ROM_lOT _LOC: 02Al Q2A3 Q2AS Q2A6 DB DB OF 00 ;-------- THE ROM EXCEPTION 02A? 03A7 R 0020 00 02AC 02AD 87 0000 02AF 02B1 02B3 03A7 R 0020 00 02B4 02B5 87 0000 02B7 02B9 028B 03A7 R 0020 00 02BC 02BO 87 0000 02BF 02el 02C3 03A7 R 0020 00 02C4 02C5 87 0000 02C7 02C9 02CB 03A7 R 0020 00 02CC 02CO 87 0000 02CF 021)1 0203 03A7 R 0020 00 02D4 0205 87 0000 02D7 0209 020B 03.l\7 R 0020 00 02DG 0200 87 0000 020F 02E1 02E3 03A7 R 0020 02£4 02E5 87 0000 02E7 02E9 02EB U3Al R 0020 00 02EC 02EO 87 0000 02EF 02Fl 02F3 03A7 R 0020 00 02F4 02F5 87 0000 oa { 02F9 02FB U3A7 R 0020 00 02FC 02FO 87 0000 02FF 0301 0303 03A? R 0020 00 0304 0305 87 0000 U307 0309 03A7 R 0020 02A7 02A9 INTERRUPTS lOT GOT OEF ROM_IOT_LI::N,ROM_IOT,CSEG@_HI DW -ROM lOT [EN ; Segfilent lim i t ow ROM::::IDT; Segment base address - low word CSEG@ H I ; Segment ba se add ress - high byte 0 ; Rese rved 0100 02A7 R 02AS SIZE OF THE EXCEPT I ON 32*8 + + + + + + + 00 INTERRUPT VECIORS ROM t DT: ;EXCEPTION 00 DESCR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS__ CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE UW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB a Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATI:: ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION 01 DESCR_DEf GATE, EX_INT,BIOS_CS,O, TRAP_GATE Ow EX INT ; Destination offset Ow BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP_GATf ; Access rights byte Ow 0 Rese rved ; EXCEPT I ON 02 DESCR_DEf GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte ow 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION 03 DEseR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, TRAP_GATE Ow EX tNT Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte Ow 0 Reserved ; EXCEPT I ON 04 DEseR_DEf GATE, EX_ j NT, B I OS_CS. 0, TRA? _CATE OW EX INT ; Destination offset OW BIOS CS ; Destination segment selector DB 0 ; Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP_GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Reserved ; EXCEPT I ON 05 OESCR_DEF GATE,I::X_INT,BIOS_CS,O, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT ; Destination offset OW BIOS CS ; Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP_GATE ; Access ri ghts byte OW 0 Rese rved ;EXCEPTION 06 OESCR OEF GATE,EX INT,BIOS CS,O,TRAP GATE • OW EX INT ; Destination of'fset OW BIOS CS ; Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 ; Rese rved ; EXCEPT I ON 07 oESeR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT. B i OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE DW EX INT . Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access ri ghts byte DW Rese rved ; EXCEPTION 08 DESCR_DEr GATE, EX_I NT. B !OS_CS,O, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT ; Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP_GATE ; Access rights byte OW Q Re se rved ; EXCEPT I ON 09 DESCR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT. 81 OS_CS,0, TRAP _GATI:: DW EX INT ; Destination offset OW BIOS_CS ; Destination segment selector 06 0 ; Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ; EXCEPT I ON 10 OESCR_OH. GATE, EX_I NT, 61 OS_CS,D, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP_GATE ; Access rights byte Ow 0 Reserved ; EXCEPTION DESCR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT, BI OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE DW EX INT Destination offset Ow BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte Ow 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION 12 OESCR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT, 81 OS_CS,O, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT ; Destination offset OW BIOS_CS ; Destination segment selector copy (only for call gates when PL cha copy (only for cal I gates when PL cha copy (only for call gates when PL cha °, copy (only for call gates when PL cha copy (only for call gates when PL chB copy (only for call gates .... hen PL cha copy (only for call gates .... hen ?L cha 'l' copy (only for call gates ""hen PL cha ° - + + + ° - copy (only for call gates ....hen Pl cha copy (only for call gates ....hen PL cha copy (only for ca I I gates when PL cha '1 + copy (only for call gates ....hen PL cha BIOS 1 5-153 030B 00 U3UC 03UO 87 0000 U3{]F 0311 0313 G3A7 R 0020 0311, 0315 87 0000 0317 0319 031B 03A? R 0020 031C 0310 87 0000 031 F 0321 0323 03A7 R 0324 0325 87 032? 0329 032B 03A? R 0020 032C 0320 87 0000 032F 0331 0333 03A? R 0020 0334 0335 87 0000 0337 0339 0338 03A7 R 0020 033C 0330 87 0000 033F 0341 0343 03A? R 0020 031~11 8-( 0000 Word count for stack-to-stack copy (only for call 08 gates when PL cha nges) 0345 08 OW + 00 + 00 + 0020 00 0000 + 00 + 00 00 + 00 0347 031.9 0348 03A7 R 0020 03/IC 0340 87 0000 034F 0351 0353 G3A? R 0020 0354 0355 87 0000 0357 0359 0356 G3A7 R 0020 035C 0350 07 0000 035F 03fil 0363 03AI R 036 1, 0365 87 0000 0367 0369 0368 03A7 R 0020 03GC 0360 87 0000 036F 0371 0373 03A7 R 0020 0374 0375 87 0000 0377 0379 0378 U3A? R 0020 037C 0370 87 0000 OHF 0381 0383 G3A7 R 0020 0384 0385 87 0000 + 00 + 00 + 00 no?o + + 00 + 00 00 5·154 ~ CATE ; Access Reserved rights byte ; EXCEPT ION 13 DESCR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS GS LJestin"tlon segment selector DB 0 Word count for !;tack-to-stack ngesJ DB TRAP GATE ; Access rigtns byte ow 0 Reserved ;FXCEPTION 14 OESCR_DE F GAfE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset DW BIOS CS Destination segment. selector OIJ 0 Word count for StaCk-to-stack ngesJ DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Rese rved ;EXCEPTJON 15 OESCR_DfF GATE, EX_I NT, 8 I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination Offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector 08 0 Word count for stack-to-stacK ngesJ DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ;EXGEPTION Hi OESCR_OEF GATE, EX_INT,BIOS_.CS,O, TRAP_ .. CATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DH rRAP GATt: ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION 17 DESCR_OfF GATE, £X_I NT ,B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE DW EX INT Destinat ion offset OW BIOS es Destinatiun segment selector DB 0 Wo rd count fa r s tack-to- stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Rese rved ;EXCEPTJON 18 OESCR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT, B lOS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment 5elector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAp GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Rese rved ;EXCEPTION 19 CESCR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT ,B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment.. ~",I",ctur DB 0 Word count for stack-ta-stack nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION 20 OESeR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0, TRAP _GATE OW EX_INT Destination off"set OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack ngesJ DB TRAP GA I t . ; Access ri ghts byte OW 0 -Reserved ;EXCEPTION 21 DESCR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE DW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment.. :;.eluctur DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) DB TRAP CAT[ ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ; EXCEPT I ON 22 DESCR_OEF GAl (, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE DW EX INT Destination offset DW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) ; Access rights byte TRAP GATE DB ~ Reserved OW ;EXCEPTION 23 DESeR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE OW EX INf Destination offset OW BIOS CS De~tinntion segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack ngesJ DO TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Re::;e rved ;EXCEPTION 24 OESeR_DE r GATE, EX_I NT, III OS_CS, 0, THAP _GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-ta-stack ngesJ DEl TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Rese rved ;EXCEPTION 25 DESCR_OEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, [) , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW RIDS CS Destination segment ~elector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) ; Access rights byte TRAP GATE OB ~ Reserved OW ;EXCEPTION 26 OEseR_OEf GATE, EX_I NT, 8 I OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset DH BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB Word count for stack-to-stack nges) ; Access rights byte DB TRAP GATE ~ Reserved OW ; EXCEPT I ON 27 DESGR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack nges) ; Access rights byte 08 oTRAP ~ GATE Reserved OW ; EXCEPT I ON 28 GA I E, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, 0, TRAP_GATE DESGR._lJU copy (only for call gates when copy (only for II gates when PL cha copy (only for call gates when PL cha copy (only for ca II gates when PL cha copy (on I y CB PL cha fo r ca I J ga tes ... hen PL cha copy (only for ca II gates ... hen PL cha copy (only for ca II gates when PL cha copy (only for ca II gates when PL cha copy (only for ca II gates 'When PL cha copy (only for ca II gates 'When PL cha copy (only for ca II gates 'When PL cha copy (only for ca II gat.es when PL cha copy (only for ca II gates ""hen PL cha copy (only for call gates when PL cha copy (only for call gates when PL cha o 00 00 oTRAP o + ° o BIOS 1 0387 0389 038B 03A7 R 0020 OW OW 00 DB 038C 038D 87 038F 0391 0393 03A7 R 0020 0394 0395 87 0397 0399 039B 03A7 R 0020 EX INT BIOS CS o Destination offset Destination segment selector Word count for stack-to-stack copy (only for ca II gates \t{hen PL cha - nges) 039C 039D 0000 00 0000 00 87 0000 039F 03Al 03A3 03A7 R 0020 03A4 03A5 87 0000 00 DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION 29 OESCR DEF GATE,EX INT,BIOS CS,O,-fHAP GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack copy (only for ca II gates when PL cha nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ; EXCEPT ION 30 O(SCR_DEF GATE, EX_I NT, B I OS_CS, D , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack copy (only for ca II gates when PL cha nges) DB TRAP GATE ; Access rights byte OW 0 Reserved ;EXCEPTION g1 DESCR_DEF GAl 1:., EX_I N'I ,B I OS_CS, 0 , TRAP_GATE OW EX INT Destination offset OW BIOS_CS Destination segment selector DB 0 Word count for stack-to-stack copy (only for ca II gates when PL cha nges) DB TRAP_GATE ; Access rights byte OW Reserved o ;------- EXCEPTION 03A7 03A7 03A9 03AS 03AE 03AE INTERRUPT HANDLER rX_1NT: BO 02 E6 80 E9 0000 E AL,02H MFG_PORT,AL PROC_SHUTDOWN MOV OUT JMP SET EXCEPTION INT CAUSE A EARLY SHUTDOWN EX_I NTl EB FE EX_I NTl JMP BLOCKMOVE PAGE 03BO STAY HERE TILL SHUTDOWN END? GATE A20 - TH I S ROUT I NE CONTROLS A SIGNAL WH I CH GATES ADORFSS BIT 20. THE GATE A20 SIGNAL IS AN OUTPUT OF THE 8042 SLAVE PROCCESSOR. ADDRESS BIT 20 SHOULD BE GATED ON BEFORE ENTERING PROTECTED MODE. IT SHOULD BE GATED OFF AFTER ENTERING REAL MODE FROM PROTECTED MODE. INPUT (AH)"'DOH ADDRESS BIT 20 GATE OFf. (A2D ALWAYS ZERO) (AH)=DFH ADDRESS BIT 20 GATE ON. (A20 CONTROLLED BY 80286) OUT PUT (AL)",O OPERATION SUCCESSFUL. 8042 HAS ACCEPTED COMMAND. (AL)=2 FAILURE--8042 UNABLE TO ACCEPT COMMAND. -------------------------------------------- --------- ------PROC GATE A20 03BO 03BO 03B1 0384 03B6 03B8 03BA 0313D 03SF 03C1 03C3 E8 75 BO E6 E8 75 8A [6 E8 03C6 03C6 e3 - FA 03C7 R ~ 0 01 64 03C7 R 07 C4 CLl -------- ; 0 I SABLE INTERRUPTS WH I LE USI NG 8042 EMPTY._8042 ; INSURE 8042 I N PUT BUFFER EMPTY GATE A20 RETURN ; RETURN IF 8042 UNABLE TO ACCEPT COMMAND AL, 051 H ; 8042 COMMAND TO WR I TE OUTPUT PORT STATUS_PORT, AL ; OUTPUT COMMAND TO 8042 EMPTY_8042 ;WAIT FOR 8042 TO ACCEPT COMMAND JNZ GATE_A20_RETURN ;RETURN IF 8042 UNABLE TO ACCEPT COMMAND MOV AL, AH ; 8042 PORT DATA OUT PORT A,AL ;OUTPUT PORT DATA TO 8042 CALL EMPTY_8042 ;WAIT FOR 8042 TO ACCEPT PORT OATA CALL JNZ Mav OUT CALL 60 oge7 R 80l.j2 OUTPUT WILL SWITCH WITHIN 20 USEC OF ACCEPTING PORT DATA ----GATE A20 RETURN: 'RET ; --EMPTY --- ------- -----------.- ------------------ - ------------------ - ---------8042 -THIS ROUTINE WAITS FOR THE 8042 INPUT BUFFER TO EMPTY. INPUT NONE OUTPUT (AL)",O 8042 INPUT BUFFER E~IPTY (ZERO FLAG SET) (AL)=2 TIME OUT, 8042 INPUT BUFFER FULL (NON-ZERO fLAG SET) 03C7 03C? 03C8 03CA 03CA 03CC 03CE 0300 0301 51 2B C9 E4 64 24 02 EO ~A EMPTY 80112: PUSH SUB EMPTY LOOP: IN AND 59 LOOPNZ POP e3 RET ex cX,ex ; SAVE CX ;CX=O, WILL BE USED AS TIME OUT VALUE AL, STATUS_PORT ; READ 8042 STATUS PORT AL,INPT_BUF_FULL;TEST INPUT BUFFER FULL FLAG (BIT 1) EMPTY LOOP ;LOOP UNTIL INPUT BUFFER EMPTY OR TIME OUT CX ; RESTORE ex GATE A20 ENDP PAGE;------ INT 15 (FUNCTION 88H - 10 MEMORY SIZE DETERMINE) -------EXT MEMORY TH I S ROUT I NE RETURNS THE AMOUNT Of MEMORY I N TilE SYSTEM THAT IS LOCATED STARTING AT THE 10241( ADDRESSING RANGE, AS DETERMINED BY THE POST ROUTINES. NOTE THAT THE SYSTEM MAY N01 BE ABLE TO USE 110 MEMORY UNLESS THERE IS A FULL COMPLEMENT OF 5121< OR 640 8YTES ON THE PLANAR. THIS SIZE IS STORED IN CMOS AT ADDRESS 30 AND 31. INPUT AH ~ 88H 0302 THE 10 MEMORY SIZE VARIABLE IS SET DURING POWER ON DIAGNOSTICS ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: 3. AI t. I NST ALLED MEMORY IS FUNCT I ONAL. 4. ALL MEMORY FROM 0 TO 640K MUST BE CONT I GUOUS. OUTPUT (AX) = NUMBER OF CO NT I GUOUS 1 I( BLOCKS OF MEMORY A AVAILABLE STARTING AT ADDRESS 1024K. 0302 0302 0303 0305 0307 0309 0308 0300 03DF ~~;:-MEM~~~ FB BO E6 EB E4 31 70 00 71 86 C4 BO 30 E6 70 ------ ;~~c ---------------------------- ---------------- ST I MOV OUT JMP IN XCHG MOV OUT AL,31H CMOS_PORT, AL SHORT $+2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l AL,AH Al,30H CMOS_PORT, AL I NTERRUPTS BACK ON GET THE HIGH BYTE OF 10 MEMORY 10 DELAY PUT HIGH BYTE IN POSITION (AH) GET THE LOW BYTE OF 10 MEMORY BIOS 1 5-155 03£1 03£3 03£5 03£6 EB 00 £I~ 71 JMP SHORT $+2 10 DELAY IN AL, CMOS_PORT+l I RET RETURN TO USER ENDP EXT M£MORY PAGE INT 15H (FUNCTION 89H) --------------------------------PURPOSE: THIS BIOS FUNCTION PROVIDES A MEANS TO THE USER TO SWITCH IN~O VIRTUAL (PROTECTED) MODE. UPON COMPLETION OF THIS FUNGTION THE PROCESSOR WILL BE IN VIRTUAL (PROTECTED) MODE AND CONTROL WILL BE TRANSFEREO TO THE CODE SEGMENT THAT WAS SPEC I F I EO BY THE USER. CF ES:SI POINTS TO A DESCRIPTOR TABLE (GOT) BUILT BEFORE INTERRUPTI NG TO TH I S FUNCT ION. THESE DESCR I PTORS ARE ARE US£D BY THIS FUNCTION TO INITIALIZE THE IDTR, THE GDTR AND THE STACK SEGMENT SELECTOR. THE DATA SEGMENT (OS) SELECTOR AND THE EXTRA SEGMENT (ES) SELECTOR WILL BE INITIALIZE TO DESCRIPTORS BUILT BY THE ROUTINE USING TH I S fUNGT.! ON. BH - OFfSET I NTO THE INTERRUPT DESCR I PTOR TABLE STATING WIJERE THE FIRST EIGHT HARDWARE INTERRUPTS WILL BEGIN. ( INTERRUPT LEVEL 1 ) BL - OffSET INTO THE INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE STATING WHERE THE SECOND EIGHT HARDWARE INTERRUPTS WILL BEGIN. ( INTERRUPT LEVEL 2 THE OESCR I PTORS ARE DEF I NED AS FOLLOWS: 1• 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOTE - THE FIRST OESCR I PTOR I S THE REQU I RED ~UMMY. (USER INITIALIZED TO 0) THE SECOND DESCRIPTOR POINTS TO THE GOT TABLE AS A DATA SEGMENT. (USER INITIALIZED) THE TH I RD DESCR I PTOR PO I NTS TO THE USER OEF I NED INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE (lOT). (USfR INITIAI17fD) THE FORTH DESCRIPTOR POINTS TO THE USER'S DATA SEGMENT (OS). (USER INITIALlZ£D) TIlE fiFTH DESCR I PTOR PO I NTS TO THE USER'S EXTRA SEGMENT (ES I. (USER INITIALIZED) THE SIXTH DESCR I PTOR PO I NTS TO THE USER I S STACK SEGMENT (SS I. (USER INITIALIZED) THE SEVENTH DESGR I PTOR PO I NTS TO THE CODE SEGMENT THAT THIS fUNCTION WILL IlCTUIlN TO. (USER INITIALIZED TO THE USER'S CODE SEGMENT.) THE EIGTH DESCRIPTOR IS USED BY THIS FUNCTION TO ESTABLI SH A CODE SEGMENT fOR ITSELf. TH r S r S NEEDED SO THAT THIS fUNCTION CAN COMPLETE IT'S EXECUT I ON WH I LE I N PROTECTED MODE. WHfN CONTROl GETS PASSED TO THE USER'S CODE TH I S DESCR I PTOR CAN BE USED BY HIM IN ANY WAY HE CHOOSES. EACH DESCRIPTOR MUST CONTAIN ALL THE NECESSARY : I.E. THE LIMIT, BASE ADDRESS AND THE ACCESS: DATA RIGHTS BYTE. : AH=68H (rUNClI ON CALL I ES:SI = LOCATION OF THE GOT TABLE BUILD BY ROUTINE USING THIS fUNCTION. EXIT PARAMETERS: AH = a I f SUCCESSfUL ALL SEGMENT REG I STERS ARE CHANGED, AX AND BP DESTROYED CONSIDERATIONS; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NO B I OS AVA I LABLE TO USER. USER MUST HANDLE ALL 10 COMMANDS. INTERRUPTS - INTERRUPT VECTOR LOCATIONS MUST BE MOVED, DUE TO THE 286 RESERVED AREAS. THE : HARDWARE I NTERRUPT CONTROLLERS MUST BE RE I NIT r ALI ZED: TO DEFINE LOCATIONS THAT 00 NOT RESIDE IN THE 286 RESERVED AREAS. EXCEPTION INTERRUPT TABLE AND HANDLER MUST BE INITIALIZED BY TIlE USER. lilE INTERRUPT OESCR I PTOR TABLE MUST NOT OVERLAP HIE REAL MODE BIOS INTERRUPT DESCRI PTOR TABLE. THE fOLLOWING GIVES AN IDEA OF WHAT THE USER CODE SHOULD LOOK LIKE WHEN INVOKING THIS FUNCTION. Rea I mode -;;-> Vi rtua I mode ---> "USER MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV I NT lIUSER CODE" AX, GOT SEGMENT ES,AX SI,GDT OFFSET BH, HARDWARE I NT LEVEL 1 OFFSET BL, HARDWARE I NT LEVEL 2 OfFSET AH,88H 1511 CODE" DESCRI PTlON: 1. 2. 3. IJ.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. CLI (NO INTERRUPTS ALLOWED) WHILE THIS FUNCTION IS EXECUT I NG. ADDRESS LINE 20 IS GATED ACTIVE. THE CURRENT USER STACK SEGMENT DESCR t PTOR IS INITIALIZED. TilE GDTR I S LOADED WITH THE GOT BASE ADDRESS. THE tDTR IS LOADED WITH THE lOT BASE ADDRESS. THE 8259 IS REINITIALIZEO WITH THE NEW INTERRUPT OFFSETS. THE PROCESSOR I S PUT I N V I RTUAL MODE WI TH THE CODE SEGMENT DES I CNATED FOR TH I S FUNCT I ON. DATA SEGMENT IS LOADED WITH THE USER DEFINED SELECTOR FOR THE OS REGI STER. EXTRA SEGMEtiT I S LOADED WITH THE USER OEF I tiED SELECTOR FOR THE ES REGISTER. STACK SEGMENT IS LOADED WITH THE usm DEFINED SELECTOR fOR THE SS REGISTER. CODE SEGMENT DESCR I PTOR SELECTOR VALUE IS SUBSTITUTED ON THE STACK FOR RETURN TO USER. WE TRANSFER CONTROL TO THE USER WITH 1NTERRUPTS 01 SABLED • . ------- ---- ----------------------------------------------- - ----- page THE FOLLOWING DIAGRAM DEPICTS THE ORGANIZATION Of GOT. 5-156 BIOS 1 GOT (ES; S I) --» +00 i i DUMMY 1 1 +08 1----------------1 1 GOT I +10 1 1 1----------------1 1 1 I 1 lOT +18 1----------------1 I OS 1 1 1 +20 1----------------1 1 ES 1 +28 1 1 1----------------1 I 1 SS 1 1 1 I +30 1----------------1 1 ' CS I +38 1----------------1 1 TEMP BIOS I J CS ! THE GLOBAL OESCR I PTOR TABLE (ACTUAL LOCAl ION POI N II:J) TO BY [S: S I) V I RTUAL_ ENABLE_GDT_OEF 0000 0008 0010 0018 0020 0028 0030 0038 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GUMY DC! FIRST DESCII I ['TOrt NOT ACCESS I BlE 00 00 00 00 GDTPTR 00 GDT DESCR I PTOR 00 00 00 00 lOT PTR DO lOT DEseR I PTOR 00 00 00 00 USER - OS DO USER DATA SEGEMNT DESCRITOR 00 00 00 00 USER - ES DO USER EXTRA SEG;'lEN r OEseR I nOR 00 00 00 00 USER SS 00 USER STACK SEGMENT DEseR J PTOR 00 00 00 00 USER_ CS 00 USER CODE SEGMENT OEseR I PTOR 00 00 00 00 B1O_CS 00 TEMPORARY B I OS OESCR I PTOR V I RTUAL - ENABLE - GDT_OEF 0040 ASSUME ASSUME 03(6 03£6 03£6 STRUC 00 00 00 00 X VI RTUAL SET_VMODE: ENDS CS: CODE as: DATA PROC FAR eLi FA NO I NTERRU PTS ALLOWED ;------- ENABLE ADDRESS LATCH BIT 20 03E7 03£9 a3EC 03[[ 03 ~o 03 F2 03F3 BIt £8 3C 74 B4 OF 03BO R 00 04 FF MOV CALL CMP J7 MOV STC I RET F9 CF 03 F4 BIT20 ON: SFGOV 03f4 26 03F5 03F6 03F6 03F9 03f6 03F6 03f9 OF 03 f9 26 03fA 03fB 03FB 03 FE 03FB 03FB 03FE OF DB + + ??0015 8B 54 08 t- + ??0016 + 01 ORG SEGOV OB LIDT 8B 5C 10 + + ??0018 + + ??0019 + 01 + 0 /102 0404 01~O6 0408 040A all DC 040E 0 1110 0412 0414 0416 0418 BO E6 EB 8A E6 E8 60 E6 E6 60 E6 EB 60 £6 11 20 00 C7 21 00 04 21 00 01 21 00 Ff 21 60 11 LABEL MOV LABEL aRC OUT JMP MOV OUT JMP Mav aUT JMP Mav OUT JMP MOV OUT LOAD THE GLOBAL OEseR I nOR TABLE REG ES ; ES LOAD THE INTERUPT OEseR I PTOR TABLE REG 026H [Slj.IDTPTR OOFH BYTE BX, WORD PTR [S I J. lOT PTR BYTE OFFSET CS: ??0018 00lH OFFSET cs: ??0019 INTERRUPT CONTROLLER #1 TO TII( USER SPECIFI[[) OFFSET AL,111l I NTADO,AL SHORT $+2 AL, BH INTA01,AL SHORT S+2 AL,04H INTA01,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OlH INTA01,AL SHORT S+2 AL, Of FH INTA01,AL REINJTIALIZE THE 8259 MOV ENABLE BIT 20 FOR ADDRESS GATE WAS THE COMMAND ACCE PTED? GO I f YES SET THE ERROR FLAG SET CARRY EARLY EXIT 0261t [ SI].CDTPTR OOFH BYTE OX, WORD PTR [S I j. GOTPTR BYTE OFFSET CS:??OD15 00111 OFFSET CS: ??0016 Rf:.INITIALIZE THE 8259 t10V ; 041A DB DB ORG ; 03FE 0400 LCDT OB LABEL MOV LABEL ORC OB AIt, ENABLE B I T20 GATE A20 AL,OBIT20 ON AII,orrll AL,11H 1 START INiTiALIZATION SEQUENCE-ICW1 EDGE, I NTERVAL-8, MASTER, lCW4 NEEDED HARDWARE INT'S START AT SEND I CW2 INT SEND ICW3 - MASTER LEVEL 2 SEND MASTER,8086 MODE I CW4 - # (BH) MASK OFF ALL INTERRUPTS INTERRUPT CONTROLLER #2 TO THE USER SPECIFIED OFFSE'l ; START I NIT SEQUENCE-I CW1 FOR SLAVE BIOS 1 S-lS7 O41C 041E 0420 0422 0424 0426 0428 042A 042C o42E 0430 0432 0434 E6 EB SA E6 BO EB E6 EB Bo E6 EB 80 E6 AD 00 C3 A1 02 00 A1 00 01 Al 00 FF A1 0436 043C 0441 26: C7 44 36 FFFF 26: c6 44 3C OF 26: C7 44 3A 0000 MOV MOV MOV 0447 044C 26: c6 44 3D 98 26: C7 44 3E 0000 MOV MOV 0452 88 0001 Q455 0456 0456 0458 0456 0456 0458 OF OUT JMP MOV OUT MOV JMP OUT JMP MOV OUT JMP MOV OUT - ~ -sEj~;-B~OS-CODE SEGME~T-DEsc;; ; ; ; 0456 0459 045B + ??OOlB EA 0450 R 0036 88 8E B8 6E B8 BE SLAVE,8086 MODE 7;;:0;;------------------------------------------ ; SET LENGTH ; SET HIGH BYTE OF CS=OF ; SET LOW WORD OF CS=O ; SET ACCESS RIGHTS BYTE ES: [SI J. B 10.CS. OATA.ACC.RI GHTS,CPLO.CODE_ACCESS ES: [SI J.BIO.CS.DATA.RESERVED.O ; ZERO RESERVED AREA MOV LMSW DB LABEL MOV LABEL ORG DB ORG JUMPFAR DB OW OW AX, V I RTUAL ENABLE AX OOFH BYTE SI,AX BYTE OFFSET CS:?70D1A 00lH OFFSET CS:170D1B VMOOE,BIO.CS OEAH (OFFSET VMODE) BIO_CS ~ -;E;~;- ~;ER-;EG~EN; 0450 0460 0462 0465 0467 046A SEND I CW4 - MASK Off ALL INTERRUPTS ES:[SI J.BIO.CS.SEG.LIMIT,MAX.SEG.LEN ES: [SIJ.BIO.CS.BASE.HI.BYTE,CSEOO.HI ES: [SI J.BIO.CS.BASE.LO.WORD,CSEOO.LO VMDDE: ; SLAVE LEVEL 2 ENABLE PROTECTED MODE 01 0450 SEND I CW3 - -- -------- --.----------------------------------- ----------------- ------------ + : ICW4 NEEDED IIARDWARE INT'S START AT tNT II (BL) SEND JCW2 ------------------------------------------------ --- -------------- --------- --- + ??OOlA 88 Fa EDGE~ INTERVAL-8,MASTER~ INTBOO,AL SHORT $+2 AL,BL I NTB01,AL AL,02H SHORT $+2 INTB01,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OlH INTB01,AL SHORT $+2 AL,OFFH INTB01,AL ; MACHINE STATUS WORD NEEDED TO ; SWITCH TO VIRTUAL MODE ; MUST PURGE PRE-FETCH QUEUE ; Jump far direct ; to th i s offset in th j s segment -REG 7;;ER;---------- ---- ---- --- ------- --------------- ----- ------------------ -----._----_.------------------------ -- ---------------_._-MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV 0018 08 0020 CO 0028 DO AX. USER_OS OS,AX AX. USER_ES SETUP USER'S DATA SEGMENT SETUP USER'S EXTRA SEGMENT ES.N< AX. USER_55 SS,AX SETUP USER'S STACK SEGMENT ~-puT-TRAN;fER-ADDREss-ON-THE-sTAcK-AND-RETuRN-TO-THE-USER-------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------_._-- 046C 0460 0470 0471 0473 0474 POP AOO I PUSII 5" 83 c4 04 0" 6" 0030 53 OW PUSH RET C" X.V I RTUAL 0105 "X GET RETURN I P FROM THE STACK NORMALIZE STACK POINTER SET STACK FOR A RETURN FAR SP,4 USeR CS 068H· USER.CS BX RETURN TO USER IN VIRTUAL MODE ENDP ;--- DEVICE BUSY AND INTERRUPT COMPLETE -----------------------THIS ROUTINE IS A TEMPORY HANDLER FOR DEVICE BUSY AND INTERRUPT COMPLETE INPUT SEE PROLOG bE~~CE:B~S;-----PROC----NEAR------------------------------------ 0475 0475 0476 0479 E9 004f R CLC JMP oEV ICE_BUSY C1_f [NoP 0479 0479 047A CF INT_COMPLETE IRET I NT_COMPLETE ENoP F8 CODE 047A 5-158 BIOS 1 ENDS ENO PROC TURN CARRY 0 F f RETURN WITH CARRY FLAG NEAR RETURN TITLE OB-OB-83 BIOS2 BIOS INTERRUPT . LIST INCLUDE. SECMlNT. SRC CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBL I C 0000 EX1RN DDS:NEAR PUBL I C T IME_O~ _DAY_l, T I MER_I NT_ 1, PRI NT_SCREEN_l PUBLIC RfC INr I NT lA- ----------- -----------------------------------------TIME OF OAY - TH I S ROUT I N[ ALLOWS THE CLOCK TO BE SET/READ = 0 READ THE CURRENT CLOCK SETT I NG RETURNS CX = HIGH PORT I ON 0 F COUNT OX ;= LOW PORT I ON OF COUNT AL = 0 1FT IMER HAS NOT PASSED 24 HOURS SINCE LAST READ. <> 0 I r ON ANOTHER DAY (AH) ;= 1 SET THE CURRENT CLOCK CX = HIGH PORTION OF COUNT OX = LOW POkT I ON OF COUNl NOTE: COUNTS OCCUR AT THE RATE OF 1193180/h5536 COUNTS/SEC (OR ABOUT 18.2 PER SECOND -- SEE EQUATES) (AH) = 2 (AH) (AH) READ THE REAL TIME CLOCK RETURNS CH ;= HOURS I N BCD CL = MINUTES IN BCD DH = SECONDS 1N BCD =: 3 SET THE REAL TIME CLOCK CH '" HOURS I N BCD CL MINUTES IN BCD 011 = SECONDS I N BCD DL = 1 IF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME OPTION, = 4 (AH) = CH CL DH DL ELSE 0 READ THE DAlE FROM THE RlAL TIME CLOCK RETURNS CH == CENTURY I N BCD (19 OR 20) CL == YfAR IN BCD DH '" MONTH IN BCO DL = DAY IN BCD 5 SET THE DATE INTO THE REAL TIME CLOCK == CENTURY IN BCD (19 OR 20) == YEAR I N BCD MONTH I N BCD == DAY IN BCD := (AH) == 6 SET THE ALARM IHE ALARM CAN BE SET TO INTERRUPT ur TO 23:59:59 FROM PRESENT TIME. ONE ALARM FUNCTION MAY B[ ACTIVE AT ANY TIME Gil ;= HOURS I N BCD CL = MINUTFS IN BCD DH =: SECONDS I N BCD (AH) NOTE: ;= 7 ASSUME 0000 0000 0001 0002 0005 0007 0009 OOOB 0000 0010 0012 FB lE E8 0000 OA 74 FE 74 E E4 11: 0017 FB lF CF 0018 0018 0019 OOlA F9 1F CA 0002 0010 0010 001 [ 0021 0026 002A OOZE 0030 0030 0031 0035 0039 003E 0040 0040 0042 0044 004(, 0048 004B 004B 0048 004E 0050 0052 0052 0053 0055 0058 005A 005C 005F 0061 0063 0066 JZ 111 OOP) 0015 0016 TIME OF DAY 1 -STIPUSH CAr.l OR ee 23 80 FC 07 70 03 EB 2C 90 RESET THE ALARM Fon AH = 2, 4, 6 - CY FLAG SET I F CLOCK NOT OPERATING FOR AH = 6 - CY FLAG SET I F ALARM ALREADY ENABL ED FOR THE ALARM FUNCTION (AH = 6) THE USER MUST CODE A ROUTINE AND PLACE THE CORRECT ADDRESS IN THE VECTOR TABLE FOR I NT 4Ali CS: CODE, OS: DATA PROC T2 OEC AH T3 CMP JOE JMP T1 POP IRET STC I NT£RRUPTS BACK ON SAVE SEGMENT SET OAT A SEGMENT AH=O READ TIME AH=1SET TIME CHECK I F VALID RI:.1URN IF NOT VALID GO CHECK OTHER FUNCT IONS TOO RETURN INTERRUPTS BACK ON RECOVER SEGMENT RETURN TO CALLER ODS AH,AH JZ sr I FAR as AH,7 RTC_O as SET ERROR RETURN POP as RET 2 CI.I MOV MOV MOV MOV AL, T IMER_OFL T I MER_OFl, 0 CX,TIMER HIGH OX, T I MER-LOW READ TIME NO TIMER INTERRUPTS WHILE READING T2: FA AO 0070 R C6 Ol'i 0070 R 00 8B OE 006E R 8B 16 D06e R EB £5 JMP 13: FA 89 89 C6 fB OE D06E R 06 0070 R 00 D5 FE 74 FE 74 CC 07 CC 26 16 006C R £9 0007 R T1 - JMP T I MER_LOW, DX T I MER_H I GH, ex T I MER_OFl, 0 Tl OEO AH JZ AH RTC 3 JMP RIC-' PROC NEAR [8 0' B7 R 73 02 EB C6 CALL JNC JMP UPD IN PR RTC-ZA11_" FA 62 E8 E4 8A E8 E4 8A EB E4 Cli MOV CALL IN MOV CALL IN MOV CALL IN DL,-2 PORT INC 2 AL,CMOS PORT+1 DH, AL PORT INC 2 AL, CMos PORT+1 CL, AL PORT INC 2 AL,CMOS_PORT+l FE 0192 R 71 FQ 0192 R 71 CB 0192 R 71 SET THE TIME RESET OVERFLOW TOO_RETURN AH '" 2 RE.AD RTC T I ME AH = 3 SET RTC TIME GO CHECK REMA I N I NG FUNCT IONS RTC 2 DEC JZ RTC_GET_TIME AND RESET lH£ FLAG TOO_RETURN SET TIME NO INTERRUPTS WHIU: WRITING Cli MOV MOV MOV GET OVERfLOW, CHECK FOR UPDATE IN PROCESS GO AROUND I F OK RETURN I F ERROR I NTERRUPTS OfF DURI NG READ SET ADDRESS OF SECONDS SAVE SET ADDRESS OF MINUTES SAVE SET ADDRESS OF HOURS BIOS 2 5-159 0068 006A 006C MOV MOV JMP RTC_GET _ T I ME 8A E8 62 00 EB A7 006E inc 006E Q06E 006E 0071 0073 0076 0076 0077 0078 007A 0070 007F 0081 00811 0086 0088 008B 0080 008F 0091 0094 0095 0097 0099 0098 0090 009E QOAO aOA3 OOM OOA6 E8 0187 R 73 03 E8 019A R SA E6 E8 8A E6 82 E8 5A E4 24 OA OC 50 B2 E8 58 E6 [9 FE 0192 R C6 71 0192 R Cl 71 0192 R C5 71 OA 0188 R AND OR OR OA 018B R 71 0015 R OOA9 QQAe OOAE PUSH MOV CALL MOV OUT CALL MOV OUT CALL MOV OUT MOV CALL POP IN 71 23 C2 02 OOA9 OOA9 OOA9 JNe CALL PROC NEAR UPO_iN_PR RTC 3A I NIT I AL IlE_ST ATUS E8 01 B7 R 73 03 E9 0018 R PUSH f ~ 0217 0219 0218 0210 0210 A8 20 74 02 CD 4A 021F E6 AO E6 20 5F 5A 58 1F CF 0221 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 MOV CALL IN AND PUSH MOV CALL POP OUT MOV LOS MOV B20A E80l8BR E4-/1 21~ INT 9: -POP TEST JZ 1 NT RTC_INT 10: -MOV OUT 80 20 OUT POP POP POP POP I RET I NT ENDP DL,OAH TURN OfF PIE PORT INC AL, CMOS_PORT+1 AI., OBnl AX DL,OAH PORCINC AX CMOS PORT+1,AI RTC WAIT FLAG,O ; SET FUNCTION ACTIVE FLAG OFF DI,D'rIORO-PTR USER_FLAG; SET UP OS,OI TO POINT TO USER FLAG BYTE PTR[ 0 I], 80H ; TURN ON USERS FLAG AX AL,20H RTC I NT 10 Glf INTERRUPT SOURCE BACK TEST fOR ALARM INTERRUPT NO - GO AROUND TRANSFER TO USER ROUTINE 4AH~ ;\1_, [01 OAOH,AL 020H,AL DI OX END OF I NTERRUPT TO 8259 - AND TO 8259 - 1 RESTORE REG I STERS AX OS END OF INTERRUPT RTC PAGE ; -- I NT 8 (LEVEL 0) ------ ---------------------- ---------- -------: THIS ROUTINE HANDLES THE TIMER INTERfWPT FROM CHANNEL 0 OF THE 8253 TIMER. INPUT FREQUENCY IS 1.19318 MHZ: AND THE DIVISOR IS 65536, RESULTING IN APPROX. 18.2 INTERRUPTS; EVERY SECOND. THE INTERRUPT Hft.NOLER MAINTAINS A COUNT OF INTERRUPTS SINCE POWER ON TIME, WHICH MAY BE USED TO ESTABLISH TIME OF DAY. TH£ I NT£RRUPT HANDLER ALSO OECREMENfS THE MOTOR CONTROL COUNT AND WHEN IT EX?I RES, WI LL TURN OFF THE DISKETTE MOTOR( s), AND RESET THE MOTOR RUNN I NG FLAGS. THE INTERRUPT HANDLER WILL ALSO INVOKE A USER ROUTINE THROUGH INTEHRUPT 1CH AT EVERY TIME TICK. THE USER MUST CODE A ROUTINE AND PLACE THE CORRECT ADDRESS IN THE VECTOR TABLE, OF THE 01 SKETTE, TIMER 0228 0228 0229 022A 0228 022C O??F 0233 0235 0239 0239 023E 0240 0246 FB 1E 50 52 E8 FF 75 FF 0000 E 00 006e R 04 06 006E R .3 3E 006E R ,. - INT 1 S1'I I'USH PUSH PUSH CALL INC JNZ 1 NC PROC FAR INTERRUPTS BACK ON OS AX ox SAVE MACHINE STATE ESTABL I SH AOORESSAB I L I TY INCREMENT T I ME TEST DAY INCREMENT HIGH WORD OF TIME TEST DAY TEST-FOR COUNT EQUALLI NG 24 HOURS 01 SKETTE_CTL DDS riMER LOW T4 - TIMER_HIGH T4: eMP TIMER HIGH,018H 75 15 81 3E 006C R 0080 JNZ eMP T5 75 00 JNZ T5 - T I MER_LOW, OBOH 01 SKETTCCTL T I MER HAS GONE 24 HOURS 0248 02 1lA 0240 0250 2B A3 A3 c6 CO 006E R 006C R 06 0070 R 01 0255 0255 0259 02SB 0260 0262 0265 FE 75 80 BO SA OE OOIJO R OB 26 003f H OC 03F2 SUB MOV MOV MOV AX,AX TIMER_HIGH,AX T I MER_LOW, AX TIMER_OFl,1 TEST FOR DISKETTE TIME 0266 0266 0268 026A 026C 0260 026E 026F 0270 T5: DEC ,INl Fa AND MOV MOV OUl EE our ; 01 SKETTE GTl MOTOR COUNT T6 ; RETURN I r COUNT NOT OUT MOTOR_STATUS,OFOH ; TURN OFF MOTOR RUNNING BITS At.,OCIi OX, 03 F2H ; FOC CTL PORT DX,AL TURN OFF THE MOTOR T6; co lC 80 20 E6 20 1 NT 1 Gil TIMER RET: TRANSFER CONTROl. TO A USER ROUT I NE MOV AL, EOI 0201-l,Al. END OF OUT 5A 5. POP POP POP I RET 1F eF TIMER - 1 NT- 1 ox I NTERRUPT TO 8259 AX RESET MAr:HINE STATE RETURN FROM INTERRUPT OS ENDP I NT 5 -------------------- --.------------------------ --------------THIS LOGIC WILL BE INVOKED BY INTERRUPT 05H TO PRINT THE SCREEN. THE CURSOR POSITION AT THE TIME THIS ROUTINE IS INVOKED WILL BE SAVED AND RESTORED UPON COMPLETION. THE ROUTINE IS INTENDED TO RUN WITH INTERRUPTS E.NABLED. IF A SUBSEQUENT 'PRINT SCREEN KlY IS OEPKESSE.D DURING THE T I ME TH I S ROU TINE IS PR I NT I NG IT WILL Be I CNORED, ADDHESS 50:0 CONTAINS "iHE STATUS OF THE PRINT SCREEN: E I TIlER PR I NT SCREEN HAS NOT BEEN CALLED OR UPON RETURN FRot1 A CALL THIS INDICATES A SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. 50:0 ASSUME 0270 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0279 0278 0280 0282 0287 0289 FB 1E 50 53 51 52 B8 ---- R 81:: 08 80 3E 0000 R 01 74 C6 84 CD 5f 06 0000 R 01 OF 10 PR I NT SCREEN 1 ST I PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH MOY MOY eMP JZ MOY MOY INT =1 PRINT SCREEN =255 ERROR ENCOUNTERED OUR I NG PR I NT I NG IS IN PROGRESS CS;CODE,DS:XXDATA PROC FAR DS MUST RUN WITH INTERRUPTS ENABLED MUST USE 50:0 fOR DATA AREA STORAGE AX BX ex ox AX,XXDATA OS,AX STATUS_BYTE,l EXIT STATUS_BYTE,l AH,15 10H WILL USE THIS LATER FOR CURSOR LIMITS W Il L HOLD CURRENT CURSOR POS I T I ON HEX 50 SE.E IF PR I NT ALREADY I N PROGRESS JUMP IF PR I NT ALREADY I N PROGRESS INDICATE PRINT NOW IN PROGRESS WI LL REQUEST THE CURRENT SCREEN MODI:. [AL]=MODE [AH)oooNUMBER COLUMNS/LINE *lI-********************~*** ...* ...... ~~~l~~!~~~-;*:!~~********** ...... 5-162 BIOS 2 AT THIS POINT WE KNOW THE COLUMNS/LINE ARE IN IAXI AND THE PAGE IF APPLICABLE IS IN [BHI. THE STACK HAS OS, AX, BX, ex, ox PUSHED. [AL I HAS VJ OED MODE ** .... **** .. *.. *** .... ****** .. ****************** ...... ********* ... ***** 0288 0280 028F 0292 MOY MOV CAL L PUSH MOV INl POP PUSH SA CC 05 19 ER 02E7 R 51 0293 0295 0297 B4 03 0298 52 0299 33 02 CD 10 59 WILL MAKE USE OF (CXI REGISTER TO CONTROL ROW Be COLUMNS CARR I AGE RETURN LINE FEED ROUT I NE SAVE SCREEN BOUNDS WILL NOW I{EAD I Ht: CURSOt{. AND PRESERVE THE POSITION RECALL SCREEN BOUNDS RECALL (BH I"'V I SUAL PAGE CL,AH CII,25 CRLF CX AH, 3 10H cx ox **~ .. **~~~ ........ *~~;.~~*"1 H IlM "*"***~*~!~_~*;~r*~~~;~~ .. ~~;!r!~~*r~*i2* 0 J THE lOOP FRON PRI10 TO THE INSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PRI20 IS THE LOOP TO READ EACH CURSOR POSITION FROM THE SCREEN U2Yl:> 0290 O?9F 02A1 02A3 02A5 02A7 02A9 02A9 02AA 02AC D2AE: 02BO 02B1 02B4 O;:>B6 0288 02BA 02BC 02BE 02CO 02C1 02c4 02C5 02c7 02C9 02C8 02CC 02C£ 02DO 0205 020-( 0208 02DA 02DC 02E1 02E~ 02[3 02£4 02£5 02E6 02[7 *** ... *"I,!~~*~~!~!.;. .. ********************************************')1-* MOV AH,2 CD 10 I NT B4 08 MOV lOti AH,8 10H AI.,AL pRI15 AL,' I 84 02 ;'Rll0: >NT CD 10 OA CO OR JNZ MOV 75 02 BO 20 PRJ 15: 33 02 PUSH XOR 32 E4 CO 17 XOR >NT 52 POP TEST JNZ INC 5A F6 CII 29 75 21 FE C2 3A CA OjP JNZ 75 OF 32 02 8A E2 52 E8 02E7 'I<, 5A FE C6 MOV rUSH CALL POP INC 3A EE eMP "f5 DO JNZ 5A XOR PR120: B4 02 CD 10 C6 06 0000 R 00 [[3 OA 5A B4 02 CD 10 C6 06 0000 R FF 5A 59 58 5B 1F CF 10H ; STATUS_BYTE,DFFH SAVE CURSOR pas I T I ON INDICATE PRINTER 1 TO INDICATE PRINT CHAR IN [ALI PR I NT THE CHARACTER RECALL CURSOR POS IT! ON TEST FOR PR INTER ERROI{ JUMP! F ERROR DETECTED ADVANCE TO NEXT COUJMN SEE JF AT END OF LINE I F NOT PROCEED BACK TO COLUMN 0 [AH 1::=0 SAVf NEW CURsor~ pas I T I ON LINE FEED CARRIAGE RETURN RECALL CURSOR POS I T I ON ADVANCE TO NEXT LINE FINISHED? I F NOT CONT I NUE RECALL CURSOR POS I T I ON TO INDICATE CURSOR SfT RFQUf.ST CURSOR paS I T I ON RESTORED INDICATE FINISHED EXIT THE ROUTINE GET CURSOR POS I T I ON TO REQUEST CURSOR SEl CURSOR POSITION RESTORED ; INDICATE ERROR ox RESTORE ALL THE REGI STERS USED DX DX,DX AH,AH Uti OX AH, 29H ERR10 OL CL,DI I'R 110 DL,DL AH,DL ox CRlF OX OH CH,DH PR 110 POP DX MOV I NT MOV JMI' AH,2 10H 5T ATlIS_BYTE, 0 SHORT EXI T £RR10: POP OX MOV I NT AH,? CRR20: Mav EXI T: POP POP POP POP POP IRET PRI NT_SCREEN 1 ex BX AX OS ENDP ; ------ CARR I AGE RETURN, CRLF 02E7 02U 02(9 02E~ 02ED u2EF 02F1 02F3 02F5 02r6 02F6 TO INDICATE CURSOR SET REQUEST NEW CURSOR POSITION ESTABLISHED TO JNDICAlE READ CHARACTER CHARACTER NOW IN [AL J SEE I F VALID CHAR J UM? I F VAL I 0 CHAR MAKE:. A BLANK PROC XOR XOR 33 02 32 Ell eo MOV OA CD 17 32 E" 110 00 CD 17 C3 >NT XOR MOV INT RET CIlLF CODE NEAR OX, OX AH,AH AL,12Q 17H AH,AH AL,15Q 171-1 LI NE FEED SUBROUTI NE PRINTER 0 WILL NOW SEND I NIT I AL LF, CR TO PR INTER LF SEND THE LINE FEED NOW FOR THE CR CR SEND THE CARRIAGE RETURN ENDP [NilS END BIOS 2 5-163 5-164 BIOS 2 0000 TITLE 12/08/83 ORCS • LIST I NCLUOE SEGMENT. SRC COOf.. SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC ASSUME CS:CODE, EXTRN EXTI(N EXTRN EX1RN EXTRN [XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN .£XTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN [XTRN EXTI{N EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN DS:DATA K1 6: NEAR INT 287;NEAR DSKETTE SETUP:NEAR DISK SCfUP:NEAK SEEK:NEAR RTC I NT: NEAR STI\HT 1 :N[AH NM I I NT 1: NEAR ROOT S1RAP 1: NEAR K[YBOI\IW 10 1 :NEAR KB INT l:NEAR r)!SKETTE 10 l;NEAR D I SK_.I NT~'l: NEAR PRINTER 10 l:NEAR VIDEO 10 1:NEAR MEMORY SIZE DETERM I NE 1. NEAR EQU I PMENT 1:NEAR CASSETTE 10 1 :NEAR TIME OF -DAY-1;NEAR T [MER INT '--:NEAR 011: NEAR RS232 10 1: NEAR DUMMY-RETURN l ' NEAR PR I NT-SCREEN-' : NEAR Cl1;NEAR C30: NEAR rST4 B;NEAR IST4-C:NEAR rST4-0: NEAR E30B:NEAR E30C;NEAR RE_D I REeT: NEAR PUBL I C BOOT INVA PU6l1 C TUTOR rUSL I C START PUBLIC C1 PUBLIC e2 PUBL I C C8042A PUI3L I C OBF 42B PUBLi C OSF ,=42A PUBLi C C8042B PUBL I C CB042C PUf"lL I C f_O PUBLI C EO A PUBLIC EO-B PUBLIC VIR ERR PUl3l1 C ElPUBL! C f3A PUBLIC 01 PUBLIC 02 PUBLIC 02A PUBLIC F3D PUBLI C F3D1 PUBLIC. Fl PUBL! C r1_A PUBLIC Fl B PUBLIC F3PUSL I CLOCK PUBLIC CMl PUBLIC CM2 PUBL I C C~13 PUBLIC CM4 PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLI C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBL I C PUBLIC puBL I C PUBL I C PUBLIC PUBL I C PUBLI C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC puBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBl I C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLI C PUBLI C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLI C PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBliC CM4 A CMt.-[3 CM/{-C CM4-D F3BF/, F4E E1 A [,-[3 El-C AD[HR ADERRl VEC10K I ABLE SlAVE_ VECTOR_TABLE DISK BASE V IDEO PARMS M4 - M~ M6 M7 CRT_CHAR_GEN PRINT_SCREEN Al K6 K6L K7 K8 K9 K1U K11 K12 K13 I\l4 1\15 RS232 10 DUMMY-RETURN NMI_INT BOOT STRAP KEYBOARD_IO KB I NT DISKETTE 10 DISK INTPRINTER 10 VIDEO 10 MEMOI~Y SIZE DETERMINE EQU I PMENT CASS[TTE 10 riME OF DAY TIMER INT HRD FLOPPY SEEKS 1 F1780F1781 F1782 ORGS 5-165 PUBLI C PUBLIC PUBLI C f1790 F1791 FO_ TSl ; THIS MODULE HAS BEEN ADDED TO FACILITATE THE EXPANSION OF THIS PROGRAM. ; IT ALLOWS FOR THE fiXED ORG STATEMENT ENTRY POINTS THAT HAVE TO REMAIN ; AT THE SAME ADDRESSES. ADDED ON 9/16/82 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------: ; COPYRIGHT NOTICE ORG 0000 005B 005B 005B 005S 36 38 2E 31 31 20 20 39 38 43 49 38 31 30 32 4F 50 52 42 40 20 34 OEOOOH DB RESET START: E9 0000 E '6181028 COPR. ORG ORG LABEL OE05BH 0005BH fAR JMP START_' IBM 1984' ; +++++++++++++++++++++++ ~OSE 0060 0062 0064 0066 0068 006A 006C 0085 009E 00B1 0000 00E9 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 20 79 42 45 OA 20 79 42 45 OA 20 79 42 45 OA 20 79 42 45 OA 20 79 42 45 OA 20 65 1~5 OOFC 01 DC 011C 0137 0152 0150 0164 0174 0184 018!! OlAl 01C2 0107 OHB OA 20 52 6F 20 52 6F 20 65 41 73 72 20 65 41 73 72 52 72 20 00 50 20 20 50 20 20 3f OA 20 40 46 59 20 6E 53 20 4B 6B 20 65 64 72 20 79 55 65 20 63 20 65 64 79 55 72 C,------------------------ow E E OW OW OW OW OW OW C2 C8042A E g:bli~~A E E E E C8042C OBF _42B ~ -POS;-ERROR-MESSAGES----.------------------------D B ' 101-System 31 73 6F 72 30 74 61 72 31 65 72 6F 20 60 64 72 53 20 20 00 EO 31 73 6F 72 30 74 61 72 32 65 72 6F 20 60 64 72 53 20 20 00 EO_A DB' 31 73 6f 72 30 74 61 72 33 65 72 6F 20 60 64 72 53 20 20 00 EO_B D B ' l03-System Board Error',13.10 ; TIMER INTERRUPT FAILURE 31 73 6f 72 30 34 74 65 61 72 72 6F 20 60 64 72 53 20 20 00 VIR_ERR DB 31 73 6F 72 30 74 61 72 20 60 64 72 53 20 20 00 CM4 D B ' l05-System Board Error',13,10 ; 32 30 31 20 l~O 60 6F 72 79 20 72 72 6F 72 00 E1 D6 34 54 72 35 5 1j 72 3? 60 64 20 00 32 60 64 20 00 4F 6F 4B 30 20 00 30 20 00 30 6F 64 45 OA 30 6F 64 45 OA 40 72 42 20 43 72 72 41 43 32 41 43 31 3f 28 45 31 29 20 6C 79 55 65 00 33 79 20 00 33 73 6E 79 69 6B 33 79 20 73 6E 72 35 65 72 6F Board Error',13,10 ; INTERRUPT FAILUE 102-System Board Error',13,10 ; TIMER FAILURE '104-SyStem Board Error',13,lO; PROTECTED MODE FAILURE LAST 8042 COMMAND NOT ACCEPTED 2Ql-Memory Error' ,13,10 31 45 OA 31 45 OA 3? 72 72 72 [1 6 - 06 401-CRT Error', 13, 10 20 43 72 12 [1 C 06 SOl-CRT Error' ,13,10 ?D 79 65 72 40 20 73 6F AOERRl 06 202-Memo ry Add ress Error' ,13, 10 LINE ERROR 00->15 33 72 72 72 20 79 65 72 40 20 73 6F AOERR 06 203-Memory Address Error', 13, 10 ; LI NE ERROR 16->23 20 45 72 00 OA 20 4F 4B f3A DB 'ROM Error' ,13,10 ROM CHECKSUM f36 DB 'KB OK',13 KB FOR MEMORY SIZE 52 48 00 52 48 00 3F 49 45 OA 49 45 OA 3F 54 59 43 4B 01 DB 'PARITY CHECK 2',13,10 54 59 43 4B 02 DB 'PARITY CHECK 1',13,10 3F 00 D2A DB '?????',13,10 52 20 22 00 20 6F 73 6E 79 OA 30 62 45 OA 30 14 69 6c 73 65 30 62 4F 74 69 6F 45 3D 20 OA 20 63 74 69 6C 53 ~5 20 22 4B 45 fJD DB 20 6B 65 74 6F F30l DB 31 20 4B 6F 61 72 72 72 6F F1 OB 32 65 74 6F 20 61.j. 33 6F LOCK D B ' 302-System Unit Keylock F1_A D B ' 303-Keyboard Or System Unit Error', 13,10 72 65 74 72 20 60 20 63 4e 00 20 61 20 60 20 00 55 20 60 20 63 53 20 4B 6B 6F OA 4B 72 53 20 4S OA 5-166 ORGS - (KESUMI:. = "1-1" KI:.Y) , ,13,10 -Unlock System Unit KeylOck' ,13,10 301-Keyboard Error', 13,10 ; KEYBOARD ERROR is Locked', 13, 10 ; KEYBOARD LOCK ON 021F 203630312044 69 73 6B 65 74 74 65 20 117 72 72 6F 72 00 OA 20 31 36 31 20 53 79 73 711 65 60 20 0234 F3 DB 601-Diskette Error', 13, 10 CM1 DB 161-SYStem Options Not Set-(Run SETUP)',13,10 CM2 DB CM3 DB ; DISKETTE ERROR ; DEAD BATTERY 4r -'0 -f/+ 69 6r 6E 73 53 75 55 20 7') liF 0250 0286 20 II~ 6F 74 20 65 74 20 28 52 6E 50 31 73 70 B 20 53 65 75 6E 55 50 20 29 36 74 4[ "{II 20 29 53 00 32 65 69 6F 2D 53 00 45 54 OA ?D 53 60 20 6r 6E 74 20 28 52 45 54 OA 20 31 69 60 44 61 6F 74 20 28 53 45 00 OA 36 65 74 20 52 54 33 20 65 53 75 55 20 26 20 65 6E 50 -{J+ 54 20 4E 74 20 29 , 162-System Options Not. Set-(Run SETUP)', 13, 10 ; CMOS CHECKSUM ERROR 163-Time & Date Not Set-(Run SETUP}',13,10 ; ; F4 02AC 02AC 02A[ 02BO 02B2 CLOCK NOT UPDATING PR \ NTER TABLE LABEL OW OW OW LABEL 03Be 0378 0278 F4F: WORD 3BCH 378H 278H WORD ; --------- NM \ ENTRY ORO ORG EaU OE2C3H 002C3H 53 20 20 00 DB , 106-System Board Eccor' ,13, 10 ; CONVERTING LOGIC TEST 53 20 20 00 DB , 107-System Board Error',13,10 ; HOT NMI 31 30 38 20 53 73 74 65 60 20 DB , 108-System Board Error', 13, 10 ; TIMER BUS TEST DB , 109-Syst.em Board Errol", 13, 10 ; LOW MEG CHI P SELECT TEST 02C3 = 02C3 02C3 [9 0000 E 02C6 20 31 30 36 20 79 73 74 6, 60 42 6 F 61 72 6 11 "5 72 72 6F 72 $ OA 02DF 20 79 42 45 02F8 20 79 42 ,,5 31 30 37 20 73 74 65 60 6F 61 72 64 72 72 6F 72 TEST OA 6F 61 72 64 LU 72 72 6F 72 00 OA 0311 20 79 42 45 31 30 39 20 73 74 65 60 6r 61 72 64 72 72 6F 72 032A 20 65 53 72 52 54 31 36 34 20 40 60 6F 72 79 20 697A652045 72 6F 72 20 28 75 6E 20 53 45 55 50 29 00 OA 03/IE 20 65 64 79 55 72 33 79 20 73 6E 72 30 62 4F 74 69 6F 31\ 6F 72 65 20 61 20 GO 14 20 72 00 4B 72 53 ?O 115 OA 0372 20 69 65 20 64 (2 36 73 20 52 20 00 30 6B 42 65 45 OA 32 65 6F 63 72 411 74 71, 72 6F 0393 31 69 46 65 31 69 1\6 65 31 69 6E 65 6C 31 69 45 37 73 61 00 37 73 61 00 3{ 73 74 72 75 37 73 72 38 68 69 OA 38 6B 69 OA 38 68 72 20 72 39 6B 72 3020 44 20 30 20 6C 75 72 53 20 20 00 OA ; ---------- MEMORY SIZE ERROR El_A D B ' 164-Memory Size [rror-(Run SETUP}',13,10 "; CMOS DOES NOT MATCH SYSTEM KEYBOARD/SYSTEM ERROR DB ' 304-Keyboard Or System Unit Error',13,10 ; 03A8 0380 030n 03EE 20 74 6f 6F 72 KEYBOARD CLOCK LINE HIGH DISKETTE BOOT RECORD I S NOT VAll 0 DB '602-Diskettc Boot Record Error',13,10 ; ---------- HARD fILE ERROR MSG F17BO DB '1780-0isk 0 Fa i lure' ,ODH,OAH 31 2044 20 31 20 6C 75 72 fl/S1 DB '1781-Disk 1 failure'.OOH,OAH 32 20 6F 46 65 30 20 6f F1782 DB '1762-0isk Controller Fa i lure' ,ODH,OAH F1790 DB '1790-DiSk 0 Error' ,ODH,OAH f1791 DB '1791-Disk 1 Error' ,ODH,OAH 20 43 6C 61 00 20 30 72 411 6F 6C 69 OA 1I'1 20 00 OA 31 37 39 31 20 44 69 73 6B 20 31 20 45 72 72 6f 72 00 OA INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS F IXCO 0 I SK PARAMETER TABLE - +0 +2 +, +3 +7 +8 THE TABLE (1 WORD) (1 BYTE) (1 WORD) (1 WORD) (1 BYTE) (1 BYTE) I S COMPOSED OF A BLOCK DEfINED AS; - MAX I MUM NUMBER OF CYL I NDERS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF HEADS NOT USED/SEE PC-XT STARTING WRITE PRECOMPENSATION CYL NOT USED/SEE PC-XT CONTROL BYTE BIT 7 DISABLE RETRIES -ORBIT 6 DISABLE RETRIES ORGS 5-167 +9 +12 +14 +15 (3 (1 (1 (1 - BYTES)WORD) BYTE) BYTE) - BIT 3 MORE THAN B HEADS NOT USED/SEE PC-XT LANDING ZONE NUMBER OF SECTORS/TRACK RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE TO DYNAMICALLY DEFINE A SET OF PARAMETERS eu I LO A TABLE fOR UP TO 15 TYPES AND PLACE 1HE CORRESPONOING VECTOR INTO INTERRUPT 41 FOR DRIVE AND INTERRUPT 46 FOR DRIVE 1. ° FO_ TBl: 0401 ;----- DRIVE TYPE 01 01101 0lf03 0404 0406 0408 0409 040A OI~OD 040F 0410 0132 ow 04 DB 0000 0080 OW OW 00 00 DB DB DB 00 00 00 0131 11 00 03060 040 0 CYL I NOERS HEADS 01280 WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE OW 0,0,0 03050 DB DB 170 0 I AND I NC ZONE SECTORS/TRACK ;----- DRIVE TYPE 02 0 1.11 0413 0414 OI~16 OW DB OW OW 026'1 04 0000 012C DB DB DB 06150 040 0 WRIT[ PRE-COMPENSATION CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE O/~ 1 8 01119 041A 041D 041F 0420 00 00 0421 0423 0424 0426 0428 0429 042A 0420 042F 0430 0267 0431 0433 0434 0436 0438 0439 043l1, 0430 043F 0440 03AC OW 09400 DB 0000 0200 00 00 00 00 00 03AC 11 00 DB DBD 0 0/\41 0/f43 0444 0446 01148 0449 044A 01\40 044F 0450 03AC OW 06 08 0000 0200 OW OW 00 00 DB 00 00 00 03AC 11 DB 0 1\51 01\53 0454 0456 0458 0459 0li5A 0450 045f 0460 0267 ow 0', OB OW OW DB DB DB OW DB DB 00 00 00 0267 11 OW OB DB 00 CYLI NDERS HEADS 03000 0,,0,0 06150 170 0 LANDING ZONE SECTORS/TRACK DR I VE TYPE 03 OW DB OW OW 06 0000 012C DB DB DB 00 00 00 00 00 0267 11 OW DB DB 00 06150 060 0 CYLI NDERS HEADS 03000 WRITE PKE-COMPENSArloN CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 06150 170 0 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK DR IVE TYPE 04 OW OW DB DB DB 05120 0 0 OW 0,0,0 09400 DB DB 170 0 CYL I NDERS HEADS WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYL CONTROL BYTE LANDI NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK ; ----- DRIVE TYPE 05 DB 00 09400 060 0 CYLI NDERS HEADS 05120 WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE OW 0,0,0 09400 DB DB 170 0 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK ;----- DRIVE TYPE 06 0000 FFFf 00 00 00 00 00 0267 11 00 06150 040 CYLI HDERS HEAOS 0 OFFFFH WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 06150 170 0 LANDING ZONE SECTORS/TRACK DR I VE TYPE 07 0461 0463 0464 0466 0468 0469 01\6A 0460 046F 0470 01CE 0471 0473 0474 0476 0478 0479 047A 0470 047F 0480 0200 OW DB OW OW DB DB 0000 0100 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF 11 00 DB DB OW DB DB 04620 080 0 CYLI NDERS HEADS 02560 WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 0511D 170 0 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK ;----- DRIVE TYPE 08 OW DB OW OW DB DB DB OW 05 0000 FFFF 00 00 00 00 00 0200 11 DB DB 00 07330 050 0 CYLI NDERS HEADS OFFFFH NO WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 07330 170 0 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK DR r VE TYPE 09 0481 0483 0484 0486 0384 OF 0000 FFFF 0488 00 5-168 OW DB OW OW DB ORGS 09000 150 0 OFFFFH 0 CYLI NOERS HEADS NO WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION DB DB OW 08 DB 0489 048A 0480 OIJ8F 0490 06 0491 0493 0494 0496 0498 0499 049A 0490 049F 04AO 0334 04A1 04A3 04A4 04A6 04A8 04A9 04AA 04AO 04AF 0460 0357 0461 0463 0464 0466 0468 0469 046A 0460 04BF 04CO 0357 OW 07 06 0000 FFFF OW OW DB DB DB OW DB DB 04C1 04C3 04C4 Q4C6 04C8 04C9 04CA a4CO 04CF 0400 0132 0401 0403 0404 01106 0lt08 0409 040A 0400 040F 04EO 0200 04El OlJE3 04E4 04E6 01lE8 04E9 04EA 04EO 04EF 04FO 0000 00 00 00 0385 11 00 CONTROL BYTE 008H 0,0,0 LANDING ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 09010 170 0 ;----- DRIVE TYPE 10 OW DB OW 03 0000 FFFF ow DB DB DB OW DB DB 00 00 00 00 00 0334 11 00 CYL I NOERS HEADS 08200 030 0 OFFFFH NO WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION 0 CONTROL BYTE 0 0,0,0 08200 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 170 0 DRIVE TYPE 11 OW DB OW OW DB DB DB OW DB DB 05 0000 fHI' 00 00 00 00 00 0357 11 00 CYLI NDERS HEADS 0855D 050 0 orFFFH NO WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 08550 LANDING ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 170 0 DRIVE TYPE 12 00 00 00 00 00 0357 11 00 CYLJ NDERS HEADS 0855D 070 0 OFFfFH NO WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION 0 0 CONTROL 6YTE 0,0,0 08550 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 170 0 DR I VE TYPE 13 OW DB OW OW DB DB DB OW DB DB 08 0000 0080 00 00 00 00 00 013F 11 00 CYL INDERS HEADS 03060 OBO 0 01280 WR I TE PRE-COMPENSAT I ON CYL 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 03190 LAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 170 0 ; ----- OR IVE TYPE 14 OW DB OW OW DB DB DB OW DB DB 07 0000 FFFF 00 00 00 00 00 0200 11 00 070 0 OFFFFH WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYl 0 0 CONTROL BYTE 0,0,0 07330 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 lAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 170 0 DRIVE TYPE 15 OW DB OW OW DB DB DB OW DB DB CYLI NDERS HEADS 07330 RESERVED **** DO NOT USE **** CYll NDERS HEADS 00000 DOD 0 00000 WRITE PRE-COMPENSATION CYL 0 0 CON I ROL BYTE 0,0,0 00000 DOD lAND I NG ZONE SECTORS/TRACK 0 ; ---------- BOOT LOADER INTERRUPT 06F2 '" 06F2 06F2 E9 0000 E BOOT_STRAP ORO ORO EOU JMP OE6F2H 006F2H $ BOOT_STRAP_1 ; ---------------BAUD RATE 0729 0729 0729 0726 0720 072F 0731 0733 0735 0737 ORO ORO LABEL A1 0417 0300 0180 OOCO 0060 0030 0018 OOOC OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW j NIT OE729H a0729H WORD 1047 110 BAUD 768 150 300 600 384 192 ; TABLE OF INIT VALUE 1200 2400 4800 9600 96 48 24 12 ;-------------- RS232 ORO ORO EOU JMP 0739 '" 0739 0739 E9 0000 E OE739H 00739H S RS232_IO_ 1 ; --------------- KEYBOARD oa2E '" 082E 082E E9 0000 E 087E KEY60ARD_IO ORO ORG OE82EH 0082EH EOU JMP KEYBOARD_I 0_ 1 ORG ORG OE87EH 00a7EH S ; ------ TABLE OF SH I fT KEYS AND MASK VALUES (EARLY PC 1 ORGS 5-169 LABEL 087E 087E 52 087F 3A 45 46 38 10 0884 2A 36 == 0008 K6L EOU BYTE INS_KEY ; I fIISERT KEY CAPS_KEY, NUM_KEY, SCROLL_KEY, AL T_KEY, GIL_KEY LEFT KEY,RIGHT KEY $-K6 - 0886 K7 LABEL DB DB DB BYTE I NS_Sf! 1FT ; I NSERT MODe Sit I n CAPS_SH 1FT, NUM_SH I FT, SCROLL_SH J FT ,ALT _SH I FT ,CTL_SH J FT LEFT_SH 1FT, RI CHT_SH I FT 0886 0887 088G K6 DB DB DB 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 SCAN CODE TABLES 088E 0896 089E D8A6 1B 1E FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 1F FF 7F K8 17 05 12 14 19 lS 09 OF 10 1B 10 OA FF 01 13 D8AD 04 06 07 08 OA DB OC rr FF FF 1C 1A 18 03 08BE DE 00 FF FF FF FF Ff FF 20 FF 0800 0808 08EO 08El 08El D8FO 091/\ 091B 091B 092A U943 LABEL 64 65 66 67 FF FF 77 Ff 8J~ fF 73 r, 74 rr 75 FF 76 FF 1B 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 20 3D 08 09 71 77 65 75 69 6 F 00 F F 61 6i 68 6A 72 74 79 lB 21 40 23 24 5E 26 2A 28 29 2B 08 00 51 57 115 52 54 55 49 Ilf 50 7B DD FF 41 53 114 DB 102,103,-1,-1,119,-1,132,-1 DB 115,-1,116,-1,117,-1.118,-1 5B 5C 50 O')')f 095F 096 11 68 69 6A 68 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 25 55 56 57 58 DB 60H,-1,5CH,'zxcvbnm,./',-l,'*',-1,' r OIEH,-l,' IZXeYBNM<>?' ,-1,0,-1,' 59 34 UC TABLE SCAN LABEL BYTE DB DB ; ------ AL T TABLE SCAN K13 LAflEL BYTE DB DB K14 ~LJ 27.' !@#$' • 37, 05EH, '&*( 1_+' ,08H, 0 'QWERTYU 10PIl' , ODH, -1, 'ASDFGHJKL:'" DB " NUM STATE TABLE LABEL BYTE DB ',-1 84,85,86,87,88,89,90 91,92,93 104,105,106,10'1,108 109,110,111,112,113 '789-456+1230.' ;------ BASE CASE TABLE K15 LABEL BYTE 47 48 49 FF 48 FF 40 FF 4F 50 51 52 53 DB 71,72,73,-1,75,-1,77 DB -1,79,80,81,82,83 KEYBOARD 0987 = 0987 E9 0000 E INTERRUPT ORG OE987H ORC 00987H £QU JMP S OISKurE OC59 = OC59 DISKETTE_IO KB_I NT_' I/O OEC59H OOC59H ORC ORC EOU S DISKETTE_10_1 JMP E9 0000 E ;-------- DISKETTE INTERRUPT OEF57H 00F57H ORG ORC EOU OF57 = OF57 OF57 E9 0000 E S DISK_INT 1 JMP DISKETTE PARMS ORC ORC OfC7 ; ; ; ; ; LABEL DF 02 5-170 ORGS OEFC7H OOFC7H DISK_BASE TH I SIS THE SET or PARAMETERS REQU 1RED rOR DISKETTE OPERATION. THEY ARE POINTED AT BY THE DATA VAHIABLE DISK __ POINTER. TO MODIFY THE PARAMETERS, BUILD ANOTHER PARAMETER BLOCK AND POINT AT IT OFG7 OFC7 OFC8 ,027H 'qwertyuiop[]' ,ODH,-l, 'asdfghjkl; 31 32 33 30 2E OC59 OlBH, '1234567890-=' ,08H,09H DB 5F 0969 0987 -1 DB K12 095G 0970 94,9?,96,97,98,99,100,101 ; ------ UC TABLE K11 LABEL BYTE DB 59 70 46 47 48 4A 4B 4C 3A 22 7E rF 7C SA 58 43 56 42 4E 40 3C 3E 3F FF 00 FF 20 FF 5 11 5A 0976 ',_1 BYTE 73 64 66 6B 6c 3B 60 FF 5C 7A 78 63 76 62 6E 60 2C 2E 2F FF 2A FF 20 FF .:S~ 14,13,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 70 5B 50 0955 0976 4,6,7,8,10,11,12,-1,-1 DB LC TABLE LABEL BYTE DB FF 37 3" 36 2B 16,27,29,10,-1,1,19 DB DB SF 60 61 62 63 0955 0969 23,5,18,20,25,21,9,15 ; ________ CIl TA~~E SCAN' 27 0909 DB DB DB K9 U8C8 5E -1,-1,-1,31,-1,127,-1,17 -1, -1,28,26,24,3,22.2 16 02 08C8 27, -1 ,0, -1, -1 ,-1,30,-1 DB H 08R6 08c6 DB 11 DB DB BYH. 11011111B 2 SRT=D, HD UNLOAO=QF HQ LOAD=l, MOOE=DMA - 1ST SPECIFY BYTE 2ND SPEC I FY BYTE OFC9 OFCA OFCB OFCC OFCD OFCE OFCF OFDO OFDl MOTOR WAI T DB DB 25 02 OF 1B FF 51. F6 OF 08 2 15 DB DB DB DB DB DB OlBH OFFH 054H OF6H DB 8 15 ; ------- PR I NTER OFD2 == OFD2 [9 0000 [ OFD2 - 10 ORG ORG EOU JMP PRINTER_IO ;-------- VIDEO WAIT AFTER OPN TIL MOTOR OFF 512 BYTES/SECTOR EOT ( LAST SECTOR ON TRACK) GAP LENGTH DTL GAP LENGTH FOR FORMAT FILL BYTE FOR FORMAT HEAD SETTLE T I ME (M I LL I SECONDS) MOTOR START TIME (1/8 SECONDS) OEFD2H 00FD2H $ PRINTER_IO_, 10 ;--------- ADDEO FOR POSSIBLE COMPATABILI'IY ENTRY POINTS 1045 ASSUME EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN 1045 1045 0000 1047 0000 1 01~9 0000 104B 0000 1040 0000 104F 0000 1051 0000 1053 0000 1055 0000 1057 0000 1059 0000 105B 0000 1050 0000 105F 0000 1061 0000 1063 0000 = 0020 M1 [ E £ E E E E E E E E E E [ E E M1L SET MODE:NEAR SET-CTYP[;NEAR SET-CPOS: NEAR READ CURSOR; NEAR READ-LPEN;NEAR ACT DISP PAGE;NEAR SCROLL_UP: NEAR SCROLL_DOWN: NEAR READ AC CURRENT; NEAR WR I TE AC CURRENT: NEAR WRIICC GURRENT:NEAR SET COLOR;NEAR WRITE DOT;NEAR READ DOT; NEAR WRI TE TTY: NCAII VIDEO=STATE;NEAR LABEL DW OW DW DW DW DW OW DW DW OW DW OW OW DW DW OW EOU 1065 WORO OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFf'S!;, I OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OfFSET S-Ml TABLE OF ROUTINES WITHIN VIDEO SET_MODE SET CTYPE SET-CPOS READ_CURSOR READ LPEN ACT DISP PACE SCROLL_UP SCROLL DOWN READ AC CURRENT WR I {'CAe_CURRENT WR I TE C CURRENT SET COLOR WR IrE DOT READ DOT WRITE TTY V1DEO=STATE ORG OF065H 01065H ORC = 1065 1065 ; ORC or045H ORG 01045H CS: CODE, OS: DATA, E$; V IDEO_RAM E9 0000 E [QU JMP VIDEO - 10 I/O S VIDEO - 10- 1 ; --------- V IDEO PARMS ORC ORG LABEL 10A4 10ALI 10A4 10AB lOBO '-- 0010 10B4 lOBB lOCO OFOA4H OlOA4H BYTE INIT TABLE DB 38H,28H,2DH,OAH,1 fH,6, 19H 38 28 20 OA 1 F 06 19 lC 02 07 06 07 00 00 00 00 DB DB Eau lCH,2, 7,6, 7 0,0,0,0 S-v I DEO_PARMS DB 71H,50H,5AH,OAH,1 fH,6, 19H DB lCH,2,7,6,1 0,0,0,0 71 50 SA OA I f 06 19 lC 02 07 06 07 00 00 00 00 013 38 28 20 OA "IF 06 DB 38H,28H, 20H, OAH, 7fH,6, 64H lOCB 1000 70 02 01 06 07 00 00 00 00 DB DB 0,0,0,0 1004 61 50 52 0 F 19 06 19 190200QBQC 00 00 00 00 DB 61H,50H,52H,OFH, 19H,6, 19H 10DB 10EO DB DB 19H,2,ODH,OBH,OCH 0,0,0,0 10ELI 10E4 10E6 10E8 10EA LABEL OW OW OW OW WORD 0800 1000 4000 4000 lOC4 ; SET UP FOR 40X25 ; SET UP FOR 80X25 ; SET UP FOR GRAPHICS ; SET UP FOR 80XZ5 B&W CARD 64 10EC lOEC 10F4 10F4 M5 28 28 50 50 28 28 50 50 2C 28 20 29 2A 2E 1£ 29 70H,2,1,6,7 ; TABLE OF REGEN LENGTHS 4DX25 80X25 GRAPH ICS 2048 4096 1638LI 16384 ; ------ COLUMNS M6 LABEL BYTE DB 40,40,80,80,40,40,80,80 ;------ C_REG_TAB M7 LABEL BYTE ; TABLE OF MODE SETS DB 2CH,28H,2DH,29H,2AH,2EH,lEH,29H ; ;-------- MEMORY SIZE ORG 1841 '" 1841 1841 E9 0000 E ORG MEMORY S / ZE DI:..1 J:.KM I NE JMP QF841H 01841H EQU $ MEMORY_S 1ZE_OETERM 1 NE_ 1 EQU I PMENT DETERM I NE ORGS 5-171 1840 1840 18110 [9 0000 F eo OF84011 0184011 ORe aRC EQU I PMENT EaU S EQU I PMENT_l JMP ;---------- CASSETTE (NO BIOS SUPPORT) 1859 '" 1859 1859 E9 0000 E 1A76 1A7E 1A86 1A96 11\9E lAA6 1AAE 1AB6 lASE lAC6 lACE lA06 10 10 38 38 10 38 00 00 FF FF 00 3C FF C3 OF CC 3C 7E 3F ORG OFA6EH ORC 01A6EH LABEL BYTE OOOH,OOOIl,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH ; D_OO DB 07EH,081H,OA5H,081H,OBDH,099H,081H,07EH ; 0_o1 DB 07EH, OFFH, ODSH, OFFH,OC3H, OE7H, OFFH, 07EH ; o_o2 DB 06CH,OFEH,OfEH,OFEH,07CH,038H,010H,000H ; o_o3 7C FE 7C 38 DB 010H, 038H, 07CH, OFEH,07CH, 038H, 010H, OOOH ; o_04 38 FE FE 7C DB 038H, 07CH, 038H, FEH, OFEH, 07CH, 038H, 07CH ; 0_05 38 7C FE 7C DB 01OH,010tl,038H,01CII,OFEH,07CH,038H,07CH ; 0_06 18 3C 3C 18 DB OOOH,000H,018H,03CH,03CH,018H,OOQl-I,000H ; 0_07 E7 C3 C3 E7 DB OFFH, OFfH, OE7H, OC3H, OC3H, OE7H, 66 42 42 66 DB OOOH, 03CH, 066H, 0112H, 0112H, 066H, 03CH, OOOH ; 0_09 99 SO BD 99 DB OFFH,oe3H,099H,OBDH,OBDII,099H,OC3H,OFFH ; D_OA OF 70 CC CC DB 00 FH, 007H, OOFH, 070H, oeCH, OCCH, OCCH, 078H ; O_OB 66 66 3C 18 DB 03CH,066H,066H,066H,03CH,018H,07EH,018H ; D_OC 3F 30 30 70 DB 03FH,033H,03FH,030H,030H,070H,OFOH,OEOH ; 0_00 7F 63 63 67 DB 07FH, 063H, 07FH, 063H, 063H, 067H, OE6H, oeoll ; D_OE 3C E7 E7 3C DB 099H, OSAH, 03CH, OE7H, OE7H, 03CH, OSAH, 099H ; D_OF F8 FE F8 EO DB 080H,O£OH,OF8H,OfEH,Of8H,OEOH,080H,OOOH ; 0_10 3E FE 3E DE DB 002H,OOEH,03£H,OFEH,03£H,OOEH,002H,000H ; 0_11 7£ 18 18 7£ DB 018H, 03CH, 07£H,018H, Ol8H, 07EH, 03CH, 018H ; o_12 66 66 66 00 DB 066H,066H,066H,066H,066H,OOOH,066H,UUllH ; LJ_13 DB 7B 18 1B DB 07FH,OOBH,00BH,07BH,01BH,01BH,01BH,000H ; 0_14 38 6C 6C 38 DB 03EH, 063H, 038H, Q6CH, 06CH, 038H, OCGI-!, 078H ; 0_15 00 00 lE 7E DB OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, 07EH, 07£H, 07EH, OOOH 7E 18 -rr 3C DB o 18H, 03CH, 07EH, 01 8H, 07[H, 03CH, 7E 18 lR 18 DB o 18H, 03GH, 07EH, 18 18 7E 3e DB 0' 8H, 0 18H, 018H, DC FE DC 18 DB OOOH, 6U H=- 60 30 DB 00011, 030H, 060H, CO CO CO FE DB OOOH, OOOH, OCOH, OCOH, OCOH, 0 FEH, 00011, OOOH 0_1 C 66 FF 66 24 OB OOOH, 024H, 066H, OFFH, 066H, 024H, OOOH, OOOH 0_10 3C 7E FF FF DB OOOH, 018H, 03CH, 01£11, OF FH, OFFH, OOOH, OOOH 0_ 1 E FF iE 3C 18 DB OOOH, 0 F FH, OFFH, 07[H, Q3CH, 018H, OOOH, OOOH 0_1 F 00 00 00 00 DB OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OONI,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH SP 0_20 78 30 3000 DB 030H, 078H, 078H, 030H, 030H, OOOH, 030H,000H ! 6C 00 00 00 DB 06CH,06CH,06CH,OOOH,OOOH,000H,OOOH,OOOH "0_22 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 A5 81 BO 99 7E FF DB FF C3 E7 7E FE FE FE 7C 38 FO lADE 1A£6 lA£E 1AF6 1AFE 1 B06 1BOE 1816 1Bl1': 1B26 1B2[ 11336 lB3E 1B46 lB4E 1 B56 lB5£ lB66 1 B6E lB76 1B7E 1B86 lB8E 1896 lB9E lSA6 18AE 16B6 lBBE lBC6 1 BCE 1 BD6 lBOE 1 BE6 1 BEE lBF6 16FE lC06 7F E6 99 5A 38 00 7C 7C 10 7C 00 00 FF FF 3C 00 C3 FF 07 78 66 18 33 EO 63 CO 5A 99 80 80 02 02 18 3C 66 66 7F EO 00 DE 00 3C 18 66 00 08 18 00 3E 63 CC 78 00 00 7E 00 18 3C 18 FF HI 3C 18 00 18 18 18 00 00 18 00 00 UO:W 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21j 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 30 30 6C 00 6C 6C 30 30 00 C6 38 76 60 00 18 18 60 60 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 06 80 00 00 78 00 6C 00 6c 00 lC 00 C6 00 6C 00 60 00 30 00 30 00 66 00 30 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 DC 00 7e 7e 30 FC 78 FC 78 78 C6 00 70 00 CC 00 CC 00 5-172 CASSETTE_I 0_1 DB 10 00 lA8E S CI1ARACTER GENERATOR GRAPH I es FOR 320X200 AND 640X200 GRAPH I CS CRT CHAR GEN 00 00 7E 81 7E FF 6C Eau JMP ; lA6E 1A6E lA6E OF85911 01859H aRC aRC CASSEHCIO - ° ° 18H, 0 18H, ° ° FFH, OFFH ; ° 0_08 o_16 18H, OFFH 0_17 18H, 018H, OOOH 0_18 ° ° 18H, OOOH 0_19 18H, OOGH, 0 FEH, OOCH, 01811, OOOH, OOOH 0_1 A ° 18H, 07£H, 03CH, ° FEH, 060H, 030H, OOOH, OOOH 0_1 B 0_21 FE 6e FE 6C 08 06CH,06CII,OFEH,06CH,OFEH,06CH,06CH,QOOH # CO 78 OC F8 DB 030H, 07CH, OCOH, 078H, OOCH, OF8H, 030H,000H $ 0_24 CC 18 30 66 DB OOOH, OC6H, OCCH, 0 1811,03011, 066H, OCuH, OOOH PER CENT o_25 38 76 DC CC OB 038H, 06CH, 038H, 076H, OOCH, OCCH, 076H, OOOH & 0_26 CO 00 00 00 DB 060H, 060H, OCOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH 0_27 60 60 60 30 DB 018H,03011,060H,060H,060H,030H,018H,OOOH {0_28 0 23 18 18 18 30 DB 060H,030H,01BH,018H,018H,030H,060H,000H ) o_29 3C FF 3C 66 DB OOOH, 066H, 03CH, OFFH, 03CH, 066H, OOOH, 00011 * 30 FC 30 30 DB OOOH, 030H, 030H, FCH, 030H, 030H, OOOH, OOOH + D_26 00 00 00 30 DB OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, 030H,030H, 060H ,D_<'C 00 Fe 00 00 DB OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OFCH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH ;- o_20 00 00 00 30 DB OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, 030H, 030H, OOOH 18 30 60 CO DB 006H, OOCH, 018H, 030H, 060H, OCOH, 080H,OOOH / CE DE F6 E6 08 07CH, OC6H, OCEH, ODEH, 0 F6H, OE6H, O/CH, OOOH 0 0_30 30 30 30 30 DB 030H, 070H, 030H, 030H, 030H, 030H,OFCH,000H ; 1 0_31 oe 38 60 ee DB 078H, OCCH, OOCH, 038H, 060H, OCCH, OFCH, UOUH ; 2 0_32 DC 38 oc CC DB 078H, OCCH, OOCH, 038H, OOCH,OCCH,078H, OOOH ; 3 0_33 ORGS ° D_2A D_2E 0_2F lCOE 6C CC FE DC DB 01CH,03CH,06CH,OCCH,OFEH,OOCH,01EH,OOOH ; 4 0_34 F8 DC OC CC DB OFCH,OCOH,OF8H,00CH,00CH,OCCH,078H,OODH ; 5 o_35 ec DB 03BH,060H,OCOH, OF8H, OCCH, OCCI!, 078H, OOOH ; 6 o_36 DC 18 30 30 DB OFCH, OCCH,OOCH, 01SH, 030H, 030H, 030H, 00011 ; 7 o_37 lC5E le 3C 1E 00 Fe co 78 00 3860 78 00 Fe CC 30 00 n ce 78 00 78 ce 70 00 00 30 30 00 00 30 30 60 18 30 18 00 00 00 00 00 60 30 18 oe 18 30 DB 060H,030H, 018H, OOCH, 018H, 030H, 060H, OOOH ; lC66 78 CC OC 18 30 00 DB 078H,OCCH, OOCH, 018H, 030H, OOQH, 030H, OOOH ? 0_3F DE DE DE CO DB 07CH, OC6H, OOEH, OOEH, OOEH, OCOH, 078H, OOOH @ 0_110 cc DB 030H,078H,OCCH,OCCH,OFCH,OCCH,OCCH,000H ; A o_41 66 66 DB OFCH,06GH,066H,07CIl,066H,066H,OFCH,000H B o_42 66 DB 03CH,066H, oeOH, oeOH, OCOH, 066H, 03CH, OOOH C D_ 43 66 66 66 6C DB OF8H,06CH,066H,066H,066H,06CH,OF8H,OOOH ° 68 78 68 62 DB orEH,062H, 068H, 07811, u61:$H, 062H, orEH, OOOH E 0_4:; 68 78 68 60 DB OFEH,062H,068H,078H,068H,060H,OFOH,OOOH; F 0_46 CO CO C[ 66 DB 03CH,066H,OCOH,OCOH,OCEH,066H,03EH,000H ; G 0_47 CC cc cc Fe CC cc cc 00 78 30 30 30 30 30 DB OCCll, OCCH, UCCH, OFCH, oeCH, OCCH, OCCH, OOOH ; H 0_118 DB 078H,030H,030H,030H,030H,030H,078H,000H I 0_lj9 ec DB 01 fH, (lOCH, OOCH, OOCH, QCCH, OCCH, 078H, OOOH J 0_ 4A 66 DB OE6H, 066H, 06CH, 0781-1, 06CH, 066H, OE6H, OOOH K 0_ 4B 66 DB OFOH,060H,060H,060H,062H,066H,OfEH,OOOH L D_4C DB OC6H,OEl:.H,OFEH,OFEH,oo6H,OC6H,oc6H,OOOh M o_40 DB OC6H, OE61-1, OF6H, OOEH, OCEH, DC6H, DC6H, OOOH N 0_ 4E DB 038H, 06CH, OC6H,OC6H,OC6H, 06CH, 038H, OOOH ° 7C 60 60 DB OFCH,066H,066H,07CH,060H,060H,OFOH,000H PO_50 CC DC 78 DB 078H,occH,oecH,oceH,ODcH,078H,01CH,OOOH Q 0_51 7C 6G 66 DB OfCH,066H,066H,07CH,06CH,066H,OE6H,OOOH R 0_:>2 70 Ie cc DB 078H, OCCH, OEOH, 070H, OICH, OCCH, 078H, OOOH SO_53 30 30 30 DB OFCH, OB4H, 030H, 030H, 030H, 030H, 07811, OOOH TO_54 CC CC CC 08 OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,OFCH,OOOH U 0_'::>5 CC CC 78 DB OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,078H,030H,000f! v fCE E.E DB OC611, OC6H, OC6H, 006H, OFEH, OEEH, OC6H, OOOH W 0_57 X 0_58 lC16 lCIE 1 C26 lC2[ lC36 lC3E lC46 1C4E 1C56 CO F8 cc cc 07BH,OCCll,OCCH,0781-I,OCC!l,OCC11,078H,000H ; 8 0_38 ec 7C DC 18 DB 078H,OCCH,OCCH,07CH,00CH,018H,070H,OOOH 9 o_39 30 00 00 30 DB OOOH, 030H, 030H, OOOH, OOOH, 030H, 030H, OOOH; 30 00 00 30 DB OOOH,030H,030H,OOOH,OOOH,030Ii,030H,060H; ec 78 ec O_3A ; 0_36 60 co 60 30 DB 018H,030H,060H,QCOH,060H,030H,018H,OOOH ; < O_3C re 00 00 Fe DB OOOH,OOOH,OFCH,OOOH,OOOH,OFCH,OOOll,OOOH ; '" 0_30 > 0_3E 60 00 30 00 le6E 1C76 1C7£ 1 C86 lC8E lC96 IC9E 1 CAG 1 CAE lCB6 7C C6 78 00 30 78 CC 00 FC 66 FC 00 3C 66 3C 00 F8 6C F8 00 FE 62 FE 00 FE 62 FO 00 3C 66 3E 00 CC CC Fe 66 7C co co eo 78 00 1 eBE lGC6 1 GeE 1COG lCOE lCE6 lCEE lCFG 1eFE 1006 100E 1016 1D1E 1026 l02E 1036 103E 1046 104E 1056 lD5E 1066 106E 1076 107 E 1086 108E 1096 109E 101\6 lDAE 1066 lOBE 10C6 10CE 1006 lODE 10E6 1 DEE 1 E DC DC OC CC 78 00 [666 6C 78 6e £6 FO 60 60 60 62 uo F[ e6 e6 G6 CG 38 38 00 EE FE FE 06 c6 00 £6 F6 DE C[ C6 00 6C C6 C6 C6 6e 00 FC 66 66 Fa 00 CC ee 00 66 66 00 ce EO 00 84 30 00 ce cc 00 CC CC 00 C6 C6 00 C6 6C 00 CC CG 00 C6 8C 00 60 60 00 CO 60 30 02 00 78 18 18 78 00 10 38 6C 00 00 00 UU 00 00 rF 78 lG FC F6 78 78 FC 78 CC FC CC 30 C6 C6 C6 C6 CC 78 FE FE 78 78 30 00 00 76 EO DC 00 78 IC 76 00 78 38 FD 00 OC EO [6 30 78 DC CC EO E6 70 78 00 C6 00 [)6 0_44 0_ 4F 0_56 38 38 6C DB OC6H, OC6H, 06CH, 038H, 038H, 06CH, OC6H, OOOH 78 30 30 DB DCCH, OCCH, OCCH, 078H, 030H, 030H, 078H, 00011 ; YO_59 18 32 66 DB OFEH,OC6H,08CH,018H,032H,066H,OFEH,OOOH Z 0_5A 05B 60 60 60 DB D78H,060H,060H,06oH,060H,060H,078H,000H ; [ 18 OC 06 DB OCOH, 060H, 030H, 0 18H, OOCH, 006H, 00211, OOOH ; BACKSlASH 0_5C ° 18 18 18 DB 078H,018H,018H,018H,018H,018H,078H,OOOll; 1 C6 00 00 DB 01 OH, 038H, 06CH, OC6H, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH CIRCUMFLEX 0_5E 00 00 00 DB OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OOOH,OFFH ° 30 18 00 00 00 DB 030H, 03011, 01BH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, GOOH, OOOH o_60 780C 7C CC DB OQOH,00011,078H,OOCH,07CH,OCCH,076H,OOOH LOWER CASE A o_61 60 7C 66 66 DB OEOH, 060H,060H, 07CH, 066H, 066H, OOCH, OOOH ; L. C. B 0_62 78 CC co CC DB OOOH,0001-!,078H,OCCH,OCQH,OCCH,078H,000H ; L.C. C 0_63 0ICH,OOCH,OOCH,07CH,OCCH,OCCll,0'16H,OGOH; L.C. 00_611 OOOH,000H,078H,OCCH,OFCH,OCOH,078H,000H ; L.C. E o_65 50 5F 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 OC 00 00 00 6C 00 00 FS 60 00 00 00 00 78 DC 7C CC CC 78 CC FC CO DB 60 FQ 60 60 DB 038H,06cH, 0601'1, OFOH. 060H, 060H, OFOH, OOOH ; L. C. f 76 CC CC 7C DB OOOH,OOOH,076H,OCCH,OCCH,07CH,OOCH,Of8H ; L.C. G 0_67 0_66 6C 76 66 66 DB OEOH,060H,06CH,076H,066H,066H,OE6H,000H ; L.C. H 0_68 70 30 30 30 08 030H.000H,070H,030H,030H,030H,078H,OOOH L.C. I 0_69 OC OC DC CC DB 00CH,000H,OOCH,OOCH,OOCH,OCCH,OCCH,078H t•• C. J D_6A 60 66 6c 78 6C DB OEOH, 060H.066H, 06CH, 078H, 06CH, OE6H, OOOH L.C. 070H, 030H, 030H, 030H, 0301-1, 030H, 078H, OOOH L. C. L D_6C 000H,000H,OCCH,OFEH,OFEH,006H,QC6H,OOOH L.C. M o_60 DB OOOH,OOOH,OF8H,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH.OCCH,000H L.C. N D_6E 00 30 30 30 30 30 K 0_68 00 00 CC FE FE 06 00 00 F8 CC CC CC CC 00 00 00 78 CC CC CC 78 00 DB DB OOOH,000H,078H,OCCH,OCCH,OCCH,078H,OOOH ; L.C. ° 00 00 DC 66 66 7C 60 FO DB OOOH,OOOH,OOCH,066H,066H,07CH,060H,OFOH; LC. P o_70 0_6f ORGS 5-173 10f6 00 00 DC lE 00 00 fO 00 00 00 F8 00 10 30 18 00 00 00 76 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 6C 00 00 00 C6 00 00 00 DC F8 00 00 FC 00 1C 30 1C 00 18 18 18 00 EO 30 EO 00 76 DC 00 00 lOfE lE06 1 EOE 1 E16 1 E1 E 1 E26 1 E2E 1E36 1 E3E 1E46 1 E4E 1 E56 1 ESE 1E66 76 CC CC 7C DB OOOH, OOOH, 076H, OCCH, OCCH, 07CH, OOCH, 01 EH ; L.C. Q DC 76 66 60 DB OOOH, OOOH, OOCH, 076H, 066H, 060H, 0 FOH, OOOH L.C. R 0_72 0~7l o_73 7C CO 78 DC DB OOOH, OOOH, 07CH, OCOH, 07BH, OOCH, OF8H, OOOH ; L.C. S 7C 30 30 34 DB 01011, 030H, 07CH, 030H, 030H, 034H, 01 8H, OOOH L.C. T 0_74 CC CC CC CC DB OOOH, OOOH, OCCH, OCCH, OCCH, QCCH, 076H. OOOH L.C. U o_75 CC CC CC 78 DO OOOH, OOOH, OCCH, OCCH, OCCH, 07BH, 030H, OOOH L.C. V o_76 C6 06 FE FE DB OOOH, OOOH, OC6H, 006H, OFEH, OFEH, 06CH, OOOH ; L.C. W C6 6c 38 6C DO OOOH, OOOH, OC6H, 06CH, 038H. 06CH, OC6H, OOOH ; L.C. CC CC CC 7C DB OOOH, OOOH, OCCH, OCCH, OCCH. 07CH, OOCH, OfBH L. C. Y 0_79 FC 98 30 64 DB OOOH, OOOH, 30 EO 30 30 DB 01 CH, 030H, 030H, OEOH, 030H, 030H, 0 1CH, OOOH ; aFCH, 09BH, 030H, 064H, OFCH, OOOH ; L. C. Z 0_7A 0_7B I 18 00 18 18 DB 018H, 01 BH, 0 18H, OOOH, 018H, 01 8H, 0 18H, OOOH ; 30 lC 30 30 DB OEOH, 030H, 030H, 0 1 CH, 030H, 030H, OEOH, OOOH ; 0_70 00 00 00 00 DB 076H, OOCH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, OOOH ; D_7E DB OOOH, Q10H, 038H, 06CH, OC6H, OC6H, OFEH, OOOH 00 10 38 6C C6 C6 FE 00 0_77 X o_78 0_7C OELTA D_7F .LI ST ; ------ T I ME OF OAY ORG ORG 1E6E '" 1 E6E 1 E6E E9 0000 E EQU JMP ;-------- TIMER 1 EA5 '" lEA5 1 EA5 E9 0000 E o FE6EII 01 E6EH $ TIME_OF_DAY_1 INTERRUPT ORG ORG OFEA5H 01 EA5H EQU JMP S TIMER_INT_l ; -------- VECTOR TABLE ORG ORG 1 EF3 1EF3 1EF3 1 U5 1 EF7 1 EF9 1 ErO 1 EFO 1 EFF 1 FOl VECTOR_TABLE lEAS 0987 0000 0000 0000 0000 OFS7 0000 R OW R E E E E R DW DW DW DW OW OW ow E LABEL ow lF15 lF17 lF19 1F1B 1 FlO 1F1F 1 F21 06F2 1t::6E lF53 1F53 10A4 OFC7 0000 DW OW DW OW ow 011 ow ow Ow ow R R R R R R [Jw ow OW ow OW Ow 1 F23 1 F25 1 F27 1 F29 1 F2B 1 F20 1 F2F lF31 OW OW OW OW 0000 UOOO 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Ow OW ow Ow ; ------- DUMMY 1F53 '" 1 F53 1 F53 OUMMY_RETURN ; ------- 1 F54 '" 1 F54 1 F54 E9 0000 E 5-174 ; INT 10H INT 11H g~~~~~ ~T~~~iT~I~~_OETERMI7~T OFFSET RS232 10CASSETTE: 10 OFFSET KEYBOARD 10 OFFSET PRINTER To OOOOOH OF600H OFFSET BOOT STRAP TIME OF OAYDUMMY RETURN DUMMY-RETURN VIDEO-PARMS OFFSET 0151< BASE o - OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET RTC (NT RE DIRECT 01T 011 011 INT_287 011 011 13H INT 12H INT lllH INT 15H INT 16H INT 17H I NT 1BH MUST BE INSEIHEO INfO TABLE LATER I NT 19H INT 1AH -- TIME OF OAY INT lBH -- KEYBOARD BREAK AOOR INT lCH -- TIMER BREAK AODR INT lDH -- VIDEO PARAMETERS INT lEH -- DISK PARMS INT lFH -- POINTER TO VIDEO Exr ; ( INTERRUPT 70 THRU 7F) INT INT I NT I NT I NT I NT INT INT 70 REAL TIME CLOCK INTfRRUPT VECTOR 71 REDIRECT TH IS TO INT A 72 73 71~ 75 MATH PROCESSOR I NTt::HHUPT 76 77 I NTERRUPT HANDLER ORG ORG OFF53H 01 F53H EQU S IRET CF ORGS . LI Sl INPUT) INTERRUPTS OFfSET VIDEO 10 OFFSET [QUI PMENT SLAVE_VECTOR TABLE LABEL WORD 1 F23 VECTOR TABLE INTERRUPT 8 INTERRUPT 9 INTERRUPT A (SLAVE INTERRUPT B INTERRUPI (; INTERRUPT 0 I NTERRU PT E INTERRUPT f OFFSET TIMER INT OF FSET KB I NT OFFSET D1T OFFSET 011 OffSET 011 OFFSET 011 OFFSET DISK INT OFFSET D11 ;------- SOfTWARE 1 F03 1065 R 1 FO~ 1840 R lF07 1841 R OCS9 R 1 F09 1 FOB 0739 R 1859 R 1 FaD 1 FOF 082E R lFl10F02R 1 F13 0000 OFEF3H 01 EF3H WORD PR I N r SCREEN OFF5 t lH 01 F54H ORG ORG [QU S JMP PRINT_SCREEN_l ; TUTOR POWER ON RESET VECTOR ORC OFFFOH aRC 01 FFOH PUBLIC r 0 R ; ------ POWER ON RESET P_O_R LABEL fAR 1 FFO 1 FFO HFO 1FF1 HF3 1FF5 1FFE HfE lFfF EA DB 005B R FOOO ow 30 31 2F 31 38 34 DW 30 2F FC CODE OEAH OFfSET OFOOOH RESEr ; HARD CODE JUMP ;OFFSO ; SEGMENT DB '01/10/84' ; RELEASE MARKER DRC 01 FFEH OFCH ;TH IS DB ENDS END pc's 10 ORGS 5-175 5·176 ORGS SECTION 6. INSTRUCTION SET Contents Instruction Sets 6-3 80286 Microprocessor Instruction Set .................. 6-3 Data Transfer ................................. 6-3 Arithmetic .................................... 6-6 Logic ....................................... 6-10 String Manipulation ............................ 6-12 Control Transfer .............................. 6-13 Processor Control ............................. 6-19 Protection Control ............................ 6-21 80287 Coprocessor Instruction Set ................... Data Transfer ................................ Comparison .................................. Constants ................................... Arithmetic ................................... Transcendental ............................... Processor Control ............................. 6-24 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-29 6-29 Instruction Set 6-1 Notes: 6-2 Instruction Set Instruction Set 80286 Microprocessor Instruction Set T~e following is an instruction set summary for the Intel 80286 mIcroprocessor . Data Transfer MOV = move Register to Register Memory 10001 OOW mod reg r/w 1000101w mod reg r/w 1100011w mod 000 r/w Register/Memory to Register 1011wreg I data data if w = 1 Immediate to Register I data if w = 1 Memory to Accumulator 1010000w I addr-Iow 1010001w I addr-Iow I addr-high Accumulator to Memory I addr-high ister 10001110 Instruction Set 6-3 Segment Register to Register Memory 10001100 modO reg r/w PUSH = Push Memory 11111111 modl10 r/w Register 01010reg Segment Register I 000regl10 I 01101050 Immediate data I data if 5 = 0 PUSHA = Push All Push All I 01100000 POP = Pop Memory 10001111 modOOO r/m Register I 01011 reg I 000regl11 Segment Register reg", 0 POPA = POp All I 01100001 6-4 Instruction Set Pop All XCHG = Exchange 1000011w Register Memory with Register 1 mod reg rim Register with Accumulator 10010reg IN = Input From Fixed Port 1110010w 1 port Variable Port 1110110w OUT = Output To Fixed Port 1110011 w port Variable Port 1110111 w XLAT = Translate Byte to AL Translate Byte to AL 111010111 LEA = Load EA to Register Load EA to Register 1 10001101 LDS 1 mod reg rim = Load Pointer to DS Load Pointer to OS 11000101 1 mod reg rim mod", 11 Instruction Set 6-5 LES = Load Pointer to ES I 11000100 Load Pointer to ES mod ¢ 11 I mod reg rim LAHF = Load AH with Flags Load AH with Flags I 10011111 SAHF = Load AH with Flags Store AH with Flags 110011110 PUSHF = Push Flags Push Flags 1 10011100 POPF = Pop Flags Pop Flags 10011101 Arithmetic ADD = Add Reg/Memory with Register to Either 1 oOOOOOOw I mod reg rim 100000sw 1 0000010w data if sw = 01 I data Immediate to Accumulator ADC = Add with Carry 6-6 Instruction Set I data if w = 1 000100dw Reg/Memory with Register to Either mod reg rim 100000sw data if sw = 01 Immediate to Accumulator 000101 Ow INC I data if w = 1 data = Increment Register/Memory 1111111w modOOO rim Register 01000reg SUB = Subtract Reg/Memory with Register to Either 001010dw mod reg rim Immediate from Register Memory 100000sw mod101 rim 0010110w data I data I data if sw = 01 Immediate from Accumulator I data if w = 1 SBB = Subtract with Borrow I 000110dw Reg/Memory with Register to Either mod reg rim Immediate to Register Memory 100000sw mod011 rim data data if sw = 01 Instruction Set 6-7 10001110w Immediate to Accumulator I data I data ifw= 1 DEC = Decrement Register/Memory lllll11w modOOl rim Register I 01001 reg CMP = Compare I 0011101w Register/Memory with Register mod reg rim I 0011100w mod reg rim Register with Register/Memory 100000sw I 0001110w Data if sw = 01 Immediate with Accumulator I Data if w = 1 Data NEG = Change Sign Change Sign 11111011w I modOll rim AAA = ASCII Adjust for Add ASCII Adjust for Add 100110111 DEC = Decimal Adjust for Add Decimal Adjust for Add I 00100111 6-8 Instruction Set AAS = ASCII Adjust for Subtract ASCII Adjust for Subtract I 00111111 DAS = Decimal Adjust for Subtract I 00110111 Decimal Adjust for Subtract MUL = Multiply (Unsigned) I 1111011w I mod100 Multiply rIm IMUL = Integer Multiply (Signed) Integer Multiply 11111011w I mod101 rIm IIMUL = Integer Immediate Multiply (Signed) Integer Immediate Multiply ! 011010s1 I mod reg rIm ! Data ! Data if s =0 DIV = Divide (Unsigned) Divide !1111011w ! mod110 rIm IDIV = Integer Divide (Signed) Integer Divide !1111011w ! mod111 rIm AAM = ASCII Adjust for Multiply ASCII Adjust for Multiply !11010100 AAD ! 00001010 = ASCII Adjust for Divide Instruction Set 6-9 ASCII Adjust for Divide 11010101 CBW 1 00001010 = Convert Byte to Word Convert Byte to Word 110011000 CWD = Convert Word to Double Word Convert Word to Double Word 10011001 Logic Shift Rotate Instructions Register Memory by 1 1101000w 1 modTTTr/m 1101001w 1 mod TTT rim 1100000w 1 mod TTT rim Register Memory by CL Register Memory by Count 1 Count T T T Instruction 000 ROL 001 ROR 010 RCL 011 RCR 100 SHL/SAL 101 SHR 111 SAR AND = And Reg/Memory and Register to Either 1 001000dw 1 mod reg rim 6-10 Instruction Set Data if w = 1 1000000w I 0010010w Data Immediate to Accumulator Data if w = 1 I TEST = AND Function to Flags; No Result 100001 Ow Register Memory and Register mod reg rim 1111011w modOOO rim 0000110w Data Immediate Data and Register Memory I Data I Data if w=1 Immediate to Accumulator I Data if w = 1 Or= Or Reg/ Memory and Register to Either 000010dw mod reg rim 1000000w mod001 rim 0000110w Data Immediate to Register Memory I Data I Data if w = 1 Immediate to Accumulator I Data if w = 1 XOR = Exclusive OR Reg/Memory and Register to Either 001100dw mod reg rim 1000000w mod110 rim Immediate to Register Memory I Data I Data if w = 1 Instruction Set 6-11 I 0010010w Immediate to Accumulator I Data if w = 1 Data NOT = Invert Register/Memory Invert Register/Memory 1111011w I mod01O rim String Manipulation MOVS = Move Byte Word Move Byte Word I 1010010w CMPS = Compare Byte Word Compare Byte Word 11010011w seAS = Scan Byte Word Scan Byte Word I 1010111w LODS = Load Byte Word to AL/AX Load Byte Word to AL/AX 11010110w STOS = Store Byte Word from AL/ AX Store Byte Word from AL/AX 11010101w INS = Input Byte from DX Port Input Byte Word from OX Port I 0110110w 6-12 Instruction Set OUTS = Output Byte to DX Port Output Byte Word to OX Port 1 0110111 w MOVS = Move String Move String 111110010 CMPS 11010010w = Compare String Compare String 1 1111001z SCAS 11010011w = Scan String Scan String 111110010 LODS 11010111w = Load String Load String 1 11110010 STOS 1 1010110w = Store String Store String 111110010 INS 11010101w = Input String Input String 1 11110010 OUTS 1 011011 Ow = Output String Output String 11110010 11010011w Control Transfer Instruction Set 6-13 CALL = Call Direct Within Segment 11101000 I disp-Iow I disp-Iow 11111111 I mod010 rim Register/Memory Indirect Within Segment 10011010 Se Protected Mode Only (Direct Intersegment) • Via call gate to same privilege level • Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters • Via call gate to different privilege level, x parameters • Via TSS • Via task gate. Indirect Interse ment 11111111 mod011 rim (mod#11) Protected Mode Only (Indirect Intersegment) • Via call gate to same privilege level • Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters • Via call gate to different privilege level, x parameters • Via TSS • Via task gate. JMP = Unconditional Jump 11101011 I disp-Iow 11101001 I disp=low Short/Long Direct within Segment 6-14 Instruction Set I disp-high Indirect Within Se ment 11111111 11101010 Se Protected Mode Only (Direct Intersegment) • Via call gate to same privilege level • Via TSS • Via task gate. Indirect Intersegment 11111111 mod101 rim (mod ¥- 11) Protected Mode Only (Indirect Intersegment) • Via call gate to same privilege level • Via TSS • Via task gate. RET = Return from Call Within Segment 11000011 11000010 Intersegment 11001011 11001010 Protected Mode Only (RET) • To Different Privilege Level Instruction Set 6-15 JE/ JZ = Jump on Equal Zero I 01110100 Jump on Equal Zero I disp JL/JNGE = Jump on Less Not Greater, or Equal I 01111100 Jump on Less Not Greater, or Equal I disp JLE/JNG = Jump on Less, or Equal Not Greater I 01111110 JB/JNAE I 01110010 Jump on Less, or Equal Not Greater I disp = Jump on Less, or Equal Not Greater Jump on Less, or Equal Not Greater I disp JBE/JNA = Jump on Below, or Equal NotAbove Jump on Below, or Equal Not Above I 01110110 I disp JP/ JPE = Jump on Parity Parity Even Jump on Parity Parity Even 101111010 I disp JO = Jump on Overflow Jump on Overflow I 01110000 JS I disp = Jump on Sign Jump on Sign I 01111000 I disp JNE/ JNZ = Jump on Not Equal Not Zero 6-16 Instruction Set I 01110101 Jump on Not Equal Not Zero I disp JNL/ JGE = Jump on Not Less Greater or Equal Jump on Not Less Greater or Zero I 01111101 I disp JNLE/JG = Jump on Not Less or Equal Greater I 01111111 JNB/JAE Jump on Not Less or Equal Greater I disp = Jump on Not Below Above or Equal Jump on Not Below Above or Equal I 01110011 I disp JNBE/ JA = Jump on Not Below or Equal Above Jump on Not Below or Equal Above 101110111 JNP / JPO I disp = Jump on Not Parity Parity Odd Jump on Not Parity Parity Odd I 01111 011 JNO I disp = Jump on Not Overflow Jump on Not Overflow I 01110001 JNS I disp = Jump on Not Sign I 01111 011 Jump on Not Sign I disp LOOP = Loop ex Times Instruction Set 6-17 loop 11100010 ex Times 1 disp LOOPZ/LOOPE = Loop while Zero Equal loop while Zero Equal 1 11100001 1 disp LOOPNZ/LOOPNE = Loop while Not Equal Zero loop while Not Equal Zero 1 11100000 JCXZ 1 disp = Jump on CX Zero Jump on 1 11100011 ex Zero 1 disp ENTER = Enter Procedure Enter Procedure 11001000 1 data-low 1 data-high L=O L=l L>l LEAVE = Leave Procedure Leave Procedure 111001001 INT = Interrupt Type Specified 11001101 1 Type Type 3 11001100 6-18 Instruction Set 1L INTO = Interrupt on Overflow Interrupt on Overflow 111001110 Protected Mode Only • Via interrupt or trap gate to same privilege level • Via interrupt or trap gat to different privilege level • Via task gate. IRET = Interrupt Return Interrupt Return 1 11001111 Protected Mode Only • To same privilege level • To different task (NT = 1). BOUND = Detect Value Out of Range Detect Value Out of Range 1 01100010 1 mod reg rIm Processor Control CLC = Clear Carry Clear Carry 11111100 CMC = Complement Carry Complement Carry 1 11001111 STC = Set Carry Set Carry 11111001 Instruction Set 6-19 CLD = Clear Direction Clear Direction 111111100 STD = Set Direction Set Direction 1 11111101 CLI Clear Interrupt Clear Interrupt 111111010 STI = Set Interrupt Set Interrupt 1 11111011 HLT = Halt Halt 111110100 WAIT = Wait Wait 110011011 LOCK = Bus Lock Prefix Bus Lock Prefix 111110000 CTS = Clear Task Switched Flag Clear Task Switched Flag 1 00001111 ESC 1 00000110 = Processor Extension Escape 6-20 Instruction Set Processor Extension Escape 10011TTT modLLL rim Protection Control LGDT = Load Global Descriptor Table Register 00001111 SGDT = Store Global Descriptor Table Register Store Global Descriptor Table Register I 00001111 I 00000001 I modOOO rim LIDT = Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register I 00001111 I 00000001 I mod011 rim SIDT = Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register I 00001111 I 00000001 I mod001 rim LLDT = Load Local Descriptor Table Register from Register Memory 00001111 SLDT = Store Local Descriptor Table Register from Register Memory Store Local Descriptor Table Register from Register Memory I 00001111 I 00000000 I modOOO r / m LTR = Load Task Register from Register Memory load Task Register from Register Memory I 00001111 I 00000000 I mod011 r / m Instruction Set 6-21 STR = Store Task Register to Register Memory 00001111 LMSW 00000000 = Load Machine Status Word from Register Memory Load Machine Status Word from Register Memory 100001111 SMSW I mod110rlm 100000001 = Store Machine Status Word Store Machine Status Word 100001111 I 00000001 I mod100 rim LAR = Load Access Rights from Register Memory Load Access Rights from Register Memory I 00001111 I 00000010 I mod reg rim LSL = Load Segment Limit from Register Memory Load Segment Limit from Register Memory I 00001111 ARPL I 00000011 I mod reg rim = Adjust Requested Privilege Level from Register Memory Adjust Requested Privilege Level from Register Memory I 01100011 I mod reg rim VERR = Verify Read Access; Register Memory Verify Read Access; Register Memory I 00001111 VERR I 00000000 I mod100 rim = Verify Write Access Verify Write Access 100001111 I 00000000 I mod101 rim Note: The effective address (EA) of the memory operand is computed according to the mod and rim fields: If mod = 11, then rim is treated as a reg field. If mod = 00, then disp = 0, disp-low and disp-high are absent. 6-22 Instruction Set If mod = 01, then disp = disp-low sign-extended to 16 bits, disp-high is absent. If mod = 10, then disp = disp-high:disp-low. = (BX) + (SI) + disp If rim = 001, then EA = (BX) + (SI) + disp If rim = 010, then EA = (BP) + (SI) + disp If rim = all, then EA = (BP) + (DI) + disp If rim = 100, then EA = (SI) + disp If rim = 000, then EA + disp If rim == 110, then EA ::: (BP) + disp If rim = 111, then EA = (BX) + disp If rim = 101, then EA = (DI) disp follows the second byte of the instruction (before data if required). Segment Override Prefix I 001reg001 Segment Override Prefix reg is assigned as follows: reg Segment Register 00 ES 01 CS 10 SS 11 DS 16-bit (w = 1) 8-bit (w= 0) 000 AX 001 CX 010 OX 011 BX 100 SP 101 BP 110 SI 111 01 OOOAl 001 Cl 0100l 011 Bl 100AH 101 CH 1100H 111 BH Instruction Set 6-23 The physical addresses of all operands addressed by the BP register are computed using the SS segment register. The physical aadresses of the destination operands of the string primitive operations (those addressed by the DI register) are computed using the ES segment, which may not be overridden. 80287 Coprocessor Instruction Set The following is an instruction set summary for the 80287 coprocessor. Data Transfer FLD = Load Integer/Real Memory to ST(O) I escape MF 1 I mod 000 rim I escape 111 I mod 101 rim I escape 011 I mod 101 rim I escape 111 I mod 100 rim I escape 001 11000ST(i} Long Integer Memory to ST(O) Temporary Real Memory to STlO) BCD Memory to ST(O) ST(i) to ST(O) FST = Store I escape MF 1 ST(O) to Integer/Real Memory I mod 010 rim ST(O) to ST(i) I escape 101 11010 ST(i} 6-24 Instruction Set FSTP = Store and Pop ST(O) to Integer/Real Memory I escape MF 1 I mod011 rim I escape 111 I mod 111 rim I escape 011 I mod 111 rim I escape 111 I mod 110 rim I escape 101 11011 STIi) ST(O) to Long Integer Memory ST(O) to Temporary Real Memory ST(O) to BCD Memory ST(O) to ST(i) FXCH = Exchange ST(i) and ST(O) Exchange ST(i) and ST(O) I escape 001 11001 ST(j) Comparison FCOM = Compare I escape MF 0 Integer/Real Memory to ST(O) I mod 010 rim ST(i) to ST(O) I escape 000 11010 STIi) FCOMP = Compare and Pop Integer/Real Memory to ST(O) I escape MF 0 I mod 011 rim Instruction Set 6-25 ST{i) to ST(O) 1 escape 000 1 11010ST(i) FCOMPP == Compare ST(i) to ST(O) and Pop Twice Compare ST{i) to ST(O) and pop twice 1 escape 110 111011001 FTST ... Test ST(O) TestST(O) 1 escape 001 1 11100100 FXAM ... Examine ST(O) Examine ST(O) 1 escape 001 111100101 Constants FLDZ = Load I escape 000 FLDI ... Load + 0.0 into ST(O) Load + 0.0 into ST(O) 111101110 + 1.0 into ST(O) Load + 1.0 into ST(O) 1 escape 001 1 11101000 FLDPI - Load 'TT'into ST(O) 'TT' into ST(O) Load 1 escape 001 1 11101011 FLDL2T == Load log2 10 intoST(O) 210 into ST(O) Load log 1 escape 001 111101001 6-26 Instruction Set FLDLG2 = Load log10 2 into ST(O) 10 2 into ST(O) Load log 1 escape 001 FLDLN2 111101100 = Load loge 2 into ST(O) e 2 into ST(O) Load log 11101101 1 escape 001 Arithmetic FADD = Addition Integer/Real Memory with ST(O) 1 escape MF 0 1 mod 000 rim 1 escape dPO 11000 ST(i) STU) and ST(O) FSUB = Subtraction Integer/Real Memory with ST(O) 1 escape MF 0 1 mod 10r rim 1 escape dPO 1110r r /m ST(i) and ST(O) FMUL = Multiplication Integer/Real Memory with ST(O) 1 escape MF 0 1 mod 001 rim STIil and ST(O) 1 escape dPO 11001 rim FDIV = Division Instruction Set 6-27 Integer/Real Memory with ST(O) 1 escape MF 0 1 mod 11rr/m 1 escape dPO 1 1111rr/m STIiI and ST(O) FSQRT = Square Root of ST(O) Square Root of ST(O) 1 escape 001 1 11111010 FSCALE = Scale ST(O) by ST(1) Scale ST(O) by ST(1) 1 escape 001 FPREM 111111101 = Partial Remainder of ST(O) + ST(1) Partial Remainder of ST(O) + ST(1) 1 escape 001 111111000 FRNDINT = Round ST(O) to Integer Round ST(O) to Integer 1 escape 001 FXTRACT 111111100 = Extract Components of ST(O) Extract Components of ST(O) 1 escape 001 FABS 111110100 = Absolute Value of ST(O) Absolute Value of ST(O) 1 escape 001 FCHS 111100001 = Change Sign of ST(O) Change Sign of ST(O) 1 escape 001 111100000 6-28 Instruction Set Transcendental FPTAN = Partial Tangent of ST(O) Partial Tangent of ST(O) I escape 001 FPATAN /11110010 = Partial Arctangent of ST(O) -;- ST(1) Partial Arctangent of ST(O) -;- ST(1) I escape 001 I 11110011 F2XMI = 2 ST(O)_1 escape 001 FYL2X ST(O)-1 I 11110000 = ST(1) X Log2 [ST(O)) 2 [ST(O)] ST(1) x log I escape 001 I 11110001 FYL2XPI = ST(1) X LogdST(O) + I] 2 [ST(O) + 1] ST(1) x log I escape 001 / 11111001 Processor Control FINT = Initialize NPX I escape 011 I 11100011 Initialize NPX FSETPM = Enter Protected Mode Enter Protected Mode I escape 011 I 11100100 Instruction Set 6-29 FSTSWAX = Store Control Word Store Control Word 1 escape 111 111100000 FLDCW = Load Control Word I escape 001 Load Control Word 1 mod 101 rim FSTCW = Store Control Word Store Control Word 1 escape 001 1 mod 111 rim FSTSW = Store Status Word Store Status Word 1 escape 101 FCLEX 1 mod 101 rim = Clear Exceptions Clear Exceptions 1 escape 011 1 11100010 FSTENV = Store Environment Store Environment I escape 001 1 mod 110 rim FLDENV = Load Environment Load Environment 1 escape 001 I mod 100 rim FSAVE = Save State Save State 1 escape 101 I mod 110 rim FRSTOR = Restore State 6-30 Instruction Set I escape 101 FINCSTP Restore State mod 100 rim = Increment Stack Pointer Increment Stack Pointer I escape 001 FDECSTP I 11110111 = Decrement Stack Pointer Decrement Stack Pointer I escape 001 I 11110110 FFREE = Free ST(i) Free ST(i) I escape 101 I 11000ST(i) FNOP = No Operation No Operation I escape 001 11010000 Instruction Set 6-31 Notes: 6-32 Instruction Set SECTION 7. CHARACTERS, KEYSTROKES, AND COLORS Contents Characters, Keystrokes, and Color ..................... 7-3 NOTES .................................. 7-13 Characters, Keystrokes, and Colors 7-1 Notes: 7-2 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color Characters, Keystrokes, and Color As Text,. Value He~ IDee _Symbol 00 0 02 2 03 3 Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter As Characters Blank (Null) "'V7Q"VftVO Ctrl2 Modes : _U~ft. . . Black ~ 04 06 •• ...+ •• lack Black Ctrl C ,"v vw,"v IBM Monochrome Display Adapter Black Non-Display Blue Underline GI Normal Cyan Normal Normal Ctrl E Black Magenta Normal CtrlG Black Light Grey Normal Ctrl H. Backspace. Shift Backspace Black Dark Grey Non-Display Ctrll Black Light Blue HiQh Intensity Underline Ctrl J. Ctrl.,J Black Light Green High Intensity 07 7 08 8 09 9 OA 10 OB 11 cr' Ctrl K Black Light Green High Intensity OC 12 9 Ctrl L. Black Light Red Higllintensity 00 13 Jl Ctrl M • Shift.-J Black Light Magenta High Intensity OE 14 Black Yellow High " .. ~ .. ~ .. 15 ~ U Ctrl N OF CtrlO Black White High 10 16 CtrlP Blue Black Normal 11 17 Ctrl Q Blue Blue Underline 12 18 Blue Green Normal 19 Ctrl S Blue Cyan 14 20 ! !! IT Ctrl R 13 Ctrl T Blue Red Normal 15 21 §. Ctrl U Magenta Normal 16 22 17 23 0 ~ ... 1.. .-J. """"''''y Ctrl V Blue Brown Normal CtrlW Blue Light Grey Normal Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 7-3 As Text Attributes Value As Characters Hex Dec Symbol Keystrokes Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter 18 24 1 Ctrl X Blue Dark Grey High Intensity 19 25 1 Ctrl Y Blue Light Blue High Intensity Underline 1A 26 - Ctrl Z Blue Light Green High Intensity 1B 27 Blue Light Cyan High Intensity - Ctrl [, Esc, Shift Esc, Ctrl Esc L Ctrl \ Blue Light Red High Intensity 1 Blue Light Magenta High Intensity Ctrl6 1C 28 10 29 1E 30 1F 31 20 32 +--+ • " Blank Space Ctrl Blue Yellow High Intensity Ctrl - Blue White High Intensity Space Bar, Shift, Space, Ctrl Space, Ait Space Green Black Normal 21 33 ! ! Shift Green Blue Underline 22 34 " " Shift Green Green Normal 23 35 # # Shift Green Cyan Normal 24 36 $ $ Shift Green Red Normal 25 37 % % Shift Green Magenta Normal 26 38 & & Shift Green Brown Normal 27 39 Green Light Grey Normal 28 40 ( ( Shift Green Dark Grey High Intensity 29 41 ) ) Shift Green Light Blue 2A 42 . High Intensity Underline Note 1 Green Light Green High Intensity 28 43 + Shift Green Light Cyan High Intensity 2C 44 Green Light Red High Intensity 20 45 Green Light Magenta High Intensity 2E 46 Green Yellow High Intensity - + - Note 2 7 -4 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color As Text Attributes Value As Characters Hex Dec Symbol Keystrokes Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter 2F 47 / / Green White High Intensity 30 48 0 0 Note 3 Cyan 81ack Normal 31 49 1 1 Note 3 Cyan 81ue Underline 32 50 2 2 Note 3 Cyan Green Normal 33 51 3 3 Note 3 Cyan Cyan Normal 34 52 4 4 Note 3 Cyan Red Normal 35 53 5 5 Note 3 Cyan Magenta Normal 36 54 6 6 Note 3 Cyan 8rown Normal 37 55 7 7 Note 3 Cyan Light Grey Normal 38 56 8 8 Note 3 Cyan Dark Grey High Intensity 39 57 9 9 Note 3 Cyan Light Blue High Intensity Underline 3A 58 Shift Cyan Light Green High Intensity 3B 59 Cyan Light Cyan High Intensity 3C 60 < Cyan Light Red High Intensity 3D 61 < = Shift = Cyan Light Magenta High Intensity 3E 62 > > Shift Cyan Yellow High Intensity 3F 63 ? ? Shift Cyan White High Intensity 40 64 @ @ Shift Red Black Normal 41 65 A A Note 4 Red Blue Underline 42 66 B B Note 4 Red Green Normal 43 67 C C Note 4 Red Cyan Normal 44 68 D D Note 4 Red Red Normal 45 69 E E Note 4 Red Magenta Normal 46 70 F F Note 4 Red Brown Normal 47 71 G G Note 4 Red Light Grey Normal 48 72 H H Note 4 Red Dark Grey High Intensity 49 73 I I Note 4 Red Light Blue High Intensity Underline 4A 74 J J Note 4 Red Light Green High Intensity Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 7-S As Text Attributes As Characters Value Hex Dec Symbol 4B 75 K Keystrokes K Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter Note 4 Red Light Cyan High Intensity Light Red High Intensity 4C 76 L L Note 4 Red 40 77 M M Note 4 Red Light Magenta High Intensity 4E 78 N N Note 4 Red Yellow High Intensity 4F 79 0 0 Note 4 Red White High Intensity 50 80 p P Note 4 Magenta Black Normal 51 81 Q Q Note 4 Magenta Blue Underline 52 82 R R Note 4 Magenta Green Normal 5;3 83 S S Note 4 Magenta Cyan Normal 54 84 T T Note 4 Magenta Red Normal 55 85 U U Note 4 Magenta Magenta Normal 56 86 V V Note 4 Magenta Brown Normal 57 87 W W Note 4 Magenta Light Grey Normal 58 88 X X Note 4 Magenta Oark Grey High Intensity 59 89 Y Y Note 4 Magenta Light Blue High Intensity Underline 5A 90 Z Z Note 4 Magenta Light Green High Intensity 5B 91 [ [ Magenta Light Cyan High Intensity 5C 92 \ \ Magenta Light Red High Intensity 50 93 I I Magenta Light Magenta High Intensity 5E 94 A A Shift Magenta Yellow High Intensity 5F 95 - - Shift Magenta White High Intensity 60 96 Yellow Black Normal 61 97 a a Note 5 Yellow Blue Underline 62 98 b b Note 5 Yellow Green Normal 63 99 c c Note 5 Yellow Cyan Normal 64 1()() d d Note 5 Yellow Red Normal 65 101 e e Note 5 Yellow Magenta Normal 66 102 f f Note 5 Yellow Brown Normal 7 -6 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color As Text Attributes As Characters Value Hex Dec Symbol Keystrokes Color /Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Monochrome Display Adapter Modes Background Foreground g Note 5 Yellow Light Grey Normal 67 103 g 68 104 h h Note 5 Yellow Dark Grey High Intensity 69 105 i i Note 5 Yellow Light Blue High Intensity Underline 6A 106 j J Note 5 Yellow Light Green High Intensity 6B 107 k k Note 5 Yellow Light Cyan High Intensity 6C 108 I I Note 5 Yellow Light Red High Intensity 6D 109 m m Note 5 Yellow Light Magenta High Intensity 6E 110 n n Note 5 Yellow Yellow High Intensity 6F 11 1 a 0 Note 5 Yellow White High Intensity 70 112 p p Note 5 White Black Reverse Video 71 113 Q Q Note 5 White Blue Underline Normal 72 114 r r Note 5 White Green 73 115 s s Note 5 White Cyan Normal 74 116 I I Note 5 White Red Normal 75 117 u u Note 5 White Magenta Normal 76 118 v v Note 5 White Brown Normal 77 119 w w Note 5 White Light Grey Normal 78 120 x x Note 5 White Dark Grey Reverse Video 121 y y Note 5 White Light Blue High Intensity Underline 7A 122 z z Note 5 White Light Green High Intensity 123 I { Shilt White Light Cyan High Intensity 124 I I I I Shift White Light Red High Intensity 7D 125 I I Shift White Light Magenta High Intensity 7E 126 - - Shift White Yellow High Intensity 7F 127 t:. Ctrl - White White High Intensity 79 7B 7C Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 7-7 As Text Attributes Value As Characters Hex Dec Symbol .. . . Keystrokes Color / Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter 80 to FF Hex are Flashing in both Color &. IBM Monochrome' • • • 80 128 C Alt 128 Note 6 Black Black Non-Display B1 129 U Alt 129 Note 6 Black Blue Underline 82 130 Note 6 Black Green Normal 131 Alt 131 Note 6 Black Cyan Normal B4 132 e a a Alt 130 83 Alt 132 Note 6 Black Red Normal 85 133 II Alt 133 Note 6 Black Magenta Normal 86 134 a Alt 134 Note 6 Black Brown Normal 87 135 C Alt 135 Note 6 Black Light Grey Normal 88 136 Alt 136 Note 6 Black Dark Grey Non-Display 89 137 e e Alt 137 Note 6 Black Light Blue High Intensity Underline 8A 138 e Alt 138 Note 6 Black Light Green High Intensity 8B 139 'i Alt 139 Note 6 Black Light Cyan High Intensity 8C 140 i Alt 140 Note 6 Black Light Red High Intensity 8D 141 i Alt 141 Note 6 Black Light Magenta High Intensity 8E 142 A Alt 142 Note 6 Black Yellow High Intensity 8F 143 A Alt 143 Note 6 Black White High Intensity 90 144 E Alt 144 Note 6 Blue Black Normal 91 145 ae Alt 145 Note 6 Blue Blue Underline 92 146 AE Alt 146 Note 6 Blue Green Normal 93 147 6 Alt 147 Note 6 Blue Cyan Normal 94 148 0 Alt 148 Note 6 Blue Red Normal 95 Alt 149 Note 6 Blue Magenta Normal Blue Brown Normal 149 b 96 150 a Alt 150 Note 6 97 151 U Alt 151 Note 6 Blue Light Grey Normal 98 152 Y Alt 152 Note 6 Blue Dark Grey High Intensity 99 153 0 Alt 153 Note 6 Blue Light Blue High Intensity Underline 9A 154 U Alt 154 Note 6 Blue Light Green High Intensity 7 -8 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color As Text Attributes Value As Characters Hex Dec Symbol Keystrokes IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter 9B 155 ¢ Alt 155 Note 6 Blue Light Cyan High Intensity 9C 156 £ Alt 156 Note 6 Blue Light Red High Intensity Alt 157 Note 6 Blue Light Magenta High Intensity 90 157 9E 158 Pt Alt 158 Note 6 Blue Yellow High Intensity 9F 159 f Alt 159 Note 6 Blue White High Intensity AO 160 Alt 160 Note 6 Green Black Normal A 1 161 Alt 161 Note 6 Green Blue Underline Alt 162 Note 6 Green Green Normal Alt 163 Note 6 Green Cyan Normal 6 A2 162 A3 163 A4 164 Alt 164 Note 6 Green Red Normal A5 165 Alt 165 Note 6 Green Magenta Normal A6 166 Alt 166 Note 6 Green Brown Normal A7 167 Alt 167 Note 6 Green Light Grey Normal A8 168 Alt 168 Note 6 Green Dark Grey High Intensity A9 169 Alt 169 Note 6 Green Light Blue High Intensity Underline AA 170 Alt 110 Note 6 Green Light Green High Intensity AB 171 Alt 171 Note 6 Green Light Cyan High Intensity AC 172 Alt 172 Note 6 Green Light Red High Intensity AD 173 Alt 173 Note 6 Green Light Magenta High Intensity Alt 174 Note 6 Green Yellow High Intensity Alt 175 Note 6 Green White High Intensity Alt 176 Note 6 Cyan Black Normal Alt 177 Note 6 Cyan Blue Underline Alt 178 Note 6 Cyan Green Normal AE 174 AF 175 « » BO 176 ------- Bl 177 B2 178 B3 179 I Alt 179 Note 6 Cyan Cyan Normal r-- Alt 180 Note 6 Cyan Red Normal B5 181 ~ Alt 181 Note 6 Cyan Magenta Normal B6 182 r--t Alt 182 Note 6 Cyan Brown Normal B4 180 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 7-9 As Text Attributes Hex Dec Symbol B7 B8 B9 183 III 184 R 185 Color / Graphics Monitor Adapter As Characters Value W Keystrokes Modes Background Foreground Alt 183 Note 6 Cyan Light Grey Normal Alt 184 Note 6 Cyan Dark Grey High Intensity Alt 185 Note 6 Cyan Light Blue High Intensity Underline Alt 186 Note 6 Cyan Light Green High Intensity Alt 187 Note 6 Cyan Light Cyan High Intensity Alt 188 Note 6 Cyan Light Red High Intensity Alt 189 Note 6 Cyan Light Magenta High Intensity Alt 190 Note 6 Cyan Yellow High Intensity Alt 191 Note 6 Cyan White High Intensity Alt 192 Note 6 Red Black Normal Underline h BA 186 BB 187 BC 188 BD 189 BE 190 BF 191 CO 192 h1 ~ WJ P 11 L- IBM Monochrome Display Adapter Cl 193 Alt 193 Note 6 Red Blue C2 194 Alt 194 Note 6 Red Green Normal C3 195 Ait 195 Note 6 Red Cyan Normal C4 196 Alt 196 Note 6 Red Red Normal C5 197 Alt 197 Note 6 Red Magenta Normal C6 198 Note 6 Red Brown Normal C7 199 === Alt 198 Ir- Alt 199 Note 6 Red Light Grey Normal C8 200 L== Alt 200 Note 6 Red Dark Grey High Intensity C9 201 Alt 201 Note 6 Red Light Blue High Intensity Underline Alt 202 Note 6 Red Light Green High Intensity CA 202 CB 203 CC 204 f- II ---.J L - --, r - I~ CD 205 CE 206 CF 207 DO 208 :::;;::: I Alt 203 Note 6 Red Light Cyan High Intensity Alt 204 Note 6 Red Light Red High Intensity Alt 205 Note 6 Red Light Magenta High Intensity Alt 206 Note 6 Red Yellow High Intensity Alt 207 Note 6 Red White High Intensity Alt 208 Note 6 Magenta Black Normal 1-10 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color As Text A.ttributes Value As Characters Hex IDec 1Symbol K"Y~"VR~~ IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter Coior / Graphics Monitor Adapter 1209 Alt 209 Note 6 Magenta Blue Underline D2 210 Alt 210 Note 6 Magenta Green Normal Normal D3 211 !L- Alt 211 Note 6 Magenta Cyan D4 1212 C::: F Alt 212 6 Magenta Red Alt 213 Note 6 Magenta Magenta Normal Alt 214 Note 6 Magenta Brown Normal Alt 215 Note 6 Magenta Light Grey Normal Alt 216 Note 6 Magenta Dark Grey High Intensity Alt 217 Note 6 Magenta Light Blue High Intensity Underline DA 218 Alt 218 Note 6 Magenta Light Green High Intensity DB 219 Alt 219 Note 6 Magenta Light Cyan High Intensity DC 220 Alt 220 Note 6 Magenta Light Red High Intensity DD 221 Alt 221 Note 6 Magenta Light Magenta High Intensity DE 222 Alt Note 6 Magenta Yellow High Intensity DF 223 Alt 223 Note 6 Magenta White High Intensity D5 213 D6 12 rI D7 215 D8 216 D9 217 f----- EO 1224 Alt 224 Note 6 Yellow Black Normal 1i1 225 f3 Alt 225 Note 6 Yellow Blue Underline E2 226 r Alt 226 6 Yellow GI NI 227 rr Alt Note 6 Yellow Cyan Normal E4 228 2 Alt 228 Note 6 Yellow Red Normal E5 229 Alt 229 Note 6 Yellow Magenta Normal E6 1230 Alt 230 NI 6 Yellow Brown 6 Yel E7 231 E8 232 Grey Norm, T Alt 231 Alt Note 6 Yellow Dark Grey High Intensity 233 {J Alt 233 Note 6 Yellow Light Blue High Intensity Underline EA 234 n Alt 234 Note 6 Yellow Light Green H ig h Intensity EB 235 {j Alt 235 Note 6 Yellow Light Cyan High Intensity E9 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 7-11 As Text Attributes Value As Characters Hex Dec Symbol Keystrokes Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Monochrome Display Modes Background Foreground Adapter EC 236 Alt 236 Note 6 Yellow Light Red High Intensity ED 237 Alt 237 Note 6 Yellow Light Magenta High Intensity EE 238 Alt 238 Note 6 Yellow Yellow High Intensity EF 239 Alt 239 Note 6 Yellow White High Intensity Alt 240 Note 6 White Black Reverse Video Alt 241 Note 6 White Blue Underline Ii Fa 240 ± F1 241 F2 242 Alt 242 Note 6 White Green Normal F3 243 Alt 243 Note 6 White Cyan Normal r Alt 244 Note 6 White Red Normal F5 245 Alt 245 Note 6 White Magenta Normal F6 246 Alt 246 Note 6 White Brown Normal F7 247 Alt 247 Note 6 White Light Grey Normal F8 248 o Alt 248 Note 6 White Dark Grey Reverse Video F9 249 • Alt 249 Note 6 White Light Blue High Intensity Underline • Alt 250 Note 6 White Light Green High Intensity F4 244 FA 250 FB 251 Alt 251 Note 6 White Light Cyan High Intensity FC 252 Alt 252 Note 6 White Light Red High Intensity FD 253 Alt 253 Note 6 White Light Magenta High Intensity FE 254 Alt 254 Note 6 White Yellow High Intensity FF 255 Alt 255 Note 6 White White High Intensity 2 • BLANK 7-12 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color NOTES 1. Asterisk (*) can be typed using two methods: press the PrtSc key or, in the shift mode, press the 8 key. 2. Period (.) can be typed using two methods: press the. key or, in the shift or Num Lock mode, press the Del key. 3. Numeric characters 0-9 can be typed using two methods: press the numeric keys on the top row of the keyboard or, in the shift or Num Lock mode, press the numeric keys in the keypad portion of the keyboard. 4. Uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z) can be typed in two modes: the shift mode or the Caps Lock mode. 5. Lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z) can be typed in two modes: in the normal mode or in Caps Lock and shift mode combined. 6. The three digits after the Alt key must be typed from the numeric keypad. Character codes 0-255 may be entered in this fashion (with Caps Lock activated, character codes 97-122 will display uppercase.) Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 7-13 DECIMAL VALUE . 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 2 3 4 5 6 • 1~!~~MtL 0 1 0 0 BLANK (NULL) ~ 1 1 ~ ...... 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 A II B 12 C 13 D 14 E ~ 15 F 1)- HEXA -• " + •! .. crT 4t § • t r 0 ! ~ d Q j +-- L +--+ .. 7 p , P I• 1 A Q a q 2 B R b r =IF 3 C S c s $ 4 D T d t 0/0 5 E U e u & 6 F V f v , 7 GW g W ( 8 H X h x ) 9 I Y 1• y . • • J Z J Z * + ,• K [ k { , < L "- I BLANK (SPACEI 0 @ II I I - • ... / M ] m } > N /\ n rv - ? • 7 -14 Characters, Keystrokes, and Color 0 - 0 ~ DECIMAL VALUE . 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 • HEXA DECIMAL VALUE 8 9 0 0 ~ E 1 1 U cE 2 2 3 3 e .IE 0, ~ A 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 e" y 9 9 •• 10 A 11 B •• 12 c 13 0 ",1 £ 14 E 15 F •• , A B , a, 1 , ···.... ···...... C ~ 0 · •• e 0 , •• e U 1 1 A A i== ~ (, I •• I ~ I c Y2 ==, ¥ Pt f' .......-- ='L I ~ f-- :=! · --1J • d « » OC --- f3 + - - LL -1 U I I --.../ 0 E :.:-: .:.:. :.:.: .:.:. ~ 0 U •• •• a 0 n , , a 0 N= I\. a u a , I] r -> < 1T - b L ( ) F (J' . Y -. ,-- T -..., Q 8 0 n 0 ex:> H F 0 -..., • • -r n IOPL. The POPF instruction may be simulated with the following code macro: POPFF Macro ;use POPFF instead of POPF ;simulate popping flags ;using IRET EBOI JMP$+3 ;jump around IRET CF IRET ;POP CS, IP, flags OE PUSHCS ;push CS E8FB FF CALL $-2 ;CALL within segment ;program will continue here 9-6 Compatibility • PUSH SP pushes the current stack pointer. The microprocessor used in the IBM Personal Computer and the IBM Personal Computer XT pushes the new stack pointer. • Single step interrupt (when TF = 1) does not occur on the interrupt instruction (OP code hex CC,CD). The microprocessor in the IBM Personal Computer and the IBM Personal Computer XT does interrupt on the INT instruction. • The divide error exception (interrupt 0) pushes the CS:IP of the instruction, causing the exception. The IBM Personal Computer and the IBM Personal Computer XT push the CS:IP following the instruction, causing the exception. • Shift counts are masked to 5 bits. Shift counts greater than 31 are treated mod 32, that is, a shift count of 36 shifts the operand 4 places. Assembler language programs should perform all 110 operations through ROM BIOS or DOS function calls. • Program interrupts are used for access to these functions. This practice removes the absolute addressing from the program. Only the interrupt number is required. • The math coprocessor detects six different exception conditions that can occur during instruction execution. If the appropriate exception mask within the coprocessor is not set, the coprocessor sets its error signal. This error signal generates a hardware interrupt (interrupt 13) and causes the BUSY signal to the coprocessor to be held in the busy state. The BUSY signal may be cleared by an 8-bit 1/0 Write command to address hex FO with DO through D7 equal to o. I I I I The power-on-self test code in the system ROM enables hardware interrupt 13 and sets up its vector to point to a routine in ROM. The ROM routine clears the I BUSY I signal's latch and then transfers control to the address pointed to by the NMI interrupt vector. This allows code written for any IBM Personal Computer to work on an IBM Personal Computer AT. The NMI interrupt handler should read the coprocessor's status to determine if the NMI was caused by Compatibility 9-7 the coprocessor. If the interrupt was not generated by the coprocessor, control should be passed to the original NMI interrupt handler. • Back to back I/O commands to the same I/O ports will not permit enough recovery time for I/O chips. To insure enough time, a JMP SHORT $+2 must be inserted between IN/OUT instructions to the same I/O chip. Note: MOV AL,AH type instruction does not allow enough recovery time. An example of the correct procedure follows: OUT IO_ADD,AL JMP SHORT$+2 MOV AL,AH OUT IO_ADD,AL • In the IBM Personal Computer AT IRQ 9 is redirected to INT hex OA (hardware IRQ 2). This insures that hardware designed to use IRQ 2 will operate in the IBM Personal Computer AT. • The system can mask hardware sensitivity. New devices can change the ROM BIOS to accept the same programming interface on the new device. • In cases where BIOS provides parameter tables, such as for video or diskette, a program may substitute new parameter values by building a new copy of the table and changing the vector to point to that table. However, the program should copy the current table, using the current vector, and then modify those locations in the table that need to be changed. In this way, the program will not inadvertently change any values that should be left the same. • Disk Base consists of 11 parameters required for diskette operation. They are pointed at by the data variable, Disk Pointer, at absolute address 0:78. It is strongly recommended that the values supplied in ROM be used. If it 9-8 Compatibility becomes necessary to modify any of the parameters, build another parameter block and modify the address in Disk-Pointer to point to the new block. The parameters were established to operate both the High Capacity Diskette Drive and the Double Sided Diskette Drive. Three of the parameters in this table are under control of BIOS in the following situations. The Gap Length Parameter is no longer retrieved from the parameter block. Gap length used during diskette read, write, and verify operations is derived from within diskette BIOS. Gap length for format operations is still obtained from the parameter block. Special considerations are required for formatting operations. See the prologue of Diskette BIOS for the required details. If a parameter block contains a head settle time parameter value of 0 milliseconds, and a write operation is being performed, at least 15 milliseconds of head settle time will be enforced for a High Capacity Diskette Drive and 20 milliseconds will be enforced for a Double Sided Diskette Drive. If a parameter block contains a motor start wait parameter of less than 1 second for a write or format operation or 625 milliseconds for a read or verify operation, Diskette BIOS will enforce those times listed above. • The following procedure is used to determine the type of media inserted in the High Capacity Diskette Drive: 1. Read Track 0, Head 0, Sector 1 to allow diskette BIOS to establish the medial drive combination. If this is successful, continue with the next step. 2. Read Track 0, Sector 15. If an error occurs, a double sided diskette is in the drive. If a successful read occurs, a high capacity diskette is in the drive. 3. If Step 1 fails, issue the reset function (AH=O) to diskette BIOS and retry. If a successful read cannot be done, the media needs to be formatted or is defective. ROM BIOS and DOS do not provide for all functions. The following are the allowable I/O operations with which IBM will maintain compatibility in future systems. Compatibility 9-9 • Control of the sound using port hex 61, and the sound channel of the timer/counter. A program can control timer/counter channels 0 and 2, ports hex 40, 42, and 43. A program must not change the value in port hex 41, because this port controls the dynamic-memory refresh. Channel 0 provides the time-of -day interrupt, and can also be used for timing short intervals. Channel 2 of the timer/counter is the output for the speaker and cassette ports. This channel may also be used for timing short intervals, although it cannot interrupt at the end of the period. • Control of the Game Control Adapter, port hex 201 Note: Programs should use the timer for delay on the paddle input rather than a program loop. • Interrupt Mask Register (IMR), port hex 21, can be used to selectively mask and unmask the hardware features. The following information pertains to absolute memory locations. • Interrupt Vectors (hex O)--A program may change these to point at different processing routines. When an interrupt vector is modified, the original value should be retained. If the interrupt, either hardware or program, is not directed toward this device handler, the request should be passed to the next item in the list. • Video Display Buffers (hex BOOOO and B8000)-- For each mode of operation defined in the video display BIOS, the memory map will remain the same. For example, the bit map for the 320 x 200 medium-resolution graphics mode of the Color/Graphics Monitor adapter will be retained on any future adapter that supports that mode. If the bit map is modified, a different mode number will be used. • ROM BIOS Data Area (40:0)--Any variables in this area will retain their current definition, whenever it is reasonable to do so. IBM may use these data areas for other purposes when the variable no longer has meaning in the system. In general, ROM BIOS data variables should be read or modified through BIOS calls whenever possible, and not with direct access to the variable. 9-10 Compatibility A program that requires timing information should use either the time-of-day clock or the timing channels of the timer/counter. The input frequency to the timer will be maintained at 1.19 MHz, providing a constant time reference. Program loops should be avoided. Programs that use copy protection schemes should use the ROM BIOS diskette calls to read and verify the diskette and should not be timer dependent. Any method can be used to create the diskette, although manufacturing capability should be considered. The verifying program can look at the diskette controller's status bytes in the ROM BIOS data area for additional information about embedded errors. More information about copy protection may be found under I Copy Protection I later in this section. Any DOS program must be relocatable and insensitive to the size of DOS or its own load addresses. A program's memory requirement should be identified and contiguous with the load module. A program should not assume that all of memory is available to it. Multi-tasking Provisions The IBM Personal Computer AT BIOS contains a feature to assist multi-tasking implementation. "Hooks" are provided for a multi-tasking dispatcher. Whenever a busy (wait) loop occurs in the BIOS, a hook is provided for the system to break out of the loop. Also, whenever an interrupt is serviced by the BIOS, which causes a corresponding wait loop to be exited, another hook is provided for the system. Thus a system may be written which employs the bulk of the device driver code. The following is valid only in the microprocessor's real address mode. Several steps must be taken by the system code in order to allow this support. First, the system is responsible for the serialization of access to the device driver. The BIOS code is not reentrant. Second, the system is responsible for matching corresponding wait and post calls. Compatibility 9-11 Interfaces There are four interfaces to be used by the multi-tasking dispatcher: Startup The first thing to be done is for the startup code to hook interrupt hex 15. The dispatcher is responsible to check for function codes AH = hex 90 and 91. The "Wait" and "Post" sections describe these codes. The dispatcher must pass all other functions through to the previous user of interrupt hex 15. This can be done via a JMP or a CALL. If the function code is hex 90 or 91, then the dispatcher should do the appropriate processing and return via the lRET instruction. Serialization It is up to the multi-tasking system to insure that the device driver code is used in a serial fashion. Multiple entries into the code can result in very serious errors. Wait (Busy) Whenever the BIOS is about to enter a busy loop, it first issues an interrupt 15 with a function code of hex 90 in AH This signals a WAIT condition. At this point, the dispatcher should save the task status and dispatch another task. This allows overlapped execution of tasks when the hardware is busy. The following is is an outline of the code which has been added to the BIOS to implement this function. EXAMPLE DEVICE BUSY LOOP DO UNTIL MOY AX, hex 90XX 9-12 Compatibility ;WAIT code in AH and ;TYPE code in AL INT hex 15 ;issue call JCTIMEOUT ;optional: for timeout or ;if carry is set, timeout ;occurred NORMAL TIMEOUT LOGIC ;normal timeout UNTIL INTERRUPT COMPLETE FLAG IS SET POST (Interrupt) Whenever the BIOS has set an interrupt flag for a corresponding busy loop, an interrupt 15 occurs with a function code hex 91 in AH. This signals a POST condition. At this point, the dispatcher should set the task status to "ready to run" and return to the interrupt routine. The following BIOS has been added to code to implement this function. INTERRUPT PROCESSING SET INTERRUPT COMPLETE FLAG FOR BUSY LOOP MOV AX,hex 91XX ; post code AH and ; type code AL INThex 15 ; issue call Classes The following types of wait loops are supported: Compatibility 9-13 • The class for 0-> 7Fh is serially reusable. This means that for the devices that use these codes, access to the BIOS must be restricted to only one task at a time. • The class for 80h->BFh is reentrant. There is no restriction on the number of tasks which may access the device. • The class for COh->FFh is non-interrupt. There is no corresponding interrupt for the wait loop. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the dispatcher to determine what satisfies this condition to exit the loop. Function Code Classes type code (AL) Description OOh->7Fh serially reusable devices; operating system must serialize access 80h->OBFh reentrant devices; ES:BX is used to distinguish different calls (multiple I/O calls are allowed simultaneously) OCOh->OFFh wait only calls; there is no complementary "POST" for these waits--these are timeout only. Times are function number dependent. Function Code Assignments The following are specific assignments for the IBM Personal Computer AT BIOS. They are grouped according to the classes described under "Function Code Classes". Type Code (AL) Timeout Description OOH yes (6 sec) mM Personal Computer AT fixed disk 9-14 Compatibility OlH yes (2 sec) IBM Personal Computer AT diskette 02H no IBM Personal Computer AT keyboard OFDH yes (1 sec-write) diskette motor start (625 msec-read) OFEH yes (?? sec) printer The asynchronous support has been omitted. The IBM Personal Computer AT Serial/Parallel Adapter will generate interrupts, but BIOS does not support it in the interrupt mode. Therefore, the support should be included in the multi-tasking system code if that device is to be supported. Timeouts In order to support timeouts properly, it is necessary for the multi-tasking dispatcher to be aware of time. If a device enters a busy loop, it generally should remain there for a specific amount of time before indicating an error. The dispatcher should return to the BIOS wait loop with the carry bit set if a timeout occurred. SYS REQ Key The following describes the use of the SYS REQ key in a multi-tasking environment. It assumes that tasks used are cooperative in some manner. The system must employ a task monitor to allow the user to select various tasks. This selection may be for starting tasks, terminating tasks, supplying input to tasks from the keyboard, or any other function that requires user input. Compatibility 9-15 Subsystem Structure The following figure shows three subsystems which have multiple tasks. They are arranged in order of hierarchy. Tasks in subsystem B can only run when Task "Other" A is active in subsystem A and tasks in subsystem C can only run when Task "Other" B is active in subsystem B. Task 1A I Task 2A I Task 3A Subsystem B Inhibited I Task "Othen" A Task 1 B I Task 28 I Subsystem C Inhibited Task 8 "Other" Task 1C Task 2C Multiple Task Subsystems The order in which subsystems were installed (loaded into main storage) determines their priority. The first one installed is higher on the hierarchy. An inhibit mechanism provided at startup time enforces the hierarchy. As a subsystem starts, it broadcasts to the rest of the subsystems, previously installed, that it is starting and at the same time, provides the address of a lock. This lock must be set (incremented) by subsystems higher in the hierarchy whenever they wish to run one of their own tasks. This flag must be set for each subsystem lower on the hierarchy, for example, when subsystem A is about to start Task 2A, the dispatcher must set subsystem B inhibit and subsystem C inhibit. Subsystem Startup and Lockout In order for multiple subsystems to cooperate, there must be communication between subsystems when a subsystem is loaded into storage and initialized. The subsystem being loaded tells the previously loaded subsystems that it is being loaded and broadcasts the address of its synchronization lock. Higher priority subsystems use this lock to exclude the new subsystem from accessing any system resources (DOS, interrupts, etc.). 9-16 Compatibility After a subsystem is loaded, it must "listen" for any subsystems that may be loaded later so that it can lock them out when it is running. The following describes the code sequence for startup. Startup Interface MOV AX,SEG SYSLOCK ;segment of lock MOVES,AX MOV BX,OFFSET SYSLOCK ;offset of lock MOV AX,2000H ;AH=20H, AL=O INT ISH Lockout Interface The register ES:BX points to a byte which initially contains a value of O. Whenever a higher priority subsystem wishes to run, it increments the lock. When it completes running, it decrements the lock. This allows proper synchronization of resources and subsystems. SYS REQ Key Functions During initialization, the subsystem also needs to connect to the SYS REQ key function. It is necessary for the SYS key code to be included in each subsystem. This startup section determines if the SYS support is already loaded and loads the support if necessary. The SYS functions provide a means for the subsystem's main screen or menu to be displayed. If the subsystem requires no user action, then these functions need not be provided. SYS Key Modes There are two SYS key modes: multiple press and super shift. Compatibility 9-17 Multiple Press Mode: This mode allows the user to sequence through subsystems. Subsystems are displayed in the reverse order of their installation. Super Shift Mode: This mode allows the user direct access to any subsystem regardless of the priority. The user activates this mode by holding the SYS key pressed and pressing another key which designates another subsystem. Multiple Key Sequence If a subsystem is to be used on the IBM Personal Computer and the IBM Personal Computer XT, a multiple key sequence must be used to access the SYS key functions. SYS Key Interfaces There are four interfaces needed by the SYS code to support a subsystem: startup, activation, cancellation, and completion. The subsystem activates two of these: startup and completion. The SYS code in conjunction with user input activates the other two. The following is a description, in tabular form, of the states, transitions, and actions needed to implement the SYS REO functions. Subsystem Entry Points subsysA subsys B subsys C code A code B code C Entry Points # subsystems num 9-18 Compatibility current subsystem # cur State/Transition Table Current State Input Next State Action Idle SYS REQ Active activate subsys 'cur' SYS code Active Super activate subsys 'code' Startup Idle increment 'num' set 'cur' to 'num' insert entry point and code Active SYS REO Active cancel subsys 'cur' decrement 'cur' activate subsys 'cur' Completion 'cur' Idle set 'cur' to 'num' Startup Active increment 'num' insert entry point and code Active Super SYS code Active Super activate subsys 'code' Completion 'cur' Idle set 'cur' to 'num' Startup Active increment 'num' insert entry point and code Compatibility 9-19 Startup At startup, a call is issued to determine if the SYS REO key support is already loaded and to initialize the support for the new subsystem. The parameters for the startup routine are the address of the entry point and the function code (direct-access mode). If the operation was successful, the carry flag is set. The following shows the calling sequence. MOV AX,SEG entryJoint ;address for SYS to call MOVES,AX MOV BX,OFFSET entryJoint MOVCX,XXXX ;super shift mode code MOV AX,2010H ;AH=20H, AL= 10 INT ISH If the carry flag is not set, the initialization code needs to hook the vector for interrupt 15H, save the previous address, and reissue the initialization call. Activation This is a signal from the SYS REO processing module that a subsystem's monitor is to be activated. This entry into the subsystem dispatcher signals that the monitor task should be activated. It should be treated as a signal to set a flag for the subsystem rather than an opportunity to gain control of the system asynchronously as it may not be a proper time for the subsystem to run. The subsystem may have to wait until a higher priority subsystem allows it to have control before the subsystem's monitor gets control. The subsystem entry point is CALLED with the AH register set to o. 9-20 Compatibility Cancellation This signal from the SYS REQ processing module tells the subsystem monitor to ignore the previous activation signal and take the necessary action to return to its previous state. This entry into the subsystem dispatcher signals that the monitor task should be deactivated. The subsystem may not have control of the system. It is necessary for the subsystem to note that a cancellation has occurred and to wait until it has a valid opportunity to run through its dispatcher code in a normal fashion. The subsystem entry point is CALLED with the AH register set to 1. Completion The following call signals completion. Completion constitutes any action taken by the user when the subsystem's menu is displayed. The completion call causes the activation pointer to be reset to the lowest priority subsystem. A11lower priority subsystems also receive a cancellation notification. MOV AX,SEG entryJoint ;address for SYS to call MOVES,AX MOV BX,OFFSET entryJoint ;ES:BX must contain the same ;values as the startup call MOV AX,2011H ;AH=20H, AL= IlH INT 1SH Compatibility 9-21 Copy Protection Some modes of copy protection will not work on the IBM Personal Computer AT due to the following conditions: • Bypassing BIOS • Diskette drive differences • Write current differences Bypassing BIOS Copy protection, which depends on the following will not work on the IBM Personal Computer AT: Track Density: The High Capacity Diskette Drive records tracks at a density of 96TPI. This drive has to double step in the 48TPI mode, which is performed by BIOS. Data Transfer Rate: BIOS selects the proper data transfer rate for the media being used. Disk Base: Copy protection, which creates its own disk base will not work on the High Capacity Diskette Drive. - Diskette Drive Differences Copy protection, which depends on the following will not work on the High Capacity Diskette Drive: Rotational Speed: Copy protection using the time between two events on a diskette will not work on the High Capacity Diskette Drive. Access Time: Diskette BIOS must set the track to track access time for the different types of media used on the IBM Personal Computer AT. 9-22 Compatibility Head Geometry: See High Capacity Diskette Drive earlier in I I this section. Diskette Change Signal: Copy protection may not be able to reset this signaL Write Current The IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter selects the proper write current for the media being used. Machine-Sensitive Code Programs may program for machine specific features, but they must test for specific machine type. Location hex OFFFF:OE contains the machine identification: Hex Machine Identification OFF OFE OFD OFC IBM IBM IBM IBM Personal Computer Personal Computer XT PCjr Personal Comouter AT Machine Identification Code IBM will define methods for uniquely determining the specific machine type or I/O feature for any new device. Compatibility 9-23 Notes: 9-24 Compatibility Glossary (-t. (-ts. Prefix micro; 0.000001. Microsecond; 0.000001 second. A. Ampere. ac. Alternating current. accumulator. A register in which the result of an operation is formed. active high. Designates a signal that has to go high to produce an effect. Synonymous with positive true. active low. Designates a signal that has to go low to produce an effect. Synonymous with negative true. adapter. An auxiliary device or unit used to extend the operation of another system. address bus. One or more conductors used to carry the binary-coded address from the processor throughout the rest of the system. algorithm. A finite set of well-defined rules for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps. all points addressable (APA). A mode in which all points of a displayable image can be controlled by the user. alphameric. Synonym for alphanumeric. alphanumeric (A/N). Pertaining to a character set that contains letters, digits, and usually other characters, such as punctuation marks. Synonymous with alphameric. Glossary-l alternating current (ac). A current that periodically reverses its direction of flow. American National Standard Code for Information Exchange (ASCII). The standard code, using a coded character set consisting of 7-bit coded characters (8 bits including parity check), used for information exchange between data processing systems, data communication systems, and associated equipment. The ASCII set consists of control characters and graphic characters. ampere (A). The basic unit of electric current. A/N. Alphanumeric analog. (1) Pertaining to data in the form of continuously variable physical quantities. (2) Contrast with digital. AND. A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, ... , then the AND of P, Q, R, .. .is true if all statements are true, false if any statement is false. AND gate. A logic gate in which the output is 1 only if all inputs are 1. AND operation. The boolean operation whose result has the boolean value 1, if and only if, each operand has the boolean value 1. Synonymous with conjunction. APA. All points addressable. ASCII. American National Standard Code for Information Exchange. assemble. To translate a program expressed in an assembler language into a computer language. Glossary-2 assembler. A computer program used to assemble. assembler language. A computer-oriented language whose instructions are usually in one-to-one correspondence with computer instructions. asynchronous transmission. (1) Transmission in which the time of occurrence of the start of each character, or block of characters, is arbitrary; once started, the time of occurrence of each signal representing a bit within a character, or block, has the same relationship to significant instants of a fixed time frame. (2) Transmission in which each information character is individually transmitted (usually timed by the use of start elements and stop elements). audio frequencies. Frequencies that can be heard by the human ear (approximately 15 hertz to 20 000 hertz). auxiliary storage. (1) A storage device that is not main storage. (2) Data storage other than main storage; for example, storage on magnetic disk. (3) Contrast with main storage. BASIC. Beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code. basic input/output system (BIOS). The feature of the IBM Personal Computer that provides the level control of the major 1/0 devices, and relieves the programmer from concern about hardware device characteristics. baud. (1) A unit of signaling speed equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal events per second. For example, one baud equals one bit per second in a train of binary signals, one-half dot cycle per second in Morse code, and one 3-bit value per second in a train of signals each of which can assume one of eight different states. (2) In asynchronous transmission, the unit of modulation rate corresponding to one unit of interval per second; that is, if the duration of the unit interval is 20 milliseconds, the modulation rate is 50 baud. BCC. Block-check character. Glossary-3 beginner's aU-purpose symbolic instruction code (BASIC). A programming language with a small repertoire of commands and a simple syntax, primarily designed for numeric applications. binary. (1) Pertaining to a selection, choice, or condition that has two possible values or states. (2) Pertaining to a fixed radix numeration system having a radix of 2. binary digit. (1) In binary notation, either of the characters 0 or 1. (2) Synonymous with bit. binary notation. Any notation that uses two different characters, usually the binary digits 0 and 1. binary synchronous communications (BSC). A uniform procedure, using a standardized set of control characters and control character sequences for synchronous transmission of binary-coded data between stations. BIOS. Basic input/output system. bit. Synonym for binary digit bits per second (bps). A unit of measurement representing the number of discrete binary digits transmitted by a device in one second. block. (1) A string of records, a string of words, or a character string formed for technical or logic reasons to be treated as an entity. (2) A set of things, such as words, characters, or digits, treated as a unit. block-check character (BCC). In cyclic redundancy checking, a character that is transmitted by the sender after each message block and is compared with a block-check character computed by the receiver to determine if the transmission was successful. boolean operation. (1) Any operation in which each of the operands and the result take one of two values. (2) An operation that follows the rules of boolean algebra. Glossary-4 bootstrap. A technique or device designed to bring itself into a desired state by means of its own action; for example, a machine routine whose first few instructions are sufficient to bring the rest of itself into the computer from an input device. bps. Bits per second. BSC. Binary synchronous communications. buffer. (1) An area of storage that is temporarily reserved for use in performing an input/output operation, into which data is read or from which data is written. Synonymous with I/O area. (2) A portion of storage for temporarily holding input or output data. bus. One or more conductors used for transmitting signals or power. byte. (1) A sequence of eight adjacent binary digits that are operated upon as a unit. (2) A binary character operated upon as a unit. (3) The representation of a character. C. Celsius. capacitor. An electronic circuit component that stores an electric charge. CAS. Column address strobe. cathode ray tube (CRT). A vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is projected onto a fluorescent screen producing a luminous spot. The location of the spot can be controlled. cathode ray tube display (CRT display). (1) A CRT used for displaying data. For example, the electron beam can be controlled to form alphanumeric data by use of a dot matrix. (2) The data display produced by the device as in (1). Glossary-5 CCITT. International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee. Celsius (C). A temperature scale. Contrast with Fahrenheit (F). central processing unit (CPU). Term for processing unit. channel. A path along which signals can be sent; for example, data channel, output channel. character generator. (1) In computer graphics, a functional unit that converts the coded representation of a graphic character into the shape of the character for display. (2) In word processing, the means within equipment for generating visual characters or symbols from coded data. character set. (1) A finite set of different characters upon which agreement has been reached and that is considered complete for some purpose. (2) A set of unique representations called characters. (3) A defined collection of characters. characters per second (cps). A standard unit of measurement for the speed at which a printer prints. check key. A group of characters, derived from and appended to a data item, that can be used to detect errors in the data item during processing. closed circuit. A continuous unbroken circuit; that is, one in which current can flow. Contrast with open circuit. CMOS. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor. code. (1) A set of unambiguous rules specifying the manner in which data may be represented in a discrete form. Synonymous with coding scheme. (2) A set of items, such as abbreviations, representing the members of another set. (3) To represent data or a computer program in a symbolic form that can be accepted by a data processor. (4) Loosely, one or more computer programs, or part of a computer program. Glossary-6 coding scheme. Synonym for code. collector. An element in a transistor toward which current flows. column address strobe (CAS). A signal that latches the column addresses in a memory chip. compile. (1) To translate a computer program expressed in a problem-oriented language into a computer-oriented language. (2) To prepare a machine-language program from a computer program written in another programming language by making use of the overall logic structure of the program, or generating more than one computer instruction for each symbolic statement, or both, as well as performing the function of an assembler. complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS). A logic circuit family that uses very little power. It works with a wide range of power supply voltages. computer. A functional unit that can perform substantial computation, including numerous arithmetic operations or logic operations, without intervention by a human operator during a run. computer instruction code. A code used to represent the instructions in an instruction set. Synonymous with machine code. computer program. A sequence of instructions suitable for processing by a computer. computer word. A word stored in one computer location and capable of being treated as a unit. configuration. (1) The arrangement of a computer system or network as defined by the nature, number, and the chief characteristics of its functional units. More specifically, the term configuration may refer to a hardware configuration or a software configuration. (2) The devices and programs that make up a system, subsystem, or network. conjunction. Synonym for AND operation. Glossary-7 contiguous. Touching or joining at the edge or boundary; adjacent. control character. A character whose occurrence in a particular context initiates, modifies, or stops a control operation. control operation. An action that affects the recording, processing, transmission, or interpretation of data; for example, starting or stopping a process, carriage return, font change, rewind, and end of transmission. control storage. A portion of storage that contains microcode. cps. Characters per second. cpu. Central processing unit. CRe. Cyclic redundancy check. CRT. Cathode ray tube. CRT display. Cathode ray tube display. CTS. Clear to send. Associated with modem control. cursor. (1) In computer graphics, a movable marker that is used to indicate a position on a display. (2) A displayed symbol that acts as a marker to help the user locate a point in text, in a system command, or in storage. (3) A movable spot of light on the screen of a display device, usually indicating where the next character is to be entered, replaced, or deleted. cyclic redundancy check (CRC). (1) A redundancy check in which the check key is generated by a cyclic algorithm. (2) A system of error checking performed at both the sending and receiving station after a block-check character has been accumulated. cylinder. (1) The set of all tracks with the same nominal distance from the axis about which the disk rotates. (2) The tracks of a disk storage device that can be accessed without repositioning the access mechanism. Glossary-8 daisy-chained cable. A type of cable that has two or more connectors attached in series. data. (1) A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automatic means. (2) Any representations, such as characters or analog quantities, to which meaning is, or might be assigned. data base. A collection of data that can be immediately accessed and operated upon by a data processing system for a specific purpose. data processing system. A system that performs input, processing, storage, output, and control functions to accomplish a sequence of operations on data. data transmission. Synonym for transmission. dB. Decibel. dBa. Adjusted decibels. dc. Direct current. debounce. An electronic means of overcoming the make/break bounce of switches to obtain one smooth change of signal level. decibel. (1) A unit that expresses the ratio of two power levels on a logarithmic scale. (2) A unit for measuring relative power. decoupJing capacitor. A capacitor that provides a low impedance path to ground to prevent common coupling between circuits. Deutsche Industrie Norm (DIN). (1) German Industrial Norm. (2) The committee that sets German dimension standards. digit. (1) A graphic character that represents an integer; for example, one of the characters 0 to 9. (2) A symbol that Glossary-9 represents one of the non-negative integers smaller than the radix. For example, in decimal notation, a digit is one of the characters 0 to 9. digital. (1) Pertaining to data in the form of digits. (2) Contrast with analog. DIN. Deutsche Industrie Norm. DIN connector. One of the connectors specified by the DIN committee. DIP. Dual in-line package. DIP switch. One of a set of small switches mounted in a dual in-line package. direct current (de). A current that always flows in one direction. direct memory access (DMA). A method of transferring data between main storage and I/O devices that does not require processor intervention. disable. To stop the operation of a circuit or device. disabled. Pertaining to a state of a processing unit that prevents the occurrence of certain types of interruptions. Synonymous with masked. disk. Loosely, a magnetic disk unit. disk drive. A mechanism for moving a disk pack and controlling its movements. disk pack. A removable assembly of magnetic disks. diskette. A thin, flexible magnetic disk and a semirigid protective jacket, in which the disk is permanently enclosed. Synonymous with flexible disk. Glossary-l0 diskette drive. A mechanism for moving a diskette and controlling its movements. display. (1) A visual presentation of data. (2) A device for visual presentation of information on any temporary character imaging device. (3) To present data visually. (4) See cathode ray tube display. display attribute. In computer graphics, a particular property that is assigned to all or part of a display; for example, low intensity, green color, blinking status. DMA. Direct memory access. dot matrix. (1) In computer graphics, a two-dimensional pattern of dots used for constructing a display image. This type of matrix can be used to represent characters by dots. (2) In word processing, a pattern of dots used to form characters. This term normally refers to a small section of a set of addressable points; for example, a representation of characters by dots. dot printer. Synonym for matrix printer. dot-matrix character generator. In computer graphics, a character generator that generates character images composed of dots. DSR. Data set ready. Associated with modem control. DTR. In the IBM Personal Computer, data terminal ready. Associated with modem control. dual in-line package (DIP). A widely used container for an integrated circuit. DIPs have pins in two parallel rows. The pins are spaced 1/ 10 inch apart. See also DIP switch. duplex. (1) In data communication, pertaining to a simultaneous two-way independent transmission in both directions. (2) Contrast with half -duplex. Glossary-It duty cycle. In the operation of a device, the ratio of on time to idle time. Duty cycle is expressed as a decimal or percentage. dynamic memory. RAM memory using transistors and capacitors as the memory elements. This memory requires a refresh (recharge) cycle every few milliseconds. Contrast with static memory. EBCDIC. Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code. ECC. Error checking and correction. edge connector. A terminal block with a number of contacts attached to the edge of a printed-circuit board to facilitate plugging into a foundation circuit. EIA. Electronic Industries Association. electromagnet. Any device that exhibits magnetism only while an electric current flows through it. enable. To initiate the operation of a circuit or device. end of block (EOB). A code that marks the end of a block of data. end of file (EO F). An internal label, immediately following the last record of a file, signaling the end of that file. It may include control totals for comparison with counts accumulated during processing. end-of-text (ETX). A transmission control character used to terminate text. end-of-transmission (EOT). A transmission control character used to indicate the conclusion of a transmission, which may have included one or more texts and any associated message headings. Glossary-12 end-of-transmission-block (ETB). A transmission control character used to indicate the end of a transmission block of data when data is divided into such blocks for transmission purposes. EOB. End of block. EOF. End of file. EOT. End-of-transmission. EPROM. Erasable programmable read-only memory. erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM). A PROM in which the user can erase old information and enter new information. error checking and correction (ECC). The detection and correction of all single-bit errors, plus the detection of double-bit and some multiple-bit errors. ESC. The escape character. escape character (ESC). A code extension character used, in some cases, with one or more succeeding characters to indicate by some convention or agreement that the coded representations following the character or the group of characters are to be interpreted according to a different code or according to a different coded character set. ETB. End-of-transmission-block. ETX. End-of-text. extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC). A set of 256 characters, each represented by eight bits. Glossary-13 F. Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit (F). A temperature scale. Contrast with Celsius (C). falling edge. Synonym for negative-going edge. FCC. Federal Communications Commission. fetch. To locate and load a quantity of data from storage. FF. The form feed character. field. (1) In a record, a specified area used for a particular category of data. (2) In a data base, the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. fixed disk. In the IBM Personal Computer, synonym for disk drive. flag. (1) Any of various types of indicators used for identification. (2) A character that signals the occurrence of some condition, such as the end of a word. (3) Deprecated term for mark. flexible disk. Synonym for diskette. flip-flop. A circuit or device containing active elements, capable of assuming either one of two stable states at a given time. font. A family or assortment of characters of a given size and style; for example, 10 point Press Roman medium. foreground. (1) In multiprogramming, the environment in which high-priority programs are executed. (2) On a color display screen, the characters as opposed to the background. Glossary-14 form feed. (1) Paper movement used to bring an assigned part of a form to the printing position. (2) In word processing, a function that advances the typing position to the same character position on a predetermined line of the next form or page. form feed character. A control character that causes the print or display position to move to the next predetermined first line on the next form, the next page, or the equivalent. format. The arrangement or layout of data on a data medium. frame. (1) In SDLC, the vehicle for every command, every response, and all information that is transmitted using SDLC procedures. Each frame begins and ends with a flag. (2) In data transmission, the sequence of contiguous bits bracketed by and including beginning and ending flag sequences. g. Gram. G. (1) Prefix giga; 1 000 000 000. (2) When referring to computer storage capacity, 1 073 741 824. (1 073 741 824 = 2 to the 30th power.) gate. (1) A combinational logic circuit having one output channel and one or more input channels, such that the output channel state is completely determined by the input channel states. (2) A signal that enables the passage of other signals through a circuit. Gb. I 073 741 824 bytes. general-purpose register. A register, usually explicitly addressable within a set of registers, that can be used for different purposes; for example, as an accumulator, as an index register, or as a special handler of data. giga (G). Prefix 1 000 000 000. Glossary-15 gram (g). A unit of weight (equivalent to 0.035 ounces). graphic. A symbol produced by a process such as handwriting, drawing, or printing. graphic character. A character, other than a control character, that is normally represented by a graphic. half-duplex. (1) In data communication, pertaining to an alternate, one way at a time, independent transmission. (2) Contrast with duplex. hardware. (1) Physical equipment used in data processing, as opposed to programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation. (2) Contrast with software. head. A device that reads, writes, or erases data on a storage medium; for example, a small electromagnet used to read, write, or erase data on a magnetic disk. hertz (Hz). A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. hex. Common abbreviation for hexadecimal. hexadecimal. (1) Pertaining to a selection, choice, or condition that has 16 possible different values or states. These values or states are usually symbolized by the ten digits 0 through 9 and the six letters A through F. (2) Pertaining to a fixed radix numeration system having a radix of 16. high impedance state. A state in which the output of a device is effectively isolated from the circuit. highlighting. In computer graphics, emphasizing a given display group by changing its attributes relative to other display groups in the same display field. high-order position. The leftmost position in a string of characters. See also most-significant digit. Glossary-16 housekeeping. Operations or routines that do not contribute directly to the solution of the problem but do contribute directly to the operation of the computer. Hz. Hertz image. A fully processed unit of operational data that is ready to be transmitted to a remote unit; when loaded into control storage in the remote unit, the image determines the operations of the unit. immediate instruction. An instruction that contains within itself an operand for the operation specified, rather than an address of the operand. index register. A register whose contents may be used to modify an operand address during the execution of computer instructions. indicator. (1) A device that may be set into a prescribed state, usually according to the result of a previous process or on the occurrence of a specified condition in the equipment, and that usually gives a visual or other indication of the existence of the prescribed state, and that may in some cases be used to determine the selection among alternative processes; for example, an overflow indicator. (2) An item of data that may be interrogated to determine whether a particular condition has been satisfied in the execution of a computer program; for example, a switch indicator, an overflow indicator. inhibited. (1) Pertaining to a state of a processing unit in which certain types of interruptions are not allowed to occur. (2) Pertaining to the state in which a transmission control unit or an audio response unit cannot accept incoming calls on a line. initialize. To set counters, switches, addresses, or contents of storage to 0 or other starting values at the beginning of, or at prescribed points in, the operation of a computer routine. inputloutput (II 0). (1) Pertaining to a device or to a channel that may be involved in an input process, and, at a different time, in an output process. In the English language, "inputloutput" may be Glossary-17 used in place of such terms "input/output data", "input/output signal", and "input/output terminals", when such usage is clear in a given context. (2) Pertaining to a device whose parts can be performing an input process and an output process at the same time. (3) Pertaining to either input or output, or both. instruction. In a programming language, a meaningful expression that specifies one operation and identifies its operands, if any. instruction set. The set of instructions of a computer, of a programming language, or of the programming languages in a programming system. interface. A device that alters or converts actual electrical signals between distinct devices, programs, or systems. interleave. To arrange parts of one sequence of things or events so that they alternate with parts of one or more other sequences of the same nature and so that each sequence retains its identity. interrupt. (1) A suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that process, and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed. (2) In a data transmission, to take an action at a receiving station that causes the transmitting station to terminate a transmission. (3) Synonymous with interruption. I/O. Input/output. I/O area. Synonym for buffer. irrecoverable error. An error that makes recovery impossible without the use of recovery techniques external to the computer program or run. joystick. In computer graphics, a lever that can pivot in all directions and that is used as a locator device. k. Prefix kilo; 1000. Glossary-18 K. When referring to storage capacity, 1024. (1024 10th power.) = 2 to the Kb. 1024 bytes. kg. Kilogram; 1000 grams. kHz. Kilohertz; 1000 hertz. kilo (k). Prefix 1000 kilogram (kg). 1000 grams. kilohertz (kHz). 1000 hertz latch. (1) A simple logic-circuit storage element. (2) A feedback loop in sequential digital circuits used to maintain a state. least-significant digit. The rightmost digit. See also low-order position. LED. Light-emitting diode. light-emitting diode (LED). A semiconductor device that gives off visible or infrared light when activated. load. In programming, to enter data into storage or working registers. low power Schottky TTL. A version (LS series) of TTL giving a good compromise between low power and high speed. See also transistor-transistor logic and Schottky TTL. low-order position. The rightmost position in a string of characters. See also least-significant digit. m. (1) Prefix milli; 0.001. (2) Meter. Glossary-19 M. (1) Prefix mega; 1 000000. (2) When referring to computer storage capacity, 1 048 576. (1 048 576 = 2 to the 20th power.) mAo Milliampere; 0.001 ampere. machine code. The machine language used for entering text and program instructions onto the recording medium or into storage and which is subsequently used for processing and printout. machine language. (1) A language that is used directly by a machine. (2) Deprecated term for computer instruction code. magnetic disk. (1) A flat circular plate with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording. (2) See also diskette. main storage. (1) Program-addressable storage from which instructions and other data can be loaded directly into registers for subsequent execution or processing. (2) Contrast with auxiliary storage. mark. A symbol or symbols that indicate the beginning or the end of a field, of a word, of an item of data, or of a set of data such as a file, a record, or a block. mask. (1) A pattern of characters that is used to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters. (2) To use a pattern of characters to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters. masked. Synonym for disabled. matrix. (1) A rectangular array of elements, arranged in rows and columns, that may be manipulated according to the rules of matrix algebra. (2) In computers, a logic network in the form of an array of input leads and output leads with logic elements connected at some of their intersections. matrix printer. A printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots; for example, a stylus printer, a wire printer. Synonymous with dot printer. Glossary-20 Mb. 1 048 576 bytes. mega (M). Prefix 1 000 000. megahertz (MHz). 1 000 000 hertz. memory. Term for main storage. meter (m). A unit of length (equivalent to 39.37 inches). MFM. Modified frequency modulation. MHz. Megahertz; 1 000 000 hertz. microcode. (1) One or more microinstructions. (2) A code, representing the instructions of an instruction set, implemented in a part of storage that is not program-addressable. microinstruction. (1) An instruction of microcode. (2) A basic or elementary machine instruction. microprocessor. An integrated circuit that accepts coded instructions for execution; the instructions may be entered, integrated, or stored internally. microsecond (ILS). 0.000 001 second. milli (m). Prefix 0.001. milliampere (rnA). 0.001 ampere. millisecond (ms). 0.001 second. mnemonic. A symbol chosen to assist the human memory; for example, an abbreviation such as "mpy" for "multiply". Glossary-21 mode. (1) A method of operation; for example, the binary mode, the interpretive mode, the alphanumeric mode. (2) The most frequent value in the statistical sense. modem (modulator-demodulator). A device that converts serial (bit by bit) digital signals from a business machine (or data communication equipment) to analog signals that are suitable for transmission in a telephone network. The inverse function is also performed by the modem on reception of analog signals. modified frequency modulation (MFM). The process of varying the amplitude and frequency of the 'write' signal. MFM pertains to the number of bytes of storage that can be stored on the recording media. The number of bytes is twice the number contained in the same unit area of recording media at single density. modulation. The process by which some characteristic of one wave (usually high frequency) is varied in accordance with another wave or signal (usually low frequency). This technique is used in modems to make business-machine signals compatible with communication facilities. modulation rate. The reciprocal of the measure of the shortest nominal time interval between successive significant instants of the modulated signal. If this measure is expressed in seconds, the modulation rate is expressed in baud. module. ( 1) A program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling, combining with other units, and loading. (2) A packaged functional hardware unit designed for use with other components. modulo check. A calculation performed on values entered into a system. This calculation is designed to detect errors. monitor. (1) A device that observes and verifies the operation of a data processing system and indicates any significant departure from the norm. (2) Software or hardware that observes, supervises, controls, or verifies the operations of a system. most-significant digit. The leftmost (non-zero) digit. See also high-order position. Glossary-22 ms. Millisecond; 0.001 second. multiplexer. A device capable of interleaving the events of two or more activities, or capable of distributing the events of an interleaved sequence to the respective activities. multiprogramming. ( 1) Pertaining to the concurrent execution of two or more computer programs by a computer. (2) A mode of operation that provides for the interleaved execution of two or more computer programs by a single processor. n. Prefix nano; 0.000000001. NAND. A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, ... , then the NAND of P, Q ,R, ... is true if at least one statement is false, false if all statements are true. NAND gate. A gate in which the output is 0 only if all inputs are 1. nano (n). Prefix 0.000 000 001. nanosecond (ns). 0.000000001 second. negative true. Synonym for active low. negative-going edge. The edge of a pulse or signal changing in a negative direction. Synonymous with falling edge. non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording (NRZI). A transmission encoding method in which the data terminal equipment changes the signal to the opposite state to send a binary 1 and leaves it in the same state to send a binary o. non-return-to-zero (inverted) recording (NRZI). Deprecated term for non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording. Glossary-23 NOR. A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, ... , then the NOR of P, Q, R, ... is true if all statements are false, false if at least one statement is true. NOR gate. A gate in which the output is 0 only if at least one input is 1. NOT. A logical operator having the property that if P is a statement, then the NOT of P is true if P is false, false if P is true. NRZI. Non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording. ns. Nanosecond; 0.000000001 second. NUL. The null character. null character (NUL). A control character that is used to accomplish media-fill or time-fill, and that may be inserted into or removed from, a sequence of characters without affecting the meaning of the sequence; however, the control of the equipment or the format may be affected by this character. odd-even check. Synonym for parity check. offline. Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit without the continual control of a computer. one-shot. A circuit that delivers one output pulse of desired duration for each input (trigger) pulse. open circuit. (1) A discontinuous circuit; that is, one that is broken at one or more points and, consequently, cannot conduct current. Contrast with closed circuit. (2) Pertaining to a no-load condition; for example, the open-circuit voltage of a power supply. Glossary-24 open coUector. A switching transistor without an internal connection between its collector and the voltage supply. A connection from the collector to the voltage supply is made through an external (pull-up) resistor. operand. (1) An entity to which an operation is applied. (2) That which is operated upon. An operand is usually identified by an address part of an instruction. operating system. Software that controls the execution of programs; an operating system may provide services such as resource allocation, scheduling, input/output control, and data management. OR. A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, ... , then the OR of P, Q, R, .. .is true if at least one statement is true, false if all statements are false. OR gate. A gate in which the output is 1 only if at least one input is 1. output. Pertaining to a device, process, or channel involved in an output process, or to the data or states involved in an output process. output process. (1) The process that consists of the delivery of data from a data processing system, or from any part of it. (2) The return of information from a data processing system to an end user, including the translation of data from a machine language to a language that the end user can understand. overcurrent. A current of higher than specified strength. overflow indicator. (1) An indicator that signifies when the last line on a page has been printed or passed. (2) An indicator that is set on if the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the capacity of the accumulator. overrun. Loss of data because a receiving device is unable to accept data at the rate it is transmitted. Glossary-25 overvoltage. A voltage of higher than specified value. parallel. (1) Pertaining to the concurrent or simultaneous operation of two or more devices, or to the concurrent performance of two or more activities. (2) Pertaining to the concurrent or simultaneous occurrence of two or more related activities in multiple devices or channels. (3) Pertaining to the simultaneity of two or more processes. (4) Pertaining to the simultaneous processing of the individual parts of a whole, such as the bits of a character and the characters of a word, using separate facilities for the various parts. (5) Contrast with serial. parameter. (1) A variable that is given a constant value for a specified application and that may denote the application. (2) A name in a procedure that is used to refer to an argument passed to that procedure. parity bit. A binary digit appended to a group of binary digits to make the sum of all the digits either always odd (odd parity) or always even (even parity). parity check. (1) A redundancy check that uses a parity bit. (2) Synonymous with odd-even check. PEL. Picture element. personal computer. A small home or business computer that has a processor and keyboard and that can be connected to a television or some other monitor. An optional printer is usually available. phototransistor. A transistor whose switching action is controlled by light shining on it. picture element (PEL). The smallest displayable unit on a display. polling. (1) Interrogation of devices for purposes such as to avoid contention, to determine operational status, or to determine readiness to send or receive data. (2) The process whereby stations are invited, one at a time, to transmit. Glossary-26 port. An access point for data entry or exit. positive true. Synonym for active high. positive-going edge. The edge of a pulse or signal changing in a positive direction. Synonymous with rising edge. potentiometer. A variable resistor with three terminals, one at each end and one on a slider (wiper). power supply. A device that produces the power needed to operate electronic equipment. printed circuit. A pattern of conductors (corresponding to the wiring of an electronic circuit) formed on a board of insulating material. printed-circuit board. A usually copper-clad plastic board used to make a printed circuit. priority. A rank assigned to a task that determines its precedence in receiving system resources. processing program. A program that performs such functions as compiling, assembling, or translating for a particular programming language. processing unit. A functional unit that consists of one or more processors and all or part of internal storage. processor. (1) In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. (2) A functional unit, a part of another unit such as a terminal or a processing unit, that interprets and executes instructions. (3) Deprecated term for processing program. (4) See microprocessor. program. (1) A series of actions designed to achieve a certain result. (2) A series of instructions telling the computer how to handle a problem or task. (3) To design, write, and test computer programs. programmable read-only memory (PROM). A read-only memory that can be programmed by the user. Glossary-27 programming language. (1) An artificial language established for expressing computer programs. (2) A set of characters and rules with meanings assigned prior to their use, for writing computer programs. programming system. One or more programming languages and the necessary software for using these languages with particular automatic data-processing equipment. PROM. Programmable read-only memory. propagation delay. (1) The time necessary for a signal to travel from one point on a circuit to another. (2) The time delay between a signal change at an input and the corresponding change at an output. protocol. (1) A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties. (2) The set of rules governing the operation of functional units of a communication system that must be followed if communication is to be achieved. pulse. A variation in the value of a quantity, short in relation to the time schedule of interest, the final value being the same as the initial value. radio frequency (RF). An ac frequency that is higher than the highest audio frequency. So called because of the application to radio communication. radix. (1) In a radix numeration system, the positive integer by which the weight of the digit place is multiplied to obtain the weight of the digit place with the next higher weight; for example, in the decimal numeration system the radix of each digit place is 10. (2) Another term for base. radix numeration system. A positional representation system in which the ratio of the weight of anyone digit place to the weight Glossary-28 of the digit place with the next lower weight is a positive integer (the radix). The permissible values of the character in any digit place range from 0 to one less than the radix. RAM. Random access memory. Read/write memory. random access memory (RAM). Read/write memory. RAS. In the IBM Personal Computer, row address strobe. raster. In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines that provides uniform coverage of a display space. read. To acquire or interpret data from a storage device, from a data medium, or from another source. read-only memory (ROM). A storage device whose contents cannot be modified. The memory is retained when power is removed. read/write memory. A storage device whose contents can be modified. Also called RAM. recoverable error. An error condition that allows continued execution of a program. red-green-blue-intensity (RGBI). The description of a direct-drive color monitor that accepts input signals of red, green, blue, and intensity. redundancy check. A check that depends on extra characters attached to data for the detection of errors. See cyclic redundancy check. register. (1) A storage device, having a specified storage capacity such as a bit, a byte, or a computer word, and usually intended for a special purpose. (2) A storage device in which specific data is stored. Glossary-29 retry. To resend the current block of data (from the last EOB or ETB) a prescribed number of times, or until it is entered correctly or accepted. reverse video. A form of highlighting a character, field, or cursor by reversing the color of the character, field, or cursor with its background; for example, changing a red character on a black background to a black character on a red background. RF. Radio frequency. RF modulator. The device used to convert the composite video signal to the antenna level input of a home TV. RGBI. Red-green-blue-intensity. rising edge. Synonym for positive-going edge. ROM. Read-only memory. ROM/BIOS. The ROM resident basic input/output system, which provides the level control of the major I/O devices in the computer system. row address strobe (RAS). A signal that latches the row address in a memory chip. RS-232C. A standard by the EIA for communication between computers and external equipment. RTS. Request to send. Associated with modem control. run. A single continuous performance of a computer program or routine. Glossary-30 schematic. The representation, usually in a drawing or diagram form, of a logical or physical structure. Schottky TTL. A version (S series) of TTL with faster switching speed, but requiring more power. See also transistor-transistor logic and low power Schottky TTL. SDLC. Synchronous Data Link Control sector. That part of a track or band on a magnetic drum, a magnetic disk, or a disk pack that can be accessed by the magnetic heads in the course of a predetermined rotational displacement of the particular device. SERDES. Serializer / deserializer. serial. (1) Pertaining to the sequential performance of two or more activities in a single device. In English, the modifiers serial and parallel usually refer to devices, as opposed to sequential and consecutive, which refer to processes. (2) Pertaining to the sequential or consecutive occurrence of two or more related activities in a single device or channel. (3) Pertaining to the sequential processing of the individual parts of a whole, such as the bits of a character or the characters of a word, using the same facilities for successive parts. (4) Contrast with parallel. serializer/deserializer (SERDES). A device that serializes output from, and de serializes input to, a business machine. setup. (1) In a computer that consists of an assembly of individual computing units, the arrangement of interconnections between the units, and the adjustments needed for the computer to operate. (2) The preparation of a computing system to perform a job or job step. Setup is usually performed by an operator and often involves performing routine functions, such as mounting tape reels. (3) The preparation of the system for normal operation. Glossary-31 short circuit. A low-resistance path through which current flows, rather than through a component or circuit. signal. A variation of a physical quantity, used to convey data. sink. A device or circuit into which current drains. software. (1) Computer programs, procedures, and rules concerned with the operation of a data processing system. (2) Contrast with hardware. source. The origin of a signal or electrical energy. square wave. An alternating or pulsating current or voltage whose waveshape is square. square wave generator. A signal generator delivering an output signal having a square waveform. 88. Start-stop. start bit. (1) A signal to a receiving mechanism to get ready to receive data or perform a function. (2) In a start-stop system, a signal preceding a character or block that prepares the receiving device for the reception of the code elements. start-of-text (8TX). A transmission control character that precedes a text and may be used to terminate the message heading. start-stop system. A data transmission system in which each character is preceded by a start bit and is followed by a stop bit. start-stop (88) transmission. (1) Asynchronous transmission such that a group of signals representing a character is preceded by a start bit and followed by a stop bit. (2) Asynchronous transmission in which a group of bits is preceded by a start bit that prepares the receiving mechanism for the reception and registration of a character and is followed by at least one stop bit that enables the receiving mechanism to come to an idle condition pending the reception of the next character. Glossary-32 static memory. RAM memory using flip-flops as the memory elements. Data is retained as long as power is applied to the flip-flops. Contrast with dynamic memory. stop bit. (1) A signal to a receiving mechanism to wait for the next signal. (2) In a start-stop system, a signal following a character or block that prepares the receiving device for the reception of a subsequent character or block. storage. (1) A storage device. (2) A device, or part of a device, that can retain data. (3) The retention of data in a storage device. (4) The placement of data into a storage device. strobe. An instrument that emits adjustable-rate flashes of light. Used to measure the speed of rotating or vibrating objects. STX. Start-of-text. symbol. (1) A conventional representation of a concept or a representation of something by reason of relationship, association, or convention. (2) A representation of something by reason of relationship, association, or convention. synchronization. The process of adjusting the corresponding significant instants of two signals to obtain the desired phase relationship between these instants. Synchronous Data Link. Control (SDLC). A protocol for management of data transfer over a data link. synchronous transmission. (1) Data transmission in which the time of occurrence of each signal representing a bit is related to a fixed time frame. (2) Data transmission in which the sending and receiving devices are operating continuously at substantially the same frequency and are maintained, by means of correction, in a desired phase relationship. syntax. (1) The relationship among characters or groups of characters, independent of their meanings or the manner of their Glossary-33 interpretation and use. (2) The structure of expressions in a language. (3) The rules governing the structure of a language. (4) The relationships among symbols. text. In ASCII and data communication, a sequence of characters treated as an entity if preceded and terminated by one STX and one ETX transmission control character, respectively. time-out. (1) A parameter related to an enforced event designed to occur at the conclusion of a predetermined elapsed time. A time-out condition can be cancelled by the receipt of an appropriate time-out cancellation signal. (2) A time interval allotted for certain operations to occur; for example, response to polling or addressing before system operation is interrupted and must be restarted. track. (1) The path or one of the set of paths, parallel to the reference edge on a data medium, associated with a single reading or writing component as the data medium moves past the component. (2) The portion of a moving data medium such as a drum, or disk, that is accessible to a given reading head position. transistor-transistor logic (TTL). A popular logic circuit family that uses multiple-emitter transistors. translate. To transform data from one language to another. transmission. (1) The sending of data from one place for reception elsewhere. (2) In ASCII and data communication, a series of characters including headings and text. (3) The dispatching of a signal, message, or other form of intelligence by wire, radio, telephone, or other means. (4) One or more blocks or messages. For BSC and start-stop devices, a transmission is terminated by an EOT character. (5) Synonymous with data transmission. TTL. Transistor-transistor logic. v. Volt. Glossary-34 video. Computer data or graphics displayed on a cathode ray tube, monitor, or display. volt. The basic practical unit of electric pressure. The potential that causes electrons to flow through a circuit. w. Watt. watt. The practical unit of electric power. word. (1) A character string or a bit string considered as an entity. (2) See computer word. write. To make a permanent or transient recording of data in a storage device or on a data medium. write precompensation. The varying of the timing of the head current from the outer tracks to the inner tracks of the diskette to keep a constant 'write' signal. Glossary-35 Notes: Glossary-36 Bibliography • Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook - • Introduction to the iAPX 286 - • INTEL Corporation. 21 0760.001 Numeric Processor Extension Data Sheet - • INTEL Corporation.21 0498.001 iAPX 286 Hardware Reference Manual - • INTEL Corporation. 121960. 001 iAPX 286 Programmer's Reference Manual - • INTEL Corporation.21 0308. 001 iAPX 286 Operating Systems Writer's Guide - • INTEL Corporation.210844.001 INTEL Corporation.21 0920 80287 Support Library Reference Manual - INTEL Corporation. 12 212 9 • National Semiconductor Corporation. NS 1645 0 • Motorola Microprocessor's Data Manual - Motorola Inc. Series B BibJiograpby-l Notes: Bibliograpby-2 Index A AAA 6-8 AAD 6-9 AAM 6-9 AAS 6-9 access time, track-to-track 9-22 ADC 6-6 ADD 6-6 additional ROM modules 5-12 address generation, DMA 1-13 address latch enable 1-26 address latch enable, buffered 1-23 address mode real 1-4 address space, 1/0 1-15 address, segment 1-4 addresses, CMOS RAM 1-45 addresses, page register 1-13 AEN 1-23, 1-26 ALE 9-3 alternate key 5-19 AND 6-10 APL 9-5 application guidelines 9-5 arithmetic instructions 6-6,6-27 ARPL 6-22 ASCII, extended 5-12 Index-l B BALE 1-22, 1-23 bandwith 1-7 BASIC 9-5 basic assurance test 4-4 BASIC interrupts 5-6 BAT 4-4 battery connector 1-58 BHE 1-13 BIOS fixed disk parameters 1-51 BIOS memory map 5-10 BIOS programming hints 5-10 block diagram keyboard interface 1-38 system xv system board 1-6 system timer 1-9 board, system 1-3 BOUND 6-19 break code 4-4, 4-10 break key 5-19 buffer, keyboard 4-3 buffered address latch enable 1-23 buffers, video display 9-10 bus controller 1-23 bus cycle 1-7 busy loop 9-11 bypassing BIOS 9-22 byte high enable 1-13 c CALL 6-14 cancellation, multi-tasking 9-21 capacitor, variable 1-31 caps lock key 5-19 CBW 6-10 Index-2 channel, 1/0 1-15 channels, DMA 1-7,1-12,1-15 character codes 5-13 classes, wait loop 9-13 CLC 6-19 CLD 6-20 CLI 6-20 CLK 1-22 clock real-time 1-45 clock cycle 1-7 clock line, keyboard 1-43,4-5,4-14,4-15 clock, system 1-22 CMC 6-19 CMOS RAM 1-45 CMOS RAM addresses 1-45 CMOS RAM configuration 1-48 CMOS RAM I/O operations 1-54 CMP 6-8 CMPS 6-12,6-13 COBAL 9-5 code device driver 9-11 machine identification 9-23 machine-sensitive 9-23 codes character 5-13 extended 5-17 multi-tasking function 9-11 color burst signal 1-31 command codes, DMA controller 1-14 commands I/O 9-8 keyboard 4-12 keyboard controller 1-40 keyboard system 4-5 comparison instructions 6-25 compatibility, hardware 9-3 completion, multi-tasking 9-21 condition, wait 9-12 configuration record 1-45 configuration, CMOS RAM 1-48 Index-3 connectors battery 1-58 I/O channel 1-15,1-17,1-18,1-19 keyboard 1-58,4-23 power LED and keylock 1-58 power supply 1-57 power supply output 3-6 speaker 1-57 system board 1-57 constants instructions 6-26 control game 9-10 sound 9-10 control key 5-19 control transfer instructions 6-13 controller, keyboard 1-31 controllers bus 1-23 DMA 1-7, 1-12, 1-13, 1-22 interrupt 1-10 refresh 1-7 controls, math coprocessor 1-29 coprocessor programming 2-3 coprocessor, math 2-3 copy protection 9-11,9-22 Ctrl state 5-17 CTS 6-20 CWD 6-10 cycle bus 1-7 clock 1-7 microprocessor 1-7 D DACKO-DACK3 1-26 DACK5-DACK7 1-26 DAS 6-9 data area, ROM BIOS 9-10 data communication equipment 8-3 data input, keyboard 4-15 Index-4 data line, keyboard 1-43,4-5,4-14,4-15 data output, keyboard 4-15 data stream 4-14 data terminal equipment 8-3 data transfer instructions 6-3, 6-24 data transfer rate, diskette 9-22 DEC 6-8 decodes, memory 1-22, 1-23 default segment workspace 5-9 descriptors 1-5 device driver code 9-11 diagnostic checkpoint port 1-29 direct memory access 1-12 disk pointer 9-8 disk_base 9-8,9-22 diskette change signal 9-23 diskette data transfer rate 9-22 diskette rotational speed 9-22 diskette track density 9-22 diskette write current 9-23 DIV 6-9 divide error exception 9-7 DMA 1-12 DMA address generation 1-13 DMA channels 1-7,1-12, 1-15 DMA controller 1-7,1-22 DMA controller command codes 1-14 DMA controller 1 1-12 DMA controller 2 1-13 DMA controllers 1-12 DOS 9-6 DOS function calls 9-7 DOS interrupts 5-6 DRQO-DRQ3 1-25 DRQ5-DRQ7 1-25 dummy load 3-4 Index-5 E EIA/CCITT 8-3 encoding, keyboard 5-12 ENTER 6-18 ESC 6-20 exception, divide error 9-7 extended ASCII 5-12 extended codes 5-17 F FABS 6-28 FADD 6-27 fan out 3-6 FCHS 6-28 FCLEX 6-30 FCOM 6-25 FCOMP 6-25 FCOMPP 6-26 FDECSTP 6-31 FDIV 6-27 FFREE 6-31 FIFO 4-3 FINCSTP 6-31 FINT 6-29 FLD 6-24 FLDCW 6-30 FLDENV 6-30 FLDLG2 6-27 FLDLN2 6-27 FLDL2T 6-26 FLDPI 6-26 FLDZ 6-26 FLDI 6-26 FMUL 6-27 FNOP 6-31 FORTRAN 9-5 Index-6 FPATAN 6-29 FPREM 6-28 FPTAN 6-29 French keyboard 4-19 FRNDINT 6-28 FRS TOR 6-30 FSAVE 6-30 FSCALE 6-28 FSETPM 6-29 FSQRT 6-28 FST 6-24 FSTCW 6-30 FSTENV 6-30 FSTP 6-25 FSTSW 6-30 FSTSWAX 6-30 FSUB 6-27 FTST 6-26 function calls, DOS 9-7 function codes, multi-tasking 9-14 FXAM 6-26 FXCH 6-25 FXTRACT 6-28 FYL2X 6-29 FYL2XP1 6-29 F2XM1 6-29 G game control 9-10 gap length parameter 9-9 generator, refresh request 1-8 German keyboard 4-20 graphics modes 5-8 guidelines, application 9-5 Index-7 H hard code 5-10 hardware compatibility 9-3 hardware interrupts 5-6 HLT 6-20 hooks 9-11 I I/O address map 1-28 I/O address space 1-15 I/O CH CK 1-23, 1-30 I/O CH RDY 1-24 I/O channell-IS I/O channel check 1-23 I/O channel connectors 1-15,1-17,1-18,1-19 I/O channel ready 1-24 I/O channel signals 1-22 I/O chip select 1-27 I/O commands 9-7 I/O CS16 1-27 I/O ports, keyboard controller 1-43 I/O read 1-24 I/O write 1-24 IDIV 6-9 IIMUL 6-9 IMR 9-10 IMUL 6-9 IN 6-5 INC 6-7 inhibit keyboard 1-37 input buffer, keyboard controller 1-40 input port, keyboard controller 1-44 input requirements 3-3 inputs, power supply 3-3 INS 6-12,6-13 Index-8 instructions arithmetic 6-6,6-27 comparison 6-25 constants 6-26 control transfer 6-13 data transfer 6-3, 6-24 logic 6-10 processor control 6-19 protection control 6-21 shift rotate 6-10 string manipulation 6-12 INT 6-18 interface, keyboard 4-3 interfaces, multi-tasking 9-12 interfaces, SYS code 9-18 interrupt controller 1-10 interrupt mask register 9-10 interrupt service routine 1-24 interrupt vectors 9-10 interrupt, single step 9-7 interrupts 1-15,5-5 BASIC 5-6 DOS 5-6 hardware 5-6 program 5-3 system 1-10 INTO 6-19 lOR 1-24 lOW 1-24 lRET 6-19 IRQ 2 9-8 IRQ 9 9-4, 9-8 IRQI4-IRQI5 1-24 IRQ3-IRQ7 1-24 IRQ9 1-24 Italian keyboard 4-21 J JB/JNAE 6-16 JBE/JNA 6-16 Index-9 JCXZ 6-18 JE/JZ 6-16 JL/JNGE 6-16 JLE/JNG 6-16 JMP 6-14 JNB/JAE 6-17 JNBE/JA 6-17 JNE/JNZ 6-16 JNL/JGE 6-17 JNLE/JG 6-17 JNO 6-17 JNP/JPO 6-17 JNS 6-17 JO 6-16 joystick support 5-6 JP/JPE 6-16 JS 6-16 jumper, RAM 1-30 K key scan codes 4-10 keyboard buffer 4-3 clock line 1-43,4-5,4-14,4-15 commands 4-12 connector 1-58,4-23 controller 1-31 controller commands 1-40 controller I/O ports 1-43 controller input buffer 1-40 controller input port 1-44 controller output buffer 1-40 controller output port 1-44 controller status register 1-38 controller test input port 1-44 data input 4-15 data line 1-43,4-5,4-14,4-15 data output 4-15 encoding 5-12 Index-lO inhibit switch 1-37 interface 4-3 interface block diagram 1-38 layout 1-33,4-10,5-14 outputs 4-10 routine 5-21 specifications 4-23 system commands 4-5 keyboard, French 4-19 keyboard, German 4-20 keyboard, Italian 4-21 keyboard, Spanish 4-22 keyboard, U.K. English 4-18 keyboard, U.S. English 4-17 keylock 4-3 keys 4-3 alternate 5-19 break 5-19 caps lock 5-19 combinations 5-20 control 5-19 number lock 5-20 pause 5-19 print screen 5-19 scroll lock 5-20 shift 5-18 SYS REQ 9-15 system request 5-6,5-20 keys, typematic 4-4 L LAHF 6-6 LAR 6-22 layout system board 1-60 layout, keyboard 1-33,4-10,5-14 LA17-LA23 1-22 LDS 6-5 LEA 6-5 LEAVE 6-18 Index-11 LED 4-4 LES 6-6 LGDT 6-21 LIDT 6-21 light emitting diodes 4-4 line contention 4-15 line, multipoint 8-5 line, point-to-point 8-5 LLDT 6-21 LMSW 6-22 load current 3-3 LOCK 6-20 LODS 6-12,6-13 logic instructions 6-10 LOOP 6-17 loop, busy 9-12 LOOPNZ/LOOPNE 6-18 loops, program 9-10 LOOPZ/LOOPE 6-18 LSL 6-22 LTR 6-21 M machine identification code 9-23 machine-sensitive code 9-23 make code 4-3,4-10 mask off 1-29 mask on 1-29 master 1-26 math coprocessor 2-3,9-6 math coprocessor controls 1-29 MEM chip select 1-27 MEM CS16 1-27 memory 1-4 memory decodes 1-22, 1-23 memory locations, reserved 5-9 memory map, BIOS 5-10 MEMR 1-25 MEMW 1-25 Index-12 microprocessor 1-3, 1-4, 1-7 microprocessor cycle 1-7 modes, graphic 5-8 modules, RAM 1-12 modules, ROM/EPROM 1-11 MOV 6-3 MOVS 6-12,6-13 MUL 6-9 multi-tasking cancellation 9-21 completion 9-21 function codes 9-14 interfaces 9-12 provisions 9-11 serialization 9-12 startup 9-12,9-20 subsystems 9-16 multipoint line 8-5 N NEG 6-8 network, nonswitched 8-5 network, switched 8-5 NMI 1-10, 1-29 no load protection 3-5 non-maskable interrupt 1-29 nonswitched network 8-5 NOT 6-12 . NumLockstate 5-17 number lock key 5-20 o operations, CMOS RAM I/O 1-54 OR 6-11 Index-13 OSC 1-27, 1-31 oscillator 1-27 OUT 6-5 output buffer, keyboard controller 1-40 output port, keyboard controller 1-44 output protection 3-4 output voltage sense levels 3-6 output voltage sequencing 3-4 outputs, keyboard 4-10 outputs, power supply 3-3 OUTS 6-13 p page register addresses 1-13 parameter gap length 9-9 passing 5-4 tables 9-8 parameters, BIOS fixed disk 1-51 PASCAL 9-5 pause key 5-19 performance, system 1-7 point-to-point line 8-5 POP 6-4 paPA 6-4 POPF 6-6. 9-6 paR 4-4 port, diagnostic checkpoint 1-29 POST 9-12 power good signal 3-5, 3-6 power LED and keylock connector 1-58 power on reset 4-4 power supply connectors 1-57 inputs 3-3 output connectors 3-6 outputs 3-3 print screen key 5-19 priorities, shift key 5-20 Index-14 processor control instructions 6-19 program interrupts 5-3 program loops 9-11 programming hints, BIOS 5-10 programming, coprocessor 2-3 protected mode 1-5, 5-6 protection control instructions 6-21 protection, no load 3-5 provisions, multitasking 9-11 PUSH 6-4 PUSH SP 9-7 PUSHA 6-4 PUSHF 6-6 R RAM jumper 1-30 RAM modules 1-12 RAM subsystem 1-12 RAM, CMOS 1-45 rate, typematic 4-4, 4-7 real address mode 1-4, 2-5 real mode 5-3 real-time clock 1-45 record, configuration 1-45 refid=admod.virtual 1-4 REFRESH 1-26 refresh controller 1-7 refresh request generator 1-8 regulation tolerance 3-3 requirements, input 3-3 reserved memory locations 5-9 reserved scan codes 1-36 RESETDRV 1-23 reset, system 5-21 RET 6-15 ROM BIOS 9-7 ROM BIOS data area 9-10 ROM modules, additional 5-12 ROM scan codes 5-12 Index-15 ROM subsystem 1-11 ROM/EPROM modules 1-11 rotational, speed 9-22 routine, interrupt service 1-24 routine, keyboard 5-21 RS-232 8-3 s SAHF 6-6 SAO-SAI9 1-22 SBB 6-7 SBHE 1-26 scan code translation 1-32 scan codes 4-12 scan codes, key 4-10 scan codes, ROM 5-12 SeAS 6-12,6-13 scroll lock key 5-20 SO)-SOI5 1-23 segment address 1-4 segments 1-4 sense levels, output voltage 3-6 sequencing, output voltage 3-4 serialization, multi-tasking 9-12 SGOT 6-21 shift counts 9-7 shift key 5-18 shift key priorities 5-20 shift rotate instructions 6-10 Shift state 5-17 shift states 5-18 SlOT 6-21 signals diskette change 9-23 power good 3-5, 3-6 system clock 9-3 signals, I/O channels 1-22 single step interrupt 9-7 SLOT 6-21 Index-16 SMEMR 1-25 SMEMW 1-25 SMSW 6-22 sound control 9-10 Spanish keyboard 4-22 speaker 1-30 speaker connector 1-57 speaker tone generation 1-9 special vectors 5-6 specifications, keyboard 4-23 startup, multi-tasking 9-12,9-18 states Ctrl 5-17 Num Lock 5-17 Shift 5-17 status register, keyboard controller 1-38 STC 6-19 STD 6-20 STI 6-20 STOS 6-12,6-13 STR 6-22 string manipulation instructions 6-12 SUB 6-7 subsystem, RAM 1-12 subsystem, ROM 1-11 subsystems, multi-tasking 9-16 support joystick 5-6 switched network 8-5 switches keyboard inhibit 1-37 type of display 1-31 SYS code interfaces 9-18 SYS REQ key 9-15 system BIOS usage 5-3 system block diagram xv system board 1-3 system board block diagram 1-6 system board connectors 1-57 system board layout 1-60 system bus high enable 1-26 system clock 1-22 system clock signal 9-3 system interrupts 1-10 Index-17 system performance 1-7 system request key 5-6, 5-20 system reset 5-21 system timer block diagram 1-9 system timers 1-8 T T/C 1-26 table, translation 1-34 tables, parameter 9-8 terminal count 1-26 TEST 6-11 test input port, keyboard controller 1-44 time outs 9-15 timer/counter 1-9 timer / counters 1-8 timers, system 1-8 tone generation, speaker 1-9 track density, diskette 9-22 track-to-track access time 9-22 translation table 1-34 translation, scan code 1-32 tri -state 1-26 type of display adapter switch 1-31 typematic keys 4-4 typematic rate 4-4, 4-7 u U.K. English keyboard 4-18 U.S. English keyboard 4-17 Index-18 v variable capacitor 1-31 vectors, special 5-6 VERR 6-22 video display buffers 9-10 virtual address mode 1-4, 2-5 w WAIT 6-20 wait condition 9-12 wait loop classes 9-13 workspace, default segment 5-9 write current, diskette 9-23 x XCHG 6-5 XLAT 6-5 XOR 6-11 z zero wait state 1-27 Index-19 Numerals OWS 1-27 80286 1-3, 1-4, 1-7 8042 1-31 82288 1-23 8237A-5 1-12 8254-2 1-8 8259A 1-10 Index-20 ---- ------ ---- --------_.- The Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library Reader's Comment Form Technical Reference 1502494 Your comments assist us in improving the usefulness of our publication; they are an important part of the input used for revisions. 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Storage Devices • IBM Personal Computer AT High Capacity Diskette Drive • IBM Personal Computer AT Double Sided Diskette Drive • IBM Personal Computer AT 20MB Fixed Disk Drive Memory • IBM Personal Computer AT 128KB Memory Expansion Option • IBM Personal Computer AT 512KB Memory Expansion Option Adapters • IBM Personal Computer AT Serial/Parallel Adapter • IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter • IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter 6137872 Miscellaneous • IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter Cables and Connectors • IBM Personal Computer AT Communications Cable Contents Volume 1 • Expansion Unit - • Displays - • IBM Graphics Printer IBM Personal Computer Color Printer IBM PC Compact Printer Storage Devices • IBM Monochrome Display IBM Portable Personal Computer Display IBM Color Display Printers - • IBM Expansion Unit IBM 5 1/4" Diskette Drive IBM Slimline Diskette Drive IBM 10MB Fixed Disk Drive IBM Personal Computer AT High Capacity Diskette Drive IBM Personal Computer AT Double Sided Diskette Drive IBM Personal Computer AT 20MB Fixed Disk Drive Memory Expansion - IBM 64/256KB Memory Expansion Option and IBM 64KB Memory Module Kit IBM Personal Computer AT 128KB Memory Expansion Option IBM Personal Computer AT 512KB Memory Expansion Option vii Volume 2 • Adapters IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter IBM Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter IBM Printer Adapter IBM 5 1/4" Diskette Drive Adapter IBM Fixed Disk Adapter IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter IBM Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter IBM Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) Communications Adapter IBM Personal Computer AT Serial/Parallel Adapter IBM Cluster Adapter IBM Game Control Adapter • Miscellaneous IBM Prototype Card IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter • Cables and Connectors IBM PC Compact Printer Connector Adapter IBM Communications Adapter Cable IBM Personal Computer AT Communications Cable viii System to Adapter Compatibility Chart The following chart identifies the adapters supported by each system. IBM Portable IBM Personal IBM Personal Personal IBM Personal Expansion Computer Computer XT Computer Computer AT Unit 64KB Memory Module Kit Yes Yes Yes No No 64/256KB Memory Expansion Option Yes Yes Yes No Yes 128KB Memory Expansion Option No No No Yes No 512KB Memory Expansion Option Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 5 1/4" Diskette Drive Adapter Yes Yes Yes No No Fixed Disk Drive Adapter Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Asynchronous Communications Adapter Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Serial/Parallel Adapter No No No Yes No Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Synchronous Data Link Control (S DLC) Adapter Cluster Adapter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Game Control Adapter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Prototype Card Yes Yes Yes No Yes Prototype Adapter No No No Yes No Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter Printer Adapter System to Adapter Compatibility Chart ix Option to Adapter Compatibility Chart Because some adapters perform multiple functions, the following chart identifies the options supported by each adapter. 5 1/4" Diskette Drive Adapter Fixed Disk Drive Adapter Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter Color Graphics Monitor Adapter Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter Printer Adapter Asynchronous Communications Adapter Serial/Parallel Adapter Game Control Adapter x- Ad.pler Callpllible .iI~ Oplian Option to Adapter Compatibility Chart x ..... '""" . ... --,,, -.. ,.....-' --.....--...,-...... --"" -_._---_ ... ... ,..-_.,....,""- - _ ~ ""'."'.~-.'-"'-' ---~ -.- ..,.,." -- DOllble Sid,cd Diskette :Orive Contents Description .................................... Interfaces ..................................... Input Signals ............................... Output Signals ............................. Specifications .................................. Logic Diagrams ................................. 1 1 2 4 5 7 ill iv Description The Double Sided Diskette Drive is a direct-access device that can store 320/360Kb of data on a dual-sided 5-1/4 inch diskette. All data format and access control is in the system. The following figure describes the type of diskette required by this drive. Characteristic Requirement Certification Double sided 96TPI 80 tracks/ surface Soft sector 9,646 bits per inch 600 to 650 Oersteds Standard 5-1/4 inch Recording density Media coercivity Jacket Diskette Requirements The signals for operating the diskette drive are generated through the IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter. Interfaces The diskette drive has two types of interface: control and dc power. The following figure shows the signals and pin assignments for the control interface. Double Sided Diskette Drive 1 Signal Name - Reduced write Reserved - Drive select 3 -Index - Drive select 0 - Drive select 1 - Drive select 2 -Motor on - Direction select -Step -Write data -Write gate -Track 00 -Write protect -Read data -Side 1 select -Diskette change I/O I - I 0 I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 I 0 Signal Pin 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Ground Pin 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Control Interface (P1/J1) Following are the signals and pin assignments for the dc power interface. Signal Name Pin +12 Vdc +12 Vdc return +5 Vdc return +5Vdc 1 2 3 4 Power Interface (P2/J2) All signals operate between following definitions: + 5 V dc and ground with the Inactive Level: +2.5 to +5.25 Vdc Active Level: 0.0 to +0.4 Vdc All outputs from the drive can sink 40 rnA at the active level. The system provides pull-up registers. Input Signals All input signals are active when low. 2 Double Sided Diskette Drive Drive Select 0 through 3 These 'drive select' signals enable or disable all other drive interface signals, except 'motor on'. When 'drive select' is at the active level, the drive is enabled. When it is at the inactive level, all controlled inputs are ignored, and all drive outputs are disabled. The enabled or disabled condition of the drive is established within 500 nanoseconds after a change to the select input, excluding head-load time and settling times. -Motor On An active level of this signal starts the drive motor. There must be a 750 millisecond delay after '-motor on' becomes active before any read or write operation starts. -Direction Select This signal determines the direction the read/write head moves when the step signal is pulsed. An active level indicates away from the center of the diskette (out); an inactive level indicates toward the center of the diskette (in). Any change in the , direction seleGt' signal must be made at least 1 microsecond before the leading edge of the step pulse, and at least 1 microsecond after the trailing edge of the step pulse. -Step This signal causes the read/write heads to move in the direction determined by the 'direction select' signal. Motion is started each time the signal changes from an active to inactive level (at the trailing edge of the pulse). -Write Data Each time this signal changes from the inactive to inactive level, the current through the read/write heads reverses, thereby writing Double Sided Diskette Drive 3 a data bit. This signal is enabled when 'write gate' is at the active level. -Write Gate A 250-nanosecond active pulse of this signal causes a bit to be written on the diskette. These pulses may occur with either a 4, 6, or 8-microsecond spacing (±O.5%). After deactivating 'write gate' , deactivation of 'drive select' and' motor on' , and changing 'side select' must be delayed 1 millisecond, because the erase head is active for this period. -Side 1 Select This signal determines which side of the two-sided diskette will be used for reading or writing. An inactive level of this signal selects the read/write head on the 0 side of the diskette; an active level selects the 1 side. A lOO-microsecond delay must be allowed after switching from one head to the other before starting to read or write. Output Signals -Index When the drive senses the index hole in the diskette, it generates a 1- to 8-microsecond active pulse on this line. -Track 00 An active level of this signal means that the read/write heads are at Track 0 (the outermost track). -Write Protect An active level of this signal means that a diskette without a write-protect notch is in the drive. The drive will not write when a protected diskette is loaded. 4 Double Sided Diskette Drive -Read Data A 2SD-nanosecond active pulse is provided on this line for each bit detected on the diskette. These pulses may occur with either 4, 6, or 8-microsecond spacing. Specifica tions The following figures show the physical, and performance specifications for this drive. Power dissipation Operating limits Non-operating limits Mechanical dimensions Weight 11 W(TYP) Ambient temperature 5 to 46 degrees Celsius (41 to 114.8 degrees Farenheit) Relative humidity 20 to 80 % Maximum wet bulb 29 degrees Celsius (84 degrees Farenheit) Ambient temperature -40 to 60 degrees Celcius (-40 to 140 degrees Farenheit) Humidity no condensation Width 146.0 mm (5.8 in) Height 41.0 mm (1.6 in) Depth 203.2 mm (8 in) 1.6 kg Physical Specifications Double Sided Diskette Drive 5 Capacity unformatted Capacity formatted 15 sectors per track Recording density Track density Cylinders Tracks Encoding method Rotational speed Transfer rate Latency (average) Access time Average Track to track Settling time Head load time Motor start time Performance Specifications 6 Double Sided Diskette Drive 1604Kb 1.2Mb 9646 bits per inch 96TPI 80 160 MFM 360 RPM 500K bits/second 83 ms 91 ms 3 ms 18 ms 50ms 750 milliseconds Logic Diagrams o ,... ....CI) CI) .c ~ CI) > .~ c CI) =::CI) ..lI:: til C "C CI) "0 en CI) :il j o C Double Sided Diskette Drive 7 QO I I o I l'C) I I ~ ~ ==-o l'C) ~ ~ l'C) o :I. -< l'C) I +12V T I I\ y- 01 02 -Kj- --Kt 51K 11 J UK I I VAl 30K I 12 ~ A3 I I I I lOOK A. .3K I n GND Ie. 6 16 5 A2 33K • RJ 4JK O.b~'/J O.OOI/JD.47/J ,.. 33" le2 M51721l 6 13 RIJ R18 l.li! r. • 2 un bLED 1~ I ~:-72.2" I 0 I I R.3 I 330~:! I I I R14 '"~ 330Sl lJon I , '( I 1 ( I I I I R1S 8 RI2 J30n I I I I I I I I 12K lc4 1 g~ 2.2" un 5 0 047 . "( r. I 9 ell e8 e6 -"--13 11 O.15.u A6 0.15/.1 e. I ~ ~ 141 I 12 I ~A?- • I C7 ~ 9 ~ C3 10.056/J R8 !i,IM M51720P • A10 ~JJOSI I AI I I I ~~9 101 ST(]P J ,1 I I ~ = ~ I HI -.J I I I I :=£ .___l_···_D_~ I n I I I Double Sided Diskette Drive (Sheet 2 of 2) I _. .,---,. -_._ .... ,--- P:orJll!lri/ (ooOm/iliter ""_. ff cirdu.'~cr·{" R (jereml ."'-... --__,_w,,_ ---- -_ '- ..,.,.,,, ... ......... rl , , ... - High Capacity I)iskette Drive Contents Description .................................... Interfaces ..................................... Input Signals ............................... Output Signals ............................. Power Sequencing ........................... Drive-in-Use Indicator ....................... Specifications .................................. Logic Diagrams ................................. 1 1 2 4 5 5 5 7 iii Notes: iv Description The IBM Personal Computer AT High Capacity Diskette Drive is a direct-access device that can store 1.2Mb of data on a dual-sided 5-1/4 inch diskette. All data format and access control is in the system. The following figure describes the type of high-density diskette required by this drive. Diskettes, which meet these specifications may not be used in either a 160/180Kb or a 320/360Kb diskette drive. Characteristic Requirement Certification Double sided 96 TPI 80 tracks / surface Soft sector 9,646 bits per inch 600 to 650 Oersteds Standard 5-1/4 inch Recording density Media coercivity Jacket Diskette Requirements The signals for operating the diskette drive are generated through the IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter. Note: This drive also can read diskettes formatted for a 320/360Kb dual-sided drive or a 160/180Kb single-sided drive. Interfaces The diskette drive has two types of interface: control and dc power. The following show the signals and pin assignments for the control interface. High Capacity Diskette Drive 1 Signal Name I/O Signal Pin - Reduced write Reserved - Drive select 3 -Index - Drive select 0 - Drive select 1 -Drive select 2 -Motor on - Direction select -Step -Write data -Write gate - Track 00 -Write protect -Read data -Side 1 select - Diskette chanQe I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 - I 0 I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 I 0 Ground Pin 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Control Interface (P1/J1) The signals and pin assignments for the dc power interface are as follows: Signal Name +12 Vdc +12 Vdc return +5 Vdc return +5Vdc Pin 1 2 3 4 DC Power Interface (P2/J2) All signals operate between following definitions: + 5 V dc and ground with the Inactive Level: +2.5 to +5.25 Vdc Active Level: 0.0 to +0.4 Vdc All outputs from the drive can sink 40 rnA at the active level. The system provides pull-up registers. Input Signals Following are descriptions of the input signals. 2 High Capacity Diskette Drive -Reduced Write The inactive state of this signal indicates that high-density media is present requiring normal write currents, and the active state indicates low-density media is present, requiring a reduced write current. - Drive Select 0, 1, 2, and 3 The Drive Select signals enable or disable all other drive interface signals, except 'motor on'. When 'drive select' is at the active level, the drive is enabled. When it is at the inactive level, all controlled inputs are ignored, and all drive outputs are disabled. The enabled or disabled condition of the drive is established within 500 nanoseconds after a change to the select input, excluding head-load time and settling time. -Motor On The spindle motor runs when this input is active. The drive requires a 1 second delay after '-motor on' becomes active before a read or write operation. - Direction Select If this input is at a inactive level the 'step' input signal moves the heads away from the drive spindle. An active level causes the opposite. This input is stable for a minimum of 1 microsecond before and after the trailing edge of the step pUlse. -Step A 1-microsecond active pulse on this input causes the read/write heads to move one track. The state of '-Direction Select' at the trailing edge of the Step pulse determines the direction of motion. High Capacity Diskette Drive 3 -Write Data A ISO-nanosecond pulse on this input causes a bit to be written on the disk if Write Gate is active. These pulses may occur with either a 2,3,3.3,4,5, or 6.67-microsecond spacing ±O.S %. When Write Gate is inactive, pulses do not appear on this input. -Write Gate An active level of this input enables the write current circuits, and the Write Data input controls the writing of information. Transitions of this line occur 4 to 8 microseconds before the first significant data bit, and 4 to 8 microseconds after the last significant data bit. Making this input inactive removes all current from the read/write heads and allows the read circuits to operate within 590 microseconds All motor-start, head-settle, and head-load times are complied with before the line becomes active. -Side 1 Select Making this input active selects the upper head; otherwise the lower head is selected. Output Signals Following are descriptions of the output signals. -Index When a diskette's index hole aligns with the hole in the diskette jacket, a 1- to 8-microsecond active pulse is generated on this line. -Track 00 This signal is active when the upper head is on Track 00. 4 Hi~h Canadtv Di"kpttp OrivP -Write Protect This output is active when a diskette without a write-protect notch is inserted. It prevents the erasing or writing of data. -Read Data Each bit detected provides a 150-nanosecond active pulse on this line. These pulses may occur with either a 2, 3, 3.33, 4, 5, or 6.67-microsecond spacing ±0.5%. - Diskette Change This output is active unless a diskette is present and a step pulse is received when the drive is selected. Power Sequencing The I write gate I signal is turned off and is kept off before power is switched on or off. The read/write heads return to Track 00 when the system power is switched on. Drive-in-Use Indicator The Drive-in-Use indicator lights when the drive is selected. Specifications The following figures show the performance, physical, and performance specifications for this drive. High Capacity Diskette Drive 5 Power dissipation Operating limits Non-operating limits Mechanical dimensions Weight 11 W (TYP) Ambient temperature 5 to 46 degrees Celsius (41 to 114.8 degrees Farenheit) Relative humidity 20 to 80 % Maximum wet bulb 29 degrees Celsius (84 degrees Farenheit) Ambient temperature -40 to 60 degrees Celcius (-40 to 140 degrees Farenheit) Humidity no condensation Width 146.0 mm (5.8 in) Height 41.0 mm (1.6 in) Depth 203.2 mm (8 in) 1.6 kg Physical Specifications Capacity unformatted Capacity formatted 15 sectors per track Recording density Track density Cylinders Tracks Encoding method Rotational speed Transfer rate Latency (average) Access time Average Track to track Settling time Head load time Motor start time Performance Specifications 6 High Capacity Diskette Drive 1604Kb 1.2Mb 9646 bits per inch 96TPI 80 160 MFM 360 RPM 500K bits/second 83 ms 91 ms 3 ms 18 ms 50 ms 750 milliseconds Logic Diagrams HUDD Of" HElD 1 Of" DRIVE SHECT MOTIIA OH~'J!!:l"l!16,-j,.~~---Ln===-=====t====~ snPI'Jl.20 TRACKOO SENSOR MEDIA SENSOR INDEX SENSOR -+_________---, +l2¥ RET \'"J""""-'_ _ _ High Capacity Diskette Drive (Sheet 1 of 2) High Capacity Diskette Drive 7 +" ... STEPPINS J30AZ MIIT1IR u--~~~+-~-------, II co DO H--------~--t_ri_t_+------+_~ ,, ,, . .13.15~ IIBIVIE • MOTOR +-----'='--=",ob High Capacity Diskette Drive (Sheet 2 of 2) 8 High Capacity Diskette Drive ......,-_. ....... --,_.- - ----._.- " ,......" -""""._",-",-, -. -........ ,--, _.. l.,lh" r',; C:()mmunicati()ns (,:able Contents Description .................................... 1 Specifications .................................. 2 iii iv Description The IBM Personal Computer AT Communications Cable cable is for connection of an IBM communications adapter with a 9-pin D-shell connector to a modern or other RS-232C DCE (data communications equipment). It is fully shielded and provides a high quality, low noise channel for interface between the communications adapter and DCE. Communications Cable 1 Specifica tions One connector is a 9-pin D-shell connector and the other is a 25-pin D-shell connector. The pin numbering and connector specifications follow. 14 co co co co COco 6 Modem Connector Or Other RS-232 Data Communications Equipment ~~~ ~ COco COco <:0(2) co 13 Communications Adapter Connector t:- 25 25-Pin D-Shell Connector 9-Pin D-Shell Connector - ;-- - DCE 25-Pin CunneclDr 9 5 8 Carrier Detect 1.. 3 Received Data 2 2 Transmitted Data 3- 20 Data Terminal Ready 4 Signal Ground 5 Data Set Ready 6_ Request To Send 7- 5 Clear To Send 8. 22 Ring Indicator 9 .. 6 _4 NOTE: ALL OTHER PINS ON THE 25-PIN CONNECTOR ARE NOT USED. CONNECTOR SPECIFICATIONS 2 Communications Cable ADAPTER 9- Pin CD nneclar - - 128KB Memory Expansion ()ption ,':, "~j', i ," \' "" ~ 1 Contents Description .................................... Memory Cycles ............................. 110 Channel Check ......................... Addressing ................................ Specifications .................................. Voltage Tolerances .......................... Power Dissipation ........................... Temperature Variation ....................... Logic Diagrams ................................. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 iii Notes: iv Description This adapter has 18 RAM modules (64K x 1) for a total capacity of 128Kb. Memory Cycles MEMR and MEMW commands require a l-wait-state, 3-clock memory cycle. Data moves as a byte (8 data bits and 1 parity bit) or as a word (16 data bits and 2 parity bits) and is parity-checked on the adapter. A parity error causes an I/O channel check (non-maskable interrupt) to the system. I/O Channel Check When the I/O channel check occurs, a non-mask able interrupt (NMI) results, and the status bits determine the source (one status bit is I/O channel check, and the other is system board parity check). Writing to the failing card will clear the status bit. Addressing This adapter responds to addresses from hex 080000 to hex 09FFFF. Specific a tions Voltage Tolerances The maximum variation of the + 5 V dc is pins. ±5 % at the adapter 128KB Memory Expansion Option 1 Power Dissipation The +5-Vdc power used by the adapter is a maximum of 5.25 watts, and the maximum current used is 1 ampere. Temperature Variation The adapter will operate between 10 and 50 degrees Celsius (50 and 122 degrees Farenheit). 2 128KB Memory Expansion Option ~ lS682 o (JQ '3 01 COMPARATOR IS Q2 1 '" 16 01; IN~~~~~~ ~ '" p;Q~ + LAn (SHT 7) + LAZ2 17 P2 (SHT7) +LA21 (SHT 7) + LAZO 4 " 1<; PI; (SHT 7) + LA 1';1 .-~~~--~pc; (SHT 7) -flREFRESI < 1 +LA!6 , (SHT 7) + lAI7 II PB = TRANSPARENT D LATCH 2 P7 QI 2 01 ~ lq + RAS (SO (SHT 2) a lJ1 U 14 AlSOI; . __ 2 D':i Q<; Db Qb IE> + (AS CSO (SHT 2) + ($ (SHT 3.4) ALS:!4 +"iV 8c o--.~~_._-----.l ~oc .:! ~ E~AalE t'!!'l ~ "CI ( r!L--- I ~ = C = 0 ~. .. .... "CI ALS'32 (SHT 6) + BALE ~~~-- .. C = ~ ..... ~ ~~__.___J ~ ("> _. ~ (JQ FOO .~' ._-- ~ ALS<;7l ~ ... QC) (SHT7) 1'3 PO (SHT7) N -MEM C.SI6 2 "' 12 as (SHT 7) ~ , LSI2"i DRIVER +c;~ab 2 PI -. U02 Q"i 1 28 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 1 of 8) "" ..... N OCI ~ , (SHT 7) -MEMR 8 J 1 9;:)U"/ (SHT 7) -MEMIrv' IN I ~ = 3: PE212" UI8 40 80 4 121 a 8 ~ t UI7 11 ~ 9 (SHT 1) +CA5 (SO (SHT 5) J 12 5 ; FlO JUl. \...J, II 10n 6 - RAS RNZ a (SHT 5) FOB ~ "=' ~ = fi!l. 0= zoo 6 AODR SEL 0 ~ 160 +CAS ~ ~ J TIME DELAY 6 (SHT 11 +RAS CSO 0 "=' e. I, FlO 0 = ALS04 (SHT 71 +BAO 5 UIO • (SHT 71 - SBHE 12 9 10Q 8 RNZ I, FlO ALS04 8 9 IJ UI • U ~U1B ../ 12 14 '3on '3 -CAS OL (SHT 51 -CAS OH (SHT 5) + SBHE (SHT 4) -BAD (SHT 4) RN2 UIO 128 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 2 of 8) CD .... 0 .. CO) 8 ~ ~ Q) Q) 0 .r:: !!!. c: 0 :;::: Q, 0 c: 0 "; c: ~ l!' ~ ~ ~~ .., :.i <;t ~ ; !Ii ~ Si ~ I~ I., IV Q, >< w ~ 0 .~~~ E ~ Q) ~ &D ~ 3 ~ CO N ,.. ~ " I " ~ ~ I 00 "~ ~ + iO I l' "" 00 128KB Memory Expansion Option 5 ~ a < I I :: ~ ". ; o. ~ ~ • " • , - ~ ~ 0 ~,~ I~ I~ < . ~I· . < c o :;:: Q. o C o "; c as Q. >C W ~ o E CD :& ~ ~~ i !!: ~!2 ~ !!: ID ~ co ('II ... ~ H~§ t.: ii;" m ;;;;;; ~ ~~~~ 6 128KB Memory Expansion Option I ~UCS -BMEM (SHT3) -(S IN I (SHT 5) "' I 10 I ~~~ I, 12 U2 II 1 (SHT 2) +SBtE (S"T 7) + M:lP ~ (SHT 7)-Bt£MR (SHT 1) " " , EVEN 2 H (SHT 3) + MOl'; (SHT 3) , ""'ITYCHECK (SHT 3) + MQ9 (SHT3) + MOil (SHT 5) F260 8 A (SHT 3) IN 0 I I~ FOB (SHT 3) + MOB + MDf' G ,;iu,,~ (SHT 5)+ MOP OUT I S U7 , ~ 'I, U4 " I, UI'! 10 '! Ulq 82 VI'! , ,,_ ~ F7'; 10 - }U2 U2 J B 120 I'fl II Q 9 (L~(lLR ~ .;, LSSl U2 U2 b (SHT 8) +RESET 1 28 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 5 of 8) ~LSIZ') -I/O (1-1 CK (SHT 8) co .... o .. CD II) II) ~ - ~ ----~-----~ c: o i o c: o III c: 1l. ca Q. >< W ~ o E II) ::E m ~ co ... ('II 8 128KB Memory Expansion Option CARD TABS ADI (SHT 4) -110 CH CK AD9 +500 (SHT3) AD8 +501 (SHT3) AD7 'SOZ (SHT3) AD6 +503 (SHT3) ,.,. +504 (SHT3) +SD'> (SHT3) +50& ISHT3) AD., AD, ADZ A,J A,O AZ' AZ8 AZ7 AZb ~ f 8 o "CI (SHTS) ISHTS) (SHTS) (SHTS) +SM (SHTS) +SAIO (SHTS) +SAII (SHTS) + SAIZ (SHT S) + SAl, (SHTS) +SAI't (SHTS) Alb + SAl") (SHT5) AI'> +SAlb (SHTS) AI" + SAI7 A" + SAI8 AZI AZO AI. AI8 AI1 9" 9Z8 819 80Z ~ 8 IC +SA1 + SA. +SAB AZZ f! ISHTS) (SHTS) i: 810 (SHTS) +SAZ +SA7 AZ, 92. ~ +SAI (SHT S) AZ. .., (SHT7) + SA'> QC f (SHT3) + SAO +SA6 AZ'> N +507 128 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 7 of 8) + BALE (SHT 1) -REFRESH (SHT?) +RESET DRV (SHT 4) U':I..,. = co:. C".I ~ C
< - :~ Jl!HJ W - - u;> ;:; z : ;z: ~ JJJlt JJ 10 128KB Memory Expansion Option ~ o E CD :!: In ::.::: co ... N PfrJO!hi! (,'umputer J-i ardware R eji:rence Llhr(lrv Prototype Adapter Contents Description .................................... 1 Adapter Design ............................. 3 IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter Layout .................................. 7 Interfaces .................................... 13 Logic Diagrams ................................ 14 iii iv Description The IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter is 121.9 millimeters (4.8 inches) high by 333.25 millimeters (13.12 inches) long and plugs into any system-unit expansion slot except number 1 or 7. Two card-edge tabs, one 2-by 31- position and one 2-by 18-position, provide all system control signals and voltages. The adapter has a voltage bus (+5 Vdc) and a ground bus (0 Vdc). Each bus borders the adapter, with the ground bus on the component side and the voltage bus on the pin side. A system interface is also provided on the adapter with a jumper to specify whether the device has an 8- or a 16-bit data hus. This adapter also accommodates a D-shell connector from 9 to 37 positions. Note: All components must be installed on the component side of the adapter. The total width of the adapter, including components, may not exceed 12.7 millimeters (0.5 inch). If these specifications are not met, components on the IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter may touch other adapters plugged into adjacent expansion slots. The following is a block diagram of the IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter. Prototype Adapter 1 N ~ o S :g Bit 0-7 Oata Bus 2 I/O Read/Write --+- ~ !., ..... ~ >1 Data Bus Spare ----i Address Bit 0 ~ Address Bit 2 ..f...---- Bullered Data Bus Bits 0-7 I 8 Buffered Data Bus Bits 8-15 Bus Direction ' B u s Transceiver Command and Address Buffer Address Bit 0 L '_ _ _ _ --tl- Address Bit 3 Address Bit 9 -I--- 8 / Address Buffer I/O Address Decode Logic 6 r7 H Data Bus L------,HH Enable Logic I/O Decode (Hex 300-31F Inclusive) Low Bus Enable High Bus Enable Address Enable - - Spare-Memory Read/Write ~ Buller Bus Direction System High Byte Enable Bit 8-15 Data Bus +s ~ t Jumper JI ~ lOKn +8 Bit/-16 Bit Data Bus Prototype Adapter Block Diagram Bus Transceiver :~ Data Bus / Adapter Design The following information is provided to assist in designing an adapter using the IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter. Designing an Input/Output Adapter The following information may be used to design an input/output type of adapter. Programming Insert a Jump instruction after all I/O read (lOR) or I/O write (lOW) assembler language instructions to avoid a potential timing problem caused by slow I/O devices. The following figure shows a typical programming sequence. Before After Your code lOR Your code NEXT: Your code lOR JMP NEXT Your code Program Sequence Jumper Wire (Jl) Your design can use either 8 bits of the data bus (jumper off) or the full 16 bits of the data bus (jumper on). Most devices have 8-bit data buses. Wait-State Generator Circuits If your device runs too slow, you must add a wait-state generator to make the I/O read and write signals longer. First, determine the time needed by your device from the start of an lOR signal until it can put data on the system's data bus. Next, compare that Prototype Adapter 3 time with the time given by the system's microprocessor. The system microprocessor gives 750 nanoseconds for 8-bit devices and 250 nanoseconds for 16-bit devices. A similar problem may exist for an lOW signal. Determine the write data setup time, which is the time required by your design from the time it is given valid data until it is told to take this data by the lOW signal. The time given by the system microprocessor from when data is first valid to the device until the lOW signal goes active and then inactive is shown in the following figure. Your design can take the data when lOW goes active (less setup time) or when lOW goes inactive (more setup time). I I 8-Bit Device 16-Bit Device 100 ns 850 ns 100 ns 350 ns Data valid until lOW is active. Data valid until lOW is inactive. lOW Timing If the time given by the system microprocessor is not enough, you must add a wait-state generator circuit that will provide longer lOR and lOW signals. A recommended wait-state generator circuit is shown in the following figure. Note: Pulse Engineering Inc. PE21214 is the delay module used. 4 Prototype Adapter Time Delay (Iote) PE21214 + 1/0 Cycle (Sheet 2 01 11) I~ 1 I 4 i;' u Time Delay (Note) PE21214 6 B I ...... = en en ~ ... c::> = z :i /I) f. ...... c::> 4 3 : ~ = ~ ;i\ Jumper S 14 S14 '----"-3---11' ClK Q5 '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---=.1=0 Reset 4 Set +5V " 2 0 /I) til B en z z c::> c::> 6 u u = 10 ...... ...... u 2 S" rt.. ..L 10 en z Time Delay (Note) PE21214 Wait-State Generator Circuit 15 14ALS244 UB 5 + 1/0 Channel Ready Tab Pin AID (Sheet 4 01 11) Note: To add wait states and increase the time given by the microprocessor for I/O Read and Write commands, install one of the following jumpers. • • 16-Bit Design 1 wait state 250 nanoseconds--No jumper 2 wait states 416 nanoseconds--Jumper 1 to 5 3 wait states 583 nanoseconds--Jumper 2 to 5 4 wait states 750 nanoseconds--Jumper 3 to 5 5 wait states 916 nanoseconds--Jumper 4 to 5 8-Bit Design 4 wait states 750 nanoseconds--No Jumper 5 wait states 916 nanoseconds--Jumper 4 to 5 Designing a Memory Adapter The following information may be used to design a memory adapter. Control Lines There are two sets of memory control lines. SMEMR for system-memory read, and SMEMW for system-memory write. They are active when accessing memory in the first megabyte (address bits 20 through 23 are all off). If you use these lines, you can avoid an address decode circuit that checks for address bits 20 through 23 being off. The other set of control lines is MEMR and MEMW. These are active when addressing all memory locations. If you wish to design memory that will answer to addresses above the first 6 Prototype Adapter megabyte, you must use these lines and decode address bits 20 through 23 to select the particular address range your memory occupies. System Address Lines (SA) The 20 lowest-order address lines are SAO through SA19. SA address bits are active a minimum of 30 nanoseconds before a control line goes active, and they stay active until a minimum of 66 nanoseconds after the control line goes inactive. Timings are at the adapter socket. Local Address Lines (LA) There are seven high-order address lines called LA17 through LA23. LA address bits are active a minimum of 159 nanoseconds before a control line goes active, and they stay active until typically 83 nanoseconds before the control line goes inactive. LA bits should be decoded to select the particular address range your memory occupies. Because this decode will go inactive 83 nanoseconds before the control line goes inactive, it may be necessary to latch the decode. The output of this decoder circuit should be connected to the input of a transparent latch, such as a 74ALS573 (+BALE should be connected to the clock pin on the latch). If this is done, the output of the 74LS573 will be active approximately 30 nanoseconds before a control line goes active, and will stay active until approximately 66 nanoseconds after the control line goes inactive. Timings are at the adapter socket. IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter Layout The IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter has two layers screened onto it: one on the front and one on the back. It also has 4,311 plated through-holes that are 10.1 millimeters (0.04 inch) wide and have a 1.52-millimeter (0.06-inch) pad. These holes are arranged in a 2.54-millimeter (0. I-inch) grid. There are 37 plated through-holes, 1.22 millimeters (0.048 inch) wide, on the rear of the adapter that are used for a 9- to 37-position D-shell connector. The adapter also has 5 holes that Prototype Adapter 7 are 3.18 millimeters (0.125 inch) wide. One of these is just above the two rows of D-shell connector holes, and each of the other four is in a corner of the adapter. 8 Prototype Adapter Component Side The component side of the adapter has a ground bus, 1.27 millimeters (0.05 inch) wide screened onto it and two card-edge tabs labeled Al through A3l and C 1 through C31. The following figure shows the ground bus and card edge-tabs. Prototype Adapter 9 The component side of the adapter also has a silk screen printed on it that may be used as a component guide for the I/O interface. The following figure shows this silk screen. :; N ::0 M ::0 c:=Jc::=::3 ~ ::0 08 sl ::0 '" Du s02i ::0 00 S D~ 10 Prototype Adapter Pin Side The pin side of the adapter has a 5-Vdc bus, 1.27 millimeters (0.05 inch) wide, screened onto it, and two card-edge tabs: labeled Bl through B3l and Dl through Dl8. The following figure shows the 5-Vdc bus and card edge-tabs. I') I o Prototype Adapter 11 Card-Edge Tabs Each card-edge tab is connected to a plated through-hole by a 0.3-millimeter (0.012-inch) land. Four ground tabs are connected to the ground bus by four 0.3-millimeter (0.012-inch) lands, and three 5 Vdc tabs are connected to the 5-Vdc bus by three O.3-millimeter (0.012 inch) lands. Additional Information Additional information regarding the I/O interface may be found under "I/O Channel" in Section 1 of IBM Personal Computer AT Technical Reference manual. Logic diagrams of the IBM Personal Computer AT Prototype Adapter may be found later in this section. If the recommended interface logic is to be used, the following figure shows the recommended components and their TTL numbers. Component U1 U2 U3, U9 U4 U5 U6, U7, U8 C1, C6 C2, C3, C4, C5, C7,C8 R1 TTL # 74500 74510 74L5245 745139 745138 74AL5244 J1 Description Quad 2 input NAND Triple 3 input NAND Octal bus transceiver Dual 1 of 4 decoder 1 of 8 decoder Octal buffers 1O-microfarad tantalum capacitor 0.047-microfarad ceramic capacitor 10 Kohm, .25-watt, 10% resistor (axial leads) Jumper wire Recommended Components Note: 11, U8, and U9 are not required for a design using only the low-order 8 bits of the data bus. Designs using all 16 bits of the data bus require these components. 12 Prototype Adapter Interfaces Internal Interface Because of the number of adapters that may be installed in the system, II 0 bus loading should be limited to 1 Schottky TTL load. If the recommended interface logic is used, this requirement is met. Power limitations may be found under "Power Supply" in the IBM Personal Computer AT Technical Reference Manual. External Interface The following figure lists the recommended connectors for the rear of the adapter. Connector Part no. (Amp) or equivalent 9-pin D-shell (male) 9-pin D-shell (female) 15-pin D-shell (male) 15-pin D-shell (female) 25-pin D-shell (male) 25-pin D-shell (female) 37-pin D-shell (male) 37-pin D-shell (female) 205865-1 205866-1 205867-1 205868-1 205857-1 205858-1 205859-1 205860-1 Recommended Connectors Prototype Adapter 13 .... .&:0. ~ ~ 74LS24, (SHT (SHT (SHT (SHT (SHT 3) 31 3) 3) 3) (SHT 3) (SHT 3) (SHT 3) ,.,.""mo~. ., A (A7) +OATA BIT 2 '+ A (AS) + DATA BIT ! (Ab) + DATA BIT., (A'5) + DATA BIT '+ B 16 B 17 B A U, 6 A C; (A4) + DATA sn '} (Al) + DATA BITt. (AZ) + DATA BIT 7 1 A 8 A 9 A " 14 ,~ ~ I/O DECODE FOR PROTOTYPE: CARD A7AbA 4 A, A Al 1 100000000 A~A I. 1 (H[XnOQ (HEX)'3IF BUFFERED DATA BUS BITS 0-7 - 12 I I o (J'O 0 0 -. -.o DrCOOE" RANGE. n " ~ > - ! ~ "'I I' ~b 71+500 7'tAlS244 ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ (BI1) -lOW (BIZ) -SMEMR (BII) -SMEHW (BI4) -IOO (SPARE) ~~~~~~~~l'il (SHT 3) (A28) +AOOR. BIT '3 ) ~ (SHT 3) (A2'5) ADOR. BIT (A24)+ADDR.BIT7 II i~~i~: ~:~~;:=:~~: :~ ~~~i ~l ~~~; +::gg:-.~i ~to ~ >------- (SHT3) (AII)+A[N :-BJOR (SHT 21 (SHT 2) ~=====~' ~ft---==::j=='--~ti AIA~",I~ rb A2 ., II ENl '5 EW2 L 4Elfi b '" 20 +'5V6 '(1+ .., ~ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--» + 8 BIT 1/0 JEVICE (SHT 2) 245"8 j 1 ~ (J'O :3 7JJ. 4 8 ) (A,I) +ADOR. BIT 0 ) (A,O) + ADOR. BIT I ) (A29) + ADDR. BIT 2 ) (SHT3) + 1/0 CYCLE 11 ~~ ~~ (SHT3) ~ ENABLE LOW Bm NOTES: I IF THE liD DE.VICE REQUIRES A 16 BIT WIDE DATA BUS, THEN INSTAU_ JUMPER JI. fOR 8 BIT WIDE I/O DEVICES NO JUHPERING IS REQUIRED. Prototype Adapter (Sheet 1 of 4) l -110 DECOOE (SHT 21 "00 HE1<-l1F ---.DATA BIT II +DATA BIT 12 +DATA BIT" • DATA BIT 14 +DATA BIT 10; ) (SHT 1) -BIOR 7r-8 6 S AU9 A A A A ~ A ~ ~ 11 B'j2 B~ 8 B~ B J..f.---.-- B~ ~'i8 f BUFFERED OAT A BUS BITS B-[I) [~ ~IR 2D +sv t; f-iID (8..". - ENABLE HIGH BYTE (SHT 1) + liD CYCLE " 74SI,Q Y£YICE?fAo (SHT 1) • B BIT I/O DEVICE ) • B BIT ~AI U4 74ALS244 ISHT 4) [SHE. 0;) (SHT 4) - SSHE (e9) SPARE (C[O) - MEMW SPARE (e I) U8 1,.J EN 1'4 18 12 IIG" ~ Q f f ... ....VI -+_________ L___________________ (SHT 1) 74ALS244 ---"+£8_B'>!IClT-'D; C. .@i .... ... ~ (SHT 1) (SHT 1) BI B2 B3 GROUND +RESET DRV +';VDC +IRQ q -';VDC B4 B<; 80 B7 88 B9 BIO BII BIZ +DRQ Z -IZVDC + 0 WAIT STATE +IZ VDC (SHT 1) GROUND (SHT 1) -SHE'" W -SMEHR -lOW (SHT 1) -lOR -DACK 3 BI4 BI<; AI~ +DRQ 3 Blo Alo (SHT1) AI4 BI7 AI7 BIB BI9 120 121 AI'! 1020 1021 +IRQ 0 +IRQ '; IZ2 1022 B2~ AZ1 +IRQ 4 124 1024 +IRQ 3 12~ A2~ ClK +IRQ 7 +1/0 CHANNEL READY +AEN +ADDRESS BIT Iq + ADDRESS BIT IB All Al2 611 - DACK I -DRQ I -REFRESH - [10 CHANNEL CHECK +DATA BIT 7 +DATA BIT 0 +DATA BIT <; +DATA BIT 4 +DATA BIT 3 +DATA Bn 2 +DATA BIT I +DATA BIT 0 Ao A7 A8 A9 AIO al> ~ (SHT 1) AI A2 A3 A4 A<; + ADDRESS + ADDRESS +ADDRESS + ADDRESS + ADDRESS AI8 BIT BIT BrT BIT BIT 14 13 IZ II 10 + ADDRE SS BIT + ADDRESS BIT q +ADDRESS BIT + ADDRESS BIT 120 127 A20 1027 928 1028 + ADDRESS BIT + A~DRESS BIT + ADDRESS Bn +<;V DC IZ9 iAZ9 + ADDRESS BIT OSC GROUND _I~,-- P[N SIDE (SHT 1) (SHT 1) + ADDRESS BIT 17 + ADDRESS BIT 10 + ADDRESS BrT l'i -DACK Z +T/( +BAlE no (SHT 1) A~O ~_'_- + ADDRESS BIT + ADDRESS BIT COHPONENT SlOE Prototype Adapter (Sheet 3 of 4) (SHT1) B 0 <; 4 3 I 0 (SHT 1) ,6 PIN TAB- CONNECTOR - (SHT 2) i DI D2 D, D4 DI) D6 D7 DB D9 DID DII DI2 DI"3 014 OIl) 16 017 OIB -MEM CsI6 -1/0 CsI6 +IRQ 10 + IRQ II + IRQ 12 + IRQ 1"3 + IRQ 14 -DACK 4 +DRQ 4 -DACK I) +DRQ I) -DACK 6 +DRQ 6 -DACK 7 +DRQ 7 +1) VDC -MASTER GND E PIN SIDE CI C2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ("3 C4 CI) C6 C7 CB C9 cia CII CI2 CI"3 CI4 (II) , Clf> CI7 CI8 COMPONENT SIDE t i .. ~ ....... Prototype Adapter (Sheet 4 of 4) sBHE LA ADDRESS LA ADDRESS LA ADDRESS LA ADDRESS LA ADDRESS LA ADDRESS LA ADDRESS MEMR MEMW DATA HIT 8 DATA BIT 9 DATA BIT 10 DATA BIT II DATA BIT 12 DATA BIT 1"3 DATA BIT 14 DATA BIT II) BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT 2, (SHT2) 22 21 20 19 18 17 (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT2) (SHT 2) 18 Prototype Adapter ---- ----------------- Pcmmai C'omputer Hardware R ejerence Librarv 512KB Memory Expansion Option Contents Description .................................... Memory Cycles ............................. Memory Address Switches .................... 1/ 0 Channel Check ......................... Specifications .................................. Voltage Tolerances .......................... Power Dissipation ........................... Temperature Variation ....................... Logic Diagrams ................................. 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 iii iv Description This adapter has 36 RAM modules (128K x 1) for a total capacity of 512Kb. Memory Cycles MEMR and MEMW commands require a 1-wait-state, 3-clock memory cycle. Data moves as a byte (8 data bits and 1 parity bit) or as a word (16 data bits and 2 parity bits) and is parity-checked on the adapter. A parity error causes an I/O channel check (non-maskable interrupt) to the system. Memory Address Switches There are two banks of memory address switches on each memory adapter. These switches are set to values for the first, second, third, etc. memory adapter in the system. The following figure shows the switch configuration for each adapter. The first memory expansion adapter must start at address space hex 100000. If more than one adapter is installed, no gaps between memory are allowed. All expansion memory must be one contiguous block starting at address hex 100000. 512KB Memory Expansion Option 1 Switch Bank 0 4th 512KB Memory Expansion Adapter 5th 512KB Memory Expansion Adapter Switch Bank 1 12345678 1 234 5 6 7 8 12345678 12345678 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 2 512KB Memory Expansion Option 110 Channel Check When the I/O channel check occurs, a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) results, and the status bits determine the source (one status bit is I/O channel check and the other is system-board parity check). Writing to the failing card will clear the status bit. Specifications Voltage Tolerances The maximum variation of the +5 Vdc is ±5% at the adapter pins. Power Dissipation The +5-Vdc power used by the adapter is a maximum of 5.25 watts, and the maximum current used is 1 ampere. Temperature Variation The adapter will operate between 10 and 50 degrees Celsius (50 and 122 degrees Farenheit). 512KB Memory Expansion Option 3 Notes: 4 512KB Memory Expansion Option rQ {SHT7 SWI , r lu> 7:~: SWii! 5Wl" 1 sw'+ Ii':! ~ ISHT? OJ2 NOT@ LSb8Z QICOHPARATOR S2 " I., UIC eso 10'+ Db LJ-+++---------t-Il1 P, ~~ ~ ENABLE C 1':1: L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... P7 ~P. o § \IQ ""1 2 QS Ll-l~--I-__l_--------_l--,,''11'1 § "C:I Q; +RAS 111.:;.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ alr- to ... I~ Q2\-l117~------- If 02 ,......tJ.!..0 r- QI 1 i j - S~~~. I2'i L~UI;)II '5 Ul ~LSOLt ., L-~~-+~4_--------_+~1 :~ f. ~ G --4:F1Z 9 Z IR QI I" sw" 1.1 I 'All 'O"'A •• TO' !III;; SWII I~!O I"''''' S"O~~ ,~ ~ 1;---t-- ~~ ,::,\!bL-__<401 ~'~ -----.iJUIfr(SHT81 51 2 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 1 of 8) ~ ~ TRAONS~flHNT 2: FlO -RH' ~,J: . - HEM CSlb (SHT 7) AL.So;H ~ P8 SI(NOTEl) ""'" t P, '5 N 2 uL P7' RIC~Kn .-+------' UI 11"b>~1i..VE=-'----1r---------------------- p-:Q~ :Q7 I' Q8 SW7./ [SHT7) ~ U6Z QIf _. _. \IQ 02 +CS (SHT 3,4) ~ :3 rIJ, " ~ "~ ~ " " ~ ~ a ~ ~ '" " "- ~ w ~ iD iD ~ ~ " • < W ~ o E CD B :t llF-~-t--~ IX! ~3,!~ :.::: N ,.. an o fl 5 , •" •" ;0 ;0 ;0 ~ " ~ ~ ~ " '< " ;0 ~ " 6 SI2KB Memory Expansion Option '< " ~ ~ " I W -.. OJ o C') CII CII ~ ~ .. I: .2 Q. o I: o IIJ 1I' ~ ~ ~ ~~ « ~~ 00 : ;r; ~ ~ ~ I~ I: It! Q. ,'" >< W ~ o E CII :::?i III ~ C'oI ,... It) "~ " " " " '" " I W I I I W 00 ;0 I W I W """""" " I I W I W I W I W I W I W " I W I W 512KB Memory Expansion Option 7 -co... o v CD CD .s::. ~ c ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~~-----t~_-t __ 3- ...o Q. o g. C o III c m Q. )( UJ ~ o E CD :::E a:J ~ ~:; C"I .,... . 3 - - 10 I " I ~ " " " "c "c ~" " " " r r r I ~ I ~ r " " " "" " i'i M I " r I ~ r ~ I ~ I ~ I " 8 512KB Memory Expansion Option r N r ~ " " N r I " "" r " I W " r " I~ : ~ ; :: : :1 ~1~:;:::::li g ~ ~ s a ~ ~; ~ " g § 75· ~ _~~---'--, < " 0" ~-~-----L.-, 000 It) ..... Q) Q) < .r:: !e I: 0 :0:: Q. 0 I: 0 III I: IV Q. >< ~-------~ ,--- ~nn L -_ _ _ _ _ _~~ nn F I I I W ~ 0 E Q) ~ ca ~ ... N It) 512KB Memory Expansion Option 9 o VI N ~ f~ g ~ g" o -=....S" = (5tH 3) +1'100 ISHT 3) +1'101 ISHT 3) +1102 " (SHT3) +1'10'3 ISHT 3) +1'104 ISHT 3) +1'10'5 (SHT 3) +1'106 ISHT3) +M07 U'; (SHT 3) +1'108 U," (SHT 3) +HDQ (SHT 3) +11010 l~lLLL~ (SHT 3) +1'1011 (SHT 3) +,",01 Z (SHT31+MOI~ (5HT3)+11014 (SHT 31 +HDI'> (SHT 5)-8HAO (SHT 5) -8HA I (SHT 5) -BHA2 ('I) IZ8KX) (SHT51-BHAl (SHT 5) -8HAli 1M!,}p 00.1 I (SHT 5) -aHA" (SHT 51-811A6 (SHT5)-BMA7 (SHT 2) -US 'I (5HT2) (5HT2) -(AS IL ------~ -BBP'E"'W' ------~ (SHT2) (SHT 71 (SHT 4) +1'101' IN 0 ------~ l~, r~, (SHT 5) +MDP OUT 0 ------~ -------< 21~ " -RAS 1 ilBH[HW ISHT 4) +HDP IN I (SHT 5) +MOPOI!T I " I I IU"1uz; l~., l RAn 2 wr ~ 4~ -Il.l1<; -(A5IH Hnl :c;~ m i,14 DIN/DOUT 1...1'1'" 14 Hon _ DI~/DOUT __,1'1 DIN/DOUT 1'1010 IHOP n. I .LIOINI DOUT '" 512 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 6 of 8) • i i" "~ "'"< i ~~ ~~ co ~ ,...o .. Q) Q) &:. !!! t: o :;: Q. o t: o 'iii t: ca Q. >( 1l W ~ o E Q) :IE !XI ~ ('II .,.... It) 512KB Memory Expansion Option 11 .... CARD TABS ~ til .... ~ ~ A09 AOI (SHT 4) -I/O CH (I< .oS A07 :: A06 ADS ..,. ~ ~ A03 .02 A31 f A30 A29 A2S ~. g o "'CI A27 g A22 A26 A2S A2" eo A23 A21 A20 AI9 +S ~ B29 f! (SHT 3) +501 (SHT3) +502 (SHT3) +50'3 (SHT3) +$04 (SHT 3) +$0') (SHT3) +SDb (SHT3) +507 (SHT3) +SAQ (SHT7) +SAI (SHT 5) +SA2 (SHT 5) +SA'3 (SHT 5) + SA" (SHT 5) +SAS (SHT5) +SA6 (SHT5) +SA7 (SHT5) +SA8 (SHT 5) +SAq (SHT 5) + SAID (SHT 5) +SAII (SHT5) + SAI2 (SHT5) AlB + SAl, (SHT 5) AI7 + SAl... + SAP:; + SAlt) (SHT 5) AI6 AIS BID +5DO (SHT 5) (SHT 5) AI" AI3 + SAI7 + SAI8 828 + BALE (SHT 1) B31 819 B02 512 KB Memory Expansion Option (Sheet 8 of 8) -REFRESH (SHT7) +RESET DRY (SHT 4) -------- -- - ----------- ---- PCrJotltd Cumputer H arduHlrc R e/~ren{(UhrfJn' ' Serial/Pa,rallel Adapter o36167.~ Contents IBM Personal Computer AT Serial/Parallel Adapter .... 1 Serial Portion of the Adapter .................. 1 Programmable Baud-Rate Generator ........... 17 Parallel Portion of the Adapter ................ 19 Specifications ............................. 24 Logic Diagrams ................................ 26 iii iv IBM Personal Computer AT Serial/Parallel Adapter The IBM Personal Computer AT Serial/Parallel Adapter provides a parallel port and a serial port. It plugs into a system-board expansion slot. All system-control signals and voltage requirements are provided through a 2- by 31-position card edge connector. Serial Portion of the Adapter The serial portion of the adapter is fully programmable and supports asynchronous communications. It will add and remove start, stop, and parity bits. A programmable baud-rate generator allows operation from 50 baud to 9600 baud. Five-, six-, sevenand eight-bit characters with 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits are supported. A prioritized interrupt system controls transmit, receive, error, and line status as well as data-set interrupts. The rear of the adapter has a 9-pin D-shell connector that is classified as an RS-232C port. When the optional IBM Communications Cable (9-Pin), which has a 9-pin D-shell connector on one end and a 25-pin D-shell connector on the other end, is connected to the adapter, the 25-pin end of the cable has all the signals of a standard EIA RS-232C interface. The following figure is a block diagram of the serial portion of the adapter. Serial/Parallel Adapter 1 Address Address Decode Bus Chip Select Register Select -- -... Data Bus Interrupt Controller Asynchronous Communications Chip ... I Oscillator i 1.8432 MHz - r----. -... EIA Receivers -- ... g-Pin Connector - EIA Drivers - Serial Portion Block Diagram The serial portion of the adapter has a controller that provides the following functions: • Adds or deletes standard, asynchronous-communications bits to or from a serial data stream. • Provides full, double buffering, which eliminates the need for precise synchronization. • Provides a programmable baud-rate generator. • Provides modem controls (CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI, and CD). Communications Application The serial output port may be addressed as either communications port 1 or communications port 2 as defined by jumper 11 (see the following figure). In this section hex addresses begin with an X which can be either a 3 for communications port 1 (interrupt level 4) or a 2 for communications port 2 (interrupt level 3). 2 Serial/ParaDel Adapter Port 1 The data format will be as follows: DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Marking Start [ Bit ++ + + ++ ++ [[[[[I[[ Parity Bit Stop Bit Data bit 0 is the first bit to be sent or received. The controller automatically inserts the start bit, the correct parity bit (if programmed to do so), and the stop bit (1, 1.5, or 2, depending on the command in the line-control register). Controller Specifications The following describes the function of controller input/output signals. Serial/Parallel Adapter 3 Input Signals -Clear to Send: (-CTS), Pin 36-The '-CTS' signal is a modem-control function input, the condition of which can be tested by the processor by reading bit 4 (CTS) of the modem status register. Bit 0 (DCTS) of the modem status register indicates if the '-CTS' input has changed state since the previous reading. Note: Whenever the CTS bit of the modem status register changes state, an interrupt is generated if the modem-status interrupt is enabled. -Data Set Ready: (-DSR), Pin 37-When low, indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish the communications link and transfer data with the controller. The '-DSR' signal is a modem-control function input, the condition of which can be tested by the processor reading bit 5 (DSR) of the modem status register. Bit 1 (DDSR) of the modem status register indicates if the '-DSR' input has changed since the previous reading. Note: Whenever the DSR bit of the modem status register changes state, an interrupt is generated if the modem-status interrupt is enabled. -Data Carrier Detect: (-DCD), Pin 38-When low, indicates the modem or data set detected a data carrier. The '-DCD' signal is a modem-control function input, the condition of which can be tested by the processor reading bit 7 (DCD) of the modem status register. Bit 3 (DCD) of the modem status register indicates if the '-DCD' input has changed state since the previous reading. Note: Whenever the DCD bit of the modem status register changes state, an interrupt is generated if the modem status interrupt is enabled. -Ring Indicator: (-RI), Pin 39-When low, indicates the modem or data set detected a telephone ringing signal. The '-RI' signal is a modem-control function input, the condition of which can be 4 Serial/Parallel Adapter tested by the processor reading bit 6 (RI) of the modem status register. Bit 2 (TERI) of the modem status register indicates if the '-RI' input has changed from an active to an inactive state since the previous reading. Note: Whenever the RI bit of the modem status register changes from an inactive to an active state, an interrupt is generated if the modem-status interrupt is enabled. vee Pin 40-+5 Vdc supply VSS Pin 20-Ground (0 Vdc) reference Output Signals -Data Terminal Ready: (-DTR), Pin 33-When active, informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to communicate. The 'DTR' output signal can be set to an active level by programming bit 0 (DTR) of the modem control register to an active level. The '-DTR' signal is set inactive upon a master reset operation. -Request to Send: (-RTS), Pin 32-When active, informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. The , -R TS' output signal can be set to an active level by programming bit 1 (RTS) of the modem control register to an active level. The '-R TS' signal is set inactive upon a master reset operation. -Output 1: (-OUT 1), Pin 34-User-designated output that can be set to an active level by programming bit 2 (-OUT 1) of the modem control register to an inactive level. The '-OUT I' signal is set inactive upon a master reset operation. Pin 34 is connected to an active source. -Output 2: (-OUT 2), Pin 31-User-designated output that can be set to an active level by programming bit 3 (-OUT 2) of the modem control register to an inactive level. The '-OUT 2 ' signal is set inactive upon a master reset operation. Pin 31 controls interrupts to the system. Serial/Parallel Adapter 5 ControUer-Accessible Registers The controller has a number of accessible registers. The system programmer may gain access to or control any of the controller registers through the microprocessor. These registers are used to control the controller's operations and to transmit and receive data. The X in the register address determines the the port selected; 3 is for port 1 and 2 is for port 2. Specific registers are selected according to the following figure: I/O Address XF8 XF8 XF8 XF9 XF9 XFA XFB XFC XFD XFE XFF Register Selected TX buffer RX buffer Divisor Latch LSB Divisor Latch MSB Interrupt Enable Register Interrupt Identification Register Line Control Register Modem Control Register Line Status Register Modem Status Register Reserved DLAB State o (write) o (read) 1 1 0 Controller-Accessible Registers Transmitter Holding Register (Hex XF8): The transmitter holding register (THR) contains the character to be sent. Transmitter HDlding Register (hex XF81 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ~~>""' .. " > > > . -----> > > > Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 7 Transmitter Holding Register Bit 0 is the least-significant bit and the first bit sent serially. Receiver Buffer Register (Hex XF8): The receiver buffer register (RBR) contains the received character. 6 Serial/Parallel Adapter Receiver Buller Register [hex XF81 Bit 7 6 543210 ~"~"" > > > > > > > Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 7 Receiver Buffer Register Bit 0 is the least-significant bit and the first bit received serially. Divisor Latch LSB (Hex XF8) Divisor Latch leist Significant Bit [hex XF81 Bit 7 6 543210 ~>""" > > > > > > > Bit 1 Bit2 Bit 3 Bit4 Bit 5 Bit6 Bit 7 Divisor Latch Least Significant Bit Information about this register may be found under "Programmable Baud Rate Generator" later in this section. Divisor Latch MSB (Hex XF9) Divisor Lltch Most Significlnt Bit [hex XF91 Bit 7 6 543210 ~~:: > > > > > > Bit2 Bit 3 Blt4 Bit 5 Blt6 Bit 7 Divisor Latch Most Significant Bit Serial/Parallel Adapter 7 Information about this register may be found under "Programmable Baud Rate Generator" later in this section. Interrupt Enable Register (Hex XF9): This 8-bit register allows the four types of controller interrupts to separately activate the I chip-interrupt I (INTRPT) output signal. The interrupt system can be totally disabled by resetting bits 0 through 3 of the interrupt enable register (IER). Similarly, by setting the appropriate bits of this register to logical 1, selected interrupts can be enabled. Disabling the interrupt system inhibits the IER and the active I INTRPT I output from the chip. All other system functions operate normally, including the setting of the line-status and modem-status registers. I Interrupt Enable Register Bit I Ihex XF9) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 11ll::> ,-.,,""" '"."." ,~"'" > Enable Tx Holding Register Empty Interrupt > Enable Receive Line Status Interrupt Enable Modem Status Interrupt > ' - - - - - > =0 =0 =0 ' - - - - - - - > =0 '--------> '--------~> Interrupt Enable Register Bit 0 When set to logical 1, enables the received-data-available interrupt. Bit 1 When set to logical 1, enables the transmitter-holding-register-empty interrupt. Bit 2 When set to logical 1, enables the receiver-line-status interrupt. Bit 3 When set to logical 1, enables the modem-status interrupt. Bits 4-7 These four bits are always logical 8 Serial/Parallel Adapter o. Interrupt Identification Register (Hex XFA): The controller has an on-chip interrupt capability that makes communications possible with all of the currently popular microprocessors. In order to minimize programming overhead during data character transfers, the controller prioritizes interrupts into four levels: receiver line status (priority 1), received data ready (priority 2), transmitter holding register empty (priority 3), and modem status (priority 4). Information about a pending prioritized interrupt is stored in the interrupt identification register (IIR). (See the figure "Interrupt Control Functions," later.) The IIR, when addressed during chip-select time, stops the pending interrupt with the highest priority, and no other interrupts are acknowledged until the processor services that particular interrupt. Inlerrupl Identification Register (hex XFAI Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 t 0 ~> ""~'""'."'. > > > > > > > Interrupt ID Bit 0 Interrupt ID Bit 1 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 Interrupt Identification Register Bit 0 This bit can be used in either hard-wired, prioritized, or polled conditions to indicate if an interrupt is pending. When bit 0 is logical 0, an interrupt is pending, and the IIR contents may be used as a pointer to the appropriate interrupt service routine. When bit 0 is logical 1, no interrupt is pending, and polling (if used) continues. Bits 1-2 These two bits identify the pending interrupt that has the highest priority interrupt pending, as shown in the following figure. Bits 3-7 These five bits are always logical O. Serial/ParaDel Adapter 9 Interrupt ID Register Bit Bit 0 Interrupt Set And Reset Functions Priority Level Interrupt Type Interrupt Source Interrupt Reset Control 2 Bit 1 0 0 0 - None None 1 1 0 Highest Receiver Line Status Overrun Error or Parity Error or Framing Error or Break Interrupt Reading the Line Status Register 1 0 0 Second Received Data Available Receiver Data Available Reading the Receiver Buffer Register 0 1 0 Third Transmitter Holding Register Empty Transmitter Holding Register Empty Reading the II R (if source of interrupt) or writing into the THR 0 0 0 Fourth Modem Status Clear to Send or Data Set Ready or Ring Indicator or Received Line Signal Detect Reading the Modem Status Register - Line-Control Register (Hex XFB): The system programmer specifies the format of the asynchronous data communications exchange through the line control register. In addition to controlling the format, the programmer may retrieve the contents of the line control register for inspection. This feature simplifies system programming and eliminates the need to store line characteristics separately in system memory. 10 Serial/Parallel Adapter Une Control Register (hex XFBI Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 l~> W~ ,.~,,,.,,"," > > > > > > Word Length Select Bit 1 Number of Stop Bits Parity Enable Even Parity Select Stuck Panty Set Break Divisor Latch Access Bit Line Control Register Bits 0, 1 These two bits specify the number of bits in each serial character that is sent or received. The encoding of bits and 1 is as follows: ° Bit 1 Bit2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Word Length (Bits) 5 6 7 8 Word length Bit 2 This bit specifies the number of stop bits in each serial character that is sent or received. If bit 2 is a logical 0, one stop bit is generated or checked in the data sent or received. If bit 2 is logical 1 when a 5-bit word length is selected through bits and 1, 1-1/2 stop bits are generated or checked. If bit 2 is logical 1 when either a 6-, 7-, or 8-bit word length is selected, two stop bits are generated or checked. ° Bit 3 This bit is the parity-enable bit. When bit 3 is logical 1, a parity bit is generated (transmit data) or checked (receive data) between the last data word and stop bit of the serial data. (The parity bit is used to produce an even or odd number of 1's when the data-word bits and parity bit are summed.) Bit 4 This bit is the even-parity-select bit. When bit 3 is a logical 1 and bit 4 is a logical 0, an odd Humber of Serial/Parallel Adapter 11 logical l's is sent or checked in the data word bits and parity bit. When both bit 3 and bit 4 are a logical 1, an even number of bits is sent or checked. Bit 5 This bit is the stuck-parity bit. When bit 3 is a logical 1 and bit 5 is a logical 1, the parity bit is sent and then detected by the receiver as a logical 0, if bit 4 is a logical 1, or as a logical 1 if bit 4 is a 10gical0. Bit 6 This bit is the set-break control bit. When bit 6 is set to a logical 1, the serial output (SOUT) is forced to the spacing (logical 0) state and remains there regardless of other transmitter activity. The set-break is disabled by setting bit 6 to logical O. This feature enables the microprocessor to select a specific terminal in a computer communications system. Bit 7 This bit is the divisor-latch access bit (DLAB). It must be set high (logical 1) to gain access to the divisor latches of the baud-rate generator during a read or write operation. It must be set low (logical 0) to gain access to the receiver buffer, the transmitter holding register, or the interrupt enable register. Modem Control Register (Hex XFC): This 8-bit register controls the data exchange with the modem or data set (an external device acting as a modem). l Modem Control Register Ihex XFCI Bit 7 6 543210 ~>>> "'"',,";~"~ Request to Send Out 1 Out 2 > > Loop > =0 > =0 > =0 Modem Control Register 12 Serial/ParaDel Adapter Bit 0 This bit controls the '-data terminal ready' (-DTR) output. When bit 0 is set to logical 1, the -DTR output is forced active. When bit 0 is reset to logical 0, the '-DTR' output is forced inactive. Bit 1 This bit controls the '-request-to-send' (-RTS) output. Bit 1 affects the '-RTS' output in the same way bit 0 affects the '-DTR' output. Bit 2 This bit controls the '-Output 1 ' (-OUT 1) signal, which is a spare the programmer can use. Bit 2 affects the '-OUT I' output in the same way bit 0 affects the '-DTR' output. Bit 3 This bit controls the' -Output 2' (-OUT 2) signal, which is a spare the programmer can use. Bit 3 affects the '-OUT 2' output in the same way bit 0 affects the '-DTR' output. Bit 4 This bit provides a loopback feature for diagnostic testing of the controller. When bit 4 is set to logical 1, the following occur: the 'transmitter serial output' (SOUT) is set to the active state; the 'receiver serial input' (SIN) is disconnected; the output of the transmitter shift register is "looped back" to the receiver shift register input; the four modem-control inputs ('-CTS', '-DSR', '-RLSD', and '-RI') are disconnected; and the four modem-control outputs ('-DTR', '-RTS', '-OUT l' and '-OUT2') are internally connected to the four modem control inputs. In the diagnostic mode, data sent is immediately received. This feature allows the processor to verify the transmit- and receive-data paths of the controller. In the diagnostic mode, the receiver and transmitter interrupts are fully operational, as are the modem-control interrupts. But the interrupts' sources are now the lower four bits of the modem control register (MCR) instead of the four modem-control inputs. The interrupts are still controlled by the interrupt enable register. Serial/Parallel Adapter 13 The controller's interrupt system can be tested by writing to the lower six bits of the line status register and the lower four bits of the modem status register. Setting any of these bits to logical 1 generates the appropriate interrupt (if enabled). Resetting these interrupts is the same as for normal controller operation. To return to normal operation, the registers must be reprogrammed for normal operation, and then bit 4 of the MeR must be reset to logical O. Bits 5-7 These bits are permanently set to logical O. Line Status Register (Hex XFD): This 8-bit register provides the processor with status information about the data transfer. Line Status Register (hex XFDI Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ~~>"~~. > > > > > Overrun Error Parity Error Framing Error Break Interrupt Transmitter Holding Register Empty > Tx Shift Register Empty > =0 line Status Register Bit 0 This bit is the receiver data ready (DR) indicator. It is set to logical 1 whenever a complete incoming character has been received and transferred into the receiver buffer register. Bit 0 may be reset to logical o by the processor either reading the data in the receiver's buffer register or writing logical 0 in it. Bit 1 This bit is the overrun error (OE) indicator. It indicates that data in the receiver's buffer register was not read by the processor before the next character was transferred into the register, thereby destroying the previous character. The OE indicator is reset whenever the processor reads the contents of the line status register. 14 Serial/Parallel Adapter Bit 2 This bit is the parity error (PE) indicator and indicates the received data character does not have the correct even or odd parity, as selected by the even-parity-select bit. The PE bit is set to logical 1 upon detection of a parity error, and is reset to logical 0 whenever the processor reads the contents of the line status register. Bit 3 This bit is the framing error (FE) indicator. It indicates the received character did not have a valid stop bit. Bit 3 is set to logical 1 whenever the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as a zero bit (spacing level). Bit 4 This bit is the break interrupt (BI) indicator. It is set to logical 1 whenever the received data input is held in the spacing state (logical 0) for longer than a fullword transmission time (that is, the total time of start bit + data bits + parity stop bits). Note: Bits 1 through 4 are error conditions that produce a receiver line-status interrupt whenever any of the corresponding conditions are detected. Bit 5 Bit 6 This bit is the transmitter holding register empty (THRE) indicator. It indicates the controller is ready to accept a new character for transmission. In addition, this bit causes the controller to issue an interrupt to the processor when the TRHE interrupt enable is set active. The THRE bit is set to logical 1 when a character is transferred from the transmitter holding register into the transmitter shift register. It is reset to logical 0 when the processor loads the transmitter holding register. This bit is the transmitter empty (TEMT) indicator. It is set to logical 1 whenever the transmitter holding request (THR) and the transmitter shift request (TSR) are both empty. It is reset to logical 0 whenever THR or TSR contains a data character. Bit 7 This bit is permanently set to logical O. Serial/Parallel Adapter 15 Modem Status Register (Hex XFE): The 8-bit MSR provides the current state of the control lines from the modem (or external device) to the processor. In addition, four bits of the MSR provide change information. These four bits are set to logical 1 whenever a control input from the modem changes state. They are reset to logical 0 whenever the processor reads this register. Modem Status Register (bex XFE) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 t I 0 ~> """'~,~",' > > > > > > > Delta Data Set Ready Trailing Edge Ring Indicator Delta Data Carrier Detect Clear to Send Data Set Ready Ring Indicator Data Carner Detect Modem Status Register Bit 0 This bit is the delta clear-to-send (DCTS) indicator. It indicates the '-CTS' input to the chip has changed state since the last time it was read by the processor. Bit 1 This bit is the delta data-set-ready (DDSR) indicator. It indicates the '-DSR' input to the chip has changed state since the last time it was read by the processor. Bit 2 This bit is the trailing-edge ring-indicator (TERn detector. It indicates the' -RI' input to the chip has changed from an active condition to an inactive condition. Bit 3 This bit is the delta data-carrier-detect (DDCD) indicator. It indicates the '-DCD' input to the chip has changed state. Note: Whenever bit 0, 1, 2, or 3 is set to a logical 1, a modem status interrupt is generated. 16 Serial/Parallel Adapter Bit 4 This bit is the opposite of the I -clear-to-send I (-CTS) input. If bit 4 of the MCR loop is set to a logical 1, this bit is equivalent to RTS of the MCR. Bit 5 This bit is the opposite of the -data-set-ready (-DSR) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to a logical 1, this bit is equivalent to DTR of the M CR. Bit 6 This bit is the opposite of the I -ring-indicator I (-RI) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to a logical 1, this bit is equivalent to OUT 1 of the MCR. Bit 7 This bit is the opposite of the -data-carrier-detect (-DCD) input. If bit 4 of the MCR is set to a logical 1, this bit is equivalent to OUT 2 of the MCR. I I I I Programmable Baud-Rate Generator The controller has a programmable baud-rate generator that can divide the clock input (1.8432 MHz) by any divisor from 1 to 655,535 or 216_1. The output frequency of the baud-rate generator is the baud rate multiplied by 16. Two 8-bit latches store the divisor in a 16-bit binary format. These divisor latches must be loaded during setup to ensure desired operation of the baud-rate generator. When either of the divisor latches is loaded, a 16-bit baud counter is immediately loaded. This prevents long counts on the first load. Serial/Parallel Adapter 17 Pin Assignment for Serial Port The following figure shows the pin assignments for the serial port in a communications environment. 5 - - ~ External Device - Carrier Detect 1 Receive Data 2_ Transmit Data 3 Data Terminal Ready 4 Signal Ground 5 Data Set Ready 6_ Request To Send 7 Clear To Send B_ Ring Indicator 9'" - 18 Serial/Parallel Adapter ... Serial Parallel Adapter L- Parallel Portion of the Adapter The parallel portion of the adapter makes possible the attachment of various devices that accept eight bits of parallel data at standard TTL levels. The rear of the adapter has a 25-pin, D-shell connector. This port may be addressed as either parallel port 1 or 2. The port address is determined by the position of jumper 12, as shown in the following figure. m~ ~jrn m []] []] mi] m[1] Port 1 Serial/Parallel Adapter 19 The following figure is a block diagram of the parallel portion of the adapter. Address Bus ..- Data Bus ~ ~ Address Decode .. -. Buffer Control Signals Interrupt Data Output Buffer .. r-Z5-Pin 0 Connector . Control Output Buffer Data Wrap Buffer Control Wrap and Signal Input --"' r---. Parallel Portion Block Diagram Printer Application The following discusses the use of the parallel portion of the adapter to connect to a parallel printer. Hexidecimal addresses in this section begin with an X, which is replaced with a 3 to indicate port 1, or a 2 to indicate port 2. Data Latch (Hex X78, X7C) Writing to this address causes data to be stored in the printer's data buffer. Reading this address sends the contents of the printer's data buffer to the system microprocessor. Printer Controls (hex X7 A, X7E) Printer control signals are stored at this address to be read by the system microprocessor. The following are bit definitions for this byte. 20 Serial/Parallel Adapter Bit 7 Not used Bit 6 Not used Bit 5 Not used Bit 4 + IRQ Enable-A 1 in this position al10ws an interrupt to occur when' -ACK' changes from true to false. Bit 3 +SLCT IN-A 1 in this bit position selects the printer. Bit 2 -INIT-A 0 starts the printer (50-microsecond pulse, minimum). Bit 1 +AUTO FD XT-A 1 causes the printer to line-feed after a line is printed. Bit 0 +STROBE-A 0.5-microsecond minimum, high, active pulse clocks data into the printer. Valid data must be present for a minimum of 0.5 microsecond before and after the strobe pulse. Printer Status - Address X79, X7D Printer status is stored at this address to be read by the microprocessor. The fol1owing are bit definitions for this byte. Bit 7 -BUSY-When this signal is active, the printer is busy and cannot accept data. It may become active during data entry, while the printer is offline, during printing, when the print head is changing positions, or while in an error state. Bit 6 -ACK-This bit represents the current state of the printer's '-ACK' signal. A 0 means the printer has received the character and is ready to accept another. Normally, this signal will be active for approximately 5 microseconds before '-BUSY' stops. Bit 5 + PE-A 1 means the printer has detected the end of paper. Serial/Parallel Adapter 21 Bit 4 +SLCT-A 1 means the printer is selected. Bit 3 -Error-A 0 means the printer has encountered an error condition. Bit 2 Unused. Bit 1 Unused. Bit 0 Unused. 22 Serial/ParaUel Adapter Parallel Ioterface The adapter has a 25-pin, D-shell connector at the rear of the adapter. The following figure shows the signals and their pin assignments. Typical printer input signals also are shown. 1 - 0 ~ 0 14 1 Data Bit 0 2 Data Bit 1 3 Data Bit 2 4 Data Bit 3 5 Data Bit 4 6 Data Bit 5 7 Data Bit 6 8 Data Bit 7 -ACK 9 11 PE 12 SLCT 13 - AUTO fEED XT 14 - ERROR 15 -INIT 16 Ground Serial Parallel Ad.pter 10 BUSY - SLCT IN - 0 o r- Strobe Externa I Device o 17 18-25 '---- Serial/Parallel Adapter 23 Specifications The following figures list characteristics of the output driver. Sink current Source current High-level output voltage Low-level output voltage 24 rnA -2.6 rnA 2.4 Vdc 0.5 Vdc Max Max Min Max Parallel Data and Processor IRQ Sink current Source current High level output voltage Low level output voltage 16 rnA 0.55 rnA 5Vdc 0.4 Vdc Max Max Minus pull-up Max 24 rnA -15 rnA 2.0 Vdc 0.5 Vdc Max Max Min Max Parallel Control Sink current Source current High level output voltage Low level output voltaqe Parallel Processor Interface (except IRQ) The following are the specifications for the serial interface. Function Condition On Spacing condition (binary 0, positive voltage). Off Marking condition (binary 1, negative voltage). Voltage above +15 Vdc +3 Vdc to +15 Vdc -3 Vdc to +3 Vdc -3 Vdc to -15 Vdc Below -15 Vdc Function Invalid On Invalid Off Invalid Serial Port Functions 24 Serial/Parallel Adapter Logic Diagrams ~~n nN ~ r:I::r II I ~~~ §~~'" 2;g~~ , ~,,~ '"'" I ~ r.l)U) C;; I ~ t:~ ~ '" '" I I ~ ~ I~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I II . :5! -" • - J M o .... I! «~l Q) Q) JJJ ~~~I !I !::~~;!.!.'::t:::.eg;~~ ,~o~ : -" - ,"~NIJr~ ..... 11'1- ~I: ~~ ~~ ""~-<>N :~J " Ci - f--f~ ~ f-S~ ----- 8~ = I~ ;;; Q) en f-'v~ _J ~ ';: Q. ';: f-'~~ ~ C :::::: f-'0~ N ... 'C f- Q\ 00 ISHT 1) ISHT 1) :3. ISHT 1) ISHT 11 ~ e:. ......... ;p... = !E. (SHT 1) ~~ ENABLEFAAALLEll&:~ 2C ~~~~N/c AD n AI "3 ~ BICR I Ie 2n~NIt 2G UI2 :~~ 6RPB IY2 'iRP( L1...:~~N/C P2 2') PIN 'D'SHELl CONNECTOR 0, (13 -(20 (QX},0022 uF +0:::4:: "', I1' ' wlJ~ § I " ~ " u" ~~ JlSO !.... 10 BDtft 20 ~~ 70 ~SD ~~ bD ... ~~ ~g ~ r- I~ m CI7 ' " I 2 4 ~ SQ" IQ , ~ ", "" Z ,, " ZQ 16 7Q 1 ,.12 bQ (') b 1 S 12 , ", ~~ ~ UI6 ~- -RNI 4.7KIl---.. ~ ISHT ISHT ISHT ISHT (SHT ISHT (SHT ISHT 1) 1) 1) 1) 11 1) 1) 1) (SHT 1) SDO BOI BOZ BOO BD I BDZ BO' BD4 B" BOb 801 '" ,,, BD4 SD6 807 BOO ID 60 IQ 2 6Q I ~i~ 2Q'i ~ '7777; l RESET '":;:!;fu 20 BO'i1 40 CLK Ir---------'! I ~" ~ nUll 12 OC; II UII to ~O4 1'1 UI,) DATA 2 DATA :I DATA .. , 10 12 nil " 12 ." L DATA ') DATA b DATA 7 ~ II 2AI 13 2A2 2'1'1 2'1'2 q 7 '+ lA2 1'1'2 Ie 8 IA4 1'1'4 12 Uq , ~SI2<; UI , -ERROR -AUTO FO Xl ~4 -[NIT Ib ~ r--lle---,-,-- 8 In 14 2'(; ') ~ - sTROBE '5Qpt-- U4 I '.~~ l;---------1~C qU11 I'l'l 19 b lA, 1'5 2A, ~ ~ /) SOO SOl 802 S" S04 S" Db S01 ':I 17 ZA4 2 IA I tIt ~ " 'i~ V ~ 2'1'4 DATA 0 DATA I 4 I. eLK BE ~ C20 >--#.- (8X) 2111 ~ > '19 ' " ~ II Ulb 10 V -SlCT IN +SLCT q ~04 8 V + BUSY 1 ~ ~2G 6 IAl 2'1'44- 2Y2~ l:---t ::~ ~~~ ~ L-~ ~~~ :~~ ott-Ir----H-~:~ :~i:~ ~" '~Jt"" .PE ~~ Ulb L504 Y---;o-- -ACK IUlb 2 + IRQ EN ~~O\ (SHT 1) (SHT (SHT (SHT (SHT 1) 1) t} 1} IRQ') SAS '~ 2 , .5 ~ Serial/Printer Adapter (Sheet 2 of 3) 6 C; O _,I (SHT tJ (SHT II (SHTl) (SHT 1J (SHT 1) (SHT1) (SHT1) 1:0 0uTZ " 1'1R INTRPT 7 '~ ./C BOO >ZZ 1117777777 LS)2'i N/e !QL ~ BOLf +'iV ~IN fiOI'\ ~ BO'> ISHT11 !Q2.... .07 U2 N/e 7IZ?? l I Z I I I I I I I II: +'iV~ 10 (SHT 11 (SHT1) (SHT1) ISHTIl (SHT 1) .j Ii 21 I AO'--- "- I i.. N ....J lliim AO AI Soor lll EtA TX OATA '1 A2 :; (51 U' (SHT 1) SIGGNO,,) ~,==~~g~~~~~""fTR " BIOR "l1l\I""'--- +;V if [ EIA RTS 17 -ENABLE SER 1/0 ./e ., (SO +'iV~ e52 N/e ,,- " N/e 'L:"Uil J XTAl2 " XTAl I 7';00 " RECEIVE OATA Serial/Printer Adapter (Sheet 3 of 3) v '-~l,J I~(SHT11 IRQ... (SHT 1) 28 Serial/Parallel Adapter --.--- -- ---------,------._,--- .__ .... <.. PaS()1la/ Computer Hardware R ejerencf Librar}! . --_ .. __.. ..... .... ._ .. _"--- -- - - .- ...... _-_.._._--- - - . 20MB Fixed Disk Drive Contents Description .................................... Interfaces ..................................... Control Input Signals ........................ Output Control Signals ....................... Data-Transfer Signals ........................ Overlapped Seek ............................ Specifications .................................. Logic Diagrams ................................. 1 1 2 4 6 7 7 9 iii iv Description The fixed disk drive is a direct-access device that can store up to 20Mb of formatted data. The average access time is 40 milliseconds using a quasi closed-loop servo positioner. Interfaces The interfaces of this drive are divided into three categories: control, data transfer, and dc power. The control interface is a 34 pin printed circuit board (PCB) edge connector. The following shows the signals and pin assignments. Signal Name - Head select 3 - Head select 2 -Write gate -Seek complete -Track 000 -Write fault -Head select 0 Reserved -Head select 1 -Index -Ready -Step - Drive select 1 - Drive select 2 - Drive select 3 - Drive select 4 -Direction in SiQnal Pin 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Ground Pin 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Control Interface The data transfer interface is a 20 Pin PCB connector. The signals and pin assignments are as follows: 20MB Fixed Disk Drive 1 Signal Name Signal Pin - Drive selected +MFM write data -MFM write data +MFM read data -MFM read data Ground 1 13 14 17 18 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19 Data-Transfer Interface The dc power interface is a 4-pin PWB connector. The signals and pin assignments follow. Signal Name Pin +12 Vdc +12 Vdc return +5Vdc +5 Vdc return 1 2 4 3 DC Power Interface Control Input Signals The control input signals are of two types: those that are multiplexed in a multiple drive system, and those intended to do the mUltiplexing. These input signals have the following specifications. • Active: 0.0 to 0.4 Vdc at 40 rnA • Inactive: 2.5 to 5.25 Vdc at 0 rnA The following are descriptions of the control input signals. -Write Gate The active level of this signal allows data to be written on the disk. The inactive level allows data to be read from the disk, and allows the step pulse to move the heads. 220MB Fixed Disk Drive -Head Select 0, 1,2, and 3 These four signals enable the selection of each read/write head in a binary-coded sequence. ' -Head Select 0' is the least significant. Heads are numbered 0 through 15. When all Head Select signals are inactive, head 0 is selected. - Direction In This signal defines the direction the read/write heads move when , -Step' is pulsed. A inactive level defines the direction as out, and if a pulse is applied to '-Step', the read/write heads move away from the center of the disk. An active level defines the direction as in, and the read/write heads move toward the center of the disk. -Step This signal causes the read/write heads to move in the direction defined by the '-Direction In' signal. The motion starts when the '-Step' signal changes from active to inactive (the trailing edge of this signal pulse). Any change in '-Direction In' is made at least 100 nanoseconds before the leading edge of the step pUlse. This drive supports two methods of stepping or seeking: Slow Seek The read/write heads move at the rate of incoming step pulses. The minimum time between successive steps is 3 milliseconds and the minimum pulse width is 2 microseconds. Buffered Seek The adapter's controller may burst step pulses to the drive until the time after the last pulse exceeds 200 microseconds or the maximum number of step pulses is received (1 for each track). The drive starts motion of the heads after receiving the first step pulse. Step pulses are sent to the drive every 35 microseconds. 20MB Fixed Disk Drive 3 - Drive Select Signals 1 through 4 When one of these signals is active, it connects that drive to the control lines. Making the appropriate jumper connections at the drive determines which select line of the interface activates that drive. The fixed disk drive provides a 220/230 ohm termination for a single drive select signal. The signal lead that is terminated is the one that selects the drive based on the position of the drive select jumpers. I I Output Control Signals An open-collector output stage, which is capable of sinking a maximum of 40 rnA at logical 0 to an active state with a maximum voltage of 0.4 Vdc at the driver, drives the output control signals. When the line driver is at the inactive level, the driver's transistor is off and the collector's cutoff current is a maximum of 250 microamperes. -Seek Complete This signal goes active when the read/write heads settle on the final track at the end of a seek. Reading or writing is not attempted when -Seek Complete is inactive. The following situations force -Seek Complete inactive. • When power-on starts a recalibration sequence because the read/write heads are not over track O. • When less than 2 microseconds have elapsed after the trailing edge of a step pulse or a series of step pulses. • If the • If the drive attempts to retry a seek after settling on a track. + 5 or restored. + 12 V dc fluctuates or is lost momentarily but 420MB Fixed Disk Drive -Seek Complete returns to the active level no later than 100 milliseconds (1 second if a seek retry occurs) after the trailing edge of the last -Step pulse. -Track 000 This signal is at an active level when the drive's read/write heads are at the outermost track. -Write Fault This signal means that a condition at the drive is causing improper operation of the disk. An active level of this signal prevents further writing and stepping at the drive until drive power is switched off. This signal goes active when any of the following conditions occur: • Write current exists in the head without '-Write Gate' active, or no write current exists in the head with '-Write Gate' active and '-Drive Selected' active. • More than one seek retry between Seek commands from the controller • A step pulse is received while '-Write Gate' is active. -Index The drive provides this output signal once each revolution to indicate the beginning of a track. This signal normally is inactive and goes active to indicate '-Index'. Only the change from inactive to active is valid (leading edge of the pulse). -Ready When this signal and '-Seek Complete' are active, the drive is ready to read, write, or seek, and the I/O signals are valid. An 20MB Fixed Disk Drive 5 inactive level of this signal prevents all writing and seeking. '-Ready' is inactive four times during drive operation: • At power-up time '-Ready' remains inactive until: Access recalibration to track 0 is complete. Spindle speed is stable within ±O.S% of nominal (10 revolution average). Drive self-check is complete. • Spindle speed deviates +0.25% of nominal (10 revolution average). • '-Write Fault' is active. • DC voltages are out of tolerance. Data-Transfer Signals All signals associated with the transfer of data between the drive and the system are differential (pairs of balanced signals) and are not multiplexed. Two pairs of balanced signals are used for the transfer of data: Write Data and Read Data. The following describes the data-transfer signals. MFM Write Data This is a differential pair that defines signal shifts written on the track. When' +MFM Write Data' goes more positive than '-MFM Write Data', flux reverses on the track, provided that 'Write Gate' is active. The system drives '-MFM Write Data' to an active level ('-MFM Write Data' more negative than '+MFM Write Data') when in the read mode. 620MB Fixed Disk Drive To ensure data integrity, the controller applies a write-precompensation of ± 12 nanoseconds to all write data on cylinders 300 and greater. MFM Read Data Read data is sent to the system through the differential pair of MFM Read Data lines. When '+ MFM Read Data' goes more positive than '-MFM Read Data', flux reverses on the track of the selected head. Overlapped Seek The drive supports overlapped-seek operations. An overlapped seek occurs when the drive is deselected 20 microseconds after the last step pulse is sent. Another drive is then selected, and the '-Step' and '-Direction In' signals are set by the operation desired. The controller provides at least 100 nanoseconds of hold time on '-Step' and '-Direction In' after' -Drive Select' is inactive. Specifications The following figures list the internal and performance specifications of this drive. 20MB Fixed Disk Drive 7 Rotational speed Cylinders R/W heads Index 3573 rpm :!:0.5 % 615 + landing zone 6 1 Internal Specifications Formatted capacity Bytes/ sector Sectors / track Transfer rate Access time Track-to-track Average Maximum Settling Average latency Track density Performance Specifications 820MB Fixed Disk Drive 20Mb 512 17 5M bits/second 2 ms 40 ms 85 ms 12 ms 8.4 ms 750 TPI Logic Diagrams 20MB Fixed Disk Drive 9 =.. I. ;:~:I~!I "11 Iii 1 : ,-------_ _-----.J . I , [I I L':::__ " , Iii , I 1020MB Fixed Disk Drive - 20MB Fixed Disk Drive 11 ,-------~+--.--~~3 U",f-"~' ,! g .Ul ,----' !, --++-~ ~--------.---------.-~ 12 20MB Fixed Disk Drive ---,----- ---_ ------------..... PerJ(wal ComjJUter Hardware Reference Librarv Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Contents Description .................................... 1 Fixed Disk Function ............................. 1 Task File .................................. 1 Task File Registers .......................... 2 Miscellaneous Information ................... 10 Diskette Function .............................. 10 Diskette Controller ......................... 12 Diskette Controller Commands ............... 14 Controller Commands ...................... 17 Command Status Registers ................... 24 Interfaces .................................... 28 Interface Lines ............................ 30 Logic Diagrams ................................ 35 iii iv Description The IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter connects to the system board using one of the system expansion slots. The adapter controls the 5-1/4 inch diskette drives and fixed disk drives. Connectors on the adapter supply all the signals necessary to operate up to two fixed drives and one diskette drive or one fixed drive and two diskette drives. The adapter will allow concurrent data operations on one diskette and one fixed disk drive. The adapter operates when connected to a system board expansion slot. This channel is described in the "System Board" section of the IBM Personal Computer AT Technical Reference Manual. Fixed Disk Function The fixed disk function features 512-byte sectors; high-speed, PIO data transfers; ECC correction of up to five bits on data fields; multiple sector operations across track and cylinder boundaries; and on-board diagnostic tests. The adapter will support two fixed disks with up to 16 read/write heads and 1024 cylinders. Task File A task file, which contains eight registers, controls fixed-disk operations. The following figure shows the addresses and functions of these registers. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 1 I/O ~ ddress Primary Secondary 1 FO 170 1 F1 171 1 F2 172 1 F3 173 1 F4 174 1F5 175 1 F6 176 1 F7 177 Read Write Data register Error register Sector count Sector number Cylinder low Cylinder high Drive/head Status reQister Data reg ister Write precomp Sector count Sector number Cylinder low Cylinder high Drive/head Command register Task File Task File Registers Data Register The data register provides access to the sector buffer for read and write operations in the PIO mode. This register must not be accessed unless a Read or Write command is being executed. The register provides a 16-bit path into the sector buffer for normal Read and Write commands. When a R/W Long is issued, the 4 ECC bytes are transferred by byte with at least 2 microseconds between transfers. Data Request (DRQ) must be active before the transferring of the ECC bytes. I I Error Register The error register is a read-only register that contains specific information related to the previous command. The data is valid only when the error bit in the status register is set, unless the adapter is in diagnostic mode. Diagnostic mode is the state immediately after power is switched on or after a Diagnose command. In these cases, the register must be checked regardless of the status register indicator. The following are bit values for the diagnostic mode. Diagnostic Mode 01 No errors 2 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 02 Controller error 03 Sector buffer error 04 ECC device error 05 Control processor error The following are bit definitions for the operational mode. Operational Mode Bit 0 Data Address Mark (DAM) Not Found-This bit indicates that DAM could not be found within 16 bytes of the ID field. Bit 1 TR 000 Error-This bit will be set if, during a Restore command, the track 000 line from the fixed disk is not true within 1023 step pulses to the drive. Bit 2 Aborted Command-A command is aborted based on the drive status (Write Fault, Not Seek Complete, Drive Not Ready, or an invalid command). The status and error registers may be decoded to determine the cause. Bit 3 Not used. Bit 4 ID Not Found-The ID field with the specified cylinder, head, and sector number could not be found. If retries are enabled, the controller attempts to read the ID 16 times before indicating the error. If retries are disabled, the track is scanned a maximum of two times before setting this error bit. Bit 5 Not used Bit 6 Data ECC Error-This bit indicates that an uncorrectable ECC error occurred in the target's data field during a read command. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 3 Bit 7 Bad Block Detect-This bit indicates that the bad block mark was detected in the target's 10 field. No Read or Write commands will be executed in any data fields marked bad. Write Precompensation Register The value in this register is the starting cylinder divided by 4. The reduced write current signal to the drive is activated and the adapter's Write Precompensation logic is turned on. I I Sector Count Register The sector count register defines the number of sectors to be transferred during a Verify, Read, Write, or Format command. During a multi-sector operation, the sector count is decremented and the sector number is incremented. When the disk is being formatted, the number of sectors per track must be loaded into the register prior to each Format command. The adapter supports multi-sector transfers across track and cylinder boundaries. The drive characteristics must be set up by the Set Parameters command before initiating a multi-sector transfer. The sector count register must be loaded with the number of sectors to be transferred for any data-related command. Note: A 0 in the sector count register specifies a 256-sector transfer. Sector Number Register The target's logical sector number for Read, Write, and Verify commands is loaded into this register. The starting sector number is loaded into this register for multi-sector operations. Cylinder Number Registers The target number for Read, Write, Seek, and Verify commands is loaded into these registers as shown in the following figure. The cylinder-number registers address up to 1024 cylinders. 4 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Register bits Cylinder bits Cylinder High Cylinder Low 76543210 76543210 76543210 --98 Cylinder Number Registers Drive/Head Register Bit 7 Set to 1 Bit 6 Set to 0 Bit 5 Set to 1 Bit 4 Drive Select-This bit selects the drive. A 0 indicates the first fixed disk drive, and a 1 indicates the second. Bit 3-Bit 0 Head Select Bits-Bits 3 through 0 specify the desired read/write head. Bit 0 is the least-significant (0101 selects head 5). The adapter supports up to 16 read/write heads. For access to heads 8 through 15, bit 3 of the fixed disk register (address hex 3F6) must be set to 1. Note: This register must be loaded with the maximum number of heads for each drive before a Set Parameters command is issued. Status Register The controller sets up the status register with the command status after execution. The program must look at this register to determine the result of any operation. If the busy bit is set, no other bits are valid. A read of the status register clears interrupt request 14. If write fault or error is active, or if seek complete or ready is inactive, a multi-sector operation is aborted. I I I I I I I I The following defines the bits of the status register. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 5 Bit 7 Busy-This bit indicates the controller's status. A 1 indicates the controller is executing a command. If this bit is set, no other status register bit is valid, and the other registers reflect the status register's contents; therefore, the busy bit must examined before any fixed disk register is read. Bit 6 Drive Ready-A 1 on this bit together with a 1 on seek complete bit (bit 4) indicates that the fixed disk drive is ready to read, write, or seek. A o indicates that read, write, and seek are inhibited. Bit 5 Write Fault-A 1 on this bit indicates improper operation of the drive; read, write, or seek is inhibited. Bit 4 Seek Complete-A 1 on this bit indicates that the read/write heads have completed a seek operation. Bit 3 Data Request-This bit indicates that the sector buffer requires servicing during a Read or Write command. If either bit 7 (busy) or this bit is active, a command is being executed. Upon receipt of any command, this bit is reset. Bit 2 Corrected Data-A 1 on this bit indicates that the data read from the disk was successfully corrected by the ECC algorithm. Soft errors will not end multi-sector operations. Bit 1 Index-This bit is set to 1 each revolution of the disk. Bit 0 Error-A 1 on this bit indicates that the previous command ended in an error, and that one or more bits are set in the error register. The next command from the controller resets the error bit. This bit, when set, halts multi-sector operations. 6 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Command Register The command register accepts eight commands to perform fixed disk operations. Commands are executed by loading the task file and writing in the command register while the controller status is not busy. If -write fault is active or if -drive ready or -seek complete are inactive, the controller will not execute any command. Any code not defined in the following causes an Aborted Command error. Interrupt request 14 is reset when any command is written. The following are acceptable commands to the command register. I I I I I I Command Bits 7 6 5 Restore Seek Read Sector Write Sector Format Track Read Verify Diagnose Set Parameters 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 1 R3 R2 R1 RO 1 R3 R2 R1 RO 0 0 0 L T 1 0 0 L T 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Valid Command-Register Commands The following figure shows the stepping rate as defined by R3 through RO. R3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 R1 RO Stepping Rate 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 35 us 0.5 ms 1.0 ms 1.5 ms 2.0 ms 2.5 ms 3.0 ms 3.5 ms 4.0 ms 4.5 ms 5.0 ms 5.5 ms 6.0 ms 6.5 ms 7.0 ms 7.5 ms Stepping Rate Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 7 Note: After a Diagnose or Reset Command, the stepping rate is set to 7.5 milliseconds. The following figure shows the bit definitions for bits Land T. Bit L T Definition Data Mode Retry Mode 0 1 Data Only Retries Enabled Data plus 4 byte ECC Retries Disabled Land T Bit Definitions Note: The system verifies the operation of ECC by reading and writing with the ECC bytes. When retries are disabled, ECC and ID field retries are limited to less than two complete revolutions. Following are descriptions of the valid command-register commands. Restore: The controller issues step pulses to the drive at 3 milliseconds per step until the track 000 indicator from the drive is active. If track 000 is not active within 1023 steps, the error bit in the status register is set, and a track 000 error is placed in the error register. The implied seek step rate is set by this command. Seek: The Seek command moves the R/W heads to the cylinder specified in the task files. The adapter supports overlapped seeking on two drives or setup of the buffered seek stepping rate for the implied seek during a Read/Write command. An interrupt is generated at the completion of the command. Read Sector: A number of sectors (1-256) may be read from the fixed disk with or without the ECC field appended in the Programmed I/O (PIO) mode. If the heads are not over the target track, the controller issues step pulses to the drive and checks for the proper ID field before reading any data. The stepping rate used during the implied seek is the value specified during the previous Seek or Restore command. Data errors, up to 5 bits in length, are automatically corrected on Read Short commands. If an uncorrectable error occurs, the data transfer still takes place; however, a multi-sector read ends after the 8 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter system reads the sector in error. Interrupts occur as each sector is ready to be read by the system. No interrupt is generated at the end of the command, after the lost sector is read by the system. Write Sector: A number of sectors (1-256) may be written to the fixed disk with or without the ECC field appended in the PIO mode. The Write Sector command also supports implied seeks. Interrupts for the Write command occur before each sector is transferred to the buffer (except the first) and at the end of the command. The first sector may be written to the buffer immediately after the command has been sent, and data request is active. I I Format Track: The track specified by the task file is formatted with ID and data fields according to the interleave table transferred to the buffer. The interleave table is composed of two bytes per sector as follows: 00, Physical Sector 1, 00, Physical Sector 2, ... 00 ,Physical Sector 17. The table for 2-to-l interleave is: 00,01,00, OA, 00, 02, 00, OB, 00, 03, 00, OC, 00, 04,00,OD,00,05,00,OE,00,06,00,OF,00,07,00,10,00,08, 00, 11,00,09. The data transfer must be 512 bytes even though the table may be only 34 bytes. The sector count register must be loaded with the number of sectors per track before each Format Track command. An interrupt is generated at the completion of the command; the Format Track command supports no error reporting. A bad block may be specified by replacing a 00 table entry with an 80. When switching between drives, a restore command must be executed prior to attempting a format. Read Verify: This command is similar to to a Read command except that no data is sent to the host. This allows the system to verify the integrity of the fixed disk drive. A single interrupt is generated upon completion of the command or in the event of an error. Diagnose: This command causes the adapter to execute its self-test code and return the results to the error register. An interrupt is generated at the completion of this command. Set Parameters: This command sets up the drive parameters (maximum number of heads and sectors per track). The drive/head register specifies the drive affected. The sector count Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 9 and drive/head registers must be set up before this command is issued. The adapter uses the values specified for track and cylinder crossing during multi-sector operations. An interrupt is generated at the completion of this command. This command must be issued before any multi-sector operations are attempted. The adapter supports two fixed disk drives with different characteristics, as defined by this command. Miscellaneous Information The following is miscellaneous information about the fixed disk drive function. • The adapter performs normal read/write operations on a data field only after a successful match of that sector's ID with the targeted ID. • ID fields are checked for errors when read from the disk. • The adapter supports only ECC on data fields and only CRC on ID fields. The CRC polynomial is X16 + X12 + X5 + 1; the ECC polynomial is X32 + X28 + X26 + X19 + X17 + XI0 + X6 + X2 + 1. All shift registers are preset to hex F before calculating the checksums, which begin with the respective address marks. Diskette Function The 5-1/4 inch diskette drive function is an integral part of the IBM Personal Computer AT Fixed Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter. One or two diskette drives are attached to the adapter through an internal, daisy-chained, flat cable. The attachment will support 160K.-, 320K.-, and 1.2M.-byte diskette drives. The adapter is designed for a double-density, MFM-coded, diskette drive and uses write precompensation with an analog circuit for clock and data recovery. The diskette-drive parameters are programmable, and the diskette drive's write-protect feature is supported. The adapter is buffered on the I/O bus and uses the 10 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter system board's direct memory access (DMA) for record data transfers. An interrupt level also is used to indicate when an operation is complete and that a status condition requires microprocessor attention. Digital Output Register (Hex 3F2) The digital output register (DOR) is an output-only register used to control drive motors, drive selection, and feature enable. All bits are cleared by the I/O interface reset line. The bit definitions follow. Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Reserved Bit 5 Drive B Motor Enable Bit 4 Drive A Motor Enable Bit 3 Enable Diskette Interrupts and DMA Bit 2 Diskette Function Reset Bit 1 Reserved Bit 0 Drive Select-A 0 on this bit indicates that drive A is selected. Note: A channel reset clears all bits. Digital Input Register The digital input register is an 8-bit, read- only register used for diagnostic purposes. The following are bit definitions for this register. Bit 7 Diskette Change Bit 6 Write Gate Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 11 Bit 5 Head Select 3/Reduced Write Current Bit 4 Head Select 2 Bit 3 Head Select 1 Bit 2 Head Select 0 Bit 1 Drive Select 1 Bit 0 Drive Select 0 Note: Bits 0 through 6 apply to the currently selected fixed disk drive. Data Rates The diskette function will support three data rates: 250,000, 300,000 and 500,000 bits per second. The 300,000-and 500,000-bps incoming data pulse widths will be those associated with a 500,000-bps data signal. Diskette Controller The diskette controller has two registers to which the main system processor has access: a status register and a data register. The 8-bit status register has the status information about the diskette and may be accessed at any time. The 8-bit data register (hex 3F5), which actually consists of several registers in a stack with only one register presented to the data bus at a time, stores data, commands, and parameters, and provides diskette-drive status information. Data bytes are read from or written to the data register in order to program or obtain results after a particular command. The main status register may only be read and is used to facilitate the transfer of data between the processor and diskette controller. The bits in the main status register (hex 34F) are defined as follows: 12 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Bit 7 Request for Master (RQM)- The data register is ready to send or receive data to or from the processor. Bit 6 Data Input/Output (DIO)-The direction of data transfer between the diskette controller and the processor. If this bit is aI, transfer is from the diskette controller's data register to the processor; if it is a 0, the opposite is true. Bit 5 Non-DMA Mode (NDM)-The diskette controller is in the non-DMA mode. Bit 4 Diskette Controller Busy (CB)- A Read or Write command is being executed. Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 Reserved Bit 1 Diskette Drive B Busy (DBB)- Diskette drive B is in the seek mode. Bit 0 Diskette Drive A Busy (DAB)- Diskette drive A is in the seek mode. The diskette controller can perform 11 different commands. Each command is initiated by a multibyte transfer from the processor, and the result after execution of the command may also be a multibyte transfer back to the processor. Because of this multibyte interchange of information between the diskette controller and the processor, each command can be considered to consist of three phases: Command Phase: The processor issues a sequence of Write commands to the diskette controller that direct the controller to perform a specific operation. Execution Phase: The diskette controller performs the specified operation Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 13 Result Phase: After completion of the operation, status and other housekeeping information is made available to the processor through a sequence of Read commands to the processor. Diskette Controller Commands The following is a list of commands that may be issued to the diskette controller. • Read Data • Format a Track • Scan Equal • Scan Low or Equal • Scan High or Equal • Recalibrate • Sense Interrupt Status • Specify • Sense Drive Status • Seek • Invalid Symbol Descriptions The following are descriptions of the symbols used in the "Command Definitions" later in this section. AO Address Line O-A 0 selects the main status register, and a 1 selects the data register. C Cylinder Number-Contains the current or selected cylinder number in binary notation. 14 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter D Data-Contains the data pattern to be written to a sector. D7-DO Data Bus-An 8-bit data bus in which D7 is the most-significant bit and DO is the least- significant. DTL Data Length-When N is 00, DTL is the data length to be read from or written to a sector. EOT End of Track-The final sector number on a cylinder. GPL Gap Length-The length of gap 3 (spacing between sectors excluding the VCO synchronous field). H Head Address-The head number, either 0 or 1, as specified in the ID field. HD Head-The selected head number, 0 or 1. (H = HD in all command words.) HLT Head Load Time-The head load time in the selected drive (2 to 256 milliseconds in 2- millisecond increments for the 1. 2M -byte drive and 4 to 512 milliseconds in 4 millisecond increments for the 320K-byte drive ). HUT Head Unload Time-The head unload time after a read or write operation (0 to 240 milliseconds in 16-millisecond increments for the l.2M-byte drive and 0 to 480 milliseconds in 32- millisecond increments for the 320K-byte drive. MF FM or MFM Mode-A 0 selects FM mode and a 1 selects MFM (MFM is selected only if it is implemented. ) MT Multitrack-A 1 selects multitrack operation. (Both HDO and HD 1 will be read or written.) N Number-The number of data bytes written in a sector. NCN New Cylinder-The new cylinder number for a seek operation Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 15 ND Non-Data Mode- This indicates an operation in the non-data mode. PCN Present Cylinder Number-The cylinder number at the completion of a Sense interrupt status command (present position of the head). R Record-The sector number to be read or written. R/W Read/Write-This stands for either a signal. SC Sector-The number of sectors per cylinder. SK Skip-This stands for skip deleted-data address mark. SRT This 4 bit byte indicates the stepping rate for the diskette drive as follows: I read or write I I I 1.2M-Byte Diskette Drive 1111 1 millisecond 1110 2 milliseconds 1101 3 milliseconds 320K-Byte Diskette Drive 1111 2 milliseconds 1110 4 milliseconds 1101 6 milliseconds ST O-ST 1 Status O-Status 3-0ne of the four registers that stores status information after a command is executed. STP Scan Test-If STP is 1, the data in contiguous sectors is compared with the data sent by the processor during a scan operation. If STP is 2, then alternate sections are read and compared. USO-US1 Unit Select-The selected driver number encoded the same as bits 0 and 1 of the digital output register (DOR). 16 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Controller Commands The following are commands that may be issued to the controller. Note: An X is used to indicate a don't-care condition. Read Data Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: MT MF SK 0 0 X X X X 1 X HD 1 0 USl USO C H R N EOT GPL DTL Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 17 STa STl ST2 C H R N Format a Track Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: a MF a a } 1 x x a a x x X HD US} usa N SC GPL o Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: 18 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter STO STl ST2 c H R N Scan Equal Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: MT MF SK 1 0 0 X X X X X 0 HD USl 1 usa c H R N EOT GPL STP Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 19 STO STl ST2 c H R N Scan Low or Equal Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: MT MF SK 1 1 0 0 1 X HD USI usa X X X X c H R N EOT GPL STP Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: 20 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter STO STl ST2 C H R N Scan High or Equal Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: MT MF SK 1 1 1 X X X X X HD 0 1 USl USO C H R N EOT GPL STP Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 21 STO STl ST2 C H R N Recalibrate Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: 00000111 x X X X X 0 US1 usa Result Phase: This command has no result phase. Sense Interrupt Status Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: 0000100 0 Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: 22 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter STa peN Specify Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: o a a a a a } } SRT )( HUT HLT NO Result Phase: This command has no result phase. Sense Driver Status Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: a a a a 0 a } x x x x X HO US} a usa Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: s13 Seek Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 23 a a a all x x x x X HD 1 1 USl usa NCN Result Phase: This command has no result phase. Invalid Command Phase: The following bytes are issued by the processor in the command phase: Invalid Codes x X X X X HD USl usa Result Phase: The following bytes are issued by the controller in the result phase: STa Command Status Registers The following is information about the command status registers STO through ST3. Command Status Register 0 (STO) The following are bit definitions for command status register O. Bit 7-Bit 6 Interrupt Code (IC) 00 Normal Termination of Command (NT)-The command was completed and properly executed. 24 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 01 Abrupt Termination of Command (AT)-The execution of the command was started but not successfully completed. 10 Invalid Command Issue (IC)-The issued command was never started. 11 Abnormal termination because, during the execution of a command, the ready signal from the diskette drive changed state. I I Bit 5 Seek End (SE)-Set to 1 when the controller completes the Seek command. Bit 4 Equipment Check (EC)-Set if a fault signal is received from the diskette drive, or if the track-O signal fails to occur after 77 step pulses (Recalibrate Command). I I I I Bit 3 Not Ready (NR)-This flag is set when the diskette drive is in the not-ready state and a Read or Write command is issued. It is also set if a Read or Write command is issued to side 1 of a single-sided diskette drive. Bit 2 Head Address (HD )-Indicates the state of the head at interrupt. Bit 1-Bit 0 Unit select 1 and 2 (US 1 and 2)-Indicate a drive's unit number at interrupt. Command Status Register 1 (STl) The following are bit definitions for command status register 1. Bit 7 End of Cylinder (EC)-Set when the controller tries to gain access to a sector beyond the final sector of a cylinder. Bit 6 Not Used-Always O. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 25 Bit 5 Data Error (DE)-Set when the controller detects a CRC error in either the ID field or the data field. Bit 4 Overrun (OR)-Set if the controller is not serviced by the main system within a certain time limit during data transfers. Bit 3 Not Used-This bit is always set to O. Bit 2 No Data (ND)-Set if the controller cannot find the sector specified in the ID register during the execution of a Read Data, Write Deleted Data, or Scan Command. This flag is also set if the controller cannot read the ID field without an error during the execution of a Read ID command or if the starting sector cannot be found during the execution of a Read Cylinder commnd. Bit 1 Not Writable (NW)-Set if the controller detects a write-protect signal from the diskette drive during execution of a Write Data, Write Deleted Data, or Format Cylinder command. I Bit 0 I Missing Address Mark (MA)-Set if the controller cannot detect the ID address mark. At the same time, the MD of status register 2 is set. Command Status Register 2 (ST2) Bit 7 Not Used-Always O. Bit 6 Control Mark (CM)-This flag is set if the controller encounters a sector that has a deleted data-address mark during execution of a Read Data or Scan command. Bit 5 Data Error in Data Field (DD)-Set if the controller detects an error in the data. 26 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Bit 4 Wrong Cylinder (WC)-This flag is related to ND (no data) and when the contents of C on the medium are different from that stored in the ID register, this flag is set. Bit 3 Scan Equal Hit (SH)-Set if the contiguous sector data equals the processor data during the execution of a Scan command. Bit 2 Scan Not Satisfied (SN)-Set if the controller cannot find a sector on the cylinder that meets the condition during a Scan command. Bit 1 Bad Cylinder (BC)-Related to ND; when the contents of C on the medium are different from that stored in the ID register, and the contents of C is FF, this flag is set. Bit 0 Missing Address Mark in Data Field (MD)- Set if the controller cannot find a data address mark or a deleted data address mark when data is read from the medium. Command Status Register 3 (ST3) The following are bit definitions for command status register 3. Bit 7 Fault (FT)-Status of the fault signal from the diskette drive. Bit 6 Write Protect (WP)-Status of the I write-protect I signal from the diskette drive. Bit 5 Ready (RY)-Status of the the diskette drive. Bit 4 Track 0 (TO)-Status of the from the diskette drive. Bit 3 Two Side (TS)-Status of the from the diskette drive. I I I ready signal from I I track 0 signal I I two side signal I Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 27 Bit 2 Head Address (HD )-Status of the I side-select I signal from the diskette drive. Bit 1 Unit Select 1 (US I)-Status of the unit-select-l signal from the diskette drive. I I Unit Select 0 (US O)-Status of the signal from the diskette drive. Bit 0 o I unit select I Interfaces The system interface is through the I/O channel. The address, DMA, and interrupt assignments are shown in the following figures. I/O Address Primary Secondary 3F2 3F4 3F5 3F6 3F7 372 374 375 376 377 Read Write Main status register Diskette data register Digital input register Digital output register Main status register Diskette data register Fixed disk register Diskette control register Diskette Function Note: DMA request is level 2 and interrupt request is level 6. I/O) ddress Primary Secondary 1 FO 1 F1 1 F2 1 F3 1 F4 1 F5 1 F6 1 F7 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Read Data register Error register Sector count Sector number Cylinder low Cylinder high Drive/head register Status reoister Fixed Disk Function Note: Interrupt request is level 14. 28 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Write Data register Write precomp Sector count Sector number Cylinder low Cylinder high Drive/head register Command reQister The following operations are supported by this adapter: • 16 bit programmed I/O (PIO), data transfers to the fixed disk. All other transfers must be 8 bits wide. • The I/O addresses, recognized by the adapter for either the fixed disk or the diskette function, are independently selected by jumpers. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 29 Interface Lines The interface to the fixed disk drive consists of two cables: 'control' and 'data'. The following figures show signals and pin assignments for these cables. 30 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 2 34 - ~ Ground - Odd Numbers _ - Reduced Write Current/- Head Select 3 - 2 _ - Head Select 2 - 4 _ - Write Gate 6 - Seek Complete - - Track 000 10_ - Write Fault 12.. - - 14 Reserved 16 _ - Head Select 1 18 - -Index 20_ - Ready 22_ _ - Step - - - Drive Select 1 -: - Drive Select 2 28 Reserved 30 Reserved 32 - __ - Direction In Fix ed Disk And Diskette Ada pter - 24 - 8_ __ - Head Select 0 - Fixed Dis k Drive 1-33 26 34 '--- Note: Connection is through a 2-by-17 Berg connector. Pin 15 is reserved to polarize the connector. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 31 1 2 c::=:J c:J c=J .. [::J c:Jc:::::::JC::::J c=.::J 19 20 - - Fixed Disk Drive + MFM Write Data 13 - MFM Write Data 14 + MFM Read Data 17 - MFM Read Data 18 Ground-Pins Fixe d Disk And Diskette Ada pter 2.4,6,11,12,15,16,19,20 All Other Pins Unused - - Note: Connection is through a 2-by-lO Berg connector. Pin 8 is reserved to polarize the connector. The interface to the diskette drives is a single cable that carries both data and control signals. The signals and pin assignments as follows. 32 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 1 2 - r-- Ground - Odd Numbers --... ---... - Diskette Drive Reduced Write 2 Reserved 4 Drive Select 3 6 Index 8 .. - Drive Select 0 10 Drive Select 1 12 Drive Select 2 14 Motor On 16 --- Direction Select 18 Step 20 Write Data 22 - Write Gate 24 Track 00 26 .. Write Protect 28 .. Read Data 30 .. Side 1 Select 32 Diskette Change 34 .. ... ------ -- 1-33 Fixe d Disk And Diskette Ada pter - Note: Connection is through a 2-by-17 Berg connector. Pin 5 is reserved to polarize the connector. Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 33 Notes: 34 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter Logic Diagrams -------------------------1 I I ~I 31 :, ~I ~I I I 05' o r----------- I I I I I I I ------, I L ____________________ _ ~------------~ ~r--l_ I I ..,1 ... r------'_ ~~,,~ : i: ~, ~l I ., ~I I 1... 2 ~~ I ___________ JI 5~ ~ H' ~ ;; I~ !i ~ !! = ~ ~ ~ ~ " Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 3S ,-----~------------------, I I I I I -.. ii) o I I C'I I I Q) Q) L _________ _ L-~----~~--------------_, .c I ~ ..... Q) Q. I'G "C ---------~-------------------- I « Q) ::::Q) .¥. III ,. I;'" C ,. I~ I~ :" Pi{3> :-~ ,........ I __ ______ - __ - ______ I : 1 I L _______ ...J "C C I'G .¥. III C "C Q) )( ii: 36 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter -co.. o C') Q) Q) .s: -..... U) I -• e ,. s ~ "~ ~ - I ~ ~: O-<~~-f'_'++----; L_~~_..J ~ -- , ~ " " I~ - Q) , ~ ~ - Q. aI " .- "0 « Q) i ..\I: til C "0 r::: aI ..\I: til C "0 = u:: Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 37 - -.. to 0 o;t CD CD .c ~ .. "- CD Q. 1\1 'tl < u: ~ 38 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter , 5~ c ~ :: '" ":: :e ~~ " :: -[ ~r .!: :!: '" ~ I::; ~ - - ",W CX) o 11 10 ....Q) ~ ~ :~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ::~II ~ ~~ IO:~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ r! ( ,. " '1 :1 - '" :> ,. :; ~~::::il::~:::n:~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~~~ 2- .,. .,. CP s::. ~ ...CP Q. CO "0 -_-_.._-_-..J...E...---1 I ! 40 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter ~ ~ Q ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ < u:: Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter 41 , , = " = ;,; ~ , ;; . N ~ l " " - ; FO ;;; 11 i =- ~ 11 i = r----I 1 I I' ::: ;: = =:: : I I ~m-mni I I "L I I I __ "___ J 42 Fixed Disk and Diskette Adapter
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